Codebase list pybigwig / cb6a476f-ac7c-4e34-a903-57978d16fafa/upstream
Import upstream version 0.3.18 Debian Janitor 2 years ago
22 changed file(s) with 4630 addition(s) and 97 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
.gitignore less more
0 # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
1 __pycache__/
2 *.py[cod]
4 # C extensions
5 *.so
7 # Distribution / packaging
8 .Python
9 env/
10 build/
11 develop-eggs/
12 dist/
14 eggs/
15 .eggs/
16 lib64/
17 parts/
18 sdist/
19 var/
20 *.egg-info/
21 .installed.cfg
22 *.egg
24 # PyInstaller
25 # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
26 # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
27 *.manifest
28 *.spec
30 # Installer logs
31 pip-log.txt
32 pip-delete-this-directory.txt
34 # Unit test / coverage reports
35 htmlcov/
36 .tox/
37 .coverage
38 .coverage.*
39 .cache
40 nosetests.xml
41 coverage.xml
42 *,cover
44 # Translations
45 *.mo
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48 # Django stuff:
49 *.log
51 # Sphinx documentation
52 docs/_build/
54 # PyBuilder
55 target/
57 *.o
58 #./ sdist creates this
61 *.swp
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(Empty file)
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0 language: python
1 python:
2 - "3.5"
3 - "3.6"
4 install:
5 - pip install numpy && python ./ install
6 matrix:
7 include:
8 - python: 3.7
9 dist: xenial
10 script: nosetests -sv
0 Metadata-Version: 2.1
1 Name: pyBigWig
2 Version: 0.3.18
3 Summary: A package for accessing bigWig files using libBigWig
4 Home-page:
5 Author: Devon P. Ryan
6 Author-email:
7 License: UNKNOWN
8 Download-URL:
9 Description: UNKNOWN
10 Keywords: bioinformatics,bigWig,bigBed
11 Platform: UNKNOWN
12 Provides-Extra: numpy input
66 =================
88 * [Installation](#installation)
9 * [Requirements](#requirements)
910 * [Usage](#usage)
1011 * [Load the extension](#load-the-extension)
1112 * [Open a bigWig or bigBed file](#open-a-bigwig-or-bigbed-file)
3435 or with conda
36 conda install pybigwig -c bioconda
38 Note that libcurl (and the `curl-config` command) are required for installation. This is typically already installed on many Linux and OSX systems (if you install with conda then this will happen automatically).
37 conda install pybigwig -c conda-forge -c bioconda
39 ## Requirements
41 The follow non-python requirements must be installed:
43 - libcurl (and the `curl-config` config)
44 - zlib
46 The headers and libraries for these are required.
4048 # Usage
4149 Basic usage is as follows:
0 The MIT License (MIT)
2 Copyright (c) 2015 Devon Ryan
4 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
5 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
6 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
7 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
8 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
9 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
12 copies or substantial portions of the Software.
0 ![Master build status]( [![DOI](](
2 A C library for reading/parsing local and remote bigWig and bigBed files. While Kent's source code is free to use for these purposes, it's really inappropriate as library code since it has the unfortunate habit of calling `exit()` whenever there's an error. If that's then used inside of something like python then the python interpreter gets killed. This library is aimed at resolving these sorts of issues and should also use more standard things like curl and has a friendlier license to boot.
4 Documentation is automatically generated by doxygen and can be found under `docs/html` or online [here](
6 # Example
8 The only functions and structures that end users need to care about are in "bigWig.h". Below is a commented example. You can see the files under `test/` for further examples.
10 #include "bigWig.h"
11 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
12 bigWigFile_t *fp = NULL;
13 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *intervals = NULL;
14 double *stats = NULL;
15 if(argc != 2) {
16 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s {|URL://path/}\n", argv[0]);
17 return 1;
18 }
20 //Initialize enough space to hold 128KiB (1<<17) of data at a time
21 if(bwInit(1<<17) != 0) {
22 fprintf(stderr, "Received an error in bwInit\n");
23 return 1;
24 }
26 //Open the local/remote file
27 fp = bwOpen(argv[1], NULL, "r");
28 if(!fp) {
29 fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred while opening %s\n", argv[1]);
30 return 1;
31 }
33 //Get values in a range (0-based, half open) without NAs
34 intervals = bwGetValues(fp, "chr1", 10000000, 10000100, 0);
35 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(intervals); //Free allocated memory
37 //Get values in a range (0-based, half open) with NAs
38 intervals = bwGetValues(fp, "chr1", 10000000, 10000100, 1);
39 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(intervals); //Free allocated memory
41 //Get the full intervals that overlap
42 intervals = bwGetOverlappingIntervals(fp, "chr1", 10000000, 10000100);
43 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(intervals);
45 //Get an example statistic - standard deviation
46 //We want ~4 bins in the range
47 stats = bwStats(fp, "chr1", 10000000, 10000100, 4, dev);
48 if(stats) {
49 printf("chr1:10000000-10000100 std. dev.: %f %f %f %f\n", stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3]);
50 free(stats);
51 }
53 bwClose(fp);
54 bwCleanup();
55 return 0;
56 }
58 ##Writing example
60 N.B., creation of bigBed files is not supported (there are no plans to change this).
62 Below is an example of how to write bigWig files. You can also find this file under `test/exampleWrite.c`. Unlike with Kent's tools, you can create bigWig files entry by entry without needing an intermediate wiggle or bedGraph file. Entries in bigWig files are stored in blocks with each entry in a block referring to the same chromosome and having the same type, of which there are three (see the [wiggle specification]( for more information on this).
64 #include "bigWig.h"
66 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
67 bigWigFile_t *fp = NULL;
68 char *chroms[] = {"1", "2"};
69 char *chromsUse[] = {"1", "1", "1"};
70 uint32_t chrLens[] = {1000000, 1500000};
71 uint32_t starts[] = {0, 100, 125,
72 200, 220, 230,
73 500, 600, 625,
74 700, 800, 850};
75 uint32_t ends[] = {5, 120, 126,
76 205, 226, 231};
77 float values[] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 200.0f,
78 -2.0f, 150.0f, 25.0f,
79 0.0f, 1.0f, 200.0f,
80 -2.0f, 150.0f, 25.0f,
81 -5.0f, -20.0f, 25.0f,
82 -5.0f, -20.0f, 25.0f};
84 if(bwInit(1<<17) != 0) {
85 fprintf(stderr, "Received an error in bwInit\n");
86 return 1;
87 }
89 fp = bwOpen("", NULL, "w");
90 if(!fp) {
91 fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred while opening for writingn\n");
92 return 1;
93 }
95 //Allow up to 10 zoom levels, though fewer will be used in practice
96 if(bwCreateHdr(fp, 10)) goto error;
98 //Create the chromosome lists
99 fp->cl = bwCreateChromList(chroms, chrLens, 2);
100 if(!fp->cl) goto error;
102 //Write the header
103 if(bwWriteHdr(fp)) goto error;
105 //Some example bedGraph-like entries
106 if(bwAddIntervals(fp, chromsUse, starts, ends, values, 3)) goto error;
107 //We can continue appending similarly formatted entries
108 //N.B. you can't append a different chromosome (those always go into different
109 if(bwAppendIntervals(fp, starts+3, ends+3, values+3, 3)) goto error;
111 //Add a new block of entries with a span. Since bwAdd/AppendIntervals was just used we MUST create a new block
112 if(bwAddIntervalSpans(fp, "1", starts+6, 20, values+6, 3)) goto error;
113 //We can continue appending similarly formatted entries
114 if(bwAppendIntervalSpans(fp, starts+9, values+9, 3)) goto error;
116 //Add a new block of fixed-step entries
117 if(bwAddIntervalSpanSteps(fp, "1", 900, 20, 30, values+12, 3)) goto error;
118 //The start is then 760, since that's where the previous step ended
119 if(bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps(fp, values+15, 3)) goto error;
121 //Add a new chromosome
122 chromsUse[0] = "2";
123 chromsUse[1] = "2";
124 chromsUse[2] = "2";
125 if(bwAddIntervals(fp, chromsUse, starts, ends, values, 3)) goto error;
127 //Closing the file causes the zoom levels to be created
128 bwClose(fp);
129 bwCleanup();
131 return 0;
133 error:
134 fprintf(stderr, "Received an error somewhere!\n");
135 bwClose(fp);
136 bwCleanup();
137 return 1;
138 }
140 # Testing file types
142 As of version 0.3.0, this library supports accessing bigBed files, which are related to bigWig files. Applications that need to support both bigWig and bigBed input can use the `bwIsBigWig` and `bbIsBigBed` functions to determine if their inputs are bigWig/bigBed files:
144 ...code...
145 if(bwIsBigWig(input_file_name, NULL)) {
146 //do something
147 } else if(bbIsBigBed(input_file_name, NULL)) {
148 //do something else
149 } else {
150 //handle unknown input
151 }
153 Note that these two functions rely on the "magic number" at the beginning of each file, which differs between bigWig and bigBed files.
155 # bigBed support
157 Support for accessing bigBed files was added in version 0.3.0. The function names used for accessing bigBed files are similar to those used for bigWig files.
159 Function | Use
160 --- | ---
161 bbOpen | Opens a bigBed file
162 bbGetSQL | Returns the SQL string (if it exists) in a bigBed file
163 bbGetOverlappingEntries | Returns all entries overlapping an interval (either with or without their associated strings
164 bbDestroyOverlappingEntries | Free memory allocated by the above command
166 Other functions, such as `bwClose` and `bwInit`, are shared between bigWig and bigBed files. See `test/testBigBed.c` for a full example.
168 # A note on bigBed entries
170 Inside bigBed files, entries are stored as chromosome, start, and end coordinates with an (optional) associated string. For example, a "bedRNAElements" file from Encode has name, score, strand, "level", "significance", and "score2" values associated with each entry. These are stored inside the bigBed files as a single tab-separated character vector (char \*), which makes parsing difficult. The names of the various fields inside of bigBed files is stored as an SQL string, for example:
172 table RnaElements
173 "BED6 + 3 scores for RNA Elements data "
174 (
175 string chrom; "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
176 uint chromStart; "Start position in chromosome"
177 uint chromEnd; "End position in chromosome"
178 string name; "Name of item"
179 uint score; "Normalized score from 0-1000"
180 char[1] strand; "+ or - or . for unknown"
181 float level; "Expression level such as RPKM or FPKM. Set to -1 for no data."
182 float signif; "Statistical significance such as IDR. Set to -1 for no data."
183 uint score2; "Additional measurement/count e.g. number of reads. Set to 0 for no data."
184 )
186 Entries will then be of the form (one per line):
188 59426 115 - 0.021 0.48 218
189 51 209 + 0.071 0.74 130
190 52 170 + 0.045 0.61 171
191 59433 178 - 0.049 0.34 296
192 53 156 + 0.038 0.19 593
193 59436 186 - 0.054 0.15 1010
194 59437 506 - 1.560 0.00 430611
196 Note that chromosome and start/end intervals are stored separately, so there's no need to parse them out of string. libBigWig can return these entries, either with or without the above associated strings. Parsing these string is left to the application requiring them and is currently outside the scope of this library.
198 # Interval/Entry iterators
200 Sometimes it is desirable to request a large number of intervals from a bigWig file or entries from a bigBed file, but not hold them all in memory at once (e.g., due to saving memory). To support this, libBigWig (since version 0.3.0) supports two kinds of iterators. The general process of using iterators is: (1) iterator creation, (2) traversal, and finally (3) iterator destruction. Only iterator creation differs between bigWig and bigBed files.
202 Importantly, iterators return results by one or more blocks. This is for convenience, since bigWig intervals and bigBed entries are stored in together in fixed-size groups, called blocks. The number of blocks of entries returned, therefore, is an option that can be specified to balance performance and memory usage.
204 ## Iterator creation
206 For bigwig files, iterators are created with the `bwOverlappingIntervalsIterator()`. This function takes chromosomal bounds (chromosome name, start, and end position) as well as a number of blocks. The equivalent function for bigBed files is `bbOverlappingEntriesIterator()`, which additionally takes a `withString` argutment, which dictates whether the returned entries include the associated string values or not.
208 Each of the aforementioned files returns a pointer to a `bwOverlapIterator_t` object. The only important parts of this structure for end users are the following members: `entries`, `intervals`, and `data`. `entries` is a pointer to a `bbOverlappingEntries_t` object, or `NULL` if a bigWig file is being used. Likewise, `intervals` is a pointer to a `bwOverlappingIntervals_t` object, or `NULL` if a bigBed file is being used. `data` is a special pointer, used to signify the end of iteration. Thus, when `data` is a `NULL` pointer, iteration has ended.
210 ## Iterator traversal
212 Regardless of whether a bigWig or bigBed file is being used, the `bwIteratorNext()` function will free currently used memory and load the appropriate intervals or entries for the next block(s). On error, this will return a NULL pointer (memory is already internally freed in this case).
214 ## Iterator destruction
216 `bwOverlapIterator_t` objects MUST be destroyed after use. This can be done with the `bwIteratorDestroy()` function.
218 ## Example
220 A full example is provided in `tests/testIterator.c`, but a small example of iterating over all bigWig intervals in `chr1:0-10000000` in chunks of 5 blocks follows:
222 iter = bwOverlappingIntervalsIterator(fp, "chr1", 0, 10000000, 5);
223 while(iter->data) {
224 //Do stuff with iter->intervals
225 iter = bwIteratorNext(iter);
226 }
227 bwIteratorDestroy(iter);
229 # A note on bigWig statistics
231 The results of `min`, `max`, and `mean` should be the same as those from `BigWigSummary`. `stdev` and `coverage`, however, may differ due to Kent's tools producing incorrect results (at least for `coverage`, though the same appears to be the case for `stdev`).
233 # Python interface
235 There are currently two python interfaces that make use of libBigWig: [pyBigWig]( by me and [bw-python]( by Brent Pederson. Those interested are encouraged to give both a try!
0 #ifndef LIBBIGWIG_H
1 #define LIBBIGWIG_H
3 #include "bigWigIO.h"
4 #include "bwValues.h"
5 #include <inttypes.h>
6 #include <zlib.h>
8 #ifdef __cplusplus
9 extern "C" {
10 #endif
12 /*! \mainpage libBigWig
13 *
14 * \section Introduction
15 *
16 * libBigWig is a C library for parsing local/remote bigWig and bigBed files. This is similar to Kent's library from UCSC, except
17 * * The license is much more liberal
18 * * This code doesn't call `exit()` on error, thereby killing the calling application.
19 *
20 * External files are accessed using [curl](
21 *
22 * Please submit issues and pull requests [here](
23 *
24 * \section Compilation
25 *
26 * Assuming you already have the curl libraries installed (not just the curl binary!):
27 *
28 * make install prefix=/some/path
29 *
30 * \section Writing bigWig files
31 *
32 * There are three methods for storing values in a bigWig file, further described in the [wiggle format]( The entries within the file are grouped into "blocks" and each such block is limited to storing entries of a single type. So, it is unwise to use a single bedGraph-like endtry followed by a single fixed-step entry followed by a variable-step entry, as that would require three separate blocks, with additional space required for each.
33 *
34 * \section Testing file types
35 *
36 * As of version 0.3.0, libBigWig supports reading bigBed files. If an application needs to support both bigBed and bigWig input, then the `bwIsBigWig` and `bbIsBigBed` functions can be used to determine the file type. These both use the "magic" number at the beginning of the file to determine the file type.
37 *
38 * \section Interval and entry iterators
39 *
40 * As of version 0.3.0, libBigWig supports iterating over intervals in bigWig files and entries in bigBed files. The number of intervals/entries returned with each iteration can be controlled by setting the number of blocks processed in each iteration (intervals and entries are group inside of bigWig and bigBed files into blocks of entries). See `test/testIterator.c` for an example.
41 *
42 * \section Examples
43 *
44 * Please see []( and the files under `test/` for examples.
45 */
48 /*! \file bigWig.h
49 *
50 * These are the functions and structured that should be used by external users. While I don't particularly recommend dealing with some of the structures (e.g., a bigWigHdr_t), they're described here in case you need them.
51 *
52 * BTW, this library doesn't switch endianness as appropriate, since I kind of assume that there's only one type produced these days.
53 */
55 /*!
56 * The library version number
57 */
58 #define LIBBIGWIG_VERSION 0.4.6
60 /*!
61 * If 1, then this library was compiled with remote file support.
62 */
63 #ifdef NOCURL
64 #define LIBBIGWIG_CURL 0
67 typedef int CURLcode;
68 typedef void CURL;
69 #endif
70 #else
71 #define LIBBIGWIG_CURL 1
72 #endif
74 /*!
75 * The magic number of a bigWig file.
76 */
77 #define BIGWIG_MAGIC 0x888FFC26
78 /*!
79 * The magic number of a bigBed file.
80 */
81 #define BIGBED_MAGIC 0x8789F2EB
82 /*!
83 * The magic number of a "cirTree" block in a file.
84 */
85 #define CIRTREE_MAGIC 0x78ca8c91
86 /*!
87 * The magic number of an index block in a file.
88 */
89 #define IDX_MAGIC 0x2468ace0
90 /*!
91 * The default number of children per block.
92 */
93 #define DEFAULT_nCHILDREN 64
94 /*!
95 * The default decompression buffer size in bytes. This is used to determin
96 */
97 #define DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE 32768
99 /*!
100 * An enum that dictates the type of statistic to fetch for a given interval
101 */
102 enum bwStatsType {
103 doesNotExist = -1, /*!< This does nothing */
104 mean = 0, /*!< The mean value */
105 average = 0, /*!< The mean value */
106 stdev = 1, /*!< The standard deviation of the values */
107 dev = 1, /*!< The standard deviation of the values */
108 max = 2, /*!< The maximum value */
109 min = 3, /*!< The minimum value */
110 cov = 4, /*!< The number of bases covered */
111 coverage = 4, /*!<The number of bases covered */
112 sum = 5 /*!< The sum of per-base values */
113 };
115 //Should hide this from end users
116 /*!
117 * @brief BigWig files have multiple "zoom" levels, each of which has its own header. This hold those headers
118 *
119 * N.B., there's 4 bytes of padding in the on disk representation of level and dataOffset.
120 */
121 typedef struct {
122 uint32_t *level; /**<The zoom level, which is an integer starting with 0.*/
123 //There's 4 bytes of padding between these
124 uint64_t *dataOffset; /**<The offset to the on-disk start of the data. This isn't used currently.*/
125 uint64_t *indexOffset; /**<The offset to the on-disk start of the index. This *is* used.*/
126 bwRTree_t **idx; /**<Index for each zoom level. Represented as a tree*/
127 } bwZoomHdr_t;
129 /*!
130 * @brief The header section of a bigWig file.
131 *
132 * Some of the values aren't currently used for anything. Others may optionally not exist.
133 */
134 typedef struct {
135 uint16_t version; /**<The version information of the file.*/
136 uint16_t nLevels; /**<The number of "zoom" levels.*/
137 uint64_t ctOffset; /**<The offset to the on-disk chromosome tree list.*/
138 uint64_t dataOffset; /**<The on-disk offset to the first block of data.*/
139 uint64_t indexOffset; /**<The on-disk offset to the data index.*/
140 uint16_t fieldCount; /**<Total number of fields.*/
141 uint16_t definedFieldCount; /**<Number of fixed-format BED fields.*/
142 uint64_t sqlOffset; /**<The on-disk offset to an SQL string. This is unused.*/
143 uint64_t summaryOffset; /**<If there's a summary, this is the offset to it on the disk.*/
144 uint32_t bufSize; /**<The compression buffer size (if the data is compressed).*/
145 uint64_t extensionOffset; /**<Unused*/
146 bwZoomHdr_t *zoomHdrs; /**<Pointers to the header for each zoom level.*/
147 //total Summary
148 uint64_t nBasesCovered; /**<The total bases covered in the file.*/
149 double minVal; /**<The minimum value in the file.*/
150 double maxVal; /**<The maximum value in the file.*/
151 double sumData; /**<The sum of all values in the file.*/
152 double sumSquared; /**<The sum of the squared values in the file.*/
153 } bigWigHdr_t;
155 //Should probably replace this with a hash
156 /*!
157 * @brief Holds the chromosomes and their lengths
158 */
159 typedef struct {
160 int64_t nKeys; /**<The number of chromosomes */
161 char **chrom; /**<A list of null terminated chromosomes */
162 uint32_t *len; /**<The lengths of each chromosome */
163 } chromList_t;
165 //TODO remove from bigWig.h
166 /// @cond SKIP
167 typedef struct bwLL bwLL;
168 struct bwLL {
169 bwRTreeNode_t *node;
170 struct bwLL *next;
171 };
172 typedef struct bwZoomBuffer_t bwZoomBuffer_t;
173 struct bwZoomBuffer_t { //each individual entry takes 32 bytes
174 void *p;
175 uint32_t l, m;
176 struct bwZoomBuffer_t *next;
177 };
178 /// @endcond
180 /*!
181 * @brief This is only needed for writing bigWig files (and won't be created otherwise)
182 * This should be removed from bigWig.h
183 */
184 typedef struct {
185 uint64_t nBlocks; /**<The number of blocks written*/
186 uint32_t blockSize; /**<The maximum number of children*/
187 uint64_t nEntries; /**<The number of entries processed. This is used for the first contig and determining how the zoom levels are computed*/
188 uint64_t runningWidthSum; /**<The running sum of the entry widths for the first contig (again, used for the first contig and computing zoom levels)*/
189 uint32_t tid; /**<The current TID that's being processed*/
190 uint32_t start; /**<The start position of the block*/
191 uint32_t end; /**<The end position of the block*/
192 uint32_t span; /**<The span of each entry, if applicable*/
193 uint32_t step; /**<The step size, if applicable*/
194 uint8_t ltype; /**<The type of the last entry added*/
195 uint32_t l; /**<The current size of p. This and the type determine the number of items held*/
196 void *p; /**<A buffer of size hdr->bufSize*/
197 bwLL *firstIndexNode; /**<The first index node in the linked list*/
198 bwLL *currentIndexNode; /**<The last index node in a linked list*/
199 bwZoomBuffer_t **firstZoomBuffer; /**<The first node in a linked list of leaf nodes*/
200 bwZoomBuffer_t **lastZoomBuffer; /**<The last node in a linked list of leaf nodes*/
201 uint64_t *nNodes; /**<The number of leaf nodes per zoom level, useful for determining duplicate levels*/
202 uLongf compressPsz; /**<The size of the compression buffer*/
203 void *compressP; /**<A compressed buffer of size compressPsz*/
204 } bwWriteBuffer_t;
206 /*!
207 * @brief A structure that holds everything needed to access a bigWig file.
208 */
209 typedef struct {
210 URL_t *URL; /**<A pointer that can handle both local and remote files (including a buffer if needed).*/
211 bigWigHdr_t *hdr; /**<The file header.*/
212 chromList_t *cl; /**<A list of chromosome names (the order is the ID).*/
213 bwRTree_t *idx; /**<The index for the full dataset.*/
214 bwWriteBuffer_t *writeBuffer; /**<The buffer used for writing.*/
215 int isWrite; /**<0: Opened for reading, 1: Opened for writing.*/
216 int type; /**<0: bigWig, 1: bigBed.*/
217 } bigWigFile_t;
219 /*!
220 * @brief Holds interval:value associations
221 */
222 typedef struct {
223 uint32_t l; /**<Number of intervals held*/
224 uint32_t m; /**<Maximum number of values/intervals the struct can hold*/
225 uint32_t *start; /**<The start positions (0-based half open)*/
226 uint32_t *end; /**<The end positions (0-based half open)*/
227 float *value; /**<The value associated with each position*/
228 } bwOverlappingIntervals_t;
230 /*!
231 * @brief Holds interval:str associations
232 */
233 typedef struct {
234 uint32_t l; /**<Number of intervals held*/
235 uint32_t m; /**<Maximum number of values/intervals the struct can hold*/
236 uint32_t *start; /**<The start positions (0-based half open)*/
237 uint32_t *end; /**<The end positions (0-based half open)*/
238 char **str; /**<The strings associated with a given entry.*/
239 } bbOverlappingEntries_t;
241 /*!
242 * @brief A structure to hold iterations
243 * One of intervals and entries should be used to access records from bigWig or bigBed files, respectively.
244 */
245 typedef struct {
246 bigWigFile_t *bw; /**<Pointer to the bigWig/bigBed file.*/
247 uint32_t tid; /**<The contig/chromosome ID.*/
248 uint32_t start; /**<Start position of the query interval.*/
249 uint32_t end; /**<End position of the query interval.*/
250 uint64_t offset; /**<Offset into the blocks.*/
251 uint32_t blocksPerIteration; /**<Number of blocks to use per iteration.*/
252 int withString; /**<For bigBed entries, whether to return the string with the entries.*/
253 void *blocks; /**<Overlapping blocks.*/
254 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *intervals; /**<Overlapping intervals (or NULL).*/
255 bbOverlappingEntries_t *entries; /**<Overlapping entries (or NULL).*/
256 void *data; /**<Points to either intervals or entries. If there are no further intervals/entries, then this is NULL. Use this to test for whether to continue iterating.*/
257 } bwOverlapIterator_t;
259 /*!
260 * @brief Initializes curl and global variables. This *MUST* be called before other functions (at least if you want to connect to remote files).
261 * For remote file, curl must be initialized and regions of a file read into an internal buffer. If the buffer is too small then an excessive number of connections will be made. If the buffer is too large than more data than required is fetched. 128KiB is likely sufficient for most needs.
262 * @param bufSize The internal buffer size used for remote connection.
263 * @see bwCleanup
264 * @return 0 on success and 1 on error.
265 */
266 int bwInit(size_t bufSize);
268 /*!
269 * @brief The counterpart to bwInit, this cleans up curl.
270 * @see bwInit
271 */
272 void bwCleanup(void);
274 /*!
275 * @brief Determine if a file is a bigWig file.
276 * This function will quickly check either local or remote files to determine if they appear to be valid bigWig files. This can be determined by reading the first 4 bytes of the file.
277 * @param fname The file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
278 * @param callBack An optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See `test/testRemote` for an example.
279 * @return 1 if the file appears to be bigWig, otherwise 0.
280 */
281 int bwIsBigWig(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack)(CURL*));
283 /*!
284 * @brief Determine is a file is a bigBed file.
285 * This function will quickly check either local or remote files to determine if they appear to be valid bigWig files. This can be determined by reading the first 4 bytes of the file.
286 * @param fname The file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
287 * @param callBack An optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See `test/testRemote` for an example.
288 * @return 1 if the file appears to be bigWig, otherwise 0.
289 */
290 int bbIsBigBed(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack)(CURL*));
292 /*!
293 * @brief Opens a local or remote bigWig file.
294 * This will open a local or remote bigWig file. Writing of local bigWig files is also supported.
295 * @param fname The file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
296 * @param callBack An optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See `test/testRemote` for an example.
297 * @param mode The mode, by default "r". Both local and remote files can be read, but only local files can be written. For files being written the callback function is ignored. If and only if the mode contains "w" will the file be opened for writing (in all other cases the file will be opened for reading.
298 * @return A bigWigFile_t * on success and NULL on error.
299 */
300 bigWigFile_t *bwOpen(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack)(CURL*), const char* mode);
302 /*!
303 * @brief Opens a local or remote bigBed file.
304 * This will open a local or remote bigBed file. Note that this file format can only be read and NOT written!
305 * @param fname The file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
306 * @param callBack An optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See `test/testRemote` for an example.
307 * @return A bigWigFile_t * on success and NULL on error.
308 */
309 bigWigFile_t *bbOpen(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack)(CURL*));
311 /*!
312 * @brief Returns a string containing the SQL entry (or NULL).
313 * The "auto SQL" field contains the names and value types of the entries in
314 * each bigBed entry. If you need to parse a particular value out of each entry,
315 * then you'll need to first parse this.
316 * @param fp The file pointer to a valid bigWigFile_t
317 * @return A char *, which you MUST free!
318 */
319 char *bbGetSQL(bigWigFile_t *fp);
321 /*!
322 * @brief Closes a bigWigFile_t and frees up allocated memory
323 * This closes both bigWig and bigBed files.
324 * @param fp The file pointer.
325 */
326 void bwClose(bigWigFile_t *fp);
328 /*******************************************************************************
329 *
330 * The following are in bwStats.c
331 *
332 *******************************************************************************/
334 /*!
335 * @brief Converts between chromosome name and ID
336 *
337 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer
338 * @param chrom A chromosome name
339 * @return An ID, -1 will be returned on error (note that this is an unsigned value, so that's ~4 billion. bigWig/bigBed files can't store that many chromosomes anyway.
340 */
341 uint32_t bwGetTid(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom);
343 /*!
344 * @brief Frees space allocated by `bwGetOverlappingIntervals`
345 * @param o A valid `bwOverlappingIntervals_t` pointer.
346 * @see bwGetOverlappingIntervals
347 */
348 void bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(bwOverlappingIntervals_t *o);
350 /*!
351 * @brief Frees space allocated by `bbGetOverlappingEntries`
352 * @param o A valid `bbOverlappingEntries_t` pointer.
353 * @see bbGetOverlappingEntries
354 */
355 void bbDestroyOverlappingEntries(bbOverlappingEntries_t *o);
357 /*!
358 * @brief Return bigWig entries overlapping an interval.
359 * Find all bigWig entries overlapping a range and returns them, including their associated values.
360 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigWig file!
361 * @param chrom A valid chromosome name.
362 * @param start The start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
363 * @param end The end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
364 * @return NULL on error or no overlapping values, otherwise a `bwOverlappingIntervals_t *` holding the values and intervals.
365 * @see bwOverlappingIntervals_t
366 * @see bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals
367 * @see bwGetValues
368 */
369 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *bwGetOverlappingIntervals(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end);
371 /*!
372 * @brief Return bigBed entries overlapping an interval.
373 * Find all bigBed entries overlapping a range and returns them.
374 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigBed file!
375 * @param chrom A valid chromosome name.
376 * @param start The start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
377 * @param end The end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
378 * @param withString If not 0, return the string associated with each entry in the output. If 0, there are no associated strings returned. This is useful if the only information needed are the locations of the entries, which require significantly less memory.
379 * @return NULL on error or no overlapping values, otherwise a `bbOverlappingEntries_t *` holding the intervals and (optionally) the associated string.
380 * @see bbOverlappingEntries_t
381 * @see bbDestroyOverlappingEntries
382 */
383 bbOverlappingEntries_t *bbGetOverlappingEntries(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int withString);
385 /*!
386 * @brief Creates an iterator over intervals in a bigWig file
387 * Iterators can be traversed with `bwIteratorNext()` and destroyed with `bwIteratorDestroy()`.
388 * Intervals are in the `intervals` member and `data` can be used to determine when to end iteration.
389 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigWig file!
390 * @param chrom A valid chromosome name.
391 * @param start The start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
392 * @param end The end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
393 * @param blocksPerIteration The number of blocks (internal groupings of intervals in bigWig files) to return per iteration.
394 * @return NULL on error, otherwise a bwOverlapIterator_t pointer
395 * @see bwOverlapIterator_t
396 * @see bwIteratorNext
397 * @see bwIteratorDestroy
398 */
399 bwOverlapIterator_t *bwOverlappingIntervalsIterator(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t blocksPerIteration);
401 /*!
402 * @brief Creates an iterator over entries in a bigBed file
403 * Iterators can be traversed with `bwIteratorNext()` and destroyed with `bwIteratorDestroy()`.
404 * Entries are in the `entries` member and `data` can be used to determine when to end iteration.
405 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigBed file!
406 * @param chrom A valid chromosome name.
407 * @param start The start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
408 * @param end The end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
409 * @param withString Whether the returned entries should include their associated strings.
410 * @param blocksPerIteration The number of blocks (internal groupings of entries in bigBed files) to return per iteration.
411 * @return NULL on error, otherwise a bwOverlapIterator_t pointer
412 * @see bbGetOverlappingEntries
413 * @see bwOverlapIterator_t
414 * @see bwIteratorNext
415 * @see bwIteratorDestroy
416 */
417 bwOverlapIterator_t *bbOverlappingEntriesIterator(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int withString, uint32_t blocksPerIteration);
419 /*!
420 * @brief Traverses to the entries/intervals in the next group of blocks.
421 * @param iter A bwOverlapIterator_t pointer that is updated (or destroyed on error)
422 * @return NULL on error, otherwise a bwOverlapIterator_t pointer with the intervals or entries from the next set of blocks.
423 * @see bwOverlapIterator_t
424 * @see bwIteratorDestroy
425 */
426 bwOverlapIterator_t *bwIteratorNext(bwOverlapIterator_t *iter);
428 /*!
429 * @brief Destroys a bwOverlapIterator_t
430 * @param iter The bwOverlapIterator_t that should be destroyed
431 */
432 void bwIteratorDestroy(bwOverlapIterator_t *iter);
434 /*!
435 * @brief Return all per-base bigWig values in a given interval.
436 * Given an interval (e.g., chr1:0-100), return the value at each position in a bigWig file. Positions without associated values are suppressed by default, but may be returned if `includeNA` is not 0.
437 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer.
438 * @param chrom A valid chromosome name.
439 * @param start The start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
440 * @param end The end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
441 * @param includeNA If not 0, report NA values as well (as NA).
442 * @return NULL on error or no overlapping values, otherwise a `bwOverlappingIntervals_t *` holding the values and positions.
443 * @see bwOverlappingIntervals_t
444 * @see bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals
445 * @see bwGetOverlappingIntervals
446 */
447 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *bwGetValues(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int includeNA);
449 /*!
450 * @brief Determines per-interval bigWig statistics
451 * Can determine mean/min/max/coverage/standard deviation of values in one or more intervals in a bigWig file. You can optionally give it an interval and ask for values from X number of sub-intervals.
452 * @param fp The file from which to extract statistics.
453 * @param chrom A valid chromosome name.
454 * @param start The start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
455 * @param end The end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
456 * @param nBins The number of bins within the interval to calculate statistics for.
457 * @param type The type of statistic.
458 * @see bwStatsType
459 * @return A pointer to an array of double precission floating point values. Note that bigWig files only hold 32-bit values, so this is done to help prevent overflows.
460 */
461 double *bwStats(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t nBins, enum bwStatsType type);
463 /*!
464 * @brief Determines per-interval bigWig statistics
465 * Can determine mean/min/max/coverage/standard deviation of values in one or more intervals in a bigWig file. You can optionally give it an interval and ask for values from X number of sub-intervals. The difference with bwStats is that zoom levels are never used.
466 * @param fp The file from which to extract statistics.
467 * @param chrom A valid chromosome name.
468 * @param start The start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
469 * @param end The end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
470 * @param nBins The number of bins within the interval to calculate statistics for.
471 * @param type The type of statistic.
472 * @see bwStatsType
473 * @return A pointer to an array of double precission floating point values. Note that bigWig files only hold 32-bit values, so this is done to help prevent overflows.
474 */
475 double *bwStatsFromFull(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t nBins, enum bwStatsType type);
477 //Writer functions
479 /*!
480 * @brief Create a largely empty bigWig header
481 * Every bigWig file has a header, this creates the template for one. It also takes care of space allocation in the output write buffer.
482 * @param fp The bigWigFile_t* that you want to write to.
483 * @param maxZooms The maximum number of zoom levels. If you specify 0 then there will be no zoom levels. A value <0 or > 65535 will result in a maximum of 10.
484 * @return 0 on success.
485 */
486 int bwCreateHdr(bigWigFile_t *fp, int32_t maxZooms);
488 /*!
489 * @brief Take a list of chromosome names and lengths and return a pointer to a chromList_t
490 * This MUST be run before `bwWriteHdr()`. Note that the input is NOT free()d!
491 * @param chroms A list of chromosomes.
492 * @param lengths The length of each chromosome.
493 * @param n The number of chromosomes (thus, the length of `chroms` and `lengths`)
494 * @return A pointer to a chromList_t or NULL on error.
495 */
496 chromList_t *bwCreateChromList(char **chroms, uint32_t *lengths, int64_t n);
498 /*!
499 * @brief Write a the header to a bigWig file.
500 * You must have already opened the output file, created a header and a chromosome list.
501 * @param bw The output bigWigFile_t pointer.
502 * @see bwCreateHdr
503 * @see bwCreateChromList
504 */
505 int bwWriteHdr(bigWigFile_t *bw);
507 /*!
508 * @brief Write a new block of bedGraph-like intervals to a bigWig file
509 * Adds entries of the form:
510 * chromosome start end value
511 * to the file. These will always be added in a new block, so you may have previously used a different storage type.
512 *
513 * In general it's more efficient to use the bwAppend* functions, but then you MUST know that the previously written block is of the same type. In other words, you can only use bwAppendIntervals() after bwAddIntervals() or a previous bwAppendIntervals().
514 * @param fp The output file pointer.
515 * @param chrom A list of chromosomes, of length `n`.
516 * @param start A list of start positions of length`n`.
517 * @param end A list of end positions of length`n`.
518 * @param values A list of values of length`n`.
519 * @param n The length of the aforementioned lists.
520 * @return 0 on success and another value on error.
521 * @see bwAppendIntervals
522 */
523 int bwAddIntervals(bigWigFile_t *fp, char **chrom, uint32_t *start, uint32_t *end, float *values, uint32_t n);
525 /*!
526 * @brief Append bedGraph-like intervals to a previous block of bedGraph-like intervals in a bigWig file.
527 * If you have previously used bwAddIntervals() then this will append additional entries into the previous block (or start a new one if needed).
528 * @param fp The output file pointer.
529 * @param start A list of start positions of length`n`.
530 * @param end A list of end positions of length`n`.
531 * @param values A list of values of length`n`.
532 * @param n The length of the aforementioned lists.
533 * @return 0 on success and another value on error.
534 * @warning Do NOT use this after `bwAddIntervalSpanSteps()`, `bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps()`, `bwAddIntervalSpanSteps()`, or `bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps()`.
535 * @see bwAddIntervals
536 */
537 int bwAppendIntervals(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t *start, uint32_t *end, float *values, uint32_t n);
539 /*!
540 * @brief Add a new block of variable-step entries to a bigWig file
541 * Adds entries for the form
542 * chromosome start value
543 * to the file. Each block of such entries has an associated "span", so each value describes the region chromosome:start-(start+span)
544 *
545 * This will always start a new block of values.
546 * @param fp The output file pointer.
547 * @param chrom A list of chromosomes, of length `n`.
548 * @param start A list of start positions of length`n`.
549 * @param span The span of each entry (the must all be the same).
550 * @param values A list of values of length`n`.
551 * @param n The length of the aforementioned lists.
552 * @return 0 on success and another value on error.
553 * @see bwAppendIntervalSpans
554 */
555 int bwAddIntervalSpans(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t *start, uint32_t span, float *values, uint32_t n);
557 /*!
558 * @brief Append to a previous block of variable-step entries.
559 * If you previously used `bwAddIntervalSpans()`, this will continue appending more values to the block(s) it created.
560 * @param fp The output file pointer.
561 * @param start A list of start positions of length`n`.
562 * @param values A list of values of length`n`.
563 * @param n The length of the aforementioned lists.
564 * @return 0 on success and another value on error.
565 * @warning Do NOT use this after `bwAddIntervals()`, `bwAppendIntervals()`, `bwAddIntervalSpanSteps()` or `bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps()`
566 * @see bwAddIntervalSpans
567 */
568 int bwAppendIntervalSpans(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t *start, float *values, uint32_t n);
570 /*!
571 * @brief Add a new block of fixed-step entries to a bigWig file
572 * Adds entries for the form
573 * value
574 * to the file. Each block of such entries has an associated "span", "step", chromosome and start position. See the wiggle format for more details.
575 *
576 * This will always start a new block of values.
577 * @param fp The output file pointer.
578 * @param chrom The chromosome that the entries describe.
579 * @param start The starting position of the block of entries.
580 * @param span The span of each entry (i.e., the number of bases it describes).
581 * @param step The step between entry start positions.
582 * @param values A list of values of length`n`.
583 * @param n The length of the aforementioned lists.
584 * @return 0 on success and another value on error.
585 * @see bwAddIntervalSpanSteps
586 */
587 int bwAddIntervalSpanSteps(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t span, uint32_t step, float *values, uint32_t n);
589 /*!
590 * @brief Append to a previous block of fixed-step entries.
591 * If you previously used `bwAddIntervalSpanSteps()`, this will continue appending more values to the block(s) it created.
592 * @param fp The output file pointer.
593 * @param values A list of values of length`n`.
594 * @param n The length of the aforementioned lists.
595 * @return 0 on success and another value on error.
596 * @warning Do NOT use this after `bwAddIntervals()`, `bwAppendIntervals()`, `bwAddIntervalSpans()` or `bwAppendIntervalSpans()`
597 * @see bwAddIntervalSpanSteps
598 */
599 int bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps(bigWigFile_t *fp, float *values, uint32_t n);
601 #ifdef __cplusplus
602 }
603 #endif
605 #endif // LIBBIGWIG_H
0 #ifndef LIBBIGWIG_IO_H
1 #define LIBBIGWIG_IO_H
3 #ifndef NOCURL
4 #include <curl/curl.h>
5 #else
6 #include <stdio.h>
9 typedef int CURLcode;
10 typedef void CURL;
11 #endif
12 #define CURLE_OK 0
13 #define CURLE_FAILED_INIT 1
14 #endif
15 /*! \file bigWigIO.h
16 * These are (typically internal) IO functions, so there's generally no need for you to directly use them!
17 */
19 /*!
20 * The size of the buffer used for remote files.
21 */
24 /*!
25 * The enumerated values that indicate the connection type used to access a file.
26 */
27 enum bigWigFile_type_enum {
28 BWG_FILE = 0,
29 BWG_HTTP = 1,
30 BWG_HTTPS = 2,
31 BWG_FTP = 3
32 };
34 /*!
35 * @brief This structure holds the file pointers and buffers needed for raw access to local and remote files.
36 */
37 typedef struct {
38 union {
39 #ifndef NOCURL
40 CURL *curl; /**<The CURL * file pointer for remote files.*/
41 #endif
42 FILE *fp; /**<The FILE * file pointer for local files.**/
43 } x; /**<A union holding curl and fp.*/
44 void *memBuf; /**<A void * pointing to memory of size bufSize.*/
45 size_t filePos; /**<Current position inside the file.*/
46 size_t bufPos; /**<Curent position inside the buffer.*/
47 size_t bufSize; /**<The size of the buffer.*/
48 size_t bufLen; /**<The actual size of the buffer used.*/
49 enum bigWigFile_type_enum type; /**<The connection type*/
50 int isCompressed; /**<1 if the file is compressed, otherwise 0*/
51 char *fname; /**<Only needed for remote connections. The original URL/filename requested, since we need to make multiple connections.*/
52 } URL_t;
54 /*!
55 * @brief Reads data into the given buffer.
56 *
57 * This function will store bufSize data into buf for both local and remote files. For remote files an internal buffer is used to store a (typically larger) segment of the remote file.
58 *
59 * @param URL A URL_t * pointing to a valid opened file or remote URL.
60 * @param buf The buffer in memory that you would like filled. It must be able to hold bufSize bytes!
61 * @param bufSize The number of bytes to transfer to buf.
62 *
63 * @return Returns the number of bytes stored in buf, which should be bufSize on success and something else on error.
64 *
65 * @warning Note that on error, URL for remote files is left in an unusable state. You can get around this by running urlSeek() to a position outside of the range held by the internal buffer.
66 */
67 size_t urlRead(URL_t *URL, void *buf, size_t bufSize);
69 /*!
70 * @brief Seeks to a given position in a local or remote file.
71 *
72 * For local files, this will set the file position indicator for the file pointer to the desired position. For remote files, it sets the position to start downloading data for the next urlRead(). Note that for remote files that running urlSeek() with a pos within the current buffer will simply modify the internal offset.
73 *
74 * @param URL A URL_t * pointing to a valid opened file or remote URL.
75 * @param pos The position to seek to.
76 *
77 * @return CURLE_OK on success and a different CURLE_XXX on error. For local files, the error return value is always CURLE_FAILED_INIT
78 */
79 CURLcode urlSeek(URL_t *URL, size_t pos);
81 /*!
82 * @brief Open a local or remote file
83 *
84 * Opens a local or remote file. Currently, http, https, and ftp are the only supported protocols and the URL must then begin with "http://", "https://", or "ftp://" as appropriate.
