Codebase list mozc / e770b16
Add some attributes to the output of EmojiRewriter This CL adds some attributes to the output of EmojiRewriter to keep a consistency with EmoticonRewriter. VariantsRewriter should NOT handle such output to suppress invalid emoji. Otherwise "1" is rewritten to "1" and it causes invalid emoji. BUG= TEST= REF_BUG=25631059 REF_CL=107563474 Hiroshi Sumita 8 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 MAJOR=2
11 MINOR=17
2 BUILD=2378
2 BUILD=2379
44 # NACL_DICTIONARY_VERSION is the target version of the system dictionary to be
55 # downloaded by NaCl Mozc.
9090 Util::AppendStringWithDelimiter(
9191 " ", description, &(candidate->description));
9292 }
93 candidate->attributes |= Segment::Candidate::NO_VARIANTS_EXPANSION;
94 candidate->attributes |= Segment::Candidate::CONTEXT_SENSITIVE;
9496 return true;
9597 }