Codebase list metche / aa1b929
Excluded a few vservers related hardlinks. intrigeri 18 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2727 # ENCRYPT_EMAIL="yes"
2929 # Patterns to exclude ; will be used to feed tar and diff
30 TAR_OPTS="--exclude=*.swp --exclude=#* --exclude=*~ --exclude=*.key --exclude=ifstate"
30 TAR_OPTS="--exclude=*.swp --exclude=#* --exclude=*~ --exclude=*.key --exclude=ifstate --exclude=vdirbase --exclude=run.rev --exclude=vdir --exclude=run.rev"
3232 # locale (will be used to feed LC_ALL)
3333 LOCALE="C"