Codebase list puppet-module-gnocchi / 6c4faf8
Revert "CentOS 9: Disable unit tests dependent on puppet-postgresql" This reverts commit f016d7261cfdc115acdcb86352b277dc01295dd7. Reason for revert: puppet-postgresql 8.1.0 was released and now the module supports RHEL 9 (and CentOS 9 effectively). Note: This change adds the service_provider fact in test fact data because it is required by puppet-postgresql. Depends-on: Change-Id: Iae81321d06d05ccb7f85fe982a017580480146e6 Takashi Kajinami 1 year, 9 months ago
2 changed file(s) with 10 addition(s) and 11 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
3434 context "on #{os}" do
3535 let (:facts) do
3636 facts.merge(OSDefaults.get_facts({
37 :os_workers => 8,
38 :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat'
37 # puppet-postgresql requires the service_provider fact provided by
38 # puppetlabs-postgresql.
39 :service_provider => 'systemd'
3940 }))
4041 end
42 # TODO(tkajinam): Remove this once puppet-postgresql supports CentOS 9
43 unless facts[:osfamily] == 'RedHat' and facts[:operatingsystemmajrelease].to_i >= 9
44 it_configures 'gnocchi::db::postgresql'
45 end
43 it_configures 'gnocchi::db::postgresql'
4644 end
4745 end
102102 }).each do |os,facts|
103103 context "on #{os}" do
104104 let (:facts) do
105 facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts())
105 facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts({
106 # puppet-postgresql requires the service_provider fact provided by
107 # puppetlabs-postgresql.
108 :service_provider => 'systemd'
109 }))
106110 end
108112 let(:platform_params) do
114118 end
115119 end
117 # TODO(tkajinam): Remove this once puppet-postgresql supports CentOS 9
118 unless facts[:osfamily] == 'RedHat' and facts[:operatingsystemmajrelease].to_i >= 9
119 it_behaves_like 'gnocchi::db'
120 end
121 it_behaves_like 'gnocchi::db'
121122 it_behaves_like "gnocchi::db on #{facts[:osfamily]}"
122123 end
123124 end