Codebase list mozc / dede68e
Release History: 2.17.2405.102 to 2.17.2531.102 This CL summarizes changes made in the following release range. from: 2.17.2405.102 (b0259d5b1dd92f5c3bc4cc9e2793649424acda87) to: 2.17.2531.102 (120d6a1ba6d9bad10842c6531728fc1dd8bbf731) Yohei Yukawa 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 34 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 Release History
11 ===============
3 2.17.2405.102 - 2.17.2531.102
4 --------------------------------------------------
5 You can check out Mozc [2.17.2531.102]( as follows.
7 ```
8 git clone -b master --single-branch
9 cd mozc
10 git checkout 120d6a1ba6d9bad10842c6531728fc1dd8bbf731
11 git submodule update --init --recursive
12 ```
14 Summary of changes between [2.17.2405.102]( and [2.17.2531.102]( as follows.
16 * Third party libraries:
17 * protobuf: [1a59a71 -> d5fb408](
18 * Build related changes:
19 * Building Mozc for Windows requires Visual Studio 2015 update 3.
20 * `--qtdir` option is no longer supported in Linux desktop build (d00307617d5922769462ba066d891a72f8ff82ea).
21 * Major changes:
22 * Updated system dictionary.
23 * Removed several Shift-JIS-based normalizations on Windows (26241b046c1f8fe55c4994d664ea10e749cff62c).
24 * Mozc for Windows requires SSE2 even on 32-bit environment.
25 * Mozc for Windows supports Windows 7 SP1 and later only.
26 * Mozc for macOS supports macOS 10.9 and later only.
27 * Mozc for desktop platforms (Windows, macOS, desktop Linux) supports Qt5 behind `--qtver=5` GYP option.
28 * Fixed issues:
29 * Fix OOM when importing too large dictionary file on Android (5c859ae8a7b1854e78af2c81330b75bac0e9532a)
30 * [#298]( Fix NPE on Samsung devices on showing toast
31 * [#315]( Switch to Visual C++ 2015
32 * [#372]( Discontinue the support of Windows Vista
33 * Total commits:
34 * [128 commits](
337 2.17.2355.102 - 2.17.2404.102
438 --------------------------------------------------