Codebase list python-django-debug-toolbar / 6d00c1e
Imported Upstream version 0+git200812222307 SVN-Git Migration 8 years ago
11 changed file(s) with 136 addition(s) and 19 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 Matt George <>
88 Adam Gomaa <>
99 Jacob Kaplan-Moss <>
10 Russell Keith-Magee <>
1011 Jannis Leidel <>
12 Martin Maney <>
1113 Nowell Strite <>
1214 Malcolm Tredinnick <>
1315 Bryan Veloso <>
0 include AUTHORS
1 include LICENSE
2 include README.rst
3 recursive-include debug_toolbar/media *
4 recursive-include debug_toolbar/templates *
6767 panels you want to display. And you can include panels that you have created
6868 or that are specific to your project.
71 ====
72 - Panel idea: AJAX call to show cprofile data similar to the ?prof idea
73 - CSS Stylings
74 - Restructure panels to popular context that pushes up to the toolbar
75 - Make the trigger whether to display the toolbar configurable with options such
76 as if: DEBUG is true, IP is in INTERNAL_IPS, authenticated user is_superuser,
77 etc.
70 TODOs and BUGS
71 ==============
72 See:
0 VERSION = (0, 0, 1)
1 __version__ = '.'.join(map(str, VERSION))
4343 return True
4545 def process_request(self, request):
46 if self.override_url:
47 debug_toolbar.urls.urlpatterns += self.original_pattern
48 self.override_url = False
49 request.urlconf = 'debug_toolbar.urls'
46 if self.show_toolbar(request):
47 if self.override_url:
48 debug_toolbar.urls.urlpatterns += self.original_pattern
49 self.override_url = False
50 request.urlconf = 'debug_toolbar.urls'
51 if self.show_toolbar(request):
5252 self.debug_toolbar = DebugToolbar(request)
5353 for panel in self.debug_toolbar.panels:
5454 panel.process_request(request)
4848 def title(self):
4949 self._sql_time = sum(map(lambda q: float(q['time']), connection.queries))
50 num_queries = len(connection.queries) - self._offset
5051 return '%d SQL %s (%.2fms)' % (
51 len(connection.queries),
52 (len(connection.queries) == 1) and 'query' or 'queries',
52 num_queries,
53 (num_queries == 1) and 'query' or 'queries',
5354 self._sql_time
5455 )
6465 context = {
6566 'queries': sql_queries,
6667 'sql_time': self._sql_time,
68 'is_mysql': settings.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'mysql',
6769 }
6870 return render_to_string('debug_toolbar/panels/sql.html', context)
7375 sql = sql.replace('` FROM ', '`\nFROM\n\t')
7476 sql = sql.replace(' WHERE ', '\nWHERE\n\t')
7577 sql = sql.replace(' INNER JOIN ', '\nINNER JOIN\n\t')
76 sql = sql.replace(' OUTER JOIN ', '\nOUTER JOIN\n\t')
78 sql = sql.replace(' LEFT OUTER JOIN ', '\nLEFT OUTER JOIN\n\t')
7779 sql = sql.replace(' ORDER BY ', '\nORDER BY\n\t')
7880 # Use Pygments to highlight SQL if it's available
7981 try:
0 try:
1 import resource
2 except ImportError:
3 pass # Will fail on Win32 systems
04 import time
5 from django.template.loader import render_to_string
16 from debug_toolbar.panels import DebugPanel
39 class TimerDebugPanel(DebugPanel):
410 """
511 Panel that displays the time a response took in milliseconds.
612 """
713 name = 'Timer'
14 try: # if resource module not available, don't show content panel
15 resource
16 except NameError:
17 has_content = False
18 has_resource = False
19 else:
20 has_content = True
21 has_resource = True
923 def process_request(self, request):
1024 self._start_time = time.time()
25 if self.has_resource:
26 self._start_rusage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
1228 def process_response(self, request, response):
1329 self.total_time = (time.time() - self._start_time) * 1000
30 if self.has_resource:
31 self._end_rusage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
1533 def title(self):
16 return 'Time: %0.2fms' % (self.total_time)
34 if self.has_resource:
35 utime = self._end_rusage.ru_utime - self._start_rusage.ru_utime
36 stime = self._end_rusage.ru_stime - self._start_rusage.ru_stime
37 return 'Time: %0.2fms, %0.2fms CPU' % (self.total_time, (utime + stime) * 1000.0)
38 else:
39 return 'Time: %0.2fms' % (self.total_time)
1841 def url(self):
1942 return ''
44 def _elapsed_ru(self, name):
45 return getattr(self._end_rusage, name) - getattr(self._start_rusage, name)
2147 def content(self):
22 return ''
49 utime = 1000 * self._elapsed_ru('ru_utime')
50 stime = 1000 * self._elapsed_ru('ru_stime')
51 vcsw = self._elapsed_ru('ru_nvcsw')
52 ivcsw = self._elapsed_ru('ru_nivcsw')
53 minflt = self._elapsed_ru('ru_minflt')
54 majflt = self._elapsed_ru('ru_majflt')
56 # these are documented as not meaningful under Linux. If you're running BSD
57 # feel free to enable them, and add any others that I hadn't gotten to before
58 # I noticed that I was getting nothing but zeroes and that the docs agreed. :-(
59 #
60 # blkin = self._elapsed_ru('ru_inblock')
61 # blkout = self._elapsed_ru('ru_oublock')
62 # swap = self._elapsed_ru('ru_nswap')
63 # rss = self._end_rusage.ru_maxrss
64 # srss = self._end_rusage.ru_ixrss
65 # urss = self._end_rusage.ru_idrss
66 # usrss = self._end_rusage.ru_isrss
68 rows = (
69 ('User CPU time', '%0.3f msec' % utime),
70 ('System CPU time', '%0.3f msec' % stime),
71 ('Total CPU time', '%0.3f msec' % (utime + stime)),
72 ('Elapsed time', '%0.3f msec' % self.total_time),
73 ('Context switches', '%d voluntary, %d involuntary' % (vcsw, ivcsw)),
74 # ('Memory use', '%d max RSS, %d shared, %d unshared' % (rss, srss, urss + usrss)),
75 # ('Page faults', '%d no i/o, %d requiring i/o' % (minflt, majflt)),
76 # ('Disk operations', '%d in, %d out, %d swapout' % (blkin, blkout, swap)),
77 )
78 context = {
79 'rows': rows,
80 }
81 return render_to_string('debug_toolbar/panels/timer.html', context)
1414 {% if query.params %}
1515 <a class="remoteCall" href="/__debug__/sql_select/?sql={{ query.raw_sql|urlencode }}&params={{ query.params|urlencode }}&time={{ query.time|floatformat:"2"|urlencode }}&hash={{ query.hash }}">SELECT</a>
1616 <a class="remoteCall" href="/__debug__/sql_explain/?sql={{ query.raw_sql|urlencode }}&params={{ query.params|urlencode }}&time={{ query.time|floatformat:"2"|urlencode }}&hash={{ query.hash }}">EXPLAIN</a>
17 <a class="remoteCall" href="/__debug__/sql_profile/?sql={{ query.raw_sql|urlencode }}&params={{ query.params|urlencode }}&time={{ query.time|floatformat:"2"|urlencode }}&hash={{ query.hash }}">PROFILE</a>
17 {% if is_mysql %}
18 <a class="remoteCall" href="/__debug__/sql_profile/?sql={{ query.raw_sql|urlencode }}&params={{ query.params|urlencode }}&time={{ query.time|floatformat:"2"|urlencode }}&hash={{ query.hash }}">PROFILE</a>
19 {% endif %}
1820 {% endif %}
1921 </td>
2022 <td class="syntax">{{ query.sql|safe }}</td>
0 <h3>Resource Usage</h3>
1 <table>
2 <colgroup>
3 <col style="width:20%"/>
4 <col/>
5 </colgroup>
6 <thead>
7 <tr>
8 <th>Key</th>
9 <th>Value</th>
10 </tr>
11 </thead>
12 <tbody>
13 {% for key, value in rows %}
14 <tr class="{% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}">
15 <td>{{ key|escape }}</td>
16 <td>{{ value|escape }}</td>
17 </tr>
18 {% endfor %}
19 </tbody>
20 </table>
0 [egg_info]
1 tag_svn_revision = false
0 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
2 setup(
3 name='django-debug-toolbar',
4 version=__import__('debug_toolbar').__version__,
5 description='A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.',
6 long_description=open('README.rst').read(),
7 # Get more strings from
8 author='Rob Hudson',
9 author_email='',
10 url='',
11 #download_url='',
12 license='BSD',
13 packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup']),
14 include_package_data=True,
15 zip_safe=False, # because we're including media that Django needs
16 classifiers=[
17 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
18 'Environment :: Web Environment',
19 'Framework :: Django',
20 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
21 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
22 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
23 'Programming Language :: Python',
24 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
25 ],
26 )