Codebase list pycollada / c44bb8ee-c076-4c7a-926e-3088c3bab26b/main
New upstream release. Debian Janitor 2 years ago
43 changed file(s) with 13385 addition(s) and 11696 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 # This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a variety of Python versions
1 # For more information see:
3 name: Python package
5 on:
6 push:
7 branches:
8 - master
9 pull_request:
10 branches:
11 - master
13 jobs:
14 build:
16 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
17 strategy:
18 fail-fast: false
19 matrix:
20 python-version: ["2.7", "3.5", "3.6", "3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10"]
22 steps:
23 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
24 - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
25 uses: actions/setup-python@v2
26 with:
27 python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
28 - name: Install dependencies
29 run: |
30 python -m pip install --upgrade pip
31 python -m pip install flake8 pytest
32 python -m pip install numpy python-dateutil
33 if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
34 - name: Lint with flake8
35 run: |
36 # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
37 flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82,W605 --show-source --statistics
38 # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
39 flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
40 - name: Test with pytest
41 run: |
42 pytest
88 pycollada.egg-info
99 __testing
1010 distribute*.tar.gz
11 /.pytest_cache/
.travis.yml less more
0 language: python
2 env:
3 - DEPS=""
4 - DEPS="lxml"
6 python:
7 - 2.7
8 - 3.3
9 - 3.4
10 - 3.5
11 - 3.6
13 install:
14 # temporary workaround for numpy failing in virtualenv
15 #
16 - export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF8 # just in case
17 - pip install numpy
18 - pip install $DEPS
19 - python install
21 script: python collada
CHANGELOG.rst less more
0 pycollada Changelog
1 ===================
3 0.6 (2017-11-19)
4 ----------------
6 New Features
7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
8 * tristrips and trifans are now supported.
9 * Add support for Python 3.6
11 Bug Fixes
12 ^^^^^^^^^
13 * Fix python-dateutil dependency setup.
14 * Fix flaky test (#61).
16 Backwards Compatibility Notes
17 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
18 * Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.
20 0.5 (2017-03-16)
21 ----------------
23 New Features
24 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
25 * Added function to get effect properties from underneath the technique tag.
26 * Add example how to visualize DAE file using OpenGL API.
28 Bug Fixes
29 ^^^^^^^^^
30 * Fix Python 3 image loading.
31 * Fix missing import.
32 * changed string_ to unicode_ for numpy string array parsers.
33 * changed itervalues() to values() for compatibility with python3.
34 * Change iteritems() to items() in getInputList. Add test. Fixes #40.
35 * Fixing conversion from unsupported texcoord. input.
36 * use 'from PIL import Image' instead of 'import Image'.
37 * Fix case where getitem is called before normal indices are set up.
38 * Fixed shader compilation error. Old GLSL compilers do not like precision statement.
39 * Apply patch to fix ctypes-usage issue.
40 * Convert some Windows-style files to Unix format (linebreaks).
41 * Fix the bug with relative path to default dae file.
43 0.4 (2012-07-31)
44 ----------------
46 Backwards Compatibility Notes
47 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
48 * Python 2.5 is no longer supported. Supported versions are now 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2.
50 New Features
51 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
52 * Added support for reading the opaque attribute from <transparent> tag.
53 * Normals and texture coordinate indices are now available in shapes (Triangle and Polygon).
54 * Library is now compatible with python's built-in ElementTree API instead of requiring lxml. lxml is still recommended.
55 * Added support for Python 3.2. Supported versions are now 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2.
56 * Added support for index_of_refraction in <effect>.
57 * Added optional parameter to Collada that does XML schema validation when saving.
58 * Automatically corrects broken files that don't have correct xfov, yfov, and aspect ratio in cameras.
60 Bug Fixes
61 ^^^^^^^^^
62 * Fix the default value for transparency in Effect. Now correctly defaults to 1.0 when opaque mode is A_ONE, and 0.0 when opaque mode is RGB_ZERO.
63 * Fixed bug where BoundPolylist was not returning the correct length value.
64 * Removed support for RGB from Effect since it's not valid in the spec. If an RGB is given, a fourth A channel is automatically added as 1.0.
65 * Made instance_geometry not write an empty bind_material if it's empty since it breaks validation.
66 * Made saving strip out empty <library_*> tags since it breaks validation.
68 0.3 (2011-08-31)
69 ----------------
71 Backwards Compatibility Notes
72 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
73 * If using the old Camera object, this has been changed to an abstract class
74 with types for PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera
75 * If using the old Collada.assetInfo dictionary to read asset information, this
76 has been changed to an object. See documentation for more information.
78 New Features
79 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
80 * Added support for bump maps inside the extra tag of an effect
81 * Added texbinormal and textangent to triangle sets
82 * Added a method to generate texture tangents and binormals
83 * Added detection for double_sided
84 * Added an optional parameter to specify what filename inside an archive to use when loading from zip
85 * Added support for loading multiple sets of library_* nodes
86 * Refactored asset information into a separate module. Fixed #12
87 * Refactored Camera into PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera, inheriting from Camera
89 Bug Fixes
90 ^^^^^^^^^
91 * Changed Collada IndexedLists attributes to be properties. Fixed Issue #14
92 * Updated scene to use a local scope when nodes are instantiated inside a scene
93 * Changed parsing to raise DaeMalformedError when an lxml parser exception is thrown
94 * Fixed bug when loading an <image> tag local to an <effect> not showing up in Collada.images
95 * Fixed bug when loading an empty <polygons>
96 * Fixed bug in if statement when loading morph controllers
97 * Fixed bug when triangulating a length-0 polylist
98 * Updated install instructions for OS X and Ubuntu problems
99 * Fixed bugs in IndexedList from Issue #13
100 * Fixed a bug where using the same map twice in an effect would cause incorrrect output
101 * Changed geometry export to delete any sources in the vertices tag that no longer exist
102 * Changed library output to not output emtpy library nodes so validator doesn't complain
103 * Add same checks in scene loading that was done in library_nodes loading so that if nodes are not found yet while loading, it will keep trying
104 * Changed the way library_nodes is loaded so that if a referenced node from instance_node is not loaded yet, it will keep trying
105 * Fixed bug where a triangles xml node would try to set an attribute to None
106 * Fixed bug in handling joints that influence 0 vertices
109 0.2.2 (2011-05-03)
110 ------------------
111 * Changed the way instance_node is handled to actually maintain the mapping so it's not lost when saving
112 * Added setdata function to CImage and made Effect compare only image path
113 * Fixed a bug when rewriting geometry sources
114 * Change primitive sources to point to the <vertices> tag when possible since other importers don't like not having a <vertices> tag
115 * Export source data with only 7 decimal precision for better file size
116 * Prevent NaN from being the result of a normalize_v3 call
117 * Fixed bug where effect was not correctly reading all four color values
118 * Fixed a bug where a triangleset would not create its xml node when generated from a polylist
119 * Big speed increases for converting numpy data to strings
120 * Moved getInputs function to Primitive
121 * Added functions to triangleset to generate normals and get an input list
122 * Fixed bug in saving a scene node if there was no id
123 * Fixed some bugs/optimizations with saving
124 * Added function to test if an Effect is almost equal to another Effect
125 * Adding dynamic dependencies to
127 0.2.1 (2011-04-15)
128 ------------------
129 * Fixed bug with saving existing files that didn't have some library_ tags.
131 0.2 (2011-04-15)
132 ----------------
133 * Many bugfixes
134 * polylist support
135 * polygons support without holes
136 * lines support
137 * blinn and constant material support
138 * More effect attributes
139 * Better support for auxiliary texture files
140 * Lights (directional, ambient, point, spot)
141 * lookat transform
142 * Experimental controller support (skin, morph)
143 * polygons/polylist can be triangulated
144 * Automatic computation of per-vertex normals
147 0.1 (2009-02-08)
148 ----------------
149 * Initial release
150 * Triangles geometry
151 * Reads vertices and normals
152 * Multiple texture coordinate channels
153 * Phong and Lambert Materials
154 * Texture support using PIL
155 * Scene suppport for geometry, material and camera instances
156 * Transforms (matrix, rotate, scale, translate)
0 docs/changelog.rst
00 # pycollada
22 pycollada is a python module for creating, editing and loading
3 [COLLADA](, which is a COLLAborative Design Activity
3 [COLLADA](, which is a COLLAborative Design Activity
44 for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications.
66 The library allows you to load a COLLADA file and interact with it as a python
1212 See the [pycollada Documentation]( for more
1313 information.
15 [![Build Status](](!/pycollada/pycollada)
15 ![Build Status](
1717 ## Projects using pycollada
19 * [FreeCAD COLLADA Import/Export](
19 * [FreeCAD COLLADA Import/Export](
2020 * [Blender COLLADA Importer](
2121 * [Meshtool](
2222 * [SceneJS COLLADA Import](
3434 from collada import light
3535 from collada import material
3636 from collada import scene
37 from collada.common import E, tag
37 from collada.common import E, tagger, tag
3838 from collada.common import DaeError, DaeObject, DaeIncompleteError, \
3939 DaeBrokenRefError, DaeMalformedError, DaeUnsupportedError, \
4040 DaeSaveValidationError
7373 scenes = property( lambda s: s._scenes, lambda s,v: s._setIndexedList('_scenes', v), doc="""
7474 A list of :class:`collada.scene.Scene` objects. Can also be indexed by id""" )
76 def __init__(self, filename=None, ignore=None, aux_file_loader=None, zip_filename=None, validate_output=False):
76 def __init__(self,
77 filename=None,
78 ignore=None,
79 aux_file_loader=None,
80 zip_filename=None,
81 validate_output=False):
7782 """Load collada data from filename or file like object.
7984 :param filename:
122127 self.scene = None
123128 """The default scene. This is either an instance of :class:`collada.scene.Scene` or `None`."""
130 # a function which will apply the namespace
131 self.tag = tag
125133 if validate_output and schema:
126134 self.validator = schema.ColladaValidator()
127135 else:
156164 self.assetInfo = asset.Asset()
157165 return
167 strdata = None
159168 if isinstance(filename, basestring):
160 fdata = open(filename, 'rb')
169 with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
170 strdata =
161171 self.filename = filename
162172 self.getFileData = self._getFileFromDisk
163173 else:
164 fdata = filename # assume it is a file like object
174 strdata = # assume it is a file like object
165175 self.filename = None
166176 self.getFileData = self._nullGetFile
167 strdata =
169178 try:
170179 self.zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(strdata), 'r')
202211 except ElementTree.ParseError as e:
203212 raise DaeMalformedError("XML Parsing Error: %s" % e)
214 # if we can't get the current namespace
215 # the tagger from above will use a hardcoded default
216 try:
217 # get the root node, same for both etree and lxml
218 xml_root = self.xmlnode.getroot()
219 if hasattr(xml_root, 'nsmap'):
220 # lxml has an nsmap
221 # use the first value in the namespace map
222 namespace = next(iter(xml_root.nsmap.values()))
223 elif hasattr(xml_root, 'tag'):
224 # for xml.etree we need to extract ns from root tag
225 namespace = xml_root.tag.split('}')[0].lstrip('{')
226 # create a tagging function using the extracted namespace
227 self.tag = tagger(namespace)
228 except BaseException:
229 # failed to extract a namespace, using default
230 traceback.print_exc()
232 # functions which will load various things into collada object
205233 self._loadAssetInfo()
206234 self._loadImages()
207235 self._loadEffects()
239267 def _getFileFromZip(self, fname):
240268 """Return the binary data of an auxiliary file from a zip archive as a string."""
241269 if not self.zfile:
242 raise DaeBrokenRefError('Trying to load an auxiliar file %s but we are not reading from a zip'%fname)
270 raise DaeBrokenRefError('Trying to load an auxiliary file %s but we are not reading from a zip'%fname)
243271 basepath = posixpath.dirname(self.filename)
244272 aux_path = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(basepath, fname))
245273 if aux_path not in self.zfile.namelist():
249277 def _getFileFromDisk(self, fname):
250278 """Return the binary data of an auxiliary file from the local disk relative to the file path loaded."""
251279 if self.zfile:
252 raise DaeBrokenRefError('Trying to load an auxiliar file %s from disk but we are reading from a zip file'%fname)
280 raise DaeBrokenRefError('Trying to load an auxiliary file %s from disk but we are reading from a zip file'%fname)
253281 basepath = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
254282 aux_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(basepath, fname))
255283 if not os.path.exists(aux_path):
271299 def _loadAssetInfo(self):
272300 """Load information in <asset> tag"""
273 assetnode = self.xmlnode.find(tag('asset'))
301 assetnode = self.xmlnode.find(self.tag('asset'))
274302 if assetnode is not None:
275303 self.assetInfo = asset.Asset.load(self, {}, assetnode)
276304 else:
279307 def _loadGeometry(self):
280308 """Load geometry library."""
281 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_geometries'))
282 if libnodes is not None:
283 for libnode in libnodes:
284 if libnode is not None:
285 for geomnode in libnode.findall(tag('geometry')):
286 if geomnode.find(tag('mesh')) is None:
309 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_geometries'))
310 if libnodes is not None:
311 for libnode in libnodes:
312 if libnode is not None:
313 for geomnode in libnode.findall(self.tag('geometry')):
314 if geomnode.find(self.tag('mesh')) is None:
287315 continue
288316 try:
289317 G = geometry.Geometry.load(self, {}, geomnode)
295323 def _loadControllers(self):
296324 """Load controller library."""
297 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_controllers'))
298 if libnodes is not None:
299 for libnode in libnodes:
300 if libnode is not None:
301 for controlnode in libnode.findall(tag('controller')):
302 if controlnode.find(tag('skin')) is None \
303 and controlnode.find(tag('morph')) is None:
325 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_controllers'))
326 if libnodes is not None:
327 for libnode in libnodes:
328 if libnode is not None:
329 for controlnode in libnode.findall(self.tag('controller')):
330 if controlnode.find(self.tag('skin')) is None \
331 and controlnode.find(self.tag('morph')) is None:
304332 continue
305333 try:
306334 C = controller.Controller.load(self, {}, controlnode)
312340 def _loadAnimations(self):
313341 """Load animation library."""
314 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_animations'))
315 if libnodes is not None:
316 for libnode in libnodes:
317 if libnode is not None:
318 for animnode in libnode.findall(tag('animation')):
342 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_animations'))
343 if libnodes is not None:
344 for libnode in libnodes:
345 if libnode is not None:
346 for animnode in libnode.findall(self.tag('animation')):
319347 try:
320348 A = animation.Animation.load(self, {}, animnode)
321349 except DaeError as ex:
326354 def _loadLights(self):
327355 """Load light library."""
328 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_lights'))
329 if libnodes is not None:
330 for libnode in libnodes:
331 if libnode is not None:
332 for lightnode in libnode.findall(tag('light')):
356 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_lights'))
357 if libnodes is not None:
358 for libnode in libnodes:
359 if libnode is not None:
360 for lightnode in libnode.findall(self.tag('light')):
333361 try:
334362 lig = light.Light.load(self, {}, lightnode)
335363 except DaeError as ex:
340368 def _loadCameras(self):
341369 """Load camera library."""
342 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_cameras'))
343 if libnodes is not None:
344 for libnode in libnodes:
345 if libnode is not None:
346 for cameranode in libnode.findall(tag('camera')):
370 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_cameras'))
371 if libnodes is not None:
372 for libnode in libnodes:
373 if libnode is not None:
374 for cameranode in libnode.findall(self.tag('camera')):
347375 try:
348376 cam = camera.Camera.load(self, {}, cameranode)
349377 except DaeError as ex:
354382 def _loadImages(self):
355383 """Load image library."""
356 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_images'))
357 if libnodes is not None:
358 for libnode in libnodes:
359 if libnode is not None:
360 for imgnode in libnode.findall(tag('image')):
384 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_images'))
385 if libnodes is not None:
386 for libnode in libnodes:
387 if libnode is not None:
388 for imgnode in libnode.findall(self.tag('image')):
361389 try:
362390 img = material.CImage.load(self, {}, imgnode)
363391 except DaeError as ex:
368396 def _loadEffects(self):
369397 """Load effect library."""
370 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_effects'))
371 if libnodes is not None:
372 for libnode in libnodes:
373 if libnode is not None:
374 for effectnode in libnode.findall(tag('effect')):
398 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_effects'))
399 if libnodes is not None:
400 for libnode in libnodes:
401 if libnode is not None:
402 for effectnode in libnode.findall(self.tag('effect')):
375403 try:
376404 effect = material.Effect.load(self, {}, effectnode)
377405 except DaeError as ex:
382410 def _loadMaterials(self):
383411 """Load material library."""
384 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_materials'))
385 if libnodes is not None:
386 for libnode in libnodes:
387 if libnode is not None:
388 for materialnode in libnode.findall(tag('material')):
412 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_materials'))
413 if libnodes is not None:
414 for libnode in libnodes:
415 if libnode is not None:
416 for materialnode in libnode.findall(self.tag('material')):
389417 try:
390418 mat = material.Material.load(self, {}, materialnode)
391419 except DaeError as ex:
394422 self.materials.append(mat)
396424 def _loadNodes(self):
397 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_nodes'))
425 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_nodes'))
398426 if libnodes is not None:
399427 for libnode in libnodes:
400428 if libnode is not None:
401429 tried_loading = []
402430 succeeded = False
403 for node in libnode.findall(tag('node')):
431 for node in libnode.findall(self.tag('node')):
404432 try:
405433 N = scene.loadNode(self, node, {})
406434 except scene.DaeInstanceNotLoadedError as ex:
433461 def _loadScenes(self):
434462 """Load scene library."""
435 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(tag('library_visual_scenes'))
436 if libnodes is not None:
437 for libnode in libnodes:
438 if libnode is not None:
439 for scenenode in libnode.findall(tag('visual_scene')):
463 libnodes = self.xmlnode.findall(self.tag('library_visual_scenes'))
464 if libnodes is not None:
465 for libnode in libnodes:
466 if libnode is not None:
467 for scenenode in libnode.findall(self.tag('visual_scene')):
440468 try:
441469 S = scene.Scene.load(self, scenenode)
442470 except DaeError as ex:
447475 def _loadDefaultScene(self):
448476 """Loads the default scene from <scene> tag in the root node."""
449 node = self.xmlnode.find('%s/%s' % (tag('scene'), tag('instance_visual_scene')))
477 node = self.xmlnode.find('%s/%s' % (self.tag('scene'), self.tag('instance_visual_scene')))
450478 try:
451479 if node != None:
452480 sceneid = node.get('url')
471499 (self.scenes, 'library_visual_scenes')]
474 assetnode = self.xmlnode.getroot().find(tag('asset'))
502 assetnode = self.xmlnode.getroot().find(self.tag('asset'))
475503 if assetnode is not None:
476504 self.xmlnode.getroot().remove(assetnode)
477505 self.xmlnode.getroot().insert(0, self.assetInfo.xmlnode)
479507 library_loc = 0
480508 for i, node in enumerate(self.xmlnode.getroot()):
481 if node.tag == tag('asset'):
509 if node.tag == self.tag('asset'):
482510 library_loc = i+1
484512 for arr, name in libraries:
485 node = self.xmlnode.find( tag(name) )
513 node = self.xmlnode.find( self.tag(name) )
486514 if node is None:
487515 if len(arr) == 0:
488516 continue
489517 self.xmlnode.getroot().insert(library_loc, E(name))
490 node = self.xmlnode.find( tag(name) )
518 node = self.xmlnode.find( self.tag(name) )
491519 elif node is not None and len(arr) == 0:
492520 self.xmlnode.getroot().remove(node)
493521 continue
501529 if n not in xmlnodes:
502530 node.remove(n)
504 scenenode = self.xmlnode.find(tag('scene'))
532 scenenode = self.xmlnode.find(self.tag('scene'))
505533 scenenode.clear()
506534 if self.scene is not None:
507535 sceneid =
1212 """Contains objects representing animations."""
1414 from collada import source
15 from collada.common import DaeObject, tag
16 from collada.common import DaeIncompleteError, DaeBrokenRefError, \
17 DaeMalformedError, DaeUnsupportedError
15 from collada.common import DaeObject
16 from collada.common import DaeError
1918 class Animation(DaeObject):
2019 """Class for holding animation data coming from <animation> tags."""
3635 sourcebyid = localscope
3736 sources = []
38 sourcenodes = node.findall(tag('source'))
37 sourcenodes = node.findall(collada.tag('source'))
3938 for sourcenode in sourcenodes:
4039 ch = source.Source.load(collada, {}, sourcenode)
4140 sources.append(ch)
4241 sourcebyid[] = ch
44 child_nodes = node.findall(tag('animation'))
43 child_nodes = node.findall(collada.tag('animation'))
4544 children = []
4645 for child in child_nodes:
4746 try:
8181 @staticmethod
8282 def load(collada, localscope, node):
83 author = node.find( tag('author') )
84 authoring_tool = node.find( tag('authoring_tool') )
85 comments = node.find( tag('comments') )
86 copyright = node.find( tag('copyright') )
87 source_data = node.find( tag('source_data') )
83 author = node.find(collada.tag('author') )
84 authoring_tool = node.find(collada.tag('authoring_tool') )
85 comments = node.find(collada.tag('comments') )
86 copyright = node.find(collada.tag('copyright') )
87 source_data = node.find(collada.tag('source_data') )
8888 if author is not None: author = author.text
8989 if authoring_tool is not None: authoring_tool = authoring_tool.text
9090 if comments is not None: comments = comments.text
200200 @staticmethod
201201 def load(collada, localscope, node):
202 contributornodes = node.findall( tag('contributor') )
202 contributornodes = node.findall(collada.tag('contributor') )
203203 contributors = []
204204 for contributornode in contributornodes:
205205 contributors.append(Contributor.load(collada, localscope, contributornode))
207 created = node.find( tag('created') )
207 created = node.find(collada.tag('created') )
208208 if created is not None:
209209 try: created = dateutil.parser.parse(created.text)
210210 except: created = None
212 keywords = node.find( tag('keywords') )
212 keywords = node.find(collada.tag('keywords') )
213213 if keywords is not None: keywords = keywords.text
215 modified = node.find( tag('modified') )
215 modified = node.find(collada.tag('modified') )
216216 if modified is not None:
217217 try: modified = dateutil.parser.parse(modified.text)
218218 except: modified = None
220 revision = node.find( tag('revision') )
220 revision = node.find(collada.tag('revision') )
221221 if revision is not None: revision = revision.text
223 subject = node.find( tag('subject') )
223 subject = node.find(collada.tag('subject') )
224224 if subject is not None: subject = subject.text
226 title = node.find( tag('title') )
226 title = node.find(collada.tag('title') )
227227 if title is not None: title = title.text
229 unitnode = node.find( tag('unit') )
229 unitnode = node.find(collada.tag('unit') )
230230 if unitnode is not None:
231231 unitname = unitnode.get('name')
232232 try: unitmeter = float(unitnode.get('meter'))
237237 unitname = None
238238 unitmeter = None
240 upaxis = node.find( tag('up_axis') )
240 upaxis = node.find(collada.tag('up_axis') )
241241 if upaxis is not None:
242242 upaxis = upaxis.text
243243 if not(upaxis == UP_AXIS.X_UP or upaxis == UP_AXIS.Y_UP or \
1212 """Contains objects for representing cameras"""
14 import numpy
16 from collada.common import DaeObject, E, tag
17 from collada.common import DaeIncompleteError, DaeBrokenRefError, \
18 DaeMalformedError
19 from collada.xmlutil import etree as ElementTree
14 from collada.common import DaeIncompleteError
15 from collada.common import DaeMalformedError
16 from collada.common import DaeObject
17 from collada.common import DaeUnsupportedError
18 from collada.common import E
2221 class Camera(DaeObject):
2524 @staticmethod
2625 def load(collada, localscope, node):
27 tecnode = node.find('%s/%s' % (tag('optics'),tag('technique_common')))
26 tecnode = node.find('%s/%s' % (collada.tag('optics'),collada.tag('technique_common')))
2827 if tecnode is None or len(tecnode) == 0:
2928 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing common technique in camera')
3029 camnode = tecnode[0]
31 if camnode.tag == tag('perspective'):
30 if camnode.tag == collada.tag('perspective'):
3231 return PerspectiveCamera.load(collada, localscope, node)
33 elif camnode.tag == tag('orthographic'):
32 elif camnode.tag == collada.tag('orthographic'):
3433 return OrthographicCamera.load(collada, localscope, node)
3534 else:
3635 raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unrecognized camera type: %s' % camnode.tag)
137136 @staticmethod
138137 def load(collada, localscope, node):
139 persnode = node.find( '%s/%s/%s'%(tag('optics'),tag('technique_common'),
140 tag('perspective') ))
138 persnode = node.find( '%s/%s/%s'%(collada.tag('optics'),collada.tag('technique_common'),
139 collada.tag('perspective') ))
142141 if persnode is None:
143142 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing perspective for camera definition')
145 xfov = persnode.find( tag('xfov') )
146 yfov = persnode.find( tag('yfov') )
147 aspect_ratio = persnode.find( tag('aspect_ratio') )
148 znearnode = persnode.find( tag('znear') )
149 zfarnode = persnode.find( tag('zfar') )
144 xfov = persnode.find( collada.tag('xfov') )
145 yfov = persnode.find( collada.tag('yfov') )
146 aspect_ratio = persnode.find( collada.tag('aspect_ratio') )
147 znearnode = persnode.find( collada.tag('znear') )
148 zfarnode = persnode.find( collada.tag('zfar') )
150149 id = node.get('id', '')
152151 try:
162161 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted float values in camera definition')
164163 #There are some exporters that incorrectly output all three of these.
165 # Worse, they actually got the caculation of aspect_ratio wrong!
164 # Worse, they actually got the calculation of aspect_ratio wrong!
166165 # So instead of failing to load, let's just add one more hack because of terrible exporters
167166 if xfov is not None and yfov is not None and aspect_ratio is not None:
168167 aspect_ratio = None
284283 @staticmethod
285284 def load(collada, localscope, node):
286285 orthonode = node.find('%s/%s/%s' % (
287 tag('optics'),
288 tag('technique_common'),
289 tag('orthographic')))
286 collada.tag('optics'),
287 collada.tag('technique_common'),
288 collada.tag('orthographic')))
291290 if orthonode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing orthographic for camera definition')
293 xmag = orthonode.find( tag('xmag') )
294 ymag = orthonode.find( tag('ymag') )
295 aspect_ratio = orthonode.find( tag('aspect_ratio') )
296 znearnode = orthonode.find( tag('znear') )
297 zfarnode = orthonode.find( tag('zfar') )
292 xmag = orthonode.find( collada.tag('xmag') )
293 ymag = orthonode.find( collada.tag('ymag') )
294 aspect_ratio = orthonode.find( collada.tag('aspect_ratio') )
295 znearnode = orthonode.find( collada.tag('znear') )
296 zfarnode = orthonode.find( collada.tag('zfar') )
298297 id = node.get('id', '')
300299 try:
310309 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted float values in camera definition')
312311 #There are some exporters that incorrectly output all three of these.
313 # Worse, they actually got the caculation of aspect_ratio wrong!
312 # Worse, they actually got the calculation of aspect_ratio wrong!
314313 # So instead of failing to load, let's just add one more hack because of terrible exporters
315314 if xmag is not None and ymag is not None and aspect_ratio is not None:
316315 aspect_ratio = None
22 E = ElementMaker(namespace=COLLADA_NS, nsmap={None: COLLADA_NS})
5 def tag(text):
6 return str(etree.QName(COLLADA_NS, text))
5 def tag(text, namespace=None):
6 """
7 Tag a text key with the collada namespace, by default:
8 '{}'
10 :param string text:
11 The text to be tagged, i.e. 'geometry'
12 :param string namespace:
13 The namespace to tag with (not including brackets)
14 Will use default namespace if None is passed
15 """
16 if namespace is None:
17 namespace = COLLADA_NS
18 return str(etree.QName(namespace, text))
21 def tagger(namespace=None):
22 """
23 A closure, or function that returns a function.
24 Returned function tags using a specified namespace.
26 :param string namespace:
27 The XML namespace to use to tag elements
29 :return:
30 tag() function
31 """
32 def tag(text):
33 return str(etree.QName(namespace, text))
34 return tag
936 class DaeObject(object):
1037 """This class is the abstract interface to all collada objects.
3333 @staticmethod
3434 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
35 controller = node.find(tag('skin'))
35 controller = node.find(collada.tag('skin'))
3636 if controller is None:
37 controller = node.find(tag('morph'))
37 controller = node.find(collada.tag('morph'))
3838 if controller is None: raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unknown controller node')
4040 sourcebyid = {}
4141 sources = []
42 sourcenodes = node.findall('%s/%s'%(controller.tag, tag('source')))
42 sourcenodes = node.findall('%s/%s'%(controller.tag, collada.tag('source')))
4343 for sourcenode in sourcenodes:
4444 ch = source.Source.load(collada, {}, sourcenode)
4545 sources.append(ch)
4646 sourcebyid[] = ch
48 if controller.tag == tag('skin'):
48 if controller.tag == collada.tag('skin'):
4949 return Skin.load(collada, sourcebyid, controller, node)
5050 else:
5151 return Morph.load(collada, sourcebyid, controller, node)
186186 raise DaeBrokenRefError('Source geometry for skin node not found')
187187 geometry = collada.geometries[geometry_source[1:]]
189 bind_shape_mat = skinnode.find(tag('bind_shape_matrix'))
189 bind_shape_mat = skinnode.find(collada.tag('bind_shape_matrix'))
190190 if bind_shape_mat is None:
191191 bind_shape_mat = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
192192 bind_shape_mat.shape = (-1,)
197197 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted bind shape matrix in skin')
198198 bind_shape_mat = numpy.array( values, dtype=numpy.float32 )
200 inputnodes = skinnode.findall('%s/%s'%(tag('joints'), tag('input')))
200 inputnodes = skinnode.findall('%s/%s'%(collada.tag('joints'), collada.tag('input')))
201201 if inputnodes is None or len(inputnodes) < 2:
202202 raise DaeIncompleteError("Not enough inputs in skin joints")
216216 elif i[0] == 'INV_BIND_MATRIX':
217217 matrix_source = i[1][1:]
219 weightsnode = skinnode.find(tag('vertex_weights'))
219 weightsnode = skinnode.find(collada.tag('vertex_weights'))
220220 if weightsnode is None:
221221 raise DaeIncompleteError("No vertex_weights found in skin")
222 indexnode = weightsnode.find(tag('v'))
222 indexnode = weightsnode.find(collada.tag('v'))
223223 if indexnode is None:
224224 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing indices in skin vertex weights')
225 vcountnode = weightsnode.find(tag('vcount'))
225 vcountnode = weightsnode.find(collada.tag('vcount'))
226226 if vcountnode is None:
227227 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing vcount in skin vertex weights')
228 inputnodes = weightsnode.findall(tag('input'))
228 inputnodes = weightsnode.findall(collada.tag('input'))
230230 try:
231231 index = numpy.array([float(v)
356356 if not (method == 'NORMALIZED' or method == 'RELATIVE'):
357357 raise DaeMalformedError("Morph method must be either NORMALIZED or RELATIVE. Found '%s'" % method)
359 inputnodes = morphnode.findall('%s/%s'%(tag('targets'), tag('input')))
359 inputnodes = morphnode.findall('%s/%s'%(collada.tag('targets'), collada.tag('input')))
360360 if inputnodes is None or len(inputnodes) < 2:
361361 raise DaeIncompleteError("Not enough inputs in a morph")
170170 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
171171 id = node.get("id") or ""
172172 name = node.get("name") or ""
173 meshnode = node.find(tag('mesh'))
174 if meshnode is None: raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unknown geometry node')
173 meshnode = node.find(collada.tag('mesh'))
174 if meshnode is None:
175 raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unknown geometry node')
175176 sourcebyid = {}
176177 sources = []
177 sourcenodes = node.findall('%s/%s'%(tag('mesh'), tag('source')))
178 sourcenodes = node.findall('%s/%s'%(collada.tag('mesh'), collada.tag('source')))
178179 for sourcenode in sourcenodes:
179180 ch = source.Source.load(collada, {}, sourcenode)
180181 sources.append(ch)
181182 sourcebyid[] = ch
183 verticesnode = meshnode.find(tag('vertices'))
184 verticesnode = meshnode.find(collada.tag('vertices'))
184185 if verticesnode is None:
185186 vertexsource = None
186187 else:
187188 inputnodes = {}
188 for inputnode in verticesnode.findall(tag('input')):
189 for inputnode in verticesnode.findall(collada.tag('input')):
189190 semantic = inputnode.get('semantic')
190191 inputsource = inputnode.get('source')
191192 if not semantic or not inputsource or not inputsource.startswith('#'):
197198 sourcebyid[verticesnode.get('id')] = inputnodes
198199 vertexsource = verticesnode.get('id')
200 double_sided_node = node.find('.//%s//%s' % (tag('extra'), tag('double_sided')))
201 double_sided_node = node.find('.//%s//%s' % (collada.tag('extra'), collada.tag('double_sided')))
201202 double_sided = False
202203 if double_sided_node is not None and double_sided_node.text is not None:
203204 try:
209210 _primitives = []
210211 for subnode in meshnode:
211 if subnode.tag == tag('polylist'):
212 if subnode.tag == collada.tag('polylist'):
212213 _primitives.append( polylist.Polylist.load( collada, sourcebyid, subnode ) )
213 elif subnode.tag in (tag('triangles'), tag('tristrips'), tag('trifans')):
214 elif subnode.tag in (collada.tag('triangles'), collada.tag('tristrips'), collada.tag('trifans')):
214215 _primitives.append( triangleset.TriangleSet.load( collada, sourcebyid, subnode ) )
215 elif subnode.tag == tag('lines'):
216 elif subnode.tag == collada.tag('lines'):
216217 _primitives.append( lineset.LineSet.load( collada, sourcebyid, subnode ) )
217 elif subnode.tag == tag('polygons'):
218 elif subnode.tag == collada.tag('polygons'):
218219 _primitives.append( polygons.Polygons.load( collada, sourcebyid, subnode ) )
219 elif subnode.tag != tag('source') and subnode.tag != tag('vertices') and subnode.tag != tag('extra'):
220 elif subnode.tag != collada.tag('source') and subnode.tag != collada.tag('vertices') and subnode.tag != collada.tag('extra'):
220221 raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unknown geometry tag %s' % subnode.tag)
221222 geom = Geometry(collada, id, name, sourcebyid, _primitives, xmlnode=node, double_sided=double_sided )
222223 return geom
227228 for src in self.sourceById.values():
228229 if isinstance(src, source.Source):
230 if src.xmlnode not in meshnode.getchildren():
231 if src.xmlnode not in meshnode:
231232 meshnode.insert(0, src.xmlnode)
233234 deletenodes = []
289290 for prim in self.primitives:
290291 if type(prim) is triangleset.TriangleSet and prim.xmlnode.tag != tag('triangles'):
291292 prim._recreateXmlNode()
292 if prim.xmlnode not in meshnode.getchildren():
293 if prim.xmlnode not in meshnode:
293294 meshnode.append(prim.xmlnode)
295296 deletenodes = []
296297 primnodes = [prim.xmlnode for prim in self.primitives]
297 for child in meshnode.getchildren():
298 for child in meshnode:
298299 if child.tag != tag('vertices') and child.tag != tag('source') and child not in primnodes:
299300 deletenodes.append(child)
300301 for d in deletenodes:
2626 @staticmethod
2727 def load(collada, localscope, node):
28 tecnode = node.find( tag('technique_common') )
28 tecnode = node.find( collada.tag('technique_common') )
2929 if tecnode is None or len(tecnode) == 0:
3030 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing common technique in light')
3131 lightnode = tecnode[0]
32 if lightnode.tag == tag('directional'):
32 if lightnode.tag == collada.tag('directional'):
3333 return DirectionalLight.load( collada, localscope, node )
34 elif lightnode.tag == tag('point'):
34 elif lightnode.tag == collada.tag('point'):
3535 return PointLight.load( collada, localscope, node )
36 elif lightnode.tag == tag('ambient'):
36 elif lightnode.tag == collada.tag('ambient'):
3737 return AmbientLight.load( collada, localscope, node )
38 elif lightnode.tag == tag('spot'):
38 elif lightnode.tag == collada.tag('spot'):
3939 return SpotLight.load( collada, localscope, node )
4040 else:
4141 raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unrecognized light type: %s'%lightnode.tag)
9090 @staticmethod
9191 def load(collada, localscope, node):
92 colornode = node.find( '%s/%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'),tag('directional'),
93 tag('color') ) )
92 colornode = node.find( '%s/%s/%s'%(collada.tag('technique_common'),collada.tag('directional'),
93 collada.tag('color') ) )
9494 if colornode is None:
9595 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing color for directional light')
9696 try:
163163 @staticmethod
164164 def load(collada, localscope, node):
165 colornode = node.find('%s/%s/%s' % (tag('technique_common'),
166 tag('ambient'), tag('color')))
165 colornode = node.find('%s/%s/%s' % (collada.tag('technique_common'),
166 collada.tag('ambient'), collada.tag('color')))
167167 if colornode is None:
168168 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing color for ambient light')
169169 try:
257257 """Saves the light's properties back to :attr:`xmlnode`"""
258258 self.xmlnode.set('id',
259259 self.xmlnode.set('name',
260 pnode = self.xmlnode.find( '%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'),tag('point')) )
260 pnode = self.xmlnode.find( '%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'), tag('point')) )
261261 colornode = pnode.find( tag('color') )
262262 colornode.text = ' '.join(map(str, self.color ) )
263263 _correctValInNode(pnode, 'constant_attenuation', self.constant_att)
268268 @staticmethod
269269 def load(collada, localscope, node):
270 pnode = node.find('%s/%s' % (tag('technique_common'), tag('point')))
271 colornode = pnode.find( tag('color') )
270 pnode = node.find('%s/%s' % (collada.tag('technique_common'), collada.tag('point')))
271 colornode = pnode.find( collada.tag('color') )
272272 if colornode is None:
273273 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing color for point light')
274274 try:
276276 except ValueError as ex:
277277 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted color values in light definition')
278278 constant_att = linear_att = quad_att = zfar = None
279 qattnode = pnode.find( tag('quadratic_attenuation') )
280 cattnode = pnode.find( tag('constant_attenuation') )
281 lattnode = pnode.find( tag('linear_attenuation') )
282 zfarnode = pnode.find( tag('zfar') )
279 qattnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('quadratic_attenuation') )
280 cattnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('constant_attenuation') )
281 lattnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('linear_attenuation') )
282 zfarnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('zfar') )
283283 try:
284284 if cattnode is not None:
285285 constant_att = float(cattnode.text)
394394 @staticmethod
395395 def load(collada, localscope, node):
396 pnode = node.find( '%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'),tag('spot')) )
397 colornode = pnode.find( tag('color') )
396 pnode = node.find( '%s/%s'%(collada.tag('technique_common'),collada.tag('spot')) )
397 colornode = pnode.find( collada.tag('color') )
398398 if colornode is None:
399399 raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing color for spot light')
400400 try:
402402 except ValueError as ex:
403403 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted color values in spot light definition')
404404 constant_att = linear_att = quad_att = falloff_ang = falloff_exp = None
405 cattnode = pnode.find( tag('constant_attenuation') )
406 lattnode = pnode.find( tag('linear_attenuation') )
407 qattnode = pnode.find( tag('quadratic_attenuation') )
408 fangnode = pnode.find( tag('falloff_angle') )
409 fexpnode = pnode.find( tag('falloff_exponent') )
405 cattnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('constant_attenuation') )
406 lattnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('linear_attenuation') )
407 qattnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('quadratic_attenuation') )
408 fangnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('falloff_angle') )
409 fexpnode = pnode.find( collada.tag('falloff_exponent') )
410410 try:
411411 if cattnode is not None:
412412 constant_att = float(cattnode.text)
1414 import numpy
1616 from collada import primitive
17 from collada.util import toUnitVec, checkSource
17 from collada.util import toUnitVec, checkSource, xrange
1818 from collada.common import E, tag
1919 from collada.common import DaeIncompleteError, DaeBrokenRefError, \
2020 DaeMalformedError, DaeUnsupportedError
5757 instance using :meth:`collada.geometry.Geometry.createLineSet`.
5959 * If ``L`` is an instance of :class:`collada.lineset.LineSet`, then ``len(L)``
60 returns the number of lines in the set. ``L[i]`` returns the i\ :sup:`th`
60 returns the number of lines in the set. ``L[i]`` returns the i\\ :sup:`th`
6161 line in the set."""
6363 def __init__(self, sources, material, index, xmlnode=None):
6767 """
6969 if len(sources) == 0: raise DaeIncompleteError('A line set needs at least one input for vertex positions')
70 if not 'VERTEX' in sources: raise DaeIncompleteError('Line set requires vertex input')
70 if not sources.get('VERTEX'): raise DaeIncompleteError('Line set requires vertex input')
7272 #find max offset
7373 max_offset = max([ max([input[0] for input in input_type_array])
161161 @staticmethod
162162 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
163 indexnode = node.find(tag('p'))
163 indexnode = node.find(collada.tag('p'))
164164 if indexnode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing index in line set')
166 source_array = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(tag('input')))
166 source_array = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(collada.tag('input')))
168168 try:
169 if indexnode.text is None:
169 if indexnode.text is None or indexnode.text.isspace():
170170 index = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.int32)
171171 else:
172172 index = numpy.fromstring(indexnode.text, dtype=numpy.int32, sep=' ')
192192 """A line set bound to a transform matrix and materials mapping.
194194 * If ``bs`` is an instance of :class:`collada.lineset.BoundLineSet`, ``len(bs)``
195 returns the number of lines in the set and ``bs[i]`` returns the i\ :superscript:`th`
195 returns the number of lines in the set and ``bs[i]`` returns the i\\ :superscript:`th`
196196 line in the set.
198198 """
151151 @staticmethod
152152 def load( collada, localspace, node ):
153153 id = node.get('id')
154 initnode = node.find( tag('init_from') )
154 initnode = node.find( collada.tag('init_from') )
155155 if initnode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('Image has no file path')
156156 path = initnode.text
157157 return CImage(id, path, collada, xmlnode = node)
215215 @staticmethod
216216 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
217 surfacenode = node.find( tag('surface') )
217 surfacenode = node.find( collada.tag('surface') )
218218 if surfacenode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No surface found in newparam')
219219 if surfacenode.get('type') != '2D': raise DaeMalformedError('Hard to imagine a non-2D surface, isn\'t it?')
220 initnode = surfacenode.find( tag('init_from') )
220 initnode = surfacenode.find( collada.tag('init_from') )
221221 if initnode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No init image found in surface')
222 formatnode = surfacenode.find( tag('format') )
222 formatnode = surfacenode.find( collada.tag('format') )
223223 if formatnode is None: format = None
224224 else: format = formatnode.text
225225 imgid = initnode.text
299299 @staticmethod
300300 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
301 samplernode = node.find( tag('sampler2D') )
301 samplernode = node.find( collada.tag('sampler2D') )
302302 if samplernode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No sampler found in newparam')
303 sourcenode = samplernode.find( tag('source') )
303 sourcenode = samplernode.find( collada.tag('source') )
304304 if sourcenode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No source found in sampler')
305 minnode = samplernode.find( tag('minfilter') )
305 minnode = samplernode.find( collada.tag('minfilter') )
306306 if minnode is None: minfilter = None
307307 else: minfilter = minnode.text
308 magnode = samplernode.find( tag('magfilter') )
308 magnode = samplernode.find( collada.tag('magfilter') )
309309 if magnode is None: magfilter = None
310310 else: magfilter = magnode.text
552552 @staticmethod
553553 def getEffectParameters(collada, parentnode, localscope, params):
555 for paramnode in parentnode.findall( tag('newparam') ):
556 if paramnode.find( tag('surface') ) is not None:
555 for paramnode in parentnode.findall( collada.tag('newparam') ):
556 if paramnode.find( collada.tag('surface') ) is not None:
557557 param = Surface.load(collada, localscope, paramnode)
558558 params.append(param)
559559 localscope[] = param
560 elif paramnode.find( tag('sampler2D') ) is not None:
560 elif paramnode.find( collada.tag('sampler2D') ) is not None:
561561 param = Sampler2D.load(collada, localscope, paramnode)
562562 params.append(param)
563563 localscope[] = param
564564 else:
565 floatnode = paramnode.find( tag('float') )
566 if floatnode is None: floatnode = paramnode.find( tag('float2') )
567 if floatnode is None: floatnode = paramnode.find( tag('float3') )
568 if floatnode is None: floatnode = paramnode.find( tag('float4') )
565 floatnode = paramnode.find( collada.tag('float') )
566 if floatnode is None:
567 floatnode = paramnode.find( collada.tag('float2') )
568 if floatnode is None:
569 floatnode = paramnode.find( collada.tag('float3') )
570 if floatnode is None:
571 floatnode = paramnode.find( collada.tag('float4') )
569572 paramid = paramnode.get('sid')
570573 if floatnode is not None and paramid is not None and len(paramid) > 0 and floatnode.text is not None:
571574 localscope[paramid] = [float(v) for v in floatnode.text.split()]
575578 localscope = {} # we have our own scope, shadow it
576579 params = []
577580 id = node.get('id')
578 profilenode = node.find( tag('profile_COMMON') )
581 profilenode = node.find( collada.tag('profile_COMMON') )
579582 if profilenode is None:
580583 raise DaeUnsupportedError('Found effect with profile other than profile_COMMON')
582585 #<image> can be local to a material instead of global in <library_images>
583 for imgnode in profilenode.findall( tag('image') ):
586 for imgnode in profilenode.findall( collada.tag('image') ):
584587 local_image = CImage.load(collada, localscope, imgnode)
585588 localscope[] = local_image
594597 Effect.getEffectParameters(collada, profilenode, localscope, params)
596 tecnode = profilenode.find( tag('technique') )
599 tecnode = profilenode.find( collada.tag('technique') )
598601 Effect.getEffectParameters(collada, tecnode, localscope, params)
600603 shadnode = None
601604 for shad in Effect.shaders:
602 shadnode = tecnode.find(tag(shad))
605 shadnode = tecnode.find(collada.tag(shad))
603606 shadingtype = shad
604607 if not shadnode is None:
605608 break
606609 if shadnode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No material properties found in effect')
607610 props = {}
608611 for key in Effect.supported:
609 pnode = shadnode.find( tag(key) )
612 pnode = shadnode.find( collada.tag(key) )
610613 if pnode is None: props[key] = None
611614 else:
612615 try: props[key] = Effect._loadShadingParam(collada, localscope, pnode)
635638 props['opaque_mode'] = OPAQUE_MODE.RGB_ZERO
636639 props['xmlnode'] = node
638 bumpnode = node.find('.//%s//%s' % (tag('extra'), tag('texture')))
641 bumpnode = node.find('.//%s//%s' % (collada.tag('extra'), collada.tag('texture')))
639642 if bumpnode is not None:
640643 bumpmap = Map.load(collada, localscope, bumpnode)
641644 else:
642645 bumpmap = None
644 double_sided_node = node.find('.//%s//%s' % (tag('extra'), tag('double_sided')))
647 double_sided_node = node.find('.//%s//%s' % (collada.tag('extra'), collada.tag('double_sided')))
645648 double_sided = False
646649 if double_sided_node is not None and double_sided_node.text is not None:
647650 try:
655658 @staticmethod
656659 def _loadShadingParam( collada, localscope, node ):
657660 """Load from the node a definition for a material property."""
658 children = node.getchildren()
661 children = list(node)
659662 if not children: raise DaeIncompleteError('Incorrect effect shading parameter '+node.tag)
660663 vnode = children[0]
661 if vnode.tag == tag('color'):
664 if vnode.tag == collada.tag('color'):
662665 try:
663666 value = tuple([ float(v) for v in vnode.text.split() ])
664667 except ValueError as ex:
665668 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted color definition in effect '+id)
666669 except IndexError as ex:
667670 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted color definition in effect '+id)
668 elif vnode.tag == tag('float'):
671 elif vnode.tag == collada.tag('float'):
669672 try: value = float(vnode.text)
670673 except ValueError as ex:
671674 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted float definition in effect '+id)
672 elif vnode.tag == tag('texture'):
675 elif vnode.tag == collada.tag('texture'):
673676 value = Map.load(collada, localscope, vnode)
674 elif vnode.tag == tag('param'):
677 elif vnode.tag == collada.tag('param'):
675678 refid = vnode.get('ref')
676679 if refid is not None and refid in localscope:
677680 value = localscope[refid]
679682 return None
680683 else:
681684 raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unknown shading param definition ' + \
682 vnode.tag)
685 str(vnode.tag))
683686 return value
685688 def _fixColorValues(self):
707710 for param in self.params:
709 if param.xmlnode not in profilenode.getchildren():
712 if param.xmlnode not in profilenode:
710713 profilenode.insert(list(profilenode).index(tecnode),
711714 param.xmlnode)
858861 matid = node.get('id')
859862 matname = node.get('name')
861 effnode = node.find( tag('instance_effect'))
864 effnode = node.find( collada.tag('instance_effect'))
862865 if effnode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No effect inside material')
863866 effectid = effnode.get('url')
7777 @staticmethod
7878 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
79 indexnodes = node.findall(tag('p'))
79 indexnodes = node.findall(collada.tag('p'))
8080 if indexnodes is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing indices in polygons')
8282 polygon_indices = []
8585 index[numpy.isnan(index)] = 0
8686 polygon_indices.append(index)
88 all_inputs = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(tag('input')))
88 all_inputs = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(collada.tag('input')))
9090 polygons = Polygons(all_inputs, node.get('material'), polygon_indices, node)
9191 return polygons
116116 instance using :meth:`collada.geometry.Geometry.createPolylist`.
118118 * If ``P`` is an instance of :class:`collada.polylist.Polylist`, then ``len(P)``
119 returns the number of polygons in the set. ``P[i]`` returns the i\ :sup:`th`
119 returns the number of polygons in the set. ``P[i]`` returns the i\\ :sup:`th`
120120 polygon in the set.
121121 """
261261 @staticmethod
262262 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
263 indexnode = node.find(tag('p'))
263 indexnode = node.find(collada.tag('p'))
264264 if indexnode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing index in polylist')
265 vcountnode = node.find(tag('vcount'))
265 vcountnode = node.find(collada.tag('vcount'))
266266 if vcountnode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing vcount in polylist')
268268 try:
269 if vcountnode.text is None:
269 if vcountnode.text is None or vcountnode.text.isspace():
270270 vcounts = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.int32)
271271 else:
272272 vcounts = numpy.fromstring(vcountnode.text, dtype=numpy.int32, sep=' ')
274274 except ValueError as ex:
275275 raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted vcounts in polylist')
277 all_inputs = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(tag('input')))
277 all_inputs = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(collada.tag('input')))
279279 try:
280 if indexnode.text is None:
280 if indexnode.text is None or indexnode.text.isspace():
281281 index = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.int32)
282282 else:
283283 index = numpy.fromstring(indexnode.text, dtype=numpy.int32, sep=' ')
302302 """A polylist bound to a transform matrix and materials mapping.
304304 * If ``P`` is an instance of :class:`collada.polylist.BoundPolylist`, then ``len(P)``
305 returns the number of polygons in the set. ``P[i]`` returns the i\ :sup:`th`
305 returns the number of polygons in the set. ``P[i]`` returns the i\\ :sup:`th`
306306 polygon in the set.
307307 """
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
1 <xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.4.1" xml:lang="EN" xsi:schemaLocation="">
2 <!-- BEGIN COLLADA Format Schema -->
3 <xs:annotation>
4 <xs:documentation>
5 COLLADA Schema
6 Version 1.4.1 (June 23, 2006)
8 Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 The Khronos Group Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
9 All Rights Reserved.
11 Khronos is a trademark of The Khronos Group Inc.
12 COLLADA is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. used by permission by Khronos.
14 Note that this software document is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, with ALL EXPRESS AND
18 </xs:documentation>
19 </xs:annotation>
20 <!-- import needed for xml:base attribute-->
21 <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
22 <!-- Root Element -->
23 <xs:element name="COLLADA">
24 <xs:annotation>
25 <xs:appinfo>enable-xmlns</xs:appinfo>
26 <xs:documentation>
27 The COLLADA element declares the root of the document that comprises some of the content
28 in the COLLADA schema.
29 </xs:documentation>
30 </xs:annotation>
31 <xs:complexType>
32 <xs:sequence>
33 <xs:element ref="asset">
34 <xs:annotation>
35 <xs:documentation>
36 The COLLADA element must contain an asset element.
37 </xs:documentation>
38 </xs:annotation>
39 </xs:element>
40 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
41 <xs:element ref="library_animations">
42 <xs:annotation>
43 <xs:documentation>
44 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_animations elements.
45 </xs:documentation>
46 </xs:annotation>
47 </xs:element>
48 <xs:element ref="library_animation_clips">
49 <xs:annotation>
50 <xs:documentation>
51 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_animation_clips elements.
52 </xs:documentation>
53 </xs:annotation>
54 </xs:element>
55 <xs:element ref="library_cameras">
56 <xs:annotation>
57 <xs:documentation>
58 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_cameras elements.
59 </xs:documentation>
60 </xs:annotation>
61 </xs:element>
62 <xs:element ref="library_controllers">
63 <xs:annotation>
64 <xs:documentation>
65 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_controllerss elements.
66 </xs:documentation>
67 </xs:annotation>
68 </xs:element>
69 <xs:element ref="library_geometries">
70 <xs:annotation>
71 <xs:documentation>
72 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_geometriess elements.
73 </xs:documentation>
74 </xs:annotation>
75 </xs:element>
76 <xs:element ref="library_effects">
77 <xs:annotation>
78 <xs:documentation>
79 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_effects elements.
80 </xs:documentation>
81 </xs:annotation>
82 </xs:element>
83 <xs:element ref="library_force_fields">
84 <xs:annotation>
85 <xs:documentation>
86 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_force_fields elements.
87 </xs:documentation>
88 </xs:annotation>
89 </xs:element>
90 <xs:element ref="library_images">
91 <xs:annotation>
92 <xs:documentation>
93 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_images elements.
94 </xs:documentation>
95 </xs:annotation>
96 </xs:element>
97 <xs:element ref="library_lights">
98 <xs:annotation>
99 <xs:documentation>
100 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_lights elements.
101 </xs:documentation>
102 </xs:annotation>
103 </xs:element>
104 <xs:element ref="library_materials">
105 <xs:annotation>
106 <xs:documentation>
107 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_materials elements.
108 </xs:documentation>
109 </xs:annotation>
110 </xs:element>
111 <xs:element ref="library_nodes">
112 <xs:annotation>
113 <xs:documentation>
114 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_nodes elements.
115 </xs:documentation>
116 </xs:annotation>
117 </xs:element>
118 <xs:element ref="library_physics_materials">
119 <xs:annotation>
120 <xs:documentation>
121 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_materials elements.
122 </xs:documentation>
123 </xs:annotation>
124 </xs:element>
125 <xs:element ref="library_physics_models">
126 <xs:annotation>
127 <xs:documentation>
128 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_physics_models elements.
129 </xs:documentation>
130 </xs:annotation>
131 </xs:element>
132 <xs:element ref="library_physics_scenes">
133 <xs:annotation>
134 <xs:documentation>
135 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_physics_scenes elements.
136 </xs:documentation>
137 </xs:annotation>
138 </xs:element>
139 <xs:element ref="library_visual_scenes">
140 <xs:annotation>
141 <xs:documentation>
142 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_visual_scenes elements.
143 </xs:documentation>
144 </xs:annotation>
145 </xs:element>
146 </xs:choice>
147 <xs:element name="scene" minOccurs="0">
148 <xs:annotation>
149 <xs:documentation>
150 The scene embodies the entire set of information that can be visualized from the
151 contents of a COLLADA resource. The scene element declares the base of the scene
152 hierarchy or scene graph. The scene contains elements that comprise much of the
153 visual and transformational information content as created by the authoring tools.
154 </xs:documentation>
155 </xs:annotation>
156 <xs:complexType>
157 <xs:sequence>
158 <xs:element name="instance_physics_scene" type="InstanceWithExtra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
159 <xs:annotation>
160 <xs:documentation>
161 The instance_physics_scene element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA physics_scene resource.
162 The instance_physics_scene element may appear any number of times.
163 </xs:documentation>
164 </xs:annotation>
165 </xs:element>
166 <xs:element name="instance_visual_scene" type="InstanceWithExtra" minOccurs="0">
167 <xs:annotation>
168 <xs:documentation>
169 The instance_visual_scene element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA visual_scene resource.
170 The instance_visual_scene element may only appear once.
171 </xs:documentation>
172 </xs:annotation>
173 </xs:element>
174 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
175 <xs:annotation>
176 <xs:documentation>
177 The extra element may appear any number of times.
178 </xs:documentation>
179 </xs:annotation>
180 </xs:element>
181 </xs:sequence>
182 </xs:complexType>
183 </xs:element>
184 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
185 <xs:annotation>
186 <xs:documentation>
187 The extra element may appear any number of times.
188 </xs:documentation>
189 </xs:annotation>
190 </xs:element>
191 </xs:sequence>
192 <xs:attribute name="version" type="VersionType" use="required">
193 <xs:annotation>
194 <xs:documentation>
195 The version attribute is the COLLADA schema revision with which the instance document
196 conforms. Required Attribute.
197 </xs:documentation>
198 </xs:annotation>
199 </xs:attribute>
200 <xs:attribute ref="xml:base">
201 <xs:annotation>
202 <xs:documentation>
203 The xml:base attribute allows you to define the base URI for this COLLADA document. See
204 for more information.
205 </xs:documentation>
206 </xs:annotation>
207 </xs:attribute>
208 </xs:complexType>
209 </xs:element>
210 <!-- Simple Types -->
211 <!-- Primitive Types -->
212 <xs:simpleType name="bool">
213 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
214 </xs:simpleType>
215 <xs:simpleType name="dateTime">
216 <xs:restriction base="xs:dateTime"/>
217 </xs:simpleType>
218 <xs:simpleType name="float">
219 <xs:restriction base="xs:double"/>
220 </xs:simpleType>
221 <xs:simpleType name="int">
222 <xs:restriction base="xs:long"/>
223 </xs:simpleType>
224 <xs:simpleType name="Name">
225 <xs:restriction base="xs:Name"/>
226 </xs:simpleType>
227 <xs:simpleType name="string">
228 <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
229 </xs:simpleType>
230 <xs:simpleType name="token">
231 <xs:restriction base="xs:token"/>
232 </xs:simpleType>
233 <xs:simpleType name="uint">
234 <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedLong"/>
235 </xs:simpleType>
236 <!-- Container Types -->
237 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfBools">
238 <xs:list itemType="bool"/>
239 </xs:simpleType>
240 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfFloats">
241 <xs:list itemType="float"/>
242 </xs:simpleType>
243 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfHexBinary">
244 <xs:list itemType="xs:hexBinary"/>
245 </xs:simpleType>
246 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfInts">
247 <xs:list itemType="int"/>
248 </xs:simpleType>
249 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfNames">
250 <xs:list itemType="Name"/>
251 </xs:simpleType>
252 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfTokens">
253 <xs:list itemType="token"/>
254 </xs:simpleType>
255 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfUInts">
256 <xs:list itemType="uint"/>
257 </xs:simpleType>
258 <!-- Aggregate Types -->
259 <xs:simpleType name="bool2">
260 <xs:restriction base="ListOfBools">
261 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
262 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
263 </xs:restriction>
264 </xs:simpleType>
265 <xs:simpleType name="bool3">
266 <xs:restriction base="ListOfBools">
267 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
268 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
269 </xs:restriction>
270 </xs:simpleType>
271 <xs:simpleType name="bool4">
272 <xs:restriction base="ListOfBools">
273 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
274 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
275 </xs:restriction>
276 </xs:simpleType>
277 <xs:simpleType name="float2">
278 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
279 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
280 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
281 </xs:restriction>
282 </xs:simpleType>
283 <xs:simpleType name="float3">
284 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
285 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
286 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
287 </xs:restriction>
288 </xs:simpleType>
289 <xs:simpleType name="float4">
290 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
291 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
292 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
293 </xs:restriction>
294 </xs:simpleType>
295 <xs:simpleType name="float7">
296 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
297 <xs:minLength value="7"/>
298 <xs:maxLength value="7"/>
299 </xs:restriction>
300 </xs:simpleType>
301 <xs:simpleType name="float2x2">
302 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
303 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
304 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
305 </xs:restriction>
306 </xs:simpleType>
307 <xs:simpleType name="float3x3">
308 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
309 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
310 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
311 </xs:restriction>
312 </xs:simpleType>
313 <xs:simpleType name="float4x4">
314 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
315 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
316 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
317 </xs:restriction>
318 </xs:simpleType>
319 <xs:simpleType name="float2x3">
320 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
321 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
322 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
323 </xs:restriction>
324 </xs:simpleType>
325 <xs:simpleType name="float2x4">
326 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
327 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
328 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
329 </xs:restriction>
330 </xs:simpleType>
331 <xs:simpleType name="float3x2">
332 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
333 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
334 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
335 </xs:restriction>
336 </xs:simpleType>
337 <xs:simpleType name="float3x4">
338 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
339 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
340 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
341 </xs:restriction>
342 </xs:simpleType>
343 <xs:simpleType name="float4x2">
344 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
345 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
346 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
347 </xs:restriction>
348 </xs:simpleType>
349 <xs:simpleType name="float4x3">
350 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
351 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
352 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
353 </xs:restriction>
354 </xs:simpleType>
355 <xs:simpleType name="int2">
356 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
357 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
358 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
359 </xs:restriction>
360 </xs:simpleType>
361 <xs:simpleType name="int3">
362 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
363 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
364 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
365 </xs:restriction>
366 </xs:simpleType>
367 <xs:simpleType name="int4">
368 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
369 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
370 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
371 </xs:restriction>
372 </xs:simpleType>
373 <xs:simpleType name="int2x2">
374 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
375 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
376 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
377 </xs:restriction>
378 </xs:simpleType>
379 <xs:simpleType name="int3x3">
380 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
381 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
382 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
383 </xs:restriction>
384 </xs:simpleType>
385 <xs:simpleType name="int4x4">
386 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
387 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
388 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
389 </xs:restriction>
390 </xs:simpleType>
391 <!-- Basic Enumerations -->
392 <xs:simpleType name="MorphMethodType">
393 <xs:annotation>
394 <xs:documentation>
395 An enumuerated type specifying the acceptable morph methods.
396 </xs:documentation>
397 </xs:annotation>
398 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
399 <xs:enumeration value="NORMALIZED"/>
400 <xs:enumeration value="RELATIVE"/>
401 </xs:restriction>
402 </xs:simpleType>
403 <xs:simpleType name="NodeType">
404 <xs:annotation>
405 <xs:documentation>
406 An enumerated type specifying the acceptable node types.
407 </xs:documentation>
408 </xs:annotation>
409 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
410 <xs:enumeration value="JOINT"/>
411 <xs:enumeration value="NODE"/>
412 </xs:restriction>
413 </xs:simpleType>
414 <xs:simpleType name="URIFragmentType">
415 <xs:annotation>
416 <xs:documentation>
417 This type is used for URI reference which can only reference a resource declared within it's same document.
418 </xs:documentation>
419 </xs:annotation>
420 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
421 <xs:pattern value="(#(.*))"/>
422 </xs:restriction>
423 </xs:simpleType>
424 <xs:simpleType name="UpAxisType">
425 <xs:annotation>
426 <xs:documentation>
427 An enumerated type specifying the acceptable up-axis values.
428 </xs:documentation>
429 </xs:annotation>
430 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
431 <xs:enumeration value="X_UP"/>
432 <xs:enumeration value="Y_UP"/>
433 <xs:enumeration value="Z_UP"/>
434 </xs:restriction>
435 </xs:simpleType>
436 <xs:simpleType name="VersionType">
437 <xs:annotation>
438 <xs:documentation>
439 An enumerated type specifying the acceptable document versions.
440 </xs:documentation>
441 </xs:annotation>
442 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
443 <xs:enumeration value="1.4.0"/>
444 <xs:enumeration value="1.4.1"/>
445 </xs:restriction>
446 </xs:simpleType>
447 <!-- Complex Types -->
448 <xs:complexType name="InputGlobal">
449 <xs:annotation>
450 <xs:documentation>
451 The InputGlobal type is used to represent inputs that can reference external resources.
452 </xs:documentation>
453 </xs:annotation>
454 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
455 <xs:annotation>
456 <xs:documentation>
457 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute.
458 </xs:documentation>
459 </xs:annotation>
460 </xs:attribute>
461 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
462 <xs:annotation>
463 <xs:documentation>
464 The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute.
465 </xs:documentation>
466 </xs:annotation>
467 </xs:attribute>
468 </xs:complexType>
469 <xs:complexType name="InputLocal">
470 <xs:annotation>
471 <xs:documentation>
472 The InputLocal type is used to represent inputs that can only reference resources declared in the same document.
473 </xs:documentation>
474 </xs:annotation>
475 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
476 <xs:annotation>
477 <xs:documentation>
478 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute.
479 </xs:documentation>
480 </xs:annotation>
481 </xs:attribute>
482 <xs:attribute name="source" type="URIFragmentType" use="required">
483 <xs:annotation>
484 <xs:documentation>
485 The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute.
486 </xs:documentation>
487 </xs:annotation>
488 </xs:attribute>
489 </xs:complexType>
490 <xs:complexType name="InputLocalOffset">
491 <xs:annotation>
492 <xs:documentation>
493 The InputLocalOffset type is used to represent indexed inputs that can only reference resources declared in the same document.
494 </xs:documentation>
495 </xs:annotation>
496 <xs:attribute name="offset" type="uint" use="required">
497 <xs:annotation>
498 <xs:documentation>
499 The offset attribute represents the offset into the list of indices. If two input elements share
500 the same offset, they will be indexed the same. This works as a simple form of compression for the
501 list of indices as well as defining the order the inputs should be used in. Required attribute.
502 </xs:documentation>
503 </xs:annotation>
504 </xs:attribute>
505 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
506 <xs:annotation>
507 <xs:documentation>
508 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute.
509 </xs:documentation>
510 </xs:annotation>
511 </xs:attribute>
512 <xs:attribute name="source" type="URIFragmentType" use="required">
513 <xs:annotation>
514 <xs:documentation>
515 The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute.
516 </xs:documentation>
517 </xs:annotation>
518 </xs:attribute>
519 <xs:attribute name="set" type="uint">
520 <xs:annotation>
521 <xs:documentation>
522 The set attribute indicates which inputs should be grouped together as a single set. This is helpful
523 when multiple inputs share the same semantics.
524 </xs:documentation>
525 </xs:annotation>
526 </xs:attribute>
527 </xs:complexType>
528 <xs:complexType name="InstanceWithExtra">
529 <xs:annotation>
530 <xs:documentation>
531 The InstanceWithExtra type is used for all generic instance elements. A generic instance element
532 is one which does not have any specific child elements declared.
533 </xs:documentation>
534 </xs:annotation>
535 <xs:sequence>
536 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
537 <xs:annotation>
538 <xs:documentation>
539 The extra element may occur any number of times.
540 </xs:documentation>
541 </xs:annotation>
542 </xs:element>
543 </xs:sequence>
544 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
545 <xs:annotation>
546 <xs:documentation>
547 The url attribute refers to resource to instantiate. This may refer to a local resource using a
548 relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the "#" character. The url attribute may refer
549 to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL.
550 </xs:documentation>
551 </xs:annotation>
552 </xs:attribute>
553 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
554 <xs:annotation>
555 <xs:documentation>
556 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
557 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
558 </xs:documentation>
559 </xs:annotation>
560 </xs:attribute>
561 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
562 <xs:annotation>
563 <xs:documentation>
564 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
565 </xs:documentation>
566 </xs:annotation>
567 </xs:attribute>
568 </xs:complexType>
569 <xs:complexType name="TargetableFloat">
570 <xs:annotation>
571 <xs:documentation>
572 The TargetableFloat type is used to represent elements which contain a single float value which can
573 be targeted for animation.
574 </xs:documentation>
575 </xs:annotation>
576 <xs:simpleContent>
577 <xs:extension base="float">
578 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
579 <xs:annotation>
580 <xs:documentation>
581 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
582 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
583 </xs:documentation>
584 </xs:annotation>
585 </xs:attribute>
586 </xs:extension>
587 </xs:simpleContent>
588 </xs:complexType>
589 <xs:complexType name="TargetableFloat3">
590 <xs:annotation>
591 <xs:documentation>
592 The TargetableFloat3 type is used to represent elements which contain a float3 value which can
593 be targeted for animation.
594 </xs:documentation>
595 </xs:annotation>
596 <xs:simpleContent>
597 <xs:extension base="float3">
598 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
599 <xs:annotation>
600 <xs:documentation>
601 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
602 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
603 </xs:documentation>
604 </xs:annotation>
605 </xs:attribute>
606 </xs:extension>
607 </xs:simpleContent>
608 </xs:complexType>
609 <!--Typed Array Elements-->
610 <xs:element name="IDREF_array">
611 <xs:annotation>
612 <xs:documentation>
613 The IDREF_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of ID reference values.
614 </xs:documentation>
615 </xs:annotation>
616 <xs:complexType>
617 <xs:simpleContent>
618 <xs:extension base="xs:IDREFS">
619 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
620 <xs:annotation>
621 <xs:documentation>
622 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
623 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
624 </xs:documentation>
625 </xs:annotation>
626 </xs:attribute>
627 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
628 <xs:annotation>
629 <xs:documentation>
630 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
631 </xs:documentation>
632 </xs:annotation>
633 </xs:attribute>
634 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
635 <xs:annotation>
636 <xs:documentation>
637 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
638 </xs:documentation>
639 </xs:annotation>
640 </xs:attribute>
641 </xs:extension>
642 </xs:simpleContent>
643 </xs:complexType>
644 </xs:element>
645 <xs:element name="Name_array">
646 <xs:annotation>
647 <xs:documentation>
648 The Name_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of Name string values.
649 </xs:documentation>
650 </xs:annotation>
651 <xs:complexType>
652 <xs:simpleContent>
653 <xs:extension base="ListOfNames">
654 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
655 <xs:annotation>
656 <xs:documentation>
657 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
658 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
659 </xs:documentation>
660 </xs:annotation>
661 </xs:attribute>
662 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
663 <xs:annotation>
664 <xs:documentation>
665 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
666 </xs:documentation>
667 </xs:annotation>
668 </xs:attribute>
669 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
670 <xs:annotation>
671 <xs:documentation>
672 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
673 </xs:documentation>
674 </xs:annotation>
675 </xs:attribute>
676 </xs:extension>
677 </xs:simpleContent>
678 </xs:complexType>
679 </xs:element>
680 <xs:element name="bool_array">
681 <xs:annotation>
682 <xs:documentation>
683 The bool_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of boolean values.
684 </xs:documentation>
685 </xs:annotation>
686 <xs:complexType>
687 <xs:simpleContent>
688 <xs:extension base="ListOfBools">
689 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
690 <xs:annotation>
691 <xs:documentation>
692 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
693 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
694 </xs:documentation>
695 </xs:annotation>
696 </xs:attribute>
697 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
698 <xs:annotation>
699 <xs:documentation>
700 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
701 </xs:documentation>
702 </xs:annotation>
703 </xs:attribute>
704 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
705 <xs:annotation>
706 <xs:documentation>
707 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
708 </xs:documentation>
709 </xs:annotation>
710 </xs:attribute>
711 </xs:extension>
712 </xs:simpleContent>
713 </xs:complexType>
714 </xs:element>
715 <xs:element name="float_array">
716 <xs:annotation>
717 <xs:documentation>
718 The float_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of floating point values.
719 </xs:documentation>
720 </xs:annotation>
721 <xs:complexType>
722 <xs:simpleContent>
723 <xs:extension base="ListOfFloats">
724 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
725 <xs:annotation>
726 <xs:documentation>
727 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
728 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
729 </xs:documentation>
730 </xs:annotation>
731 </xs:attribute>
732 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
733 <xs:annotation>
734 <xs:documentation>
735 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
736 </xs:documentation>
737 </xs:annotation>
738 </xs:attribute>
739 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
740 <xs:annotation>
741 <xs:documentation>
742 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
743 </xs:documentation>
744 </xs:annotation>
745 </xs:attribute>
746 <xs:attribute name="digits" type="xs:short" default="6">
747 <xs:annotation>
748 <xs:documentation>
749 The digits attribute indicates the number of significant decimal digits of the float values that
750 can be contained in the array. The default value is 6. Optional attribute.
751 </xs:documentation>
752 </xs:annotation>
753 </xs:attribute>
754 <xs:attribute name="magnitude" type="xs:short" default="38">
755 <xs:annotation>
756 <xs:documentation>
757 The magnitude attribute indicates the largest exponent of the float values that can be contained
758 in the array. The default value is 38. Optional attribute.
759 </xs:documentation>
760 </xs:annotation>
761 </xs:attribute>
762 </xs:extension>
763 </xs:simpleContent>
764 </xs:complexType>
765 </xs:element>
766 <xs:element name="int_array">
767 <xs:annotation>
768 <xs:documentation>
769 The int_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of integer values.
770 </xs:documentation>
771 </xs:annotation>
772 <xs:complexType>
773 <xs:simpleContent>
774 <xs:extension base="ListOfInts">
775 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
776 <xs:annotation>
777 <xs:documentation>
778 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
779 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
780 </xs:documentation>
781 </xs:annotation>
782 </xs:attribute>
783 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
784 <xs:annotation>
785 <xs:documentation>
786 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
787 </xs:documentation>
788 </xs:annotation>
789 </xs:attribute>
790 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
791 <xs:annotation>
792 <xs:documentation>
793 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
794 </xs:documentation>
795 </xs:annotation>
796 </xs:attribute>
797 <xs:attribute name="minInclusive" type="xs:integer" default="-2147483648">
798 <xs:annotation>
799 <xs:documentation>
800 The minInclusive attribute indicates the smallest integer value that can be contained in
801 the array. The default value is -2147483648. Optional attribute.
802 </xs:documentation>
803 </xs:annotation>
804 </xs:attribute>
805 <xs:attribute name="maxInclusive" type="xs:integer" default="2147483647">
806 <xs:annotation>
807 <xs:documentation>
808 The maxInclusive attribute indicates the largest integer value that can be contained in
809 the array. The default value is 2147483647. Optional attribute.
810 </xs:documentation>
811 </xs:annotation>
812 </xs:attribute>
813 </xs:extension>
814 </xs:simpleContent>
815 </xs:complexType>
816 </xs:element>
817 <!-- Dataflow Elements -->
818 <xs:element name="accessor">
819 <xs:annotation>
820 <xs:documentation>
821 The accessor element declares an access pattern to one of the array elements: float_array,
822 int_array, Name_array, bool_array, and IDREF_array. The accessor element describes access
823 to arrays that are organized in either an interleaved or non-interleaved manner, depending
824 on the offset and stride attributes.
825 </xs:documentation>
826 </xs:annotation>
827 <xs:complexType>
828 <xs:sequence>
829 <xs:element ref="param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
830 <xs:annotation>
831 <xs:documentation>
832 The accessor element may have any number of param elements.
833 </xs:documentation>
834 </xs:annotation>
835 </xs:element>
836 </xs:sequence>
837 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
838 <xs:annotation>
839 <xs:documentation>
840 The count attribute indicates the number of times the array is accessed. Required attribute.
841 </xs:documentation>
842 </xs:annotation>
843 </xs:attribute>
844 <xs:attribute name="offset" type="uint" default="0">
845 <xs:annotation>
846 <xs:documentation>
847 The offset attribute indicates the index of the first value to be read from the array.
848 The default value is 0. Optional attribute.
849 </xs:documentation>
850 </xs:annotation>
851 </xs:attribute>
852 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI">
853 <xs:annotation>
854 <xs:documentation>
855 The source attribute indicates the location of the array to access using a URL expression. Required attribute.
856 </xs:documentation>
857 </xs:annotation>
858 </xs:attribute>
859 <xs:attribute name="stride" type="uint" default="1">
860 <xs:annotation>
861 <xs:documentation>
862 The stride attribute indicates number of values to be considered a unit during each access to
863 the array. The default value is 1, indicating that a single value is accessed. Optional attribute.
864 </xs:documentation>
865 </xs:annotation>
866 </xs:attribute>
867 </xs:complexType>
868 </xs:element>
869 <xs:element name="param">
870 <xs:annotation>
871 <xs:documentation>
872 The param element declares parametric information regarding its parent element.
873 </xs:documentation>
874 </xs:annotation>
875 <xs:complexType>
876 <xs:simpleContent>
877 <xs:extension base="xs:string">
878 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
879 <xs:annotation>
880 <xs:documentation>
881 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
882 </xs:documentation>
883 </xs:annotation>
884 </xs:attribute>
885 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
886 <xs:annotation>
887 <xs:documentation>
888 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
889 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
890 </xs:documentation>
891 </xs:annotation>
892 </xs:attribute>
893 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
894 <xs:annotation>
895 <xs:documentation>
896 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the parameter. Optional attribute.
897 </xs:documentation>
898 </xs:annotation>
899 </xs:attribute>
900 <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
901 <xs:annotation>
902 <xs:documentation>
903 The type attribute indicates the type of the value data. This text string must be understood
904 by the application. Required attribute.
905 </xs:documentation>
906 </xs:annotation>
907 </xs:attribute>
908 </xs:extension>
909 </xs:simpleContent>
910 </xs:complexType>
911 </xs:element>
912 <xs:element name="source">
913 <xs:annotation>
914 <xs:documentation>
915 The source element declares a data repository that provides values according to the semantics of an
916 input element that refers to it.
917 </xs:documentation>
918 </xs:annotation>
919 <xs:complexType>
920 <xs:sequence>
921 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
922 <xs:annotation>
923 <xs:documentation>
924 The source element may contain an asset element.
925 </xs:documentation>
926 </xs:annotation>
927 </xs:element>
928 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
929 <xs:element ref="IDREF_array">
930 <xs:annotation>
931 <xs:documentation>
932 The source element may contain an IDREF_array.
933 </xs:documentation>
934 </xs:annotation>
935 </xs:element>
936 <xs:element ref="Name_array">
937 <xs:annotation>
938 <xs:documentation>
939 The source element may contain a Name_array.
940 </xs:documentation>
941 </xs:annotation>
942 </xs:element>
943 <xs:element ref="bool_array">
944 <xs:annotation>
945 <xs:documentation>
946 The source element may contain a bool_array.
947 </xs:documentation>
948 </xs:annotation>
949 </xs:element>
950 <xs:element ref="float_array">
951 <xs:annotation>
952 <xs:documentation>
953 The source element may contain a float_array.
954 </xs:documentation>
955 </xs:annotation>
956 </xs:element>
957 <xs:element ref="int_array">
958 <xs:annotation>
959 <xs:documentation>
960 The source element may contain an int_array.
961 </xs:documentation>
962 </xs:annotation>
963 </xs:element>
964 </xs:choice>
965 <xs:element name="technique_common" minOccurs="0">
966 <xs:annotation>
967 <xs:documentation>
968 The technique common specifies the common method for accessing this source element's data.
969 </xs:documentation>
970 </xs:annotation>
971 <xs:complexType>
972 <xs:sequence>
973 <xs:element ref="accessor">
974 <xs:annotation>
975 <xs:documentation>
976 The source's technique_common must have one and only one accessor.
977 </xs:documentation>
978 </xs:annotation>
979 </xs:element>
980 </xs:sequence>
981 </xs:complexType>
982 </xs:element>
983 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
984 <xs:annotation>
985 <xs:documentation>
986 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
987 </xs:documentation>
988 </xs:annotation>
989 </xs:element>
990 </xs:sequence>
991 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required">
992 <xs:annotation>
993 <xs:documentation>
994 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
995 This value must be unique within the instance document. Required attribute.
996 </xs:documentation>
997 </xs:annotation>
998 </xs:attribute>
999 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1000 <xs:annotation>
1001 <xs:documentation>
1002 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1003 </xs:documentation>
1004 </xs:annotation>
1005 </xs:attribute>
1006 </xs:complexType>
1007 </xs:element>
1008 <!-- Geometry Elements -->
1009 <xs:element name="geometry">
1010 <xs:annotation>
1011 <xs:documentation>
1012 Geometry describes the visual shape and appearance of an object in the scene.
1013 The geometry element categorizes the declaration of geometric information. Geometry is a
1014 branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of
1015 points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.
1016 </xs:documentation>
1017 </xs:annotation>
1018 <xs:complexType>
1019 <xs:sequence>
1020 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
1021 <xs:annotation>
1022 <xs:documentation>
1023 The geometry element may contain an asset element.
1024 </xs:documentation>
1025 </xs:annotation>
1026 </xs:element>
1027 <xs:choice>
1028 <xs:element ref="convex_mesh">
1029 <xs:annotation>
1030 <xs:documentation>
1031 The geometry element may contain only one mesh or convex_mesh.
1032 </xs:documentation>
1033 </xs:annotation>
1034 </xs:element>
1035 <xs:element ref="mesh">
1036 <xs:annotation>
1037 <xs:documentation>
1038 The geometry element may contain only one mesh or convex_mesh.
1039 </xs:documentation>
1040 </xs:annotation>
1041 </xs:element>
1042 <xs:element ref="spline"/>
1043 </xs:choice>
1044 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1045 <xs:annotation>
1046 <xs:documentation>
1047 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1048 </xs:documentation>
1049 </xs:annotation>
1050 </xs:element>
1051 </xs:sequence>
1052 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
1053 <xs:annotation>
1054 <xs:documentation>
1055 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
1056 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
1057 </xs:documentation>
1058 </xs:annotation>
1059 </xs:attribute>
1060 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1061 <xs:annotation>
1062 <xs:documentation>
1063 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1064 </xs:documentation>
1065 </xs:annotation>
1066 </xs:attribute>
1067 </xs:complexType>
1068 </xs:element>
1069 <xs:element name="mesh">
1070 <xs:annotation>
1071 <xs:documentation>
1072 The mesh element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe basic geometric meshes.
1073 </xs:documentation>
1074 </xs:annotation>
1075 <xs:complexType>
1076 <xs:sequence>
1077 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1078 <xs:annotation>
1079 <xs:documentation>
1080 The mesh element must contain one or more source elements.
1081 </xs:documentation>
1082 </xs:annotation>
1083 </xs:element>
1084 <xs:element ref="vertices">
1085 <xs:annotation>
1086 <xs:documentation>
1087 The mesh element must contain one vertices element.
1088 </xs:documentation>
1089 </xs:annotation>
1090 </xs:element>
1091 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1092 <xs:element ref="lines">
1093 <xs:annotation>
1094 <xs:documentation>
1095 The mesh element may contain any number of lines elements.
1096 </xs:documentation>
1097 </xs:annotation>
1098 </xs:element>
1099 <xs:element ref="linestrips">
1100 <xs:annotation>
1101 <xs:documentation>
1102 The mesh element may contain any number of linestrips elements.
1103 </xs:documentation>
1104 </xs:annotation>
1105 </xs:element>
1106 <xs:element ref="polygons">
1107 <xs:annotation>
1108 <xs:documentation>
1109 The mesh element may contain any number of polygons elements.
1110 </xs:documentation>
1111 </xs:annotation>
1112 </xs:element>
1113 <xs:element ref="polylist">
1114 <xs:annotation>
1115 <xs:documentation>
1116 The mesh element may contain any number of polylist elements.
1117 </xs:documentation>
1118 </xs:annotation>
1119 </xs:element>
1120 <xs:element ref="triangles">
1121 <xs:annotation>
1122 <xs:documentation>
1123 The mesh element may contain any number of triangles elements.
1124 </xs:documentation>
1125 </xs:annotation>
1126 </xs:element>
1127 <xs:element ref="trifans">
1128 <xs:annotation>
1129 <xs:documentation>
1130 The mesh element may contain any number of trifans elements.
1131 </xs:documentation>
1132 </xs:annotation>
1133 </xs:element>
1134 <xs:element ref="tristrips">
1135 <xs:annotation>
1136 <xs:documentation>
1137 The mesh element may contain any number of tristrips elements.
1138 </xs:documentation>
1139 </xs:annotation>
1140 </xs:element>
1141 </xs:choice>
1142 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1143 <xs:annotation>
1144 <xs:documentation>
1145 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1146 </xs:documentation>
1147 </xs:annotation>
1148 </xs:element>
1149 </xs:sequence>
1150 </xs:complexType>
1151 </xs:element>
1152 <xs:element name="spline">
1153 <xs:annotation>
1154 <xs:documentation>
1155 The spline element contains control vertex information sufficient to describe basic splines.
1156 </xs:documentation>
1157 </xs:annotation>
1158 <xs:complexType>
1159 <xs:sequence>
1160 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1161 <xs:annotation>
1162 <xs:documentation>
1163 The mesh element must contain one or more source elements.
1164 </xs:documentation>
1165 </xs:annotation>
1166 </xs:element>
1167 <xs:element name="control_vertices">
1168 <xs:annotation>
1169 <xs:documentation>The control vertices element must occur exactly one time. It is used to describe the CVs of the spline.</xs:documentation>
1170 </xs:annotation>
1171 <xs:complexType>
1172 <xs:sequence>
1173 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1174 <xs:annotation>
1175 <xs:documentation>
1176 The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs.
1177 </xs:documentation>
1178 </xs:annotation>
1179 </xs:element>
1180 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1181 <xs:annotation>
1182 <xs:documentation>
1183 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1184 </xs:documentation>
1185 </xs:annotation>
1186 </xs:element>
1187 </xs:sequence>
1188 </xs:complexType>
1189 </xs:element>
1190 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1191 <xs:annotation>
1192 <xs:documentation>
1193 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1194 </xs:documentation>
1195 </xs:annotation>
1196 </xs:element>
1197 </xs:sequence>
1198 <xs:attribute name="closed" type="bool" default="false"/>
1199 </xs:complexType>
1200 </xs:element>
1201 <!-- Collation Elements -->
1202 <xs:element name="p" type="ListOfUInts">
1203 <xs:annotation>
1204 <xs:documentation>
1205 The p element represents primitive data for the primitive types (lines, linestrips, polygons,
1206 polylist, triangles, trifans, tristrips). The p element contains indices that reference into
1207 the parent's source elements referenced by the input elements.
1208 </xs:documentation>
1209 </xs:annotation>
1210 </xs:element>
1211 <xs:element name="lines">
1212 <xs:annotation>
1213 <xs:documentation>
1214 The lines element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then
1215 organize those vertices into individual lines. Each line described by the mesh has two vertices.
1216 The first line is formed from first and second vertices. The second line is formed from the
1217 third and fourth vertices and so on.
1218 </xs:documentation>
1219 </xs:annotation>
1220 <xs:complexType>
1221 <xs:sequence>
1222 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1223 <xs:annotation>
1224 <xs:documentation>
1225 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset
1226 and set attributes.
1227 </xs:documentation>
1228 </xs:annotation>
1229 </xs:element>
1230 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0">
1231 <xs:annotation>
1232 <xs:documentation>
1233 The p element may occur once.
1234 </xs:documentation>
1235 </xs:annotation>
1236 </xs:element>
1237 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1238 <xs:annotation>
1239 <xs:documentation>
1240 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1241 </xs:documentation>
1242 </xs:annotation>
1243 </xs:element>
1244 </xs:sequence>
1245 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1246 <xs:annotation>
1247 <xs:documentation>
1248 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1249 </xs:documentation>
1250 </xs:annotation>
1251 </xs:attribute>
1252 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1253 <xs:annotation>
1254 <xs:documentation>
1255 The count attribute indicates the number of line primitives. Required attribute.
1256 </xs:documentation>
1257 </xs:annotation>
1258 </xs:attribute>
1259 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1260 <xs:annotation>
1261 <xs:documentation>
1262 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at
1263 the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and
1264 shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1265 </xs:documentation>
1266 </xs:annotation>
1267 </xs:attribute>
1268 </xs:complexType>
1269 </xs:element>
1270 <xs:element name="linestrips">
1271 <xs:annotation>
1272 <xs:documentation>
1273 The linestrips element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1274 then organize those vertices into connected line-strips. Each line-strip described by the mesh
1275 has an arbitrary number of vertices. Each line segment within the line-strip is formed from the
1276 current vertex and the preceding vertex.
1277 </xs:documentation>
1278 </xs:annotation>
1279 <xs:complexType>
1280 <xs:sequence>
1281 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1282 <xs:annotation>
1283 <xs:documentation>
1284 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset
1285 and set attributes.
1286 </xs:documentation>
1287 </xs:annotation>
1288 </xs:element>
1289 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1290 <xs:annotation>
1291 <xs:documentation>
1292 The linestrips element may have any number of p elements.
1293 </xs:documentation>
1294 </xs:annotation>
1295 </xs:element>
1296 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1297 <xs:annotation>
1298 <xs:documentation>
1299 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1300 </xs:documentation>
1301 </xs:annotation>
1302 </xs:element>
1303 </xs:sequence>
1304 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1305 <xs:annotation>
1306 <xs:documentation>
1307 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1308 </xs:documentation>
1309 </xs:annotation>
1310 </xs:attribute>
1311 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1312 <xs:annotation>
1313 <xs:documentation>
1314 The count attribute indicates the number of linestrip primitives. Required attribute.
1315 </xs:documentation>
1316 </xs:annotation>
1317 </xs:attribute>
1318 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1319 <xs:annotation>
1320 <xs:documentation>
1321 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1322 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1323 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1324 </xs:documentation>
1325 </xs:annotation>
1326 </xs:attribute>
1327 </xs:complexType>
1328 </xs:element>
1329 <xs:element name="polygons">
1330 <xs:annotation>
1331 <xs:documentation>
1332 The polygons element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1333 then organize those vertices into individual polygons. The polygons described can contain
1334 arbitrary numbers of vertices. These polygons may be self intersecting and may also contain holes.
1335 </xs:documentation>
1336 </xs:annotation>
1337 <xs:complexType>
1338 <xs:sequence>
1339 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1340 <xs:annotation>
1341 <xs:documentation>
1342 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1343 offset and set attributes.
1344 </xs:documentation>
1345 </xs:annotation>
1346 </xs:element>
1347 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1348 <xs:element ref="p">
1349 <xs:annotation>
1350 <xs:documentation>
1351 The p element may occur any number of times.
1352 </xs:documentation>
1353 </xs:annotation>
1354 </xs:element>
1355 <xs:element name="ph">
1356 <xs:annotation>
1357 <xs:documentation>
1358 The ph element describes a polygon with holes.
1359 </xs:documentation>
1360 </xs:annotation>
1361 <xs:complexType>
1362 <xs:sequence>
1363 <xs:element ref="p">
1364 <xs:annotation>
1365 <xs:documentation>
1366 Theere may only be one p element.
1367 </xs:documentation>
1368 </xs:annotation>
1369 </xs:element>
1370 <xs:element name="h" type="ListOfUInts" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1371 <xs:annotation>
1372 <xs:documentation>
1373 The h element represents a hole in the polygon specified. There must be at least one h element.
1374 </xs:documentation>
1375 </xs:annotation>
1376 </xs:element>
1377 </xs:sequence>
1378 </xs:complexType>
1379 </xs:element>
1380 </xs:choice>
1381 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1382 <xs:annotation>
1383 <xs:documentation>
1384 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1385 </xs:documentation>
1386 </xs:annotation>
1387 </xs:element>
1388 </xs:sequence>
1389 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1390 <xs:annotation>
1391 <xs:documentation>
1392 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1393 </xs:documentation>
1394 </xs:annotation>
1395 </xs:attribute>
1396 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1397 <xs:annotation>
1398 <xs:documentation>
1399 The count attribute indicates the number of polygon primitives. Required attribute.
1400 </xs:documentation>
1401 </xs:annotation>
1402 </xs:attribute>
1403 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1404 <xs:annotation>
1405 <xs:documentation>
1406 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1407 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1408 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1409 </xs:documentation>
1410 </xs:annotation>
1411 </xs:attribute>
1412 </xs:complexType>
1413 </xs:element>
1414 <xs:element name="polylist">
1415 <xs:annotation>
1416 <xs:documentation>
1417 The polylist element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1418 then organize those vertices into individual polygons. The polygons described in polylist can
1419 contain arbitrary numbers of vertices. Unlike the polygons element, the polylist element cannot
1420 contain polygons with holes.
1421 </xs:documentation>
1422 </xs:annotation>
1423 <xs:complexType>
1424 <xs:sequence>
1425 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1426 <xs:annotation>
1427 <xs:documentation>
1428 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1429 offset and set attributes.
1430 </xs:documentation>
1431 </xs:annotation>
1432 </xs:element>
1433 <xs:element name="vcount" type="ListOfUInts" minOccurs="0">
1434 <xs:annotation>
1435 <xs:documentation>
1436 The vcount element contains a list of integers describing the number of sides for each polygon
1437 described by the polylist element. The vcount element may occur once.
1438 </xs:documentation>
1439 </xs:annotation>
1440 </xs:element>
1441 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0">
1442 <xs:annotation>
1443 <xs:documentation>
1444 The p element may occur once.
1445 </xs:documentation>
1446 </xs:annotation>
1447 </xs:element>
1448 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1449 <xs:annotation>
1450 <xs:documentation>
1451 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1452 </xs:documentation>
1453 </xs:annotation>
1454 </xs:element>
1455 </xs:sequence>
1456 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1457 <xs:annotation>
1458 <xs:documentation>
1459 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1460 </xs:documentation>
1461 </xs:annotation>
1462 </xs:attribute>
1463 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1464 <xs:annotation>
1465 <xs:documentation>
1466 The count attribute indicates the number of polygon primitives. Required attribute.
1467 </xs:documentation>
1468 </xs:annotation>
1469 </xs:attribute>
1470 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1471 <xs:annotation>
1472 <xs:documentation>
1473 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at
1474 the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and
1475 shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1476 </xs:documentation>
1477 </xs:annotation>
1478 </xs:attribute>
1479 </xs:complexType>
1480 </xs:element>
1481 <xs:element name="triangles">
1482 <xs:annotation>
1483 <xs:documentation>
1484 The triangles element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1485 then organize those vertices into individual triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has
1486 three vertices. The first triangle is formed from the first, second, and third vertices. The
1487 second triangle is formed from the fourth, fifth, and sixth vertices, and so on.
1488 </xs:documentation>
1489 </xs:annotation>
1490 <xs:complexType>
1491 <xs:sequence>
1492 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1493 <xs:annotation>
1494 <xs:documentation>
1495 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1496 offset and set attributes.
1497 </xs:documentation>
1498 </xs:annotation>
1499 </xs:element>
1500 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0">
1501 <xs:annotation>
1502 <xs:documentation>
1503 The triangles element may have any number of p elements.
1504 </xs:documentation>
1505 </xs:annotation>
1506 </xs:element>
1507 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1508 <xs:annotation>
1509 <xs:documentation>
1510 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1511 </xs:documentation>
1512 </xs:annotation>
1513 </xs:element>
1514 </xs:sequence>
1515 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1516 <xs:annotation>
1517 <xs:documentation>
1518 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1519 </xs:documentation>
1520 </xs:annotation>
1521 </xs:attribute>
1522 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1523 <xs:annotation>
1524 <xs:documentation>
1525 The count attribute indicates the number of triangle primitives. Required attribute.
1526 </xs:documentation>
1527 </xs:annotation>
1528 </xs:attribute>
1529 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1530 <xs:annotation>
1531 <xs:documentation>
1532 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at
1533 the time of instantiation. Optional attribute. If the material attribute is not specified then
1534 the lighting and shading results are application defined.
1535 </xs:documentation>
1536 </xs:annotation>
1537 </xs:attribute>
1538 </xs:complexType>
1539 </xs:element>
1540 <xs:element name="trifans">
1541 <xs:annotation>
1542 <xs:documentation>
1543 The trifans element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then
1544 organize those vertices into connected triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has three
1545 vertices. The first triangle is formed from first, second, and third vertices. Each subsequent
1546 triangle is formed from the current vertex, reusing the first and the previous vertices.
1547 </xs:documentation>
1548 </xs:annotation>
1549 <xs:complexType>
1550 <xs:sequence>
1551 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1552 <xs:annotation>
1553 <xs:documentation>
1554 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1555 offset and set attributes.
1556 </xs:documentation>
1557 </xs:annotation>
1558 </xs:element>
1559 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1560 <xs:annotation>
1561 <xs:documentation>
1562 The trifans element may have any number of p elements.
1563 </xs:documentation>
1564 </xs:annotation>
1565 </xs:element>
1566 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1567 <xs:annotation>
1568 <xs:documentation>
1569 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1570 </xs:documentation>
1571 </xs:annotation>
1572 </xs:element>
1573 </xs:sequence>
1574 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1575 <xs:annotation>
1576 <xs:documentation>
1577 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1578 </xs:documentation>
1579 </xs:annotation>
1580 </xs:attribute>
1581 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1582 <xs:annotation>
1583 <xs:documentation>
1584 The count attribute indicates the number of triangle fan primitives. Required attribute.
1585 </xs:documentation>
1586 </xs:annotation>
1587 </xs:attribute>
1588 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1589 <xs:annotation>
1590 <xs:documentation>
1591 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1592 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1593 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1594 </xs:documentation>
1595 </xs:annotation>
1596 </xs:attribute>
1597 </xs:complexType>
1598 </xs:element>
1599 <xs:element name="tristrips">
1600 <xs:annotation>
1601 <xs:documentation>
1602 The tristrips element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then
1603 organize those vertices into connected triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has three
1604 vertices. The first triangle is formed from first, second, and third vertices. Each subsequent
1605 triangle is formed from the current vertex, reusing the previous two vertices.
1606 </xs:documentation>
1607 </xs:annotation>
1608 <xs:complexType>
1609 <xs:sequence>
1610 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1611 <xs:annotation>
1612 <xs:documentation>
1613 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset
1614 and set attributes.
1615 </xs:documentation>
1616 </xs:annotation>
1617 </xs:element>
1618 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1619 <xs:annotation>
1620 <xs:documentation>
1621 The tristrips element may have any number of p elements.
1622 </xs:documentation>
1623 </xs:annotation>
1624 </xs:element>
1625 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1626 <xs:annotation>
1627 <xs:documentation>
1628 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1629 </xs:documentation>
1630 </xs:annotation>
1631 </xs:element>
1632 </xs:sequence>
1633 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1634 <xs:annotation>
1635 <xs:documentation>
1636 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1637 </xs:documentation>
1638 </xs:annotation>
1639 </xs:attribute>
1640 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1641 <xs:annotation>
1642 <xs:documentation>
1643 The count attribute indicates the number of triangle strip primitives. Required attribute.
1644 </xs:documentation>
1645 </xs:annotation>
1646 </xs:attribute>
1647 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1648 <xs:annotation>
1649 <xs:documentation>
1650 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1651 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1652 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1653 </xs:documentation>
1654 </xs:annotation>
1655 </xs:attribute>
1656 </xs:complexType>
1657 </xs:element>
1658 <xs:element name="vertices">
1659 <xs:annotation>
1660 <xs:documentation>
1661 The vertices element declares the attributes and identity of mesh-vertices. The vertices element
1662 describes mesh-vertices in a mesh geometry. The mesh-vertices represent the position (identity)
1663 of the vertices comprising the mesh and other vertex attributes that are invariant to tessellation.
1664 </xs:documentation>
1665 </xs:annotation>
1666 <xs:complexType>
1667 <xs:sequence>
1668 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1669 <xs:annotation>
1670 <xs:documentation>
1671 The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs.
1672 </xs:documentation>
1673 </xs:annotation>
1674 </xs:element>
1675 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1676 <xs:annotation>
1677 <xs:documentation>
1678 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1679 </xs:documentation>
1680 </xs:annotation>
1681 </xs:element>
1682 </xs:sequence>
1683 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required">
1684 <xs:annotation>
1685 <xs:documentation>
1686 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This
1687 value must be unique within the instance document. Required attribute.
1688 </xs:documentation>
1689 </xs:annotation>
1690 </xs:attribute>
1691 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1692 <xs:annotation>
1693 <xs:documentation>
1694 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1695 </xs:documentation>
1696 </xs:annotation>
1697 </xs:attribute>
1698 </xs:complexType>
1699 </xs:element>
1700 <!-- Transformational Elements -->
1701 <xs:element name="lookat">
1702 <xs:annotation>
1703 <xs:documentation>
1704 The lookat element contains a position and orientation transformation suitable for aiming a camera.
1705 The lookat element contains three mathematical vectors within it that describe:
1706 1. The position of the object;
1707 2. The position of the interest point;
1708 3. The direction that points up.
1709 </xs:documentation>
1710 </xs:annotation>
1711 <xs:complexType>
1712 <xs:simpleContent>
1713 <xs:extension base="float3x3">
1714 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1715 <xs:annotation>
1716 <xs:documentation>
1717 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1718 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1719 </xs:documentation>
1720 </xs:annotation>
1721 </xs:attribute>
1722 </xs:extension>
1723 </xs:simpleContent>
1724 </xs:complexType>
1725 </xs:element>
1726 <xs:element name="matrix">
1727 <xs:annotation>
1728 <xs:documentation>
1729 Matrix transformations embody mathematical changes to points within a coordinate systems or the
1730 coordinate system itself. The matrix element contains a 4-by-4 matrix of floating-point values.
1731 </xs:documentation>
1732 </xs:annotation>
1733 <xs:complexType>
1734 <xs:simpleContent>
1735 <xs:extension base="float4x4">
1736 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1737 <xs:annotation>
1738 <xs:documentation>
1739 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1740 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1741 </xs:documentation>
1742 </xs:annotation>
1743 </xs:attribute>
1744 </xs:extension>
1745 </xs:simpleContent>
1746 </xs:complexType>
1747 </xs:element>
1748 <xs:element name="rotate">
1749 <xs:annotation>
1750 <xs:documentation>
1751 The rotate element contains an angle and a mathematical vector that represents the axis of rotation.
1752 </xs:documentation>
1753 </xs:annotation>
1754 <xs:complexType>
1755 <xs:simpleContent>
1756 <xs:extension base="float4">
1757 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1758 <xs:annotation>
1759 <xs:documentation>
1760 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1761 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1762 </xs:documentation>
1763 </xs:annotation>
1764 </xs:attribute>
1765 </xs:extension>
1766 </xs:simpleContent>
1767 </xs:complexType>
1768 </xs:element>
1769 <xs:element name="scale" type="TargetableFloat3">
1770 <xs:annotation>
1771 <xs:documentation>
1772 The scale element contains a mathematical vector that represents the relative proportions of the
1773 X, Y and Z axes of a coordinated system.
1774 </xs:documentation>
1775 </xs:annotation>
1776 </xs:element>
1777 <xs:element name="skew">
1778 <xs:annotation>
1779 <xs:documentation>
1780 The skew element contains an angle and two mathematical vectors that represent the axis of
1781 rotation and the axis of translation.
1782 </xs:documentation>
1783 </xs:annotation>
1784 <xs:complexType>
1785 <xs:simpleContent>
1786 <xs:extension base="float7">
1787 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1788 <xs:annotation>
1789 <xs:documentation>
1790 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1791 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1792 </xs:documentation>
1793 </xs:annotation>
1794 </xs:attribute>
1795 </xs:extension>
1796 </xs:simpleContent>
1797 </xs:complexType>
1798 </xs:element>
1799 <xs:element name="translate" type="TargetableFloat3">
1800 <xs:annotation>
1801 <xs:documentation>
1802 The translate element contains a mathematical vector that represents the distance along the
1803 X, Y and Z-axes.
1804 </xs:documentation>
1805 </xs:annotation>
1806 </xs:element>
1807 <!-- Lighting and Shading Elements -->
1808 <xs:element name="image">
1809 <xs:annotation>
1810 <xs:documentation>
1811 The image element declares the storage for the graphical representation of an object.
1812 The image element best describes raster image data, but can conceivably handle other
1813 forms of imagery. The image elements allows for specifying an external image file with
1814 the init_from element or embed image data with the data element.
1815 </xs:documentation>
1816 </xs:annotation>
1817 <xs:complexType>
1818 <xs:sequence>
1819 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
1820 <xs:annotation>
1821 <xs:documentation>
1822 The image element may contain an asset element.
1823 </xs:documentation>
1824 </xs:annotation>
1825 </xs:element>
1826 <xs:choice>
1827 <xs:element name="data" type="ListOfHexBinary">
1828 <xs:annotation>
1829 <xs:documentation>
1830 The data child element contains a sequence of hexadecimal encoded binary octets representing
1831 the embedded image data.
1832 </xs:documentation>
1833 </xs:annotation>
1834 </xs:element>
1835 <xs:element name="init_from" type="xs:anyURI">
1836 <xs:annotation>
1837 <xs:documentation>
1838 The init_from element allows you to specify an external image file to use for the image element.
1839 </xs:documentation>
1840 </xs:annotation>
1841 </xs:element>
1842 </xs:choice>
1843 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1844 <xs:annotation>
1845 <xs:documentation>
1846 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1847 </xs:documentation>
1848 </xs:annotation>
1849 </xs:element>
1850 </xs:sequence>
1851 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
1852 <xs:annotation>
1853 <xs:documentation>
1854 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
1855 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
1856 </xs:documentation>
1857 </xs:annotation>
1858 </xs:attribute>
1859 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1860 <xs:annotation>
1861 <xs:documentation>
1862 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1863 </xs:documentation>
1864 </xs:annotation>
1865 </xs:attribute>
1866 <xs:attribute name="format" type="xs:token">
1867 <xs:annotation>
1868 <xs:documentation>
1869 The format attribute is a text string value that indicates the image format. Optional attribute.
1870 </xs:documentation>
1871 </xs:annotation>
1872 </xs:attribute>
1873 <xs:attribute name="height" type="uint">
1874 <xs:annotation>
1875 <xs:documentation>
1876 The height attribute is an integer value that indicates the height of the image in pixel
1877 units. Optional attribute.
1878 </xs:documentation>
1879 </xs:annotation>
1880 </xs:attribute>
1881 <xs:attribute name="width" type="uint">
1882 <xs:annotation>
1883 <xs:documentation>
1884 The width attribute is an integer value that indicates the width of the image in pixel units.
1885 Optional attribute.
1886 </xs:documentation>
1887 </xs:annotation>
1888 </xs:attribute>
1889 <xs:attribute name="depth" type="uint" default="1">
1890 <xs:annotation>
1891 <xs:documentation>
1892 The depth attribute is an integer value that indicates the depth of the image in pixel units.
1893 A 2-D image has a depth of 1, which is also the default value. Optional attribute.
1894 </xs:documentation>
1895 </xs:annotation>
1896 </xs:attribute>
1897 </xs:complexType>
1898 </xs:element>
1899 <xs:element name="light">
1900 <xs:annotation>
1901 <xs:documentation>
1902 The light element declares a light source that illuminates the scene.
1903 Light sources have many different properties and radiate light in many different patterns and
1904 frequencies.
1905 </xs:documentation>
1906 </xs:annotation>
1907 <xs:complexType>
1908 <xs:sequence>
1909 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
1910 <xs:annotation>
1911 <xs:documentation>
1912 The light element may contain an asset element.
1913 </xs:documentation>
1914 </xs:annotation>
1915 </xs:element>
1916 <xs:element name="technique_common">
1917 <xs:annotation>
1918 <xs:documentation>
1919 The technique_common element specifies the light information for the common profile which all
1920 COLLADA implementations need to support.
1921 </xs:documentation>
1922 </xs:annotation>
1923 <xs:complexType>
1924 <xs:choice>
1925 <xs:element name="ambient">
1926 <xs:annotation>
1927 <xs:documentation>
1928 The ambient element declares the parameters required to describe an ambient light source.
1929 An ambient light is one that lights everything evenly, regardless of location or orientation.
1930 </xs:documentation>
1931 </xs:annotation>
1932 <xs:complexType>
1933 <xs:sequence>
1934 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
1935 <xs:annotation>
1936 <xs:documentation>
1937 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
1938 The color element must occur exactly once.
1939 </xs:documentation>
1940 </xs:annotation>
1941 </xs:element>
1942 </xs:sequence>
1943 </xs:complexType>
1944 </xs:element>
1945 <xs:element name="directional">
1946 <xs:annotation>
1947 <xs:documentation>
1948 The directional element declares the parameters required to describe a directional light source.
1949 A directional light is one that lights everything from the same direction, regardless of location.
1950 The light's default direction vector in local coordinates is [0,0,-1], pointing down the -Z axis.
1951 The actual direction of the light is defined by the transform of the node where the light is
1952 instantiated.
1953 </xs:documentation>
1954 </xs:annotation>
1955 <xs:complexType>
1956 <xs:sequence>
1957 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
1958 <xs:annotation>
1959 <xs:documentation>
1960 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
1961 The color element must occur exactly once.
1962 </xs:documentation>
1963 </xs:annotation>
1964 </xs:element>
1965 </xs:sequence>
1966 </xs:complexType>
1967 </xs:element>
1968 <xs:element name="point">
1969 <xs:annotation>
1970 <xs:documentation>
1971 The point element declares the parameters required to describe a point light source. A point light
1972 source radiates light in all directions from a known location in space. The intensity of a point
1973 light source is attenuated as the distance to the light source increases. The position of the light
1974 is defined by the transform of the node in which it is instantiated.
1975 </xs:documentation>
1976 </xs:annotation>
1977 <xs:complexType>
1978 <xs:sequence>
1979 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
1980 <xs:annotation>
1981 <xs:documentation>
1982 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
1983 The color element must occur exactly once.
1984 </xs:documentation>
1985 </xs:annotation>
1986 </xs:element>
1987 <xs:element name="constant_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
1988 <xs:annotation>
1989 <xs:documentation>
1990 The constant_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
1991 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
1992 </xs:documentation>
1993 </xs:annotation>
1994 </xs:element>
1995 <xs:element name="linear_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
1996 <xs:annotation>
1997 <xs:documentation>
1998 The linear_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
1999 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2000 </xs:documentation>
2001 </xs:annotation>
2002 </xs:element>
2003 <xs:element name="quadratic_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2004 <xs:annotation>
2005 <xs:documentation>
2006 The quadratic_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2007 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2008 </xs:documentation>
2009 </xs:annotation>
2010 </xs:element>
2011 </xs:sequence>
2012 </xs:complexType>
2013 </xs:element>
2014 <xs:element name="spot">
2015 <xs:annotation>
2016 <xs:documentation>
2017 The spot element declares the parameters required to describe a spot light source. A spot light
2018 source radiates light in one direction from a known location in space. The light radiates from
2019 the spot light source in a cone shape. The intensity of the light is attenuated as the radiation
2020 angle increases away from the direction of the light source. The intensity of a spot light source
2021 is also attenuated as the distance to the light source increases. The position of the light is
2022 defined by the transform of the node in which it is instantiated. The light's default direction
2023 vector in local coordinates is [0,0,-1], pointing down the -Z axis. The actual direction of the
2024 light is defined by the transform of the node where the light is instantiated.
2025 </xs:documentation>
2026 </xs:annotation>
2027 <xs:complexType>
2028 <xs:sequence>
2029 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
2030 <xs:annotation>
2031 <xs:documentation>
2032 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
2033 The color element must occur exactly once.
2034 </xs:documentation>
2035 </xs:annotation>
2036 </xs:element>
2037 <xs:element name="constant_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
2038 <xs:annotation>
2039 <xs:documentation>
2040 The constant_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2041 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2042 </xs:documentation>
2043 </xs:annotation>
2044 </xs:element>
2045 <xs:element name="linear_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2046 <xs:annotation>
2047 <xs:documentation>
2048 The linear_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2049 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2050 </xs:documentation>
2051 </xs:annotation>
2052 </xs:element>
2053 <xs:element name="quadratic_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2054 <xs:annotation>
2055 <xs:documentation>
2056 The quadratic_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2057 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2058 </xs:documentation>
2059 </xs:annotation>
2060 </xs:element>
2061 <xs:element name="falloff_angle" type="TargetableFloat" default="180.0" minOccurs="0">
2062 <xs:annotation>
2063 <xs:documentation>
2064 The falloff_angle is used to specify the amount of attenuation based on the direction of the light.
2065 </xs:documentation>
2066 </xs:annotation>
2067 </xs:element>
2068 <xs:element name="falloff_exponent" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2069 <xs:annotation>
2070 <xs:documentation>
2071 The falloff_exponent is used to specify the amount of attenuation based on the direction of the light.
2072 </xs:documentation>
2073 </xs:annotation>
2074 </xs:element>
2075 </xs:sequence>
2076 </xs:complexType>
2077 </xs:element>
2078 </xs:choice>
2079 </xs:complexType>
2080 </xs:element>
2081 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2082 <xs:annotation>
2083 <xs:documentation>
2084 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
2085 </xs:documentation>
2086 </xs:annotation>
2087 </xs:element>
2088 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2089 <xs:annotation>
2090 <xs:documentation>
2091 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2092 </xs:documentation>
2093 </xs:annotation>
2094 </xs:element>
2095 </xs:sequence>
2096 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2097 <xs:annotation>
2098 <xs:documentation>
2099 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
2100 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2101 </xs:documentation>
2102 </xs:annotation>
2103 </xs:attribute>
2104 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2105 <xs:annotation>
2106 <xs:documentation>
2107 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2108 </xs:documentation>
2109 </xs:annotation>
2110 </xs:attribute>
2111 </xs:complexType>
2112 </xs:element>
2113 <xs:element name="material">
2114 <xs:annotation>
2115 <xs:documentation>
2116 Materials describe the visual appearance of a geometric object.
2117 </xs:documentation>
2118 </xs:annotation>
2119 <xs:complexType>
2120 <xs:sequence>
2121 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2122 <xs:annotation>
2123 <xs:documentation>
2124 The material element may contain an asset element.
2125 </xs:documentation>
2126 </xs:annotation>
2127 </xs:element>
2128 <xs:element ref="instance_effect">
2129 <xs:annotation>
2130 <xs:documentation>
2131 The material must instance an effect.
2132 </xs:documentation>
2133 </xs:annotation>
2134 </xs:element>
2135 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2136 <xs:annotation>
2137 <xs:documentation>
2138 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2139 </xs:documentation>
2140 </xs:annotation>
2141 </xs:element>
2142 </xs:sequence>
2143 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2144 <xs:annotation>
2145 <xs:documentation>
2146 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2147 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2148 </xs:documentation>
2149 </xs:annotation>
2150 </xs:attribute>
2151 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2152 <xs:annotation>
2153 <xs:documentation>
2154 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2155 </xs:documentation>
2156 </xs:annotation>
2157 </xs:attribute>
2158 </xs:complexType>
2159 </xs:element>
2160 <!-- Object Elements -->
2161 <xs:element name="camera">
2162 <xs:annotation>
2163 <xs:documentation>
2164 The camera element declares a view into the scene hierarchy or scene graph. The camera contains
2165 elements that describe the camera's optics and imager.
2166 </xs:documentation>
2167 </xs:annotation>
2168 <xs:complexType>
2169 <xs:sequence>
2170 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2171 <xs:annotation>
2172 <xs:documentation>
2173 The camera element may contain an asset element.
2174 </xs:documentation>
2175 </xs:annotation>
2176 </xs:element>
2177 <xs:element name="optics">
2178 <xs:annotation>
2179 <xs:documentation>
2180 Optics represents the apparatus on a camera that projects the image onto the image sensor.
2181 </xs:documentation>
2182 </xs:annotation>
2183 <xs:complexType>
2184 <xs:sequence>
2185 <xs:element name="technique_common">
2186 <xs:annotation>
2187 <xs:documentation>
2188 The technique_common element specifies the optics information for the common profile
2189 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
2190 </xs:documentation>
2191 </xs:annotation>
2192 <xs:complexType>
2193 <xs:choice>
2194 <xs:element name="orthographic">
2195 <xs:annotation>
2196 <xs:documentation>
2197 The orthographic element describes the field of view of an orthographic camera.
2198 </xs:documentation>
2199 </xs:annotation>
2200 <xs:complexType>
2201 <xs:sequence>
2202 <xs:choice>
2203 <xs:sequence>
2204 <xs:element name="xmag" type="TargetableFloat">
2205 <xs:annotation>
2206 <xs:documentation>
2207 The xmag element contains a floating point number describing the horizontal
2208 magnification of the view.
2209 </xs:documentation>
2210 </xs:annotation>
2211 </xs:element>
2212 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
2213 <xs:element name="ymag" type="TargetableFloat">
2214 <xs:annotation>
2215 <xs:documentation>
2216 The ymag element contains a floating point number describing the vertical
2217 magnification of the view. It can also have a sid.
2218 </xs:documentation>
2219 </xs:annotation>
2220 </xs:element>
2221 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat">
2222 <xs:annotation>
2223 <xs:documentation>
2224 The aspect_ratio element contains a floating point number describing the aspect ratio of
2225 the field of view. If the aspect_ratio element is not present the aspect ratio is to be
2226 calculated from the xmag or ymag elements and the current viewport.
2227 </xs:documentation>
2228 </xs:annotation>
2229 </xs:element>
2230 </xs:choice>
2231 </xs:sequence>
2232 <xs:sequence>
2233 <xs:element name="ymag" type="TargetableFloat"/>
2234 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
2235 </xs:sequence>
2236 </xs:choice>
2237 <xs:element name="znear" type="TargetableFloat">
2238 <xs:annotation>
2239 <xs:documentation>
2240 The znear element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the near
2241 clipping plane. The znear element must occur exactly once.
2242 </xs:documentation>
2243 </xs:annotation>
2244 </xs:element>
2245 <xs:element name="zfar" type="TargetableFloat">
2246 <xs:annotation>
2247 <xs:documentation>
2248 The zfar element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the far
2249 clipping plane. The zfar element must occur exactly once.
2250 </xs:documentation>
2251 </xs:annotation>
2252 </xs:element>
2253 </xs:sequence>
2254 </xs:complexType>
2255 </xs:element>
2256 <xs:element name="perspective">
2257 <xs:annotation>
2258 <xs:documentation>
2259 The perspective element describes the optics of a perspective camera.
2260 </xs:documentation>
2261 </xs:annotation>
2262 <xs:complexType>
2263 <xs:sequence>
2264 <xs:choice>
2265 <xs:sequence>
2266 <xs:element name="xfov" type="TargetableFloat">
2267 <xs:annotation>
2268 <xs:documentation>
2269 The xfov element contains a floating point number describing the horizontal field of view in degrees.
2270 </xs:documentation>
2271 </xs:annotation>
2272 </xs:element>
2273 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
2274 <xs:element name="yfov" type="TargetableFloat">
2275 <xs:annotation>
2276 <xs:documentation>
2277 The yfov element contains a floating point number describing the vertical field of view in degrees.
2278 </xs:documentation>
2279 </xs:annotation>
2280 </xs:element>
2281 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat">
2282 <xs:annotation>
2283 <xs:documentation>
2284 The aspect_ratio element contains a floating point number describing the aspect ratio of the field
2285 of view. If the aspect_ratio element is not present the aspect ratio is to be calculated from the
2286 xfov or yfov elements and the current viewport.
2287 </xs:documentation>
2288 </xs:annotation>
2289 </xs:element>
2290 </xs:choice>
2291 </xs:sequence>
2292 <xs:sequence>
2293 <xs:element name="yfov" type="TargetableFloat"/>
2294 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
2295 </xs:sequence>
2296 </xs:choice>
2297 <xs:element name="znear" type="TargetableFloat">
2298 <xs:annotation>
2299 <xs:documentation>
2300 The znear element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the near
2301 clipping plane. The znear element must occur exactly once.
2302 </xs:documentation>
2303 </xs:annotation>
2304 </xs:element>
2305 <xs:element name="zfar" type="TargetableFloat">
2306 <xs:annotation>
2307 <xs:documentation>
2308 The zfar element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the far
2309 clipping plane. The zfar element must occur exactly once.
2310 </xs:documentation>
2311 </xs:annotation>
2312 </xs:element>
2313 </xs:sequence>
2314 </xs:complexType>
2315 </xs:element>
2316 </xs:choice>
2317 </xs:complexType>
2318 </xs:element>
2319 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2320 <xs:annotation>
2321 <xs:documentation>
2322 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
2323 </xs:documentation>
2324 </xs:annotation>
2325 </xs:element>
2326 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2327 <xs:annotation>
2328 <xs:documentation>
2329 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2330 </xs:documentation>
2331 </xs:annotation>
2332 </xs:element>
2333 </xs:sequence>
2334 </xs:complexType>
2335 </xs:element>
2336 <xs:element name="imager" minOccurs="0">
2337 <xs:annotation>
2338 <xs:documentation>
2339 Imagers represent the image sensor of a camera (for example film or CCD).
2340 </xs:documentation>
2341 </xs:annotation>
2342 <xs:complexType>
2343 <xs:sequence>
2344 <xs:element ref="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2345 <xs:annotation>
2346 <xs:documentation>
2347 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
2348 There is no common technique for imager.
2349 </xs:documentation>
2350 </xs:annotation>
2351 </xs:element>
2352 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2353 <xs:annotation>
2354 <xs:documentation>
2355 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2356 </xs:documentation>
2357 </xs:annotation>
2358 </xs:element>
2359 </xs:sequence>
2360 </xs:complexType>
2361 </xs:element>
2362 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2363 <xs:annotation>
2364 <xs:documentation>
2365 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2366 </xs:documentation>
2367 </xs:annotation>
2368 </xs:element>
2369 </xs:sequence>
2370 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2371 <xs:annotation>
2372 <xs:documentation>
2373 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2374 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2375 </xs:documentation>
2376 </xs:annotation>
2377 </xs:attribute>
2378 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2379 <xs:annotation>
2380 <xs:documentation>
2381 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2382 </xs:documentation>
2383 </xs:annotation>
2384 </xs:attribute>
2385 </xs:complexType>
2386 </xs:element>
2387 <!-- Animation Elements -->
2388 <xs:element name="animation">
2389 <xs:annotation>
2390 <xs:documentation>
2391 The animation element categorizes the declaration of animation information. The animation
2392 hierarchy contains elements that describe the animation's key-frame data and sampler functions,
2393 ordered in such a way to group together animations that should be executed together.
2394 </xs:documentation>
2395 </xs:annotation>
2396 <xs:complexType>
2397 <xs:sequence>
2398 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2399 <xs:annotation>
2400 <xs:documentation>
2401 The animation element may contain an asset element.
2402 </xs:documentation>
2403 </xs:annotation>
2404 </xs:element>
2405 <xs:choice>
2406 <xs:sequence>
2407 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2408 <xs:annotation>
2409 <xs:documentation>
2410 The animation element may contain any number of source elements.
2411 </xs:documentation>
2412 </xs:annotation>
2413 </xs:element>
2414 <xs:choice>
2415 <xs:sequence>
2416 <xs:element ref="sampler" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2417 <xs:annotation>
2418 <xs:documentation>
2419 The animation element may contain any number of sampler elements.
2420 </xs:documentation>
2421 </xs:annotation>
2422 </xs:element>
2423 <xs:element ref="channel" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2424 <xs:annotation>
2425 <xs:documentation>
2426 The animation element may contain any number of channel elements.
2427 </xs:documentation>
2428 </xs:annotation>
2429 </xs:element>
2430 <xs:element ref="animation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2431 <xs:annotation>
2432 <xs:documentation>
2433 The animation may be hierarchical and may contain any number of other animation elements.
2434 </xs:documentation>
2435 </xs:annotation>
2436 </xs:element>
2437 </xs:sequence>
2438 <xs:element ref="animation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2439 </xs:choice>
2440 </xs:sequence>
2441 <xs:sequence>
2442 <xs:element ref="sampler" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2443 <xs:element ref="channel" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2444 <xs:element ref="animation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2445 </xs:sequence>
2446 <xs:element ref="animation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2447 </xs:choice>
2448 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2449 <xs:annotation>
2450 <xs:documentation>
2451 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2452 </xs:documentation>
2453 </xs:annotation>
2454 </xs:element>
2455 </xs:sequence>
2456 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2457 <xs:annotation>
2458 <xs:documentation>
2459 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2460 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2461 </xs:documentation>
2462 </xs:annotation>
2463 </xs:attribute>
2464 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2465 <xs:annotation>
2466 <xs:documentation>
2467 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2468 </xs:documentation>
2469 </xs:annotation>
2470 </xs:attribute>
2471 </xs:complexType>
2472 </xs:element>
2473 <xs:element name="animation_clip">
2474 <xs:annotation>
2475 <xs:documentation>
2476 The animation_clip element defines a section of the animation curves to be used together as
2477 an animation clip.
2478 </xs:documentation>
2479 </xs:annotation>
2480 <xs:complexType>
2481 <xs:sequence>
2482 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2483 <xs:annotation>
2484 <xs:documentation>
2485 The animation_clip element may contain an asset element.
2486 </xs:documentation>
2487 </xs:annotation>
2488 </xs:element>
2489 <xs:element name="instance_animation" type="InstanceWithExtra" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2490 <xs:annotation>
2491 <xs:documentation>
2492 The animation_clip must instance at least one animation element.
2493 </xs:documentation>
2494 </xs:annotation>
2495 </xs:element>
2496 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2497 <xs:annotation>
2498 <xs:documentation>
2499 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2500 </xs:documentation>
2501 </xs:annotation>
2502 </xs:element>
2503 </xs:sequence>
2504 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2505 <xs:annotation>
2506 <xs:documentation>
2507 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
2508 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2509 </xs:documentation>
2510 </xs:annotation>
2511 </xs:attribute>
2512 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2513 <xs:annotation>
2514 <xs:documentation>
2515 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2516 </xs:documentation>
2517 </xs:annotation>
2518 </xs:attribute>
2519 <xs:attribute name="start" type="xs:double" default="0.0">
2520 <xs:annotation>
2521 <xs:documentation>
2522 The start attribute is the time in seconds of the beginning of the clip. This time is
2523 the same as that used in the key-frame data and is used to determine which set of
2524 key-frames will be included in the clip. The start time does not specify when the clip
2525 will be played. If the time falls between two keyframes of a referenced animation, an
2526 interpolated value should be used. The default value is 0.0. Optional attribute.
2527 </xs:documentation>
2528 </xs:annotation>
2529 </xs:attribute>
2530 <xs:attribute name="end" type="xs:double">
2531 <xs:annotation>
2532 <xs:documentation>
2533 The end attribute is the time in seconds of the end of the clip. This is used in the
2534 same way as the start time. If end is not specified, the value is taken to be the end
2535 time of the longest animation. Optional attribute.
2536 </xs:documentation>
2537 </xs:annotation>
2538 </xs:attribute>
2539 </xs:complexType>
2540 </xs:element>
2541 <xs:element name="channel">
2542 <xs:annotation>
2543 <xs:documentation>
2544 The channel element declares an output channel of an animation.
2545 </xs:documentation>
2546 </xs:annotation>
2547 <xs:complexType>
2548 <xs:attribute name="source" type="URIFragmentType" use="required">
2549 <xs:annotation>
2550 <xs:documentation>
2551 The source attribute indicates the location of the sampler using a URL expression.
2552 The sampler must be declared within the same document. Required attribute.
2553 </xs:documentation>
2554 </xs:annotation>
2555 </xs:attribute>
2556 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:token" use="required">
2557 <xs:annotation>
2558 <xs:documentation>
2559 The target attribute indicates the location of the element bound to the output of the sampler.
2560 This text string is a path-name following a simple syntax described in Address Syntax.
2561 Required attribute.
2562 </xs:documentation>
2563 </xs:annotation>
2564 </xs:attribute>
2565 </xs:complexType>
2566 </xs:element>
2567 <xs:element name="sampler">
2568 <xs:annotation>
2569 <xs:documentation>
2570 The sampler element declares an N-dimensional function used for animation. Animation function curves
2571 are represented by 1-D sampler elements in COLLADA. The sampler defines sampling points and how to
2572 interpolate between them.
2573 </xs:documentation>
2574 </xs:annotation>
2575 <xs:complexType>
2576 <xs:sequence>
2577 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2578 <xs:annotation>
2579 <xs:documentation>
2580 The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs.
2581 </xs:documentation>
2582 </xs:annotation>
2583 </xs:element>
2584 </xs:sequence>
2585 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2586 <xs:annotation>
2587 <xs:documentation>
2588 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2589 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2590 </xs:documentation>
2591 </xs:annotation>
2592 </xs:attribute>
2593 </xs:complexType>
2594 </xs:element>
2595 <!-- Controller Elements -->
2596 <xs:element name="controller">
2597 <xs:annotation>
2598 <xs:documentation>
2599 The controller element categorizes the declaration of generic control information.
2600 A controller is a device or mechanism that manages and directs the operations of another object.
2601 </xs:documentation>
2602 </xs:annotation>
2603 <xs:complexType>
2604 <xs:sequence>
2605 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2606 <xs:annotation>
2607 <xs:documentation>
2608 The controller element may contain an asset element.
2609 </xs:documentation>
2610 </xs:annotation>
2611 </xs:element>
2612 <xs:choice>
2613 <xs:element ref="skin">
2614 <xs:annotation>
2615 <xs:documentation>
2616 The controller element may contain either a skin element or a morph element.
2617 </xs:documentation>
2618 </xs:annotation>
2619 </xs:element>
2620 <xs:element ref="morph">
2621 <xs:annotation>
2622 <xs:documentation>
2623 The controller element may contain either a skin element or a morph element.
2624 </xs:documentation>
2625 </xs:annotation>
2626 </xs:element>
2627 </xs:choice>
2628 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2629 <xs:annotation>
2630 <xs:documentation>
2631 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2632 </xs:documentation>
2633 </xs:annotation>
2634 </xs:element>
2635 </xs:sequence>
2636 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2637 <xs:annotation>
2638 <xs:documentation>
2639 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2640 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2641 </xs:documentation>
2642 </xs:annotation>
2643 </xs:attribute>
2644 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2645 <xs:annotation>
2646 <xs:documentation>
2647 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2648 </xs:documentation>
2649 </xs:annotation>
2650 </xs:attribute>
2651 </xs:complexType>
2652 </xs:element>
2653 <xs:element name="skin">
2654 <xs:annotation>
2655 <xs:documentation>
2656 The skin element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe blend-weight skinning.
2657 </xs:documentation>
2658 </xs:annotation>
2659 <xs:complexType>
2660 <xs:sequence>
2661 <xs:element name="bind_shape_matrix" type="float4x4" minOccurs="0">
2662 <xs:annotation>
2663 <xs:documentation>
2664 This provides extra information about the position and orientation of the base mesh before binding.
2665 If bind_shape_matrix is not specified then an identity matrix may be used as the bind_shape_matrix.
2666 The bind_shape_matrix element may occur zero or one times.
2667 </xs:documentation>
2668 </xs:annotation>
2669 </xs:element>
2670 <xs:element ref="source" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2671 <xs:annotation>
2672 <xs:documentation>
2673 The skin element must contain at least three source elements.
2674 </xs:documentation>
2675 </xs:annotation>
2676 </xs:element>
2677 <xs:element name="joints">
2678 <xs:annotation>
2679 <xs:documentation>
2680 The joints element associates joint, or skeleton, nodes with attribute data.
2681 In COLLADA, this is specified by the inverse bind matrix of each joint (influence) in the skeleton.
2682 </xs:documentation>
2683 </xs:annotation>
2684 <xs:complexType>
2685 <xs:sequence>
2686 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2687 <xs:annotation>
2688 <xs:documentation>
2689 The input element must occur at least twice. These inputs are local inputs.
2690 </xs:documentation>
2691 </xs:annotation>
2692 </xs:element>
2693 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2694 <xs:annotation>
2695 <xs:documentation>
2696 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2697 </xs:documentation>
2698 </xs:annotation>
2699 </xs:element>
2700 </xs:sequence>
2701 </xs:complexType>
2702 </xs:element>
2703 <xs:element name="vertex_weights">
2704 <xs:annotation>
2705 <xs:documentation>
2706 The vertex_weights element associates a set of joint-weight pairs with each vertex in the base mesh.
2707 </xs:documentation>
2708 </xs:annotation>
2709 <xs:complexType>
2710 <xs:sequence>
2711 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2712 <xs:annotation>
2713 <xs:documentation>
2714 The input element must occur at least twice.
2715 </xs:documentation>
2716 </xs:annotation>
2717 </xs:element>
2718 <xs:element name="vcount" type="ListOfUInts" minOccurs="0">
2719 <xs:annotation>
2720 <xs:documentation>
2721 The vcount element contains a list of integers describing the number of influences for each vertex.
2722 The vcount element may occur once.
2723 </xs:documentation>
2724 </xs:annotation>
2725 </xs:element>
2726 <xs:element name="v" type="ListOfInts" minOccurs="0">
2727 <xs:annotation>
2728 <xs:documentation>
2729 The v element describes which bones and attributes are associated with each vertex. An index
2730 of -1 into the array of joints refers to the bind shape. Weights should be normalized before use.
2731 The v element must occur zero or one times.
2732 </xs:documentation>
2733 </xs:annotation>
2734 </xs:element>
2735 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2736 <xs:annotation>
2737 <xs:documentation>
2738 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2739 </xs:documentation>
2740 </xs:annotation>
2741 </xs:element>
2742 </xs:sequence>
2743 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
2744 <xs:annotation>
2745 <xs:documentation>
2746 The count attribute describes the number of vertices in the base mesh. Required element.
2747 </xs:documentation>
2748 </xs:annotation>
2749 </xs:attribute>
2750 </xs:complexType>
2751 </xs:element>
2752 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2753 <xs:annotation>
2754 <xs:documentation>
2755 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2756 </xs:documentation>
2757 </xs:annotation>
2758 </xs:element>
2759 </xs:sequence>
2760 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
2761 <xs:annotation>
2762 <xs:documentation>
2763 The source attribute contains a URI reference to the base mesh, (a static mesh or a morphed mesh).
2764 This also provides the bind-shape of the skinned mesh. Required attribute.
2765 </xs:documentation>
2766 </xs:annotation>
2767 </xs:attribute>
2768 </xs:complexType>
2769 </xs:element>
2770 <xs:element name="morph">
2771 <xs:annotation>
2772 <xs:documentation>
2773 The morph element describes the data required to blend between sets of static meshes. Each
2774 possible mesh that can be blended (a morph target) must be specified.
2775 </xs:documentation>
2776 </xs:annotation>
2777 <xs:complexType>
2778 <xs:sequence>
2779 <xs:element ref="source" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2780 <xs:annotation>
2781 <xs:documentation>
2782 The morph element must contain at least two source elements.
2783 </xs:documentation>
2784 </xs:annotation>
2785 </xs:element>
2786 <xs:element name="targets">
2787 <xs:annotation>
2788 <xs:documentation>
2789 The targets element declares the morph targets, their weights and any user defined attributes
2790 associated with them.
2791 </xs:documentation>
2792 </xs:annotation>
2793 <xs:complexType>
2794 <xs:sequence>
2795 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2796 <xs:annotation>
2797 <xs:documentation>
2798 The input element must occur at least twice. These inputs are local inputs.
2799 </xs:documentation>
2800 </xs:annotation>
2801 </xs:element>
2802 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2803 <xs:annotation>
2804 <xs:documentation>
2805 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2806 </xs:documentation>
2807 </xs:annotation>
2808 </xs:element>
2809 </xs:sequence>
2810 </xs:complexType>
2811 </xs:element>
2812 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2813 <xs:annotation>
2814 <xs:documentation>
2815 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2816 </xs:documentation>
2817 </xs:annotation>
2818 </xs:element>
2819 </xs:sequence>
2820 <xs:attribute name="method" type="MorphMethodType" default="NORMALIZED">
2821 <xs:annotation>
2822 <xs:documentation>
2823 The method attribute specifies the which blending technique to use. The accepted values are
2824 NORMALIZED, and RELATIVE. The default value if not specified is NORMALIZED. Optional attribute.
2825 </xs:documentation>
2826 </xs:annotation>
2827 </xs:attribute>
2828 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
2829 <xs:annotation>
2830 <xs:documentation>
2831 The source attribute indicates the base mesh. Required attribute.
2832 </xs:documentation>
2833 </xs:annotation>
2834 </xs:attribute>
2835 </xs:complexType>
2836 </xs:element>
2837 <!-- Meta Elements -->
2838 <xs:element name="asset">
2839 <xs:annotation>
2840 <xs:documentation>
2841 The asset element defines asset management information regarding its parent element.
2842 </xs:documentation>
2843 </xs:annotation>
2844 <xs:complexType>
2845 <xs:sequence>
2846 <xs:element name="contributor" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2847 <xs:annotation>
2848 <xs:documentation>
2849 The contributor element defines authoring information for asset management
2850 </xs:documentation>
2851 </xs:annotation>
2852 <xs:complexType>
2853 <xs:sequence>
2854 <xs:element name="author" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2855 <xs:annotation>
2856 <xs:documentation>
2857 The author element contains a string with the author's name.
2858 There may be only one author element.
2859 </xs:documentation>
2860 </xs:annotation>
2861 </xs:element>
2862 <xs:element name="authoring_tool" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2863 <xs:annotation>
2864 <xs:documentation>
2865 The authoring_tool element contains a string with the authoring tool's name.
2866 There may be only one authoring_tool element.
2867 </xs:documentation>
2868 </xs:annotation>
2869 </xs:element>
2870 <xs:element name="comments" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2871 <xs:annotation>
2872 <xs:documentation>
2873 The comments element contains a string with comments from this contributor.
2874 There may be only one comments element.
2875 </xs:documentation>
2876 </xs:annotation>
2877 </xs:element>
2878 <xs:element name="copyright" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2879 <xs:annotation>
2880 <xs:documentation>
2881 The copyright element contains a string with copyright information.
2882 There may be only one copyright element.
2883 </xs:documentation>
2884 </xs:annotation>
2885 </xs:element>
2886 <xs:element name="source_data" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0">
2887 <xs:annotation>
2888 <xs:documentation>
2889 The source_data element contains a URI reference to the source data used for this asset.
2890 There may be only one source_data element.
2891 </xs:documentation>
2892 </xs:annotation>
2893 </xs:element>
2894 </xs:sequence>
2895 </xs:complexType>
2896 </xs:element>
2897 <xs:element name="created" type="xs:dateTime">
2898 <xs:annotation>
2899 <xs:documentation>
2900 The created element contains the date and time that the parent element was created and is
2901 represented in an ISO 8601 format. The created element may appear zero or one time.
2902 </xs:documentation>
2903 </xs:annotation>
2904 </xs:element>
2905 <xs:element name="keywords" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2906 <xs:annotation>
2907 <xs:documentation>
2908 The keywords element contains a list of words used as search criteria for the parent element.
2909 The keywords element may appear zero or more times.
2910 </xs:documentation>
2911 </xs:annotation>
2912 </xs:element>
2913 <xs:element name="modified" type="xs:dateTime">
2914 <xs:annotation>
2915 <xs:documentation>
2916 The modified element contains the date and time that the parent element was last modified and
2917 represented in an ISO 8601 format. The modified element may appear zero or one time.
2918 </xs:documentation>
2919 </xs:annotation>
2920 </xs:element>
2921 <xs:element name="revision" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2922 <xs:annotation>
2923 <xs:documentation>
2924 The revision element contains the revision information for the parent element. The revision
2925 element may appear zero or one time.
2926 </xs:documentation>
2927 </xs:annotation>
2928 </xs:element>
2929 <xs:element name="subject" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2930 <xs:annotation>
2931 <xs:documentation>
2932 The subject element contains a description of the topical subject of the parent element. The
2933 subject element may appear zero or one time.
2934 </xs:documentation>
2935 </xs:annotation>
2936 </xs:element>
2937 <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2938 <xs:annotation>
2939 <xs:documentation>
2940 The title element contains the title information for the parent element. The title element may
2941 appear zero or one time.
2942 </xs:documentation>
2943 </xs:annotation>
2944 </xs:element>
2945 <xs:element name="unit" minOccurs="0">
2946 <xs:annotation>
2947 <xs:documentation>
2948 The unit element contains descriptive information about unit of measure. It has attributes for
2949 the name of the unit and the measurement with respect to the meter. The unit element may appear
2950 zero or one time.
2951 </xs:documentation>
2952 </xs:annotation>
2953 <xs:complexType>
2954 <xs:attribute name="meter" type="float" default="1.0">
2955 <xs:annotation>
2956 <xs:documentation>
2957 The meter attribute specifies the measurement with respect to the meter. The default
2958 value for the meter attribute is "1.0".
2959 </xs:documentation>
2960 </xs:annotation>
2961 </xs:attribute>
2962 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NMTOKEN" default="meter">
2963 <xs:annotation>
2964 <xs:documentation>
2965 The name attribute specifies the name of the unit. The default value for the name
2966 attribute is "meter".
2967 </xs:documentation>
2968 </xs:annotation>
2969 </xs:attribute>
2970 </xs:complexType>
2971 </xs:element>
2972 <xs:element name="up_axis" type="UpAxisType" default="Y_UP" minOccurs="0">
2973 <xs:annotation>
2974 <xs:documentation>
2975 The up_axis element contains descriptive information about coordinate system of the geometric
2976 data. All coordinates are right-handed by definition. This element specifies which axis is
2977 considered up. The default is the Y-axis. The up_axis element may appear zero or one time.
2978 </xs:documentation>
2979 </xs:annotation>
2980 </xs:element>
2981 </xs:sequence>
2982 </xs:complexType>
2983 </xs:element>
2984 <xs:element name="extra">
2985 <xs:annotation>
2986 <xs:documentation>
2987 The extra element declares additional information regarding its parent element.
2988 </xs:documentation>
2989 </xs:annotation>
2990 <xs:complexType>
2991 <xs:sequence>
2992 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2993 <xs:annotation>
2994 <xs:documentation>
2995 The extra element may contain an asset element.
2996 </xs:documentation>
2997 </xs:annotation>
2998 </xs:element>
2999 <xs:element ref="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3000 <xs:annotation>
3001 <xs:documentation>
3002 This element must contain at least one non-common profile technique.
3003 </xs:documentation>
3004 </xs:annotation>
3005 </xs:element>
3006 </xs:sequence>
3007 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
3008 <xs:annotation>
3009 <xs:documentation>
3010 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
3011 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
3012 </xs:documentation>
3013 </xs:annotation>
3014 </xs:attribute>
3015 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3016 <xs:annotation>
3017 <xs:documentation>
3018 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3019 </xs:documentation>
3020 </xs:annotation>
3021 </xs:attribute>
3022 <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
3023 <xs:annotation>
3024 <xs:documentation>
3025 The type attribute indicates the type of the value data. This text string must be understood by
3026 the application. Optional attribute.
3027 </xs:documentation>
3028 </xs:annotation>
3029 </xs:attribute>
3030 </xs:complexType>
3031 </xs:element>
3032 <xs:element name="technique">
3033 <xs:annotation>
3034 <xs:appinfo>enable-xmlns</xs:appinfo>
3035 <xs:documentation>
3036 The technique element declares the information used to process some portion of the content. Each
3037 technique conforms to an associated profile. Techniques generally act as a "switch". If more than
3038 one is present for a particular portion of content, on import, one or the other is picked, but
3039 usually not both. Selection should be based on which profile the importing application can support.
3040 Techniques contain application data and programs, making them assets that can be managed as a unit.
3041 </xs:documentation>
3042 </xs:annotation>
3043 <xs:complexType>
3044 <xs:sequence>
3045 <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
3046 </xs:sequence>
3047 <xs:attribute name="profile" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
3048 <xs:annotation>
3049 <xs:documentation>
3050 The profile attribute indicates the type of profile. This is a vendor defined character
3051 string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Required attribute.
3052 </xs:documentation>
3053 </xs:annotation>
3054 </xs:attribute>
3055 </xs:complexType>
3056 </xs:element>
3057 <!-- Hierarchical Elements -->
3058 <xs:element name="node">
3059 <xs:annotation>
3060 <xs:documentation>
3061 Nodes embody the hierarchical relationship of elements in the scene.
3062 </xs:documentation>
3063 </xs:annotation>
3064 <xs:complexType>
3065 <xs:sequence>
3066 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
3067 <xs:annotation>
3068 <xs:documentation>
3069 The node element may contain an asset element.
3070 </xs:documentation>
3071 </xs:annotation>
3072 </xs:element>
3073 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3074 <xs:element ref="lookat">
3075 <xs:annotation>
3076 <xs:documentation>
3077 The node element may contain any number of lookat elements.
3078 </xs:documentation>
3079 </xs:annotation>
3080 </xs:element>
3081 <xs:element ref="matrix">
3082 <xs:annotation>
3083 <xs:documentation>
3084 The node element may contain any number of matrix elements.
3085 </xs:documentation>
3086 </xs:annotation>
3087 </xs:element>
3088 <xs:element ref="rotate">
3089 <xs:annotation>
3090 <xs:documentation>
3091 The node element may contain any number of rotate elements.
3092 </xs:documentation>
3093 </xs:annotation>
3094 </xs:element>
3095 <xs:element ref="scale">
3096 <xs:annotation>
3097 <xs:documentation>
3098 The node element may contain any number of scale elements.
3099 </xs:documentation>
3100 </xs:annotation>
3101 </xs:element>
3102 <xs:element ref="skew">
3103 <xs:annotation>
3104 <xs:documentation>
3105 The node element may contain any number of skew elements.
3106 </xs:documentation>
3107 </xs:annotation>
3108 </xs:element>
3109 <xs:element ref="translate">
3110 <xs:annotation>
3111 <xs:documentation>
3112 The node element may contain any number of translate elements.
3113 </xs:documentation>
3114 </xs:annotation>
3115 </xs:element>
3116 </xs:choice>
3117 <xs:element ref="instance_camera" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3118 <xs:annotation>
3119 <xs:documentation>
3120 The node element may instance any number of camera objects.
3121 </xs:documentation>
3122 </xs:annotation>
3123 </xs:element>
3124 <xs:element ref="instance_controller" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3125 <xs:annotation>
3126 <xs:documentation>
3127 The node element may instance any number of controller objects.
3128 </xs:documentation>
3129 </xs:annotation>
3130 </xs:element>
3131 <xs:element ref="instance_geometry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3132 <xs:annotation>
3133 <xs:documentation>
3134 The node element may instance any number of geometry objects.
3135 </xs:documentation>
3136 </xs:annotation>
3137 </xs:element>
3138 <xs:element ref="instance_light" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3139 <xs:annotation>
3140 <xs:documentation>
3141 The node element may instance any number of light objects.
3142 </xs:documentation>
3143 </xs:annotation>
3144 </xs:element>
3145 <xs:element ref="instance_node" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3146 <xs:annotation>
3147 <xs:documentation>
3148 The node element may instance any number of node elements or hierarchies objects.
3149 </xs:documentation>
3150 </xs:annotation>
3151 </xs:element>
3152 <xs:element ref="node" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3153 <xs:annotation>
3154 <xs:documentation>
3155 The node element may be hierarchical and be the parent of any number of other node elements.
3156 </xs:documentation>
3157 </xs:annotation>
3158 </xs:element>
3159 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3160 <xs:annotation>
3161 <xs:documentation>
3162 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3163 </xs:documentation>
3164 </xs:annotation>
3165 </xs:element>
3166 </xs:sequence>
3167 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
3168 <xs:annotation>
3169 <xs:documentation>
3170 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
3171 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
3172 </xs:documentation>
3173 </xs:annotation>
3174 </xs:attribute>
3175 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3176 <xs:annotation>
3177 <xs:documentation>
3178 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3179 </xs:documentation>
3180 </xs:annotation>
3181 </xs:attribute>
3182 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3183 <xs:annotation>
3184 <xs:documentation>
3185 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
3186 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3187 </xs:documentation>
3188 </xs:annotation>
3189 </xs:attribute>
3190 <xs:attribute name="type" type="NodeType" default="NODE">
3191 <xs:annotation>
3192 <xs:documentation>
3193 The type attribute indicates the type of the node element. The default value is "NODE".
3194 Optional attribute.
3195 </xs:documentation>
3196 </xs:annotation>
3197 </xs:attribute>
3198 <xs:attribute name="layer" type="ListOfNames">
3199 <xs:annotation>
3200 <xs:documentation>
3201 The layer attribute indicates the names of the layers to which this node belongs. For example,
3202 a value of "foreground glowing" indicates that this node belongs to both the 'foreground' layer
3203 and the 'glowing' layer. The default value is empty, indicating that the node doesn't belong to
3204 any layer. Optional attribute.
3205 </xs:documentation>
3206 </xs:annotation>
3207 </xs:attribute>
3208 </xs:complexType>
3209 </xs:element>
3210 <xs:element name="visual_scene">
3211 <xs:annotation>
3212 <xs:documentation>
3213 The visual_scene element declares the base of the visual_scene hierarchy or scene graph. The
3214 scene contains elements that comprise much of the visual and transformational information
3215 content as created by the authoring tools.
3216 </xs:documentation>
3217 </xs:annotation>
3218 <xs:complexType>
3219 <xs:sequence>
3220 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
3221 <xs:annotation>
3222 <xs:documentation>
3223 The visual_scene element may contain an asset element.
3224 </xs:documentation>
3225 </xs:annotation>
3226 </xs:element>
3227 <xs:element ref="node" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3228 <xs:annotation>
3229 <xs:documentation>
3230 The visual_scene element must have at least one node element.
3231 </xs:documentation>
3232 </xs:annotation>
3233 </xs:element>
3234 <xs:element name="evaluate_scene" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3235 <xs:annotation>
3236 <xs:documentation>
3237 The evaluate_scene element declares information specifying a specific way to evaluate this
3238 visual_scene. There may be any number of evaluate_scene elements.
3239 </xs:documentation>
3240 </xs:annotation>
3241 <xs:complexType>
3242 <xs:sequence>
3243 <xs:element name="render" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3244 <xs:annotation>
3245 <xs:documentation>
3246 The render element describes one effect pass to evaluate the scene.
3247 There must be at least one render element.
3248 </xs:documentation>
3249 </xs:annotation>
3250 <xs:complexType>
3251 <xs:sequence>
3252 <xs:element name="layer" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3253 <xs:annotation>
3254 <xs:documentation>
3255 The layer element specifies which layer to render in this compositing step
3256 while evaluating the scene. You may specify any number of layers.
3257 </xs:documentation>
3258 </xs:annotation>
3259 </xs:element>
3260 <xs:element ref="instance_effect" minOccurs="0">
3261 <xs:annotation>
3262 <xs:documentation>
3263 The instance_effect element specifies which effect to render in this compositing step
3264 while evaluating the scene.
3265 </xs:documentation>
3266 </xs:annotation>
3267 </xs:element>
3268 </xs:sequence>
3269 <xs:attribute name="camera_node" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3270 <xs:annotation>
3271 <xs:documentation>
3272 The camera_node attribute refers to a node that contains a camera describing the viewpoint to
3273 render this compositing step from.
3274 </xs:documentation>
3275 </xs:annotation>
3276 </xs:attribute>
3277 </xs:complexType>
3278 </xs:element>
3279 </xs:sequence>
3280 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3281 <xs:annotation>
3282 <xs:documentation>
3283 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3284 </xs:documentation>
3285 </xs:annotation>
3286 </xs:attribute>
3287 </xs:complexType>
3288 </xs:element>
3289 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3290 <xs:annotation>
3291 <xs:documentation>
3292 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3293 </xs:documentation>
3294 </xs:annotation>
3295 </xs:element>
3296 </xs:sequence>
3297 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
3298 <xs:annotation>
3299 <xs:documentation>
3300 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This
3301 value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
3302 </xs:documentation>
3303 </xs:annotation>
3304 </xs:attribute>
3305 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3306 <xs:annotation>
3307 <xs:documentation>
3308 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3309 </xs:documentation>
3310 </xs:annotation>
3311 </xs:attribute>
3312 </xs:complexType>
3313 </xs:element>
3314 <!-- Instance Elements -->
3315 <xs:element name="bind_material">
3316 <xs:annotation>
3317 <xs:documentation>
3318 Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the
3319 same time.
3320 </xs:documentation>
3321 </xs:annotation>
3322 <xs:complexType>
3323 <xs:sequence>
3324 <xs:element ref="param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3325 <xs:annotation>
3326 <xs:documentation>
3327 The bind_material element may contain any number of param elements.
3328 </xs:documentation>
3329 </xs:annotation>
3330 </xs:element>
3331 <xs:element name="technique_common">
3332 <xs:annotation>
3333 <xs:documentation>
3334 The technique_common element specifies the bind_material information for the common
3335 profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
3336 </xs:documentation>
3337 </xs:annotation>
3338 <xs:complexType>
3339 <xs:sequence>
3340 <xs:element ref="instance_material" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3341 <xs:annotation>
3342 <xs:documentation>
3343 The instance_material element specifies the information needed to bind a geometry
3344 to a material. This element must appear at least once.
3345 </xs:documentation>
3346 </xs:annotation>
3347 </xs:element>
3348 </xs:sequence>
3349 </xs:complexType>
3350 </xs:element>
3351 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3352 <xs:annotation>
3353 <xs:documentation>
3354 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
3355 </xs:documentation>
3356 </xs:annotation>
3357 </xs:element>
3358 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3359 <xs:annotation>
3360 <xs:documentation>
3361 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3362 </xs:documentation>
3363 </xs:annotation>
3364 </xs:element>
3365 </xs:sequence>
3366 </xs:complexType>
3367 </xs:element>
3368 <xs:element name="instance_camera" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3369 <xs:annotation>
3370 <xs:documentation>
3371 The instance_camera element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA camera resource.
3372 </xs:documentation>
3373 </xs:annotation>
3374 </xs:element>
3375 <xs:element name="instance_controller">
3376 <xs:annotation>
3377 <xs:documentation>
3378 The instance_controller element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA controller resource.
3379 </xs:documentation>
3380 </xs:annotation>
3381 <xs:complexType>
3382 <xs:sequence>
3383 <xs:element name="skeleton" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3384 <xs:annotation>
3385 <xs:documentation>
3386 The skeleton element is used to indicate where a skin controller is to start to search for
3387 the joint nodes it needs. This element is meaningless for morph controllers.
3388 </xs:documentation>
3389 </xs:annotation>
3390 </xs:element>
3391 <xs:element ref="bind_material" minOccurs="0">
3392 <xs:annotation>
3393 <xs:documentation>
3394 Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the
3395 same time.
3396 </xs:documentation>
3397 </xs:annotation>
3398 </xs:element>
3399 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3400 <xs:annotation>
3401 <xs:documentation>
3402 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3403 </xs:documentation>
3404 </xs:annotation>
3405 </xs:element>
3406 </xs:sequence>
3407 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3408 <xs:annotation>
3409 <xs:documentation>
3410 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative
3411 URL fragment identifier that begins with the "#" character. The url attribute may refer to an
3412 external resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3413 </xs:documentation>
3414 </xs:annotation>
3415 </xs:attribute>
3416 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3417 <xs:annotation>
3418 <xs:documentation>
3419 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3420 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3421 </xs:documentation>
3422 </xs:annotation>
3423 </xs:attribute>
3424 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3425 <xs:annotation>
3426 <xs:documentation>
3427 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3428 </xs:documentation>
3429 </xs:annotation>
3430 </xs:attribute>
3431 </xs:complexType>
3432 </xs:element>
3433 <xs:element name="instance_effect">
3434 <xs:annotation>
3435 <xs:documentation>
3436 The instance_effect element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA effect resource.
3437 </xs:documentation>
3438 </xs:annotation>
3439 <xs:complexType>
3440 <xs:sequence>
3441 <xs:element name="technique_hint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3442 <xs:annotation>
3443 <xs:documentation>
3444 Add a hint for a platform of which technique to use in this effect.
3445 </xs:documentation>
3446 </xs:annotation>
3447 <xs:complexType>
3448 <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
3449 <xs:annotation>
3450 <xs:documentation>
3451 A platform defines a string that specifies which platform this is hint is aimed for.
3452 </xs:documentation>
3453 </xs:annotation>
3454 </xs:attribute>
3455 <xs:attribute name="profile" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
3456 <xs:annotation>
3457 <xs:documentation>
3458 A profile defines a string that specifies which API profile this is hint is aimed for.
3459 </xs:documentation>
3460 </xs:annotation>
3461 </xs:attribute>
3462 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3463 <xs:annotation>
3464 <xs:documentation>
3465 A reference to the technique to use for the specified platform.
3466 </xs:documentation>
3467 </xs:annotation>
3468 </xs:attribute>
3469 </xs:complexType>
3470 </xs:element>
3471 <xs:element name="setparam" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3472 <xs:annotation>
3473 <xs:documentation>
3474 Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter
3475 </xs:documentation>
3476 </xs:annotation>
3477 <xs:complexType>
3478 <xs:sequence>
3479 <xs:group ref="fx_basic_type_common"/>
3480 </xs:sequence>
3481 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token" use="required"/>
3482 </xs:complexType>
3483 </xs:element>
3484 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3485 <xs:annotation>
3486 <xs:documentation>
3487 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3488 </xs:documentation>
3489 </xs:annotation>
3490 </xs:element>
3491 </xs:sequence>
3492 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3493 <xs:annotation>
3494 <xs:documentation>
3495 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
3496 fragment identifier that begins with the "#" character. The url attribute may refer to an external
3497 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3498 </xs:documentation>
3499 </xs:annotation>
3500 </xs:attribute>
3501 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3502 <xs:annotation>
3503 <xs:documentation>
3504 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3505 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3506 </xs:documentation>
3507 </xs:annotation>
3508 </xs:attribute>
3509 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3510 <xs:annotation>
3511 <xs:documentation>
3512 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3513 </xs:documentation>
3514 </xs:annotation>
3515 </xs:attribute>
3516 </xs:complexType>
3517 </xs:element>
3518 <xs:element name="instance_force_field" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3519 <xs:annotation>
3520 <xs:documentation>
3521 The instance_force_field element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA force_field resource.
3522 </xs:documentation>
3523 </xs:annotation>
3524 </xs:element>
3525 <xs:element name="instance_geometry">
3526 <xs:annotation>
3527 <xs:documentation>
3528 The instance_geometry element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA geometry resource.
3529 </xs:documentation>
3530 </xs:annotation>
3531 <xs:complexType>
3532 <xs:sequence>
3533 <xs:element ref="bind_material" minOccurs="0">
3534 <xs:annotation>
3535 <xs:documentation>
3536 Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the
3537 same time.
3538 </xs:documentation>
3539 </xs:annotation>
3540 </xs:element>
3541 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3542 <xs:annotation>
3543 <xs:documentation>
3544 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3545 </xs:documentation>
3546 </xs:annotation>
3547 </xs:element>
3548 </xs:sequence>
3549 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3550 <xs:annotation>
3551 <xs:documentation>
3552 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
3553 fragment identifier that begins with the "#" character. The url attribute may refer to an external
3554 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3555 </xs:documentation>
3556 </xs:annotation>
3557 </xs:attribute>
3558 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3559 <xs:annotation>
3560 <xs:documentation>
3561 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3562 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3563 </xs:documentation>
3564 </xs:annotation>
3565 </xs:attribute>
3566 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3567 <xs:annotation>
3568 <xs:documentation>
3569 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3570 </xs:documentation>
3571 </xs:annotation>
3572 </xs:attribute>
3573 </xs:complexType>
3574 </xs:element>
3575 <xs:element name="instance_light" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3576 <xs:annotation>
3577 <xs:documentation>
3578 The instance_light element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA light resource.
3579 </xs:documentation>
3580 </xs:annotation>
3581 </xs:element>
3582 <xs:element name="instance_material">
3583 <xs:annotation>
3584 <xs:documentation>
3585 The instance_material element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA material resource.
3586 </xs:documentation>
3587 </xs:annotation>
3588 <xs:complexType>
3589 <xs:sequence>
3590 <xs:element name="bind" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3591 <xs:annotation>
3592 <xs:documentation>
3593 The bind element binds values to effect parameters upon instantiation.
3594 </xs:documentation>
3595 </xs:annotation>
3596 <xs:complexType>
3597 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3598 <xs:annotation>
3599 <xs:documentation>
3600 The semantic attribute specifies which effect parameter to bind.
3601 </xs:documentation>
3602 </xs:annotation>
3603 </xs:attribute>
3604 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:token" use="required">
3605 <xs:annotation>
3606 <xs:documentation>
3607 The target attribute specifies the location of the value to bind to the specified semantic.
3608 This text string is a path-name following a simple syntax described in the "Addressing Syntax"
3609 section.
3610 </xs:documentation>
3611 </xs:annotation>
3612 </xs:attribute>
3613 </xs:complexType>
3614 </xs:element>
3615 <xs:element name="bind_vertex_input" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3616 <xs:annotation>
3617 <xs:documentation>
3618 The bind_vertex_input element binds vertex inputs to effect parameters upon instantiation.
3619 </xs:documentation>
3620 </xs:annotation>
3621 <xs:complexType>
3622 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3623 <xs:annotation>
3624 <xs:documentation>
3625 The semantic attribute specifies which effect parameter to bind.
3626 </xs:documentation>
3627 </xs:annotation>
3628 </xs:attribute>
3629 <xs:attribute name="input_semantic" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3630 <xs:annotation>
3631 <xs:documentation>
3632 The input_semantic attribute specifies which input semantic to bind.
3633 </xs:documentation>
3634 </xs:annotation>
3635 </xs:attribute>
3636 <xs:attribute name="input_set" type="uint">
3637 <xs:annotation>
3638 <xs:documentation>
3639 The input_set attribute specifies which input set to bind.
3640 </xs:documentation>
3641 </xs:annotation>
3642 </xs:attribute>
3643 </xs:complexType>
3644 </xs:element>
3645 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3646 <xs:annotation>
3647 <xs:documentation>
3648 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3649 </xs:documentation>
3650 </xs:annotation>
3651 </xs:element>
3652 </xs:sequence>
3653 <xs:attribute name="symbol" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3654 <xs:annotation>
3655 <xs:documentation>
3656 The symbol attribute specifies which symbol defined from within the geometry this material binds to.
3657 </xs:documentation>
3658 </xs:annotation>
3659 </xs:attribute>
3660 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3661 <xs:annotation>
3662 <xs:documentation>
3663 The target attribute specifies the URL of the location of the object to instantiate.
3664 </xs:documentation>
3665 </xs:annotation>
3666 </xs:attribute>
3667 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3668 <xs:annotation>
3669 <xs:documentation>
3670 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3671 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3672 </xs:documentation>
3673 </xs:annotation>
3674 </xs:attribute>
3675 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3676 <xs:annotation>
3677 <xs:documentation>
3678 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3679 </xs:documentation>
3680 </xs:annotation>
3681 </xs:attribute>
3682 </xs:complexType>
3683 </xs:element>
3684 <xs:element name="instance_node" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3685 <xs:annotation>
3686 <xs:documentation>
3687 The instance_node element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA node resource.
3688 </xs:documentation>
3689 </xs:annotation>
3690 </xs:element>
3691 <xs:element name="instance_physics_material" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3692 <xs:annotation>
3693 <xs:documentation>
3694 The instance_physics_material element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA physics_material
3695 resource.
3696 </xs:documentation>
3697 </xs:annotation>
3698 </xs:element>
3699 <xs:element name="instance_physics_model">
3700 <xs:annotation>
3701 <xs:documentation>
3702 This element allows instancing physics model within another physics model, or in a physics scene.
3703 </xs:documentation>
3704 </xs:annotation>
3705 <xs:complexType>
3706 <xs:sequence>
3707 <xs:element ref="instance_force_field" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3708 <xs:annotation>
3709 <xs:documentation>
3710 The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of force_field elements.
3711 </xs:documentation>
3712 </xs:annotation>
3713 </xs:element>
3714 <xs:element ref="instance_rigid_body" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3715 <xs:annotation>
3716 <xs:documentation>
3717 The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of rigid_body elements.
3718 </xs:documentation>
3719 </xs:annotation>
3720 </xs:element>
3721 <xs:element ref="instance_rigid_constraint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3722 <xs:annotation>
3723 <xs:documentation>
3724 The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of rigid_constraint elements.
3725 </xs:documentation>
3726 </xs:annotation>
3727 </xs:element>
3728 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3729 <xs:annotation>
3730 <xs:documentation>
3731 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3732 </xs:documentation>
3733 </xs:annotation>
3734 </xs:element>
3735 </xs:sequence>
3736 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3737 <xs:annotation>
3738 <xs:documentation>
3739 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
3740 fragment identifier that begins with the "#" character. The url attribute may refer to an external
3741 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3742 </xs:documentation>
3743 </xs:annotation>
3744 </xs:attribute>
3745 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3746 <xs:annotation>
3747 <xs:documentation>
3748 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3749 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3750 </xs:documentation>
3751 </xs:annotation>
3752 </xs:attribute>
3753 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3754 <xs:annotation>
3755 <xs:documentation>
3756 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3757 </xs:documentation>
3758 </xs:annotation>
3759 </xs:attribute>
3760 <xs:attribute name="parent" type="xs:anyURI">
3761 <xs:annotation>
3762 <xs:documentation>
3763 The parent attribute points to the id of a node in the visual scene. This allows a physics model
3764 to be instantiated under a specific transform node, which will dictate the initial position and
3765 orientation, and could be animated to influence kinematic rigid bodies.
3766 </xs:documentation>
3767 </xs:annotation>
3768 </xs:attribute>
3769 </xs:complexType>
3770 </xs:element>
3771 <xs:element name="instance_rigid_body">
3772 <xs:annotation>
3773 <xs:documentation>
3774 This element allows instancing a rigid_body within an instance_physics_model.
3775 </xs:documentation>
3776 </xs:annotation>
3777 <xs:complexType>
3778 <xs:sequence>
3779 <xs:element name="technique_common">
3780 <xs:annotation>
3781 <xs:documentation>
3782 The technique_common element specifies the instance_rigid_body information for the common
3783 profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
3784 </xs:documentation>
3785 </xs:annotation>
3786 <xs:complexType>
3787 <xs:sequence>
3788 <xs:element name="angular_velocity" type="float3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
3789 <xs:annotation>
3790 <xs:documentation>
3791 Specifies the initial angular velocity of the rigid_body instance in degrees per second
3792 around each axis, in the form of an X-Y-Z Euler rotation.
3793 </xs:documentation>
3794 </xs:annotation>
3795 </xs:element>
3796 <xs:element name="velocity" type="float3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
3797 <xs:annotation>
3798 <xs:documentation>
3799 Specifies the initial linear velocity of the rigid_body instance.
3800 </xs:documentation>
3801 </xs:annotation>
3802 </xs:element>
3803 <xs:element name="dynamic" minOccurs="0">
3804 <xs:complexType>
3805 <xs:simpleContent>
3806 <xs:extension base="bool">
3807 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3808 <xs:annotation>
3809 <xs:documentation>
3810 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
3811 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3812 </xs:documentation>
3813 </xs:annotation>
3814 </xs:attribute>
3815 </xs:extension>
3816 </xs:simpleContent>
3817 </xs:complexType>
3818 </xs:element>
3819 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
3820 <xs:element name="mass_frame" minOccurs="0">
3821 <xs:complexType>
3822 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
3823 <xs:element ref="translate"/>
3824 <xs:element ref="rotate"/>
3825 </xs:choice>
3826 </xs:complexType>
3827 </xs:element>
3828 <xs:element name="inertia" type="TargetableFloat3" minOccurs="0"/>
3829 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
3830 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material"/>
3831 <xs:element ref="physics_material"/>
3832 </xs:choice>
3833 <xs:element name="shape" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3834 <xs:complexType>
3835 <xs:sequence>
3836 <xs:element name="hollow" minOccurs="0">
3837 <xs:complexType>
3838 <xs:simpleContent>
3839 <xs:extension base="bool">
3840 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3841 <xs:annotation>
3842 <xs:documentation>
3843 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3844 </xs:documentation>
3845 </xs:annotation>
3846 </xs:attribute>
3847 </xs:extension>
3848 </xs:simpleContent>
3849 </xs:complexType>
3850 </xs:element>
3851 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
3852 <xs:element name="density" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
3853 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
3854 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material"/>
3855 <xs:element ref="physics_material"/>
3856 </xs:choice>
3857 <xs:choice>
3858 <xs:element ref="instance_geometry"/>
3859 <xs:element ref="plane"/>
3860 <xs:element ref="box"/>
3861 <xs:element ref="sphere"/>
3862 <xs:element ref="cylinder"/>
3863 <xs:element ref="tapered_cylinder"/>
3864 <xs:element ref="capsule"/>
3865 <xs:element ref="tapered_capsule"/>
3866 </xs:choice>
3867 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3868 <xs:element ref="translate"/>
3869 <xs:element ref="rotate"/>
3870 </xs:choice>
3871 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3872 <xs:annotation>
3873 <xs:documentation>
3874 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3875 </xs:documentation>
3876 </xs:annotation>
3877 </xs:element>
3878 </xs:sequence>
3879 </xs:complexType>
3880 </xs:element>
3881 </xs:sequence>
3882 </xs:complexType>
3883 </xs:element>
3884 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3885 <xs:annotation>
3886 <xs:documentation>
3887 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
3888 </xs:documentation>
3889 </xs:annotation>
3890 </xs:element>
3891 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3892 <xs:annotation>
3893 <xs:documentation>
3894 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3895 </xs:documentation>
3896 </xs:annotation>
3897 </xs:element>
3898 </xs:sequence>
3899 <xs:attribute name="body" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3900 <xs:annotation>
3901 <xs:documentation>
3902 The body attribute indicates which rigid_body to instantiate. Required attribute.
3903 </xs:documentation>
3904 </xs:annotation>
3905 </xs:attribute>
3906 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3907 <xs:annotation>
3908 <xs:documentation>
3909 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3910 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3911 </xs:documentation>
3912 </xs:annotation>
3913 </xs:attribute>
3914 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3915 <xs:annotation>
3916 <xs:documentation>
3917 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3918 </xs:documentation>
3919 </xs:annotation>
3920 </xs:attribute>
3921 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3922 <xs:annotation>
3923 <xs:documentation>
3924 The target attribute indicates which node is influenced by this rigid_body instance.
3925 Required attribute
3926 </xs:documentation>
3927 </xs:annotation>
3928 </xs:attribute>
3929 </xs:complexType>
3930 </xs:element>
3931 <xs:element name="instance_rigid_constraint">
3932 <xs:annotation>
3933 <xs:documentation>
3934 This element allows instancing a rigid_constraint within an instance_physics_model.
3935 </xs:documentation>
3936 </xs:annotation>
3937 <xs:complexType>
3938 <xs:sequence>
3939 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3940 <xs:annotation>
3941 <xs:documentation>
3942 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3943 </xs:documentation>
3944 </xs:annotation>
3945 </xs:element>
3946 </xs:sequence>
3947 <xs:attribute name="constraint" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3948 <xs:annotation>
3949 <xs:documentation>
3950 The constraint attribute indicates which rigid_constraing to instantiate. Required attribute.
3951 </xs:documentation>
3952 </xs:annotation>
3953 </xs:attribute>
3954 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3955 <xs:annotation>
3956 <xs:documentation>
3957 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3958 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3959 </xs:documentation>
3960 </xs:annotation>
3961 </xs:attribute>
3962 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3963 <xs:annotation>
3964 <xs:documentation>
3965 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3966 </xs:documentation>
3967 </xs:annotation>
3968 </xs:attribute>
3969 </xs:complexType>
3970 </xs:element>
3971 <!-- Modularity elements -->
3972 <xs:element name="library_animations">
3973 <xs:annotation>
3974 <xs:documentation>
3975 The library_animations element declares a module of animation elements.
3976 </xs:documentation>
3977 </xs:annotation>
3978 <xs:complexType>
3979 <xs:sequence>
3980 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
3981 <xs:annotation>
3982 <xs:documentation>
3983 The library_animations element may contain an asset element.
3984 </xs:documentation>
3985 </xs:annotation>
3986 </xs:element>
3987 <xs:element ref="animation" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3988 <xs:annotation>
3989 <xs:documentation>
3990 There must be at least one animation element.
3991 </xs:documentation>
3992 </xs:annotation>
3993 </xs:element>
3994 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3995 <xs:annotation>
3996 <xs:documentation>
3997 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3998 </xs:documentation>
3999 </xs:annotation>
4000 </xs:element>
4001 </xs:sequence>
4002 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4003 <xs:annotation>
4004 <xs:documentation>
4005 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4006 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4007 </xs:documentation>
4008 </xs:annotation>
4009 </xs:attribute>
4010 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4011 <xs:annotation>
4012 <xs:documentation>
4013 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4014 </xs:documentation>
4015 </xs:annotation>
4016 </xs:attribute>
4017 </xs:complexType>
4018 </xs:element>
4019 <xs:element name="library_animation_clips">
4020 <xs:annotation>
4021 <xs:documentation>
4022 The library_animation_clips element declares a module of animation_clip elements.
4023 </xs:documentation>
4024 </xs:annotation>
4025 <xs:complexType>
4026 <xs:sequence>
4027 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4028 <xs:annotation>
4029 <xs:documentation>
4030 The library_animation_clips element may contain an asset element.
4031 </xs:documentation>
4032 </xs:annotation>
4033 </xs:element>
4034 <xs:element ref="animation_clip" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4035 <xs:annotation>
4036 <xs:documentation>
4037 There must be at least one animation_clip element.
4038 </xs:documentation>
4039 </xs:annotation>
4040 </xs:element>
4041 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4042 <xs:annotation>
4043 <xs:documentation>
4044 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4045 </xs:documentation>
4046 </xs:annotation>
4047 </xs:element>
4048 </xs:sequence>
4049 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4050 <xs:annotation>
4051 <xs:documentation>
4052 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4053 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4054 </xs:documentation>
4055 </xs:annotation>
4056 </xs:attribute>
4057 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4058 <xs:annotation>
4059 <xs:documentation>
4060 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4061 </xs:documentation>
4062 </xs:annotation>
4063 </xs:attribute>
4064 </xs:complexType>
4065 </xs:element>
4066 <xs:element name="library_cameras">
4067 <xs:annotation>
4068 <xs:documentation>
4069 The library_cameras element declares a module of camera elements.
4070 </xs:documentation>
4071 </xs:annotation>
4072 <xs:complexType>
4073 <xs:sequence>
4074 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4075 <xs:annotation>
4076 <xs:documentation>
4077 The library_cameras element may contain an asset element.
4078 </xs:documentation>
4079 </xs:annotation>
4080 </xs:element>
4081 <xs:element ref="camera" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4082 <xs:annotation>
4083 <xs:documentation>
4084 There must be at least one camera element.
4085 </xs:documentation>
4086 </xs:annotation>
4087 </xs:element>
4088 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4089 <xs:annotation>
4090 <xs:documentation>
4091 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4092 </xs:documentation>
4093 </xs:annotation>
4094 </xs:element>
4095 </xs:sequence>
4096 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4097 <xs:annotation>
4098 <xs:documentation>
4099 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4100 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4101 </xs:documentation>
4102 </xs:annotation>
4103 </xs:attribute>
4104 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4105 <xs:annotation>
4106 <xs:documentation>
4107 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4108 </xs:documentation>
4109 </xs:annotation>
4110 </xs:attribute>
4111 </xs:complexType>
4112 </xs:element>
4113 <xs:element name="library_controllers">
4114 <xs:annotation>
4115 <xs:documentation>
4116 The library_controllers element declares a module of controller elements.
4117 </xs:documentation>
4118 </xs:annotation>
4119 <xs:complexType>
4120 <xs:sequence>
4121 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4122 <xs:annotation>
4123 <xs:documentation>
4124 The library_controllers element may contain an asset element.
4125 </xs:documentation>
4126 </xs:annotation>
4127 </xs:element>
4128 <xs:element ref="controller" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4129 <xs:annotation>
4130 <xs:documentation>
4131 There must be at least one controller element.
4132 </xs:documentation>
4133 </xs:annotation>
4134 </xs:element>
4135 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4136 <xs:annotation>
4137 <xs:documentation>
4138 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4139 </xs:documentation>
4140 </xs:annotation>
4141 </xs:element>
4142 </xs:sequence>
4143 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4144 <xs:annotation>
4145 <xs:documentation>
4146 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4147 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4148 </xs:documentation>
4149 </xs:annotation>
4150 </xs:attribute>
4151 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4152 <xs:annotation>
4153 <xs:documentation>
4154 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4155 </xs:documentation>
4156 </xs:annotation>
4157 </xs:attribute>
4158 </xs:complexType>
4159 </xs:element>
4160 <xs:element name="library_geometries">
4161 <xs:annotation>
4162 <xs:documentation>
4163 The library_geometries element declares a module of geometry elements.
4164 </xs:documentation>
4165 </xs:annotation>
4166 <xs:complexType>
4167 <xs:sequence>
4168 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4169 <xs:annotation>
4170 <xs:documentation>
4171 The library_geometries element may contain an asset element.
4172 </xs:documentation>
4173 </xs:annotation>
4174 </xs:element>
4175 <xs:element ref="geometry" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4176 <xs:annotation>
4177 <xs:documentation>
4178 There must be at least one geometry element.
4179 </xs:documentation>
4180 </xs:annotation>
4181 </xs:element>
4182 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4183 <xs:annotation>
4184 <xs:documentation>
4185 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4186 </xs:documentation>
4187 </xs:annotation>
4188 </xs:element>
4189 </xs:sequence>
4190 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4191 <xs:annotation>
4192 <xs:documentation>
4193 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4194 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4195 </xs:documentation>
4196 </xs:annotation>
4197 </xs:attribute>
4198 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4199 <xs:annotation>
4200 <xs:documentation>
4201 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4202 </xs:documentation>
4203 </xs:annotation>
4204 </xs:attribute>
4205 </xs:complexType>
4206 </xs:element>
4207 <xs:element name="library_effects">
4208 <xs:annotation>
4209 <xs:documentation>
4210 The library_effects element declares a module of effect elements.
4211 </xs:documentation>
4212 </xs:annotation>
4213 <xs:complexType>
4214 <xs:sequence>
4215 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4216 <xs:annotation>
4217 <xs:documentation>
4218 The library_effects element may contain an asset element.
4219 </xs:documentation>
4220 </xs:annotation>
4221 </xs:element>
4222 <xs:element ref="effect" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4223 <xs:annotation>
4224 <xs:documentation>
4225 There must be at least one effect element.
4226 </xs:documentation>
4227 </xs:annotation>
4228 </xs:element>
4229 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4230 <xs:annotation>
4231 <xs:documentation>
4232 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4233 </xs:documentation>
4234 </xs:annotation>
4235 </xs:element>
4236 </xs:sequence>
4237 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4238 <xs:annotation>
4239 <xs:documentation>
4240 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4241 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4242 </xs:documentation>
4243 </xs:annotation>
4244 </xs:attribute>
4245 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4246 <xs:annotation>
4247 <xs:documentation>
4248 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4249 </xs:documentation>
4250 </xs:annotation>
4251 </xs:attribute>
4252 </xs:complexType>
4253 </xs:element>
4254 <xs:element name="library_force_fields">
4255 <xs:annotation>
4256 <xs:documentation>
4257 The library_force_fields element declares a module of force_field elements.
4258 </xs:documentation>
4259 </xs:annotation>
4260 <xs:complexType>
4261 <xs:sequence>
4262 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4263 <xs:annotation>
4264 <xs:documentation>
4265 The library_force_fields element may contain an asset element.
4266 </xs:documentation>
4267 </xs:annotation>
4268 </xs:element>
4269 <xs:element ref="force_field" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4270 <xs:annotation>
4271 <xs:documentation>
4272 There must be at least one force_field element.
4273 </xs:documentation>
4274 </xs:annotation>
4275 </xs:element>
4276 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4277 <xs:annotation>
4278 <xs:documentation>
4279 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4280 </xs:documentation>
4281 </xs:annotation>
4282 </xs:element>
4283 </xs:sequence>
4284 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4285 <xs:annotation>
4286 <xs:documentation>
4287 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4288 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4289 </xs:documentation>
4290 </xs:annotation>
4291 </xs:attribute>
4292 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4293 <xs:annotation>
4294 <xs:documentation>
4295 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4296 </xs:documentation>
4297 </xs:annotation>
4298 </xs:attribute>
4299 </xs:complexType>
4300 </xs:element>
4301 <xs:element name="library_images">
4302 <xs:annotation>
4303 <xs:documentation>
4304 The library_images element declares a module of image elements.
4305 </xs:documentation>
4306 </xs:annotation>
4307 <xs:complexType>
4308 <xs:sequence>
4309 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4310 <xs:annotation>
4311 <xs:documentation>
4312 The library_images element may contain an asset element.
4313 </xs:documentation>
4314 </xs:annotation>
4315 </xs:element>
4316 <xs:element ref="image" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4317 <xs:annotation>
4318 <xs:documentation>
4319 There must be at least one image element.
4320 </xs:documentation>
4321 </xs:annotation>
4322 </xs:element>
4323 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4324 <xs:annotation>
4325 <xs:documentation>
4326 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4327 </xs:documentation>
4328 </xs:annotation>
4329 </xs:element>
4330 </xs:sequence>
4331 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4332 <xs:annotation>
4333 <xs:documentation>
4334 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4335 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4336 </xs:documentation>
4337 </xs:annotation>
4338 </xs:attribute>
4339 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4340 <xs:annotation>
4341 <xs:documentation>
4342 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4343 </xs:documentation>
4344 </xs:annotation>
4345 </xs:attribute>
4346 </xs:complexType>
4347 </xs:element>
4348 <xs:element name="library_lights">
4349 <xs:annotation>
4350 <xs:documentation>
4351 The library_lights element declares a module of light elements.
4352 </xs:documentation>
4353 </xs:annotation>
4354 <xs:complexType>
4355 <xs:sequence>
4356 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4357 <xs:annotation>
4358 <xs:documentation>
4359 The library_lights element may contain an asset element.
4360 </xs:documentation>
4361 </xs:annotation>
4362 </xs:element>
4363 <xs:element ref="light" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4364 <xs:annotation>
4365 <xs:documentation>
4366 There must be at least one light element.
4367 </xs:documentation>
4368 </xs:annotation>
4369 </xs:element>
4370 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4371 <xs:annotation>
4372 <xs:documentation>
4373 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4374 </xs:documentation>
4375 </xs:annotation>
4376 </xs:element>
4377 </xs:sequence>
4378 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4379 <xs:annotation>
4380 <xs:documentation>
4381 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4382 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4383 </xs:documentation>
4384 </xs:annotation>
4385 </xs:attribute>
4386 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4387 <xs:annotation>
4388 <xs:documentation>
4389 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4390 </xs:documentation>
4391 </xs:annotation>
4392 </xs:attribute>
4393 </xs:complexType>
4394 </xs:element>
4395 <xs:element name="library_materials">
4396 <xs:annotation>
4397 <xs:documentation>
4398 The library_materials element declares a module of material elements.
4399 </xs:documentation>
4400 </xs:annotation>
4401 <xs:complexType>
4402 <xs:sequence>
4403 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4404 <xs:annotation>
4405 <xs:documentation>
4406 The library_materials element may contain an asset element.
4407 </xs:documentation>
4408 </xs:annotation>
4409 </xs:element>
4410 <xs:element ref="material" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4411 <xs:annotation>
4412 <xs:documentation>
4413 There must be at least one material element.
4414 </xs:documentation>
4415 </xs:annotation>
4416 </xs:element>
4417 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4418 <xs:annotation>
4419 <xs:documentation>
4420 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4421 </xs:documentation>
4422 </xs:annotation>
4423 </xs:element>
4424 </xs:sequence>
4425 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4426 <xs:annotation>
4427 <xs:documentation>
4428 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4429 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4430 </xs:documentation>
4431 </xs:annotation>
4432 </xs:attribute>
4433 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4434 <xs:annotation>
4435 <xs:documentation>
4436 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4437 </xs:documentation>
4438 </xs:annotation>
4439 </xs:attribute>
4440 </xs:complexType>
4441 </xs:element>
4442 <xs:element name="library_nodes">
4443 <xs:annotation>
4444 <xs:documentation>
4445 The library_nodes element declares a module of node elements.
4446 </xs:documentation>
4447 </xs:annotation>
4448 <xs:complexType>
4449 <xs:sequence>
4450 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4451 <xs:annotation>
4452 <xs:documentation>
4453 The library_nodes element may contain an asset element.
4454 </xs:documentation>
4455 </xs:annotation>
4456 </xs:element>
4457 <xs:element ref="node" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4458 <xs:annotation>
4459 <xs:documentation>
4460 There must be at least one node element.
4461 </xs:documentation>
4462 </xs:annotation>
4463 </xs:element>
4464 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4465 <xs:annotation>
4466 <xs:documentation>
4467 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4468 </xs:documentation>
4469 </xs:annotation>
4470 </xs:element>
4471 </xs:sequence>
4472 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4473 <xs:annotation>
4474 <xs:documentation>
4475 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4476 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4477 </xs:documentation>
4478 </xs:annotation>
4479 </xs:attribute>
4480 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4481 <xs:annotation>
4482 <xs:documentation>
4483 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4484 </xs:documentation>
4485 </xs:annotation>
4486 </xs:attribute>
4487 </xs:complexType>
4488 </xs:element>
4489 <xs:element name="library_physics_materials">
4490 <xs:annotation>
4491 <xs:documentation>
4492 The library_physics_materials element declares a module of physics_material elements.
4493 </xs:documentation>
4494 </xs:annotation>
4495 <xs:complexType>
4496 <xs:sequence>
4497 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4498 <xs:annotation>
4499 <xs:documentation>
4500 The library_physics_materials element may contain an asset element.
4501 </xs:documentation>
4502 </xs:annotation>
4503 </xs:element>
4504 <xs:element ref="physics_material" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4505 <xs:annotation>
4506 <xs:documentation>
4507 There must be at least one physics_material element.
4508 </xs:documentation>
4509 </xs:annotation>
4510 </xs:element>
4511 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4512 <xs:annotation>
4513 <xs:documentation>
4514 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4515 </xs:documentation>
4516 </xs:annotation>
4517 </xs:element>
4518 </xs:sequence>
4519 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4520 <xs:annotation>
4521 <xs:documentation>
4522 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4523 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4524 </xs:documentation>
4525 </xs:annotation>
4526 </xs:attribute>
4527 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4528 <xs:annotation>
4529 <xs:documentation>
4530 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4531 </xs:documentation>
4532 </xs:annotation>
4533 </xs:attribute>
4534 </xs:complexType>
4535 </xs:element>
4536 <xs:element name="library_physics_models">
4537 <xs:annotation>
4538 <xs:documentation>
4539 The library_physics_models element declares a module of physics_model elements.
4540 </xs:documentation>
4541 </xs:annotation>
4542 <xs:complexType>
4543 <xs:sequence>
4544 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4545 <xs:annotation>
4546 <xs:documentation>
4547 The library_physics_models element may contain an asset element.
4548 </xs:documentation>
4549 </xs:annotation>
4550 </xs:element>
4551 <xs:element ref="physics_model" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4552 <xs:annotation>
4553 <xs:documentation>
4554 There must be at least one physics_model element.
4555 </xs:documentation>
4556 </xs:annotation>
4557 </xs:element>
4558 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4559 <xs:annotation>
4560 <xs:documentation>
4561 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4562 </xs:documentation>
4563 </xs:annotation>
4564 </xs:element>
4565 </xs:sequence>
4566 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4567 <xs:annotation>
4568 <xs:documentation>
4569 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4570 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4571 </xs:documentation>
4572 </xs:annotation>
4573 </xs:attribute>
4574 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4575 <xs:annotation>
4576 <xs:documentation>
4577 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4578 </xs:documentation>
4579 </xs:annotation>
4580 </xs:attribute>
4581 </xs:complexType>
4582 </xs:element>
4583 <xs:element name="library_physics_scenes">
4584 <xs:annotation>
4585 <xs:documentation>
4586 The library_physics_scenes element declares a module of physics_scene elements.
4587 </xs:documentation>
4588 </xs:annotation>
4589 <xs:complexType>
4590 <xs:sequence>
4591 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4592 <xs:annotation>
4593 <xs:documentation>
4594 The library_physics_scenes element may contain an asset element.
4595 </xs:documentation>
4596 </xs:annotation>
4597 </xs:element>
4598 <xs:element ref="physics_scene" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4599 <xs:annotation>
4600 <xs:documentation>
4601 There must be at least one physics_scene element.
4602 </xs:documentation>
4603 </xs:annotation>
4604 </xs:element>
4605 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4606 <xs:annotation>
4607 <xs:documentation>
4608 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4609 </xs:documentation>
4610 </xs:annotation>
4611 </xs:element>
4612 </xs:sequence>
4613 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4614 <xs:annotation>
4615 <xs:documentation>
4616 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4617 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4618 </xs:documentation>
4619 </xs:annotation>
4620 </xs:attribute>
4621 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4622 <xs:annotation>
4623 <xs:documentation>
4624 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4625 </xs:documentation>
4626 </xs:annotation>
4627 </xs:attribute>
4628 </xs:complexType>
4629 </xs:element>
4630 <xs:element name="library_visual_scenes">
4631 <xs:annotation>
4632 <xs:documentation>
4633 The library_visual_scenes element declares a module of visual_scene elements.
4634 </xs:documentation>
4635 </xs:annotation>
4636 <xs:complexType>
4637 <xs:sequence>
4638 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4639 <xs:annotation>
4640 <xs:documentation>
4641 The library_visual_scenes element may contain an asset element.
4642 </xs:documentation>
4643 </xs:annotation>
4644 </xs:element>
4645 <xs:element ref="visual_scene" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4646 <xs:annotation>
4647 <xs:documentation>
4648 There must be at least one visual_scene element.
4649 </xs:documentation>
4650 </xs:annotation>
4651 </xs:element>
4652 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4653 <xs:annotation>
4654 <xs:documentation>
4655 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4656 </xs:documentation>
4657 </xs:annotation>
4658 </xs:element>
4659 </xs:sequence>
4660 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4661 <xs:annotation>
4662 <xs:documentation>
4663 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4664 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4665 </xs:documentation>
4666 </xs:annotation>
4667 </xs:attribute>
4668 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4669 <xs:annotation>
4670 <xs:documentation>
4671 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4672 </xs:documentation>
4673 </xs:annotation>
4674 </xs:attribute>
4675 </xs:complexType>
4676 </xs:element>
4677 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
4678 <!-- COLLADA FX types in common scope -->
4679 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
4680 <xs:simpleType name="fx_color_common">
4681 <xs:restriction base="float4"/>
4682 </xs:simpleType>
4683 <xs:simpleType name="fx_opaque_enum">
4684 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4685 <xs:enumeration value="A_ONE">
4686 <xs:annotation>
4687 <xs:documentation>
4688 When a transparent opaque attribute is set to A_ONE, it means the transparency information will be taken from the alpha channel of the color, texture, or parameter supplying the value. The value of 1.0 is opaque in this mode.
4689 </xs:documentation>
4690 </xs:annotation>
4691 </xs:enumeration>
4692 <xs:enumeration value="RGB_ZERO">
4693 <xs:annotation>
4694 <xs:documentation>
4695 When a transparent opaque attribute is set to RGB_ZERO, it means the transparency information will be taken from the red, green, and blue channels of the color, texture, or parameter supplying the value. Each channel is modulated independently. The value of 0.0 is opaque in this mode.
4696 </xs:documentation>
4697 </xs:annotation>
4698 </xs:enumeration>
4699 </xs:restriction>
4700 </xs:simpleType>
4701 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_type_enum">
4702 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4703 <xs:enumeration value="UNTYPED">
4704 <xs:annotation>
4705 <xs:documentation>
4706 When a surface's type attribute is set to UNTYPED, its type is initially unknown and established later by the context in which it is used, such as by a texture sampler that references it. A surface of any other type may be changed into an UNTYPED surface at run-time, as if it were created by &lt;newparam&gt;, using &lt;setparam&gt;. If there is a type mismatch between a &lt;setparam&gt; operation and what the run-time decides the type should be, the result is profile- and platform-specific behavior.
4707 </xs:documentation>
4708 </xs:annotation>
4709 </xs:enumeration>
4710 <xs:enumeration value="1D"/>
4711 <xs:enumeration value="2D"/>
4712 <xs:enumeration value="3D"/>
4713 <xs:enumeration value="RECT"/>
4714 <xs:enumeration value="CUBE"/>
4715 <xs:enumeration value="DEPTH"/>
4716 </xs:restriction>
4717 </xs:simpleType>
4718 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_face_enum">
4719 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4720 <xs:enumeration value="POSITIVE_X"/>
4721 <xs:enumeration value="NEGATIVE_X"/>
4722 <xs:enumeration value="POSITIVE_Y"/>
4723 <xs:enumeration value="NEGATIVE_Y"/>
4724 <xs:enumeration value="POSITIVE_Z"/>
4725 <xs:enumeration value="NEGATIVE_Z"/>
4726 </xs:restriction>
4727 </xs:simpleType>
4728 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_channels_enum">
4729 <xs:annotation>
4730 <xs:documentation>The per-texel layout of the format. The length of the string indicate how many channels there are and the letter respresents the name of the channel. There are typically 0 to 4 channels.</xs:documentation>
4731 </xs:annotation>
4732 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4733 <xs:enumeration value="RGB">
4734 <xs:annotation>
4735 <xs:documentation>RGB color map</xs:documentation>
4736 </xs:annotation>
4737 </xs:enumeration>
4738 <xs:enumeration value="RGBA">
4739 <xs:annotation>
4740 <xs:documentation>RGB color + Alpha map often used for color + transparency or other things packed into channel A like specular power </xs:documentation>
4741 </xs:annotation>
4742 </xs:enumeration>
4743 <xs:enumeration value="L">
4744 <xs:annotation>
4745 <xs:documentation>Luminance map often used for light mapping </xs:documentation>
4746 </xs:annotation>
4747 </xs:enumeration>
4748 <xs:enumeration value="LA">
4749 <xs:annotation>
4750 <xs:documentation>Luminance+Alpha map often used for light mapping </xs:documentation>
4751 </xs:annotation>
4752 </xs:enumeration>
4753 <xs:enumeration value="D">
4754 <xs:annotation>
4755 <xs:documentation>Depth map often used for displacement, parellax, relief, or shadow mapping </xs:documentation>
4756 </xs:annotation>
4757 </xs:enumeration>
4758 <xs:enumeration value="XYZ">
4759 <xs:annotation>
4760 <xs:documentation>Typically used for normal maps or 3component displacement maps.</xs:documentation>
4761 </xs:annotation>
4762 </xs:enumeration>
4763 <xs:enumeration value="XYZW">
4764 <xs:annotation>
4765 <xs:documentation>Typically used for normal maps where W is the depth for relief or parrallax mapping </xs:documentation>
4766 </xs:annotation>
4767 </xs:enumeration>
4768 </xs:restriction>
4769 </xs:simpleType>
4770 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_precision_enum">
4771 <xs:annotation>
4772 <xs:documentation>Each channel of the texel has a precision. Typically these are all linked together. An exact format lay lower the precision of an individual channel but applying a higher precision by linking the channels together may still convey the same information.</xs:documentation>
4773 </xs:annotation>
4774 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4775 <xs:enumeration value="LOW">
4776 <xs:annotation>
4777 <xs:documentation>For integers this typically represents 8 bits. For floats typically 16 bits.</xs:documentation>
4778 </xs:annotation>
4779 </xs:enumeration>
4780 <xs:enumeration value="MID">
4781 <xs:annotation>
4782 <xs:documentation>For integers this typically represents 8 to 24 bits. For floats typically 16 to 32 bits.</xs:documentation>
4783 </xs:annotation>
4784 </xs:enumeration>
4785 <xs:enumeration value="HIGH">
4786 <xs:annotation>
4787 <xs:documentation>For integers this typically represents 16 to 32 bits. For floats typically 24 to 32 bits.</xs:documentation>
4788 </xs:annotation>
4789 </xs:enumeration>
4790 </xs:restriction>
4791 </xs:simpleType>
4792 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_range_enum">
4793 <xs:annotation>
4794 <xs:documentation>Each channel represents a range of values. Some example ranges are signed or unsigned integers, or between between a clamped range such as 0.0f to 1.0f, or high dynamic range via floating point</xs:documentation>
4795 </xs:annotation>
4796 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4797 <xs:enumeration value="SNORM">
4798 <xs:annotation>
4799 <xs:documentation>Format is representing a decimal value that remains within the -1 to 1 range. Implimentation could be integer-fixedpoint or floats.</xs:documentation>
4800 </xs:annotation>
4801 </xs:enumeration>
4802 <xs:enumeration value="UNORM">
4803 <xs:annotation>
4804 <xs:documentation>Format is representing a decimal value that remains within the 0 to 1 range. Implimentation could be integer-fixedpoint or floats.</xs:documentation>
4805 </xs:annotation>
4806 </xs:enumeration>
4807 <xs:enumeration value="SINT">
4808 <xs:annotation>
4809 <xs:documentation>Format is representing signed integer numbers. (ex. 8bits = -128 to 127)</xs:documentation>
4810 </xs:annotation>
4811 </xs:enumeration>
4812 <xs:enumeration value="UINT">
4813 <xs:annotation>
4814 <xs:documentation>Format is representing unsigned integer numbers. (ex. 8bits = 0 to 255)</xs:documentation>
4815 </xs:annotation>
4816 </xs:enumeration>
4817 <xs:enumeration value="FLOAT">
4818 <xs:annotation>
4819 <xs:documentation>Format should support full floating point ranges. High precision is expected to be 32bit. Mid precision may be 16 to 32 bit. Low precision is expected to be 16 bit.</xs:documentation>
4820 </xs:annotation>
4821 </xs:enumeration>
4822 </xs:restriction>
4823 </xs:simpleType>
4824 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_option_enum">
4825 <xs:annotation>
4826 <xs:documentation>Additional hints about data relationships and other things to help the application pick the best format.</xs:documentation>
4827 </xs:annotation>
4828 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4829 <xs:enumeration value="SRGB_GAMMA">
4830 <xs:annotation>
4831 <xs:documentation>colors are stored with respect to the sRGB 2.2 gamma curve rather than linear</xs:documentation>
4832 </xs:annotation>
4833 </xs:enumeration>
4834 <xs:enumeration value="NORMALIZED3">
4835 <xs:annotation>
4836 <xs:documentation>the texel's XYZ/RGB should be normalized such as in a normal map.</xs:documentation>
4837 </xs:annotation>
4838 </xs:enumeration>
4839 <xs:enumeration value="NORMALIZED4">
4840 <xs:annotation>
4841 <xs:documentation>the texel's XYZW/RGBA should be normalized such as in a normal map.</xs:documentation>
4842 </xs:annotation>
4843 </xs:enumeration>
4844 <xs:enumeration value="COMPRESSABLE">
4845 <xs:annotation>
4846 <xs:documentation>The surface may use run-time compression. Considering the best compression based on desired, channel, range, precision, and options </xs:documentation>
4847 </xs:annotation>
4848 </xs:enumeration>
4849 </xs:restriction>
4850 </xs:simpleType>
4851 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_format_hint_common">
4852 <xs:annotation>
4853 <xs:documentation>If the exact format cannot be resolve via other methods then the format_hint will describe the important features of the format so that the application may select a compatible or close format</xs:documentation>
4854 </xs:annotation>
4855 <xs:sequence>
4856 <xs:element name="channels" type="fx_surface_format_hint_channels_enum">
4857 <xs:annotation>
4858 <xs:documentation>The per-texel layout of the format. The length of the string indicate how many channels there are and the letter respresents the name of the channel. There are typically 0 to 4 channels.</xs:documentation>
4859 </xs:annotation>
4860 </xs:element>
4861 <xs:element name="range" type="fx_surface_format_hint_range_enum">
4862 <xs:annotation>
4863 <xs:documentation>Each channel represents a range of values. Some example ranges are signed or unsigned integers, or between between a clamped range such as 0.0f to 1.0f, or high dynamic range via floating point</xs:documentation>
4864 </xs:annotation>
4865 </xs:element>
4866 <xs:element name="precision" type="fx_surface_format_hint_precision_enum" minOccurs="0">
4867 <xs:annotation>
4868 <xs:documentation>Each channel of the texel has a precision. Typically these are all linked together. An exact format lay lower the precision of an individual channel but applying a higher precision by linking the channels together may still convey the same information.</xs:documentation>
4869 </xs:annotation>
4870 </xs:element>
4871 <xs:element name="option" type="fx_surface_format_hint_option_enum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4872 <xs:annotation>
4873 <xs:documentation>Additional hints about data relationships and other things to help the application pick the best format.</xs:documentation>
4874 </xs:annotation>
4875 </xs:element>
4876 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
4877 </xs:sequence>
4878 </xs:complexType>
4879 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_planar_common">
4880 <xs:annotation>
4881 <xs:documentation>For 1D, 2D, RECT surface types</xs:documentation>
4882 </xs:annotation>
4883 <xs:choice>
4884 <xs:annotation>
4885 <xs:documentation>This choice exists for consistency with other init types (volume and cube). When other initialization methods are needed.</xs:documentation>
4886 </xs:annotation>
4887 <xs:element name="all">
4888 <xs:annotation>
4889 <xs:documentation>Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4890 </xs:annotation>
4891 <xs:complexType>
4892 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4893 </xs:complexType>
4894 </xs:element>
4895 </xs:choice>
4896 </xs:complexType>
4897 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_volume_common">
4898 <xs:choice>
4899 <xs:element name="all">
4900 <xs:annotation>
4901 <xs:documentation>Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4902 </xs:annotation>
4903 <xs:complexType>
4904 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4905 </xs:complexType>
4906 </xs:element>
4907 <xs:element name="primary">
4908 <xs:annotation>
4909 <xs:documentation>Init mip level 0 of the surface with one compound image such as DDS. Use of this element expects that the surface has element mip_levels=0 or mipmap_generate.</xs:documentation>
4910 </xs:annotation>
4911 <xs:complexType>
4912 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4913 </xs:complexType>
4914 </xs:element>
4915 </xs:choice>
4916 </xs:complexType>
4917 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_cube_common">
4918 <xs:choice>
4919 <xs:element name="all">
4920 <xs:annotation>
4921 <xs:documentation>Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4922 </xs:annotation>
4923 <xs:complexType>
4924 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4925 </xs:complexType>
4926 </xs:element>
4927 <xs:element name="primary">
4928 <xs:annotation>
4929 <xs:documentation>Init all primary mip level 0 subsurfaces with one compound image such as DDS. Use of this element expects that the surface has element mip_levels=0 or mipmap_generate.</xs:documentation>
4930 </xs:annotation>
4931 <xs:complexType>
4932 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
4933 <xs:annotation>
4934 <xs:documentation>This sequence exists to allow the order elements to be optional but require that if they exist there must be 6 of them.</xs:documentation>
4935 </xs:annotation>
4936 <xs:element name="order" type="fx_surface_face_enum" minOccurs="6" maxOccurs="6">
4937 <xs:annotation>
4938 <xs:documentation>If the image dues not natively describe the face ordering then this series of order elements will describe which face the index belongs too</xs:documentation>
4939 </xs:annotation>
4940 </xs:element>
4941 </xs:sequence>
4942 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4943 </xs:complexType>
4944 </xs:element>
4945 <xs:element name="face" minOccurs="6" maxOccurs="6">
4946 <xs:annotation>
4947 <xs:documentation>Init each face mipchain with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4948 </xs:annotation>
4949 <xs:complexType>
4950 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4951 </xs:complexType>
4952 </xs:element>
4953 </xs:choice>
4954 </xs:complexType>
4955 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_from_common">
4956 <xs:annotation>
4957 <xs:documentation>
4958 This element is an IDREF which specifies the image to use to initialize a specific mip of a 1D or 2D surface, 3D slice, or Cube face.
4959 </xs:documentation>
4960 </xs:annotation>
4961 <xs:simpleContent>
4962 <xs:extension base="xs:IDREF">
4963 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:unsignedInt" default="0"/>
4964 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:unsignedInt" default="0"/>
4965 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
4966 </xs:extension>
4967 </xs:simpleContent>
4968 </xs:complexType>
4969 <xs:group name="fx_surface_init_common">
4970 <xs:annotation>
4971 <xs:documentation>The common set of initialization options for surfaces. Choose which is appropriate for your surface based on type and other characteristics. described by the annotation docs on the child elements.</xs:documentation>
4972 </xs:annotation>
4973 <xs:choice>
4974 <xs:element name="init_as_null">
4975 <xs:annotation>
4976 <xs:documentation>This surface is intended to be initialized later externally by a "setparam" element. If it is used before being initialized there is profile and platform specific behavior. Most elements on the surface element containing this will be ignored including mip_levels, mipmap_generate, size, viewport_ratio, and format.</xs:documentation>
4977 </xs:annotation>
4978 </xs:element>
4979 <xs:element name="init_as_target">
4980 <xs:annotation>
4981 <xs:documentation>Init as a target for depth, stencil, or color. It does not need image data. Surface should not have mipmap_generate when using this.</xs:documentation>
4982 </xs:annotation>
4983 </xs:element>
4984 <xs:element name="init_cube" type="fx_surface_init_cube_common">
4985 <xs:annotation>
4986 <xs:documentation>Init a CUBE from a compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4987 </xs:annotation>
4988 </xs:element>
4989 <xs:element name="init_volume" type="fx_surface_init_volume_common">
4990 <xs:annotation>
4991 <xs:documentation>Init a 3D from a compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4992 </xs:annotation>
4993 </xs:element>
4994 <xs:element name="init_planar" type="fx_surface_init_planar_common">
4995 <xs:annotation>
4996 <xs:documentation>Init a 1D,2D,RECT,DEPTH from a compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4997 </xs:annotation>
4998 </xs:element>
4999 <xs:element name="init_from" type="fx_surface_init_from_common" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5000 <xs:annotation>
5001 <xs:documentation>Initialize the surface one sub-surface at a time by specifying combinations of mip, face, and slice which make sense for a particular surface type. Each sub-surface is initialized by a common 2D image, not a complex compound image such as DDS. If not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces</xs:documentation>
5002 </xs:annotation>
5003 </xs:element>
5004 </xs:choice>
5005 </xs:group>
5006 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_common">
5007 <xs:annotation>
5008 <xs:documentation>
5009 The fx_surface_common type is used to declare a resource that can be used both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering pass.
5010 </xs:documentation>
5011 </xs:annotation>
5012 <xs:sequence>
5013 <xs:group ref="fx_surface_init_common" minOccurs="0">
5014 <xs:annotation>
5015 <xs:documentation>The common set of initialization options for surfaces. Choose which is appropriate for your surface based on the type attribute and other characteristics described by the annotation docs on the choiced child elements of this type.</xs:documentation>
5016 </xs:annotation>
5017 </xs:group>
5018 <xs:element name="format" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0">
5019 <xs:annotation>
5020 <xs:documentation>Contains a string representing the profile and platform specific texel format that the author would like this surface to use. If this element is not specified then the application will use a common format R8G8B8A8 with linear color gradient, not sRGB.</xs:documentation>
5021 </xs:annotation>
5022 </xs:element>
5023 <xs:element name="format_hint" type="fx_surface_format_hint_common" minOccurs="0">
5024 <xs:annotation>
5025 <xs:documentation>If the exact format cannot be resolved via the "format" element then the format_hint will describe the important features of the format so that the application may select a compatible or close format</xs:documentation>
5026 </xs:annotation>
5027 </xs:element>
5028 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
5029 <xs:element name="size" type="int3" default="0 0 0">
5030 <xs:annotation>
5031 <xs:documentation>The surface should be sized to these exact dimensions</xs:documentation>
5032 </xs:annotation>
5033 </xs:element>
5034 <xs:element name="viewport_ratio" type="float2" default="1 1">
5035 <xs:annotation>
5036 <xs:documentation>The surface should be sized to a dimension based on this ratio of the viewport's dimensions in pixels</xs:documentation>
5037 </xs:annotation>
5038 </xs:element>
5039 </xs:choice>
5040 <xs:element name="mip_levels" type="xs:unsignedInt" default="0" minOccurs="0">
5041 <xs:annotation>
5042 <xs:documentation>the surface should contain the following number of MIP levels. If this element is not present it is assumed that all miplevels exist until a dimension becomes 1 texel. To create a surface that has only one level of mip maps (mip=0) set this to 1. If the value is 0 the result is the same as if mip_levels was unspecified, all possible mip_levels will exist.</xs:documentation>
5043 </xs:annotation>
5044 </xs:element>
5045 <xs:element name="mipmap_generate" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
5046 <xs:annotation>
5047 <xs:documentation>By default it is assumed that mipmaps are supplied by the author so, if not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces</xs:documentation>
5048 </xs:annotation>
5049 </xs:element>
5050 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5051 </xs:sequence>
5052 <xs:attribute name="type" type="fx_surface_type_enum" use="required">
5053 <xs:annotation>
5054 <xs:documentation>Specifying the type of a surface is mandatory though the type may be "UNTYPED". When a surface is typed as UNTYPED, it is said to be temporarily untyped and instead will be typed later by the context it is used in such as which samplers reference it in that are used in a particular technique or pass. If there is a type mismatch between what is set into it later and what the runtime decides the type should be the result in profile and platform specific behavior.</xs:documentation>
5055 </xs:annotation>
5056 </xs:attribute>
5057 </xs:complexType>
5058 <xs:simpleType name="fx_sampler_wrap_common">
5059 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
5060 <xs:enumeration value="NONE"/>
5061 <xs:enumeration value="WRAP"/>
5062 <xs:enumeration value="MIRROR"/>
5063 <xs:enumeration value="CLAMP"/>
5064 <xs:enumeration value="BORDER"/>
5065 </xs:restriction>
5066 </xs:simpleType>
5067 <xs:simpleType name="fx_sampler_filter_common">
5068 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
5069 <xs:enumeration value="NONE"/>
5070 <xs:enumeration value="NEAREST"/>
5071 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR"/>
5072 <xs:enumeration value="NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST"/>
5073 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"/>
5074 <xs:enumeration value="NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR"/>
5075 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"/>
5076 </xs:restriction>
5077 </xs:simpleType>
5078 <xs:complexType name="fx_sampler1D_common">
5079 <xs:annotation>
5080 <xs:documentation>
5081 A one-dimensional texture sampler.
5082 </xs:documentation>
5083 </xs:annotation>
5084 <xs:sequence>
5085 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5086 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5087 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5088 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5089 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5090 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5091 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="0" minOccurs="0"/>
5092 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5093 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5094 </xs:sequence>
5095 </xs:complexType>
5096 <xs:complexType name="fx_sampler2D_common">
5097 <xs:annotation>
5098 <xs:documentation>
5099 A two-dimensional texture sampler.
5100 </xs:documentation>
5101 </xs:annotation>
5102 <xs:sequence>
5103 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5104 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5105 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5106 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5107 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5108 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5109 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5110 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5111 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5112 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5113 </xs:sequence>
5114 </xs:complexType>
5115 <xs:complexType name="fx_sampler3D_common">
5116 <xs:annotation>
5117 <xs:documentation>
5118 A three-dimensional texture sampler.
5119 </xs:documentation>
5120 </xs:annotation>
5121 <xs:sequence>
5122 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5123 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5124 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5125 <xs:element name="wrap_p" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5126 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5127 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5128 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5129 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5130 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5131 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5132 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5133 </xs:sequence>
5134 </xs:complexType>
5135 <xs:complexType name="fx_samplerCUBE_common">
5136 <xs:annotation>
5137 <xs:documentation>
5138 A texture sampler for cube maps.
5139 </xs:documentation>
5140 </xs:annotation>
5141 <xs:sequence>
5142 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5143 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5144 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5145 <xs:element name="wrap_p" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5146 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5147 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5148 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5149 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5150 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5151 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5152 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5153 </xs:sequence>
5154 </xs:complexType>
5155 <xs:complexType name="fx_samplerRECT_common">
5156 <xs:annotation>
5157 <xs:documentation>
5158 A two-dimensional texture sampler.
5159 </xs:documentation>
5160 </xs:annotation>
5161 <xs:sequence>
5162 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5163 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5164 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5165 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5166 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5167 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5168 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5169 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5170 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5171 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5172 </xs:sequence>
5173 </xs:complexType>
5174 <xs:complexType name="fx_samplerDEPTH_common">
5175 <xs:annotation>
5176 <xs:documentation>
5177 A texture sampler for depth maps.
5178 </xs:documentation>
5179 </xs:annotation>
5180 <xs:sequence>
5181 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5182 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5183 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5184 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5185 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5186 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5187 </xs:sequence>
5188 </xs:complexType>
5189 <xs:group name="fx_annotate_type_common">
5190 <xs:annotation>
5191 <xs:documentation>
5192 A group that specifies the allowable types for an annotation.
5193 </xs:documentation>
5194 </xs:annotation>
5195 <xs:choice>
5196 <xs:element name="bool" type="bool"/>
5197 <xs:element name="bool2" type="bool2"/>
5198 <xs:element name="bool3" type="bool3"/>
5199 <xs:element name="bool4" type="bool4"/>
5200 <xs:element name="int" type="int"/>
5201 <xs:element name="int2" type="int2"/>
5202 <xs:element name="int3" type="int3"/>
5203 <xs:element name="int4" type="int4"/>
5204 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
5205 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
5206 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
5207 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
5208 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="float2x2"/>
5209 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="float3x3"/>
5210 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="float4x4"/>
5211 <xs:element name="string" type="xs:string"/>
5212 </xs:choice>
5213 </xs:group>
5214 <xs:group name="fx_basic_type_common">
5215 <xs:annotation>
5216 <xs:documentation>
5217 A group that specifies the allowable types for effect scoped parameters.
5218 </xs:documentation>
5219 </xs:annotation>
5220 <xs:choice>
5221 <xs:element name="bool" type="bool"/>
5222 <xs:element name="bool2" type="bool2"/>
5223 <xs:element name="bool3" type="bool3"/>
5224 <xs:element name="bool4" type="bool4"/>
5225 <xs:element name="int" type="int"/>
5226 <xs:element name="int2" type="int2"/>
5227 <xs:element name="int3" type="int3"/>
5228 <xs:element name="int4" type="int4"/>
5229 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
5230 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
5231 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
5232 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
5233 <xs:element name="float1x1" type="float"/>
5234 <xs:element name="float1x2" type="float2"/>
5235 <xs:element name="float1x3" type="float3"/>
5236 <xs:element name="float1x4" type="float4"/>
5237 <xs:element name="float2x1" type="float2"/>
5238 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="float2x2"/>
5239 <xs:element name="float2x3" type="float2x3"/>
5240 <xs:element name="float2x4" type="float2x4"/>
5241 <xs:element name="float3x1" type="float3"/>
5242 <xs:element name="float3x2" type="float3x2"/>
5243 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="float3x3"/>
5244 <xs:element name="float3x4" type="float3x4"/>
5245 <xs:element name="float4x1" type="float4"/>
5246 <xs:element name="float4x2" type="float4x2"/>
5247 <xs:element name="float4x3" type="float4x3"/>
5248 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="float4x4"/>
5249 <xs:element name="surface" type="fx_surface_common"/>
5250 <xs:element name="sampler1D" type="fx_sampler1D_common"/>
5251 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
5252 <xs:element name="sampler3D" type="fx_sampler3D_common"/>
5253 <xs:element name="samplerCUBE" type="fx_samplerCUBE_common"/>
5254 <xs:element name="samplerRECT" type="fx_samplerRECT_common"/>
5255 <xs:element name="samplerDEPTH" type="fx_samplerDEPTH_common"/>
5256 <xs:element name="enum" type="xs:string"/>
5257 </xs:choice>
5258 </xs:group>
5259 <xs:simpleType name="fx_modifier_enum_common">
5260 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
5261 <xs:enumeration value="CONST"/>
5262 <xs:enumeration value="UNIFORM"/>
5263 <xs:enumeration value="VARYING"/>
5264 <xs:enumeration value="STATIC"/>
5265 <xs:enumeration value="VOLATILE"/>
5266 <xs:enumeration value="EXTERN"/>
5267 <xs:enumeration value="SHARED"/>
5268 </xs:restriction>
5269 </xs:simpleType>
5270 <xs:complexType name="fx_colortarget_common">
5271 <xs:simpleContent>
5272 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
5273 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5274 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" use="optional" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
5275 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5276 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5277 </xs:extension>
5278 </xs:simpleContent>
5279 </xs:complexType>
5280 <xs:complexType name="fx_depthtarget_common">
5281 <xs:simpleContent>
5282 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
5283 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5284 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" use="optional" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
5285 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5286 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5287 </xs:extension>
5288 </xs:simpleContent>
5289 </xs:complexType>
5290 <xs:complexType name="fx_stenciltarget_common">
5291 <xs:simpleContent>
5292 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
5293 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5294 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" use="optional" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
5295 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5296 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5297 </xs:extension>
5298 </xs:simpleContent>
5299 </xs:complexType>
5300 <xs:complexType name="fx_clearcolor_common">
5301 <xs:simpleContent>
5302 <xs:extension base="fx_color_common">
5303 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5304 </xs:extension>
5305 </xs:simpleContent>
5306 </xs:complexType>
5307 <xs:complexType name="fx_cleardepth_common">
5308 <xs:simpleContent>
5309 <xs:extension base="float">
5310 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5311 </xs:extension>
5312 </xs:simpleContent>
5313 </xs:complexType>
5314 <xs:complexType name="fx_clearstencil_common">
5315 <xs:simpleContent>
5316 <xs:extension base="xs:byte">
5317 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5318 </xs:extension>
5319 </xs:simpleContent>
5320 </xs:complexType>
5321 <xs:simpleType name="fx_draw_common">
5322 <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
5323 </xs:simpleType>
5324 <xs:simpleType name="fx_pipeline_stage_common">
5325 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5326 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEXPROGRAM"/>
5327 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENTPROGRAM"/>
5328 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEXSHADER"/>
5329 <xs:enumeration value="PIXELSHADER"/>
5330 </xs:restriction>
5331 </xs:simpleType>
5332 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
5333 <!-- COLLADA FX elements in common scope -->
5334 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
5335 <xs:complexType name="fx_annotate_common">
5336 <xs:sequence>
5337 <xs:group ref="fx_annotate_type_common"/>
5338 </xs:sequence>
5339 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
5340 </xs:complexType>
5341 <xs:complexType name="fx_include_common">
5342 <xs:annotation>
5343 <xs:documentation>
5344 The include element is used to import source code or precompiled binary shaders into the FX Runtime by referencing an external resource.
5345 </xs:documentation>
5346 </xs:annotation>
5347 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
5348 <xs:annotation>
5349 <xs:documentation>
5350 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
5351 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
5352 </xs:documentation>
5353 </xs:annotation>
5354 </xs:attribute>
5355 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
5356 <xs:annotation>
5357 <xs:documentation>
5358 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
5359 fragment identifier that begins with the "#" character. The url attribute may refer to an external
5360 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
5361 </xs:documentation>
5362 </xs:annotation>
5363 </xs:attribute>
5364 </xs:complexType>
5365 <xs:complexType name="fx_newparam_common">
5366 <xs:annotation>
5367 <xs:documentation>
5368 This element creates a new, named param object in the FX Runtime, assigns it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time.
5369 </xs:documentation>
5370 </xs:annotation>
5371 <xs:sequence>
5372 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5373 <xs:annotation>
5374 <xs:documentation>
5375 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param.
5376 </xs:documentation>
5377 </xs:annotation>
5378 </xs:element>
5379 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0">
5380 <xs:annotation>
5381 <xs:documentation>
5382 The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param.
5383 </xs:documentation>
5384 </xs:annotation>
5385 </xs:element>
5386 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0">
5387 <xs:annotation>
5388 <xs:documentation>
5389 The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param.
5390 </xs:documentation>
5391 </xs:annotation>
5392 </xs:element>
5393 <xs:group ref="fx_basic_type_common"/>
5394 </xs:sequence>
5395 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
5396 <xs:annotation>
5397 <xs:documentation>
5398 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
5399 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
5400 </xs:documentation>
5401 </xs:annotation>
5402 </xs:attribute>
5403 </xs:complexType>
5404 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5405 <!-- COLLADA FX types in profile scope -->
5406 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5407 <xs:complexType name="fx_code_profile">
5408 <xs:annotation>
5409 <xs:documentation>
5410 The fx_code_profile type allows you to specify an inline block of source code.
5411 </xs:documentation>
5412 </xs:annotation>
5413 <xs:simpleContent>
5414 <xs:extension base="xs:string">
5415 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
5416 <xs:annotation>
5417 <xs:documentation>
5418 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
5419 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
5420 </xs:documentation>
5421 </xs:annotation>
5422 </xs:attribute>
5423 </xs:extension>
5424 </xs:simpleContent>
5425 </xs:complexType>
5426 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5427 <!-- COLLADA FX effect elements -->
5428 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5429 <xs:element name="fx_profile_abstract" abstract="true">
5430 <xs:annotation>
5431 <xs:documentation>
5432 The fx_profile_abstract element is only used as a substitution group hook for COLLADA FX profiles.
5433 </xs:documentation>
5434 </xs:annotation>
5435 </xs:element>
5436 <xs:element name="effect">
5437 <xs:annotation>
5438 <xs:documentation>
5439 A self contained description of a shader effect.
5440 </xs:documentation>
5441 </xs:annotation>
5442 <xs:complexType>
5443 <xs:sequence>
5444 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
5445 <xs:annotation>
5446 <xs:documentation>
5447 The effect element may contain an asset element.
5448 </xs:documentation>
5449 </xs:annotation>
5450 </xs:element>
5451 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5452 <xs:annotation>
5453 <xs:documentation>
5454 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation on this effect.
5455 </xs:documentation>
5456 </xs:annotation>
5457 </xs:element>
5458 <xs:element ref="image" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5459 <xs:annotation>
5460 <xs:documentation>
5461 The image element allows you to create image resources which can be shared by multiple profiles.
5462 </xs:documentation>
5463 </xs:annotation>
5464 </xs:element>
5465 <xs:element name="newparam" type="fx_newparam_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5466 <xs:annotation>
5467 <xs:documentation>
5468 The newparam element allows you to create new effect parameters which can be shared by multiple profiles.
5469 </xs:documentation>
5470 </xs:annotation>
5471 </xs:element>
5472 <xs:element ref="fx_profile_abstract" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5473 <xs:annotation>
5474 <xs:documentation>
5475 This is the substitution group hook which allows you to swap in other COLLADA FX profiles.
5476 </xs:documentation>
5477 </xs:annotation>
5478 </xs:element>
5479 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5480 <xs:annotation>
5481 <xs:documentation>
5482 The extra element may appear any number of times.
5483 </xs:documentation>
5484 </xs:annotation>
5485 </xs:element>
5486 </xs:sequence>
5487 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required">
5488 <xs:annotation>
5489 <xs:documentation>
5490 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
5491 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
5492 </xs:documentation>
5493 </xs:annotation>
5494 </xs:attribute>
5495 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
5496 <xs:annotation>
5497 <xs:documentation>
5498 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
5499 </xs:documentation>
5500 </xs:annotation>
5501 </xs:attribute>
5502 </xs:complexType>
5503 </xs:element>
5504 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5505 <!-- COLLADA FX GLSL elements -->
5506 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5507 <xs:simpleType name="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index">
5508 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
5509 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
5510 </xs:restriction>
5511 </xs:simpleType>
5512 <xs:simpleType name="GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index">
5513 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
5514 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
5515 </xs:restriction>
5516 </xs:simpleType>
5517 <xs:simpleType name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index">
5518 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
5519 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
5520 </xs:restriction>
5521 </xs:simpleType>
5522 <xs:complexType name="gl_sampler1D">
5523 <xs:annotation>
5524 <xs:documentation>
5525 A one-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5526 </xs:documentation>
5527 </xs:annotation>
5528 <xs:complexContent>
5529 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler1D_common"/>
5530 </xs:complexContent>
5531 </xs:complexType>
5532 <xs:complexType name="gl_sampler2D">
5533 <xs:annotation>
5534 <xs:documentation>
5535 A two-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5536 </xs:documentation>
5537 </xs:annotation>
5538 <xs:complexContent>
5539 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
5540 </xs:complexContent>
5541 </xs:complexType>
5542 <xs:complexType name="gl_sampler3D">
5543 <xs:annotation>
5544 <xs:documentation>
5545 A three-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5546 </xs:documentation>
5547 </xs:annotation>
5548 <xs:complexContent>
5549 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler3D_common"/>
5550 </xs:complexContent>
5551 </xs:complexType>
5552 <xs:complexType name="gl_samplerCUBE">
5553 <xs:annotation>
5554 <xs:documentation>
5555 A cube map texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5556 </xs:documentation>
5557 </xs:annotation>
5558 <xs:complexContent>
5559 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerCUBE_common"/>
5560 </xs:complexContent>
5561 </xs:complexType>
5562 <xs:complexType name="gl_samplerRECT">
5563 <xs:annotation>
5564 <xs:documentation>
5565 A two-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5566 </xs:documentation>
5567 </xs:annotation>
5568 <xs:complexContent>
5569 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerRECT_common"/>
5570 </xs:complexContent>
5571 </xs:complexType>
5572 <xs:complexType name="gl_samplerDEPTH">
5573 <xs:annotation>
5574 <xs:documentation>
5575 A depth texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5576 </xs:documentation>
5577 </xs:annotation>
5578 <xs:complexContent>
5579 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerDEPTH_common"/>
5580 </xs:complexContent>
5581 </xs:complexType>
5582 <xs:simpleType name="gl_blend_type">
5583 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5584 <xs:enumeration value="ZERO">
5585 <xs:annotation>
5586 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0</xs:appinfo>
5587 </xs:annotation>
5588 </xs:enumeration>
5589 <xs:enumeration value="ONE">
5590 <xs:annotation>
5591 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1</xs:appinfo>
5592 </xs:annotation>
5593 </xs:enumeration>
5594 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_COLOR">
5595 <xs:annotation>
5596 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0300</xs:appinfo>
5597 </xs:annotation>
5598 </xs:enumeration>
5599 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR">
5600 <xs:annotation>
5601 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0301</xs:appinfo>
5602 </xs:annotation>
5603 </xs:enumeration>
5604 <xs:enumeration value="DEST_COLOR">
5605 <xs:annotation>
5606 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0306</xs:appinfo>
5607 </xs:annotation>
5608 </xs:enumeration>
5609 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_DEST_COLOR">
5610 <xs:annotation>
5611 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0307</xs:appinfo>
5612 </xs:annotation>
5613 </xs:enumeration>
5614 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA">
5615 <xs:annotation>
5616 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0302</xs:appinfo>
5617 </xs:annotation>
5618 </xs:enumeration>
5619 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA">
5620 <xs:annotation>
5621 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0303</xs:appinfo>
5622 </xs:annotation>
5623 </xs:enumeration>
5624 <xs:enumeration value="DST_ALPHA">
5625 <xs:annotation>
5626 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0304</xs:appinfo>
5627 </xs:annotation>
5628 </xs:enumeration>
5629 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA">
5630 <xs:annotation>
5631 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0305</xs:appinfo>
5632 </xs:annotation>
5633 </xs:enumeration>
5634 <xs:enumeration value="CONSTANT_COLOR">
5635 <xs:annotation>
5636 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8001</xs:appinfo>
5637 </xs:annotation>
5638 </xs:enumeration>
5639 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR">
5640 <xs:annotation>
5641 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8002</xs:appinfo>
5642 </xs:annotation>
5643 </xs:enumeration>
5644 <xs:enumeration value="CONSTANT_ALPHA">
5645 <xs:annotation>
5646 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8003</xs:appinfo>
5647 </xs:annotation>
5648 </xs:enumeration>
5649 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA">
5650 <xs:annotation>
5651 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8004</xs:appinfo>
5652 </xs:annotation>
5653 </xs:enumeration>
5654 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE">
5655 <xs:annotation>
5656 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0308</xs:appinfo>
5657 </xs:annotation>
5658 </xs:enumeration>
5659 </xs:restriction>
5660 </xs:simpleType>
5661 <xs:simpleType name="gl_face_type">
5662 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5663 <xs:enumeration value="FRONT">
5664 <xs:annotation>
5665 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0404</xs:appinfo>
5666 </xs:annotation>
5667 </xs:enumeration>
5668 <xs:enumeration value="BACK">
5669 <xs:annotation>
5670 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0405</xs:appinfo>
5671 </xs:annotation>
5672 </xs:enumeration>
5673 <xs:enumeration value="FRONT_AND_BACK">
5674 <xs:annotation>
5675 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0408</xs:appinfo>
5676 </xs:annotation>
5677 </xs:enumeration>
5678 </xs:restriction>
5679 </xs:simpleType>
5680 <xs:simpleType name="gl_blend_equation_type">
5681 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5682 <xs:enumeration value="FUNC_ADD">
5683 <xs:annotation>
5684 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8006</xs:appinfo>
5685 </xs:annotation>
5686 </xs:enumeration>
5687 <xs:enumeration value="FUNC_SUBTRACT">
5688 <xs:annotation>
5689 <xs:appinfo>value=0x800A</xs:appinfo>
5690 </xs:annotation>
5691 </xs:enumeration>
5692 <xs:enumeration value="FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT">
5693 <xs:annotation>
5694 <xs:appinfo>value=0x800B</xs:appinfo>
5695 </xs:annotation>
5696 </xs:enumeration>
5697 <xs:enumeration value="MIN">
5698 <xs:annotation>
5699 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8007</xs:appinfo>
5700 </xs:annotation>
5701 </xs:enumeration>
5702 <xs:enumeration value="MAX">
5703 <xs:annotation>
5704 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8008</xs:appinfo>
5705 </xs:annotation>
5706 </xs:enumeration>
5707 </xs:restriction>
5708 </xs:simpleType>
5709 <xs:simpleType name="gl_func_type">
5710 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5711 <xs:enumeration value="NEVER">
5712 <xs:annotation>
5713 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0200</xs:appinfo>
5714 </xs:annotation>
5715 </xs:enumeration>
5716 <xs:enumeration value="LESS">
5717 <xs:annotation>
5718 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0201</xs:appinfo>
5719 </xs:annotation>
5720 </xs:enumeration>
5721 <xs:enumeration value="LEQUAL">
5722 <xs:annotation>
5723 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0203</xs:appinfo>
5724 </xs:annotation>
5725 </xs:enumeration>
5726 <xs:enumeration value="EQUAL">
5727 <xs:annotation>
5728 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0202</xs:appinfo>
5729 </xs:annotation>
5730 </xs:enumeration>
5731 <xs:enumeration value="GREATER">
5732 <xs:annotation>
5733 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0204</xs:appinfo>
5734 </xs:annotation>
5735 </xs:enumeration>
5736 <xs:enumeration value="NOTEQUAL">
5737 <xs:annotation>
5738 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0205</xs:appinfo>
5739 </xs:annotation>
5740 </xs:enumeration>
5741 <xs:enumeration value="GEQUAL">
5742 <xs:annotation>
5743 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0206</xs:appinfo>
5744 </xs:annotation>
5745 </xs:enumeration>
5746 <xs:enumeration value="ALWAYS">
5747 <xs:annotation>
5748 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0207</xs:appinfo>
5749 </xs:annotation>
5750 </xs:enumeration>
5751 </xs:restriction>
5752 </xs:simpleType>
5753 <xs:simpleType name="gl_stencil_op_type">
5754 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5755 <xs:enumeration value="KEEP">
5756 <xs:annotation>
5757 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E00</xs:appinfo>
5758 </xs:annotation>
5759 </xs:enumeration>
5760 <xs:enumeration value="ZERO">
5761 <xs:annotation>
5762 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0</xs:appinfo>
5763 </xs:annotation>
5764 </xs:enumeration>
5765 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
5766 <xs:annotation>
5767 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
5768 </xs:annotation>
5769 </xs:enumeration>
5770 <xs:enumeration value="INCR">
5771 <xs:annotation>
5772 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E02</xs:appinfo>
5773 </xs:annotation>
5774 </xs:enumeration>
5775 <xs:enumeration value="DECR">
5776 <xs:annotation>
5777 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E03</xs:appinfo>
5778 </xs:annotation>
5779 </xs:enumeration>
5780 <xs:enumeration value="INVERT">
5781 <xs:annotation>
5782 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150A</xs:appinfo>
5783 </xs:annotation>
5784 </xs:enumeration>
5785 <xs:enumeration value="INCR_WRAP">
5786 <xs:annotation>
5787 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8507</xs:appinfo>
5788 </xs:annotation>
5789 </xs:enumeration>
5790 <xs:enumeration value="DECR_WRAP">
5791 <xs:annotation>
5792 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8508</xs:appinfo>
5793 </xs:annotation>
5794 </xs:enumeration>
5795 </xs:restriction>
5796 </xs:simpleType>
5797 <xs:simpleType name="gl_material_type">
5798 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5799 <xs:enumeration value="EMISSION">
5800 <xs:annotation>
5801 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1600</xs:appinfo>
5802 </xs:annotation>
5803 </xs:enumeration>
5804 <xs:enumeration value="AMBIENT">
5805 <xs:annotation>
5806 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1200</xs:appinfo>
5807 </xs:annotation>
5808 </xs:enumeration>
5809 <xs:enumeration value="DIFFUSE">
5810 <xs:annotation>
5811 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1201</xs:appinfo>
5812 </xs:annotation>
5813 </xs:enumeration>
5814 <xs:enumeration value="SPECULAR">
5815 <xs:annotation>
5816 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1202</xs:appinfo>
5817 </xs:annotation>
5818 </xs:enumeration>
5819 <xs:enumeration value="AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE">
5820 <xs:annotation>
5821 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1602</xs:appinfo>
5822 </xs:annotation>
5823 </xs:enumeration>
5824 </xs:restriction>
5825 </xs:simpleType>
5826 <xs:simpleType name="gl_fog_type">
5827 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5828 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR">
5829 <xs:annotation>
5830 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2601</xs:appinfo>
5831 </xs:annotation>
5832 </xs:enumeration>
5833 <xs:enumeration value="EXP">
5834 <xs:annotation>
5835 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0800</xs:appinfo>
5836 </xs:annotation>
5837 </xs:enumeration>
5838 <xs:enumeration value="EXP2">
5839 <xs:annotation>
5840 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0801</xs:appinfo>
5841 </xs:annotation>
5842 </xs:enumeration>
5843 </xs:restriction>
5844 </xs:simpleType>
5845 <xs:simpleType name="gl_fog_coord_src_type">
5846 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5847 <xs:enumeration value="FOG_COORDINATE">
5848 <xs:annotation>
5849 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8451</xs:appinfo>
5850 </xs:annotation>
5851 </xs:enumeration>
5852 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENT_DEPTH">
5853 <xs:annotation>
5854 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8452</xs:appinfo>
5855 </xs:annotation>
5856 </xs:enumeration>
5857 </xs:restriction>
5858 </xs:simpleType>
5859 <xs:simpleType name="gl_front_face_type">
5860 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5861 <xs:enumeration value="CW">
5862 <xs:annotation>
5863 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0900</xs:appinfo>
5864 </xs:annotation>
5865 </xs:enumeration>
5866 <xs:enumeration value="CCW">
5867 <xs:annotation>
5868 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0901</xs:appinfo>
5869 </xs:annotation>
5870 </xs:enumeration>
5871 </xs:restriction>
5872 </xs:simpleType>
5873 <xs:simpleType name="gl_light_model_color_control_type">
5874 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5875 <xs:enumeration value="SINGLE_COLOR">
5876 <xs:annotation>
5877 <xs:appinfo>value=0x81F9</xs:appinfo>
5878 </xs:annotation>
5879 </xs:enumeration>
5880 <xs:enumeration value="SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR">
5881 <xs:annotation>
5882 <xs:appinfo>value=0x81FA</xs:appinfo>
5883 </xs:annotation>
5884 </xs:enumeration>
5885 </xs:restriction>
5886 </xs:simpleType>
5887 <xs:simpleType name="gl_logic_op_type">
5888 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5889 <xs:enumeration value="CLEAR">
5890 <xs:annotation>
5891 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1500</xs:appinfo>
5892 </xs:annotation>
5893 </xs:enumeration>
5894 <xs:enumeration value="AND">
5895 <xs:annotation>
5896 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1501</xs:appinfo>
5897 </xs:annotation>
5898 </xs:enumeration>
5899 <xs:enumeration value="AND_REVERSE">
5900 <xs:annotation>
5901 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1502</xs:appinfo>
5902 </xs:annotation>
5903 </xs:enumeration>
5904 <xs:enumeration value="COPY">
5905 <xs:annotation>
5906 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1503</xs:appinfo>
5907 </xs:annotation>
5908 </xs:enumeration>
5909 <xs:enumeration value="AND_INVERTED">
5910 <xs:annotation>
5911 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1504</xs:appinfo>
5912 </xs:annotation>
5913 </xs:enumeration>
5914 <xs:enumeration value="NOOP">
5915 <xs:annotation>
5916 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1505</xs:appinfo>
5917 </xs:annotation>
5918 </xs:enumeration>
5919 <xs:enumeration value="XOR">
5920 <xs:annotation>
5921 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1506</xs:appinfo>
5922 </xs:annotation>
5923 </xs:enumeration>
5924 <xs:enumeration value="OR">
5925 <xs:annotation>
5926 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1507</xs:appinfo>
5927 </xs:annotation>
5928 </xs:enumeration>
5929 <xs:enumeration value="NOR">
5930 <xs:annotation>
5931 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1508</xs:appinfo>
5932 </xs:annotation>
5933 </xs:enumeration>
5934 <xs:enumeration value="EQUIV">
5935 <xs:annotation>
5936 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1509</xs:appinfo>
5937 </xs:annotation>
5938 </xs:enumeration>
5939 <xs:enumeration value="INVERT">
5940 <xs:annotation>
5941 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150A</xs:appinfo>
5942 </xs:annotation>
5943 </xs:enumeration>
5944 <xs:enumeration value="OR_REVERSE">
5945 <xs:annotation>
5946 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150B</xs:appinfo>
5947 </xs:annotation>
5948 </xs:enumeration>
5949 <xs:enumeration value="COPY_INVERTED">
5950 <xs:annotation>
5951 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150C</xs:appinfo>
5952 </xs:annotation>
5953 </xs:enumeration>
5954 <xs:enumeration value="NAND">
5955 <xs:annotation>
5956 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150E</xs:appinfo>
5957 </xs:annotation>
5958 </xs:enumeration>
5959 <xs:enumeration value="SET">
5960 <xs:annotation>
5961 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150F</xs:appinfo>
5962 </xs:annotation>
5963 </xs:enumeration>
5964 </xs:restriction>
5965 </xs:simpleType>
5966 <xs:simpleType name="gl_polygon_mode_type">
5967 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5968 <xs:enumeration value="POINT">
5969 <xs:annotation>
5970 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1B00</xs:appinfo>
5971 </xs:annotation>
5972 </xs:enumeration>
5973 <xs:enumeration value="LINE">
5974 <xs:annotation>
5975 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1B01</xs:appinfo>
5976 </xs:annotation>
5977 </xs:enumeration>
5978 <xs:enumeration value="FILL">
5979 <xs:annotation>
5980 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1B02</xs:appinfo>
5981 </xs:annotation>
5982 </xs:enumeration>
5983 </xs:restriction>
5984 </xs:simpleType>
5985 <xs:simpleType name="gl_shade_model_type">
5986 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5987 <xs:enumeration value="FLAT">
5988 <xs:annotation>
5989 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1D00</xs:appinfo>
5990 </xs:annotation>
5991 </xs:enumeration>
5992 <xs:enumeration value="SMOOTH">
5993 <xs:annotation>
5994 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1D01</xs:appinfo>
5995 </xs:annotation>
5996 </xs:enumeration>
5997 </xs:restriction>
5998 </xs:simpleType>
5999 <xs:simpleType name="gl_alpha_value_type">
6000 <xs:restriction base="xs:float">
6001 <xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
6002 <xs:maxInclusive value="1.0"/>
6003 </xs:restriction>
6004 </xs:simpleType>
6005 <xs:simpleType name="gl_enumeration">
6006 <xs:union memberTypes="gl_blend_type gl_face_type gl_blend_equation_type gl_func_type gl_stencil_op_type gl_material_type gl_fog_type gl_fog_coord_src_type gl_front_face_type gl_light_model_color_control_type gl_logic_op_type gl_polygon_mode_type gl_shade_model_type"/>
6007 </xs:simpleType>
6008 <xs:group name="gl_pipeline_settings">
6009 <xs:annotation>
6010 <xs:documentation>
6011 A group that defines all of the renderstates used for the CG and GLSL profiles.
6012 </xs:documentation>
6013 </xs:annotation>
6014 <xs:choice>
6015 <xs:element name="alpha_func">
6016 <xs:complexType>
6017 <xs:sequence>
6018 <xs:element name="func">
6019 <xs:complexType>
6020 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6021 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6022 </xs:complexType>
6023 </xs:element>
6024 <xs:element name="value">
6025 <xs:complexType>
6026 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_alpha_value_type" use="optional" default="0.0"/>
6027 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6028 </xs:complexType>
6029 </xs:element>
6030 </xs:sequence>
6031 </xs:complexType>
6032 </xs:element>
6033 <xs:element name="blend_func">
6034 <xs:complexType>
6035 <xs:sequence>
6036 <xs:element name="src">
6037 <xs:complexType>
6038 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
6039 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6040 </xs:complexType>
6041 </xs:element>
6042 <xs:element name="dest">
6043 <xs:complexType>
6044 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
6045 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6046 </xs:complexType>
6047 </xs:element>
6048 </xs:sequence>
6049 </xs:complexType>
6050 </xs:element>
6051 <xs:element name="blend_func_separate">
6052 <xs:complexType>
6053 <xs:sequence>
6054 <xs:element name="src_rgb">
6055 <xs:complexType>
6056 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
6057 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6058 </xs:complexType>
6059 </xs:element>
6060 <xs:element name="dest_rgb">
6061 <xs:complexType>
6062 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
6063 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6064 </xs:complexType>
6065 </xs:element>
6066 <xs:element name="src_alpha">
6067 <xs:complexType>
6068 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
6069 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6070 </xs:complexType>
6071 </xs:element>
6072 <xs:element name="dest_alpha">
6073 <xs:complexType>
6074 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
6075 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6076 </xs:complexType>
6077 </xs:element>
6078 </xs:sequence>
6079 </xs:complexType>
6080 </xs:element>
6081 <xs:element name="blend_equation">
6082 <xs:complexType>
6083 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_equation_type" use="optional" default="FUNC_ADD"/>
6084 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6085 </xs:complexType>
6086 </xs:element>
6087 <xs:element name="blend_equation_separate">
6088 <xs:complexType>
6089 <xs:sequence>
6090 <xs:element name="rgb">
6091 <xs:complexType>
6092 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_equation_type" use="optional" default="FUNC_ADD"/>
6093 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6094 </xs:complexType>
6095 </xs:element>
6096 <xs:element name="alpha">
6097 <xs:complexType>
6098 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_equation_type" use="optional" default="FUNC_ADD"/>
6099 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6100 </xs:complexType>
6101 </xs:element>
6102 </xs:sequence>
6103 </xs:complexType>
6104 </xs:element>
6105 <xs:element name="color_material">
6106 <xs:complexType>
6107 <xs:sequence>
6108 <xs:element name="face">
6109 <xs:complexType>
6110 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
6111 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6112 </xs:complexType>
6113 </xs:element>
6114 <xs:element name="mode">
6115 <xs:complexType>
6116 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_material_type" use="optional" default="AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE"/>
6117 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6118 </xs:complexType>
6119 </xs:element>
6120 </xs:sequence>
6121 </xs:complexType>
6122 </xs:element>
6123 <xs:element name="cull_face">
6124 <xs:complexType>
6125 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="BACK"/>
6126 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6127 </xs:complexType>
6128 </xs:element>
6129 <xs:element name="depth_func">
6130 <xs:complexType>
6131 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6132 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6133 </xs:complexType>
6134 </xs:element>
6135 <xs:element name="fog_mode">
6136 <xs:complexType>
6137 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_fog_type" use="optional" default="EXP"/>
6138 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6139 </xs:complexType>
6140 </xs:element>
6141 <xs:element name="fog_coord_src">
6142 <xs:complexType>
6143 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_fog_coord_src_type" use="optional" default="FOG_COORDINATE"/>
6144 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6145 </xs:complexType>
6146 </xs:element>
6147 <xs:element name="front_face">
6148 <xs:complexType>
6149 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_front_face_type" use="optional" default="CCW"/>
6150 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6151 </xs:complexType>
6152 </xs:element>
6153 <xs:element name="light_model_color_control">
6154 <xs:complexType>
6155 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_light_model_color_control_type" use="optional" default="SINGLE_COLOR"/>
6156 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6157 </xs:complexType>
6158 </xs:element>
6159 <xs:element name="logic_op">
6160 <xs:complexType>
6161 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_logic_op_type" use="optional" default="COPY"/>
6162 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6163 </xs:complexType>
6164 </xs:element>
6165 <xs:element name="polygon_mode">
6166 <xs:complexType>
6167 <xs:sequence>
6168 <xs:element name="face">
6169 <xs:complexType>
6170 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
6171 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6172 </xs:complexType>
6173 </xs:element>
6174 <xs:element name="mode">
6175 <xs:complexType>
6176 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_polygon_mode_type" use="optional" default="FILL"/>
6177 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6178 </xs:complexType>
6179 </xs:element>
6180 </xs:sequence>
6181 </xs:complexType>
6182 </xs:element>
6183 <xs:element name="shade_model">
6184 <xs:complexType>
6185 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_shade_model_type" use="optional" default="SMOOTH"/>
6186 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6187 </xs:complexType>
6188 </xs:element>
6189 <xs:element name="stencil_func">
6190 <xs:complexType>
6191 <xs:sequence>
6192 <xs:element name="func">
6193 <xs:complexType>
6194 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6195 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6196 </xs:complexType>
6197 </xs:element>
6198 <xs:element name="ref">
6199 <xs:complexType>
6200 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="0"/>
6201 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6202 </xs:complexType>
6203 </xs:element>
6204 <xs:element name="mask">
6205 <xs:complexType>
6206 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
6207 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6208 </xs:complexType>
6209 </xs:element>
6210 </xs:sequence>
6211 </xs:complexType>
6212 </xs:element>
6213 <xs:element name="stencil_op">
6214 <xs:complexType>
6215 <xs:sequence>
6216 <xs:element name="fail">
6217 <xs:complexType>
6218 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6219 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6220 </xs:complexType>
6221 </xs:element>
6222 <xs:element name="zfail">
6223 <xs:complexType>
6224 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6225 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6226 </xs:complexType>
6227 </xs:element>
6228 <xs:element name="zpass">
6229 <xs:complexType>
6230 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6231 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6232 </xs:complexType>
6233 </xs:element>
6234 </xs:sequence>
6235 </xs:complexType>
6236 </xs:element>
6237 <xs:element name="stencil_func_separate">
6238 <xs:complexType>
6239 <xs:sequence>
6240 <xs:element name="front">
6241 <xs:complexType>
6242 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
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6244 </xs:complexType>
6245 </xs:element>
6246 <xs:element name="back">
6247 <xs:complexType>
6248 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
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6250 </xs:complexType>
6251 </xs:element>
6252 <xs:element name="ref">
6253 <xs:complexType>
6254 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="0"/>
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6257 </xs:element>
6258 <xs:element name="mask">
6259 <xs:complexType>
6260 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
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6263 </xs:element>
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6267 <xs:element name="stencil_op_separate">
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6275 </xs:element>
6276 <xs:element name="fail">
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6282 <xs:element name="zfail">
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6284 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
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6287 </xs:element>
6288 <xs:element name="zpass">
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6290 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
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6293 </xs:element>
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6296 </xs:element>
6297 <xs:element name="stencil_mask_separate">
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6300 <xs:element name="face">
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6306 <xs:element name="mask">
6307 <xs:complexType>
6308 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
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6311 </xs:element>
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6336 <xs:element name="light_specular">
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6342 </xs:element>
6343 <xs:element name="light_position">
6344 <xs:complexType>
6345 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 1 0"/>
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6349 </xs:element>
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6351 <xs:complexType>
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6356 </xs:element>
6357 <xs:element name="light_linear_attenuation">
6358 <xs:complexType>
6359 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
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6363 </xs:element>
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6365 <xs:complexType>
6366 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6367 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6368 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
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6370 </xs:element>
6371 <xs:element name="light_spot_cutoff">
6372 <xs:complexType>
6373 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="180"/>
6374 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6375 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
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6377 </xs:element>
6378 <xs:element name="light_spot_direction">
6379 <xs:complexType>
6380 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="0 0 -1"/>
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6382 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
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6384 </xs:element>
6385 <xs:element name="light_spot_exponent">
6386 <xs:complexType>
6387 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6388 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6389 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
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6392 <xs:element name="texture1D">
6393 <xs:complexType>
6394 <xs:choice>
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6401 <xs:element name="texture2D">
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6412 <xs:choice>
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6421 <xs:choice>
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6430 <xs:choice>
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6439 <xs:choice>
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6448 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
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6453 <xs:element name="texture2D_enable">
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6481 <xs:element name="textureDEPTH_enable">
6482 <xs:complexType>
6483 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
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6485 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
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6487 </xs:element>
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6492 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
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6494 </xs:element>
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6496 <xs:complexType>
6497 <xs:attribute name="value" type="string" use="optional"/>
6498 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6499 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
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6504 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
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6506 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index"/>
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6510 <xs:complexType>
6511 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6512 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
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6515 </xs:element>
6516 <xs:element name="blend_color">
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6518 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
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6523 <xs:complexType>
6524 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
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6527 </xs:element>
6528 <xs:element name="clear_stencil">
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6530 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int" use="optional" default="0"/>
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6533 </xs:element>
6534 <xs:element name="clear_depth">
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6536 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
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6542 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool4" use="optional" default="true true true true"/>
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6552 <xs:element name="depth_mask">
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6554 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="true"/>
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6572 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
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6578 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
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6582 <xs:element name="fog_color">
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6584 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
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6620 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0"/>
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6626 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
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6638 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
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6642 <xs:element name="model_view_matrix">
6643 <xs:complexType>
6644 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4x4" use="optional" default="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
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6650 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="1 0 0"/>
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6655 <xs:complexType>
6656 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
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6665 </xs:element>
6666 <xs:element name="point_size_min">
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6702 <xs:element name="alpha_test_enable">
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6720 <xs:element name="color_logic_op_enable">
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6755 </xs:element>
6756 <xs:element name="dither_enable">
6757 <xs:complexType>
6758 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="true"/>
6759 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6760 </xs:complexType>
6761 </xs:element>
6762 <xs:element name="fog_enable">
6763 <xs:complexType>
6764 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6765 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6766 </xs:complexType>
6767 </xs:element>
6768 <xs:element name="light_model_local_viewer_enable">
6769 <xs:complexType>
6770 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6771 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6772 </xs:complexType>
6773 </xs:element>
6774 <xs:element name="light_model_two_side_enable">
6775 <xs:complexType>
6776 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6777 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6778 </xs:complexType>
6779 </xs:element>
6780 <xs:element name="line_smooth_enable">
6781 <xs:complexType>
6782 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6783 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6784 </xs:complexType>
6785 </xs:element>
6786 <xs:element name="line_stipple_enable">
6787 <xs:complexType>
6788 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6789 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6790 </xs:complexType>
6791 </xs:element>
6792 <xs:element name="logic_op_enable">
6793 <xs:complexType>
6794 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6795 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6796 </xs:complexType>
6797 </xs:element>
6798 <xs:element name="multisample_enable">
6799 <xs:complexType>
6800 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6801 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6802 </xs:complexType>
6803 </xs:element>
6804 <xs:element name="normalize_enable">
6805 <xs:complexType>
6806 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6807 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6808 </xs:complexType>
6809 </xs:element>
6810 <xs:element name="point_smooth_enable">
6811 <xs:complexType>
6812 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6813 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6814 </xs:complexType>
6815 </xs:element>
6816 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_fill_enable">
6817 <xs:complexType>
6818 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6819 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6820 </xs:complexType>
6821 </xs:element>
6822 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_line_enable">
6823 <xs:complexType>
6824 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6825 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6826 </xs:complexType>
6827 </xs:element>
6828 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_point_enable">
6829 <xs:complexType>
6830 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6831 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6832 </xs:complexType>
6833 </xs:element>
6834 <xs:element name="polygon_smooth_enable">
6835 <xs:complexType>
6836 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6837 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6838 </xs:complexType>
6839 </xs:element>
6840 <xs:element name="polygon_stipple_enable">
6841 <xs:complexType>
6842 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6843 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6844 </xs:complexType>
6845 </xs:element>
6846 <xs:element name="rescale_normal_enable">
6847 <xs:complexType>
6848 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6849 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6850 </xs:complexType>
6851 </xs:element>
6852 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_coverage_enable">
6853 <xs:complexType>
6854 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6855 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6856 </xs:complexType>
6857 </xs:element>
6858 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_one_enable">
6859 <xs:complexType>
6860 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6861 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6862 </xs:complexType>
6863 </xs:element>
6864 <xs:element name="sample_coverage_enable">
6865 <xs:complexType>
6866 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6867 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6868 </xs:complexType>
6869 </xs:element>
6870 <xs:element name="scissor_test_enable">
6871 <xs:complexType>
6872 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6873 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6874 </xs:complexType>
6875 </xs:element>
6876 <xs:element name="stencil_test_enable">
6877 <xs:complexType>
6878 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6879 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6880 </xs:complexType>
6881 </xs:element>
6882 <xs:element ref="gl_hook_abstract"/>
6883 </xs:choice>
6884 </xs:group>
6885 <xs:element name="gl_hook_abstract" abstract="true"/>
6886 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float">
6887 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
6888 </xs:simpleType>
6889 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int">
6890 <xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>
6891 </xs:simpleType>
6892 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool">
6893 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
6894 </xs:simpleType>
6895 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_ListOfBool">
6896 <xs:list itemType="glsl_bool"/>
6897 </xs:simpleType>
6898 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6899 <xs:list itemType="glsl_float"/>
6900 </xs:simpleType>
6901 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_ListOfInt">
6902 <xs:list itemType="glsl_int"/>
6903 </xs:simpleType>
6904 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool2">
6905 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfBool">
6906 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
6907 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
6908 </xs:restriction>
6909 </xs:simpleType>
6910 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool3">
6911 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfBool">
6912 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
6913 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
6914 </xs:restriction>
6915 </xs:simpleType>
6916 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool4">
6917 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfBool">
6918 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6919 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6920 </xs:restriction>
6921 </xs:simpleType>
6922 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float2">
6923 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6924 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
6925 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
6926 </xs:restriction>
6927 </xs:simpleType>
6928 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float3">
6929 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6930 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
6931 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
6932 </xs:restriction>
6933 </xs:simpleType>
6934 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float4">
6935 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6936 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6937 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6938 </xs:restriction>
6939 </xs:simpleType>
6940 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float2x2">
6941 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6942 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6943 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6944 </xs:restriction>
6945 </xs:simpleType>
6946 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float3x3">
6947 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6948 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
6949 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
6950 </xs:restriction>
6951 </xs:simpleType>
6952 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float4x4">
6953 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6954 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
6955 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
6956 </xs:restriction>
6957 </xs:simpleType>
6958 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int2">
6959 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfInt">
6960 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
6961 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
6962 </xs:restriction>
6963 </xs:simpleType>
6964 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int3">
6965 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfInt">
6966 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
6967 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
6968 </xs:restriction>
6969 </xs:simpleType>
6970 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int4">
6971 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfInt">
6972 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6973 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6974 </xs:restriction>
6975 </xs:simpleType>
6976 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_pipeline_stage">
6977 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
6978 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEXPROGRAM"/>
6979 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENTPROGRAM"/>
6980 </xs:restriction>
6981 </xs:simpleType>
6982 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_identifier">
6983 <xs:restriction base="xs:token"/>
6984 </xs:simpleType>
6985 <xs:complexType name="glsl_newarray_type">
6986 <xs:annotation>
6987 <xs:documentation>
6988 The glsl_newarray_type is used to creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
6989 </xs:documentation>
6990 </xs:annotation>
6991 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
6992 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
6993 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_newarray_type">
6994 <xs:annotation>
6995 <xs:documentation>
6996 You may recursively nest glsl_newarray elements to create multidimensional arrays.
6997 </xs:documentation>
6998 </xs:annotation>
6999 </xs:element>
7000 </xs:choice>
7001 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required">
7002 <xs:annotation>
7003 <xs:documentation>
7004 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
7005 </xs:documentation>
7006 </xs:annotation>
7007 </xs:attribute>
7008 </xs:complexType>
7009 <xs:complexType name="glsl_setarray_type">
7010 <xs:annotation>
7011 <xs:documentation>
7012 The glsl_newarray_type is used to creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
7013 </xs:documentation>
7014 </xs:annotation>
7015 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7016 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7017 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_setarray_type">
7018 <xs:annotation>
7019 <xs:documentation>
7020 You may recursively nest glsl_newarray elements to create multidimensional arrays.
7021 </xs:documentation>
7022 </xs:annotation>
7023 </xs:element>
7024 </xs:choice>
7025 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="optional">
7026 <xs:annotation>
7027 <xs:documentation>
7028 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
7029 </xs:documentation>
7030 </xs:annotation>
7031 </xs:attribute>
7032 </xs:complexType>
7033 <xs:complexType name="glsl_surface_type">
7034 <xs:annotation>
7035 <xs:documentation>
7036 A surface type for the GLSL profile. This surface inherits from the fx_surface_common type and adds the
7037 ability to programmatically generate textures.
7038 </xs:documentation>
7039 </xs:annotation>
7040 <xs:complexContent>
7041 <xs:extension base="fx_surface_common">
7042 <xs:sequence>
7043 <xs:element name="generator" minOccurs="0">
7044 <xs:annotation>
7045 <xs:documentation>
7046 A procedural surface generator.
7047 </xs:documentation>
7048 </xs:annotation>
7049 <xs:complexType>
7050 <xs:sequence>
7051 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7052 <xs:annotation>
7053 <xs:documentation>
7054 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this surface generator.
7055 </xs:documentation>
7056 </xs:annotation>
7057 </xs:element>
7058 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
7059 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile">
7060 <xs:annotation>
7061 <xs:documentation>
7062 The code element allows you to embed GLSL code to use for this surface generator.
7063 </xs:documentation>
7064 </xs:annotation>
7065 </xs:element>
7066 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common">
7067 <xs:annotation>
7068 <xs:documentation>
7069 The include element allows you to import GLSL code to use for this surface generator.
7070 </xs:documentation>
7071 </xs:annotation>
7072 </xs:element>
7073 </xs:choice>
7074 <xs:element name="name">
7075 <xs:annotation>
7076 <xs:documentation>
7077 The entry symbol for the shader function.
7078 </xs:documentation>
7079 </xs:annotation>
7080 <xs:complexType>
7081 <xs:simpleContent>
7082 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
7083 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
7084 </xs:extension>
7085 </xs:simpleContent>
7086 </xs:complexType>
7087 </xs:element>
7088 <xs:element name="setparam" type="glsl_setparam_simple" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7089 <xs:annotation>
7090 <xs:documentation>
7091 The setparam element allows you to assign a new value to a previously defined parameter.
7092 </xs:documentation>
7093 </xs:annotation>
7094 </xs:element>
7095 </xs:sequence>
7096 </xs:complexType>
7097 </xs:element>
7098 </xs:sequence>
7099 </xs:extension>
7100 </xs:complexContent>
7101 </xs:complexType>
7102 <xs:group name="glsl_param_type">
7103 <xs:annotation>
7104 <xs:documentation>
7105 A group that specifies the allowable types for GLSL profile parameters.
7106 </xs:documentation>
7107 </xs:annotation>
7108 <xs:choice>
7109 <xs:element name="bool" type="glsl_bool"/>
7110 <xs:element name="bool2" type="glsl_bool2"/>
7111 <xs:element name="bool3" type="glsl_bool3"/>
7112 <xs:element name="bool4" type="glsl_bool4"/>
7113 <xs:element name="float" type="glsl_float"/>
7114 <xs:element name="float2" type="glsl_float2"/>
7115 <xs:element name="float3" type="glsl_float3"/>
7116 <xs:element name="float4" type="glsl_float4"/>
7117 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="glsl_float2x2"/>
7118 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="glsl_float3x3"/>
7119 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="glsl_float4x4"/>
7120 <xs:element name="int" type="glsl_int"/>
7121 <xs:element name="int2" type="glsl_int2"/>
7122 <xs:element name="int3" type="glsl_int3"/>
7123 <xs:element name="int4" type="glsl_int4"/>
7124 <xs:element name="surface" type="glsl_surface_type"/>
7125 <xs:element name="sampler1D" type="gl_sampler1D"/>
7126 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="gl_sampler2D"/>
7127 <xs:element name="sampler3D" type="gl_sampler3D"/>
7128 <xs:element name="samplerCUBE" type="gl_samplerCUBE"/>
7129 <xs:element name="samplerRECT" type="gl_samplerRECT"/>
7130 <xs:element name="samplerDEPTH" type="gl_samplerDEPTH"/>
7131 <xs:element name="enum" type="gl_enumeration"/>
7132 </xs:choice>
7133 </xs:group>
7134 <xs:complexType name="glsl_newparam">
7135 <xs:sequence>
7136 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7137 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
7138 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0"/>
7139 <xs:choice>
7140 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7141 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_newarray_type"/>
7142 </xs:choice>
7143 </xs:sequence>
7144 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="glsl_identifier" use="required"/>
7145 </xs:complexType>
7146 <xs:complexType name="glsl_setparam_simple">
7147 <xs:sequence>
7148 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7149 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7150 </xs:sequence>
7151 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="glsl_identifier" use="required"/>
7152 </xs:complexType>
7153 <xs:complexType name="glsl_setparam">
7154 <xs:sequence>
7155 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7156 <xs:choice>
7157 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7158 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_setarray_type"/>
7159 </xs:choice>
7160 </xs:sequence>
7161 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="glsl_identifier" use="required"/>
7162 <xs:attribute name="program" type="xs:NCName"/>
7163 </xs:complexType>
7164 <xs:element name="profile_GLSL" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
7165 <xs:annotation>
7166 <xs:documentation>
7167 Opens a block of GLSL platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
7168 </xs:documentation>
7169 </xs:annotation>
7170 <xs:complexType>
7171 <xs:sequence>
7172 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
7173 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7174 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
7175 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
7176 </xs:choice>
7177 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7178 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7179 <xs:element name="newparam" type="glsl_newparam"/>
7180 </xs:choice>
7181 <xs:element name="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7182 <xs:annotation>
7183 <xs:documentation>
7184 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
7185 </xs:documentation>
7186 </xs:annotation>
7187 <xs:complexType>
7188 <xs:sequence>
7189 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7190 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7191 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
7192 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
7193 </xs:choice>
7194 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7195 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7196 <xs:element name="newparam" type="glsl_newparam"/>
7197 <xs:element name="setparam" type="glsl_setparam"/>
7198 </xs:choice>
7199 <xs:element name="pass" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7200 <xs:annotation>
7201 <xs:documentation>
7202 A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline.
7203 </xs:documentation>
7204 </xs:annotation>
7205 <xs:complexType>
7206 <xs:sequence>
7207 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7208 <xs:element name="color_target" type="fx_colortarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7209 <xs:element name="depth_target" type="fx_depthtarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7210 <xs:element name="stencil_target" type="fx_stenciltarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7211 <xs:element name="color_clear" type="fx_clearcolor_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7212 <xs:element name="depth_clear" type="fx_cleardepth_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7213 <xs:element name="stencil_clear" type="fx_clearstencil_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7214 <xs:element name="draw" type="fx_draw_common" minOccurs="0"/>
7215 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
7216 <xs:group ref="gl_pipeline_settings"/>
7217 <xs:element name="shader">
7218 <xs:annotation>
7219 <xs:documentation>
7220 Declare and prepare a shader for execution in the rendering pipeline of a pass.
7221 </xs:documentation>
7222 </xs:annotation>
7223 <xs:complexType>
7224 <xs:sequence>
7225 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7226 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
7227 <xs:element name="compiler_target">
7228 <xs:annotation>
7229 <xs:documentation>
7230 A string declaring which profile or platform the compiler is targeting this shader for.
7231 </xs:documentation>
7232 </xs:annotation>
7233 <xs:complexType>
7234 <xs:simpleContent>
7235 <xs:extension base="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
7236 </xs:simpleContent>
7237 </xs:complexType>
7238 </xs:element>
7239 <xs:element name="compiler_options" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
7240 <xs:annotation>
7241 <xs:documentation>
7242 A string containing command-line operations for the shader compiler.
7243 </xs:documentation>
7244 </xs:annotation>
7245 </xs:element>
7246 </xs:sequence>
7247 <xs:element name="name">
7248 <xs:annotation>
7249 <xs:documentation>
7250 The entry symbol for the shader function.
7251 </xs:documentation>
7252 </xs:annotation>
7253 <xs:complexType>
7254 <xs:simpleContent>
7255 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
7256 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
7257 </xs:extension>
7258 </xs:simpleContent>
7259 </xs:complexType>
7260 </xs:element>
7261 <xs:element name="bind" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7262 <xs:annotation>
7263 <xs:documentation>
7264 Binds values to uniform inputs of a shader.
7265 </xs:documentation>
7266 </xs:annotation>
7267 <xs:complexType>
7268 <xs:choice>
7269 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7270 <xs:element name="param">
7271 <xs:complexType>
7272 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
7273 </xs:complexType>
7274 </xs:element>
7275 </xs:choice>
7276 <xs:attribute name="symbol" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7277 <xs:annotation>
7278 <xs:documentation>
7279 The identifier for a uniform input parameter to the shader (a formal function parameter or in-scope
7280 global) that will be bound to an external resource.
7281 </xs:documentation>
7282 </xs:annotation>
7283 </xs:attribute>
7284 </xs:complexType>
7285 </xs:element>
7286 </xs:sequence>
7287 <xs:attribute name="stage" type="glsl_pipeline_stage">
7288 <xs:annotation>
7289 <xs:documentation>
7290 In which pipeline stage this programmable shader is designed to execute, for example, VERTEX, FRAGMENT, etc.
7291 </xs:documentation>
7292 </xs:annotation>
7293 </xs:attribute>
7294 </xs:complexType>
7295 </xs:element>
7296 </xs:choice>
7297 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7298 </xs:sequence>
7299 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
7300 <xs:annotation>
7301 <xs:documentation>
7302 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7303 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7304 </xs:documentation>
7305 </xs:annotation>
7306 </xs:attribute>
7307 </xs:complexType>
7308 </xs:element>
7309 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7310 </xs:sequence>
7311 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
7312 <xs:annotation>
7313 <xs:documentation>
7314 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7315 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7316 </xs:documentation>
7317 </xs:annotation>
7318 </xs:attribute>
7319 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7320 <xs:annotation>
7321 <xs:documentation>
7322 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7323 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7324 </xs:documentation>
7325 </xs:annotation>
7326 </xs:attribute>
7327 </xs:complexType>
7328 </xs:element>
7329 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7330 </xs:sequence>
7331 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
7332 <xs:annotation>
7333 <xs:documentation>
7334 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7335 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7336 </xs:documentation>
7337 </xs:annotation>
7338 </xs:attribute>
7339 </xs:complexType>
7340 </xs:element>
7341 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7342 <!-- COLLADA FX common profile -->
7343 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7344 <xs:complexType name="common_float_or_param_type">
7345 <xs:choice>
7346 <xs:element name="float">
7347 <xs:complexType>
7348 <xs:simpleContent>
7349 <xs:extension base="float">
7350 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName"/>
7351 </xs:extension>
7352 </xs:simpleContent>
7353 </xs:complexType>
7354 </xs:element>
7355 <xs:element name="param">
7356 <xs:complexType>
7357 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7358 </xs:complexType>
7359 </xs:element>
7360 </xs:choice>
7361 </xs:complexType>
7362 <xs:complexType name="common_color_or_texture_type">
7363 <xs:choice>
7364 <xs:element name="color">
7365 <xs:complexType>
7366 <xs:simpleContent>
7367 <xs:extension base="fx_color_common">
7368 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName"/>
7369 </xs:extension>
7370 </xs:simpleContent>
7371 </xs:complexType>
7372 </xs:element>
7373 <xs:element name="param">
7374 <xs:complexType>
7375 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7376 </xs:complexType>
7377 </xs:element>
7378 <xs:element name="texture">
7379 <xs:complexType>
7380 <xs:sequence>
7381 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0"/>
7382 </xs:sequence>
7383 <xs:attribute name="texture" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7384 <xs:attribute name="texcoord" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7385 </xs:complexType>
7386 </xs:element>
7387 </xs:choice>
7388 </xs:complexType>
7389 <xs:complexType name="common_transparent_type">
7390 <xs:complexContent>
7391 <xs:extension base="common_color_or_texture_type">
7392 <xs:attribute name="opaque" type="fx_opaque_enum" default="A_ONE"/>
7393 </xs:extension>
7394 </xs:complexContent>
7395 </xs:complexType>
7396 <xs:complexType name="common_newparam_type">
7397 <xs:sequence>
7398 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
7399 <xs:choice>
7400 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
7401 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
7402 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
7403 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
7404 <xs:element name="surface" type="fx_surface_common"/>
7405 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
7406 </xs:choice>
7407 </xs:sequence>
7408 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7409 <xs:annotation>
7410 <xs:documentation>
7411 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7412 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7413 </xs:documentation>
7414 </xs:annotation>
7415 </xs:attribute>
7416 </xs:complexType>
7417 <xs:element name="profile_COMMON" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
7418 <xs:annotation>
7419 <xs:documentation>
7420 Opens a block of COMMON platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
7421 </xs:documentation>
7422 </xs:annotation>
7423 <xs:complexType>
7424 <xs:sequence>
7425 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
7426 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7427 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7428 <xs:element name="newparam" type="common_newparam_type"/>
7429 </xs:choice>
7430 <xs:element name="technique">
7431 <xs:annotation>
7432 <xs:documentation>
7433 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
7434 </xs:documentation>
7435 </xs:annotation>
7436 <xs:complexType>
7437 <xs:sequence>
7438 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
7439 <xs:annotation>
7440 <xs:documentation>
7441 The technique element may contain an asset element.
7442 </xs:documentation>
7443 </xs:annotation>
7444 </xs:element>
7445 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7446 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7447 <xs:element name="newparam" type="common_newparam_type"/>
7448 </xs:choice>
7449 <xs:choice>
7450 <xs:element name="constant">
7451 <xs:complexType>
7452 <xs:sequence>
7453 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7454 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7455 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7456 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7457 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7458 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7459 </xs:sequence>
7460 </xs:complexType>
7461 </xs:element>
7462 <xs:element name="lambert">
7463 <xs:complexType>
7464 <xs:sequence>
7465 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7466 <xs:element name="ambient" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7467 <xs:element name="diffuse" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7468 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7469 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7470 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7471 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7472 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7473 </xs:sequence>
7474 </xs:complexType>
7475 </xs:element>
7476 <xs:element name="phong">
7477 <xs:complexType>
7478 <xs:sequence>
7479 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7480 <xs:element name="ambient" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7481 <xs:element name="diffuse" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7482 <xs:element name="specular" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7483 <xs:element name="shininess" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7484 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7485 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7486 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7487 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7488 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7489 </xs:sequence>
7490 </xs:complexType>
7491 </xs:element>
7492 <xs:element name="blinn">
7493 <xs:complexType>
7494 <xs:sequence>
7495 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7496 <xs:element name="ambient" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7497 <xs:element name="diffuse" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7498 <xs:element name="specular" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7499 <xs:element name="shininess" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7500 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7501 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7502 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7503 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7504 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7505 </xs:sequence>
7506 </xs:complexType>
7507 </xs:element>
7508 </xs:choice>
7509 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7510 <xs:annotation>
7511 <xs:documentation>
7512 The extra element may appear any number of times.
7513 </xs:documentation>
7514 </xs:annotation>
7515 </xs:element>
7516 </xs:sequence>
7517 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
7518 <xs:annotation>
7519 <xs:documentation>
7520 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7521 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7522 </xs:documentation>
7523 </xs:annotation>
7524 </xs:attribute>
7525 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7526 <xs:annotation>
7527 <xs:documentation>
7528 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7529 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7530 </xs:documentation>
7531 </xs:annotation>
7532 </xs:attribute>
7533 </xs:complexType>
7534 </xs:element>
7535 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7536 <xs:annotation>
7537 <xs:documentation>
7538 The extra element may appear any number of times.
7539 </xs:documentation>
7540 </xs:annotation>
7541 </xs:element>
7542 </xs:sequence>
7543 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
7544 <xs:annotation>
7545 <xs:documentation>
7546 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7547 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7548 </xs:documentation>
7549 </xs:annotation>
7550 </xs:attribute>
7551 </xs:complexType>
7552 </xs:element>
7553 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7554 <!-- COLLADA FX Cg elements -->
7555 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7556 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool">
7557 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
7558 </xs:simpleType>
7559 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float">
7560 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7561 </xs:simpleType>
7562 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int">
7563 <xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>
7564 </xs:simpleType>
7565 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half">
7566 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7567 </xs:simpleType>
7568 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed">
7569 <xs:restriction base="xs:float">
7570 <xs:minInclusive value="-2.0"/>
7571 <xs:maxInclusive value="2.0"/>
7572 <!-- as defined for fp30 profile -->
7573 </xs:restriction>
7574 </xs:simpleType>
7575 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1">
7576 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
7577 </xs:simpleType>
7578 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1">
7579 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7580 </xs:simpleType>
7581 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1">
7582 <xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>
7583 </xs:simpleType>
7584 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1">
7585 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7586 </xs:simpleType>
7587 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1">
7588 <xs:restriction base="xs:float">
7589 <xs:minInclusive value="-2.0"/>
7590 <xs:maxInclusive value="2.0"/>
7591 <!-- as defined for fp30 profile -->
7592 </xs:restriction>
7593 </xs:simpleType>
7594 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfBool">
7595 <xs:list itemType="cg_bool"/>
7596 </xs:simpleType>
7597 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfFloat">
7598 <xs:list itemType="cg_float"/>
7599 </xs:simpleType>
7600 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfInt">
7601 <xs:list itemType="cg_int"/>
7602 </xs:simpleType>
7603 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfHalf">
7604 <xs:list itemType="cg_half"/>
7605 </xs:simpleType>
7606 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfFixed">
7607 <xs:list itemType="cg_fixed"/>
7608 </xs:simpleType>
7609 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2">
7610 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7611 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7612 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7613 </xs:restriction>
7614 </xs:simpleType>
7615 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3">
7616 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7617 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7618 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7619 </xs:restriction>
7620 </xs:simpleType>
7621 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4">
7622 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7623 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7624 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7625 </xs:restriction>
7626 </xs:simpleType>
7627 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x1">
7628 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7629 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7630 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7631 </xs:restriction>
7632 </xs:simpleType>
7633 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x2">
7634 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7635 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7636 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7637 </xs:restriction>
7638 </xs:simpleType>
7639 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x3">
7640 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7641 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7642 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7643 </xs:restriction>
7644 </xs:simpleType>
7645 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x4">
7646 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7647 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7648 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7649 </xs:restriction>
7650 </xs:simpleType>
7651 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x1">
7652 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7653 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7654 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7655 </xs:restriction>
7656 </xs:simpleType>
7657 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x2">
7658 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7659 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7660 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7661 </xs:restriction>
7662 </xs:simpleType>
7663 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x3">
7664 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7665 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7666 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7667 </xs:restriction>
7668 </xs:simpleType>
7669 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x4">
7670 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7671 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7672 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7673 </xs:restriction>
7674 </xs:simpleType>
7675 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x1">
7676 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7677 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7678 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7679 </xs:restriction>
7680 </xs:simpleType>
7681 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x2">
7682 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7683 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7684 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7685 </xs:restriction>
7686 </xs:simpleType>
7687 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x3">
7688 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7689 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
7690 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
7691 </xs:restriction>
7692 </xs:simpleType>
7693 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x4">
7694 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7695 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7696 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7697 </xs:restriction>
7698 </xs:simpleType>
7699 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x1">
7700 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7701 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7702 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7703 </xs:restriction>
7704 </xs:simpleType>
7705 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x2">
7706 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7707 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7708 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7709 </xs:restriction>
7710 </xs:simpleType>
7711 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x3">
7712 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7713 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7714 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7715 </xs:restriction>
7716 </xs:simpleType>
7717 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x4">
7718 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7719 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
7720 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
7721 </xs:restriction>
7722 </xs:simpleType>
7723 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2">
7724 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7725 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7726 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7727 </xs:restriction>
7728 </xs:simpleType>
7729 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3">
7730 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7731 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7732 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7733 </xs:restriction>
7734 </xs:simpleType>
7735 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4">
7736 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7737 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7738 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7739 </xs:restriction>
7740 </xs:simpleType>
7741 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x1">
7742 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7743 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7744 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7745 </xs:restriction>
7746 </xs:simpleType>
7747 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x2">
7748 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7749 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7750 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7751 </xs:restriction>
7752 </xs:simpleType>
7753 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x3">
7754 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7755 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7756 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7757 </xs:restriction>
7758 </xs:simpleType>
7759 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x4">
7760 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7761 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7762 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7763 </xs:restriction>
7764 </xs:simpleType>
7765 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x1">
7766 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7767 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7768 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7769 </xs:restriction>
7770 </xs:simpleType>
7771 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x2">
7772 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7773 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7774 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7775 </xs:restriction>
7776 </xs:simpleType>
7777 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x3">
7778 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7779 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7780 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7781 </xs:restriction>
7782 </xs:simpleType>
7783 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x4">
7784 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7785 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7786 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7787 </xs:restriction>
7788 </xs:simpleType>
7789 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x1">
7790 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7791 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7792 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7793 </xs:restriction>
7794 </xs:simpleType>
7795 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x2">
7796 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7797 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7798 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7799 </xs:restriction>
7800 </xs:simpleType>
7801 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x3">
7802 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7803 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
7804 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
7805 </xs:restriction>
7806 </xs:simpleType>
7807 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x4">
7808 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7809 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7810 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7811 </xs:restriction>
7812 </xs:simpleType>
7813 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x1">
7814 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7815 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7816 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7817 </xs:restriction>
7818 </xs:simpleType>
7819 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x2">
7820 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7821 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7822 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7823 </xs:restriction>
7824 </xs:simpleType>
7825 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x3">
7826 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7827 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7828 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7829 </xs:restriction>
7830 </xs:simpleType>
7831 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x4">
7832 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7833 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
7834 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
7835 </xs:restriction>
7836 </xs:simpleType>
7837 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2">
7838 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7839 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7840 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7841 </xs:restriction>
7842 </xs:simpleType>
7843 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3">
7844 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7845 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7846 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7847 </xs:restriction>
7848 </xs:simpleType>
7849 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4">
7850 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7851 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7852 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7853 </xs:restriction>
7854 </xs:simpleType>
7855 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x1">
7856 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7857 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7858 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7859 </xs:restriction>
7860 </xs:simpleType>
7861 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x2">
7862 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7863 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7864 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7865 </xs:restriction>
7866 </xs:simpleType>
7867 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x3">
7868 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7869 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7870 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7871 </xs:restriction>
7872 </xs:simpleType>
7873 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x4">
7874 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7875 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7876 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7877 </xs:restriction>
7878 </xs:simpleType>
7879 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x1">
7880 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7881 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7882 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7883 </xs:restriction>
7884 </xs:simpleType>
7885 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x2">
7886 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7887 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7888 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7889 </xs:restriction>
7890 </xs:simpleType>
7891 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x3">
7892 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7893 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7894 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7895 </xs:restriction>
7896 </xs:simpleType>
7897 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x4">
7898 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7899 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7900 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7901 </xs:restriction>
7902 </xs:simpleType>
7903 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x1">
7904 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7905 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7906 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7907 </xs:restriction>
7908 </xs:simpleType>
7909 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x2">
7910 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7911 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7912 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7913 </xs:restriction>
7914 </xs:simpleType>
7915 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x3">
7916 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7917 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
7918 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
7919 </xs:restriction>
7920 </xs:simpleType>
7921 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x4">
7922 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7923 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7924 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7925 </xs:restriction>
7926 </xs:simpleType>
7927 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x1">
7928 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7929 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7930 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7931 </xs:restriction>
7932 </xs:simpleType>
7933 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x2">
7934 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7935 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7936 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7937 </xs:restriction>
7938 </xs:simpleType>
7939 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x3">
7940 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7941 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7942 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7943 </xs:restriction>
7944 </xs:simpleType>
7945 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x4">
7946 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7947 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
7948 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
7949 </xs:restriction>
7950 </xs:simpleType>
7951 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2">
7952 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7953 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7954 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7955 </xs:restriction>
7956 </xs:simpleType>
7957 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3">
7958 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7959 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7960 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7961 </xs:restriction>
7962 </xs:simpleType>
7963 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4">
7964 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7965 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7966 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7967 </xs:restriction>
7968 </xs:simpleType>
7969 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x1">
7970 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7971 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7972 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7973 </xs:restriction>
7974 </xs:simpleType>
7975 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x2">
7976 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7977 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7978 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7979 </xs:restriction>
7980 </xs:simpleType>
7981 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x3">
7982 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7983 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7984 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7985 </xs:restriction>
7986 </xs:simpleType>
7987 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x4">
7988 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7989 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7990 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7991 </xs:restriction>
7992 </xs:simpleType>
7993 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x1">
7994 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7995 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7996 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7997 </xs:restriction>
7998 </xs:simpleType>
7999 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x2">
8000 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8001 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8002 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8003 </xs:restriction>
8004 </xs:simpleType>
8005 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x3">
8006 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8007 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8008 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8009 </xs:restriction>
8010 </xs:simpleType>
8011 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x4">
8012 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8013 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8014 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8015 </xs:restriction>
8016 </xs:simpleType>
8017 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x1">
8018 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8019 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8020 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8021 </xs:restriction>
8022 </xs:simpleType>
8023 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x2">
8024 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8025 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8026 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8027 </xs:restriction>
8028 </xs:simpleType>
8029 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x3">
8030 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8031 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
8032 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
8033 </xs:restriction>
8034 </xs:simpleType>
8035 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x4">
8036 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8037 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8038 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8039 </xs:restriction>
8040 </xs:simpleType>
8041 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x1">
8042 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8043 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8044 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8045 </xs:restriction>
8046 </xs:simpleType>
8047 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x2">
8048 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8049 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8050 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8051 </xs:restriction>
8052 </xs:simpleType>
8053 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x3">
8054 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8055 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8056 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8057 </xs:restriction>
8058 </xs:simpleType>
8059 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x4">
8060 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8061 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
8062 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
8063 </xs:restriction>
8064 </xs:simpleType>
8065 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2">
8066 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8067 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
8068 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
8069 </xs:restriction>
8070 </xs:simpleType>
8071 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3">
8072 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8073 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8074 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8075 </xs:restriction>
8076 </xs:simpleType>
8077 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4">
8078 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8079 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8080 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8081 </xs:restriction>
8082 </xs:simpleType>
8083 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x1">
8084 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8085 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
8086 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
8087 </xs:restriction>
8088 </xs:simpleType>
8089 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x2">
8090 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8091 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
8092 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
8093 </xs:restriction>
8094 </xs:simpleType>
8095 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x3">
8096 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8097 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8098 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8099 </xs:restriction>
8100 </xs:simpleType>
8101 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x4">
8102 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8103 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8104 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8105 </xs:restriction>
8106 </xs:simpleType>
8107 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x1">
8108 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8109 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
8110 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
8111 </xs:restriction>
8112 </xs:simpleType>
8113 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x2">
8114 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8115 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8116 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8117 </xs:restriction>
8118 </xs:simpleType>
8119 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x3">
8120 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8121 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8122 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8123 </xs:restriction>
8124 </xs:simpleType>
8125 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x4">
8126 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8127 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8128 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8129 </xs:restriction>
8130 </xs:simpleType>
8131 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x1">
8132 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8133 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8134 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8135 </xs:restriction>
8136 </xs:simpleType>
8137 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x2">
8138 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8139 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8140 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8141 </xs:restriction>
8142 </xs:simpleType>
8143 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x3">
8144 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8145 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
8146 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
8147 </xs:restriction>
8148 </xs:simpleType>
8149 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x4">
8150 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8151 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8152 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8153 </xs:restriction>
8154 </xs:simpleType>
8155 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x1">
8156 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8157 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8158 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8159 </xs:restriction>
8160 </xs:simpleType>
8161 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x2">
8162 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8163 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8164 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8165 </xs:restriction>
8166 </xs:simpleType>
8167 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x3">
8168 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8169 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8170 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8171 </xs:restriction>
8172 </xs:simpleType>
8173 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x4">
8174 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8175 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
8176 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
8177 </xs:restriction>
8178 </xs:simpleType>
8179 <xs:complexType name="cg_sampler1D">
8180 <xs:complexContent>
8181 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler1D_common"/>
8182 </xs:complexContent>
8183 </xs:complexType>
8184 <xs:complexType name="cg_sampler2D">
8185 <xs:complexContent>
8186 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
8187 </xs:complexContent>
8188 </xs:complexType>
8189 <xs:complexType name="cg_sampler3D">
8190 <xs:complexContent>
8191 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler3D_common"/>
8192 </xs:complexContent>
8193 </xs:complexType>
8194 <xs:complexType name="cg_samplerCUBE">
8195 <xs:complexContent>
8196 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerCUBE_common"/>
8197 </xs:complexContent>
8198 </xs:complexType>
8199 <xs:complexType name="cg_samplerRECT">
8200 <xs:complexContent>
8201 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerRECT_common"/>
8202 </xs:complexContent>
8203 </xs:complexType>
8204 <xs:complexType name="cg_samplerDEPTH">
8205 <xs:complexContent>
8206 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerDEPTH_common"/>
8207 </xs:complexContent>
8208 </xs:complexType>
8209 <xs:simpleType name="cg_pipeline_stage">
8210 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
8211 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEX"/>
8212 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENT"/>
8213 </xs:restriction>
8214 </xs:simpleType>
8215 <xs:simpleType name="cg_identifier">
8216 <xs:restriction base="xs:token"/>
8217 <!-- type used to represent identifiers in Cg, e.g. "myLight.bitmap[2].width" -->
8218 </xs:simpleType>
8219 <xs:complexType name="cg_connect_param">
8220 <xs:annotation>
8221 <xs:documentation>
8222 Creates a symbolic connection between two previously defined parameters.
8223 </xs:documentation>
8224 </xs:annotation>
8225 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8226 </xs:complexType>
8227 <xs:complexType name="cg_newarray_type">
8228 <xs:annotation>
8229 <xs:documentation>
8230 Creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
8231 </xs:documentation>
8232 </xs:annotation>
8233 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8234 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8235 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_newarray_type">
8236 <xs:annotation>
8237 <xs:documentation>
8238 Nested array elements allow you to create multidemensional arrays.
8239 </xs:documentation>
8240 </xs:annotation>
8241 </xs:element>
8242 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type">
8243 <xs:annotation>
8244 <xs:documentation>
8245 The usertype element allows you to create arrays of usertypes.
8246 </xs:documentation>
8247 </xs:annotation>
8248 </xs:element>
8249 <xs:element name="connect_param" type="cg_connect_param"/>
8250 </xs:choice>
8251 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required">
8252 <xs:annotation>
8253 <xs:documentation>
8254 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
8255 </xs:documentation>
8256 </xs:annotation>
8257 </xs:attribute>
8258 </xs:complexType>
8259 <xs:complexType name="cg_setarray_type">
8260 <xs:annotation>
8261 <xs:documentation>
8262 Creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
8263 </xs:documentation>
8264 </xs:annotation>
8265 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8266 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8267 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_setarray_type">
8268 <xs:annotation>
8269 <xs:documentation>
8270 Nested array elements allow you to create multidemensional arrays.
8271 </xs:documentation>
8272 </xs:annotation>
8273 </xs:element>
8274 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type">
8275 <xs:annotation>
8276 <xs:documentation>
8277 The usertype element allows you to create arrays of usertypes.
8278 </xs:documentation>
8279 </xs:annotation>
8280 </xs:element>
8281 </xs:choice>
8282 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="optional">
8283 <xs:annotation>
8284 <xs:documentation>
8285 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
8286 </xs:documentation>
8287 </xs:annotation>
8288 </xs:attribute>
8289 </xs:complexType>
8290 <xs:complexType name="cg_setuser_type">
8291 <xs:annotation>
8292 <xs:documentation>
8293 Creates an instance of a structured class.
8294 </xs:documentation>
8295 </xs:annotation>
8296 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
8297 <xs:annotation>
8298 <xs:documentation>Some usertypes do not have data. They may be used only to implement interface functions.</xs:documentation>
8299 </xs:annotation>
8300 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
8301 <xs:annotation>
8302 <xs:documentation>Use a combination of these to initialize the usertype in an order-dependent manner.</xs:documentation>
8303 </xs:annotation>
8304 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8305 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_setarray_type"/>
8306 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type"/>
8307 <xs:element name="connect_param" type="cg_connect_param"/>
8308 </xs:choice>
8309 <xs:element name="setparam" type="cg_setparam" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8310 <xs:annotation>
8311 <xs:documentation>Use a series of these to set the members by name. The ref attribute will be relative to the usertype you are in right now.</xs:documentation>
8312 </xs:annotation>
8313 </xs:element>
8314 </xs:choice>
8315 <xs:attribute name="name" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8316 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
8317 <xs:annotation>
8318 <xs:documentation>
8319 Reference a code or include element which defines the usertype
8320 </xs:documentation>
8321 </xs:annotation>
8322 </xs:attribute>
8323 </xs:complexType>
8324 <xs:complexType name="cg_surface_type">
8325 <xs:annotation>
8326 <xs:documentation>
8327 Declares a resource that can be used both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering pass.
8328 </xs:documentation>
8329 </xs:annotation>
8330 <xs:complexContent>
8331 <xs:extension base="fx_surface_common">
8332 <xs:sequence>
8333 <xs:element name="generator" minOccurs="0">
8334 <xs:annotation>
8335 <xs:documentation>
8336 A procedural surface generator for the cg profile.
8337 </xs:documentation>
8338 </xs:annotation>
8339 <xs:complexType>
8340 <xs:sequence>
8341 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8342 <xs:annotation>
8343 <xs:documentation>
8344 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this generator.
8345 </xs:documentation>
8346 </xs:annotation>
8347 </xs:element>
8348 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
8349 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile">
8350 <xs:annotation>
8351 <xs:documentation>
8352 The code element allows you to embed cg sourcecode for the surface generator.
8353 </xs:documentation>
8354 </xs:annotation>
8355 </xs:element>
8356 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common">
8357 <xs:annotation>
8358 <xs:documentation>
8359 The include element imports cg source code or precompiled binary shaders into the FX Runtime by referencing an external resource.
8360 </xs:documentation>
8361 </xs:annotation>
8362 </xs:element>
8363 </xs:choice>
8364 <xs:element name="name">
8365 <xs:annotation>
8366 <xs:documentation>
8367 The entry symbol for the shader function.
8368 </xs:documentation>
8369 </xs:annotation>
8370 <xs:complexType>
8371 <xs:simpleContent>
8372 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
8373 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8374 </xs:extension>
8375 </xs:simpleContent>
8376 </xs:complexType>
8377 </xs:element>
8378 <xs:element name="setparam" type="cg_setparam_simple" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8379 <xs:annotation>
8380 <xs:documentation>
8381 Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter.
8382 </xs:documentation>
8383 </xs:annotation>
8384 </xs:element>
8385 </xs:sequence>
8386 </xs:complexType>
8387 </xs:element>
8388 </xs:sequence>
8389 </xs:extension>
8390 </xs:complexContent>
8391 </xs:complexType>
8392 <xs:group name="cg_param_type">
8393 <xs:annotation>
8394 <xs:documentation>
8395 A group that specifies the allowable types for CG profile parameters.
8396 </xs:documentation>
8397 </xs:annotation>
8398 <xs:choice>
8399 <xs:element name="bool" type="cg_bool"/>
8400 <xs:element name="bool1" type="cg_bool1"/>
8401 <xs:element name="bool2" type="cg_bool2"/>
8402 <xs:element name="bool3" type="cg_bool3"/>
8403 <xs:element name="bool4" type="cg_bool4"/>
8404 <xs:element name="bool1x1" type="cg_bool1x1"/>
8405 <xs:element name="bool1x2" type="cg_bool1x2"/>
8406 <xs:element name="bool1x3" type="cg_bool1x3"/>
8407 <xs:element name="bool1x4" type="cg_bool1x4"/>
8408 <xs:element name="bool2x1" type="cg_bool2x1"/>
8409 <xs:element name="bool2x2" type="cg_bool2x2"/>
8410 <xs:element name="bool2x3" type="cg_bool2x3"/>
8411 <xs:element name="bool2x4" type="cg_bool2x4"/>
8412 <xs:element name="bool3x1" type="cg_bool3x1"/>
8413 <xs:element name="bool3x2" type="cg_bool3x2"/>
8414 <xs:element name="bool3x3" type="cg_bool3x3"/>
8415 <xs:element name="bool3x4" type="cg_bool3x4"/>
8416 <xs:element name="bool4x1" type="cg_bool4x1"/>
8417 <xs:element name="bool4x2" type="cg_bool4x2"/>
8418 <xs:element name="bool4x3" type="cg_bool4x3"/>
8419 <xs:element name="bool4x4" type="cg_bool4x4"/>
8420 <xs:element name="float" type="cg_float"/>
8421 <xs:element name="float1" type="cg_float1"/>
8422 <xs:element name="float2" type="cg_float2"/>
8423 <xs:element name="float3" type="cg_float3"/>
8424 <xs:element name="float4" type="cg_float4"/>
8425 <xs:element name="float1x1" type="cg_float1x1"/>
8426 <xs:element name="float1x2" type="cg_float1x2"/>
8427 <xs:element name="float1x3" type="cg_float1x3"/>
8428 <xs:element name="float1x4" type="cg_float1x4"/>
8429 <xs:element name="float2x1" type="cg_float2x1"/>
8430 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="cg_float2x2"/>
8431 <xs:element name="float2x3" type="cg_float2x3"/>
8432 <xs:element name="float2x4" type="cg_float2x4"/>
8433 <xs:element name="float3x1" type="cg_float3x1"/>
8434 <xs:element name="float3x2" type="cg_float3x2"/>
8435 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="cg_float3x3"/>
8436 <xs:element name="float3x4" type="cg_float3x4"/>
8437 <xs:element name="float4x1" type="cg_float4x1"/>
8438 <xs:element name="float4x2" type="cg_float4x2"/>
8439 <xs:element name="float4x3" type="cg_float4x3"/>
8440 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="cg_float4x4"/>
8441 <xs:element name="int" type="cg_int"/>
8442 <xs:element name="int1" type="cg_int1"/>
8443 <xs:element name="int2" type="cg_int2"/>
8444 <xs:element name="int3" type="cg_int3"/>
8445 <xs:element name="int4" type="cg_int4"/>
8446 <xs:element name="int1x1" type="cg_int1x1"/>
8447 <xs:element name="int1x2" type="cg_int1x2"/>
8448 <xs:element name="int1x3" type="cg_int1x3"/>
8449 <xs:element name="int1x4" type="cg_int1x4"/>
8450 <xs:element name="int2x1" type="cg_int2x1"/>
8451 <xs:element name="int2x2" type="cg_int2x2"/>
8452 <xs:element name="int2x3" type="cg_int2x3"/>
8453 <xs:element name="int2x4" type="cg_int2x4"/>
8454 <xs:element name="int3x1" type="cg_int3x1"/>
8455 <xs:element name="int3x2" type="cg_int3x2"/>
8456 <xs:element name="int3x3" type="cg_int3x3"/>
8457 <xs:element name="int3x4" type="cg_int3x4"/>
8458 <xs:element name="int4x1" type="cg_int4x1"/>
8459 <xs:element name="int4x2" type="cg_int4x2"/>
8460 <xs:element name="int4x3" type="cg_int4x3"/>
8461 <xs:element name="int4x4" type="cg_int4x4"/>
8462 <xs:element name="half" type="cg_half"/>
8463 <xs:element name="half1" type="cg_half1"/>
8464 <xs:element name="half2" type="cg_half2"/>
8465 <xs:element name="half3" type="cg_half3"/>
8466 <xs:element name="half4" type="cg_half4"/>
8467 <xs:element name="half1x1" type="cg_half1x1"/>
8468 <xs:element name="half1x2" type="cg_half1x2"/>
8469 <xs:element name="half1x3" type="cg_half1x3"/>
8470 <xs:element name="half1x4" type="cg_half1x4"/>
8471 <xs:element name="half2x1" type="cg_half2x1"/>
8472 <xs:element name="half2x2" type="cg_half2x2"/>
8473 <xs:element name="half2x3" type="cg_half2x3"/>
8474 <xs:element name="half2x4" type="cg_half2x4"/>
8475 <xs:element name="half3x1" type="cg_half3x1"/>
8476 <xs:element name="half3x2" type="cg_half3x2"/>
8477 <xs:element name="half3x3" type="cg_half3x3"/>
8478 <xs:element name="half3x4" type="cg_half3x4"/>
8479 <xs:element name="half4x1" type="cg_half4x1"/>
8480 <xs:element name="half4x2" type="cg_half4x2"/>
8481 <xs:element name="half4x3" type="cg_half4x3"/>
8482 <xs:element name="half4x4" type="cg_half4x4"/>
8483 <xs:element name="fixed" type="cg_fixed"/>
8484 <xs:element name="fixed1" type="cg_fixed1"/>
8485 <xs:element name="fixed2" type="cg_fixed2"/>
8486 <xs:element name="fixed3" type="cg_fixed3"/>
8487 <xs:element name="fixed4" type="cg_fixed4"/>
8488 <xs:element name="fixed1x1" type="cg_fixed1x1"/>
8489 <xs:element name="fixed1x2" type="cg_fixed1x2"/>
8490 <xs:element name="fixed1x3" type="cg_fixed1x3"/>
8491 <xs:element name="fixed1x4" type="cg_fixed1x4"/>
8492 <xs:element name="fixed2x1" type="cg_fixed2x1"/>
8493 <xs:element name="fixed2x2" type="cg_fixed2x2"/>
8494 <xs:element name="fixed2x3" type="cg_fixed2x3"/>
8495 <xs:element name="fixed2x4" type="cg_fixed2x4"/>
8496 <xs:element name="fixed3x1" type="cg_fixed3x1"/>
8497 <xs:element name="fixed3x2" type="cg_fixed3x2"/>
8498 <xs:element name="fixed3x3" type="cg_fixed3x3"/>
8499 <xs:element name="fixed3x4" type="cg_fixed3x4"/>
8500 <xs:element name="fixed4x1" type="cg_fixed4x1"/>
8501 <xs:element name="fixed4x2" type="cg_fixed4x2"/>
8502 <xs:element name="fixed4x3" type="cg_fixed4x3"/>
8503 <xs:element name="fixed4x4" type="cg_fixed4x4"/>
8504 <xs:element name="surface" type="cg_surface_type"/>
8505 <xs:element name="sampler1D" type="cg_sampler1D"/>
8506 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="cg_sampler2D"/>
8507 <xs:element name="sampler3D" type="cg_sampler3D"/>
8508 <xs:element name="samplerRECT" type="cg_samplerRECT"/>
8509 <xs:element name="samplerCUBE" type="cg_samplerCUBE"/>
8510 <xs:element name="samplerDEPTH" type="cg_samplerDEPTH"/>
8511 <xs:element name="string" type="xs:string"/>
8512 <xs:element name="enum" type="gl_enumeration"/>
8513 </xs:choice>
8514 </xs:group>
8515 <xs:complexType name="cg_newparam">
8516 <xs:annotation>
8517 <xs:documentation>
8518 Create a new, named param object in the CG Runtime, assign it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time.
8519 </xs:documentation>
8520 </xs:annotation>
8521 <xs:sequence>
8522 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8523 <xs:annotation>
8524 <xs:documentation>
8525 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param.
8526 </xs:documentation>
8527 </xs:annotation>
8528 </xs:element>
8529 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0">
8530 <xs:annotation>
8531 <xs:documentation>
8532 The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param.
8533 </xs:documentation>
8534 </xs:annotation>
8535 </xs:element>
8536 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0">
8537 <xs:annotation>
8538 <xs:documentation>
8539 The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param.
8540 </xs:documentation>
8541 </xs:annotation>
8542 </xs:element>
8543 <xs:choice>
8544 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8545 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type"/>
8546 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_newarray_type"/>
8547 </xs:choice>
8548 </xs:sequence>
8549 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8550 </xs:complexType>
8551 <xs:complexType name="cg_setparam_simple">
8552 <xs:sequence>
8553 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8554 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8555 </xs:sequence>
8556 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8557 </xs:complexType>
8558 <xs:complexType name="cg_setparam">
8559 <xs:annotation>
8560 <xs:documentation>
8561 Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter.
8562 </xs:documentation>
8563 </xs:annotation>
8564 <xs:choice>
8565 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8566 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type"/>
8567 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_setarray_type"/>
8568 <xs:element name="connect_param" type="cg_connect_param"/>
8569 </xs:choice>
8570 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8571 <xs:attribute name="program" type="xs:NCName"/>
8572 </xs:complexType>
8573 <xs:element name="profile_CG" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
8574 <xs:annotation>
8575 <xs:documentation>
8576 Opens a block of CG platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
8577 </xs:documentation>
8578 </xs:annotation>
8579 <xs:complexType>
8580 <xs:sequence>
8581 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
8582 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8583 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
8584 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
8585 </xs:choice>
8586 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8587 <xs:element ref="image"/>
8588 <xs:element name="newparam" type="cg_newparam"/>
8589 </xs:choice>
8590 <xs:element name="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8591 <xs:annotation>
8592 <xs:documentation>
8593 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
8594 </xs:documentation>
8595 </xs:annotation>
8596 <xs:complexType>
8597 <xs:sequence>
8598 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
8599 <xs:annotation>
8600 <xs:documentation>
8601 The technique element may contain an asset element.
8602 </xs:documentation>
8603 </xs:annotation>
8604 </xs:element>
8605 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8606 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8607 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
8608 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
8609 </xs:choice>
8610 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8611 <xs:element ref="image"/>
8612 <xs:element name="newparam" type="cg_newparam"/>
8613 <xs:element name="setparam" type="cg_setparam"/>
8614 </xs:choice>
8615 <xs:element name="pass" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8616 <xs:annotation>
8617 <xs:documentation>
8618 A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline.
8619 </xs:documentation>
8620 </xs:annotation>
8621 <xs:complexType>
8622 <xs:sequence>
8623 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8624 <xs:element name="color_target" type="fx_colortarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8625 <xs:element name="depth_target" type="fx_depthtarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8626 <xs:element name="stencil_target" type="fx_stenciltarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8627 <xs:element name="color_clear" type="fx_clearcolor_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8628 <xs:element name="depth_clear" type="fx_cleardepth_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8629 <xs:element name="stencil_clear" type="fx_clearstencil_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8630 <xs:element name="draw" type="fx_draw_common" minOccurs="0"/>
8631 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
8632 <xs:group ref="gl_pipeline_settings"/>
8633 <xs:element name="shader">
8634 <xs:annotation>
8635 <xs:documentation>
8636 Declare and prepare a shader for execution in the rendering pipeline of a pass.
8637 </xs:documentation>
8638 </xs:annotation>
8639 <xs:complexType>
8640 <xs:sequence>
8641 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8642 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
8643 <xs:element name="compiler_target">
8644 <xs:complexType>
8645 <xs:simpleContent>
8646 <xs:extension base="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
8647 </xs:simpleContent>
8648 </xs:complexType>
8649 </xs:element>
8650 <xs:element name="compiler_options" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
8651 <xs:annotation>
8652 <xs:documentation>
8653 A string containing command-line operations for the shader compiler.
8654 </xs:documentation>
8655 </xs:annotation>
8656 </xs:element>
8657 </xs:sequence>
8658 <xs:element name="name">
8659 <xs:annotation>
8660 <xs:documentation>
8661 The entry symbol for the shader function.
8662 </xs:documentation>
8663 </xs:annotation>
8664 <xs:complexType>
8665 <xs:simpleContent>
8666 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
8667 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8668 </xs:extension>
8669 </xs:simpleContent>
8670 </xs:complexType>
8671 </xs:element>
8672 <xs:element name="bind" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8673 <xs:annotation>
8674 <xs:documentation>
8675 Binds values to uniform inputs of a shader.
8676 </xs:documentation>
8677 </xs:annotation>
8678 <xs:complexType>
8679 <xs:choice>
8680 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8681 <xs:element name="param">
8682 <xs:annotation>
8683 <xs:documentation>
8684 References a predefined parameter in shader binding declarations.
8685 </xs:documentation>
8686 </xs:annotation>
8687 <xs:complexType>
8688 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
8689 </xs:complexType>
8690 </xs:element>
8691 </xs:choice>
8692 <xs:attribute name="symbol" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
8693 <xs:annotation>
8694 <xs:documentation>
8695 The identifier for a uniform input parameter to the shader (a formal function parameter or in-scope
8696 global) that will be bound to an external resource.
8697 </xs:documentation>
8698 </xs:annotation>
8699 </xs:attribute>
8700 </xs:complexType>
8701 </xs:element>
8702 </xs:sequence>
8703 <xs:attribute name="stage" type="cg_pipeline_stage">
8704 <xs:annotation>
8705 <xs:documentation>
8706 In which pipeline stage this programmable shader is designed to execute, for example, VERTEX, FRAGMENT, etc.
8707 </xs:documentation>
8708 </xs:annotation>
8709 </xs:attribute>
8710 </xs:complexType>
8711 </xs:element>
8712 </xs:choice>
8713 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8714 </xs:sequence>
8715 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
8716 <xs:annotation>
8717 <xs:documentation>
8718 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
8719 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
8720 </xs:documentation>
8721 </xs:annotation>
8722 </xs:attribute>
8723 </xs:complexType>
8724 </xs:element>
8725 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8726 </xs:sequence>
8727 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
8728 <xs:annotation>
8729 <xs:documentation>
8730 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
8731 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
8732 </xs:documentation>
8733 </xs:annotation>
8734 </xs:attribute>
8735 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
8736 <xs:annotation>
8737 <xs:documentation>
8738 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
8739 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
8740 </xs:documentation>
8741 </xs:annotation>
8742 </xs:attribute>
8743 </xs:complexType>
8744 </xs:element>
8745 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8746 </xs:sequence>
8747 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
8748 <xs:annotation>
8749 <xs:documentation>
8750 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
8751 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
8752 </xs:documentation>
8753 </xs:annotation>
8754 </xs:attribute>
8755 <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:NCName" use="optional" default="PC">
8756 <xs:annotation>
8757 <xs:documentation>
8758 The type of platform. This is a vendor-defined character string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Optional
8759 </xs:documentation>
8760 </xs:annotation>
8761 </xs:attribute>
8762 </xs:complexType>
8763 </xs:element>
8764 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
8765 <!-- COLLADA FX GLES elements -->
8766 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
8767 <!-- these maximum values are from the GL.h from Khronos. Not all of them are defined in the spec -->
8768 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index">
8769 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8770 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8771 <xs:maxExclusive value="7"/>
8772 </xs:restriction>
8773 </xs:simpleType>
8774 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index">
8775 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8776 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8777 <xs:maxExclusive value="5"/>
8778 </xs:restriction>
8779 </xs:simpleType>
8780 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_index">
8781 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8782 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8783 <xs:maxExclusive value="8"/>
8784 </xs:restriction>
8785 </xs:simpleType>
8786 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index">
8787 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8788 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8789 <xs:maxExclusive value="31"/>
8790 </xs:restriction>
8791 </xs:simpleType>
8792 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texenv_mode_enums">
8793 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8794 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
8795 <xs:annotation>
8796 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
8797 </xs:annotation>
8798 </xs:enumeration>
8799 <xs:enumeration value="MODULATE">
8800 <xs:annotation>
8801 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2100</xs:appinfo>
8802 </xs:annotation>
8803 </xs:enumeration>
8804 <xs:enumeration value="DECAL">
8805 <xs:annotation>
8806 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2101</xs:appinfo>
8807 </xs:annotation>
8808 </xs:enumeration>
8809 <xs:enumeration value="BLEND">
8810 <xs:annotation>
8811 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0BE2</xs:appinfo>
8812 </xs:annotation>
8813 </xs:enumeration>
8814 <xs:enumeration value="ADD">
8815 <xs:annotation>
8816 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0104</xs:appinfo>
8817 </xs:annotation>
8818 </xs:enumeration>
8819 </xs:restriction>
8820 </xs:simpleType>
8821 <xs:complexType name="gles_texture_constant_type">
8822 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional"/>
8823 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8824 </xs:complexType>
8825 <xs:complexType name="gles_texenv_command_type">
8826 <xs:sequence>
8827 <xs:element name="constant" type="gles_texture_constant_type" minOccurs="0"/>
8828 </xs:sequence>
8829 <xs:attribute name="operator" type="gles_texenv_mode_enums"/>
8830 <xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:NCName"/>
8831 </xs:complexType>
8832 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operatorRGB_enums">
8833 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8834 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
8835 <xs:annotation>
8836 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
8837 </xs:annotation>
8838 </xs:enumeration>
8839 <xs:enumeration value="MODULATE">
8840 <xs:annotation>
8841 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2100</xs:appinfo>
8842 </xs:annotation>
8843 </xs:enumeration>
8844 <xs:enumeration value="ADD">
8845 <xs:annotation>
8846 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0104</xs:appinfo>
8847 </xs:annotation>
8848 </xs:enumeration>
8849 <xs:enumeration value="ADD_SIGNED">
8850 <xs:annotation>
8851 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8574</xs:appinfo>
8852 </xs:annotation>
8853 </xs:enumeration>
8854 <xs:enumeration value="INTERPOLATE">
8855 <xs:annotation>
8856 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8575</xs:appinfo>
8857 </xs:annotation>
8858 </xs:enumeration>
8859 <xs:enumeration value="SUBTRACT">
8860 <xs:annotation>
8861 <xs:appinfo>value=0x84E7</xs:appinfo>
8862 </xs:annotation>
8863 </xs:enumeration>
8864 <xs:enumeration value="DOT3_RGB">
8865 <xs:annotation>
8866 <xs:appinfo>value=0x86AE</xs:appinfo>
8867 </xs:annotation>
8868 </xs:enumeration>
8869 <xs:enumeration value="DOT3_RGBA">
8870 <xs:annotation>
8871 <xs:appinfo>value=0x86AF</xs:appinfo>
8872 </xs:annotation>
8873 </xs:enumeration>
8874 </xs:restriction>
8875 </xs:simpleType>
8876 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operatorAlpha_enums">
8877 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8878 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
8879 <xs:annotation>
8880 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
8881 </xs:annotation>
8882 </xs:enumeration>
8883 <xs:enumeration value="MODULATE">
8884 <xs:annotation>
8885 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2100</xs:appinfo>
8886 </xs:annotation>
8887 </xs:enumeration>
8888 <xs:enumeration value="ADD">
8889 <xs:annotation>
8890 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0104</xs:appinfo>
8891 </xs:annotation>
8892 </xs:enumeration>
8893 <xs:enumeration value="ADD_SIGNED">
8894 <xs:annotation>
8895 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8574</xs:appinfo>
8896 </xs:annotation>
8897 </xs:enumeration>
8898 <xs:enumeration value="INTERPOLATE">
8899 <xs:annotation>
8900 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8575</xs:appinfo>
8901 </xs:annotation>
8902 </xs:enumeration>
8903 <xs:enumeration value="SUBTRACT">
8904 <xs:annotation>
8905 <xs:appinfo>value=0x84E7</xs:appinfo>
8906 </xs:annotation>
8907 </xs:enumeration>
8908 </xs:restriction>
8909 </xs:simpleType>
8910 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_source_enums">
8911 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8912 <xs:enumeration value="TEXTURE">
8913 <xs:annotation>
8914 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1702</xs:appinfo>
8915 </xs:annotation>
8916 </xs:enumeration>
8917 <xs:enumeration value="CONSTANT">
8918 <xs:annotation>
8919 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8576</xs:appinfo>
8920 </xs:annotation>
8921 </xs:enumeration>
8922 <xs:enumeration value="PRIMARY">
8923 <xs:annotation>
8924 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8577</xs:appinfo>
8925 </xs:annotation>
8926 </xs:enumeration>
8927 <xs:enumeration value="PREVIOUS">
8928 <xs:annotation>
8929 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8578</xs:appinfo>
8930 </xs:annotation>
8931 </xs:enumeration>
8932 </xs:restriction>
8933 </xs:simpleType>
8934 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operandRGB_enums">
8935 <xs:restriction base="gl_blend_type">
8936 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_COLOR">
8937 <xs:annotation>
8938 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0300</xs:appinfo>
8939 </xs:annotation>
8940 </xs:enumeration>
8941 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR">
8942 <xs:annotation>
8943 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0301</xs:appinfo>
8944 </xs:annotation>
8945 </xs:enumeration>
8946 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA">
8947 <xs:annotation>
8948 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0302</xs:appinfo>
8949 </xs:annotation>
8950 </xs:enumeration>
8951 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA">
8952 <xs:annotation>
8953 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0303</xs:appinfo>
8954 </xs:annotation>
8955 </xs:enumeration>
8956 </xs:restriction>
8957 </xs:simpleType>
8958 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operandAlpha_enums">
8959 <xs:restriction base="gl_blend_type">
8960 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA">
8961 <xs:annotation>
8962 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0302</xs:appinfo>
8963 </xs:annotation>
8964 </xs:enumeration>
8965 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA">
8966 <xs:annotation>
8967 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0303</xs:appinfo>
8968 </xs:annotation>
8969 </xs:enumeration>
8970 </xs:restriction>
8971 </xs:simpleType>
8972 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_argument_index_type">
8973 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8974 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8975 <xs:maxInclusive value="2"/>
8976 </xs:restriction>
8977 </xs:simpleType>
8978 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_argumentRGB_type">
8979 <xs:attribute name="source" type="gles_texcombiner_source_enums"/>
8980 <xs:attribute name="operand" type="gles_texcombiner_operandRGB_enums" default="SRC_COLOR"/>
8981 <xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8982 </xs:complexType>
8983 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_argumentAlpha_type">
8984 <xs:attribute name="source" type="gles_texcombiner_source_enums"/>
8985 <xs:attribute name="operand" type="gles_texcombiner_operandAlpha_enums" default="SRC_ALPHA"/>
8986 <xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8987 </xs:complexType>
8988 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_commandRGB_type">
8989 <xs:annotation>
8990 <xs:documentation>
8991 Defines the RGB portion of a texture_pipeline command. This is a combiner-mode texturing operation.
8992 </xs:documentation>
8993 </xs:annotation>
8994 <xs:sequence>
8995 <xs:element name="argument" type="gles_texcombiner_argumentRGB_type" maxOccurs="3"/>
8996 </xs:sequence>
8997 <xs:attribute name="operator" type="gles_texcombiner_operatorRGB_enums"/>
8998 <xs:attribute name="scale" type="xs:float" use="optional"/>
8999 </xs:complexType>
9000 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_commandAlpha_type">
9001 <xs:sequence>
9002 <xs:element name="argument" type="gles_texcombiner_argumentAlpha_type" maxOccurs="3"/>
9003 </xs:sequence>
9004 <xs:attribute name="operator" type="gles_texcombiner_operatorAlpha_enums"/>
9005 <xs:attribute name="scale" type="xs:float" use="optional"/>
9006 </xs:complexType>
9007 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_command_type">
9008 <xs:sequence>
9009 <xs:element name="constant" type="gles_texture_constant_type" minOccurs="0"/>
9010 <xs:element name="RGB" type="gles_texcombiner_commandRGB_type" minOccurs="0"/>
9011 <xs:element name="alpha" type="gles_texcombiner_commandAlpha_type" minOccurs="0"/>
9012 </xs:sequence>
9013 </xs:complexType>
9014 <xs:complexType name="gles_texture_pipeline">
9015 <xs:annotation>
9016 <xs:documentation>
9017 Defines a set of texturing commands that will be converted into multitexturing operations using glTexEnv in regular and combiner mode.
9018 </xs:documentation>
9019 </xs:annotation>
9020 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
9021 <xs:element name="texcombiner" type="gles_texcombiner_command_type">
9022 <xs:annotation>
9023 <xs:documentation>
9024 Defines a texture_pipeline command. This is a combiner-mode texturing operation.
9025 </xs:documentation>
9026 </xs:annotation>
9027 </xs:element>
9028 <xs:element name="texenv" type="gles_texenv_command_type">
9029 <xs:annotation>
9030 <xs:documentation>
9031 Defines a texture_pipeline command. It is a simple noncombiner mode of texturing operations.
9032 </xs:documentation>
9033 </xs:annotation>
9034 </xs:element>
9035 <xs:element ref="extra">
9036 <xs:annotation>
9037 <xs:documentation>
9038 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9039 OpenGL ES extensions may be used here.
9040 </xs:documentation>
9041 </xs:annotation>
9042 </xs:element>
9043 </xs:choice>
9044 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
9045 <xs:annotation>
9046 <xs:documentation>
9047 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9048 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9049 </xs:documentation>
9050 </xs:annotation>
9051 </xs:attribute>
9052 </xs:complexType>
9053 <xs:complexType name="gles_texture_unit">
9054 <xs:sequence>
9055 <xs:element name="surface" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
9056 <xs:element name="sampler_state" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
9057 <xs:element name="texcoord" minOccurs="0">
9058 <xs:complexType>
9059 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NCName"/>
9060 </xs:complexType>
9061 </xs:element>
9062 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9063 </xs:sequence>
9064 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
9065 <xs:annotation>
9066 <xs:documentation>
9067 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9068 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9069 </xs:documentation>
9070 </xs:annotation>
9071 </xs:attribute>
9072 </xs:complexType>
9073 <xs:simpleType name="gles_sampler_wrap">
9074 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
9075 <xs:enumeration value="REPEAT"/>
9076 <xs:enumeration value="CLAMP"/>
9077 <xs:enumeration value="CLAMP_TO_EDGE"/>
9078 <xs:enumeration value="MIRRORED_REPEAT">
9079 <xs:annotation>
9080 <xs:documentation>
9081 supported by GLES 1.1 only
9082 </xs:documentation>
9083 </xs:annotation>
9084 </xs:enumeration>
9085 </xs:restriction>
9086 </xs:simpleType>
9087 <xs:complexType name="gles_sampler_state">
9088 <xs:annotation>
9089 <xs:documentation>
9090 Two-dimensional texture sampler state for profile_GLES. This is a bundle of sampler-specific states that will be referenced by one or more texture_units.
9091 </xs:documentation>
9092 </xs:annotation>
9093 <xs:sequence>
9094 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="gles_sampler_wrap" default="REPEAT" minOccurs="0"/>
9095 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="gles_sampler_wrap" default="REPEAT" minOccurs="0"/>
9096 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
9097 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
9098 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
9099 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
9100 <!-- perhaps bias not really supported but can be kludged in the app somewhat-->
9101 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
9102 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9103 <xs:annotation>
9104 <xs:documentation>
9105 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9106 OpenGL ES extensions may be used here.
9107 </xs:documentation>
9108 </xs:annotation>
9109 </xs:element>
9110 </xs:sequence>
9111 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
9112 <xs:annotation>
9113 <xs:documentation>
9114 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9115 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9116 </xs:documentation>
9117 </xs:annotation>
9118 </xs:attribute>
9119 </xs:complexType>
9120 <xs:simpleType name="gles_stencil_op_type">
9121 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
9122 <xs:enumeration value="KEEP">
9123 <xs:annotation>
9124 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E00</xs:appinfo>
9125 </xs:annotation>
9126 </xs:enumeration>
9127 <xs:enumeration value="ZERO">
9128 <xs:annotation>
9129 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0</xs:appinfo>
9130 </xs:annotation>
9131 </xs:enumeration>
9132 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
9133 <xs:annotation>
9134 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
9135 </xs:annotation>
9136 </xs:enumeration>
9137 <xs:enumeration value="INCR">
9138 <xs:annotation>
9139 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E02</xs:appinfo>
9140 </xs:annotation>
9141 </xs:enumeration>
9142 <xs:enumeration value="DECR">
9143 <xs:annotation>
9144 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E03</xs:appinfo>
9145 </xs:annotation>
9146 </xs:enumeration>
9147 <xs:enumeration value="INVERT">
9148 <xs:annotation>
9149 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150A</xs:appinfo>
9150 </xs:annotation>
9151 </xs:enumeration>
9152 </xs:restriction>
9153 </xs:simpleType>
9154 <xs:simpleType name="gles_enumeration">
9155 <xs:union memberTypes="gl_blend_type gl_face_type gl_func_type gl_stencil_op_type gl_material_type gl_fog_type gl_front_face_type gl_light_model_color_control_type gl_logic_op_type gl_polygon_mode_type gl_shade_model_type"/>
9156 </xs:simpleType>
9157 <xs:group name="gles_pipeline_settings">
9158 <xs:annotation>
9159 <xs:documentation>
9160 A group that contains the renderstates available for the GLES profile.
9161 </xs:documentation>
9162 </xs:annotation>
9163 <xs:choice>
9164 <xs:element name="alpha_func">
9165 <xs:complexType>
9166 <xs:sequence>
9167 <xs:element name="func">
9168 <xs:complexType>
9169 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
9170 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9171 </xs:complexType>
9172 </xs:element>
9173 <xs:element name="value">
9174 <xs:complexType>
9175 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_alpha_value_type" use="optional" default="0.0"/>
9176 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9177 </xs:complexType>
9178 </xs:element>
9179 </xs:sequence>
9180 </xs:complexType>
9181 </xs:element>
9182 <xs:element name="blend_func">
9183 <xs:complexType>
9184 <xs:sequence>
9185 <xs:element name="src">
9186 <xs:complexType>
9187 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
9188 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9189 </xs:complexType>
9190 </xs:element>
9191 <xs:element name="dest">
9192 <xs:complexType>
9193 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
9194 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9195 </xs:complexType>
9196 </xs:element>
9197 </xs:sequence>
9198 </xs:complexType>
9199 </xs:element>
9200 <xs:element name="clear_color">
9201 <xs:complexType>
9202 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional"/>
9203 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9204 </xs:complexType>
9205 </xs:element>
9206 <xs:element name="clear_stencil">
9207 <xs:complexType>
9208 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int" use="optional"/>
9209 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9210 </xs:complexType>
9211 </xs:element>
9212 <xs:element name="clear_depth">
9213 <xs:complexType>
9214 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional"/>
9215 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9216 </xs:complexType>
9217 </xs:element>
9218 <xs:element name="clip_plane">
9219 <xs:complexType>
9220 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool4" use="optional"/>
9221 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9222 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index" use="required"/>
9223 </xs:complexType>
9224 </xs:element>
9225 <xs:element name="color_mask">
9226 <xs:complexType>
9227 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool4" use="optional"/>
9228 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9229 </xs:complexType>
9230 </xs:element>
9231 <xs:element name="cull_face">
9232 <xs:complexType>
9233 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="BACK"/>
9234 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9235 </xs:complexType>
9236 </xs:element>
9237 <xs:element name="depth_func">
9238 <xs:complexType>
9239 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
9240 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9241 </xs:complexType>
9242 </xs:element>
9243 <xs:element name="depth_mask">
9244 <xs:complexType>
9245 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9246 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9247 </xs:complexType>
9248 </xs:element>
9249 <xs:element name="depth_range">
9250 <xs:complexType>
9251 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float2" use="optional" default="0 1"/>
9252 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9253 </xs:complexType>
9254 </xs:element>
9255 <xs:element name="fog_color">
9256 <xs:complexType>
9257 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
9258 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9259 </xs:complexType>
9260 </xs:element>
9261 <xs:element name="fog_density">
9262 <xs:complexType>
9263 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9264 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9265 </xs:complexType>
9266 </xs:element>
9267 <xs:element name="fog_mode">
9268 <xs:complexType>
9269 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_fog_type" use="optional" default="EXP"/>
9270 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9271 </xs:complexType>
9272 </xs:element>
9273 <xs:element name="fog_start">
9274 <xs:complexType>
9275 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9276 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9277 </xs:complexType>
9278 </xs:element>
9279 <xs:element name="fog_end">
9280 <xs:complexType>
9281 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9282 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9283 </xs:complexType>
9284 </xs:element>
9285 <xs:element name="front_face">
9286 <xs:complexType>
9287 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_front_face_type" use="optional" default="CCW"/>
9288 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9289 </xs:complexType>
9290 </xs:element>
9291 <xs:element name="texture_pipeline">
9292 <xs:complexType>
9293 <xs:sequence>
9294 <xs:element name="value" type="gles_texture_pipeline" minOccurs="0"/>
9295 </xs:sequence>
9296 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9297 </xs:complexType>
9298 </xs:element>
9299 <xs:element name="logic_op">
9300 <xs:complexType>
9301 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_logic_op_type" use="optional" default="COPY"/>
9302 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9303 </xs:complexType>
9304 </xs:element>
9305 <xs:element name="light_ambient">
9306 <xs:complexType>
9307 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
9308 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9309 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9310 </xs:complexType>
9311 </xs:element>
9312 <xs:element name="light_diffuse">
9313 <xs:complexType>
9314 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
9315 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9316 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9317 </xs:complexType>
9318 </xs:element>
9319 <xs:element name="light_specular">
9320 <xs:complexType>
9321 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
9322 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9323 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9324 </xs:complexType>
9325 </xs:element>
9326 <xs:element name="light_position">
9327 <xs:complexType>
9328 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 1 0"/>
9329 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9330 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9331 </xs:complexType>
9332 </xs:element>
9333 <xs:element name="light_constant_attenuation">
9334 <xs:complexType>
9335 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9336 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9337 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9338 </xs:complexType>
9339 </xs:element>
9340 <xs:element name="light_linear_attenutation">
9341 <xs:complexType>
9342 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9343 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9344 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9345 </xs:complexType>
9346 </xs:element>
9347 <xs:element name="light_quadratic_attenuation">
9348 <xs:complexType>
9349 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9350 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9351 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9352 </xs:complexType>
9353 </xs:element>
9354 <xs:element name="light_spot_cutoff">
9355 <xs:complexType>
9356 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="180"/>
9357 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9358 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9359 </xs:complexType>
9360 </xs:element>
9361 <xs:element name="light_spot_direction">
9362 <xs:complexType>
9363 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="0 0 -1"/>
9364 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9365 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9366 </xs:complexType>
9367 </xs:element>
9368 <xs:element name="light_spot_exponent">
9369 <xs:complexType>
9370 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9371 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9372 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9373 </xs:complexType>
9374 </xs:element>
9375 <xs:element name="light_model_ambient">
9376 <xs:complexType>
9377 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0"/>
9378 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9379 </xs:complexType>
9380 </xs:element>
9381 <xs:element name="line_width">
9382 <xs:complexType>
9383 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9384 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9385 </xs:complexType>
9386 </xs:element>
9387 <xs:element name="material_ambient">
9388 <xs:complexType>
9389 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0"/>
9390 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9391 </xs:complexType>
9392 </xs:element>
9393 <xs:element name="material_diffuse">
9394 <xs:complexType>
9395 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0"/>
9396 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9397 </xs:complexType>
9398 </xs:element>
9399 <xs:element name="material_emission">
9400 <xs:complexType>
9401 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
9402 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9403 </xs:complexType>
9404 </xs:element>
9405 <xs:element name="material_shininess">
9406 <xs:complexType>
9407 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9408 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9409 </xs:complexType>
9410 </xs:element>
9411 <xs:element name="material_specular">
9412 <xs:complexType>
9413 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
9414 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9415 </xs:complexType>
9416 </xs:element>
9417 <xs:element name="model_view_matrix">
9418 <xs:complexType>
9419 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4x4" use="optional" default="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
9420 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9421 </xs:complexType>
9422 </xs:element>
9423 <xs:element name="point_distance_attenuation">
9424 <xs:complexType>
9425 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="1 0 0"/>
9426 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9427 </xs:complexType>
9428 </xs:element>
9429 <xs:element name="point_fade_threshold_size">
9430 <xs:complexType>
9431 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9432 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9433 </xs:complexType>
9434 </xs:element>
9435 <xs:element name="point_size">
9436 <xs:complexType>
9437 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9438 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9439 </xs:complexType>
9440 </xs:element>
9441 <xs:element name="point_size_min">
9442 <xs:complexType>
9443 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9444 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9445 </xs:complexType>
9446 </xs:element>
9447 <xs:element name="point_size_max">
9448 <xs:complexType>
9449 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9450 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9451 </xs:complexType>
9452 </xs:element>
9453 <xs:element name="polygon_offset">
9454 <xs:complexType>
9455 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float2" use="optional" default="0 0"/>
9456 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9457 </xs:complexType>
9458 </xs:element>
9459 <xs:element name="projection_matrix">
9460 <xs:complexType>
9461 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4x4" use="optional" default="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
9462 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9463 </xs:complexType>
9464 </xs:element>
9465 <xs:element name="scissor">
9466 <xs:complexType>
9467 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int4" use="optional"/>
9468 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9469 </xs:complexType>
9470 </xs:element>
9471 <xs:element name="shade_model">
9472 <xs:complexType>
9473 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_shade_model_type" use="optional" default="SMOOTH"/>
9474 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9475 </xs:complexType>
9476 </xs:element>
9477 <xs:element name="stencil_func">
9478 <xs:complexType>
9479 <xs:sequence>
9480 <xs:element name="func">
9481 <xs:complexType>
9482 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
9483 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9484 </xs:complexType>
9485 </xs:element>
9486 <xs:element name="ref">
9487 <xs:complexType>
9488 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="0"/>
9489 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9490 </xs:complexType>
9491 </xs:element>
9492 <xs:element name="mask">
9493 <xs:complexType>
9494 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
9495 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9496 </xs:complexType>
9497 </xs:element>
9498 </xs:sequence>
9499 </xs:complexType>
9500 </xs:element>
9501 <xs:element name="stencil_mask">
9502 <xs:complexType>
9503 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int" use="optional" default="4294967295"/>
9504 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9505 </xs:complexType>
9506 </xs:element>
9507 <xs:element name="stencil_op">
9508 <xs:complexType>
9509 <xs:sequence>
9510 <xs:element name="fail">
9511 <xs:complexType>
9512 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gles_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
9513 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9514 </xs:complexType>
9515 </xs:element>
9516 <xs:element name="zfail">
9517 <xs:complexType>
9518 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gles_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
9519 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9520 </xs:complexType>
9521 </xs:element>
9522 <xs:element name="zpass">
9523 <xs:complexType>
9524 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gles_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
9525 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9526 </xs:complexType>
9527 </xs:element>
9528 </xs:sequence>
9529 </xs:complexType>
9530 </xs:element>
9531 <xs:element name="alpha_test_enable">
9532 <xs:complexType>
9533 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9534 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9535 </xs:complexType>
9536 </xs:element>
9537 <xs:element name="blend_enable">
9538 <xs:complexType>
9539 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9540 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9541 </xs:complexType>
9542 </xs:element>
9543 <xs:element name="clip_plane_enable">
9544 <xs:complexType>
9545 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9546 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9547 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index"/>
9548 </xs:complexType>
9549 </xs:element>
9550 <xs:element name="color_logic_op_enable">
9551 <xs:complexType>
9552 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9553 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9554 </xs:complexType>
9555 </xs:element>
9556 <xs:element name="color_material_enable">
9557 <xs:complexType>
9558 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="true"/>
9559 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9560 </xs:complexType>
9561 </xs:element>
9562 <xs:element name="cull_face_enable">
9563 <xs:complexType>
9564 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9565 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9566 </xs:complexType>
9567 </xs:element>
9568 <xs:element name="depth_test_enable">
9569 <xs:complexType>
9570 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9571 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9572 </xs:complexType>
9573 </xs:element>
9574 <xs:element name="dither_enable">
9575 <xs:complexType>
9576 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9577 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9578 </xs:complexType>
9579 </xs:element>
9580 <xs:element name="fog_enable">
9581 <xs:complexType>
9582 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9583 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9584 </xs:complexType>
9585 </xs:element>
9586 <xs:element name="texture_pipeline_enable">
9587 <xs:complexType>
9588 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9589 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9590 </xs:complexType>
9591 </xs:element>
9592 <xs:element name="light_enable">
9593 <xs:complexType>
9594 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9595 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9596 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9597 </xs:complexType>
9598 </xs:element>
9599 <xs:element name="lighting_enable">
9600 <xs:complexType>
9601 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9602 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9603 </xs:complexType>
9604 </xs:element>
9605 <xs:element name="light_model_two_side_enable">
9606 <xs:complexType>
9607 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9608 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9609 </xs:complexType>
9610 </xs:element>
9611 <xs:element name="line_smooth_enable">
9612 <xs:complexType>
9613 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9614 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9615 </xs:complexType>
9616 </xs:element>
9617 <xs:element name="multisample_enable">
9618 <xs:complexType>
9619 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9620 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9621 </xs:complexType>
9622 </xs:element>
9623 <xs:element name="normalize_enable">
9624 <xs:complexType>
9625 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9626 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9627 </xs:complexType>
9628 </xs:element>
9629 <xs:element name="point_smooth_enable">
9630 <xs:complexType>
9631 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9632 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9633 </xs:complexType>
9634 </xs:element>
9635 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_fill_enable">
9636 <xs:complexType>
9637 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9638 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9639 </xs:complexType>
9640 </xs:element>
9641 <xs:element name="rescale_normal_enable">
9642 <xs:complexType>
9643 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9644 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9645 </xs:complexType>
9646 </xs:element>
9647 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_coverage_enable">
9648 <xs:complexType>
9649 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9650 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9651 </xs:complexType>
9652 </xs:element>
9653 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_one_enable">
9654 <xs:complexType>
9655 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9656 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9657 </xs:complexType>
9658 </xs:element>
9659 <xs:element name="sample_coverage_enable">
9660 <xs:complexType>
9661 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9662 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9663 </xs:complexType>
9664 </xs:element>
9665 <xs:element name="scissor_test_enable">
9666 <xs:complexType>
9667 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9668 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9669 </xs:complexType>
9670 </xs:element>
9671 <xs:element name="stencil_test_enable">
9672 <xs:complexType>
9673 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9674 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9675 </xs:complexType>
9676 </xs:element>
9677 </xs:choice>
9678 </xs:group>
9679 <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
9680 <xs:group name="gles_basic_type_common">
9681 <xs:annotation>
9682 <xs:documentation>
9683 A group that defines the available variable types for GLES parameters.
9684 </xs:documentation>
9685 </xs:annotation>
9686 <xs:choice>
9687 <xs:element name="bool" type="bool"/>
9688 <xs:element name="bool2" type="bool2"/>
9689 <xs:element name="bool3" type="bool3"/>
9690 <xs:element name="bool4" type="bool4"/>
9691 <xs:element name="int" type="int"/>
9692 <xs:element name="int2" type="int2"/>
9693 <xs:element name="int3" type="int3"/>
9694 <xs:element name="int4" type="int4"/>
9695 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
9696 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
9697 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
9698 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
9699 <xs:element name="float1x1" type="float"/>
9700 <xs:element name="float1x2" type="float2"/>
9701 <xs:element name="float1x3" type="float3"/>
9702 <xs:element name="float1x4" type="float4"/>
9703 <xs:element name="float2x1" type="float2"/>
9704 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="float2x2"/>
9705 <xs:element name="float2x3" type="float2x3"/>
9706 <xs:element name="float2x4" type="float2x4"/>
9707 <xs:element name="float3x1" type="float3"/>
9708 <xs:element name="float3x2" type="float3x2"/>
9709 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="float3x3"/>
9710 <xs:element name="float3x4" type="float3x4"/>
9711 <xs:element name="float4x1" type="float4"/>
9712 <xs:element name="float4x2" type="float4x2"/>
9713 <xs:element name="float4x3" type="float4x3"/>
9714 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="float4x4"/>
9715 <xs:element name="surface" type="fx_surface_common"/>
9716 <xs:element name="texture_pipeline" type="gles_texture_pipeline"/>
9717 <xs:element name="sampler_state" type="gles_sampler_state"/>
9718 <xs:element name="texture_unit" type="gles_texture_unit"/>
9719 <xs:element name="enum" type="gles_enumeration"/>
9720 </xs:choice>
9721 </xs:group>
9722 <xs:complexType name="gles_newparam">
9723 <xs:annotation>
9724 <xs:documentation>
9725 Create a new, named param object in the GLES Runtime, assign it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time.
9726 </xs:documentation>
9727 </xs:annotation>
9728 <xs:sequence>
9729 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9730 <xs:annotation>
9731 <xs:documentation>
9732 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param.
9733 </xs:documentation>
9734 </xs:annotation>
9735 </xs:element>
9736 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0">
9737 <xs:annotation>
9738 <xs:documentation>
9739 The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param.
9740 </xs:documentation>
9741 </xs:annotation>
9742 </xs:element>
9743 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0">
9744 <xs:annotation>
9745 <xs:documentation>
9746 The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param.
9747 </xs:documentation>
9748 </xs:annotation>
9749 </xs:element>
9750 <xs:group ref="gles_basic_type_common"/>
9751 </xs:sequence>
9752 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
9753 <xs:annotation>
9754 <xs:documentation>
9755 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9756 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element.
9757 </xs:documentation>
9758 </xs:annotation>
9759 </xs:attribute>
9760 </xs:complexType>
9761 <xs:simpleType name="gles_rendertarget_common">
9762 <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName"/>
9763 </xs:simpleType>
9764 <xs:element name="profile_GLES" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
9765 <xs:annotation>
9766 <xs:documentation>
9767 Opens a block of GLES platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
9768 </xs:documentation>
9769 </xs:annotation>
9770 <xs:complexType>
9771 <xs:sequence>
9772 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
9773 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9774 <xs:element ref="image"/>
9775 <xs:element name="newparam" type="gles_newparam"/>
9776 </xs:choice>
9777 <xs:element name="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9778 <xs:annotation>
9779 <xs:documentation>
9780 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
9781 </xs:documentation>
9782 </xs:annotation>
9783 <xs:complexType>
9784 <xs:sequence>
9785 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
9786 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9787 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9788 <xs:element ref="image"/>
9789 <xs:element name="newparam" type="gles_newparam"/>
9790 <xs:element name="setparam">
9791 <xs:complexType>
9792 <xs:sequence>
9793 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9794 <xs:group ref="gles_basic_type_common"/>
9795 </xs:sequence>
9796 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
9797 </xs:complexType>
9798 </xs:element>
9799 </xs:choice>
9800 <xs:element name="pass" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9801 <xs:annotation>
9802 <xs:documentation>
9803 A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline.
9804 </xs:documentation>
9805 </xs:annotation>
9806 <xs:complexType>
9807 <xs:sequence>
9808 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9809 <xs:element name="color_target" type="gles_rendertarget_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9810 <xs:element name="depth_target" type="gles_rendertarget_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9811 <xs:element name="stencil_target" type="gles_rendertarget_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9812 <xs:element name="color_clear" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9813 <xs:element name="depth_clear" type="float" minOccurs="0"/>
9814 <xs:element name="stencil_clear" type="xs:byte" minOccurs="0"/>
9815 <xs:element name="draw" type="fx_draw_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9816 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9817 <xs:group ref="gles_pipeline_settings"/>
9818 </xs:choice>
9819 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9820 </xs:sequence>
9821 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
9822 <xs:annotation>
9823 <xs:documentation>
9824 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9825 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9826 </xs:documentation>
9827 </xs:annotation>
9828 </xs:attribute>
9829 </xs:complexType>
9830 </xs:element>
9831 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9832 </xs:sequence>
9833 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>
9834 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
9835 <xs:annotation>
9836 <xs:documentation>
9837 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9838 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element.
9839 </xs:documentation>
9840 </xs:annotation>
9841 </xs:attribute>
9842 </xs:complexType>
9843 </xs:element>
9844 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9845 </xs:sequence>
9846 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
9847 <xs:annotation>
9848 <xs:documentation>
9849 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
9850 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
9851 </xs:documentation>
9852 </xs:annotation>
9853 </xs:attribute>
9854 <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:NCName" use="optional" default="PC">
9855 <xs:annotation>
9856 <xs:documentation>
9857 The type of platform. This is a vendor-defined character string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Optional
9858 </xs:documentation>
9859 </xs:annotation>
9860 </xs:attribute>
9861 </xs:complexType>
9862 </xs:element>
9863 <!-- COLLADA Physics -->
9864 <!-- new geometry types -->
9865 <xs:element name="box">
9866 <xs:annotation>
9867 <xs:documentation>
9868 An axis-aligned, centered box primitive.
9869 </xs:documentation>
9870 </xs:annotation>
9871 <xs:complexType>
9872 <xs:sequence>
9873 <xs:element name="half_extents" type="float3">
9874 <xs:annotation>
9875 <xs:documentation>
9876 3 float values that represent the extents of the box
9877 </xs:documentation>
9878 </xs:annotation>
9879 </xs:element>
9880 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9881 <xs:annotation>
9882 <xs:documentation>
9883 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9884 </xs:documentation>
9885 </xs:annotation>
9886 </xs:element>
9887 </xs:sequence>
9888 </xs:complexType>
9889 </xs:element>
9890 <xs:element name="plane">
9891 <xs:annotation>
9892 <xs:documentation>
9893 An infinite plane primitive.
9894 </xs:documentation>
9895 </xs:annotation>
9896 <xs:complexType>
9897 <xs:sequence>
9898 <xs:element name="equation" type="float4">
9899 <xs:annotation>
9900 <xs:documentation>
9901 4 float values that represent the coefficients for the plane's equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
9902 </xs:documentation>
9903 </xs:annotation>
9904 </xs:element>
9905 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9906 <xs:annotation>
9907 <xs:documentation>
9908 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9909 </xs:documentation>
9910 </xs:annotation>
9911 </xs:element>
9912 </xs:sequence>
9913 </xs:complexType>
9914 </xs:element>
9915 <xs:element name="sphere">
9916 <xs:annotation>
9917 <xs:documentation>
9918 A centered sphere primitive.
9919 </xs:documentation>
9920 </xs:annotation>
9921 <xs:complexType>
9922 <xs:sequence>
9923 <xs:element name="radius" type="float">
9924 <xs:annotation>
9925 <xs:documentation>
9926 A float value that represents the radius of the sphere
9927 </xs:documentation>
9928 </xs:annotation>
9929 </xs:element>
9930 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9931 <xs:annotation>
9932 <xs:documentation>
9933 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9934 </xs:documentation>
9935 </xs:annotation>
9936 </xs:element>
9937 </xs:sequence>
9938 </xs:complexType>
9939 </xs:element>
9940 <xs:element name="ellipsoid">
9941 <xs:complexType>
9942 <xs:sequence>
9943 <xs:element name="size" type="float3"/>
9944 </xs:sequence>
9945 </xs:complexType>
9946 </xs:element>
9947 <xs:element name="cylinder">
9948 <xs:annotation>
9949 <xs:documentation>
9950 A cylinder primitive that is centered on, and aligned with. the local Y axis.
9951 </xs:documentation>
9952 </xs:annotation>
9953 <xs:complexType>
9954 <xs:sequence>
9955 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
9956 <xs:annotation>
9957 <xs:documentation>
9958 A float value that represents the length of the cylinder along the Y axis.
9959 </xs:documentation>
9960 </xs:annotation>
9961 </xs:element>
9962 <xs:element name="radius" type="float2">
9963 <xs:annotation>
9964 <xs:documentation>
9965 float2 values that represent the radii of the cylinder.
9966 </xs:documentation>
9967 </xs:annotation>
9968 </xs:element>
9969 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9970 <xs:annotation>
9971 <xs:documentation>
9972 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9973 </xs:documentation>
9974 </xs:annotation>
9975 </xs:element>
9976 </xs:sequence>
9977 </xs:complexType>
9978 </xs:element>
9979 <xs:element name="tapered_cylinder">
9980 <xs:annotation>
9981 <xs:documentation>
9982 A tapered cylinder primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local Y axis.
9983 </xs:documentation>
9984 </xs:annotation>
9985 <xs:complexType>
9986 <xs:sequence>
9987 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
9988 <xs:annotation>
9989 <xs:documentation>
9990 A float value that represents the length of the cylinder along the Y axis.
9991 </xs:documentation>
9992 </xs:annotation>
9993 </xs:element>
9994 <xs:element name="radius1" type="float2">
9995 <xs:annotation>
9996 <xs:documentation>
9997 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered cylinder at the positive (height/2)
9998 Y value. Both ends of the tapered cylinder may be elliptical.
9999 </xs:documentation>
10000 </xs:annotation>
10001 </xs:element>
10002 <xs:element name="radius2" type="float2">
10003 <xs:annotation>
10004 <xs:documentation>
10005 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered cylinder at the negative (height/2)
10006 Y value.Both ends of the tapered cylinder may be elliptical.
10007 </xs:documentation>
10008 </xs:annotation>
10009 </xs:element>
10010 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10011 <xs:annotation>
10012 <xs:documentation>
10013 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10014 </xs:documentation>
10015 </xs:annotation>
10016 </xs:element>
10017 </xs:sequence>
10018 </xs:complexType>
10019 </xs:element>
10020 <xs:element name="capsule">
10021 <xs:annotation>
10022 <xs:documentation>
10023 A capsule primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local Y axis.
10024 </xs:documentation>
10025 </xs:annotation>
10026 <xs:complexType>
10027 <xs:sequence>
10028 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
10029 <xs:annotation>
10030 <xs:documentation>
10031 A float value that represents the length of the line segment connecting the centers
10032 of the capping hemispheres.
10033 </xs:documentation>
10034 </xs:annotation>
10035 </xs:element>
10036 <xs:element name="radius" type="float2">
10037 <xs:annotation>
10038 <xs:documentation>
10039 Two float values that represent the radii of the capsule (it may be elliptical)
10040 </xs:documentation>
10041 </xs:annotation>
10042 </xs:element>
10043 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10044 <xs:annotation>
10045 <xs:documentation>
10046 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10047 </xs:documentation>
10048 </xs:annotation>
10049 </xs:element>
10050 </xs:sequence>
10051 </xs:complexType>
10052 </xs:element>
10053 <xs:element name="tapered_capsule">
10054 <xs:annotation>
10055 <xs:documentation>
10056 A tapered capsule primitive that is centered on, and aligned with, the local Y axis.
10057 </xs:documentation>
10058 </xs:annotation>
10059 <xs:complexType>
10060 <xs:sequence>
10061 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
10062 <xs:annotation>
10063 <xs:documentation>
10064 A float value that represents the length of the line segment connecting the centers of the
10065 capping hemispheres.
10066 </xs:documentation>
10067 </xs:annotation>
10068 </xs:element>
10069 <xs:element name="radius1" type="float2">
10070 <xs:annotation>
10071 <xs:documentation>
10072 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered capsule at the positive (height/2)
10073 Y value.Both ends of the tapered capsule may be elliptical.
10074 </xs:documentation>
10075 </xs:annotation>
10076 </xs:element>
10077 <xs:element name="radius2" type="float2">
10078 <xs:annotation>
10079 <xs:documentation>
10080 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered capsule at the negative (height/2)
10081 Y value.Both ends of the tapered capsule may be elliptical.
10082 </xs:documentation>
10083 </xs:annotation>
10084 </xs:element>
10085 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10086 <xs:annotation>
10087 <xs:documentation>
10088 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10089 </xs:documentation>
10090 </xs:annotation>
10091 </xs:element>
10092 </xs:sequence>
10093 </xs:complexType>
10094 </xs:element>
10095 <xs:element name="convex_mesh">
10096 <xs:annotation>
10097 <xs:documentation>
10098 The definition of the convex_mesh element is identical to the mesh element with the exception that
10099 instead of a complete description (source, vertices, polygons etc.), it may simply point to another
10100 geometry to derive its shape. The latter case means that the convex hull of that geometry should
10101 be computed and is indicated by the optional "convex_hull_of" attribute.
10102 </xs:documentation>
10103 </xs:annotation>
10104 <xs:complexType>
10105 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
10106 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
10107 <xs:element ref="vertices"/>
10108 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10109 <xs:element ref="lines"/>
10110 <xs:element ref="linestrips"/>
10111 <xs:element ref="polygons"/>
10112 <xs:element ref="polylist"/>
10113 <xs:element ref="triangles"/>
10114 <xs:element ref="trifans"/>
10115 <xs:element ref="tristrips"/>
10116 </xs:choice>
10117 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10118 <xs:annotation>
10119 <xs:documentation>
10120 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10121 </xs:documentation>
10122 </xs:annotation>
10123 </xs:element>
10124 </xs:sequence>
10125 <xs:attribute name="convex_hull_of" type="xs:anyURI">
10126 <xs:annotation>
10127 <xs:documentation>
10128 The convex_hull_of attribute is a URI string of geometry to compute the convex hull of.
10129 Optional attribute.
10130 </xs:documentation>
10131 </xs:annotation>
10132 </xs:attribute>
10133 </xs:complexType>
10134 </xs:element>
10135 <!-- physics object elements -->
10136 <xs:element name="force_field">
10137 <xs:annotation>
10138 <xs:documentation>
10139 A general container for force-fields. At the moment, it only has techniques and extra elements.
10140 </xs:documentation>
10141 </xs:annotation>
10142 <xs:complexType>
10143 <xs:sequence>
10144 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10145 <xs:annotation>
10146 <xs:documentation>
10147 The force_field element may contain an asset element.
10148 </xs:documentation>
10149 </xs:annotation>
10150 </xs:element>
10151 <xs:element ref="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10152 <xs:annotation>
10153 <xs:documentation>
10154 This element must contain at least one non-common profile technique.
10155 </xs:documentation>
10156 </xs:annotation>
10157 </xs:element>
10158 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10159 <xs:annotation>
10160 <xs:documentation>
10161 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10162 </xs:documentation>
10163 </xs:annotation>
10164 </xs:element>
10165 </xs:sequence>
10166 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10167 <xs:annotation>
10168 <xs:documentation>
10169 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
10170 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10171 </xs:documentation>
10172 </xs:annotation>
10173 </xs:attribute>
10174 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10175 <xs:annotation>
10176 <xs:documentation>
10177 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10178 </xs:documentation>
10179 </xs:annotation>
10180 </xs:attribute>
10181 </xs:complexType>
10182 </xs:element>
10183 <xs:element name="physics_material">
10184 <xs:annotation>
10185 <xs:documentation>
10186 This element defines the physical properties of an object. It contains a technique/profile with
10187 parameters. The COMMON profile defines the built-in names, such as static_friction.
10188 </xs:documentation>
10189 </xs:annotation>
10190 <xs:complexType>
10191 <xs:sequence>
10192 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10193 <xs:annotation>
10194 <xs:documentation>
10195 The physics_material element may contain an asset element.
10196 </xs:documentation>
10197 </xs:annotation>
10198 </xs:element>
10199 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10200 <xs:annotation>
10201 <xs:documentation>
10202 The technique_common element specifies the physics_material information for the common profile
10203 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
10204 </xs:documentation>
10205 </xs:annotation>
10206 <xs:complexType>
10207 <xs:sequence>
10208 <xs:element name="dynamic_friction" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10209 <xs:annotation>
10210 <xs:documentation>
10211 Dynamic friction coefficient
10212 </xs:documentation>
10213 </xs:annotation>
10214 </xs:element>
10215 <xs:element name="restitution" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10216 <xs:annotation>
10217 <xs:documentation>
10218 The proportion of the kinetic energy preserved in the impact (typically ranges from 0.0 to 1.0)
10219 </xs:documentation>
10220 </xs:annotation>
10221 </xs:element>
10222 <xs:element name="static_friction" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10223 <xs:annotation>
10224 <xs:documentation>
10225 Static friction coefficient
10226 </xs:documentation>
10227 </xs:annotation>
10228 </xs:element>
10229 </xs:sequence>
10230 </xs:complexType>
10231 </xs:element>
10232 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10233 <xs:annotation>
10234 <xs:documentation>
10235 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10236 </xs:documentation>
10237 </xs:annotation>
10238 </xs:element>
10239 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10240 <xs:annotation>
10241 <xs:documentation>
10242 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10243 </xs:documentation>
10244 </xs:annotation>
10245 </xs:element>
10246 </xs:sequence>
10247 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10248 <xs:annotation>
10249 <xs:documentation>
10250 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
10251 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10252 </xs:documentation>
10253 </xs:annotation>
10254 </xs:attribute>
10255 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10256 <xs:annotation>
10257 <xs:documentation>
10258 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10259 </xs:documentation>
10260 </xs:annotation>
10261 </xs:attribute>
10262 </xs:complexType>
10263 </xs:element>
10264 <xs:element name="physics_scene">
10265 <xs:complexType>
10266 <xs:sequence>
10267 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10268 <xs:annotation>
10269 <xs:documentation>
10270 The physics_scene element may contain an asset element.
10271 </xs:documentation>
10272 </xs:annotation>
10273 </xs:element>
10274 <xs:element ref="instance_force_field" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10275 <xs:annotation>
10276 <xs:documentation>
10277 There may be any number of instance_force_field elements.
10278 </xs:documentation>
10279 </xs:annotation>
10280 </xs:element>
10281 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_model" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10282 <xs:annotation>
10283 <xs:documentation>
10284 There may be any number of instance_physics_model elements.
10285 </xs:documentation>
10286 </xs:annotation>
10287 </xs:element>
10288 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10289 <xs:annotation>
10290 <xs:documentation>
10291 The technique_common element specifies the physics_scene information for the common profile
10292 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
10293 </xs:documentation>
10294 </xs:annotation>
10295 <xs:complexType>
10296 <xs:sequence>
10297 <xs:element name="gravity" type="TargetableFloat3" minOccurs="0">
10298 <xs:annotation>
10299 <xs:documentation>
10300 The gravity vector to use for the physics_scene.
10301 </xs:documentation>
10302 </xs:annotation>
10303 </xs:element>
10304 <xs:element name="time_step" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10305 <xs:annotation>
10306 <xs:documentation>
10307 The time_step for the physics_scene.
10308 </xs:documentation>
10309 </xs:annotation>
10310 </xs:element>
10311 </xs:sequence>
10312 </xs:complexType>
10313 </xs:element>
10314 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10315 <xs:annotation>
10316 <xs:documentation>
10317 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10318 </xs:documentation>
10319 </xs:annotation>
10320 </xs:element>
10321 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10322 <xs:annotation>
10323 <xs:documentation>
10324 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10325 </xs:documentation>
10326 </xs:annotation>
10327 </xs:element>
10328 </xs:sequence>
10329 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10330 <xs:annotation>
10331 <xs:documentation>
10332 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
10333 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10334 </xs:documentation>
10335 </xs:annotation>
10336 </xs:attribute>
10337 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10338 <xs:annotation>
10339 <xs:documentation>
10340 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10341 </xs:documentation>
10342 </xs:annotation>
10343 </xs:attribute>
10344 </xs:complexType>
10345 </xs:element>
10346 <xs:simpleType name="SpringType">
10347 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
10348 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR"/>
10349 <xs:enumeration value="ANGULAR"/>
10350 </xs:restriction>
10351 </xs:simpleType>
10352 <xs:element name="rigid_body">
10353 <xs:annotation>
10354 <xs:documentation>
10355 This element allows for describing simulated bodies that do not deform. These bodies may or may
10356 not be connected by constraints (hinge, ball-joint etc.). Rigid-bodies, constraints etc. are
10357 encapsulated in physics_model elements to allow for instantiating complex models.
10358 </xs:documentation>
10359 </xs:annotation>
10360 <xs:complexType>
10361 <xs:sequence>
10362 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10363 <xs:annotation>
10364 <xs:documentation>
10365 The technique_common element specifies the rigid_body information for the common profile which all
10366 COLLADA implementations need to support.
10367 </xs:documentation>
10368 </xs:annotation>
10369 <xs:complexType>
10370 <xs:sequence>
10371 <xs:element name="dynamic" minOccurs="0">
10372 <xs:annotation>
10373 <xs:documentation>
10374 If false, the rigid_body is not moveable
10375 </xs:documentation>
10376 </xs:annotation>
10377 <xs:complexType>
10378 <xs:simpleContent>
10379 <xs:extension base="bool">
10380 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10381 <xs:annotation>
10382 <xs:documentation>
10383 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10384 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10385 </xs:documentation>
10386 </xs:annotation>
10387 </xs:attribute>
10388 </xs:extension>
10389 </xs:simpleContent>
10390 </xs:complexType>
10391 </xs:element>
10392 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10393 <xs:annotation>
10394 <xs:documentation>
10395 The total mass of the rigid-body
10396 </xs:documentation>
10397 </xs:annotation>
10398 </xs:element>
10399 <xs:element name="mass_frame" minOccurs="0">
10400 <xs:annotation>
10401 <xs:documentation>
10402 Defines the center and orientation of mass of the rigid-body relative to the local origin of the
10403 "root" shape.This makes the off-diagonal elements of the inertia tensor (products of inertia) all
10404 0 and allows us to just store the diagonal elements (moments of inertia).
10405 </xs:documentation>
10406 </xs:annotation>
10407 <xs:complexType>
10408 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
10409 <xs:element ref="translate"/>
10410 <xs:element ref="rotate"/>
10411 </xs:choice>
10412 </xs:complexType>
10413 </xs:element>
10414 <xs:element name="inertia" type="TargetableFloat3" minOccurs="0">
10415 <xs:annotation>
10416 <xs:documentation>
10417 float3 - The diagonal elements of the inertia tensor (moments of inertia), which is represented
10418 in the local frame of the center of mass. See above.
10419 </xs:documentation>
10420 </xs:annotation>
10421 </xs:element>
10422 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
10423 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material">
10424 <xs:annotation>
10425 <xs:documentation>
10426 References a physics_material for the rigid_body.
10427 </xs:documentation>
10428 </xs:annotation>
10429 </xs:element>
10430 <xs:element ref="physics_material">
10431 <xs:annotation>
10432 <xs:documentation>
10433 Defines a physics_material for the rigid_body.
10434 </xs:documentation>
10435 </xs:annotation>
10436 </xs:element>
10437 </xs:choice>
10438 <xs:element name="shape" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10439 <xs:annotation>
10440 <xs:documentation>
10441 This element allows for describing components of a rigid_body.
10442 </xs:documentation>
10443 </xs:annotation>
10444 <xs:complexType>
10445 <xs:sequence>
10446 <xs:element name="hollow" minOccurs="0">
10447 <xs:annotation>
10448 <xs:documentation>
10449 If true, the mass is distributed along the surface of the shape
10450 </xs:documentation>
10451 </xs:annotation>
10452 <xs:complexType>
10453 <xs:simpleContent>
10454 <xs:extension base="bool">
10455 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10456 <xs:annotation>
10457 <xs:documentation>
10458 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10459 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10460 </xs:documentation>
10461 </xs:annotation>
10462 </xs:attribute>
10463 </xs:extension>
10464 </xs:simpleContent>
10465 </xs:complexType>
10466 </xs:element>
10467 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10468 <xs:annotation>
10469 <xs:documentation>
10470 The mass of the shape.
10471 </xs:documentation>
10472 </xs:annotation>
10473 </xs:element>
10474 <xs:element name="density" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10475 <xs:annotation>
10476 <xs:documentation>
10477 The density of the shape.
10478 </xs:documentation>
10479 </xs:annotation>
10480 </xs:element>
10481 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
10482 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material">
10483 <xs:annotation>
10484 <xs:documentation>
10485 References a physics_material for the shape.
10486 </xs:documentation>
10487 </xs:annotation>
10488 </xs:element>
10489 <xs:element ref="physics_material">
10490 <xs:annotation>
10491 <xs:documentation>
10492 Defines a physics_material for the shape.
10493 </xs:documentation>
10494 </xs:annotation>
10495 </xs:element>
10496 </xs:choice>
10497 <xs:choice>
10498 <xs:element ref="instance_geometry">
10499 <xs:annotation>
10500 <xs:documentation>
10501 Instances a geometry to use to define this shape.
10502 </xs:documentation>
10503 </xs:annotation>
10504 </xs:element>
10505 <xs:element ref="plane">
10506 <xs:annotation>
10507 <xs:documentation>
10508 Defines a plane to use for this shape.
10509 </xs:documentation>
10510 </xs:annotation>
10511 </xs:element>
10512 <xs:element ref="box">
10513 <xs:annotation>
10514 <xs:documentation>
10515 Defines a box to use for this shape.
10516 </xs:documentation>
10517 </xs:annotation>
10518 </xs:element>
10519 <xs:element ref="sphere">
10520 <xs:annotation>
10521 <xs:documentation>
10522 Defines a sphere to use for this shape.
10523 </xs:documentation>
10524 </xs:annotation>
10525 </xs:element>
10526 <xs:element ref="cylinder">
10527 <xs:annotation>
10528 <xs:documentation>
10529 Defines a cyliner to use for this shape.
10530 </xs:documentation>
10531 </xs:annotation>
10532 </xs:element>
10533 <xs:element ref="tapered_cylinder">
10534 <xs:annotation>
10535 <xs:documentation>
10536 Defines a tapered_cylinder to use for this shape.
10537 </xs:documentation>
10538 </xs:annotation>
10539 </xs:element>
10540 <xs:element ref="capsule">
10541 <xs:annotation>
10542 <xs:documentation>
10543 Defines a capsule to use for this shape.
10544 </xs:documentation>
10545 </xs:annotation>
10546 </xs:element>
10547 <xs:element ref="tapered_capsule">
10548 <xs:annotation>
10549 <xs:documentation>
10550 Defines a tapered_capsule to use for this shape.
10551 </xs:documentation>
10552 </xs:annotation>
10553 </xs:element>
10554 </xs:choice>
10555 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10556 <xs:element ref="translate">
10557 <xs:annotation>
10558 <xs:documentation>
10559 Allows a transformation for the shape.
10560 </xs:documentation>
10561 </xs:annotation>
10562 </xs:element>
10563 <xs:element ref="rotate">
10564 <xs:annotation>
10565 <xs:documentation>
10566 Allows a transformation for the shape.
10567 </xs:documentation>
10568 </xs:annotation>
10569 </xs:element>
10570 </xs:choice>
10571 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10572 <xs:annotation>
10573 <xs:documentation>
10574 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10575 </xs:documentation>
10576 </xs:annotation>
10577 </xs:element>
10578 </xs:sequence>
10579 </xs:complexType>
10580 </xs:element>
10581 </xs:sequence>
10582 </xs:complexType>
10583 </xs:element>
10584 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10585 <xs:annotation>
10586 <xs:documentation>
10587 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10588 </xs:documentation>
10589 </xs:annotation>
10590 </xs:element>
10591 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10592 <xs:annotation>
10593 <xs:documentation>
10594 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10595 </xs:documentation>
10596 </xs:annotation>
10597 </xs:element>
10598 </xs:sequence>
10599 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
10600 <xs:annotation>
10601 <xs:documentation>
10602 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
10603 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10604 </xs:documentation>
10605 </xs:annotation>
10606 </xs:attribute>
10607 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10608 <xs:annotation>
10609 <xs:documentation>
10610 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10611 </xs:documentation>
10612 </xs:annotation>
10613 </xs:attribute>
10614 </xs:complexType>
10615 </xs:element>
10616 <xs:element name="rigid_constraint">
10617 <xs:annotation>
10618 <xs:documentation>
10619 This element allows for connecting components, such as rigid_body into complex physics models
10620 with moveable parts.
10621 </xs:documentation>
10622 </xs:annotation>
10623 <xs:complexType>
10624 <xs:sequence>
10625 <xs:element name="ref_attachment">
10626 <xs:annotation>
10627 <xs:documentation>
10628 Defines the attachment (to a rigid_body or a node) to be used as the reference-frame.
10629 </xs:documentation>
10630 </xs:annotation>
10631 <xs:complexType>
10632 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10633 <xs:element ref="translate">
10634 <xs:annotation>
10635 <xs:documentation>
10636 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10637 </xs:documentation>
10638 </xs:annotation>
10639 </xs:element>
10640 <xs:element ref="rotate">
10641 <xs:annotation>
10642 <xs:documentation>
10643 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10644 </xs:documentation>
10645 </xs:annotation>
10646 </xs:element>
10647 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10648 <xs:annotation>
10649 <xs:documentation>
10650 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10651 </xs:documentation>
10652 </xs:annotation>
10653 </xs:element>
10654 </xs:choice>
10655 <xs:attribute name="rigid_body" type="xs:anyURI">
10656 <xs:annotation>
10657 <xs:documentation>
10658 The "rigid_body" attribute is a relative reference to a rigid-body within the same
10659 physics_model.
10660 </xs:documentation>
10661 </xs:annotation>
10662 </xs:attribute>
10663 </xs:complexType>
10664 </xs:element>
10665 <xs:element name="attachment">
10666 <xs:annotation>
10667 <xs:documentation>
10668 Defines an attachment to a rigid-body or a node.
10669 </xs:documentation>
10670 </xs:annotation>
10671 <xs:complexType>
10672 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10673 <xs:element ref="translate">
10674 <xs:annotation>
10675 <xs:documentation>
10676 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10677 </xs:documentation>
10678 </xs:annotation>
10679 </xs:element>
10680 <xs:element ref="rotate">
10681 <xs:annotation>
10682 <xs:documentation>
10683 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10684 </xs:documentation>
10685 </xs:annotation>
10686 </xs:element>
10687 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10688 <xs:annotation>
10689 <xs:documentation>
10690 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10691 </xs:documentation>
10692 </xs:annotation>
10693 </xs:element>
10694 </xs:choice>
10695 <xs:attribute name="rigid_body" type="xs:anyURI">
10696 <xs:annotation>
10697 <xs:documentation>
10698 The "rigid_body" attribute is a relative reference to a rigid-body within the same physics_model.
10699 </xs:documentation>
10700 </xs:annotation>
10701 </xs:attribute>
10702 </xs:complexType>
10703 </xs:element>
10704 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10705 <xs:annotation>
10706 <xs:documentation>
10707 The technique_common element specifies the rigid_constraint information for the common profile
10708 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
10709 </xs:documentation>
10710 </xs:annotation>
10711 <xs:complexType>
10712 <xs:sequence>
10713 <xs:element name="enabled" default="true" minOccurs="0">
10714 <xs:annotation>
10715 <xs:documentation>
10716 If false, the constraint doesn't exert any force or influence on the rigid bodies.
10717 </xs:documentation>
10718 </xs:annotation>
10719 <xs:complexType>
10720 <xs:simpleContent>
10721 <xs:extension base="bool">
10722 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10723 <xs:annotation>
10724 <xs:documentation>
10725 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10726 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10727 </xs:documentation>
10728 </xs:annotation>
10729 </xs:attribute>
10730 </xs:extension>
10731 </xs:simpleContent>
10732 </xs:complexType>
10733 </xs:element>
10734 <xs:element name="interpenetrate" default="false" minOccurs="0">
10735 <xs:annotation>
10736 <xs:documentation>
10737 Indicates whether the attached rigid bodies may inter-penetrate.
10738 </xs:documentation>
10739 </xs:annotation>
10740 <xs:complexType>
10741 <xs:simpleContent>
10742 <xs:extension base="bool">
10743 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10744 <xs:annotation>
10745 <xs:documentation>
10746 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10747 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10748 </xs:documentation>
10749 </xs:annotation>
10750 </xs:attribute>
10751 </xs:extension>
10752 </xs:simpleContent>
10753 </xs:complexType>
10754 </xs:element>
10755 <xs:element name="limits" minOccurs="0">
10756 <xs:annotation>
10757 <xs:documentation>
10758 The limits element provides a flexible way to specify the constraint limits (degrees of freedom
10759 and ranges).
10760 </xs:documentation>
10761 </xs:annotation>
10762 <xs:complexType>
10763 <xs:sequence>
10764 <xs:element name="swing_cone_and_twist" minOccurs="0">
10765 <xs:annotation>
10766 <xs:documentation>
10767 The swing_cone_and_twist element describes the angular limits along each rotation axis in degrees.
10768 The the X and Y limits describe a "swing cone" and the Z limits describe the "twist angle" range
10769 </xs:documentation>
10770 </xs:annotation>
10771 <xs:complexType>
10772 <xs:sequence>
10773 <xs:element name="min" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10774 <xs:annotation>
10775 <xs:documentation>
10776 The minimum values for the limit.
10777 </xs:documentation>
10778 </xs:annotation>
10779 </xs:element>
10780 <xs:element name="max" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10781 <xs:annotation>
10782 <xs:documentation>
10783 The maximum values for the limit.
10784 </xs:documentation>
10785 </xs:annotation>
10786 </xs:element>
10787 </xs:sequence>
10788 </xs:complexType>
10789 </xs:element>
10790 <xs:element name="linear" minOccurs="0">
10791 <xs:annotation>
10792 <xs:documentation>
10793 The linear element describes linear (translational) limits along each axis.
10794 </xs:documentation>
10795 </xs:annotation>
10796 <xs:complexType>
10797 <xs:sequence>
10798 <xs:element name="min" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10799 <xs:annotation>
10800 <xs:documentation>
10801 The minimum values for the limit.
10802 </xs:documentation>
10803 </xs:annotation>
10804 </xs:element>
10805 <xs:element name="max" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10806 <xs:annotation>
10807 <xs:documentation>
10808 The maximum values for the limit.
10809 </xs:documentation>
10810 </xs:annotation>
10811 </xs:element>
10812 </xs:sequence>
10813 </xs:complexType>
10814 </xs:element>
10815 </xs:sequence>
10816 </xs:complexType>
10817 </xs:element>
10818 <xs:element name="spring" minOccurs="0">
10819 <xs:annotation>
10820 <xs:documentation>
10821 Spring, based on distance ("LINEAR") or angle ("ANGULAR").
10822 </xs:documentation>
10823 </xs:annotation>
10824 <xs:complexType>
10825 <xs:sequence>
10826 <xs:element name="angular" minOccurs="0">
10827 <xs:annotation>
10828 <xs:documentation>
10829 The angular spring properties.
10830 </xs:documentation>
10831 </xs:annotation>
10832 <xs:complexType>
10833 <xs:sequence>
10834 <xs:element name="stiffness" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
10835 <xs:annotation>
10836 <xs:documentation>
10837 The stiffness (also called spring coefficient) has units of force/angle in degrees.
10838 </xs:documentation>
10839 </xs:annotation>
10840 </xs:element>
10841 <xs:element name="damping" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10842 <xs:annotation>
10843 <xs:documentation>
10844 The spring damping coefficient.
10845 </xs:documentation>
10846 </xs:annotation>
10847 </xs:element>
10848 <xs:element name="target_value" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10849 <xs:annotation>
10850 <xs:documentation>
10851 The spring's target or resting distance.
10852 </xs:documentation>
10853 </xs:annotation>
10854 </xs:element>
10855 </xs:sequence>
10856 </xs:complexType>
10857 </xs:element>
10858 <xs:element name="linear" minOccurs="0">
10859 <xs:annotation>
10860 <xs:documentation>
10861 The linear spring properties.
10862 </xs:documentation>
10863 </xs:annotation>
10864 <xs:complexType>
10865 <xs:sequence>
10866 <xs:element name="stiffness" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
10867 <xs:annotation>
10868 <xs:documentation>
10869 The stiffness (also called spring coefficient) has units of force/distance.
10870 </xs:documentation>
10871 </xs:annotation>
10872 </xs:element>
10873 <xs:element name="damping" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10874 <xs:annotation>
10875 <xs:documentation>
10876 The spring damping coefficient.
10877 </xs:documentation>
10878 </xs:annotation>
10879 </xs:element>
10880 <xs:element name="target_value" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10881 <xs:annotation>
10882 <xs:documentation>
10883 The spring's target or resting distance.
10884 </xs:documentation>
10885 </xs:annotation>
10886 </xs:element>
10887 </xs:sequence>
10888 </xs:complexType>
10889 </xs:element>
10890 </xs:sequence>
10891 </xs:complexType>
10892 </xs:element>
10893 </xs:sequence>
10894 </xs:complexType>
10895 </xs:element>
10896 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10897 <xs:annotation>
10898 <xs:documentation>
10899 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10900 </xs:documentation>
10901 </xs:annotation>
10902 </xs:element>
10903 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10904 <xs:annotation>
10905 <xs:documentation>
10906 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10907 </xs:documentation>
10908 </xs:annotation>
10909 </xs:element>
10910 </xs:sequence>
10911 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
10912 <xs:annotation>
10913 <xs:documentation>
10914 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10915 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10916 </xs:documentation>
10917 </xs:annotation>
10918 </xs:attribute>
10919 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10920 <xs:annotation>
10921 <xs:documentation>
10922 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10923 </xs:documentation>
10924 </xs:annotation>
10925 </xs:attribute>
10926 </xs:complexType>
10927 </xs:element>
10928 <xs:element name="physics_model">
10929 <xs:annotation>
10930 <xs:documentation>
10931 This element allows for building complex combinations of rigid-bodies and constraints that
10932 may be instantiated multiple times.
