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ordered provides sets and maps that maintain the insertion order of their contents.

## Sets

(use 'flatland.ordered.set)

(ordered-set 4 3 1 8 2)
=> #ordered/set (4 3 1 8 2)

(conj (ordered-set 9 10) 1 2 3)
=> #ordered/set (9 10 1 2 3)

(into (ordered-set) [7 6 1 5 6])
=> #ordered/set (7 6 1 5)

(disj (ordered-set 8 1 7 2 6) 7)
=> #ordered/set (8 1 2 6)

;; Adding an element already in an ordered set does not change its
;; position in the order.
(conj (ordered-set 4 3 1 8 2) 8)
=> #ordered/set (4 3 1 8 2)

;; Removing an element, then adding it back in, puts it at the end,
;; just as it would if it were never part of the set.
(-> (ordered-set 4 3 1 8 2) (disj 8) (conj 8))
=> #ordered/set (4 3 1 2 8)

## Maps

(use '

(ordered-map :b 2 :a 1 :d 4)
=> #ordered/map ([:b 2] [:a 1] [:d 4])

(assoc (ordered-map :b 2 :a 1 :d 4) :c 3)
=> #ordered/map ([:b 2] [:a 1] [:d 4] [:c 3])

(into (ordered-map) [[:c 3] [:a 1] [:d 4]])
=> #ordered/map ([:c 3] [:a 1] [:d 4])

(dissoc (ordered-map :c 3 :a 1 :d 4) :a)
=> #ordered/map ([:c 3] [:d 4])

;; Adding a key already in an ordered map does not change its position
;; in the order.
(assoc (ordered-map :b 2 :a 1 :d 4) :b 7)
=> #ordered/map ([:b 7] [:a 1] [:d 4])

;; Removing a key, then adding it back in, puts it at the end, just as
;; it would if it were never part of the map.
(-> (ordered-map :b 2 :a 1 :d 4) (dissoc :b) (assoc :b 7))
=> #ordered/map ([:a 1] [:d 4] [:b 7])

## History

ordered was originally created by [Alan Malloy]( and was part of the [flatland]( organisation. In December 2018 it was moved to CLJ Commons for continued maintenance.

It could previously be found at [amalloy/ordered]( and [flatland/ordered]( [clj-commons/ordered]( is the canonical repository now.