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# How to build Mozc in Docker

## Introduction
Docker containers are available to build Mozc binaries for Android JNI library and Linux desktop.

## System Requirements
Currently, only Ubuntu 20.04 is tested to host the Docker container to build Mozc.

## Set up Ubuntu 20.04 Docker container

curl -O
sudo docker build --rm -t $USER/mozc_ubuntu20.04 .
sudo docker run --interactive --tty --rm $USER/mozc_ubuntu20.04

### Hint
Don't forget to rebuild Docker container when Dockerfile is updated.

## How to build

### Build Mozc for Linux Desktop:

python gyp
python build -c Release package

You can also run unittests as follows.

python runtests -c Debug

Experimental: Instead of, you can try to use Bazel.

bazel build package --config oss_linux -c opt

`package` is an alias to build `server:mozc_server`, `gui/tool:mozc_tool`,
`renderer:mozc_renderer`, `ibus:ibus_mozc` and `emacs:mozc_emacs_helper`.

Unittests can be executed as follows.

bazel test base:util_test --config oss_linux -c dbg

### Build Mozc library for Android:

Client code for Android apk is deprecated.
(the last revision with Android client code is

The conversion engine for Android is built with Bazel.

bazel build package --config oss_android

`package` is an alias to build `android/jni:mozc_lib`.

## Build configurations for Linux desktop
In `python gyp` step, there are two different styles to customize configurations.  One is `GYP_DEFINES` environment variable and the other is commandline option.

[GYP_DEFINES="..."] python gyp [options]

You can specify `GYP_DEFINES` environment variable to change variables in GYP files, which you can find many directories in Mozc's source tree.  [common.gypi](../src/gyp/common.gypi) is an example.
Here are examples of GYP variables that you may want to change for Linux desktop build.

  * `document_dir`: Directory path where Mozc's license file is placed
  * `ibus_mozc_path`: ibus-mozc executable path
  * `ibus_mozc_icon_path`: ibus-mozc icon path

Note that you can specify multiple GYP variables as follows.

GYP_DEFINES="ibus_mozc_path=/usr/lib/ibus-mozc/ibus-engine-mozc ibus_mozc_icon_path=/usr/share/ibus-mozc/product_icon.png document_dir=/usr/share/doc/mozc" python gyp

### command line options
You can find many command line options as follows.
python gyp --help
Here we show some notable options.

#### --noqt
You can use `--noqt` option to build Mozc without depending on Qt 5 library.

#### --server_dir
You can use `--server_dir` option to specify the directory name where `mozc_server` will be installed.

### Compile options
In ` build` step, you can specify build types (`Release` or `Debug`) and one or more build targets.  Please find each GYP file to see what build targets are defined.

python build -c {Release, Debug} [gyp_path_1.gyp:gyp_target_name1] [gyp_path_2.gyp:gyp_target_name2]