Codebase list python-graphviz / 7f98a2a
New upstream version 0.17 Diane Trout 2 years ago
78 changed file(s) with 4040 addition(s) and 2227 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
11 =========
4 Version 0.17
5 ------------
7 Drop Python 2 support. Tag Python 3.10 support.
9 Migrate CI to GitHub actions. Add ``pypy3`` to matrix.
11 Tests: implement ``--skip-exe`` via custom ``pytest`` marker.
13 Documentation: point Anaconda users to ``conda-forge/python-graphviz``.
15 Move type hints from docstrings to type annotations. Improve doctests.
17 Examples: standardize import convention and modernize.
19 Re-render example notebooks with Graphviz 2.46.1.
22 Version 0.16
23 ------------
25 Add ``.unflatten()`` method to ``Graph``, ``Digraph``, and ``Source``. Add
26 standalone ``unflatten()``.
28 Make ``Source.__str__()`` return the ``.source`` instead of the ``repr()``
29 (like ``Graph`` and ``Digraph``).
31 Render with ``dot -K<engine> ...`` instead of ``<engine> ...`` internally
32 (work around `upstream issue
33 <>`_).
35 Add documentation hint to archived upstream version for Windows.
37 Re-render most documentation graphs with Graphviz 2.44.1.
40 Version 0.15
41 ------------
43 ``Graph`` and ``Digraph`` instances created via the context-manager returned
44 by ``subgraph()`` now (re)use ``directory``, ``format``, ``engine``, and
45 ``encoding`` from the parent instead of using defaults (behavioral change).
46 Note that these attributes are only relevant when rendering the
47 subgraph independently (i.e. as a stand-alone graph) from within the
48 ``with``-block, which was previously underdocumented (PR BMaxV). To reflect that
49 the DOT language does not allow subgraph statements to specify ``strict``
50 (i.e. no way to override the setting of the containing graph), instances
51 created via the context-manager are now ``strict=None`` instead of ``False``
52 (so they continue to render stand-alone as non-strict by default).
54 Drop Python 3.5 support and tag Python 3.9 support.
56 Add documentation link to new upstream installation procedure for Windows.
459 Version 0.14.2
560 --------------
7 Adapt `graphviz.version()` to support the Graphviz Release version entry format
8 introduced with `2.44.2` (`version()` is needed to run the tests).
62 Adapt ``graphviz.version()`` to support the Graphviz Release version entry
63 format introduced with ``2.44.2`` (``version()`` is needed to run the tests).
1166 Version 0.14.1
00 The MIT License (MIT)
2 Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Sebastian Bank
2 Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Sebastian Bank
44 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
55 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
PKG-INFO less more
00 Metadata-Version: 2.1
11 Name: graphviz
2 Version: 0.14.2
2 Version: 0.17
33 Summary: Simple Python interface for Graphviz
44 Home-page:
55 Author: Sebastian Bank
88 Project-URL: Documentation,
99 Project-URL: Changelog,
1010 Project-URL: Issue Tracker,
11 Description: Graphviz
12 ========
14 |PyPI version| |License| |Supported Python| |Format|
16 |Travis| |Codecov| |Readthedocs-stable| |Readthedocs-latest|
18 This package facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in
19 the DOT_ language of the Graphviz_ graph drawing software (`master repo`_) from
20 Python.
22 Create a graph object, assemble the graph by adding nodes and edges, and
23 retrieve its DOT source code string. Save the source code to a file and render
24 it with the Graphviz installation of your system.
26 Use the ``view`` option/method to directly inspect the resulting (PDF, PNG,
27 SVG, etc.) file with its default application. Graphs can also be rendered
28 and displayed within `Jupyter notebooks`_ (formerly known as
29 `IPython notebooks`_, example_) as well as the `Jupyter Qt Console`_.
32 Links
33 -----
35 - GitHub:
36 - PyPI:
37 - Documentation:
38 - Changelog:
39 - Issue Tracker:
40 - Download:
43 Installation
44 ------------
46 This package runs under Python 2.7, and 3.5+, use pip_ to install:
48 .. code:: bash
50 $ pip install graphviz
52 To render the generated DOT source code, you also need to install Graphviz
53 (`download page`_).
55 Make sure that the directory containing the ``dot`` executable is on your
56 systems' path.
59 Quickstart
60 ----------
62 Create a graph object:
64 .. code:: python
66 >>> from graphviz import Digraph
68 >>> dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
70 >>> dot #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
71 < object at 0x...>
73 Add nodes and edges:
75 .. code:: python
77 >>> dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')
78 >>> dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')
79 >>> dot.node('L', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave')
81 >>> dot.edges(['AB', 'AL'])
82 >>> dot.edge('B', 'L', constraint='false')
84 Check the generated source code:
86 .. code:: python
88 >>> print(dot.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
89 // The Round Table
90 digraph {
91 A [label="King Arthur"]
92 B [label="Sir Bedevere the Wise"]
93 L [label="Sir Lancelot the Brave"]
94 A -> B
95 A -> L
96 B -> L [constraint=false]
97 }
99 Save and render the source code, optionally view the result:
101 .. code:: python
103 >>> dot.render('test-output/round-table.gv', view=True) # doctest: +SKIP
104 'test-output/round-table.gv.pdf'
106 .. image::
107 :align: center
110 See also
111 --------
113 - pygraphviz_ |--| full-blown interface wrapping the Graphviz C library with SWIG
114 - graphviz-python_ |--| official Python bindings (documentation_)
115 - pydot_ |--| stable pure-Python approach, requires pyparsing
118 License
119 -------
121 This package is distributed under the `MIT license`_.
124 .. _pip:
125 .. _Graphviz:
126 .. _master repo:
127 .. _download page:
128 .. _DOT:
129 .. _Jupyter notebooks:
130 .. _IPython notebooks:
131 .. _example:
132 .. _Jupyter Qt Console:
134 .. _pygraphviz:
135 .. _graphviz-python:
136 .. _documentation:
137 .. _pydot:
139 .. _MIT license:
142 .. |--| unicode:: U+2013
145 .. |PyPI version| image::
146 :target:
147 :alt: Latest PyPI Version
148 .. |License| image::
149 :target:
150 :alt: License
151 .. |Supported Python| image::
152 :target:
153 :alt: Supported Python Versions
154 .. |Format| image::
155 :target:
156 :alt: Format
158 .. |Travis| image::
159 :target:
160 :alt: Travis
161 .. |Codecov| image::
162 :target:
163 :alt: Codecov
164 .. |Readthedocs-stable| image::
165 :target:
166 :alt: Readthedocs stable
167 .. |Readthedocs-latest| image::
168 :target:
169 :alt: Readthedocs latest
11 Project-URL: CI,
12 Project-URL: Coverage,
17013 Keywords: graph visualization dot render
17114 Platform: any
17215 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
17417 Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
17518 Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
17619 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
177 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
178 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
17920 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
180 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
18121 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
18222 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
18323 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
24 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
25 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
18426 Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization
185 Requires-Python: >=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*
27 Requires-Python: >=3.6
18628 Provides-Extra: dev
18729 Provides-Extra: test
18830 Provides-Extra: docs
31 License-File: LICENSE.txt
33 Graphviz
34 ========
36 |PyPI version| |License| |Supported Python| |Format|
38 |Build| |Codecov| |Readthedocs-stable| |Readthedocs-latest|
40 This package facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in
41 the DOT_ language of the Graphviz_ graph drawing software (`upstream repo`_)
42 from Python.
44 Create a graph object, assemble the graph by adding nodes and edges, and
45 retrieve its DOT source code string. Save the source code to a file and render
46 it with the Graphviz installation of your system.
48 Use the ``view`` option/method to directly inspect the resulting (PDF, PNG,
49 SVG, etc.) file with its default application. Graphs can also be rendered
50 and displayed within `Jupyter notebooks`_ (formerly known as
51 `IPython notebooks`_,
52 `example <notebook_>`_, `nbviewer <notebook-nbviewer_>`_)
53 as well as the `Jupyter QtConsole`_.
56 Links
57 -----
59 - GitHub:
60 - PyPI:
61 - Documentation:
62 - Changelog:
63 - Issue Tracker:
64 - Download:
67 Installation
68 ------------
70 This package runs under Python 3.6+, use pip_ to install:
72 .. code:: bash
74 $ pip install graphviz
76 To render the generated DOT source code, you also need to install Graphviz_
77 (`download page <upstream-download_>`_,
78 `archived versions <upstream-archived_>`_,
79 `installation procedure for Windows <upstream-windows_>`_).
81 Make sure that the directory containing the ``dot`` executable is on your
82 systems' path.
84 Anaconda_: see the conda-forge_ package
85 `conda-forge/python-graphviz <conda-forge-python-graphviz_>`_
86 (`feedstock <conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock_>`_),
87 which should automatically ``conda install``
88 `conda-forge/graphviz <conda-forge-graphviz_>`_
89 (`feedstock <conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock_>`_) as dependency.
92 Quickstart
93 ----------
95 Create a graph object:
97 .. code:: python
99 >>> import graphviz
100 >>> dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
101 >>> dot #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
102 < object at 0x...>
104 Add nodes and edges:
106 .. code:: python
108 >>> dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')
109 >>> dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')
110 >>> dot.node('L', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave')
112 >>> dot.edges(['AB', 'AL'])
113 >>> dot.edge('B', 'L', constraint='false')
115 Check the generated source code:
117 .. code:: python
119 >>> print(dot.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
120 // The Round Table
121 digraph {
122 A [label="King Arthur"]
123 B [label="Sir Bedevere the Wise"]
124 L [label="Sir Lancelot the Brave"]
125 A -> B
126 A -> L
127 B -> L [constraint=false]
128 }
130 Save and render the source code, optionally view the result:
132 .. code:: python
134 >>> dot.render('test-output/round-table.gv', view=True) # doctest: +SKIP
135 'test-output/round-table.gv.pdf'
137 .. image::
138 :align: center
141 See also
142 --------
144 - pygraphviz_ |--| full-blown interface wrapping the Graphviz C library with SWIG
145 - graphviz-python_ |--| official Python bindings
146 (`documentation <graphviz-python-docs_>`_)
147 - pydot_ |--| stable pure-Python approach, requires pyparsing
150 License
151 -------
153 This package is distributed under the `MIT license`_.
156 .. _Graphviz:
157 .. _DOT:
158 .. _upstream repo:
159 .. _upstream-download:
160 .. _upstream-archived:
161 .. _upstream-windows:
163 .. _pip:
165 .. _Jupyter notebooks:
166 .. _IPython notebooks:
167 .. _Jupyter QtConsole:
169 .. _notebook:
170 .. _notebook-nbviewer:
172 .. _Anaconda:
173 .. _conda-forge:
174 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz:
175 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock:
176 .. _conda-forge-graphviz:
177 .. _conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock:
179 .. _pygraphviz:
180 .. _graphviz-python:
181 .. _graphviz-python-docs:
182 .. _pydot:
184 .. _MIT license:
187 .. |--| unicode:: U+2013
190 .. |PyPI version| image::
191 :target:
192 :alt: Latest PyPI Version
193 .. |License| image::
194 :target:
195 :alt: License
196 .. |Supported Python| image::
197 :target:
198 :alt: Supported Python Versions
199 .. |Format| image::
200 :target:
201 :alt: Format
203 .. |Build| image::
204 :target:
205 :alt: Build
206 .. |Codecov| image::
207 :target:
208 :alt: Codecov
209 .. |Readthedocs-stable| image::
210 :target:
211 :alt: Readthedocs stable
212 .. |Readthedocs-latest| image::
213 :target:
214 :alt: Readthedocs latest
33 |PyPI version| |License| |Supported Python| |Format|
5 |Travis| |Codecov| |Readthedocs-stable| |Readthedocs-latest|
5 |Build| |Codecov| |Readthedocs-stable| |Readthedocs-latest|
77 This package facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in
8 the DOT_ language of the Graphviz_ graph drawing software (`master repo`_) from
9 Python.
8 the DOT_ language of the Graphviz_ graph drawing software (`upstream repo`_)
9 from Python.
1111 Create a graph object, assemble the graph by adding nodes and edges, and
1212 retrieve its DOT source code string. Save the source code to a file and render
1515 Use the ``view`` option/method to directly inspect the resulting (PDF, PNG,
1616 SVG, etc.) file with its default application. Graphs can also be rendered
1717 and displayed within `Jupyter notebooks`_ (formerly known as
18 `IPython notebooks`_, example_) as well as the `Jupyter Qt Console`_.
18 `IPython notebooks`_,
19 `example <notebook_>`_, `nbviewer <notebook-nbviewer_>`_)
20 as well as the `Jupyter QtConsole`_.
2123 Links
3234 Installation
3335 ------------
35 This package runs under Python 2.7, and 3.5+, use pip_ to install:
37 This package runs under Python 3.6+, use pip_ to install:
3739 .. code:: bash
3941 $ pip install graphviz
41 To render the generated DOT source code, you also need to install Graphviz
42 (`download page`_).
43 To render the generated DOT source code, you also need to install Graphviz_
44 (`download page <upstream-download_>`_,
45 `archived versions <upstream-archived_>`_,
46 `installation procedure for Windows <upstream-windows_>`_).
4448 Make sure that the directory containing the ``dot`` executable is on your
4549 systems' path.
51 Anaconda_: see the conda-forge_ package
52 `conda-forge/python-graphviz <conda-forge-python-graphviz_>`_
53 (`feedstock <conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock_>`_),
54 which should automatically ``conda install``
55 `conda-forge/graphviz <conda-forge-graphviz_>`_
56 (`feedstock <conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock_>`_) as dependency.
4859 Quickstart
5364 .. code:: python
55 >>> from graphviz import Digraph
57 >>> dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
66 >>> import graphviz
67 >>> dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
5968 >>> dot #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
6069 < object at 0x...>
100109 --------
102111 - pygraphviz_ |--| full-blown interface wrapping the Graphviz C library with SWIG
103 - graphviz-python_ |--| official Python bindings (documentation_)
112 - graphviz-python_ |--| official Python bindings
113 (`documentation <graphviz-python-docs_>`_)
104114 - pydot_ |--| stable pure-Python approach, requires pyparsing
110120 This package is distributed under the `MIT license`_.
123 .. _Graphviz:
124 .. _DOT:
125 .. _upstream repo:
126 .. _upstream-download:
127 .. _upstream-archived:
128 .. _upstream-windows:
113130 .. _pip:
114 .. _Graphviz:
115 .. _master repo:
116 .. _download page:
117 .. _DOT:
118132 .. _Jupyter notebooks:
119133 .. _IPython notebooks:
120 .. _example:
121 .. _Jupyter Qt Console:
134 .. _Jupyter QtConsole:
136 .. _notebook:
137 .. _notebook-nbviewer:
139 .. _Anaconda:
140 .. _conda-forge:
141 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz:
142 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock:
143 .. _conda-forge-graphviz:
144 .. _conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock:
123146 .. _pygraphviz:
124147 .. _graphviz-python:
125 .. _documentation:
148 .. _graphviz-python-docs:
126149 .. _pydot:
128151 .. _MIT license:
144167 :target:
145168 :alt: Format
147 .. |Travis| image::
148 :target:
149 :alt: Travis
170 .. |Build| image::
171 :target:
172 :alt: Build
150173 .. |Codecov| image::
151174 :target:
152175 :alt: Codecov
00 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
11 <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
22 "">
3 <!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)
3 <!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)
44 -->
55 <!-- Title: G Pages: 1 -->
66 <svg width="851pt" height="257pt"
77 viewBox="0.00 0.00 851.00 256.89" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
8 <g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 252.887)">
8 <g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 252.89)">
99 <title>G</title>
10 <polygon fill="blue" stroke="none" points="-4,4 -4,-252.887 847,-252.887 847,4 -4,4"/>
11 <g id="clust1" class="cluster"><title>cluster_1</title>
12 <polygon fill="blue" stroke="black" points="46,-132.993 46,-240.887 794,-240.887 794,-132.993 46,-132.993"/>
13 <text text-anchor="middle" x="420" y="-225.687" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="white">Linear Angle Variations (white to black gradient)</text>
14 </g>
15 <g id="clust2" class="cluster"><title>cluster_2</title>
16 <polygon fill="blue" stroke="black" points="8,-8 8,-124.993 835,-124.993 835,-8 8,-8"/>
17 <text text-anchor="middle" x="421.5" y="-109.793" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="white">Radial Angle Variations (white to black gradient)</text>
10 <polygon fill="blue" stroke="transparent" points="-4,4 -4,-252.89 847,-252.89 847,4 -4,4"/>
11 <g id="clust1" class="cluster">
12 <title>cluster_1</title>
13 <polygon fill="blue" stroke="black" points="46,-132.99 46,-240.89 794,-240.89 794,-132.99 46,-132.99"/>
14 <text text-anchor="middle" x="420" y="-225.69" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="white">Linear Angle Variations (white to black gradient)</text>
15 </g>
16 <g id="clust2" class="cluster">
17 <title>cluster_2</title>
18 <polygon fill="blue" stroke="black" points="8,-8 8,-124.99 835,-124.99 835,-8 8,-8"/>
19 <text text-anchor="middle" x="421.5" y="-109.79" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="white">Radial Angle Variations (white to black gradient)</text>
1820 </g>
1921 <!-- n9 -->
20 <g id="node1" class="node"><title>n9</title>
21 <defs>
22 <linearGradient id="l_0" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="717.606" y1="-175.44" x2="786.394" y2="-175.44" >
23 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
24 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
25 </linearGradient>
26 </defs>
27 <ellipse fill="url(#l_0)" stroke="black" cx="752" cy="-175.44" rx="34.394" ry="34.394"/>
22 <g id="node1" class="node">
23 <title>n9</title>
24 <defs>
25 <linearGradient id="l_0" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="717.61" y1="-175.44" x2="786.39" y2="-175.44" >
26 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
27 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
28 </linearGradient>
29 </defs>
30 <ellipse fill="url(#l_0)" stroke="black" cx="752" cy="-175.44" rx="34.39" ry="34.39"/>
2831 <text text-anchor="middle" x="752" y="-171.74" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n9:360</text>
2932 </g>
3033 <!-- n8 -->
31 <g id="node2" class="node"><title>n8</title>
34 <g id="node2" class="node">
35 <title>n8</title>
3236 <defs>
3337 <linearGradient id="l_1" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="640.68" y1="-199.76" x2="689.32" y2="-151.12" >
3438 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
3539 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
3640 </linearGradient>
3741 </defs>
38 <ellipse fill="url(#l_1)" stroke="black" cx="665" cy="-175.44" rx="34.394" ry="34.394"/>
42 <ellipse fill="url(#l_1)" stroke="black" cx="665" cy="-175.44" rx="34.39" ry="34.39"/>
3943 <text text-anchor="middle" x="665" y="-171.74" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n8:315</text>
4044 </g>
4145 <!-- n7 -->
42 <g id="node3" class="node"><title>n7</title>
43 <defs>
44 <linearGradient id="l_2" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="578" y1="-209.834" x2="578" y2="-141.046" >
45 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
46 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
47 </linearGradient>
48 </defs>
49 <ellipse fill="url(#l_2)" stroke="black" cx="578" cy="-175.44" rx="34.394" ry="34.394"/>
46 <g id="node3" class="node">
47 <title>n7</title>
48 <defs>
49 <linearGradient id="l_2" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="578" y1="-209.83" x2="578" y2="-141.05" >
50 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
51 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
52 </linearGradient>
53 </defs>
54 <ellipse fill="url(#l_2)" stroke="black" cx="578" cy="-175.44" rx="34.39" ry="34.39"/>
5055 <text text-anchor="middle" x="578" y="-171.74" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n7:270</text>
5156 </g>
5257 <!-- n6 -->
53 <g id="node4" class="node"><title>n6</title>
58 <g id="node4" class="node">
59 <title>n6</title>
5460 <defs>
5561 <linearGradient id="l_3" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="515.32" y1="-199.76" x2="466.68" y2="-151.12" >
5662 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
5763 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
5864 </linearGradient>
5965 </defs>
60 <ellipse fill="url(#l_3)" stroke="black" cx="491" cy="-175.44" rx="34.394" ry="34.394"/>
66 <ellipse fill="url(#l_3)" stroke="black" cx="491" cy="-175.44" rx="34.39" ry="34.39"/>
6167 <text text-anchor="middle" x="491" y="-171.74" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n6:225</text>
6268 </g>
6369 <!-- n5 -->
64 <g id="node5" class="node"><title>n5</title>
65 <defs>
66 <linearGradient id="l_4" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="438.394" y1="-175.44" x2="369.606" y2="-175.44" >
67 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
68 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
69 </linearGradient>
70 </defs>
71 <ellipse fill="url(#l_4)" stroke="black" cx="404" cy="-175.44" rx="34.394" ry="34.394"/>
70 <g id="node5" class="node">
71 <title>n5</title>
72 <defs>
73 <linearGradient id="l_4" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="438.39" y1="-175.44" x2="369.61" y2="-175.44" >
74 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
75 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
76 </linearGradient>
77 </defs>
78 <ellipse fill="url(#l_4)" stroke="black" cx="404" cy="-175.44" rx="34.39" ry="34.39"/>
7279 <text text-anchor="middle" x="404" y="-171.74" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n5:180</text>
7380 </g>
7481 <!-- n14 -->
75 <g id="node14" class="node"><title>n14</title>
82 <g id="node14" class="node">
83 <title>n14</title>
7684 <defs>
7785 <radialGradient id="r_0" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="75%" fx="0%" fy="50%">
7886 <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:white;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
7987 <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:black;stop-opacity:1.;"/>
8088 </radialGradient>
8189 </defs>
82 <ellipse fill="url(#r_0)" stroke="black" cx="404" cy="-54.9965" rx="38.9931" ry="38.9931"/>
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112 <g id="node7" class="node">
113 <title>n3</title>
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112123 <!-- n2 -->
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124 <g id="node8" class="node">
125 <title>n2</title>
126 <defs>
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131 </defs>
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123135 <!-- n1 -->
124 <g id="node9" class="node"><title>n1</title>
125 <defs>
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136 <g id="node9" class="node">
137 <title>n1</title>
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134147 <!-- n18 -->
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148 <g id="node10" class="node">
149 <title>n18</title>
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157 <text text-anchor="middle" x="788" y="-51.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n18:360</text>
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145159 <!-- n17 -->
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160 <g id="node11" class="node">
161 <title>n17</title>
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172 <g id="node12" class="node">
173 <title>n16</title>
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181 <text text-anchor="middle" x="596" y="-51.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n16:270</text>
166182 </g>
167183 <!-- n15 -->
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184 <g id="node13" class="node">
185 <title>n15</title>
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176 <text text-anchor="middle" x="500" y="-51.2965" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n15:225</text>
192 <ellipse fill="url(#r_4)" stroke="black" cx="500" cy="-55" rx="38.99" ry="38.99"/>
193 <text text-anchor="middle" x="500" y="-51.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n15:225</text>
177194 </g>
178195 <!-- n13 -->
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196 <g id="node15" class="node">
197 <title>n13</title>
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187 <text text-anchor="middle" x="308" y="-51.2965" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n13:135</text>
204 <ellipse fill="url(#r_5)" stroke="black" cx="308" cy="-55" rx="38.99" ry="38.99"/>
205 <text text-anchor="middle" x="308" y="-51.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n13:135</text>
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189207 <!-- n12 -->
190 <g id="node16" class="node"><title>n12</title>
208 <g id="node16" class="node">
209 <title>n12</title>
191210 <defs>
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198 <text text-anchor="middle" x="217" y="-51.2965" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n12:90</text>
216 <ellipse fill="url(#r_6)" stroke="black" cx="217" cy="-55" rx="34.39" ry="34.39"/>
217 <text text-anchor="middle" x="217" y="-51.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n12:90</text>
199218 </g>
200219 <!-- n11 -->
201 <g id="node17" class="node"><title>n11</title>
220 <g id="node17" class="node">
221 <title>n11</title>
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228 <ellipse fill="url(#r_7)" stroke="black" cx="130" cy="-55" rx="34.39" ry="34.39"/>
229 <text text-anchor="middle" x="130" y="-51.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n11:45</text>
210230 </g>
211231 <!-- n10 -->
212 <g id="node18" class="node"><title>n10</title>
232 <g id="node18" class="node">
233 <title>n10</title>
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240 <ellipse fill="url(#r_8)" stroke="black" cx="47" cy="-55" rx="30.59" ry="30.59"/>
241 <text text-anchor="middle" x="47" y="-51.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n10:0</text>
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3437 <!-- node4 -->
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4853 <!-- node2 -->
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5763 <!-- node1&#45;&gt;node2 -->
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6269 <!-- node3 -->
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71 <title>node3</title>
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7685 <!-- node7 -->
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118 <g id="node6" class="node">
119 <title>node5</title>
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118133 <!-- node6 -->
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135 <title>node6</title>
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6475 <!-- a3&#45;&gt;a0 -->
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93 <title>a3&#45;&gt;end</title>
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88103 <!-- b1 -->
89 <g id="node6" class="node"><title>b1</title>
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98115 <!-- b2 -->
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116 <g id="node7" class="node">
117 <title>b2</title>
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123 <title>b1&#45;&gt;b2</title>
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123145 <!-- start -->
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147 <title>start</title>
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163 <title>start&#45;&gt;b0</title>
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1819 <!-- C&#45;I -->
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2325 <!-- course&#45;&#45;C&#45;I -->
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2831 <!-- institute -->
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33 <title>institute</title>
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3337 <!-- name1 -->
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3843 <!-- institute&#45;&#45;name1 -->
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4248 <!-- S&#45;I -->
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4754 <!-- institute&#45;&#45;S&#45;I -->
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5260 <!-- student -->
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5766 <!-- name2 -->
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6272 <!-- student&#45;&#45;name2 -->
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6677 <!-- grade -->
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79 <title>grade</title>
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7082 </g>
7183 <!-- student&#45;&#45;grade -->
72 <g id="edge8" class="edge"><title>student&#45;&#45;grade</title>
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84 <g id="edge8" class="edge">
85 <title>student&#45;&#45;grade</title>
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7487 </g>
7588 <!-- number -->
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90 <title>number</title>
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7993 </g>
8094 <!-- student&#45;&#45;number -->
81 <g id="edge10" class="edge"><title>student&#45;&#45;number</title>
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8499 <!-- S&#45;C -->
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89105 <!-- student&#45;&#45;S&#45;C -->
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107 <title>student&#45;&#45;S&#45;C</title>
108 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M141.62,-201.81C151.46,-205.28 162.28,-209.08 171.41,-212.3"/>
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113 <title>name0</title>
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99117 <!-- name0&#45;&#45;course -->
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119 <title>name0&#45;&#45;course</title>
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124 <title>code</title>
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129 <g id="edge2" class="edge">
130 <title>code&#45;&#45;course</title>
131 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M291.95,-264.09C284.4,-267.67 275.94,-271.68 268.11,-275.39"/>
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112133 <!-- C&#45;I&#45;&#45;institute -->
113 <g id="edge4" class="edge"><title>C&#45;I&#45;&#45;institute</title>
114 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M6.42628,-93.5379C-1.58435,-92.6835 -10.3833,-91.7451 -18.5368,-90.8754"/>
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134 <g id="edge4" class="edge">
135 <title>C&#45;I&#45;&#45;institute</title>
136 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M160.87,-351.35C152.85,-350.5 144.06,-349.56 135.9,-348.69"/>
137 <text text-anchor="middle" x="144.88" y="-353.82" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">1</text>
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117139 <!-- S&#45;C&#45;&#45;course -->
118 <g id="edge12" class="edge"><title>S&#45;C&#45;&#45;course</title>
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140 <g id="edge12" class="edge">
141 <title>S&#45;C&#45;&#45;course</title>
142 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M202.24,-233.33C209.66,-243.85 220.03,-258.55 228.17,-270.1"/>
143 <text text-anchor="middle" x="211.71" y="-255.51" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n</text>
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123 <g id="edge7" class="edge"><title>S&#45;I&#45;&#45;student</title>
124 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M-70.5035,3.62997C-64.7192,16.1813 -56.3228,34.4006 -50.0831,47.9401"/>
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146 <g id="edge7" class="edge">
147 <title>S&#45;I&#45;&#45;student</title>
148 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M83.94,-254.18C89.72,-241.63 98.12,-223.41 104.36,-209.87"/>
149 <text text-anchor="middle" x="90.65" y="-235.83" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">n</text>
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16 <title>clusterC</title>
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20 <title>clusterB</title>
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25 <title>e</title>
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2529 <!-- __0:clusterB -->
2630 <!-- e&#45;&#45;__0:clusterB -->
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3035 <!-- a -->
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43 <title>b</title>
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49 <title>a&#45;&#45;b</title>
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54 <title>C</title>
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5464 <!-- C&#45;&#45;D -->
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66 <title>C&#45;&#45;D</title>
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5869 <!-- d -->
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70 <g id="node6" class="node">
71 <title>d</title>
72 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="234.78" cy="-219.09" rx="27" ry="18"/>
73 <text text-anchor="middle" x="234.78" y="-215.39" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">d</text>
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81 <g id="node7" class="node">
82 <title>f</title>
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87 <g id="edge3" class="edge">
88 <title>d&#45;&#45;f</title>
89 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M249.08,-234.69C253.3,-239.3 257.92,-244.34 262.14,-248.94"/>
7590 </g>
7691 <!-- __1:clusterC -->
7792 <!-- __2:clusterB -->
7893 <!-- __1:clusterC&#45;&#45;__2:clusterB -->
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94 <g id="edge8" class="edge">
95 <title>__1:clusterC&#45;&#45;__2:clusterB</title>
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1718 <!-- LR_2 -->
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19 <g id="node5" class="node">
20 <title>LR_2</title>
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2224 <!-- LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_2 -->
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25 <g id="edge1" class="edge">
26 <title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_2</title>
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2831 <!-- LR_1 -->
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32 <g id="node6" class="node">
33 <title>LR_1</title>
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3236 </g>
3337 <!-- LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1 -->
34 <g id="edge2" class="edge"><title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1</title>
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39 <title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1</title>
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41 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="135.13,-58.02 143.7,-51.8 133.12,-51.32 135.13,-58.02"/>
42 <text text-anchor="middle" x="107.19" y="-71.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">SS(S)</text>
3843 </g>
3944 <!-- LR_3 -->
40 <g id="node2" class="node"><title>LR_3</title>
41 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.236" cy="-35.8472" rx="31.712" ry="31.712"/>
42 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.236" cy="-35.8472" rx="35.695" ry="35.695"/>
43 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.236" y="-32.1472" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_3</text>
45 <g id="node2" class="node">
46 <title>LR_3</title>
47 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.24" cy="-35.85" rx="31.71" ry="31.71"/>
48 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.24" cy="-35.85" rx="35.69" ry="35.69"/>
49 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.24" y="-32.15" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_3</text>
4450 </g>
4551 <!-- LR_4 -->
46 <g id="node3" class="node"><title>LR_4</title>
47 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.236" cy="-291.847" rx="31.712" ry="31.712"/>
48 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.236" cy="-291.847" rx="35.695" ry="35.695"/>
49 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.236" y="-288.147" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_4</text>
52 <g id="node3" class="node">
53 <title>LR_4</title>
54 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.24" cy="-291.85" rx="31.71" ry="31.71"/>
55 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.24" cy="-291.85" rx="35.69" ry="35.69"/>
56 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.24" y="-288.15" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_4</text>
5057 </g>
5158 <!-- LR_8 -->
52 <g id="node4" class="node"><title>LR_8</title>
53 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="704.319" cy="-147.847" rx="31.712" ry="31.712"/>
54 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="704.319" cy="-147.847" rx="35.695" ry="35.695"/>
55 <text text-anchor="middle" x="704.319" y="-144.147" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_8</text>
59 <g id="node4" class="node">
60 <title>LR_8</title>
61 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="704.32" cy="-152.85" rx="31.71" ry="31.71"/>
62 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="704.32" cy="-152.85" rx="35.69" ry="35.69"/>
63 <text text-anchor="middle" x="704.32" y="-149.15" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_8</text>
5664 </g>
5765 <!-- LR_6 -->
58 <g id="node7" class="node"><title>LR_6</title>
59 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.236" cy="-172.847" rx="31.6951" ry="31.6951"/>
60 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.236" y="-169.147" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_6</text>
66 <g id="node7" class="node">
67 <title>LR_6</title>
68 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="323.24" cy="-172.85" rx="31.7" ry="31.7"/>
69 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.24" y="-169.15" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_6</text>
6170 </g>
6271 <!-- LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->
63 <g id="edge13" class="edge"><title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>
64 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M669.127,-154.782C625.934,-163.158 549.217,-176.756 482.777,-181.847 454.552,-184.01 447.36,-183.186 419.083,-181.847 401.296,-181.005 381.696,-179.28 364.953,-177.563"/>
65 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="365.251,-174.075 354.939,-176.503 364.515,-181.036 365.251,-174.075"/>
66 <text text-anchor="middle" x="513.277" y="-184.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
72 <g id="edge13" class="edge">
73 <title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>
74 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M668.7,-158.83C625.38,-165.98 548.87,-177.52 482.78,-181.85 454.53,-183.7 447.36,-183.19 419.08,-181.85 401.3,-181.01 381.7,-179.28 364.95,-177.56"/>
75 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="365.25,-174.07 354.94,-176.5 364.51,-181.04 365.25,-174.07"/>
76 <text text-anchor="middle" x="513.28" y="-183.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
6777 </g>
6878 <!-- LR_5 -->
69 <g id="node8" class="node"><title>LR_5</title>
70 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="450.93" cy="-107.847" rx="31.6951" ry="31.6951"/>
71 <text text-anchor="middle" x="450.93" y="-104.147" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_5</text>
79 <g id="node8" class="node">
80 <title>LR_5</title>
81 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="450.93" cy="-107.85" rx="31.7" ry="31.7"/>
82 <text text-anchor="middle" x="450.93" y="-104.15" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_5</text>
7283 </g>
7384 <!-- LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->
74 <g id="edge14" class="edge"><title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
75 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M668.545,-142.414C628.191,-136.095 559.65,-125.319 500.777,-115.847 498.086,-115.414 495.312,-114.966 492.517,-114.512"/>
76 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="492.845,-111.02 482.413,-112.867 491.72,-117.929 492.845,-111.02"/>
77 <text text-anchor="middle" x="575.625" y="-137.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
85 <g id="edge14" class="edge">
86 <title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
87 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M668.83,-147.36C628.46,-140.82 559.62,-129.34 500.78,-117.85 497.99,-117.3 495.11,-116.73 492.22,-116.15"/>
88 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="492.89,-112.72 482.4,-114.17 491.51,-119.58 492.89,-112.72"/>
89 <text text-anchor="middle" x="575.62" y="-139.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
7890 </g>
7991 <!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4 -->
80 <g id="edge6" class="edge"><title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4</title>
81 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M197.821,-168.87C222.322,-193.087 261.915,-232.223 289.846,-259.831"/>
82 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="287.463,-262.397 297.035,-266.938 292.384,-257.418 287.463,-262.397"/>
83 <text text-anchor="middle" x="246.889" y="-239.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(A)</text>
92 <g id="edge6" class="edge">
93 <title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4</title>
94 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M198.14,-173.42C222.46,-196.62 261.37,-233.76 289.13,-260.26"/>
95 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="287,-263.06 296.65,-267.43 291.83,-257.99 287,-263.06"/>
96 <text text-anchor="middle" x="246.89" y="-241.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(A)</text>
8497 </g>
8598 <!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->
86 <g id="edge4" class="edge"><title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>
87 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M205.937,-152.234C227.893,-156.126 257.777,-161.422 281.754,-165.672"/>
88 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="281.17,-169.123 291.628,-167.422 282.392,-162.231 281.17,-169.123"/>
89 <text text-anchor="middle" x="246.889" y="-167.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">SS(b)</text>
99 <g id="edge4" class="edge">
100 <title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>
101 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M206.29,-156.25C228.1,-159.37 257.6,-163.59 281.38,-167"/>
102 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="281.13,-170.5 291.52,-168.45 282.12,-163.57 281.13,-170.5"/>
103 <text text-anchor="middle" x="246.89" y="-167.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">SS(b)</text>
90104 </g>
91105 <!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->
92 <g id="edge5" class="edge"><title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
93 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M205.087,-137.127C227.428,-130.219 259.001,-121.39 287.389,-116.847 328.309,-110.299 375.679,-108.299 408.684,-107.786"/>
94 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="408.911,-111.284 418.87,-107.668 408.829,-104.284 408.911,-111.284"/>
95 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.236" y="-120.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">SS(a)</text>
106 <g id="edge5" class="edge">
107 <title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
108 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M204.48,-140.61C226.77,-132.49 258.56,-122.07 287.39,-116.85 328.17,-109.46 375.56,-107.58 408.61,-107.32"/>
109 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="408.82,-110.82 418.81,-107.29 408.8,-103.82 408.82,-110.82"/>
110 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.24" y="-120.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">SS(a)</text>
96111 </g>
97112 <!-- LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3 -->
98 <g id="edge3" class="edge"><title>LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3</title>
99 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M206.293,-50.8642C226.839,-48.2031 254.208,-44.6582 277.196,-41.6808"/>
100 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="277.941,-45.1136 287.409,-40.358 277.042,-38.1716 277.941,-45.1136"/>
101 <text text-anchor="middle" x="246.889" y="-52.6472" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S($end)</text>
113 <g id="edge3" class="edge">
114 <title>LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3</title>
115 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M206.65,-41.36C227.15,-40.38 254.31,-39.09 277.16,-38"/>
116 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="277.49,-41.49 287.31,-37.51 277.16,-34.49 277.49,-41.49"/>
117 <text text-anchor="middle" x="246.89" y="-44.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S($end)</text>
102118 </g>
103119 <!-- LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->
104 <g id="edge9" class="edge"><title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>
105 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M311.262,-202.528C310.87,-213.589 314.861,-222.694 323.236,-222.694 328.863,-222.694 332.511,-218.584 334.18,-212.532"/>
106 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="337.667,-212.834 335.21,-202.528 330.704,-212.117 337.667,-212.834"/>
107 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.236" y="-226.494" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
120 <g id="edge9" class="edge">
121 <title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>
122 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M311.26,-202.53C310.87,-213.59 314.86,-222.69 323.24,-222.69 328.86,-222.69 332.51,-218.58 334.18,-212.53"/>
123 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="337.67,-212.83 335.21,-202.53 330.7,-212.12 337.67,-212.83"/>
124 <text text-anchor="middle" x="323.24" y="-226.49" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
108125 </g>
109126 <!-- LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->
110 <g id="edge10" class="edge"><title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
111 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M351.82,-158.583C369.912,-149.227 393.768,-136.89 413.426,-126.724"/>
112 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="415.136,-129.781 422.41,-122.078 411.92,-123.563 415.136,-129.781"/>
113 <text text-anchor="middle" x="389.083" y="-148.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
127 <g id="edge10" class="edge">
128 <title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
129 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M351.82,-158.58C369.91,-149.23 393.77,-136.89 413.43,-126.72"/>
130 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="415.14,-129.78 422.41,-122.08 411.92,-123.56 415.14,-129.78"/>
131 <text text-anchor="middle" x="389.08" y="-147.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
114132 </g>
115133 <!-- LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->
116 <g id="edge8" class="edge"><title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
117 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M439.691,-138.022C439.45,-148.859 443.196,-157.694 450.93,-157.694 456.006,-157.694 459.364,-153.889 461.005,-148.211"/>
118 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="464.511,-148.355 462.169,-138.022 457.556,-147.56 464.511,-148.355"/>
119 <text text-anchor="middle" x="450.93" y="-161.494" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
134 <g id="edge8" class="edge">
135 <title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
136 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M439.69,-138.02C439.45,-148.86 443.2,-157.69 450.93,-157.69 456.01,-157.69 459.36,-153.89 461,-148.21"/>
137 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="464.51,-148.35 462.17,-138.02 457.56,-147.56 464.51,-148.35"/>
138 <text text-anchor="middle" x="450.93" y="-161.49" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
120139 </g>
121140 <!-- LR_7 -->
122 <g id="node9" class="node"><title>LR_7</title>
123 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="575.625" cy="-79.8472" rx="31.6951" ry="31.6951"/>
124 <text text-anchor="middle" x="575.625" y="-76.1472" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_7</text>
141 <g id="node9" class="node">
142 <title>LR_7</title>
143 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="575.62" cy="-84.85" rx="31.7" ry="31.7"/>
144 <text text-anchor="middle" x="575.62" y="-81.15" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LR_7</text>
125145 </g>
126146 <!-- LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7 -->
127 <g id="edge7" class="edge"><title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7</title>
128 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M482.259,-100.926C497.891,-97.3585 517.169,-92.959 534.063,-89.1037"/>
129 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="535.249,-92.4232 544.219,-86.7859 533.691,-85.5986 535.249,-92.4232"/>
130 <text text-anchor="middle" x="513.277" y="-100.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
147 <g id="edge7" class="edge">
148 <title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7</title>
149 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M482.57,-102.1C498.09,-99.19 517.14,-95.62 533.88,-92.49"/>
150 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="534.76,-95.88 543.95,-90.6 533.47,-89 534.76,-95.88"/>
151 <text text-anchor="middle" x="513.28" y="-102.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
131152 </g>
132153 <!-- LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8 -->
133 <g id="edge11" class="edge"><title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8</title>
134 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M604.384,-94.3732C618.255,-101.666 635.28,-110.668 650.472,-118.847 654.739,-121.145 659.192,-123.56 663.624,-125.976"/>
135 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="662.172,-129.17 672.625,-130.896 665.529,-123.028 662.172,-129.17"/>
136 <text text-anchor="middle" x="637.972" y="-122.647" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
154 <g id="edge11" class="edge">
155 <title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8</title>
156 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M604.38,-99.37C618.26,-106.67 635.28,-115.67 650.47,-123.85 654.74,-126.14 659.19,-128.56 663.62,-130.98"/>
157 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="662.17,-134.17 672.62,-135.9 665.53,-128.03 662.17,-134.17"/>
158 <text text-anchor="middle" x="637.97" y="-127.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(b)</text>
137159 </g>
138160 <!-- LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->
139 <g id="edge12" class="edge"><title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
140 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M544.569,-71.6302C530.928,-69.2535 514.755,-68.3565 500.777,-72.8472 494.781,-74.7738 488.895,-77.7384 483.403,-81.1443"/>
141 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="481.431,-78.2524 475.135,-86.7737 485.371,-84.0385 481.431,-78.2524"/>
142 <text text-anchor="middle" x="513.277" y="-76.6472" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
161 <g id="edge12" class="edge">
162 <title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>
163 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M545.05,-75.8C531.36,-72.99 515.01,-71.6 500.78,-75.85 495.43,-77.44 490.13,-79.83 485.1,-82.59"/>
164 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="483.11,-79.7 476.38,-87.89 486.75,-85.69 483.11,-79.7"/>
165 <text text-anchor="middle" x="513.28" y="-79.65" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">S(a)</text>
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25 <title>Hello&#45;&gt;World</title>
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3843 <!-- yr2&#45;&gt;red2 -->
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4855 <!-- yr2&#45;&gt;safe1 -->
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5361 <!-- rg2 -->
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63 <title>rg2</title>
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5867 <!-- green2 -->
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69 <title>green2</title>
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6272 </g>
6373 <!-- rg2&#45;&gt;green2 -->
64 <g id="edge2" class="edge"><title>rg2&#45;&gt;green2</title>
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75 <title>rg2&#45;&gt;green2</title>
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6879 <!-- gy1 -->
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80 <g id="node4" class="node">
81 <title>gy1</title>
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83 <text text-anchor="middle" x="277.57" y="-414.75" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">gy1</text>
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7385 <!-- yellow1 -->
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87 <title>yellow1</title>
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8397 <!-- yr1 -->
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99 <title>yr1</title>
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88103 <!-- safe2 -->
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105 <title>safe2</title>
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107 <text text-anchor="middle" x="275.71" y="-187.97" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">safe2</text>
92108 </g>
93109 <!-- yr1&#45;&gt;safe2 -->
94 <g id="edge11" class="edge"><title>yr1&#45;&gt;safe2</title>
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110 <g id="edge11" class="edge">
111 <title>yr1&#45;&gt;safe2</title>
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98115 <!-- red1 -->
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116 <g id="node13" class="node">
117 <title>red1</title>
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119 <text text-anchor="middle" x="219.22" y="-314.11" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">red1</text>
102120 </g>
103121 <!-- yr1&#45;&gt;red1 -->
104 <g id="edge12" class="edge"><title>yr1&#45;&gt;red1</title>
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122 <g id="edge12" class="edge">
123 <title>yr1&#45;&gt;red1</title>
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108127 <!-- rg1 -->
109 <g id="node6" class="node"><title>rg1</title>
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128 <g id="node6" class="node">
129 <title>rg1</title>
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135 <title>green1</title>
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137 <text text-anchor="middle" x="191.7" y="-421.44" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">green1</text>
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141 <title>rg1&#45;&gt;green1</title>
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123145 <!-- green2&#45;&gt;gy2 -->
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128151 <!-- yellow2&#45;&gt;yr2 -->
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152 <g id="edge7" class="edge">
153 <title>yellow2&#45;&gt;yr2</title>
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155 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="52.65,-191.33 60.2,-198.76 58.93,-188.24 52.65,-191.33"/>
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133157 <!-- red2&#45;&gt;rg2 -->
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158 <g id="edge8" class="edge">
159 <title>red2&#45;&gt;rg2</title>
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161 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="176.66,-158.89 183.97,-151.22 173.48,-152.65 176.66,-158.89"/>
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138163 <!-- safe2&#45;&gt;rg2 -->
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164 <g id="edge5" class="edge">
165 <title>safe2&#45;&gt;rg2</title>
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31 <title>PWB 1.0</title>
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33 <text text-anchor="middle" x="667.25" y="-662.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">PWB 1.0</text>
3034 </g>
3135 <!-- 5th Edition&#45;&gt;PWB 1.0 -->
32 <g id="edge2" class="edge"><title>5th Edition&#45;&gt;PWB 1.0</title>
33 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M602.553,-721.465C616.036,-711.633 633.641,-698.797 648.372,-688.055"/>
34 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="650.642,-690.731 656.66,-682.011 646.518,-685.075 650.642,-690.731"/>
36 <g id="edge2" class="edge">
37 <title>5th Edition&#45;&gt;PWB 1.0</title>
38 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M541.33,-723.5C566.43,-712.24 602.35,-696.12 629.41,-683.98"/>
39 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="630.89,-687.15 638.58,-679.86 628.02,-680.77 630.89,-687.15"/>
3540 </g>
3641 <!-- LSX -->
37 <g id="node4" class="node"><title>LSX</title>
38 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="587.247" cy="-594" rx="27.8951" ry="18"/>
39 <text text-anchor="middle" x="587.247" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LSX</text>
42 <g id="node4" class="node">
43 <title>LSX</title>
44 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="577.25" cy="-594" rx="27.9" ry="18"/>
45 <text text-anchor="middle" x="577.25" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">LSX</text>
4046 </g>
4147 <!-- 6th Edition&#45;&gt;LSX -->
42 <g id="edge3" class="edge"><title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;LSX</title>
43 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M456.695,-651.97C482.04,-641.396 518.551,-625.998 550.247,-612 552.042,-611.208 553.882,-610.387 555.737,-609.554"/>
