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# picocli - a mighty tiny command line interface

Picocli aims to be the easiest-to-use way to create rich command line applications that can run on and off the JVM.
Considering picocli? Check [what happy users say]( about picocli.

Picocli is a modern library and framework, written in Java, that contains both an annotations API and a programmatic API. It features usage help with [ANSI colors and styles](, [TAB autocompletion]( and nested subcommands.
In a single file, so you can include it _in source form_.
This lets users run picocli-based applications without requiring picocli as an external dependency.

Picocli-based applications can be ahead-of-time compiled to a <img src="" alt="GraalVM">
[native image](, with extremely fast startup time and lower memory requirements,
which can be distributed as a single executable file.
Picocli comes with an [annotation processor]( that automatically Graal-enables your jar during compilation.

Picocli applications can be very compact with no boilerplate code: your command (or subcommand) can be executed with a [single line of code](#example "(example below)").
Simply implement `Runnable` or `Callable`, or put the business logic of your command in a `@Command`-annotated method.

<a id="picocli_demo"></a>
![Picocli Demo help message with ANSI colors](docs/images/picocli.Demo.png?raw=true)

Picocli makes it easy to follow [Command Line Interface Guidelines](

How it works: annotate your class and picocli initializes it from the command line arguments,
converting the input to strongly typed data. Supports git-like [subcommands](
(and nested [sub-subcommands](,
any option prefix style, POSIX-style [grouped short options](,
custom [type converters](,
[password options]( and more.

Picocli distinguishes between [named options]( and
[positional parameters]( and allows _both_ to be 
[strongly typed](
[Multi-valued fields]( can specify 
an exact number of parameters or a [range]( (e.g., `0..*`, `1..2`).
Supports [Map options]( like `-Dkey1=val1 -Dkey2=val2`, where both key and value can be strongly typed.
Parser [tracing]( facilitates troubleshooting.
Command-line [argument files]( (@-files) allow applications to handle very long command lines.

Generates polished and easily tailored [usage help](
and  [version help](,
using [ANSI colors]( where possible.
Requires at minimum Java 5, but is designed to facilitate the use of Java 8 lambdas. Tested on all Java versions between 5 and 15-ea (inclusive).

Picocli-based command line applications can have [TAB autocompletion](,
interactively showing users what options and subcommands are available.
When an option has [`completionCandidates`]( or has an `enum` type, autocompletion can also suggest option values.
Picocli can generate completion scripts for bash and zsh, and offers [`picocli-shell-jline2`](picocli-shell-jline2/ and [`picocli-shell-jline3`](picocli-shell-jline3/ modules with JLine `Completer` implementations for building interactive shell applications.

Unique features in picocli include support for [negatable options](,
advanced [quoted values](,
and [argument groups](
Argument groups can be used to create mutually [exclusive]( options,
mutually [dependent]( options,
option [sections]( in the usage help message
and [repeating composite arguments]( like
`([-a=<a> -b=<b> -c=<c>] (-x | -y | -z))...`.
For advanced use cases, applications can access the picocli command object model with the
[`@Spec` annotation](, and
implement [custom parameter processing]( for option parameters if the built-in logic is insufficient.

Picocli-based applications can easily [integrate]( with Dependency Injection containers.
The [Micronaut]( microservices framework has [built-in support]( for picocli.
Picocli ships with a [`picocli-spring-boot-starter` module]( 
that includes a `PicocliSpringFactory` and Spring Boot auto-configuration to use Spring dependency injection in your picocli command line application.
The user manual has examples of integrating with [Guice](, [Spring Boot](, [Micronaut](, [Quarkus]( and with containers that comply to [CDI 2.0 specification]( (JSR 365).

### Releases
* [All Releases](
* Latest: 4.6.2 [Release Notes](
* Older: Picocli 4.0 [Release Notes](
* Older: Picocli 3.0 [Release Notes](
* Older: Picocli 2.0 [Release Notes](

### Documentation
* [4.x User manual:](
* [4.x Quick Guide](
* [4.x API Javadoc](
* [Command line autocompletion](
* [Programmatic API](
* [FAQ](
* [GraalVM AOT Compilation to Native Image]( <img src="" > 

### Older
* ~~[3.x User manual](
* ~~[3.x Quick Guide](
* ~~[3.x API Javadoc](
* ~~[2.x User manual](
* ~~[2.x API Javadoc](
* ~~[1.x User manual](

