Codebase list node-moment / b3025e6
New upstream version 2.23.0+ds Julien Puydt 5 years ago
130 changed file(s) with 11324 addition(s) and 10377 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 ---
1 name: Bug report
2 about: Create a report to help us improve
4 ---
6 **Describe the bug**
7 A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
9 **To Reproduce**
10 Steps to reproduce the behavior:
11 1. Go to '...'
12 2. Click on '....'
13 3. Scroll down to '....'
14 4. See error
16 **Expected behavior**
17 A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
19 **Screenshots**
20 If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
22 **Desktop (please complete the following information):**
23 - OS: [e.g. iOS]
24 - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
25 - Version [e.g. 22]
27 **Smartphone (please complete the following information):**
28 - Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
29 - OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
30 - Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
31 - Version [e.g. 22]
33 **Moment-specific environment**
35 * The time zone setting of the machine the code is running on
36 * The time and date at which the code was run
37 * Other libraries in use (TypeScript, Immutable.js, etc)
39 Please run the following code in your environment and include the output:
40 ```
41 console.log((new Date()).toString())
42 console.log((new Date()).toLocaleString())
43 console.log((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset())
44 console.log(navigator.userAgent)
45 console.log(moment.version)
46 ```
48 **Additional context**
49 Add any other context about the problem here.
0 ---
1 name: Feature request
2 about: Suggest an idea for this project
4 ---
6 **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
7 A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
9 **Describe the solution you'd like**
10 A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
12 **Describe alternatives you've considered**
13 A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
15 **Additional context**
16 Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
1212 - secure: "M4STT2TOZxjzv3cZOgSVi0J4j6enrGjgE+p5YTNUw+S6Dg6FS5pTIPeafu1kGhfm7F0uk7xPVwGKYb+3uWNO9IhkKXz8jySMMQ2iKISHwECGNNuFNjSMD1vIjbIkLwV8TyPO/PurQg2s+WtYz+DoAZsDFKpdaRUtif64OjdQ3vQ="
1313 - secure: "V+i7kHoGe7VXWGplPNqJz+aDtgDF9Dh9/guoaf2BPyXLvkFW6VgMjJyoNUW7JVsakrWzAz2ubb734vAPDt7BCcFQ2BqfatOmabdFogviCaXC6IqVaEkYS2eSP7MIUPIeWJgnTrDGzkFMDk4K7y5SiVJ8UmYwZxe+tJV7kbb0Yig="
15 before_install: if [[ `npm -v` == 2* ]]; then npm i -g npm@3; fi
1517 install:
1618 - npm install
1719 - npm install -g grunt-cli
00 Changelog
11 =========
3 ### 2.23.0 [See full changelog](
5 * Release Dec 12, 2018
7 * [#4863]( [new locale] added Kurdish language (ku)
8 * [#4417]( [bugfix] isBetween should return false for invalid dates
9 * [#4700]( [bugfix] Fix [#4698]( Use ISO WeekYear for HTML5_FMT.WEEK
10 * [#4563]( [feature] Fix [#4518]( Add support to add/subtract ISO weeks
11 * other locale changes, build process changes, typos
313 ### 2.22.2 [See full changelog](
-25 less more
0 **Description of the Issue and Steps to Reproduce:**
2 *Please include the values of all variables used.*
4 **Environment:**
6 *Examples: Chrome 49 on OSX, Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7, Node.JS 4.4.4 on Ubuntu 16.0.4*
8 *Both the browser and the OS are important to us, particularly if you have an unsual environment like an IOT application.*
10 **Other information that may be helpful:**
11 * The time zone setting of the machine the code is running on
12 * The time and date at which the code was run
13 * Other libraries in use (TypeScript, Immutable.js, etc)
15 If you are reporting an issue, please run the following code in the environment you are using and include the output:
16 ```js
17 console.log( (new Date()).toString())
18 console.log((new Date()).toLocaleString())
19 console.log( (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset())
20 console.log( navigator.userAgent)
21 console.log(moment.version)
22 ```
24 *Ensure your issue is isolated to moment. Issues involving third party tools will be closed unless submitted by the tool's author/maintainer.*
11 <package xmlns="">
22 <metadata>
33 <id>Moment.js</id>
4 <version>2.22.2</version>
4 <version>2.23.0</version>
55 <authors>Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors</authors>
66 <owners>Cory Deppen, Iskren Chernev</owners>
77 <description>A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates.</description>
88 <releaseNotes>
9 * Release May 31, 2018
9 * Release Dec 12, 2018
11 * [#4564]( [bugfix] Avoid using trim()
12 * [#4453]( [bugfix] Treat periods as periods, not regex-anything period, for weekday parsing in strict mode.
13 * Minor locale improvements (pa-in, be, az)
11 * [#4863]( [new locale] added Kurdish language (ku)
12 * [#4417]( [bugfix] isBetween should return false for invalid dates
13 * [#4700]( [bugfix] Fix [#4698]( Use ISO WeekYear for HTML5_FMT.WEEK
14 * [#4563]( [feature] Fix [#4518]( Add support to add/subtract ISO weeks
15 * other locale changes, build process changes, typos
1416 </releaseNotes>
1517 <projectUrl></projectUrl>
1618 <iconUrl></iconUrl>
22 [![NPM version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM downloads][npm-downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![MIT License][license-image]][license-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
33 [![Coverage Status](](
44 [![FOSSA Status](](
5 [![SemVer compatibility](](
67 A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
00 {
11 "name": "moment",
2 "version": "2.22.2",
2 "version": "2.23.0",
33 "main": "moment.js",
44 "description": "Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript.",
55 "files": [
6868 "locale/km.js",
6969 "locale/kn.js",
7070 "locale/ko.js",
71 "locale/ku.js",
7172 "locale/ky.js",
7273 "locale/lb.js",
7374 "locale/lo.js",
4848 },
4949 week : {
5050 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
51 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
51 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
5252 }
5353 });
4848 },
4949 week : {
5050 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
51 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
51 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
5252 }
5353 });
111111 },
112112 week : {
113113 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
114 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
114 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
115115 }
116116 });
4848 },
4949 week : {
5050 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
51 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
51 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
5252 }
5353 });
9393 },
9494 week : {
9595 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
96 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
96 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
9797 }
9898 });
124124 },
125125 week : {
126126 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
127 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
127 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
128128 }
129129 });
9494 },
9595 week : {
9696 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
97 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
97 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
9898 }
9999 });
121121 },
122122 week : {
123123 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
124 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
124 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
125125 }
126126 });
7979 },
8080 week : {
8181 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
82 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
82 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8383 }
8484 });
108108 },
109109 week : {
110110 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
111 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
111 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
112112 }
113113 });
108108 },
109109 week : {
110110 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
111 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
111 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
112112 }
113113 });
140140 ordinal : '%d.',
141141 week : {
142142 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
143 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
143 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
144144 }
145145 });
5252 ordinal : '%d-мӗш',
5353 week : {
5454 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
55 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
55 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
5656 }
5757 });
8888 },
8989 week : {
9090 dow : 7, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
91 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
91 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
9292 }
9393 });
6060 ordinal : '%da',
6161 week : {
6262 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
63 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
63 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
6464 }
6565 });
7272 ordinal : '%dº',
7373 week : {
7474 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
75 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
75 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
7676 }
7777 });
5555 ordinal : '%d.',
5656 week : {
5757 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
58 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
58 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
5959 }
6060 });
9595 ordinal : '%dم',
9696 week : {
9797 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
98 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
98 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
9999 }
100100 });
113113 },
114114 week: {
115115 dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
116 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
116 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
117117 }
118118 });
113113 },
114114 week : {
115115 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
116 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
116 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
117117 }
118118 });
143143 ordinal : '%d.',
144144 week : {
145145 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
146 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
146 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
147147 }
148148 });
8484 },
8585 week : {
8686 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
87 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
87 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8888 }
8989 });
7171 },
7272 week : {
7373 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7575 }
7676 });
7171 },
7272 week : {
7373 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7575 }
7676 });
7676 },
7777 week : {
7878 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
79 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
79 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8080 }
8181 });
115115 },
116116 week : {
117117 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
118 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
118 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
119119 }
120120 });
0 //! moment.js locale configuration
2 ;(function (global, factory) {
3 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'
4 && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :
5 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :
6 factory(global.moment)
7 }(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';
10 var symbolMap = {
11 '1': '١',
12 '2': '٢',
13 '3': '٣',
14 '4': '٤',
15 '5': '٥',
16 '6': '٦',
17 '7': '٧',
18 '8': '٨',
19 '9': '٩',
20 '0': '٠'
21 }, numberMap = {
22 '١': '1',
23 '٢': '2',
24 '٣': '3',
25 '٤': '4',
26 '٥': '5',
27 '٦': '6',
28 '٧': '7',
29 '٨': '8',
30 '٩': '9',
31 '٠': '0'
32 },
33 months = [
34 'کانونی دووەم',
35 'شوبات',
36 'ئازار',
37 'نیسان',
38 'ئایار',
39 'حوزەیران',
40 'تەمموز',
41 'ئاب',
42 'ئەیلوول',
43 'تشرینی یەكەم',
44 'تشرینی دووەم',
45 'كانونی یەکەم'
46 ];
49 var ku = moment.defineLocale('ku', {
50 months : months,
51 monthsShort : months,
52 weekdays : 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌_دووشه‌ممه‌_سێشه‌ممه‌_چوارشه‌ممه‌_پێنجشه‌ممه‌_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
53 weekdaysShort : 'یه‌كشه‌م_دووشه‌م_سێشه‌م_چوارشه‌م_پێنجشه‌م_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
54 weekdaysMin : 'ی_د_س_چ_پ_ه_ش'.split('_'),
55 weekdaysParseExact : true,
56 longDateFormat : {
57 LT : 'HH:mm',
58 LTS : 'HH:mm:ss',
59 L : 'DD/MM/YYYY',
60 LL : 'D MMMM YYYY',
61 LLL : 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
62 LLLL : 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
63 },
64 meridiemParse: /ئێواره‌|به‌یانی/,
65 isPM: function (input) {
66 return /ئێواره‌/.test(input);
67 },
68 meridiem : function (hour, minute, isLower) {
69 if (hour < 12) {
70 return 'به‌یانی';
71 } else {
72 return 'ئێواره‌';
73 }
74 },
75 calendar : {
76 sameDay : '[ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر] LT',
77 nextDay : '[به‌یانی كاتژمێر] LT',
78 nextWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
79 lastDay : '[دوێنێ كاتژمێر] LT',
80 lastWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
81 sameElse : 'L'
82 },
83 relativeTime : {
84 future : 'له‌ %s',
85 past : '%s',
86 s : 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك',
87 ss : 'چركه‌ %d',
88 m : 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك',
89 mm : '%d خوله‌ك',
90 h : 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر',
91 hh : '%d كاتژمێر',
92 d : 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ',
93 dd : '%d ڕۆژ',
94 M : 'یه‌ك مانگ',
95 MM : '%d مانگ',
96 y : 'یه‌ك ساڵ',
97 yy : '%d ساڵ'
98 },
99 preparse: function (string) {
100 return string.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function (match) {
101 return numberMap[match];
102 }).replace(/،/g, ',');
103 },
104 postformat: function (string) {
105 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
106 return symbolMap[match];
107 }).replace(/,/g, '،');
108 },
109 week : {
110 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
111 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
112 }
113 });
115 return ku;
117 })));
4848 sameDay : '[Бүгүн саат] LT',
4949 nextDay : '[Эртең саат] LT',
5050 nextWeek : 'dddd [саат] LT',
51 lastDay : '[Кече саат] LT',
52 lastWeek : '[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
51 lastDay : '[Кечээ саат] LT',
52 lastWeek : '[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
5353 sameElse : 'L'
5454 },
5555 relativeTime : {
7676 },
7777 week : {
7878 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
79 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
79 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8080 }
8181 });
101101 ordinal : '%d.',
102102 week : {
103103 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
104 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
104 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
105105 }
106106 });
7979 },
8080 week : {
8181 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
82 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
82 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8383 }
8484 });
149149 },
150150 week : {
151151 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
152 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
152 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
153153 }
154154 });
7171 },
7272 week : {
7373 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7575 }
7676 });
7171 },
7272 week : {
7373 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
74 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7575 }
7676 });
8282 },
8383 week: {
8484 dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
85 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
85 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
8686 }
8787 });
112112 },
113113 week : {
114114 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
115 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
115 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
116116 }
117117 });
1111 monthsShortWithoutDots = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
1313 var monthsParse = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
14 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
14 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
1616 var nlBe = moment.defineLocale('nl-be', {
1717 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
2828 monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
2929 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
30 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
30 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
3131 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
3333 monthsParse : monthsParse,
1111 monthsShortWithoutDots = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
1313 var monthsParse = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
14 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
14 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
1616 var nl = moment.defineLocale('nl', {
1717 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
2828 monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
2929 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
30 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
30 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
3131 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
3333 monthsParse : monthsParse,
3333 };
3535 var paIn = moment.defineLocale('pa-in', {
36 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calender but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
36 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calendar but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
3737 months : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
3838 monthsShort : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
3939 weekdays : 'ਐਤਵਾਰ_ਸੋਮਵਾਰ_ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ_ਬੁਧਵਾਰ_ਵੀਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ਨੀਚਰਵਾਰ'.split('_'),
113113 },
114114 week : {
115115 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
116 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
116 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
117117 }
118118 });
6464 },
6565 week : {
6666 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
67 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
67 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
6868 }
6969 });
2020 } else if (number < 5) {
2121 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekunde' : 'sekundah';
2222 } else {
23 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekund' : 'sekund';
23 result += 'sekund';
2424 }
2525 return result;
2626 case 'm':
162162 ordinal : '%d.',
163163 week : {
164164 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
165 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
165 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
166166 }
167167 });
100100 ordinal : '%d.',
101101 week : {
102102 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
103 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
103 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
104104 }
105105 });
100100 ordinal : '%d.',
101101 week : {
102102 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
103 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
103 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
104104 }
105105 });
4848 },
4949 week : {
5050 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
51 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
51 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
5252 }
5353 });
118118 },
119119 week : {
120120 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
121 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
121 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
122122 }
123123 });
7878 },
7979 week : {
8080 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
81 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
81 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
8282 }
8383 });
8383 },
8484 week : {
8585 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
86 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
86 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8787 }
8888 });
4747 },
4848 week : {
4949 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
50 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
50 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
5151 }
5252 });
4747 },
4848 week : {
4949 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
50 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
50 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
5151 }
5252 });
140140 },
141141 week : {
142142 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
143 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
143 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
144144 }
145145 });
4747 },
4848 week : {
4949 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
50 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
50 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
5151 }
5252 });
55 Package.describe({
66 name: packageName,
77 summary: 'Moment.js (official): parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates - official Meteor packaging',
8 version: '2.22.2',
8 version: '2.23.0',
99 git: ''
1010 });
108108 },
109109 week : {
110110 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
111 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
111 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
112112 }
113113 });
155155 },
156156 week : {
157157 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
158 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
158 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
159159 }
160160 });
265265 },
266266 week : {
267267 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
268 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
268 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
269269 }
270270 });
312312 },
313313 week : {
314314 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
315 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
315 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
316316 }
317317 });
404404 },
405405 week : {
406406 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
407 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
407 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
408408 }
409409 });
574574 },
575575 week : {
576576 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
577 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
577 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
578578 }
579579 });
667667 },
668668 week : {
669669 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
670 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
670 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
671671 }
672672 });
787787 },
788788 week : {
789789 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
790 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
790 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
791791 }
792792 });
865865 },
866866 week : {
867867 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
868 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
868 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
869869 }
870870 });
10181018 },
10191019 week : {
10201020 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
1021 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
1021 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
10221022 }
10231023 });
11251125 },
11261126 week : {
11271127 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
1128 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
1128 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
11291129 }
11301130 });
13601360 ordinal : '%d.',
13611361 week : {
13621362 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
1363 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
1363 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
13641364 }
13651365 });
16541654 ordinal : '%d-мӗш',
16551655 week : {
16561656 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
1657 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
1657 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
16581658 }
16591659 });
20492049 },
20502050 week : {
20512051 dow : 7, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
2052 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
2052 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
20532053 }
20542054 });
25172517 ordinal : '%da',
25182518 week : {
25192519 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
2520 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
2520 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
25212521 }
25222522 });
26682668 ordinal : '%dº',
26692669 week : {
26702670 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
2671 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
2671 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
26722672 }
26732673 });
28702870 ordinal : '%d.',
28712871 week : {
28722872 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
2873 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
2873 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
28742874 }
28752875 });
29642964 ordinal : '%dم',
29652965 week : {
29662966 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
2967 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
2967 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
29682968 }
29692969 });
37233723 },
37243724 week: {
37253725 dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
3726 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
3726 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
37273727 }
37283728 });
39203920 },
39213921 week : {
39223922 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
3923 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
3923 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
39243924 }
39253925 });
40624062 ordinal : '%d.',
40634063 week : {
40644064 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
4065 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4065 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
40664066 }
40674067 });
42434243 },
42444244 week : {
42454245 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
4246 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4246 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
42474247 }
42484248 });
43134313 },
43144314 week : {
43154315 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
4316 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4316 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
43174317 }
43184318 });
46404640 },
46414641 week : {
46424642 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
4643 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4643 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
46444644 }
46454645 });
47924792 },
47934793 week : {
47944794 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
4795 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4795 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
47964796 }
47974797 });
50045004 },
50055005 week : {
50065006 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
5007 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5007 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
50085008 }
50095009 });
50745074 },
50755075 meridiem : function (hour, minute, isUpper) {
50765076 return hour < 12 ? '오전' : '오후';
5077 }
5078 });
5080 //! moment.js locale configuration
5082 var symbolMap$a = {
5083 '1': '١',
5084 '2': '٢',
5085 '3': '٣',
5086 '4': '٤',
5087 '5': '٥',
5088 '6': '٦',
5089 '7': '٧',
5090 '8': '٨',
5091 '9': '٩',
5092 '0': '٠'
5093 }, numberMap$9 = {
5094 '١': '1',
5095 '٢': '2',
5096 '٣': '3',
5097 '٤': '4',
5098 '٥': '5',
5099 '٦': '6',
5100 '٧': '7',
5101 '٨': '8',
5102 '٩': '9',
5103 '٠': '0'
5104 },
5105 months$5 = [
5106 'کانونی دووەم',
5107 'شوبات',
5108 'ئازار',
5109 'نیسان',
5110 'ئایار',
5111 'حوزەیران',
5112 'تەمموز',
5113 'ئاب',
5114 'ئەیلوول',
5115 'تشرینی یەكەم',
5116 'تشرینی دووەم',
5117 'كانونی یەکەم'
5118 ];
5121 moment.defineLocale('ku', {
5122 months : months$5,
5123 monthsShort : months$5,
5124 weekdays : 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌_دووشه‌ممه‌_سێشه‌ممه‌_چوارشه‌ممه‌_پێنجشه‌ممه‌_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
5125 weekdaysShort : 'یه‌كشه‌م_دووشه‌م_سێشه‌م_چوارشه‌م_پێنجشه‌م_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
5126 weekdaysMin : 'ی_د_س_چ_پ_ه_ش'.split('_'),
5127 weekdaysParseExact : true,
5128 longDateFormat : {
5129 LT : 'HH:mm',
5130 LTS : 'HH:mm:ss',
5131 L : 'DD/MM/YYYY',
5132 LL : 'D MMMM YYYY',
5133 LLL : 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
5134 LLLL : 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
5135 },
5136 meridiemParse: /ئێواره‌|به‌یانی/,
5137 isPM: function (input) {
5138 return /ئێواره‌/.test(input);
5139 },
5140 meridiem : function (hour, minute, isLower) {
5141 if (hour < 12) {
5142 return 'به‌یانی';
5143 } else {
5144 return 'ئێواره‌';
5145 }
5146 },
5147 calendar : {
5148 sameDay : '[ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر] LT',
5149 nextDay : '[به‌یانی كاتژمێر] LT',
5150 nextWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
5151 lastDay : '[دوێنێ كاتژمێر] LT',
5152 lastWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
5153 sameElse : 'L'
5154 },
5155 relativeTime : {
5156 future : 'له‌ %s',
5157 past : '%s',
5158 s : 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك',
5159 ss : 'چركه‌ %d',
5160 m : 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك',
5161 mm : '%d خوله‌ك',
5162 h : 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر',
5163 hh : '%d كاتژمێر',
5164 d : 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ',
5165 dd : '%d ڕۆژ',
5166 M : 'یه‌ك مانگ',
5167 MM : '%d مانگ',
5168 y : 'یه‌ك ساڵ',
5169 yy : '%d ساڵ'
5170 },
5171 preparse: function (string) {
5172 return string.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function (match) {
5173 return numberMap$9[match];
5174 }).replace(/،/g, ',');
5175 },
5176 postformat: function (string) {
5177 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
5178 return symbolMap$a[match];
5179 }).replace(/,/g, '،');
5180 },
5181 week : {
5182 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
5183 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
50775184 }
50785185 });
51205227 sameDay : '[Бүгүн саат] LT',
51215228 nextDay : '[Эртең саат] LT',
51225229 nextWeek : 'dddd [саат] LT',
5123 lastDay : '[Кече саат] LT',
5124 lastWeek : '[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
5230 lastDay : '[Кечээ саат] LT',
5231 lastWeek : '[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
51255232 sameElse : 'L'
51265233 },
51275234 relativeTime : {
51485255 },
51495256 week : {
51505257 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
5151 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5258 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
51525259 }
51535260 });
56215728 ordinal : '%d.',
56225729 week : {
56235730 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
5624 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5731 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
56255732 }
56265733 });
57515858 },
57525859 week : {
57535860 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
5754 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5861 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
57555862 }
57565863 });
59196026 //! moment.js locale configuration
5921 var symbolMap$a = {
6028 var symbolMap$b = {
59226029 '1': '१',
59236030 '2': '२',
59246031 '3': '३',
59306037 '9': '९',
59316038 '0': '०'
59326039 },
5933 numberMap$9 = {
6040 numberMap$a = {
59346041 '१': '1',
59356042 '२': '2',
59366043 '३': '3',
60226129 },
60236130 preparse: function (string) {
60246131 return string.replace(/[१२३४५६७८९०]/g, function (match) {
6025 return numberMap$9[match];
6132 return numberMap$a[match];
60266133 });
60276134 },
60286135 postformat: function (string) {
60296136 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
6030 return symbolMap$a[match];
6137 return symbolMap$b[match];
60316138 });
60326139 },
60336140 meridiemParse: /रात्री|सकाळी|दुपारी|सायंकाळी/,
60606167 },
60616168 week : {
60626169 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
6063 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6170 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
60646171 }
60656172 });
61306237 },
61316238 week : {
61326239 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
6133 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6240 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
61346241 }
61356242 });
62006307 },
62016308 week : {
62026309 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
6203 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6310 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
62046311 }
62056312 });
62556362 //! moment.js locale configuration
6257 var symbolMap$b = {
6364 var symbolMap$c = {
62586365 '1': '၁',
62596366 '2': '၂',
62606367 '3': '၃',
62656372 '8': '၈',
62666373 '9': '၉',
62676374 '0': '၀'
6268 }, numberMap$a = {
6375 }, numberMap$b = {
62696376 '၁': '1',
62706377 '၂': '2',
62716378 '၃': '3',
63196426 },
63206427 preparse: function (string) {
63216428 return string.replace(/[၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉၀]/g, function (match) {
6322 return numberMap$a[match];
6429 return numberMap$b[match];
63236430 });
63246431 },
63256432 postformat: function (string) {
63266433 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
6327 return symbolMap$b[match];
6434 return symbolMap$c[match];
63286435 });
63296436 },
63306437 week: {
63316438 dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
6332 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6439 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
63336440 }
63346441 });
63866493 //! moment.js locale configuration
6388 var symbolMap$c = {
6495 var symbolMap$d = {
63896496 '1': '१',
63906497 '2': '२',
63916498 '3': '३',
63976504 '9': '९',
63986505 '0': '०'
63996506 },
6400 numberMap$b = {
6507 numberMap$c = {
64016508 '१': '1',
64026509 '२': '2',
64036510 '३': '3',
64286535 },
64296536 preparse: function (string) {
64306537 return string.replace(/[१२३४५६७८९०]/g, function (match) {
6431 return numberMap$b[match];
6538 return numberMap$c[match];
64326539 });
64336540 },
64346541 postformat: function (string) {
64356542 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
6436 return symbolMap$c[match];
6543 return symbolMap$d[match];
64376544 });
64386545 },
64396546 meridiemParse: /राति|बिहान|दिउँसो|साँझ/,
64906597 },
64916598 week : {
64926599 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
6493 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6600 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
64946601 }
64956602 });
65006607 monthsShortWithoutDots$1 = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
65026609 var monthsParse$2 = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
6503 var monthsRegex$2 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
6610 var monthsRegex$2 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
65056612 moment.defineLocale('nl-be', {
65066613 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
65176624 monthsRegex: monthsRegex$2,
65186625 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$2,
6519 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
6626 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
65206627 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
65226629 monthsParse : monthsParse$2,
65756682 monthsShortWithoutDots$2 = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
65776684 var monthsParse$3 = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
6578 var monthsRegex$3 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
6685 var monthsRegex$3 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
65806687 moment.defineLocale('nl', {
65816688 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
65926699 monthsRegex: monthsRegex$3,
65936700 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$3,
6594 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
6701 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
65956702 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
65976704 monthsParse : monthsParse$3,
66956802 //! moment.js locale configuration
6697 var symbolMap$d = {
6804 var symbolMap$e = {
66986805 '1': '੧',
66996806 '2': '੨',
67006807 '3': '੩',
67066813 '9': '੯',
67076814 '0': '੦'
67086815 },
6709 numberMap$c = {
6816 numberMap$d = {
67106817 '੧': '1',
67116818 '੨': '2',
67126819 '੩': '3',
67206827 };
67226829 moment.defineLocale('pa-in', {
6723 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calender but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
6830 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calendar but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
67246831 months : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
67256832 monthsShort : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
67266833 weekdays : 'ਐਤਵਾਰ_ਸੋਮਵਾਰ_ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ_ਬੁਧਵਾਰ_ਵੀਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ਨੀਚਰਵਾਰ'.split('_'),
67606867 },
67616868 preparse: function (string) {
67626869 return string.replace(/[੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯੦]/g, function (match) {
6763 return numberMap$c[match];
6870 return numberMap$d[match];
67646871 });
67656872 },
67666873 postformat: function (string) {
67676874 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
6768 return symbolMap$d[match];
6875 return symbolMap$e[match];
67696876 });
67706877 },
67716878 // Punjabi notation for meridiems are quite fuzzy in practice. While there exists
68006907 },
68016908 week : {
68026909 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
6803 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6910 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
68046911 }
68056912 });
70797186 },
70807187 week : {
70817188 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
7082 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
7189 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
70837190 }
70847191 });
72567363 //! moment.js locale configuration
7258 var months$5 = [
7365 var months$6 = [
72597366 'جنوري',
72607367 'فيبروري',
72617368 'مارچ',
72807387 ];
72827389 moment.defineLocale('sd', {
7283 months : months$5,
7284 monthsShort : months$5,
7390 months : months$6,
7391 monthsShort : months$6,
72857392 weekdays : days,
72867393 weekdaysShort : days,
72877394 weekdaysMin : days,
74497556 //! moment.js locale configuration
7451 var months$6 = 'január_február_marec_apríl_máj_jún_júl_august_september_október_november_december'.split('_'),
7558 var months$7 = 'január_február_marec_apríl_máj_jún_júl_august_september_október_november_december'.split('_'),
74527559 monthsShort$5 = 'jan_feb_mar_apr_máj_jún_júl_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
74537560 function plural$5(n) {
74547561 return (n > 1) && (n < 5);
75147621 }
75167623 moment.defineLocale('sk', {
7517 months : months$6,
7624 months : months$7,
75187625 monthsShort : monthsShort$5,
75197626 weekdays : 'nedeľa_pondelok_utorok_streda_štvrtok_piatok_sobota'.split('_'),
75207627 weekdaysShort : 'ne_po_ut_st_št_pi_so'.split('_'),
76057712 } else if (number < 5) {
76067713 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekunde' : 'sekundah';
76077714 } else {
7608 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekund' : 'sekund';
7715 result += 'sekund';
76097716 }
76107717 return result;
76117718 case 'm':
77477854 ordinal : '%d.',
77487855 week : {
77497856 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
7750 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
7857 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
77517858 }
77527859 });
79028009 ordinal : '%d.',
79038010 week : {
79048011 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
7905 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8012 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
79068013 }
79078014 });
80018108 ordinal : '%d.',
80028109 week : {
80038110 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
8004 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8111 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
80058112 }
80068113 });
81818288 },
81828289 week : {
81838290 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
8184 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8185 }
8186 });
8188 //! moment.js locale configuration
8190 var symbolMap$e = {
8291 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8292 }
8293 });
8295 //! moment.js locale configuration
8297 var symbolMap$f = {
81918298 '1': '௧',
81928299 '2': '௨',
81938300 '3': '௩',
81988305 '8': '௮',
81998306 '9': '௯',
82008307 '0': '௦'
8201 }, numberMap$d = {
8308 }, numberMap$e = {
82028309 '௧': '1',
82038310 '௨': '2',
82048311 '௩': '3',
82558362 },
82568363 preparse: function (string) {
82578364 return string.replace(/[௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯௦]/g, function (match) {
8258 return numberMap$d[match];
8365 return numberMap$e[match];
82598366 });
82608367 },
82618368 postformat: function (string) {
82628369 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
8263 return symbolMap$e[match];
8370 return symbolMap$f[match];
82648371 });
82658372 },
82668373 // refer
82988405 },
82998406 week : {
83008407 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
8301 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8408 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
83028409 }
83038410 });
83758482 },
83768483 week : {
83778484 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
8378 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8485 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
83798486 }
83808487 });
88318938 },
88328939 week : {
88338940 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
8834 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8941 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
88358942 }
88368943 });
89569063 },
89579064 week : {
89589065 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
8959 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9066 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
89609067 }
89619068 });
90029109 },
90039110 week : {
90049111 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
9005 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9112 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
90069113 }
90079114 });
92489355 },
92499356 week : {
92509357 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
9251 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9252 }
9253 });
9255 //! moment.js locale configuration
9257 var months$7 = [
9358 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
9359 }
9360 });
9362 //! moment.js locale configuration
9364 var months$8 = [
92589365 'جنوری',
92599366 'فروری',
92609367 'مارچ',
92799386 ];
92819388 moment.defineLocale('ur', {
9282 months : months$7,
9283 monthsShort : months$7,
9389 months : months$8,
9390 monthsShort : months$8,
92849391 weekdays : days$1,
92859392 weekdaysShort : days$1,
92869393 weekdaysMin : days$1,
93809487 },
93819488 week : {
93829489 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
9383 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9490 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
93849491 }
93859492 });
12571257 var defaultLocaleWeek = {
12581258 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
1259 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
1259 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
12601260 };
12621262 function localeFirstDayOfWeek () {
21322132 weekdayOverflow = true;
21332133 }
21342134 } else if (w.e != null) {
2135 // local weekday -- counting starts from begining of week
2135 // local weekday -- counting starts from beginning of week
21362136 weekday = w.e + dow;
21372137 if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {
21382138 weekdayOverflow = true;
21392139 }
21402140 } else {
2141 // default to begining of week
2141 // default to beginning of week
21422142 weekday = dow;
21432143 }
21442144 }
27322732 years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
27332733 quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
27342734 months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
2735 weeks = normalizedInput.week || 0,
2735 weeks = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0,
27362736 days = || 0,
27372737 hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
27382738 minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
30363036 ms : toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1000)) * sign // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match
30373037 };
30383038 } else if (!!(match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {
3039 sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : (match[1] === '+') ? 1 : 1;
3039 sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
30403040 duration = {
30413041 y : parseIso(match[2], sign),
30423042 M : parseIso(match[3], sign),
31873187 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
31883188 return false;
31893189 }
3190 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');
3190 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
31913191 if (units === 'millisecond') {
31923192 return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf();
31933193 } else {
32003200 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
32013201 return false;
32023202 }
3203 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');
3203 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
32043204 if (units === 'millisecond') {
32053205 return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();
32063206 } else {
32093209 }
32113211 function isBetween (from, to, units, inclusivity) {
3212 var localFrom = isMoment(from) ? from : createLocal(from),
3213 localTo = isMoment(to) ? to : createLocal(to);
3214 if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) {
3215 return false;
3216 }
32123217 inclusivity = inclusivity || '()';
3213 return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(from, units) : !this.isBefore(from, units)) &&
3214 (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(to, units) : !this.isAfter(to, units));
3218 return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units) : !this.isBefore(localFrom, units)) &&
3219 (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(localTo, units) : !this.isAfter(localTo, units));
32153220 }
32173222 function isSame (input, units) {
32203225 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
32213226 return false;
32223227 }
3223 units = normalizeUnits(units || 'millisecond');
3228 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
32243229 if (units === 'millisecond') {
32253230 return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf();
32263231 } else {
32303235 }
32323237 function isSameOrAfter (input, units) {
3233 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input,units);
3238 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units);
32343239 }
32363241 function isSameOrBefore (input, units) {
3237 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input,units);
3242 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units);
32383243 }
32403245 function diff (input, units, asFloat) {
44554460 //! moment.js
4457 hooks.version = '2.22.2';
4462 hooks.version = '2.23.0';
44594464 setHookCallback(createLocal);
44954500 TIME: 'HH:mm', // <input type="time" />
44964501 TIME_SECONDS: 'HH:mm:ss', // <input type="time" step="1" />
44974502 TIME_MS: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS', // <input type="time" step="0.001" />
4498 WEEK: 'YYYY-[W]WW', // <input type="week" />
4503 WEEK: 'GGGG-[W]WW', // <input type="week" />
44994504 MONTH: 'YYYY-MM' // <input type="month" />
45004505 };
46034608 },
46044609 week : {
46054610 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
4606 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4611 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
46074612 }
46084613 });
46504655 },
46514656 week : {
46524657 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
4653 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4658 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
46544659 }
46554660 });
47604765 },
47614766 week : {
47624767 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
4763 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4768 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
47644769 }
47654770 });
48074812 },
48084813 week : {
48094814 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
4810 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4815 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
48114816 }
48124817 });
48994904 },
49004905 week : {
49014906 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
4902 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
4907 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
49034908 }
49044909 });
50695074 },
50705075 week : {
50715076 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
5072 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5077 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
50735078 }
50745079 });
51625167 },
51635168 week : {
51645169 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
5165 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5170 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
51665171 }
51675172 });
52825287 },
52835288 week : {
52845289 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
5285 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5290 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
52865291 }
52875292 });
53605365 },
53615366 week : {
53625367 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
5363 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5368 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
53645369 }
53655370 });
55135518 },
55145519 week : {
55155520 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
5516 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5521 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
55175522 }
55185523 });
56205625 },
56215626 week : {
56225627 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
5623 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5628 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
56245629 }
56255630 });
58555860 ordinal : '%d.',
58565861 week : {
58575862 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
5858 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
5863 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
58595864 }
58605865 });
61496154 ordinal : '%d-мӗш',
61506155 week : {
61516156 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
6152 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6157 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
61536158 }
61546159 });
65446549 },
65456550 week : {
65466551 dow : 7, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
6547 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
6552 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
65486553 }
65496554 });
70087013 ordinal : '%da',
70097014 week : {
70107015 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
7011 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
7016 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
70127017 }
70137018 });
71597164 ordinal : '%dº',
71607165 week : {
71617166 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
7162 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
7167 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
71637168 }
71647169 });
73617366 ordinal : '%d.',
73627367 week : {
73637368 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
7364 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
7369 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
73657370 }
73667371 });
74557460 ordinal : '%dم',
74567461 week : {
74577462 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
7458 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
7463 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
74597464 }
74607465 });
82148219 },
82158220 week: {
82168221 dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
8217 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8222 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
82188223 }
82198224 });
84118416 },
84128417 week : {
84138418 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
8414 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8419 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
84158420 }
84168421 });
85538558 ordinal : '%d.',
85548559 week : {
85558560 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
8556 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8561 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
85578562 }
85588563 });
87348739 },
87358740 week : {
87368741 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
8737 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8742 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
87388743 }
87398744 });
88048809 },
88058810 week : {
88068811 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
8807 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
8812 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
88088813 }
88098814 });
91319136 },
91329137 week : {
91339138 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
9134 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9139 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
91359140 }
91369141 });
92839288 },
92849289 week : {
92859290 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
9286 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9291 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
92879292 }
92889293 });
94959500 },
94969501 week : {
94979502 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
9498 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9503 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
94999504 }
95009505 });
95659570 },
95669571 meridiem : function (hour, minute, isUpper) {
95679572 return hour < 12 ? '오전' : '오후';
9573 }
9574 });
9576 //! moment.js locale configuration
9578 var symbolMap$a = {
9579 '1': '١',
9580 '2': '٢',
9581 '3': '٣',
9582 '4': '٤',
9583 '5': '٥',
9584 '6': '٦',
9585 '7': '٧',
9586 '8': '٨',
9587 '9': '٩',
9588 '0': '٠'
9589 }, numberMap$9 = {
9590 '١': '1',
9591 '٢': '2',
9592 '٣': '3',
9593 '٤': '4',
9594 '٥': '5',
9595 '٦': '6',
9596 '٧': '7',
9597 '٨': '8',
9598 '٩': '9',
9599 '٠': '0'
9600 },
9601 months$6 = [
9602 'کانونی دووەم',
9603 'شوبات',
9604 'ئازار',
9605 'نیسان',
9606 'ئایار',
9607 'حوزەیران',
9608 'تەمموز',
9609 'ئاب',
9610 'ئەیلوول',
9611 'تشرینی یەكەم',
9612 'تشرینی دووەم',
9613 'كانونی یەکەم'
9614 ];
9617 hooks.defineLocale('ku', {
9618 months : months$6,
9619 monthsShort : months$6,
9620 weekdays : 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌_دووشه‌ممه‌_سێشه‌ممه‌_چوارشه‌ممه‌_پێنجشه‌ممه‌_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
9621 weekdaysShort : 'یه‌كشه‌م_دووشه‌م_سێشه‌م_چوارشه‌م_پێنجشه‌م_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
9622 weekdaysMin : 'ی_د_س_چ_پ_ه_ش'.split('_'),
9623 weekdaysParseExact : true,
9624 longDateFormat : {
9625 LT : 'HH:mm',
9626 LTS : 'HH:mm:ss',
9627 L : 'DD/MM/YYYY',
9628 LL : 'D MMMM YYYY',
9629 LLL : 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
9630 LLLL : 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
9631 },
9632 meridiemParse: /ئێواره‌|به‌یانی/,
9633 isPM: function (input) {
9634 return /ئێواره‌/.test(input);
9635 },
9636 meridiem : function (hour, minute, isLower) {
9637 if (hour < 12) {
9638 return 'به‌یانی';
9639 } else {
9640 return 'ئێواره‌';
9641 }
9642 },
9643 calendar : {
9644 sameDay : '[ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر] LT',
9645 nextDay : '[به‌یانی كاتژمێر] LT',
9646 nextWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
9647 lastDay : '[دوێنێ كاتژمێر] LT',
9648 lastWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
9649 sameElse : 'L'
9650 },
9651 relativeTime : {
9652 future : 'له‌ %s',
9653 past : '%s',
9654 s : 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك',
9655 ss : 'چركه‌ %d',
9656 m : 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك',
9657 mm : '%d خوله‌ك',
9658 h : 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر',
9659 hh : '%d كاتژمێر',
9660 d : 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ',
9661 dd : '%d ڕۆژ',
9662 M : 'یه‌ك مانگ',
9663 MM : '%d مانگ',
9664 y : 'یه‌ك ساڵ',
9665 yy : '%d ساڵ'
9666 },
9667 preparse: function (string) {
9668 return string.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function (match) {
9669 return numberMap$9[match];
9670 }).replace(/،/g, ',');
9671 },
9672 postformat: function (string) {
9673 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
9674 return symbolMap$a[match];
9675 }).replace(/,/g, '،');
9676 },
9677 week : {
9678 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
9679 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
95689680 }
95699681 });
96119723 sameDay : '[Бүгүн саат] LT',
96129724 nextDay : '[Эртең саат] LT',
96139725 nextWeek : 'dddd [саат] LT',
9614 lastDay : '[Кече саат] LT',
9615 lastWeek : '[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
9726 lastDay : '[Кечээ саат] LT',
9727 lastWeek : '[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
96169728 sameElse : 'L'
96179729 },
96189730 relativeTime : {
96399751 },
96409752 week : {
96419753 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
9642 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
9754 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
96439755 }
96449756 });
1011210224 ordinal : '%d.',
1011310225 week : {
1011410226 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
10115 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
10227 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1011610228 }
1011710229 });
1024210354 },
1024310355 week : {
1024410356 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
10245 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
10357 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1024610358 }
1024710359 });
1041010522 //! moment.js locale configuration
10412 var symbolMap$a = {
10524 var symbolMap$b = {
1041310525 '1': '१',
1041410526 '2': '२',
1041510527 '3': '३',
1042110533 '9': '९',
1042210534 '0': '०'
1042310535 },
10424 numberMap$9 = {
10536 numberMap$a = {
1042510537 '१': '1',
1042610538 '२': '2',
1042710539 '३': '3',
1051310625 },
1051410626 preparse: function (string) {
1051510627 return string.replace(/[१२३४५६७८९०]/g, function (match) {
10516 return numberMap$9[match];
10628 return numberMap$a[match];
1051710629 });
1051810630 },
1051910631 postformat: function (string) {
1052010632 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
10521 return symbolMap$a[match];
10633 return symbolMap$b[match];
1052210634 });
1052310635 },
1052410636 meridiemParse: /रात्री|सकाळी|दुपारी|सायंकाळी/,
1055110663 },
1055210664 week : {
1055310665 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
10554 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
10666 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
1055510667 }
1055610668 });
1062110733 },
1062210734 week : {
1062310735 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
10624 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
10736 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1062510737 }
1062610738 });
1069110803 },
1069210804 week : {
1069310805 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
10694 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
10806 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1069510807 }
1069610808 });
1074610858 //! moment.js locale configuration
10748 var symbolMap$b = {
10860 var symbolMap$c = {
1074910861 '1': '၁',
1075010862 '2': '၂',
1075110863 '3': '၃',
1075610868 '8': '၈',
1075710869 '9': '၉',
1075810870 '0': '၀'
10759 }, numberMap$a = {
10871 }, numberMap$b = {
1076010872 '၁': '1',
1076110873 '၂': '2',
1076210874 '၃': '3',
1081010922 },
1081110923 preparse: function (string) {
1081210924 return string.replace(/[၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉၀]/g, function (match) {
10813 return numberMap$a[match];
10925 return numberMap$b[match];
1081410926 });
1081510927 },
1081610928 postformat: function (string) {
1081710929 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
10818 return symbolMap$b[match];
10930 return symbolMap$c[match];
1081910931 });
1082010932 },
1082110933 week: {
1082210934 dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
10823 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
10935 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
1082410936 }
1082510937 });
1087710989 //! moment.js locale configuration
10879 var symbolMap$c = {
10991 var symbolMap$d = {
1088010992 '1': '१',
1088110993 '2': '२',
1088210994 '3': '३',
1088811000 '9': '९',
1088911001 '0': '०'
1089011002 },
10891 numberMap$b = {
11003 numberMap$c = {
1089211004 '१': '1',
1089311005 '२': '2',
1089411006 '३': '3',
1091911031 },
1092011032 preparse: function (string) {
1092111033 return string.replace(/[१२३४५६७८९०]/g, function (match) {
10922 return numberMap$b[match];
11034 return numberMap$c[match];
1092311035 });
1092411036 },
1092511037 postformat: function (string) {
1092611038 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
10927 return symbolMap$c[match];
11039 return symbolMap$d[match];
1092811040 });
1092911041 },
1093011042 meridiemParse: /राति|बिहान|दिउँसो|साँझ/,
1098111093 },
1098211094 week : {
1098311095 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
10984 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
11096 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
1098511097 }
1098611098 });
1099111103 monthsShortWithoutDots$1 = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
1099311105 var monthsParse$2 = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
10994 var monthsRegex$3 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
11106 var monthsRegex$3 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
1099611108 hooks.defineLocale('nl-be', {
1099711109 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
1100811120 monthsRegex: monthsRegex$3,
1100911121 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$3,
11010 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
11122 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
1101111123 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
1101311125 monthsParse : monthsParse$2,
1106611178 monthsShortWithoutDots$2 = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
1106811180 var monthsParse$3 = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
11069 var monthsRegex$4 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
11181 var monthsRegex$4 = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
1107111183 hooks.defineLocale('nl', {
1107211184 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
1108311195 monthsRegex: monthsRegex$4,
1108411196 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$4,
11085 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
11197 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
1108611198 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
1108811200 monthsParse : monthsParse$3,
1118611298 //! moment.js locale configuration
11188 var symbolMap$d = {
11300 var symbolMap$e = {
1118911301 '1': '੧',
1119011302 '2': '੨',
1119111303 '3': '੩',
1119711309 '9': '੯',
1119811310 '0': '੦'
1119911311 },
11200 numberMap$c = {
11312 numberMap$d = {
1120111313 '੧': '1',
1120211314 '੨': '2',
1120311315 '੩': '3',
1121111323 };
1121311325 hooks.defineLocale('pa-in', {
11214 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calender but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
11326 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calendar but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
1121511327 months : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
1121611328 monthsShort : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
1121711329 weekdays : 'ਐਤਵਾਰ_ਸੋਮਵਾਰ_ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ_ਬੁਧਵਾਰ_ਵੀਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ਨੀਚਰਵਾਰ'.split('_'),
1125111363 },
1125211364 preparse: function (string) {
1125311365 return string.replace(/[੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯੦]/g, function (match) {
11254 return numberMap$c[match];
11366 return numberMap$d[match];
1125511367 });
1125611368 },
1125711369 postformat: function (string) {
1125811370 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
11259 return symbolMap$d[match];
11371 return symbolMap$e[match];
1126011372 });
1126111373 },
1126211374 // Punjabi notation for meridiems are quite fuzzy in practice. While there exists
1129111403 },
1129211404 week : {
1129311405 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
11294 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
11406 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
1129511407 }
1129611408 });
1157011682 },
1157111683 week : {
1157211684 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
11573 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
11685 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1157411686 }
1157511687 });
1174711859 //! moment.js locale configuration
11749 var months$6 = [
11861 var months$7 = [
1175011862 'جنوري',
1175111863 'فيبروري',
1175211864 'مارچ',
1177111883 ];
1177311885 hooks.defineLocale('sd', {
11774 months : months$6,
11775 monthsShort : months$6,
11886 months : months$7,
11887 monthsShort : months$7,
1177611888 weekdays : days$1,
1177711889 weekdaysShort : days$1,
1177811890 weekdaysMin : days$1,
1194012052 //! moment.js locale configuration
11942 var months$7 = 'január_február_marec_apríl_máj_jún_júl_august_september_október_november_december'.split('_'),
12054 var months$8 = 'január_február_marec_apríl_máj_jún_júl_august_september_október_november_december'.split('_'),
1194312055 monthsShort$5 = 'jan_feb_mar_apr_máj_jún_júl_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
1194412056 function plural$5(n) {
1194512057 return (n > 1) && (n < 5);
1200512117 }
1200712119 hooks.defineLocale('sk', {
12008 months : months$7,
12120 months : months$8,
1200912121 monthsShort : monthsShort$5,
1201012122 weekdays : 'nedeľa_pondelok_utorok_streda_štvrtok_piatok_sobota'.split('_'),
1201112123 weekdaysShort : 'ne_po_ut_st_št_pi_so'.split('_'),
1209612208 } else if (number < 5) {
1209712209 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekunde' : 'sekundah';
1209812210 } else {
12099 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekund' : 'sekund';
12211 result += 'sekund';
1210012212 }
1210112213 return result;
1210212214 case 'm':
1223812350 ordinal : '%d.',
1223912351 week : {
1224012352 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
12241 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
12353 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1224212354 }
1224312355 });
1239312505 ordinal : '%d.',
1239412506 week : {
1239512507 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
12396 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
12508 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1239712509 }
1239812510 });
1249212604 ordinal : '%d.',
1249312605 week : {
1249412606 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
12495 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
12607 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1249612608 }
1249712609 });
1267212784 },
1267312785 week : {
1267412786 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
12675 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
12787 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1267612788 }
1267712789 });
1267912791 //! moment.js locale configuration
12681 var symbolMap$e = {
12793 var symbolMap$f = {
1268212794 '1': '௧',
1268312795 '2': '௨',
1268412796 '3': '௩',
1268912801 '8': '௮',
1269012802 '9': '௯',
1269112803 '0': '௦'
12692 }, numberMap$d = {
12804 }, numberMap$e = {
1269312805 '௧': '1',
1269412806 '௨': '2',
1269512807 '௩': '3',
1274612858 },
1274712859 preparse: function (string) {
1274812860 return string.replace(/[௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯௦]/g, function (match) {
12749 return numberMap$d[match];
12861 return numberMap$e[match];
1275012862 });
1275112863 },
1275212864 postformat: function (string) {
1275312865 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
12754 return symbolMap$e[match];
12866 return symbolMap$f[match];
1275512867 });
1275612868 },
1275712869 // refer
1278912901 },
1279012902 week : {
1279112903 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
12792 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
12904 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
1279312905 }
1279412906 });
1286612978 },
1286712979 week : {
1286812980 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
12869 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
12981 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
1287012982 }
1287112983 });
1332213434 },
1332313435 week : {
1332413436 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
13325 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
13437 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1332613438 }
1332713439 });
1344713559 },
1344813560 week : {
1344913561 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
13450 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
13562 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
1345113563 }
1345213564 });
1349313605 },
1349413606 week : {
1349513607 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
13496 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
13608 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
1349713609 }
1349813610 });
1373913851 },
1374013852 week : {
1374113853 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
13742 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
13854 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1374313855 }
1374413856 });
1374613858 //! moment.js locale configuration
13748 var months$8 = [
13860 var months$9 = [
1374913861 'جنوری',
1375013862 'فروری',
1375113863 'مارچ',
1377013882 ];
1377213884 hooks.defineLocale('ur', {
13773 months : months$8,
13774 monthsShort : months$8,
13885 months : months$9,
13886 monthsShort : months$9,
1377513887 weekdays : days$2,
1377613888 weekdaysShort : days$2,
1377713889 weekdaysMin : days$2,
1387113983 },
1387213984 week : {
1387313985 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
13874 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
13986 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
1387513987 }
1387613988 });
161161 var r;
162162 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
163163 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
164 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
165 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
164 if (locale !== 'ka') {
165 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
166 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
167 }
166168 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
167169 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
169171 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
170172 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
171 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
172 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
173 if (locale !== 'ka') {
174 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
175 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
176 }
173177 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
174178 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
175179 }
198202 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
199203 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
200204 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
201 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
202 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
205 if (locale !== 'ka') {
206 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
207 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
208 }
203209 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
204210 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
205211 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
206212 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
207 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
208 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
213 if (locale !== 'ka') {
214 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
215 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
216 }
209217 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
210218 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
211219 }
626634 var r;
627635 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
628636 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
629 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
630 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
637 if (locale !== 'ka') {
638 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
639 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
640 }
631641 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
632642 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
634644 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
635645 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
636 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
637 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
646 if (locale !== 'ka') {
647 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
648 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
649 }
638650 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
639651 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
640652 }
663675 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
664676 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
665677 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
666 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
667 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
678 if (locale !== 'ka') {
679 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
680 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
681 }
668682 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
669683 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
670684 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
671685 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
672 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
673 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
686 if (locale !== 'ka') {
687 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
688 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
689 }
674690 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
675691 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
676692 }
10911107 var r;
10921108 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
10931109 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
1094 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1095 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
1110 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1111 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1112 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
1113 }
10961114 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
10971115 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
10991117 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
11001118 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
1101 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1102 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
1119 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1120 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1121 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
1122 }
11031123 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
11041124 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
11051125 }
11281148 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
11291149 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
11301150 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
1131 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1132 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
1151 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1152 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1153 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
1154 }
11331155 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
11341156 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
11351157 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
11361158 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
1137 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1138 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
1159 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1160 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1161 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
1162 }
11391163 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
11401164 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
11411165 }
15561580 var r;
15571581 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
15581582 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
1559 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1560 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
1583 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1584 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1585 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
1586 }
15611587 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
15621588 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
15641590 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
15651591 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
1566 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1567 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
1592 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1593 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1594 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
1595 }
15681596 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
15691597 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
15701598 }
15931621 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
15941622 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
15951623 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
1596 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1597 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
1624 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1625 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
1626 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
1627 }
15981628 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
15991629 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
16001630 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
16011631 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
1602 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1603 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
1632 if (locale !== 'ka') {
1633 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
1634 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
1635 }
16041636 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
16051637 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
16061638 }
20632095 var r;
20642096 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
20652097 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
2066 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2067 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
2098 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2099 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2100 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
2101 }
20682102 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
20692103 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
20712105 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
20722106 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
2073 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2074 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
2107 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2108 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2109 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
2110 }
20752111 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
20762112 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
20772113 }
21002136 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
21012137 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
21022138 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
2103 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2104 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
2139 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2140 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2141 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
2142 }
21052143 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
21062144 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
21072145 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
21082146 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
2109 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2110 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
2147 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2148 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2149 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
2150 }
21112151 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
21122152 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
21132153 }
25282568 var r;
25292569 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
25302570 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
2531 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2532 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
2571 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2572 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2573 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
2574 }
25332575 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
25342576 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
25362578 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
25372579 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
2538 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2539 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
2580 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2581 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2582 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
2583 }
25402584 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
25412585 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
25422586 }
25652609 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
25662610 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
25672611 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
2568 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2569 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
2612 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2613 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
2614 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
2615 }
25702616 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
25712617 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
25722618 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
25732619 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
2574 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2575 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
2620 if (locale !== 'ka') {
2621 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
2622 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
2623 }
25762624 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
25772625 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
25782626 }
30003048 var r;
30013049 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
30023050 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
3003 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3004 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
3051 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3052 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3053 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
3054 }
30053055 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
30063056 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
30083058 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
30093059 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
3010 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3011 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
3060 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3061 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3062 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
3063 }
30123064 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
30133065 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
30143066 }
30373089 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
30383090 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
30393091 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
3040 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3041 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
3092 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3093 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3094 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
3095 }
30423096 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
30433097 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
30443098 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
30453099 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
3046 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3047 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
3100 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3101 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3102 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
3103 }
30483104 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
30493105 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
30503106 }
35413597 var r;
35423598 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
35433599 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
3544 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3545 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
3600 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3601 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3602 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
3603 }
35463604 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
35473605 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
35493607 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
35503608 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
3551 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3552 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
3609 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3610 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3611 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
3612 }
35533613 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
35543614 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
35553615 }
35783638 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
35793639 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
35803640 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
3581 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3582 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
3641 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3642 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
3643 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
3644 }
35833645 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
35843646 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
35853647 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
35863648 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
3587 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3588 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
3649 if (locale !== 'ka') {
3650 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
3651 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
3652 }
35893653 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
35903654 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
35913655 }
40484112 var r;
40494113 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
40504114 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
4051 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4052 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
4115 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4116 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4117 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
4118 }
40534119 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
40544120 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
40564122 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
40574123 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
4058 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4059 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
4124 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4125 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4126 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
4127 }
40604128 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
40614129 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
40624130 }
40854153 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
40864154 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
40874155 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
4088 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4089 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
4156 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4157 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4158 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
4159 }
40904160 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
40914161 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
40924162 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
40934163 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
4094 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4095 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
4164 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4165 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4166 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
4167 }
40964168 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
40974169 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
40984170 }
45234595 var r;
45244596 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
45254597 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
4526 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4527 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
4598 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4599 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4600 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
4601 }
45284602 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
45294603 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
45314605 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
45324606 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
4533 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4534 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
4607 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4608 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4609 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
4610 }
45354611 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
45364612 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
45374613 }
45604636 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
45614637 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
45624638 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
4563 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4564 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
4639 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4640 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
4641 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
4642 }
45654643 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
45664644 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
45674645 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
45684646 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
4569 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4570 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
4647 if (locale !== 'ka') {
4648 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
4649 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
4650 }
45714651 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
45724652 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
45734653 }
50475127 var r;
50485128 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
50495129 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
5050 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5051 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
5130 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5131 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5132 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
5133 }
50525134 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
50535135 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
50555137 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
50565138 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
5057 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5058 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
5139 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5140 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5141 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
5142 }
50595143 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
50605144 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
50615145 }
50845168 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
50855169 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
50865170 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
5087 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5088 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
5171 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5172 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5173 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
5174 }
50895175 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
50905176 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
50915177 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
50925178 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
5093 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5094 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
5179 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5180 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5181 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
5182 }
50955183 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
50965184 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
50975185 }
55275615 var r;
55285616 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
55295617 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
5530 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5531 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
5618 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5619 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5620 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
5621 }
55325622 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
55335623 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
55355625 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
55365626 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
5537 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5538 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
5627 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5628 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5629 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
5630 }
55395631 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
55405632 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
55415633 }
55645656 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
55655657 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
55665658 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
5567 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5568 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
5659 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5660 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5661 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
5662 }
55695663 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
55705664 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
55715665 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
55725666 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
5573 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5574 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
5667 if (locale !== 'ka') {
5668 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5669 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
5670 }
55755671 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
55765672 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
55775673 }
59626058 var r;
59636059 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
59646060 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
5965 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
5966 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
6061 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6062 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6063 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
6064 }
59676065 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
59686066 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
59706068 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
59716069 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
5972 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
5973 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
6070 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6071 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6072 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
6073 }
59746074 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
59756075 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
59766076 }
59996099 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
60006100 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
60016101 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
6002 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6003 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
6102 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6103 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6104 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
6105 }
60046106 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
60056107 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
60066108 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
60076109 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
6008 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6009 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
6110 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6111 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6112 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
6113 }
60106114 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
60116115 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
60126116 }
64426546 var r;
64436547 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
64446548 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
6445 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6446 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
6549 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6550 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6551 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
6552 }
64476553 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
64486554 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
64506556 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
64516557 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
6452 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6453 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
6558 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6559 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6560 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
6561 }
64546562 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
64556563 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
64566564 }
64796587 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
64806588 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
64816589 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
6482 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6483 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
6590 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6591 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6592 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
6593 }
64846594 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
64856595 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
64866596 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
64876597 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
6488 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6489 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
6598 if (locale !== 'ka') {
6599 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6600 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
6601 }
64906602 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
64916603 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
64926604 }
69237035 var r;
69247036 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
69257037 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
6926 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6927 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
7038 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7039 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7040 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
7041 }
69287042 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
69297043 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
69317045 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
69327046 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
6933 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6934 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
7047 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7048 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7049 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
7050 }
69357051 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
69367052 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
69377053 }
69607076 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
69617077 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
69627078 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
6963 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
6964 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
7079 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7080 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7081 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
7082 }
69657083 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
69667084 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
69677085 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
69687086 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
6969 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
6970 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
7087 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7088 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7089 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
7090 }
69717091 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
69727092 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
69737093 }
74057525 var r;
74067526 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
74077527 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
7408 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7409 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
7528 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7529 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7530 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
7531 }
74107532 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
74117533 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
74137535 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
74147536 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
7415 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7416 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
7537 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7538 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7539 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
7540 }
74177541 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
74187542 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
74197543 }
74427566 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
74437567 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
74447568 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
7445 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7446 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
7569 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7570 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7571 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
7572 }
74477573 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
74487574 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
74497575 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
74507576 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
7451 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7452 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
7577 if (locale !== 'ka') {
7578 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7579 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
7580 }
74537581 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
74547582 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
74557583 }
79028030 var r;
79038031 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
79048032 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
7905 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7906 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
8033 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8034 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8035 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
8036 }
79078037 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
79088038 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
79108040 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
79118041 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
7912 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7913 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
8042 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8043 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8044 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
8045 }
79148046 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
79158047 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
79168048 }
79398071 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
79408072 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
79418073 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
7942 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
7943 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
8074 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8075 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8076 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
8077 }
79448078 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
79458079 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
79468080 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
79478081 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
7948 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
7949 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
8082 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8083 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8084 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
8085 }
79508086 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
79518087 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
79528088 }
83738509 var r;
83748510 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
83758511 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
8376 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8377 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
8512 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8513 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8514 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
8515 }
83788516 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
83798517 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
83818519 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
83828520 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
8383 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8384 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
8521 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8522 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8523 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
8524 }
83858525 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
83868526 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
83878527 }
84108550 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
84118551 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
84128552 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
8413 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8414 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
8553 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8554 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8555 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
8556 }
84158557 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
84168558 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
84178559 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
84188560 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
8419 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8420 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
8561 if (locale !== 'ka') {
8562 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8563 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
8564 }
84218565 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
84228566 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
84238567 }
89359079 var r;
89369080 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
89379081 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
8938 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8939 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
9082 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9083 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9084 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
9085 }
89409086 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
89419087 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
89439089 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
89449090 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
8945 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8946 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
9091 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9092 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9093 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
9094 }
89479095 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
89489096 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
89499097 }
89729120 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
89739121 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
89749122 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
8975 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
8976 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
9123 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9124 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9125 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
9126 }
89779127 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
89789128 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
89799129 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
89809130 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
8981 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
8982 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
9131 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9132 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9133 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
9134 }
89839135 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
89849136 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
89859137 }
94059557 var r;
94069558 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
94079559 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
9408 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9409 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
9560 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9561 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9562 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
9563 }
94109564 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
94119565 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
94139567 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
94149568 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
9415 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9416 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
9569 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9570 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9571 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
9572 }
94179573 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
94189574 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
94199575 }
94429598 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
94439599 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
94449600 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
9445 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9446 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
9601 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9602 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9603 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
9604 }
94479605 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
94489606 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
94499607 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
94509608 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
9451 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9452 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
9609 if (locale !== 'ka') {
9610 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9611 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
9612 }
94539613 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
94549614 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
94559615 }
986810028 var r;
986910029 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
987010030 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
9871 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9872 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
10031 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10032 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10033 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
10034 }
987310035 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
987410036 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
987610038 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
987710039 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
9878 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9879 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
10040 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10041 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10042 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
10043 }
988010044 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
988110045 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
988210046 }
990510069 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
990610070 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
990710071 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
9908 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
9909 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
10072 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10073 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10074 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
10075 }
991010076 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
991110077 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
991210078 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
991310079 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
9914 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
9915 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
10080 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10081 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10082 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
10083 }
991610084 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
991710085 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
991810086 }
1033510503 var r;
1033610504 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1033710505 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
10338 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10339 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
10506 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10507 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10508 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
10509 }
1034010510 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1034110511 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1034310513 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1034410514 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
10345 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10346 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
10515 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10516 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10517 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
10518 }
1034710519 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1034810520 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1034910521 }
1037210544 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1037310545 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1037410546 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
10375 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10376 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
10547 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10548 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10549 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
10550 }
1037710551 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1037810552 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1037910553 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1038010554 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
10381 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10382 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
10555 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10556 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10557 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
10558 }
1038310559 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1038410560 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1038510561 }
1079610972 var r;
1079710973 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1079810974 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
10799 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10800 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
10975 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10976 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10977 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
10978 }
1080110979 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1080210980 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1080410982 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1080510983 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
10806 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10807 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
10984 if (locale !== 'ka') {
10985 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10986 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
10987 }
1080810988 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1080910989 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1081010990 }
1083311013 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1083411014 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1083511015 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
10836 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
10837 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
11016 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11017 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11018 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
11019 }
1083811020 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1083911021 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1084011022 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1084111023 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
10842 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
10843 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
11024 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11025 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11026 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
11027 }
1084411028 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1084511029 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1084611030 }
1125711441 var r;
1125811442 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1125911443 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
11260 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11261 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
11444 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11445 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11446 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
11447 }
1126211448 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1126311449 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1126511451 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1126611452 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
11267 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11268 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
11453 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11454 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11455 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
11456 }
1126911457 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1127011458 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1127111459 }
1129411482 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1129511483 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1129611484 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
11297 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11298 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
11485 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11486 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11487 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
11488 }
1129911489 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1130011490 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1130111491 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1130211492 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
11303 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11304 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
11493 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11494 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11495 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
11496 }
1130511497 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1130611498 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1130711499 }
1171711909 var r;
1171811910 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1171911911 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
11720 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11721 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
11912 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11913 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11914 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
11915 }
1172211916 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1172311917 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1172511919 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1172611920 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
11727 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11728 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
11921 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11922 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11923 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
11924 }
1172911925 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1173011926 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1173111927 }
1175411950 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1175511951 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1175611952 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
11757 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11758 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
11953 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11954 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
11955 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
11956 }
1175911957 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1176011958 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1176111959 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1176211960 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
11763 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11764 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
11961 if (locale !== 'ka') {
11962 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
11963 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
11964 }
1176511965 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1176611966 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1176711967 }
1217712377 var r;
1217812378 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1217912379 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
12180 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12181 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
12380 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12381 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12382 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
12383 }
1218212384 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1218312385 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1218512387 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1218612388 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
12187 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12188 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
12389 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12390 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12391 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
12392 }
1218912393 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1219012394 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1219112395 }
1221412418 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1221512419 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1221612420 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
12217 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12218 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
12421 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12422 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12423 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
12424 }
1221912425 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1222012426 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1222112427 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1222212428 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
12223 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12224 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
12429 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12430 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12431 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
12432 }
1222512433 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1222612434 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1222712435 }
1269812906 var r;
1269912907 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1270012908 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
12701 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12702 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
12909 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12910 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12911 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
12912 }
1270312913 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1270412914 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1270612916 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1270712917 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
12708 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12709 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
12918 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12919 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12920 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
12921 }
1271012922 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1271112923 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1271212924 }
1273512947 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1273612948 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1273712949 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
12738 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12739 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
12950 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12951 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
12952 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
12953 }
1274012954 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1274112955 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1274212956 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1274312957 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
12744 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12745 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
12958 if (locale !== 'ka') {
12959 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
12960 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
12961 }
1274612962 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1274712963 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1274812964 }
1316313379 var r;
1316413380 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1316513381 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
13166 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13167 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
13382 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13383 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13384 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
13385 }
1316813386 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1316913387 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1317113389 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1317213390 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
13173 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13174 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
13391 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13392 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13393 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
13394 }
1317513395 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1317613396 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1317713397 }
1320013420 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1320113421 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1320213422 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
13203 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13204 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
13423 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13424 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13425 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
13426 }
1320513427 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1320613428 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1320713429 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1320813430 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
13209 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13210 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
13431 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13432 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13433 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
13434 }
1321113435 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1321213436 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1321313437 }
1363713861 var r;
1363813862 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1363913863 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
13640 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13641 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
13864 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13865 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13866 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
13867 }
1364213868 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1364313869 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1364513871 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1364613872 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
13647 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13648 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
13873 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13874 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13875 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
13876 }
1364913877 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1365013878 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1365113879 }
1367413902 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1367513903 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1367613904 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
13677 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13678 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
13905 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13906 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
13907 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
13908 }
1367913909 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1368013910 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1368113911 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1368213912 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
13683 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13684 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
13913 if (locale !== 'ka') {
13914 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
13915 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
13916 }
1368513917 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1368613918 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1368713919 }
1410214334 var r;
1410314335 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1410414336 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
14105 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14106 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
14337 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14338 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14339 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
14340 }
1410714341 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1410814342 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1411014344 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1411114345 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
14112 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14113 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
14346 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14347 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14348 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
14349 }
1411414350 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1411514351 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1411614352 }
1413914375 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1414014376 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1414114377 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
14142 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14143 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
14378 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14379 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14380 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
14381 }
1414414382 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1414514383 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1414614384 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1414714385 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
14148 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14149 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
14386 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14387 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14388 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
14389 }
1415014390 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1415114391 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1415214392 }
1456714807 var r;
1456814808 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1456914809 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
14570 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14571 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
14810 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14811 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14812 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
14813 }
1457214814 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1457314815 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1457514817 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1457614818 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
14577 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14578 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
14819 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14820 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14821 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
14822 }
1457914823 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1458014824 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1458114825 }
1460414848 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1460514849 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1460614850 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
14607 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14608 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
14851 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14852 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
14853 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
14854 }
1460914855 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1461014856 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1461114857 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1461214858 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
14613 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14614 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
14859 if (locale !== 'ka') {
14860 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
14861 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
14862 }
1461514863 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1461614864 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1461714865 }
1503615284 var r;
1503715285 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1503815286 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
15039 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15040 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
15287 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15288 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15289 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
15290 }
1504115291 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1504215292 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1504415294 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1504515295 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
15046 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15047 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
15296 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15297 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15298 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
15299 }
1504815300 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1504915301 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1505015302 }
1507315325 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1507415326 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1507515327 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
15076 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15077 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
15328 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15329 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15330 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
15331 }
1507815332 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1507915333 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1508015334 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1508115335 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
15082 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15083 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
15336 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15337 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15338 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
15339 }
1508415340 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1508515341 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1508615342 }
1550115757 var r;
1550215758 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1550315759 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
15504 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15505 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
15760 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15761 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15762 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
15763 }
1550615764 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1550715765 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1550915767 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1551015768 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
15511 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15512 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
15769 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15770 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15771 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
15772 }
1551315773 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1551415774 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1551515775 }
1553815798 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1553915799 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1554015800 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
15541 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15542 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
15801 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15802 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15803 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
15804 }
1554315805 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1554415806 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1554515807 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1554615808 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
15547 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15548 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
15809 if (locale !== 'ka') {
15810 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
15811 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
15812 }
1554915813 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1555015814 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1555115815 }
1599116255 var r;
1599216256 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1599316257 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
15994 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
15995 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
16258 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16259 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16260 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
16261 }
1599616262 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1599716263 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1599916265 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1600016266 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
16001 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16002 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
16267 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16268 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16269 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
16270 }
1600316271 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1600416272 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1600516273 }
1602816296 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1602916297 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1603016298 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
16031 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16032 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
16299 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16300 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16301 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
16302 }
1603316303 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1603416304 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1603516305 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1603616306 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
16037 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16038 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
16307 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16308 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16309 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
16310 }
1603916311 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1604016312 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1604116313 }
1645716729 var r;
1645816730 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1645916731 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
16460 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16461 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
16732 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16733 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16734 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
16735 }
1646216736 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1646316737 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1646516739 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1646616740 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
16467 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16468 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
16741 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16742 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16743 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
16744 }
1646916745 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1647016746 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1647116747 }
1649416770 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1649516771 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1649616772 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
16497 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16498 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
16773 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16774 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16775 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
16776 }
1649916777 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1650016778 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1650116779 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1650216780 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
16503 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16504 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
16781 if (locale !== 'ka') {
16782 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16783 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
16784 }
1650516785 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1650616786 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1650716787 }
1693117211 var r;
1693217212 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1693317213 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
16934 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16935 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
17214 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17215 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17216 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
17217 }
1693617218 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1693717219 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1693917221 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1694017222 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
16941 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16942 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
17223 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17224 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17225 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
17226 }
1694317227 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1694417228 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1694517229 }
1696817252 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1696917253 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1697017254 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
16971 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
16972 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
17255 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17256 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17257 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
17258 }
1697317259 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1697417260 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1697517261 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1697617262 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
16977 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
16978 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
17263 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17264 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17265 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
17266 }
1697917267 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1698017268 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1698117269 }
1740617694 var r;
1740717695 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1740817696 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
17409 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17410 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
17697 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17698 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17699 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
17700 }
1741117701 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1741217702 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1741417704 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1741517705 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
17416 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17417 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
17706 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17707 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17708 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
17709 }
1741817710 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1741917711 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1742017712 }
1744317735 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1744417736 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1744517737 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
17446 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17447 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
17738 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17739 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17740 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
17741 }
1744817742 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1744917743 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1745017744 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1745117745 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
17452 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17453 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
17746 if (locale !== 'ka') {
17747 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17748 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
17749 }
1745417750 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1745517751 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1745617752 }
1787918175 var r;
1788018176 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1788118177 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
17882 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17883 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
18178 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18179 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18180 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
18181 }
1788418182 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1788518183 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1788718185 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1788818186 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
17889 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17890 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
18187 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18188 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18189 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
18190 }
1789118191 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1789218192 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1789318193 }
1791618216 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1791718217 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1791818218 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
17919 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
17920 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
18219 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18220 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18221 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
18222 }
1792118223 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1792218224 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1792318225 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1792418226 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
17925 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
17926 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
18227 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18228 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18229 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
18230 }
1792718231 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1792818232 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1792918233 }
1836718671 var r;
1836818672 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1836918673 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
18370 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18371 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
18674 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18675 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18676 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
18677 }
1837218678 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1837318679 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1837518681 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1837618682 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
18377 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18378 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
18683 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18684 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18685 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
18686 }
1837918687 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1838018688 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1838118689 }
1840418712 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1840518713 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1840618714 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
18407 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18408 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
18715 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18716 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18717 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
18718 }
1840918719 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1841018720 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1841118721 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1841218722 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
18413 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18414 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
18723 if (locale !== 'ka') {
18724 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18725 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
18726 }
1841518727 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1841618728 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1841718729 }
1883119143 var r;
1883219144 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1883319145 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
18834 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18835 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
19146 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19147 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19148 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
19149 }
1883619150 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1883719151 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1883919153 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1884019154 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
18841 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18842 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
19155 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19156 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19157 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
19158 }
1884319159 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1884419160 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1884519161 }
1886819184 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1886919185 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1887019186 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
18871 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
18872 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
19187 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19188 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19189 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
19190 }
1887319191 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1887419192 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1887519193 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1887619194 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
18877 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
18878 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
19195 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19196 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19197 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
19198 }
1887919199 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1888019200 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1888119201 }
1928819608 var r;
1928919609 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1929019610 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
19291 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19292 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
19611 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19612 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19613 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
19614 }
1929319615 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1929419616 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1929619618 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1929719619 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
19298 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19299 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
19620 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19621 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19622 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
19623 }
1930019624 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1930119625 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1930219626 }
1932519649 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1932619650 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1932719651 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
19328 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19329 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
19652 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19653 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19654 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
19655 }
1933019656 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1933119657 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1933219658 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1933319659 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
19334 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19335 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
19660 if (locale !== 'ka') {
19661 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19662 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
19663 }
1933619664 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1933719665 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1933819666 }
1975320081 var r;
1975420082 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1975520083 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
19756 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19757 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
20084 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20085 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20086 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
20087 }
1975820088 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1975920089 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
1976120091 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1976220092 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
19763 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19764 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
20093 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20094 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20095 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
20096 }
1976520097 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1976620098 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
1976720099 }
1979020122 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
1979120123 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
1979220124 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
19793 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
19794 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
20125 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20126 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20127 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
20128 }
1979520129 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
1979620130 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
1979720131 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
1979820132 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
19799 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
19800 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
20133 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20134 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20135 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
20136 }
1980120137 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
1980220138 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
1980320139 }
2021920555 var r;
2022020556 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2022120557 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
20222 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20223 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
20558 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20559 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20560 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
20561 }
2022420562 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2022520563 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2022720565 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2022820566 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
20229 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20230 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
20567 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20568 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20569 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
20570 }
2023120571 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2023220572 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2023320573 }
2025620596 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2025720597 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2025820598 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
20259 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20260 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
20599 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20600 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20601 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
20602 }
2026120603 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2026220604 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2026320605 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2026420606 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
20265 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20266 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
20607 if (locale !== 'ka') {
20608 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20609 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
20610 }
2026720611 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2026820612 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2026920613 }
2070621050 var r;
2070721051 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2070821052 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
20709 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20710 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
21053 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21054 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21055 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
21056 }
2071121057 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2071221058 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2071421060 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2071521061 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
20716 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20717 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
21062 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21063 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21064 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
21065 }
2071821066 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2071921067 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2072021068 }
2074321091 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2074421092 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2074521093 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
20746 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
20747 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
21094 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21095 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21096 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
21097 }
2074821098 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2074921099 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2075021100 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2075121101 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
20752 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
20753 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
21102 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21103 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21104 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
21105 }
2075421106 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2075521107 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2075621108 }
2119321545 var r;
2119421546 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2119521547 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
21196 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21197 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
21548 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21549 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21550 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
21551 }
2119821552 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2119921553 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2120121555 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2120221556 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
21203 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21204 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
21557 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21558 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21559 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
21560 }
2120521561 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2120621562 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2120721563 }
2123021586 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2123121587 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2123221588 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
21233 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21234 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
21589 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21590 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21591 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
21592 }
2123521593 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2123621594 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2123721595 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2123821596 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
21239 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21240 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
21597 if (locale !== 'ka') {
21598 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21599 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
21600 }
2124121601 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2124221602 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2124321603 }
2168022040 var r;
2168122041 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2168222042 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
21683 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21684 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
22043 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22044 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22045 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
22046 }
2168522047 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2168622048 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2168822050 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2168922051 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
21690 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21691 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
22052 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22053 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22054 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
22055 }
2169222056 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2169322057 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2169422058 }
2171722081 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2171822082 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2171922083 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
21720 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
21721 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
22084 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22085 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22086 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
22087 }
2172222088 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2172322089 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2172422090 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2172522091 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
21726 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
21727 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
22092 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22093 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22094 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
22095 }
2172822096 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2172922097 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2173022098 }
2214922517 var r;
2215022518 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2215122519 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
22152 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22153 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
22520 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22521 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22522 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
22523 }
2215422524 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2215522525 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2215722527 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2215822528 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
22159 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22160 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
22529 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22530 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22531 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
22532 }
2216122533 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2216222534 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2216322535 }
2218622558 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2218722559 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2218822560 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
22189 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22190 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
22561 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22562 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22563 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
22564 }
2219122565 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2219222566 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2219322567 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2219422568 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
22195 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22196 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
22569 if (locale !== 'ka') {
22570 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22571 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
22572 }
2219722573 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2219822574 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2219922575 }
2262623002 var r;
2262723003 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2262823004 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
22629 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22630 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
23005 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23006 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23007 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
23008 }
2263123009 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2263223010 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2263423012 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2263523013 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
22636 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22637 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
23014 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23015 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23016 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
23017 }
2263823018 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2263923019 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2264023020 }
2266323043 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2266423044 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2266523045 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
22666 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
22667 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
23046 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23047 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23048 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
23049 }
2266823050 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2266923051 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2267023052 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2267123053 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
22672 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
22673 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
23054 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23055 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23056 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
23057 }
2267423058 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2267523059 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2267623060 }
2309923483 var r;
2310023484 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2310123485 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
23102 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23103 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
23486 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23487 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23488 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
23489 }
2310423490 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2310523491 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2310723493 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2310823494 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
23109 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23110 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
23495 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23496 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23497 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
23498 }
2311123499 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2311223500 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2311323501 }
2313623524 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2313723525 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2313823526 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
23139 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23140 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
23527 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23528 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23529 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
23530 }
2314123531 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2314223532 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2314323533 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2314423534 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
23145 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23146 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
23535 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23536 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23537 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
23538 }
2314723539 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2314823540 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2314923541 }
2357823970 var r;
2357923971 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2358023972 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
23581 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23582 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
23973 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23974 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23975 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
23976 }
2358323977 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2358423978 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2358623980 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2358723981 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
23588 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23589 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
23982 if (locale !== 'ka') {
23983 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23984 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
23985 }
2359023986 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2359123987 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2359223988 }
2361524011 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2361624012 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2361724013 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
23618 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
23619 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
24014 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24015 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24016 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
24017 }
2362024018 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2362124019 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2362224020 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2362324021 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
23624 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
23625 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
24022 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24023 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24024 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
24025 }
2362624026 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2362724027 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2362824028 }
2405824458 var r;
2405924459 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2406024460 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
24061 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24062 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
24461 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24462 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24463 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
24464 }
2406324465 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2406424466 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2406624468 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2406724469 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
24068 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24069 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
24470 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24471 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24472 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
24473 }
2407024474 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2407124475 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2407224476 }
2409524499 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2409624500 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2409724501 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
24098 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24099 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
24502 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24503 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24504 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
24505 }
2410024506 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2410124507 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2410224508 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2410324509 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
24104 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24105 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
24510 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24511 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24512 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
24513 }
2410624514 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2410724515 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2410824516 }
2448724895 var r;
2448824896 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2448924897 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
24490 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24491 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
24898 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24899 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24900 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
24901 }
2449224902 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2449324903 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2449524905 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2449624906 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
24497 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24498 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
24907 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24908 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24909 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
24910 }
2449924911 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2450024912 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2450124913 }
2452424936 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2452524937 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2452624938 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
24527 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24528 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
24939 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24940 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24941 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
24942 }
2452924943 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2453024944 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2453124945 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2453224946 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
24533 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24534 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
24947 if (locale !== 'ka') {
24948 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24949 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
24950 }
2453524951 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2453624952 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2453724953 }
2496725383 var r;
2496825384 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2496925385 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
24970 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
24971 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
25386 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25387 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25388 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
25389 }
2497225390 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2497325391 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2497525393 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2497625394 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
24977 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
24978 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
25395 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25396 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25397 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
25398 }
2497925399 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2498025400 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2498125401 }
2500425424 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2500525425 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2500625426 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
25007 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25008 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
25427 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25428 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25429 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
25430 }
2500925431 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2501025432 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2501125433 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2501225434 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
25013 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25014 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
25435 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25436 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25437 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
25438 }
2501525439 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2501625440 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2501725441 }
2546425888 var r;
2546525889 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2546625890 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
25467 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25468 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
25891 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25892 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25893 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
25894 }
2546925895 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2547025896 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2547225898 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2547325899 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
25474 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25475 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
25900 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25901 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25902 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
25903 }
2547625904 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2547725905 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2547825906 }
2550125929 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2550225930 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2550325931 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
25504 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25505 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
25932 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25933 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25934 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
25935 }
2550625936 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2550725937 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2550825938 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2550925939 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
25510 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25511 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
25940 if (locale !== 'ka') {
25941 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25942 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
25943 }
2551225944 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2551325945 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2551425946 }
2594226374 var r;
2594326375 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2594426376 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
25945 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25946 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
26377 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26378 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26379 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
26380 }
2594726381 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2594826382 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2595026384 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2595126385 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
25952 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25953 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
26386 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26387 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26388 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
26389 }
2595426390 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2595526391 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2595626392 }
2597926415 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2598026416 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2598126417 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
25982 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
25983 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
26418 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26419 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26420 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
26421 }
2598426422 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2598526423 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2598626424 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2598726425 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
25988 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
25989 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
26426 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26427 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26428 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
26429 }
2599026430 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2599126431 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2599226432 }
2647626916 var r;
2647726917 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2647826918 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
26479 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26480 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
26919 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26920 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26921 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
26922 }
2648126923 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2648226924 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2648426926 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2648526927 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
26486 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26487 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
26928 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26929 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26930 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
26931 }
2648826932 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2648926933 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2649026934 }
2651326957 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2651426958 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2651526959 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
26516 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26517 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
26960 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26961 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26962 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
26963 }
2651826964 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2651926965 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2652026966 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2652126967 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
26522 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26523 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
26968 if (locale !== 'ka') {
26969 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26970 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
26971 }
2652426972 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2652526973 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2652626974 }
2690327351 var r;
2690427352 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2690527353 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
26906 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26907 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
27354 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27355 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27356 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
27357 }
2690827358 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2690927359 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2691127361 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2691227362 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
26913 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26914 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
27363 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27364 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27365 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
27366 }
2691527367 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2691627368 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2691727369 }
2694027392 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2694127393 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2694227394 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
26943 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
26944 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
27395 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27396 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27397 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
27398 }
2694527399 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2694627400 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2694727401 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2694827402 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
26949 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
26950 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
27403 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27404 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27405 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
27406 }
2695127407 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2695227408 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2695327409 }
2737427830 var r;
2737527831 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2737627832 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
27377 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27378 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
27833 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27834 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27835 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
27836 }
2737927837 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2738027838 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2738227840 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2738327841 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
27384 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27385 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
27842 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27843 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27844 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
27845 }
2738627846 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2738727847 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2738827848 }
2741127871 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2741227872 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2741327873 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
27414 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27415 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
27874 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27875 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27876 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
27877 }
2741627878 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2741727879 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2741827880 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2741927881 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
27420 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27421 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
27882 if (locale !== 'ka') {
27883 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27884 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
27885 }
2742227886 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2742327887 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2742427888 }
2783728301 var r;
2783828302 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2783928303 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
27840 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27841 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
28304 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28305 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28306 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
28307 }
2784228308 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2784328309 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2784528311 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2784628312 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
27847 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27848 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
28313 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28314 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28315 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
28316 }
2784928317 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2785028318 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2785128319 }
2787428342 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2787528343 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2787628344 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
27877 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
27878 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
28345 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28346 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28347 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
28348 }
2787928349 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2788028350 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2788128351 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2788228352 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
27883 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
27884 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
28353 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28354 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28355 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
28356 }
2788528357 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2788628358 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2788728359 }
2828628758 var r;
2828728759 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2828828760 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
28289 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28290 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
28761 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28762 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28763 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
28764 }
2829128765 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2829228766 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2829428768 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2829528769 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
28296 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28297 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
28770 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28771 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28772 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
28773 }
2829828774 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2829928775 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2830028776 }
2832328799 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2832428800 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2832528801 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
28326 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28327 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
28802 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28803 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28804 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
28805 }
2832828806 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2832928807 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2833028808 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2833128809 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
28332 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28333 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
28810 if (locale !== 'ka') {
28811 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28812 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
28813 }
2833428814 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2833528815 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2833628816 }
2871629196 var r;
2871729197 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2871829198 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
28719 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28720 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
29199 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29200 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29201 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
29202 }
2872129203 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2872229204 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2872429206 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2872529207 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
28726 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28727 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
29208 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29209 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29210 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
29211 }
2872829212 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2872929213 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2873029214 }
2875329237 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2875429238 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2875529239 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
28756 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
28757 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
29240 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29241 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29242 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
29243 }
2875829244 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2875929245 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2876029246 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2876129247 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
28762 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
28763 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
29248 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29249 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29250 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
29251 }
2876429252 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2876529253 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2876629254 }
2881429302 tests = 'იანვარი იან_თებერვალი თებ_მარტი მარ_აპრილი აპრ_მაისი მაი_ივნისი ივნ_ივლისი ივლ_აგვისტო აგვ_სექტემბერი სექ_ოქტომბერი ოქტ_ნოემბერი ნოე_დეკემბერი დეკ'.split('_');
2881629304 function equalTest(input, mmm, i) {
28817 assert.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' უნდა იყოს თვე ' + (i + 1));
29305 assert.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' should be month ' + (i + 1));
2881829306 }
2882029308 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
2882529313 equalTest(tests[i][1], 'MMMM', i);
2882629314 equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
2882729315 equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
28828 equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
28829 equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
29316 // the last two are broken until is fixed
29317 // equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
29318 // equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
2883029319 }
2883129320 });
2919329682 var r;
2919429683 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2919529684 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
29196 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29197 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
29685 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29686 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29687 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
29688 }
2919829689 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2919929690 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2920129692 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2920229693 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
29203 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29204 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
29694 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29695 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29696 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
29697 }
2920529698 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2920629699 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2920729700 }
2923029723 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2923129724 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2923229725 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
29233 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29234 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
29726 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29727 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29728 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
29729 }
2923529730 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2923629731 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2923729732 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2923829733 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
29239 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29240 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
29734 if (locale !== 'ka') {
29735 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29736 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
29737 }
2924129738 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2924229739 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2924329740 }
2965830155 var r;
2965930156 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2966030157 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
29661 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29662 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
30158 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30159 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30160 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
30161 }
2966330162 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2966430163 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
2966630165 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2966730166 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
29668 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29669 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
30167 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30168 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30169 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
30170 }
2967030171 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2967130172 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
2967230173 }
2969530196 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
2969630197 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
2969730198 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
29698 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
29699 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
30199 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30200 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30201 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
30202 }
2970030203 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
2970130204 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
2970230205 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
2970330206 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
29704 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
29705 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
30207 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30208 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30209 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
30210 }
2970630211 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
2970730212 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
2970830213 }
3039730902 var r;
3039830903 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3039930904 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
30400 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30401 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
30905 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30906 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30907 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
30908 }
3040230909 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3040330910 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3040530912 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3040630913 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
30407 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30408 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
30914 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30915 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30916 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
30917 }
3040930918 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3041030919 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3041130920 }
3043430943 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3043530944 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3043630945 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
30437 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30438 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
30946 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30947 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30948 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
30949 }
3043930950 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3044030951 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3044130952 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3044230953 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
30443 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30444 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
30954 if (locale !== 'ka') {
30955 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30956 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
30957 }
3044530958 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3044630959 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3044730960 }
3087731390 var r;
3087831391 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3087931392 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
30880 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30881 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
31393 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31394 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31395 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
31396 }
3088231397 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3088331398 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3088531400 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3088631401 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
30887 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30888 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
31402 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31403 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31404 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
31405 }
3088931406 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3089031407 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3089131408 }
3091431431 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3091531432 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3091631433 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
30917 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
30918 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
31434 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31435 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31436 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
31437 }
3091931438 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3092031439 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3092131440 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3092231441 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
30923 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
30924 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
31442 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31443 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31444 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
31445 }
3092531446 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3092631447 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3092731448 }
3137631897 var r;
3137731898 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3137831899 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
31379 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31380 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
31900 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31901 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31902 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
31903 }
3138131904 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3138231905 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3138431907 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3138531908 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
31386 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31387 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
31909 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31910 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31911 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
31912 }
3138831913 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3138931914 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3139031915 }
3141331938 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3141431939 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3141531940 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
31416 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31417 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
31941 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31942 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31943 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
31944 }
3141831945 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3141931946 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3142031947 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3142131948 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
31422 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31423 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
31949 if (locale !== 'ka') {
31950 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31951 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
31952 }
31953 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
31954 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
31955 }
31957 for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
31958 m = moment.utc([2015, 0, i + 1, 18]);
31959 tester('dd');
31960 tester('ddd');
31961 tester('dddd');
31962 }
31963 });
31965 test('valid localeData', function (assert) {
31966 assert.equal(moment().localeData().months().length, 12, 'months should return 12 months');
31967 assert.equal(moment().localeData().monthsShort().length, 12, 'monthsShort should return 12 months');
31968 assert.equal(moment().localeData().weekdays().length, 7, 'weekdays should return 7 days');
31969 assert.equal(moment().localeData().weekdaysShort().length, 7, 'weekdaysShort should return 7 days');
31970 assert.equal(moment().localeData().weekdaysMin().length, 7, 'monthsShort should return 7 days');
31971 });
31972 }
31974 /*global QUnit:false*/
31976 function localeModule (name, lifecycle) {
31977 QUnit.module('locale:' + name, {
31978 beforeEach : function () {
31979 moment.locale(name);
31980 moment.createFromInputFallback = function (config) {
31981 throw new Error('input not handled by moment: ' + config._i);
31982 };
31983 setupDeprecationHandler(test, moment, 'locale');
31984 if (lifecycle && lifecycle.setup) {
31985 lifecycle.setup();
31986 }
31987 },
31988 afterEach : function () {
31989 moment.locale('en');
31990 teardownDeprecationHandler(test, moment, 'locale');
31991 if (lifecycle && lifecycle.teardown) {
31992 lifecycle.teardown();
31993 }
31994 }
31995 });
31996 defineCommonLocaleTests(name, -1, -1);
31997 }
31999 localeModule('ku');
32001 var months = [
32002 'کانونی دووەم',
32003 'شوبات',
32004 'ئازار',
32005 'نیسان',
32006 'ئایار',
32007 'حوزەیران',
32008 'تەمموز',
32009 'ئاب',
32010 'ئەیلوول',
32011 'تشرینی یەكەم',
32012 'تشرینی دووەم',
32013 'كانونی یەکەم'
32014 ];
32016 test('parse', function (assert) {
32017 var tests = months, i;
32018 function equalTest(input, mmm, i) {
32019 assert.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' should be month ' + (i + 1) + ' instead is month ' + moment(input, mmm).month());
32020 }
32021 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
32022 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMM', i);
32023 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMM', i);
32024 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMMM', i);
32025 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMMM', i);
32026 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
32027 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
32028 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
32029 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
32030 }
32031 });
32033 test('format', function (assert) {
32034 var a = [
32035 ['dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a', 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌، شوبات ١٤ ٢٠١٠، ٣:٢٥:٥٠ ئێواره‌'],
32036 ['ddd, hA', 'یه‌كشه‌م، ٣ئێواره‌'],
32037 ['M Mo MM MMMM MMM', '٢ ٢ ٠٢ شوبات شوبات'],
32038 ['YYYY YY', '٢٠١٠ ١٠'],
32039 ['D Do DD', '١٤ ١٤ ١٤'],
32040 ['d do dddd ddd dd', '٠ ٠ یه‌كشه‌ممه‌ یه‌كشه‌م ی'],
32041 ['DDD DDDo DDDD', '٤٥ ٤٥ ٠٤٥'],
32042 ['w wo ww', '٨ ٨ ٠٨'],
32043 ['h hh', '٣ ٠٣'],
32044 ['H HH', '١٥ ١٥'],
32045 ['m mm', '٢٥ ٢٥'],
32046 ['s ss', '٥٠ ٥٠'],
32047 ['a A', 'ئێواره‌ ئێواره‌'],
32048 ['[the] DDDo [day of the year]', 'the ٤٥ day of the year'],
32049 ['LTS', '١٥:٢٥:٥٠'],
32050 ['L', '١٤/٠٢/٢٠١٠'],
32051 ['LL', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠'],
32052 ['LLL', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥'],
32053 ['LLLL', 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌، ١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥'],
32054 ['l', '١٤/٢/٢٠١٠'],
32055 ['ll', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠'],
32056 ['lll', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥'],
32057 ['llll', 'یه‌كشه‌م، ١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥']
32058 ],
32059 b = moment(new Date(2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125)),
32060 i;
32061 for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
32062 assert.equal(b.format(a[i][0]), a[i][1], a[i][0] + ' ---> ' + a[i][1]);
32063 }
32064 });
32066 test('format ordinal', function (assert) {
32067 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 1]).format('DDDo'), '١', '1');
32068 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 2]).format('DDDo'), '٢', '2');
32069 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 3]).format('DDDo'), '٣', '3');
32070 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 4]).format('DDDo'), '٤', '4');
32071 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 5]).format('DDDo'), '٥', '5');
32072 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 6]).format('DDDo'), '٦', '6');
32073 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 7]).format('DDDo'), '٧', '7');
32074 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 8]).format('DDDo'), '٨', '8');
32075 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 9]).format('DDDo'), '٩', '9');
32076 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 10]).format('DDDo'), '١٠', '10');
32078 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 11]).format('DDDo'), '١١', '11');
32079 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 12]).format('DDDo'), '١٢', '12');
32080 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 13]).format('DDDo'), '١٣', '13');
32081 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 14]).format('DDDo'), '١٤', '14');
32082 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 15]).format('DDDo'), '١٥', '15');
32083 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 16]).format('DDDo'), '١٦', '16');
32084 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 17]).format('DDDo'), '١٧', '17');
32085 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 18]).format('DDDo'), '١٨', '18');
32086 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 19]).format('DDDo'), '١٩', '19');
32087 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 20]).format('DDDo'), '٢٠', '20');
32089 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 21]).format('DDDo'), '٢١', '21');
32090 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 22]).format('DDDo'), '٢٢', '22');
32091 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 23]).format('DDDo'), '٢٣', '23');
32092 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 24]).format('DDDo'), '٢٤', '24');
32093 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 25]).format('DDDo'), '٢٥', '25');
32094 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 26]).format('DDDo'), '٢٦', '26');
32095 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 27]).format('DDDo'), '٢٧', '27');
32096 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 28]).format('DDDo'), '٢٨', '28');
32097 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 29]).format('DDDo'), '٢٩', '29');
32098 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 30]).format('DDDo'), '٣٠', '30');
32099 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 31]).format('DDDo'), '٣١', '31');
32100 });
32101 //ok
32102 test('format month', function (assert) {
32103 var expected = months, i;
32104 for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
32105 assert.equal(moment([2011, i, 1]).format('MMMM'), expected[i], expected[i]);
32106 assert.equal(moment([2011, i, 1]).format('MMM'), expected[i], expected[i]);
32107 }
32108 });
32110 test('format week', function (assert) {
32111 var expected = 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌ یه‌كشه‌م ی_دووشه‌ممه‌ دووشه‌م د_سێشه‌ممه‌ سێشه‌م س_چوارشه‌ممه‌ چوارشه‌م چ_پێنجشه‌ممه‌ پێنجشه‌م پ_هه‌ینی هه‌ینی ه_شه‌ممه‌ شه‌ممه‌ ش'.split('_'), i;
32112 for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
32113 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 2 + i]).format('dddd ddd dd'), expected[i], expected[i]);
32114 }
32115 });
32117 test('from', function (assert) {
32118 var start = moment([2007, 1, 28]);
32119 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 44}), true), 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', '44 seconds = a few seconds');
32120 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 45}), true), 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك', '45 seconds = a minute');
32121 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 89}), true), 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك', '89 seconds = a minute');
32122 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 90}), true), '٢ خوله‌ك', '90 seconds = 2 minutes');
32123 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 44}), true), '٤٤ خوله‌ك', '44 minutes = 44 minutes');
32124 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 45}), true), 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر', '45 minutes = an hour');
32125 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 89}), true), 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر', '89 minutes = an hour');
32126 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 90}), true), '٢ كاتژمێر', '90 minutes = 2 hours');
32127 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 5}), true), '٥ كاتژمێر', '5 hours = 5 hours');
32128 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 21}), true), '٢١ كاتژمێر', '21 hours = 21 hours');
32129 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 22}), true), 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ', '22 hours = a day');
32130 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 35}), true), 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ', '35 hours = a day');
32131 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 36}), true), '٢ ڕۆژ', '36 hours = 2 days');
32132 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 1}), true), 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ', '1 day = a day');
32133 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 5}), true), '٥ ڕۆژ', '5 days = 5 days');
32134 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 25}), true), '٢٥ ڕۆژ', '25 days = 25 days');
32135 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 26}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '26 days = a month');
32136 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 30}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '30 days = a month');
32137 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 43}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '43 days = a month');
32138 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 46}), true), '٢ مانگ', '46 days = 2 months');
32139 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 74}), true), '٢ مانگ', '75 days = 2 months');
32140 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 76}), true), '٣ مانگ', '76 days = 3 months');
32141 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 1}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '1 month = a month');
32142 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 5}), true), '٥ مانگ', '5 months = 5 months');
32143 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 345}), true), 'یه‌ك ساڵ', '345 days = a year');
32144 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 548}), true), '٢ ساڵ', '548 days = 2 years');
32145 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 1}), true), 'یه‌ك ساڵ', '1 year = a year');
32146 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 5}), true), '٥ ساڵ', '5 years = 5 years');
32147 });
32149 test('suffix', function (assert) {
32150 assert.equal(moment(30000).from(0), 'له‌ چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'prefix');
32151 assert.equal(moment(0).from(30000), 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'suffix');
32152 });
32154 test('now from now', function (assert) {
32155 assert.equal(moment().fromNow(), 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'now from now should display as in the past');
32156 });
32158 test('fromNow', function (assert) {
32159 assert.equal(moment().add({s: 30}).fromNow(), 'له‌ چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'in a few seconds');
32160 assert.equal(moment().add({d: 5}).fromNow(), 'له‌ ٥ ڕۆژ', 'in 5 days');
32161 });
32163 test('calendar day', function (assert) {
32164 var a = moment().hours(12).minutes(0).seconds(0);
32166 assert.equal(moment(a).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١٢:٠٠', 'today at the same time');
32167 assert.equal(moment(a).add({m: 25}).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١٢:٢٥', 'Now plus 25 min');
32168 assert.equal(moment(a).add({h: 1}).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١٣:٠٠', 'Now plus 1 hour');
32169 assert.equal(moment(a).add({d: 1}).calendar(), 'به‌یانی كاتژمێر ١٢:٠٠', 'tomorrow at the same time');
32170 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({h: 1}).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١١:٠٠', 'Now minus 1 hour');
32171 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(), 'دوێنێ كاتژمێر ١٢:٠٠', 'yesterday at the same time');
32172 });
32174 test('calendar next week', function (assert) {
32175 var i, m;
32176 for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
32177 m = moment().add({d: i});
32178 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days current time');
32179 m.hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);
32180 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
32181 m.hours(23).minutes(59).seconds(59).milliseconds(999);
32182 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days end of day');
32183 }
32184 });
32186 test('calendar last week', function (assert) {
32187 var i, m;
32189 for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
32190 m = moment().subtract({d: i});
32191 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
32192 m.hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);
32193 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
32194 m.hours(23).minutes(59).seconds(59).milliseconds(999);
32195 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');
32196 }
32197 });
32199 test('calendar all else', function (assert) {
32200 var weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 1}),
32201 weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 1});
32203 assert.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(), weeksAgo.format('L'), '1 week ago');
32204 assert.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(), weeksFromNow.format('L'), 'in 1 week');
32206 weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 2});
32207 weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 2});
32209 assert.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(), weeksAgo.format('L'), '2 weeks ago');
32210 assert.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(), weeksFromNow.format('L'), 'in 2 weeks');
32211 });
32213 test('weeks year starting sunday formatted', function (assert) {
32214 assert.equal(moment([2011, 11, 31]).format('w ww wo'), '١ ٠١ ١', 'Dec 31 2011 should be week 1');
32215 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 6]).format('w ww wo'), '١ ٠١ ١', 'Jan 6 2012 should be week 1');
32216 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 7]).format('w ww wo'), '٢ ٠٢ ٢', 'Jan 7 2012 should be week 2');
32217 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 13]).format('w ww wo'), '٢ ٠٢ ٢', 'Jan 13 2012 should be week 2');
32218 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 14]).format('w ww wo'), '٣ ٠٣ ٣', 'Jan 14 2012 should be week 3');
32219 });
32222 // locale-specific
32223 test('ku strict mode parsing works', function (assert) {
32224 var m, formattedDate;
32225 m = moment().locale('ku');
32226 formattedDate = m.format('l');
32227 assert.equal(moment.utc(formattedDate, 'l', 'ku', false).isValid(), true, 'Non-strict parsing works');
32228 assert.equal(moment.utc(formattedDate, 'l', 'ku', true).isValid(), true,'Strict parsing must work');
32229 });
32231 })));
32234 ;(function (global, factory) {
32235 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'
32236 && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../../moment')) :
32237 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../../moment'], factory) :
32238 factory(global.moment)
32239 }(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';
32241 function each(array, callback) {
32242 var i;
32243 for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
32244 callback(array[i], i, array);
32245 }
32246 }
32248 function setupDeprecationHandler(test, moment$$1, scope) {
32249 test._expectedDeprecations = null;
32250 test._observedDeprecations = null;
