diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini index 9ca919d..67c74c9 100644 --- a/tox.ini +++ b/tox.ini @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ skipsdist = True [testenv] -basepython = python3 usedevelop = True install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} setenv = @@ -20,11 +19,13 @@ basepython = python2.7 [testenv:pep8] +basepython = python3 commands = flake8 bandit -r castellan -x tests -s B105,B106,B107,B607 [testenv:bandit] +basepython = python3 # This command runs the bandit security linter against the castellan # codebase minus the tests directory. Some tests are being excluded to # reduce the number of positives before a team inspection, and to ensure a @@ -37,20 +38,25 @@ bandit -r castellan -x tests -s B105,B106,B107,B607 [testenv:venv] +basepython = python3 commands = {posargs} [testenv:debug] +basepython = python3 commands = oslo_debug_helper {posargs} [testenv:cover] +basepython = python3 commands = python setup.py testr --coverage --testr-args='{posargs}' coverage report [testenv:docs] +basepython = python3 commands = python setup.py build_sphinx [testenv:releasenotes] +basepython = python3 commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html [testenv:functional] @@ -72,6 +78,7 @@ {toxinidir}/tools/setup-vault-env.sh pifpaf -e VAULT_TEST run vault -- python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}' [testenv:genconfig] +basepython = python3 commands = oslo-config-generator --config-file=etc/castellan/functional-config-generator.conf oslo-config-generator --config-file=etc/castellan/sample-config-generator.conf @@ -87,6 +94,7 @@ import_exceptions = castellan.i18n [testenv:lower-constraints] +basepython = python3 deps = -c{toxinidir}/lower-constraints.txt -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt