Codebase list python-castellan / c0547da
Merge tag '0.18.0' into debian/rocky castellan 0.18.0 release meta:version: 0.18.0 meta:diff-start: - meta:series: rocky meta:release-type: release meta:pypi: no meta:first: yes meta:release:Author: Ben Nemec <> meta:release:Commit: Ben Nemec <> meta:release:Change-Id: I1ad8057682e860d2f3b5b037c7f1b63e86bed9be meta:release:Code-Review+2: Tony Breeds <> meta:release:Workflow+1: Tony Breeds <> Thomas Goirand 5 years ago
13 changed file(s) with 147 addition(s) and 34 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2525 vars:
2626 devstack_services:
2727 # is there a way to disable all services? I only want barbican
28 ceilometer-acentral: False
29 ceilometer-acompute: False
30 ceilometer-alarm-evaluator: False
31 ceilometer-alarm-notifier: False
32 ceilometer-anotification: False
33 ceilometer-api: False
34 ceilometer-collector: False
35 horizon: False
36 s-account: False
37 s-container: False
38 s-object: False
39 s-proxy: False
28 ceilometer-acentral: false
29 ceilometer-acompute: false
30 ceilometer-alarm-evaluator: false
31 ceilometer-alarm-notifier: false
32 ceilometer-anotification: false
33 ceilometer-api: false
34 ceilometer-collector: false
35 horizon: false
36 s-account: false
37 s-container: false
38 s-object: false
39 s-proxy: false
4040 devstack_plugins:
4141 barbican: git://
4242 tox_environment:
44 tox_install_siblings: False # I don't know what this means
44 tox_install_siblings: false # I don't know what this means
4545 tox_envlist: functional
4646 zuul_work_dir: src/
4848 - project:
49 name: openstack/castellan
5049 check:
5150 jobs:
5251 - castellan-functional-vault
5352 - castellan-functional-devstack
53 - openstack-tox-lower-constraints
54 - barbican-simple-crypto-devstack-tempest-castellan-from-git
5455 gate:
5556 jobs:
5657 - castellan-functional-vault
5758 - castellan-functional-devstack
59 - openstack-tox-lower-constraints
60 - barbican-simple-crypto-devstack-tempest-castellan-from-git
1111 Team and repository tags
1212 ========================
14 .. image::
15 :target:
14 .. image::
15 :target:
6969 default=True,
7070 help='Specifies if insecure TLS (https) requests. If False, '
7171 'the server\'s certificate will not be validated'),
72 cfg.StrOpt('barbican_endpoint_type',
73 default='public',
74 choices=['public', 'internal', 'admin'],
75 help='Specifies the type of endpoint. Allowed values are: '
76 'public, private, and admin'),
7278 ]
7480 BARBICAN_OPT_GROUP = 'barbican'
182188 raise exception.Forbidden(reason=msg)
184190 def _get_barbican_endpoint(self, auth, sess):
185 if self.conf.barbican.barbican_endpoint:
186 return self.conf.barbican.barbican_endpoint
191 barbican = self.conf.barbican
192 if barbican.barbican_endpoint:
193 return barbican.barbican_endpoint
187194 else:
188195 service_parameters = {'service_type': 'key-manager',
189196 'service_name': 'barbican',
190 'interface': 'public'}
197 'interface': barbican.barbican_endpoint_type}
191198 return auth.get_endpoint(sess, **service_parameters)
193200 def _create_base_url(self, auth, sess, endpoint):
3939 barbican_api_version=None, auth_endpoint=None,
4040 retry_delay=None, number_of_retries=None, verify_ssl=None,
4141 api_class=None, vault_root_token_id=None, vault_url=None,
42 vault_ssl_ca_crt_file=None, vault_use_ssl=None):
42 vault_ssl_ca_crt_file=None, vault_use_ssl=None,
43 barbican_endpoint_type=None):
4344 """Set defaults for configuration values.
4546 Overrides the default options values.
5556 :param vault_url: Use this for the url for vault.
5657 :param vault_use_ssl: Use this to force vault driver to use ssl.
5758 :param vault_ssl_ca_crt_file: Use this for the CA file for vault.
59 :param barbican_endpoint_type: Use this to specify the type of URL.
60 : Valid values are: public, internal or admin.
5861 """
5962 conf.register_opts(km.key_manager_opts, group='key_manager')
6063 if bkm:
8588 group=bkm.BARBICAN_OPT_GROUP)
8689 if verify_ssl is not None:
8790 conf.set_default('verify_ssl', verify_ssl,
91 group=bkm.BARBICAN_OPT_GROUP)
92 if barbican_endpoint_type is not None:
93 conf.set_default('barbican_endpoint_type', barbican_endpoint_type,
8894 group=bkm.BARBICAN_OPT_GROUP)
9096 if vkm is not None:
6565 options.set_defaults(conf, verify_ssl=True)
6666 self.assertEqual(verify_ssl,
6767 conf.get(bkm.BARBICAN_OPT_GROUP).verify_ssl)
69 barbican_endpoint_type = 'internal'
70 options.set_defaults(conf, barbican_endpoint_type='internal')
71 result_type = conf.get(bkm.BARBICAN_OPT_GROUP).barbican_endpoint_type
72 self.assertEqual(barbican_endpoint_type, result_type)
2929 .. note::
