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# py3status


**py3status** is an extensible i3status wrapper written in Python.

Using py3status, you can take control of your i3bar easily by:

-   using one of the available
    shipped with py3status
-   grouping multiple modules and automatically or manually cycle their
-   writing your own modules and have their output displayed on your bar
-   handling click events on your i3bar and play with them in no time
-   seeing your clock tick every second whatever your i3status interval

**No extra configuration file needed**, just install & enjoy!

## About

You will love py3status if you're using [i3wm](
(or [sway]( and are frustrated by the i3status
[limitations]( on your i3bar such as:

-   you cannot hack into it easily
-   you want more than the built-in modules and their limited configuration
-   you cannot pipe the result of one of more scripts or commands in your bar easily

## Philosophy

-   **no added configuration file, use the standard i3status.conf**
-   **rely on i3status**' strengths and its **existing configuration** as much as possible
-   **be extensible**, it must be easy for users to add their own
    stuff/output by writing a simple python class which will be loaded
    and executed dynamically
-   **easily allow interactivity** with the i3bar
-   add some **built-in enhancement/transformation** of basic i3status modules output

We apply the [Zen of py3status]( to improve this project and encourage everyone to read it!

## Documentation

Up-to-date [documentation](

-   [Installation](
-   [Getting started](
-   [Using Modules](
-   [Custom click events](
-   [The py3-cmd command line](
-   [Writing custom modules](
-   [Contributing](

Get help or share your ideas on IRC:

-   channel **\#py3status** on **OFTC**

## Installation

See the up to date and complete [installation instructions]( for your favorite distribution.

## Usage

In your i3 config file, simply switch from *i3status* to *py3status* in
your *status_command*:

    status_command py3status

Usually you have your own i3status configuration, just point to it:

    status_command py3status -c ~/.i3/i3status.conf

## Options

You can see the help of py3status by issuing \`py3status -h\`:

    usage: py3status [-h] [-b] [-c FILE] [-d] [-g] [-i PATH] [-l FILE] [-s]
                     [-t INT] [-m] [-u PATH] [-v] [--wm WINDOW_MANAGER]

    The agile, python-powered, i3status wrapper

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -b, --dbus-notify     send notifications via dbus instead of i3-nagbar
                            (default: False)
      -c, --config FILE     load config (default: /home/alexys/.i3/i3status.conf)
      -d, --debug           enable debug logging in syslog and --log-file
                            (default: False)
      -g, --gevent          enable gevent monkey patching (default: False)
      -i, --include PATH    append additional user-defined module paths (default:
      -l, --log-file FILE   enable logging to FILE (default: None)
      -s, --standalone      run py3status without i3status (default: False)
      -t, --timeout INT     default module cache timeout in seconds (default: 60)
      -m, --disable-click-events
                            disable all click events (default: False)
      -u, --i3status PATH   specify i3status path (default: /usr/bin/i3status)
      -v, --version         show py3status version and exit (default: False)
      --wm WINDOW_MANAGER   specify window manager i3 or sway (default: i3)

## Available modules

[All modules](
shipped with py3status are [configurable directly from your current i3status.conf](!

[Check them out](
to see all the configuration options.

## Control from CLI

Just like i3status, you can force an update of your i3bar by sending a
SIGUSR1 signal to py3status. Note that this will also send a SIGUSR1
signal to i3status:

    killall -USR1 py3status

To refresh individual modules, the
utility can be used, e.g:

    py3-cmd refresh wifi