Codebase list plantuml / 23f52c9
Allow non-default Java runtimes (Closes: #793110) Andrew Shadura 8 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 plantuml (8024-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
22 * Recommend graphviz, not depend on it (Closes: #793104).
3 * Allow non-default Java runtimes (Closes: #793110).
45 -- Andrew Shadura <> Tue, 21 Jul 2015 14:48:37 +0200
1212 Package: plantuml
1313 Architecture: all
1414 Depends:
15 default-jre | openjdk-7-jre, ${misc:Depends}
15 default-jre | java-runtime, ${misc:Depends}
1616 Recommends: graphviz
1717 Description: text-to-UML converter
1818 PlantUML is a program allowing to draw UML diagrams, using a simple