Codebase list proj-rdnap / f1f1552
Use UTF-8 box drawing characters for RD points table in patch description. Bas Couwenberg 9 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 16 addition(s) and 15 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 proj-rdnap (2008-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
22 * Update get-orig-source script to work from a temp directory.
3 * Use UTF-8 box drawing characters for RD points table in patch description.
45 -- Bas Couwenberg <> Sun, 03 May 2015 17:42:09 +0200
2828 be computed, but the output should be handled with care.
2929 .
3030 Corners of the validity region for RD:
31 +--------+--------+
32 | x (m) | y (m) |
33 +--------+--------+
34 | 140000 | 630000 |
35 | 100000 | 600000 |
36 | 80000 | 500000 |
37 | -8000 | 390000 |
38 | -8000 | 335000 |
39 | 100000 | 335000 |
40 | 160000 | 288000 |
41 | 220000 | 288000 |
42 | 301000 | 450000 |
43 | 301000 | 615000 |
44 | 260000 | 630000 |
45 +--------+--------+
31 ┌────────┬────────┐
32 │ x (m) │ y (m) │
33 ├────────┼────────┤
34 │ 140000 │ 630000 │
35 │ 100000 │ 600000 │
36 │ 80000 │ 500000 │
37 │ -8000 │ 390000 │
38 │ -8000 │ 335000 │
39 │ 100000 │ 335000 │
40 │ 160000 │ 288000 │
41 │ 220000 │ 288000 │
42 │ 301000 │ 450000 │
43 │ 301000 │ 615000 │
44 │ 260000 │ 630000 │
45 └────────┴────────┘
4646 .
4747 Author: Bas Couwenberg <>