Codebase list ocaml-qcheck / 433859b
New upstream version 0.18 Stephane Glondu authored 2 years ago Stéphane Glondu committed 2 years ago
44 changed file(s) with 7696 addition(s) and 927 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 name: github pages
2 on:
3 push:
4 branches:
5 - master # Set a branch name to trigger deployment
7 jobs:
8 deploy:
9 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10 steps:
11 - uses: actions/checkout@main
13 - name: Cache opam
14 id: cache-opam
15 uses: actions/cache@v2
16 with:
17 path: ~/.opam
18 key: opam-ubuntu-latest-4.12.0
20 - uses: avsm/setup-ocaml@v1
21 with:
22 ocaml-version: '4.12.0'
24 - name: Pin
25 run: opam pin -n .
27 - name: Depext
28 run: opam depext -yt qcheck-ounit qcheck-core qcheck
30 - name: Deps
31 run: opam install -d . --deps-only
33 - name: Build
34 run: opam exec -- dune build @doc
36 - name: Deploy
37 uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
38 with:
39 github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
40 publish_dir: ./_build/default/_doc/_html/
41 destination_dir: dev
42 enable_jekyll: true
0 name: build
1 on:
2 push:
3 branches:
4 - master
5 pull_request:
6 branches:
7 - master
8 jobs:
9 run:
10 name: Build
11 strategy:
12 matrix:
13 os:
14 - macos-latest
15 - ubuntu-latest
16 - windows-latest
17 ocaml-compiler:
18 - 4.08.x
19 - 4.12.x
20 runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
21 steps:
22 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
23 - uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2
24 with:
25 ocaml-compiler: ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }}
26 - run: opam pin -n .
27 - run: opam depext -yt qcheck qcheck-core qcheck-ounit qcheck-alcotest
28 - run: opam install -t . --deps-only
29 - run: opam exec -- dune build
30 - run: opam exec -- dune runtest
31 if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'}}
99 *.tar.gz
1010 *.byte
1111 .merlin
12 _opam/
99 - PACKAGE="qcheck"
1010 - DEPOPTS="ounit alcotest"
1111 matrix:
12 - OCAML_VERSION="4.03"
13 #- OCAML_VERSION="4.04"
14 #- OCAML_VERSION="4.05"
15 - OCAML_VERSION="4.06"
16 #- OCAML_VERSION="4.07"
12 # OCAML_VERSION is used by
1713 - OCAML_VERSION="4.08"
18 #- OCAML_VERSION="4.09"
14 - OCAML_VERSION="4.09"
1915 - OCAML_VERSION="4.10"
16 - OCAML_VERSION="4.11"
17 - OCAML_VERSION="4.12"
00 # Changes
2 ## 0.18
4 This releases marks the addition of `QCheck2`, a module where generation
5 and shrinking are better integrated.
6 See [#109]( and [#116](
8 This API is still experimental. The normal `QCheck` module is still there
9 and hasn't changed much.
11 deprecations and breakges:
13 - make `QCheck.Test_result.t` abstract and add missing getters
14 - deprecate `QCheck.oneof`
15 - deprecate `Gen.string_readable` in favor of `Gen.(string_of char)` or the new `Gen.string_printable`
16 - require at least OCaml 4.08
18 other changes:
20 - unsigned int32 and int64
21 - rename `small_int_corners`
22 - add `?ratio` to `opt`, to modify random distribution of options
224 ## 0.17
44 @dune build @install
66 test:
7 @dune runtest --no-buffer
7 @dune runtest --no-buffer --force
99 clean:
1010 @dune clean
4141 watch:
4242 @dune build @all -w
44 .PHONY: benchs tests examples update_next_tag watch release
44 .PHONY: benchs test examples update_next_tag watch release
55 QuickCheck inspired property-based testing for OCaml, and combinators to
66 generate random values to run tests on.
8 image::[alt="build", link=]
911 The documentation can be found[here].
1012 This library spent some time in
1719 -[Feat]
1820 - @gasche's[generator library]
20 Jan Midtgaard has[a lecture] about
22 Jan Midtgaard (@jmid) has[a lecture] about
2123 property-based testing that relies on QCheck.
2325 toc::[]
25 image::[alt="Build Status", link=""]
2727 == Use
0 (lang dune 1.0)
0 (lang dune 2.2)
11 (name qcheck)
137137 (add_stat ("dist",fun x -> x) small_signed_int))
138138 (fun _ -> true)
140 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
142 let leaf x = Leaf x
143 let node x y = Node (x,y)
145 let gen_tree = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
146 (fun self n -> match n with
147 | 0 -> map leaf nat
148 | n ->
149 frequency
150 [1, map leaf nat;
151 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
152 ))
154 let rec rev_tree = function
155 | Node (x, y) -> Node (rev_tree y, rev_tree x)
156 | Leaf x -> Leaf x
158 let passing_tree_rev =
159 QCheck.Test.make ~count:1000
160 ~name:"tree_rev_is_involutive"
161 QCheck.(make gen_tree)
162 (fun tree -> rev_tree (rev_tree tree) = tree)
140165 let stats_tests =
141166 let open QCheck in
142167 [
166191 stats_negs;
167192 bad_assume_warn;
168193 bad_assume_fail;
194 passing_tree_rev;
169195 ] @ find_ex_uncaught_issue_99 @ stats_tests)
2323 QCheck.small_int
2424 (fun _ -> QCheck.Test.fail_reportf "@[<v>this@ will@ always@ fail@]")
26 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
28 let leaf x = Leaf x
29 let node x y = Node (x,y)
31 let gen_tree = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
32 (fun self n -> match n with
33 | 0 -> map leaf nat
34 | n ->
35 frequency
36 [1, map leaf nat;
37 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
38 ))
40 let rec rev_tree = function
41 | Node (x, y) -> Node (rev_tree y, rev_tree x)
42 | Leaf x -> Leaf x
44 let passing_tree_rev =
45 QCheck.Test.make ~count:1000
46 ~name:"tree_rev_is_involutive"
47 QCheck.(make gen_tree)
48 (fun tree -> rev_tree (rev_tree tree) = tree)
2650 let () =
2751 Printexc.record_backtrace true;
2852 let module A = Alcotest in
2953 let suite =
3054 QCheck_alcotest.to_alcotest
31 [ passing; failing; error; simple_qcheck ]
55 [ passing; failing; error; simple_qcheck; passing_tree_rev ]
3256 in
3357 "my test" [
3458 "suite", suite
11 (executable
22 (name QCheck_alcotest_test)
33 (libraries qcheck-core qcheck-alcotest alcotest))
5 (rule
6 (targets output.txt)
7 (deps ./QCheck_alcotest_test.exe)
8 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
9 (action
10 (with-accepted-exit-codes
11 1
12 (setenv
14 (with-stdout-to
15 %{targets}
16 (run ./ --color=never))))))
18 (rule
19 (alias runtest)
20 (package qcheck-alcotest)
21 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
22 (action (diff output.txt.expected output.txt)))
0 qcheck random seed: 1234
1 Testing `my test'.
3 [OK] suite 0 list_rev_is_involutive.
4 > [FAIL] suite 1 fail_sort_id.
5 [FAIL] suite 2 error_raise_exn.
6 [FAIL] suite 3 fail_check_err_message.
7 [OK] suite 4 tree_rev_is_involutive.
9 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
10 │ [FAIL] suite 1 fail_sort_id. │
11 └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
13 test `fail_sort_id` failed on ≥ 1 cases: [1; 0] (after 20 shrink steps)
15 [exception] test `fail_sort_id` failed on ≥ 1 cases: [1; 0] (after 20 shrink steps)
19 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
21 3 failures! 5 tests run.
0 #!/usr/bin/env sh
2 # custom script to run qcheck-alcotest and filter non reproducible parts
4 OUT=`./QCheck_alcotest_test.exe $@`
5 CODE=$?
7 # remove non deterministic output
8 echo "$OUT" | grep -v 'This run has ID' \
9 | grep -v 'Full test results in' \
10 | grep -v 'Logs saved to' \
11 | grep -v 'Raised at ' \
12 | grep -v 'Called from ' \
13 | sed 's/! in .*s\./!/'
14 exit $CODE
11 (executables
22 (names QCheck_runner_test)
3 (libraries qcheck)
4 )
3 (libraries qcheck))
5 (rule
6 (targets output.txt)
7 (deps ./QCheck_runner_test.exe)
8 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
9 (action
10 (with-accepted-exit-codes
11 1
12 (with-stdout-to
13 %{targets}
14 (run ./QCheck_runner_test.exe --no-colors -s 1234)))))
16 (rule
17 (alias runtest)
18 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
19 (package qcheck)
20 (action (diff output.txt.expected output.txt)))
2323 QCheck.small_int
2424 (fun _ -> QCheck.Test.fail_reportf "@[<v>this@ will@ always@ fail@]")
27 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
29 let leaf x = Leaf x
30 let node x y = Node (x,y)
32 let gen_tree = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
33 (fun self n -> match n with
34 | 0 -> map leaf nat
35 | n ->
36 frequency
37 [1, map leaf nat;
38 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
39 ))
41 let rec rev_tree = function
42 | Node (x, y) -> Node (rev_tree y, rev_tree x)
43 | Leaf x -> Leaf x
45 let passing_tree_rev =
46 QCheck.Test.make ~count:1000
47 ~name:"tree_rev_is_involutive"
48 QCheck.(make gen_tree)
49 (fun tree -> rev_tree (rev_tree tree) = tree)
2651 let () =
2752 Printexc.record_backtrace true;
2853 let open OUnit2 in
2954 run_test_tt_main
3055 ("tests" >:::
31 QCheck_ounit.to_ounit2_test [passing; failing; error; simple_qcheck])
56 QCheck_ounit.to_ounit2_test
57 [passing; failing; error; simple_qcheck; passing_tree_rev])
11 (executables
22 (names QCheck_ounit_test QCheck_test)
3 (libraries qcheck ounit2 qcheck-ounit)
4 )
3 (libraries ounit2 qcheck-ounit))
5 (rule
6 (targets output.txt)
7 (deps ./QCheck_ounit_test.exe)
8 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
9 (action
10 (with-accepted-exit-codes
11 1
12 (with-stdout-to
13 %{targets}
14 (run ./ -runner=sequential -seed 1234)))))
16 (rule
17 (alias runtest)
18 (package qcheck-ounit)
19 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
20 (action (diff output.txt.expected output.txt)))
0 .FEF.
1 ==============================================================================
2 Error: tests:2:error_raise_exn.
4 Error: tests:2:error_raise_exn (in the log).
7 test `error_raise_exn` raised exception `Dune__exe__QCheck_ounit_test.Error`
8 on `0 (after 63 shrink steps)`
10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 ==============================================================================
12 Error: tests:3:fail_check_err_message.
14 Error: tests:3:fail_check_err_message (in the log).
16 Error: tests:3:fail_check_err_message (in the code).
19 test `fail_check_err_message` failed on ≥ 1 cases:
20 0 (after 7 shrink steps)
21 this
22 will
23 always
24 fail
28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 ==============================================================================
30 Error: tests:1:fail_sort_id.
32 Error: tests:1:fail_sort_id (in the log).
34 Error: tests:1:fail_sort_id (in the code).
37 test `fail_sort_id` failed on ≥ 1 cases: [1; 0] (after 20 shrink steps)
40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 Ran: 5 tests in: <nondet> seconds.
42 FAILED: Cases: 5 Tried: 5 Errors: 1 Failures: 2 Skip: 0 Todo: 0 Timeouts: 0.
0 #!/usr/bin/env sh
2 # custom script to run qcheck-ounit and filter non reproducible parts
4 OUT=`./QCheck_ounit_test.exe $@`
5 CODE=$?
7 # remove non deterministic output
8 echo "$OUT" \
9 | grep -v 'File .*, line .*' \
10 | grep -v 'Called from ' \
11 | grep -v 'Raised at ' \
12 | sed 's/in: .*seconds/in: <nondet> seconds/'
13 exit $CODE
0 random seed: 1234
2 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
4 Test should_fail_sort_id failed (18 shrink steps):
6 [1; 0]
8 === Error ======================================================================
10 Test should_error_raise_exn errored on (63 shrink steps):
12 0
14 exception Dune__exe__QCheck_runner_test.Error
17 +++ Collect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19 Collect results for test collect_results:
21 4: 20 cases
22 3: 25 cases
23 2: 17 cases
24 1: 18 cases
25 0: 20 cases
27 +++ Stats for with_stats ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
29 stats mod4:
30 num: 100, avg: 1.68, stddev: 1.09, median 2, min 0, max 3
31 0: ############################## 17
32 1: ################################################### 29
33 2: ######################################## 23
34 3: ####################################################### 31
36 stats num:
37 num: 100, avg: 66.84, stddev: 31.94, median 65, min 2, max 120
38 2.. 7: ################## 3
39 8.. 13: ################## 3
40 14.. 19: 0
41 20.. 25: ########################################## 7
42 26.. 31: ######################## 4
43 32.. 37: ######################## 4
44 38.. 43: ################## 3
45 44.. 49: ################################################ 8
46 50.. 55: #################################### 6
47 56.. 61: #################################### 6
48 62.. 67: ####################################################### 9
49 68.. 73: ########################################## 7
50 74.. 79: ######################## 4
51 80.. 85: ################## 3
52 86.. 91: ############ 2
53 92.. 97: ########################################## 7
54 98..103: #################################### 6
55 104..109: #################################### 6
56 110..115: ####################################################### 9
57 116..121: ################## 3
59 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
61 Test FAIL_pred_map_commute failed (127 shrink steps):
63 ([3], {_ -> 0}, {3 -> false; _ -> true})
65 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
67 Test FAIL_fun2_pred_strings failed (1 shrink steps):
69 {some random string -> true; _ -> false}
71 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
73 Test fold_left fold_right failed (25 shrink steps):
75 (0, [1], {(1, 0) -> 1; _ -> 0})
77 +++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
79 Messages for test fold_left fold_right:
81 l=[1], fold_left=1, fold_right=0
84 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
86 Test fold_left fold_right uncurried failed (111 shrink steps):
88 ({(5, 7) -> 0; _ -> 7}, 0, [5; 0])
90 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
92 Test long_shrink failed (149 shrink steps):
94 ([0], [-1])
96 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
98 Test mod3_should_fail failed (84 shrink steps):
100 -21
102 +++ Stats for stats_neg ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
104 stats dist:
105 num: 5000, avg: 0.17, stddev: 29.68, median 0, min -99, max 99
106 -99..-90: # 65
107 -89..-80: # 63
108 -79..-70: # 64
109 -69..-60: # 58
110 -59..-50: # 67
111 -49..-40: # 72
112 -39..-30: # 61
113 -29..-20: # 61
114 -19..-10: # 67
115 -9.. 0: ####################################################### 2076
116 1.. 10: ############################################## 1764
117 11.. 20: # 66
118 21.. 30: # 64
119 31.. 40: # 64
120 41.. 50: # 67
121 51.. 60: # 60
122 61.. 70: # 75
123 71.. 80: # 60
124 81.. 90: # 60
125 91..100: # 66
127 !!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
129 Warning for test WARN_unlikely_precond:
131 WARNING: only 0.5% tests (of 2000) passed precondition for "WARN_unlikely_precond"
133 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that the generator is buggy.
135 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
137 Test FAIL_unlikely_precond failed:
139 ERROR: only 0.5% tests (of 2000) passed precondition for "FAIL_unlikely_precond"
141 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that the generator is buggy.
144 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
146 Test FAIL_#99_1 failed:
148 ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test FAIL_#99_1 after 100 steps:
149 Exception: QCheck.No_example_found("<example>")
150 Backtrace:
152 +++ Stats for stat_display_test_1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
154 stats dist:
155 num: 1000, avg: 0.90, stddev: 28.23, median 0, min -99, max 99
156 -99..-90: # 12
157 -89..-80: # 11
158 -79..-70: # 9
159 -69..-60: 6
160 -59..-50: # 11
161 -49..-40: # 13
162 -39..-30: # 9
163 -29..-20: # 13
164 -19..-10: 8
165 -9.. 0: ####################################################### 453
166 1.. 10: ######################################### 340
167 11.. 20: # 15
168 21.. 30: # 11
169 31.. 40: # 12
170 41.. 50: # 13
171 51.. 60: # 13
172 61.. 70: # 16
173 71.. 80: # 9
174 81.. 90: # 16
175 91..100: # 10
177 +++ Stats for stat_display_test_2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
179 stats dist:
180 num: 1000, avg: 15.11, stddev: 23.27, median 6, min 0, max 99
181 0.. 4: #################################################### 377
182 5.. 9: ####################################################### 392
183 10.. 14: ## 20
184 15.. 19: ## 15
185 20.. 24: # 11
186 25.. 29: ## 17
187 30.. 34: ## 19
188 35.. 39: ## 17
189 40.. 44: # 10
190 45.. 49: # 9
191 50.. 54: # 8
192 55.. 59: # 9
193 60.. 64: ## 15
194 65.. 69: # 10
195 70.. 74: # 13
196 75.. 79: ## 19
197 80.. 84: # 11
198 85.. 89: # 13
199 90.. 94: 5
200 95.. 99: # 10
202 +++ Stats for stat_display_test_3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
204 stats dist:
205 num: 1000, avg: 195335.64, stddev: 136803.99, median 195583, min -43624, max 435210
206 -43624..-19683: ############################################ 52
207 -19682.. 4259: ######################################## 47
208 4260.. 28201: ############################## 36
209 28202.. 52143: ############################################ 52
210 52144.. 76085: ########################################## 50
211 76086..100027: ####################################################### 64
212 100028..123969: ############################################### 55
213 123970..147911: ######################################## 47
214 147912..171853: ############################################## 54
215 171854..195795: #################################### 43
216 195796..219737: ############################################## 54
217 219738..243679: ########################################### 51
218 243680..267621: ################################################ 57
219 267622..291563: ########################################## 49
220 291564..315505: #################################### 42
221 315506..339447: ###################################### 45
222 339448..363389: ################################################ 57
223 363390..387331: ###################################### 45
224 387332..411273: ########################################## 49
225 411274..435215: ########################################### 51
227 +++ Stats for stat_display_test_4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
229 stats dist:
230 num: 1000, avg: -173.78, stddev: 23042.92, median 180, min -39859, max 39942
231 -39859..-35869: ############################################# 56
232 -35868..-31878: ################################### 43
233 -31877..-27887: ################################################# 60
234 -27886..-23896: ##################################### 46
235 -23895..-19905: ######################################## 49
236 -19904..-15914: #################################### 45
237 -15913..-11923: ############################################ 54
238 -11922.. -7932: ############################################### 58
239 -7931.. -3941: ######################################### 51
240 -3940.. 50: ############################ 35
241 51.. 4041: ####################################### 48
242 4042.. 8032: ########################################## 52
243 8033.. 12023: ######################################### 51
244 12024.. 16014: ########################################### 53
245 16015.. 20005: ############################################ 54
246 20006.. 23996: ################################## 42
247 23997.. 27987: ####################################################### 67
248 27988.. 31978: ################################ 40
249 31979.. 35969: ######################################### 51
250 35970.. 39960: #################################### 45
252 +++ Stats for stat_display_test_5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
254 stats dist:
255 num: 1000, avg: 0.02, stddev: 2.55, median 0, min -4, max 4
256 -4: ############################################ 99
257 -3: ##################################################### 118
258 -2: ################################################## 111
259 -1: ################################################## 113
260 0: ################################################## 113
261 1: ##################################################### 118
262 2: ############################################# 102
263 3: ####################################################### 122
264 4: ############################################## 104
266 +++ Stats for stat_display_test_6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
268 stats dist:
269 num: 1000, avg: 6.67, stddev: 6.39, median 7, min -4, max 17
270 -4..-3: ############################################# 90
271 -2..-1: ############################################# 91
272 0.. 1: ########################################## 84
273 2.. 3: ############################################## 92
274 4.. 5: ########################################### 87
275 6.. 7: ########################################### 86
276 8.. 9: ############################################ 89
277 10..11: ########################################### 87
278 12..13: ####################################################### 110
279 14..15: ############################################# 91
280 16..17: ############################################## 93
281 18..19: 0
282 20..21: 0
283 22..23: 0
284 24..25: 0
285 26..27: 0
286 28..29: 0
287 30..31: 0
288 32..33: 0
289 34..35: 0
291 +++ Stats for stat_display_test_7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
293 stats dist:
294 num: 100000, avg: 2541076923587387.50, stddev: 2660730801206827008.00, median 158655268318060, min -4611522359435274428, max 4611540922436307689
295 -4611522359435274428..-4150369195341695293: ##################################################### 4976
296 -4150369195341695292..-3689216031248116157: ##################################################### 4963
297 -3689216031248116156..-3228062867154537021: ###################################################### 5038
298 -3228062867154537020..-2766909703060957885: ##################################################### 4979
299 -2766909703060957884..-2305756538967378749: ##################################################### 5001
300 -2305756538967378748..-1844603374873799613: ##################################################### 4982
301 -1844603374873799612..-1383450210780220477: ##################################################### 5025
302 -1383450210780220476.. -922297046686641341: #################################################### 4901
303 -922297046686641340.. -461143882593062205: ####################################################### 5126
304 -461143882593062204.. 9281500516931: ##################################################### 5008
305 9281500516932.. 461162445594096067: ###################################################### 5041
306 461162445594096068.. 922315609687675203: ##################################################### 5001
307 922315609687675204.. 1383468773781254339: ##################################################### 4986
308 1383468773781254340.. 1844621937874833475: ##################################################### 4949
309 1844621937874833476.. 2305775101968412611: ##################################################### 5025
310 2305775101968412612.. 2766928266061991747: ##################################################### 5022
311 2766928266061991748.. 3228081430155570883: ##################################################### 4958
312 3228081430155570884.. 3689234594249150019: ##################################################### 4998
313 3689234594249150020.. 4150387758342729155: ##################################################### 4982
314 4150387758342729156.. 4611540922436308291: ###################################################### 5039
315 ================================================================================
316 1 warning(s)
317 failure (9 tests failed, 1 tests errored, ran 25 tests)
00 opam-version: "2.0"
11 maintainer: ""
2 author: [ "Simon Cruanes <>" ]
2 author: [ "the qcheck contributors" ]
33 homepage: ""
4 license: "BSD-2-Clause"
45 synopsis: "Alcotest backend for qcheck"
56 doc: [""]
6 version: "0.17"
7 version: "0.18"
78 tags: [
89 "test"
910 "quickcheck"
1617 ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
1718 ]
1819 depends: [
19 "dune"
20 "dune" { >= "2.2" }
2021 "base-bytes"
2122 "base-unix"
2223 "qcheck-core" { = version }
2324 "alcotest"
2425 "odoc" {with-doc}
25 "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
26 "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
2627 ]
2728 dev-repo: "git+"
2829 bug-reports: ""
00 opam-version: "2.0"
11 maintainer: ""
2 author: [ "Simon Cruanes <>" ]
2 author: [ "the qcheck contributors" ]
33 homepage: ""
4 license: "BSD-2-Clause"
45 synopsis: "Core qcheck library"
56 doc: [""]
6 version: "0.17"
7 version: "0.18"
78 tags: [
89 "test"
910 "property"
1516 ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
1617 ]
1718 depends: [
18 "dune"
19 "dune" { >= "2.2" }
1920 "base-bytes"
2021 "base-unix"
22 "alcotest" {with-test}
2123 "odoc" {with-doc}
22 "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
24 "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
2325 ]
2426 dev-repo: "git+"
2527 bug-reports: ""
00 opam-version: "2.0"
11 maintainer: ""
2 author: [ "Simon Cruanes <>" ]
2 author: [ "the qcheck contributors" ]
3 license: "BSD-2-Clause"
34 homepage: ""
45 doc: [""]
56 synopsis: "OUnit backend for qcheck"
6 version: "0.17"
7 version: "0.18"
78 tags: [
89 "qcheck"
910 "quickcheck"
1516 ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
1617 ]
1718 depends: [
18 "dune"
19 "dune" { >= "2.2" }
1920 "base-bytes"
2021 "base-unix"
2122 "qcheck-core" { = version }
2223 "ounit2"
2324 "odoc" {with-doc}
24 "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
25 "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
2526 ]
2627 dev-repo: "git+"
2728 bug-reports: ""
00 opam-version: "2.0"
11 maintainer: ""
2 author: [ "Simon Cruanes <>" ]
2 author: [ "the qcheck contributors" ]
33 synopsis: "Compatibility package for qcheck"
44 homepage: ""
5 license: "BSD-2-Clause"
56 doc: [""]
6 version: "0.17"
7 version: "0.18"
78 tags: [
89 "test"
910 "property"
1516 ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
1617 ]
1718 depends: [
18 "dune"
19 "dune" { >= "2.2" }
1920 "base-bytes"
2021 "base-unix"
2122 "qcheck-core" { = version }
2223 "qcheck-ounit" { = version }
24 "alcotest" {with-test}
2325 "odoc" {with-doc}
24 "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
26 "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
2527 ]
2628 dev-repo: "git+"
2729 bug-reports: ""
1 module Q = QCheck
2 module T = QCheck.Test
1 module Q = QCheck2
2 module T = QCheck2.Test
33 module Raw = QCheck_base_runner.Raw
55 let seed_ = lazy (
1313 val to_alcotest :
1414 ?verbose:bool -> ?long:bool -> ?rand:Random.State.t ->
15 QCheck.Test.t -> unit Alcotest.test_case
15 QCheck2.Test.t -> unit Alcotest.test_case
1616 (** Convert a qcheck test into an alcotest test
1717 @param verbose used to print information on stdout (default: [verbose()])
1818 @param rand the random generator to use (default: [random_state ()])
4848 let sum_int = List.fold_left (+) 0
50 exception FailedPrecondition
51 (* raised if precondition is false *)
5350 exception No_example_found of string
5451 (* raised if an example failed to be found *)
56 let assume b = if not b then raise FailedPrecondition
58 let assume_fail () = raise FailedPrecondition
60 let (==>) b1 b2 = if b1 then b2 else raise FailedPrecondition
53 let assume = QCheck2.assume
55 let assume_fail = QCheck2.assume_fail
57 let (==>) = QCheck2.(==>)
6259 module Gen = struct
6360 type 'a t = RS.t -> 'a
139136 let neg_int st = -(nat st)
141 let opt f st =
138 let opt ?(ratio = 0.85) f st =
142139 let p = RS.float st 1. in
143 if p < 0.15 then None
140 if p < (1.0 -. ratio) then None
144141 else Some (f st)
146143 (* Uniform random int generator *)
149146 fun st -> RS.bits st
150147 else (* word size = 64 *)
151148 fun st ->
152 RS.bits st (* Bottom 30 bits *)
153 lor (RS.bits st lsl 30) (* Middle 30 bits *)
154 lor ((RS.bits st land 3) lsl 60) (* Top 2 bits *) (* top bit = 0 *)
149 (* Technically we could write [3] but this is clearer *)
150 let two_bits_mask = 0b11 in
151 (* Top 2 bits *)
152 let left = ((RS.bits st land two_bits_mask) lsl 60) in
153 (* Middle 30 bits *)
154 let middle = (RS.bits st lsl 30) in
155 (* Bottom 30 bits *)
156 let right = RS.bits st in
157 left lor middle lor right
156159 let int st = if RS.bool st then - (pint st) - 1 else pint st
157160 let int_bound n =
243246 let samples = List.rev_map sample l in
244247 List.sort (fun (w1, _) (w2, _) -> poly_compare w1 w2) samples |> List.rev_map snd
249 let range_subset ~size low high st =
250 if not (low <= high && size <= high - low + 1) then invalid_arg "Gen.range_subset";
251 (* The algorithm below is attributed to Floyd, see for example
255 Note: the code be made faster by checking membership in [arr]
256 directly instead of using an additional Set. None of our
257 dependencies implements dichotomic search, so using Set is
258 easier.
259 *)
260 let module ISet = Set.Make(Int) in
261 let s = ref ISet.empty in
262 let arr = Array.make size 0 in
263 for i = high - size to high do
264 let pos = int_range high i st in
265 let choice =
266 if ISet.mem pos !s then i else pos
267 in
268 arr.(i - low) <- choice;
269 s := ISet.add choice !s;
270 done;
271 arr
273 let array_subset size arr st =
274 range_subset ~size 0 (Array.length arr - 1) st
275 |> (fun i -> arr.(i))
246277 let pair g1 g2 st = (g1 st, g2 st)
248279 let triple g1 g2 g3 st = (g1 st, g2 st, g3 st)
271302 Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
272303 let string ?gen st = string_size ?gen nat st
273304 let string_of gen = string_size ~gen nat
274 let string_readable = string_size ~gen:char nat
305 let string_printable = string_size ~gen:printable nat
306 let string_readable = string_printable
275307 let small_string ?gen st = string_size ?gen small_nat st
276308 let small_list gen = list_size small_nat gen
277309 let small_array gen = array_size small_nat gen
299331 let rec f' n st = f f' n st in
300332 f'
334 (* nat splitting *)
336 let nat_split2 n st =
337 if (n < 2) then invalid_arg "nat_split2";
338 let n1 = int_range 1 (n - 1) st in
339 (n1, n - n1)
341 let pos_split2 n st =
342 let n1 = int_range 0 n st in
343 (n1, n - n1)
345 let pos_split ~size:k n st =
346 if (k > n) then invalid_arg "nat_split";
347 (* To split n into n{0}+n{1}+..+n{k-1}, we draw distinct "boundaries"
348 b{-1}..b{k-1}, with b{-1}=0 and b{k-1} = n
349 and the k-1 intermediate boundaries b{0}..b{k-2}
350 chosen randomly distinct in [1;n-1].
352 Then each n{i} is defined as b{i}-b{i-1}. *)
353 let b = range_subset ~size:(k-1) 1 (n - 1) st in
354 Array.init k (fun i ->
355 if i = 0 then b.(0)
356 else if i = k-1 then n - b.(i-1)
357 else b.(i) - b.(i-1)
358 )
360 let nat_split ~size:k n st =
361 pos_split ~size:k (n+k) st
362 |> (fun v -> v - 1)
302364 let generate ?(rand=Random.State.make_self_init()) ~n g =
303365 list_repeat n g rand
307369 let delay f st = f () st
309 include Qcheck_ops.Make(struct
310 type nonrec 'a t = 'a t
311 let (>|=) = (>|=)
312 let monoid_product a b = map2 (fun x y -> x,y) a b
313 let (>>=) = (>>=)
314 end)
371 let (let+) = (>|=)
373 let (and+) = pair
375 let (let*) = (>>=)
377 let (and*) = pair
315378 end
317380 module Print = struct
388451 let find p iter = find_map (fun x->if p x then Some x else None) iter
390 include Qcheck_ops.Make(struct
391 type nonrec 'a t = 'a t
392 let (>|=) = (>|=)
393 let monoid_product a b = map2 (fun x y -> x,y) a b
394 let (>>=) = (>>=)
395 end)
453 let (let+) = (>|=)
455 let (and+) = pair
457 let (let*) = (>>=)
459 let (and*) = pair
396460 end
398462 module Shrink = struct
669733 | None -> o
670734 | Some shr -> {o with shrink=Some (Shrink.filter f shr)}
672 let gen o = o.gen
736 let get_gen o = o.gen
737 let gen = get_gen
738 let get_print o = o.print
674740 let small1 _ = 1
802868 (_opt_or d.shrink Shrink.nil))
803869 (Gen.quad a.gen b.gen c.gen d.gen)
805 let option a =
806 let g = Gen.opt a.gen
871 let option ?ratio a =
872 let g = Gen.opt ?ratio a.gen
807873 and shrink = _opt_map a.shrink ~f:Shrink.option
808874 and small =
809875 _opt_map_or a.small ~d:(function None -> 0 | Some _ -> 1)
11831249 Gen.(map_keep_input f a.gen)
11851251 module TestResult = struct
1186 type 'a counter_ex = {
1252 type 'a counter_ex = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.counter_ex = {
11871253 instance: 'a; (** The counter-example(s) *)
11881254 shrink_steps: int; (** How many shrinking steps for this counterex *)
11891255 msg_l: string list; (** messages. @since 0.7 *)
11941260 (** Result state.
11951261 changed in 0.10 (move to inline records) *)
1196 type 'a state =
1262 type 'a state = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.state =
11971263 | Success
11981264 | Failed of {
11991265 instances: 'a failed_state; (** Failed instance(s) *)
12091275 (* result returned by running a test *)
1210 type 'a t = {
1211 mutable state : 'a state;
1212 mutable count: int; (* number of tests *)
1213 mutable count_gen: int; (* number of generated cases *)
1214 collect_tbl: (string, int) Hashtbl.t lazy_t;
1215 stats_tbl: ('a stat * (int, int) Hashtbl.t) list;
1216 mutable warnings: string list;
1217 mutable instances: 'a list;
1218 }
1220 (* indicate failure on the given [instance] *)
1221 let fail ~msg_l ~small ~steps:shrink_steps res instance =
1222 let c_ex = {instance; shrink_steps; msg_l; } in
1223 match res.state with
1224 | Success -> res.state <- Failed {instances=[ c_ex ]}
1225 | Error _
1226 | Failed_other _ -> ()
1227 | Failed {instances=[]} -> assert false
1228 | Failed {instances=((c_ex'::_) as l)} ->
1229 match small with
1230 | Some small ->
1231 (* all counter-examples in [l] have same size according to [small],
1232 so we just compare to the first one, and we enforce
1233 the invariant *)
1234 begin match poly_compare (small instance) (small c_ex'.instance) with
1235 | 0 -> res.state <- Failed {instances=c_ex :: l} (* same size: add [c_ex] to [l] *)
1236 | n when n<0 -> res.state <- Failed {instances=[c_ex]} (* drop [l] *)
1237 | _ -> () (* drop [c_ex], not small enough *)
1238 end
1239 | _ ->
1240 (* no [small] function, keep all counter-examples *)
1241 res.state <-
1242 Failed {instances=c_ex :: l}
1244 let error ~msg_l ~steps res instance exn backtrace =
1245 res.state <- Error {instance={instance; shrink_steps=steps; msg_l; }; exn; backtrace}
1247 let collect r =
1248 if Lazy.is_val r.collect_tbl then Some (Lazy.force r.collect_tbl) else None
1250 let stats r = r.stats_tbl
1251 let warnings r = r.warnings
1253 let is_success r = match r.state with
1254 | Success -> true
1255 | Failed _ | Error _ | Failed_other _ -> false
1276 type 'a t = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.t
1278 let get_count = QCheck2.TestResult.get_count
1279 let get_count_gen = QCheck2.TestResult.get_count_gen
1280 let get_state = QCheck2.TestResult.get_state
1281 let stats = QCheck2.TestResult.stats
1282 let collect = QCheck2.TestResult.collect
1283 let warnings = QCheck2.TestResult.warnings
1284 let is_success = QCheck2.TestResult.is_success
12561285 end
12581287 module Test = struct
1259 type 'a cell = {
1260 count : int; (* number of tests to do *)
1261 long_factor : int; (* multiplicative factor for long test count *)
1262 max_gen : int; (* max number of instances to generate (>= count) *)
1263 max_fail : int; (* max number of failures *)
1264 law : 'a -> bool; (* the law to check *)
1265 arb : 'a arbitrary; (* how to generate/print/shrink instances *)
1266 if_assumptions_fail: [`Fatal | `Warning] * float;
1267 mutable name : string; (* name of the law *)
1268 }
1270 type t = | Test : 'a cell -> t
1272 let get_name {name; _} = name
1273 let set_name c name = <- name
1274 let get_law {law; _} = law
1275 let get_arbitrary {arb; _} = arb
1277 let get_count {count; _ } = count
1278 let get_long_factor {long_factor; _} = long_factor
1280 let default_count = 100
1282 let fresh_name =
1283 let r = ref 0 in
1284 (fun () -> incr r; Printf.sprintf "anon_test_%d" !r)
1286 let default_if_assumptions_fail = `Warning, 0.05
1288 let make_cell ?(if_assumptions_fail=default_if_assumptions_fail)
1289 ?(count=default_count) ?(long_factor=1) ?max_gen
1290 ?(max_fail=1) ?small ?(name=fresh_name()) arb law
1291 =
1292 let max_gen = match max_gen with None -> count + 200 | Some x->x in
1293 let arb = match small with None -> arb | Some f -> set_small f arb in
1294 {
1295 law;
1296 arb;
1297 max_gen;
1298 max_fail;
1299 name;
1300 count;
1301 long_factor;
1302 if_assumptions_fail;
1303 }
1305 let make ?if_assumptions_fail ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen ?max_fail ?small ?name arb law =
1306 Test (make_cell ?if_assumptions_fail ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen ?max_fail ?small ?name arb law)
1308 (** {6 Running the test} *)
1310 module R = TestResult
1312 (* Result of an instance run *)
1313 type res =
1288 type res = QCheck2.Test.res =
13141289 | Success
13151290 | Failure
13161291 | FalseAssumption
13171292 | Error of exn * string
1319 (* Step function, called after each instance test *)
1320 type 'a step = string -> 'a cell -> 'a -> res -> unit
1322 let step_nil_ _ _ _ _ = ()
1324 (* Events of a test *)
1325 type 'a event =
1293 type 'a event = 'a QCheck2.Test.event =
13261294 | Generating
13271295 | Collecting of 'a
13281296 | Testing of 'a
13291297 | Shrunk of int * 'a
13301298 | Shrinking of int * int * 'a
1332 type 'a handler = string -> 'a cell -> 'a event -> unit
1334 let handler_nil_ _ _ _ = ()
1336 (* state required by {!check} to execute *)
1337 type 'a state = {
1338 test: 'a cell;
1339 step: 'a step;
1340 handler : 'a handler;
1341 rand: Random.State.t;
1342 mutable res: 'a TestResult.t;
1343 mutable cur_count: int; (** number of iterations remaining to do *)
1344 mutable cur_max_gen: int; (** maximum number of generations allowed *)
1345 mutable cur_max_fail: int; (** maximum number of counter-examples allowed *)
1346 }
1348 let is_done state = state.cur_count <= 0 || state.cur_max_gen <= 0
1350 let decr_count state =
1351 state.res.R.count <- state.res.R.count + 1;
1352 state.cur_count <- state.cur_count - 1
1354 let new_input state =
1355 state.res.R.count_gen <- state.res.R.count_gen + 1;
1356 state.cur_max_gen <- state.cur_max_gen - 1;
1357 state.test.arb.gen state.rand
1359 (* statistics on inputs *)
1360 let collect st i = match st.test.arb.collect with
1361 | None -> ()
1362 | Some f ->
1363 let key = f i in
1364 let (lazy tbl) = st.res.R.collect_tbl in
1365 let n = try Hashtbl.find tbl key with Not_found -> 0 in
1366 Hashtbl.replace tbl key (n+1)
1368 let update_stats st i =
1369 List.iter
1370 (fun ((_,f), tbl) ->
1371 let key = f i in
1372 let n = try Hashtbl.find tbl key with Not_found -> 0 in
1373 Hashtbl.replace tbl key (n+1))
1374 st.res.R.stats_tbl
1376 type res_or_exn =
1377 | Shrink_fail
1378 | Shrink_exn of exn
1380 (* triggered by user to fail with a message *)
1381 exception User_fail of string
1383 let fail_report m = raise (User_fail m)
1385 let fail_reportf m =
1386 let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
1387 Format.kfprintf
1388 (fun out -> Format.fprintf out "@?"; fail_report (Buffer.contents buf))
1389 (Format.formatter_of_buffer buf) m
1391 type 'a run_res =
1392 | Run_ok
1393 | Run_fail of string list
1395 let run_law law x =
1396 try
1397 if law x then Run_ok else Run_fail []
1398 with User_fail msg -> Run_fail [msg]
1400 (* try to shrink counter-ex [i] into a smaller one. Returns
1401 shrinked value and number of steps *)
1402 let shrink st (i:'a) (r:res_or_exn) m : 'a * res_or_exn * string list * int =
1403 let is_err = match r with
1404 | Shrink_exn _ -> true | _ -> false
1405 in
1406 let rec shrink_ st i r m ~steps =
1407 st.handler st.test (Shrunk (steps, i));
1408 match st.test.arb.shrink with
1409 | None -> i, r, m, steps
1410 | Some f ->
1411 let count = ref 0 in
1412 let i' = Iter.find_map
1413 (fun x ->
1414 try
1415 incr count;
1416 st.handler st.test (Shrinking (steps, !count, x));
1417 begin match run_law x with
1418 | Run_fail m when not is_err -> Some (x, Shrink_fail, m)
1419 | _ -> None
1420 end
1421 with
1422 | FailedPrecondition | No_example_found _ -> None
1423 | e when is_err -> Some (x, Shrink_exn e, []) (* fail test (by error) *)
1424 ) (f i)
1425 in
1426 match i' with
1427 | None -> i, r, m, steps
1428 | Some (i',r',m') -> shrink_ st i' r' m' ~steps:(steps+1) (* shrink further *)
1429 in
1430 shrink_ ~steps:0 st i r m
1432 type 'a check_result =
1433 | CR_continue
1434 | CR_yield of 'a TestResult.t
1436 (* test raised [e] on [input]; try to shrink then fail *)
1437 let handle_exn state input e bt : _ check_result =
1438 (* first, shrink
1439 TODO: shall we shrink differently (i.e. expected only an error)? *)
1440 let input, r, msg_l, steps = shrink state input (Shrink_exn e) [] in
1441 (* recover exception of shrunk input *)
1442 let e = match r with
1443 | Shrink_fail -> e
1444 | Shrink_exn e' -> e'
1445 in
1446 state.step state.test input (Error (e, bt));
1447 R.error state.res ~steps ~msg_l input e bt;
1448 CR_yield state.res
1450 (* test failed on [input], which means the law is wrong. Continue if
1451 we should. *)
1452 let handle_fail state input msg_l : _ check_result =
1453 (* first, shrink *)
1454 let input, _, msg_l, steps = shrink state input Shrink_fail msg_l in
1455 (* fail *)
1456 decr_count state;
1457 state.step state.test input Failure;
1458 state.cur_max_fail <- state.cur_max_fail - 1;
1459 ~small:state.test.arb.small state.res ~steps ~msg_l input;
1460 if _is_some state.test.arb.small && state.cur_max_fail > 0
1461 then CR_continue
1462 else CR_yield state.res
1464 (* [check_state state] applies [state.test] repeatedly ([iter] times)
1465 on output of [test.rand], and if [state.test] ever returns false,
1466 then the input that caused the failure is returned in [Failed].
1467 If [func input] raises [FailedPrecondition] then the input is discarded, unless
1468 max_gen is 0. *)
1469 let rec check_state state : _ R.t =
1470 if is_done state then state.res
1471 else (
1472 state.handler state.test Generating;
1473 match new_input state with
1474 | i ->
1475 check_state_input state i
1476 | exception e ->
1477 (* turn it into an error *)
1478 let bt = Printexc.get_backtrace() in
1479 let msg =
1480 Printf.sprintf
1481 "ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test %s after %d steps:\n%s\n%s"
1482 state.test.count (Printexc.to_string e) bt
1483 in
1484 state.res.R.state <- R.Failed_other {msg};
1485 state.res
1486 )
1487 and check_state_input state input =
1488 state.handler state.test (Collecting input);
1489 state.res.R.instances <- input :: state.res.R.instances;
1490 collect state input;
1491 update_stats state input;
1492 let res =
1493 try
1494 state.handler state.test (Testing input);
1495 begin match run_law input with
1496 | Run_ok ->
1497 (* one test ok *)
1498 decr_count state;
1499 state.step state.test input Success;
1500 CR_continue
1501 | Run_fail msg_l ->
1502 handle_fail state input msg_l
1503 end
1504 with
1505 | FailedPrecondition | No_example_found _ ->
1506 state.step state.test input FalseAssumption;
1507 CR_continue
1508 | e ->
1509 let bt = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
1510 handle_exn state input e bt
1511 in
1512 match res with
1513 | CR_continue -> check_state state
1514 | CR_yield x -> x
1516 type 'a callback = string -> 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t -> unit
1518 let callback_nil_ : _ callback = fun _ _ _ -> ()
1520 (* check that there are sufficiently many tests which passed, to avoid
1521 the case where they all passed by failed precondition *)
1522 let check_if_assumptions target_count cell res : unit =
1523 let percentage_of_count = float_of_int res.R.count /. float_of_int target_count in
1524 let assm_flag, assm_frac = cell.if_assumptions_fail in
1525 if R.is_success res && percentage_of_count < assm_frac then (
1526 let msg =
1527 format_of_string "%s: \
1528 only %.1f%% tests (of %d) passed precondition for %S\n\n\
1529 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that \
1530 the generator is buggy.\n%!"
1531 in
1532 match assm_flag with
1533 | `Warning ->
1534 let msg = Printf.sprintf
1535 msg "WARNING"
1536 (percentage_of_count *. 100.) cell.count in
1537 res.R.warnings <- msg :: res.R.warnings
1538 | `Fatal ->
1539 (* turn it into an error *)
1540 let msg = Printf.sprintf
1541 msg "ERROR"
1542 (percentage_of_count *. 100.) cell.count in
1543 res.R.state <- R.Failed_other {msg}
1544 )
1546 (* main checking function *)
1547 let check_cell ?(long=false) ?(call=callback_nil_)
1548 ?(step=step_nil_) ?(handler=handler_nil_)
1549 ?(rand=Random.State.make [| 0 |]) cell =
1550 let factor = if long then cell.long_factor else 1 in
1551 let target_count = factor*cell.count in
1552 let state = {
1553 test=cell; rand;
1554 step; handler;
1555 cur_count=target_count;
1556 cur_max_gen=factor*cell.max_gen;
1557 cur_max_fail=factor*cell.max_fail;
1558 res = {R.
1559 state=R.Success; count=0; count_gen=0;
1560 collect_tbl=lazy (Hashtbl.create 10);
1561 instances=[]; warnings=[];
1562 stats_tbl= (fun stat -> stat, Hashtbl.create 10) cell.arb.stats;
1563 };
1564 } in
1565 let res = check_state state in
1566 check_if_assumptions target_count cell res;
1567 call cell res;
1568 res
1570 exception Test_fail of string * string list
1571 exception Test_error of string * string * exn * string
1573 (* print instance using [arb] *)
1574 let print_instance arb i = match arb.print with
1575 | None -> "<instance>"
1576 | Some pp -> pp i
1578 let print_c_ex arb c : string =
1579 let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
1580 begin
1581 if c.R.shrink_steps > 0
1582 then Printf.bprintf buf "%s (after %d shrink steps)"
1583 (print_instance arb c.R.instance) c.R.shrink_steps
1584 else Buffer.add_string buf (print_instance arb c.R.instance)
1585 end;
1586 List.iter
1587 (fun msg ->
1588 Buffer.add_char buf '\n';
1589 Buffer.add_string buf msg;
1590 Buffer.add_char buf '\n')
1591 c.R.msg_l;
1592 Buffer.contents buf
1594 let pp_print_test_fail name out l =
1595 let rec pp_list out = function
1596 | [] -> ()
1597 | [x] -> Format.fprintf out "%s@," x
1598 | x :: y -> Format.fprintf out "%s@,%a" x pp_list y
1599 in
1600 Format.fprintf out "@[test `%s`@ failed on ≥ %d cases:@ @[<v>%a@]@]"
1601 name (List.length l) pp_list l
1603 let asprintf fmt =
1604 let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
1605 let out = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
1606 Format.kfprintf (fun _ -> Buffer.contents buf) out fmt
1608 let print_test_fail name l = asprintf "@[%a@]@?" (pp_print_test_fail name) l
1610 let print_test_error name i e stack =
1611 Format.sprintf "@[test `%s`@ raised exception `%s`@ on `%s`@,%s@]"
1612 name (Printexc.to_string e) i stack
1614 let print_collect c =
1615 let out = Buffer.create 64 in
1616 Hashtbl.iter
1617 (fun case num -> Printf.bprintf out "%s: %d cases\n" case num) c;
1618 Buffer.contents out
1620 let stat_max_lines = 20 (* maximum number of lines for a histogram *)
1622 let print_stat ((name,_), tbl) =
1623 let avg = ref 0. in
1624 let num = ref 0 in
1625 let min_idx, max_idx =
1626 Hashtbl.fold
1627 (fun i res (m1,m2) ->
1628 avg := !avg +. float_of_int (i * res);
1629 num := !num + res;
1630 min i m1, max i m2)
1631 tbl (max_int,min_int)
1632 in
1633 (* compute average *)
1634 if !num > 0 then (
1635 avg := !avg /. float_of_int !num
1636 );
1637 (* compute std-dev: sqroot of sum of squared distance-to-average
1638 *)
1639 let stddev =
1640 Hashtbl.fold
1641 (fun i res m -> m +. (float_of_int i -. !avg) ** 2. *. float_of_int res)
1642 tbl 0.
1643 |> (fun s -> if !num>0 then s /. float_of_int !num else s)
1644 |> sqrt
1645 in
1646 (* compute median *)
1647 let median = ref 0 in
1648 let median_num = ref 0 in (* how many values have we seen yet? once >= !n/2 we set median *)
1649 (Hashtbl.fold (fun i cnt acc -> (i,cnt)::acc) tbl [])
1650 |> List.sort (fun (i,_) (j,_) -> poly_compare i j)
1651 |> List.iter
1652 (fun (i,cnt) ->
1653 if !median_num < !num/2 then (
1654 median_num := !median_num + cnt;
1655 (* just went above median! *)
1656 if !median_num >= !num/2 then
1657 median := i));
1658 (* group by buckets, if there are too many entries: *)
1659 (* first compute histogram and bucket size *)
1660 let hist_size, bucket_size =
1661 let sample_width = Int64.(sub (of_int max_idx) (of_int min_idx)) in
1662 if sample_width > Int64.of_int stat_max_lines
1663 then stat_max_lines,
1664 int_of_float (ceil (Int64.to_float sample_width /. float_of_int stat_max_lines))
1665 else max_idx-min_idx, 1
1666 in
1667 let hist_size = if min_idx + bucket_size * hist_size <= max_idx then 1+hist_size else hist_size in
1668 (* accumulate bucket counts *)
1669 let max_val = ref 0 in (* max value after grouping by buckets *)
1670 let bucket_count = Array.init hist_size (fun _ -> 0) in
1671 Hashtbl.iter
1672 (fun j count ->
1673 let bucket = Int64.(to_int (div (sub (of_int j) (of_int min_idx)) (of_int bucket_size))) in
1674 let new_count = bucket_count.(bucket) + count in
1675 bucket_count.(bucket) <- new_count;
1676 max_val := max !max_val new_count) tbl;
1677 (* print entries of the table, sorted by increasing index *)
1678 let out = Buffer.create 128 in
1679 Printf.bprintf out "stats %s:\n" name;
1680 Printf.bprintf out
1681 " num: %d, avg: %.2f, stddev: %.2f, median %d, min %d, max %d\n"
1682 !num !avg stddev !median min_idx max_idx;
1683 let indwidth =
1684 max (String.length (Printf.sprintf "%d" min_idx))
1685 (max (String.length (Printf.sprintf "%d" max_idx))
1686 (String.length (Printf.sprintf "%d" (min_idx + bucket_size * hist_size)))) in
1687 let labwidth = if bucket_size=1 then indwidth else 2+2*indwidth in
1688 for i = 0 to hist_size - 1 do
1689 let i' = min_idx + i * bucket_size in
1690 let blabel =
1691 if bucket_size=1
1692 then Printf.sprintf "%*d" indwidth i'
1693 else
1694 let bucket_bound = i'+bucket_size-1 in
1695 Printf.sprintf "%*d..%*d" indwidth i' indwidth (if bucket_bound < i' then max_int else bucket_bound) in
1696 let bcount = bucket_count.(i) in
1697 (* NOTE: keep in sync *)
1698 let bar_len = bcount * 55 / !max_val in
1699 Printf.bprintf out " %*s: %-56s %10d\n" labwidth blabel (String.make bar_len '#') bcount
1700 done;
1701 Buffer.contents out
1703 let () = Printexc.register_printer
1704 (function
1705 | Test_fail (name,l) -> Some (print_test_fail name l)
1706 | Test_error (name,i,e,st) -> Some (print_test_error name i e st)
1707 | User_fail s -> Some ("qcheck: user fail:\n" ^ s)
1708 | _ -> None)
1710 let print_fail arb name l =
1711 print_test_fail name ( (print_c_ex arb) l)
1713 let print_fail_other name ~msg =
1714 print_test_fail name [msg]
1716 let print_error ?(st="") arb name (i,e) =
1717 print_test_error name (print_c_ex arb i) e st
1719 let check_result cell res = match res.R.state with
1720 | R.Success -> ()
1721 | R.Error {instance; exn; backtrace} ->
1722 raise (Test_error (, print_c_ex cell.arb instance, exn, backtrace))
1723 | R.Failed {instances=l} ->
1724 let l = (print_c_ex cell.arb) l in
1725 raise (Test_fail (, l))
1726 | R.Failed_other {msg} ->
1727 raise (Test_fail (, [msg]))
1729 let check_cell_exn ?long ?call ?step ?rand cell =
1730 let res = check_cell ?long ?call ?step ?rand cell in
1731 check_result cell res
1733 let check_exn ?long ?rand (Test cell) = check_cell_exn ?long ?rand cell
1300 type 'a cell = 'a QCheck2.Test.cell
1301 type 'a handler = 'a QCheck2.Test.handler
1302 type 'a step = 'a QCheck2.Test.step
1303 type 'a callback = 'a QCheck2.Test.callback
1304 type t = QCheck2.Test.t
1306 include QCheck2.Test_exceptions
1308 let print_instance = QCheck2.Test.print_instance
1309 let print_c_ex = QCheck2.Test.print_c_ex
1310 let print_error = QCheck2.Test.print_error
1311 let print_fail = QCheck2.Test.print_fail
1312 let print_fail_other = QCheck2.Test.print_fail_other
1313 let print_test_fail = QCheck2.Test.print_test_fail
1314 let print_test_error = QCheck2.Test.print_test_error
1316 let set_name = QCheck2.Test.set_name
1317 let get_law = QCheck2.Test.get_law
1318 let get_name = QCheck2.Test.get_name
1319 let get_count = QCheck2.Test.get_count
1320 let get_long_factor = QCheck2.Test.get_long_factor
1322 let make_cell ?if_assumptions_fail
1323 ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen
1324 ?max_fail ?small:_removed_in_qcheck_2 ?name arb law
1325 =
1326 let {gen; shrink; print; collect; stats; _} = arb in
1327 QCheck2.Test.make_cell_from_QCheck1 ?if_assumptions_fail ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen ?max_fail ?name ~gen ?shrink ?print ?collect ~stats law
1329 let make ?if_assumptions_fail ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen ?max_fail ?small ?name arb law =
1330 QCheck2.Test.Test (make_cell ?if_assumptions_fail ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen ?max_fail ?small ?name arb law)
1332 let fail_report = QCheck2.Test.fail_report
1334 let fail_reportf = QCheck2.Test.fail_reportf
1336 let check_cell_exn = QCheck2.Test.check_cell_exn
1337 let check_exn = QCheck2.Test.check_exn
1338 let check_cell = QCheck2.Test.check_cell
17341339 end
17361341 let find_example ?(name="<example>") ?count ~f g : _ Gen.t =
17411346 let arb = make g in
17421347 Test.make_cell ~max_fail:1 ?count arb (fun x -> not (f x))
17431348 in
1744 let res = Test.check_cell ~rand:st cell in
1745 begin match res.TestResult.state with
1746 | TestResult.Success -> raise (No_example_found name)
1747 | TestResult.Error _ -> raise (No_example_found name)
1748 | TestResult.Failed {instances=[]} -> assert false
1749 | TestResult.Failed {instances=failed::_} ->
1349 let res = QCheck2.Test.check_cell ~rand:st cell in
1350 begin match QCheck2.TestResult.get_state res with
1351 | QCheck2.TestResult.Success -> raise (No_example_found name)
1352 | QCheck2.TestResult.Error _ -> raise (No_example_found name)
1353 | QCheck2.TestResult.Failed {instances=[]} -> assert false
1354 | QCheck2.TestResult.Failed {instances=failed::_} ->
17501355 (* found counter-example! *)
1751 failed.TestResult.instance
1752 | TestResult.Failed_other {msg=_} ->
1356 failed.QCheck2.TestResult.instance
1357 | QCheck2.TestResult.Failed_other {msg=_} ->
17531358 raise (No_example_found name)
17551360 end
00 (*
11 QCheck: Random testing for OCaml
2 copyright (c) 2013-2017, Guillaume Bury, Simon Cruanes, Vincent Hugot, Jan Midtgaard
2 copyright (c) 2013-2017, Guillaume Bury, Simon Cruanes, Vincent Hugot,
3 Jan Midtgaard, Julien Debon, Valentin Chaboche
34 all rights reserved.
45 *)
67 (** {1 Quickcheck inspired property-based testing} *)
89 (** The library takes inspiration from Haskell's QuickCheck library. The
9 rough idea is that the programmer describes invariants that values of
10 a certain type need to satisfy ("properties"), as functions from this type
11 to bool. She also needs to describe how to generate random values of the type,
12 so that the property is tried and checked on a number of random instances.
14 This explains the organization of this module:
16 - {! 'a arbitrary} is used to describe how to generate random values,
17 shrink them (make counter-examples as small as possible), print
18 them, etc. Auxiliary modules such as {!Gen}, {!Print}, and {!Shrink}
19 can be used along with {!make} to build one's own arbitrary instances.
21 - {!Test} is used to describe a single test, that is, a property of
22 type ['a -> bool] combined with an ['a arbitrary] that is used to generate
23 the test cases for this property. Optional parameters
24 allow to specify the random generator state, number of instances to generate
25 and test, etc.
28 Examples:
30 - List.rev is involutive:
32 {[
34 let test =
35 QCheck.(Test.make ~count:1000
36 (list int) (fun l -> List.rev (List.rev l) = l));;
38 QCheck.Test.check_exn test;;
39 ]}
41 - Not all lists are sorted (false property that will fail. The 15 smallest
42 counter-example lists will be printed):
44 {[
45 let test = QCheck.(
46 Test.make
47 ~count:10_000 ~max_fail:3
48 (list small_nat)
49 (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l));;
50 QCheck.Test.check_exn test;;
51 ]}
54 - generate 20 random trees using {! Gen.fix} :
56 {[
57 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
59 let leaf x = Leaf x
60 let node x y = Node (x,y)
62 let g = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
63 (fun self n -> match n with
64 | 0 -> map leaf nat
65 | n ->
66 frequency
67 [1, map leaf nat;
68 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
69 ))
71 Gen.generate ~n:20 g;;
72 ]}
74 More complex and powerful combinators can be found in Gabriel Scherer's
75 {!Generator} module. Its documentation can be found
76 {{: } here}.
10 rough idea is that the programmer describes invariants that values of
11 a certain type need to satisfy ("properties"), as functions from this type
12 to bool. She also needs to describe how to generate random values of the type,
13 so that the property is tried and checked on a number of random instances.
15 This explains the organization of this module:
17 - {! 'a arbitrary} is used to describe how to generate random values,
18 shrink them (make counter-examples as small as possible), print
19 them, etc. Auxiliary modules such as {!Gen}, {!Print}, and {!Shrink}
20 can be used along with {!make} to build one's own arbitrary instances.
22 - {!Test} is used to describe a single test, that is, a property of
23 type ['a -> bool] combined with an ['a arbitrary] that is used to generate
24 the test cases for this property. Optional parameters
25 allow to specify the random generator state, number of instances to generate
26 and test, etc.
29 Examples:
31 - List.rev is involutive:
33 {[
35 let test =
36 QCheck.(Test.make ~count:1000
37 (list int) (fun l -> List.rev (List.rev l) = l));;
39 QCheck.Test.check_exn test;;
40 ]}
42 - Not all lists are sorted (false property that will fail. The 15 smallest
43 counter-example lists will be printed):
45 {[
46 let test = QCheck.(
47 Test.make
48 ~count:10_000 ~max_fail:3
49 (list small_nat)
50 (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l));;
51 QCheck.Test.check_exn test;;
52 ]}
55 - generate 20 random trees using {! Gen.fix} :
57 {[
58 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
60 let leaf x = Leaf x
61 let node x y = Node (x,y)
63 let g = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
64 (fun self n -> match n with
65 | 0 -> map leaf nat
66 | n ->
67 frequency
68 [1, map leaf nat;
69 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
70 ))
72 Gen.generate ~n:20 g;;
73 ]}
75 More complex and powerful combinators can be found in Gabriel Scherer's
76 {!Generator} module. Its documentation can be found
77 {{: } here}.
7778 *)
7980 val (==>) : bool -> bool -> bool
99100 Example:
100101 {[
101102 Test.make (list int) (fun l ->
102 assume (l <> []);
103 List.hd l :: l = l)
103 assume (l <> []);
104 List.hd l :: l = l)
104105 ]}
106107 @since 0.5.1
114115 Example:
115116 {[
116117 Test.make (list int) (function
117 | [] -> assume_fail ()
118 | _::_ as l -> List.hd l :: l = l)
118 | [] -> assume_fail ()
119 | _::_ as l -> List.hd l :: l = l)
119120 ]}
121122 @since 0.5.1
167168 @since 0.13 *)
169170 val oneof : 'a t list -> 'a t
170 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of generators. *)
171 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of generators.
172 @raise Invalid_argument or Failure if list is empty *)
172174 val oneofl : 'a list -> 'a t
173 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of values. *)
175 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of values.
176 @raise Invalid_argument or Failure if list is empty *)
175178 val oneofa : 'a array -> 'a t
176 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given array of values. *)
179 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given array of values.
180 @raise Invalid_argument or Failure if list is empty *)
178182 val frequency : (int * 'a t) list -> 'a t
179183 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of generators.
207211 @since 0.11
208212 *)
214 val range_subset : size:int -> int -> int -> int array t
215 (** [range_subset ~size:k low high] generates an array of length [k]
216 of sorted distinct integers in the range [low..high] (included).
218 Complexity O(k log k), drawing [k] random integers.
220 @raise Invalid_argument outside the valid region [0 <= k <= high-low+1].
222 @since 0.18
223 *)
225 val array_subset : int -> 'a array -> 'a array t
226 (** [array_subset k arr] generates a sub-array of [k] elements
227 at distinct positions in the input array [arr],
228 in the same order.
230 Complexity O(k log k), drawing [k] random integers.
232 @raise Invalid_argument outside the valid region
233 [0 <= size <= Array.length arr].
235 @since 0.18
236 *)
210238 val unit : unit t (** The unit generator. *)
212240 val bool : bool t (** The boolean generator. *)
309337 val array_repeat : int -> 'a t -> 'a array t
310338 (** [array_repeat i g] builds an array generator from exactly [i] elements generated by [g]. *)
312 val opt : 'a t -> 'a option t (** An option generator. *)
340 val opt : ?ratio:float -> 'a t -> 'a option t
341 (** An option generator, with optional ratio.
342 @param ratio a float between [0.] and [1.] indicating the probability of a sample to be [Some _]
343 rather than [None].
344 @since 0.18 ([?ratio] parameter)
345 *)
314347 val pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t (** Generates pairs. *)
346379 @since 0.11 *)
348381 val string_readable : string t
349 (** Builds a string generator using the {!char} character generator.
350 @since 0.11 *)
382 (** Builds a string generator using the {!printable} character generator.
383 @since 0.11
384 @deprecated use {!string_printable} *)
385 [@@deprecated "see string_printable"]
387 val string_printable : string t
388 (** Builds a string generator using the {!printable} character generator.
389 @since 0.18 *)
352391 val small_string : ?gen:char t -> string t
353392 (** Builds a string generator, length is {!small_nat}
402441 The passed size-parameter should decrease to ensure termination. *)
404443 (** Example:
405 {[
406 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
408 let leaf x = Leaf x
409 let node x y = Node (x,y)
411 let g = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
412 (fun self n -> match n with
413 | 0 -> map leaf nat
414 | n ->
415 frequency
416 [1, map leaf nat;
417 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
418 ))
420 ]}
444 {[
445 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
447 let leaf x = Leaf x
448 let node x y = Node (x,y)
450 let g = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
451 (fun self n -> match n with
452 | 0 -> map leaf nat
453 | n ->
454 frequency
455 [1, map leaf nat;
456 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
457 ))
459 ]}
461 *)
463 val nat_split2 : int -> (int * int) t
464 (** [nat_split2 n] generates pairs [(n1, n2)] of natural numbers
465 with [n1 + n2 = n].
467 This is useful to split sizes to combine sized generators.
469 @raise Invalid_argument unless [n >= 2].
471 @since 0.18
472 *)
474 val pos_split2 : int -> (int * int) t
475 (** [nat_split2 n] generates pairs [(n1, n2)] of strictly positive
476 (nonzero) natural numbers with [n1 + n2 = n].
478 This is useful to split sizes to combine sized generators.
480 @since 0.18
481 *)
483 val nat_split : size:int -> int -> int array t
484 (** [nat_split2 ~size:k n] generates [k]-sized arrays [n1,n2,..nk]
485 of natural numbers in [[0;n]] with [n1 + n2 + ... + nk = n].
487 This is useful to split sizes to combine sized generators.
489 Complexity O(k log k).
491 @since 0.18
492 *)
494 val pos_split : size:int -> int -> int array t
495 (** [nat_split2 ~size:k n] generates [k]-sized arrays [n1,n2,..nk]
496 of strictly positive (non-zero) natural numbers with
497 [n1 + n2 + ... + nk = n].
499 This is useful to split sizes to combine sized generators.
501 Complexity O(k log k).
503 @raise Invalid_argument unless [k <= n].
505 @since 0.18
422506 *)
424508 val delay : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a t
433517 val generate1 : ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a t -> 'a
434518 (** [generate1 g] generates one instance of [g]. *)
436 include Qcheck_ops.S with type 'a t_let := 'a t
437 (** @since 0.15 *)
520 val ( let+ ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
522 val ( and+ ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
524 val ( let* ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
526 val ( and* ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
438527 end
440529 (** {2 Pretty printing} *)
512601 val flatten : 'a t t -> 'a t
513602 (** @since 0.8 *)
515 include Qcheck_ops.S with type 'a t_let := 'a t
516 (** @since 0.15 *)
604 val ( let+ ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
606 val ( and+ ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
608 val ( let* ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
610 val ( and* ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
517611 end
519613 (** {2 Shrink Values}
699793 (** Access the underlying random generator of this arbitrary object.
700794 @since 0.6 *)
796 val get_gen : 'a arbitrary -> 'a Gen.t
797 (** Access the underlying random generator of this arbitrary object.
798 @since 0.6 *)
800 val get_print : 'a arbitrary -> 'a Print.t option
702802 (** {2 Tests}
704804 A test is a universal property of type [foo -> bool] for some type [foo],
714814 (** Result of running a test *)
715815 module TestResult : sig
716 type 'a counter_ex = {
816 type 'a counter_ex = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.counter_ex = {
717817 instance: 'a; (** The counter-example(s) *)
719819 shrink_steps: int; (** How many shrinking steps for this counterex *)
728828 (** Result state.
729829 changed in 0.10 (move to inline records, add Fail_other) *)
730 type 'a state =
830 type 'a state = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.state =
731831 | Success
732832 | Failed of {
733833 instances: 'a failed_state; (** Failed instance(s) *)
740840 } (** Error, backtrace, and instance that triggered it *)
742842 (* result returned by running a test *)
743 type 'a t = private {
744 mutable state : 'a state;
745 mutable count: int; (* Number of tests *)
746 mutable count_gen: int; (* Number of generated cases *)
747 collect_tbl: (string, int) Hashtbl.t lazy_t;
748 stats_tbl: ('a stat * (int, int) Hashtbl.t) list; (** @since 0.6 *)
749 mutable warnings: string list;
750 mutable instances: 'a list;
751 (** List of instances used for this test, in no particular order.
752 @since 0.9 *)
753 }
843 type 'a t = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.t
845 val get_count : _ t -> int
846 (** Get the count of a cell.
847 @since 0.5.3 *)
849 val get_count_gen : _ t -> int
851 val get_state : 'a t -> 'a state
755853 val collect : _ t -> (string,int) Hashtbl.t option
756854 (** Obtain statistics
769867 @since 0.9 *)
770868 end
870 (** Module related to individual tests.
871 @since 0.18 most of it moved to {!QCheck2},
872 and the type ['a cell] was made a private implementation detail.
873 *)
772874 module Test : sig
773 type 'a cell
774 (** A single property test *)
875 type res = QCheck2.Test.res =
876 | Success
877 | Failure
878 | FalseAssumption
879 | Error of exn * string
880 type 'a event = 'a QCheck2.Test.event =
881 | Generating
882 | Collecting of 'a
883 | Testing of 'a
884 | Shrunk of int * 'a
885 | Shrinking of int * int * 'a
887 type 'a cell = 'a QCheck2.Test.cell
888 type 'a handler = 'a QCheck2.Test.handler
889 type 'a step = 'a QCheck2.Test.step
890 type 'a callback = 'a QCheck2.Test.callback
892 type t = QCheck2.Test.t
776894 val fail_report : string -> 'a
777895 (** Fail the test with some additional message that will
812930 (since 0.10)
813931 *)
815 val get_arbitrary : 'a cell -> 'a arbitrary
816933 val get_law : 'a cell -> ('a -> bool)
934 (** @deprecated use {!QCheck2.Test.get_law} instead *)
817935 val get_name : _ cell -> string
936 (** @deprecated use {!QCheck2.Test.get_name} instead *)
818937 val set_name : _ cell -> string -> unit
938 (** @deprecated use {!QCheck2.Test.set_name} instead *)
820940 val get_count : _ cell -> int
821941 (** Get the count of a cell.
942 @deprecated use {!QCheck2.Test.get_count} instead
822943 @since 0.5.3 *)
824945 val get_long_factor : _ cell -> int
825946 (** Get the long factor of a cell.
947 @deprecated use {!QCheck2.Test.get_long_factor} instead
826948 @since 0.5.3 *)
828 type t = Test : 'a cell -> t
829 (** Same as ['a cell], but masking the type parameter. This allows to
830 put tests on different types in the same list of tests. *)
832950 val make :
833951 ?if_assumptions_fail:([`Fatal | `Warning] * float) ->
838956 See {!make_cell} for a description of the parameters.
839957 *)
841 (** {3 Running the test} *)
843 exception Test_fail of string * string list
844 (** Exception raised when a test failed, with the list of counter-examples.
845 [Test_fail (name, l)] means test [name] failed on elements of [l]. *)
847 exception Test_error of string * string * exn * string
848 (** Exception raised when a test raised an exception [e], with
849 the sample that triggered the exception.
850 [Test_error (name, i, e, st)]
851 means [name] failed on [i] with exception [e], and [st] is the
852 stacktrace (if enabled) or an empty string. *)
854 val print_instance : 'a arbitrary -> 'a -> string
855 val print_c_ex : 'a arbitrary -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex -> string
856 val print_fail : 'a arbitrary -> string -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex list -> string
959 include module type of QCheck2.Test_exceptions
961 val print_instance : 'a cell -> 'a -> string
962 val print_c_ex : 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex -> string
963 val print_fail : 'a cell -> string -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex list -> string
857964 val print_fail_other : string -> msg:string -> string
858 val print_error : ?st:string -> 'a arbitrary -> string -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex * exn -> string
965 val print_error : ?st:string -> 'a cell -> string -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex * exn -> string
859966 val print_test_fail : string -> string list -> string
860967 val print_test_error : string -> string -> exn -> string -> string
862 val print_collect : (string,int) Hashtbl.t -> string
863 (** Print "collect" results.
864 @since 0.6 *)
866 val print_stat : ('a stat * (int,int) Hashtbl.t) -> string
867 (** Print statistics.
868 @since 0.6 *)
870 val check_result : 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t -> unit
871 (** [check_result cell res] checks that [res] is [Ok _], and returns unit.
872 Otherwise, it raises some exception.
873 @raise Test_error if [res = Error _]
874 @raise Test_error if [res = Failed _] *)
876 type res =
877 | Success
878 | Failure
879 | FalseAssumption
880 | Error of exn * string
882 type 'a event =
883 | Generating
884 | Collecting of 'a
885 | Testing of 'a
886 | Shrunk of int * 'a
887 | Shrinking of int * int * 'a
889 type 'a handler = string -> 'a cell -> 'a event -> unit
890 (** Handler executed after each event during testing of an instance. *)
892 type 'a step = string -> 'a cell -> 'a -> res -> unit
893 (** Callback executed after each instance of a test has been run.
894 The callback is given the instance tested, and the current results
895 of the test. *)
897 type 'a callback = string -> 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t -> unit
898 (** Callback executed after each test has been run.
899 [f name cell res] means test [cell], named [name], gave [res]. *)
901969 val check_cell :
902970 ?long:bool -> ?call:'a callback ->
903971 ?step:'a step -> ?handler:'a handler ->
904972 ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t
905 (** [check_cell ~long ~rand test] generates up to [count] random
906 values of type ['a] using [arbitrary] and the random state [st]. The
907 predicate [law] is called on them and if it returns [false] or raises an
908 exception then we have a counter-example for the [law].
910 @param long if [true] then multiply the number of instances to generate
911 by the cell's long_factor.
912 @param call function called on each test case, with the result.
913 @param step function called on each instance of the test case, with the result.
914 @return the result of the test.
915 *)
917974 val check_cell_exn :
918975 ?long:bool -> ?call:'a callback -> ?step:'a step ->
919976 ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a cell -> unit
920 (** Same as {!check_cell} but calls {!check_result} on the result.
921 @raise Test_error if [res = Error _]
922 @raise Test_error if [res = Failed _] *)
924978 val check_exn : ?long:bool -> ?rand:Random.State.t -> t -> unit
925 (** Checks the property against some test cases, and calls {!check_result},
926 which might raise an exception in case of failure.
927 @raise Test_error if [res = Error _]
928 @raise Test_error if [res = Failed _] *)
929979 end
931981 (** {2 Sub-tests} *)
9751025 val choose : 'a arbitrary list -> 'a arbitrary
9761026 (** Choose among the given list of generators. The list must not
977 be empty; if it is Invalid_argument is raised. *)
1027 be empty; if it is Invalid_argument is raised. *)
9791029 val unit : unit arbitrary
9801030 (** Always generates [()], obviously. *)
10461096 val small_int_corners : unit -> int arbitrary
10471097 (** As [small_int], but each newly created generator starts with
1048 a list of corner cases before falling back on random generation. *)
1098 a list of corner cases before falling back on random generation. *)
10501100 val neg_int : int arbitrary
10511101 (** Negative int generator (0 included, see {!Gen.neg_int}).
11231173 (** Combines four generators into a generator of 4-tuples.
11241174 Order matters for shrinking, see {!Shrink.pair} and the likes *)
1126 val option : 'a arbitrary -> 'a option arbitrary
1127 (** Choose between returning Some random value, or None. *)
1176 val option : ?ratio:float -> 'a arbitrary -> 'a option arbitrary
1177 (** Choose between returning Some random value with optional ratio, or None. *)
11291179 val fun1_unsafe : 'a arbitrary -> 'b arbitrary -> ('a -> 'b) arbitrary
11301180 (** Generator of functions of arity 1.
11311181 The functions are always pure and total functions:
11321182 - when given the same argument (as decided by Pervasives.(=)), it returns the same value
11331183 - it never does side effects, like printing or never raise exceptions etc.
1134 The functions generated are really printable.
1184 The functions generated are really printable.
11361186 renamed from {!fun1} since 0.6
12491299 (** @since 0.6 *)
12511301 val oneofl : ?print:'a Print.t -> ?collect:('a -> string) ->
1252 'a list -> 'a arbitrary
1302 'a list -> 'a arbitrary
12531303 (** Pick an element randomly in the list. *)
12551305 val oneofa : ?print:'a Print.t -> ?collect:('a -> string) ->
1256 'a array -> 'a arbitrary
1306 'a array -> 'a arbitrary
12571307 (** Pick an element randomly in the array. *)
12591309 val oneof : 'a arbitrary list -> 'a arbitrary
1260 (** Pick a generator among the list, randomly. *)
1310 (** Pick a generator among the list, randomly.
1311 @deprecated this function is badly specified and will not use shrinkers
1312 appropriately. Consider using {!Gen.oneof} and then {!make} to build
1313 a well behaved arbitrary instance.
1314 *)
12621316 val always : ?print:'a Print.t -> 'a -> 'a arbitrary
12631317 (** Always return the same element. *)
12651319 val frequency : ?print:'a Print.t -> ?small:('a -> int) ->
1266 ?shrink:'a Shrink.t -> ?collect:('a -> string) ->
1267 (int * 'a arbitrary) list -> 'a arbitrary
1320 ?shrink:'a Shrink.t -> ?collect:('a -> string) ->
1321 (int * 'a arbitrary) list -> 'a arbitrary
12681322 (** Similar to {!oneof} but with frequencies. *)
12701324 val frequencyl : ?print:'a Print.t -> ?small:('a -> int) ->
1271 (int * 'a) list -> 'a arbitrary
1325 (int * 'a) list -> 'a arbitrary
12721326 (** Same as {!oneofl}, but each element is paired with its frequency in
12731327 the probability distribution (the higher, the more likely). *)
12751329 val frequencya : ?print:'a Print.t -> ?small:('a -> int) ->
1276 (int * 'a) array -> 'a arbitrary
1330 (int * 'a) array -> 'a arbitrary
12771331 (** Same as {!frequencyl}, but with an array. *)
12791333 val map : ?rev:('b -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a arbitrary -> 'b arbitrary
12871341 val map_same_type : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a arbitrary -> 'a arbitrary
12881342 (** Specialization of [map] when the transformation preserves the type, which
1289 makes shrinker, printer, etc. still relevant. *)
1343 makes shrinker, printer, etc. still relevant. *)
12911345 val map_keep_input :
12921346 ?print:'b Print.t -> ?small:('b -> int) ->
0 (*
1 QCheck: Random testing for OCaml
2 copyright (c) 2013-2017, Guillaume Bury, Simon Cruanes, Vincent Hugot,
3 Jan Midtgaard, Julien Debon, Valentin Chaboche
4 all rights reserved.
5 *)
7 (** {1 Quickcheck inspired property-based testing} *)
9 let poly_compare=compare
11 module RS = Random.State
13 let rec foldn ~f ~init:acc i =
14 if i = 0 then acc else foldn ~f ~init:(f acc i) (i-1)
16 let _opt_map_2 ~f a b = match a, b with
17 | Some x, Some y -> Some (f x y)
18 | _ -> None
20 let _opt_map_3 ~f a b c = match a, b, c with
21 | Some x, Some y, Some z -> Some (f x y z)
22 | _ -> None
24 let _opt_map_4 ~f a b c d = match a, b, c, d with
25 | Some x, Some y, Some z, Some w -> Some (f x y z w)
26 | _ -> None
28 let _opt_sum a b = match a, b with
29 | Some _, _ -> a
30 | None, _ -> b
32 let sum_int = List.fold_left (+) 0
34 exception Failed_precondition
35 (* raised if precondition is false *)
37 exception No_example_found of string
38 (* raised if an example failed to be found *)
40 let assume b = if not b then raise Failed_precondition
42 let assume_fail () = raise Failed_precondition
44 let (==>) b1 b2 = if b1 then b2 else raise Failed_precondition
46 (** Enhancement of Stdlib [Seq] to backport some recent functions, and add a few useful others. *)
47 module Seq = struct
49 include Seq
51 (* The following functions are copied from to support older OCaml versions. *)
53 let rec unfold f u () =
54 match f u with
55 | None -> Nil
56 | Some (x, u') -> Cons (x, unfold f u')
58 let rec append seq1 seq2 () =
59 match seq1() with
60 | Nil -> seq2()
61 | Cons (x, next) -> Cons (x, append next seq2)
63 let cons x next () = Cons (x, next)
65 (* End of copy of old functions. *)
67 let is_empty (seq : _ t) : bool = match seq () with
68 | Nil -> true
69 | _ -> false
71 (** Take at most [n] values. *)
72 let rec take (n : int) (seq : _ t) : _ t = fun () -> match (n, seq ()) with
73 | (0, _) | (_, Nil) -> Nil
74 | (n, Cons (a, rest)) -> Cons (a, take (n - 1) rest)
77 let hd (l : 'a t) : 'a option =
78 match l () with
79 | Nil -> None
80 | Cons (hd, _) -> Some hd
82 (** Useful to improve [Seq] code perf when chaining functions *)
83 let apply (l : 'a t) : 'a node = l ()
84 end
86 module Shrink = struct
88 module type Number = sig
89 type t
90 val equal : t -> t -> bool
91 val div : t -> t -> t
92 val add : t -> t -> t
93 val sub : t -> t -> t
94 val of_int : int -> t
95 end
97 let number_towards (type a) (module Number : Number with type t = a) ~(destination : a) (x : a) : a Seq.t = fun () ->
98 Seq.unfold (fun current_shrink ->
99 if Number.equal current_shrink x
100 then None
101 else (
102 (* Halve the operands before subtracting them so they don't overflow.