44 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="557.331,-612.675 564.991,-605.355 554.438,-606.3 557.331,-612.675"/>
48 <g id="edge3" class="edge">
49 <title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;LSX</title>
50 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M446.69,-651.97C472.04,-641.4 508.55,-626 540.25,-612 542.04,-611.21 543.88,-610.39 545.74,-609.55"/>
51 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="547.33,-612.67 554.99,-605.36 544.44,-606.3 547.33,-612.67"/>
4552 </g>
4653 <!-- 1 BSD -->
47 <g id="node5" class="node"><title>1 BSD</title>
48 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="127.247" cy="-594" rx="35.194" ry="18"/>
49 <text text-anchor="middle" x="127.247" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">1 BSD</text>
54 <g id="node5" class="node">
55 <title>1 BSD</title>
56 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="120.25" cy="-594" rx="35.19" ry="18"/>
57 <text text-anchor="middle" x="120.25" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">1 BSD</text>
5058 </g>
5159 <!-- 6th Edition&#45;&gt;1 BSD -->
52 <g id="edge4" class="edge"><title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;1 BSD</title>
53 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M384.437,-655.414C327.595,-642.061 225.177,-618.004 168.239,-604.629"/>
54 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="169.03,-601.219 158.494,-602.34 167.429,-608.034 169.03,-601.219"/>
60 <g id="edge4" class="edge">
61 <title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;1 BSD</title>
62 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M374.54,-655.34C318.44,-642.03 217.93,-618.18 161.53,-604.8"/>
63 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="162.07,-601.33 151.53,-602.42 160.46,-608.14 162.07,-601.33"/>
5564 </g>
5665 <!-- Mini Unix -->
57 <g id="node6" class="node"><title>Mini Unix</title>
58 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="365.247" cy="-594" rx="46.2923" ry="18"/>
59 <text text-anchor="middle" x="365.247" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Mini Unix</text>
66 <g id="node6" class="node">
67 <title>Mini Unix</title>
68 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="355.25" cy="-594" rx="46.29" ry="18"/>
69 <text text-anchor="middle" x="355.25" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Mini Unix</text>
6070 </g>
6171 <!-- 6th Edition&#45;&gt;Mini Unix -->
62 <g id="edge5" class="edge"><title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;Mini Unix</title>
63 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M411.028,-648.411C403.556,-639.693 394.258,-628.845 385.997,-619.208"/>
64 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="388.53,-616.785 379.365,-611.47 383.215,-621.34 388.53,-616.785"/>
72 <g id="edge5" class="edge">
73 <title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;Mini Unix</title>
74 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M401.03,-648.41C393.56,-639.69 384.26,-628.85 376,-619.21"/>
75 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="378.53,-616.78 369.36,-611.47 373.22,-621.34 378.53,-616.78"/>
6576 </g>
6677 <!-- Wollongong -->
67 <g id="node7" class="node"><title>Wollongong</title>
68 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="485.247" cy="-594" rx="55.7903" ry="18"/>
69 <text text-anchor="middle" x="485.247" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Wollongong</text>
78 <g id="node7" class="node">
79 <title>Wollongong</title>
80 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="475.25" cy="-594" rx="55.79" ry="18"/>
81 <text text-anchor="middle" x="475.25" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Wollongong</text>
7082 </g>
7183 <!-- 6th Edition&#45;&gt;Wollongong -->
72 <g id="edge6" class="edge"><title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;Wollongong</title>
73 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M439.467,-648.411C446.939,-639.693 456.237,-628.845 464.498,-619.208"/>
74 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="467.28,-621.34 471.13,-611.47 461.965,-616.785 467.28,-621.34"/>
84 <g id="edge6" class="edge">
85 <title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;Wollongong</title>
86 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M429.47,-648.41C436.94,-639.69 446.24,-628.85 454.5,-619.21"/>
87 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="457.28,-621.34 461.13,-611.47 451.96,-616.78 457.28,-621.34"/>
7588 </g>
7689 <!-- Interdata -->
77 <g id="node8" class="node"><title>Interdata</title>
78 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="259.247" cy="-594" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
79 <text text-anchor="middle" x="259.247" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Interdata</text>
90 <g id="node8" class="node">
91 <title>Interdata</title>
92 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="249.25" cy="-594" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
93 <text text-anchor="middle" x="249.25" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Interdata</text>
8094 </g>
8195 <!-- 6th Edition&#45;&gt;Interdata -->
82 <g id="edge7" class="edge"><title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;Interdata</title>
83 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M394.024,-651.834C366.685,-640.305 326.868,-623.515 297.598,-611.172"/>
84 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="298.683,-607.831 288.109,-607.171 295.963,-614.281 298.683,-607.831"/>
96 <g id="edge7" class="edge">
97 <title>6th Edition&#45;&gt;Interdata</title>
98 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M384.02,-651.83C356.69,-640.31 316.87,-623.51 287.6,-611.17"/>
99 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="288.68,-607.83 278.11,-607.17 285.96,-614.28 288.68,-607.83"/>
85100 </g>
86101 <!-- PWB 1.2 -->
87 <g id="node28" class="node"><title>PWB 1.2</title>
88 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="677.247" cy="-594" rx="44.393" ry="18"/>
89 <text text-anchor="middle" x="677.247" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">PWB 1.2</text>
102 <g id="node28" class="node">
103 <title>PWB 1.2</title>
104 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="667.25" cy="-594" rx="44.39" ry="18"/>
105 <text text-anchor="middle" x="667.25" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">PWB 1.2</text>
90106 </g>
91107 <!-- PWB 1.0&#45;&gt;PWB 1.2 -->
92 <g id="edge31" class="edge"><title>PWB 1.0&#45;&gt;PWB 1.2</title>
93 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M677.247,-647.697C677.247,-639.983 677.247,-630.712 677.247,-622.112"/>
94 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="680.748,-622.104 677.247,-612.104 673.748,-622.104 680.748,-622.104"/>
108 <g id="edge31" class="edge">
109 <title>PWB 1.0&#45;&gt;PWB 1.2</title>
110 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M667.25,-647.7C667.25,-639.98 667.25,-630.71 667.25,-622.11"/>
111 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="670.75,-622.1 667.25,-612.1 663.75,-622.1 670.75,-622.1"/>
95112 </g>
96113 <!-- USG 1.0 -->
97 <g id="node29" class="node"><title>USG 1.0</title>
98 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="782.247" cy="-594" rx="42.7926" ry="18"/>
99 <text text-anchor="middle" x="782.247" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">USG 1.0</text>
114 <g id="node29" class="node">
115 <title>USG 1.0</title>
116 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="772.25" cy="-594" rx="42.79" ry="18"/>
117 <text text-anchor="middle" x="772.25" y="-590.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">USG 1.0</text>
100118 </g>
101119 <!-- PWB 1.0&#45;&gt;USG 1.0 -->
102 <g id="edge32" class="edge"><title>PWB 1.0&#45;&gt;USG 1.0</title>
103 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M699.259,-650.326C714.519,-640.152 735.039,-626.472 751.856,-615.261"/>
104 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="753.886,-618.114 760.265,-609.655 750.003,-612.29 753.886,-618.114"/>
120 <g id="edge32" class="edge">
121 <title>PWB 1.0&#45;&gt;USG 1.0</title>
122 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M689.26,-650.33C704.52,-640.15 725.04,-626.47 741.86,-615.26"/>
123 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="743.89,-618.11 750.26,-609.65 740,-612.29 743.89,-618.11"/>
105124 </g>
106125 <!-- 2 BSD -->
107 <g id="node19" class="node"><title>2 BSD</title>
108 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="89.2474" cy="-234" rx="35.194" ry="18"/>
109 <text text-anchor="middle" x="89.2474" y="-230.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">2 BSD</text>
126 <g id="node19" class="node">
127 <title>2 BSD</title>
128 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="77.25" cy="-234" rx="35.19" ry="18"/>
129 <text text-anchor="middle" x="77.25" y="-230.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">2 BSD</text>
110130 </g>
111131 <!-- 1 BSD&#45;&gt;2 BSD -->
112 <g id="edge19" class="edge"><title>1 BSD&#45;&gt;2 BSD</title>
113 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M122.111,-576.134C114.533,-549.719 101.247,-496.865 101.247,-451 101.247,-451 101.247,-451 101.247,-377 101.247,-336.853 96.426,-290.548 92.8954,-262.022"/>
114 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="96.3555,-261.487 91.6182,-252.01 89.4118,-262.373 96.3555,-261.487"/>
132 <g id="edge19" class="edge">
133 <title>1 BSD&#45;&gt;2 BSD</title>
134 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M114.12,-576.21C105.09,-549.9 89.25,-497.18 89.25,-451 89.25,-451 89.25,-451 89.25,-377 89.25,-336.85 84.43,-290.55 80.9,-262.02"/>
135 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="84.36,-261.49 79.62,-252.01 77.41,-262.37 84.36,-261.49"/>
115136 </g>
116137 <!-- Unix/TS 3.0 -->
117 <g id="node9" class="node"><title>Unix/TS 3.0</title>
118 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="617.247" cy="-378" rx="55.4913" ry="18"/>
119 <text text-anchor="middle" x="617.247" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Unix/TS 3.0</text>
138 <g id="node9" class="node">
139 <title>Unix/TS 3.0</title>
140 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="602.25" cy="-378" rx="55.49" ry="18"/>
141 <text text-anchor="middle" x="602.25" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Unix/TS 3.0</text>
120142 </g>
121143 <!-- Interdata&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0 -->
122 <g id="edge8" class="edge"><title>Interdata&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0</title>
123 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M282.737,-578.959C344.347,-542.13 510.807,-442.627 583.035,-399.451"/>
124 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="584.982,-402.365 591.77,-394.229 581.391,-396.356 584.982,-402.365"/>
144 <g id="edge8" class="edge">
145 <title>Interdata&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0</title>
146 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M272.68,-578.79C333.67,-541.82 497.51,-442.49 568.59,-399.41"/>
147 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="570.44,-402.37 577.18,-394.2 566.81,-396.39 570.44,-402.37"/>
125148 </g>
126149 <!-- PWB 2.0 -->
127 <g id="node10" class="node"><title>PWB 2.0</title>
128 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="560.247" cy="-522" rx="44.393" ry="18"/>
129 <text text-anchor="middle" x="560.247" y="-518.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">PWB 2.0</text>
150 <g id="node10" class="node">
151 <title>PWB 2.0</title>
152 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="548.25" cy="-522" rx="44.39" ry="18"/>
153 <text text-anchor="middle" x="548.25" y="-518.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">PWB 2.0</text>
130154 </g>
131155 <!-- Interdata&#45;&gt;PWB 2.0 -->
132 <g id="edge9" class="edge"><title>Interdata&#45;&gt;PWB 2.0</title>
133 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M290.605,-581.802C297.053,-579.71 303.833,-577.662 310.247,-576 394.292,-554.222 417.818,-560.235 502.247,-540 506.852,-538.896 511.635,-537.654 516.392,-536.355"/>
134 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="517.371,-539.715 526.05,-533.638 515.476,-532.977 517.371,-539.715"/>
156 <g id="edge9" class="edge">
157 <title>Interdata&#45;&gt;PWB 2.0</title>
158 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M280.61,-581.81C287.06,-579.72 293.83,-577.67 300.25,-576 383.43,-554.36 406.69,-560.11 490.25,-540 494.85,-538.89 499.63,-537.65 504.39,-536.35"/>
159 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="505.37,-539.71 514.05,-533.63 503.47,-532.97 505.37,-539.71"/>
135160 </g>
136161 <!-- 7th Edition -->
137 <g id="node11" class="node"><title>7th Edition</title>
138 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="259.247" cy="-522" rx="50.0912" ry="18"/>
139 <text text-anchor="middle" x="259.247" y="-518.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">7th Edition</text>
162 <g id="node11" class="node">
163 <title>7th Edition</title>
164 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="249.25" cy="-522" rx="50.09" ry="18"/>
165 <text text-anchor="middle" x="249.25" y="-518.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">7th Edition</text>
140166 </g>
141167 <!-- Interdata&#45;&gt;7th Edition -->
142 <g id="edge10" class="edge"><title>Interdata&#45;&gt;7th Edition</title>
143 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M259.247,-575.697C259.247,-567.983 259.247,-558.712 259.247,-550.112"/>
144 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="262.748,-550.104 259.247,-540.104 255.748,-550.104 262.748,-550.104"/>
168 <g id="edge10" class="edge">
169 <title>Interdata&#45;&gt;7th Edition</title>
170 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M249.25,-575.7C249.25,-567.98 249.25,-558.71 249.25,-550.11"/>
171 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="252.75,-550.1 249.25,-540.1 245.75,-550.1 252.75,-550.1"/>
145172 </g>
146173 <!-- TS 4.0 -->
147 <g id="node38" class="node"><title>TS 4.0</title>
148 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="671.247" cy="-234" rx="35.9954" ry="18"/>
149 <text text-anchor="middle" x="671.247" y="-230.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">TS 4.0</text>
174 <g id="node38" class="node">
175 <title>TS 4.0</title>
176 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="687.25" cy="-234" rx="36" ry="18"/>
177 <text text-anchor="middle" x="687.25" y="-230.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">TS 4.0</text>
150178 </g>
151179 <!-- Unix/TS 3.0&#45;&gt;TS 4.0 -->
152 <g id="edge44" class="edge"><title>Unix/TS 3.0&#45;&gt;TS 4.0</title>
153 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M623.761,-359.871C633.096,-335.325 650.355,-289.938 661.296,-261.17"/>
154 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="664.595,-262.339 664.878,-251.748 658.052,-259.851 664.595,-262.339"/>
180 <g id="edge44" class="edge">
181 <title>Unix/TS 3.0&#45;&gt;TS 4.0</title>
182 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M612.33,-360.15C627.17,-335.36 655,-288.88 672.24,-260.07"/>
183 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="675.31,-261.76 677.44,-251.39 669.3,-258.17 675.31,-261.76"/>
155184 </g>
156185 <!-- PWB 2.0&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0 -->
157 <g id="edge42" class="edge"><title>PWB 2.0&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0</title>
158 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M557.747,-503.773C555.824,-485.212 554.991,-455.216 565.247,-432 570.375,-420.393 579.248,-409.876 588.228,-401.327"/>
159 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="590.597,-403.904 595.716,-394.627 585.929,-398.687 590.597,-403.904"/>
186 <g id="edge42" class="edge">
187 <title>PWB 2.0&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0</title>
188 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M545.02,-503.83C542.35,-485.31 540.4,-455.35 550.25,-432 555.14,-420.4 563.87,-409.94 572.79,-401.43"/>
189 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="575.13,-404.04 580.25,-394.77 570.46,-398.82 575.13,-404.04"/>
160190 </g>
161191 <!-- 8th Edition -->
162 <g id="node12" class="node"><title>8th Edition</title>
163 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="460.247" cy="-162" rx="50.0912" ry="18"/>
164 <text text-anchor="middle" x="460.247" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">8th Edition</text>
192 <g id="node12" class="node">
193 <title>8th Edition</title>
194 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="448.25" cy="-162" rx="50.09" ry="18"/>
195 <text text-anchor="middle" x="448.25" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">8th Edition</text>
165196 </g>
166197 <!-- 7th Edition&#45;&gt;8th Edition -->
167 <g id="edge11" class="edge"><title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;8th Edition</title>
168 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M302.4,-512.879C347.423,-503.537 413.844,-487.017 431.247,-468 458.553,-438.161 450.247,-419.447 450.247,-379 450.247,-379 450.247,-379 450.247,-305 450.247,-264.897 454.265,-218.58 457.207,-190.04"/>
169 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="460.696,-190.336 458.272,-180.022 453.735,-189.596 460.696,-190.336"/>
198 <g id="edge11" class="edge">
199 <title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;8th Edition</title>
200 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M292.31,-512.73C336.8,-503.31 402.11,-486.79 419.25,-468 446.5,-438.12 438.25,-419.45 438.25,-379 438.25,-379 438.25,-379 438.25,-305 438.25,-264.9 442.27,-218.58 445.21,-190.04"/>
201 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="448.7,-190.34 446.27,-180.02 441.73,-189.6 448.7,-190.34"/>
170202 </g>
171203 <!-- 32V -->
172 <g id="node13" class="node"><title>32V</title>
173 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="395.247" cy="-450" rx="27" ry="18"/>
174 <text text-anchor="middle" x="395.247" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">32V</text>
204 <g id="node13" class="node">
205 <title>32V</title>
206 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="383.25" cy="-450" rx="27" ry="18"/>
207 <text text-anchor="middle" x="383.25" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">32V</text>
175208 </g>
176209 <!-- 7th Edition&#45;&gt;32V -->
177 <g id="edge12" class="edge"><title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;32V</title>
178 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M286.769,-506.834C309.554,-495.107 341.871,-478.473 365.3,-466.414"/>
179 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="367.14,-469.403 374.43,-461.715 363.937,-463.179 367.14,-469.403"/>
210 <g id="edge12" class="edge">
211 <title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;32V</title>
212 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M276.36,-506.83C298.81,-495.11 330.66,-478.47 353.74,-466.41"/>
213 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="355.49,-469.45 362.74,-461.71 352.25,-463.24 355.49,-469.45"/>
180214 </g>
181215 <!-- V7M -->
182 <g id="node14" class="node"><title>V7M</title>
183 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="29.2474" cy="-378" rx="29.4969" ry="18"/>
184 <text text-anchor="middle" x="29.2474" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">V7M</text>
216 <g id="node14" class="node">
217 <title>V7M</title>
218 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="29.25" cy="-378" rx="29.5" ry="18"/>
219 <text text-anchor="middle" x="29.25" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">V7M</text>
185220 </g>
186221 <!-- 7th Edition&#45;&gt;V7M -->
187 <g id="edge13" class="edge"><title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;V7M</title>
188 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M224.899,-508.836C199.981,-499.335 165.933,-484.928 138.247,-468 106.089,-448.337 73.1008,-420.047 51.9643,-400.672"/>
189 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="54.1816,-397.955 44.4703,-393.719 49.4206,-403.086 54.1816,-397.955"/>
222 <g id="edge13" class="edge">
223 <title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;V7M</title>
224 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M213.74,-509.31C188.29,-500.09 153.77,-485.82 126.25,-468 97.08,-449.11 68.34,-421.26 49.81,-401.76"/>
225 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="52.15,-399.14 42.76,-394.22 47.03,-403.92 52.15,-399.14"/>
190226 </g>
191227 <!-- Ultrix&#45;11 -->
192 <g id="node15" class="node"><title>Ultrix&#45;11</title>
193 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="120.247" cy="-90" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
194 <text text-anchor="middle" x="120.247" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Ultrix&#45;11</text>
228 <g id="node15" class="node">
229 <title>Ultrix&#45;11</title>
230 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="108.25" cy="-90" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
231 <text text-anchor="middle" x="108.25" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Ultrix&#45;11</text>
195232 </g>
196233 <!-- 7th Edition&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11 -->
197 <g id="edge14" class="edge"><title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11</title>
198 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M225.626,-508.64C206.847,-500.043 184.606,-486.731 171.247,-468 147.762,-435.07 152.247,-419.447 152.247,-379 152.247,-379 152.247,-379 152.247,-233 152.247,-192.037 139.418,-146.018 130.006,-117.768"/>
199 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="133.281,-116.528 126.723,-108.207 126.66,-118.801 133.281,-116.528"/>
234 <g id="edge14" class="edge">
235 <title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11</title>
236 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M214.87,-508.82C195.67,-500.29 172.92,-486.98 159.25,-468 135.6,-435.19 140.25,-419.45 140.25,-379 140.25,-379 140.25,-379 140.25,-233 140.25,-192.04 127.42,-146.02 118.01,-117.77"/>
237 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="121.28,-116.53 114.72,-108.21 114.66,-118.8 121.28,-116.53"/>
200238 </g>
201239 <!-- Xenix -->
202 <g id="node16" class="node"><title>Xenix</title>
203 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="212.247" cy="-450" rx="31.6951" ry="18"/>
204 <text text-anchor="middle" x="212.247" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Xenix</text>
240 <g id="node16" class="node">
241 <title>Xenix</title>
242 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="200.25" cy="-450" rx="31.7" ry="18"/>
243 <text text-anchor="middle" x="200.25" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Xenix</text>
205244 </g>
206245 <!-- 7th Edition&#45;&gt;Xenix -->
207 <g id="edge15" class="edge"><title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;Xenix</title>
208 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M248.109,-504.411C242.29,-495.744 235.057,-484.971 228.614,-475.375"/>
209 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="231.462,-473.339 222.982,-466.988 225.651,-477.241 231.462,-473.339"/>
246 <g id="edge15" class="edge">
247 <title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;Xenix</title>
248 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M237.64,-504.41C231.57,-495.74 224.03,-484.97 217.31,-475.38"/>
249 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="220.04,-473.17 211.44,-466.99 214.31,-477.19 220.04,-473.17"/>
210250 </g>
211251 <!-- UniPlus+ -->
212 <g id="node17" class="node"><title>UniPlus+</title>
213 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="306.247" cy="-450" rx="44.393" ry="18"/>
214 <text text-anchor="middle" x="306.247" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">UniPlus+</text>
252 <g id="node17" class="node">
253 <title>UniPlus+</title>
254 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="294.25" cy="-450" rx="44.39" ry="18"/>
255 <text text-anchor="middle" x="294.25" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">UniPlus+</text>
215256 </g>
216257 <!-- 7th Edition&#45;&gt;UniPlus+ -->
217 <g id="edge16" class="edge"><title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;UniPlus+</title>
218 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M270.386,-504.411C276.122,-495.868 283.232,-485.278 289.604,-475.787"/>
219 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="292.52,-477.723 295.189,-467.47 286.709,-473.821 292.52,-477.723"/>
258 <g id="edge16" class="edge">
259 <title>7th Edition&#45;&gt;UniPlus+</title>
260 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M259.91,-504.41C265.27,-496.08 271.88,-485.8 277.86,-476.49"/>
261 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="280.88,-478.26 283.35,-467.96 275,-474.48 280.88,-478.26"/>
220262 </g>
221263 <!-- 9th Edition -->
222 <g id="node18" class="node"><title>9th Edition</title>
223 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="536.247" cy="-90" rx="50.0912" ry="18"/>
224 <text text-anchor="middle" x="536.247" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">9th Edition</text>
264 <g id="node18" class="node">
265 <title>9th Edition</title>
266 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="524.25" cy="-90" rx="50.09" ry="18"/>
267 <text text-anchor="middle" x="524.25" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">9th Edition</text>
225268 </g>
226269 <!-- 8th Edition&#45;&gt;9th Edition -->
227 <g id="edge18" class="edge"><title>8th Edition&#45;&gt;9th Edition</title>
228 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M477.874,-144.765C487.825,-135.6 500.421,-123.998 511.364,-113.919"/>
229 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="513.994,-116.255 518.978,-106.906 509.251,-111.106 513.994,-116.255"/>
270 <g id="edge18" class="edge">
271 <title>8th Edition&#45;&gt;9th Edition</title>
272 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M465.87,-144.76C475.82,-135.6 488.42,-124 499.36,-113.92"/>
273 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="501.99,-116.26 506.98,-106.91 497.25,-111.11 501.99,-116.26"/>
230274 </g>
231275 <!-- 3 BSD -->
232 <g id="node22" class="node"><title>3 BSD</title>
233 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="375.247" cy="-378" rx="35.194" ry="18"/>
234 <text text-anchor="middle" x="375.247" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">3 BSD</text>
276 <g id="node22" class="node">
277 <title>3 BSD</title>
278 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="372.25" cy="-378" rx="35.19" ry="18"/>
279 <text text-anchor="middle" x="372.25" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">3 BSD</text>
235280 </g>
236281 <!-- 32V&#45;&gt;3 BSD -->
237 <g id="edge23" class="edge"><title>32V&#45;&gt;3 BSD</title>
238 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M390.406,-432.055C388.179,-424.261 385.482,-414.822 382.984,-406.079"/>
239 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="386.296,-404.929 380.183,-396.275 379.565,-406.852 386.296,-404.929"/>
282 <g id="edge23" class="edge">
283 <title>32V&#45;&gt;3 BSD</title>
284 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M380.58,-432.05C379.37,-424.35 377.91,-415.03 376.55,-406.36"/>
285 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="379.97,-405.61 374.96,-396.28 373.06,-406.7 379.97,-405.61"/>
240286 </g>
241287 <!-- V7M&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11 -->
242 <g id="edge17" class="edge"><title>V7M&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11</title>
243 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M28.521,-359.567C27.8007,-329.461 28.6491,-266.131 45.2474,-216 57.7873,-178.126 83.3227,-139.498 101.094,-115.406"/>
244 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="104.039,-117.312 107.251,-107.216 98.4443,-113.105 104.039,-117.312"/>
288 <g id="edge17" class="edge">
289 <title>V7M&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11</title>
290 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M26.84,-359.64C23.3,-329.65 18.59,-266.48 33.25,-216 44.37,-177.69 70.24,-139.16 88.47,-115.21"/>
291 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="91.42,-117.12 94.8,-107.07 85.89,-112.82 91.42,-117.12"/>
245292 </g>
246293 <!-- 2.8 BSD -->
247 <g id="node20" class="node"><title>2.8 BSD</title>
248 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="222.247" cy="-162" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
249 <text text-anchor="middle" x="222.247" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">2.8 BSD</text>
294 <g id="node20" class="node">
295 <title>2.8 BSD</title>
296 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="210.25" cy="-162" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
297 <text text-anchor="middle" x="210.25" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">2.8 BSD</text>
250298 </g>
251299 <!-- 2 BSD&#45;&gt;2.8 BSD -->
252 <g id="edge20" class="edge"><title>2 BSD&#45;&gt;2.8 BSD</title>
253 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M113.025,-220.485C133.737,-209.584 164.038,-193.637 187.473,-181.302"/>
254 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="189.185,-184.357 196.404,-176.602 185.925,-178.162 189.185,-184.357"/>
300 <g id="edge20" class="edge">
301 <title>2 BSD&#45;&gt;2.8 BSD</title>
302 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M101.03,-220.49C121.74,-209.58 152.04,-193.64 175.47,-181.3"/>
303 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="177.18,-184.36 184.4,-176.6 173.92,-178.16 177.18,-184.36"/>
255304 </g>
256305 <!-- 2.8 BSD&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11 -->
257 <g id="edge21" class="edge"><title>2.8 BSD&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11</title>
258 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M200.616,-146.155C185.912,-136.064 166.268,-122.583 150.081,-111.474"/>
259 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="151.724,-108.356 141.498,-105.584 147.763,-114.128 151.724,-108.356"/>
306 <g id="edge21" class="edge">
307 <title>2.8 BSD&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;11</title>
308 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M188.62,-146.15C173.91,-136.06 154.27,-122.58 138.08,-111.47"/>
309 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="139.72,-108.36 129.5,-105.58 135.76,-114.13 139.72,-108.36"/>
260310 </g>
261311 <!-- 2.9 BSD -->
262 <g id="node21" class="node"><title>2.9 BSD</title>
263 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="222.247" cy="-90" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
264 <text text-anchor="middle" x="222.247" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">2.9 BSD</text>
312 <g id="node21" class="node">
313 <title>2.9 BSD</title>
314 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="210.25" cy="-90" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
315 <text text-anchor="middle" x="210.25" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">2.9 BSD</text>
265316 </g>
266317 <!-- 2.8 BSD&#45;&gt;2.9 BSD -->
267 <g id="edge22" class="edge"><title>2.8 BSD&#45;&gt;2.9 BSD</title>
268 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M222.247,-143.697C222.247,-135.983 222.247,-126.712 222.247,-118.112"/>
269 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="225.748,-118.104 222.247,-108.104 218.748,-118.104 225.748,-118.104"/>
318 <g id="edge22" class="edge">
319 <title>2.8 BSD&#45;&gt;2.9 BSD</title>
320 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M210.25,-143.7C210.25,-135.98 210.25,-126.71 210.25,-118.11"/>
321 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="213.75,-118.1 210.25,-108.1 206.75,-118.1 213.75,-118.1"/>
270322 </g>
271323 <!-- 4 BSD -->
272 <g id="node23" class="node"><title>4 BSD</title>
273 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="372.247" cy="-306" rx="35.194" ry="18"/>
274 <text text-anchor="middle" x="372.247" y="-302.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4 BSD</text>
324 <g id="node23" class="node">
325 <title>4 BSD</title>
326 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="360.25" cy="-306" rx="35.19" ry="18"/>
327 <text text-anchor="middle" x="360.25" y="-302.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4 BSD</text>
275328 </g>
276329 <!-- 3 BSD&#45;&gt;4 BSD -->
277 <g id="edge24" class="edge"><title>3 BSD&#45;&gt;4 BSD</title>
278 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M374.506,-359.697C374.175,-351.983 373.778,-342.712 373.409,-334.112"/>
279 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="376.906,-333.945 372.98,-324.104 369.912,-334.245 376.906,-333.945"/>
330 <g id="edge24" class="edge">
331 <title>3 BSD&#45;&gt;4 BSD</title>
332 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M369.34,-360.05C368.02,-352.35 366.42,-343.03 364.94,-334.36"/>
333 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="368.35,-333.54 363.21,-324.28 361.45,-334.72 368.35,-333.54"/>
280334 </g>
281335 <!-- 4.1 BSD -->
282 <g id="node24" class="node"><title>4.1 BSD</title>
283 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="370.247" cy="-234" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
284 <text text-anchor="middle" x="370.247" y="-230.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4.1 BSD</text>
336 <g id="node24" class="node">
337 <title>4.1 BSD</title>
338 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="358.25" cy="-234" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
339 <text text-anchor="middle" x="358.25" y="-230.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4.1 BSD</text>
285340 </g>
286341 <!-- 4 BSD&#45;&gt;4.1 BSD -->
287 <g id="edge25" class="edge"><title>4 BSD&#45;&gt;4.1 BSD</title>
288 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M371.753,-287.697C371.533,-279.983 371.268,-270.712 371.022,-262.112"/>
289 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="374.52,-262 370.736,-252.104 367.523,-262.2 374.52,-262"/>
342 <g id="edge25" class="edge">
343 <title>4 BSD&#45;&gt;4.1 BSD</title>
344 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M359.75,-287.7C359.53,-279.98 359.27,-270.71 359.02,-262.11"/>
345 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="362.52,-262 358.74,-252.1 355.52,-262.2 362.52,-262"/>
290346 </g>
291347 <!-- 4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;8th Edition -->
292 <g id="edge28" class="edge"><title>4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;8th Edition</title>
293 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M389.776,-217.811C402.106,-208.221 418.241,-195.672 431.959,-185.002"/>
294 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="434.389,-187.546 440.134,-178.644 430.091,-182.021 434.389,-187.546"/>
348 <g id="edge28" class="edge">
349 <title>4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;8th Edition</title>
350 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M377.78,-217.81C390.11,-208.22 406.24,-195.67 419.96,-185"/>
351 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="422.39,-187.55 428.13,-178.64 418.09,-182.02 422.39,-187.55"/>
295352 </g>
296353 <!-- 4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;2.8 BSD -->
297 <g id="edge27" class="edge"><title>4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;2.8 BSD</title>
298 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M343.102,-220.161C319.393,-208.947 284.783,-192.578 258.671,-180.227"/>
299 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="260.007,-176.988 249.471,-175.876 257.014,-183.316 260.007,-176.988"/>
354 <g id="edge27" class="edge">
355 <title>4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;2.8 BSD</title>
356 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M331.1,-220.16C307.39,-208.95 272.78,-192.58 246.67,-180.23"/>
357 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="248.01,-176.99 237.47,-175.88 245.01,-183.32 248.01,-176.99"/>
300358 </g>
301359 <!-- 4.2 BSD -->
302 <g id="node25" class="node"><title>4.2 BSD</title>
303 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="350.247" cy="-162" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
304 <text text-anchor="middle" x="350.247" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4.2 BSD</text>
360 <g id="node25" class="node">
361 <title>4.2 BSD</title>
362 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="338.25" cy="-162" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
363 <text text-anchor="middle" x="338.25" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4.2 BSD</text>
305364 </g>
306365 <!-- 4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;4.2 BSD -->
307 <g id="edge26" class="edge"><title>4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;4.2 BSD</title>
308 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M365.406,-216.055C363.179,-208.261 360.482,-198.822 357.984,-190.079"/>
309 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="361.296,-188.929 355.183,-180.275 354.565,-190.852 361.296,-188.929"/>
366 <g id="edge26" class="edge">
367 <title>4.1 BSD&#45;&gt;4.2 BSD</title>
368 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M353.41,-216.05C351.18,-208.26 348.48,-198.82 345.98,-190.08"/>
369 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="349.3,-188.93 343.18,-180.28 342.57,-190.85 349.3,-188.93"/>
310370 </g>
311371 <!-- 4.3 BSD -->
312 <g id="node26" class="node"><title>4.3 BSD</title>
313 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="426.247" cy="-90" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
314 <text text-anchor="middle" x="426.247" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4.3 BSD</text>
372 <g id="node26" class="node">
373 <title>4.3 BSD</title>
374 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="414.25" cy="-90" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
375 <text text-anchor="middle" x="414.25" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">4.3 BSD</text>
315376 </g>
316377 <!-- 4.2 BSD&#45;&gt;4.3 BSD -->
317 <g id="edge29" class="edge"><title>4.2 BSD&#45;&gt;4.3 BSD</title>
318 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M367.114,-145.465C377.276,-136.105 390.395,-124.022 401.693,-113.616"/>
319 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="404.181,-116.083 409.165,-106.734 399.438,-110.934 404.181,-116.083"/>
378 <g id="edge29" class="edge">
379 <title>4.2 BSD&#45;&gt;4.3 BSD</title>
380 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M355.11,-145.46C365.28,-136.11 378.39,-124.02 389.69,-113.62"/>
381 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="392.18,-116.08 397.16,-106.73 387.44,-110.93 392.18,-116.08"/>
320382 </g>
321383 <!-- Ultrix&#45;32 -->
322 <g id="node27" class="node"><title>Ultrix&#45;32</title>
323 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="324.247" cy="-90" rx="42.4939" ry="18"/>
324 <text text-anchor="middle" x="324.247" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Ultrix&#45;32</text>
384 <g id="node27" class="node">
385 <title>Ultrix&#45;32</title>
386 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="312.25" cy="-90" rx="42.49" ry="18"/>
387 <text text-anchor="middle" x="312.25" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Ultrix&#45;32</text>
325388 </g>
326389 <!-- 4.2 BSD&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;32 -->
327 <g id="edge30" class="edge"><title>4.2 BSD&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;32</title>
328 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M343.954,-144.055C341.027,-136.176 337.476,-126.617 334.199,-117.794"/>
329 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="337.427,-116.431 330.664,-108.275 330.865,-118.868 337.427,-116.431"/>
390 <g id="edge30" class="edge">
391 <title>4.2 BSD&#45;&gt;Ultrix&#45;32</title>
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393 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="325.43,-116.43 318.66,-108.28 318.86,-118.87 325.43,-116.43"/>
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331395 <!-- PWB 1.2&#45;&gt;PWB 2.0 -->
332 <g id="edge33" class="edge"><title>PWB 1.2&#45;&gt;PWB 2.0</title>
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396 <g id="edge33" class="edge">
397 <title>PWB 1.2&#45;&gt;PWB 2.0</title>
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336401 <!-- CB Unix 1 -->
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402 <g id="node30" class="node">
403 <title>CB Unix 1</title>
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342 <g id="edge34" class="edge"><title>USG 1.0&#45;&gt;CB Unix 1</title>
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408 <g id="edge34" class="edge">
409 <title>USG 1.0&#45;&gt;CB Unix 1</title>
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415 <title>USG 2.0</title>
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421 <title>USG 1.0&#45;&gt;USG 2.0</title>
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356425 <!-- CB Unix 2 -->
357 <g id="node32" class="node"><title>CB Unix 2</title>
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426 <g id="node32" class="node">
427 <title>CB Unix 2</title>
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429 <text text-anchor="middle" x="841.25" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">CB Unix 2</text>
360430 </g>
361431 <!-- CB Unix 1&#45;&gt;CB Unix 2 -->
362 <g id="edge36" class="edge"><title>CB Unix 1&#45;&gt;CB Unix 2</title>
363 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M839.573,-504.055C842.023,-496.261 844.989,-486.822 847.737,-478.079"/>
364 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="851.159,-478.865 850.818,-468.275 844.481,-476.766 851.159,-478.865"/>
432 <g id="edge36" class="edge">
433 <title>CB Unix 1&#45;&gt;CB Unix 2</title>
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435 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="830.44,-478.25 832.13,-467.79 824.29,-474.91 830.44,-478.25"/>
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366437 <!-- USG 3.0 -->
367 <g id="node36" class="node"><title>USG 3.0</title>
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369 <text text-anchor="middle" x="617.247" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">USG 3.0</text>
438 <g id="node36" class="node">
439 <title>USG 3.0</title>
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441 <text text-anchor="middle" x="602.25" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">USG 3.0</text>
370442 </g>
371443 <!-- USG 2.0&#45;&gt;USG 3.0 -->
372 <g id="edge40" class="edge"><title>USG 2.0&#45;&gt;USG 3.0</title>
373 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M681.827,-505.465C670.544,-495.949 655.924,-483.619 643.448,-473.097"/>
374 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="645.517,-470.263 635.616,-466.492 641.004,-475.614 645.517,-470.263"/>
444 <g id="edge40" class="edge">
445 <title>USG 2.0&#45;&gt;USG 3.0</title>
446 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M662.94,-505.46C652.43,-496.04 638.86,-483.85 627.21,-473.4"/>
447 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="629.29,-470.57 619.51,-466.49 624.61,-475.78 629.29,-470.57"/>
375448 </g>
376449 <!-- CB Unix 3 -->
377 <g id="node33" class="node"><title>CB Unix 3</title>
378 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="798.247" cy="-378" rx="49.2915" ry="18"/>
379 <text text-anchor="middle" x="798.247" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">CB Unix 3</text>
450 <g id="node33" class="node">
451 <title>CB Unix 3</title>
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453 <text text-anchor="middle" x="783.25" y="-374.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">CB Unix 3</text>
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381455 <!-- CB Unix 2&#45;&gt;CB Unix 3 -->
382 <g id="edge37" class="edge"><title>CB Unix 2&#45;&gt;CB Unix 3</title>
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384 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="820.969,-400.937 811.894,-395.47 815.579,-405.403 820.969,-400.937"/>
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457 <title>CB Unix 2&#45;&gt;CB Unix 3</title>
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459 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="805.97,-400.94 796.89,-395.47 800.58,-405.4 805.97,-400.94"/>
385460 </g>
386461 <!-- Unix/TS++ -->
387 <g id="node34" class="node"><title>Unix/TS++</title>
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462 <g id="node34" class="node">
463 <title>Unix/TS++</title>
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465 <text text-anchor="middle" x="767.25" y="-302.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Unix/TS++</text>
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391467 <!-- CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;Unix/TS++ -->
392 <g id="edge38" class="edge"><title>CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;Unix/TS++</title>
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394 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="771.112,-330.307 762.632,-323.956 765.301,-334.209 771.112,-330.307"/>
468 <g id="edge38" class="edge">
469 <title>CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;Unix/TS++</title>
470 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M779.37,-360.05C777.59,-352.26 775.44,-342.82 773.44,-334.08"/>
471 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="776.84,-333.24 771.2,-324.28 770.01,-334.8 776.84,-333.24"/>
395472 </g>
396473 <!-- PDP&#45;11 Sys V -->
397 <g id="node35" class="node"><title>PDP&#45;11 Sys V</title>
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399 <text text-anchor="middle" x="885.247" y="-302.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">PDP&#45;11 Sys V</text>
474 <g id="node35" class="node">
475 <title>PDP&#45;11 Sys V</title>
476 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="901.25" cy="-306" rx="64.19" ry="18"/>
477 <text text-anchor="middle" x="901.25" y="-302.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">PDP&#45;11 Sys V</text>
400478 </g>
401479 <!-- CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;PDP&#45;11 Sys V -->
402 <g id="edge39" class="edge"><title>CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;PDP&#45;11 Sys V</title>
403 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M817.989,-361.116C829.504,-351.851 844.223,-340.008 856.955,-329.764"/>
404 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="859.383,-332.303 864.98,-323.307 854.995,-326.849 859.383,-332.303"/>
480 <g id="edge39" class="edge">
481 <title>CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;PDP&#45;11 Sys V</title>
482 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M807.98,-362.33C824.83,-352.33 847.37,-338.96 866.07,-327.87"/>
483 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="868.09,-330.74 874.9,-322.63 864.52,-324.72 868.09,-330.74"/>
405484 </g>
406485 <!-- CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;TS 4.0 -->
407 <g id="edge46" class="edge"><title>CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;TS 4.0</title>
408 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M758.713,-367.042C735.388,-359.15 707.204,-345.738 690.247,-324 676.618,-306.528 672.22,-281.486 671.029,-262.414"/>
409 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="674.52,-262.113 670.656,-252.248 667.525,-262.37 674.52,-262.113"/>
486 <g id="edge46" class="edge">
487 <title>CB Unix 3&#45;&gt;TS 4.0</title>
488 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M753.4,-363.45C737.04,-354.52 717.79,-341.27 706.25,-324 694.01,-305.69 689.46,-280.92 687.86,-262.17"/>
489 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="691.36,-261.94 687.24,-252.18 684.37,-262.38 691.36,-261.94"/>
410490 </g>
411491 <!-- Unix/TS++&#45;&gt;TS 4.0 -->
412 <g id="edge45" class="edge"><title>Unix/TS++&#45;&gt;TS 4.0</title>
413 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M733.094,-289.116C722.052,-279.454 707.805,-266.988 695.769,-256.456"/>
414 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="698.065,-253.815 688.235,-249.864 693.456,-259.083 698.065,-253.815"/>
492 <g id="edge45" class="edge">
493 <title>Unix/TS++&#45;&gt;TS 4.0</title>
494 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M749.09,-289.12C738.05,-279.45 723.8,-266.99 711.77,-256.46"/>
495 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="714.07,-253.81 704.23,-249.86 709.46,-259.08 714.07,-253.81"/>
415496 </g>
416497 <!-- USG 3.0&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0 -->
417 <g id="edge41" class="edge"><title>USG 3.0&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0</title>
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419 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="620.748,-406.104 617.247,-396.104 613.748,-406.104 620.748,-406.104"/>
498 <g id="edge41" class="edge">
499 <title>USG 3.0&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0</title>
500 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M602.25,-431.7C602.25,-423.98 602.25,-414.71 602.25,-406.11"/>
501 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="605.75,-406.1 602.25,-396.1 598.75,-406.1 605.75,-406.1"/>
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421503 <!-- Unix/TS 1.0 -->
422 <g id="node37" class="node"><title>Unix/TS 1.0</title>
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424 <text text-anchor="middle" x="733.247" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Unix/TS 1.0</text>
504 <g id="node37" class="node">
505 <title>Unix/TS 1.0</title>
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507 <text text-anchor="middle" x="718.25" y="-446.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">Unix/TS 1.0</text>
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510 <g id="edge43" class="edge">
511 <title>Unix/TS 1.0&#45;&gt;Unix/TS 3.0</title>
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513 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="637.74,-396.33 627.37,-394.16 634.12,-402.32 637.74,-396.33"/>
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431515 <!-- System V.0 -->
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434 <text text-anchor="middle" x="671.247" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">System V.0</text>
516 <g id="node39" class="node">
517 <title>System V.0</title>
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519 <text text-anchor="middle" x="687.25" y="-158.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">System V.0</text>
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522 <g id="edge47" class="edge">
523 <title>TS 4.0&#45;&gt;System V.0</title>
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525 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="690.75,-190.1 687.25,-180.1 683.75,-190.1 690.75,-190.1"/>
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441527 <!-- System V.2 -->
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444 <text text-anchor="middle" x="671.247" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">System V.2</text>
528 <g id="node40" class="node">
529 <title>System V.2</title>
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531 <text text-anchor="middle" x="687.25" y="-86.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">System V.2</text>
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534 <g id="edge48" class="edge">
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451539 <!-- System V.3 -->
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454 <text text-anchor="middle" x="671.247" y="-14.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">System V.3</text>
540 <g id="node41" class="node">
541 <title>System V.3</title>
542 <ellipse fill="#b2dfee" stroke="#b2dfee" cx="687.25" cy="-18" rx="53.09" ry="18"/>
543 <text text-anchor="middle" x="687.25" y="-14.3" font-family="Times New Roman,serif" font-size="14.00">System V.3</text>
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546 <g id="edge49" class="edge">
547 <title>System V.2&#45;&gt;System V.3</title>
548 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M687.25,-71.7C687.25,-63.98 687.25,-54.71 687.25,-46.11"/>
549 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="690.75,-46.1 687.25,-36.1 683.75,-46.1 690.75,-46.1"/>
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59 <g id="edge4" class="edge">
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64 <!-- 5 -->
65 <g id="node6" class="node">
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71 <g id="edge5" class="edge">
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83 <g id="edge6" class="edge">
84 <title>0&#45;&gt;6</title>
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86 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="367.47,-42.87 372.2,-33.38 362.59,-37.85 367.47,-42.87"/>
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89 <g id="node8" class="node">
90 <title>7</title>
91 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="459" cy="-18" rx="27" ry="18"/>
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94 <!-- 0&#45;&gt;7 -->
95 <g id="edge7" class="edge">
96 <title>0&#45;&gt;7</title>
97 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M336.25,-78.67C360.6,-66.83 400.72,-47.33 428.43,-33.86"/>
98 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="430.2,-36.89 437.67,-29.37 427.14,-30.6 430.2,-36.89"/>
99 </g>
100 <!-- 8 -->
101 <g id="node9" class="node">
102 <title>8</title>
103 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="531" cy="-18" rx="27" ry="18"/>
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106 <!-- 0&#45;&gt;8 -->
107 <g id="edge8" class="edge">
108 <title>0&#45;&gt;8</title>
109 <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M340.15,-82.91C375.32,-74.1 440.96,-56.57 495,-36 496.84,-35.3 498.72,-34.54 500.6,-33.75"/>
110 <polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="502.19,-36.88 509.92,-29.62 499.36,-30.48 502.19,-36.88"/>
111 </g>
112 <!-- 9 -->
113 <g id="node10" class="node">
114 <title>9</title>
115 <ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="603" cy="-18" rx="27" ry="18"/>
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118 <!-- 0&#45;&gt;9 -->
119 <g id="edge9" class="edge">
120 <title>0&#45;&gt;9</title>
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1010 ~graphviz.Source
1111 graphviz.render
1212 graphviz.pipe
13 graphviz.unflatten
1314 graphviz.view
1516 .. note::
2728 source,
2829 node, edge, edges, attr, subgraph,
2930 format, engine, encoding,
30 clear, copy, pipe, save, render, view,
31 clear, copy, unflatten, pipe, save, render, view,
3132 directed
3940 source,
4041 node, edge, edges, attr, subgraph,
4142 format, engine, encoding,
42 clear, copy, pipe, save, render, view,
43 clear, copy, unflatten, pipe, save, render, view,
4344 directed
4950 .. autoclass:: graphviz.Source
5051 :members:
52 source,
5153 format, engine, encoding,
52 copy, pipe, save, render, view,
53 from_file, source
54 copy, unflatten, pipe, save, render, view,
55 from_file
5658 Low-level functions
6365 .. autofunction:: graphviz.render
6466 .. autofunction:: graphviz.pipe
67 .. autofunction:: graphviz.unflatten
6568 .. autofunction:: graphviz.view
2020 # -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
2222 project = 'graphviz'
23 copyright = '2013-2020, Sebastian Bank'
23 copyright = '2013-2021, Sebastian Bank'
2424 author = 'Sebastian Bank'
2626 # The short X.Y version
27 version = '0.14.2'
27 version = '0.17'
2828 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
2929 release = version
4343 'sphinx.ext.autosummary',
4444 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
4545 'sphinx.ext.napoleon',
46 'sphinx_autodoc_typehints', #
4647 'sphinx.ext.viewcode',
4748 ]
1515 --------
1717 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
18 :lines: 2-
18 :lines: 3-
2020 .. image:: _static/hello.svg
2121 :align: center
2525 ----------
2727 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
28 :lines: 2-
28 :lines: 3-
3030 .. image:: _static/process.svg
3131 :align: center
3535 ------
3737 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
38 :lines: 2-
38 :lines: 3-
4040 .. image:: _static/fsm.svg
4141 :align: center
4747 ----------
4949 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
50 :lines: 2-
50 :lines: 3-
5252 .. image:: _static/cluster.svg
5353 :align: center
5757 -----
5959 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
60 :lines: 2-
60 :lines: 3-
6262 .. image:: _static/er.svg
6363 :align: center
6767 -------
6969 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
70 :lines: 2-
70 :lines: 3-
7272 .. image:: _static/unix.svg
7373 :align: center
7777 ----------
7979 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
80 :lines: 2-
80 :lines: 3-
8282 .. image:: _static/structs.svg
8383 :align: center
8787 --------------------
8989 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
90 :lines: 2-
90 :lines: 3-
9292 .. image:: _static/structs_revisited.svg
9393 :align: center
9999 --------
101101 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
102 :lines: 2-
102 :lines: 3-
104104 .. image:: _static/btree.svg
105105 :align: center
109109 -----------------
110110 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
111 :lines: 2-
111 :lines: 3-
113113 .. image:: _static/traffic_lights.svg
114114 :align: center
118118 -----------
119119 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
120 :lines: 2-
120 :lines: 3-
122122 .. image:: _static/fdpclust.svg
123123 :align: center
127127 ---------------
128128 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
129 :lines: 2-
129 :lines: 3-
131131 .. image:: _static/cluster_edge.svg
132132 :align: center
136136 --------
137137 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
138 :lines: 2-
138 :lines: 3-
140140 .. image:: _static/g_c_n.svg
141141 :align: center
145145 ---------
146146 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
147 :lines: 2-
147 :lines: 3-
149149 .. image:: _static/angles.svg
150150 :align: center
156156 ------------
157157 .. literalinclude:: ../examples/
158 :lines: 2-
158 :lines: 3-
160160 .. image:: _static/rank_same.svg
161161 :align: center
77 ------------
99 :mod:`graphviz` provides a simple pure-Python interface for the Graphviz_
10 graph-drawing software. It runs under Python 2.7 and 3.5+. To install it
11 with pip_ run the following:
10 graph-drawing software. It runs under Python 3.6+. To install it with pip_, run
11 the following:
1313 .. code:: bash
1515 $ pip install graphviz
1717 For a system-wide install, this typically requires administrator access. For an
18 isolated install, you can run the same inside a virtualenv_ or a
19 :mod:`py3:venv` (Python 3 only).
21 The only dependency is a working installation of Graphviz (`download page`_).
18 isolated install, you can run the same inside a :mod:`py3:venv` or a
19 virtualenv_.
21 The only dependency is a working installation of Graphviz_
22 (`download page <upstream-download_>`_,
23 `archived versions <upstream-archived_>`_,
24 `installation procedure for Windows <upstream-windows_>`_).
2326 After installing Graphviz, make sure that its ``bin/`` subdirectory containing
2427 the layout commands for rendering graph descriptions (``dot``, ``circo``,
2528 ``neato``, etc.) is on your systems' path: On the command-line, ``dot -V``
2629 should print the version of your Graphiz installation.
31 .. hint::
33 Windows users might want to check the status of known issues
34 (gvedit.exe__, sfdp__, commands__) and consider trying an older archived
35 version as a workaround (e.g. graphviz-2.38.msi__).
37 __
38 __
39 __
40 __
42 Anaconda_: see the conda-forge_ package
43 `conda-forge/python-graphviz <conda-forge-python-graphviz_>`_
44 (`feedstock <conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock_>`_),
45 which should automatically ``conda install``
46 `conda-forge/graphviz <conda-forge-graphviz_>`_
47 (`feedstock <conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock_>`_) as dependency.
2950 Basic usage
3051 -----------
4061 .. code:: python
42 >>> from graphviz import Digraph
44 >>> dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
63 >>> import graphviz
65 >>> dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
4667 >>> dot #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
4768 < object at 0x...>
109130 .. code:: python
111 >>> from graphviz import Graph
113 >>> g = Graph(format='png')
132 >>> g = graphviz.Graph(format='png')
115134 You can also change the :attr:`~.Graph.format` attribute on an existing graph
116135 object:
134153 .. code:: python
136 >>> h = Graph('hello', format='svg')
155 >>> h = graphviz.Graph('hello', format='svg')
138157 >>> h.edge('Hello', 'World')
160179 :class:`.Graph` and :class:`.Digraph` objects have a
161180 :meth:`~.Graph._repr_svg_`-method so they can be rendered and displayed
162181 directly inside a `Jupyter notebook`_. For an example, check the
163 ``examples/notebook.ipynb`` file in the
164 `source repository/distribution <notebook.ipynb_>`_ (or the same rendered
165 within nbviewer_).
182 ``examples/graphviz-notebook.ipynb`` file in the
183 `source repository/distribution <graphviz-notebook.ipynb_>`_ (or the same
184 rendered within nbviewer_).
167186 This also allows direct displaying within the `Jupyter Qt Console`_ (e.g.
168187 `the one <spyderconsole_>`_ inside `Spyder IDE`_):
181200 .. code:: python
183 >>> ps = Digraph(name='pet-shop', node_attr={'shape': 'plaintext'})
202 >>> ps = graphviz.Digraph(name='pet-shop', node_attr={'shape': 'plaintext'})
185204 >>> ps.node('parrot')
186205 >>> ps.node('dead')
219238 .. code:: python
221 >>> ni = Graph('ni')
240 >>> ni = graphviz.Graph('ni')
223242 >>> ni.attr('node', shape='rarrow')
224243 >>> ni.node('1', 'Ni!')
240259 >>> ni.attr(rankdir='LR')
242261 >>> ni.edges(['12', '23', '34', '45'])
243263 >>> print(ni.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
244264 graph ni {
245265 node [shape=rarrow]
279299 .. code:: python
281 >>> cpp = Digraph('C++')
301 >>> cpp = graphviz.Digraph('C++')
283303 >>> cpp.node('A', 'std::string')
284304 >>> cpp.node('B', '"spam"')
310330 .. code:: python
312 >>> e = Digraph()
332 >>> e = graphviz.Digraph()
313334 >>> e.node('backslash', label=r'\\')
314335 >>> e.node('multi_line', label=r'centered\nleft\lright\r')
315337 >>> print(e.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
316338 digraph {
317339 backslash [label="\\"]
328350 .. code:: python
330 >>> from graphviz import escape
331 >>> bs = Digraph()
332 >>> bs.node(escape('\\'))
352 >>> bs = graphviz.Digraph()
354 >>> bs.node(graphviz.escape('\\'))
333356 >>> print(bs.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
334357 digraph {
335358 "\\"
353376 .. code:: python
355 >>> q = Digraph()
378 >>> q = graphviz.Digraph()
356380 >>> q.edge('spam', 'eggs eggs')
357381 >>> q.edge('node', '"here\'s a quote"')
358383 >>> print(q.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
359384 digraph {
360385 spam -> "eggs eggs"
368393 .. code:: python
370 >>> h = Graph('html_table')
395 >>> h = graphviz.Graph('html_table')
371397 >>> h.node('tab', label='''<<TABLE>
372398 ... <TR>
373399 ... <TD>left</TD>
386412 .. code:: python
388 >>> from graphviz import nohtml
389 >>> d = Digraph(format='svg')
390 >>> d.node('diamond', label=nohtml('<>'))
414 >>> d = graphviz.Digraph(format='svg')
416 >>> d.node('diamond', label=graphviz.nohtml('<>'))
391418 >>> print(d.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
392419 digraph {
393420 diamond [label="<>"]
415442 .. code:: python
417 >>> p = Graph(name='parent')
444 >>> p = graphviz.Graph(name='parent')
418445 >>> p.edge('spam', 'eggs')
420 >>> c = Graph(name='child', node_attr={'shape': 'box'})
447 >>> c = graphviz.Graph(name='child', node_attr={'shape': 'box'})
421448 >>> c.edge('foo', 'bar')
423450 >>> p.subgraph(c)
427454 .. code:: python
429 >>> p = Graph(name='parent')
456 >>> p = graphviz.Graph(name='parent')
430457 >>> p.edge('spam', 'eggs')
432459 >>> with p.subgraph(name='child', node_attr={'shape': 'box'}) as c:
452479 (:ref:`example <>`). Also see the `Subgraphs and Clusters`
453480 section of `the DOT language documentation <DOT_>`_.
482 When :meth:`~.Graph.subgraph` is used as a context manager, the new graph
483 instance is created with ``strict=None`` and the parent graph's values for
484 ``directory``, ``format``, ``engine``, and ``encoding``. Note that these
485 attributes are only relevant when rendering the subgraph independently
486 (i.e. as a stand-alone graph) from within the ``with``-block:
488 .. code:: python
490 >>> p = graphviz.Graph(name='parent')
492 >>> with p.subgraph(name='child') as c:
493 ... c.edge('bacon', 'eggs')
494 ... c.render() # doctest: +SKIP
495 'child.gv.pdf'
456498 Engines
457499 -------
462504 .. code:: python
464 >>> g = Graph(engine='neato')
506 >>> g = graphviz.Graph(engine='neato')
466508 You can also change the :attr:`~.Graph.engine` attribute of an existing
467509 instance:
469511 .. code:: python
471513 >>> dot.engine = 'circo'
516 Unflatten
517 ---------
519 To prepocess the DOT_ source of a :class:`.Graph` or :class:`.Digraph` with
520 the unflatten_ preprocessor (`PDF <unflatten_pdf_>`_), use the
521 :meth:`~.Graph.unflatten`-method.
523 .. code:: python
525 >>> w = graphviz.Digraph()
527 >>> w.edges(('0', str(i)) for i in range(1, 10))
529 >>> w.view() # doctest: +SKIP
531 .. image:: _static/wide.svg
532 :align: center
534 unflatten_ is used to improve the aspect ratio of graphs having many leaves or
535 disconnected nodes.
537 .. code:: python
539 >>> u = w.unflatten(stagger=3)
541 >>> u.view() # doctest: +SKIP
543 .. image:: _static/wide-unflatten-stagger-3.svg
544 :align: center
546 The method returns a :class:`.Source` object that you can
547 :meth:`~.Source.render`, :meth:`~.Source.view`, etc. with the same API
548 (minus modification, see details `below <Using raw DOT_>`_).
550 .. code:: python
552 >>> u = w.unflatten(stagger=2)
554 >>> u.view() # doctest: +SKIP
556 .. image:: _static/wide-unflatten-stagger-2.svg
557 :align: center
474560 Custom DOT statements
482568 .. code:: python
484 >>> rt = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
570 >>> rt = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
486572 >>> rt.body.append('\t"King Arthur" -> {\n\t\t"Sir Bedevere", "Sir Lancelot"\n\t}')
487573 >>> rt.edge('Sir Bedevere', 'Sir Lancelot', constraint='false')
509595 .. code:: python
511 >>> from graphviz import Source
513 >>> src = Source('digraph "the holy hand grenade" { rankdir=LR; 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> lob }')
597 >>> src = graphviz.Source('digraph "the holy hand grenade" { rankdir=LR; 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> lob }')
515599 >>> src #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
516600 <graphviz.files.Source object at 0x...>
540624 .. code:: python
542 >>> from graphviz import render
544 >>> render('dot', 'png', 'test-output/holy-grenade.gv') # doctest: +SKIP
626 >>> graphviz.render('dot', 'png', 'test-output/holy-grenade.gv') # doctest: +SKIP
545627 'test-output/holy-grenade.gv.png'
547629 To directly display the graph of an existing DOT source file inside a
574656 >>> import tempfile
576 >>> g = Graph()
658 >>> g = graphviz.Graph()
577660 >>> g.node('spam')
579662 >>> g.view(tempfile.mktemp('.gv')) # doctest: +SKIP
588671 cycles.
674 .. _Graphviz:
675 .. _DOT:
676 .. _DOT:
677 .. _upstream repo:
678 .. _upstream-download:
679 .. _upstream-archived:
680 .. _upstream-windows:
591682 .. _pip:
592683 .. _virtualenv:
594 .. _Graphviz:
595 .. _download page:
596 .. _DOT:
685 .. _Anaconda:
686 .. _conda-forge:
687 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz:
688 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock:
689 .. _conda-forge-graphviz:
690 .. _conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock:
597692 .. _output file format:
598693 .. _appearance:
599694 .. _escString:
600695 .. _raw string literals:
601696 .. _HTML-like labels:
697 .. _unflatten:
698 .. _unflatten_pdf:
603699 .. _Jupyter notebook:
604 .. _notebook.ipynb:
605 .. _nbviewer:
700 .. _graphviz-notebook.ipynb:
701 .. _nbviewer:
606702 .. _Jupyter Qt Console:
607703 .. _spyderconsole:
608704 .. _Spyder IDE:
22 Notebooks
33 =========
5 - Render gallery examples with logging: notebook.ipynb_
5 - Render gallery examples with logging: graphviz-notebook.ipynb_
66 - Engine comparison: graphviz-engines.ipynb_
77 - Verify escaping and quoting: graphviz-escapes.ipynb_
10 .. _notebook.ipynb:
10 .. _graphviz-notebook.ipynb:
1111 .. _graphviz-engines.ipynb:
1212 .. _graphviz-escapes.ipynb:
docs/pet-shop.png less more
Binary diff not shown
Binary diff not shown
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """"""
5 g = Digraph('G', filename='angles.gv')
4 import graphviz
6 g = graphviz.Digraph('G', filename='angles.gv')
67 g.attr(bgcolor='blue')
89 with g.subgraph(name='cluster_1') as c:
1112 gradientangle='360', label='n9:360', fontcolor='black')
1213 c.node('n9')
1314 for i, a in zip(range(8, 0, -1), range(360 - 45, -1, -45)):
14 c.attr('node', gradientangle='%d' % a, label='n%d:%d' % (i, a))
15 c.node('n%d' % i)
15 c.attr('node', gradientangle=f'{a:d}', label=f'n{i:d}:{a:d}')
16 c.node(f'n{i:d}')
1617 c.attr(label='Linear Angle Variations (white to black gradient)')
1819 with g.subgraph(name='cluster_2') as c:
2122 gradientangle='360', label='n18:360', fontcolor='black')
2223 c.node('n18')
2324 for i, a in zip(range(17, 9, -1), range(360 - 45, -1, -45)):
24 c.attr('node', gradientangle='%d' % a, label='n%d:%d' % (i, a))
25 c.node('n%d' % i)
25 c.attr('node', gradientangle=f'{a:d}', label=f'n{i:d}:{a:d}')
26 c.node(f'n{i:d}')
2627 c.attr(label='Radial Angle Variations (white to black gradient)')
2829 g.edge('n5', 'n14')
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # - Figure 13
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph, nohtml
2 """, Figure 13"""
5 g = Digraph('g', filename='btree.gv',
6 node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'height': '.1'})
4 import graphviz
5 from graphviz import nohtml
7 g = graphviz.Digraph('g', filename='btree.gv',
8 node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'height': '.1'})
810 g.node('node0', nohtml('<f0> |<f1> G|<f2>'))
911 g.node('node1', nohtml('<f0> |<f1> E|<f2>'))
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 """"""
34 from graphviz import Digraph
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # - Figure 20
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """, Figure 20"""
5 g = Digraph('G', filename='cluster_edge.gv')
4 import graphviz
6 g = graphviz.Digraph('G', filename='cluster_edge.gv')
67 g.attr(compound='true')
89 with g.subgraph(name='cluster0') as c:
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Graph
2 """"""
5 e = Graph('ER', filename='er.gv', engine='neato')
4 import graphviz
6 e = graphviz.Graph('ER', filename='er.gv', engine='neato')
78 e.attr('node', shape='box')
89 e.node('course')
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Graph
2 """"""
5 g = Graph('G', filename='fdpclust.gv', engine='fdp')
4 import graphviz
6 g = graphviz.Graph('G', filename='fdpclust.gv', engine='fdp')
78 g.node('e')
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """"""
5 f = Digraph('finite_state_machine', filename='fsm.gv')
4 import graphviz
6 f = graphviz.Digraph('finite_state_machine', filename='fsm.gv')
67 f.attr(rankdir='LR', size='8,5')
89 f.attr('node', shape='doublecircle')
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 #
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Graph
2 """"""
5 g = Graph('G', filename='g_c_n.gv')
4 import graphviz
6 g = graphviz.Graph('G', filename='g_c_n.gv')
67 g.attr(bgcolor='purple:pink', label='agraph', fontcolor='white')
89 with g.subgraph(name='cluster1') as c:
6161 "</svg>\r\n"
6262 ],
6363 "text/plain": [
64 "< at 0x525b188>"
64 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
6565 ]
6666 },
6767 "metadata": {},
123123 "</svg>\r\n"
124124 ],
125125 "text/plain": [
126 "< at 0x525b188>"
126 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
127127 ]
128128 },
129129 "metadata": {},
185185 "</svg>\r\n"
186186 ],
187187 "text/plain": [
188 "< at 0x525b188>"
188 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
189189 ]
190190 },
191191 "metadata": {},
247247 "</svg>\r\n"
248248 ],
249249 "text/plain": [
250 "< at 0x525b188>"
250 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
251251 ]
252252 },
253253 "metadata": {},
309309 "</svg>\r\n"
310310 ],
311311 "text/plain": [
312 "< at 0x525b188>"
312 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
313313 ]
314314 },
315315 "metadata": {},
356356 "</svg>\r\n"
357357 ],
358358 "text/plain": [
359 "< at 0x525b188>"
359 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
360360 ]
361361 },
362362 "metadata": {},
418418 "</svg>\r\n"
419419 ],
420420 "text/plain": [
421 "< at 0x525b188>"
421 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
422422 ]
423423 },
424424 "metadata": {},
480480 "</svg>\r\n"
481481 ],
482482 "text/plain": [
483 "< at 0x525b188>"
483 "< at 0x4f7ebb0>"
484484 ]
485485 },
486486 "metadata": {},
495495 }
496496 ],
497497 "source": [
498 "%cd -q ..\n",
499 "\n",
498500 "from IPython.display import display\n",
499501 "\n",
500502 "import graphviz\n",
526528 "name": "python",
527529 "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
528530 "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
529 "version": "3.7.4"
531 "version": "3.8.7"
530532 }
531533 },
532534 "nbformat": 4,
3636 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
3737 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
3838 " \"\">\r\n",
39 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
40 " -->\r\n",
41 "<!-- Title: %3 Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
39 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)\r\n",
40 " -->\r\n",
41 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
4242 "<svg width=\"62pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
4343 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 62.00 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
4444 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
45 "<title>%3</title>\r\n",
46 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 58,-40 58,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
47 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
48 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
45 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 58,-40 58,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
46 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
47 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
48 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
4949 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"27\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
5050 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"27\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">&quot;</text>\r\n",
5151 "</g>\r\n",
5353 "</svg>\r\n"
5454 ],
5555 "text/plain": [
56 "< at 0x4f041f0>"
56 "< at 0x50015b0>"
5757 ]
5858 },
5959 "execution_count": 2,
8585 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
8686 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
8787 " \"\">\r\n",
88 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
89 " -->\r\n",
90 "<!-- Title: %3 Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
88 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)\r\n",
89 " -->\r\n",
90 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
9191 "<svg width=\"62pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
9292 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 62.00 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
9393 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
94 "<title>%3</title>\r\n",
95 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 58,-40 58,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
96 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
97 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
94 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 58,-40 58,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
95 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
96 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
97 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
9898 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"27\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
9999 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"27\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">\\</text>\r\n",
100100 "</g>\r\n",
102102 "</svg>\r\n"
103103 ],
104104 "text/plain": [
105 "< at 0x4efdac0>"
105 "< at 0x4fdbbb0>"
106106 ]
107107 },
108108 "execution_count": 3,
134134 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
135135 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
136136 " \"\">\r\n",
137 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
138 " -->\r\n",
139 "<!-- Title: %3 Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
137 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)\r\n",
138 " -->\r\n",
139 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
140140 "<svg width=\"62pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
141141 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 62.00 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
142142 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
143 "<title>%3</title>\r\n",
144 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 58,-40 58,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
145 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
146 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
143 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 58,-40 58,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
144 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
145 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
146 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
147147 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"27\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
148148 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"27\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">\\&quot;</text>\r\n",
149149 "</g>\r\n",
151151 "</svg>\r\n"
152152 ],
153153 "text/plain": [
154 "< at 0x4ee4c70>"
154 "< at 0x4fd8af0>"
155155 ]
156156 },
157157 "execution_count": 4,
190190 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
191191 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
192192 " \"\">\r\n",
193 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
194 " -->\r\n",
195 "<!-- Title: %3 Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
193 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)\r\n",
194 " -->\r\n",
195 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
196196 "<svg width=\"87pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
197197 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 87.29 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
198198 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
199 "<title>%3</title>\r\n",
200 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 83.293,-40 83.293,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
201 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
202 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
203 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"39.6465\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"39.7935\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
204 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"39.6465\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">node: A</text>\r\n",
205 "</g>\r\n",
206 "</g>\r\n",
207 "</svg>\r\n"
208 ],
209 "text/plain": [
210 "< at 0x514f400>"
199 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 83.29,-40 83.29,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
200 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
201 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
202 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
203 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"39.65\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"39.79\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
204 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"39.65\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">node: A</text>\r\n",
205 "</g>\r\n",
206 "</g>\r\n",
207 "</svg>\r\n"
208 ],
209 "text/plain": [
210 "< at 0x5016b50>"
211211 ]
212212 },
213213 "execution_count": 5,
239239 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
240240 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
241241 " \"\">\r\n",
242 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
242 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)\r\n",
243243 " -->\r\n",
244244 "<!-- Title: spam Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
245245 "<svg width=\"118pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
246246 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 118.49 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
247247 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
248248 "<title>spam</title>\r\n",
249 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 114.49,-40 114.49,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
250 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
251 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
252 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"55.2451\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"55.4913\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
253 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"55.2451\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">graph: spam</text>\r\n",
254 "</g>\r\n",
255 "</g>\r\n",
256 "</svg>\r\n"
257 ],
258 "text/plain": [
259 "< at 0x514f3d0>"
249 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 114.49,-40 114.49,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
250 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
251 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
252 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
253 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"55.25\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"55.49\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
254 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"55.25\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">graph: spam</text>\r\n",
255 "</g>\r\n",
256 "</g>\r\n",
257 "</svg>\r\n"
258 ],
259 "text/plain": [
260 "< at 0x4fb0e80>"
260261 ]
261262 },
262263 "execution_count": 6,
288289 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
289290 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
290291 " \"\">\r\n",
291 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
292 " -->\r\n",
293 "<!-- Title: %3 Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
292 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)\r\n",
293 " -->\r\n",
294 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
294295 "<svg width=\"69pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
295296 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 69.09 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
296297 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
297 "<title>%3</title>\r\n",
298 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 65.0946,-40 65.0946,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
299 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
300 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
298 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 65.09,-40 65.09,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
299 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
300 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
301 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
301302 "<g id=\"a_node1\"><a xlink:href=\"\" xlink:title=\"spam\">\r\n",
302 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"30.5473\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"30.5947\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
303 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"30.5473\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">spam</text>\r\n",
303 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"30.55\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"30.59\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
304 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"30.55\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">spam</text>\r\n",
304305 "</a>\r\n",
305306 "</g>\r\n",
306307 "</g>\r\n",
308309 "</svg>\r\n"
309310 ],
310311 "text/plain": [
311 "< at 0x514fd30>"
312 "< at 0x5001a00>"
312313 ]
313314 },
314315 "execution_count": 7,
340341 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
341342 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
342343 " \"\">\r\n",
343 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
344 " -->\r\n",
345 "<!-- Title: %3 Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
344 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)\r\n",
345 " -->\r\n",
346 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
346347 "<svg width=\"99pt\" height=\"83pt\"\r\n",
347348 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 98.51 82.95\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
348 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 78.9533)\">\r\n",
349 "<title>%3</title>\r\n",
350 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-78.9533 94.5097,-78.9533 94.5097,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
351 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
352 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
353 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"45.2548\" cy=\"-37.4767\" rx=\"45.011\" ry=\"37.4533\"/>\r\n",
354 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"45.2548\" y=\"-48.7767\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">centered</text>\r\n",
355 "<text text-anchor=\"start\" x=\"21.2548\" y=\"-33.7767\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">left</text>\r\n",
356 "<text text-anchor=\"end\" x=\"69.2548\" y=\"-18.7767\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">right</text>\r\n",
357 "</g>\r\n",
358 "</g>\r\n",
359 "</svg>\r\n"
360 ],
361 "text/plain": [
362 "< at 0x4f04a90>"
349 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 78.95)\">\r\n",
350 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-78.95 94.51,-78.95 94.51,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
351 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
352 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
353 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
354 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"45.25\" cy=\"-37.48\" rx=\"45.01\" ry=\"37.45\"/>\r\n",
355 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"45.25\" y=\"-48.78\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">centered</text>\r\n",
356 "<text text-anchor=\"start\" x=\"21.25\" y=\"-33.78\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">left</text>\r\n",
357 "<text text-anchor=\"end\" x=\"69.25\" y=\"-18.78\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">right</text>\r\n",
358 "</g>\r\n",
359 "</g>\r\n",
360 "</svg>\r\n"
361 ],
362 "text/plain": [
363 "< at 0x4fd8550>"
363364 ]
364365 },
365366 "execution_count": 8,
388389 "name": "python",
389390 "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
390391 "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