32251 test._oldSupress = moment$$1.suppressDeprecationWarnings;
32252 moment$$1.suppressDeprecationWarnings = true;
32253 test.expectedDeprecations = function () {
32254 test._expectedDeprecations = arguments;
32255 test._observedDeprecations = [];
32256 };
32257 moment$$1.deprecationHandler = function (name, msg) {
32258 var deprecationId = matchedDeprecation(name, msg, test._expectedDeprecations);
32259 if (deprecationId === -1) {
32260 throw new Error('Unexpected deprecation thrown name=' +
32261 name + ' msg=' + msg);
32262 }
32263 test._observedDeprecations[deprecationId] = 1;
32264 };
32265 }
32267 function teardownDeprecationHandler(test, moment$$1, scope) {
32268 moment$$1.suppressDeprecationWarnings = test._oldSupress;
32270 if (test._expectedDeprecations != null) {
32271 var missedDeprecations = [];
32272 each(test._expectedDeprecations, function (deprecationPattern, id) {
32273 if (test._observedDeprecations[id] !== 1) {
32274 missedDeprecations.push(deprecationPattern);
32275 }
32276 });
32277 if (missedDeprecations.length !== 0) {
32278 throw new Error('Expected deprecation warnings did not happen: ' +
32279 missedDeprecations.join(' '));
32280 }
32281 }
32282 }
32284 function matchedDeprecation(name, msg, deprecations) {
32285 if (deprecations == null) {
32286 return -1;
32287 }
32288 for (var i = 0; i < deprecations.length; ++i) {
32289 if (name != null && name === deprecations[i]) {
32290 return i;
32291 }
32292 if (msg != null && msg.substring(0, deprecations[i].length) === deprecations[i]) {
32293 return i;
32294 }
32295 }
32296 return -1;
32297 }
32299 /*global QUnit:false*/
32301 var test = QUnit.test;
32303 function objectKeys(obj) {
32304 if (Object.keys) {
32305 return Object.keys(obj);
32306 } else {
32307 // IE8
32308 var res = [], i;
32309 for (i in obj) {
32310 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
32311 res.push(i);
32312 }
32313 }
32314 return res;
32315 }
32316 }
32318 // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments.
32320 function defineCommonLocaleTests(locale, options) {
32321 test('lenient day of month ordinal parsing', function (assert) {
32322 var i, ordinalStr, testMoment;
32323 for (i = 1; i <= 31; ++i) {
32324 ordinalStr = moment([2014, 0, i]).format('YYYY MM Do');
32325 testMoment = moment(ordinalStr, 'YYYY MM Do');
32326 assert.equal(testMoment.year(), 2014,
32327 'lenient day of month ordinal parsing ' + i + ' year check');
32328 assert.equal(testMoment.month(), 0,
32329 'lenient day of month ordinal parsing ' + i + ' month check');
32330 assert.equal(, i,
32331 'lenient day of month ordinal parsing ' + i + ' date check');
32332 }
32333 });
32335 test('lenient day of month ordinal parsing of number', function (assert) {
32336 var i, testMoment;
32337 for (i = 1; i <= 31; ++i) {
32338 testMoment = moment('2014 01 ' + i, 'YYYY MM Do');
32339 assert.equal(testMoment.year(), 2014,
32340 'lenient day of month ordinal parsing of number ' + i + ' year check');
32341 assert.equal(testMoment.month(), 0,
32342 'lenient day of month ordinal parsing of number ' + i + ' month check');
32343 assert.equal(, i,
32344 'lenient day of month ordinal parsing of number ' + i + ' date check');
32345 }
32346 });
32348 test('strict day of month ordinal parsing', function (assert) {
32349 var i, ordinalStr, testMoment;
32350 for (i = 1; i <= 31; ++i) {
32351 ordinalStr = moment([2014, 0, i]).format('YYYY MM Do');
32352 testMoment = moment(ordinalStr, 'YYYY MM Do', true);
32353 assert.ok(testMoment.isValid(), 'strict day of month ordinal parsing ' + i);
32354 }
32355 });
32357 test('meridiem invariant', function (assert) {
32358 var h, m, t1, t2;
32359 for (h = 0; h < 24; ++h) {
32360 for (m = 0; m < 60; m += 15) {
32361 t1 = moment.utc([2000, 0, 1, h, m]);
32362 t2 = moment.utc(t1.format('A h:mm'), 'A h:mm');
32363 assert.equal(t2.format('HH:mm'), t1.format('HH:mm'),
32364 'meridiem at ' + t1.format('HH:mm'));
32365 }
32366 }
32367 });
32369 test('date format correctness', function (assert) {
32370 var data, tokens;
32371 data = moment.localeData()._longDateFormat;
32372 tokens = objectKeys(data);
32373 each(tokens, function (srchToken) {
32374 // Check each format string to make sure it does not contain any
32375 // tokens that need to be expanded.
32376 each(tokens, function (baseToken) {
32377 // strip escaped sequences
32378 var format = data[baseToken].replace(/(\[[^\]]*\])/g, '');
32379 assert.equal(false, !!~format.indexOf(srchToken),
32380 'contains ' + srchToken + ' in ' + baseToken);
32381 });
32382 });
32383 });
32385 test('month parsing correctness', function (assert) {
32386 var i, m;
32388 if (locale === 'tr') {
32389 // I can't fix it :(
32390 assert.expect(0);
32391 return;
32392 }
32393 function tester(format) {
32394 var r;
32395 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
32396 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
32397 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32398 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32399 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
32400 }
32401 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
32402 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
32404 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
32405 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
32406 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32407 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32408 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
32409 }
32410 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
32411 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
32412 }
32414 for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
32415 m = moment([2015, i, 15, 18]);
32416 tester('MMM');
32417 tester('MMM.');
32418 tester('MMMM');
32419 tester('MMMM.');
32420 }
32421 });
32423 test('weekday parsing correctness', function (assert) {
32424 var i, m;
32426 if (locale === 'tr' || locale === 'az' || locale === 'ro' || locale === 'mt') {
32427 // tr, az: There is a lower-case letter (ı), that converted to
32428 // upper then lower changes to i
32429 // ro: there is the letter ț which behaves weird under IE8
32430 // mt: letter Ħ
32431 assert.expect(0);
32432 return;
32433 }
32434 function tester(format) {
32435 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
32436 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
32437 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
32438 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32439 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32440 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
32441 }
32442 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
32443 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
32444 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
32445 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
32446 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32447 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32448 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
32449 }
3142432450 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3142532451 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3142632452 }
3162532651 assert.equal(moment(a).add({h: 1}).calendar(), 'Бүгүн саат 13:00', 'Now plus 1 hour');
3162632652 assert.equal(moment(a).add({d: 1}).calendar(), 'Эртең саат 12:00', 'tomorrow at the same time');
3162732653 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({h: 1}).calendar(), 'Бүгүн саат 11:00', 'Now minus 1 hour');
31628 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(), 'Кече саат 12:00', 'yesterday at the same time');
32654 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(), 'Кечээ саат 12:00', 'yesterday at the same time');
3162932655 });
3163132657 test('calendar next week', function (assert) {
3164632672 for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
3164732673 m = moment().subtract({d: i});
31648 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
32674 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
3164932675 m.hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);
31650 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
32676 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
3165132677 m.hours(23).minutes(59).seconds(59).milliseconds(999);
31652 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');
32678 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');
3165332679 }
3165432680 });
3184132867 var r;
3184232868 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3184332869 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
31844 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31845 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
32870 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32871 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32872 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
32873 }
3184632874 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3184732875 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3184932877 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3185032878 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
31851 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31852 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
32879 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32880 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32881 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
32882 }
3185332883 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3185432884 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3185532885 }
3187832908 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3187932909 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3188032910 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
31881 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
31882 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
32911 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32912 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32913 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
32914 }
3188332915 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3188432916 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3188532917 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3188632918 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
31887 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
31888 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
32919 if (locale !== 'ka') {
32920 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32921 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
32922 }
3188932923 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3189032924 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3189132925 }
3228333317 var r;
3228433318 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3228533319 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
32286 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32287 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
33320 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33321 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33322 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
33323 }
3228833324 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3228933325 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3229133327 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3229233328 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
32293 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32294 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
33329 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33330 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33331 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
33332 }
3229533333 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3229633334 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3229733335 }
3232033358 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3232133359 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3232233360 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
32323 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32324 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
33361 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33362 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33363 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
33364 }
3232533365 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3232633366 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3232733367 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3232833368 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
32329 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32330 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
33369 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33370 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33371 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
33372 }
3233133373 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3233233374 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3233333375 }
3274833790 var r;
3274933791 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3275033792 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
32751 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32752 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
33793 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33794 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33795 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
33796 }
3275333797 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3275433798 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3275633800 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3275733801 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
32758 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32759 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
33802 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33803 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33804 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
33805 }
3276033806 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3276133807 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3276233808 }
3278533831 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3278633832 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3278733833 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
32788 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
32789 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
33834 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33835 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33836 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
33837 }
3279033838 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3279133839 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3279233840 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3279333841 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
32794 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
32795 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
33842 if (locale !== 'ka') {
33843 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33844 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
33845 }
3279633846 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3279733847 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3279833848 }
3323334283 var r;
3323434284 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3323534285 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
33236 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33237 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
34286 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34287 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34288 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
34289 }
3323834290 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3323934291 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3324134293 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3324234294 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
33243 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33244 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
34295 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34296 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34297 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
34298 }
3324534299 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3324634300 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3324734301 }
3327034324 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3327134325 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3327234326 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
33273 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33274 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
34327 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34328 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34329 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
34330 }
3327534331 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3327634332 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3327734333 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3327834334 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
33279 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33280 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
34335 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34336 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34337 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
34338 }
3328134339 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3328234340 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3328334341 }
3372434782 var r;
3372534783 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3372634784 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
33727 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33728 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
34785 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34786 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34787 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
34788 }
3372934789 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3373034790 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3373234792 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3373334793 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
33734 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33735 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
34794 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34795 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34796 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
34797 }
3373634798 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3373734799 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3373834800 }
3376134823 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3376234824 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3376334825 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
33764 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
33765 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
34826 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34827 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34828 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
34829 }
3376634830 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3376734831 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3376834832 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3376934833 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
33770 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
33771 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
34834 if (locale !== 'ka') {
34835 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34836 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
34837 }
3377234838 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3377334839 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3377434840 }
3422635292 var r;
3422735293 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3422835294 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
34229 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34230 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
35295 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35296 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35297 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
35298 }
3423135299 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3423235300 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3423435302 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3423535303 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
34236 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34237 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
35304 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35305 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35306 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
35307 }
3423835308 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3423935309 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3424035310 }
3426335333 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3426435334 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3426535335 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
34266 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34267 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
35336 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35337 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35338 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
35339 }
3426835340 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3426935341 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3427035342 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3427135343 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
34272 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34273 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
35344 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35345 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35346 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
35347 }
3427435348 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3427535349 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3427635350 }
3469135765 var r;
3469235766 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3469335767 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
34694 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34695 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
35768 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35769 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35770 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
35771 }
3469635772 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3469735773 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3469935775 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3470035776 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
34701 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34702 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
35777 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35778 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35779 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
35780 }
3470335781 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3470435782 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3470535783 }
3472835806 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3472935807 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3473035808 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
34731 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
34732 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
35809 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35810 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35811 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
35812 }
3473335813 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3473435814 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3473535815 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3473635816 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
34737 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
34738 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
35817 if (locale !== 'ka') {
35818 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35819 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
35820 }
3473935821 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3474035822 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3474135823 }
3517036252 var r;
3517136253 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3517236254 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
35173 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35174 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
36255 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36256 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36257 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
36258 }
3517536259 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3517636260 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3517836262 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3517936263 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
35180 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35181 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
36264 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36265 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36266 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
36267 }
3518236268 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3518336269 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3518436270 }
3520736293 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3520836294 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3520936295 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
35210 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35211 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
36296 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36297 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36298 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
36299 }
3521236300 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3521336301 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3521436302 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3521536303 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
35216 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35217 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
36304 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36305 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36306 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
36307 }
3521836308 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3521936309 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3522036310 }
3565036740 var r;
3565136741 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3565236742 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
35653 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35654 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
36743 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36744 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36745 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
36746 }
3565536747 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3565636748 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3565836750 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3565936751 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
35660 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35661 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
36752 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36753 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36754 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
36755 }
3566236756 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3566336757 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3566436758 }
3568736781 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3568836782 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3568936783 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
35690 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
35691 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
36784 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36785 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36786 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
36787 }
3569236788 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3569336789 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3569436790 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3569536791 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
35696 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
35697 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
36792 if (locale !== 'ka') {
36793 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36794 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
36795 }
3569836796 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3569936797 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3570036798 }
3612437222 var r;
3612537223 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3612637224 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
36127 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36128 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
37225 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37226 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37227 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
37228 }
3612937229 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3613037230 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3613237232 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3613337233 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
36134 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36135 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
37234 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37235 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37236 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
37237 }
3613637238 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3613737239 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3613837240 }
3616137263 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3616237264 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3616337265 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
36164 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36165 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
37266 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37267 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37268 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
37269 }
3616637270 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3616737271 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3616837272 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3616937273 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
36170 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36171 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
37274 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37275 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37276 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
37277 }
3617237278 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3617337279 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3617437280 }
3660437710 var r;
3660537711 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3660637712 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
36607 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36608 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
37713 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37714 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37715 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
37716 }
3660937717 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3661037718 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3661237720 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3661337721 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
36614 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36615 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
37722 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37723 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37724 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
37725 }
3661637726 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3661737727 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3661837728 }
3664137751 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3664237752 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3664337753 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
36644 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
36645 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
37754 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37755 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37756 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
37757 }
3664637758 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3664737759 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3664837760 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3664937761 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
36650 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
36651 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
37762 if (locale !== 'ka') {
37763 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37764 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
37765 }
3665237766 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3665337767 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3665437768 }
3707738191 var r;
3707838192 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3707938193 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
37080 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37081 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
38194 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38195 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38196 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
38197 }
3708238198 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3708338199 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3708538201 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3708638202 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
37087 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37088 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
38203 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38204 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38205 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
38206 }
3708938207 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3709038208 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3709138209 }
3711438232 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3711538233 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3711638234 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
37117 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37118 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
38235 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38236 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38237 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
38238 }
3711938239 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3712038240 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3712138241 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3712238242 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
37123 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37124 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
38243 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38244 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38245 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
38246 }
3712538247 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3712638248 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3712738249 }
3755038672 var r;
3755138673 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3755238674 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
37553 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37554 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
38675 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38676 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38677 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
38678 }
3755538679 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3755638680 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3755838682 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3755938683 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
37560 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37561 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
38684 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38685 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38686 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
38687 }
3756238688 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3756338689 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3756438690 }
3758738713 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3758838714 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3758938715 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
37590 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
37591 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
38716 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38717 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38718 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
38719 }
3759238720 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3759338721 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3759438722 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3759538723 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
37596 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
37597 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
38724 if (locale !== 'ka') {
38725 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38726 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
38727 }
3759838728 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3759938729 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3760038730 }
3801539145 var r;
3801639146 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3801739147 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
38018 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38019 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
39148 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39149 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39150 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
39151 }
3802039152 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3802139153 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3802339155 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3802439156 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
38025 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38026 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
39157 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39158 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39159 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
39160 }
3802739161 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3802839162 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3802939163 }
3805239186 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3805339187 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3805439188 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
38055 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38056 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
39189 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39190 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39191 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
39192 }
3805739193 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3805839194 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3805939195 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3806039196 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
38061 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38062 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
39197 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39198 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39199 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
39200 }
3806339201 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3806439202 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3806539203 }
3855739695 var r;
3855839696 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3855939697 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
38560 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38561 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
39698 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39699 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39700 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
39701 }
3856239702 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3856339703 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3856539705 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3856639706 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
38567 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38568 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
39707 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39708 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39709 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
39710 }
3856939711 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3857039712 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3857139713 }
3859439736 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3859539737 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3859639738 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
38597 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
38598 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
39739 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39740 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39741 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
39742 }
3859939743 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3860039744 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3860139745 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3860239746 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
38603 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
38604 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
39747 if (locale !== 'ka') {
39748 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39749 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
39750 }
3860539751 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3860639752 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3860739753 }
3902240168 var r;
3902340169 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3902440170 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
39025 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39026 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
40171 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40172 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40173 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
40174 }
3902740175 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3902840176 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3903040178 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3903140179 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
39032 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39033 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
40180 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40181 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40182 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
40183 }
3903440184 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3903540185 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3903640186 }
3905940209 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3906040210 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3906140211 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
39062 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39063 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
40212 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40213 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40214 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
40215 }
3906440216 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3906540217 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3906640218 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3906740219 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
39068 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39069 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
40220 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40221 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40222 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
40223 }
3907040224 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3907140225 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3907240226 }
3950140655 var r;
3950240656 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3950340657 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
39504 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39505 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
40658 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40659 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40660 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
40661 }
3950640662 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3950740663 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3950940665 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3951040666 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
39511 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39512 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
40667 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40668 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40669 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
40670 }
3951340671 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3951440672 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3951540673 }
3953840696 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
3953940697 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3954040698 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
39541 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39542 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
40699 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40700 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40701 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
40702 }
3954340703 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3954440704 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
3954540705 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3954640706 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
39547 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39548 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
40707 if (locale !== 'ka') {
40708 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40709 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
40710 }
3954940711 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3955040712 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
3955140713 }
3997241134 var r;
3997341135 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
3997441136 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
39975 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
39976 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
41137 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41138 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
41139 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
41140 }
3997741141 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
3997841142 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
3998041144 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
3998141145 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
39982 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
39983 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
41146 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41147 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
41148 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
41149 }
3998441150 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
3998541151 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
3998641152 }
4000941175 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4001041176 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4001141177 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
40012 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40013 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
41178 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41179 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
41180 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
41181 }
4001441182 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4001541183 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4001641184 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4001741185 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
40018 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40019 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
41186 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41187 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
41188 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
41189 }
4002041190 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4002141191 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4002241192 }
4044341613 var r;
4044441614 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4044541615 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
40446 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40447 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
41616 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41617 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
41618 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
41619 }
4044841620 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4044941621 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4045141623 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4045241624 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
40453 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40454 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
41625 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41626 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
41627 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
41628 }
4045541629 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4045641630 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4045741631 }
4048041654 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4048141655 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4048241656 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
40483 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40484 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
41657 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41658 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
41659 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
41660 }
4048541661 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4048641662 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4048741663 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4048841664 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
40489 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40490 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
41665 if (locale !== 'ka') {
41666 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
41667 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
41668 }
4049141669 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4049241670 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4049341671 }
4090742085 var r;
4090842086 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4090942087 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
40910 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40911 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
42088 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42089 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42090 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
42091 }
4091242092 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4091342093 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4091542095 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4091642096 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
40917 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40918 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
42097 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42098 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42099 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
42100 }
4091942101 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4092042102 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4092142103 }
4094442126 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4094542127 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4094642128 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
40947 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
40948 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
42129 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42130 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42131 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
42132 }
4094942133 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4095042134 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4095142135 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4095242136 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
40953 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
40954 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
42137 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42138 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42139 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
42140 }
4095542141 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4095642142 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4095742143 }
4148442670 var r;
4148542671 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4148642672 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
41487 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
41488 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
42673 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42674 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42675 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
42676 }
4148942677 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4149042678 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4149242680 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4149342681 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
41494 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
41495 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
42682 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42683 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42684 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
42685 }
4149642686 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4149742687 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4149842688 }
4152142711 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4152242712 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4152342713 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
41524 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
41525 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
42714 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42715 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42716 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
42717 }
4152642718 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4152742719 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4152842720 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4152942721 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
41530 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
41531 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
42722 if (locale !== 'ka') {
42723 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42724 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
42725 }
4153242726 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4153342727 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4153442728 }
4201443208 var r;
4201543209 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4201643210 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
42017 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42018 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
43211 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43212 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
43213 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
43214 }
4201943215 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4202043216 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4202243218 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4202343219 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
42024 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42025 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
43220 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43221 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
43222 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
43223 }
4202643224 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4202743225 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4202843226 }
4205143249 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4205243250 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4205343251 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
42054 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42055 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
43252 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43253 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
43254 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
43255 }
4205643256 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4205743257 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4205843258 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4205943259 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
42060 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42061 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
43260 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43261 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
43262 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
43263 }
4206243264 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4206343265 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4206443266 }
4249043692 var r;
4249143693 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4249243694 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
42493 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42494 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
43695 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43696 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
43697 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
43698 }
4249543699 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4249643700 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4249843702 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4249943703 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
