Codebase list python-cbor / 97fe430
Initial pipeline Salsa Pipeline Bot 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 71 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 # Warning! This file is autogenerated by salsa pipeline bot. Any change made
1 # over this document will be lost. Customization and changes must be made over
2 # the template yaml.
3 variables:
4 DEBFULLNAME: "Salsa Pipeline"
5 DEBEMAIL: "<>"
6 DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
7 WORKING_DIR: ./debian/output
9 stages:
10 - build
11 - test
13 image: debian:unstable
15 build package:
16 stage: build
17 image:
18 artifacts:
19 expire_in: 180 day
20 name: "$CI_BUILD_NAME"
21 paths:
22 - ${WORKING_DIR}/
23 script:
24 - apt-get update
25 - eatmydata apt-get build-dep -y .
26 - gbp pull --ignore-branch
27 - gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-branch --git-export-dir=${WORKING_DIR} -us -uc
29 run autopkgtest:
30 stage: test
31 image:
32 script:
33 - eatmydata autopkgtest -U ${WORKING_DIR}/*.deb -- null
35 run lintian:
36 stage: test
37 image:
38 script:
39 - lintian -iI ${WORKING_DIR}/*.changes
41 run reprotest:
42 stage: test
43 image:
44 artifacts:
45 name: "$CI_BUILD_NAME"
46 expire_in: 180 day
47 paths:
48 - ./reprotest.log
49 when: always
50 script:
51 - apt-get update
52 - eatmydata apt-get build-dep -y .
53 - export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck
54 - eatmydata reprotest . -- null &> reprotest.log
56 run piuparts:
57 stage: test
58 image:
59 services:
60 - docker:dind
61 script:
62 - CHROOT_PATH=/tmp/debian-unstable
63 - CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run --rm -d debian:unstable sleep infinity)
64 - docker exec ${CONTAINER_ID} bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install eatmydata -y"
65 - mkdir -p ${CHROOT_PATH}
66 - docker export ${CONTAINER_ID} | tar -C ${CHROOT_PATH} -xf -
67 - mknod -m 666 ${CHROOT_PATH}/dev/urandom c 1 9
68 - piuparts --hard-link -e ${CHROOT_PATH} ${WORKING_DIR}/*.deb
69 # End of include
70 #################################### Below starts the local customization ###################################