391 "version": "3.8.2"
392 "version": "3.8.7"
392393 }
393394 },
394395 "nbformat": 4,
0 {
1 "cells": [
2 {
3 "cell_type": "code",
4 "execution_count": 1,
5 "metadata": {},
6 "outputs": [
7 {
8 "data": {
9 "text/plain": [
10 "'0.16'"
11 ]
12 },
13 "execution_count": 1,
14 "metadata": {},
15 "output_type": "execute_result"
16 }
17 ],
18 "source": [
19 "import logging\n",
20 "\n",
21 "import graphviz\n",
22 "\n",
23 "logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)\n",
24 "\n",
25 "graphviz.__version__"
26 ]
27 },
28 {
29 "cell_type": "code",
30 "execution_count": 2,
31 "metadata": {},
32 "outputs": [
33 {
34 "name": "stderr",
35 "output_type": "stream",
36 "text": [
37 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
38 ]
39 },
40 {
41 "data": {
42 "image/svg+xml": [
43 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
44 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
45 " \"\">\r\n",
46 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
47 " -->\r\n",
48 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
49 "<svg width=\"390pt\" height=\"116pt\"\r\n",
50 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 389.98 116.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
51 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 112)\">\r\n",
52 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-112 385.98,-112 385.98,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
53 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
54 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
55 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
56 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"190.99\" cy=\"-90\" rx=\"53.89\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
57 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"190.99\" y=\"-86.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">King Arthur</text>\r\n",
58 "</g>\r\n",
59 "<!-- B -->\r\n",
60 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
61 "<title>B</title>\r\n",
62 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"90.99\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"90.98\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
63 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"90.99\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">Sir Bedevere the Wise</text>\r\n",
64 "</g>\r\n",
65 "<!-- A&#45;&gt;B -->\r\n",
66 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
67 "<title>A&#45;&gt;B</title>\r\n",
68 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M168.8,-73.46C155.33,-64.04 137.92,-51.85 122.98,-41.39\"/>\r\n",
69 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"124.72,-38.33 114.52,-35.47 120.7,-44.07 124.72,-38.33\"/>\r\n",
70 "</g>\r\n",
71 "<!-- L -->\r\n",
72 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
73 "<title>L</title>\r\n",
74 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"290.99\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"90.98\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
75 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"290.99\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">Sir Lancelot the Brave</text>\r\n",
76 "</g>\r\n",
77 "<!-- A&#45;&gt;L -->\r\n",
78 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
79 "<title>A&#45;&gt;L</title>\r\n",
80 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M213.19,-73.46C226.65,-64.04 244.07,-51.85 259.01,-41.39\"/>\r\n",
81 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"261.28,-44.07 267.47,-35.47 257.27,-38.33 261.28,-44.07\"/>\r\n",
82 "</g>\r\n",
83 "<!-- B&#45;&gt;L -->\r\n",
84 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
85 "<title>B&#45;&gt;L</title>\r\n",
86 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M182.01,-18C184.62,-18 187.22,-18 189.83,-18\"/>\r\n",
87 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"189.89,-21.5 199.89,-18 189.89,-14.5 189.89,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
88 "</g>\r\n",
89 "</g>\r\n",
90 "</svg>\r\n"
91 ],
92 "text/plain": [
93 "< at 0x1c71cc84970>"
94 ]
95 },
96 "execution_count": 2,
97 "metadata": {},
98 "output_type": "execute_result"
99 }
100 ],
101 "source": [
102 "dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')\n",
103 "\n",
104 "dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')\n",
105 "dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')\n",
106 "dot.node('L', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave')\n",
107 "\n",
108 "dot.edges(['AB', 'AL'])\n",
109 "dot.edge('B', 'L', constraint='false')\n",
110 "\n",
111 "dot"
112 ]
113 },
114 {
115 "cell_type": "code",
116 "execution_count": 3,
117 "metadata": {},
118 "outputs": [
119 {
120 "name": "stderr",
121 "output_type": "stream",
122 "text": [
123 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
124 ]
125 },
126 {
127 "data": {
128 "image/svg+xml": [
129 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
130 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
131 " \"\">\r\n",
132 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
133 " -->\r\n",
134 "<!-- Title: the holy hand grenade Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
135 "<svg width=\"332pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
136 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 332.00 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
137 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
138 "<title>the holy hand grenade</title>\r\n",
139 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 328,-40 328,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
140 "<!-- 1 -->\r\n",
141 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
142 "<title>1</title>\r\n",
143 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"27\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
144 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"27\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">1</text>\r\n",
145 "</g>\r\n",
146 "<!-- 2 -->\r\n",
147 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
148 "<title>2</title>\r\n",
149 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"117\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
150 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"117\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">2</text>\r\n",
151 "</g>\r\n",
152 "<!-- 1&#45;&gt;2 -->\r\n",
153 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
154 "<title>1&#45;&gt;2</title>\r\n",
155 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M54.4,-18C62.39,-18 71.31,-18 79.82,-18\"/>\r\n",
156 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"79.92,-21.5 89.92,-18 79.92,-14.5 79.92,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
157 "</g>\r\n",
158 "<!-- 3 -->\r\n",
159 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
160 "<title>3</title>\r\n",
161 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"207\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
162 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"207\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">3</text>\r\n",
163 "</g>\r\n",
164 "<!-- 2&#45;&gt;3 -->\r\n",
165 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
166 "<title>2&#45;&gt;3</title>\r\n",
167 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M144.4,-18C152.39,-18 161.31,-18 169.82,-18\"/>\r\n",
168 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"169.92,-21.5 179.92,-18 169.92,-14.5 169.92,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
169 "</g>\r\n",
170 "<!-- lob -->\r\n",
171 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
172 "<title>lob</title>\r\n",
173 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"297\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
174 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"297\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">lob</text>\r\n",
175 "</g>\r\n",
176 "<!-- 3&#45;&gt;lob -->\r\n",
177 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
178 "<title>3&#45;&gt;lob</title>\r\n",
179 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M234.4,-18C242.39,-18 251.31,-18 259.82,-18\"/>\r\n",
180 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"259.92,-21.5 269.92,-18 259.92,-14.5 259.92,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
181 "</g>\r\n",
182 "</g>\r\n",
183 "</svg>\r\n"
184 ],
185 "text/plain": [
186 "<graphviz.files.Source at 0x1c71cde6d60>"
187 ]
188 },
189 "execution_count": 3,
190 "metadata": {},
191 "output_type": "execute_result"
192 }
193 ],
194 "source": [
195 "src = graphviz.Source('digraph \"the holy hand grenade\" { rankdir=LR; 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> lob }')\n",
196 "src"
197 ]
198 },
199 {
200 "cell_type": "code",
201 "execution_count": 4,
202 "metadata": {},
203 "outputs": [
204 {
205 "name": "stderr",
206 "output_type": "stream",
207 "text": [
208 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
209 ]
210 },
211 {
212 "data": {
213 "image/svg+xml": [
214 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
215 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
216 " \"\">\r\n",
217 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
218 " -->\r\n",
219 "<!-- Title: finite_state_machine Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
220 "<svg width=\"576pt\" height=\"258pt\"\r\n",
221 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 576.00 258.45\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
222 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(0.77 0.77) rotate(0) translate(4 331.69)\">\r\n",
223 "<title>finite_state_machine</title>\r\n",
224 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-331.69 744.17,-331.69 744.17,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
225 "<!-- LR_0 -->\r\n",
226 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
227 "<title>LR_0</title>\r\n",
228 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"35.85\" cy=\"-83.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
229 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"35.85\" cy=\"-83.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
230 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"35.85\" y=\"-80.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_0</text>\r\n",
231 "</g>\r\n",
232 "<!-- LR_2 -->\r\n",
233 "<g id=\"node5\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
234 "<title>LR_2</title>\r\n",
235 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"174.54\" cy=\"-151.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
236 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"174.54\" y=\"-148.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_2</text>\r\n",
237 "</g>\r\n",
238 "<!-- LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_2 -->\r\n",
239 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
240 "<title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_2</title>\r\n",
241 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M68.21,-99.45C88.53,-109.56 115.1,-122.77 136.47,-133.4\"/>\r\n",
242 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"135.06,-136.61 145.58,-137.94 138.18,-130.35 135.06,-136.61\"/>\r\n",
243 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"107.19\" y=\"-129.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(B)</text>\r\n",
244 "</g>\r\n",
245 "<!-- LR_1 -->\r\n",
246 "<g id=\"node6\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
247 "<title>LR_1</title>\r\n",
248 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"174.54\" cy=\"-42.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
249 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"174.54\" y=\"-39.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_1</text>\r\n",
250 "</g>\r\n",
251 "<!-- LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1 -->\r\n",
252 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
253 "<title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1</title>\r\n",
254 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M70.29,-73.82C89.49,-68.06 113.72,-60.79 133.88,-54.74\"/>\r\n",
255 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"135.13,-58.02 143.7,-51.8 133.12,-51.32 135.13,-58.02\"/>\r\n",
256 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"107.19\" y=\"-71.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(S)</text>\r\n",
257 "</g>\r\n",
258 "<!-- LR_3 -->\r\n",
259 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
260 "<title>LR_3</title>\r\n",
261 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-35.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
262 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-35.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
263 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-32.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_3</text>\r\n",
264 "</g>\r\n",
265 "<!-- LR_4 -->\r\n",
266 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
267 "<title>LR_4</title>\r\n",
268 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-291.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
269 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-291.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
270 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-288.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_4</text>\r\n",
271 "</g>\r\n",
272 "<!-- LR_8 -->\r\n",
273 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
274 "<title>LR_8</title>\r\n",
275 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"704.32\" cy=\"-152.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
276 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"704.32\" cy=\"-152.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
277 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"704.32\" y=\"-149.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_8</text>\r\n",
278 "</g>\r\n",
279 "<!-- LR_6 -->\r\n",
280 "<g id=\"node7\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
281 "<title>LR_6</title>\r\n",
282 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-172.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
283 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-169.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_6</text>\r\n",
284 "</g>\r\n",
285 "<!-- LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->\r\n",
286 "<g id=\"edge13\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
287 "<title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
288 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M668.7,-158.83C625.38,-165.98 548.87,-177.52 482.78,-181.85 454.53,-183.7 447.36,-183.19 419.08,-181.85 401.3,-181.01 381.7,-179.28 364.95,-177.56\"/>\r\n",
289 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"365.25,-174.07 354.94,-176.5 364.51,-181.04 365.25,-174.07\"/>\r\n",
290 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.28\" y=\"-183.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
291 "</g>\r\n",
292 "<!-- LR_5 -->\r\n",
293 "<g id=\"node8\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
294 "<title>LR_5</title>\r\n",
295 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"450.93\" cy=\"-107.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
296 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"450.93\" y=\"-104.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_5</text>\r\n",
297 "</g>\r\n",
298 "<!-- LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
299 "<g id=\"edge14\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
300 "<title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
301 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M668.83,-147.36C628.46,-140.82 559.62,-129.34 500.78,-117.85 497.99,-117.3 495.11,-116.73 492.22,-116.15\"/>\r\n",
302 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"492.89,-112.72 482.4,-114.17 491.51,-119.58 492.89,-112.72\"/>\r\n",
303 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"575.62\" y=\"-139.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
304 "</g>\r\n",
305 "<!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4 -->\r\n",
306 "<g id=\"edge6\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
307 "<title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4</title>\r\n",
308 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M198.14,-173.42C222.46,-196.62 261.37,-233.76 289.13,-260.26\"/>\r\n",
309 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"287,-263.06 296.65,-267.43 291.83,-257.99 287,-263.06\"/>\r\n",
310 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.89\" y=\"-241.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(A)</text>\r\n",
311 "</g>\r\n",
312 "<!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->\r\n",
313 "<g id=\"edge4\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
314 "<title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
315 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M206.29,-156.25C228.1,-159.37 257.6,-163.59 281.38,-167\"/>\r\n",
316 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"281.13,-170.5 291.52,-168.45 282.12,-163.57 281.13,-170.5\"/>\r\n",
317 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.89\" y=\"-167.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(b)</text>\r\n",
318 "</g>\r\n",
319 "<!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
320 "<g id=\"edge5\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
321 "<title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
322 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M204.48,-140.61C226.77,-132.49 258.56,-122.07 287.39,-116.85 328.17,-109.46 375.56,-107.58 408.61,-107.32\"/>\r\n",
323 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"408.82,-110.82 418.81,-107.29 408.8,-103.82 408.82,-110.82\"/>\r\n",
324 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-120.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(a)</text>\r\n",
325 "</g>\r\n",
326 "<!-- LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3 -->\r\n",
327 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
328 "<title>LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3</title>\r\n",
329 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M206.65,-41.36C227.15,-40.38 254.31,-39.09 277.16,-38\"/>\r\n",
330 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"277.49,-41.49 287.31,-37.51 277.16,-34.49 277.49,-41.49\"/>\r\n",
331 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.89\" y=\"-44.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S($end)</text>\r\n",
332 "</g>\r\n",
333 "<!-- LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->\r\n",
334 "<g id=\"edge9\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
335 "<title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
336 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M311.26,-202.53C310.87,-213.59 314.86,-222.69 323.24,-222.69 328.86,-222.69 332.51,-218.58 334.18,-212.53\"/>\r\n",
337 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"337.67,-212.83 335.21,-202.53 330.7,-212.12 337.67,-212.83\"/>\r\n",
338 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-226.49\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
339 "</g>\r\n",
340 "<!-- LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
341 "<g id=\"edge10\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
342 "<title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
343 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M351.82,-158.58C369.91,-149.23 393.77,-136.89 413.43,-126.72\"/>\r\n",
344 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"415.14,-129.78 422.41,-122.08 411.92,-123.56 415.14,-129.78\"/>\r\n",
345 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"389.08\" y=\"-147.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
346 "</g>\r\n",
347 "<!-- LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
348 "<g id=\"edge8\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
349 "<title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
350 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M439.69,-138.02C439.45,-148.86 443.2,-157.69 450.93,-157.69 456.01,-157.69 459.36,-153.89 461,-148.21\"/>\r\n",
351 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"464.51,-148.35 462.17,-138.02 457.56,-147.56 464.51,-148.35\"/>\r\n",
352 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"450.93\" y=\"-161.49\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
353 "</g>\r\n",
354 "<!-- LR_7 -->\r\n",
355 "<g id=\"node9\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
356 "<title>LR_7</title>\r\n",
357 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"575.62\" cy=\"-84.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
358 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"575.62\" y=\"-81.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_7</text>\r\n",
359 "</g>\r\n",
360 "<!-- LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7 -->\r\n",
361 "<g id=\"edge7\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
362 "<title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7</title>\r\n",
363 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M482.57,-102.1C498.09,-99.19 517.14,-95.62 533.88,-92.49\"/>\r\n",
364 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"534.76,-95.88 543.95,-90.6 533.47,-89 534.76,-95.88\"/>\r\n",
365 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.28\" y=\"-102.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
366 "</g>\r\n",
367 "<!-- LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8 -->\r\n",
368 "<g id=\"edge11\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
369 "<title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8</title>\r\n",
370 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M604.38,-99.37C618.26,-106.67 635.28,-115.67 650.47,-123.85 654.74,-126.14 659.19,-128.56 663.62,-130.98\"/>\r\n",
371 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"662.17,-134.17 672.62,-135.9 665.53,-128.03 662.17,-134.17\"/>\r\n",
372 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"637.97\" y=\"-127.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
373 "</g>\r\n",
374 "<!-- LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
375 "<g id=\"edge12\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
376 "<title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
377 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M545.05,-75.8C531.36,-72.99 515.01,-71.6 500.78,-75.85 495.43,-77.44 490.13,-79.83 485.1,-82.59\"/>\r\n",
378 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"483.11,-79.7 476.38,-87.89 486.75,-85.69 483.11,-79.7\"/>\r\n",
379 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.28\" y=\"-79.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
380 "</g>\r\n",
381 "</g>\r\n",
382 "</svg>\r\n"
383 ],
384 "text/plain": [
385 "< at 0x1c71cdf0220>"
386 ]
387 },
388 "execution_count": 4,
389 "metadata": {},
390 "output_type": "execute_result"
391 }
392 ],
393 "source": [
394 "#\n",
395 "\n",
396 "f = graphviz.Digraph('finite_state_machine', filename='fsm.gv')\n",
397 "f.attr(rankdir='LR', size='8,5')\n",
398 "\n",
399 "f.attr('node', shape='doublecircle')\n",
400 "f.node('LR_0')\n",
401 "f.node('LR_3')\n",
402 "f.node('LR_4')\n",
403 "f.node('LR_8')\n",
404 "\n",
405 "f.attr('node', shape='circle')\n",
406 "f.edge('LR_0', 'LR_2', label='SS(B)')\n",
407 "f.edge('LR_0', 'LR_1', label='SS(S)')\n",
408 "f.edge('LR_1', 'LR_3', label='S($end)')\n",
409 "f.edge('LR_2', 'LR_6', label='SS(b)')\n",
410 "f.edge('LR_2', 'LR_5', label='SS(a)')\n",
411 "f.edge('LR_2', 'LR_4', label='S(A)')\n",
412 "f.edge('LR_5', 'LR_7', label='S(b)')\n",
413 "f.edge('LR_5', 'LR_5', label='S(a)')\n",
414 "f.edge('LR_6', 'LR_6', label='S(b)')\n",
415 "f.edge('LR_6', 'LR_5', label='S(a)')\n",
416 "f.edge('LR_7', 'LR_8', label='S(b)')\n",
417 "f.edge('LR_7', 'LR_5', label='S(a)')\n",
418 "f.edge('LR_8', 'LR_6', label='S(b)')\n",
419 "f.edge('LR_8', 'LR_5', label='S(a)')\n",
420 "\n",
421 "f"
422 ]
423 },
424 {
425 "cell_type": "code",
426 "execution_count": 5,
427 "metadata": {},
428 "outputs": [
429 {
430 "name": "stderr",
431 "output_type": "stream",
432 "text": [
433 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
434 ]
435 },
436 {
437 "data": {
438 "image/svg+xml": [
439 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
440 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
441 " \"\">\r\n",
442 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
443 " -->\r\n",
444 "<!-- Title: G Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
445 "<svg width=\"222pt\" height=\"364pt\"\r\n",
446 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 222.00 364.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
447 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 360)\">\r\n",
448 "<title>G</title>\r\n",
449 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-360 218,-360 218,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
450 "<g id=\"clust1\" class=\"cluster\">\r\n",
451 "<title>cluster0</title>\r\n",
452 "<polygon fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"64,-152 64,-348 206,-348 206,-152 64,-152\"/>\r\n",
453 "</g>\r\n",
454 "<g id=\"clust2\" class=\"cluster\">\r\n",
455 "<title>cluster1</title>\r\n",
456 "<polygon fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"64,-8 64,-132 206,-132 206,-8 64,-8\"/>\r\n",
457 "</g>\r\n",
458 "<!-- a -->\r\n",
459 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
460 "<title>a</title>\r\n",
461 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"135\" cy=\"-322\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
462 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"135\" y=\"-318.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">a</text>\r\n",
463 "</g>\r\n",
464 "<!-- b -->\r\n",
465 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
466 "<title>b</title>\r\n",
467 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-250\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
468 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-246.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">b</text>\r\n",
469 "</g>\r\n",
470 "<!-- a&#45;&gt;b -->\r\n",
471 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
472 "<title>a&#45;&gt;b</title>\r\n",
473 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M126.65,-304.76C122.29,-296.28 116.85,-285.71 111.96,-276.2\"/>\r\n",
474 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"114.99,-274.44 107.3,-267.15 108.77,-277.64 114.99,-274.44\"/>\r\n",
475 "</g>\r\n",
476 "<!-- c -->\r\n",
477 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
478 "<title>c</title>\r\n",
479 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"171\" cy=\"-250\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
480 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"171\" y=\"-246.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">c</text>\r\n",
481 "</g>\r\n",
482 "<!-- a&#45;&gt;c -->\r\n",
483 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
484 "<title>a&#45;&gt;c</title>\r\n",
485 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M143.35,-304.76C147.71,-296.28 153.15,-285.71 158.04,-276.2\"/>\r\n",
486 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"161.23,-277.64 162.7,-267.15 155.01,-274.44 161.23,-277.64\"/>\r\n",
487 "</g>\r\n",
488 "<!-- d -->\r\n",
489 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
490 "<title>d</title>\r\n",
491 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-178\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
492 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-174.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">d</text>\r\n",
493 "</g>\r\n",
494 "<!-- b&#45;&gt;d -->\r\n",
495 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
496 "<title>b&#45;&gt;d</title>\r\n",
497 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-231.7C99,-223.98 99,-214.71 99,-206.11\"/>\r\n",
498 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-206.1 99,-196.1 95.5,-206.1 102.5,-206.1\"/>\r\n",
499 "</g>\r\n",
500 "<!-- f -->\r\n",
501 "<g id=\"node7\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
502 "<title>f</title>\r\n",
503 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-34\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
504 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-30.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">f</text>\r\n",
505 "</g>\r\n",
506 "<!-- b&#45;&gt;f -->\r\n",
507 "<g id=\"edge7\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
508 "<title>b&#45;&gt;f</title>\r\n",
509 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M112.75,-234.07C120.96,-224.1 130.62,-210.25 135,-196 142.02,-173.17 145.55,-157.68 145.58,-142.23\"/>\r\n",
510 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"149.07,-141.82 145.1,-132 142.07,-142.15 149.07,-141.82\"/>\r\n",
511 "</g>\r\n",
512 "<!-- c&#45;&gt;d -->\r\n",
513 "<g id=\"edge4\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