### Articles & Presentations
#### English
* [VIDEO] [Building kubectl plugins with Quarkus, picocli, fabric8io and jbang]( (2021-01-22) by [Sébastien Blanc](
* [VIDEO] [J-Fall Virtual 2020: Julien Lengrand - An introduction to creating CLI applications using picoCLI]( (2020-12-07) by [Julien Lengrand-Lambert]( This was the top rated talk for [@nljug]( #jfall virtual 2020! Congrats, Julien!
* [Paginate results in a command line application using picoCLI]( (2020-11-17) by [Julien Lengrand-Lambert](
* [CLI applications with GraalVM Native Image]( (2020-11-13) by [Oleg Šelajev](
* [Picocli subcommands - One program, many purposes]( (2020-09-22) by [Jonas Andersen](
* [How to build a CLI app in Java using jbang and picocli]( (2020-08-13) by [Matthew Gilliard](
* [Building a GitHub Dependents Scraper with Quarkus and Picocli]( (2020-07-31) by [Marc Nuri](
* [Building a decent Java CLI]( (2020-07-27) by [Andreas Textor](
* [VIDEO] (Another very well-produced video by Szymon Stepniak) [OAuth 2.0 in a Java command-line app | #micronaut #picocli #oauth2]( (2020-07-23) by [Szymon Stepniak]( ([YouTube channel](
* [Micronaut, Picocli, and GraalVM]( (2020-07-08) by [Szymon Stepniak](
* [VIDEO] (Extremely well-produced and informative, recommended!) [Building command-line app with Java 11, Micronaut, Picocli, and GraalVM]( (2020-07-01) by [Szymon Stepniak]( ([YouTube channel](
* [AUDIO] [Scala Valentines #2]( (2020-06-21) Podcast talks about picocli (from 18:11). 
* [How to create a command line tool using Java?]( (2020-06-18) by [Vijay SRJ](
* [Command-line tools with Quarkus and Picocli]( (2020-06-08) by [Dmytro Chaban](
* Quarkus guide for [Quarkus command mode with picocli](, thanks to a picocli extension by [Michał Górniewski]( included in [Quarkus 1.5]( (2020-06-03).
* [Native images with Micronaut and GraalVM]( (2020-06-01) by [Λ\: Olivier Revial](
* [CLI applications with Micronaut and Picocli]( (2020-06-01) by [Λ\: Olivier Revial](
* [Picocli introduction - Modern Java command-line parsing]( (2020-05-19) by [Jonas Andersen](
* [Building Native Covid19 Tracker CLI using Java, PicoCLI & GraalVM]( (2020-05-11) by [Mohammed Aboullaite](
* [Quarkus Command mode with Picocli]( (2020-04-27) by [Dmytro Chaban](
* [Creating CLI tools with Scala, Picocli and GraalVM]( (2020-03-09) by [Naoki Takezoe](
* [Building native Java CLIs with GraalVM, Picocli, and Gradle]( (2020-03-08) by [Mitch Seymour](
* [Build Great Native CLI Apps in Java with Graalvm and Picocli]( (2020-03-07)
* [Picocli Structured Objects]( (2019-09-10) by [Philipp Hanslovsky]( explains how to use picocli's support for repeating argument groups to add or configure structured objects from the command line.
* [Create a Java Command Line Program with Picocli|Baeldung]( (2019-05-07) by [François Dupire](
* A whirlwind tour of picocli [JAX Magazine "Putting the spotlight on Java tools"]( (2019-04-08).
* [An Introduction to PicoCLI]( (2019-02-10) by [devop](
* [Corda CLI UX (User Experience) Guide]( (2018 by R3 Limited) gives useful advice.
* [Develop a CLI tool using groovy scripts]( (2018-10-26) by [Chinthaka Dinadasa](
* [Migrating from Commons CLI to picocli]( You won't regret it! :-) (also on: [DZone]( and [Java Code Geeks](
* [Groovy 2.5 CliBuilder Renewal]( (also on []( In two parts: [Part 1]( (also on: [DZone](, [Java Code Geeks](, [Part 2]( (also on: [DZone](, [Java Code Geeks]( 
* Micronaut user manual for running microservices [standalone with picocli](
* [Java Command-Line Interfaces (Part 30): Observations]( by Dustin Marx about picocli 2.0.1 (also on: [DZone](, [Java Code Geeks](
* [Java Command-Line Interfaces (Part 10): Picocli]( by Dustin Marx about picocli 0.9.7 (also on: [DZone](, [Java Code Geeks]( 
* [Picocli 2.0: Groovy Scripts on Steroids]( (also on: [DZone](, [Java Code Geeks](
* [Picocli 2.0: Do More With Less]( (also on: [DZone](, [Java Code Geeks](
* [Announcing picocli 1.0]( (also on: [DZone](

#### русский
* [Интерфейсы командной строки Java: picocli]( (2018-08-06): Russian translation by [MaxRokatansky]( of Dustin Marx' blog post.

