Codebase list node-d3-shape / debian/1.3.5-1 src / pie.js

Tree @debian/1.3.5-1 (Download .tar.gz)

pie.js @debian/1.3.5-1

import constant from "./constant";
import descending from "./descending";
import identity from "./identity";
import {tau} from "./math";

export default function() {
  var value = identity,
      sortValues = descending,
      sort = null,
      startAngle = constant(0),
      endAngle = constant(tau),
      padAngle = constant(0);

  function pie(data) {
    var i,
        n = data.length,
        sum = 0,
        index = new Array(n),
        arcs = new Array(n),
        a0 = +startAngle.apply(this, arguments),
        da = Math.min(tau, Math.max(-tau, endAngle.apply(this, arguments) - a0)),
        p = Math.min(Math.abs(da) / n, padAngle.apply(this, arguments)),
        pa = p * (da < 0 ? -1 : 1),

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      if ((v = arcs[index[i] = i] = +value(data[i], i, data)) > 0) {
        sum += v;

    // Optionally sort the arcs by previously-computed values or by data.
    if (sortValues != null) index.sort(function(i, j) { return sortValues(arcs[i], arcs[j]); });
    else if (sort != null) index.sort(function(i, j) { return sort(data[i], data[j]); });

    // Compute the arcs! They are stored in the original data's order.
    for (i = 0, k = sum ? (da - n * pa) / sum : 0; i < n; ++i, a0 = a1) {
      j = index[i], v = arcs[j], a1 = a0 + (v > 0 ? v * k : 0) + pa, arcs[j] = {
        data: data[j],
        index: i,
        value: v,
        startAngle: a0,
        endAngle: a1,
        padAngle: p

    return arcs;

  pie.value = function(_) {
    return arguments.length ? (value = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), pie) : value;

  pie.sortValues = function(_) {
    return arguments.length ? (sortValues = _, sort = null, pie) : sortValues;

  pie.sort = function(_) {
    return arguments.length ? (sort = _, sortValues = null, pie) : sort;

  pie.startAngle = function(_) {
    return arguments.length ? (startAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), pie) : startAngle;

  pie.endAngle = function(_) {
    return arguments.length ? (endAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), pie) : endAngle;

  pie.padAngle = function(_) {
    return arguments.length ? (padAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), pie) : padAngle;

  return pie;