514 "<title>c&#45;&gt;d</title>\r\n",
515 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M156.43,-234.83C146.25,-224.94 132.48,-211.55 120.97,-200.36\"/>\r\n",
516 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"123.41,-197.85 113.8,-193.38 118.53,-202.87 123.41,-197.85\"/>\r\n",
517 "</g>\r\n",
518 "<!-- e -->\r\n",
519 "<g id=\"node5\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
520 "<title>e</title>\r\n",
521 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-106\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
522 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-102.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">e</text>\r\n",
523 "</g>\r\n",
524 "<!-- c&#45;&gt;e -->\r\n",
525 "<g id=\"edge10\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
526 "<title>c&#45;&gt;e</title>\r\n",
527 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M135,-152C130.7,-144.41 125.16,-136.77 119.71,-129.99\"/>\r\n",
528 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"122.07,-127.36 112.97,-121.94 116.71,-131.86 122.07,-127.36\"/>\r\n",
529 "</g>\r\n",
530 "<!-- g -->\r\n",
531 "<g id=\"node6\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
532 "<title>g</title>\r\n",
533 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"171\" cy=\"-34\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
534 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"171\" y=\"-30.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">g</text>\r\n",
535 "</g>\r\n",
536 "<!-- c&#45;&gt;g -->\r\n",
537 "<g id=\"edge9\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
538 "<title>c&#45;&gt;g</title>\r\n",
539 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M171,-152C171,-148.77 171,-145.53 171,-142.29\"/>\r\n",
540 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"174.5,-141.99 171,-132 167.5,-142 174.5,-141.99\"/>\r\n",
541 "</g>\r\n",
542 "<!-- d&#45;&gt;e -->\r\n",
543 "<g id=\"edge8\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
544 "<title>d&#45;&gt;e</title>\r\n",
545 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-159.7C99,-151.98 99,-142.71 99,-134.11\"/>\r\n",
546 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-134.1 99,-124.1 95.5,-134.1 102.5,-134.1\"/>\r\n",
547 "</g>\r\n",
548 "<!-- h -->\r\n",
549 "<g id=\"node8\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
550 "<title>h</title>\r\n",
551 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"27\" cy=\"-106\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
552 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"27\" y=\"-102.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">h</text>\r\n",
553 "</g>\r\n",
554 "<!-- d&#45;&gt;h -->\r\n",
555 "<g id=\"edge11\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
556 "<title>d&#45;&gt;h</title>\r\n",
557 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M84.43,-162.83C74.25,-152.94 60.48,-139.55 48.97,-128.36\"/>\r\n",
558 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"51.41,-125.85 41.8,-121.38 46.53,-130.87 51.41,-125.85\"/>\r\n",
559 "</g>\r\n",
560 "<!-- e&#45;&gt;g -->\r\n",
561 "<g id=\"edge5\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
562 "<title>e&#45;&gt;g</title>\r\n",
563 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M113.57,-90.83C123.75,-80.94 137.52,-67.55 149.03,-56.36\"/>\r\n",
564 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"151.47,-58.87 156.2,-49.38 146.59,-53.85 151.47,-58.87\"/>\r\n",
565 "</g>\r\n",
566 "<!-- e&#45;&gt;f -->\r\n",
567 "<g id=\"edge6\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
568 "<title>e&#45;&gt;f</title>\r\n",
569 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-87.7C99,-79.98 99,-70.71 99,-62.11\"/>\r\n",
570 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-62.1 99,-52.1 95.5,-62.1 102.5,-62.1\"/>\r\n",
571 "</g>\r\n",
572 "</g>\r\n",
573 "</svg>\r\n"
574 ],
575 "text/plain": [
576 "< at 0x1c71cdf19d0>"
577 ]
578 },
579 "execution_count": 5,
580 "metadata": {},
581 "output_type": "execute_result"
582 }
583 ],
584 "source": [
585 "#, Figure 20\n",
586 "\n",
587 "g = graphviz.Digraph('G', filename='cluster_edge.gv')\n",
588 "g.attr(compound='true')\n",
589 "\n",
590 "with g.subgraph(name='cluster0') as c:\n",
591 " c.edges(['ab', 'ac', 'bd', 'cd'])\n",
592 "\n",
593 "with g.subgraph(name='cluster1') as c:\n",
594 " c.edges(['eg', 'ef'])\n",
595 "\n",
596 "g.edge('b', 'f', lhead='cluster1')\n",
597 "g.edge('d', 'e')\n",
598 "g.edge('c', 'g', ltail='cluster0', lhead='cluster1')\n",
599 "g.edge('c', 'e', ltail='cluster0')\n",
600 "g.edge('d', 'h')\n",
601 "\n",
602 "g"
603 ]
604 }
605 ],
606 "metadata": {
607 "kernelspec": {
608 "display_name": "Python 3",
609 "language": "python",
610 "name": "python3"
611 },
612 "language_info": {
613 "codemirror_mode": {
614 "name": "ipython",
615 "version": 3
616 },
617 "file_extension": ".py",
618 "mimetype": "text/x-python",
619 "name": "python",
620 "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
621 "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
622 "version": "3.9.4"
623 }
624 },
625 "nbformat": 4,
626 "nbformat_minor": 1
627 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """"""
5 g = Digraph('G', filename='hello.gv')
4 import graphviz
6 g = graphviz.Digraph('G', filename='hello.gv')
78 g.edge('Hello', 'World')
33 "cell_type": "code",
44 "execution_count": 1,
55 "metadata": {},
6 "outputs": [],
6 "outputs": [
7 {
8 "data": {
9 "text/plain": [
10 "'0.16'"
11 ]
12 },
13 "execution_count": 1,
14 "metadata": {},
15 "output_type": "execute_result"
16 }
17 ],
718 "source": [
819 "import logging\n",
920 "\n",
10 "logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)"
21 "import graphviz\n",
22 "\n",
23 "logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)\n",
24 "\n",
25 "graphviz.__version__"
1126 ]
1227 },
1328 {
1934 "name": "stderr",
2035 "output_type": "stream",
2136 "text": [
22 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Tsvg']\n"
37 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
2338 ]
2439 },
2540 {
2843 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
2944 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
3045 " \"\">\r\n",
31 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
46 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
3247 " -->\r\n",
33 "<!-- Title: %3 Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
48 "<!-- Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
3449 "<svg width=\"390pt\" height=\"116pt\"\r\n",
3550 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 389.98 116.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
3651 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 112)\">\r\n",
37 "<title>%3</title>\r\n",
38 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-112 385.984,-112 385.984,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
52 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-112 385.98,-112 385.98,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
3953 "<!-- A -->\r\n",
40 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>A</title>\r\n",
41 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"190.992\" cy=\"-90\" rx=\"53.8905\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
42 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"190.992\" y=\"-86.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">King Arthur</text>\r\n",
54 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
55 "<title>A</title>\r\n",
56 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"190.99\" cy=\"-90\" rx=\"53.89\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
57 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"190.99\" y=\"-86.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">King Arthur</text>\r\n",
4358 "</g>\r\n",
4459 "<!-- B -->\r\n",
45 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\"><title>B</title>\r\n",
46 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"90.9919\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"90.9839\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
47 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"90.9919\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">Sir Bedevere the Wise</text>\r\n",
60 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
61 "<title>B</title>\r\n",
62 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"90.99\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"90.98\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
63 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"90.99\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">Sir Bedevere the Wise</text>\r\n",
4864 "</g>\r\n",
4965 "<!-- A&#45;&gt;B -->\r\n",
50 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\"><title>A&#45;&gt;B</title>\r\n",
51 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M168.799,-73.4647C155.331,-64.0371 137.916,-51.8466 122.977,-41.3897\"/>\r\n",
52 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"124.716,-38.3345 114.516,-35.4672 120.702,-44.0692 124.716,-38.3345\"/>\r\n",
66 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
67 "<title>A&#45;&gt;B</title>\r\n",
68 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M168.8,-73.46C155.33,-64.04 137.92,-51.85 122.98,-41.39\"/>\r\n",
69 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"124.72,-38.33 114.52,-35.47 120.7,-44.07 124.72,-38.33\"/>\r\n",
5370 "</g>\r\n",
5471 "<!-- L -->\r\n",
55 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\"><title>L</title>\r\n",
56 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"290.992\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"90.9839\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
57 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"290.992\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">Sir Lancelot the Brave</text>\r\n",
72 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
73 "<title>L</title>\r\n",
74 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"290.99\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"90.98\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
75 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"290.99\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">Sir Lancelot the Brave</text>\r\n",
5876 "</g>\r\n",
5977 "<!-- A&#45;&gt;L -->\r\n",
60 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\"><title>A&#45;&gt;L</title>\r\n",
61 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M213.185,-73.4647C226.653,-64.0371 244.068,-51.8466 259.007,-41.3897\"/>\r\n",
62 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"261.282,-44.0692 267.467,-35.4672 257.268,-38.3345 261.282,-44.0692\"/>\r\n",
78 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
79 "<title>A&#45;&gt;L</title>\r\n",
80 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M213.19,-73.46C226.65,-64.04 244.07,-51.85 259.01,-41.39\"/>\r\n",
81 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"261.28,-44.07 267.47,-35.47 257.27,-38.33 261.28,-44.07\"/>\r\n",
6382 "</g>\r\n",
6483 "<!-- B&#45;&gt;L -->\r\n",
65 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\"><title>B&#45;&gt;L</title>\r\n",
66 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M182.008,-18C184.615,-18 187.223,-18 189.83,-18\"/>\r\n",
67 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"189.888,-21.5001 199.888,-18 189.888,-14.5001 189.888,-21.5001\"/>\r\n",
84 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
85 "<title>B&#45;&gt;L</title>\r\n",
86 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M182.01,-18C184.62,-18 187.22,-18 189.83,-18\"/>\r\n",
87 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"189.89,-21.5 199.89,-18 189.89,-14.5 189.89,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
6888 "</g>\r\n",
6989 "</g>\r\n",
7090 "</svg>\r\n"
7191 ],
7292 "text/plain": [
73 "< at 0x505fcc8>"
93 "< at 0x1c71cc84970>"
7494 ]
7595 },
7696 "execution_count": 2,
7999 }
80100 ],
81101 "source": [
82 "from graphviz import Digraph\n",
83 "\n",
84 "dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')\n",
102 "dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')\n",
85103 "\n",
86104 "dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')\n",
87105 "dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')\n",
102120 "name": "stderr",
103121 "output_type": "stream",
104122 "text": [
105 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Tsvg']\n"
123 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
106124 ]
107125 },
108126 {
111129 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
112130 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
113131 " \"\">\r\n",
114 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
132 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
115133 " -->\r\n",
116134 "<!-- Title: the holy hand grenade Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
117135 "<svg width=\"332pt\" height=\"44pt\"\r\n",
118136 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 332.00 44.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
119137 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)\">\r\n",
120138 "<title>the holy hand grenade</title>\r\n",
121 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 328,-40 328,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
139 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-40 328,-40 328,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
122140 "<!-- 1 -->\r\n",
123 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>1</title>\r\n",
141 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
142 "<title>1</title>\r\n",
124143 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"27\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
125144 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"27\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">1</text>\r\n",
126145 "</g>\r\n",
127146 "<!-- 2 -->\r\n",
128 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\"><title>2</title>\r\n",
147 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
148 "<title>2</title>\r\n",
129149 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"117\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
130150 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"117\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">2</text>\r\n",
131151 "</g>\r\n",
132152 "<!-- 1&#45;&gt;2 -->\r\n",
133 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\"><title>1&#45;&gt;2</title>\r\n",
134 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M54.4029,-18C62.3932,-18 71.3106,-18 79.8241,-18\"/>\r\n",
135 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"79.919,-21.5001 89.919,-18 79.919,-14.5001 79.919,-21.5001\"/>\r\n",
153 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
154 "<title>1&#45;&gt;2</title>\r\n",
155 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M54.4,-18C62.39,-18 71.31,-18 79.82,-18\"/>\r\n",
156 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"79.92,-21.5 89.92,-18 79.92,-14.5 79.92,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
136157 "</g>\r\n",
137158 "<!-- 3 -->\r\n",
138 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\"><title>3</title>\r\n",
159 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
160 "<title>3</title>\r\n",
139161 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"207\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
140162 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"207\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">3</text>\r\n",
141163 "</g>\r\n",
142164 "<!-- 2&#45;&gt;3 -->\r\n",
143 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\"><title>2&#45;&gt;3</title>\r\n",
144 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M144.403,-18C152.393,-18 161.311,-18 169.824,-18\"/>\r\n",
145 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"169.919,-21.5001 179.919,-18 169.919,-14.5001 169.919,-21.5001\"/>\r\n",
165 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
166 "<title>2&#45;&gt;3</title>\r\n",
167 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M144.4,-18C152.39,-18 161.31,-18 169.82,-18\"/>\r\n",
168 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"169.92,-21.5 179.92,-18 169.92,-14.5 169.92,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
146169 "</g>\r\n",
147170 "<!-- lob -->\r\n",
148 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\"><title>lob</title>\r\n",
171 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
172 "<title>lob</title>\r\n",
149173 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"297\" cy=\"-18\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
150174 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"297\" y=\"-14.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">lob</text>\r\n",
151175 "</g>\r\n",
152176 "<!-- 3&#45;&gt;lob -->\r\n",
153 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\"><title>3&#45;&gt;lob</title>\r\n",
154 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M234.403,-18C242.393,-18 251.311,-18 259.824,-18\"/>\r\n",
155 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"259.919,-21.5001 269.919,-18 259.919,-14.5001 259.919,-21.5001\"/>\r\n",
177 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
178 "<title>3&#45;&gt;lob</title>\r\n",
179 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M234.4,-18C242.39,-18 251.31,-18 259.82,-18\"/>\r\n",
180 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"259.92,-21.5 269.92,-18 259.92,-14.5 259.92,-21.5\"/>\r\n",
156181 "</g>\r\n",
157182 "</g>\r\n",
158183 "</svg>\r\n"
159184 ],
160185 "text/plain": [
161 "<graphviz.files.Source at 0x505f808>"
186 "<graphviz.files.Source at 0x1c71cde6d60>"
162187 ]
163188 },
164189 "execution_count": 3,
167192 }
168193 ],
169194 "source": [
170 "from graphviz import Source\n",
171 "\n",
172 "src = Source('digraph \"the holy hand grenade\" { rankdir=LR; 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> lob }')\n",
195 "src = graphviz.Source('digraph \"the holy hand grenade\" { rankdir=LR; 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> lob }')\n",
173196 "src"
174197 ]
175198 },
182205 "name": "stderr",
183206 "output_type": "stream",
184207 "text": [
185 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Tsvg']\n"
208 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
186209 ]
187210 },
188211 {
191214 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
192215 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
193216 " \"\">\r\n",
194 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
217 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
195218 " -->\r\n",
196219 "<!-- Title: finite_state_machine Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
197220 "<svg width=\"576pt\" height=\"258pt\"\r\n",
198221 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 576.00 258.45\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
199 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(0.769883 0.769883) rotate(0) translate(4 331.694)\">\r\n",
222 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(0.77 0.77) rotate(0) translate(4 331.69)\">\r\n",
200223 "<title>finite_state_machine</title>\r\n",
201 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-331.694 744.166,-331.694 744.166,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
224 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-331.69 744.17,-331.69 744.17,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
202225 "<!-- LR_0 -->\r\n",
203 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_0</title>\r\n",
204 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"35.8472\" cy=\"-106.847\" rx=\"31.712\" ry=\"31.712\"/>\r\n",
205 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"35.8472\" cy=\"-106.847\" rx=\"35.695\" ry=\"35.695\"/>\r\n",
206 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"35.8472\" y=\"-103.147\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_0</text>\r\n",
226 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
227 "<title>LR_0</title>\r\n",
228 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"35.85\" cy=\"-83.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
229 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"35.85\" cy=\"-83.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
230 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"35.85\" y=\"-80.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_0</text>\r\n",
207231 "</g>\r\n",
208232 "<!-- LR_2 -->\r\n",
209 "<g id=\"node5\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_2</title>\r\n",
210 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"174.542\" cy=\"-146.847\" rx=\"31.6951\" ry=\"31.6951\"/>\r\n",
211 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"174.542\" y=\"-143.147\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_2</text>\r\n",
233 "<g id=\"node5\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
234 "<title>LR_2</title>\r\n",
235 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"174.54\" cy=\"-151.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
236 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"174.54\" y=\"-148.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_2</text>\r\n",
212237 "</g>\r\n",
213238 "<!-- LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_2 -->\r\n",
214 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_2</title>\r\n",
215 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M70.6368,-116.735C89.8449,-122.356 113.995,-129.422 134.071,-135.297\"/>\r\n",
216 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"133.274,-138.711 143.855,-138.16 135.24,-131.992 133.274,-138.711\"/>\r\n",
217 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"107.194\" y=\"-135.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(B)</text>\r\n",
239 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
240 "<title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_2</title>\r\n",
241 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M68.21,-99.45C88.53,-109.56 115.1,-122.77 136.47,-133.4\"/>\r\n",
242 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"135.06,-136.61 145.58,-137.94 138.18,-130.35 135.06,-136.61\"/>\r\n",
243 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"107.19\" y=\"-129.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(B)</text>\r\n",
218244 "</g>\r\n",
219245 "<!-- LR_1 -->\r\n",
220 "<g id=\"node6\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_1</title>\r\n",
221 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"174.542\" cy=\"-54.8472\" rx=\"31.6951\" ry=\"31.6951\"/>\r\n",
222 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"174.542\" y=\"-51.1472\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_1</text>\r\n",
246 "<g id=\"node6\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
247 "<title>LR_1</title>\r\n",
248 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"174.54\" cy=\"-42.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
249 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"174.54\" y=\"-39.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_1</text>\r\n",
223250 "</g>\r\n",
224251 "<!-- LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1 -->\r\n",
225 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1</title>\r\n",
226 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M69.5889,-94.3919C89.2263,-86.9216 114.304,-77.3816 134.909,-69.5435\"/>\r\n",
227 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"136.22,-72.7895 144.322,-65.9626 133.731,-66.2469 136.22,-72.7895\"/>\r\n",
228 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"107.194\" y=\"-89.6472\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(S)</text>\r\n",
252 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
253 "<title>LR_0&#45;&gt;LR_1</title>\r\n",
254 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M70.29,-73.82C89.49,-68.06 113.72,-60.79 133.88,-54.74\"/>\r\n",
255 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"135.13,-58.02 143.7,-51.8 133.12,-51.32 135.13,-58.02\"/>\r\n",
256 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"107.19\" y=\"-71.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(S)</text>\r\n",
229257 "</g>\r\n",
230258 "<!-- LR_3 -->\r\n",
231 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_3</title>\r\n",
232 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.236\" cy=\"-35.8472\" rx=\"31.712\" ry=\"31.712\"/>\r\n",
233 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.236\" cy=\"-35.8472\" rx=\"35.695\" ry=\"35.695\"/>\r\n",
234 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.236\" y=\"-32.1472\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_3</text>\r\n",
259 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
260 "<title>LR_3</title>\r\n",
261 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-35.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
262 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-35.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
263 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-32.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_3</text>\r\n",
235264 "</g>\r\n",
236265 "<!-- LR_4 -->\r\n",
237 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_4</title>\r\n",
238 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.236\" cy=\"-291.847\" rx=\"31.712\" ry=\"31.712\"/>\r\n",
239 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.236\" cy=\"-291.847\" rx=\"35.695\" ry=\"35.695\"/>\r\n",
240 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.236\" y=\"-288.147\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_4</text>\r\n",
266 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
267 "<title>LR_4</title>\r\n",
268 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-291.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
269 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-291.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
270 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-288.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_4</text>\r\n",
241271 "</g>\r\n",
242272 "<!-- LR_8 -->\r\n",
243 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_8</title>\r\n",
244 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"704.319\" cy=\"-147.847\" rx=\"31.712\" ry=\"31.712\"/>\r\n",
245 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"704.319\" cy=\"-147.847\" rx=\"35.695\" ry=\"35.695\"/>\r\n",
246 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"704.319\" y=\"-144.147\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_8</text>\r\n",
273 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
274 "<title>LR_8</title>\r\n",
275 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"704.32\" cy=\"-152.85\" rx=\"31.71\" ry=\"31.71\"/>\r\n",
276 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"704.32\" cy=\"-152.85\" rx=\"35.69\" ry=\"35.69\"/>\r\n",
277 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"704.32\" y=\"-149.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_8</text>\r\n",
247278 "</g>\r\n",
248279 "<!-- LR_6 -->\r\n",
249 "<g id=\"node7\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_6</title>\r\n",
250 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.236\" cy=\"-172.847\" rx=\"31.6951\" ry=\"31.6951\"/>\r\n",
251 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.236\" y=\"-169.147\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_6</text>\r\n",
280 "<g id=\"node7\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
281 "<title>LR_6</title>\r\n",
282 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"323.24\" cy=\"-172.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
283 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-169.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_6</text>\r\n",
252284 "</g>\r\n",
253285 "<!-- LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->\r\n",
254 "<g id=\"edge13\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
255 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M669.127,-154.782C625.934,-163.158 549.217,-176.756 482.777,-181.847 454.552,-184.01 447.36,-183.186 419.083,-181.847 401.296,-181.005 381.696,-179.28 364.953,-177.563\"/>\r\n",
256 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"365.251,-174.075 354.939,-176.503 364.515,-181.036 365.251,-174.075\"/>\r\n",
257 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.277\" y=\"-184.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
286 "<g id=\"edge13\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
287 "<title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
288 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M668.7,-158.83C625.38,-165.98 548.87,-177.52 482.78,-181.85 454.53,-183.7 447.36,-183.19 419.08,-181.85 401.3,-181.01 381.7,-179.28 364.95,-177.56\"/>\r\n",
289 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"365.25,-174.07 354.94,-176.5 364.51,-181.04 365.25,-174.07\"/>\r\n",
