Codebase list oslo-sphinx / 5c765d5
Fixed AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' When git cmd fails, raw_version_list is set to empty 'str' and then we are trying to decode it. This patch moves decoding inside try/catch block, so we are decoding return value of subprocess call, which is bytes in Python 3. Change-Id: Ibd2f556355a6413beb21473ebfca3b836cbc1d73 Ondřej Nový 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
5454 try:
5555 raw_version_list = subprocess.Popen(
5656 git_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
57 raw_version_list = raw_version_list.decode("utf8")
5758 except OSError:
5859 app.warn('Cannot get tags from git repository. '
5960 'Not setting "other_versions".')
60 raw_version_list = ''
61 raw_version_list = u''
6263 # grab last five that start with a number and reverse the order
63 if six.PY3:
64 raw_version_list = raw_version_list.decode("utf8")
6564 _tags = [t.strip("'") for t in raw_version_list.split('\n')]
6665 other_versions = [
6766 t for t in _tags if t and t[0] in string.digits