103 Consider [number_towards min_int max_int] *)
104 let half_diff = Number.sub (Number.div x (Number.of_int 2)) (Number.div current_shrink (Number.of_int 2)) in
105 if half_diff = Number.of_int 0
106 (* [current_shrink] is the last valid shrink candidate, put [x] as next step to make sure we stop *)
107 then Some (current_shrink, x)
108 else Some (current_shrink, Number.add current_shrink half_diff)
109 )) destination ()
111 let int_towards destination x = fun () ->
112 let module Int : Number with type t = int = struct
113 include Int
114 let of_int =
115 end in
116 number_towards (module Int) ~destination x ()
118 let int32_towards destination x = fun () ->
119 number_towards (module Int32) ~destination x ()
121 let int64_towards destination x = fun () ->
122 number_towards (module Int64) ~destination x ()
124 (** Arbitrarily limit to 15 elements as dividing a [float] by 2 doesn't converge quickly
125 towards the destination. *)
126 let float_towards destination x = fun () ->
127 number_towards (module Float) ~destination x |> Seq.take 15 |> Seq.apply
129 let int_aggressive_towards (destination : int) (n : int) : int Seq.t = fun () ->
130 Seq.unfold (fun current ->
131 if current = n then None
132 else if current < n then let next = succ current in Some (next, next)
133 else let next = pred current in Some (next, next)
134 ) destination ()
136 let int_aggressive n = fun () -> int_aggressive_towards 0 n ()
138 end
140 module Tree = struct
141 type 'a t = Tree of 'a * ('a t) Seq.t
143 let root (Tree (root, _) : 'a t) : 'a = root
145 let children (Tree (_, children) : 'a t) : ('a t) Seq.t = children
147 let rec pp ?(depth : int option) (inner_pp : Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) (ppf : Format.formatter) (t : 'a t) : unit =
148 let Tree (x, xs) = t in
149 let wrapper_box ppf inner =
150 Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv2>Tree(@,%a@]@,)" inner ()
151 in
152 let inner ppf () =
153 Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv2>Node(@,%a@]@,),@ @[<hv>Shrinks(" inner_pp x;
154 if Option.fold depth ~none:false ~some:(fun depth -> depth <= 0) then (
155 Format.fprintf ppf "<max depth reached>@])")
156 else if Seq.is_empty xs then Format.fprintf ppf "@])"
157 else (
158 Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a@]@,)"
159 (Format.pp_print_list
160 ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
161 (pp ?depth:( pred depth) inner_pp))
162 (List.of_seq xs);
163 )
164 in
165 wrapper_box ppf inner
167 let rec map (f : 'a -> 'b) (a : 'a t) : 'b t =
168 let Tree (x, xs) = a in
169 let y = f x in
170 let ys = fun () -> (fun smaller_x -> map f smaller_x) xs () in
171 Tree (y, ys)
173 (** Note that parameter order is reversed. *)
174 let (>|=) a f = map f a
176 let rec ap (f : ('a -> 'b) t) (a : 'a t) : 'b t =
177 let Tree (x0, xs) = a in
178 let Tree (f0, fs) = f in
179 let y = f0 x0 in
180 let ys = fun () -> Seq.append ( (fun f' -> ap f' a) fs) ( (fun x' -> ap f x') xs) () in
181 Tree (y, ys)
183 let (<*>) = ap
185 let liftA2 (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) (a : 'a t) (b : 'b t) : 'c t =
186 (a >|= f) <*> b
188 let rec bind (a : 'a t) (f : 'a -> 'b t) : 'b t =
189 let Tree (x, xs) = a in
190 let Tree (y, ys_of_x) = f x in
191 let ys_of_xs = fun () -> (fun smaller_x -> bind smaller_x f) xs () in
192 let ys = fun () -> Seq.append ys_of_xs ys_of_x () in
193 Tree (y, ys)
195 let (>>=) = bind
197 let pure x = Tree (x, Seq.empty)
199 let rec make_primitive (shrink : 'a -> 'a Seq.t) (x : 'a) : 'a t =
200 let shrink_trees = fun () -> shrink x |> (make_primitive shrink) |> Seq.apply in
201 Tree (x, shrink_trees)
203 let rec opt (a : 'a t) : 'a option t =
204 let Tree (x, xs) = a in
205 let shrinks = fun () -> Seq.cons (pure None) ( opt xs) () in
206 Tree (Some x, shrinks)
208 let rec sequence_list (l : 'a t list) : 'a list t = match l with
209 | [] -> pure []
210 | hd :: tl -> liftA2 List.cons hd (sequence_list tl)
212 let rec add_shrink_invariant (p : 'a -> bool) (a : 'a t) : 'a t =
213 let Tree (x, xs) = a in
214 let xs' = fun () -> Seq.filter_map (fun (Tree (x', _) as t) -> if p x' then Some (add_shrink_invariant p t) else None) xs () in
215 Tree (x, xs')
217 (** [applicative_take n trees] returns a tree of lists with at most the [n] first elements of the input list. *)
218 let rec applicative_take (n : int) (l : 'a t list) : 'a list t = match (n, l) with
219 | (0, _) | (_, []) -> pure []
220 | (n, (tree :: trees)) -> liftA2 List.cons tree (applicative_take (pred n) trees)
221 end
223 module Gen = struct
225 type 'a t = RS.t -> 'a Tree.t
227 type 'a sized = int -> RS.t -> 'a Tree.t
229 let map f x = fun st -> f (x st)
231 (** Note that parameter order is reversed. *)
232 let (>|=) x f = map f x
234 let (<$>) = map
236 let pure (a : 'a) : 'a t = fun _ -> Tree.pure a
238 let ap (f : ('a -> 'b) t) (x : 'a t) : 'b t = fun st -> Tree.ap (f st) (x st)
240 let (<*>) = ap
242 let liftA2 (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) (a : 'a t) (b : 'b t) : 'c t =
243 (a >|= f) <*> b
245 let liftA3 (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) (a : 'a t) (b : 'b t) (c : 'c t) : 'd t =
246 (a >|= f) <*> b <*> c
248 let map2 = liftA2
250 let map3 = liftA3
252 let return = pure
254 let bind (gen : 'a t) (f : 'a -> ('b t)) : 'b t = fun st -> Tree.bind (gen st) (fun a -> f a st)
256 let (>>=) = bind
258 let sequence_list (l : 'a t list) : 'a list t = fun st -> (fun gen -> gen st) l |> Tree.sequence_list
260 let make_primitive ~(gen : RS.t -> 'a) ~(shrink : 'a -> 'a Seq.t) : 'a t = fun st ->
261 Tree.make_primitive shrink (gen st)
263 let parse_origin (loc : string) (pp : Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ~(origin : 'a) ~(low : 'a) ~(high : 'a) : 'a =
264 if origin < low then invalid_arg Format.(asprintf "%s: origin value %a is lower than low value %a" loc pp origin pp low)
265 else if origin > high then invalid_arg Format.(asprintf "%s: origin value %a is greater than high value %a" loc pp origin pp high)
266 else origin
268 let small_nat : int t = fun st ->
269 let p = RS.float st 1. in
270 let x = if p < 0.75 then st 10 else st 100 in
271 let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a () in
272 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
274 (** Natural number generator *)
275 let nat : int t = fun st ->
276 let p = RS.float st 1. in
277 let x =
278 if p < 0.5 then st 10
279 else if p < 0.75 then st 100
280 else if p < 0.95 then st 1_000
281 else st 10_000
282 in
283 let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a () in
284 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
286 let big_nat : int t = fun st ->
287 let p = RS.float st 1. in
288 if p < 0.75
289 then nat st
290 else
291 let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a () in
292 Tree.make_primitive shrink ( st 1_000_000)
294 let unit : unit t = fun _st -> Tree.pure ()
296 let bool : bool t = fun st ->
297 let false_gen = Tree.pure false in
298 if RS.bool st
299 then Tree.Tree (true, Seq.return false_gen)
300 else false_gen
302 let float : float t = fun st ->
303 let x = exp (RS.float st 15. *. (if RS.bool st then 1. else -1.))
304 *. (if RS.bool st then 1. else -1.)
305 in
306 let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.float_towards 0. a () in
307 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
309 let pfloat : float t = float >|= abs_float
311 let nfloat : float t = pfloat >|= Float.neg
313 let float_bound_inclusive ?(origin : float = 0.) (bound : float) : float t = fun st ->
314 let (low, high) = Float.min_max_num 0. bound in
315 let shrink a = fun () ->
316 let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_bound_inclusive" Format.pp_print_float ~origin ~low ~high in
317 Shrink.float_towards origin a ()
318 in
319 let x = RS.float st bound in
320 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
322 let float_bound_exclusive ?(origin : float = 0.) (bound : float) : float t =
323 if bound = 0. then invalid_arg "Gen.float_bound_exclusive";
324 fun st ->
325 let (low, high) = Float.min_max_num 0. bound in
326 let shrink a = fun () ->
327 let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_bound_exclusive" Format.pp_print_float ~origin ~low ~high in
328 Shrink.float_towards origin a ()
329 in
330 let bound =
331 if bound > 0.
332 then bound -. epsilon_float
333 else bound +. epsilon_float
334 in
335 let x = RS.float st bound in
336 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
338 let pick_origin_within_range ~low ~high ~goal =
339 if low > goal then low
340 else if high < goal then high
341 else goal
343 let float_range ?(origin : float option) (low : float) (high : float) : float t =
344 if high < low then invalid_arg "Gen.float_range: high < low"
345 else if high -. low > max_float then invalid_arg "Gen.float_range: high -. low > max_float";
346 let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_range" Format.pp_print_float
347 ~origin:(Option.value ~default:(pick_origin_within_range ~low ~high ~goal:0.) origin)
348 ~low
349 ~high in
350 (float_bound_inclusive ~origin (high -. low))
351 >|= (fun x -> low +. x)
353 let (--.) low high = float_range ?origin:None low high
355 let neg_int : int t = nat >|= Int.neg
357 (** [opt gen] shrinks towards [None] then towards shrinks of [gen]. *)
358 let opt ?(ratio : float = 0.85) (gen : 'a t) : 'a option t = fun st ->
359 let p = RS.float st 1. in
360 if p < (1. -. ratio)
361 then Tree.pure None
362 else Tree.opt (gen st)
364 (* Uniform positive random int generator.
366 We can't use {!} because the upper bound must be positive and is excluded,
367 so {!Int.max_int} would never be reached. We have to manipulate bits directly.
369 Note that the leftmost bit is used for negative numbers, so it must be [0].
371 {!RS.bits} only generates 30 bits, which is exactly enough on
372 32-bits architectures (i.e. {!Sys.int_size} = 31, i.e. 30 bits for positive numbers)
373 but not on 64-bits ones.
375 That's why for 64-bits, 3 30-bits segments are generated and shifted to craft a
376 62-bits number (i.e. {!Sys.int_size} = 63). The leftmost segment is masked to keep
377 only the last 2 bits.
379 The current implementation hard-codes 30/32/62/64 values, but technically we should
380 rely on {!Sys.int_size} to find the number of bits.
382 Note that we could also further generalize this function to merge it with [random_binary_string].
383 Technically this function is a special case of [random_binary_string] where the size is
384 {!Sys.int_size}.
385 *)
386 let pint_raw : RS.t -> int =
387 if Sys.word_size = 32
388 then fun st -> RS.bits st
389 else (* word size = 64 *)
390 fun st ->
391 (* Technically we could write [3] but this is clearer *)
392 let two_bits_mask = 0b11 in
393 (* Top 2 bits *)
394 let left = ((RS.bits st land two_bits_mask) lsl 60) in
395 (* Middle 30 bits *)
396 let middle = (RS.bits st lsl 30) in
397 (* Bottom 30 bits *)
398 let right = RS.bits st in
399 left lor middle lor right
401 let pint ?(origin : int = 0) : int t = fun st ->
402 let x = pint_raw st in
403 let shrink a = fun () ->
404 let origin = parse_origin "Gen.pint" Format.pp_print_int ~origin ~low:0 ~high:max_int in
405 Shrink.int_towards origin a ()
406 in
407 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
409 let number_towards = Shrink.number_towards
411 let int_towards = Shrink.int_towards
413 let int64_towards = Shrink.int64_towards
415 let int32_towards = Shrink.int32_towards
417 let float_towards = Shrink.float_towards
419 let int : int t =
420 bool >>= fun b ->
421 if b
422 then pint ~origin:0 >|= (fun n -> - n - 1)
423 else pint ~origin:0
425 let int_bound (n : int) : int t =
426 if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Gen.int_bound";
427 fun st ->
428 if n <= (1 lsl 30) - 2
429 then Tree.make_primitive (fun a () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a ()) ( st (n + 1))
430 else (fun r -> r mod (n + 1)) (pint st)
432 (** To support ranges wider than [Int.max_int], the general idea is to find the center,
433 and generate a random half-difference number as well as whether we add or
434 subtract that number from the center. *)
435 let int_range ?(origin : int option) (low : int) (high : int) : int t =
436 if high < low then invalid_arg "Gen.int_range: high < low";
437 fun st ->
438 let Tree.Tree(n, _shrinks) = if low >= 0 || high < 0 then (
439 (* range smaller than max_int *)
440 (fun n -> low + n) (int_bound (high - low) st)
441 ) else (
442 (* range potentially bigger than max_int: we split on 0 and
443 choose the interval with regard to their size ratio *)
444 let f_low = float_of_int low in
445 let f_high = float_of_int high in
446 let ratio = (-.f_low) /. (1. +. f_high -. f_low) in
447 if RS.float st 1. <= ratio
448 then (fun n -> -n - 1) (int_bound (- (low + 1)) st)
449 else int_bound high st
450 ) in
451 let shrink a = fun () ->
452 let origin = match origin with
453 | None -> pick_origin_within_range ~low ~high ~goal:0
454 | Some origin ->
455 if origin < low
456 then invalid_arg "Gen.int_range: origin < low"
457 else if origin > high then invalid_arg "Gen.int_range: origin > high"
458 else origin
459 in
460 Shrink.int_towards origin a ()
461 in
462 Tree.make_primitive shrink n
464 let (--) low high = int_range ?origin:None low high
466 let oneof (l : 'a t list) : 'a t =
467 int_range 0 (List.length l - 1) >>= List.nth l
469 let oneofl (l : 'a list) : 'a t =
470 int_range 0 (List.length l - 1) >|= List.nth l
472 let oneofa (a : 'a array) : 'a t =
473 int_range 0 (Array.length a - 1) >|= Array.get a
475 (* NOTE: we keep this alias to not break code that uses [small_int]
476 for sizes of strings, arrays, etc. *)
477 let small_int = small_nat
479 let small_signed_int : int t = fun st ->
480 if RS.bool st
481 then small_nat st
482 else (small_nat >|= Int.neg) st
484 (** Shrink towards the first element of the list *)
485 let frequency (l : (int * 'a t) list) : 'a t =
486 if l = [] then failwith "QCheck2.frequency called with an empty list";
487 let sums = sum_int ( fst l) in
488 if sums < 1 then failwith "QCheck2.frequency called with weight sum < 1";
489 int_bound (sums - 1)
490 >>= fun i ->
491 let rec aux acc = function
492 | ((x, g) :: xs) -> if i < acc + x then g else aux (acc + x) xs
493 | _ -> assert false
494 in
495 aux 0 l
497 let frequencyl (l : (int * 'a) list) : 'a t =
498 (fun (weight, value) -> (weight, pure value)) l
499 |> frequency
501 let frequencya a = frequencyl (Array.to_list a)
503 let char_range ?(origin : char option) (a : char) (b : char) : char t =
504 (int_range ~origin:(Char.code (Option.value ~default:a origin)) (Char.code a) (Char.code b)) >|= Char.chr
506 let random_binary_string (length : int) (st : RS.t) : string =
507 (* 0b011101... *)
508 let s = Bytes.create (length + 2) in
509 Bytes.set s 0 '0';
510 Bytes.set s 1 'b';
511 for i = 0 to length - 1 do
512 Bytes.set s (i+2) (if RS.bool st then '0' else '1')
513 done;
514 Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
516 let int32 : int32 t = fun st ->
517 let x = random_binary_string 32 st |> Int32.of_string in
518 let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int32_towards 0l a () in
519 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
521 let ui32 : int32 t = map Int32.abs int32
523 let int64 : int64 t = fun st ->
524 let x = random_binary_string 64 st |> Int64.of_string in
525 let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int64_towards 0L a () in
526 Tree.make_primitive shrink x
528 let ui64 : int64 t = map Int64.abs int64
530 let list_size (size : int t) (gen : 'a t) : 'a list t =
531 size >>= fun size ->
532 let rec loop n =
533 if n <= 0
534 then pure []
535 else liftA2 List.cons gen (loop (n - 1))
536 in
537 loop size
539 let list (gen : 'a t) : 'a list t = list_size nat gen
541 let list_repeat (n : int) (gen : 'a t) : 'a list t = list_size (pure n) gen
543 let array_size (size : int t) (gen : 'a t) : 'a array t =
544 (list_size size gen) >|= Array.of_list
546 let array (gen : 'a t) : 'a array t = list gen >|= Array.of_list
548 let array_repeat (n : int) (gen : 'a t) : 'a array t = list_repeat n gen >|= Array.of_list
550 let rec flatten_l (l : 'a t list) : 'a list t =
551 match l with
552 | [] -> pure []
553 | gen :: gens -> liftA2 List.cons gen (flatten_l gens)
555 let flatten_a (a : 'a t array) : 'a array t =
556 Array.to_list a |> flatten_l >|= Array.of_list
558 let flatten_opt (o : 'a t option) : 'a option t =
559 match o with
560 | None -> pure None
561 | Some gen -> opt gen
563 let flatten_res (res : ('a t, 'e) result) : ('a, 'e) result t =
564 match res with
565 | Ok gen -> gen >|= Result.ok
566 | Error e -> pure (Error e)
568 let shuffle_a (a : 'a array) : 'a array t = fun st ->
569 let a = Array.copy a in
570 for i = Array.length a - 1 downto 1 do
571 let j = st (i + 1) in
572 let tmp = a.(i) in
573 a.(i) <- a.(j);
574 a.(j) <- tmp;
575 done;
576 Tree.pure a
578 let shuffle_l (l : 'a list) : 'a list t =
579 Array.of_list l |> shuffle_a >|= Array.to_list
581 let shuffle_w_l (l : ((int * 'a) list)) : 'a list t = fun st ->
582 let sample (w, v) =
583 let Tree.Tree (p, _) = float_bound_inclusive 1. st in
584 let fl_w = float_of_int w in
585 (p ** (1. /. fl_w), v)
586 in
587 let samples = List.rev_map sample l in
588 samples
589 |> List.sort (fun (w1, _) (w2, _) -> poly_compare w1 w2)
590 |> List.rev_map snd
591 |> Tree.pure
593 let pair (g1 : 'a t) (g2 : 'b t) : ('a * 'b) t = liftA2 (fun a b -> (a, b)) g1 g2
595 let triple (g1 : 'a t) (g2 : 'b t) (g3 : 'c t) : ('a * 'b * 'c) t = (fun a b c -> (a, b, c)) <$> g1 <*> g2 <*> g3
597 let quad (g1 : 'a t) (g2 : 'b t) (g3 : 'c t) (g4 : 'd t) : ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) t =
598 (fun a b c d -> (a, b, c, d)) <$> g1 <*> g2 <*> g3 <*> g4
600 (** Don't reuse {!int_range} which is much less performant (many more checks because of the possible range and origins). As a [string] generator may call this hundreds or even thousands of times for a single value, it's worth optimizing. *)
601 let char : char t = fun st ->
602 let c = st 256 in
603 let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards (int_of_char 'a') a |> Seq.apply in
604 char_of_int (Tree.make_primitive shrink c)
606 (** The first characters are the usual lower case alphabetical letters to help shrinking. *)
607 let printable_chars : char list =
608 (* Left and right inclusive *)
609 let range min max = List.init (max - min) (fun i -> char_of_int (i + min)) in
610 let a = 97 in
611 let z = 122 in
612 let lower_alphabet = range a z in
613 (* ' ' *)
614 let first_printable_char = 32 in
615 let before_lower_alphabet = range first_printable_char (a - 1) in
616 (* '~' *)
617 let last_printable_char = 126 in
618 let after_lower_alphabet = range (z + 1) last_printable_char in
619 let newline = ['\n'] in
620 (* Put alphabet first for shrinking *)
621 List.flatten [lower_alphabet; before_lower_alphabet; after_lower_alphabet; newline]
623 let printable : char t =
624 int_range ~origin:0 0 (List.length printable_chars - 1)
625 >|= List.nth printable_chars
627 let numeral : char t =
628 let zero = 48 in
629 let nine = 57 in
630 int_range ~origin:zero zero nine >|= char_of_int
632 let bytes_size ?(gen = char) (size : int t) : bytes t = fun st ->
633 let open Tree in
634 size st >>= fun size ->
635 (* Adding char shrinks to a mutable list is expensive: ~20-30% cost increase *)
636 (* Adding char shrinks to a mutable lazy list is less expensive: ~15% cost increase *)
637 let char_trees_rev = ref [] in
638 let bytes = Bytes.init size (fun _ ->
639 let char_tree = gen st in
640 char_trees_rev := char_tree :: !char_trees_rev ;
641 (* Performance: return the root right now, the heavy processing of shrinks can wait until/if there is a need to shrink *)
642 root char_tree) in
643 let shrink = fun () ->
644 let char_trees = List.rev !char_trees_rev in
645 let char_list_tree = sequence_list char_trees in
646 let bytes_tree = char_list_tree >|= (fun char_list ->
647 let bytes = Bytes.create size in
648 List.iteri (Bytes.set bytes) char_list ;
649 bytes) in
650 (* Technically [bytes_tree] is the whole tree, but for perf reasons we eagerly created the root above *)
651 children bytes_tree ()
652 in
653 Tree (bytes, shrink)
655 let string_size ?(gen = char) (size : int t) : string t =
656 bytes_size ~gen size >|= Bytes.unsafe_to_string
658 let string : string t = string_size nat
660 let string_of gen = string_size ~gen nat
662 let string_printable = string_size ~gen:printable nat
664 let small_string ?gen st = string_size ?gen small_nat st
666 let small_list gen = list_size small_nat gen
668 let small_array gen = array_size small_nat gen
670 let join (gen : 'a t t) : 'a t = gen >>=
672 (* corner cases *)
674 let graft_corners (gen : 'a t) (corners : 'a list) () : 'a t =
675 let cors = ref corners in fun st ->
676 match !cors with [] -> gen st
677 | e::l -> cors := l; Tree.pure e
679 let int_pos_corners = [0; 1; 2; max_int]
681 let int_corners = int_pos_corners @ [min_int]
683 let small_int_corners () : int t = graft_corners nat int_pos_corners ()
685 (* sized, fix *)
687 let sized_size (size : int t) (gen : 'a sized) : 'a t =
688 size >>= gen
690 let sized (gen : 'a sized) : 'a t = sized_size nat gen
692 let fix f =
693 let rec f' n st = f f' n st in
694 f'
696 let generate ?(rand=RS.make_self_init()) ~(n : int) (gen : 'a t) : 'a list =
697 list_repeat n gen rand |> Tree.root
699 let generate1 ?(rand=RS.make_self_init()) (gen : 'a t) : 'a =
700 gen rand |> Tree.root
702 let generate_tree ?(rand=RS.make_self_init()) (gen : 'a t) : 'a Tree.t =
703 gen rand
705 let delay (f : unit -> 'a t) : 'a t = fun st -> f () st
707 let add_shrink_invariant (p : 'a -> bool) (gen : 'a t) : 'a t =
708 fun st -> gen st |> Tree.add_shrink_invariant p
710 let (let+) = (>|=)
712 let (and+) = pair
714 let (let*) = (>>=)
716 let (and*) = pair
717 end
719 module Print = struct
720 type 'a t = 'a -> string
722 let unit _ = "()"
724 let int = string_of_int
726 let bool = string_of_bool
728 let float = string_of_float
730 let string s = Printf.sprintf "%S" s
732 let char c = Printf.sprintf "%C" c
734 let option f = function
735 | None -> "None"
736 | Some x -> "Some (" ^ f x ^ ")"
738 let pair a b (x,y) = Printf.sprintf "(%s, %s)" (a x) (b y)
740 let triple a b c (x,y,z) = Printf.sprintf "(%s, %s, %s)" (a x) (b y) (c z)
742 let quad a b c d (x,y,z,w) =
743 Printf.sprintf "(%s, %s, %s, %s)" (a x) (b y) (c z) (d w)
745 let list pp l =
746 let b = Buffer.create 25 in
747 Buffer.add_char b '[';
748 List.iteri (fun i x ->
749 if i > 0 then Buffer.add_string b "; ";
750 Buffer.add_string b (pp x))
751 l;
752 Buffer.add_char b ']';
753 Buffer.contents b
755 let array pp a =
756 let b = Buffer.create 25 in
757 Buffer.add_string b "[|";
758 Array.iteri (fun i x ->
759 if i > 0 then Buffer.add_string b "; ";
760 Buffer.add_string b (pp x))
761 a;
762 Buffer.add_string b "|]";
763 Buffer.contents b
765 let contramap f p x = p (f x)
767 let comap = contramap
768 end
770 (** {2 Observe Values} *)
772 module Observable = struct
773 (** An observable is a (random) predicate on ['a] *)
774 type -'a t = {
775 print: 'a Print.t;
776 eq: ('a -> 'a -> bool);
777 hash: ('a -> int);
778 }
780 let hash o x = o.hash x
782 let equal o x y = o.eq x y
784 let print o x = o.print x
786 let make ?(eq=(=)) ?(hash=Hashtbl.hash) print =
787 {print; eq; hash; }
789 module H = struct
790 let combine a b = Hashtbl.seeded_hash a b
792 let combine_f f s x = Hashtbl.seeded_hash s (f x)
794 let int i = i land max_int
796 let bool b = if b then 1 else 2
798 let char x = Char.code x
800 let string (x:string) = Hashtbl.hash x
802 let opt f = function
803 | None -> 42
804 | Some x -> combine 43 (f x)
805 let list f l = List.fold_left (combine_f f) 0x42 l
807 let array f l = Array.fold_left (combine_f f) 0x42 l
809 let pair f g (x,y) = combine (f x) (g y)
810 end
812 module Eq = struct
813 type 'a t = 'a -> 'a -> bool
815 let int : int t = (=)
817 let string : string t = (=)
819 let bool : bool t = (=)
821 let float : float t = (=)
823 let unit () () = true
825 let char : char t = (=)
827 let rec list f l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
828 | [], [] -> true
829 | [], _ | _, [] -> false
830 | x1::l1', x2::l2' -> f x1 x2 && list f l1' l2'
832 let array eq a b =
833 let rec aux i =
834 if i = Array.length a then true
835 else eq a.(i) b.(i) && aux (i+1)
836 in
837 Array.length a = Array.length b
838 &&
839 aux 0
841 let option f o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with
842 | None, None -> true
843 | Some _, None
844 | None, Some _ -> false
845 | Some x, Some y -> f x y
847 let pair f g (x1,y1)(x2,y2) = f x1 x2 && g y1 y2
848 end
850 let unit : unit t = make ~hash:(fun _ -> 1) ~eq:Eq.unit Print.unit
852 let bool : bool t = make ~hash:H.bool ~eq:Eq.bool Print.bool
854 let int : int t = make
856 let float : float t = make ~eq:Eq.float Print.float
858 let string = make ~hash:H.string ~eq:Eq.string Print.string
860 let char = make ~hash:H.char ~eq:Eq.char Print.char
862 let option p =
863 make ~hash:(H.opt p.hash) ~eq:(Eq.option p.eq)
864 (Print.option p.print)
866 let array p =
867 make ~hash:(H.array p.hash) ~eq:(Eq.array p.eq) (Print.array p.print)
869 let list p =
870 make ~hash:(H.list p.hash) ~eq:(Eq.list p.eq) (Print.list p.print)
872 let contramap f p =
873 make ~hash:(fun x -> p.hash (f x)) ~eq:(fun x y -> p.eq (f x)(f y))
874 (fun x -> p.print (f x))
876 let map = contramap
878 let pair a b =
879 make ~hash:(H.pair a.hash b.hash) ~eq:(Eq.pair a.eq b.eq) (Print.pair a.print b.print)
881 let triple a b c =
882 contramap (fun (x,y,z) -> x,(y,z)) (pair a (pair b c))
884 let quad a b c d =
885 contramap (fun (x,y,z,u) -> x,(y,z,u)) (pair a (triple b c d))
886 end
888 type 'a stat = string * ('a -> int)
889 (** A statistic on a distribution of values of type ['a] *)
891 (** Internal module taking care of storing generated function bindings.
893 In essence, a generated function of type ['a -> 'b] is a map (table) where
894 keys are input values of type ['a] and values are output values of
895 type ['b], plus a default value of type ['b].
897 This module provides the "map of input/output" part.
898 *)
899 module Poly_tbl : sig
900 type ('key, 'value) t
902 val create: 'key Observable.t -> ?v_print:'value Print.t -> 'value Gen.t -> int -> ('key, 'value) t Gen.t
904 val get : ('key, 'value) t -> 'key -> 'value option
906 val size : ('value -> int) -> ('key, 'value) t -> int
908 val print : ('key, 'value) t Print.t
909 end = struct
910 type ('key, 'value) t = {
911 get : 'key -> 'value option; (** Don't be fooled by its name and signature: this function mutates the table during test execution by adding entries (key is the value on which the function is applied in the test, and the value is generated on the fly). *)
912 p_size: ('value -> int) -> int;
913 p_print: unit -> string;
914 p_tree_bindings_rev : ('key * 'value Tree.t) list ref;
915 }
917 let create (type k) (type v) (k_obs : k Observable.t) ?(v_print: v Print.t option) (v_gen : v Gen.t) (size : int) : (k, v) t Gen.t =
918 fun st ->
919 let module T = Hashtbl.Make(struct
920 type t = k
921 let equal = k_obs.Observable.eq
922 let hash = k_obs.Observable.hash
923 end) in
924 (* make a table
925 @param extend if [true], extend table [tbl] on the fly (during test execution, to "record" input values and generate an associated output value). [false] during shrinking (use the default value if the input value is not in the table). *)
926 let make ~extend tbl =
927 let initial_tree_bindings_rev = T.to_seq tbl |> List.of_seq |> List.rev_map (fun (k, v) -> k, Tree.pure v) in
928 let p_tree_bindings_rev = ref initial_tree_bindings_rev in
929 let get = (fun key ->
930 try Some (T.find tbl key)
931 with Not_found ->
932 if extend then (
933 (* Generate a new value and "record" the binding for potential future display/shrinking *)
934 let value_tree = v_gen st in
935 p_tree_bindings_rev := (key, value_tree) :: !p_tree_bindings_rev;
936 let v = Tree.root value_tree in
937 T.add tbl key v;
938 Some v
939 ) else None)
940 in
941 let p_print = (fun () ->
942 let pp_v = Option.value ~default:(fun _ -> "<opaque>") v_print in
943 let b = Buffer.create 64 in
944 let to_b = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
945 T.iter
946 (fun key value ->
947 Format.fprintf to_b "%s -> %s; "
948 (k_obs.Observable.print key) (pp_v value))
949 tbl;
950 Format.pp_print_flush to_b ();
951 Buffer.contents b)
952 in
953 let p_size=(fun size_v -> T.fold (fun _ v n -> n + size_v v) tbl 0) in
954 {get; p_print; p_size; p_tree_bindings_rev}
955 in
956 let root_tbl = T.create size in
957 (* During initial running of the test, record bindings, hence [~extend:true]. *)
958 let root = make ~extend:true root_tbl in
959 (* Build the (lazy!) shrink tree of tables here *)
960 let shrinks : (k, v) t Tree.t Seq.t = fun () ->
961 (* This only gets evaluated *after* the test was run for [tbl], meaning it is correctly
962 populated with bindings recorded during the test already *)
963 let current_bindings : (k * v Tree.t) list = List.rev !(root.p_tree_bindings_rev) in
964 let take_at_most_tree : int Tree.t = Tree.make_primitive (Shrink.int_towards 0) (List.length current_bindings) in
965 let current_tree_bindings : (k * v) Tree.t list = (fun (k, tree) -> (fun v -> (k, v)) tree) current_bindings in
966 let shrunk_bindings_tree : (k * v) list Tree.t = Tree.bind take_at_most_tree (fun take_at_most -> Tree.applicative_take take_at_most current_tree_bindings) in
967 (* During shrinking, we don't want to record/add bindings, so [~extend:false]. *)
968 let shrunk_poly_tbl_tree : (k, v) t Tree.t = (fun bindings -> List.to_seq bindings |> T.of_seq |> make ~extend:false) shrunk_bindings_tree in
969 (* [shrunk_poly_tbl_tree] is a bit misleading: its root *should* be the same as [root] but because of the required laziness
970 induced by the mutation of bindings, we don't use it, only graft its children to the original [root]. *)
971 Tree.children shrunk_poly_tbl_tree ()
972 in
973 Tree.Tree (root, shrinks)
975 let get t x = t.get x
976 let print t = t.p_print ()
977 let size p t = t.p_size p
978 end
980 (** Internal representation of functions, used for shrinking and printing (in case of error). *)
981 type ('a, 'b) fun_repr_tbl = {
982 fun_tbl: ('a, 'b) Poly_tbl.t; (** Input-output bindings *)
983 fun_gen: 'b Gen.t; (** How to generate output values *)
984 fun_print: 'b Print.t option; (** How to print output values *)
985 fun_default: 'b; (** Default value for all inputs not explicitly mapped in {!fun_tbl} *)
986 }
988 type 'f fun_repr =
989 | Fun_tbl : ('a, 'ret) fun_repr_tbl -> ('a -> 'ret) fun_repr (** Input-output list of bindings *)
990 | Fun_map : ('f1 -> 'f2) * 'f1 fun_repr -> 'f2 fun_repr (** Mapped from another function (typically used for currying) *)
992 (** A QCheck function, as in Koen Claessen's paper "Shrinking and showing functions".
993 Such a function is a pair of the function representation (used for shrinking and
994 printing the function) and a "real" function, which can be seen as an input-output
995 map + a default value for all other inputs.
997 - Test developers will only use the "real" function inside their tests (and ignore the function representation).
998 - During shrinking/printing, QCheck will ignore the "real" function and only use its representation.
999 *)
1000 type 'f fun_ = Fun of 'f fun_repr * 'f
1002 (** Reifying functions *)
1003 module Fn = struct
1004 let apply (Fun (_repr, real_function)) = real_function
1006 (** [function_of_repr repr] creates the "real" function (that will be used in tests)
1007 from its representation. *)
1008 let rec function_of_repr : type f. f fun_repr -> f = function
1009 | Fun_tbl {fun_tbl; fun_default; _} ->
1010 (fun x -> match Poly_tbl.get fun_tbl x with
1011 | None -> fun_default
1012 | Some y -> y)
1013 | Fun_map (g, sub_repr) -> g (function_of_repr sub_repr)
1015 let make_ (r : 'a fun_repr) : 'a fun_ = Fun (r, function_of_repr r)
1017 let mk_repr tbl gen ?print def =
1018 Fun_tbl { fun_tbl=tbl; fun_gen=gen; fun_print=print; fun_default=def; }
1020 let map_repr f repr = Fun_map (f, repr)
1022 let map_fun f (Fun (repr, _real_function)) = make_ (map_repr f repr)
1024 (** [print_rep repr] returns a string representation of [repr]. *)
1025 let print_repr r =
1026 let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
1027 let rec aux
1028 : type f. Buffer.t -> f fun_repr -> unit
1029 = fun buf r -> match r with
1030 | Fun_map (_, sub_repr) -> aux buf sub_repr
1031 | Fun_tbl r ->
1032 Buffer.add_string buf (Poly_tbl.print r.fun_tbl);
1033 Printf.bprintf buf "_ -> %s" (match r.fun_print with
1034 | None -> "<opaque>"
1035 | Some print -> print r.fun_default);
1036 in
1037 Printf.bprintf buf "{";
1038 aux buf r;
1039 Printf.bprintf buf "}";
1040 Buffer.contents buf
1042 let print (Fun (repr, _real_function)) = print_repr repr
1044 (** [gen_rep obs gen] creates a function generator. Input values are observed with [obs] and
1045 output values are generated with [gen]. *)
1046 let gen_rep (obs : 'a Observable.t) ?(print : 'b Print.t option) (gen : 'b Gen.t) : ('a -> 'b) fun_repr Gen.t =
1047 Gen.liftA2 (fun default_value poly_tbl -> mk_repr poly_tbl gen ?print default_value) gen (Poly_tbl.create ?v_print:print obs gen 8)
1049 let gen (obs : 'a Observable.t) ?(print : 'b Print.t option) (gen : 'b Gen.t) : ('a -> 'b) fun_ Gen.t =
1050 make_ (gen_rep obs gen ?print)
1051 end
1053 let fun1 obs ?print gen = Fn.gen obs ?print gen
1055 module Tuple = struct
1056 (** heterogeneous list (generic tuple) used to uncurry functions *)
1057 type 'a t =
1058 | Nil : unit t
1059 | Cons : 'a * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
1061 let nil = Nil
1063 let cons x tail = Cons (x,tail)
1065 type 'a obs =
1066 | O_nil : unit obs
1067 | O_cons : 'a Observable.t * 'b obs -> ('a * 'b) obs
1069 let o_nil = O_nil
1071 let o_cons x tail = O_cons (x,tail)
1073 let rec hash
1074 : type a. a obs -> a t -> int
1075 = fun o t -> match o, t with
1076 | O_nil, Nil -> 42
1077 | O_cons (o,tail_o), Cons (x, tail) ->
1078 Observable.H.combine (Observable.hash o x) (hash tail_o tail)
1080 let rec equal
1081 : type a. a obs -> a t -> a t -> bool
1082 = fun o a b -> match o, a, b with
1083 | O_nil, Nil, Nil -> true
1084 | O_cons (o, tail_o), Cons (x1, tail1), Cons (x2,tail2) ->
1085 Observable.equal o x1 x2 &&
1086 equal tail_o tail1 tail2
1088 let print o tup =
1089 let rec aux
1090 : type a. a obs -> Buffer.t -> a t -> unit
1091 = fun o buf t -> match o, t with
1092 | O_nil, Nil -> Printf.bprintf buf "()"
1093 | O_cons (o, O_nil), Cons (x,Nil) ->
1094 Printf.bprintf buf "%s" (Observable.print o x)
1095 | O_cons (o, tail_o), Cons (x,tail) ->
1096 Printf.bprintf buf "%s, %a"
1097 (Observable.print o x) (aux tail_o) tail
1098 in
1099 let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
1100 Buffer.add_string buf "(";
1101 aux o buf tup;
1102 Buffer.add_string buf ")";
1103 Buffer.contents buf
1105 let observable (o:'a obs) : 'a t Observable.t =
1106 Observable.make
1107 ~eq:(equal o)
1108 ~hash:(hash o)
1109 (print o)
1111 let gen (o:'a obs) ?(print:'b Print.t option) (ret:'b Gen.t) : ('a t -> 'b) fun_ Gen.t =
1112 Fn.gen (observable o) ?print ret
1114 module Infix = struct
1115 let (@::) x tail = cons x tail
1116 let (@->) o tail = o_cons o tail
1117 end
1118 include Infix
1119 end
1121 let fun_nary (o:_ Tuple.obs) ?print ret : _ Gen.t = Tuple.gen o ?print ret
1123 let fun2 o1 o2 ?print ret =
1125 (Fn.map_fun (fun g x y -> g Tuple.(x @:: y @:: nil)))
1126 (fun_nary Tuple.(o1 @-> o2 @-> o_nil) ?print ret)
1128 let fun3 o1 o2 o3 ?print ret =
1130 (Fn.map_fun (fun g x y z -> g Tuple.(x @:: y @:: z @:: nil)))
1131 (fun_nary Tuple.(o1 @-> o2 @-> o3 @-> o_nil) ?print ret)
1133 let fun4 o1 o2 o3 o4 ?print ret =
1135 (Fn.map_fun (fun g x y z w -> g Tuple.(x @:: y @:: z @:: w @:: nil)))
1136 (fun_nary Tuple.(o1 @-> o2 @-> o3 @-> o4 @-> o_nil) ?print ret)
1138 module TestResult = struct
1139 type 'a counter_ex = {
1140 instance: 'a; (** The counter-example(s) *)
1141 shrink_steps: int; (** How many shrinking steps for this counterex *)
1142 msg_l: string list; (** messages. @since 0.7 *)
1143 }
1145 (** Result state.
1146 changed in 0.10 (move to inline records) *)
1147 type 'a state =
1148 | Success
1149 | Failed of {
1150 instances: 'a counter_ex list; (** Failed instance(s) *)
1151 }
1152 | Failed_other of {msg: string}
1153 | Error of {
1154 instance: 'a counter_ex;
1155 exn: exn;
1156 backtrace: string;
1157 } (** Error, backtrace, and instance that triggered it *)
1160 (* result returned by running a test *)
1161 type 'a t = {
1162 mutable state : 'a state;
1163 mutable count: int; (* number of tests *)
1164 mutable count_gen: int; (* number of generated cases *)
1165 collect_tbl: (string, int) Hashtbl.t lazy_t;
1166 stats_tbl: ('a stat * (int, int) Hashtbl.t) list;
1167 mutable warnings: string list;
1168 mutable instances: 'a list;
1169 (** List of instances used for this test, in no particular order.
