Codebase list python-castellan / a4028c2
Remove translation sections from setup.cfg These translation sections are not needed anymore, Babel can generate translation files without them. Change-Id: I3ef03f6a99fef5612b7211b5ac42336c897c2c13 melissaml 3 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 0 addition(s) and 16 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
babel.cfg less more
0 [python: **.py]
3535 castellan.drivers =
3636 barbican = castellan.key_manager.barbican_key_manager:BarbicanKeyManager
3737 vault = castellan.key_manager.vault_key_manager:VaultKeyManager
39 [compile_catalog]
40 directory = castellan/locale
41 domain = castellan
43 [update_catalog]
44 domain = castellan
45 output_dir = castellan/locale
46 input_file = castellan/locale/castellan.pot
48 [extract_messages]
49 keywords = _ gettext ngettext l_ lazy_gettext
50 mapping_file = babel.cfg
51 output_file = castellan/locale/castellan.pot