Codebase list mozc / dd25f68
Build only selected build targets on AppVeyor. Currently we cannot build all the Mozc binaries on AppVeyor within the time limit of free plan (40 minutes). Hence we build only selected build targets on AppVeyor. This CL only affects AppVeyor CI configurations. No changes in production. BUG=none TEST=none Yohei Yukawa 8 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
5555 - svn export src/third_party/zinnia/v0_04
5656 build_script:
5757 - python src\ gyp --noqt
58 - ninja -C src\out_win\Release mozc_win32_build32
58 - ninja -C src\out_win\Release mozc_renderer mozc_ime mozc_tip32 rewriter composer
5959 test: off