Codebase list openrc / 3af434a
typo fix X-Gentoo-Bug: 477006 X-Gentoo-Bug-URL: Hank Leininger authored 10 years ago William Hubbs committed 10 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
101101 _L() {
102102 # Create a symlink if it doesn't exist yet
103103 local path=$1 mode=$2 uid=$3 gid=$4 age=$5 arg=$6
104 [ ! -e "$path" ] && dryrun_or_real ln -s "$args" "$path"
104 [ ! -e "$path" ] && dryrun_or_real ln -s "$arg" "$path"
105105 }
107107 _p() {