1170 @since 0.9 *)
1171 }
1173 let get_state {state; _} = state
1175 let get_count {count; _} = count
1177 let get_count_gen {count_gen; _} = count_gen
1179 (* indicate failure on the given [instance] *)
1180 let fail ~msg_l ~steps:shrink_steps res instance =
1181 let c_ex = {instance; shrink_steps; msg_l; } in
1182 match res.state with
1183 | Success -> res.state <- Failed {instances=[ c_ex ]}
1184 | Error _
1185 | Failed_other _ -> ()
1186 | Failed {instances=[]} -> assert false
1187 | Failed {instances=l} -> res.state <- Failed {instances=c_ex :: l}
1189 let error ~msg_l ~steps res instance exn backtrace =
1190 res.state <- Error {instance={instance; shrink_steps=steps; msg_l; }; exn; backtrace}
1192 let get_collect r =
1193 if Lazy.is_val r.collect_tbl then Some (Lazy.force r.collect_tbl) else None
1195 let collect = get_collect
1197 let get_stats r = r.stats_tbl
1199 let stats = get_stats
1201 let get_warnings r = r.warnings
1203 let warnings = get_warnings
1205 let get_instances r = r.instances
1207 let is_success r = match r.state with
1208 | Success -> true
1209 | Failed _ | Error _ | Failed_other _ -> false
1210 end
1212 module Test_exceptions = struct
1214 exception Test_fail of string * string list
1215 exception Test_error of string * string * exn * string
1216 end
1218 module Test = struct
1220 type 'a cell = {
1221 count : int; (* number of tests to do *)
1222 long_factor : int; (* multiplicative factor for long test count *)
1223 max_gen : int; (* max number of instances to generate (>= count) *)
1224 max_fail : int; (* max number of failures *)
1225 law : 'a -> bool; (* the law to check *)
1226 gen : 'a Gen.t; (* how to generate/shrink instances *)
1227 print : 'a Print.t option; (* how to print values *)
1228 collect : ('a -> string) option; (* collect values by tag, useful to display distribution of generated *)
1229 stats : 'a stat list; (* distribution of values of type 'a *)
1230 qcheck1_shrink : ('a -> ('a -> unit) -> unit) option; (* QCheck1-backward-compatible shrinking *)
1231 if_assumptions_fail: [`Fatal | `Warning] * float;
1232 mutable name : string; (* name of the law *)
1233 }
1235 type t = | Test : 'a cell -> t
1237 let get_name {name; _} = name
1239 let set_name c name = <- name
1241 let get_law {law; _} = law
1243 let get_gen {gen; _} = gen
1245 let get_print_opt {print; _} = print
1247 let get_collect_opt {collect; _} = collect
1249 let get_stats {stats; _} = stats
1251 let get_count {count; _ } = count
1253 let get_long_factor {long_factor; _} = long_factor
1255 let default_count = 100
1257 let global_count count =
1258 let count = match (count, Sys.getenv_opt "QCHECK_COUNT") with
1259 | (Some x, _) -> x
1260 | (_, Some x) -> int_of_string x
1261 | (None, None) -> default_count
1262 in
1263 if count < 0 then invalid_arg ("count must be > 0 but value is " ^ string_of_int count) else count
1265 let fresh_name =
1266 let r = ref 0 in
1267 (fun () -> incr r; Printf.sprintf "anon_test_%d" !r)
1269 let default_if_assumptions_fail = `Warning, 0.05
1271 let make_cell ?(if_assumptions_fail=default_if_assumptions_fail)
1272 ?(count) ?(long_factor=1) ?max_gen
1273 ?(max_fail=1) ?(name=fresh_name()) ?print ?collect ?(stats=[]) gen law
1274 =
1275 let count = global_count count in
1276 let max_gen = match max_gen with None -> count + 200 | Some x->x in
1277 {
1278 law;
1279 gen;
1280 collect;
1281 print;
1282 stats;
1283 max_gen;
1284 max_fail;
1285 name;
1286 count;
1287 long_factor;
1288 if_assumptions_fail;
1289 qcheck1_shrink = None;
1290 }
1292 let make_cell_from_QCheck1 ?(if_assumptions_fail=default_if_assumptions_fail)
1293 ?(count) ?(long_factor=1) ?max_gen
1294 ?(max_fail=1) ?(name=fresh_name()) ~gen ?shrink ?print ?collect ~stats law
1295 =
1296 let count = global_count count in
1297 (* Make a "fake" QCheck2 arbitrary with no shrinking *)
1298 let fake_gen = Gen.make_primitive ~gen ~shrink:(fun _ -> Seq.empty) in
1299 let max_gen = match max_gen with None -> count + 200 | Some x->x in
1300 {
1301 law;
1302 gen = fake_gen;
1303 print;
1304 collect;
1305 stats;
1306 max_gen;
1307 max_fail;
1308 name;
1309 count;
1310 long_factor;
1311 if_assumptions_fail;
1312 qcheck1_shrink = shrink;
1313 }
1315 let make ?if_assumptions_fail ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen ?max_fail ?name ?print ?collect ?stats gen law =
1316 Test (make_cell ?if_assumptions_fail ?count ?long_factor ?max_gen ?max_fail ?name ?print ?collect ?stats gen law)
1318 let test_get_count (Test cell) = get_count cell
1320 (** {6 Running the test} *)
1322 module R = TestResult
1324 (* Result of an instance run *)
1325 type res =
1326 | Success
1327 | Failure
1328 | FalseAssumption
1329 | Error of exn * string
1331 (* Step function, called after each instance test *)
1332 type 'a step = string -> 'a cell -> 'a -> res -> unit
1334 let step_nil_ _ _ _ _ = ()
1336 (* Events of a test *)
1337 type 'a event =
1338 | Generating
1339 | Collecting of 'a
1340 | Testing of 'a
1341 | Shrunk of int * 'a
1342 | Shrinking of int * int * 'a
1344 type 'a handler = string -> 'a cell -> 'a event -> unit
1346 let handler_nil_ _ _ _ = ()
1348 (* state required by {!check} to execute *)
1349 type 'a state = {
1350 test: 'a cell;
1351 step: 'a step;
1352 handler : 'a handler;
1353 rand: RS.t;
1354 mutable res: 'a TestResult.t;
1355 mutable cur_count: int; (** number of iterations remaining to do *)
1356 mutable cur_max_gen: int; (** maximum number of generations allowed *)
1357 mutable cur_max_fail: int; (** maximum number of counter-examples allowed *)
1358 }
1360 let is_done state = state.cur_count <= 0 || state.cur_max_gen <= 0
1362 let decr_count state =
1363 state.res.R.count <- state.res.R.count + 1;
1364 state.cur_count <- state.cur_count - 1
1366 let new_input_tree state =
1367 state.res.R.count_gen <- state.res.R.count_gen + 1;
1368 state.cur_max_gen <- state.cur_max_gen - 1;
1369 state.test.gen state.rand
1371 (* statistics on inputs *)
1372 let collect st i = match st.test.collect with
1373 | None -> ()
1374 | Some f ->
1375 let key = f i in
1376 let (lazy tbl) = st.res.R.collect_tbl in
1377 let n = try Hashtbl.find tbl key with Not_found -> 0 in
1378 Hashtbl.replace tbl key (n+1)
1380 let update_stats st i =
1381 List.iter
1382 (fun ((_,f), tbl) ->
1383 let key = f i in
1384 let n = try Hashtbl.find tbl key with Not_found -> 0 in
1385 Hashtbl.replace tbl key (n+1))
1386 st.res.R.stats_tbl
1388 type res_or_exn =
1389 | Shrink_fail
1390 | Shrink_exn of exn
1392 (* triggered by user to fail with a message *)
1393 exception User_fail of string
1395 let fail_report m = raise (User_fail m)
1397 let fail_reportf m =
1398 let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
1399 Format.kfprintf
1400 (fun out -> Format.fprintf out "@?"; fail_report (Buffer.contents buf))
1401 (Format.formatter_of_buffer buf) m
1403 type 'a run_res =
1404 | Run_ok
1405 | Run_fail of string list
1407 let run_law law x =
1408 try
1409 if law x then Run_ok else Run_fail []
1410 with User_fail msg -> Run_fail [msg]
1412 (* QCheck1-compatibility code *)
1413 exception Iter_exit
1414 let iter_find_map p iter =
1415 let r = ref None in
1416 (try iter (fun x -> match p x with Some _ as y -> r := y; raise Iter_exit | None -> ())
1417 with Iter_exit -> ()
1418 );
1419 !r
1421 (* try to shrink counter-ex [i] into a smaller one. Returns
1422 shrinked value and number of steps *)
1423 let shrink st (i_tree : 'a Tree.t) (r : res_or_exn) m : 'a * res_or_exn * string list * int =
1424 let is_err = match r with
1425 | Shrink_exn _ -> true | _ -> false
1426 in
1427 let rec shrink_ st i_tree r m ~steps =
1428 let Tree.Tree (i, shrinks) = i_tree in
1429 st.handler st.test (Shrunk (steps, i));
1430 let count = ref 0 in
1431 let i' = match st.test.qcheck1_shrink with
1432 | Some f -> (* QCheck1-compatibility, copied almost verbatim from old code *)
1433 iter_find_map
1434 (fun x ->
1435 (* let Tree.Tree (x, _) = x_tree in *)
1436 try
1437 incr count;
1438 st.handler st.test (Shrinking (steps, !count, x));
1439 begin match run_law x with
1440 | Run_fail m when not is_err -> Some (Tree.pure x, Shrink_fail, m)
1441 | _ -> None
1442 end
1443 with
1444 | Failed_precondition | No_example_found _ -> None
1445 | e when is_err -> Some (Tree.pure x, Shrink_exn e, []) (* fail test (by error) *)
1446 ) (f i)
1447 | None -> (* QCheck2 (or QCheck1 with a shrinkless tree): use the shrink tree *)
1448 Seq.filter_map
1449 (fun x_tree ->
1450 let Tree.Tree (x, _) = x_tree in
1451 try
1452 incr count;
1453 st.handler st.test (Shrinking (steps, !count, x));
1454 begin match run_law x with
1455 | Run_fail m when not is_err -> Some (x_tree, Shrink_fail, m)
1456 | _ -> None
1457 end
1458 with
1459 | Failed_precondition | No_example_found _ -> None
1460 | e when is_err -> Some (x_tree, Shrink_exn e, []) (* fail test (by error) *)
1461 ) shrinks
1462 |> Seq.hd
1463 in
1464 match i' with
1465 | None -> i, r, m, steps
1466 | Some (i_tree',r',m') -> shrink_ st i_tree' r' m' ~steps:(steps + 1) (* shrink further *)
1467 in
1468 shrink_ ~steps:0 st i_tree r m
1470 type 'a check_result =
1471 | CR_continue
1472 | CR_yield of 'a TestResult.t
1474 (* test raised [e] on [input]; try to shrink then fail *)
1475 let handle_exn state input e bt : _ check_result =
1476 (* first, shrink
1477 TODO: shall we shrink differently (i.e. expected only an error)? *)
1478 let input, r, msg_l, steps = shrink state input (Shrink_exn e) [] in
1479 (* recover exception of shrunk input *)
1480 let e = match r with
1481 | Shrink_fail -> e
1482 | Shrink_exn e' -> e'
1483 in
1484 state.step state.test input (Error (e, bt));
1485 R.error state.res ~steps ~msg_l input e bt;
1486 CR_yield state.res
1488 (* test failed on [input], which means the law is wrong. Continue if
1489 we should. *)
1490 let handle_fail state input msg_l : _ check_result =
1491 (* first, shrink *)
1492 let input, _, msg_l, steps = shrink state input Shrink_fail msg_l in
1493 (* fail *)
1494 decr_count state;
1495 state.step state.test input Failure;
1496 state.cur_max_fail <- state.cur_max_fail - 1;
1497 state.res ~steps ~msg_l input;
1498 CR_yield state.res
1500 (* [check_state state] applies [state.test] repeatedly ([iter] times)
1501 on output of [test.rand], and if [state.test] ever returns false,
1502 then the input that caused the failure is returned in [Failed].
1503 If [func input] raises [Failed_precondition] then the input is discarded, unless
1504 max_gen is 0. *)
1505 let rec check_state state : _ R.t =
1506 if is_done state then state.res
1507 else (
1508 state.handler state.test Generating;
1509 match new_input_tree state with
1510 | i_tree ->
1511 check_state_input state i_tree
1512 | exception e ->
1513 (* turn it into an error *)
1514 let bt = Printexc.get_backtrace() in
1515 let msg =
1516 Printf.sprintf
1517 "ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test %s after %d steps:\nException: %s\nBacktrace: %s"
1518 state.test.count (Printexc.to_string e) bt
1519 in
1520 state.res.R.state <- R.Failed_other {msg};
1521 state.res
1522 )
1523 and check_state_input state input_tree =
1524 let Tree.Tree (input, _) = input_tree in
1525 state.handler state.test (Collecting input);
1526 state.res.R.instances <- input :: state.res.R.instances;
1527 collect state input;
1528 update_stats state input;
1529 let res =
1530 try
1531 state.handler state.test (Testing input);
1532 begin match run_law input with
1533 | Run_ok ->
1534 (* one test ok *)
1535 decr_count state;
1536 state.step state.test input Success;
1537 CR_continue
1538 | Run_fail msg_l ->
1539 handle_fail state input_tree msg_l
1540 end
1541 with
1542 | Failed_precondition | No_example_found _ ->
1543 state.step state.test input FalseAssumption;
1544 CR_continue
1545 | e ->
1546 let bt = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
1547 handle_exn state input_tree e bt
1548 in
1549 match res with
1550 | CR_continue -> check_state state
1551 | CR_yield x -> x
1553 type 'a callback = string -> 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t -> unit
1555 let callback_nil_ : _ callback = fun _ _ _ -> ()
1557 (* check that there are sufficiently many tests which passed, to avoid
1558 the case where they all passed by failed precondition *)
1559 let check_if_assumptions target_count cell res : unit =
1560 let percentage_of_count = float_of_int res.R.count /. float_of_int target_count in
1561 let assm_flag, assm_frac = cell.if_assumptions_fail in
1562 if R.is_success res && percentage_of_count < assm_frac then (
1563 let msg =
1564 format_of_string "%s: \
1565 only %.1f%% tests (of %d) passed precondition for %S\n\n\
1566 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that \
1567 the generator is buggy.\n%!"
1568 in
1569 match assm_flag with
1570 | `Warning ->
1571 let msg = Printf.sprintf
1572 msg "WARNING"
1573 (percentage_of_count *. 100.) cell.count in
1574 res.R.warnings <- msg :: res.R.warnings
1575 | `Fatal ->
1576 (* turn it into an error *)
1577 let msg = Printf.sprintf
1578 msg "ERROR"
1579 (percentage_of_count *. 100.) cell.count in
1580 res.R.state <- R.Failed_other {msg}
1581 )
1583 (* main checking function *)
1584 let check_cell ?(long=false) ?(call=callback_nil_)
1585 ?(step=step_nil_) ?(handler=handler_nil_)
1586 ?(rand=RS.make [| 0 |]) cell =
1587 let factor = if long then cell.long_factor else 1 in
1588 let target_count = factor*cell.count in
1589 let state = {
1590 test=cell; rand;
1591 step; handler;
1592 cur_count=target_count;
1593 cur_max_gen=factor*cell.max_gen;
1594 cur_max_fail=factor*cell.max_fail;
1595 res = {R.
1596 state=R.Success; count=0; count_gen=0;
1597 collect_tbl=lazy (Hashtbl.create 10);
1598 instances=[]; warnings=[];
1599 stats_tbl= (fun stat -> stat, Hashtbl.create 10) cell.stats;
1600 };
1601 } in
1602 let res = check_state state in
1603 check_if_assumptions target_count cell res;
1604 call cell res;
1605 res
1607 include Test_exceptions
1609 (* print instance using [arb] *)
1610 let print_instance arb i = match arb.print with
1611 | None -> "<instance>"
1612 | Some pp -> pp i
1614 let print_c_ex arb c : string =
1615 let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
1616 begin
1617 if c.R.shrink_steps > 0
1618 then Printf.bprintf buf "%s (after %d shrink steps)"
1619 (print_instance arb c.R.instance) c.R.shrink_steps
1620 else Buffer.add_string buf (print_instance arb c.R.instance)
1621 end;
1622 List.iter
1623 (fun msg ->
1624 Buffer.add_char buf '\n';
1625 Buffer.add_string buf msg;
1626 Buffer.add_char buf '\n')
1627 c.R.msg_l;
1628 Buffer.contents buf
1630 let pp_print_test_fail name out l =
1631 let rec pp_list out = function
1632 | [] -> ()
1633 | [x] -> Format.fprintf out "%s@," x
1634 | x :: y -> Format.fprintf out "%s@,%a" x pp_list y
1635 in
1636 Format.fprintf out "@[test `%s`@ failed on ≥ %d cases:@ @[<v>%a@]@]"
1637 name (List.length l) pp_list l
1639 let asprintf fmt =
1640 let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
1641 let out = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
1642 Format.kfprintf (fun _ -> Buffer.contents buf) out fmt
1644 let print_test_fail name l = asprintf "@[%a@]@?" (pp_print_test_fail name) l
1646 let print_test_error name i e stack =
1647 Format.sprintf "@[test `%s`@ raised exception `%s`@ on `%s`@,%s@]"
1648 name (Printexc.to_string e) i stack
1650 let print_collect c =
1651 let out = Buffer.create 64 in
1652 Hashtbl.iter
1653 (fun case num -> Printf.bprintf out "%s: %d cases\n" case num) c;
1654 Buffer.contents out
1656 let stat_max_lines = 20 (* maximum number of lines for a histogram *)
1658 let print_stat ((name,_), tbl) =
1659 let avg = ref 0. in
1660 let num = ref 0 in
1661 let min_idx, max_idx =
1662 Hashtbl.fold
1663 (fun i res (m1,m2) ->
1664 avg := !avg +. float_of_int (i * res);
1665 num := !num + res;
1666 min i m1, max i m2)
1667 tbl (max_int,min_int)
1668 in
1669 (* compute average *)
1670 if !num > 0 then (
1671 avg := !avg /. float_of_int !num
1672 );
1673 (* compute std-dev: sqroot of sum of squared distance-to-average
1674 *)
1675 let stddev =
1676 Hashtbl.fold
1677 (fun i res m -> m +. (float_of_int i -. !avg) ** 2. *. float_of_int res)
1678 tbl 0.
1679 |> (fun s -> if !num>0 then s /. float_of_int !num else s)
1680 |> sqrt
1681 in
1682 (* compute median *)
1683 let median = ref 0 in
1684 let median_num = ref 0 in (* how many values have we seen yet? once >= !n/2 we set median *)
1685 (Hashtbl.fold (fun i cnt acc -> (i,cnt)::acc) tbl [])
1686 |> List.sort (fun (i,_) (j,_) -> poly_compare i j)
1687 |> List.iter
1688 (fun (i,cnt) ->
1689 if !median_num < !num/2 then (
1690 median_num := !median_num + cnt;
1691 (* just went above median! *)
1692 if !median_num >= !num/2 then
1693 median := i));
1694 (* group by buckets, if there are too many entries: *)
1695 (* first compute histogram and bucket size *)
1696 let min_idx64, max_idx64 = Int64.(of_int min_idx, of_int max_idx) in
1697 let hist_size, bucket_size =
1698 let sample_width = Int64.sub max_idx64 min_idx64 in
1699 if sample_width > Int64.of_int stat_max_lines
1700 then stat_max_lines,
1701 int_of_float (ceil (Int64.to_float sample_width /. float_of_int stat_max_lines))
1702 else max_idx-min_idx, 1
1703 in
1704 let hist_size =
1705 if Int64.(add min_idx64 (mul (of_int bucket_size) (of_int hist_size))) <= max_idx64
1706 then 1+hist_size
1707 else hist_size in
1708 (* accumulate bucket counts *)
1709 let max_val = ref 0 in (* max value after grouping by buckets *)
1710 let bucket_count = Array.init hist_size (fun _ -> 0) in
1711 Hashtbl.iter
1712 (fun j count ->
1713 let bucket = Int64.(to_int (div (sub (of_int j) min_idx64) (of_int bucket_size))) in
1714 let new_count = bucket_count.(bucket) + count in
1715 bucket_count.(bucket) <- new_count;
1716 max_val := max !max_val new_count) tbl;
1717 (* print entries of the table, sorted by increasing index *)
1718 let out = Buffer.create 128 in
1719 Printf.bprintf out "stats %s:\n" name;
1720 Printf.bprintf out
1721 " num: %d, avg: %.2f, stddev: %.2f, median %d, min %d, max %d\n"
1722 !num !avg stddev !median min_idx max_idx;
1723 let indwidth =
1724 let str_width i = String.length (Printf.sprintf "%d" i) in
1725 str_width [min_idx; max_idx; min_idx + bucket_size * hist_size] |> List.fold_left max min_int in
1726 let labwidth = if bucket_size=1 then indwidth else 2+2*indwidth in
1727 for i = 0 to hist_size - 1 do
1728 let i' = min_idx + i * bucket_size in
1729 let blabel =
1730 if bucket_size=1
1731 then Printf.sprintf "%*d" indwidth i'
1732 else
1733 let bucket_bound = i'+bucket_size-1 in
1734 Printf.sprintf "%*d..%*d" indwidth i' indwidth (if bucket_bound < i' then max_int else bucket_bound) in
1735 let bcount = bucket_count.(i) in
1736 (* NOTE: keep in sync *)
1737 let bar_len = bcount * 55 / !max_val in
1738 Printf.bprintf out " %*s: %-56s %10d\n" labwidth blabel (String.make bar_len '#') bcount
1739 done;
1740 Buffer.contents out
1742 let () = Printexc.register_printer
1743 (function
1744 | Test_fail (name,l) -> Some (print_test_fail name l)
1745 | Test_error (name,i,e,st) -> Some (print_test_error name i e st)
1746 | User_fail s -> Some ("qcheck: user fail:\n" ^ s)
1747 | _ -> None)
1749 let print_fail arb name l =
1750 print_test_fail name ( (print_c_ex arb) l)
1752 let print_fail_other name ~msg =
1753 print_test_fail name [msg]
1755 let print_error ?(st="") arb name (i,e) =
1756 print_test_error name (print_c_ex arb i) e st
1758 let check_result cell res = match res.R.state with
1759 | R.Success -> ()
1760 | R.Error {instance; exn; backtrace} ->
1761 raise (Test_error (, print_c_ex cell instance, exn, backtrace))
1762 | R.Failed {instances=l} ->
1763 let l = (print_c_ex cell) l in
1764 raise (Test_fail (, l))
1765 | R.Failed_other {msg} ->
1766 raise (Test_fail (, [msg]))
1768 let check_cell_exn ?long ?call ?step ?rand cell =
1769 let res = check_cell ?long ?call ?step ?rand cell in
1770 check_result cell res
1772 let check_exn ?long ?rand (Test cell) = check_cell_exn ?long ?rand cell
1773 end
1775 let find_example ?(name : string = "<example>") ?(count : int option) ~(f : 'a -> bool) (gen : 'a Gen.t) : 'a Gen.t =
1776 (* the random generator of examples satisfying [f]. To do that we
1777 test the property [fun x -> not (f x)]; any counter-example *)
1778 let gen st =
1779 let cell =
1780 Test.make_cell ~max_fail:1 ?count gen (fun x -> not (f x))
1781 in
1782 let res = Test.check_cell ~rand:st cell in
1783 begin match res.TestResult.state with
1784 | TestResult.Success -> raise (No_example_found name)
1785 | TestResult.Error _ -> raise (No_example_found name)
1786 | TestResult.Failed {instances=[]} -> assert false
1787 | TestResult.Failed {instances=failed::_} ->
1788 (* found counter-example! *)
1789 Tree.pure failed.TestResult.instance
1790 | TestResult.Failed_other {msg=_} ->
1791 raise (No_example_found name)
1793 end
1794 in
1795 gen
1797 let find_example_gen ?(rand : RS.t option) ?(name : string option) ?(count : int option) ~(f : 'a -> bool) (gen : 'a Gen.t) : 'a =
1798 let g = find_example ?name ?count ~f gen in
1799 Gen.generate1 ?rand g
0 (*
1 QCheck: Random testing for OCaml
2 copyright (c) 2013-2017, Guillaume Bury, Simon Cruanes, Vincent Hugot,
3 Jan Midtgaard, Julien Debon, Valentin Chaboche
4 all rights reserved.
5 *)
7 (* Keep the following title alone in its documentation block as it is specially treated by Odoc: it doesn't appear
8 in the Contents menu on the left. The next documentation block with all the actual
9 content will appear. *)
10 (** {1 QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing} *)
12 (** {1 Introduction}
14 This library takes inspiration from Haskell's QuickCheck library. The
15 rough idea is that the programmer describes invariants that values of
16 a certain type need to satisfy ("properties"), as functions from this type
17 to bool. They also need to describe how to generate random values of the type,
18 so that the property is tried and checked on a number of random instances.
20 This explains the organization of this module:
22 - {!Gen} is used to describe how to generate random values.
23 Auxiliary module {!Print} can be used along with {!Test.make}
24 to build one's own generator instances.
26 - {!Test} is used to describe a single test, that is, a property of
27 type ['a -> bool] combined with an ['a Gen.t] that is used to generate
28 the test cases for this property. Optional parameters
29 allow to specify the random generator state, number of instances to generate
30 and test, etc.
32 💡 If you are migrating from QCheck, check the {{!section:migration_qcheck2} migration guide} below.
34 {1 Examples}
36 - "{!List.rev} is involutive" (the test passes so [check_exn] returns [()]):
38 {[
39 let test =
40 QCheck2.(Test.make ~count:1000
41 ~pp:Print.(list int)
42 Gen.(list int)
43 (fun l -> List.rev (List.rev l) = l));;
45 QCheck2.Test.check_exn test;;
46 ]}
48 - "All lists are sorted" (false property that will fail):
49 {ul
50 {- QCheck tests this property on random lists and finds a counter-example}
51 {- QCheck then looks for the smallest counter-example possible (here [[1; 0]])
52 to help you find the problem (called "shrinking")}
53 }
55 {[
56 let test = QCheck2.(
57 Test.make
58 ~name:"All lists are sorted"
59 ~count:10_000
60 ~pp:Print.(list small_nat)
61 Gen.(list small_nat)
62 (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l));;
64 QCheck2.Test.check_exn test;;
66 Exception:
67 test `All lists are sorted` failed on ≥ 1 cases:
68 [1; 0] (after 5 shrink steps)
69 ]}
72 - Generate 20 random trees using {! Gen.fix} :
74 {[
75 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
77 let leaf x = Leaf x
78 let node x y = Node (x,y)
80 let tree_gen = QCheck2.Gen.(sized @@ fix
81 (fun self n -> match n with
82 | 0 -> map leaf nat
83 | n ->
84 frequency
85 [1, map leaf nat;
86 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
87 ));;
89 QCheck2.Gen.generate ~n:20 tree_gen;;
90 ]}
92 @since 0.18
93 *)
95 (** A tree represents a generated value and its successive shrunk values. *)
96 module Tree : sig
97 (** Conceptually a pseudo-randomly generated value is packaged with its shrunk values.
98 This coupling - called "integrated shrinking" - in a single type has a major benefit:
99 most generators get shrinking "for free" by composing from smaller generators, and shrinking
100 does not break invariants (e.g. shrinks of a positive number are always positive).
101 *)
103 type 'a t
104 (** A tree of random generated values, where the root contains the value used for the test,
105 and the sub-trees contain shrunk values (as trees, to be able to shrink several times a value)
106 used if the test fails. *)
108 val root : 'a t -> 'a
109 (** [root tree] returns the root value of the tree of generated values [t]. *)
111 val children : 'a t -> 'a t Seq.t
112 (** [children tree] returns the direct sub-trees of the tree of generated values [t]. *)
114 val pp : ?depth : int -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
115 (** [pp ?depth pp_a ppf tree] pretty-prints the tree of generated values [tree] using the
116 pretty-print formatter [ppf]. Values of type ['a] will be printed using the given
117 pretty-printer [pp_a].
119 As a tree [t] can be potentially huge when fully evaluated, you can control the maximum
120 depth the printer goes with [depth].
121 - [None] means "everything"
122 - [0] means "only the root"
123 - [1] means "the root and its direct shrinks"
124 - [2] means "the root, its direct shrinks, and the shrinks of its shrinks"
125 - etc.
126 *)
127 end
129 (** A generator is responsible for generating pseudo-random values and provide shrinks (smaller
130 values) when a test fails. *)
131 module Gen : sig
132 (** This module provides some of the most important features of QCheck:
133 - {{!section:primitive_generators} primitive generators}
134 - {{!section:composing_generators} generator compositions}
135 *)
137 type 'a t
138 (** A random generator for values of type ['a]. *)
140 type 'a sized = int -> 'a t
141 (** Random generator with a size bound. *)
143 (** {3:primitive_generators Primitive generators} *)
145 val unit : unit t
146 (** The unit generator.
148 Does not shrink.
149 *)
151 val bool : bool t
152 (** The boolean generator.
154 Shrinks towards [false].
155 *)
157 val int : int t
158 (** Generates integers uniformly.
160 Shrinks towards [0].
161 *)
163 val pint : ?origin : int -> int t
164 (** Generates non-strictly positive integers uniformly ([0] included).
166 Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [0]. *)
168 val small_nat : int t
169 (** Small positive integers (< [100], [0] included).
171 Non-uniform: smaller numbers are more likely than bigger numbers.
173 Shrinks towards [0].
175 @since 0.5.1 *)
177 val nat : int t
178 (** Generates natural numbers (< [10_000]).
180 Non-uniform: smaller numbers are more likely than bigger numbers.
182 Shrinks towards [0].
183 *)
185 val big_nat : int t
186 (** Generates natural numbers, possibly large (< [1_000_000]).
188 Non-uniform: smaller numbers are more likely than bigger numbers.
190 Shrinks towards [0].
192 @since 0.10 *)
194 val neg_int : int t
195 (** Generates non-strictly negative integers ([0] included).
197 Non-uniform: smaller numbers (in absolute value) are more likely than bigger numbers.
199 Shrinks towards [0].
200 *)
202 val small_int : int t
203 (** Small UNSIGNED integers, for retrocompatibility.
205 Shrinks towards [0].
207 @deprecated use {!small_nat}. *)
209 val small_signed_int : int t
210 (** Small SIGNED integers, based on {!small_nat}.
212 Non-uniform: smaller numbers (in absolute value) are more likely than bigger numbers.
214 Shrinks towards [0].
216 @since 0.5.2 *)
218 val small_int_corners : unit -> int t
219 (** As {!small_int}, but each newly created generator starts with
220 a list of corner cases before falling back on random generation. *)
223 val int32 : int32 t
224 (** Generates uniform {!int32} values.
226 Shrinks towards [0l].
227 *)
229 val ui32 : int32 t
230 (** Generates {!int32} values.
232 Shrinks towards [0l].
234 @deprecated use {!val:int32} instead, the name is wrong, values {i are} signed.
235 *)
237 val int64 : int64 t
238 (** Generates uniform {!int64} values.
240 Shrinks towards [0L].
241 *)
243 val ui64 : int64 t
244 (** Generates {!int64} values.
246 Shrinks towards [0L].
248 @deprecated use {!val:int64} instead, the name is wrong, values {i are} signed.
249 *)
251 val float : float t
252 (** Generates floating point numbers.
254 Shrinks towards [0.].
255 *)
257 val pfloat : float t
258 (** Generates positive floating point numbers ([0.] included).
260 Shrinks towards [0.].
261 *)
263 val nfloat : float t
264 (** Generates negative floating point numbers. ([-0.] included).
266 Shrinks towards [-0.].
267 *)
269 val char : char t
270 (** Generates characters in the [0..255] range.
272 Shrinks towards ['a'].
273 *)
275 val printable : char t
276 (** Generates printable characters.
278 The exhaustive list of character codes is:
279 - [32] to [126], inclusive
280 - ['\n']
282 Shrinks towards ['a'].
283 *)
285 val numeral : char t
286 (** Generates numeral characters ['0'..'9'].
288 Shrinks towards ['0'].
289 *)
291 val string_size : ?gen:char t -> int t -> string t
292 (** Builds a string generator from a (non-negative) size generator.
293 Accepts an optional character generator (the default is {!char}).
295 Shrinks on the number of characters first, then on the characters.
296 *)
298 val string : string t
299 (** Builds a string generator. String size is generated by {!nat}.
300 The default character generator is {!char}.
301 See also {!string_of} and {!string_printable} for versions with
302 custom char generator.
304 Shrinks on the number of characters first, then on the characters.
305 *)
307 val string_of : char t -> string t
308 (** Builds a string generator using the given character generator.
310 Shrinks on the number of characters first, then on the characters.
312 @since 0.11 *)
314 val string_printable : string t
315 (** Builds a string generator using the {!printable} character generator.
317 Shrinks on the number of characters first, then on the characters.
319 @since 0.11 *)
321 val small_string : ?gen:char t -> string t
322 (** Builds a string generator, length is {!small_nat}.
323 Accepts an optional character generator (the default is {!char}).
325 Shrinks on the number of characters first, then on the characters.
326 *)
328 val pure : 'a -> 'a t
329 (** [pure a] creates a generator that always returns [a].
331 Does not shrink.
333 @since 0.8
334 *)
336 val return : 'a -> 'a t
337 (** Synonym for {!pure} *)
339 val make_primitive : gen : (Random.State.t -> 'a) -> shrink : ('a -> 'a Seq.t) -> 'a t
340 (** [make_primitive ~gen ~shrink] creates a generator from a function [gen] that creates
341 a random value (this function must only use the given {!Random.State.t} for randomness)
342 and a function [shrink] that, given a value [a], returns a lazy list of
343 "smaller" values (used when a test fails).
345 This lower-level function is meant to build generators for "primitive" types that can neither be
346 built with other primitive generators nor through composition, or to have more control on the
347 shrinking steps.
349 [shrink] must obey the following rules (for your own definition of "small"):
350 - [shrink a = Seq.empty] when [a] is the smallest possible value
351 - [shrink a] must return values strictly smaller than [a], ideally from smallest to largest (for
352 faster shrinking)
353 - [let rec loop a = match shrink a () with | Nil -> () | Cons (smaller_a, _) -> loop smaller_a]
354 must end for all values [a] of type ['a] (i.e. there must not be an infinite number of shrinking
355 steps).
357 ⚠️ This is an unstable API as it partially exposes the implementation. In particular, the type of
358 [Random.State.t] may very well change in a future version, e.g. if QCheck switches to another
359 randomness library.
360 *)
362 val add_shrink_invariant : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
363 (** [add_shrink_invariant f gen] returns a generator similar to [gen] except all shrinks satisfy [f].
364 This way it's easy to preserve invariants that are enforced by
365 generators, when shrinking values
367 @since 0.8
369 @deprecated is this function still useful? I feel like it is either useless (invariants
370 should already be part of the shrinking logic, not be added later) or a special,
371 incomplete case of {!Gen.t} being an Alternative (not implemented yet). For now we
372 keep it and wait for users feedback (hence deprecation to raise attention).
373 *)
375 (** {3 Ranges} *)
377 val int_bound : int -> int t
378 (** Uniform integer generator producing integers within [0..bound].
380 Shrinks towards [0].
382 @raise Invalid_argument if the argument is negative. *)
384 val int_range : ?origin:int -> int -> int -> int t
385 (** [int_range ?origin low high] is an uniform integer generator producing integers within [low..high] (inclusive).
387 Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [0] (but always stays within the range).
389 Examples:
390 - [int_range ~origin:6 (-5) 15] will shrink towards [6]
391 - [int_range (-5) 15] will shrink towards [0]
392 - [int_range 8 20] will shrink towards [8] (closest to [0] within range)
393 - [int_range (-20) (-8)] will shrink towards [-8] (closest to [0] within range)
395 @raise Invalid_argument if any of the following holds:
396 - [low > high]
397 - [origin < low]
398 - [origin > high]
399 *)
401 val (--) : int -> int -> int t
402 (** [a -- b] is an alias for [int_range a b]. See {!int_range} for more information.
403 *)
405 val float_bound_inclusive : ?origin : float -> float -> float t
406 (** [float_bound_inclusive ?origin bound] returns a random floating-point number between [0.] and
407 [bound] (inclusive). If [bound] is negative, the result is negative or zero. If
408 [bound] is [0.], the result is [0.].
410 Shrinks towards [origin] if given, otherwise towards [0.].
412 @since 0.11 *)
414 val float_bound_exclusive : ?origin : float -> float -> float t
415 (** [float_bound_exclusive origin bound] returns a random floating-point number between [0.] and
416 [bound] (exclusive). If [bound] is negative, the result is negative or zero.
418 Shrinks towards [origin] if given, otherwise towards [0.].
420 @raise Invalid_argument if [bound] is [0.].
422 @since 0.11 *)
424 val float_range : ?origin : float -> float -> float -> float t
425 (** [float_range ?origin low high] generates floating-point numbers within [low] and [high] (inclusive).
427 Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [0.] (but always stays within the range).
429 Examples:
430 - [float_range ~origin:6.2 (-5.8) 15.1] will shrink towards [6.2]
431 - [float_range (-5.8) 15.1] will shrink towards [0.]
432 - [float_range 8.5 20.1] will shrink towards [8.5] (closest to [0.] within range)
433 - [float_range (-20.1) (-8.5)] will shrink towards [-8.5] (closest to [0.] within range)
435 @raise Invalid_argument if any of the following holds:
436 - [low > high]
437 - [high -. low > max_float]
438 - [origin < low]
439 - [origin > high]
441 @since 0.11 *)
443 val (--.) : float -> float -> float t
444 (** [a --. b] is an alias for [float_range ~origin:a a b]. See {!float_range} for more information.
446 @since 0.11 *)
448 val char_range : ?origin:char -> char -> char -> char t
449 (** [char_range ?origin low high] generates chars between [low] and [high], inclusive.
450 Example: [char_range 'a' 'z'] for all lower case ASCII letters.
452 Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [low].
454 @raise Invalid_argument if [low > high].
456 @since 0.13 *)
458 (** {3 Choosing elements} *)
460 val oneof : 'a t list -> 'a t
461 (** [oneof l] constructs a generator that selects among the given list of generators [l].
463 Shrinks towards the first generator of the list.
464 @raise Invalid_argument or Failure if [l] is empty
465 *)
467 val oneofl : 'a list -> 'a t
468 (** [oneofl l] constructs a generator that selects among the given list of values [l].
470 Shrinks towards the first element of the list.
471 @raise Invalid_argument or Failure if [l] is empty
472 *)
474 val oneofa : 'a array -> 'a t
475 (** [oneofa a] constructs a generator that selects among the given array of values [a].
477 Shrinks towards the first element of the array.
478 @raise Invalid_argument or Failure if [l] is empty
479 *)
481 val frequency : (int * 'a t) list -> 'a t
482 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of generators.
483 Each of the given generators are chosen based on a positive integer weight.
485 Shrinks towards the first element of the list.
486 *)
488 val frequencyl : (int * 'a) list -> 'a t
489 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of values.
490 Each of the given values are chosen based on a positive integer weight.
492 Shrinks towards the first element of the list.
493 *)
495 val frequencya : (int * 'a) array -> 'a t
496 (** Constructs a generator that selects among a given array of values.
497 Each of the array entries are chosen based on a positive integer weight.
499 Shrinks towards the first element of the array.
500 *)
502 (** {3 Shuffling elements} *)
504 val shuffle_a : 'a array -> 'a array t
505 (** Returns a copy of the array with its elements shuffled. *)
507 val shuffle_l : 'a list -> 'a list t
508 (** Creates a generator of shuffled lists. *)
510 val shuffle_w_l : (int * 'a) list -> 'a list t
511 (** Creates a generator of weighted shuffled lists. A given list is shuffled on each
512 generation according to the weights of its elements. An element with a larger weight
513 is more likely to be at the front of the list than an element with a smaller weight.
514 If we want to pick random elements from the (head of) list but need to prioritize
515 some elements over others, this generator can be useful.
517 Example: given a weighted list [[1, "one"; 5, "five"; 10, "ten"]], the generator is
518 more likely to generate [["ten"; "five"; "one"]] or [["five"; "ten"; "one"]] than
519 [["one"; "ten"; "five"]] because "ten" and "five" have larger weights than "one".
521 @since 0.11
522 *)
524 (** {3 Corner cases} *)
526 val graft_corners : 'a t -> 'a list -> unit -> 'a t
527 (** [graft_corners gen l ()] makes a new generator that enumerates
528 the corner cases in [l] and then behaves like [g].
530 Does not shrink if the test fails on a grafted value.
531 Shrinks towards [gen] otherwise.
533 @since 0.6 *)
535 val int_pos_corners : int list
536 (** Non-negative corner cases for int.
538 @since 0.6 *)
540 val int_corners : int list
541 (** All corner cases for int.
543 @since 0.6 *)
545 (** {3 Lists, arrays and options} *)
547 val list : 'a t -> 'a list t
548 (** Builds a list generator from an element generator. List size is generated by {!nat}.
550 Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
551 *)
553 val small_list : 'a t -> 'a list t
554 (** Generates lists of small size (see {!small_nat}).
556 Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
558 @since 0.5.3 *)
560 val list_size : int t -> 'a t -> 'a list t
561 (** Builds a list generator from a (non-negative) size generator and an element generator.
563 Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
564 *)
566 val list_repeat : int -> 'a t -> 'a list t
567 (** [list_repeat i g] builds a list generator from exactly [i] elements generated by [g].
569 Shrinks on elements only.
570 *)
572 val array : 'a t -> 'a array t
573 (** Builds an array generator from an element generator. Array size is generated by {!nat}.
575 Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
576 *)
578 val array_size : int t -> 'a t -> 'a array t
579 (** Builds an array generator from a (non-negative) size generator and an element generator.
581 Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
582 *)
584 val small_array : 'a t -> 'a array t
585 (** Generates arrays of small size (see {!small_nat}).
587 Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
589 @since 0.10 *)
591 val array_repeat : int -> 'a t -> 'a array t
592 (** [array_repeat i g] builds an array generator from exactly [i] elements generated by [g].
594 Shrinks on elements only.
595 *)
597 val opt : ?ratio:float -> 'a t -> 'a option t
598 (** [opt gen] is an [option] generator that uses [gen] when generating [Some] values.
600 Shrinks towards {!None} then towards shrinks of [gen].
602 @param ratio a float between [0.] and [1.] indicating the probability of a sample to be [Some _]
603 rather than [None] (value is [0.85]).
604 *)
606 (** {3 Combining generators} *)
608 val pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
609 (** [pair gen1 gen2] generates pairs.
611 Shrinks on [gen1] and then [gen2].
612 *)
614 val triple : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t
615 (** [triple gen1 gen2 gen3] generates triples.
617 Shrinks on [gen1], then [gen2] and then [gen3].
618 *)
620 val quad : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) t
621 (** [quad gen1 gen2 gen3 gen4] generates quadruples.
623 Shrinks on [gen1], then [gen2], then [gen3] and then [gen4].
625 @since 0.5.1
626 *)
628 (** {3 Convert a structure of generator to a generator of structure} *)
630 val flatten_l : 'a t list -> 'a list t
631 (** Generate a list of elements from individual generators.
633 Shrinks on the elements of the list, in the list order.
635 @since 0.13 *)
637 val flatten_a : 'a t array -> 'a array t
638 (** Generate an array of elements from individual generators.
640 Shrinks on the elements of the array, in the array order.
642 @since 0.13 *)
644 val flatten_opt : 'a t option -> 'a option t
645 (** Generate an option from an optional generator.
647 Shrinks towards {!None} then shrinks on the value.
649 @since 0.13 *)
651 val flatten_res : ('a t, 'e) result -> ('a,'e) result t
652 (** Generate a result from [Ok gen], an error from [Error e].
654 Shrinks on [gen] if [Ok gen].
655 Does not shrink if [Error e].
657 @since 0.13 *)
659 val join : 'a t t -> 'a t
660 (** Collapses a generator of generators to a generator.
662 Shrinks on the generated generators.
664 @since 0.5 *)
666 (** {3 Influencing the size of generated values} *)
668 val sized : 'a sized -> 'a t
669 (** Creates a generator from a size-bounded generator by first
670 generating a size using {!nat} and passing the result to the size-bounded generator.
672 Shrinks on the size first, then on the generator.
673 *)
675 val sized_size : int t -> 'a sized -> 'a t
676 (** Creates a generator from a size-bounded generator by first
677 generating a size using the integer generator and passing the result
678 to the size-bounded generator.
680 Shrinks on the size first, then on the generator.
682 @since 0.5 *)
684 (** {3 Recursive data structures} *)
686 val fix : (('a -> 'b t) -> 'a -> 'b t) -> 'a -> 'b t
687 (** Parametrized fixpoint combinator for generating recursive values.
689 The fixpoint is parametrized over an generator state ['a], and the
690 fixpoint computation may change the value of this state in the recursive
691 calls.
693 In particular, this can be used for size-bounded generators (with ['a] as [int]).
694 The passed size-parameter should decrease to ensure termination. *)
696 (** Example:
697 {[
698 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
700 let leaf x = Leaf x
701 let node x y = Node (x,y)
703 let g = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
704 (fun self n -> match n with
705 | 0 -> map leaf nat
706 | n ->
707 frequency
708 [1, map leaf nat;
709 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
710 ))
712 ]}
714 [fix f] shrinks on the generators returned by [f].
715 *)
717 val delay : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a t
718 (** Delay execution of some code until the generator is actually called.
719 This can be used to manually implement recursion or control flow
720 in a generator.
721 @since 0.17 *)
723 (** {2:composing_generators Composing generators}
725 QCheck generators compose well: it means one can easily craft generators for new values
726 or types from existing generators.
728 Part of the following documentation is greatly inspired by Gabriel Scherer's excellent
729 {{: } Generator} module documentation.
731 {3 Functor}
733 [Gen.t] is a functor (in the Haskell sense of "mappable"): it has a [map] function to transform a generator of ['a] into a generator of ['b],
734 given a simple function ['a -> 'b].
736 {[
737 let even_gen : int Gen.t = (fun n -> n * 2)
739 let odd_gen : int Gen.t = (fun n -> n * 2 + 1)
741 let lower_case_string_gen : string Gen.t = String.lowercase Gen.string_printable
743 type foo = Foo of string * int
744 let foo_gen : foo Gen.t =
745 (fun (s, n) -> Foo (s, n)) Gen.(pair string_printable int)
746 ]}
748 {3 Applicative}
750 [Gen.t] is applicative: it has a [map2] function to apply a function of 2 (or more) arguments to 2 (or more) generators.
752 Another equivalent way to look at it is that it has an [ap] function to apply a generator of
753 functions to a generator of values. While at first sight this may look almost useless, it actually
754 permits a nice syntax (using the operator alias [<*>]) for functions of any number of arguments.
756 {[
757 (* Notice that this looks suspiciously like the [foo] example above:
758 this is no coincidence! [pair] is a special case of [map2] where
759 the function wraps arguments in a tuple. *)
760 type foo = Foo of string * int
761 let foo_gen : foo Gen.t =
762 Gen.map2 (fun s n -> Foo (s, n)) Gen.string_printable
764 let string_prefixed_with_keyword_gen : string Gen.t =
765 Gen.map2 (fun prefix s -> prefix ^ s)
766 (Gen.oneofl ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"])
767 Gen.string_printable
768 ]}
770 Applicatives are useful when you need several random values to build a new generator,
771 {b and the values are unrelated}. A good rule of thumb is: if the values could be generated
772 in parallel, then you can use an applicative function to combine those generators.
774 Note that while [map2] and [map3] are provided, you can use functions with more than 3
775 arguments (and that is where the [<*>] operator alias really shines):
777 {[
778 val complex_function : bool -> string -> int -> string -> int64 -> some_big_type
780 (* Verbose version, using map3 and ap *)
781 let big_type_gen : some_big_type Gen.t = Gen.(
782 ap (
783 ap (
784 map3 complex_function
785 bool
786 string_printable
787 int)
788 string_printable)
789 int64)
791 (* Sleeker syntax, using operators aliases for map and ap *)
792 let big_type_gen : some_big_type Gen.t = Gen.(
793 complex_function
794 <$> bool
795 <*> string_printable
796 <*> int
797 <*> string_printable
798 <*> int64)
799 ]}
801 {3 Monad}
803 [Gen.t] is a monad: it has a [bind] function to return a {b generator} (not a value)
804 based on {b another generated value}.
806 As an example, imagine you want to create a generator of [(int, string) result] that is
807 an [Ok] 90% of the time and an [Error] 10% of the time. You can generate a number between
808 0 and 9 and return a generator of [int] (wrapped in an [Ok] using [map]) if the generated number is
809 lower than 9, otherwise return a generator of [string] (wrapped in an [Error] using [map]):
810 {[
811 let int_string_result : (int, string) result Gen.t = Gen.(
812 bind (int_range 0 9) (fun n ->
813 if n < 9
814 then map Result.ok int
815 else map Result.error string_printable))
817 (* Alternative syntax with operators *)
818 let int_string_result : (int, string) result Gen.t = Gen.(
819 int_range 0 9 >>= fun n ->
820 if n < 9
821 then int >|= Result.ok
822 else string_printable >|= Result.error)
824 (* Another allternative syntax with OCaml 4.08+ binding operators *)
825 let int_string_result : (int, string) result Gen.t = Gen.(
826 let* n = int_range 0 9 in
827 if n < 9
828 then int >|= Result.ok
829 else string_printable >|= Result.error)
830 ]}
832 Note that this particular use case can be simplified by using [frequency]:
833 {[
834 let int_string_result : (int, string) result Gen.t = Gen.(
835 frequency [
836 (9, int >|= Result.ok);
837 (1, string_printable >|= Result.error)
838 ])
839 ]}
841 *)
843 val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
844 (** [map f gen] transforms a generator [gen] by applying [f] to each generated element.
846 Shrinks towards the shrinks of [gen] with [f] applied to them.
847 *)
849 val (>|=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
850 (** An infix synonym for {!map}. Note the order of arguments is reversed (usually more
851 convenient for composing). *)
853 val (<$>) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
854 (** An infix synonym for {!map}
856 @since 0.13 *)
858 val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
859 (** [map2 f gen1 gen2] transforms two generators [gen1] and [gen2] by applying [f] to each
860 pair of generated elements.
862 Shrinks on [gen1] and then [gen2].
863 *)
865 val map3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t
866 (** [map3 f gen1 gen2 gen3] transforms three generators [gen1], [gen2], and [gen3] by applying [f]
867 to each triple of generated elements.
869 Shrinks on [gen1], then [gen2], and then [gen3].
870 *)
872 val ap : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t
873 (** [ap fgen gen] composes a function generator and an argument generator
874 into a result generator.
876 Shrinks on [fgen] and then [gen].
877 *)
879 val (<*>) : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t
880 (** Synonym for {!ap} *)
882 val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
883 (** [bind gen f] first generates a value of type ['a] with [gen] and then
884 passes it to [f] to generate a value of type ['b]. This is typically
885 useful when a generator depends on the value generated by another
886 generator.
888 Shrinks on [gen] and then on the resulting generator.
889 *)
891 val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
892 (** Synonym for {!bind} *)
894 val ( let+ ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
895 (** {{:} Binding operator} alias for {!map}.
897 Example:
898 {[
899 let+ n = int_range 0 10 in
900 string_of_int n
902 (* is equivalent to *)
904 map (fun n -> string_of_int n) (int_range 0 10)
905 ]}
906 *)
908 val ( and+ ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
909 (** {{:} Binding operator} alias for {!pair}.
911 Example:
912 {[
913 let+ n = int_range 0 10
914 and+ b = bool in
915 if b then string_of_int n else "Not a number"
917 (* is equivalent to *)
919 map
920 (fun (n, b) -> if b then string_of_int n else "Not a number")
921 (pair (int_range 0 10) bool)
922 ]}
923 *)
925 val ( let* ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
926 (** {{:} Binding operator} alias for {!bind}.
928 Example:
929 {[
930 let* n = int_range 0 9 in
931 if n < 9
932 then int >|= Result.ok
933 else string_printable >|= Result.error
935 (* is equivalent to *)
937 bind (int_range 0 9) (fun n ->
938 if n < 9
939 then map Result.ok int
940 else map Result.error string_printable)
941 ]}
942 *)
944 val ( and* ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
945 (** {{:} Binding operator} alias for {!pair}.
947 Example:
948 {[
949 let* n = int_range 0 9
950 and* b = bool in
951 if n < 9 then int >|= Result.ok
952 else if b then pure (Error "Some specific error")
953 else string_printable >|= Result.error
955 (* is equivalent to *)
957 bind (pair (int_range 0 9) bool) (fun (n, b) ->
958 if n < 9 then map Result.ok int
959 else if b then pure (Error "Some specific error")
960 else map Result.error string_printable)
961 ]}
962 *)
964 (** {2 Debug generators}
966 These functions should not be used in tests: they are provided
967 for convenience to debug/investigate what values and shrinks a
968 generator produces.
969 *)
971 val generate : ?rand:Random.State.t -> n:int -> 'a t -> 'a list
972 (** [generate ~n gen] generates [n] values using [gen] (shrinks are discarded). *)
974 val generate1 : ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a t -> 'a
975 (** [generate1 gen] generates one instance of [gen] (shrinks are discarded). *)
977 val generate_tree : ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a t -> 'a Tree.t
978 (** [generate_tree ?rand gen] generates a random value and its shrinks using [gen]. *)
979 end
981 (** Printing functions and helpers, used to print generated values on
982 test failures. *)
983 module Print : sig
985 type 'a t = 'a -> string
986 (** Printer for values of type ['a]. *)
988 val unit : unit t
989 (** [unit] is a printer of unit.
991 @since 0.6
992 *)
994 val int : int t
995 (** [int] is a printer of integer. *)
997 val bool : bool t
998 (** [bool] is a printer of boolean. *)
1000 val float : float t
1001 (** [float] is a printer of float. *)
1003 val char : char t
1004 (** [char] is a printer of character. *)
1006 val string : string t
1007 (** [string] is a printer of string. *)
1009 val option : 'a t -> 'a option t
1010 (** [option p] is a printer of ['a option], using [p] if it is a [Some]. *)
1012 val pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a*'b) t
1013 (** [pair p1 p2] is a printer of pair. *)
1015 val triple : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a*'b*'c) t
1016 (** [triple p1 p2 p3] is a printer of triple. *)
1018 val quad : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> ('a*'b*'c*'d) t
1019 (** [quad p1 p2 p3 p4] is a printer of quadruple. *)
1021 val list : 'a t -> 'a list t
1022 (** [list p] is a printer of list, using [p] for each element. *)
1024 val array : 'a t -> 'a array t
1025 (** [array p] is a printer of array, using [p] for each element. *)
1027 val contramap : ('b -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'b t
1028 (** [contramap f p] transforms printer [p] into another using [f].
1030 Note the reverse order of types in [f] which may be
1031 conter-intuitive: indeed a function that {i prints} values of type
1032 ['b] can be obtained by transforming a value of type ['b] to
1033 ['a] using [f], and then by {i printing} this value of type ['a] using [p].
1034 *)
1036 val comap : ('b -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'b t
1037 (** @deprecated use {!contramap} instead. *)
1038 end
1040 (** Shrinking helper functions. *)
1041 module Shrink : sig
1042 (** Shrinking is used to reduce the size of a counter-example. It tries
1043 to make the counter-example smaller by decreasing it, or removing
1044 elements, until the property to test holds again; then it returns the
1045 smallest value that still made the test fail.
1047 This is meant to help developers find a simpler counter-example to
1048 ease investigation and find more easily the root cause (be it in the
1049 tested code or in the test).
1051 This module exposes helper functions that one can reuse in combination
1052 with {!Gen.make_primitive} to craft custom primitive generators (not
1053 by composing other generators). The vast majority of use cases will
1054 probably not need this module.
1055 *)
1057 (** Util module representing a number type, used for ad hoc polymorphism of
1058 some functions like {!number_towards}. *)
1059 module type Number = sig
1060 type t
1061 val equal : t -> t -> bool
1062 val div : t -> t -> t
1063 val add : t -> t -> t
1064 val sub : t -> t -> t
1065 val of_int : int -> t
1066 end
1068 val number_towards : (module Number with type t = 'a) -> destination : 'a -> 'a -> 'a Seq.t
1069 (** Shrink a number by edging towards a destination.
1071 The destination is always the first value for optimal shrinking.
1073 {[
1074 let int64_towards_list destination x = List.of_seq @@
1075 Gen.number_towards (module Int64) ~destination x
1076 in
1077 assert (int64_towards_list 0L 100L =
1078 [0L; 50L; 75L; 88L; 94L; 97L; 99L]);
1079 assert (int64_towards_list 500L 1000L =
1080 [500L; 750L; 875L; 938L; 969L; 985L; 993L; 997L; 999L]);
1081 assert (int64_towards_list (-50L) (-26L) =
1082 [-50L; -38L; -32L; -29L; -28L; -27L])
1083 ]}
1085 This generic function is exposed to let users reuse this shrinking
1086 technique for their custom number types. More specialized, convenient
1087 functions are provided below, e.g. {!int_towards}.
1088 *)
1090 val int_towards : int -> int -> int Seq.t
1091 (** {!number_towards} specialized to {!int}. *)
1093 val int32_towards : int32 -> int32 -> int32 Seq.t
1094 (** {!number_towards} specialized to {!int32}. *)
1096 val int64_towards : int64 -> int64 -> int64 Seq.t
1097 (** {!number_towards} specialized to {!int64}. *)
1099 val float_towards : float -> float -> float Seq.t
1100 (** {!number_towards} specialized to {!float}.
1102 There are various ways to shrink a float:
1103 - try removing floating digits, i.e. towards integer values
1104 - try to get as close as possible to the destination, no matter the number of digits
1105 - a mix of both
1107 This implementation, as it relies on the generic {!number_towards} function,
1108 tries to get as close as possible to the destination, e.g. the last value of
1109 [Gen.float_towards 50 100] may be [99.9969482421875] (or a similar value).
1110 *)
1112 val int_aggressive_towards : int -> int -> int Seq.t
1113 (** [int_agressive_towards destination n] gives all integers from [destination] to [n] (excluded).
1115 {b Be careful about time and memory} as the resulting list can be huge *)
1117 val int_aggressive : int -> int Seq.t
1118 (** @deprecated Use [int_aggressive_towards 0] instead.
1119 @since 0.7 *)
1121 end
1123 (** An observable is a random function {i argument}. *)
1124 module Observable : sig
1125 (**
1126 While random functions don't need to generate {i values} of their arguments,
1127 they need the abilities to:
1128 - compare, using [equal] and [hash], so that the same argument always returns
1129 the same generated value
1130 - [print], in order to print the function implementation (bindings)
1131 in case of test failure
1133 Inspired by:
1134 - Jane Street {{:} Quickcheck for Core} blog post
1135 - Koen Claessen's {{:} Shrinking and Showing functions} paper
1137 @since 0.6
1138 *)
1140 type -'a t
1141 (** An observable of ['a], packing a printer and other things. *)
1143 val make :
1144 ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) ->
1145 ?hash:('a -> int) ->
1146 'a Print.t ->
1147 'a t
1148 (** [make ?eq ?hash print] creates an observable of ['a].
1150 If [eq] is [None], uses the standard polymorphic [(=)] function.
1152 If [hash] is [None], uses a default hashing function.
1153 *)
1155 val equal : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
1156 (** [equal o] returns the equality function of [o]. *)
1158 val hash : 'a t -> 'a -> int
1159 (** [hash o] returns the hashing function of [o]. *)
1161 val print : 'a t -> 'a Print.t
1162 (** [print o] returns the printing function of [o]. *)
1164 val unit : unit t
1165 (** [unit] is an observable of [unit]. *)
1167 val bool : bool t
1168 (** [bool] is an observable of [bool]. *)
1170 val int : int t
1171 (** [int] is an observable of [int]. *)
1173 val float : float t
1174 (** [float] is an observable of [float]. *)
1176 val string : string t
1177 (** [string] is an observable of [string]. *)
1179 val char : char t
1180 (** [char] is an observable of [char]. *)
1182 val contramap : ('b -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'b t
1183 (** [contramap f o] maps the function [f] on observable [o].
1185 Note the reverse order of types in [f] which may be
1186 conter-intuitive: indeed a function that {i consumes} values of type
1187 ['b] can be obtained by transforming a value of type ['b] to
1188 ['a] using [f], and then by {i consuming} this value of type ['a] using [o].
1189 *)
1191 val map : ('b -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'b t
1192 (** @deprecated use {!contramap} instead. *)
1194 val option : 'a t -> 'a option t
1195 (** [option o] wraps the observable [o] of ['a] into an observable of
1196 ['a option]. *)
1198 val list : 'a t -> 'a list t
1199 (** [list o] wraps the observable [o] of ['a] into an observable of
1200 ['a list]. *)
1202 val array : 'a t -> 'a array t
1203 (** [array o] wraps the observable [o] of ['a] into an observable of
1204 ['a array]. *)
1206 val pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
1207 (** [pair o1 o2] is an observable of pairs of [('a * 'b)]. *)
1209 val triple : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t
1210 (** [triple o1 o2 o3] is an observable of triples of [('a * 'b * 'c)]. *)
1212 val quad : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) t
1213 (** [quad o1 o2 o3 o4] is an observable of quadruples of [('a * 'b * 'c * 'd)]. *)
1214 end
1217 (** Utils on combining function arguments. *)
1218 module Tuple : sig
1219 (** Heterogeneous tuple, used to pass any number of arguments to
1220 a function. *)
1221 type 'a t =
1222 | Nil : unit t
1223 | Cons : 'a * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
1225 val nil : unit t
1226 (** [nil] is {!Nil}. *)
1228 val cons : 'a -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
1229 (** [cons] is {!Cons}. *)
1231 type 'a obs
1232 (** How to observe a {!t}.
1234 See {!module:Observable} for more information on what
1235 "observe" means in the QCheck. *)
1237 val o_nil : unit obs
1238 (** [o_nil] is the {!obs} equivalent of {!nil}. *)
1240 val o_cons : 'a Observable.t -> 'b obs -> ('a * 'b) obs
1241 (** [o_cons] is the {!obs} equivalent of {!cons}. *)
1243 val observable : 'a obs -> 'a t Observable.t
1244 (** [observable obs] returns the underlying observable of [obs]. *)
1246 (** Infix {!module:Tuple} operators for convenience. *)
1247 module Infix : sig
1248 val (@::) : 'a -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
1249 (** Alias for {!cons}. *)
1251 val (@->) : 'a Observable.t -> 'b obs -> ('a * 'b) obs
1252 (** Alias for {!o_cons}. *)
1253 end
1255 include module type of Infix
1256 end
1258 type 'f fun_repr
1259 (** Used by QCheck to shrink and print generated functions of type ['f] in case
1260 of test failure. You cannot and should not use it yourself. See {!fun_} for more information. *)
1262 (** A function packed with the data required to print/shrink it.
1264 The idiomatic way to use any [fun_] Gen.t is to directly pattern match
1265 on it to obtain the executable function.
1267 For example (note the [Fun (_, f)] part):
1268 {[
1269 QCheck2.(Test.make
1270 Gen.(pair (fun1 bool) (small_list int))
1271 (fun (Fun (_, f), l) -> l = (List.rev_map f l |> List.rev l))
1272 ]}
1274 In this example [f] is a generated function of type [int -> bool].
1276 The ignored part [_] of [Fun (_, f)] is useless to you, but is used by
1277 QCheck during shrinking/printing in case of test failure.
1279 See also {!Fn} for utils to print and apply such a function.
1280 *)
1281 type 'f fun_ = Fun of 'f fun_repr * 'f
1283 val fun1 : 'a Observable.t -> ?print:('b Print.t) -> 'b Gen.t -> ('a -> 'b) fun_ Gen.t
1284 (** [fun1 obs gen] generates random functions that take an argument observable
1285 via [obs] and map to random values generated with [gen].
1286 To write functions with multiple arguments, it's better to use {!Tuple}
1287 or {!Observable.pair} rather than applying {!fun_} several times
1288 (shrinking will be faster).
1289 @since 0.6 *)
1291 val fun2 :
1292 'a Observable.t ->
1293 'b Observable.t ->
1294 ?print:'c Print.t ->
1295 'c Gen.t ->
1296 ('a -> 'b -> 'c) fun_ Gen.t
1297 (** Specialized version of {!fun_nary} for functions of 2 arguments, for convenience.
1298 @since 0.6 *)
1300 val fun3 :
1301 'a Observable.t ->
1302 'b Observable.t ->
1303 'c Observable.t ->
1304 ?print:'d Print.t ->
1305 'd Gen.t ->
1306 ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) fun_ Gen.t
1307 (** Specialized version of {!fun_nary} for functions of 3 arguments, for convenience.
1308 @since 0.6 *)
1310 val fun4 :
1311 'a Observable.t ->
1312 'b Observable.t ->
1313 'c Observable.t ->
1314 'd Observable.t ->
1315 ?print:'e Print.t ->
1316 'e Gen.t ->
1317 ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) fun_ Gen.t
1318 (** Specialized version of {!fun_nary} for functions of 4 arguments, for convenience.
1319 @since 0.6 *)
1321 val fun_nary : 'a Tuple.obs -> ?print:('b Print.t) -> 'b Gen.t -> ('a Tuple.t -> 'b) fun_ Gen.t
1322 (** [fun_nary tuple_obs gen] generates random n-ary functions. Arguments are observed
1323 using [tuple_obs] and return values are generated using [gen].
1325 Example (the property is wrong as a random function may return [false], this is for
1326 the sake of demonstrating the syntax):
1327 {[
1328 let module O = Observable in
1329 Test.make
1330 (fun_nary Tuple.( @-> O.float @-> O.string @-> o_nil) bool)
1331 (fun (Fun (_, f)) -> f Tuple.(42 @:: 17.98 @:: "foobar" @:: nil))
1332 ]}
1334 Note that this particular example can be simplified using {!fun3} directly:
1335 {[
1336 let module O = Observable in
1337 Test.make
1338 (fun3 O.float O.string bool)
1339 (fun (Fun (_, f)) -> f 42 17.98 "foobar")
1340 ]}
1342 @since 0.6 *)
1344 (** Utils on generated functions.
1345 @since 0.6 *)
1346 module Fn : sig
1347 val print : 'f fun_ Print.t
1348 (** [print f] prints the implementation of generated function [f].
1350 The implementation always contains a default case, represented as [_].
1352 Note that printing a function {i before} it was called in the test may not print the full implementation.
1353 *)
1355 val apply : 'f fun_ -> 'f
1356 (** [apply f] returns the underlying function to be used in tests. This is an alias for
1357 deconstructing as documented in {!fun_}. *)
1358 end
1361 (** {2 Assumptions} *)
1363 val assume : bool -> unit
1364 (** [assume cond] checks the precondition [cond], and does nothing
1365 if [cond=true]. If [cond=false], it interrupts the current test (but the test will not be failed).
1367 ⚠️ This function must only be used in a test, not outside.
1368 Example:
1369 {[
1370 Test.make (list int) (fun l ->
1371 assume (l <> []);
1372 List.hd l :: l = l)
1373 ]}
1375 @since 0.5.1
1376 *)
1378 val (==>) : bool -> bool -> bool
1379 (** [b1 ==> b2] is the logical implication [b1 => b2]
1380 ie [not b1 || b2] (except that it is strict and will interact
1381 better with {!Test.check_exn} and the likes, because they will know
1382 the precondition was not satisfied.).
1384 ⚠️ This function should only be used in a property
1385 (see {!Test.make}), because it raises a special exception in case of
1386 failure of the first argument, to distinguish between failed test
1387 and failed precondition. Because of OCaml's evaluation order,
1388 both [b1] and [b2] are always evaluated; if [b2] should only be
1389 evaluated when [b1] holds, see {!assume}.
1390 *)
1392 val assume_fail : unit -> 'a
1393 (** [assume_fail ()] is like [assume false], but can take any type
1394 since we know it always fails (like [assert false]).
1395 This is useful to ignore some branches in [if] or [match].
1397 Example:
1398 {[
1399 Test.make (list int) (function
1400 | [] -> assume_fail ()
1401 | _::_ as l -> List.hd l :: l = l)
1402 ]}
1404 @since 0.5.1
1405 *)
1407 (** {1 Tests}
1409 A test is a universal property of type [foo -> bool] for some type [foo],
1410 with an object of type [foo Gen.t] used to generate values
1411 of type [foo].
1413 See {!Test.make} to build a test, and {!Test.check_exn} to
1414 run one test simply.
1415 For more serious testing, it is better to create a testsuite
1416 and use {!QCheck_runner}.
1417 *)
1419 type 'a stat = string * ('a -> int)
1420 (** A statistic on a distribution of values of type ['a].
1421 The function {b MUST} return a positive integer. *)
1423 (** Result of running a test *)
1424 module TestResult : sig
1425 type 'a counter_ex = {
1426 instance: 'a; (** The counter-example *)
1428 shrink_steps: int; (** How many shrinking steps for this counter-example *)
1430 msg_l: string list;
1431 (** Messages of the test. Currently only populated by {!Test.fail_report} and {!Test.fail_reportf}.
1432 @since 0.7 *)
1433 }
1434 (** A counter-example when a test fails. *)
1436 (** Result state.
1438 changed in 0.10 (move to inline records, add Fail_other) *)
1439 type 'a state =
1440 | Success (** If the test passed. *)
1441 | Failed of {
1442 instances: 'a counter_ex list; (** Failed instance(s) *)
1443 }
1444 (** If the test failed "normally", i.e. a test returned [false]. *)
1445 | Failed_other of {msg: string}
1446 (** If the test failed for an unusual reason:
1447 - an exception was raised by a generator
1448 - too many assumptions failed and [Test.if_assumptions_fail] was set to [`Fatal]
1449 *)
1450 | Error of {
1451 instance: 'a counter_ex; (** Instance that triggered the exception in the test *)
1452 exn: exn; (** The raised exception *)
1453 backtrace: string; (** A best-effort backtrace of the exception *)
1454 }
1455 (** If the test failed "exceptionally" (an exception was raised by the test). *)
1457 (* Result returned by running a test. *)
1458 type 'a t
1460 val get_state : 'a t -> 'a state
1461 (** [get_state t] returns the final state after a test execution. *)
1463 val get_count : _ t -> int
1464 (** [get_count t] returns the number of tests executed. *)
1466 val get_count_gen : _ t -> int
1467 (** [get_count_gen t] returns the number of generated cases. *)
1469 val get_collect : _ t -> (string,int) Hashtbl.t option
1470 (** [get_collect t] returns the repartition of generated values.
1471 @since 0.18 *)
1473 val get_stats : 'a t -> ('a stat * (int,int) Hashtbl.t) list
1474 (** [get_stats t] returns the statistics captured by the test.
1475 @since 0.18 *)
1477 val get_warnings : _ t -> string list
1478 (** [get_warnings t] returns the list of warnings emitted during the test.
1479 @since 0.18 *)
1481 val get_instances : 'a t -> 'a list
1482 (** [get_instances t] returns the generated instances, with no guarantee on the order.
1483 @since 0.18 *)
1485 val is_success : _ t -> bool
1486 (** Returns true iff the state if [Success]
1487 @since 0.9 *)
1489 val stats : 'a t -> ('a stat * (int,int) Hashtbl.t) list
1490 (** Obtain statistics
1491 @since 0.6
1492 @deprecated use {!get_stats} instead *)
1494 val warnings : _ t -> string list
1495 (** Obtain list of warnings
1496 @since 0.10
1497 @deprecated use {!get_warnings} instead *)
1499 val collect : _ t -> (string,int) Hashtbl.t option
1500 (** Obtain statistics
1501 @since 0.6
1502 @deprecated use {!get_collect} instead *)
1503 end
1505 module Test_exceptions : sig
1507 exception Test_fail of string * string list
1508 (** Exception raised when a test failed, with the list of counter-examples.
1509 [Test_fail (name, l)] means test [name] failed on elements of [l]. *)
1511 exception Test_error of string * string * exn * string
1512 (** Exception raised when a test raised an exception [e], with
1513 the sample that triggered the exception.
1514 [Test_error (name, i, e, st)]
1515 means [name] failed on [i] with exception [e], and [st] is the
1516 stacktrace (if enabled) or an empty string. *)
1517 end
1519 (** A test is a pair of an generator and a property thar all generated values must satisfy. *)
1520 module Test : sig
1521 (** The main features of this module are:
1522 - {!make} a test
1523 - fail the test if a property does not hold (using either the {{!fail_report} simple} form or the {{!fail_reportf} rich} form)
1524 - {!check_exn} a single test
1526 Note that while {!check_exn} is provided for convenience to discover QCheck or to run a single test in {{:} utop}, to run QCheck tests in your project you probably want to opt for a more advanced runner, or convert
1527 QCheck tests to your favorite test framework:
1528 - {!QCheck_base_runner} for a QCheck-only runner (useful if you don't have or don't need another test framework)
1529 - {!QCheck_alcotest} to convert to Alcotest framework
1530 - {!QCheck_ounit} to convert to OUnit framework
1531 *)
1533 type 'a cell
1534 (** A single property test on a value of type ['a]. A {!Test.t} wraps a [cell]
1535 and hides its type parameter. *)
1537 val make_cell :
1538 ?if_assumptions_fail:([`Fatal | `Warning] * float) ->
1539 ?count:int -> ?long_factor:int -> ?max_gen:int -> ?max_fail:int -> ?name:string ->
1540 ?print:'a Print.t -> ?collect:('a -> string) -> ?stats:('a stat list) ->
1541 'a Gen.t -> ('a -> bool) ->
1542 'a cell
1543 (** [make_cell gen prop] builds a test that checks property [prop] on instances
1544 of the generator [gen].
1545 @param name the name of the test.
1546 @param count number of test cases to run, counting only
1547 the test cases which satisfy preconditions.
1548 @param long_factor the factor by which to multiply count, max_gen and
1549 max_fail when running a long test (default: 1).
1550 @param max_gen maximum number of times the generation function
1551 is called in total to replace inputs that do not satisfy
1552 preconditions (should be >= count).
1553 @param max_fail maximum number of failures before we stop generating
1554 inputs. This is useful if shrinking takes too much time.
1555 @param if_assumptions_fail the minimum
1556 fraction of tests that must satisfy the precondition for a success
1557 to be considered valid.
1558 The fraction should be between 0. and 1.
1559 A warning will be emitted otherwise if
1560 the flag is [`Warning], the test will be a failure if the flag is [`Fatal].
1561 (since 0.10)
1562 @param print used in {!Print} to display generated values failing the [prop]
1563 @param collect (* collect values by tag, useful to display distribution of generated *)
1564 @param stats on a distribution of values of type 'a
1565 *)
1567 val make_cell_from_QCheck1 :
1568 ?if_assumptions_fail:([`Fatal | `Warning] * float) ->
1569 ?count:int -> ?long_factor:int -> ?max_gen:int -> ?max_fail:int ->
1570 ?name:string -> gen:(Random.State.t -> 'a) -> ?shrink:('a -> ('a -> unit) -> unit) ->
1571 ?print:('a -> string) -> ?collect:('a -> string) -> stats:'a stat list -> ('a -> bool) ->
1572 'a cell
1573 (** ⚠️ Do not use, this is exposed for internal reasons only. ⚠️
1575 @deprecated Migrate to QCheck2 and use {!make_cell} instead.
1576 *)
1578 val get_law : 'a cell -> ('a -> bool)
1579 val get_name : _ cell -> string
1580 val get_gen : 'a cell -> 'a Gen.t
1581 val get_print_opt : 'a cell -> ('a Print.t) option
1582 val get_collect_opt : 'a cell -> ('a -> string) option
1583 val get_stats : 'a cell -> ('a stat list)
1584 val set_name : _ cell -> string -> unit
1586 val get_count : _ cell -> int
1587 (** Get the count of a cell.
1588 @since 0.5.3 *)
1590 val get_long_factor : _ cell -> int
1591 (** Get the long factor of a cell.
1592 @since 0.5.3 *)
1594 type t = Test : 'a cell -> t
1595 (** Same as ['a cell], but masking the type parameter. This allows to
1596 put tests on different types in the same list of tests. *)
1598 val make :
1599 ?if_assumptions_fail:([`Fatal | `Warning] * float) ->
1600 ?count:int -> ?long_factor:int -> ?max_gen:int -> ?max_fail:int -> ?name:string ->
1601 ?print:('a Print.t) -> ?collect:('a -> string) -> ?stats:('a stat list) ->
1602 'a Gen.t -> ('a -> bool) -> t
1603 (** [make gen prop] builds a test that checks property [prop] on instances
1604 of the generator [gen].
1605 See {!make_cell} for a description of the parameters.
1606 *)
1608 val test_get_count : t -> int
1610 val fail_report : string -> 'a
1611 (** Fail the test with some additional message that will be reported.
1613 @since 0.7 *)
1615 val fail_reportf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
1616 (** Format version of {!fail_report}.
1618 Example:
1619 {[
1620 Test.fail_reportf
1621 "Value N = %i should be greater than M = %i for Foo = %a" n m pp_foo foo
1622 ]}
1624 @since 0.7 *)
1626 (** {3 Running the test} *)
1628 include module type of Test_exceptions
1630 val print_instance : 'a cell -> 'a -> string
1631 val print_c_ex : 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex -> string
1632 val print_fail : 'a cell -> string -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex list -> string
1633 val print_fail_other : string -> msg:string -> string
1634 val print_error : ?st:string -> 'a cell -> string -> 'a TestResult.counter_ex * exn -> string
1635 val print_test_fail : string -> string list -> string
1636 val print_test_error : string -> string -> exn -> string -> string
1638 val print_collect : (string,int) Hashtbl.t -> string
1639 (** Print "collect" results.
1640 @since 0.6 *)
1642 val print_stat : ('a stat * (int,int) Hashtbl.t) -> string
1643 (** Print statistics.
1644 @since 0.6 *)
1646 val check_result : 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t -> unit
1647 (** [check_result cell res] checks that [res] is [Ok _], and returns unit.
1648 Otherwise, it raises some exception.
1649 @raise Test_error if [res = Error _]
1650 @raise Test_error if [res = Failed _] *)
1652 type res =
1653 | Success
1654 | Failure
1655 | FalseAssumption
1656 | Error of exn * string
1658 type 'a event =
1659 | Generating
1660 | Collecting of 'a
1661 | Testing of 'a
1662 | Shrunk of int * 'a
1663 | Shrinking of int * int * 'a
1665 type 'a handler = string -> 'a cell -> 'a event -> unit
1666 (** Handler executed after each event during testing of an instance. *)
1668 type 'a step = string -> 'a cell -> 'a -> res -> unit
1669 (** Callback executed after each instance of a test has been run.
1670 The callback is given the instance tested, and the current results
1671 of the test. *)
1673 type 'a callback = string -> 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t -> unit
1674 (** Callback executed after each test has been run.
1675 [f name cell res] means test [cell], named [name], gave [res]. *)
1677 val check_cell :
1678 ?long:bool -> ?call:'a callback ->
1679 ?step:'a step -> ?handler:'a handler ->
1680 ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a cell -> 'a TestResult.t
1681 (** [check_cell ~long ~rand test] generates up to [count] random
1682 values of type ['a] using [Gen.t] and the random state [st]. The
1683 predicate [law] is called on them and if it returns [false] or raises an
1684 exception then we have a counter-example for the [law].
1686 @param long if [true] then multiply the number of instances to generate
1687 by the cell's long_factor.
1688 @param call function called on each test case, with the result.
1689 @param step function called on each instance of the test case, with the result.
1690 @return the result of the test.
1691 *)
1693 val check_cell_exn :
1694 ?long:bool -> ?call:'a callback -> ?step:'a step ->
1695 ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a cell -> unit
1696 (** Same as {!check_cell} but calls {!check_result} on the result.
1697 @raise Test_error if [res = Error _]
1698 @raise Test_error if [res = Failed _] *)
1700 val check_exn : ?long:bool -> ?rand:Random.State.t -> t -> unit
1701 (** Checks the property against some test cases, and calls {!check_result},
1702 which might raise an exception in case of failure.
1703 @raise Test_error if [res = Error _]
1704 @raise Test_error if [res = Failed _] *)
1705 end
1707 (** {2 Sub-tests} *)
1709 (** The infrastructure used to find counter-examples to properties can
1710 also be used to find data satisfying a predicate,
1711 {i within a property being tested}.
1713 See
1714 *)
1716 exception No_example_found of string
1717 (** Raised by {!find_example} and {!find_example_gen} if no example was found. *)
1719 val find_example :
1720 ?name:string ->
1721 ?count:int ->
1722 f:('a -> bool) ->
1723 'a Gen.t ->
1724 'a Gen.t
1725 (** [find_example ~f gen] uses [gen] to generate some values of type ['a],
1726 and checks them against [f]. If such a value is found, it is returned.
1727 Otherwise an exception is raised.
1729 ⚠️ This should only be used from within a property in {!Test.make}.
1731 @param name Description of the example to find (used in test results/errors).
1732 @param count Number of attempts.
1733 @param f The property that the generated values must satisfy.
1734 @raise No_example_found If no example is found within [count] tries.
1735 @since 0.6
1736 *)
1738 val find_example_gen :
1739 ?rand:Random.State.t ->
1740 ?name:string ->
1741 ?count:int ->
1742 f:('a -> bool) ->
1743 'a Gen.t ->
1744 'a
1745 (** Toplevel version of {!find_example}.
1746 [find_example_gen ~f gen] is roughly the same as
1747 [Gen.generate1 @@ find_example ~f gen].
1748 @param rand the random state to use to generate inputs.
1749 @raise No_example_found if no example was found within [count] tries.
1750 @since 0.6 *)
1752 (** {1:migration_qcheck2 Migration to QCheck2}
1754 QCheck2 is a major release and as such, there are (as few as possible)
1755 breaking changes, as well as functional changes you should be aware of.
1757 {2 Minimal changes}
1759 Most of your QCheck (v1) code should be able to compile and run the first time you upgrade
1760 your QCheck version to a QCheck2-compatible version. However you may need to do the
1761 following minimal changes:
1762 - {!QCheck.Test.make} return type was changed to {!QCheck2.Test.t} to be able to run
1763 both QCheck and QCheck2 tests together. This is transparent if you used type inference,
1764 but if you explicitly used {!QCheck.Test.t} you will need to change it to {!QCheck2.Test.t}.
1766 {2 Recommended changes}
1767 Now you want to actually start using the QCheck2 features (most importantly: free shrinking!).
1768 To get started, change all your {!QCheck} references to {!QCheck2} and follow the compiler errors.
1769 Below are the most common situations you may encounter:
1770 - as shrinking is now integrated, several function arguments like [~shrink] or [~rev] have been removed: you
1771 can remove such reverse functions, they will no longer be necessary.
1772 - accessor functions like {!QCheck.gen} have been renamed to consistent names like {!get_gen}.
1773 - {!QCheck.map_keep_input} has been removed: you can use {!map} directly.
1774 - {!Gen.t} is no longer public, it is now abstract: it is recommended to use
1775 {{!section:Gen.composing_generators} generator composition} to make generators. {!Gen.make_primitive}
1776 was added to create generators with finer control (in particular of shrinking).
1777 *)
55 (libraries unix bytes)
66 (flags :standard -w +a-4-42-44-48-50-58-32-60@8 -safe-string)
77 )
9 (rule
10 (targets
11 (deps)
12 (action (with-stdout-to %{targets} (run ./gen/gen_ops.exe))))
src/core/gen/dune less more
1 (executable
2 (name gen_ops))
src/core/gen/ less more
1 let shims_let_op_pre_408 =
2 "
3 module type S = sig type 'a t_let end
4 module Make(X:sig type 'a t end) = struct type 'a t_let = 'a X.t end
5 "
6 let shims_let_op_post_408 =
7 "
8 module type S = sig
9 type 'a t_let
10 val (let+) : 'a t_let -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t_let
11 val (and+) : 'a t_let -> 'b t_let -> ('a * 'b) t_let
12 val (let*) : 'a t_let -> ('a -> 'b t_let) -> 'b t_let
13 val (and*) : 'a t_let -> 'b t_let -> ('a * 'b) t_let
14 end
15 module Make(X:sig
16 type 'a t
17 val (>|=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
18 val monoid_product : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
19 val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
20 end) : S with type 'a t_let = 'a X.t = struct
21 type 'a t_let = 'a X.t
22 let (let+) = X.(>|=)
23 let (and+) = X.monoid_product
24 let (let*) = X.(>>=)
25 let (and*) = X.monoid_product
26 end[@@inline]
28 "
30 let split_on c s =
31 let l = ref [] in
32 let i = ref 0 in
33 while !i < String.length s do
34 let j = try String.index_from s !i c with Not_found -> String.length s in
35 l := String.sub s !i (j- !i) :: !l;
36 i := j+1;
37 done;
38 List.rev !l
40 let () =
41 let maj, min = match split_on '.' Sys.ocaml_version with
42 | m1 :: m2 :: _ -> int_of_string m1, int_of_string m2
43 | _ -> failwith "cannot parse ocaml version"
44 in
45 if (maj,min) >= (4,8) then (
46 print_endline shims_let_op_post_408
47 ) else (
48 print_endline shims_let_op_pre_408
49 )
22 (name qcheck)
33 (public_name qcheck)
44 (wrapped false)
5 (optional)
65 (modules QCheck_runner)
76 (synopsis "compatibility library for qcheck")
87 (libraries qcheck-core qcheck-core.runner qcheck-ounit))
5151 (* random seed, for repeatability of tests *)
5252 Random.State.make [| 89809344; 994326685; 290180182 |]
54 let to_ounit2_test ?(rand =default_rand()) (QCheck.Test.Test cell) =
55 let module T = QCheck.Test in
54 let to_ounit2_test ?(rand =default_rand()) (QCheck2.Test.Test cell) =
55 let module T = QCheck2.Test in
5656 let name = T.get_name cell in
5757 let open OUnit2 in
5858 name >: test_case ~length:OUnitTest.Long (fun ctxt ->
8181 possibly print errors and counter-examples *)
8282 let to_ounit_test_cell ?(verbose=verbose()) ?(long=long_tests())
8383 ?(rand=random_state()) cell =
84 let module T = QCheck.Test in
84 let module T = QCheck2.Test in
8585 let name = T.get_name cell in
8686 let run () =
8787 try
9393 in
9494 name >:: (fun () -> assert_bool name (run ()))
96 let to_ounit_test ?verbose ?long ?rand (QCheck.Test.Test c) =
96 let to_ounit_test ?verbose ?long ?rand (QCheck2.Test.Test c) =
9797 to_ounit_test_cell ?verbose ?long ?rand c
9999 let (>:::) name l =
66 val to_ounit_test :
77 ?verbose:bool -> ?long:bool -> ?rand:Random.State.t ->
8 QCheck.Test.t -> OUnit.test
8 QCheck2.Test.t -> OUnit.test
99 (** [to_ounit_test ~rand t] wraps [t] into a OUnit test
1010 @param verbose used to print information on stdout (default: [verbose()])
1111 @param rand the random generator to use (default: [random_state ()]) *)
1313 val to_ounit_test_cell :
1414 ?verbose:bool -> ?long:bool -> ?rand:Random.State.t ->
15 _ QCheck.Test.cell -> OUnit.test
15 _ QCheck2.Test.cell -> OUnit.test
1616 (** Same as {!to_ounit_test} but with a polymorphic test cell *)
18 val (>:::) : string -> QCheck.Test.t list -> OUnit.test
19 (** Same as [OUnit.(>:::)] but with a list of QCheck tests *)
18 val (>:::) : string -> QCheck2.Test.t list -> OUnit.test
19 (** Same as [OUnit.(>:::)] but with a list of QCheck2 tests *)
21 val to_ounit2_test : ?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck.Test.t -> OUnit2.test
21 val to_ounit2_test : ?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck2.Test.t -> OUnit2.test
2222 (** [to_ounit2_test ?rand t] wraps [t] into a OUnit2 test
2323 @param rand the random generator to use (default: a static seed for reproducibility),
2424 can be overridden with "-seed" on the command-line
2525 *)
27 val to_ounit2_test_list : ?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck.Test.t list -> OUnit2.test list
27 val to_ounit2_test_list : ?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck2.Test.t list -> OUnit2.test list
2828 (** [to_ounit2_test_list ?rand t] like [to_ounit2_test] but for a list of tests *)
3030 (** {2 OUnit runners}
11 (library
22 (name qcheck_ounit)
33 (public_name qcheck-ounit)
4 (optional)
54 (wrapped false)
65 (libraries unix bytes qcheck-core qcheck-core.runner ounit2)
76 (flags :standard -w +a-4-42-44-48-50-58-32-60@8 -safe-string)
119119 @param verbose if true, print statistics and details
120120 @param print_res if true, print the result on [out] *)
121121 let callback ~colors ~verbose ~print_res ~print name cell result =
122 let module R = QCheck.TestResult in
123 let module T = QCheck.Test in
124 let arb = T.get_arbitrary cell in
122 let module R = QCheck2.TestResult in
123 let module T = QCheck2.Test in
125124 let reset_line = if colors then Color.reset_line else "\n" in
126125 if verbose then (
127126 "%slaw %s: %d relevant cases (%d total)\n"
128 reset_line name result.R.count result.R.count_gen;
129 begin match QCheck.TestResult.collect result with
127 reset_line name (R.get_count result) (R.get_count_gen result);
128 begin match QCheck2.TestResult.collect result with
130129 | None -> ()
131130 | Some tbl ->
132 print_string (QCheck.Test.print_collect tbl)
131 print_string (QCheck2.Test.print_collect tbl)
133132 end;
134133 );
135134 if print_res then (
136135 (* even if [not verbose], print errors *)
137 match result.R.state with
136 match R.get_state result with
138137 | R.Success -> ()
139138 | R.Failed {instances=l} ->
140 "%s%s\n" reset_line (T.print_fail arb name l);
139 "%s%s\n" reset_line (T.print_fail cell name l);
141140 | R.Failed_other {msg} ->
142141 "%s%s\n" reset_line (T.print_fail_other name ~msg);
143142 | R.Error {instance; exn; backtrace} ->
144143 print.err "%s%s\n" reset_line
145 (T.print_error ~st:backtrace arb name (instance,exn));
144 (T.print_error ~st:backtrace cell name (instance,exn));
146145 )
148147 let print_std = { info = Printf.printf; fail = Printf.printf; err = Printf.printf }
196195 }
198197 type res =
199 | Res : 'a QCheck.Test.cell * 'a QCheck.TestResult.t -> res
198 | Res : 'a QCheck2.Test.cell * 'a QCheck2.TestResult.t -> res
201200 type handler = {
202 handler : 'a. 'a QCheck.Test.handler;
201 handler : 'a. 'a QCheck2.Test.handler;
203202 }
205204 type handler_gen =
215214 size c.passed size c.expected t
217216 let debug_shrinking_counter_example cell out x =
218 match (QCheck.Test.get_arbitrary cell).QCheck.print with
217 match QCheck2.Test.get_print_opt cell with
219218 | None -> Printf.fprintf out "<no printer provided>"
220219 | Some print -> Printf.fprintf out "%s" (print x)
222 let debug_shrinking_size cell out x =
223 match (QCheck.Test.get_arbitrary cell).QCheck.small with
224 | None -> ()
225 | Some f -> Printf.fprintf out ", size %d" (f x)
227221 let debug_shrinking_choices_aux ~colors out name i cell x =
228222 Printf.fprintf out "\n~~~ %a %s\n\n"
229223 (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Cyan) "Shrink" (String.make 69 '~');
230224 Printf.fprintf out
231 "Test %s sucessfully shrunk counter example (step %d%a) to:\n\n%a\n%!"
225 "Test %s sucessfully shrunk counter example (step %d) to:\n\n%a\n%!"
232226 name i
233 (debug_shrinking_size cell) x
234227 (debug_shrinking_counter_example cell) x
236229 let debug_shrinking_choices
252245 ~size ~out ~verbose c =
253246 let handler name cell r =
254247 let st = function
255 | QCheck.Test.Generating -> "generating"
256 | QCheck.Test.Collecting _ -> "collecting"
257 | QCheck.Test.Testing _ -> " testing"
258 | QCheck.Test.Shrunk (i, _) ->
248 | QCheck2.Test.Generating -> "generating"
249 | QCheck2.Test.Collecting _ -> "collecting"
250 | QCheck2.Test.Testing _ -> " testing"
251 | QCheck2.Test.Shrunk (i, _) ->
259252 Printf.sprintf "shrinking: %4d" i
260 | QCheck.Test.Shrinking (i, j, _) ->
253 | QCheck2.Test.Shrinking (i, j, _) ->
261254 Printf.sprintf "shrinking: %4d.%04d" i j
262255 in
263256 (* debug shrinking choices *)
264257 begin match r with
265 | QCheck.Test.Shrunk (i, x) ->
258 | QCheck2.Test.Shrunk (i, x) ->
266259 debug_shrinking_choices
267260 ~colors ~debug_shrink ~debug_shrink_list name cell i x
268261 | _ ->
282275 let step ~colors ~size ~out ~verbose c name _ _ r =
283276 let aux = function
284 | QCheck.Test.Success -> c.passed <- c.passed + 1
285 | QCheck.Test.Failure -> c.failed <- c.failed + 1
286 | QCheck.Test.FalseAssumption -> ()
287 | QCheck.Test.Error _ -> c.errored <- c.errored + 1
277 | QCheck2.Test.Success -> c.passed <- c.passed + 1
278 | QCheck2.Test.Failure -> c.failed <- c.failed + 1
279 | QCheck2.Test.FalseAssumption -> ()
280 | QCheck2.Test.Error _ -> c.errored <- c.errored + 1
288281 in
289282 c.gen <- c.gen + 1;
290283 aux r;
296289 )
298291 let callback ~size ~out ~verbose ~colors c name _ r =
299 let pass = QCheck.TestResult.is_success r in
292 let pass = QCheck2.TestResult.is_success r in
300293 let color = if pass then `Green else `Red in
301294 if verbose then (
302295 Printf.fprintf out "%s[%a] %a %s\n%!"
305298 (pp_counter ~size) c name
306299 )
308 let print_inst arb x =
309 match arb.QCheck.print with
301 let print_inst cell x =
302 match QCheck2.Test.get_print_opt cell with
310303 | Some f -> f x
311304 | None -> "<no printer>"
313306 let expect long cell =
314 let count = QCheck.Test.get_count cell in
315 if long then QCheck.Test.get_long_factor cell * count else count
307 let count = QCheck2.Test.get_count cell in
308 if long then QCheck2.Test.get_long_factor cell * count else count
317310 let expect_size long cell =
318311 let rec aux n = if n < 10 then 1 else 1 + (aux (n / 10)) in
324317 Printf.fprintf out
325318 "\n+++ %a %s\n\nMessages for test %s:\n\n%!"
326319 (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Blue) "Messages"
327 (String.make 68 '+') (QCheck.Test.get_name cell);
320 (String.make 68 '+') (QCheck2.Test.get_name cell);
328321 List.iter (Printf.fprintf out "%s\n%!") l
329322 )
331324 let print_success ~colors out cell r =
332 begin match QCheck.TestResult.collect r with
325 begin match QCheck2.TestResult.collect r with
333326 | None -> ()
334327 | Some tbl ->
335328 Printf.fprintf out
336329 "\n+++ %a %s\n\nCollect results for test %s:\n\n%s%!"
337330 (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Blue) "Collect"
338 (String.make 68 '+') (QCheck.Test.get_name cell) (QCheck.Test.print_collect tbl)
331 (String.make 68 '+') (QCheck2.Test.get_name cell) (QCheck2.Test.print_collect tbl)
339332 end;
340333 List.iter (fun msg ->
341334 Printf.fprintf out
342335 "\n!!! %a %s\n\nWarning for test %s:\n\n%s%!"
343336 (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Yellow) "Warning" (String.make 68 '!')
344 (QCheck.Test.get_name cell) msg)
345 (QCheck.TestResult.warnings r);
347 if QCheck.TestResult.stats r <> [] then
337 (QCheck2.Test.get_name cell) msg)
338 (QCheck2.TestResult.warnings r);
340 if QCheck2.TestResult.stats r <> [] then
348341 Printf.fprintf out
349342 "\n+++ %a %s\n%!"
350 (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Blue) ("Stats for " ^ QCheck.Test.get_name cell)
343 (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Blue) ("Stats for " ^ QCheck2.Test.get_name cell)
351344 (String.make 56 '+');
352345 List.iter
353 (fun st -> Printf.fprintf out "\n%s%!" (QCheck.Test.print_stat st))
354 (QCheck.TestResult.stats r);
346 (fun st -> Printf.fprintf out "\n%s%!" (QCheck2.Test.print_stat st))
347 (QCheck2.TestResult.stats r);
355348 ()
357350 let print_fail ~colors out cell c_ex =
358351 Printf.fprintf out "\n--- %a %s\n\n" (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Red) "Failure" (String.make 68 '-');
359352 Printf.fprintf out "Test %s failed (%d shrink steps):\n\n%s\n%!"
360 (QCheck.Test.get_name cell) c_ex.QCheck.TestResult.shrink_steps
361 (print_inst (QCheck.Test.get_arbitrary cell) c_ex.QCheck.TestResult.instance);
362 print_messages ~colors out cell c_ex.QCheck.TestResult.msg_l
353 (QCheck2.Test.get_name cell) c_ex.QCheck2.TestResult.shrink_steps
354 (print_inst cell c_ex.QCheck2.TestResult.instance);
355 print_messages ~colors out cell c_ex.QCheck2.TestResult.msg_l
364357 let print_fail_other ~colors out cell msg =
365358 Printf.fprintf out "\n--- %a %s\n\n" (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Red) "Failure" (String.make 68 '-');
366 Printf.fprintf out "Test %s failed:\n\n%s\n%!" (QCheck.Test.get_name cell) msg
359 Printf.fprintf out "Test %s failed:\n\n%s\n%!" (QCheck2.Test.get_name cell) msg
368361 let print_error ~colors out cell c_ex exn bt =
369362 Printf.fprintf out "\n=== %a %s\n\n" (Color.pp_str_c ~colors `Red) "Error" (String.make 70 '=');
370363 Printf.fprintf out "Test %s errored on (%d shrink steps):\n\n%s\n\nexception %s\n%s\n%!"
371 (QCheck.Test.get_name cell)
372 c_ex.QCheck.TestResult.shrink_steps
373 (print_inst (QCheck.Test.get_arbitrary cell) c_ex.QCheck.TestResult.instance)
364 (QCheck2.Test.get_name cell)
365 c_ex.QCheck2.TestResult.shrink_steps
366 (print_inst cell c_ex.QCheck2.TestResult.instance)
374367 (Printexc.to_string exn)
375368 bt;
376 print_messages ~colors out cell c_ex.QCheck.TestResult.msg_l
369 print_messages ~colors out cell c_ex.QCheck2.TestResult.msg_l
378371 let run_tests
379372 ?(handler=default_handler)
381374 ?(debug_shrink=debug_shrink()) ?(debug_shrink_list=debug_shrink_list())
382375 ?(out=stdout) ?rand l =
383376 let rand = match rand with Some x -> x | None -> random_state_ ~colors () in
384 let module T = QCheck.Test in
385 let module R = QCheck.TestResult in
377 let module T = QCheck2.Test in
378 let module R = QCheck2.TestResult in
386379 let pp_color = Color.pp_str_c ~bold:true ~colors in
387380 let size = List.fold_left (fun acc (T.Test cell) ->
388381 max acc (expect_size long cell)) 4 l in
403396 Printf.fprintf out "%s[ ] %a %s%!"
404397 (if colors then Color.reset_line else "")
405398 (pp_counter ~size) c (T.get_name cell);
406 let r = QCheck.Test.check_cell ~long ~rand
399 let r = QCheck2.Test.check_cell ~long ~rand
407400 ~handler:(handler ~colors ~debug_shrink ~debug_shrink_list
408401 ~size ~out ~verbose c).handler
409402 ~step:(step ~colors ~size ~out ~verbose c)
414407 in
415408 let res = aux_map l in
416409 let aux_fold (total, fail, error, warns) (Res (cell, r)) =
417 let warns = warns + List.length r.R.warnings in
418 let acc = match r.R.state with
410 let warns = warns + List.length (R.get_warnings r) in
411 let acc = match R.get_state r with
419412 | R.Success ->
420413 print_success ~colors out cell r;
421414 (total + 1, fail, error, warns)
66 (** {1 Runners for Tests}
8 Once you built some tests using {!QCheck.Test.make}, you need to
8 Once you built some tests using {!QCheck2.Test.make}, you need to
99 run the tests. This module contains several {b runners},
1010 which are designed to run every test and report the result.
1717 ]
1919 let () =
20 let errcode = QCheck_runners.run_tests ~verbose:true testsuite in
20 let errcode = QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~verbose:true testsuite in
2121 exit errcode
2222 ]}
2323 which will run the tests, and exit the program. The error code
7272 test cell. *)
7474 type handler = {
75 handler : 'a. 'a QCheck.Test.handler;
75 handler : 'a. 'a QCheck2.Test.handler;
7676 }
7777 (** A type to represent polymorphic-enough handlers for test cells. *)
9595 ?debug_shrink:(out_channel option) ->
9696 ?debug_shrink_list:(string list) ->
9797 ?out:out_channel -> ?rand:Random.State.t ->
98 QCheck.Test.t list -> int
98 QCheck2.Test.t list -> int
9999 (** Run a suite of tests, and print its results. This is an heritage from
100100 the "qcheck" library.
101101 @return an error code, [0] if all tests passed, [1] otherwise.
102102 @param colors if true, colorful output
103103 @param verbose if true, prints more information about test cases *)
105 val run_tests_main : ?argv:string array -> QCheck.Test.t list -> 'a
105 val run_tests_main : ?argv:string array -> QCheck2.Test.t list -> 'a
106106 (** Can be used as the main function of a test file. Exits with a non-0 code
107107 if the tests fail. It refers to {!run_tests} for actually running tests
108108 after CLI options have been parsed.
189189 verbose:bool ->
190190 print_res:bool ->
191191 print:('a, 'b) printer ->
192 string -> 'c QCheck.Test.cell -> 'c QCheck.TestResult.t -> unit
192 string -> 'c QCheck2.Test.cell -> 'c QCheck2.TestResult.t -> unit
194194 type cli_args = {
195195 cli_verbose : bool;
0 (** QCheck2 tests **)
2 (** Module representing a integer tree data structure, used in tests *)
3 module IntTree = struct
4 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
6 let leaf x = Leaf x
7 let node x y = Node (x,y)
9 let rec depth = function
10 | Leaf _ -> 1
11 | Node (x, y) -> 1 + max (depth x) (depth y)
13 let rec print_tree = function
14 | Leaf x -> Printf.sprintf "Leaf %d" x
15 | Node (x, y) -> Printf.sprintf "Node (%s, %s)" (print_tree x) (print_tree y)
17 let gen_tree = QCheck2.Gen.(sized @@ fix
18 (fun self n -> match n with
19 | 0 -> map leaf nat
20 | n ->
21 frequency
22 [1, map leaf nat;
23 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
24 ))
26 let rec rev_tree = function
27 | Node (x, y) -> Node (rev_tree y, rev_tree x)
28 | Leaf x -> Leaf x
30 let rec contains_only_n tree n = match tree with
31 | Leaf n' -> n = n'
32 | Node (x, y) -> contains_only_n x n && contains_only_n y n
33 end
35 (* tests of overall functionality *)
36 module Overall = struct
37 open QCheck2
39 let passing =
40 Test.make ~name:"list_rev_is_involutive" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
41 ~print:Print.(list int)
42 Gen.(list small_int) (fun l -> List.rev (List.rev l) = l)
44 let failing =
45 Test.make ~name:"should_fail_sort_id" ~count:10 ~print:Print.(list int)
46 Gen.(small_list small_int) (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l)
48 exception Error
50 let error =
51 Test.make ~name:"should_error_raise_exn" ~count:10
52 (fun _ -> raise Error)
54 let collect =
55 Test.make ~name:"collect_results" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
56 ~collect:string_of_int
57 (Gen.int_bound 4) (fun _ -> true)
59 let stats =
60 Test.make ~name:"with_stats" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
61 ~stats:[
62 "mod4", (fun i->i mod 4);
63 "num", (fun i->i);
64 ]
65 (Gen.int_bound 120) (fun _ -> true)
67 let bad_assume_warn =
68 Test.make ~name:"WARN_unlikely_precond" ~count:2_000
70 (fun x ->
71 QCheck.assume (x mod 100 = 1);
72 true)
74 let bad_assume_fail =
75 Test.make ~name:"FAIL_unlikely_precond" ~count:2_000
76 ~if_assumptions_fail:(`Fatal, 0.1)
78 (fun x ->
79 QCheck.assume (x mod 100 = 1);
80 true)
81 end
83 (* positive tests of the various generators *)
84 module Generator = struct
85 open QCheck2
87 (* example from issue #23 *)
88 let char_dist_issue_23 =
89 Test.make ~name:"char never produces '\\255'" ~count:1_000_000
90 ~print:Print.char
91 Gen.char (fun c -> c <> '\255')
93 let char_test =
94 Test.make ~name:"char has right range'" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.char
95 Gen.char (fun c -> '\000' <= c && c <= '\255')
97 let nat_test =
98 Test.make ~name:"nat has right range" ~count:1000
99 Gen.nat (fun n -> 0 <= n && n < 10000)
101 let string_test =
102 Test.make ~name:"string has right length and content" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.string
103 Gen.string
104 (fun s ->
105 let len = String.length s in
106 0 <= len && len < 10000
107 && String.to_seq s |>
108 Seq.fold_left (fun acc c -> acc && '\000' <= c && c <= '\255') true)
110 let list_test =
111 Test.make ~name:"list has right length" ~count:1000
112 ~print:Print.(list unit)
113 Gen.(list unit) (fun l -> let len = List.length l in 0 <= len && len < 10_000)
115 let list_repeat_test =
116 Test.make ~name:"list_repeat has constant length" ~count:1000
117 ~print:Print.(pair int (list unit))
118 Gen.(small_nat >>= fun i -> list_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l))
119 (fun (i,l) -> List.length l = i)
121 let array_repeat_test =
122 Test.make ~name:"array_repeat has constant length" ~count:1000
123 ~print:Print.(pair int (array unit))
124 Gen.(small_nat >>= fun i -> array_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l))
125 (fun (i,l) -> Array.length l = i)
127 let passing_tree_rev =
128 Test.make ~count:1000
129 ~name:"tree_rev_is_involutive"
130 IntTree.gen_tree
131 (fun tree -> IntTree.(rev_tree (rev_tree tree)) = tree)
132 end
134 (* negative tests that exercise shrinking behaviour *)
135 module Shrink = struct
136 open QCheck2
138 let rec fac n = match n with
139 | 0 -> 1
140 | n -> n * fac (n - 1)
142 (* example from issue #59 *)
143 let test_fac_issue59 =
144 Test.make ~name:"test fac issue59"
145 (Gen.make_primitive ~gen:(fun st -> Gen.generate1 ~rand:st (Gen.small_int_corners ())) ~shrink:(fun _ -> Seq.empty))
146 (fun n -> try (fac n) mod n = 0
147 with
148 (*| Stack_overflow -> false*)
149 | Division_by_zero -> (n=0))
151 let big_bound_issue59 =
152 Test.make ~name:"big bound issue59"
153 (Gen.small_int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
155 let long_shrink =
156 let listgen = Gen.(list_size (int_range 1000 10000) int) in
157 Test.make ~name:"long_shrink" ~print:Print.(pair (list int) (list int))
158 (Gen.pair listgen listgen)
159 (fun (xs,ys) -> List.rev (xs@ys) = (List.rev xs)@(List.rev ys))
161 let ints_arent_0_mod_3 =
162 Test.make ~name:"ints arent 0 mod 3" ~count:1000
163 (fun i -> i mod 3 <> 0)
165 let ints_are_0 =
166 Test.make ~name:"ints are 0" ~count:1000
167 (fun i -> Printf.printf "%i\n" i; i = 0)
169 (* test from issue #59 *)
170 let ints_smaller_209609 =
171 Test.make ~name:"ints < 209609"
172 (Gen.small_int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
174 let nats_smaller_5001 =
175 Test.make ~name:"nat < 5001" ~count:1000
176 Gen.nat (fun n -> n < 5001)
178 let char_is_never_abcdef =
179 Test.make ~name:"char is never produces 'abcdef'" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.char
180 Gen.char (fun c -> not (List.mem c ['a';'b';'c';'d';'e';'f']))
182 let strings_are_empty =
183 Test.make ~name:"strings are empty" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.string
184 Gen.string (fun s -> (*Printf.printf "\"%s\"\n" (String.escaped s);*) s = "")
186 let string_never_has_000_char =
187 Test.make ~name:"string never has a \\000 char" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.string
188 Gen.string
189 (fun s -> String.to_seq s |> Seq.fold_left (fun acc c -> acc && c <> '\000') true)
191 let string_never_has_255_char =
192 Test.make ~name:"string never has a \\255 char" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.string
193 Gen.string
194 (fun s -> String.to_seq s |> Seq.fold_left (fun acc c -> acc && c <> '\255') true)
196 (* tests from issue #64 *)
197 let print_list xs = print_endline Print.(list int xs)
199 let lists_are_empty_issue_64 =
200 Test.make ~name:"lists are empty" ~print:Print.(list int)
201 Gen.(list small_int) (fun xs -> print_list xs; xs = [])
203 let list_shorter_10 =
204 Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 10" ~print:Print.(list int)
205 Gen.(list small_int) (fun xs -> (*print_list xs;*) List.length xs < 10)
207 let length_printer xs =
208 Printf.sprintf "[...] list length: %i" (List.length xs)
210 let size_gen = Gen.(oneof [small_nat; int_bound 750_000])
212 let list_shorter_432 =
213 Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 432" ~print:length_printer
214 Gen.(list_size size_gen small_int) (*Gen.(list small_int)*)
215 (fun xs -> (*print_list xs;*) List.length xs < 432)
217 let list_shorter_4332 =
218 Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 4332" ~print:length_printer
219 Gen.(list_size size_gen small_int) (*Gen.(list small_int)*)
220 (fun xs -> (*print_list xs;*) List.length xs < 4332)
222 let list_equal_dupl =
223 Test.make ~name:"lists equal to duplication" ~print:length_printer
224 Gen.(list_size size_gen small_int) (*Gen.(list small_int)*)
225 (fun xs -> try xs = xs @ xs
226 with Stack_overflow -> false)
228 let list_unique_elems =
229 Test.make ~name:"lists have unique elems" ~print:Print.(list int)
230 Gen.(list small_int)
231 (fun xs -> let ys = List.sort_uniq xs in
232 print_list xs; List.length xs = List.length ys)
234 let tree_contains_only_42 =
235 Test.make ~name:"tree contains only 42" ~print:IntTree.print_tree
236 IntTree.gen_tree
237 (fun tree -> IntTree.contains_only_n tree 42)
238 end
240 (* tests function generator and shrinker *)
241 module Function = struct
242 open QCheck2
244 let fail_pred_map_commute =
245 Test.make ~name:"fail_pred_map_commute" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
246 ~print:Print.(triple (list int) Fn.print Fn.print)
247 Gen.(triple
248 (small_list small_int)
249 (fun1 int)
250 (fun1 ~print:Print.bool bool))
251 (fun (l,Fun (_,f),Fun (_,p)) ->
252 List.filter p ( f l) = f (List.filter p l))
254 let fail_pred_strings =
255 Test.make ~name:"fail_pred_strings" ~count:100 ~print:Fn.print
256 (fun1 Observable.string ~print:Print.bool Gen.bool)
257 (fun (Fun (_,p)) -> not (p "some random string") || p "some other string")
259 let int_gen = Gen.small_nat (* int *)
261 (* Another example (false) property *)
262 let prop_foldleft_foldright =
263 Test.make ~name:"fold_left fold_right" ~count:1000 ~long_factor:20
264 ~print:Print.(triple int (list int) Fn.print)
265 Gen.(triple
266 int_gen
267 (list int_gen)
268 (fun2 int_gen))
269 (fun (z,xs,f) ->
270 let l1 = List.fold_right (Fn.apply f) xs z in
271 let l2 = List.fold_left (Fn.apply f) z xs in
272 if l1=l2 then true
273 else Test.fail_reportf "l=%s, fold_left=%s, fold_right=%s@."
274 (Print.(list int) xs)
275 ( l1)
276 ( l2)
277 )
279 (* Another example (false) property *)
280 let prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry =
281 Test.make ~name:"fold_left fold_right uncurried" ~count:1000 ~long_factor:20
282 ~print:Print.(triple Fn.print int (list int))
283 Gen.(triple
284 (fun1 Observable.(pair int int) int_gen)
285 int_gen
286 (list int_gen))
287 (fun (f,z,xs) ->
288 List.fold_right (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) xs z =
289 List.fold_left (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) z xs)
291 (* Same as the above (false) property, but generating+shrinking functions last *)
292 let prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry_funlast =
293 Test.make ~name:"fold_left fold_right uncurried fun last" ~count:1000 ~long_factor:20
294 ~print:Print.(triple int (list int) Fn.print)
295 Gen.(triple
296 int_gen
297 (list int_gen)
298 (fun1 Observable.(pair int int) int_gen))
299 (fun (z,xs,f) ->
300 List.fold_right (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) xs z =
301 List.fold_left (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) z xs)
303 (* test from issue #64 *)
304 let fold_left_test =
305 Test.make ~name:"fold_left test, fun first" ~print:Print.(quad Fn.print string (list int) (list int))
306 Gen.(quad (* string -> int -> string *)
307 (fun2 ~print:Print.string Observable.string (small_string ~gen:char))
308 (small_string ~gen:char)
309 (list small_int)
310 (list small_int))
311 (fun (f,acc,is,js) ->
312 let f = Fn.apply f in
313 List.fold_left f acc (is @ js)
314 = List.fold_left f (List.fold_left f acc is) is) (*Typo*)
315 end
317 (* tests of (inner) find_example(_gen) behaviour *)
318 module FindExample = struct
319 open QCheck2
321 let find_ex =
322 Test.make ~name:"find_example"
323 Gen.(2--50)
324 (fun n ->
325 let st = Random.State.make [| 0 |] in
326 let f m = n < m && m < 2 * n in
327 try
328 let m = find_example_gen ~rand:st ~count:100_000 ~f Gen.(0 -- 1000) in
329 f m
330 with No_example_found _ -> false)
332 let find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_1_fail =
333 let rs = (find_example ~count:10 ~f:(fun _ -> false) in
334 Test.make ~name:"FAIL_#99_1" rs (fun _ -> true)
336 let find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_2_succeed =
337 Test.make ~name:"should_succeed_#99_2" ~count:10
338 (fun i -> i <= max_int)
339 end
341 (* tests of statistics and histogram display *)
342 module Stats = struct
343 open QCheck2
345 let bool_dist =
346 Test.make ~name:"bool dist" ~count:500_000 ~collect:Bool.to_string Gen.bool (fun _ -> true)
348 let char_dist =
349 Test.make ~name:"char code dist" ~count:500_000 ~stats:[("char code", Char.code)] Gen.char (fun _ -> true)
351 let string_len_tests =
352 let len = ("len",String.length) in
353 [
354 Test.make ~name:"string_size len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(string_size (int_range 5 10)) (fun _ -> true);
355 Test.make ~name:"string len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.string (fun _ -> true);
356 Test.make ~name:"string_of len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(string_of (return 'a')) (fun _ -> true);
357 Test.make ~name:"string_printable len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.string_printable (fun _ -> true);
358 Test.make ~name:"small_string len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(small_string ~gen:char)(*ugh*)(fun _ -> true);
359 ]
361 let list_len_tests =
362 let len = ("len",List.length) in
363 [ (* test from issue #30 *)
364 Test.make ~name:"list len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(list int) (fun _ -> true);
365 Test.make ~name:"small_list len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(small_list int) (fun _ -> true);
366 Test.make ~name:"list_size len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(list_size (int_range 5 10) int) (fun _ -> true);
367 Test.make ~name:"list_repeat len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(list_repeat 42 int) (fun _ -> true);
368 ]
370 let array_len_tests =
371 let len = ("len",Array.length) in
372 [
373 Test.make ~name:"array len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(array int) (fun _ -> true);
374 Test.make ~name:"small_array len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(small_array int) (fun _ -> true);
375 Test.make ~name:"array_size len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(array_size (int_range 5 10) int) (fun _ -> true);
376 Test.make ~name:"array_repeat len dist" ~count:5_000 ~stats:[len] Gen.(array_repeat 42 int) (fun _ -> true);
377 ]
379 let int_dist_tests =
380 let dist = ("dist",fun x -> x) in
381 [
382 (* test from issue #40 *)
383 Test.make ~name:"int_stats_neg" ~count:5000 ~stats:[dist] Gen.small_signed_int (fun _ -> true);
384 (* distribution tests from PR #45 *)
385 Test.make ~name:"small_signed_int dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] Gen.small_signed_int (fun _ -> true);
386 Test.make ~name:"small_nat dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] Gen.small_nat (fun _ -> true);
387 Test.make ~name:"nat dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] Gen.nat (fun _ -> true);
388 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-43643) 435434 dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] (Gen.int_range (-43643) 435434) (fun _ -> true);
389 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-40000) 40000 dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] (Gen.int_range (-40000) 40000) (fun _ -> true);
390 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-4) 4 dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] (Gen.int_range (-4) 4) (fun _ -> true);
391 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-4) 17 dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] (Gen.int_range (-4) 17) (fun _ -> true);
392 Test.make ~name:"int dist" ~count:100000 ~stats:[dist] (fun _ -> true);
393 Test.make ~name:"oneof int dist" ~count:1000 ~stats:[dist] (Gen.oneofl[min_int;-1;0;1;max_int]) (fun _ -> true);
394 ]
396 let int_dist_empty_bucket =
397 Test.make ~name:"int_dist_empty_bucket" ~count:1_000 ~stats:[("dist",fun x -> x)]
398 Gen.(oneof [small_int_corners ();int]) (fun _ -> true)
400 let tree_depth_test =
401 let depth = ("depth", IntTree.depth) in
402 Test.make ~name:"tree's depth" ~count:1000 ~stats:[depth] IntTree.gen_tree (fun _ -> true)
403 end
405 (* Calling runners *)
407 let () = QCheck_base_runner.set_seed 1234
408 let _ =
409 QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~colors:false ([
410 Overall.passing;
411 Overall.failing;
412 Overall.error;
413 Overall.collect;
414 Overall.stats;
415 Overall.bad_assume_warn;
416 Overall.bad_assume_fail;
417 Generator.char_dist_issue_23;
418 Generator.char_test;
419 Generator.nat_test;
420 Generator.string_test;
421 Generator.list_test;
422 Generator.list_repeat_test;
423 Generator.array_repeat_test;
424 Generator.passing_tree_rev;
425 (*Shrink.test_fac_issue59;*)
426 Shrink.big_bound_issue59;
427 Shrink.long_shrink;
428 Shrink.ints_arent_0_mod_3;
429 Shrink.ints_are_0;
430 Shrink.ints_smaller_209609;
431 Shrink.nats_smaller_5001;
432 Shrink.char_is_never_abcdef;
433 Shrink.strings_are_empty;
434 Shrink.string_never_has_000_char;
435 Shrink.string_never_has_255_char;
436 Shrink.lists_are_empty_issue_64;
437 Shrink.list_shorter_10;
438 Shrink.list_shorter_432;
439 Shrink.list_shorter_4332;
440 Shrink.list_equal_dupl;
441 Shrink.list_unique_elems;
442 Shrink.tree_contains_only_42;
443 Function.fail_pred_map_commute;
444 Function.fail_pred_strings;
445 Function.prop_foldleft_foldright;
446 Function.prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry;
447 Function.prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry_funlast;
448 Function.fold_left_test;
449 FindExample.find_ex;
450 FindExample.find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_1_fail;
451 FindExample.find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_2_succeed;
452 Stats.bool_dist;
453 Stats.char_dist;
454 Stats.tree_depth_test ]
455 @ Stats.string_len_tests
456 @ Stats.list_len_tests
457 @ Stats.array_len_tests
458 @ Stats.int_dist_tests)
460 let () = QCheck_base_runner.set_seed 153870556
461 let _ = QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~colors:false [Stats.int_dist_empty_bucket]
0 (** QCheck(1) tests **)
2 (** Module representing a tree data structure, used in tests *)
3 module IntTree = struct
4 type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
6 let leaf x = Leaf x
7 let node x y = Node (x,y)
9 let rec depth = function
10 | Leaf _ -> 1
11 | Node (x, y) -> 1 + max (depth x) (depth y)
13 let rec print_tree = function
14 | Leaf x -> Printf.sprintf "Leaf %d" x
15 | Node (x, y) -> Printf.sprintf "Node (%s, %s)" (print_tree x) (print_tree y)
17 let gen_tree = QCheck.Gen.(sized @@ fix
18 (fun self n -> match n with
19 | 0 -> map leaf nat
20 | n ->
21 frequency
22 [1, map leaf nat;
23 2, map2 node (self (n/2)) (self (n/2))]
24 ))
26 let rec rev_tree = function
27 | Node (x, y) -> Node (rev_tree y, rev_tree x)
28 | Leaf x -> Leaf x
30 let passing_tree_rev =
31 QCheck.Test.make ~count:1000
32 ~name:"tree_rev_is_involutive"
33 QCheck.(make gen_tree)
34 (fun tree -> rev_tree (rev_tree tree) = tree)
35 end
37 (* tests of overall functionality *)
38 module Overall = struct
39 open QCheck
41 let passing =
42 Test.make ~name:"list_rev_is_involutive" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
43 (list small_int) (fun l -> List.rev (List.rev l) = l)
45 let failing =
46 Test.make ~name:"should_fail_sort_id" ~count:10
47 (small_list small_int) (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l)
49 exception Error
51 let error =
52 Test.make ~name:"should_error_raise_exn" ~count:10
53 int (fun _ -> raise Error)
55 let collect =
56 Test.make ~name:"collect_results" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
57 (make ~collect:string_of_int (Gen.int_bound 4))
58 (fun _ -> true)
60 let stats =
61 Test.make ~name:"with_stats" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
62 (make (Gen.int_bound 120)
63 ~stats:[
64 "mod4", (fun i->i mod 4);
65 "num", (fun i->i);
66 ])
67 (fun _ -> true)
69 let bad_assume_warn =
70 Test.make ~name:"WARN_unlikely_precond" ~count:2_000
71 int
72 (fun x ->
73 QCheck.assume (x mod 100 = 1);
74 true)
76 let bad_assume_fail =
77 Test.make ~name:"FAIL_unlikely_precond" ~count:2_000
78 ~if_assumptions_fail:(`Fatal, 0.1)
79 int
80 (fun x ->
81 QCheck.assume (x mod 100 = 1);
82 true)
83 end
85 (* positive tests of the various generators *)
86 module Generator = struct
87 open QCheck
89 (* example from issue #23 *)
90 let char_dist_issue_23 =
91 Test.make ~name:"char never produces '\\255'" ~count:1_000_000 char (fun c -> c <> '\255')
93 let char_test =
94 Test.make ~name:"char has right range'" ~count:1000
95 char (fun c -> '\000' <= c && c <= '\255')
97 let nat_test =
98 Test.make ~name:"nat has right range" ~count:1000
99 (make Gen.nat) (fun n -> 0 <= n && n < 10000)
101 let string_test =
102 Test.make ~name:"string has right length and content" ~count:1000
103 string
104 (fun s ->
105 let len = String.length s in
106 0 <= len && len < 10000
107 && String.to_seq s |>
108 Seq.fold_left (fun acc c -> acc && '\000' <= c && c <= '\255') true)
110 let list_test =
111 Test.make ~name:"list has right length" ~count:1000
112 (list unit) (fun l -> let len = List.length l in 0 <= len && len < 10_000)
114 let list_repeat_test =
115 let gen = Gen.(small_nat >>= fun i -> list_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l)) in
116 Test.make ~name:"list_repeat has constant length" ~count:1000
117 (make ~print:Print.(pair int (list unit)) gen) (fun (i,l) -> List.length l = i)
119 let array_repeat_test =
120 let gen = Gen.(small_nat >>= fun i -> array_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l)) in
121 Test.make ~name:"array_repeat has constant length" ~count:1000
122 (make ~print:Print.(pair int (array unit)) gen) (fun (i,l) -> Array.length l = i)
124 let passing_tree_rev =
125 QCheck.Test.make ~count:1000
126 ~name:"tree_rev_is_involutive"
127 QCheck.(make IntTree.gen_tree)
128 (fun tree -> IntTree.(rev_tree (rev_tree tree)) = tree)
129 end
131 (* negative tests that exercise shrinking behaviour *)
132 module Shrink = struct
133 open QCheck
135 let rec fac n = match n with
136 | 0 -> 1
137 | n -> n * fac (n - 1)
139 (* example from issue #59 *)
140 let test_fac_issue59 =
141 Test.make ~name:"test fac issue59"
142 (set_shrink Shrink.nil (small_int_corners ()))
143 (fun n -> try (fac n) mod n = 0
144 with
145 (*| Stack_overflow -> false*)
146 | Division_by_zero -> (n=0))
148 let big_bound_issue59 =
149 Test.make ~name:"big bound issue59"
150 (small_int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
152 let long_shrink =
153 let listgen = list_of_size (Gen.int_range 1000 10000) int in
154 Test.make ~name:"long_shrink" (pair listgen listgen)
155 (fun (xs,ys) -> List.rev (xs@ys) = (List.rev xs)@(List.rev ys))
157 let ints_arent_0_mod_3 =
158 Test.make ~name:"ints arent 0 mod 3" ~count:1000
159 int (fun i -> i mod 3 <> 0)
161 let ints_are_0 =
162 Test.make ~name:"ints are 0" ~count:1000
163 int (fun i -> Printf.printf "%i\n" i; i = 0)
165 (* test from issue #59 *)
166 let ints_smaller_209609 =
167 Test.make ~name:"ints < 209609"
168 (small_int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
170 let nats_smaller_5001 =
171 Test.make ~name:"nat < 5001" ~count:1000
172 (make Gen.nat) (fun n -> n < 5001)
174 let char_is_never_abcdef =
175 Test.make ~name:"char is never produces 'abcdef'" ~count:1000
176 char (fun c -> not (List.mem c ['a';'b';'c';'d';'e';'f']))
178 let strings_are_empty =
179 Test.make ~name:"strings are empty" ~count:1000
180 string (fun s -> (*Printf.printf "\"%s\"\n" (String.escaped s);*) s = "")
182 let string_never_has_000_char =
183 Test.make ~name:"string never has a \\000 char" ~count:1000
184 string
185 (fun s -> String.to_seq s |> Seq.fold_left (fun acc c -> acc && c <> '\000') true)
187 let string_never_has_255_char =
188 Test.make ~name:"string never has a \\255 char" ~count:1000
189 string
190 (fun s -> String.to_seq s |> Seq.fold_left (fun acc c -> acc && c <> '\255') true)
192 let print_list xs = print_endline Print.(list int xs)
193 (* test from issue #64 *)
194 let lists_are_empty_issue_64 =
195 Test.make ~name:"lists are empty"
196 (list small_int) (fun xs -> print_list xs; xs = [])
198 let list_shorter_10 =
199 Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 10"
200 (list small_int) (fun xs -> (*print_list xs;*) List.length xs < 10)
202 let length_printer xs =
203 Printf.sprintf "[...] list length: %i" (List.length xs)
205 let size_gen = Gen.(oneof [small_nat; int_bound 750_000])
207 let list_shorter_432 =
208 Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 432"
209 (set_print length_printer (list_of_size size_gen small_int)) (*(list small_int)*)
210 (fun xs -> (*print_list xs;*) List.length xs < 432)
212 let list_shorter_4332 =
213 Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 4332"
214 (set_shrink Shrink.list_spine (set_print length_printer (list_of_size size_gen small_int)))
215 (fun xs -> (*print_list xs;*) List.length xs < 4332)
217 let list_equal_dupl =
218 Test.make ~name:"lists equal to duplication"
219 (set_print length_printer (list_of_size size_gen small_int))
220 (*(set_print length_printer (list small_int))*)
221 (fun xs -> try xs = xs @ xs
222 with Stack_overflow -> false)
224 let list_unique_elems =
225 Test.make ~name:"lists have unique elems"
226 (list small_int)
227 (fun xs -> let ys = List.sort_uniq xs in
228 print_list xs; List.length xs = List.length ys)
229 end
231 (* tests function generator and shrinker *)
232 module Function = struct
233 open QCheck
235 let fail_pred_map_commute =
236 Test.make ~name:"fail_pred_map_commute" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
237 (triple
238 (small_list small_int)
239 (fun1 int)
240 (fun1 bool))
241 (fun (l,Fun (_,f),Fun (_,p)) ->
242 List.filter p ( f l) = f (List.filter p l))
244 let fail_pred_strings =
245 Test.make ~name:"fail_pred_strings" ~count:100
246 (fun1 Observable.string bool)
247 (fun (Fun (_,p)) -> not (p "some random string") || p "some other string")
249 let int_gen = small_nat (* int *)
251 (* Another example (false) property *)
252 let prop_foldleft_foldright =
253 Test.make ~name:"fold_left fold_right" ~count:1000 ~long_factor:20
254 (triple
255 int_gen
256 (list int_gen)
257 (fun2 int_gen))
258 (fun (z,xs,f) ->
259 let l1 = List.fold_right (Fn.apply f) xs z in
260 let l2 = List.fold_left (Fn.apply f) z xs in
261 if l1=l2 then true
262 else Test.fail_reportf "l=%s, fold_left=%s, fold_right=%s@."
