Codebase list mg / 60055c5
Imported Upstream version 20060919 Andreas Beckmann 9 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 17 addition(s) and 11 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
99 make CFLAGS="-O2 -fstack-protector"
12 If you don't like the installation pathes you can change them like this:
12 If you don't like the installation path you can change them, for
13 example, like this:
1415 make install prefix=/usr mandir=/usr/share/man
0 /* $OpenBSD: fileio.c,v 1.77 2006/07/25 08:22:32 kjell Exp $ */
0 /* $OpenBSD: fileio.c,v 1.78 2006/09/19 05:52:23 otto Exp $ */
22 /* This file is in the public domain. */
572572 continue;
573573 if (stat(statname, &statbuf) < 0)
574574 continue;
575 if (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
575 if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
576576 isdir = 1;
577577 }
0 .\" $OpenBSD: mg.1,v 1.27 2006/07/17 15:31:23 kjell Exp $
0 .\" $OpenBSD: mg.1,v 1.28 2006/09/02 20:06:48 jmc Exp $
11 .\"
22 .Dd February 25, 2000
33 .Dt MG 1
7474 Kill to end of line (placing into kill buffer).
7575 .It ^Y
7676 Yank kill buffer into current location.
77 .It ^@
77 .It ^SPC
7878 Set mark.
7979 .It ^W
8080 Kill region
9292 End of buffer.
9393 .Pp
9494 .It ^X^C
95 Quit (you will be asked if you want to save files).
95 Save buffers and quit.
9696 .It ^X-O
9797 Next window.
9898 .It ^X-N
100100 .It ^X-P
101101 Previous window.
102102 .It ^X-U
103 Undo.
104 .It ^_
103105 Undo.
104106 .El
105107 .Pp
117119 However, you can rebind keys and change some parameters.
118120 There are no limits to line length or format.
119121 Command, buffer, and file name completion and listing can
120 be done using the spacebar and
121 .Ql \&? ,
122 respectively.
122 be done using the spacebar and tab keys.
123123 .Pp
124124 Amongst other major differences, the
125125 .Nm
138138 .Pa .mg-vt100
139139 as a startup file.
140140 The terminal type startup file is used first.
141 See the manual for a full list of the commands that can
142 go in the files.
141 The startup file format is a list of commands, one per line, as used for
142 interactive evaluation, e.g.:
143 .Bd -literal -offset indent
144 auto-fill-mode
145 set-fill-column 72
146 global-set-key "\e^x\e^f" find-file
147 .Ed
143148 .Pp
144149 Here's another example sequence that you may find useful.
145150 By default,