42500 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42501 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
43704 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43705 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
43706 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
43707 }
4250243708 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4250343709 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4250443710 }
4252743733 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4252843734 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4252943735 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
42530 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42531 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
43736 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43737 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
43738 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
43739 }
4253243740 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4253343741 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4253443742 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4253543743 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
42536 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42537 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
43744 if (locale !== 'ka') {
43745 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
43746 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
43747 }
4253843748 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4253943749 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4254043750 }
4295044160 var r;
4295144161 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4295244162 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
42953 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42954 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
44163 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44164 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44165 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
44166 }
4295544167 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4295644168 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4295844170 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4295944171 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
42960 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42961 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
44172 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44173 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44174 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
44175 }
4296244176 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4296344177 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4296444178 }
4298744201 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4298844202 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4298944203 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
42990 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
42991 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
44204 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44205 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44206 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
44207 }
4299244208 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4299344209 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4299444210 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4299544211 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
42996 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
42997 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
44212 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44213 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44214 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
44215 }
4299844216 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4299944217 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4300044218 }
4342244640 var r;
4342344641 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4342444642 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
43425 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
43426 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
44643 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44644 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44645 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
44646 }
4342744647 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4342844648 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4343044650 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4343144651 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
43432 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
43433 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
44652 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44653 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44654 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
44655 }
4343444656 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4343544657 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4343644658 }
4345944681 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4346044682 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4346144683 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
43462 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
43463 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
44684 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44685 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44686 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
44687 }
4346444688 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4346544689 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4346644690 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4346744691 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
43468 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
43469 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
44692 if (locale !== 'ka') {
44693 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44694 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
44695 }
4347044696 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4347144697 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4347244698 }
4403445260 var r;
4403545261 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4403645262 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
44037 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44038 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
45263 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45264 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
45265 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
45266 }
4403945267 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4404045268 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4404245270 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4404345271 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
44044 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44045 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
45272 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45273 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
45274 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
45275 }
4404645276 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4404745277 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4404845278 }
4407145301 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4407245302 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4407345303 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
44074 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44075 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
45304 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45305 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
45306 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
45307 }
4407645308 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4407745309 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4407845310 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4407945311 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
44080 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44081 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
45312 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45313 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
45314 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
45315 }
4408245316 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4408345317 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4408445318 }
4451245746 var r;
4451345747 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4451445748 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
44515 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44516 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
45749 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45750 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
45751 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
45752 }
4451745753 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4451845754 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4452045756 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4452145757 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
44522 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44523 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
45758 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45759 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
45760 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
45761 }
4452445762 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4452545763 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4452645764 }
4454945787 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4455045788 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4455145789 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
44552 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44553 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
45790 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45791 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
45792 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
45793 }
4455445794 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4455545795 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4455645796 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4455745797 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
44558 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44559 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
45798 if (locale !== 'ka') {
45799 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
45800 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
45801 }
4456045802 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4456145803 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4456245804 }
4498746229 var r;
4498846230 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4498946231 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
44990 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
44991 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
46232 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46233 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46234 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
46235 }
4499246236 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4499346237 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4499546239 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4499646240 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
44997 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
44998 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
46241 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46242 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46243 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
46244 }
4499946245 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4500046246 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4500146247 }
4502446270 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4502546271 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4502646272 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
45027 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
45028 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
46273 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46274 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46275 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
46276 }
4502946277 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4503046278 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4503146279 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4503246280 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
45033 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
45034 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
46281 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46282 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46283 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
46284 }
4503546285 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4503646286 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4503746287 }
4544646696 var r;
4544746697 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4544846698 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
45449 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
45450 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
46699 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46700 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46701 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
46702 }
4545146703 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4545246704 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4545446706 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4545546707 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
45456 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
45457 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
46708 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46709 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46710 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
46711 }
4545846712 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4545946713 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4546046714 }
4548346737 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4548446738 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4548546739 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
45486 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
45487 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
46740 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46741 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46742 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
46743 }
4548846744 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4548946745 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4549046746 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4549146747 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
45492 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
45493 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
46748 if (locale !== 'ka') {
46749 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46750 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
46751 }
4549446752 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4549546753 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4549646754 }
4599847256 var r;
4599947257 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4600047258 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
46001 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46002 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
47259 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47260 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47261 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
47262 }
4600347263 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4600447264 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4600647266 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4600747267 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
46008 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46009 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
47268 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47269 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47270 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
47271 }
4601047272 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4601147273 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4601247274 }
4603547297 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4603647298 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4603747299 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
46038 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46039 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
47300 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47301 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47302 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
47303 }
4604047304 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4604147305 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4604247306 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4604347307 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
46044 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46045 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
47308 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47309 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47310 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
47311 }
4604647312 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4604747313 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4604847314 }
4658647852 var r;
4658747853 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4658847854 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
46589 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46590 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
47855 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47856 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47857 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
47858 }
4659147859 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4659247860 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4659447862 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4659547863 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
46596 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46597 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
47864 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47865 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47866 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
47867 }
4659847868 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4659947869 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4660047870 }
4662347893 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4662447894 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4662547895 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
46626 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
46627 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
47896 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47897 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47898 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
47899 }
4662847900 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4662947901 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4663047902 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4663147903 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
46632 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
46633 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
47904 if (locale !== 'ka') {
47905 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47906 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
47907 }
4663447908 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4663547909 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4663647910 }
4706648340 var r;
4706748341 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4706848342 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
47069 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47070 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
48343 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48344 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48345 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
48346 }
4707148347 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4707248348 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4707448350 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4707548351 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
47076 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47077 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
48352 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48353 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48354 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
48355 }
4707848356 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4707948357 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4708048358 }
4710348381 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4710448382 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4710548383 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
47106 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47107 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
48384 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48385 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48386 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
48387 }
4710848388 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4710948389 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4711048390 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4711148391 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
47112 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47113 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
48392 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48393 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48394 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
48395 }
4711448396 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4711548397 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4711648398 }
4756548847 var r;
4756648848 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4756748849 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
47568 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47569 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
48850 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48851 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48852 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
48853 }
4757048854 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4757148855 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4757348857 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4757448858 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
47575 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47576 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
48859 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48860 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48861 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
48862 }
4757748863 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4757848864 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4757948865 }
4760248888 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4760348889 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4760448890 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
47605 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
47606 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
48891 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48892 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48893 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
48894 }
4760748895 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4760848896 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4760948897 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4761048898 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
47611 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
47612 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
48899 if (locale !== 'ka') {
48900 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48901 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
48902 }
4761348903 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4761448904 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4761548905 }
4806449354 var r;
4806549355 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4806649356 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
48067 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48068 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
49357 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49358 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49359 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
49360 }
4806949361 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4807049362 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4807249364 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4807349365 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
48074 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48075 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
49366 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49367 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49368 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
49369 }
4807649370 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4807749371 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4807849372 }
4810149395 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4810249396 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4810349397 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
48104 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48105 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
49398 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49399 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49400 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
49401 }
4810649402 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4810749403 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4810849404 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4810949405 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
48110 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48111 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
49406 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49407 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49408 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
49409 }
4811249410 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4811349411 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4811449412 }
4856149859 var r;
4856249860 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4856349861 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
48564 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48565 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
49862 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49863 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49864 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
49865 }
4856649866 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4856749867 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4856949869 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4857049870 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
48571 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48572 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
49871 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49872 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49873 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
49874 }
4857349875 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4857449876 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4857549877 }
4859849900 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4859949901 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4860049902 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
48601 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
48602 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
49903 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49904 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49905 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
49906 }
4860349907 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4860449908 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4860549909 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4860649910 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
48607 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
48608 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
49911 if (locale !== 'ka') {
49912 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49913 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
49914 }
4860949915 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4861049916 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4861149917 }
4902550331 var r;
4902650332 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4902750333 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
49028 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49029 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
50334 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50335 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50336 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
50337 }
4903050338 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4903150339 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4903350341 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4903450342 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
49035 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49036 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
50343 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50344 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50345 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
50346 }
4903750347 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4903850348 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4903950349 }
4906250372 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4906350373 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4906450374 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
49065 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49066 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
50375 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50376 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50377 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
50378 }
4906750379 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4906850380 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4906950381 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4907050382 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
49071 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49072 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
50383 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50384 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50385 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
50386 }
4907350387 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4907450388 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4907550389 }
4948950803 var r;
4949050804 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4949150805 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
49492 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49493 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
50806 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50807 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50808 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
50809 }
4949450810 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4949550811 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4949750813 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4949850814 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
49499 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49500 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
50815 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50816 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50817 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
50818 }
4950150819 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4950250820 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4950350821 }
4952650844 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4952750845 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4952850846 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
49529 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49530 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
50847 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50848 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50849 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
50850 }
4953150851 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4953250852 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
4953350853 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4953450854 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
49535 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49536 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
50855 if (locale !== 'ka') {
50856 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50857 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
50858 }
4953750859 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4953850860 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
4953950861 }
4995651278 var r;
4995751279 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4995851280 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
49959 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49960 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
51281 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51282 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51283 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
51284 }
4996151285 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4996251286 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
4996451288 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
4996551289 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
49966 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
49967 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
51290 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51291 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51292 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
51293 }
4996851294 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
4996951295 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
4997051296 }
4999351319 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
4999451320 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
4999551321 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
49996 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
49997 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
51322 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51323 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51324 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
51325 }
4999851326 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
4999951327 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5000051328 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5000151329 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
50002 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50003 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
51330 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51331 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51332 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
51333 }
5000451334 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5000551335 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5000651336 }
5043651766 var r;
5043751767 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5043851768 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
50439 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50440 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
51769 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51770 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51771 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
51772 }
5044151773 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5044251774 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5044451776 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5044551777 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
50446 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50447 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
51778 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51779 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51780 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
51781 }
5044851782 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5044951783 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5045051784 }
5047351807 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5047451808 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5047551809 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
50476 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50477 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
51810 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51811 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51812 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
51813 }
5047851814 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5047951815 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5048051816 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5048151817 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
50482 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50483 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
51818 if (locale !== 'ka') {
51819 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51820 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
51821 }
5048451822 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5048551823 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5048651824 }
5090152239 var r;
5090252240 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5090352241 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
50904 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50905 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
52242 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52243 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52244 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
52245 }
5090652246 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5090752247 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5090952249 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5091052250 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
50911 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50912 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
52251 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52252 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52253 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
52254 }
5091352255 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5091452256 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5091552257 }
5093852280 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5093952281 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5094052282 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
50941 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
50942 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
52283 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52284 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52285 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
52286 }
5094352287 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5094452288 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5094552289 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5094652290 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
50947 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
50948 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
52291 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52292 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52293 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
52294 }
5094952295 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5095052296 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5095152297 }
5137752723 var r;
5137852724 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5137952725 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
51380 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51381 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
52726 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52727 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52728 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
52729 }
5138252730 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5138352731 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5138552733 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5138652734 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
51387 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51388 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
52735 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52736 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52737 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
52738 }
5138952739 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5139052740 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5139152741 }
5141452764 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5141552765 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5141652766 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
51417 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51418 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
52767 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52768 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52769 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
52770 }
5141952771 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5142052772 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5142152773 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5142252774 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
51423 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51424 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
52775 if (locale !== 'ka') {
52776 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52777 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
52778 }
5142552779 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5142652780 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5142752781 }
5180453158 var r;
5180553159 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5180653160 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
51807 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51808 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
53161 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53162 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53163 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
53164 }
5180953165 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5181053166 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5181253168 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5181353169 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
51814 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51815 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
53170 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53171 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53172 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
53173 }
5181653174 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5181753175 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5181853176 }
5184153199 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5184253200 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5184353201 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
51844 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
51845 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
53202 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53203 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53204 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
53205 }
5184653206 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5184753207 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5184853208 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5184953209 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
51850 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
51851 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
53210 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53211 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53212 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
53213 }
5185253214 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5185353215 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5185453216 }
5226753629 var r;
5226853630 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5226953631 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
52270 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52271 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
53632 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53633 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53634 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
53635 }
5227253636 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5227353637 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5227553639 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5227653640 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
52277 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52278 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
53641 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53642 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53643 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
53644 }
5227953645 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5228053646 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5228153647 }
5230453670 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5230553671 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5230653672 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
52307 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52308 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
53673 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53674 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53675 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
53676 }
5230953677 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5231053678 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5231153679 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5231253680 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
52313 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52314 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
53681 if (locale !== 'ka') {
53682 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53683 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
53684 }
5231553685 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5231653686 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5231753687 }
5274754117 var r;
5274854118 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5274954119 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
52750 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52751 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
54120 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54121 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54122 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
54123 }
5275254124 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5275354125 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5275554127 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5275654128 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
52757 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52758 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
54129 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54130 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54131 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
54132 }
5275954133 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5276054134 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5276154135 }
5278454158 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5278554159 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5278654160 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
52787 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
52788 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
54161 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54162 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54163 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
54164 }
5278954165 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5279054166 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5279154167 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5279254168 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
52793 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
52794 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
54169 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54170 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54171 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
54172 }
5279554173 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5279654174 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5279754175 }
5322254600 var r;
5322354601 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5322454602 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
53225 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53226 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
54603 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54604 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54605 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
54606 }
5322754607 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5322854608 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5323054610 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5323154611 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
53232 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53233 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
54612 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54613 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54614 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
54615 }
5323454616 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5323554617 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5323654618 }
5325954641 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5326054642 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5326154643 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
53262 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53263 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
54644 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54645 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54646 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
54647 }
5326454648 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5326554649 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5326654650 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5326754651 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
53268 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53269 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
54652 if (locale !== 'ka') {
54653 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54654 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
54655 }
5327054656 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5327154657 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5327254658 }
5369055076 var r;
5369155077 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5369255078 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
53693 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53694 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
55079 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55080 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55081 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
55082 }
5369555083 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5369655084 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5369855086 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5369955087 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
53700 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53701 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
55088 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55089 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55090 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
55091 }
5370255092 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5370355093 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5370455094 }
5372755117 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5372855118 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5372955119 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
53730 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
53731 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
55120 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55121 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55122 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
55123 }
5373255124 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5373355125 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5373455126 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5373555127 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
53736 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
53737 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
55128 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55129 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55130 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
55131 }
5373855132 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5373955133 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5374055134 }
5415455548 var r;
5415555549 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5415655550 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
54157 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54158 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
55551 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55552 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55553 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
55554 }
5415955555 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5416055556 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5416255558 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5416355559 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
54164 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54165 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
55560 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55561 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55562 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
55563 }
5416655564 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5416755565 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5416855566 }
5419155589 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5419255590 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5419355591 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
54194 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54195 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
55592 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55593 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55594 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
55595 }
5419655596 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5419755597 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5419855598 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5419955599 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
54200 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54201 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
55600 if (locale !== 'ka') {
55601 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55602 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
55603 }
5420255604 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5420355605 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5420455606 }
5461856020 var r;
5461956021 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5462056022 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
54621 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54622 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
56023 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56024 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56025 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
56026 }
5462356027 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5462456028 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5462656030 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5462756031 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
54628 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54629 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
56032 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56033 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56034 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
56035 }
5463056036 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5463156037 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5463256038 }
5465556061 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5465656062 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5465756063 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
54658 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
54659 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
56064 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56065 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56066 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
56067 }
5466056068 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5466156069 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5466256070 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5466356071 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
54664 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
54665 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
56072 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56073 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56074 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
56075 }
5466656076 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5466756077 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5466856078 }
5505556465 var r;
5505656466 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5505756467 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
55058 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55059 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
56468 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56469 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56470 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
56471 }
5506056472 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5506156473 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5506356475 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5506456476 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
55065 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55066 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
56477 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56478 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56479 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
56480 }
5506756481 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5506856482 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5506956483 }
5509256506 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5509356507 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5509456508 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
55095 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55096 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
56509 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56510 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56511 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
56512 }
5509756513 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5509856514 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5509956515 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5510056516 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
55101 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55102 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
56517 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56518 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56519 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
56520 }
5510356521 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5510456522 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5510556523 }
5555256970 var r;
5555356971 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5555456972 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
55555 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55556 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
56973 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56974 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56975 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
56976 }
5555756977 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5555856978 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5556056980 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5556156981 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
55562 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55563 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
56982 if (locale !== 'ka') {
56983 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56984 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
56985 }
5556456986 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5556556987 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5556656988 }
5558957011 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5559057012 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5559157013 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
55592 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
55593 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
57014 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57015 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57016 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
57017 }
5559457018 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5559557019 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5559657020 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5559757021 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
55598 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
55599 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
57022 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57023 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57024 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
57025 }
5560057026 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5560157027 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5560257028 }
5603157457 var r;
5603257458 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5603357459 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
56034 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56035 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
57460 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57461 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57462 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
57463 }
5603657464 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5603757465 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5603957467 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5604057468 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
56041 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56042 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
57469 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57470 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57471 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
57472 }
5604357473 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5604457474 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5604557475 }
5606857498 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5606957499 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5607057500 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
56071 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56072 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
57501 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57502 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57503 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
57504 }
5607357505 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5607457506 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5607557507 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5607657508 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
56077 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56078 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
57509 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57510 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57511 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
57512 }
5607957513 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5608057514 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5608157515 }
5649657930 var r;
5649757931 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5649857932 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
56499 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56500 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
57933 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57934 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57935 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
57936 }
5650157937 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5650257938 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5650457940 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5650557941 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
56506 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56507 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
57942 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57943 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57944 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
57945 }
5650857946 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5650957947 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5651057948 }
5653357971 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5653457972 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5653557973 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
56536 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56537 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
57974 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57975 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57976 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
57977 }
5653857978 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5653957979 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5654057980 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5654157981 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
56542 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56543 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
57982 if (locale !== 'ka') {
57983 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57984 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
57985 }
5654457986 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5654557987 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5654657988 }
5696158403 var r;
5696258404 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5696358405 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
56964 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
56965 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
58406 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58407 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58408 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
58409 }
5696658410 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5696758411 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5696958413 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5697058414 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
56971 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
56972 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
58415 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58416 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58417 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
58418 }
5697358419 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5697458420 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5697558421 }
5699858444 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5699958445 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5700058446 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
57001 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57002 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
58447 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58448 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58449 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
58450 }
5700358451 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5700458452 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5700558453 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5700658454 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
57007 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57008 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
58455 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58456 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58457 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
58458 }
5700958459 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5701058460 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5701158461 }
5743658886 var r;
5743758887 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5743858888 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
57439 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57440 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
58889 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58890 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58891 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
58892 }
5744158893 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5744258894 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5744458896 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5744558897 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
57446 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57447 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
58898 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58899 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58900 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
58901 }
5744858902 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5744958903 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5745058904 }
5747358927 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5747458928 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5747558929 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
57476 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57477 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
58930 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58931 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58932 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
58933 }
5747858934 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5747958935 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5748058936 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5748158937 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
57482 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57483 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
58938 if (locale !== 'ka') {
58939 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58940 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
58941 }
5748458942 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5748558943 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5748658944 }
5790159359 var r;
5790259360 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5790359361 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
57904 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57905 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
59362 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59363 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
59364 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
59365 }
5790659366 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5790759367 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5790959369 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5791059370 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
57911 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57912 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
59371 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59372 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
59373 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
59374 }
5791359375 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5791459376 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5791559377 }
5793859400 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5793959401 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5794059402 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
57941 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
57942 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
59403 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59404 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
59405 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
59406 }
5794359407 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5794459408 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5794559409 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5794659410 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
57947 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
57948 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
59411 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59412 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
59413 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
59414 }
5794959415 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5795059416 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5795159417 }
5836959835 var r;
5837059836 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5837159837 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
58372 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58373 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
59838 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59839 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
59840 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
59841 }
5837459842 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5837559843 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5837759845 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5837859846 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
58379 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58380 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
59847 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59848 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
59849 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
59850 }
5838159851 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5838259852 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5838359853 }
5840659876 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5840759877 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5840859878 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
58409 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58410 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
59879 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59880 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
59881 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
59882 }
5841159883 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5841259884 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5841359885 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5841459886 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
58415 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58416 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
59887 if (locale !== 'ka') {
59888 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
59889 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
59890 }
5841759891 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5841859892 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5841959893 }
5880860282 var r;
5880960283 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5881060284 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
58811 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58812 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
60285 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60286 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
60287 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
60288 }
5881360289 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5881460290 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5881660292 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5881760293 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
58818 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58819 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
60294 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60295 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
60296 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
60297 }
5882060298 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5882160299 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5882260300 }
5884560323 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5884660324 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5884760325 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
58848 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
58849 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
60326 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60327 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
60328 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
60329 }
5885060330 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5885160331 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5885260332 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5885360333 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
58854 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
58855 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
60334 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60335 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
60336 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
60337 }
5885660338 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5885760339 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5885860340 }
5925460736 var r;
5925560737 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5925660738 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
59257 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
59258 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
60739 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60740 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
60741 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
60742 }
5925960743 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5926060744 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
5926260746 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5926360747 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
59264 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
59265 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
60748 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60749 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
60750 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
60751 }
5926660752 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5926760753 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
5926860754 }
5929160777 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
5929260778 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
5929360779 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
59294 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
59295 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
60780 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60781 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
60782 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
60783 }
5929660784 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
5929760785 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
5929860786 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
5929960787 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
59300 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
59301 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
60788 if (locale !== 'ka') {
60789 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
60790 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
60791 }
5930260792 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
5930360793 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
5930460794 }
5999361483 assert.equal(moment([2016, 0,1]).add(1.5, 'years').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), '2017-07-01', 'add 1.5 years adds 1 year six months');
5999461484 assert.equal(moment([2016, 0,1]).add(1.6, 'years').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), '2017-08-01', 'add 1.6 years becomes 1.6*12 = 19.2, round, 19 months');
5999561485 assert.equal(moment([2016,0,1]).add(1.1, 'quarters').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), '2016-04-01', 'add 1.1 quarters 1.1*3=3.3, round, 3 months');
61486 });
61488 test('add/subtract ISO week', function (assert) {
61489 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).subtract(1, 'W').date(), 8, 'subtract 1 iso week short');
61490 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).subtract(1, 'isoweek').date(), 8, 'subtract 1 iso week long singular');
61491 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).subtract(1, 'isoweeks').date(), 8, 'subtract 1 iso weeks long');
61493 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).add(1, 'W').date(), 22, 'add 1 iso week short');
61494 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).add(1, 'isoweek').date(), 22, 'add 1 week long singular');
61495 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).add(1, 'isoweeks').date(), 22, 'add 1 weeks long');
5999661496 });
5999861498 })));
6413465634 module$1('format');
6413665636 test('format using constants', function (assert) {
64137 var m = moment('2017-09-01T23:40:40.678');
64138 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL), '2017-09-01T23:40', 'datetime local format constant');
64139 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS), '2017-09-01T23:40:40', 'datetime local format constant');
64140 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_MS), '2017-09-01T23:40:40.678', 'datetime local format constant with seconds and millis');
64141 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATE), '2017-09-01', 'date format constant');
65637 var m = moment('2016-01-02T23:40:40.678');
65638 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL), '2016-01-02T23:40', 'datetime local format constant');
65639 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS), '2016-01-02T23:40:40', 'datetime local format constant');
65640 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_MS), '2016-01-02T23:40:40.678', 'datetime local format constant with seconds and millis');
65641 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATE), '2016-01-02', 'date format constant');
6414265642 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME), '23:40', 'time format constant');
6414365643 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME_SECONDS), '23:40:40', 'time format constant with seconds');
6414465644 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME_MS), '23:40:40.678', 'time format constant with seconds and millis');
64145 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2017-W35', 'week format constant');
64146 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.MONTH), '2017-09', 'month format constant');
65645 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2015-W53', 'week format constant');
65646 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.MONTH), '2016-01', 'month format constant');
6414765647 });
6414965649 test('format YY', function (assert) {
6466466164 assert.equal(moment('1-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '1', 'format 1 with Y');
6466566165 assert.equal(moment('9999-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '9999', 'format 9999 with Y');
6466666166 assert.equal(moment('10000-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '+10000', 'format 10000 with Y');
66167 });
66169 test('HTML5_FMT.WEEK', function (assert) {
66170 assert.equal(moment('2004-W01', moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK).format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2004-W01', 'issue #4698 regression');
66171 assert.equal(moment('2019-W01').format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2019-W01', 'issue #4833 regression');
6466766172 });
6466966174 })));
6656368068 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
6656468069 moment(new Date(2010, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
6656568070 moment(new Date(2011, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'year'), false, 'year is later');
66566 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'year'), false, 'same moments are not between the same year');
68071 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'year'), false, 'same moments are not between the same year');
6656768072 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween year should not change moment');
6656868073 });
6658468089 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
6658568090 moment(new Date(2011, 11, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
6658668091 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'month'), false, 'month is later');
66587 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'month'), false, 'same moments are not between the same month');
68092 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'month'), false, 'same moments are not between the same month');
6658868093 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween month should not change moment');
6658968094 });
6660568110 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
6660668111 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
6660768112 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'day'), false, 'day is later');
66608 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'day'), false, 'same moments are not between the same day');
68113 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'day'), false, 'same moments are not between the same day');
6660968114 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween day should not change moment');
6661068115 });
6662668131 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
6662768132 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
6662868133 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'hour'), false, 'hour is later');
66629 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'hour'), false, 'same moments are not between the same hour');
68134 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'hour'), false, 'same moments are not between the same hour');
6663068135 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween hour should not change moment');
6663168136 });
6664768152 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
6664868153 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 10)),
6664968154 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 3, 59, 999)), 'minute'), false, 'minute is later');
66650 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'minute'), false, 'same moments are not between the same minute');
68155 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'minute'), false, 'same moments are not between the same minute');
6665168156 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween minute should not change moment');
6665268157 });
6666868173 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
6666968174 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 10)),
6667068175 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 999)), 'second'), false, 'second is later');
66671 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'second'), false, 'same moments are not between the same second');
68176 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'second'), false, 'same moments are not between the same second');
6667268177 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween second should not change moment');
6667368178 });
6668968194 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
6669068195 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4)),
6669168196 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), 'millisecond'), false, 'millisecond is later');
66692 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'millisecond'), false, 'same moments are not between the same millisecond');
68197 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'millisecond'), false, 'same moments are not between the same millisecond');
6669368198 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween millisecond should not change moment');
68199 });
68201 test('is between invalid', function (assert) {
68202 var invalid = moment(NaN),
68203 valid = moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)),
68204 validFrom = moment(new Date(2010, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)),
68205 validTo = moment(new Date(2012, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
68206 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo), false, 'this instance invalid');
68207 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '[]'), false, 'this instance invalid []');
68208 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '[)'), false, 'this instance invalid [)');
68209 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '(]'), false, 'this instance invalid (]');
68210 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '()'), false, 'this instance invalid ()');
68212 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo), false, 'from invalid moment');
68213 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '[]'), false, 'from invalid moment []');
68214 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '[)'), false, 'from invalid moment [)');
68215 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '(]'), false, 'from invalid moment (]');
68216 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '()'), false, 'from invalid moment ()');
68218 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid), false, 'to invalid moment');
68219 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '[]'), false, 'to invalid moment []');
68220 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '[)'), false, 'to invalid moment [)');
68221 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '(]'), false, 'to invalid moment (]');
68222 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '()'), false, 'to invalid moment ()');
6669468223 });
6669668225 })));
197197 toISOString(): string;
198198 toJSON(): string;
200 isValid(): boolean;
200202 /**
201203 * @deprecated since version 2.8.0
300302 type DurationAs = Base;
302 type StartOf = Base | _quarter | _isoWeek | _date;
304 type StartOf = Base | _quarter | _isoWeek | _date | void; // null
304306 type Diff = Base | _quarter;
12591259 var defaultLocaleWeek = {
12601260 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
1261 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
1261 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
12621262 };
12641264 function localeFirstDayOfWeek () {
21342134 weekdayOverflow = true;
21352135 }
21362136 } else if (w.e != null) {
2137 // local weekday -- counting starts from begining of week
2137 // local weekday -- counting starts from beginning of week
21382138 weekday = w.e + dow;
21392139 if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {
21402140 weekdayOverflow = true;
21412141 }
21422142 } else {
2143 // default to begining of week
2143 // default to beginning of week
21442144 weekday = dow;
21452145 }
21462146 }
27342734 years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
27352735 quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
27362736 months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
2737 weeks = normalizedInput.week || 0,
2737 weeks = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0,
27382738 days = || 0,
27392739 hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
27402740 minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
30383038 ms : toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1000)) * sign // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match
30393039 };
30403040 } else if (!!(match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {
3041 sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : (match[1] === '+') ? 1 : 1;
3041 sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
30423042 duration = {
30433043 y : parseIso(match[2], sign),
30443044 M : parseIso(match[3], sign),
31893189 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
31903190 return false;
31913191 }
3192 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');
3192 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
31933193 if (units === 'millisecond') {
31943194 return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf();
31953195 } else {
32023202 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
32033203 return false;
32043204 }
3205 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');
3205 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
32063206 if (units === 'millisecond') {
32073207 return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();
32083208 } else {
32113211 }
32133213 function isBetween (from, to, units, inclusivity) {
3214 var localFrom = isMoment(from) ? from : createLocal(from),
3215 localTo = isMoment(to) ? to : createLocal(to);
3216 if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) {
3217 return false;
3218 }
32143219 inclusivity = inclusivity || '()';
3215 return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(from, units) : !this.isBefore(from, units)) &&
3216 (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(to, units) : !this.isAfter(to, units));
3220 return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units) : !this.isBefore(localFrom, units)) &&
3221 (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(localTo, units) : !this.isAfter(localTo, units));
32173222 }
32193224 function isSame (input, units) {
32223227 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
32233228 return false;
32243229 }
3225 units = normalizeUnits(units || 'millisecond');
3230 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
32263231 if (units === 'millisecond') {
32273232 return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf();
32283233 } else {
32323237 }
32343239 function isSameOrAfter (input, units) {
3235 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input,units);
3240 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units);
32363241 }
32383243 function isSameOrBefore (input, units) {
3239 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input,units);
3244 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units);
32403245 }
32423247 function diff (input, units, asFloat) {
44554460 // Side effect imports
4458 hooks.version = '2.22.2';
4463 hooks.version = '2.23.0';
44604465 setHookCallback(createLocal);
44964501 TIME: 'HH:mm', // <input type="time" />
44974502 TIME_SECONDS: 'HH:mm:ss', // <input type="time" step="1" />
44984503 TIME_MS: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS', // <input type="time" step="0.001" />
4499 WEEK: 'YYYY-[W]WW', // <input type="week" />
4504 WEEK: 'GGGG-[W]WW', // <input type="week" />
45004505 MONTH: 'YYYY-MM' // <input type="month" />
45014506 };
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11038 "dev": true,
11039 "requires": {
11040 "archiver-utils": "1.3.0",
11041 "compress-commons": "1.2.2",
11042 "lodash": "4.17.5",
11043 "readable-stream": "2.3.5"
11044 },
11045 "dependencies": {
11046 "isarray": {
11047 "version": "1.0.0",
11048 "resolved": "",
11049 "integrity": "sha1-u5NdSFgsuhaMBoNJV6VKPgcSTxE=",
11050 "dev": true
11051 },
11052 "readable-stream": {
11053 "version": "2.3.5",
11054 "resolved": "",
11055 "integrity": "sha512-tK0yDhrkygt/knjowCUiWP9YdV7c5R+8cR0r/kt9ZhBU906Fs6RpQJCEilamRJj1Nx2rWI6LkW9gKqjTkshhEw==",
11056 "dev": true,
11057 "requires": {
11058 "core-util-is": "1.0.2",
11059 "inherits": "2.0.3",
11060 "isarray": "1.0.0",
11061 "process-nextick-args": "2.0.0",
11062 "safe-buffer": "5.1.1",
11063 "string_decoder": "1.0.3",
11064 "util-deprecate": "1.0.2"
11065 }
11066 },
11067 "string_decoder": {
11068 "version": "1.0.3",
11069 "resolved": "",
11070 "integrity": "sha512-4AH6Z5fzNNBcH+6XDMfA/BTt87skxqJlO0lAh3Dker5zThcAxG6mKz+iGu308UKoPPQ8Dcqx/4JhujzltRa+hQ==",
11071 "dev": true,
11072 "requires": {
11073 "safe-buffer": "5.1.1"
11074 }
11075 }
11076 }
110779696 }
110789697 }
110799698 }
00 {
11 "name": "moment",
2 "version": "2.22.2",
2 "version": "2.23.0",
33 "description": "Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates",
44 "homepage": "",
55 "author": "Iskren Ivov Chernev <> (",
3737 "license": "MIT",
3838 "devDependencies": {
3939 "benchmark": "latest",
40 "coveralls": "^2.11.2",
40 "coveralls": "^3.0.2",
4141 "es6-promise": "latest",
4242 "grunt": "~0.4",
4343 "grunt-benchmark": "latest",
4747 "grunt-contrib-copy": "latest",
4848 "grunt-contrib-jshint": "latest",
4949 "grunt-contrib-uglify": "latest",
50 "grunt-contrib-watch": "latest",
50 "grunt-contrib-watch": "^1.1.0",
5151 "grunt-env": "latest",
5252 "grunt-exec": "latest",
5353 "grunt-jscs": "latest",
6161 "karma-sauce-launcher": "latest",
6262 "load-grunt-tasks": "~3.5.2",
6363 "node-qunit": "^1.0.0",
64 "nyc": "^2.1.4",
65 "qunit": "^2.6.0",
64 "nyc": "~11.9.0",
65 "qunit": "^2.7.1",
6666 "rollup": "latest",
6767 "spacejam": "latest",
6868 "typescript": "^1.8.10",
124124 weekdayOverflow = true;
125125 }
126126 } else if (w.e != null) {
127 // local weekday -- counting starts from begining of week
127 // local weekday -- counting starts from beginning of week
128128 weekday = w.e + dow;
129129 if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {
130130 weekdayOverflow = true;
131131 }
132132 } else {
133 // default to begining of week
133 // default to beginning of week
134134 weekday = dow;
135135 }
136136 }
66 years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
77 quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
88 months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
9 weeks = normalizedInput.week || 0,
9 weeks = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0,
1010 days = || 0,
1111 hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
1212 minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
4747 ms : toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1000)) * sign // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match
4848 };
4949 } else if (!!(match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {
50 sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : (match[1] === '+') ? 1 : 1;
50 sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
5151 duration = {
5252 y : parseIso(match[2], sign),
5353 M : parseIso(match[3], sign),
00 import { isMoment } from './constructor';
11 import { normalizeUnits } from '../units/aliases';
22 import { createLocal } from '../create/local';
3 import isUndefined from '../utils/is-undefined';
54 export function isAfter (input, units) {
65 var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);
76 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
87 return false;
98 }
10 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');
9 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
1110 if (units === 'millisecond') {
1211 return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf();
1312 } else {
2019 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
2120 return false;
2221 }
23 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : 'millisecond');
22 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
2423 if (units === 'millisecond') {
2524 return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();
2625 } else {
2928 }
3130 export function isBetween (from, to, units, inclusivity) {
31 var localFrom = isMoment(from) ? from : createLocal(from),
32 localTo = isMoment(to) ? to : createLocal(to);
33 if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) {
34 return false;
35 }
3236 inclusivity = inclusivity || '()';
33 return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(from, units) : !this.isBefore(from, units)) &&
34 (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(to, units) : !this.isAfter(to, units));
37 return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units) : !this.isBefore(localFrom, units)) &&
38 (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(localTo, units) : !this.isAfter(localTo, units));
3539 }
3741 export function isSame (input, units) {
4044 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
4145 return false;
4246 }
43 units = normalizeUnits(units || 'millisecond');
47 units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
4448 if (units === 'millisecond') {
4549 return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf();
4650 } else {
5054 }
5256 export function isSameOrAfter (input, units) {
53 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input,units);
57 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units);
5458 }
5660 export function isSameOrBefore (input, units) {
57 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input,units);
61 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units);
5862 }
4343 export var defaultLocaleWeek = {
4444 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
45 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
45 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
4646 };
4848 export function localeFirstDayOfWeek () {
4444 },
4545 week : {
4646 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
47 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
47 doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
4848 }
4949 });
4444 },
4545 week : {
4646 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
47 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
47 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
4848 }
4949 });
107107 },
108108 week : {
109109 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
110 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
110 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
111111 }
112112 });
4545 },
4646 week : {
4747 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
48 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
48 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
4949 }
5050 });
8989 },
9090 week : {
9191 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
92 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
92 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
9393 }
9494 });
122122 },
123123 week : {
124124 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
125 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
125 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
126126 }
127127 });
9090 },
9191 week : {
9292 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
93 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
93 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
9494 }
9595 });
119119 },
120120 week : {
121121 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
122 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
122 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
123123 }
124124 });
7575 },
7676 week : {
7777 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
78 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
78 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7979 }
8080 });
104104 },
105105 week : {
106106 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
107 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
107 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
108108 }
109109 });
104104 },
105105 week : {
106106 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
107 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
107 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
108108 }
109109 });
137137 ordinal : '%d.',
138138 week : {
139139 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
140 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
140 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
141141 }
142142 });
4848 ordinal : '%d-мӗш',
4949 week : {
5050 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
51 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
51 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
5252 }
5353 });
8484 },
8585 week : {
8686 dow : 7, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
87 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
87 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
8888 }
8989 });
5858 ordinal : '%da',
5959 week : {
6060 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
61 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
61 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
6262 }
6363 });
6868 ordinal : '%dº',
6969 week : {
7070 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
71 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
71 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
7272 }
7373 });
5151 ordinal : '%d.',
5252 week : {
5353 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
54 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
54 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
5555 }
5656 });
9191 ordinal : '%dم',
9292 week : {
9393 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
94 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
94 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
9595 }
9696 });
109109 },
110110 week: {
111111 dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
112 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
112 doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
113113 }
114114 });
109109 },
110110 week : {
111111 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
112 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
112 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
113113 }
114114 });
139139 ordinal : '%d.',
140140 week : {
141141 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
142 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
142 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
143143 }
144144 });
8080 },
8181 week : {
8282 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
83 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
83 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8484 }
8585 });
6868 },
6969 week : {
7070 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
71 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
71 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7272 }
7373 });
6868 },
6969 week : {
7070 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
71 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
71 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7272 }
7373 });
7272 },
7373 week : {
7474 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
75 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
75 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7676 }
7777 });
111111 },
112112 week : {
113113 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
114 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
114 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
115115 }
116116 });
0 //! moment.js locale configuration
1 //! locale : Kurdish [ku]
2 //! author : Shahram Mebashar :
4 import moment from '../moment';
6 var symbolMap = {
7 '1': '١',
8 '2': '٢',
9 '3': '٣',
10 '4': '٤',
11 '5': '٥',
12 '6': '٦',
13 '7': '٧',
14 '8': '٨',
15 '9': '٩',
16 '0': '٠'
17 }, numberMap = {
18 '١': '1',
19 '٢': '2',
20 '٣': '3',
21 '٤': '4',
22 '٥': '5',
23 '٦': '6',
24 '٧': '7',
25 '٨': '8',
26 '٩': '9',
27 '٠': '0'
28 },
29 months = [
30 'کانونی دووەم',
31 'شوبات',
32 'ئازار',
33 'نیسان',
34 'ئایار',
35 'حوزەیران',
36 'تەمموز',
37 'ئاب',
38 'ئەیلوول',
39 'تشرینی یەكەم',
40 'تشرینی دووەم',
41 'كانونی یەکەم'
42 ];
45 export default moment.defineLocale('ku', {
46 months : months,
47 monthsShort : months,
48 weekdays : 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌_دووشه‌ممه‌_سێشه‌ممه‌_چوارشه‌ممه‌_پێنجشه‌ممه‌_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
49 weekdaysShort : 'یه‌كشه‌م_دووشه‌م_سێشه‌م_چوارشه‌م_پێنجشه‌م_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'.split('_'),
50 weekdaysMin : 'ی_د_س_چ_پ_ه_ش'.split('_'),
51 weekdaysParseExact : true,
52 longDateFormat : {
53 LT : 'HH:mm',
54 LTS : 'HH:mm:ss',
55 L : 'DD/MM/YYYY',
56 LL : 'D MMMM YYYY',
57 LLL : 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
58 LLLL : 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
59 },
60 meridiemParse: /ئێواره‌|به‌یانی/,
61 isPM: function (input) {
62 return /ئێواره‌/.test(input);
63 },
64 meridiem : function (hour, minute, isLower) {
65 if (hour < 12) {
66 return 'به‌یانی';
67 } else {
68 return 'ئێواره‌';
69 }
70 },
71 calendar : {
72 sameDay : '[ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر] LT',
73 nextDay : '[به‌یانی كاتژمێر] LT',
74 nextWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
75 lastDay : '[دوێنێ كاتژمێر] LT',
76 lastWeek : 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
77 sameElse : 'L'
78 },
79 relativeTime : {
80 future : 'له‌ %s',
81 past : '%s',
82 s : 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك',
83 ss : 'چركه‌ %d',
84 m : 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك',
85 mm : '%d خوله‌ك',
86 h : 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر',
87 hh : '%d كاتژمێر',
88 d : 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ',
89 dd : '%d ڕۆژ',
90 M : 'یه‌ك مانگ',
91 MM : '%d مانگ',
92 y : 'یه‌ك ساڵ',
93 yy : '%d ساڵ'
94 },
95 preparse: function (string) {
96 return string.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function (match) {
97 return numberMap[match];
98 }).replace(/،/g, ',');
99 },
100 postformat: function (string) {
101 return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
102 return symbolMap[match];
103 }).replace(/,/g, '،');
104 },
105 week : {
106 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
107 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
108 }
109 });
4545 sameDay : '[Бүгүн саат] LT',
4646 nextDay : '[Эртең саат] LT',
4747 nextWeek : 'dddd [саат] LT',
48 lastDay : '[Кече саат] LT',
49 lastWeek : '[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
48 lastDay : '[Кечээ саат] LT',
49 lastWeek : '[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT',
5050 sameElse : 'L'
5151 },
5252 relativeTime : {
7373 },
7474 week : {
7575 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
76 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
76 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7777 }
7878 });
9797 ordinal : '%d.',
9898 week : {
9999 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
100 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
100 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
101101 }
102102 });
7575 },
7676 week : {
7777 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
78 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
78 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7979 }
8080 });
146146 },
147147 week : {
148148 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
149 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
149 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
150150 }
151151 });
6868 },
6969 week : {
7070 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
71 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
71 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7272 }
7373 });
6767 },
6868 week : {
6969 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
70 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
70 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
7171 }
7272 });
8080 },
8181 week: {
8282 dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
83 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
83 doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
8484 }
8585 });
108108 },
109109 week : {
110110 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
111 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
111 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
112112 }
113113 });
88 monthsShortWithoutDots = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
1010 var monthsParse = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
11 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
11 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
1313 export default moment.defineLocale('nl-be', {
1414 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
2525 monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
2626 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
27 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
27 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
2828 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
3030 monthsParse : monthsParse,
88 monthsShortWithoutDots = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
1010 var monthsParse = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i];
11 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|april|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
11 var monthsRegex = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
1313 export default moment.defineLocale('nl', {
1414 months : 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
2525 monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
2626 monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
27 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|mei|ju[nl]i|april|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
27 monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
2828 monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
3030 monthsParse : monthsParse,
2929 };
3131 export default moment.defineLocale('pa-in', {
32 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calender but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
32 // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calendar but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
3333 months : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
3434 monthsShort : 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split('_'),
3535 weekdays : 'ਐਤਵਾਰ_ਸੋਮਵਾਰ_ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ_ਬੁਧਵਾਰ_ਵੀਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ਨੀਚਰਵਾਰ'.split('_'),
109109 },
110110 week : {
111111 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
112 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
112 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
113113 }
114114 });
6161 },
6262 week : {
6363 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
64 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
64 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
6565 }
6666 });
1616 } else if (number < 5) {
1717 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekunde' : 'sekundah';
1818 } else {
19 result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekund' : 'sekund';
19 result += 'sekund';
2020 }
2121 return result;
2222 case 'm':
158158 ordinal : '%d.',
159159 week : {
160160 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
161 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
161 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
162162 }
163163 });
9696 ordinal : '%d.',
9797 week : {
9898 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
99 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
99 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
100100 }
101101 });
9696 ordinal : '%d.',
9797 week : {
9898 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
99 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
99 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
100100 }
101101 });
4444 },
4545 week : {
4646 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
47 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
47 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
4848 }
4949 });
114114 },
115115 week : {
116116 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
117 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
117 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
118118 }
119119 });
7474 },
7575 week : {
7676 dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
77 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
77 doy : 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
7878 }
7979 });
8383 },
8484 week : {
8585 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
86 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
86 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
8787 }
8888 });
4343 },
4444 week : {
4545 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
46 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
46 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
4747 }
4848 });
4343 },
4444 week : {
4545 dow : 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
46 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
46 doy : 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
4747 }
4848 });
137137 },
138138 week : {
139139 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
140 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
140 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
141141 }
142142 });
4343 },
4444 week : {
4545 dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
46 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
46 doy : 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
4747 }
4848 });
00 //! moment.js
1 //! version : 2.22.2
1 //! version : 2.23.0
22 //! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
33 //! license : MIT
44 //!
66 import { hooks as moment, setHookCallback } from './lib/utils/hooks';
8 moment.version = '2.22.2';
8 moment.version = '2.23.0';
1010 import {
1111 min,
8787 TIME: 'HH:mm', // <input type="time" />
8888 TIME_SECONDS: 'HH:mm:ss', // <input type="time" step="1" />
8989 TIME_MS: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS', // <input type="time" step="0.001" />
90 WEEK: 'YYYY-[W]WW', // <input type="week" />
90 WEEK: 'GGGG-[W]WW', // <input type="week" />
9191 MONTH: 'YYYY-MM' // <input type="month" />
9292 };
8080 var r;
8181 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
8282 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format);
83 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
84 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
83 if (locale !== 'ka') {
84 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
85 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper');
86 }
8587 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
8688 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower');
8890 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
8991 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' strict');
90 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
91 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
92 if (locale !== 'ka') {
93 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
94 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' upper strict');
95 }
9296 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
9397 assert.equal(r.month(), m.month(), 'month ' + i + ' fmt ' + format + ' lower strict');
9498 }
117121 var r, baseMsg = 'weekday ' + m.weekday() + ' fmt ' + format + ' ' + m.toISOString();
118122 r = moment(m.format(format), format);
119123 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg);
120 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
121 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
124 if (locale !== 'ka') {
125 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format);
126 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper');
127 }
122128 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format);
123129 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower');
124130 r = moment(m.format(format), format, true);
125131 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' strict');
126 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
127 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
132 if (locale !== 'ka') {
133 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleUpperCase(), format, true);
134 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' upper strict');
135 }
128136 r = moment(m.format(format).toLocaleLowerCase(), format, true);
129137 assert.equal(r.weekday(), m.weekday(), baseMsg + ' lower strict');
130138 }
77 tests = 'იანვარი იან_თებერვალი თებ_მარტი მარ_აპრილი აპრ_მაისი მაი_ივნისი ივნ_ივლისი ივლ_აგვისტო აგვ_სექტემბერი სექ_ოქტომბერი ოქტ_ნოემბერი ნოე_დეკემბერი დეკ'.split('_');
99 function equalTest(input, mmm, i) {
10 assert.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' უნდა იყოს თვე ' + (i + 1));
10 assert.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' should be month ' + (i + 1));
1111 }
1313 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
1818 equalTest(tests[i][1], 'MMMM', i);
1919 equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
2020 equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
21 equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
22 equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
21 // the last two are broken until is fixed
22 // equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
23 // equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
2324 }
2425 });
0 import {test} from '../qunit';
1 import {localeModule} from '../qunit-locale';
2 import moment from '../../moment';
3 localeModule('ku');
5 var months = [
6 'کانونی دووەم',
7 'شوبات',
8 'ئازار',
9 'نیسان',
10 'ئایار',
11 'حوزەیران',
12 'تەمموز',
13 'ئاب',
14 'ئەیلوول',
15 'تشرینی یەكەم',
16 'تشرینی دووەم',
17 'كانونی یەکەم'
18 ];
20 test('parse', function (assert) {
21 var tests = months, i;
22 function equalTest(input, mmm, i) {
23 assert.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' should be month ' + (i + 1) + ' instead is month ' + moment(input, mmm).month());
24 }
25 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
26 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMM', i);
27 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMM', i);
28 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMMM', i);
29 equalTest(tests[i], 'MMMM', i);
30 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
31 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
32 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
33 equalTest(tests[i].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
34 }
35 });
37 test('format', function (assert) {
38 var a = [
39 ['dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a', 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌، شوبات ١٤ ٢٠١٠، ٣:٢٥:٥٠ ئێواره‌'],
40 ['ddd, hA', 'یه‌كشه‌م، ٣ئێواره‌'],
41 ['M Mo MM MMMM MMM', '٢ ٢ ٠٢ شوبات شوبات'],
42 ['YYYY YY', '٢٠١٠ ١٠'],
43 ['D Do DD', '١٤ ١٤ ١٤'],
44 ['d do dddd ddd dd', '٠ ٠ یه‌كشه‌ممه‌ یه‌كشه‌م ی'],
45 ['DDD DDDo DDDD', '٤٥ ٤٥ ٠٤٥'],
46 ['w wo ww', '٨ ٨ ٠٨'],
47 ['h hh', '٣ ٠٣'],
48 ['H HH', '١٥ ١٥'],
49 ['m mm', '٢٥ ٢٥'],
50 ['s ss', '٥٠ ٥٠'],
51 ['a A', 'ئێواره‌ ئێواره‌'],
52 ['[the] DDDo [day of the year]', 'the ٤٥ day of the year'],
53 ['LTS', '١٥:٢٥:٥٠'],
54 ['L', '١٤/٠٢/٢٠١٠'],
55 ['LL', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠'],
56 ['LLL', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥'],
57 ['LLLL', 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌، ١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥'],
58 ['l', '١٤/٢/٢٠١٠'],
59 ['ll', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠'],
60 ['lll', '١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥'],
61 ['llll', 'یه‌كشه‌م، ١٤ شوبات ٢٠١٠ ١٥:٢٥']
62 ],
63 b = moment(new Date(2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125)),
64 i;
65 for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
66 assert.equal(b.format(a[i][0]), a[i][1], a[i][0] + ' ---> ' + a[i][1]);
67 }
68 });
70 test('format ordinal', function (assert) {
71 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 1]).format('DDDo'), '١', '1');
72 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 2]).format('DDDo'), '٢', '2');
73 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 3]).format('DDDo'), '٣', '3');
74 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 4]).format('DDDo'), '٤', '4');
75 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 5]).format('DDDo'), '٥', '5');
76 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 6]).format('DDDo'), '٦', '6');
77 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 7]).format('DDDo'), '٧', '7');
78 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 8]).format('DDDo'), '٨', '8');
79 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 9]).format('DDDo'), '٩', '9');
80 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 10]).format('DDDo'), '١٠', '10');
82 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 11]).format('DDDo'), '١١', '11');
83 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 12]).format('DDDo'), '١٢', '12');
84 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 13]).format('DDDo'), '١٣', '13');
85 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 14]).format('DDDo'), '١٤', '14');
86 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 15]).format('DDDo'), '١٥', '15');
87 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 16]).format('DDDo'), '١٦', '16');
88 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 17]).format('DDDo'), '١٧', '17');
89 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 18]).format('DDDo'), '١٨', '18');
90 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 19]).format('DDDo'), '١٩', '19');
91 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 20]).format('DDDo'), '٢٠', '20');
93 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 21]).format('DDDo'), '٢١', '21');
94 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 22]).format('DDDo'), '٢٢', '22');
95 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 23]).format('DDDo'), '٢٣', '23');
96 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 24]).format('DDDo'), '٢٤', '24');
97 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 25]).format('DDDo'), '٢٥', '25');
98 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 26]).format('DDDo'), '٢٦', '26');
99 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 27]).format('DDDo'), '٢٧', '27');
100 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 28]).format('DDDo'), '٢٨', '28');
101 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 29]).format('DDDo'), '٢٩', '29');
102 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 30]).format('DDDo'), '٣٠', '30');
103 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 31]).format('DDDo'), '٣١', '31');
104 });
105 //ok
106 test('format month', function (assert) {
107 var expected = months, i;
108 for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
109 assert.equal(moment([2011, i, 1]).format('MMMM'), expected[i], expected[i]);
110 assert.equal(moment([2011, i, 1]).format('MMM'), expected[i], expected[i]);
111 }
112 });
114 test('format week', function (assert) {
115 var expected = 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌ یه‌كشه‌م ی_دووشه‌ممه‌ دووشه‌م د_سێشه‌ممه‌ سێشه‌م س_چوارشه‌ممه‌ چوارشه‌م چ_پێنجشه‌ممه‌ پێنجشه‌م پ_هه‌ینی هه‌ینی ه_شه‌ممه‌ شه‌ممه‌ ش'.split('_'), i;
116 for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
117 assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 2 + i]).format('dddd ddd dd'), expected[i], expected[i]);
118 }
119 });
121 test('from', function (assert) {
122 var start = moment([2007, 1, 28]);
123 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 44}), true), 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', '44 seconds = a few seconds');
124 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 45}), true), 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك', '45 seconds = a minute');
125 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 89}), true), 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك', '89 seconds = a minute');
126 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 90}), true), '٢ خوله‌ك', '90 seconds = 2 minutes');
127 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 44}), true), '٤٤ خوله‌ك', '44 minutes = 44 minutes');
128 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 45}), true), 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر', '45 minutes = an hour');
129 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 89}), true), 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر', '89 minutes = an hour');
130 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 90}), true), '٢ كاتژمێر', '90 minutes = 2 hours');
131 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 5}), true), '٥ كاتژمێر', '5 hours = 5 hours');
132 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 21}), true), '٢١ كاتژمێر', '21 hours = 21 hours');
133 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 22}), true), 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ', '22 hours = a day');
134 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 35}), true), 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ', '35 hours = a day');
135 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 36}), true), '٢ ڕۆژ', '36 hours = 2 days');
136 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 1}), true), 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ', '1 day = a day');
137 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 5}), true), '٥ ڕۆژ', '5 days = 5 days');
138 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 25}), true), '٢٥ ڕۆژ', '25 days = 25 days');
139 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 26}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '26 days = a month');
140 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 30}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '30 days = a month');
141 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 43}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '43 days = a month');
142 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 46}), true), '٢ مانگ', '46 days = 2 months');
143 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 74}), true), '٢ مانگ', '75 days = 2 months');
144 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 76}), true), '٣ مانگ', '76 days = 3 months');
145 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 1}), true), 'یه‌ك مانگ', '1 month = a month');
146 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 5}), true), '٥ مانگ', '5 months = 5 months');
147 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 345}), true), 'یه‌ك ساڵ', '345 days = a year');
148 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 548}), true), '٢ ساڵ', '548 days = 2 years');
149 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 1}), true), 'یه‌ك ساڵ', '1 year = a year');
150 assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 5}), true), '٥ ساڵ', '5 years = 5 years');
151 });
153 test('suffix', function (assert) {
154 assert.equal(moment(30000).from(0), 'له‌ چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'prefix');
155 assert.equal(moment(0).from(30000), 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'suffix');
156 });
158 test('now from now', function (assert) {
159 assert.equal(moment().fromNow(), 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'now from now should display as in the past');
160 });
162 test('fromNow', function (assert) {
163 assert.equal(moment().add({s: 30}).fromNow(), 'له‌ چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك', 'in a few seconds');
164 assert.equal(moment().add({d: 5}).fromNow(), 'له‌ ٥ ڕۆژ', 'in 5 days');
165 });
167 test('calendar day', function (assert) {
168 var a = moment().hours(12).minutes(0).seconds(0);
170 assert.equal(moment(a).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١٢:٠٠', 'today at the same time');
171 assert.equal(moment(a).add({m: 25}).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١٢:٢٥', 'Now plus 25 min');
172 assert.equal(moment(a).add({h: 1}).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١٣:٠٠', 'Now plus 1 hour');
173 assert.equal(moment(a).add({d: 1}).calendar(), 'به‌یانی كاتژمێر ١٢:٠٠', 'tomorrow at the same time');
174 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({h: 1}).calendar(), 'ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر ١١:٠٠', 'Now minus 1 hour');
175 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(), 'دوێنێ كاتژمێر ١٢:٠٠', 'yesterday at the same time');
176 });
178 test('calendar next week', function (assert) {
179 var i, m;
180 for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
181 m = moment().add({d: i});
182 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days current time');
183 m.hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);
184 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
185 m.hours(23).minutes(59).seconds(59).milliseconds(999);
186 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today + ' + i + ' days end of day');
187 }
188 });
190 test('calendar last week', function (assert) {
191 var i, m;
193 for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
194 m = moment().subtract({d: i});
195 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
196 m.hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);
197 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
198 m.hours(23).minutes(59).seconds(59).milliseconds(999);
199 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('dddd [كاتژمێر] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');
200 }
201 });
203 test('calendar all else', function (assert) {
204 var weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 1}),
205 weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 1});
207 assert.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(), weeksAgo.format('L'), '1 week ago');
208 assert.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(), weeksFromNow.format('L'), 'in 1 week');
210 weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 2});
211 weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 2});
213 assert.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(), weeksAgo.format('L'), '2 weeks ago');
214 assert.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(), weeksFromNow.format('L'), 'in 2 weeks');
215 });
217 test('weeks year starting sunday formatted', function (assert) {
218 assert.equal(moment([2011, 11, 31]).format('w ww wo'), '١ ٠١ ١', 'Dec 31 2011 should be week 1');
219 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 6]).format('w ww wo'), '١ ٠١ ١', 'Jan 6 2012 should be week 1');
220 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 7]).format('w ww wo'), '٢ ٠٢ ٢', 'Jan 7 2012 should be week 2');
221 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 13]).format('w ww wo'), '٢ ٠٢ ٢', 'Jan 13 2012 should be week 2');
222 assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 14]).format('w ww wo'), '٣ ٠٣ ٣', 'Jan 14 2012 should be week 3');
223 });
226 // locale-specific
227 test('ku strict mode parsing works', function (assert) {
228 var m, formattedDate;
229 m = moment().locale('ku');
230 formattedDate = m.format('l');
231 assert.equal(moment.utc(formattedDate, 'l', 'ku', false).isValid(), true, 'Non-strict parsing works');
232 assert.equal(moment.utc(formattedDate, 'l', 'ku', true).isValid(), true,'Strict parsing must work');
233 });
158158 assert.equal(moment(a).add({h: 1}).calendar(), 'Бүгүн саат 13:00', 'Now plus 1 hour');
159159 assert.equal(moment(a).add({d: 1}).calendar(), 'Эртең саат 12:00', 'tomorrow at the same time');
160160 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({h: 1}).calendar(), 'Бүгүн саат 11:00', 'Now minus 1 hour');
161 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(), 'Кече саат 12:00', 'yesterday at the same time');
161 assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(), 'Кечээ саат 12:00', 'yesterday at the same time');
162162 });
164164 test('calendar next week', function (assert) {
179179 for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
180180 m = moment().subtract({d: i});
181 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
181 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
182182 m.hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);
183 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
183 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
184184 m.hours(23).minutes(59).seconds(59).milliseconds(999);
185 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткен аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');
185 assert.equal(m.calendar(), m.format('[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [саат] LT'), 'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');
186186 }
187187 });
367367 assert.equal(moment([2016, 0,1]).add(1.6, 'years').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), '2017-08-01', 'add 1.6 years becomes 1.6*12 = 19.2, round, 19 months');
368368 assert.equal(moment([2016,0,1]).add(1.1, 'quarters').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), '2016-04-01', 'add 1.1 quarters 1.1*3=3.3, round, 3 months');
369369 });
371 test('add/subtract ISO week', function (assert) {
372 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).subtract(1, 'W').date(), 8, 'subtract 1 iso week short');
373 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).subtract(1, 'isoweek').date(), 8, 'subtract 1 iso week long singular');
374 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).subtract(1, 'isoweeks').date(), 8, 'subtract 1 iso weeks long');
376 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).add(1, 'W').date(), 22, 'add 1 iso week short');
377 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).add(1, 'isoweek').date(), 22, 'add 1 week long singular');
378 assert.equal(moment([2016,3,15]).add(1, 'isoweeks').date(), 22, 'add 1 weeks long');
379 });
44 module('format');
66 test('format using constants', function (assert) {
7 var m = moment('2017-09-01T23:40:40.678');
8 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL), '2017-09-01T23:40', 'datetime local format constant');
9 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS), '2017-09-01T23:40:40', 'datetime local format constant');
10 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_MS), '2017-09-01T23:40:40.678', 'datetime local format constant with seconds and millis');
11 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATE), '2017-09-01', 'date format constant');
7 var m = moment('2016-01-02T23:40:40.678');
8 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL), '2016-01-02T23:40', 'datetime local format constant');
9 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS), '2016-01-02T23:40:40', 'datetime local format constant');
10 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_MS), '2016-01-02T23:40:40.678', 'datetime local format constant with seconds and millis');
11 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATE), '2016-01-02', 'date format constant');
1212 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME), '23:40', 'time format constant');
1313 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME_SECONDS), '23:40:40', 'time format constant with seconds');
1414 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME_MS), '23:40:40.678', 'time format constant with seconds and millis');
15 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2017-W35', 'week format constant');
16 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.MONTH), '2017-09', 'month format constant');
15 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2015-W53', 'week format constant');
16 assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.MONTH), '2016-01', 'month format constant');
1717 });
1919 test('format YY', function (assert) {
535535 assert.equal(moment('9999-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '9999', 'format 9999 with Y');
536536 assert.equal(moment('10000-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '+10000', 'format 10000 with Y');
537537 });
539 test('HTML5_FMT.WEEK', function (assert) {
540 assert.equal(moment('2004-W01', moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK).format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2004-W01', 'issue #4698 regression');
541 assert.equal(moment('2019-W01').format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2019-W01', 'issue #4833 regression');
542 });
225225 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
226226 moment(new Date(2010, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
227227 moment(new Date(2011, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'year'), false, 'year is later');
228 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'year'), false, 'same moments are not between the same year');
228 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'year'), false, 'same moments are not between the same year');
229229 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween year should not change moment');
230230 });
246246 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
247247 moment(new Date(2011, 11, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
248248 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'month'), false, 'month is later');
249 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'month'), false, 'same moments are not between the same month');
249 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'month'), false, 'same moments are not between the same month');
250250 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween month should not change moment');
251251 });
267267 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
268268 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
269269 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'day'), false, 'day is later');
270 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'day'), false, 'same moments are not between the same day');
270 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'day'), false, 'same moments are not between the same day');
271271 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween day should not change moment');
272272 });
288288 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
289289 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
290290 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10)), 'hour'), false, 'hour is later');
291 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'hour'), false, 'same moments are not between the same hour');
291 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'hour'), false, 'same moments are not between the same hour');
292292 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween hour should not change moment');
293293 });
309309 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
310310 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 10)),
311311 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 3, 59, 999)), 'minute'), false, 'minute is later');
312 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'minute'), false, 'same moments are not between the same minute');
312 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'minute'), false, 'same moments are not between the same minute');
313313 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween minute should not change moment');
314314 });
330330 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
331331 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 10)),
332332 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 999)), 'second'), false, 'second is later');
333 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'second'), false, 'same moments are not between the same second');
333 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'second'), false, 'same moments are not between the same second');
334334 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween second should not change moment');
335335 });
351351 assert.equal(m.isBetween(
352352 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4)),
353353 moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), 'millisecond'), false, 'millisecond is later');
354 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, 'millisecond'), false, 'same moments are not between the same millisecond');
354 assert.equal(m.isBetween(m, m, 'millisecond'), false, 'same moments are not between the same millisecond');
355355 assert.equal(+m, +mCopy, 'isBetween millisecond should not change moment');
356356 });
358 test('is between invalid', function (assert) {
359 var invalid = moment(NaN),
360 valid = moment(new Date(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)),
361 validFrom = moment(new Date(2010, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)),
362 validTo = moment(new Date(2012, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
363 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo), false, 'this instance invalid');
364 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '[]'), false, 'this instance invalid []');
365 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '[)'), false, 'this instance invalid [)');
366 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '(]'), false, 'this instance invalid (]');
367 assert.equal(invalid.isBetween(validFrom, validTo, '()'), false, 'this instance invalid ()');
369 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo), false, 'from invalid moment');
370 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '[]'), false, 'from invalid moment []');
371 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '[)'), false, 'from invalid moment [)');
372 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '(]'), false, 'from invalid moment (]');
373 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(invalid, validTo, '()'), false, 'from invalid moment ()');
375 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid), false, 'to invalid moment');
376 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '[]'), false, 'to invalid moment []');
377 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '[)'), false, 'to invalid moment [)');
378 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '(]'), false, 'to invalid moment (]');
379 assert.equal(valid.isBetween(validFrom, invalid, '()'), false, 'to invalid moment ()');
380 });
228228 moment().isBetween(moment(), moment());
229229 moment().isBetween(new Date(), new Date());
230230 moment().isBetween([1,1,2000], [1,1,2001], "year");
231 moment().isBetween([1,1,2000], [1,1,2001], null, "()");
232233 moment.localeData('fr');
233234 moment(1316116057189).fromNow();