Codebase list music123 / 7e3d6b8
Major refactoring. The only visible change is a better tolerance with options (-ld6 is accepted for -l -d 6). Use DESTDIR and prefix with their usual meaning. Change destdir default from /usr/local to /usr. Drop trailing whitespaces. Encode in UTF-8. Drop obsolete TODO list. Update VCS URL. Handle 'q' key without a separate task. Rewrite call of C functions. Manpage: sort options, update options, improve formatting. Nicolas Boulenguez 4 years ago
21 changed file(s) with 1025 addition(s) and 1294 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 # Inherit ADAFLAGS, LDFLAGS if set in the environment.
8 ADAFLAGS ?= -g -O2 -gnatf -gnatwa -gnaty -gnatwe
8 ADAFLAGS ?= -g -O2 -gnatf -gnatwa -gnaty
1111 GZIP_FLAGS := --best --name
15 DESTDIR := /
16 PREFIX := usr/local
18 INSTALL_DOC := $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/$(MAIN)
16 prefix ?= /usr
17 INSTALL_BIN := $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
18 INSTALL_DOC := $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/doc/$(MAIN)
1919 INSTALL_ETC := $(DESTDIR)/etc
20 INSTALL_EXAMPLES := $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/$(MAIN)/examples
21 INSTALL_LOCALE := $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/locale
22 INSTALL_MAN := $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/man
20 INSTALL_EXAMPLES := $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/doc/$(MAIN)/examples
21 INSTALL_LOCALE := $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/locale
22 INSTALL_MAN := $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man
2525 # Default target.
0 This is music123 version 16.3 (new versioning policy to include minor
1 changes and bug fixes)
0 This is music123 version 16.4.
32 music123's goal in life is simple. With just mpg123 or ogg123, there
43 was no way to randomly play a mixed batch of ogg's and mp3's. If
2726 sound system, check the programs that music123 calls. In specific,
2827 both ogg123 and mpg321 use libao, so they can be set to use arts
2928 by setting "default_driver=arts" in /etc/libao.conf or ~/.libao,
30 or by changing
29 or by changing
3130 tool ogg123 ogg,Ogg,OGG ""
3231 to
3332 tool ogg123 ogg,Ogg,OGG "-d arts"
3433 in /etc/music123. (I generally recommend the first approach.) aplay,
3534 which plays wave files, is a Linux-only program; I, unfortunately,
36 don't know a more general replacement.
35 don't know a more general replacement.
3837 The half-second pause between songs is deliberate, so music123 can
3938 be killed by Control-C. Note that it can be removed with the -D
4342 I can add it into the master file (probably commented out). Note
4443 that it expects the exact same case for the extension as listed in
4544 that file.
47 --
46 --
4847 David Starner -
4948 Last change on December 16, 2756 AUC (2003 AD).
5049 --
TODO less more
1 - -i message to translate
2 - -L message to translate
3 - remove english test from
00 Changes to the source of this package are stored in a version control
11 system, publicly available at
2 ttps://
commands.adb less more
0 with Ada.Text_IO;
2 package body Commands is
4 ------------------
5 -- Handler_Task --
6 ------------------
8 task body Handler_Task is
9 Available : Boolean;
10 C : Character;
11 begin
12 select
13 accept Start;
14 or
15 terminate;
16 end select;
17 loop
18 Ada.Text_IO.Get_Immediate (C, Available);
19 if Available then
20 case C is
21 when 'q' | 'Q' =>
22 Repository.Quit;
23 select
24 accept Stop;
25 exit;
26 or
27 terminate;
28 end select;
29 when others =>
30 null;
31 end case;
32 end if;
33 select
34 accept Stop;
35 exit;
36 or
37 delay 0.5;
38 end select;
39 end loop;
40 end Handler_Task;
42 protected body Repository is
44 procedure Quit is
45 begin
46 Quit_Pressed := True;
47 Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
48 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("music213 will end at the end of this song");
49 end Quit;
51 function Have_To_Quit return Boolean is
52 begin
53 return Quit_Pressed;
54 end Have_To_Quit;
56 end Repository;
58 end Commands;
-15 less more
0 package Commands is
2 task type Handler_Task is
3 entry Start;
4 entry Stop;
5 end Handler_Task;
7 protected Repository is
8 procedure Quit;
9 function Have_To_Quit return Boolean;
10 private
11 Quit_Pressed : Boolean := False;
12 end Repository;
14 end Commands;
intl.adb less more
0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 -- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit --
2 -- --
3 -- Copyright (C) 2000 --
4 -- Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet --
5 -- --
6 -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
7 -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public --
8 -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
9 -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
10 -- --
11 -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
12 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
14 -- General Public License for more details. --
15 -- --
16 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public --
17 -- License along with this library; if not, write to the --
18 -- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, --
19 -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
20 -- --
21 -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from --
22 -- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an --
23 -- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting --
24 -- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This --
25 -- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the --
26 -- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License. --
27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
29 with Interfaces.C.Strings;
31 package body Intl is
33 use Interfaces.C;
34 use Interfaces.C.Strings;
36 -------------
37 -- Gettext --
38 -------------
40 function Gettext (Msg : String) return String is
41 function Internal (msgid : in char_array)
42 return chars_ptr;
43 pragma Import (C, Internal, "gettext");
44 R : constant chars_ptr := Internal (To_C (Msg));
45 begin
46 if R = Null_Ptr then
47 raise Locale_Error;
48 end if;
49 return Value (R);
50 end Gettext;
52 --------------
53 -- Dgettext --
54 --------------
56 function Dgettext (Domain : String; Msg : String) return String is
57 function Internal (domainname : in char_array;
58 msgid : in char_array)
59 return chars_ptr;
60 pragma Import (C, Internal, "dgettext");
61 R : constant chars_ptr := Internal (To_C (Domain), To_C (Msg));
62 begin
63 if R = Null_Ptr then
64 raise Locale_Error;
65 end if;
66 return Value (R);
67 end Dgettext;
69 ---------------
70 -- Dcgettext --
71 ---------------
73 function Dcgettext
74 (Domain : String; Msg : String; Category : Integer) return String
75 is
76 function Internal (domainname : in char_array;
77 msgid : in char_array;
78 category : in int)
79 return chars_ptr;
80 pragma Import (C, Internal, "dcgettext");
81 R : constant chars_ptr := Internal (To_C (Domain), To_C (Msg),
82 int (Category));
83 begin
84 if R = Null_Ptr then
85 raise Locale_Error;
86 end if;
87 return Value (R);
88 end Dcgettext;
90 -------------------------
91 -- Default_Text_Domain --
92 -------------------------
94 function Default_Text_Domain return String is
95 function Internal (domainname : in chars_ptr)
96 return chars_ptr;
97 pragma Import (C, Internal, "textdomain");
98 R : constant chars_ptr := Internal (Null_Ptr);
99 begin
100 if R = Null_Ptr then
101 raise Locale_Error;
102 end if;
103 return Value (R);
104 end Default_Text_Domain;
106 -----------------
107 -- Text_Domain --
108 -----------------
110 procedure Text_Domain (Domain : String := "") is
111 function Internal (domainname : in char_array)
112 return chars_ptr;
113 pragma Import (C, Internal, "textdomain");
114 begin
115 if Internal (To_C (Domain)) = Null_Ptr then
116 raise Locale_Error;
117 end if;
118 end Text_Domain;
120 ----------------------
121 -- Bind_Text_Domain --
122 ----------------------
124 procedure Bind_Text_Domain (Domain : String; Dirname : String) is
125 function Internal (domainname : in char_array;
126 dirname : in char_array)
127 return chars_ptr;
128 pragma Import (C, Internal, "bindtextdomain");
129 begin
130 if Internal (To_C (Domain), To_C (Dirname)) = Null_Ptr then
131 raise Locale_Error;
132 end if;
133 end Bind_Text_Domain;
135 procedure Set_Locale is
136 function Internal (category : in int;
137 locale : in char_array)
138 return chars_ptr;
139 pragma Import (C, Internal, "setlocale");
140 LC_ALL : constant := 6;
141 begin
142 if Internal (LC_ALL, To_C ("")) = Null_Ptr then
143 raise Locale_Error;
144 end if;
145 end Set_Locale;
147 end Intl;
-142 less more
0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 -- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for the Gimp Toolkit --
2 -- --
3 -- Copyright (C) 2000 --
4 -- Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet --
5 -- --
6 -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
7 -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public --
8 -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
9 -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
10 -- --
11 -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
12 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
14 -- General Public License for more details. --
15 -- --
16 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public --
17 -- License along with this library; if not, write to the --
18 -- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, --
19 -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
20 -- --
21 -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from --
22 -- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an --
23 -- executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting --
24 -- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This --
25 -- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the --
26 -- executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License. --
27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
29 -- <description>
30 --
31 -- This package provides support for string internationalization using the
32 -- libintl library.
33 --
34 -- To change the current locale setting, use on the environment variables
35 -- "LANG" or "LC_MESSAGES". For example, to switch to the french locale using
36 -- bash:
37 --
38 -- $ export LANG=fr
39 --
40 -- Depending on the specific implementation of gettext, the following
41 -- environment variables may be set to change the default settings of locale
42 -- parameters:
43 --
44 -- - LANG Specifies locale name.
45 --
47 -- Specifies messaging locale, and if present overrides
48 -- LANG for messages.
49 --
51 -- Specifies the text domain name, which is identical to
52 -- the message object filename without .mo suffix.
53 --
55 -- Specifies the pathname to the message database, and if
56 -- present replaces the default (e.g /usr/lib/locale on Solaris,
57 -- /usr/share/locale on Linux).
58 --
59 -- See the gettext documentation of your specific OS for more details.
60 --
61 -- The recommended way to use the gettext capability in your application is
62 -- to use Dgettext with your own domain, and define the following shortcut:
63 --
64 -- function "-" (Msg : String) return String;
65 -- -- Convenient shortcut to the Gettext function.
66 --
67 -- function "-" (Msg : String) return String is
68 -- begin
69 -- return Dgettext ("my_domain", Msg);
70 -- end "-";
71 --
72 -- Do not forget to call Bind_Text_Domain ("my_domain", "my locale prefix")
73 -- at the beginning of your program. For example, if the prefix of your
74 -- application is /usr, the standard location of the locale would
75 -- be /usr/share/locale, e.g:
76 -- Bind_Text_Domain ("GtkAda", "/usr/share/locale");
77 --
78 -- Under this locale directory, the functions provided by this package
79 -- will look for the directory $LANG/LC_MESSAGES,
80 -- /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES in our example; and in this directory,
81 -- the file <domain>.mo will be used, e.g
82 -- /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
83 --
84 -- The .mo files can be generated using the GNU tool msgfmt that takes a
85 -- text file containing for each string the original and the translation.