#### Español
* [Quarkus + Picocli: Web scaper para extraer proyectos dependientes en GitHub]( (2020-08-15) by [Marc Nuri](
* [Quarkus - Introducción: picocli]( (2020-06-15) by [Gerardo Arroyo](
* [VIDEO] [Picocli - Spring Boot example]( (2020-05-24) 7-minute quick introduction by Gonzalo H. Mendoza.

#### Français
* [Application mobile: Créez de superbes applications CLI natives en Java avec Graalvm et Picocli]( (2020-05-07) Translation of [Build Great Native CLI Apps in Java with Graalvm and Picocli]( by [bouf1450]( 
* [VIDEO] [Des applications en ligne de commande avec Picocli et GraalVM (N. Peters)]( (2019-05-07): 15-minute presentation by Nicolas Peters during Devoxx FR. Presentation slides are [available on GitHub](

#### Português
* [Desenvolva aplicações CLI nativas em Java com Graalvm e Picocli]( (2020-08-28): Portuguese translation of [Build Great Native CLI Apps in Java with Graalvm and Picocli](, thanks to [Rodrigo Ap G Batista](
* [VIDEO] [Quarkus #40: Command Mode com Picocli]( (2020-06-23): 13-minute presentation by [Vinícius Ferraz]( (@viniciusfcf).

#### 日本語
* [CLI applications with GraalVM Native Image]( (2020-11-21) translation by [Logico_jp]( of Oleg Šelajev's [post](
* [Picocli + Kotlin + graalvm-native-image plugin でネイティブツールを作る]( (2020-04-24) blog post by [mike-neck]( ([引きこもり持田]( on Twitter).
* [Javaのコマンドラインアプリケーション向けのフレームワーク、picocliで遊ぶ]( (2020-03-07) blog post by [かずひら](
* [KuromojiのCLIコマンドとpicocliとGraalVM]( (2020-02-28) blog post by [@johtani](
* [GraalVM, PicocliとJavaでときめくネイティブコマンドラインアプリを作ろう]( (2019-11-23) Slides for my presentation at Japan Java User Group's [JJUG CCC 2019 Fall]( conference.
* [GraalVM と Picocliで Javaのネイティブコマンドラインアプリを作ろう]( (2019-09-06) Slides for my lightning talk presentation at [【東京】JJUG ナイトセミナー: ビール片手にLT大会 9/6(金)](
* [Picocli+Spring Boot でコマンドラインアプリケーションを作成してみる]( (2019-07-20) by [かんがるーさんの日記](
* [GraalVM の native image を使って Java で爆速 Lambda の夢を見る]( (2019-05-02) by [@kencharos](

#### 中文
* [如何借助 Graalvm 和 Picocli 构建 Java 编写的原生 CLI 应用]( (2020-03-26): Chinese translation of [Build Great Native CLI Apps in Java with Graalvm and Picocli](, thanks to [张卫滨](
* [从Commons CLI迁移到Picocli]( (2019-03-13): Chinese translation of Migrating from Commons CLI to picocli, thanks to [genghaihua](
* [Picocli 2.0: Steroids上的Groovy脚本](
* [Picocli 2.0: 以少求多]( 

### Mailing List
Join the [picocli Google group]( if you are interested in discussing anything picocli-related and receiving announcements on new releases.

### Credit
<img src="" height="100"> 

[Reallinfo]( designed the new picocli logo! Many thanks! 

### Commitments

| This project follows [semantic versioning]( and adheres to the **[Zero Bugs Commitment](**. |

