Codebase list oslo-sphinx / ef759e9
Fix doc build from tarball using eventlet>0.19.0 When subprocess is monkey-patched using eventlet, trying to catch subprocess.CalledProcessError exception won't work [1]. This breaks doc build from a tarball, so let's catch all exceptions. [1] Change-Id: Ibcf535c6e4994a67fc3ec71631a81ecb91dd2845 Closes-Bug: #1693148 Javier Pena 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2727 git_remote = subprocess.check_output(
2828 ['git', 'config', '--local', '--get', 'remote.origin.url']
2929 )
30 except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
30 except Exception:
3131 # git is not present or the command failed
3232 return None
3333 else: