Codebase list mozc / b5b947c
Install setup-mozc.desktop by mozc-utils-gui Signed-off-by: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <> Nobuhiro Iwamatsu 10 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 21 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
22 * Update debian/control.
33 - Add mozc-utils-gui to Recommends of uim-mozc.
4 - Add desktop-file-utils to Build-Depends.
5 * Update debian/rules.
6 - Install ibus-setup-mozc.desktop by mozc-utils-gui.
58 -- Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <> Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:22:14 +0900
66 libssl-dev, pkg-config, libxcb-xfixes0-dev, libgtk2.0-dev,
77 python-dev, gyp (>= 0.1~svn1729-2), protobuf-compiler,
88 libprotobuf-dev, libqt4-dev, libuim-dev,
9 libzinnia-dev, fcitx-libs-dev, gettext
9 libzinnia-dev, fcitx-libs-dev, gettext,
10 desktop-file-utils
1011 Standards-Version: 3.9.4
1112 Homepage:
1213 Vcs-Git: git://
116117 Package: mozc-utils-gui
117118 Architecture: i386 amd64 armel armhf
118 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
119 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, mozc-data
119120 Recommends: mozc-server (= ${binary:Version})
120121 Suggests: ibus-qt4
121122 Description: GUI utilities of the Mozc input method
6262 # mozc-server
6363 install -D -m 0755 $(BUILD_DIR)/Release/mozc_renderer \
6464 $(CURDIR)/debian/mozc-server/usr/lib/mozc/mozc_renderer
66 # mozc-utils-gui
67 desktop-file-install --dir=$(CURDIR)/debian/mozc-utils-gui/usr/share/applications \
68 $(CURDIR)/debian/setup-mozc.desktop
6570 # ibus-mozc
6671 install -D -m 0755 $(BUILD_DIR)/Release/ibus_mozc \
6772 $(CURDIR)/debian/ibus-mozc/usr/lib/ibus-mozc/ibus-engine-mozc
0 [Desktop Entry]
1 Name=Mozc Setup
2 Name[ja]=Mozc の設定
3 Comment=Set up Mozc engine
4 Comment[ja]=Mozc エンジンを設定します
5 Exec=/usr/lib/mozc/mozc_tool --mode=config_dialog
6 Icon=/usr/share/icons/mozc/ime_product_icon_opensource-32.png
7 Type=Application
8 StartupNotify=true
9 Categories=Settings;