## Adoption

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* Picocli is now part of Groovy. From Groovy 2.5, all Groovy command line tools are picocli-based, and picocli is the underlying parser for Groovy's [CliBuilder DSL]( 
* Picocli is now part of Micronaut. The Micronaut CLI has been rewritten with picocli, and Micronaut has dedicated support for running microservices [standalone with picocli](
* Picocli is now part of JUnit 5. JUnit 5.3 migrated its `ConsoleLauncher` from jopt-simple to picocli to support @-files (argument files); this helps users who need to specify many tests on the command line and run into system limitations.
* Debian now offers a [libpicocli-java package]( Thanks to [Miroslav Kravec](
* Picocli is used in the Intuit [Karate]( standalone JAR / executable.
* Picocli is part of [Ballerina]( Ballerina uses picocli for all its command line utilities.
* Picocli is used in the [CheckStyle]( standalone JAR / executable from Checkstyle 8.15.
* Picocli is included in the [OpenJDK Quality Outreach]( list of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects that actively test against OpenJDK builds.
* Picocli is used in the Apache Hadoop Ozone/HDDS command line tools, the Apache Hive benchmark CLI, Apache [Ignite TensorFlow](, and Apache Sling [Feature Model Converter](
* Picocli is listed on [StackShare]( Please add it to your stack and add/upvote reasons why you like picocli!
* Picocli is used in Pinterest [ktlint](
* Picocli is used in Spring IO [nohttp-cli](
* The [MinecraftPicocli]( library allows the use of picocli in [Minecraft Forge](
* [Simple Java Mail]( now offers a picocli-based [CLI](
* [jbang]( not only uses picocli internally, but also has a CLI template to generate an initial script: use `jbang --init=cli` to generate a sample picocli-enabled jbang script. See [asciinema]( 
* Picocli is the main library used in the CookieTemple [cli-java template]( for building GraalVM native CLI executables in Java. See [this preview](
* Picocli is [mentioned]( in [Command Line Interface Guidelines](

<img src="">

Glad to see more people are using picocli. We must be doing something right. :-) 

### Help to promote picocli
If you like picocli, there are a few things you can do to help:
* Give picocli a star on GitHub!
* Tweet about picocli! What do you like about it? How has it helped you? How is it different from the alternatives?
* Upvote my [Quora answer]( to "What is the best way to parse command-line arguments with Java?"
* Upvote my [StackOverflow answer]( to "How do I parse command line arguments in Java?"

If you like picocli and your project is on GitHub, consider adding this badge to your [![picocli](](

## Example

Annotate fields with the command line parameter names and description. Optionally implement `Runnable` or `Callable` to delegate error handling and requests for usage help or version help to picocli. For example:

import picocli.CommandLine;
import picocli.CommandLine.Option;
import picocli.CommandLine.Parameters;

@Command(name = "example", mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "Picocli example 4.0")
public class Example implements Runnable {

    @Option(names = { "-v", "--verbose" },
      description = "Verbose mode. Helpful for troubleshooting. Multiple -v options increase the verbosity.")
    private boolean[] verbose = new boolean[0];

    @Parameters(arity = "1..*", paramLabel = "FILE", description = "File(s) to process.")
    private File[] inputFiles;
    public void run() {
        if (verbose.length > 0) {
            System.out.println(inputFiles.length + " files to process...");
        if (verbose.length > 1) {
            for (File f : inputFiles) {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // By implementing Runnable or Callable, parsing, error handling and handling user
        // requests for usage help or version help can be done with one line of code.

        int exitCode = new CommandLine(new Example()).execute(args);

Implement `Runnable` or `Callable`, and your command can be [executed]( in one line of code. The example above uses the `CommandLine.execute` method to parse the command line, handle errors, handle requests for usage and version help, and invoke the business logic. Applications can call `System.exit` with the returned exit code to signal success or failure to their caller.

$ java Example -v inputFile1 inputFile2

2 files to process...

The `CommandLine.execute` method automatically prints the usage help message if the user requested help or when the input was invalid.

![Usage help message with ANSI colors](docs/images/ExampleUsageANSI.png?raw=true)

This can be customized in many ways. See the user manual [section on Executing Commands]( for details.

## Usage Help with ANSI Colors and Styles

Colors, styles, headers, footers and section headings are easily [customized with annotations](
For example:

![Longer help message with ANSI colors](docs/images/UsageHelpWithStyle.png?raw=true)

See the [source code]( 

## Usage Help API

Picocli annotations offer many ways to customize the usage help message.

If annotations are not sufficient, you can use picocli's [Help API]( to customize even further.
For example, your application can generate help like this with a custom layout:

![Usage help message with two options per row](docs/images/UsageHelpWithCustomLayout.png?raw=true)

See the [source code](

## Download
You can add picocli as an external dependency to your project, or you can include it as source.
See the [source code]( Copy and paste it into a file called ``, add it to your project, and enjoy!

### Gradle
implementation 'info.picocli:picocli:4.6.2'
### Maven
### Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "info.picocli" % "picocli" % "4.6.2"
### Ivy
<dependency org="info.picocli" name="picocli" rev="4.6.2" />
### Grape
    @Grab(group='info.picocli', module='picocli', version='4.6.2')
### Leiningen
[info.picocli/picocli "4.6.2"]
### Buildr

### JBang
//DEPS info.picocli:picocli:4.6.2