Codebase list mozc / 7fbd5d6
Introduce MOZC_DISABLE_SESSION_WATCHDOG macro Note that MOZC_DISABLE_SESSION_WATCHDOG macro is not used in OSS build. Hence this CL should change nothing in OSS build. BUG= TEST= REF_BUG=31945229 REF_CL=136134497 REF_TIME=2016-10-14T17:11:54+09:00 REF_TIME_RAW=1476432714 +0900 Noriyuki Takahashi 7 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
3030 MAJOR=2
3131 MINOR=19
32 BUILD=2641
32 BUILD=2642
3333 REVISION=102
3434 # This version represents the version of Mozc IME engine (converter, predictor,
3535 # etc.). This version info is included both in the Mozc server and in the Mozc
4040 #include "base/flags.h"
4141 #include "base/logging.h"
4242 #include "base/port.h"
4344 #include "base/process.h"
4446 #include "base/singleton.h"
4547 #include "base/stopwatch.h"
4648 #include "base/util.h"