10933 </xs:documentation>
10934 </xs:annotation>
10935 <xs:complexType>
10936 <xs:sequence>
10937 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10938 <xs:annotation>
10939 <xs:documentation>
10940 The physics_model element may contain an asset element.
10941 </xs:documentation>
10942 </xs:annotation>
10943 </xs:element>
10944 <xs:element ref="rigid_body" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10945 <xs:annotation>
10946 <xs:documentation>
10947 The physics_model may define any number of rigid_body elements.
10948 </xs:documentation>
10949 </xs:annotation>
10950 </xs:element>
10951 <xs:element ref="rigid_constraint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10952 <xs:annotation>
10953 <xs:documentation>
10954 The physics_model may define any number of rigid_constraint elements.
10955 </xs:documentation>
10956 </xs:annotation>
10957 </xs:element>
10958 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_model" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10959 <xs:annotation>
10960 <xs:documentation>
10961 The physics_model may instance any number of other physics_model elements.
10962 </xs:documentation>
10963 </xs:annotation>
10964 </xs:element>
10965 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10966 <xs:annotation>
10967 <xs:documentation>
10968 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10969 </xs:documentation>
10970 </xs:annotation>
10971 </xs:element>
10972 </xs:sequence>
10973 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10974 <xs:annotation>
10975 <xs:documentation>
10976 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
10977 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10978 </xs:documentation>
10979 </xs:annotation>
10980 </xs:attribute>
10981 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10982 <xs:annotation>
10983 <xs:documentation>
10984 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10985 </xs:documentation>
10986 </xs:annotation>
10987 </xs:attribute>
10988 </xs:complexType>
10989 </xs:element>
10990 <!-- COMMON Profile Types -->
10991 <xs:simpleType name="Common_profile_input">
10992 <xs:annotation>
10993 <xs:appinfo>constant-strings</xs:appinfo>
10994 </xs:annotation>
10995 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
10996 <xs:enumeration value="BINORMAL"/>
10997 <xs:enumeration value="COLOR"/>
10998 <xs:enumeration value="CONTINUITY"/>
10999 <xs:enumeration value="IMAGE"/>
11000 <xs:enumeration value="IN_TANGENT"/>
11001 <xs:enumeration value="INPUT"/>
11002 <xs:enumeration value="INTERPOLATION"/>
11003 <xs:enumeration value="INV_BIND_MATRIX"/>
11004 <xs:enumeration value="JOINT"/>
11005 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR_STEPS"/>
11006 <xs:enumeration value="MORPH_TARGET"/>
11007 <xs:enumeration value="MORPH_WEIGHT"/>
11008 <xs:enumeration value="NORMAL"/>
11009 <xs:enumeration value="OUTPUT"/>
11010 <xs:enumeration value="OUT_TANGENT"/>
11011 <xs:enumeration value="POSITION"/>
11012 <xs:enumeration value="TANGENT"/>
11013 <xs:enumeration value="TEXBINORMAL"/>
11014 <xs:enumeration value="TEXCOORD"/>
11015 <xs:enumeration value="TEXTANGENT"/>
11016 <xs:enumeration value="UV"/>
11017 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEX"/>
11018 <xs:enumeration value="WEIGHT"/>
11019 </xs:restriction>
11020 </xs:simpleType>
11021 <xs:simpleType name="Common_profile_param">
11022 <xs:annotation>
11023 <xs:appinfo>constant-strings</xs:appinfo>
11024 </xs:annotation>
11025 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
11026 <xs:enumeration value="A"/>
11027 <xs:enumeration value="ANGLE"/>
11028 <xs:enumeration value="B"/>
11029 <xs:enumeration value="DOUBLE_SIDED"/>
11030 <xs:enumeration value="G"/>
11031 <xs:enumeration value="P"/>
11032 <xs:enumeration value="Q"/>
11033 <xs:enumeration value="R"/>
11034 <xs:enumeration value="S"/>
11035 <xs:enumeration value="T"/>
11036 <xs:enumeration value="TIME"/>
11037 <xs:enumeration value="U"/>
11038 <xs:enumeration value="V"/>
11039 <xs:enumeration value="W"/>
11040 <xs:enumeration value="X"/>
11041 <xs:enumeration value="Y"/>
11042 <xs:enumeration value="Z"/>
11043 </xs:restriction>
11044 </xs:simpleType>
11045 </xs:schema>
0 <?xml version="1.0"?>
1 <!DOCTYPE xs:schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSCHEMA 200102//EN" "XMLSchema.dtd">
2 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace="" xml:lang="en">
3 <xs:annotation>
4 <xs:documentation>
5 See and
6 for information about this namespace.
8 This schema document describes the XML namespace, in a form
9 suitable for import by other schema documents.
11 Note that local names in this namespace are intended to be defined
12 only by the World Wide Web Consortium or its subgroups. The
13 following names are currently defined in this namespace and should
14 not be used with conflicting semantics by any Working Group,
15 specification, or document instance:
17 base (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value
18 provides a URI to be used as the base for interpreting any
19 relative URIs in the scope of the element on which it
20 appears; its value is inherited. This name is reserved
21 by virtue of its definition in the XML Base specification.
23 lang (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value
24 is a language code for the natural language of the content of
25 any element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved
26 by virtue of its definition in the XML specification.
28 space (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose
29 value is a keyword indicating what whitespace processing
30 discipline is intended for the content of the element; its
31 value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its
32 definition in the XML specification.
34 Father (in any context at all): denotes Jon Bosak, the chair of
35 the original XML Working Group. This name is reserved by
36 the following decision of the W3C XML Plenary and
37 XML Coordination groups:
39 In appreciation for his vision, leadership and dedication
40 the W3C XML Plenary on this 10th day of February, 2000
41 reserves for Jon Bosak in perpetuity the XML name
42 xml:Father
43 </xs:documentation>
44 </xs:annotation>
45 <xs:annotation>
46 <xs:documentation>This schema defines attributes and an attribute group
47 suitable for use by
48 schemas wishing to allow xml:base, xml:lang or xml:space attributes
49 on elements they define.
51 To enable this, such a schema must import this schema
52 for the XML namespace, e.g. as follows:
53 &lt;schema . . .&gt;
54 . . .
55 &lt;import namespace=""
56 schemaLocation=""/&gt;
58 Subsequently, qualified reference to any of the attributes
59 or the group defined below will have the desired effect, e.g.
61 &lt;type . . .&gt;
62 . . .
63 &lt;attributeGroup ref="xml:specialAttrs"/&gt;
65 will define a type which will schema-validate an instance
66 element with any of those attributes</xs:documentation>
67 </xs:annotation>
68 <xs:annotation>
69 <xs:documentation>In keeping with the XML Schema WG's standard versioning
70 policy, this schema document will persist at
72 At the date of issue it can also be found at
74 The schema document at that URI may however change in the future,
75 in order to remain compatible with the latest version of XML Schema
76 itself. In other words, if the XML Schema namespace changes, the version
77 of this document at
78 will change
79 accordingly; the version at
80 will not change.
81 </xs:documentation>
82 </xs:annotation>
83 <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xs:language">
84 <xs:annotation>
85 <xs:documentation>In due course, we should install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
86 codes as the enumerated possible values . . .</xs:documentation>
87 </xs:annotation>
88 </xs:attribute>
89 <xs:attribute name="space" default="preserve">
90 <xs:simpleType>
91 <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
92 <xs:enumeration value="default"/>
93 <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
94 </xs:restriction>
95 </xs:simpleType>
96 </xs:attribute>
97 <xs:attribute name="base" type="xs:anyURI">
98 <xs:annotation>
99 <xs:documentation>See for
100 information about this attribute.</xs:documentation>
101 </xs:annotation>
102 </xs:attribute>
103 <xs:attributeGroup name="specialAttrs">
104 <xs:attribute ref="xml:base"/>
105 <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
106 <xs:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
107 </xs:attributeGroup>
108 </xs:schema>
2323 """
25 import copy
25 import collada
2626 import numpy
28 from collada.common import DaeObject, E, tag
29 from collada.common import DaeError, DaeIncompleteError, DaeBrokenRefError, \
30 DaeMalformedError, DaeUnsupportedError
28 from collada.common import DaeBrokenRefError
29 from collada.common import DaeError
30 from collada.common import DaeMalformedError
31 from collada.common import DaeObject
32 from collada.common import DaeUnsupportedError
33 from collada.common import E
34 from collada.common import tag
3135 from collada.util import toUnitVec
3236 from collada.xmlutil import etree as ElementTree
135139 :param float z:
136140 z coordinate
137141 :param float angle:
138 angle of rotation, in radians
142 angle of rotation, in degrees
139143 :param xmlnode:
140144 When loaded, the xmlnode it comes from
147151 self.z = z
148152 """z coordinate"""
149153 self.angle = angle
150 """angle of rotation, in radians"""
154 """angle of rotation, in degrees"""
151155 self.matrix = makeRotationMatrix(x, y, z, angle*numpy.pi/180.0)
152156 """The resulting transformation matrix. This will be a numpy.array of size 4x4."""
153157 self.xmlnode = xmlnode
526530 if not url.startswith('#'): raise DaeMalformedError('Invalid url in geometry instance %s' % url)
527531 geometry = collada.geometries.get(url[1:])
528532 if not geometry: raise DaeBrokenRefError('Geometry %s not found in library'%url)
529 matnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%( tag('bind_material'), tag('technique_common'), tag('instance_material') ) )
533 matnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%( collada.tag('bind_material'), collada.tag('technique_common'), collada.tag('instance_material') ) )
530534 materials = []
531535 for matnode in matnodes:
532536 materials.append( MaterialNode.load(collada, matnode) )
592596 self.xmlnode = xmlnode
593597 """ElementTree representation of the controller node."""
594598 else:
595 self.xmlnode = ElementTree.Element( tag('instance_controller') )
596 bindnode = ElementTree.Element( tag('bind_material') )
597 technode = ElementTree.Element( tag('technique_common') )
599 self.xmlnode = ElementTree.Element( collada.tag('instance_controller') )
600 bindnode = ElementTree.Element( collada.tag('bind_material') )
601 technode = ElementTree.Element( collada.tag('technique_common') )
598602 bindnode.append( technode )
599603 self.xmlnode.append( bindnode )
600604 for mat in materials: technode.append( mat.xmlnode )
614618 if not url.startswith('#'): raise DaeMalformedError('Invalid url in controller instance %s' % url)
615619 controller = collada.controllers.get(url[1:])
616620 if not controller: raise DaeBrokenRefError('Controller %s not found in library'%url)
617 matnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%( tag('bind_material'), tag('technique_common'), tag('instance_material') ) )
621 matnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%( collada.tag('bind_material'), collada.tag('technique_common'), collada.tag('instance_material') ) )
618622 materials = []
619623 for matnode in matnodes:
620624 materials.append( MaterialNode.load(collada, matnode) )
675679 @staticmethod
676680 def load(collada, node):
677681 inputs = []
678 for inputnode in node.findall( tag('bind_vertex_input') ):
682 for inputnode in node.findall( collada.tag('bind_vertex_input') ):
679683 inputs.append( ( inputnode.get('semantic'), inputnode.get('input_semantic'), inputnode.get('input_set') ) )
680684 targetid = node.get('target')
681685 if not targetid.startswith('#'): raise DaeMalformedError('Incorrect target id in material '+targetid)
828832 def loadNode( collada, node, localscope ):
829 """Generic scene node loading from a xml `node` and a `collada` object.
831 Knowing the supported nodes, create the appropiate class for the given node
833 """Generic scene node loading from an xml `node` and a `collada` object.
835 Knowing the supported nodes, create the appropriate class for the given node
832836 and return it.
834838 """
835 if node.tag == tag('node'): return Node.load(collada, node, localscope)
836 elif node.tag == tag('translate'): return TranslateTransform.load(collada, node)
837 elif node.tag == tag('rotate'): return RotateTransform.load(collada, node)
838 elif node.tag == tag('scale'): return ScaleTransform.load(collada, node)
839 elif node.tag == tag('matrix'): return MatrixTransform.load(collada, node)
840 elif node.tag == tag('lookat'): return LookAtTransform.load(collada, node)
841 elif node.tag == tag('instance_geometry'): return GeometryNode.load(collada, node)
842 elif node.tag == tag('instance_camera'): return CameraNode.load(collada, node)
843 elif node.tag == tag('instance_light'): return LightNode.load(collada, node)
844 elif node.tag == tag('instance_controller'): return ControllerNode.load(collada, node)
845 elif node.tag == tag('instance_node'): return NodeNode.load(collada, node, localscope)
846 elif node.tag == tag('extra'):
839 if node.tag == collada.tag('node'): return Node.load(collada, node, localscope)
840 elif node.tag == collada.tag('translate'): return TranslateTransform.load(collada, node)
841 elif node.tag == collada.tag('rotate'): return RotateTransform.load(collada, node)
842 elif node.tag == collada.tag('scale'): return ScaleTransform.load(collada, node)
843 elif node.tag == collada.tag('matrix'): return MatrixTransform.load(collada, node)
844 elif node.tag == collada.tag('lookat'): return LookAtTransform.load(collada, node)
845 elif node.tag == collada.tag('instance_geometry'): return GeometryNode.load(collada, node)
846 elif node.tag == collada.tag('instance_camera'): return CameraNode.load(collada, node)
847 elif node.tag == collada.tag('instance_light'): return LightNode.load(collada, node)
848 elif node.tag == collada.tag('instance_controller'): return ControllerNode.load(collada, node)
849 elif node.tag == collada.tag('instance_node'): return NodeNode.load(collada, node, localscope)
850 elif node.tag == collada.tag('extra'):
847851 return ExtraNode.load(collada, node)
848 elif node.tag == tag('asset'):
852 elif node.tag == collada.tag('asset'):
849853 return None
850854 else: raise DaeUnsupportedError('Unknown scene node %s' % str(node.tag))
902906 tried_loading = []
903907 succeeded = False
904908 localscope = {}
905 for nodenode in node.findall(tag('node')):
909 for nodenode in node.findall(collada.tag('node')):
906910 try:
907911 N = loadNode(collada, nodenode, localscope)
908912 except DaeInstanceNotLoadedError as ex:
1717 import lxml.etree
1818 from collada.util import bytes, BytesIO
20 COLLADA_SCHEMA_1_4_1 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
21 <xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.4.1" xml:lang="EN" xsi:schemaLocation="">
22 <!-- BEGIN COLLADA Format Schema -->
23 <xs:annotation>
24 <xs:documentation>
25 COLLADA Schema
26 Version 1.4.1 (June 23, 2006)
20 from pkg_resources import resource_string
28 Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 The Khronos Group Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
29 All Rights Reserved.
22 # get a copy of the XML schema
23 # resource_string returns bytes so decode into string
24 COLLADA_SCHEMA_1_4_1 = str(resource_string(
25 'collada',
26 'resources/schema-1.4.1.xml').decode('utf-8'))
31 Khronos is a trademark of The Khronos Group Inc.
32 COLLADA is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. used by permission by Khronos.
34 Note that this software document is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, with ALL EXPRESS AND
38 </xs:documentation>
39 </xs:annotation>
40 <!-- import needed for xml:base attribute-->
41 <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
42 <!-- Root Element -->
43 <xs:element name="COLLADA">
44 <xs:annotation>
45 <xs:appinfo>enable-xmlns</xs:appinfo>
46 <xs:documentation>
47 The COLLADA element declares the root of the document that comprises some of the content
48 in the COLLADA schema.
49 </xs:documentation>
50 </xs:annotation>
51 <xs:complexType>
52 <xs:sequence>
53 <xs:element ref="asset">
54 <xs:annotation>
55 <xs:documentation>
56 The COLLADA element must contain an asset element.
57 </xs:documentation>
58 </xs:annotation>
59 </xs:element>
60 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
61 <xs:element ref="library_animations">
62 <xs:annotation>
63 <xs:documentation>
64 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_animations elements.
65 </xs:documentation>
66 </xs:annotation>
67 </xs:element>
68 <xs:element ref="library_animation_clips">
69 <xs:annotation>
70 <xs:documentation>
71 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_animation_clips elements.
72 </xs:documentation>
73 </xs:annotation>
74 </xs:element>
75 <xs:element ref="library_cameras">
76 <xs:annotation>
77 <xs:documentation>
78 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_cameras elements.
79 </xs:documentation>
80 </xs:annotation>
81 </xs:element>
82 <xs:element ref="library_controllers">
83 <xs:annotation>
84 <xs:documentation>
85 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_controllerss elements.
86 </xs:documentation>
87 </xs:annotation>
88 </xs:element>
89 <xs:element ref="library_geometries">
90 <xs:annotation>
91 <xs:documentation>
92 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_geometriess elements.
93 </xs:documentation>
94 </xs:annotation>
95 </xs:element>
96 <xs:element ref="library_effects">
97 <xs:annotation>
98 <xs:documentation>
99 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_effects elements.
100 </xs:documentation>
101 </xs:annotation>
102 </xs:element>
103 <xs:element ref="library_force_fields">
104 <xs:annotation>
105 <xs:documentation>
106 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_force_fields elements.
107 </xs:documentation>
108 </xs:annotation>
109 </xs:element>
110 <xs:element ref="library_images">
111 <xs:annotation>
112 <xs:documentation>
113 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_images elements.
114 </xs:documentation>
115 </xs:annotation>
116 </xs:element>
117 <xs:element ref="library_lights">
118 <xs:annotation>
119 <xs:documentation>
120 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_lights elements.
121 </xs:documentation>
122 </xs:annotation>
123 </xs:element>
124 <xs:element ref="library_materials">
125 <xs:annotation>
126 <xs:documentation>
127 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_materials elements.
128 </xs:documentation>
129 </xs:annotation>
130 </xs:element>
131 <xs:element ref="library_nodes">
132 <xs:annotation>
133 <xs:documentation>
134 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_nodes elements.
135 </xs:documentation>
136 </xs:annotation>
137 </xs:element>
138 <xs:element ref="library_physics_materials">
139 <xs:annotation>
140 <xs:documentation>
141 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_materials elements.
142 </xs:documentation>
143 </xs:annotation>
144 </xs:element>
145 <xs:element ref="library_physics_models">
146 <xs:annotation>
147 <xs:documentation>
148 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_physics_models elements.
149 </xs:documentation>
150 </xs:annotation>
151 </xs:element>
152 <xs:element ref="library_physics_scenes">
153 <xs:annotation>
154 <xs:documentation>
155 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_physics_scenes elements.
156 </xs:documentation>
157 </xs:annotation>
158 </xs:element>
159 <xs:element ref="library_visual_scenes">
160 <xs:annotation>
161 <xs:documentation>
162 The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_visual_scenes elements.
163 </xs:documentation>
164 </xs:annotation>
165 </xs:element>
166 </xs:choice>
167 <xs:element name="scene" minOccurs="0">
168 <xs:annotation>
169 <xs:documentation>
170 The scene embodies the entire set of information that can be visualized from the
171 contents of a COLLADA resource. The scene element declares the base of the scene
172 hierarchy or scene graph. The scene contains elements that comprise much of the
173 visual and transformational information content as created by the authoring tools.
174 </xs:documentation>
175 </xs:annotation>
176 <xs:complexType>
177 <xs:sequence>
178 <xs:element name="instance_physics_scene" type="InstanceWithExtra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
179 <xs:annotation>
180 <xs:documentation>
181 The instance_physics_scene element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA physics_scene resource.
182 The instance_physics_scene element may appear any number of times.
183 </xs:documentation>
184 </xs:annotation>
185 </xs:element>
186 <xs:element name="instance_visual_scene" type="InstanceWithExtra" minOccurs="0">
187 <xs:annotation>
188 <xs:documentation>
189 The instance_visual_scene element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA visual_scene resource.
190 The instance_visual_scene element may only appear once.
191 </xs:documentation>
192 </xs:annotation>
193 </xs:element>
194 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
195 <xs:annotation>
196 <xs:documentation>
197 The extra element may appear any number of times.
198 </xs:documentation>
199 </xs:annotation>
200 </xs:element>
201 </xs:sequence>
202 </xs:complexType>
203 </xs:element>
204 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
205 <xs:annotation>
206 <xs:documentation>
207 The extra element may appear any number of times.
208 </xs:documentation>
209 </xs:annotation>
210 </xs:element>
211 </xs:sequence>
212 <xs:attribute name="version" type="VersionType" use="required">
213 <xs:annotation>
214 <xs:documentation>
215 The version attribute is the COLLADA schema revision with which the instance document
216 conforms. Required Attribute.
217 </xs:documentation>
218 </xs:annotation>
219 </xs:attribute>
220 <xs:attribute ref="xml:base">
221 <xs:annotation>
222 <xs:documentation>
223 The xml:base attribute allows you to define the base URI for this COLLADA document. See
224 for more information.
225 </xs:documentation>
226 </xs:annotation>
227 </xs:attribute>
228 </xs:complexType>
229 </xs:element>
230 <!-- Simple Types -->
231 <!-- Primitive Types -->
232 <xs:simpleType name="bool">
233 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
234 </xs:simpleType>
235 <xs:simpleType name="dateTime">
236 <xs:restriction base="xs:dateTime"/>
237 </xs:simpleType>
238 <xs:simpleType name="float">
239 <xs:restriction base="xs:double"/>
240 </xs:simpleType>
241 <xs:simpleType name="int">
242 <xs:restriction base="xs:long"/>
243 </xs:simpleType>
244 <xs:simpleType name="Name">
245 <xs:restriction base="xs:Name"/>
246 </xs:simpleType>
247 <xs:simpleType name="string">
248 <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
249 </xs:simpleType>
250 <xs:simpleType name="token">
251 <xs:restriction base="xs:token"/>
252 </xs:simpleType>
253 <xs:simpleType name="uint">
254 <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedLong"/>
255 </xs:simpleType>
256 <!-- Container Types -->
257 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfBools">
258 <xs:list itemType="bool"/>
259 </xs:simpleType>
260 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfFloats">
261 <xs:list itemType="float"/>
262 </xs:simpleType>
263 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfHexBinary">
264 <xs:list itemType="xs:hexBinary"/>
265 </xs:simpleType>
266 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfInts">
267 <xs:list itemType="int"/>
268 </xs:simpleType>
269 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfNames">
270 <xs:list itemType="Name"/>
271 </xs:simpleType>
272 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfTokens">
273 <xs:list itemType="token"/>
274 </xs:simpleType>
275 <xs:simpleType name="ListOfUInts">
276 <xs:list itemType="uint"/>
277 </xs:simpleType>
278 <!-- Aggregate Types -->
279 <xs:simpleType name="bool2">
280 <xs:restriction base="ListOfBools">
281 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
282 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
283 </xs:restriction>
284 </xs:simpleType>
285 <xs:simpleType name="bool3">
286 <xs:restriction base="ListOfBools">
287 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
288 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
289 </xs:restriction>
290 </xs:simpleType>
291 <xs:simpleType name="bool4">
292 <xs:restriction base="ListOfBools">
293 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
294 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
295 </xs:restriction>
296 </xs:simpleType>
297 <xs:simpleType name="float2">
298 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
299 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
300 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
301 </xs:restriction>
302 </xs:simpleType>
303 <xs:simpleType name="float3">
304 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
305 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
306 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
307 </xs:restriction>
308 </xs:simpleType>
309 <xs:simpleType name="float4">
310 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
311 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
312 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
313 </xs:restriction>
314 </xs:simpleType>
315 <xs:simpleType name="float7">
316 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
317 <xs:minLength value="7"/>
318 <xs:maxLength value="7"/>
319 </xs:restriction>
320 </xs:simpleType>
321 <xs:simpleType name="float2x2">
322 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
323 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
324 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
325 </xs:restriction>
326 </xs:simpleType>
327 <xs:simpleType name="float3x3">
328 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
329 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
330 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
331 </xs:restriction>
332 </xs:simpleType>
333 <xs:simpleType name="float4x4">
334 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
335 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
336 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
337 </xs:restriction>
338 </xs:simpleType>
339 <xs:simpleType name="float2x3">
340 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
341 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
342 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
343 </xs:restriction>
344 </xs:simpleType>
345 <xs:simpleType name="float2x4">
346 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
347 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
348 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
349 </xs:restriction>
350 </xs:simpleType>
351 <xs:simpleType name="float3x2">
352 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
353 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
354 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
355 </xs:restriction>
356 </xs:simpleType>
357 <xs:simpleType name="float3x4">
358 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
359 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
360 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
361 </xs:restriction>
362 </xs:simpleType>
363 <xs:simpleType name="float4x2">
364 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
365 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
366 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
367 </xs:restriction>
368 </xs:simpleType>
369 <xs:simpleType name="float4x3">
370 <xs:restriction base="ListOfFloats">
371 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
372 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
373 </xs:restriction>
374 </xs:simpleType>
375 <xs:simpleType name="int2">
376 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
377 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
378 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
379 </xs:restriction>
380 </xs:simpleType>
381 <xs:simpleType name="int3">
382 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
383 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
384 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
385 </xs:restriction>
386 </xs:simpleType>
387 <xs:simpleType name="int4">
388 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
389 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
390 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
391 </xs:restriction>
392 </xs:simpleType>
393 <xs:simpleType name="int2x2">
394 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
395 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
396 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
397 </xs:restriction>
398 </xs:simpleType>
399 <xs:simpleType name="int3x3">
400 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
401 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
402 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
403 </xs:restriction>
404 </xs:simpleType>
405 <xs:simpleType name="int4x4">
406 <xs:restriction base="ListOfInts">
407 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
408 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
409 </xs:restriction>
410 </xs:simpleType>
411 <!-- Basic Enumerations -->
412 <xs:simpleType name="MorphMethodType">
413 <xs:annotation>
414 <xs:documentation>
415 An enumuerated type specifying the acceptable morph methods.
416 </xs:documentation>
417 </xs:annotation>
418 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
419 <xs:enumeration value="NORMALIZED"/>
420 <xs:enumeration value="RELATIVE"/>
421 </xs:restriction>
422 </xs:simpleType>
423 <xs:simpleType name="NodeType">
424 <xs:annotation>
425 <xs:documentation>
426 An enumerated type specifying the acceptable node types.
427 </xs:documentation>
428 </xs:annotation>
429 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
430 <xs:enumeration value="JOINT"/>
431 <xs:enumeration value="NODE"/>
432 </xs:restriction>
433 </xs:simpleType>
434 <xs:simpleType name="URIFragmentType">
435 <xs:annotation>
436 <xs:documentation>
437 This type is used for URI reference which can only reference a resource declared within it's same document.
438 </xs:documentation>
439 </xs:annotation>
440 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
441 <xs:pattern value="(#(.*))"/>
442 </xs:restriction>
443 </xs:simpleType>
444 <xs:simpleType name="UpAxisType">
445 <xs:annotation>
446 <xs:documentation>
447 An enumerated type specifying the acceptable up-axis values.
448 </xs:documentation>
449 </xs:annotation>
450 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
451 <xs:enumeration value="X_UP"/>
452 <xs:enumeration value="Y_UP"/>
453 <xs:enumeration value="Z_UP"/>
454 </xs:restriction>
455 </xs:simpleType>
456 <xs:simpleType name="VersionType">
457 <xs:annotation>
458 <xs:documentation>
459 An enumerated type specifying the acceptable document versions.
460 </xs:documentation>
461 </xs:annotation>
462 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
463 <xs:enumeration value="1.4.0"/>
464 <xs:enumeration value="1.4.1"/>
465 </xs:restriction>
466 </xs:simpleType>
467 <!-- Complex Types -->
468 <xs:complexType name="InputGlobal">
469 <xs:annotation>
470 <xs:documentation>
471 The InputGlobal type is used to represent inputs that can reference external resources.
472 </xs:documentation>
473 </xs:annotation>
474 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
475 <xs:annotation>
476 <xs:documentation>
477 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute.
478 </xs:documentation>
479 </xs:annotation>
480 </xs:attribute>
481 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
482 <xs:annotation>
483 <xs:documentation>
484 The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute.
485 </xs:documentation>
486 </xs:annotation>
487 </xs:attribute>
488 </xs:complexType>
489 <xs:complexType name="InputLocal">
490 <xs:annotation>
491 <xs:documentation>
492 The InputLocal type is used to represent inputs that can only reference resources declared in the same document.
493 </xs:documentation>
494 </xs:annotation>
495 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
496 <xs:annotation>
497 <xs:documentation>
498 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute.
499 </xs:documentation>
500 </xs:annotation>
501 </xs:attribute>
502 <xs:attribute name="source" type="URIFragmentType" use="required">
503 <xs:annotation>
504 <xs:documentation>
505 The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute.
506 </xs:documentation>
507 </xs:annotation>
508 </xs:attribute>
509 </xs:complexType>
510 <xs:complexType name="InputLocalOffset">
511 <xs:annotation>
512 <xs:documentation>
513 The InputLocalOffset type is used to represent indexed inputs that can only reference resources declared in the same document.
514 </xs:documentation>
515 </xs:annotation>
516 <xs:attribute name="offset" type="uint" use="required">
517 <xs:annotation>
518 <xs:documentation>
519 The offset attribute represents the offset into the list of indices. If two input elements share
520 the same offset, they will be indexed the same. This works as a simple form of compression for the
521 list of indices as well as defining the order the inputs should be used in. Required attribute.
522 </xs:documentation>
523 </xs:annotation>
524 </xs:attribute>
525 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
526 <xs:annotation>
527 <xs:documentation>
528 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute.
529 </xs:documentation>
530 </xs:annotation>
531 </xs:attribute>
532 <xs:attribute name="source" type="URIFragmentType" use="required">
533 <xs:annotation>
534 <xs:documentation>
535 The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute.
536 </xs:documentation>
537 </xs:annotation>
538 </xs:attribute>
539 <xs:attribute name="set" type="uint">
540 <xs:annotation>
541 <xs:documentation>
542 The set attribute indicates which inputs should be grouped together as a single set. This is helpful
543 when multiple inputs share the same semantics.
544 </xs:documentation>
545 </xs:annotation>
546 </xs:attribute>
547 </xs:complexType>
548 <xs:complexType name="InstanceWithExtra">
549 <xs:annotation>
550 <xs:documentation>
551 The InstanceWithExtra type is used for all generic instance elements. A generic instance element
552 is one which does not have any specific child elements declared.
553 </xs:documentation>
554 </xs:annotation>
555 <xs:sequence>
556 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
557 <xs:annotation>
558 <xs:documentation>
559 The extra element may occur any number of times.
560 </xs:documentation>
561 </xs:annotation>
562 </xs:element>
563 </xs:sequence>
564 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
565 <xs:annotation>
566 <xs:documentation>
567 The url attribute refers to resource to instantiate. This may refer to a local resource using a
568 relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer
569 to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL.
570 </xs:documentation>
571 </xs:annotation>
572 </xs:attribute>
573 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
574 <xs:annotation>
575 <xs:documentation>
576 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
577 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
578 </xs:documentation>
579 </xs:annotation>
580 </xs:attribute>
581 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
582 <xs:annotation>
583 <xs:documentation>
584 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
585 </xs:documentation>
586 </xs:annotation>
587 </xs:attribute>
588 </xs:complexType>
589 <xs:complexType name="TargetableFloat">
590 <xs:annotation>
591 <xs:documentation>
592 The TargetableFloat type is used to represent elements which contain a single float value which can
593 be targeted for animation.
594 </xs:documentation>
595 </xs:annotation>
596 <xs:simpleContent>
597 <xs:extension base="float">
598 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
599 <xs:annotation>
600 <xs:documentation>
601 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
602 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
603 </xs:documentation>
604 </xs:annotation>
605 </xs:attribute>
606 </xs:extension>
607 </xs:simpleContent>
608 </xs:complexType>
609 <xs:complexType name="TargetableFloat3">
610 <xs:annotation>
611 <xs:documentation>
612 The TargetableFloat3 type is used to represent elements which contain a float3 value which can
613 be targeted for animation.
614 </xs:documentation>
615 </xs:annotation>
616 <xs:simpleContent>
617 <xs:extension base="float3">
618 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
619 <xs:annotation>
620 <xs:documentation>
621 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
622 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
623 </xs:documentation>
624 </xs:annotation>
625 </xs:attribute>
626 </xs:extension>
627 </xs:simpleContent>
628 </xs:complexType>
629 <!--Typed Array Elements-->
630 <xs:element name="IDREF_array">
631 <xs:annotation>
632 <xs:documentation>
633 The IDREF_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of ID reference values.
634 </xs:documentation>
635 </xs:annotation>
636 <xs:complexType>
637 <xs:simpleContent>
638 <xs:extension base="xs:IDREFS">
639 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
640 <xs:annotation>
641 <xs:documentation>
642 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
643 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
644 </xs:documentation>
645 </xs:annotation>
646 </xs:attribute>
647 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
648 <xs:annotation>
649 <xs:documentation>
650 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
651 </xs:documentation>
652 </xs:annotation>
653 </xs:attribute>
654 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
655 <xs:annotation>
656 <xs:documentation>
657 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
658 </xs:documentation>
659 </xs:annotation>
660 </xs:attribute>
661 </xs:extension>
662 </xs:simpleContent>
663 </xs:complexType>
664 </xs:element>
665 <xs:element name="Name_array">
666 <xs:annotation>
667 <xs:documentation>
668 The Name_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of Name string values.
669 </xs:documentation>
670 </xs:annotation>
671 <xs:complexType>
672 <xs:simpleContent>
673 <xs:extension base="ListOfNames">
674 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
675 <xs:annotation>
676 <xs:documentation>
677 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
678 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
679 </xs:documentation>
680 </xs:annotation>
681 </xs:attribute>
682 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
683 <xs:annotation>
684 <xs:documentation>
685 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
686 </xs:documentation>
687 </xs:annotation>
688 </xs:attribute>
689 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
690 <xs:annotation>
691 <xs:documentation>
692 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
693 </xs:documentation>
694 </xs:annotation>
695 </xs:attribute>
696 </xs:extension>
697 </xs:simpleContent>
698 </xs:complexType>
699 </xs:element>
700 <xs:element name="bool_array">
701 <xs:annotation>
702 <xs:documentation>
703 The bool_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of boolean values.
704 </xs:documentation>
705 </xs:annotation>
706 <xs:complexType>
707 <xs:simpleContent>
708 <xs:extension base="ListOfBools">
709 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
710 <xs:annotation>
711 <xs:documentation>
712 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
713 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
714 </xs:documentation>
715 </xs:annotation>
716 </xs:attribute>
717 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
718 <xs:annotation>
719 <xs:documentation>
720 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
721 </xs:documentation>
722 </xs:annotation>
723 </xs:attribute>
724 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
725 <xs:annotation>
726 <xs:documentation>
727 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
728 </xs:documentation>
729 </xs:annotation>
730 </xs:attribute>
731 </xs:extension>
732 </xs:simpleContent>
733 </xs:complexType>
734 </xs:element>
735 <xs:element name="float_array">
736 <xs:annotation>
737 <xs:documentation>
738 The float_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of floating point values.
739 </xs:documentation>
740 </xs:annotation>
741 <xs:complexType>
742 <xs:simpleContent>
743 <xs:extension base="ListOfFloats">
744 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
745 <xs:annotation>
746 <xs:documentation>
747 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
748 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
749 </xs:documentation>
750 </xs:annotation>
751 </xs:attribute>
752 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
753 <xs:annotation>
754 <xs:documentation>
755 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
756 </xs:documentation>
757 </xs:annotation>
758 </xs:attribute>
759 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
760 <xs:annotation>
761 <xs:documentation>
762 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
763 </xs:documentation>
764 </xs:annotation>
765 </xs:attribute>
766 <xs:attribute name="digits" type="xs:short" default="6">
767 <xs:annotation>
768 <xs:documentation>
769 The digits attribute indicates the number of significant decimal digits of the float values that
770 can be contained in the array. The default value is 6. Optional attribute.
771 </xs:documentation>
772 </xs:annotation>
773 </xs:attribute>
774 <xs:attribute name="magnitude" type="xs:short" default="38">
775 <xs:annotation>
776 <xs:documentation>
777 The magnitude attribute indicates the largest exponent of the float values that can be contained
778 in the array. The default value is 38. Optional attribute.
779 </xs:documentation>
780 </xs:annotation>
781 </xs:attribute>
782 </xs:extension>
783 </xs:simpleContent>
784 </xs:complexType>
785 </xs:element>
786 <xs:element name="int_array">
787 <xs:annotation>
788 <xs:documentation>
789 The int_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of integer values.
790 </xs:documentation>
791 </xs:annotation>
792 <xs:complexType>
793 <xs:simpleContent>
794 <xs:extension base="ListOfInts">
795 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
796 <xs:annotation>
797 <xs:documentation>
798 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
799 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
800 </xs:documentation>
801 </xs:annotation>
802 </xs:attribute>
803 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
804 <xs:annotation>
805 <xs:documentation>
806 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
807 </xs:documentation>
808 </xs:annotation>
809 </xs:attribute>
810 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
811 <xs:annotation>
812 <xs:documentation>
813 The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute.
814 </xs:documentation>
815 </xs:annotation>
816 </xs:attribute>
817 <xs:attribute name="minInclusive" type="xs:integer" default="-2147483648">
818 <xs:annotation>
819 <xs:documentation>
820 The minInclusive attribute indicates the smallest integer value that can be contained in
821 the array. The default value is –2147483648. Optional attribute.
822 </xs:documentation>
823 </xs:annotation>
824 </xs:attribute>
825 <xs:attribute name="maxInclusive" type="xs:integer" default="2147483647">
826 <xs:annotation>
827 <xs:documentation>
828 The maxInclusive attribute indicates the largest integer value that can be contained in
829 the array. The default value is 2147483647. Optional attribute.
830 </xs:documentation>
831 </xs:annotation>
832 </xs:attribute>
833 </xs:extension>
834 </xs:simpleContent>
835 </xs:complexType>
836 </xs:element>
837 <!-- Dataflow Elements -->
838 <xs:element name="accessor">
839 <xs:annotation>
840 <xs:documentation>
841 The accessor element declares an access pattern to one of the array elements: float_array,
842 int_array, Name_array, bool_array, and IDREF_array. The accessor element describes access
843 to arrays that are organized in either an interleaved or non-interleaved manner, depending
844 on the offset and stride attributes.
845 </xs:documentation>
846 </xs:annotation>
847 <xs:complexType>
848 <xs:sequence>
849 <xs:element ref="param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
850 <xs:annotation>
851 <xs:documentation>
852 The accessor element may have any number of param elements.
853 </xs:documentation>
854 </xs:annotation>
855 </xs:element>
856 </xs:sequence>
857 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
858 <xs:annotation>
859 <xs:documentation>
860 The count attribute indicates the number of times the array is accessed. Required attribute.
861 </xs:documentation>
862 </xs:annotation>
863 </xs:attribute>
864 <xs:attribute name="offset" type="uint" default="0">
865 <xs:annotation>
866 <xs:documentation>
867 The offset attribute indicates the index of the first value to be read from the array.
868 The default value is 0. Optional attribute.
869 </xs:documentation>
870 </xs:annotation>
871 </xs:attribute>
872 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI">
873 <xs:annotation>
874 <xs:documentation>
875 The source attribute indicates the location of the array to access using a URL expression. Required attribute.
876 </xs:documentation>
877 </xs:annotation>
878 </xs:attribute>
879 <xs:attribute name="stride" type="uint" default="1">
880 <xs:annotation>
881 <xs:documentation>
882 The stride attribute indicates number of values to be considered a unit during each access to
883 the array. The default value is 1, indicating that a single value is accessed. Optional attribute.
884 </xs:documentation>
885 </xs:annotation>
886 </xs:attribute>
887 </xs:complexType>
888 </xs:element>
889 <xs:element name="param">
890 <xs:annotation>
891 <xs:documentation>
892 The param element declares parametric information regarding its parent element.
893 </xs:documentation>
894 </xs:annotation>
895 <xs:complexType>
896 <xs:simpleContent>
897 <xs:extension base="xs:string">
898 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
899 <xs:annotation>
900 <xs:documentation>
901 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
902 </xs:documentation>
903 </xs:annotation>
904 </xs:attribute>
905 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
906 <xs:annotation>
907 <xs:documentation>
908 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
909 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
910 </xs:documentation>
911 </xs:annotation>
912 </xs:attribute>
913 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
914 <xs:annotation>
915 <xs:documentation>
916 The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the parameter. Optional attribute.
917 </xs:documentation>
918 </xs:annotation>
919 </xs:attribute>
920 <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
921 <xs:annotation>
922 <xs:documentation>
923 The type attribute indicates the type of the value data. This text string must be understood
924 by the application. Required attribute.
925 </xs:documentation>
926 </xs:annotation>
927 </xs:attribute>
928 </xs:extension>
929 </xs:simpleContent>
930 </xs:complexType>
931 </xs:element>
932 <xs:element name="source">
933 <xs:annotation>
934 <xs:documentation>
935 The source element declares a data repository that provides values according to the semantics of an
936 input element that refers to it.
937 </xs:documentation>
938 </xs:annotation>
939 <xs:complexType>
940 <xs:sequence>
941 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
942 <xs:annotation>
943 <xs:documentation>
944 The source element may contain an asset element.
945 </xs:documentation>
946 </xs:annotation>
947 </xs:element>
948 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
949 <xs:element ref="IDREF_array">
950 <xs:annotation>
951 <xs:documentation>
952 The source element may contain an IDREF_array.
953 </xs:documentation>
954 </xs:annotation>
955 </xs:element>
956 <xs:element ref="Name_array">
957 <xs:annotation>
958 <xs:documentation>
959 The source element may contain a Name_array.
960 </xs:documentation>
961 </xs:annotation>
962 </xs:element>
963 <xs:element ref="bool_array">
964 <xs:annotation>
965 <xs:documentation>
966 The source element may contain a bool_array.
967 </xs:documentation>
968 </xs:annotation>
969 </xs:element>
970 <xs:element ref="float_array">
971 <xs:annotation>
972 <xs:documentation>
973 The source element may contain a float_array.
974 </xs:documentation>
975 </xs:annotation>
976 </xs:element>
977 <xs:element ref="int_array">
978 <xs:annotation>
979 <xs:documentation>
980 The source element may contain an int_array.
981 </xs:documentation>
982 </xs:annotation>
983 </xs:element>
984 </xs:choice>
985 <xs:element name="technique_common" minOccurs="0">
986 <xs:annotation>
987 <xs:documentation>
988 The technique common specifies the common method for accessing this source element's data.
989 </xs:documentation>
990 </xs:annotation>
991 <xs:complexType>
992 <xs:sequence>
993 <xs:element ref="accessor">
994 <xs:annotation>
995 <xs:documentation>
996 The source's technique_common must have one and only one accessor.
997 </xs:documentation>
998 </xs:annotation>
999 </xs:element>
1000 </xs:sequence>
1001 </xs:complexType>
1002 </xs:element>
1003 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1004 <xs:annotation>
1005 <xs:documentation>
1006 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
1007 </xs:documentation>
1008 </xs:annotation>
1009 </xs:element>
1010 </xs:sequence>
1011 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required">
1012 <xs:annotation>
1013 <xs:documentation>
1014 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
1015 This value must be unique within the instance document. Required attribute.
1016 </xs:documentation>
1017 </xs:annotation>
1018 </xs:attribute>
1019 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1020 <xs:annotation>
1021 <xs:documentation>
1022 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1023 </xs:documentation>
1024 </xs:annotation>
1025 </xs:attribute>
1026 </xs:complexType>
1027 </xs:element>
1028 <!-- Geometry Elements -->
1029 <xs:element name="geometry">
1030 <xs:annotation>
1031 <xs:documentation>
1032 Geometry describes the visual shape and appearance of an object in the scene.
1033 The geometry element categorizes the declaration of geometric information. Geometry is a
1034 branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of
1035 points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.
1036 </xs:documentation>
1037 </xs:annotation>
1038 <xs:complexType>
1039 <xs:sequence>
1040 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
1041 <xs:annotation>
1042 <xs:documentation>
1043 The geometry element may contain an asset element.
1044 </xs:documentation>
1045 </xs:annotation>
1046 </xs:element>
1047 <xs:choice>
1048 <xs:element ref="convex_mesh">
1049 <xs:annotation>
1050 <xs:documentation>
1051 The geometry element may contain only one mesh or convex_mesh.
1052 </xs:documentation>
1053 </xs:annotation>
1054 </xs:element>
1055 <xs:element ref="mesh">
1056 <xs:annotation>
1057 <xs:documentation>
1058 The geometry element may contain only one mesh or convex_mesh.
1059 </xs:documentation>
1060 </xs:annotation>
1061 </xs:element>
1062 <xs:element ref="spline"/>
1063 </xs:choice>
1064 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1065 <xs:annotation>
1066 <xs:documentation>
1067 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1068 </xs:documentation>
1069 </xs:annotation>
1070 </xs:element>
1071 </xs:sequence>
1072 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
1073 <xs:annotation>
1074 <xs:documentation>
1075 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
1076 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
1077 </xs:documentation>
1078 </xs:annotation>
1079 </xs:attribute>
1080 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1081 <xs:annotation>
1082 <xs:documentation>
1083 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1084 </xs:documentation>
1085 </xs:annotation>
1086 </xs:attribute>
1087 </xs:complexType>
1088 </xs:element>
1089 <xs:element name="mesh">
1090 <xs:annotation>
1091 <xs:documentation>
1092 The mesh element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe basic geometric meshes.
1093 </xs:documentation>
1094 </xs:annotation>
1095 <xs:complexType>
1096 <xs:sequence>
1097 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1098 <xs:annotation>
1099 <xs:documentation>
1100 The mesh element must contain one or more source elements.
1101 </xs:documentation>
1102 </xs:annotation>
1103 </xs:element>
1104 <xs:element ref="vertices">
1105 <xs:annotation>
1106 <xs:documentation>
1107 The mesh element must contain one vertices element.
1108 </xs:documentation>
1109 </xs:annotation>
1110 </xs:element>
1111 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1112 <xs:element ref="lines">
1113 <xs:annotation>
1114 <xs:documentation>
1115 The mesh element may contain any number of lines elements.
1116 </xs:documentation>
1117 </xs:annotation>
1118 </xs:element>
1119 <xs:element ref="linestrips">
1120 <xs:annotation>
1121 <xs:documentation>
1122 The mesh element may contain any number of linestrips elements.
1123 </xs:documentation>
1124 </xs:annotation>
1125 </xs:element>
1126 <xs:element ref="polygons">
1127 <xs:annotation>
1128 <xs:documentation>
1129 The mesh element may contain any number of polygons elements.
1130 </xs:documentation>
1131 </xs:annotation>
1132 </xs:element>
1133 <xs:element ref="polylist">
1134 <xs:annotation>
1135 <xs:documentation>
1136 The mesh element may contain any number of polylist elements.
1137 </xs:documentation>
1138 </xs:annotation>
1139 </xs:element>
1140 <xs:element ref="triangles">
1141 <xs:annotation>
1142 <xs:documentation>
1143 The mesh element may contain any number of triangles elements.
1144 </xs:documentation>
1145 </xs:annotation>
1146 </xs:element>
1147 <xs:element ref="trifans">
1148 <xs:annotation>
1149 <xs:documentation>
1150 The mesh element may contain any number of trifans elements.
1151 </xs:documentation>
1152 </xs:annotation>
1153 </xs:element>
1154 <xs:element ref="tristrips">
1155 <xs:annotation>
1156 <xs:documentation>
1157 The mesh element may contain any number of tristrips elements.
1158 </xs:documentation>
1159 </xs:annotation>
1160 </xs:element>
1161 </xs:choice>
1162 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1163 <xs:annotation>
1164 <xs:documentation>
1165 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1166 </xs:documentation>
1167 </xs:annotation>
1168 </xs:element>
1169 </xs:sequence>
1170 </xs:complexType>
1171 </xs:element>
1172 <xs:element name="spline">
1173 <xs:annotation>
1174 <xs:documentation>
1175 The spline element contains control vertex information sufficient to describe basic splines.
1176 </xs:documentation>
1177 </xs:annotation>
1178 <xs:complexType>
1179 <xs:sequence>
1180 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1181 <xs:annotation>
1182 <xs:documentation>
1183 The mesh element must contain one or more source elements.
1184 </xs:documentation>
1185 </xs:annotation>
1186 </xs:element>
1187 <xs:element name="control_vertices">
1188 <xs:annotation>
1189 <xs:documentation>The control vertices element must occur exactly one time. It is used to describe the CVs of the spline.</xs:documentation>
1190 </xs:annotation>
1191 <xs:complexType>
1192 <xs:sequence>
1193 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1194 <xs:annotation>
1195 <xs:documentation>
1196 The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs.
1197 </xs:documentation>
1198 </xs:annotation>
1199 </xs:element>
1200 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1201 <xs:annotation>
1202 <xs:documentation>
1203 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1204 </xs:documentation>
1205 </xs:annotation>
1206 </xs:element>
1207 </xs:sequence>
1208 </xs:complexType>
1209 </xs:element>
1210 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1211 <xs:annotation>
1212 <xs:documentation>
1213 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1214 </xs:documentation>
1215 </xs:annotation>
1216 </xs:element>
1217 </xs:sequence>
1218 <xs:attribute name="closed" type="bool" default="false"/>
1219 </xs:complexType>
1220 </xs:element>
1221 <!-- Collation Elements -->
1222 <xs:element name="p" type="ListOfUInts">
1223 <xs:annotation>
1224 <xs:documentation>
1225 The p element represents primitive data for the primitive types (lines, linestrips, polygons,
1226 polylist, triangles, trifans, tristrips). The p element contains indices that reference into
1227 the parent's source elements referenced by the input elements.
1228 </xs:documentation>
1229 </xs:annotation>
1230 </xs:element>
1231 <xs:element name="lines">
1232 <xs:annotation>
1233 <xs:documentation>
1234 The lines element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then
1235 organize those vertices into individual lines. Each line described by the mesh has two vertices.
1236 The first line is formed from first and second vertices. The second line is formed from the
1237 third and fourth vertices and so on.
1238 </xs:documentation>
1239 </xs:annotation>
1240 <xs:complexType>
1241 <xs:sequence>
1242 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1243 <xs:annotation>
1244 <xs:documentation>
1245 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset
1246 and set attributes.
1247 </xs:documentation>
1248 </xs:annotation>
1249 </xs:element>
1250 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0">
1251 <xs:annotation>
1252 <xs:documentation>
1253 The p element may occur once.
1254 </xs:documentation>
1255 </xs:annotation>
1256 </xs:element>
1257 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1258 <xs:annotation>
1259 <xs:documentation>
1260 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1261 </xs:documentation>
1262 </xs:annotation>
1263 </xs:element>
1264 </xs:sequence>
1265 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1266 <xs:annotation>
1267 <xs:documentation>
1268 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1269 </xs:documentation>
1270 </xs:annotation>
1271 </xs:attribute>
1272 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1273 <xs:annotation>
1274 <xs:documentation>
1275 The count attribute indicates the number of line primitives. Required attribute.
1276 </xs:documentation>
1277 </xs:annotation>
1278 </xs:attribute>
1279 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1280 <xs:annotation>
1281 <xs:documentation>
1282 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at
1283 the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and
1284 shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1285 </xs:documentation>
1286 </xs:annotation>
1287 </xs:attribute>
1288 </xs:complexType>
1289 </xs:element>
1290 <xs:element name="linestrips">
1291 <xs:annotation>
1292 <xs:documentation>
1293 The linestrips element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1294 then organize those vertices into connected line-strips. Each line-strip described by the mesh
1295 has an arbitrary number of vertices. Each line segment within the line-strip is formed from the
1296 current vertex and the preceding vertex.
1297 </xs:documentation>
1298 </xs:annotation>
1299 <xs:complexType>
1300 <xs:sequence>
1301 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1302 <xs:annotation>
1303 <xs:documentation>
1304 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset
1305 and set attributes.
1306 </xs:documentation>
1307 </xs:annotation>
1308 </xs:element>
1309 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1310 <xs:annotation>
1311 <xs:documentation>
1312 The linestrips element may have any number of p elements.
1313 </xs:documentation>
1314 </xs:annotation>
1315 </xs:element>
1316 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1317 <xs:annotation>
1318 <xs:documentation>
1319 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1320 </xs:documentation>
1321 </xs:annotation>
1322 </xs:element>
1323 </xs:sequence>
1324 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1325 <xs:annotation>
1326 <xs:documentation>
1327 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1328 </xs:documentation>
1329 </xs:annotation>
1330 </xs:attribute>
1331 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1332 <xs:annotation>
1333 <xs:documentation>
1334 The count attribute indicates the number of linestrip primitives. Required attribute.
1335 </xs:documentation>
1336 </xs:annotation>
1337 </xs:attribute>
1338 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1339 <xs:annotation>
1340 <xs:documentation>
1341 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1342 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1343 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1344 </xs:documentation>
1345 </xs:annotation>
1346 </xs:attribute>
1347 </xs:complexType>
1348 </xs:element>
1349 <xs:element name="polygons">
1350 <xs:annotation>
1351 <xs:documentation>
1352 The polygons element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1353 then organize those vertices into individual polygons. The polygons described can contain
1354 arbitrary numbers of vertices. These polygons may be self intersecting and may also contain holes.
1355 </xs:documentation>
1356 </xs:annotation>
1357 <xs:complexType>
1358 <xs:sequence>
1359 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1360 <xs:annotation>
1361 <xs:documentation>
1362 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1363 offset and set attributes.
1364 </xs:documentation>
1365 </xs:annotation>
1366 </xs:element>
1367 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1368 <xs:element ref="p">
1369 <xs:annotation>
1370 <xs:documentation>
1371 The p element may occur any number of times.
1372 </xs:documentation>
1373 </xs:annotation>
1374 </xs:element>
1375 <xs:element name="ph">
1376 <xs:annotation>
1377 <xs:documentation>
1378 The ph element descripes a polygon with holes.
1379 </xs:documentation>
1380 </xs:annotation>
1381 <xs:complexType>
1382 <xs:sequence>
1383 <xs:element ref="p">
1384 <xs:annotation>
1385 <xs:documentation>
1386 Theere may only be one p element.
1387 </xs:documentation>
1388 </xs:annotation>
1389 </xs:element>
1390 <xs:element name="h" type="ListOfUInts" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1391 <xs:annotation>
1392 <xs:documentation>
1393 The h element represents a hole in the polygon specified. There must be at least one h element.
1394 </xs:documentation>
1395 </xs:annotation>
1396 </xs:element>
1397 </xs:sequence>
1398 </xs:complexType>
1399 </xs:element>
1400 </xs:choice>
1401 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1402 <xs:annotation>
1403 <xs:documentation>
1404 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1405 </xs:documentation>
1406 </xs:annotation>
1407 </xs:element>
1408 </xs:sequence>
1409 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1410 <xs:annotation>
1411 <xs:documentation>
1412 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1413 </xs:documentation>
1414 </xs:annotation>
1415 </xs:attribute>
1416 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1417 <xs:annotation>
1418 <xs:documentation>
1419 The count attribute indicates the number of polygon primitives. Required attribute.
1420 </xs:documentation>
1421 </xs:annotation>
1422 </xs:attribute>
1423 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1424 <xs:annotation>
1425 <xs:documentation>
1426 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1427 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1428 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1429 </xs:documentation>
1430 </xs:annotation>
1431 </xs:attribute>
1432 </xs:complexType>
1433 </xs:element>
1434 <xs:element name="polylist">
1435 <xs:annotation>
1436 <xs:documentation>
1437 The polylist element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1438 then organize those vertices into individual polygons. The polygons described in polylist can
1439 contain arbitrary numbers of vertices. Unlike the polygons element, the polylist element cannot
1440 contain polygons with holes.
1441 </xs:documentation>
1442 </xs:annotation>
1443 <xs:complexType>
1444 <xs:sequence>
1445 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1446 <xs:annotation>
1447 <xs:documentation>
1448 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1449 offset and set attributes.
1450 </xs:documentation>
1451 </xs:annotation>
1452 </xs:element>
1453 <xs:element name="vcount" type="ListOfUInts" minOccurs="0">
1454 <xs:annotation>
1455 <xs:documentation>
1456 The vcount element contains a list of integers describing the number of sides for each polygon
1457 described by the polylist element. The vcount element may occur once.
1458 </xs:documentation>
1459 </xs:annotation>
1460 </xs:element>
1461 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0">
1462 <xs:annotation>
1463 <xs:documentation>
1464 The p element may occur once.
1465 </xs:documentation>
1466 </xs:annotation>
1467 </xs:element>
1468 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1469 <xs:annotation>
1470 <xs:documentation>
1471 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1472 </xs:documentation>
1473 </xs:annotation>
1474 </xs:element>
1475 </xs:sequence>
1476 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1477 <xs:annotation>
1478 <xs:documentation>
1479 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1480 </xs:documentation>
1481 </xs:annotation>
1482 </xs:attribute>
1483 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1484 <xs:annotation>
1485 <xs:documentation>
1486 The count attribute indicates the number of polygon primitives. Required attribute.
1487 </xs:documentation>
1488 </xs:annotation>
1489 </xs:attribute>
1490 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1491 <xs:annotation>
1492 <xs:documentation>
1493 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at
1494 the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and
1495 shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1496 </xs:documentation>
1497 </xs:annotation>
1498 </xs:attribute>
1499 </xs:complexType>
1500 </xs:element>
1501 <xs:element name="triangles">
1502 <xs:annotation>
1503 <xs:documentation>
1504 The triangles element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and
1505 then organize those vertices into individual triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has
1506 three vertices. The first triangle is formed from the first, second, and third vertices. The
1507 second triangle is formed from the fourth, fifth, and sixth vertices, and so on.
1508 </xs:documentation>
1509 </xs:annotation>
1510 <xs:complexType>
1511 <xs:sequence>
1512 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1513 <xs:annotation>
1514 <xs:documentation>
1515 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1516 offset and set attributes.
1517 </xs:documentation>
1518 </xs:annotation>
1519 </xs:element>
1520 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0">
1521 <xs:annotation>
1522 <xs:documentation>
1523 The triangles element may have any number of p elements.
1524 </xs:documentation>
1525 </xs:annotation>
1526 </xs:element>
1527 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1528 <xs:annotation>
1529 <xs:documentation>
1530 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1531 </xs:documentation>
1532 </xs:annotation>
1533 </xs:element>
1534 </xs:sequence>
1535 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1536 <xs:annotation>
1537 <xs:documentation>
1538 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1539 </xs:documentation>
1540 </xs:annotation>
1541 </xs:attribute>
1542 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1543 <xs:annotation>
1544 <xs:documentation>
1545 The count attribute indicates the number of triangle primitives. Required attribute.
1546 </xs:documentation>
1547 </xs:annotation>
1548 </xs:attribute>
1549 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1550 <xs:annotation>
1551 <xs:documentation>
1552 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at
1553 the time of instantiation. Optional attribute. If the material attribute is not specified then
1554 the lighting and shading results are application defined.
1555 </xs:documentation>
1556 </xs:annotation>
1557 </xs:attribute>
1558 </xs:complexType>
1559 </xs:element>
1560 <xs:element name="trifans">
1561 <xs:annotation>
1562 <xs:documentation>
1563 The trifans element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then
1564 organize those vertices into connected triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has three
1565 vertices. The first triangle is formed from first, second, and third vertices. Each subsequent
1566 triangle is formed from the current vertex, reusing the first and the previous vertices.
1567 </xs:documentation>
1568 </xs:annotation>
1569 <xs:complexType>
1570 <xs:sequence>
1571 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1572 <xs:annotation>
1573 <xs:documentation>
1574 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the
1575 offset and set attributes.
1576 </xs:documentation>
1577 </xs:annotation>
1578 </xs:element>
1579 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1580 <xs:annotation>
1581 <xs:documentation>
1582 The trifans element may have any number of p elements.
1583 </xs:documentation>
1584 </xs:annotation>
1585 </xs:element>
1586 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1587 <xs:annotation>
1588 <xs:documentation>
1589 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1590 </xs:documentation>
1591 </xs:annotation>
1592 </xs:element>
1593 </xs:sequence>
1594 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1595 <xs:annotation>
1596 <xs:documentation>
1597 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1598 </xs:documentation>
1599 </xs:annotation>
1600 </xs:attribute>
1601 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1602 <xs:annotation>
1603 <xs:documentation>
1604 The count attribute indicates the number of triangle fan primitives. Required attribute.
1605 </xs:documentation>
1606 </xs:annotation>
1607 </xs:attribute>
1608 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1609 <xs:annotation>
1610 <xs:documentation>
1611 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1612 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1613 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1614 </xs:documentation>
1615 </xs:annotation>
1616 </xs:attribute>
1617 </xs:complexType>
1618 </xs:element>
1619 <xs:element name="tristrips">
1620 <xs:annotation>
1621 <xs:documentation>
1622 The tristrips element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then
1623 organize those vertices into connected triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has three
1624 vertices. The first triangle is formed from first, second, and third vertices. Each subsequent
1625 triangle is formed from the current vertex, reusing the previous two vertices.
1626 </xs:documentation>
1627 </xs:annotation>
1628 <xs:complexType>
1629 <xs:sequence>
1630 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1631 <xs:annotation>
1632 <xs:documentation>
1633 The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset
1634 and set attributes.
1635 </xs:documentation>
1636 </xs:annotation>
1637 </xs:element>
1638 <xs:element ref="p" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1639 <xs:annotation>
1640 <xs:documentation>
1641 The tristrips element may have any number of p elements.
1642 </xs:documentation>
1643 </xs:annotation>
1644 </xs:element>
1645 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1646 <xs:annotation>
1647 <xs:documentation>
1648 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1649 </xs:documentation>
1650 </xs:annotation>
1651 </xs:element>
1652 </xs:sequence>
1653 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1654 <xs:annotation>
1655 <xs:documentation>
1656 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1657 </xs:documentation>
1658 </xs:annotation>
1659 </xs:attribute>
1660 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
1661 <xs:annotation>
1662 <xs:documentation>
1663 The count attribute indicates the number of triangle strip primitives. Required attribute.
1664 </xs:documentation>
1665 </xs:annotation>
1666 </xs:attribute>
1667 <xs:attribute name="material" type="xs:NCName">
1668 <xs:annotation>
1669 <xs:documentation>
1670 The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material
1671 at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting
1672 and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute.
1673 </xs:documentation>
1674 </xs:annotation>
1675 </xs:attribute>
1676 </xs:complexType>
1677 </xs:element>
1678 <xs:element name="vertices">
1679 <xs:annotation>
1680 <xs:documentation>
1681 The vertices element declares the attributes and identity of mesh-vertices. The vertices element
1682 describes mesh-vertices in a mesh geometry. The mesh-vertices represent the position (identity)
1683 of the vertices comprising the mesh and other vertex attributes that are invariant to tessellation.
1684 </xs:documentation>
1685 </xs:annotation>
1686 <xs:complexType>
1687 <xs:sequence>
1688 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1689 <xs:annotation>
1690 <xs:documentation>
1691 The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs.
1692 </xs:documentation>
1693 </xs:annotation>
1694 </xs:element>
1695 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1696 <xs:annotation>
1697 <xs:documentation>
1698 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1699 </xs:documentation>
1700 </xs:annotation>
1701 </xs:element>
1702 </xs:sequence>
1703 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required">
1704 <xs:annotation>
1705 <xs:documentation>
1706 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This
1707 value must be unique within the instance document. Required attribute.
1708 </xs:documentation>
1709 </xs:annotation>
1710 </xs:attribute>
1711 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1712 <xs:annotation>
1713 <xs:documentation>
1714 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1715 </xs:documentation>
1716 </xs:annotation>
1717 </xs:attribute>
1718 </xs:complexType>
1719 </xs:element>
1720 <!-- Transformational Elements -->
1721 <xs:element name="lookat">
1722 <xs:annotation>
1723 <xs:documentation>
1724 The lookat element contains a position and orientation transformation suitable for aiming a camera.
1725 The lookat element contains three mathematical vectors within it that describe:
1726 1. The position of the object;
1727 2. The position of the interest point;
1728 3. The direction that points up.
1729 </xs:documentation>
1730 </xs:annotation>
1731 <xs:complexType>
1732 <xs:simpleContent>
1733 <xs:extension base="float3x3">
1734 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1735 <xs:annotation>
1736 <xs:documentation>
1737 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1738 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1739 </xs:documentation>
1740 </xs:annotation>
1741 </xs:attribute>
1742 </xs:extension>
1743 </xs:simpleContent>
1744 </xs:complexType>
1745 </xs:element>
1746 <xs:element name="matrix">
1747 <xs:annotation>
1748 <xs:documentation>
1749 Matrix transformations embody mathematical changes to points within a coordinate systems or the
1750 coordinate system itself. The matrix element contains a 4-by-4 matrix of floating-point values.
1751 </xs:documentation>
1752 </xs:annotation>
1753 <xs:complexType>
1754 <xs:simpleContent>
1755 <xs:extension base="float4x4">
1756 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1757 <xs:annotation>
1758 <xs:documentation>
1759 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1760 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1761 </xs:documentation>
1762 </xs:annotation>
1763 </xs:attribute>
1764 </xs:extension>
1765 </xs:simpleContent>
1766 </xs:complexType>
1767 </xs:element>
1768 <xs:element name="rotate">
1769 <xs:annotation>
1770 <xs:documentation>
1771 The rotate element contains an angle and a mathematical vector that represents the axis of rotation.
1772 </xs:documentation>
1773 </xs:annotation>
1774 <xs:complexType>
1775 <xs:simpleContent>
1776 <xs:extension base="float4">
1777 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1778 <xs:annotation>
1779 <xs:documentation>
1780 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1781 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1782 </xs:documentation>
1783 </xs:annotation>
1784 </xs:attribute>
1785 </xs:extension>
1786 </xs:simpleContent>
1787 </xs:complexType>
1788 </xs:element>
1789 <xs:element name="scale" type="TargetableFloat3">
1790 <xs:annotation>
1791 <xs:documentation>
1792 The scale element contains a mathematical vector that represents the relative proportions of the
1793 X, Y and Z axes of a coordinated system.
1794 </xs:documentation>
1795 </xs:annotation>
1796 </xs:element>
1797 <xs:element name="skew">
1798 <xs:annotation>
1799 <xs:documentation>
1800 The skew element contains an angle and two mathematical vectors that represent the axis of
1801 rotation and the axis of translation.
1802 </xs:documentation>
1803 </xs:annotation>
1804 <xs:complexType>
1805 <xs:simpleContent>
1806 <xs:extension base="float7">
1807 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
1808 <xs:annotation>
1809 <xs:documentation>
1810 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
1811 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
1812 </xs:documentation>
1813 </xs:annotation>
1814 </xs:attribute>
1815 </xs:extension>
1816 </xs:simpleContent>
1817 </xs:complexType>
1818 </xs:element>
1819 <xs:element name="translate" type="TargetableFloat3">
1820 <xs:annotation>
1821 <xs:documentation>
1822 The translate element contains a mathematical vector that represents the distance along the
1823 X, Y and Z-axes.
1824 </xs:documentation>
1825 </xs:annotation>
1826 </xs:element>
1827 <!-- Lighting and Shading Elements -->
1828 <xs:element name="image">
1829 <xs:annotation>
1830 <xs:documentation>
1831 The image element declares the storage for the graphical representation of an object.
1832 The image element best describes raster image data, but can conceivably handle other
1833 forms of imagery. The image elements allows for specifying an external image file with
1834 the init_from element or embed image data with the data element.
1835 </xs:documentation>
1836 </xs:annotation>
1837 <xs:complexType>
1838 <xs:sequence>
1839 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
1840 <xs:annotation>
1841 <xs:documentation>
1842 The image element may contain an asset element.
1843 </xs:documentation>
1844 </xs:annotation>
1845 </xs:element>
1846 <xs:choice>
1847 <xs:element name="data" type="ListOfHexBinary">
1848 <xs:annotation>
1849 <xs:documentation>
1850 The data child element contains a sequence of hexadecimal encoded binary octets representing
1851 the embedded image data.
1852 </xs:documentation>
1853 </xs:annotation>
1854 </xs:element>
1855 <xs:element name="init_from" type="xs:anyURI">
1856 <xs:annotation>
1857 <xs:documentation>
1858 The init_from element allows you to specify an external image file to use for the image element.
1859 </xs:documentation>
1860 </xs:annotation>
1861 </xs:element>
1862 </xs:choice>
1863 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1864 <xs:annotation>
1865 <xs:documentation>
1866 The extra element may appear any number of times.
1867 </xs:documentation>
1868 </xs:annotation>
1869 </xs:element>
1870 </xs:sequence>
1871 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
1872 <xs:annotation>
1873 <xs:documentation>
1874 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
1875 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
1876 </xs:documentation>
1877 </xs:annotation>
1878 </xs:attribute>
1879 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
1880 <xs:annotation>
1881 <xs:documentation>
1882 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
1883 </xs:documentation>
1884 </xs:annotation>
1885 </xs:attribute>
1886 <xs:attribute name="format" type="xs:token">
1887 <xs:annotation>
1888 <xs:documentation>
1889 The format attribute is a text string value that indicates the image format. Optional attribute.
1890 </xs:documentation>
1891 </xs:annotation>
1892 </xs:attribute>
1893 <xs:attribute name="height" type="uint">
1894 <xs:annotation>
1895 <xs:documentation>
1896 The height attribute is an integer value that indicates the height of the image in pixel
1897 units. Optional attribute.
1898 </xs:documentation>
1899 </xs:annotation>
1900 </xs:attribute>
1901 <xs:attribute name="width" type="uint">
1902 <xs:annotation>
1903 <xs:documentation>
1904 The width attribute is an integer value that indicates the width of the image in pixel units.
1905 Optional attribute.
1906 </xs:documentation>
1907 </xs:annotation>
1908 </xs:attribute>
1909 <xs:attribute name="depth" type="uint" default="1">
1910 <xs:annotation>
1911 <xs:documentation>
1912 The depth attribute is an integer value that indicates the depth of the image in pixel units.
1913 A 2-D image has a depth of 1, which is also the default value. Optional attribute.
1914 </xs:documentation>
1915 </xs:annotation>
1916 </xs:attribute>
1917 </xs:complexType>
1918 </xs:element>
1919 <xs:element name="light">
1920 <xs:annotation>
1921 <xs:documentation>
1922 The light element declares a light source that illuminates the scene.
1923 Light sources have many different properties and radiate light in many different patterns and
1924 frequencies.
1925 </xs:documentation>
1926 </xs:annotation>
1927 <xs:complexType>
1928 <xs:sequence>
1929 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
1930 <xs:annotation>
1931 <xs:documentation>
1932 The light element may contain an asset element.
1933 </xs:documentation>
1934 </xs:annotation>
1935 </xs:element>
1936 <xs:element name="technique_common">
1937 <xs:annotation>
1938 <xs:documentation>
1939 The technique_common element specifies the light information for the common profile which all
1940 COLLADA implementations need to support.
1941 </xs:documentation>
1942 </xs:annotation>
1943 <xs:complexType>
1944 <xs:choice>
1945 <xs:element name="ambient">
1946 <xs:annotation>
1947 <xs:documentation>
1948 The ambient element declares the parameters required to describe an ambient light source.
1949 An ambient light is one that lights everything evenly, regardless of location or orientation.
1950 </xs:documentation>
1951 </xs:annotation>
1952 <xs:complexType>
1953 <xs:sequence>
1954 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
1955 <xs:annotation>
1956 <xs:documentation>
1957 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
1958 The color element must occur exactly once.
1959 </xs:documentation>
1960 </xs:annotation>
1961 </xs:element>
1962 </xs:sequence>
1963 </xs:complexType>
1964 </xs:element>
1965 <xs:element name="directional">
1966 <xs:annotation>
1967 <xs:documentation>
1968 The directional element declares the parameters required to describe a directional light source.
1969 A directional light is one that lights everything from the same direction, regardless of location.
1970 The light’s default direction vector in local coordinates is [0,0,-1], pointing down the -Z axis.
1971 The actual direction of the light is defined by the transform of the node where the light is
1972 instantiated.
1973 </xs:documentation>
1974 </xs:annotation>
1975 <xs:complexType>
1976 <xs:sequence>
1977 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
1978 <xs:annotation>
1979 <xs:documentation>
1980 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
1981 The color element must occur exactly once.
1982 </xs:documentation>
1983 </xs:annotation>
1984 </xs:element>
1985 </xs:sequence>
1986 </xs:complexType>
1987 </xs:element>
1988 <xs:element name="point">
1989 <xs:annotation>
1990 <xs:documentation>
1991 The point element declares the parameters required to describe a point light source. A point light
1992 source radiates light in all directions from a known location in space. The intensity of a point
1993 light source is attenuated as the distance to the light source increases. The position of the light
1994 is defined by the transform of the node in which it is instantiated.
1995 </xs:documentation>
1996 </xs:annotation>
1997 <xs:complexType>
1998 <xs:sequence>
1999 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
2000 <xs:annotation>
2001 <xs:documentation>
2002 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
2003 The color element must occur exactly once.
2004 </xs:documentation>
2005 </xs:annotation>
2006 </xs:element>
2007 <xs:element name="constant_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
2008 <xs:annotation>
2009 <xs:documentation>
2010 The constant_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2011 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2012 </xs:documentation>
2013 </xs:annotation>
2014 </xs:element>
2015 <xs:element name="linear_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2016 <xs:annotation>
2017 <xs:documentation>
2018 The linear_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2019 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2020 </xs:documentation>
2021 </xs:annotation>
2022 </xs:element>
2023 <xs:element name="quadratic_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2024 <xs:annotation>
2025 <xs:documentation>
2026 The quadratic_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2027 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2028 </xs:documentation>
2029 </xs:annotation>
2030 </xs:element>
2031 </xs:sequence>
2032 </xs:complexType>
2033 </xs:element>
2034 <xs:element name="spot">
2035 <xs:annotation>
2036 <xs:documentation>
2037 The spot element declares the parameters required to describe a spot light source. A spot light
2038 source radiates light in one direction from a known location in space. The light radiates from
2039 the spot light source in a cone shape. The intensity of the light is attenuated as the radiation
2040 angle increases away from the direction of the light source. The intensity of a spot light source
2041 is also attenuated as the distance to the light source increases. The position of the light is
2042 defined by the transform of the node in which it is instantiated. The light’s default direction
2043 vector in local coordinates is [0,0,-1], pointing down the -Z axis. The actual direction of the
2044 light is defined by the transform of the node where the light is instantiated.
2045 </xs:documentation>
2046 </xs:annotation>
2047 <xs:complexType>
2048 <xs:sequence>
2049 <xs:element name="color" type="TargetableFloat3">
2050 <xs:annotation>
2051 <xs:documentation>
2052 The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light.
2053 The color element must occur exactly once.
2054 </xs:documentation>
2055 </xs:annotation>
2056 </xs:element>
2057 <xs:element name="constant_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
2058 <xs:annotation>
2059 <xs:documentation>
2060 The constant_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2061 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2062 </xs:documentation>
2063 </xs:annotation>
2064 </xs:element>
2065 <xs:element name="linear_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2066 <xs:annotation>
2067 <xs:documentation>
2068 The linear_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2069 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2070 </xs:documentation>
2071 </xs:annotation>
2072 </xs:element>
2073 <xs:element name="quadratic_attenuation" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2074 <xs:annotation>
2075 <xs:documentation>
2076 The quadratic_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance.
2077 The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation.
2078 </xs:documentation>
2079 </xs:annotation>
2080 </xs:element>
2081 <xs:element name="falloff_angle" type="TargetableFloat" default="180.0" minOccurs="0">
2082 <xs:annotation>
2083 <xs:documentation>
2084 The falloff_angle is used to specify the amount of attenuation based on the direction of the light.
2085 </xs:documentation>
2086 </xs:annotation>
2087 </xs:element>
2088 <xs:element name="falloff_exponent" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
2089 <xs:annotation>
2090 <xs:documentation>
2091 The falloff_exponent is used to specify the amount of attenuation based on the direction of the light.
2092 </xs:documentation>
2093 </xs:annotation>
2094 </xs:element>
2095 </xs:sequence>
2096 </xs:complexType>
2097 </xs:element>
2098 </xs:choice>
2099 </xs:complexType>
2100 </xs:element>
2101 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2102 <xs:annotation>
2103 <xs:documentation>
2104 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
2105 </xs:documentation>
2106 </xs:annotation>
2107 </xs:element>
2108 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2109 <xs:annotation>
2110 <xs:documentation>
2111 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2112 </xs:documentation>
2113 </xs:annotation>
2114 </xs:element>
2115 </xs:sequence>
2116 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2117 <xs:annotation>
2118 <xs:documentation>
2119 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
2120 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2121 </xs:documentation>
2122 </xs:annotation>
2123 </xs:attribute>
2124 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2125 <xs:annotation>
2126 <xs:documentation>
2127 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2128 </xs:documentation>
2129 </xs:annotation>
2130 </xs:attribute>
2131 </xs:complexType>
2132 </xs:element>
2133 <xs:element name="material">
2134 <xs:annotation>
2135 <xs:documentation>
2136 Materials describe the visual appearance of a geometric object.
2137 </xs:documentation>
2138 </xs:annotation>
2139 <xs:complexType>
2140 <xs:sequence>
2141 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2142 <xs:annotation>
2143 <xs:documentation>
2144 The material element may contain an asset element.
2145 </xs:documentation>
2146 </xs:annotation>
2147 </xs:element>
2148 <xs:element ref="instance_effect">
2149 <xs:annotation>
2150 <xs:documentation>
2151 The material must instance an effect.
2152 </xs:documentation>
2153 </xs:annotation>
2154 </xs:element>
2155 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2156 <xs:annotation>
2157 <xs:documentation>
2158 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2159 </xs:documentation>
2160 </xs:annotation>
2161 </xs:element>
2162 </xs:sequence>
2163 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2164 <xs:annotation>
2165 <xs:documentation>
2166 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2167 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2168 </xs:documentation>
2169 </xs:annotation>
2170 </xs:attribute>
2171 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2172 <xs:annotation>
2173 <xs:documentation>
2174 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2175 </xs:documentation>
2176 </xs:annotation>
2177 </xs:attribute>
2178 </xs:complexType>
2179 </xs:element>
2180 <!-- Object Elements -->
2181 <xs:element name="camera">
2182 <xs:annotation>
2183 <xs:documentation>
2184 The camera element declares a view into the scene hierarchy or scene graph. The camera contains
2185 elements that describe the camera’s optics and imager.
2186 </xs:documentation>
2187 </xs:annotation>
2188 <xs:complexType>
2189 <xs:sequence>
2190 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2191 <xs:annotation>
2192 <xs:documentation>
2193 The camera element may contain an asset element.
2194 </xs:documentation>
2195 </xs:annotation>
2196 </xs:element>
2197 <xs:element name="optics">
2198 <xs:annotation>
2199 <xs:documentation>
2200 Optics represents the apparatus on a camera that projects the image onto the image sensor.
2201 </xs:documentation>
2202 </xs:annotation>
2203 <xs:complexType>
2204 <xs:sequence>
2205 <xs:element name="technique_common">
2206 <xs:annotation>
2207 <xs:documentation>
2208 The technique_common element specifies the optics information for the common profile
2209 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
2210 </xs:documentation>
2211 </xs:annotation>
2212 <xs:complexType>
2213 <xs:choice>
2214 <xs:element name="orthographic">
2215 <xs:annotation>
2216 <xs:documentation>
2217 The orthographic element describes the field of view of an orthographic camera.
2218 </xs:documentation>
2219 </xs:annotation>
2220 <xs:complexType>
2221 <xs:sequence>
2222 <xs:choice>
2223 <xs:sequence>
2224 <xs:element name="xmag" type="TargetableFloat">
2225 <xs:annotation>
2226 <xs:documentation>
2227 The xmag element contains a floating point number describing the horizontal
2228 magnification of the view.
2229 </xs:documentation>
2230 </xs:annotation>
2231 </xs:element>
2232 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
2233 <xs:element name="ymag" type="TargetableFloat">
2234 <xs:annotation>
2235 <xs:documentation>
2236 The ymag element contains a floating point number describing the vertical
2237 magnification of the view. It can also have a sid.
2238 </xs:documentation>
2239 </xs:annotation>
2240 </xs:element>
2241 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat">
2242 <xs:annotation>
2243 <xs:documentation>
2244 The aspect_ratio element contains a floating point number describing the aspect ratio of
2245 the field of view. If the aspect_ratio element is not present the aspect ratio is to be
2246 calculated from the xmag or ymag elements and the current viewport.
2247 </xs:documentation>
2248 </xs:annotation>
2249 </xs:element>
2250 </xs:choice>
2251 </xs:sequence>
2252 <xs:sequence>
2253 <xs:element name="ymag" type="TargetableFloat"/>
2254 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
2255 </xs:sequence>
2256 </xs:choice>
2257 <xs:element name="znear" type="TargetableFloat">
2258 <xs:annotation>
2259 <xs:documentation>
2260 The znear element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the near
2261 clipping plane. The znear element must occur exactly once.
2262 </xs:documentation>
2263 </xs:annotation>
2264 </xs:element>
2265 <xs:element name="zfar" type="TargetableFloat">
2266 <xs:annotation>
2267 <xs:documentation>
2268 The zfar element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the far
2269 clipping plane. The zfar element must occur exactly once.
2270 </xs:documentation>
2271 </xs:annotation>
2272 </xs:element>
2273 </xs:sequence>
2274 </xs:complexType>
2275 </xs:element>
2276 <xs:element name="perspective">
2277 <xs:annotation>
2278 <xs:documentation>
2279 The perspective element describes the optics of a perspective camera.
2280 </xs:documentation>
2281 </xs:annotation>
2282 <xs:complexType>
2283 <xs:sequence>
2284 <xs:choice>
2285 <xs:sequence>
2286 <xs:element name="xfov" type="TargetableFloat">
2287 <xs:annotation>
2288 <xs:documentation>
2289 The xfov element contains a floating point number describing the horizontal field of view in degrees.
2290 </xs:documentation>
2291 </xs:annotation>
2292 </xs:element>
2293 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
2294 <xs:element name="yfov" type="TargetableFloat">
2295 <xs:annotation>
2296 <xs:documentation>
2297 The yfov element contains a floating point number describing the verticle field of view in degrees.
2298 </xs:documentation>
2299 </xs:annotation>
2300 </xs:element>
2301 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat">
2302 <xs:annotation>
2303 <xs:documentation>
2304 The aspect_ratio element contains a floating point number describing the aspect ratio of the field
2305 of view. If the aspect_ratio element is not present the aspect ratio is to be calculated from the
2306 xfov or yfov elements and the current viewport.
2307 </xs:documentation>
2308 </xs:annotation>
2309 </xs:element>
2310 </xs:choice>
2311 </xs:sequence>
2312 <xs:sequence>
2313 <xs:element name="yfov" type="TargetableFloat"/>
2314 <xs:element name="aspect_ratio" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
2315 </xs:sequence>
2316 </xs:choice>
2317 <xs:element name="znear" type="TargetableFloat">
2318 <xs:annotation>
2319 <xs:documentation>
2320 The znear element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the near
2321 clipping plane. The znear element must occur exactly once.
2322 </xs:documentation>
2323 </xs:annotation>
2324 </xs:element>
2325 <xs:element name="zfar" type="TargetableFloat">
2326 <xs:annotation>
2327 <xs:documentation>
2328 The zfar element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the far
2329 clipping plane. The zfar element must occur exactly once.
2330 </xs:documentation>
2331 </xs:annotation>
2332 </xs:element>
2333 </xs:sequence>
2334 </xs:complexType>
2335 </xs:element>
2336 </xs:choice>
2337 </xs:complexType>
2338 </xs:element>
2339 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2340 <xs:annotation>
2341 <xs:documentation>
2342 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
2343 </xs:documentation>
2344 </xs:annotation>
2345 </xs:element>
2346 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2347 <xs:annotation>
2348 <xs:documentation>
2349 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2350 </xs:documentation>
2351 </xs:annotation>
2352 </xs:element>
2353 </xs:sequence>
2354 </xs:complexType>
2355 </xs:element>
2356 <xs:element name="imager" minOccurs="0">
2357 <xs:annotation>
2358 <xs:documentation>
2359 Imagers represent the image sensor of a camera (for example film or CCD).
2360 </xs:documentation>
2361 </xs:annotation>
2362 <xs:complexType>
2363 <xs:sequence>
2364 <xs:element ref="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2365 <xs:annotation>
2366 <xs:documentation>
2367 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
2368 There is no common technique for imager.
2369 </xs:documentation>
2370 </xs:annotation>
2371 </xs:element>
2372 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2373 <xs:annotation>
2374 <xs:documentation>
2375 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2376 </xs:documentation>
2377 </xs:annotation>
2378 </xs:element>
2379 </xs:sequence>
2380 </xs:complexType>
2381 </xs:element>
2382 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2383 <xs:annotation>
2384 <xs:documentation>
2385 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2386 </xs:documentation>
2387 </xs:annotation>
2388 </xs:element>
2389 </xs:sequence>
2390 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2391 <xs:annotation>
2392 <xs:documentation>
2393 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2394 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2395 </xs:documentation>
2396 </xs:annotation>
2397 </xs:attribute>
2398 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2399 <xs:annotation>
2400 <xs:documentation>
2401 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2402 </xs:documentation>
2403 </xs:annotation>
2404 </xs:attribute>
2405 </xs:complexType>
2406 </xs:element>
2407 <!-- Animation Elements -->
2408 <xs:element name="animation">
2409 <xs:annotation>
2410 <xs:documentation>
2411 The animation element categorizes the declaration of animation information. The animation
2412 hierarchy contains elements that describe the animation’s key-frame data and sampler functions,
2413 ordered in such a way to group together animations that should be executed together.
2414 </xs:documentation>
2415 </xs:annotation>
2416 <xs:complexType>
2417 <xs:sequence>
2418 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2419 <xs:annotation>
2420 <xs:documentation>
2421 The animation element may contain an asset element.
2422 </xs:documentation>
2423 </xs:annotation>
2424 </xs:element>
2425 <xs:choice>
2426 <xs:sequence>
2427 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2428 <xs:annotation>
2429 <xs:documentation>
2430 The animation element may contain any number of source elements.
2431 </xs:documentation>
2432 </xs:annotation>
2433 </xs:element>
2434 <xs:choice>
2435 <xs:sequence>
2436 <xs:element ref="sampler" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2437 <xs:annotation>
2438 <xs:documentation>
2439 The animation element may contain any number of sampler elements.
2440 </xs:documentation>
2441 </xs:annotation>
2442 </xs:element>
2443 <xs:element ref="channel" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2444 <xs:annotation>
2445 <xs:documentation>
2446 The animation element may contain any number of channel elements.
2447 </xs:documentation>
2448 </xs:annotation>
2449 </xs:element>
2450 <xs:element ref="animation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2451 <xs:annotation>
2452 <xs:documentation>
2453 The animation may be hierarchical and may contain any number of other animation elements.
2454 </xs:documentation>
2455 </xs:annotation>
2456 </xs:element>
2457 </xs:sequence>
2458 <xs:element ref="animation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2459 </xs:choice>
2460 </xs:sequence>
2461 <xs:sequence>
2462 <xs:element ref="sampler" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2463 <xs:element ref="channel" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2464 <xs:element ref="animation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2465 </xs:sequence>
2466 <xs:element ref="animation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
2467 </xs:choice>
2468 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2469 <xs:annotation>
2470 <xs:documentation>
2471 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2472 </xs:documentation>
2473 </xs:annotation>
2474 </xs:element>
2475 </xs:sequence>
2476 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2477 <xs:annotation>
2478 <xs:documentation>
2479 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2480 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2481 </xs:documentation>
2482 </xs:annotation>
2483 </xs:attribute>
2484 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2485 <xs:annotation>
2486 <xs:documentation>
2487 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2488 </xs:documentation>
2489 </xs:annotation>
2490 </xs:attribute>
2491 </xs:complexType>
2492 </xs:element>
2493 <xs:element name="animation_clip">
2494 <xs:annotation>
2495 <xs:documentation>
2496 The animation_clip element defines a section of the animation curves to be used together as
2497 an animation clip.
2498 </xs:documentation>
2499 </xs:annotation>
2500 <xs:complexType>
2501 <xs:sequence>
2502 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2503 <xs:annotation>
2504 <xs:documentation>
2505 The animation_clip element may contain an asset element.
2506 </xs:documentation>
2507 </xs:annotation>
2508 </xs:element>
2509 <xs:element name="instance_animation" type="InstanceWithExtra" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2510 <xs:annotation>
2511 <xs:documentation>
2512 The animation_clip must instance at least one animation element.
2513 </xs:documentation>
2514 </xs:annotation>
2515 </xs:element>
2516 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2517 <xs:annotation>
2518 <xs:documentation>
2519 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2520 </xs:documentation>
2521 </xs:annotation>
2522 </xs:element>
2523 </xs:sequence>
2524 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2525 <xs:annotation>
2526 <xs:documentation>
2527 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
2528 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2529 </xs:documentation>
2530 </xs:annotation>
2531 </xs:attribute>
2532 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2533 <xs:annotation>
2534 <xs:documentation>
2535 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2536 </xs:documentation>
2537 </xs:annotation>
2538 </xs:attribute>
2539 <xs:attribute name="start" type="xs:double" default="0.0">
2540 <xs:annotation>
2541 <xs:documentation>
2542 The start attribute is the time in seconds of the beginning of the clip. This time is
2543 the same as that used in the key-frame data and is used to determine which set of
2544 key-frames will be included in the clip. The start time does not specify when the clip
2545 will be played. If the time falls between two keyframes of a referenced animation, an
2546 interpolated value should be used. The default value is 0.0. Optional attribute.
2547 </xs:documentation>
2548 </xs:annotation>
2549 </xs:attribute>
2550 <xs:attribute name="end" type="xs:double">
2551 <xs:annotation>
2552 <xs:documentation>
2553 The end attribute is the time in seconds of the end of the clip. This is used in the
2554 same way as the start time. If end is not specified, the value is taken to be the end
2555 time of the longest animation. Optional attribute.
2556 </xs:documentation>
2557 </xs:annotation>
2558 </xs:attribute>
2559 </xs:complexType>
2560 </xs:element>
2561 <xs:element name="channel">
2562 <xs:annotation>
2563 <xs:documentation>
2564 The channel element declares an output channel of an animation.
2565 </xs:documentation>
2566 </xs:annotation>
2567 <xs:complexType>
2568 <xs:attribute name="source" type="URIFragmentType" use="required">
2569 <xs:annotation>
2570 <xs:documentation>
2571 The source attribute indicates the location of the sampler using a URL expression.
2572 The sampler must be declared within the same document. Required attribute.
2573 </xs:documentation>
2574 </xs:annotation>
2575 </xs:attribute>
2576 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:token" use="required">
2577 <xs:annotation>
2578 <xs:documentation>
2579 The target attribute indicates the location of the element bound to the output of the sampler.
2580 This text string is a path-name following a simple syntax described in Address Syntax.
2581 Required attribute.
2582 </xs:documentation>
2583 </xs:annotation>
2584 </xs:attribute>
2585 </xs:complexType>
2586 </xs:element>
2587 <xs:element name="sampler">
2588 <xs:annotation>
2589 <xs:documentation>
2590 The sampler element declares an N-dimensional function used for animation. Animation function curves
2591 are represented by 1-D sampler elements in COLLADA. The sampler defines sampling points and how to
2592 interpolate between them.
2593 </xs:documentation>
2594 </xs:annotation>
2595 <xs:complexType>
2596 <xs:sequence>
2597 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2598 <xs:annotation>
2599 <xs:documentation>
2600 The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs.
2601 </xs:documentation>
2602 </xs:annotation>
2603 </xs:element>
2604 </xs:sequence>
2605 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2606 <xs:annotation>
2607 <xs:documentation>
2608 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2609 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2610 </xs:documentation>
2611 </xs:annotation>
2612 </xs:attribute>
2613 </xs:complexType>
2614 </xs:element>
2615 <!-- Controller Elements -->
2616 <xs:element name="controller">
2617 <xs:annotation>
2618 <xs:documentation>
2619 The controller element categorizes the declaration of generic control information.
2620 A controller is a device or mechanism that manages and directs the operations of another object.
2621 </xs:documentation>
2622 </xs:annotation>
2623 <xs:complexType>
2624 <xs:sequence>
2625 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
2626 <xs:annotation>
2627 <xs:documentation>
2628 The controller element may contain an asset element.
2629 </xs:documentation>
2630 </xs:annotation>
2631 </xs:element>
2632 <xs:choice>
2633 <xs:element ref="skin">
2634 <xs:annotation>
2635 <xs:documentation>
2636 The controller element may contain either a skin element or a morph element.
2637 </xs:documentation>
2638 </xs:annotation>
2639 </xs:element>
2640 <xs:element ref="morph">
2641 <xs:annotation>
2642 <xs:documentation>
2643 The controller element may contain either a skin element or a morph element.
2644 </xs:documentation>
2645 </xs:annotation>
2646 </xs:element>
2647 </xs:choice>
2648 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2649 <xs:annotation>
2650 <xs:documentation>
2651 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2652 </xs:documentation>
2653 </xs:annotation>
2654 </xs:element>
2655 </xs:sequence>
2656 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
2657 <xs:annotation>
2658 <xs:documentation>
2659 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
2660 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
2661 </xs:documentation>
2662 </xs:annotation>
2663 </xs:attribute>
2664 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
2665 <xs:annotation>
2666 <xs:documentation>
2667 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
2668 </xs:documentation>
2669 </xs:annotation>
2670 </xs:attribute>
2671 </xs:complexType>
2672 </xs:element>
2673 <xs:element name="skin">
2674 <xs:annotation>
2675 <xs:documentation>
2676 The skin element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe blend-weight skinning.
2677 </xs:documentation>
2678 </xs:annotation>
2679 <xs:complexType>
2680 <xs:sequence>
2681 <xs:element name="bind_shape_matrix" type="float4x4" minOccurs="0">
2682 <xs:annotation>
2683 <xs:documentation>
2684 This provides extra information about the position and orientation of the base mesh before binding.
2685 If bind_shape_matrix is not specified then an identity matrix may be used as the bind_shape_matrix.
2686 The bind_shape_matrix element may occur zero or one times.
2687 </xs:documentation>
2688 </xs:annotation>
2689 </xs:element>
2690 <xs:element ref="source" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2691 <xs:annotation>
2692 <xs:documentation>
2693 The skin element must contain at least three source elements.
2694 </xs:documentation>
2695 </xs:annotation>
2696 </xs:element>
2697 <xs:element name="joints">
2698 <xs:annotation>
2699 <xs:documentation>
2700 The joints element associates joint, or skeleton, nodes with attribute data.
2701 In COLLADA, this is specified by the inverse bind matrix of each joint (influence) in the skeleton.
2702 </xs:documentation>
2703 </xs:annotation>
2704 <xs:complexType>
2705 <xs:sequence>
2706 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2707 <xs:annotation>
2708 <xs:documentation>
2709 The input element must occur at least twice. These inputs are local inputs.
2710 </xs:documentation>
2711 </xs:annotation>
2712 </xs:element>
2713 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2714 <xs:annotation>
2715 <xs:documentation>
2716 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2717 </xs:documentation>
2718 </xs:annotation>
2719 </xs:element>
2720 </xs:sequence>
2721 </xs:complexType>
2722 </xs:element>
2723 <xs:element name="vertex_weights">
2724 <xs:annotation>
2725 <xs:documentation>
2726 The vertex_weights element associates a set of joint-weight pairs with each vertex in the base mesh.
2727 </xs:documentation>
2728 </xs:annotation>
2729 <xs:complexType>
2730 <xs:sequence>
2731 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocalOffset" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2732 <xs:annotation>
2733 <xs:documentation>
2734 The input element must occur at least twice.
2735 </xs:documentation>
2736 </xs:annotation>
2737 </xs:element>
2738 <xs:element name="vcount" type="ListOfUInts" minOccurs="0">
2739 <xs:annotation>
2740 <xs:documentation>
2741 The vcount element contains a list of integers describing the number of influences for each vertex.
2742 The vcount element may occur once.
2743 </xs:documentation>
2744 </xs:annotation>
2745 </xs:element>
2746 <xs:element name="v" type="ListOfInts" minOccurs="0">
2747 <xs:annotation>
2748 <xs:documentation>
2749 The v element describes which bones and attributes are associated with each vertex. An index
2750 of –1 into the array of joints refers to the bind shape. Weights should be normalized before use.
2751 The v element must occur zero or one times.
2752 </xs:documentation>
2753 </xs:annotation>
2754 </xs:element>
2755 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2756 <xs:annotation>
2757 <xs:documentation>
2758 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2759 </xs:documentation>
2760 </xs:annotation>
2761 </xs:element>
2762 </xs:sequence>
2763 <xs:attribute name="count" type="uint" use="required">
2764 <xs:annotation>
2765 <xs:documentation>
2766 The count attribute describes the number of vertices in the base mesh. Required element.
2767 </xs:documentation>
2768 </xs:annotation>
2769 </xs:attribute>
2770 </xs:complexType>
2771 </xs:element>
2772 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2773 <xs:annotation>
2774 <xs:documentation>
2775 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2776 </xs:documentation>
2777 </xs:annotation>
2778 </xs:element>
2779 </xs:sequence>
2780 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
2781 <xs:annotation>
2782 <xs:documentation>
2783 The source attribute contains a URI reference to the base mesh, (a static mesh or a morphed mesh).
2784 This also provides the bind-shape of the skinned mesh. Required attribute.
2785 </xs:documentation>
2786 </xs:annotation>
2787 </xs:attribute>
2788 </xs:complexType>
2789 </xs:element>
2790 <xs:element name="morph">
2791 <xs:annotation>
2792 <xs:documentation>
2793 The morph element describes the data required to blend between sets of static meshes. Each
2794 possible mesh that can be blended (a morph target) must be specified.
2795 </xs:documentation>
2796 </xs:annotation>
2797 <xs:complexType>
2798 <xs:sequence>
2799 <xs:element ref="source" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2800 <xs:annotation>
2801 <xs:documentation>
2802 The morph element must contain at least two source elements.
2803 </xs:documentation>
2804 </xs:annotation>
2805 </xs:element>
2806 <xs:element name="targets">
2807 <xs:annotation>
2808 <xs:documentation>
2809 The targets element declares the morph targets, their weights and any user defined attributes
2810 associated with them.
2811 </xs:documentation>
2812 </xs:annotation>
2813 <xs:complexType>
2814 <xs:sequence>
2815 <xs:element name="input" type="InputLocal" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2816 <xs:annotation>
2817 <xs:documentation>
2818 The input element must occur at least twice. These inputs are local inputs.
2819 </xs:documentation>
2820 </xs:annotation>
2821 </xs:element>
2822 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2823 <xs:annotation>
2824 <xs:documentation>
2825 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2826 </xs:documentation>
2827 </xs:annotation>
2828 </xs:element>
2829 </xs:sequence>
2830 </xs:complexType>
2831 </xs:element>
2832 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2833 <xs:annotation>
2834 <xs:documentation>
2835 The extra element may appear any number of times.
2836 </xs:documentation>
2837 </xs:annotation>
2838 </xs:element>
2839 </xs:sequence>
2840 <xs:attribute name="method" type="MorphMethodType" default="NORMALIZED">
2841 <xs:annotation>
2842 <xs:documentation>
2843 The method attribute specifies the which blending technique to use. The accepted values are
2844 NORMALIZED, and RELATIVE. The default value if not specified is NORMALIZED. Optional attribute.
2845 </xs:documentation>
2846 </xs:annotation>
2847 </xs:attribute>
2848 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
2849 <xs:annotation>
2850 <xs:documentation>
2851 The source attribute indicates the base mesh. Required attribute.
2852 </xs:documentation>
2853 </xs:annotation>
2854 </xs:attribute>
2855 </xs:complexType>
2856 </xs:element>
2857 <!-- Meta Elements -->
2858 <xs:element name="asset">
2859 <xs:annotation>
2860 <xs:documentation>
2861 The asset element defines asset management information regarding its parent element.
2862 </xs:documentation>
2863 </xs:annotation>
2864 <xs:complexType>
2865 <xs:sequence>
2866 <xs:element name="contributor" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2867 <xs:annotation>
2868 <xs:documentation>
2869 The contributor element defines authoring information for asset management
2870 </xs:documentation>
2871 </xs:annotation>
2872 <xs:complexType>
2873 <xs:sequence>
2874 <xs:element name="author" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2875 <xs:annotation>
2876 <xs:documentation>
2877 The author element contains a string with the author's name.
2878 There may be only one author element.
2879 </xs:documentation>
2880 </xs:annotation>
2881 </xs:element>
2882 <xs:element name="authoring_tool" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2883 <xs:annotation>
2884 <xs:documentation>
2885 The authoring_tool element contains a string with the authoring tool's name.
2886 There may be only one authoring_tool element.
2887 </xs:documentation>
2888 </xs:annotation>
2889 </xs:element>
2890 <xs:element name="comments" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2891 <xs:annotation>
2892 <xs:documentation>
2893 The comments element contains a string with comments from this contributor.
2894 There may be only one comments element.
2895 </xs:documentation>
2896 </xs:annotation>
2897 </xs:element>
2898 <xs:element name="copyright" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2899 <xs:annotation>
2900 <xs:documentation>
2901 The copyright element contains a string with copyright information.
2902 There may be only one copyright element.
2903 </xs:documentation>
2904 </xs:annotation>
2905 </xs:element>
2906 <xs:element name="source_data" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0">
2907 <xs:annotation>
2908 <xs:documentation>
2909 The source_data element contains a URI reference to the source data used for this asset.
2910 There may be only one source_data element.
2911 </xs:documentation>
2912 </xs:annotation>
2913 </xs:element>
2914 </xs:sequence>
2915 </xs:complexType>
2916 </xs:element>
2917 <xs:element name="created" type="xs:dateTime">
2918 <xs:annotation>
2919 <xs:documentation>
2920 The created element contains the date and time that the parent element was created and is
2921 represented in an ISO 8601 format. The created element may appear zero or one time.
2922 </xs:documentation>
2923 </xs:annotation>
2924 </xs:element>
2925 <xs:element name="keywords" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2926 <xs:annotation>
2927 <xs:documentation>
2928 The keywords element contains a list of words used as search criteria for the parent element.
2929 The keywords element may appear zero or more times.
2930 </xs:documentation>
2931 </xs:annotation>
2932 </xs:element>
2933 <xs:element name="modified" type="xs:dateTime">
2934 <xs:annotation>
2935 <xs:documentation>
2936 The modified element contains the date and time that the parent element was last modified and
2937 represented in an ISO 8601 format. The modified element may appear zero or one time.
2938 </xs:documentation>
2939 </xs:annotation>
2940 </xs:element>
2941 <xs:element name="revision" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2942 <xs:annotation>
2943 <xs:documentation>
2944 The revision element contains the revision information for the parent element. The revision
2945 element may appear zero or one time.
2946 </xs:documentation>
2947 </xs:annotation>
2948 </xs:element>
2949 <xs:element name="subject" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2950 <xs:annotation>
2951 <xs:documentation>
2952 The subject element contains a description of the topical subject of the parent element. The
2953 subject element may appear zero or one time.
2954 </xs:documentation>
2955 </xs:annotation>
2956 </xs:element>
2957 <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
2958 <xs:annotation>
2959 <xs:documentation>
2960 The title element contains the title information for the parent element. The title element may
2961 appear zero or one time.
2962 </xs:documentation>
2963 </xs:annotation>
2964 </xs:element>
2965 <xs:element name="unit" minOccurs="0">
2966 <xs:annotation>
2967 <xs:documentation>
2968 The unit element contains descriptive information about unit of measure. It has attributes for
2969 the name of the unit and the measurement with respect to the meter. The unit element may appear
2970 zero or one time.
2971 </xs:documentation>
2972 </xs:annotation>
2973 <xs:complexType>
2974 <xs:attribute name="meter" type="float" default="1.0">
2975 <xs:annotation>
2976 <xs:documentation>
2977 The meter attribute specifies the measurement with respect to the meter. The default
2978 value for the meter attribute is “1.0”.
2979 </xs:documentation>
2980 </xs:annotation>
2981 </xs:attribute>
2982 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NMTOKEN" default="meter">
2983 <xs:annotation>
2984 <xs:documentation>
2985 The name attribute specifies the name of the unit. The default value for the name
2986 attribute is “meter”.
2987 </xs:documentation>
2988 </xs:annotation>
2989 </xs:attribute>
2990 </xs:complexType>
2991 </xs:element>
2992 <xs:element name="up_axis" type="UpAxisType" default="Y_UP" minOccurs="0">
2993 <xs:annotation>
2994 <xs:documentation>
2995 The up_axis element contains descriptive information about coordinate system of the geometric
2996 data. All coordinates are right-handed by definition. This element specifies which axis is
2997 considered up. The default is the Y-axis. The up_axis element may appear zero or one time.
2998 </xs:documentation>
2999 </xs:annotation>
3000 </xs:element>
3001 </xs:sequence>
3002 </xs:complexType>
3003 </xs:element>
3004 <xs:element name="extra">
3005 <xs:annotation>
3006 <xs:documentation>
3007 The extra element declares additional information regarding its parent element.
3008 </xs:documentation>
3009 </xs:annotation>
3010 <xs:complexType>
3011 <xs:sequence>
3012 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
3013 <xs:annotation>
3014 <xs:documentation>
3015 The extra element may contain an asset element.
3016 </xs:documentation>
3017 </xs:annotation>
3018 </xs:element>
3019 <xs:element ref="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3020 <xs:annotation>
3021 <xs:documentation>
3022 This element must contain at least one non-common profile technique.
3023 </xs:documentation>
3024 </xs:annotation>
3025 </xs:element>
3026 </xs:sequence>
3027 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
3028 <xs:annotation>
3029 <xs:documentation>
3030 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
3031 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
3032 </xs:documentation>
3033 </xs:annotation>
3034 </xs:attribute>
3035 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3036 <xs:annotation>
3037 <xs:documentation>
3038 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3039 </xs:documentation>
3040 </xs:annotation>
3041 </xs:attribute>
3042 <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
3043 <xs:annotation>
3044 <xs:documentation>
3045 The type attribute indicates the type of the value data. This text string must be understood by
3046 the application. Optional attribute.
3047 </xs:documentation>
3048 </xs:annotation>
3049 </xs:attribute>
3050 </xs:complexType>
3051 </xs:element>
3052 <xs:element name="technique">
3053 <xs:annotation>
3054 <xs:appinfo>enable-xmlns</xs:appinfo>
3055 <xs:documentation>
3056 The technique element declares the information used to process some portion of the content. Each
3057 technique conforms to an associated profile. Techniques generally act as a “switch”. If more than
3058 one is present for a particular portion of content, on import, one or the other is picked, but
3059 usually not both. Selection should be based on which profile the importing application can support.
3060 Techniques contain application data and programs, making them assets that can be managed as a unit.
3061 </xs:documentation>
3062 </xs:annotation>
3063 <xs:complexType>
3064 <xs:sequence>
3065 <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
3066 </xs:sequence>
3067 <xs:attribute name="profile" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
3068 <xs:annotation>
3069 <xs:documentation>
3070 The profile attribute indicates the type of profile. This is a vendor defined character
3071 string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Required attribute.
3072 </xs:documentation>
3073 </xs:annotation>
3074 </xs:attribute>
3075 </xs:complexType>
3076 </xs:element>
3077 <!-- Hierarchical Elements -->
3078 <xs:element name="node">
3079 <xs:annotation>
3080 <xs:documentation>
3081 Nodes embody the hierarchical relationship of elements in the scene.
3082 </xs:documentation>
3083 </xs:annotation>
3084 <xs:complexType>
3085 <xs:sequence>
3086 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
3087 <xs:annotation>
3088 <xs:documentation>
3089 The node element may contain an asset element.
3090 </xs:documentation>
3091 </xs:annotation>
3092 </xs:element>
3093 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3094 <xs:element ref="lookat">
3095 <xs:annotation>
3096 <xs:documentation>
3097 The node element may contain any number of lookat elements.
3098 </xs:documentation>
3099 </xs:annotation>
3100 </xs:element>
3101 <xs:element ref="matrix">
3102 <xs:annotation>
3103 <xs:documentation>
3104 The node element may contain any number of matrix elements.
3105 </xs:documentation>
3106 </xs:annotation>
3107 </xs:element>
3108 <xs:element ref="rotate">
3109 <xs:annotation>
3110 <xs:documentation>
3111 The node element may contain any number of rotate elements.
3112 </xs:documentation>
3113 </xs:annotation>
3114 </xs:element>
3115 <xs:element ref="scale">
3116 <xs:annotation>
3117 <xs:documentation>
3118 The node element may contain any number of scale elements.
3119 </xs:documentation>
3120 </xs:annotation>
3121 </xs:element>
3122 <xs:element ref="skew">
3123 <xs:annotation>
3124 <xs:documentation>
3125 The node element may contain any number of skew elements.
3126 </xs:documentation>
3127 </xs:annotation>
3128 </xs:element>
3129 <xs:element ref="translate">
3130 <xs:annotation>
3131 <xs:documentation>
3132 The node element may contain any number of translate elements.
3133 </xs:documentation>
3134 </xs:annotation>
3135 </xs:element>
3136 </xs:choice>
3137 <xs:element ref="instance_camera" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3138 <xs:annotation>
3139 <xs:documentation>
3140 The node element may instance any number of camera objects.
3141 </xs:documentation>
3142 </xs:annotation>
3143 </xs:element>
3144 <xs:element ref="instance_controller" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3145 <xs:annotation>
3146 <xs:documentation>
3147 The node element may instance any number of controller objects.
3148 </xs:documentation>
3149 </xs:annotation>
3150 </xs:element>
3151 <xs:element ref="instance_geometry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3152 <xs:annotation>
3153 <xs:documentation>
3154 The node element may instance any number of geometry objects.
3155 </xs:documentation>
3156 </xs:annotation>
3157 </xs:element>
3158 <xs:element ref="instance_light" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3159 <xs:annotation>
3160 <xs:documentation>
3161 The node element may instance any number of light objects.
3162 </xs:documentation>
3163 </xs:annotation>
3164 </xs:element>
3165 <xs:element ref="instance_node" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3166 <xs:annotation>
3167 <xs:documentation>
3168 The node element may instance any number of node elements or hierarchies objects.
3169 </xs:documentation>
3170 </xs:annotation>
3171 </xs:element>
3172 <xs:element ref="node" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3173 <xs:annotation>
3174 <xs:documentation>
3175 The node element may be hierarchical and be the parent of any number of other node elements.
3176 </xs:documentation>
3177 </xs:annotation>
3178 </xs:element>
3179 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3180 <xs:annotation>
3181 <xs:documentation>
3182 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3183 </xs:documentation>
3184 </xs:annotation>
3185 </xs:element>
3186 </xs:sequence>
3187 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
3188 <xs:annotation>
3189 <xs:documentation>
3190 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
3191 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
3192 </xs:documentation>
3193 </xs:annotation>
3194 </xs:attribute>
3195 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3196 <xs:annotation>
3197 <xs:documentation>
3198 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3199 </xs:documentation>
3200 </xs:annotation>
3201 </xs:attribute>
3202 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3203 <xs:annotation>
3204 <xs:documentation>
3205 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
3206 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3207 </xs:documentation>
3208 </xs:annotation>
3209 </xs:attribute>
3210 <xs:attribute name="type" type="NodeType" default="NODE">
3211 <xs:annotation>
3212 <xs:documentation>
3213 The type attribute indicates the type of the node element. The default value is “NODE”.
3214 Optional attribute.
3215 </xs:documentation>
3216 </xs:annotation>
3217 </xs:attribute>
3218 <xs:attribute name="layer" type="ListOfNames">
3219 <xs:annotation>
3220 <xs:documentation>
3221 The layer attribute indicates the names of the layers to which this node belongs. For example,
3222 a value of “foreground glowing” indicates that this node belongs to both the ‘foreground’ layer
3223 and the ‘glowing’ layer. The default value is empty, indicating that the node doesn’t belong to
3224 any layer. Optional attribute.
3225 </xs:documentation>
3226 </xs:annotation>
3227 </xs:attribute>
3228 </xs:complexType>
3229 </xs:element>
3230 <xs:element name="visual_scene">
3231 <xs:annotation>
3232 <xs:documentation>
3233 The visual_scene element declares the base of the visual_scene hierarchy or scene graph. The
3234 scene contains elements that comprise much of the visual and transformational information
3235 content as created by the authoring tools.
3236 </xs:documentation>
3237 </xs:annotation>
3238 <xs:complexType>
3239 <xs:sequence>
3240 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
3241 <xs:annotation>
3242 <xs:documentation>
3243 The visual_scene element may contain an asset element.
3244 </xs:documentation>
3245 </xs:annotation>
3246 </xs:element>
3247 <xs:element ref="node" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3248 <xs:annotation>
3249 <xs:documentation>
3250 The visual_scene element must have at least one node element.
3251 </xs:documentation>
3252 </xs:annotation>
3253 </xs:element>
3254 <xs:element name="evaluate_scene" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3255 <xs:annotation>
3256 <xs:documentation>
3257 The evaluate_scene element declares information specifying a specific way to evaluate this
3258 visual_scene. There may be any number of evaluate_scene elements.
3259 </xs:documentation>
3260 </xs:annotation>
3261 <xs:complexType>
3262 <xs:sequence>
3263 <xs:element name="render" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3264 <xs:annotation>
3265 <xs:documentation>
3266 The render element describes one effect pass to evaluate the scene.
3267 There must be at least one render element.
3268 </xs:documentation>
3269 </xs:annotation>
3270 <xs:complexType>
3271 <xs:sequence>
3272 <xs:element name="layer" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3273 <xs:annotation>
3274 <xs:documentation>
3275 The layer element specifies which layer to render in this compositing step
3276 while evaluating the scene. You may specify any number of layers.
3277 </xs:documentation>
3278 </xs:annotation>
3279 </xs:element>
3280 <xs:element ref="instance_effect" minOccurs="0">
3281 <xs:annotation>
3282 <xs:documentation>
3283 The instance_effect element specifies which effect to render in this compositing step
3284 while evaluating the scene.
3285 </xs:documentation>
3286 </xs:annotation>
3287 </xs:element>
3288 </xs:sequence>
3289 <xs:attribute name="camera_node" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3290 <xs:annotation>
3291 <xs:documentation>
3292 The camera_node attribute refers to a node that contains a camera describing the viewpoint to
3293 render this compositing step from.
3294 </xs:documentation>
3295 </xs:annotation>
3296 </xs:attribute>
3297 </xs:complexType>
3298 </xs:element>
3299 </xs:sequence>
3300 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3301 <xs:annotation>
3302 <xs:documentation>
3303 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3304 </xs:documentation>
3305 </xs:annotation>
3306 </xs:attribute>
3307 </xs:complexType>
3308 </xs:element>
3309 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3310 <xs:annotation>
3311 <xs:documentation>
3312 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3313 </xs:documentation>
3314 </xs:annotation>
3315 </xs:element>
3316 </xs:sequence>
3317 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
3318 <xs:annotation>
3319 <xs:documentation>
3320 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This
3321 value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
3322 </xs:documentation>
3323 </xs:annotation>
3324 </xs:attribute>
3325 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3326 <xs:annotation>
3327 <xs:documentation>
3328 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3329 </xs:documentation>
3330 </xs:annotation>
3331 </xs:attribute>
3332 </xs:complexType>
3333 </xs:element>
3334 <!-- Instance Elements -->
3335 <xs:element name="bind_material">
3336 <xs:annotation>
3337 <xs:documentation>
3338 Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the
3339 same time.
3340 </xs:documentation>
3341 </xs:annotation>
3342 <xs:complexType>
3343 <xs:sequence>
3344 <xs:element ref="param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3345 <xs:annotation>
3346 <xs:documentation>
3347 The bind_material element may contain any number of param elements.
3348 </xs:documentation>
3349 </xs:annotation>
3350 </xs:element>
3351 <xs:element name="technique_common">
3352 <xs:annotation>
3353 <xs:documentation>
3354 The technique_common element specifies the bind_material information for the common
3355 profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
3356 </xs:documentation>
3357 </xs:annotation>
3358 <xs:complexType>
3359 <xs:sequence>
3360 <xs:element ref="instance_material" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3361 <xs:annotation>
3362 <xs:documentation>
3363 The instance_material element specifies the information needed to bind a geometry
3364 to a material. This element must appear at least once.
3365 </xs:documentation>
3366 </xs:annotation>
3367 </xs:element>
3368 </xs:sequence>
3369 </xs:complexType>
3370 </xs:element>
3371 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3372 <xs:annotation>
3373 <xs:documentation>
3374 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
3375 </xs:documentation>
3376 </xs:annotation>
3377 </xs:element>
3378 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3379 <xs:annotation>
3380 <xs:documentation>
3381 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3382 </xs:documentation>
3383 </xs:annotation>
3384 </xs:element>
3385 </xs:sequence>
3386 </xs:complexType>
3387 </xs:element>
3388 <xs:element name="instance_camera" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3389 <xs:annotation>
3390 <xs:documentation>
3391 The instance_camera element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA camera resource.
3392 </xs:documentation>
3393 </xs:annotation>
3394 </xs:element>
3395 <xs:element name="instance_controller">
3396 <xs:annotation>
3397 <xs:documentation>
3398 The instance_controller element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA controller resource.
3399 </xs:documentation>
3400 </xs:annotation>
3401 <xs:complexType>
3402 <xs:sequence>
3403 <xs:element name="skeleton" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3404 <xs:annotation>
3405 <xs:documentation>
3406 The skeleton element is used to indicate where a skin controller is to start to search for
3407 the joint nodes it needs. This element is meaningless for morph controllers.
3408 </xs:documentation>
3409 </xs:annotation>
3410 </xs:element>
3411 <xs:element ref="bind_material" minOccurs="0">
3412 <xs:annotation>
3413 <xs:documentation>
3414 Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the
3415 same time.
3416 </xs:documentation>
3417 </xs:annotation>
3418 </xs:element>
3419 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3420 <xs:annotation>
3421 <xs:documentation>
3422 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3423 </xs:documentation>
3424 </xs:annotation>
3425 </xs:element>
3426 </xs:sequence>
3427 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3428 <xs:annotation>
3429 <xs:documentation>
3430 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative
3431 URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an
3432 external resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3433 </xs:documentation>
3434 </xs:annotation>
3435 </xs:attribute>
3436 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3437 <xs:annotation>
3438 <xs:documentation>
3439 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3440 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3441 </xs:documentation>
3442 </xs:annotation>
3443 </xs:attribute>
3444 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3445 <xs:annotation>
3446 <xs:documentation>
3447 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3448 </xs:documentation>
3449 </xs:annotation>
3450 </xs:attribute>
3451 </xs:complexType>
3452 </xs:element>
3453 <xs:element name="instance_effect">
3454 <xs:annotation>
3455 <xs:documentation>
3456 The instance_effect element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA effect resource.
3457 </xs:documentation>
3458 </xs:annotation>
3459 <xs:complexType>
3460 <xs:sequence>
3461 <xs:element name="technique_hint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3462 <xs:annotation>
3463 <xs:documentation>
3464 Add a hint for a platform of which technique to use in this effect.
3465 </xs:documentation>
3466 </xs:annotation>
3467 <xs:complexType>
3468 <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
3469 <xs:annotation>
3470 <xs:documentation>
3471 A platform defines a string that specifies which platform this is hint is aimed for.
3472 </xs:documentation>
3473 </xs:annotation>
3474 </xs:attribute>
3475 <xs:attribute name="profile" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
3476 <xs:annotation>
3477 <xs:documentation>
3478 A profile defines a string that specifies which API profile this is hint is aimed for.
3479 </xs:documentation>
3480 </xs:annotation>
3481 </xs:attribute>
3482 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3483 <xs:annotation>
3484 <xs:documentation>
3485 A reference to the technique to use for the specified platform.
3486 </xs:documentation>
3487 </xs:annotation>
3488 </xs:attribute>
3489 </xs:complexType>
3490 </xs:element>
3491 <xs:element name="setparam" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3492 <xs:annotation>
3493 <xs:documentation>
3494 Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter
3495 </xs:documentation>
3496 </xs:annotation>
3497 <xs:complexType>
3498 <xs:sequence>
3499 <xs:group ref="fx_basic_type_common"/>
3500 </xs:sequence>
3501 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token" use="required"/>
3502 </xs:complexType>
3503 </xs:element>
3504 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3505 <xs:annotation>
3506 <xs:documentation>
3507 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3508 </xs:documentation>
3509 </xs:annotation>
3510 </xs:element>
3511 </xs:sequence>
3512 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3513 <xs:annotation>
3514 <xs:documentation>
3515 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
3516 fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external
3517 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3518 </xs:documentation>
3519 </xs:annotation>
3520 </xs:attribute>
3521 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3522 <xs:annotation>
3523 <xs:documentation>
3524 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3525 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3526 </xs:documentation>
3527 </xs:annotation>
3528 </xs:attribute>
3529 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3530 <xs:annotation>
3531 <xs:documentation>
3532 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3533 </xs:documentation>
3534 </xs:annotation>
3535 </xs:attribute>
3536 </xs:complexType>
3537 </xs:element>
3538 <xs:element name="instance_force_field" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3539 <xs:annotation>
3540 <xs:documentation>
3541 The instance_force_field element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA force_field resource.
3542 </xs:documentation>
3543 </xs:annotation>
3544 </xs:element>
3545 <xs:element name="instance_geometry">
3546 <xs:annotation>
3547 <xs:documentation>
3548 The instance_geometry element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA geometry resource.
3549 </xs:documentation>
3550 </xs:annotation>
3551 <xs:complexType>
3552 <xs:sequence>
3553 <xs:element ref="bind_material" minOccurs="0">
3554 <xs:annotation>
3555 <xs:documentation>
3556 Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the
3557 same time.
3558 </xs:documentation>
3559 </xs:annotation>
3560 </xs:element>
3561 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3562 <xs:annotation>
3563 <xs:documentation>
3564 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3565 </xs:documentation>
3566 </xs:annotation>
3567 </xs:element>
3568 </xs:sequence>
3569 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3570 <xs:annotation>
3571 <xs:documentation>
3572 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
3573 fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external
3574 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3575 </xs:documentation>
3576 </xs:annotation>
3577 </xs:attribute>
3578 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3579 <xs:annotation>
3580 <xs:documentation>
3581 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3582 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3583 </xs:documentation>
3584 </xs:annotation>
3585 </xs:attribute>
3586 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3587 <xs:annotation>
3588 <xs:documentation>
3589 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3590 </xs:documentation>
3591 </xs:annotation>
3592 </xs:attribute>
3593 </xs:complexType>
3594 </xs:element>
3595 <xs:element name="instance_light" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3596 <xs:annotation>
3597 <xs:documentation>
3598 The instance_light element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA light resource.
3599 </xs:documentation>
3600 </xs:annotation>
3601 </xs:element>
3602 <xs:element name="instance_material">
3603 <xs:annotation>
3604 <xs:documentation>
3605 The instance_material element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA material resource.
3606 </xs:documentation>
3607 </xs:annotation>
3608 <xs:complexType>
3609 <xs:sequence>
3610 <xs:element name="bind" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3611 <xs:annotation>
3612 <xs:documentation>
3613 The bind element binds values to effect parameters upon instantiation.
3614 </xs:documentation>
3615 </xs:annotation>
3616 <xs:complexType>
3617 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3618 <xs:annotation>
3619 <xs:documentation>
3620 The semantic attribute specifies which effect parameter to bind.
3621 </xs:documentation>
3622 </xs:annotation>
3623 </xs:attribute>
3624 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:token" use="required">
3625 <xs:annotation>
3626 <xs:documentation>
3627 The target attribute specifies the location of the value to bind to the specified semantic.
3628 This text string is a path-name following a simple syntax described in the “Addressing Syntax”
3629 section.
3630 </xs:documentation>
3631 </xs:annotation>
3632 </xs:attribute>
3633 </xs:complexType>
3634 </xs:element>
3635 <xs:element name="bind_vertex_input" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3636 <xs:annotation>
3637 <xs:documentation>
3638 The bind_vertex_input element binds vertex inputs to effect parameters upon instantiation.
3639 </xs:documentation>
3640 </xs:annotation>
3641 <xs:complexType>
3642 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3643 <xs:annotation>
3644 <xs:documentation>
3645 The semantic attribute specifies which effect parameter to bind.
3646 </xs:documentation>
3647 </xs:annotation>
3648 </xs:attribute>
3649 <xs:attribute name="input_semantic" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3650 <xs:annotation>
3651 <xs:documentation>
3652 The input_semantic attribute specifies which input semantic to bind.
3653 </xs:documentation>
3654 </xs:annotation>
3655 </xs:attribute>
3656 <xs:attribute name="input_set" type="uint">
3657 <xs:annotation>
3658 <xs:documentation>
3659 The input_set attribute specifies which input set to bind.
3660 </xs:documentation>
3661 </xs:annotation>
3662 </xs:attribute>
3663 </xs:complexType>
3664 </xs:element>
3665 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3666 <xs:annotation>
3667 <xs:documentation>
3668 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3669 </xs:documentation>
3670 </xs:annotation>
3671 </xs:element>
3672 </xs:sequence>
3673 <xs:attribute name="symbol" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3674 <xs:annotation>
3675 <xs:documentation>
3676 The symbol attribute specifies which symbol defined from within the geometry this material binds to.
3677 </xs:documentation>
3678 </xs:annotation>
3679 </xs:attribute>
3680 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3681 <xs:annotation>
3682 <xs:documentation>
3683 The target attribute specifies the URL of the location of the object to instantiate.
3684 </xs:documentation>
3685 </xs:annotation>
3686 </xs:attribute>
3687 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3688 <xs:annotation>
3689 <xs:documentation>
3690 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3691 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3692 </xs:documentation>
3693 </xs:annotation>
3694 </xs:attribute>
3695 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3696 <xs:annotation>
3697 <xs:documentation>
3698 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3699 </xs:documentation>
3700 </xs:annotation>
3701 </xs:attribute>
3702 </xs:complexType>
3703 </xs:element>
3704 <xs:element name="instance_node" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3705 <xs:annotation>
3706 <xs:documentation>
3707 The instance_node element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA node resource.
3708 </xs:documentation>
3709 </xs:annotation>
3710 </xs:element>
3711 <xs:element name="instance_physics_material" type="InstanceWithExtra">
3712 <xs:annotation>
3713 <xs:documentation>
3714 The instance_physics_material element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA physics_material
3715 resource.
3716 </xs:documentation>
3717 </xs:annotation>
3718 </xs:element>
3719 <xs:element name="instance_physics_model">
3720 <xs:annotation>
3721 <xs:documentation>
3722 This element allows instancing physics model within another physics model, or in a physics scene.
3723 </xs:documentation>
3724 </xs:annotation>
3725 <xs:complexType>
3726 <xs:sequence>
3727 <xs:element ref="instance_force_field" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3728 <xs:annotation>
3729 <xs:documentation>
3730 The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of force_field elements.
3731 </xs:documentation>
3732 </xs:annotation>
3733 </xs:element>
3734 <xs:element ref="instance_rigid_body" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3735 <xs:annotation>
3736 <xs:documentation>
3737 The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of rigid_body elements.
3738 </xs:documentation>
3739 </xs:annotation>
3740 </xs:element>
3741 <xs:element ref="instance_rigid_constraint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3742 <xs:annotation>
3743 <xs:documentation>
3744 The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of rigid_constraint elements.
3745 </xs:documentation>
3746 </xs:annotation>
3747 </xs:element>
3748 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3749 <xs:annotation>
3750 <xs:documentation>
3751 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3752 </xs:documentation>
3753 </xs:annotation>
3754 </xs:element>
3755 </xs:sequence>
3756 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3757 <xs:annotation>
3758 <xs:documentation>
3759 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
3760 fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external
3761 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
3762 </xs:documentation>
3763 </xs:annotation>
3764 </xs:attribute>
3765 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3766 <xs:annotation>
3767 <xs:documentation>
3768 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3769 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3770 </xs:documentation>
3771 </xs:annotation>
3772 </xs:attribute>
3773 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3774 <xs:annotation>
3775 <xs:documentation>
3776 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3777 </xs:documentation>
3778 </xs:annotation>
3779 </xs:attribute>
3780 <xs:attribute name="parent" type="xs:anyURI">
3781 <xs:annotation>
3782 <xs:documentation>
3783 The parent attribute points to the id of a node in the visual scene. This allows a physics model
3784 to be instantiated under a specific transform node, which will dictate the initial position and
3785 orientation, and could be animated to influence kinematic rigid bodies.
3786 </xs:documentation>
3787 </xs:annotation>
3788 </xs:attribute>
3789 </xs:complexType>
3790 </xs:element>
3791 <xs:element name="instance_rigid_body">
3792 <xs:annotation>
3793 <xs:documentation>
3794 This element allows instancing a rigid_body within an instance_physics_model.
3795 </xs:documentation>
3796 </xs:annotation>
3797 <xs:complexType>
3798 <xs:sequence>
3799 <xs:element name="technique_common">
3800 <xs:annotation>
3801 <xs:documentation>
3802 The technique_common element specifies the instance_rigid_body information for the common
3803 profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
3804 </xs:documentation>
3805 </xs:annotation>
3806 <xs:complexType>
3807 <xs:sequence>
3808 <xs:element name="angular_velocity" type="float3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
3809 <xs:annotation>
3810 <xs:documentation>
3811 Specifies the initial angular velocity of the rigid_body instance in degrees per second
3812 around each axis, in the form of an X-Y-Z Euler rotation.
3813 </xs:documentation>
3814 </xs:annotation>
3815 </xs:element>
3816 <xs:element name="velocity" type="float3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
3817 <xs:annotation>
3818 <xs:documentation>
3819 Specifies the initial linear velocity of the rigid_body instance.
3820 </xs:documentation>
3821 </xs:annotation>
3822 </xs:element>
3823 <xs:element name="dynamic" minOccurs="0">
3824 <xs:complexType>
3825 <xs:simpleContent>
3826 <xs:extension base="bool">
3827 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3828 <xs:annotation>
3829 <xs:documentation>
3830 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
3831 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3832 </xs:documentation>
3833 </xs:annotation>
3834 </xs:attribute>
3835 </xs:extension>
3836 </xs:simpleContent>
3837 </xs:complexType>
3838 </xs:element>
3839 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
3840 <xs:element name="mass_frame" minOccurs="0">
3841 <xs:complexType>
3842 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
3843 <xs:element ref="translate"/>
3844 <xs:element ref="rotate"/>
3845 </xs:choice>
3846 </xs:complexType>
3847 </xs:element>
3848 <xs:element name="inertia" type="TargetableFloat3" minOccurs="0"/>
3849 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
3850 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material"/>
3851 <xs:element ref="physics_material"/>
3852 </xs:choice>
3853 <xs:element name="shape" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3854 <xs:complexType>
3855 <xs:sequence>
3856 <xs:element name="hollow" minOccurs="0">
3857 <xs:complexType>
3858 <xs:simpleContent>
3859 <xs:extension base="bool">
3860 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3861 <xs:annotation>
3862 <xs:documentation>
3863 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3864 </xs:documentation>
3865 </xs:annotation>
3866 </xs:attribute>
3867 </xs:extension>
3868 </xs:simpleContent>
3869 </xs:complexType>
3870 </xs:element>
3871 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
3872 <xs:element name="density" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0"/>
3873 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
3874 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material"/>
3875 <xs:element ref="physics_material"/>
3876 </xs:choice>
3877 <xs:choice>
3878 <xs:element ref="instance_geometry"/>
3879 <xs:element ref="plane"/>
3880 <xs:element ref="box"/>
3881 <xs:element ref="sphere"/>
3882 <xs:element ref="cylinder"/>
3883 <xs:element ref="tapered_cylinder"/>
3884 <xs:element ref="capsule"/>
3885 <xs:element ref="tapered_capsule"/>
3886 </xs:choice>
3887 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3888 <xs:element ref="translate"/>
3889 <xs:element ref="rotate"/>
3890 </xs:choice>
3891 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3892 <xs:annotation>
3893 <xs:documentation>
3894 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3895 </xs:documentation>
3896 </xs:annotation>
3897 </xs:element>
3898 </xs:sequence>
3899 </xs:complexType>
3900 </xs:element>
3901 </xs:sequence>
3902 </xs:complexType>
3903 </xs:element>
3904 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3905 <xs:annotation>
3906 <xs:documentation>
3907 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
3908 </xs:documentation>
3909 </xs:annotation>
3910 </xs:element>
3911 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3912 <xs:annotation>
3913 <xs:documentation>
3914 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3915 </xs:documentation>
3916 </xs:annotation>
3917 </xs:element>
3918 </xs:sequence>
3919 <xs:attribute name="body" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3920 <xs:annotation>
3921 <xs:documentation>
3922 The body attribute indicates which rigid_body to instantiate. Required attribute.
3923 </xs:documentation>
3924 </xs:annotation>
3925 </xs:attribute>
3926 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3927 <xs:annotation>
3928 <xs:documentation>
3929 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3930 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3931 </xs:documentation>
3932 </xs:annotation>
3933 </xs:attribute>
3934 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3935 <xs:annotation>
3936 <xs:documentation>
3937 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3938 </xs:documentation>
3939 </xs:annotation>
3940 </xs:attribute>
3941 <xs:attribute name="target" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
3942 <xs:annotation>
3943 <xs:documentation>
3944 The target attribute indicates which node is influenced by this rigid_body instance.
3945 Required attribute
3946 </xs:documentation>
3947 </xs:annotation>
3948 </xs:attribute>
3949 </xs:complexType>
3950 </xs:element>
3951 <xs:element name="instance_rigid_constraint">
3952 <xs:annotation>
3953 <xs:documentation>
3954 This element allows instancing a rigid_constraint within an instance_physics_model.
3955 </xs:documentation>
3956 </xs:annotation>
3957 <xs:complexType>
3958 <xs:sequence>
3959 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3960 <xs:annotation>
3961 <xs:documentation>
3962 The extra element may appear any number of times.
3963 </xs:documentation>
3964 </xs:annotation>
3965 </xs:element>
3966 </xs:sequence>
3967 <xs:attribute name="constraint" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
3968 <xs:annotation>
3969 <xs:documentation>
3970 The constraint attribute indicates which rigid_constraing to instantiate. Required attribute.
3971 </xs:documentation>
3972 </xs:annotation>
3973 </xs:attribute>
3974 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
3975 <xs:annotation>
3976 <xs:documentation>
3977 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
3978 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
3979 </xs:documentation>
3980 </xs:annotation>
3981 </xs:attribute>
3982 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
3983 <xs:annotation>
3984 <xs:documentation>
3985 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
3986 </xs:documentation>
3987 </xs:annotation>
3988 </xs:attribute>
3989 </xs:complexType>
3990 </xs:element>
3991 <!-- Modularity elements -->
3992 <xs:element name="library_animations">
3993 <xs:annotation>
3994 <xs:documentation>
3995 The library_animations element declares a module of animation elements.
3996 </xs:documentation>
3997 </xs:annotation>
3998 <xs:complexType>
3999 <xs:sequence>
4000 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4001 <xs:annotation>
4002 <xs:documentation>
4003 The library_animations element may contain an asset element.
4004 </xs:documentation>
4005 </xs:annotation>
4006 </xs:element>
4007 <xs:element ref="animation" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4008 <xs:annotation>
4009 <xs:documentation>
4010 There must be at least one animation element.
4011 </xs:documentation>
4012 </xs:annotation>
4013 </xs:element>
4014 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4015 <xs:annotation>
4016 <xs:documentation>
4017 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4018 </xs:documentation>
4019 </xs:annotation>
4020 </xs:element>
4021 </xs:sequence>
4022 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4023 <xs:annotation>
4024 <xs:documentation>
4025 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4026 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4027 </xs:documentation>
4028 </xs:annotation>
4029 </xs:attribute>
4030 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4031 <xs:annotation>
4032 <xs:documentation>
4033 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4034 </xs:documentation>
4035 </xs:annotation>
4036 </xs:attribute>
4037 </xs:complexType>
4038 </xs:element>
4039 <xs:element name="library_animation_clips">
4040 <xs:annotation>
4041 <xs:documentation>
4042 The library_animation_clips element declares a module of animation_clip elements.
4043 </xs:documentation>
4044 </xs:annotation>
4045 <xs:complexType>
4046 <xs:sequence>
4047 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4048 <xs:annotation>
4049 <xs:documentation>
4050 The library_animation_clips element may contain an asset element.
4051 </xs:documentation>
4052 </xs:annotation>
4053 </xs:element>
4054 <xs:element ref="animation_clip" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4055 <xs:annotation>
4056 <xs:documentation>
4057 There must be at least one animation_clip element.
4058 </xs:documentation>
4059 </xs:annotation>
4060 </xs:element>
4061 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4062 <xs:annotation>
4063 <xs:documentation>
4064 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4065 </xs:documentation>
4066 </xs:annotation>
4067 </xs:element>
4068 </xs:sequence>
4069 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4070 <xs:annotation>
4071 <xs:documentation>
4072 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4073 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4074 </xs:documentation>
4075 </xs:annotation>
4076 </xs:attribute>
4077 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4078 <xs:annotation>
4079 <xs:documentation>
4080 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4081 </xs:documentation>
4082 </xs:annotation>
4083 </xs:attribute>
4084 </xs:complexType>
4085 </xs:element>
4086 <xs:element name="library_cameras">
4087 <xs:annotation>
4088 <xs:documentation>
4089 The library_cameras element declares a module of camera elements.
4090 </xs:documentation>
4091 </xs:annotation>
4092 <xs:complexType>
4093 <xs:sequence>
4094 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4095 <xs:annotation>
4096 <xs:documentation>
4097 The library_cameras element may contain an asset element.
4098 </xs:documentation>
4099 </xs:annotation>
4100 </xs:element>
4101 <xs:element ref="camera" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4102 <xs:annotation>
4103 <xs:documentation>
4104 There must be at least one camera element.
4105 </xs:documentation>
4106 </xs:annotation>
4107 </xs:element>
4108 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4109 <xs:annotation>
4110 <xs:documentation>
4111 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4112 </xs:documentation>
4113 </xs:annotation>
4114 </xs:element>
4115 </xs:sequence>
4116 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4117 <xs:annotation>
4118 <xs:documentation>
4119 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4120 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4121 </xs:documentation>
4122 </xs:annotation>
4123 </xs:attribute>
4124 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4125 <xs:annotation>
4126 <xs:documentation>
4127 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4128 </xs:documentation>
4129 </xs:annotation>
4130 </xs:attribute>
4131 </xs:complexType>
4132 </xs:element>
4133 <xs:element name="library_controllers">
4134 <xs:annotation>
4135 <xs:documentation>
4136 The library_controllers element declares a module of controller elements.
4137 </xs:documentation>
4138 </xs:annotation>
4139 <xs:complexType>
4140 <xs:sequence>
4141 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4142 <xs:annotation>
4143 <xs:documentation>
4144 The library_controllers element may contain an asset element.
4145 </xs:documentation>
4146 </xs:annotation>
4147 </xs:element>
4148 <xs:element ref="controller" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4149 <xs:annotation>
4150 <xs:documentation>
4151 There must be at least one controller element.
4152 </xs:documentation>
4153 </xs:annotation>
4154 </xs:element>
4155 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4156 <xs:annotation>
4157 <xs:documentation>
4158 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4159 </xs:documentation>
4160 </xs:annotation>
4161 </xs:element>
4162 </xs:sequence>
4163 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4164 <xs:annotation>
4165 <xs:documentation>
4166 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4167 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4168 </xs:documentation>
4169 </xs:annotation>
4170 </xs:attribute>
4171 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4172 <xs:annotation>
4173 <xs:documentation>
4174 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4175 </xs:documentation>
4176 </xs:annotation>
4177 </xs:attribute>
4178 </xs:complexType>
4179 </xs:element>
4180 <xs:element name="library_geometries">
4181 <xs:annotation>
4182 <xs:documentation>
4183 The library_geometries element declares a module of geometry elements.
4184 </xs:documentation>
4185 </xs:annotation>
4186 <xs:complexType>
4187 <xs:sequence>
4188 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4189 <xs:annotation>
4190 <xs:documentation>
4191 The library_geometries element may contain an asset element.
4192 </xs:documentation>
4193 </xs:annotation>
4194 </xs:element>
4195 <xs:element ref="geometry" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4196 <xs:annotation>
4197 <xs:documentation>
4198 There must be at least one geometry element.
4199 </xs:documentation>
4200 </xs:annotation>
4201 </xs:element>
4202 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4203 <xs:annotation>
4204 <xs:documentation>
4205 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4206 </xs:documentation>
4207 </xs:annotation>
4208 </xs:element>
4209 </xs:sequence>
4210 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4211 <xs:annotation>
4212 <xs:documentation>
4213 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4214 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4215 </xs:documentation>
4216 </xs:annotation>
4217 </xs:attribute>
4218 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4219 <xs:annotation>
4220 <xs:documentation>
4221 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4222 </xs:documentation>
4223 </xs:annotation>
4224 </xs:attribute>
4225 </xs:complexType>
4226 </xs:element>
4227 <xs:element name="library_effects">
4228 <xs:annotation>
4229 <xs:documentation>
4230 The library_effects element declares a module of effect elements.
4231 </xs:documentation>
4232 </xs:annotation>
4233 <xs:complexType>
4234 <xs:sequence>
4235 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4236 <xs:annotation>
4237 <xs:documentation>
4238 The library_effects element may contain an asset element.
4239 </xs:documentation>
4240 </xs:annotation>
4241 </xs:element>
4242 <xs:element ref="effect" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4243 <xs:annotation>
4244 <xs:documentation>
4245 There must be at least one effect element.
4246 </xs:documentation>
4247 </xs:annotation>
4248 </xs:element>
4249 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4250 <xs:annotation>
4251 <xs:documentation>
4252 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4253 </xs:documentation>
4254 </xs:annotation>
4255 </xs:element>
4256 </xs:sequence>
4257 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4258 <xs:annotation>
4259 <xs:documentation>
4260 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4261 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4262 </xs:documentation>
4263 </xs:annotation>
4264 </xs:attribute>
4265 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4266 <xs:annotation>
4267 <xs:documentation>
4268 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4269 </xs:documentation>
4270 </xs:annotation>
4271 </xs:attribute>
4272 </xs:complexType>
4273 </xs:element>
4274 <xs:element name="library_force_fields">
4275 <xs:annotation>
4276 <xs:documentation>
4277 The library_force_fields element declares a module of force_field elements.
4278 </xs:documentation>
4279 </xs:annotation>
4280 <xs:complexType>
4281 <xs:sequence>
4282 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4283 <xs:annotation>
4284 <xs:documentation>
4285 The library_force_fields element may contain an asset element.
4286 </xs:documentation>
4287 </xs:annotation>
4288 </xs:element>
4289 <xs:element ref="force_field" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4290 <xs:annotation>
4291 <xs:documentation>
4292 There must be at least one force_field element.
4293 </xs:documentation>
4294 </xs:annotation>
4295 </xs:element>
4296 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4297 <xs:annotation>
4298 <xs:documentation>
4299 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4300 </xs:documentation>
4301 </xs:annotation>
4302 </xs:element>
4303 </xs:sequence>
4304 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4305 <xs:annotation>
4306 <xs:documentation>
4307 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4308 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4309 </xs:documentation>
4310 </xs:annotation>
4311 </xs:attribute>
4312 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4313 <xs:annotation>
4314 <xs:documentation>
4315 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4316 </xs:documentation>
4317 </xs:annotation>
4318 </xs:attribute>
4319 </xs:complexType>
4320 </xs:element>
4321 <xs:element name="library_images">
4322 <xs:annotation>
4323 <xs:documentation>
4324 The library_images element declares a module of image elements.
4325 </xs:documentation>
4326 </xs:annotation>
4327 <xs:complexType>
4328 <xs:sequence>
4329 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4330 <xs:annotation>
4331 <xs:documentation>
4332 The library_images element may contain an asset element.
4333 </xs:documentation>
4334 </xs:annotation>
4335 </xs:element>
4336 <xs:element ref="image" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4337 <xs:annotation>
4338 <xs:documentation>
4339 There must be at least one image element.
4340 </xs:documentation>
4341 </xs:annotation>
4342 </xs:element>
4343 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4344 <xs:annotation>
4345 <xs:documentation>
4346 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4347 </xs:documentation>
4348 </xs:annotation>
4349 </xs:element>
4350 </xs:sequence>
4351 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4352 <xs:annotation>
4353 <xs:documentation>
4354 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4355 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4356 </xs:documentation>
4357 </xs:annotation>
4358 </xs:attribute>
4359 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4360 <xs:annotation>
4361 <xs:documentation>
4362 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4363 </xs:documentation>
4364 </xs:annotation>
4365 </xs:attribute>
4366 </xs:complexType>
4367 </xs:element>
4368 <xs:element name="library_lights">
4369 <xs:annotation>
4370 <xs:documentation>
4371 The library_lights element declares a module of light elements.
4372 </xs:documentation>
4373 </xs:annotation>
4374 <xs:complexType>
4375 <xs:sequence>
4376 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4377 <xs:annotation>
4378 <xs:documentation>
4379 The library_lights element may contain an asset element.
4380 </xs:documentation>
4381 </xs:annotation>
4382 </xs:element>
4383 <xs:element ref="light" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4384 <xs:annotation>
4385 <xs:documentation>
4386 There must be at least one light element.
4387 </xs:documentation>
4388 </xs:annotation>
4389 </xs:element>
4390 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4391 <xs:annotation>
4392 <xs:documentation>
4393 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4394 </xs:documentation>
4395 </xs:annotation>
4396 </xs:element>
4397 </xs:sequence>
4398 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4399 <xs:annotation>
4400 <xs:documentation>
4401 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4402 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4403 </xs:documentation>
4404 </xs:annotation>
4405 </xs:attribute>
4406 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4407 <xs:annotation>
4408 <xs:documentation>
4409 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4410 </xs:documentation>
4411 </xs:annotation>
4412 </xs:attribute>
4413 </xs:complexType>
4414 </xs:element>
4415 <xs:element name="library_materials">
4416 <xs:annotation>
4417 <xs:documentation>
4418 The library_materials element declares a module of material elements.
4419 </xs:documentation>
4420 </xs:annotation>
4421 <xs:complexType>
4422 <xs:sequence>
4423 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4424 <xs:annotation>
4425 <xs:documentation>
4426 The library_materials element may contain an asset element.
4427 </xs:documentation>
4428 </xs:annotation>
4429 </xs:element>
4430 <xs:element ref="material" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4431 <xs:annotation>
4432 <xs:documentation>
4433 There must be at least one material element.
4434 </xs:documentation>
4435 </xs:annotation>
4436 </xs:element>
4437 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4438 <xs:annotation>
4439 <xs:documentation>
4440 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4441 </xs:documentation>
4442 </xs:annotation>
4443 </xs:element>
4444 </xs:sequence>
4445 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4446 <xs:annotation>
4447 <xs:documentation>
4448 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4449 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4450 </xs:documentation>
4451 </xs:annotation>
4452 </xs:attribute>
4453 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4454 <xs:annotation>
4455 <xs:documentation>
4456 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4457 </xs:documentation>
4458 </xs:annotation>
4459 </xs:attribute>
4460 </xs:complexType>
4461 </xs:element>
4462 <xs:element name="library_nodes">
4463 <xs:annotation>
4464 <xs:documentation>
4465 The library_nodes element declares a module of node elements.
4466 </xs:documentation>
4467 </xs:annotation>
4468 <xs:complexType>
4469 <xs:sequence>
4470 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4471 <xs:annotation>
4472 <xs:documentation>
4473 The library_nodes element may contain an asset element.
4474 </xs:documentation>
4475 </xs:annotation>
4476 </xs:element>
4477 <xs:element ref="node" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4478 <xs:annotation>
4479 <xs:documentation>
4480 There must be at least one node element.
4481 </xs:documentation>
4482 </xs:annotation>
4483 </xs:element>
4484 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4485 <xs:annotation>
4486 <xs:documentation>
4487 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4488 </xs:documentation>
4489 </xs:annotation>
4490 </xs:element>
4491 </xs:sequence>
4492 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4493 <xs:annotation>
4494 <xs:documentation>
4495 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4496 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4497 </xs:documentation>
4498 </xs:annotation>
4499 </xs:attribute>
4500 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4501 <xs:annotation>
4502 <xs:documentation>
4503 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4504 </xs:documentation>
4505 </xs:annotation>
4506 </xs:attribute>
4507 </xs:complexType>
4508 </xs:element>
4509 <xs:element name="library_physics_materials">
4510 <xs:annotation>
4511 <xs:documentation>
4512 The library_physics_materials element declares a module of physics_material elements.
4513 </xs:documentation>
4514 </xs:annotation>
4515 <xs:complexType>
4516 <xs:sequence>
4517 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4518 <xs:annotation>
4519 <xs:documentation>
4520 The library_physics_materials element may contain an asset element.
4521 </xs:documentation>
4522 </xs:annotation>
4523 </xs:element>
4524 <xs:element ref="physics_material" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4525 <xs:annotation>
4526 <xs:documentation>
4527 There must be at least one physics_material element.
4528 </xs:documentation>
4529 </xs:annotation>
4530 </xs:element>
4531 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4532 <xs:annotation>
4533 <xs:documentation>
4534 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4535 </xs:documentation>
4536 </xs:annotation>
4537 </xs:element>
4538 </xs:sequence>
4539 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4540 <xs:annotation>
4541 <xs:documentation>
4542 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4543 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4544 </xs:documentation>
4545 </xs:annotation>
4546 </xs:attribute>
4547 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4548 <xs:annotation>
4549 <xs:documentation>
4550 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4551 </xs:documentation>
4552 </xs:annotation>
4553 </xs:attribute>
4554 </xs:complexType>
4555 </xs:element>
4556 <xs:element name="library_physics_models">
4557 <xs:annotation>
4558 <xs:documentation>
4559 The library_physics_models element declares a module of physics_model elements.
4560 </xs:documentation>
4561 </xs:annotation>
4562 <xs:complexType>
4563 <xs:sequence>
4564 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4565 <xs:annotation>
4566 <xs:documentation>
4567 The library_physics_models element may contain an asset element.
4568 </xs:documentation>
4569 </xs:annotation>
4570 </xs:element>
4571 <xs:element ref="physics_model" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4572 <xs:annotation>
4573 <xs:documentation>
4574 There must be at least one physics_model element.
4575 </xs:documentation>
4576 </xs:annotation>
4577 </xs:element>
4578 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4579 <xs:annotation>
4580 <xs:documentation>
4581 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4582 </xs:documentation>
4583 </xs:annotation>
4584 </xs:element>
4585 </xs:sequence>
4586 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4587 <xs:annotation>
4588 <xs:documentation>
4589 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4590 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4591 </xs:documentation>
4592 </xs:annotation>
4593 </xs:attribute>
4594 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4595 <xs:annotation>
4596 <xs:documentation>
4597 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4598 </xs:documentation>
4599 </xs:annotation>
4600 </xs:attribute>
4601 </xs:complexType>
4602 </xs:element>
4603 <xs:element name="library_physics_scenes">
4604 <xs:annotation>
4605 <xs:documentation>
4606 The library_physics_scenes element declares a module of physics_scene elements.
4607 </xs:documentation>
4608 </xs:annotation>
4609 <xs:complexType>
4610 <xs:sequence>
4611 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4612 <xs:annotation>
4613 <xs:documentation>
4614 The library_physics_scenes element may contain an asset element.
4615 </xs:documentation>
4616 </xs:annotation>
4617 </xs:element>
4618 <xs:element ref="physics_scene" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4619 <xs:annotation>
4620 <xs:documentation>
4621 There must be at least one physics_scene element.
4622 </xs:documentation>
4623 </xs:annotation>
4624 </xs:element>
4625 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4626 <xs:annotation>
4627 <xs:documentation>
4628 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4629 </xs:documentation>
4630 </xs:annotation>
4631 </xs:element>
4632 </xs:sequence>
4633 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4634 <xs:annotation>
4635 <xs:documentation>
4636 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4637 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4638 </xs:documentation>
4639 </xs:annotation>
4640 </xs:attribute>
4641 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4642 <xs:annotation>
4643 <xs:documentation>
4644 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4645 </xs:documentation>
4646 </xs:annotation>
4647 </xs:attribute>
4648 </xs:complexType>
4649 </xs:element>
4650 <xs:element name="library_visual_scenes">
4651 <xs:annotation>
4652 <xs:documentation>
4653 The library_visual_scenes element declares a module of visual_scene elements.
4654 </xs:documentation>
4655 </xs:annotation>
4656 <xs:complexType>
4657 <xs:sequence>
4658 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
4659 <xs:annotation>
4660 <xs:documentation>
4661 The library_visual_scenes element may contain an asset element.
4662 </xs:documentation>
4663 </xs:annotation>
4664 </xs:element>
4665 <xs:element ref="visual_scene" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4666 <xs:annotation>
4667 <xs:documentation>
4668 There must be at least one visual_scene element.
4669 </xs:documentation>
4670 </xs:annotation>
4671 </xs:element>
4672 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4673 <xs:annotation>
4674 <xs:documentation>
4675 The extra element may appear any number of times.
4676 </xs:documentation>
4677 </xs:annotation>
4678 </xs:element>
4679 </xs:sequence>
4680 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
4681 <xs:annotation>
4682 <xs:documentation>
4683 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
4684 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
4685 </xs:documentation>
4686 </xs:annotation>
4687 </xs:attribute>
4688 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
4689 <xs:annotation>
4690 <xs:documentation>
4691 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
4692 </xs:documentation>
4693 </xs:annotation>
4694 </xs:attribute>
4695 </xs:complexType>
4696 </xs:element>
4697 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
4698 <!-- COLLADA FX types in common scope -->
4699 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
4700 <xs:simpleType name="fx_color_common">
4701 <xs:restriction base="float4"/>
4702 </xs:simpleType>
4703 <xs:simpleType name="fx_opaque_enum">
4704 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4705 <xs:enumeration value="A_ONE">
4706 <xs:annotation>
4707 <xs:documentation>
4708 When a transparent opaque attribute is set to A_ONE, it means the transparency information will be taken from the alpha channel of the color, texture, or parameter supplying the value. The value of 1.0 is opaque in this mode.
4709 </xs:documentation>
4710 </xs:annotation>
4711 </xs:enumeration>
4712 <xs:enumeration value="RGB_ZERO">
4713 <xs:annotation>
4714 <xs:documentation>
4715 When a transparent opaque attribute is set to RGB_ZERO, it means the transparency information will be taken from the red, green, and blue channels of the color, texture, or parameter supplying the value. Each channel is modulated independently. The value of 0.0 is opaque in this mode.
4716 </xs:documentation>
4717 </xs:annotation>
4718 </xs:enumeration>
4719 </xs:restriction>
4720 </xs:simpleType>
4721 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_type_enum">
4722 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4723 <xs:enumeration value="UNTYPED">
4724 <xs:annotation>
4725 <xs:documentation>
4726 When a surface's type attribute is set to UNTYPED, its type is initially unknown and established later by the context in which it is used, such as by a texture sampler that references it. A surface of any other type may be changed into an UNTYPED surface at run-time, as if it were created by &lt;newparam&gt;, using &lt;setparam&gt;. If there is a type mismatch between a &lt;setparam&gt; operation and what the run-time decides the type should be, the result is profile- and platform-specific behavior.
4727 </xs:documentation>
4728 </xs:annotation>
4729 </xs:enumeration>
4730 <xs:enumeration value="1D"/>
4731 <xs:enumeration value="2D"/>
4732 <xs:enumeration value="3D"/>
4733 <xs:enumeration value="RECT"/>
4734 <xs:enumeration value="CUBE"/>
4735 <xs:enumeration value="DEPTH"/>
4736 </xs:restriction>
4737 </xs:simpleType>
4738 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_face_enum">
4739 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4740 <xs:enumeration value="POSITIVE_X"/>
4741 <xs:enumeration value="NEGATIVE_X"/>
4742 <xs:enumeration value="POSITIVE_Y"/>
4743 <xs:enumeration value="NEGATIVE_Y"/>
4744 <xs:enumeration value="POSITIVE_Z"/>
4745 <xs:enumeration value="NEGATIVE_Z"/>
4746 </xs:restriction>
4747 </xs:simpleType>
4748 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_channels_enum">
4749 <xs:annotation>
4750 <xs:documentation>The per-texel layout of the format. The length of the string indicate how many channels there are and the letter respresents the name of the channel. There are typically 0 to 4 channels.</xs:documentation>
4751 </xs:annotation>
4752 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4753 <xs:enumeration value="RGB">
4754 <xs:annotation>
4755 <xs:documentation>RGB color map</xs:documentation>
4756 </xs:annotation>
4757 </xs:enumeration>
4758 <xs:enumeration value="RGBA">
4759 <xs:annotation>
4760 <xs:documentation>RGB color + Alpha map often used for color + transparency or other things packed into channel A like specular power </xs:documentation>
4761 </xs:annotation>
4762 </xs:enumeration>
4763 <xs:enumeration value="L">
4764 <xs:annotation>
4765 <xs:documentation>Luminance map often used for light mapping </xs:documentation>
4766 </xs:annotation>
4767 </xs:enumeration>
4768 <xs:enumeration value="LA">
4769 <xs:annotation>
4770 <xs:documentation>Luminance+Alpha map often used for light mapping </xs:documentation>
4771 </xs:annotation>
4772 </xs:enumeration>
4773 <xs:enumeration value="D">
4774 <xs:annotation>
4775 <xs:documentation>Depth map often used for displacement, parellax, relief, or shadow mapping </xs:documentation>
4776 </xs:annotation>
4777 </xs:enumeration>
4778 <xs:enumeration value="XYZ">
4779 <xs:annotation>
4780 <xs:documentation>Typically used for normal maps or 3component displacement maps.</xs:documentation>
4781 </xs:annotation>
4782 </xs:enumeration>
4783 <xs:enumeration value="XYZW">
4784 <xs:annotation>
4785 <xs:documentation>Typically used for normal maps where W is the depth for relief or parrallax mapping </xs:documentation>
4786 </xs:annotation>
4787 </xs:enumeration>
4788 </xs:restriction>
4789 </xs:simpleType>
4790 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_precision_enum">
4791 <xs:annotation>
4792 <xs:documentation>Each channel of the texel has a precision. Typically these are all linked together. An exact format lay lower the precision of an individual channel but applying a higher precision by linking the channels together may still convey the same information.</xs:documentation>
4793 </xs:annotation>
4794 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4795 <xs:enumeration value="LOW">
4796 <xs:annotation>
4797 <xs:documentation>For integers this typically represents 8 bits. For floats typically 16 bits.</xs:documentation>
4798 </xs:annotation>
4799 </xs:enumeration>
4800 <xs:enumeration value="MID">
4801 <xs:annotation>
4802 <xs:documentation>For integers this typically represents 8 to 24 bits. For floats typically 16 to 32 bits.</xs:documentation>
4803 </xs:annotation>
4804 </xs:enumeration>
4805 <xs:enumeration value="HIGH">
4806 <xs:annotation>
4807 <xs:documentation>For integers this typically represents 16 to 32 bits. For floats typically 24 to 32 bits.</xs:documentation>
4808 </xs:annotation>
4809 </xs:enumeration>
4810 </xs:restriction>
4811 </xs:simpleType>
4812 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_range_enum">
4813 <xs:annotation>
4814 <xs:documentation>Each channel represents a range of values. Some example ranges are signed or unsigned integers, or between between a clamped range such as 0.0f to 1.0f, or high dynamic range via floating point</xs:documentation>
4815 </xs:annotation>
4816 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4817 <xs:enumeration value="SNORM">
4818 <xs:annotation>
4819 <xs:documentation>Format is representing a decimal value that remains within the -1 to 1 range. Implimentation could be integer-fixedpoint or floats.</xs:documentation>
4820 </xs:annotation>
4821 </xs:enumeration>
4822 <xs:enumeration value="UNORM">
4823 <xs:annotation>
4824 <xs:documentation>Format is representing a decimal value that remains within the 0 to 1 range. Implimentation could be integer-fixedpoint or floats.</xs:documentation>
4825 </xs:annotation>
4826 </xs:enumeration>
4827 <xs:enumeration value="SINT">
4828 <xs:annotation>
4829 <xs:documentation>Format is representing signed integer numbers. (ex. 8bits = -128 to 127)</xs:documentation>
4830 </xs:annotation>
4831 </xs:enumeration>
4832 <xs:enumeration value="UINT">
4833 <xs:annotation>
4834 <xs:documentation>Format is representing unsigned integer numbers. (ex. 8bits = 0 to 255)</xs:documentation>
4835 </xs:annotation>
4836 </xs:enumeration>
4837 <xs:enumeration value="FLOAT">
4838 <xs:annotation>
4839 <xs:documentation>Format should support full floating point ranges. High precision is expected to be 32bit. Mid precision may be 16 to 32 bit. Low precision is expected to be 16 bit.</xs:documentation>
4840 </xs:annotation>
4841 </xs:enumeration>
4842 </xs:restriction>
4843 </xs:simpleType>
4844 <xs:simpleType name="fx_surface_format_hint_option_enum">
4845 <xs:annotation>
4846 <xs:documentation>Additional hints about data relationships and other things to help the application pick the best format.</xs:documentation>
4847 </xs:annotation>
4848 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
4849 <xs:enumeration value="SRGB_GAMMA">
4850 <xs:annotation>
4851 <xs:documentation>colors are stored with respect to the sRGB 2.2 gamma curve rather than linear</xs:documentation>
4852 </xs:annotation>
4853 </xs:enumeration>
4854 <xs:enumeration value="NORMALIZED3">
4855 <xs:annotation>
4856 <xs:documentation>the texel's XYZ/RGB should be normalized such as in a normal map.</xs:documentation>
4857 </xs:annotation>
4858 </xs:enumeration>
4859 <xs:enumeration value="NORMALIZED4">
4860 <xs:annotation>
4861 <xs:documentation>the texel's XYZW/RGBA should be normalized such as in a normal map.</xs:documentation>
4862 </xs:annotation>
4863 </xs:enumeration>
4864 <xs:enumeration value="COMPRESSABLE">
4865 <xs:annotation>
4866 <xs:documentation>The surface may use run-time compression. Considering the best compression based on desired, channel, range, precision, and options </xs:documentation>
4867 </xs:annotation>
4868 </xs:enumeration>
4869 </xs:restriction>
4870 </xs:simpleType>
4871 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_format_hint_common">
4872 <xs:annotation>
4873 <xs:documentation>If the exact format cannot be resolve via other methods then the format_hint will describe the important features of the format so that the application may select a compatable or close format</xs:documentation>
4874 </xs:annotation>
4875 <xs:sequence>
4876 <xs:element name="channels" type="fx_surface_format_hint_channels_enum">
4877 <xs:annotation>
4878 <xs:documentation>The per-texel layout of the format. The length of the string indicate how many channels there are and the letter respresents the name of the channel. There are typically 0 to 4 channels.</xs:documentation>
4879 </xs:annotation>
4880 </xs:element>
4881 <xs:element name="range" type="fx_surface_format_hint_range_enum">
4882 <xs:annotation>
4883 <xs:documentation>Each channel represents a range of values. Some example ranges are signed or unsigned integers, or between between a clamped range such as 0.0f to 1.0f, or high dynamic range via floating point</xs:documentation>
4884 </xs:annotation>
4885 </xs:element>
4886 <xs:element name="precision" type="fx_surface_format_hint_precision_enum" minOccurs="0">
4887 <xs:annotation>
4888 <xs:documentation>Each channel of the texel has a precision. Typically these are all linked together. An exact format lay lower the precision of an individual channel but applying a higher precision by linking the channels together may still convey the same information.</xs:documentation>
4889 </xs:annotation>
4890 </xs:element>
4891 <xs:element name="option" type="fx_surface_format_hint_option_enum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
4892 <xs:annotation>
4893 <xs:documentation>Additional hints about data relationships and other things to help the application pick the best format.</xs:documentation>
4894 </xs:annotation>
4895 </xs:element>
4896 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
4897 </xs:sequence>
4898 </xs:complexType>
4899 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_planar_common">
4900 <xs:annotation>
4901 <xs:documentation>For 1D, 2D, RECT surface types</xs:documentation>
4902 </xs:annotation>
4903 <xs:choice>
4904 <xs:annotation>
4905 <xs:documentation>This choice exists for consistancy with other init types (volume and cube). When other initialization methods are needed.</xs:documentation>
4906 </xs:annotation>
4907 <xs:element name="all">
4908 <xs:annotation>
4909 <xs:documentation>Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4910 </xs:annotation>
4911 <xs:complexType>
4912 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4913 </xs:complexType>
4914 </xs:element>
4915 </xs:choice>
4916 </xs:complexType>
4917 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_volume_common">
4918 <xs:choice>
4919 <xs:element name="all">
4920 <xs:annotation>
4921 <xs:documentation>Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4922 </xs:annotation>
4923 <xs:complexType>
4924 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4925 </xs:complexType>
4926 </xs:element>
4927 <xs:element name="primary">
4928 <xs:annotation>
4929 <xs:documentation>Init mip level 0 of the surface with one compound image such as DDS. Use of this element expects that the surface has element mip_levels=0 or mipmap_generate.</xs:documentation>
4930 </xs:annotation>
4931 <xs:complexType>
4932 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4933 </xs:complexType>
4934 </xs:element>
4935 </xs:choice>
4936 </xs:complexType>
4937 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_cube_common">
4938 <xs:choice>
4939 <xs:element name="all">
4940 <xs:annotation>
4941 <xs:documentation>Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4942 </xs:annotation>
4943 <xs:complexType>
4944 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4945 </xs:complexType>
4946 </xs:element>
4947 <xs:element name="primary">
4948 <xs:annotation>
4949 <xs:documentation>Init all primary mip level 0 subsurfaces with one compound image such as DDS. Use of this element expects that the surface has element mip_levels=0 or mipmap_generate.</xs:documentation>
4950 </xs:annotation>
4951 <xs:complexType>
4952 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
4953 <xs:annotation>
4954 <xs:documentation>This sequence exists to allow the order elements to be optional but require that if they exist there must be 6 of them.</xs:documentation>
4955 </xs:annotation>
4956 <xs:element name="order" type="fx_surface_face_enum" minOccurs="6" maxOccurs="6">
4957 <xs:annotation>
4958 <xs:documentation>If the image dues not natively describe the face ordering then this series of order elements will describe which face the index belongs too</xs:documentation>
4959 </xs:annotation>
4960 </xs:element>
4961 </xs:sequence>
4962 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4963 </xs:complexType>
4964 </xs:element>
4965 <xs:element name="face" minOccurs="6" maxOccurs="6">
4966 <xs:annotation>
4967 <xs:documentation>Init each face mipchain with one compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
4968 </xs:annotation>
4969 <xs:complexType>
4970 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
4971 </xs:complexType>
4972 </xs:element>
4973 </xs:choice>
4974 </xs:complexType>
4975 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_init_from_common">
4976 <xs:annotation>
4977 <xs:documentation>
4978 This element is an IDREF which specifies the image to use to initialize a specific mip of a 1D or 2D surface, 3D slice, or Cube face.
4979 </xs:documentation>
4980 </xs:annotation>
4981 <xs:simpleContent>
4982 <xs:extension base="xs:IDREF">
4983 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:unsignedInt" default="0"/>
4984 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:unsignedInt" default="0"/>
4985 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
4986 </xs:extension>
4987 </xs:simpleContent>
4988 </xs:complexType>
4989 <xs:group name="fx_surface_init_common">
4990 <xs:annotation>
4991 <xs:documentation>The common set of initalization options for surfaces. Choose which is appropriate for your surface based on type and other characteristics. described by the annotation docs on the child elements.</xs:documentation>
4992 </xs:annotation>
4993 <xs:choice>
4994 <xs:element name="init_as_null">
4995 <xs:annotation>
4996 <xs:documentation>This surface is intended to be initialized later externally by a "setparam" element. If it is used before being initialized there is profile and platform specific behavior. Most elements on the surface element containing this will be ignored including mip_levels, mipmap_generate, size, viewport_ratio, and format.</xs:documentation>
4997 </xs:annotation>
4998 </xs:element>
4999 <xs:element name="init_as_target">
5000 <xs:annotation>
5001 <xs:documentation>Init as a target for depth, stencil, or color. It does not need image data. Surface should not have mipmap_generate when using this.</xs:documentation>
5002 </xs:annotation>
5003 </xs:element>
5004 <xs:element name="init_cube" type="fx_surface_init_cube_common">
5005 <xs:annotation>
5006 <xs:documentation>Init a CUBE from a compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
5007 </xs:annotation>
5008 </xs:element>
5009 <xs:element name="init_volume" type="fx_surface_init_volume_common">
5010 <xs:annotation>
5011 <xs:documentation>Init a 3D from a compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
5012 </xs:annotation>
5013 </xs:element>
5014 <xs:element name="init_planar" type="fx_surface_init_planar_common">
5015 <xs:annotation>
5016 <xs:documentation>Init a 1D,2D,RECT,DEPTH from a compound image such as DDS</xs:documentation>
5017 </xs:annotation>
5018 </xs:element>
5019 <xs:element name="init_from" type="fx_surface_init_from_common" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5020 <xs:annotation>
5021 <xs:documentation>Initialize the surface one sub-surface at a time by specifying combinations of mip, face, and slice which make sense for a particular surface type. Each sub-surface is initialized by a common 2D image, not a complex compound image such as DDS. If not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces</xs:documentation>
5022 </xs:annotation>
5023 </xs:element>
5024 </xs:choice>
5025 </xs:group>
5026 <xs:complexType name="fx_surface_common">
5027 <xs:annotation>
5028 <xs:documentation>
5029 The fx_surface_common type is used to declare a resource that can be used both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering pass.
5030 </xs:documentation>
5031 </xs:annotation>
5032 <xs:sequence>
5033 <xs:group ref="fx_surface_init_common" minOccurs="0">
5034 <xs:annotation>
5035 <xs:documentation>The common set of initalization options for surfaces. Choose which is appropriate for your surface based on the type attribute and other characteristics described by the annotation docs on the choiced child elements of this type.</xs:documentation>
5036 </xs:annotation>
5037 </xs:group>
5038 <xs:element name="format" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0">
5039 <xs:annotation>
5040 <xs:documentation>Contains a string representing the profile and platform specific texel format that the author would like this surface to use. If this element is not specified then the application will use a common format R8G8B8A8 with linear color gradient, not sRGB.</xs:documentation>
5041 </xs:annotation>
5042 </xs:element>
5043 <xs:element name="format_hint" type="fx_surface_format_hint_common" minOccurs="0">
5044 <xs:annotation>
5045 <xs:documentation>If the exact format cannot be resolved via the "format" element then the format_hint will describe the important features of the format so that the application may select a compatable or close format</xs:documentation>
5046 </xs:annotation>
5047 </xs:element>
5048 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
5049 <xs:element name="size" type="int3" default="0 0 0">
5050 <xs:annotation>
5051 <xs:documentation>The surface should be sized to these exact dimensions</xs:documentation>
5052 </xs:annotation>
5053 </xs:element>
5054 <xs:element name="viewport_ratio" type="float2" default="1 1">
5055 <xs:annotation>
5056 <xs:documentation>The surface should be sized to a dimension based on this ratio of the viewport's dimensions in pixels</xs:documentation>
5057 </xs:annotation>
5058 </xs:element>
5059 </xs:choice>
5060 <xs:element name="mip_levels" type="xs:unsignedInt" default="0" minOccurs="0">
5061 <xs:annotation>
5062 <xs:documentation>the surface should contain the following number of MIP levels. If this element is not present it is assumed that all miplevels exist until a dimension becomes 1 texel. To create a surface that has only one level of mip maps (mip=0) set this to 1. If the value is 0 the result is the same as if mip_levels was unspecified, all possible mip_levels will exist.</xs:documentation>
5063 </xs:annotation>
5064 </xs:element>
5065 <xs:element name="mipmap_generate" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
5066 <xs:annotation>
5067 <xs:documentation>By default it is assumed that mipmaps are supplied by the author so, if not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces</xs:documentation>
5068 </xs:annotation>
5069 </xs:element>
5070 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5071 </xs:sequence>
5072 <xs:attribute name="type" type="fx_surface_type_enum" use="required">
5073 <xs:annotation>
5074 <xs:documentation>Specifying the type of a surface is mandatory though the type may be "UNTYPED". When a surface is typed as UNTYPED, it is said to be temporarily untyped and instead will be typed later by the context it is used in such as which samplers reference it in that are used in a particular technique or pass. If there is a type mismatch between what is set into it later and what the runtime decides the type should be the result in profile and platform specific behavior.</xs:documentation>
5075 </xs:annotation>
5076 </xs:attribute>
5077 </xs:complexType>
5078 <xs:simpleType name="fx_sampler_wrap_common">
5079 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
5080 <xs:enumeration value="NONE"/>
5081 <xs:enumeration value="WRAP"/>
5082 <xs:enumeration value="MIRROR"/>
5083 <xs:enumeration value="CLAMP"/>
5084 <xs:enumeration value="BORDER"/>
5085 </xs:restriction>
5086 </xs:simpleType>
5087 <xs:simpleType name="fx_sampler_filter_common">
5088 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
5089 <xs:enumeration value="NONE"/>
5090 <xs:enumeration value="NEAREST"/>
5091 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR"/>
5092 <xs:enumeration value="NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST"/>
5093 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"/>
5094 <xs:enumeration value="NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR"/>
5095 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"/>
5096 </xs:restriction>
5097 </xs:simpleType>
5098 <xs:complexType name="fx_sampler1D_common">
5099 <xs:annotation>
5100 <xs:documentation>
5101 A one-dimensional texture sampler.
5102 </xs:documentation>
5103 </xs:annotation>
5104 <xs:sequence>
5105 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5106 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5107 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5108 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5109 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5110 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5111 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="0" minOccurs="0"/>
5112 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5113 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5114 </xs:sequence>
5115 </xs:complexType>
5116 <xs:complexType name="fx_sampler2D_common">
5117 <xs:annotation>
5118 <xs:documentation>
5119 A two-dimensional texture sampler.
5120 </xs:documentation>
5121 </xs:annotation>
5122 <xs:sequence>
5123 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5124 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5125 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5126 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5127 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5128 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5129 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5130 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5131 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5132 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5133 </xs:sequence>
5134 </xs:complexType>
5135 <xs:complexType name="fx_sampler3D_common">
5136 <xs:annotation>
5137 <xs:documentation>
5138 A three-dimensional texture sampler.
5139 </xs:documentation>
5140 </xs:annotation>
5141 <xs:sequence>
5142 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5143 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5144 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5145 <xs:element name="wrap_p" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5146 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5147 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5148 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5149 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5150 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5151 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5152 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5153 </xs:sequence>
5154 </xs:complexType>
5155 <xs:complexType name="fx_samplerCUBE_common">
5156 <xs:annotation>
5157 <xs:documentation>
5158 A texture sampler for cube maps.
5159 </xs:documentation>
5160 </xs:annotation>
5161 <xs:sequence>
5162 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5163 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5164 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5165 <xs:element name="wrap_p" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5166 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5167 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5168 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5169 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5170 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5171 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5172 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5173 </xs:sequence>
5174 </xs:complexType>
5175 <xs:complexType name="fx_samplerRECT_common">
5176 <xs:annotation>
5177 <xs:documentation>
5178 A two-dimensional texture sampler.
5179 </xs:documentation>
5180 </xs:annotation>
5181 <xs:sequence>
5182 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5183 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5184 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5185 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5186 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5187 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5188 <xs:element name="border_color" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
5189 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
5190 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
5191 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5192 </xs:sequence>
5193 </xs:complexType>
5194 <xs:complexType name="fx_samplerDEPTH_common">
5195 <xs:annotation>
5196 <xs:documentation>
5197 A texture sampler for depth maps.
5198 </xs:documentation>
5199 </xs:annotation>
5200 <xs:sequence>
5201 <xs:element name="source" type="xs:NCName"/>
5202 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5203 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="fx_sampler_wrap_common" default="WRAP" minOccurs="0"/>
5204 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5205 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
5206 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
5207 </xs:sequence>
5208 </xs:complexType>
5209 <xs:group name="fx_annotate_type_common">
5210 <xs:annotation>
5211 <xs:documentation>
5212 A group that specifies the allowable types for an annotation.
5213 </xs:documentation>
5214 </xs:annotation>
5215 <xs:choice>
5216 <xs:element name="bool" type="bool"/>
5217 <xs:element name="bool2" type="bool2"/>
5218 <xs:element name="bool3" type="bool3"/>
5219 <xs:element name="bool4" type="bool4"/>
5220 <xs:element name="int" type="int"/>
5221 <xs:element name="int2" type="int2"/>
5222 <xs:element name="int3" type="int3"/>
5223 <xs:element name="int4" type="int4"/>
5224 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
5225 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
5226 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
5227 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
5228 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="float2x2"/>
5229 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="float3x3"/>
5230 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="float4x4"/>
5231 <xs:element name="string" type="xs:string"/>
5232 </xs:choice>
5233 </xs:group>
5234 <xs:group name="fx_basic_type_common">
5235 <xs:annotation>
5236 <xs:documentation>
5237 A group that specifies the allowable types for effect scoped parameters.
5238 </xs:documentation>
5239 </xs:annotation>
5240 <xs:choice>
5241 <xs:element name="bool" type="bool"/>
5242 <xs:element name="bool2" type="bool2"/>
5243 <xs:element name="bool3" type="bool3"/>
5244 <xs:element name="bool4" type="bool4"/>
5245 <xs:element name="int" type="int"/>
5246 <xs:element name="int2" type="int2"/>
5247 <xs:element name="int3" type="int3"/>
5248 <xs:element name="int4" type="int4"/>
5249 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
5250 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
5251 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
5252 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
5253 <xs:element name="float1x1" type="float"/>
5254 <xs:element name="float1x2" type="float2"/>
5255 <xs:element name="float1x3" type="float3"/>
5256 <xs:element name="float1x4" type="float4"/>
5257 <xs:element name="float2x1" type="float2"/>
5258 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="float2x2"/>
5259 <xs:element name="float2x3" type="float2x3"/>
5260 <xs:element name="float2x4" type="float2x4"/>
5261 <xs:element name="float3x1" type="float3"/>
5262 <xs:element name="float3x2" type="float3x2"/>
5263 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="float3x3"/>
5264 <xs:element name="float3x4" type="float3x4"/>
5265 <xs:element name="float4x1" type="float4"/>
5266 <xs:element name="float4x2" type="float4x2"/>
5267 <xs:element name="float4x3" type="float4x3"/>
5268 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="float4x4"/>
5269 <xs:element name="surface" type="fx_surface_common"/>
5270 <xs:element name="sampler1D" type="fx_sampler1D_common"/>
5271 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
5272 <xs:element name="sampler3D" type="fx_sampler3D_common"/>
5273 <xs:element name="samplerCUBE" type="fx_samplerCUBE_common"/>
5274 <xs:element name="samplerRECT" type="fx_samplerRECT_common"/>
5275 <xs:element name="samplerDEPTH" type="fx_samplerDEPTH_common"/>
5276 <xs:element name="enum" type="xs:string"/>
5277 </xs:choice>
5278 </xs:group>
5279 <xs:simpleType name="fx_modifier_enum_common">
5280 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
5281 <xs:enumeration value="CONST"/>
5282 <xs:enumeration value="UNIFORM"/>
5283 <xs:enumeration value="VARYING"/>
5284 <xs:enumeration value="STATIC"/>
5285 <xs:enumeration value="VOLATILE"/>
5286 <xs:enumeration value="EXTERN"/>
5287 <xs:enumeration value="SHARED"/>
5288 </xs:restriction>
5289 </xs:simpleType>
5290 <xs:complexType name="fx_colortarget_common">
5291 <xs:simpleContent>
5292 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
5293 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5294 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" use="optional" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
5295 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5296 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5297 </xs:extension>
5298 </xs:simpleContent>
5299 </xs:complexType>
5300 <xs:complexType name="fx_depthtarget_common">
5301 <xs:simpleContent>
5302 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
5303 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5304 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" use="optional" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
5305 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5306 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5307 </xs:extension>
5308 </xs:simpleContent>
5309 </xs:complexType>
5310 <xs:complexType name="fx_stenciltarget_common">
5311 <xs:simpleContent>
5312 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
5313 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5314 <xs:attribute name="face" type="fx_surface_face_enum" use="optional" default="POSITIVE_X"/>
5315 <xs:attribute name="mip" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5316 <xs:attribute name="slice" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5317 </xs:extension>
5318 </xs:simpleContent>
5319 </xs:complexType>
5320 <xs:complexType name="fx_clearcolor_common">
5321 <xs:simpleContent>
5322 <xs:extension base="fx_color_common">
5323 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5324 </xs:extension>
5325 </xs:simpleContent>
5326 </xs:complexType>
5327 <xs:complexType name="fx_cleardepth_common">
5328 <xs:simpleContent>
5329 <xs:extension base="float">
5330 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5331 </xs:extension>
5332 </xs:simpleContent>
5333 </xs:complexType>
5334 <xs:complexType name="fx_clearstencil_common">
5335 <xs:simpleContent>
5336 <xs:extension base="xs:byte">
5337 <xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
5338 </xs:extension>
5339 </xs:simpleContent>
5340 </xs:complexType>
5341 <xs:simpleType name="fx_draw_common">
5342 <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
5343 </xs:simpleType>
5344 <xs:simpleType name="fx_pipeline_stage_common">
5345 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5346 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEXPROGRAM"/>
5347 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENTPROGRAM"/>
5348 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEXSHADER"/>
5349 <xs:enumeration value="PIXELSHADER"/>
5350 </xs:restriction>
5351 </xs:simpleType>
5352 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
5353 <!-- COLLADA FX elements in common scope -->
5354 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
5355 <xs:complexType name="fx_annotate_common">
5356 <xs:sequence>
5357 <xs:group ref="fx_annotate_type_common"/>
5358 </xs:sequence>
5359 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
5360 </xs:complexType>
5361 <xs:complexType name="fx_include_common">
5362 <xs:annotation>
5363 <xs:documentation>
5364 The include element is used to import source code or precompiled binary shaders into the FX Runtime by referencing an external resource.
5365 </xs:documentation>
5366 </xs:annotation>
5367 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
5368 <xs:annotation>
5369 <xs:documentation>
5370 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
5371 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
5372 </xs:documentation>
5373 </xs:annotation>
5374 </xs:attribute>
5375 <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required">
5376 <xs:annotation>
5377 <xs:documentation>
5378 The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL
5379 fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external
5380 resource using an absolute or relative URL.
5381 </xs:documentation>
5382 </xs:annotation>
5383 </xs:attribute>
5384 </xs:complexType>
5385 <xs:complexType name="fx_newparam_common">
5386 <xs:annotation>
5387 <xs:documentation>
5388 This element creates a new, named param object in the FX Runtime, assigns it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time.
5389 </xs:documentation>
5390 </xs:annotation>
5391 <xs:sequence>
5392 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5393 <xs:annotation>
5394 <xs:documentation>
5395 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param.
5396 </xs:documentation>
5397 </xs:annotation>
5398 </xs:element>
5399 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0">
5400 <xs:annotation>
5401 <xs:documentation>
5402 The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param.
5403 </xs:documentation>
5404 </xs:annotation>
5405 </xs:element>
5406 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0">
5407 <xs:annotation>
5408 <xs:documentation>
5409 The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param.
5410 </xs:documentation>
5411 </xs:annotation>
5412 </xs:element>
5413 <xs:group ref="fx_basic_type_common"/>
5414 </xs:sequence>
5415 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
5416 <xs:annotation>
5417 <xs:documentation>
5418 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
5419 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
5420 </xs:documentation>
5421 </xs:annotation>
5422 </xs:attribute>
5423 </xs:complexType>
5424 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5425 <!-- COLLADA FX types in profile scope -->
5426 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5427 <xs:complexType name="fx_code_profile">
5428 <xs:annotation>
5429 <xs:documentation>
5430 The fx_code_profile type allows you to specify an inline block of source code.
5431 </xs:documentation>
5432 </xs:annotation>
5433 <xs:simpleContent>
5434 <xs:extension base="xs:string">
5435 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
5436 <xs:annotation>
5437 <xs:documentation>
5438 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
5439 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
5440 </xs:documentation>
5441 </xs:annotation>
5442 </xs:attribute>
5443 </xs:extension>
5444 </xs:simpleContent>
5445 </xs:complexType>
5446 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5447 <!-- COLLADA FX effect elements -->
5448 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5449 <xs:element name="fx_profile_abstract" abstract="true">
5450 <xs:annotation>
5451 <xs:documentation>
5452 The fx_profile_abstract element is only used as a substitution group hook for COLLADA FX profiles.
5453 </xs:documentation>
5454 </xs:annotation>
5455 </xs:element>
5456 <xs:element name="effect">
5457 <xs:annotation>
5458 <xs:documentation>
5459 A self contained description of a shader effect.
5460 </xs:documentation>
5461 </xs:annotation>
5462 <xs:complexType>
5463 <xs:sequence>
5464 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
5465 <xs:annotation>
5466 <xs:documentation>
5467 The effect element may contain an asset element.
5468 </xs:documentation>
5469 </xs:annotation>
5470 </xs:element>
5471 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5472 <xs:annotation>
5473 <xs:documentation>
5474 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation on this effect.
5475 </xs:documentation>
5476 </xs:annotation>
5477 </xs:element>
5478 <xs:element ref="image" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5479 <xs:annotation>
5480 <xs:documentation>
5481 The image element allows you to create image resources which can be shared by multipe profiles.
5482 </xs:documentation>
5483 </xs:annotation>
5484 </xs:element>
5485 <xs:element name="newparam" type="fx_newparam_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5486 <xs:annotation>
5487 <xs:documentation>
5488 The newparam element allows you to create new effect parameters which can be shared by multipe profiles.
5489 </xs:documentation>
5490 </xs:annotation>
5491 </xs:element>
5492 <xs:element ref="fx_profile_abstract" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5493 <xs:annotation>
5494 <xs:documentation>
5495 This is the substituion group hook which allows you to swap in other COLLADA FX profiles.
5496 </xs:documentation>
5497 </xs:annotation>
5498 </xs:element>
5499 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
5500 <xs:annotation>
5501 <xs:documentation>
5502 The extra element may appear any number of times.
5503 </xs:documentation>
5504 </xs:annotation>
5505 </xs:element>
5506 </xs:sequence>
5507 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required">
5508 <xs:annotation>
5509 <xs:documentation>
5510 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
5511 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
5512 </xs:documentation>
5513 </xs:annotation>
5514 </xs:attribute>
5515 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
5516 <xs:annotation>
5517 <xs:documentation>
5518 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
5519 </xs:documentation>
5520 </xs:annotation>
5521 </xs:attribute>
5522 </xs:complexType>
5523 </xs:element>
5524 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5525 <!-- COLLADA FX GLSL elements -->
5526 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
5527 <xs:simpleType name="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index">
5528 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
5529 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
5530 </xs:restriction>
5531 </xs:simpleType>
5532 <xs:simpleType name="GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index">
5533 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
5534 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
5535 </xs:restriction>
5536 </xs:simpleType>
5537 <xs:simpleType name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index">
5538 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
5539 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
5540 </xs:restriction>
5541 </xs:simpleType>
5542 <xs:complexType name="gl_sampler1D">
5543 <xs:annotation>
5544 <xs:documentation>
5545 A one-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5546 </xs:documentation>
5547 </xs:annotation>
5548 <xs:complexContent>
5549 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler1D_common"/>
5550 </xs:complexContent>
5551 </xs:complexType>
5552 <xs:complexType name="gl_sampler2D">
5553 <xs:annotation>
5554 <xs:documentation>
5555 A two-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5556 </xs:documentation>
5557 </xs:annotation>
5558 <xs:complexContent>
5559 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
5560 </xs:complexContent>
5561 </xs:complexType>
5562 <xs:complexType name="gl_sampler3D">
5563 <xs:annotation>
5564 <xs:documentation>
5565 A three-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5566 </xs:documentation>
5567 </xs:annotation>
5568 <xs:complexContent>
5569 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler3D_common"/>
5570 </xs:complexContent>
5571 </xs:complexType>
5572 <xs:complexType name="gl_samplerCUBE">
5573 <xs:annotation>
5574 <xs:documentation>
5575 A cube map texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5576 </xs:documentation>
5577 </xs:annotation>
5578 <xs:complexContent>
5579 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerCUBE_common"/>
5580 </xs:complexContent>
5581 </xs:complexType>
5582 <xs:complexType name="gl_samplerRECT">
5583 <xs:annotation>
5584 <xs:documentation>
5585 A two-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5586 </xs:documentation>
5587 </xs:annotation>
5588 <xs:complexContent>
5589 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerRECT_common"/>
5590 </xs:complexContent>
5591 </xs:complexType>
5592 <xs:complexType name="gl_samplerDEPTH">
5593 <xs:annotation>
5594 <xs:documentation>
5595 A depth texture sampler for the GLSL profile.
5596 </xs:documentation>
5597 </xs:annotation>
5598 <xs:complexContent>
5599 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerDEPTH_common"/>
5600 </xs:complexContent>
5601 </xs:complexType>
5602 <xs:simpleType name="gl_blend_type">
5603 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5604 <xs:enumeration value="ZERO">
5605 <xs:annotation>
5606 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0</xs:appinfo>
5607 </xs:annotation>
5608 </xs:enumeration>
5609 <xs:enumeration value="ONE">
5610 <xs:annotation>
5611 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1</xs:appinfo>
5612 </xs:annotation>
5613 </xs:enumeration>
5614 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_COLOR">
5615 <xs:annotation>
5616 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0300</xs:appinfo>
5617 </xs:annotation>
5618 </xs:enumeration>
5619 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR">
5620 <xs:annotation>
5621 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0301</xs:appinfo>
5622 </xs:annotation>
5623 </xs:enumeration>
5624 <xs:enumeration value="DEST_COLOR">
5625 <xs:annotation>
5626 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0306</xs:appinfo>
5627 </xs:annotation>
5628 </xs:enumeration>
5629 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_DEST_COLOR">
5630 <xs:annotation>
5631 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0307</xs:appinfo>
5632 </xs:annotation>
5633 </xs:enumeration>
5634 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA">
5635 <xs:annotation>
5636 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0302</xs:appinfo>
5637 </xs:annotation>
5638 </xs:enumeration>
5639 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA">
5640 <xs:annotation>
5641 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0303</xs:appinfo>
5642 </xs:annotation>
5643 </xs:enumeration>
5644 <xs:enumeration value="DST_ALPHA">
5645 <xs:annotation>
5646 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0304</xs:appinfo>
5647 </xs:annotation>
5648 </xs:enumeration>
5649 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA">
5650 <xs:annotation>
5651 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0305</xs:appinfo>
5652 </xs:annotation>
5653 </xs:enumeration>
5654 <xs:enumeration value="CONSTANT_COLOR">
5655 <xs:annotation>
5656 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8001</xs:appinfo>
5657 </xs:annotation>
5658 </xs:enumeration>
5659 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR">
5660 <xs:annotation>
5661 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8002</xs:appinfo>
5662 </xs:annotation>
5663 </xs:enumeration>
5664 <xs:enumeration value="CONSTANT_ALPHA">
5665 <xs:annotation>
5666 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8003</xs:appinfo>
5667 </xs:annotation>
5668 </xs:enumeration>
5669 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA">
5670 <xs:annotation>
5671 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8004</xs:appinfo>
5672 </xs:annotation>
5673 </xs:enumeration>
5674 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE">
5675 <xs:annotation>
5676 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0308</xs:appinfo>
5677 </xs:annotation>
5678 </xs:enumeration>
5679 </xs:restriction>
5680 </xs:simpleType>
5681 <xs:simpleType name="gl_face_type">
5682 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5683 <xs:enumeration value="FRONT">
5684 <xs:annotation>
5685 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0404</xs:appinfo>
5686 </xs:annotation>
5687 </xs:enumeration>
5688 <xs:enumeration value="BACK">
5689 <xs:annotation>
5690 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0405</xs:appinfo>
5691 </xs:annotation>
5692 </xs:enumeration>
5693 <xs:enumeration value="FRONT_AND_BACK">
5694 <xs:annotation>
5695 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0408</xs:appinfo>
5696 </xs:annotation>
5697 </xs:enumeration>
5698 </xs:restriction>
5699 </xs:simpleType>
5700 <xs:simpleType name="gl_blend_equation_type">
5701 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5702 <xs:enumeration value="FUNC_ADD">
5703 <xs:annotation>
5704 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8006</xs:appinfo>
5705 </xs:annotation>
5706 </xs:enumeration>
5707 <xs:enumeration value="FUNC_SUBTRACT">
5708 <xs:annotation>
5709 <xs:appinfo>value=0x800A</xs:appinfo>
5710 </xs:annotation>
5711 </xs:enumeration>
5712 <xs:enumeration value="FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT">
5713 <xs:annotation>
5714 <xs:appinfo>value=0x800B</xs:appinfo>
5715 </xs:annotation>
5716 </xs:enumeration>
5717 <xs:enumeration value="MIN">
5718 <xs:annotation>
5719 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8007</xs:appinfo>
5720 </xs:annotation>
5721 </xs:enumeration>
5722 <xs:enumeration value="MAX">
5723 <xs:annotation>
5724 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8008</xs:appinfo>
5725 </xs:annotation>
5726 </xs:enumeration>
5727 </xs:restriction>
5728 </xs:simpleType>
5729 <xs:simpleType name="gl_func_type">
5730 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5731 <xs:enumeration value="NEVER">
5732 <xs:annotation>
5733 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0200</xs:appinfo>
5734 </xs:annotation>
5735 </xs:enumeration>
5736 <xs:enumeration value="LESS">
5737 <xs:annotation>
5738 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0201</xs:appinfo>
5739 </xs:annotation>
5740 </xs:enumeration>
5741 <xs:enumeration value="LEQUAL">
5742 <xs:annotation>
5743 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0203</xs:appinfo>
5744 </xs:annotation>
5745 </xs:enumeration>
5746 <xs:enumeration value="EQUAL">
5747 <xs:annotation>
5748 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0202</xs:appinfo>
5749 </xs:annotation>
5750 </xs:enumeration>
5751 <xs:enumeration value="GREATER">
5752 <xs:annotation>
5753 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0204</xs:appinfo>
5754 </xs:annotation>
5755 </xs:enumeration>
5756 <xs:enumeration value="NOTEQUAL">
5757 <xs:annotation>
5758 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0205</xs:appinfo>
5759 </xs:annotation>
5760 </xs:enumeration>
5761 <xs:enumeration value="GEQUAL">
5762 <xs:annotation>
5763 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0206</xs:appinfo>
5764 </xs:annotation>
5765 </xs:enumeration>
5766 <xs:enumeration value="ALWAYS">
5767 <xs:annotation>
5768 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0207</xs:appinfo>
5769 </xs:annotation>
5770 </xs:enumeration>
5771 </xs:restriction>
5772 </xs:simpleType>
5773 <xs:simpleType name="gl_stencil_op_type">
5774 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5775 <xs:enumeration value="KEEP">
5776 <xs:annotation>
5777 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E00</xs:appinfo>
5778 </xs:annotation>
5779 </xs:enumeration>
5780 <xs:enumeration value="ZERO">
5781 <xs:annotation>
5782 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0</xs:appinfo>
5783 </xs:annotation>
5784 </xs:enumeration>
5785 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
5786 <xs:annotation>
5787 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
5788 </xs:annotation>
5789 </xs:enumeration>
5790 <xs:enumeration value="INCR">
5791 <xs:annotation>
5792 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E02</xs:appinfo>
5793 </xs:annotation>
5794 </xs:enumeration>
5795 <xs:enumeration value="DECR">
5796 <xs:annotation>
5797 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E03</xs:appinfo>
5798 </xs:annotation>
5799 </xs:enumeration>
5800 <xs:enumeration value="INVERT">
5801 <xs:annotation>
5802 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150A</xs:appinfo>
5803 </xs:annotation>
5804 </xs:enumeration>
5805 <xs:enumeration value="INCR_WRAP">
5806 <xs:annotation>
5807 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8507</xs:appinfo>
5808 </xs:annotation>
5809 </xs:enumeration>
5810 <xs:enumeration value="DECR_WRAP">
5811 <xs:annotation>
5812 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8508</xs:appinfo>
5813 </xs:annotation>
5814 </xs:enumeration>
5815 </xs:restriction>
5816 </xs:simpleType>
5817 <xs:simpleType name="gl_material_type">
5818 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5819 <xs:enumeration value="EMISSION">
5820 <xs:annotation>
5821 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1600</xs:appinfo>
5822 </xs:annotation>
5823 </xs:enumeration>
5824 <xs:enumeration value="AMBIENT">
5825 <xs:annotation>
5826 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1200</xs:appinfo>
5827 </xs:annotation>
5828 </xs:enumeration>
5829 <xs:enumeration value="DIFFUSE">
5830 <xs:annotation>
5831 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1201</xs:appinfo>
5832 </xs:annotation>
5833 </xs:enumeration>
5834 <xs:enumeration value="SPECULAR">
5835 <xs:annotation>
5836 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1202</xs:appinfo>
5837 </xs:annotation>
5838 </xs:enumeration>
5839 <xs:enumeration value="AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE">
5840 <xs:annotation>
5841 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1602</xs:appinfo>
5842 </xs:annotation>
5843 </xs:enumeration>
5844 </xs:restriction>
5845 </xs:simpleType>
5846 <xs:simpleType name="gl_fog_type">
5847 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5848 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR">
5849 <xs:annotation>
5850 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2601</xs:appinfo>
5851 </xs:annotation>
5852 </xs:enumeration>
5853 <xs:enumeration value="EXP">
5854 <xs:annotation>
5855 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0800</xs:appinfo>
5856 </xs:annotation>
5857 </xs:enumeration>
5858 <xs:enumeration value="EXP2">
5859 <xs:annotation>
5860 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0801</xs:appinfo>
5861 </xs:annotation>
5862 </xs:enumeration>
5863 </xs:restriction>
5864 </xs:simpleType>
5865 <xs:simpleType name="gl_fog_coord_src_type">
5866 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5867 <xs:enumeration value="FOG_COORDINATE">
5868 <xs:annotation>
5869 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8451</xs:appinfo>
5870 </xs:annotation>
5871 </xs:enumeration>
5872 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENT_DEPTH">
5873 <xs:annotation>
5874 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8452</xs:appinfo>
5875 </xs:annotation>
5876 </xs:enumeration>
5877 </xs:restriction>
5878 </xs:simpleType>
5879 <xs:simpleType name="gl_front_face_type">
5880 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5881 <xs:enumeration value="CW">
5882 <xs:annotation>
5883 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0900</xs:appinfo>
5884 </xs:annotation>
5885 </xs:enumeration>
5886 <xs:enumeration value="CCW">
5887 <xs:annotation>
5888 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0901</xs:appinfo>
5889 </xs:annotation>
5890 </xs:enumeration>
5891 </xs:restriction>
5892 </xs:simpleType>
5893 <xs:simpleType name="gl_light_model_color_control_type">
5894 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5895 <xs:enumeration value="SINGLE_COLOR">
5896 <xs:annotation>
5897 <xs:appinfo>value=0x81F9</xs:appinfo>
5898 </xs:annotation>
5899 </xs:enumeration>
5900 <xs:enumeration value="SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR">
5901 <xs:annotation>
5902 <xs:appinfo>value=0x81FA</xs:appinfo>
5903 </xs:annotation>
5904 </xs:enumeration>
5905 </xs:restriction>
5906 </xs:simpleType>
5907 <xs:simpleType name="gl_logic_op_type">
5908 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5909 <xs:enumeration value="CLEAR">
5910 <xs:annotation>
5911 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1500</xs:appinfo>
5912 </xs:annotation>
5913 </xs:enumeration>
5914 <xs:enumeration value="AND">
5915 <xs:annotation>
5916 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1501</xs:appinfo>
5917 </xs:annotation>
5918 </xs:enumeration>
5919 <xs:enumeration value="AND_REVERSE">
5920 <xs:annotation>
5921 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1502</xs:appinfo>
5922 </xs:annotation>
5923 </xs:enumeration>
5924 <xs:enumeration value="COPY">
5925 <xs:annotation>
5926 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1503</xs:appinfo>
5927 </xs:annotation>
5928 </xs:enumeration>
5929 <xs:enumeration value="AND_INVERTED">
5930 <xs:annotation>
5931 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1504</xs:appinfo>
5932 </xs:annotation>
5933 </xs:enumeration>
5934 <xs:enumeration value="NOOP">
5935 <xs:annotation>
5936 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1505</xs:appinfo>
5937 </xs:annotation>
5938 </xs:enumeration>
5939 <xs:enumeration value="XOR">
5940 <xs:annotation>
5941 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1506</xs:appinfo>
5942 </xs:annotation>
5943 </xs:enumeration>
5944 <xs:enumeration value="OR">
5945 <xs:annotation>
5946 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1507</xs:appinfo>
5947 </xs:annotation>
5948 </xs:enumeration>
5949 <xs:enumeration value="NOR">
5950 <xs:annotation>
5951 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1508</xs:appinfo>
5952 </xs:annotation>
5953 </xs:enumeration>
5954 <xs:enumeration value="EQUIV">
5955 <xs:annotation>
5956 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1509</xs:appinfo>
5957 </xs:annotation>
5958 </xs:enumeration>
5959 <xs:enumeration value="INVERT">
5960 <xs:annotation>
5961 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150A</xs:appinfo>
5962 </xs:annotation>
5963 </xs:enumeration>
5964 <xs:enumeration value="OR_REVERSE">
5965 <xs:annotation>
5966 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150B</xs:appinfo>
5967 </xs:annotation>
5968 </xs:enumeration>
5969 <xs:enumeration value="COPY_INVERTED">
5970 <xs:annotation>
5971 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150C</xs:appinfo>
5972 </xs:annotation>
5973 </xs:enumeration>
5974 <xs:enumeration value="NAND">
5975 <xs:annotation>
5976 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150E</xs:appinfo>
5977 </xs:annotation>
5978 </xs:enumeration>
5979 <xs:enumeration value="SET">
5980 <xs:annotation>
5981 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150F</xs:appinfo>
5982 </xs:annotation>
5983 </xs:enumeration>
5984 </xs:restriction>
5985 </xs:simpleType>
5986 <xs:simpleType name="gl_polygon_mode_type">
5987 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
5988 <xs:enumeration value="POINT">
5989 <xs:annotation>
5990 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1B00</xs:appinfo>
5991 </xs:annotation>
5992 </xs:enumeration>
5993 <xs:enumeration value="LINE">
5994 <xs:annotation>
5995 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1B01</xs:appinfo>
5996 </xs:annotation>
5997 </xs:enumeration>
5998 <xs:enumeration value="FILL">
5999 <xs:annotation>
6000 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1B02</xs:appinfo>
6001 </xs:annotation>
6002 </xs:enumeration>
6003 </xs:restriction>
6004 </xs:simpleType>
6005 <xs:simpleType name="gl_shade_model_type">
6006 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
6007 <xs:enumeration value="FLAT">
6008 <xs:annotation>
6009 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1D00</xs:appinfo>
6010 </xs:annotation>
6011 </xs:enumeration>
6012 <xs:enumeration value="SMOOTH">
6013 <xs:annotation>
6014 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1D01</xs:appinfo>
6015 </xs:annotation>
6016 </xs:enumeration>
6017 </xs:restriction>
6018 </xs:simpleType>
6019 <xs:simpleType name="gl_alpha_value_type">
6020 <xs:restriction base="xs:float">
6021 <xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
6022 <xs:maxInclusive value="1.0"/>
6023 </xs:restriction>
6024 </xs:simpleType>
6025 <xs:simpleType name="gl_enumeration">
6026 <xs:union memberTypes="gl_blend_type gl_face_type gl_blend_equation_type gl_func_type gl_stencil_op_type gl_material_type gl_fog_type gl_fog_coord_src_type gl_front_face_type gl_light_model_color_control_type gl_logic_op_type gl_polygon_mode_type gl_shade_model_type"/>
6027 </xs:simpleType>
6028 <xs:group name="gl_pipeline_settings">
6029 <xs:annotation>
6030 <xs:documentation>
6031 A group that defines all of the renderstates used for the CG and GLSL profiles.
6032 </xs:documentation>
6033 </xs:annotation>
6034 <xs:choice>
6035 <xs:element name="alpha_func">
6036 <xs:complexType>
6037 <xs:sequence>
6038 <xs:element name="func">
6039 <xs:complexType>
6040 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6041 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6042 </xs:complexType>
6043 </xs:element>
6044 <xs:element name="value">
6045 <xs:complexType>
6046 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_alpha_value_type" use="optional" default="0.0"/>
6047 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6048 </xs:complexType>
6049 </xs:element>
6050 </xs:sequence>
6051 </xs:complexType>
6052 </xs:element>
6053 <xs:element name="blend_func">
6054 <xs:complexType>
6055 <xs:sequence>
6056 <xs:element name="src">
6057 <xs:complexType>
6058 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
6059 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6060 </xs:complexType>
6061 </xs:element>
6062 <xs:element name="dest">
6063 <xs:complexType>
6064 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
6065 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6066 </xs:complexType>
6067 </xs:element>
6068 </xs:sequence>
6069 </xs:complexType>
6070 </xs:element>
6071 <xs:element name="blend_func_separate">
6072 <xs:complexType>
6073 <xs:sequence>
6074 <xs:element name="src_rgb">
6075 <xs:complexType>
6076 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
6077 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6078 </xs:complexType>
6079 </xs:element>
6080 <xs:element name="dest_rgb">
6081 <xs:complexType>
6082 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
6083 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6084 </xs:complexType>
6085 </xs:element>
6086 <xs:element name="src_alpha">
6087 <xs:complexType>
6088 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
6089 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6090 </xs:complexType>
6091 </xs:element>
6092 <xs:element name="dest_alpha">
6093 <xs:complexType>
6094 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
6095 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6096 </xs:complexType>
6097 </xs:element>
6098 </xs:sequence>
6099 </xs:complexType>
6100 </xs:element>
6101 <xs:element name="blend_equation">
6102 <xs:complexType>
6103 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_equation_type" use="optional" default="FUNC_ADD"/>
6104 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6105 </xs:complexType>
6106 </xs:element>
6107 <xs:element name="blend_equation_separate">
6108 <xs:complexType>
6109 <xs:sequence>
6110 <xs:element name="rgb">
6111 <xs:complexType>
6112 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_equation_type" use="optional" default="FUNC_ADD"/>
6113 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6114 </xs:complexType>
6115 </xs:element>
6116 <xs:element name="alpha">
6117 <xs:complexType>
6118 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_equation_type" use="optional" default="FUNC_ADD"/>
6119 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6120 </xs:complexType>
6121 </xs:element>
6122 </xs:sequence>
6123 </xs:complexType>
6124 </xs:element>
6125 <xs:element name="color_material">
6126 <xs:complexType>
6127 <xs:sequence>
6128 <xs:element name="face">
6129 <xs:complexType>
6130 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
6131 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6132 </xs:complexType>
6133 </xs:element>
6134 <xs:element name="mode">
6135 <xs:complexType>
6136 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_material_type" use="optional" default="AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE"/>
6137 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6138 </xs:complexType>
6139 </xs:element>
6140 </xs:sequence>
6141 </xs:complexType>
6142 </xs:element>
6143 <xs:element name="cull_face">
6144 <xs:complexType>
6145 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="BACK"/>
6146 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6147 </xs:complexType>
6148 </xs:element>
6149 <xs:element name="depth_func">
6150 <xs:complexType>
6151 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6152 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6153 </xs:complexType>
6154 </xs:element>
6155 <xs:element name="fog_mode">
6156 <xs:complexType>
6157 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_fog_type" use="optional" default="EXP"/>
6158 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6159 </xs:complexType>
6160 </xs:element>
6161 <xs:element name="fog_coord_src">
6162 <xs:complexType>
6163 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_fog_coord_src_type" use="optional" default="FOG_COORDINATE"/>
6164 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6165 </xs:complexType>
6166 </xs:element>
6167 <xs:element name="front_face">
6168 <xs:complexType>
6169 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_front_face_type" use="optional" default="CCW"/>
6170 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6171 </xs:complexType>
6172 </xs:element>
6173 <xs:element name="light_model_color_control">
6174 <xs:complexType>
6175 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_light_model_color_control_type" use="optional" default="SINGLE_COLOR"/>
6176 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6177 </xs:complexType>
6178 </xs:element>
6179 <xs:element name="logic_op">
6180 <xs:complexType>
6181 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_logic_op_type" use="optional" default="COPY"/>
6182 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6183 </xs:complexType>
6184 </xs:element>
6185 <xs:element name="polygon_mode">
6186 <xs:complexType>
6187 <xs:sequence>
6188 <xs:element name="face">
6189 <xs:complexType>
6190 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
6191 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6192 </xs:complexType>
6193 </xs:element>
6194 <xs:element name="mode">
6195 <xs:complexType>
6196 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_polygon_mode_type" use="optional" default="FILL"/>
6197 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6198 </xs:complexType>
6199 </xs:element>
6200 </xs:sequence>
6201 </xs:complexType>
6202 </xs:element>
6203 <xs:element name="shade_model">
6204 <xs:complexType>
6205 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_shade_model_type" use="optional" default="SMOOTH"/>
6206 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6207 </xs:complexType>
6208 </xs:element>
6209 <xs:element name="stencil_func">
6210 <xs:complexType>
6211 <xs:sequence>
6212 <xs:element name="func">
6213 <xs:complexType>
6214 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6215 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6216 </xs:complexType>
6217 </xs:element>
6218 <xs:element name="ref">
6219 <xs:complexType>
6220 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="0"/>
6221 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6222 </xs:complexType>
6223 </xs:element>
6224 <xs:element name="mask">
6225 <xs:complexType>
6226 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
6227 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6228 </xs:complexType>
6229 </xs:element>
6230 </xs:sequence>
6231 </xs:complexType>
6232 </xs:element>
6233 <xs:element name="stencil_op">
6234 <xs:complexType>
6235 <xs:sequence>
6236 <xs:element name="fail">
6237 <xs:complexType>
6238 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6239 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6240 </xs:complexType>
6241 </xs:element>
6242 <xs:element name="zfail">
6243 <xs:complexType>
6244 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6245 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6246 </xs:complexType>
6247 </xs:element>
6248 <xs:element name="zpass">
6249 <xs:complexType>
6250 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6251 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6252 </xs:complexType>
6253 </xs:element>
6254 </xs:sequence>
6255 </xs:complexType>
6256 </xs:element>
6257 <xs:element name="stencil_func_separate">
6258 <xs:complexType>
6259 <xs:sequence>
6260 <xs:element name="front">
6261 <xs:complexType>
6262 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6263 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6264 </xs:complexType>
6265 </xs:element>
6266 <xs:element name="back">
6267 <xs:complexType>
6268 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
6269 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6270 </xs:complexType>
6271 </xs:element>
6272 <xs:element name="ref">
6273 <xs:complexType>
6274 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="0"/>
6275 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6276 </xs:complexType>
6277 </xs:element>
6278 <xs:element name="mask">
6279 <xs:complexType>
6280 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
6281 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6282 </xs:complexType>
6283 </xs:element>
6284 </xs:sequence>
6285 </xs:complexType>
6286 </xs:element>
6287 <xs:element name="stencil_op_separate">
6288 <xs:complexType>
6289 <xs:sequence>
6290 <xs:element name="face">
6291 <xs:complexType>
6292 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
6293 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6294 </xs:complexType>
6295 </xs:element>
6296 <xs:element name="fail">
6297 <xs:complexType>
6298 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6299 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6300 </xs:complexType>
6301 </xs:element>
6302 <xs:element name="zfail">
6303 <xs:complexType>
6304 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6305 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6306 </xs:complexType>
6307 </xs:element>
6308 <xs:element name="zpass">
6309 <xs:complexType>
6310 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
6311 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6312 </xs:complexType>
6313 </xs:element>
6314 </xs:sequence>
6315 </xs:complexType>
6316 </xs:element>
6317 <xs:element name="stencil_mask_separate">
6318 <xs:complexType>
6319 <xs:sequence>
6320 <xs:element name="face">
6321 <xs:complexType>
6322 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
6323 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6324 </xs:complexType>
6325 </xs:element>
6326 <xs:element name="mask">
6327 <xs:complexType>
6328 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
6329 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6330 </xs:complexType>
6331 </xs:element>
6332 </xs:sequence>
6333 </xs:complexType>
6334 </xs:element>
6335 <xs:element name="light_enable">
6336 <xs:complexType>
6337 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6338 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6339 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6340 </xs:complexType>
6341 </xs:element>
6342 <xs:element name="light_ambient">
6343 <xs:complexType>
6344 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
6345 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6346 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6347 </xs:complexType>
6348 </xs:element>
6349 <xs:element name="light_diffuse">
6350 <xs:complexType>
6351 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
6352 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6353 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6354 </xs:complexType>
6355 </xs:element>
6356 <xs:element name="light_specular">
6357 <xs:complexType>
6358 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
6359 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6360 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6361 </xs:complexType>
6362 </xs:element>
6363 <xs:element name="light_position">
6364 <xs:complexType>
6365 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 1 0"/>
6366 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6367 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6368 </xs:complexType>
6369 </xs:element>
6370 <xs:element name="light_constant_attenuation">
6371 <xs:complexType>
6372 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6373 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6374 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6375 </xs:complexType>
6376 </xs:element>
6377 <xs:element name="light_linear_attenuation">
6378 <xs:complexType>
6379 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6380 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6381 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6382 </xs:complexType>
6383 </xs:element>
6384 <xs:element name="light_quadratic_attenuation">
6385 <xs:complexType>
6386 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6387 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6388 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6389 </xs:complexType>
6390 </xs:element>
6391 <xs:element name="light_spot_cutoff">
6392 <xs:complexType>
6393 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="180"/>
6394 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6395 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6396 </xs:complexType>
6397 </xs:element>
6398 <xs:element name="light_spot_direction">
6399 <xs:complexType>
6400 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="0 0 -1"/>
6401 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6402 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6403 </xs:complexType>
6404 </xs:element>
6405 <xs:element name="light_spot_exponent">
6406 <xs:complexType>
6407 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6408 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6409 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
6410 </xs:complexType>
6411 </xs:element>
6412 <xs:element name="texture1D">
6413 <xs:complexType>
6414 <xs:choice>
6415 <xs:element name="value" type="gl_sampler1D"/>
6416 <xs:element name="param" type="xs:NCName"/>
6417 </xs:choice>
6418 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index" use="required"/>
6419 </xs:complexType>
6420 </xs:element>
6421 <xs:element name="texture2D">
6422 <xs:complexType>
6423 <xs:choice>
6424 <xs:element name="value" type="gl_sampler2D"/>
6425 <xs:element name="param" type="xs:NCName"/>
6426 </xs:choice>
6427 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index" use="required"/>
6428 </xs:complexType>
6429 </xs:element>
6430 <xs:element name="texture3D">
6431 <xs:complexType>
6432 <xs:choice>
6433 <xs:element name="value" type="gl_sampler3D"/>
6434 <xs:element name="param" type="xs:NCName"/>
6435 </xs:choice>
6436 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index" use="required"/>
6437 </xs:complexType>
6438 </xs:element>
6439 <xs:element name="textureCUBE">
6440 <xs:complexType>
6441 <xs:choice>
6442 <xs:element name="value" type="gl_samplerCUBE"/>
6443 <xs:element name="param" type="xs:NCName"/>
6444 </xs:choice>
6445 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index" use="required"/>
6446 </xs:complexType>
6447 </xs:element>
6448 <xs:element name="textureRECT">
6449 <xs:complexType>
6450 <xs:choice>
6451 <xs:element name="value" type="gl_samplerRECT"/>
6452 <xs:element name="param" type="xs:NCName"/>
6453 </xs:choice>
6454 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index" use="required"/>
6455 </xs:complexType>
6456 </xs:element>
6457 <xs:element name="textureDEPTH">
6458 <xs:complexType>
6459 <xs:choice>
6460 <xs:element name="value" type="gl_samplerDEPTH"/>
6461 <xs:element name="param" type="xs:NCName"/>
6462 </xs:choice>
6463 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index" use="required"/>
6464 </xs:complexType>
6465 </xs:element>
6466 <xs:element name="texture1D_enable">
6467 <xs:complexType>
6468 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6469 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6470 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6471 </xs:complexType>
6472 </xs:element>
6473 <xs:element name="texture2D_enable">
6474 <xs:complexType>
6475 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6476 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6477 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6478 </xs:complexType>
6479 </xs:element>
6480 <xs:element name="texture3D_enable">
6481 <xs:complexType>
6482 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6483 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6484 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6485 </xs:complexType>
6486 </xs:element>
6487 <xs:element name="textureCUBE_enable">
6488 <xs:complexType>
6489 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6490 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6491 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6492 </xs:complexType>
6493 </xs:element>
6494 <xs:element name="textureRECT_enable">
6495 <xs:complexType>
6496 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6497 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6498 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6499 </xs:complexType>
6500 </xs:element>
6501 <xs:element name="textureDEPTH_enable">
6502 <xs:complexType>
6503 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6504 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6505 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6506 </xs:complexType>
6507 </xs:element>
6508 <xs:element name="texture_env_color">
6509 <xs:complexType>
6510 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional"/>
6511 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6512 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6513 </xs:complexType>
6514 </xs:element>
6515 <xs:element name="texture_env_mode">
6516 <xs:complexType>
6517 <xs:attribute name="value" type="string" use="optional"/>
6518 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6519 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index"/>
6520 </xs:complexType>
6521 </xs:element>
6522 <xs:element name="clip_plane">
6523 <xs:complexType>
6524 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
6525 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6526 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index"/>
6527 </xs:complexType>
6528 </xs:element>
6529 <xs:element name="clip_plane_enable">
6530 <xs:complexType>
6531 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6532 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6533 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index"/>
6534 </xs:complexType>
6535 </xs:element>
6536 <xs:element name="blend_color">
6537 <xs:complexType>
6538 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
6539 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6540 </xs:complexType>
6541 </xs:element>
6542 <xs:element name="clear_color">
6543 <xs:complexType>
6544 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
6545 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6546 </xs:complexType>
6547 </xs:element>
6548 <xs:element name="clear_stencil">
6549 <xs:complexType>
6550 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int" use="optional" default="0"/>
6551 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6552 </xs:complexType>
6553 </xs:element>
6554 <xs:element name="clear_depth">
6555 <xs:complexType>
6556 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6557 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6558 </xs:complexType>
6559 </xs:element>
6560 <xs:element name="color_mask">
6561 <xs:complexType>
6562 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool4" use="optional" default="true true true true"/>
6563 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6564 </xs:complexType>
6565 </xs:element>
6566 <xs:element name="depth_bounds">
6567 <xs:complexType>
6568 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float2" use="optional"/>
6569 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6570 </xs:complexType>
6571 </xs:element>
6572 <xs:element name="depth_mask">
6573 <xs:complexType>
6574 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="true"/>
6575 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6576 </xs:complexType>
6577 </xs:element>
6578 <xs:element name="depth_range">
6579 <xs:complexType>
6580 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float2" use="optional" default="0 1"/>
6581 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6582 </xs:complexType>
6583 </xs:element>
6584 <xs:element name="fog_density">
6585 <xs:complexType>
6586 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6587 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6588 </xs:complexType>
6589 </xs:element>
6590 <xs:element name="fog_start">
6591 <xs:complexType>
6592 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6593 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6594 </xs:complexType>
6595 </xs:element>
6596 <xs:element name="fog_end">
6597 <xs:complexType>
6598 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6599 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6600 </xs:complexType>
6601 </xs:element>
6602 <xs:element name="fog_color">
6603 <xs:complexType>
6604 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
6605 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6606 </xs:complexType>
6607 </xs:element>
6608 <xs:element name="light_model_ambient">
6609 <xs:complexType>
6610 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0"/>
6611 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6612 </xs:complexType>
6613 </xs:element>
6614 <xs:element name="lighting_enable">
6615 <xs:complexType>
6616 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6617 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6618 </xs:complexType>
6619 </xs:element>
6620 <xs:element name="line_stipple">
6621 <xs:complexType>
6622 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int2" use="optional" default="1 65536"/>
6623 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6624 </xs:complexType>
6625 </xs:element>
6626 <xs:element name="line_width">
6627 <xs:complexType>
6628 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6629 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6630 </xs:complexType>
6631 </xs:element>
6632 <xs:element name="material_ambient">
6633 <xs:complexType>
6634 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0"/>
6635 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6636 </xs:complexType>
6637 </xs:element>
6638 <xs:element name="material_diffuse">
6639 <xs:complexType>
6640 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0"/>
6641 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6642 </xs:complexType>
6643 </xs:element>
6644 <xs:element name="material_emission">
6645 <xs:complexType>
6646 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
6647 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6648 </xs:complexType>
6649 </xs:element>
6650 <xs:element name="material_shininess">
6651 <xs:complexType>
6652 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6653 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6654 </xs:complexType>
6655 </xs:element>
6656 <xs:element name="material_specular">
6657 <xs:complexType>
6658 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
6659 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6660 </xs:complexType>
6661 </xs:element>
6662 <xs:element name="model_view_matrix">
6663 <xs:complexType>
6664 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4x4" use="optional" default="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
6665 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6666 </xs:complexType>
6667 </xs:element>
6668 <xs:element name="point_distance_attenuation">
6669 <xs:complexType>
6670 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="1 0 0"/>
6671 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6672 </xs:complexType>
6673 </xs:element>
6674 <xs:element name="point_fade_threshold_size">
6675 <xs:complexType>
6676 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6677 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6678 </xs:complexType>
6679 </xs:element>
6680 <xs:element name="point_size">
6681 <xs:complexType>
6682 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6683 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6684 </xs:complexType>
6685 </xs:element>
6686 <xs:element name="point_size_min">
6687 <xs:complexType>
6688 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
6689 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6690 </xs:complexType>
6691 </xs:element>
6692 <xs:element name="point_size_max">
6693 <xs:complexType>
6694 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
6695 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6696 </xs:complexType>
6697 </xs:element>
6698 <xs:element name="polygon_offset">
6699 <xs:complexType>
6700 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float2" use="optional" default="0 0"/>
6701 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6702 </xs:complexType>
6703 </xs:element>
6704 <xs:element name="projection_matrix">
6705 <xs:complexType>
6706 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4x4" use="optional" default="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
6707 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6708 </xs:complexType>
6709 </xs:element>
6710 <xs:element name="scissor">
6711 <xs:complexType>
6712 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int4" use="optional"/>
6713 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6714 </xs:complexType>
6715 </xs:element>
6716 <xs:element name="stencil_mask">
6717 <xs:complexType>
6718 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int" use="optional" default="4294967295"/>
6719 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6720 </xs:complexType>
6721 </xs:element>
6722 <xs:element name="alpha_test_enable">
6723 <xs:complexType>
6724 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6725 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6726 </xs:complexType>
6727 </xs:element>
6728 <xs:element name="auto_normal_enable">
6729 <xs:complexType>
6730 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6731 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6732 </xs:complexType>
6733 </xs:element>
6734 <xs:element name="blend_enable">
6735 <xs:complexType>
6736 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6737 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6738 </xs:complexType>
6739 </xs:element>
6740 <xs:element name="color_logic_op_enable">
6741 <xs:complexType>
6742 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6743 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6744 </xs:complexType>
6745 </xs:element>
6746 <xs:element name="color_material_enable">
6747 <xs:complexType>
6748 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="true"/>
6749 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6750 </xs:complexType>
6751 </xs:element>
6752 <xs:element name="cull_face_enable">
6753 <xs:complexType>
6754 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6755 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6756 </xs:complexType>
6757 </xs:element>
6758 <xs:element name="depth_bounds_enable">
6759 <xs:complexType>
6760 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6761 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6762 </xs:complexType>
6763 </xs:element>
6764 <xs:element name="depth_clamp_enable">
6765 <xs:complexType>
6766 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6767 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6768 </xs:complexType>
6769 </xs:element>
6770 <xs:element name="depth_test_enable">
6771 <xs:complexType>
6772 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6773 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6774 </xs:complexType>
6775 </xs:element>
6776 <xs:element name="dither_enable">
6777 <xs:complexType>
6778 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="true"/>
6779 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6780 </xs:complexType>
6781 </xs:element>
6782 <xs:element name="fog_enable">
6783 <xs:complexType>
6784 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6785 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6786 </xs:complexType>
6787 </xs:element>
6788 <xs:element name="light_model_local_viewer_enable">
6789 <xs:complexType>
6790 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6791 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6792 </xs:complexType>
6793 </xs:element>
6794 <xs:element name="light_model_two_side_enable">
6795 <xs:complexType>
6796 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6797 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6798 </xs:complexType>
6799 </xs:element>
6800 <xs:element name="line_smooth_enable">
6801 <xs:complexType>
6802 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6803 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6804 </xs:complexType>
6805 </xs:element>
6806 <xs:element name="line_stipple_enable">
6807 <xs:complexType>
6808 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6809 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6810 </xs:complexType>
6811 </xs:element>
6812 <xs:element name="logic_op_enable">
6813 <xs:complexType>
6814 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6815 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6816 </xs:complexType>
6817 </xs:element>
6818 <xs:element name="multisample_enable">
6819 <xs:complexType>
6820 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6821 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6822 </xs:complexType>
6823 </xs:element>
6824 <xs:element name="normalize_enable">
6825 <xs:complexType>
6826 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6827 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6828 </xs:complexType>
6829 </xs:element>
6830 <xs:element name="point_smooth_enable">
6831 <xs:complexType>
6832 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6833 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6834 </xs:complexType>
6835 </xs:element>
6836 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_fill_enable">
6837 <xs:complexType>
6838 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6839 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6840 </xs:complexType>
6841 </xs:element>
6842 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_line_enable">
6843 <xs:complexType>
6844 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6845 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6846 </xs:complexType>
6847 </xs:element>
6848 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_point_enable">
6849 <xs:complexType>
6850 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6851 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6852 </xs:complexType>
6853 </xs:element>
6854 <xs:element name="polygon_smooth_enable">
6855 <xs:complexType>
6856 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6857 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6858 </xs:complexType>
6859 </xs:element>
6860 <xs:element name="polygon_stipple_enable">
6861 <xs:complexType>
6862 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6863 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6864 </xs:complexType>
6865 </xs:element>
6866 <xs:element name="rescale_normal_enable">
6867 <xs:complexType>
6868 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6869 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6870 </xs:complexType>
6871 </xs:element>
6872 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_coverage_enable">
6873 <xs:complexType>
6874 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6875 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6876 </xs:complexType>
6877 </xs:element>
6878 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_one_enable">
6879 <xs:complexType>
6880 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6881 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6882 </xs:complexType>
6883 </xs:element>
6884 <xs:element name="sample_coverage_enable">
6885 <xs:complexType>
6886 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6887 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6888 </xs:complexType>
6889 </xs:element>
6890 <xs:element name="scissor_test_enable">
6891 <xs:complexType>
6892 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6893 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6894 </xs:complexType>
6895 </xs:element>
6896 <xs:element name="stencil_test_enable">
6897 <xs:complexType>
6898 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
6899 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
6900 </xs:complexType>
6901 </xs:element>
6902 <xs:element ref="gl_hook_abstract"/>
6903 </xs:choice>
6904 </xs:group>
6905 <xs:element name="gl_hook_abstract" abstract="true"/>
6906 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float">
6907 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
6908 </xs:simpleType>
6909 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int">
6910 <xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>
6911 </xs:simpleType>
6912 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool">
6913 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
6914 </xs:simpleType>
6915 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_ListOfBool">
6916 <xs:list itemType="glsl_bool"/>
6917 </xs:simpleType>
6918 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6919 <xs:list itemType="glsl_float"/>
6920 </xs:simpleType>
6921 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_ListOfInt">
6922 <xs:list itemType="glsl_int"/>
6923 </xs:simpleType>
6924 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool2">
6925 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfBool">
6926 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
6927 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
6928 </xs:restriction>
6929 </xs:simpleType>
6930 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool3">
6931 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfBool">
6932 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
6933 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
6934 </xs:restriction>
6935 </xs:simpleType>
6936 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_bool4">
6937 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfBool">
6938 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6939 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6940 </xs:restriction>
6941 </xs:simpleType>
6942 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float2">
6943 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6944 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
6945 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
6946 </xs:restriction>
6947 </xs:simpleType>
6948 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float3">
6949 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6950 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
6951 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
6952 </xs:restriction>
6953 </xs:simpleType>
6954 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float4">
6955 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6956 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6957 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6958 </xs:restriction>
6959 </xs:simpleType>
6960 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float2x2">
6961 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6962 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6963 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6964 </xs:restriction>
6965 </xs:simpleType>
6966 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float3x3">
6967 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6968 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
6969 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
6970 </xs:restriction>
6971 </xs:simpleType>
6972 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_float4x4">
6973 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfFloat">
6974 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
6975 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
6976 </xs:restriction>
6977 </xs:simpleType>
6978 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int2">
6979 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfInt">
6980 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
6981 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
6982 </xs:restriction>
6983 </xs:simpleType>
6984 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int3">
6985 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfInt">
6986 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
6987 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
6988 </xs:restriction>
6989 </xs:simpleType>
6990 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_int4">
6991 <xs:restriction base="glsl_ListOfInt">
6992 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
6993 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
6994 </xs:restriction>
6995 </xs:simpleType>
6996 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_pipeline_stage">
6997 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
6998 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEXPROGRAM"/>
6999 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENTPROGRAM"/>
7000 </xs:restriction>
7001 </xs:simpleType>
7002 <xs:simpleType name="glsl_identifier">
7003 <xs:restriction base="xs:token"/>
7004 </xs:simpleType>
7005 <xs:complexType name="glsl_newarray_type">
7006 <xs:annotation>
7007 <xs:documentation>
7008 The glsl_newarray_type is used to creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
7009 </xs:documentation>
7010 </xs:annotation>
7011 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7012 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7013 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_newarray_type">
7014 <xs:annotation>
7015 <xs:documentation>
7016 You may recursively nest glsl_newarray elements to create multidimensional arrays.
7017 </xs:documentation>
7018 </xs:annotation>
7019 </xs:element>
7020 </xs:choice>
7021 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required">
7022 <xs:annotation>
7023 <xs:documentation>
7024 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
7025 </xs:documentation>
7026 </xs:annotation>
7027 </xs:attribute>
7028 </xs:complexType>
7029 <xs:complexType name="glsl_setarray_type">
7030 <xs:annotation>
7031 <xs:documentation>
7032 The glsl_newarray_type is used to creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
7033 </xs:documentation>
7034 </xs:annotation>
7035 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7036 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7037 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_setarray_type">
7038 <xs:annotation>
7039 <xs:documentation>
7040 You may recursively nest glsl_newarray elements to create multidimensional arrays.
7041 </xs:documentation>
7042 </xs:annotation>
7043 </xs:element>
7044 </xs:choice>
7045 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="optional">
7046 <xs:annotation>
7047 <xs:documentation>
7048 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
7049 </xs:documentation>
7050 </xs:annotation>
7051 </xs:attribute>
7052 </xs:complexType>
7053 <xs:complexType name="glsl_surface_type">
7054 <xs:annotation>
7055 <xs:documentation>
7056 A surface type for the GLSL profile. This surface inherits from the fx_surface_common type and adds the
7057 ability to programmatically generate textures.
7058 </xs:documentation>
7059 </xs:annotation>
7060 <xs:complexContent>
7061 <xs:extension base="fx_surface_common">
7062 <xs:sequence>
7063 <xs:element name="generator" minOccurs="0">
7064 <xs:annotation>
7065 <xs:documentation>
7066 A procedural surface generator.
7067 </xs:documentation>
7068 </xs:annotation>
7069 <xs:complexType>
7070 <xs:sequence>
7071 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7072 <xs:annotation>
7073 <xs:documentation>
7074 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this surface generator.
7075 </xs:documentation>
7076 </xs:annotation>
7077 </xs:element>
7078 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
7079 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile">
7080 <xs:annotation>
7081 <xs:documentation>
7082 The code element allows you to embed GLSL code to use for this surface generator.
7083 </xs:documentation>
7084 </xs:annotation>
7085 </xs:element>
7086 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common">
7087 <xs:annotation>
7088 <xs:documentation>
7089 The include element allows you to import GLSL code to use for this surface generator.
7090 </xs:documentation>
7091 </xs:annotation>
7092 </xs:element>
7093 </xs:choice>
7094 <xs:element name="name">
7095 <xs:annotation>
7096 <xs:documentation>
7097 The entry symbol for the shader function.
7098 </xs:documentation>
7099 </xs:annotation>
7100 <xs:complexType>
7101 <xs:simpleContent>
7102 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
7103 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
7104 </xs:extension>
7105 </xs:simpleContent>
7106 </xs:complexType>
7107 </xs:element>
7108 <xs:element name="setparam" type="glsl_setparam_simple" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7109 <xs:annotation>
7110 <xs:documentation>
7111 The setparam element allows you to assign a new value to a previously defined parameter.
7112 </xs:documentation>
7113 </xs:annotation>
7114 </xs:element>
7115 </xs:sequence>
7116 </xs:complexType>
7117 </xs:element>
7118 </xs:sequence>
7119 </xs:extension>
7120 </xs:complexContent>
7121 </xs:complexType>
7122 <xs:group name="glsl_param_type">
7123 <xs:annotation>
7124 <xs:documentation>
7125 A group that specifies the allowable types for GLSL profile parameters.
7126 </xs:documentation>
7127 </xs:annotation>
7128 <xs:choice>
7129 <xs:element name="bool" type="glsl_bool"/>
7130 <xs:element name="bool2" type="glsl_bool2"/>
7131 <xs:element name="bool3" type="glsl_bool3"/>
7132 <xs:element name="bool4" type="glsl_bool4"/>
7133 <xs:element name="float" type="glsl_float"/>
7134 <xs:element name="float2" type="glsl_float2"/>
7135 <xs:element name="float3" type="glsl_float3"/>
7136 <xs:element name="float4" type="glsl_float4"/>
7137 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="glsl_float2x2"/>
7138 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="glsl_float3x3"/>
7139 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="glsl_float4x4"/>
7140 <xs:element name="int" type="glsl_int"/>
7141 <xs:element name="int2" type="glsl_int2"/>
7142 <xs:element name="int3" type="glsl_int3"/>
7143 <xs:element name="int4" type="glsl_int4"/>
7144 <xs:element name="surface" type="glsl_surface_type"/>
7145 <xs:element name="sampler1D" type="gl_sampler1D"/>
7146 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="gl_sampler2D"/>
7147 <xs:element name="sampler3D" type="gl_sampler3D"/>
7148 <xs:element name="samplerCUBE" type="gl_samplerCUBE"/>
7149 <xs:element name="samplerRECT" type="gl_samplerRECT"/>
7150 <xs:element name="samplerDEPTH" type="gl_samplerDEPTH"/>
7151 <xs:element name="enum" type="gl_enumeration"/>
7152 </xs:choice>
7153 </xs:group>
7154 <xs:complexType name="glsl_newparam">
7155 <xs:sequence>
7156 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7157 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
7158 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0"/>
7159 <xs:choice>
7160 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7161 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_newarray_type"/>
7162 </xs:choice>
7163 </xs:sequence>
7164 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="glsl_identifier" use="required"/>
7165 </xs:complexType>
7166 <xs:complexType name="glsl_setparam_simple">
7167 <xs:sequence>
7168 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7169 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7170 </xs:sequence>
7171 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="glsl_identifier" use="required"/>
7172 </xs:complexType>
7173 <xs:complexType name="glsl_setparam">
7174 <xs:sequence>
7175 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7176 <xs:choice>
7177 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7178 <xs:element name="array" type="glsl_setarray_type"/>
7179 </xs:choice>
7180 </xs:sequence>
7181 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="glsl_identifier" use="required"/>
7182 <xs:attribute name="program" type="xs:NCName"/>
7183 </xs:complexType>
7184 <xs:element name="profile_GLSL" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
7185 <xs:annotation>
7186 <xs:documentation>
7187 Opens a block of GLSL platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
7188 </xs:documentation>
7189 </xs:annotation>
7190 <xs:complexType>
7191 <xs:sequence>
7192 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
7193 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7194 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
7195 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
7196 </xs:choice>
7197 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7198 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7199 <xs:element name="newparam" type="glsl_newparam"/>
7200 </xs:choice>
7201 <xs:element name="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7202 <xs:annotation>
7203 <xs:documentation>
7204 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
7205 </xs:documentation>
7206 </xs:annotation>
7207 <xs:complexType>
7208 <xs:sequence>
7209 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7210 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7211 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
7212 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
7213 </xs:choice>
7214 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7215 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7216 <xs:element name="newparam" type="glsl_newparam"/>
7217 <xs:element name="setparam" type="glsl_setparam"/>
7218 </xs:choice>
7219 <xs:element name="pass" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7220 <xs:annotation>
7221 <xs:documentation>
7222 A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline.
7223 </xs:documentation>
7224 </xs:annotation>
7225 <xs:complexType>
7226 <xs:sequence>
7227 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7228 <xs:element name="color_target" type="fx_colortarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7229 <xs:element name="depth_target" type="fx_depthtarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7230 <xs:element name="stencil_target" type="fx_stenciltarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7231 <xs:element name="color_clear" type="fx_clearcolor_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7232 <xs:element name="depth_clear" type="fx_cleardepth_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7233 <xs:element name="stencil_clear" type="fx_clearstencil_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7234 <xs:element name="draw" type="fx_draw_common" minOccurs="0"/>
7235 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
7236 <xs:group ref="gl_pipeline_settings"/>
7237 <xs:element name="shader">
7238 <xs:annotation>
7239 <xs:documentation>
7240 Declare and prepare a shader for execution in the rendering pipeline of a pass.
7241 </xs:documentation>
7242 </xs:annotation>
7243 <xs:complexType>
7244 <xs:sequence>
7245 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7246 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
7247 <xs:element name="compiler_target">
7248 <xs:annotation>
7249 <xs:documentation>
7250 A string declaring which profile or platform the compiler is targeting this shader for.
7251 </xs:documentation>
7252 </xs:annotation>
7253 <xs:complexType>
7254 <xs:simpleContent>
7255 <xs:extension base="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
7256 </xs:simpleContent>
7257 </xs:complexType>
7258 </xs:element>
7259 <xs:element name="compiler_options" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
7260 <xs:annotation>
7261 <xs:documentation>
7262 A string containing command-line operations for the shader compiler.
7263 </xs:documentation>
7264 </xs:annotation>
7265 </xs:element>
7266 </xs:sequence>
7267 <xs:element name="name">
7268 <xs:annotation>
7269 <xs:documentation>
7270 The entry symbol for the shader function.
7271 </xs:documentation>
7272 </xs:annotation>
7273 <xs:complexType>
7274 <xs:simpleContent>
7275 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
7276 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
7277 </xs:extension>
7278 </xs:simpleContent>
7279 </xs:complexType>
7280 </xs:element>
7281 <xs:element name="bind" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7282 <xs:annotation>
7283 <xs:documentation>
7284 Binds values to uniform inputs of a shader.
7285 </xs:documentation>
7286 </xs:annotation>
7287 <xs:complexType>
7288 <xs:choice>
7289 <xs:group ref="glsl_param_type"/>
7290 <xs:element name="param">
7291 <xs:complexType>
7292 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
7293 </xs:complexType>
7294 </xs:element>
7295 </xs:choice>
7296 <xs:attribute name="symbol" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7297 <xs:annotation>
7298 <xs:documentation>
7299 The identifier for a uniform input parameter to the shader (a formal function parameter or in-scope
7300 global) that will be bound to an external resource.
7301 </xs:documentation>
7302 </xs:annotation>
7303 </xs:attribute>
7304 </xs:complexType>
7305 </xs:element>
7306 </xs:sequence>
7307 <xs:attribute name="stage" type="glsl_pipeline_stage">
7308 <xs:annotation>
7309 <xs:documentation>
7310 In which pipeline stage this programmable shader is designed to execute, for example, VERTEX, FRAGMENT, etc.
7311 </xs:documentation>
7312 </xs:annotation>
7313 </xs:attribute>
7314 </xs:complexType>
7315 </xs:element>
7316 </xs:choice>
7317 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7318 </xs:sequence>
7319 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
7320 <xs:annotation>
7321 <xs:documentation>
7322 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7323 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7324 </xs:documentation>
7325 </xs:annotation>
7326 </xs:attribute>
7327 </xs:complexType>
7328 </xs:element>
7329 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7330 </xs:sequence>
7331 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
7332 <xs:annotation>
7333 <xs:documentation>
7334 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7335 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7336 </xs:documentation>
7337 </xs:annotation>
7338 </xs:attribute>
7339 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7340 <xs:annotation>
7341 <xs:documentation>
7342 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7343 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7344 </xs:documentation>
7345 </xs:annotation>
7346 </xs:attribute>
7347 </xs:complexType>
7348 </xs:element>
7349 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7350 </xs:sequence>
7351 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
7352 <xs:annotation>
7353 <xs:documentation>
7354 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7355 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7356 </xs:documentation>
7357 </xs:annotation>
7358 </xs:attribute>
7359 </xs:complexType>
7360 </xs:element>
7361 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7362 <!-- COLLADA FX common profile -->
7363 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7364 <xs:complexType name="common_float_or_param_type">
7365 <xs:choice>
7366 <xs:element name="float">
7367 <xs:complexType>
7368 <xs:simpleContent>
7369 <xs:extension base="float">
7370 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName"/>
7371 </xs:extension>
7372 </xs:simpleContent>
7373 </xs:complexType>
7374 </xs:element>
7375 <xs:element name="param">
7376 <xs:complexType>
7377 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7378 </xs:complexType>
7379 </xs:element>
7380 </xs:choice>
7381 </xs:complexType>
7382 <xs:complexType name="common_color_or_texture_type">
7383 <xs:choice>
7384 <xs:element name="color">
7385 <xs:complexType>
7386 <xs:simpleContent>
7387 <xs:extension base="fx_color_common">
7388 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName"/>
7389 </xs:extension>
7390 </xs:simpleContent>
7391 </xs:complexType>
7392 </xs:element>
7393 <xs:element name="param">
7394 <xs:complexType>
7395 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7396 </xs:complexType>
7397 </xs:element>
7398 <xs:element name="texture">
7399 <xs:complexType>
7400 <xs:sequence>
7401 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0"/>
7402 </xs:sequence>
7403 <xs:attribute name="texture" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7404 <xs:attribute name="texcoord" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
7405 </xs:complexType>
7406 </xs:element>
7407 </xs:choice>
7408 </xs:complexType>
7409 <xs:complexType name="common_transparent_type">
7410 <xs:complexContent>
7411 <xs:extension base="common_color_or_texture_type">
7412 <xs:attribute name="opaque" type="fx_opaque_enum" default="A_ONE"/>
7413 </xs:extension>
7414 </xs:complexContent>
7415 </xs:complexType>
7416 <xs:complexType name="common_newparam_type">
7417 <xs:sequence>
7418 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
7419 <xs:choice>
7420 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
7421 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
7422 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
7423 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
7424 <xs:element name="surface" type="fx_surface_common"/>
7425 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
7426 </xs:choice>
7427 </xs:sequence>
7428 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7429 <xs:annotation>
7430 <xs:documentation>
7431 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7432 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7433 </xs:documentation>
7434 </xs:annotation>
7435 </xs:attribute>
7436 </xs:complexType>
7437 <xs:element name="profile_COMMON" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
7438 <xs:annotation>
7439 <xs:documentation>
7440 Opens a block of COMMON platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
7441 </xs:documentation>
7442 </xs:annotation>
7443 <xs:complexType>
7444 <xs:sequence>
7445 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
7446 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7447 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7448 <xs:element name="newparam" type="common_newparam_type"/>
7449 </xs:choice>
7450 <xs:element name="technique">
7451 <xs:annotation>
7452 <xs:documentation>
7453 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
7454 </xs:documentation>
7455 </xs:annotation>
7456 <xs:complexType>
7457 <xs:sequence>
7458 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
7459 <xs:annotation>
7460 <xs:documentation>
7461 The technique element may contain an asset element.
7462 </xs:documentation>
7463 </xs:annotation>
7464 </xs:element>
7465 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7466 <xs:element ref="image"/>
7467 <xs:element name="newparam" type="common_newparam_type"/>
7468 </xs:choice>
7469 <xs:choice>
7470 <xs:element name="constant">
7471 <xs:complexType>
7472 <xs:sequence>
7473 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7474 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7475 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7476 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7477 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7478 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7479 </xs:sequence>
7480 </xs:complexType>
7481 </xs:element>
7482 <xs:element name="lambert">
7483 <xs:complexType>
7484 <xs:sequence>
7485 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7486 <xs:element name="ambient" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7487 <xs:element name="diffuse" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7488 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7489 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7490 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7491 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7492 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7493 </xs:sequence>
7494 </xs:complexType>
7495 </xs:element>
7496 <xs:element name="phong">
7497 <xs:complexType>
7498 <xs:sequence>
7499 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7500 <xs:element name="ambient" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7501 <xs:element name="diffuse" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7502 <xs:element name="specular" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7503 <xs:element name="shininess" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7504 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7505 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7506 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7507 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7508 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7509 </xs:sequence>
7510 </xs:complexType>
7511 </xs:element>
7512 <xs:element name="blinn">
7513 <xs:complexType>
7514 <xs:sequence>
7515 <xs:element name="emission" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7516 <xs:element name="ambient" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7517 <xs:element name="diffuse" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7518 <xs:element name="specular" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7519 <xs:element name="shininess" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7520 <xs:element name="reflective" type="common_color_or_texture_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7521 <xs:element name="reflectivity" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7522 <xs:element name="transparent" type="common_transparent_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7523 <xs:element name="transparency" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7524 <xs:element name="index_of_refraction" type="common_float_or_param_type" minOccurs="0"/>
7525 </xs:sequence>
7526 </xs:complexType>
7527 </xs:element>
7528 </xs:choice>
7529 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7530 <xs:annotation>
7531 <xs:documentation>
7532 The extra element may appear any number of times.
7533 </xs:documentation>
7534 </xs:annotation>
7535 </xs:element>
7536 </xs:sequence>
7537 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
7538 <xs:annotation>
7539 <xs:documentation>
7540 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7541 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7542 </xs:documentation>
7543 </xs:annotation>
7544 </xs:attribute>
7545 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
7546 <xs:annotation>
7547 <xs:documentation>
7548 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
7549 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
7550 </xs:documentation>
7551 </xs:annotation>
7552 </xs:attribute>
7553 </xs:complexType>
7554 </xs:element>
7555 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7556 <xs:annotation>
7557 <xs:documentation>
7558 The extra element may appear any number of times.
7559 </xs:documentation>
7560 </xs:annotation>
7561 </xs:element>
7562 </xs:sequence>
7563 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
7564 <xs:annotation>
7565 <xs:documentation>
7566 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
7567 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
7568 </xs:documentation>
7569 </xs:annotation>
7570 </xs:attribute>
7571 </xs:complexType>
7572 </xs:element>
7573 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7574 <!-- COLLADA FX Cg elements -->
7575 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
7576 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool">
7577 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
7578 </xs:simpleType>
7579 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float">
7580 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7581 </xs:simpleType>
7582 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int">
7583 <xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>
7584 </xs:simpleType>
7585 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half">
7586 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7587 </xs:simpleType>
7588 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed">
7589 <xs:restriction base="xs:float">
7590 <xs:minInclusive value="-2.0"/>
7591 <xs:maxInclusive value="2.0"/>
7592 <!-- as defined for fp30 profile -->
7593 </xs:restriction>
7594 </xs:simpleType>
7595 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1">
7596 <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
7597 </xs:simpleType>
7598 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1">
7599 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7600 </xs:simpleType>
7601 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1">
7602 <xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>
7603 </xs:simpleType>
7604 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1">
7605 <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/>
7606 </xs:simpleType>
7607 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1">
7608 <xs:restriction base="xs:float">
7609 <xs:minInclusive value="-2.0"/>
7610 <xs:maxInclusive value="2.0"/>
7611 <!-- as defined for fp30 profile -->
7612 </xs:restriction>
7613 </xs:simpleType>
7614 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfBool">
7615 <xs:list itemType="cg_bool"/>
7616 </xs:simpleType>
7617 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfFloat">
7618 <xs:list itemType="cg_float"/>
7619 </xs:simpleType>
7620 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfInt">
7621 <xs:list itemType="cg_int"/>
7622 </xs:simpleType>
7623 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfHalf">
7624 <xs:list itemType="cg_half"/>
7625 </xs:simpleType>
7626 <xs:simpleType name="cg_ListOfFixed">
7627 <xs:list itemType="cg_fixed"/>
7628 </xs:simpleType>
7629 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2">
7630 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7631 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7632 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7633 </xs:restriction>
7634 </xs:simpleType>
7635 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3">
7636 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7637 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7638 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7639 </xs:restriction>
7640 </xs:simpleType>
7641 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4">
7642 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7643 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7644 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7645 </xs:restriction>
7646 </xs:simpleType>
7647 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x1">
7648 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7649 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7650 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7651 </xs:restriction>
7652 </xs:simpleType>
7653 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x2">
7654 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7655 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7656 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7657 </xs:restriction>
7658 </xs:simpleType>
7659 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x3">
7660 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7661 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7662 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7663 </xs:restriction>
7664 </xs:simpleType>
7665 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool1x4">
7666 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7667 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7668 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7669 </xs:restriction>
7670 </xs:simpleType>
7671 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x1">
7672 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7673 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7674 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7675 </xs:restriction>
7676 </xs:simpleType>
7677 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x2">
7678 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7679 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7680 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7681 </xs:restriction>
7682 </xs:simpleType>
7683 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x3">
7684 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7685 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7686 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7687 </xs:restriction>
7688 </xs:simpleType>
7689 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool2x4">
7690 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7691 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7692 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7693 </xs:restriction>
7694 </xs:simpleType>
7695 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x1">
7696 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7697 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7698 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7699 </xs:restriction>
7700 </xs:simpleType>
7701 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x2">
7702 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7703 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7704 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7705 </xs:restriction>
7706 </xs:simpleType>
7707 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x3">
7708 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7709 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
7710 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
7711 </xs:restriction>
7712 </xs:simpleType>
7713 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool3x4">
7714 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7715 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7716 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7717 </xs:restriction>
7718 </xs:simpleType>
7719 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x1">
7720 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7721 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7722 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7723 </xs:restriction>
7724 </xs:simpleType>
7725 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x2">
7726 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7727 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7728 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7729 </xs:restriction>
7730 </xs:simpleType>
7731 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x3">
7732 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7733 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7734 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7735 </xs:restriction>
7736 </xs:simpleType>
7737 <xs:simpleType name="cg_bool4x4">
7738 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfBool">
7739 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
7740 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
7741 </xs:restriction>
7742 </xs:simpleType>
7743 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2">
7744 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7745 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7746 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7747 </xs:restriction>
7748 </xs:simpleType>
7749 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3">
7750 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7751 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7752 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7753 </xs:restriction>
7754 </xs:simpleType>
7755 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4">
7756 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7757 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7758 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7759 </xs:restriction>
7760 </xs:simpleType>
7761 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x1">
7762 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7763 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7764 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7765 </xs:restriction>
7766 </xs:simpleType>
7767 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x2">
7768 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7769 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7770 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7771 </xs:restriction>
7772 </xs:simpleType>
7773 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x3">
7774 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7775 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7776 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7777 </xs:restriction>
7778 </xs:simpleType>
7779 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float1x4">
7780 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7781 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7782 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7783 </xs:restriction>
7784 </xs:simpleType>
7785 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x1">
7786 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7787 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7788 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7789 </xs:restriction>
7790 </xs:simpleType>
7791 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x2">
7792 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7793 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7794 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7795 </xs:restriction>
7796 </xs:simpleType>
7797 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x3">
7798 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7799 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7800 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7801 </xs:restriction>
7802 </xs:simpleType>
7803 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float2x4">
7804 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7805 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7806 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7807 </xs:restriction>
7808 </xs:simpleType>
7809 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x1">
7810 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7811 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7812 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7813 </xs:restriction>
7814 </xs:simpleType>
7815 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x2">
7816 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7817 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7818 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7819 </xs:restriction>
7820 </xs:simpleType>
7821 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x3">
7822 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7823 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
7824 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
7825 </xs:restriction>
7826 </xs:simpleType>
7827 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float3x4">
7828 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7829 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7830 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7831 </xs:restriction>
7832 </xs:simpleType>
7833 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x1">
7834 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7835 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7836 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7837 </xs:restriction>
7838 </xs:simpleType>
7839 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x2">
7840 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7841 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7842 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7843 </xs:restriction>
7844 </xs:simpleType>
7845 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x3">
7846 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7847 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7848 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7849 </xs:restriction>
7850 </xs:simpleType>
7851 <xs:simpleType name="cg_float4x4">
7852 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFloat">
7853 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
7854 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
7855 </xs:restriction>
7856 </xs:simpleType>
7857 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2">
7858 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7859 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7860 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7861 </xs:restriction>
7862 </xs:simpleType>
7863 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3">
7864 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7865 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7866 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7867 </xs:restriction>
7868 </xs:simpleType>
7869 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4">
7870 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7871 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7872 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7873 </xs:restriction>
7874 </xs:simpleType>
7875 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x1">
7876 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7877 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7878 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7879 </xs:restriction>
7880 </xs:simpleType>
7881 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x2">
7882 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7883 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7884 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7885 </xs:restriction>
7886 </xs:simpleType>
7887 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x3">
7888 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7889 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7890 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7891 </xs:restriction>
7892 </xs:simpleType>
7893 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int1x4">
7894 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7895 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7896 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7897 </xs:restriction>
7898 </xs:simpleType>
7899 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x1">
7900 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7901 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7902 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7903 </xs:restriction>
7904 </xs:simpleType>
7905 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x2">
7906 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7907 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7908 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7909 </xs:restriction>
7910 </xs:simpleType>
7911 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x3">
7912 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7913 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7914 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7915 </xs:restriction>
7916 </xs:simpleType>
7917 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int2x4">
7918 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7919 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7920 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7921 </xs:restriction>
7922 </xs:simpleType>
7923 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x1">
7924 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7925 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7926 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7927 </xs:restriction>
7928 </xs:simpleType>
7929 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x2">
7930 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7931 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
7932 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
7933 </xs:restriction>
7934 </xs:simpleType>
7935 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x3">
7936 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7937 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
7938 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
7939 </xs:restriction>
7940 </xs:simpleType>
7941 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int3x4">
7942 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7943 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7944 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7945 </xs:restriction>
7946 </xs:simpleType>
7947 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x1">
7948 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7949 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7950 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7951 </xs:restriction>
7952 </xs:simpleType>
7953 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x2">
7954 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7955 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
7956 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
7957 </xs:restriction>
7958 </xs:simpleType>
7959 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x3">
7960 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7961 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
7962 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
7963 </xs:restriction>
7964 </xs:simpleType>
7965 <xs:simpleType name="cg_int4x4">
7966 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfInt">
7967 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
7968 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
7969 </xs:restriction>
7970 </xs:simpleType>
7971 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2">
7972 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7973 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7974 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7975 </xs:restriction>
7976 </xs:simpleType>
7977 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3">
7978 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7979 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
7980 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
7981 </xs:restriction>
7982 </xs:simpleType>
7983 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4">
7984 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7985 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
7986 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
7987 </xs:restriction>
7988 </xs:simpleType>
7989 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x1">
7990 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7991 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
7992 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
7993 </xs:restriction>
7994 </xs:simpleType>
7995 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x2">
7996 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
7997 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
7998 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
7999 </xs:restriction>
8000 </xs:simpleType>
8001 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x3">
8002 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8003 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8004 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8005 </xs:restriction>
8006 </xs:simpleType>
8007 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half1x4">
8008 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8009 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8010 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8011 </xs:restriction>
8012 </xs:simpleType>
8013 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x1">
8014 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8015 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
8016 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
8017 </xs:restriction>
8018 </xs:simpleType>
8019 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x2">
8020 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8021 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8022 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8023 </xs:restriction>
8024 </xs:simpleType>
8025 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x3">
8026 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8027 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8028 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8029 </xs:restriction>
8030 </xs:simpleType>
8031 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half2x4">
8032 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8033 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8034 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8035 </xs:restriction>
8036 </xs:simpleType>
8037 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x1">
8038 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8039 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8040 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8041 </xs:restriction>
8042 </xs:simpleType>
8043 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x2">
8044 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8045 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8046 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8047 </xs:restriction>
8048 </xs:simpleType>
8049 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x3">
8050 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8051 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
8052 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
8053 </xs:restriction>
8054 </xs:simpleType>
8055 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half3x4">
8056 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8057 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8058 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8059 </xs:restriction>
8060 </xs:simpleType>
8061 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x1">
8062 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8063 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8064 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8065 </xs:restriction>
8066 </xs:simpleType>
8067 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x2">
8068 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8069 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8070 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8071 </xs:restriction>
8072 </xs:simpleType>
8073 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x3">
8074 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8075 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8076 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8077 </xs:restriction>
8078 </xs:simpleType>
8079 <xs:simpleType name="cg_half4x4">
8080 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfHalf">
8081 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
8082 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
8083 </xs:restriction>
8084 </xs:simpleType>
8085 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2">
8086 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8087 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
8088 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
8089 </xs:restriction>
8090 </xs:simpleType>
8091 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3">
8092 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8093 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8094 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8095 </xs:restriction>
8096 </xs:simpleType>
8097 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4">
8098 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8099 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8100 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8101 </xs:restriction>
8102 </xs:simpleType>
8103 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x1">
8104 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8105 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
8106 <xs:maxLength value="1"/>
8107 </xs:restriction>
8108 </xs:simpleType>
8109 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x2">
8110 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8111 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
8112 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
8113 </xs:restriction>
8114 </xs:simpleType>
8115 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x3">
8116 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8117 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8118 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8119 </xs:restriction>
8120 </xs:simpleType>
8121 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed1x4">
8122 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8123 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8124 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8125 </xs:restriction>
8126 </xs:simpleType>
8127 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x1">
8128 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8129 <xs:minLength value="2"/>
8130 <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
8131 </xs:restriction>
8132 </xs:simpleType>
8133 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x2">
8134 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8135 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8136 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8137 </xs:restriction>
8138 </xs:simpleType>
8139 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x3">
8140 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8141 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8142 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8143 </xs:restriction>
8144 </xs:simpleType>
8145 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed2x4">
8146 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8147 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8148 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8149 </xs:restriction>
8150 </xs:simpleType>
8151 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x1">
8152 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8153 <xs:minLength value="3"/>
8154 <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
8155 </xs:restriction>
8156 </xs:simpleType>
8157 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x2">
8158 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8159 <xs:minLength value="6"/>
8160 <xs:maxLength value="6"/>
8161 </xs:restriction>
8162 </xs:simpleType>
8163 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x3">
8164 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8165 <xs:minLength value="9"/>
8166 <xs:maxLength value="9"/>
8167 </xs:restriction>
8168 </xs:simpleType>
8169 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed3x4">
8170 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8171 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8172 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8173 </xs:restriction>
8174 </xs:simpleType>
8175 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x1">
8176 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8177 <xs:minLength value="4"/>
8178 <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
8179 </xs:restriction>
8180 </xs:simpleType>
8181 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x2">
8182 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8183 <xs:minLength value="8"/>
8184 <xs:maxLength value="8"/>
8185 </xs:restriction>
8186 </xs:simpleType>
8187 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x3">
8188 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8189 <xs:minLength value="12"/>
8190 <xs:maxLength value="12"/>
8191 </xs:restriction>
8192 </xs:simpleType>
8193 <xs:simpleType name="cg_fixed4x4">
8194 <xs:restriction base="cg_ListOfFixed">
8195 <xs:minLength value="16"/>
8196 <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
8197 </xs:restriction>
8198 </xs:simpleType>
8199 <xs:complexType name="cg_sampler1D">
8200 <xs:complexContent>
8201 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler1D_common"/>
8202 </xs:complexContent>
8203 </xs:complexType>
8204 <xs:complexType name="cg_sampler2D">
8205 <xs:complexContent>
8206 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler2D_common"/>
8207 </xs:complexContent>
8208 </xs:complexType>
8209 <xs:complexType name="cg_sampler3D">
8210 <xs:complexContent>
8211 <xs:extension base="fx_sampler3D_common"/>
8212 </xs:complexContent>
8213 </xs:complexType>
8214 <xs:complexType name="cg_samplerCUBE">
8215 <xs:complexContent>
8216 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerCUBE_common"/>
8217 </xs:complexContent>
8218 </xs:complexType>
8219 <xs:complexType name="cg_samplerRECT">
8220 <xs:complexContent>
8221 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerRECT_common"/>
8222 </xs:complexContent>
8223 </xs:complexType>
8224 <xs:complexType name="cg_samplerDEPTH">
8225 <xs:complexContent>
8226 <xs:extension base="fx_samplerDEPTH_common"/>
8227 </xs:complexContent>
8228 </xs:complexType>
8229 <xs:simpleType name="cg_pipeline_stage">
8230 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
8231 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEX"/>
8232 <xs:enumeration value="FRAGMENT"/>
8233 </xs:restriction>
8234 </xs:simpleType>
8235 <xs:simpleType name="cg_identifier">
8236 <xs:restriction base="xs:token"/>
8237 <!-- type used to represent identifiers in Cg, e.g. "myLight.bitmap[2].width" -->
8238 </xs:simpleType>
8239 <xs:complexType name="cg_connect_param">
8240 <xs:annotation>
8241 <xs:documentation>
8242 Creates a symbolic connection between two previously defined parameters.
8243 </xs:documentation>
8244 </xs:annotation>
8245 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8246 </xs:complexType>
8247 <xs:complexType name="cg_newarray_type">
8248 <xs:annotation>
8249 <xs:documentation>
8250 Creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
8251 </xs:documentation>
8252 </xs:annotation>
8253 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8254 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8255 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_newarray_type">
8256 <xs:annotation>
8257 <xs:documentation>
8258 Nested array elements allow you to create multidemensional arrays.
8259 </xs:documentation>
8260 </xs:annotation>
8261 </xs:element>
8262 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type">
8263 <xs:annotation>
8264 <xs:documentation>
8265 The usertype element allows you to create arrays of usertypes.
8266 </xs:documentation>
8267 </xs:annotation>
8268 </xs:element>
8269 <xs:element name="connect_param" type="cg_connect_param"/>
8270 </xs:choice>
8271 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required">
8272 <xs:annotation>
8273 <xs:documentation>
8274 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
8275 </xs:documentation>
8276 </xs:annotation>
8277 </xs:attribute>
8278 </xs:complexType>
8279 <xs:complexType name="cg_setarray_type">
8280 <xs:annotation>
8281 <xs:documentation>
8282 Creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type.
8283 </xs:documentation>
8284 </xs:annotation>
8285 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8286 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8287 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_setarray_type">
8288 <xs:annotation>
8289 <xs:documentation>
8290 Nested array elements allow you to create multidemensional arrays.
8291 </xs:documentation>
8292 </xs:annotation>
8293 </xs:element>
8294 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type">
8295 <xs:annotation>
8296 <xs:documentation>
8297 The usertype element allows you to create arrays of usertypes.
8298 </xs:documentation>
8299 </xs:annotation>
8300 </xs:element>
8301 </xs:choice>
8302 <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="optional">
8303 <xs:annotation>
8304 <xs:documentation>
8305 The length attribute specifies the length of the array.
8306 </xs:documentation>
8307 </xs:annotation>
8308 </xs:attribute>
8309 </xs:complexType>
8310 <xs:complexType name="cg_setuser_type">
8311 <xs:annotation>
8312 <xs:documentation>
8313 Creates an instance of a structured class.
8314 </xs:documentation>
8315 </xs:annotation>
8316 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
8317 <xs:annotation>
8318 <xs:documentation>Some usertypes do not have data. They may be used only to implement interface functions.</xs:documentation>
8319 </xs:annotation>
8320 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
8321 <xs:annotation>
8322 <xs:documentation>Use a combination of these to initialize the usertype in an order-dependent manner.</xs:documentation>
8323 </xs:annotation>
8324 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8325 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_setarray_type"/>
8326 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type"/>
8327 <xs:element name="connect_param" type="cg_connect_param"/>
8328 </xs:choice>
8329 <xs:element name="setparam" type="cg_setparam" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8330 <xs:annotation>
8331 <xs:documentation>Use a series of these to set the members by name. The ref attribute will be relative to the usertype you are in right now.</xs:documentation>
8332 </xs:annotation>
8333 </xs:element>
8334 </xs:choice>
8335 <xs:attribute name="name" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8336 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
8337 <xs:annotation>
8338 <xs:documentation>
8339 Reference a code or include element which defines the usertype
8340 </xs:documentation>
8341 </xs:annotation>
8342 </xs:attribute>
8343 </xs:complexType>
8344 <xs:complexType name="cg_surface_type">
8345 <xs:annotation>
8346 <xs:documentation>
8347 Declares a resource that can be used both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering pass.
8348 </xs:documentation>
8349 </xs:annotation>
8350 <xs:complexContent>
8351 <xs:extension base="fx_surface_common">
8352 <xs:sequence>
8353 <xs:element name="generator" minOccurs="0">
8354 <xs:annotation>
8355 <xs:documentation>
8356 A procedural surface generator for the cg profile.
8357 </xs:documentation>
8358 </xs:annotation>
8359 <xs:complexType>
8360 <xs:sequence>
8361 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8362 <xs:annotation>
8363 <xs:documentation>
8364 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this generator.
8365 </xs:documentation>
8366 </xs:annotation>
8367 </xs:element>
8368 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
8369 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile">
8370 <xs:annotation>
8371 <xs:documentation>
8372 The code element allows you to embed cg sourcecode for the surface generator.
8373 </xs:documentation>
8374 </xs:annotation>
8375 </xs:element>
8376 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common">
8377 <xs:annotation>
8378 <xs:documentation>
8379 The include element imports cg source code or precompiled binary shaders into the FX Runtime by referencing an external resource.
8380 </xs:documentation>
8381 </xs:annotation>
8382 </xs:element>
8383 </xs:choice>
8384 <xs:element name="name">
8385 <xs:annotation>
8386 <xs:documentation>
8387 The entry symbol for the shader function.
8388 </xs:documentation>
8389 </xs:annotation>
8390 <xs:complexType>
8391 <xs:simpleContent>
8392 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
8393 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8394 </xs:extension>
8395 </xs:simpleContent>
8396 </xs:complexType>
8397 </xs:element>
8398 <xs:element name="setparam" type="cg_setparam_simple" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8399 <xs:annotation>
8400 <xs:documentation>
8401 Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter.
8402 </xs:documentation>
8403 </xs:annotation>
8404 </xs:element>
8405 </xs:sequence>
8406 </xs:complexType>
8407 </xs:element>
8408 </xs:sequence>
8409 </xs:extension>
8410 </xs:complexContent>
8411 </xs:complexType>
8412 <xs:group name="cg_param_type">
8413 <xs:annotation>
8414 <xs:documentation>
8415 A group that specifies the allowable types for CG profile parameters.
8416 </xs:documentation>
8417 </xs:annotation>
8418 <xs:choice>
8419 <xs:element name="bool" type="cg_bool"/>
8420 <xs:element name="bool1" type="cg_bool1"/>
8421 <xs:element name="bool2" type="cg_bool2"/>
8422 <xs:element name="bool3" type="cg_bool3"/>
8423 <xs:element name="bool4" type="cg_bool4"/>
8424 <xs:element name="bool1x1" type="cg_bool1x1"/>
8425 <xs:element name="bool1x2" type="cg_bool1x2"/>
8426 <xs:element name="bool1x3" type="cg_bool1x3"/>
8427 <xs:element name="bool1x4" type="cg_bool1x4"/>
8428 <xs:element name="bool2x1" type="cg_bool2x1"/>
8429 <xs:element name="bool2x2" type="cg_bool2x2"/>
8430 <xs:element name="bool2x3" type="cg_bool2x3"/>
8431 <xs:element name="bool2x4" type="cg_bool2x4"/>
8432 <xs:element name="bool3x1" type="cg_bool3x1"/>
8433 <xs:element name="bool3x2" type="cg_bool3x2"/>
8434 <xs:element name="bool3x3" type="cg_bool3x3"/>
8435 <xs:element name="bool3x4" type="cg_bool3x4"/>
8436 <xs:element name="bool4x1" type="cg_bool4x1"/>
8437 <xs:element name="bool4x2" type="cg_bool4x2"/>
8438 <xs:element name="bool4x3" type="cg_bool4x3"/>
8439 <xs:element name="bool4x4" type="cg_bool4x4"/>
8440 <xs:element name="float" type="cg_float"/>
8441 <xs:element name="float1" type="cg_float1"/>
8442 <xs:element name="float2" type="cg_float2"/>
8443 <xs:element name="float3" type="cg_float3"/>
8444 <xs:element name="float4" type="cg_float4"/>
8445 <xs:element name="float1x1" type="cg_float1x1"/>
8446 <xs:element name="float1x2" type="cg_float1x2"/>
8447 <xs:element name="float1x3" type="cg_float1x3"/>
8448 <xs:element name="float1x4" type="cg_float1x4"/>
8449 <xs:element name="float2x1" type="cg_float2x1"/>
8450 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="cg_float2x2"/>
8451 <xs:element name="float2x3" type="cg_float2x3"/>
8452 <xs:element name="float2x4" type="cg_float2x4"/>
8453 <xs:element name="float3x1" type="cg_float3x1"/>
8454 <xs:element name="float3x2" type="cg_float3x2"/>
8455 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="cg_float3x3"/>
8456 <xs:element name="float3x4" type="cg_float3x4"/>
8457 <xs:element name="float4x1" type="cg_float4x1"/>
8458 <xs:element name="float4x2" type="cg_float4x2"/>
8459 <xs:element name="float4x3" type="cg_float4x3"/>
8460 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="cg_float4x4"/>
8461 <xs:element name="int" type="cg_int"/>
8462 <xs:element name="int1" type="cg_int1"/>
8463 <xs:element name="int2" type="cg_int2"/>
8464 <xs:element name="int3" type="cg_int3"/>
8465 <xs:element name="int4" type="cg_int4"/>
8466 <xs:element name="int1x1" type="cg_int1x1"/>
8467 <xs:element name="int1x2" type="cg_int1x2"/>
8468 <xs:element name="int1x3" type="cg_int1x3"/>
8469 <xs:element name="int1x4" type="cg_int1x4"/>
8470 <xs:element name="int2x1" type="cg_int2x1"/>
8471 <xs:element name="int2x2" type="cg_int2x2"/>
8472 <xs:element name="int2x3" type="cg_int2x3"/>
8473 <xs:element name="int2x4" type="cg_int2x4"/>
8474 <xs:element name="int3x1" type="cg_int3x1"/>
8475 <xs:element name="int3x2" type="cg_int3x2"/>
8476 <xs:element name="int3x3" type="cg_int3x3"/>
8477 <xs:element name="int3x4" type="cg_int3x4"/>
8478 <xs:element name="int4x1" type="cg_int4x1"/>
8479 <xs:element name="int4x2" type="cg_int4x2"/>
8480 <xs:element name="int4x3" type="cg_int4x3"/>
8481 <xs:element name="int4x4" type="cg_int4x4"/>
8482 <xs:element name="half" type="cg_half"/>
8483 <xs:element name="half1" type="cg_half1"/>
8484 <xs:element name="half2" type="cg_half2"/>
8485 <xs:element name="half3" type="cg_half3"/>
8486 <xs:element name="half4" type="cg_half4"/>
8487 <xs:element name="half1x1" type="cg_half1x1"/>
8488 <xs:element name="half1x2" type="cg_half1x2"/>
8489 <xs:element name="half1x3" type="cg_half1x3"/>
8490 <xs:element name="half1x4" type="cg_half1x4"/>
8491 <xs:element name="half2x1" type="cg_half2x1"/>
8492 <xs:element name="half2x2" type="cg_half2x2"/>
8493 <xs:element name="half2x3" type="cg_half2x3"/>
8494 <xs:element name="half2x4" type="cg_half2x4"/>
8495 <xs:element name="half3x1" type="cg_half3x1"/>
8496 <xs:element name="half3x2" type="cg_half3x2"/>
8497 <xs:element name="half3x3" type="cg_half3x3"/>
8498 <xs:element name="half3x4" type="cg_half3x4"/>
8499 <xs:element name="half4x1" type="cg_half4x1"/>
8500 <xs:element name="half4x2" type="cg_half4x2"/>
8501 <xs:element name="half4x3" type="cg_half4x3"/>
8502 <xs:element name="half4x4" type="cg_half4x4"/>
8503 <xs:element name="fixed" type="cg_fixed"/>
8504 <xs:element name="fixed1" type="cg_fixed1"/>
8505 <xs:element name="fixed2" type="cg_fixed2"/>
8506 <xs:element name="fixed3" type="cg_fixed3"/>
8507 <xs:element name="fixed4" type="cg_fixed4"/>
8508 <xs:element name="fixed1x1" type="cg_fixed1x1"/>
8509 <xs:element name="fixed1x2" type="cg_fixed1x2"/>
8510 <xs:element name="fixed1x3" type="cg_fixed1x3"/>
8511 <xs:element name="fixed1x4" type="cg_fixed1x4"/>
8512 <xs:element name="fixed2x1" type="cg_fixed2x1"/>
8513 <xs:element name="fixed2x2" type="cg_fixed2x2"/>
8514 <xs:element name="fixed2x3" type="cg_fixed2x3"/>
8515 <xs:element name="fixed2x4" type="cg_fixed2x4"/>
8516 <xs:element name="fixed3x1" type="cg_fixed3x1"/>
8517 <xs:element name="fixed3x2" type="cg_fixed3x2"/>
8518 <xs:element name="fixed3x3" type="cg_fixed3x3"/>
8519 <xs:element name="fixed3x4" type="cg_fixed3x4"/>
8520 <xs:element name="fixed4x1" type="cg_fixed4x1"/>
8521 <xs:element name="fixed4x2" type="cg_fixed4x2"/>
8522 <xs:element name="fixed4x3" type="cg_fixed4x3"/>
8523 <xs:element name="fixed4x4" type="cg_fixed4x4"/>
8524 <xs:element name="surface" type="cg_surface_type"/>
8525 <xs:element name="sampler1D" type="cg_sampler1D"/>
8526 <xs:element name="sampler2D" type="cg_sampler2D"/>
8527 <xs:element name="sampler3D" type="cg_sampler3D"/>
8528 <xs:element name="samplerRECT" type="cg_samplerRECT"/>
8529 <xs:element name="samplerCUBE" type="cg_samplerCUBE"/>
8530 <xs:element name="samplerDEPTH" type="cg_samplerDEPTH"/>
8531 <xs:element name="string" type="xs:string"/>
8532 <xs:element name="enum" type="gl_enumeration"/>
8533 </xs:choice>
8534 </xs:group>
8535 <xs:complexType name="cg_newparam">
8536 <xs:annotation>
8537 <xs:documentation>
8538 Create a new, named param object in the CG Runtime, assign it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time.
8539 </xs:documentation>
8540 </xs:annotation>
8541 <xs:sequence>
8542 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8543 <xs:annotation>
8544 <xs:documentation>
8545 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param.
8546 </xs:documentation>
8547 </xs:annotation>
8548 </xs:element>
8549 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0">
8550 <xs:annotation>
8551 <xs:documentation>
8552 The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param.
8553 </xs:documentation>
8554 </xs:annotation>
8555 </xs:element>
8556 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0">
8557 <xs:annotation>
8558 <xs:documentation>
8559 The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param.
8560 </xs:documentation>
8561 </xs:annotation>
8562 </xs:element>
8563 <xs:choice>
8564 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8565 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type"/>
8566 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_newarray_type"/>
8567 </xs:choice>
8568 </xs:sequence>
8569 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8570 </xs:complexType>
8571 <xs:complexType name="cg_setparam_simple">
8572 <xs:sequence>
8573 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8574 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8575 </xs:sequence>
8576 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8577 </xs:complexType>
8578 <xs:complexType name="cg_setparam">
8579 <xs:annotation>
8580 <xs:documentation>
8581 Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter.
8582 </xs:documentation>
8583 </xs:annotation>
8584 <xs:choice>
8585 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8586 <xs:element name="usertype" type="cg_setuser_type"/>
8587 <xs:element name="array" type="cg_setarray_type"/>
8588 <xs:element name="connect_param" type="cg_connect_param"/>
8589 </xs:choice>
8590 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="cg_identifier" use="required"/>
8591 <xs:attribute name="program" type="xs:NCName"/>
8592 </xs:complexType>
8593 <xs:element name="profile_CG" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
8594 <xs:annotation>
8595 <xs:documentation>
8596 Opens a block of CG platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
8597 </xs:documentation>
8598 </xs:annotation>
8599 <xs:complexType>
8600 <xs:sequence>
8601 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
8602 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8603 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
8604 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
8605 </xs:choice>
8606 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8607 <xs:element ref="image"/>
8608 <xs:element name="newparam" type="cg_newparam"/>
8609 </xs:choice>
8610 <xs:element name="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8611 <xs:annotation>
8612 <xs:documentation>
8613 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
8614 </xs:documentation>
8615 </xs:annotation>
8616 <xs:complexType>
8617 <xs:sequence>
8618 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
8619 <xs:annotation>
8620 <xs:documentation>
8621 The technique element may contain an asset element.
8622 </xs:documentation>
8623 </xs:annotation>
8624 </xs:element>
8625 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8626 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8627 <xs:element name="code" type="fx_code_profile"/>
8628 <xs:element name="include" type="fx_include_common"/>
8629 </xs:choice>
8630 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8631 <xs:element ref="image"/>
8632 <xs:element name="newparam" type="cg_newparam"/>
8633 <xs:element name="setparam" type="cg_setparam"/>
8634 </xs:choice>
8635 <xs:element name="pass" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8636 <xs:annotation>
8637 <xs:documentation>
8638 A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline.
8639 </xs:documentation>
8640 </xs:annotation>
8641 <xs:complexType>
8642 <xs:sequence>
8643 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8644 <xs:element name="color_target" type="fx_colortarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8645 <xs:element name="depth_target" type="fx_depthtarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8646 <xs:element name="stencil_target" type="fx_stenciltarget_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8647 <xs:element name="color_clear" type="fx_clearcolor_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8648 <xs:element name="depth_clear" type="fx_cleardepth_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8649 <xs:element name="stencil_clear" type="fx_clearstencil_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8650 <xs:element name="draw" type="fx_draw_common" minOccurs="0"/>
8651 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
8652 <xs:group ref="gl_pipeline_settings"/>
8653 <xs:element name="shader">
8654 <xs:annotation>
8655 <xs:documentation>
8656 Declare and prepare a shader for execution in the rendering pipeline of a pass.
8657 </xs:documentation>
8658 </xs:annotation>
8659 <xs:complexType>
8660 <xs:sequence>
8661 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8662 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
8663 <xs:element name="compiler_target">
8664 <xs:complexType>
8665 <xs:simpleContent>
8666 <xs:extension base="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
8667 </xs:simpleContent>
8668 </xs:complexType>
8669 </xs:element>
8670 <xs:element name="compiler_options" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
8671 <xs:annotation>
8672 <xs:documentation>
8673 A string containing command-line operations for the shader compiler.
8674 </xs:documentation>
8675 </xs:annotation>
8676 </xs:element>
8677 </xs:sequence>
8678 <xs:element name="name">
8679 <xs:annotation>
8680 <xs:documentation>
8681 The entry symbol for the shader function.
8682 </xs:documentation>
8683 </xs:annotation>
8684 <xs:complexType>
8685 <xs:simpleContent>
8686 <xs:extension base="xs:NCName">
8687 <xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8688 </xs:extension>
8689 </xs:simpleContent>
8690 </xs:complexType>
8691 </xs:element>
8692 <xs:element name="bind" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
8693 <xs:annotation>
8694 <xs:documentation>
8695 Binds values to uniform inputs of a shader.
8696 </xs:documentation>
8697 </xs:annotation>
8698 <xs:complexType>
8699 <xs:choice>
8700 <xs:group ref="cg_param_type"/>
8701 <xs:element name="param">
8702 <xs:annotation>
8703 <xs:documentation>
8704 References a predefined parameter in shader binding declarations.
8705 </xs:documentation>
8706 </xs:annotation>
8707 <xs:complexType>
8708 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
8709 </xs:complexType>
8710 </xs:element>
8711 </xs:choice>
8712 <xs:attribute name="symbol" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
8713 <xs:annotation>
8714 <xs:documentation>
8715 The identifier for a uniform input parameter to the shader (a formal function parameter or in-scope
8716 global) that will be bound to an external resource.
8717 </xs:documentation>
8718 </xs:annotation>
8719 </xs:attribute>
8720 </xs:complexType>
8721 </xs:element>
8722 </xs:sequence>
8723 <xs:attribute name="stage" type="cg_pipeline_stage">
8724 <xs:annotation>
8725 <xs:documentation>
8726 In which pipeline stage this programmable shader is designed to execute, for example, VERTEX, FRAGMENT, etc.
8727 </xs:documentation>
8728 </xs:annotation>
8729 </xs:attribute>
8730 </xs:complexType>
8731 </xs:element>
8732 </xs:choice>
8733 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8734 </xs:sequence>
8735 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
8736 <xs:annotation>
8737 <xs:documentation>
8738 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
8739 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
8740 </xs:documentation>
8741 </xs:annotation>
8742 </xs:attribute>
8743 </xs:complexType>
8744 </xs:element>
8745 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8746 </xs:sequence>
8747 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
8748 <xs:annotation>
8749 <xs:documentation>
8750 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
8751 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
8752 </xs:documentation>
8753 </xs:annotation>
8754 </xs:attribute>
8755 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
8756 <xs:annotation>
8757 <xs:documentation>
8758 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
8759 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
8760 </xs:documentation>
8761 </xs:annotation>
8762 </xs:attribute>
8763 </xs:complexType>
8764 </xs:element>
8765 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
8766 </xs:sequence>
8767 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
8768 <xs:annotation>
8769 <xs:documentation>
8770 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
8771 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
8772 </xs:documentation>
8773 </xs:annotation>
8774 </xs:attribute>
8775 <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:NCName" use="optional" default="PC">
8776 <xs:annotation>
8777 <xs:documentation>
8778 The type of platform. This is a vendor-defined character string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Optional
8779 </xs:documentation>
8780 </xs:annotation>
8781 </xs:attribute>
8782 </xs:complexType>
8783 </xs:element>
8784 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
8785 <!-- COLLADA FX GLES elements -->
8786 <!-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -->
8787 <!-- these maximum values are from the GL.h from Khronos. Not all of them are defined in the spec -->
8788 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index">
8789 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8790 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8791 <xs:maxExclusive value="7"/>
8792 </xs:restriction>
8793 </xs:simpleType>
8794 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index">
8795 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8796 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8797 <xs:maxExclusive value="5"/>
8798 </xs:restriction>
8799 </xs:simpleType>
8800 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_index">
8801 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8802 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8803 <xs:maxExclusive value="8"/>
8804 </xs:restriction>
8805 </xs:simpleType>
8806 <xs:simpleType name="GLES_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_index">
8807 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8808 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8809 <xs:maxExclusive value="31"/>
8810 </xs:restriction>
8811 </xs:simpleType>
8812 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texenv_mode_enums">
8813 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8814 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
8815 <xs:annotation>
8816 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
8817 </xs:annotation>
8818 </xs:enumeration>
8819 <xs:enumeration value="MODULATE">
8820 <xs:annotation>
8821 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2100</xs:appinfo>
8822 </xs:annotation>
8823 </xs:enumeration>
8824 <xs:enumeration value="DECAL">
8825 <xs:annotation>
8826 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2101</xs:appinfo>
8827 </xs:annotation>
8828 </xs:enumeration>
8829 <xs:enumeration value="BLEND">
8830 <xs:annotation>
8831 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0BE2</xs:appinfo>
8832 </xs:annotation>
8833 </xs:enumeration>
8834 <xs:enumeration value="ADD">
8835 <xs:annotation>
8836 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0104</xs:appinfo>
8837 </xs:annotation>
8838 </xs:enumeration>
8839 </xs:restriction>
8840 </xs:simpleType>
8841 <xs:complexType name="gles_texture_constant_type">
8842 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional"/>
8843 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
8844 </xs:complexType>
8845 <xs:complexType name="gles_texenv_command_type">
8846 <xs:sequence>
8847 <xs:element name="constant" type="gles_texture_constant_type" minOccurs="0"/>
8848 </xs:sequence>
8849 <xs:attribute name="operator" type="gles_texenv_mode_enums"/>
8850 <xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:NCName"/>
8851 </xs:complexType>
8852 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operatorRGB_enums">
8853 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8854 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
8855 <xs:annotation>
8856 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
8857 </xs:annotation>
8858 </xs:enumeration>
8859 <xs:enumeration value="MODULATE">
8860 <xs:annotation>
8861 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2100</xs:appinfo>
8862 </xs:annotation>
8863 </xs:enumeration>
8864 <xs:enumeration value="ADD">
8865 <xs:annotation>
8866 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0104</xs:appinfo>
8867 </xs:annotation>
8868 </xs:enumeration>
8869 <xs:enumeration value="ADD_SIGNED">
8870 <xs:annotation>
8871 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8574</xs:appinfo>
8872 </xs:annotation>
8873 </xs:enumeration>
8874 <xs:enumeration value="INTERPOLATE">
8875 <xs:annotation>
8876 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8575</xs:appinfo>
8877 </xs:annotation>
8878 </xs:enumeration>
8879 <xs:enumeration value="SUBTRACT">
8880 <xs:annotation>
8881 <xs:appinfo>value=0x84E7</xs:appinfo>
8882 </xs:annotation>
8883 </xs:enumeration>
8884 <xs:enumeration value="DOT3_RGB">
8885 <xs:annotation>
8886 <xs:appinfo>value=0x86AE</xs:appinfo>
8887 </xs:annotation>
8888 </xs:enumeration>
8889 <xs:enumeration value="DOT3_RGBA">
8890 <xs:annotation>
8891 <xs:appinfo>value=0x86AF</xs:appinfo>
8892 </xs:annotation>
8893 </xs:enumeration>
8894 </xs:restriction>
8895 </xs:simpleType>
8896 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operatorAlpha_enums">
8897 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8898 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
8899 <xs:annotation>
8900 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
8901 </xs:annotation>
8902 </xs:enumeration>
8903 <xs:enumeration value="MODULATE">
8904 <xs:annotation>
8905 <xs:appinfo>value=0x2100</xs:appinfo>
8906 </xs:annotation>
8907 </xs:enumeration>
8908 <xs:enumeration value="ADD">
8909 <xs:annotation>
8910 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0104</xs:appinfo>
8911 </xs:annotation>
8912 </xs:enumeration>
8913 <xs:enumeration value="ADD_SIGNED">
8914 <xs:annotation>
8915 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8574</xs:appinfo>
8916 </xs:annotation>
8917 </xs:enumeration>
8918 <xs:enumeration value="INTERPOLATE">
8919 <xs:annotation>
8920 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8575</xs:appinfo>
8921 </xs:annotation>
8922 </xs:enumeration>
8923 <xs:enumeration value="SUBTRACT">
8924 <xs:annotation>
8925 <xs:appinfo>value=0x84E7</xs:appinfo>
8926 </xs:annotation>
8927 </xs:enumeration>
8928 </xs:restriction>
8929 </xs:simpleType>
8930 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_source_enums">
8931 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
8932 <xs:enumeration value="TEXTURE">
8933 <xs:annotation>
8934 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1702</xs:appinfo>
8935 </xs:annotation>
8936 </xs:enumeration>
8937 <xs:enumeration value="CONSTANT">
8938 <xs:annotation>
8939 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8576</xs:appinfo>
8940 </xs:annotation>
8941 </xs:enumeration>
8942 <xs:enumeration value="PRIMARY">
8943 <xs:annotation>
8944 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8577</xs:appinfo>
8945 </xs:annotation>
8946 </xs:enumeration>
8947 <xs:enumeration value="PREVIOUS">
8948 <xs:annotation>
8949 <xs:appinfo>value=0x8578</xs:appinfo>
8950 </xs:annotation>
8951 </xs:enumeration>
8952 </xs:restriction>
8953 </xs:simpleType>
8954 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operandRGB_enums">
8955 <xs:restriction base="gl_blend_type">
8956 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_COLOR">
8957 <xs:annotation>
8958 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0300</xs:appinfo>
8959 </xs:annotation>
8960 </xs:enumeration>
8961 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR">
8962 <xs:annotation>
8963 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0301</xs:appinfo>
8964 </xs:annotation>
8965 </xs:enumeration>
8966 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA">
8967 <xs:annotation>
8968 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0302</xs:appinfo>
8969 </xs:annotation>
8970 </xs:enumeration>
8971 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA">
8972 <xs:annotation>
8973 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0303</xs:appinfo>
8974 </xs:annotation>
8975 </xs:enumeration>
8976 </xs:restriction>
8977 </xs:simpleType>
8978 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_operandAlpha_enums">
8979 <xs:restriction base="gl_blend_type">
8980 <xs:enumeration value="SRC_ALPHA">
8981 <xs:annotation>
8982 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0302</xs:appinfo>
8983 </xs:annotation>
8984 </xs:enumeration>
8985 <xs:enumeration value="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA">
8986 <xs:annotation>
8987 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0303</xs:appinfo>
8988 </xs:annotation>
8989 </xs:enumeration>
8990 </xs:restriction>
8991 </xs:simpleType>
8992 <xs:simpleType name="gles_texcombiner_argument_index_type">
8993 <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
8994 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
8995 <xs:maxInclusive value="2"/>
8996 </xs:restriction>
8997 </xs:simpleType>
8998 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_argumentRGB_type">
8999 <xs:attribute name="source" type="gles_texcombiner_source_enums"/>
9000 <xs:attribute name="operand" type="gles_texcombiner_operandRGB_enums" default="SRC_COLOR"/>
9001 <xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9002 </xs:complexType>
9003 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_argumentAlpha_type">
9004 <xs:attribute name="source" type="gles_texcombiner_source_enums"/>
9005 <xs:attribute name="operand" type="gles_texcombiner_operandAlpha_enums" default="SRC_ALPHA"/>
9006 <xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9007 </xs:complexType>
9008 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_commandRGB_type">
9009 <xs:annotation>
9010 <xs:documentation>
9011 Defines the RGB portion of a texture_pipeline command. This is a combiner-mode texturing operation.
9012 </xs:documentation>
9013 </xs:annotation>
9014 <xs:sequence>
9015 <xs:element name="argument" type="gles_texcombiner_argumentRGB_type" maxOccurs="3"/>
9016 </xs:sequence>
9017 <xs:attribute name="operator" type="gles_texcombiner_operatorRGB_enums"/>
9018 <xs:attribute name="scale" type="xs:float" use="optional"/>
9019 </xs:complexType>
9020 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_commandAlpha_type">
9021 <xs:sequence>
9022 <xs:element name="argument" type="gles_texcombiner_argumentAlpha_type" maxOccurs="3"/>
9023 </xs:sequence>
9024 <xs:attribute name="operator" type="gles_texcombiner_operatorAlpha_enums"/>
9025 <xs:attribute name="scale" type="xs:float" use="optional"/>
9026 </xs:complexType>
9027 <xs:complexType name="gles_texcombiner_command_type">
9028 <xs:sequence>
9029 <xs:element name="constant" type="gles_texture_constant_type" minOccurs="0"/>
9030 <xs:element name="RGB" type="gles_texcombiner_commandRGB_type" minOccurs="0"/>
9031 <xs:element name="alpha" type="gles_texcombiner_commandAlpha_type" minOccurs="0"/>
9032 </xs:sequence>
9033 </xs:complexType>
9034 <xs:complexType name="gles_texture_pipeline">
9035 <xs:annotation>
9036 <xs:documentation>
9037 Defines a set of texturing commands that will be converted into multitexturing operations using glTexEnv in regular and combiner mode.
9038 </xs:documentation>
9039 </xs:annotation>
9040 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
9041 <xs:element name="texcombiner" type="gles_texcombiner_command_type">
9042 <xs:annotation>
9043 <xs:documentation>
9044 Defines a texture_pipeline command. This is a combiner-mode texturing operation.
9045 </xs:documentation>
9046 </xs:annotation>
9047 </xs:element>
9048 <xs:element name="texenv" type="gles_texenv_command_type">
9049 <xs:annotation>
9050 <xs:documentation>
9051 Defines a texture_pipeline command. It is a simple noncombiner mode of texturing operations.
9052 </xs:documentation>
9053 </xs:annotation>
9054 </xs:element>
9055 <xs:element ref="extra">
9056 <xs:annotation>
9057 <xs:documentation>
9058 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9059 OpenGL ES extensions may be used here.
9060 </xs:documentation>
9061 </xs:annotation>
9062 </xs:element>
9063 </xs:choice>
9064 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
9065 <xs:annotation>
9066 <xs:documentation>
9067 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9068 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9069 </xs:documentation>
9070 </xs:annotation>
9071 </xs:attribute>
9072 </xs:complexType>
9073 <xs:complexType name="gles_texture_unit">
9074 <xs:sequence>
9075 <xs:element name="surface" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
9076 <xs:element name="sampler_state" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
9077 <xs:element name="texcoord" minOccurs="0">
9078 <xs:complexType>
9079 <xs:attribute name="semantic" type="xs:NCName"/>
9080 </xs:complexType>
9081 </xs:element>
9082 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9083 </xs:sequence>
9084 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
9085 <xs:annotation>
9086 <xs:documentation>
9087 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9088 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9089 </xs:documentation>
9090 </xs:annotation>
9091 </xs:attribute>
9092 </xs:complexType>
9093 <xs:simpleType name="gles_sampler_wrap">
9094 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
9095 <xs:enumeration value="REPEAT"/>
9096 <xs:enumeration value="CLAMP"/>
9097 <xs:enumeration value="CLAMP_TO_EDGE"/>
9098 <xs:enumeration value="MIRRORED_REPEAT">
9099 <xs:annotation>
9100 <xs:documentation>
9101 supported by GLES 1.1 only
9102 </xs:documentation>
9103 </xs:annotation>
9104 </xs:enumeration>
9105 </xs:restriction>
9106 </xs:simpleType>
9107 <xs:complexType name="gles_sampler_state">
9108 <xs:annotation>
9109 <xs:documentation>
9110 Two-dimensional texture sampler state for profile_GLES. This is a bundle of sampler-specific states that will be referenced by one or more texture_units.
9111 </xs:documentation>
9112 </xs:annotation>
9113 <xs:sequence>
9114 <xs:element name="wrap_s" type="gles_sampler_wrap" default="REPEAT" minOccurs="0"/>
9115 <xs:element name="wrap_t" type="gles_sampler_wrap" default="REPEAT" minOccurs="0"/>
9116 <xs:element name="minfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
9117 <xs:element name="magfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
9118 <xs:element name="mipfilter" type="fx_sampler_filter_common" default="NONE" minOccurs="0"/>
9119 <xs:element name="mipmap_maxlevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="255" minOccurs="0"/>
9120 <!-- perhaps bias not really supported but can be kludged in the app somewhat-->
9121 <xs:element name="mipmap_bias" type="xs:float" default="0.0" minOccurs="0"/>
9122 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9123 <xs:annotation>
9124 <xs:documentation>
9125 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9126 OpenGL ES extensions may be used here.
9127 </xs:documentation>
9128 </xs:annotation>
9129 </xs:element>
9130 </xs:sequence>
9131 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
9132 <xs:annotation>
9133 <xs:documentation>
9134 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9135 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9136 </xs:documentation>
9137 </xs:annotation>
9138 </xs:attribute>
9139 </xs:complexType>
9140 <xs:simpleType name="gles_stencil_op_type">
9141 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
9142 <xs:enumeration value="KEEP">
9143 <xs:annotation>
9144 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E00</xs:appinfo>
9145 </xs:annotation>
9146 </xs:enumeration>
9147 <xs:enumeration value="ZERO">
9148 <xs:annotation>
9149 <xs:appinfo>value=0x0</xs:appinfo>
9150 </xs:annotation>
9151 </xs:enumeration>
9152 <xs:enumeration value="REPLACE">
9153 <xs:annotation>
9154 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E01</xs:appinfo>
9155 </xs:annotation>
9156 </xs:enumeration>
9157 <xs:enumeration value="INCR">
9158 <xs:annotation>
9159 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E02</xs:appinfo>
9160 </xs:annotation>
9161 </xs:enumeration>
9162 <xs:enumeration value="DECR">
9163 <xs:annotation>
9164 <xs:appinfo>value=0x1E03</xs:appinfo>
9165 </xs:annotation>
9166 </xs:enumeration>
9167 <xs:enumeration value="INVERT">
9168 <xs:annotation>
9169 <xs:appinfo>value=0x150A</xs:appinfo>
9170 </xs:annotation>
9171 </xs:enumeration>
9172 </xs:restriction>
9173 </xs:simpleType>
9174 <xs:simpleType name="gles_enumeration">
9175 <xs:union memberTypes="gl_blend_type gl_face_type gl_func_type gl_stencil_op_type gl_material_type gl_fog_type gl_front_face_type gl_light_model_color_control_type gl_logic_op_type gl_polygon_mode_type gl_shade_model_type"/>
9176 </xs:simpleType>
9177 <xs:group name="gles_pipeline_settings">
9178 <xs:annotation>
9179 <xs:documentation>
9180 A group that contains the renderstates available for the GLES profile.
9181 </xs:documentation>
9182 </xs:annotation>
9183 <xs:choice>
9184 <xs:element name="alpha_func">
9185 <xs:complexType>
9186 <xs:sequence>
9187 <xs:element name="func">
9188 <xs:complexType>
9189 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
9190 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9191 </xs:complexType>
9192 </xs:element>
9193 <xs:element name="value">
9194 <xs:complexType>
9195 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_alpha_value_type" use="optional" default="0.0"/>
9196 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9197 </xs:complexType>
9198 </xs:element>
9199 </xs:sequence>
9200 </xs:complexType>
9201 </xs:element>
9202 <xs:element name="blend_func">
9203 <xs:complexType>
9204 <xs:sequence>
9205 <xs:element name="src">
9206 <xs:complexType>
9207 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ONE"/>
9208 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9209 </xs:complexType>
9210 </xs:element>
9211 <xs:element name="dest">
9212 <xs:complexType>
9213 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_blend_type" use="optional" default="ZERO"/>
9214 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9215 </xs:complexType>
9216 </xs:element>
9217 </xs:sequence>
9218 </xs:complexType>
9219 </xs:element>
9220 <xs:element name="clear_color">
9221 <xs:complexType>
9222 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional"/>
9223 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9224 </xs:complexType>
9225 </xs:element>
9226 <xs:element name="clear_stencil">
9227 <xs:complexType>
9228 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int" use="optional"/>
9229 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9230 </xs:complexType>
9231 </xs:element>
9232 <xs:element name="clear_depth">
9233 <xs:complexType>
9234 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional"/>
9235 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9236 </xs:complexType>
9237 </xs:element>
9238 <xs:element name="clip_plane">
9239 <xs:complexType>
9240 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool4" use="optional"/>
9241 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9242 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index" use="required"/>
9243 </xs:complexType>
9244 </xs:element>
9245 <xs:element name="color_mask">
9246 <xs:complexType>
9247 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool4" use="optional"/>
9248 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9249 </xs:complexType>
9250 </xs:element>
9251 <xs:element name="cull_face">
9252 <xs:complexType>
9253 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_face_type" use="optional" default="BACK"/>
9254 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9255 </xs:complexType>
9256 </xs:element>
9257 <xs:element name="depth_func">
9258 <xs:complexType>
9259 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
9260 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9261 </xs:complexType>
9262 </xs:element>
9263 <xs:element name="depth_mask">
9264 <xs:complexType>
9265 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9266 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9267 </xs:complexType>
9268 </xs:element>
9269 <xs:element name="depth_range">
9270 <xs:complexType>
9271 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float2" use="optional" default="0 1"/>
9272 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9273 </xs:complexType>
9274 </xs:element>
9275 <xs:element name="fog_color">
9276 <xs:complexType>
9277 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
9278 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9279 </xs:complexType>
9280 </xs:element>
9281 <xs:element name="fog_density">
9282 <xs:complexType>
9283 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9284 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9285 </xs:complexType>
9286 </xs:element>
9287 <xs:element name="fog_mode">
9288 <xs:complexType>
9289 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_fog_type" use="optional" default="EXP"/>
9290 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9291 </xs:complexType>
9292 </xs:element>
9293 <xs:element name="fog_start">
9294 <xs:complexType>
9295 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9296 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9297 </xs:complexType>
9298 </xs:element>
9299 <xs:element name="fog_end">
9300 <xs:complexType>
9301 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9302 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9303 </xs:complexType>
9304 </xs:element>
9305 <xs:element name="front_face">
9306 <xs:complexType>
9307 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_front_face_type" use="optional" default="CCW"/>
9308 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9309 </xs:complexType>
9310 </xs:element>
9311 <xs:element name="texture_pipeline">
9312 <xs:complexType>
9313 <xs:sequence>
9314 <xs:element name="value" type="gles_texture_pipeline" minOccurs="0"/>
9315 </xs:sequence>
9316 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9317 </xs:complexType>
9318 </xs:element>
9319 <xs:element name="logic_op">
9320 <xs:complexType>
9321 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_logic_op_type" use="optional" default="COPY"/>
9322 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9323 </xs:complexType>
9324 </xs:element>
9325 <xs:element name="light_ambient">
9326 <xs:complexType>
9327 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
9328 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9329 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9330 </xs:complexType>
9331 </xs:element>
9332 <xs:element name="light_diffuse">
9333 <xs:complexType>
9334 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
9335 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9336 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9337 </xs:complexType>
9338 </xs:element>
9339 <xs:element name="light_specular">
9340 <xs:complexType>
9341 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 0"/>
9342 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9343 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9344 </xs:complexType>
9345 </xs:element>
9346 <xs:element name="light_position">
9347 <xs:complexType>
9348 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 1 0"/>
9349 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9350 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9351 </xs:complexType>
9352 </xs:element>
9353 <xs:element name="light_constant_attenuation">
9354 <xs:complexType>
9355 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9356 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9357 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9358 </xs:complexType>
9359 </xs:element>
9360 <xs:element name="light_linear_attenutation">
9361 <xs:complexType>
9362 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9363 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9364 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9365 </xs:complexType>
9366 </xs:element>
9367 <xs:element name="light_quadratic_attenuation">
9368 <xs:complexType>
9369 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9370 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9371 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9372 </xs:complexType>
9373 </xs:element>
9374 <xs:element name="light_spot_cutoff">
9375 <xs:complexType>
9376 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="180"/>
9377 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9378 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9379 </xs:complexType>
9380 </xs:element>
9381 <xs:element name="light_spot_direction">
9382 <xs:complexType>
9383 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="0 0 -1"/>
9384 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9385 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9386 </xs:complexType>
9387 </xs:element>
9388 <xs:element name="light_spot_exponent">
9389 <xs:complexType>
9390 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9391 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9392 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9393 </xs:complexType>
9394 </xs:element>
9395 <xs:element name="light_model_ambient">
9396 <xs:complexType>
9397 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0"/>
9398 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9399 </xs:complexType>
9400 </xs:element>
9401 <xs:element name="line_width">
9402 <xs:complexType>
9403 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9404 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9405 </xs:complexType>
9406 </xs:element>
9407 <xs:element name="material_ambient">
9408 <xs:complexType>
9409 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0"/>
9410 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9411 </xs:complexType>
9412 </xs:element>
9413 <xs:element name="material_diffuse">
9414 <xs:complexType>
9415 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0"/>
9416 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9417 </xs:complexType>
9418 </xs:element>
9419 <xs:element name="material_emission">
9420 <xs:complexType>
9421 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
9422 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9423 </xs:complexType>
9424 </xs:element>
9425 <xs:element name="material_shininess">
9426 <xs:complexType>
9427 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9428 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9429 </xs:complexType>
9430 </xs:element>
9431 <xs:element name="material_specular">
9432 <xs:complexType>
9433 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4" use="optional" default="0 0 0 1"/>
9434 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9435 </xs:complexType>
9436 </xs:element>
9437 <xs:element name="model_view_matrix">
9438 <xs:complexType>
9439 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4x4" use="optional" default="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
9440 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9441 </xs:complexType>
9442 </xs:element>
9443 <xs:element name="point_distance_attenuation">
9444 <xs:complexType>
9445 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float3" use="optional" default="1 0 0"/>
9446 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9447 </xs:complexType>
9448 </xs:element>
9449 <xs:element name="point_fade_threshold_size">
9450 <xs:complexType>
9451 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9452 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9453 </xs:complexType>
9454 </xs:element>
9455 <xs:element name="point_size">
9456 <xs:complexType>
9457 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9458 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9459 </xs:complexType>
9460 </xs:element>
9461 <xs:element name="point_size_min">
9462 <xs:complexType>
9463 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="0"/>
9464 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9465 </xs:complexType>
9466 </xs:element>
9467 <xs:element name="point_size_max">
9468 <xs:complexType>
9469 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float" use="optional" default="1"/>
9470 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9471 </xs:complexType>
9472 </xs:element>
9473 <xs:element name="polygon_offset">
9474 <xs:complexType>
9475 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float2" use="optional" default="0 0"/>
9476 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9477 </xs:complexType>
9478 </xs:element>
9479 <xs:element name="projection_matrix">
9480 <xs:complexType>
9481 <xs:attribute name="value" type="float4x4" use="optional" default="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
9482 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9483 </xs:complexType>
9484 </xs:element>
9485 <xs:element name="scissor">
9486 <xs:complexType>
9487 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int4" use="optional"/>
9488 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9489 </xs:complexType>
9490 </xs:element>
9491 <xs:element name="shade_model">
9492 <xs:complexType>
9493 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_shade_model_type" use="optional" default="SMOOTH"/>
9494 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9495 </xs:complexType>
9496 </xs:element>
9497 <xs:element name="stencil_func">
9498 <xs:complexType>
9499 <xs:sequence>
9500 <xs:element name="func">
9501 <xs:complexType>
9502 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gl_func_type" use="optional" default="ALWAYS"/>
9503 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9504 </xs:complexType>
9505 </xs:element>
9506 <xs:element name="ref">
9507 <xs:complexType>
9508 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="0"/>
9509 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9510 </xs:complexType>
9511 </xs:element>
9512 <xs:element name="mask">
9513 <xs:complexType>
9514 <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional" default="255"/>
9515 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9516 </xs:complexType>
9517 </xs:element>
9518 </xs:sequence>
9519 </xs:complexType>
9520 </xs:element>
9521 <xs:element name="stencil_mask">
9522 <xs:complexType>
9523 <xs:attribute name="value" type="int" use="optional" default="4294967295"/>
9524 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9525 </xs:complexType>
9526 </xs:element>
9527 <xs:element name="stencil_op">
9528 <xs:complexType>
9529 <xs:sequence>
9530 <xs:element name="fail">
9531 <xs:complexType>
9532 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gles_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
9533 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9534 </xs:complexType>
9535 </xs:element>
9536 <xs:element name="zfail">
9537 <xs:complexType>
9538 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gles_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
9539 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9540 </xs:complexType>
9541 </xs:element>
9542 <xs:element name="zpass">
9543 <xs:complexType>
9544 <xs:attribute name="value" type="gles_stencil_op_type" use="optional" default="KEEP"/>
9545 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9546 </xs:complexType>
9547 </xs:element>
9548 </xs:sequence>
9549 </xs:complexType>
9550 </xs:element>
9551 <xs:element name="alpha_test_enable">
9552 <xs:complexType>
9553 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9554 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9555 </xs:complexType>
9556 </xs:element>
9557 <xs:element name="blend_enable">
9558 <xs:complexType>
9559 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9560 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9561 </xs:complexType>
9562 </xs:element>
9563 <xs:element name="clip_plane_enable">
9564 <xs:complexType>
9565 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9566 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9567 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_index"/>
9568 </xs:complexType>
9569 </xs:element>
9570 <xs:element name="color_logic_op_enable">
9571 <xs:complexType>
9572 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9573 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9574 </xs:complexType>
9575 </xs:element>
9576 <xs:element name="color_material_enable">
9577 <xs:complexType>
9578 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="true"/>
9579 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9580 </xs:complexType>
9581 </xs:element>
9582 <xs:element name="cull_face_enable">
9583 <xs:complexType>
9584 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9585 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9586 </xs:complexType>
9587 </xs:element>
9588 <xs:element name="depth_test_enable">
9589 <xs:complexType>
9590 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9591 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9592 </xs:complexType>
9593 </xs:element>
9594 <xs:element name="dither_enable">
9595 <xs:complexType>
9596 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9597 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9598 </xs:complexType>
9599 </xs:element>
9600 <xs:element name="fog_enable">
9601 <xs:complexType>
9602 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9603 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9604 </xs:complexType>
9605 </xs:element>
9606 <xs:element name="texture_pipeline_enable">
9607 <xs:complexType>
9608 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9609 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9610 </xs:complexType>
9611 </xs:element>
9612 <xs:element name="light_enable">
9613 <xs:complexType>
9614 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9615 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9616 <xs:attribute name="index" type="GLES_MAX_LIGHTS_index" use="required"/>
9617 </xs:complexType>
9618 </xs:element>
9619 <xs:element name="lighting_enable">
9620 <xs:complexType>
9621 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9622 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9623 </xs:complexType>
9624 </xs:element>
9625 <xs:element name="light_model_two_side_enable">
9626 <xs:complexType>
9627 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9628 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9629 </xs:complexType>
9630 </xs:element>
9631 <xs:element name="line_smooth_enable">
9632 <xs:complexType>
9633 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9634 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9635 </xs:complexType>
9636 </xs:element>
9637 <xs:element name="multisample_enable">
9638 <xs:complexType>
9639 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9640 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9641 </xs:complexType>
9642 </xs:element>
9643 <xs:element name="normalize_enable">
9644 <xs:complexType>
9645 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9646 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9647 </xs:complexType>
9648 </xs:element>
9649 <xs:element name="point_smooth_enable">
9650 <xs:complexType>
9651 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9652 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9653 </xs:complexType>
9654 </xs:element>
9655 <xs:element name="polygon_offset_fill_enable">
9656 <xs:complexType>
9657 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9658 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9659 </xs:complexType>
9660 </xs:element>
9661 <xs:element name="rescale_normal_enable">
9662 <xs:complexType>
9663 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9664 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9665 </xs:complexType>
9666 </xs:element>
9667 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_coverage_enable">
9668 <xs:complexType>
9669 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9670 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9671 </xs:complexType>
9672 </xs:element>
9673 <xs:element name="sample_alpha_to_one_enable">
9674 <xs:complexType>
9675 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9676 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9677 </xs:complexType>
9678 </xs:element>
9679 <xs:element name="sample_coverage_enable">
9680 <xs:complexType>
9681 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9682 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9683 </xs:complexType>
9684 </xs:element>
9685 <xs:element name="scissor_test_enable">
9686 <xs:complexType>
9687 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9688 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9689 </xs:complexType>
9690 </xs:element>
9691 <xs:element name="stencil_test_enable">
9692 <xs:complexType>
9693 <xs:attribute name="value" type="bool" use="optional" default="false"/>
9694 <xs:attribute name="param" type="xs:NCName" use="optional"/>
9695 </xs:complexType>
9696 </xs:element>
9697 </xs:choice>
9698 </xs:group>
9699 <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
9700 <xs:group name="gles_basic_type_common">
9701 <xs:annotation>
9702 <xs:documentation>
9703 A group that defines the available variable types for GLES parameters.
9704 </xs:documentation>
9705 </xs:annotation>
9706 <xs:choice>
9707 <xs:element name="bool" type="bool"/>
9708 <xs:element name="bool2" type="bool2"/>
9709 <xs:element name="bool3" type="bool3"/>
9710 <xs:element name="bool4" type="bool4"/>
9711 <xs:element name="int" type="int"/>
9712 <xs:element name="int2" type="int2"/>
9713 <xs:element name="int3" type="int3"/>
9714 <xs:element name="int4" type="int4"/>
9715 <xs:element name="float" type="float"/>
9716 <xs:element name="float2" type="float2"/>
9717 <xs:element name="float3" type="float3"/>
9718 <xs:element name="float4" type="float4"/>
9719 <xs:element name="float1x1" type="float"/>
9720 <xs:element name="float1x2" type="float2"/>
9721 <xs:element name="float1x3" type="float3"/>
9722 <xs:element name="float1x4" type="float4"/>
9723 <xs:element name="float2x1" type="float2"/>
9724 <xs:element name="float2x2" type="float2x2"/>
9725 <xs:element name="float2x3" type="float2x3"/>
9726 <xs:element name="float2x4" type="float2x4"/>
9727 <xs:element name="float3x1" type="float3"/>
9728 <xs:element name="float3x2" type="float3x2"/>
9729 <xs:element name="float3x3" type="float3x3"/>
9730 <xs:element name="float3x4" type="float3x4"/>
9731 <xs:element name="float4x1" type="float4"/>
9732 <xs:element name="float4x2" type="float4x2"/>
9733 <xs:element name="float4x3" type="float4x3"/>
9734 <xs:element name="float4x4" type="float4x4"/>
9735 <xs:element name="surface" type="fx_surface_common"/>
9736 <xs:element name="texture_pipeline" type="gles_texture_pipeline"/>
9737 <xs:element name="sampler_state" type="gles_sampler_state"/>
9738 <xs:element name="texture_unit" type="gles_texture_unit"/>
9739 <xs:element name="enum" type="gles_enumeration"/>
9740 </xs:choice>
9741 </xs:group>
9742 <xs:complexType name="gles_newparam">
9743 <xs:annotation>
9744 <xs:documentation>
9745 Create a new, named param object in the GLES Runtime, assign it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time.
9746 </xs:documentation>
9747 </xs:annotation>
9748 <xs:sequence>
9749 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9750 <xs:annotation>
9751 <xs:documentation>
9752 The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param.
9753 </xs:documentation>
9754 </xs:annotation>
9755 </xs:element>
9756 <xs:element name="semantic" type="xs:NCName" minOccurs="0">
9757 <xs:annotation>
9758 <xs:documentation>
9759 The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param.
9760 </xs:documentation>
9761 </xs:annotation>
9762 </xs:element>
9763 <xs:element name="modifier" type="fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0">
9764 <xs:annotation>
9765 <xs:documentation>
9766 The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param.
9767 </xs:documentation>
9768 </xs:annotation>
9769 </xs:element>
9770 <xs:group ref="gles_basic_type_common"/>
9771 </xs:sequence>
9772 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
9773 <xs:annotation>
9774 <xs:documentation>
9775 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9776 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element.
9777 </xs:documentation>
9778 </xs:annotation>
9779 </xs:attribute>
9780 </xs:complexType>
9781 <xs:simpleType name="gles_rendertarget_common">
9782 <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName"/>
9783 </xs:simpleType>
9784 <xs:element name="profile_GLES" substitutionGroup="fx_profile_abstract">
9785 <xs:annotation>
9786 <xs:documentation>
9787 Opens a block of GLES platform-specific data types and technique declarations.
9788 </xs:documentation>
9789 </xs:annotation>
9790 <xs:complexType>
9791 <xs:sequence>
9792 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
9793 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9794 <xs:element ref="image"/>
9795 <xs:element name="newparam" type="gles_newparam"/>
9796 </xs:choice>
9797 <xs:element name="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9798 <xs:annotation>
9799 <xs:documentation>
9800 Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
9801 </xs:documentation>
9802 </xs:annotation>
9803 <xs:complexType>
9804 <xs:sequence>
9805 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0"/>
9806 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9807 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9808 <xs:element ref="image"/>
9809 <xs:element name="newparam" type="gles_newparam"/>
9810 <xs:element name="setparam">
9811 <xs:complexType>
9812 <xs:sequence>
9813 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9814 <xs:group ref="gles_basic_type_common"/>
9815 </xs:sequence>
9816 <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>
9817 </xs:complexType>
9818 </xs:element>
9819 </xs:choice>
9820 <xs:element name="pass" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9821 <xs:annotation>
9822 <xs:documentation>
9823 A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline.
9824 </xs:documentation>
9825 </xs:annotation>
9826 <xs:complexType>
9827 <xs:sequence>
9828 <xs:element name="annotate" type="fx_annotate_common" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9829 <xs:element name="color_target" type="gles_rendertarget_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9830 <xs:element name="depth_target" type="gles_rendertarget_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9831 <xs:element name="stencil_target" type="gles_rendertarget_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9832 <xs:element name="color_clear" type="fx_color_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9833 <xs:element name="depth_clear" type="float" minOccurs="0"/>
9834 <xs:element name="stencil_clear" type="xs:byte" minOccurs="0"/>
9835 <xs:element name="draw" type="fx_draw_common" minOccurs="0"/>
9836 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9837 <xs:group ref="gles_pipeline_settings"/>
9838 </xs:choice>
9839 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9840 </xs:sequence>
9841 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
9842 <xs:annotation>
9843 <xs:documentation>
9844 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9845 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
9846 </xs:documentation>
9847 </xs:annotation>
9848 </xs:attribute>
9849 </xs:complexType>
9850 </xs:element>
9851 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9852 </xs:sequence>
9853 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>
9854 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
9855 <xs:annotation>
9856 <xs:documentation>
9857 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
9858 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element.
9859 </xs:documentation>
9860 </xs:annotation>
9861 </xs:attribute>
9862 </xs:complexType>
9863 </xs:element>
9864 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
9865 </xs:sequence>
9866 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
9867 <xs:annotation>
9868 <xs:documentation>
9869 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
9870 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
9871 </xs:documentation>
9872 </xs:annotation>
9873 </xs:attribute>
9874 <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:NCName" use="optional" default="PC">
9875 <xs:annotation>
9876 <xs:documentation>
9877 The type of platform. This is a vendor-defined character string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Optional
9878 </xs:documentation>
9879 </xs:annotation>
9880 </xs:attribute>
9881 </xs:complexType>
9882 </xs:element>
9883 <!-- COLLADA Physics -->
9884 <!-- new geometry types -->
9885 <xs:element name="box">
9886 <xs:annotation>
9887 <xs:documentation>
9888 An axis-aligned, centered box primitive.
9889 </xs:documentation>
9890 </xs:annotation>
9891 <xs:complexType>
9892 <xs:sequence>
9893 <xs:element name="half_extents" type="float3">
9894 <xs:annotation>
9895 <xs:documentation>
9896 3 float values that represent the extents of the box
9897 </xs:documentation>
9898 </xs:annotation>
9899 </xs:element>
9900 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9901 <xs:annotation>
9902 <xs:documentation>
9903 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9904 </xs:documentation>
9905 </xs:annotation>
9906 </xs:element>
9907 </xs:sequence>
9908 </xs:complexType>
9909 </xs:element>
9910 <xs:element name="plane">
9911 <xs:annotation>
9912 <xs:documentation>
9913 An infinite plane primitive.
9914 </xs:documentation>
9915 </xs:annotation>
9916 <xs:complexType>
9917 <xs:sequence>
9918 <xs:element name="equation" type="float4">
9919 <xs:annotation>
9920 <xs:documentation>
9921 4 float values that represent the coefficients for the plane’s equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
9922 </xs:documentation>
9923 </xs:annotation>
9924 </xs:element>
9925 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9926 <xs:annotation>
9927 <xs:documentation>
9928 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9929 </xs:documentation>
9930 </xs:annotation>
9931 </xs:element>
9932 </xs:sequence>
9933 </xs:complexType>
9934 </xs:element>
9935 <xs:element name="sphere">
9936 <xs:annotation>
9937 <xs:documentation>
9938 A centered sphere primitive.
9939 </xs:documentation>
9940 </xs:annotation>
9941 <xs:complexType>
9942 <xs:sequence>
9943 <xs:element name="radius" type="float">
9944 <xs:annotation>
9945 <xs:documentation>
9946 A float value that represents the radius of the sphere
9947 </xs:documentation>
9948 </xs:annotation>
9949 </xs:element>
9950 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9951 <xs:annotation>
9952 <xs:documentation>
9953 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9954 </xs:documentation>
9955 </xs:annotation>
9956 </xs:element>
9957 </xs:sequence>
9958 </xs:complexType>
9959 </xs:element>
9960 <xs:element name="ellipsoid">
9961 <xs:complexType>
9962 <xs:sequence>
9963 <xs:element name="size" type="float3"/>
9964 </xs:sequence>
9965 </xs:complexType>
9966 </xs:element>
9967 <xs:element name="cylinder">
9968 <xs:annotation>
9969 <xs:documentation>
9970 A cylinder primitive that is centered on, and aligned with. the local Y axis.
9971 </xs:documentation>
9972 </xs:annotation>
9973 <xs:complexType>
9974 <xs:sequence>
9975 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
9976 <xs:annotation>
9977 <xs:documentation>
9978 A float value that represents the length of the cylinder along the Y axis.
9979 </xs:documentation>
9980 </xs:annotation>
9981 </xs:element>
9982 <xs:element name="radius" type="float2">
9983 <xs:annotation>
9984 <xs:documentation>
9985 float2 values that represent the radii of the cylinder.
9986 </xs:documentation>
9987 </xs:annotation>
9988 </xs:element>
9989 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
9990 <xs:annotation>
9991 <xs:documentation>
9992 The extra element may appear any number of times.
9993 </xs:documentation>
9994 </xs:annotation>
9995 </xs:element>
9996 </xs:sequence>
9997 </xs:complexType>
9998 </xs:element>
9999 <xs:element name="tapered_cylinder">
10000 <xs:annotation>
10001 <xs:documentation>
10002 A tapered cylinder primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local Y axis.
10003 </xs:documentation>
10004 </xs:annotation>
10005 <xs:complexType>
10006 <xs:sequence>
10007 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
10008 <xs:annotation>
10009 <xs:documentation>
10010 A float value that represents the length of the cylinder along the Y axis.
10011 </xs:documentation>
10012 </xs:annotation>
10013 </xs:element>
10014 <xs:element name="radius1" type="float2">
10015 <xs:annotation>
10016 <xs:documentation>
10017 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered cylinder at the positive (height/2)
10018 Y value. Both ends of the tapered cylinder may be elliptical.
10019 </xs:documentation>
10020 </xs:annotation>
10021 </xs:element>
10022 <xs:element name="radius2" type="float2">
10023 <xs:annotation>
10024 <xs:documentation>
10025 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered cylinder at the negative (height/2)
10026 Y value.Both ends of the tapered cylinder may be elliptical.
10027 </xs:documentation>
10028 </xs:annotation>
10029 </xs:element>
10030 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10031 <xs:annotation>
10032 <xs:documentation>
10033 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10034 </xs:documentation>
10035 </xs:annotation>
10036 </xs:element>
10037 </xs:sequence>
10038 </xs:complexType>
10039 </xs:element>
10040 <xs:element name="capsule">
10041 <xs:annotation>
10042 <xs:documentation>
10043 A capsule primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local Y axis.
10044 </xs:documentation>
10045 </xs:annotation>
10046 <xs:complexType>
10047 <xs:sequence>
10048 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
10049 <xs:annotation>
10050 <xs:documentation>
10051 A float value that represents the length of the line segment connecting the centers
10052 of the capping hemispheres.
10053 </xs:documentation>
10054 </xs:annotation>
10055 </xs:element>
10056 <xs:element name="radius" type="float2">
10057 <xs:annotation>
10058 <xs:documentation>
10059 Two float values that represent the radii of the capsule (it may be elliptical)
10060 </xs:documentation>
10061 </xs:annotation>
10062 </xs:element>
10063 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10064 <xs:annotation>
10065 <xs:documentation>
10066 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10067 </xs:documentation>
10068 </xs:annotation>
10069 </xs:element>
10070 </xs:sequence>
10071 </xs:complexType>
10072 </xs:element>
10073 <xs:element name="tapered_capsule">
10074 <xs:annotation>
10075 <xs:documentation>
10076 A tapered capsule primitive that is centered on, and aligned with, the local Y axis.
10077 </xs:documentation>
10078 </xs:annotation>
10079 <xs:complexType>
10080 <xs:sequence>
10081 <xs:element name="height" type="float">
10082 <xs:annotation>
10083 <xs:documentation>
10084 A float value that represents the length of the line segment connecting the centers of the
10085 capping hemispheres.
10086 </xs:documentation>
10087 </xs:annotation>
10088 </xs:element>
10089 <xs:element name="radius1" type="float2">
10090 <xs:annotation>
10091 <xs:documentation>
10092 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered capsule at the positive (height/2)
10093 Y value.Both ends of the tapered capsule may be elliptical.
10094 </xs:documentation>
10095 </xs:annotation>
10096 </xs:element>
10097 <xs:element name="radius2" type="float2">
10098 <xs:annotation>
10099 <xs:documentation>
10100 Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered capsule at the negative (height/2)
10101 Y value.Both ends of the tapered capsule may be elliptical.
10102 </xs:documentation>
10103 </xs:annotation>
10104 </xs:element>
10105 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10106 <xs:annotation>
10107 <xs:documentation>
10108 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10109 </xs:documentation>
10110 </xs:annotation>
10111 </xs:element>
10112 </xs:sequence>
10113 </xs:complexType>
10114 </xs:element>
10115 <xs:element name="convex_mesh">
10116 <xs:annotation>
10117 <xs:documentation>
10118 The definition of the convex_mesh element is identical to the mesh element with the exception that
10119 instead of a complete description (source, vertices, polygons etc.), it may simply point to another
10120 geometry to derive its shape. The latter case means that the convex hull of that geometry should
10121 be computed and is indicated by the optional “convex_hull_of” attribute.
10122 </xs:documentation>
10123 </xs:annotation>
10124 <xs:complexType>
10125 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
10126 <xs:element ref="source" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
10127 <xs:element ref="vertices"/>
10128 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10129 <xs:element ref="lines"/>
10130 <xs:element ref="linestrips"/>
10131 <xs:element ref="polygons"/>
10132 <xs:element ref="polylist"/>
10133 <xs:element ref="triangles"/>
10134 <xs:element ref="trifans"/>
10135 <xs:element ref="tristrips"/>
10136 </xs:choice>
10137 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10138 <xs:annotation>
10139 <xs:documentation>
10140 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10141 </xs:documentation>
10142 </xs:annotation>
10143 </xs:element>
10144 </xs:sequence>
10145 <xs:attribute name="convex_hull_of" type="xs:anyURI">
10146 <xs:annotation>
10147 <xs:documentation>
10148 The convex_hull_of attribute is a URI string of geometry to compute the convex hull of.
10149 Optional attribute.
10150 </xs:documentation>
10151 </xs:annotation>
10152 </xs:attribute>
10153 </xs:complexType>
10154 </xs:element>
10155 <!-- physics object elements -->
10156 <xs:element name="force_field">
10157 <xs:annotation>
10158 <xs:documentation>
10159 A general container for force-fields. At the moment, it only has techniques and extra elements.
10160 </xs:documentation>
10161 </xs:annotation>
10162 <xs:complexType>
10163 <xs:sequence>
10164 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10165 <xs:annotation>
10166 <xs:documentation>
10167 The force_field element may contain an asset element.
10168 </xs:documentation>
10169 </xs:annotation>
10170 </xs:element>
10171 <xs:element ref="technique" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10172 <xs:annotation>
10173 <xs:documentation>
10174 This element must contain at least one non-common profile technique.
10175 </xs:documentation>
10176 </xs:annotation>
10177 </xs:element>
10178 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10179 <xs:annotation>
10180 <xs:documentation>
10181 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10182 </xs:documentation>
10183 </xs:annotation>
10184 </xs:element>
10185 </xs:sequence>
10186 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10187 <xs:annotation>
10188 <xs:documentation>
10189 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value
10190 must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10191 </xs:documentation>
10192 </xs:annotation>
10193 </xs:attribute>
10194 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10195 <xs:annotation>
10196 <xs:documentation>
10197 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10198 </xs:documentation>
10199 </xs:annotation>
10200 </xs:attribute>
10201 </xs:complexType>
10202 </xs:element>
10203 <xs:element name="physics_material">
10204 <xs:annotation>
10205 <xs:documentation>
10206 This element defines the physical properties of an object. It contains a technique/profile with
10207 parameters. The COMMON profile defines the built-in names, such as static_friction.
10208 </xs:documentation>
10209 </xs:annotation>
10210 <xs:complexType>
10211 <xs:sequence>
10212 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10213 <xs:annotation>
10214 <xs:documentation>
10215 The physics_material element may contain an asset element.
10216 </xs:documentation>
10217 </xs:annotation>
10218 </xs:element>
10219 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10220 <xs:annotation>
10221 <xs:documentation>
10222 The technique_common element specifies the physics_material information for the common profile
10223 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
10224 </xs:documentation>
10225 </xs:annotation>
10226 <xs:complexType>
10227 <xs:sequence>
10228 <xs:element name="dynamic_friction" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10229 <xs:annotation>
10230 <xs:documentation>
10231 Dynamic friction coefficient
10232 </xs:documentation>
10233 </xs:annotation>
10234 </xs:element>
10235 <xs:element name="restitution" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10236 <xs:annotation>
10237 <xs:documentation>
10238 The proportion of the kinetic energy preserved in the impact (typically ranges from 0.0 to 1.0)
10239 </xs:documentation>
10240 </xs:annotation>
10241 </xs:element>
10242 <xs:element name="static_friction" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10243 <xs:annotation>
10244 <xs:documentation>
10245 Static friction coefficient
10246 </xs:documentation>
10247 </xs:annotation>
10248 </xs:element>
10249 </xs:sequence>
10250 </xs:complexType>
10251 </xs:element>
10252 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10253 <xs:annotation>
10254 <xs:documentation>
10255 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10256 </xs:documentation>
10257 </xs:annotation>
10258 </xs:element>
10259 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10260 <xs:annotation>
10261 <xs:documentation>
10262 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10263 </xs:documentation>
10264 </xs:annotation>
10265 </xs:element>
10266 </xs:sequence>
10267 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10268 <xs:annotation>
10269 <xs:documentation>
10270 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
10271 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10272 </xs:documentation>
10273 </xs:annotation>
10274 </xs:attribute>
10275 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10276 <xs:annotation>
10277 <xs:documentation>
10278 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10279 </xs:documentation>
10280 </xs:annotation>
10281 </xs:attribute>
10282 </xs:complexType>
10283 </xs:element>
10284 <xs:element name="physics_scene">
10285 <xs:complexType>
10286 <xs:sequence>
10287 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10288 <xs:annotation>
10289 <xs:documentation>
10290 The physics_scene element may contain an asset element.
10291 </xs:documentation>
10292 </xs:annotation>
10293 </xs:element>
10294 <xs:element ref="instance_force_field" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10295 <xs:annotation>
10296 <xs:documentation>
10297 There may be any number of instance_force_field elements.
10298 </xs:documentation>
10299 </xs:annotation>
10300 </xs:element>
10301 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_model" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10302 <xs:annotation>
10303 <xs:documentation>
10304 There may be any number of instance_physics_model elements.
10305 </xs:documentation>
10306 </xs:annotation>
10307 </xs:element>
10308 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10309 <xs:annotation>
10310 <xs:documentation>
10311 The technique_common element specifies the physics_scene information for the common profile
10312 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
10313 </xs:documentation>
10314 </xs:annotation>
10315 <xs:complexType>
10316 <xs:sequence>
10317 <xs:element name="gravity" type="TargetableFloat3" minOccurs="0">
10318 <xs:annotation>
10319 <xs:documentation>
10320 The gravity vector to use for the physics_scene.
10321 </xs:documentation>
10322 </xs:annotation>
10323 </xs:element>
10324 <xs:element name="time_step" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10325 <xs:annotation>
10326 <xs:documentation>
10327 The time_step for the physics_scene.
10328 </xs:documentation>
10329 </xs:annotation>
10330 </xs:element>
10331 </xs:sequence>
10332 </xs:complexType>
10333 </xs:element>
10334 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10335 <xs:annotation>
10336 <xs:documentation>
10337 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10338 </xs:documentation>
10339 </xs:annotation>
10340 </xs:element>
10341 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10342 <xs:annotation>
10343 <xs:documentation>
10344 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10345 </xs:documentation>
10346 </xs:annotation>
10347 </xs:element>
10348 </xs:sequence>
10349 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10350 <xs:annotation>
10351 <xs:documentation>
10352 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
10353 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10354 </xs:documentation>
10355 </xs:annotation>
10356 </xs:attribute>
10357 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10358 <xs:annotation>
10359 <xs:documentation>
10360 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10361 </xs:documentation>
10362 </xs:annotation>
10363 </xs:attribute>
10364 </xs:complexType>
10365 </xs:element>
10366 <xs:simpleType name="SpringType">
10367 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
10368 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR"/>
10369 <xs:enumeration value="ANGULAR"/>
10370 </xs:restriction>
10371 </xs:simpleType>
10372 <xs:element name="rigid_body">
10373 <xs:annotation>
10374 <xs:documentation>
10375 This element allows for describing simulated bodies that do not deform. These bodies may or may
10376 not be connected by constraints (hinge, ball-joint etc.). Rigid-bodies, constraints etc. are
10377 encapsulated in physics_model elements to allow for instantiating complex models.
10378 </xs:documentation>
10379 </xs:annotation>
10380 <xs:complexType>
10381 <xs:sequence>
10382 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10383 <xs:annotation>
10384 <xs:documentation>
10385 The technique_common element specifies the rigid_body information for the common profile which all
10386 COLLADA implementations need to support.
10387 </xs:documentation>
10388 </xs:annotation>
10389 <xs:complexType>
10390 <xs:sequence>
10391 <xs:element name="dynamic" minOccurs="0">
10392 <xs:annotation>
10393 <xs:documentation>
10394 If false, the rigid_body is not moveable
10395 </xs:documentation>
10396 </xs:annotation>
10397 <xs:complexType>
10398 <xs:simpleContent>
10399 <xs:extension base="bool">
10400 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10401 <xs:annotation>
10402 <xs:documentation>
10403 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10404 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10405 </xs:documentation>
10406 </xs:annotation>
10407 </xs:attribute>
10408 </xs:extension>
10409 </xs:simpleContent>
10410 </xs:complexType>
10411 </xs:element>
10412 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10413 <xs:annotation>
10414 <xs:documentation>
10415 The total mass of the rigid-body
10416 </xs:documentation>
10417 </xs:annotation>
10418 </xs:element>
10419 <xs:element name="mass_frame" minOccurs="0">
10420 <xs:annotation>
10421 <xs:documentation>
10422 Defines the center and orientation of mass of the rigid-body relative to the local origin of the
10423 “root” shape.This makes the off-diagonal elements of the inertia tensor (products of inertia) all
10424 0 and allows us to just store the diagonal elements (moments of inertia).
10425 </xs:documentation>
10426 </xs:annotation>
10427 <xs:complexType>
10428 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
10429 <xs:element ref="translate"/>
10430 <xs:element ref="rotate"/>
10431 </xs:choice>
10432 </xs:complexType>
10433 </xs:element>
10434 <xs:element name="inertia" type="TargetableFloat3" minOccurs="0">
10435 <xs:annotation>
10436 <xs:documentation>
10437 float3 – The diagonal elements of the inertia tensor (moments of inertia), which is represented
10438 in the local frame of the center of mass. See above.
10439 </xs:documentation>
10440 </xs:annotation>
10441 </xs:element>
10442 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
10443 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material">
10444 <xs:annotation>
10445 <xs:documentation>
10446 References a physics_material for the rigid_body.
10447 </xs:documentation>
10448 </xs:annotation>
10449 </xs:element>
10450 <xs:element ref="physics_material">
10451 <xs:annotation>
10452 <xs:documentation>
10453 Defines a physics_material for the rigid_body.
10454 </xs:documentation>
10455 </xs:annotation>
10456 </xs:element>
10457 </xs:choice>
10458 <xs:element name="shape" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10459 <xs:annotation>
10460 <xs:documentation>
10461 This element allows for describing components of a rigid_body.
10462 </xs:documentation>
10463 </xs:annotation>
10464 <xs:complexType>
10465 <xs:sequence>
10466 <xs:element name="hollow" minOccurs="0">
10467 <xs:annotation>
10468 <xs:documentation>
10469 If true, the mass is distributed along the surface of the shape
10470 </xs:documentation>
10471 </xs:annotation>
10472 <xs:complexType>
10473 <xs:simpleContent>
10474 <xs:extension base="bool">
10475 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10476 <xs:annotation>
10477 <xs:documentation>
10478 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10479 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10480 </xs:documentation>
10481 </xs:annotation>
10482 </xs:attribute>
10483 </xs:extension>
10484 </xs:simpleContent>
10485 </xs:complexType>
10486 </xs:element>
10487 <xs:element name="mass" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10488 <xs:annotation>
10489 <xs:documentation>
10490 The mass of the shape.
10491 </xs:documentation>
10492 </xs:annotation>
10493 </xs:element>
10494 <xs:element name="density" type="TargetableFloat" minOccurs="0">
10495 <xs:annotation>
10496 <xs:documentation>
10497 The density of the shape.
10498 </xs:documentation>
10499 </xs:annotation>
10500 </xs:element>
10501 <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
10502 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_material">
10503 <xs:annotation>
10504 <xs:documentation>
10505 References a physics_material for the shape.
10506 </xs:documentation>
10507 </xs:annotation>
10508 </xs:element>
10509 <xs:element ref="physics_material">
10510 <xs:annotation>
10511 <xs:documentation>
10512 Defines a physics_material for the shape.
10513 </xs:documentation>
10514 </xs:annotation>
10515 </xs:element>
10516 </xs:choice>
10517 <xs:choice>
10518 <xs:element ref="instance_geometry">
10519 <xs:annotation>
10520 <xs:documentation>
10521 Instances a geometry to use to define this shape.
10522 </xs:documentation>
10523 </xs:annotation>
10524 </xs:element>
10525 <xs:element ref="plane">
10526 <xs:annotation>
10527 <xs:documentation>
10528 Defines a plane to use for this shape.
10529 </xs:documentation>
10530 </xs:annotation>
10531 </xs:element>
10532 <xs:element ref="box">
10533 <xs:annotation>
10534 <xs:documentation>
10535 Defines a box to use for this shape.
10536 </xs:documentation>
10537 </xs:annotation>
10538 </xs:element>
10539 <xs:element ref="sphere">
10540 <xs:annotation>
10541 <xs:documentation>
10542 Defines a sphere to use for this shape.
10543 </xs:documentation>
10544 </xs:annotation>
10545 </xs:element>
10546 <xs:element ref="cylinder">
10547 <xs:annotation>
10548 <xs:documentation>
10549 Defines a cyliner to use for this shape.
10550 </xs:documentation>
10551 </xs:annotation>
10552 </xs:element>
10553 <xs:element ref="tapered_cylinder">
10554 <xs:annotation>
10555 <xs:documentation>
10556 Defines a tapered_cylinder to use for this shape.
10557 </xs:documentation>
10558 </xs:annotation>
10559 </xs:element>
10560 <xs:element ref="capsule">
10561 <xs:annotation>
10562 <xs:documentation>
10563 Defines a capsule to use for this shape.
10564 </xs:documentation>
10565 </xs:annotation>
10566 </xs:element>
10567 <xs:element ref="tapered_capsule">
10568 <xs:annotation>
10569 <xs:documentation>
10570 Defines a tapered_capsule to use for this shape.
10571 </xs:documentation>
10572 </xs:annotation>
10573 </xs:element>
10574 </xs:choice>
10575 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10576 <xs:element ref="translate">
10577 <xs:annotation>
10578 <xs:documentation>
10579 Allows a tranformation for the shape.
10580 </xs:documentation>
10581 </xs:annotation>
10582 </xs:element>
10583 <xs:element ref="rotate">
10584 <xs:annotation>
10585 <xs:documentation>
10586 Allows a tranformation for the shape.
10587 </xs:documentation>
10588 </xs:annotation>
10589 </xs:element>
10590 </xs:choice>
10591 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10592 <xs:annotation>
10593 <xs:documentation>
10594 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10595 </xs:documentation>
10596 </xs:annotation>
10597 </xs:element>
10598 </xs:sequence>
10599 </xs:complexType>
10600 </xs:element>
10601 </xs:sequence>
10602 </xs:complexType>
10603 </xs:element>
10604 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10605 <xs:annotation>
10606 <xs:documentation>
10607 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10608 </xs:documentation>
10609 </xs:annotation>
10610 </xs:element>
10611 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10612 <xs:annotation>
10613 <xs:documentation>
10614 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10615 </xs:documentation>
10616 </xs:annotation>
10617 </xs:element>
10618 </xs:sequence>
10619 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
10620 <xs:annotation>
10621 <xs:documentation>
10622 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This
10623 value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10624 </xs:documentation>
10625 </xs:annotation>
10626 </xs:attribute>
10627 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10628 <xs:annotation>
10629 <xs:documentation>
10630 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10631 </xs:documentation>
10632 </xs:annotation>
10633 </xs:attribute>
10634 </xs:complexType>
10635 </xs:element>
10636 <xs:element name="rigid_constraint">
10637 <xs:annotation>
10638 <xs:documentation>
10639 This element allows for connecting components, such as rigid_body into complex physics models
10640 with moveable parts.
10641 </xs:documentation>
10642 </xs:annotation>
10643 <xs:complexType>
10644 <xs:sequence>
10645 <xs:element name="ref_attachment">
10646 <xs:annotation>
10647 <xs:documentation>
10648 Defines the attachment (to a rigid_body or a node) to be used as the reference-frame.
10649 </xs:documentation>
10650 </xs:annotation>
10651 <xs:complexType>
10652 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10653 <xs:element ref="translate">
10654 <xs:annotation>
10655 <xs:documentation>
10656 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10657 </xs:documentation>
10658 </xs:annotation>
10659 </xs:element>
10660 <xs:element ref="rotate">
10661 <xs:annotation>
10662 <xs:documentation>
10663 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10664 </xs:documentation>
10665 </xs:annotation>
10666 </xs:element>
10667 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10668 <xs:annotation>
10669 <xs:documentation>
10670 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10671 </xs:documentation>
10672 </xs:annotation>
10673 </xs:element>
10674 </xs:choice>
10675 <xs:attribute name="rigid_body" type="xs:anyURI">
10676 <xs:annotation>
10677 <xs:documentation>
10678 The “rigid_body” attribute is a relative reference to a rigid-body within the same
10679 physics_model.
10680 </xs:documentation>
10681 </xs:annotation>
10682 </xs:attribute>
10683 </xs:complexType>
10684 </xs:element>
10685 <xs:element name="attachment">
10686 <xs:annotation>
10687 <xs:documentation>
10688 Defines an attachment to a rigid-body or a node.
10689 </xs:documentation>
10690 </xs:annotation>
10691 <xs:complexType>
10692 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10693 <xs:element ref="translate">
10694 <xs:annotation>
10695 <xs:documentation>
10696 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10697 </xs:documentation>
10698 </xs:annotation>
10699 </xs:element>
10700 <xs:element ref="rotate">
10701 <xs:annotation>
10702 <xs:documentation>
10703 Allows you to "position" the attachment point.
10704 </xs:documentation>
10705 </xs:annotation>
10706 </xs:element>
10707 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10708 <xs:annotation>
10709 <xs:documentation>
10710 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10711 </xs:documentation>
10712 </xs:annotation>
10713 </xs:element>
10714 </xs:choice>
10715 <xs:attribute name="rigid_body" type="xs:anyURI">
10716 <xs:annotation>
10717 <xs:documentation>
10718 The “rigid_body” attribute is a relative reference to a rigid-body within the same physics_model.
10719 </xs:documentation>
10720 </xs:annotation>
10721 </xs:attribute>
10722 </xs:complexType>
10723 </xs:element>
10724 <xs:element name="technique_common">
10725 <xs:annotation>
10726 <xs:documentation>
10727 The technique_common element specifies the rigid_constraint information for the common profile
10728 which all COLLADA implementations need to support.
10729 </xs:documentation>
10730 </xs:annotation>
10731 <xs:complexType>
10732 <xs:sequence>
10733 <xs:element name="enabled" default="true" minOccurs="0">
10734 <xs:annotation>
10735 <xs:documentation>
10736 If false, the constraint doesn’t exert any force or influence on the rigid bodies.
10737 </xs:documentation>
10738 </xs:annotation>
10739 <xs:complexType>
10740 <xs:simpleContent>
10741 <xs:extension base="bool">
10742 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10743 <xs:annotation>
10744 <xs:documentation>
10745 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10746 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10747 </xs:documentation>
10748 </xs:annotation>
10749 </xs:attribute>
10750 </xs:extension>
10751 </xs:simpleContent>
10752 </xs:complexType>
10753 </xs:element>
10754 <xs:element name="interpenetrate" default="false" minOccurs="0">
10755 <xs:annotation>
10756 <xs:documentation>
10757 Indicates whether the attached rigid bodies may inter-penetrate.
10758 </xs:documentation>
10759 </xs:annotation>
10760 <xs:complexType>
10761 <xs:simpleContent>
10762 <xs:extension base="bool">
10763 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName">
10764 <xs:annotation>
10765 <xs:documentation>
10766 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10767 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10768 </xs:documentation>
10769 </xs:annotation>
10770 </xs:attribute>
10771 </xs:extension>
10772 </xs:simpleContent>
10773 </xs:complexType>
10774 </xs:element>
10775 <xs:element name="limits" minOccurs="0">
10776 <xs:annotation>
10777 <xs:documentation>
10778 The limits element provides a flexible way to specify the constraint limits (degrees of freedom
10779 and ranges).
10780 </xs:documentation>
10781 </xs:annotation>
10782 <xs:complexType>
10783 <xs:sequence>
10784 <xs:element name="swing_cone_and_twist" minOccurs="0">
10785 <xs:annotation>
10786 <xs:documentation>
10787 The swing_cone_and_twist element describes the angular limits along each rotation axis in degrees.
10788 The the X and Y limits describe a “swing cone” and the Z limits describe the “twist angle” range
10789 </xs:documentation>
10790 </xs:annotation>
10791 <xs:complexType>
10792 <xs:sequence>
10793 <xs:element name="min" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10794 <xs:annotation>
10795 <xs:documentation>
10796 The minimum values for the limit.
10797 </xs:documentation>
10798 </xs:annotation>
10799 </xs:element>
10800 <xs:element name="max" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10801 <xs:annotation>
10802 <xs:documentation>
10803 The maximum values for the limit.
10804 </xs:documentation>
10805 </xs:annotation>
10806 </xs:element>
10807 </xs:sequence>
10808 </xs:complexType>
10809 </xs:element>
10810 <xs:element name="linear" minOccurs="0">
10811 <xs:annotation>
10812 <xs:documentation>
10813 The linear element describes linear (translational) limits along each axis.
10814 </xs:documentation>
10815 </xs:annotation>
10816 <xs:complexType>
10817 <xs:sequence>
10818 <xs:element name="min" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10819 <xs:annotation>
10820 <xs:documentation>
10821 The minimum values for the limit.
10822 </xs:documentation>
10823 </xs:annotation>
10824 </xs:element>
10825 <xs:element name="max" type="TargetableFloat3" default="0.0 0.0 0.0" minOccurs="0">
10826 <xs:annotation>
10827 <xs:documentation>
10828 The maximum values for the limit.
10829 </xs:documentation>
10830 </xs:annotation>
10831 </xs:element>
10832 </xs:sequence>
10833 </xs:complexType>
10834 </xs:element>
10835 </xs:sequence>
10836 </xs:complexType>
10837 </xs:element>
10838 <xs:element name="spring" minOccurs="0">
10839 <xs:annotation>
10840 <xs:documentation>
10841 Spring, based on distance (“LINEAR”) or angle (“ANGULAR”).
10842 </xs:documentation>
10843 </xs:annotation>
10844 <xs:complexType>
10845 <xs:sequence>
10846 <xs:element name="angular" minOccurs="0">
10847 <xs:annotation>
10848 <xs:documentation>
10849 The angular spring properties.
10850 </xs:documentation>
10851 </xs:annotation>
10852 <xs:complexType>
10853 <xs:sequence>
10854 <xs:element name="stiffness" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
10855 <xs:annotation>
10856 <xs:documentation>
10857 The stiffness (also called spring coefficient) has units of force/angle in degrees.
10858 </xs:documentation>
10859 </xs:annotation>
10860 </xs:element>
10861 <xs:element name="damping" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10862 <xs:annotation>
10863 <xs:documentation>
10864 The spring damping coefficient.
10865 </xs:documentation>
10866 </xs:annotation>
10867 </xs:element>
10868 <xs:element name="target_value" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10869 <xs:annotation>
10870 <xs:documentation>
10871 The spring's target or resting distance.
10872 </xs:documentation>
10873 </xs:annotation>
10874 </xs:element>
10875 </xs:sequence>
10876 </xs:complexType>
10877 </xs:element>
10878 <xs:element name="linear" minOccurs="0">
10879 <xs:annotation>
10880 <xs:documentation>
10881 The linear spring properties.
10882 </xs:documentation>
10883 </xs:annotation>
10884 <xs:complexType>
10885 <xs:sequence>
10886 <xs:element name="stiffness" type="TargetableFloat" default="1.0" minOccurs="0">
10887 <xs:annotation>
10888 <xs:documentation>
10889 The stiffness (also called spring coefficient) has units of force/distance.
10890 </xs:documentation>
10891 </xs:annotation>
10892 </xs:element>
10893 <xs:element name="damping" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10894 <xs:annotation>
10895 <xs:documentation>
10896 The spring damping coefficient.
10897 </xs:documentation>
10898 </xs:annotation>
10899 </xs:element>
10900 <xs:element name="target_value" type="TargetableFloat" default="0.0" minOccurs="0">
10901 <xs:annotation>
10902 <xs:documentation>
10903 The spring's target or resting distance.
10904 </xs:documentation>
10905 </xs:annotation>
10906 </xs:element>
10907 </xs:sequence>
10908 </xs:complexType>
10909 </xs:element>
10910 </xs:sequence>
10911 </xs:complexType>
10912 </xs:element>
10913 </xs:sequence>
10914 </xs:complexType>
10915 </xs:element>
10916 <xs:element ref="technique" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10917 <xs:annotation>
10918 <xs:documentation>
10919 This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques.
10920 </xs:documentation>
10921 </xs:annotation>
10922 </xs:element>
10923 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10924 <xs:annotation>
10925 <xs:documentation>
10926 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10927 </xs:documentation>
10928 </xs:annotation>
10929 </xs:element>
10930 </xs:sequence>
10931 <xs:attribute name="sid" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
10932 <xs:annotation>
10933 <xs:documentation>
10934 The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
10935 This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute.
10936 </xs:documentation>
10937 </xs:annotation>
10938 </xs:attribute>
10939 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
10940 <xs:annotation>
10941 <xs:documentation>
10942 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
10943 </xs:documentation>
10944 </xs:annotation>
10945 </xs:attribute>
10946 </xs:complexType>
10947 </xs:element>
10948 <xs:element name="physics_model">
10949 <xs:annotation>
10950 <xs:documentation>
10951 This element allows for building complex combinations of rigid-bodies and constraints that
10952 may be instantiated multiple times.
10953 </xs:documentation>
10954 </xs:annotation>
10955 <xs:complexType>
10956 <xs:sequence>
10957 <xs:element ref="asset" minOccurs="0">
10958 <xs:annotation>
10959 <xs:documentation>
10960 The physics_model element may contain an asset element.
10961 </xs:documentation>
10962 </xs:annotation>
10963 </xs:element>
10964 <xs:element ref="rigid_body" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10965 <xs:annotation>
10966 <xs:documentation>
10967 The physics_model may define any number of rigid_body elements.
10968 </xs:documentation>
10969 </xs:annotation>
10970 </xs:element>
10971 <xs:element ref="rigid_constraint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10972 <xs:annotation>
10973 <xs:documentation>
10974 The physics_model may define any number of rigid_constraint elements.
10975 </xs:documentation>
10976 </xs:annotation>
10977 </xs:element>
10978 <xs:element ref="instance_physics_model" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10979 <xs:annotation>
10980 <xs:documentation>
10981 The physics_model may instance any number of other physics_model elements.
10982 </xs:documentation>
10983 </xs:annotation>
10984 </xs:element>
10985 <xs:element ref="extra" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
10986 <xs:annotation>
10987 <xs:documentation>
10988 The extra element may appear any number of times.
10989 </xs:documentation>
10990 </xs:annotation>
10991 </xs:element>
10992 </xs:sequence>
10993 <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
10994 <xs:annotation>
10995 <xs:documentation>
10996 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
10997 This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.
10998 </xs:documentation>
10999 </xs:annotation>
11000 </xs:attribute>
11001 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName">
11002 <xs:annotation>
11003 <xs:documentation>
11004 The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute.
11005 </xs:documentation>
11006 </xs:annotation>
11007 </xs:attribute>
11008 </xs:complexType>
11009 </xs:element>
11010 <!-- COMMON Profile Types -->
11011 <xs:simpleType name="Common_profile_input">
11012 <xs:annotation>
11013 <xs:appinfo>constant-strings</xs:appinfo>
11014 </xs:annotation>
11015 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
11016 <xs:enumeration value="BINORMAL"/>
11017 <xs:enumeration value="COLOR"/>
11018 <xs:enumeration value="CONTINUITY"/>
11019 <xs:enumeration value="IMAGE"/>
11020 <xs:enumeration value="IN_TANGENT"/>
11021 <xs:enumeration value="INPUT"/>
11022 <xs:enumeration value="INTERPOLATION"/>
11023 <xs:enumeration value="INV_BIND_MATRIX"/>
11024 <xs:enumeration value="JOINT"/>
11025 <xs:enumeration value="LINEAR_STEPS"/>
11026 <xs:enumeration value="MORPH_TARGET"/>
11027 <xs:enumeration value="MORPH_WEIGHT"/>
11028 <xs:enumeration value="NORMAL"/>
11029 <xs:enumeration value="OUTPUT"/>
11030 <xs:enumeration value="OUT_TANGENT"/>
11031 <xs:enumeration value="POSITION"/>
11032 <xs:enumeration value="TANGENT"/>
11033 <xs:enumeration value="TEXBINORMAL"/>
11034 <xs:enumeration value="TEXCOORD"/>
11035 <xs:enumeration value="TEXTANGENT"/>
11036 <xs:enumeration value="UV"/>
11037 <xs:enumeration value="VERTEX"/>
11038 <xs:enumeration value="WEIGHT"/>
11039 </xs:restriction>
11040 </xs:simpleType>
11041 <xs:simpleType name="Common_profile_param">
11042 <xs:annotation>
11043 <xs:appinfo>constant-strings</xs:appinfo>
11044 </xs:annotation>
11045 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
11046 <xs:enumeration value="A"/>
11047 <xs:enumeration value="ANGLE"/>
11048 <xs:enumeration value="B"/>
11049 <xs:enumeration value="DOUBLE_SIDED"/>
11050 <xs:enumeration value="G"/>
11051 <xs:enumeration value="P"/>
11052 <xs:enumeration value="Q"/>
11053 <xs:enumeration value="R"/>
11054 <xs:enumeration value="S"/>
11055 <xs:enumeration value="T"/>
11056 <xs:enumeration value="TIME"/>
11057 <xs:enumeration value="U"/>
11058 <xs:enumeration value="V"/>
11059 <xs:enumeration value="W"/>
11060 <xs:enumeration value="X"/>
11061 <xs:enumeration value="Y"/>
11062 <xs:enumeration value="Z"/>
11063 </xs:restriction>
11064 </xs:simpleType>
11065 </xs:schema>"""
11067 XML_XSD = """<?xml version='1.0'?>
11068 <!DOCTYPE xs:schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSCHEMA 200102//EN" "XMLSchema.dtd" >
11069 <xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xml:lang="en">
11071 <xs:annotation>
11072 <xs:documentation>
11073 See and
11074 for information about this namespace.
11076 This schema document describes the XML namespace, in a form
11077 suitable for import by other schema documents.
11079 Note that local names in this namespace are intended to be defined
11080 only by the World Wide Web Consortium or its subgroups. The
11081 following names are currently defined in this namespace and should
11082 not be used with conflicting semantics by any Working Group,
11083 specification, or document instance:
11085 base (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value
11086 provides a URI to be used as the base for interpreting any
11087 relative URIs in the scope of the element on which it
11088 appears; its value is inherited. This name is reserved
11089 by virtue of its definition in the XML Base specification.
11091 lang (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value
11092 is a language code for the natural language of the content of
11093 any element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved
11094 by virtue of its definition in the XML specification.
11096 space (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose
11097 value is a keyword indicating what whitespace processing
11098 discipline is intended for the content of the element; its
11099 value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its
11100 definition in the XML specification.
11102 Father (in any context at all): denotes Jon Bosak, the chair of
11103 the original XML Working Group. This name is reserved by
11104 the following decision of the W3C XML Plenary and
11105 XML Coordination groups:
11107 In appreciation for his vision, leadership and dedication
11108 the W3C XML Plenary on this 10th day of February, 2000
11109 reserves for Jon Bosak in perpetuity the XML name
11110 xml:Father
11111 </xs:documentation>
11112 </xs:annotation>
11114 <xs:annotation>
11115 <xs:documentation>This schema defines attributes and an attribute group
11116 suitable for use by
11117 schemas wishing to allow xml:base, xml:lang or xml:space attributes
11118 on elements they define.
11120 To enable this, such a schema must import this schema
11121 for the XML namespace, e.g. as follows:
11122 &lt;schema . . .>
11123 . . .
11124 &lt;import namespace=""
11125 schemaLocation=""/>
11127 Subsequently, qualified reference to any of the attributes
11128 or the group defined below will have the desired effect, e.g.
11130 &lt;type . . .>
11131 . . .
11132 &lt;attributeGroup ref="xml:specialAttrs"/>
11134 will define a type which will schema-validate an instance
11135 element with any of those attributes</xs:documentation>
11136 </xs:annotation>
11138 <xs:annotation>
11139 <xs:documentation>In keeping with the XML Schema WG's standard versioning
11140 policy, this schema document will persist at
11142 At the date of issue it can also be found at
11144 The schema document at that URI may however change in the future,
11145 in order to remain compatible with the latest version of XML Schema
11146 itself. In other words, if the XML Schema namespace changes, the version
11147 of this document at
11148 will change
11149 accordingly; the version at
11150 will not change.
11151 </xs:documentation>
11152 </xs:annotation>
11154 <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xs:language">
11155 <xs:annotation>
11156 <xs:documentation>In due course, we should install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
11157 codes as the enumerated possible values . . .</xs:documentation>
11158 </xs:annotation>
11159 </xs:attribute>
11161 <xs:attribute name="space" default="preserve">
11162 <xs:simpleType>
11163 <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
11164 <xs:enumeration value="default"/>
11165 <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
11166 </xs:restriction>
11167 </xs:simpleType>
11168 </xs:attribute>
11170 <xs:attribute name="base" type="xs:anyURI">
11171 <xs:annotation>
11172 <xs:documentation>See for
11173 information about this attribute.</xs:documentation>
11174 </xs:annotation>
11175 </xs:attribute>
11177 <xs:attributeGroup name="specialAttrs">
11178 <xs:attribute ref="xml:base"/>
11179 <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
11180 <xs:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
11181 </xs:attributeGroup>
11183 </xs:schema>
11184 """
28 XML_XSD = str(resource_string(
29 'collada',
30 'resources/xsd.xml').decode('utf-8'))
1118632 class ColladaResolver(lxml.etree.Resolver):
1118733 """COLLADA XML Resolver. If a known URL referenced
7979 @staticmethod
8080 def load(collada, localscope, node):
8181 sourceid = node.get('id')
82 arraynode = node.find(tag('float_array'))
82 arraynode = node.find(collada.tag('float_array'))
8383 if not arraynode is None:
8484 return FloatSource.load(collada, localscope, node)
86 arraynode = node.find(tag('IDREF_array'))
86 arraynode = node.find(collada.tag('IDREF_array'))
8787 if not arraynode is None:
8888 return IDRefSource.load(collada, localscope, node)
90 arraynode = node.find(tag('Name_array'))
90 arraynode = node.find(collada.tag('Name_array'))
9191 if not arraynode is None:
9292 return NameSource.load(collada, localscope, node)
94 if arraynode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No array found in source %s' % sourceid)
94 if arraynode is None:
95 raise DaeIncompleteError('No array found in source %s' % sourceid)
9798 class FloatSource(Source):
101102 If ``f`` is an instance of :class:`collada.source.FloatSource`, then
102103 ``len(f)`` is the length of the shaped source. ``len(f)*len(f.components)``
103 would give you the number of values in the source. ``f[i]`` is the i\ :sup:`th`
104 would give you the number of values in the source. ``f[i]`` is the i\\ :sup:`th`
104105 item in the source array.
105106 """
177178 @staticmethod
178179 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
179180 sourceid = node.get('id')
180 arraynode = node.find(tag('float_array'))
181 arraynode = node.find(collada.tag('float_array'))
181182 if arraynode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No float_array in source node')
182 if arraynode.text is None:
183 if arraynode.text is None or arraynode.text.isspace():
183184 data = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float32)
184185 else:
185186 try: data = numpy.fromstring(arraynode.text, dtype=numpy.float32, sep=' ')
186187 except ValueError: raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted float array')
187188 data[numpy.isnan(data)] = 0
189 paramnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'), tag('accessor'), tag('param')))
190 paramnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%(collada.tag('technique_common'), collada.tag('accessor'), collada.tag('param')))
190191 if not paramnodes: raise DaeIncompleteError('No accessor info in source node')
191192 components = [ param.get('name') for param in paramnodes ]
192193 if len(components) == 2 and components[0] == 'U' and components[1] == 'V':
210211 If ``r`` is an instance of :class:`collada.source.IDRefSource`, then
211212 ``len(r)`` is the length of the shaped source. ``len(r)*len(r.components)``
212 would give you the number of values in the source. ``r[i]`` is the i\ :sup:`th`
213 would give you the number of values in the source. ``r[i]`` is the i\\ :sup:`th`
213214 item in the source array.
215216 """
288289 sourceid = node.get('id')
289290 arraynode = node.find(tag('IDREF_array'))
290291 if arraynode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No IDREF_array in source node')
291 if arraynode.text is None:
292 if arraynode.text is None or arraynode.text.isspace():
292293 values = []
293294 else:
294295 try: values = [v for v in arraynode.text.split()]
295296 except ValueError: raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted IDREF array')
296297 data = numpy.array( values, dtype=numpy.unicode_ )
297 paramnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'), tag('accessor'), tag('param')))
298 paramnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%(collada.tag('technique_common'), collada.tag('accessor'), collada.tag('param')))
298299 if not paramnodes: raise DaeIncompleteError('No accessor info in source node')
299300 components = [ param.get('name') for param in paramnodes ]
300301 return IDRefSource( sourceid, data, tuple(components), xmlnode=node )
309310 If ``n`` is an instance of :class:`collada.source.NameSource`, then
310311 ``len(n)`` is the length of the shaped source. ``len(n)*len(n.components)``
311 would give you the number of values in the source. ``n[i]`` is the i\ :sup:`th`
312 would give you the number of values in the source. ``n[i]`` is the i\\ :sup:`th`
312313 item in the source array.
314315 """
387388 sourceid = node.get('id')
388389 arraynode = node.find(tag('Name_array'))
389390 if arraynode is None: raise DaeIncompleteError('No Name_array in source node')
390 if arraynode.text is None:
391 if arraynode.text is None or arraynode.text.isspace():
391392 values = []
392393 else:
393394 try: values = [v for v in arraynode.text.split()]
394395 except ValueError: raise DaeMalformedError('Corrupted Name array')
395396 data = numpy.array( values, dtype=numpy.unicode_ )
396 paramnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'), tag('accessor'), tag('param')))
397 paramnodes = node.findall('%s/%s/%s'%(tag('technique_common'), tag('accessor'), tag
398 ('param')))
397399 if not paramnodes: raise DaeIncompleteError('No accessor info in source node')
398400 components = [ param.get('name') for param in paramnodes ]
399401 return NameSource( sourceid, data, tuple(components), xmlnode=node )
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 <COLLADA xmlns="" version="1.4.1">
2 <library_geometries>
3 <geometry id="geom0">
4 <mesh>
5 <source id="geom0-vtx">
6 <float_array id="geom0-vtx-array" count="0"></float_array>
7 <technique_common>
8 <accessor source="#geom0-vtx-array" count="0" stride="0">
9 <param name="X" type="float"/>
10 <param name="Y" type="float"/>
11 <param name="Z" type="float"/>
12 </accessor>
13 </technique_common>
14 </source>
15 <vertices id="geom0-mesh-vertices">
16 <input semantic="POSITION" source="#geom0-vtx"/>
17 </vertices>
18 <triangles count="0" material="geom0-material">
19 <input semantic="VERTEX" source="#geom0-mesh-vertices" offset="0" />
20 <input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#geom0-vtx" offset="1" set="0" />
21 <input semantic="NORMAL" source="#geom0-vtx" offset="2" />
22 <p> </p>
23 </triangles>
24 </mesh>
25 </geometry>
26 </library_geometries>
27 <library_visual_scenes>
28 <visual_scene id="scene" name="scene">
29 <node>
30 <instance_geometry url="#geom0" />
31 </node>
32 </visual_scene>
33 </library_visual_scenes>
34 <scene>
35 <instance_visual_scene url="#scene"/>
36 </scene>
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 <COLLADA xmlns="" version="1.5.0">
2 <asset>
3 <contributor>
4 <authoring_tool>OpenRAVE Collada Writer v0.3.5</authoring_tool>
5 </contributor>
6 <created>2014-07-09T17:36:08.000000</created>
7 <modified>2014-07-09T17:36:08.000000</modified>
8 <unit/>
9 <up_axis>Z_UP</up_axis>
10 </asset>
11 <library_visual_scenes id="vscenes">
12 <visual_scene id="vscene" name="barrett-wam">
13 <node id="visual1" name="WAM7" sid="visual1">
14 <translate>-0.22 -0.14 -0.346</translate>
15 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
16 <instance_node url="#v1.node0" sid="node0" name="wam0"/>
17 </node>
18 </visual_scene>
19 </library_visual_scenes>
20 <library_geometries id="geometries">
21 <geometry id="g1_link0_geom0">
22 <mesh>
23 <source id="g1_link0_geom0_positions">
24 <float_array id="g1_link0_geom0_positions-array" count="28476" digits="2490384">0.353625 0.159216 0.16 0.355 0.14 0.018 0.355 0.14 0.16 0.35039 0.105023 0.018 0.355 0.14 0.16 0.355 0.14 0.018 0.354812 0.177759 0.16 0.353625 0.159216 0.16 0.355 0.14 0.16 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.36 0.14 0.16 0.355 0.14 0.16 0.354812 0.177759 0.16 0.355 0.14 0.16 0.36 0.14 0.16 0.353619 0.120743 0.16 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.355 0.14 0.16 0.35039 0.105023 0.018 0.353619 0.120743 0.16 0.355 0.14 0.16 0.353625 0.159216 0.16 0.35039 0.174977 0.018 0.355 0.14 0.018 0.35039 0.105023 0.018 0.355 0.14 0.018 0.35039 0.174977 0.018 0.349524 0.178058 0.16 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.35039 0.174977 0.018 0.35039 0.105023 0.018 0.35039 0.174977 0.018 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.353625 0.159216 0.16 0.349524 0.178058 0.16 0.35039 0.174977 0.018 0.333575 0.212978 0.16 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.326013 0.221007 0.018 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.349524 0.178058 0.16 0.333575 0.212978 0.16 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.35039 0.105023 0.018 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.327849 0.218259 0.018 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.326013 0.221007 0.018 0.327849 0.218259 0.018 0.336898 0.207525 0.018 0.308411 0.242022 0.16 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.314025 0.221045 0.018 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.333575 0.212978 0.16 0.308411 0.242022 0.16 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.323283 0.22284 0.018 0.326013 0.221007 0.018 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.320034 0.223499 0.018 0.323283 0.22284 0.018 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.316783 0.222867 0.018 0.320034 0.223499 0.018 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.314025 0.221045 0.018 0.316783 0.222867 0.018 0.315459 0.235458 0.018 0.276119 0.262783 0.16 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.286235 0.231182 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.308411 0.242022 0.16 0.276119 0.262783 0.16 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.29969 0.219691 0.018 0.311184 0.20623 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.3115 0.215 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.311184 0.20623 0.018 0.286235 0.231182 0.018 0.29969 0.219691 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.312159 0.218276 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.3115 0.215 0.018 0.312159 0.218276 0.018 0.314025 0.221045 0.018 0.287526 0.256897 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.138 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.254854 0.247174 0.018 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.220028 0.275 0.16 0.22 0.275 0.138 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.239252 0.27362 0.16 0.220028 0.275 0.16 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.276119 0.262783 0.16 0.239252 0.27362 0.16 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.254854 0.247174 0.018 0.286235 0.231182 0.018 0.254977 0.27039 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.138 0.170034 0.273499 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.220054 0.252699 0.018 0.254854 0.247174 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.220054 0.252699 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.177849 0.268259 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.176013 0.271007 0.018 0.177849 0.268259 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.173283 0.27284 0.018 0.176013 0.271007 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.170034 0.273499 0.018 0.173283 0.27284 0.018 0.22 0.275 0.018 0.20081 0.273629 0.16 0.185023 0.27039 0.138 0.22 0.275 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.22 0.275 0.138 0.185023 0.27039 0.138 0.220028 0.275 0.16 0.20081 0.273629 0.16 0.22 0.275 0.138 0.163956 0.262817 0.16 0.152475 0.256898 0.138 0.185023 0.27039 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.185023 0.27039 0.138 0.152475 0.256898 0.138 0.20081 0.273629 0.16 0.163956 0.262817 0.16 0.185023 0.27039 0.138 0.131672 0.242094 0.16 0.124542 0.235459 0.138 0.152475 0.256898 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.152475 0.256898 0.138 0.124542 0.235459 0.138 0.163956 0.262817 0.16 0.131672 0.242094 0.16 0.152475 0.256898 0.138 0.106509 0.213108 0.16 0.103103 0.207526 0.138 0.124542 0.235459 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.124542 0.235459 0.138 0.103103 0.207526 0.138 0.131672 0.242094 0.16 0.106509 0.213108 0.16 0.124542 0.235459 0.138 0.0905016 0.178147 0.16 0.0896103 0.174977 0.138 0.103103 0.207526 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.103103 0.207526 0.138 0.0896103 0.174977 0.138 0.097271 0.196237 0.16 0.0905016 0.178147 0.16 0.103103 0.207526 0.138 0.106509 0.213108 0.16 0.097271 0.196237 0.16 0.103103 0.207526 0.138 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.16 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.138 0.0896103 0.174977 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.0896103 0.174977 0.138 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.138 0.0863806 0.159257 0.16 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.16 0.0896103 0.174977 0.138 0.0905016 0.178147 0.16 0.0863806 0.159257 0.16 0.0896103 0.174977 0.138 0.0863747 0.120784 0.16 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.138 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.16 0.0896102 0.105023 0.138 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.138 0.0863747 0.120784 0.16 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.138 0.0896102 0.105023 0.138 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.16 0.0863806 0.159257 0.16 0.0863747 0.120784 0.16 0.08500000000000001 0.14 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.0863806 0.159257 0.16 0.0905016 0.178147 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.0905016 0.178147 0.16 0.097271 0.196237 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.097271 0.196237 0.16 0.106509 0.213108 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.106509 0.213108 0.16 0.131672 0.242094 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.131672 0.242094 0.16 0.163956 0.262817 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.163956 0.262817 0.16 0.20081 0.273629 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.20081 0.273629 0.16 0.220028 0.275 0.16 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.220028 0.275 0.16 0.239252 0.27362 0.16 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.220028 0.275 0.16 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.239252 0.27362 0.16 0.276119 0.262783 0.16 0.284709 0.264148 0.16 0.276119 0.262783 0.16 0.308411 0.242022 0.16 0.284709 0.264148 0.16 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.276119 0.262783 0.16 0.315732 0.242154 0.16 0.308411 0.242022 0.16 0.333575 0.212978 0.16 0.315732 0.242154 0.16 0.284709 0.264148 0.16 0.308411 0.242022 0.16 0.339677 0.212646 0.16 0.333575 0.212978 0.16 0.349524 0.178058 0.16 0.339677 0.212646 0.16 0.315732 0.242154 0.16 0.333575 0.212978 0.16 0.354812 0.177759 0.16 0.349524 0.178058 0.16 0.353625 0.159216 0.16 0.354812 0.177759 0.16 0.339677 0.212646 0.16 0.349524 0.178058 0.16 0.36 0.14 0 0.36 0.14 0.16 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.355219 0.176272 0 0.354812 0.177759 0.16 0.36 0.14 0.16 0.36 0.14 0 0.355219 0.176272 0 0.36 0.14 0.16 0.342729 0.0837632 0.16 0.339677 0.0673537 0.16 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.341227 0.0699741 0 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.339677 0.0673537 0.16 0.349498 0.101853 0.16 0.342729 0.0837632 0.16 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.353619 0.120743 0.16 0.349498 0.101853 0.16 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.355219 0.103728 0 0.36 0.14 0 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.341227 0.0699741 0 0.355219 0.103728 0 0.354812 0.102241 0.16 0.333491 0.0668921 0.16 0.315732 0.0378463 0.16 0.339677 0.0673537 0.16 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.339677 0.0673537 0.16 0.315732 0.0378463 0.16 0.342729 0.0837632 0.16 0.333491 0.0668921 0.16 0.339677 0.0673537 0.16 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.341227 0.0699741 0 0.339677 0.0673537 0.16 0.308328 0.0379065 0.16 0.284709 0.0158518 0.16 0.315732 0.0378463 0.16 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.315732 0.0378463 0.16 0.284709 0.0158518 0.16 0.333491 0.0668921 0.16 0.308328 0.0379065 0.16 0.315732 0.0378463 0.16 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.315732 0.0378463 0.16 0.276044 0.0171829 0.16 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.284709 0.0158518 0.16 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.284709 0.0158518 0.16 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.308328 0.0379065 0.16 0.276044 0.0171829 0.16 0.284709 0.0158518 0.16 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.284709 0.0158518 0.16 0.219972 0.00500008 0.16 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.23919 0.006371 0.16 0.219972 0.00500008 0.16 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.276044 0.0171829 0.16 0.23919 0.006371 0.16 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.23631 0.0009533019999999999 0.159193 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.23631 0.0009533019999999999 0.159193 0.248827 0.003 0.16 0.106425 0.0670221 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.00087868 0.277 0.159121 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.131589 0.0379778 0.16 0.106425 0.0670221 0.16 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.163881 0.0172172 0.16 0.131589 0.0379778 0.16 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.200748 0.00637986 0.16 0.163881 0.0172172 0.16 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.219972 0.00500008 0.16 0.200748 0.00637986 0.16 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.00087868 0.003 0.159121 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.00087868 0.277 0.159121 0.00087868 0.00193934 0.158837 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.00087868 0.003 0.159121 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.003 0.003 0.16 0.00087868 0.00193934 0.158837 0.236309 0.279047 0.159193 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.0904756 0.101942 0.16 0.0863747 0.120784 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.106425 0.0670221 0.16 0.0904756 0.101942 0.16 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.236309 0.279047 0.159193 0.00087868 0.277 0.159121 0.003 0.277 0.16 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.256272 0.275219 0 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.284709 0.264148 0.16 0.22 0.28 0 0.236309 0.279047 0.159193 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.256272 0.275219 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.248827 0.277 0.16 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.284709 0.264148 0.16 0.315732 0.242154 0.16 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.256272 0.275219 0 0.284709 0.264148 0.16 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.315732 0.242154 0.16 0.339677 0.212646 0.16 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.315732 0.242154 0.16 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.339677 0.212646 0.16 0.354812 0.177759 0.16 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.339677 0.212646 0.16 0.355219 0.176272 0 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.354812 0.177759 0.16 0.0896102 0.105023 0.138 0.0863747 0.120784 0.16 0.0904756 0.101942 0.16 0.103102 0.0724751 0.138 0.0904756 0.101942 0.16 0.106425 0.0670221 0.16 0.103102 0.0724751 0.138 0.0896102 0.105023 0.138 0.0904756 0.101942 0.16 0.124541 0.0445418 0.138 0.106425 0.0670221 0.16 0.131589 0.0379778 0.16 0.124541 0.0445418 0.138 0.103102 0.0724751 0.138 0.106425 0.0670221 0.16 0.152474 0.0231026 0.138 0.131589 0.0379778 0.16 0.163881 0.0172172 0.16 0.152474 0.0231026 0.138 0.124541 0.0445418 0.138 0.131589 0.0379778 0.16 0.185023 0.009610280000000001 0.138 0.163881 0.0172172 0.16 0.200748 0.00637986 0.16 0.185023 0.009610280000000001 0.138 0.152474 0.0231026 0.138 0.163881 0.0172172 0.16 0.185023 0.009610280000000001 0.138 0.200748 0.00637986 0.16 0.219972 0.00500008 0.16 0.22 0.005 0.138 0.219972 0.00500008 0.16 0.23919 0.006371 0.16 0.22 0.005 0.138 0.185023 0.009610280000000001 0.138 0.219972 0.00500008 0.16 0.254977 0.00961016 0.018 0.23919 0.006371 0.16 0.276044 0.0171829 0.16 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.23919 0.006371 0.16 0.254977 0.00961016 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.138 0.23919 0.006371 0.16 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.287525 0.0231022 0.018 0.276044 0.0171829 0.16 0.308328 0.0379065 0.16 0.254977 0.00961016 0.018 0.276044 0.0171829 0.16 0.287525 0.0231022 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.308328 0.0379065 0.16 0.333491 0.0668921 0.16 0.287525 0.0231022 0.018 0.308328 0.0379065 0.16 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.333491 0.0668921 0.16 0.342729 0.0837632 0.16 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.333491 0.0668921 0.16 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.342729 0.0837632 0.16 0.349498 0.101853 0.16 0.35039 0.105023 0.018 0.349498 0.101853 0.16 0.353619 0.120743 0.16 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.349498 0.101853 0.16 0.35039 0.105023 0.018 0.22 0.28 0 0.228695 0.27973 0.158244 0.236309 0.279047 0.159193 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.236309 0.279047 0.159193 0.228695 0.27973 0.158244 0.22 0.28 0 0.22 0.28 0.157 0.228695 0.27973 0.158244 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.228695 0.27973 0.158244 0.22 0.28 0.157 0.003 0.28 0 0.22 0.28 0.157 0.22 0.28 0 0.003 0.28 0.157 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.22 0.28 0.157 0.003 0.28 0 0.003 0.28 0.157 0.22 0.28 0.157 0.22 0 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.256272 0.275219 0 0.176 0.015 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.22 0 0 0.169976 0.271 0 0.003 0.28 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.176 0.265 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.176 0.015 0 0.174209 0.269275 0 0.169976 0.271 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.175531 0.267322 0 0.174209 0.269275 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.176 0.265 0 0.175531 0.267322 0 0.22 0.28 0 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.256272 0.275219 0 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.22 0 0 0.256272 0.275219 0 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.314464 0.217311 0 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.314 0.215 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.314464 0.217311 0 0.314 0.215 0 0.290026 0.261227 0 0.324209 0.219275 0 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.315765 0.219249 0 0.314464 0.217311 0 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.319976 0.221 0 0.315765 0.219249 0 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.324209 0.219275 0 0.319976 0.221 0 0.318994 0.238994 0 0.341227 0.0699741 0 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.355219 0.176272 0 0.326 0.065 0 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.341227 0.0699741 0 0.326 0.215 0 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.326 0.065 0 0.325531 0.217322 0 0.324209 0.219275 0 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.326 0.215 0 0.325531 0.217322 0 0.341227 0.210027 0 0.355219 0.103728 0 0.355219 0.176272 0 0.36 0.14 0 0.341227 0.0699741 0 0.355219 0.176272 0 0.355219 0.103728 0 0.326 0.065 0 0.341227 0.0699741 0 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.31775 0.0594384 0 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.324245 0.0607606 0 0.326 0.065 0 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.320044 0.0590002 0 0.324245 0.0607606 0 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.31775 0.0594384 0 0.320044 0.0590002 0 0.318994 0.0410064 0 0.31446 0.0626984 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.314 0.065 0 0.314 0.215 0 0.314 0.065 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.315783 0.060735 0 0.31775 0.0594384 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.31446 0.0626984 0 0.315783 0.060735 0 0.290027 0.0187731 0 0.22 0 0.157 0.22 0 0 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.228697 0.000270391 0.158245 0.22 0 0.157 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.23631 0.0009533019999999999 0.159193 0.228697 0.000270391 0.158245 0.256272 0.00478104 0 0.003 0 0.157 0.22 0 0 0.22 0 0.157 0.003 0 0 0.22 0 0 0.003 0 0.157 0.170024 0.00900012 0 0.22 0 0 0.003 0 0 0.175536 0.0126893 0 0.176 0.015 0 0.22 0 0 0.174235 0.0107509 0 0.175536 0.0126893 0 0.22 0 0 0.170024 0.00900012 0 0.174235 0.0107509 0 0.22 0 0 0.003 0 0.157 0.22 0 0.157 0.228697 0.000270391 0.158245 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.228697 0.000270391 0.158245 0.23631 0.0009533019999999999 0.159193 0.003 0 0.157 0.228697 0.000270391 0.158245 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.00087868 0.278837 0.158061 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.003 0.28 0.157 0.00087868 0.278061 0.158837 0.00087868 0.277 0.159121 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.00087868 0.278837 0.158061 0.00087868 0.278061 0.158837 0.003 0.279121 0.159121 0.00087868 0.279121 0.157 0.00087868 0.278837 0.158061 0.003 0.28 0.157 0.000879053 0.279121 0 0.00087868 0.279121 0.157 0.003 0.28 0.157 0.000879053 0.279121 0 0.003 0.28 0.157 0.003 0.28 0 0 0.277 0.157 0.00087868 0.277 0.159121 0.00087868 0.278061 0.158837 0.00087868 0.003 0.159121 0.00087868 0.277 0.159121 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.277 0.157 0.00087868 0.278061 0.158837 0.00087868 0.278837 0.158061 0 0.277 0.157 0.00087868 0.278837 0.158061 0.00087868 0.279121 0.157 0 0.277 0 0 0.277 0.157 0.00087868 0.279121 0.157 0 0.277 0 0.00087868 0.279121 0.157 0.000879053 0.279121 0 0 0.003 0.157 0.00087868 0.003 0.159121 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.0227 0.055 0 0.003 0.157 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.256451 0.0312443 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.277 0 0 0.0373 0.055 0 0.0227 0.055 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.0395623 0.0540622 0 0.0373 0.055 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.0405 0.0518 0 0.0395623 0.0540622 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.0418 0.035 0 0.0405 0.0518 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.255562 0.0540622 0 0.2533 0.055 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.2455 0.0718 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.2533 0.055 0 0.2565 0.0518 0 0.255562 0.0540622 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.2565 0.0318 0 0.2565 0.0518 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.256488 0.0315211 0 0.2565 0.0318 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.256451 0.0312443 0 0.256488 0.0315211 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.2277 0.075 0 0.225438 0.0740623 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.045 0.0318 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.225438 0.0740623 0 0.2423 0.075 0 0.2277 0.075 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.244562 0.07406219999999999 0 0.2423 0.075 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.2455 0.0718 0 0.244562 0.07406219999999999 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.0440623 0.0340622 0 0.0418 0.035 0 0.277 0.157 0 0.045 0.0318 0 0.0440623 0.0340622 0 0.277 0.157 0.00087868 0.00193934 0.158837 0.00087868 0.003 0.159121 0 0.003 0.157 0.00087868 0.00116288 0.158061 0.00087868 0.00193934 0.158837 0 0.003 0.157 0.00087868 0.00087868 0.157 0.00087868 0.00116288 0.158061 0 0.003 0.157 0.000879181 0.000879053 0 0.00087868 0.00087868 0.157 0 0.003 0.157 0.000879181 0.000879053 0 0 0.003 0.157 0 0.003 0 0 0.0195 0.0518 0 0.003 0 0 0.003 0.157 0 0.0204378 0.0540623 0 0.0195 0.0518 0 0.003 0.157 0 0.0227 0.055 0 0.0204378 0.0540623 0 0.003 0.157 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.00087868 0.00193934 0.158837 0.00087868 0.00116288 0.158061 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.00087868 0.00116288 0.158061 0.00087868 0.00087868 0.157 0.003 0 0.157 0.003 0.00087868 0.159121 0.00087868 0.00087868 0.157 0.003 0 0 0.003 0 0.157 0.00087868 0.00087868 0.157 0.000879181 0.000879053 0 0.003 0 0 0.00087868 0.00087868 0.157 0.000879181 0.000879053 0 0.003 0.28 0 0.003 0 0 0.164464 0.267311 0 0.003 0 0 0.003 0.28 0 0.164469 0.0126778 0 0.003 0 0 0.164 0.015 0 0.164 0.265 0 0.164 0.015 0 0.003 0 0 0.165791 0.0107253 0 0.170024 0.00900012 0 0.003 0 0 0.164469 0.0126778 0 0.165791 0.0107253 0 0.003 0 0 0.164464 0.267311 0 0.164 0.265 0 0.003 0 0 0.000879181 0.000879053 0 0.000879053 0.279121 0 0.003 0.28 0 0.165765 0.269249 0 0.164464 0.267311 0 0.003 0.28 0 0.169976 0.271 0 0.165765 0.269249 0 0.003 0.28 0 0 0.003 0 0 0.277 0 0.000879053 0.279121 0 0.000879181 0.000879053 0 0 0.003 0 0.000879053 0.279121 0 0 0.252313 0.023 0 0.277 0 0 0.003 0 0 0.255464 0.0256443 0 0.256451 0.0312443 0 0.277 0 0 0.254369 0.0237487 0 0.255464 0.0256443 0 0.277 0 0 0.252313 0.023 0 0.254369 0.0237487 0 0.277 0 0 0.015 0.0318 0 0.003 0 0 0.0195 0.0518 0 0.2135 0.0318 0 0.003 0 0 0.2135 0.0518 0 0.0428695 0.0237487 0 0.2135 0.0518 0 0.003 0 0 0.213512 0.0315211 0 0.003 0 0 0.2135 0.0318 0 0.217687 0.023 0 0.252313 0.023 0 0.003 0 0 0.215631 0.0237487 0 0.217687 0.023 0 0.003 0 0 0.214536 0.0256443 0 0.215631 0.0237487 0 0.003 0 0 0.213549 0.0312443 0 0.214536 0.0256443 0 0.003 0 0 0.213512 0.0315211 0 0.213549 0.0312443 0 0.003 0 0 0.0150122 0.0315211 0 0.003 0 0 0.015 0.0318 0 0.0408126 0.023 0 0.0428695 0.0237487 0 0.003 0 0 0.0191874 0.023 0 0.0408126 0.023 0 0.003 0 0 0.0171305 0.0237487 0 0.0191874 0.023 0 0.003 0 0 0.016036 0.0256443 0 0.0171305 0.0237487 0 0.003 0 0 0.0150486 0.0312443 0 0.016036 0.0256443 0 0.003 0 0 0.0150122 0.0315211 0 0.0150486 0.0312443 0 0.003 0 0.314469 0.212678 0 0.314464 0.0673107 0 0.314 0.065 0 0.314 0.065 0.008 0.314 0.065 0 0.314464 0.0673107 0 0.314464 0.0626893 0.008 0.31446 0.0626984 0 0.314 0.065 0 0.314469 0.212678 0 0.314 0.065 0 0.314 0.215 0 0.314464 0.0626893 0.008 0.314 0.065 0 0.314 0.065 0.008 0.314469 0.212678 0 0.315765 0.06924909999999999 0 0.314464 0.0673107 0 0.314469 0.0673222 0.008 0.314464 0.0673107 0 0.315765 0.06924909999999999 0 0.314469 0.0673222 0.008 0.314 0.065 0.008 0.314464 0.0673107 0 0.315791 0.210725 0 0.319976 0.0709999 0 0.315765 0.06924909999999999 0 0.315791 0.06927469999999999 0.008 0.315765 0.06924909999999999 0 0.319976 0.0709999 0 0.314469 0.212678 0 0.315791 0.210725 0 0.315765 0.06924909999999999 0 0.315791 0.06927469999999999 0.008 0.314469 0.0673222 0.008 0.315765 0.06924909999999999 0 0.320024 0.209 0 0.324209 0.06927469999999999 0 0.319976 0.0709999 0 0.320024 0.0709999 0.008 0.319976 0.0709999 0 0.324209 0.06927469999999999 0 0.315791 0.210725 0 0.320024 0.209 0 0.319976 0.0709999 0 0.320024 0.0709999 0.008 0.315791 0.06927469999999999 0.008 0.319976 0.0709999 0 0.324235 0.210751 0 0.325531 0.0673222 0 0.324209 0.06927469999999999 0 0.324235 0.06924909999999999 0.008 0.324209 0.06927469999999999 0 0.325531 0.0673222 0 0.320024 0.209 0 0.324235 0.210751 0 0.324209 0.06927469999999999 0 0.324235 0.06924909999999999 0.008 0.320024 0.0709999 0.008 0.324209 0.06927469999999999 0 0.326 0.215 0 0.326 0.065 0 0.325531 0.0673222 0 0.325536 0.0673107 0.008 0.325531 0.0673222 0 0.326 0.065 0 0.325536 0.212689 0 0.326 0.215 0 0.325531 0.0673222 0 0.324235 0.210751 0 0.325536 0.212689 0 0.325531 0.0673222 0 0.325536 0.0673107 0.008 0.324235 0.06924909999999999 0.008 0.325531 0.0673222 0 0.326 0.065 0.008 0.326 0.065 0 0.324245 0.0607606 0 0.326 0.065 0.008 0.325536 0.0673107 0.008 0.326 0.065 0 0.324209 0.0607253 0.008 0.324245 0.0607606 0 0.320044 0.0590002 0 0.325531 0.06267780000000001 0.008 0.326 0.065 0.008 0.324245 0.0607606 0 0.324209 0.0607253 0.008 0.325531 0.06267780000000001 0.008 0.324245 0.0607606 0 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.320044 0.0590002 0 0.31775 0.0594384 0 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.324209 0.0607253 0.008 0.320044 0.0590002 0 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.31775 0.0594384 0 0.315783 0.060735 0 0.315765 0.0607509 0.008 0.315783 0.060735 0 0.31446 0.0626984 0 0.315765 0.0607509 0.008 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.315783 0.060735 0 0.314464 0.0626893 0.008 0.315765 0.0607509 0.008 0.31446 0.0626984 0 0.314 0.215 0.008 0.314 0.215 0 0.314464 0.217311 0 0.314463 0.21269 0.008 0.314469 0.212678 0 0.314 0.215 0 0.314463 0.21269 0.008 0.314 0.215 0 0.314 0.215 0.008 0.314469 0.217322 0.008 0.314464 0.217311 0 0.315765 0.219249 0 0.314469 0.217322 0.008 0.314 0.215 0.008 0.314464 0.217311 0 0.315791 0.219275 0.008 0.315765 0.219249 0 0.319976 0.221 0 0.314469 0.217322 0.008 0.315765 0.219249 0 0.315791 0.219275 0.008 0.320024 0.221 0.008 0.319976 0.221 0 0.324209 0.219275 0 0.315791 0.219275 0.008 0.319976 0.221 0 0.320024 0.221 0.008 0.324235 0.219249 0.008 0.324209 0.219275 0 0.325531 0.217322 0 0.320024 0.221 0.008 0.324209 0.219275 0 0.324235 0.219249 0.008 0.325536 0.217311 0.008 0.325531 0.217322 0 0.326 0.215 0 0.324235 0.219249 0.008 0.325531 0.217322 0 0.325536 0.217311 0.008 0.326 0.215 0.008 0.326 0.215 0 0.325536 0.212689 0 0.325536 0.217311 0.008 0.326 0.215 0 0.326 0.215 0.008 0.325528 0.21267 0.008 0.325536 0.212689 0 0.324235 0.210751 0 0.326 0.215 0.008 0.325536 0.212689 0 0.325528 0.21267 0.008 0.324194 0.210711 0.008 0.324235 0.210751 0 0.320024 0.209 0 0.325528 0.21267 0.008 0.324235 0.210751 0 0.324194 0.210711 0.008 0.319962 0.209 0.008 0.320024 0.209 0 0.315791 0.210725 0 0.324194 0.210711 0.008 0.320024 0.209 0 0.319962 0.209 0.008 0.315774 0.210744 0.008 0.315791 0.210725 0 0.314469 0.212678 0 0.319962 0.209 0.008 0.315791 0.210725 0 0.315774 0.210744 0.008 0.315774 0.210744 0.008 0.314469 0.212678 0 0.314463 0.21269 0.008 0.164469 0.262678 0 0.165755 0.0192394 0 0.164 0.015 0 0.164 0.015 0.008 0.164 0.015 0 0.165755 0.0192394 0 0.164464 0.0126893 0.008 0.164469 0.0126778 0 0.164 0.015 0 0.164469 0.262678 0 0.164 0.015 0 0.164 0.265 0 0.164464 0.0126893 0.008 0.164 0.015 0 0.164 0.015 0.008 0.165791 0.260725 0 0.169956 0.0209998 0 0.165755 0.0192394 0 0.165791 0.0192747 0.008 0.165755 0.0192394 0 0.169956 0.0209998 0 0.164469 0.262678 0 0.165791 0.260725 0 0.165755 0.0192394 0 0.164469 0.0173222 0.008 0.164 0.015 0.008 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0.003 0.0204377 0.0540622 0.003 0.0227 0.055 0.003 0.0211444 0.0533556 0.003 0.0205 0.0518 0.003 0.0204377 0.0540622 0.003 0.0227 0.054 0.003 0.0227 0.055 0.003 0.0373 0.055 0.003 0.0227 0.054 0.003 0.0211444 0.0533556 0.003 0.0227 0.055 0.003 0.0215209 0.045818 0.003 0.0216305 0.0437487 0.003 0.020536 0.0456443 0.003 0.0205334 0.051418 0.003 0.0215209 0.045818 0.003 0.020536 0.0456443 0.003 0.0236874 0.044 0.003 0.0236874 0.043 0.003 0.0216305 0.0437487 0.003 0.0363126 0.044 0.003 0.0363126 0.043 0.003 0.0236874 0.043 0.003 0.0236874 0.044 0.003 0.0363126 0.044 0.003 0.0236874 0.043 0.003 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.003 0.0236874 0.044 0.003 0.0216305 0.0437487 0.003 0.0215209 0.045818 0.003 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.003 0.0216305 0.0437487 0.003 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.003 0.0383695 0.0437487 0.003 0.0363126 0.043 0.003 0.0363126 0.044 0.003 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.003 0.0363126 0.043 0.003 0.0384791 0.045818 0.003 0.039464 0.0456443 0.003 0.0383695 0.0437487 0.003 0.0395622 0.0540623 0.003 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0.0384791 0.045818 0.003 0.0384791 0.045818 0.003 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.005 0.0394666 0.051418 0.003 0.0384791 0.045818 0.005 0.0384791 0.045818 0.005 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.003 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.003 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.005 0.0384791 0.045818 0.003 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.003 0.0363126 0.044 0.003 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.003 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.003 0.0236874 0.044 0.003 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.003 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.003 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.003 0.0215209 0.045818 0.005 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.003 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.005 0.0215209 0.045818 0.003 0.0215209 0.045818 0.003 0.0205334 0.051418 0.005 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.003 0.0215209 0.045818 0.005 0.0215209 0.045818 0.005 0.0205334 0.051418 0.003 0.0205334 0.051418 0.003 0.0205084 0.0516083 0.005 0.0215209 0.045818 0.003 0.0205334 0.051418 0.005 0.0205334 0.051418 0.005 0.0205084 0.0516083 0.005 0.0205334 0.051418 0.003 0.0205084 0.0516083 0.005 0.0211444 0.0533556 0.005 0.0205334 0.051418 0.005 0.0205084 0.0516083 0.005 0.0215209 0.045818 0.005 0.0205334 0.051418 0.005 0.0211444 0.0533556 0.005 0.0211444 0.0533556 0.005 0.0205084 0.0516083 0.005 0.0205 0.0518 0.005 0.0215209 0.045818 0.005 0.0211444 0.0533556 0.005 0.0227 0.054 0.005 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.005 0.0215209 0.045818 0.005 0.0227 0.054 0.005 0.0222733 0.0445147 0.005 0.0227 0.054 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0239128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0227 0.054 0.005 0.0244607 0.0509724 0.005 0.0227 0.054 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0240749 0.0508115 0.005 0.0239128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0227 0.054 0.005 0.0244607 0.0509724 0.005 0.0240749 0.0508115 0.005 0.0227 0.054 0.005 0.034155 0.0470276 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0240772 0.0500313 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0239128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0248507 0.0500333 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0252971 0.0475776 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0244649 0.0498724 0.005 0.0248507 0.0500333 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0240772 0.0500313 0.005 0.0244649 0.0498724 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0254615 0.0471865 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0252971 0.0475776 0.005 0.0258492 0.0470276 0.005 0.026235 0.0471885 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0280657 0.0475776 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.026235 0.0471885 0.005 0.0254615 0.0471865 0.005 0.0258492 0.0470276 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0337673 0.0471865 0.005 0.034155 0.0470276 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0336029 0.0475776 0.005 0.0337673 0.0471865 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0313864 0.0470276 0.005 0.0336029 0.0475776 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0309987 0.0471865 0.005 0.0313864 0.0470276 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0308343 0.0475776 0.005 0.0309987 0.0471865 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0290036 0.0471885 0.005 0.0308343 0.0475776 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0286178 0.0470276 0.005 0.0290036 0.0471885 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0282301 0.0471865 0.005 0.0286178 0.0470276 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0280657 0.0475776 0.005 0.0282301 0.0471865 0.005 0.0236874 0.044 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0360872 0.0504224 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.034155 0.0470276 0.005 0.0345408 0.0471885 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0359251 0.0500333 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0345408 0.0471885 0.005 0.0359251 0.0500333 0.005 0.0360872 0.0504224 0.005 0.0363126 0.044 0.005 0.0388556 0.0533556 0.005 0.0384791 0.045818 0.005 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.005 0.0388556 0.0533556 0.005 0.0394666 0.051418 0.005 0.0384791 0.045818 0.005 0.0388556 0.0533556 0.005 0.0377267 0.0445147 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0395 0.0518 0.005 0.0394666 0.051418 0.005 0.0388556 0.0533556 0.005 0.0394916 0.0516083 0.005 0.0394666 0.051418 0.005 0.0395 0.0518 0.005 0.0248484 0.0508135 0.005 0.0244607 0.0509724 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0248484 0.0508135 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0272293 0.0509724 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.027617 0.0508135 0.005 0.0272293 0.0509724 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0277814 0.0504224 0.005 0.027617 0.0508135 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0299979 0.0509724 0.005 0.0277814 0.0504224 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0359228 0.0508135 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0360872 0.0504224 0.005 0.0355351 0.0509724 0.005 0.0351493 0.0508115 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0333186 0.0504224 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0351493 0.0508115 0.005 0.0359228 0.0508135 0.005 0.0355351 0.0509724 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0331542 0.0508135 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0333186 0.0504224 0.005 0.0327665 0.0509724 0.005 0.0323807 0.0508115 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.03055 0.0504224 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0323807 0.0508115 0.005 0.0331542 0.0508135 0.005 0.0327665 0.0509724 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.0303856 0.0508135 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0.005 0.03055 0.0504224 0.005 0.0303856 0.0508135 0.005 0.0299979 0.0509724 0.005 0.0373 0.054 0 0.0239128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0239128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0240749 0.0508115 0 0.0240749 0.0500333 0.005 0.0240772 0.0500313 0.005 0.0239128 0.0504224 0 0.0240749 0.0500333 0.005 0.0239128 0.0504224 0 0.0239128 0.0504224 0 0.0240772 0.0508135 0.005 0.0240749 0.0508115 0.005 0.0244607 0.0509724 0 0.0240772 0.0508135 0 0.0239128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0240749 0.0508115 0 0.0244649 0.0509724 0.005 0.0244607 0.0509724 0.005 0.0248484 0.0508135 0 0.0244649 0.0509724 0 0.0240772 0.0508135 0.005 0.0244607 0.0509724 0 0.0248507 0.0508115 0.005 0.0248484 0.0508135 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0 0.0248507 0.0508115 0 0.0244649 0.0509724 0.005 0.0248484 0.0508135 0 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0248507 0.0500333 0.005 0.0272293 0.0509724 0.005 0.0268435 0.0508115 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0254592 0.0479667 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0268435 0.0508115 0.005 0.0254592 0.0479667 0.005 0.0252971 0.0475776 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0 0.0250128 0.0504224 0 0.0248507 0.0508115 0.005 0.0250128 0.0504224 0 0.0248484 0.0500313 0.005 0.0248507 0.0500333 0.005 0.0244649 0.0498724 0 0.0248484 0.0500313 0 0.0250128 0.0504224 0.005 0.0248507 0.0500333 0 0.0244607 0.0498724 0.005 0.0244649 0.0498724 0.005 0.0240772 0.0500313 0 0.0244607 0.0498724 0 0.0248484 0.0500313 0.005 0.0244649 0.0498724 0 0.0240749 0.0500333 0 0.0244607 0.0498724 0.005 0.0240772 0.0500313 0.005 0.0254592 0.0479667 0.005 0.0268435 0.0508115 0.005 0.0266814 0.0504224 0 0.0266814 0.0504224 0.005 0.0266814 0.0504224 0.005 0.0268435 0.0508115 0.005 0.0263971 0.0475776 0.005 0.0266814 0.0504224 0.005 0.0268458 0.0500313 0 0.0268435 0.0500333 0.005 0.0268458 0.0500313 0.005 0.0266814 0.0504224 0.005 0.025845 0.0481276 0.005 0.0254592 0.0479667 0.005 0.0266814 0.0504224 0.005 0.0262327 0.0479687 0.005 0.025845 0.0481276 0.005 0.0266814 0.0504224 0.005 0.0263971 0.0475776 0.005 0.0262327 0.0479687 0.005 0.0266814 0.0504224 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0.003 0.228122 0.0505396 0 0.232228 0.05099 0 0.231828 0.0508233 0 0.228767 0.0498964 0.003 0.25126 0.049 0 0.25126 0.049 0 0.250372 0.0474604 0.003 0.250372 0.0505396 0 0.251017 0.0498964 0 0.25126 0.049 0.003 0.250372 0.0505396 0 0.25126 0.049 0.003 0.25126 0.049 0 0.244682 0.04701 0 0.248599 0.0474537 0 0.250372 0.0474604 0.003 0.250361 0.0474537 0 0.250372 0.0474604 0 0.248599 0.0474537 0.003 0.251017 0.0481036 0.003 0.25126 0.049 0 0.250372 0.0474604 0.003 0.250361 0.0474537 0.003 0.251017 0.0481036 0 0.250372 0.0474604 0 0.244682 0.04701 0 0.247943 0.0481036 0 0.248599 0.0474537 0.003 0.248588 0.0474604 0 0.248599 0.0474537 0 0.247943 0.0481036 0.003 0.248588 0.0474604 0.003 0.250361 0.0474537 0 0.248599 0.0474537 0 0.245082 0.0471767 0 0.2477 0.049 0 0.247943 0.0481036 0.003 0.248588 0.0474604 0 0.247943 0.0481036 0 0.2477 0.049 0 0.244682 0.04701 0 0.245082 0.0471767 0 0.247943 0.0481036 0 0.24525 0.04758 0 0.248588 0.0505396 0 0.2477 0.049 0.003 0.2477 0.049 0 0.2477 0.049 0 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0.003 0.236398 0.04701 0 0.236402 0.04701 0 0.236 0.0471747 0.003 0.236398 0.04701 0.003 0.2368 0.0471747 0 0.236402 0.04701 0.003 0.235998 0.0471767 0 0.236 0.0471747 0 0.23583 0.04758 0.003 0.235998 0.0471767 0.003 0.236398 0.04701 0 0.236 0.0471747 0.003 0.23583 0.04758 0 0.23583 0.04758 0 0.235998 0.0479833 0.003 0.235998 0.0471767 0 0.23583 0.04758 0.003 0.23583 0.04758 0.003 0.236 0.0479853 0 0.235998 0.0479833 0 0.236398 0.04815 0.003 0.236 0.0479853 0.003 0.23583 0.04758 0 0.235998 0.0479833 0.003 0.236402 0.04815 0 0.236398 0.04815 0 0.2368 0.0479853 0.003 0.236 0.0479853 0 0.236398 0.04815 0.003 0.236402 0.04815 0.003 0.236402 0.04815 0 0.2368 0.0479853 0.003 0.236802 0.0479833 0.003 0.24014 0.0508253 0.003 0.240138 0.0500167 0.003 0.23997 0.05042 0.003 0.240942 0.0508233 0.003 0.24111 0.05042 0.003 0.24094 0.0500147 0.003 0.240542 0.05099 0.003 0.24094 0.0500147 0.003 0.240538 0.0498501 0.003 0.240542 0.05099 0.003 0.240942 0.0508233 0.003 0.24094 0.0500147 0.003 0.24014 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0.0474604 0.003 0.23874 0.0479853 0.003 0.238738 0.0471767 0.003 0.23857 0.04758 0.003 0.239542 0.0479833 0.003 0.23971 0.04758 0.003 0.23954 0.0471747 0.003 0.239142 0.04815 0.003 0.23954 0.0471747 0.003 0.239138 0.04701 0.003 0.239142 0.04815 0.003 0.239542 0.0479833 0.003 0.23954 0.0471747 0.003 0.23874 0.0479853 0.003 0.239138 0.04701 0.003 0.238738 0.0471767 0.003 0.23874 0.0479853 0.003 0.239142 0.04815 0.003 0.239138 0.04701 0.003 0.24151 0.0479853 0.003 0.241508 0.0471767 0.003 0.24134 0.04758 0.003 0.242312 0.0479833 0.003 0.24248 0.04758 0.003 0.24231 0.0471747 0.003 0.241912 0.04815 0.003 0.24231 0.0471747 0.003 0.241908 0.04701 0.003 0.241912 0.04815 0.003 0.242312 0.0479833 0.003 0.24231 0.0471747 0.003 0.24151 0.0479853 0.003 0.241908 0.04701 0.003 0.241508 0.0471767 0.003 0.24151 0.0479853 0.003 0.241912 0.04815 0.003 0.241908 0.04701 0.003 0.24428 0.0479853 0.003 0.244278 0.0471767 0.003 0.24411 0.04758 0.003 0.245082 0.0479833 0.003 0.24525 0.04758 0.003 0.24508 0.0471747 0.003 0.244682 0.04815 0.003 0.24508 0.0471747 0.003 0.244678 0.04701 0.003 0.244682 0.04815 0.003 0.245082 0.0479833 0.003 0.24508 0.0471747 0.003 0.24428 0.0479853 0.003 0.244678 0.04701 0.003 0.244278 0.0471767 0.003 0.24428 0.0479853 0.003 0.244682 0.04815 0.003 0.244678 0.04701 0.003 0.2346 0.0508253 0.003 0.234598 0.0500167 0.003 0.23443 0.05042 0.003 0.235402 0.0508233 0.003 0.23557 0.05042 0.003 0.2354 0.0500147 0.003 0.235002 0.05099 0.003 0.2354 0.0500147 0.003 0.234998 0.0498501 0.003 0.235002 0.05099 0.003 0.235402 0.0508233 0.003 0.2354 0.0500147 0.003 0.2346 0.0508253 0.003 0.234998 0.0498501 0.003 0.234598 0.0500167 0.003 0.2346 0.0508253 0.003 0.235002 0.05099 0.003 0.234998 0.0498501 0.003 0.23737 0.0508253 0.003 0.237368 0.0500167 0.003 0.2372 0.05042 0.003 0.238172 0.0508233 0.003 0.23834 0.05042 0.003 0.23817 0.0500147 0.003 0.237772 0.05099 0.003 0.23817 0.0500147 0.003 0.237768 0.0498501 0.003 0.237772 0.05099 0.003 0.238172 0.0508233 0.003 0.23817 0.0500147 0.003 0.23737 0.0508253 0.003 0.237768 0.0498501 0.003 0.237368 0.0500167 0.003 0.23737 0.0508253 0.003 0.237772 0.05099 0.003 0.237768 0.0498501 0.003 0.218983 0.0498964 0.003 0.219628 0.0474604 0.003 0.21874 0.049 0.003 0.221412 0.0505396 0.003 0.2223 0.049 0.003 0.222057 0.0481036 0.003 0.221412 0.0505396 0.003 0.222057 0.0481036 0.003 0.221401 0.0474537 0.003 0.219639 0.0505463 0.003 0.221401 0.0474537 0.003 0.219628 0.0474604 0.003 0.219639 0.0505463 0.003 0.221412 0.0505396 0.003 0.221401 0.0474537 0.003 0.218983 0.0498964 0.003 0.219639 0.0505463 0.003 0.219628 0.0474604 0.003 0.23183 0.0508253 0.003 0.231828 0.0500167 0.003 0.23166 0.05042 0.003 0.232632 0.0508233 0.003 0.2328 0.05042 0.003 0.23263 0.0500147 0.003 0.232232 0.05099 0.003 0.23263 0.0500147 0.003 0.232228 0.0498501 0.003 0.232232 0.05099 0.003 0.232632 0.0508233 0.003 0.23263 0.0500147 0.003 0.23183 0.0508253 0.003 0.232228 0.0498501 0.003 0.231828 0.0500167 0.003 0.23183 0.0508253 0.003 0.232232 0.05099 0.003 0.232228 0.0498501 0.003 0.24288 0.0508253 0.003 0.242878 0.0500167 0.003 0.24271 0.05042 0.003 0.243682 0.0508233 0.003 0.24385 0.05042 0.003 0.24368 0.0500147 0.003 0.243282 0.05099 0.003 0.24368 0.0500147 0.003 0.243278 0.0498501 0.003 0.243282 0.05099 0.003 0.243682 0.0508233 0.003 0.24368 0.0500147 0.003 0.24288 0.0508253 0.003 0.243278 0.0498501 0.003 0.242878 0.0500167 0.003 0.24288 0.0508253 0.003 0.243282 0.05099 0.003 0.243278 0.0498501 0.003 0.2332 0.0479853 0.003 0.233198 0.0471767 0.003 0.23303 0.04758 0.003 0.234002 0.0479833 0.003 0.23417 0.04758 0.003 0.234 0.0471747 0.003 0.233602 0.04815 0.003 0.234 0.0471747 0.003 0.233598 0.04701 0.003 0.233602 0.04815 0.003 0.234002 0.0479833 0.003 0.234 0.0471747 0.003 0.2332 0.0479853 0.003 0.233598 0.04701 0.003 0.233198 0.0471767 0.003 0.2332 0.0479853 0.003 0.233602 0.04815 0.003 0.233598 0.04701 0.003 0.236 0.0479853 0.003 0.235998 0.0471767 0.003 0.23583 0.04758 0.003 0.236802 0.0479833 0.003 0.23697 0.04758 0.003 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0.003 0.2332 0.0279853 0 0.233598 0.02815 0.003 0.233602 0.02815 0.003 0.233602 0.02815 0 0.234 0.0279853 0.003 0.234002 0.0279833 0.003 0.23697 0.02758 0 0.23697 0.02758 0 0.236802 0.0271767 0.003 0.236802 0.0279833 0 0.2368 0.0279853 0 0.23697 0.02758 0.003 0.236802 0.0279833 0 0.23697 0.02758 0.003 0.23697 0.02758 0.003 0.2368 0.0271747 0 0.236802 0.0271767 0 0.236402 0.02701 0.003 0.2368 0.0271747 0.003 0.23697 0.02758 0 0.236802 0.0271767 0.003 0.236398 0.02701 0 0.236402 0.02701 0 0.236 0.0271747 0.003 0.236398 0.02701 0.003 0.2368 0.0271747 0 0.236402 0.02701 0.003 0.235998 0.0271767 0 0.236 0.0271747 0 0.23583 0.02758 0.003 0.235998 0.0271767 0.003 0.236398 0.02701 0 0.236 0.0271747 0.003 0.23583 0.02758 0 0.23583 0.02758 0 0.235998 0.0279833 0.003 0.235998 0.0271767 0 0.23583 0.02758 0.003 0.23583 0.02758 0.003 0.236 0.0279853 0 0.235998 0.0279833 0 0.236398 0.02815 0.003 0.236 0.0279853 0.003 0.23583 0.02758 0 0.235998 0.0279833 0.003 0.236402 0.02815 0 0.236398 0.02815 0 0.2368 0.0279853 0.003 0.236 0.0279853 0 0.236398 0.02815 0.003 0.236402 0.02815 0.003 0.236402 0.02815 0 0.2368 0.0279853 0.003 0.236802 0.0279833 0.003 0.24014 0.0308253 0.003 0.240138 0.0300167 0.003 0.23997 0.03042 0.003 0.240942 0.0308233 0.003 0.24111 0.03042 0.003 0.24094 0.0300147 0.003 0.240542 0.03099 0.003 0.24094 0.0300147 0.003 0.240538 0.02985 0.003 0.240542 0.03099 0.003 0.240942 0.0308233 0.003 0.24094 0.0300147 0.003 0.24014 0.0308253 0.003 0.240538 0.02985 0.003 0.240138 0.0300167 0.003 0.24014 0.0308253 0.003 0.240542 0.03099 0.003 0.240538 0.02985 0.003 0.225693 0.0298964 0.003 0.226338 0.0274604 0.003 0.22545 0.029 0.003 0.228122 0.0305396 0.003 0.22901 0.029 0.003 0.228767 0.0281036 0.003 0.228122 0.0305396 0.003 0.228767 0.0281036 0.003 0.228111 0.0274537 0.003 0.226349 0.0305463 0.003 0.228111 0.0274537 0.003 0.226338 0.0274604 0.003 0.226349 0.0305463 0.003 0.228122 0.0305396 0.003 0.228111 0.0274537 0.003 0.225693 0.0298964 0.003 0.226349 0.0305463 0.003 0.226338 0.0274604 0.003 0.247943 0.0298964 0.003 0.248588 0.0274604 0.003 0.2477 0.029 0.003 0.250372 0.0305396 0.003 0.25126 0.029 0.003 0.251017 0.0281036 0.003 0.250372 0.0305396 0.003 0.251017 0.0281036 0.003 0.250361 0.0274537 0.003 0.248599 0.0305463 0.003 0.250361 0.0274537 0.003 0.248588 0.0274604 0.003 0.248599 0.0305463 0.003 0.250372 0.0305396 0.003 0.250361 0.0274537 0.003 0.247943 0.0298964 0.003 0.248599 0.0305463 0.003 0.248588 0.0274604 0.003 0.23874 0.0279853 0.003 0.238738 0.0271767 0.003 0.23857 0.02758 0.003 0.239542 0.0279833 0.003 0.23971 0.02758 0.003 0.23954 0.0271747 0.003 0.239142 0.02815 0.003 0.23954 0.0271747 0.003 0.239138 0.02701 0.003 0.239142 0.02815 0.003 0.239542 0.0279833 0.003 0.23954 0.0271747 0.003 0.23874 0.0279853 0.003 0.239138 0.02701 0.003 0.238738 0.0271767 0.003 0.23874 0.0279853 0.003 0.239142 0.02815 0.003 0.239138 0.02701 0.003 0.24151 0.0279853 0.003 0.241508 0.0271767 0.003 0.24134 0.02758 0.003 0.242312 0.0279833 0.003 0.24248 0.02758 0.003 0.24231 0.0271747 0.003 0.241912 0.02815 0.003 0.24231 0.0271747 0.003 0.241908 0.02701 0.003 0.241912 0.02815 0.003 0.242312 0.0279833 0.003 0.24231 0.0271747 0.003 0.24151 0.0279853 0.003 0.241908 0.02701 0.003 0.241508 0.0271767 0.003 0.24151 0.0279853 0.003 0.241912 0.02815 0.003 0.241908 0.02701 0.003 0.24428 0.0279853 0.003 0.244278 0.0271767 0.003 0.24411 0.02758 0.003 0.245082 0.0279833 0.003 0.24525 0.02758 0.003 0.24508 0.0271747 0.003 0.244682 0.02815 0.003 0.24508 0.0271747 0.003 0.244678 0.02701 0.003 0.244682 0.02815 0.003 0.245082 0.0279833 0.003 0.24508 0.0271747 0.003 0.24428 0.0279853 0.003 0.244678 0.02701 0.003 0.244278 0.0271767 0.003 0.24428 0.0279853 0.003 0.244682 0.02815 0.003 0.244678 0.02701 0.003 0.2346 0.0308253 0.003 0.234598 0.0300167 0.003 0.23443 0.03042 0.003 0.235402 0.0308233 0.003 0.23557 0.03042 0.003 0.2354 0.0300147 0.003 0.235002 0.03099 0.003 0.2354 0.0300147 0.003 0.234998 0.02985 0.003 0.235002 0.03099 0.003 0.235402 0.0308233 0.003 0.2354 0.0300147 0.003 0.2346 0.0308253 0.003 0.234998 0.02985 0.003 0.234598 0.0300167 0.003 0.2346 0.0308253 0.003 0.235002 0.03099 0.003 0.234998 0.02985 0.003 0.23737 0.0308253 0.003 0.237368 0.0300167 0.003 0.2372 0.03042 0.003 0.238172 0.0308233 0.003 0.23834 0.03042 0.003 0.23817 0.0300147 0.003 0.237772 0.03099 0.003 0.23817 0.0300147 0.003 0.237768 0.02985 0.003 0.237772 0.03099 0.003 0.238172 0.0308233 0.003 0.23817 0.0300147 0.003 0.23737 0.0308253 0.003 0.237768 0.02985 0.003 0.237368 0.0300167 0.003 0.23737 0.0308253 0.003 0.237772 0.03099 0.003 0.237768 0.02985 0.003 0.218983 0.0298964 0.003 0.219628 0.0274604 0.003 0.21874 0.029 0.003 0.221412 0.0305396 0.003 0.2223 0.029 0.003 0.222057 0.0281036 0.003 0.221412 0.0305396 0.003 0.222057 0.0281036 0.003 0.221401 0.0274537 0.003 0.219639 0.0305463 0.003 0.221401 0.0274537 0.003 0.219628 0.0274604 0.003 0.219639 0.0305463 0.003 0.221412 0.0305396 0.003 0.221401 0.0274537 0.003 0.218983 0.0298964 0.003 0.219639 0.0305463 0.003 0.219628 0.0274604 0.003 0.23183 0.0308253 0.003 0.231828 0.0300167 0.003 0.23166 0.03042 0.003 0.232632 0.0308233 0.003 0.2328 0.03042 0.003 0.23263 0.0300147 0.003 0.232232 0.03099 0.003 0.23263 0.0300147 0.003 0.232228 0.02985 0.003 0.232232 0.03099 0.003 0.232632 0.0308233 0.003 0.23263 0.0300147 0.003 0.23183 0.0308253 0.003 0.232228 0.02985 0.003 0.231828 0.0300167 0.003 0.23183 0.0308253 0.003 0.232232 0.03099 0.003 0.232228 0.02985 0.003 0.24288 0.0308253 0.003 0.242878 0.0300167 0.003 0.24271 0.03042 0.003 0.243682 0.0308233 0.003 0.24385 0.03042 0.003 0.24368 0.0300147 0.003 0.243282 0.03099 0.003 0.24368 0.0300147 0.003 0.243278 0.02985 0.003 0.243282 0.03099 0.003 0.243682 0.0308233 0.003 0.24368 0.0300147 0.003 0.24288 0.0308253 0.003 0.243278 0.02985 0.003 0.242878 0.0300167 0.003 0.24288 0.0308253 0.003 0.243282 0.03099 0.003 0.243278 0.02985 0.003 0.2332 0.0279853 0.003 0.233198 0.0271767 0.003 0.23303 0.02758 0.003 0.234002 0.0279833 0.003 0.23417 0.02758 0.003 0.234 0.0271747 0.003 0.233602 0.02815 0.003 0.234 0.0271747 0.003 0.233598 0.02701 0.003 0.233602 0.02815 0.003 0.234002 0.0279833 0.003 0.234 0.0271747 0.003 0.2332 0.0279853 0.003 0.233598 0.02701 0.003 0.233198 0.0271767 0.003 0.2332 0.0279853 0.003 0.233602 0.02815 0.003 0.233598 0.02701 0.003 0.236 0.0279853 0.003 0.235998 0.0271767 0.003 0.23583 0.02758 0.003 0.236802 0.0279833 0.003 0.23697 0.02758 0.003 0.2368 0.0271747 0.003 0.236402 0.02815 0.003 0.2368 0.0271747 0.003 0.236398 0.02701 0.003 0.236402 0.02815 0.003 0.236802 0.0279833 0.003 0.2368 0.0271747 0.003 0.236 0.0279853 0.003 0.236398 0.02701 0.003 0.235998 0.0271767 0.003 0.236 0.0279853 0.003 0.236402 0.02815 0.003 0.236398 0.02701 0.003 0.225438 0.07406219999999999 0.003 0.224549 0.0712443 0.003 0.224512 0.0715211 0.003 0.2255 0.0718 0.003 0.224549 0.0712443 0.003 0.225438 0.07406219999999999 0.003 0.225533 0.071418 0.003 0.225536 0.0656443 0.003 0.224549 0.0712443 0.003 0.225508 0.0716083 0.003 0.224549 0.0712443 0.003 0.2255 0.0718 0.003 0.225508 0.0716083 0.003 0.225533 0.071418 0.003 0.224549 0.0712443 0.003 0.225438 0.07406219999999999 0.003 0.224512 0.0715211 0.003 0.2245 0.0718 0.003 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.225438 0.07406219999999999 0.003 0.2277 0.075 0.003 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.2255 0.0718 0.003 0.225438 0.07406219999999999 0.003 0.2277 0.074 0.003 0.2277 0.075 0.003 0.2423 0.075 0.003 0.2277 0.074 0.003 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.2277 0.075 0.003 0.226521 0.065818 0.003 0.226631 0.06374870000000001 0.003 0.225536 0.0656443 0.003 0.225533 0.071418 0.003 0.226521 0.065818 0.003 0.225536 0.0656443 0.003 0.228687 0.064 0.003 0.228687 0.063 0.003 0.226631 0.06374870000000001 0.003 0.241313 0.064 0.003 0.241313 0.063 0.003 0.228687 0.063 0.003 0.228687 0.064 0.003 0.241313 0.064 0.003 0.228687 0.063 0.003 0.227273 0.06451469999999999 0.003 0.228687 0.064 0.003 0.226631 0.06374870000000001 0.003 0.226521 0.065818 0.003 0.227273 0.06451469999999999 0.003 0.226631 0.06374870000000001 0.003 0.242727 0.06451469999999999 0.003 0.243369 0.06374870000000001 0.003 0.241313 0.063 0.003 0.241313 0.064 0.003 0.242727 0.06451469999999999 0.003 0.241313 0.063 0.003 0.243479 0.065818 0.003 0.244464 0.0656443 0.003 0.243369 0.06374870000000001 0.003 0.244562 0.0740623 0.003 0.245451 0.0712443 0.003 0.244464 0.0656443 0.003 0.2445 0.0718 0.003 0.244562 0.0740623 0.003 0.244464 0.0656443 0.003 0.244492 0.0716083 0.003 0.2445 0.0718 0.003 0.244464 0.0656443 0.003 0.244467 0.071418 0.003 0.244492 0.0716083 0.003 0.244464 0.0656443 0.003 0.243479 0.065818 0.003 0.244467 0.071418 0.003 0.244464 0.0656443 0.003 0.242727 0.06451469999999999 0.003 0.243479 0.065818 0.003 0.243369 0.06374870000000001 0.003 0.2455 0.0718 0.003 0.245451 0.0712443 0.003 0.244562 0.0740623 0.003 0.245488 0.0715211 0.003 0.245451 0.0712443 0.003 0.2455 0.0718 0.003 0.2423 0.074 0.003 0.2423 0.075 0.003 0.244562 0.0740623 0.003 0.2423 0.074 0.003 0.2277 0.074 0.003 0.2423 0.075 0.003 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.2423 0.074 0.003 0.244562 0.0740623 0.003 0.2445 0.0718 0.003 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.244562 0.0740623 0 0.2255 0.0718 0.003 0.2255 0.0718 0.003 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0 0.225508 0.0716083 0.003 0.225508 0.0716083 0.003 0.2255 0.0718 0 0.2255 0.0718 0 0.225508 0.0716083 0.003 0.2255 0.0718 0 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.2277 0.074 0 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0 0.2255 0.0718 0.003 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0 0.2277 0.074 0.003 0.2277 0.074 0.003 0.2423 0.074 0 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.2277 0.074 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.2423 0.074 0.003 0.2423 0.074 0.003 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.2277 0.074 0.003 0.2423 0.074 0 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0.003 0.2445 0.0718 0 0.2423 0.074 0.003 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0 0.2445 0.0718 0.003 0.2445 0.0718 0.003 0.244492 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0.065818 0 0.228687 0.064 0.003 0.227273 0.06451469999999999 0 0.227273 0.06451469999999999 0 0.226521 0.065818 0.003 0.226521 0.065818 0.003 0.225533 0.071418 0 0.227273 0.06451469999999999 0.003 0.226521 0.065818 0 0.226521 0.065818 0 0.225533 0.071418 0.003 0.225533 0.071418 0.003 0.225508 0.0716083 0 0.226521 0.065818 0.003 0.225533 0.071418 0 0.225533 0.071418 0 0.225508 0.0716083 0 0.225533 0.071418 0.003 0.225508 0.0716083 0 0.226521 0.065818 0 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.227273 0.06451469999999999 0 0.226521 0.065818 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.228687 0.064 0 0.227273 0.06451469999999999 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.22894 0.07042 0 0.228687 0.064 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.229508 0.07099 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.229108 0.07082330000000001 0 0.22894 0.07042 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.229508 0.07099 0 0.229108 0.07082330000000001 0 0.2277 0.074 0 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 0 0.225533 0.071418 0 0.225508 0.0716083 0 0.226521 0.065818 0 0.225533 0.071418 0 0.226144 0.07335560000000001 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0.06758 0 0.230485 0.0671747 0 0.228687 0.064 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.242727 0.06451469999999999 0 0.241313 0.064 0 0.24106 0.07042 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.241313 0.064 0 0.240892 0.0700167 0 0.24106 0.07042 0 0.241313 0.064 0 0.239517 0.06717670000000001 0 0.240892 0.0700167 0 0.241313 0.064 0 0.239117 0.0670101 0 0.239517 0.06717670000000001 0 0.241313 0.064 0 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0 0.243479 0.065818 0 0.242727 0.06451469999999999 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0 0.242727 0.06451469999999999 0 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0 0.244467 0.071418 0 0.243479 0.065818 0 0.2445 0.0718 0 0.244492 0.0716083 0 0.244467 0.071418 0 0.243856 0.07335560000000001 0 0.2445 0.0718 0 0.244467 0.071418 0 0.236537 0.0698964 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0 0.240088 0.07082330000000001 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.235881 0.07054630000000001 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.23008 0.07042 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.236537 0.0698964 0 0.235881 0.07054630000000001 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.22991 0.07082529999999999 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.23008 0.07042 0 0.22991 0.07082529999999999 0 0.229508 0.07099 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.24089 0.07082529999999999 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.24106 0.07042 0 0.240488 0.07099 0 0.240088 0.07082330000000001 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.24089 0.07082529999999999 0 0.240488 0.07099 0 0.2423 0.074 0 0.238545 0.06758 0 0.235892 0.0674604 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0 0.235892 0.0674604 0.003 0.235892 0.07053959999999999 0 0.236537 0.0698964 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0 0.238713 0.0679833 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0 0.240088 0.07082330000000001 0 0.238713 0.0679833 0 0.238545 0.06758 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.235892 0.07053959999999999 0 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.235881 0.06745370000000001 0 0.235892 0.0674604 0 0.234119 0.06745370000000001 0.003 0.236537 0.0681036 0.003 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0 0.235892 0.0674604 0.003 0.235881 0.06745370000000001 0.003 0.236537 0.0681036 0 0.235892 0.0674604 0.003 0.234108 0.0674604 0 0.234119 0.06745370000000001 0 0.233463 0.0681036 0.003 0.234108 0.0674604 0.003 0.235881 0.06745370000000001 0 0.234119 0.06745370000000001 0.003 0.234108 0.0674604 0 0.233463 0.0681036 0 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0 0.231455 0.06758 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.231287 0.06717670000000001 0 0.231455 0.06758 0 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.234108 0.0674604 0 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.234119 0.07054630000000001 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.235881 0.07054630000000001 0 0.230483 0.0679833 0 0.23008 0.07042 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.231285 0.0679853 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.231455 0.06758 0 0.230883 0.06815 0 0.230483 0.0679833 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0 0.231285 0.0679853 0 0.230883 0.06815 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0.003 0.233463 0.0698964 0.003 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0.003 0.233463 0.0698964 0 0.234108 0.07053959999999999 0.003 0.234119 0.07054630000000001 0.003 0.235892 0.07053959999999999 0 0.235881 0.07054630000000001 0 0.236537 0.0698964 0.003 0.234119 0.07054630000000001 0 0.235881 0.07054630000000001 0.003 0.235892 0.07053959999999999 0.003 0.23008 0.07042 0 0.23008 0.07042 0 0.229912 0.0700167 0.003 0.229912 0.07082330000000001 0 0.22991 0.07082529999999999 0 0.23008 0.07042 0 0.230483 0.0679833 0 0.230315 0.06758 0 0.23008 0.07042 0.003 0.229912 0.07082330000000001 0 0.23008 0.07042 0.003 0.23008 0.07042 0.003 0.22991 0.0700147 0 0.229912 0.0700167 0 0.229512 0.06985 0.003 0.22991 0.0700147 0.003 0.23008 0.07042 0 0.229912 0.0700167 0.003 0.229508 0.06985 0 0.229512 0.06985 0 0.22911 0.0700147 0.003 0.229508 0.06985 0.003 0.22991 0.0700147 0 0.229512 0.06985 0.003 0.229108 0.0700167 0 0.22911 0.0700147 0 0.22894 0.07042 0.003 0.229108 0.0700167 0.003 0.229508 0.06985 0 0.22911 0.0700147 0.003 0.22894 0.07042 0 0.22894 0.07042 0 0.229108 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.229108 0.0700167 0 0.22894 0.07042 0.003 0.22894 0.07042 0.003 0.22911 0.07082529999999999 0 0.229108 0.07082330000000001 0 0.229508 0.07099 0.003 0.22911 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.22894 0.07042 0 0.229108 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.229512 0.07099 0 0.229508 0.07099 0 0.22991 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.22911 0.07082529999999999 0 0.229508 0.07099 0.003 0.229512 0.07099 0.003 0.229512 0.07099 0 0.22991 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.229912 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.24106 0.07042 0 0.24106 0.07042 0 0.240892 0.0700167 0.003 0.240892 0.07082330000000001 0 0.24089 0.07082529999999999 0 0.24106 0.07042 0.003 0.240892 0.07082330000000001 0 0.24106 0.07042 0.003 0.24106 0.07042 0 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.240492 0.06985 0 0.240892 0.0700167 0.003 0.24089 0.0700147 0 0.240892 0.0700167 0 0.240492 0.06985 0 0.239517 0.06717670000000001 0 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.240892 0.0700167 0.003 0.24089 0.0700147 0.003 0.24106 0.07042 0 0.240892 0.0700167 0 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.24009 0.0700147 0 0.240492 0.06985 0.003 0.240488 0.06985 0 0.240492 0.06985 0 0.24009 0.0700147 0.003 0.240488 0.06985 0.003 0.24089 0.0700147 0 0.240492 0.06985 0 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.23992 0.07042 0 0.24009 0.0700147 0.003 0.240088 0.0700167 0 0.24009 0.0700147 0 0.23992 0.07042 0.003 0.240088 0.0700167 0.003 0.240488 0.06985 0 0.24009 0.0700147 0 0.238713 0.0679833 0 0.240088 0.07082330000000001 0 0.23992 0.07042 0.003 0.23992 0.07042 0 0.23992 0.07042 0 0.240088 0.07082330000000001 0 0.239515 0.0679853 0 0.23992 0.07042 0 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.239113 0.06815 0 0.238713 0.0679833 0 0.23992 0.07042 0 0.239515 0.0679853 0 0.239113 0.06815 0 0.23992 0.07042 0.003 0.240088 0.0700167 0 0.23992 0.07042 0.003 0.23992 0.07042 0.003 0.24009 0.07082529999999999 0 0.240088 0.07082330000000001 0 0.240488 0.07099 0.003 0.24009 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.23992 0.07042 0 0.240088 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.240492 0.07099 0 0.240488 0.07099 0 0.24089 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.24009 0.07082529999999999 0 0.240488 0.07099 0.003 0.240492 0.07099 0.003 0.240492 0.07099 0 0.24089 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.240892 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.239517 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.239517 0.0679833 0 0.239515 0.0679853 0 0.239685 0.06758 0.003 0.239517 0.0679833 0 0.239685 0.06758 0.003 0.239685 0.06758 0.003 0.239515 0.0671747 0 0.239517 0.06717670000000001 0 0.239117 0.0670101 0.003 0.239515 0.0671747 0.003 0.239685 0.06758 0 0.239517 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.239113 0.0670101 0 0.239117 0.0670101 0 0.238715 0.0671747 0.003 0.239113 0.0670101 0.003 0.239515 0.0671747 0 0.239117 0.0670101 0.003 0.238713 0.06717670000000001 0 0.238715 0.0671747 0 0.238545 0.06758 0.003 0.238713 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.239113 0.0670101 0 0.238715 0.0671747 0.003 0.238545 0.06758 0 0.238545 0.06758 0 0.238713 0.0679833 0.003 0.238713 0.06717670000000001 0 0.238545 0.06758 0.003 0.238545 0.06758 0.003 0.238715 0.0679853 0 0.238713 0.0679833 0 0.239113 0.06815 0.003 0.238715 0.0679853 0.003 0.238545 0.06758 0 0.238713 0.0679833 0.003 0.239117 0.06815 0 0.239113 0.06815 0 0.239515 0.0679853 0.003 0.238715 0.0679853 0 0.239113 0.06815 0.003 0.239117 0.06815 0.003 0.239117 0.06815 0 0.239515 0.0679853 0.003 0.239517 0.0679833 0.003 0.231455 0.06758 0 0.231455 0.06758 0 0.231287 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.231287 0.0679833 0 0.231285 0.0679853 0 0.231455 0.06758 0.003 0.231287 0.0679833 0 0.231455 0.06758 0.003 0.231455 0.06758 0.003 0.231285 0.0671747 0 0.231287 0.06717670000000001 0 0.230887 0.0670101 0.003 0.231285 0.0671747 0.003 0.231455 0.06758 0 0.231287 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.230883 0.0670101 0 0.230887 0.0670101 0 0.230485 0.0671747 0.003 0.230883 0.0670101 0.003 0.231285 0.0671747 0 0.230887 0.0670101 0.003 0.230483 0.06717670000000001 0 0.230485 0.0671747 0 0.230315 0.06758 0.003 0.230483 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.230883 0.0670101 0 0.230485 0.0671747 0.003 0.230315 0.06758 0 0.230315 0.06758 0 0.230483 0.0679833 0.003 0.230483 0.06717670000000001 0 0.230315 0.06758 0.003 0.230315 0.06758 0.003 0.230485 0.0679853 0 0.230483 0.0679833 0 0.230883 0.06815 0.003 0.230485 0.0679853 0.003 0.230315 0.06758 0 0.230483 0.0679833 0.003 0.230887 0.06815 0 0.230883 0.06815 0 0.231285 0.0679853 0.003 0.230485 0.0679853 0 0.230883 0.06815 0.003 0.230887 0.06815 0.003 0.230887 0.06815 0 0.231285 0.0679853 0.003 0.231287 0.0679833 0.003 0.233463 0.0698964 0.003 0.234108 0.0674604 0.003 0.23322 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.235892 0.07053959999999999 0.003 0.23678 0.06900000000000001 0.003 0.236537 0.0681036 0.003 0.235892 0.07053959999999999 0.003 0.236537 0.0681036 0.003 0.235881 0.06745370000000001 0.003 0.234119 0.07054630000000001 0.003 0.235881 0.06745370000000001 0.003 0.234108 0.0674604 0.003 0.234119 0.07054630000000001 0.003 0.235892 0.07053959999999999 0.003 0.235881 0.06745370000000001 0.003 0.233463 0.0698964 0.003 0.234119 0.07054630000000001 0.003 0.234108 0.0674604 0.003 0.22911 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.229108 0.0700167 0.003 0.22894 0.07042 0.003 0.229912 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.23008 0.07042 0.003 0.22991 0.0700147 0.003 0.229512 0.07099 0.003 0.22991 0.0700147 0.003 0.229508 0.06985 0.003 0.229512 0.07099 0.003 0.229912 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.22991 0.0700147 0.003 0.22911 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.229508 0.06985 0.003 0.229108 0.0700167 0.003 0.22911 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.229512 0.07099 0.003 0.229508 0.06985 0.003 0.24009 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.240088 0.0700167 0.003 0.23992 0.07042 0.003 0.240892 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.24106 0.07042 0.003 0.24089 0.0700147 0.003 0.240492 0.07099 0.003 0.24089 0.0700147 0.003 0.240488 0.06985 0.003 0.240492 0.07099 0.003 0.240892 0.07082330000000001 0.003 0.24089 0.0700147 0.003 0.24009 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.240488 0.06985 0.003 0.240088 0.0700167 0.003 0.24009 0.07082529999999999 0.003 0.240492 0.07099 0.003 0.240488 0.06985 0.003 0.238715 0.0679853 0.003 0.238713 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.238545 0.06758 0.003 0.239517 0.0679833 0.003 0.239685 0.06758 0.003 0.239515 0.0671747 0.003 0.239117 0.06815 0.003 0.239515 0.0671747 0.003 0.239113 0.0670101 0.003 0.239117 0.06815 0.003 0.239517 0.0679833 0.003 0.239515 0.0671747 0.003 0.238715 0.0679853 0.003 0.239113 0.0670101 0.003 0.238713 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.238715 0.0679853 0.003 0.239117 0.06815 0.003 0.239113 0.0670101 0.003 0.230485 0.0679853 0.003 0.230483 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.230315 0.06758 0.003 0.231287 0.0679833 0.003 0.231455 0.06758 0.003 0.231285 0.0671747 0.003 0.230887 0.06815 0.003 0.231285 0.0671747 0.003 0.230883 0.0670101 0.003 0.230887 0.06815 0.003 0.231287 0.0679833 0.003 0.231285 0.0671747 0.003 0.230485 0.0679853 0.003 0.230883 0.0670101 0.003 0.230483 0.06717670000000001 0.003 0.230485 0.0679853 0.003 0.230887 0.06815 0.003 0.230883 0.0670101 0.003 0.0159377 0.0340622 0.003 0.0150486 0.0312443 0.003 0.0150122 0.0315211 0.003 0.016 0.0318 0.003 0.0150486 0.0312443 0.003 0.0159377 0.0340622 0.003 0.0160334 0.031418 0.003 0.016036 0.0256443 0.003 0.0150486 0.0312443 0.003 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.003 0.0150486 0.0312443 0.003 0.016 0.0318 0.003 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.003 0.0160334 0.031418 0.003 0.0150486 0.0312443 0.003 0.0159377 0.0340622 0.003 0.0150122 0.0315211 0.003 0.015 0.0318 0.003 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.003 0.0159377 0.0340622 0.003 0.0182 0.035 0.003 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.003 0.016 0.0318 0.003 0.0159377 0.0340622 0.003 0.0182 0.034 0.003 0.0182 0.035 0.003 0.0418 0.035 0.003 0.0182 0.034 0.003 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.003 0.0182 0.035 0.003 0.0170209 0.025818 0.003 0.0171305 0.0237487 0.003 0.016036 0.0256443 0.003 0.0160334 0.031418 0.003 0.0170209 0.025818 0.003 0.016036 0.0256443 0.003 0.0191874 0.024 0.003 0.0191874 0.023 0.003 0.0171305 0.0237487 0.003 0.0408126 0.024 0.003 0.0408126 0.023 0.003 0.0191874 0.023 0.003 0.0191874 0.024 0.003 0.0408126 0.024 0.003 0.0191874 0.023 0.003 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.003 0.0191874 0.024 0.003 0.0171305 0.0237487 0.003 0.0170209 0.025818 0.003 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.003 0.0171305 0.0237487 0.003 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.003 0.0428695 0.0237487 0.003 0.0408126 0.023 0.003 0.0408126 0.024 0.003 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.003 0.0408126 0.023 0.003 0.0429791 0.025818 0.003 0.043964 0.0256443 0.003 0.0428695 0.0237487 0.003 0.0440622 0.0340623 0.003 0.0449514 0.0312443 0.003 0.043964 0.0256443 0.003 0.044 0.0318 0.003 0.0440622 0.0340623 0.003 0.043964 0.0256443 0.003 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.003 0.044 0.0318 0.003 0.043964 0.0256443 0.003 0.0439666 0.031418 0.003 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.003 0.043964 0.0256443 0.003 0.0429791 0.025818 0.003 0.0439666 0.031418 0.003 0.043964 0.0256443 0.003 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.003 0.0429791 0.025818 0.003 0.0428695 0.0237487 0.003 0.045 0.0318 0.003 0.0449514 0.0312443 0.003 0.0440622 0.0340623 0.003 0.0449878 0.0315211 0.003 0.0449514 0.0312443 0.003 0.045 0.0318 0.003 0.0418 0.034 0.003 0.0418 0.035 0.003 0.0440622 0.0340623 0.003 0.0418 0.034 0.003 0.0182 0.034 0.003 0.0418 0.035 0.003 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.003 0.0418 0.034 0.003 0.0440622 0.0340623 0.003 0.044 0.0318 0.003 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.003 0.0440622 0.0340623 0.005 0.016 0.0318 0.003 0.016 0.0318 0.003 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.005 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.003 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.003 0.016 0.0318 0.005 0.016 0.0318 0.005 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.003 0.016 0.0318 0.005 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.003 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.003 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.005 0.016 0.0318 0.003 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.003 0.0182 0.034 0.003 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.003 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.003 0.0418 0.034 0.003 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.003 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.003 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.003 0.044 0.0318 0.005 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.003 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.005 0.044 0.0318 0.003 0.044 0.0318 0.003 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.005 0.044 0.0318 0.005 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.003 0.044 0.0318 0.005 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.003 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.003 0.0439666 0.031418 0.005 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.005 0.044 0.0318 0.003 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.005 0.0439666 0.031418 0.003 0.0439666 0.031418 0.003 0.0429791 0.025818 0.005 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.003 0.0439666 0.031418 0.005 0.0439666 0.031418 0.005 0.0429791 0.025818 0.003 0.0429791 0.025818 0.003 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.005 0.0439666 0.031418 0.003 0.0429791 0.025818 0.005 0.0429791 0.025818 0.005 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.003 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.003 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.005 0.0429791 0.025818 0.003 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.003 0.0408126 0.024 0.003 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.003 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.003 0.0191874 0.024 0.003 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.003 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.003 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.003 0.0170209 0.025818 0.005 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.003 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.005 0.0170209 0.025818 0.003 0.0170209 0.025818 0.003 0.0160334 0.031418 0.005 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.003 0.0170209 0.025818 0.005 0.0170209 0.025818 0.005 0.0160334 0.031418 0.003 0.0160334 0.031418 0.003 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.005 0.0170209 0.025818 0.003 0.0160334 0.031418 0.005 0.0160334 0.031418 0.005 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.005 0.0160334 0.031418 0.003 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.005 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.005 0.0160334 0.031418 0.005 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.005 0.0170209 0.025818 0.005 0.0160334 0.031418 0.005 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.005 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.005 0.0160084 0.0316083 0.005 0.016 0.0318 0.005 0.0170209 0.025818 0.005 0.0166444 0.0333556 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.005 0.0170209 0.025818 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0187299 0.029 0.005 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0217177 0.0319988 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0189596 0.030151 0.005 0.0187299 0.029 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0196078 0.0311204 0.005 0.0189596 0.030151 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0217177 0.0319988 0.005 0.0196078 0.0311204 0.005 0.0182 0.034 0.005 0.0189621 0.0278433 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.005 0.0382823 0.0260012 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0217421 0.0260012 0.005 0.0238519 0.0268796 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0272323 0.0278433 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0238519 0.0268796 0.005 0.019621 0.0268666 0.005 0.0217421 0.0260012 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0189621 0.0278433 0.005 0.019621 0.0268666 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0361612 0.0268666 0.005 0.0382823 0.0260012 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0300122 0.0260012 0.005 0.0361612 0.0268666 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0278911 0.0268666 0.005 0.0300122 0.0260012 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0272323 0.0278433 0.005 0.0278911 0.0268666 0.005 0.0191874 0.024 0.005 0.0189621 0.0278433 0.005 0.0177733 0.0245147 0.005 0.0187299 0.029 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0412701 0.029 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0410404 0.027849 0.005 0.0412701 0.029 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0403922 0.0268796 0.005 0.0410404 0.027849 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0382823 0.0260012 0.005 0.0403922 0.0268796 0.005 0.0408126 0.024 0.005 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.005 0.0429791 0.025818 0.005 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.005 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.005 0.0439666 0.031418 0.005 0.0429791 0.025818 0.005 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.005 0.0422267 0.0245147 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.044 0.0318 0.005 0.0439666 0.031418 0.005 0.0433556 0.0333556 0.005 0.0439916 0.0316083 0.005 0.0439666 0.031418 0.005 0.044 0.0318 0.005 0.0238388 0.0311334 0.005 0.0217177 0.0319988 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0299878 0.0319988 0.005 0.0238388 0.0311334 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0410379 0.0301567 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0412701 0.029 0.005 0.0382579 0.0319988 0.005 0.0361481 0.0311204 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0327677 0.0301567 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0361481 0.0311204 0.005 0.040379 0.0311334 0.005 0.0382579 0.0319988 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0410379 0.0301567 0.005 0.040379 0.0311334 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0321089 0.0311334 0.005 0.0299878 0.0319988 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.005 0.0327677 0.0301567 0.005 0.0321089 0.0311334 0.005 0.0418 0.034 0.0005 0.0187299 0.029 0.005 0.0187299 0.029 0.005 0.0189596 0.030151 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0268787 0.005 0.0189621 0.0278433 0.005 0.0187299 0.029 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0268787 0.005 0.0187299 0.029 0.0005 0.0187299 0.029 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.005 0.0189596 0.030151 0.005 0.0196078 0.0311204 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.0005 0.0187299 0.029 0.005 0.0189596 0.030151 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.005 0.0196078 0.0311204 0.005 0.0217177 0.0319988 0.0005 0.0217299 0.032 0.005 0.0217177 0.0319988 0.005 0.0238388 0.0311334 0.0005 0.0217299 0.032 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.005 0.0217177 0.0319988 0.005 0.0299878 0.0319988 0.005 0.0244976 0.0301567 0.005 0.0238388 0.0311334 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0311213 0.005 0.0238388 0.0311334 0.005 0.0244976 0.0301567 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0311213 0.0005 0.0217299 0.032 0.005 0.0238388 0.0311334 0.005 0.027878 0.0311204 0.005 0.0247299 0.029 0.005 0.0244976 0.0301567 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0311213 0.005 0.0244976 0.0301567 0.005 0.0247299 0.029 0.005 0.0299878 0.0319988 0.005 0.027878 0.0311204 0.005 0.0244976 0.0301567 0.005 0.027 0.029 0.005 0.0245001 0.027849 0.005 0.0247299 0.029 0.0005 0.0247299 0.029 0.005 0.0247299 0.029 0.005 0.0245001 0.027849 0.005 0.0272298 0.030151 0.005 0.027 0.029 0.005 0.0247299 0.029 0.005 0.027878 0.0311204 0.005 0.0272298 0.030151 0.005 0.0247299 0.029 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0311213 0.005 0.0247299 0.029 0.0005 0.0247299 0.029 0.005 0.027 0.029 0.005 0.0238519 0.0268796 0.005 0.0245001 0.027849 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.005 0.0245001 0.027849 0.005 0.0238519 0.0268796 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.0005 0.0247299 0.029 0.005 0.0245001 0.027849 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.005 0.0238519 0.0268796 0.005 0.0217421 0.0260012 0.005 0.027 0.029 0.005 0.0272323 0.0278433 0.005 0.0238519 0.0268796 0.0005 0.0217299 0.026 0.005 0.0217421 0.0260012 0.005 0.019621 0.0268666 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.005 0.0217421 0.0260012 0.0005 0.0217299 0.026 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0268787 0.005 0.019621 0.0268666 0.005 0.0189621 0.0278433 0.0005 0.0217299 0.026 0.005 0.019621 0.0268666 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0268787 0.0005 0.0412701 0.029 0.005 0.0412701 0.029 0.005 0.0410404 0.027849 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0311213 0.005 0.0410379 0.0301567 0.005 0.0412701 0.029 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0311213 0.005 0.0412701 0.029 0.0005 0.0412701 0.029 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0268787 0.005 0.0410404 0.027849 0.005 0.0403922 0.0268796 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0268787 0.0005 0.0412701 0.029 0.005 0.0410404 0.027849 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0268787 0.005 0.0403922 0.0268796 0.005 0.0382823 0.0260012 0.0005 0.0382701 0.026 0.005 0.0382823 0.0260012 0.005 0.0361612 0.0268666 0.0005 0.0382701 0.026 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0268787 0.005 0.0382823 0.0260012 0.005 0.0300122 0.0260012 0.005 0.0355024 0.0278433 0.005 0.0361612 0.0268666 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0268787 0.005 0.0361612 0.0268666 0.005 0.0355024 0.0278433 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0268787 0.0005 0.0382701 0.026 0.005 0.0361612 0.0268666 0.005 0.032122 0.0268796 0.005 0.0352701 0.029 0.005 0.0355024 0.0278433 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0268787 0.005 0.0355024 0.0278433 0.005 0.0352701 0.029 0.005 0.0300122 0.0260012 0.005 0.032122 0.0268796 0.005 0.0355024 0.0278433 0.005 0.033 0.029 0.005 0.0354999 0.030151 0.005 0.0352701 0.029 0.0005 0.0352701 0.029 0.005 0.0352701 0.029 0.005 0.0354999 0.030151 0.005 0.0327702 0.027849 0.005 0.033 0.029 0.005 0.0352701 0.029 0.005 0.032122 0.0268796 0.005 0.0327702 0.027849 0.005 0.0352701 0.029 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0268787 0.005 0.0352701 0.029 0.0005 0.0352701 0.029 0.005 0.033 0.029 0.005 0.0361481 0.0311204 0.005 0.0354999 0.030151 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0311213 0.005 0.0354999 0.030151 0.005 0.0361481 0.0311204 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0311213 0.0005 0.0352701 0.029 0.005 0.0354999 0.030151 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0311213 0.005 0.0361481 0.0311204 0.005 0.0382579 0.0319988 0.005 0.0327677 0.0301567 0.005 0.0361481 0.0311204 0.005 0.033 0.029 0.0005 0.0382701 0.032 0.005 0.0382579 0.0319988 0.005 0.040379 0.0311334 0.0005 0.0361488 0.0311213 0.005 0.0382579 0.0319988 0.0005 0.0382701 0.032 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0311213 0.005 0.040379 0.0311334 0.005 0.0410379 0.0301567 0.0005 0.0382701 0.032 0.005 0.040379 0.0311334 0.0005 0.0403914 0.0311213 0.0005 0.033 0.029 0.005 0.033 0.029 0.005 0.0327702 0.027849 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0311213 0.005 0.0327677 0.0301567 0.005 0.033 0.029 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0311213 0.005 0.033 0.029 0.0005 0.033 0.029 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0268787 0.005 0.0327702 0.027849 0.005 0.032122 0.0268796 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0268787 0.0005 0.033 0.029 0.005 0.0327702 0.027849 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0268787 0.005 0.032122 0.0268796 0.005 0.0300122 0.0260012 0.0005 0.03 0.026 0.005 0.0300122 0.0260012 0.005 0.0278911 0.0268666 0.0005 0.03 0.026 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0268787 0.005 0.0300122 0.0260012 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0268787 0.005 0.0278911 0.0268666 0.005 0.0272323 0.0278433 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0268787 0.0005 0.03 0.026 0.005 0.0278911 0.0268666 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0268787 0.005 0.0272323 0.0278433 0.005 0.027 0.029 0.0005 0.027 0.029 0.005 0.027 0.029 0.005 0.0272298 0.030151 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0268787 0.005 0.027 0.029 0.0005 0.027 0.029 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0311213 0.005 0.0272298 0.030151 0.005 0.027878 0.0311204 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0311213 0.0005 0.027 0.029 0.005 0.0272298 0.030151 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0311213 0.005 0.027878 0.0311204 0.005 0.0299878 0.0319988 0.0005 0.03 0.032 0.005 0.0299878 0.0319988 0.005 0.0321089 0.0311334 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0311213 0.005 0.0299878 0.0319988 0.0005 0.03 0.032 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0311213 0.005 0.0321089 0.0311334 0.005 0.0327677 0.0301567 0.0005 0.03 0.032 0.005 0.0321089 0.0311334 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0311213 0.0005 0.0247299 0.029 0.000308658 0.0246918 0.029 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0.0005 0.0247299 0.029 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.000308658 0.0246918 0.029 0.0005 0.0247299 0.029 0.000308658 0.0187679 0.029 0.0005 0.0187299 0.029 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0.0005 0.0187299 0.029 0.000308658 0.0187679 0.029 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0268787 0.0005 0.0187299 0.029 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.0005 0.0217299 0.032 0.000146447 0.0188763 0.029 0.000308658 0.0187679 0.029 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0.000146447 0.0188763 0.029 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0318536 0.0005 0.0217299 0.032 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0318536 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0.0005 0.0217299 0.032 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0318536 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0.000308658 0.0187679 0.029 0.000146447 0.0188763 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0190385 0.029 0.000146447 0.0188763 0.029 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0 0.0195669 0.027748 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.0188763 0.029 0 0.0195669 0.027748 0.000146447 0.0188763 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0190385 0.029 0 0.0204932 0.0311717 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0318536 3.80602e-05 0.0190385 0.029 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0 0.0192299 0.029 0 0.0195714 0.030259 0 0.0192299 0.029 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0 0.0195714 0.030259 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0310178 0 0.0204932 0.0311717 0 0.0217397 0.0314999 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0318536 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0 0.0204932 0.0311717 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0318536 0 0.0217397 0.0314999 0.000308658 0.0246918 0.029 0.000146447 0.0245834 0.029 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0 0.0238929 0.030252 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0.000146447 0.0245834 0.029 0 0.0229833 0.0311623 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0 0.0238929 0.030252 0 0.0217397 0.0314999 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0310178 0 0.0229833 0.0311623 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.0245834 0.029 0.000308658 0.0246918 0.029 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.0245834 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0244212 0.029 0.000146447 0.0245834 0.029 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0 0.0238929 0.030252 0.000146447 0.0245834 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0244212 0.029 0.0005 0.0217299 0.026 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0261464 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0 0.0229666 0.0268283 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0261464 0.0005 0.0238512 0.0268787 0.0005 0.0217299 0.026 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0 0.0242299 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0244212 0.029 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0 0.0238884 0.027741 0 0.0242299 0.029 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0 0.0229666 0.0268283 0 0.0238884 0.027741 0.000146447 0.0237477 0.0269822 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0261464 0 0.0217201 0.0265001 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0261464 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0.0005 0.0217299 0.026 0.0005 0.0196086 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0261464 0 0.0217201 0.0265001 0 0.0229666 0.0268283 0.000146447 0.0217299 0.0261464 0 0.0204765 0.0268377 0 0.0217201 0.0265001 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0 0.0195669 0.027748 0 0.0204765 0.0268377 0.000146447 0.0197121 0.0269822 0 0.0195669 0.027748 3.80602e-05 0.0190385 0.029 0 0.0192299 0.029 0 0.0195714 0.030259 0 0.0195669 0.027748 0 0.0192299 0.029 0 0.0238929 0.030252 3.80602e-05 0.0244212 0.029 0 0.0242299 0.029 0 0.0238929 0.030252 0 0.0242299 0.029 0 0.0238884 0.027741 0 0.0229833 0.0311623 0 0.0238884 0.027741 0 0.0229666 0.0268283 0 0.0229833 0.0311623 0 0.0238929 0.030252 0 0.0238884 0.027741 0 0.0217397 0.0314999 0 0.0229666 0.0268283 0 0.0217201 0.0265001 0 0.0217397 0.0314999 0 0.0229833 0.0311623 0 0.0229666 0.0268283 0 0.0204932 0.0311717 0 0.0217201 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0.000308658 0.0329619 0.029 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.0328536 0.029 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.03 0.0261464 0.0005 0.03 0.026 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.03 0.0261464 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0269822 0.0005 0.03 0.026 0.000146447 0.0279822 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.03 0.0261464 0.0005 0.0278787 0.0268787 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0310178 0.000308658 0.0329619 0.029 0.000146447 0.0328536 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0326913 0.029 0.000146447 0.0328536 0.029 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0269822 0 0.032163 0.030252 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0310178 0.000146447 0.0328536 0.029 0 0.032163 0.030252 0.000146447 0.0328536 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0326913 0.029 0 0.0312367 0.0268283 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0269822 0.000146447 0.03 0.0261464 3.80602e-05 0.0326913 0.029 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0269822 0 0.0325 0.029 0 0.0321585 0.027741 0 0.0325 0.029 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0269822 0 0.0321585 0.027741 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0269822 0 0.0312367 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0.0005 0.03 0.032 0.000146447 0.0279822 0.0310178 0 0.0275 0.029 3.80602e-05 0.0273087 0.029 0.000146447 0.0279822 0.0310178 0 0.0278415 0.030259 0 0.0275 0.029 0.000146447 0.0279822 0.0310178 0 0.0287633 0.0311717 0 0.0278415 0.030259 0.000146447 0.0279822 0.0310178 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0310178 0.000146447 0.03 0.0318536 0 0.0300098 0.0314999 0.000146447 0.03 0.0318536 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0310178 0.0005 0.03 0.032 0.0005 0.0321213 0.0311213 0.000146447 0.03 0.0318536 0 0.0300098 0.0314999 0 0.0287633 0.0311717 0.000146447 0.03 0.0318536 0 0.0312534 0.0311623 0 0.0300098 0.0314999 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0310178 0 0.032163 0.030252 0 0.0312534 0.0311623 0.000146447 0.0320178 0.0310178 0 0.032163 0.030252 3.80602e-05 0.0326913 0.029 0 0.0325 0.029 0 0.0321585 0.027741 0 0.032163 0.030252 0 0.0325 0.029 0 0.027837 0.027748 3.80602e-05 0.0273087 0.029 0 0.0275 0.029 0 0.027837 0.027748 0 0.0275 0.029 0 0.0278415 0.030259 0 0.0287466 0.0268377 0 0.0278415 0.030259 0 0.0287633 0.0311717 0 0.0287466 0.0268377 0 0.027837 0.027748 0 0.0278415 0.030259 0 0.0299902 0.0265001 0 0.0287633 0.0311717 0 0.0300098 0.0314999 0 0.0299902 0.0265001 0 0.0287466 0.0268377 0 0.0287633 0.0311717 0 0.0312367 0.0268283 0 0.0300098 0.0314999 0 0.0312534 0.0311623 0 0.0312367 0.0268283 0 0.0299902 0.0265001 0 0.0300098 0.0314999 0 0.0321585 0.027741 0 0.0312534 0.0311623 0 0.032163 0.030252 0 0.0321585 0.027741 0 0.0312367 0.0268283 0 0.0312534 0.0311623 0.3115 0.065 0.008 0.314 0.065 0.008 0.314469 0.0673222 0.008 0.312159 0.0617239 0.008 0.314464 0.0626893 0.008 0.314 0.065 0.008 0.312159 0.0617239 0.008 0.314 0.065 0.008 0.3115 0.065 0.008 0.312151 0.0682591 0.008 0.314469 0.0673222 0.008 0.315791 0.06927469999999999 0.008 0.312151 0.0682591 0.008 0.3115 0.065 0.008 0.314469 0.0673222 0.008 0.312151 0.0682591 0.008 0.315791 0.06927469999999999 0.008 0.320024 0.0709999 0.008 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.320024 0.0709999 0.008 0.324235 0.06924909999999999 0.008 0.313987 0.07100720000000001 0.008 0.312151 0.0682591 0.008 0.320024 0.0709999 0.008 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.313987 0.07100720000000001 0.008 0.320024 0.0709999 0.008 0.327841 0.06827610000000001 0.008 0.324235 0.06924909999999999 0.008 0.325536 0.0673107 0.008 0.327841 0.06827610000000001 0.008 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.324235 0.06924909999999999 0.008 0.327841 0.06827610000000001 0.008 0.325536 0.0673107 0.008 0.326 0.065 0.008 0.3285 0.065 0.008 0.326 0.065 0.008 0.325531 0.06267780000000001 0.008 0.3285 0.065 0.008 0.327841 0.06827610000000001 0.008 0.326 0.065 0.008 0.327849 0.0617409 0.008 0.325531 0.06267780000000001 0.008 0.324209 0.0607253 0.008 0.327849 0.0617409 0.008 0.3285 0.065 0.008 0.325531 0.06267780000000001 0.008 0.327849 0.0617409 0.008 0.324209 0.0607253 0.008 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.315765 0.0607509 0.008 0.326013 0.0589928 0.008 0.327849 0.0617409 0.008 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.326013 0.0589928 0.008 0.319976 0.0590001 0.008 0.312159 0.0617239 0.008 0.315765 0.0607509 0.008 0.314464 0.0626893 0.008 0.312159 0.0617239 0.008 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.315765 0.0607509 0.008 0.3115 0.065 0.018 0.3115 0.065 0.008 0.312151 0.0682591 0.008 0.312151 0.0617409 0.018 0.312159 0.0617239 0.008 0.3115 0.065 0.008 0.312151 0.0617409 0.018 0.3115 0.065 0.008 0.3115 0.065 0.018 0.312159 0.06827610000000001 0.018 0.312151 0.0682591 0.008 0.313987 0.07100720000000001 0.008 0.312159 0.06827610000000001 0.018 0.3115 0.065 0.018 0.312151 0.0682591 0.008 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.316717 0.0728399 0.008 0.313987 0.07100720000000001 0.008 0.314025 0.07104480000000001 0.018 0.313987 0.07100720000000001 0.008 0.316717 0.0728399 0.008 0.314025 0.07104480000000001 0.018 0.312159 0.06827610000000001 0.018 0.313987 0.07100720000000001 0.008 0.323217 0.07286719999999999 0.008 0.319966 0.0734988 0.008 0.316717 0.0728399 0.008 0.316783 0.07286719999999999 0.018 0.316717 0.0728399 0.008 0.319966 0.0734988 0.008 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.323217 0.07286719999999999 0.008 0.316717 0.0728399 0.008 0.316783 0.07286719999999999 0.018 0.314025 0.07104480000000001 0.018 0.316717 0.0728399 0.008 0.320034 0.0734988 0.018 0.319966 0.0734988 0.008 0.323217 0.07286719999999999 0.008 0.320034 0.0734988 0.018 0.316783 0.07286719999999999 0.018 0.319966 0.0734988 0.008 0.323283 0.0728399 0.018 0.323217 0.07286719999999999 0.008 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.323283 0.0728399 0.018 0.320034 0.0734988 0.018 0.323217 0.07286719999999999 0.008 0.326013 0.07100720000000001 0.018 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.327841 0.06827610000000001 0.008 0.326013 0.07100720000000001 0.018 0.323283 0.0728399 0.018 0.325975 0.07104480000000001 0.008 0.327849 0.0682591 0.018 0.327841 0.06827610000000001 0.008 0.3285 0.065 0.008 0.327849 0.0682591 0.018 0.326013 0.07100720000000001 0.018 0.327841 0.06827610000000001 0.008 0.3285 0.065 0.018 0.3285 0.065 0.008 0.327849 0.0617409 0.008 0.3285 0.065 0.018 0.327849 0.0682591 0.018 0.3285 0.065 0.008 0.327841 0.0617239 0.018 0.327849 0.0617409 0.008 0.326013 0.0589928 0.008 0.327841 0.0617239 0.018 0.3285 0.065 0.018 0.327849 0.0617409 0.008 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.323283 0.0571601 0.008 0.326013 0.0589928 0.008 0.325975 0.0589552 0.018 0.326013 0.0589928 0.008 0.323283 0.0571601 0.008 0.325975 0.0589552 0.018 0.327841 0.0617239 0.018 0.326013 0.0589928 0.008 0.316783 0.0571328 0.008 0.320034 0.0565012 0.008 0.323283 0.0571601 0.008 0.323217 0.0571328 0.018 0.323283 0.0571601 0.008 0.320034 0.0565012 0.008 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.316783 0.0571328 0.008 0.323283 0.0571601 0.008 0.323217 0.0571328 0.018 0.325975 0.0589552 0.018 0.323283 0.0571601 0.008 0.319966 0.0565012 0.018 0.320034 0.0565012 0.008 0.316783 0.0571328 0.008 0.319966 0.0565012 0.018 0.323217 0.0571328 0.018 0.320034 0.0565012 0.008 0.316717 0.0571601 0.018 0.316783 0.0571328 0.008 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.316717 0.0571601 0.018 0.319966 0.0565012 0.018 0.316783 0.0571328 0.008 0.313987 0.0589928 0.018 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.312159 0.0617239 0.008 0.313987 0.0589928 0.018 0.316717 0.0571601 0.018 0.314025 0.0589552 0.008 0.312151 0.0617409 0.018 0.313987 0.0589928 0.018 0.312159 0.0617239 0.008 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.3115 0.065 0.018 0.312159 0.06827610000000001 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.312151 0.0617409 0.018 0.3115 0.065 0.018 0.287525 0.0231022 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.3115 0.065 0.018 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.287525 0.0231022 0.018 0.3115 0.065 0.018 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.312159 0.06827610000000001 0.018 0.314025 0.07104480000000001 0.018 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.314025 0.07104480000000001 0.018 0.316783 0.07286719999999999 0.018 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.316783 0.07286719999999999 0.018 0.320034 0.0734988 0.018 0.320344 0.0886924 0.018 0.320034 0.0734988 0.018 0.323283 0.0728399 0.018 0.320344 0.0886924 0.018 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.320034 0.0734988 0.018 0.320344 0.0886924 0.018 0.323283 0.0728399 0.018 0.326013 0.07100720000000001 0.018 0.327147 0.105062 0.018 0.326013 0.07100720000000001 0.018 0.327849 0.0682591 0.018 0.327147 0.105062 0.018 0.320344 0.0886924 0.018 0.326013 0.07100720000000001 0.018 0.327147 0.105062 0.018 0.327849 0.0682591 0.018 0.3285 0.065 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.3285 0.065 0.018 0.327841 0.0617239 0.018 0.331305 0.122321 0.018 0.3285 0.065 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.331305 0.122321 0.018 0.327147 0.105062 0.018 0.3285 0.065 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.327841 0.0617239 0.018 0.325975 0.0589552 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.325975 0.0589552 0.018 0.323217 0.0571328 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.325975 0.0589552 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.323217 0.0571328 0.018 0.319966 0.0565012 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.319966 0.0565012 0.018 0.316717 0.0571601 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.316717 0.0571601 0.018 0.313987 0.0589928 0.018 0.315458 0.0445412 0.018 0.313987 0.0589928 0.018 0.312151 0.0617409 0.018 0.331305 0.122321 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.3327 0.14 0.018 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.3327 0.14 0.018 0.336897 0.07247439999999999 0.018 0.286148 0.0487556 0.018 0.254977 0.00961016 0.018 0.287525 0.0231022 0.018 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.286148 0.0487556 0.018 0.287525 0.0231022 0.018 0.254752 0.0327933 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.254977 0.00961016 0.018 0.286148 0.0487556 0.018 0.254752 0.0327933 0.018 0.254977 0.00961016 0.018 0.169966 0.00650121 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.138 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.219946 0.0273015 0.018 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.1785 0.015 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.254752 0.0327933 0.018 0.219946 0.0273015 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.173217 0.00713282 0.018 0.169966 0.00650121 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.175975 0.00895518 0.018 0.173217 0.00713282 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.177841 0.0117239 0.018 0.175975 0.00895518 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.1785 0.015 0.018 0.177841 0.0117239 0.018 0.22 0.005 0.018 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.163987 0.008992760000000001 0.018 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.166717 0.00716007 0.018 0.163987 0.008992760000000001 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.169966 0.00650121 0.018 0.166717 0.00716007 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.22 0.005 0.138 0.006 0.005 0.018 0.128904 0.206353 0.018 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.1615 0.265 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.119656 0.191308 0.018 0.128904 0.206353 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.112853 0.174938 0.018 0.119656 0.191308 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.108695 0.157679 0.018 0.112853 0.174938 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.1073 0.14 0.018 0.108695 0.157679 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.108689 0.12236 0.018 0.1073 0.14 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.112824 0.105148 0.018 0.108689 0.12236 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.128816 0.0737698 0.018 0.112824 0.105148 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.128816 0.0737698 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.162159 0.268276 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.1615 0.265 0.018 0.166783 0.272867 0.018 0.170034 0.273499 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.164025 0.271045 0.018 0.166783 0.272867 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.162159 0.268276 0.018 0.164025 0.271045 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.018 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.331311 0.15764 0.018 0.3327 0.14 0.018 0.32784 0.14 0.0170333 0.3327 0.14 0.018 0.331311 0.15764 0.018 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.331305 0.122321 0.018 0.3327 0.14 0.018 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.3327 0.14 0.018 0.32784 0.14 0.0170333 0.327841 0.211724 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.331311 0.15764 0.018 0.323472 0.170382 0.0170333 0.331311 0.15764 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.327841 0.211724 0.018 0.331311 0.15764 0.018 0.323472 0.170382 0.0170333 0.32784 0.14 0.0170333 0.331311 0.15764 0.018 0.312151 0.211741 0.018 0.311184 0.20623 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.311184 0.20623 0.018 0.313987 0.208993 0.018 0.312151 0.211741 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.316717 0.20716 0.018 0.313987 0.208993 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.319966 0.206501 0.018 0.316717 0.20716 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.323217 0.207133 0.018 0.319966 0.206501 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.325975 0.208955 0.018 0.323217 0.207133 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.327841 0.211724 0.018 0.325975 0.208955 0.018 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.323472 0.170382 0.0170333 0.327176 0.174852 0.018 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.311184 0.20623 0.018 0.29969 0.219691 0.018 0.312151 0.211741 0.018 0.3115 0.215 0.018 0.311184 0.20623 0.018 0.29062 0.2215 0.0170333 0.29969 0.219691 0.018 0.286235 0.231182 0.018 0.29062 0.2215 0.0170333 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.29969 0.219691 0.018 0.264798 0.238095 0.0170333 0.286235 0.231182 0.018 0.254854 0.247174 0.018 0.264798 0.238095 0.0170333 0.29062 0.2215 0.0170333 0.286235 0.231182 0.018 0.235347 0.246742 0.0170333 0.254854 0.247174 0.018 0.220054 0.252699 0.018 0.235347 0.246742 0.0170333 0.264798 0.238095 0.0170333 0.254854 0.247174 0.018 0.204653 0.246742 0.0170333 0.220054 0.252699 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.204653 0.246742 0.0170333 0.235347 0.246742 0.0170333 0.220054 0.252699 0.018 0.166717 0.25716 0.018 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.175202 0.238095 0.0170333 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.169966 0.256501 0.018 0.166717 0.25716 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.173217 0.257133 0.018 0.169966 0.256501 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.175975 0.258955 0.018 0.173217 0.257133 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.177841 0.261724 0.018 0.175975 0.258955 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.1785 0.265 0.018 0.177841 0.261724 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.177849 0.268259 0.018 0.1785 0.265 0.018 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.175202 0.238095 0.0170333 0.204653 0.246742 0.0170333 0.185248 0.247207 0.018 0.14938 0.2215 0.0170333 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.128904 0.206353 0.018 0.162151 0.261741 0.018 0.1615 0.265 0.018 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.163987 0.258993 0.018 0.162151 0.261741 0.018 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.166717 0.25716 0.018 0.163987 0.258993 0.018 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.14938 0.2215 0.0170333 0.175202 0.238095 0.0170333 0.153852 0.231244 0.018 0.129279 0.198303 0.0170333 0.128904 0.206353 0.018 0.119656 0.191308 0.018 0.129279 0.198303 0.0170333 0.14938 0.2215 0.0170333 0.128904 0.206353 0.018 0.129279 0.198303 0.0170333 0.119656 0.191308 0.018 0.112853 0.174938 0.018 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.112853 0.174938 0.018 0.108695 0.157679 0.018 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.129279 0.198303 0.0170333 0.112853 0.174938 0.018 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.108695 0.157679 0.018 0.1073 0.14 0.018 0.11216 0.14 0.0170333 0.1073 0.14 0.018 0.108689 0.12236 0.018 0.11216 0.14 0.0170333 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.1073 0.14 0.018 0.116528 0.109618 0.0170333 0.108689 0.12236 0.018 0.112824 0.105148 0.018 0.116528 0.109618 0.0170333 0.11216 0.14 0.0170333 0.108689 0.12236 0.018 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.112824 0.105148 0.018 0.128816 0.0737698 0.018 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.116528 0.109618 0.0170333 0.112824 0.105148 0.018 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.14031 0.0603095 0.018 0.128816 0.0737698 0.018 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.128816 0.0737698 0.018 0.14031 0.0603095 0.018 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.14031 0.0603095 0.018 0.14938 0.0585 0.0170333 0.14031 0.0603095 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.14938 0.0585 0.0170333 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.14031 0.0603095 0.018 0.176013 0.0210072 0.018 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.175202 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.1615 0.015 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.162159 0.0182761 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.1615 0.015 0.018 0.173283 0.0228399 0.018 0.176013 0.0210072 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.170034 0.0234988 0.018 0.173283 0.0228399 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.166783 0.0228672 0.018 0.170034 0.0234988 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.164025 0.0210448 0.018 0.166783 0.0228672 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.162159 0.0182761 0.018 0.164025 0.0210448 0.018 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.175202 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.14938 0.0585 0.0170333 0.153765 0.0488183 0.018 0.204653 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.219946 0.0273015 0.018 0.177849 0.0182591 0.018 0.1785 0.015 0.018 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.176013 0.0210072 0.018 0.177849 0.0182591 0.018 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.204653 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.175202 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.185146 0.0328262 0.018 0.235347 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.219946 0.0273015 0.018 0.254752 0.0327933 0.018 0.235347 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.204653 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.219946 0.0273015 0.018 0.264798 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.254752 0.0327933 0.018 0.286148 0.0487556 0.018 0.264798 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.235347 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.254752 0.0327933 0.018 0.29062 0.0585 0.0170333 0.286148 0.0487556 0.018 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.29062 0.0585 0.0170333 0.264798 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.286148 0.0487556 0.018 0.310721 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.320344 0.0886924 0.018 0.310721 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.29062 0.0585 0.0170333 0.311096 0.07364709999999999 0.018 0.310721 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.320344 0.0886924 0.018 0.327147 0.105062 0.018 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.327147 0.105062 0.018 0.331305 0.122321 0.018 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.310721 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.327147 0.105062 0.018 0.3115 0.215 0.008 0.3115 0.215 0.018 0.312151 0.211741 0.018 0.312151 0.218259 0.008 0.312159 0.218276 0.018 0.3115 0.215 0.018 0.312151 0.218259 0.008 0.3115 0.215 0.018 0.3115 0.215 0.008 0.312159 0.211724 0.008 0.312151 0.211741 0.018 0.313987 0.208993 0.018 0.312159 0.211724 0.008 0.3115 0.215 0.008 0.312151 0.211741 0.018 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.313987 0.208993 0.018 0.316717 0.20716 0.018 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.312159 0.211724 0.008 0.313987 0.208993 0.018 0.316783 0.207133 0.008 0.316717 0.20716 0.018 0.319966 0.206501 0.018 0.316783 0.207133 0.008 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.316717 0.20716 0.018 0.320034 0.206501 0.008 0.319966 0.206501 0.018 0.323217 0.207133 0.018 0.320034 0.206501 0.008 0.316783 0.207133 0.008 0.319966 0.206501 0.018 0.323283 0.20716 0.008 0.323217 0.207133 0.018 0.325975 0.208955 0.018 0.323283 0.20716 0.008 0.320034 0.206501 0.008 0.323217 0.207133 0.018 0.326013 0.208993 0.008 0.325975 0.208955 0.018 0.327841 0.211724 0.018 0.326013 0.208993 0.008 0.323283 0.20716 0.008 0.325975 0.208955 0.018 0.327849 0.211741 0.008 0.327841 0.211724 0.018 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.327849 0.211741 0.008 0.326013 0.208993 0.008 0.327841 0.211724 0.018 0.3285 0.215 0.008 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.327849 0.218259 0.018 0.327849 0.211741 0.008 0.3285 0.215 0.018 0.3285 0.215 0.008 0.327841 0.218276 0.008 0.327849 0.218259 0.018 0.326013 0.221007 0.018 0.327841 0.218276 0.008 0.3285 0.215 0.008 0.327849 0.218259 0.018 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.326013 0.221007 0.018 0.323283 0.22284 0.018 0.327841 0.218276 0.008 0.326013 0.221007 0.018 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.323217 0.222867 0.008 0.323283 0.22284 0.018 0.320034 0.223499 0.018 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.323283 0.22284 0.018 0.323217 0.222867 0.008 0.319966 0.223499 0.008 0.320034 0.223499 0.018 0.316783 0.222867 0.018 0.323217 0.222867 0.008 0.320034 0.223499 0.018 0.319966 0.223499 0.008 0.316717 0.22284 0.008 0.316783 0.222867 0.018 0.314025 0.221045 0.018 0.319966 0.223499 0.008 0.316783 0.222867 0.018 0.316717 0.22284 0.008 0.313987 0.221007 0.008 0.314025 0.221045 0.018 0.312159 0.218276 0.018 0.316717 0.22284 0.008 0.314025 0.221045 0.018 0.313987 0.221007 0.008 0.313987 0.221007 0.008 0.312159 0.218276 0.018 0.312151 0.218259 0.008 0.1615 0.015 0.008 0.1615 0.015 0.018 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.162151 0.0182591 0.008 0.162159 0.0182761 0.018 0.1615 0.015 0.018 0.162151 0.0182591 0.008 0.1615 0.015 0.018 0.1615 0.015 0.008 0.162159 0.0117239 0.008 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.163987 0.008992760000000001 0.018 0.162159 0.0117239 0.008 0.1615 0.015 0.008 0.162151 0.0117409 0.018 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.163987 0.008992760000000001 0.018 0.166717 0.00716007 0.018 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.162159 0.0117239 0.008 0.163987 0.008992760000000001 0.018 0.166783 0.00713282 0.008 0.166717 0.00716007 0.018 0.169966 0.00650121 0.018 0.166783 0.00713282 0.008 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.166717 0.00716007 0.018 0.170034 0.00650121 0.008 0.169966 0.00650121 0.018 0.173217 0.00713282 0.018 0.170034 0.00650121 0.008 0.166783 0.00713282 0.008 0.169966 0.00650121 0.018 0.173283 0.00716007 0.008 0.173217 0.00713282 0.018 0.175975 0.00895518 0.018 0.173283 0.00716007 0.008 0.170034 0.00650121 0.008 0.173217 0.00713282 0.018 0.176013 0.008992760000000001 0.008 0.175975 0.00895518 0.018 0.177841 0.0117239 0.018 0.176013 0.008992760000000001 0.008 0.173283 0.00716007 0.008 0.175975 0.00895518 0.018 0.177849 0.0117409 0.008 0.177841 0.0117239 0.018 0.1785 0.015 0.018 0.177849 0.0117409 0.008 0.176013 0.008992760000000001 0.008 0.177841 0.0117239 0.018 0.1785 0.015 0.008 0.1785 0.015 0.018 0.177849 0.0182591 0.018 0.177849 0.0117409 0.008 0.1785 0.015 0.018 0.1785 0.015 0.008 0.177841 0.0182761 0.008 0.177849 0.0182591 0.018 0.176013 0.0210072 0.018 0.177841 0.0182761 0.008 0.1785 0.015 0.008 0.177849 0.0182591 0.018 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.176013 0.0210072 0.018 0.173283 0.0228399 0.018 0.177841 0.0182761 0.008 0.176013 0.0210072 0.018 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.173217 0.0228672 0.008 0.173283 0.0228399 0.018 0.170034 0.0234988 0.018 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.173283 0.0228399 0.018 0.173217 0.0228672 0.008 0.169966 0.0234988 0.008 0.170034 0.0234988 0.018 0.166783 0.0228672 0.018 0.173217 0.0228672 0.008 0.170034 0.0234988 0.018 0.169966 0.0234988 0.008 0.166717 0.0228399 0.008 0.166783 0.0228672 0.018 0.164025 0.0210448 0.018 0.169966 0.0234988 0.008 0.166783 0.0228672 0.018 0.166717 0.0228399 0.008 0.163987 0.0210072 0.008 0.164025 0.0210448 0.018 0.162159 0.0182761 0.018 0.166717 0.0228399 0.008 0.164025 0.0210448 0.018 0.163987 0.0210072 0.008 0.163987 0.0210072 0.008 0.162159 0.0182761 0.018 0.162151 0.0182591 0.008 0.1615 0.265 0.008 0.1615 0.265 0.018 0.162151 0.261741 0.018 0.162151 0.268259 0.008 0.162159 0.268276 0.018 0.1615 0.265 0.018 0.162151 0.268259 0.008 0.1615 0.265 0.018 0.1615 0.265 0.008 0.162159 0.261724 0.008 0.162151 0.261741 0.018 0.163987 0.258993 0.018 0.162159 0.261724 0.008 0.1615 0.265 0.008 0.162151 0.261741 0.018 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.163987 0.258993 0.018 0.166717 0.25716 0.018 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.162159 0.261724 0.008 0.163987 0.258993 0.018 0.166783 0.257133 0.008 0.166717 0.25716 0.018 0.169966 0.256501 0.018 0.166783 0.257133 0.008 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.166717 0.25716 0.018 0.170034 0.256501 0.008 0.169966 0.256501 0.018 0.173217 0.257133 0.018 0.170034 0.256501 0.008 0.166783 0.257133 0.008 0.169966 0.256501 0.018 0.173283 0.25716 0.008 0.173217 0.257133 0.018 0.175975 0.258955 0.018 0.173283 0.25716 0.008 0.170034 0.256501 0.008 0.173217 0.257133 0.018 0.176013 0.258993 0.008 0.175975 0.258955 0.018 0.177841 0.261724 0.018 0.176013 0.258993 0.008 0.173283 0.25716 0.008 0.175975 0.258955 0.018 0.177849 0.261741 0.008 0.177841 0.261724 0.018 0.1785 0.265 0.018 0.177849 0.261741 0.008 0.176013 0.258993 0.008 0.177841 0.261724 0.018 0.1785 0.265 0.008 0.1785 0.265 0.018 0.177849 0.268259 0.018 0.177849 0.261741 0.008 0.1785 0.265 0.018 0.1785 0.265 0.008 0.177841 0.268276 0.008 0.177849 0.268259 0.018 0.176013 0.271007 0.018 0.177841 0.268276 0.008 0.1785 0.265 0.008 0.177849 0.268259 0.018 0.175975 0.271045 0.008 0.176013 0.271007 0.018 0.173283 0.27284 0.018 0.177841 0.268276 0.008 0.176013 0.271007 0.018 0.175975 0.271045 0.008 0.173217 0.272867 0.008 0.173283 0.27284 0.018 0.170034 0.273499 0.018 0.175975 0.271045 0.008 0.173283 0.27284 0.018 0.173217 0.272867 0.008 0.169966 0.273499 0.008 0.170034 0.273499 0.018 0.166783 0.272867 0.018 0.173217 0.272867 0.008 0.170034 0.273499 0.018 0.169966 0.273499 0.008 0.166717 0.27284 0.008 0.166783 0.272867 0.018 0.164025 0.271045 0.018 0.169966 0.273499 0.008 0.166783 0.272867 0.018 0.166717 0.27284 0.008 0.163987 0.271007 0.008 0.164025 0.271045 0.018 0.162159 0.268276 0.018 0.166717 0.27284 0.008 0.164025 0.271045 0.018 0.163987 0.271007 0.008 0.163987 0.271007 0.008 0.162159 0.268276 0.018 0.162151 0.268259 0.008 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.0896102 0.105023 0.138 0.103102 0.0724751 0.138 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.103102 0.0724751 0.138 0.124541 0.0445418 0.138 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.006 0.275 0.138 0.103102 0.0724751 0.138 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.124541 0.0445418 0.138 0.152474 0.0231026 0.138 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.152474 0.0231026 0.138 0.185023 0.009610280000000001 0.138 0.006 0.005 0.138 0.185023 0.009610280000000001 0.138 0.22 0.005 0.138 0.32372 0.14 0.0142803 0.32784 0.14 0.0170333 0.323472 0.170382 0.0170333 0.322144 0.121989 0.0142803 0.32784 0.14 0.0170333 0.32372 0.14 0.0142803 0.322144 0.121989 0.0142803 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.32784 0.14 0.0170333 0.317465 0.175474 0.0142803 0.323472 0.170382 0.0170333 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.322144 0.158011 0.0142803 0.32372 0.14 0.0142803 0.323472 0.170382 0.0170333 0.317465 0.175474 0.0142803 0.322144 0.158011 0.0142803 0.323472 0.170382 0.0170333 0.299454 0.20667 0.0142803 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.29062 0.2215 0.0170333 0.309824 0.19186 0.0142803 0.317465 0.175474 0.0142803 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.299454 0.20667 0.0142803 0.309824 0.19186 0.0142803 0.310721 0.198303 0.0170333 0.28667 0.219454 0.0142803 0.29062 0.2215 0.0170333 0.264798 0.238095 0.0170333 0.28667 0.219454 0.0142803 0.299454 0.20667 0.0142803 0.29062 0.2215 0.0170333 0.255474 0.237465 0.0142803 0.264798 0.238095 0.0170333 0.235347 0.246742 0.0170333 0.27186 0.229824 0.0142803 0.28667 0.219454 0.0142803 0.264798 0.238095 0.0170333 0.255474 0.237465 0.0142803 0.27186 0.229824 0.0142803 0.264798 0.238095 0.0170333 0.22 0.24372 0.0142803 0.235347 0.246742 0.0170333 0.204653 0.246742 0.0170333 0.238011 0.242144 0.0142803 0.255474 0.237465 0.0142803 0.235347 0.246742 0.0170333 0.22 0.24372 0.0142803 0.238011 0.242144 0.0142803 0.235347 0.246742 0.0170333 0.201989 0.242144 0.0142803 0.204653 0.246742 0.0170333 0.175202 0.238095 0.0170333 0.201989 0.242144 0.0142803 0.22 0.24372 0.0142803 0.204653 0.246742 0.0170333 0.16814 0.229824 0.0142803 0.175202 0.238095 0.0170333 0.14938 0.2215 0.0170333 0.184526 0.237465 0.0142803 0.201989 0.242144 0.0142803 0.175202 0.238095 0.0170333 0.16814 0.229824 0.0142803 0.184526 0.237465 0.0142803 0.175202 0.238095 0.0170333 0.140546 0.20667 0.0142803 0.14938 0.2215 0.0170333 0.129279 0.198303 0.0170333 0.15333 0.219454 0.0142803 0.16814 0.229824 0.0142803 0.14938 0.2215 0.0170333 0.140546 0.20667 0.0142803 0.15333 0.219454 0.0142803 0.14938 0.2215 0.0170333 0.130176 0.19186 0.0142803 0.129279 0.198303 0.0170333 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.130176 0.19186 0.0142803 0.140546 0.20667 0.0142803 0.129279 0.198303 0.0170333 0.117856 0.158011 0.0142803 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.11216 0.14 0.0170333 0.122535 0.175474 0.0142803 0.130176 0.19186 0.0142803 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.117856 0.158011 0.0142803 0.122535 0.175474 0.0142803 0.116528 0.170382 0.0170333 0.11628 0.14 0.0142803 0.117856 0.158011 0.0142803 0.11216 0.14 0.0170333 0.116528 0.109618 0.0170333 0.11628 0.14 0.0142803 0.11216 0.14 0.0170333 0.320967 0.14 0.0101601 0.32372 0.14 0.0142803 0.322144 0.158011 0.0142803 0.316025 0.1088 0.0101601 0.322144 0.121989 0.0142803 0.32372 0.14 0.0142803 0.316025 0.1088 0.0101601 0.32372 0.14 0.0142803 0.320967 0.14 0.0101601 0.316025 0.1712 0.0101601 0.322144 0.158011 0.0142803 0.317465 0.175474 0.0142803 0.316025 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0.0142803 0.22 0.240967 0.0101601 0.1888 0.236025 0.0101601 0.201989 0.242144 0.0142803 0.184526 0.237465 0.0142803 0.22 0.240967 0.0101601 0.201989 0.242144 0.0142803 0.1888 0.236025 0.0101601 0.1888 0.236025 0.0101601 0.184526 0.237465 0.0142803 0.16814 0.229824 0.0142803 0.160653 0.221684 0.0101601 0.16814 0.229824 0.0142803 0.15333 0.219454 0.0142803 0.1888 0.236025 0.0101601 0.16814 0.229824 0.0142803 0.160653 0.221684 0.0101601 0.160653 0.221684 0.0101601 0.15333 0.219454 0.0142803 0.140546 0.20667 0.0142803 0.138316 0.199347 0.0101601 0.140546 0.20667 0.0142803 0.130176 0.19186 0.0142803 0.160653 0.221684 0.0101601 0.140546 0.20667 0.0142803 0.138316 0.199347 0.0101601 0.138316 0.199347 0.0101601 0.130176 0.19186 0.0142803 0.122535 0.175474 0.0142803 0.123975 0.1712 0.0101601 0.122535 0.175474 0.0142803 0.117856 0.158011 0.0142803 0.138316 0.199347 0.0101601 0.122535 0.175474 0.0142803 0.123975 0.1712 0.0101601 0.123975 0.1712 0.0101601 0.117856 0.158011 0.0142803 0.11628 0.14 0.0142803 0.117856 0.121989 0.0142803 0.11628 0.14 0.0142803 0.116528 0.109618 0.0170333 0.119033 0.14 0.0101601 0.11628 0.14 0.0142803 0.117856 0.121989 0.0142803 0.123975 0.1712 0.0101601 0.11628 0.14 0.0142803 0.119033 0.14 0.0101601 0.122535 0.104526 0.0142803 0.116528 0.109618 0.0170333 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.122535 0.104526 0.0142803 0.117856 0.121989 0.0142803 0.116528 0.109618 0.0170333 0.140546 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.14938 0.0585 0.0170333 0.130176 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.122535 0.104526 0.0142803 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.140546 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.130176 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.129279 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.15333 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.14938 0.0585 0.0170333 0.175202 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.15333 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.140546 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.14938 0.0585 0.0170333 0.184526 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.175202 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.204653 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.16814 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.15333 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.175202 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.184526 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.16814 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.175202 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.22 0.0362803 0.0142803 0.204653 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.235347 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.201989 0.037856 0.0142803 0.184526 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.204653 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.22 0.0362803 0.0142803 0.201989 0.037856 0.0142803 0.204653 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.238011 0.037856 0.0142803 0.235347 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.264798 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.238011 0.037856 0.0142803 0.22 0.0362803 0.0142803 0.235347 0.0332577 0.0170333 0.27186 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.264798 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.29062 0.0585 0.0170333 0.255474 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.238011 0.037856 0.0142803 0.264798 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.27186 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.255474 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.264798 0.0419054 0.0170333 0.299454 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.29062 0.0585 0.0170333 0.310721 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.28667 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.27186 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.29062 0.0585 0.0170333 0.299454 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.28667 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.29062 0.0585 0.0170333 0.309824 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.310721 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.309824 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.299454 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.310721 0.0816973 0.0170333 0.317465 0.104526 0.0142803 0.309824 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.322144 0.121989 0.0142803 0.317465 0.104526 0.0142803 0.323472 0.109618 0.0170333 0.123975 0.1088 0.0101601 0.117856 0.121989 0.0142803 0.122535 0.104526 0.0142803 0.119033 0.14 0.0101601 0.117856 0.121989 0.0142803 0.123975 0.1088 0.0101601 0.123975 0.1088 0.0101601 0.122535 0.104526 0.0142803 0.130176 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.138316 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.130176 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.140546 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.123975 0.1088 0.0101601 0.130176 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.138316 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.138316 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.140546 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.15333 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.160653 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.15333 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.16814 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.138316 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.15333 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.160653 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.160653 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.16814 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.184526 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.1888 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.184526 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.201989 0.037856 0.0142803 0.160653 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.184526 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.1888 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.1888 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.201989 0.037856 0.0142803 0.22 0.0362803 0.0142803 0.22 0.0390333 0.0101601 0.22 0.0362803 0.0142803 0.238011 0.037856 0.0142803 0.1888 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.22 0.0362803 0.0142803 0.22 0.0390333 0.0101601 0.2512 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.238011 0.037856 0.0142803 0.255474 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.22 0.0390333 0.0101601 0.238011 0.037856 0.0142803 0.2512 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.2512 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.255474 0.0425353 0.0142803 0.27186 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.279347 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.27186 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.28667 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.2512 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.27186 0.0501761 0.0142803 0.279347 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.279347 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.28667 0.0605461 0.0142803 0.299454 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.301684 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.299454 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.309824 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.279347 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.299454 0.0733302 0.0142803 0.301684 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.301684 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.309824 0.0881401 0.0142803 0.317465 0.104526 0.0142803 0.316025 0.1088 0.0101601 0.317465 0.104526 0.0142803 0.322144 0.121989 0.0142803 0.301684 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.317465 0.104526 0.0142803 0.316025 0.1088 0.0101601 0.313969 0.105798 0.0053 0.320967 0.14 0.0101601 0.32 0.14 0.0053 0.316025 0.1712 0.0101601 0.32 0.14 0.0053 0.320967 0.14 0.0101601 0.313976 0.105819 0.004 0.313969 0.105798 0.0053 0.32 0.14 0.0053 0.32 0.14 0.004 0.313976 0.105819 0.004 0.32 0.14 0.0053 0.313969 0.174202 0.0053 0.32 0.14 0.004 0.32 0.14 0.0053 0.316025 0.1712 0.0101601 0.313969 0.174202 0.0053 0.32 0.14 0.0053 0.313969 0.105798 0.0053 0.316025 0.1088 0.0101601 0.320967 0.14 0.0101601 0.313969 0.105798 0.0053 0.301684 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.316025 0.1088 0.0101601 0.296604 0.0757212 0.0053 0.279347 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.301684 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.313969 0.105798 0.0053 0.296604 0.0757212 0.0053 0.301684 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.27 0.0533975 0.0053 0.2512 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.279347 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.296604 0.0757212 0.0053 0.27 0.0533975 0.0053 0.279347 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.237365 0.0415192 0.0053 0.22 0.0390333 0.0101601 0.2512 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.27 0.0533975 0.0053 0.237365 0.0415192 0.0053 0.2512 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.202635 0.0415192 0.0053 0.1888 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.22 0.0390333 0.0101601 0.237365 0.0415192 0.0053 0.202635 0.0415192 0.0053 0.22 0.0390333 0.0101601 0.17 0.0533975 0.0053 0.160653 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.1888 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.202635 0.0415192 0.0053 0.17 0.0533975 0.0053 0.1888 0.0439749 0.0101601 0.143396 0.0757212 0.0053 0.138316 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.160653 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.17 0.0533975 0.0053 0.143396 0.0757212 0.0053 0.160653 0.0583162 0.0101601 0.126031 0.105798 0.0053 0.123975 0.1088 0.0101601 0.138316 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.143396 0.0757212 0.0053 0.126031 0.105798 0.0053 0.138316 0.08065319999999999 0.0101601 0.12 0.14 0.0053 0.119033 0.14 0.0101601 0.123975 0.1088 0.0101601 0.126031 0.105798 0.0053 0.12 0.14 0.0053 0.123975 0.1088 0.0101601 0.126031 0.174202 0.0053 0.119033 0.14 0.0101601 0.12 0.14 0.0053 0.123975 0.1712 0.0101601 0.119033 0.14 0.0101601 0.126031 0.174202 0.0053 0.12 0.14 0.004 0.12 0.14 0.0053 0.126031 0.105798 0.0053 0.126024 0.174181 0.004 0.12 0.14 0.0053 0.12 0.14 0.004 0.126031 0.174202 0.0053 0.12 0.14 0.0053 0.126024 0.174181 0.004 0.126068 0.105697 0.004 0.126031 0.105798 0.0053 0.143396 0.0757212 0.0053 0.121533 0.122559 0.004 0.12 0.14 0.004 0.126031 0.105798 0.0053 0.126068 0.105697 0.004 0.121533 0.122559 0.004 0.126031 0.105798 0.0053 0.169918 0.0534462 0.004 0.143396 0.0757212 0.0053 0.17 0.0533975 0.0053 0.143354 0.07577730000000001 0.004 0.126068 0.105697 0.004 0.143396 0.0757212 0.0053 0.169918 0.0534462 0.004 0.143354 0.07577730000000001 0.004 0.143396 0.0757212 0.0053 0.202427 0.0415563 0.004 0.17 0.0533975 0.0053 0.202635 0.0415192 0.0053 0.202427 0.0415563 0.004 0.169918 0.0534462 0.004 0.17 0.0533975 0.0053 0.237097 0.0414729 0.004 0.202635 0.0415192 0.0053 0.237365 0.0415192 0.0053 0.237097 0.0414729 0.004 0.202427 0.0415563 0.004 0.202635 0.0415192 0.0053 0.253964 0.0459454 0.004 0.237365 0.0415192 0.0053 0.27 0.0533975 0.0053 0.253964 0.0459454 0.004 0.237097 0.0414729 0.004 0.237365 0.0415192 0.0053 0.284204 0.063335 0.004 0.27 0.0533975 0.0053 0.296604 0.0757212 0.0053 0.269831 0.0533016 0.004 0.253964 0.0459454 0.004 0.27 0.0533975 0.0053 0.284204 0.063335 0.004 0.269831 0.0533016 0.004 0.27 0.0533975 0.0053 0.296632 0.0757618 0.004 0.296604 0.0757212 0.0053 0.313969 0.105798 0.0053 0.296632 0.0757618 0.004 0.284204 0.063335 0.004 0.296604 0.0757212 0.0053 0.313976 0.105819 0.004 0.296632 0.0757618 0.004 0.313969 0.105798 0.0053 0.126024 0.174181 0.004 0.12 0.14 0.004 0.121533 0.122559 0.004 0.126024 0.174181 0.004 0.121533 0.122559 0.004 0.126068 0.105697 0.004 0.126024 0.174181 0.004 0.126068 0.105697 0.004 0.143354 0.07577730000000001 0.004 0.143368 0.204238 0.004 0.143354 0.07577730000000001 0.004 0.169918 0.0534462 0.004 0.126024 0.174181 0.004 0.143354 0.07577730000000001 0.004 0.143368 0.204238 0.004 0.170169 0.226698 0.004 0.169918 0.0534462 0.004 0.202427 0.0415563 0.004 0.155796 0.216665 0.004 0.169918 0.0534462 0.004 0.170169 0.226698 0.004 0.143368 0.204238 0.004 0.169918 0.0534462 0.004 0.155796 0.216665 0.004 0.202903 0.238527 0.004 0.202427 0.0415563 0.004 0.237097 0.0414729 0.004 0.186036 0.234055 0.004 0.202427 0.0415563 0.004 0.202903 0.238527 0.004 0.170169 0.226698 0.004 0.202427 0.0415563 0.004 0.186036 0.234055 0.004 0.237573 0.238444 0.004 0.237097 0.0414729 0.004 0.253964 0.0459454 0.004 0.202903 0.238527 0.004 0.237097 0.0414729 0.004 0.237573 0.238444 0.004 0.237573 0.238444 0.004 0.253964 0.0459454 0.004 0.269831 0.0533016 0.004 0.270082 0.226554 0.004 0.269831 0.0533016 0.004 0.284204 0.063335 0.004 0.237573 0.238444 0.004 0.269831 0.0533016 0.004 0.270082 0.226554 0.004 0.270082 0.226554 0.004 0.284204 0.063335 0.004 0.296632 0.0757618 0.004 0.296646 0.204223 0.004 0.296632 0.0757618 0.004 0.313976 0.105819 0.004 0.270082 0.226554 0.004 0.296632 0.0757618 0.004 0.296646 0.204223 0.004 0.318467 0.157441 0.004 0.313976 0.105819 0.004 0.32 0.14 0.004 0.313932 0.174303 0.004 0.313976 0.105819 0.004 0.318467 0.157441 0.004 0.296646 0.204223 0.004 0.313976 0.105819 0.004 0.313932 0.174303 0.004 0.313969 0.174202 0.0053 0.318467 0.157441 0.004 0.32 0.14 0.004 0.313969 0.174202 0.0053 0.313932 0.174303 0.004 0.318467 0.157441 0.004 0.296604 0.204279 0.0053 0.296646 0.204223 0.004 0.313932 0.174303 0.004 0.313969 0.174202 0.0053 0.296604 0.204279 0.0053 0.313932 0.174303 0.004 0.296604 0.204279 0.0053 0.270082 0.226554 0.004 0.296646 0.204223 0.004 0.27 0.226603 0.0053 0.237573 0.238444 0.004 0.270082 0.226554 0.004 0.296604 0.204279 0.0053 0.27 0.226603 0.0053 0.270082 0.226554 0.004 0.237365 0.238481 0.0053 0.202903 0.238527 0.004 0.237573 0.238444 0.004 0.27 0.226603 0.0053 0.237365 0.238481 0.0053 0.237573 0.238444 0.004 0.202635 0.238481 0.0053 0.186036 0.234055 0.004 0.202903 0.238527 0.004 0.237365 0.238481 0.0053 0.202635 0.238481 0.0053 0.202903 0.238527 0.004 0.17 0.226603 0.0053 0.170169 0.226698 0.004 0.186036 0.234055 0.004 0.202635 0.238481 0.0053 0.17 0.226603 0.0053 0.186036 0.234055 0.004 0.17 0.226603 0.0053 0.155796 0.216665 0.004 0.170169 0.226698 0.004 0.143396 0.204279 0.0053 0.143368 0.204238 0.004 0.155796 0.216665 0.004 0.17 0.226603 0.0053 0.143396 0.204279 0.0053 0.155796 0.216665 0.004 0.126031 0.174202 0.0053 0.126024 0.174181 0.004 0.143368 0.204238 0.004 0.143396 0.204279 0.0053 0.126031 0.174202 0.0053 0.143368 0.204238 0.004 0.138316 0.199347 0.0101601 0.126031 0.174202 0.0053 0.143396 0.204279 0.0053 0.138316 0.199347 0.0101601 0.123975 0.1712 0.0101601 0.126031 0.174202 0.0053 0.160653 0.221684 0.0101601 0.143396 0.204279 0.0053 0.17 0.226603 0.0053 0.160653 0.221684 0.0101601 0.138316 0.199347 0.0101601 0.143396 0.204279 0.0053 0.1888 0.236025 0.0101601 0.17 0.226603 0.0053 0.202635 0.238481 0.0053 0.1888 0.236025 0.0101601 0.160653 0.221684 0.0101601 0.17 0.226603 0.0053 0.22 0.240967 0.0101601 0.202635 0.238481 0.0053 0.237365 0.238481 0.0053 0.22 0.240967 0.0101601 0.1888 0.236025 0.0101601 0.202635 0.238481 0.0053 0.2512 0.236025 0.0101601 0.237365 0.238481 0.0053 0.27 0.226603 0.0053 0.2512 0.236025 0.0101601 0.22 0.240967 0.0101601 0.237365 0.238481 0.0053 0.279347 0.221684 0.0101601 0.27 0.226603 0.0053 0.296604 0.204279 0.0053 0.279347 0.221684 0.0101601 0.2512 0.236025 0.0101601 0.27 0.226603 0.0053 0.301684 0.199347 0.0101601 0.296604 0.204279 0.0053 0.313969 0.174202 0.0053 0.301684 0.199347 0.0101601 0.279347 0.221684 0.0101601 0.296604 0.204279 0.0053 0.316025 0.1712 0.0101601 0.301684 0.199347 0.0101601 0.313969 0.174202 0.0053 0.325528 0.21267 0.008 0.327849 0.211741 0.008 0.3285 0.215 0.008 0.326 0.215 0.008 0.3285 0.215 0.008 0.327841 0.218276 0.008 0.326 0.215 0.008 0.325528 0.21267 0.008 0.3285 0.215 0.008 0.314 0.215 0.008 0.3115 0.215 0.008 0.312159 0.211724 0.008 0.314469 0.217322 0.008 0.312151 0.218259 0.008 0.3115 0.215 0.008 0.314469 0.217322 0.008 0.3115 0.215 0.008 0.314 0.215 0.008 0.315774 0.210744 0.008 0.312159 0.211724 0.008 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.314463 0.21269 0.008 0.314 0.215 0.008 0.312159 0.211724 0.008 0.315774 0.210744 0.008 0.314463 0.21269 0.008 0.312159 0.211724 0.008 0.323283 0.20716 0.008 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.316783 0.207133 0.008 0.326013 0.208993 0.008 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.323283 0.20716 0.008 0.319962 0.209 0.008 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.326013 0.208993 0.008 0.319962 0.209 0.008 0.315774 0.210744 0.008 0.314025 0.208955 0.008 0.323283 0.20716 0.008 0.316783 0.207133 0.008 0.320034 0.206501 0.008 0.319962 0.209 0.008 0.326013 0.208993 0.008 0.327849 0.211741 0.008 0.324194 0.210711 0.008 0.319962 0.209 0.008 0.327849 0.211741 0.008 0.325528 0.21267 0.008 0.324194 0.210711 0.008 0.327849 0.211741 0.008 0.320024 0.221 0.008 0.313987 0.221007 0.008 0.312151 0.218259 0.008 0.315791 0.219275 0.008 0.320024 0.221 0.008 0.312151 0.218259 0.008 0.314469 0.217322 0.008 0.315791 0.219275 0.008 0.312151 0.218259 0.008 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.316717 0.22284 0.008 0.313987 0.221007 0.008 0.320024 0.221 0.008 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.313987 0.221007 0.008 0.323217 0.222867 0.008 0.319966 0.223499 0.008 0.316717 0.22284 0.008 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.323217 0.222867 0.008 0.316717 0.22284 0.008 0.324235 0.219249 0.008 0.327841 0.218276 0.008 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.320024 0.221 0.008 0.324235 0.219249 0.008 0.325975 0.221045 0.008 0.325536 0.217311 0.008 0.326 0.215 0.008 0.327841 0.218276 0.008 0.324235 0.219249 0.008 0.325536 0.217311 0.008 0.327841 0.218276 0.008 0.175531 0.0126778 0.008 0.177849 0.0117409 0.008 0.1785 0.015 0.008 0.176 0.015 0.008 0.1785 0.015 0.008 0.177841 0.0182761 0.008 0.176 0.015 0.008 0.175531 0.0126778 0.008 0.1785 0.015 0.008 0.164 0.015 0.008 0.1615 0.015 0.008 0.162159 0.0117239 0.008 0.164469 0.0173222 0.008 0.162151 0.0182591 0.008 0.1615 0.015 0.008 0.164469 0.0173222 0.008 0.1615 0.015 0.008 0.164 0.015 0.008 0.165765 0.0107509 0.008 0.162159 0.0117239 0.008 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.164464 0.0126893 0.008 0.164 0.015 0.008 0.162159 0.0117239 0.008 0.165765 0.0107509 0.008 0.164464 0.0126893 0.008 0.162159 0.0117239 0.008 0.173283 0.00716007 0.008 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.166783 0.00713282 0.008 0.176013 0.008992760000000001 0.008 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.173283 0.00716007 0.008 0.169976 0.00900012 0.008 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.176013 0.008992760000000001 0.008 0.169976 0.00900012 0.008 0.165765 0.0107509 0.008 0.164025 0.00895518 0.008 0.173283 0.00716007 0.008 0.166783 0.00713282 0.008 0.170034 0.00650121 0.008 0.169976 0.00900012 0.008 0.176013 0.008992760000000001 0.008 0.177849 0.0117409 0.008 0.174209 0.0107253 0.008 0.169976 0.00900012 0.008 0.177849 0.0117409 0.008 0.175531 0.0126778 0.008 0.174209 0.0107253 0.008 0.177849 0.0117409 0.008 0.170024 0.0209999 0.008 0.163987 0.0210072 0.008 0.162151 0.0182591 0.008 0.165791 0.0192747 0.008 0.170024 0.0209999 0.008 0.162151 0.0182591 0.008 0.164469 0.0173222 0.008 0.165791 0.0192747 0.008 0.162151 0.0182591 0.008 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.166717 0.0228399 0.008 0.163987 0.0210072 0.008 0.170024 0.0209999 0.008 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.163987 0.0210072 0.008 0.173217 0.0228672 0.008 0.169966 0.0234988 0.008 0.166717 0.0228399 0.008 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.173217 0.0228672 0.008 0.166717 0.0228399 0.008 0.174235 0.0192491 0.008 0.177841 0.0182761 0.008 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.170024 0.0209999 0.008 0.174235 0.0192491 0.008 0.175975 0.0210448 0.008 0.175536 0.0173107 0.008 0.176 0.015 0.008 0.177841 0.0182761 0.008 0.174235 0.0192491 0.008 0.175536 0.0173107 0.008 0.177841 0.0182761 0.008 0.175531 0.262678 0.008 0.177849 0.261741 0.008 0.1785 0.265 0.008 0.176 0.265 0.008 0.1785 0.265 0.008 0.177841 0.268276 0.008 0.176 0.265 0.008 0.175531 0.262678 0.008 0.1785 0.265 0.008 0.164 0.265 0.008 0.1615 0.265 0.008 0.162159 0.261724 0.008 0.164469 0.267322 0.008 0.162151 0.268259 0.008 0.1615 0.265 0.008 0.164469 0.267322 0.008 0.1615 0.265 0.008 0.164 0.265 0.008 0.165765 0.260751 0.008 0.162159 0.261724 0.008 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.164464 0.262689 0.008 0.164 0.265 0.008 0.162159 0.261724 0.008 0.165765 0.260751 0.008 0.164464 0.262689 0.008 0.162159 0.261724 0.008 0.173283 0.25716 0.008 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.166783 0.257133 0.008 0.176013 0.258993 0.008 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.173283 0.25716 0.008 0.169976 0.259 0.008 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.176013 0.258993 0.008 0.169976 0.259 0.008 0.165765 0.260751 0.008 0.164025 0.258955 0.008 0.173283 0.25716 0.008 0.166783 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0.101521 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0886052 0.179 0.101521 -0.0864842 8.859569999999993e-18 0.1024 -0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 -0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 -0.0864842 8.859569999999993e-18 0.1024 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.0886052 0.179 0.101521 -0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 -0.0886052 0.179 0.101521 -0.0886055 5.029780000000002e-17 0.101521 -0.0864842 8.859569999999993e-18 0.1024 -0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 -0.0864842 8.859569999999993e-18 0.1024 -0.0886055 5.029780000000002e-17 0.101521 -0.08516899999999999 -1.889600000000002e-17 0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 -0.0864842 8.859569999999993e-18 0.1024 -0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 0.1024 -0.0864842 8.859569999999993e-18 0.1024 -0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 -0.08516899999999999 -1.889600000000002e-17 0.1024 -0.0864842 8.859569999999993e-18 0.1024 -0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 0.1024 -0.0886052 0.179 0.101521 -0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.0886055 5.029780000000002e-17 0.101521 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 0.09940000000000006 -0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 -0.0886055 5.029780000000002e-17 0.101521 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.0886052 0.179 0.101521 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.0822075 0.186 0.113321 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.0830482 0.179 0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 -0.0830482 0.179 0.103279 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.0822075 0.186 0.113321 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 -0.0432152 0.186 0.133163 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.0431733 0.179 0.133176 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.0431733 0.179 0.133176 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.0432152 0.186 0.133163 -0.0822075 0.186 0.113321 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 -0.0792928 0.179 0.135379 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.08038430000000001 0.179 0.133414 -0.0792928 0.179 0.135379 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 -0.08038430000000001 0.179 0.133414 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 -0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 -0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 -0.0830482 0.179 0.103279 -0.0830477 5.068810000000002e-17 0.103279 -0.0830482 0.179 0.103279 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 -0.0830477 5.068810000000002e-17 0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.0830482 0.179 0.103279 -0.0830477 5.068810000000002e-17 0.103279 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 -1.889600000000002e-17 0.1024 0.138276 0.186 0.0219008 0.14 0.1239 2.106100000000002e-17 0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 0.14 0.1239 2.106100000000002e-17 0.138268 0.186 -0.0219489 0.138276 0.186 0.0219008 0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.138268 0.186 -0.0219489 0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 0.138276 0.186 0.0219008 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.14 0.1239 2.106100000000002e-17 0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 0.14 0.1239 2.106100000000002e-17 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.129936 0.118772 -0.010014 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.14 0.1239 2.106100000000002e-17 0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 0.129936 0.118772 -0.010014 0.14 0.1239 2.106100000000002e-17 0.133141 0.186 0.04328240000000002 0.121302 0.114373 0.06989460000000003 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.121302 0.114373 0.06989460000000003 0.138276 0.186 0.0219008 0.133141 0.186 0.04328240000000002 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.131079 0.119355 0.007851510000000004 0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.125613 0.11657 0.0149006 0.131079 0.119355 0.007851510000000004 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.117969 0.112675 0.0185709 0.125613 0.11657 0.0149006 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.108419 0.107809 0.0182854 0.117969 0.112675 0.0185709 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.108419 0.107809 0.0182854 0.135425 0.121569 0.03549140000000002 0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 0.121302 0.114373 0.06989460000000003 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.121302 0.114373 0.06989460000000003 0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 0.098998 0.186 0.09898950000000005 0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.121302 0.114373 0.06989460000000003 0.113272 0.186 0.08227300000000003 0.098998 0.186 0.09898950000000005 0.121302 0.114373 0.06989460000000003 0.133141 0.186 0.04328240000000002 0.113272 0.186 0.08227300000000003 0.121302 0.114373 0.06989460000000003 0.0894842 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0822929 0.186 0.113259 0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 0.098998 0.186 0.09898950000000005 0.0822929 0.186 0.113259 0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0822929 0.186 0.113259 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 0.088605 0.179 0.101521 0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.088605 0.179 0.101521 0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0906474 0.179 0.106691 0.0433065 0.186 0.133133 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0822929 0.186 0.113259 0.0433065 0.186 0.133133 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.088605 0.179 0.101521 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.0830481 0.179 0.103279 0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.0830481 0.179 0.103279 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.11335 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 4.1754e-05 0.186 0.14 -4.11053e-07 0.179 0.139999 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 -4.11053e-07 0.179 0.139999 0.0219463 0.186 0.138269 4.1754e-05 0.186 0.14 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0433065 0.186 0.133133 0.0219463 0.186 0.138269 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0803817 0.179 0.13342 0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0792919 0.179 0.13538 0.0803817 0.179 0.13342 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 0.0792919 0.179 0.13538 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 0.0431727 0.179 0.133176 -0.0432152 0.186 0.133163 -0.0431733 0.179 0.133176 -4.11053e-07 0.179 0.139999 -0.0256084 0.179 0.145492 -4.11053e-07 0.179 0.139999 -0.0431733 0.179 0.133176 4.1754e-05 0.186 0.14 -0.0432152 0.186 0.133163 -4.11053e-07 0.179 0.139999 -0.0256084 0.179 0.145492 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 -4.11053e-07 0.179 0.139999 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.0256084 0.179 0.145492 -0.0431733 0.179 0.133176 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.121291 0.114368 0.06991440000000003 -0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.1028 0.09940000000000006 -0.121291 0.114368 0.06991440000000003 -0.133107 0.186 0.04338480000000002 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.121291 0.114368 0.06991440000000003 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.121291 0.114368 0.06991440000000003 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.124663 0.186 0.06371180000000003 -0.133107 0.186 0.04338480000000002 -0.121291 0.114368 0.06991440000000003 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.124663 0.186 0.06371180000000003 -0.121291 0.114368 0.06991440000000003 -0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 -0.14 0.1239 -3.09808e-17 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.129936 0.118772 0.010014 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.14 0.1239 -3.09808e-17 -0.138268 0.186 0.0219489 -0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.133107 0.186 0.04338480000000002 -0.138268 0.186 0.0219489 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.115926 0.111634 0.0189227 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.121601 0.114526 0.0173478 -0.115926 0.111634 0.0189227 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.129936 0.118772 0.010014 -0.121601 0.114526 0.0173478 -0.135419 0.121566 0.03551430000000002 -0.138276 0.186 -0.0219008 -0.14 0.1239 -3.09808e-17 -0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.14 0.1239 -3.09808e-17 -0.138276 0.186 -0.0219008 -0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 -0.14 0.1239 -3.09808e-17 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 -0.129936 0.118772 0.010014 -0.14 0.1239 -3.09808e-17 -0.138276 0.186 -0.0219008 -0.14 0.186 -4.13003e-17 -0.138268 0.186 0.0219489 -0.133141 0.186 -0.04328240000000002 -0.138268 0.186 0.0219489 -0.133107 0.186 0.04338480000000002 -0.133141 0.186 -0.04328240000000002 -0.138276 0.186 -0.0219008 -0.138268 0.186 0.0219489 -0.133141 0.186 -0.04328240000000002 -0.133107 0.186 0.04338480000000002 -0.124663 0.186 0.06371180000000003 -0.113272 0.186 -0.08227300000000003 -0.124663 0.186 0.06371180000000003 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.113272 0.186 -0.08227300000000003 -0.133141 0.186 -0.04328240000000002 -0.124663 0.186 0.06371180000000003 -0.098998 0.186 -0.09898950000000005 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.0822075 0.186 0.113321 -0.098998 0.186 -0.09898950000000005 -0.113272 0.186 -0.08227300000000003 -0.113176 0.186 0.08240520000000003 -0.0433065 0.186 -0.133133 -0.0822075 0.186 0.113321 -0.0432152 0.186 0.133163 -0.0822929 0.186 -0.113259 -0.098998 0.186 -0.09898950000000005 -0.0822075 0.186 0.113321 -0.0433065 0.186 -0.133133 -0.0822929 0.186 -0.113259 -0.0822075 0.186 0.113321 -0.0219463 0.186 -0.138269 -0.0432152 0.186 0.133163 4.1754e-05 0.186 0.14 -0.0219463 0.186 -0.138269 -0.0433065 0.186 -0.133133 -0.0432152 0.186 0.133163 -4.1754e-05 0.186 -0.14 4.1754e-05 0.186 0.14 0.0219463 0.186 0.138269 -4.1754e-05 0.186 -0.14 -0.0219463 0.186 -0.138269 4.1754e-05 0.186 0.14 0.0432152 0.186 -0.133163 0.0219463 0.186 0.138269 0.0433065 0.186 0.133133 0.0432152 0.186 -0.133163 -4.1754e-05 0.186 -0.14 0.0219463 0.186 0.138269 0.0822075 0.186 -0.113321 0.0433065 0.186 0.133133 0.0822929 0.186 0.113259 0.0822075 0.186 -0.113321 0.0432152 0.186 -0.133163 0.0433065 0.186 0.133133 0.0822075 0.186 -0.113321 0.0822929 0.186 0.113259 0.098998 0.186 0.09898950000000005 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.098998 0.186 0.09898950000000005 0.113272 0.186 0.08227300000000003 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.0822075 0.186 -0.113321 0.098998 0.186 0.09898950000000005 0.124663 0.186 -0.06371180000000003 0.113272 0.186 0.08227300000000003 0.133141 0.186 0.04328240000000002 0.124663 0.186 -0.06371180000000003 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.113272 0.186 0.08227300000000003 0.138268 0.186 -0.0219489 0.133141 0.186 0.04328240000000002 0.138276 0.186 0.0219008 0.133107 0.186 -0.04338480000000002 0.124663 0.186 -0.06371180000000003 0.133141 0.186 0.04328240000000002 0.138268 0.186 -0.0219489 0.133107 0.186 -0.04338480000000002 0.133141 0.186 0.04328240000000002 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.138276 0.186 -0.0219008 -0.133141 0.186 -0.04328240000000002 -0.121302 0.114373 -0.06989460000000003 -0.133141 0.186 -0.04328240000000002 -0.113272 0.186 -0.08227300000000003 -0.121302 0.114373 -0.06989460000000003 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.133141 0.186 -0.04328240000000002 -0.121302 0.114373 -0.06989460000000003 -0.113272 0.186 -0.08227300000000003 -0.098998 0.186 -0.09898950000000005 -0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.098998 0.186 -0.09898950000000005 -0.0822929 0.186 -0.113259 -0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.121302 0.114373 -0.06989460000000003 -0.098998 0.186 -0.09898950000000005 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.0822929 0.186 -0.113259 -0.0433065 0.186 -0.133133 -0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 -0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0822929 0.186 -0.113259 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 -0.0822929 0.186 -0.113259 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.0433065 0.186 -0.133133 -0.0219463 0.186 -0.138269 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.0433065 0.186 -0.133133 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.0219463 0.186 -0.138269 -4.1754e-05 0.186 -0.14 4.11053e-07 0.179 -0.139999 -4.1754e-05 0.186 -0.14 0.0432152 0.186 -0.133163 4.11053e-07 0.179 -0.139999 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -4.1754e-05 0.186 -0.14 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0432152 0.186 -0.133163 0.0822075 0.186 -0.113321 0.0431733 0.179 -0.133176 4.11053e-07 0.179 -0.139999 0.0432152 0.186 -0.133163 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0431733 0.179 -0.133176 0.0432152 0.186 -0.133163 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.0822075 0.186 -0.113321 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0822075 0.186 -0.113321 0.121291 0.114368 -0.06991440000000003 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.124663 0.186 -0.06371180000000003 0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.121291 0.114368 -0.06991440000000003 0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 0.113176 0.186 -0.08240520000000003 0.121291 0.114368 -0.06991440000000003 0.124663 0.186 -0.06371180000000003 0.133107 0.186 -0.04338480000000002 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.133107 0.186 -0.04338480000000002 0.138268 0.186 -0.0219489 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.121291 0.114368 -0.06991440000000003 0.133107 0.186 -0.04338480000000002 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.121302 0.114373 -0.06989460000000003 -0.131079 0.119355 -0.007851510000000004 -0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.125613 0.11657 -0.0149006 -0.131079 0.119355 -0.007851510000000004 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.117969 0.112675 -0.0185709 -0.125613 0.11657 -0.0149006 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.108419 0.107809 -0.0182854 -0.117969 0.112675 -0.0185709 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.108419 0.107809 -0.0182854 -0.135425 0.121569 -0.03549140000000002 -0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 -0.121302 0.114373 -0.06989460000000003 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.121302 0.114373 -0.06989460000000003 -0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 -0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.088605 0.179 -0.101521 -0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.088605 0.179 -0.101521 -0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.0830481 0.179 -0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 -0.0830481 0.179 -0.103279 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 -0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 -0.088605 0.179 -0.101521 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 4.11053e-07 0.179 -0.139999 -0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.0803817 0.179 -0.13342 -0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.0792919 0.179 -0.13538 -0.0803817 0.179 -0.13342 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 -0.0792919 0.179 -0.13538 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 -0.0431727 0.179 -0.133176 0.0256085 0.179 -0.145492 4.11053e-07 0.179 -0.139999 0.0431733 0.179 -0.133176 0.0256085 0.179 -0.145492 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 4.11053e-07 0.179 -0.139999 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.0431733 0.179 -0.133176 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.0256085 0.179 -0.145492 0.0431733 0.179 -0.133176 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 0.0792928 0.179 -0.135379 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.08038430000000001 0.179 -0.133414 0.0792928 0.179 -0.135379 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 0.08038430000000001 0.179 -0.133414 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.11335 0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0886052 0.179 -0.101521 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0830482 0.179 -0.103279 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 0.0830482 0.179 -0.103279 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.0886052 0.179 -0.101521 0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 0.0906474 0.179 -0.106691 0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 0.121291 0.114368 -0.06991440000000003 0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0985882 0.1028 -0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.121291 0.114368 -0.06991440000000003 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.115926 0.111634 -0.0189227 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.121601 0.114526 -0.0173478 0.115926 0.111634 -0.0189227 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 0.129936 0.118772 -0.010014 0.121601 0.114526 -0.0173478 0.135419 0.121566 -0.03551430000000002 -0.104496 0.10581 0.0166624 -0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 -0.10999 0.108609 0.0186792 -0.104496 0.10581 0.0166624 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.115926 0.111634 0.0189227 -0.10999 0.108609 0.0186792 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 -0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.104012 0.09951140000000006 0.0163826 -0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 -0.104496 0.10581 0.0166624 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 -0.104012 0.09951140000000006 0.0163826 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.104496 0.10581 0.0166624 -0.10999 0.108609 0.0186792 -0.104012 0.09951140000000006 0.0163826 -0.104496 0.10581 0.0166624 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.10999 0.108609 0.0186792 -0.115926 0.111634 0.0189227 -0.118308 0.09926620000000005 0.0184915 -0.115926 0.111634 0.0189227 -0.121601 0.114526 0.0173478 -0.118308 0.09926620000000005 0.0184915 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.115926 0.111634 0.0189227 -0.126143 0.103258 0.0144506 -0.121601 0.114526 0.0173478 -0.129936 0.118772 0.010014 -0.126143 0.103258 0.0144506 -0.118308 0.09926620000000005 0.0184915 -0.121601 0.114526 0.0173478 -0.131142 0.105806 0.007726640000000003 -0.129936 0.118772 0.010014 -0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 -0.131142 0.105806 0.007726640000000003 -0.126143 0.103258 0.0144506 -0.129936 0.118772 0.010014 -0.13278 0.10664 -2.8883e-17 -0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 -0.131079 0.119355 -0.007851510000000004 -0.13278 0.10664 -2.8883e-17 -0.131142 0.105806 0.007726640000000003 -0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 -0.131009 0.105737 -0.008021980000000003 -0.131079 0.119355 -0.007851510000000004 -0.125613 0.11657 -0.0149006 -0.131009 0.105737 -0.008021980000000003 -0.13278 0.10664 -2.8883e-17 -0.131079 0.119355 -0.007851510000000004 -0.12563 0.102997 -0.0148756 -0.125613 0.11657 -0.0149006 -0.117969 0.112675 -0.0185709 -0.12563 0.102997 -0.0148756 -0.131009 0.105737 -0.008021980000000003 -0.125613 0.11657 -0.0149006 -0.117616 0.09891340000000005 -0.0186495 -0.117969 0.112675 -0.0185709 -0.108419 0.107809 -0.0182854 -0.117616 0.09891340000000005 -0.0186495 -0.12563 0.102997 -0.0148756 -0.117969 0.112675 -0.0185709 -0.104004 0.09951980000000006 -0.0163775 -0.108419 0.107809 -0.0182854 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.108419 0.107809 -0.0182854 -0.104004 0.09951980000000006 -0.0163775 -0.117616 0.09891340000000005 -0.0186495 -0.108419 0.107809 -0.0182854 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.104004 0.09951980000000006 -0.0163775 -0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 -0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 -0.00713144 0.06309830000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 -0.088605 0.179 -0.101521 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 -0.088605 0.179 -0.101521 0.00713144 0.06309830000000002 -0.06000000000000003 4.0096e-15 0.06349990000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.00713144 0.06309830000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.00713144 0.06309830000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.00713144 0.06309830000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 0.00713144 0.06309830000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0877481 -0.0175383 -0.06000000000000003 0.08776780000000001 -0.017437 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.08776780000000001 -0.017437 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0877481 -0.0175383 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0877481 -0.0175383 -0.06000000000000003 0.0826702 -0.034245 -0.06000000000000003 0.08776780000000001 -0.017437 -0.06000000000000003 0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.08776780000000001 -0.017437 -0.06000000000000003 0.0826702 -0.034245 -0.06000000000000003 0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 0.08776780000000001 -0.017437 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826223 -0.03436140000000001 -0.06000000000000003 0.0744271 -0.04968310000000002 -0.06000000000000003 0.0826702 -0.034245 -0.06000000000000003 0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.0826702 -0.034245 -0.06000000000000003 0.0744271 -0.04968310000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0877481 -0.0175383 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826223 -0.03436140000000001 -0.06000000000000003 0.0826702 -0.034245 -0.06000000000000003 -0.06326950000000001 -0.06327690000000002 -0.06000000000000003 0.0632587 -0.06328770000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0744271 -0.04968310000000002 -0.06000000000000003 0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.0744271 -0.04968310000000002 -0.06000000000000003 0.0632587 -0.06328770000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826223 -0.03436140000000001 -0.06000000000000003 -0.06326950000000001 -0.06327690000000002 -0.06000000000000003 0.0744271 -0.04968310000000002 -0.06000000000000003 0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.0744271 -0.04968310000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0343199 -0.08264090000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0496113 -0.07447210000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0632587 -0.06328770000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.0632587 -0.06328770000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0496113 -0.07447210000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.06326950000000001 -0.06327690000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0343199 -0.08264090000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0632587 -0.06328770000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0343199 -0.08264090000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0340796 -0.08274040000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0496113 -0.07447210000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 0.0496113 -0.07447210000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0340796 -0.08274040000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 0.0496113 -0.07447210000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0343199 -0.08264090000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.000184767 -0.08948250000000003 -0.06000000000000003 0.0340796 -0.08274040000000003 -0.06000000000000003 3.42598e-17 -0.08948420000000003 -0.09940000000000006 0.0340796 -0.08274040000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.000184767 -0.08948250000000003 -0.06000000000000003 3.42598e-17 -0.08948420000000003 -0.09940000000000006 0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 0.0340796 -0.08274040000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 -0.000184767 -0.08948250000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0343199 -0.08264090000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 3.42598e-17 -0.08948420000000003 -0.09940000000000006 -0.000184767 -0.08948250000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0343199 -0.08264090000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.06326950000000001 -0.06327690000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0343199 -0.08264090000000003 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.06326950000000001 -0.06327690000000002 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826223 -0.03436140000000001 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0826223 -0.03436140000000001 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0877481 -0.0175383 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0826223 -0.03436140000000001 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0877481 -0.0175383 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0894842 -1.33227e-17 -0.06000000000000003 -0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.104496 0.10581 -0.0166624 0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 0.10999 0.108609 -0.0186792 0.104496 0.10581 -0.0166624 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.115926 0.111634 -0.0189227 0.10999 0.108609 -0.0186792 0.09603680000000001 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0886055 -2.29759e-17 -0.101521 0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0886055 -2.29759e-17 -0.101521 0.0894842 0.1015 -0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 -1.51323e-17 -0.09940000000000006 0.088605 0.179 0.101521 0.0894842 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.179 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 1.51323e-17 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 0.1015 0.09940000000000006 0.088605 0.179 0.101521 0.0886055 2.21085e-17 0.101521 0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 0.0864842 3.66152e-17 0.1024 0.08516899999999999 2.96763e-17 0.1024 0.0864842 3.66152e-17 0.1024 0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 0.0848259 -0.0168493 0.1024 0.0886055 2.21085e-17 0.101521 0.0864842 3.66152e-17 0.1024 0.08351749999999999 -0.016688 0.1024 0.0848259 -0.0168493 0.1024 0.0864842 3.66152e-17 0.1024 0.08516899999999999 2.96763e-17 0.1024 0.08351749999999999 -0.016688 0.1024 0.0864842 3.66152e-17 0.1024 0.0886055 2.21085e-17 0.101521 0.088605 0.179 0.101521 0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 0.08516899999999999 2.96763e-17 0.1024 0.0864842 0.179 0.1024 0.0886055 2.21085e-17 0.101521 0.0894842 1.51323e-17 0.09940000000000006 0.088605 0.179 0.101521 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 0.0894842 1.51323e-17 0.09940000000000006 0.0886055 2.21085e-17 0.101521 0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 0.09940000000000006 0.0894842 1.51323e-17 0.09940000000000006 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 0.0848259 -0.0168493 0.1024 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 0.0886055 2.21085e-17 0.101521 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 0.09940000000000006 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 -0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 -0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 0.1024 -0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 -0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 0.1024 -0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 0.1024 -0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 0.09940000000000006 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 -0.0611425 -0.06116160000000003 0.1024 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 0.09940000000000006 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 0.09940000000000006 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 -0.0718833 -0.04809000000000002 0.1024 -0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 0.1024 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 -0.0611425 -0.06116160000000003 0.1024 -0.0718833 -0.04809000000000002 0.1024 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 0.09940000000000006 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -0.0331573 -0.07987530000000002 0.1024 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 0.09940000000000006 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 0.09940000000000006 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -0.0480519 -0.07190610000000003 0.1024 -0.0611425 -0.06116160000000003 0.1024 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -0.0331573 -0.07987530000000002 0.1024 -0.0480519 -0.07190610000000003 0.1024 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -4.52181e-17 -0.08948420000000003 0.09940000000000006 0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 -0.000171069 -0.08648260000000003 0.1024 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 0.09940000000000006 -4.52181e-17 -0.08948420000000003 0.09940000000000006 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 -0.000171069 -0.08648260000000003 0.1024 -0.0331573 -0.07987530000000002 0.1024 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 0.09940000000000006 0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 0.0329381 -0.07996610000000003 0.1024 0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 -4.52181e-17 -0.08948420000000003 0.09940000000000006 0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 0.09940000000000006 0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 0.0329381 -0.07996610000000003 0.1024 -0.000171069 -0.08648260000000003 0.1024 0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 0.101521 0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 0.09940000000000006 0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 0.0479494 -0.07197450000000002 0.1024 0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 0.09940000000000006 0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 0.09940000000000006 0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 0.0479494 -0.07197450000000002 0.1024 0.0329381 -0.07996610000000003 0.1024 0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 0.101521 0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 0.09940000000000006 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 0.0719306 -0.04801910000000004 0.1024 0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 0.09940000000000006 0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 0.09940000000000006 0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 0.0611392 -0.06116490000000004 0.1024 0.0479494 -0.07197450000000002 0.1024 0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 0.0719306 -0.04801910000000004 0.1024 0.0611392 -0.06116490000000004 0.1024 0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 0.101521 0.0798995 -0.0330947 0.1024 0.0719306 -0.04801910000000004 0.1024 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 0.0848259 -0.0168493 0.1024 0.0798995 -0.0330947 0.1024 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 0.101521 -0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 0.1024 -0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 0.1024 -0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 0.1024 -0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 -1.889600000000002e-17 0.1024 -0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 0.1024 -0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 0.1024 -0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 0.1024 -0.0718833 -0.04809000000000002 0.1024 -0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 0.1024 -0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 0.1024 -0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 0.1024 -0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 -0.0718833 -0.04809000000000002 0.1024 -0.0611425 -0.06116160000000003 0.1024 -0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 -0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 0.1024 -0.0718833 -0.04809000000000002 0.1024 -0.0472211 -0.07087930000000003 0.1024 -0.0611425 -0.06116160000000003 0.1024 -0.0480519 -0.07190610000000003 0.1024 -0.0472211 -0.07087930000000003 0.1024 -0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 -0.0611425 -0.06116160000000003 0.1024 -0.032438 -0.07874960000000003 0.1024 -0.0480519 -0.07190610000000003 0.1024 -0.0331573 -0.07987530000000002 0.1024 -0.032438 -0.07874960000000003 0.1024 -0.0472211 -0.07087930000000003 0.1024 -0.0480519 -0.07190610000000003 0.1024 0.000165146 -0.08516740000000003 0.1024 -0.0331573 -0.07987530000000002 0.1024 -0.000171069 -0.08648260000000003 0.1024 0.000165146 -0.08516740000000003 0.1024 -0.032438 -0.07874960000000003 0.1024 -0.0331573 -0.07987530000000002 0.1024 0.000165146 -0.08516740000000003 0.1024 -0.000171069 -0.08648260000000003 0.1024 0.0329381 -0.07996610000000003 0.1024 0.032648 -0.07866270000000003 0.1024 0.0329381 -0.07996610000000003 0.1024 0.0479494 -0.07197450000000002 0.1024 0.032648 -0.07866270000000003 0.1024 0.000165146 -0.08516740000000003 0.1024 0.0329381 -0.07996610000000003 0.1024 0.032648 -0.07866270000000003 0.1024 0.0479494 -0.07197450000000002 0.1024 0.0611392 -0.06116490000000004 0.1024 0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 0.0611392 -0.06116490000000004 0.1024 0.0719306 -0.04801910000000004 0.1024 0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 0.032648 -0.07866270000000003 0.1024 0.0611392 -0.06116490000000004 0.1024 0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 0.0719306 -0.04801910000000004 0.1024 0.0798995 -0.0330947 0.1024 0.0786376 -0.03270480000000002 0.1024 0.0798995 -0.0330947 0.1024 0.0848259 -0.0168493 0.1024 0.0786376 -0.03270480000000002 0.1024 0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 0.0798995 -0.0330947 0.1024 0.08351749999999999 -0.016688 0.1024 0.0786376 -0.03270480000000002 0.1024 0.0848259 -0.0168493 0.1024 -0.0830477 5.068810000000002e-17 0.103279 -0.08516899999999999 -1.889600000000002e-17 0.1024 -0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 0.1024 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 -0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 0.1024 -0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 0.1024 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 -0.0830477 5.068810000000002e-17 0.103279 -0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 0.1024 -0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 -0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 0.1024 -0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 -0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 -0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 0.1024 -0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 -0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 -0.0472211 -0.07087930000000003 0.1024 -0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 -0.0472211 -0.07087930000000003 0.1024 -0.032438 -0.07874960000000003 0.1024 -0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 -0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 -0.0472211 -0.07087930000000003 0.1024 -0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 -0.032438 -0.07874960000000003 0.1024 0.000165146 -0.08516740000000003 0.1024 -0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 -0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 -0.032438 -0.07874960000000003 0.1024 0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 0.000165146 -0.08516740000000003 0.1024 0.032648 -0.07866270000000003 0.1024 0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 -0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 0.000165146 -0.08516740000000003 0.1024 0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 0.032648 -0.07866270000000003 0.1024 0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 0.032648 -0.07866270000000003 0.1024 0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 0.0786376 -0.03270480000000002 0.1024 0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 0.0602101 -0.06023410000000003 0.1024 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 0.0786376 -0.03270480000000002 0.1024 0.08351749999999999 -0.016688 0.1024 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 0.0786376 -0.03270480000000002 0.1024 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 0.08351749999999999 -0.016688 0.1024 0.08516899999999999 2.96763e-17 0.1024 0.0830481 0.179 0.103279 0.08516899999999999 2.96763e-17 0.1024 0.08516899999999999 0.179 0.1024 0.0830477 2.24989e-17 0.103279 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 0.08516899999999999 2.96763e-17 0.1024 0.0830481 0.179 0.103279 0.0830477 2.24989e-17 0.103279 0.08516899999999999 2.96763e-17 0.1024 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.0830477 5.068810000000002e-17 0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 -1.337200000000002e-17 0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 -1.337200000000002e-17 0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 5.11591e-17 0.1054 -0.0821433 2.92158e-17 0.12767 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 -1.337200000000002e-17 0.127278 -0.0821433 2.92158e-17 0.12767 -0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 -1.337200000000002e-17 0.127278 -0.0821433 2.92158e-17 0.12767 -0.08216900000000001 -1.337200000000002e-17 0.127278 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.127278 0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 0.0821433 2.83484e-17 0.12767 0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0821433 2.83484e-17 0.12767 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 0.0821433 2.83484e-17 0.12767 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 0.0803817 0.179 0.13342 0.070296 0.16392 0.169368 0.0803817 0.179 0.13342 0.0792919 0.179 0.13538 0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 0.0803817 0.179 0.13342 0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 0.070296 0.16392 0.169368 0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 0.0803817 0.179 0.13342 0.06947970000000001 0.164538 0.169422 0.0792919 0.179 0.13538 0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 0.06947970000000001 0.164538 0.169422 0.070296 0.16392 0.169368 0.0792919 0.179 0.13538 0.07283530000000001 0.171938 0.153266 0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 0.06947970000000001 0.164538 0.169422 0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 0.07283530000000001 0.171938 0.153266 -2.95199e-12 0.167086 0.172067 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 -0.0256084 0.179 0.145492 0.0685215 0.164879 0.169316 0.07283530000000001 0.171938 0.153266 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 0.0685215 0.164879 0.169316 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 -2.95199e-12 0.167086 0.172067 0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 0.0256085 0.179 0.145492 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.0256084 0.179 0.145492 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -2.95199e-12 0.167086 0.172067 -0.0256084 0.179 0.145492 -0.0694794 0.164538 0.169422 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.0792928 0.179 0.135379 -0.0694794 0.164538 0.169422 -0.0685229 0.164879 0.169317 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.0685229 0.164879 0.169317 -0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 0.137225 -0.0702957 0.16392 0.169368 -0.0792928 0.179 0.135379 -0.08038430000000001 0.179 0.133414 -0.0702957 0.16392 0.169368 -0.0694794 0.164538 0.169422 -0.0792928 0.179 0.135379 -0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 -0.08038430000000001 0.179 0.133414 -0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 -0.0702957 0.16392 0.169368 -0.08038430000000001 0.179 0.133414 -0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 -0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 -0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 -0.0813909 0.179 0.130577 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0820668 0.179 0.128054 -0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0821433 0.179 0.12767 -0.0821433 2.92158e-17 0.12767 0.08216900000000001 6.503690000000002e-17 0.1054 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 0.08216900000000001 6.503690000000002e-17 0.1054 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.0821433 2.83484e-17 0.12767 0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 0.08216900000000001 6.98948e-17 0.127278 0.0830477 2.24989e-17 0.103279 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 0.08216900000000001 6.503690000000002e-17 0.1054 0.0830481 0.179 0.103279 0.08216900000000001 0.179 0.1054 0.0830477 2.24989e-17 0.103279 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 0.08216900000000001 6.503690000000002e-17 0.1054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 0.0830477 2.24989e-17 0.103279 0.08216900000000001 6.503690000000002e-17 0.1054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0821433 2.92158e-17 0.12767 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 -0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 -0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 5.03123e-18 -0.08216900000000003 0.1054 -3.14591e-17 -0.08216900000000003 0.127278 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 -0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 -3.14591e-17 -0.08216900000000003 0.127278 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 5.03123e-18 -0.08216900000000003 0.1054 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 -0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 -0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 -3.14591e-17 -0.08216900000000003 0.127278 2.32475e-17 -0.08206680000000002 0.128054 -3.14591e-17 -0.08216900000000003 0.127278 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 5.03123e-18 -0.08216900000000003 0.1054 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 -3.14591e-17 -0.08216900000000003 0.127278 2.32475e-17 -0.08206680000000002 0.128054 -0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 -3.14591e-17 -0.08216900000000003 0.127278 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 2.32475e-17 -0.08206680000000002 0.128054 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.127278 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.127278 0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.127278 0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 0.0830477 2.24989e-17 0.103279 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 5.03123e-18 -0.08216900000000003 0.1054 0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 -0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 5.03123e-18 -0.08216900000000003 0.1054 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 5.03123e-18 -0.08216900000000003 0.1054 -0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 -0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 -0.0144211 -0.08178600000000003 0.103279 -0.0314447 -0.07591430000000003 0.1054 -0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 -0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 -0.0415238 -0.07192140000000002 0.103279 -0.0581023 -0.05810230000000004 0.1054 -0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 -0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 0.103279 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 0.1054 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 0.103279 -0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 -0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 -0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 -0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 -0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 -0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 -0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 -0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 -0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 -0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 -0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 2.32475e-17 -0.08206680000000002 0.128054 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 -0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 4.35609e-18 -0.07114260000000003 0.168824 2.32475e-17 -0.08206680000000002 0.128054 0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 4.35609e-18 -0.07114260000000003 0.168824 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 2.32475e-17 -0.08206680000000002 0.128054 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 4.35609e-18 -0.07114260000000003 0.168824 0.0314056 -0.07581980000000003 0.128054 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 0.05803 -0.05803000000000003 0.128054 0.0821433 2.83484e-17 0.12767 0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 0.128054 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 0.0820668 4.23115e-17 0.128054 0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 0.07017320000000001 3.78244e-17 0.170346 0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 0.07017320000000001 3.78244e-17 0.170346 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 0.070296 0.16392 0.169368 -0.07017320000000001 3.73907e-17 0.170346 -0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 -0.07017320000000001 3.73907e-17 0.170346 -0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 -0.0711426 5.136430000000002e-17 0.168824 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 -0.07017320000000001 3.73907e-17 0.170346 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 4.35609e-18 -0.07114260000000003 0.168824 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 4.35609e-18 -0.07114260000000003 0.168824 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 4.35609e-18 -0.07114260000000003 0.168824 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 0.168824 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 0.168824 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 0.168824 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 -0.0702957 0.16392 0.169368 -0.0762169 0.170517 0.149886 -0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 -0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 -0.0702957 0.16392 0.169368 -0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 -0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 -0.07017320000000001 3.73907e-17 0.170346 -0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 -0.0711426 0.162172 0.168824 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 -0.0685229 0.164879 0.169317 -0.0694794 0.164538 0.169422 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 -0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 -0.0685229 0.164879 0.169317 -0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 -0.0694794 0.164538 0.169422 -0.0702957 0.16392 0.169368 -0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 -0.0694794 0.164538 0.169422 -0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 -0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 -0.0702957 0.16392 0.169368 0.06947970000000001 0.164538 0.169422 0.07283530000000001 0.171938 0.153266 0.0685215 0.164879 0.169316 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.0685215 0.164879 0.169316 0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 0.06947970000000001 0.164538 0.169422 0.0685215 0.164879 0.169316 0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 0.0685215 0.164879 0.169316 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 0.0685215 0.164879 0.169316 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.0369087 0.165506 0.172888 0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -2.95199e-12 0.167086 0.172067 0.0369077 0.165487 0.172908 0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.0369087 0.165506 0.172888 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 0.0369077 0.165487 0.172908 -0.0369087 0.165506 0.172888 -2.95199e-12 0.167086 0.172067 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.0527365 0.16566 0.170691 -0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 -0.0369087 0.165506 0.172888 -0.0369398 0.166071 0.172067 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 0.070296 0.16392 0.169368 0.06947970000000001 0.164538 0.169422 0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 0.070296 0.16392 0.169368 0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 0.070296 0.16392 0.169368 0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.07017320000000001 3.78244e-17 0.170346 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.06850630000000001 2.40998e-17 0.171036 0.07017320000000001 3.78244e-17 0.170346 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.06850630000000001 2.40998e-17 0.171036 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.052786 0.162949 0.172411 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 0.052786 0.162949 0.172411 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 0.07017320000000001 3.78244e-17 0.170346 0.06850630000000001 2.40998e-17 0.171036 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 0.07017320000000001 3.78244e-17 0.170346 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 0.06850630000000001 2.40998e-17 0.171036 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 0.06850630000000001 2.40998e-17 0.171036 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 4.19466e-18 -0.06850630000000003 0.171036 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 4.19466e-18 -0.06850630000000003 0.171036 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 4.19466e-18 -0.06850630000000003 0.171036 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 0.170346 -0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 -0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 0.170346 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 -0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 -0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 -0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 0.170346 -0.06850630000000001 3.79776e-17 0.171036 -0.07017320000000001 3.73907e-17 0.170346 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 -0.06850630000000001 3.79776e-17 0.171036 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 0.170346 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 -0.07017320000000001 3.73907e-17 0.170346 -0.06850630000000001 3.79776e-17 0.171036 -0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 -0.06850630000000001 3.79776e-17 0.171036 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 -0.06850630000000001 3.79776e-17 0.171036 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.06850630000000001 3.79776e-17 0.171036 -0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.06850630000000001 3.79776e-17 0.171036 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 -0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 -0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 -0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 -0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 -0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 -0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 -0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 -0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 -0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 -0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 -0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 -0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 -0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 -0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 -0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 -0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 4.19466e-18 -0.06850630000000003 0.171036 -5.95848e-18 -0.03705190000000002 0.173788 4.19466e-18 -0.06850630000000003 0.171036 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 -5.95848e-18 -0.03705190000000002 0.173788 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 4.19466e-18 -0.06850630000000003 0.171036 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 -5.95848e-18 -0.03705190000000002 0.173788 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 0.171036 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 0.171036 0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 0.171036 0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 0.171036 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 0.171036 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 0.171036 -0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 0.170346 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.0699607 0.163002 0.170364 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 -0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 -0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 -0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.052786 0.162949 0.172411 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.052786 0.162949 0.172411 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 0.171036 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.068563 0.163772 0.170565 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 0.170486 -0.0693757 0.163626 0.170415 -0.052786 0.162949 0.172411 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 -0.0368273 0.164024 0.173724 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.0368777 0.164943 0.173344 -0.0369087 0.165506 0.172888 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 -0.12563 0.102997 -0.0148756 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.131009 0.105737 -0.008021980000000003 -0.0368273 0.164024 0.173724 -0.0368777 0.164943 0.173344 -0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 -0.036809 0.163689 0.173781 -0.0368273 0.164024 0.173724 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.0367905 0.163356 0.173799 -0.036809 0.163689 0.173781 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.0369152 0.163356 0.173797 -0.0367905 0.163356 0.173799 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.0369213 3.85907e-17 0.173797 -0.0369152 0.163356 0.173797 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.0369213 3.85907e-17 0.173797 -0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 -0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.0369077 0.165487 0.172908 -0.0369087 0.165506 0.172888 -0.0368777 0.164943 0.173344 -0.131009 0.105737 -0.008021980000000003 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.13278 0.10664 -2.8883e-17 0.0368782 0.164952 0.173338 0.0369077 0.165487 0.172908 -0.0368777 0.164943 0.173344 -0.13278 0.10664 -2.8883e-17 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.131142 0.105806 0.007726640000000003 0.0368782 0.164952 0.173338 -0.0368777 0.164943 0.173344 -0.0368273 0.164024 0.173724 0.036827 0.164021 0.173725 -0.0368273 0.164024 0.173724 -0.036809 0.163689 0.173781 0.036827 0.164021 0.173725 0.0368782 0.164952 0.173338 -0.0368273 0.164024 0.173724 0.0368086 0.163686 0.173781 -0.036809 0.163689 0.173781 -0.0367905 0.163356 0.173799 0.0368086 0.163686 0.173781 0.036827 0.164021 0.173725 -0.036809 0.163689 0.173781 -0.0367905 6.117060000000003e-15 0.173799 -0.0367905 0.163356 0.173799 -0.0369152 0.163356 0.173797 0.0368086 0.163686 0.173781 -0.0367905 0.163356 0.173799 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0.0368782 0.164952 0.173338 0.036827 0.164021 0.173725 0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 0.036827 0.164021 0.173725 0.0368086 0.163686 0.173781 0.052786 0.162949 0.172411 0.0370338 0.164964 0.17332 0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 0.0369213 0.163356 0.173797 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.052786 0.162949 0.172411 0.0370519 0.163356 0.173788 0.0369213 3.85907e-17 0.173797 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.0369213 0.163356 0.173797 0.0355349 -0.009524840000000003 0.173799 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 0.0369213 3.85907e-17 0.173797 0.0355349 -0.009524840000000003 0.173799 0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 -0.0369213 3.85907e-17 0.173797 -0.0370519 3.85887e-17 0.173788 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 -0.035522 -0.009572280000000004 0.173799 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 -0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 -0.0369213 3.85907e-17 0.173797 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 -0.0367905 6.117060000000003e-15 0.173799 -0.035522 -0.009572280000000004 0.173799 -0.0367905 6.117060000000003e-15 0.173799 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 -0.0318001 -0.018497 0.173799 -0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 -0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 -0.0318001 -0.018497 0.173799 -0.035522 -0.009572280000000004 0.173799 -0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 -0.0318001 -0.018497 0.173799 -0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 -0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 -0.0183311 -0.0318971 0.173799 -0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 -0.0183311 -0.0318971 0.173799 -0.0318001 -0.018497 0.173799 -0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 -0.0183311 -0.0318971 0.173799 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 -5.95848e-18 -0.03705190000000002 0.173788 1.68829e-05 -0.03679040000000001 0.173799 -5.95848e-18 -0.03705190000000002 0.173788 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 1.68829e-05 -0.03679040000000001 0.173799 -0.0183311 -0.0318971 0.173799 -5.95848e-18 -0.03705190000000002 0.173788 1.68829e-05 -0.03679040000000001 0.173799 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 0.173788 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 0.0184081 -0.03185230000000001 0.173799 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 0.0184081 -0.03185230000000001 0.173799 1.68829e-05 -0.03679040000000001 0.173799 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 0.173788 0.0318473 -0.018416 0.173799 0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 0.0318473 -0.018416 0.173799 0.0184081 -0.03185230000000001 0.173799 0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 0.173788 0.0355349 -0.009524840000000003 0.173799 0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 0.173788 0.0355349 -0.009524840000000003 0.173799 0.0318473 -0.018416 0.173799 0.0320879 -0.018526 0.173788 0.0367905 1.083549999999998e-17 0.173799 -0.0367905 6.117060000000003e-15 0.173799 -0.035522 -0.009572280000000004 0.173799 0.0318473 -0.018416 0.173799 -0.035522 -0.009572280000000004 0.173799 -0.0318001 -0.018497 0.173799 0.0355349 -0.009524840000000003 0.173799 -0.035522 -0.009572280000000004 0.173799 0.0318473 -0.018416 0.173799 0.0367905 1.083549999999998e-17 0.173799 -0.035522 -0.009572280000000004 0.173799 0.0355349 -0.009524840000000003 0.173799 0.0184081 -0.03185230000000001 0.173799 -0.0318001 -0.018497 0.173799 -0.0183311 -0.0318971 0.173799 0.0318473 -0.018416 0.173799 -0.0318001 -0.018497 0.173799 0.0184081 -0.03185230000000001 0.173799 0.0184081 -0.03185230000000001 0.173799 -0.0183311 -0.0318971 0.173799 1.68829e-05 -0.03679040000000001 0.173799 0.0369213 3.85907e-17 0.173797 0.0367905 1.083549999999998e-17 0.173799 0.0355349 -0.009524840000000003 0.173799 0.104012 0.09951140000000006 -0.0163826 0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 0.104496 0.10581 -0.0166624 0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 0.104012 0.09951140000000006 -0.0163826 0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 0.100003 0.103521 -0.0132085 0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 0.104496 0.10581 -0.0166624 0.10999 0.108609 -0.0186792 0.104012 0.09951140000000006 -0.0163826 0.104496 0.10581 -0.0166624 0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 0.10999 0.108609 -0.0186792 0.115926 0.111634 -0.0189227 0.118308 0.09926620000000005 -0.0184915 0.115926 0.111634 -0.0189227 0.121601 0.114526 -0.0173478 0.118308 0.09926620000000005 -0.0184915 0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 0.115926 0.111634 -0.0189227 0.126143 0.103258 -0.0144506 0.121601 0.114526 -0.0173478 0.129936 0.118772 -0.010014 0.126143 0.103258 -0.0144506 0.118308 0.09926620000000005 -0.0184915 0.121601 0.114526 -0.0173478 0.131142 0.105806 -0.007726640000000003 0.129936 0.118772 -0.010014 0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 0.131142 0.105806 -0.007726640000000003 0.126143 0.103258 -0.0144506 0.129936 0.118772 -0.010014 0.13278 0.10664 -2.62809e-17 0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 0.131079 0.119355 0.007851510000000004 0.13278 0.10664 -2.62809e-17 0.131142 0.105806 -0.007726640000000003 0.13278 0.120222 -3.01641e-17 0.131009 0.105737 0.008021980000000003 0.131079 0.119355 0.007851510000000004 0.125613 0.11657 0.0149006 0.131009 0.105737 0.008021980000000003 0.13278 0.10664 -2.62809e-17 0.131079 0.119355 0.007851510000000004 0.12563 0.102997 0.0148756 0.125613 0.11657 0.0149006 0.117969 0.112675 0.0185709 0.12563 0.102997 0.0148756 0.131009 0.105737 0.008021980000000003 0.125613 0.11657 0.0149006 0.117616 0.09891340000000005 0.0186495 0.117969 0.112675 0.0185709 0.108419 0.107809 0.0182854 0.117616 0.09891340000000005 0.0186495 0.12563 0.102997 0.0148756 0.117969 0.112675 0.0185709 0.104004 0.09951980000000006 0.0163775 0.108419 0.107809 0.0182854 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 0.108419 0.107809 0.0182854 0.104004 0.09951980000000006 0.0163775 0.117616 0.09891340000000005 0.0186495 0.108419 0.107809 0.0182854 0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 0.104004 0.09951980000000006 0.0163775 0.100003 0.103521 0.0132085 0.0886055 -2.29759e-17 -0.101521 0.0886052 0.179 -0.101521 0.0894842 0.179 -0.09940000000000006 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 0.0830482 0.179 -0.103279 0.0830477 4.823050000000012e-18 -0.103279 0.0830482 0.179 -0.103279 0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 0.0830477 4.823050000000012e-18 -0.103279 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.0830482 0.179 -0.103279 0.0864842 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 0.0830477 4.823050000000012e-18 -0.103279 0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 0.08516899999999999 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.0864842 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.08516899999999999 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 0.0864842 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 0.0886052 0.179 -0.101521 0.0886055 -2.29759e-17 -0.101521 0.0864842 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.0886052 0.179 -0.101521 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 0.0821433 -2.87821e-17 -0.12767 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 0.0821433 -2.87821e-17 -0.12767 0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 -0.1054 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 -0.127278 0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 0.0821433 -2.87821e-17 -0.12767 0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 -0.127278 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 -0.103279 0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 -0.1054 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 -0.103279 0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 0.0830477 4.823050000000012e-18 -0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.127278 -0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 -0.0821433 -8.385960000000002e-17 -0.12767 -0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0821433 -8.385960000000002e-17 -0.12767 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 -0.0762169 0.170517 -0.149886 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 -0.0821433 -8.385960000000002e-17 -0.12767 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0820668 -1.45559e-17 -0.128054 -0.0711426 -2.36087e-17 -0.168824 -0.0820668 -1.45559e-17 -0.128054 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0711426 -2.36087e-17 -0.168824 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0711426 0.162172 -0.168824 -0.0762169 0.170517 -0.149886 -0.0711426 0.162172 -0.168824 -0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 -0.0762169 0.170517 -0.149886 -0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 -0.0803817 0.179 -0.13342 -0.070296 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.0803817 0.179 -0.13342 -0.0792919 0.179 -0.13538 -0.070296 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.0711426 0.162172 -0.168824 -0.0803817 0.179 -0.13342 -0.0762169 0.170517 -0.149886 -0.0803817 0.179 -0.13342 -0.0711426 0.162172 -0.168824 -0.06947970000000001 0.164538 -0.169422 -0.0792919 0.179 -0.13538 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 -0.070296 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.0792919 0.179 -0.13538 -0.06947970000000001 0.164538 -0.169422 -0.07283530000000001 0.171938 -0.153266 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 -0.06947970000000001 0.164538 -0.169422 -0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 -0.07283530000000001 0.171938 -0.153266 2.95011e-12 0.167086 -0.172067 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 0.0256085 0.179 -0.145492 -0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 -0.0685215 0.164879 -0.169316 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 -0.07283530000000001 0.171938 -0.153266 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 -0.0685215 0.164879 -0.169316 -0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 -0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 2.95011e-12 0.167086 -0.172067 -0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 -0.0256084 0.179 -0.145492 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.0256085 0.179 -0.145492 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 2.95011e-12 0.167086 -0.172067 0.0256085 0.179 -0.145492 0.0694794 0.164538 -0.169422 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.0792928 0.179 -0.135379 0.0694794 0.164538 -0.169422 0.0685229 0.164879 -0.169317 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.0685229 0.164879 -0.169317 0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.07714790000000001 0.179 -0.137225 0.0702957 0.16392 -0.169368 0.0792928 0.179 -0.135379 0.08038430000000001 0.179 -0.133414 0.0702957 0.16392 -0.169368 0.0694794 0.164538 -0.169422 0.0792928 0.179 -0.135379 0.0762169 0.170517 -0.149886 0.08038430000000001 0.179 -0.133414 0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 0.0702957 0.16392 -0.169368 0.08038430000000001 0.179 -0.133414 0.0762169 0.170517 -0.149886 0.0820668 -1.45559e-17 -0.128054 0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 0.0762169 0.170517 -0.149886 0.0813909 0.179 -0.130577 0.0820668 -1.45559e-17 -0.128054 0.0820668 -1.45559e-17 -0.128054 0.0820668 0.179 -0.128054 0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 0.0821433 -2.87821e-17 -0.12767 0.0820668 -1.45559e-17 -0.128054 0.0821433 0.179 -0.12767 -0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 -0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 -0.128054 -0.0759143 -0.03144470000000002 -0.127278 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.0821433 -8.385960000000002e-17 -0.12767 -0.07581980000000001 -0.03140560000000002 -0.128054 -0.08216900000000001 -1.43836e-17 -0.127278 -0.0830477 -2.33662e-17 -0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 -0.08216900000000001 -9.525699999999994e-18 -0.1054 -0.0830481 0.179 -0.103279 -0.08216900000000001 0.179 -0.1054 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0.07017320000000001 -3.78244e-17 -0.170346 0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 0.0711426 0.162172 -0.168824 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 -0.168824 0.07017320000000001 -3.78244e-17 -0.170346 0.0711426 -2.36087e-17 -0.168824 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 0.0685229 0.164879 -0.169317 0.0694794 0.164538 -0.169422 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 0.0685229 0.164879 -0.169317 0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 0.0694794 0.164538 -0.169422 0.0702957 0.16392 -0.169368 0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 0.0694794 0.164538 -0.169422 0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 0.0702957 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0685215 0.164879 -0.169316 -0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 -0.06947970000000001 0.164538 -0.169422 -0.07283530000000001 0.171938 -0.153266 -0.0685215 0.164879 -0.169316 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 -0.0685215 0.164879 -0.169316 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 -0.0685215 0.164879 -0.169316 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 -0.06947970000000001 0.164538 -0.169422 -0.0685215 0.164879 -0.169316 -0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 -0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.0369087 0.165506 -0.172888 -0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 2.95011e-12 0.167086 -0.172067 -0.0369077 0.165487 -0.172908 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 -0.0369077 0.165487 -0.172908 -0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.0369087 0.165506 -0.172888 0.0369087 0.165506 -0.172888 2.95011e-12 0.167086 -0.172067 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.0527365 0.16566 -0.170691 0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 0.0369087 0.165506 -0.172888 0.0369398 0.166071 -0.172067 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.052786 0.162949 -0.172411 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.052786 0.162949 -0.172411 -0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 -0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 -0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 -0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.07017320000000001 -3.82581e-17 -0.170346 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.07017320000000001 -3.82581e-17 -0.170346 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.06850630000000001 -2.40998e-17 -0.171036 -0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 -0.06850630000000001 -2.40998e-17 -0.171036 -0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.052786 0.162949 -0.172411 -0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 -0.052786 0.162949 -0.172411 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.0368782 0.164952 -0.173338 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.117616 0.09891340000000005 -0.0186495 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.12563 0.102997 -0.0148756 -0.036827 0.164021 -0.173725 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.0368782 0.164952 -0.173338 -0.0368086 0.163686 -0.173781 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.036827 0.164021 -0.173725 -0.0367905 0.163356 -0.173799 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.0368086 0.163686 -0.173781 -0.0369213 0.163356 -0.173797 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.0367905 0.163356 -0.173799 -0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 -0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 -0.0369213 0.163356 -0.173797 -0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 -0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0368782 0.164952 -0.173338 -0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.0369077 0.165487 -0.172908 -0.070296 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 -0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 -0.070296 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.06947970000000001 0.164538 -0.169422 -0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 -0.070296 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 -0.070296 0.16392 -0.169368 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 -0.0711426 0.162172 -0.168824 -0.0711426 -2.36087e-17 -0.168824 -0.0711426 0.162172 -0.168824 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 -0.07017320000000001 -3.82581e-17 -0.170346 -0.0711426 -2.36087e-17 -0.168824 -0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 -0.07017320000000001 -3.82581e-17 -0.170346 -0.06850630000000001 -2.40998e-17 -0.171036 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 -0.173788 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 -0.06850630000000001 -2.40998e-17 -0.171036 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 -0.173788 -0.06850630000000001 -2.40998e-17 -0.171036 -0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 -0.0711426 -2.36087e-17 -0.168824 -0.07017320000000001 -3.82581e-17 -0.170346 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 -0.168824 -0.0711426 -2.36087e-17 -0.168824 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 -0.07017320000000001 -3.82581e-17 -0.170346 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 0.06850630000000001 -3.79776e-17 -0.171036 0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 0.06850630000000001 -3.79776e-17 -0.171036 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 0.07017320000000001 -3.78244e-17 -0.170346 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 0.06850630000000001 -3.79776e-17 -0.171036 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 0.07017320000000001 -3.78244e-17 -0.170346 0.06850630000000001 -3.79776e-17 -0.171036 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 0.06850630000000001 -3.79776e-17 -0.171036 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.06850630000000001 -3.79776e-17 -0.171036 0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.06850630000000001 -3.79776e-17 -0.171036 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 -0.173788 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 -0.173788 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 -0.171036 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 0.0320879 -0.018526 -0.173788 0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 -0.171036 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-0.173788 0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 -0.171036 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 -0.173788 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 -0.171036 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 -0.173788 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 -0.171036 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 -0.171036 0.018526 -0.03208790000000002 -0.173788 0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 -0.171036 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 -0.173788 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 -1.2584e-17 -0.06850630000000003 -0.171036 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 -0.173788 0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 -1.2584e-17 -0.06850630000000003 -0.171036 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 -1.2584e-17 -0.06850630000000003 -0.171036 -6.8061e-18 -0.03705190000000002 -0.173788 -1.2584e-17 -0.06850630000000003 -0.171036 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 -1.2584e-17 -0.06850630000000003 -0.171036 0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 -0.173788 -1.2584e-17 -0.06850630000000003 -0.171036 -6.8061e-18 -0.03705190000000002 -0.173788 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 -0.171036 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 -0.173788 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 -0.0297238 -0.06172210000000004 -0.171036 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 -6.8061e-18 -0.03705190000000002 -0.173788 -0.0152441 -0.06678870000000003 -0.171036 -0.009589749999999999 -0.03578940000000002 -0.173788 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 -0.042713 -0.05356040000000002 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-0.04271300000000001 -0.171036 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 -0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 -0.171036 -0.0261997 -0.02619970000000002 -0.173788 -0.0535604 -0.04271300000000001 -0.171036 -0.0320879 -0.018526 -0.173788 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 -0.173788 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 -0.06678870000000001 -0.0152441 -0.171036 -0.0320879 -0.018526 -0.173788 -0.0617221 -0.02972380000000002 -0.171036 -0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 -0.173788 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 -0.168824 -0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 -0.168824 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 -0.168824 -0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 -0.168824 -0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 -0.168824 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 -0.168824 -0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 -0.168824 -0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 -1.30683e-17 -0.07114260000000003 -0.168824 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 -1.30683e-17 -0.07114260000000003 -0.168824 -0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 -0.168824 -0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 -0.168824 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 -0.168824 -1.30683e-17 -0.07114260000000003 -0.168824 0.0121855 -0.06910710000000003 -0.170346 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 -0.168824 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 -0.168824 0.0272251 -0.06572720000000003 -0.168824 0.0350866 -0.06077180000000002 -0.170346 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 -0.168824 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 -0.168824 0.0503054 -0.05030540000000002 -0.168824 0.0537558 -0.04510650000000001 -0.170346 0.0657272 -0.02722510000000002 -0.168824 0.06594129999999999 -0.02400070000000002 -0.170346 0.07017320000000001 -3.78244e-17 -0.170346 0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 0.07017320000000001 0.162172 -0.170346 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.0699607 0.163002 -0.170364 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.052786 0.162949 -0.172411 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.052786 0.162949 -0.172411 0.06850630000000001 0.162172 -0.171036 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.068563 0.163772 -0.170565 0.06856329999999999 0.16389 -0.170486 0.0693757 0.163626 -0.170415 0.052786 0.162949 -0.172411 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 0.0368273 0.164024 -0.173724 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.0368777 0.164943 -0.173344 0.0369087 0.165506 -0.172888 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 -0.12563 0.102997 -0.0148756 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 0.0368273 0.164024 -0.173724 0.0368777 0.164943 -0.173344 0.0370338 0.164964 -0.17332 0.036809 0.163689 -0.173781 0.0368273 0.164024 -0.173724 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.0367905 0.163356 -0.173799 0.036809 0.163689 -0.173781 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.0369152 0.163356 -0.173797 0.0367905 0.163356 -0.173799 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.0369213 -3.85907e-17 -0.173797 0.0369152 0.163356 -0.173797 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.0369213 -3.85907e-17 -0.173797 0.0370519 0.163356 -0.173788 0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 -0.0369077 0.165487 -0.172908 0.0369087 0.165506 -0.172888 0.0368777 0.164943 -0.173344 -0.104012 0.09951140000000006 0.0163826 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 -0.0184534 -0.0368782 0.164952 -0.173338 -0.0369077 0.165487 -0.172908 0.0368777 0.164943 -0.173344 -0.126143 0.103258 0.0144506 -0.109 0.09452350000000005 0.0184534 -0.118308 0.09926620000000005 0.0184915 -0.0368782 0.164952 -0.173338 0.0368777 0.164943 -0.173344 0.0368273 0.164024 -0.173724 -0.036827 0.164021 -0.173725 0.0368273 0.164024 -0.173724 0.036809 0.163689 -0.173781 -0.036827 0.164021 -0.173725 -0.0368782 0.164952 -0.173338 0.0368273 0.164024 -0.173724 -0.0368086 0.163686 -0.173781 0.036809 0.163689 -0.173781 0.0367905 0.163356 -0.173799 -0.0368086 0.163686 -0.173781 -0.036827 0.164021 -0.173725 0.036809 0.163689 -0.173781 0.0367905 6.747650000000002e-15 -0.173799 0.0367905 0.163356 -0.173799 0.0369152 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-0.009524840000000003 -0.173799 0.0369213 -3.85907e-17 -0.173797 0.0370519 -3.85887e-17 -0.173788 0.0357894 -0.009589750000000003 -0.173788 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 -0.103279 -0.08351749999999999 -0.016688 -0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 -1.19541e-15 -0.1024 -0.0864842 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 -1.19541e-15 -0.1024 -0.08351749999999999 -0.016688 -0.1024 -0.0830477 -2.33662e-17 -0.103279 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 -0.103279 -0.08516899999999999 -1.19541e-15 -0.1024 -0.0830481 0.179 -0.103279 -0.0830477 -2.33662e-17 -0.103279 -0.08516899999999999 -1.19541e-15 -0.1024 -0.0830481 0.179 -0.103279 -0.08516899999999999 -1.19541e-15 -0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 -0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 0.179 -0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 -1.19541e-15 -0.1024 -0.0864842 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 -0.0864842 0.179 -0.1024 -0.08516899999999999 -1.19541e-15 -0.1024 -0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 -0.103279 -0.0786376 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0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 -0.1024 0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 -0.1024 0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 -0.1024 0.0636182 -0.05338200000000003 -0.103279 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 -0.103279 0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 -0.1024 0.0718833 -0.04809000000000002 -0.1024 0.0708362 -0.04728970000000002 -0.1024 0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 -0.1024 0.0830477 4.823050000000012e-18 -0.103279 0.08516899999999999 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 -0.1024 0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 -0.1024 0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 -0.1024 0.08516899999999999 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.07803930000000001 -0.02840400000000002 -0.103279 0.0830477 4.823050000000012e-18 -0.103279 0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 -0.1024 0.0798522 -0.03320950000000002 -0.1024 0.07868459999999999 -0.03259080000000002 -0.1024 0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 -0.1024 0.08480699999999999 -0.0169469 -0.1024 0.08516899999999999 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.0864842 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-0.09940000000000006 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 -0.101521 3.42598e-17 -0.08948420000000003 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 -0.101521 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 -0.101521 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0153862 -0.08725940000000003 -0.101521 -0.0342441 -0.08267260000000003 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 -0.101521 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 -0.101521 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0443028 -0.07673460000000003 -0.101521 -0.0632749 -0.06327490000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 -0.101521 -0.0678758 -0.05695450000000003 -0.101521 -0.0826726 -0.03424410000000002 -0.09940000000000006 -0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 -0.101521 0.083262 -0.03030490000000002 -0.101521 0.0864842 -2.27374e-17 -0.1024 0.0886055 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0.0341033 0.109 0.0151277 0.0418493 0.109 0.0258894 0.0361938 0.0541273 0.0221894 0.0385723 0.109 0.0341085 0.0285782 0.109 0.0317903 0.0311388 0.0508864 0.0368293 0.024977 0.0473672 0.0285855 0.0341033 0.109 0.0317903 0.0311388 0.0508864 0.0341085 0.0285782 0.109 0.0418213 0.0152048 0.109 0.0368293 0.024977 0.0473672 0.0428959 0.0118402 0.0419517 0.0341085 0.0285782 0.109 0.0368293 0.024977 0.0473672 0.0418213 0.0152048 0.109 0.0627167 -0.06 0.00994275 0.06271789999999999 -0.06 -0.00993493 0.0635 -0.06 -9.900889999999999e-10 0.0635 0.06 -6.54365e-10 0.0635 -0.06 -9.900889999999999e-10 0.06271789999999999 -0.06 -0.00993493 0.0627167 0.06 0.009942899999999999 0.0627167 -0.06 0.00994275 0.0635 -0.06 -9.900889999999999e-10 0.0627167 0.06 0.009942899999999999 0.0635 -0.06 -9.900889999999999e-10 0.0635 0.06 -6.54365e-10 0.0627167 -0.06 0.00994275 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.06271789999999999 -0.06 -0.00993493 0.0627143 0.06 -0.009956990000000001 0.06271789999999999 -0.06 -0.00993493 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.0627143 0.06 -0.009956990000000001 0.0635 0.06 -6.54365e-10 0.06271789999999999 -0.06 -0.00993493 0.0534224 -0.06 -0.0273143 0.0513792 -0.06 -0.0373136 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.0603737 0.06 -0.0196781 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.0513792 -0.06 -0.0373136 0.0627167 -0.06 0.00994275 0.0603881 -0.06 0.0196342 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.0570433 -0.06 -0.0186024 0.0534224 -0.06 -0.0273143 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.0592568 -0.06 -0.00941434 0.0570433 -0.06 -0.0186024 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.0603737 0.06 -0.0196781 0.0627143 0.06 -0.009956990000000001 0.060389 -0.06 -0.0196309 0.0484996 -0.06 -0.0353233 0.0449027 -0.06 -0.0448987 0.0513792 -0.06 -0.0373136 0.0513346 0.06 -0.0373752 0.0513792 -0.06 -0.0373136 0.0449027 -0.06 -0.0448987 0.0534224 -0.06 -0.0273143 0.0484996 -0.06 -0.0353233 0.0513792 -0.06 -0.0373136 0.0565443 0.06 -0.0288965 0.0603737 0.06 -0.0196781 0.0513792 -0.06 -0.0373136 0.0513346 0.06 -0.0373752 0.0565443 0.06 -0.0288965 0.0513792 -0.06 -0.0373136 0.0352172 -0.06 -0.0485766 0.0373217 -0.06 -0.0513737 0.0449027 -0.06 -0.0448987 0.0513346 0.06 -0.0373752 0.0449027 -0.06 -0.0448987 0.0373217 -0.06 -0.0513737 0.0484996 -0.06 -0.0353233 0.0352172 -0.06 -0.0485766 0.0449027 -0.06 -0.0448987 0.0352172 -0.06 -0.0485766 0.0196373 -0.06 -0.0603871 0.0373217 -0.06 -0.0513737 0.0372815 0.06 -0.051403 0.0373217 -0.06 -0.0513737 0.0196373 -0.06 -0.0603871 0.0372815 0.06 -0.051403 0.0513346 0.06 -0.0373752 0.0373217 -0.06 -0.0513737 0.0185017 -0.06 -0.0570754 2.28755e-05 -0.06 -0.0635 0.0196373 -0.06 -0.0603871 0.0195912 0.06 -0.060402 0.0196373 -0.06 -0.0603871 2.28755e-05 -0.06 -0.0635 0.0352172 -0.06 -0.0485766 0.0185017 -0.06 -0.0570754 0.0196373 -0.06 -0.0603871 0.0195912 0.06 -0.060402 0.0372815 0.06 -0.051403 0.0196373 -0.06 -0.0603871 -0.0185511 -0.06 -0.0570594 -0.0195912 -0.06 -0.060402 2.28755e-05 -0.06 -0.0635 -2.28764e-05 0.06 -0.0635 2.28755e-05 -0.06 -0.0635 -0.0195912 -0.06 -0.060402 -2.63162e-05 -0.06 -0.0599992 -0.0185511 -0.06 -0.0570594 2.28755e-05 -0.06 -0.0635 0.0185017 -0.06 -0.0570754 -2.63162e-05 -0.06 -0.0599992 2.28755e-05 -0.06 -0.0635 -2.28764e-05 0.06 -0.0635 0.0195912 0.06 -0.060402 2.28755e-05 -0.06 -0.0635 -0.0352592 -0.06 -0.0485462 -0.0372815 -0.06 -0.051403 -0.0195912 -0.06 -0.060402 -0.0196373 0.06 -0.0603871 -0.0195912 -0.06 -0.060402 -0.0372815 -0.06 -0.051403 -0.0185511 -0.06 -0.0570594 -0.0352592 -0.06 -0.0485462 -0.0195912 -0.06 -0.060402 -0.0196373 0.06 -0.0603871 -2.28764e-05 0.06 -0.0635 -0.0195912 -0.06 -0.060402 -0.0485445 -0.06 -0.0352612 -0.0513346 -0.06 -0.0373752 -0.0372815 -0.06 -0.051403 -0.0373217 0.06 -0.0513737 -0.0372815 -0.06 -0.051403 -0.0513346 -0.06 -0.0373752 -0.0424236 -0.06 -0.0424285 -0.0485445 -0.06 -0.0352612 -0.0372815 -0.06 -0.051403 -0.0352592 -0.06 -0.0485462 -0.0424236 -0.06 -0.0424285 -0.0372815 -0.06 -0.051403 -0.0373217 0.06 -0.0513737 -0.0196373 0.06 -0.0603871 -0.0372815 -0.06 -0.051403 -0.0570581 -0.06 -0.0185571 -0.0565443 -0.06 -0.0288965 -0.0513346 -0.06 -0.0373752 -0.0513792 0.06 -0.0373136 -0.0513346 -0.06 -0.0373752 -0.0565443 -0.06 -0.0288965 -0.0485445 -0.06 -0.0352612 -0.0570581 -0.06 -0.0185571 -0.0513346 -0.06 -0.0373752 -0.0449027 0.06 -0.0448987 -0.0373217 0.06 -0.0513737 -0.0513346 -0.06 -0.0373752 -0.0513792 0.06 -0.0373136 -0.0449027 0.06 -0.0448987 -0.0513346 -0.06 -0.0373752 -0.05926 -0.06 -0.0093939 -0.0603737 -0.06 -0.0196781 -0.0565443 -0.06 -0.0288965 -0.0513792 0.06 -0.0373136 -0.0565443 -0.06 -0.0288965 -0.0603737 -0.06 -0.0196781 -0.0570581 -0.06 -0.0185571 -0.05926 -0.06 -0.0093939 -0.0565443 -0.06 -0.0288965 -0.060388 -0.06 0.0196345 -0.0627143 -0.06 -0.009956990000000001 -0.0603737 -0.06 -0.0196781 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.0603737 -0.06 -0.0196781 -0.0627143 -0.06 -0.009956990000000001 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.0513792 0.06 -0.0373136 -0.0603737 -0.06 -0.0196781 -0.0627167 -0.06 0.009942899999999999 -0.0635 -0.06 -2.02616e-17 -0.0627143 -0.06 -0.009956990000000001 -0.06271789999999999 0.06 -0.00993493 -0.0627143 -0.06 -0.009956990000000001 -0.0635 -0.06 -2.02616e-17 -0.060388 -0.06 0.0196345 -0.0627167 -0.06 0.009942899999999999 -0.0627143 -0.06 -0.009956990000000001 -0.06271789999999999 0.06 -0.00993493 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.0627143 -0.06 -0.009956990000000001 -0.0635 0.06 1.33227e-17 -0.0635 -0.06 -2.02616e-17 -0.0627167 -0.06 0.009942899999999999 -0.0635 0.06 1.33227e-17 -0.06271789999999999 0.06 -0.00993493 -0.0635 -0.06 -2.02616e-17 -0.0603881 0.06 0.0196342 -0.0627167 -0.06 0.009942899999999999 -0.060388 -0.06 0.0196345 -0.0627167 0.06 0.00994275 -0.0635 0.06 1.33227e-17 -0.0627167 -0.06 0.009942899999999999 -0.0603881 0.06 0.0196342 -0.0627167 0.06 0.00994275 -0.0627167 -0.06 0.009942899999999999 -0.0594997 -0.00773431 0.0221819 -0.060388 -0.06 0.0196345 -0.0513684 -0.06 0.0373292 -0.0594997 -0.00773431 0.0221819 -0.06 1.05118e-05 0.0207906 -0.060388 -0.06 0.0196345 -0.0603881 0.06 0.0196342 -0.060388 -0.06 0.0196345 -0.06 1.05118e-05 0.0207906 -0.0504024 -0.0325516 0.0386245 -0.0513684 -0.06 0.0373292 -0.0373288 -0.06 0.0513686 -0.0571707 -0.0182075 0.0276363 -0.0513684 -0.06 0.0373292 -0.0504024 -0.0325516 0.0386245 -0.0594997 -0.00773431 0.0221819 -0.0513684 -0.06 0.0373292 -0.0571707 -0.0182075 0.0276363 -0.0262265 -0.0539645 0.057831 -0.0373288 -0.06 0.0513686 -0.0196342 -0.06 0.0603881 -0.0390454 -0.0455569 0.050077 -0.0373288 -0.06 0.0513686 -0.0262265 -0.0539645 0.057831 -0.0504024 -0.0325516 0.0386245 -0.0373288 -0.06 0.0513686 -0.0390454 -0.0455569 0.050077 -0.0130953 -0.0585536 0.062135 -0.0196342 -0.06 0.0603881 -0.00994275 -0.06 0.0627167 -0.0262265 -0.0539645 0.057831 -0.0196342 -0.06 0.0603881 -0.0130953 -0.0585536 0.062135 -0.0130953 -0.0585536 0.062135 -0.00994275 -0.06 0.0627167 6.93889e-18 -0.06 0.0635 0.0130941 -0.0585538 0.0621354 6.93889e-18 -0.06 0.0635 0.009942899999999999 -0.06 0.0627167 3.67382e-18 -0.06 0.106 6.93889e-18 -0.06 0.0635 0.0130941 -0.0585538 0.0621354 -0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 6.93889e-18 -0.06 0.0635 3.67382e-18 -0.06 0.106 -0.0130953 -0.0585536 0.062135 6.93889e-18 -0.06 0.0635 -0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 0.0130941 -0.0585538 0.0621354 0.009942899999999999 -0.06 0.0627167 0.0196345 -0.06 0.060388 0.0262243 -0.0539656 0.0578319 0.0196345 -0.06 0.060388 0.0373292 -0.06 0.0513684 0.0262243 -0.0539656 0.0578319 0.0130941 -0.0585538 0.0621354 0.0196345 -0.06 0.060388 0.0390424 -0.0455597 0.0500794 0.0373292 -0.06 0.0513684 0.0513686 -0.06 0.0373288 0.0390424 -0.0455597 0.0500794 0.0262243 -0.0539656 0.0578319 0.0373292 -0.06 0.0513684 0.057169 -0.0182129 0.0276401 0.0513686 -0.06 0.0373288 0.0603881 -0.06 0.0196342 0.0503987 -0.0325572 0.038628 0.0390424 -0.0455597 0.0500794 0.0513686 -0.06 0.0373288 0.057169 -0.0182129 0.0276401 0.0503987 -0.0325572 0.038628 0.0513686 -0.06 0.0373288 0.0627167 0.06 0.009942899999999999 0.0603881 -0.06 0.0196342 0.0627167 -0.06 0.00994275 0.060388 0.06 0.0196345 0.06 -4.61644e-18 0.0207906 0.0603881 -0.06 0.0196342 0.0594988 -0.00773878 0.0221836 0.0603881 -0.06 0.0196342 0.06 -4.61644e-18 0.0207906 0.0627167 0.06 0.009942899999999999 0.060388 0.06 0.0196345 0.0603881 -0.06 0.0196342 0.0594988 -0.00773878 0.0221836 0.057169 -0.0182129 0.0276401 0.0603881 -0.06 0.0196342 -0.0592568 0.06 -0.00941434 -0.05926 -0.06 -0.0093939 -0.0570581 -0.06 -0.0185571 -0.0570433 0.06 -0.0186024 -0.0570581 -0.06 -0.0185571 -0.0485445 -0.06 -0.0352612 -0.0592568 0.06 -0.00941434 -0.0570581 -0.06 -0.0185571 -0.0570433 0.06 -0.0186024 -0.0484996 0.06 -0.0353233 -0.0485445 -0.06 -0.0352612 -0.0424236 -0.06 -0.0424285 -0.0534224 0.06 -0.0273143 -0.0485445 -0.06 -0.0352612 -0.0484996 0.06 -0.0353233 -0.0570433 0.06 -0.0186024 -0.0485445 -0.06 -0.0352612 -0.0534224 0.06 -0.0273143 -0.0484996 0.06 -0.0353233 -0.0424236 -0.06 -0.0424285 -0.0352592 -0.06 -0.0485462 -0.0352172 0.06 -0.0485766 -0.0352592 -0.06 -0.0485462 -0.0185511 -0.06 -0.0570594 -0.0484996 0.06 -0.0353233 -0.0352592 -0.06 -0.0485462 -0.0352172 0.06 -0.0485766 -0.0185017 0.06 -0.0570754 -0.0185511 -0.06 -0.0570594 -2.63162e-05 -0.06 -0.0599992 -0.0352172 0.06 -0.0485766 -0.0185511 -0.06 -0.0570594 -0.0185017 0.06 -0.0570754 2.63162e-05 0.06 -0.0599992 -2.63162e-05 -0.06 -0.0599992 0.0185017 -0.06 -0.0570754 -0.0185017 0.06 -0.0570754 -2.63162e-05 -0.06 -0.0599992 2.63162e-05 0.06 -0.0599992 0.0185511 0.06 -0.0570594 0.0185017 -0.06 -0.0570754 0.0352172 -0.06 -0.0485766 2.63162e-05 0.06 -0.0599992 0.0185017 -0.06 -0.0570754 0.0185511 0.06 -0.0570594 0.0352592 0.06 -0.0485462 0.0352172 -0.06 -0.0485766 0.0484996 -0.06 -0.0353233 0.0185511 0.06 -0.0570594 0.0352172 -0.06 -0.0485766 0.0352592 0.06 -0.0485462 0.0485445 0.06 -0.0352612 0.0484996 -0.06 -0.0353233 0.0534224 -0.06 -0.0273143 0.0424236 0.06 -0.0424285 0.0484996 -0.06 -0.0353233 0.0485445 0.06 -0.0352612 0.0352592 0.06 -0.0485462 0.0484996 -0.06 -0.0353233 0.0424236 0.06 -0.0424285 0.0485445 0.06 -0.0352612 0.0534224 -0.06 -0.0273143 0.0570433 -0.06 -0.0186024 0.0570581 0.06 -0.0185571 0.0570433 -0.06 -0.0186024 0.0592568 -0.06 -0.00941434 0.0485445 0.06 -0.0352612 0.0570433 -0.06 -0.0186024 0.0570581 0.06 -0.0185571 0.0570581 0.06 -0.0185571 0.0592568 -0.06 -0.00941434 0.05926 0.06 -0.0093939 0.0627167 0.06 0.009942899999999999 0.0635 0.06 -6.54365e-10 0.0627143 0.06 -0.009956990000000001 0.060388 0.06 0.0196345 0.0627143 0.06 -0.009956990000000001 0.0603737 0.06 -0.0196781 0.0627167 0.06 0.009942899999999999 0.0627143 0.06 -0.009956990000000001 0.060388 0.06 0.0196345 0.05926 0.06 -0.0093939 0.0603737 0.06 -0.0196781 0.0565443 0.06 -0.0288965 0.0570581 0.06 -0.0185571 0.0565443 0.06 -0.0288965 0.0513346 0.06 -0.0373752 0.0570581 0.06 -0.0185571 0.05926 0.06 -0.0093939 0.0565443 0.06 -0.0288965 0.0485445 0.06 -0.0352612 0.0513346 0.06 -0.0373752 0.0372815 0.06 -0.051403 0.0485445 0.06 -0.0352612 0.0570581 0.06 -0.0185571 0.0513346 0.06 -0.0373752 0.0352592 0.06 -0.0485462 0.0372815 0.06 -0.051403 0.0195912 0.06 -0.060402 0.0424236 0.06 -0.0424285 0.0485445 0.06 -0.0352612 0.0372815 0.06 -0.051403 0.0352592 0.06 -0.0485462 0.0424236 0.06 -0.0424285 0.0372815 0.06 -0.051403 0.0185511 0.06 -0.0570594 0.0195912 0.06 -0.060402 -2.28764e-05 0.06 -0.0635 0.0185511 0.06 -0.0570594 0.0352592 0.06 -0.0485462 0.0195912 0.06 -0.060402 -0.0185017 0.06 -0.0570754 -2.28764e-05 0.06 -0.0635 -0.0196373 0.06 -0.0603871 2.63162e-05 0.06 -0.0599992 0.0185511 0.06 -0.0570594 -2.28764e-05 0.06 -0.0635 -0.0185017 0.06 -0.0570754 2.63162e-05 0.06 -0.0599992 -2.28764e-05 0.06 -0.0635 -0.0352172 0.06 -0.0485766 -0.0196373 0.06 -0.0603871 -0.0373217 0.06 -0.0513737 -0.0352172 0.06 -0.0485766 -0.0185017 0.06 -0.0570754 -0.0196373 0.06 -0.0603871 -0.0352172 0.06 -0.0485766 -0.0373217 0.06 -0.0513737 -0.0449027 0.06 -0.0448987 -0.0484996 0.06 -0.0353233 -0.0449027 0.06 -0.0448987 -0.0513792 0.06 -0.0373136 -0.0484996 0.06 -0.0353233 -0.0352172 0.06 -0.0485766 -0.0449027 0.06 -0.0448987 -0.0534224 0.06 -0.0273143 -0.0513792 0.06 -0.0373136 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.0534224 0.06 -0.0273143 -0.0484996 0.06 -0.0353233 -0.0513792 0.06 -0.0373136 -0.0627167 0.06 0.00994275 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.06271789999999999 0.06 -0.00993493 -0.0603881 0.06 0.0196342 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.0627167 0.06 0.00994275 -0.0570433 0.06 -0.0186024 -0.0534224 0.06 -0.0273143 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.0592568 0.06 -0.00941434 -0.0570433 0.06 -0.0186024 -0.060389 0.06 -0.0196309 -0.0627167 0.06 0.00994275 -0.06271789999999999 0.06 -0.00993493 -0.0635 0.06 1.33227e-17 0.060388 0.06 0.0196345 0.0594991 0.00773892 0.0221835 0.06 -4.61644e-18 0.0207906 0.06 -8.841430000000001e-18 0.106 0.06 -4.61644e-18 0.0207906 0.0594991 0.00773892 0.0221835 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.0594988 -0.00773878 0.0221836 0.06 -4.61644e-18 0.0207906 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.06 -4.61644e-18 0.0207906 0.06 -8.841430000000001e-18 0.106 0.0513684 0.06 0.0373292 0.0571689 0.018213 0.0276399 0.0594991 0.00773892 0.0221835 0.06 -8.841430000000001e-18 0.106 0.0594991 0.00773892 0.0221835 0.0571689 0.018213 0.0276399 0.060388 0.06 0.0196345 0.0513684 0.06 0.0373292 0.0594991 0.00773892 0.0221835 0.0513684 0.06 0.0373292 0.0503991 0.0325566 0.0386287 0.0571689 0.018213 0.0276399 0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.0571689 0.018213 0.0276399 0.0503991 0.0325566 0.0386287 0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.06 -8.841430000000001e-18 0.106 0.0571689 0.018213 0.0276399 0.0373288 0.06 0.0513686 0.0390423 0.0455596 0.0500794 0.0503991 0.0325566 0.0386287 0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 0.0503991 0.0325566 0.0386287 0.0390423 0.0455596 0.0500794 0.0513684 0.06 0.0373292 0.0373288 0.06 0.0513686 0.0503991 0.0325566 0.0386287 0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.0503991 0.0325566 0.0386287 0.0373288 0.06 0.0513686 0.0262243 0.0539655 0.057832 0.0390423 0.0455596 0.0500794 0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 0.0390423 0.0455596 0.0500794 0.0262243 0.0539655 0.057832 0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 0.0390423 0.0455596 0.0500794 0.0196342 0.06 0.0603881 0.0130941 0.0585539 0.0621353 0.0262243 0.0539655 0.057832 0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 0.0262243 0.0539655 0.057832 0.0130941 0.0585539 0.0621353 0.0373288 0.06 0.0513686 0.0196342 0.06 0.0603881 0.0262243 0.0539655 0.057832 0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 0.0262243 0.0539655 0.057832 0.00994275 0.06 0.0627167 0 0.06 0.0635 0.0130941 0.0585539 0.0621353 0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 0.0130941 0.0585539 0.0621353 0 0.06 0.0635 0.0196342 0.06 0.0603881 0.00994275 0.06 0.0627167 0.0130941 0.0585539 0.0621353 -1.10215e-17 0.06 0.106 0 0.06 0.0635 -0.0130915 0.0585544 0.0621359 -0.009942899999999999 0.06 0.0627167 -0.0130915 0.0585544 0.0621359 0 0.06 0.0635 -1.10215e-17 0.06 0.106 0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 0 0.06 0.0635 0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 0.0130941 -0.0585538 0.0621354 0.0262243 -0.0539656 0.0578319 3.67382e-18 -0.06 0.106 0.0130941 -0.0585538 0.0621354 0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 0.0262243 -0.0539656 0.0578319 0.0390424 -0.0455597 0.0500794 0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 0.0262243 -0.0539656 0.0578319 0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 0.0390424 -0.0455597 0.0500794 0.0503987 -0.0325572 0.038628 0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 0.0390424 -0.0455597 0.0500794 0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.0503987 -0.0325572 0.038628 0.057169 -0.0182129 0.0276401 0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 0.0503987 -0.0325572 0.038628 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.057169 -0.0182129 0.0276401 0.0594988 -0.00773878 0.0221836 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 -0.06 1.05118e-05 0.0207906 -0.06 -3.08844e-17 0.106 -0.0594997 -0.00773431 0.0221819 -0.06 -3.08844e-17 0.106 -0.06 1.05118e-05 0.0207906 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 -0.06 -3.08844e-17 0.106 -0.0597716 -3.11113e-17 0.107148 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.06 -3.08844e-17 0.106 -0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 -0.0597716 -3.11113e-17 0.107148 -0.06 -3.08844e-17 0.106 -0.0571707 -0.0182075 0.0276363 -0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 -0.06 -3.08844e-17 0.106 -0.0594997 -0.00773431 0.0221819 -0.0571707 -0.0182075 0.0276363 -0.06 -3.08844e-17 0.106 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 -0.0594974 0.00774962 0.0221874 -0.06 1.05118e-05 0.0207906 -0.0603881 0.06 0.0196342 -0.06 1.05118e-05 0.0207906 -0.0594974 0.00774962 0.0221874 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 -0.0571649 0.0182256 0.0276484 -0.0594974 0.00774962 0.0221874 -0.0603881 0.06 0.0196342 -0.0594974 0.00774962 0.0221874 -0.0571649 0.0182256 0.0276484 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 -0.0503916 0.0325682 0.0386373 -0.0571649 0.0182256 0.0276484 -0.0513686 0.06 0.0373288 -0.0571649 0.0182256 0.0276484 -0.0503916 0.0325682 0.0386373 -0.0513686 0.06 0.0373288 -0.0603881 0.06 0.0196342 -0.0571649 0.0182256 0.0276484 -0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 -0.0390356 0.0455656 0.0500847 -0.0503916 0.0325682 0.0386373 -0.0513686 0.06 0.0373288 -0.0503916 0.0325682 0.0386373 -0.0390356 0.0455656 0.0500847 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 -0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 -0.0503916 0.0325682 0.0386373 -0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 -0.0262194 0.053968 0.0578341 -0.0390356 0.0455656 0.0500847 -0.0373292 0.06 0.0513684 -0.0390356 0.0455656 0.0500847 -0.0262194 0.053968 0.0578341 -0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 -0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 -0.0390356 0.0455656 0.0500847 -0.0373292 0.06 0.0513684 -0.0513686 0.06 0.0373288 -0.0390356 0.0455656 0.0500847 -0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -0.0130915 0.0585544 0.0621359 -0.0262194 0.053968 0.0578341 -0.0196345 0.06 0.060388 -0.0262194 0.053968 0.0578341 -0.0130915 0.0585544 0.0621359 -0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 -0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -0.0262194 0.053968 0.0578341 -0.0196345 0.06 0.060388 -0.0373292 0.06 0.0513684 -0.0262194 0.053968 0.0578341 -0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -1.10215e-17 0.06 0.106 -0.0130915 0.0585544 0.0621359 -0.009942899999999999 0.06 0.0627167 -0.0196345 0.06 0.060388 -0.0130915 0.0585544 0.0621359 0.0597716 -2.37916e-17 0.107148 0.06 -8.841430000000001e-18 0.106 0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 0.06 -8.841430000000001e-18 0.106 0.0597716 -2.37916e-17 0.107148 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.06 -8.841430000000001e-18 0.106 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 0.0591213 -9.52759e-18 0.108121 0.0597716 -2.37916e-17 0.107148 0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.0591213 -9.52759e-18 0.108121 0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -1.10215e-17 0.06 0.106 0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -1.08601e-17 0.0591213 0.108121 -1.10215e-17 0.06 0.106 -0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -1.08601e-17 0.0591213 0.108121 0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 -1.10215e-17 0.06 0.106 -0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 -0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 -0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 -1.08601e-17 0.0591213 0.108121 -0.018541 0.0570634 0.106 -0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 -0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 -0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 -0.0352671 0.048541 0.106 -0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 -0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 -0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 -0.048541 0.0352671 0.106 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0570634 0.018541 0.106 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 0.0597716 -2.37916e-17 0.107148 0.0591213 -9.52759e-18 0.108121 0.058148 -9.91054e-18 0.108772 0.0591213 -9.52759e-18 0.108121 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.0562974 -0.00892182 0.109 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 0.0591213 -9.52759e-18 0.108121 0.0562974 -0.00892182 0.109 0.0591213 -9.52759e-18 0.108121 0.058148 -9.91054e-18 0.108772 0.0541918 0.0176704 0.109 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 0.058148 -9.91054e-18 0.108772 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.057 -2.59376e-17 0.109 0.0562943 0.00894113 0.109 0.057 -2.59376e-17 0.109 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.0562943 0.00894113 0.109 0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 0.0541918 0.0176704 0.109 0.046073 0.0335593 0.109 0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 0.0507506 0.0259499 0.109 0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 0.046073 0.0335593 0.109 0.0541918 0.0176704 0.109 0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 0.0507506 0.0259499 0.109 0.0334554 0.0461485 0.109 0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 0.046073 0.0335593 0.109 0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 0.0334554 0.0461485 0.109 0.0175766 0.0542217 0.109 0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 -1.08601e-17 0.0591213 0.108121 0.0334554 0.0461485 0.109 0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 0.0175766 0.0542217 0.109 -2.75975e-05 0.0569993 0.109 -1.08601e-17 0.0591213 0.108121 -0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 0.0175766 0.0542217 0.109 -1.08601e-17 0.0591213 0.108121 -2.75975e-05 0.0569993 0.109 -0.0176283 0.0542049 0.109 -0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 -0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 -2.75975e-05 0.0569993 0.109 -0.0182695 0.0562277 0.108121 -0.0176283 0.0542049 0.109 -0.0403049 0.0403046 0.109 -0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0334996 0.0461165 0.109 -0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0403049 0.0403046 0.109 -0.0176283 0.0542049 0.109 -0.0347506 0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0334996 0.0461165 0.109 -0.0461182 0.033497 0.109 -0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0403049 0.0403046 0.109 -0.0478302 0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0461182 0.033497 0.109 -0.0597716 -3.11113e-17 0.107148 -0.0591213 -3.12477e-17 0.108121 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0562974 0.00892182 0.109 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0591213 -3.12477e-17 0.108121 -0.054206 0.0176267 0.109 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0562974 0.00892182 0.109 -0.0461182 0.033497 0.109 -0.0562277 0.0182695 0.108121 -0.054206 0.0176267 0.109 -0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 -0.0591213 -3.12477e-17 0.108121 -0.0597716 -3.11113e-17 0.107148 -0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0591213 -3.12477e-17 0.108121 -0.058148 -3.12731e-17 0.108772 -0.0591213 -3.12477e-17 0.108121 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0562974 0.00892182 0.109 -0.0591213 -3.12477e-17 0.108121 -0.058148 -3.12731e-17 0.108772 -0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 -0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0541918 -0.0176704 0.109 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 -0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.057 -3.38616e-18 0.109 -0.058148 -3.12731e-17 0.108772 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0562943 -0.00894113 0.109 -0.057 -3.38616e-18 0.109 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0541918 -0.0176704 0.109 -0.0562943 -0.00894113 0.109 -0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 -0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 -0.046073 -0.0335593 0.109 -0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 -0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 -0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 -0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 -0.0507506 -0.0259499 0.109 -0.0541918 -0.0176704 0.109 -0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 -0.046073 -0.0335593 0.109 -0.0507506 -0.0259499 0.109 -0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 -0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 -0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 -0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0334554 -0.0461485 0.109 -0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 -0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 -0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 -0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 -0.0334554 -0.0461485 0.109 -0.046073 -0.0335593 0.109 -0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 3.67382e-18 -0.06 0.106 -9.50755e-18 -0.0591213 0.108121 -0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 -0.0175766 -0.0542217 0.109 -0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 -9.50755e-18 -0.0591213 0.108121 -0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 3.67382e-18 -0.06 0.106 -0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 -0.0175766 -0.0542217 0.109 -0.0334554 -0.0461485 0.109 -0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 -9.50755e-18 -0.0591213 0.108121 2.75975e-05 -0.0569993 0.109 -9.50755e-18 -0.0591213 0.108121 0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 3.67382e-18 -0.06 0.106 0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 -9.50755e-18 -0.0591213 0.108121 2.75975e-05 -0.0569993 0.109 -0.0175766 -0.0542217 0.109 -9.50755e-18 -0.0591213 0.108121 0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 0.0176283 -0.0542049 0.109 0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 0.0176283 -0.0542049 0.109 2.75975e-05 -0.0569993 0.109 0.0182695 -0.0562277 0.108121 0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 0.0403049 -0.0403046 0.109 0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 0.0334996 -0.0461165 0.109 0.0176283 -0.0542049 0.109 0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 0.0403049 -0.0403046 0.109 0.0334996 -0.0461165 0.109 0.0347506 -0.0478302 0.108121 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 0.0461182 -0.033497 0.109 0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 0.0570634 -0.018541 0.106 0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 0.0461182 -0.033497 0.109 0.0403049 -0.0403046 0.109 0.0478302 -0.0347506 0.108121 0.054206 -0.0176267 0.109 0.0461182 -0.033497 0.109 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 0.0562974 -0.00892182 0.109 0.054206 -0.0176267 0.109 0.0562277 -0.0182695 0.108121 -0.0262265 -0.0539645 0.057831 -0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 -0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 -0.0262265 -0.0539645 0.057831 -0.0130953 -0.0585536 0.062135 -0.018541 -0.0570634 0.106 -0.0390454 -0.0455569 0.050077 -0.0352671 -0.048541 0.106 -0.048541 -0.0352671 0.106 -0.0390454 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0.03082780000000002 -0.0895 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.06420400000000002 0.03482480000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 0.03482490000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03200000000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03482500000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03482500000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 0.03482490000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03200000000000001 -0.0413385 0.036236 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0155339 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0155339 0.06400000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0155339 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0355013 0.04503800000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0155339 0.06400000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.038244 0.03832300000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0355013 0.04503800000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0413385 0.036236 0.03200000000000001 -0.038244 0.03832300000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0062756 -0.039504 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0062574 -0.03950800000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0062756 -0.039504 0.03200000000000001 0.0010156 0.05636300000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.000266401 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0010156 0.05636300000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0155339 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.000266401 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123607 -0.03804200000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0123607 -0.03804200000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0123363 -0.03804900000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0062574 -0.03950800000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0234955 -0.032371 0.03200000000000001 0.0062756 -0.039504 0.03200000000000001 0.0062574 -0.03950800000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0062756 -0.039504 0.03200000000000001 0.0234955 -0.032371 0.03200000000000001 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0062756 -0.039504 0.03200000000000001 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0356275 -0.018182 0.03200000000000001 0.0234955 -0.032371 0.03200000000000001 0.0235114 -0.03236100000000001 0.03482500000000002 0.0234955 -0.032371 0.03200000000000001 0.0356275 -0.018182 0.03200000000000001 0.0062574 -0.03950800000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0234955 -0.032371 0.03200000000000001 0.0235114 -0.03236100000000001 0.03482500000000002 0.0369551 0.015307 0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03200000000000001 0.0356275 -0.018182 0.03200000000000001 0.0356403 -0.01816 0.03482500000000002 0.0356275 -0.018182 0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03200000000000001 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0369551 0.015307 0.03200000000000001 0.0356275 -0.018182 0.03200000000000001 0.0235114 -0.03236100000000001 0.03482500000000002 0.0356275 -0.018182 0.03200000000000001 0.0356403 -0.01816 0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03200000000000001 0.0369551 0.015307 0.03200000000000001 0.0356403 -0.01816 0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03482500000000002 0.0369552 0.015307 0.03482500000000002 0.0369551 0.015307 0.03200000000000001 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03482500000000002 0.0369551 0.015307 0.03200000000000001 0.0369552 0.015307 0.03482500000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0369552 0.015307 0.03482500000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03200000000000001 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03482500000000002 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0010156 0.05636300000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03482500000000002 0.000489602 0.05747800000000004 0.03482500000000002 0.0010156 0.05636300000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.000266401 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 0.000489602 0.05747800000000004 0.03482500000000002 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03482500000000002 0.0010156 0.05636300000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0151394 0.06167500000000002 0.03163220000000002 -0.000266401 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0155339 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.000448002 0.06129100000000003 0.03178580000000002 -0.000266401 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0151394 0.06167500000000002 0.03163220000000002 0.000489602 0.05747800000000004 0.03482500000000002 -0.000266401 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.000448002 0.06129100000000003 0.03178580000000002 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0155339 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0155339 0.06400000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0151394 0.06167500000000002 0.03163220000000002 -0.0155339 0.06000000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0355013 0.04503800000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.038286 0.05172000000000004 0.03200000000000001 -0.0155339 0.06400000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0155339 0.06400000000000003 0.03200000000000001 -0.0195039 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.0382824 0.05171700000000003 0.0115 -0.038286 0.05172000000000004 0.03200000000000001 -0.0355013 0.04503800000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0355 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0355013 0.04503800000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.038244 0.03832300000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0382824 0.05171700000000003 0.0115 -0.0355013 0.04503800000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0355 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0382826 0.038282 0.0115 -0.038244 0.03832300000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0413385 0.036236 0.03200000000000001 -0.0355 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.038244 0.03832300000000002 0.03200000000000001 -0.0382826 0.038282 0.0115 -0.0195039 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.0238281 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0233242 0.5500000000000003 0.03771340000000001 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0195039 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0195039 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.07049610000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.0641352 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0258644 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0641352 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0258644 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.07049610000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.06676360000000001 0.5500000000000003 0.03766230000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.07049610000000001 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.0015 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0015 0.06400000000000003 -4.393700000000002e-15 -0.0029841 0.5500000000000003 -0.0112601 -0.0015 0.06400000000000003 -4.393700000000002e-15 -0.0015 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.0015 0.06400000000000003 -4.393700000000002e-15 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 -0.02800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0015 0.06400000000000003 -4.393700000000002e-15 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 -0.0149016 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 -0.02800000000000002 -0.0015 0.06400000000000003 -4.393700000000002e-15 -0.0029841 0.5500000000000003 -0.0112601 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 -0.0149016 -0.0015 0.06400000000000003 -4.393700000000002e-15 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.0029994 0.5500000000000003 0.0113163 -0.0015 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0020177 0.5500000000000003 0.0115168 -0.0015 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0029994 0.5500000000000003 0.0113163 -0.0020333 0.5500000000000003 -0.0115743 -0.0029841 0.5500000000000003 -0.0112601 -0.0015 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0020333 0.5500000000000003 -0.0115743 -0.0015 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.000499999 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0020177 0.5500000000000003 0.0115168 -0.000499999 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0015 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0029994 0.5500000000000003 0.0113163 -0.0064766 0.5500000000000003 0.0222711 -0.0029994 0.5500000000000003 0.0113163 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0020177 0.5500000000000003 0.0115168 -0.0029994 0.5500000000000003 0.0113163 -0.0064766 0.5500000000000003 0.0222711 -0.0227385 0.5500000000000003 0.03852950000000002 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0233242 0.5500000000000003 0.03771340000000001 -0.0137928 0.06326900000000003 0.03030450000000002 -0.0151394 0.06167500000000002 0.03163220000000002 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0117096 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0137928 0.06326900000000003 0.03030450000000002 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.0117096 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0064766 0.5500000000000003 0.0222711 -0.007399 0.5500000000000003 0.0218677 -0.0227385 0.5500000000000003 0.03852950000000002 -0.045 0.08500000000000003 0.04349820000000001 -0.0450178 0.5500000000000003 0.04349990000000001 -0.0233242 0.5500000000000003 0.03771340000000001 -0.044985 0.5500000000000003 0.04449990000000002 -0.0233242 0.5500000000000003 0.03771340000000001 -0.0450178 0.5500000000000003 0.04349990000000001 -0.0238281 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.045 0.08500000000000003 0.04349820000000001 -0.0233242 0.5500000000000003 0.03771340000000001 -0.0238281 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0233242 0.5500000000000003 0.03771340000000001 -0.0195039 0.06400000000000003 0.03524480000000001 -0.0227385 0.5500000000000003 0.03852950000000002 -0.0233242 0.5500000000000003 0.03771340000000001 -0.044985 0.5500000000000003 0.04449990000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06676360000000001 0.5500000000000003 0.03766230000000002 -0.0450178 0.5500000000000003 0.04349990000000001 -0.044985 0.5500000000000003 0.04449990000000002 -0.0450178 0.5500000000000003 0.04349990000000001 -0.06676360000000001 0.5500000000000003 0.03766230000000002 -0.045 0.08500000000000003 0.04349820000000001 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0450178 0.5500000000000003 0.04349990000000001 -0.0782904 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0826564 0.5500000000000003 0.0217728 -0.06676360000000001 0.5500000000000003 0.03766230000000002 -0.0671765 0.5500000000000003 0.03857900000000002 -0.06676360000000001 0.5500000000000003 0.03766230000000002 -0.0826564 0.5500000000000003 0.0217728 -0.07620730000000001 0.06327000000000003 0.03030430000000002 -0.0782904 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.06676360000000001 0.5500000000000003 0.03766230000000002 -0.0748606 0.06167600000000004 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0.5500000000000003 0.0115743 -0.08701589999999999 0.5500000000000003 0.0112601 -0.0885 0.5500000000000003 1.908200000000006e-17 -0.0858679 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.0885 0.06400000000000003 1.07914e-16 -0.08701589999999999 0.5500000000000003 0.0112601 -0.0834675 0.5500000000000003 0.0223669 -0.08701589999999999 0.5500000000000003 0.0112601 -0.08796669999999999 0.5500000000000003 0.0115743 -0.0858679 0.06400000000000003 -0.0149016 -0.0885 0.5500000000000003 1.908200000000006e-17 -0.0885 0.06400000000000003 1.07914e-16 -0.0870006 0.5500000000000003 -0.0113163 -0.0885 0.5500000000000003 1.908200000000006e-17 -0.0858679 0.06400000000000003 -0.0149016 -0.0879823 0.5500000000000003 -0.0115168 -0.0885 0.5500000000000003 1.908200000000006e-17 -0.0870006 0.5500000000000003 -0.0113163 -0.0895 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0885 0.5500000000000003 1.908200000000006e-17 -0.0879823 0.5500000000000003 -0.0115168 -0.08796669999999999 0.5500000000000003 0.0115743 -0.0885 0.5500000000000003 1.908200000000006e-17 -0.0895 0.5500000000000003 5.423418723394457e-32 -0.0895 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0885 0.06400000000000003 1.07914e-16 -0.0858679 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.0895 0.06400000000000003 -0.02800000000000002 -0.0885 0.06400000000000003 1.07914e-16 -0.0895 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0858679 0.06400000000000003 -0.0149016 -0.0885 0.06400000000000003 1.07914e-16 -0.0895 0.06400000000000003 -0.02800000000000002 -0.0895 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0858679 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.0782904 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0895 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0782904 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.07620730000000001 0.06327000000000003 0.03030430000000002 -0.0895 0.06282800000000002 0.03082780000000002 -0.07620730000000001 0.06327000000000003 0.03030430000000002 -0.0748606 0.06167600000000004 0.03163210000000002 -0.0895 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.07620730000000001 0.06327000000000003 0.03030430000000002 -0.0895 0.06282800000000002 0.03082780000000002 -0.068157 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0704178 0.08039700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.068157 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0704178 0.08039700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0641352 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0570152 0.08500000000000003 0.04284610000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.045 0.08500000000000003 0.04349820000000001 -0.068157 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0570152 0.08500000000000003 0.04284610000000002 -0.0329852 0.08500000000000003 0.04284620000000001 -0.045 0.08500000000000003 0.04349820000000001 -0.0238281 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0450003 0.08500000000000003 0.04449990000000002 -0.045 0.08500000000000003 0.04349820000000001 -0.0329852 0.08500000000000003 0.04284620000000001 -0.0570152 0.08500000000000003 0.04284610000000002 -0.045 0.08500000000000003 0.04349820000000001 -0.0450003 0.08500000000000003 0.04449990000000002 -0.0222882 0.08320800000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0329852 0.08500000000000003 0.04284620000000001 -0.0238281 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.021843 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0222882 0.08320800000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.021843 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0209279 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0222882 0.08320800000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0241722 0.08423800000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0209279 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0241722 0.08423800000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0238281 0.08408800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.0258644 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 0.03115930000000002 -0.0151394 0.06167500000000002 0.03163220000000002 -0.0137928 0.06326900000000003 0.03030450000000002 -0.000448002 0.06129100000000003 0.03178580000000002 -0.0151394 0.06167500000000002 0.03163220000000002 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 0.03115930000000002 -0.000499999 0.06359200000000002 0.02975840000000002 -0.0137928 0.06326900000000003 0.03030450000000002 -0.0117096 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06359200000000002 0.02975840000000002 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 0.03115930000000002 -0.0137928 0.06326900000000003 0.03030450000000002 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0117096 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.0041321 0.06400000000000003 0.0149016 -0.000499999 0.06359200000000002 0.02975840000000002 -0.0117096 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.08074500000000003 0.0149904 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 -0.02800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06420300000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.000499999 0.06359200000000002 0.02975840000000002 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 0.02800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.08074500000000003 0.0149904 -0.000499999 0.06420300000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.000499999 0.06400000000000003 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0.03482500000000002 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 0.03482500000000002 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 0.03115930000000002 9.65986e-05 0.05731600000000003 0.03641250000000001 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03482500000000002 0.000489602 0.05747800000000004 0.03482500000000002 0.00265 0.05260300000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03482500000000002 9.65986e-05 0.05731600000000003 0.03641250000000001 0.00265 0.05260300000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0033076 0.05326100000000003 0.03482500000000002 -0.0014299 0.06245300000000004 0.03707010000000002 0.000489602 0.05747800000000004 0.03482500000000002 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 0.03482500000000002 -0.0014299 0.06245300000000004 0.03707010000000002 9.65986e-05 0.05731600000000003 0.03641250000000001 0.000489602 0.05747800000000004 0.03482500000000002 -0.000926102 0.06305400000000003 0.03641370000000001 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 0.03482500000000002 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0.06167600000000004 -0.03163210000000002 -0.000499999 0.06245300000000004 -0.03115930000000002 -0.0137927 0.06327000000000003 -0.03030430000000002 -0.0062009 0.08500000000000003 0.0217917 -0.000499999 0.06420300000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.000499999 0.08074500000000003 0.0149904 -0.021843 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06420300000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0062009 0.08500000000000003 0.0217917 -0.013628 0.07672600000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.000499999 0.06420300000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.021843 0.08500000000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.000926102 0.06305400000000003 0.03641370000000001 -0.000499999 0.06420300000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.013628 0.07672600000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0062009 0.08500000000000003 0.0217917 -0.000499999 0.08074500000000003 0.0149904 -0.000499999 0.08500000000000003 4.39071e-09 -0.0062009 0.08500000000000003 -0.0217917 -0.000499999 0.08500000000000003 4.39071e-09 -0.000499999 0.08076700000000003 -0.0149503 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0.04496200000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.038286 0.03828000000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 -0.03200000000000001 1.78814e-09 -0.04000000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 0.0062762 -0.039504 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0123359 -0.03804900000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0153073 -0.03695500000000002 -0.03482500000000002 1.78814e-09 -0.04000000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0123359 -0.03804900000000002 -0.03200000000000001 0.02 -0.03464100000000002 -0.03482500000000002 0.023496 -0.032371 -0.03200000000000001 0.0062762 -0.039504 -0.03200000000000001 1.78814e-09 -0.04000000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 0.02 -0.03464100000000002 -0.03482500000000002 0.0062762 -0.039504 -0.03200000000000001 0.034641 -0.02 -0.03482500000000002 0.0356277 -0.018182 -0.03200000000000001 0.023496 -0.032371 -0.03200000000000001 0.02 -0.03464100000000002 -0.03482500000000002 0.034641 -0.02 -0.03482500000000002 0.023496 -0.032371 -0.03200000000000001 0.0369551 0.015307 -0.03200000000000001 0.0356277 -0.018182 -0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03200000000000001 0.0356277 -0.018182 -0.03200000000000001 0.034641 -0.02 -0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03482500000000002 0.0356277 -0.018182 -0.03200000000000001 0.0369552 0.015307 -0.03482500000000002 0.0369551 0.015307 -0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03200000000000001 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03482500000000002 0.0369552 0.015307 -0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03200000000000001 0.0368776 0.012904 -0.03707010000000002 0.0369552 0.015307 -0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03482500000000002 0.0368776 0.012904 -0.03707010000000002 0.0276267 0.02762700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 0.0369552 0.015307 -0.03482500000000002 0.0388244 -0.004373980000000002 -0.03707010000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03482500000000002 0.034641 -0.02 -0.03482500000000002 0.0388244 -0.004373980000000002 -0.03707010000000002 0.0368776 0.012904 -0.03707010000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 -0.03482500000000002 0.0330816 -0.020787 -0.03707010000000002 0.034641 -0.02 -0.03482500000000002 0.02 -0.03464100000000002 -0.03482500000000002 0.0330816 -0.020787 -0.03707010000000002 0.0388244 -0.004373980000000002 -0.03707010000000002 0.034641 -0.02 -0.03482500000000002 0.0043745 -0.038824 -0.03707010000000002 0.02 -0.03464100000000002 -0.03482500000000002 1.78814e-09 -0.04000000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 0.0207865 -0.03308200000000001 -0.03707010000000002 0.0330816 -0.020787 -0.03707010000000002 0.02 -0.03464100000000002 -0.03482500000000002 0.0043745 -0.038824 -0.03707010000000002 0.0207865 -0.03308200000000001 -0.03707010000000002 0.02 -0.03464100000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.012904 -0.03687800000000001 -0.03707010000000002 1.78814e-09 -0.04000000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0153073 -0.03695500000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.012904 -0.03687800000000001 -0.03707010000000002 0.0043745 -0.038824 -0.03707010000000002 1.78814e-09 -0.04000000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.012904 -0.03687800000000001 -0.03707010000000002 -0.0153073 -0.03695500000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0815201 0.02626700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0276267 -0.02762700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 -0.012904 -0.03687800000000001 -0.03707010000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0815201 0.02626700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 -0.0276267 -0.02762700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.06000000000000003 -0.03200000000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.07446609999999999 0.06000000000000003 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.06000000000000003 -0.03200000000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03200000000000001 -0.087204 0.03388200000000002 -0.03641250000000001 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.087204 0.03388200000000002 -0.03641250000000001 -0.0815201 0.02626700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.06000000000000003 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.06420300000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.06420300000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0895 0.06000000000000003 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0885701 0.04328700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0895 0.04328700000000002 -0.03482500000000002 -0.0885701 0.04328700000000002 -0.03707010000000002 -0.087204 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0.08500000000000003 -0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.0704178 0.08039700000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 -0.04082500000000001 -0.0704178 0.08039700000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 -0.04082500000000001 -0.07199999999999999 0.07499900000000002 -0.04082500000000001 -0.0704178 0.08039700000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08500000000000003 -0.03800000000000002 -0.06667579999999999 0.5500000000000003 -0.03771340000000001 -0.07049610000000001 0.06400000000000003 -0.03524480000000001 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 -0.04082500000000001 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.0641352 0.08476800000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.0238281 0.06400000000000003 -0.03800000000000002 -0.0641352 0.08476800000000002 -0.03800000000000002 -0.06617190000000001 0.08408700000000002 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0.0331021 0.011583 -0.04307010000000001 -0.0034764 0.05549700000000003 -0.04241250000000002 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 -0.04307010000000001 -0.0045419 0.05503300000000003 -0.0435746 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 -0.04307010000000001 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 -0.044 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 -0.044 -0.068825 0.07499900000000002 -0.044 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 -0.044 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 -0.044 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 -0.04307010000000001 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 -0.04307010000000001 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 -0.044 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 -0.04307010000000001 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 -0.044 -0.0082256 0.06420700000000003 -0.044 -0.068825 0.07499900000000002 -0.044 -0.0082256 0.06420700000000003 -0.044 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 -0.044 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 -0.04307010000000001 -0.0045419 0.05503300000000003 -0.0435746 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 -0.044 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 -0.04307010000000001 -0.0034764 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0.03800000000000002 0.0368776 0.012904 0.03707010000000002 0.0276267 0.02762700000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0340218 0.014092 0.03800000000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0276267 0.02762700000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0368776 0.012904 0.03707010000000002 0.00265 0.05260300000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0276267 0.02762700000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03482500000000002 0.0368776 0.012904 0.03707010000000002 0.0388244 -0.004373980000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0369552 0.015307 0.03482500000000002 0.0282843 0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0368776 0.012904 0.03707010000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03482500000000002 0.0369552 0.015307 0.03482500000000002 0.0368776 0.012904 0.03707010000000002 0.0356403 -0.01816 0.03482500000000002 0.0388244 -0.004373980000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0330816 -0.020787 0.03707010000000002 0.0356403 -0.01816 0.03482500000000002 0.04 -1.19209e-08 0.03482500000000002 0.0388244 -0.004373980000000002 0.03707010000000002 0.0235114 -0.03236100000000001 0.03482500000000002 0.0330816 -0.020787 0.03707010000000002 0.0207865 -0.03308200000000001 0.03707010000000002 0.0235114 -0.03236100000000001 0.03482500000000002 0.0356403 -0.01816 0.03482500000000002 0.0330816 -0.020787 0.03707010000000002 0.0062574 -0.03950800000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0207865 -0.03308200000000001 0.03707010000000002 0.0043745 -0.038824 0.03707010000000002 0.0062574 -0.03950800000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0235114 -0.03236100000000001 0.03482500000000002 0.0207865 -0.03308200000000001 0.03707010000000002 -0.0123607 -0.03804200000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0043745 -0.038824 0.03707010000000002 -0.012904 -0.03687800000000001 0.03707010000000002 -0.0123607 -0.03804200000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0062574 -0.03950800000000002 0.03482500000000002 0.0043745 -0.038824 0.03707010000000002 -0.0123607 -0.03804200000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.012904 -0.03687800000000001 0.03707010000000002 -0.0276267 -0.02762700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.0123607 -0.03804200000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0276267 -0.02762700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0282843 -0.02828400000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0276267 -0.02762700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.0815201 0.02626700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0276267 -0.02762700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03482500000000002 -0.08217770000000001 0.02560900000000002 0.03482500000000002 -0.0815201 0.02626700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.087204 0.03388200000000002 0.03641250000000001 -0.0815201 0.02626700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.08613030000000001 0.03432700000000002 0.03757460000000001 -0.08759699999999999 0.03372000000000001 0.03482500000000002 -0.0815201 0.02626700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.087204 0.03388200000000002 0.03641250000000001 -0.0885701 0.04328700000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.087204 0.03388200000000002 0.03641250000000001 -0.08613030000000001 0.03432700000000002 0.03757460000000001 9.65986e-05 0.05731600000000003 0.03641250000000001 -0.000977101 0.05687100000000003 0.03757460000000001 0.00265 0.05260300000000002 0.03707010000000002 -0.0014299 0.06245300000000004 0.03707010000000002 -0.000977101 0.05687100000000003 0.03757460000000001 9.65986e-05 0.05731600000000003 0.03641250000000001 -0.000926102 0.06305400000000003 0.03641370000000001 -0.0020032 0.06323100000000002 0.03752420000000001 -0.0014299 0.06245300000000004 0.03707010000000002 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.0641352 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.062 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.062 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.062 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0698549 0.07953400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.07199999999999999 0.07499900000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.066535 0.08285400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.062 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0698549 0.07953400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.066535 0.08285400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0690711 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0710701 0.02730200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.07199999999999999 0.07499900000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.07199999999999999 0.02730200000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0710701 0.07499900000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.07199999999999999 0.07499900000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0710701 0.02730200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0698549 0.07953400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.07199999999999999 0.07499900000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0710701 0.07499900000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.07046520000000001 0.021724 0.04241250000000002 -0.07199999999999999 0.02730200000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0708582 0.021561 0.04082500000000001 -0.0710701 0.02730200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.07199999999999999 0.02730200000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.07046520000000001 0.021724 0.04241250000000002 -0.06694899999999999 0.017352 0.04307010000000001 -0.0708582 0.021561 0.04082500000000001 -0.0676066 0.016695 0.04082500000000001 -0.07046520000000001 0.021724 0.04241250000000002 -0.0708582 0.021561 0.04082500000000001 -0.06694899999999999 0.017352 0.04307010000000001 -0.0247983 -0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0676066 0.016695 0.04082500000000001 -0.0254558 -0.02545600000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.06694899999999999 0.017352 0.04307010000000001 -0.0676066 0.016695 0.04082500000000001 -0.0247983 -0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0247983 -0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0254558 -0.02545600000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0137766 -0.03326 0.04082500000000001 -0.0115829 -0.03310200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0137766 -0.03326 0.04082500000000001 1.78814e-09 -0.036 0.04082500000000001 -0.0247983 -0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0137766 -0.03326 0.04082500000000001 -0.0115829 -0.03310200000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0039266 -0.03485000000000002 0.04307010000000001 1.78814e-09 -0.036 0.04082500000000001 0.0104502 -0.03445000000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0115829 -0.03310200000000002 0.04307010000000001 1.78814e-09 -0.036 0.04082500000000001 0.0039266 -0.03485000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0186584 -0.02969500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0104502 -0.03445000000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.0200005 -0.02993300000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.0039266 -0.03485000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0104502 -0.03445000000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.0186584 -0.02969500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0186584 -0.02969500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0200005 -0.02993300000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.0278284 -0.022838 0.04082500000000001 0.0296947 -0.018658 0.04307010000000001 0.0278284 -0.022838 0.04082500000000001 0.0332597 -0.013777 0.04082500000000001 0.0186584 -0.02969500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0278284 -0.022838 0.04082500000000001 0.0296947 -0.018658 0.04307010000000001 0.0348495 -0.003927000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0332597 -0.013777 0.04082500000000001 0.0358266 -0.003529020000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.0296947 -0.018658 0.04307010000000001 0.0332597 -0.013777 0.04082500000000001 0.0348495 -0.003927000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0348495 -0.003927000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0358266 -0.003529020000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.0353083 0.007023020000000003 0.04082500000000001 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0353083 0.007023020000000003 0.04082500000000001 0.0317492 0.01697 0.04082500000000001 0.0348495 -0.003927000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0353083 0.007023020000000003 0.04082500000000001 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0317492 0.01697 0.04082500000000001 0.0254558 0.02545600000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0254558 0.02545600000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.000479201 0.05043200000000003 0.04082500000000001 0.0247983 0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0254558 0.02545600000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0254558 0.02545600000000002 0.04082500000000001 0.0247983 0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0034764 0.05549700000000003 0.04241250000000002 0.000479201 0.05043200000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0030864 0.05566600000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.000479201 0.05043200000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0034764 0.05549700000000003 0.04241250000000002 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0030864 0.05566600000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.004489 0.06184200000000004 0.04082500000000001 -0.0034764 0.05549700000000003 0.04241250000000002 -0.0030864 0.05566600000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.004489 0.06184200000000004 0.04082500000000001 -0.005314 0.06547500000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.004489 0.06184200000000004 0.04082500000000001 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.005314 0.06547500000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0074115 0.06855400000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0215855 0.08141300000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0074115 0.06855400000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0209279 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0074115 0.06855400000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0215855 0.08141300000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.027999 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0209279 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0241722 0.08423800000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0215855 0.08141300000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0209279 0.08207000000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.027999 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0241722 0.08423800000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.0258644 0.08476800000000002 0.03800000000000002 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.0241722 0.08423800000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.03800000000000002 -0.027999 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0241722 0.08423800000000002 0.04082500000000001 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.027999 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.027999 0.08499900000000003 0.04082500000000001 -0.062 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.027999 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.062 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.027999 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.027999 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.062 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.0215855 0.08141300000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.027999 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.027999 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.0253875 0.08130400000000003 0.044 -0.0215855 0.08141300000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.027999 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.0253875 0.08130400000000003 0.044 -0.027999 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.027999 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.062 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.062 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.066535 0.08285400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.062 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.062 0.08406900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.062 0.08182400000000002 0.044 -0.066535 0.08285400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0253875 0.08130400000000003 0.044 -0.023173 0.07982500000000002 0.044 -0.0215855 0.08141300000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0215855 0.08141300000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.023173 0.07982500000000002 0.044 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.023173 0.07982500000000002 0.044 -0.0253875 0.08130400000000003 0.044 -0.0096565 0.06630900000000003 0.044 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.023173 0.07982500000000002 0.044 -0.068825 0.07499900000000002 0.044 -0.0096565 0.06630900000000003 0.044 -0.023173 0.07982500000000002 0.044 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.068825 0.07499900000000002 0.044 -0.023173 0.07982500000000002 0.044 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.008069 0.06789600000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0096565 0.06630900000000003 0.044 -0.0082256 0.06420700000000003 0.044 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0096565 0.06630900000000003 0.044 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.0082256 0.06420700000000003 0.044 -0.0096565 0.06630900000000003 0.044 -0.068825 0.07499900000000002 0.044 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.0096565 0.06630900000000003 0.044 -0.0082256 0.06420700000000003 0.044 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 0.044 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.0045419 0.05503300000000003 0.0435746 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 0.044 -0.0045419 0.05503300000000003 0.0435746 -0.0034764 0.05549700000000003 0.04241250000000002 -0.0054183 0.06180900000000003 0.04307010000000001 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 0.044 -0.0082256 0.06420700000000003 0.044 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 0.044 -0.0045419 0.05503300000000003 0.0435746 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 0.044 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 0.044 -0.007662 0.06172800000000003 0.044 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0034764 0.05549700000000003 0.04241250000000002 -0.0045419 0.05503300000000003 0.0435746 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0045419 0.05503300000000003 0.0435746 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 0.044 -0.0017659 0.04818700000000002 0.044 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 0.044 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.0017659 0.04818700000000002 0.044 -0.0059958 0.05440000000000002 0.044 0.0247983 0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.000178399 0.04977500000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0017659 0.04818700000000002 0.044 0.0232108 0.023211 0.044 0.0247983 0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0017659 0.04818700000000002 0.044 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 0.0232108 0.023211 0.044 -0.0017659 0.04818700000000002 0.044 0.0289572 0.015455 0.044 0.0247983 0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0232108 0.023211 0.044 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0247983 0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0289572 0.015455 0.044 -0.0653615 0.01894 0.044 0.0289572 0.015455 0.044 0.0232108 0.023211 0.044 -0.0679236 0.022777 0.044 -0.0653615 0.01894 0.044 0.0232108 0.023211 0.044 -0.0679236 0.022777 0.044 0.0232108 0.023211 0.044 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 0.0182616 -0.02727500000000002 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 -0.0125616 -0.03032600000000002 0.044 -0.0115829 -0.03310200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0125616 -0.03032600000000002 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 0.0253811 -0.020815 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 0.0182616 -0.02727500000000002 0.044 0.0303247 -0.012561 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 0.0253811 -0.020815 0.044 0.0326654 -0.003228970000000002 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 0.0303247 -0.012561 0.044 0.0321994 0.006372980000000004 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 0.0326654 -0.003228970000000002 0.044 0.0289572 0.015455 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 0.0321994 0.006372980000000004 0.044 -0.0653615 0.01894 0.044 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 0.0289572 0.015455 0.044 -0.0247983 -0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0115829 -0.03310200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 -0.06694899999999999 0.017352 0.04307010000000001 -0.0247983 -0.02479800000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 -0.06694899999999999 0.017352 0.04307010000000001 -0.0232108 -0.023211 0.044 -0.0653615 0.01894 0.044 0.009546900000000001 -0.03140500000000002 0.044 -0.0125616 -0.03032600000000002 0.044 1.78814e-09 -0.03282500000000001 0.044 -0.0115829 -0.03310200000000002 0.04307010000000001 1.78814e-09 -0.03282500000000001 0.044 -0.0125616 -0.03032600000000002 0.044 0.0182616 -0.02727500000000002 0.044 -0.0125616 -0.03032600000000002 0.044 0.009546900000000001 -0.03140500000000002 0.044 0.0039266 -0.03485000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.009546900000000001 -0.03140500000000002 0.044 1.78814e-09 -0.03282500000000001 0.044 -0.0115829 -0.03310200000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0039266 -0.03485000000000002 0.04307010000000001 1.78814e-09 -0.03282500000000001 0.044 0.0186584 -0.02969500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0182616 -0.02727500000000002 0.044 0.009546900000000001 -0.03140500000000002 0.044 0.0039266 -0.03485000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0186584 -0.02969500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.009546900000000001 -0.03140500000000002 0.044 0.0296947 -0.018658 0.04307010000000001 0.0253811 -0.020815 0.044 0.0182616 -0.02727500000000002 0.044 0.0186584 -0.02969500000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0296947 -0.018658 0.04307010000000001 0.0182616 -0.02727500000000002 0.044 0.0296947 -0.018658 0.04307010000000001 0.0303247 -0.012561 0.044 0.0253811 -0.020815 0.044 0.0348495 -0.003927000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0326654 -0.003228970000000002 0.044 0.0303247 -0.012561 0.044 0.0296947 -0.018658 0.04307010000000001 0.0348495 -0.003927000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0303247 -0.012561 0.044 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0321994 0.006372980000000004 0.044 0.0326654 -0.003228970000000002 0.044 0.0348495 -0.003927000000000002 0.04307010000000001 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0326654 -0.003228970000000002 0.044 0.0331021 0.011583 0.04307010000000001 0.0289572 0.015455 0.044 0.0321994 0.006372980000000004 0.044 -0.06939149999999999 0.022169 0.0435746 -0.06694899999999999 0.017352 0.04307010000000001 -0.0653615 0.01894 0.044 -0.06939149999999999 0.022169 0.0435746 -0.0653615 0.01894 0.044 -0.0679236 0.022777 0.044 -0.07046520000000001 0.021724 0.04241250000000002 -0.06694899999999999 0.017352 0.04307010000000001 -0.06939149999999999 0.022169 0.0435746 -0.0710701 0.02730200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0679236 0.022777 0.044 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.0710701 0.07499900000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0710701 0.02730200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.0710701 0.07499900000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.068825 0.02730200000000002 0.044 -0.068825 0.07499900000000002 0.044 -0.0710701 0.02730200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.06939149999999999 0.022169 0.0435746 -0.0679236 0.022777 0.044 -0.0710701 0.02730200000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.07046520000000001 0.021724 0.04241250000000002 -0.06939149999999999 0.022169 0.0435746 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.0710701 0.07499900000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.068825 0.07499900000000002 0.044 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.0698549 0.07953400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0710701 0.07499900000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.06682490000000001 0.07982400000000003 0.044 -0.066535 0.08285400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.0698549 0.07953400000000002 0.04307010000000001 -0.045 0.05450000000000002 -0.0115 -0.045 0.05450000000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.051714 0.05172000000000004 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0382826 0.05171800000000002 -0.0115 -0.0413385 0.05376400000000003 -0.03200000000000001 -0.045 0.05450000000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0382826 0.05171800000000002 -0.0115 -0.045 0.05450000000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.045 0.05450000000000002 -0.0115 -0.0517176 0.05171700000000003 -0.0115 -0.051714 0.05172000000000004 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0544987 0.04503800000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0517176 0.05171700000000003 -0.0115 -0.045 0.05450000000000002 -0.0115 -0.051714 0.05172000000000004 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0545 0.04500000000000002 -0.0115 -0.0544987 0.04503800000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.051756 0.03832300000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0545 0.04500000000000002 -0.0115 -0.0517176 0.05171700000000003 -0.0115 -0.0544987 0.04503800000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0517174 0.038282 -0.0115 -0.051756 0.03832300000000002 -0.03200000000000001 -0.0486615 0.036236 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0.0115 -0.029308 0.07231300000000003 0.0115 -0.044952 0.07649900000000003 -0.0115 -0.0608062 0.07224700000000003 0.0115 -0.060692 0.07231300000000003 -0.0115 -0.07222489999999999 0.06084000000000003 -0.0115 -0.0532075 0.07541100000000003 0.0115 -0.045048 0.07649900000000003 0.0115 -0.060692 0.07231300000000003 -0.0115 -0.0608062 0.07224700000000003 0.0115 -0.0532075 0.07541100000000003 0.0115 -0.060692 0.07231300000000003 -0.0115 -0.0722713 0.06076000000000004 0.0115 -0.07222489999999999 0.06084000000000003 -0.0115 -0.0754132 0.05319900000000003 -0.0115 -0.0722713 0.06076000000000004 0.0115 -0.0608062 0.07224700000000003 0.0115 -0.07222489999999999 0.06084000000000003 -0.0115 -0.0754239 0.05316100000000002 0.0115 -0.0722713 0.06076000000000004 0.0115 -0.0754132 0.05319900000000003 -0.0115 -0.0291938 0.017753 0.0115 -0.07222489999999999 0.02916000000000002 0.0115 -0.060692 0.017687 0.0115 -0.0177287 0.02924000000000002 0.0115 -0.07222489999999999 0.02916000000000002 0.0115 -0.0291938 0.017753 0.0115 -0.0367925 0.014589 0.0115 -0.060692 0.017687 0.0115 -0.044952 0.013501 0.0115 -0.0291938 0.017753 0.0115 -0.060692 0.017687 0.0115 -0.0367925 0.014589 0.0115 -0.0382826 0.038282 0.0115 -0.0145761 0.036839 0.0115 -0.0135 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0355 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0135 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0145868 0.05319900000000003 0.0115 -0.0355 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0382826 0.038282 0.0115 -0.0135 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0382824 0.05171700000000003 0.0115 -0.0355 0.04500000000000002 0.0115 -0.0145868 0.05319900000000003 0.0115 -0.0608062 0.07224700000000003 0.0115 -0.0177751 0.06084000000000003 0.0115 -0.029308 0.07231300000000003 0.0115 -0.0722713 0.06076000000000004 0.0115 -0.0177751 0.06084000000000003 0.0115 -0.0608062 0.07224700000000003 0.0115 -0.0532075 0.07541100000000003 0.0115 -0.029308 0.07231300000000003 0.0115 -0.045048 0.07649900000000003 0.0115 -0.0608062 0.07224700000000003 0.0115 -0.029308 0.07231300000000003 0.0115 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0.0336374 0.148237 -0.0277463 0.0347902 0.2788 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0277463 0.0347902 0.2788 -0.0195537 0.0399731 0.14857 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0277463 0.0347902 0.2788 -0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2788 -0.0264831 0.0332396 0.2788 -0.0277463 0.0347902 0.2788 -0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2788 -0.0400892 0.0193122 0.2788 -0.0433859 0.00989085 0.2788 -0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2788 -0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2788 -0.0400892 0.0193122 0.2788 -0.0425 -8.0988e-17 0.2788 -0.0433859 0.00989085 0.2788 -0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.2788 -0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2788 -0.0433859 0.00989085 0.2788 -0.0425 -8.0988e-17 0.2788 0.0290858 0.0336789 0.101796 0.0294869 0.0333283 0.1025 0.0291337 0.0336374 0.101833 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 0.0294869 0.0333283 0.1025 0.0290858 0.0336789 0.101796 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 0.0294869 0.0333283 0.14757 0.0294869 0.0333283 0.1025 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 0.0290858 0.0336789 0.101796 0.0280761 0.0345251 0.1015 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 0.0290858 0.0336789 0.101796 0.0201434 0.0468376 0.1015 0.0280761 0.0345251 0.1015 0.0195537 0.0399731 0.1015 0.0201434 0.0468376 0.1015 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 0.0280761 0.0345251 0.1015 0.0201434 0.0468376 0.1015 0.0195537 0.0399731 0.1015 0.010028 0.0433546 0.1015 0.0073098 0.0538327 0.1015 0.010028 0.0433546 0.1015 1.99378e-07 0.0445 0.1015 0.0201434 0.0468376 0.1015 0.010028 0.0433546 0.1015 0.0073098 0.0538327 0.1015 -0.0073218 0.0538297 0.1015 1.99378e-07 0.0445 0.1015 -0.0100276 0.0433547 0.1015 0.0073098 0.0538327 0.1015 1.99378e-07 0.0445 0.1015 -0.0073218 0.0538297 0.1015 -0.0073218 0.0538297 0.1015 -0.0100276 0.0433547 0.1015 -0.0195535 0.0399732 0.1015 -0.020144 0.0468371 0.1015 -0.0195535 0.0399732 0.1015 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0073218 0.0538297 0.1015 -0.0195535 0.0399732 0.1015 -0.020144 0.0468371 0.1015 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.101796 -0.020144 0.0468371 0.1015 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0291337 0.0336374 0.101833 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0291337 0.0336374 0.101833 -0.0294869 0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0294869 0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0294869 0.0333283 0.14757 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0294869 0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0294869 0.0333283 0.14757 -0.0291337 0.0336374 0.148237 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0294869 0.0333283 0.14757 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0201434 0.0468376 0.14857 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0195537 0.0399731 0.14857 -0.0201434 0.0468376 0.14857 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 -0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0201434 0.0468376 0.14857 -0.0195537 0.0399731 0.14857 -0.0100281 0.0433546 0.14857 -0.0073098 0.0538327 0.14857 -0.0100281 0.0433546 0.14857 -1.99229e-07 0.0445 0.14857 -0.0201434 0.0468376 0.14857 -0.0100281 0.0433546 0.14857 -0.0073098 0.0538327 0.14857 0.0073218 0.0538297 0.14857 -1.99229e-07 0.0445 0.14857 0.0100276 0.0433547 0.14857 -0.0073098 0.0538327 0.14857 -1.99229e-07 0.0445 0.14857 0.0073218 0.0538297 0.14857 0.0073218 0.0538297 0.14857 0.0100276 0.0433547 0.14857 0.0195535 0.0399732 0.14857 0.020144 0.0468371 0.14857 0.0195535 0.0399732 0.14857 0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 0.0073218 0.0538297 0.14857 0.0195535 0.0399732 0.14857 0.020144 0.0468371 0.14857 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 0.020144 0.0468371 0.14857 0.0280761 0.0345251 0.14857 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 0.0291337 0.0336374 0.148237 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.0290858 0.0336789 0.148274 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 0.0291337 0.0336374 0.148237 0.0294869 0.0333283 0.14757 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 0.0294869 0.0333283 0.14757 0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2788 0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.2788 0.0433859 -0.00989085 0.2788 0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.0795 0.0433859 -0.00989085 0.2788 0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.2788 0.0425 -6.1906e-17 0.2788 0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2788 0.0433859 -0.00989085 0.2788 0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2788 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.2788 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.2788 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2788 0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2788 0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.2788 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.0795 0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.2788 0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2788 0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.2788 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.2788 0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2788 0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2788 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.148237 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.148237 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.2788 0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2788 0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.2788 0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.2788 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.2788 0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.2788 0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2788 0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2788 0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.2788 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.2788 -0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2788 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.2788 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.2788 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2788 -0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2788 0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.2788 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.2788 -0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2788 -0.0277255 -0.034807 0.2788 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 -0.0277255 -0.034807 0.2788 -0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2788 -0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2788 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 -0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.2788 -0.0382881 -0.0184427 0.2788 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0277255 -0.034807 0.2788 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0277255 -0.034807 0.2788 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2788 -0.0382881 -0.0184427 0.2788 -0.0277255 -0.034807 0.2788 -0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2788 -0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2788 -0.0277255 -0.034807 0.2788 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.0277255 -0.034807 0.2788 -0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2788 -0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.2788 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.0795 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.2788 -0.0382881 -0.0184427 0.2788 -0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2788 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.0795 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.148237 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 -0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.148237 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 -0.040055 -0.0193828 0.2788 -0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2788 -0.0425 -8.0988e-17 0.2788 -0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.2788 -0.0433859 -0.00989085 0.0795 -0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.0795 -0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.2788 -0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 -0.0425 -8.0988e-17 0.2788 -0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2788 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2723 -0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2788 -0.0425 -8.0988e-17 0.2788 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2723 -0.0425 -8.0988e-17 0.2788 -0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2723 -0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2788 -0.0382881 -0.0184427 0.2788 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2723 -0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 -0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2788 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2723 -0.0382881 -0.0184427 0.2788 -0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2788 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2723 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2723 -0.0382881 -0.0184427 0.2788 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2723 -0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2788 -0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2788 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2723 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2723 -0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2788 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2723 -0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2788 -0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2788 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2723 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2723 -0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2788 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2723 -0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2788 0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2788 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2723 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2723 -0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2788 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2723 0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2788 0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2788 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2723 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.2723 0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2788 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2723 0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2788 0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2788 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2723 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.2723 0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2788 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.2723 0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2788 0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2788 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.2723 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.2723 0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2788 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2723 0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2788 0.0425 -6.1906e-17 0.2788 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2723 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.2723 0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2788 0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 0.0425 -6.1906e-17 0.2788 0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2788 0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2723 0.0425 -6.1906e-17 0.2788 0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2723 0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2788 0.0382882 0.0184427 0.2788 0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2723 0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2788 0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2723 0.0382882 0.0184427 0.2788 0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2788 0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2723 0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2723 0.0382882 0.0184427 0.2788 0.0264831 0.0332396 0.2723 0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2788 0.0184135 0.0383028 0.2788 0.0264831 0.0332396 0.2723 0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2723 0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2788 0.0094701 0.0414309 0.2723 0.0184135 0.0383028 0.2788 0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.2788 0.0094701 0.0414309 0.2723 0.0264831 0.0332396 0.2723 0.0184135 0.0383028 0.2788 -0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.2723 0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.2788 -0.0094701 0.0414309 0.2788 -0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.2723 0.0094701 0.0414309 0.2723 0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.2788 -0.0184135 0.0383028 0.2723 -0.0094701 0.0414309 0.2788 -0.0264831 0.0332396 0.2788 -0.0184135 0.0383028 0.2723 -0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.2723 -0.0094701 0.0414309 0.2788 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2723 -0.0264831 0.0332396 0.2788 -0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2788 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2723 -0.0184135 0.0383028 0.2723 -0.0264831 0.0332396 0.2788 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.2723 -0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2788 -0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2788 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.2723 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2723 -0.0382545 0.0185122 0.2788 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2723 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.2723 -0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2788 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.0795 0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.0795 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.0795 0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 0.0433738 -0.009944389999999999 0.0795 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.0795 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.101833 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.101833 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.0795 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.0795 0.040055 -0.0193828 0.0795 0.0100276 -0.0433547 0.1015 0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.0795 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.0795 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.0795 0.0195535 -0.0399732 0.1015 0.0100276 -0.0433547 0.1015 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 0.0195535 -0.0399732 0.1015 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.0795 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.0795 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.0795 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.0795 0.0277255 -0.034807 0.0795 -1.99229e-07 -0.0445 0.1015 -0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.0795 0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.0795 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.0795 0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.0795 -0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.0795 0.0100276 -0.0433547 0.1015 -1.99229e-07 -0.0445 0.1015 0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.0795 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.0795 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.0795 0.009916299999999999 -0.0433804 0.0795 -0.0100281 -0.0433546 0.1015 -0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.0795 -0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.0795 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.0795 -0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.0795 -0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.0795 -1.99229e-07 -0.0445 0.1015 -0.0100281 -0.0433546 0.1015 -0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.0795 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.0795 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.0795 -0.009838700000000001 -0.0433979 0.0795 -0.0195537 -0.0399731 0.1015 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.0795 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.0795 -0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.0795 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0100281 -0.0433546 0.1015 -0.0195537 -0.0399731 0.1015 -0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.0795 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.0795 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.0795 -0.0192677 -0.0401113 0.0795 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.0795 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.0795 -0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.101833 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.101833 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0195537 -0.0399731 0.1015 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.0795 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.0795 -0.0277463 -0.0347902 0.0795 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.0795 -0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.0795 -0.0433859 -0.00989085 0.0795 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.0795 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.0795 -0.0400892 -0.0193122 0.0795 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.0795 -0.0433859 -0.00989085 0.0795 -0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 -0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.14857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 -0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.24857 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 -0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.14857 -0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.24857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.0048599 -0.0447971 0.14857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 -0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.14857 -0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 -0.0048599 -0.0447971 0.14857 -0.020144 -0.0468371 0.14857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.14857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.020144 -0.0468371 0.14857 -0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.14857 -0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 -0.020144 -0.0468371 0.14857 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.148237 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.148237 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.101833 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 -0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.1015 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0195537 -0.0399731 0.1015 -0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.1015 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 -0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.1015 -0.0195537 -0.0399731 0.1015 -0.0100281 -0.0433546 0.1015 -0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.1015 -0.0100281 -0.0433546 0.1015 -1.99229e-07 -0.0445 0.1015 -0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.1015 -0.0100281 -0.0433546 0.1015 -0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.1015 0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.1015 -1.99229e-07 -0.0445 0.1015 0.0100276 -0.0433547 0.1015 -0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.1015 -1.99229e-07 -0.0445 0.1015 0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.1015 0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.1015 0.0100276 -0.0433547 0.1015 0.0195535 -0.0399732 0.1015 0.020144 -0.0468371 0.1015 0.0195535 -0.0399732 0.1015 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.1015 0.0195535 -0.0399732 0.1015 0.020144 -0.0468371 0.1015 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 0.020144 -0.0468371 0.1015 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.1015 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.101833 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.101796 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.101833 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.1025 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 0.0291337 -0.0336374 0.148237 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 0.0294869 -0.0333283 0.14757 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 0.0290858 -0.0336789 0.148274 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.14857 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 0.0280761 -0.0345251 0.14857 0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.14857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.14857 0.0172682 -0.0410129 0.14857 0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.24857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.14857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.24857 0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 0.00486 -0.0447972 0.14857 0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.14857 0.00486 -0.0447972 0.14857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.14857 0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.24857 0.0050746 -0.0442097 0.24857 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 -0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.24857 -0.0047645 -0.0445574 0.24857 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 0.005 -0.04803 0.24857 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 -0.0047645 -0.0445574 0.24857 0.0047645 -0.0445574 0.24857 0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.24857 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 0.005 -0.04803 0.24857 0.0047645 -0.0445574 0.24857 -1.78814e-09 -0.0445 0.24857 -0.0425 -1.21815e-17 0.07829999999999999 -0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.0795 -0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.0795 -0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 -0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 -0.0425 -1.21815e-17 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.0795 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.0795 -0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0425 -1.21815e-17 0.07829999999999999 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.0795 -0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.0795 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.0795 -0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.0795 -0.0184135 0.0383028 0.0795 -0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.0795 -0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0184135 0.0383028 0.0795 -0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.0795 -0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0184135 0.0383028 0.0795 0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.0795 0.0094701 0.0414309 0.0795 0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.009406299999999999 0.0414452 0.0795 0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0094701 0.0414309 0.0795 0.0264831 0.0332396 0.0795 0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0264831 0.0332396 0.0795 0.0382545 0.0185122 0.0795 0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0264831 0.0332396 0.0795 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0382545 0.0185122 0.0795 0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.0795 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0382545 0.0185122 0.0795 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.0795 0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 0.0425 -2.25907e-17 0.07829999999999999 0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.0795 0.0425 -2.25907e-17 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0425 -1.76525e-17 0.0795 0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.0795 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.0795 0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0425 -2.25907e-17 0.07829999999999999 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.0795 0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0382882 -0.0184427 0.0795 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.0795 0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.0795 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.0795 0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0265096 -0.0332183 0.0795 0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.0795 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.0795 0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0184135 -0.0383028 0.0795 -0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.0795 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.0795 -0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.009406299999999999 -0.0414452 0.0795 -0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.0795 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.0795 -0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.0795 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.0795 -0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.0795 -0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.0795 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.0795 -0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.0795 -0.0433765 0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 -0.0425 -1.21815e-17 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.043394 -0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0425 -1.21815e-17 0.07829999999999999 -0.0433765 0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 -0.043394 -0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 -0.0425 -1.21815e-17 0.07829999999999999 -0.0348038 0.027723 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0348038 0.027723 0.07829999999999999 -0.0433765 0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193811 0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193811 0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 -0.0348038 0.027723 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.009889999999999999 0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.009943499999999999 0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.009889999999999999 0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -0.009943499999999999 0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193811 0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0193104 0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.009889999999999999 0.043382 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0193104 0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 0.0347871 0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0193104 0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0347871 0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 0.043394 0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0425 -2.25907e-17 0.07829999999999999 0.0401077 0.019266 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.043394 0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 0.0347871 0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0401077 0.019266 0.07829999999999999 0.0433765 -0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 0.0425 -2.25907e-17 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.043394 0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 0.0425 -2.25907e-17 0.07829999999999999 0.0433765 -0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 0.0196153 0.00532898 0.073 0.0200533 0.00369655 0.073 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.073 0.0200533 0.00369655 0.063 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.073 0.0200533 0.00369655 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0196153 0.00532898 0.073 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.073 0.0177823 -0.00648824 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.073 0.0177823 -0.00648822 0.063 0.0177823 -0.00648824 0.073 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.073 0.0200533 0.00369655 0.063 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.063 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.073 0.0177823 -0.00648822 0.063 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.073 0.0184664 -0.00530345 0.063 0.0200533 0.00369655 0.063 0.0200533 0.00369655 0.073 0.0196153 0.00532898 0.073 0.0196154 0.00532896 0.063 0.0196153 0.00532898 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0196154 0.00532896 0.063 0.0200533 0.00369655 0.063 0.0196153 0.00532898 0.073 -0.0226149 -0.00648824 0.073 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.063 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.073 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.073 -0.0226149 -0.00648824 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.073 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0177823 -0.00648824 0.073 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0196154 0.00532896 0.063 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.063 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.073 -0.0244479 0.00532898 0.073 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.073 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.063 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.073 -0.0244479 0.00532898 0.073 -0.0226149 -0.00648824 0.073 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.073 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.073 0.0180837 0.00604385 0.063 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.073 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.063 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.073 -0.0248859 0.00369655 0.073 -0.0244479 0.00532898 0.073 -0.0244479 0.00532908 0.063 -0.0244479 0.00532898 0.073 -0.0248859 0.00369655 0.073 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.063 -0.0244479 0.00532898 0.073 -0.0244479 0.00532908 0.063 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.063 -0.0248859 0.00369655 0.073 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.073 -0.0248859 0.00369655 0.063 -0.0248859 0.00369655 0.073 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.063 -0.0244479 0.00532908 0.063 -0.0248859 0.00369655 0.073 -0.0248859 0.00369655 0.063 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.063 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.073 -0.0226149 -0.00648824 0.073 -0.0226149 -0.00648822 0.063 -0.0226149 -0.00648824 0.073 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.073 -0.0226149 -0.00648822 0.063 -0.023299 -0.00530345 0.063 -0.0226149 -0.00648824 0.073 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.063 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.073 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.073 -0.0226149 -0.00648822 0.063 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.073 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.063 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.063 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.073 0.0177823 -0.00648824 0.073 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.063 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.073 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.063 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.063 0.0177823 -0.00648824 0.073 0.0177823 -0.00648822 0.063 0.0348038 -0.027723 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0433765 -0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 0.0348038 -0.027723 0.07829999999999999 0.0193811 -0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0348038 -0.027723 0.07829999999999999 0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 0.0193811 -0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 -0.009889999999999999 -0.043382 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.0193811 -0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 0.009943499999999999 -0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 -0.009889999999999999 -0.043382 0.07829999999999999 0.009943499999999999 -0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193104 -0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193104 -0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 -0.009889999999999999 -0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -0.0094538 -0.0414346 0.07829999999999999 -0.0347871 -0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 -0.0265008 -0.0332256 0.07829999999999999 -0.0382898 -0.0184409 0.07829999999999999 -0.0347871 -0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193104 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-0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.24857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.24857 -0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.24857 -0.005 -0.04803 0.14857 -0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.24857 -0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.14857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.24857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.24857 -0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.14857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.24857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.24857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.24857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.24857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.24857 -0.00486 -0.0447972 0.24857 -0.0061378 -0.0453954 0.14857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.24857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 -0.0048599 -0.0447971 0.14857 -0.0050935 -0.0449068 0.14857 -0.00486 -0.0447972 0.24857 -0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.14857 -0.0048599 -0.0447971 0.14857 -0.0047645 -0.0445574 0.14857 -0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.14857 -0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.14857 -0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 -0.005 -0.04803 0.14857 -0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.14857 -0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 -0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 0.005 -0.04803 0.14857 -0.005 -0.04803 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.14857 0.005 -0.04803 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 0.006563 -0.046467 0.14857 0.0061052 -0.0475722 0.14857 0.0048535 -0.0443247 0.14857 0.0047645 -0.0445574 0.14857 0.00486 -0.0447972 0.14857 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.14857 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.14857 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.14857 -0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.14857 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.14857 -0.020144 -0.0468371 0.14857 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.14857 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 -0.020144 -0.0468371 0.14857 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.148277 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.14757 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0215235 -0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 -0.007868099999999999 -0.0547212 0.1025 0.020144 -0.0468371 0.1015 0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.1015 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.1015 0.020144 -0.0468371 0.1015 0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.1015 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0211167 -0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.1015 0.0073218 -0.0538297 0.1015 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0201434 -0.0468376 0.1015 -0.0073098 -0.0538327 0.1015 -0.0077022 -0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2723 -0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2723 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.2723 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2723 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2723 -0.0414359 0.00944702 0.2723 -0.0414243 -0.009498029999999999 0.2723 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.2723 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2723 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2723 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2723 -0.0382881 0.0184427 0.2723 -0.0382545 -0.0185122 0.2723 -0.0265096 0.0332183 0.2723 -0.0184135 0.0383028 0.2723 -0.0264831 -0.0332396 0.2723 -0.0094701 -0.0414309 0.2723 -0.0265096 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0.0414243 0.009498029999999999 0.2723 0.0414359 -0.00944702 0.2723 0.0425 -6.046269999999999e-17 0.2723 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.14757 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.14757 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 -0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 0.0215235 0.0469008 0.1025 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 0.007868099999999999 0.0547212 0.1025 -0.0201434 0.0468376 0.14857 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.0073218 0.0538297 0.14857 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0073098 0.0538327 0.14857 0.0073218 0.0538297 0.14857 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.0201434 0.0468376 0.14857 -0.0073098 0.0538327 0.14857 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 0.020144 0.0468371 0.14857 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.148277 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 0.0073218 0.0538297 0.14857 0.020144 0.0468371 0.14857 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.148277 -0.020144 0.0468371 0.1015 -0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0073218 0.0538297 0.1015 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 -0.0073218 0.0538297 0.1015 -0.020144 0.0468371 0.1015 -0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 0.0201434 0.0468376 0.1015 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 0.0211167 0.0468895 0.101793 0.0073098 0.0538327 0.1015 -0.0073218 0.0538297 0.1015 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 0.0201434 0.0468376 0.1015 0.0073098 0.0538327 0.1015 0.0077022 0.0544621 0.101793 0.009889999999999999 0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.068 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.07829999999999999 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.068 -0.009943499999999999 0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 0.009889999999999999 0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.07829999999999999 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -0.009943499999999999 0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.07829999999999999 0.009889999999999999 0.043382 0.07829999999999999 0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.068 -1.78814e-09 0.0365463 0.0600503 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.068 0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -0.0096065 0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.068 -1.78814e-09 0.0365463 0.0600503 -0.0096065 0.0352611 0.0600503 -1.78814e-09 0.044496 0.068 0.0193104 0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.009889999999999999 0.043382 0.07829999999999999 0.0193104 0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 0.009606399999999999 0.0352611 0.0600503 0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.009606399999999999 0.0352611 0.0600503 -1.78814e-09 0.0365463 0.0600503 0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 0.0347871 0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 0.0369871 0.0247355 0.068 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.0314365 0.031496 0.059061 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.0369871 0.0247355 0.068 0.0193104 0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 0.0347871 0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.0314365 0.031496 0.059061 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.0249382 0.031496 0.0636758 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0249382 0.031496 0.0636758 0.0314365 0.031496 0.068 0.0401077 0.019266 0.07829999999999999 0.0411068 0.0170331 0.068 0.0369871 0.0247355 0.068 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.0369871 0.0247355 0.068 0.0411068 0.0170331 0.068 0.0347871 0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 0.0401077 0.019266 0.07829999999999999 0.0369871 0.0247355 0.068 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.0314365 0.031496 0.059061 0.0369871 0.0247355 0.068 0.043394 0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 0.044496 2.54375e-07 0.068 0.0411068 0.0170331 0.068 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.0411068 0.0170331 0.068 0.044496 2.54375e-07 0.068 0.0401077 0.019266 0.07829999999999999 0.043394 0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 0.0411068 0.0170331 0.068 0.0433765 -0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 0.041107 -0.0170327 0.068 0.044496 2.54375e-07 0.068 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.044496 2.54375e-07 0.068 0.041107 -0.0170327 0.068 0.043394 0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 0.0433765 -0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 0.044496 2.54375e-07 0.068 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.044496 2.54375e-07 0.068 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.0348038 -0.027723 0.07829999999999999 0.0369872 -0.0247354 0.068 0.041107 -0.0170327 0.068 0.0411046 -0.0170489 0.059061 0.041107 -0.0170327 0.068 0.0369872 -0.0247354 0.068 0.0433765 -0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 0.0348038 -0.027723 0.07829999999999999 0.041107 -0.0170327 0.068 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.041107 -0.0170327 0.068 0.0411046 -0.0170489 0.059061 0.0348038 -0.027723 0.07829999999999999 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0369872 -0.0247354 0.068 0.0411046 -0.0170489 0.059061 0.0369872 -0.0247354 0.068 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0193811 -0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0252381 -0.031496 0.0638614 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 0.0348038 -0.027723 0.07829999999999999 0.0193811 -0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0309876 -0.031496 0.0242399 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0252381 -0.031496 0.0638614 0.0309876 -0.031496 0.0242399 0.0314365 -0.031496 0.059061 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0411046 -0.0170489 0.059061 0.0314308 -0.031496 0.068 0.0314365 -0.031496 0.059061 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.068 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 0.0096065 -0.0352611 0.0600503 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.068 0.009943499999999999 -0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.07829999999999999 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 0.0193811 -0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 0.009943499999999999 -0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 0.0252381 -0.031496 0.0638614 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 0.0096065 -0.0352611 0.0600503 0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -0.009889999999999999 -0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.068 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.07829999999999999 -0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.068 -0.009889999999999999 -0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 -0.0365463 0.0600503 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.068 -0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -1.78814e-09 -0.0365463 0.0600503 0.0096065 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.068 -0.009889999999999999 -0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -1.78814e-09 -0.044496 0.07829999999999999 0.009943499999999999 -0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 -0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -0.009889999999999999 -0.043382 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193104 -0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.0193104 -0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 -0.0347871 -0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -0.0193104 -0.0400856 0.07829999999999999 -0.0369909 -0.0247371 0.068 -0.0347871 -0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 -0.0401077 -0.019266 0.07829999999999999 -0.0369909 -0.0247371 0.068 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.0347871 -0.0277438 0.07829999999999999 -0.0411112 -0.0170329 0.068 -0.0401077 -0.019266 0.07829999999999999 -0.043394 -0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 -0.0411112 -0.0170329 0.068 -0.0369909 -0.0247371 0.068 -0.0401077 -0.019266 0.07829999999999999 -0.044496 -1.00174e-12 0.068 -0.043394 -0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 -0.0433765 0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 -0.044496 -1.00174e-12 0.068 -0.0411112 -0.0170329 0.068 -0.043394 -0.00983784 0.07829999999999999 -0.0411111 0.017033 0.068 -0.0433765 0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 -0.0348038 0.027723 0.07829999999999999 -0.0411111 0.017033 0.068 -0.044496 -1.00174e-12 0.068 -0.0433765 0.009915429999999999 0.07829999999999999 -0.0314308 0.031496 0.068 -0.0348038 0.027723 0.07829999999999999 -0.0193811 0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 -0.0369908 0.0247372 0.068 -0.0411111 0.017033 0.068 -0.0348038 0.027723 0.07829999999999999 -0.0314308 0.031496 0.068 -0.0369908 0.0247372 0.068 -0.0348038 0.027723 0.07829999999999999 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -0.0193811 0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 -0.009943499999999999 0.0433699 0.07829999999999999 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -0.0314308 0.031496 0.068 -0.0193811 0.0400514 0.07829999999999999 -0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.009606399999999999 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -1.78814e-09 -0.0365463 0.0600503 -0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 -0.009606399999999999 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.0170066 -0.0411178 0.068 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.0369909 -0.0247371 0.068 -0.0254145 -0.031496 0.0639715 -0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.0071826 -0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0254145 -0.031496 0.0639715 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0071826 -0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.068 -0.0383356 -0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0369909 -0.0247371 0.068 -0.0411112 -0.0170329 0.068 -0.0352154 -0.0272051 0.0505687 -0.0314365 -0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0369909 -0.0247371 0.068 -0.0352154 -0.0272051 0.0505687 -0.0369909 -0.0247371 0.068 -0.0383356 -0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0428532 -0.0119939 0.0600552 -0.0411112 -0.0170329 0.068 -0.044496 -1.00174e-12 0.068 -0.0428532 -0.0119939 0.0600552 -0.0383356 -0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0411112 -0.0170329 0.068 -0.0440789 0.00610722 0.06390510000000001 -0.044496 -1.00174e-12 0.068 -0.0411111 0.017033 0.068 -0.0440812 -0.00609076 0.063916 -0.044496 -1.00174e-12 0.068 -0.0440789 0.00610722 0.06390510000000001 -0.0428532 -0.0119939 0.0600552 -0.044496 -1.00174e-12 0.068 -0.0440812 -0.00609076 0.063916 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0411111 0.017033 0.068 -0.0369908 0.0247372 0.068 -0.042847 0.0120162 0.0600409 -0.0411111 0.017033 0.068 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0440789 0.00610722 0.06390510000000001 -0.0411111 0.017033 0.068 -0.042847 0.0120162 0.0600409 -0.0352132 0.0272079 0.0505666 -0.0369908 0.0247372 0.068 -0.0314308 0.031496 0.068 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0369908 0.0247372 0.068 -0.0352132 0.0272079 0.0505666 -0.0249371 0.031496 0.06367490000000001 -0.0314308 0.031496 0.068 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0314308 0.031496 0.068 -0.0249371 0.031496 0.06367490000000001 -0.0352132 0.0272079 0.0505666 -0.0314308 0.031496 0.068 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0249371 0.031496 0.06367490000000001 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 -0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0096065 0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0170066 0.0411178 0.068 0.0207561 -0.031496 0.0140063 0.0252381 -0.031496 0.0638614 0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 0.0207561 -0.031496 0.0140063 0.0309876 -0.031496 0.0242399 0.0252381 -0.031496 0.0638614 0.0134788 -0.031496 0.0585262 0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 0.0096065 -0.0352611 0.0600503 0.0170001 -0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 0.0134788 -0.031496 0.0585262 0.0170001 -0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0207561 -0.031496 0.0140063 0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 0.0045257 -0.0339752 0.0585328 0.0096065 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -1.78814e-09 -0.0365463 0.0600503 0.0045257 -0.0339752 0.0585328 0.0134788 -0.031496 0.0585262 0.0096065 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.004523 -0.0339756 0.0585328 -1.78814e-09 -0.0365463 0.0600503 -0.009606399999999999 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.004523 -0.0339756 0.0585328 0.0045257 -0.0339752 0.0585328 -1.78814e-09 -0.0365463 0.0600503 -0.0134793 -0.031496 0.0585263 -0.009606399999999999 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 -0.004523 -0.0339756 0.0585328 -0.009606399999999999 -0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.0134793 -0.031496 0.0585263 -0.0071826 -0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0254145 -0.031496 0.0639715 -0.0134793 -0.031496 0.0585263 -0.0185372 -0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0071826 -0.031496 0.0237132 0.052282 -0.031496 0.0270354 0.0535282 -0.031496 0.051296 0.050474 -0.031496 0.051711 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.050474 -0.031496 0.051711 0.0535282 -0.031496 0.051296 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.050474 -0.031496 0.051711 0.042573 -0.031496 0.051711 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.042573 -0.031496 0.051711 0.050474 -0.031496 0.051711 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.052282 -0.031496 0.0270354 0.050474 -0.031496 0.051711 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.063 0.0164968 -0.00695615 0.063 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.063 0.0590721 -0.031496 0.0242051 0.0565546 -0.031496 0.0506998 0.0535282 -0.031496 0.051296 0.0537049 -0.0312031 0.0519833 0.0535282 -0.031496 0.051296 0.0565546 -0.031496 0.0506998 0.052282 -0.031496 0.0270354 0.0590721 -0.031496 0.0242051 0.0535282 -0.031496 0.051296 0.0537049 -0.0312031 0.0519833 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.0535282 -0.031496 0.051296 0.0590721 -0.031496 0.0242051 0.0595465 -0.031496 0.0499238 0.0565546 -0.031496 0.0506998 0.0568668 -0.0312031 0.0513538 0.0565546 -0.031496 0.0506998 0.0595465 -0.031496 0.0499238 0.0568668 -0.0312031 0.0513538 0.0537049 -0.0312031 0.0519833 0.0565546 -0.031496 0.0506998 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.0624866 -0.031496 0.0489715 0.0595465 -0.031496 0.0499238 0.0599844 -0.0312031 0.0505322 0.0595465 -0.031496 0.0499238 0.0624866 -0.031496 0.0489715 0.0590721 -0.031496 0.0242051 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.0595465 -0.031496 0.0499238 0.0599844 -0.0312031 0.0505322 0.0568668 -0.0312031 0.0513538 0.0595465 -0.031496 0.0499238 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.0653637 -0.031496 0.0478467 0.0624866 -0.031496 0.0489715 0.0630458 -0.0312031 0.0495216 0.0624866 -0.031496 0.0489715 0.0653637 -0.031496 0.0478467 0.0630458 -0.0312031 0.0495216 0.0599844 -0.0312031 0.0505322 0.0624866 -0.031496 0.0489715 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.0681696 -0.031496 0.0465528 0.0653637 -0.031496 0.0478467 0.06603970000000001 -0.0312031 0.0483256 0.0653637 -0.031496 0.0478467 0.0681696 -0.031496 0.0465528 0.06603970000000001 -0.0312031 0.0483256 0.0630458 -0.0312031 0.0495216 0.0653637 -0.031496 0.0478467 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.0708949 -0.031496 0.0450937 0.0681696 -0.031496 0.0465528 0.068955 -0.0312031 0.0469489 0.0681696 -0.031496 0.0465528 0.0708949 -0.031496 0.0450937 0.068955 -0.0312031 0.0469489 0.06603970000000001 -0.0312031 0.0483256 0.0681696 -0.031496 0.0465528 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.073527 -0.031496 0.0434765 0.0708949 -0.031496 0.0450937 0.0717805 -0.0312031 0.0453965 0.0708949 -0.031496 0.0450937 0.073527 -0.031496 0.0434765 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0708949 -0.031496 0.0450937 0.0717805 -0.0312031 0.0453965 0.068955 -0.0312031 0.0469489 0.0708949 -0.031496 0.0450937 0.07434449999999999 -0.031496 -0.0429289 0.0760586 -0.031496 0.0417056 0.073527 -0.031496 0.0434765 0.0745059 -0.0312031 0.0436742 0.073527 -0.031496 0.0434765 0.0760586 -0.031496 0.0417056 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.07434449999999999 -0.031496 -0.0429289 0.073527 -0.031496 0.0434765 0.0745059 -0.0312031 0.0436742 0.0717805 -0.0312031 0.0453965 0.073527 -0.031496 0.0434765 0.07684340000000001 -0.031496 -0.0411095 0.0784821 -0.031496 0.0397862 0.0760586 -0.031496 0.0417056 0.07712090000000001 -0.0312031 0.0417886 0.0760586 -0.031496 0.0417056 0.0784821 -0.031496 0.0397862 0.07434449999999999 -0.031496 -0.0429289 0.07684340000000001 -0.031496 -0.0411095 0.0760586 -0.031496 0.0417056 0.07712090000000001 -0.0312031 0.0417886 0.0745059 -0.0312031 0.0436742 0.0760586 -0.031496 0.0417056 0.0792284 -0.031496 -0.039146 0.0807856 -0.031496 0.0377277 0.0784821 -0.031496 0.0397862 0.0796157 -0.0312031 0.0397465 0.0784821 -0.031496 0.0397862 0.0807856 -0.031496 0.0377277 0.07684340000000001 -0.031496 -0.0411095 0.0792284 -0.031496 -0.039146 0.0784821 -0.031496 0.0397862 0.0796157 -0.0312031 0.0397465 0.07712090000000001 -0.0312031 0.0417886 0.0784821 -0.031496 0.0397862 0.08149289999999999 -0.031496 -0.037044 0.08296290000000001 -0.031496 0.035536 0.0807856 -0.031496 0.0377277 0.081981 -0.0312031 0.0375558 0.0807856 -0.031496 0.0377277 0.08296290000000001 -0.031496 0.035536 0.0792284 -0.031496 -0.039146 0.08149289999999999 -0.031496 -0.037044 0.0807856 -0.031496 0.0377277 0.081981 -0.0312031 0.0375558 0.0796157 -0.0312031 0.0397465 0.0807856 -0.031496 0.0377277 0.0836297 -0.031496 -0.0348101 0.0850076 -0.031496 0.0332172 0.08296290000000001 -0.031496 0.035536 0.08420800000000001 -0.0312031 0.0352246 0.08296290000000001 -0.031496 0.035536 0.0850076 -0.031496 0.0332172 0.08149289999999999 -0.031496 -0.037044 0.0836297 -0.031496 -0.0348101 0.08296290000000001 -0.031496 0.035536 0.08420800000000001 -0.0312031 0.0352246 0.081981 -0.0312031 0.0375558 0.08296290000000001 -0.031496 0.035536 0.0856286 -0.031496 -0.0324547 0.0869096 -0.031496 0.0307827 0.0850076 -0.031496 0.0332172 0.0862882 -0.0312031 0.0327615 0.0850076 -0.031496 0.0332172 0.0869096 -0.031496 0.0307827 0.0836297 -0.031496 -0.0348101 0.0856286 -0.031496 -0.0324547 0.0850076 -0.031496 0.0332172 0.0862882 -0.0312031 0.0327615 0.08420800000000001 -0.0312031 0.0352246 0.0850076 -0.031496 0.0332172 0.0874843 -0.031496 -0.0299846 0.0886636 -0.031496 0.0282397 0.0869096 -0.031496 0.0307827 0.088214 -0.0312031 0.030176 0.0869096 -0.031496 0.0307827 0.0886636 -0.031496 0.0282397 0.0856286 -0.031496 -0.0324547 0.0874843 -0.031496 -0.0299846 0.0869096 -0.031496 0.0307827 0.088214 -0.0312031 0.030176 0.0862882 -0.0312031 0.0327615 0.0869096 -0.031496 0.0307827 0.08919100000000001 -0.031496 -0.0274071 0.0902645 -0.031496 0.0255952 0.0886636 -0.031496 0.0282397 0.089978 -0.0312031 0.0274775 0.0886636 -0.031496 0.0282397 0.0902645 -0.031496 0.0255952 0.0874843 -0.031496 -0.0299846 0.08919100000000001 -0.031496 -0.0274071 0.0886636 -0.031496 0.0282397 0.089978 -0.0312031 0.0274775 0.088214 -0.0312031 0.030176 0.0886636 -0.031496 0.0282397 0.0907406 -0.031496 -0.0247344 0.0917047 -0.031496 0.0228617 0.0902645 -0.031496 0.0255952 0.0915738 -0.0312031 0.0246761 0.0902645 -0.031496 0.0255952 0.0917047 -0.031496 0.0228617 0.08919100000000001 -0.031496 -0.0274071 0.0907406 -0.031496 -0.0247344 0.0902645 -0.031496 0.0255952 0.0915738 -0.0312031 0.0246761 0.089978 -0.0312031 0.0274775 0.0902645 -0.031496 0.0255952 0.09212869999999999 -0.031496 -0.0219744 0.0929799 -0.031496 0.020048 0.0917047 -0.031496 0.0228617 0.09299540000000001 -0.0312031 0.0217825 0.0917047 -0.031496 0.0228617 0.0929799 -0.031496 0.020048 0.0907406 -0.031496 -0.0247344 0.09212869999999999 -0.031496 -0.0219744 0.0917047 -0.031496 0.0228617 0.09299540000000001 -0.0312031 0.0217825 0.0915738 -0.0312031 0.0246761 0.0917047 -0.031496 0.0228617 0.0933513 -0.031496 -0.0191351 0.0940863 -0.031496 0.0171618 0.0929799 -0.031496 0.020048 0.0942373 -0.0312031 0.0188074 0.0929799 -0.031496 0.020048 0.0940863 -0.031496 0.0171618 0.09212869999999999 -0.031496 -0.0219744 0.0933513 -0.031496 -0.0191351 0.0929799 -0.031496 0.020048 0.0942373 -0.0312031 0.0188074 0.09299540000000001 -0.0312031 0.0217825 0.0929799 -0.031496 0.020048 0.09440229999999999 -0.031496 -0.0162298 0.09501900000000001 -0.031496 0.0142158 0.0940863 -0.031496 0.0171618 0.09529509999999999 -0.0312031 0.0157619 0.0940863 -0.031496 0.0171618 0.09501900000000001 -0.031496 0.0142158 0.0933513 -0.031496 -0.0191351 0.09440229999999999 -0.031496 -0.0162298 0.0940863 -0.031496 0.0171618 0.09529509999999999 -0.0312031 0.0157619 0.0942373 -0.0312031 0.0188074 0.0940863 -0.031496 0.0171618 0.0952788 -0.031496 -0.0132675 0.0957749 -0.031496 0.0112206 0.09501900000000001 -0.031496 0.0142158 0.09616470000000001 -0.0312031 0.0126574 0.09501900000000001 -0.031496 0.0142158 0.0957749 -0.031496 0.0112206 0.09440229999999999 -0.031496 -0.0162298 0.0952788 -0.031496 -0.0132675 0.09501900000000001 -0.031496 0.0142158 0.09616470000000001 -0.0312031 0.0126574 0.09529509999999999 -0.0312031 0.0157619 0.09501900000000001 -0.031496 0.0142158 0.09597840000000001 -0.031496 -0.0102565 0.0963518 -0.031496 0.00818434 0.0957749 -0.031496 0.0112206 0.09684280000000001 -0.0312031 0.00950558 0.0957749 -0.031496 0.0112206 0.0963518 -0.031496 0.00818434 0.0952788 -0.031496 -0.0132675 0.09597840000000001 -0.031496 -0.0102565 0.0957749 -0.031496 0.0112206 0.09684280000000001 -0.0312031 0.00950558 0.09616470000000001 -0.0312031 0.0126574 0.0957749 -0.031496 0.0112206 0.0964975 -0.031496 -0.00721057 0.09674729999999999 -0.031496 0.00511923 0.0963518 -0.031496 0.00818434 0.097327 -0.0312031 0.00631819 0.0963518 -0.031496 0.00818434 0.09674729999999999 -0.031496 0.00511923 0.09597840000000001 -0.031496 -0.0102565 0.0964975 -0.031496 -0.00721057 0.0963518 -0.031496 0.00818434 0.097327 -0.0312031 0.00631819 0.09684280000000001 -0.0312031 0.00950558 0.0963518 -0.031496 0.00818434 0.0968348 -0.031496 -0.00413981 0.09696 -0.031496 0.00203733 0.09674729999999999 -0.031496 0.00511923 0.0976154 -0.0312031 0.00310717 0.09674729999999999 -0.031496 0.00511923 0.09696 -0.031496 0.00203733 0.0964975 -0.031496 -0.00721057 0.0968348 -0.031496 -0.00413981 0.09674729999999999 -0.031496 0.00511923 0.0976154 -0.0312031 0.00310717 0.097327 -0.0312031 0.00631819 0.09674729999999999 -0.031496 0.00511923 0.0968348 -0.031496 -0.00413981 0.0969893 -0.031496 -0.00105273 0.09696 -0.031496 0.00203733 0.0977069 -0.0312031 -0.000115497 0.09696 -0.031496 0.00203733 0.0969893 -0.031496 -0.00105273 0.0977069 -0.0312031 -0.000115497 0.0976154 -0.0312031 0.00310717 0.09696 -0.031496 0.00203733 0.0976013 -0.0312031 -0.00333772 0.0969893 -0.031496 -0.00105273 0.0968348 -0.031496 -0.00413981 0.0976013 -0.0312031 -0.00333772 0.0977069 -0.0312031 -0.000115497 0.0969893 -0.031496 -0.00105273 0.0972988 -0.0312031 -0.00654745 0.0968348 -0.031496 -0.00413981 0.0964975 -0.031496 -0.00721057 0.0972988 -0.0312031 -0.00654745 0.0976013 -0.0312031 -0.00333772 0.0968348 -0.031496 -0.00413981 0.0968007 -0.0312031 -0.0097327 0.0964975 -0.031496 -0.00721057 0.09597840000000001 -0.031496 -0.0102565 0.0968007 -0.0312031 -0.0097327 0.0972988 -0.0312031 -0.00654745 0.0964975 -0.031496 -0.00721057 0.09610870000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0128815 0.09597840000000001 -0.031496 -0.0102565 0.0952788 -0.031496 -0.0132675 0.09610870000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0128815 0.0968007 -0.0312031 -0.0097327 0.09597840000000001 -0.031496 -0.0102565 0.0952255 -0.0312031 -0.0159821 0.0952788 -0.031496 -0.0132675 0.09440229999999999 -0.031496 -0.0162298 0.0952255 -0.0312031 -0.0159821 0.09610870000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0128815 0.0952788 -0.031496 -0.0132675 0.0941545 -0.0312031 -0.019023 0.09440229999999999 -0.031496 -0.0162298 0.0933513 -0.031496 -0.0191351 0.0941545 -0.0312031 -0.019023 0.0952255 -0.0312031 -0.0159821 0.09440229999999999 -0.031496 -0.0162298 0.0928995 -0.0312031 -0.0219926 0.0933513 -0.031496 -0.0191351 0.09212869999999999 -0.031496 -0.0219744 0.0928995 -0.0312031 -0.0219926 0.0941545 -0.0312031 -0.019023 0.0933513 -0.031496 -0.0191351 0.0914652 -0.0312031 -0.02488 0.09212869999999999 -0.031496 -0.0219744 0.0907406 -0.031496 -0.0247344 0.0914652 -0.0312031 -0.02488 0.0928995 -0.0312031 -0.0219926 0.09212869999999999 -0.031496 -0.0219744 0.0898572 -0.0312031 -0.0276743 0.0907406 -0.031496 -0.0247344 0.08919100000000001 -0.031496 -0.0274071 0.0898572 -0.0312031 -0.0276743 0.0914652 -0.0312031 -0.02488 0.0907406 -0.031496 -0.0247344 0.0880813 -0.0312031 -0.030365 0.08919100000000001 -0.031496 -0.0274071 0.0874843 -0.031496 -0.0299846 0.0880813 -0.0312031 -0.030365 0.0898572 -0.0312031 -0.0276743 0.08919100000000001 -0.031496 -0.0274071 0.0880813 -0.0312031 -0.030365 0.0874843 -0.031496 -0.0299846 0.0856286 -0.031496 -0.0324547 0.0861442 -0.0312031 -0.0329422 0.0856286 -0.031496 -0.0324547 0.0836297 -0.031496 -0.0348101 0.0861442 -0.0312031 -0.0329422 0.0880813 -0.0312031 -0.030365 0.0856286 -0.031496 -0.0324547 0.08405319999999999 -0.0312031 -0.0353961 0.0836297 -0.031496 -0.0348101 0.08149289999999999 -0.031496 -0.037044 0.08405319999999999 -0.0312031 -0.0353961 0.0861442 -0.0312031 -0.0329422 0.0836297 -0.031496 -0.0348101 0.081816 -0.0312031 -0.0377175 0.08149289999999999 -0.031496 -0.037044 0.0792284 -0.031496 -0.039146 0.081816 -0.0312031 -0.0377175 0.08405319999999999 -0.0312031 -0.0353961 0.08149289999999999 -0.031496 -0.037044 0.0794412 -0.0312031 -0.0398979 0.0792284 -0.031496 -0.039146 0.07684340000000001 -0.031496 -0.0411095 0.0794412 -0.0312031 -0.0398979 0.081816 -0.0312031 -0.0377175 0.0792284 -0.031496 -0.039146 0.07693750000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0419289 0.07684340000000001 -0.031496 -0.0411095 0.07434449999999999 -0.031496 -0.0429289 0.07693750000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0419289 0.0794412 -0.0312031 -0.0398979 0.07684340000000001 -0.031496 -0.0411095 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0717428 -0.031496 -0.0445961 0.07434449999999999 -0.031496 -0.0429289 0.0743142 -0.0312031 -0.0438031 0.07434449999999999 -0.031496 -0.0429289 0.0717428 -0.031496 -0.0445961 0.0743142 -0.0312031 -0.0438031 0.07693750000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0419289 0.07434449999999999 -0.031496 -0.0429289 0.0692439 -0.031496 -0.0140063 0.06904739999999999 -0.031496 -0.0461054 0.0717428 -0.031496 -0.0445961 0.0715813 -0.0312031 -0.0455134 0.0717428 -0.031496 -0.0445961 0.06904739999999999 -0.031496 -0.0461054 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0692439 -0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0717428 -0.031496 -0.0445961 0.0715813 -0.0312031 -0.0455134 0.0743142 -0.0312031 -0.0438031 0.0717428 -0.031496 -0.0445961 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0662658 -0.031496 -0.0474527 0.06904739999999999 -0.031496 -0.0461054 0.0687489 -0.0312031 -0.0470533 0.06904739999999999 -0.031496 -0.0461054 0.0662658 -0.031496 -0.0474527 0.0692439 -0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.06904739999999999 -0.031496 -0.0461054 0.0687489 -0.0312031 -0.0470533 0.0715813 -0.0312031 -0.0455134 0.06904739999999999 -0.031496 -0.0461054 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0634093 -0.031496 -0.0486321 0.0662658 -0.031496 -0.0474527 0.0658277 -0.0312031 -0.0484174 0.0662658 -0.031496 -0.0474527 0.0634093 -0.031496 -0.0486321 0.0658277 -0.0312031 -0.0484174 0.0687489 -0.0312031 -0.0470533 0.0662658 -0.031496 -0.0474527 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.060489 -0.031496 -0.0496395 0.0634093 -0.031496 -0.0486321 0.0628286 -0.0312031 -0.0496002 0.0634093 -0.031496 -0.0486321 0.060489 -0.031496 -0.0496395 0.0628286 -0.0312031 -0.0496002 0.0658277 -0.0312031 -0.0484174 0.0634093 -0.031496 -0.0486321 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0575129 -0.031496 -0.050472 0.060489 -0.031496 -0.0496395 0.0597627 -0.0312031 -0.0505973 0.060489 -0.031496 -0.0496395 0.0575129 -0.031496 -0.050472 0.0597627 -0.0312031 -0.0505973 0.0628286 -0.0312031 -0.0496002 0.060489 -0.031496 -0.0496395 0.0522458 -0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0544922 -0.031496 -0.0511262 0.0575129 -0.031496 -0.050472 0.0566417 -0.0312031 -0.0514053 0.0575129 -0.031496 -0.050472 0.0544922 -0.031496 -0.0511262 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0522458 -0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0575129 -0.031496 -0.050472 0.0566417 -0.0312031 -0.0514053 0.0597627 -0.0312031 -0.0505973 0.0575129 -0.031496 -0.050472 0.0522458 -0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0514394 -0.031496 -0.0515996 0.0544922 -0.031496 -0.0511262 0.053477 -0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0544922 -0.031496 -0.0511262 0.0514394 -0.031496 -0.0515996 0.053477 -0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0566417 -0.0312031 -0.0514053 0.0544922 -0.031496 -0.0511262 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.0483632 -0.031496 -0.0518911 0.0514394 -0.031496 -0.0515996 0.0502807 -0.0312031 -0.0524418 0.0514394 -0.031496 -0.0515996 0.0483632 -0.031496 -0.0518911 0.0522458 -0.031496 -0.0270452 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.0514394 -0.031496 -0.0515996 0.0502807 -0.0312031 -0.0524418 0.053477 -0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0514394 -0.031496 -0.0515996 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.0452741 -0.031496 -0.0519992 0.0483632 -0.031496 -0.0518911 0.0470646 -0.0312031 -0.0526666 0.0483632 -0.031496 -0.0518911 0.0452741 -0.031496 -0.0519992 0.0470646 -0.0312031 -0.0526666 0.0502807 -0.0312031 -0.0524418 0.0483632 -0.031496 -0.0518911 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.0421857 -0.031496 -0.0519237 0.0452741 -0.031496 -0.0519992 0.0438407 -0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0452741 -0.031496 -0.0519992 0.0421857 -0.031496 -0.0519237 0.0438407 -0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0470646 -0.0312031 -0.0526666 0.0452741 -0.031496 -0.0519992 0.037718 -0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0391068 -0.031496 -0.051665 0.0421857 -0.031496 -0.0519237 0.0406212 -0.0312031 -0.0525249 0.0421857 -0.031496 -0.0519237 0.0391068 -0.031496 -0.051665 0.037718 -0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0421857 -0.031496 -0.0519237 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.0406212 -0.0312031 -0.0525249 0.0438407 -0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0421857 -0.031496 -0.0519237 0.037718 -0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0360473 -0.031496 -0.0512234 0.0391068 -0.031496 -0.051665 0.0374181 -0.0312031 -0.0521589 0.0391068 -0.031496 -0.051665 0.0360473 -0.031496 -0.0512234 0.0374181 -0.0312031 -0.0521589 0.0406212 -0.0312031 -0.0525249 0.0391068 -0.031496 -0.051665 0.0309279 -0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0330212 -0.031496 -0.0506013 0.0360473 -0.031496 -0.0512234 0.0342434 -0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0360473 -0.031496 -0.0512234 0.0330212 -0.031496 -0.0506013 0.037718 -0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0309279 -0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0360473 -0.031496 -0.0512234 0.0342434 -0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0374181 -0.0312031 -0.0521589 0.0360473 -0.031496 -0.0512234 0.0309279 -0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0300371 -0.031496 -0.0498007 0.0330212 -0.031496 -0.0506013 0.0311088 -0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0330212 -0.031496 -0.0506013 0.0300371 -0.031496 -0.0498007 0.0311088 -0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0342434 -0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0330212 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0.058 0.0047167 -0.031496 -0.0328824 0.0067414 -0.031496 -0.0352174 0.0044279 -0.0312031 -0.0336443 0.0067414 -0.031496 -0.0352174 0.0047167 -0.031496 -0.0328824 0.0044279 -0.0312031 -0.0336443 0.0065608 -0.0312031 -0.0360619 0.0067414 -0.031496 -0.0352174 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 0.0028343 -0.031496 -0.0304308 0.0047167 -0.031496 -0.0328824 0.0024468 -0.0312031 -0.0311009 0.0047167 -0.031496 -0.0328824 0.0028343 -0.031496 -0.0304308 0.0024468 -0.0312031 -0.0311009 0.0044279 -0.0312031 -0.0336443 0.0047167 -0.031496 -0.0328824 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 0.0011021 -0.031496 -0.0278742 0.0028343 -0.031496 -0.0304308 0.000625001 -0.0312031 -0.028441 0.0028343 -0.031496 -0.0304308 0.0011021 -0.031496 -0.0278742 0.000625001 -0.0312031 -0.028441 0.0024468 -0.0312031 -0.0311009 0.0028343 -0.031496 -0.0304308 -0.0025182 -0.031496 0.058 -0.000475502 -0.031496 -0.0252186 0.0011021 -0.031496 -0.0278742 -0.0010309 -0.0312031 -0.0256748 0.0011021 -0.031496 -0.0278742 -0.000475502 -0.031496 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-0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0033359 -0.031496 -0.019168 -0.0049435 -0.0312031 -0.0168429 -0.0038203 -0.0312031 -0.0198648 -0.0033359 -0.031496 -0.019168 -0.0053722 -0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0053884 -0.031496 -0.0128498 -0.0045048 -0.031496 -0.0159175 -0.0058798 -0.0312031 -0.0137578 -0.0045048 -0.031496 -0.0159175 -0.0053884 -0.031496 -0.0128498 -0.0052347 -0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0053722 -0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0045048 -0.031496 -0.0159175 -0.0058798 -0.0312031 -0.0137578 -0.0049435 -0.0312031 -0.0168429 -0.0045048 -0.031496 -0.0159175 -0.0056943 -0.031496 0.0116204 -0.0060179 -0.031496 -0.0100525 -0.0053884 -0.031496 -0.0128498 -0.0066258 -0.0312031 -0.0106214 -0.0053884 -0.031496 -0.0128498 -0.0060179 -0.031496 -0.0100525 -0.0054574 -0.031496 0.0138516 -0.0056943 -0.031496 0.0116204 -0.0053884 -0.031496 -0.0128498 -0.0053722 -0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0054574 -0.031496 0.0138516 -0.0053884 -0.031496 -0.0128498 -0.0066258 -0.0312031 -0.0106214 -0.0058798 -0.0312031 -0.0137578 -0.0053884 -0.031496 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-0.0012601 -0.0315714 0.058 -0.0025182 -0.031496 0.058 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 -0.0012601 -0.0315714 0.058 -0.004523 -0.0339756 0.0585328 -0.0025182 -0.031496 0.058 0.0045257 -0.0339752 0.0585328 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 0.0123771 -0.031496 0.0583695 -0.004523 -0.0339756 0.0585328 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 0.0045257 -0.0339752 0.0585328 0.0012601 -0.0315714 0.058 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 -0.004523 -0.0339756 0.0585328 -1.78814e-09 -0.0315965 0.058 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 0.0012601 -0.0315714 0.058 -0.0012601 -0.0315714 0.058 0.0025181 -0.031496 0.058 -1.78814e-09 -0.0315965 0.058 0.0045257 -0.0339752 0.0585328 0.0123771 -0.031496 0.0583695 0.0134788 -0.031496 0.0585262 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.0322789 -0.031496 0.0563679 0.0314365 -0.031496 0.059061 0.0411046 -0.0170489 0.059061 0.0314365 -0.031496 0.059061 0.0322789 -0.031496 0.0563679 0.0309876 -0.031496 0.0242399 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.0314365 -0.031496 0.059061 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.0352033 -0.031496 0.05384 0.0322789 -0.031496 0.0563679 0.0418904 -0.0173748 0.055886 0.0322789 -0.031496 0.0563679 0.0352033 -0.031496 0.05384 0.0418904 -0.0173748 0.055886 0.0411046 -0.0170489 0.059061 0.0322789 -0.031496 0.0563679 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.0352033 -0.031496 0.05384 0.0440373 -0.0182653 0.0535617 0.0352033 -0.031496 0.05384 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.0440373 -0.0182653 0.0535617 0.0418904 -0.0173748 0.055886 0.0352033 -0.031496 0.05384 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.0412864 -0.031496 0.0520078 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.042573 -0.0314168 0.0521007 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.0412864 -0.031496 0.0520078 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.0412879 -0.0307922 0.052711 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.042573 -0.030496 0.052711 0.042573 -0.0311921 0.0524288 0.042573 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.0457185 -0.0222596 0.052711 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.0412879 -0.0307922 0.052711 0.0440373 -0.0182653 0.0535617 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.0457185 -0.0222596 0.052711 0.042573 -0.0311921 0.0524288 0.0399215 -0.031496 0.052711 0.042573 -0.0314168 0.0521007 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.042573 -0.031496 0.051711 0.0412864 -0.031496 0.0520078 0.042573 -0.0314168 0.0521007 0.0412864 -0.031496 0.0520078 0.042573 -0.031496 0.051711 0.042573 -0.0314168 0.0521007 0.042573 -0.031496 0.051711 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.045 0.031496 -0.028 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.0522458 -0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0377542 0.031496 -0.0270452 0.037718 -0.031496 -0.0270354 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.0377542 0.031496 -0.0270452 0.045 -0.031496 -0.028 0.045 0.031496 -0.028 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0522458 -0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.045 0.031496 -0.028 0.0522458 -0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0590721 0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0692439 -0.031496 -0.0140063 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0590124 -0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0590721 0.031496 -0.0242051 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.0692439 -0.031496 -0.0140063 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0590721 0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0692439 -0.031496 -0.0140063 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.07299990000000001 -0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0692439 0.031496 0.0140063 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.0590721 -0.031496 0.0242051 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.06927369999999999 -0.031496 0.013955 0.0692439 0.031496 0.0140063 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.0590721 -0.031496 0.0242051 0.052282 -0.031496 0.0270354 0.0692439 0.031496 0.0140063 0.0590721 -0.031496 0.0242051 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.0522458 0.031496 0.0270452 0.052282 -0.031496 0.0270354 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.052282 -0.031496 0.0270354 0.0522458 0.031496 0.0270452 0.045 0.031496 0.028 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.0522458 0.031496 0.0270452 0.045 -0.031496 0.028 0.045 0.031496 0.028 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.0309876 -0.031496 0.0242399 0.045 0.031496 0.028 0.0377542 -0.031496 0.0270452 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0309876 -0.031496 0.0242399 0.0207561 -0.031496 0.0140063 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.0309876 -0.031496 0.0242399 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0207263 0.031496 0.013955 0.0207561 -0.031496 0.0140063 0.0170001 -0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0207561 -0.031496 0.0140063 0.0207263 0.031496 0.013955 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0170001 -0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0207263 -0.031496 -0.013955 0.0207263 0.031496 0.013955 0.0170001 -0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0207561 0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0207263 -0.031496 -0.013955 0.0309279 -0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0207263 -0.031496 -0.013955 0.0207561 0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0309279 -0.031496 -0.0242051 0.037718 -0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0207561 0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0309279 -0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.037718 -0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0377542 0.031496 -0.0270452 -0.0226149 -0.00648822 0.063 -0.0213294 -0.00695615 0.063 -0.0229163 0.00604385 0.063 0.0533766 -0.030496 0.0523339 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.0537049 -0.0312031 0.0519833 0.0505272 -0.030496 0.052711 0.050522 -0.0308764 0.0526357 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.042573 -0.0311921 0.0524288 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.050522 -0.0308764 0.0526357 0.0533766 -0.030496 0.0523339 0.0505272 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.042573 -0.0311921 0.0524288 0.042573 -0.0314168 0.0521007 0.0505101 -0.0312044 0.0524167 0.0562012 -0.030496 0.0518028 0.0537049 -0.0312031 0.0519833 0.0568668 -0.0312031 0.0513538 0.0562012 -0.030496 0.0518028 0.0533766 -0.030496 0.0523339 0.0537049 -0.0312031 0.0519833 0.0589928 -0.030496 0.0511195 0.0568668 -0.0312031 0.0513538 0.0599844 -0.0312031 0.0505322 0.0589928 -0.030496 0.0511195 0.0562012 -0.030496 0.0518028 0.0568668 -0.0312031 0.0513538 0.0617433 -0.030496 0.0502858 0.0599844 -0.0312031 0.0505322 0.0630458 -0.0312031 0.0495216 0.0617433 -0.030496 0.0502858 0.0589928 -0.030496 0.0511195 0.0599844 -0.0312031 0.0505322 0.0644445 -0.030496 0.0493043 0.0630458 -0.0312031 0.0495216 0.06603970000000001 -0.0312031 0.0483256 0.0644445 -0.030496 0.0493043 0.0617433 -0.030496 0.0502858 0.0630458 -0.0312031 0.0495216 0.0670886 -0.030496 0.0481777 0.06603970000000001 -0.0312031 0.0483256 0.068955 -0.0312031 0.0469489 0.0670886 -0.030496 0.0481777 0.0644445 -0.030496 0.0493043 0.06603970000000001 -0.0312031 0.0483256 0.0696677 -0.030496 0.0469095 0.068955 -0.0312031 0.0469489 0.0717805 -0.0312031 0.0453965 0.0696677 -0.030496 0.0469095 0.0670886 -0.030496 0.0481777 0.068955 -0.0312031 0.0469489 0.0721743 -0.030496 0.0455034 0.0717805 -0.0312031 0.0453965 0.0745059 -0.0312031 0.0436742 0.0721743 -0.030496 0.0455034 0.0696677 -0.030496 0.0469095 0.0717805 -0.0312031 0.0453965 0.0769406 -0.030496 0.0422942 0.0745059 -0.0312031 0.0436742 0.07712090000000001 -0.0312031 0.0417886 0.074601 -0.030496 0.0439634 0.0721743 -0.030496 0.0455034 0.0745059 -0.0312031 0.0436742 0.0769406 -0.030496 0.0422942 0.074601 -0.030496 0.0439634 0.0745059 -0.0312031 0.0436742 0.0791863 -0.030496 0.0405006 0.07712090000000001 -0.0312031 0.0417886 0.0796157 -0.0312031 0.0397465 0.0791863 -0.030496 0.0405006 0.0769406 -0.030496 0.0422942 0.07712090000000001 -0.0312031 0.0417886 0.0813315 -0.030496 0.0385879 0.0796157 -0.0312031 0.0397465 0.081981 -0.0312031 0.0375558 0.0813315 -0.030496 0.0385879 0.0791863 -0.030496 0.0405006 0.0796157 -0.0312031 0.0397465 0.08336979999999999 -0.030496 0.0365617 0.081981 -0.0312031 0.0375558 0.08420800000000001 -0.0312031 0.0352246 0.08336979999999999 -0.030496 0.0365617 0.0813315 -0.030496 0.0385879 0.081981 -0.0312031 0.0375558 0.0852953 -0.030496 0.034428 0.08420800000000001 -0.0312031 0.0352246 0.0862882 -0.0312031 0.0327615 0.0852953 -0.030496 0.034428 0.08336979999999999 -0.030496 0.0365617 0.08420800000000001 -0.0312031 0.0352246 0.08710229999999999 -0.030496 0.032193 0.0862882 -0.0312031 0.0327615 0.088214 -0.0312031 0.030176 0.08710229999999999 -0.030496 0.032193 0.0852953 -0.030496 0.034428 0.0862882 -0.0312031 0.0327615 0.0887855 -0.030496 0.0298635 0.088214 -0.0312031 0.030176 0.089978 -0.0312031 0.0274775 0.0887855 -0.030496 0.0298635 0.08710229999999999 -0.030496 0.032193 0.088214 -0.0312031 0.030176 0.09034 -0.030496 0.027446 0.089978 -0.0312031 0.0274775 0.0915738 -0.0312031 0.0246761 0.09034 -0.030496 0.027446 0.0887855 -0.030496 0.0298635 0.089978 -0.0312031 0.0274775 0.09304469999999999 -0.030496 0.0223764 0.0915738 -0.0312031 0.0246761 0.09299540000000001 -0.0312031 0.0217825 0.0917611 -0.030496 0.0249479 0.09034 -0.030496 0.027446 0.0915738 -0.0312031 0.0246761 0.09304469999999999 -0.030496 0.0223764 0.0917611 -0.030496 0.0249479 0.0915738 -0.0312031 0.0246761 0.0941871 -0.030496 0.0197391 0.09299540000000001 -0.0312031 0.0217825 0.0942373 -0.0312031 0.0188074 0.0941871 -0.030496 0.0197391 0.09304469999999999 -0.030496 0.0223764 0.09299540000000001 -0.0312031 0.0217825 0.0951847 -0.030496 0.0170438 0.0942373 -0.0312031 0.0188074 0.09529509999999999 -0.0312031 0.0157619 0.0951847 -0.030496 0.0170438 0.0941871 -0.030496 0.0197391 0.0942373 -0.0312031 0.0188074 0.09603490000000001 -0.030496 0.0142983 0.09529509999999999 -0.0312031 0.0157619 0.09616470000000001 -0.0312031 0.0126574 0.09603490000000001 -0.030496 0.0142983 0.0951847 -0.030496 0.0170438 0.09529509999999999 -0.0312031 0.0157619 0.0967349 -0.030496 0.0115109 0.09616470000000001 -0.0312031 0.0126574 0.09684280000000001 -0.0312031 0.00950558 0.0967349 -0.030496 0.0115109 0.09603490000000001 -0.030496 0.0142983 0.09616470000000001 -0.0312031 0.0126574 0.0972828 -0.030496 0.008689499999999999 0.09684280000000001 -0.0312031 0.00950558 0.097327 -0.0312031 0.00631819 0.0972828 -0.030496 0.008689499999999999 0.0967349 -0.030496 0.0115109 0.09684280000000001 -0.0312031 0.00950558 0.097677 -0.030496 0.0058426 0.097327 -0.0312031 0.00631819 0.0976154 -0.0312031 0.00310717 0.097677 -0.030496 0.0058426 0.0972828 -0.030496 0.008689499999999999 0.097327 -0.0312031 0.00631819 0.09791619999999999 -0.030496 0.00297852 0.0976154 -0.0312031 0.00310717 0.0977069 -0.0312031 -0.000115497 0.09791619999999999 -0.030496 0.00297852 0.097677 -0.030496 0.0058426 0.0976154 -0.0312031 0.00310717 0.09792770000000001 -0.030496 -0.00276747 0.0977069 -0.0312031 -0.000115497 0.0976013 -0.0312031 -0.00333772 0.0979999 -0.030496 0.000105681 0.09791619999999999 -0.030496 0.00297852 0.0977069 -0.0312031 -0.000115497 0.09792770000000001 -0.030496 -0.00276747 0.0979999 -0.030496 0.000105681 0.0977069 -0.0312031 -0.000115497 0.09769990000000001 -0.030496 -0.00563248 0.0976013 -0.0312031 -0.00333772 0.0972988 -0.0312031 -0.00654745 0.09769990000000001 -0.030496 -0.00563248 0.09792770000000001 -0.030496 -0.00276747 0.0976013 -0.0312031 -0.00333772 0.097317 -0.030496 -0.008480929999999999 0.0972988 -0.0312031 -0.00654745 0.0968007 -0.0312031 -0.0097327 0.097317 -0.030496 -0.008480929999999999 0.09769990000000001 -0.030496 -0.00563248 0.0972988 -0.0312031 -0.00654745 0.0967804 -0.030496 -0.0113044 0.0968007 -0.0312031 -0.0097327 0.09610870000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0128815 0.0967804 -0.030496 -0.0113044 0.097317 -0.030496 -0.008480929999999999 0.0968007 -0.0312031 -0.0097327 0.0960915 -0.030496 -0.0140947 0.09610870000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0128815 0.0952255 -0.0312031 -0.0159821 0.0960915 -0.030496 -0.0140947 0.0967804 -0.030496 -0.0113044 0.09610870000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0128815 0.0952523 -0.030496 -0.0168435 0.0952255 -0.0312031 -0.0159821 0.0941545 -0.0312031 -0.019023 0.0952523 -0.030496 -0.0168435 0.0960915 -0.030496 -0.0140947 0.0952255 -0.0312031 -0.0159821 0.0942654 -0.030496 -0.0195428 0.0941545 -0.0312031 -0.019023 0.0928995 -0.0312031 -0.0219926 0.0942654 -0.030496 -0.0195428 0.0952523 -0.030496 -0.0168435 0.0941545 -0.0312031 -0.019023 0.0931336 -0.030496 -0.0221846 0.0928995 -0.0312031 -0.0219926 0.0914652 -0.0312031 -0.02488 0.0931336 -0.030496 -0.0221846 0.0942654 -0.030496 -0.0195428 0.0928995 -0.0312031 -0.0219926 0.0904491 -0.030496 -0.027265 0.0914652 -0.0312031 -0.02488 0.0898572 -0.0312031 -0.0276743 0.0918602 -0.030496 -0.0247612 0.0931336 -0.030496 -0.0221846 0.0914652 -0.0312031 -0.02488 0.0904491 -0.030496 -0.027265 0.0918602 -0.030496 -0.0247612 0.0914652 -0.0312031 -0.02488 0.08890430000000001 -0.030496 -0.0296886 0.0898572 -0.0312031 -0.0276743 0.0880813 -0.0312031 -0.030365 0.08890430000000001 -0.030496 -0.0296886 0.0904491 -0.030496 -0.027265 0.0898572 -0.0312031 -0.0276743 0.0872304 -0.030496 -0.0320249 0.0880813 -0.0312031 -0.030365 0.0861442 -0.0312031 -0.0329422 0.0872304 -0.030496 -0.0320249 0.08890430000000001 -0.030496 -0.0296886 0.0880813 -0.0312031 -0.030365 0.0854323 -0.030496 -0.034267 0.0861442 -0.0312031 -0.0329422 0.08405319999999999 -0.0312031 -0.0353961 0.0854323 -0.030496 -0.034267 0.0872304 -0.030496 -0.0320249 0.0861442 -0.0312031 -0.0329422 0.0835153 -0.030496 -0.0364084 0.08405319999999999 -0.0312031 -0.0353961 0.081816 -0.0312031 -0.0377175 0.0835153 -0.030496 -0.0364084 0.0854323 -0.030496 -0.034267 0.08405319999999999 -0.0312031 -0.0353961 0.0814851 -0.030496 -0.0384427 0.081816 -0.0312031 -0.0377175 0.0794412 -0.0312031 -0.0398979 0.0814851 -0.030496 -0.0384427 0.0835153 -0.030496 -0.0364084 0.081816 -0.0312031 -0.0377175 0.0793476 -0.030496 -0.0403639 0.0794412 -0.0312031 -0.0398979 0.07693750000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0419289 0.0793476 -0.030496 -0.0403639 0.0814851 -0.030496 -0.0384427 0.0794412 -0.0312031 -0.0398979 0.077109 -0.030496 -0.0421665 0.07693750000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0419289 0.0743142 -0.0312031 -0.0438031 0.077109 -0.030496 -0.0421665 0.0793476 -0.030496 -0.0403639 0.07693750000000001 -0.0312031 -0.0419289 0.07235560000000001 -0.030496 -0.0453946 0.0743142 -0.0312031 -0.0438031 0.0715813 -0.0312031 -0.0455134 0.0747761 -0.030496 -0.043845 0.077109 -0.030496 -0.0421665 0.0743142 -0.0312031 -0.0438031 0.07235560000000001 -0.030496 -0.0453946 0.0747761 -0.030496 -0.043845 0.0743142 -0.0312031 -0.0438031 0.0698546 -0.030496 -0.0468108 0.0715813 -0.0312031 -0.0455134 0.0687489 -0.0312031 -0.0470533 0.0698546 -0.030496 -0.0468108 0.07235560000000001 -0.030496 -0.0453946 0.0715813 -0.0312031 -0.0455134 0.0672806 -0.030496 -0.0480892 0.0687489 -0.0312031 -0.0470533 0.0658277 -0.0312031 -0.0484174 0.0672806 -0.030496 -0.0480892 0.0698546 -0.030496 -0.0468108 0.0687489 -0.0312031 -0.0470533 0.064641 -0.030496 -0.0492263 0.0658277 -0.0312031 -0.0484174 0.0628286 -0.0312031 -0.0496002 0.064641 -0.030496 -0.0492263 0.0672806 -0.030496 -0.0480892 0.0658277 -0.0312031 -0.0484174 0.0619437 -0.030496 -0.0502186 0.0628286 -0.0312031 -0.0496002 0.0597627 -0.0312031 -0.0505973 0.0619437 -0.030496 -0.0502186 0.064641 -0.030496 -0.0492263 0.0628286 -0.0312031 -0.0496002 0.0591966 -0.030496 -0.0510633 0.0597627 -0.0312031 -0.0505973 0.0566417 -0.0312031 -0.0514053 0.0591966 -0.030496 -0.0510633 0.0619437 -0.030496 -0.0502186 0.0597627 -0.0312031 -0.0505973 0.0564077 -0.030496 -0.0517578 0.0566417 -0.0312031 -0.0514053 0.053477 -0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0564077 -0.030496 -0.0517578 0.0591966 -0.030496 -0.0510633 0.0566417 -0.0312031 -0.0514053 0.0507376 -0.030496 -0.0526885 0.053477 -0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0502807 -0.0312031 -0.0524418 0.0535852 -0.030496 -0.0523 0.0564077 -0.030496 -0.0517578 0.053477 -0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0507376 -0.030496 -0.0526885 0.0535852 -0.030496 -0.0523 0.053477 -0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.047873 -0.030496 -0.0529221 0.0502807 -0.0312031 -0.0524418 0.0470646 -0.0312031 -0.0526666 0.047873 -0.030496 -0.0529221 0.0507376 -0.030496 -0.0526885 0.0502807 -0.0312031 -0.0524418 0.045 -0.030496 -0.053 0.0470646 -0.0312031 -0.0526666 0.0438407 -0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.045 -0.030496 -0.053 0.047873 -0.030496 -0.0529221 0.0470646 -0.0312031 -0.0526666 0.0418843 -0.030496 -0.0529083 0.0438407 -0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0406212 -0.0312031 -0.0525249 0.0418843 -0.030496 -0.0529083 0.045 -0.030496 -0.053 0.0438407 -0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0387794 -0.030496 -0.0526337 0.0406212 -0.0312031 -0.0525249 0.0374181 -0.0312031 -0.0521589 0.0387794 -0.030496 -0.0526337 0.0418843 -0.030496 -0.0529083 0.0406212 -0.0312031 -0.0525249 0.0356961 -0.030496 -0.052177 0.0374181 -0.0312031 -0.0521589 0.0342434 -0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0356961 -0.030496 -0.052177 0.0387794 -0.030496 -0.0526337 0.0374181 -0.0312031 -0.0521589 0.032645 -0.030496 -0.0515398 0.0342434 -0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0311088 -0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.032645 -0.030496 -0.0515398 0.0356961 -0.030496 -0.052177 0.0342434 -0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0296365 -0.030496 -0.0507244 0.0311088 -0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0280263 -0.0312031 -0.0498992 0.0296365 -0.030496 -0.0507244 0.032645 -0.030496 -0.0515398 0.0311088 -0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.026681 -0.030496 -0.0497334 0.0280263 -0.0312031 -0.0498992 0.0250073 -0.0312031 -0.0487681 0.026681 -0.030496 -0.0497334 0.0296365 -0.030496 -0.0507244 0.0280263 -0.0312031 -0.0498992 0.0237889 -0.030496 -0.0485704 0.0250073 -0.0312031 -0.0487681 0.0220631 -0.0312031 -0.0474546 0.0237889 -0.030496 -0.0485704 0.026681 -0.030496 -0.0497334 0.0250073 -0.0312031 -0.0487681 0.0209703 -0.030496 -0.0472396 0.0220631 -0.0312031 -0.0474546 0.0192047 -0.0312031 -0.0459634 0.0209703 -0.030496 -0.0472396 0.0237889 -0.030496 -0.0485704 0.0220631 -0.0312031 -0.0474546 0.0182352 -0.030496 -0.0457455 0.0192047 -0.0312031 -0.0459634 0.0164428 -0.0312031 -0.0443004 0.0182352 -0.030496 -0.0457455 0.0209703 -0.030496 -0.0472396 0.0192047 -0.0312031 -0.0459634 0.015593 -0.030496 -0.0440934 0.0164428 -0.0312031 -0.0443004 0.0137877 -0.0312031 -0.0424715 0.015593 -0.030496 -0.0440934 0.0182352 -0.030496 -0.0457455 0.0164428 -0.0312031 -0.0443004 0.0130517 -0.030496 -0.0422884 0.0137877 -0.0312031 -0.0424715 0.0112495 -0.0312031 -0.0404837 0.0130517 -0.030496 -0.0422884 0.015593 -0.030496 -0.0440934 0.0137877 -0.0312031 -0.0424715 0.0106197 -0.030496 -0.040336 0.0112495 -0.0312031 -0.0404837 0.0088374 -0.0312031 -0.0383446 0.0106197 -0.030496 -0.040336 0.0130517 -0.030496 -0.0422884 0.0112495 -0.0312031 -0.0404837 0.008305999999999999 -0.030496 -0.0382433 0.0088374 -0.0312031 -0.0383446 0.0065608 -0.0312031 -0.0360619 0.008305999999999999 -0.030496 -0.0382433 0.0106197 -0.030496 -0.040336 0.0088374 -0.0312031 -0.0383446 0.0061214 -0.030496 -0.0360202 0.0065608 -0.0312031 -0.0360619 0.0044279 -0.0312031 -0.0336443 0.0061214 -0.030496 -0.0360202 0.008305999999999999 -0.030496 -0.0382433 0.0065608 -0.0312031 -0.0360619 0.0040755 -0.030496 -0.0336777 0.0044279 -0.0312031 -0.0336443 0.0024468 -0.0312031 -0.0311009 0.0040755 -0.030496 -0.0336777 0.0061214 -0.030496 -0.0360202 0.0044279 -0.0312031 -0.0336443 0.0021716 -0.030496 -0.0312206 0.0024468 -0.0312031 -0.0311009 0.000625001 -0.0312031 -0.028441 0.0021716 -0.030496 -0.0312206 0.0040755 -0.030496 -0.0336777 0.0024468 -0.0312031 -0.0311009 -0.0012139 -0.030496 -0.0259476 0.000625001 -0.0312031 -0.028441 -0.0010309 -0.0312031 -0.0256748 0.000407701 -0.030496 -0.0286449 0.0021716 -0.030496 -0.0312206 0.000625001 -0.0312031 -0.028441 -0.0012139 -0.030496 -0.0259476 0.000407701 -0.030496 -0.0286449 0.000625001 -0.0312031 -0.028441 -0.0026677 -0.030496 -0.0231686 -0.0010309 -0.0312031 -0.0256748 -0.0025145 -0.0312031 -0.0228125 -0.0026677 -0.030496 -0.0231686 -0.0012139 -0.030496 -0.0259476 -0.0010309 -0.0312031 -0.0256748 -0.0039292 -0.030496 -0.02037 -0.0025145 -0.0312031 -0.0228125 -0.0038203 -0.0312031 -0.0198648 -0.0039292 -0.030496 -0.02037 -0.0026677 -0.030496 -0.0231686 -0.0025145 -0.0312031 -0.0228125 -0.0049774 -0.030496 -0.0176426 -0.0038203 -0.0312031 -0.0198648 -0.0049435 -0.0312031 -0.0168429 -0.0049774 -0.030496 -0.0176426 -0.0039292 -0.030496 -0.02037 -0.0038203 -0.0312031 -0.0198648 -0.0061073 -0.030496 -0.0140373 -0.0049435 -0.0312031 -0.0168429 -0.0058798 -0.0312031 -0.0137578 -0.0061073 -0.030496 -0.0140373 -0.0049774 -0.030496 -0.0176426 -0.0049435 -0.0312031 -0.0168429 -0.0068935 -0.030496 -0.0107733 -0.0058798 -0.0312031 -0.0137578 -0.0066258 -0.0312031 -0.0106214 -0.0068935 -0.030496 -0.0107733 -0.0061073 -0.030496 -0.0140373 -0.0058798 -0.0312031 -0.0137578 -0.0074139 -0.030496 -0.00786019 -0.0066258 -0.0312031 -0.0106214 -0.0071786 -0.0312031 -0.00744517 -0.0074139 -0.030496 -0.00786019 -0.0068935 -0.030496 -0.0107733 -0.0066258 -0.0312031 -0.0106214 -0.0077398 -0.0304961 -0.00524548 -0.0071786 -0.0312031 -0.00744517 -0.0075361 -0.0312031 -0.00424108 -0.0077398 -0.0304961 -0.00524548 -0.0074139 -0.030496 -0.00786019 -0.0071786 -0.0312031 -0.00744517 -0.0079218 -0.0304961 -0.00287823 -0.0075361 -0.0312031 -0.00424108 -0.0076972 -0.0312031 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-0.0063772 -0.0312057 0.0117769 -0.0066602 -0.0305049 0.0118418 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0071804 -0.0304963 0.009284560000000001 -0.0066602 -0.0305049 0.0118418 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0066602 -0.0305049 0.0118418 -0.0060916 -0.0308342 0.0140942 0.042573 -0.0311921 0.0524288 0.050522 -0.0308764 0.0526357 0.0505272 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0505272 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0533766 -0.030496 0.0523339 0.042573 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0505272 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.042573 -0.0311921 0.0524288 0.0505272 -0.030496 0.052711 0.042573 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0533766 -0.030496 0.0523339 0.0562012 -0.030496 0.0518028 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0562012 -0.030496 0.0518028 0.0589928 -0.030496 0.0511195 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0589928 -0.030496 0.0511195 0.0617433 -0.030496 0.0502858 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0617433 -0.030496 0.0502858 0.0644445 -0.030496 0.0493043 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0617433 -0.030496 0.0502858 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0644445 -0.030496 0.0493043 0.0670886 -0.030496 0.0481777 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0670886 -0.030496 0.0481777 0.0696677 -0.030496 0.0469095 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0696677 -0.030496 0.0469095 0.0721743 -0.030496 0.0455034 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0721743 -0.030496 0.0455034 0.074601 -0.030496 0.0439634 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0721743 -0.030496 0.0455034 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.074601 -0.030496 0.0439634 0.0769406 -0.030496 0.0422942 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0769406 -0.030496 0.0422942 0.0791863 -0.030496 0.0405006 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0791863 -0.030496 0.0405006 0.0813315 -0.030496 0.0385879 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.0813315 -0.030496 0.0385879 0.08336979999999999 -0.030496 0.0365617 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0813315 -0.030496 0.0385879 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.08336979999999999 -0.030496 0.0365617 0.0852953 -0.030496 0.034428 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.0852953 -0.030496 0.034428 0.08710229999999999 -0.030496 0.032193 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.08710229999999999 -0.030496 0.032193 0.0887855 -0.030496 0.0298635 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.0887855 -0.030496 0.0298635 0.09034 -0.030496 0.027446 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.0887855 -0.030496 0.0298635 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.09034 -0.030496 0.027446 0.0917611 -0.030496 0.0249479 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.0917611 -0.030496 0.0249479 0.09304469999999999 -0.030496 0.0223764 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.09304469999999999 -0.030496 0.0223764 0.0941871 -0.030496 0.0197391 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.0941871 -0.030496 0.0197391 0.0951847 -0.030496 0.0170438 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.0941871 -0.030496 0.0197391 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.0951847 -0.030496 0.0170438 0.09603490000000001 -0.030496 0.0142983 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.09603490000000001 -0.030496 0.0142983 0.0967349 -0.030496 0.0115109 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.0967349 -0.030496 0.0115109 0.0972828 -0.030496 0.008689499999999999 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.0967349 -0.030496 0.0115109 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.0972828 -0.030496 0.008689499999999999 0.097677 -0.030496 0.0058426 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.097677 -0.030496 0.0058426 0.09791619999999999 -0.030496 0.00297852 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.09791619999999999 -0.030496 0.00297852 0.0979999 -0.030496 0.000105681 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.0979999 -0.030496 0.000105681 0.09792770000000001 -0.030496 -0.00276747 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.0979999 -0.030496 0.000105681 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.09792770000000001 -0.030496 -0.00276747 0.09769990000000001 -0.030496 -0.00563248 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.09769990000000001 -0.030496 -0.00563248 0.097317 -0.030496 -0.008480929999999999 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.097317 -0.030496 -0.008480929999999999 0.0967804 -0.030496 -0.0113044 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.0967804 -0.030496 -0.0113044 0.0960915 -0.030496 -0.0140947 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.0967804 -0.030496 -0.0113044 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.0960915 -0.030496 -0.0140947 0.0952523 -0.030496 -0.0168435 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.0952523 -0.030496 -0.0168435 0.0942654 -0.030496 -0.0195428 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.0942654 -0.030496 -0.0195428 0.0931336 -0.030496 -0.0221846 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.0931336 -0.030496 -0.0221846 0.0918602 -0.030496 -0.0247612 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.0931336 -0.030496 -0.0221846 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.0918602 -0.030496 -0.0247612 0.0904491 -0.030496 -0.027265 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.0904491 -0.030496 -0.027265 0.08890430000000001 -0.030496 -0.0296886 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.08890430000000001 -0.030496 -0.0296886 0.0872304 -0.030496 -0.0320249 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.0872304 -0.030496 -0.0320249 0.0854323 -0.030496 -0.034267 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.0872304 -0.030496 -0.0320249 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.0854323 -0.030496 -0.034267 0.0835153 -0.030496 -0.0364084 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.0835153 -0.030496 -0.0364084 0.0814851 -0.030496 -0.0384427 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.0814851 -0.030496 -0.0384427 0.0793476 -0.030496 -0.0403639 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.0793476 -0.030496 -0.0403639 0.077109 -0.030496 -0.0421665 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.077109 -0.030496 -0.0421665 0.0747761 -0.030496 -0.043845 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.077109 -0.030496 -0.0421665 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.0747761 -0.030496 -0.043845 0.07235560000000001 -0.030496 -0.0453946 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.07235560000000001 -0.030496 -0.0453946 0.0698546 -0.030496 -0.0468108 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0698546 -0.030496 -0.0468108 0.0672806 -0.030496 -0.0480892 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.0698546 -0.030496 -0.0468108 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0672806 -0.030496 -0.0480892 0.064641 -0.030496 -0.0492263 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.064641 -0.030496 -0.0492263 0.0619437 -0.030496 -0.0502186 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0619437 -0.030496 -0.0502186 0.0591966 -0.030496 -0.0510633 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0591966 -0.030496 -0.0510633 0.0564077 -0.030496 -0.0517578 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.0564077 -0.030496 -0.0517578 0.0535852 -0.030496 -0.0523 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0564077 -0.030496 -0.0517578 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.0535852 -0.030496 -0.0523 0.0507376 -0.030496 -0.0526885 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.0507376 -0.030496 -0.0526885 0.047873 -0.030496 -0.0529221 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.047873 -0.030496 -0.0529221 0.045 -0.030496 -0.053 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.045 -0.030496 -0.053 0.0418843 -0.030496 -0.0529083 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.045 -0.030496 -0.053 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.0418843 -0.030496 -0.0529083 0.0387794 -0.030496 -0.0526337 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.0387794 -0.030496 -0.0526337 0.0356961 -0.030496 -0.052177 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.0356961 -0.030496 -0.052177 0.032645 -0.030496 -0.0515398 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.032645 -0.030496 -0.0515398 0.0296365 -0.030496 -0.0507244 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.0296365 -0.030496 -0.0507244 0.026681 -0.030496 -0.0497334 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.026681 -0.030496 -0.0497334 0.0237889 -0.030496 -0.0485704 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.026681 -0.030496 -0.0497334 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0237889 -0.030496 -0.0485704 0.0209703 -0.030496 -0.0472396 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0209703 -0.030496 -0.0472396 0.0182352 -0.030496 -0.0457455 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0182352 -0.030496 -0.0457455 0.015593 -0.030496 -0.0440934 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.015593 -0.030496 -0.0440934 0.0130517 -0.030496 -0.0422884 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0130517 -0.030496 -0.0422884 0.0106197 -0.030496 -0.040336 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.0106197 -0.030496 -0.040336 0.008305999999999999 -0.030496 -0.0382433 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0106197 -0.030496 -0.040336 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.008305999999999999 -0.030496 -0.0382433 0.0061214 -0.030496 -0.0360202 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.0061214 -0.030496 -0.0360202 0.0040755 -0.030496 -0.0336777 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.0040755 -0.030496 -0.0336777 0.0021716 -0.030496 -0.0312206 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.0021716 -0.030496 -0.0312206 0.000407701 -0.030496 -0.0286449 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.000407701 -0.030496 -0.0286449 -0.0012139 -0.030496 -0.0259476 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 -0.0012139 -0.030496 -0.0259476 -0.0026677 -0.030496 -0.0231686 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0026677 -0.030496 -0.0231686 -0.0039292 -0.030496 -0.02037 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 -0.0026677 -0.030496 -0.0231686 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0039292 -0.030496 -0.02037 -0.0049774 -0.030496 -0.0176426 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0049774 -0.030496 -0.0176426 -0.0061073 -0.030496 -0.0140373 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0061073 -0.030496 -0.0140373 -0.0068935 -0.030496 -0.0107733 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0068935 -0.030496 -0.0107733 -0.0074139 -0.030496 -0.00786019 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0074139 -0.030496 -0.00786019 -0.0077398 -0.0304961 -0.00524548 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0077398 -0.0304961 -0.00524548 -0.0079218 -0.0304961 -0.00287823 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0077398 -0.0304961 -0.00524548 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0079218 -0.0304961 -0.00287823 -0.0079966 -0.0304959 0.0005968599999999999 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0079966 -0.0304959 0.0005968599999999999 -0.0078802 -0.0304956 0.0035615 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0078802 -0.0304956 0.0035615 -0.0076467 -0.0304956 0.00610902 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0076467 -0.0304956 0.00610902 -0.0071804 -0.0304963 0.009284560000000001 0.0494138 -0.012 0.052711 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0457185 -0.0222596 0.052711 0.042573 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0469707 -0.0194801 0.052711 0.0457185 -0.0222596 0.052711 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0494138 -0.012 0.052711 0.0469707 -0.0194801 0.052711 0.0505274 -0.012 0.052711 0.0549427 -0.012 0.050021 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0494138 -0.012 0.052711 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.045 -0.012 0.051 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.0549427 -0.012 0.050021 0.045 -0.012 0.051 0.0617882 -0.012 0.0502699 0.06452769999999999 -0.012 0.0471125 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.06452769999999999 -0.012 0.0471125 0.0549427 -0.012 0.050021 0.07225189999999999 -0.012 0.045455 0.0810655 -0.012 0.0360555 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.0810655 -0.012 0.0360555 0.06452769999999999 -0.012 0.0471125 0.0813648 -0.012 0.038557 0.0874413 -0.012 0.0282773 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.0874413 -0.012 0.0282773 0.0810655 -0.012 0.0360555 0.08880300000000001 -0.012 0.0298375 0.0921549 -0.012 0.0194247 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.0921549 -0.012 0.0194247 0.0874413 -0.012 0.0282773 0.0941916 -0.012 0.0197254 0.0959999 -0.012 -7.36966e-05 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.0959999 -0.012 -7.36966e-05 0.0921549 -0.012 0.0194247 0.0972794 -0.012 0.0087064 0.0959999 -0.012 -7.36966e-05 0.09793060000000001 -0.012 -0.00271061 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.0921212 -0.012 -0.0195072 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.0921212 -0.012 -0.0195072 0.0959999 -0.012 -7.36966e-05 0.09611160000000001 -0.012 -0.0140185 0.0921212 -0.012 -0.0195072 0.09188689999999999 -0.012 -0.0247084 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.08108940000000001 -0.012 -0.0360318 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.08108940000000001 -0.012 -0.0360318 0.0921212 -0.012 -0.0195072 0.0854391 -0.012 -0.0342584 0.0646032 -0.012 -0.0470814 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0646032 -0.012 -0.0470814 0.08108940000000001 -0.012 -0.0360318 0.0770909 -0.012 -0.042181 0.0549995 -0.012 -0.0500098 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.0549995 -0.012 -0.0500098 0.0646032 -0.012 -0.0470814 0.0672881 -0.012 -0.0480839 0.045 -0.012 -0.051 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.0549995 -0.012 -0.0500098 0.0563963 -0.012 -0.0517592 0.045 -0.012 -0.051 0.045 -0.012 -0.051 0.045 -0.012 -0.053 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0254723 -0.012 -0.0471125 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 0.0350573 -0.012 -0.050021 0.045 -0.012 -0.051 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0254723 -0.012 -0.0471125 0.0350573 -0.012 -0.050021 0.0254528 -0.012 -0.0492632 0.0089345 -0.012 -0.0360555 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 0.0089345 -0.012 -0.0360555 0.0254723 -0.012 -0.0471125 0.008681599999999999 -0.012 -0.0385989 -0.0021549 -0.012 -0.0194247 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 0.0025587 -0.012 -0.0282773 0.0089345 -0.012 -0.0360555 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0021549 -0.012 -0.0194247 0.0025587 -0.012 -0.0282773 -0.0029789 -0.012 -0.0225149 -0.0059999 -0.012 7.36966e-05 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0053722 -0.012 0.0164816 -0.0059999 -0.012 7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 -0.012 -0.0194247 -0.0078993 -0.012 -0.0032589 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 -0.0053722 -0.012 0.0164816 -0.0052347 -0.012 0.0203584 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 -0.0059999 -0.012 7.36966e-05 -0.0053722 -0.012 0.0164816 0.0457185 -0.0222596 0.052711 0.0412879 -0.0307922 0.052711 0.042573 -0.030496 0.052711 0.0440373 -0.0182653 0.0535617 0.0457185 -0.0222596 0.052711 0.0469707 -0.0194801 0.052711 0.0466082 -0.012 0.0533248 0.0469707 -0.0194801 0.052711 0.0494138 -0.012 0.052711 0.0466082 -0.012 0.0533248 0.0440373 -0.0182653 0.0535617 0.0469707 -0.0194801 0.052711 0.0445 -0.012 0.0529976 0.0466082 -0.012 0.0533248 0.0494138 -0.012 0.052711 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0445 -0.012 0.0529976 0.0494138 -0.012 0.052711 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.0411046 -0.0170489 0.059061 0.0418904 -0.0173748 0.055886 0.0445 -0.012 0.0548585 0.0418904 -0.0173748 0.055886 0.0440373 -0.0182653 0.0535617 0.0445 -0.00627567 0.0567372 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.0418904 -0.0173748 0.055886 0.0445 -0.012 0.0548585 0.0445 -0.00627567 0.0567372 0.0418904 -0.0173748 0.055886 0.0466082 -0.012 0.0533248 0.0445 -0.012 0.0548585 0.0440373 -0.0182653 0.0535617 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.0445 -0.00627567 0.0567372 0.0445 0.00625827 0.0567443 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.0445 0.00625827 0.0567443 0.0445 -1.26805e-17 0.059061 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0445 -0.00627567 0.0567372 0.0445 -0.012 0.0548585 0.0445 -0.012 0.0529976 0.0445 -0.012 0.0548585 0.0466082 -0.012 0.0533248 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0445 -0.012 0.0548585 0.0445 -0.012 0.0529976 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0314365 0.031496 0.059061 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0314365 0.031496 0.059061 0.0322789 0.031496 0.056368 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0322789 0.031496 0.056368 0.0314365 0.031496 0.059061 0.0445 0.00625827 0.0567443 0.0445 0.012 0.0548585 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0411046 0.0170489 0.059061 0.0445 0.012 0.0548585 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.042573 0.031496 0.051711 0.0412879 0.031496 0.0520072 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.0412879 0.031496 0.0520072 0.042573 0.031496 0.051711 0.042573 0.0312138 0.0524071 0.042573 0.031496 0.051711 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.045 0.031496 0.028 0.042573 0.031496 0.051711 0.050474 0.031496 0.051711 0.042573 0.0312138 0.0524071 0.050474 0.031496 0.051711 0.042573 0.031496 0.051711 0.045 0.031496 0.028 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.042573 0.031496 0.051711 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.0412879 0.031496 0.0520072 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.0352033 0.031496 0.05384 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.0457185 0.0222596 0.052711 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.0352033 0.031496 0.05384 0.042573 0.0312138 0.0524071 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.042573 0.0308857 0.0526318 0.0412864 0.0307928 0.052711 0.042573 0.0308857 0.0526318 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.0457185 0.0222596 0.052711 0.0412864 0.0307928 0.052711 0.0399215 0.031496 0.052711 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0322789 0.031496 0.056368 0.0352033 0.031496 0.05384 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0352033 0.031496 0.05384 0.0322789 0.031496 0.056368 0.037718 0.031496 0.0270354 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0352033 0.031496 0.05384 0.0457185 0.0222596 0.052711 0.0352033 0.031496 0.05384 0.0469707 0.0194801 0.052711 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0469707 0.0194801 0.052711 0.0352033 0.031496 0.05384 0.0207263 0.031496 0.013955 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.0249382 0.031496 0.0636758 0.0309279 0.031496 0.0242051 0.0207263 0.031496 0.013955 0.0249382 0.031496 0.0636758 0.0137183 0.031496 -0.0415385 0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.009606399999999999 0.0352611 0.0600503 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0137183 0.031496 -0.0415385 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.0207263 0.031496 0.013955 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 0.0113075 0.031496 -0.0396082 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 0.0137183 0.031496 -0.0415385 0.0113075 0.031496 -0.0396082 0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 0.009606399999999999 0.0352611 0.0600503 0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 0.0029332 0.031496 -0.0305675 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 0.0048216 0.031496 -0.0330105 0.0029332 0.031496 -0.0305675 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 0.0068522 0.031496 -0.0353374 0.0048216 0.031496 -0.0330105 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 0.0090162 0.031496 -0.0375387 0.0068522 0.031496 -0.0353374 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 0.0113075 0.031496 -0.0396082 0.0090162 0.031496 -0.0375387 0.0123684 0.031496 0.0583684 -0.0018201 0.031496 -0.0226238 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 0.0012601 0.0315714 0.058 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.000392599 0.031496 -0.0253675 -0.0018201 0.031496 -0.0226238 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 0.0011936 0.031496 -0.0280176 -0.000392599 0.031496 -0.0253675 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 0.0029332 0.031496 -0.0305675 0.0011936 0.031496 -0.0280176 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 0.0012601 0.0315714 0.058 0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 0.0025181 0.031496 0.058 -0.0071826 0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0123683 0.031496 0.0583684 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.0123683 0.031496 0.0583684 -0.0052347 0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0071826 0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.0044645 0.031496 -0.0160419 -0.0052347 0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.0032742 0.031496 -0.0193218 -0.0044645 0.031496 -0.0160419 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.0018201 0.031496 -0.0226238 -0.0032742 0.031496 -0.0193218 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 -0.0012601 0.0315714 0.058 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 -1.78814e-09 0.0315965 0.058 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -0.0012601 0.0315714 0.058 0.0012601 0.0315714 0.058 -0.0025182 0.031496 0.058 -1.78814e-09 0.0315965 0.058 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 -0.0123683 0.031496 0.0583684 -0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 -0.0123683 0.031496 0.0583684 -0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 -0.0071826 0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0123683 0.031496 0.0583684 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 -0.0096065 0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 -0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0045241 0.0339754 0.0585328 -0.0134792 0.031496 0.0585263 -0.0096065 0.0352611 0.0600503 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0249371 0.031496 0.06367490000000001 -0.0185372 0.031496 0.0600502 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0071826 0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0352132 0.0272079 0.0505666 -0.0314365 0.031496 0.0469484 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0071826 0.031496 0.0237132 -0.0052347 0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0053639 0.031496 -0.0129457 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0052347 0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0052347 0.012 0.0203584 -0.0052347 0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0044645 0.031496 -0.0160419 -0.0053639 0.031496 -0.0129457 -0.0052347 0.031496 0.0203584 -0.0052347 0.012 0.0203584 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0052347 0.031496 0.0203584 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0054545 0.031496 0.0139039 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0063771 0.0312057 0.0117769 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0054545 0.031496 0.0139039 -0.0053639 0.031496 -0.0129457 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0061216 0.0308091 0.013985 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0052347 0.012 0.0203584 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0061216 0.0308091 0.013985 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.0066602 0.030505 0.0118418 -0.0063771 0.0312057 0.0117769 -0.0066602 0.030505 0.0118418 -0.0053722 0.031496 0.0164816 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0056938 0.031496 0.0116196 -0.0054545 0.031496 0.0139039 -0.0063771 0.0312057 0.0117769 -0.0054545 0.031496 0.0139039 -0.0056938 0.031496 0.0116196 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0060654 0.031496 0.00981308 -0.0056938 0.031496 0.0116196 -0.0063771 0.0312057 0.0117769 -0.0056938 0.031496 0.0116196 -0.0060654 0.031496 0.00981308 -0.0064464 0.031496 -0.00756442 -0.0064257 0.031496 0.00770557 -0.0060654 0.031496 0.00981308 -0.0069986 0.0312032 0.00861337 -0.0060654 0.031496 0.00981308 -0.0064257 0.031496 0.00770557 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0064464 0.031496 -0.00756442 -0.0060654 0.031496 0.00981308 -0.0069986 0.0312032 0.00861337 -0.0063771 0.0312057 0.0117769 -0.0060654 0.031496 0.00981308 -0.0064464 0.031496 -0.00756442 -0.0067354 0.031496 0.00523693 -0.0064257 0.031496 0.00770557 -0.0074277 0.031203 0.00541809 -0.0064257 0.031496 0.00770557 -0.0067354 0.031496 0.00523693 -0.0074277 0.031203 0.00541809 -0.0069986 0.0312032 0.00861337 -0.0064257 0.031496 0.00770557 -0.006738 0.031496 -0.00521924 -0.0069073 0.031496 0.00309784 -0.0067354 0.031496 0.00523693 -0.0074277 0.031203 0.00541809 -0.0067354 0.031496 0.00523693 -0.0069073 0.031496 0.00309784 -0.0064464 0.031496 -0.00756442 -0.006738 0.031496 -0.00521924 -0.0067354 0.031496 0.00523693 -0.0069583 0.031496 -0.00207749 -0.0069951 0.031496 0.000675434 -0.0069073 0.031496 0.00309784 -0.0076609 0.031203 0.00220259 -0.0069073 0.031496 0.00309784 -0.0069951 0.031496 0.000675434 -0.006738 0.031496 -0.00521924 -0.0069583 0.031496 -0.00207749 -0.0069073 0.031496 0.00309784 -0.0076609 0.031203 0.00220259 -0.0074277 0.031203 0.00541809 -0.0069073 0.031496 0.00309784 -0.0076972 0.0312031 -0.00102112 -0.0069951 0.031496 0.000675434 -0.0069583 0.031496 -0.00207749 -0.0076972 0.0312031 -0.00102112 -0.0076609 0.031203 0.00220259 -0.0069951 0.031496 0.000675434 -0.0075361 0.0312031 -0.00424103 -0.0069583 0.031496 -0.00207749 -0.006738 0.031496 -0.00521924 -0.0075361 0.0312031 -0.00424103 -0.0076972 0.0312031 -0.00102112 -0.0069583 0.031496 -0.00207749 -0.0071786 0.0312031 -0.0074451 -0.006738 0.031496 -0.00521924 -0.0064464 0.031496 -0.00756442 -0.0071786 0.0312031 -0.0074451 -0.0075361 0.0312031 -0.00424103 -0.006738 0.031496 -0.00521924 -0.0071786 0.0312031 -0.0074451 -0.0064464 0.031496 -0.00756442 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0066258 0.0312031 -0.0106213 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0053639 0.031496 -0.0129457 -0.0066258 0.0312031 -0.0106213 -0.0071786 0.0312031 -0.0074451 -0.006002 0.031496 -0.010133 -0.0058798 0.0312031 -0.0137577 -0.0053639 0.031496 -0.0129457 -0.0044645 0.031496 -0.0160419 -0.0058798 0.0312031 -0.0137577 -0.0066258 0.0312031 -0.0106213 -0.0053639 0.031496 -0.0129457 -0.0049436 0.0312031 -0.0168428 -0.0044645 0.031496 -0.0160419 -0.0032742 0.031496 -0.0193218 -0.0049436 0.0312031 -0.0168428 -0.0058798 0.0312031 -0.0137577 -0.0044645 0.031496 -0.0160419 -0.0038203 0.0312031 -0.0198647 -0.0032742 0.031496 -0.0193218 -0.0018201 0.031496 -0.0226238 -0.0038203 0.0312031 -0.0198647 -0.0049436 0.0312031 -0.0168428 -0.0032742 0.031496 -0.0193218 -0.001031 0.0312031 -0.0256747 -0.0018201 0.031496 -0.0226238 -0.000392599 0.031496 -0.0253675 -0.0025145 0.0312031 -0.0228124 -0.0038203 0.0312031 -0.0198647 -0.0018201 0.031496 -0.0226238 -0.001031 0.0312031 -0.0256747 -0.0025145 0.0312031 -0.0228124 -0.0018201 0.031496 -0.0226238 -0.001031 0.0312031 -0.0256747 -0.000392599 0.031496 -0.0253675 0.0011936 0.031496 -0.0280176 0.000624901 0.0312031 -0.0284409 0.0011936 0.031496 -0.0280176 0.0029332 0.031496 -0.0305675 0.000624901 0.0312031 -0.0284409 -0.001031 0.0312031 -0.0256747 0.0011936 0.031496 -0.0280176 0.0024467 0.0312031 -0.0311007 0.0029332 0.031496 -0.0305675 0.0048216 0.031496 -0.0330105 0.0024467 0.0312031 -0.0311007 0.000624901 0.0312031 -0.0284409 0.0029332 0.031496 -0.0305675 0.0044278 0.0312031 -0.0336442 0.0048216 0.031496 -0.0330105 0.0068522 0.031496 -0.0353374 0.0044278 0.0312031 -0.0336442 0.0024467 0.0312031 -0.0311007 0.0048216 0.031496 -0.0330105 0.0065607 0.0312031 -0.0360618 0.0068522 0.031496 -0.0353374 0.0090162 0.031496 -0.0375387 0.0065607 0.0312031 -0.0360618 0.0044278 0.0312031 -0.0336442 0.0068522 0.031496 -0.0353374 0.008837299999999999 0.0312031 -0.0383445 0.0090162 0.031496 -0.0375387 0.0113075 0.031496 -0.0396082 0.008837299999999999 0.0312031 -0.0383445 0.0065607 0.0312031 -0.0360618 0.0090162 0.031496 -0.0375387 0.0112493 0.0312031 -0.0404836 0.0113075 0.031496 -0.0396082 0.0137183 0.031496 -0.0415385 0.0112493 0.0312031 -0.0404836 0.008837299999999999 0.0312031 -0.0383445 0.0113075 0.031496 -0.0396082 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0162383 0.031496 -0.0433215 0.0137183 0.031496 -0.0415385 0.0137876 0.0312031 -0.0424714 0.0137183 0.031496 -0.0415385 0.0162383 0.031496 -0.0433215 0.0137876 0.0312031 -0.0424714 0.0112493 0.0312031 -0.0404836 0.0137183 0.031496 -0.0415385 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0188599 0.031496 -0.044952 0.0162383 0.031496 -0.0433215 0.0164426 0.0312031 -0.0443002 0.0162383 0.031496 -0.0433215 0.0188599 0.031496 -0.044952 0.0164426 0.0312031 -0.0443002 0.0137876 0.0312031 -0.0424714 0.0162383 0.031496 -0.0433215 0.0207561 0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0215746 0.031496 -0.0464246 0.0188599 0.031496 -0.044952 0.0192045 0.0312031 -0.0459633 0.0188599 0.031496 -0.044952 0.0215746 0.031496 -0.0464246 0.0170001 0.031496 -7.96971e-06 0.0207561 0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0188599 0.031496 -0.044952 0.0192045 0.0312031 -0.0459633 0.0164426 0.0312031 -0.0443002 0.0188599 0.031496 -0.044952 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0243707 0.031496 -0.0477328 0.0215746 0.031496 -0.0464246 0.0220629 0.0312031 -0.0474545 0.0215746 0.031496 -0.0464246 0.0243707 0.031496 -0.0477328 0.0207561 0.031496 -0.0140063 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0215746 0.031496 -0.0464246 0.0220629 0.0312031 -0.0474545 0.0192045 0.0312031 -0.0459633 0.0215746 0.031496 -0.0464246 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0272396 0.031496 -0.0488729 0.0243707 0.031496 -0.0477328 0.0250071 0.0312031 -0.048768 0.0243707 0.031496 -0.0477328 0.0272396 0.031496 -0.0488729 0.0250071 0.0312031 -0.048768 0.0220629 0.0312031 -0.0474545 0.0243707 0.031496 -0.0477328 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0301723 0.031496 -0.0498411 0.0272396 0.031496 -0.0488729 0.0280261 0.0312031 -0.0498991 0.0272396 0.031496 -0.0488729 0.0301723 0.031496 -0.0498411 0.0280261 0.0312031 -0.0498991 0.0250071 0.0312031 -0.048768 0.0272396 0.031496 -0.0488729 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0331562 0.031496 -0.0506331 0.0301723 0.031496 -0.0498411 0.0311086 0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0301723 0.031496 -0.0498411 0.0331562 0.031496 -0.0506331 0.0311086 0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0280261 0.0312031 -0.0498991 0.0301723 0.031496 -0.0498411 0.0377542 0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0361816 0.031496 -0.0512467 0.0331562 0.031496 -0.0506331 0.0342431 0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0331562 0.031496 -0.0506331 0.0361816 0.031496 -0.0512467 0.0309876 0.031496 -0.0242399 0.0377542 0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0331562 0.031496 -0.0506331 0.0342431 0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0311086 0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0331562 0.031496 -0.0506331 0.0377542 0.031496 -0.0270452 0.0392393 0.031496 -0.0516799 0.0361816 0.031496 -0.0512467 0.0374178 0.0312031 -0.0521588 0.0361816 0.031496 -0.0512467 0.0392393 0.031496 -0.0516799 0.0374178 0.0312031 -0.0521588 0.0342431 0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0361816 0.031496 -0.0512467 0.045 0.031496 -0.028 0.0423166 0.031496 -0.0519306 0.0392393 0.031496 -0.0516799 0.0406209 0.0312031 -0.0525248 0.0392393 0.031496 -0.0516799 0.0423166 0.031496 -0.0519306 0.0377542 0.031496 -0.0270452 0.045 0.031496 -0.028 0.0392393 0.031496 -0.0516799 0.0406209 0.0312031 -0.0525248 0.0374178 0.0312031 -0.0521588 0.0392393 0.031496 -0.0516799 0.045 0.031496 -0.028 0.0454027 0.031496 -0.0519983 0.0423166 0.031496 -0.0519306 0.0438404 0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0423166 0.031496 -0.0519306 0.0454027 0.031496 -0.0519983 0.0438404 0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0406209 0.0312031 -0.0525248 0.0423166 0.031496 -0.0519306 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0484887 0.031496 -0.0518828 0.0454027 0.031496 -0.0519983 0.0470642 0.0312031 -0.0526667 0.0454027 0.031496 -0.0519983 0.0484887 0.031496 -0.0518828 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0454027 0.031496 -0.0519983 0.045 0.031496 -0.028 0.0470642 0.0312031 -0.0526667 0.0438404 0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0454027 0.031496 -0.0519983 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0515619 0.031496 -0.0515842 0.0484887 0.031496 -0.0518828 0.0502803 0.0312031 -0.0524419 0.0484887 0.031496 -0.0518828 0.0515619 0.031496 -0.0515842 0.0502803 0.0312031 -0.0524419 0.0470642 0.0312031 -0.0526667 0.0484887 0.031496 -0.0518828 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0546111 0.031496 -0.051104 0.0515619 0.031496 -0.0515842 0.0534767 0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0515619 0.031496 -0.0515842 0.0546111 0.031496 -0.051104 0.0534767 0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0502803 0.0312031 -0.0524419 0.0515619 0.031496 -0.0515842 0.0590721 0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0576276 0.031496 -0.0504434 0.0546111 0.031496 -0.051104 0.0566413 0.0312031 -0.0514054 0.0546111 0.031496 -0.051104 0.0576276 0.031496 -0.0504434 0.052282 0.031496 -0.0270354 0.0590721 0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0546111 0.031496 -0.051104 0.0566413 0.0312031 -0.0514054 0.0534767 0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0546111 0.031496 -0.051104 0.0590721 0.031496 -0.0242051 0.0605995 0.031496 -0.0496049 0.0576276 0.031496 -0.0504434 0.0597624 0.0312031 -0.0505974 0.0576276 0.031496 -0.0504434 0.0605995 0.031496 -0.0496049 0.0597624 0.0312031 -0.0505974 0.0566413 0.0312031 -0.0514054 0.0576276 0.031496 -0.0504434 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.0635153 0.031496 -0.0485919 0.0605995 0.031496 -0.0496049 0.0628282 0.0312031 -0.0496003 0.0605995 0.031496 -0.0496049 0.0635153 0.031496 -0.0485919 0.0590721 0.031496 -0.0242051 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.0605995 0.031496 -0.0496049 0.0628282 0.0312031 -0.0496003 0.0597624 0.0312031 -0.0505974 0.0605995 0.031496 -0.0496049 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.0663668 0.031496 -0.0474073 0.0635153 0.031496 -0.0485919 0.06582739999999999 0.0312031 -0.0484175 0.0635153 0.031496 -0.0485919 0.0663668 0.031496 -0.0474073 0.06582739999999999 0.0312031 -0.0484175 0.0628282 0.0312031 -0.0496003 0.0635153 0.031496 -0.0485919 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.0691433 0.031496 -0.0460553 0.0663668 0.031496 -0.0474073 0.06874860000000001 0.0312031 -0.0470535 0.0663668 0.031496 -0.0474073 0.0691433 0.031496 -0.0460553 0.06874860000000001 0.0312031 -0.0470535 0.06582739999999999 0.0312031 -0.0484175 0.0663668 0.031496 -0.0474073 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.07183340000000001 0.031496 -0.0445416 0.0691433 0.031496 -0.0460553 0.07158100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0455136 0.0691433 0.031496 -0.0460553 0.07183340000000001 0.031496 -0.0445416 0.07158100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0455136 0.06874860000000001 0.0312031 -0.0470535 0.0691433 0.031496 -0.0460553 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0744296 0.031496 -0.0428706 0.07183340000000001 0.031496 -0.0445416 0.0743139 0.0312031 -0.0438033 0.07183340000000001 0.031496 -0.0445416 0.0744296 0.031496 -0.0428706 0.06927369999999999 0.031496 -0.013955 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.07183340000000001 0.031496 -0.0445416 0.0743139 0.0312031 -0.0438033 0.07158100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0455136 0.07183340000000001 0.031496 -0.0445416 0.07604039999999999 0.031496 0.0417192 0.0769229 0.031496 -0.0410478 0.0744296 0.031496 -0.0428706 0.07693709999999999 0.0312031 -0.0419291 0.0744296 0.031496 -0.0428706 0.0769229 0.031496 -0.0410478 0.07351000000000001 0.031496 0.0434875 0.07604039999999999 0.031496 0.0417192 0.0744296 0.031496 -0.0428706 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.07351000000000001 0.031496 0.0434875 0.0744296 0.031496 -0.0428706 0.07693709999999999 0.0312031 -0.0419291 0.0743139 0.0312031 -0.0438033 0.0744296 0.031496 -0.0428706 0.0784627 0.031496 0.0398025 0.0793022 0.031496 -0.0390813 0.0769229 0.031496 -0.0410478 0.07944089999999999 0.0312031 -0.0398982 0.0769229 0.031496 -0.0410478 0.0793022 0.031496 -0.0390813 0.07604039999999999 0.031496 0.0417192 0.0784627 0.031496 0.0398025 0.0769229 0.031496 -0.0410478 0.07944089999999999 0.0312031 -0.0398982 0.07693709999999999 0.0312031 -0.0419291 0.0769229 0.031496 -0.0410478 0.0807655 0.031496 0.0377468 0.08156099999999999 0.031496 -0.0369768 0.0793022 0.031496 -0.0390813 0.08181570000000001 0.0312031 -0.0377178 0.0793022 0.031496 -0.0390813 0.08156099999999999 0.031496 -0.0369768 0.0784627 0.031496 0.0398025 0.0807655 0.031496 0.0377468 0.0793022 0.031496 -0.0390813 0.08181570000000001 0.0312031 -0.0377178 0.07944089999999999 0.0312031 -0.0398982 0.0793022 0.031496 -0.0390813 0.08294219999999999 0.031496 0.0355581 0.0836919 0.031496 -0.034741 0.08156099999999999 0.031496 -0.0369768 0.0840529 0.0312031 -0.0353964 0.08156099999999999 0.031496 -0.0369768 0.0836919 0.031496 -0.034741 0.0807655 0.031496 0.0377468 0.08294219999999999 0.031496 0.0355581 0.08156099999999999 0.031496 -0.0369768 0.0840529 0.0312031 -0.0353964 0.08181570000000001 0.0312031 -0.0377178 0.08156099999999999 0.031496 -0.0369768 0.0849866 0.031496 0.0332425 0.0856851 0.031496 -0.0323838 0.0836919 0.031496 -0.034741 0.0861439 0.0312031 -0.0329426 0.0836919 0.031496 -0.034741 0.0856851 0.031496 -0.0323838 0.08294219999999999 0.031496 0.0355581 0.0849866 0.031496 0.0332425 0.0836919 0.031496 -0.034741 0.0861439 0.0312031 -0.0329426 0.0840529 0.0312031 -0.0353964 0.0836919 0.031496 -0.034741 0.0868887 0.031496 0.0308112 0.087535 0.031496 -0.0299125 0.0856851 0.031496 -0.0323838 0.08808100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0303654 0.0856851 0.031496 -0.0323838 0.087535 0.031496 -0.0299125 0.0849866 0.031496 0.0332425 0.0868887 0.031496 0.0308112 0.0856851 0.031496 -0.0323838 0.08808100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0303654 0.0861439 0.0312031 -0.0329426 0.0856851 0.031496 -0.0323838 0.0886431 0.031496 0.0282715 0.089236 0.031496 -0.0273344 0.087535 0.031496 -0.0299125 0.08808100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0303654 0.087535 0.031496 -0.0299125 0.089236 0.031496 -0.0273344 0.0868887 0.031496 0.0308112 0.0886431 0.031496 0.0282715 0.087535 0.031496 -0.0299125 0.09024459999999999 0.031496 0.0256303 0.09078 0.031496 -0.0246612 0.089236 0.031496 -0.0273344 0.08985700000000001 0.0312031 -0.0276748 0.089236 0.031496 -0.0273344 0.09078 0.031496 -0.0246612 0.0886431 0.031496 0.0282715 0.09024459999999999 0.031496 0.0256303 0.089236 0.031496 -0.0273344 0.08985700000000001 0.0312031 -0.0276748 0.08808100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0303654 0.089236 0.031496 -0.0273344 0.0916859 0.031496 0.0229002 0.0921627 0.031496 -0.0219013 0.09078 0.031496 -0.0246612 0.091465 0.0312031 -0.0248805 0.09078 0.031496 -0.0246612 0.0921627 0.031496 -0.0219013 0.09024459999999999 0.031496 0.0256303 0.0916859 0.031496 0.0229002 0.09078 0.031496 -0.0246612 0.091465 0.0312031 -0.0248805 0.08985700000000001 0.0312031 -0.0276748 0.09078 0.031496 -0.0246612 0.0929624 0.031496 0.0200899 0.0933799 0.031496 -0.0190626 0.0921627 0.031496 -0.0219013 0.0928992 0.0312031 -0.0219931 0.0921627 0.031496 -0.0219013 0.0933799 0.031496 -0.0190626 0.0916859 0.031496 0.0229002 0.0929624 0.031496 0.0200899 0.0921627 0.031496 -0.0219013 0.0928992 0.0312031 -0.0219931 0.091465 0.0312031 -0.0248805 0.0921627 0.031496 -0.0219013 0.0940705 0.031496 0.017207 0.0944258 0.031496 -0.016158 0.0933799 0.031496 -0.0190626 0.0941543 0.0312031 -0.0190235 0.0933799 0.031496 -0.0190626 0.0944258 0.031496 -0.016158 0.0929624 0.031496 0.0200899 0.0940705 0.031496 0.017207 0.0933799 0.031496 -0.0190626 0.0941543 0.0312031 -0.0190235 0.0928992 0.0312031 -0.0219931 0.0933799 0.031496 -0.0190626 0.0950052 0.031496 0.0142643 0.0952974 0.031496 -0.0131968 0.0944258 0.031496 -0.016158 0.0952253 0.0312031 -0.0159827 0.0944258 0.031496 -0.016158 0.0952974 0.031496 -0.0131968 0.0940705 0.031496 0.017207 0.0950052 0.031496 0.0142643 0.0944258 0.031496 -0.016158 0.0952253 0.0312031 -0.0159827 0.0941543 0.0312031 -0.0190235 0.0944258 0.031496 -0.016158 0.0957634 0.031496 0.0112722 0.0959923 0.031496 -0.0101874 0.0952974 0.031496 -0.0131968 0.0961086 0.0312031 -0.0128821 0.0952974 0.031496 -0.0131968 0.0959923 0.031496 -0.0101874 0.0950052 0.031496 0.0142643 0.0957634 0.031496 0.0112722 0.0952974 0.031496 -0.0131968 0.0961086 0.0312031 -0.0128821 0.0952253 0.0312031 -0.0159827 0.0952974 0.031496 -0.0131968 0.0963431 0.031496 0.00823893 0.09650690000000001 0.031496 -0.0071432 0.0959923 0.031496 -0.0101874 0.0968005 0.0312031 -0.009733260000000001 0.0959923 0.031496 -0.0101874 0.09650690000000001 0.031496 -0.0071432 0.0957634 0.031496 0.0112722 0.0963431 0.031496 0.00823893 0.0959923 0.031496 -0.0101874 0.0968005 0.0312031 -0.009733260000000001 0.0961086 0.0312031 -0.0128821 0.0959923 0.031496 -0.0101874 0.0967416 0.031496 0.00517686 0.09684 0.031496 -0.0040745 0.09650690000000001 0.031496 -0.0071432 0.0972987 0.0312031 -0.00654802 0.09650690000000001 0.031496 -0.0071432 0.09684 0.031496 -0.0040745 0.0963431 0.031496 0.00823893 0.0967416 0.031496 0.00517686 0.09650690000000001 0.031496 -0.0071432 0.0972987 0.0312031 -0.00654802 0.0968005 0.0312031 -0.009733260000000001 0.09650690000000001 0.031496 -0.0071432 0.0969576 0.031496 0.00209771 0.09699049999999999 0.031496 -0.0009899100000000001 0.09684 0.031496 -0.0040745 0.0976013 0.0312031 -0.00333831 0.09684 0.031496 -0.0040745 0.09699049999999999 0.031496 -0.0009899100000000001 0.0967416 0.031496 0.00517686 0.0969576 0.031496 0.00209771 0.09684 0.031496 -0.0040745 0.0976013 0.0312031 -0.00333831 0.0972987 0.0312031 -0.00654802 0.09684 0.031496 -0.0040745 0.0977069 0.0312031 -0.000116102 0.09699049999999999 0.031496 -0.0009899100000000001 0.0969576 0.031496 0.00209771 0.0977069 0.0312031 -0.000116102 0.0976013 0.0312031 -0.00333831 0.09699049999999999 0.031496 -0.0009899100000000001 0.0976154 0.0312031 0.00310655 0.0969576 0.031496 0.00209771 0.0967416 0.031496 0.00517686 0.0976154 0.0312031 0.00310655 0.0977069 0.0312031 -0.000116102 0.0969576 0.031496 0.00209771 0.0973271 0.0312031 0.00631757 0.0967416 0.031496 0.00517686 0.0963431 0.031496 0.00823893 0.0973271 0.0312031 0.00631757 0.0976154 0.0312031 0.00310655 0.0967416 0.031496 0.00517686 0.0968429 0.0312031 0.00950495 0.0963431 0.031496 0.00823893 0.0957634 0.031496 0.0112722 0.0968429 0.0312031 0.00950495 0.0973271 0.0312031 0.00631757 0.0963431 0.031496 0.00823893 0.0961649 0.0312031 0.0126568 0.0957634 0.031496 0.0112722 0.0950052 0.031496 0.0142643 0.0961649 0.0312031 0.0126568 0.0968429 0.0312031 0.00950495 0.0957634 0.031496 0.0112722 0.0952953 0.0312031 0.0157612 0.0950052 0.031496 0.0142643 0.0940705 0.031496 0.017207 0.0952953 0.0312031 0.0157612 0.0961649 0.0312031 0.0126568 0.0950052 0.031496 0.0142643 0.0942376 0.0312031 0.0188067 0.0940705 0.031496 0.017207 0.0929624 0.031496 0.0200899 0.0942376 0.0312031 0.0188067 0.0952953 0.0312031 0.0157612 0.0940705 0.031496 0.017207 0.0929957 0.0312031 0.0217819 0.0929624 0.031496 0.0200899 0.0916859 0.031496 0.0229002 0.0929957 0.0312031 0.0217819 0.0942376 0.0312031 0.0188067 0.0929624 0.031496 0.0200899 0.09157410000000001 0.0312031 0.0246755 0.0916859 0.031496 0.0229002 0.09024459999999999 0.031496 0.0256303 0.09157410000000001 0.0312031 0.0246755 0.0929957 0.0312031 0.0217819 0.0916859 0.031496 0.0229002 0.0899784 0.0312031 0.0274769 0.09024459999999999 0.031496 0.0256303 0.0886431 0.031496 0.0282715 0.0899784 0.0312031 0.0274769 0.09157410000000001 0.0312031 0.0246755 0.09024459999999999 0.031496 0.0256303 0.0882144 0.0312031 0.0301754 0.0886431 0.031496 0.0282715 0.0868887 0.031496 0.0308112 0.0882144 0.0312031 0.0301754 0.0899784 0.0312031 0.0274769 0.0886431 0.031496 0.0282715 0.08628859999999999 0.0312031 0.032761 0.0868887 0.031496 0.0308112 0.0849866 0.031496 0.0332425 0.08628859999999999 0.0312031 0.032761 0.0882144 0.0312031 0.0301754 0.0868887 0.031496 0.0308112 0.08420850000000001 0.0312031 0.0352241 0.0849866 0.031496 0.0332425 0.08294219999999999 0.031496 0.0355581 0.08420850000000001 0.0312031 0.0352241 0.08628859999999999 0.0312031 0.032761 0.0849866 0.031496 0.0332425 0.0819815 0.0312031 0.0375553 0.08294219999999999 0.031496 0.0355581 0.0807655 0.031496 0.0377468 0.0819815 0.0312031 0.0375553 0.08420850000000001 0.0312031 0.0352241 0.08294219999999999 0.031496 0.0355581 0.0796163 0.0312031 0.039746 0.0807655 0.031496 0.0377468 0.0784627 0.031496 0.0398025 0.0796163 0.0312031 0.039746 0.0819815 0.0312031 0.0375553 0.0807655 0.031496 0.0377468 0.0771215 0.0312031 0.0417881 0.0784627 0.031496 0.0398025 0.07604039999999999 0.031496 0.0417192 0.0771215 0.0312031 0.0417881 0.0796163 0.0312031 0.039746 0.0784627 0.031496 0.0398025 0.0745065 0.0312031 0.0436737 0.07604039999999999 0.031496 0.0417192 0.07351000000000001 0.031496 0.0434875 0.0745065 0.0312031 0.0436737 0.0771215 0.0312031 0.0417881 0.07604039999999999 0.031496 0.0417192 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0708795 0.031496 0.0451026 0.07351000000000001 0.031496 0.0434875 0.0717812 0.0312031 0.0453961 0.07351000000000001 0.031496 0.0434875 0.0708795 0.031496 0.0451026 0.0717812 0.0312031 0.0453961 0.0745065 0.0312031 0.0436737 0.07351000000000001 0.031496 0.0434875 0.0692439 0.031496 0.0140063 0.06815599999999999 0.031496 0.0465595 0.0708795 0.031496 0.0451026 0.06895569999999999 0.0312031 0.0469485 0.0708795 0.031496 0.0451026 0.06815599999999999 0.031496 0.0465595 0.07299990000000001 0.031496 7.96971e-06 0.0692439 0.031496 0.0140063 0.0708795 0.031496 0.0451026 0.06895569999999999 0.0312031 0.0469485 0.0717812 0.0312031 0.0453961 0.0708795 0.031496 0.0451026 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.06535199999999999 0.031496 0.0478517 0.06815599999999999 0.031496 0.0465595 0.0660405 0.0312031 0.0483252 0.06815599999999999 0.031496 0.0465595 0.06535199999999999 0.031496 0.0478517 0.0692439 0.031496 0.0140063 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.06815599999999999 0.031496 0.0465595 0.0660405 0.0312031 0.0483252 0.06895569999999999 0.0312031 0.0469485 0.06815599999999999 0.031496 0.0465595 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.0624771 0.031496 0.0489749 0.06535199999999999 0.031496 0.0478517 0.06304659999999999 0.0312031 0.0495213 0.06535199999999999 0.031496 0.0478517 0.0624771 0.031496 0.0489749 0.06304659999999999 0.0312031 0.0495213 0.0660405 0.0312031 0.0483252 0.06535199999999999 0.031496 0.0478517 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.0595392 0.031496 0.049926 0.0624771 0.031496 0.0489749 0.0599852 0.0312031 0.0505319 0.0624771 0.031496 0.0489749 0.0595392 0.031496 0.049926 0.0599852 0.0312031 0.0505319 0.06304659999999999 0.0312031 0.0495213 0.0624771 0.031496 0.0489749 0.0590124 0.031496 0.0242399 0.0565497 0.031496 0.0507009 0.0595392 0.031496 0.049926 0.0568677 0.0312031 0.0513536 0.0595392 0.031496 0.049926 0.0565497 0.031496 0.0507009 0.0568677 0.0312031 0.0513536 0.0599852 0.0312031 0.0505319 0.0595392 0.031496 0.049926 0.0522458 0.031496 0.0270452 0.0535257 0.031496 0.0512964 0.0565497 0.031496 0.0507009 0.0537058 0.0312031 0.0519831 0.0565497 0.031496 0.0507009 0.0535257 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0.0308857 0.0526318 0.0505112 0.0312027 0.0524184 0.0537058 0.0312031 0.0519831 0.0505112 0.0312027 0.0524184 0.0533796 0.030496 0.0523334 0.042573 0.030496 0.052711 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.0505112 0.0312027 0.0524184 0.0533796 0.030496 0.0523334 0.0505112 0.0312027 0.0524184 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.042573 0.0308857 0.0526318 0.042573 0.030496 0.052711 0.0505112 0.0312027 0.0524184 0.0457185 0.0222596 0.052711 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.042573 0.030496 0.052711 0.0494138 0.012 0.052711 0.0505272 0.012 0.052711 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.0505272 0.012 0.052711 0.0469707 0.0194801 0.052711 0.0494138 0.012 0.052711 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.0457185 0.0222596 0.052711 0.0469707 0.0194801 0.052711 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.0533796 0.030496 0.0523334 0.0505269 0.030496 0.052711 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0412864 0.0307928 0.052711 0.042573 0.030496 0.052711 0.042573 0.0308857 0.0526318 0.0457185 0.0222596 0.052711 0.042573 0.030496 0.052711 0.0412864 0.0307928 0.052711 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.0505272 0.012 0.052711 0.0494138 0.012 0.052711 0.045 0.012 0.051 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0505272 0.012 0.052711 0.045 0.012 0.051 0.0505272 0.012 0.052711 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0494138 0.012 0.052711 0.0469707 0.0194801 0.052711 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.0494138 0.012 0.052711 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0467097 0.012 0.0532793 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0494138 0.012 0.052711 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0467097 0.012 0.0532793 0.0494138 0.012 0.052711 -0.0079833 0.030496 -0.00133139 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0059999 0.012 -7.36966e-05 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.007990499999999999 0.030496 0.00100529 -0.0079833 0.030496 -0.00133139 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0078323 0.030496 0.00421236 -0.007990499999999999 0.030496 0.00100529 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0075258 0.030496 0.00707429 -0.0078323 0.030496 0.00421236 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0071215 0.0304954 0.009609919999999999 -0.0075258 0.030496 0.00707429 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0066602 0.030505 0.0118418 -0.0071215 0.0304954 0.009609919999999999 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0061216 0.0308091 0.013985 -0.0066602 0.030505 0.0118418 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0021549 0.012 0.0194247 -0.0052347 0.012 0.0203584 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0059999 0.012 -7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 0.012 0.0194247 -0.0053722 0.012 0.0164816 -0.0037826 0.030496 -0.0207186 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0021212 0.012 -0.0195072 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 -0.0048264 0.030496 -0.0180646 -0.0037826 0.030496 -0.0207186 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.005675 0.030496 -0.0155256 -0.0048264 0.030496 -0.0180646 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0065479 0.030496 -0.0123212 -0.005675 0.030496 -0.0155256 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0071751 0.030496 -0.009314680000000001 -0.0065479 0.030496 -0.0123212 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0076013 0.030496 -0.00648842 -0.0071751 0.030496 -0.009314680000000001 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0078615 0.030496 -0.0038287 -0.0076013 0.030496 -0.00648842 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0079833 0.030496 -0.00133139 -0.0078615 0.030496 -0.0038287 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 -0.0021212 0.012 -0.0195072 -0.0059999 0.012 -7.36966e-05 -0.0078993 0.012 -0.00325852 0.008508399999999999 0.030496 -0.0384365 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 0.008910599999999999 0.012 -0.0360318 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0061121 0.030496 -0.0360102 0.008508399999999999 0.030496 -0.0384365 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 0.0039874 0.030496 -0.0335704 0.0061121 0.030496 -0.0360102 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 0.002109 0.030496 -0.0311345 0.0039874 0.030496 -0.0335704 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 0.000461498 0.030496 -0.0287285 0.002109 0.030496 -0.0311345 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 -0.0009780990000000001 0.030496 -0.0263631 0.000461498 0.030496 -0.0287285 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 -0.00251 0.030496 -0.0234904 -0.0009780990000000001 0.030496 -0.0263631 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 -0.0037826 0.030496 -0.0207186 -0.00251 0.030496 -0.0234904 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 0.008910599999999999 0.012 -0.0360318 -0.0021212 0.012 -0.0195072 -0.0029791 0.012 -0.0225144 0.0246192 0.030496 -0.0489247 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0253968 0.012 -0.0470814 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0214999 0.030496 -0.0475052 0.0246192 0.030496 -0.0489247 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0185426 0.030496 -0.0459239 0.0214999 0.030496 -0.0475052 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0157432 0.030496 -0.0441932 0.0185426 0.030496 -0.0459239 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0131316 0.030496 -0.0423486 0.0157432 0.030496 -0.0441932 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0107234 0.030496 -0.0404242 0.0131316 0.030496 -0.0423486 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.008508399999999999 0.030496 -0.0384365 0.0107234 0.030496 -0.0404242 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.0253968 0.012 -0.0470814 0.008910599999999999 0.012 -0.0360318 0.0086812 0.012 -0.0385985 0.045 0.030496 -0.053 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0350005 0.012 -0.0500098 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.042025 0.030496 -0.0529164 0.045 0.030496 -0.053 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0390529 0.030496 -0.0526653 0.042025 0.030496 -0.0529164 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0360931 0.030496 -0.0522462 0.0390529 0.030496 -0.0526653 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0331457 0.030496 -0.0516573 0.0360931 0.030496 -0.0522462 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0302321 0.030496 -0.050901 0.0331457 0.030496 -0.0516573 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0273888 0.030496 -0.0499885 0.0302321 0.030496 -0.050901 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0246192 0.030496 -0.0489247 0.0273888 0.030496 -0.0499885 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0350005 0.012 -0.0500098 0.0253968 0.012 -0.0470814 0.0254524 0.012 -0.0492631 0.0564124 0.030496 -0.0517567 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.045 0.012 -0.051 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0535885 0.030496 -0.0522995 0.0564124 0.030496 -0.0517567 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.0507396 0.030496 -0.0526883 0.0535885 0.030496 -0.0522995 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.047874 0.030496 -0.052922 0.0507396 0.030496 -0.0526883 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.045 0.030496 -0.053 0.047874 0.030496 -0.052922 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.0350005 0.012 -0.0500098 0.045 0.012 -0.053 0.045 0.012 -0.051 0.0672913 0.030496 -0.0480843 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0549427 0.012 -0.050021 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.0646502 0.030496 -0.0492226 0.0672913 0.030496 -0.0480843 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0619514 0.030496 -0.050216 0.0646502 0.030496 -0.0492226 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0592028 0.030496 -0.0510615 0.0619514 0.030496 -0.050216 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0564124 0.030496 -0.0517567 0.0592028 0.030496 -0.0510615 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0549427 0.012 -0.050021 0.045 0.012 -0.051 0.056454 0.012 -0.0517466 0.0771242 0.030496 -0.0421549 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.06452769999999999 0.012 -0.0471125 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.07479040000000001 0.030496 -0.0438353 0.0771242 0.030496 -0.0421549 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.0723688 0.030496 -0.0453867 0.07479040000000001 0.030496 -0.0438353 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.0698667 0.030496 -0.0468044 0.0723688 0.030496 -0.0453867 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.0672913 0.030496 -0.0480843 0.0698667 0.030496 -0.0468044 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.06452769999999999 0.012 -0.0471125 0.0549427 0.012 -0.050021 0.0673628 0.012 -0.0480492 0.0854482 0.030496 -0.0342482 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.0810655 0.012 -0.0360555 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.08353149999999999 0.030496 -0.0363913 0.0854482 0.030496 -0.0342482 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.08150110000000001 0.030496 -0.0384274 0.08353149999999999 0.030496 -0.0363913 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.0793633 0.030496 -0.0403505 0.08150110000000001 0.030496 -0.0384274 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.0771242 0.030496 -0.0421549 0.0793633 0.030496 -0.0403505 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.0810655 0.012 -0.0360555 0.06452769999999999 0.012 -0.0471125 0.0771454 0.012 -0.0421393 0.0904628 0.030496 -0.0272421 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.0874413 0.012 -0.0282773 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.088919 0.030496 -0.0296668 0.0904628 0.030496 -0.0272421 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.0872459 0.030496 -0.0320045 0.088919 0.030496 -0.0296668 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.0854482 0.030496 -0.0342482 0.0872459 0.030496 -0.0320045 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.0874413 0.012 -0.0282773 0.0810655 0.012 -0.0360555 0.0854524 0.012 -0.034243 0.09526030000000001 0.030496 -0.0168197 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.0921549 0.012 -0.0194247 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.094275 0.030496 -0.0195185 0.09526030000000001 0.030496 -0.0168197 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.0931447 0.030496 -0.0221604 0.094275 0.030496 -0.0195185 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.0918728 0.030496 -0.0247375 0.0931447 0.030496 -0.0221604 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.0904628 0.030496 -0.0272421 0.0918728 0.030496 -0.0247375 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.0921549 0.012 -0.0194247 0.0874413 0.012 -0.0282773 0.0918662 0.012 -0.0247481 0.09770180000000001 0.030496 -0.0056144 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.0921549 0.012 -0.0194247 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0973203 0.030496 -0.008460830000000001 0.09770180000000001 0.030496 -0.0056144 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.0967851 0.030496 -0.0112827 0.0973203 0.030496 -0.008460830000000001 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.0960978 0.030496 -0.0140717 0.0967851 0.030496 -0.0112827 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.09526030000000001 0.030496 -0.0168197 0.0960978 0.030496 -0.0140717 0.0960863 0.012 -0.0141112 0.0976761 0.030496 0.00585078 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0959999 0.012 7.36966e-05 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.09791560000000001 0.030496 0.00298933 0.0976761 0.030496 0.00585078 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0979999 0.030496 0.000119107 0.09791560000000001 0.030496 0.00298933 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0979285 0.030496 -0.00275161 0.0979999 0.030496 0.000119107 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.09770180000000001 0.030496 -0.0056144 0.0979285 0.030496 -0.00275161 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0959999 0.012 7.36966e-05 0.0921549 0.012 -0.0194247 0.0979246 0.012 -0.00282432 0.0951853 0.030496 0.0170421 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.0921212 0.012 0.0195072 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.0960347 0.030496 0.0142989 0.0951853 0.030496 0.0170421 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.09673420000000001 0.030496 0.0115138 0.0960347 0.030496 0.0142989 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.0972819 0.030496 0.008695080000000001 0.09673420000000001 0.030496 0.0115138 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.0976761 0.030496 0.00585078 0.0972819 0.030496 0.008695080000000001 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.0921212 0.012 0.0195072 0.0959999 0.012 7.36966e-05 0.0972948 0.012 0.00861166 0.09034499999999999 0.030496 0.0274377 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.0921212 0.012 0.0195072 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.0917649 0.030496 0.0249409 0.09034499999999999 0.030496 0.0274377 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.0930473 0.030496 0.0223709 0.0917649 0.030496 0.0249409 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.09418849999999999 0.030496 0.0197354 0.0930473 0.030496 0.0223709 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.0951853 0.030496 0.0170421 0.09418849999999999 0.030496 0.0197354 0.0942081 0.012 0.0196838 0.0813426 0.030496 0.0385774 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.08108940000000001 0.012 0.0360318 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.08337990000000001 0.030496 0.0365511 0.0813426 0.030496 0.0385774 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.0853043 0.030496 0.0344175 0.08337990000000001 0.030496 0.0365511 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.08711000000000001 0.030496 0.032183 0.0853043 0.030496 0.0344175 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.08879190000000001 0.030496 0.0298541 0.08711000000000001 0.030496 0.032183 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.09034499999999999 0.030496 0.0274377 0.08879190000000001 0.030496 0.0298541 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.08108940000000001 0.012 0.0360318 0.0921212 0.012 0.0195072 0.08879140000000001 0.012 0.0298542 0.0721875 0.030496 0.0454955 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.08108940000000001 0.012 0.0360318 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.0746141 0.030496 0.0439546 0.0721875 0.030496 0.0454955 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.0769533 0.030496 0.0422846 0.0746141 0.030496 0.0439546 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.0791983 0.030496 0.0404904 0.0769533 0.030496 0.0422846 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.0813426 0.030496 0.0385774 0.0791983 0.030496 0.0404904 0.081315 0.012 0.0386042 0.0617533 0.030496 0.0502825 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.0646032 0.012 0.0470814 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0644559 0.030496 0.0492998 0.0617533 0.030496 0.0502825 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.06710099999999999 0.030496 0.0481721 0.0644559 0.030496 0.0492998 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.0696807 0.030496 0.0469027 0.06710099999999999 0.030496 0.0481721 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.0721875 0.030496 0.0454955 0.0696807 0.030496 0.0469027 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.0646032 0.012 0.0470814 0.08108940000000001 0.012 0.0360318 0.0721813 0.012 0.0454973 0.056207 0.030496 0.0518016 0.0533796 0.030496 0.0523334 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0590009 0.030496 0.0511173 0.056207 0.030496 0.0518016 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0617533 0.030496 0.0502825 0.0590009 0.030496 0.0511173 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0549995 0.012 0.0500098 0.0646032 0.012 0.0470814 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.045 0.012 0.051 0.0549995 0.012 0.0500098 0.0617321 0.012 0.0502885 0.0537058 0.0312031 0.0519831 0.0533796 0.030496 0.0523334 0.056207 0.030496 0.0518016 0.0568677 0.0312031 0.0513536 0.056207 0.030496 0.0518016 0.0590009 0.030496 0.0511173 0.0537058 0.0312031 0.0519831 0.056207 0.030496 0.0518016 0.0568677 0.0312031 0.0513536 0.0599852 0.0312031 0.0505319 0.0590009 0.030496 0.0511173 0.0617533 0.030496 0.0502825 0.0568677 0.0312031 0.0513536 0.0590009 0.030496 0.0511173 0.0599852 0.0312031 0.0505319 0.06304659999999999 0.0312031 0.0495213 0.0617533 0.030496 0.0502825 0.0644559 0.030496 0.0492998 0.0599852 0.0312031 0.0505319 0.0617533 0.030496 0.0502825 0.06304659999999999 0.0312031 0.0495213 0.0660405 0.0312031 0.0483252 0.0644559 0.030496 0.0492998 0.06710099999999999 0.030496 0.0481721 0.06304659999999999 0.0312031 0.0495213 0.0644559 0.030496 0.0492998 0.0660405 0.0312031 0.0483252 0.06895569999999999 0.0312031 0.0469485 0.06710099999999999 0.030496 0.0481721 0.0696807 0.030496 0.0469027 0.0660405 0.0312031 0.0483252 0.06710099999999999 0.030496 0.0481721 0.06895569999999999 0.0312031 0.0469485 0.0717812 0.0312031 0.0453961 0.0696807 0.030496 0.0469027 0.0721875 0.030496 0.0454955 0.06895569999999999 0.0312031 0.0469485 0.0696807 0.030496 0.0469027 0.0717812 0.0312031 0.0453961 0.0717812 0.0312031 0.0453961 0.0721875 0.030496 0.0454955 0.0746141 0.030496 0.0439546 0.0745065 0.0312031 0.0436737 0.0746141 0.030496 0.0439546 0.0769533 0.030496 0.0422846 0.0717812 0.0312031 0.0453961 0.0746141 0.030496 0.0439546 0.0745065 0.0312031 0.0436737 0.0771215 0.0312031 0.0417881 0.0769533 0.030496 0.0422846 0.0791983 0.030496 0.0404904 0.0745065 0.0312031 0.0436737 0.0769533 0.030496 0.0422846 0.0771215 0.0312031 0.0417881 0.0796163 0.0312031 0.039746 0.0791983 0.030496 0.0404904 0.0813426 0.030496 0.0385774 0.0771215 0.0312031 0.0417881 0.0791983 0.030496 0.0404904 0.0796163 0.0312031 0.039746 0.0819815 0.0312031 0.0375553 0.0813426 0.030496 0.0385774 0.08337990000000001 0.030496 0.0365511 0.0796163 0.0312031 0.039746 0.0813426 0.030496 0.0385774 0.0819815 0.0312031 0.0375553 0.08420850000000001 0.0312031 0.0352241 0.08337990000000001 0.030496 0.0365511 0.0853043 0.030496 0.0344175 0.0819815 0.0312031 0.0375553 0.08337990000000001 0.030496 0.0365511 0.08420850000000001 0.0312031 0.0352241 0.08628859999999999 0.0312031 0.032761 0.0853043 0.030496 0.0344175 0.08711000000000001 0.030496 0.032183 0.08420850000000001 0.0312031 0.0352241 0.0853043 0.030496 0.0344175 0.08628859999999999 0.0312031 0.032761 0.0882144 0.0312031 0.0301754 0.08711000000000001 0.030496 0.032183 0.08879190000000001 0.030496 0.0298541 0.08628859999999999 0.0312031 0.032761 0.08711000000000001 0.030496 0.032183 0.0882144 0.0312031 0.0301754 0.0899784 0.0312031 0.0274769 0.08879190000000001 0.030496 0.0298541 0.09034499999999999 0.030496 0.0274377 0.0882144 0.0312031 0.0301754 0.08879190000000001 0.030496 0.0298541 0.0899784 0.0312031 0.0274769 0.0899784 0.0312031 0.0274769 0.09034499999999999 0.030496 0.0274377 0.0917649 0.030496 0.0249409 0.09157410000000001 0.0312031 0.0246755 0.0917649 0.030496 0.0249409 0.0930473 0.030496 0.0223709 0.0899784 0.0312031 0.0274769 0.0917649 0.030496 0.0249409 0.09157410000000001 0.0312031 0.0246755 0.0929957 0.0312031 0.0217819 0.0930473 0.030496 0.0223709 0.09418849999999999 0.030496 0.0197354 0.09157410000000001 0.0312031 0.0246755 0.0930473 0.030496 0.0223709 0.0929957 0.0312031 0.0217819 0.0942376 0.0312031 0.0188067 0.09418849999999999 0.030496 0.0197354 0.0951853 0.030496 0.0170421 0.0929957 0.0312031 0.0217819 0.09418849999999999 0.030496 0.0197354 0.0942376 0.0312031 0.0188067 0.0952953 0.0312031 0.0157612 0.0951853 0.030496 0.0170421 0.0960347 0.030496 0.0142989 0.0942376 0.0312031 0.0188067 0.0951853 0.030496 0.0170421 0.0952953 0.0312031 0.0157612 0.0961649 0.0312031 0.0126568 0.0960347 0.030496 0.0142989 0.09673420000000001 0.030496 0.0115138 0.0952953 0.0312031 0.0157612 0.0960347 0.030496 0.0142989 0.0961649 0.0312031 0.0126568 0.0968429 0.0312031 0.00950495 0.09673420000000001 0.030496 0.0115138 0.0972819 0.030496 0.008695080000000001 0.0961649 0.0312031 0.0126568 0.09673420000000001 0.030496 0.0115138 0.0968429 0.0312031 0.00950495 0.0973271 0.0312031 0.00631757 0.0972819 0.030496 0.008695080000000001 0.0976761 0.030496 0.00585078 0.0968429 0.0312031 0.00950495 0.0972819 0.030496 0.008695080000000001 0.0973271 0.0312031 0.00631757 0.0976154 0.0312031 0.00310655 0.0976761 0.030496 0.00585078 0.09791560000000001 0.030496 0.00298933 0.0973271 0.0312031 0.00631757 0.0976761 0.030496 0.00585078 0.0976154 0.0312031 0.00310655 0.0976154 0.0312031 0.00310655 0.09791560000000001 0.030496 0.00298933 0.0979999 0.030496 0.000119107 0.0977069 0.0312031 -0.000116102 0.0979999 0.030496 0.000119107 0.0979285 0.030496 -0.00275161 0.0976154 0.0312031 0.00310655 0.0979999 0.030496 0.000119107 0.0977069 0.0312031 -0.000116102 0.0976013 0.0312031 -0.00333831 0.0979285 0.030496 -0.00275161 0.09770180000000001 0.030496 -0.0056144 0.0977069 0.0312031 -0.000116102 0.0979285 0.030496 -0.00275161 0.0976013 0.0312031 -0.00333831 0.0972987 0.0312031 -0.00654802 0.09770180000000001 0.030496 -0.0056144 0.0973203 0.030496 -0.008460830000000001 0.0976013 0.0312031 -0.00333831 0.09770180000000001 0.030496 -0.0056144 0.0972987 0.0312031 -0.00654802 0.0968005 0.0312031 -0.009733260000000001 0.0973203 0.030496 -0.008460830000000001 0.0967851 0.030496 -0.0112827 0.0972987 0.0312031 -0.00654802 0.0973203 0.030496 -0.008460830000000001 0.0968005 0.0312031 -0.009733260000000001 0.0961086 0.0312031 -0.0128821 0.0967851 0.030496 -0.0112827 0.0960978 0.030496 -0.0140717 0.0968005 0.0312031 -0.009733260000000001 0.0967851 0.030496 -0.0112827 0.0961086 0.0312031 -0.0128821 0.0952253 0.0312031 -0.0159827 0.0960978 0.030496 -0.0140717 0.09526030000000001 0.030496 -0.0168197 0.0961086 0.0312031 -0.0128821 0.0960978 0.030496 -0.0140717 0.0952253 0.0312031 -0.0159827 0.0941543 0.0312031 -0.0190235 0.09526030000000001 0.030496 -0.0168197 0.094275 0.030496 -0.0195185 0.0952253 0.0312031 -0.0159827 0.09526030000000001 0.030496 -0.0168197 0.0941543 0.0312031 -0.0190235 0.0928992 0.0312031 -0.0219931 0.094275 0.030496 -0.0195185 0.0931447 0.030496 -0.0221604 0.0941543 0.0312031 -0.0190235 0.094275 0.030496 -0.0195185 0.0928992 0.0312031 -0.0219931 0.0928992 0.0312031 -0.0219931 0.0931447 0.030496 -0.0221604 0.0918728 0.030496 -0.0247375 0.091465 0.0312031 -0.0248805 0.0918728 0.030496 -0.0247375 0.0904628 0.030496 -0.0272421 0.0928992 0.0312031 -0.0219931 0.0918728 0.030496 -0.0247375 0.091465 0.0312031 -0.0248805 0.08985700000000001 0.0312031 -0.0276748 0.0904628 0.030496 -0.0272421 0.088919 0.030496 -0.0296668 0.091465 0.0312031 -0.0248805 0.0904628 0.030496 -0.0272421 0.08985700000000001 0.0312031 -0.0276748 0.08808100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0303654 0.088919 0.030496 -0.0296668 0.0872459 0.030496 -0.0320045 0.08985700000000001 0.0312031 -0.0276748 0.088919 0.030496 -0.0296668 0.08808100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0303654 0.0861439 0.0312031 -0.0329426 0.0872459 0.030496 -0.0320045 0.0854482 0.030496 -0.0342482 0.08808100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0303654 0.0872459 0.030496 -0.0320045 0.0861439 0.0312031 -0.0329426 0.0840529 0.0312031 -0.0353964 0.0854482 0.030496 -0.0342482 0.08353149999999999 0.030496 -0.0363913 0.0861439 0.0312031 -0.0329426 0.0854482 0.030496 -0.0342482 0.0840529 0.0312031 -0.0353964 0.08181570000000001 0.0312031 -0.0377178 0.08353149999999999 0.030496 -0.0363913 0.08150110000000001 0.030496 -0.0384274 0.0840529 0.0312031 -0.0353964 0.08353149999999999 0.030496 -0.0363913 0.08181570000000001 0.0312031 -0.0377178 0.07944089999999999 0.0312031 -0.0398982 0.08150110000000001 0.030496 -0.0384274 0.0793633 0.030496 -0.0403505 0.08181570000000001 0.0312031 -0.0377178 0.08150110000000001 0.030496 -0.0384274 0.07944089999999999 0.0312031 -0.0398982 0.07944089999999999 0.0312031 -0.0398982 0.0793633 0.030496 -0.0403505 0.0771242 0.030496 -0.0421549 0.07693709999999999 0.0312031 -0.0419291 0.0771242 0.030496 -0.0421549 0.07479040000000001 0.030496 -0.0438353 0.07944089999999999 0.0312031 -0.0398982 0.0771242 0.030496 -0.0421549 0.07693709999999999 0.0312031 -0.0419291 0.0743139 0.0312031 -0.0438033 0.07479040000000001 0.030496 -0.0438353 0.0723688 0.030496 -0.0453867 0.07693709999999999 0.0312031 -0.0419291 0.07479040000000001 0.030496 -0.0438353 0.0743139 0.0312031 -0.0438033 0.07158100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0455136 0.0723688 0.030496 -0.0453867 0.0698667 0.030496 -0.0468044 0.0743139 0.0312031 -0.0438033 0.0723688 0.030496 -0.0453867 0.07158100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0455136 0.06874860000000001 0.0312031 -0.0470535 0.0698667 0.030496 -0.0468044 0.0672913 0.030496 -0.0480843 0.07158100000000001 0.0312031 -0.0455136 0.0698667 0.030496 -0.0468044 0.06874860000000001 0.0312031 -0.0470535 0.06582739999999999 0.0312031 -0.0484175 0.0672913 0.030496 -0.0480843 0.0646502 0.030496 -0.0492226 0.06874860000000001 0.0312031 -0.0470535 0.0672913 0.030496 -0.0480843 0.06582739999999999 0.0312031 -0.0484175 0.0628282 0.0312031 -0.0496003 0.0646502 0.030496 -0.0492226 0.0619514 0.030496 -0.050216 0.06582739999999999 0.0312031 -0.0484175 0.0646502 0.030496 -0.0492226 0.0628282 0.0312031 -0.0496003 0.0597624 0.0312031 -0.0505974 0.0619514 0.030496 -0.050216 0.0592028 0.030496 -0.0510615 0.0628282 0.0312031 -0.0496003 0.0619514 0.030496 -0.050216 0.0597624 0.0312031 -0.0505974 0.0566413 0.0312031 -0.0514054 0.0592028 0.030496 -0.0510615 0.0564124 0.030496 -0.0517567 0.0597624 0.0312031 -0.0505974 0.0592028 0.030496 -0.0510615 0.0566413 0.0312031 -0.0514054 0.0566413 0.0312031 -0.0514054 0.0564124 0.030496 -0.0517567 0.0535885 0.030496 -0.0522995 0.0534767 0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0535885 0.030496 -0.0522995 0.0507396 0.030496 -0.0526883 0.0566413 0.0312031 -0.0514054 0.0535885 0.030496 -0.0522995 0.0534767 0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0502803 0.0312031 -0.0524419 0.0507396 0.030496 -0.0526883 0.047874 0.030496 -0.052922 0.0534767 0.0312031 -0.0520209 0.0507396 0.030496 -0.0526883 0.0502803 0.0312031 -0.0524419 0.0470642 0.0312031 -0.0526667 0.047874 0.030496 -0.052922 0.045 0.030496 -0.053 0.0502803 0.0312031 -0.0524419 0.047874 0.030496 -0.052922 0.0470642 0.0312031 -0.0526667 0.0438404 0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.045 0.030496 -0.053 0.042025 0.030496 -0.0529164 0.0470642 0.0312031 -0.0526667 0.045 0.030496 -0.053 0.0438404 0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.0406209 0.0312031 -0.0525248 0.042025 0.030496 -0.0529164 0.0390529 0.030496 -0.0526653 0.0438404 0.0312031 -0.0526943 0.042025 0.030496 -0.0529164 0.0406209 0.0312031 -0.0525248 0.0374178 0.0312031 -0.0521588 0.0390529 0.030496 -0.0526653 0.0360931 0.030496 -0.0522462 0.0406209 0.0312031 -0.0525248 0.0390529 0.030496 -0.0526653 0.0374178 0.0312031 -0.0521588 0.0342431 0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0360931 0.030496 -0.0522462 0.0331457 0.030496 -0.0516573 0.0374178 0.0312031 -0.0521588 0.0360931 0.030496 -0.0522462 0.0342431 0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0311086 0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0331457 0.030496 -0.0516573 0.0302321 0.030496 -0.050901 0.0342431 0.0312031 -0.0515977 0.0331457 0.030496 -0.0516573 0.0311086 0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0280261 0.0312031 -0.0498991 0.0302321 0.030496 -0.050901 0.0273888 0.030496 -0.0499885 0.0311086 0.0312031 -0.0508436 0.0302321 0.030496 -0.050901 0.0280261 0.0312031 -0.0498991 0.0250071 0.0312031 -0.048768 0.0273888 0.030496 -0.0499885 0.0246192 0.030496 -0.0489247 0.0280261 0.0312031 -0.0498991 0.0273888 0.030496 -0.0499885 0.0250071 0.0312031 -0.048768 0.0220629 0.0312031 -0.0474545 0.0246192 0.030496 -0.0489247 0.0214999 0.030496 -0.0475052 0.0250071 0.0312031 -0.048768 0.0246192 0.030496 -0.0489247 0.0220629 0.0312031 -0.0474545 0.0192045 0.0312031 -0.0459633 0.0214999 0.030496 -0.0475052 0.0185426 0.030496 -0.0459239 0.0220629 0.0312031 -0.0474545 0.0214999 0.030496 -0.0475052 0.0192045 0.0312031 -0.0459633 0.0164426 0.0312031 -0.0443002 0.0185426 0.030496 -0.0459239 0.0157432 0.030496 -0.0441932 0.0192045 0.0312031 -0.0459633 0.0185426 0.030496 -0.0459239 0.0164426 0.0312031 -0.0443002 0.0137876 0.0312031 -0.0424714 0.0157432 0.030496 -0.0441932 0.0131316 0.030496 -0.0423486 0.0164426 0.0312031 -0.0443002 0.0157432 0.030496 -0.0441932 0.0137876 0.0312031 -0.0424714 0.0112493 0.0312031 -0.0404836 0.0131316 0.030496 -0.0423486 0.0107234 0.030496 -0.0404242 0.0137876 0.0312031 -0.0424714 0.0131316 0.030496 -0.0423486 0.0112493 0.0312031 -0.0404836 0.008837299999999999 0.0312031 -0.0383445 0.0107234 0.030496 -0.0404242 0.008508399999999999 0.030496 -0.0384365 0.0112493 0.0312031 -0.0404836 0.0107234 0.030496 -0.0404242 0.008837299999999999 0.0312031 -0.0383445 0.0065607 0.0312031 -0.0360618 0.008508399999999999 0.030496 -0.0384365 0.0061121 0.030496 -0.0360102 0.008837299999999999 0.0312031 -0.0383445 0.008508399999999999 0.030496 -0.0384365 0.0065607 0.0312031 -0.0360618 0.0044278 0.0312031 -0.0336442 0.0061121 0.030496 -0.0360102 0.0039874 0.030496 -0.0335704 0.0065607 0.0312031 -0.0360618 0.0061121 0.030496 -0.0360102 0.0044278 0.0312031 -0.0336442 0.0024467 0.0312031 -0.0311007 0.0039874 0.030496 -0.0335704 0.002109 0.030496 -0.0311345 0.0044278 0.0312031 -0.0336442 0.0039874 0.030496 -0.0335704 0.0024467 0.0312031 -0.0311007 0.0024467 0.0312031 -0.0311007 0.002109 0.030496 -0.0311345 0.000461498 0.030496 -0.0287285 0.000624901 0.0312031 -0.0284409 0.000461498 0.030496 -0.0287285 -0.0009780990000000001 0.030496 -0.0263631 0.0024467 0.0312031 -0.0311007 0.000461498 0.030496 -0.0287285 0.000624901 0.0312031 -0.0284409 -0.001031 0.0312031 -0.0256747 -0.0009780990000000001 0.030496 -0.0263631 -0.00251 0.030496 -0.0234904 0.000624901 0.0312031 -0.0284409 -0.0009780990000000001 0.030496 -0.0263631 -0.001031 0.0312031 -0.0256747 -0.0025145 0.0312031 -0.0228124 -0.00251 0.030496 -0.0234904 -0.0037826 0.030496 -0.0207186 -0.001031 0.0312031 -0.0256747 -0.00251 0.030496 -0.0234904 -0.0025145 0.0312031 -0.0228124 -0.0038203 0.0312031 -0.0198647 -0.0037826 0.030496 -0.0207186 -0.0048264 0.030496 -0.0180646 -0.0025145 0.0312031 -0.0228124 -0.0037826 0.030496 -0.0207186 -0.0038203 0.0312031 -0.0198647 -0.0049436 0.0312031 -0.0168428 -0.0048264 0.030496 -0.0180646 -0.005675 0.030496 -0.0155256 -0.0038203 0.0312031 -0.0198647 -0.0048264 0.030496 -0.0180646 -0.0049436 0.0312031 -0.0168428 -0.0058798 0.0312031 -0.0137577 -0.005675 0.030496 -0.0155256 -0.0065479 0.030496 -0.0123212 -0.0049436 0.0312031 -0.0168428 -0.005675 0.030496 -0.0155256 -0.0058798 0.0312031 -0.0137577 -0.0066258 0.0312031 -0.0106213 -0.0065479 0.030496 -0.0123212 -0.0071751 0.030496 -0.009314680000000001 -0.0058798 0.0312031 -0.0137577 -0.0065479 0.030496 -0.0123212 -0.0066258 0.0312031 -0.0106213 -0.0071786 0.0312031 -0.0074451 -0.0071751 0.030496 -0.009314680000000001 -0.0076013 0.030496 -0.00648842 -0.0066258 0.0312031 -0.0106213 -0.0071751 0.030496 -0.009314680000000001 -0.0071786 0.0312031 -0.0074451 -0.0075361 0.0312031 -0.00424103 -0.0076013 0.030496 -0.00648842 -0.0078615 0.030496 -0.0038287 -0.0071786 0.0312031 -0.0074451 -0.0076013 0.030496 -0.00648842 -0.0075361 0.0312031 -0.00424103 -0.0075361 0.0312031 -0.00424103 -0.0078615 0.030496 -0.0038287 -0.0079833 0.030496 -0.00133139 -0.0076972 0.0312031 -0.00102112 -0.0079833 0.030496 -0.00133139 -0.007990499999999999 0.030496 0.00100529 -0.0075361 0.0312031 -0.00424103 -0.0079833 0.030496 -0.00133139 -0.0076972 0.0312031 -0.00102112 -0.0076609 0.031203 0.00220259 -0.007990499999999999 0.030496 0.00100529 -0.0078323 0.030496 0.00421236 -0.0076972 0.0312031 -0.00102112 -0.007990499999999999 0.030496 0.00100529 -0.0076609 0.031203 0.00220259 -0.0074277 0.031203 0.00541809 -0.0078323 0.030496 0.00421236 -0.0075258 0.030496 0.00707429 -0.0076609 0.031203 0.00220259 -0.0078323 0.030496 0.00421236 -0.0074277 0.031203 0.00541809 -0.0069986 0.0312032 0.00861337 -0.0075258 0.030496 0.00707429 -0.0071215 0.0304954 0.009609919999999999 -0.0074277 0.031203 0.00541809 -0.0075258 0.030496 0.00707429 -0.0069986 0.0312032 0.00861337 -0.0069986 0.0312032 0.00861337 -0.0071215 0.0304954 0.009609919999999999 -0.0066602 0.030505 0.0118418 -0.0069986 0.0312032 0.00861337 -0.0066602 0.030505 0.0118418 -0.0063771 0.0312057 0.0117769 -0.0038616 0.012 0.0205316 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0052347 0.012 0.0203584 -0.0038616 0.012 0.0205316 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0352132 0.0272079 0.0505666 -0.0071826 0.012 0.0237132 -0.0021549 0.012 0.0194247 -0.0038616 0.012 0.0205316 -0.0052347 0.012 0.0203584 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0071826 -0.012 0.0237132 -0.0383356 -0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0428532 -0.0119939 0.0600552 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0383356 -0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 -0.0071826 -0.012 0.0237132 -0.0052347 -0.012 0.0203584 -0.0071826 -0.012 0.0237132 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 0.0010232 0.012 0.0295809 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 -0.0038616 0.012 0.0205316 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 -0.0052347 -0.012 0.0203584 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 0.0010232 -0.012 0.0295809 0.0010232 0.012 0.0295809 0.0010232 -0.012 0.0295809 -0.0038616 -0.012 0.0205316 0.0025587 0.012 0.0282773 0.0010232 0.012 0.0295809 -0.0038616 0.012 0.0205316 -0.0021549 0.012 0.0194247 0.0025587 0.012 0.0282773 -0.0038616 0.012 0.0205316 -0.0428532 -0.0119939 0.0600552 -0.042847 0.0120162 0.0600409 -0.0383356 0.0225971 0.0535579 -0.0428532 -0.0119939 0.0600552 -0.0440789 0.00610722 0.06390510000000001 -0.042847 0.0120162 0.0600409 -0.0428532 -0.0119939 0.0600552 -0.0440812 -0.00609076 0.063916 -0.0440789 0.00610722 0.06390510000000001 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0445 -0.012 0.0529976 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0350005 -0.012 0.0500098 0.0244775 -0.012 0.0488648 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0244775 -0.012 0.0488648 0.045 -0.012 0.051 0.0350005 -0.012 0.0500098 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0342748 -0.012 0.0519034 0.0253968 -0.012 0.0470814 0.0075455 -0.012 0.037498 0.0244775 -0.012 0.0488648 0.0244775 0.012 0.0488648 0.0244775 -0.012 0.0488648 0.0075455 -0.012 0.037498 0.0350005 -0.012 0.0500098 0.0253968 -0.012 0.0470814 0.0244775 -0.012 0.0488648 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.0244775 -0.012 0.0488648 0.0244775 0.012 0.0488648 0.008910599999999999 -0.012 0.0360318 0.0010232 -0.012 0.0295809 0.0075455 -0.012 0.037498 0.0075455 0.012 0.037498 0.0075455 -0.012 0.037498 0.0010232 -0.012 0.0295809 0.0253968 -0.012 0.0470814 0.008910599999999999 -0.012 0.0360318 0.0075455 -0.012 0.037498 0.0244775 0.012 0.0488648 0.0075455 -0.012 0.037498 0.0075455 0.012 0.037498 0.008910599999999999 -0.012 0.0360318 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 0.0010232 -0.012 0.0295809 0.0075455 0.012 0.037498 0.0010232 -0.012 0.0295809 0.0010232 0.012 0.0295809 0.045 -0.029496 -0.051 0.045 -0.012 -0.051 0.0350573 -0.012 -0.050021 0.0549427 -0.029496 -0.050021 0.0549995 -0.012 -0.0500098 0.045 -0.012 -0.051 0.0549427 -0.029496 -0.050021 0.045 -0.012 -0.051 0.045 -0.029496 -0.051 0.0350005 -0.029496 -0.0500098 0.0350573 -0.012 -0.050021 0.0254723 -0.012 -0.0471125 0.0350005 -0.029496 -0.0500098 0.045 -0.029496 -0.051 0.0350573 -0.012 -0.050021 0.0253968 -0.029496 -0.0470814 0.0254723 -0.012 -0.0471125 0.0089345 -0.012 -0.0360555 0.0350005 -0.029496 -0.0500098 0.0254723 -0.012 -0.0471125 0.0253968 -0.029496 -0.0470814 0.008910599999999999 -0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0089345 -0.012 -0.0360555 0.0025587 -0.012 -0.0282773 0.0253968 -0.029496 -0.0470814 0.0089345 -0.012 -0.0360555 0.008910599999999999 -0.029496 -0.0360318 -0.0021212 -0.029496 -0.0195072 0.0025587 -0.012 -0.0282773 -0.0021549 -0.012 -0.0194247 0.008910599999999999 -0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0025587 -0.012 -0.0282773 -0.0021212 -0.029496 -0.0195072 -0.0059999 -0.029496 -7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 -0.012 -0.0194247 -0.0059999 -0.012 7.36966e-05 -0.0021212 -0.029496 -0.0195072 -0.0021549 -0.012 -0.0194247 -0.0059999 -0.029496 -7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 -0.029496 0.0194247 -0.0059999 -0.012 7.36966e-05 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 -0.0059999 -0.029496 -7.36966e-05 -0.0059999 -0.012 7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 -0.029496 0.0194247 0.0025587 -0.029496 0.0282773 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 0.008910599999999999 -0.012 0.0360318 -0.0021549 -0.029496 0.0194247 -0.0021212 -0.012 0.0195072 0.0025587 -0.029496 0.0282773 0.0089345 -0.029496 0.0360555 0.008910599999999999 -0.012 0.0360318 0.0253968 -0.012 0.0470814 0.0025587 -0.029496 0.0282773 0.008910599999999999 -0.012 0.0360318 0.0089345 -0.029496 0.0360555 0.0254723 -0.029496 0.0471125 0.0253968 -0.012 0.0470814 0.0350005 -0.012 0.0500098 0.0089345 -0.029496 0.0360555 0.0253968 -0.012 0.0470814 0.0254723 -0.029496 0.0471125 0.0350573 -0.029496 0.050021 0.0350005 -0.012 0.0500098 0.045 -0.012 0.051 0.0254723 -0.029496 0.0471125 0.0350005 -0.012 0.0500098 0.0350573 -0.029496 0.050021 0.045 -0.029496 0.051 0.045 -0.012 0.051 0.0549427 -0.012 0.050021 0.0350573 -0.029496 0.050021 0.045 -0.012 0.051 0.045 -0.029496 0.051 0.0549995 -0.029496 0.0500098 0.0549427 -0.012 0.050021 0.06452769999999999 -0.012 0.0471125 0.045 -0.029496 0.051 0.0549427 -0.012 0.050021 0.0549995 -0.029496 0.0500098 0.0646032 -0.029496 0.0470814 0.06452769999999999 -0.012 0.0471125 0.0810655 -0.012 0.0360555 0.0549995 -0.029496 0.0500098 0.06452769999999999 -0.012 0.0471125 0.0646032 -0.029496 0.0470814 0.08108940000000001 -0.029496 0.0360318 0.0810655 -0.012 0.0360555 0.0874413 -0.012 0.0282773 0.0646032 -0.029496 0.0470814 0.0810655 -0.012 0.0360555 0.08108940000000001 -0.029496 0.0360318 0.0921212 -0.029496 0.0195072 0.0874413 -0.012 0.0282773 0.0921549 -0.012 0.0194247 0.08108940000000001 -0.029496 0.0360318 0.0874413 -0.012 0.0282773 0.0921212 -0.029496 0.0195072 0.0959999 -0.029496 7.36966e-05 0.0921549 -0.012 0.0194247 0.0959999 -0.012 -7.36966e-05 0.0921212 -0.029496 0.0195072 0.0921549 -0.012 0.0194247 0.0959999 -0.029496 7.36966e-05 0.0921549 -0.029496 -0.0194247 0.0959999 -0.012 -7.36966e-05 0.0921212 -0.012 -0.0195072 0.0959999 -0.029496 7.36966e-05 0.0959999 -0.012 -7.36966e-05 0.0921549 -0.029496 -0.0194247 0.0874413 -0.029496 -0.0282773 0.0921212 -0.012 -0.0195072 0.08108940000000001 -0.012 -0.0360318 0.0921549 -0.029496 -0.0194247 0.0921212 -0.012 -0.0195072 0.0874413 -0.029496 -0.0282773 0.0810655 -0.029496 -0.0360555 0.08108940000000001 -0.012 -0.0360318 0.0646032 -0.012 -0.0470814 0.0874413 -0.029496 -0.0282773 0.08108940000000001 -0.012 -0.0360318 0.0810655 -0.029496 -0.0360555 0.06452769999999999 -0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0646032 -0.012 -0.0470814 0.0549995 -0.012 -0.0500098 0.0810655 -0.029496 -0.0360555 0.0646032 -0.012 -0.0470814 0.06452769999999999 -0.029496 -0.0471125 0.06452769999999999 -0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0549995 -0.012 -0.0500098 0.0549427 -0.029496 -0.050021 0.0445 0.00625827 0.0567443 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0445 0.012 0.0548585 0.0467097 0.012 0.0532793 0.0445 0.012 0.0548585 0.0445 0.012 0.0529976 0.0428225 0.0177614 0.0545709 0.0445 0.012 0.0548585 0.0467097 0.012 0.0532793 0.0089345 0.012 0.0360555 0.0075455 0.012 0.037498 0.0010232 0.012 0.0295809 0.0025587 0.012 0.0282773 0.0089345 0.012 0.0360555 0.0010232 0.012 0.0295809 0.0254723 0.012 0.0471125 0.0244775 0.012 0.0488648 0.0075455 0.012 0.037498 0.0089345 0.012 0.0360555 0.0254723 0.012 0.0471125 0.0075455 0.012 0.037498 0.0350573 0.012 0.050021 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.0244775 0.012 0.0488648 0.0254723 0.012 0.0471125 0.0350573 0.012 0.050021 0.0244775 0.012 0.0488648 0.0350573 0.012 0.050021 0.045 0.012 0.051 0.0342748 0.012 0.0519034 0.045 0.029496 -0.051 0.045 0.012 -0.051 0.0549427 0.012 -0.050021 0.0350573 0.029496 -0.050021 0.0350005 0.012 -0.0500098 0.045 0.012 -0.051 0.0350573 0.029496 -0.050021 0.045 0.012 -0.051 0.045 0.029496 -0.051 0.0549995 0.029496 -0.0500098 0.0549427 0.012 -0.050021 0.06452769999999999 0.012 -0.0471125 0.0549995 0.029496 -0.0500098 0.045 0.029496 -0.051 0.0549427 0.012 -0.050021 0.0646032 0.029496 -0.0470814 0.06452769999999999 0.012 -0.0471125 0.0810655 0.012 -0.0360555 0.0646032 0.029496 -0.0470814 0.0549995 0.029496 -0.0500098 0.06452769999999999 0.012 -0.0471125 0.08108940000000001 0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0810655 0.012 -0.0360555 0.0874413 0.012 -0.0282773 0.08108940000000001 0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0646032 0.029496 -0.0470814 0.0810655 0.012 -0.0360555 0.0921212 0.029496 -0.0195072 0.0874413 0.012 -0.0282773 0.0921549 0.012 -0.0194247 0.0921212 0.029496 -0.0195072 0.08108940000000001 0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0874413 0.012 -0.0282773 0.0959999 0.029496 -7.36966e-05 0.0921549 0.012 -0.0194247 0.0959999 0.012 7.36966e-05 0.0959999 0.029496 -7.36966e-05 0.0921212 0.029496 -0.0195072 0.0921549 0.012 -0.0194247 0.0921549 0.029496 0.0194247 0.0959999 0.012 7.36966e-05 0.0921212 0.012 0.0195072 0.0921549 0.029496 0.0194247 0.0959999 0.029496 -7.36966e-05 0.0959999 0.012 7.36966e-05 0.0874413 0.029496 0.0282773 0.0921212 0.012 0.0195072 0.08108940000000001 0.012 0.0360318 0.0874413 0.029496 0.0282773 0.0921549 0.029496 0.0194247 0.0921212 0.012 0.0195072 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.08108940000000001 0.012 0.0360318 0.0646032 0.012 0.0470814 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.0874413 0.029496 0.0282773 0.08108940000000001 0.012 0.0360318 0.06452769999999999 0.029496 0.0471125 0.0646032 0.012 0.0470814 0.0549995 0.012 0.0500098 0.06452769999999999 0.029496 0.0471125 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.0646032 0.012 0.0470814 0.0549427 0.029496 0.050021 0.0549995 0.012 0.0500098 0.045 0.012 0.051 0.0549427 0.029496 0.050021 0.06452769999999999 0.029496 0.0471125 0.0549995 0.012 0.0500098 0.045 0.029496 0.051 0.045 0.012 0.051 0.0350573 0.012 0.050021 0.0549427 0.029496 0.050021 0.045 0.012 0.051 0.045 0.029496 0.051 0.0350005 0.029496 0.0500098 0.0350573 0.012 0.050021 0.0254723 0.012 0.0471125 0.0350005 0.029496 0.0500098 0.045 0.029496 0.051 0.0350573 0.012 0.050021 0.0253968 0.029496 0.0470814 0.0254723 0.012 0.0471125 0.0089345 0.012 0.0360555 0.0350005 0.029496 0.0500098 0.0254723 0.012 0.0471125 0.0253968 0.029496 0.0470814 0.008910599999999999 0.029496 0.0360318 0.0089345 0.012 0.0360555 0.0025587 0.012 0.0282773 0.0253968 0.029496 0.0470814 0.0089345 0.012 0.0360555 0.008910599999999999 0.029496 0.0360318 -0.0021212 0.029496 0.0195072 0.0025587 0.012 0.0282773 -0.0021549 0.012 0.0194247 0.008910599999999999 0.029496 0.0360318 0.0025587 0.012 0.0282773 -0.0021212 0.029496 0.0195072 -0.0059999 0.029496 7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 0.012 0.0194247 -0.0059999 0.012 -7.36966e-05 -0.0021212 0.029496 0.0195072 -0.0021549 0.012 0.0194247 -0.0059999 0.029496 7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 0.029496 -0.0194247 -0.0059999 0.012 -7.36966e-05 -0.0021212 0.012 -0.0195072 -0.0059999 0.029496 7.36966e-05 -0.0059999 0.012 -7.36966e-05 -0.0021549 0.029496 -0.0194247 0.0025587 0.029496 -0.0282773 -0.0021212 0.012 -0.0195072 0.008910599999999999 0.012 -0.0360318 -0.0021549 0.029496 -0.0194247 -0.0021212 0.012 -0.0195072 0.0025587 0.029496 -0.0282773 0.0089345 0.029496 -0.0360555 0.008910599999999999 0.012 -0.0360318 0.0253968 0.012 -0.0470814 0.0025587 0.029496 -0.0282773 0.008910599999999999 0.012 -0.0360318 0.0089345 0.029496 -0.0360555 0.0254723 0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0253968 0.012 -0.0470814 0.0350005 0.012 -0.0500098 0.0089345 0.029496 -0.0360555 0.0253968 0.012 -0.0470814 0.0254723 0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0254723 0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0350005 0.012 -0.0500098 0.0350573 0.029496 -0.050021 0.0350005 0.029496 0.0500098 0.0549427 0.029496 0.050021 0.045 0.029496 0.051 0.0350573 0.029496 -0.050021 0.045 0.029496 -0.051 0.0549995 0.029496 -0.0500098 0.0254723 0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0549995 0.029496 -0.0500098 0.0646032 0.029496 -0.0470814 0.0254723 0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0350573 0.029496 -0.050021 0.0549995 0.029496 -0.0500098 0.0089345 0.029496 -0.0360555 0.0646032 0.029496 -0.0470814 0.08108940000000001 0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0089345 0.029496 -0.0360555 0.0254723 0.029496 -0.0471125 0.0646032 0.029496 -0.0470814 0.052762 0.029496 -0.0289773 0.08108940000000001 0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0921212 0.029496 -0.0195072 0.045 0.029496 -0.03 0.0089345 0.029496 -0.0360555 0.08108940000000001 0.029496 -0.0360318 0.052762 0.029496 -0.0289773 0.045 0.029496 -0.03 0.08108940000000001 0.029496 -0.0360318 0.0709777 0.029496 -0.0150032 0.0921212 0.029496 -0.0195072 0.0959999 0.029496 -7.36966e-05 0.0600112 0.029496 -0.0259727 0.052762 0.029496 -0.0289773 0.0921212 0.029496 -0.0195072 0.0709777 0.029496 -0.0150032 0.0600112 0.029496 -0.0259727 0.0921212 0.029496 -0.0195072 0.07499989999999999 0.029496 -2.14179e-06 0.0959999 0.029496 -7.36966e-05 0.0921549 0.029496 0.0194247 0.07499989999999999 0.029496 -2.14179e-06 0.0709777 0.029496 -0.0150032 0.0959999 0.029496 -7.36966e-05 0.0600726 0.029496 0.0259369 0.0921549 0.029496 0.0194247 0.0874413 0.029496 0.0282773 0.0710041 0.029496 0.0149579 0.07499989999999999 0.029496 -2.14179e-06 0.0921549 0.029496 0.0194247 0.0600726 0.029496 0.0259369 0.0710041 0.029496 0.0149579 0.0921549 0.029496 0.0194247 0.0528008 0.029496 0.0289668 0.0874413 0.029496 0.0282773 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.0528008 0.029496 0.0289668 0.0600726 0.029496 0.0259369 0.0874413 0.029496 0.0282773 0.0253968 0.029496 0.0470814 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.06452769999999999 0.029496 0.0471125 0.0253968 0.029496 0.0470814 0.008910599999999999 0.029496 0.0360318 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.045 0.029496 0.03 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.008910599999999999 0.029496 0.0360318 0.045 0.029496 0.03 0.0528008 0.029496 0.0289668 0.0810655 0.029496 0.0360555 0.0350005 0.029496 0.0500098 0.06452769999999999 0.029496 0.0471125 0.0549427 0.029496 0.050021 0.0350005 0.029496 0.0500098 0.0253968 0.029496 0.0470814 0.06452769999999999 0.029496 0.0471125 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0.0190223 0.029496 0.0150032 0.0299888 0.029496 0.0259727 -0.0021212 0.029496 0.0195072 0.037238 0.029496 0.0289773 0.045 0.029496 0.03 0.008910599999999999 0.029496 0.0360318 0.045 -0.029496 -0.03 0.045 0.029496 -0.03 0.052762 0.029496 -0.0289773 0.037238 -0.029496 -0.0289773 0.0371992 0.029496 -0.0289668 0.045 0.029496 -0.03 0.037238 -0.029496 -0.0289773 0.045 0.029496 -0.03 0.045 -0.029496 -0.03 0.0528008 -0.029496 -0.0289668 0.052762 0.029496 -0.0289773 0.0600112 0.029496 -0.0259727 0.0528008 -0.029496 -0.0289668 0.045 -0.029496 -0.03 0.052762 0.029496 -0.0289773 0.0600726 -0.029496 -0.0259369 0.0600112 0.029496 -0.0259727 0.0709777 0.029496 -0.0150032 0.0600726 -0.029496 -0.0259369 0.0528008 -0.029496 -0.0289668 0.0600112 0.029496 -0.0259727 0.0710041 -0.029496 -0.0149579 0.0709777 0.029496 -0.0150032 0.07499989999999999 0.029496 -2.14179e-06 0.0710041 -0.029496 -0.0149579 0.0600726 -0.029496 -0.0259369 0.0709777 0.029496 -0.0150032 0.07499989999999999 -0.029496 2.14179e-06 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0.0044463 0.007697990000000226 0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.00769548 0.004450010000000224 0.01335 0.008586649999999999 0.002301000000000223 0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.008586649999999999 0.002301000000000223 0.01335 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0353285 0.02121000000000023 0.02362510000000002 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0277593 0.02121000000000023 0.03218180000000002 -0.0353285 0.02121000000000023 0.02362510000000002 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0181843 0.02121000000000023 0.0384133 -0.0277593 0.02121000000000023 0.03218180000000002 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 0.0418712 -0.0181843 0.02121000000000023 0.0384133 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 0.0422293 -0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 0.0418712 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0164484 0.02121000000000023 0.03918800000000001 0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 0.0422293 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0267777 0.02121000000000023 0.03300310000000001 0.0164484 0.02121000000000023 0.03918800000000001 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0349638 0.02121000000000023 0.02416160000000002 0.0267777 0.02121000000000023 0.03300310000000001 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0350664 0.02721000000000024 0.02401200000000002 0.0349638 0.02121000000000023 0.02416160000000002 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0404079 0.02721000000000024 0.0131691 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 0.0350664 0.02721000000000024 0.02401200000000002 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0404079 0.02721000000000024 0.0131691 0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 0.0416251 0.003051000000000224 0.0103806 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0416251 0.003051000000000224 0.0103806 0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 0.0387716 -0.01076899999999978 0.01335 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0387716 -0.01076899999999978 0.01335 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0415851 0.001658010000000222 0.0105384 0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105493 0.0415851 0.001658010000000222 0.0105384 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0415555 0.0006050050000002223 0.0105845 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105493 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 0.0415555 0.0006050050000002223 0.0105845 0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.0387716 -0.01076899999999978 0.01335 0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 0.0387716 -0.01076899999999978 0.01335 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 0.0387716 -0.01076899999999978 0.01335 0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 0.0387716 -0.01076899999999978 0.01335 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.01335 0.0288276 -0.02699199999999979 0.01335 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.0288276 -0.02699199999999979 0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.01335 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 0.0329862 -0.02212199999999978 0.01335 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.01335 0.023961 -0.03114799999999979 0.01335 0.0288276 -0.02699199999999979 0.01335 0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 0.0288276 -0.02699199999999979 0.01335 0.023961 -0.03114799999999979 0.01335 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.01335 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.01335 0.0288276 -0.02699199999999979 0.01335 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.01335 0.0126022 -0.03693599999999979 0.01335 0.023961 -0.03114799999999979 0.01335 0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 0.023961 -0.03114799999999979 0.01335 0.0126022 -0.03693599999999979 0.01335 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.01335 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.01335 0.023961 -0.03114799999999979 0.01335 0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 0.023961 -0.03114799999999979 0.01335 0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.01335 0.00637986 -0.03842999999999978 0.01335 0.0126022 -0.03693599999999979 0.01335 0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 0.0126022 -0.03693599999999979 0.01335 0.00637986 -0.03842999999999978 0.01335 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.01335 0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.01335 0.0126022 -0.03693599999999979 0.01335 0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 0.0126022 -0.03693599999999979 0.01335 3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.01335 2.82565e-06 -0.03893199999999979 0.01335 0.00637986 -0.03842999999999978 0.01335 0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 0.00637986 -0.03842999999999978 0.01335 2.82565e-06 -0.03893199999999979 0.01335 0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.01335 3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.01335 0.00637986 -0.03842999999999978 0.01335 -0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.01335 -0.0125874 -0.0369399999999998 0.01335 2.82565e-06 -0.03893199999999979 0.01335 2.24079e-16 -0.03973299999999979 0.0105962 2.82565e-06 -0.03893199999999979 0.01335 -0.0125874 -0.0369399999999998 0.01335 3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.01335 -0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.01335 2.82565e-06 -0.03893199999999979 0.01335 2.24079e-16 -0.03973299999999979 0.0105962 0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 2.82565e-06 -0.03893199999999979 0.01335 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.01335 -0.0239397 -0.0311629999999998 0.01335 -0.0125874 -0.0369399999999998 0.01335 -0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 -0.0125874 -0.0369399999999998 0.01335 -0.0239397 -0.0311629999999998 0.01335 -0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.01335 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.01335 -0.0125874 -0.0369399999999998 0.01335 -0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.01335 -0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.01335 -0.0125874 -0.0369399999999998 0.01335 -0.0124419 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-0.0387624 -0.01079799999999978 0.01335 -0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 0.01335 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 -0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 0.01335 -0.0387624 -0.01079799999999978 0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 -0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 0.01335 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 -0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 0.01335 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 -0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 -0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 0.01335 -0.0387624 -0.01079799999999978 0.01335 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 -0.0387624 -0.01079799999999978 0.01335 -0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 0.01335 -0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 0.01335 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 -0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 0.01335 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 0.01335 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 -0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 0.01335 -0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 -0.0415853 0.001658990000000222 0.0105376 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 -0.0415552 0.0005960050000002223 0.0105847 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0415552 0.0005960050000002223 0.0105847 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0415853 0.001658990000000222 0.0105376 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 -0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 -0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 -0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 -0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0364139 0.02721000000000024 0.02191480000000001 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0353285 0.02121000000000023 0.02362510000000002 -0.0364139 0.02721000000000024 0.02191480000000001 -0.0411109 0.02721000000000024 0.0107762 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 0.01335 -0.0411109 0.02721000000000024 0.0107762 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 0.01335 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 0.01335 -0.008586649999999999 -0.002300989999999779 0.01335 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 -0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 -0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 -0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 -0.0286384 0.001373010000000222 0.006216520000000003 -0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 -0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 -0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 -0.0286384 0.001373010000000222 0.006216520000000003 -0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 0.006350000000000002 -0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 -0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 0.006350000000000002 -0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 -0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 -0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 0.006350000000000002 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.006350000000000002 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 -0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.006350000000000002 -0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.006350000000000002 -0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 0.01335 -0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 0.01335 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.006350000000000002 -0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 0.01335 -0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.006350000000000002 -0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 0.01335 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.01335 -0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.006350000000000002 -0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 0.01335 -0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.01335 -0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.01335 -0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.01335 -0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.006350000000000002 -0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.01335 -0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.01335 -0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.006350000000000002 -0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.01335 -0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.006350000000000002 -3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.006350000000000002 -0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.01335 3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.01335 -0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.006350000000000002 -0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.01335 -3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.006350000000000002 0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.006350000000000002 3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.01335 0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.01335 -3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.006350000000000002 3.48128e-05 -0.0301619999999998 0.01335 0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.006350000000000002 0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.006350000000000002 0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.01335 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.01335 0.0108206 -0.0282769999999998 0.006350000000000002 0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 0.01335 0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.006350000000000002 0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.01335 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.01335 0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 0.006350000000000002 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 0.01335 0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.01335 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.01335 0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 0.01335 0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 0.006350000000000002 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 0.01335 0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 0.006350000000000002 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.006350000000000002 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 0.006350000000000002 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.006350000000000002 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 0.006350000000000002 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 0.006350000000000002 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 0.01335 0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 0.006350000000000002 0.0286302 0.001377000000000222 0.006215730000000004 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 0.01335 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.01335 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 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-0.007698009999999781 0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 0.01335 -6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 0.01335 0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 0.00858358 -0.002312999999999778 0.01335 0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 0.0082281 -0.01422899999999978 0.004784630000000002 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 0.00474525 -0.01422899999999978 0.008251190000000004 0.0082281 -0.01422899999999978 0.004784630000000002 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 -0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 0.01335 -0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 0.01335 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 -0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 0.01335 -0.0082281 -0.01422899999999978 -0.004784630000000002 -0.01397 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0.01335 -0.0329218 0.02721000000000024 0.02687720000000002 -0.0353285 0.02121000000000023 0.02362510000000002 -0.0277593 0.02121000000000023 0.03218180000000002 -0.0329218 0.02721000000000024 0.02687720000000002 -0.0364139 0.02721000000000024 0.02191480000000001 -0.0353285 0.02121000000000023 0.02362510000000002 -0.0187901 0.02721000000000024 0.0381206 -0.0277593 0.02121000000000023 0.03218180000000002 -0.0181843 0.02121000000000023 0.0384133 -0.0287591 0.02721000000000024 0.03129120000000002 -0.0329218 0.02721000000000024 0.02687720000000002 -0.0277593 0.02121000000000023 0.03218180000000002 -0.0187901 0.02721000000000024 0.0381206 -0.0287591 0.02721000000000024 0.03129120000000002 -0.0277593 0.02121000000000023 0.03218180000000002 -0.0131696 0.02721000000000024 0.04040800000000002 -0.0181843 0.02121000000000023 0.0384133 -0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 0.0418712 -0.0131696 0.02721000000000024 0.04040800000000002 -0.0187901 0.02721000000000024 0.0381206 -0.0181843 0.02121000000000023 0.0384133 -0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 0.0418712 -0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 0.0418712 0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 0.0422293 -0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 0.0418712 -0.0131696 0.02721000000000024 0.04040800000000002 -0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 0.0418712 0.00484063 0.02721000000000024 0.04222340000000002 0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 0.0422293 0.0164484 0.02121000000000023 0.03918800000000001 -0.00123683 0.02721000000000024 0.04248200000000002 -0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 0.0418712 0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 0.0422293 -0.00123683 0.02721000000000024 0.04248200000000002 0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 0.0422293 0.00484063 0.02721000000000024 0.04222340000000002 0.0165438 0.02721000000000024 0.0391476 0.0164484 0.02121000000000023 0.03918800000000001 0.0267777 0.02121000000000023 0.03300310000000001 0.0108127 0.02721000000000024 0.04110160000000002 0.0164484 0.02121000000000023 0.03918800000000001 0.0165438 0.02721000000000024 0.0391476 0.00484063 0.02721000000000024 0.04222340000000002 0.0164484 0.02121000000000023 0.03918800000000001 0.0108127 0.02721000000000024 0.04110160000000002 0.0268979 0.02721000000000024 0.032905 0.0267777 0.02121000000000023 0.03300310000000001 0.0349638 0.02121000000000023 0.02416160000000002 0.0165438 0.02721000000000024 0.0391476 0.0267777 0.02121000000000023 0.03300310000000001 0.0268979 0.02721000000000024 0.032905 0.0268979 0.02721000000000024 0.032905 0.0349638 0.02121000000000023 0.02416160000000002 0.0350664 0.02721000000000024 0.02401200000000002 -0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 -0.0422293 0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 -0.0418712 0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 -0.0418712 0.0131696 0.02721000000000024 -0.04040800000000002 0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 -0.0418712 0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 -0.0418712 -0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 -0.0422293 0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 -0.0418712 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0181843 0.02121000000000023 -0.0384133 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 -0.0418712 0.0131696 0.02721000000000024 -0.04040800000000002 0.0181843 0.02121000000000023 -0.0384133 0.00728387 0.02121000000000023 -0.0418712 -0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 -0.0422293 0.00123683 0.02721000000000024 -0.04248200000000002 0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 -0.0418712 8.05876e-06 0.02721000000000024 -0.008254680000000004 0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 -0.0418712 0.00123683 0.02721000000000024 -0.04248200000000002 0.00413259 0.02721000000000024 -0.007146080000000003 0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 -0.0418712 8.05876e-06 0.02721000000000024 -0.008254680000000004 0.0131696 0.02721000000000024 -0.04040800000000002 0.00728387 0.02721000000000024 -0.0418712 0.00413259 0.02721000000000024 -0.007146080000000003 -0.00478932 0.02121000000000023 -0.0422293 -0.00484063 0.02721000000000024 -0.04222340000000002 0.00123683 0.02721000000000024 -0.04248200000000002 -0.00713548 0.02721000000000024 -0.004149700000000002 0.00123683 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-0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 -0.01335 -0.0402674 -0.00454399999999978 -0.01335 -0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0364139 0.02721000000000024 -0.02191480000000001 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0353285 0.02121000000000023 -0.02362510000000002 0.0387624 -0.01079799999999978 -0.01335 0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0329606 -0.02215699999999978 -0.01335 0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 -0.01335 0.0387624 -0.01079799999999978 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 -0.007841570000000004 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 -6.50177e-06 0.008889990000000226 -0.01335 -0.0044463 0.007697990000000226 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 -0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 -0.0044463 0.007697990000000226 -0.01335 0.00442434 0.007711010000000225 -0.01335 -6.50177e-06 0.008889990000000226 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.00768367 0.004470010000000224 -0.01335 0.00442434 0.007711010000000225 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.00858358 0.002313010000000222 -0.01335 0.00768367 0.004470010000000224 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.01335 0.00858358 0.002313010000000222 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 -0.01335 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0403488 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 -0.01335 0.0290364 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-0.01335 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 -0.0105962 0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 -0.0105962 0.0402652 -0.00455699999999978 -0.01335 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 -0.009831880000000003 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0407699 0.02121000000000023 -0.01335 0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 -0.0119444 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 -0.009831880000000003 0.0415851 0.001658010000000222 -0.0105384 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 -0.0119444 0.0415552 0.0005960050000002223 -0.0105847 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 -0.0105962 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 -0.0105494 0.0415552 0.0005960050000002223 -0.0105847 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0415851 0.001658010000000222 -0.0105384 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 -0.0105494 0.0407699 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 -0.007841570000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 -0.009831880000000003 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0.008889990000000226 -0.01335 0.00442434 0.007711010000000225 -0.01335 6.50177e-06 0.008889990000000226 -0.02 -0.00442434 0.007711010000000225 -0.02 -6.50177e-06 0.008889990000000226 -0.01335 0.0044463 0.007697990000000226 -0.02 0.00442434 0.007711010000000225 -0.01335 0.00768367 0.004470010000000224 -0.01335 0.0044463 0.007697990000000226 -0.02 6.50177e-06 0.008889990000000226 -0.02 0.00442434 0.007711010000000225 -0.01335 0.00769548 0.004450010000000224 -0.02 0.00768367 0.004470010000000224 -0.01335 0.00858358 0.002313010000000222 -0.01335 0.00769548 0.004450010000000224 -0.02 0.0044463 0.007697990000000226 -0.02 0.00768367 0.004470010000000224 -0.01335 0.008586649999999999 0.002301000000000223 -0.02 0.00858358 0.002313010000000222 -0.01335 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.01335 0.008586649999999999 0.002301000000000223 -0.02 0.00769548 0.004450010000000224 -0.02 0.00858358 0.002313010000000222 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.008586649999999999 -0.002300989999999779 -0.01335 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.01335 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.02 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.01335 0.008586649999999999 -0.002300989999999779 -0.01335 0.008586649999999999 0.002301000000000223 -0.02 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.01335 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.02 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.01335 0.008586649999999999 -0.002300989999999779 -0.01335 0.00858358 -0.002312999999999778 -0.02 0.008586649999999999 -0.002300989999999779 -0.01335 0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.01335 0.00858358 -0.002312999999999778 -0.02 0.00889 -1.19208997779554e-08 -0.02 0.008586649999999999 -0.002300989999999779 -0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.01335 0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.01335 0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.02 0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.01335 0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.01335 0.00858358 -0.002312999999999778 -0.02 0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.01335 0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.02 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.01335 0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.01335 0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.02 0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.01335 6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.01335 0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.02 0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.01335 0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.02 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.01335 6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.01335 -6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.02 6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.01335 -0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.01335 0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.02 6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.01335 -6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.02 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.01335 -0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.02 -0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.01335 -0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.01335 -6.50177e-06 -0.008890009999999782 -0.02 -0.00442434 -0.007711009999999781 -0.01335 -0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.02 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00858358 -0.002312999999999778 -0.01335 -0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.02 -0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00858358 -0.002312999999999778 -0.01335 -0.0044463 -0.007698009999999781 -0.02 -0.00768367 -0.00446999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.02 -0.00769548 -0.00445000999999978 -0.02 -0.00858358 -0.002312999999999778 -0.01335 -0.008586649999999999 -0.002300989999999779 -0.02 -0.00474525 -0.01422899999999978 -0.008251190000000004 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00474525 -0.01422899999999978 -0.008251190000000004 -0.0082281 -0.01422899999999978 -0.004784630000000002 -0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 -0.005225830000000002 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 -0.003812910000000002 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 -0.005225830000000002 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 -0.00200894 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 -0.003812910000000002 0.01397 0.006427990000000226 6.671790000000002e-08 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 -0.00200894 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200906 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.006427990000000226 6.671790000000002e-08 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 0.003812990000000002 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200906 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 0.005225870000000002 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 0.003812990000000002 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 0.005225870000000002 0.00476035 -0.01422899999999978 -0.008242800000000003 -1.91211e-12 -0.01421999999999978 -0.009518650000000003 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -0.00474525 -0.01422899999999978 -0.008251190000000004 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 -1.91211e-12 -0.01421999999999978 -0.009518650000000003 0.00823923 -0.01422899999999978 -0.004766520000000002 0.00476035 -0.01422899999999978 -0.008242800000000003 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.00951865 -0.01421999999999978 -3.677530000000002e-11 0.00823923 -0.01422899999999978 -0.004766520000000002 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.0082281 -0.01422899999999978 0.004784630000000002 0.00951865 -0.01421999999999978 -3.677530000000002e-11 0.01397 -0.01421999999999978 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 -0.01335 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.01335 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 -0.006350000000000002 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 -0.01335 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 -0.01335 0.0286384 0.001373010000000222 -0.006216520000000003 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 -0.01335 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 -0.006350000000000002 0.0286384 0.001373010000000222 -0.006216520000000003 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 -0.01335 0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 -0.006350000000000002 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 -0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.01335 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 -0.006350000000000002 0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 -0.01335 0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 -0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.01335 0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 -0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.01335 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.006350000000000002 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.01335 0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 -0.01335 0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.006350000000000002 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 -0.006350000000000002 0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 -0.01335 0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 -0.01335 0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.006350000000000002 0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 -0.01335 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 -0.006350000000000002 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 -0.01335 0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 -0.01335 0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 -0.006350000000000002 0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 -0.01335 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 -0.01335 0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 -0.01335 0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 -0.01335 0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 -0.006350000000000002 0.0108619 -0.0282629999999998 -0.006350000000000002 0.0158565 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-0.01335 -0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 -0.006350000000000002 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 -0.01335 -0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 -0.01335 -0.0158565 -0.02595799999999979 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0204158 -0.02280299999999978 -0.01335 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 -0.01335 -0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 -0.01335 -0.020424 -0.02279599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0275528 -0.01443599999999978 -0.01335 -0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 -0.01335 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.01335 -0.0275701 -0.01440599999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0299494 -0.009433009999999782 -0.01335 -0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.01335 -0.0299581 -0.009410009999999781 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.01335 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0314465 -0.004087999999999778 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.01335 -0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 -0.01335 -0.0315113 -0.00362700999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.01335 -0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 -0.006350000000000002 -0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 -0.006350000000000002 -0.030861 -0.0006590009999997782 -0.01335 -0.0290364 0.001166000000000222 -0.01335 -0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 -0.006350000000000002 -0.030861 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-0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451560000000001 -0.0424434 0.01442700000000023 2.780800000000002e-15 -0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 -0.006242420000000004 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451560000000001 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451570000000001 -0.0424434 0.01442700000000023 2.780800000000002e-15 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451560000000001 -0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 -0.006242420000000004 -0.042398 0.01188500000000023 -0.006543490000000003 -0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 -0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 -0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 -0.0416237 0.003013990000000224 0.0103865 -0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 -0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 -0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 -0.0416237 0.003013990000000224 0.0103865 -0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 -0.0420067 0.007955000000000226 0.008709110000000004 -0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 -0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 -0.0415853 0.001658990000000222 0.0105376 -0.0412037 0.001837990000000223 0.0119444 -0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 -0.0416237 0.003013990000000224 0.0103865 -0.0415853 0.001658990000000222 0.0105376 -0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0416237 0.003013990000000224 0.0103865 -0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 -0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 0.009627080000000003 -0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 -0.0420067 0.007955000000000226 0.008709110000000004 -0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 0.009627080000000003 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804910000000003 -0.0420067 0.007955000000000226 0.008709110000000004 -0.042257 0.01031600000000022 0.007399980000000003 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804910000000003 -0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 0.009627080000000003 -0.0420067 0.007955000000000226 0.008709110000000004 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804910000000003 -0.042257 0.01031600000000022 0.007399980000000003 -0.0423982 0.01188700000000022 0.006542410000000004 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 0.0415851 0.001658010000000222 0.0105384 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0416251 0.003051000000000224 0.0103806 0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 0.0105247 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0415851 0.001658010000000222 0.0105384 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105493 0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 0.007492950000000003 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105493 0.0415555 0.0006050050000002223 0.0105845 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105493 0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 0.007492950000000003 0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 0.007492950000000003 0.0415555 0.0006050050000002223 0.0105845 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 0.007492950000000003 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 0.007493240000000003 0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 0.007492950000000003 0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 0.007493240000000003 0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 0.007493240000000003 0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 0.007493240000000003 0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 0.007493240000000003 0.0220621 -0.0298699999999998 0.007493240000000003 0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 0.007493240000000003 0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 0.0220621 -0.0298699999999998 0.007493240000000003 0.011561 -0.03501899999999979 0.007493240000000003 0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 2.24079e-16 -0.03973299999999979 0.0105962 0.0220621 -0.0298699999999998 0.007493240000000003 0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 0.011561 -0.03501899999999979 0.007493240000000003 -9.715e-11 -0.0367899999999998 0.007493240000000003 2.24079e-16 -0.03973299999999979 0.0105962 -0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 0.011561 -0.03501899999999979 0.007493240000000003 2.24079e-16 -0.03973299999999979 0.0105962 -9.715e-11 -0.0367899999999998 0.007493240000000003 -0.011561 -0.03501899999999979 0.007493240000000003 -0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 -0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 -9.715e-11 -0.0367899999999998 0.007493240000000003 -0.0124419 -0.0378279999999998 0.0105962 -0.011561 -0.03501899999999979 0.007493240000000003 -0.0220621 -0.0298699999999998 0.007493240000000003 -0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 -0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 -0.011561 -0.03501899999999979 0.007493240000000003 -0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 0.0105962 -0.0220621 -0.0298699999999998 0.007493240000000003 -0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 0.007493240000000003 -0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 -0.0220621 -0.0298699999999998 0.007493240000000003 -0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 0.0105962 -0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 0.007493240000000003 -0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 0.007493240000000003 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 -0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 0.007493240000000003 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 0.0105962 -0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 0.007493240000000003 -0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 0.008773050000000003 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 -0.0415552 0.0005960050000002223 0.0105847 -0.0385771 -0.000132989999999778 0.007493240000000003 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 -0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 0.008773050000000003 -0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 0.007493240000000003 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 0.0105962 -0.0385771 -0.000132989999999778 0.007493240000000003 -0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 0.008773050000000003 -0.0415552 0.0005960050000002223 0.0105847 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 0.008773050000000003 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 0.0105494 -0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 0.009627080000000003 0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 0.006242420000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.006242420000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.006242420000000004 0.042398 0.01188500000000023 0.006543490000000003 0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 0.006242420000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0422569 0.01031600000000022 0.007400280000000004 0.042398 0.01188500000000023 0.006543490000000003 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0420069 0.007955990000000225 0.008708310000000004 0.0422569 0.01031600000000022 0.007400280000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 0.0420069 0.007955990000000225 0.008708310000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 0.009831880000000003 0.0424434 0.01442700000000023 -3.217820000000002e-15 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.006242420000000004 0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 0.006242420000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.00219267 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.006242420000000004 0.0424434 0.01442700000000023 -3.217820000000002e-15 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.00219267 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.006242420000000004 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451560000000001 0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 0.006242420000000004 0.042398 0.01188500000000023 0.006543490000000003 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451560000000001 0.0424434 0.01442700000000023 -3.217820000000002e-15 0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 0.006242420000000004 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451560000000001 0.042398 0.01188500000000023 0.006543490000000003 0.0422569 0.01031600000000022 0.007400280000000004 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804900000000003 0.0422569 0.01031600000000022 0.007400280000000004 0.0420069 0.007955990000000225 0.008708310000000004 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804900000000003 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451560000000001 0.0422569 0.01031600000000022 0.007400280000000004 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804900000000003 0.0420069 0.007955990000000225 0.008708310000000004 0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 0.0416251 0.003051000000000224 0.0103806 0.0413737 0.003875010000000224 0.009632140000000004 0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804900000000003 0.0416769 0.004086990000000224 0.010171 0.0413737 0.003875010000000224 0.009632140000000004 0.0418706 0.02721000000000024 0.007284830000000003 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.00219267 0.0404079 0.02721000000000024 0.0131691 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 0.007841570000000004 0.0418706 0.02721000000000024 0.007284830000000003 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.00219267 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.00219267 0.0424434 0.01442700000000023 -3.217820000000002e-15 0.0425 0.02121000000000023 3.500530000000002e-16 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.00219267 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.00219267 0.0418706 0.02721000000000024 0.007284830000000003 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.00219267 0.0424813 0.02721000000000024 0.00124869 0.0425 0.02121000000000023 3.500530000000002e-16 0.0424813 0.02721000000000024 0.00124869 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 0.00219267 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.00219267 0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 -0.006242420000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.006242420000000004 0.0423982 0.01188700000000022 -0.006542410000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.006242420000000004 0.0424434 0.01299900000000022 -0.006242420000000004 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 -0.007841570000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.00219267 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.006242420000000004 0.0417703 0.02121000000000023 -0.007841570000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.006242420000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 -0.009831880000000003 0.0420067 0.007955000000000226 -0.008709110000000004 0.0417582 0.02121000000000023 -0.009831880000000003 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.006242420000000004 0.042257 0.01031600000000022 -0.007399980000000003 0.0420067 0.007955000000000226 -0.008709110000000004 0.0424434 0.02121000000000023 -0.006242420000000004 0.0423982 0.01188700000000022 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0.007881000000000226 -0.006804910000000003 0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 -0.009627080000000003 0.0420067 0.007955000000000226 -0.008709110000000004 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804910000000003 0.042257 0.01031600000000022 -0.007399980000000003 0.0423982 0.01188700000000022 -0.006542410000000004 -0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 -0.008772650000000003 -0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 -0.0105247 -0.0415853 0.001658990000000222 -0.0105376 -0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 -0.008772650000000003 -0.0416251 0.003051000000000224 -0.0103806 -0.0415889 0.001837990000000223 -0.0105247 -0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 -0.008772650000000003 -0.0415853 0.001658990000000222 -0.0105376 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 -0.0105493 -0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 -0.007492950000000003 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 -0.0105493 -0.0415555 0.0006050050000002223 -0.0105845 -0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 -0.008772650000000003 -0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 -0.0105493 -0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 -0.007492950000000003 -0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 -0.007492950000000003 -0.0415555 0.0006050050000002223 -0.0105845 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 -0.0105962 -0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 -0.007492950000000003 -0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 -0.0105962 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 -0.0105962 -0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 -0.007493240000000003 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 -0.0105962 -0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 -0.0105962 -0.0385767 -0.000132989999999778 -0.007492950000000003 -0.038979 -0.01261099999999978 -0.0105962 -0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 -0.007493240000000003 -0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 -0.007493240000000003 -0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 -0.0105962 -0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 -0.0105962 -0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 -0.007493240000000003 -0.0328677 -0.0236149999999998 -0.0105962 -0.0305406 -0.02181299999999978 -0.007493240000000003 -0.0220621 -0.0298699999999998 -0.007493240000000003 -0.0237432 -0.03228599999999979 -0.0105962 -0.0124419 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0.0005960050000002223 -0.0105847 0.0385771 -0.000132989999999778 -0.007493240000000003 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 -0.0105962 0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 -0.008773050000000003 0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 -0.007493240000000003 0.0415167 -0.000283014999999778 -0.0105962 0.0385771 -0.000132989999999778 -0.007493240000000003 0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 -0.008773050000000003 0.0415552 0.0005960050000002223 -0.0105847 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 -0.0105494 0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 -0.008773050000000003 0.0415812 0.001480000000000222 -0.0105494 0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 -0.009627080000000003 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451560000000001 -0.042398 0.01188500000000023 -0.006543490000000003 -0.0422569 0.01031600000000022 -0.007400280000000004 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804900000000003 -0.0422569 0.01031600000000022 -0.007400280000000004 -0.0420069 0.007955990000000225 -0.008708310000000004 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804900000000003 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0.008175170000000004 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804910000000003 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451570000000001 -0.0384424 0.002798990000000222 0.006904070000000003 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804910000000003 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 -0.0386876 0.002854010000000223 0.007041190000000004 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804910000000003 -0.0384424 0.002798990000000222 0.006904070000000003 -0.0401931 0.003301010000000224 0.008175170000000004 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804910000000003 -0.0386876 0.002854010000000223 0.007041190000000004 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451570000000001 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451560000000001 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451570000000001 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451560000000001 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804900000000003 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 -0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451560000000001 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804900000000003 -0.0413699 0.003873010000000224 -0.009626010000000004 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 -0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804900000000003 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 -0.0402308 0.003314990000000224 -0.008211670000000004 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 -0.0413699 0.003873010000000224 -0.009626010000000004 -0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 -0.008772650000000003 -0.0402308 0.003314990000000224 -0.008211670000000004 -0.0413699 0.003873010000000224 -0.009626010000000004 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 -0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 0.004960080000000002 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-0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200894 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 -0.0344434 0.006427990000000226 -2.269240000000002e-16 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 0.00186937 -0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200894 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 0.00186937 -0.0344434 0.006427990000000226 -2.269240000000002e-16 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 -0.0344434 0.006427990000000226 -2.269240000000002e-16 -0.01397 0.006427990000000226 -6.671790000000002e-08 -0.0344434 0.006427990000000226 -2.269240000000002e-16 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 -0.0344434 0.006427990000000226 -2.269240000000002e-16 -0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200894 -0.0344434 0.006427990000000226 -2.269240000000002e-16 -0.01397 0.006427990000000226 -6.671790000000002e-08 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 -0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 -0.01397 0.006101000000000225 -0.00200906 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 -0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 -0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 -0.01397 0.006427990000000226 -6.671790000000002e-08 -0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 -0.01397 0.006101000000000225 -0.00200906 -0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 -0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 -0.004960080000000002 -0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 -0.01397 0.005154990000000224 -0.003812990000000002 -0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 -0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 -0.004960080000000002 -0.01397 0.006101000000000225 -0.00200906 -0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 -0.01397 0.005154990000000224 -0.003812990000000002 -0.0365262 0.002508000000000222 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0.006350000000000002 0.0344916 0.0004680040000002222 0.006338010000000004 0.0286302 0.001377000000000222 0.006215730000000004 0.0344916 0.0004680040000002222 0.006338010000000004 0.0344612 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.0366284 0.0009209990000002225 0.006586520000000004 0.0386012 0.001052010000000222 0.007422030000000003 0.0344612 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.0286302 0.001377000000000222 0.006215730000000004 0.0344612 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 0.006350000000000002 0.0303412 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.0344612 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.031533 -0.00316200999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0312252 -0.001436009999999778 0.006350000000000002 0.0344612 7.801060000022207e-05 0.006350000000000002 0.0362191 -0.01158799999999978 0.007493240000000003 0.0323526 -0.01016099999999978 0.006350000000000002 0.0337966 -0.00512400999999978 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0.0366284 0.0009209990000002225 0.006586520000000004 0.0344932 0.0008560000000002225 0.006302060000000003 0.0344623 0.001655000000000222 0.006151030000000004 0.0366724 0.002522990000000223 0.006202220000000003 0.0344932 0.0008560000000002225 0.006302060000000003 0.0286302 0.001377000000000222 0.006215730000000004 0.0344623 0.001655000000000222 0.006151030000000004 0.0344932 0.0008560000000002225 0.006302060000000003 0.0404383 0.003397990000000224 0.008421870000000003 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0386012 0.001052010000000222 0.007422030000000003 0.0404383 0.003397990000000224 0.008421870000000003 0.0413737 0.003875010000000224 0.009632140000000004 0.0403015 0.001242000000000222 0.008772650000000003 0.0387249 0.002861990000000222 0.007063080000000004 0.0386012 0.001052010000000222 0.007422030000000003 0.0366284 0.0009209990000002225 0.006586520000000004 0.0387249 0.002861990000000222 0.007063080000000004 0.0404383 0.003397990000000224 0.008421870000000003 0.0386012 0.001052010000000222 0.007422030000000003 0.0384434 0.002800010000000222 0.006904610000000004 0.0387249 0.002861990000000222 0.007063080000000004 0.0366284 0.0009209990000002225 0.006586520000000004 0.0366724 0.002522990000000223 0.006202220000000003 0.0384434 0.002800010000000222 0.006904610000000004 0.0366284 0.0009209990000002225 0.006586520000000004 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 0.0413737 0.003875010000000224 0.009632140000000004 0.0404383 0.003397990000000224 0.008421870000000003 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804900000000003 0.0413737 0.003875010000000224 0.009632140000000004 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 0.0404383 0.003397990000000224 0.008421870000000003 0.0387249 0.002861990000000222 0.007063080000000004 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 0.0387249 0.002861990000000222 0.007063080000000004 0.0384434 0.002800010000000222 0.006904610000000004 0.0344434 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0.002407000000000222 0.005907490000000003 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 0.0286302 0.001377000000000222 0.006215730000000004 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 0.006101220000000004 0.0344623 0.001655000000000222 0.006151030000000004 0.0401931 0.003301010000000224 -0.008175170000000004 0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 -0.009627080000000003 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804910000000003 0.0403018 0.001242000000000222 -0.008773050000000003 0.0413706 0.003873010000000224 -0.009627080000000003 0.0401931 0.003301010000000224 -0.008175170000000004 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804910000000003 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451570000000001 0.0384424 0.002798990000000222 -0.006904070000000003 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804910000000003 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 0.0386876 0.002854010000000223 -0.007041190000000004 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804910000000003 0.0384424 0.002798990000000222 -0.006904070000000003 0.0401931 0.003301010000000224 -0.008175170000000004 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 -0.006804910000000003 0.0386876 0.002854010000000223 -0.007041190000000004 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451570000000001 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451560000000001 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 -0.002451570000000001 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451560000000001 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804900000000003 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 0.0413737 0.01013700000000022 0.002451560000000001 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 0.0413737 0.007881000000000226 0.006804900000000003 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 -0.004960080000000002 0.0344434 0.002407000000000222 -0.005907490000000003 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 -0.005225830000000002 0.0344434 0.002407000000000222 -0.005907490000000003 0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 -0.004960080000000002 0.0365247 0.002508000000000222 -0.006163770000000003 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 0.0344434 0.002407000000000222 -0.005907490000000003 0.0344623 0.001655000000000222 -0.006151050000000003 0.0365247 0.002508000000000222 -0.006163770000000003 0.0344434 0.002407000000000222 -0.005907490000000003 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.0344623 0.001655000000000222 -0.006151050000000003 0.0344434 0.002407000000000222 -0.005907490000000003 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.026533 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.0344434 0.002407000000000222 -0.005907490000000003 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 -0.005225830000000002 0.01397 0.001837990000000223 -0.006101220000000004 0.0344434 0.002407000000000222 -0.005907490000000003 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 -0.004960080000000002 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 -0.003812910000000002 0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 -0.004960080000000002 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 -0.003812910000000002 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 -0.005225830000000002 0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 -0.004960080000000002 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 -0.00200894 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 -0.00186937 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 -0.004877960000000001 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 -0.00175736 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 -0.003573070000000002 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 -0.00200894 0.01397 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0.005327000000000224 0.003573070000000002 0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 0.00186937 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200906 0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 0.00186937 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 0.003573070000000002 0.0384434 0.007288000000000226 0.00175736 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 0.00186937 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200906 0.01397 0.006427990000000226 6.671790000000002e-08 0.0344434 0.006146000000000226 0.00186937 0.0384434 0.005671010000000224 0.004877960000000001 0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 0.004960080000000002 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 0.003573070000000002 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 0.003812990000000002 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 0.003573070000000002 0.0344434 0.004041990000000224 0.004960080000000002 0.01397 0.005154990000000224 0.003812990000000002 0.01397 0.006101000000000225 0.00200906 0.0344434 0.005327000000000224 0.003573070000000002 0.01397 0.003684000000000224 0.005225870000000002 0.01397 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0.0173296 -0.01778499999999978 -0.003974890000000002 0.0160034 -0.01778499999999978 -0.007745860000000004 0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 -0.007719390000000003 0.0160034 -0.01778499999999978 -0.007745860000000004 0.0173296 -0.01778499999999978 -0.003974890000000002 0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0110815 0.0110775 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0139073 0.0160034 -0.01778499999999978 -0.007745860000000004 0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 -0.007719390000000003 0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0110815 0.0160034 -0.01778499999999978 -0.007745860000000004 0.0173345 -0.01778499999999978 0.003953420000000002 0.01778 -0.01778499999999978 7.57666e-17 0.0173296 -0.01778499999999978 -0.003974890000000002 0.0173345 -0.02095999999999978 -0.003953420000000002 0.0173296 -0.01778499999999978 -0.003974890000000002 0.01778 -0.01778499999999978 7.57666e-17 0.0160162 -0.01778499999999978 0.007719390000000003 0.0173345 -0.01778499999999978 0.003953420000000002 0.0173296 -0.01778499999999978 -0.003974890000000002 0.0173345 -0.02095999999999978 -0.003953420000000002 0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 -0.007719390000000003 0.0173296 -0.01778499999999978 -0.003974890000000002 0.01778 -0.02095999999999978 7.12674e-17 0.01778 -0.01778499999999978 7.57666e-17 0.0173345 -0.01778499999999978 0.003953420000000002 0.0173345 -0.02095999999999978 -0.003953420000000002 0.01778 -0.01778499999999978 7.57666e-17 0.01778 -0.02095999999999978 7.12674e-17 0.0173296 -0.02095999999999978 0.003974890000000002 0.0173345 -0.01778499999999978 0.003953420000000002 0.0160162 -0.01778499999999978 0.007719390000000003 0.0173296 -0.02095999999999978 0.003974890000000002 0.01778 -0.02095999999999978 7.12674e-17 0.0173345 -0.01778499999999978 0.003953420000000002 0.0142354 -0.01778499999999978 0.003263610000000002 0.0139046 -0.01778499999999978 0.0110815 0.0160162 -0.01778499999999978 0.007719390000000003 0.0160034 -0.02095999999999978 0.007745860000000004 0.0160162 -0.01778499999999978 0.007719390000000003 0.0139046 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0.00392384 -0.01778499999999978 0.0173413 0.00396392 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173323 0.00392384 -0.01778499999999978 0.0173413 -0.00392384 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173413 -0.009109519999999999 -0.01778499999999978 0.0114157 -0.0110751 -0.01778499999999978 0.0139093 -0.00396392 -0.01778499999999978 0.0173323 -0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 0.0160307 -0.00396392 -0.01778499999999978 0.0173323 -0.0110751 -0.01778499999999978 0.0139093 -0.00633158 -0.01778499999999978 0.0131612 -0.009109519999999999 -0.01778499999999978 0.0114157 -0.00396392 -0.01778499999999978 0.0173323 -0.00323841 -0.01778499999999978 0.0142412 -0.00633158 -0.01778499999999978 0.0131612 -0.00396392 -0.01778499999999978 0.0173323 -0.00392384 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173413 -0.00396392 -0.01778499999999978 0.0173323 -0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 0.0160307 -0.0131583 -0.01778499999999978 0.006336450000000004 -0.0160034 -0.01778499999999978 0.007745860000000004 -0.0110751 -0.01778499999999978 0.0139093 -0.0110775 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-0.0173323 0.00392384 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0173413 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0171319 -0.011838 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148608 -0.00396392 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0173323 0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 -0.01852 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0171319 -0.00396392 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0173323 0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 -0.01852 0.00392384 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0173413 0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0160307 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0160307 0.0110775 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0139073 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 -0.01852 0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0160307 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.0110775 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0139073 0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0110815 0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 -0.008275210000000003 0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0110815 0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 -0.007719390000000003 0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 -0.008275210000000003 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0110815 0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 -0.004247430000000002 0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 -0.007719390000000003 0.0173345 -0.02095999999999978 -0.003953420000000002 0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 -0.004247430000000002 0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 -0.008275210000000003 0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 -0.007719390000000003 -0.019 -0.02145999999999978 6.27048e-17 -0.019 -0.02095999999999978 7.820630000000001e-17 -0.018524 -0.02095999999999978 -0.004224390000000001 -0.018524 -0.02145999999999978 0.004224390000000001 -0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 0.004247430000000002 -0.019 -0.02095999999999978 7.820630000000001e-17 -0.018524 -0.02145999999999978 0.004224390000000001 -0.019 -0.02095999999999978 7.820630000000001e-17 -0.019 -0.02145999999999978 6.27048e-17 -0.0185188 -0.02145999999999978 -0.004247430000000002 -0.018524 -0.02095999999999978 -0.004224390000000001 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-0.0185314 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0171319 -0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 -0.01852 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0171319 -0.00419366 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0185314 -0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 -0.01852 -0.0118397 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0148596 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0171319 0.00419366 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0185314 -0.00419366 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0185314 0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 -0.01852 0.00419366 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0185314 -0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 -0.01852 -0.00419366 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0185314 0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0171319 0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 -0.01852 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0171319 0.00419366 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0185314 0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 -0.01852 0.0148611 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0118381 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 -0.008275210000000003 0.011838 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0148608 0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0171319 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.0148611 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0118381 0.011838 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0148608 0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 -0.0148596 0.0171158 -0.02145999999999978 -0.008248170000000004 0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 -0.008275210000000003 0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 -0.004247430000000002 0.0171158 -0.02145999999999978 -0.008248170000000004 0.0148611 -0.02145999999999978 -0.0118381 0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 -0.008275210000000003 0.018524 -0.02145999999999978 -0.004224390000000001 0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 -0.004247430000000002 0.019 -0.02095999999999978 7.820630000000001e-17 0.018524 -0.02145999999999978 -0.004224390000000001 0.0171158 -0.02145999999999978 -0.008248170000000004 0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 -0.004247430000000002 0.0173296 -0.02095999999999978 0.003974890000000002 0.018524 -0.02095999999999978 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0.0171319 0.011838 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148608 0.0118397 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148596 0.011838 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148608 0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 0.0171319 0.0110751 -0.02095999999999978 0.0139093 0.00396392 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173323 0.011838 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148608 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 0.00419366 -0.02095999999999978 0.0185314 0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 0.0171319 0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 0.01852 0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 0.0171319 0.00419366 -0.02095999999999978 0.0185314 0.00396392 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173323 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 0.0171319 0.0118397 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148596 0.008215099999999999 -0.02095999999999978 0.0171319 0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 0.01852 -0.00419366 -0.02145999999999978 0.0185314 0.00419366 -0.02095999999999978 0.0185314 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 0.01852 0.00419366 -0.02095999999999978 0.0185314 -0.00419366 -0.02145999999999978 0.0185314 -0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 0.0160307 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 0.0171319 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.00392384 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173413 -0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 0.0160307 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 0.00396392 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173323 -0.00392384 -0.02095999999999978 0.0173413 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 -0.00419366 -0.02145999999999978 0.0185314 -0.00424344 -0.02095999999999978 0.01852 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 0.0171319 -0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 0.0110815 -0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 0.008275210000000003 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.0148611 -0.02145999999999978 0.0118381 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 0.008275210000000003 -0.0110775 -0.02095999999999978 0.0139073 -0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 0.0110815 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.00768958 -0.02095999999999978 0.0160307 -0.0110775 -0.02095999999999978 0.0139073 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.011838 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148608 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.0148611 -0.02145999999999978 0.0118381 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 0.0171319 -0.0118397 -0.02095999999999978 0.0148596 -0.011838 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148608 -0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 0.007719390000000003 -0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 0.004247430000000002 -0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 0.008275210000000003 -0.0171158 -0.02145999999999978 0.008248170000000004 -0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 0.008275210000000003 -0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 0.004247430000000002 -0.0139046 -0.02095999999999978 0.0110815 -0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 0.007719390000000003 -0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 0.008275210000000003 -0.0148611 -0.02145999999999978 0.0118381 -0.0171026 -0.02095999999999978 0.008275210000000003 -0.0171158 -0.02145999999999978 0.008248170000000004 -0.0160162 -0.02095999999999978 0.007719390000000003 -0.0173345 -0.02095999999999978 0.003953420000000002 -0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 0.004247430000000002 -0.0171158 -0.02145999999999978 0.008248170000000004 -0.0185188 -0.02095999999999978 0.004247430000000002 -0.018524 -0.02145999999999978 0.004224390000000001 0.0158436 -0.02145999999999978 -0.003632520000000002 0.018524 -0.02145999999999978 -0.004224390000000001 0.019 -0.02145999999999978 7.13785e-17 0.016255 -0.02145999999999978 6.27048e-17 0.019 -0.02145999999999978 7.13785e-17 0.0185188 -0.02145999999999978 0.004247430000000002 0.016255 -0.02145999999999978 6.27048e-17 0.0158436 -0.02145999999999978 -0.003632520000000002 0.019 -0.02145999999999978 7.13785e-17 -0.016255 -0.02145999999999978 7.83174e-17 -0.019 -0.02145999999999978 6.27048e-17 -0.0185188 -0.02145999999999978 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0.0171319 0.00359322 -0.02145999999999978 0.0158526 0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 0.01852 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 0.0171319 -0.00362233 -0.02145999999999978 0.015846 0.00359322 -0.02145999999999978 0.0158526 -0.008215099999999999 -0.02145999999999978 0.0171319 0.00359322 -0.02145999999999978 0.0158526 0.0118397 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148596 0.00424344 -0.02145999999999978 0.01852 0.0101344 -0.02145999999999978 0.0127088 0.0171026 -0.02145999999999978 0.008275210000000003 0.0118397 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148596 0.0070373 -0.02145999999999978 0.0146523 0.0101344 -0.02145999999999978 0.0127088 0.0118397 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148596 0.00359322 -0.02145999999999978 0.0158526 0.0070373 -0.02145999999999978 0.0146523 0.0118397 -0.02145999999999978 0.0148596 0.0146438 -0.02145999999999978 0.007054540000000004 0.0185188 -0.02145999999999978 0.004247430000000002 0.0171026 -0.02145999999999978 0.008275210000000003 0.0101344 -0.02145999999999978 0.0127088 0.0146438 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0.009329240000000004 0.0121892 -0.02085099999999978 0.005048950000000002 0.0146438 -0.02145999999999978 0.007054540000000004 0.009329240000000001 -0.02085099999999978 0.009329240000000004 0.0101344 -0.02145999999999978 0.0127088 0.0070373 -0.02145999999999978 0.0146523 0.00504895 -0.02085099999999978 0.0121892 0.0070373 -0.02145999999999978 0.0146523 0.00359322 -0.02145999999999978 0.0158526 0.00504895 -0.02085099999999978 0.0121892 0.009329240000000001 -0.02085099999999978 0.009329240000000004 0.0070373 -0.02145999999999978 0.0146523 8.07844e-19 -0.02085099999999978 0.0131935 0.00359322 -0.02145999999999978 0.0158526 -0.00362233 -0.02145999999999978 0.015846 8.07844e-19 -0.02085099999999978 0.0131935 0.00504895 -0.02085099999999978 0.0121892 0.00359322 -0.02145999999999978 0.0158526 -0.00504895 -0.02085099999999978 0.0121892 -0.00362233 -0.02145999999999978 0.015846 -0.0101273 -0.02145999999999978 0.0127145 -0.00504895 -0.02085099999999978 0.0121892 8.07844e-19 -0.02085099999999978 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0.024765 0.0248126 -0.0069218 0.024765 0.023828 0.00502775 0.024765 0.0235122 0.000344304 0.024765 0.0248126 0.000333599 0.024765 0.0240427 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 -0.0069218 0.024765 0.023828 -0.0135813 0.024765 0.0207587 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 0.000333599 0.024765 0.0240427 -0.0069218 0.024765 0.023828 -0.0167312 0.024765 0.017249 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 -0.0135813 0.024765 0.0207587 -0.00502775 0.024765 -0.0234122 -0.009069560000000001 0.024765 -0.0229944 -0.000344304 0.024765 -0.0247126 -0.000344304 0.031115 -0.0247126 -0.000344304 0.024765 -0.0247126 -0.009069560000000001 0.024765 -0.0229944 -0.000333599 0.024765 -0.0239427 -0.000344304 0.024765 -0.0247126 0.008532629999999999 0.024765 -0.0231985 0.00853288 0.031115 -0.0231984 0.008532629999999999 0.024765 -0.0231985 -0.000344304 0.024765 -0.0247126 -0.000333599 0.024765 -0.0239427 -0.00502775 0.024765 -0.0234122 -0.000344304 0.024765 -0.0247126 -0.000344304 0.031115 -0.0247126 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0.024765 -0.0183096 -0.0239928 0.024765 0.000342175 -0.0246068 0.024765 -0.002741 -0.0220358 0.024765 -0.0112507 -0.0246057 0.031115 -0.00274982 -0.0220358 0.024765 -0.0112507 -0.0246068 0.024765 -0.002741 -0.0222903 0.024765 -0.00883251 -0.0239928 0.024765 0.000342175 -0.0220358 0.024765 -0.0112507 -0.0172078 0.024765 -0.0166721 -0.0222903 0.024765 -0.00883251 -0.0220358 0.024765 -0.0112507 -0.0246057 0.031115 -0.00274982 -0.0220281 0.031115 -0.0112657 -0.0220358 0.024765 -0.0112507 -0.0239928 0.024765 0.000342175 -0.0240106 0.024765 0.00611559 -0.0246068 0.024765 -0.002741 -0.0246057 0.031115 -0.00274982 -0.0246068 0.024765 -0.002741 -0.0240106 0.024765 0.00611559 -0.0220562 0.024765 0.009498889999999999 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.0240106 0.024765 0.00611559 -0.0240106 0.031115 0.00611551 -0.0240106 0.024765 0.00611559 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.0239928 0.024765 0.000342175 -0.0220562 0.024765 0.009498889999999999 -0.0240106 0.024765 0.00611559 -0.0240106 0.031115 0.00611551 -0.0246057 0.031115 -0.00274982 -0.0240106 0.024765 0.00611559 -0.0197807 0.024765 0.0136324 -0.0197027 0.024765 0.0150537 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.019685 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.0197027 0.024765 0.0150537 -0.0220562 0.024765 0.009498889999999999 -0.0197807 0.024765 0.0136324 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 -0.0240106 0.031115 0.00611551 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 -0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.019685 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 -0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 -0.0197807 0.024765 0.0136324 -0.0167312 0.024765 0.017249 -0.0197027 0.024765 0.0150537 -0.0197027 0.019685 0.0150537 -0.02032 0.019685 0.0142064 -0.0197027 0.024765 0.0150537 0.0222903 0.024765 0.008932509999999999 0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 0.0197027 0.024765 0.0150537 0.0197027 0.019685 0.0150537 0.0197027 0.024765 0.0150537 0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 0.0222903 0.024765 0.008932509999999999 0.0240384 0.024765 0.00600449 0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 0.0240384 0.024765 0.00600449 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 0.02032 0.019685 0.0142064 0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0197027 0.019685 0.0150537 0.02032 0.024765 0.0142064 0.02032 0.019685 0.0142064 0.0239928 0.024765 -0.000242175 0.0245788 0.024765 -0.00297667 0.0240384 0.024765 0.00600449 0.0245802 0.031115 -0.00296524 0.0240384 0.024765 0.00600449 0.0245788 0.024765 -0.00297667 0.0222903 0.024765 0.008932509999999999 0.0239928 0.024765 -0.000242175 0.0240384 0.024765 0.00600449 0.0240383 0.031115 0.00600476 0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 0.0240384 0.024765 0.00600449 0.0245802 0.031115 -0.00296524 0.0240383 0.031115 0.00600476 0.0240384 0.024765 0.00600449 0.0220562 0.024765 -0.00939889 0.0218675 0.024765 -0.0115729 0.0245788 0.024765 -0.00297667 0.0218776 0.031115 -0.0115539 0.0245788 0.024765 -0.00297667 0.0218675 0.024765 -0.0115729 0.0239928 0.024765 -0.000242175 0.0220562 0.024765 -0.00939889 0.0245788 0.024765 -0.00297667 0.0218776 0.031115 -0.0115539 0.0245802 0.031115 -0.00296524 0.0245788 0.024765 -0.00297667 0.0167312 0.024765 -0.017149 0.0162668 0.024765 -0.0186228 0.0218675 0.024765 -0.0115729 0.0162754 0.031115 -0.0186152 0.0218675 0.024765 -0.0115729 0.0162668 0.024765 -0.0186228 0.0197807 0.024765 -0.0135324 0.0167312 0.024765 -0.017149 0.0218675 0.024765 -0.0115729 0.0220562 0.024765 -0.00939889 0.0197807 0.024765 -0.0135324 0.0218675 0.024765 -0.0115729 0.0162754 0.031115 -0.0186152 0.0218776 0.031115 -0.0115539 0.0218675 0.024765 -0.0115729 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 0.008532629999999999 0.024765 -0.0231985 0.0162668 0.024765 -0.0186228 0.00853288 0.031115 -0.0231984 0.0162668 0.024765 -0.0186228 0.008532629999999999 0.024765 -0.0231985 0.0167312 0.024765 -0.017149 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 0.0162668 0.024765 -0.0186228 0.00853288 0.031115 -0.0231984 0.0162754 0.031115 -0.0186152 0.0162668 0.024765 -0.0186228 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 -0.000333599 0.024765 -0.0239427 0.008532629999999999 0.024765 -0.0231985 0.000330939 0.0247269 0.0238514 0.000333599 0.024765 0.0240427 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.00502775 0.024765 0.0235122 0.000333599 0.024765 0.0240427 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.000333599 0.024765 0.0240427 0.000330939 0.0247269 0.0238514 -0.016483 0.0246186 0.0169978 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 -0.0167312 0.024765 0.017249 0.000328683 0.0246186 0.0236892 0.000330939 0.0247269 0.0238514 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 -0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 0.0220155 0.000328683 0.0246186 0.0236892 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 -0.016483 0.0246186 0.0169978 -0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 0.0220155 -0.008872939999999999 0.024765 0.0223436 -0.016483 0.0246186 0.0169978 -0.0167312 0.024765 0.017249 -0.0197807 0.024765 0.0136324 -0.021714 0.0246186 0.00939998 -0.0197807 0.024765 0.0136324 -0.0220562 0.024765 0.009498889999999999 -0.021714 0.0246186 0.00939998 -0.016483 0.0246186 0.0169978 -0.0197807 0.024765 0.0136324 -0.0236392 0.0246186 0.000378683 -0.0220562 0.024765 0.009498889999999999 -0.0239928 0.024765 0.000342175 -0.0236392 0.0246186 0.000378683 -0.021714 0.0246186 0.00939998 -0.0220562 0.024765 0.009498889999999999 -0.0219655 0.0246186 -0.00869265 -0.0239928 0.024765 0.000342175 -0.0222903 0.024765 -0.00883251 -0.0219655 0.0246186 -0.00869265 -0.0236392 0.0246186 0.000378683 -0.0239928 0.024765 0.000342175 -0.0219655 0.0246186 -0.00869265 -0.0222903 0.024765 -0.00883251 -0.0172078 0.024765 -0.0166721 -0.0169478 0.0246186 -0.016433 -0.0172078 0.024765 -0.0166721 -0.009522829999999999 0.024765 -0.0219739 -0.0169478 0.0246186 -0.016433 -0.0219655 0.0246186 -0.00869265 -0.0172078 0.024765 -0.0166721 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.009522829999999999 0.024765 -0.0219739 -0.00502775 0.024765 -0.0234122 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.0169478 0.0246186 -0.016433 -0.009522829999999999 0.024765 -0.0219739 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.00502775 0.024765 -0.0234122 -0.000333599 0.024765 -0.0239427 -0.000330939 0.0247269 -0.0237514 -0.000333599 0.024765 -0.0239427 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 -0.000330939 0.0247269 -0.0237514 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.000333599 0.024765 -0.0239427 0.016483 0.0246186 -0.0168978 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 0.0167312 0.024765 -0.017149 -0.000330939 0.0247269 -0.0237514 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 -0.000328683 0.0246186 -0.0235892 0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 -0.0219155 -0.000328683 0.0246186 -0.0235892 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 0.016483 0.0246186 -0.0168978 0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 -0.0219155 0.008872939999999999 0.024765 -0.0222436 0.016483 0.0246186 -0.0168978 0.0167312 0.024765 -0.017149 0.0197807 0.024765 -0.0135324 0.021714 0.0246186 -0.009299979999999999 0.0197807 0.024765 -0.0135324 0.0220562 0.024765 -0.00939889 0.021714 0.0246186 -0.009299979999999999 0.016483 0.0246186 -0.0168978 0.0197807 0.024765 -0.0135324 0.0236392 0.0246186 -0.000278683 0.0220562 0.024765 -0.00939889 0.0239928 0.024765 -0.000242175 0.0236392 0.0246186 -0.000278683 0.021714 0.0246186 -0.009299979999999999 0.0220562 0.024765 -0.00939889 0.0219655 0.0246186 0.008792650000000001 0.0239928 0.024765 -0.000242175 0.0222903 0.024765 0.008932509999999999 0.0219655 0.0246186 0.008792650000000001 0.0236392 0.0246186 -0.000278683 0.0239928 0.024765 -0.000242175 0.0219655 0.0246186 0.008792650000000001 0.0222903 0.024765 0.008932509999999999 0.0172078 0.024765 0.0167721 0.0169478 0.0246186 0.016533 0.0172078 0.024765 0.0167721 0.009522829999999999 0.024765 0.0220739 0.0169478 0.0246186 0.016533 0.0219655 0.0246186 0.008792650000000001 0.0172078 0.024765 0.0167721 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.009522829999999999 0.024765 0.0220739 0.00502775 0.024765 0.0235122 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.0169478 0.0246186 0.016533 0.009522829999999999 0.024765 0.0220739 0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 0.0240383 0.031115 0.00600476 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 0.0218776 0.031115 -0.0115539 0.0240383 0.031115 0.00600476 0.0245802 0.031115 -0.00296524 0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 0.0240383 0.031115 0.00600476 0.0218776 0.031115 -0.0115539 0.0197894 0.031115 -0.00456221 0.0218776 0.031115 -0.0115539 0.0162754 0.031115 -0.0186152 0.0197894 0.031115 -0.00456221 0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 0.0218776 0.031115 -0.0115539 0.0157108 0.031115 -0.0128365 0.0162754 0.031115 -0.0186152 0.00853288 0.031115 -0.0231984 0.0182261 0.031115 -0.008933969999999999 0.0197894 0.031115 -0.00456221 0.0162754 0.031115 -0.0186152 0.0157108 0.031115 -0.0128365 0.0182261 0.031115 -0.008933969999999999 0.0162754 0.031115 -0.0186152 0.00422294 0.031115 -0.019826 0.00853288 0.031115 -0.0231984 -0.000344304 0.031115 -0.0247126 0.0123759 0.031115 -0.0160664 0.0157108 0.031115 -0.0128365 0.00853288 0.031115 -0.0231984 0.00422294 0.031115 -0.019826 0.0123759 0.031115 -0.0160664 0.00853288 0.031115 -0.0231984 -0.00474154 0.031115 -0.0197088 -0.000344304 0.031115 -0.0247126 -0.009069499999999999 0.031115 -0.0229944 -0.00474154 0.031115 -0.0197088 0.00422294 0.031115 -0.019826 -0.000344304 0.031115 -0.0247126 -0.0127891 0.031115 -0.0157403 -0.009069499999999999 0.031115 -0.0229944 -0.0166129 0.031115 -0.0183156 -0.0127891 0.031115 -0.0157403 -0.00474154 0.031115 -0.0197088 -0.009069499999999999 0.031115 -0.0229944 -0.0183365 0.031115 -0.00870568 -0.0166129 0.031115 -0.0183156 -0.0220281 0.031115 -0.0112657 -0.0183365 0.031115 -0.00870568 -0.0127891 0.031115 -0.0157403 -0.0166129 0.031115 -0.0183156 -0.0240106 0.031115 0.00611551 -0.0220281 0.031115 -0.0112657 -0.0246057 0.031115 -0.00274982 -0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 -0.0220281 0.031115 -0.0112657 -0.0240106 0.031115 0.00611551 -0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 -0.0220281 0.031115 -0.0112657 -0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 -0.0183365 0.031115 -0.00870568 -0.0220281 0.031115 -0.0112657 -0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 -0.02032 0.0395335 5e-05 -0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 -0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.02032 0.0395335 5e-05 -0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 -0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.02032 0.031115 0.0142064 -0.0187549 0.0403012 -0.00777032 -0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 -0.02032 0.0395335 5e-05 -0.0187549 0.0403012 -0.00777032 -0.0183365 0.031115 -0.00870568 -0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.02032 0.0395335 5e-05 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.0187549 0.0403012 -0.00777032 -0.02032 0.0395335 5e-05 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.0291794 0.0335286 0.0329262 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 -0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.0247961 0.0368905 0.048 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.0291794 0.0335286 0.0329262 -0.0247961 0.0368905 0.048 -0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 -0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 -0.0291794 0.0335286 0.0329262 -0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 -0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 -0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 -0.0357579 0.0264134 0.0383693 -0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 -0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 -0.0291794 0.0335286 0.0329262 -0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 -0.0357579 0.0264134 0.0383693 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.0357579 0.0264134 0.0383693 -0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 -0.02032 0.01651 0.024815 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 -0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.02032 0.0395335 4.99987e-05 0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 0.0197894 0.031115 -0.00456221 0.02032 0.0395335 4.99987e-05 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.02032 0.031115 5e-05 0.0194375 0.0399748 -0.00587335 0.0197894 0.031115 -0.00456221 0.0182261 0.031115 -0.008933969999999999 0.0194375 0.0399748 -0.00587335 0.02032 0.0395335 4.99987e-05 0.0197894 0.031115 -0.00456221 0.0167387 0.0411779 -0.0114704 0.0182261 0.031115 -0.008933969999999999 0.0157108 0.031115 -0.0128365 0.0194375 0.0399748 -0.00587335 0.0182261 0.031115 -0.008933969999999999 0.0167387 0.0411779 -0.0114704 0.0167387 0.0411779 -0.0114704 0.0157108 0.031115 -0.0128365 0.0123759 0.031115 -0.0160664 0.0123759 0.0426924 -0.0160664 0.0123759 0.031115 -0.0160664 0.00422294 0.031115 -0.019826 0.0167387 0.0411779 -0.0114704 0.0123759 0.031115 -0.0160664 0.0123759 0.0426924 -0.0160664 -3.07246e-08 0.04445 -0.0202695 0.00422294 0.031115 -0.019826 -0.00474154 0.031115 -0.0197088 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 0.00422294 0.031115 -0.019826 -3.07246e-08 0.04445 -0.0202695 0.0123759 0.0426924 -0.0160664 0.00422294 0.031115 -0.019826 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00474154 0.031115 -0.0197088 -0.0127891 0.031115 -0.0157403 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -3.07246e-08 0.04445 -0.0202695 -0.00474154 0.031115 -0.0197088 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0127891 0.031115 -0.0157403 -0.0183365 0.031115 -0.00870568 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.0127891 0.031115 -0.0157403 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0183365 0.031115 -0.00870568 -0.0187549 0.0403012 -0.00777032 0.02032 0.01651 0.024815 0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.0407912 0.0176602 0.0427459 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 0.0407912 0.0176602 0.0427459 0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.0186067 0.01651 0.0396506 0.0189369 0.01651 0.0388549 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.0174007 0.01651 0.0408566 0.0186067 0.01651 0.0396506 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.016605 0.01651 0.0411869 0.0174007 0.01651 0.0408566 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.015748 0.01651 0.0413 0.016605 0.01651 0.0411869 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.015748 0.01651 0.0413 0.02032 0.01651 0.0431673 0.02032 0.01651 0.024815 0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 0.0357129 0.0264649 0.0383412 0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 0.0357129 0.0264649 0.0383412 0.0407912 0.0176602 0.0427459 0.02032 0.0231313 0.0402667 0.02032 0.01651 0.024815 0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 0.0291457 0.0335608 0.0328967 0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 0.0291457 0.0335608 0.0328967 0.0357129 0.0264649 0.0383412 0.02032 0.0292621 0.0364316 0.02032 0.01651 0.024815 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 0.0291457 0.0335608 0.0328967 0.02032 0.0347692 0.0317448 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0194375 0.0399748 -0.00587335 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.02032 0.0395335 4.99987e-05 0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 0.02032 0.019685 0.0142064 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.02032 0.01651 0.024815 0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0291457 0.0335608 0.0328967 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0194375 0.0399748 -0.00587335 0.0167387 0.0411779 -0.0114704 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.02032 0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0167387 0.0411779 -0.0114704 0.0197027 0.019685 0.0150537 0.02032 0.019685 0.0142064 0.02032 0.019685 0.024815 0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 0.02032 0.00889 0.046 0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 0.02032 0.00889 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 0.0407912 0.0176602 0.0427459 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 0.02032 0.00889 0.046 0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 0.0384897 0.0222332 0.048 0.0407912 0.0176602 0.0427459 0.0357129 0.0264649 0.0383412 0.0429321 0.0115163 0.048 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 0.0407912 0.0176602 0.0427459 0.0384897 0.0222332 0.048 0.0429321 0.0115163 0.048 0.0407912 0.0176602 0.0427459 0.0314307 0.0314305 0.048 0.0357129 0.0264649 0.0383412 0.0291457 0.0335608 0.0328967 0.0314307 0.0314305 0.048 0.0384897 0.0222332 0.048 0.0357129 0.0264649 0.0383412 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0314307 0.0314305 0.048 0.0291457 0.0335608 0.0328967 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.02032 0.00889 0.046 6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.046 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.0195 -0.03 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.019533 -0.03 0.046 0.0195 -0.03 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 0.019533 -0.03 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.014484 0.00389863 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.00388237 0.0144888 0.046 6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.0074916 0.0129948 0.046 0.00388237 0.0144888 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.0105993 0.0106132 0.046 0.0074916 0.0129948 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.0129741 0.00752737 0.046 0.0105993 0.0106132 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.014484 0.00389863 0.046 0.0129741 0.00752737 0.046 0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.02032 0.00889 0.046 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 -0.015748 0.01651 0.0413 0.015748 0.01651 0.0413 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 -0.0166049 0.01651 0.0411869 -0.015748 0.01651 0.0413 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 -0.0174006 0.01651 0.0408567 -0.0166049 0.01651 0.0411869 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 -0.0186066 0.01651 0.0396507 -0.0174006 0.01651 0.0408567 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 -0.0189369 0.01651 0.038855 -0.0186066 0.01651 0.0396507 -0.00387709 0.0144903 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.046 -0.00387709 0.0144903 0.046 -0.02032 0.01651 0.046 0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.032 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0144893 0.00387885 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.019533 -0.03 0.046 -0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0195 -0.03 0.046 -0.019533 -0.03 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.032 -0.0195 -0.03 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -6.30222e-06 -0.0149996 0.046 0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.00388237 -0.0144888 0.046 -6.30222e-06 -0.0149996 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.046 -0.00388237 -0.0144888 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.046 -0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.046 -0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.014484 -0.00389863 0.046 -0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 -0.014484 -0.00389863 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 -0.0144893 0.00387885 0.046 -0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0195 -0.03 0.046 0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.046 0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.046 0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0106204 -0.010592 0.046 0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.00750292 -0.0129882 0.046 0.0106204 -0.010592 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.046 0.00750292 -0.0129882 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0195 -0.018599 0.032 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.032 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0195 -0.019599 0.032 0.0195 -0.018599 0.032 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 0.0195 -0.019599 0.032 0.0195 -0.018599 0.046 0.019533 -0.03 0.047 0.0195 -0.03 0.046 0.019533 -0.03 0.046 0.0195 -0.03 0.047 0.0195 -0.03 0.046 0.019533 -0.03 0.047 0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 0.0195 -0.03 0.046 0.0195 -0.03 0.047 0.019533 -0.03 0.047 0.019533 -0.03 0.046 0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 0.019533 -0.039099 0.047 0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 0.019533 -0.03 0.047 0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 0.019533 -0.039099 0.047 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 0.019533 -0.039099 0.047 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0291794 -0.0335286 0.0329262 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.0291794 -0.0335286 0.0329262 0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.0263082 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.00889 0.0451956 0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.00889 0.0451956 0.0442249 0.00446762 0.046 0.0442249 -0.00446762 0.046 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 0.0442249 -0.00446762 0.046 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 0.0442249 0.00446762 0.046 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.0451956 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 0.02032 -0.00889 0.0451956 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 0.0435519 -0.00889 0.0451956 0.0442249 0.00446762 0.046 0.04445 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.0442249 -0.00446762 0.046 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.0442249 -0.00446762 0.046 0.04445 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.04445 -1.41276e-17 0.048 0.04445 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.0442249 0.00446762 0.046 0.04445 -1.41276e-17 0.048 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.04445 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.04445 -1.41276e-17 0.048 0.0442249 0.00446762 0.046 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 0.0429321 0.0115163 0.048 0.04445 -1.41276e-17 0.048 0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.0129902 0.00749965 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.0106204 0.010592 0.046 -0.0129902 0.00749965 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.00750292 0.0129882 0.046 -0.0106204 0.010592 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.00387709 0.0144903 0.046 -0.00750292 0.0129882 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 -0.02032 0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0444496 -1.79871e-15 0.046 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.0444496 -1.79871e-15 0.046 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.0444496 -1.79871e-15 0.046 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.043536 -0.008966190000000001 0.048 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0407613 -0.0177355 0.0427158 -0.043536 -0.008966190000000001 0.048 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0407613 -0.0177355 0.0427158 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.0129902 0.00749965 0.046 -0.0144893 0.00387885 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.046 -0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 -0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 -0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 -0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.046 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 -0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 -0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 -0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 -0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 -0.019533 -0.03 0.046 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 -0.0199185 -0.0397373 0.046 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 -0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.046 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.046 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.047 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 -0.019533 -0.03 0.046 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.046 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0195 -0.03 0.047 -0.019533 -0.03 0.046 -0.0195 -0.03 0.046 -0.019533 -0.03 0.047 -0.019533 -0.03 0.046 -0.0195 -0.03 0.047 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.047 -0.019533 -0.03 0.046 -0.019533 -0.03 0.047 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0195 -0.03 0.047 -0.0195 -0.03 0.046 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.032 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0195 -0.03 0.046 0.0146173 -8.4409e-18 0.0460761 0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.046 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0462929 0.014484 0.00389863 0.046 0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.0146173 -8.4409e-18 0.0460761 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0462929 0.015 -8.47933e-18 0.046 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0462929 0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.046 0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.046 0.0142929 -8.52877e-18 0.0462929 0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.046 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0462929 0.0146173 -8.4409e-18 0.0460761 0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.046 0.0142929 -8.52877e-18 0.0462929 0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0462929 0.0129902 -0.00749965 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-0.0129902 0.00749965 0.046 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0462929 -0.0142929 -1.37797e-17 0.0462929 -0.0144893 0.00387885 0.046 -0.0146173 -1.02309e-17 0.0460761 -0.0144893 0.00387885 0.046 -0.0142929 -1.37797e-17 0.0462929 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0462929 -0.0129902 0.00749965 0.046 -0.0106204 0.010592 0.046 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0462929 -0.0129902 0.00749965 0.046 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0462929 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0462929 -0.0106204 0.010592 0.046 -0.00750292 0.0129882 0.046 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0462929 -0.0106204 0.010592 0.046 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0462929 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0462929 -0.00750292 0.0129882 0.046 -0.00387709 0.0144903 0.046 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0462929 -0.00750292 0.0129882 0.046 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0462929 -8.751580000000001e-19 0.0142929 0.0462929 -0.00387709 0.0144903 0.046 6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.046 -0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0462929 -0.00387709 0.0144903 0.046 -8.751580000000001e-19 0.0142929 0.0462929 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0462929 -0.00387709 0.0144903 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-0.039099 0.047 -0.019533 -0.03 0.047 -0.0195 -0.03 0.047 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 -0.019533 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0195 -0.03 0.047 -0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 -0.0195 -0.03 0.047 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 -0.0195 -0.019599 -0.0065 -0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0175689 -0.0475597 -0.0065 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 -0.0195 -0.019599 0.032 -0.0195 -0.019599 -0.0065 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0195 -0.018599 0.032 -0.0195 -0.019599 0.032 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0194388 -0.0410154 0.047 -0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0190064 -0.0434569 0.047 -0.0194388 -0.0410154 0.047 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0175689 -0.0475597 -0.0065 -0.0190064 -0.0434569 0.047 -0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 -0.0193535 -0.019599 -0.00685355 -0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 -0.0195 -0.019599 -0.0065 -0.0193536 -0.039099 -0.00685355 -0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 -0.0193535 -0.019599 -0.00685355 -0.0178804 -0.0465053 -0.00685355 -0.0195 -0.039099 -0.0065 -0.0193536 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0.04445 -0.0202695 0.00359417 0.0443044 -0.017632 0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 -3.07246e-08 0.04445 -0.0202695 0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 0.00359417 0.0443044 -0.017632 -3.07246e-08 0.04445 -0.0202695 -3.07246e-08 0.04435 -0.0202695 0.000265008 0.0443484 -0.0185777 -3.07246e-08 0.04445 -0.0202695 0.0101069 0.0432857 -0.0156483 0.0123759 0.0426924 -0.0160664 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 0.0068114 0.043925 -0.0154832 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 0.00824681 0.0436783 -0.0167701 0.008522149999999999 0.0436254 -0.016522 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 0.009328889999999999 0.04346 -0.0158923 0.00648811 0.0439739 -0.0192063 0.008522149999999999 0.0436254 -0.016522 0.007945600000000001 0.0437341 -0.0168729 0.00824681 0.0436783 -0.0167701 0.00648811 0.0439739 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-0.0264134 0.0383693 0.0291794 -0.0335286 0.0329262 0.0379954 -0.0230684 0.048 0.030379 -0.0324487 0.048 0.0357579 -0.0264134 0.0383693 0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 0.0357579 -0.0264134 0.0383693 0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 0.0291794 -0.0335286 0.0329262 0.02032 -0.0395335 0.0263082 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 0.0291794 -0.0335286 0.0329262 0.030379 -0.0324487 0.048 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 0.0291794 -0.0335286 0.0329262 0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 0.019533 -0.03 0.047 0.0195285 -0.0395181 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.047 0.0194388 -0.0410154 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.0194388 -0.0410154 0.047 0.0195 -0.039099 0.047 0.019533 -0.03 0.047 0.019515 -0.039937 0.047 0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.047 0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.048 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.048 0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.047 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 0.024955 -0.0344015 0.048 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 0.030379 -0.0324487 0.048 0.0131171 -0.040425 0.048 0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.048 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 0.024955 -0.0344015 0.048 0.0131171 -0.040425 0.048 0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 0.0343575 -0.0250154 0.048 0.030379 -0.0324487 0.048 0.0379954 -0.0230684 0.048 0.0343575 -0.0250154 0.048 0.024955 -0.0344015 0.048 0.030379 -0.0324487 0.048 0.0378444 -0.0193406 0.048 0.0379954 -0.0230684 0.048 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.0378444 -0.0193406 0.048 0.0343575 -0.0250154 0.048 0.0379954 -0.0230684 0.048 0.0419743 -0.00666325 0.048 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.04445 -1.41276e-17 0.048 0.0404076 -0.0131702 0.048 0.0378444 -0.0193406 0.048 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.0419743 -0.00666325 0.048 0.0404076 -0.0131702 0.048 0.0428042 -0.0119834 0.048 0.0425 -2.49841e-19 0.048 0.04445 -1.41276e-17 0.048 0.0429321 0.0115163 0.048 0.0419743 -0.00666325 0.048 0.04445 -1.41276e-17 0.048 0.0425 -2.49841e-19 0.048 0.0404178 0.013139 0.048 0.0429321 0.0115163 0.048 0.0384897 0.0222332 0.048 0.0419766 0.00664859 0.048 0.0425 -2.49841e-19 0.048 0.0429321 0.0115163 0.048 0.0404178 0.013139 0.048 0.0419766 0.00664859 0.048 0.0429321 0.0115163 0.048 0.0343868 0.024975 0.048 0.0384897 0.0222332 0.048 0.0314307 0.0314305 0.048 0.0343868 0.024975 0.048 0.0404178 0.013139 0.048 0.0384897 0.0222332 0.048 0.0249812 0.0343825 0.048 0.0314307 0.0314305 0.048 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0300531 0.0300502 0.048 0.0343868 0.024975 0.048 0.0314307 0.0314305 0.048 0.0249812 0.0343825 0.048 0.0300531 0.0300502 0.048 0.0314307 0.0314305 0.048 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0131457 0.0404157 0.048 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 0.0135289 0.0423413 0.00464363 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0138999 0.0422208 0.00335536 0.0135289 0.0423413 0.00464363 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0142252 0.0421123 -0.00128262 0.0138999 0.0422208 0.00335536 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 0.0131457 0.0404157 0.048 0.0249812 0.0343825 0.048 0.0222334 0.0384895 0.048 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 1.56125e-17 0.04445 0.048 0 0.04445 0.0143375 1.56125e-17 0.04445 0.048 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.048 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 0.00526871 0.0441366 0.0133308 0 0.04445 0.0143375 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 0.0103984 0.00526871 0.0441366 0.0133308 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 0.0103984 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 0.00666214 0.0419745 0.048 0.0131457 0.0404157 0.048 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.048 0.00666214 0.0419745 0.048 0.0115165 0.042932 0.048 -0.00984198 0.0433461 0.010407 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 1.56125e-17 0.04445 0.048 -0.00526552 0.0441372 0.0133318 -0.00984198 0.0433461 0.010407 1.56125e-17 0.04445 0.048 0 0.04445 0.0143375 -0.00526552 0.0441372 0.0133318 1.56125e-17 0.04445 0.048 -0.0131171 0.040425 0.048 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.0247961 0.0368905 0.048 -0.0142252 0.0421123 0.00138246 -0.0187549 0.0403012 -0.00777032 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.00984198 0.0433461 0.010407 -0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.0142252 0.0421123 0.00138246 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 -0.0131171 0.040425 0.048 1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.048 -0.0129946 0.0425081 0.048 -0.0291794 0.0335286 0.0329262 -0.0344687 0.0280658 0.048 -0.0247961 0.0368905 0.048 -0.024955 0.0344015 0.048 -0.0247961 0.0368905 0.048 -0.0344687 0.0280658 0.048 -0.024955 0.0344015 0.048 -0.0131171 0.040425 0.048 -0.0247961 0.0368905 0.048 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.0344687 0.0280658 0.048 -0.0343575 0.0250154 0.048 -0.0344687 0.0280658 0.048 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.0357579 0.0264134 0.0383693 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.0344687 0.0280658 0.048 -0.0291794 0.0335286 0.0329262 -0.0357579 0.0264134 0.0383693 -0.0344687 0.0280658 0.048 -0.0343575 0.0250154 0.048 -0.024955 0.0344015 0.048 -0.0344687 0.0280658 0.048 -0.0404076 0.0131702 0.048 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.0378444 0.0193406 0.048 -0.0343575 0.0250154 0.048 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.0404076 0.0131702 0.048 -0.0378444 0.0193406 0.048 -0.0411407 0.016829 0.048 -0.0425 -1.41276e-17 0.048 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.043536 -0.008966190000000001 0.048 -0.0419743 0.00666325 0.048 -0.0404076 0.0131702 0.048 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.0425 -1.41276e-17 0.048 -0.0419743 0.00666325 0.048 -0.0442574 0.00412955 0.048 -0.0407613 -0.0177355 0.0427158 -0.039007 -0.0213121 0.048 -0.043536 -0.008966190000000001 0.048 -0.0404178 -0.013139 0.048 -0.043536 -0.008966190000000001 0.048 -0.039007 -0.0213121 0.048 -0.0419766 -0.00664859 0.048 -0.0425 -1.41276e-17 0.048 -0.043536 -0.008966190000000001 0.048 -0.0404178 -0.013139 0.048 -0.0419766 -0.00664859 0.048 -0.043536 -0.008966190000000001 0.048 -0.0356569 -0.0265509 0.0382823 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.039007 -0.0213121 0.048 -0.0343868 -0.024975 0.048 -0.039007 -0.0213121 0.048 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.0407613 -0.0177355 0.0427158 -0.0356569 -0.0265509 0.0382823 -0.039007 -0.0213121 0.048 -0.0343868 -0.024975 0.048 -0.0404178 -0.013139 0.048 -0.039007 -0.0213121 0.048 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.048 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 -0.0290872 -0.0336087 0.0328523 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.0356569 -0.0265509 0.0382823 -0.0290872 -0.0336087 0.0328523 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.0300531 -0.0300502 0.048 -0.0343868 -0.024975 0.048 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.048 -0.0300531 -0.0300502 0.048 -0.0311103 -0.0317481 0.048 -0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.047 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 -0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.048 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 -0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.047 -0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.048 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.048 -0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.048 -0.0197726 -0.0400909 0.047 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 -0.0200123 -0.0396902 0.047 -0.0290872 -0.0336087 0.0328523 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.0205064 -0.0394371 0.047 -0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 -0.02032 -0.0395335 0.0263082 -0.0290872 -0.0336087 0.0328523 -0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 -0.0290872 -0.0336087 0.0328523 -0.0356569 -0.0265509 0.0382823 -0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 -0.0356569 -0.0265509 0.0382823 -0.0407613 -0.0177355 0.0427158 -0.02032 -0.0310025 0.0350972 -0.0356569 -0.0265509 0.0382823 -0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 -0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 -0.0407613 -0.0177355 0.0427158 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.02032 -0.0205753 0.0415242 -0.0435519 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.02032 -0.00889 0.0451956 -0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0435519 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.02032 0.0127404 0.0443334 -0.02032 0.00889 0.0451956 -0.0408137 0.0176149 0.0427619 -0.0142252 0.0421123 0.00138246 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0187549 0.0403012 -0.00777032 -0.008205469999999999 0.0436861 -0.016794 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.009853519999999999 0.0433441 -0.0158425 -0.009498299999999999 0.0434233 -0.0159571 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.00855239 0.0436195 -0.0163399 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.009498299999999999 0.0434233 -0.0159571 -0.0100684 0.0432947 -0.0156645 -0.009853519999999999 0.0433441 -0.0158425 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0102075 0.0432621 -0.0153976 -0.0100684 0.0432947 -0.0156645 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.0102075 0.0432621 -0.0153976 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.00844877 0.0436397 -0.0165837 -0.008205469999999999 0.0436861 -0.016794 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.00855239 0.0436195 -0.0163399 -0.00844877 0.0436397 -0.0165837 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0135289 0.0423413 -0.00454363 -0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0120479 0.0427861 -0.0130238 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 -0.0138999 0.0422208 -0.00325536 -0.0135289 0.0423413 -0.00454363 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0142252 0.0421123 0.00138246 -0.0138999 0.0422208 -0.00325536 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0118275 0.0428476 -0.0142735 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0120479 0.0427861 -0.0130238 -0.0117157 0.0428783 -0.0143518 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.0118275 0.0428476 -0.0142735 -0.0117157 0.0428783 -0.0143518 -0.0142153 0.0421157 -0.0144699 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.000265006 0.0444484 -0.0185777 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00792678 0.0437375 -0.0168965 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.008205469999999999 0.0436861 -0.016794 -0.00747409 0.0438171 -0.0167429 -0.00729286 0.0438477 -0.0164983 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00729286 0.0438477 -0.0164983 -0.00768237 0.0437811 -0.016875 -0.00747409 0.0438171 -0.0167429 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00792678 0.0437375 -0.0168965 -0.00768237 0.0437811 -0.016875 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.0035941 0.0443044 -0.017632 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 -0.0035941 0.0443044 -0.017632 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 -0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 -0.00754657 0.0438034 -0.0188167 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.000530012 0.0444468 -0.0168861 -0.000265006 0.0444484 -0.0185777 -0.000265008 0.0443484 -0.0185777 -0.000265006 0.0444484 -0.0185777 -0.000530012 0.0444468 -0.0168861 -0.000265008 0.0443484 -0.0185777 -3.07246e-08 0.04435 -0.0202695 -0.000265006 0.0444484 -0.0185777 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 -0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 -0.000530012 0.0444468 -0.0168861 -0.000530012 0.0443468 -0.0168861 -0.000530012 0.0444468 -0.0168861 -0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 -0.000530012 0.0444468 -0.0168861 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.000530012 0.0443468 -0.0168861 -0.000265008 0.0443484 -0.0185777 -0.000530012 0.0444468 -0.0168861 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 0 0.04445 -0.016831 -0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 -1.10436e-08 0.04435 -0.016831 -0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 0 0.04445 -0.016831 -0.000266433 0.0443492 -0.0168448 -0.000530012 0.0443468 -0.0168861 -0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 -1.10436e-08 0.04435 -0.016831 -0.000266433 0.0443492 -0.0168448 -0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 0.00526553 0.0441372 -0.0132318 0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 0 0.04445 -0.016831 0.000266415 0.0443492 -0.0168448 0 0.04445 -0.016831 0.000266427 0.0444492 -0.0168448 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 0.00526553 0.0441372 -0.0132318 0 0.04445 -0.016831 0.000266415 0.0443492 -0.0168448 -1.10436e-08 0.04435 -0.016831 0 0.04445 -0.016831 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.008243830000000001 0.0436788 -0.0145235 -0.00824539 0.0436786 -0.0142365 -0.00824539 0.0435768 -0.0142365 -0.00824539 0.0436786 -0.0142365 -0.008243830000000001 0.0436788 -0.0145235 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00824539 0.0436786 -0.0142365 -0.00829995 0.0436682 -0.0140568 -0.008299839999999999 0.0435664 -0.014057 -0.00829995 0.0436682 -0.0140568 -0.00824539 0.0436786 -0.0142365 -0.00824539 0.0435768 -0.0142365 -0.008299839999999999 0.0435664 -0.014057 -0.00824539 0.0436786 -0.0142365 -0.008381370000000001 0.0436527 -0.0157507 -0.008305720000000001 0.0436671 -0.0147798 -0.008243830000000001 0.0436788 -0.0145235 -0.00830141 0.0435661 -0.0147668 -0.008243830000000001 0.0436788 -0.0145235 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-0.00915098 0.0434978 -0.0159023 -0.00949673 0.0433213 -0.0159572 -0.009150810000000001 0.0433957 -0.0159022 -0.00915098 0.0434978 -0.0159023 -0.00949673 0.0433213 -0.0159572 -0.009498299999999999 0.0434233 -0.0159571 -0.009853519999999999 0.0433441 -0.0158425 -0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0158425 -0.009853519999999999 0.0433441 -0.0158425 -0.0100684 0.0432947 -0.0156645 -0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0158425 -0.00949673 0.0433213 -0.0159572 -0.009853519999999999 0.0433441 -0.0158425 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.0100684 0.0432947 -0.0156645 -0.0102075 0.0432621 -0.0153976 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0158425 -0.0100684 0.0432947 -0.0156645 -0.0102099 0.0431588 -0.0153887 -0.0102075 0.0432621 -0.0153976 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.0102099 0.0431588 -0.0153887 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.0102075 0.0432621 -0.0153976 -0.0101974 0.0432645 -0.0139861 -0.0101041 0.0432864 -0.0147335 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.0102246 0.0431553 -0.0150831 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.0101041 0.0432864 -0.0147335 -0.0102757 0.0432459 -0.014098 -0.0101974 0.0432645 -0.0139861 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.010354 0.0432273 -0.0142098 -0.0102757 0.0432459 -0.014098 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.010354 0.0432273 -0.0142098 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.0102246 0.0431553 -0.0150831 -0.0102099 0.0431588 -0.0153887 -0.0102217 0.0432588 -0.0150624 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.00988852 0.0433361 -0.0144756 -0.0101041 0.0432864 -0.0147335 -0.0101041 0.0431837 -0.0147335 -0.0101041 0.0432864 -0.0147335 -0.00988852 0.0433361 -0.0144756 -0.0101974 0.0432645 -0.0139861 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.0101041 0.0432864 -0.0147335 -0.0101041 0.0431837 -0.0147335 -0.0102246 0.0431553 -0.0150831 -0.0101041 0.0432864 -0.0147335 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.00988852 0.0433361 -0.0144756 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.00988852 0.0433361 -0.0144756 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.009903260000000001 0.0432302 -0.0144878 -0.0101041 0.0431837 -0.0147335 -0.00988852 0.0433361 -0.0144756 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.009903260000000001 0.0432302 -0.0144878 -0.00988852 0.0433361 -0.0144756 -0.00909312 0.04351 -0.0138967 -0.009083519999999999 0.043512 -0.0144081 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.009083519999999999 0.043512 -0.0144081 -0.00920966 0.0434855 -0.0139593 -0.00909312 0.04351 -0.0138967 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.009316110000000001 0.0434628 -0.014057 -0.00920966 0.0434855 -0.0139593 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.00945677 0.0434324 -0.0139559 -0.009316110000000001 0.0434628 -0.014057 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.009597369999999999 0.0434015 -0.0138548 -0.00945677 0.0434324 -0.0139559 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.009597369999999999 0.0434015 -0.0138548 -0.00961477 0.0433977 -0.0143383 -0.00892866 0.043544 -0.0138827 -0.008831510000000001 0.0435638 -0.0146494 -0.009083519999999999 0.043512 -0.0144081 -0.009083519999999999 0.0434098 -0.0144081 -0.009083519999999999 0.043512 -0.0144081 -0.008831510000000001 0.0435638 -0.0146494 -0.00909312 0.04351 -0.0138967 -0.00892866 0.043544 -0.0138827 -0.009083519999999999 0.043512 -0.0144081 -0.009083519999999999 0.0434098 -0.0144081 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.009083519999999999 0.043512 -0.0144081 -0.00877139 0.043576 -0.0139379 -0.00876473 0.0435773 -0.0147996 -0.008831510000000001 0.0435638 -0.0146494 -0.008825370000000001 0.043463 -0.0146621 -0.008831510000000001 0.0435638 -0.0146494 -0.00876473 0.0435773 -0.0147996 -0.00892866 0.043544 -0.0138827 -0.00877139 0.043576 -0.0139379 -0.008831510000000001 0.0435638 -0.0146494 -0.00893097 0.0434415 -0.0145253 -0.009083519999999999 0.0434098 -0.0144081 -0.008831510000000001 0.0435638 -0.0146494 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-0.00892866 0.043544 -0.0138827 -0.00877139 0.043474 -0.0139379 -0.00866076 0.0434961 -0.0140225 -0.00877139 0.043576 -0.0139379 -0.00892888 0.0434419 -0.0138827 -0.00892866 0.043544 -0.0138827 -0.00909312 0.04351 -0.0138967 -0.00892888 0.0434419 -0.0138827 -0.00877139 0.043474 -0.0139379 -0.00892866 0.043544 -0.0138827 -0.00909312 0.0434078 -0.0138967 -0.00909312 0.04351 -0.0138967 -0.00920966 0.0434855 -0.0139593 -0.00909312 0.0434078 -0.0138967 -0.00892888 0.0434419 -0.0138827 -0.00909312 0.04351 -0.0138967 -0.009210360000000001 0.0433831 -0.0139599 -0.00920966 0.0434855 -0.0139593 -0.009316110000000001 0.0434628 -0.014057 -0.009210360000000001 0.0433831 -0.0139599 -0.00909312 0.0434078 -0.0138967 -0.00920966 0.0434855 -0.0139593 -0.009316110000000001 0.0433605 -0.014057 -0.009316110000000001 0.0434628 -0.014057 -0.00945677 0.0434324 -0.0139559 -0.009316110000000001 0.0433605 -0.014057 -0.009210360000000001 0.0433831 -0.0139599 -0.009316110000000001 0.0434628 -0.014057 -0.00945681 0.04333 -0.0139559 -0.00945677 0.0434324 -0.0139559 -0.009597369999999999 0.0434015 -0.0138548 -0.00945681 0.04333 -0.0139559 -0.009316110000000001 0.0433605 -0.014057 -0.00945677 0.0434324 -0.0139559 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.009392630000000001 0.0434463 -0.0136662 -0.009597369999999999 0.0434015 -0.0138548 -0.009597369999999999 0.0432991 -0.0138548 -0.009597369999999999 0.0434015 -0.0138548 -0.009392630000000001 0.0434463 -0.0136662 -0.009597369999999999 0.0432991 -0.0138548 -0.00945681 0.04333 -0.0139559 -0.009597369999999999 0.0434015 -0.0138548 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.00915755 0.0434965 -0.0135732 -0.009392630000000001 0.0434463 -0.0136662 -0.009391399999999999 0.0433443 -0.0136654 -0.009392630000000001 0.0434463 -0.0136662 -0.00915755 0.0434965 -0.0135732 -0.009391399999999999 0.0433443 -0.0136654 -0.009597369999999999 0.0432991 -0.0138548 -0.009392630000000001 0.0434463 -0.0136662 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.008648360000000001 0.0436006 -0.0136837 -0.00915755 0.0434965 -0.0135732 -0.00915409 0.043395 -0.0135726 -0.00915755 0.0434965 -0.0135732 -0.008648360000000001 0.0436006 -0.0136837 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00915755 0.0434965 -0.0135732 -0.00915409 0.043395 -0.0135726 -0.009391399999999999 0.0433443 -0.0136654 -0.00915755 0.0434965 -0.0135732 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.008381929999999999 0.0436526 -0.0139122 -0.008648360000000001 0.0436006 -0.0136837 -0.008648360000000001 0.0434986 -0.0136837 -0.008648360000000001 0.0436006 -0.0136837 -0.008381929999999999 0.0436526 -0.0139122 -0.00915409 0.043395 -0.0135726 -0.008648360000000001 0.0436006 -0.0136837 -0.008648360000000001 0.0434986 -0.0136837 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00829995 0.0436682 -0.0140568 -0.008381929999999999 0.0436526 -0.0139122 -0.00838175 0.0435508 -0.0139125 -0.008381929999999999 0.0436526 -0.0139122 -0.00829995 0.0436682 -0.0140568 -0.00838175 0.0435508 -0.0139125 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0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.00740313 0.0438292 -0.0144027 -0.00740315 0.0437277 -0.0144026 -0.00740313 0.0438292 -0.0144027 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.00740315 0.0437277 -0.0144026 -0.00755308 0.0437021 -0.0143161 -0.00740313 0.0438292 -0.0144027 -0.00757165 0.0438004 -0.0162927 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.0072531 0.0437529 -0.0144893 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.00743228 0.0438242 -0.0163955 -0.00757165 0.0438004 -0.0162927 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.00729286 0.0438477 -0.0164983 -0.00743228 0.0438242 -0.0163955 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.00729286 0.0438477 -0.0164983 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.0072531 0.0437529 -0.0144893 -0.00740315 0.0437277 -0.0144026 -0.0072531 0.0438542 -0.0144893 -0.00807693 0.04371 -0.016543 -0.00809239 0.0437072 -0.015943 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.00767319 0.0436812 -0.0152169 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.00809239 0.0437072 -0.015943 -0.00779107 0.0437619 -0.016545 -0.00807693 0.04371 -0.016543 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.00767955 0.0437816 -0.0164426 -0.00779107 0.0437619 -0.016545 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.00757165 0.0438004 -0.0162927 -0.00767955 0.0437816 -0.0164426 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.00767319 0.0436812 -0.0152169 -0.0072531 0.0437529 -0.0144893 -0.00767284 0.0437828 -0.0152163 -0.0081922 0.0436886 -0.0164305 -0.008187369999999999 0.0436895 -0.0161278 -0.00809239 0.0437072 -0.015943 -0.00809239 0.0436055 -0.015943 -0.00809239 0.0437072 -0.015943 -0.008187369999999999 0.0436895 -0.0161278 -0.00807693 0.04371 -0.016543 -0.0081922 0.0436886 -0.0164305 -0.00809239 0.0437072 -0.015943 -0.00809239 0.0436055 -0.015943 -0.00767319 0.0436812 -0.0152169 -0.00809239 0.0437072 -0.015943 -0.0081922 0.0436886 -0.0164305 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0.0437133 -0.0167554 -0.00729286 0.0437463 -0.0164983 -0.00747409 0.0438171 -0.0167429 -0.0077211 0.0436727 -0.0168866 -0.00768237 0.0437811 -0.016875 -0.00792678 0.0437375 -0.0168965 -0.0077211 0.0436727 -0.0168866 -0.0074877 0.0437133 -0.0167554 -0.00768237 0.0437811 -0.016875 -0.007957769999999999 0.0436302 -0.0168915 -0.0077211 0.0436727 -0.0168866 -0.00792678 0.0437375 -0.0168965 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.00669257 0.0438421 -0.0164181 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 -0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 -0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.00669257 0.0438421 -0.0164181 -0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 -0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 -0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 -0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00669257 0.0438421 -0.0164181 -0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 -0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 -0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 -0.00565441 0.0439881 -0.0161322 -0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 -0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 -0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 -0.00565441 0.0439881 -0.0161322 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 -0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 -0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 -0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 -0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 -0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 -0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 -0.00565441 0.0439881 -0.0161322 -0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 -0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 -0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 -0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 -0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 -0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 -0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 -0.0035417 0.0442084 -0.0171737 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 -0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 -0.0035417 0.0442084 -0.0171737 -0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 -0.00354473 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 -0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 -0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 -0.0035417 0.0442084 -0.0171737 -0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 -0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.0035941 0.0443044 -0.017632 -0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 -0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 -0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 -0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 -0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 -0.0035941 0.0443044 -0.017632 -0.00359109 0.0442044 -0.0176327 -0.0035941 0.0443044 -0.017632 -0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 -0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 -0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 -0.0035941 0.0443044 -0.017632 -0.00359109 0.0442044 -0.0176327 -0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 -0.0035941 0.0443044 -0.017632 -0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 -0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 -0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 -0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 -0.00359109 0.0442044 -0.0176327 -0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 -0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 -0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 -0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 -0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 -0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 -0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 -0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 -0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 -0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 -0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 -0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 -0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 -0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 -0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 -0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 0.00641104 0.0439852 -0.016877 0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 0.00612943 0.0440254 -0.0173359 0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 0.00605284 0.0440359 -0.0171418 0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 0.00359417 0.0443044 -0.017632 0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 0.00597625 0.0440464 -0.0169478 0.0035911 0.0442044 -0.0176327 0.00359417 0.0443044 -0.017632 0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 0.0035911 0.0442044 -0.0176327 0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 0.00359417 0.0443044 -0.017632 0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 0.0035911 0.0442044 -0.0176327 0.00115651 0.044435 -0.0179692 0.00526553 0.0441372 -0.0132318 0.00354467 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 0.00354467 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 0.00122867 0.044433 -0.0175039 0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 0.00354467 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0.00340369 0.0442192 -0.0172032 0.00354467 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 0.00354467 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0.00526553 0.0441372 -0.0132318 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.00354467 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0.00340369 0.0442192 -0.0172032 0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 0.00354467 0.0443084 -0.0171731 0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 0.00340369 0.0442192 -0.0172032 0.00580764 0.044069 -0.0165205 0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 0.00573103 0.0440789 -0.0163264 0.00662961 0.0439528 -0.0150325 0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.00565441 0.0439881 -0.0161322 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 0.00526553 0.0441372 -0.0132318 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.00662961 0.0439528 -0.0150325 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00565441 0.0439881 -0.0161322 0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 0.00565441 0.0440889 -0.0161322 0.0066535 0.0439492 -0.0155545 0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 0.00669257 0.0439433 -0.0164181 0.00659255 0.0439584 -0.015283 0.0066535 0.0439492 -0.0155545 0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 0.00662961 0.0439528 -0.0150325 0.00659255 0.0439584 -0.015283 0.00617389 0.0440192 -0.0162753 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 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-0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 -0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 -0.00526552 0.0441372 0.0133318 0 0.04445 0.0143375 -1.74966e-18 0.042495 0.0143375 0 0.04445 0.0143375 0.00526871 0.0441366 0.0133308 -0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 0 0.04445 0.0143375 -1.74966e-18 0.042495 0.0143375 0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 0.00526871 0.0441366 0.0133308 0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 0.0103984 -1.74966e-18 0.042495 0.0143375 0.00526871 0.0441366 0.0133308 0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 0.0103443 0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 0.0103984 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 0.0103984 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 0.0103443 0.0135284 0.042495 0.00464508 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.0135289 0.0423413 0.00464363 0.0116031 0.04313 0.0063166 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.0135284 0.042495 0.00464508 0.0116031 0.04313 0.0063166 0.009581060000000001 0.04313 0.009110999999999999 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 0.0103443 0.0130375 0.042495 0.00589425 0.009581060000000001 0.04313 0.009110999999999999 0.0135284 0.042495 0.00464508 0.0135289 0.0423413 0.00464363 0.0138999 0.0422208 0.00335536 0.0138999 0.042495 0.00335536 0.0138999 0.0422208 0.00335536 0.0142252 0.0421123 -0.00128262 0.0135284 0.042495 0.00464508 0.0138999 0.0422208 0.00335536 0.0138999 0.042495 0.00335536 0.0142245 0.042495 -0.00129067 0.0142252 0.0421123 -0.00128262 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.0138999 0.042495 0.00335536 0.0142252 0.0421123 -0.00128262 0.0142245 0.042495 -0.00129067 0.009916909999999999 0.0433296 -0.0139332 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.0105569 0.0431782 -0.0134851 0.009916909999999999 0.0433296 -0.0139332 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.0111953 0.0430171 -0.0130381 0.0105569 0.0431782 -0.0134851 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.0113146 0.0429858 -0.0132085 0.0111953 0.0430171 -0.0130381 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.011434 0.0429542 -0.0133789 0.0113146 0.0429858 -0.0132085 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.0126253 0.04313 -0.00375756 0.0142245 0.042495 -0.00129067 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 0.0126253 0.04313 -0.00375756 0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00526553 0.0441372 -0.0132318 0.00697982 0.0438986 -0.014647 0.00662961 0.0439528 -0.0150325 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00731101 0.0438446 -0.0145306 0.00697982 0.0438986 -0.014647 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00747747 0.0438165 -0.0145318 0.00731101 0.0438446 -0.0145306 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00766003 0.043785 -0.0145745 0.00747747 0.0438165 -0.0145318 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.00766003 0.043785 -0.0145745 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.008225130000000001 0.0436824 -0.0139281 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00837508 0.0436539 -0.0138415 0.008225130000000001 0.0436824 -0.0139281 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00879483 0.0435712 -0.0145685 0.00837508 0.0436539 -0.0138415 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00921436 0.0434845 -0.0152952 0.00879483 0.0435712 -0.0145685 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00932762 0.0434603 -0.0154708 0.00921436 0.0434845 -0.0152952 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.009447499999999999 0.0434344 -0.0155873 0.00932762 0.0434603 -0.0154708 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.009587099999999999 0.0434038 -0.0156254 0.009447499999999999 0.0434344 -0.0155873 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00974176 0.0433694 -0.0155818 0.009587099999999999 0.0434038 -0.0156254 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.009777640000000001 0.0433613 -0.0150191 0.00974176 0.0433694 -0.0155818 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.009916909999999999 0.0433296 -0.0139332 0.009777640000000001 0.0433613 -0.0150191 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 0.00984198 0.0433461 -0.010307 0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 0.00526553 0.0441372 -0.0132318 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 0 0.042495 -0.0142375 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 0 0.04445 -0.0142375 0 0.042495 -0.0142375 -0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 0 0.042495 -0.0142375 -0.00526871 0.0441366 -0.0132308 -0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 -0.0118912 0.0428299 -0.0128001 -0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 -0.011524 0.0429302 -0.0130572 -0.0118912 0.0428299 -0.0128001 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.0111562 0.0430272 -0.0133148 -0.011524 0.0429302 -0.0130572 -0.009850579999999999 0.0433448 -0.0102984 -0.0108989 0.0430931 -0.0129473 -0.0111562 0.0430272 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-0.0062166 -0.009581060000000001 0.04313 -0.009011 -0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 -0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 -0.0130375 0.042495 -0.00579425 -0.009581060000000001 0.04313 -0.009011 -0.0135284 0.042495 -0.00454508 -0.0135289 0.0423413 -0.00454363 -0.0138999 0.0422208 -0.00325536 -0.0138999 0.042495 -0.00325536 -0.0138999 0.0422208 -0.00325536 -0.0142252 0.0421123 0.00138246 -0.0138999 0.042495 -0.00325536 -0.0135284 0.042495 -0.00454508 -0.0138999 0.0422208 -0.00325536 -0.0142245 0.042495 0.00139067 -0.0138999 0.042495 -0.00325536 -0.0142252 0.0421123 0.00138246 0.0066535 0.0438481 -0.0155545 0.0066535 0.0439492 -0.0155545 0.00659255 0.0439584 -0.015283 0.00681141 0.0438238 -0.0154832 0.0068114 0.043925 -0.0154832 0.0066535 0.0439492 -0.0155545 0.0066535 0.0438481 -0.0155545 0.00681141 0.0438238 -0.0154832 0.0066535 0.0439492 -0.0155545 0.00659248 0.0438573 -0.0152814 0.00659255 0.0439584 -0.015283 0.00662961 0.0439528 -0.0150325 0.00659248 0.0438573 -0.0152814 0.0066535 0.0438481 -0.0155545 0.00659255 0.0439584 -0.015283 0.00663092 0.0438515 -0.0150289 0.00662961 0.0439528 -0.0150325 0.00697982 0.0438986 -0.014647 0.00663092 0.0438515 -0.0150289 0.00659248 0.0438573 -0.0152814 0.00662961 0.0439528 -0.0150325 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.00697982 0.0438986 -0.014647 0.00731101 0.0438446 -0.0145306 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.00663092 0.0438515 -0.0150289 0.00697982 0.0438986 -0.014647 0.00731241 0.043743 -0.0145304 0.00731101 0.0438446 -0.0145306 0.00747747 0.0438165 -0.0145318 0.00715015 0.0437698 -0.0145691 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.00731101 0.0438446 -0.0145306 0.00731241 0.043743 -0.0145304 0.00715015 0.0437698 -0.0145691 0.00731101 0.0438446 -0.0145306 0.00731241 0.043743 -0.0145304 0.00747747 0.0438165 -0.0145318 0.00766003 0.043785 -0.0145745 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.007917779999999999 0.0437391 -0.0147233 0.00766003 0.043785 -0.0145745 0.00766003 0.0436835 -0.0145745 0.00766003 0.043785 -0.0145745 0.007917779999999999 0.0437391 -0.0147233 0.00766003 0.0436835 -0.0145745 0.00731241 0.043743 -0.0145304 0.00766003 0.043785 -0.0145745 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.00810893 0.0437041 -0.0149082 0.007917779999999999 0.0437391 -0.0147233 0.00810232 0.0436036 -0.0149006 0.007917779999999999 0.0437391 -0.0147233 0.00810893 0.0437041 -0.0149082 0.007911120000000001 0.0436387 -0.014718 0.00766003 0.0436835 -0.0145745 0.007917779999999999 0.0437391 -0.0147233 0.00810232 0.0436036 -0.0149006 0.007911120000000001 0.0436387 -0.014718 0.007917779999999999 0.0437391 -0.0147233 0.00848934 0.0436318 -0.0147322 0.00840085 0.0436489 -0.0153256 0.00810893 0.0437041 -0.0149082 0.00810232 0.0436036 -0.0149006 0.00810893 0.0437041 -0.0149082 0.00840085 0.0436489 -0.0153256 0.00848934 0.0436318 -0.0147322 0.00810893 0.0437041 -0.0149082 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.00848934 0.0436318 -0.0147322 0.00861174 0.0436078 -0.0157984 0.00840085 0.0436489 -0.0153256 0.00840085 0.0435471 -0.0153256 0.00840085 0.0436489 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0.008649860000000001 0.0434983 -0.0161918 0.00864843 0.0436005 -0.016202 0.00852465 0.043523 -0.0165183 0.008522149999999999 0.0436254 -0.016522 0.00824681 0.0436783 -0.0167701 0.00910308 0.0435079 -0.0157306 0.009328889999999999 0.04346 -0.0158923 0.008522149999999999 0.0436254 -0.016522 0.00824681 0.0435765 -0.0167701 0.00824681 0.0436783 -0.0167701 0.007945600000000001 0.0437341 -0.0168729 0.00824681 0.0435765 -0.0167701 0.00852465 0.043523 -0.0165183 0.00824681 0.0436783 -0.0167701 0.0079282 0.0436356 -0.0168747 0.007945600000000001 0.0437341 -0.0168729 0.00767032 0.0437832 -0.0168501 0.0079282 0.0436356 -0.0168747 0.00824681 0.0435765 -0.0167701 0.007945600000000001 0.0437341 -0.0168729 0.00765159 0.043685 -0.0168443 0.00767032 0.0437832 -0.0168501 0.00740542 0.0438288 -0.0167135 0.00765159 0.043685 -0.0168443 0.0079282 0.0436356 -0.0168747 0.00767032 0.0437832 -0.0168501 0.00739696 0.0437288 -0.016707 0.00740542 0.0438288 -0.0167135 0.00716105 0.0438694 -0.0164327 0.00739696 0.0437288 -0.016707 0.00765159 0.043685 -0.0168443 0.00740542 0.0438288 -0.0167135 0.00716105 0.043768 -0.0164327 0.00716105 0.0438694 -0.0164327 0.00704652 0.0438879 -0.0161231 0.00716105 0.043768 -0.0164327 0.00739696 0.0437288 -0.016707 0.00716105 0.0438694 -0.0164327 0.00701233 0.0438934 -0.0149889 0.0070581 0.0438861 -0.0158323 0.00704652 0.0438879 -0.0161231 0.00704756 0.0437865 -0.0161292 0.00704652 0.0438879 -0.0161231 0.0070581 0.0438861 -0.0158323 0.00696922 0.0439003 -0.015412 0.00701233 0.0438934 -0.0149889 0.00704652 0.0438879 -0.0161231 0.00704756 0.0437865 -0.0161292 0.00716105 0.043768 -0.0164327 0.00704652 0.0438879 -0.0161231 0.00726791 0.0438518 -0.0148267 0.00738958 0.0438315 -0.0153861 0.0070581 0.0438861 -0.0158323 0.00705811 0.0437848 -0.0158323 0.0070581 0.0438861 -0.0158323 0.00738958 0.0438315 -0.0153861 0.00713843 0.0438731 -0.0148807 0.00726791 0.0438518 -0.0148267 0.0070581 0.0438861 -0.0158323 0.00701233 0.0438934 -0.0149889 0.00713843 0.0438731 -0.0148807 0.0070581 0.0438861 -0.0158323 0.00705811 0.0437848 -0.0158323 0.00704756 0.0437865 -0.0161292 0.0070581 0.0438861 -0.0158323 0.00740539 0.0438288 -0.0148101 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00738958 0.0438315 -0.0153861 0.00738958 0.04373 -0.0153861 0.00738958 0.0438315 -0.0153861 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00726791 0.0438518 -0.0148267 0.00740539 0.0438288 -0.0148101 0.00738958 0.0438315 -0.0153861 0.00738958 0.04373 -0.0153861 0.00705811 0.0437848 -0.0158323 0.00738958 0.0438315 -0.0153861 0.00792295 0.0437382 -0.0151535 0.00806408 0.0437124 -0.0153682 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00773838 0.0436697 -0.0152896 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00806408 0.0437124 -0.0153682 0.00777424 0.0437649 -0.0149875 0.00792295 0.0437382 -0.0151535 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00740539 0.0438288 -0.0148101 0.00777424 0.0437649 -0.0149875 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00756736 0.0436996 -0.0153126 0.00738958 0.04373 -0.0153861 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00773838 0.0436697 -0.0152896 0.00756736 0.0436996 -0.0153126 0.00772459 0.0437737 -0.0152886 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.00806408 0.0437124 -0.0153682 0.00792295 0.0437382 -0.0151535 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.00773838 0.0436697 -0.0152896 0.00806408 0.0437124 -0.0153682 0.00792268 0.0436366 -0.0151531 0.00792295 0.0437382 -0.0151535 0.00777424 0.0437649 -0.0149875 0.00792268 0.0436366 -0.0151531 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.00792295 0.0437382 -0.0151535 0.00777365 0.0436634 -0.014987 0.00777424 0.0437649 -0.0149875 0.00740539 0.0438288 -0.0148101 0.00777365 0.0436634 -0.014987 0.00792268 0.0436366 -0.0151531 0.00777424 0.0437649 -0.0149875 0.00740539 0.0437274 -0.0148101 0.00740539 0.0438288 -0.0148101 0.00726791 0.0438518 -0.0148267 0.00740539 0.0437274 -0.0148101 0.00777365 0.0436634 -0.014987 0.00740539 0.0438288 -0.0148101 0.00726581 0.0437508 -0.0148272 0.00726791 0.0438518 -0.0148267 0.00713843 0.0438731 -0.0148807 0.00726581 0.0437508 -0.0148272 0.00740539 0.0437274 -0.0148101 0.00726791 0.0438518 -0.0148267 0.00713843 0.0437717 -0.0148807 0.00713843 0.0438731 -0.0148807 0.00701233 0.0438934 -0.0149889 0.00713843 0.0437717 -0.0148807 0.00726581 0.0437508 -0.0148272 0.00713843 0.0438731 -0.0148807 0.00696922 0.0439003 -0.015412 0.00694187 0.0439046 -0.0151387 0.00701233 0.0438934 -0.0149889 0.00701207 0.0437922 -0.0149892 0.00701233 0.0438934 -0.0149889 0.00694187 0.0439046 -0.0151387 0.00701207 0.0437922 -0.0149892 0.00713843 0.0437717 -0.0148807 0.00701233 0.0438934 -0.0149889 0.00696922 0.0439003 -0.015412 0.00693846 0.0439051 -0.0152773 0.00694187 0.0439046 -0.0151387 0.00694187 0.0438033 -0.0151387 0.00694187 0.0439046 -0.0151387 0.00693846 0.0439051 -0.0152773 0.00694187 0.0438033 -0.0151387 0.00701207 0.0437922 -0.0149892 0.00694187 0.0439046 -0.0151387 0.00693784 0.043804 -0.0152712 0.00693846 0.0439051 -0.0152773 0.00696922 0.0439003 -0.015412 0.00693784 0.043804 -0.0152712 0.00694187 0.0438033 -0.0151387 0.00693846 0.0439051 -0.0152773 0.00696922 0.043799 -0.015412 0.00696922 0.0439003 -0.015412 0.0068114 0.043925 -0.0154832 0.00693784 0.043804 -0.0152712 0.00696922 0.0439003 -0.015412 0.00696922 0.043799 -0.015412 0.00681141 0.0438238 -0.0154832 0.00696922 0.043799 -0.015412 0.0068114 0.043925 -0.0154832 0.0080751 0.0436087 -0.0140147 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.008225130000000001 0.0436824 -0.0139281 0.008489719999999999 0.0435298 -0.0147328 0.00848934 0.0436318 -0.0147322 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.0080751 0.0436087 -0.0140147 0.008489719999999999 0.0435298 -0.0147328 0.0080751 0.0437104 -0.0140147 0.008225150000000001 0.0435806 -0.0139281 0.008225130000000001 0.0436824 -0.0139281 0.00837508 0.0436539 -0.0138415 0.008225150000000001 0.0435806 -0.0139281 0.0080751 0.0436087 -0.0140147 0.008225130000000001 0.0436824 -0.0139281 0.00837508 0.043552 -0.0138415 0.00837508 0.0436539 -0.0138415 0.00879483 0.0435712 -0.0145685 0.00837508 0.043552 -0.0138415 0.008225150000000001 0.0435806 -0.0139281 0.00837508 0.0436539 -0.0138415 0.008795229999999999 0.0434691 -0.0145692 0.00879483 0.0435712 -0.0145685 0.00921436 0.0434845 -0.0152952 0.008795229999999999 0.0434691 -0.0145692 0.00837508 0.043552 -0.0138415 0.00879483 0.0435712 -0.0145685 0.00921436 0.0433822 -0.0152952 0.00921436 0.0434845 -0.0152952 0.00932762 0.0434603 -0.0154708 0.00921436 0.0433822 -0.0152952 0.008795229999999999 0.0434691 -0.0145692 0.00921436 0.0434845 -0.0152952 0.00932886 0.0433578 -0.0154724 0.00932762 0.0434603 -0.0154708 0.009447499999999999 0.0434344 -0.0155873 0.00932886 0.0433578 -0.0154724 0.00921436 0.0433822 -0.0152952 0.00932762 0.0434603 -0.0154708 0.009451309999999999 0.0433312 -0.0155894 0.009447499999999999 0.0434344 -0.0155873 0.009587099999999999 0.0434038 -0.0156254 0.009451309999999999 0.0433312 -0.0155894 0.00932886 0.0433578 -0.0154724 0.009447499999999999 0.0434344 -0.0155873 0.00959112 0.0433005 -0.0156253 0.009587099999999999 0.0434038 -0.0156254 0.00974176 0.0433694 -0.0155818 0.00959112 0.0433005 -0.0156253 0.009451309999999999 0.0433312 -0.0155894 0.009587099999999999 0.0434038 -0.0156254 0.00985317 0.0433442 -0.0151866 0.00988642 0.0433366 -0.0153341 0.00974176 0.0433694 -0.0155818 0.00974176 0.0432669 -0.0155818 0.00974176 0.0433694 -0.0155818 0.00988642 0.0433366 -0.0153341 0.009777640000000001 0.0433613 -0.0150191 0.00985317 0.0433442 -0.0151866 0.00974176 0.0433694 -0.0155818 0.00974176 0.0432669 -0.0155818 0.00959112 0.0433005 -0.0156253 0.00974176 0.0433694 -0.0155818 0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0151876 0.00988642 0.0433366 -0.0153341 0.00985317 0.0433442 -0.0151866 0.009886499999999999 0.043234 -0.015337 0.00974176 0.0432669 -0.0155818 0.00988642 0.0433366 -0.0153341 0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0151876 0.009886499999999999 0.043234 -0.015337 0.00988642 0.0433366 -0.0153341 0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0151876 0.00985317 0.0433442 -0.0151866 0.009777640000000001 0.0433613 -0.0150191 0.009916909999999999 0.0433296 -0.0139332 0.00993641 0.0433252 -0.0149497 0.009777640000000001 0.0433613 -0.0150191 0.009777640000000001 0.0432588 -0.0150191 0.009777640000000001 0.0433613 -0.0150191 0.00993641 0.0433252 -0.0149497 0.009777640000000001 0.0432588 -0.0150191 0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0151876 0.009777640000000001 0.0433613 -0.0150191 0.0100363 0.0433021 -0.0141036 0.0100951 0.0432885 -0.0148804 0.00993641 0.0433252 -0.0149497 0.00993643 0.0432226 -0.0149497 0.00993641 0.0433252 -0.0149497 0.0100951 0.0432885 -0.0148804 0.009916909999999999 0.0433296 -0.0139332 0.0100363 0.0433021 -0.0141036 0.00993641 0.0433252 -0.0149497 0.00993643 0.0432226 -0.0149497 0.009777640000000001 0.0432588 -0.0150191 0.00993641 0.0433252 -0.0149497 0.0101556 0.0432743 -0.0142741 0.0102178 0.0432597 -0.0151663 0.0100951 0.0432885 -0.0148804 0.0100951 0.0431858 -0.0148804 0.0100951 0.0432885 -0.0148804 0.0102178 0.0432597 -0.0151663 0.0100363 0.0433021 -0.0141036 0.0101556 0.0432743 -0.0142741 0.0100951 0.0432885 -0.0148804 0.0100951 0.0431858 -0.0148804 0.00993643 0.0432226 -0.0149497 0.0100951 0.0432885 -0.0148804 0.0107956 0.0431191 -0.0138259 0.0102225 0.0432586 -0.0154249 0.0102178 0.0432597 -0.0151663 0.0102186 0.0431567 -0.0151699 0.0102178 0.0432597 -0.0151663 0.0102225 0.0432586 -0.0154249 0.0107956 0.0431191 -0.0138259 0.0102178 0.0432597 -0.0151663 0.0101556 0.0432743 -0.0142741 0.0102186 0.0431567 -0.0151699 0.0100951 0.0431858 -0.0148804 0.0102178 0.0432597 -0.0151663 0.011434 0.0429542 -0.0133789 0.0101069 0.0432857 -0.0156483 0.0102225 0.0432586 -0.0154249 0.0102217 0.043156 -0.0154287 0.0102225 0.0432586 -0.0154249 0.0101069 0.0432857 -0.0156483 0.0107956 0.0431191 -0.0138259 0.011434 0.0429542 -0.0133789 0.0102225 0.0432586 -0.0154249 0.0102217 0.043156 -0.0154287 0.0102186 0.0431567 -0.0151699 0.0102225 0.0432586 -0.0154249 0.0101147 0.0431812 -0.0156391 0.0101069 0.0432857 -0.0156483 0.00989486 0.0433347 -0.0158186 0.0101147 0.0431812 -0.0156391 0.0102217 0.043156 -0.0154287 0.0101069 0.0432857 -0.0156483 0.00989486 0.0432321 -0.0158186 0.00989486 0.0433347 -0.0158186 0.00959083 0.043403 -0.0159242 0.00989486 0.0432321 -0.0158186 0.0101147 0.0431812 -0.0156391 0.00989486 0.0433347 -0.0158186 0.009328940000000001 0.0433577 -0.0158924 0.00959083 0.043403 -0.0159242 0.009328889999999999 0.04346 -0.0158923 0.009590889999999999 0.0433005 -0.0159242 0.00989486 0.0432321 -0.0158186 0.00959083 0.043403 -0.0159242 0.009328940000000001 0.0433577 -0.0158924 0.009590889999999999 0.0433005 -0.0159242 0.00959083 0.043403 -0.0159242 0.009328940000000001 0.0433577 -0.0158924 0.009328889999999999 0.04346 -0.0158923 0.00910308 0.0435079 -0.0157306 0.00910307 0.0434057 -0.0157306 0.00910308 0.0435079 -0.0157306 0.008903390000000001 0.0435492 -0.0154493 0.00910307 0.0434057 -0.0157306 0.009328940000000001 0.0433577 -0.0158924 0.00910308 0.0435079 -0.0157306 0.008903390000000001 0.0434471 -0.0154493 0.008903390000000001 0.0435492 -0.0154493 0.00848934 0.0436318 -0.0147322 0.00910307 0.0434057 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-0.0104178 0.043212 -0.0127363 -0.0104178 0.0431091 -0.0127363 -0.0104178 0.043212 -0.0127363 -0.0106752 0.0431491 -0.013104 -0.0101974 0.0432645 -0.0139861 -0.0105652 0.0431761 -0.0137286 -0.0104178 0.043212 -0.0127363 -0.0104178 0.0431091 -0.0127363 -0.0105297 0.0430819 -0.012658 -0.0104178 0.043212 -0.0127363 -0.0105652 0.0431761 -0.0137286 -0.0109325 0.0430846 -0.0134714 -0.0106752 0.0431491 -0.013104 -0.0106753 0.043046 -0.0131042 -0.0106752 0.0431491 -0.013104 -0.0109325 0.0430846 -0.0134714 -0.0106753 0.043046 -0.0131042 -0.0104178 0.0431091 -0.0127363 -0.0106752 0.0431491 -0.013104 -0.0109325 0.0429814 -0.0134714 -0.0109325 0.0430846 -0.0134714 -0.0105652 0.0431761 -0.0137286 -0.0109325 0.0429814 -0.0134714 -0.0106753 0.043046 -0.0131042 -0.0109325 0.0430846 -0.0134714 -0.0105654 0.0430731 -0.0137284 -0.0105652 0.0431761 -0.0137286 -0.0101974 0.0432645 -0.0139861 -0.0105654 0.0430731 -0.0137284 -0.0109325 0.0429814 -0.0134714 -0.0105652 0.0431761 -0.0137286 -0.0101974 0.0431617 -0.0139861 -0.0101974 0.0432645 -0.0139861 -0.0102757 0.0432459 -0.014098 -0.0101974 0.0431617 -0.0139861 -0.0105654 0.0430731 -0.0137284 -0.0101974 0.0432645 -0.0139861 -0.0102757 0.0431432 -0.014098 -0.0102757 0.0432459 -0.014098 -0.010354 0.0432273 -0.0142098 -0.0102757 0.0431432 -0.014098 -0.0101974 0.0431617 -0.0139861 -0.0102757 0.0432459 -0.014098 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.0107218 0.0431375 -0.0139523 -0.010354 0.0432273 -0.0142098 -0.010354 0.0431244 -0.0142098 -0.010354 0.0432273 -0.0142098 -0.0107218 0.0431375 -0.0139523 -0.010354 0.0431244 -0.0142098 -0.0102757 0.0431432 -0.014098 -0.010354 0.0432273 -0.0142098 -0.0113465 0.0429774 -0.0140627 -0.0110891 0.0430446 -0.0136951 -0.0107218 0.0431375 -0.0139523 -0.0107221 0.0430344 -0.0139521 -0.0107218 0.0431375 -0.0139523 -0.0110891 0.0430446 -0.0136951 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.0113465 0.0429774 -0.0140627 -0.0107218 0.0431375 -0.0139523 -0.0107221 0.0430344 -0.0139521 -0.010354 0.0431244 -0.0142098 -0.0107218 0.0431375 -0.0139523 -0.0110891 0.0429413 -0.0136951 -0.0110891 0.0430446 -0.0136951 -0.0113465 0.0429774 -0.0140627 -0.0110891 0.0429413 -0.0136951 -0.0107221 0.0430344 -0.0139521 -0.0110891 0.0430446 -0.0136951 -0.0113467 0.0428739 -0.014063 -0.0113465 0.0429774 -0.0140627 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.0113467 0.0428739 -0.014063 -0.0110891 0.0429413 -0.0136951 -0.0113465 0.0429774 -0.0140627 -0.0116038 0.0428051 -0.0144302 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.0117157 0.0428783 -0.0143518 -0.0116038 0.0428051 -0.0144302 -0.0113467 0.0428739 -0.014063 -0.0116038 0.0429087 -0.0144302 -0.0117157 0.0427746 -0.0143518 -0.0117157 0.0428783 -0.0143518 -0.0118275 0.0428476 -0.0142735 -0.0117157 0.0427746 -0.0143518 -0.0116038 0.0428051 -0.0144302 -0.0117157 0.0428783 -0.0143518 -0.0116806 0.0428878 -0.0132809 -0.0115702 0.0429177 -0.0139061 -0.0118275 0.0428476 -0.0142735 -0.0118275 0.0427438 -0.0142735 -0.0118275 0.0428476 -0.0142735 -0.0115702 0.0429177 -0.0139061 -0.0118275 0.0427438 -0.0142735 -0.0117157 0.0427746 -0.0143518 -0.0118275 0.0428476 -0.0142735 -0.0116806 0.0428878 -0.0132809 -0.0113128 0.0429863 -0.0135385 -0.0115702 0.0429177 -0.0139061 -0.0115704 0.0428141 -0.0139063 -0.0115702 0.0429177 -0.0139061 -0.0113128 0.0429863 -0.0135385 -0.0115704 0.0428141 -0.0139063 -0.0118275 0.0427438 -0.0142735 -0.0115702 0.0429177 -0.0139061 -0.0113128 0.0428829 -0.0135385 -0.0113128 0.0429863 -0.0135385 -0.0116806 0.0428878 -0.0132809 -0.0113128 0.0428829 -0.0135385 -0.0115704 0.0428141 -0.0139063 -0.0113128 0.0429863 -0.0135385 -0.0116809 0.0427841 -0.0132807 -0.0113128 0.0428829 -0.0135385 -0.0116806 0.0428878 -0.0132809 0.0101556 0.0431716 -0.0142741 0.0101556 0.0432743 -0.0142741 0.0100363 0.0433021 -0.0141036 0.0107964 0.0430158 -0.0138254 0.0107956 0.0431191 -0.0138259 0.0101556 0.0432743 -0.0142741 0.0101556 0.0431716 -0.0142741 0.0107964 0.0430158 -0.0138254 0.0101556 0.0432743 -0.0142741 0.0100363 0.0431995 -0.0141037 0.0100363 0.0433021 -0.0141036 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-0.024975 0.054 0.0378444 0.0193406 0.054 0.0343575 0.0250154 0.054 0.0343868 -0.024975 0.054 0.0404178 -0.013139 0.054 0.0378444 0.0193406 0.054 0.0300531 -0.0300502 0.054 0.0343575 0.0250154 0.054 0.024955 0.0344015 0.054 0.0300531 -0.0300502 0.054 0.0343868 -0.024975 0.054 0.0343575 0.0250154 0.054 0.018305 0.00417305 0.054 0.024955 0.0344015 0.054 0.0131171 0.040425 0.054 0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.054 0.0300531 -0.0300502 0.054 0.024955 0.0344015 0.054 0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.054 0.024955 0.0344015 0.054 0.018305 0.00417305 0.054 0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 0.024955 0.0344015 0.054 0.0117071 0.0146778 0.054 0.0131171 0.040425 0.054 -1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.054 0.0169141 0.00814785 0.054 0.018305 0.00417305 0.054 0.0131171 0.040425 0.054 0.0117071 0.0146778 0.054 0.0169141 0.00814785 0.054 0.0131171 0.040425 0.054 -0.00418373 0.0183027 0.054 -1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.054 -0.00666214 0.0419745 0.054 0.00813001 0.016923 0.054 0.0117071 0.0146778 0.054 -1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.054 0.00415169 0.0183099 0.054 0.00813001 0.016923 0.054 -1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.054 -0.00418373 0.0183027 0.054 0.00415169 0.0183099 0.054 -1.3392e-05 0.0425 0.054 -0.0116979 0.0146852 0.054 -0.00666214 0.0419745 0.054 -0.0131457 0.0404157 0.054 -0.0116979 0.0146852 0.054 -0.00418373 0.0183027 0.054 -0.00666214 0.0419745 0.054 -0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.054 -0.0131457 0.0404157 0.054 -0.0249812 0.0343825 0.054 -0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.054 -0.0116979 0.0146852 0.054 -0.0131457 0.0404157 0.054 -0.024955 -0.0344015 0.054 -0.0249812 0.0343825 0.054 -0.0300531 0.0300502 0.054 -0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 -0.0249812 0.0343825 0.054 -0.024955 -0.0344015 0.054 -0.0182998 0.00419563 0.054 -0.0249812 0.0343825 0.054 -0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 -0.0182998 0.00419563 0.054 -0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.054 -0.0249812 0.0343825 0.054 -0.0343575 -0.0250154 0.054 -0.0300531 0.0300502 0.054 -0.0343868 0.024975 0.054 -0.0343575 -0.0250154 0.054 -0.024955 -0.0344015 0.054 -0.0300531 0.0300502 0.054 -0.0378444 -0.0193406 0.054 -0.0343868 0.024975 0.054 -0.0404178 0.013139 0.054 -0.0378444 -0.0193406 0.054 -0.0343575 -0.0250154 0.054 -0.0343868 0.024975 0.054 -0.0419743 -0.00666325 0.054 -0.0404178 0.013139 0.054 -0.0419766 0.00664859 0.054 -0.0404076 -0.0131702 0.054 -0.0378444 -0.0193406 0.054 -0.0404178 0.013139 0.054 -0.0419743 -0.00666325 0.054 -0.0404076 -0.0131702 0.054 -0.0404178 0.013139 0.054 0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.054 0.0131457 -0.0404157 0.054 0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.054 0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.054 0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.054 0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.054 0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.054 0.0249812 -0.0343825 0.054 0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.054 0.00666214 -0.0419745 0.054 0.0131457 -0.0404157 0.054 0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.054 0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.054 0.0131457 -0.0404157 0.054 0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.054 1.3392e-05 -0.0425 0.054 0.00666214 -0.0419745 0.054 0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.054 0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.054 0.00666214 -0.0419745 0.054 -0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.054 -0.0131171 -0.040425 0.054 1.3392e-05 -0.0425 0.054 -0.00813001 -0.016923 0.054 -0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.054 1.3392e-05 -0.0425 0.054 -0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.054 -0.00813001 -0.016923 0.054 1.3392e-05 -0.0425 0.054 0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.054 -0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.054 1.3392e-05 -0.0425 0.054 -0.018305 -0.00417305 0.054 -0.024955 -0.0344015 0.054 -0.0131171 -0.040425 0.054 -0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.054 -0.018305 -0.00417305 0.054 -0.0131171 -0.040425 0.054 -0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.054 -0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.054 -0.0131171 -0.040425 0.054 -0.018305 -0.00417305 0.054 -0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 -0.024955 -0.0344015 0.054 -0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 -0.018305 -0.00417305 0.054 -0.018305 0.00417305 0.0605 -0.0182998 0.00419563 0.054 -0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 -0.018305 0.00417305 0.0605 -0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 -0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.0605 -0.018305 -0.00417305 0.054 -0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.054 -0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.0605 -0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.018305 -0.00417305 0.054 -0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.054 -0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.054 -0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.0605 -0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.054 -0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.0605 -0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.054 -0.00813001 -0.016923 0.054 -0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.0605 -0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.054 -0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.0605 -0.00813001 -0.016923 0.054 -0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.054 -0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.0605 -0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.0605 -0.00813001 -0.016923 0.054 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 -0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.054 0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.054 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 -0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.0605 -0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.054 0.00813001 -0.016923 0.0605 0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.054 0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.054 0.00813001 -0.016923 0.0605 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.054 0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.0605 0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.054 0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.054 0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.0605 0.00813001 -0.016923 0.0605 0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.054 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.054 0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.054 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.0605 0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.054 0.018305 -0.00417305 0.0605 0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.054 0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 0.018305 -0.00417305 0.0605 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.054 0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 0.018305 0.00417305 0.054 0.018305 -0.00417305 0.0605 0.018775 -1.19904e-17 0.054 0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 0.0182998 0.00419563 0.0605 0.018305 0.00417305 0.054 0.0169141 0.00814785 0.054 0.0182998 0.00419563 0.0605 0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 0.018305 0.00417305 0.054 0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.0605 0.0169141 0.00814785 0.054 0.0117071 0.0146778 0.054 0.0182998 0.00419563 0.0605 0.0169141 0.00814785 0.054 0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.0605 0.0116979 0.0146852 0.0605 0.0117071 0.0146778 0.054 0.00813001 0.016923 0.054 0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.0605 0.0117071 0.0146778 0.054 0.0116979 0.0146852 0.0605 0.00418373 0.0183027 0.0605 0.00813001 0.016923 0.054 0.00415169 0.0183099 0.054 0.0116979 0.0146852 0.0605 0.00813001 0.016923 0.054 0.00418373 0.0183027 0.0605 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 0.00415169 0.0183099 0.054 -0.00418373 0.0183027 0.054 0.00418373 0.0183027 0.0605 0.00415169 0.0183099 0.054 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 -0.00813001 0.016923 0.0605 -0.00418373 0.0183027 0.054 -0.0116979 0.0146852 0.054 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 -0.00418373 0.0183027 0.054 -0.00813001 0.016923 0.0605 -0.0117071 0.0146778 0.0605 -0.0116979 0.0146852 0.054 -0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.054 -0.00813001 0.016923 0.0605 -0.0116979 0.0146852 0.054 -0.0117071 0.0146778 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.054 -0.0182998 0.00419563 0.054 -0.0117071 0.0146778 0.0605 -0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.054 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.0182998 0.00419563 0.054 -0.018305 0.00417305 0.0605 0.0182998 0.00419563 0.0605 0.018305 -0.00417305 0.0605 0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.018305 0.00417305 0.0605 -0.018775 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.0605 -0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.018305 0.00417305 0.0605 -0.0182998 -0.00419563 0.0605 -0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.0605 -0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.0605 -0.015 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.0605 -0.015 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.0168996 -0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0106204 -0.010592 0.0605 -0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.0605 -0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.0605 -0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.0605 -0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.0605 -0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.0605 -0.0106204 -0.010592 0.0605 -0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.0605 -0.0116979 -0.0146852 0.0605 -0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.0605 -0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.0605 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 -0.00750292 -0.0129882 0.0605 -0.0106204 -0.010592 0.0605 -0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.0605 -0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.0605 -0.00750292 -0.0129882 0.0605 -0.00418373 -0.0183027 0.0605 0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.0605 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 0.00813001 -0.016923 0.0605 6.30222e-06 -0.0149996 0.0605 -0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.0605 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 0.00388237 -0.0144888 0.0605 6.30222e-06 -0.0149996 0.0605 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.0605 0.00388237 -0.0144888 0.0605 0.00415169 -0.0183099 0.0605 0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.0605 0.00813001 -0.016923 0.0605 0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.0605 0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.0605 0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.0605 0.00813001 -0.016923 0.0605 0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.0605 0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.0605 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.0605 0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.0605 0.0117071 -0.0146778 0.0605 0.0182998 0.00419563 0.0605 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.018305 -0.00417305 0.0605 0.0182998 0.00419563 0.0605 0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.0605 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.015 -8.22953e-18 0.0605 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.0605 0.014484 -0.00389863 0.0605 0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.0605 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 0.015 -8.22953e-18 0.0605 0.014484 -0.00389863 0.0605 0.0169141 -0.00814785 0.0605 -0.0129741 0.00752737 0.0605 -0.0117071 0.0146778 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.014484 0.00389863 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.015 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.014484 0.00389863 0.0605 -0.0129741 0.00752737 0.0605 -0.0169141 0.00814785 0.0605 -0.0105993 0.0106132 0.0605 -0.00813001 0.016923 0.0605 -0.0117071 0.0146778 0.0605 -0.0129741 0.00752737 0.0605 -0.0105993 0.0106132 0.0605 -0.0117071 0.0146778 0.0605 -0.0074916 0.0129948 0.0605 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 -0.00813001 0.016923 0.0605 -0.0105993 0.0106132 0.0605 -0.0074916 0.0129948 0.0605 -0.00813001 0.016923 0.0605 0.00387709 0.0144903 0.0605 0.00418373 0.0183027 0.0605 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 -6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.0605 0.00387709 0.0144903 0.0605 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 -0.00388237 0.0144888 0.0605 -6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.0605 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 -0.0074916 0.0129948 0.0605 -0.00388237 0.0144888 0.0605 -0.00415169 0.0183099 0.0605 0.0106204 0.010592 0.0605 0.0116979 0.0146852 0.0605 0.00418373 0.0183027 0.0605 0.00750292 0.0129882 0.0605 0.0106204 0.010592 0.0605 0.00418373 0.0183027 0.0605 0.00387709 0.0144903 0.0605 0.00750292 0.0129882 0.0605 0.00418373 0.0183027 0.0605 0.0144893 0.00387885 0.0605 0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.0605 0.0116979 0.0146852 0.0605 0.0129902 0.00749965 0.0605 0.0144893 0.00387885 0.0605 0.0116979 0.0146852 0.0605 0.0106204 0.010592 0.0605 0.0129902 0.00749965 0.0605 0.0116979 0.0146852 0.0605 0.0144893 0.00387885 0.0605 0.015 -8.22953e-18 0.0605 0.0168996 0.008177810000000001 0.0605 -0.0146173 -1.16268e-17 0.0604239 -0.015 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.0605 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.014484 0.00389863 0.0605 -0.015 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.015 -1.34337e-17 0.0605 -0.0146173 -1.16268e-17 0.0604239 -0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.0605 -0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.0605 -0.0142929 -1.16183e-17 0.0602071 -0.0146173 -1.16268e-17 0.0604239 -0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.0605 -0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.0142929 -1.16183e-17 0.0602071 -0.0144893 -0.00387885 0.0605 -0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.0605 -0.0106204 -0.010592 0.0605 -0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.0129902 -0.00749965 0.0605 -0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.0106204 -0.010592 0.0605 -0.00750292 -0.0129882 0.0605 -0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.0106204 -0.010592 0.0605 -0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 -0.00750292 -0.0129882 0.0605 -0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.0605 -0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 -0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.00750292 -0.0129882 0.0605 -2.62548e-18 -0.0142929 0.0602071 -0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.0605 6.30222e-06 -0.0149996 0.0605 -0.00369927 -0.0138059 0.0602071 -0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 -0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.0605 -2.62548e-18 -0.0142929 0.0602071 -0.00369927 -0.0138059 0.0602071 -0.00387709 -0.0144903 0.0605 -2.62548e-18 -0.0142929 0.0602071 6.30222e-06 -0.0149996 0.0605 0.00388237 -0.0144888 0.0605 0.00369927 -0.0138059 0.0602071 0.00388237 -0.0144888 0.0605 0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.0605 0.00369927 -0.0138059 0.0602071 -2.62548e-18 -0.0142929 0.0602071 0.00388237 -0.0144888 0.0605 0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.0605 0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.0605 0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 0.00369927 -0.0138059 0.0602071 0.0074916 -0.0129948 0.0605 0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.0605 0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.0605 0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 0.0105993 -0.0106132 0.0605 0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.0605 0.014484 -0.00389863 0.0605 0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 0.0129741 -0.00752737 0.0605 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 0.014484 -0.00389863 0.0605 0.015 -8.22953e-18 0.0605 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 0.014484 -0.00389863 0.0605 0.0146173 -1.34168e-17 0.0604239 0.015 -8.22953e-18 0.0605 0.0144893 0.00387885 0.0605 0.0146173 -1.34168e-17 0.0604239 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 0.015 -8.22953e-18 0.0605 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 0.0144893 0.00387885 0.0605 0.0129902 0.00749965 0.0605 0.0146173 -1.34168e-17 0.0604239 0.0144893 0.00387885 0.0605 0.0142929 -1.33687e-17 0.0602071 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 0.0142929 -1.33687e-17 0.0602071 0.0144893 0.00387885 0.0605 0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0129902 0.00749965 0.0605 0.0106204 0.010592 0.0605 0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 0.0129902 0.00749965 0.0605 0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 0.0106204 0.010592 0.0605 0.00750292 0.0129882 0.0605 0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0106204 0.010592 0.0605 0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 0.00750292 0.0129882 0.0605 0.00387709 0.0144903 0.0605 0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 0.00750292 0.0129882 0.0605 -2.2985e-18 0.0142929 0.0602071 0.00387709 0.0144903 0.0605 -6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.0605 0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 0.00387709 0.0144903 0.0605 -2.2985e-18 0.0142929 0.0602071 0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 0.00387709 0.0144903 0.0605 -2.2985e-18 0.0142929 0.0602071 -6.30222e-06 0.0149996 0.0605 -0.00388237 0.0144888 0.0605 -0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 -0.00388237 0.0144888 0.0605 -0.0074916 0.0129948 0.0605 -0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 -2.2985e-18 0.0142929 0.0602071 -0.00388237 0.0144888 0.0605 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 -0.0074916 0.0129948 0.0605 -0.0105993 0.0106132 0.0605 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 -0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 -0.0074916 0.0129948 0.0605 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.0105993 0.0106132 0.0605 -0.0129741 0.00752737 0.0605 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 -0.0105993 0.0106132 0.0605 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.0129741 0.00752737 0.0605 -0.014484 0.00389863 0.0605 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.0129741 0.00752737 0.0605 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.014484 0.00389863 0.0605 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.0146173 -1.16268e-17 0.0604239 -0.0142929 -1.16183e-17 0.0602071 -0.0140761 -1.15729e-17 0.0598827 -0.0142929 -1.16183e-17 0.0602071 -0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.0142929 -1.16183e-17 0.0602071 -0.0140761 -1.15729e-17 0.0598827 -0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 -0.0142929 -1.16183e-17 0.0602071 -0.014 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0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 -1.50062e-17 -0.014 0.0595 0.00714645 -0.012378 0.0602071 0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 0.0101066 -0.0101066 0.0602071 0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 0.012378 -0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 0.0146173 -1.34168e-17 0.0604239 0.0142929 -1.33687e-17 0.0602071 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 0.0138059 -0.00369927 0.0602071 0.0142929 -1.33687e-17 0.0602071 0.0140761 -1.67442e-17 0.0598827 0.0142929 -1.33687e-17 0.0602071 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 0.0142929 -1.33687e-17 0.0602071 0.0140761 -1.67442e-17 0.0598827 0.014 -1.32117e-17 0.0595 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0140761 -1.67442e-17 0.0598827 0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 0.014 -1.32117e-17 0.0595 0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 0.014 -1.32117e-17 0.0595 0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 -2.2985e-18 0.0142929 0.0602071 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.0595 -2.2985e-18 0.0142929 0.0602071 -0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.0595 0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 -2.2985e-18 0.0142929 0.0602071 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.0595 -0.00369927 0.0138059 0.0602071 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 -0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.0595 -0.00714645 0.012378 0.0602071 -0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0602071 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0602071 -0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 -0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0602071 0.014 -1.04361e-17 0.047 0.014 -1.32117e-17 0.0595 0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 0.0140761 -1.67442e-17 0.0598827 0.014 -1.32117e-17 0.0595 0.0121244 -0.007 0.047 0.014 -1.32117e-17 0.0595 0.014 -1.04361e-17 0.047 0.0121244 -0.007 0.047 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 0.014 -1.32117e-17 0.0595 0.0121244 0.007 0.047 0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 0.0121244 0.007 0.047 0.014 -1.04361e-17 0.047 0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 0.007 0.0121244 0.047 0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.0595 0.007 0.0121244 0.047 0.0121244 0.007 0.047 0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.047 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.0595 -0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.047 0.007 0.0121244 0.047 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.0595 -0.007 0.0121244 0.047 -0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 -0.0121244 0.007 0.0595 -0.007 0.0121244 0.047 8.57224e-19 0.014 0.047 -0.007 0.0121244 0.0595 -0.0140761 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0.007 0.047 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0462929 -0.0101066 0.0101066 0.0462929 -0.0121244 0.007 0.047 -0.0121244 -0.007 0.047 -0.014 -8.72165e-18 0.047 -0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 -0.0140761 -1.37987e-17 0.0466173 -0.014 -8.72165e-18 0.047 -0.0121244 -0.007 0.047 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0462929 -0.014 -8.72165e-18 0.047 -0.0140761 -1.37987e-17 0.0466173 -0.0138059 0.00369927 0.0462929 -0.012378 0.00714645 0.0462929 -0.014 -8.72165e-18 0.047 0.007 -0.0121244 0.047 0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 0.0121244 -0.007 0.047 0.007 -0.0121244 0.047 0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 9.862820000000001e-18 -0.014 0.047 -1.50062e-17 -0.014 0.0595 0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 0.007 -0.0121244 0.047 9.862820000000001e-18 -0.014 0.047 0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 -0.007 -0.0121244 0.047 -0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 -1.50062e-17 -0.014 0.0595 9.862820000000001e-18 -0.014 0.047 -0.007 -0.0121244 0.047 -1.50062e-17 -0.014 0.0595 -0.0121244 -0.007 0.047 -0.0121244 -0.007 0.0595 -0.007 -0.0121244 0.0595 -0.007 -0.0121244 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-0.0191971 0.0156459 0.0035733 -0.0191971 0.0156459 0.00430475 -0.019599 0.0170119 0.00834262 -0.019599 0.0154331 0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 0.00834262 -0.019599 0.0154331 0.0118613 -0.019599 0.0129168 0.0035733 -0.0191971 0.0156459 0.00834262 -0.019599 0.0154331 0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 0.0118613 -0.019599 0.0129168 0.0146562 -0.019599 0.009611959999999999 0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 0.0146562 -0.019599 0.009611959999999999 0.016555 -0.019599 0.00572255 0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 0.0146562 -0.019599 0.009611959999999999 0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 0.016555 -0.019599 0.00572255 0.0174405 -0.019599 0.00148831 0.0159997 -0.0191971 -4.31147e-05 0.0174405 -0.019599 0.00148831 0.0172588 -0.019599 -0.00284335 0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 0.0174405 -0.019599 0.00148831 0.0159997 -0.0191971 -4.31147e-05 0.019 -0.019599 -0.007 0.0160171 -0.019599 -0.007 0.0172588 -0.019599 -0.00284335 0.0159997 -0.0191971 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0.00572275 -0.0146561 -0.019599 0.00961215 -0.0159997 -0.0191971 -4.31147e-05 -0.016555 -0.019599 0.00572275 -0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 -0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 -0.0146561 -0.019599 0.00961215 -0.0118612 -0.019599 0.012917 -0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 -0.0118612 -0.019599 0.012917 -0.008342469999999999 -0.019599 0.0154332 -0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 -0.0118612 -0.019599 0.012917 -0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 -0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 -0.008342469999999999 -0.019599 0.0154332 -0.00430466 -0.019599 0.0170119 -0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 -0.00430466 -0.019599 0.0170119 -0.0035733 -0.0191971 0.0156459 -0.0148783 -0.0180976 -0.000774696 -0.0130638 -0.0182252 -0.00727867 -0.0143265 -0.0191778 -0.007 -0.0143265 -0.020599 -0.007 -0.0143265 -0.0191778 -0.007 -0.0130638 -0.0182252 -0.00727867 -0.0143632 -0.0191972 -0.007 -0.0148783 -0.0180976 -0.000774696 -0.0143265 -0.0191778 -0.007 -0.0143265 -0.020599 -0.007 -0.0143632 -0.0191972 -0.007 -0.0143265 -0.0191778 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-0.0180976 0.0145508 -0.00343061 -0.0180976 0.0145509 -2.00371e-18 -0.016599 0.01455 -0.00343061 -0.0180976 0.0145509 0.00343066 -0.0180976 0.0145508 -0.0035733 -0.0191971 0.0156459 0.0035733 -0.0191971 0.0156459 -0.00343061 -0.0180976 0.0145509 -0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 -0.0035733 -0.0191971 0.0156459 -0.00343061 -0.0180976 0.0145509 -0.00375288 -0.016599 0.0140559 -0.00725 -0.016599 0.0126074 -0.00343061 -0.0180976 0.0145509 -2.00371e-18 -0.016599 0.01455 -0.00375288 -0.016599 0.0140559 -0.00343061 -0.0180976 0.0145509 0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 0.00956457 -0.0180976 0.0114764 0.00343066 -0.0180976 0.0145508 0.00375288 -0.016599 0.0140559 0.00343066 -0.0180976 0.0145508 0.00956457 -0.0180976 0.0114764 0.0035733 -0.0191971 0.0156459 0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 0.00343066 -0.0180976 0.0145508 0.00375288 -0.016599 0.0140559 -2.00371e-18 -0.016599 0.01455 0.00343066 -0.0180976 0.0145508 0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 0.0136706 -0.0180976 0.0059794 0.00956457 -0.0180976 0.0114764 0.010253 -0.016599 0.010303 0.00956457 -0.0180976 0.0114764 0.0136706 -0.0180976 0.0059794 0.010007 -0.0191971 0.0125344 0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 0.00956457 -0.0180976 0.0114764 0.00725 -0.016599 0.0126074 0.00375288 -0.016599 0.0140559 0.00956457 -0.0180976 0.0114764 0.010253 -0.016599 0.010303 0.00725 -0.016599 0.0126074 0.00956457 -0.0180976 0.0114764 0.0159997 -0.0191971 -4.31147e-05 0.0148783 -0.0180976 -0.000774748 0.0136706 -0.0180976 0.0059794 0.0140059 -0.016599 0.00380288 0.0136706 -0.0180976 0.0059794 0.0148783 -0.0180976 -0.000774748 0.0144442 -0.0191971 0.00693216 0.0159997 -0.0191971 -4.31147e-05 0.0136706 -0.0180976 0.0059794 0.0125574 -0.016599 0.0073 0.010253 -0.016599 0.010303 0.0136706 -0.0180976 0.0059794 0.0140059 -0.016599 0.00380288 0.0125574 -0.016599 0.0073 0.0136706 -0.0180976 0.0059794 0.0130642 -0.0182256 -0.00727848 0.0129498 -0.0181082 -0.00733452 0.0148783 -0.0180976 -0.000774748 0.013827 -0.016599 -0.00431622 0.0148783 -0.0180976 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0.0143265 -0.0191778 -0.007 0.0143265 -0.020599 -0.007 0.0143265 -0.0191778 -0.007 0.0143632 -0.0191972 -0.007 0.0129424 -0.020599 -0.00733838 0.0143265 -0.0191778 -0.007 0.0143265 -0.020599 -0.007 0.0151432 -0.0194913 -0.007 0.0143632 -0.0191972 -0.007 0.0159997 -0.0191971 -4.31147e-05 0.0143265 -0.020599 -0.007 0.0143632 -0.0191972 -0.007 0.0151432 -0.0194913 -0.007 -0.0143265 -0.020599 -0.007 -0.0151431 -0.0194913 -0.007 -0.0143632 -0.0191972 -0.007 -0.012557 -0.014599 -0.00719994 -0.0118705 -0.016599 -0.008277140000000001 -0.013827 -0.016599 -0.00431622 -0.0129424 -0.020599 -0.00733838 -0.0118705 -0.016599 -0.008277140000000001 -0.0118705 -0.020599 -0.008277140000000001 -0.00725498 -0.014599 -0.012504 -0.0118705 -0.020599 -0.008277140000000001 -0.0118705 -0.016599 -0.008277140000000001 -0.012557 -0.014599 -0.00719994 -0.00725498 -0.014599 -0.012504 -0.0118705 -0.016599 -0.008277140000000001 -0.012557 -0.014599 -0.00719994 -0.013827 -0.016599 -0.00431622 -0.0145 -0.016599 5e-05 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-0.007 -0.000377577 -0.057095 -0.007 -0.00822614 -0.0562254 -0.007 -0.00740628 -0.0569794 -0.00685355 -0.013685 -0.052784 -0.00685355 -0.00822614 -0.0562254 -0.007 1.18502e-18 -0.0584526 -0.00685355 -0.00420038 -0.0576285 -0.007 0.00423398 -0.057621 -0.007 1.18502e-18 -0.0584526 -0.00685355 -0.00740628 -0.0569794 -0.00685355 -0.00420038 -0.0576285 -0.007 0.00663045 -0.0558331 -0.007 0.0118377 -0.0539605 -0.007 0.00423398 -0.057621 -0.007 0.00740628 -0.0569794 -0.00685355 0.00423398 -0.057621 -0.007 0.0118377 -0.0539605 -0.007 0.00663045 -0.0558331 -0.007 0.00423398 -0.057621 -0.007 -0.000377577 -0.057095 -0.007 0.00740628 -0.0569794 -0.00685355 1.18502e-18 -0.0584526 -0.00685355 0.00423398 -0.057621 -0.007 0.0125935 -0.0519594 -0.007 0.0171021 -0.0473748 -0.007 0.0118377 -0.0539605 -0.007 0.013685 -0.052784 -0.00685355 0.0118377 -0.0539605 -0.007 0.0171021 -0.0473748 -0.007 0.00663045 -0.0558331 -0.007 0.0125935 -0.0519594 -0.007 0.0118377 -0.0539605 -0.007 0.013685 -0.052784 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-0.014057 -0.00824539 0.0435768 -0.0142365 -0.00830141 0.0435661 -0.0147668 -0.00824539 0.0435768 -0.0142365 -0.008242319999999999 0.0435774 -0.0145126 -0.00854566 0.0435189 -0.0145403 -0.0085255 0.0435228 -0.0152536 -0.0088228 0.0434636 -0.0156657 -0.00896275 0.0434349 -0.0153851 -0.0088228 0.0434636 -0.0156657 -0.009150810000000001 0.0433957 -0.0159022 -0.008730740000000001 0.0434821 -0.0149833 -0.0088228 0.0434636 -0.0156657 -0.008825370000000001 0.043463 -0.0146621 -0.00896275 0.0434349 -0.0153851 -0.008825370000000001 0.043463 -0.0146621 -0.0088228 0.0434636 -0.0156657 -0.00861515 0.0435052 -0.0147532 -0.0088228 0.0434636 -0.0156657 -0.008730740000000001 0.0434821 -0.0149833 -0.00854566 0.0435189 -0.0145403 -0.0088228 0.0434636 -0.0156657 -0.00861515 0.0435052 -0.0147532 -0.00931307 0.0433611 -0.0156656 -0.009150810000000001 0.0433957 -0.0159022 -0.00949673 0.0433213 -0.0159572 -0.00912758 0.0434006 -0.015571 -0.00896275 0.0434349 -0.0153851 -0.009150810000000001 0.0433957 -0.0159022 -0.00931307 0.0433611 -0.0156656 -0.00912758 0.0434006 -0.015571 -0.009150810000000001 0.0433957 -0.0159022 -0.00969195 0.043278 -0.0156106 -0.00949673 0.0433213 -0.0159572 -0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0158425 -0.00969195 0.043278 -0.0156106 -0.00931307 0.0433611 -0.0156656 -0.00949673 0.0433213 -0.0159572 -0.00991887 0.0432266 -0.0153164 -0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0158425 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.00991887 0.0432266 -0.0153164 -0.00969195 0.043278 -0.0156106 -0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0158425 -0.0101041 0.0431837 -0.0147335 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.0102099 0.0431588 -0.0153887 -0.009903260000000001 0.0432302 -0.0144878 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.0101041 0.0431837 -0.0147335 -0.00992201 0.0432259 -0.0151136 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.009903260000000001 0.0432302 -0.0144878 -0.00992201 0.0432259 -0.0151136 -0.00991887 0.0432266 -0.0153164 -0.0100869 0.0431877 -0.015641 -0.0101041 0.0431837 -0.0147335 -0.0102099 0.0431588 -0.0153887 -0.0102246 0.0431553 -0.0150831 -0.009838029999999999 0.0432451 -0.0148984 -0.009903260000000001 0.0432302 -0.0144878 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.00992201 0.0432259 -0.0151136 -0.009903260000000001 0.0432302 -0.0144878 -0.009838029999999999 0.0432451 -0.0148984 -0.00951514 0.0433173 -0.0146304 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.009083519999999999 0.0434098 -0.0144081 -0.00968961 0.0432786 -0.0147182 -0.009838029999999999 0.0432451 -0.0148984 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.00951514 0.0433173 -0.0146304 -0.00968961 0.0432786 -0.0147182 -0.00964721 0.043288 -0.0143476 -0.00898531 0.0434303 -0.0148387 -0.009083519999999999 0.0434098 -0.0144081 -0.00893097 0.0434415 -0.0145253 -0.00914938 0.043396 -0.0146953 -0.00951514 0.0433173 -0.0146304 -0.009083519999999999 0.0434098 -0.0144081 -0.00898531 0.0434303 -0.0148387 -0.00914938 0.043396 -0.0146953 -0.009083519999999999 0.0434098 -0.0144081 -0.008900129999999999 0.0434478 -0.0150244 -0.00893097 0.0434415 -0.0145253 -0.008825370000000001 0.043463 -0.0146621 -0.008900129999999999 0.0434478 -0.0150244 -0.00898531 0.0434303 -0.0148387 -0.00893097 0.0434415 -0.0145253 -0.00896275 0.0434349 -0.0153851 -0.008900129999999999 0.0434478 -0.0150244 -0.008825370000000001 0.043463 -0.0146621 -0.00915409 0.043395 -0.0135726 -0.00909312 0.0434078 -0.0138967 -0.009210360000000001 0.0433831 -0.0139599 -0.00915409 0.043395 -0.0135726 -0.009210360000000001 0.0433831 -0.0139599 -0.009316110000000001 0.0433605 -0.014057 -0.009391399999999999 0.0433443 -0.0136654 -0.009316110000000001 0.0433605 -0.014057 -0.00945681 0.04333 -0.0139559 -0.00915409 0.043395 -0.0135726 -0.009316110000000001 0.0433605 -0.014057 -0.009391399999999999 0.0433443 -0.0136654 -0.009391399999999999 0.0433443 -0.0136654 -0.00945681 0.04333 -0.0139559 -0.009597369999999999 0.0432991 -0.0138548 -0.009838029999999999 0.0433476 -0.0148984 -0.009838029999999999 0.0432451 -0.0148984 -0.00968961 0.0432786 -0.0147182 -0.00992053 0.0433288 -0.0151065 -0.00992201 0.0432259 -0.0151136 -0.009838029999999999 0.0432451 -0.0148984 -0.00992053 0.0433288 -0.0151065 -0.009838029999999999 0.0432451 -0.0148984 -0.009838029999999999 0.0433476 -0.0148984 -0.00951923 0.0434187 -0.0146314 -0.00968961 0.0432786 -0.0147182 -0.00951514 0.0433173 -0.0146304 -0.009697310000000001 0.0433793 -0.0147246 -0.009838029999999999 0.0433476 -0.0148984 -0.00968961 0.0432786 -0.0147182 -0.009697310000000001 0.0433793 -0.0147246 -0.00968961 0.0432786 -0.0147182 -0.00951923 0.0434187 -0.0146314 -0.00951923 0.0434187 -0.0146314 -0.00951514 0.0433173 -0.0146304 -0.00914938 0.043396 -0.0146953 -0.00914938 0.0434982 -0.0146953 -0.00914938 0.043396 -0.0146953 -0.00898531 0.0434303 -0.0148387 -0.00951923 0.0434187 -0.0146314 -0.00914938 0.043396 -0.0146953 -0.00914938 0.0434982 -0.0146953 -0.00890811 0.0435482 -0.0149947 -0.00898531 0.0434303 -0.0148387 -0.008900129999999999 0.0434478 -0.0150244 -0.00914938 0.0434982 -0.0146953 -0.00898531 0.0434303 -0.0148387 -0.00890811 0.0435482 -0.0149947 -0.00889181 0.0435516 -0.0151859 -0.008900129999999999 0.0434478 -0.0150244 -0.00896275 0.0434349 -0.0153851 -0.00890811 0.0435482 -0.0149947 -0.008900129999999999 0.0434478 -0.0150244 -0.00889181 0.0435516 -0.0151859 -0.00896275 0.043537 -0.0153851 -0.00896275 0.0434349 -0.0153851 -0.00912758 0.0434006 -0.015571 -0.00889181 0.0435516 -0.0151859 -0.00896275 0.0434349 -0.0153851 -0.00896275 0.043537 -0.0153851 -0.009127410000000001 0.0435028 -0.0155709 -0.00912758 0.0434006 -0.015571 -0.00931307 0.0433611 -0.0156656 -0.00896275 0.043537 -0.0153851 -0.00912758 0.0434006 -0.015571 -0.009127410000000001 0.0435028 -0.0155709 -0.009313500000000001 0.0434633 -0.0156657 -0.00931307 0.0433611 -0.0156656 -0.00969195 0.043278 -0.0156106 -0.009127410000000001 0.0435028 -0.0155709 -0.00931307 0.0433611 -0.0156656 -0.009313500000000001 0.0434633 -0.0156657 -0.00969195 0.0433805 -0.0156106 -0.00969195 0.043278 -0.0156106 -0.00991887 0.0432266 -0.0153164 -0.009313500000000001 0.0434633 -0.0156657 -0.00969195 0.043278 -0.0156106 -0.00969195 0.0433805 -0.0156106 -0.009920689999999999 0.0433288 -0.0153083 -0.00991887 0.0432266 -0.0153164 -0.00992201 0.0432259 -0.0151136 -0.009920689999999999 0.0433288 -0.0153083 -0.00969195 0.0433805 -0.0156106 -0.00991887 0.0432266 -0.0153164 -0.00992053 0.0433288 -0.0151065 -0.009920689999999999 0.0433288 -0.0153083 -0.00992201 0.0432259 -0.0151136 -0.00992053 0.0433288 -0.0151065 -0.009838029999999999 0.0433476 -0.0148984 -0.009920689999999999 0.0433288 -0.0153083 -0.009697310000000001 0.0433793 -0.0147246 -0.009920689999999999 0.0433288 -0.0153083 -0.009838029999999999 0.0433476 -0.0148984 -0.009697310000000001 0.0433793 -0.0147246 -0.00969195 0.0433805 -0.0156106 -0.009920689999999999 0.0433288 -0.0153083 -0.00951923 0.0434187 -0.0146314 -0.009313500000000001 0.0434633 -0.0156657 -0.00969195 0.0433805 -0.0156106 -0.009697310000000001 0.0433793 -0.0147246 -0.00951923 0.0434187 -0.0146314 -0.00969195 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-0.0077211 0.0436727 -0.0168866 -0.00779408 0.0436598 -0.0165469 -0.00757165 0.0436989 -0.0162927 -0.0077211 0.0436727 -0.0168866 -0.0076803 0.0436799 -0.0164434 -0.00807693 0.0436083 -0.016543 -0.007957769999999999 0.0436302 -0.0168915 -0.008205469999999999 0.0435843 -0.016794 -0.00779408 0.0436598 -0.0165469 -0.007957769999999999 0.0436302 -0.0168915 -0.00807693 0.0436083 -0.016543 -0.00822876 0.0435799 -0.0162895 -0.008205469999999999 0.0435843 -0.016794 -0.00844844 0.0435379 -0.0165841 -0.008192110000000001 0.0435868 -0.0164306 -0.008205469999999999 0.0435843 -0.016794 -0.00822876 0.0435799 -0.0162895 -0.00807693 0.0436083 -0.016543 -0.008205469999999999 0.0435843 -0.016794 -0.008192110000000001 0.0435868 -0.0164306 -0.008524759999999999 0.043523 -0.0160632 -0.00844844 0.0435379 -0.0165841 -0.008552300000000001 0.0435176 -0.0163405 -0.008381370000000001 0.0435508 -0.0157507 -0.00844844 0.0435379 -0.0165841 -0.008524759999999999 0.043523 -0.0160632 -0.00822876 0.0435799 -0.0162895 -0.00844844 0.0435379 -0.0165841 -0.008381370000000001 0.0435508 -0.0157507 -0.00822876 0.0435799 -0.0162895 -0.008381370000000001 0.0435508 -0.0157507 -0.00796767 0.0436284 -0.0150342 -0.00767319 0.0436812 -0.0152169 -0.00796767 0.0436284 -0.0150342 -0.00755308 0.0437021 -0.0143161 -0.00809239 0.0436055 -0.015943 -0.00796767 0.0436284 -0.0150342 -0.00767319 0.0436812 -0.0152169 -0.00818732 0.0435877 -0.0161277 -0.00796767 0.0436284 -0.0150342 -0.00809239 0.0436055 -0.015943 -0.00822876 0.0435799 -0.0162895 -0.00796767 0.0436284 -0.0150342 -0.00818732 0.0435877 -0.0161277 -0.00767319 0.0436812 -0.0152169 -0.00755308 0.0437021 -0.0143161 -0.00740315 0.0437277 -0.0144026 -0.00767319 0.0436812 -0.0152169 -0.00740315 0.0437277 -0.0144026 -0.0072531 0.0437529 -0.0144893 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 -0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 -0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 -0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 -0.00669257 0.0438421 -0.0164181 -0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00565441 0.0439881 -0.0161322 -0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 -0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 -0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 -0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 -0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 -0.00359109 0.0442044 -0.0176327 -0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 -0.0035417 0.0442084 -0.0171737 -0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 -0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 -0.00359109 0.0442044 -0.0176327 -0.00359109 0.0442044 -0.0176327 -0.0035417 0.0442084 -0.0171737 -0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 -0.00359109 0.0442044 -0.0176327 -0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 -0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 0.00612943 0.0439244 -0.0173359 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00605284 0.0439349 -0.0171418 0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 0.0035911 0.0442044 -0.0176327 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00597625 0.0439455 -0.0169478 0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 0.00340369 0.0442192 -0.0172032 0.0035911 0.0442044 -0.0176327 0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 0.0035911 0.0442044 -0.0176327 0.00340369 0.0442192 -0.0172032 0.00340369 0.0442192 -0.0172032 0.00115651 0.0443349 -0.0179692 0.00122867 0.044333 -0.0175039 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00580764 0.0439681 -0.0165205 0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00573103 0.0439781 -0.0163264 0.00565441 0.0439881 -0.0161322 0.00641117 0.0438842 -0.0168767 0.00617395 0.0439182 -0.0162753 0.00669257 0.0438421 -0.0164181 -0.0116031 0.04313 -0.0062166 -0.0135284 0.042495 -0.00454508 -0.0138999 0.042495 -0.00325536 -0.0128299 0.04313 -0.00300091 -0.0138999 0.042495 -0.00325536 -0.0142245 0.042495 0.00139067 -0.0128299 0.04313 -0.00300091 -0.0116031 0.04313 -0.0062166 -0.0138999 0.042495 -0.00325536 -0.0131813 0.04313 0.000440539 -0.0128299 0.04313 -0.00300091 -0.0142245 0.042495 0.00139067 -0.0126253 0.04313 0.00385756 -0.0131813 0.04313 0.000440539 -0.0142245 0.042495 0.00139067 0.0128299 0.04313 0.00310091 0.0138999 0.042495 0.00335536 0.0142245 0.042495 -0.00129067 0.0131813 0.04313 -0.000340539 0.0128299 0.04313 0.00310091 0.0142245 0.042495 -0.00129067 0.0126253 0.04313 -0.00375756 0.0131813 0.04313 -0.000340539 0.0142245 0.042495 -0.00129067 0.0116031 0.04313 0.0063166 0.0138999 0.042495 0.00335536 0.0128299 0.04313 0.00310091 0.0116031 0.04313 0.0063166 0.0135284 0.042495 0.00464508 0.0138999 0.042495 0.00335536 0.0116031 0.04313 0.0063166 0.0128299 0.04313 0.00310091 0.0131813 0.04313 -0.000340539 0.009581060000000001 0.04313 0.009110999999999999 0.0131813 0.04313 -0.000340539 0.0126253 0.04313 -0.00375756 0.0116031 0.04313 0.0063166 0.0131813 0.04313 -0.000340539 0.009581060000000001 0.04313 0.009110999999999999 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 0.00904278 0.04313 -0.009548620000000001 0.0126253 0.04313 -0.00375756 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 0.0126253 0.04313 -0.00375756 0.00904278 0.04313 -0.009548620000000001 0.009581060000000001 0.04313 0.009110999999999999 0.0126253 0.04313 -0.00375756 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 0.00305131 0.04313 -0.0127798 0.00904278 0.04313 -0.009548620000000001 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 0.00904278 0.04313 -0.009548620000000001 0.00305131 0.04313 -0.0127798 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 0.00904278 0.04313 -0.009548620000000001 0 0.042495 -0.0142375 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 0.00305131 0.04313 -0.0127798 -0.00305131 0.04313 0.0128798 0.00305131 0.04313 -0.0127798 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 0 0.042495 -0.0142375 0.00305131 0.04313 -0.0127798 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 0.00305131 0.04313 -0.0127798 -0.00305131 0.04313 0.0128798 -0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 -0.009581060000000001 0.04313 -0.009011 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 -0.0126253 0.04313 0.00385756 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 -0.009581060000000001 0.04313 -0.009011 -0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 -0.009907569999999999 0.042495 -0.0102443 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 0 0.042495 -0.0142375 -0.00534101 0.042495 -0.0132017 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 -0.00904278 0.04313 0.00964862 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 -0.0126253 0.04313 0.00385756 -0.00305131 0.04313 0.0128798 -0.0037739 0.04313 -0.0125857 -0.00904278 0.04313 0.00964862 -0.0131813 0.04313 0.000440539 -0.009581060000000001 0.04313 -0.009011 -0.0116031 0.04313 -0.0062166 -0.0126253 0.04313 0.00385756 -0.009581060000000001 0.04313 -0.009011 -0.0131813 0.04313 0.000440539 -0.0131813 0.04313 0.000440539 -0.0116031 0.04313 -0.0062166 -0.0128299 0.04313 -0.00300091 -0.009907569999999999 0.042495 0.0103443 -0.00904278 0.04313 0.00964862 -0.0126253 0.04313 0.00385756 -0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 -0.00305131 0.04313 0.0128798 -0.00904278 0.04313 0.00964862 -0.009907569999999999 0.042495 0.0103443 -0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 -0.00904278 0.04313 0.00964862 -1.74966e-18 0.042495 0.0143375 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 -0.00305131 0.04313 0.0128798 -0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 -1.74966e-18 0.042495 0.0143375 -0.00305131 0.04313 0.0128798 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 0.0103443 0.009581060000000001 0.04313 0.009110999999999999 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 0.009907569999999999 0.042495 0.0103443 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 -1.74966e-18 0.042495 0.0143375 0.00534101 0.042495 0.0133017 0.0037739 0.04313 0.0126857 0.00693784 0.043804 -0.0152712 0.00696922 0.043799 -0.015412 0.00681141 0.0438238 -0.0154832 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.00681141 0.0438238 -0.0154832 0.0066535 0.0438481 -0.0155545 0.00694187 0.0438033 -0.0151387 0.00681141 0.0438238 -0.0154832 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.00693784 0.043804 -0.0152712 0.00681141 0.0438238 -0.0154832 0.00694187 0.0438033 -0.0151387 0.00663092 0.0438515 -0.0150289 0.0066535 0.0438481 -0.0155545 0.00659248 0.0438573 -0.0152814 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.0066535 0.0438481 -0.0155545 0.00663092 0.0438515 -0.0150289 0.00701207 0.0437922 -0.0149892 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.00715015 0.0437698 -0.0145691 0.00694187 0.0438033 -0.0151387 0.00697982 0.0437973 -0.014647 0.00701207 0.0437922 -0.0149892 0.00726581 0.0437508 -0.0148272 0.00715015 0.0437698 -0.0145691 0.00731241 0.043743 -0.0145304 0.00713843 0.0437717 -0.0148807 0.00715015 0.0437698 -0.0145691 0.00726581 0.0437508 -0.0148272 0.00701207 0.0437922 -0.0149892 0.00715015 0.0437698 -0.0145691 0.00713843 0.0437717 -0.0148807 0.00740539 0.0437274 -0.0148101 0.00731241 0.043743 -0.0145304 0.00766003 0.0436835 -0.0145745 0.00726581 0.0437508 -0.0148272 0.00731241 0.043743 -0.0145304 0.00740539 0.0437274 -0.0148101 0.00777365 0.0436634 -0.014987 0.00766003 0.0436835 -0.0145745 0.007911120000000001 0.0436387 -0.014718 0.00740539 0.0437274 -0.0148101 0.00766003 0.0436835 -0.0145745 0.00777365 0.0436634 -0.014987 0.00792268 0.0436366 -0.0151531 0.007911120000000001 0.0436387 -0.014718 0.00810232 0.0436036 -0.0149006 0.00777365 0.0436634 -0.014987 0.007911120000000001 0.0436387 -0.014718 0.00792268 0.0436366 -0.0151531 0.008296090000000001 0.0435672 -0.01577 0.00810232 0.0436036 -0.0149006 0.00840085 0.0435471 -0.0153256 0.00792268 0.0436366 -0.0151531 0.00810232 0.0436036 -0.0149006 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.008296090000000001 0.0435672 -0.01577 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.00810232 0.0436036 -0.0149006 0.00852465 0.043523 -0.0165183 0.00840085 0.0435471 -0.0153256 0.00860899 0.0435064 -0.015789 0.008374680000000001 0.0435521 -0.0160059 0.00840085 0.0435471 -0.0153256 0.00852465 0.043523 -0.0165183 0.008374680000000001 0.0435521 -0.0160059 0.008296090000000001 0.0435672 -0.01577 0.00840085 0.0435471 -0.0153256 0.00852465 0.043523 -0.0165183 0.00860899 0.0435064 -0.015789 0.008649860000000001 0.0434983 -0.0161918 0.00836361 0.0435542 -0.0162143 0.00852465 0.043523 -0.0165183 0.00824681 0.0435765 -0.0167701 0.00836361 0.0435542 -0.0162143 0.008374680000000001 0.0435521 -0.0160059 0.00852465 0.043523 -0.0165183 0.00812674 0.0435991 -0.0165143 0.00824681 0.0435765 -0.0167701 0.0079282 0.0436356 -0.0168747 0.00812674 0.0435991 -0.0165143 0.00836361 0.0435542 -0.0162143 0.00824681 0.0435765 -0.0167701 0.00776227 0.0436654 -0.0165648 0.0079282 0.0436356 -0.0168747 0.00765159 0.043685 -0.0168443 0.00776227 0.0436654 -0.0165648 0.00812674 0.0435991 -0.0165143 0.0079282 0.0436356 -0.0168747 0.00758421 0.0436967 -0.0164675 0.00765159 0.043685 -0.0168443 0.00739696 0.0437288 -0.016707 0.00758421 0.0436967 -0.0164675 0.00776227 0.0436654 -0.0165648 0.00765159 0.043685 -0.0168443 0.00735494 0.0437359 -0.0160651 0.00739696 0.0437288 -0.016707 0.00716105 0.043768 -0.0164327 0.00735494 0.0437359 -0.0160651 0.00743694 0.043722 -0.0162847 0.00739696 0.0437288 -0.016707 0.00758421 0.0436967 -0.0164675 0.00739696 0.0437288 -0.016707 0.00743694 0.043722 -0.0162847 0.00705811 0.0437848 -0.0158323 0.00716105 0.043768 -0.0164327 0.00704756 0.0437865 -0.0161292 0.00738958 0.04373 -0.0153861 0.00716105 0.043768 -0.0164327 0.00705811 0.0437848 -0.0158323 0.00735494 0.0437359 -0.0160651 0.00716105 0.043768 -0.0164327 0.00738958 0.04373 -0.0153861 0.00736647 0.0437339 -0.0158703 0.00738958 0.04373 -0.0153861 0.00756736 0.0436996 -0.0153126 0.00736647 0.0437339 -0.0158703 0.00735494 0.0437359 -0.0160651 0.00738958 0.04373 -0.0153861 0.00760534 0.043693 -0.0155867 0.00756736 0.0436996 -0.0153126 0.00773838 0.0436697 -0.0152896 0.00760534 0.043693 -0.0155867 0.00736647 0.0437339 -0.0158703 0.00756736 0.0436996 -0.0153126 0.00781331 0.0436563 -0.0155162 0.00773838 0.0436697 -0.0152896 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.00781331 0.0436563 -0.0155162 0.00760534 0.043693 -0.0155867 0.00773838 0.0436697 -0.0152896 0.008018000000000001 0.0436192 -0.0155363 0.00781331 0.0436563 -0.0155162 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.008296090000000001 0.0435672 -0.01577 0.008018000000000001 0.0436192 -0.0155363 0.00806408 0.0436107 -0.0153682 0.00743694 0.0438234 -0.0162847 0.00743694 0.043722 -0.0162847 0.00735494 0.0437359 -0.0160651 0.00757669 0.0437995 -0.0164609 0.00758421 0.0436967 -0.0164675 0.00743694 0.043722 -0.0162847 0.00757669 0.0437995 -0.0164609 0.00743694 0.043722 -0.0162847 0.00743694 0.0438234 -0.0162847 0.00735601 0.0438371 -0.0160716 0.00735494 0.0437359 -0.0160651 0.00736647 0.0437339 -0.0158703 0.00735601 0.0438371 -0.0160716 0.00743694 0.0438234 -0.0162847 0.00735494 0.0437359 -0.0160651 0.00736665 0.0438353 -0.0158696 0.00736647 0.0437339 -0.0158703 0.00760534 0.043693 -0.0155867 0.00735601 0.0438371 -0.0160716 0.00736647 0.0437339 -0.0158703 0.00736665 0.0438353 -0.0158696 0.00760534 0.0437945 -0.0155867 0.00760534 0.043693 -0.0155867 0.00781331 0.0436563 -0.0155162 0.00736665 0.0438353 -0.0158696 0.00760534 0.043693 -0.0155867 0.00760534 0.0437945 -0.0155867 0.00797953 0.0437279 -0.0155262 0.00781331 0.0436563 -0.0155162 0.008018000000000001 0.0436192 -0.0155363 0.00760534 0.0437945 -0.0155867 0.00781331 0.0436563 -0.0155162 0.00797953 0.0437279 -0.0155262 0.00815542 0.0436954 -0.0156063 0.008018000000000001 0.0436192 -0.0155363 0.008296090000000001 0.0435672 -0.01577 0.00797953 0.0437279 -0.0155262 0.008018000000000001 0.0436192 -0.0155363 0.00815542 0.0436954 -0.0156063 0.008296090000000001 0.043669 -0.01577 0.008296090000000001 0.0435672 -0.01577 0.008374680000000001 0.0435521 -0.0160059 0.00815542 0.0436954 -0.0156063 0.008296090000000001 0.0435672 -0.01577 0.008296090000000001 0.043669 -0.01577 0.00836372 0.0436561 -0.0162139 0.008374680000000001 0.0435521 -0.0160059 0.00836361 0.0435542 -0.0162143 0.00837458 0.043654 -0.0160051 0.008374680000000001 0.0435521 -0.0160059 0.00836372 0.0436561 -0.0162139 0.008296090000000001 0.043669 -0.01577 0.008374680000000001 0.0435521 -0.0160059 0.00837458 0.043654 -0.0160051 0.00836372 0.0436561 -0.0162139 0.00836361 0.0435542 -0.0162143 0.00812674 0.0435991 -0.0165143 0.00812674 0.0437008 -0.0165143 0.00812674 0.0435991 -0.0165143 0.00776227 0.0436654 -0.0165648 0.00836372 0.0436561 -0.0162139 0.00812674 0.0435991 -0.0165143 0.00812674 0.0437008 -0.0165143 0.00775155 0.0437689 -0.0165615 0.00776227 0.0436654 -0.0165648 0.00758421 0.0436967 -0.0164675 0.00775155 0.0437689 -0.0165615 0.00812674 0.0437008 -0.0165143 0.00776227 0.0436654 -0.0165648 0.00757669 0.0437995 -0.0164609 0.00775155 0.0437689 -0.0165615 0.00758421 0.0436967 -0.0164675 0.00760534 0.0437945 -0.0155867 0.00757669 0.0437995 -0.0164609 0.00743694 0.0438234 -0.0162847 0.00736665 0.0438353 -0.0158696 0.00760534 0.0437945 -0.0155867 0.00743694 0.0438234 -0.0162847 0.00735601 0.0438371 -0.0160716 0.00736665 0.0438353 -0.0158696 0.00743694 0.0438234 -0.0162847 0.00797953 0.0437279 -0.0155262 0.00812674 0.0437008 -0.0165143 0.00775155 0.0437689 -0.0165615 0.008296090000000001 0.043669 -0.01577 0.00836372 0.0436561 -0.0162139 0.00812674 0.0437008 -0.0165143 0.00815542 0.0436954 -0.0156063 0.008296090000000001 0.043669 -0.01577 0.00812674 0.0437008 -0.0165143 0.00797953 0.0437279 -0.0155262 0.00815542 0.0436954 -0.0156063 0.00812674 0.0437008 -0.0165143 0.00760534 0.0437945 -0.0155867 0.00775155 0.0437689 -0.0165615 0.00757669 0.0437995 -0.0164609 0.00760534 0.0437945 -0.0155867 0.00797953 0.0437279 -0.0155262 0.00775155 0.0437689 -0.0165615 0.008296090000000001 0.043669 -0.01577 0.00837458 0.043654 -0.0160051 0.00836372 0.0436561 -0.0162139 0.008795229999999999 0.0434691 -0.0145692 0.008903390000000001 0.0434471 -0.0154493 0.008489719999999999 0.0435298 -0.0147328 0.00921436 0.0433822 -0.0152952 0.008903390000000001 0.0434471 -0.0154493 0.008795229999999999 0.0434691 -0.0145692 0.00910307 0.0434057 -0.0157306 0.008903390000000001 0.0434471 -0.0154493 0.00921436 0.0433822 -0.0152952 0.008225150000000001 0.0435806 -0.0139281 0.008489719999999999 0.0435298 -0.0147328 0.0080751 0.0436087 -0.0140147 0.00837508 0.043552 -0.0138415 0.008489719999999999 0.0435298 -0.0147328 0.008225150000000001 0.0435806 -0.0139281 0.008795229999999999 0.0434691 -0.0145692 0.008489719999999999 0.0435298 -0.0147328 0.00837508 0.043552 -0.0138415 0.00910307 0.0434057 -0.0157306 0.00921436 0.0433822 -0.0152952 0.00932886 0.0433578 -0.0154724 0.009328940000000001 0.0433577 -0.0158924 0.00932886 0.0433578 -0.0154724 0.009451309999999999 0.0433312 -0.0155894 0.00910307 0.0434057 -0.0157306 0.00932886 0.0433578 -0.0154724 0.009328940000000001 0.0433577 -0.0158924 0.009590889999999999 0.0433005 -0.0159242 0.009451309999999999 0.0433312 -0.0155894 0.00959112 0.0433005 -0.0156253 0.009328940000000001 0.0433577 -0.0158924 0.009451309999999999 0.0433312 -0.0155894 0.009590889999999999 0.0433005 -0.0159242 0.009590889999999999 0.0433005 -0.0159242 0.00959112 0.0433005 -0.0156253 0.00974176 0.0432669 -0.0155818 0.009590889999999999 0.0433005 -0.0159242 0.00974176 0.0432669 -0.0155818 0.009886499999999999 0.043234 -0.015337 0.00993643 0.0432226 -0.0149497 0.009886499999999999 0.043234 -0.015337 0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0151876 0.00989486 0.0432321 -0.0158186 0.009886499999999999 0.043234 -0.015337 0.00993643 0.0432226 -0.0149497 0.009590889999999999 0.0433005 -0.0159242 0.009886499999999999 0.043234 -0.015337 0.00989486 0.0432321 -0.0158186 0.00993643 0.0432226 -0.0149497 0.009853519999999999 0.0432415 -0.0151876 0.009777640000000001 0.0432588 -0.0150191 0.00989486 0.0432321 -0.0158186 0.00993643 0.0432226 -0.0149497 0.0100951 0.0431858 -0.0148804 0.0101147 0.0431812 -0.0156391 0.0100951 0.0431858 -0.0148804 0.0102186 0.0431567 -0.0151699 0.00989486 0.0432321 -0.0158186 0.0100951 0.0431858 -0.0148804 0.0101147 0.0431812 -0.0156391 0.0101147 0.0431812 -0.0156391 0.0102186 0.0431567 -0.0151699 0.0102217 0.043156 -0.0154287 -0.0116809 0.0427841 -0.0132807 -0.0120479 0.0426822 -0.0130238 -0.0119696 0.0427042 -0.0129119 -0.0116809 0.0427841 -0.0132807 -0.0119696 0.0427042 -0.0129119 -0.0118912 0.0427261 -0.0128001 -0.0116809 0.0427841 -0.0132807 -0.0118912 0.0427261 -0.0128001 -0.0115242 0.0428266 -0.013057 -0.0113128 0.0428829 -0.0135385 -0.0115242 0.0428266 -0.013057 -0.0111562 0.0429239 -0.0133148 -0.0116809 0.0427841 -0.0132807 -0.0115242 0.0428266 -0.013057 -0.0113128 0.0428829 -0.0135385 -0.0110891 0.0429413 -0.0136951 -0.0111562 0.0429239 -0.0133148 -0.0108991 0.0429899 -0.0129476 -0.0113467 0.0428739 -0.014063 -0.0111562 0.0429239 -0.0133148 -0.0110891 0.0429413 -0.0136951 -0.0113128 0.0428829 -0.0135385 -0.0111562 0.0429239 -0.0133148 -0.0113467 0.0428739 -0.014063 -0.0106753 0.043046 -0.0131042 -0.0108991 0.0429899 -0.0129476 -0.0106415 0.0430544 -0.0125797 -0.0109325 0.0429814 -0.0134714 -0.0108991 0.0429899 -0.0129476 -0.0106753 0.043046 -0.0131042 -0.0110891 0.0429413 -0.0136951 -0.0108991 0.0429899 -0.0129476 -0.0109325 0.0429814 -0.0134714 -0.0106753 0.043046 -0.0131042 -0.0106415 0.0430544 -0.0125797 -0.0105297 0.0430819 -0.012658 -0.0106753 0.043046 -0.0131042 -0.0105297 0.0430819 -0.012658 -0.0104178 0.0431091 -0.0127363 -0.0107221 0.0430344 -0.0139521 -0.0109325 0.0429814 -0.0134714 -0.0105654 0.0430731 -0.0137284 -0.0110891 0.0429413 -0.0136951 -0.0109325 0.0429814 -0.0134714 -0.0107221 0.0430344 -0.0139521 -0.0102757 0.0431432 -0.014098 -0.0105654 0.0430731 -0.0137284 -0.0101974 0.0431617 -0.0139861 -0.010354 0.0431244 -0.0142098 -0.0105654 0.0430731 -0.0137284 -0.0102757 0.0431432 -0.014098 -0.0107221 0.0430344 -0.0139521 -0.0105654 0.0430731 -0.0137284 -0.010354 0.0431244 -0.0142098 -0.0115704 0.0428141 -0.0139063 -0.0113467 0.0428739 -0.014063 -0.0116038 0.0428051 -0.0144302 -0.0113128 0.0428829 -0.0135385 -0.0113467 0.0428739 -0.014063 -0.0115704 0.0428141 -0.0139063 -0.0115704 0.0428141 -0.0139063 -0.0116038 0.0428051 -0.0144302 -0.0117157 0.0427746 -0.0143518 -0.0115704 0.0428141 -0.0139063 -0.0117157 0.0427746 -0.0143518 -0.0118275 0.0427438 -0.0142735 0.0113147 0.0428824 -0.0132086 0.011434 0.0428508 -0.0133789 0.0107964 0.0430158 -0.0138254 0.0105576 0.043075 -0.0134845 0.0107964 0.0430158 -0.0138254 0.0101556 0.0431716 -0.0142741 0.0111953 0.0429137 -0.0130381 0.0107964 0.0430158 -0.0138254 0.0105576 0.043075 -0.0134845 0.0113147 0.0428824 -0.0132086 0.0107964 0.0430158 -0.0138254 0.0111953 0.0429137 -0.0130381 0.0105576 0.043075 -0.0134845 0.0101556 0.0431716 -0.0142741 0.0100363 0.0431995 -0.0141037 0.0105576 0.043075 -0.0134845 0.0100363 0.0431995 -0.0141037 0.009916909999999999 0.043227 -0.0139332 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.000330939 0.0247269 0.0238514 0.000328683 0.0246186 0.0236892 0.000327177 0.0244563 0.0235808 0.000328683 0.0246186 0.0236892 -0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 0.0220155 0.00929206 0.024265 0.0216294 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.000328683 0.0246186 0.0236892 0.00929206 0.024265 0.0216294 0.000328683 0.0246186 0.0236892 0.000327177 0.0244563 0.0235808 -0.0086885 0.024265 0.0218795 -0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 0.0220155 -0.016483 0.0246186 0.0169978 0.000327177 0.0244563 0.0235808 -0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 0.0220155 0.000326647 0.024265 0.0235427 -0.0086885 0.024265 0.0218795 0.000326647 0.024265 0.0235427 -0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 0.0220155 -0.0163809 0.024265 0.0168928 -0.016483 0.0246186 0.0169978 -0.021714 0.0246186 0.00939998 -0.0086885 0.024265 0.0218795 -0.016483 0.0246186 0.0169978 -0.0163809 0.024265 0.0168928 -0.0215794 0.024265 0.009342059999999999 -0.021714 0.0246186 0.00939998 -0.0236392 0.0246186 0.000378683 -0.0163809 0.024265 0.0168928 -0.021714 0.0246186 0.00939998 -0.0215794 0.024265 0.009342059999999999 -0.0234927 0.024265 0.000376647 -0.0236392 0.0246186 0.000378683 -0.0219655 0.0246186 -0.00869265 -0.0215794 0.024265 0.009342059999999999 -0.0236392 0.0246186 0.000378683 -0.0234927 0.024265 0.000376647 -0.0218295 0.024265 -0.0086385 -0.0219655 0.0246186 -0.00869265 -0.0169478 0.0246186 -0.016433 -0.0234927 0.024265 0.000376647 -0.0219655 0.0246186 -0.00869265 -0.0218295 0.024265 -0.0086385 -0.0168428 0.024265 -0.0163309 -0.0169478 0.0246186 -0.016433 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.0218295 0.024265 -0.0086385 -0.0169478 0.0246186 -0.016433 -0.0168428 0.024265 -0.0163309 -0.000330939 0.0247269 -0.0237514 -0.000328683 0.0246186 -0.0235892 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.00929206 0.024265 -0.0215294 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.000328683 0.0246186 -0.0235892 -0.0168428 0.024265 -0.0163309 -0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 -0.021664 -0.00929206 0.024265 -0.0215294 -0.000327177 0.0244563 -0.0234808 -0.000328683 0.0246186 -0.0235892 0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 -0.0219155 -0.00929206 0.024265 -0.0215294 -0.000328683 0.0246186 -0.0235892 -0.000327177 0.0244563 -0.0234808 0.0086885 0.024265 -0.0217795 0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 -0.0219155 0.016483 0.0246186 -0.0168978 -0.000326647 0.024265 -0.0234427 -0.000327177 0.0244563 -0.0234808 0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 -0.0219155 0.0086885 0.024265 -0.0217795 -0.000326647 0.024265 -0.0234427 0.008742649999999999 0.0246186 -0.0219155 0.0163809 0.024265 -0.0167928 0.016483 0.0246186 -0.0168978 0.021714 0.0246186 -0.009299979999999999 0.0163809 0.024265 -0.0167928 0.0086885 0.024265 -0.0217795 0.016483 0.0246186 -0.0168978 0.0215794 0.024265 -0.00924206 0.021714 0.0246186 -0.009299979999999999 0.0236392 0.0246186 -0.000278683 0.0215794 0.024265 -0.00924206 0.0163809 0.024265 -0.0167928 0.021714 0.0246186 -0.009299979999999999 0.0234927 0.024265 -0.000276647 0.0236392 0.0246186 -0.000278683 0.0219655 0.0246186 0.008792650000000001 0.0234927 0.024265 -0.000276647 0.0215794 0.024265 -0.00924206 0.0236392 0.0246186 -0.000278683 0.0218295 0.024265 0.0087385 0.0219655 0.0246186 0.008792650000000001 0.0169478 0.0246186 0.016533 0.0218295 0.024265 0.0087385 0.0234927 0.024265 -0.000276647 0.0219655 0.0246186 0.008792650000000001 0.0168428 0.024265 0.0164309 0.0169478 0.0246186 0.016533 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.0168428 0.024265 0.0164309 0.0218295 0.024265 0.0087385 0.0169478 0.0246186 0.016533 0.00929206 0.024265 0.0216294 0.0168428 0.024265 0.0164309 0.009349980000000001 0.0246186 0.021764 0.00929206 0.024265 0.0216294 0.000327177 0.0244563 0.0235808 0.000326647 0.024265 0.0235427 0.00489693 0.022765 0.0230287 0.00929206 0.024265 0.0216294 0.000326647 0.024265 0.0235427 0.000326647 0.022765 0.0235427 0.00489693 0.022765 0.0230287 0.000326647 0.024265 0.0235427 -0.0086885 0.024265 0.0218795 0.000326647 0.022765 0.0235427 0.000326647 0.024265 0.0235427 -0.00929206 0.024265 -0.0215294 -0.000327177 0.0244563 -0.0234808 -0.000326647 0.024265 -0.0234427 -0.000326647 0.022765 -0.0234427 -0.000326647 0.024265 -0.0234427 0.0086885 0.024265 -0.0217795 -0.00489693 0.022765 -0.0229287 -0.000326647 0.024265 -0.0234427 -0.000326647 0.022765 -0.0234427 -0.00929206 0.024265 -0.0215294 -0.000326647 0.024265 -0.0234427 -0.00489693 0.022765 -0.0229287 0.008721949999999999 0.022765 -0.0217656 0.0086885 0.024265 -0.0217795 0.0163809 0.024265 -0.0167928 0.00428256 0.022765 -0.0230512 -0.000326647 0.022765 -0.0234427 0.0086885 0.024265 -0.0217795 0.008721949999999999 0.022765 -0.0217656 0.00428256 0.022765 -0.0230512 0.0086885 0.024265 -0.0217795 0.0163884 0.022765 -0.0167849 0.0163809 0.024265 -0.0167928 0.0215794 0.024265 -0.00924206 0.0163884 0.022765 -0.0167849 0.008721949999999999 0.022765 -0.0217656 0.0163809 0.024265 -0.0167928 0.0234918 0.022765 -0.000315919 0.0215794 0.024265 -0.00924206 0.0234927 0.024265 -0.000276647 0.0215761 0.022765 -0.00924956 0.0163884 0.022765 -0.0167849 0.0215794 0.024265 -0.00924206 0.0234918 0.022765 -0.000315919 0.0215761 0.022765 -0.00924956 0.0215794 0.024265 -0.00924206 0.0218451 0.022765 0.008698890000000001 0.0234927 0.024265 -0.000276647 0.0218295 0.024265 0.0087385 0.0218451 0.022765 0.008698890000000001 0.0234918 0.022765 -0.000315919 0.0234927 0.024265 -0.000276647 0.0197302 0.022765 0.0128066 0.0218295 0.024265 0.0087385 0.0168428 0.024265 0.0164309 0.0197302 0.022765 0.0128066 0.0218451 0.022765 0.008698890000000001 0.0218295 0.024265 0.0087385 0.00929193 0.022765 0.0216289 0.0168428 0.024265 0.0164309 0.00929206 0.024265 0.0216294 0.016844 0.022765 0.016429 0.0197302 0.022765 0.0128066 0.0168428 0.024265 0.0164309 0.00929193 0.022765 0.0216289 0.016844 0.022765 0.016429 0.0168428 0.024265 0.0164309 0.00489693 0.022765 0.0230287 0.00929193 0.022765 0.0216289 0.00929206 0.024265 0.0216294 -0.000282506 0.022765 -0.020268 -0.000326647 0.022765 -0.0234427 0.00428256 0.022765 -0.0230512 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 -0.00489693 0.022765 -0.0229287 -0.000326647 0.022765 -0.0234427 -0.000282506 0.022765 -0.020268 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 -0.000326647 0.022765 -0.0234427 0.00640128 0.022765 -0.0192354 0.00428256 0.022765 -0.0230512 0.008721949999999999 0.022765 -0.0217656 0.00640128 0.022765 -0.0192354 -0.000282506 0.022765 -0.020268 0.00428256 0.022765 -0.0230512 0.012376 0.022765 -0.0160664 0.008721949999999999 0.022765 -0.0217656 0.0163884 0.022765 -0.0167849 0.00640128 0.022765 -0.0192354 0.008721949999999999 0.022765 -0.0217656 0.012376 0.022765 -0.0160664 0.0177962 0.022765 -0.00975731 0.0163884 0.022765 -0.0167849 0.0215761 0.022765 -0.00924956 0.0177962 0.022765 -0.00975731 0.012376 0.022765 -0.0160664 0.0163884 0.022765 -0.0167849 0.0218451 0.022765 0.008698890000000001 0.0215761 0.022765 -0.00924956 0.0234918 0.022765 -0.000315919 0.0197302 0.022765 0.0128066 0.0215761 0.022765 -0.00924956 0.0218451 0.022765 0.008698890000000001 0.0202347 0.022765 -0.00180301 0.0215761 0.022765 -0.00924956 0.0197302 0.022765 0.0128066 0.0202347 0.022765 -0.00180301 0.0177962 0.022765 -0.00975731 0.0215761 0.022765 -0.00924956 0.019277 0.022765 0.00647631 0.0197302 0.022765 0.0128066 0.016844 0.022765 0.016429 0.019277 0.022765 0.00647631 0.0202347 0.022765 -0.00180301 0.0197302 0.022765 0.0128066 0.0150902 0.022765 0.0136575 0.016844 0.022765 0.016429 0.00929193 0.022765 0.0216289 0.0150902 0.022765 0.0136575 0.019277 0.022765 0.00647631 0.016844 0.022765 0.016429 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 0.00929193 0.022765 0.0216289 0.00489693 0.022765 0.0230287 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 0.0150902 0.022765 0.0136575 0.00929193 0.022765 0.0216289 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 0.00489693 0.022765 0.0230287 0.000326647 0.022765 0.0235427 -0.0086885 0.024265 0.0218795 -0.00428256 0.022765 0.0231512 0.000326647 0.022765 0.0235427 0.000282506 0.022765 0.020368 0.000326647 0.022765 0.0235427 -0.00428256 0.022765 0.0231512 0.000282506 0.022765 0.020368 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 0.000326647 0.022765 0.0235427 -0.0086885 0.024265 0.0218795 -0.008721949999999999 0.022765 0.0218656 -0.00428256 0.022765 0.0231512 -0.00640125 0.022765 0.0193354 -0.00428256 0.022765 0.0231512 -0.008721949999999999 0.022765 0.0218656 -0.00640125 0.022765 0.0193354 0.000282506 0.022765 0.020368 -0.00428256 0.022765 0.0231512 -0.0163809 0.024265 0.0168928 -0.0163884 0.022765 0.0168849 -0.008721949999999999 0.022765 0.0218656 -0.0123759 0.022765 0.0161664 -0.008721949999999999 0.022765 0.0218656 -0.0163884 0.022765 0.0168849 -0.0086885 0.024265 0.0218795 -0.0163809 0.024265 0.0168928 -0.008721949999999999 0.022765 0.0218656 -0.0123759 0.022765 0.0161664 -0.00640125 0.022765 0.0193354 -0.008721949999999999 0.022765 0.0218656 -0.0215794 0.024265 0.009342059999999999 -0.0215761 0.022765 0.00934956 -0.0163884 0.022765 0.0168849 -0.0177962 0.022765 0.009857350000000001 -0.0163884 0.022765 0.0168849 -0.0215761 0.022765 0.00934956 -0.0163809 0.024265 0.0168928 -0.0215794 0.024265 0.009342059999999999 -0.0163884 0.022765 0.0168849 -0.0177962 0.022765 0.009857350000000001 -0.0123759 0.022765 0.0161664 -0.0163884 0.022765 0.0168849 -0.0218451 0.022765 -0.00859889 -0.0215761 0.022765 0.00934956 -0.0234918 0.022765 0.000415919 -0.0215794 0.024265 0.009342059999999999 -0.0234918 0.022765 0.000415919 -0.0215761 0.022765 0.00934956 -0.0197302 0.022765 -0.0127066 -0.0215761 0.022765 0.00934956 -0.0218451 0.022765 -0.00859889 -0.0202347 0.022765 0.00190305 -0.0215761 0.022765 0.00934956 -0.0197302 0.022765 -0.0127066 -0.0202347 0.022765 0.00190305 -0.0177962 0.022765 0.009857350000000001 -0.0215761 0.022765 0.00934956 -0.0234927 0.024265 0.000376647 -0.0218451 0.022765 -0.00859889 -0.0234918 0.022765 0.000415919 -0.0215794 0.024265 0.009342059999999999 -0.0234927 0.024265 0.000376647 -0.0234918 0.022765 0.000415919 -0.0218295 0.024265 -0.0086385 -0.0197302 0.022765 -0.0127066 -0.0218451 0.022765 -0.00859889 -0.0234927 0.024265 0.000376647 -0.0218295 0.024265 -0.0086385 -0.0218451 0.022765 -0.00859889 -0.0168428 0.024265 -0.0163309 -0.016844 0.022765 -0.016329 -0.0197302 0.022765 -0.0127066 -0.019277 0.022765 -0.00637629 -0.0197302 0.022765 -0.0127066 -0.016844 0.022765 -0.016329 -0.0218295 0.024265 -0.0086385 -0.0168428 0.024265 -0.0163309 -0.0197302 0.022765 -0.0127066 -0.019277 0.022765 -0.00637629 -0.0202347 0.022765 0.00190305 -0.0197302 0.022765 -0.0127066 -0.0168428 0.024265 -0.0163309 -0.00929193 0.022765 -0.0215289 -0.016844 0.022765 -0.016329 -0.0150902 0.022765 -0.0135575 -0.016844 0.022765 -0.016329 -0.00929193 0.022765 -0.0215289 -0.0150902 0.022765 -0.0135575 -0.019277 0.022765 -0.00637629 -0.016844 0.022765 -0.016329 -0.00929206 0.024265 -0.0215294 -0.00489693 0.022765 -0.0229287 -0.00929193 0.022765 -0.0215289 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 -0.00929193 0.022765 -0.0215289 -0.00489693 0.022765 -0.0229287 -0.0168428 0.024265 -0.0163309 -0.00929206 0.024265 -0.0215294 -0.00929193 0.022765 -0.0215289 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 -0.0150902 0.022765 -0.0135575 -0.00929193 0.022765 -0.0215289 0.0123759 0.019685 -0.0160664 0.012376 0.022765 -0.0160664 0.0177962 0.022765 -0.00975731 0.008483050000000001 0.019685 -0.0184141 0.00640128 0.022765 -0.0192354 0.012376 0.022765 -0.0160664 0.008483050000000001 0.019685 -0.0184141 0.012376 0.022765 -0.0160664 0.0123759 0.019685 -0.0160664 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.0177962 0.022765 -0.00975731 0.0202347 0.022765 -0.00180301 0.0156649 0.019685 -0.0128921 0.0123759 0.019685 -0.0160664 0.0177962 0.022765 -0.00975731 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.0156649 0.019685 -0.0128921 0.0177962 0.022765 -0.00975731 0.0203168 0.019685 -0.000308059 0.0202347 0.022765 -0.00180301 0.019277 0.022765 0.00647631 0.0203168 0.019685 -0.000308059 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.0202347 0.022765 -0.00180301 0.0184694 0.019685 0.00852196 0.019277 0.022765 0.00647631 0.0150902 0.022765 0.0136575 0.0184694 0.019685 0.00852196 0.0203168 0.019685 -0.000308059 0.019277 0.022765 0.00647631 0.0129859 0.019685 0.0156786 0.0150902 0.022765 0.0136575 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 0.0129859 0.019685 0.0156786 0.0184694 0.019685 0.00852196 0.0150902 0.022765 0.0136575 0.00489232 0.019685 0.0197721 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 0.000282506 0.022765 0.020368 0.00917599 0.019685 0.0181797 0.0129859 0.019685 0.0156786 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 0.00489232 0.019685 0.0197721 0.00917599 0.019685 0.0181797 0.00839779 0.022765 0.0185532 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 0.000282506 0.022765 0.020368 -0.00640125 0.022765 0.0193354 0.000364611 0.019685 0.020367 0.00489232 0.019685 0.0197721 0.000282506 0.022765 0.020368 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 0.000364611 0.019685 0.020367 0.000282506 0.022765 0.020368 -0.008483050000000001 0.019685 0.0185141 -0.00640125 0.022765 0.0193354 -0.0123759 0.022765 0.0161664 -0.008483050000000001 0.019685 0.0185141 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 -0.00640125 0.022765 0.0193354 -0.0123759 0.019685 0.0161664 -0.0123759 0.022765 0.0161664 -0.0177962 0.022765 0.009857350000000001 -0.0123759 0.019685 0.0161664 -0.008483050000000001 0.019685 0.0185141 -0.0123759 0.022765 0.0161664 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.0177962 0.022765 0.009857350000000001 -0.0202347 0.022765 0.00190305 -0.0156649 0.019685 0.0129921 -0.0123759 0.019685 0.0161664 -0.0177962 0.022765 0.009857350000000001 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.0156649 0.019685 0.0129921 -0.0177962 0.022765 0.009857350000000001 -0.0203168 0.019685 0.000408059 -0.0202347 0.022765 0.00190305 -0.019277 0.022765 -0.00637629 -0.0203168 0.019685 0.000408059 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.0202347 0.022765 0.00190305 -0.0184694 0.019685 -0.008421959999999999 -0.019277 0.022765 -0.00637629 -0.0150902 0.022765 -0.0135575 -0.0184694 0.019685 -0.008421959999999999 -0.0203168 0.019685 0.000408059 -0.019277 0.022765 -0.00637629 -0.0129859 0.019685 -0.0155786 -0.0150902 0.022765 -0.0135575 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 -0.0129859 0.019685 -0.0155786 -0.0184694 0.019685 -0.008421959999999999 -0.0150902 0.022765 -0.0135575 -0.00489232 0.019685 -0.0196721 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 -0.000282506 0.022765 -0.020268 -0.00917599 0.019685 -0.0180797 -0.0129859 0.019685 -0.0155786 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 -0.00489232 0.019685 -0.0196721 -0.00917599 0.019685 -0.0180797 -0.0083978 0.022765 -0.0184532 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 -0.000282506 0.022765 -0.020268 0.00640128 0.022765 -0.0192354 -0.000364611 0.019685 -0.020267 -0.00489232 0.019685 -0.0196721 -0.000282506 0.022765 -0.020268 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 -0.000364611 0.019685 -0.020267 -0.000282506 0.022765 -0.020268 0.008483050000000001 0.019685 -0.0184141 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 0.00640128 0.022765 -0.0192354 0.008483050000000001 0.019685 -0.0184141 0.0123759 0.019685 -0.0160664 0.0156649 0.019685 -0.0128921 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 0.0156649 0.019685 -0.0128921 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.008483050000000001 0.019685 -0.0184141 0.0156649 0.019685 -0.0128921 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 0.0158752 0.019685 -0.007955230000000001 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.0203168 0.019685 -0.000308059 0.0108289 0.019685 -0.0140519 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.0136926 0.019685 -0.0112915 0.0108289 0.019685 -0.0140519 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.0158752 0.019685 -0.007955230000000001 0.0136926 0.019685 -0.0112915 0.01816 0.019685 -0.009065119999999999 0.0177767 0.019685 -0.000284063 0.0203168 0.019685 -0.000308059 0.0184694 0.019685 0.00852196 0.0177767 0.019685 -0.000284063 0.0158752 0.019685 -0.007955230000000001 0.0203168 0.019685 -0.000308059 0.0161492 0.019685 0.00748769 0.0184694 0.019685 0.00852196 0.0129859 0.019685 0.0156786 0.0174014 0.019685 0.00369778 0.0177767 0.019685 -0.000284063 0.0184694 0.019685 0.00852196 0.0161492 0.019685 0.00748769 0.0174014 0.019685 0.00369778 0.0184694 0.019685 0.00852196 0.0113341 0.019685 0.0137488 0.0129859 0.019685 0.0156786 0.00917599 0.019685 0.0181797 0.0113341 0.019685 0.0137488 0.0161492 0.019685 0.00748769 0.0129859 0.019685 0.0156786 0.00428061 0.019685 0.0173069 0.00917599 0.019685 0.0181797 0.00489232 0.019685 0.0197721 0.00428061 0.019685 0.0173069 0.0113341 0.019685 0.0137488 0.00917599 0.019685 0.0181797 0.00428061 0.019685 0.0173069 0.00489232 0.019685 0.0197721 0.000364611 0.019685 0.020367 -0.00360448 0.019685 0.0174601 0.000364611 0.019685 0.020367 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 -0.00360448 0.019685 0.0174601 0.00428061 0.019685 0.0173069 0.000364611 0.019685 0.020367 -0.0156649 0.019685 0.0129921 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 -0.008483050000000001 0.019685 0.0185141 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 -0.0156649 0.019685 0.0129921 -0.0108289 0.019685 0.0141519 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.00740311 0.019685 0.0162151 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 -0.0108289 0.019685 0.0141519 -0.00740311 0.019685 0.0162151 -0.00360448 0.019685 0.0174601 -0.00415242 0.019685 0.0199405 -0.0156649 0.019685 0.0129921 -0.008483050000000001 0.019685 0.0185141 -0.0123759 0.019685 0.0161664 -0.0158752 0.019685 0.00805523 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.0203168 0.019685 0.000408059 -0.0136926 0.019685 0.0113915 -0.0108289 0.019685 0.0141519 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.0158752 0.019685 0.00805523 -0.0136926 0.019685 0.0113915 -0.01816 0.019685 0.009165120000000001 -0.0177767 0.019685 0.000384063 -0.0203168 0.019685 0.000408059 -0.0184694 0.019685 -0.008421959999999999 -0.0177767 0.019685 0.000384063 -0.0158752 0.019685 0.00805523 -0.0203168 0.019685 0.000408059 -0.0161492 0.019685 -0.00738769 -0.0184694 0.019685 -0.008421959999999999 -0.0129859 0.019685 -0.0155786 -0.0174014 0.019685 -0.00359778 -0.0177767 0.019685 0.000384063 -0.0184694 0.019685 -0.008421959999999999 -0.0161492 0.019685 -0.00738769 -0.0174014 0.019685 -0.00359778 -0.0184694 0.019685 -0.008421959999999999 -0.0113341 0.019685 -0.0136488 -0.0129859 0.019685 -0.0155786 -0.00917599 0.019685 -0.0180797 -0.0113341 0.019685 -0.0136488 -0.0161492 0.019685 -0.00738769 -0.0129859 0.019685 -0.0155786 -0.00428061 0.019685 -0.0172069 -0.00917599 0.019685 -0.0180797 -0.00489232 0.019685 -0.0196721 -0.00428061 0.019685 -0.0172069 -0.0113341 0.019685 -0.0136488 -0.00917599 0.019685 -0.0180797 -0.00428061 0.019685 -0.0172069 -0.00489232 0.019685 -0.0196721 -0.000364611 0.019685 -0.020267 0.00360448 0.019685 -0.0173601 -0.000364611 0.019685 -0.020267 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 0.00360448 0.019685 -0.0173601 -0.00428061 0.019685 -0.0172069 -0.000364611 0.019685 -0.020267 0.00740311 0.019685 -0.0161151 0.00360448 0.019685 -0.0173601 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 0.0108289 0.019685 -0.0140519 0.00740311 0.019685 -0.0161151 0.00415242 0.019685 -0.0198405 -0.0108289 0.017145 0.0141519 -0.0108289 0.019685 0.0141519 -0.0136926 0.019685 0.0113915 -0.00742297 0.017145 0.016206 -0.00740311 0.019685 0.0162151 -0.0108289 0.019685 0.0141519 -0.00742297 0.017145 0.016206 -0.0108289 0.019685 0.0141519 -0.0108289 0.017145 0.0141519 -0.0137065 0.017145 0.0113747 -0.0136926 0.019685 0.0113915 -0.0158752 0.019685 0.00805523 -0.0137065 0.017145 0.0113747 -0.0108289 0.017145 0.0141519 -0.0136926 0.019685 0.0113915 -0.0158898 0.017145 0.0080261 -0.0158752 0.019685 0.00805523 -0.0177767 0.019685 0.000384063 -0.0158898 0.017145 0.0080261 -0.0137065 0.017145 0.0113747 -0.0158752 0.019685 0.00805523 -0.017777 0.017145 0.000368659 -0.0177767 0.019685 0.000384063 -0.0174014 0.019685 -0.00359778 -0.017777 0.017145 0.000368659 -0.0158898 0.017145 0.0080261 -0.0177767 0.019685 0.000384063 -0.0161601 0.017145 -0.00736425 -0.0174014 0.019685 -0.00359778 -0.0161492 0.019685 -0.00738769 -0.0161601 0.017145 -0.00736425 -0.017777 0.017145 0.000368659 -0.0174014 0.019685 -0.00359778 -0.011354 0.017145 -0.0136323 -0.0161492 0.019685 -0.00738769 -0.0113341 0.019685 -0.0136488 -0.011354 0.017145 -0.0136323 -0.0161601 0.017145 -0.00736425 -0.0161492 0.019685 -0.00738769 -0.008015680000000001 0.017145 -0.0158202 -0.0113341 0.019685 -0.0136488 -0.00428061 0.019685 -0.0172069 -0.008015680000000001 0.017145 -0.0158202 -0.011354 0.017145 -0.0136323 -0.0113341 0.019685 -0.0136488 -0.00426564 0.017145 -0.0172105 -0.00428061 0.019685 -0.0172069 0.00360448 0.019685 -0.0173601 -0.00426564 0.017145 -0.0172105 -0.008015680000000001 0.017145 -0.0158202 -0.00428061 0.019685 -0.0172069 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 0.00360448 0.019685 -0.0173601 0.00740311 0.019685 -0.0161151 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 -0.00426564 0.017145 -0.0172105 0.00360448 0.019685 -0.0173601 0.00742297 0.017145 -0.016106 0.00740311 0.019685 -0.0161151 0.0108289 0.019685 -0.0140519 0.00742297 0.017145 -0.016106 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 0.00740311 0.019685 -0.0161151 0.0108289 0.017145 -0.0140519 0.0108289 0.019685 -0.0140519 0.0136926 0.019685 -0.0112915 0.00742297 0.017145 -0.016106 0.0108289 0.019685 -0.0140519 0.0108289 0.017145 -0.0140519 0.0137065 0.017145 -0.0112747 0.0136926 0.019685 -0.0112915 0.0158752 0.019685 -0.007955230000000001 0.0137065 0.017145 -0.0112747 0.0108289 0.017145 -0.0140519 0.0136926 0.019685 -0.0112915 0.0158898 0.017145 -0.0079261 0.0158752 0.019685 -0.007955230000000001 0.0177767 0.019685 -0.000284063 0.0137065 0.017145 -0.0112747 0.0158752 0.019685 -0.007955230000000001 0.0158898 0.017145 -0.0079261 0.017777 0.017145 -0.000268659 0.0177767 0.019685 -0.000284063 0.0174014 0.019685 0.00369778 0.0158898 0.017145 -0.0079261 0.0177767 0.019685 -0.000284063 0.017777 0.017145 -0.000268659 0.0161601 0.017145 0.00746425 0.0174014 0.019685 0.00369778 0.0161492 0.019685 0.00748769 0.017777 0.017145 -0.000268659 0.0174014 0.019685 0.00369778 0.0161601 0.017145 0.00746425 0.011354 0.017145 0.0137323 0.0161492 0.019685 0.00748769 0.0113341 0.019685 0.0137488 0.0161601 0.017145 0.00746425 0.0161492 0.019685 0.00748769 0.011354 0.017145 0.0137323 0.008015680000000001 0.017145 0.0159202 0.0113341 0.019685 0.0137488 0.00428061 0.019685 0.0173069 0.011354 0.017145 0.0137323 0.0113341 0.019685 0.0137488 0.008015680000000001 0.017145 0.0159202 0.00426564 0.017145 0.0173105 0.00428061 0.019685 0.0173069 -0.00360448 0.019685 0.0174601 0.008015680000000001 0.017145 0.0159202 0.00428061 0.019685 0.0173069 0.00426564 0.017145 0.0173105 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.00360448 0.019685 0.0174601 -0.00740311 0.019685 0.0162151 0.00426564 0.017145 0.0173105 -0.00360448 0.019685 0.0174601 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.00740311 0.019685 0.0162151 -0.00742297 0.017145 0.016206 0.0137065 0.017145 -0.0112747 0.00742297 0.017145 -0.016106 0.0108289 0.017145 -0.0140519 -0.00742297 0.017145 0.016206 -0.0108289 0.017145 0.0141519 -0.0137065 0.017145 0.0113747 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.0137065 0.017145 0.0113747 -0.0158898 0.017145 0.0080261 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.00742297 0.017145 0.016206 -0.0137065 0.017145 0.0113747 -0.0126462 0.017145 0.00735608 -0.0158898 0.017145 0.0080261 -0.017777 0.017145 0.000368659 -0.00730595 0.017145 0.0126963 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.0158898 0.017145 0.0080261 -0.0126462 0.017145 0.00735608 -0.00730595 0.017145 0.0126963 -0.0158898 0.017145 0.0080261 -0.014605 0.017145 5e-05 -0.017777 0.017145 0.000368659 -0.0161601 0.017145 -0.00736425 -0.0141057 0.017145 0.00383484 -0.017777 0.017145 0.000368659 -0.014605 0.017145 5e-05 -0.0141057 0.017145 0.00383484 -0.0126462 0.017145 0.00735608 -0.017777 0.017145 0.000368659 -0.0126463 0.017145 -0.00725595 -0.0161601 0.017145 -0.00736425 -0.011354 0.017145 -0.0136323 -0.0141058 0.017145 -0.00373476 -0.014605 0.017145 5e-05 -0.0161601 0.017145 -0.00736425 -0.0126463 0.017145 -0.00725595 -0.0141058 0.017145 -0.00373476 -0.0161601 0.017145 -0.00736425 -0.00730608 0.017145 -0.0125962 -0.011354 0.017145 -0.0136323 -0.008015680000000001 0.017145 -0.0158202 -0.00730608 0.017145 -0.0125962 -0.0126463 0.017145 -0.00725595 -0.011354 0.017145 -0.0136323 -0.00378484 0.017145 -0.0140557 -0.008015680000000001 0.017145 -0.0158202 -0.00426564 0.017145 -0.0172105 -0.00378484 0.017145 -0.0140557 -0.00730608 0.017145 -0.0125962 -0.008015680000000001 0.017145 -0.0158202 0 0.017145 -0.014555 -0.00426564 0.017145 -0.0172105 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 0 0.017145 -0.014555 -0.00378484 0.017145 -0.0140557 -0.00426564 0.017145 -0.0172105 0.0137065 0.017145 -0.0112747 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 0.00742297 0.017145 -0.016106 0.0137065 0.017145 -0.0112747 0.0158898 0.017145 -0.0079261 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 0.00730595 0.017145 -0.0125963 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 0.0158898 0.017145 -0.0079261 0.00378476 0.017145 -0.0140558 0 0.017145 -0.014555 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 0.00730595 0.017145 -0.0125963 0.00378476 0.017145 -0.0140558 0.0036364 0.017145 -0.0173535 -4.33681e-18 0.017145 0.014655 0.00426564 0.017145 0.0173105 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.00378476 0.017145 0.0141558 -4.33681e-18 0.017145 0.014655 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 -0.00730595 0.017145 0.0126963 -0.00378476 0.017145 0.0141558 -0.0036364 0.017145 0.0174535 0.00378484 0.017145 0.0141557 0.008015680000000001 0.017145 0.0159202 0.00426564 0.017145 0.0173105 -4.33681e-18 0.017145 0.014655 0.00378484 0.017145 0.0141557 0.00426564 0.017145 0.0173105 0.00730608 0.017145 0.0126962 0.011354 0.017145 0.0137323 0.008015680000000001 0.017145 0.0159202 0.00378484 0.017145 0.0141557 0.00730608 0.017145 0.0126962 0.008015680000000001 0.017145 0.0159202 0.0126463 0.017145 0.00735595 0.0161601 0.017145 0.00746425 0.011354 0.017145 0.0137323 0.00730608 0.017145 0.0126962 0.0126463 0.017145 0.00735595 0.011354 0.017145 0.0137323 0.014605 0.017145 5e-05 0.017777 0.017145 -0.000268659 0.0161601 0.017145 0.00746425 0.0141058 0.017145 0.00383476 0.014605 0.017145 5e-05 0.0161601 0.017145 0.00746425 0.0126463 0.017145 0.00735595 0.0141058 0.017145 0.00383476 0.0161601 0.017145 0.00746425 0.0126462 0.017145 -0.00725608 0.0158898 0.017145 -0.0079261 0.017777 0.017145 -0.000268659 0.0141057 0.017145 -0.00373484 0.0126462 0.017145 -0.00725608 0.017777 0.017145 -0.000268659 0.014605 0.017145 5e-05 0.0141057 0.017145 -0.00373484 0.017777 0.017145 -0.000268659 0.0126462 0.017145 -0.00725608 0.00730595 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0.00384637 0.014605 0.01397 5e-05 0.0141058 0.017145 0.00383476 0.012632 0.01397 0.00737986 0.0126463 0.017145 0.00735595 0.00730608 0.017145 0.0126962 0.012632 0.01397 0.00737986 0.0141025 0.01397 0.00384637 0.0126463 0.017145 0.00735595 0.00729426 0.01397 0.0127026 0.00730608 0.017145 0.0126962 0.00378484 0.017145 0.0141557 0.00729426 0.01397 0.0127026 0.012632 0.01397 0.00737986 0.00730608 0.017145 0.0126962 5.0011e-06 0.01397 0.0146546 0.00378484 0.017145 0.0141557 -4.33681e-18 0.017145 0.014655 5.0011e-06 0.01397 0.0146546 0.00729426 0.01397 0.0127026 0.00378484 0.017145 0.0141557 -0.00377667 0.01397 0.0141582 -4.33681e-18 0.017145 0.014655 -0.00378476 0.017145 0.0141558 -0.00377667 0.01397 0.0141582 5.0011e-06 0.01397 0.0146546 -4.33681e-18 0.017145 0.014655 -0.00377667 0.01397 0.0141582 -0.00378476 0.017145 0.0141558 -0.00730595 0.017145 0.0126963 -0.00730704 0.01397 0.0126952 -0.00730595 0.017145 0.0126963 -0.0126462 0.017145 0.00735608 -0.00730704 0.01397 0.0126952 -0.00377667 0.01397 0.0141582 -0.00730595 0.017145 0.0126963 -0.012648 0.01397 0.00735235 -0.0126462 0.017145 0.00735608 -0.0141057 0.017145 0.00383484 -0.012648 0.01397 0.00735235 -0.00730704 0.01397 0.0126952 -0.0126462 0.017145 0.00735608 0.014605 0.01397 5e-05 -0.014605 0.01397 5e-05 -0.0141025 0.01397 -0.00374637 0.0141025 0.01397 0.00384637 -0.014605 0.01397 5e-05 0.014605 0.01397 5e-05 -0.012648 0.01397 0.00735235 -0.014605 0.01397 5e-05 0.0141025 0.01397 0.00384637 0.012648 0.01397 -0.00725235 -0.0141025 0.01397 -0.00374637 -0.012632 0.01397 -0.00727986 0.014605 0.01397 5e-05 -0.0141025 0.01397 -0.00374637 0.012648 0.01397 -0.00725235 0.00730704 0.01397 -0.0125952 -0.012632 0.01397 -0.00727986 -0.00729426 0.01397 -0.0126026 0.012648 0.01397 -0.00725235 -0.012632 0.01397 -0.00727986 0.00730704 0.01397 -0.0125952 0.00377667 0.01397 -0.0140582 -0.00729426 0.01397 -0.0126026 -5.0011e-06 0.01397 -0.0145546 0.00730704 0.01397 -0.0125952 -0.00729426 0.01397 -0.0126026 0.00377667 0.01397 -0.0140582 -0.012648 0.01397 0.00735235 0.0141025 0.01397 0.00384637 0.012632 0.01397 0.00737986 -0.00730704 0.01397 0.0126952 0.012632 0.01397 0.00737986 0.00729426 0.01397 0.0127026 -0.012648 0.01397 0.00735235 0.012632 0.01397 0.00737986 -0.00730704 0.01397 0.0126952 -0.00377667 0.01397 0.0141582 0.00729426 0.01397 0.0127026 5.0011e-06 0.01397 0.0146546 -0.00730704 0.01397 0.0126952 0.00729426 0.01397 0.0127026 -0.00377667 0.01397 0.0141582</float_array>
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5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 5990 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 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0.0421347 0.00556022 -0.01200000000000006 0.0421362 0.0055488 -0.006000000000000056 0.0410499 0.0110069 -0.006000000000000056 0.0186807 0.00373223 -0.006000000000000056 0.0175886 0.0073164 -0.006000000000000056 0.0421362 0.0055488 -0.006000000000000056 0.0421347 0.00556022 -0.01200000000000006 0.0425 0 -0.01200000000000006 0.0421362 0.0055488 -0.006000000000000056 3.30764e-05 0.0190497 -0.006000000000000056 0.0368063 0.0212497 -0.006000000000000056 0.0410499 0.0110069 -0.006000000000000056 0.0410435 0.0110307 -0.01200000000000006 0.0410499 0.0110069 -0.006000000000000056 0.0368063 0.0212497 -0.006000000000000056 0.00729752 0.0175968 -0.006000000000000056 3.30764e-05 0.0190497 -0.006000000000000056 0.0410499 0.0110069 -0.006000000000000056 0.0134647 0.0134755 -0.006000000000000056 0.00729752 0.0175968 -0.006000000000000056 0.0410499 0.0110069 -0.006000000000000056 0.0175886 0.0073164 -0.006000000000000056 0.0134647 0.0134755 -0.006000000000000056 0.0410499 0.0110069 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-0.01200000000000006 -0.0115265 0.0429808 -0.01200000000000006 0.0115156 0.0429837 -0.01200000000000006 0.00555688 0.0421348 -0.01200000000000006 8.20977e-06 0.0424996 -0.01200000000000006 0.0115156 0.0429837 -0.01200000000000006 1.34488e-05 0.0444996 0.004959999999999944 0.00579845 0.0441202 -0.01200000000000006 -1.34488e-05 0.0444996 -0.01200000000000006 0.0115265 0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 0.00579845 0.0441202 -0.01200000000000006 1.34488e-05 0.0444996 0.004959999999999944 -0.00579845 0.0441202 0.004959999999999944 -1.34488e-05 0.0444996 -0.01200000000000006 -0.0115265 0.0429808 -0.01200000000000006 1.34488e-05 0.0444996 0.004959999999999944 -1.34488e-05 0.0444996 -0.01200000000000006 -0.00579845 0.0441202 0.004959999999999944 -0.0162751 0.03926 -0.01200000000000006 -0.0222434 0.0385417 -0.01200000000000006 -0.0115265 0.0429808 -0.01200000000000006 -0.0170349 0.04111 0.004959999999999944 -0.0115265 0.0429808 -0.01200000000000006 -0.0222434 0.0385417 -0.01200000000000006 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-0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 8.20977e-06 -0.0424996 0.004959999999999944 -0.00554438 -0.0421364 0.004959999999999944 -0.0115265 -0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 0.0115156 -0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 -1.34488e-05 -0.0444996 0.004959999999999944 0.00579845 -0.0441202 0.004959999999999944 0.00555688 -0.0421348 0.004959999999999944 0.0115156 -0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 0.0170349 -0.04111 0.004959999999999944 0.00555688 -0.0421348 0.004959999999999944 8.20977e-06 -0.0424996 0.004959999999999944 0.0115156 -0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 0.0110084 -0.0410491 0.004959999999999944 0.0170349 -0.04111 0.004959999999999944 0.0222549 -0.0385351 0.004959999999999944 0.0110084 -0.0410491 0.004959999999999944 0.00555688 -0.0421348 0.004959999999999944 0.0170349 -0.04111 0.004959999999999944 0.0212442 -0.0368092 0.004959999999999944 0.0222549 -0.0385351 0.004959999999999944 0.0314664 -0.0314657 0.004959999999999944 0.0212442 -0.0368092 0.004959999999999944 0.0110084 -0.0410491 0.004959999999999944 0.0222549 -0.0385351 0.004959999999999944 0.0300298 -0.030074 0.004959999999999944 0.0314664 -0.0314657 0.004959999999999944 0.035306 -0.0270871 0.004959999999999944 0.0300298 -0.030074 0.004959999999999944 0.0212442 -0.0368092 0.004959999999999944 0.0314664 -0.0314657 0.004959999999999944 0.0300298 -0.030074 0.004959999999999944 0.035306 -0.0270871 0.004959999999999944 0.0385396 -0.0222476 0.004959999999999944 0.0367852 -0.021286 0.004959999999999944 0.0385396 -0.0222476 0.004959999999999944 0.0429814 -0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 0.0367852 -0.021286 0.004959999999999944 0.0300298 -0.030074 0.004959999999999944 0.0385396 -0.0222476 0.004959999999999944 0.0410435 -0.0110307 0.004959999999999944 0.0429814 -0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 0.0441189 -0.00581175 0.004959999999999944 0.0392466 -0.0163076 0.004959999999999944 0.0367852 -0.021286 0.004959999999999944 0.0429814 -0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 0.0410435 -0.0110307 0.004959999999999944 0.0392466 -0.0163076 0.004959999999999944 0.0429814 -0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 0.0421347 -0.00556022 0.004959999999999944 0.0410435 -0.0110307 0.004959999999999944 0.0441189 -0.00581175 0.004959999999999944 -0.0410435 0.0110307 0.004959999999999944 -0.0429814 0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 -0.0441189 0.00581175 0.004959999999999944 -0.0421347 0.00556022 0.004959999999999944 -0.0410435 0.0110307 0.004959999999999944 -0.0441189 0.00581175 0.004959999999999944 -0.0367852 0.021286 0.004959999999999944 -0.0385396 0.0222476 0.004959999999999944 -0.0429814 0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 -0.0392466 0.0163076 0.004959999999999944 -0.0367852 0.021286 0.004959999999999944 -0.0429814 0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 -0.0410435 0.0110307 0.004959999999999944 -0.0392466 0.0163076 0.004959999999999944 -0.0429814 0.0115259 0.004959999999999944 -0.0300298 0.030074 0.004959999999999944 -0.035306 0.0270871 0.004959999999999944 -0.0385396 0.0222476 0.004959999999999944 -0.0367852 0.021286 0.004959999999999944 -0.0300298 0.030074 0.004959999999999944 -0.0385396 0.0222476 0.004959999999999944 -0.0300298 0.030074 0.004959999999999944 -0.0314664 0.0314657 0.004959999999999944 -0.035306 0.0270871 0.004959999999999944 -0.0212442 0.0368092 0.004959999999999944 -0.0222549 0.0385351 0.004959999999999944 -0.0314664 0.0314657 0.004959999999999944 -0.0300298 0.030074 0.004959999999999944 -0.0212442 0.0368092 0.004959999999999944 -0.0314664 0.0314657 0.004959999999999944 -0.0110084 0.0410491 0.004959999999999944 -0.0170349 0.04111 0.004959999999999944 -0.0222549 0.0385351 0.004959999999999944 -0.0212442 0.0368092 0.004959999999999944 -0.0110084 0.0410491 0.004959999999999944 -0.0222549 0.0385351 0.004959999999999944 -0.00555688 0.0421348 0.004959999999999944 -0.0115156 0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 -0.0170349 0.04111 0.004959999999999944 -0.0110084 0.0410491 0.004959999999999944 -0.00555688 0.0421348 0.004959999999999944 -0.0170349 0.04111 0.004959999999999944 1.34488e-05 0.0444996 0.004959999999999944 -0.00579845 0.0441202 0.004959999999999944 -0.0115156 0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 0.0115265 0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 1.34488e-05 0.0444996 0.004959999999999944 -0.0115156 0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 -8.20977e-06 0.0424996 0.004959999999999944 0.0115265 0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 -0.0115156 0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 -0.00555688 0.0421348 0.004959999999999944 -8.20977e-06 0.0424996 0.004959999999999944 -0.0115156 0.0429837 0.004959999999999944 0.0162751 0.03926 0.004959999999999944 0.0222434 0.0385417 0.004959999999999944 0.0115265 0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 0.0110052 0.0410499 0.004959999999999944 0.0162751 0.03926 0.004959999999999944 0.0115265 0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 0.00554438 0.0421364 0.004959999999999944 0.0110052 0.0410499 0.004959999999999944 0.0115265 0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 -8.20977e-06 0.0424996 0.004959999999999944 0.00554438 0.0421364 0.004959999999999944 0.0115265 0.0429808 0.004959999999999944 0.0212581 0.0368012 0.004959999999999944 0.0314436 0.0314886 0.004959999999999944 0.0222434 0.0385417 0.004959999999999944 0.0162751 0.03926 0.004959999999999944 0.0212581 0.0368012 0.004959999999999944 0.0222434 0.0385417 0.004959999999999944 0.0300527 0.030051 0.004959999999999944 0.0385182 0.0222844 0.004959999999999944 0.0314436 0.0314886 0.004959999999999944 0.0212581 0.0368012 0.004959999999999944 0.0300527 0.030051 0.004959999999999944 0.0314436 0.0314886 0.004959999999999944 0.0368063 0.0212497 0.004959999999999944 0.0410944 0.0170728 0.004959999999999944 0.0385182 0.0222844 0.004959999999999944 0.0300527 0.030051 0.004959999999999944 0.0368063 0.0212497 0.004959999999999944 0.0385182 0.0222844 0.004959999999999944 0.0410499 0.0110069 0.004959999999999944 0.0429748 0.0115504 0.004959999999999944 0.0410944 0.0170728 0.004959999999999944 0.0368063 0.0212497 0.004959999999999944 0.0410499 0.0110069 0.004959999999999944 0.0410944 0.0170728 0.004959999999999944 0.0410499 0.0110069 0.004959999999999944 0.0441173 0.00582357 0.004959999999999944 0.0429748 0.0115504 0.004959999999999944 0.0421362 0.0055488 0.004959999999999944 0.0425 0 0.004959999999999944 0.0441173 0.00582357 0.004959999999999944 0.0410499 0.0110069 0.004959999999999944 0.0421362 0.0055488 0.004959999999999944 0.0441173 0.00582357 0.004959999999999944 -0.0425 1.9082e-17 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0425 0 0.004959999999999944 -0.0421362 -0.0055488 0.004959999999999944 -0.0421362 0.0055488 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0421347 0.00556022 0.004959999999999944 -0.0425 0 0.004959999999999944 -0.0421362 0.0055488 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0425 0 0.004959999999999944 -0.0425 1.9082e-17 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0421347 -0.00556022 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0421362 -0.0055488 0.004959999999999944 -0.0410499 -0.0110069 0.004959999999999944 -0.0421347 -0.00556022 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0425 1.9082e-17 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0421362 -0.0055488 0.004959999999999944 -0.0410435 -0.0110307 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0410499 -0.0110069 0.004959999999999944 -0.0368063 -0.0212497 0.004959999999999944 -0.0410435 -0.0110307 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0421347 -0.00556022 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0410499 -0.0110069 0.004959999999999944 -0.0367852 -0.021286 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0368063 -0.0212497 0.004959999999999944 -0.0300527 -0.030051 0.004959999999999944 -0.0392466 -0.0163076 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0410435 -0.0110307 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0368063 -0.0212497 0.004959999999999944 -0.0367852 -0.021286 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0392466 -0.0163076 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0368063 -0.0212497 0.004959999999999944 -0.0300298 -0.030074 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0300527 -0.030051 0.004959999999999944 -0.0212581 -0.0368012 0.004959999999999944 -0.0300298 -0.030074 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0367852 -0.021286 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0300527 -0.030051 0.004959999999999944 -0.0212442 -0.0368092 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0212581 -0.0368012 0.004959999999999944 -0.0162751 -0.03926 0.004959999999999944 -0.0212442 -0.0368092 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0300298 -0.030074 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0212581 -0.0368012 0.004959999999999944 -0.0110084 -0.0410491 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0162751 -0.03926 0.004959999999999944 -0.0110052 -0.0410499 0.004959999999999944 -0.0110084 -0.0410491 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0212442 -0.0368092 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0162751 -0.03926 0.004959999999999944 -0.00555688 -0.0421348 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0110052 -0.0410499 0.004959999999999944 -0.00554438 -0.0421364 0.004959999999999944 -0.00555688 -0.0421348 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0110084 -0.0410491 0.0009599989999999445 -0.0110052 -0.0410499 0.004959999999999944 -8.20977e-06 -0.0424996 0.0009599989999999445 -0.00554438 -0.0421364 0.004959999999999944 8.20977e-06 -0.0424996 0.004959999999999944 -8.20977e-06 -0.0424996 0.0009599989999999445 -0.00555688 -0.0421348 0.0009599989999999445 -0.00554438 -0.0421364 0.004959999999999944 0.00554438 -0.0421364 0.0009599989999999445 8.20977e-06 -0.0424996 0.004959999999999944 0.00555688 -0.0421348 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288 <color>0.2470590025186539 0.2470590025186539 0.2470590025186539 1</color>
289 </diffuse>
290 <transparency>
291 <float>1</float>
292 </transparency>
293 </phong>
294 </technique>
295 </profile_COMMON>
296 </effect>
297 <effect id="g1_link2_geom0_eff">
298 <profile_COMMON>
299 <technique sid="">
300 <phong>
301 <ambient>
302 <color>0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0</color>
303 </ambient>
304 <diffuse>
305 <color>0.9372550249099731 0.6745100021362305 0.1137249991297722 1</color>
306 </diffuse>
307 <transparency>
308 <float>1</float>
309 </transparency>
310 </phong>
311 </technique>
312 </profile_COMMON>
313 </effect>
314 <effect id="g1_link3_geom0_eff">
315 <profile_COMMON>
316 <technique sid="">
317 <phong>
318 <ambient>
319 <color>0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0</color>
320 </ambient>
321 <diffuse>
322 <color>1 0 0 1</color>
323 </diffuse>
324 <transparency>
325 <float>1</float>
326 </transparency>
327 </phong>
328 </technique>
329 </profile_COMMON>
330 </effect>
331 <effect id="g1_link4_geom0_eff">
332 <profile_COMMON>
333 <technique sid="">
334 <phong>
335 <ambient>
336 <color>0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0</color>
337 </ambient>
338 <diffuse>
339 <color>0 1 0.5019609928131104 1</color>
340 </diffuse>
341 <transparency>
342 <float>1</float>
343 </transparency>
344 </phong>
345 </technique>
346 </profile_COMMON>
347 </effect>
348 <effect id="g1_link5_geom0_eff">
349 <profile_COMMON>
350 <technique sid="">
351 <phong>
352 <ambient>
353 <color>0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0</color>
354 </ambient>
355 <diffuse>
356 <color>0.9019610285758972 0.443136990070343 0.03137249872088432 1</color>
357 </diffuse>
358 <transparency>
359 <float>1</float>
360 </transparency>
361 </phong>
362 </technique>
363 </profile_COMMON>
364 </effect>
365 <effect id="g1_link6_geom0_eff">
366 <profile_COMMON>
367 <technique sid="">
368 <phong>
369 <ambient>
370 <color>0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0</color>
371 </ambient>
372 <diffuse>
373 <color>0.5019609928131104 0.5019609928131104 1 1</color>
374 </diffuse>
375 <transparency>
376 <float>1</float>
377 </transparency>
378 </phong>
379 </technique>
380 </profile_COMMON>
381 </effect>
382 <effect id="g1_link7_geom0_eff">
383 <profile_COMMON>
384 <technique sid="">
385 <phong>
386 <ambient>
387 <color>0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0.2000000029802322 0</color>
388 </ambient>
389 <diffuse>
390 <color>0.5019609928131104 1 0.5019609928131104 1</color>
391 </diffuse>
392 <transparency>
393 <float>1</float>
394 </transparency>
395 </phong>
396 </technique>
397 </profile_COMMON>
398 </effect>
399 </library_effects>
400 <library_materials id="materials">
401 <material id="g1_link0_geom0_mat">
402 <instance_effect url="#g1_link0_geom0_eff"/>
403 </material>
404 <material id="g1_link1_geom0_mat">
405 <instance_effect url="#g1_link1_geom0_eff"/>
406 </material>
407 <material id="g1_link2_geom0_mat">
408 <instance_effect url="#g1_link2_geom0_eff"/>
409 </material>
410 <material id="g1_link3_geom0_mat">
411 <instance_effect url="#g1_link3_geom0_eff"/>
412 </material>
413 <material id="g1_link4_geom0_mat">
414 <instance_effect url="#g1_link4_geom0_eff"/>
415 </material>
416 <material id="g1_link5_geom0_mat">
417 <instance_effect url="#g1_link5_geom0_eff"/>
418 </material>
419 <material id="g1_link6_geom0_mat">
420 <instance_effect url="#g1_link6_geom0_eff"/>
421 </material>
422 <material id="g1_link7_geom0_mat">
423 <instance_effect url="#g1_link7_geom0_eff"/>
424 </material>
425 </library_materials>
426 <library_nodes id="nodes">
427 <node id="v1.node0" name="wam0" sid="node0">
428 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
429 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
430 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link0_geom0">
431 <bind_material>
432 <technique_common>
433 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link0_geom0_mat"/>
434 </technique_common>
435 </bind_material>
436 </instance_geometry>
437 <node id="v1.node1" name="wam1" sid="node1">
438 <translate>0.22 0.14 0.346</translate>
439 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
440 <rotate sid="node_joint0_axis0">0 0 1 0</rotate>
441 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
442 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
443 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link1_geom0">
444 <bind_material>
445 <technique_common>
446 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link1_geom0_mat"/>
447 </technique_common>
448 </bind_material>
449 </instance_geometry>
450 <node id="v1.node2" name="wam2" sid="node2">
451 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
452 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
453 <rotate sid="node_joint1_axis0">0 0 1 0</rotate>
454 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
455 <rotate>1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
456 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link2_geom0">
457 <bind_material>
458 <technique_common>
459 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link2_geom0_mat"/>
460 </technique_common>
461 </bind_material>
462 </instance_geometry>
463 <node id="v1.node3" name="wam3" sid="node3">
464 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
465 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
466 <rotate sid="node_joint2_axis0">0 0 1 0</rotate>
467 <translate>0.045 0 0.55</translate>
468 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
469 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link3_geom0">
470 <bind_material>
471 <technique_common>
472 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link3_geom0_mat"/>
473 </technique_common>
474 </bind_material>
475 </instance_geometry>
476 <node id="v1.node4" name="wam4" sid="node4">
477 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
478 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
479 <rotate sid="node_joint3_axis0">0 0 1 0</rotate>
480 <translate>-0.045 0 0</translate>
481 <rotate>1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
482 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link4_geom0">
483 <bind_material>
484 <technique_common>
485 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link4_geom0_mat"/>
486 </technique_common>
487 </bind_material>
488 </instance_geometry>
489 <node id="v1.node5" name="wam5" sid="node5">
490 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
491 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
492 <rotate sid="node_joint4_axis0">0 0 1 0</rotate>
493 <translate>0 0 0.3</translate>
494 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
495 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link5_geom0">
496 <bind_material>
497 <technique_common>
498 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link5_geom0_mat"/>
499 </technique_common>
500 </bind_material>
501 </instance_geometry>
502 <node id="v1.node6" name="wam6" sid="node6">
503 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
504 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
505 <rotate sid="node_joint5_axis0">0 0 1 0</rotate>
506 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
507 <rotate>1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
508 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link6_geom0">
509 <bind_material>
510 <technique_common>
511 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link6_geom0_mat"/>
512 </technique_common>
513 </bind_material>
514 </instance_geometry>
515 <node id="v1.node7" name="wam7" sid="node7">
516 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
517 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
518 <rotate sid="node_joint6_axis0">0 0 1 0</rotate>
519 <translate>0 0 0.06000000000000005</translate>
520 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
521 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link7_geom0">
522 <bind_material>
523 <technique_common>
524 <instance_material symbol="mat0" target="#g1_link7_geom0_mat"/>
525 </technique_common>
526 </bind_material>
527 </instance_geometry>
528 </node>
529 </node>
530 </node>
531 </node>
532 </node>
533 </node>
534 </node>
535 </node>
536 </library_nodes>
537 <library_kinematics_models id="kmodels">
538 <kinematics_model id="kmodel1" name="WAM7">
539 <asset>
540 <subject>:Interface Author: Rosen Diankov
542 Simplest robot possible that just passes the trajectories to the controller</subject>
543 </asset>
544 <technique_common>
545 <joint name="Shoulder_Yaw" sid="joint0">
546 <revolute sid="axis0">
547 <axis>0 0 1</axis>
548 <limits>
549 <min>-150</min>
550 <max>150</max>
551 </limits>
552 </revolute>
553 </joint>
554 <joint name="Shoulder_Pitch" sid="joint1">
555 <revolute sid="axis0">
556 <axis>0 0 1</axis>
557 <limits>
558 <min>-113</min>
559 <max>113</max>
560 </limits>
561 </revolute>
562 </joint>
563 <joint name="Shoulder_Roll" sid="joint2">
564 <revolute sid="axis0">
565 <axis>0 0 1</axis>
566 <limits>
567 <min>-157</min>
568 <max>157</max>
569 </limits>
570 </revolute>
571 </joint>
572 <joint name="Elbow" sid="joint3">
573 <revolute sid="axis0">
574 <axis>0 0 1</axis>
575 <limits>
576 <min>-50</min>
577 <max>180</max>
578 </limits>
579 </revolute>
580 </joint>
581 <joint name="Wrist_Yaw" sid="joint4">
582 <revolute sid="axis0">
583 <axis>0 0 1</axis>
584 <limits>
585 <min>-275</min>
586 <max>75</max>
587 </limits>
588 </revolute>
589 </joint>
590 <joint name="Wrist_Pitch" sid="joint5">
591 <revolute sid="axis0">
592 <axis>0 0 1</axis>
593 <limits>
594 <min>-90</min>
595 <max>90</max>
596 </limits>
597 </revolute>
598 </joint>
599 <joint name="Wrist_Roll" sid="joint6">
600 <revolute sid="axis0">
601 <axis>0 0 1</axis>
602 <limits>
603 <min>-172</min>
604 <max>172</max>
605 </limits>
606 </revolute>
607 </joint>
608 <link sid="link0" name="wam0">
609 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
610 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
611 <attachment_full joint="kmodel1/joint0">
612 <translate>0.22 0.14 0.346</translate>
613 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
614 <link sid="link1" name="wam1">
615 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
616 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
617 <attachment_full joint="kmodel1/joint1">
618 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
619 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
620 <link sid="link2" name="wam2">
621 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
622 <rotate>1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
623 <attachment_full joint="kmodel1/joint2">
624 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
625 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
626 <link sid="link3" name="wam3">
627 <translate>0.045 0 0.55</translate>
628 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
629 <attachment_full joint="kmodel1/joint3">
630 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
631 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
632 <link sid="link4" name="wam4">
633 <translate>-0.045 0 0</translate>
634 <rotate>1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
635 <attachment_full joint="kmodel1/joint4">
636 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
637 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
638 <link sid="link5" name="wam5">
639 <translate>0 0 0.3</translate>
640 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
641 <attachment_full joint="kmodel1/joint5">
642 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
643 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
644 <link sid="link6" name="wam6">
645 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
646 <rotate>1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
647 <attachment_full joint="kmodel1/joint6">
648 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
649 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
650 <link sid="link7" name="wam7">
651 <translate>0 0 0.06000000000000005</translate>
652 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
653 </link>
654 </attachment_full>
655 </link>
656 </attachment_full>
657 </link>
658 </attachment_full>
659 </link>
660 </attachment_full>
661 </link>
662 </attachment_full>
663 </link>
664 </attachment_full>
665 </link>
666 </attachment_full>
667 </link>
668 </technique_common>
669 <extra type="interface_type">
670 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
671 <interface type="robot">GenericRobot</interface>
672 </technique>
673 </extra>
674 <extra type="collision">
675 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
676 <ignore_link_pair link0="kmodel1/link1" link1="kmodel1/link3"/>
677 <ignore_link_pair link0="kmodel1/link4" link1="kmodel1/link6"/>
678 <ignore_link_pair link0="kmodel1/link4" link1="kmodel1/link7"/>
679 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link0">
680 <bool>true</bool>
681 </link_collision_state>
682 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link1">
683 <bool>true</bool>
684 </link_collision_state>
685 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link2">
686 <bool>true</bool>
687 </link_collision_state>
688 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link3">
689 <bool>true</bool>
690 </link_collision_state>
691 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link4">
692 <bool>true</bool>
693 </link_collision_state>
694 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link5">
695 <bool>true</bool>
696 </link_collision_state>
697 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link6">
698 <bool>true</bool>
699 </link_collision_state>
700 <link_collision_state link="kmodel1/link7">
701 <bool>true</bool>
702 </link_collision_state>
703 </technique>
704 </extra>
705 </kinematics_model>
706 </library_kinematics_models>
707 <library_articulated_systems id="asystems">
708 <articulated_system id="body1_kinematics">
709 <kinematics>
710 <instance_kinematics_model url="#kmodel1" sid="kmodel1_inst">
711 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst">
712 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst</SIDREF>
713 </newparam>
714 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0">
715 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst/joint0/axis0</SIDREF>
716 </newparam>
717 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0_value">
718 <float>0</float>
719 </newparam>
720 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0">
721 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst/joint1/axis0</SIDREF>
722 </newparam>
723 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0_value">
724 <float>0</float>
725 </newparam>
726 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0">
727 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst/joint2/axis0</SIDREF>
728 </newparam>
729 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0_value">
730 <float>0</float>
731 </newparam>
732 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0">
733 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst/joint3/axis0</SIDREF>
734 </newparam>
735 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0_value">
736 <float>0</float>
737 </newparam>
738 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0">
739 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst/joint4/axis0</SIDREF>
740 </newparam>
741 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0_value">
742 <float>0</float>
743 </newparam>
744 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0">
745 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst/joint5/axis0</SIDREF>
746 </newparam>
747 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0_value">
748 <float>0</float>
749 </newparam>
750 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0">
751 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/kmodel1_inst/joint6/axis0</SIDREF>
752 </newparam>
753 <newparam sid="body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0_value">
754 <float>0</float>
755 </newparam>
756 </instance_kinematics_model>
757 <technique_common>
758 <axis_info sid="kaxis_info_inst0" axis="kmodel1/joint0/axis0">
759 <newparam sid="active">
760 <bool>true</bool>
761 </newparam>
762 <newparam sid="locked">
763 <bool>false</bool>
764 </newparam>
765 <newparam sid="positionmin">
766 <float>-150</float>
767 </newparam>
768 <newparam sid="positionmax">
769 <float>150</float>
770 </newparam>
771 <newparam sid="circular">
772 <bool>false</bool>
773 </newparam>
774 <newparam sid="planning_weight">
775 <float>1</float>
776 </newparam>
777 <newparam sid="discretization_resolution">
778 <float>0.02</float>
779 </newparam>
780 <active>
781 <param>active</param>
782 </active>
783 <locked>
784 <param>locked</param>
785 </locked>
786 <index semantic="OpenRAVE">
787 <int>0</int>
788 </index>
789 <limits>
790 <min>
791 <param>positionmin</param>
792 </min>
793 <max>
794 <param>positionmax</param>
795 </max>
796 </limits>
797 </axis_info>
798 <axis_info sid="kaxis_info_inst1" axis="kmodel1/joint1/axis0">
799 <newparam sid="active">
800 <bool>true</bool>
801 </newparam>
802 <newparam sid="locked">
803 <bool>false</bool>
804 </newparam>
805 <newparam sid="positionmin">
806 <float>-113</float>
807 </newparam>
808 <newparam sid="positionmax">
809 <float>113</float>
810 </newparam>
811 <newparam sid="circular">
812 <bool>false</bool>
813 </newparam>
814 <newparam sid="planning_weight">
815 <float>1</float>
816 </newparam>
817 <newparam sid="discretization_resolution">
818 <float>0.02</float>
819 </newparam>
820 <active>
821 <param>active</param>
822 </active>
823 <locked>
824 <param>locked</param>
825 </locked>
826 <index semantic="OpenRAVE">
827 <int>1</int>
828 </index>
829 <limits>
830 <min>
831 <param>positionmin</param>
832 </min>
833 <max>
834 <param>positionmax</param>
835 </max>
836 </limits>
837 </axis_info>
838 <axis_info sid="kaxis_info_inst2" axis="kmodel1/joint2/axis0">
839 <newparam sid="active">
840 <bool>true</bool>
841 </newparam>
842 <newparam sid="locked">
843 <bool>false</bool>
844 </newparam>
845 <newparam sid="positionmin">
846 <float>-157</float>
847 </newparam>
848 <newparam sid="positionmax">
849 <float>157</float>
850 </newparam>
851 <newparam sid="circular">
852 <bool>false</bool>
853 </newparam>
854 <newparam sid="planning_weight">
855 <float>1</float>
856 </newparam>
857 <newparam sid="discretization_resolution">
858 <float>0.02</float>
859 </newparam>
860 <active>
861 <param>active</param>
862 </active>
863 <locked>
864 <param>locked</param>
865 </locked>
866 <index semantic="OpenRAVE">
867 <int>2</int>
868 </index>
869 <limits>
870 <min>
871 <param>positionmin</param>
872 </min>
873 <max>
874 <param>positionmax</param>
875 </max>
876 </limits>
877 </axis_info>
878 <axis_info sid="kaxis_info_inst3" axis="kmodel1/joint3/axis0">
879 <newparam sid="active">
880 <bool>true</bool>
881 </newparam>
882 <newparam sid="locked">
883 <bool>false</bool>
884 </newparam>
885 <newparam sid="positionmin">
886 <float>-50</float>
887 </newparam>
888 <newparam sid="positionmax">
889 <float>180</float>
890 </newparam>
891 <newparam sid="circular">
892 <bool>false</bool>
893 </newparam>
894 <newparam sid="planning_weight">
895 <float>1</float>
896 </newparam>
897 <newparam sid="discretization_resolution">
898 <float>0.02</float>
899 </newparam>
900 <active>
901 <param>active</param>
902 </active>
903 <locked>
904 <param>locked</param>
905 </locked>
906 <index semantic="OpenRAVE">
907 <int>3</int>
908 </index>
909 <limits>
910 <min>
911 <param>positionmin</param>
912 </min>
913 <max>
914 <param>positionmax</param>
915 </max>
916 </limits>
917 </axis_info>
918 <axis_info sid="kaxis_info_inst4" axis="kmodel1/joint4/axis0">
919 <newparam sid="active">
920 <bool>true</bool>
921 </newparam>
922 <newparam sid="locked">
923 <bool>false</bool>
924 </newparam>
925 <newparam sid="positionmin">
926 <float>-275</float>
927 </newparam>
928 <newparam sid="positionmax">
929 <float>75</float>
930 </newparam>
931 <newparam sid="circular">
932 <bool>false</bool>
933 </newparam>
934 <newparam sid="planning_weight">
935 <float>1</float>
936 </newparam>
937 <newparam sid="discretization_resolution">
938 <float>0.02</float>
939 </newparam>
940 <active>
941 <param>active</param>
942 </active>
943 <locked>
944 <param>locked</param>
945 </locked>
946 <index semantic="OpenRAVE">
947 <int>4</int>
948 </index>
949 <limits>
950 <min>
951 <param>positionmin</param>
952 </min>
953 <max>
954 <param>positionmax</param>
955 </max>
956 </limits>
957 </axis_info>
958 <axis_info sid="kaxis_info_inst5" axis="kmodel1/joint5/axis0">
959 <newparam sid="active">
960 <bool>true</bool>
961 </newparam>
962 <newparam sid="locked">
963 <bool>false</bool>
964 </newparam>
965 <newparam sid="positionmin">
966 <float>-90</float>
967 </newparam>
968 <newparam sid="positionmax">
969 <float>90</float>
970 </newparam>
971 <newparam sid="circular">
972 <bool>false</bool>
973 </newparam>
974 <newparam sid="planning_weight">
975 <float>1</float>
976 </newparam>
977 <newparam sid="discretization_resolution">
978 <float>0.02</float>
979 </newparam>
980 <active>
981 <param>active</param>
982 </active>
983 <locked>
984 <param>locked</param>
985 </locked>
986 <index semantic="OpenRAVE">
987 <int>5</int>
988 </index>
989 <limits>
990 <min>
991 <param>positionmin</param>
992 </min>
993 <max>
994 <param>positionmax</param>
995 </max>
996 </limits>
997 </axis_info>
998 <axis_info sid="kaxis_info_inst6" axis="kmodel1/joint6/axis0">
999 <newparam sid="active">
1000 <bool>true</bool>
1001 </newparam>
1002 <newparam sid="locked">
1003 <bool>false</bool>
1004 </newparam>
1005 <newparam sid="positionmin">
1006 <float>-172</float>
1007 </newparam>
1008 <newparam sid="positionmax">
1009 <float>172</float>
1010 </newparam>
1011 <newparam sid="circular">
1012 <bool>false</bool>
1013 </newparam>
1014 <newparam sid="planning_weight">
1015 <float>1</float>
1016 </newparam>
1017 <newparam sid="discretization_resolution">
1018 <float>0.02</float>
1019 </newparam>
1020 <active>
1021 <param>active</param>
1022 </active>
1023 <locked>
1024 <param>locked</param>
1025 </locked>
1026 <index semantic="OpenRAVE">
1027 <int>6</int>
1028 </index>
1029 <limits>
1030 <min>
1031 <param>positionmin</param>
1032 </min>
1033 <max>
1034 <param>positionmax</param>
1035 </max>
1036 </limits>
1037 </axis_info>
1038 </technique_common>
1039 </kinematics>
1040 </articulated_system>
1041 <articulated_system id="body1_motion">
1042 <motion>
1043 <instance_articulated_system url="#body1_kinematics">
1044 <newparam sid="body1_motion_kmodel1_inst">
1045 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst</SIDREF>
1046 </newparam>
1047 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0">
1048 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0</SIDREF>
1049 </newparam>
1050 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0_value">
1051 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0_value</SIDREF>
1052 </newparam>
1053 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0">
1054 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0</SIDREF>
1055 </newparam>
1056 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0_value">
1057 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0_value</SIDREF>
1058 </newparam>
1059 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0">
1060 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0</SIDREF>
1061 </newparam>
1062 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0_value">
1063 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0_value</SIDREF>
1064 </newparam>
1065 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0">
1066 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0</SIDREF>
1067 </newparam>
1068 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0_value">
1069 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0_value</SIDREF>
1070 </newparam>
1071 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0">
1072 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0</SIDREF>
1073 </newparam>
1074 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0_value">
1075 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0_value</SIDREF>
1076 </newparam>
1077 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0">
1078 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0</SIDREF>
1079 </newparam>
1080 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0_value">
1081 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0_value</SIDREF>
1082 </newparam>
1083 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0">
1084 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0</SIDREF>
1085 </newparam>
1086 <newparam sid="body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0_value">
1087 <SIDREF>body1_kinematics/body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0_value</SIDREF>
1088 </newparam>
1089 </instance_articulated_system>
1090 <technique_common>
1091 <axis_info sid="maxis_info_inst0" axis="body1_kinematics/kaxis_info_inst0">
1092 <newparam sid="speed">
1093 <float>90.00021045914971</float>
1094 </newparam>
1095 <newparam sid="acceleration">
1096 <float>2864.788975654116</float>
1097 </newparam>
1098 <speed>
1099 <param>speed</param>
1100 </speed>
1101 <acceleration>
1102 <param>acceleration</param>
1103 </acceleration>
1104 </axis_info>
1105 <axis_info sid="maxis_info_inst1" axis="body1_kinematics/kaxis_info_inst1">
1106 <newparam sid="speed">
1107 <float>60.0001403060998</float>
1108 </newparam>
1109 <newparam sid="acceleration">
1110 <float>2864.788975654116</float>
1111 </newparam>
1112 <speed>
1113 <param>speed</param>
1114 </speed>
1115 <acceleration>
1116 <param>acceleration</param>
1117 </acceleration>
1118 </axis_info>
1119 <axis_info sid="maxis_info_inst2" axis="body1_kinematics/kaxis_info_inst2">
1120 <newparam sid="speed">
1121 <float>120.0002806121996</float>
1122 </newparam>
1123 <newparam sid="acceleration">
1124 <float>2864.788975654116</float>
1125 </newparam>
1126 <speed>
1127 <param>speed</param>
1128 </speed>
1129 <acceleration>
1130 <param>acceleration</param>
1131 </acceleration>
1132 </axis_info>
1133 <axis_info sid="maxis_info_inst3" axis="body1_kinematics/kaxis_info_inst3">
1134 <newparam sid="speed">
1135 <float>120.0002806121996</float>
1136 </newparam>
1137 <newparam sid="acceleration">
1138 <float>2864.788975654116</float>
1139 </newparam>
1140 <speed>
1141 <param>speed</param>
1142 </speed>
1143 <acceleration>
1144 <param>acceleration</param>
1145 </acceleration>
1146 </axis_info>
1147 <axis_info sid="maxis_info_inst4" axis="body1_kinematics/kaxis_info_inst4">
1148 <newparam sid="speed">
1149 <float>240.0005612243992</float>
1150 </newparam>
1151 <newparam sid="acceleration">
1152 <float>2864.788975654116</float>
1153 </newparam>
1154 <speed>
1155 <param>speed</param>
1156 </speed>
1157 <acceleration>
1158 <param>acceleration</param>
1159 </acceleration>
1160 </axis_info>
1161 <axis_info sid="maxis_info_inst5" axis="body1_kinematics/kaxis_info_inst5">
1162 <newparam sid="speed">
1163 <float>240.0005612243992</float>
1164 </newparam>
1165 <newparam sid="acceleration">
1166 <float>2864.788975654116</float>
1167 </newparam>
1168 <speed>
1169 <param>speed</param>
1170 </speed>
1171 <acceleration>
1172 <param>acceleration</param>
1173 </acceleration>
1174 </axis_info>
1175 <axis_info sid="maxis_info_inst6" axis="body1_kinematics/kaxis_info_inst6">
1176 <newparam sid="speed">
1177 <float>60.0001403060998</float>
1178 </newparam>
1179 <newparam sid="acceleration">
1180 <float>2864.788975654116</float>
1181 </newparam>
1182 <speed>
1183 <param>speed</param>
1184 </speed>
1185 <acceleration>
1186 <param>acceleration</param>
1187 </acceleration>
1188 </axis_info>
1189 </technique_common>
1190 </motion>
1191 <extra type="interface_type">
1192 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1193 <interface type="robot">GenericRobot</interface>
1194 </technique>
1195 </extra>
1196 <extra name="motor0" type="attach_actuator">
1197 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1198 <bind_actuator joint="kmodel1/joint0"/>
1199 </technique>
1200 </extra>
1201 <extra name="motor1" type="attach_actuator">
1202 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1203 <bind_actuator joint="kmodel1/joint1"/>
1204 </technique>
1205 </extra>
1206 <extra name="motor2" type="attach_actuator">
1207 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1208 <bind_actuator joint="kmodel1/joint2"/>
1209 </technique>
1210 </extra>
1211 <extra name="motor3" type="attach_actuator">
1212 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1213 <bind_actuator joint="kmodel1/joint3"/>
1214 </technique>
1215 </extra>
1216 <extra name="motor4" type="attach_actuator">
1217 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1218 <bind_actuator joint="kmodel1/joint4"/>
1219 </technique>
1220 </extra>
1221 <extra name="motor5" type="attach_actuator">
1222 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1223 <bind_actuator joint="kmodel1/joint5"/>
1224 </technique>
1225 </extra>
1226 <extra name="motor6" type="attach_actuator">
1227 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1228 <bind_actuator joint="kmodel1/joint6"/>
1229 </technique>
1230 </extra>
1231 <extra name="arm" type="manipulator">
1232 <technique profile="OpenRAVE">
1233 <frame_origin link="kmodel1/link0"/>
1234 <frame_tip link="kmodel1/link7">
1235 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
1236 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
1237 <direction>0 0 1</direction>
1238 </frame_tip>
1239 </technique>
1240 </extra>
1241 </articulated_system>
1242 </library_articulated_systems>
1243 <library_kinematics_scenes id="kscenes">
1244 <kinematics_scene id="kscene" name="barrett-wam">
1245 <instance_articulated_system sid="body1_motion_inst" url="#body1_motion" name="WAM7">
1246 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst">
1247 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_kmodel1_inst</SIDREF>
1248 </newparam>
1249 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0">
1250 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0</SIDREF>
1251 </newparam>
1252 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0_value">
1253 <float>0</float>
1254 </newparam>
1255 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0">
1256 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0</SIDREF>
1257 </newparam>
1258 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0_value">
1259 <float>0</float>
1260 </newparam>
1261 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0">
1262 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0</SIDREF>
1263 </newparam>
1264 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0_value">
1265 <float>0</float>
1266 </newparam>
1267 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0">
1268 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0</SIDREF>
1269 </newparam>
1270 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0_value">
1271 <float>0</float>
1272 </newparam>
1273 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0">
1274 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0</SIDREF>
1275 </newparam>
1276 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0_value">
1277 <float>0</float>
1278 </newparam>
1279 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0">
1280 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0</SIDREF>
1281 </newparam>
1282 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0_value">
1283 <float>0</float>
1284 </newparam>
1285 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0">
1286 <SIDREF>body1_motion/body1_motion_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0</SIDREF>
1287 </newparam>
1288 <newparam sid="kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0_value">
1289 <float>0</float>
1290 </newparam>
1291 </instance_articulated_system>
1292 </kinematics_scene>
1293 </library_kinematics_scenes>
1294 <library_physics_scenes id="pscenes">
1295 <physics_scene id="pscene" name="barrett-wam">
1296 <instance_physics_model url="#pmodel1" sid="pmodel1_inst" parent="#v1.node0">
1297 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid0" sid="rigid0" target="#v1.node0"/>
1298 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid1" sid="rigid1" target="#v1.node1"/>
1299 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid2" sid="rigid2" target="#v1.node2"/>
1300 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid3" sid="rigid3" target="#v1.node3"/>
1301 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid4" sid="rigid4" target="#v1.node4"/>
1302 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid5" sid="rigid5" target="#v1.node5"/>
1303 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid6" sid="rigid6" target="#v1.node6"/>
1304 <instance_rigid_body body="rigid7" sid="rigid7" target="#v1.node7"/>
1305 </instance_physics_model>
1306 <technique_common>
1307 <gravity>0 0 -9.797930195020351</gravity>
1308 </technique_common>
1309 </physics_scene>
1310 </library_physics_scenes>
1311 <library_physics_models id="pmodels">
1312 <physics_model id="pmodel1" name="WAM7">
1313 <rigid_body sid="rigid0" name="wam0">
1314 <technique_common>
1315 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1316 <mass>9.970599999999999</mass>
1317 <mass_frame>
1318 <translate>0.199823 0.14 0.07995289999999999</translate>
1319 <rotate>0.8974861557946352 0.2739200475497851 -0.3456680600045238 102.153</rotate>
1320 </mass_frame>
1321 <inertia>0.0873072 0.138662 0.183746</inertia>
1322 <shape>
1323 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link0_geom0"/>
1324 <translate>0 0 0</translate>
1325 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
1326 </shape>
1327 </technique_common>
1328 </rigid_body>
1329 <rigid_body sid="rigid1" name="wam1">
1330 <technique_common>
1331 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1332 <mass>8.393599999999999</mass>
1333 <mass_frame>
1334 <translate>0.215566 0.139335 0.2241099999999998</translate>
1335 <rotate>0.9976909503535526 -0.04939829754187409 0.04661089768057886 91.84030000000007</rotate>
1336 </mass_frame>
1337 <inertia>0.135089 0.113095 0.0904426</inertia>
1338 <shape>
1339 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link1_geom0"/>
1340 <translate>0.22 0.14 0.346</translate>
1341 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
1342 </shape>
1343 </technique_common>
1344 </rigid_body>
1345 <rigid_body sid="rigid2" name="wam2">
1346 <technique_common>
1347 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1348 <mass>3.87494</mass>
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1351 <rotate>-0.9992380852183999 -0.01199300102280365 0.03714050316746759 58.33220000000002</rotate>
1352 </mass_frame>
1353 <inertia>0.0214195 0.0167127 0.0126452</inertia>
1354 <shape>
1355 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link2_geom0"/>
1356 <translate>0.22 0.14 0.346</translate>
1357 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
1358 </shape>
1359 </technique_common>
1360 </rigid_body>
1361 <rigid_body sid="rigid3" name="wam3">
1362 <technique_common>
1363 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1364 <mass>1.80228</mass>
1365 <mass_frame>
1366 <translate>0.226741 0.140033 0.6884919999999998</translate>
1367 <rotate>-0.9964461682681947 0.08125571372151623 -0.02219330374774602 179.775</rotate>
1368 </mass_frame>
1369 <inertia>0.0592207 0.0592718 0.00313419</inertia>
1370 <shape>
1371 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link3_geom0"/>
1372 <translate>0.265 0.14 0.896</translate>
1373 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
1374 </shape>
1375 </technique_common>
1376 </rigid_body>
1377 <rigid_body sid="rigid4" name="wam4">
1378 <technique_common>
1379 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1380 <mass>2.40017</mass>
1381 <mass_frame>
1382 <translate>0.224985 0.139771 1.02872</translate>
1383 <rotate>0.02019599893974038 0.8632099546827734 0.5044409735176062 8.179980000000002</rotate>
1384 </mass_frame>
1385 <inertia>0.0151047 0.0148278 0.00275805</inertia>
1386 <shape>
1387 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link4_geom0"/>
1388 <translate>0.22 0.14 0.896</translate>
1389 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
1390 </shape>
1391 </technique_common>
1392 </rigid_body>
1393 <rigid_body sid="rigid5" name="wam5">
1394 <technique_common>
1395 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1396 <mass>0.12376</mass>
1397 <mass_frame>
1398 <translate>0.220089 0.144358 1.19089</translate>
1399 <rotate>-0.9999878272154155 -0.00385943933314026 -0.003074109468834808 104.346</rotate>
1400 </mass_frame>
1401 <inertia>5.02884e-05 7.673970000000001e-05 6.178190000000001e-05</inertia>
1402 <shape>
1403 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link5_geom0"/>
1404 <translate>0.22 0.14 1.196</translate>
1405 <rotate>-1 0 0 89.99999999999999</rotate>
1406 </shape>
1407 </technique_common>
1408 </rigid_body>
1409 <rigid_body sid="rigid6" name="wam6">
1410 <technique_common>
1411 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1412 <mass>0.417974</mass>
1413 <mass_frame>
1414 <translate>0.219877 0.122968 1.22068</translate>
1415 <rotate>-0.9999726107477317 0.003761348535846449 0.006374167518772876 78.19160000000002</rotate>
1416 </mass_frame>
1417 <inertia>0.000555168 0.00046317 0.000234072</inertia>
1418 <shape>
1419 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link6_geom0"/>
1420 <translate>0.22 0.14 1.196</translate>
1421 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
1422 </shape>
1423 </technique_common>
1424 </rigid_body>
1425 <rigid_body sid="rigid7" name="wam7">
1426 <technique_common>
1427 <dynamic>true</dynamic>
1428 <mass>0.0686475</mass>
1429 <mass_frame>
1430 <translate>0.21992 0.140163 1.25276</translate>
1431 <rotate>0 0 1 24.5141</rotate>
1432 </mass_frame>
1433 <inertia>3.76434e-05 3.81466e-05 7.408e-05</inertia>
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1435 <instance_geometry url="#g1_link7_geom0"/>
1436 <translate>0.22 0.14 1.256</translate>
1437 <rotate>1 0 0 0</rotate>
1438 </shape>
1439 </technique_common>
1440 </rigid_body>
1441 </physics_model>
1442 </library_physics_models>
1443 <scene>
1444 <instance_physics_scene url="#pscene" sid="pscene_inst" name="barrett-wam"/>
1445 <instance_visual_scene url="#vscene" sid="vscene_inst" name="barrett-wam"/>
1446 <instance_kinematics_scene url="#kscene" sid="kscene_inst" name="barrett-wam">
1447 <bind_kinematics_model node="visual1/node0">
1448 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst</param>
1449 </bind_kinematics_model>
1450 <bind_joint_axis target="visual1/node_joint0_axis0">
1451 <axis>
1452 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0</param>
1453 </axis>
1454 <value>
1455 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint0.axis0_value</param>
1456 </value>
1457 </bind_joint_axis>
1458 <bind_joint_axis target="visual1/node_joint1_axis0">
1459 <axis>
1460 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0</param>
1461 </axis>
1462 <value>
1463 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint1.axis0_value</param>
1464 </value>
1465 </bind_joint_axis>
1466 <bind_joint_axis target="visual1/node_joint2_axis0">
1467 <axis>
1468 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0</param>
1469 </axis>
1470 <value>
1471 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint2.axis0_value</param>
1472 </value>
1473 </bind_joint_axis>
1474 <bind_joint_axis target="visual1/node_joint3_axis0">
1475 <axis>
1476 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0</param>
1477 </axis>
1478 <value>
1479 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint3.axis0_value</param>
1480 </value>
1481 </bind_joint_axis>
1482 <bind_joint_axis target="visual1/node_joint4_axis0">
1483 <axis>
1484 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0</param>
1485 </axis>
1486 <value>
1487 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint4.axis0_value</param>
1488 </value>
1489 </bind_joint_axis>
1490 <bind_joint_axis target="visual1/node_joint5_axis0">
1491 <axis>
1492 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0</param>
1493 </axis>
1494 <value>
1495 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint5.axis0_value</param>
1496 </value>
1497 </bind_joint_axis>
1498 <bind_joint_axis target="visual1/node_joint6_axis0">
1499 <axis>
1500 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0</param>
1501 </axis>
1502 <value>
1503 <param>kscene_kmodel1_inst_body1_kinematics_kmodel1_inst_joint6.axis0_value</param>
1504 </value>
1505 </bind_joint_axis>
1506 </instance_kinematics_scene>
1507 </scene>
1508 <extra id="sensors" type="library_sensors">
1509 <technique profile="OpenRAVE"/>
1510 </extra>
1511 <extra id="actuators" type="library_actuators">
1512 <technique profile="OpenRAVE"/>
1513 </extra>
1514 </COLLADA>
Binary diff not shown
343343 triangles = mesh.geometries[0].primitives[0]
344344 self.assertEqual(6, len(triangles))
346 def test_collada_empty_triangles(self):
347 f = os.path.join(self.datadir, "empty_triangles.dae")
348 mesh = collada.Collada(f, validate_output=True)
349 triangles = mesh.geometries[0].primitives[0]
350 self.assertEqual(0, len(triangles))
352 def test_namespace(self):
353 """
354 Test loading a file with a different namespace.
356 Default namespace is:
359 This test file has namespace:
361 """
363 # a 1.5 spec collada file with a different namespace
364 # check both the zipped ("zae") and plain text ("dae") versions
365 for name in ['wam.zae', 'wam.dae']:
366 # full path to test file
367 file_name = os.path.join(self.datadir, name)
368 # load the scene
369 mesh = collada.Collada(file_name, validate_output=True)
370 # scene should have 8 geometries
371 self.assertEqual(len(mesh.geometries), 8)
372 # scene should have one root node
373 self.assertEqual(len(mesh.scene.nodes), 1)
346375 if __name__ == '__main__':
347376 unittest.main()
0 import numpy
1 from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
3 import collada
4 from collada.util import unittest
5 from collada.xmlutil import etree
6 from collada.common import DaeIncompleteError
8 fromstring = etree.fromstring
9 tostring = etree.tostring
12 class TestLineset(unittest.TestCase):
14 def setUp(self):
15 self.dummy = collada.Collada(validate_output=True)
17 def test_lineset_construction(self):
18 # An empty sources dict should raise an exception.
19 with self.assertRaises(DaeIncompleteError) as e:
20 collada.lineset.LineSet({}, None, None)
21 self.assertIn("at least one", e.exception.msg)
23 # As should passing one without VERTEX defined as a key.
24 with self.assertRaises(DaeIncompleteError) as e:
25 collada.lineset.LineSet({"a": []}, None, None)
26 self.assertIn("requires vertex", e.exception.msg)
28 # Adding an input list with vertex defined, but empty should raise an error.
29 with self.assertRaises(DaeIncompleteError) as e:
30 collada.lineset.LineSet({'VERTEX': []}, None, None)
31 self.assertIn("requires vertex", e.exception.msg)
33 def test_empty_lineset_saving(self):
34 linefloats = [1,1,-1, 1,-1,-1, -1,-0.9999998,-1, -0.9999997,1,-1, 1,0.9999995,1, 0.9999994,-1.000001,1]
35 linefloatsrc = collada.source.FloatSource("mylinevertsource", numpy.array(linefloats), ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
36 geometry = collada.geometry.Geometry(self.dummy, "geometry0", "mygeometry", [linefloatsrc])
37 input_list = collada.source.InputList()
38 input_list.addInput(0, 'VERTEX', "#mylinevertsource")
39 indices = numpy.array([0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5])
40 lineset = geometry.createLineSet(indices, input_list, "mymaterial")
42 # Check the initial values for the lineset.
43 self.assertIsNotNone(str(lineset))
44 assert_array_equal(lineset.index, indices)
45 self.assertEqual(lineset.nlines, len(indices))
46 self.assertEqual(lineset.material, "mymaterial")
48 # Serialize and deserialize.
50 loaded_lineset = collada.lineset.LineSet.load(collada, {'mylinevertsource': linefloatsrc}, fromstring(tostring(lineset.xmlnode)))
52 # Check that the deserialized version has all of the same properties.
53 self.assertEqual(loaded_lineset.sources, lineset.sources)
54 self.assertEqual(loaded_lineset.material, lineset.material)
55 assert_array_equal(loaded_lineset.index, lineset.index)
56 assert_array_equal(loaded_lineset.indices, lineset.indices)
57 self.assertEqual(loaded_lineset.nindices, lineset.nindices)
58 self.assertEqual(loaded_lineset.nlines, lineset.nlines)
61 if __name__ == '__main__':
62 unittest.main()
103103 def test_cimage_data_loading(self):
104104 data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath( __file__ )), "data")
105105 texture_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "duckCM.tga")
106 self.failUnless(os.path.isfile(texture_file_path), "Could not find data/duckCM.tga file for testing")
106 self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(texture_file_path), "Could not find data/duckCM.tga file for testing")
108108 texdata = open(texture_file_path, 'rb').read()
109109 self.assertEqual(len(texdata), 786476)
7272 * The TriangleSet object is read-only. To modify a TriangleSet, create a new
7373 instance using :meth:`collada.geometry.Geometry.createTriangleSet`.
7474 * If ``T`` is an instance of :class:`collada.triangleset.TriangleSet`, then ``len(T)``
75 returns the number of triangles in the set. ``T[i]`` returns the i\ :sup:`th`
75 returns the number of triangles in the set. ``T[i]`` returns the i\\ :sup:`th`
7676 triangle in the set.
7777 """
8282 creating a geometry instance.
8383 """
85 if len(sources) == 0: raise DaeIncompleteError('A triangle set needs at least one input for vertex positions')
86 if not 'VERTEX' in sources: raise DaeIncompleteError('Triangle set requires vertex input')
85 if len(sources) == 0:
86 raise DaeIncompleteError('A triangle set needs at least one input for vertex positions')
87 if not 'VERTEX' in sources:
88 raise DaeIncompleteError('Triangle set requires vertex input')
8890 max_offset = max([ max([input[0] for input in input_type_array])
8991 for input_type_array in sources.values()
194196 @staticmethod
195197 def load( collada, localscope, node ):
196 indexnodes = node.findall(tag('p'))
198 indexnodes = node.findall(collada.tag('p'))
197199 if not indexnodes: raise DaeIncompleteError('Missing index in triangle set')
199 source_array = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(tag('input')))
201 source_array = primitive.Primitive._getInputs(collada, localscope, node.findall(collada.tag('input')))
201203 def parse_p(indexnode):
202 if indexnode.text is None:
204 if indexnode.text is None or indexnode.text.isspace():
203205 index = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.int32)
204206 else:
205207 index = numpy.fromstring(indexnode.text, dtype=numpy.int32, sep=' ')
207209 return index
209211 indexlist = []
210 extendfunc = _indexExtendFunctions[node.tag]
212 tag_bare = node.tag.split('}')[-1]
214 extendfunc = _indexExtendFunctions[tag_bare]
211216 max_offset = max(input[0] for input_type_array in source_array.values()
212217 for input in input_type_array)
328333 """A triangle set bound to a transform matrix and materials mapping.
330335 * If ``T`` is an instance of :class:`collada.triangleset.BoundTriangleSet`, then ``len(T)``
331 returns the number of triangles in the set. ``T[i]`` returns the i\ :sup:`th`
336 returns the number of triangles in the set. ``T[i]`` returns the i\\ :sup:`th`
332337 triangle in the set.
333338 """
436441 indexlist.append(c.reshape(-1))
438443 _indexExtendFunctions = {
439 tag('tristrips'): _extendFromStrip,
440 tag('trifans'): _extendFromFan,
441 tag('triangles'): None,
444 'tristrips': _extendFromStrip,
445 'trifans': _extendFromFan,
446 'triangles': None,
442447 }
213213 for ind in xrange(i, j):
214214 _del(_get(ind))
215215 # add new indexing
216 if isinstance(newList, IndexedList):
217 self._index.update(newList._index)
216 if isinstance(newItems, IndexedList):
217 self._index.update(newItems._index)
218218 else:
219 for obj in newList:
219 for obj in newItems:
220220 _add(obj)
221221 # replace items
222 return list.__setslice__(self, i, j, newList)
222 return list.__setslice__(self, i, j, newItems)
224224 def append(self, obj):
225225 self._addindex(obj)
7373 E = ElementMaker()
7575 if etree.VERSION[0:3] == '1.2':
76 #in etree < 1.3, this is a workaround for supressing prefixes
76 #in etree < 1.3, this is a workaround for suppressing prefixes
7878 def fixtag(tag, namespaces):
7979 import string
0 pycollada (0.7.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
2 * New upstream release.
4 -- Debian Janitor <> Sat, 29 Jan 2022 02:55:25 -0000
06 pycollada (0.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium
28 * [ed71f3f] Update to Standards Version 4.5.0 (no changes needed)
0 Changelog
1 =========
0 pycollada Changelog
1 ###################
3 0.7.2 (2021-12-12)
4 ******************
6 Bug Fixes
7 =========
8 * Properly close files in constructor.
9 * Fix some warnings.
10 * Make examples python3 compatible.
11 * DaeUnsupportedError fails due to missing cast
12 * docs: Fix a few typos
13 * removed redundancy in unit normals and reformatted
14 * Remove deprecated ElementTree...getchildren() method calls
15 * Fix angle units documentation in RotateTransform.
17 New Features
18 ============
19 * Convert from Travis CI to Github Actions.
22 0.7.1 (2020-01-23)
23 ******************
25 Bug Fixes
26 =========
27 * Fix package_data in 0.7 release.
30 0.7 (2019-10-10)
31 ****************
33 Bug Fixes
34 =========
35 * Fix bug with namespaces with xml.etree.
36 * Fix bug when parsing whitespace-only numerical elements.
38 Backwards Compatibility Notes
39 =============================
40 * Support for Python 3.3 and 3.4 has been dropped.
43 0.6 (2017-11-19)
44 ****************
46 New Features
47 ============
48 * tristrips and trifans are now supported.
49 * Add support for Python 3.6
51 Bug Fixes
52 =========
53 * Fix python-dateutil dependency setup.
54 * Fix flaky test (#61).
56 Backwards Compatibility Notes
57 =============================
58 * Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.
60 0.5 (2017-03-16)
61 ****************
63 New Features
64 ============
65 * Added function to get effect properties from underneath the technique tag.
66 * Add example how to visualize DAE file using OpenGL API.
68 Bug Fixes
69 =========
70 * Fix Python 3 image loading.
71 * Fix missing import.
72 * changed string_ to unicode_ for numpy string array parsers.
73 * changed itervalues() to values() for compatibility with python3.
74 * Change iteritems() to items() in getInputList. Add test. Fixes #40.
75 * Fixing conversion from unsupported texcoord. input.
76 * use 'from PIL import Image' instead of 'import Image'.
77 * Fix case where getitem is called before normal indices are set up.
78 * Fixed shader compilation error. Old GLSL compilers do not like precision statement.
79 * Apply patch to fix ctypes-usage issue.
80 * Convert some Windows-style files to Unix format (linebreaks).
81 * Fix the bug with relative path to default dae file.
383 0.4 (2012-07-31)
4 ----------------
6 Backwards Compatibility Notes
7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
84 ****************
86 Backwards Compatibility Notes
87 =============================
888 * Python 2.5 is no longer supported. Supported versions are now 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2.
1090 New Features
11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
91 ============
1292 * Added support for reading the opaque attribute from <transparent> tag.
1393 * Normals and texture coordinate indices are now available in shapes (Triangle and Polygon).
1494 * Library is now compatible with python's built-in ElementTree API instead of requiring lxml. lxml is still recommended.
1898 * Automatically corrects broken files that don't have correct xfov, yfov, and aspect ratio in cameras.
20100 Bug Fixes
21 ^^^^^^^^^
101 =========
22102 * Fix the default value for transparency in Effect. Now correctly defaults to 1.0 when opaque mode is A_ONE, and 0.0 when opaque mode is RGB_ZERO.
23103 * Fixed bug where BoundPolylist was not returning the correct length value.
24104 * Removed support for RGB from Effect since it's not valid in the spec. If an RGB is given, a fourth A channel is automatically added as 1.0.
26106 * Made saving strip out empty <library_*> tags since it breaks validation.
28108 0.3 (2011-08-31)
29 ----------------
31 Backwards Compatibility Notes
32 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
109 ****************
111 Backwards Compatibility Notes
112 =============================
33113 * If using the old Camera object, this has been changed to an abstract class
34114 with types for PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera
35115 * If using the old Collada.assetInfo dictionary to read asset information, this
36116 has been changed to an object. See documentation for more information.
38118 New Features
39 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
119 ============
40120 * Added support for bump maps inside the extra tag of an effect
41121 * Added texbinormal and textangent to triangle sets
42122 * Added a method to generate texture tangents and binormals
47127 * Refactored Camera into PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera, inheriting from Camera
49129 Bug Fixes
50 ^^^^^^^^^
130 =========
51131 * Changed Collada IndexedLists attributes to be properties. Fixed Issue #14
52132 * Updated scene to use a local scope when nodes are instantiated inside a scene
53133 * Changed parsing to raise DaeMalformedError when an lxml parser exception is thrown
65145 * Fixed bug where a triangles xml node would try to set an attribute to None
66146 * Fixed bug in handling joints that influence 0 vertices
68149 0.2.2 (2011-05-03)
69 ------------------
150 ******************
70151 * Changed the way instance_node is handled to actually maintain the mapping so it's not lost when saving
71152 * Added setdata function to CImage and made Effect compare only image path
72153 * Fixed a bug when rewriting geometry sources
84165 * Adding dynamic dependencies to
86167 0.2.1 (2011-04-15)
87 ------------------
88 * Fixed bug with saving existing files that didn't have some library\_ tags.
168 ******************
169 * Fixed bug with saving existing files that didn't have some library_ tags.
90171 0.2 (2011-04-15)
91 ----------------
172 ****************
92173 * Many bugfixes
93174 * polylist support
94175 * polygons support without holes
106187 0.1 (2009-02-08)
107 ----------------
188 ****************
108189 * Initial release
109190 * Triangles geometry
110191 * Reads vertices and normals
112193 * Phong and Lambert Materials
113194 * Texture support using PIL
114195 * Scene suppport for geometry, material and camera instances
115 * Transforms (matrix, rotate, scale, translate)
196 * Transforms (matrix, rotate, scale, translate)
198 Releasing
199 #########
201 #. Generate log::
203 git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:"* %s"
205 Add this to docs/changelog.rst.
207 #. Update to change version to new version.
209 #. Update docs/ to change version string to new version.
211 #. Commit changes.
213 #. Tag version::
215 git tag v0.x HEAD
216 git push origin master
217 git push --tags
220 #. Build source distribution::
222 python sdist
223 twine upload dist/pycollada-0.7.tar.gz -u user -p "pass"
5050 # built documents.
5151 #
5252 # The short X.Y version.
53 version = '0.4'
53 version = '0.7.2'
5454 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
55 release = '0.4'
55 release = '0.7.2'
5757 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
5858 # for a list of supported languages.
2424 >>> import numpy
2525 >>> vert_floats = [-50,50,50,50,50,50,-50,-50,50,50,
2626 ... -50,50,-50,50,-50,50,50,-50,-50,-50,-50,50,-50,-50]
27 >>> normal_floats = [0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,
28 ... 0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,-1,0,0,
29 ... -1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1,
30 ... 0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1]
27 >>> normal_floats = [0,0,1, 0,1,0, 0,-1,0, -1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0,-1]
3128 >>> vert_src = source.FloatSource("cubeverts-array", numpy.array(vert_floats), ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
3229 >>> normal_src = source.FloatSource("cubenormals-array", numpy.array(normal_floats), ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
4946 indicate that the vertex data is the first offset in the index array and the normal
5047 data is the second offset in the index array. Let's now create the index array::
52 >>> indices = numpy.array([0,0,2,1,3,2,0,0,3,2,1,3,0,4,1,5,5,6,0,
53 ... 4,5,6,4,7,6,8,7,9,3,10,6,8,3,10,2,11,0,12,
54 ... 4,13,6,14,0,12,6,14,2,15,3,16,7,17,5,18,3,
55 ... 16,5,18,1,19,5,20,7,21,6,22,5,20,6,22,4,23])
49 >>> indices = numpy.array([0,0,2,0,3,0, 0,0,3,0,1,0, 0,1,1,1,5,1,
50 ... 0,1,5,1,4,1, 6,2,7,2,3,2, 6,2,3,2,2,2,
51 ... 0,3,4,3,6,3, 0,3,6,3,2,3, 3,4,7,4,5,4,
52 ... 3,4,5,4,1,4, 5,5,7,5,6,5, 5,5,6,5,4,5])
5754 Now that we have an index array, an input list, and a material, we can create a
5855 triangle set and add it to the geometry's list of primitives. We then add it to
11 import sys
22 import traceback
4 print 'Attempting to load file %s' % sys.argv[1]
4 print('Attempting to load file %s' % sys.argv[1])
66 try:
77 col = collada.Collada(sys.argv[1], \
88 ignore=[collada.DaeUnsupportedError, collada.DaeBrokenRefError])
99 except:
1010 traceback.print_exc()
11 print
12 print "Failed to load collada file."
11 print()
12 print("Failed to load collada file.")
1313 sys.exit(1)
15 print
16 print 'Successfully loaded collada file.'
17 print 'There were %d errors' % len(col.errors)
15 print()
16 print('Successfully loaded collada file.')
17 print('There were %d errors' % len(col.errors))
1919 for e in col.errors:
20 print e
20 print(e)
175175 # understand enough how texture
176176 # coordinates and corresponding indexes
177177 # are related to the vertices and vertex
178 # indicies here, but this is what I found
178 # indices here, but this is what I found
179179 # to work. Feel free to improve the way
180180 # texture coordinates (uv) are collected
181181 # for batch.add_indexed() invocation.
206206 ('v3f/static', vertices),
207207 ('n3f/static', normals))
209 # Append the batch with supplimentary
209 # Append the batch with supplementary
210210 # information to the batch list
211211 self.batch_list.append(
212212 (batch, shader_prog, tex_id, diff_color,
1515 class Shader:
1616 # vert, frag and geom take arrays of source strings
17 # the arrays will be concattenated into one string by OpenGL
17 # the arrays will be concatenated into one string by OpenGL
1818 def __init__(self, vert = [], frag = [], geom = []):
1919 # create the program handle
2020 self.handle = glCreateProgram()
131131 # works with matrices stored as lists,
132132 # as well as euclid matrices
133133 def uniform_matrixf(self, name, mat):
134 # obtian the uniform location
134 # obtain the uniform location
135135 loc = glGetUniformLocation(self.Handle, name)
136136 # uplaod the 4x4 floating point matrix
137137 glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, False, (c_float * 16)(*mat))
00 ######################################################################
11 # Flat Shader
2 # This shader applies the given model view matrix to the verticies,
2 # This shader applies the given model view matrix to the vertices,
33 # and uses a uniform color value.
44 flatShader = (['''
55 uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
00 #!/usr/bin/env python
22 import collada
3 import numpy
43 import sys
65 def inspectController(controller):
76 """Display contents of a controller object found in the scene."""
8 print ' Controller (id=%s) (type=%s)' % (, type(controller).__name__)
9 print ' Vertex weights:%d, joints:%d' % (len(controller), len(controller.joint_matrices))
7 print(' Controller (id=%s) (type=%s)' % (, type(controller).__name__))
8 print(' Vertex weights:%d, joints:%d' % (len(controller), len(controller.joint_matrices)))
109 for controlled_prim in controller.primitives():
11 print ' Primitive', type(controlled_prim.primitive).__name__
10 print(' Primitive', type(controlled_prim.primitive).__name__)
1312 def inspectGeometry(obj):
1413 """Display contents of a geometry object found in the scene."""
1615 for prim in obj.primitives():
1716 materials.add( prim.material )
19 print ' Geometry (id=%s): %d primitives'%(, len(obj))
18 print(' Geometry (id=%s): %d primitives'%(, len(obj)))
2019 for prim in obj.primitives():
21 print ' Primitive (type=%s): len=%d vertices=%d' % (type(prim).__name__, len(prim), len(prim.vertex))
20 print(' Primitive (type=%s): len=%d vertices=%d' % (type(prim).__name__, len(prim), len(prim.vertex)))
2221 for mat in materials:
2322 if mat: inspectMaterial( mat )
2524 def inspectMaterial(mat):
2625 """Display material contents."""
27 print ' Material %s: shading %s'%(, mat.effect.shadingtype)
26 print(' Material %s: shading %s'%(, mat.effect.shadingtype))
2827 for prop in mat.effect.supported:
2928 value = getattr(mat.effect, prop)
3029 # it can be a float, a color (tuple) or a Map ( a texture )
3433 # using PIL if available. Unless it is already loaded.
3534 img = colladaimage.pilimage
3635 if img: # can read and PIL available
37 print ' %s = Texture %s:'%(prop,,\
38 img.format, img.mode, img.size
36 print(' %s = Texture %s:'%(prop,,\
37 img.format, img.mode, img.size)
3938 else:
40 print ' %s = Texture %s: (not available)'%(
41 prop,
39 print(' %s = Texture %s: (not available)'%(
40 prop,
4241 else:
43 print ' %s ='%(prop), value
42 print(' %s ='%(prop), value)
4544 def inspectCollada(col):
4645 # Display the file contents
47 print 'File Contents:'
48 print ' Geometry:'
46 print('File Contents:')
47 print(' Geometry:')
4948 if col.scene is not None:
5049 for geom in col.scene.objects('geometry'):
5150 inspectGeometry( geom )
52 print ' Controllers:'
51 print(' Controllers:')
5352 if col.scene is not None:
5453 for controller in col.scene.objects('controller'):
5554 inspectController( controller )
56 print ' Cameras:'
55 print(' Cameras:')
5756 if col.scene is not None:
5857 for cam in col.scene.objects('camera'):
59 print ' Camera %s: '
60 print ' Lights:'
58 print(' Camera %s: '
59 print(' Lights:')
6160 if col.scene is not None:
6261 for light in col.scene.objects('light'):
63 print ' Light %s: color =' %, light.color
62 print(' Light %s: color =' %, light.color)
65 if not col.errors: print 'File read without errors'
64 if not col.errors: print('File read without errors')
6665 else:
67 print 'Errors:'
66 print('Errors:')
6867 for error in col.errors:
69 print ' ', error
68 print(' ', error)
7170 if __name__ == '__main__':
7271 filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'misc/'
5252 for c in collada_files:
5353 (root, leaf) = os.path.split(c)
54 print "'%s'..." % leaf,
54 print("'%s'..." % leaf,)
5555 sys.stdout.flush()
5757 start_time = time.time()
6161 ignore=[collada.DaeUnsupportedError, collada.DaeBrokenRefError])
6363 if len(col.errors) > 0:
64 print "WARNINGS:", len(col.errors)
64 print("WARNINGS:", len(col.errors))
6565 file_warning_count += 1
6666 err_names = [type(e).__name__ for e in col.errors]
6767 unique = set(err_names)
7070 for e, ct in type_cts:
7171 for err in col.errors:
7272 if type(err).__name__ == e:
73 print " %s" % str(err)
73 print(" %s" % str(err))
7474 break
7575 if ct > 1:
76 print " %s: %d additional warnings of this type" % (e, ct-1)
76 print(" %s: %d additional warnings of this type" % (e, ct-1))
7777 else:
78 print "SUCCESS"
78 print("SUCCESS")
7979 file_success_count += 1
8181 #do some sanity checks looping through result
8686 for cam in col.scene.objects('camera'):
8787 assert(
8888 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
89 print
89 print()
9090 sys.exit("Keyboard interrupt. Exiting.")
9191 except:
92 print "ERROR"
92 print("ERROR")
9393 file_error_count += 1
9494 if args.show_errors:
95 print
95 print()
9696 traceback.print_exc()
97 print
97 print()
9999 end_time = time.time()
100100 if args.show_time:
101 print " Loaded in %.3f seconds" % (end_time-start_time)
101 print(" Loaded in %.3f seconds" % (end_time-start_time))
103103 if args.show_summary:
104 print
105 print
106 print "Summary"
107 print "======="
108 print "Files loaded successfully: %d" % file_success_count
109 print "Files with warnings: %d" % file_warning_count
110 print "Files with errors: %d" % file_error_count
104 print()
105 print()
106 print("Summary")
107 print("=======")
108 print("Files loaded successfully: %d" % file_success_count)
109 print("Files with warnings: %d" % file_warning_count)
110 print("Files with errors: %d" % file_error_count)
112112 if __name__ == "__main__":
113113 main()
00 import sys
11 from setuptools import find_packages, setup
3 install_requires = []
3 install_requires = ['python-dateutil>=2.2']
55 try: import numpy
66 except ImportError: install_requires.append('numpy')
8 install_requires.append('python-dateutil>=2.2')
108 if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
119 import unittest
1513 setup(
1614 name = "pycollada",
17 version = "0.6",
15 version = "0.7.2",
1816 description = "python library for reading and writing collada documents",
1917 author = "Jeff Terrace and contributors",
2018 author_email = '',
2725 },
2826 url = "",
2927 test_suite = "collada.tests",
30 packages = find_packages()
28 packages = find_packages(),
29 package_data={'collada': ['resources/*.xml']}
3130 )