85 *
86 * For remote files, an internal buffer is used to hold file contents, to avoid downloading entire files before starting. The size of this buffer and various variable related to connection timeout are set with bwInit().
87 *
88 * Note that you **must** run urlClose() on this when finished. However, you would typically just use bwOpen() rather than directly calling this function.
89 *
90 * @param fname The file name or URL to open.
91 * @param callBack An optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information.
92 * @param mode "r", "w" or NULL. If and only if the mode contains the character "w" will the file be opened for writing.
93 *
94 * @return A URL_t * or NULL on error.
95 */
96 URL_t *urlOpen(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack)(CURL*), const char* mode);
98 /*!
99 * @brief Close a local/remote file
100 *
101 * This will perform the cleanup required on a URL_t*, releasing memory as needed.
102 *
103 * @param URL A URL_t * pointing to a valid opened file or remote URL.
104 *
105 * @warning URL will no longer point to a valid location in memory!
106 */
107 void urlClose(URL_t *URL);
109 #endif // LIBBIGWIG_IO_H
0 /*! \file bwCommon.h
1 *
2 * You have no reason to use these functions. They may change without warning because there's no reason for them to be used outside of libBigWig's internals.
3 *
4 * These are structures and functions from a variety of files that are used across files internally but don't need to be see by libBigWig users.
5 */
7 /*!
8 * @brief Like fsetpos, but for local or remote bigWig files.
9 * This will set the file position indicator to the specified point. For local files this literally is `fsetpos`, while for remote files it fills a memory buffer with data starting at the desired position.
10 * @param fp A valid opened bigWigFile_t.
11 * @param pos The position within the file to seek to.
12 * @return 0 on success and -1 on error.
13 */
14 int bwSetPos(bigWigFile_t *fp, size_t pos);
16 /*!
17 * @brief A local/remote version of `fread`.
18 * Reads data from either local or remote bigWig files.
19 * @param data An allocated memory block big enough to hold the data.
20 * @param sz The size of each member that should be copied.
21 * @param nmemb The number of members to copy.
22 * @param fp The bigWigFile_t * from which to copy the data.
23 * @see bwSetPos
24 * @return For nmemb==1, the size of the copied data. For nmemb>1, the number of members fully copied (this is equivalent to `fread`).
25 */
26 size_t bwRead(void *data, size_t sz, size_t nmemb, bigWigFile_t *fp);
28 /*!
29 * @brief Determine what the file position indicator say.
30 * This is equivalent to `ftell` for local or remote files.
31 * @param fp The file.
32 * @return The position in the file.
33 */
34 long bwTell(bigWigFile_t *fp);
36 /*!
37 * @brief Reads a data index (either full data or a zoom level) from a bigWig file.
38 * There is little reason for end users to use this function. This must be freed with `bwDestroyIndex`
39 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer
40 * @param offset The file offset where the index begins
41 * @return A bwRTree_t pointer or NULL on error.
42 */
43 bwRTree_t *bwReadIndex(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint64_t offset);
45 /*!
46 * @brief Destroy an bwRTreeNode_t and all of its children.
47 * @param node The node to destroy.
48 */
49 void bwDestroyIndexNode(bwRTreeNode_t *node);
51 /*!
52 * @brief Frees space allocated by `bwReadIndex`
53 * There is generally little reason to use this, since end users should typically not need to run `bwReadIndex` themselves.
54 * @param idx A bwRTree_t pointer allocated by `bwReadIndex`.
55 */
56 void bwDestroyIndex(bwRTree_t *idx);
58 /// @cond SKIP
59 bwOverlapBlock_t *walkRTreeNodes(bigWigFile_t *bw, bwRTreeNode_t *root, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end);
60 void destroyBWOverlapBlock(bwOverlapBlock_t *b);
61 /// @endcond
63 /*!
64 * @brief Finishes what's needed to write a bigWigFile
65 * Flushes the buffer, converts the index linked list to a tree, writes that to disk, handles zoom level stuff, writes magic at the end
66 * @param fp A valid bigWigFile_t pointer
67 * @return 0 on success
68 */
69 int bwFinalize(bigWigFile_t *fp);
0 #include "bigWig.h"
1 #include "bwCommon.h"
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <math.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <stdio.h>
7 static uint64_t readChromBlock(bigWigFile_t *bw, chromList_t *cl, uint32_t keySize);
9 //Return the position in the file
10 long bwTell(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
11 if(fp->URL->type == BWG_FILE) return ftell(fp->URL->x.fp);
12 return (long) (fp->URL->filePos + fp->URL->bufPos);
13 }
15 //Seek to a given position, always from the beginning of the file
16 //Return 0 on success and -1 on error
17 //To do, use the return code of urlSeek() in a more useful way.
18 int bwSetPos(bigWigFile_t *fp, size_t pos) {
19 CURLcode rv = urlSeek(fp->URL, pos);
20 if(rv == CURLE_OK) return 0;
21 return -1;
22 }
24 //returns the number of full members read (nmemb on success, something less on error)
25 size_t bwRead(void *data, size_t sz, size_t nmemb, bigWigFile_t *fp) {
26 size_t i, rv;
27 for(i=0; i<nmemb; i++) {
28 rv = urlRead(fp->URL, data+i*sz, sz);
29 if(rv != sz) return i;
30 }
31 return nmemb;
32 }
34 //Initializes curl and sets global variables
35 //Returns 0 on success and 1 on error
36 //This should be called only once and bwCleanup() must be called when finished.
37 int bwInit(size_t defaultBufSize) {
38 //set the buffer size, number of iterations, sleep time between iterations, etc.
41 //call curl_global_init()
42 #ifndef NOCURL
43 CURLcode rv;
44 rv = curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);
45 if(rv != CURLE_OK) return 1;
46 #endif
47 return 0;
48 }
50 //This should be called before quiting, to release memory acquired by curl
51 void bwCleanup() {
52 #ifndef NOCURL
53 curl_global_cleanup();
54 #endif
55 }
57 static bwZoomHdr_t *bwReadZoomHdrs(bigWigFile_t *bw) {
58 if(bw->isWrite) return NULL;
59 uint16_t i;
60 bwZoomHdr_t *zhdr = malloc(sizeof(bwZoomHdr_t));
61 if(!zhdr) return NULL;
62 uint32_t *level = malloc(bw->hdr->nLevels * sizeof(uint64_t));
63 if(!level) {
64 free(zhdr);
65 return NULL;
66 }
67 uint32_t padding = 0;
68 uint64_t *dataOffset = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * bw->hdr->nLevels);
69 if(!dataOffset) {
70 free(zhdr);
71 free(level);
72 return NULL;
73 }
74 uint64_t *indexOffset = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * bw->hdr->nLevels);
75 if(!indexOffset) {
76 free(zhdr);
77 free(level);
78 free(dataOffset);
79 return NULL;
80 }
82 for(i=0; i<bw->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
83 if(bwRead((void*) &(level[i]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
84 if(bwRead((void*) &padding, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
85 if(bwRead((void*) &(dataOffset[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
86 if(bwRead((void*) &(indexOffset[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
87 }
89 zhdr->level = level;
90 zhdr->dataOffset = dataOffset;
91 zhdr->indexOffset = indexOffset;
92 zhdr->idx = calloc(bw->hdr->nLevels, sizeof(bwRTree_t*));
93 if(!zhdr->idx) goto error;
95 return zhdr;
97 error:
98 for(i=0; i<bw->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
99 if(zhdr->idx[i]) bwDestroyIndex(zhdr->idx[i]);
100 }
101 free(zhdr);
102 free(level);
103 free(dataOffset);
104 free(indexOffset);
105 return NULL;
106 }
108 static void bwHdrDestroy(bigWigHdr_t *hdr) {
109 int i;
110 if(hdr->zoomHdrs) {
111 free(hdr->zoomHdrs->level);
112 free(hdr->zoomHdrs->dataOffset);
113 free(hdr->zoomHdrs->indexOffset);
114 for(i=0; i<hdr->nLevels; i++) {
115 if(hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]) bwDestroyIndex(hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]);
116 }
117 free(hdr->zoomHdrs->idx);
118 free(hdr->zoomHdrs);
119 }
120 free(hdr);
121 }
123 static void bwHdrRead(bigWigFile_t *bw) {
124 uint32_t magic;
125 if(bw->isWrite) return;
126 bw->hdr = calloc(1, sizeof(bigWigHdr_t));
127 if(!bw->hdr) return;
129 if(bwRead((void*) &magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x0
130 if(magic != BIGWIG_MAGIC && magic != BIGBED_MAGIC) goto error;
132 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->version), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x4
133 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->nLevels), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x6
134 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->ctOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x8
135 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->dataOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x10
136 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->indexOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x18
137 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->fieldCount), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x20
138 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->definedFieldCount), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x22
139 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->sqlOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x24
140 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->summaryOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x2c
141 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->bufSize), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x34
142 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->extensionOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error; //0x38
144 //zoom headers
145 if(bw->hdr->nLevels) {
146 if(!(bw->hdr->zoomHdrs = bwReadZoomHdrs(bw))) goto error;
147 }
149 //File summary information
150 if(bw->hdr->summaryOffset) {
151 if(urlSeek(bw->URL, bw->hdr->summaryOffset) != CURLE_OK) goto error;
152 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->nBasesCovered), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
153 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->minVal), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
154 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->maxVal), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
155 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->sumData), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
156 if(bwRead((void*) &(bw->hdr->sumSquared), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
157 }
159 //In case of uncompressed remote files, let the IO functions know to request larger chunks
160 bw->URL->isCompressed = (bw->hdr->bufSize > 0)?1:0;
162 return;
164 error:
165 bwHdrDestroy(bw->hdr);
166 fprintf(stderr, "[bwHdrRead] There was an error while reading in the header!\n");
167 bw->hdr = NULL;
168 }
170 static void destroyChromList(chromList_t *cl) {
171 uint32_t i;
172 if(!cl) return;
173 if(cl->nKeys && cl->chrom) {
174 for(i=0; i<cl->nKeys; i++) {
175 if(cl->chrom[i]) free(cl->chrom[i]);
176 }
177 }
178 if(cl->chrom) free(cl->chrom);
179 if(cl->len) free(cl->len);
180 free(cl);
181 }
183 static uint64_t readChromLeaf(bigWigFile_t *bw, chromList_t *cl, uint32_t valueSize) {
184 uint16_t nVals, i;
185 uint32_t idx;
186 char *chrom = NULL;
188 if(bwRead((void*) &nVals, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, bw) != 1) return -1;
189 chrom = calloc(valueSize+1, sizeof(char));
190 if(!chrom) return -1;
192 for(i=0; i<nVals; i++) {
193 if(bwRead((void*) chrom, sizeof(char), valueSize, bw) != valueSize) goto error;
194 if(bwRead((void*) &idx, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
195 if(bwRead((void*) &(cl->len[idx]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
196 cl->chrom[idx] = strdup(chrom);
197 if(!(cl->chrom[idx])) goto error;
198 }
200 free(chrom);
201 return nVals;
203 error:
204 free(chrom);
205 return -1;
206 }
208 static uint64_t readChromNonLeaf(bigWigFile_t *bw, chromList_t *cl, uint32_t keySize) {
209 uint64_t offset , rv = 0, previous;
210 uint16_t nVals, i;
212 if(bwRead((void*) &nVals, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, bw) != 1) return -1;
214 previous = bwTell(bw) + keySize;
215 for(i=0; i<nVals; i++) {
216 if(bwSetPos(bw, previous)) return -1;
217 if(bwRead((void*) &offset, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) return -1;
218 if(bwSetPos(bw, offset)) return -1;
219 rv += readChromBlock(bw, cl, keySize);
220 previous += 8 + keySize;
221 }
223 return rv;
224 }
226 static uint64_t readChromBlock(bigWigFile_t *bw, chromList_t *cl, uint32_t keySize) {
227 uint8_t isLeaf, padding;
229 if(bwRead((void*) &isLeaf, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, bw) != 1) return -1;
230 if(bwRead((void*) &padding, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, bw) != 1) return -1;
232 if(isLeaf) {
233 return readChromLeaf(bw, cl, keySize);
234 } else { //I've never actually observed one of these, which is good since they're pointless
235 return readChromNonLeaf(bw, cl, keySize);
236 }
237 }
239 static chromList_t *bwReadChromList(bigWigFile_t *bw) {
240 chromList_t *cl = NULL;
241 uint32_t magic, keySize, valueSize, itemsPerBlock;
242 uint64_t rv, itemCount;
243 if(bw->isWrite) return NULL;
244 if(bwSetPos(bw, bw->hdr->ctOffset)) return NULL;
246 cl = calloc(1, sizeof(chromList_t));
247 if(!cl) return NULL;
249 if(bwRead((void*) &magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
250 if(magic != CIRTREE_MAGIC) goto error;
252 if(bwRead((void*) &itemsPerBlock, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
253 if(bwRead((void*) &keySize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
254 if(bwRead((void*) &valueSize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
255 if(bwRead((void*) &itemCount, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
257 cl->nKeys = itemCount;
258 cl->chrom = calloc(itemCount, sizeof(char*));
259 cl->len = calloc(itemCount, sizeof(uint32_t));
260 if(!cl->chrom) goto error;
261 if(!cl->len) goto error;
263 if(bwRead((void*) &magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
264 if(bwRead((void*) &magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
266 //Read in the blocks
267 rv = readChromBlock(bw, cl, keySize);
268 if(rv == (uint64_t) -1) goto error;
269 if(rv != itemCount) goto error;
271 return cl;
273 error:
274 destroyChromList(cl);
275 return NULL;
276 }
278 //This is here mostly for convenience
279 static void bwDestroyWriteBuffer(bwWriteBuffer_t *wb) {
280 if(wb->p) free(wb->p);
281 if(wb->compressP) free(wb->compressP);
282 if(wb->firstZoomBuffer) free(wb->firstZoomBuffer);
283 if(wb->lastZoomBuffer) free(wb->lastZoomBuffer);
284 if(wb->nNodes) free(wb->nNodes);
285 free(wb);
286 }
288 void bwClose(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
289 if(!fp) return;
290 if(bwFinalize(fp)) {
291 fprintf(stderr, "[bwClose] There was an error while finishing writing a bigWig file! The output is likely truncated.\n");
292 }
293 if(fp->URL) urlClose(fp->URL);
294 if(fp->hdr) bwHdrDestroy(fp->hdr);
295 if(fp->cl) destroyChromList(fp->cl);
296 if(fp->idx) bwDestroyIndex(fp->idx);
297 if(fp->writeBuffer) bwDestroyWriteBuffer(fp->writeBuffer);
298 free(fp);
299 }
301 int bwIsBigWig(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack) (CURL*)) {
302 uint32_t magic = 0;
303 URL_t *URL = NULL;
305 URL = urlOpen(fname, *callBack, NULL);
307 if(!URL) return 0;
308 if(urlRead(URL, (void*) &magic, sizeof(uint32_t)) != sizeof(uint32_t)) magic = 0;
309 urlClose(URL);
310 if(magic == BIGWIG_MAGIC) return 1;
311 return 0;
312 }
314 char *bbGetSQL(bigWigFile_t *bw) {
315 char *o = NULL;
316 uint64_t len;
317 if(!bw->hdr->sqlOffset) return NULL;
318 len = bw->hdr->summaryOffset - bw->hdr->sqlOffset; //This includes the NULL terminator
319 o = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
320 if(!o) goto error;
321 if(bwSetPos(bw, bw->hdr->sqlOffset)) goto error;
322 if(bwRead((void*) o, len, 1, bw) != 1) goto error;
323 return o;
325 error:
326 if(o) free(o);
327 printf("Got an error in bbGetSQL!\n");
328 return NULL;
329 }
331 int bbIsBigBed(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack) (CURL*)) {
332 uint32_t magic = 0;
333 URL_t *URL = NULL;
335 URL = urlOpen(fname, *callBack, NULL);
337 if(!URL) return 0;
338 if(urlRead(URL, (void*) &magic, sizeof(uint32_t)) != sizeof(uint32_t)) magic = 0;
339 urlClose(URL);
340 if(magic == BIGBED_MAGIC) return 1;
341 return 0;
342 }
344 bigWigFile_t *bwOpen(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack) (CURL*), const char *mode) {
345 bigWigFile_t *bwg = calloc(1, sizeof(bigWigFile_t));
346 if(!bwg) {
347 fprintf(stderr, "[bwOpen] Couldn't allocate space to create the output object!\n");
348 return NULL;
349 }
350 if((!mode) || (strchr(mode, 'w') == NULL)) {
351 bwg->isWrite = 0;
352 bwg->URL = urlOpen(fname, *callBack, NULL);
353 if(!bwg->URL) {
354 fprintf(stderr, "[bwOpen] urlOpen is NULL!\n");
355 goto error;
356 }
358 //Attempt to read in the fixed header
359 bwHdrRead(bwg);
360 if(!bwg->hdr) {
361 fprintf(stderr, "[bwOpen] bwg->hdr is NULL!\n");
362 goto error;
363 }
365 //Read in the chromosome list
366 bwg->cl = bwReadChromList(bwg);
367 if(!bwg->cl) {
368 fprintf(stderr, "[bwOpen] bwg->cl is NULL (%s)!\n", fname);
369 goto error;
370 }
372 //Read in the index
373 if(bwg->hdr->indexOffset) {
374 bwg->idx = bwReadIndex(bwg, 0);
375 if(!bwg->idx) {
376 fprintf(stderr, "[bwOpen] bwg->idx is NULL bwg->hdr->dataOffset 0x%"PRIx64"!\n", bwg->hdr->dataOffset);
377 goto error;
378 }
379 }
380 } else {
381 bwg->isWrite = 1;
382 bwg->URL = urlOpen(fname, NULL, "w+");
383 if(!bwg->URL) goto error;
384 bwg->writeBuffer = calloc(1,sizeof(bwWriteBuffer_t));
385 if(!bwg->writeBuffer) goto error;
386 bwg->writeBuffer->l = 24;
387 }
389 return bwg;
391 error:
392 bwClose(bwg);
393 return NULL;
394 }
396 bigWigFile_t *bbOpen(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack) (CURL*)) {
397 bigWigFile_t *bb = calloc(1, sizeof(bigWigFile_t));
398 if(!bb) {
399 fprintf(stderr, "[bbOpen] Couldn't allocate space to create the output object!\n");
400 return NULL;
401 }
403 //Set the type to 1 for bigBed
404 bb->type = 1;
406 bb->URL = urlOpen(fname, *callBack, NULL);
407 if(!bb->URL) goto error;
409 //Attempt to read in the fixed header
410 bwHdrRead(bb);
411 if(!bb->hdr) goto error;
413 //Read in the chromosome list
414 bb->cl = bwReadChromList(bb);
415 if(!bb->cl) goto error;
417 //Read in the index
418 bb->idx = bwReadIndex(bb, 0);
419 if(!bb->idx) goto error;
421 return bb;
423 error:
424 bwClose(bb);
425 return NULL;
426 }
0 #include "bigWig.h"
1 #include "bwCommon.h"
2 #include <errno.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <zlib.h>
5 #include <math.h>
6 #include <string.h>
8 //Returns -1 if there are no applicable levels, otherwise an integer indicating the most appropriate level.
9 //Like Kent's library, this divides the desired bin size by 2 to minimize the effect of blocks overlapping multiple bins
10 static int32_t determineZoomLevel(bigWigFile_t *fp, int basesPerBin) {
11 int32_t out = -1;
12 int64_t diff;
13 uint32_t bestDiff = -1;
14 uint16_t i;
16 basesPerBin/=2;
17 for(i=0; i<fp->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
18 diff = basesPerBin - (int64_t) fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level[i];
19 if(diff >= 0 && diff < bestDiff) {
20 bestDiff = diff;
21 out = i;
22 }
23 }
24 return out;
25 }
27 /// @cond SKIP
28 struct val_t {
29 uint32_t nBases;
30 float min, max, sum, sumsq;
31 double scalar;
32 };
34 struct vals_t {
35 uint32_t n;
36 struct val_t **vals;
37 };
38 /// @endcond
40 void destroyVals_t(struct vals_t *v) {
41 uint32_t i;
42 if(!v) return;
43 for(i=0; i<v->n; i++) free(v->vals[i]);
44 if(v->vals) free(v->vals);
45 free(v);
46 }
48 //Determine the base-pair overlap between an interval and a block
49 double getScalar(uint32_t i_start, uint32_t i_end, uint32_t b_start, uint32_t b_end) {
50 double rv = 0.0;
51 if(b_start <= i_start) {
52 if(b_end > i_start) rv = ((double)(b_end - i_start))/(b_end-b_start);
53 } else if(b_start < i_end) {
54 if(b_end < i_end) rv = ((double)(b_end - b_start))/(b_end-b_start);
55 else rv = ((double)(i_end - b_start))/(b_end-b_start);
56 }
58 return rv;
59 }
61 //Returns NULL on error
62 static struct vals_t *getVals(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *o, int i, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
63 void *buf = NULL, *compBuf = NULL;
64 uLongf sz = fp->hdr->bufSize;
65 int compressed = 0, rv;
66 uint32_t *p, vtid, vstart, vend;
67 struct vals_t *vals = NULL;
68 struct val_t *v = NULL;
70 if(sz) {
71 compressed = 1;
72 buf = malloc(sz);
73 }
74 sz = 0; //This is now the size of the compressed buffer
76 if(bwSetPos(fp, o->offset[i])) goto error;
78 vals = calloc(1,sizeof(struct vals_t));
79 if(!vals) goto error;
81 v = malloc(sizeof(struct val_t));
82 if(!v) goto error;
84 if(sz < o->size[i]) compBuf = malloc(o->size[i]);
85 if(!compBuf) goto error;
87 if(bwRead(compBuf, o->size[i], 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
88 if(compressed) {
89 sz = fp->hdr->bufSize;
90 rv = uncompress(buf, &sz, compBuf, o->size[i]);
91 if(rv != Z_OK) goto error;
92 } else {
93 buf = compBuf;
94 sz = o->size[i];
95 }
97 p = buf;
98 while(((uLongf) ((void*)p-buf)) < sz) {
99 vtid = p[0];
100 vstart = p[1];
101 vend = p[2];
102 v->nBases = p[3];
103 v->min = ((float*) p)[4];
104 v->max = ((float*) p)[5];
105 v->sum = ((float*) p)[6];
106 v->sumsq = ((float*) p)[7];
107 v->scalar = getScalar(start, end, vstart, vend);
109 if(tid == vtid) {
110 if((start <= vstart && end > vstart) || (start < vend && start >= vstart)) {
111 vals->vals = realloc(vals->vals, sizeof(struct val_t*)*(vals->n+1));
112 if(!vals->vals) goto error;
113 vals->vals[vals->n++] = v;
114 v = malloc(sizeof(struct val_t));
115 if(!v) goto error;
116 }
117 if(vstart > end) break;
118 } else if(vtid > tid) {
119 break;
120 }
121 p+=8;
122 }
124 free(v);
125 free(buf);
126 if(compressed) free(compBuf);
127 return vals;
129 error:
130 if(buf) free(buf);
131 if(compBuf && compressed) free(compBuf);
132 if(v) free(v);
133 destroyVals_t(vals);
134 return NULL;
135 }
137 //On error, errno is set to ENOMEM and NaN is returned (though NaN can be returned normally)
138 static double blockMean(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
139 uint32_t i, j;
140 double output = 0.0, coverage = 0.0;
141 struct vals_t *v = NULL;
143 if(!blocks->n) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
145 //Iterate over the blocks
146 for(i=0; i<blocks->n; i++) {
147 v = getVals(fp, blocks, i, tid, start, end);
148 if(!v) goto error;
149 for(j=0; j<v->n; j++) {
150 output += v->vals[j]->sum * v->vals[j]->scalar;
151 coverage += v->vals[j]->nBases * v->vals[j]->scalar;
152 }
153 destroyVals_t(v);
154 }
157 if(!coverage) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
159 return output/coverage;
161 error:
162 if(v) free(v);
163 errno = ENOMEM;
164 return strtod("NaN", NULL);
165 }
167 static double intMean(bwOverlappingIntervals_t* ints, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
168 double sum = 0.0;
169 uint32_t nBases = 0, i, start_use, end_use;
171 if(!ints->l) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
173 for(i=0; i<ints->l; i++) {
174 start_use = ints->start[i];
175 end_use = ints->end[i];
176 if(ints->start[i] < start) start_use = start;
177 if(ints->end[i] > end) end_use = end;
178 nBases += end_use-start_use;
179 sum += (end_use-start_use)*((double) ints->value[i]);
180 }
182 return sum/nBases;
183 }
185 //Does UCSC compensate for partial block/range overlap?