31 Other available environments are py35, pypy and pep8.
31 Other available environments are py35 and pep8.
3333 If you do not have the appropriate Python versions available, consider
3434 setting up PyEnv to install multiple versions of Python. See the
4343 information on this please see `Setting up a Barbican development environment`_
4444 and `Using Keystone Middleware with Barbican`_
46 .. _`Setting up a Barbican development environment`:
47 .. _`Using Keystone Middleware with Barbican`:
46 .. _`Setting up a Barbican development environment`:
47 .. _`Using Keystone Middleware with Barbican`:
4949 Castellan uses either ``/etc/castellan/castellan-functional.conf`` or ``./etc/castellan/castellan-functional.conf``
5050 in order to run functional tests. A sample file can be generated by running:
0 alabaster==0.7.10
1 appdirs==1.3.0
2 asn1crypto==0.23.0
3 Babel==2.3.4
4 bandit==1.1.0
5 cffi==1.7.0
6 cliff==2.8.0
7 cmd2==0.8.0
8 coverage==4.0
9 cryptography==2.1
10 debtcollector==1.2.0
11 docutils==0.11
12 dulwich==0.15.0
13 extras==1.0.0
14 fixtures==3.0.0
15 flake8==2.5.5
16 gitdb==0.6.4
17 GitPython==1.0.1
18 hacking==0.12.0
19 idna==2.6
20 imagesize==0.7.1
21 iso8601==0.1.11
22 Jinja2==2.10
23 keystoneauth1==3.4.0
24 linecache2==1.0.0
25 MarkupSafe==1.0
26 mccabe==0.2.1
27 mock==2.0.0
28 monotonic==0.6
29 mox3==0.20.0
30 msgpack-python==0.4.0
31 netaddr==0.7.18
32 netifaces==0.10.4
33 openstackdocstheme==1.18.1
34 os-client-config==1.28.0
35 oslo.config==5.2.0
36 oslo.context==2.19.2
37 oslo.i18n==3.15.3
38 oslo.log==3.36.0
39 oslo.serialization==2.18.0
40 oslo.utils==3.33.0
41 oslotest==3.2.0
42 pbr==2.0.0
43 pep8==1.5.7
44 pifpaf==0.10.0
45 prettytable==0.7.2
46 pycparser==2.18
47 pyflakes==0.8.1
48 Pygments==2.2.0
49 pyinotify==0.9.6
50 pyparsing==2.1.0
51 pyperclip==1.5.27
52 python-barbicanclient==4.5.2
53 python-dateutil==2.5.3
54 python-mimeparse==1.6.0
55 python-subunit==1.0.0
56 pytz==2013.6
57 PyYAML==3.12
58 reno==2.5.0
59 requests==2.14.2
60 requestsexceptions==1.2.0
61 rfc3986==0.3.1
62 six==1.10.0
63 smmap==0.9.0
64 snowballstemmer==1.2.1
65 Sphinx==1.6.2
66 sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.0.1
67 stevedore==1.20.0
68 testrepository==0.0.18
69 testscenarios==0.4
70 testtools==2.2.0
71 traceback2==1.4.0
72 unittest2==1.1.0
73 wrapt==1.7.0
74 xattr==0.9.2
00 - hosts: all
11 roles:
22 - fetch-tox-output
3 - fetch-stestr-output
3 - fetch-subunit-output
55 :maxdepth: 1
77 unreleased
8 queens
89 pike
0 ===================================
1 Queens Series Release Notes
2 ===================================
4 .. release-notes::
5 :branch: stable/queens
44 pbr!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
55 Babel!=2.4.0,>=2.3.4 # BSD
6 cryptography!=2.0,>=1.9 # BSD/Apache-2.0
7 python-barbicanclient!=4.5.0,!=4.5.1,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
8 oslo.config>=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0
6 cryptography>=2.1 # BSD/Apache-2.0
7 python-barbicanclient>=4.5.2 # Apache-2.0
8 oslo.config>=5.2.0 # Apache-2.0
99 oslo.context>=2.19.2 # Apache-2.0
1010 oslo.i18n>=3.15.3 # Apache-2.0
11 oslo.log>=3.30.0 # Apache-2.0
11 oslo.log>=3.36.0 # Apache-2.0
1212 oslo.utils>=3.33.0 # Apache-2.0
1313 stevedore>=1.20.0 # Apache-2.0
14 keystoneauth1>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0
14 keystoneauth1>=3.4.0 # Apache-2.0
33 hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0 # Apache-2.0
55 coverage!=4.4,>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
6 python-barbicanclient!=4.5.0,!=4.5.1,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
6 python-barbicanclient>=4.5.2 # Apache-2.0
77 python-subunit>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
8 sphinx>=1.6.2 # BSD
9 openstackdocstheme>=1.17.0 # Apache-2.0
10 oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
8 sphinx!=1.6.6,!=1.6.7,>=1.6.2 # BSD
9 openstackdocstheme>=1.18.1 # Apache-2.0
10 oslotest>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
1111 testrepository>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
1212 testscenarios>=0.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD
1313 testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT
00 [tox]
11 minversion = 1.6
2 envlist = py35,py27,pypy,pep8
2 envlist = py35,py27,pep8
33 skipsdist = True
55 [testenv]
6 basepython = python3
67 usedevelop = True
78 install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
89 setenv =
1314 -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
1415 -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
1516 commands = python testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
18 [testenv:py27]
19 basepython = python2.7
1721 [testenv:pep8]
1822 commands =
8185 [hacking]
8286 import_exceptions = castellan.i18n
88 [testenv:lower-constraints]
89 deps =
90 -c{toxinidir}/lower-constraints.txt
91 -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
92 -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt