Codebase list mozc / 9be30d4
No need to define WIN32_IE/WINVER/NTDDI_VERSION Those macros can automatically be calculated in Windows SDK headers (actually by SDKDDKVer.h) based on _WIN32_WINNT. There is no need for us to explicitly define those macros. REF_BUG= REF_CL=186904155 REF_TIME=2018-02-25T08:48:23+09:00 REF_TIME_RAW=1519516103 +0900 Yohei Yukawa 6 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 5 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
3030 MAJOR=2
3131 MINOR=23
32 BUILD=2812
32 BUILD=2813
3333 REVISION=102
3434 # This version represents the version of Mozc IME engine (converter, predictor,
3535 # etc.). This version info is included both in the Mozc server and in the Mozc
2929 #include "gui/base/win_util.h"
3131 #ifdef OS_WIN
32 #define NTDDI_VERSION NTDDI_WIN7 // for JumpList.
3332 #include <windows.h>
3433 #include <atlbase.h>
3534 #include <atlcom.h>
284284 'PSAPI_VERSION=2',
285285 'UNICODE',
286286 'WIN32',
287 'WIN32_IE=0x0800',
288 'WINVER=0x0601',
289287 'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN',
296294 '_STL_MSVC',
297295 '_UNICODE',
298296 '_WIN32',
299 '_WIN32_WINDOWS=0x0601',
300297 '_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601',
301298 '_WINDOWS',
302299 ],