86 -- See msgfmt documentation for more details.
87 -- Here is a sample translation file that can be used as an input for msgfmt:
88 --
89 -- # gtkada-fr.po
90 -- msgid "Help"
91 -- msgstr "Aide"
92 --
93 -- msgid "Yes"
94 -- msgstr "Oui"
95 --
96 -- $ msgfmt gtkada-fr.po -o
97 -- $ cp /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
98 --
99 -- Then, to enable the string translation in your application, use the "-"
100 -- function defined above, e.g:
101 --
102 -- Gtk_New (Label, -"Help");
103 -- Gtk_New (Label, -("Help ?") & ASCII.LF & -("Yes"));
104 --
105 -- </description>
107 -- Rather than mess around with depending on gtkada, and hoping I'd
108 -- never get in a situtation where I had to link in gtkada and gtk
109 -- and xlibs, I just copied the code here.
111 package Intl is
112 pragma Preelaborate;
114 function Gettext (Msg : String) return String;
115 -- Look up Msg in the current default message catalog.
116 -- Use the current locale as specified by LC_MESSAGES. If not found, return
117 -- Msg itself (the default text).
119 function Dgettext (Domain : String; Msg : String) return String;
120 -- Look up Msg in the Domain message catalog for the current locale.
122 function Dcgettext
123 (Domain : String; Msg : String; Category : Integer) return String;
124 -- Look up Msg in the Domain message catalog for the Category locale.
126 function Default_Text_Domain return String;
127 -- Return the current default message catalog.
129 procedure Text_Domain (Domain : String := "");
130 -- Set the current default message catalog to Domain.
131 -- If Domain is "", reset to the default of "messages".
133 procedure Bind_Text_Domain (Domain : String; Dirname : String);
134 -- Specify that the Domain message catalog will be found in Dirname.
135 -- This overrides the default system locale data base.
137 procedure Set_Locale;
139 Locale_Error : exception;
141 end Intl;
00 Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001-2009 David Starner <>
11 Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Xavier Grave <>
2 Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Nicolas Boulenguez <>
2 Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Nicolas Boulenguez <>
33 License: Expat
44 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
55 copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
22 Files: intl.adb
23 Copyright: Copyright (C) 2000 Emmanuel Briot, Joel Brobecker and Arnaud Charlet
24 Copyright (C) 2015 Nicolas Boulenguez <>
25 License: GPL-2 with GNAT exception
26 intl.adb and are from libgtkada. They are licensed under the
27 GPL-2, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2, with the following
28 exception.
29 .
30 As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
31 this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
32 executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
33 executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
34 exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
35 executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
66 .B music123
7 [
8 .B \-hqrvz
9 ]
10 .I file
11 .B ...
7 .RB [ \-DhiLlqrvZz ]
8 [\fB\-d \fIARG\fR]
9 [\fB\-@ \fIARG\fR]
10 .RB [ -- ]
11 \fIfiles\fR ...
1414 .B music123
1818 in /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc.
21 .IP \-D
22 Equivalent to \fB\-d0\fR.
23 .\"
24 May make music123 harder to kill.
25 .IP \-d
26 Customize the time music123 delays between songs.
27 .\"
28 \fB\-d\fR takes one argument, expressed in seconds, which may have a
29 fractional part.
2130 .IP \-h
22 Show command help and exit;
31 Show command help and exit immediately.
32 .IP \-i
33 Ignore case of file path extensions.
34 .\"
35 For example, \fI.ogg\fR and \fI.OGG\fR are considered equivalent.
36 .IP \-l
37 Loop at the end of the playlist.
38 .IP \-L
39 List files and exit immediately.
2340 .IP \-q
24 Quiet mode. No messages are displayed.
41 Quiet mode.
42 .\"
43 No messages are displayed.
2544 .IP \-r
2645 Recurse into directories, instead of ignoring them.
46 .IP \-T
47 Redirect standard input, allowing \fIq\fR or \fIQ\fR keys to stop
48 after current file.
49 .\"
50 The player will not see its standard output anymore.
2751 .IP \-v
28 Display version information and exit.
52 Display version information and exit immediately.
2953 .IP \-z
30 Play files in random order.
54 Randomize the song list once before starting to play.
55 .\"
56 music123 will shuffle the list once and for all, then play the songs
57 without repetition (and repeat the selected order over and over with
58 \-l).
3159 .IP \-Z
32 Play the files randomly and endlessly.
33 .IP \-l
34 Loop. \-z \-l differs from \-Z in that \-z \-l will randomize, play
35 through the song list (without repetition) in random order once,
36 and repeat the songs in that order over and over; \-Z will randomly
37 play the songs, without any order, and will possibly play a song
38 right after itself.
39 .IP \-i
40 Ignore extension case.
41 .IP \-L
42 List files and exit.
43 .IP \-T
44 Start a task that handle commands, only one command supported : quit,
45 using q or Q will quit the application at the end of the current song.
46 .IP \-D
47 Set music123 not to delay between songs. (May make music123 harder to
48 kill).
49 .IP \-d
50 Customize the time music123 delays between songs. \-d takes one argument,
51 expressed in seconds, which may have a fractional part.
60 Pick up a song after the other randomly and endlessly, possibly
61 playing a given song twice in a row, or never playing a given song.
62 .\"
63 This disables \fI\-l\fR and \fI-z\fR options.
5264 .IP \-@
53 Play the files listed in the mandatory argument of \-@. Other files can be
54 added on the command line, and this option can be given several times.
65 Play the files listed in the mandatory argument of \-@.
66 .\"
67 Other files can be added on the command line, and this option can be
68 given several times.
69 .\"
5570 Note that music123 doesn't yet play URLs.
5671 .IP \-\-
5772 End option list.
73 .\"
74 Following arguments are interpreted as file names, even if they start
75 with a dash.
6785 Play a couple of directories and other songs at random:
6886 .RS
69 .B music123 \-z \-r Rock/ test1.ogg Pop/ test4.wav
87 .B music123 \-rz Rock/ test1.ogg Pop/ test4.wav
88 .RE
89 .PP
91 Play a playlist then a strange file name with a delay between the songs:
92 .RS
93 .B music123 \-d 6.0 \-@playlist \-\− \-strange.ogg
7094 .RE
7195 .PP
89113 .TP
90114 Authors:
91115 .br
92 David Starner <>
116 David Starner <>,
117 Xavier Grave <>,
118 Nicolas Boulenguez <>
93119 .br
0 -- music123 by David Starner <>
2 with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
0 -- music123 by
1 -- David Starner <>
2 -- Xavier Grave <>
3 -- Nicolas Boulenguez <>
5 with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
6 with Ada.Command_Line;
7 with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps;
8 with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
9 with Ada.Directories;
10 use all type Ada.Directories.Directory_Entry_Type;
11 use all type Ada.Directories.File_Kind;
12 use all type Ada.Directories.Search_Type;
13 with Ada.Environment_Variables;
14 with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
15 use all type Ada.Numerics.Float_Random.Generator;
16 with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
17 with Ada.Strings.Hash;
18 with Ada.Strings.Maps;
19 use all type Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set;
20 with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
21 with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
22 use all type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
323 with Ada.Text_IO;
5 with Support_Routines; use Support_Routines;
6 with Intl;
7 with Commands;
24 with Interfaces.C.Strings;
926 procedure Music123 is
10 Seeing_Minus_Options : Boolean := True;
11 Arg_Num : Positive;
12 Option_Task : Boolean := False;
13 Option_Quiet : Boolean := False;
14 Option_Recurse : Boolean := False;
15 Option_Random : Boolean := False;
16 Option_Loop : Boolean := False;
17 Option_Eternal_Random : Boolean := False;
18 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : Boolean := False;
19 Option_List_Files_Only : Boolean := False;
20 Delay_Length : Duration := 0.5;
21 File_List : UString_List.Vector;
22 Program_List : Tool_List.Vector;
23 Command_Task : Commands.Handler_Task;
28 Version_Number : constant String := "16.5";
29 System_Configuration : constant String := "/etc/music123rc";
30 User_Configuration : constant String := ".music123rc";
31 -- User_Configuration is relative to the HOME directory.
33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34 -- Interface with C.
36 C_Error : exception;
37 -- Used to report errors at the C level.
39 LC_ALL : constant := 6;
40 -- Quite arbitrary, but has been working for years, and gcc is not
41 -- able to generate such values yet.
43 -- From locale.h:
44 procedure Setlocale (Category :;
45 Locale : String);
47 -- From libintl.h:
48 procedure Textdomain (Domainname : String);
49 procedure Bindtextdomain (Domainname : String;
50 Dirname : String);
51 function "+" (Msgid : String) return String; -- gettext
53 -- From stdlib.h:
54 procedure System (Command : String);
56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
57 -- Error reporting
59 Error : exception; -- Report and set exit status.
60 procedure Warn (Message : String); -- Report but continue.
62 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- Random numbers
65 Generator : Ada.Numerics.Float_Random.Generator;
67 function Random (Maximum : Positive) return Positive
68 with Post => Random'Result in 1 .. Maximum;
70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
71 -- Types
73 type An_Option_List is record
74 Catch_Q_In_Stdin : Boolean := False;
75 Delay_Length : Duration := 0.5;
76 Eternal_Random : Boolean := False;
77 Ignore_Extension_Case : Boolean := False;
78 List_Files_Only : Boolean := False;
79 Quiet : Boolean := False;
80 Random : Boolean := False;
81 Recurse : Boolean := False;
82 Repeat : Boolean := False;
83 end record;
85 package Tool_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps
86 (Key_Type => String,
87 Element_Type => String,
88 Hash => Ada.Strings.Hash,
89 Equivalent_Keys => "=");
90 -- For each known extension, store to the first matching tool in
91 -- the configuration file. The element contains the name of the
92 -- program followed by the options.
94 package String_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors
95 (Index_Type => Positive,
96 Element_Type => String);
97 package String_Sorting is new String_Vectors.Generic_Sorting ("<");
99 procedure Parse_Command_Line (Paths : in out String_Vectors.Vector;
100 Options : in out An_Option_List;
101 Done : out Boolean);
103 -- The options are transmitted so that the extensions are
104 -- translated to lower case if necessary.
105 procedure Parse_Configuration (Tools : in out Tool_Maps.Map;
106 Options : An_Option_List);
108 -- Ignore directories (unless Options.Recurse), special files, or
109 -- files without matching command in Tools.
110 -- For selected paths, construct a shell script playing the song
111 -- and append it to Commands.
112 -- If Options.List_Files_Only, then Commands are not modified but
113 -- selected paths are printed instead.
114 procedure Add_Command (Commands : in out String_Vectors.Vector;
115 Path : String;
116 Tools : Tool_Maps.Map;
117 Options : An_Option_List);
119 procedure Randomize (Commands : in out String_Vectors.Vector);
121 procedure Play_Songs (Commands : String_Vectors.Vector;
122 Options : An_Option_List);
124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
125 -- Implementations
127 function "+" (Msgid : String) return String is
128 use Interfaces.C, Interfaces.C.Strings;
129 function F (A1 : char_array := To_C (Msgid)) return chars_ptr
130 with Import, Convention => C, External_Name => "gettext";
131 Ret : constant chars_ptr := F;
132 begin
133 if Ret = Null_Ptr then
134 raise C_Error with "gettext failed";
135 end if;
136 return Value (Ret);
137 end "+";
139 procedure Bindtextdomain (Domainname : String;
140 Dirname : String) is
141 use Interfaces.C, Interfaces.C.Strings;
142 function F (A1 : char_array := To_C (Domainname);
143 A2 : char_array := To_C (Dirname)) return chars_ptr
144 with Import, Convention => C, External_Name => "bindtextdomain";
145 begin
146 if F = Null_Ptr then
147 raise C_Error with "bindtextdomain failed";
148 end if;
149 end Bindtextdomain;
151 procedure Add_Command (Commands : in out String_Vectors.Vector;
152 Path : String;
153 Tools : Tool_Maps.Map;
154 Options : An_Option_List) is
156 procedure Process_Directory;
157 procedure Process_Ordinary_File;
159 procedure Process_Directory is
160 Search : Ada.Directories.Search_Type;
161 Directory_Entry : Ada.Directories.Directory_Entry_Type;
162 More_Paths : String_Vectors.Vector;
163 begin
164 begin
165 Start_Search (Search, Directory => Path, Pattern => "");
166 exception
167 when Ada.Directories.Name_Error =>
168 Warn (+"Empty directory: " & Path);
169 return;
170 when Ada.Directories.Use_Error =>
171 Warn (+"Not allowed to enter directory: " & Path);
172 return;
173 end;
174 while More_Entries (Search) loop
175 Get_Next_Entry (Search, Directory_Entry);
176 -- Ignore . .. and more generally hidden files.
177 declare
178 S : constant String := Simple_Name (Directory_Entry);
179 begin
180 if S /= "" and then S (S'First) /= '.' then
181 More_Paths.Append (Full_Name (Directory_Entry));
182 end if;
183 end;
184 end loop;
185 -- Make the order independant from the underlying file system.
186 String_Sorting.Sort (String_Vectors.Vector (More_Paths));
187 for New_Path of More_Paths loop
188 Add_Command (Commands, New_Path, Tools, Options);
189 end loop;
190 end Process_Directory;
192 procedure Process_Ordinary_File is
193 Ext : constant String := Ada.Directories.Extension (Path);
194 Key : constant String
195 := (if Options.Ignore_Extension_Case
196 then Ada.Strings.Fixed.Translate (Ext, Lower_Case_Map)
197 else Ext);
198 Position : constant Tool_Maps.Cursor := Tools.Find (Key);
199 Buffer : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
200 begin
201 if not Tool_Maps.Has_Element (Position) then
202 Warn (+"Unknown extension: " & Path);
203 elsif Options.List_Files_Only then
204 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Path);
205 else
206 Set_Unbounded_String (Buffer, Tools (Position));
207 Append (Buffer, " '");
208 for Char of Path loop
209 if Char = ''' then
210 Append (Buffer, "'\''");
211 else
212 Append (Buffer, Char);
213 end if;
214 end loop;
215 Append (Buffer, ''');
216 if Options.Quiet then
217 Append (Buffer, " > /dev/null");
218 end if;
219 if Options.Catch_Q_In_Stdin then
220 Append (Buffer, " < /dev/null");
221 end if;
222 Commands.Append (To_String (Buffer));
223 end if;
224 end Process_Ordinary_File;
226 begin
227 if Ada.Directories.Exists (Path) then
228 case Kind (Path) is
229 when Special_File =>
230 Warn (+"Not an ordinary file: " & Path);
231 when Directory =>
232 if Options.Recurse then
233 Process_Directory;
234 else
235 Warn (+"Directory: " & Path);
236 end if;
237 when Ordinary_File =>
238 Process_Ordinary_File;
239 end case;
240 else
241 Warn (+"No such file: " & Path);
242 end if;
243 end Add_Command;
245 procedure Parse_Command_Line (Paths : in out String_Vectors.Vector;
246 Options : in out An_Option_List;
247 Done : out Boolean) is
249 procedure Display_Help;
250 procedure Display_Version;
251 procedure Read_Playlist (Path : String);
252 procedure Read_Playlist_Line (Line : String);
253 procedure Set_Delay (Value : String);
255 procedure Display_Help is
256 use Ada.Text_IO;
257 begin
258 Put_Line
259 (+"Usage: music123 [-DhiLlqrvZz] [-d ARG] [-@ ARG] [--] files ...");
260 Put_Line (+"-z Shuffle list before playing");
261 Put_Line (+"-l Loop when reaching end of playlist");
262 Put_Line (+"-Z Play randomly. Never stop");
263 New_Line;
264 Put_Line (+"-r Recurse over directories");
265 Put_Line (+"-@ ARG Add lines of ARG to files");
266 Put_Line (+"-- Following arguments are files, not options");
267 Put_Line (+"-i Ignore case of file extensions (.OGG = .ogg)");
268 Put_Line (+"-L List files and exit. No music");
269 New_Line;
270 Put_Line (+"-q Run quietly");
271 Put_Line (+"-d ARG Delay ARG seconds between songs (default: 0.5)");
272 Put_Line (+"-D Shortcut for -d 0");
273 Put_Line (+"-T Catch q key to quit after current song");
274 New_Line;
275 Put_Line (+"-v Print version information");
276 Put_Line (+"-h Print this help");
277 New_Line;
278 Put_Line (+"See the manpage for more options.");
279 end Display_Help;
281 procedure Display_Version is
282 -- Translate the format, then replace the major version.
283 Format : constant String := +"music123 version %d by David Starner";
284 I : constant Positive := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Format, "%d");
285 begin
286 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
287 (Ada.Strings.Fixed.Replace_Slice (Source => Format,
288 Low => I,
289 High => I + 1,
290 By => Version_Number));
291 end Display_Version;
293 procedure Read_Playlist (Path : String) is
294 use Ada.Text_IO;
295 Playlist : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
296 begin
297 begin
298 Open (Playlist, In_File, Path);
299 exception
300 when others =>
301 raise Error with +"Playlist file not found.";
302 end;
303 while not End_Of_File (Playlist) loop
304 Read_Playlist_Line (Get_Line (Playlist));
305 end loop;
306 Close (Playlist);
307 exception
308 when others =>
309 if Is_Open (Playlist) then
310 Close (Playlist);
311 end if;
312 raise Error with +"unable to parse playlist: " & Path;
313 end Read_Playlist;
315 procedure Read_Playlist_Line (Line : String) is
316 Path : constant String
317 := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Line, Ada.Strings.Both);
318 begin
319 if Path /= "" and then Path (Path'First) /= '#' then
320 Paths.Append (Path);
321 end if;
322 end Read_Playlist_Line;
324 procedure Set_Delay (Value : String) is
325 begin
326 Options.Delay_Length := Duration'Value (Value);
327 exception
328 when Constraint_Error =>
329 raise Error with +"Bad argument for -d.";
330 end Set_Delay;
332 use Ada.Command_Line;
333 Arg_Num : Positive := 1;
334 Ignore_Options : Boolean := False;
335 begin
336 while Arg_Num <= Argument_Count loop
337 declare
338 Arg : String renames Argument (Arg_Num);
339 -- The reference manual guarantees that Arg'First = 1.
340 begin
341 if Ignore_Options or else Arg'Last < 2 or else Arg (1) /= '-' then
342 Paths.Append (Arg);
343 else
344 Letters : for I in 2 .. Arg'Last loop
345 case Arg (I) is
346 when '-' =>
347 if Arg'Last /= 2 then
348 raise Error with +"Unknown option: -";
349 end if;
350 Ignore_Options := True;
351 when '@' =>
352 if I < Arg'Last then
353 Read_Playlist (Arg (I + 1 .. Arg'Last));
354 exit Letters;
355 elsif Arg_Num < Argument_Count then
356 Arg_Num := Arg_Num + 1;
357 Read_Playlist (Argument (Arg_Num));
358 else
359 raise Error with +"Missing argument for: -" & "@";
360 end if;
361 when 'D' =>
362 Options.Delay_Length := 0.0;
363 when 'd' =>
364 if I < Arg'Last then
365 Set_Delay (Arg (I + 1 .. Arg'Last));
366 exit Letters;
367 elsif Arg_Num < Argument_Count then
368 Arg_Num := Arg_Num + 1;
369 Set_Delay (Argument (Arg_Num));
370 else
371 raise Error with +"Missing argument for -" & "d";
372 end if;
373 when 'h' =>
374 Display_Version;
375 Display_Help;
376 Done := True;
377 return;
378 when 'i' =>
379 Options.Ignore_Extension_Case := True;
380 when 'L' =>
381 Options.List_Files_Only := True;
382 when 'l' =>
383 Options.Repeat := True;
384 when 'q' =>
385 Options.Quiet := True;
386 when 'r' =>
387 Options.Recurse := True;
388 when 'T' =>
389 Options.Catch_Q_In_Stdin := True;
390 when 'v' =>
391 Display_Version;
392 Done := True;
393 return;
394 when 'Z' =>
395 Options.Eternal_Random := True;
396 when 'z' =>
397 Options.Random := True;
398 when others =>
399 raise Error with +"Unknown option: " & Arg (I);
400 end case;
401 end loop Letters;
402 end if;
403 end;
404 Arg_Num := Arg_Num + 1;
405 end loop;
406 Done := False;
407 end Parse_Command_Line;
409 procedure Parse_Configuration (Tools : in out Tool_Maps.Map;
410 Options : An_Option_List) is
412 procedure Parse_File (Path : String);
413 procedure Parse_Line (Line : String);
415 procedure Parse_File (Path : String) is
416 use Ada.Text_IO;
417 File : File_Type;
418 begin
419 Open (File, In_File, Path);
420 while not End_Of_File (File) loop
421 Parse_Line (Get_Line (File));
422 end loop;
423 Close (File);
424 exception
425 when others =>
426 if Is_Open (File) then
427 Close (File);
428 end if;
429 Warn (+"error in configuration file: " & Path);
430 raise;
431 end Parse_File;
433 procedure Parse_Line (Line : String) is
434 HT : Character renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT;
435 Outside : Ada.Strings.Membership renames Ada.Strings.Outside;
436 Whitespace : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set
437 := To_Set (Sequence => (' ', HT));
438 T_F, T_L, P_F, P_L, E_F, E_L, O_F, O_L : Integer;
439 use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
440 begin
441 Find_Token (Line, Whitespace, Outside, T_F, T_L);
442 if T_L = 0 -- Line only contains blanks.
443 or else Line (T_F) = '#' -- Comment.
444 then
445 return;
446 elsif Line (T_F .. T_L) /= "tool" -- Unexpected keyword.
447 or else T_L = Line'Last -- Only "tool"
448 then
449 Warn (+"suspicious configuration line: " & Line);
450 return;
451 end if;
453 Find_Token (Line, Whitespace, T_L + 1, Outside, P_F, P_L);
454 if P_L = 0 or else P_L = Line'Last then
455 Warn (+"suspicious configuration line::" & Line);
456 return;
457 end if;
459 Find_Token (Line, Whitespace, P_L + 1, Outside, E_F, E_L);
460 if E_L = 0 or else E_L = Line'Last then
461 Warn (+"suspicious configuration line::" & Line);
462 return;
463 end if;
465 O_F := Index (Line, Whitespace, E_L + 1, Outside);
466 if O_F = 0 or else O_F = Line'Last or else Line (O_F) /= '"' then
467 Warn (+"suspicious configuration line::" & Line);
468 return;
469 end if;
471 O_L := Index (Line, """", O_F + 1);
472 if O_L = 0
473 or else (for some I in O_L + 1 .. Line'Last =>
474 not Is_In (Line (I), Whitespace))
475 then
476 Warn (+"suspicious configuration line::" & Line);
477 return;
478 end if;
480 -- Now, split the extension list.
481 declare
482 Tool : constant String
483 := Line (P_F .. P_L) & ' ' & Line (O_F + 1 .. O_L - 1);
484 Position : Tool_Maps.Cursor;
485 Inserted : Boolean;
486 First : Positive := E_F;
487 Last : Natural;
488 begin
489 loop
490 if E_L < First or else Line (First) = ',' then
491 Warn (+"suspicious configuration line::" & Line);
492 return;
493 end if;
494 Last := First;
495 while Last < E_L and then Line (Last + 1) /= ',' loop
496 Last := Last + 1;
497 end loop;
498 Tools.Insert
499 (Key => (if Options.Ignore_Extension_Case
500 then Translate (Line (First .. Last),
501 Lower_Case_Map)
502 else (Line (First .. Last))),
503 New_Item => Tool,
504 Position => Position,
505 Inserted => Inserted);
506 if not Inserted then
507 Warn (+"multiple tools given for extension: "
508 & Line (First .. Last));
509 end if;
510 exit when Last = E_L;
511 First := Last + 2;
512 end loop;
513 end;
514 end Parse_Line;
516 begin
517 if Ada.Environment_Variables.Exists ("HOME") then
518 declare
519 Home : constant String := Ada.Environment_Variables.Value ("HOME");
520 Path : constant String
521 := Ada.Directories.Compose (Home, User_Configuration);
522 begin
523 if Ada.Directories.Exists (Path) then
524 Parse_File (Path);
525 return;
526 end if;
527 end;
528 else
529 Warn (+"variable HOME not found in the environment");
530 end if;
532 if Ada.Directories.Exists (System_Configuration) then
533 Parse_File (System_Configuration);
534 return;
535 end if;
537 raise Error with +"No configuration file found: " & User_Configuration
538 & ", " & System_Configuration;
539 end Parse_Configuration;
541 procedure Play_Songs (Commands : String_Vectors.Vector;
542 Options : An_Option_List) is
543 I : Positive := (if Options.Eternal_Random
544 then Random (Commands.Last_Index) else 1);
545 Available : Boolean;
546 Key : Character;
547 begin
548 Songs : loop
550 if not Options.Quiet then
551 Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
552 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (+"music123 is running: " & Commands (I));
553 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (+"Control-c : quit immediately");
554 if Options.Catch_Q_In_Stdin then
555 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (+"q : quit after this song");
556 end if;
557 Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
558 end if;
560 System (Commands (I));
562 if Options.Catch_Q_In_Stdin then
563 loop
564 Ada.Text_IO.Get_Immediate (Key, Available);
565 exit when not Available;
566 exit Songs when Key in 'q' | 'Q';
567 end loop;
568 end if;
570 if Options.Eternal_Random then
571 I := Random (Commands.Last_Index);
572 elsif I = Commands.Last_Index then
573 exit Songs when not Options.Repeat;
574 I := 1;
575 else
576 I := I + 1;
577 end if;
579 -- Only delay if there is a next song.
580 delay Options.Delay_Length;
582 end loop Songs;
583 end Play_Songs;
585 function Random (Maximum : Positive) return Positive is
586 -- From ARM A.5.2.51.
587 (Integer (Float (Maximum) * Random (Generator)) mod Maximum + 1);
589 procedure Randomize (Commands : in out String_Vectors.Vector) is
590 begin
591 -- From Knuth, TAOCP vol. 2, edition 3, page 146, 3.4.2, algorithm P
592 for J in reverse 2 .. Commands.Last_Index loop
593 Commands.Swap (J, Random (J - 1));
594 end loop;
595 end Randomize;
597 procedure Setlocale (Category :;
598 Locale : String) is
599 use Interfaces.C, Interfaces.C.Strings;
600 function F (A1 : int := Category;
601 A2 : char_array := To_C (Locale)) return chars_ptr
602 with Import, Convention => C, External_Name => "setlocale";
603 begin
604 if F = Null_Ptr then
605 raise C_Error with "setlocale failed";
606 end if;
607 end Setlocale;
609 procedure System (Command : String) is
610 use Interfaces.C;
611 function F (A1 : char_array := To_C (Command)) return int
612 with Import, Convention => C, External_Name => "system";
613 begin
614 if F /= 0 then
615 raise C_Error with "subprocess failed: " & Command;
616 end if;
617 end System;
619 procedure Textdomain (Domainname : String) is
620 use Interfaces.C, Interfaces.C.Strings;
621 function F (A1 : char_array := To_C (Domainname)) return chars_ptr
622 with Import, Convention => C, External_Name => "textdomain";
623 begin
624 if F = Null_Ptr then
625 raise C_Error with "textdomain failed";
626 end if;
627 end Textdomain;
629 procedure Warn (Message : String) is
630 begin
631 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Ada.Text_IO.Standard_Error, Message);
632 end Warn;
634 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
636 Paths : String_Vectors.Vector;
637 Options : An_Option_List;
638 Done : Boolean;
639 Tools : Tool_Maps.Map;
640 Commands : String_Vectors.Vector;
25641 begin
26 Intl.Set_Locale;
27 Intl.Text_Domain ("music123");
28 Intl.Bind_Text_Domain ("music123", "/usr/share/locale");
30 -- Import conffile first
31 Import_Conffile (Program_List);
33 -- Read command-line arguments
34 if Argument_Count = 0 then
35 Error (N ("No arguments found."));
36 raise Noted_Error;
37 end if;
39 Arg_Num := 1;
40 while Arg_Num <= Argument_Count loop
41 if Seeing_Minus_Options
42 and then Argument (Arg_Num)'Length = 2
43 and then Argument (Arg_Num) (1) = '-'
44 then
45 case Argument (Arg_Num) (2) is
46 when 'h' =>
47 Error ("");
48 Set_Exit_Status (Success);
49 return;
50 when 'q' => Option_Quiet := True;
51 when 'z' => Option_Random := True;
52 when 'Z' => Option_Eternal_Random := True;
53 when 'l' => Option_Loop := True;
54 when 'r' => Option_Recurse := True;
55 when 'i' => Option_Ignore_Extension_Case := True;
56 when 'v' =>
57 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Version);
58 Set_Exit_Status (Success);
59 return;
60 when 'D' =>
61 Delay_Length := 0.0;
62 when 'd' =>
63 if Arg_Num >= Argument_Count then
64 Error (N ("Missing argument for -d."));
65 raise Noted_Error;
66 end if;
67 Arg_Num := Arg_Num + 1;
68 begin
69 Delay_Length := Duration'Value (Argument (Arg_Num));
70 exception
71 when Constraint_Error =>
72 Error (N ("Bad argument for -d."));
73 raise Noted_Error;
74 end;
75 when 'L' => Option_List_Files_Only := True;
76 when 'T' => Option_Task := True;
77 when '-' => Seeing_Minus_Options := False;
78 when '@' =>
79 if Arg_Num >= Argument_Count then
80 Error (N ("Missing argument for -@."));
81 raise Noted_Error;
82 end if;
83 Arg_Num := Arg_Num + 1;
84 Read_Playlist (Argument (Arg_Num), File_List);
85 when others =>
86 Error (N ("Unknown argument found."));
87 raise Noted_Error;
88 end case;
89 elsif Check_Filename (Argument (Arg_Num),
90 Program_List,
91 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case)
92 then
93 File_List.Append (Argument (Arg_Num));
94 else
95 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Ignoring file """ & Argument (Arg_Num) & """");
96 end if;
97 Arg_Num := Arg_Num + 1;
98 end loop;
100 Expand_And_Check_Filenames (File_List,
101 Option_Recurse,
102 Program_List,
103 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case);
105 if Option_List_Files_Only then
106 Display_Songs (File_List);
107 Set_Exit_Status (Success);
642 Setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
643 Textdomain ("music123");
644 Bindtextdomain ("music123", "/usr/share/locale");
646 Reset (Generator);
648 Parse_Command_Line (Paths, Options, Done);
649 if Done then
108650 return;
109651 end if;
111 if Option_Task then
112 Command_Task.Start;
653 Parse_Configuration (Tools, Options);
655 for Path of Paths loop
656 Add_Command (Commands, Path, Tools, Options);
657 end loop;
658 if Options.List_Files_Only then
659 return;
660 elsif Commands.Is_Empty then
661 raise Error with +"No valid filenames found.";
113662 end if;
115 Play_Songs
116 (File_List,
117 Program_List,
118 Delay_Length => Delay_Length,
119 Option_Quiet => Option_Quiet,
120 Option_Loop => Option_Loop,
121 Option_Random => Option_Random,
122 Option_Eternal_Random => Option_Eternal_Random,
123 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case => Option_Ignore_Extension_Case);
125 if Option_Task then
126 Command_Task.Stop;
664 if Options.Random then
665 Randomize (Commands);
127666 end if;
129 Set_Exit_Status (Success);
130 exception
131 when Noted_Error =>
132 Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
668 Play_Songs (Commands, Options);
133669 end Music123;
0 .TH music123 1 "25 lipiec 2002"
3 music123 \- odtwarza ró¿ne pliki d¼wiêkowe (w tym MP3, Ogg i Wav).
6 .B music123
7 [
8 .B \-hqrvz
9 ]
10 .I plik
11 .B ...
14 .B music123
15 jest pow³ok± wokó³ ró¿nych programów s³u¿±cych do odtwarzania plików
16 muzycznych. Mo¿e zag³êbiaæ siê w strukturê katalogów przy pomocy \-r
17 oraz losowo odtwarzaæ utwory przy pomozy \-z. U¿ywane programy i opcje
18 im przekazywane s± zawarte w plikach /etc/music123rc lub ~/.music123rc.
21 .IP \-h
22 Poka¿ pomoc do polecenia i zakoñcz dzia³anie.
23 .IP \-q
24 Tryb cichy. ¯adne komunikaty nie s± wy¶wietlane.
25 .IP \-r
26 Rekurencyjnie zag³êbiaj siê w katalogi, zamiast je ignorowaæ.
27 .IP \-v
28 Poka¿ informacjê o wersji programu i zakoñcz dzia³anie.
29 .IP \-z
30 Odtwarzaj pliki w losowej kolejno¶ci.
31 .IP \-Z
32 Odtwarzaj pliki w losowej kolejno¶ci i bez koñca.
33 .IP \-l
34 Pêtla. \-z \-l ró¿ni siê od \-Z tym, ¿e \-z \-l najpierw wylosuje
35 kolejno¶æ, a nastêpnie bêdzie odtwarza³ pliki w tej¿e kolejno¶ci
36 raz po raz; \-Z za¶ odtwarza piosenki w losowej kolejno¶ci
37 pozbawionej jakiegokolwiek porz±dku, w zwiazku z czym istnieje
38 mo¿liwo¶æ odtworzenia tego samego pliku dwa (lub wiêcej) razy
39 pod rz±d.
40 .IP \-i
41 Ignore extension case.
42 .IP \-L
43 List files and exit.
44 .IP \-T
45 Start a task that handle commands, only one command supported : quit,
46 using q or Q will quit the application at the end of the current song.
47 .IP \-D
48 Nie rób przerw miêdzy piosenkami (mo¿e uczyniæ music123 trudniejszym
49 do zabicia)
50 .IP \-d
51 Ustawia d³ugo¶æ przerw miêdzy piosenkami. \-d przyjmuje jeden argument,
52 wyra¿ony w sekundach. Czas mo¿e zawieraæ czê¶æ u³amkow±.
53 .IP \-@
54 Odtwarzaj pliki wymienione w obowi±zkowym argumencie do \-@. Inne pliki mog±
55 byæ dodane z linii poleceñ. Ta opcja mo¿e byæ podana kilkakrotnie. Zauwa¿,
56 ¿e music123 jeszcze nie odtwarza URLi.
57 .IP \-\-
58 Koniec listy opcji.
62 Odtwórz trzy piosenki:
63 .RS
64 .B music123 test1.ogg test2.mp3 test3.wav
65 .RE
66 .PP
68 Odtwórz losowo parê katalogów i piosenek:
69 .RS
70 .B music123 \-z \-r Rock/ test1.ogg Pop/ test4.wav
71 .RE
72 .PP
76 .TP
77 /etc/music123rc
78 Opisuje których programów
79 .B music123
80 ma u¿yæ, jakie typy plików obs³uguje
81 i jakie opcje przekazuje tym¿e programom.
83 .TP
84 ~/.music123rc
85 Indywidualne ustawienia danego u¿ytkownika.
86 .PP
90 .TP
91 Autorzy:
92 .br
93 David Starner <>
94 .br
98 .TP
99 T³umacze:
100 .br
101 Grzegorz Ku¶nierz <konik@v\>
102 .br
0 .TH music123 1 "25 lipiec 2002"
3 music123 \- odtwarza ró¿ne pliki d¼wiêkowe (w tym MP3, Ogg i Wav).
6 .B music123
9 .B music123
10 jest pow³ok± wokó³ ró¿nych programów s³u¿±cych do odtwarzania plików
11 muzycznych. Mo¿e zag³êbiaæ siê w strukturê katalogów przy pomocy \-r
12 oraz losowo odtwarzaæ utwory przy pomozy \-z. U¿ywane programy i opcje
13 im przekazywane s± zawarte w plikach /etc/music123rc lub ~/.music123rc.
16 .IP \-D
17 Nie rób przerw miêdzy piosenkami (mo¿e uczyniæ music123 trudniejszym
18 do zabicia)
19 .IP \-d
20 Ustawia d³ugo¶æ przerw miêdzy piosenkami. \-d przyjmuje jeden argument,
21 wyra¿ony w sekundach. Czas mo¿e zawieraæ czê¶æ u³amkow±.
22 .IP \-i
23 Ignore extension case.
24 .IP \-h
25 Poka¿ pomoc do polecenia i zakoñcz dzia³anie.
26 .IP \-l
27 Pêtla. \-z \-l ró¿ni siê od \-Z tym, ¿e \-z \-l najpierw wylosuje
28 kolejno¶æ, a nastêpnie bêdzie odtwarza³ pliki w tej¿e kolejno¶ci
29 raz po raz; \-Z za¶ odtwarza piosenki w losowej kolejno¶ci
30 pozbawionej jakiegokolwiek porz±dku, w zwiazku z czym istnieje
31 mo¿liwo¶æ odtworzenia tego samego pliku dwa (lub wiêcej) razy
32 pod rz±d.
33 .IP \-L
34 List files and exit.
35 .IP \-q
36 Tryb cichy. ¯adne komunikaty nie s± wy¶wietlane.
37 .IP \-r
38 Rekurencyjnie zag³êbiaj siê w katalogi, zamiast je ignorowaæ.
39 .IP \-T
40 Redirect standard input, allowing \fIq\fR or \fIQ\fR keys to stop
41 after current file.
42 The player will not see its standard output anymore.
43 .IP \-v
44 Poka¿ informacjê o wersji programu i zakoñcz dzia³anie.
45 .IP \-z
46 Odtwarzaj pliki w losowej kolejno¶ci.
47 .IP \-Z
48 Odtwarzaj pliki w losowej kolejno¶ci i bez koñca.
49 .IP \-\-
50 Koniec listy opcji.
51 .IP \-@
52 Odtwarzaj pliki wymienione w obowi±zkowym argumencie do \-@. Inne pliki mog±
53 byæ dodane z linii poleceñ. Ta opcja mo¿e byæ podana kilkakrotnie. Zauwa¿,
54 ¿e music123 jeszcze nie odtwarza URLi.
58 Odtwórz trzy piosenki:
59 .RS
60 .B music123 test1.ogg test2.mp3 test3.wav
61 .RE
62 .PP
64 Odtwórz losowo parê katalogów i piosenek:
65 .RS
66 .B music123 \-z \-r Rock/ test1.ogg Pop/ test4.wav
67 .RE
68 .PP
72 .TP
73 /etc/music123rc
74 Opisuje których programów
75 .B music123
76 ma u¿yæ, jakie typy plików obs³uguje
77 i jakie opcje przekazuje tym¿e programom.
79 .TP
80 ~/.music123rc
81 Indywidualne ustawienia danego u¿ytkownika.
82 .PP
86 .TP
87 Autorzy:
88 .br
89 David Starner <>
90 .br
94 .TP
95 T³umacze:
96 .br
97 Grzegorz Ku¶nierz <konik@v\>
98 .br
2323 # music123.adb
2424 # changed by dvdeug
2525 msgid "Bad argument for -d."
26 msgstr "Falsches Argument für -d."
26 msgstr "Falsches Argument für -d."
2828 # music123.adb
2929 # changed by dvdeug
3030 msgid "Missing argument for -d."
31 msgstr "Fehlendes Argument für -d."
31 msgstr "Fehlendes Argument für -d."
3333 # music123.adb
3434 msgid "Missing argument for -@."
35 msgstr "Fehlendes Argument für -@."
35 msgstr "Fehlendes Argument für -@."
3737 # music123.adb
3838 msgid "Unknown argument found."
3939 msgstr "Unbekanntes Argument gefunden"
41 # support_routines.adb
41 # music123.adb
4242 msgid "music123: "
4343 msgstr "music123: "
45 # support_routines.adb
45 # music123.adb
4646 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
4747 msgstr "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
49 # support_routines.adb
49 # music123.adb
5050 msgid "-h This help"
5151 msgstr "-h Diese Hilfe"
53 # support_routines.adb
53 # music123.adb
5454 msgid "-q Run quiet"
5555 msgstr "-q Programmablauf ohne Ausgabe"
57 # support_routines.adb
57 # music123.adb
5858 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
5959 msgstr "-r rekursiv durch die Verzeichnisse"
61 # support_routines.adb
61 # music123.adb
6262 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
6363 msgstr "-v gibt die Version aus"
65 # support_routines.adb
65 # music123.adb
6666 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
6767 msgstr "-z mischt die Dateiliste"
69 # support_routines.adb
69 # music123.adb
7070 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
71 msgstr "Für weitere Optionen siehe Man-Page"
71 msgstr "Für weitere Optionen siehe Man-Page"
73 # support_routines.adb
73 # music123.adb
7474 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting."
7575 msgstr "Weder /etc/music123rc noch ~/.music123rc wurden gefunden. Abbruch"
77 # support_routines.adb
77 # music123.adb
7878 msgid "The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
79 msgstr "Die Konfigdatei (~/.music123rc oder /etc/music123rc) sind beschädigt"
79 msgstr "Die Konfigdatei (~/.music123rc oder /etc/music123rc) sind beschädigt"
81 # support_routines.adb
81 # music123.adb
8282 msgid "No valid filenames found."
83 msgstr "Kein gültiger Dateiname gefunden"
83 msgstr "Kein gültiger Dateiname gefunden"
85 # support_routines.adb
85 # music123.adb
8686 msgid "Playlist file not found."
8787 msgstr "Playlist Datei nicht gefunden"
0 # Mesaøoj por music123 de David Starner.
0 # Mesaĝoj por music123 de David Starner.
11 # Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS <>, 2001.
22 #
33 msgid ""
3737 msgid "Unknown argument found."
3838 msgstr "Nekonata argumento."
40 # support_routines.adb
40 # music123.adb
4141 msgid "music123: "
4242 msgstr "music123: "
44 # support_routines.adb
44 # music123.adb
4545 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
4646 msgstr "uzado: music123 [-hqrvz] dosieroj ..."
48 # support_routines.adb
48 # music123.adb
4949 msgid "-h This help"
50 msgstr "-h Æi tiu helpo"
50 msgstr "-h Ĉi tiu helpo"
52 # support_routines.adb
52 # music123.adb
5353 msgid "-q Run quiet"
5454 msgstr "-q Ruli silente"
56 # support_routines.adb
56 # music123.adb
5757 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
5858 msgstr "-r Trakti dosierujojn rekurse"
60 # support_routines.adb
60 # music123.adb
6161 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
6262 msgstr "-v Montri la version kaj eliri"
64 # support_routines.adb
64 # music123.adb
6565 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
6666 msgstr "-z Hazarde reordigi la dosierliston"
68 # support_routines.adb
68 # music123.adb
6969 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
70 msgstr "Vidu la manpaøon por pli da opcioj."
70 msgstr "Vidu la manpaĝon por pli da opcioj."
72 # support_routines.adb
72 # music123.adb
7373 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting."
7474 msgstr "Nek /etc/music123rc nek ~/.music123rc estas trovita. Eliras."
76 # support_routines.adb
76 # music123.adb
7777 msgid "The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
78 msgstr "La agordodosiero (~/.music123rc aý /etc/music123rc) estas fuþita."
78 msgstr "La agordodosiero (~/.music123rc aŭ /etc/music123rc) estas fuŝita."
80 # support_routines.adb
80 # music123.adb
8181 msgid "No valid filenames found."
8282 msgstr "Mankas validaj dosiernomoj."
84 # support_routines.adb
84 # music123.adb
8585 msgid "Playlist file not found."
8686 msgstr "Dosiero kun ludolisto ne trovita."
2424 # music123.adb
2525 msgid "Bad argument for -d."
26 msgstr "Paramètre pour -d invalide."
26 msgstr "Paramètre pour -d invalide."
2828 # music123.adb
2929 msgid "Missing argument for -d."
30 msgstr "Paramètre pour -d manquant."
30 msgstr "Paramètre pour -d manquant."
3232 # music123.adb
3333 msgid "Missing argument for -@."
34 msgstr "Paramètre pour -@ manquant."
34 msgstr "Paramètre pour -@ manquant."
3636 # music123.adb
3737 msgid "Unknown argument found."
38 msgstr "Argument inconnu trouvé."
38 msgstr "Argument inconnu trouvé."
40 # support_routines.adb
40 # music123.adb
4141 msgid "music123: "
4242 msgstr "music123 : "
44 # support_routines.adb
44 # music123.adb
4545 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
4646 msgstr "usage : music123 [-hqrvz] fichiers ..."
48 # support_routines.adb
48 # music123.adb
4949 msgid "-h This help"
5050 msgstr "-h Afficher cette aide"
52 # support_routines.adb
52 # music123.adb
5353 msgid "-q Run quiet"
54 msgstr "-q Exécuter silencieusement"
54 msgstr "-q Exécuter silencieusement"
56 # support_routines.adb
56 # music123.adb
5757 msgid "-i Ignore extension case"
5858 msgstr "-i Ignorer la casse des extensions de fichier"
60 # support_routines.adb
60 # music123.adb
6161 msgid "-L List files and exit"
6262 msgstr "-L Donner la liste des fichier et sortir"
64 # support_routines.adb
64 # music123.adb
6565 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
66 msgstr "-r Parcourir les sous-répertoires récursivement"
66 msgstr "-r Parcourir les sous-répertoires récursivement"
68 # support_routines.adb
68 # music123.adb
6969 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
7070 msgstr "-v Afficher la version et terminer"
72 # support_routines.adb
72 # music123.adb
7373 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
74 msgstr "-z Utiliser la liste de fichiers dans un ordre aléatoire"
74 msgstr "-z Utiliser la liste de fichiers dans un ordre aléaatoire"
76 # support_routines.adb
76 # music123.adb
7777 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
78 msgstr "Voir la page de manuel pour découvrir d'autres d'options."
78 msgstr "Voir la page de manuel pour découvrir d'autres d'options."
80 # support_routines.adb
80 # music123.adb
8181 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting."
82 msgstr "/etc/music123rc et ~/.music123rc sont tous les deux introuvables. Arrêt."
82 msgstr "/etc/music123rc et ~/.music123rc sont tous les deux introuvables. Arrêt."
84 # support_routines.adb
84 # music123.adb
8585 msgid "The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
8686 msgstr ""
8787 "Le fichier de configuration (~/.music123rc ou /etc/music123rc) est corrompu."
89 # support_routines.adb
89 # music123.adb
9090 msgid "No valid filenames found."
91 msgstr "Aucun nom de fichier valide n'a été trouvé."
91 msgstr "Aucun nom de fichier valide n'a été trouvée."
93 # support_routines.adb
93 # music123.adb
9494 msgid "Playlist file not found."
95 msgstr "Le fichier contenant la liste à jouer est introuvable."
95 msgstr "Le fichier contenant la liste à jouer est introuvable."
3737 msgid "Unknown argument found."
3838 msgstr ""
40 #: support_routines.adb
40 #: music123.adb
4141 msgid "music123: "
4242 msgstr ""
44 #: support_routines.adb
44 #: music123.adb
4545 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
4646 msgstr ""
48 #: support_routines.adb
48 #: music123.adb
4949 msgid "-h This help"
5050 msgstr ""
52 #: support_routines.adb
52 #: music123.adb
5353 msgid "-q Run quiet"
5454 msgstr ""
56 #: support_routines.adb
56 #: music123.adb
5757 msgid "-i Ignore extension case"
5858 msgstr ""
60 #: support_routines.adb
60 #: music123.adb
6161 msgid "-L List files and exit"
6262 msgstr ""
64 #: support_routines.adb
64 #: music123.adb
6565 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
6666 msgstr ""
68 #: support_routines.adb
68 #: music123.adb
6969 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
7070 msgstr ""
72 #: support_routines.adb
72 #: music123.adb
7373 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
7474 msgstr ""
76 #: support_routines.adb
76 #: music123.adb
7777 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
7878 msgstr ""
80 #: support_routines.adb
80 #: music123.adb
8181 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123 found. Exiting."
8282 msgstr ""
84 #: support_routines.adb
84 #: music123.adb
8585 msgid "The config file (~/.music123 or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
8686 msgstr ""
88 #: support_routines.adb
88 #: music123.adb
8989 msgid "No valid filenames found."
9090 msgstr ""
92 #: support_routines.adb
92 #: music123.adb
9393 msgid "Playlist file not found."
9494 msgstr ""
3838 msgid "Unknown argument found."
3939 msgstr "Ongeldig argument gevonden."
41 # support_routines.adb
41 # music123.adb
4242 msgid "music123: "
4343 msgstr "music123: "
45 # support_routines.adb
45 # music123.adb
4646 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
4747 msgstr "gebruik: music123 [-hqrvz] bestanden ..."
49 # support_routines.adb
49 # music123.adb
5050 msgid "-h This help"
5151 msgstr "-h Deze hulp"
53 # support_routines.adb
53 # music123.adb
5454 msgid "-q Run quiet"
5555 msgstr "-q Draai stil"
57 # support_routines.adb
57 # music123.adb
5858 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
5959 msgstr "-r Loop recursief door directories"
61 # support_routines.adb
61 # music123.adb
6262 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
63 msgstr "-v Toon het versienummer en beëindig programma"
63 msgstr "-v Toon het versienummer en beëindig programma"
65 # support_routines.adb
65 # music123.adb
6666 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
6767 msgstr "-z Maak de volgorde van de bestandslijst willekeurig"
69 # support_routines.adb
69 # music123.adb
7070 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
7171 msgstr "Zie de manpage voor meer opties."
73 # support_routines.adb
73 # music123.adb
7474 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting."
75 msgstr "/etc/music123rc noch ~/.music123rc gevonden. Programma beëindigd."
75 msgstr "/etc/music123rc noch ~/.music123rc gevonden. Programma beëindigd."
77 # support_routines.adb
77 # music123.adb
7878 msgid "The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
7979 msgstr "Het configuratiebestand (~/.music123rc of /etc/music123rc) bevat fouten."
81 # support_routines.adb
81 # music123.adb
8282 msgid "No valid filenames found."
8383 msgstr "Geen valide bestandsnamen gevonden."
85 # support_routines.adb
85 # music123.adb
8686 msgid "Playlist file not found."
8787 msgstr "De playlist is niet gevonden."
1 # Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 #
4 msgid ""
5 msgstr ""
6 "Project-Id-Version: music123 8\n"
7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2002-07-26 04:36+0200\n"
8 "Last-Translator: Grzegorz Ku¶nierz <>\n"
9 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2\n"
11 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
13 # music123.adb
14 msgid "music123 version %d by David Starner"
15 msgstr "music123 wersja %d autorstwa David'a Starner'a"
17 # music123.adb
18 msgid "No arguments found."
19 msgstr "Nie znaleziono argumentów."
21 # music123.adb
22 # changed by dvdeug
23 msgid "Bad argument for -d."
24 msgstr "Z³y argument dla -d."
26 # music123.adb
27 # changed by dvdeug
28 msgid "Missing argument for -d."
29 msgstr "Brakuj±cy argument dla -d."
31 # music123.adb
32 msgid "Missing argument for -@."
33 msgstr "Brakuj±cy argument dla -@."
35 # music123.adb
36 msgid "Unknown argument found."
37 msgstr "Nieznany argument."
39 # support_routines.adb
40 msgid "music123: "
41 msgstr "music123: "
43 # support_routines.adb
44 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
45 msgstr "sk³adnia: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
47 # support_routines.adb
48 msgid "-h This help"
49 msgstr "-h Ta pomoc"
51 # support_routines.adb
52 msgid "-q Run quiet"
53 msgstr "-q Uruchom w trybie cichym"
55 # support_routines.adb
56 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
57 msgstr "-r Zag³êbiaj siê w katalogi"
59 # support_routines.adb
60 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
61 msgstr "-v Wy¶wietl informacjê o wersji i wyjd¼"
63 # support_routines.adb
64 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
65 msgstr "-z Odtwarzaj listê losowo"
67 # support_routines.adb
68 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
69 msgstr "Zobacz stronê man aby zapoznaæ siê z pozosta³ymi opcjami."
71 # support_routines.adb
72 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting."
73 msgstr "Nie znaleziono /etc/music123rc ani ~/.music123rc. Wychodzê."
75 # support_routines.adb
76 msgid "The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
77 msgstr "Plik konfigurcji (~/.music123rc lub /etc/music123rc) jest nieprawid³owy."
79 # support_routines.adb
80 msgid "No valid filenames found."
81 msgstr "Nie odnaleziono ¿adnych prawid³owych nazw plików."
83 # support_routines.adb
84 msgid "Playlist file not found."
85 msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pliku playlisty."
1 # Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 #
4 msgid ""
5 msgstr ""
6 "Project-Id-Version: music123 8\n"
7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2002-07-26 04:36+0200\n"
8 "Last-Translator: Grzegorz Kuśnierz <>\n"
9 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2\n"
11 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
13 # music123.adb
14 msgid "music123 version %d by David Starner"
15 msgstr "music123 wersja %d autorstwa David'a Starner'a"
17 # music123.adb
18 msgid "No arguments found."
19 msgstr "Nie znaleziono argumentów."
21 # music123.adb
22 # changed by dvdeug
23 msgid "Bad argument for -d."
24 msgstr "Zły argument dla -d."
26 # music123.adb
27 # changed by dvdeug
28 msgid "Missing argument for -d."
29 msgstr "Brakujący argument dla -d."
31 # music123.adb
32 msgid "Missing argument for -@."
33 msgstr "Brakujący argument dla -@."
35 # music123.adb
36 msgid "Unknown argument found."
37 msgstr "Nieznany argument."
39 # music123.adb
40 msgid "music123: "
41 msgstr "music123: "
43 # music123.adb
44 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
45 msgstr "składnia: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
47 # music123.adb
48 msgid "-h This help"
49 msgstr "-h Ta pomoc"
51 # music123.adb
52 msgid "-q Run quiet"
53 msgstr "-q Uruchom w trybie cichym"
55 # music123.adb
56 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
57 msgstr "-r Zagłębiaj się w katalogi"
59 # music123.adb
60 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
61 msgstr "-v Wyświetl informację o wersji i wyjdź"
63 # music123.adb
64 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
65 msgstr "-z Odtwarzaj listę losowo"
67 # music123.adb
68 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
69 msgstr "Zobacz stronę man aby zapoznać się z pozostałymi opcjami."
71 # music123.adb
72 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting."
73 msgstr "Nie znaleziono /etc/music123rc ani ~/.music123rc. Wychodzę."
75 # music123.adb
76 msgid "The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
77 msgstr "Plik konfigurcji (~/.music123rc lub /etc/music123rc) jest nieprawidłowy."
79 # music123.adb
80 msgid "No valid filenames found."
81 msgstr "Nie odnaleziono żadnych prawidłowych nazw plików."
83 # music123.adb
84 msgid "Playlist file not found."
85 msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pliku playlisty."
1515 # music123.adb
1616 msgid "music123 version %d by David Starner"
17 msgstr "music123 versão %d, por David Starner"
17 msgstr "music123 versão %d, por David Starner"
1919 # music123.adb
2020 msgid "No arguments found."
21 msgstr "Argumentos não encontrados."
21 msgstr "Argumentos não encontrados."
2323 # music123.adb
2424 msgid "Bad argument for -d."
3636 msgid "Unknown argument found."
3737 msgstr "Argumento desconhecido encontrado."
39 # support_routines.adb
39 # music123.adb
4040 msgid "music123: "
4141 msgstr "music123: "
43 # support_routines.adb
43 # music123.adb
4444 msgid "usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."
4545 msgstr "uso: music123 [-hqrvz] arquivos ..."
47 # support_routines.adb
47 # music123.adb
4848 msgid "-h This help"
4949 msgstr "-h Esta ajuda"
51 # support_routines.adb
51 # music123.adb
5252 msgid "-q Run quiet"
5353 msgstr "-q Rodar quieto"
55 # support_routines.adb
55 # music123.adb
5656 msgid "-r Recurse over directories"
57 msgstr "-r Entrar nos subdiretórios"
57 msgstr "-r Entrar nos subdiretórios"
59 # support_routines.adb
59 # music123.adb
6060 msgid "-v Print the version and exit"
61 msgstr "-v Imprime a versão e sai"
61 msgstr "-v Imprime a versão e sai"
63 # support_routines.adb
63 # music123.adb
6464 msgid "-z Randomize the filelist"
65 msgstr "-z Torna a lista de arquivos aleatória."
65 msgstr "-z Torna a lista de arquivos aleatória."
67 # support_routines.adb
67 # music123.adb
6868 msgid "See the manpage for more options."
69 msgstr "Veja a página de manual para mais opções."
69 msgstr "Veja a página de manual para mais opções."
71 # support_routines.adb
71 # music123.adb
7272 msgid "Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting."
7373 msgstr "Nem o /etc/music123rc nem o ~/.music123rc foram encontrados. Saindo."
75 # support_routines.adb
75 # music123.adb
7676 msgid "The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt."
7777 msgstr ""
78 "O arquivo de configuração (~/.music123rc ou /etc/music123rc) está corrompido."
78 "O arquivo de configuração (~/.music123rc ou /etc/music123rc) está corrompido."
80 # support_routines.adb
80 # music123.adb
8181 msgid "No valid filenames found."
82 msgstr "Não foram encontrados nomes de arquivos válidos."
82 msgstr "Não foram encontrados nomes de arquivos válidos."
84 # support_routines.adb
84 # music123.adb
8585 msgid "Playlist file not found."
86 msgstr "Arquivo de playlist não encontrado."
86 msgstr "Arquivo de playlist não encontrado."
support_routines.adb less more
0 with Ada.Text_IO;
1 with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
2 with Ada.Environment_Variables;
3 with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
4 with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
5 with Ada.Calendar;
6 with Ada.Strings.Maps;
7 with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
8 with Ada.Directories;
9 with Interfaces.C;
11 with Commands;
13 package body Support_Routines is
15 -- local function and procedures declarations
16 function Matched_Extension (Extension_List : in Tool_List.Vector;
17 Filename : String;
18 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : Boolean)
19 return Tool;
21 Whitespace : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set
22 := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set (Sequence => (' ', Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT));
24 function Split_Comma (Source : in String)
25 return UString_List.Vector;
26 function Home_Directory return String;
27 function Shell_Fix (File : String) return String;
28 -- end of declarations
30 procedure Error (Error_String : String) is
31 use Ada.Text_IO;
32 begin
33 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("music123: ") & Error_String);
34 Put_Line (Standard_Error, Version);
35 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("usage: music123 [-hqrvz] files ..."));
36 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("-h This help"));
37 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("-q Run quiet"));
38 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("-i Ignore extension case"));
39 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("-L List files and exit"));
40 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("-r Recurse over directories"));
41 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("-v Print the version and exit"));
42 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("-z Randomize the filelist"));
43 New_Line (Standard_Error);
44 Put_Line (Standard_Error, N ("See the manpage for more options."));
45 end Error;
47 No_Home_Directory : exception;
49 function Home_Directory return String is
50 use Ada.Environment_Variables;
51 begin
52 if Exists ("HOME") then
53 return Value ("HOME");
54 else
55 raise No_Home_Directory;
56 end if;
57 end Home_Directory;
59 procedure Import_Conffile (Program_List : in out Tool_List.Vector)
60 is
61 use Ada.Text_IO;
62 Error_String : constant String
63 := N ("Neither /etc/music123rc or ~/.music123rc found. Exiting.");
64 Conf_File : File_Type;
65 begin
66 Program_List.Clear;
67 begin
68 Open (Conf_File, In_File, Home_Directory & "/.music123rc");
69 exception
70 when others =>
71 begin
72 Open (Conf_File, In_File, "/etc/music123rc");
73 exception
74 when others =>
75 Error (Error_String);
76 raise Noted_Error;
77 end;
78 end;
79 while not End_Of_File (Conf_File) loop
80 declare
81 Line : constant String := Get_Line (Conf_File);
82 use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
83 P_F, E_F, O_F : Positive;
84 P_L, E_L, O_L : Natural;
85 begin
86 if Head (Line, 4) = "tool" then
87 Find_Token (Source => Line, From => Line'First + 4,
88 Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, Set => Whitespace,
89 First => P_F, Last => P_L);
90 Find_Token (Source => Line, From => P_L + 1,
91 Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, Set => Whitespace,
92 First => E_F, Last => E_L);
93 O_F := Index (Source => Line, From => E_L + 1,
94 Pattern => """") + 1;
95 O_L := Index (Source => Line, From => O_F, Pattern => """") - 1;
96 Program_List.Append
97 ((Program_Length => P_L - P_F + O_L - O_F + 3,
98 Program => Line (P_F .. P_L) & " "
99 & Line (O_F .. O_L),
100 Extension_List => Split_Comma (Line (E_F .. E_L))));
101 end if;
102 end;
103 end loop;
104 Close (Conf_File);
105 exception
106 when others =>
107 if Is_Open (Conf_File) then
108 Close (Conf_File);
109 end if;
110 Put_Line ("Warning: unable to parse configuration file.");
111 raise;
112 end Import_Conffile;
114 Null_Tool : constant Tool := (Program_Length => 9, Program => "/dev/null",
115 Extension_List => UString_List.Empty_Vector);
117 function Matched_Extension (Extension_List : in Tool_List.Vector;
118 Filename : String;
119 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : Boolean)
120 return Tool is
121 use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
122 use Ada.Strings.Maps;
123 use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
124 Mapping : constant Character_Mapping
125 := (if Option_Ignore_Extension_Case then Lower_Case_Map else Identity);
126 begin
127 for This_Tool of Extension_List loop
128 for Extension of This_Tool.Extension_List loop
129 if Translate (Tail (Filename, Extension'Length), Mapping)
130 = Translate (Extension, Mapping)
131 then
132 return This_Tool;
133 end if;
134 end loop;
135 end loop;
136 return Null_Tool;
138 end Matched_Extension;
140 function Check_Filename (Full_Name : String;
141 Extension_List : Tool_List.Vector;
142 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : Boolean)
143 return Boolean is
144 use Ada.Directories;
145 begin
146 return Exists (Full_Name) and then
147 (Kind (Full_Name) = Directory or else
148 Matched_Extension (Extension_List,
149 Full_Name,
150 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case) /= Null_Tool);
151 end Check_Filename;
153 procedure Expand_And_Check_Filenames
154 (File_List : in out UString_List.Vector;
155 Option_Recurse : in Boolean;
156 Extension_List : in Tool_List.Vector;
157 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : in Boolean
158 )
159 is
160 use Ada.Directories;
161 Temporary_File_List : UString_List.Vector;
162 procedure Check_And_Append (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type);
163 procedure Check_And_Append (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
164 is
165 -- Adding, then removing the file was
166 -- creating a O(N^2) result. Check it first.
167 Simple : constant String := Simple_Name (Directory_Entry);
168 Full_Path : constant String := Full_Name (Directory_Entry);
169 begin
170 if Simple /= "."
171 and then Simple /= ".."
172 and then Check_Filename (Full_Path,
173 Extension_List,
174 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case)
175 then
176 Temporary_File_List.Append (Full_Path);
177 end if;
178 end Check_And_Append;
179 I : Integer;
180 Error_String : constant String :=
181 N ("The config file (~/.music123rc or /etc/music123rc) is corrupt.");
182 begin
183 if Extension_List.Is_Empty then
184 Error (Error_String);
185 raise Noted_Error;
186 end if;
187 I := File_List.First_Index;
188 while I <= File_List.Last_Index loop
189 declare
190 Current_File : constant String := File_List.Element (I);
191 begin
192 if not Exists (Current_File) then
193 File_List.Delete (I);
194 elsif Kind (Current_File) = Directory then
195 File_List.Delete (I);
196 if Option_Recurse then
197 begin
198 Temporary_File_List.Clear;
199 Search (Directory => Current_File,
200 Pattern => "",
201 Process => Check_And_Append'Access);
202 File_Sorting.Sort (Temporary_File_List);
203 File_List.Append (Temporary_File_List);
204 Temporary_File_List.Clear;
205 exception
206 -- Name_Error should not happen here
207 when Use_Error => null; -- no recurse after all
208 end;
209 end if;
210 else
211 I := I + 1;
212 end if;
213 end;
214 end loop;
215 if File_List.Is_Empty then
216 Error (N ("No valid filenames found."));
217 raise Noted_Error;
218 end if;
220 end Expand_And_Check_Filenames;
222 procedure Randomize_Names (File_List : in out UString_List.Vector) is
223 use Ada.Calendar;
224 use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
225 J : Positive;
226 Gen : Generator;
227 begin
228 Reset (Gen, Integer (Seconds (Clock) * 10.0));
229 -- From Knuth, TAOCP vol. 2, edition 3, page 146, 3.4.2, algorithm P
230 for I in reverse File_List.First_Index + 1 .. File_List.Last_Index loop
231 J := Integer
232 (Float'Floor (Random (Gen)
233 * Float (I + File_List.First_Index - 1)))
234 + File_List.First_Index;
235 File_List.Swap (I, J);
236 end loop;
237 end Randomize_Names;
239 function Shell_Fix (File : String) return String is
240 begin
241 if File'Length = 1 then
242 if File = "'" then
243 return "'""'""'";
244 else
245 return File;
246 end if;
247 elsif File (File'First) = ''' then
248 return "'""'""'" & Shell_Fix (File (File'First + 1 .. File'Last));
249 else
250 return File (File'First) &
251 Shell_Fix (File (File'First + 1 .. File'Last));
252 end if;
253 end Shell_Fix;
255 procedure Display_Songs (File_List : in UString_List.Vector) is
256 begin
257 for Song of File_List loop
258 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Song);
259 end loop;
260 end Display_Songs;
262 procedure Play_Songs
263 (File_List : in out UString_List.Vector;
264 Program_List : in Tool_List.Vector;
265 Delay_Length : in Duration;
266 Option_Quiet : in Boolean;
267 Option_Loop : in Boolean;
268 Option_Random : in Boolean;
269 Option_Eternal_Random : in Boolean;
270 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : in Boolean
271 ) is
273 procedure Play_A_Song (File_Name : in String);
274 procedure Play_A_Song (File_Name : in String) is
275 use Interfaces.C;
276 function System (command : char_array) return int;
277 pragma Import (C, System, "system");
278 This_Program : constant Tool := Matched_Extension
279 (Program_List,
280 File_Name,
281 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case);
282 System_String : constant String :=
283 This_Program.Program & " '" & Shell_Fix (File_Name) & "'"
284 & (if Option_Quiet then " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null" else "");
285 System_Result : constant int := System (To_C (System_String));
286 begin
287 if System_Result /= 0 then
288 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Command """ & System_String
289 & """ exited with non zero status ("
290 & int'Image (System_Result) & ").");
291 end if;
292 end Play_A_Song;
294 begin
295 if Option_Eternal_Random then
296 declare
297 subtype S is Integer
298 range File_List.First_Index .. File_List.Last_Index;
299 package S_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (S);
300 use S_Random;
301 use Ada.Calendar;
302 Gen : Generator;
303 begin
304 Reset (Gen, Integer (Seconds (Clock) * 10.0));
305 while not Commands.Repository.Have_To_Quit loop
306 Play_A_Song (File_List.Element (Random (Gen)));
307 end loop;
308 end;
309 end if;
311 if Option_Random then
312 Randomize_Names (File_List);
313 end if;
315 loop
316 for Song of File_List loop
317 exit when Commands.Repository.Have_To_Quit;
318 Play_A_Song (Song);
319 delay Delay_Length;
320 end loop;
321 exit when Commands.Repository.Have_To_Quit;
322 exit when not Option_Loop;
323 end loop;
324 end Play_Songs;
326 procedure Read_Playlist (Full_Name : String;
327 File_List : in out UString_List.Vector) is
328 use Ada.Text_IO;
329 Playlist : File_Type;
330 begin
331 begin
332 Open (Playlist, In_File, Full_Name);
333 exception
334 when others =>
335 Error (N ("Playlist file not found."));
336 raise Noted_Error;
337 end;
338 while not End_Of_File (Playlist) loop
339 declare
340 Line : constant String :=
341 Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Get_Line (Playlist), Ada.Strings.Both);
342 begin
343 if Line /= "" and then Line (1) /= '#' then
344 File_List.Append (Line);
345 end if;
346 end;
347 end loop;
348 Close (Playlist);
349 exception
350 when others =>
351 if Is_Open (Playlist) then
352 Close (Playlist);
353 end if;
354 Put_Line ("Warning: unable to parse playlist.");
355 raise;
356 end Read_Playlist;
358 function Split_Comma (Source : in String)
359 return UString_List.Vector is
360 First : Positive := Source'First;
361 Comma_Index : Natural;
362 begin
363 return Result : UString_List.Vector do
364 loop
365 Comma_Index := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Source => Source,
366 Pattern => ",",
367 From => First);
368 exit when Comma_Index = 0;
369 Result.Append ("." & Source (First .. Comma_Index - 1));
370 First := Comma_Index + 1;
371 end loop;
372 Result.Append ("." & Source (First .. Source'Last));
373 end return;
374 end Split_Comma;
376 end Support_Routines;
-65 less more
0 with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
1 with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
3 with Intl;
5 package Support_Routines is
7 package UString_List is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors
8 (Positive, String);
9 package File_Sorting is new UString_List.Generic_Sorting ("<");
11 function N (Msg : String) return String renames Intl.Gettext;
13 -- Set the major version here.
14 Version_Number : constant String := "16";
16 -- Translate the format, then replace the major version.
17 Version_Format : constant String
18 := N ("music123 version %d by David Starner");
19 Version_Index : constant Positive := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index
20 (Source => Version_Format,
21 Pattern => "%d");
22 Version : constant String := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Replace_Slice
23 (Source => Version_Format,
24 Low => Version_Index,
25 High => Version_Index + 1,
26 By => Version_Number);
28 Noted_Error : exception;
30 -- The Program field contains the command and its options.
31 type Tool
32 (Program_Length : Natural) is record
33 Program : String (1 .. Program_Length);
34 Extension_List : UString_List.Vector;
35 end record;
37 package Tool_List is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors (Positive, Tool);
39 procedure Error (Error_String : String);
40 procedure Import_Conffile (Program_List : in out Tool_List.Vector);
41 procedure Expand_And_Check_Filenames
42 (File_List : in out UString_List.Vector;
43 Option_Recurse : in Boolean;
44 Extension_List : in Tool_List.Vector;
45 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : in Boolean);
46 procedure Display_Songs (File_List : in UString_List.Vector);
47 procedure Play_Songs
48 (File_List : in out UString_List.Vector;
49 Program_List : in Tool_List.Vector;
50 Delay_Length : in Duration;
51 Option_Quiet : in Boolean;
52 Option_Loop : in Boolean;
53 Option_Random : in Boolean;
54 Option_Eternal_Random : in Boolean;
55 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : in Boolean);
56 procedure Randomize_Names (File_List : in out UString_List.Vector);
57 procedure Read_Playlist (Full_Name : String;
58 File_List : in out UString_List.Vector);
59 function Check_Filename (Full_Name : String;
60 Extension_List : Tool_List.Vector;
61 Option_Ignore_Extension_Case : Boolean)
62 return Boolean;
64 end Support_Routines;