263 (Print.(list int) xs)
264 ( l1)
265 ( l2)
266 )
268 (* Another example (false) property *)
269 let prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry =
270 Test.make ~name:"fold_left fold_right uncurried" ~count:1000 ~long_factor:20
271 (triple
272 (fun1 Observable.(pair int int) int_gen)
273 int_gen
274 (list int_gen))
275 (fun (f,z,xs) ->
276 List.fold_right (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) xs z =
277 List.fold_left (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) z xs)
279 (* Same as the above (false) property, but generating+shrinking functions last *)
280 let prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry_funlast =
281 Test.make ~name:"fold_left fold_right uncurried fun last" ~count:1000 ~long_factor:20
282 (triple
283 int_gen
284 (list int_gen)
285 (fun1 Observable.(pair int int) int_gen))
286 (fun (z,xs,f) ->
287 List.fold_right (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) xs z =
288 List.fold_left (fun x y -> Fn.apply f (x,y)) z xs)
290 (* test from issue #64 *)
291 let fold_left_test =
292 Test.make ~name:"false fold, fun first"
293 (quad (* string -> int -> string *)
294 (fun2 Observable.string small_string)
295 small_string
296 (list small_int)
297 (list small_int))
298 (fun (f,acc,is,js) ->
299 let f = Fn.apply f in
300 List.fold_left f acc (is @ js)
301 = List.fold_left f (List.fold_left f acc is) is) (*Typo*)
302 end
304 (* tests of (inner) find_example(_gen) behaviour *)
305 module FindExample = struct
306 open QCheck
308 let find_ex =
309 Test.make ~name:"find_example" (2--50)
310 (fun n ->
311 let st = Random.State.make [| 0 |] in
312 let f m = n < m && m < 2 * n in
313 try
314 let m = find_example_gen ~rand:st ~count:100_000 ~f Gen.(0 -- 1000) in
315 f m
316 with No_example_found _ -> false)
318 let find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_1_fail =
319 let rs = make (find_example ~count:10 ~f:(fun _ -> false) in
320 Test.make ~name:"FAIL_#99_1" rs (fun _ -> true)
322 let find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_2_succeed =
323 Test.make ~name:"should_succeed_#99_2" ~count:10
324 int (fun i -> i <= max_int)
325 end
327 (* tests of statistics and histogram display *)
328 module Stats = struct
329 open QCheck
331 let bool_dist =
332 Test.make ~name:"bool dist" ~count:500_000 (set_collect Bool.to_string bool) (fun _ -> true)
334 let char_dist =
335 Test.make ~name:"char code dist" ~count:500_000 (add_stat ("char code", Char.code) char) (fun _ -> true)
337 let string_len_tests =
338 let len = ("len",String.length) in
339 [
340 Test.make ~name:"string_size len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (string_of_size (Gen.int_range 5 10))) (fun _ -> true);
341 Test.make ~name:"string len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len string) (fun _ -> true);
342 Test.make ~name:"string_of len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (string_gen (Gen.return 'a'))) (fun _ -> true);
343 Test.make ~name:"printable_string len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len printable_string) (fun _ -> true);
344 Test.make ~name:"small_string len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len small_string) (fun _ -> true);
345 ]
347 let list_len_tests =
348 let len = ("len",List.length) in
349 [ (* test from issue #30 *)
350 Test.make ~name:"list len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (list int)) (fun _ -> true);
351 Test.make ~name:"small_list len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (small_list int)) (fun _ -> true);
352 Test.make ~name:"list_of_size len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (list_of_size (Gen.int_range 5 10) int)) (fun _ -> true);
353 Test.make ~name:"list_repeat len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (make Gen.(list_repeat 42 int))) (fun _ -> true);
354 ]
356 let array_len_tests =
357 let len = ("len",Array.length) in
358 [
359 Test.make ~name:"array len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (array int)) (fun _ -> true);
360 Test.make ~name:"small_array len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (make Gen.(small_array int))) (fun _ -> true);
361 Test.make ~name:"array_of_size len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (array_of_size (Gen.int_range 5 10) int)) (fun _ -> true);
362 Test.make ~name:"array_repeat len dist" ~count:5_000 (add_stat len (make Gen.(array_repeat 42 int))) (fun _ -> true);
363 ]
365 let int_dist_tests =
366 let dist = ("dist",fun x -> x) in
367 [ (* test from issue #40 *)
368 Test.make ~name:"int_stats_neg" ~count:5000 (add_stat dist small_signed_int) (fun _ -> true);
369 (* distribution tests from PR #45 *)
370 Test.make ~name:"small_signed_int dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist small_signed_int) (fun _ -> true);
371 Test.make ~name:"small_nat dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist small_nat) (fun _ -> true);
372 Test.make ~name:"nat dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist (make Gen.nat)) (fun _ -> true);
373 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-43643) 435434 dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist (int_range (-43643) 435434)) (fun _ -> true);
374 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-40000) 40000 dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist (int_range (-40000) 40000)) (fun _ -> true);
375 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-4) 4 dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist (int_range (-4) 4)) (fun _ -> true);
376 Test.make ~name:"int_range (-4) 17 dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist (int_range (-4) 17)) (fun _ -> true);
377 Test.make ~name:"int dist" ~count:100000 (add_stat dist int) (fun _ -> true);
378 Test.make ~name:"oneof int dist" ~count:1000 (add_stat dist (oneofl[min_int;-1;0;1;max_int])) (fun _ -> true);
379 ]
381 let int_dist_empty_bucket =
382 Test.make ~name:"int_dist_empty_bucket" ~count:1_000
383 (add_stat ("dist",fun x -> x) (oneof [small_int_corners ();int])) (fun _ -> true)
385 let tree_depth_test =
386 let depth = ("depth", IntTree.depth) in
387 Test.make ~name:"tree's depth" ~count:1000 (add_stat depth (make IntTree.gen_tree)) (fun _ -> true)
388 end
390 (* Calling runners *)
392 let () = QCheck_base_runner.set_seed 1234
393 let _ =
394 QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~colors:false ([
395 Overall.passing;
396 Overall.failing;
397 Overall.error;
398 Overall.collect;
399 Overall.stats;
400 Overall.bad_assume_warn;
401 Overall.bad_assume_fail;
402 Generator.char_dist_issue_23;
403 Generator.char_test;
404 Generator.nat_test;
405 Generator.string_test;
406 Generator.list_test;
407 Generator.list_repeat_test;
408 Generator.array_repeat_test;
409 Generator.passing_tree_rev;
410 (*Shrink.test_fac_issue59;*)
411 Shrink.big_bound_issue59;
412 Shrink.long_shrink;
413 Shrink.ints_arent_0_mod_3;
414 Shrink.ints_are_0;
415 Shrink.ints_smaller_209609;
416 Shrink.nats_smaller_5001;
417 Shrink.char_is_never_abcdef;
418 Shrink.strings_are_empty;
419 Shrink.string_never_has_000_char;
420 Shrink.string_never_has_255_char;
421 Shrink.lists_are_empty_issue_64;
422 Shrink.list_shorter_10;
423 Shrink.list_shorter_432;
424 Shrink.list_shorter_4332;
425 Shrink.list_equal_dupl;
426 Shrink.list_unique_elems;
427 Function.fail_pred_map_commute;
428 Function.fail_pred_strings;
429 Function.prop_foldleft_foldright;
430 Function.prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry;
431 Function.prop_foldleft_foldright_uncurry_funlast;
432 Function.fold_left_test;
433 FindExample.find_ex;
434 FindExample.find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_1_fail;
435 FindExample.find_ex_uncaught_issue_99_2_succeed;
436 Stats.bool_dist;
437 Stats.char_dist;
438 Stats.tree_depth_test]
439 @ Stats.string_len_tests
440 @ Stats.list_len_tests
441 @ Stats.array_len_tests
442 @ Stats.int_dist_tests)
444 let () = QCheck_base_runner.set_seed 153870556
445 let _ = QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~colors:false [Stats.int_dist_empty_bucket]
1 (test
2 (name test)
3 (modules test)
4 (package qcheck-core)
5 (libraries qcheck-core alcotest))
7 (executables
8 (names QCheck_expect_test QCheck2_expect_test)
9 (modules QCheck_expect_test QCheck2_expect_test)
10 (libraries qcheck-core qcheck-core.runner))
12 ;; rules for QCheck_expect_test
13 (rule
14 (targets qcheck_output.txt)
15 (deps ./QCheck_expect_test.exe)
16 (package qcheck-core)
17 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
18 (action
19 (with-stdout-to
20 %{targets}
21 (run ./QCheck_expect_test.exe --no-colors))))
23 (rule
24 (alias runtest)
25 (package qcheck-core)
26 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
27 (action (diff qcheck_output.txt.expected qcheck_output.txt)))
29 ;; rules for QCheck2_expect_test
30 (rule
31 (targets qcheck2_output.txt)
32 (deps ./QCheck2_expect_test.exe)
33 (package qcheck-core)
34 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
35 (action
36 (with-stdout-to
37 %{targets}
38 (run ./QCheck2_expect_test.exe --no-colors))))
40 (rule
41 (alias runtest)
42 (package qcheck-core)
43 (enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
44 (action (diff qcheck2_output.txt.expected qcheck2_output.txt)))
0 random seed: 1234
1 2724675603984413065
2 0
3 1362337801992206532
4 0
5 681168900996103266
6 0
7 340584450498051633
8 0
9 170292225249025816
10 0
11 85146112624512908
12 0
13 42573056312256454
14 0
15 21286528156128227
16 0
17 10643264078064113
18 0
19 5321632039032056
20 0
21 2660816019516028
22 0
23 1330408009758014
24 0
25 665204004879007
26 0
27 332602002439503
28 0
29 166301001219751
30 0
31 83150500609875
32 0
33 41575250304937
34 0
35 20787625152468
36 0
37 10393812576234
38 0
39 5196906288117
40 0
41 2598453144058
42 0
43 1299226572029
44 0
45 649613286014
46 0
47 324806643007
48 0
49 162403321503
50 0
51 81201660751
52 0
53 40600830375
54 0
55 20300415187
56 0
57 10150207593
58 0
59 5075103796
60 0
61 2537551898
62 0
63 1268775949
64 0
65 634387974
66 0
67 317193987
68 0
69 158596993
70 0
71 79298496
72 0
73 39649248
74 0
75 19824624
76 0
77 9912312
78 0
79 4956156
80 0
81 2478078
82 0
83 1239039
84 0
85 619519
86 0
87 309759
88 0
89 154879
90 0
91 77439
92 0
93 38719
94 0
95 19359
96 0
97 9679
98 0
99 4839
100 0
101 2419
102 0
103 1209
104 0
105 604
106 0
107 302
108 0
109 151
110 0
111 75
112 0
113 37
114 0
115 18
116 0
117 9
118 0
119 4
120 0
121 2
122 0
123 1
124 0
125 [7; 1; 42; 1; 8; 5; 3; 9; 5; 38; 3; 3; 0; 1; 98; 1; 4; 13; 9; 2; 6; 9; 47; 6; 5; 8; 8; 6; 0; 9; 7; 2; 8; 6; 62; 6; 4; 31; 19; 1; 41; 60; 6; 5; 8; 1; 1; 4; 7; 7; 0; 5; 5; 71; 14; 26; 47; 5; 1; 6; 34; 9; 4; 2; 37; 3; 8; 4; 31; 6; 2; 1; 0; 7; 5; 1; 0; 15; 6; 1; 8; 13; 0; 6; 2; 4; 2; 6; 6; 1; 4; 1; 9; 79; 0; 87; 6; 8; 8; 62; 1; 4; 62; 6; 31; 1; 5; 6; 5; 9; 3; 3; 1; 79; 4; 3; 2; 67; 5; 7; 12; 70; 8; 8; 6; 1; 3; 14; 15; 1; 61; 4; 1; 4; 1; 7; 4; 4; 4; 2; 8; 8; 7; 5; 4; 27; 0; 9; 80; 25; 1; 8; 1; 3; 7; 4; 3; 5; 5; 6; 5; 5; 31; 7; 0; 3; 3; 6; 71; 76; 28; 60; 6; 2; 6; 3; 0; 4; 1; 0; 5; 7; 0; 28; 86; 4; 7; 51; 36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
126 []
127 [9; 61; 8; 4; 69; 2; 0; 72; 4; 41; 3; 8; 75; 83; 7; 7; 3; 9; 5; 8; 4; 1; 0; 2; 1; 4; 7; 6; 2; 1; 4; 86; 3; 79; 7; 86; 52; 39; 19; 0; 4; 7; 7; 7; 0; 4; 8; 8; 0; 5; 13; 1; 5; 0; 7; 12; 64; 34; 1; 1; 85; 8; 2; 9; 76; 0; 2; 5; 76; 69; 8; 8; 0; 1; 2; 2; 4; 60; 29; 5; 9; 4; 0; 8; 3; 3; 5; 1; 35; 8; 2; 7; 23; 61; 56; 8; 1; 1; 78; 7; 5; 0; 30; 9; 3; 7; 28; 57; 98; 3; 52; 3; 82; 7; 5; 5; 6; 8; 1; 6; 8; 9; 8; 16; 0]
128 []
129 [1; 9; 8; 28; 47; 8; 5; 6; 8; 9; 2; 5; 8; 30; 6; 8; 84; 0; 6; 7; 76; 7; 9; 1; 0; 5; 76; 95; 2; 2; 1; 45; 7; 8; 8; 1; 6; 37; 5; 6; 73; 8; 0; 85; 8; 0; 4; 5; 2; 0; 26; 59; 0; 5; 13; 4; 7; 3; 6; 8; 1; 3]
130 []
131 [5; 0; 0; 4; 10; 2; 4; 9; 5; 73; 6; 1; 5; 5; 3; 10; 5; 31; 1; 4; 3; 8; 9; 13; 41; 20; 96; 5; 1; 2; 8]
132 []
133 [9; 8; 73; 5; 8; 2; 1; 8; 2; 6; 4; 18; 5; 76; 3]
134 []
135 [0; 6; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4]
136 []
137 [5; 2; 3]
138 []
139 [3]
140 []
141 [0]
142 [7; 1; 42; 1; 8; 5; 3; 9; 5; 38; 3; 3; 0; 1; 98; 1; 4; 13; 9; 2; 6; 9; 47; 6; 5; 8; 8; 6; 0; 9; 7; 2; 8; 6; 62; 6; 4; 31; 19; 1; 41; 60; 6; 5; 8; 1; 1; 4; 7; 7; 0; 5; 5; 71; 14; 26; 47; 5; 1; 6; 34; 9; 4; 2; 37; 3; 8; 4; 31; 6; 2; 1; 0; 7; 5; 1; 0; 15; 6; 1; 8; 13; 0; 6; 2; 4; 2; 6; 6; 1; 4; 1; 9; 79; 0; 87; 6; 8; 8; 62; 1; 4; 62; 6; 31; 1; 5; 6; 5; 9; 3; 3; 1; 79; 4; 3; 2; 67; 5; 7; 12; 70; 8; 8; 6; 1; 3; 14; 15; 1; 61; 4; 1; 4; 1; 7; 4; 4; 4; 2; 8; 8; 7; 5; 4; 27; 0; 9; 80; 25; 1; 8; 1; 3; 7; 4; 3; 5; 5; 6; 5; 5; 31; 7; 0; 3; 3; 6; 71; 76; 28; 60; 6; 2; 6; 3; 0; 4; 1; 0; 5; 7; 0; 28; 86; 4; 7; 51; 36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
143 []
144 [9; 61; 8; 4; 69; 2; 0; 72; 4; 41; 3; 8; 75; 83; 7; 7; 3; 9; 5; 8; 4; 1; 0; 2; 1; 4; 7; 6; 2; 1; 4; 86; 3; 79; 7; 86; 52; 39; 19; 0; 4; 7; 7; 7; 0; 4; 8; 8; 0; 5; 13; 1; 5; 0; 7; 12; 64; 34; 1; 1; 85; 8; 2; 9; 76; 0; 2; 5; 76; 69; 8; 8; 0; 1; 2; 2; 4; 60; 29; 5; 9; 4; 0; 8; 3; 3; 5; 1; 35; 8; 2; 7; 23; 61; 56; 8; 1; 1; 78; 7; 5; 0; 30; 9; 3; 7; 28; 57; 98; 3; 52; 3; 82; 7; 5; 5; 6; 8; 1; 6; 8; 9; 8; 16; 0]
145 []
146 [1; 9; 8; 28; 47; 8; 5; 6; 8; 9; 2; 5; 8; 30; 6; 8; 84; 0; 6; 7; 76; 7; 9; 1; 0; 5; 76; 95; 2; 2; 1; 45; 7; 8; 8; 1; 6; 37; 5; 6; 73; 8; 0; 85; 8; 0; 4; 5; 2; 0; 26; 59; 0; 5; 13; 4; 7; 3; 6; 8; 1; 3]
147 []
148 [5; 0; 0; 4; 10; 2; 4; 9; 5; 73; 6; 1; 5; 5; 3; 10; 5; 31; 1; 4; 3; 8; 9; 13; 41; 20; 96; 5; 1; 2; 8]
149 []
150 [9; 8; 73; 5; 8; 2; 1; 8; 2; 6; 4; 18; 5; 76; 3]
151 []
152 [0; 6; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4]
153 []
154 [5; 2; 3]
155 [3; 2; 7; 3; 3]
156 []
157 [5; 3]
158 [5; 3; 2]
159 [9; 87; 7; 0]
160 [0; 2; 7; 3; 3]
161 [0; 0; 7; 3; 3]
162 [0; 0; 0; 3; 3]
163 [0; 0; 0; 0; 3]
164 [0; 0; 0; 0; 0]
166 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
168 Test should_fail_sort_id failed (9 shrink steps):
170 [1; 0]
172 === Error ======================================================================
174 Test should_error_raise_exn errored on (1 shrink steps):
176 0
178 exception Dune__exe__QCheck2_expect_test.Overall.Error
181 +++ Collect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
183 Collect results for test collect_results:
185 4: 20 cases
186 3: 25 cases
187 2: 17 cases
188 1: 18 cases
189 0: 20 cases
191 +++ Stats for with_stats ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
193 stats mod4:
194 num: 100, avg: 1.68, stddev: 1.09, median 2, min 0, max 3
195 0: ############################## 17
196 1: ################################################### 29
197 2: ######################################## 23
198 3: ####################################################### 31
200 stats num:
201 num: 100, avg: 66.84, stddev: 31.94, median 65, min 2, max 120
202 2.. 7: ################## 3
203 8.. 13: ################## 3
204 14.. 19: 0
205 20.. 25: ########################################## 7
206 26.. 31: ######################## 4
207 32.. 37: ######################## 4
208 38.. 43: ################## 3
209 44.. 49: ################################################ 8
210 50.. 55: #################################### 6
211 56.. 61: #################################### 6
212 62.. 67: ####################################################### 9
213 68.. 73: ########################################## 7
214 74.. 79: ######################## 4
215 80.. 85: ################## 3
216 86.. 91: ############ 2
217 92.. 97: ########################################## 7
218 98..103: #################################### 6
219 104..109: #################################### 6
220 110..115: ####################################################### 9
221 116..121: ################## 3
223 !!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
225 Warning for test WARN_unlikely_precond:
227 WARNING: only 0.5% tests (of 2000) passed precondition for "WARN_unlikely_precond"
229 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that the generator is buggy.
231 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
233 Test FAIL_unlikely_precond failed:
235 ERROR: only 0.5% tests (of 2000) passed precondition for "FAIL_unlikely_precond"
237 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that the generator is buggy.
240 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
242 Test char never produces '\255' failed (0 shrink steps):
244 '\255'
246 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
248 Test big bound issue59 failed (0 shrink steps):
250 4611686018427387903
252 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
254 Test long_shrink failed (3039 shrink steps):
256 ([0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0], [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1])
258 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
260 Test ints arent 0 mod 3 failed (2 shrink steps):
262 0
264 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
266 Test ints are 0 failed (61 shrink steps):
268 1
270 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
272 Test ints < 209609 failed (0 shrink steps):
274 4611686018427387903
276 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
278 Test nat < 5001 failed (7 shrink steps):
280 5001
282 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
284 Test char is never produces 'abcdef' failed (1 shrink steps):
286 'a'
288 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
290 Test strings are empty failed (8 shrink steps):
292 "a"
294 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
296 Test string never has a \000 char failed (22 shrink steps):
298 "aaaaaa\000aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
300 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
302 Test string never has a \255 char failed (59 shrink steps):
304 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\255aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
306 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
308 Test lists are empty failed (8 shrink steps):
310 [0]
312 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
314 Test lists shorter than 10 failed (16 shrink steps):
316 [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]
318 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
320 Test lists shorter than 432 failed:
322 ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test lists shorter than 432 after 100 steps:
323 Exception: Stack overflow
324 Backtrace:
326 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
328 Test lists shorter than 4332 failed:
330 ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test lists shorter than 4332 after 100 steps:
331 Exception: Stack overflow
332 Backtrace:
334 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
336 Test lists equal to duplication failed:
338 ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test lists equal to duplication after 100 steps:
339 Exception: Stack overflow
340 Backtrace:
342 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
344 Test lists have unique elems failed (11 shrink steps):
346 [0; 0; 0; 0; 0]
348 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
350 Test tree contains only 42 failed (2 shrink steps):
352 Leaf 0
354 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
356 Test fail_pred_map_commute failed (16 shrink steps):
358 ([2], {_ -> 0}, {1 -> false; 2 -> true; _ -> false})
360 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
362 Test fail_pred_strings failed (1 shrink steps):
364 {"some random string" -> true; _ -> false}
366 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
368 Test fold_left fold_right failed (22 shrink steps):
370 (0, [1], {(1, 0) -> 1; (8, 0) -> 0; (8, 8) -> 0; (8, 93) -> 0; (7, 7) -> 0; (24, 5) -> 0; (7, 0) -> 0; (0, 2) -> 0; (2, 4) -> 0; (9, 8) -> 0; (4, 9) -> 0; (1, 24) -> 0; (9, 5) -> 0; (80, 9) -> 0; (24, 0) -> 0; (1, 8) -> 0; (5, 7) -> 0; (0, 7) -> 0; (7, 8) -> 0; (0, 24) -> 0; _ -> 0})
372 +++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
374 Messages for test fold_left fold_right:
376 l=[1], fold_left=1, fold_right=0
379 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
381 Test fold_left fold_right uncurried failed (325 shrink steps):
383 ({(23, 62) -> 0; (9, 42) -> 0; (8, 61) -> 0; (8, 5) -> 0; (30, 5) -> 0; (9, 6) -> 0; (76, 6) -> 0; (19, 31) -> 0; (7, 62) -> 0; (0, 7) -> 1; (7, 1) -> 0; (78, 4) -> 0; (8, 2) -> 0; (78, 0) -> 0; (3, 47) -> 0; (4, 8) -> 0; (98, 9) -> 0; (1, 38) -> 0; (0, 26) -> 0; (1, 7) -> 0; (86, 3) -> 0; (9, 37) -> 0; (8, 1) -> 0; (79, 9) -> 0; (3, 5) -> 0; (56, 8) -> 0; (2, 5) -> 0; (8, 8) -> 0; (56, 67) -> 0; (5, 60) -> 0; (2, 31) -> 0; (61, 6) -> 0; (12, 5) -> 0; (76, 2) -> 0; (78, 8) -> 0; (1, 1) -> 0; (8, 9) -> 0; (7, 8) -> 0; (2, 9) -> 0; (29, 7) -> 0; (5, 8) -> 0; (28, 6) -> 0; (1, 4) -> 0; (9, 79) -> 0; (0, 1) -> 0; (1, 41) -> 0; (82, 98) -> 0; (6, 79) -> 0; (7, 6) -> 0; (4, 3) -> 0; (8, 12) -> 0; (5, 1) -> 0; (39, 1) -> 0; (3, 6) -> 0; (1, 2) -> 0; (76, 31) -> 0; (4, 1) -> 0; (6, 5) -> 0; (0, 8) -> 0; (8, 7) -> 0; (2, 6) -> 0; (52, 5) -> 0; (8, 47) -> 0; (5, 3) -> 0; (7, 9) -> 0; (13, 13) -> 0; (0, 87) -> 0; (82, 0) -> 0; (34, 8) -> 0; (1, 14) -> 0; (2, 71) -> 0; (52, 4) -> 0; (1, 3) -> 0; (85, 6) -> 0; (8, 19) -> 0; (3, 13) -> 0; (69, 1) -> 0; (5, 62) -> 0; (0, 15) -> 0; (34, 0) -> 0; (9, 4) -> 0; (0, 6) -> 0; (1, 8) -> 0; (86, 6) -> 0; (4, 5) -> 0; (3, 1) -> 0; (57, 2) -> 0; (3, 3) -> 0; (4, 0) -> 0; (30, 6) -> 0; (5, 34) -> 0; (0, 4) -> 0; (2, 3) -> 0; (5, 6) -> 0; (5, 7) -> 0; (5, 0) -> 0; (4, 4) -> 0; (7, 5) -> 0; (78, 2) -> 0; (9, 8) -> 0; (7, 70) -> 0; (35, 1) -> 0; (64, 7) -> 0; (60, 0) -> 0; (1, 9) -> 0; _ -> 0}, 0, [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 7])
385 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
387 Test fold_left fold_right uncurried fun last failed (25 shrink steps):
389 (0, [1], {(0, 2) -> 0; (8, 80) -> 0; (93, 9) -> 0; (7, 24) -> 0; (8, 0) -> 0; (9, 7) -> 0; (0, 24) -> 0; (0, 7) -> 0; (7, 1) -> 0; (8, 9) -> 0; (24, 0) -> 0; (5, 8) -> 0; (1, 0) -> 1; (4, 8) -> 0; (7, 0) -> 0; (5, 7) -> 0; (8, 4) -> 0; (24, 5) -> 0; (0, 1) -> 0; (2, 8) -> 0; (9, 1) -> 0; (8, 8) -> 0; _ -> 0})
391 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
393 Test fold_left test, fun first failed (15 shrink steps):
395 ({_ -> ""}, "a", [], [0])
397 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
399 Test FAIL_#99_1 failed:
401 ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test FAIL_#99_1 after 100 steps:
402 Exception: QCheck2.No_example_found("<example>")
403 Backtrace:
405 +++ Collect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
407 Collect results for test bool dist:
409 true: 250134 cases
410 false: 249866 cases
412 +++ Stats for char code dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
414 stats char code:
415 num: 500000, avg: 127.42, stddev: 73.92, median 127, min 0, max 255
416 0.. 12: ###################################################### 25509
417 13.. 25: ###################################################### 25398
418 26.. 38: ###################################################### 25293
419 39.. 51: ###################################################### 25448
420 52.. 64: ###################################################### 25392
421 65.. 77: ####################################################### 25660
422 78.. 90: ###################################################### 25462
423 91..103: ###################################################### 25331
424 104..116: ##################################################### 25129
425 117..129: ###################################################### 25351
426 130..142: ###################################################### 25492
427 143..155: ###################################################### 25370
428 156..168: ###################################################### 25658
429 169..181: ###################################################### 25400
430 182..194: ##################################################### 25167
431 195..207: ###################################################### 25338
432 208..220: ##################################################### 25181
433 221..233: ##################################################### 25145
434 234..246: ###################################################### 25567
435 247..259: ##################################### 17709
437 +++ Stats for tree's depth ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
439 stats depth:
440 num: 1000, avg: 3.74, stddev: 3.28, median 3, min 1, max 15
441 1: ####################################################### 377
442 2: ################ 113
443 3: ############ 87
444 4: ################# 123
445 5: ########### 81
446 6: #### 33
447 7: ##### 40
448 8: ##### 39
449 9: # 9
450 10: ### 25
451 11: ####### 49
452 12: 4
453 13: # 9
454 14: # 7
455 15: 4
457 +++ Stats for string_size len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
459 stats len:
460 num: 5000, avg: 7.49, stddev: 1.70, median 7, min 5, max 10
461 5: ##################################################### 837
462 6: ##################################################### 826
463 7: ###################################################### 843
464 8: ####################################################### 855
465 9: #################################################### 813
466 10: ##################################################### 826
468 +++ Stats for string len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
470 stats len:
471 num: 5000, avg: 384.53, stddev: 1330.61, median 9, min 0, max 9969
472 0.. 498: ####################################################### 4246
473 499.. 997: ###### 518
474 998..1496: 21
475 1497..1995: 10
476 1996..2494: 11
477 2495..2993: 10
478 2994..3492: 13
479 3493..3991: 13
480 3992..4490: 5
481 4491..4989: 10
482 4990..5488: 19
483 5489..5987: 9
484 5988..6486: 10
485 6487..6985: 12
486 6986..7484: 17
487 7485..7983: 16
488 7984..8482: 16
489 8483..8981: 16
490 8982..9480: 16
491 9481..9979: 12
493 +++ Stats for string_of len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
495 stats len:
496 num: 5000, avg: 363.14, stddev: 1245.80, median 9, min 0, max 9986
497 0.. 499: ####################################################### 4270
498 500.. 999: ###### 493
499 1000.. 1499: 16
500 1500.. 1999: 11
501 2000.. 2499: 15
502 2500.. 2999: 17
503 3000.. 3499: 11
504 3500.. 3999: 19
505 4000.. 4499: 14
506 4500.. 4999: 10
507 5000.. 5499: 16
508 5500.. 5999: 11
509 6000.. 6499: 15
510 6500.. 6999: 13
511 7000.. 7499: 12
512 7500.. 7999: 16
513 8000.. 8499: 11
514 8500.. 8999: 4
515 9000.. 9499: 13
516 9500.. 9999: 13
518 +++ Stats for string_printable len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
520 stats len:
521 num: 5000, avg: 384.53, stddev: 1330.61, median 9, min 0, max 9969
522 0.. 498: ####################################################### 4246
523 499.. 997: ###### 518
524 998..1496: 21
525 1497..1995: 10
526 1996..2494: 11
527 2495..2993: 10
528 2994..3492: 13
529 3493..3991: 13
530 3992..4490: 5
531 4491..4989: 10
532 4990..5488: 19
533 5489..5987: 9
534 5988..6486: 10
535 6487..6985: 12
536 6986..7484: 17
537 7485..7983: 16
538 7984..8482: 16
539 8483..8981: 16
540 8982..9480: 16
541 9481..9979: 12
543 +++ Stats for small_string len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
545 stats len:
546 num: 5000, avg: 15.57, stddev: 24.36, median 6, min 0, max 99
547 0.. 4: #################################################### 1925
548 5.. 9: ####################################################### 2005
549 10.. 14: # 52
550 15.. 19: # 50
551 20.. 24: # 55
552 25.. 29: # 56
553 30.. 34: # 55
554 35.. 39: # 49
555 40.. 44: # 65
556 45.. 49: # 65
557 50.. 54: # 55
558 55.. 59: # 68
559 60.. 64: # 61
560 65.. 69: # 65
561 70.. 74: # 57
562 75.. 79: # 66
563 80.. 84: # 65
564 85.. 89: # 64
565 90.. 94: # 60
566 95.. 99: # 62
568 +++ Stats for list len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
570 stats len:
571 num: 5000, avg: 400.16, stddev: 1371.90, median 9, min 0, max 9987
572 0.. 499: ####################################################### 4246
573 500.. 999: ###### 502
574 1000.. 1499: 13
575 1500.. 1999: 10
576 2000.. 2499: 14
577 2500.. 2999: 14
578 3000.. 3499: 20
579 3500.. 3999: 7
580 4000.. 4499: 13
581 4500.. 4999: 16
582 5000.. 5499: 12
583 5500.. 5999: 15
584 6000.. 6499: 15
585 6500.. 6999: 13
586 7000.. 7499: 16
587 7500.. 7999: 12
588 8000.. 8499: 11
589 8500.. 8999: 16
590 9000.. 9499: 15
591 9500.. 9999: 20
593 +++ Stats for small_list len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
595 stats len:
596 num: 5000, avg: 16.14, stddev: 24.86, median 6, min 0, max 99
597 0.. 4: ###################################################### 1923
598 5.. 9: ####################################################### 1936
599 10.. 14: # 61
600 15.. 19: # 59
601 20.. 24: # 62
602 25.. 29: # 70
603 30.. 34: # 61
604 35.. 39: # 64
605 40.. 44: # 64
606 45.. 49: # 56
607 50.. 54: # 65
608 55.. 59: # 55
609 60.. 64: # 60
610 65.. 69: # 62
611 70.. 74: # 57
612 75.. 79: # 69
613 80.. 84: ## 73
614 85.. 89: # 67
615 90.. 94: # 62
616 95.. 99: ## 74
618 +++ Stats for list_size len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
620 stats len:
621 num: 5000, avg: 7.49, stddev: 1.71, median 8, min 5, max 10
622 5: ####################################################### 867
623 6: ################################################### 813
624 7: ################################################### 815
625 8: #################################################### 833
626 9: ###################################################### 857
627 10: ################################################### 815
629 +++ Stats for list_repeat len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
631 stats len:
632 num: 5000, avg: 42.00, stddev: 0.00, median 42, min 42, max 42
633 42: ####################################################### 5000
635 +++ Stats for array len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
637 stats len:
638 num: 5000, avg: 400.16, stddev: 1371.90, median 9, min 0, max 9987
639 0.. 499: ####################################################### 4246
640 500.. 999: ###### 502
641 1000.. 1499: 13
642 1500.. 1999: 10
643 2000.. 2499: 14
644 2500.. 2999: 14
645 3000.. 3499: 20
646 3500.. 3999: 7
647 4000.. 4499: 13
648 4500.. 4999: 16
649 5000.. 5499: 12
650 5500.. 5999: 15
651 6000.. 6499: 15
652 6500.. 6999: 13
653 7000.. 7499: 16
654 7500.. 7999: 12
655 8000.. 8499: 11
656 8500.. 8999: 16
657 9000.. 9499: 15
658 9500.. 9999: 20
660 +++ Stats for small_array len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
662 stats len:
663 num: 5000, avg: 16.14, stddev: 24.86, median 6, min 0, max 99
664 0.. 4: ###################################################### 1923
665 5.. 9: ####################################################### 1936
666 10.. 14: # 61
667 15.. 19: # 59
668 20.. 24: # 62
669 25.. 29: # 70
670 30.. 34: # 61
671 35.. 39: # 64
672 40.. 44: # 64
673 45.. 49: # 56
674 50.. 54: # 65
675 55.. 59: # 55
676 60.. 64: # 60
677 65.. 69: # 62
678 70.. 74: # 57
679 75.. 79: # 69
680 80.. 84: ## 73
681 85.. 89: # 67
682 90.. 94: # 62
683 95.. 99: ## 74
685 +++ Stats for array_size len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
687 stats len:
688 num: 5000, avg: 7.49, stddev: 1.71, median 8, min 5, max 10
689 5: ####################################################### 867
690 6: ################################################### 813
691 7: ################################################### 815
692 8: #################################################### 833
693 9: ###################################################### 857
694 10: ################################################### 815
696 +++ Stats for array_repeat len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
698 stats len:
699 num: 5000, avg: 42.00, stddev: 0.00, median 42, min 42, max 42
700 42: ####################################################### 5000
702 +++ Stats for int_stats_neg ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
704 stats dist:
705 num: 5000, avg: 0.17, stddev: 29.68, median 0, min -99, max 99
706 -99..-90: # 65
707 -89..-80: # 63
708 -79..-70: # 64
709 -69..-60: # 58
710 -59..-50: # 67
711 -49..-40: # 72
712 -39..-30: # 61
713 -29..-20: # 61
714 -19..-10: # 67
715 -9.. 0: ####################################################### 2076
716 1.. 10: ############################################## 1764
717 11.. 20: # 66
718 21.. 30: # 64
719 31.. 40: # 64
720 41.. 50: # 67
721 51.. 60: # 60
722 61.. 70: # 75
723 71.. 80: # 60
724 81.. 90: # 60
725 91..100: # 66
727 +++ Stats for small_signed_int dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
729 stats dist:
730 num: 1000, avg: 0.90, stddev: 28.23, median 0, min -99, max 99
731 -99..-90: # 12
732 -89..-80: # 11
733 -79..-70: # 9
734 -69..-60: 6
735 -59..-50: # 11
736 -49..-40: # 13
737 -39..-30: # 9
738 -29..-20: # 13
739 -19..-10: 8
740 -9.. 0: ####################################################### 453
741 1.. 10: ######################################### 340
742 11.. 20: # 15
743 21.. 30: # 11
744 31.. 40: # 12
745 41.. 50: # 13
746 51.. 60: # 13
747 61.. 70: # 16
748 71.. 80: # 9
749 81.. 90: # 16
750 91..100: # 10
752 +++ Stats for small_nat dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
754 stats dist:
755 num: 1000, avg: 15.11, stddev: 23.27, median 6, min 0, max 99
756 0.. 4: #################################################### 377
757 5.. 9: ####################################################### 392
758 10.. 14: ## 20
759 15.. 19: ## 15
760 20.. 24: # 11
761 25.. 29: ## 17
762 30.. 34: ## 19
763 35.. 39: ## 17
764 40.. 44: # 10
765 45.. 49: # 9
766 50.. 54: # 8
767 55.. 59: # 9
768 60.. 64: ## 15
769 65.. 69: # 10
770 70.. 74: # 13
771 75.. 79: ## 19
772 80.. 84: # 11
773 85.. 89: # 13
774 90.. 94: 5
775 95.. 99: # 10
777 +++ Stats for nat dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
779 stats dist:
780 num: 1000, avg: 363.02, stddev: 1215.04, median 9, min 0, max 9476
781 0.. 473: ####################################################### 847
782 474.. 947: ###### 95
783 948..1421: 14
784 1422..1895: 3
785 1896..2369: 0
786 2370..2843: 3
787 2844..3317: 2
788 3318..3791: 3
789 3792..4265: 2
790 4266..4739: 4
791 4740..5213: 3
792 5214..5687: 4
793 5688..6161: 3
794 6162..6635: 4
795 6636..7109: 1
796 7110..7583: 4
797 7584..8057: 2
798 8058..8531: 1
799 8532..9005: 1
800 9006..9479: 4
802 +++ Stats for int_range (-43643) 435434 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
804 stats dist:
805 num: 1000, avg: 195335.64, stddev: 136803.99, median 195583, min -43624, max 435210
806 -43624..-19683: ############################################ 52
807 -19682.. 4259: ######################################## 47
808 4260.. 28201: ############################## 36
809 28202.. 52143: ############################################ 52
810 52144.. 76085: ########################################## 50
811 76086..100027: ####################################################### 64
812 100028..123969: ############################################### 55
813 123970..147911: ######################################## 47
814 147912..171853: ############################################## 54
815 171854..195795: #################################### 43
816 195796..219737: ############################################## 54
817 219738..243679: ########################################### 51
818 243680..267621: ################################################ 57
819 267622..291563: ########################################## 49
820 291564..315505: #################################### 42
821 315506..339447: ###################################### 45
822 339448..363389: ################################################ 57
823 363390..387331: ###################################### 45
824 387332..411273: ########################################## 49
825 411274..435215: ########################################### 51
827 +++ Stats for int_range (-40000) 40000 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
829 stats dist:
830 num: 1000, avg: -173.78, stddev: 23042.92, median 180, min -39859, max 39942
831 -39859..-35869: ############################################# 56
832 -35868..-31878: ################################### 43
833 -31877..-27887: ################################################# 60
834 -27886..-23896: ##################################### 46
835 -23895..-19905: ######################################## 49
836 -19904..-15914: #################################### 45
837 -15913..-11923: ############################################ 54
838 -11922.. -7932: ############################################### 58
839 -7931.. -3941: ######################################### 51
840 -3940.. 50: ############################ 35
841 51.. 4041: ####################################### 48
842 4042.. 8032: ########################################## 52
843 8033.. 12023: ######################################### 51
844 12024.. 16014: ########################################### 53
845 16015.. 20005: ############################################ 54
846 20006.. 23996: ################################## 42
847 23997.. 27987: ####################################################### 67
848 27988.. 31978: ################################ 40
849 31979.. 35969: ######################################### 51
850 35970.. 39960: #################################### 45
852 +++ Stats for int_range (-4) 4 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
854 stats dist:
855 num: 1000, avg: 0.02, stddev: 2.55, median 0, min -4, max 4
856 -4: ############################################ 99
857 -3: ##################################################### 118
858 -2: ################################################## 111
859 -1: ################################################## 113
860 0: ################################################## 113
861 1: ##################################################### 118
862 2: ############################################# 102
863 3: ####################################################### 122
864 4: ############################################## 104
866 +++ Stats for int_range (-4) 17 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
868 stats dist:
869 num: 1000, avg: 6.67, stddev: 6.39, median 7, min -4, max 17
870 -4..-3: ############################################# 90
871 -2..-1: ############################################# 91
872 0.. 1: ########################################## 84
873 2.. 3: ############################################## 92
874 4.. 5: ########################################### 87
875 6.. 7: ########################################### 86
876 8.. 9: ############################################ 89
877 10..11: ########################################### 87
878 12..13: ####################################################### 110
879 14..15: ############################################# 91
880 16..17: ############################################## 93
881 18..19: 0
882 20..21: 0
883 22..23: 0
884 24..25: 0
885 26..27: 0
886 28..29: 0
887 30..31: 0
888 32..33: 0
889 34..35: 0
891 +++ Stats for int dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
893 stats dist:
894 num: 100000, avg: 2541076923587387.50, stddev: 2660730801206827008.00, median 158655268318060, min -4611522359435274428, max 4611540922436307689
895 -4611522359435274428..-4150369195341695293: ##################################################### 4976
896 -4150369195341695292..-3689216031248116157: ##################################################### 4963
897 -3689216031248116156..-3228062867154537021: ###################################################### 5038
898 -3228062867154537020..-2766909703060957885: ##################################################### 4979
899 -2766909703060957884..-2305756538967378749: ##################################################### 5001
900 -2305756538967378748..-1844603374873799613: ##################################################### 4982
901 -1844603374873799612..-1383450210780220477: ##################################################### 5025
902 -1383450210780220476.. -922297046686641341: #################################################### 4901
903 -922297046686641340.. -461143882593062205: ####################################################### 5126
904 -461143882593062204.. 9281500516931: ##################################################### 5008
905 9281500516932.. 461162445594096067: ###################################################### 5041
906 461162445594096068.. 922315609687675203: ##################################################### 5001
907 922315609687675204.. 1383468773781254339: ##################################################### 4986
908 1383468773781254340.. 1844621937874833475: ##################################################### 4949
909 1844621937874833476.. 2305775101968412611: ##################################################### 5025
910 2305775101968412612.. 2766928266061991747: ##################################################### 5022
911 2766928266061991748.. 3228081430155570883: ##################################################### 4958
912 3228081430155570884.. 3689234594249150019: ##################################################### 4998
913 3689234594249150020.. 4150387758342729155: ##################################################### 4982
914 4150387758342729156.. 4611540922436308291: ###################################################### 5039
916 +++ Stats for oneof int dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
918 stats dist:
919 num: 1000, avg: 4611686018427388.00, stddev: 2905870896563567616.00, median 0, min -4611686018427387904, max 4611686018427387903
920 -4611686018427387904..-4150517416584649089: ################## 208
921 -4150517416584649088..-3689348814741910273: 0
922 -3689348814741910272..-3228180212899171457: 0
923 -3228180212899171456..-2767011611056432641: 0
924 -2767011611056432640..-2305843009213693825: 0
925 -2305843009213693824..-1844674407370955009: 0
926 -1844674407370955008..-1383505805528216193: 0
927 -1383505805528216192.. -922337203685477377: 0
928 -922337203685477376.. -461168601842738561: 0
929 -461168601842738560.. 255: ####################################################### 603
930 256.. 461168601842739071: 0
931 461168601842739072.. 922337203685477887: 0
932 922337203685477888.. 1383505805528216703: 0
933 1383505805528216704.. 1844674407370955519: 0
934 1844674407370955520.. 2305843009213694335: 0
935 2305843009213694336.. 2767011611056433151: 0
936 2767011611056433152.. 3228180212899171967: 0
937 3228180212899171968.. 3689348814741910783: 0
938 3689348814741910784.. 4150517416584649599: 0
939 4150517416584649600.. 4611686018427387903: ################# 189
940 ================================================================================
941 1 warning(s)
942 failure (27 tests failed, 1 tests errored, ran 67 tests)
943 random seed: 153870556
945 +++ Stats for int_dist_empty_bucket ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
947 stats dist:
948 num: 1000, avg: -55083208105414400.00, stddev: 1847115855773139200.00, median 9, min -4590718933436425025, max 4611686018427387903
949 -4590718933436425025..-4130598685843234370: ## 26
950 -4130598685843234369..-3670478438250043714: # 13
951 -3670478438250043713..-3210358190656853058: ### 37
952 -3210358190656853057..-2750237943063662402: ### 30
953 -2750237943063662401..-2290117695470471746: ## 27
954 -2290117695470471745..-1829997447877281090: ## 24
955 -1829997447877281089..-1369877200284090434: ## 27
956 -1369877200284090433.. -909756952690899778: ## 27
957 -909756952690899777.. -449636705097709122: ## 21
958 -449636705097709121.. 10483542495481534: ####################################################### 531
959 10483542495481535.. 470603790088672190: ## 21
960 470603790088672191.. 930724037681862846: ## 27
961 930724037681862847.. 1390844285275053502: ## 24
962 1390844285275053503.. 1850964532868244158: ## 25
963 1850964532868244159.. 2311084780461434814: ## 28
964 2311084780461434815.. 2771205028054625470: ## 23
965 2771205028054625471.. 3231325275647816126: ## 23
966 3231325275647816127.. 3691445523241006782: ## 25
967 3691445523241006783.. 4151565770834197438: # 17
968 4151565770834197439.. 4611686018427387903: ## 24
969 ================================================================================
970 success (ran 1 tests)
0 random seed: 1234
1 2724675603984413065
2 1362337801992206533
3 681168900996103267
4 340584450498051634
5 170292225249025817
6 85146112624512909
7 42573056312256455
8 21286528156128228
9 10643264078064114
10 5321632039032057
11 2660816019516029
12 1330408009758015
13 665204004879008
14 332602002439504
15 166301001219752
16 83150500609876
17 41575250304938
18 20787625152469
19 10393812576235
20 5196906288118
21 2598453144059
22 1299226572030
23 649613286015
24 324806643008
25 162403321504
26 81201660752
27 40600830376
28 20300415188
29 10150207594
30 5075103797
31 2537551899
32 1268775950
33 634387975
34 317193988
35 158596994
36 79298497
37 39649249
38 19824625
39 9912313
40 4956157
41 2478079
42 1239040
43 619520
44 309760
45 154880
46 77440
47 38720
48 19360
49 9680
50 4840
51 2420
52 1210
53 605
54 303
55 152
56 76
57 38
58 19
59 10
60 5
61 3
62 2
63 1
64 0
65 [7; 1; 42; 1; 8; 5; 3; 9; 5; 38; 3; 3; 0; 1; 98; 1; 4; 13; 9; 2; 6; 9; 47; 6; 5; 8; 8; 6; 0; 9; 7; 2; 8; 6; 62; 6; 4; 31; 19; 1; 41; 60; 6; 5; 8; 1; 1; 4; 7; 7; 0; 5; 5; 71; 14; 26; 47; 5; 1; 6; 34; 9; 4; 2; 37; 3; 8; 4; 31; 6; 2; 1; 0; 7; 5; 1; 0; 15; 6; 1; 8; 13; 0; 6; 2; 4; 2; 6; 6; 1; 4; 1; 9; 79; 0; 87; 6; 8; 8; 62; 1; 4; 62; 6; 31; 1; 5; 6; 5; 9; 3; 3; 1; 79; 4; 3; 2; 67; 5; 7; 12; 70; 8; 8; 6; 1; 3; 14; 15; 1; 61; 4; 1; 4; 1; 7; 4; 4; 4; 2; 8; 8; 7; 5; 4; 27; 0; 9; 80; 25; 1; 8; 1; 3; 7; 4; 3; 5; 5; 6; 5; 5; 31; 7; 0; 3; 3; 6; 71; 76; 28; 60; 6; 2; 6; 3; 0; 4; 1; 0; 5; 7; 0; 28; 86; 4; 7; 51; 36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
66 [1; 3; 14; 15; 1; 61; 4; 1; 4; 1; 7; 4; 4; 4; 2; 8; 8; 7; 5; 4; 27; 0; 9; 80; 25; 1; 8; 1; 3; 7; 4; 3; 5; 5; 6; 5; 5; 31; 7; 0; 3; 3; 6; 71; 76; 28; 60; 6; 2; 6; 3; 0; 4; 1; 0; 5; 7; 0; 28; 86; 4; 7; 51; 36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
67 [36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
68 [8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
69 [4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
70 [5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
71 [74; 7; 7]
72 [7]
73 []
74 [4]
75 []
76 [2]
77 []
78 [1]
79 []
80 [0]
81 []
82 [7; 1; 42; 1; 8; 5; 3; 9; 5; 38; 3; 3; 0; 1; 98; 1; 4; 13; 9; 2; 6; 9; 47; 6; 5; 8; 8; 6; 0; 9; 7; 2; 8; 6; 62; 6; 4; 31; 19; 1; 41; 60; 6; 5; 8; 1; 1; 4; 7; 7; 0; 5; 5; 71; 14; 26; 47; 5; 1; 6; 34; 9; 4; 2; 37; 3; 8; 4; 31; 6; 2; 1; 0; 7; 5; 1; 0; 15; 6; 1; 8; 13; 0; 6; 2; 4; 2; 6; 6; 1; 4; 1; 9; 79; 0; 87; 6; 8; 8; 62; 1; 4; 62; 6; 31; 1; 5; 6; 5; 9; 3; 3; 1; 79; 4; 3; 2; 67; 5; 7; 12; 70; 8; 8; 6; 1; 3; 14; 15; 1; 61; 4; 1; 4; 1; 7; 4; 4; 4; 2; 8; 8; 7; 5; 4; 27; 0; 9; 80; 25; 1; 8; 1; 3; 7; 4; 3; 5; 5; 6; 5; 5; 31; 7; 0; 3; 3; 6; 71; 76; 28; 60; 6; 2; 6; 3; 0; 4; 1; 0; 5; 7; 0; 28; 86; 4; 7; 51; 36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
83 [1; 3; 14; 15; 1; 61; 4; 1; 4; 1; 7; 4; 4; 4; 2; 8; 8; 7; 5; 4; 27; 0; 9; 80; 25; 1; 8; 1; 3; 7; 4; 3; 5; 5; 6; 5; 5; 31; 7; 0; 3; 3; 6; 71; 76; 28; 60; 6; 2; 6; 3; 0; 4; 1; 0; 5; 7; 0; 28; 86; 4; 7; 51; 36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
84 [36; 0; 5; 0; 1; 4; 3; 6; 0; 1; 1; 8; 18; 4; 2; 8; 8; 1; 4; 7; 1; 0; 93; 5; 3; 0; 80; 1; 7; 7; 8; 8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
85 [8; 5; 7; 8; 9; 24; 4; 25; 8; 8; 5; 4; 90; 4; 6; 8; 4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
86 [4; 4; 0; 60; 8; 9; 7; 44; 5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
87 [5; 1; 2; 9; 74; 7; 7]
88 [74; 7; 7]
89 [7]
90 [74]
91 [7; 7]
92 [7]
93 [7]
94 [4; 7]
95 [6; 7]
96 [6; 7]
97 [7; 4]
98 [7; 6]
99 [7; 6]
101 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
103 Test should_fail_sort_id failed (18 shrink steps):
105 [1; 0]
107 === Error ======================================================================
109 Test should_error_raise_exn errored on (63 shrink steps):
111 0
113 exception Dune__exe__QCheck_expect_test.Overall.Error
116 +++ Collect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
118 Collect results for test collect_results:
120 4: 20 cases
121 3: 25 cases
122 2: 17 cases
123 1: 18 cases
124 0: 20 cases
126 +++ Stats for with_stats ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
128 stats mod4:
129 num: 100, avg: 1.68, stddev: 1.09, median 2, min 0, max 3
130 0: ############################## 17
131 1: ################################################### 29
132 2: ######################################## 23
133 3: ####################################################### 31
135 stats num:
136 num: 100, avg: 66.84, stddev: 31.94, median 65, min 2, max 120
137 2.. 7: ################## 3
138 8.. 13: ################## 3
139 14.. 19: 0
140 20.. 25: ########################################## 7
141 26.. 31: ######################## 4
142 32.. 37: ######################## 4
143 38.. 43: ################## 3
144 44.. 49: ################################################ 8
145 50.. 55: #################################### 6
146 56.. 61: #################################### 6
147 62.. 67: ####################################################### 9
148 68.. 73: ########################################## 7
149 74.. 79: ######################## 4
150 80.. 85: ################## 3
151 86.. 91: ############ 2
152 92.. 97: ########################################## 7
153 98..103: #################################### 6
154 104..109: #################################### 6
155 110..115: ####################################################### 9
156 116..121: ################## 3
158 !!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
160 Warning for test WARN_unlikely_precond:
162 WARNING: only 0.5% tests (of 2000) passed precondition for "WARN_unlikely_precond"
164 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that the generator is buggy.
166 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
168 Test FAIL_unlikely_precond failed:
170 ERROR: only 0.5% tests (of 2000) passed precondition for "FAIL_unlikely_precond"
172 NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that the generator is buggy.
175 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
177 Test char never produces '\255' failed (0 shrink steps):
179 '\255'
181 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
183 Test big bound issue59 failed (52 shrink steps):
185 209609
187 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
189 Test long_shrink failed (149 shrink steps):
191 ([0], [-1])
193 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
195 Test ints arent 0 mod 3 failed (84 shrink steps):
197 -21
199 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
201 Test ints are 0 failed (62 shrink steps):
203 1
205 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
207 Test ints < 209609 failed (52 shrink steps):
209 209609
211 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
213 Test nat < 5001 failed (6 shrink steps):
215 5001
217 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
219 Test char is never produces 'abcdef' failed (0 shrink steps):
221 'd'
223 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
225 Test strings are empty failed (249 shrink steps):
227 "\177"
229 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
231 Test string never has a \000 char failed (25 shrink steps):
233 "\000"
235 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
237 Test string never has a \255 char failed (249 shrink steps):
239 "\255"
241 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
243 Test lists are empty failed (11 shrink steps):
245 [0]
247 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
249 Test lists shorter than 10 failed (50 shrink steps):
251 [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]
253 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
255 Test lists shorter than 432 failed (1696 shrink steps):
257 [...] list length: 432
259 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
261 Test lists shorter than 4332 failed (13 shrink steps):
263 [...] list length: 4332
265 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
267 Test lists equal to duplication failed (20 shrink steps):
269 [...] list length: 1
271 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
273 Test lists have unique elems failed (7 shrink steps):
275 [7; 7]
277 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
279 Test fail_pred_map_commute failed (127 shrink steps):
281 ([3], {_ -> 0}, {3 -> false; _ -> true})
283 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
285 Test fail_pred_strings failed (1 shrink steps):
287 {some random string -> true; _ -> false}
289 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
291 Test fold_left fold_right failed (25 shrink steps):
293 (0, [1], {(1, 0) -> 1; _ -> 0})
295 +++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
297 Messages for test fold_left fold_right:
299 l=[1], fold_left=1, fold_right=0
302 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
304 Test fold_left fold_right uncurried failed (111 shrink steps):
306 ({(5, 7) -> 0; _ -> 7}, 0, [5; 0])
308 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
310 Test fold_left fold_right uncurried fun last failed (26 shrink steps):
312 (0, [1], {(0, 1) -> 1; _ -> 0})
314 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
316 Test false fold, fun first failed (40 shrink steps):
318 ({_ -> ""}, "z", [], [0])
320 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
322 Test FAIL_#99_1 failed:
324 ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test FAIL_#99_1 after 100 steps:
325 Exception: QCheck.No_example_found("<example>")
326 Backtrace:
328 +++ Collect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
330 Collect results for test bool dist:
332 true: 250134 cases
333 false: 249866 cases
335 +++ Stats for char code dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
337 stats char code:
338 num: 500000, avg: 127.42, stddev: 73.92, median 127, min 0, max 255
339 0.. 12: ###################################################### 25509
340 13.. 25: ###################################################### 25398
341 26.. 38: ###################################################### 25293
342 39.. 51: ###################################################### 25448
343 52.. 64: ###################################################### 25392
344 65.. 77: ####################################################### 25660
345 78.. 90: ###################################################### 25462
346 91..103: ###################################################### 25331
347 104..116: ##################################################### 25129
348 117..129: ###################################################### 25351
349 130..142: ###################################################### 25492
350 143..155: ###################################################### 25370
351 156..168: ###################################################### 25658
352 169..181: ###################################################### 25400
353 182..194: ##################################################### 25167
354 195..207: ###################################################### 25338
355 208..220: ##################################################### 25181
356 221..233: ##################################################### 25145
357 234..246: ###################################################### 25567
358 247..259: ##################################### 17709
360 +++ Stats for tree's depth ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
362 stats depth:
363 num: 1000, avg: 3.74, stddev: 3.28, median 3, min 1, max 15
364 1: ####################################################### 377
365 2: ################ 113
366 3: ############ 87
367 4: ################# 123
368 5: ########### 81
369 6: #### 33
370 7: ##### 40
371 8: ##### 39
372 9: # 9
373 10: ### 25
374 11: ####### 49
375 12: 4
376 13: # 9
377 14: # 7
378 15: 4
380 +++ Stats for string_size len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
382 stats len:
383 num: 5000, avg: 7.49, stddev: 1.70, median 7, min 5, max 10
384 5: ##################################################### 837
385 6: ##################################################### 826
386 7: ###################################################### 843
387 8: ####################################################### 855
388 9: #################################################### 813
389 10: ##################################################### 826
391 +++ Stats for string len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
393 stats len:
394 num: 5000, avg: 384.53, stddev: 1330.61, median 9, min 0, max 9969
395 0.. 498: ####################################################### 4246
396 499.. 997: ###### 518
397 998..1496: 21
398 1497..1995: 10
399 1996..2494: 11
400 2495..2993: 10
401 2994..3492: 13
402 3493..3991: 13
403 3992..4490: 5
404 4491..4989: 10
405 4990..5488: 19
406 5489..5987: 9
407 5988..6486: 10
408 6487..6985: 12
409 6986..7484: 17
410 7485..7983: 16
411 7984..8482: 16
412 8483..8981: 16
413 8982..9480: 16
414 9481..9979: 12
416 +++ Stats for string_of len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
418 stats len:
419 num: 5000, avg: 363.14, stddev: 1245.80, median 9, min 0, max 9986
420 0.. 499: ####################################################### 4270
421 500.. 999: ###### 493
422 1000.. 1499: 16
423 1500.. 1999: 11
424 2000.. 2499: 15
425 2500.. 2999: 17
426 3000.. 3499: 11
427 3500.. 3999: 19
428 4000.. 4499: 14
429 4500.. 4999: 10
430 5000.. 5499: 16
431 5500.. 5999: 11
432 6000.. 6499: 15
433 6500.. 6999: 13
434 7000.. 7499: 12
435 7500.. 7999: 16
436 8000.. 8499: 11
437 8500.. 8999: 4
438 9000.. 9499: 13
439 9500.. 9999: 13
441 +++ Stats for printable_string len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
443 stats len:
444 num: 5000, avg: 384.53, stddev: 1330.61, median 9, min 0, max 9969
445 0.. 498: ####################################################### 4246
446 499.. 997: ###### 518
447 998..1496: 21
448 1497..1995: 10
449 1996..2494: 11
450 2495..2993: 10
451 2994..3492: 13
452 3493..3991: 13
453 3992..4490: 5
454 4491..4989: 10
455 4990..5488: 19
456 5489..5987: 9
457 5988..6486: 10
458 6487..6985: 12
459 6986..7484: 17
460 7485..7983: 16
461 7984..8482: 16
462 8483..8981: 16
463 8982..9480: 16
464 9481..9979: 12
466 +++ Stats for small_string len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
468 stats len:
469 num: 5000, avg: 15.57, stddev: 24.36, median 6, min 0, max 99
470 0.. 4: #################################################### 1925
471 5.. 9: ####################################################### 2005
472 10.. 14: # 52
473 15.. 19: # 50
474 20.. 24: # 55
475 25.. 29: # 56
476 30.. 34: # 55
477 35.. 39: # 49
478 40.. 44: # 65
479 45.. 49: # 65
480 50.. 54: # 55
481 55.. 59: # 68
482 60.. 64: # 61
483 65.. 69: # 65
484 70.. 74: # 57
485 75.. 79: # 66
486 80.. 84: # 65
487 85.. 89: # 64
488 90.. 94: # 60
489 95.. 99: # 62
491 +++ Stats for list len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
493 stats len:
494 num: 5000, avg: 400.16, stddev: 1371.90, median 9, min 0, max 9987
495 0.. 499: ####################################################### 4246
496 500.. 999: ###### 502
497 1000.. 1499: 13
498 1500.. 1999: 10
499 2000.. 2499: 14
500 2500.. 2999: 14
501 3000.. 3499: 20
502 3500.. 3999: 7
503 4000.. 4499: 13
504 4500.. 4999: 16
505 5000.. 5499: 12
506 5500.. 5999: 15
507 6000.. 6499: 15
508 6500.. 6999: 13
509 7000.. 7499: 16
510 7500.. 7999: 12
511 8000.. 8499: 11
512 8500.. 8999: 16
513 9000.. 9499: 15
514 9500.. 9999: 20
516 +++ Stats for small_list len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
518 stats len:
519 num: 5000, avg: 16.14, stddev: 24.86, median 6, min 0, max 99
520 0.. 4: ###################################################### 1923
521 5.. 9: ####################################################### 1936
522 10.. 14: # 61
523 15.. 19: # 59
524 20.. 24: # 62
525 25.. 29: # 70
526 30.. 34: # 61
527 35.. 39: # 64
528 40.. 44: # 64
529 45.. 49: # 56
530 50.. 54: # 65
531 55.. 59: # 55
532 60.. 64: # 60
533 65.. 69: # 62
534 70.. 74: # 57
535 75.. 79: # 69
536 80.. 84: ## 73
537 85.. 89: # 67
538 90.. 94: # 62
539 95.. 99: ## 74
541 +++ Stats for list_of_size len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
543 stats len:
544 num: 5000, avg: 7.49, stddev: 1.71, median 8, min 5, max 10
545 5: ####################################################### 867
546 6: ################################################### 813
547 7: ################################################### 815
548 8: #################################################### 833
549 9: ###################################################### 857
550 10: ################################################### 815
552 +++ Stats for list_repeat len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
554 stats len:
555 num: 5000, avg: 42.00, stddev: 0.00, median 42, min 42, max 42
556 42: ####################################################### 5000
558 +++ Stats for array len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
560 stats len:
561 num: 5000, avg: 400.16, stddev: 1371.90, median 9, min 0, max 9987
562 0.. 499: ####################################################### 4246
563 500.. 999: ###### 502
564 1000.. 1499: 13
565 1500.. 1999: 10
566 2000.. 2499: 14
567 2500.. 2999: 14
568 3000.. 3499: 20
569 3500.. 3999: 7
570 4000.. 4499: 13
571 4500.. 4999: 16
572 5000.. 5499: 12
573 5500.. 5999: 15
574 6000.. 6499: 15
575 6500.. 6999: 13
576 7000.. 7499: 16
577 7500.. 7999: 12
578 8000.. 8499: 11
579 8500.. 8999: 16
580 9000.. 9499: 15
581 9500.. 9999: 20
583 +++ Stats for small_array len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
585 stats len:
586 num: 5000, avg: 16.14, stddev: 24.86, median 6, min 0, max 99
587 0.. 4: ###################################################### 1923
588 5.. 9: ####################################################### 1936
589 10.. 14: # 61
590 15.. 19: # 59
591 20.. 24: # 62
592 25.. 29: # 70
593 30.. 34: # 61
594 35.. 39: # 64
595 40.. 44: # 64
596 45.. 49: # 56
597 50.. 54: # 65
598 55.. 59: # 55
599 60.. 64: # 60
600 65.. 69: # 62
601 70.. 74: # 57
602 75.. 79: # 69
603 80.. 84: ## 73
604 85.. 89: # 67
605 90.. 94: # 62
606 95.. 99: ## 74
608 +++ Stats for array_of_size len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
610 stats len:
611 num: 5000, avg: 7.49, stddev: 1.71, median 8, min 5, max 10
612 5: ####################################################### 867
613 6: ################################################### 813
614 7: ################################################### 815
615 8: #################################################### 833
616 9: ###################################################### 857
617 10: ################################################### 815
619 +++ Stats for array_repeat len dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
621 stats len:
622 num: 5000, avg: 42.00, stddev: 0.00, median 42, min 42, max 42
623 42: ####################################################### 5000
625 +++ Stats for int_stats_neg ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
627 stats dist:
628 num: 5000, avg: 0.17, stddev: 29.68, median 0, min -99, max 99
629 -99..-90: # 65
630 -89..-80: # 63
631 -79..-70: # 64
632 -69..-60: # 58
633 -59..-50: # 67
634 -49..-40: # 72
635 -39..-30: # 61
636 -29..-20: # 61
637 -19..-10: # 67
638 -9.. 0: ####################################################### 2076
639 1.. 10: ############################################## 1764
640 11.. 20: # 66
641 21.. 30: # 64
642 31.. 40: # 64
643 41.. 50: # 67
644 51.. 60: # 60
645 61.. 70: # 75
646 71.. 80: # 60
647 81.. 90: # 60
648 91..100: # 66
650 +++ Stats for small_signed_int dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
652 stats dist:
653 num: 1000, avg: 0.90, stddev: 28.23, median 0, min -99, max 99
654 -99..-90: # 12
655 -89..-80: # 11
656 -79..-70: # 9
657 -69..-60: 6
658 -59..-50: # 11
659 -49..-40: # 13
660 -39..-30: # 9
661 -29..-20: # 13
662 -19..-10: 8
663 -9.. 0: ####################################################### 453
664 1.. 10: ######################################### 340
665 11.. 20: # 15
666 21.. 30: # 11
667 31.. 40: # 12
668 41.. 50: # 13
669 51.. 60: # 13
670 61.. 70: # 16
671 71.. 80: # 9
672 81.. 90: # 16
673 91..100: # 10
675 +++ Stats for small_nat dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
677 stats dist:
678 num: 1000, avg: 15.11, stddev: 23.27, median 6, min 0, max 99
679 0.. 4: #################################################### 377
680 5.. 9: ####################################################### 392
681 10.. 14: ## 20
682 15.. 19: ## 15
683 20.. 24: # 11
684 25.. 29: ## 17
685 30.. 34: ## 19
686 35.. 39: ## 17
687 40.. 44: # 10
688 45.. 49: # 9
689 50.. 54: # 8
690 55.. 59: # 9
691 60.. 64: ## 15
692 65.. 69: # 10
693 70.. 74: # 13
694 75.. 79: ## 19
695 80.. 84: # 11
696 85.. 89: # 13
697 90.. 94: 5
698 95.. 99: # 10
700 +++ Stats for nat dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
702 stats dist:
703 num: 1000, avg: 363.02, stddev: 1215.04, median 9, min 0, max 9476
704 0.. 473: ####################################################### 847
705 474.. 947: ###### 95
706 948..1421: 14
707 1422..1895: 3
708 1896..2369: 0
709 2370..2843: 3
710 2844..3317: 2
711 3318..3791: 3
712 3792..4265: 2
713 4266..4739: 4
714 4740..5213: 3
715 5214..5687: 4
716 5688..6161: 3
717 6162..6635: 4
718 6636..7109: 1
719 7110..7583: 4
720 7584..8057: 2
721 8058..8531: 1
722 8532..9005: 1
723 9006..9479: 4
725 +++ Stats for int_range (-43643) 435434 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
727 stats dist:
728 num: 1000, avg: 195335.64, stddev: 136803.99, median 195583, min -43624, max 435210
729 -43624..-19683: ############################################ 52
730 -19682.. 4259: ######################################## 47
731 4260.. 28201: ############################## 36
732 28202.. 52143: ############################################ 52
733 52144.. 76085: ########################################## 50
734 76086..100027: ####################################################### 64
735 100028..123969: ############################################### 55
736 123970..147911: ######################################## 47
737 147912..171853: ############################################## 54
738 171854..195795: #################################### 43
739 195796..219737: ############################################## 54
740 219738..243679: ########################################### 51
741 243680..267621: ################################################ 57
742 267622..291563: ########################################## 49
743 291564..315505: #################################### 42
744 315506..339447: ###################################### 45
745 339448..363389: ################################################ 57
746 363390..387331: ###################################### 45
747 387332..411273: ########################################## 49
748 411274..435215: ########################################### 51
750 +++ Stats for int_range (-40000) 40000 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
752 stats dist:
753 num: 1000, avg: -173.78, stddev: 23042.92, median 180, min -39859, max 39942
754 -39859..-35869: ############################################# 56
755 -35868..-31878: ################################### 43
756 -31877..-27887: ################################################# 60
757 -27886..-23896: ##################################### 46
758 -23895..-19905: ######################################## 49
759 -19904..-15914: #################################### 45
760 -15913..-11923: ############################################ 54
761 -11922.. -7932: ############################################### 58
762 -7931.. -3941: ######################################### 51
763 -3940.. 50: ############################ 35
764 51.. 4041: ####################################### 48
765 4042.. 8032: ########################################## 52
766 8033.. 12023: ######################################### 51
767 12024.. 16014: ########################################### 53
768 16015.. 20005: ############################################ 54
769 20006.. 23996: ################################## 42
770 23997.. 27987: ####################################################### 67
771 27988.. 31978: ################################ 40
772 31979.. 35969: ######################################### 51
773 35970.. 39960: #################################### 45
775 +++ Stats for int_range (-4) 4 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
777 stats dist:
778 num: 1000, avg: 0.02, stddev: 2.55, median 0, min -4, max 4
779 -4: ############################################ 99
780 -3: ##################################################### 118
781 -2: ################################################## 111
782 -1: ################################################## 113
783 0: ################################################## 113
784 1: ##################################################### 118
785 2: ############################################# 102
786 3: ####################################################### 122
787 4: ############################################## 104
789 +++ Stats for int_range (-4) 17 dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
791 stats dist:
792 num: 1000, avg: 6.67, stddev: 6.39, median 7, min -4, max 17
793 -4..-3: ############################################# 90
794 -2..-1: ############################################# 91
795 0.. 1: ########################################## 84
796 2.. 3: ############################################## 92
797 4.. 5: ########################################### 87
798 6.. 7: ########################################### 86
799 8.. 9: ############################################ 89
800 10..11: ########################################### 87
801 12..13: ####################################################### 110
802 14..15: ############################################# 91
803 16..17: ############################################## 93
804 18..19: 0
805 20..21: 0
806 22..23: 0
807 24..25: 0
808 26..27: 0
809 28..29: 0
810 30..31: 0
811 32..33: 0
812 34..35: 0
814 +++ Stats for int dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
816 stats dist:
817 num: 100000, avg: 2541076923587387.50, stddev: 2660730801206827008.00, median 158655268318060, min -4611522359435274428, max 4611540922436307689
818 -4611522359435274428..-4150369195341695293: ##################################################### 4976
819 -4150369195341695292..-3689216031248116157: ##################################################### 4963
820 -3689216031248116156..-3228062867154537021: ###################################################### 5038
821 -3228062867154537020..-2766909703060957885: ##################################################### 4979
822 -2766909703060957884..-2305756538967378749: ##################################################### 5001
823 -2305756538967378748..-1844603374873799613: ##################################################### 4982
824 -1844603374873799612..-1383450210780220477: ##################################################### 5025
825 -1383450210780220476.. -922297046686641341: #################################################### 4901
826 -922297046686641340.. -461143882593062205: ####################################################### 5126
827 -461143882593062204.. 9281500516931: ##################################################### 5008
828 9281500516932.. 461162445594096067: ###################################################### 5041
829 461162445594096068.. 922315609687675203: ##################################################### 5001
830 922315609687675204.. 1383468773781254339: ##################################################### 4986
831 1383468773781254340.. 1844621937874833475: ##################################################### 4949
832 1844621937874833476.. 2305775101968412611: ##################################################### 5025
833 2305775101968412612.. 2766928266061991747: ##################################################### 5022
834 2766928266061991748.. 3228081430155570883: ##################################################### 4958
835 3228081430155570884.. 3689234594249150019: ##################################################### 4998
836 3689234594249150020.. 4150387758342729155: ##################################################### 4982
837 4150387758342729156.. 4611540922436308291: ###################################################### 5039
839 +++ Stats for oneof int dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
841 stats dist:
842 num: 1000, avg: 4611686018427388.00, stddev: 2905870896563567616.00, median 0, min -4611686018427387904, max 4611686018427387903
843 -4611686018427387904..-4150517416584649089: ################## 208
844 -4150517416584649088..-3689348814741910273: 0
845 -3689348814741910272..-3228180212899171457: 0
846 -3228180212899171456..-2767011611056432641: 0
847 -2767011611056432640..-2305843009213693825: 0
848 -2305843009213693824..-1844674407370955009: 0
849 -1844674407370955008..-1383505805528216193: 0
850 -1383505805528216192.. -922337203685477377: 0
851 -922337203685477376.. -461168601842738561: 0
852 -461168601842738560.. 255: ####################################################### 603
853 256.. 461168601842739071: 0
854 461168601842739072.. 922337203685477887: 0
855 922337203685477888.. 1383505805528216703: 0
856 1383505805528216704.. 1844674407370955519: 0
857 1844674407370955520.. 2305843009213694335: 0
858 2305843009213694336.. 2767011611056433151: 0
859 2767011611056433152.. 3228180212899171967: 0
860 3228180212899171968.. 3689348814741910783: 0
861 3689348814741910784.. 4150517416584649599: 0
862 4150517416584649600.. 4611686018427387903: ################# 189
863 ================================================================================
864 1 warning(s)
865 failure (26 tests failed, 1 tests errored, ran 66 tests)
866 random seed: 153870556
868 +++ Stats for int_dist_empty_bucket ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
870 stats dist:
871 num: 1000, avg: -55083208105414400.00, stddev: 1847115855773139200.00, median 9, min -4590718933436425025, max 4611686018427387903
872 -4590718933436425025..-4130598685843234370: ## 26
873 -4130598685843234369..-3670478438250043714: # 13
874 -3670478438250043713..-3210358190656853058: ### 37
875 -3210358190656853057..-2750237943063662402: ### 30
876 -2750237943063662401..-2290117695470471746: ## 27
877 -2290117695470471745..-1829997447877281090: ## 24
878 -1829997447877281089..-1369877200284090434: ## 27
879 -1369877200284090433.. -909756952690899778: ## 27
880 -909756952690899777.. -449636705097709122: ## 21
881 -449636705097709121.. 10483542495481534: ####################################################### 531
882 10483542495481535.. 470603790088672190: ## 21
883 470603790088672191.. 930724037681862846: ## 27
884 930724037681862847.. 1390844285275053502: ## 24
885 1390844285275053503.. 1850964532868244158: ## 25
886 1850964532868244159.. 2311084780461434814: ## 28
887 2311084780461434815.. 2771205028054625470: ## 23
888 2771205028054625471.. 3231325275647816126: ## 23
889 3231325275647816127.. 3691445523241006782: ## 25
890 3691445523241006783.. 4151565770834197438: # 17
891 4151565770834197439.. 4611686018427387903: ## 24
892 ================================================================================
893 success (ran 1 tests)
0 open QCheck2
2 module Shrink = struct
3 let test_int_towards () =
4 Alcotest.(check' (list int))
5 ~msg:"int_towards 0 100"
6 ~actual:(Shrink.int_towards 0 100 |> List.of_seq)
7 ~expected:[0; 50; 75; 88; 94; 97; 99];
8 Alcotest.(check' (list int))
9 ~msg:"int_towards 500 1000"
10 ~actual:(Shrink.int_towards 500 1000 |> List.of_seq)
11 ~expected:[500; 750; 875; 938; 969; 985; 993; 997; 999];
12 Alcotest.(check' (list int))
13 ~msg:"int_towards (-50) (-26)"
14 ~actual:(Shrink.int_towards (-50) (-26) |> List.of_seq)
15 ~expected:[-50; -38; -32; -29; -28; -27]
17 let test_int32_towards () =
18 Alcotest.(check' (list int32))
19 ~msg:"int32_towards 0l 100l"
20 ~actual:(Shrink.int32_towards 0l 100l |> List.of_seq)
21 ~expected:[0l; 50l; 75l; 88l; 94l; 97l; 99l];
22 Alcotest.(check' (list int32))
23 ~msg:"int32_towards 500l 1000l"
24 ~actual:(Shrink.int32_towards 500l 1000l |> List.of_seq)
25 ~expected:[500l; 750l; 875l; 938l; 969l; 985l; 993l; 997l; 999l];
26 Alcotest.(check' (list int32))
27 ~msg:"int32_towards (-50l) (-26l)"
28 ~actual:(Shrink.int32_towards (-50l) (-26l) |> List.of_seq)
29 ~expected:[-50l; -38l; -32l; -29l; -28l; -27l]
31 let test_int64_towards () =
32 Alcotest.(check' (list int64))
33 ~msg:"int64_towards 0L 100L"
34 ~actual:(Shrink.int64_towards 0L 100L |> List.of_seq)
35 ~expected:[0L; 50L; 75L; 88L; 94L; 97L; 99L];
36 Alcotest.(check' (list int64))
37 ~msg:"int64_towards 500L 1000L"
38 ~actual:(Shrink.int64_towards 500L 1000L |> List.of_seq)
39 ~expected:[500L; 750L; 875L; 938L; 969L; 985L; 993L; 997L; 999L];
40 Alcotest.(check' (list int64))
41 ~msg:"int64_towards (-50L) (-26L)"
42 ~actual:(Shrink.int64_towards (-50L) (-26L) |> List.of_seq)
43 ~expected:[-50L; -38L; -32L; -29L; -28L; -27L]
45 let test_float_towards () =
46 Alcotest.(check' (list (float 0.0001)))
47 ~msg:"float_towards 0. 100."
48 ~actual:(Shrink.float_towards 0. 100. |> List.of_seq)
49 ~expected:[0.; 50.; 75.; 87.5; 93.75; 96.875; 98.4375; 99.2188; 99.6094; 99.8047; 99.9023; 99.9512; 99.9756; 99.9878; 99.9939];
50 Alcotest.(check' (list (float 0.001)))
51 ~msg:"float_towards 500. 1000."
52 ~actual:(Shrink.float_towards 500. 1000. |> List.of_seq)
53 ~expected:[500.; 750.; 875.; 937.5; 968.75; 984.375; 992.188; 996.094; 998.047; 999.023; 999.512; 999.756; 999.878; 999.939; 999.969];
54 Alcotest.(check' (list (float 0.0001)))
55 ~msg:"float_towards (-50.) (-26.)"
56 ~actual:(Shrink.float_towards (-50.) (-26.) |> List.of_seq)
57 ~expected:[-50.; -38.; -32.; -29.; -27.5; -26.75; -26.375; -26.1875; -26.0938; -26.0469; -26.0234; -26.0117; -26.0059; -26.0029; -26.0015]
59 let tests = ("Shrink", Alcotest.[
60 test_case "int_towards" `Quick test_int_towards;
61 test_case "int32_towards" `Quick test_int32_towards;
62 test_case "int64_towards" `Quick test_int64_towards;
63 test_case "float_towards" `Quick test_float_towards
64 ])
65 end
67 module Gen = struct
68 let test_gen_opt ~ratio =
69 let opt_int = Gen.opt ?ratio in
70 let nb = ref 0 in
71 for _i = 0 to 1000 do
72 Gen.generate1 opt_int |> function None -> () | Some _ -> nb := !nb + 1
73 done;
74 !nb
76 let test_gen_opt_default () =
77 let nb = test_gen_opt ~ratio:None in
78 let b = nb > 800 && nb < 900 in
79 Alcotest.(check bool) "Gen.opt produces around 85% of Some" b true
81 let test_gen_opt_custom () =
82 let nb = test_gen_opt ~ratio:(Some 0.5) in
83 let b = nb > 450 && nb < 550 in
84 Alcotest.(check bool) "Gen.opt produces around 50% of Some" b true
86 let tests =
87 ("Gen", Alcotest.[
88 test_case "opt with default ratio" `Quick test_gen_opt_default;
89 test_case "opt with custom ratio" `Quick test_gen_opt_custom;
90 ])
91 end
93 module Test = struct
94 let test_count_n ?count expected =
95 let t = QCheck2.(Test.make ?count (fun _ -> true)) in
96 let msg = Printf.sprintf "QCheck2.Test.make ~count:%s |> get_count = %d"
97 (Option.fold ~none:"None" ~some:string_of_int count) expected
98 in
99 Alcotest.(check int) msg expected (QCheck2.Test.test_get_count t)
101 let test_count_10 () = test_count_n ~count:10 10
103 let test_count_0 () = test_count_n ~count:0 0
105 let test_count_default () = test_count_n 100
107 let test_count_env () =
108 let () = Unix.putenv "QCHECK_COUNT" "5" in
109 let t = QCheck2.(Test.make (fun _ -> true)) in
110 let actual = QCheck2.Test.test_get_count t in
111 Alcotest.(check int) "default count is from QCHECK_COUNT" 5 actual
113 let tests =
114 ("Test", Alcotest.[
115 test_case "make with custom count" `Quick test_count_10;
116 test_case "make with custom count" `Quick test_count_0;
117 test_case "make with default count" `Quick test_count_default;
118 test_case "make with env count" `Quick test_count_env;
119 ])
120 end
122 module String = struct
124 let test_string_shrinking () =
125 let shrink_result = QCheck2.(find_example_gen ~f:(fun s -> s <> s ^ s) Gen.string) in
126 Alcotest.(check string) "Shrinking a non-empty string shrinks to \"a\"" "a" shrink_result
128 let tests = ("String", Alcotest.[test_case "shrinking" `Quick test_string_shrinking])
129 end
131 let () =
132 "QCheck"
133 [
134 Shrink.tests;
135 Gen.tests;
136 Test.tests;
137 String.tests
138 ]