Codebase list puppet-module-gnocchi / 580c78b
Fix wrong test description The value with a white space should be accepted instead of being rejected. This change fixes the wrong test case description and makes sure the description explains what is actually tested. Change-Id: I75733a1da603e7817a4f14a09fd8693225a7bb4a Takashi Kajinami 1 year, 9 months ago
2 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
3232 expect(@gnocchi_api_uwsgi_config[:value]).to eq('bar')
3333 end
35 it 'should not accept a value with whitespace' do
35 it 'should accept a value with whitespace' do
3636 @gnocchi_api_uwsgi_config[:value] = 'b ar'
3737 expect(@gnocchi_api_uwsgi_config[:value]).to eq('b ar')
3838 end
3232 expect(@gnocchi_config[:value]).to eq(['bar'])
3333 end
35 it 'should not accept a value with whitespace' do
35 it 'should accept a value with whitespace' do
3636 @gnocchi_config[:value] = 'b ar'
3737 expect(@gnocchi_config[:value]).to eq(['b ar'])
3838 end