Codebase list python-castellan / e7b8bf9
Remove lower-constraints remnants These were missed in change: I1d4de15d017a306e64df8447cf1bd64c70cf361a Change-Id: I906c1e5f24aa93d7cc65f149b9164f85a7c57e7c wu.shiming authored 3 years ago Douglas Mendizábal committed 3 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 0 addition(s) and 67 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
lower-constraints.txt less more
0 appdirs==1.3.0
1 asn1crypto==0.23.0
2 certifi==2020.4.5.2
3 cffi==1.14.0
4 chardet==3.0.4
5 cliff==2.8.0
6 cmd2==0.8.0
7 coverage==4.0
8 cryptography==2.7
9 debtcollector==1.2.0
10 entrypoints==0.3
11 extras==1.0.0
12 fixtures==3.0.0
13 future==0.18.2
14 gitdb==0.6.4
15 GitPython==1.0.1
16 idna==2.5
17 iso8601==0.1.11
18 keystoneauth1==3.4.0
19 linecache2==1.0.0
20 monotonic==0.6
21 mox3==0.20.0
22 msgpack-python==0.4.0
23 netaddr==0.7.18
24 netifaces==0.10.4
25 os-client-config==1.28.0
26 oslo.config==6.4.0
27 oslo.context==2.19.2
28 oslo.i18n==3.15.3
29 oslo.log==3.36.0
30 oslo.serialization==2.18.0
31 oslo.utils==3.33.0
32 oslotest==3.2.0
33 pbr==2.0.0
34 pifpaf==0.10.0
35 prettytable==0.7.2
36 pycparser==2.18
37 pyinotify==0.9.6
38 pyparsing==2.1.0
39 pyperclip==1.5.27
40 python-barbicanclient==4.5.2
41 python-dateutil==2.5.3
42 python-mimeparse==1.6.0
43 python-subunit==1.0.0
44 pytz==2013.6
45 PyYAML==3.13
46 requests==2.18.0
47 requestsexceptions==1.2.0
48 rfc3986==0.3.1
49 smmap==0.9.0
50 stestr==2.0.0
51 stevedore==1.20.0
52 testrepository==0.0.20
53 testscenarios==0.4
54 testtools==2.2.0
55 traceback2==1.4.0
56 unittest2==1.1.0
57 urllib3==1.21.1
58 voluptuous==0.11.7
59 wrapt==1.7.0
60 xattr==0.9.2
106106 [hacking]
107107 import_exceptions = castellan.i18n
109 [testenv:lower-constraints]
110 deps =
111 -c{toxinidir}/lower-constraints.txt
112 -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
113 -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
115109 [testenv:bindep]
116110 # Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if
117111 # system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system