186 static double blockDev(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
187 uint32_t i, j;
188 double mean = 0.0, ssq = 0.0, coverage = 0.0, diff;
189 struct vals_t *v = NULL;
191 if(!blocks->n) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
193 //Iterate over the blocks
194 for(i=0; i<blocks->n; i++) {
195 v = getVals(fp, blocks, i, tid, start, end);
196 if(!v) goto error;
197 for(j=0; j<v->n; j++) {
198 coverage += v->vals[j]->nBases * v->vals[j]->scalar;
199 mean += v->vals[j]->sum * v->vals[j]->scalar;
200 ssq += v->vals[j]->sumsq * v->vals[j]->scalar;
201 }
202 destroyVals_t(v);
203 v = NULL;
204 }
206 if(coverage<=1.0) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
207 diff = ssq-mean*mean/coverage;
208 if(coverage > 1.0) diff /= coverage-1;
209 if(fabs(diff) > 1e-8) { //Ignore floating point differences
210 return sqrt(diff);
211 } else {
212 return 0.0;
213 }
215 error:
216 if(v) destroyVals_t(v);
217 errno = ENOMEM;
218 return strtod("NaN", NULL);
219 }
221 //This uses compensated summation to account for finite precision math
222 static double intDev(bwOverlappingIntervals_t* ints, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
223 double v1 = 0.0, mean, rv;
224 uint32_t nBases = 0, i, start_use, end_use;
226 if(!ints->l) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
227 mean = intMean(ints, start, end);
229 for(i=0; i<ints->l; i++) {
230 start_use = ints->start[i];
231 end_use = ints->end[i];
232 if(ints->start[i] < start) start_use = start;
233 if(ints->end[i] > end) end_use = end;
234 nBases += end_use-start_use;
235 v1 += (end_use-start_use) * pow(ints->value[i]-mean, 2.0); //running sum of squared difference
236 }
238 if(nBases>=2) rv = sqrt(v1/(nBases-1));
239 else if(nBases==1) rv = sqrt(v1);
240 else rv = strtod("NaN", NULL);
242 return rv;
243 }
245 static double blockMax(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
246 uint32_t i, j, isNA = 1;
247 double o = strtod("NaN", NULL);
248 struct vals_t *v = NULL;
250 if(!blocks->n) return o;
252 //Iterate the blocks
253 for(i=0; i<blocks->n; i++) {
254 v = getVals(fp, blocks, i, tid, start, end);
255 if(!v) goto error;
256 for(j=0; j<v->n; j++) {
257 if(isNA) {
258 o = v->vals[j]->max;
259 isNA = 0;
260 } else if(v->vals[j]->max > o) {
261 o = v->vals[j]->max;
262 }
263 }
264 destroyVals_t(v);
265 }
267 return o;
269 error:
270 destroyVals_t(v);
271 errno = ENOMEM;
272 return strtod("NaN", NULL);
273 }
275 static double intMax(bwOverlappingIntervals_t* ints) {
276 uint32_t i;
277 double o;
279 if(ints->l < 1) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
281 o = ints->value[0];
282 for(i=1; i<ints->l; i++) {
283 if(ints->value[i] > o) o = ints->value[i];
284 }
286 return o;
287 }
289 static double blockMin(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
290 uint32_t i, j, isNA = 1;
291 double o = strtod("NaN", NULL);
292 struct vals_t *v = NULL;
294 if(!blocks->n) return o;
296 //Iterate the blocks
297 for(i=0; i<blocks->n; i++) {
298 v = getVals(fp, blocks, i, tid, start, end);
299 if(!v) goto error;
300 for(j=0; j<v->n; j++) {
301 if(isNA) {
302 o = v->vals[j]->min;
303 isNA = 0;
304 } else if(v->vals[j]->min < o) o = v->vals[j]->min;
305 }
306 destroyVals_t(v);
307 }
309 return o;
311 error:
312 destroyVals_t(v);
313 errno = ENOMEM;
314 return strtod("NaN", NULL);
315 }
317 static double intMin(bwOverlappingIntervals_t* ints) {
318 uint32_t i;
319 double o;
321 if(ints->l < 1) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
323 o = ints->value[0];
324 for(i=1; i<ints->l; i++) {
325 if(ints->value[i] < o) o = ints->value[i];
326 }
328 return o;
329 }
331 //Does UCSC compensate for only partial block/interval overlap?
332 static double blockCoverage(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
333 uint32_t i, j;
334 double o = 0.0;
335 struct vals_t *v = NULL;
337 if(!blocks->n) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
339 //Iterate over the blocks
340 for(i=0; i<blocks->n; i++) {
341 v = getVals(fp, blocks, i, tid, start, end);
342 if(!v) goto error;
343 for(j=0; j<v->n; j++) {
344 o+= v->vals[j]->nBases * v->vals[j]->scalar;
345 }
346 destroyVals_t(v);
347 }
349 if(o == 0.0) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
350 return o;
352 error:
353 destroyVals_t(v);
354 errno = ENOMEM;
355 return strtod("NaN", NULL);
356 }
358 static double intCoverage(bwOverlappingIntervals_t* ints, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
359 uint32_t i, start_use, end_use;
360 double o = 0.0;
362 if(!ints->l) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
364 for(i=0; i<ints->l; i++) {
365 start_use = ints->start[i];
366 end_use = ints->end[i];
367 if(start_use < start) start_use = start;
368 if(end_use > end) end_use = end;
369 o += end_use - start_use;
370 }
372 return o/(end-start);
373 }
375 static double blockSum(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
376 uint32_t i, j, sizeUse;
377 double o = 0.0;
378 struct vals_t *v = NULL;
380 if(!blocks->n) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
382 //Iterate over the blocks
383 for(i=0; i<blocks->n; i++) {
384 v = getVals(fp, blocks, i, tid, start, end);
385 if(!v) goto error;
386 for(j=0; j<v->n; j++) {
387 //Multiply the block average by min(bases covered, block overlap with interval)
388 sizeUse = v->vals[j]->scalar;
389 if(sizeUse > v->vals[j]->nBases) sizeUse = v->vals[j]->nBases;
390 o+= (v->vals[j]->sum * sizeUse) / v->vals[j]->nBases;
391 }
392 destroyVals_t(v);
393 }
395 if(o == 0.0) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
396 return o;
398 error:
399 destroyVals_t(v);
400 errno = ENOMEM;
401 return strtod("NaN", NULL);
402 }
404 static double intSum(bwOverlappingIntervals_t* ints, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
405 uint32_t i, start_use, end_use;
406 double o = 0.0;
408 if(!ints->l) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
410 for(i=0; i<ints->l; i++) {
411 start_use = ints->start[i];
412 end_use = ints->end[i];
413 if(start_use < start) start_use = start;
414 if(end_use > end) end_use = end;
415 o += (end_use - start_use) * ints->value[i];
416 }
418 return o;
419 }
421 //Returns NULL on error, otherwise a double* that needs to be free()d
422 double *bwStatsFromZoom(bigWigFile_t *fp, int32_t level, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t nBins, enum bwStatsType type) {
423 bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks = NULL;
424 double *output = NULL;
425 uint32_t pos = start, i, end2;
427 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[level]) {
428 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[level] = bwReadIndex(fp, fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->indexOffset[level]);
429 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[level]) return NULL;
430 }
431 errno = 0; //Sometimes libCurls sets and then doesn't unset errno on errors
433 output = malloc(sizeof(double)*nBins);
434 if(!output) return NULL;
436 for(i=0, pos=start; i<nBins; i++) {
437 end2 = start + ((double)(end-start)*(i+1))/((int) nBins);
438 blocks = walkRTreeNodes(fp, fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[level]->root, tid, pos, end2);
439 if(!blocks) goto error;
441 switch(type) {
442 case 0:
443 //mean
444 output[i] = blockMean(fp, blocks, tid, pos, end2);
445 break;
446 case 1:
447 //stdev
448 output[i] = blockDev(fp, blocks, tid, pos, end2);
449 break;
450 case 2:
451 //max
452 output[i] = blockMax(fp, blocks, tid, pos, end2);
453 break;
454 case 3:
455 //min
456 output[i] = blockMin(fp, blocks, tid, pos, end2);
457 break;
458 case 4:
459 //cov
460 output[i] = blockCoverage(fp, blocks, tid, pos, end2)/(end2-pos);
461 break;
462 case 5:
463 //sum
464 output[i] = blockSum(fp, blocks, tid, pos, end2);
465 break;
466 default:
467 goto error;
468 break;
469 }
470 if(errno) goto error;
471 destroyBWOverlapBlock(blocks);
472 pos = end2;
473 }
475 return output;
477 error:
478 fprintf(stderr, "got an error in bwStatsFromZoom in the range %"PRIu32"-%"PRIu32": %s\n", pos, end2, strerror(errno));
479 if(blocks) destroyBWOverlapBlock(blocks);
480 if(output) free(output);
481 return NULL;
482 }
484 double *bwStatsFromFull(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t nBins, enum bwStatsType type) {
485 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *ints = NULL;
486 double *output = malloc(sizeof(double)*nBins);
487 uint32_t i, pos = start, end2;
488 if(!output) return NULL;
490 for(i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
491 end2 = start + ((double)(end-start)*(i+1))/((int) nBins);
492 ints = bwGetOverlappingIntervals(fp, chrom, pos, end2);
494 if(!ints) {
495 output[i] = strtod("NaN", NULL);
496 continue;
497 }
499 switch(type) {
500 default :
501 case 0:
502 output[i] = intMean(ints, pos, end2);
503 break;
504 case 1:
505 output[i] = intDev(ints, pos, end2);
506 break;
507 case 2:
508 output[i] = intMax(ints);
509 break;
510 case 3:
511 output[i] = intMin(ints);
512 break;
513 case 4:
514 output[i] = intCoverage(ints, pos, end2);
515 break;
516 case 5:
517 output[i] = intSum(ints, pos, end2);
518 break;
519 }
520 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(ints);
521 pos = end2;
522 }
524 return output;
525 }
527 //Returns a list of floats of length nBins that must be free()d
528 //On error, NULL is returned
529 double *bwStats(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t nBins, enum bwStatsType type) {
530 int32_t level = determineZoomLevel(fp, ((double)(end-start))/((int) nBins));
531 uint32_t tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom);
532 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return NULL;
534 if(level == -1) return bwStatsFromFull(fp, chrom, start, end, nBins, type);
535 return bwStatsFromZoom(fp, level, tid, start, end, nBins, type);
536 }
0 #include "bigWig.h"
1 #include "bwCommon.h"
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <zlib.h>
5 #include <errno.h>
7 static uint32_t roundup(uint32_t v) {
8 v--;
9 v |= v >> 1;
10 v |= v >> 2;
11 v |= v >> 4;
12 v |= v >> 8;
13 v |= v >> 16;
14 v++;
15 return v;
16 }
18 //Returns the root node on success and NULL on error
19 static bwRTree_t *readRTreeIdx(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint64_t offset) {
20 uint32_t magic;
21 bwRTree_t *node;
23 if(!offset) {
24 if(bwSetPos(fp, fp->hdr->indexOffset)) return NULL;
25 } else {
26 if(bwSetPos(fp, offset)) return NULL;
27 }
29 if(bwRead(&magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return NULL;
30 if(magic != IDX_MAGIC) {
31 fprintf(stderr, "[readRTreeIdx] Mismatch in the magic number!\n");
32 return NULL;
33 }
35 node = calloc(1, sizeof(bwRTree_t));
36 if(!node) return NULL;
38 if(bwRead(&(node->blockSize), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
39 if(bwRead(&(node->nItems), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
40 if(bwRead(&(node->chrIdxStart), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
41 if(bwRead(&(node->baseStart), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
42 if(bwRead(&(node->chrIdxEnd), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
43 if(bwRead(&(node->baseEnd), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
44 if(bwRead(&(node->idxSize), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
45 if(bwRead(&(node->nItemsPerSlot), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
46 //Padding
47 if(bwRead(&(node->blockSize), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
48 node->rootOffset = bwTell(fp);
50 //For remote files, libCurl sometimes sets errno to 115 and doesn't clear it
51 errno = 0;
53 return node;
55 error:
56 free(node);
57 return NULL;
58 }
60 //Returns a bwRTreeNode_t on success and NULL on an error
61 //For the root node, set offset to 0
62 static bwRTreeNode_t *bwGetRTreeNode(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint64_t offset) {
63 bwRTreeNode_t *node = NULL;
64 uint8_t padding;
65 uint16_t i;
66 if(offset) {
67 if(bwSetPos(fp, offset)) return NULL;
68 } else {
69 //seek
70 if(bwSetPos(fp, fp->idx->rootOffset)) return NULL;
71 }
73 node = calloc(1, sizeof(bwRTreeNode_t));
74 if(!node) return NULL;
76 if(bwRead(&(node->isLeaf), sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
77 if(bwRead(&padding, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
78 if(bwRead(&(node->nChildren), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
80 node->chrIdxStart = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*(node->nChildren));
81 if(!node->chrIdxStart) goto error;
82 node->baseStart = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*(node->nChildren));
83 if(!node->baseStart) goto error;
84 node->chrIdxEnd = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*(node->nChildren));
85 if(!node->chrIdxEnd) goto error;
86 node->baseEnd = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*(node->nChildren));
87 if(!node->baseEnd) goto error;
88 node->dataOffset = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t)*(node->nChildren));
89 if(!node->dataOffset) goto error;
90 if(node->isLeaf) {
91 node->x.size = malloc(node->nChildren * sizeof(uint64_t));
92 if(!node->x.size) goto error;
93 } else {
94 node->x.child = calloc(node->nChildren, sizeof(struct bwRTreeNode_t *));
95 if(!node->x.child) goto error;
96 }
97 for(i=0; i<node->nChildren; i++) {
98 if(bwRead(&(node->chrIdxStart[i]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
99 if(bwRead(&(node->baseStart[i]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
100 if(bwRead(&(node->chrIdxEnd[i]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
101 if(bwRead(&(node->baseEnd[i]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
102 if(bwRead(&(node->dataOffset[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
103 if(node->isLeaf) {
104 if(bwRead(&(node->x.size[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
105 }
106 }
108 return node;
110 error:
111 if(node->chrIdxStart) free(node->chrIdxStart);
112 if(node->baseStart) free(node->baseStart);
113 if(node->chrIdxEnd) free(node->chrIdxEnd);
114 if(node->baseEnd) free(node->baseEnd);
115 if(node->dataOffset) free(node->dataOffset);
116 if(node->isLeaf && node->x.size) free(node->x.size);
117 else if((!node->isLeaf) && node->x.child) free(node->x.child);
118 free(node);
119 return NULL;
120 }
122 void destroyBWOverlapBlock(bwOverlapBlock_t *b) {
123 if(!b) return;
124 if(b->size) free(b->size);
125 if(b->offset) free(b->offset);
126 free(b);
127 }
129 //Returns a bwOverlapBlock_t * object or NULL on error.
130 static bwOverlapBlock_t *overlapsLeaf(bwRTreeNode_t *node, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
131 uint16_t i, idx = 0;
132 bwOverlapBlock_t *o = calloc(1, sizeof(bwOverlapBlock_t));
133 if(!o) return NULL;
135 for(i=0; i<node->nChildren; i++) {
136 if(tid < node->chrIdxStart[i]) break;
137 if(tid > node->chrIdxEnd[i]) continue;
139 /*
140 The individual blocks can theoretically span multiple contigs.
141 So if we treat the first/last contig in the range as special
142 but anything in the middle is a guaranteed match
143 */
144 if(node->chrIdxStart[i] != node->chrIdxEnd[i]) {
145 if(tid == node->chrIdxStart[i]) {
146 if(node->baseStart[i] >= end) break;
147 } else if(tid == node->chrIdxEnd[i]) {
148 if(node->baseEnd[i] <= start) continue;
149 }
150 } else {
151 if(node->baseStart[i] >= end || node->baseEnd[i] <= start) continue;
152 }
153 o->n++;
154 }
156 if(o->n) {
157 o->offset = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * (o->n));
158 if(!o->offset) goto error;
159 o->size = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * (o->n));
160 if(!o->size) goto error;
162 for(i=0; i<node->nChildren; i++) {
163 if(tid < node->chrIdxStart[i]) break;
164 if(tid < node->chrIdxStart[i] || tid > node->chrIdxEnd[i]) continue;
165 if(node->chrIdxStart[i] != node->chrIdxEnd[i]) {
166 if(tid == node->chrIdxStart[i]) {
167 if(node->baseStart[i] >= end) continue;
168 } else if(tid == node->chrIdxEnd[i]) {
169 if(node->baseEnd[i] <= start) continue;
170 }
171 } else {
172 if(node->baseStart[i] >= end || node->baseEnd[i] <= start) continue;
173 }
174 o->offset[idx] = node->dataOffset[i];
175 o->size[idx++] = node->x.size[i];
176 if(idx >= o->n) break;
177 }
178 }
180 if(idx != o->n) { //This should never happen
181 fprintf(stderr, "[overlapsLeaf] Mismatch between number of overlaps calculated and found!\n");
182 goto error;
183 }
185 return o;
187 error:
188 if(o) destroyBWOverlapBlock(o);
189 return NULL;
190 }
192 //This will free l2 unless there's an error!
193 //Returns NULL on error, otherwise the merged lists
194 static bwOverlapBlock_t *mergeOverlapBlocks(bwOverlapBlock_t *b1, bwOverlapBlock_t *b2) {
195 uint64_t i,j;
196 if(!b2) return b1;
197 if(!b2->n) {
198 destroyBWOverlapBlock(b2);
199 return b1;
200 }
201 if(!b1->n) {
202 destroyBWOverlapBlock(b1);
203 return b2;
204 }
205 j = b1->n;
206 b1->n += b2->n;
207 b1->offset = realloc(b1->offset, sizeof(uint64_t) * (b1->n+b2->n));
208 if(!b1->offset) goto error;
209 b1->size = realloc(b1->size, sizeof(uint64_t) * (b1->n+b2->n));
210 if(!b1->size) goto error;
212 for(i=0; i<b2->n; i++) {
213 b1->offset[j+i] = b2->offset[i];
214 b1->size[j+i] = b2->size[i];
215 }
216 destroyBWOverlapBlock(b2);
217 return b1;
219 error:
220 destroyBWOverlapBlock(b1);
221 return NULL;
222 }
224 //Returns NULL and sets nOverlaps to >0 on error, otherwise nOverlaps is the number of file offsets returned
225 //The output needs to be free()d if not NULL (likewise with *sizes)
226 static bwOverlapBlock_t *overlapsNonLeaf(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwRTreeNode_t *node, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
227 uint16_t i;
228 bwOverlapBlock_t *nodeBlocks, *output = calloc(1, sizeof(bwOverlapBlock_t));
229 if(!output) return NULL;
231 for(i=0; i<node->nChildren; i++) {
232 if(tid < node->chrIdxStart[i]) break;
233 if(tid < node->chrIdxStart[i] || tid > node->chrIdxEnd[i]) continue;
234 if(node->chrIdxStart[i] != node->chrIdxEnd[i]) { //child spans contigs
235 if(tid == node->chrIdxStart[i]) {
236 if(node->baseStart[i] >= end) continue;
237 } else if(tid == node->chrIdxEnd[i]) {
238 if(node->baseEnd[i] <= start) continue;
239 }
240 } else {
241 if(end <= node->baseStart[i] || start >= node->baseEnd[i]) continue;
242 }
244 //We have an overlap!
245 if(!node->x.child[i])
246 node->x.child[i] = bwGetRTreeNode(fp, node->dataOffset[i]);
247 if(!node->x.child[i]) goto error;
249 if(node->x.child[i]->isLeaf) { //leaf
250 nodeBlocks = overlapsLeaf(node->x.child[i], tid, start, end);
251 } else { //non-leaf
252 nodeBlocks = overlapsNonLeaf(fp, node->x.child[i], tid, start, end);
253 }
255 //The output is processed the same regardless of leaf/non-leaf
256 if(!nodeBlocks) goto error;
257 else {
258 output = mergeOverlapBlocks(output, nodeBlocks);
259 if(!output) {
260 destroyBWOverlapBlock(nodeBlocks);
261 goto error;
262 }
263 }
264 }
266 return output;
268 error:
269 destroyBWOverlapBlock(output);
270 return NULL;
271 }
273 //Returns NULL and sets nOverlaps to >0 on error, otherwise nOverlaps is the number of file offsets returned
274 //The output must be free()d
275 bwOverlapBlock_t *walkRTreeNodes(bigWigFile_t *bw, bwRTreeNode_t *root, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
276 if(root->isLeaf) return overlapsLeaf(root, tid, start, end);
277 return overlapsNonLeaf(bw, root, tid, start, end);
278 }
280 //In reality, a hash or some sort of tree structure is probably faster...
281 //Return -1 (AKA 0xFFFFFFFF...) on "not there", so we can hold (2^32)-1 items.
282 uint32_t bwGetTid(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom) {
283 uint32_t i;
284 if(!chrom) return -1;
285 for(i=0; i<fp->cl->nKeys; i++) {
286 if(strcmp(chrom, fp->cl->chrom[i]) == 0) return i;
287 }
288 return -1;
289 }
291 static bwOverlapBlock_t *bwGetOverlappingBlocks(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
292 uint32_t tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom);
294 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) {
295 fprintf(stderr, "[bwGetOverlappingBlocks] Non-existent contig: %s\n", chrom);
296 return NULL;
297 }
299 //Get the info if needed
300 if(!fp->idx) {
301 fp->idx = readRTreeIdx(fp, fp->hdr->indexOffset);
302 if(!fp->idx) {
303 return NULL;
304 }
305 }
307 if(!fp->idx->root) fp->idx->root = bwGetRTreeNode(fp, 0);
308 if(!fp->idx->root) return NULL;
310 return walkRTreeNodes(fp, fp->idx->root, tid, start, end);
311 }
313 void bwFillDataHdr(bwDataHeader_t *hdr, void *b) {
314 hdr->tid = ((uint32_t*)b)[0];
315 hdr->start = ((uint32_t*)b)[1];
316 hdr->end = ((uint32_t*)b)[2];
317 hdr->step = ((uint32_t*)b)[3];
318 hdr->span = ((uint32_t*)b)[4];
319 hdr->type = ((uint8_t*)b)[20];
320 hdr->nItems = ((uint16_t*)b)[11];
321 }
323 void bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(bwOverlappingIntervals_t *o) {
324 if(!o) return;
325 if(o->start) free(o->start);
326 if(o->end) free(o->end);
327 if(o->value) free(o->value);
328 free(o);
329 }
331 void bbDestroyOverlappingEntries(bbOverlappingEntries_t *o) {
332 uint32_t i;
333 if(!o) return;
334 if(o->start) free(o->start);
335 if(o->end) free(o->end);
336 if(o->str) {
337 for(i=0; i<o->l; i++) {
338 if(o->str[i]) free(o->str[i]);
339 }
340 free(o->str);
341 }
342 free(o);
343 }
345 //Returns NULL on error, in which case o has been free()d
346 static bwOverlappingIntervals_t *pushIntervals(bwOverlappingIntervals_t *o, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, float value) {
347 if(o->l+1 >= o->m) {
348 o->m = roundup(o->l+1);
349 o->start = realloc(o->start, o->m * sizeof(uint32_t));
350 if(!o->start) goto error;
351 o->end = realloc(o->end, o->m * sizeof(uint32_t));
352 if(!o->end) goto error;
353 o->value = realloc(o->value, o->m * sizeof(float));
354 if(!o->value) goto error;
355 }
356 o->start[o->l] = start;
357 o->end[o->l] = end;
358 o->value[o->l++] = value;
359 return o;
361 error:
362 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(o);
363 return NULL;
364 }
366 static bbOverlappingEntries_t *pushBBIntervals(bbOverlappingEntries_t *o, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, char *str, int withString) {
367 if(o->l+1 >= o->m) {
368 o->m = roundup(o->l+1);
369 o->start = realloc(o->start, o->m * sizeof(uint32_t));
370 if(!o->start) goto error;
371 o->end = realloc(o->end, o->m * sizeof(uint32_t));
372 if(!o->end) goto error;
373 if(withString) {
374 o->str = realloc(o->str, o->m * sizeof(char**));
375 if(!o->str) goto error;
376 }
377 }
378 o->start[o->l] = start;
379 o->end[o->l] = end;
380 if(withString) o->str[o->l] = strdup(str);
381 o->l++;
382 return o;
384 error:
385 bbDestroyOverlappingEntries(o);
386 return NULL;
387 }
389 //Returns NULL on error
390 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *bwGetOverlappingIntervalsCore(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *o, uint32_t tid, uint32_t ostart, uint32_t oend) {
391 uint64_t i;
392 uint16_t j;
393 int compressed = 0, rv;
394 uLongf sz = fp->hdr->bufSize, tmp;
395 void *buf = NULL, *compBuf = NULL;
396 uint32_t start = 0, end , *p;
397 float value;
398 bwDataHeader_t hdr;
399 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *output = calloc(1, sizeof(bwOverlappingIntervals_t));
401 if(!output) goto error;
403 if(!o) return output;
404 if(!o->n) return output;
406 if(sz) {
407 compressed = 1;
408 buf = malloc(sz);
409 }
410 sz = 0; //This is now the size of the compressed buffer
412 for(i=0; i<o->n; i++) {
413 if(bwSetPos(fp, o->offset[i])) goto error;
415 if(sz < o->size[i]) {
416 compBuf = realloc(compBuf, o->size[i]);
417 sz = o->size[i];
418 }
419 if(!compBuf) goto error;
421 if(bwRead(compBuf, o->size[i], 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
422 if(compressed) {
423 tmp = fp->hdr->bufSize; //This gets over-written by uncompress
424 rv = uncompress(buf, (uLongf *) &tmp, compBuf, o->size[i]);
425 if(rv != Z_OK) goto error;
426 } else {
427 buf = compBuf;
428 }
430 //TODO: ensure that tmp is large enough!
431 bwFillDataHdr(&hdr, buf);
433 p = ((uint32_t*) buf);
434 p += 6;
435 if(hdr.tid != tid) continue;
437 if(hdr.type == 3) start = hdr.start - hdr.step;
439 //FIXME: We should ensure that sz is large enough to hold nItems of the given type
440 for(j=0; j<hdr.nItems; j++) {
441 switch(hdr.type) {
442 case 1:
443 start = *p;
444 p++;
445 end = *p;
446 p++;
447 value = *((float *)p);
448 p++;
449 break;
450 case 2:
451 start = *p;
452 p++;
453 end = start + hdr.span;
454 value = *((float *)p);
455 p++;
456 break;
457 case 3:
458 start += hdr.step;
459 end = start+hdr.span;
460 value = *((float *)p);
461 p++;
462 break;
463 default :
464 goto error;
465 break;
466 }
468 if(end <= ostart || start >= oend) continue;
469 //Push the overlap
470 if(!pushIntervals(output, start, end, value)) goto error;
471 }
472 }
474 if(compressed && buf) free(buf);
475 if(compBuf) free(compBuf);
476 return output;
478 error:
479 fprintf(stderr, "[bwGetOverlappingIntervalsCore] Got an error\n");
480 if(output) bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(output);
481 if(compressed && buf) free(buf);
482 if(compBuf) free(compBuf);
483 return NULL;
484 }
486 bbOverlappingEntries_t *bbGetOverlappingEntriesCore(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwOverlapBlock_t *o, uint32_t tid, uint32_t ostart, uint32_t oend, int withString) {
487 uint64_t i;
488 int compressed = 0, rv, slen;
489 uLongf sz = fp->hdr->bufSize, tmp = 0;
490 void *buf = NULL, *bufEnd = NULL, *compBuf = NULL;
491 uint32_t entryTid = 0, start = 0, end;
492 char *str;
493 bbOverlappingEntries_t *output = calloc(1, sizeof(bbOverlappingEntries_t));
495 if(!output) goto error;
497 if(!o) return output;
498 if(!o->n) return output;
500 if(sz) {
501 compressed = 1;
502 buf = malloc(sz);
503 }
504 sz = 0; //This is now the size of the compressed buffer
506 for(i=0; i<o->n; i++) {
507 if(bwSetPos(fp, o->offset[i])) goto error;
509 if(sz < o->size[i]) {
510 compBuf = realloc(compBuf, o->size[i]);
511 sz = o->size[i];
512 }
513 if(!compBuf) goto error;
515 if(bwRead(compBuf, o->size[i], 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
516 if(compressed) {
517 tmp = fp->hdr->bufSize; //This gets over-written by uncompress
518 rv = uncompress(buf, (uLongf *) &tmp, compBuf, o->size[i]);
519 if(rv != Z_OK) goto error;
520 } else {
521 buf = compBuf;
522 tmp = o->size[i]; //TODO: Is this correct? Do non-gzipped bigBeds exist?
523 }
525 bufEnd = buf + tmp;
526 while(buf < bufEnd) {
527 entryTid = ((uint32_t*)buf)[0];
528 start = ((uint32_t*)buf)[1];
529 end = ((uint32_t*)buf)[2];
530 buf += 12;
531 str = (char*)buf;
532 slen = strlen(str) + 1;
533 buf += slen;
535 if(entryTid < tid) continue;
536 if(entryTid > tid) break;
537 if(end <= ostart) continue;
538 if(start >= oend) break;
540 //Push the overlap
541 if(!pushBBIntervals(output, start, end, str, withString)) goto error;
542 }
544 buf = bufEnd - tmp; //reset the buffer pointer
545 }
547 if(compressed && buf) free(buf);
548 if(compBuf) free(compBuf);
549 return output;
551 error:
552 fprintf(stderr, "[bbGetOverlappingEntriesCore] Got an error\n");
553 buf = bufEnd - tmp;
554 if(output) bbDestroyOverlappingEntries(output);
555 if(compressed && buf) free(buf);
556 if(compBuf) free(compBuf);
557 return NULL;
558 }
560 //Returns NULL on error OR no intervals, which is a bad design...
561 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *bwGetOverlappingIntervals(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
562 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *output;
563 uint32_t tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom);
564 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return NULL;
565 bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks = bwGetOverlappingBlocks(fp, chrom, start, end);
566 if(!blocks) return NULL;
567 output = bwGetOverlappingIntervalsCore(fp, blocks, tid, start, end);
568 destroyBWOverlapBlock(blocks);
569 return output;
570 }
572 //Like above, but for bigBed files
573 bbOverlappingEntries_t *bbGetOverlappingEntries(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int withString) {
574 bbOverlappingEntries_t *output;
575 uint32_t tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom);
576 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return NULL;
577 bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks = bwGetOverlappingBlocks(fp, chrom, start, end);
578 if(!blocks) return NULL;
579 output = bbGetOverlappingEntriesCore(fp, blocks, tid, start, end, withString);
580 destroyBWOverlapBlock(blocks);
581 return output;
582 }
584 //Returns NULL on error
585 bwOverlapIterator_t *bwOverlappingIntervalsIterator(bigWigFile_t *bw, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t blocksPerIteration) {
586 bwOverlapIterator_t *output = NULL;
587 uint64_t n;
588 uint32_t tid = bwGetTid(bw, chrom);
589 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return output;
590 output = calloc(1, sizeof(bwOverlapIterator_t));
591 if(!output) return output;
592 bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks = bwGetOverlappingBlocks(bw, chrom, start, end);
594 output->bw = bw;
595 output->tid = tid;
596 output->start = start;
597 output->end = end;
598 output->blocks = blocks;
599 output->blocksPerIteration = blocksPerIteration;
601 if(blocks) {
602 n = blocks->n;
603 if(n>blocksPerIteration) blocks->n = blocksPerIteration;
604 output->intervals = bwGetOverlappingIntervalsCore(bw, blocks,tid, start, end);
605 blocks->n = n;
606 output->offset = blocksPerIteration;
607 }
608 output->data = output->intervals;
609 return output;
610 }
612 //Returns NULL on error
613 bwOverlapIterator_t *bbOverlappingEntriesIterator(bigWigFile_t *bw, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int withString, uint32_t blocksPerIteration) {
614 bwOverlapIterator_t *output = NULL;
615 uint64_t n;
616 uint32_t tid = bwGetTid(bw, chrom);
617 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return output;
618 output = calloc(1, sizeof(bwOverlapIterator_t));
619 if(!output) return output;
620 bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks = bwGetOverlappingBlocks(bw, chrom, start, end);
622 output->bw = bw;
623 output->tid = tid;
624 output->start = start;
625 output->end = end;
626 output->blocks = blocks;
627 output->blocksPerIteration = blocksPerIteration;
628 output->withString = withString;
630 if(blocks) {
631 n = blocks->n;
632 if(n>blocksPerIteration) blocks->n = blocksPerIteration;
633 output->entries = bbGetOverlappingEntriesCore(bw, blocks,tid, start, end, withString);
634 blocks->n = n;
635 output->offset = blocksPerIteration;
636 }
637 output->data = output->entries;
638 return output;
639 }
641 void bwIteratorDestroy(bwOverlapIterator_t *iter) {
642 if(!iter) return;
643 if(iter->blocks) destroyBWOverlapBlock((bwOverlapBlock_t*) iter->blocks);
644 if(iter->intervals) bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(iter->intervals);
645 if(iter->entries) bbDestroyOverlappingEntries(iter->entries);
646 free(iter);
647 }
649 //On error, points to NULL and destroys the input
650 bwOverlapIterator_t *bwIteratorNext(bwOverlapIterator_t *iter) {
651 uint64_t n, *offset, *size;
652 bwOverlapBlock_t *blocks = iter->blocks;
654 if(iter->intervals) {
655 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(iter->intervals);
656 iter->intervals = NULL;
657 }
658 if(iter->entries) {
659 bbDestroyOverlappingEntries(iter->entries);
660 iter->entries = NULL;
661 }
662 iter->data = NULL;
664 if(iter->offset < blocks->n) {
665 //store the previous values
666 n = blocks->n;
667 offset = blocks->offset;
668 size = blocks->size;
670 //Move the start of the blocks
671 blocks->offset += iter->offset;
672 blocks->size += iter->offset;
673 if(iter->offset + iter->blocksPerIteration > n) {
674 blocks->n = blocks->n - iter->offset;
675 } else {
676 blocks->n = iter->blocksPerIteration;
677 }
679 //Get the intervals or entries, as appropriate
680 if(iter->bw->type == 0) {
681 //bigWig
682 iter->intervals = bwGetOverlappingIntervalsCore(iter->bw, blocks, iter->tid, iter->start, iter->end);
683 iter->data = iter->intervals;
684 } else {
685 //bigBed
686 iter->entries = bbGetOverlappingEntriesCore(iter->bw, blocks, iter->tid, iter->start, iter->end, iter->withString);
687 iter->data = iter->entries;
688 }
689 iter->offset += iter->blocksPerIteration;
691 //reset the values in iter->blocks
692 blocks->n = n;
693 blocks->offset = offset;
694 blocks->size = size;
696 //Check for error
697 if(!iter->intervals && !iter->entries) goto error;
698 }
700 return iter;
702 error:
703 bwIteratorDestroy(iter);
704 return NULL;
705 }
707 //This is like bwGetOverlappingIntervals, except it returns 1 base windows. If includeNA is not 0, then a value will be returned for every position in the range (defaulting to NAN).
708 //The ->end member is NULL
709 //If includeNA is not 0 then ->start is also NULL, since it's implied
710 //Note that bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals() will work in either case
711 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *bwGetValues(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int includeNA) {
712 uint32_t i, j, n;
713 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *output = NULL;
714 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *intermediate = bwGetOverlappingIntervals(fp, chrom, start, end);
715 if(!intermediate) return NULL;
717 output = calloc(1, sizeof(bwOverlappingIntervals_t));
718 if(!output) goto error;
719 if(includeNA) {
720 output->l = end-start;
721 output->value = malloc((end-start)*sizeof(float));
722 if(!output->value) goto error;
723 for(i=0; i<end-start; i++) output->value[i] = strtod("NaN", NULL);
724 for(i=0; i<intermediate->l; i++) {
725 for(j=intermediate->start[i]; j<intermediate->end[i]; j++) {
726 if(j < start || j >= end) continue;
727 output->value[j-start] = intermediate->value[i];
728 }
729 }
730 } else {
731 n = 0;
732 for(i=0; i<intermediate->l; i++) {
733 if(intermediate->start[i] < start) intermediate->start[i] = start;
734 if(intermediate->end[i] > end) intermediate->end[i] = end;
735 n += intermediate->end[i]-intermediate->start[i];
736 }
737 output->l = n;
738 output->start = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*n);
739 if(!output->start) goto error;
740 output->value = malloc(sizeof(float)*n);
741 if(!output->value) goto error;
742 n = 0; //this is now the index
743 for(i=0; i<intermediate->l; i++) {
744 for(j=intermediate->start[i]; j<intermediate->end[i]; j++) {
745 if(j < start || j >= end) continue;
746 output->start[n] = j;
747 output->value[n++] = intermediate->value[i];
748 }
749 }
750 }
752 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(intermediate);
753 return output;
755 error:
756 if(intermediate) bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(intermediate);
757 if(output) bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(output);
758 return NULL;
759 }
761 void bwDestroyIndexNode(bwRTreeNode_t *node) {
762 uint16_t i;
764 if(!node) return;
766 free(node->chrIdxStart);
767 free(node->baseStart);
768 free(node->chrIdxEnd);
769 free(node->baseEnd);
770 free(node->dataOffset);
771 if(!node->isLeaf) {
772 for(i=0; i<node->nChildren; i++) {
773 bwDestroyIndexNode(node->x.child[i]);
774 }
775 free(node->x.child);
776 } else {
777 free(node->x.size);
778 }
779 free(node);
780 }
782 void bwDestroyIndex(bwRTree_t *idx) {
783 bwDestroyIndexNode(idx->root);
784 free(idx);
785 }
787 //Returns a pointer to the requested index (@offset, unless it's 0, in which case the index for the values is returned
788 //Returns NULL on error
789 bwRTree_t *bwReadIndex(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint64_t offset) {
790 bwRTree_t *idx = readRTreeIdx(fp, offset);
791 if(!idx) return NULL;
793 //Read in the root node
794 idx->root = bwGetRTreeNode(fp, idx->rootOffset);
796 if(!idx->root) {
797 bwDestroyIndex(idx);
798 return NULL;
799 }
800 return idx;
801 }
3 #include <inttypes.h>
4 /*! \file bwValues.h
5 *
6 * You should not directly use functions and structures defined here. They're really meant for internal use only.
7 *
8 * All of the structures here need to be destroyed or you'll leak memory! There are methods available to destroy anything that you need to take care of yourself.
9 */
11 //N.B., coordinates are still 0-based half open!
12 /*!
13 * @brief A node within an R-tree holding the index for data.
14 *
15 * Note that there are two types of nodes: leaf and twig. Leaf nodes point to where data actually is. Twig nodes point to additional index nodes, which may or may not be leaves. Each of these nodes has additional children, which may span multiple chromosomes/contigs.
16 *
17 * With the start/end position, these positions refer specifically to the chromosomes specified in chrIdxStart/chrIdxEnd. Any chromosomes between these are completely spanned by a given child.
18 */
19 typedef struct bwRTreeNode_t {
20 uint8_t isLeaf; /**<Is this node a leaf?*/
21 //1 byte of padding
22 uint16_t nChildren; /**<The number of children of this node, all lists have this length.*/
23 uint32_t *chrIdxStart; /**<A list of the starting chromosome indices of each child.*/
24 uint32_t *baseStart; /**<A list of the start position of each child.*/
25 uint32_t *chrIdxEnd; /**<A list of the end chromosome indices of each child.*/
26 uint32_t *baseEnd; /**<A list of the end position of each child.*/
27 uint64_t *dataOffset; /**<For leaves, the offset to the on-disk data. For twigs, the offset to the child node.*/
28 union {
29 uint64_t *size; /**<Leaves only: The size of the data block.*/
30 struct bwRTreeNode_t **child; /**<Twigs only: The child node(s).*/
31 } x; /**<A union holding either size or child*/
32 } bwRTreeNode_t;
34 /*!
35 * A header and index that points to an R-tree that in turn points to data blocks.
36 */
37 //TODO rootOffset is pointless, it's 48bytes after the indexOffset
38 typedef struct {
39 uint32_t blockSize; /**<The maximum number of children a node can have*/
40 uint64_t nItems; /**<The total number of data blocks pointed to by the tree. This is completely redundant.*/
41 uint32_t chrIdxStart; /**<The index to the first chromosome described.*/
42 uint32_t baseStart; /**<The first position on chrIdxStart with a value.*/
43 uint32_t chrIdxEnd; /**<The index of the last chromosome with an entry.*/
44 uint32_t baseEnd; /**<The last position on chrIdxEnd with an entry.*/
45 uint64_t idxSize; /**<This is actually the offset of the index rather than the size?!? Yes, it's completely redundant.*/
46 uint32_t nItemsPerSlot; /**<This is always 1!*/
47 //There's 4 bytes of padding in the file here
48 uint64_t rootOffset; /**<The offset to the root node of the R-Tree (on disk). Yes, this is redundant.*/
49 bwRTreeNode_t *root; /**<A pointer to the root node.*/
50 } bwRTree_t;
52 /*!
53 * @brief This structure holds the data blocks that overlap a given interval.
54 */
55 typedef struct {
56 uint64_t n; /**<The number of blocks that overlap. This *MAY* be 0!.*/
57 uint64_t *offset; /**<The offset to the on-disk position of the block.*/
58 uint64_t *size; /**<The size of each block on disk (in bytes).*/
59 } bwOverlapBlock_t;
61 /*!
62 * @brief The header section of a given data block.
63 *
64 * There are 3 types of data blocks in bigWig files, each with slightly different needs. This is all taken care of internally.
65 */
66 typedef struct {
67 uint32_t tid; /**<The chromosome ID.*/
68 uint32_t start; /**<The start position of a block*/
69 uint32_t end; /**<The end position of a block*/
70 uint32_t step; /**<The step size of the values*/
71 uint32_t span; /**<The span of each data value*/
72 uint8_t type; /**<The block type: 1, bedGraph; 2, variable step; 3, fixed step.*/
73 uint16_t nItems; /**<The number of values in a given block.*/
74 } bwDataHeader_t;
0 #include <limits.h>
1 #include <float.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <math.h>
5 #include "bigWig.h"
6 #include "bwCommon.h"
8 /// @cond SKIP
9 struct val_t {
10 uint32_t tid;
11 uint32_t start;
12 uint32_t nBases;
13 float min, max, sum, sumsq;
14 double scalar;
15 struct val_t *next;
16 };
17 /// @endcond
19 //Create a chromList_t and attach it to a bigWigFile_t *. Returns NULL on error
20 //Note that chroms and lengths are duplicated, so you MUST free the input
21 chromList_t *bwCreateChromList(char **chroms, uint32_t *lengths, int64_t n) {
22 int64_t i = 0;
23 chromList_t *cl = calloc(1, sizeof(chromList_t));
24 if(!cl) return NULL;
26 cl->nKeys = n;
27 cl->chrom = malloc(sizeof(char*)*n);
28 cl->len = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*n);
29 if(!cl->chrom) goto error;
30 if(!cl->len) goto error;
32 for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
33 cl->len[i] = lengths[i];
34 cl->chrom[i] = strdup(chroms[i]);
35 if(!cl->chrom[i]) goto error;
36 }
38 return cl;
40 error:
41 if(i) {
42 int64_t j;
43 for(j=0; j<i; j++) free(cl->chrom[j]);
44 }
45 if(cl) {
46 if(cl->chrom) free(cl->chrom);
47 if(cl->len) free(cl->len);
48 free(cl);
49 }
50 return NULL;
51 }
53 //If maxZooms == 0, then 0 is used (i.e., there are no zoom levels). If maxZooms < 0 or > 65535 then 10 is used.
54 //TODO allow changing bufSize and blockSize
55 int bwCreateHdr(bigWigFile_t *fp, int32_t maxZooms) {
56 if(!fp->isWrite) return 1;
57 bigWigHdr_t *hdr = calloc(1, sizeof(bigWigHdr_t));
58 if(!hdr) return 2;
60 hdr->version = 4;
61 if(maxZooms < 0 || maxZooms > 65535) {
62 hdr->nLevels = 10;
63 } else {
64 hdr->nLevels = maxZooms;
65 }
67 hdr->bufSize = 32768; //When the file is finalized this is reset if fp->writeBuffer->compressPsz is 0!
68 hdr->minVal = DBL_MAX;
69 hdr->maxVal = DBL_MIN;
70 fp->hdr = hdr;
71 fp->writeBuffer->blockSize = 64;
73 //Allocate the writeBuffer buffers
74 fp->writeBuffer->compressPsz = compressBound(hdr->bufSize);
75 fp->writeBuffer->compressP = malloc(fp->writeBuffer->compressPsz);
76 if(!fp->writeBuffer->compressP) return 3;
77 fp->writeBuffer->p = calloc(1,hdr->bufSize);
78 if(!fp->writeBuffer->p) return 4;
80 return 0;
81 }
83 //return 0 on success
84 static int writeAtPos(void *ptr, size_t sz, size_t nmemb, size_t pos, FILE *fp) {
85 size_t curpos = ftell(fp);
86 if(fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET)) return 1;
87 if(fwrite(ptr, sz, nmemb, fp) != nmemb) return 2;
88 if(fseek(fp, curpos, SEEK_SET)) return 3;
89 return 0;
90 }
92 //We lose keySize bytes on error
93 static int writeChromList(FILE *fp, chromList_t *cl) {
94 uint16_t k;
95 uint32_t j, magic = CIRTREE_MAGIC;
96 uint32_t nperblock = (cl->nKeys > 0x7FFF) ? 0x7FFF : cl->nKeys; //Items per leaf/non-leaf, there are no unsigned ints in java :(
97 uint32_t nblocks, keySize = 0, valSize = 8; //In theory valSize could be optimized, in practice that'd be annoying
98 uint64_t i, nonLeafEnd, leafSize, nextLeaf;
99 uint8_t eight;
100 int64_t i64;
101 char *chrom;
102 size_t l;
104 if(cl->nKeys > 1073676289) {
105 fprintf(stderr, "[writeChromList] Error: Currently only 1,073,676,289 contigs are supported. If you really need more then please post a request on github.\n");
106 return 1;
107 }
108 nblocks = cl->nKeys/nperblock;
109 nblocks += ((cl->nKeys % nperblock) > 0)?1:0;
111 for(i64=0; i64<cl->nKeys; i64++) {
112 l = strlen(cl->chrom[i64]);
113 if(l>keySize) keySize = l;
114 }
115 l--; //We don't null terminate strings, because schiess mich tot
116 chrom = calloc(keySize, sizeof(char));
118 //Write the root node of a largely pointless tree
119 if(fwrite(&magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 1;
120 if(fwrite(&nperblock, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 2;
121 if(fwrite(&keySize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 3;
122 if(fwrite(&valSize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 4;
123 if(fwrite(&(cl->nKeys), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 5;
125 //Padding?
126 i=0;
127 if(fwrite(&i, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 6;
129 //Do we need a non-leaf node?
130 if(nblocks > 1) {
131 eight = 0;
132 if(fwrite(&eight, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 7;
133 if(fwrite(&eight, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 8; //padding
134 if(fwrite(&nblocks, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 8;
135 nonLeafEnd = ftell(fp) + nperblock * (keySize + 8);
136 leafSize = nperblock * (keySize + 8) + 4;
137 for(i=0; i<nblocks; i++) { //Why yes, this is pointless
138 chrom = strncpy(chrom, cl->chrom[i * nperblock], keySize);
139 nextLeaf = nonLeafEnd + i * leafSize;
140 if(fwrite(chrom, keySize, 1, fp) != 1) return 9;
141 if(fwrite(&nextLeaf, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 10;
142 }
143 for(i=0; i<keySize; i++) chrom[i] = '\0';
144 nextLeaf = 0;
145 for(i=nblocks; i<nperblock; i++) {
146 if(fwrite(chrom, keySize, 1, fp) != 1) return 9;
147 if(fwrite(&nextLeaf, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 10;
148 }
149 }
151 //Write the leaves
152 nextLeaf = 0;
153 for(i=0, j=0; i<nblocks; i++) {
154 eight = 1;
155 if(fwrite(&eight, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 11;
156 eight = 0;
157 if(fwrite(&eight, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 12;
158 if(cl->nKeys - j < nperblock) {
159 k = cl->nKeys - j;
160 if(fwrite(&k, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 13;
161 } else {
162 if(fwrite(&nperblock, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 13;
163 }
164 for(k=0; k<nperblock; k++) {
165 if(j>=cl->nKeys) {
166 if(chrom[0]) {
167 for(l=0; l<keySize; l++) chrom[l] = '\0';
168 }
169 if(fwrite(chrom, keySize, 1, fp) != 1) return 15;
170 if(fwrite(&nextLeaf, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 16;
171 } else {
172 chrom = strncpy(chrom, cl->chrom[j], keySize);
173 if(fwrite(chrom, keySize, 1, fp) != 1) return 15;
174 if(fwrite(&j, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 16;
175 if(fwrite(&(cl->len[j++]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 17;
176 }
177 }
178 }
180 free(chrom);
181 return 0;
182 }
184 //returns 0 on success
185 //Still need to fill in indexOffset
186 int bwWriteHdr(bigWigFile_t *bw) {
187 uint32_t magic = BIGWIG_MAGIC;
188 uint16_t two = 4;
189 FILE *fp;
190 void *p = calloc(58, sizeof(uint8_t)); //58 bytes of nothing
191 if(!bw->isWrite) return 1;
193 //The header itself, largely just reserving space...
194 fp = bw->URL->x.fp;
195 if(!fp) return 2;
196 if(fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET)) return 3;
197 if(fwrite(&magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 4;
198 if(fwrite(&two, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 5;
199 if(fwrite(p, sizeof(uint8_t), 58, fp) != 58) return 6;
201 //Empty zoom headers
202 if(bw->hdr->nLevels) {
203 for(two=0; two<bw->hdr->nLevels; two++) {
204 if(fwrite(p, sizeof(uint8_t), 24, fp) != 24) return 9;
205 }
206 }
208 //Update summaryOffset and write an empty summary block
209 bw->hdr->summaryOffset = ftell(fp);
210 if(fwrite(p, sizeof(uint8_t), 40, fp) != 40) return 10;
211 if(writeAtPos(&(bw->hdr->summaryOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, 0x2c, fp)) return 11;
213 //Write the chromosome list as a stupid freaking tree (because let's TREE ALL THE THINGS!!!)
214 bw->hdr->ctOffset = ftell(fp);
215 if(writeChromList(fp, bw->cl)) return 7;
216 if(writeAtPos(&(bw->hdr->ctOffset), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, 0x8, fp)) return 8;
218 //Update the dataOffset
219 bw->hdr->dataOffset = ftell(fp);
220 if(writeAtPos(&bw->hdr->dataOffset, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, 0x10, fp)) return 12;
222 //Save space for the number of blocks
223 if(fwrite(p, sizeof(uint8_t), 8, fp) != 8) return 13;
225 free(p);
226 return 0;
227 }
229 static int insertIndexNode(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwRTreeNode_t *leaf) {
230 bwLL *l = malloc(sizeof(bwLL));
231 if(!l) return 1;
232 l->node = leaf;
233 l->next = NULL;
235 if(!fp->writeBuffer->firstIndexNode) {
236 fp->writeBuffer->firstIndexNode = l;
237 } else {
238 fp->writeBuffer->currentIndexNode->next = l;
239 }
240 fp->writeBuffer->currentIndexNode = l;
241 return 0;
242 }
244 //0 on success
245 static int appendIndexNodeEntry(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t tid0, uint32_t tid1, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) {
246 bwLL *n = fp->writeBuffer->currentIndexNode;
247 if(!n) return 1;
248 if(n->node->nChildren >= fp->writeBuffer->blockSize) return 2;
250 n->node->chrIdxStart[n->node->nChildren] = tid0;
251 n->node->baseStart[n->node->nChildren] = start;
252 n->node->chrIdxEnd[n->node->nChildren] = tid1;
253 n->node->baseEnd[n->node->nChildren] = end;
254 n->node->dataOffset[n->node->nChildren] = offset;
255 n->node->x.size[n->node->nChildren] = size;
256 n->node->nChildren++;
257 return 0;
258 }
260 //Returns 0 on success
261 static int addIndexEntry(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t tid0, uint32_t tid1, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) {
262 bwRTreeNode_t *node;
264 if(appendIndexNodeEntry(fp, tid0, tid1, start, end, offset, size)) {
265 //The last index node is full, we need to add a new one
266 node = calloc(1, sizeof(bwRTreeNode_t));
267 if(!node) return 1;
269 //Allocate and set the fields
270 node->isLeaf = 1;
271 node->nChildren = 1;
272 node->chrIdxStart = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
273 if(!node->chrIdxStart) goto error;
274 node->baseStart = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
275 if(!node->baseStart) goto error;
276 node->chrIdxEnd = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
277 if(!node->chrIdxEnd) goto error;
278 node->baseEnd = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
279 if(!node->baseEnd) goto error;
280 node->dataOffset = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t)*fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
281 if(!node->dataOffset) goto error;
282 node->x.size = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t)*fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
283 if(!node->x.size) goto error;
285 node->chrIdxStart[0] = tid0;
286 node->baseStart[0] = start;
287 node->chrIdxEnd[0] = tid1;
288 node->baseEnd[0] = end;
289 node->dataOffset[0] = offset;
290 node->x.size[0] = size;
292 if(insertIndexNode(fp, node)) goto error;
293 }
295 return 0;
297 error:
298 if(node->chrIdxStart) free(node->chrIdxStart);
299 if(node->baseStart) free(node->baseStart);
300 if(node->chrIdxEnd) free(node->chrIdxEnd);
301 if(node->baseEnd) free(node->baseEnd);
302 if(node->dataOffset) free(node->dataOffset);
303 if(node->x.size) free(node->x.size);
304 return 2;
305 }
307 /*
308 * TODO:
309 * The buffer size and compression sz need to be determined elsewhere (and p and compressP filled in!)
310 */
311 static int flushBuffer(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
312 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
313 uLongf sz = wb->compressPsz;
314 uint16_t nItems;
315 if(!fp->writeBuffer->l) return 0;
316 if(!wb->ltype) return 0;
318 //Fill in the header
319 if(!memcpy(wb->p, &(wb->tid), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 1;
320 if(!memcpy(wb->p+4, &(wb->start), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 2;
321 if(!memcpy(wb->p+8, &(wb->end), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 3;
322 if(!memcpy(wb->p+12, &(wb->step), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 4;
323 if(!memcpy(wb->p+16, &(wb->span), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 5;
324 if(!memcpy(wb->p+20, &(wb->ltype), sizeof(uint8_t))) return 6;
325 //1 byte padding
326 //Determine the number of items
327 switch(wb->ltype) {
328 case 1:
329 nItems = (wb->l-24)/12;
330 break;
331 case 2:
332 nItems = (wb->l-24)/8;
333 break;
334 case 3:
335 nItems = (wb->l-24)/4;
336 break;
337 default:
338 return 7;
339 }
340 if(!memcpy(wb->p+22, &nItems, sizeof(uint16_t))) return 8;
342 if(sz) {
343 //compress
344 if(compress(wb->compressP, &sz, wb->p, wb->l) != Z_OK) return 9;
346 //write the data to disk
347 if(fwrite(wb->compressP, sizeof(uint8_t), sz, fp->URL->x.fp) != sz) return 10;
348 } else {
349 sz = wb->l;
350 if(fwrite(wb->p, sizeof(uint8_t), wb->l, fp->URL->x.fp) != wb->l) return 10;
351 }
353 //Add an entry into the index
354 if(addIndexEntry(fp, wb->tid, wb->tid, wb->start, wb->end, bwTell(fp)-sz, sz)) return 11;
356 wb->nBlocks++;
357 wb->l = 24;
358 return 0;
359 }
361 static void updateStats(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t span, float val) {
362 if(val < fp->hdr->minVal) fp->hdr->minVal = val;
363 else if(val > fp->hdr->maxVal) fp->hdr->maxVal = val;
364 fp->hdr->nBasesCovered += span;
365 fp->hdr->sumData += span*val;
366 fp->hdr->sumSquared += span*pow(val,2);
368 fp->writeBuffer->nEntries++;
369 fp->writeBuffer->runningWidthSum += span;
370 }
372 //12 bytes per entry
373 int bwAddIntervals(bigWigFile_t *fp, char **chrom, uint32_t *start, uint32_t *end, float *values, uint32_t n) {
374 uint32_t tid = 0, i;
375 char *lastChrom = NULL;
376 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
377 if(!n) return 0; //Not an error per se
378 if(!fp->isWrite) return 1;
379 if(!wb) return 2;
381 //Flush if needed
382 if(wb->ltype != 1) if(flushBuffer(fp)) return 3;
383 if(wb->l+36 > fp->hdr->bufSize) if(flushBuffer(fp)) return 4;
384 lastChrom = chrom[0];
385 tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom[0]);
386 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return 5;
387 if(tid != wb->tid) {
388 if(flushBuffer(fp)) return 6;
389 wb->tid = tid;
390 wb->start = start[0];
391 wb->end = end[0];
392 }
394 //Ensure that everything is set correctly
395 wb->ltype = 1;
396 if(wb->l <= 24) {
397 wb->start = start[0];
398 wb->span = 0;
399 wb->step = 0;
400 }
401 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l, start, sizeof(uint32_t))) return 7;
402 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+4, end, sizeof(uint32_t))) return 8;
403 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+8, values, sizeof(float))) return 9;
404 updateStats(fp, end[0]-start[0], values[0]);
405 wb->l += 12;
407 for(i=1; i<n; i++) {
408 if(strcmp(chrom[i],lastChrom) != 0) {
409 wb->end = end[i-1];
410 flushBuffer(fp);
411 lastChrom = chrom[i];
412 tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom[i]);
413 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return 10;
414 wb->tid = tid;
415 wb->start = start[i];
416 }
417 if(wb->l+12 > fp->hdr->bufSize) { //12 bytes/entry
418 wb->end = end[i-1];
419 flushBuffer(fp);
420 wb->start = start[i];
421 }
422 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l, &(start[i]), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 11;
423 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+4, &(end[i]), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 12;
424 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+8, &(values[i]), sizeof(float))) return 13;
425 updateStats(fp, end[i]-start[i], values[i]);
426 wb->l += 12;
427 }
428 wb->end = end[i-1];
430 return 0;
431 }
433 int bwAppendIntervals(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t *start, uint32_t *end, float *values, uint32_t n) {
434 uint32_t i;
435 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
436 if(!n) return 0;
437 if(!fp->isWrite) return 1;
438 if(!wb) return 2;
439 if(wb->ltype != 1) return 3;
441 for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
442 if(wb->l+12 > fp->hdr->bufSize) {
443 if(i>0) { //otherwise it's already set
444 wb->end = end[i-1];
445 }
446 flushBuffer(fp);
447 wb->start = start[i];
448 }
449 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l, &(start[i]), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 4;
450 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+4, &(end[i]), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 5;
451 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+8, &(values[i]), sizeof(float))) return 6;
452 updateStats(fp, end[i]-start[i], values[i]);
453 wb->l += 12;
454 }
455 wb->end = end[i-1];
457 return 0;
458 }
460 //8 bytes per entry
461 int bwAddIntervalSpans(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t *start, uint32_t span, float *values, uint32_t n) {
462 uint32_t i, tid;
463 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
464 if(!n) return 0;
465 if(!fp->isWrite) return 1;
466 if(!wb) return 2;
467 if(wb->ltype != 2) if(flushBuffer(fp)) return 3;
468 if(flushBuffer(fp)) return 4;
470 tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom);
471 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return 5;
472 wb->tid = tid;
473 wb->start = start[0];
474 wb->step = 0;
475 wb->span = span;
476 wb->ltype = 2;
478 for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
479 if(wb->l + 8 >= fp->hdr->bufSize) { //8 bytes/entry
480 if(i) wb->end = start[i-1]+span;
481 flushBuffer(fp);
482 wb->start = start[i];
483 }
484 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l, &(start[i]), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 5;
485 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+4, &(values[i]), sizeof(float))) return 6;
486 updateStats(fp, span, values[i]);
487 wb->l += 8;
488 }
489 wb->end = start[n-1] + span;
491 return 0;
492 }
494 int bwAppendIntervalSpans(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t *start, float *values, uint32_t n) {
495 uint32_t i;
496 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
497 if(!n) return 0;
498 if(!fp->isWrite) return 1;
499 if(!wb) return 2;
500 if(wb->ltype != 2) return 3;
502 for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
503 if(wb->l + 8 >= fp->hdr->bufSize) {
504 if(i) wb->end = start[i-1]+wb->span;
505 flushBuffer(fp);
506 wb->start = start[i];
507 }
508 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l, &(start[i]), sizeof(uint32_t))) return 4;
509 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l+4, &(values[i]), sizeof(float))) return 5;
510 updateStats(fp, wb->span, values[i]);
511 wb->l += 8;
512 }
513 wb->end = start[n-1] + wb->span;
515 return 0;
516 }
518 //4 bytes per entry
519 int bwAddIntervalSpanSteps(bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t span, uint32_t step, float *values, uint32_t n) {
520 uint32_t i, tid;
521 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
522 if(!n) return 0;
523 if(!fp->isWrite) return 1;
524 if(!wb) return 2;
525 if(wb->ltype != 3) flushBuffer(fp);
526 if(flushBuffer(fp)) return 3;
528 tid = bwGetTid(fp, chrom);
529 if(tid == (uint32_t) -1) return 4;
530 wb->tid = tid;
531 wb->start = start;
532 wb->step = step;
533 wb->span = span;
534 wb->ltype = 3;
536 for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
537 if(wb->l + 4 >= fp->hdr->bufSize) {
538 wb->end = wb->start + ((wb->l-24)>>2) * step;
539 flushBuffer(fp);
540 wb->start = wb->end;
541 }
542 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l, &(values[i]), sizeof(float))) return 5;
543 updateStats(fp, wb->span, values[i]);
544 wb->l += 4;
545 }
546 wb->end = wb->start + (wb->l>>2) * step;
548 return 0;
549 }
551 int bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps(bigWigFile_t *fp, float *values, uint32_t n) {
552 uint32_t i;
553 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
554 if(!n) return 0;
555 if(!fp->isWrite) return 1;
556 if(!wb) return 2;
557 if(wb->ltype != 3) return 3;
559 for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
560 if(wb->l + 4 >= fp->hdr->bufSize) {
561 wb->end = wb->start + ((wb->l-24)>>2) * wb->step;
562 flushBuffer(fp);
563 wb->start = wb->end;
564 }
565 if(!memcpy(wb->p+wb->l, &(values[i]), sizeof(float))) return 4;
566 updateStats(fp, wb->span, values[i]);
567 wb->l += 4;
568 }
569 wb->end = wb->start + (wb->l>>2) * wb->step;
571 return 0;
572 }
574 //0 on success
575 int writeSummary(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
576 if(writeAtPos(&(fp->hdr->nBasesCovered), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->hdr->summaryOffset, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 1;
577 if(writeAtPos(&(fp->hdr->minVal), sizeof(double), 1, fp->hdr->summaryOffset+8, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 2;
578 if(writeAtPos(&(fp->hdr->maxVal), sizeof(double), 1, fp->hdr->summaryOffset+16, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 3;
579 if(writeAtPos(&(fp->hdr->sumData), sizeof(double), 1, fp->hdr->summaryOffset+24, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 4;
580 if(writeAtPos(&(fp->hdr->sumSquared), sizeof(double), 1, fp->hdr->summaryOffset+32, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 5;
581 return 0;
582 }
584 static bwRTreeNode_t *makeEmptyNode(uint32_t blockSize) {
585 bwRTreeNode_t *n = calloc(1, sizeof(bwRTreeNode_t));
586 if(!n) return NULL;
588 n->chrIdxStart = malloc(blockSize*sizeof(uint32_t));
589 if(!n->chrIdxStart) goto error;
590 n->baseStart = malloc(blockSize*sizeof(uint32_t));
591 if(!n->baseStart) goto error;
592 n->chrIdxEnd = malloc(blockSize*sizeof(uint32_t));
593 if(!n->chrIdxEnd) goto error;
594 n->baseEnd = malloc(blockSize*sizeof(uint32_t));
595 if(!n->baseEnd) goto error;
596 n->dataOffset = calloc(blockSize,sizeof(uint64_t)); //This MUST be 0 for node writing!
597 if(!n->dataOffset) goto error;
598 n->x.child = malloc(blockSize*sizeof(uint64_t));
599 if(!n->x.child) goto error;
601 return n;
603 error:
604 if(n->chrIdxStart) free(n->chrIdxStart);
605 if(n->baseStart) free(n->baseStart);
606 if(n->chrIdxEnd) free(n->chrIdxEnd);
607 if(n->baseEnd) free(n->baseEnd);
608 if(n->dataOffset) free(n->dataOffset);
609 if(n->x.child) free(n->x.child);
610 free(n);
611 return NULL;
612 }
614 //Returns 0 on success. This doesn't attempt to clean up!
615 static bwRTreeNode_t *addLeaves(bwLL **ll, uint64_t *sz, uint64_t toProcess, uint32_t blockSize) {
616 uint32_t i;
617 uint64_t foo;
618 bwRTreeNode_t *n = makeEmptyNode(blockSize);
619 if(!n) return NULL;
621 if(toProcess <= blockSize) {
622 for(i=0; i<toProcess; i++) {
623 n->chrIdxStart[i] = (*ll)->node->chrIdxStart[0];
624 n->baseStart[i] = (*ll)->node->baseStart[0];
625 n->chrIdxEnd[i] = (*ll)->node->chrIdxEnd[(*ll)->node->nChildren-1];
626 n->baseEnd[i] = (*ll)->node->baseEnd[(*ll)->node->nChildren-1];
627 n->x.child[i] = (*ll)->node;
628 *sz += 4 + 32*(*ll)->node->nChildren;
629 *ll = (*ll)->next;
630 n->nChildren++;
631 }
632 } else {
633 for(i=0; i<blockSize; i++) {
634 foo = ceil(((double) toProcess)/((double) blockSize-i));
635 if(!ll) break;
636 n->x.child[i] = addLeaves(ll, sz, foo, blockSize);
637 if(!n->x.child[i]) goto error;
638 n->chrIdxStart[i] = n->x.child[i]->chrIdxStart[0];
639 n->baseStart[i] = n->x.child[i]->baseStart[0];
640 n->chrIdxEnd[i] = n->x.child[i]->chrIdxEnd[n->x.child[i]->nChildren-1];
641 n->baseEnd[i] = n->x.child[i]->baseEnd[n->x.child[i]->nChildren-1];
642 n->nChildren++;
643 toProcess -= foo;
644 }
645 }
647 *sz += 4 + 24*n->nChildren;
648 return n;
650 error:
651 bwDestroyIndexNode(n);
652 return NULL;
653 }
655 //Returns 1 on error
656 int writeIndexTreeNode(FILE *fp, bwRTreeNode_t *n, uint8_t *wrote, int level) {
657 uint8_t one = 0;
658 uint32_t i, j, vector[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //The last 8 bytes are left as 0
660 if(n->isLeaf) return 0;
662 for(i=0; i<n->nChildren; i++) {
663 if(n->dataOffset[i]) { //traverse into child
664 if(n->isLeaf) return 0; //Only write leaves once!
665 if(writeIndexTreeNode(fp, n->x.child[i], wrote, level+1)) return 1;
666 } else {
667 n->dataOffset[i] = ftell(fp);
668 if(fwrite(&(n->x.child[i]->isLeaf), sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 1;
669 if(fwrite(&one, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 1; //one byte of padding
670 if(fwrite(&(n->x.child[i]->nChildren), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 1;
671 for(j=0; j<n->x.child[i]->nChildren; j++) {
672 vector[0] = n->x.child[i]->chrIdxStart[j];
673 vector[1] = n->x.child[i]->baseStart[j];
674 vector[2] = n->x.child[i]->chrIdxEnd[j];
675 vector[3] = n->x.child[i]->baseEnd[j];
676 if(n->x.child[i]->isLeaf) {
677 //Include the offset and size
678 if(fwrite(vector, sizeof(uint32_t), 4, fp) != 4) return 1;
679 if(fwrite(&(n->x.child[i]->dataOffset[j]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 1;
680 if(fwrite(&(n->x.child[i]->x.size[j]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp) != 1) return 1;
681 } else {
682 if(fwrite(vector, sizeof(uint32_t), 6, fp) != 6) return 1;
683 }
684 }
685 *wrote = 1;
686 }
687 }
689 return 0;
690 }
692 //returns 1 on success
693 int writeIndexOffsets(FILE *fp, bwRTreeNode_t *n, uint64_t offset) {
694 uint32_t i;
696 if(n->isLeaf) return 0;
697 for(i=0; i<n->nChildren; i++) {
698 if(writeIndexOffsets(fp, n->x.child[i], n->dataOffset[i])) return 1;
699 if(writeAtPos(&(n->dataOffset[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, offset+20+24*i, fp)) return 2;
700 }
701 return 0;
702 }
704 //Returns 0 on success
705 int writeIndexTree(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
706 uint64_t offset;
707 uint8_t wrote = 0;
708 int rv;
710 while((rv = writeIndexTreeNode(fp->URL->x.fp, fp->idx->root, &wrote, 0)) == 0) {
711 if(!wrote) break;
712 wrote = 0;
713 }
715 if(rv || wrote) return 1;
717 //Save the file position
718 offset = bwTell(fp);
720 //Write the offsets
721 if(writeIndexOffsets(fp->URL->x.fp, fp->idx->root, fp->idx->rootOffset)) return 2;
723 //Move the file pointer back to the end
724 bwSetPos(fp, offset);
726 return 0;
727 }
729 //Returns 0 on success. The original state SHOULD be preserved on error
730 int writeIndex(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
731 uint32_t four = IDX_MAGIC;
732 uint64_t idxSize = 0, foo;
733 uint8_t one = 0;
734 uint32_t i, vector[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //The last 8 bytes are left as 0
735 bwLL *ll = fp->writeBuffer->firstIndexNode, *p;
736 bwRTreeNode_t *root = NULL;
738 if(!fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks) return 0;
739 fp->idx = malloc(sizeof(bwRTree_t));
740 if(!fp->idx) return 2;
741 fp->idx->root = root;
743 //Update the file header to indicate the proper index position
744 foo = bwTell(fp);
745 if(writeAtPos(&foo, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, 0x18, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 3;
747 //Make the tree
748 if(ll == fp->writeBuffer->currentIndexNode) {
749 root = ll->node;
750 idxSize = 4 + 24*root->nChildren;
751 } else {
752 root = addLeaves(&ll, &idxSize, ceil(((double)fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks)/fp->writeBuffer->blockSize), fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
753 }
754 if(!root) return 4;
755 fp->idx->root = root;
757 ll = fp->writeBuffer->firstIndexNode;
758 while(ll) {
759 p = ll->next;
760 free(ll);
761 ll=p;
762 }
764 //write the header
765 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 5;
766 if(fwrite(&(fp->writeBuffer->blockSize), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 6;
767 if(fwrite(&(fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 7;
768 if(fwrite(&(root->chrIdxStart[0]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 8;
769 if(fwrite(&(root->baseStart[0]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 9;
770 if(fwrite(&(root->chrIdxEnd[root->nChildren-1]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 10;
771 if(fwrite(&(root->baseEnd[root->nChildren-1]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 11;
772 if(fwrite(&idxSize, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 12;
773 four = 1;
774 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 13;
775 four = 0;
776 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 14; //padding
777 fp->idx->rootOffset = bwTell(fp);
779 //Write the root node, since writeIndexTree writes the children and fills in the offset
780 if(fwrite(&(root->isLeaf), sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 16;
781 if(fwrite(&one, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 17; //one byte of padding
782 if(fwrite(&(root->nChildren), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 18;
783 for(i=0; i<root->nChildren; i++) {
784 vector[0] = root->chrIdxStart[i];
785 vector[1] = root->baseStart[i];
786 vector[2] = root->chrIdxEnd[i];
787 vector[3] = root->baseEnd[i];
788 if(root->isLeaf) {
789 //Include the offset and size
790 if(fwrite(vector, sizeof(uint32_t), 4, fp->URL->x.fp) != 4) return 19;
791 if(fwrite(&(root->dataOffset[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 20;
792 if(fwrite(&(root->x.size[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 21;
793 } else {
794 root->dataOffset[i] = 0; //FIXME: Something upstream is setting this to impossible values (e.g., 0x21?!?!?)
795 if(fwrite(vector, sizeof(uint32_t), 6, fp->URL->x.fp) != 6) return 22;
796 }
797 }
799 //Write each level
800 if(writeIndexTree(fp)) return 23;
802 return 0;
803 }
805 //The first zoom level has a resolution of 4x mean entry size
806 //This may or may not produce the requested number of zoom levels
807 int makeZoomLevels(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
808 uint32_t meanBinSize, i;
809 uint32_t multiplier = 4, zoom = 10, maxZoom = 0;
810 uint16_t nLevels = 0;
812 meanBinSize = ((double) fp->writeBuffer->runningWidthSum)/(fp->writeBuffer->nEntries);
813 //In reality, one level is skipped
814 meanBinSize *= 4;
815 //N.B., we must ALWAYS check that the zoom doesn't overflow a uint32_t!
816 if(((uint32_t)-1)>>2 < meanBinSize) return 0; //No zoom levels!
817 if(meanBinSize*4 > zoom) zoom = multiplier*meanBinSize;
819 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs = calloc(1, sizeof(bwZoomHdr_t));
820 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs) return 1;
821 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level = malloc(fp->hdr->nLevels * sizeof(uint32_t));
822 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->dataOffset = calloc(fp->hdr->nLevels, sizeof(uint64_t));
823 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->indexOffset = calloc(fp->hdr->nLevels, sizeof(uint64_t));
824 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx = calloc(fp->hdr->nLevels, sizeof(bwRTree_t*));
825 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level) return 2;
826 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->dataOffset) return 3;
827 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->indexOffset) return 4;
828 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx) return 5;
830 //There's no point in having a zoom level larger than the largest chromosome
831 //This will none the less allow at least one zoom level, which is generally needed for IGV et al.
832 for(i=0; i<fp->cl->nKeys; i++) {
833 if(fp->cl->len[i] > maxZoom) maxZoom = fp->cl->len[i];
834 }
835 if(zoom > maxZoom) zoom = maxZoom;
837 for(i=0; i<fp->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
838 if(zoom > maxZoom) break; //prevent absurdly large zoom levels
839 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level[i] = zoom;
840 nLevels++;
841 if(((uint32_t)-1)/multiplier < zoom) break;
842 zoom *= multiplier;
843 }
844 fp->hdr->nLevels = nLevels;
846 fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer = calloc(nLevels,sizeof(bwZoomBuffer_t*));
847 if(!fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer) goto error;
848 fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer = calloc(nLevels,sizeof(bwZoomBuffer_t*));
849 if(!fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer) goto error;
850 fp->writeBuffer->nNodes = calloc(nLevels, sizeof(uint64_t));
852 for(i=0; i<fp->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
853 fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(bwZoomBuffer_t));
854 if(!fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]) goto error;
855 fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p = calloc(fp->hdr->bufSize/32, 32);
856 if(!fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p) goto error;
857 fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->m = fp->hdr->bufSize;
858 ((uint32_t*)fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p)[0] = 0;
859 ((uint32_t*)fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p)[1] = 0;
860 ((uint32_t*)fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p)[2] = fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level[i];
861 if(fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level[i] > fp->cl->len[0]) ((uint32_t*)fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p)[2] = fp->cl->len[0];
862 fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer[i] = fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i];
863 }
865 return 0;
867 error:
868 if(fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer) {
869 for(i=0; i<fp->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
870 if(fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]) {
871 if(fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p) free(fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]->p);
872 free(fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i]);
873 }
874 }
875 free(fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer);
876 }
877 if(fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer) free(fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer);
878 if(fp->writeBuffer->nNodes) free(fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer);
879 return 6;
880 }
882 //Given an interval start, calculate the next one at a zoom level
883 void nextPos(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t size, uint32_t *pos, uint32_t desiredTid) {
884 uint32_t *tid = pos;
885 uint32_t *start = pos+1;
886 uint32_t *end = pos+2;
887 *start += size;
888 if(*start >= fp->cl->len[*tid]) {
889 (*start) = 0;
890 (*tid)++;
891 }
893 //prevent needless iteration when changing chromosomes
894 if(*tid < desiredTid) {
895 *tid = desiredTid;
896 *start = 0;
897 }
899 (*end) = *start+size;
900 if(*end > fp->cl->len[*tid]) (*end) = fp->cl->len[*tid];
901 }
903 //Return the number of bases two intervals overlap
904 uint32_t overlapsInterval(uint32_t tid0, uint32_t start0, uint32_t end0, uint32_t tid1, uint32_t start1, uint32_t end1) {
905 if(tid0 != tid1) return 0;
906 if(end0 <= start1) return 0;
907 if(end1 <= start0) return 0;
908 if(end0 <= end1) {
909 if(start1 > start0) return end0-start1;
910 return end0-start0;
911 } else {
912 if(start1 > start0) return end1-start1;
913 return end1-start0;
914 }
915 }
917 //Returns the number of bases of the interval written
918 uint32_t updateInterval(bigWigFile_t *fp, bwZoomBuffer_t *buffer, double *sum, double *sumsq, uint32_t size, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, float value) {
919 uint32_t *p2 = (uint32_t*) buffer->p;
920 float *fp2 = (float*) p2;
921 uint32_t rv = 0, offset = 0;
922 if(!buffer) return 0;
923 if(buffer->l+32 >= buffer->m) return 0;
925 //Make sure that we don't overflow a uint32_t by adding some huge value to start
926 if(start + size < start) size = ((uint32_t) -1) - start;
928 if(buffer->l) {
929 offset = buffer->l/32;
930 } else {
931 p2[0] = tid;
932 p2[1] = start;
933 if(start+size < end) p2[2] = start+size;
934 else p2[2] = end;
935 }
937 //Do we have any overlap with the previously added interval?
938 if(offset) {
939 rv = overlapsInterval(p2[8*(offset-1)], p2[8*(offset-1)+1], p2[8*(offset-1)+1] + size, tid, start, end);
940 if(rv) {
941 p2[8*(offset-1)+2] = start + rv;
942 p2[8*(offset-1)+3] += rv;
943 if(fp2[8*(offset-1)+4] > value) fp2[8*(offset-1)+4] = value;
944 if(fp2[8*(offset-1)+5] < value) fp2[8*(offset-1)+5] = value;
945 *sum += rv*value;
946 *sumsq += rv*pow(value, 2.0);
947 return rv;
948 } else {
949 fp2[8*(offset-1)+6] = *sum;
950 fp2[8*(offset-1)+7] = *sumsq;
951 *sum = 0.0;
952 *sumsq = 0.0;
953 }
954 }
956 //If we move to a new interval then skip iterating over a bunch of obviously non-overlapping intervals
957 if(offset && p2[8*offset+2] == 0) {
958 p2[8*offset] = tid;
959 p2[8*offset+1] = start;
960 if(start+size < end) p2[8*offset+2] = start+size;
961 else p2[8*offset+2] = end;
962 //nextPos(fp, size, p2+8*offset, tid); //We can actually skip uncovered intervals
963 }
965 //Add a new entry
966 while(!(rv = overlapsInterval(p2[8*offset], p2[8*offset+1], p2[8*offset+1] + size, tid, start, end))) {
967 p2[8*offset] = tid;
968 p2[8*offset+1] = start;
969 if(start+size < end) p2[8*offset+2] = start+size;
970 else p2[8*offset+2] = end;
971 //nextPos(fp, size, p2+8*offset, tid);
972 }
973 p2[8*offset+3] = rv;
974 fp2[8*offset+4] = value; //min
975 fp2[8*offset+5] = value; //max
976 *sum += rv * value;
977 *sumsq += rv * pow(value,2.0);
978 buffer->l += 32;
979 return rv;
980 }
982 //Returns 0 on success
983 int addIntervalValue(bigWigFile_t *fp, uint64_t *nEntries, double *sum, double *sumsq, bwZoomBuffer_t *buffer, uint32_t itemsPerSlot, uint32_t zoom, uint32_t tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, float value) {
984 bwZoomBuffer_t *newBuffer = NULL;
985 uint32_t rv;
987 while(start < end) {
988 rv = updateInterval(fp, buffer, sum, sumsq, zoom, tid, start, end, value);
989 if(!rv) {
990 //Allocate a new buffer
991 newBuffer = calloc(1, sizeof(bwZoomBuffer_t));
992 if(!newBuffer) return 1;
993 newBuffer->p = calloc(itemsPerSlot, 32);
994 if(!newBuffer->p) goto error;
995 newBuffer->m = itemsPerSlot*32;
996 memcpy(newBuffer->p, buffer->p+buffer->l-32, 4);
997 memcpy(newBuffer->p+4, buffer->p+buffer->l-28, 4);
998 ((uint32_t*) newBuffer->p)[2] = ((uint32_t*) newBuffer->p)[1] + zoom;
999 *sum = *sumsq = 0.0;
1000 rv = updateInterval(fp, newBuffer, sum, sumsq, zoom, tid, start, end, value);
1001 if(!rv) goto error;
1002 buffer->next = newBuffer;
1003 buffer = buffer->next;
1004 *nEntries += 1;
1005 }
1006 start += rv;
1007 }
1009 return 0;
1011 error:
1012 if(newBuffer) {
1013 if(newBuffer->m) free(newBuffer->p);
1014 free(newBuffer);
1015 }
1016 return 2;
1017 }
1019 //Get all of the intervals and add them to the appropriate zoomBuffer
1020 int constructZoomLevels(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
1021 bwOverlappingIntervals_t *intervals = NULL;
1022 double *sum = NULL, *sumsq = NULL;
1023 uint32_t i, j, k;
1025 sum = calloc(fp->hdr->nLevels, sizeof(double));
1026 sumsq = calloc(fp->hdr->nLevels, sizeof(double));
1027 if(!sum || !sumsq) goto error;
1029 for(i=0; i<fp->cl->nKeys; i++) {
1030 intervals = bwGetOverlappingIntervals(fp, fp->cl->chrom[i], 0, fp->cl->len[i]);
1031 if(!intervals) goto error;
1032 for(j=0; j<intervals->l; j++) {
1033 for(k=0; k<fp->hdr->nLevels; k++) {
1034 if(addIntervalValue(fp, &(fp->writeBuffer->nNodes[k]), sum+k, sumsq+k, fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer[k], fp->hdr->bufSize/32, fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level[k], i, intervals->start[j], intervals->end[j], intervals->value[j])) goto error;
1035 while(fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer[k]->next) fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer[k] = fp->writeBuffer->lastZoomBuffer[k]->next;
1036 }
1037 }
1038 bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(intervals);
1039 }
1041 //Make an index for each zoom level
1042 for(i=0; i<fp->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
1043 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(bwRTree_t));
1044 if(!fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]) return 1;
1045 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]->blockSize = fp->writeBuffer->blockSize;
1046 }
1048 free(sum);
1049 free(sumsq);
1051 return 0;
1053 error:
1054 if(intervals) bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals(intervals);
1055 if(sum) free(sum);
1056 if(sumsq) free(sumsq);
1057 return 1;
1058 }
1060 int writeZoomLevels(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
1061 uint64_t offset1, offset2, idxSize = 0;
1062 uint32_t i, j, four = 0, last, vector[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //The last 8 bytes are left as 0;
1063 uint8_t wrote, one = 0;
1064 uint16_t actualNLevels = 0;
1065 int rv;
1066 bwLL *ll, *p;
1067 bwRTreeNode_t *root;
1068 bwZoomBuffer_t *zb, *zb2;
1069 bwWriteBuffer_t *wb = fp->writeBuffer;
1070 uLongf sz;
1072 for(i=0; i<fp->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
1073 if(i) {
1074 //Is this a duplicate level?
1075 if(fp->writeBuffer->nNodes[i] == fp->writeBuffer->nNodes[i-1]) break;
1076 }
1077 actualNLevels++;
1079 //reserve a uint32_t for the number of blocks
1080 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->dataOffset[i] = bwTell(fp);
1081 fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks = 0;
1082 fp->writeBuffer->l = 24;
1083 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 1;
1084 zb = fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i];
1085 fp->writeBuffer->firstIndexNode = NULL;
1086 fp->writeBuffer->currentIndexNode = NULL;
1087 while(zb) {
1088 sz = fp->hdr->bufSize;
1089 if(compress(wb->compressP, &sz, zb->p, zb->l) != Z_OK) return 2;
1091 //write the data to disk
1092 if(fwrite(wb->compressP, sizeof(uint8_t), sz, fp->URL->x.fp) != sz) return 3;
1094 //Add an entry into the index
1095 last = (zb->l - 32)>>2;
1096 if(addIndexEntry(fp, ((uint32_t*)zb->p)[0], ((uint32_t*)zb->p)[last], ((uint32_t*)zb->p)[1], ((uint32_t*)zb->p)[last+2], bwTell(fp)-sz, sz)) return 4;
1098 wb->nBlocks++;
1099 wb->l = 24;
1100 zb = zb->next;
1101 }
1102 if(writeAtPos(&(wb->nBlocks), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->dataOffset[i], fp->URL->x.fp)) return 5;
1104 //Make the tree
1105 ll = fp->writeBuffer->firstIndexNode;
1106 if(ll == fp->writeBuffer->currentIndexNode) {
1107 root = ll->node;
1108 idxSize = 4 + 24*root->nChildren;
1109 } else {
1110 root = addLeaves(&ll, &idxSize, ceil(((double)fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks)/fp->writeBuffer->blockSize), fp->writeBuffer->blockSize);
1111 }
1112 if(!root) return 4;
1113 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]->root = root;
1115 ll = fp->writeBuffer->firstIndexNode;
1116 while(ll) {
1117 p = ll->next;
1118 free(ll);
1119 ll=p;
1120 }
1123 //write the index
1124 wrote = 0;
1125 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->indexOffset[i] = bwTell(fp);
1126 four = IDX_MAGIC;
1127 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 1;
1128 root = fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]->root;
1129 if(fwrite(&(fp->writeBuffer->blockSize), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 6;
1130 if(fwrite(&(fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 7;
1131 if(fwrite(&(root->chrIdxStart[0]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 8;
1132 if(fwrite(&(root->baseStart[0]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 9;
1133 if(fwrite(&(root->chrIdxEnd[root->nChildren-1]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 10;
1134 if(fwrite(&(root->baseEnd[root->nChildren-1]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 11;
1135 if(fwrite(&idxSize, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 12;
1136 four = fp->hdr->bufSize/32;
1137 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 13;
1138 four = 0;
1139 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 14; //padding
1140 fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]->rootOffset = bwTell(fp);
1142 //Write the root node, since writeIndexTree writes the children and fills in the offset
1143 offset1 = bwTell(fp);
1144 if(fwrite(&(root->isLeaf), sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 16;
1145 if(fwrite(&one, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 17; //one byte of padding
1146 if(fwrite(&(root->nChildren), sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 18;
1147 for(j=0; j<root->nChildren; j++) {
1148 vector[0] = root->chrIdxStart[j];
1149 vector[1] = root->baseStart[j];
1150 vector[2] = root->chrIdxEnd[j];
1151 vector[3] = root->baseEnd[j];
1152 if(root->isLeaf) {
1153 //Include the offset and size
1154 if(fwrite(vector, sizeof(uint32_t), 4, fp->URL->x.fp) != 4) return 19;
1155 if(fwrite(&(root->dataOffset[j]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 20;
1156 if(fwrite(&(root->x.size[j]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 21;
1157 } else {
1158 if(fwrite(vector, sizeof(uint32_t), 6, fp->URL->x.fp) != 6) return 22;
1159 }
1160 }
1162 while((rv = writeIndexTreeNode(fp->URL->x.fp, fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->idx[i]->root, &wrote, 0)) == 0) {
1163 if(!wrote) break;
1164 wrote = 0;
1165 }
1167 if(rv || wrote) return 6;
1169 //Save the file position
1170 offset2 = bwTell(fp);
1172 //Write the offsets
1173 if(writeIndexOffsets(fp->URL->x.fp, root, offset1)) return 2;
1175 //Move the file pointer back to the end
1176 bwSetPos(fp, offset2);
1179 //Free the linked list
1180 zb = fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i];
1181 while(zb) {
1182 if(zb->p) free(zb->p);
1183 zb2 = zb->next;
1184 free(zb);
1185 zb = zb2;
1186 }
1187 fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i] = NULL;
1188 }
1190 //Free unused zoom levels
1191 for(i=actualNLevels; i<fp->hdr->nLevels; i++) {
1192 zb = fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i];
1193 while(zb) {
1194 if(zb->p) free(zb->p);
1195 zb2 = zb->next;
1196 free(zb);
1197 zb = zb2;
1198 }
1199 fp->writeBuffer->firstZoomBuffer[i] = NULL;
1200 }
1202 //Write the zoom headers to disk
1203 offset1 = bwTell(fp);
1204 if(bwSetPos(fp, 0x40)) return 7;
1205 four = 0;
1206 for(i=0; i<actualNLevels; i++) {
1207 if(fwrite(&(fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->level[i]), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 8;
1208 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 9;
1209 if(fwrite(&(fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->dataOffset[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 10;
1210 if(fwrite(&(fp->hdr->zoomHdrs->indexOffset[i]), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 11;
1211 }
1213 //Write the number of levels if needed
1214 if(bwSetPos(fp, 0x6)) return 12;
1215 if(fwrite(&actualNLevels, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 13;
1217 if(bwSetPos(fp, offset1)) return 14;
1219 return 0;
1220 }
1222 //0 on success
1223 int bwFinalize(bigWigFile_t *fp) {
1224 uint32_t four;
1225 uint64_t offset;
1226 if(!fp->isWrite) return 0;
1228 //Flush the buffer
1229 if(flushBuffer(fp)) return 1; //Valgrind reports a problem here!
1231 //Update the data section with the number of blocks written
1232 if(fp->hdr) {
1233 if(writeAtPos(&(fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks), sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp->hdr->dataOffset, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 2;
1234 } else {
1235 //The header wasn't written!
1236 return 1;
1237 }
1239 //write the bufferSize
1240 if(fp->hdr->bufSize) {
1241 if(writeAtPos(&(fp->hdr->bufSize), sizeof(uint32_t), 1, 0x34, fp->URL->x.fp)) return 2;
1242 }
1244 //write the summary information
1245 if(writeSummary(fp)) return 3;
1247 //Convert the linked-list to a tree and write to disk
1248 if(writeIndex(fp)) return 4;
1250 //Zoom level stuff here?
1251 if(fp->hdr->nLevels && fp->writeBuffer->nBlocks) {
1252 offset = bwTell(fp);
1253 if(makeZoomLevels(fp)) return 5;
1254 if(constructZoomLevels(fp)) return 6;
1255 bwSetPos(fp, offset);
1256 if(writeZoomLevels(fp)) return 7; //This write nLevels as well
1257 }
1259 //write magic at the end of the file
1260 four = BIGWIG_MAGIC;
1261 if(fwrite(&four, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp->URL->x.fp) != 1) return 9;
1263 return 0;
1264 }
1266 /*
1267 data chunk:
1268 uint64_t number of blocks (2 / 110851)
1269 some blocks
1271 an uncompressed data block (24 byte header)
1272 uint32_t Tid 0-4
1273 uint32_t start 4-8
1274 uint32_t end 8-12
1275 uint32_t step 12-16
1276 uint32_t span 16-20
1277 uint8_t type 20
1278 uint8_t padding
1279 uint16_t nItems 22
1280 nItems of:
1281 type 1: //12 bytes
1282 uint32_t start
1283 uint32_t end
1284 float value
1285 type 2: //8 bytes
1286 uint32_t start
1287 float value
1288 type 3: //4 bytes
1289 float value
1291 data block index header
1292 uint32_t magic
1293 uint32_t blockSize (256 in the example) maximum number of children
1294 uint64_t number of blocks (2 / 110851)
1295 uint32_t startTid
1296 uint32_t startPos
1297 uint32_t endTid
1298 uint32_t endPos
1299 uint64_t index size? (0x1E7 / 0x1AF0401F) index address?
1300 uint32_t itemsPerBlock (1 / 1) 1024 for zoom headers 1024 for zoom headers
1301 uint32_t padding
1303 data block index node non-leaf (4 bytes + 24*nChildren)
1304 uint8_t isLeaf
1305 uint8_t padding
1306 uint16_t nChildren (2, 256)
1307 uint32_t startTid
1308 uint32_t startPos
1309 uint32_t endTid
1310 uint32_t endPos
1311 uint64_t dataOffset (0x1AF05853, 0x1AF07057)
1313 data block index node leaf (4 bytes + 32*nChildren)
1314 uint8_t isLeaf
1315 uint8_t padding
1316 uint16_t nChildren (2)
1317 uint32_t startTid
1318 uint32_t startPos
1319 uint32_t endTid
1320 uint32_t endPos
1321 uint64_t dataOffset (0x198, 0x1CF)
1322 uint64_t dataSize (55, 24)
1324 zoom data block
1325 uint32_t number of blocks (10519766)
1326 some data blocks
1327 */
0 #ifndef NOCURL
1 #include <curl/curl.h>
2 #endif
3 #include <stdio.h>
4 #include <stdlib.h>
5 #include <string.h>
6 #include <unistd.h>
7 #include "bigWigIO.h"
8 #include <inttypes.h>
9 #include <errno.h>
13 #ifndef NOCURL
14 uint64_t getContentLength(URL_t *URL) {
15 double size;
16 if(curl_easy_getinfo(URL->x.curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &size) != CURLE_OK) {
17 return 0;
18 }
19 if(size== -1.0) return 0;
20 return (uint64_t) size;
21 }
23 //Fill the buffer, note that URL may be left in an unusable state on error!
24 CURLcode urlFetchData(URL_t *URL, unsigned long bufSize) {
25 CURLcode rv;
26 char range[1024];
28 if(URL->filePos != (size_t) -1) URL->filePos += URL->bufLen;
29 else URL->filePos = 0;
31 URL->bufPos = URL->bufLen = 0; //Otherwise, we can't copy anything into the buffer!
32 sprintf(range,"%lu-%lu", URL->filePos, URL->filePos+bufSize-1);
33 rv = curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_RANGE, range);
34 if(rv != CURLE_OK) {
35 fprintf(stderr, "[urlFetchData] Couldn't set the range (%s)\n", range);
36 return rv;
37 }
39 rv = curl_easy_perform(URL->x.curl);
40 errno = 0; //Sometimes curl_easy_perform leaves a random errno remnant
41 return rv;
42 }
44 //Read data into a buffer, ideally from a buffer already in memory
45 //The loop is likely no longer needed.
46 size_t url_fread(void *obuf, size_t obufSize, URL_t *URL) {
47 size_t remaining = obufSize, fetchSize;
48 void *p = obuf;
49 CURLcode rv;
51 while(remaining) {
52 if(!URL->bufLen) {
53 rv = urlFetchData(URL, URL->bufSize);
54 if(rv != CURLE_OK) {
55 fprintf(stderr, "[url_fread] urlFetchData (A) returned %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(rv));
56 return 0;
57 }
58 } else if(URL->bufLen < URL->bufPos + remaining) { //Copy the remaining buffer and reload the buffer as needed
59 p = memcpy(p, URL->memBuf+URL->bufPos, URL->bufLen - URL->bufPos);
60 if(!p) return 0;
61 p += URL->bufLen - URL->bufPos;
62 remaining -= URL->bufLen - URL->bufPos;
63 if(remaining) {
64 if(!URL->isCompressed) {
65 fetchSize = URL->bufSize;
66 } else {
67 fetchSize = (remaining<URL->bufSize)?remaining:URL->bufSize;
68 }
69 rv = urlFetchData(URL, fetchSize);
70 if(rv != CURLE_OK) {
71 fprintf(stderr, "[url_fread] urlFetchData (B) returned %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(rv));
72 return 0;
73 }
74 }
75 } else {
76 p = memcpy(p, URL->memBuf+URL->bufPos, remaining);
77 if(!p) return 0;
78 URL->bufPos += remaining;
79 remaining = 0;
80 }
81 }
82 return obufSize;
83 }
84 #endif
86 //Returns the number of bytes requested or a smaller number on error
87 //Note that in the case of remote files, the actual amount read may be less than the return value!
88 size_t urlRead(URL_t *URL, void *buf, size_t bufSize) {
89 #ifndef NOCURL
90 if(URL->type==0) {
91 return fread(buf, bufSize, 1, URL->x.fp)*bufSize;
92 } else {
93 return url_fread(buf, bufSize, URL);
94 }
95 #else
96 return fread(buf, bufSize, 1, URL->x.fp)*bufSize;
97 #endif
98 }
100 size_t bwFillBuffer(void *inBuf, size_t l, size_t nmemb, void *pURL) {
101 URL_t *URL = (URL_t*) pURL;
102 void *p = URL->memBuf;
103 size_t copied = l*nmemb;
104 if(!p) return 0;
106 p += URL->bufLen;
107 if(l*nmemb > URL->bufSize - URL->bufPos) { //We received more than we can store!
108 copied = URL->bufSize - URL->bufLen;
109 }
110 memcpy(p, inBuf, copied);
111 URL->bufLen += copied;
113 if(!URL->memBuf) return 0; //signal error
114 return copied;
115 }
117 //Seek to an arbitrary location, returning a CURLcode
118 //Note that a local file returns CURLE_OK on success or CURLE_FAILED_INIT on any error;
119 CURLcode urlSeek(URL_t *URL, size_t pos) {
120 #ifndef NOCURL
121 char range[1024];
122 CURLcode rv;
124 if(URL->type == BWG_FILE) {
125 #endif
126 if(fseek(URL->x.fp, pos, SEEK_SET) == 0) {
127 errno = 0;
128 return CURLE_OK;
129 } else {
130 return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; //This is arbitrary
131 }
132 #ifndef NOCURL
133 } else {
134 //If the location is covered by the buffer then don't seek!
135 if(pos < URL->filePos || pos >= URL->filePos+URL->bufLen) {
136 URL->filePos = pos;
137 URL->bufLen = 0; //Otherwise, filePos will get incremented on the next read!
138 URL->bufPos = 0;
139 //Maybe this works for FTP?
140 sprintf(range,"%lu-%lu", pos, pos+URL->bufSize-1);
141 rv = curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_RANGE, range);
142 if(rv != CURLE_OK) {
143 fprintf(stderr, "[urlSeek] Couldn't set the range (%s)\n", range);
144 return rv;
145 }
146 rv = curl_easy_perform(URL->x.curl);
147 if(rv != CURLE_OK) {
148 fprintf(stderr, "[urlSeek] curl_easy_perform received an error!\n");
149 }
150 errno = 0; //Don't propogate remnant resolved libCurl errors
151 return rv;
152 } else {
153 URL->bufPos = pos-URL->filePos;
154 return CURLE_OK;
155 }
156 }
157 #endif
158 }
160 URL_t *urlOpen(char *fname, CURLcode (*callBack)(CURL*), const char *mode) {
161 URL_t *URL = calloc(1, sizeof(URL_t));
162 if(!URL) return NULL;
163 char *url = NULL, *req = NULL;
164 #ifndef NOCURL
165 CURLcode code;
166 char range[1024];
167 #endif
169 URL->fname = fname;
171 if((!mode) || (strchr(mode, 'w') == 0)) {
172 //Set the protocol
173 #ifndef NOCURL
174 if(strncmp(fname, "http://", 7) == 0) URL->type = BWG_HTTP;
175 else if(strncmp(fname, "https://", 8) == 0) URL->type = BWG_HTTPS;
176 else if(strncmp(fname, "ftp://", 6) == 0) URL->type = BWG_FTP;
177 else URL->type = BWG_FILE;
178 #else
179 URL->type = BWG_FILE;
180 #endif
182 //local file?
183 if(URL->type == BWG_FILE) {
184 URL->filePos = -1; //This signals that nothing has been read
185 URL->x.fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
186 if(!(URL->x.fp)) {
187 free(URL);
188 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't open %s for reading\n", fname);
189 return NULL;
190 }
191 #ifndef NOCURL
192 } else {
193 //Remote file, set up the memory buffer and get CURL ready
195 if(!(URL->memBuf)) {
196 free(URL);
197 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't allocate enough space for the file buffer!\n");
198 return NULL;
199 }
201 URL->x.curl = curl_easy_init();
202 if(!(URL->x.curl)) {
203 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] curl_easy_init() failed!\n");
204 goto error;
205 }
206 //Negotiate a reasonable HTTP authentication method
207 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY) != CURLE_OK) {
208 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Failed instructing curl to use any HTTP authentication it finds to be suitable!\n");
209 goto error;
210 }
211 //Follow redirects
212 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L) != CURLE_OK) {
213 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Failed instructing curl to follow redirects!\n");
214 goto error;
215 }
216 //Set the URL
217 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_URL, fname) != CURLE_OK) {
218 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't set CURLOPT_URL!\n");
219 goto error;
220 }
221 //Set the range, which doesn't do anything for HTTP
222 sprintf(range, "0-%lu", URL->bufSize-1);
223 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_RANGE, range) != CURLE_OK) {
224 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't set CURLOPT_RANGE (%s)!\n", range);
225 goto error;
226 }
227 //Set the callback info, which means we no longer need to directly deal with sockets and header!
228 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, bwFillBuffer) != CURLE_OK) {
229 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't set CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION!\n");
230 goto error;
231 }
232 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void*)URL) != CURLE_OK) {
233 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't set CURLOPT_WRITEDATA!\n");
234 goto error;
235 }
236 //Ignore certificate errors with https, libcurl just isn't reliable enough with conda
237 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) != CURLE_OK) {
238 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't set CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to 0!\n");
239 goto error;
240 }
241 if(curl_easy_setopt(URL->x.curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0) != CURLE_OK) {
242 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't set CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST to 0!\n");
243 goto error;
244 }
245 if(callBack) {
246 code = callBack(URL->x.curl);
247 if(code != CURLE_OK) {
248 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] The user-supplied call back function returned an error: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(code));
249 goto error;
250 }
251 }
252 code = curl_easy_perform(URL->x.curl);
253 errno = 0; //Sometimes curl_easy_perform leaves a random errno remnant
254 if(code != CURLE_OK) {
255 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] curl_easy_perform received an error: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(code));
256 goto error;
257 }
258 #endif
259 }
260 } else {
261 URL->type = BWG_FILE;
262 URL->x.fp = fopen(fname, mode);
263 if(!(URL->x.fp)) {
264 free(URL);
265 fprintf(stderr, "[urlOpen] Couldn't open %s for writing\n", fname);
266 return NULL;
267 }
268 }
269 if(url) free(url);
270 if(req) free(req);
271 return URL;
273 #ifndef NOCURL
274 error:
275 if(url) free(url);
276 if(req) free(req);
277 free(URL->memBuf);
278 curl_easy_cleanup(URL->x.curl);
279 free(URL);
280 return NULL;
281 #endif
282 }
284 //Performs the necessary free() operations and handles cleaning up curl
285 void urlClose(URL_t *URL) {
286 if(URL->type == BWG_FILE) {
287 fclose(URL->x.fp);
288 #ifndef NOCURL
289 } else {
290 free(URL->memBuf);
291 curl_easy_cleanup(URL->x.curl);
292 #endif
293 }
294 free(URL);
295 }
197197 //Return 1 if there are any entries at all
198198 int hasEntries(bigWigFile_t *bw) {
199 if(bw->hdr->nBasesCovered > 0) return 1;
199 if(bw->hdr->indexOffset != 0) return 1; // No index, no entries pyBigWig issue #111
200 //if(bw->hdr->nBasesCovered > 0) return 1; // Sometimes headers are broken
200201 return 0;
201202 }
377378 double *val;
378379 uint32_t start, end = -1, tid;
379380 unsigned long startl = 0, endl = -1;
380 static char *kwd_list[] = {"chrom", "start", "end", "type", "nBins", "exact", NULL};
381 static char *kwd_list[] = {"chrom", "start", "end", "type", "nBins", "exact", "numpy", NULL};
381382 char *chrom, *type = "mean";
382383 PyObject *ret, *exact = Py_False, *starto = NULL, *endo = NULL;
384 PyObject *outputNumpy = Py_False;
383385 int i, nBins = 1;
384386 errno = 0; //In the off-chance that something elsewhere got an error and didn't clear it...
398400 return NULL;
399401 }
401 if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|OOsiO", kwd_list, &chrom, &starto, &endo, &type, &nBins, &exact)) {
403 if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|OOsiOO", kwd_list, &chrom, &starto, &endo, &type, &nBins, &exact, &outputNumpy)) {
402404 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "You must supply at least a chromosome!");
403405 return NULL;
404406 }
464466 //Return a list of None if there are no entries at all
465467 if(!hasEntries(bw)) {
466 ret = PyList_New(nBins);
467 for(i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
468 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
469 PyList_SetItem(ret, i, Py_None);
470 }
468 #ifdef WITHNUMPY
469 if(outputNumpy == Py_True) {
470 val = malloc(sizeof(double)*nBins);
471 for(i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
472 val[i] = NPY_NAN;
473 }
474 npy_intp len = nBins;
475 ret = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &len, NPY_FLOAT64, (void *) val);
476 //This will break if numpy ever stops using malloc!
477 PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*) ret, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
478 } else {
479 #endif
480 ret = PyList_New(nBins);
481 for(i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
482 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
483 PyList_SetItem(ret, i, Py_None);
484 }
485 #ifdef WITHNUMPY
486 }
487 #endif
471488 return ret;
472489 }
483500 return NULL;
484501 }
486 ret = PyList_New(nBins);
487 for(i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
488 if(isnan(val[i])) {
489 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
490 PyList_SetItem(ret, i, Py_None);
491 } else {
492 PyList_SetItem(ret, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(val[i]));
493 }
494 }
495 free(val);
503 #ifdef WITHNUMPY
504 if(outputNumpy == Py_True) {
505 npy_intp len = nBins;
506 ret = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &len, NPY_FLOAT64, (void *) val);
507 //This will break if numpy ever stops using malloc!
508 PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*) ret, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
509 } else {
510 #endif
511 ret = PyList_New(nBins);
512 for(i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
513 if(isnan(val[i])) {
514 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
515 PyList_SetItem(ret, i, Py_None);
516 } else {
517 PyList_SetItem(ret, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(val[i]));
518 }
519 }
520 free(val);
521 #ifdef WITHNUMPY
522 }
523 #endif
497524 return ret;
498525 }
3 pyBigWig.c
4 pyBigWig.h
5 setup.cfg
7 libBigWig/LICENSE
8 libBigWig/
9 libBigWig/bigWig.h
10 libBigWig/bigWigIO.h
11 libBigWig/bwCommon.h
12 libBigWig/bwRead.c
13 libBigWig/bwStats.c
14 libBigWig/bwValues.c
15 libBigWig/bwValues.h
16 libBigWig/bwWrite.c
17 libBigWig/io.c
18 pyBigWigTest/
19 pyBigWigTest/test.bigBed
20 pyBigWigTest/
21 pyBigWigTest/
11 #include <structmember.h>
22 #include "bigWig.h"
4 #define pyBigWigVersion "0.3.17"
4 #define pyBigWigVersion "0.3.18"
66 typedef struct {
77 PyObject_HEAD
308308 bw.close()
309309 os.remove("/tmp/")
311 def testNumpyValues(self):
312 if pyBigWig.numpy == 0:
313 return 0
314 import numpy as np
316 fname = ""
317 bw =, "r")
319 assert np.allclose(
320 bw.values("1", 0, 20, numpy=True),
321 np.array(bw.values("1", 0, 20), dtype=np.float32),
322 equal_nan=True
323 )
325 assert np.allclose(
326 bw.stats("1", 0, 20, "mean", 5, numpy=True),
327 np.array(bw.stats("1", 0, 20, "mean", 5), dtype=np.float64),
328 equal_nan=True
329 )
00 [metadata]
11 description-file =
3 [egg_info]
4 tag_build =
5 tag_date = 0
6161 include_dirs = include_dirs)
6363 setup(name = 'pyBigWig',
64 version = '0.3.17',
64 version = '0.3.18',
6565 description = 'A package for accessing bigWig files using libBigWig',
6666 author = "Devon P. Ryan",
6767 author_email = "",