Codebase list mozc / 9db9c4b
Fully qualify std:: for some STL functions part 4 No user-visible behavior change is intended. - Part 1: a110641de38bb7259f4c3990b31e458ac2b8a492 - Part 2: d71135ac28f2f8233247155a7b2a96389c41dd29 - Part 3: d64f60cfef9038418ae99a35057682067b4d5eec BUG=#324 TEST= REF_BUG=18587000 REF_CL=106194475 Yohei Yukawa 8 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 7 addition(s) and 7 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 MAJOR=2
11 MINOR=17
2 BUILD=2363
2 BUILD=2364
44 # NACL_DICTIONARY_VERSION is the target version of the system dictionary to be
55 # downloaded by NaCl Mozc.
17431743 for (size_t i = 0; i < result_rule->entries_size; ++i) {
17441744 const ZeroQueryEntry &entry = result_rule->entries[i];
17451745 if (entry.type != ZERO_QUERY_EMOJI) {
1746 results->push_back(make_pair(entry.value, entry.type));
1746 results->push_back(std::make_pair(entry.value, entry.type));
17471747 continue;
17481748 }
17491749 if (available_emoji_carrier & Request::UNICODE_EMOJI &&
17501750 entry.emoji_type & EMOJI_UNICODE) {
1751 results->push_back(make_pair(entry.value, entry.type));
1751 results->push_back(std::make_pair(entry.value, entry.type));
17521752 continue;
17531753 }
17601760 entry.emoji_type & EMOJI_KDDI)) {
17611761 string android_pua;
17621762 Util::UCS4ToUTF8(entry.emoji_android_pua, &android_pua);
1763 results->push_back(make_pair(android_pua, entry.type));
1763 results->push_back(std::make_pair(android_pua, entry.type));
17641764 }
17651765 }
17661766 return !results->empty();
122122 const string filename = ConfigFileStream::GetFileName(keymap_file);
123123 OutputFileStream ofs(filename.c_str());
124124 if (ofs) {
125 ofs << "# This is a copy of keymap table for debugging." << endl;
126 ofs << "# Nothing happens when you edit this file manually." << endl;
125 ofs << "# This is a copy of keymap table for debugging." << std::endl;
126 ofs << "# Nothing happens when you edit this file manually." << std::endl;
127127 ofs << custom_keymap_table;
128128 }
129129 #endif
5555 // create new instance
5656 KeyMapManager *manager = pool_.Alloc();
57 keymaps_.insert(make_pair(keymap, manager));
57 keymaps_.insert(std::make_pair(keymap, manager));
5858 manager->Initialize(keymap);
5959 return manager;
6060 }