290 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.28\" y=\"-183.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
258291 "</g>\r\n",
259292 "<!-- LR_5 -->\r\n",
260 "<g id=\"node8\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_5</title>\r\n",
261 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"450.93\" cy=\"-107.847\" rx=\"31.6951\" ry=\"31.6951\"/>\r\n",
262 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"450.93\" y=\"-104.147\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_5</text>\r\n",
293 "<g id=\"node8\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
294 "<title>LR_5</title>\r\n",
295 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"450.93\" cy=\"-107.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
296 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"450.93\" y=\"-104.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_5</text>\r\n",
263297 "</g>\r\n",
264298 "<!-- LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
265 "<g id=\"edge14\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
266 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M668.545,-142.414C628.191,-136.095 559.65,-125.319 500.777,-115.847 498.086,-115.414 495.312,-114.966 492.517,-114.512\"/>\r\n",
267 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"492.845,-111.02 482.413,-112.867 491.72,-117.929 492.845,-111.02\"/>\r\n",
268 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"575.625\" y=\"-137.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
299 "<g id=\"edge14\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
300 "<title>LR_8&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
301 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M668.83,-147.36C628.46,-140.82 559.62,-129.34 500.78,-117.85 497.99,-117.3 495.11,-116.73 492.22,-116.15\"/>\r\n",
302 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"492.89,-112.72 482.4,-114.17 491.51,-119.58 492.89,-112.72\"/>\r\n",
303 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"575.62\" y=\"-139.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
269304 "</g>\r\n",
270305 "<!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4 -->\r\n",
271 "<g id=\"edge6\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4</title>\r\n",
272 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M197.821,-168.87C222.322,-193.087 261.915,-232.223 289.846,-259.831\"/>\r\n",
273 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"287.463,-262.397 297.035,-266.938 292.384,-257.418 287.463,-262.397\"/>\r\n",
274 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.889\" y=\"-239.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(A)</text>\r\n",
306 "<g id=\"edge6\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
307 "<title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_4</title>\r\n",
308 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M198.14,-173.42C222.46,-196.62 261.37,-233.76 289.13,-260.26\"/>\r\n",
309 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"287,-263.06 296.65,-267.43 291.83,-257.99 287,-263.06\"/>\r\n",
310 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.89\" y=\"-241.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(A)</text>\r\n",
275311 "</g>\r\n",
276312 "<!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->\r\n",
277 "<g id=\"edge4\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
278 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M205.937,-152.234C227.893,-156.126 257.777,-161.422 281.754,-165.672\"/>\r\n",
279 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"281.17,-169.123 291.628,-167.422 282.392,-162.231 281.17,-169.123\"/>\r\n",
280 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.889\" y=\"-167.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(b)</text>\r\n",
313 "<g id=\"edge4\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
314 "<title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
315 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M206.29,-156.25C228.1,-159.37 257.6,-163.59 281.38,-167\"/>\r\n",
316 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"281.13,-170.5 291.52,-168.45 282.12,-163.57 281.13,-170.5\"/>\r\n",
317 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.89\" y=\"-167.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(b)</text>\r\n",
281318 "</g>\r\n",
282319 "<!-- LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
283 "<g id=\"edge5\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
284 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M205.087,-137.127C227.428,-130.219 259.001,-121.39 287.389,-116.847 328.309,-110.299 375.679,-108.299 408.684,-107.786\"/>\r\n",
285 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"408.911,-111.284 418.87,-107.668 408.829,-104.284 408.911,-111.284\"/>\r\n",
286 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.236\" y=\"-120.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(a)</text>\r\n",
320 "<g id=\"edge5\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
321 "<title>LR_2&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
322 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M204.48,-140.61C226.77,-132.49 258.56,-122.07 287.39,-116.85 328.17,-109.46 375.56,-107.58 408.61,-107.32\"/>\r\n",
323 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"408.82,-110.82 418.81,-107.29 408.8,-103.82 408.82,-110.82\"/>\r\n",
324 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-120.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">SS(a)</text>\r\n",
287325 "</g>\r\n",
288326 "<!-- LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3 -->\r\n",
289 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3</title>\r\n",
290 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M206.293,-50.8642C226.839,-48.2031 254.208,-44.6582 277.196,-41.6808\"/>\r\n",
291 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"277.941,-45.1136 287.409,-40.358 277.042,-38.1716 277.941,-45.1136\"/>\r\n",
292 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.889\" y=\"-52.6472\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S($end)</text>\r\n",
327 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
328 "<title>LR_1&#45;&gt;LR_3</title>\r\n",
329 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M206.65,-41.36C227.15,-40.38 254.31,-39.09 277.16,-38\"/>\r\n",
330 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"277.49,-41.49 287.31,-37.51 277.16,-34.49 277.49,-41.49\"/>\r\n",
331 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"246.89\" y=\"-44.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S($end)</text>\r\n",
293332 "</g>\r\n",
294333 "<!-- LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6 -->\r\n",
295 "<g id=\"edge9\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
296 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M311.262,-202.528C310.87,-213.589 314.861,-222.694 323.236,-222.694 328.863,-222.694 332.511,-218.584 334.18,-212.532\"/>\r\n",
297 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"337.667,-212.834 335.21,-202.528 330.704,-212.117 337.667,-212.834\"/>\r\n",
298 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.236\" y=\"-226.494\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
334 "<g id=\"edge9\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
335 "<title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_6</title>\r\n",
336 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M311.26,-202.53C310.87,-213.59 314.86,-222.69 323.24,-222.69 328.86,-222.69 332.51,-218.58 334.18,-212.53\"/>\r\n",
337 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"337.67,-212.83 335.21,-202.53 330.7,-212.12 337.67,-212.83\"/>\r\n",
338 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"323.24\" y=\"-226.49\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
299339 "</g>\r\n",
300340 "<!-- LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
301 "<g id=\"edge10\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
302 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M351.82,-158.583C369.912,-149.227 393.768,-136.89 413.426,-126.724\"/>\r\n",
303 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"415.136,-129.781 422.41,-122.078 411.92,-123.563 415.136,-129.781\"/>\r\n",
304 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"389.083\" y=\"-148.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
341 "<g id=\"edge10\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
342 "<title>LR_6&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
343 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M351.82,-158.58C369.91,-149.23 393.77,-136.89 413.43,-126.72\"/>\r\n",
344 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"415.14,-129.78 422.41,-122.08 411.92,-123.56 415.14,-129.78\"/>\r\n",
345 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"389.08\" y=\"-147.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
305346 "</g>\r\n",
306347 "<!-- LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
307 "<g id=\"edge8\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
308 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M439.691,-138.022C439.45,-148.859 443.196,-157.694 450.93,-157.694 456.006,-157.694 459.364,-153.889 461.005,-148.211\"/>\r\n",
309 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"464.511,-148.355 462.169,-138.022 457.556,-147.56 464.511,-148.355\"/>\r\n",
310 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"450.93\" y=\"-161.494\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
348 "<g id=\"edge8\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
349 "<title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
350 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M439.69,-138.02C439.45,-148.86 443.2,-157.69 450.93,-157.69 456.01,-157.69 459.36,-153.89 461,-148.21\"/>\r\n",
351 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"464.51,-148.35 462.17,-138.02 457.56,-147.56 464.51,-148.35\"/>\r\n",
352 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"450.93\" y=\"-161.49\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
311353 "</g>\r\n",
312354 "<!-- LR_7 -->\r\n",
313 "<g id=\"node9\" class=\"node\"><title>LR_7</title>\r\n",
314 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"575.625\" cy=\"-79.8472\" rx=\"31.6951\" ry=\"31.6951\"/>\r\n",
315 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"575.625\" y=\"-76.1472\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_7</text>\r\n",
355 "<g id=\"node9\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
356 "<title>LR_7</title>\r\n",
357 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"575.62\" cy=\"-84.85\" rx=\"31.7\" ry=\"31.7\"/>\r\n",
358 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"575.62\" y=\"-81.15\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">LR_7</text>\r\n",
316359 "</g>\r\n",
317360 "<!-- LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7 -->\r\n",
318 "<g id=\"edge7\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7</title>\r\n",
319 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M482.259,-100.926C497.891,-97.3585 517.169,-92.959 534.063,-89.1037\"/>\r\n",
320 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"535.249,-92.4232 544.219,-86.7859 533.691,-85.5986 535.249,-92.4232\"/>\r\n",
321 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.277\" y=\"-100.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
361 "<g id=\"edge7\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
362 "<title>LR_5&#45;&gt;LR_7</title>\r\n",
363 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M482.57,-102.1C498.09,-99.19 517.14,-95.62 533.88,-92.49\"/>\r\n",
364 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"534.76,-95.88 543.95,-90.6 533.47,-89 534.76,-95.88\"/>\r\n",
365 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.28\" y=\"-102.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
322366 "</g>\r\n",
323367 "<!-- LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8 -->\r\n",
324 "<g id=\"edge11\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8</title>\r\n",
325 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M604.384,-94.3732C618.255,-101.666 635.28,-110.668 650.472,-118.847 654.739,-121.145 659.192,-123.56 663.624,-125.976\"/>\r\n",
326 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"662.172,-129.17 672.625,-130.896 665.529,-123.028 662.172,-129.17\"/>\r\n",
327 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"637.972\" y=\"-122.647\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
368 "<g id=\"edge11\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
369 "<title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_8</title>\r\n",
370 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M604.38,-99.37C618.26,-106.67 635.28,-115.67 650.47,-123.85 654.74,-126.14 659.19,-128.56 663.62,-130.98\"/>\r\n",
371 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"662.17,-134.17 672.62,-135.9 665.53,-128.03 662.17,-134.17\"/>\r\n",
372 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"637.97\" y=\"-127.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(b)</text>\r\n",
328373 "</g>\r\n",
329374 "<!-- LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5 -->\r\n",
330 "<g id=\"edge12\" class=\"edge\"><title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
331 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M544.569,-71.6302C530.928,-69.2535 514.755,-68.3565 500.777,-72.8472 494.781,-74.7738 488.895,-77.7384 483.403,-81.1443\"/>\r\n",
332 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"481.431,-78.2524 475.135,-86.7737 485.371,-84.0385 481.431,-78.2524\"/>\r\n",
333 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.277\" y=\"-76.6472\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
375 "<g id=\"edge12\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
376 "<title>LR_7&#45;&gt;LR_5</title>\r\n",
377 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M545.05,-75.8C531.36,-72.99 515.01,-71.6 500.78,-75.85 495.43,-77.44 490.13,-79.83 485.1,-82.59\"/>\r\n",
378 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"483.11,-79.7 476.38,-87.89 486.75,-85.69 483.11,-79.7\"/>\r\n",
379 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"513.28\" y=\"-79.65\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">S(a)</text>\r\n",
334380 "</g>\r\n",
335381 "</g>\r\n",
336382 "</svg>\r\n"
337383 ],
338384 "text/plain": [
339 "< at 0x5090888>"
385 "< at 0x1c71cdf0220>"
340386 ]
341387 },
342388 "execution_count": 4,
347393 "source": [
348394 "#\n",
349395 "\n",
350 "from graphviz import Digraph\n",
351 "\n",
352 "f = Digraph('finite_state_machine', filename='fsm.gv')\n",
396 "f = graphviz.Digraph('finite_state_machine', filename='fsm.gv')\n",
353397 "f.attr(rankdir='LR', size='8,5')\n",
354398 "\n",
355399 "f.attr('node', shape='doublecircle')\n",
386430 "name": "stderr",
387431 "output_type": "stream",
388432 "text": [
389 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Tsvg']\n"
433 "[DEBUG@graphviz.backend] run ['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']\n"
390434 ]
391435 },
392436 {
395439 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n",
396440 "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\r\n",
397441 " \"\">\r\n",
398 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)\r\n",
442 "<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.46.1 (20210213.1702)\r\n",
399443 " -->\r\n",
400444 "<!-- Title: G Pages: 1 -->\r\n",
401445 "<svg width=\"222pt\" height=\"364pt\"\r\n",
402446 " viewBox=\"0.00 0.00 222.00 364.00\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\r\n",
403447 "<g id=\"graph0\" class=\"graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 360)\">\r\n",
404448 "<title>G</title>\r\n",
405 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"none\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-360 218,-360 218,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
406 "<g id=\"clust1\" class=\"cluster\"><title>cluster0</title>\r\n",
449 "<polygon fill=\"white\" stroke=\"transparent\" points=\"-4,4 -4,-360 218,-360 218,4 -4,4\"/>\r\n",
450 "<g id=\"clust1\" class=\"cluster\">\r\n",
451 "<title>cluster0</title>\r\n",
407452 "<polygon fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"64,-152 64,-348 206,-348 206,-152 64,-152\"/>\r\n",
408453 "</g>\r\n",
409 "<g id=\"clust2\" class=\"cluster\"><title>cluster1</title>\r\n",
454 "<g id=\"clust2\" class=\"cluster\">\r\n",
455 "<title>cluster1</title>\r\n",
410456 "<polygon fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"64,-8 64,-132 206,-132 206,-8 64,-8\"/>\r\n",
411457 "</g>\r\n",
412458 "<!-- a -->\r\n",
413 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\"><title>a</title>\r\n",
459 "<g id=\"node1\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
460 "<title>a</title>\r\n",
414461 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"135\" cy=\"-322\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
415462 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"135\" y=\"-318.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">a</text>\r\n",
416463 "</g>\r\n",
417464 "<!-- b -->\r\n",
418 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\"><title>b</title>\r\n",
465 "<g id=\"node2\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
466 "<title>b</title>\r\n",
419467 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-250\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
420468 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-246.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">b</text>\r\n",
421469 "</g>\r\n",
422470 "<!-- a&#45;&gt;b -->\r\n",
423 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\"><title>a&#45;&gt;b</title>\r\n",
424 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M126.65,-304.765C122.288,-296.283 116.853,-285.714 111.959,-276.197\"/>\r\n",
425 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"114.99,-274.439 107.304,-267.147 108.765,-277.641 114.99,-274.439\"/>\r\n",
471 "<g id=\"edge1\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
472 "<title>a&#45;&gt;b</title>\r\n",
473 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M126.65,-304.76C122.29,-296.28 116.85,-285.71 111.96,-276.2\"/>\r\n",
474 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"114.99,-274.44 107.3,-267.15 108.77,-277.64 114.99,-274.44\"/>\r\n",
426475 "</g>\r\n",
427476 "<!-- c -->\r\n",
428 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\"><title>c</title>\r\n",
477 "<g id=\"node3\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
478 "<title>c</title>\r\n",
429479 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"171\" cy=\"-250\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
430480 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"171\" y=\"-246.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">c</text>\r\n",
431481 "</g>\r\n",
432482 "<!-- a&#45;&gt;c -->\r\n",
433 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\"><title>a&#45;&gt;c</title>\r\n",
434 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M143.35,-304.765C147.712,-296.283 153.147,-285.714 158.041,-276.197\"/>\r\n",
435 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"161.235,-277.641 162.696,-267.147 155.01,-274.439 161.235,-277.641\"/>\r\n",
483 "<g id=\"edge2\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
484 "<title>a&#45;&gt;c</title>\r\n",
485 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M143.35,-304.76C147.71,-296.28 153.15,-285.71 158.04,-276.2\"/>\r\n",
486 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"161.23,-277.64 162.7,-267.15 155.01,-274.44 161.23,-277.64\"/>\r\n",
436487 "</g>\r\n",
437488 "<!-- d -->\r\n",
438 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\"><title>d</title>\r\n",
489 "<g id=\"node4\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
490 "<title>d</title>\r\n",
439491 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-178\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
440492 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-174.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">d</text>\r\n",
441493 "</g>\r\n",
442494 "<!-- b&#45;&gt;d -->\r\n",
443 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\"><title>b&#45;&gt;d</title>\r\n",
444 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-231.697C99,-223.983 99,-214.712 99,-206.112\"/>\r\n",
445 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-206.104 99,-196.104 95.5001,-206.104 102.5,-206.104\"/>\r\n",
495 "<g id=\"edge3\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
496 "<title>b&#45;&gt;d</title>\r\n",
497 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-231.7C99,-223.98 99,-214.71 99,-206.11\"/>\r\n",
498 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-206.1 99,-196.1 95.5,-206.1 102.5,-206.1\"/>\r\n",
446499 "</g>\r\n",
447500 "<!-- f -->\r\n",
448 "<g id=\"node7\" class=\"node\"><title>f</title>\r\n",
501 "<g id=\"node7\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
502 "<title>f</title>\r\n",
449503 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-34\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
450504 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-30.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">f</text>\r\n",
451505 "</g>\r\n",
452506 "<!-- b&#45;&gt;f -->\r\n",
453 "<g id=\"edge7\" class=\"edge\"><title>b&#45;&gt;f</title>\r\n",
454 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M112.75,-234.069C120.961,-224.1 130.619,-210.247 135,-196 142.052,-173.066 145.58,-157.538 145.581,-142.011\"/>\r\n",
455 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"149.063,-141.547 145.075,-131.731 142.071,-141.891 149.063,-141.547\"/>\r\n",
507 "<g id=\"edge7\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
508 "<title>b&#45;&gt;f</title>\r\n",
509 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M112.75,-234.07C120.96,-224.1 130.62,-210.25 135,-196 142.02,-173.17 145.55,-157.68 145.58,-142.23\"/>\r\n",
510 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"149.07,-141.82 145.1,-132 142.07,-142.15 149.07,-141.82\"/>\r\n",
456511 "</g>\r\n",
457512 "<!-- c&#45;&gt;d -->\r\n",
458 "<g id=\"edge4\" class=\"edge\"><title>c&#45;&gt;d</title>\r\n",
459 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M156.43,-234.834C146.25,-224.938 132.476,-211.546 120.969,-200.359\"/>\r\n",
460 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"123.405,-197.846 113.796,-193.385 118.526,-202.865 123.405,-197.846\"/>\r\n",
513 "<g id=\"edge4\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
514 "<title>c&#45;&gt;d</title>\r\n",
515 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M156.43,-234.83C146.25,-224.94 132.48,-211.55 120.97,-200.36\"/>\r\n",
516 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"123.41,-197.85 113.8,-193.38 118.53,-202.87 123.41,-197.85\"/>\r\n",
461517 "</g>\r\n",
462518 "<!-- e -->\r\n",
463 "<g id=\"node5\" class=\"node\"><title>e</title>\r\n",
519 "<g id=\"node5\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
520 "<title>e</title>\r\n",
464521 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"99\" cy=\"-106\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
465522 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"99\" y=\"-102.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">e</text>\r\n",
466523 "</g>\r\n",
467524 "<!-- c&#45;&gt;e -->\r\n",
468 "<g id=\"edge10\" class=\"edge\"><title>c&#45;&gt;e</title>\r\n",
469 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M135,-152C130.703,-144.409 125.157,-136.769 119.712,-129.993\"/>\r\n",
470 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"122.073,-127.362 112.969,-121.943 116.707,-131.857 122.073,-127.362\"/>\r\n",
525 "<g id=\"edge10\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
526 "<title>c&#45;&gt;e</title>\r\n",
527 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M135,-152C130.7,-144.41 125.16,-136.77 119.71,-129.99\"/>\r\n",
528 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"122.07,-127.36 112.97,-121.94 116.71,-131.86 122.07,-127.36\"/>\r\n",
471529 "</g>\r\n",
472530 "<!-- g -->\r\n",
473 "<g id=\"node6\" class=\"node\"><title>g</title>\r\n",
531 "<g id=\"node6\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
532 "<title>g</title>\r\n",
474533 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"171\" cy=\"-34\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
475534 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"171\" y=\"-30.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">g</text>\r\n",
476535 "</g>\r\n",
477536 "<!-- c&#45;&gt;g -->\r\n",
478 "<g id=\"edge9\" class=\"edge\"><title>c&#45;&gt;g</title>\r\n",
479 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M171,-152.011C171,-148.759 171,-145.494 171,-142.23\"/>\r\n",
480 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"174.5,-141.93 171,-131.93 167.5,-141.93 174.5,-141.93\"/>\r\n",
537 "<g id=\"edge9\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
538 "<title>c&#45;&gt;g</title>\r\n",
539 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M171,-152C171,-148.77 171,-145.53 171,-142.29\"/>\r\n",
540 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"174.5,-141.99 171,-132 167.5,-142 174.5,-141.99\"/>\r\n",
481541 "</g>\r\n",
482542 "<!-- d&#45;&gt;e -->\r\n",
483 "<g id=\"edge8\" class=\"edge\"><title>d&#45;&gt;e</title>\r\n",
484 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-159.697C99,-151.983 99,-142.712 99,-134.112\"/>\r\n",
485 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-134.104 99,-124.104 95.5001,-134.104 102.5,-134.104\"/>\r\n",
543 "<g id=\"edge8\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
544 "<title>d&#45;&gt;e</title>\r\n",
545 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-159.7C99,-151.98 99,-142.71 99,-134.11\"/>\r\n",
546 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-134.1 99,-124.1 95.5,-134.1 102.5,-134.1\"/>\r\n",
486547 "</g>\r\n",
487548 "<!-- h -->\r\n",
488 "<g id=\"node8\" class=\"node\"><title>h</title>\r\n",
549 "<g id=\"node8\" class=\"node\">\r\n",
550 "<title>h</title>\r\n",
489551 "<ellipse fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"27\" cy=\"-106\" rx=\"27\" ry=\"18\"/>\r\n",
490552 "<text text-anchor=\"middle\" x=\"27\" y=\"-102.3\" font-family=\"Times New Roman,serif\" font-size=\"14.00\">h</text>\r\n",
491553 "</g>\r\n",
492554 "<!-- d&#45;&gt;h -->\r\n",
493 "<g id=\"edge11\" class=\"edge\"><title>d&#45;&gt;h</title>\r\n",
494 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M84.4297,-162.834C74.2501,-152.938 60.4761,-139.546 48.9694,-128.359\"/>\r\n",
495 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"51.4055,-125.846 41.7957,-121.385 46.5259,-130.865 51.4055,-125.846\"/>\r\n",
555 "<g id=\"edge11\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
556 "<title>d&#45;&gt;h</title>\r\n",
557 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M84.43,-162.83C74.25,-152.94 60.48,-139.55 48.97,-128.36\"/>\r\n",
558 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"51.41,-125.85 41.8,-121.38 46.53,-130.87 51.41,-125.85\"/>\r\n",
496559 "</g>\r\n",
497560 "<!-- e&#45;&gt;g -->\r\n",
498 "<g id=\"edge5\" class=\"edge\"><title>e&#45;&gt;g</title>\r\n",
499 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M113.57,-90.8345C123.75,-80.9376 137.524,-67.5462 149.031,-56.3591\"/>\r\n",
500 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"151.474,-58.865 156.204,-49.3847 146.595,-53.8461 151.474,-58.865\"/>\r\n",
561 "<g id=\"edge5\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
562 "<title>e&#45;&gt;g</title>\r\n",
563 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M113.57,-90.83C123.75,-80.94 137.52,-67.55 149.03,-56.36\"/>\r\n",
564 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"151.47,-58.87 156.2,-49.38 146.59,-53.85 151.47,-58.87\"/>\r\n",
501565 "</g>\r\n",
502566 "<!-- e&#45;&gt;f -->\r\n",
503 "<g id=\"edge6\" class=\"edge\"><title>e&#45;&gt;f</title>\r\n",
504 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-87.6966C99,-79.9827 99,-70.7125 99,-62.1124\"/>\r\n",
505 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-62.1043 99,-52.1043 95.5001,-62.1044 102.5,-62.1043\"/>\r\n",
567 "<g id=\"edge6\" class=\"edge\">\r\n",
568 "<title>e&#45;&gt;f</title>\r\n",
569 "<path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M99,-87.7C99,-79.98 99,-70.71 99,-62.11\"/>\r\n",
570 "<polygon fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" points=\"102.5,-62.1 99,-52.1 95.5,-62.1 102.5,-62.1\"/>\r\n",
506571 "</g>\r\n",
507572 "</g>\r\n",
508573 "</svg>\r\n"
509574 ],
510575 "text/plain": [
511 "< at 0x5094308>"
576 "< at 0x1c71cdf19d0>"
512577 ]
513578 },
514579 "execution_count": 5,
517582 }
518583 ],
519584 "source": [
520 "# Figure 20\n",
521 "\n",
522 "from graphviz import Digraph\n",
523 "\n",
524 "g = Digraph('G', filename='cluster_edge.gv')\n",
585 "#, Figure 20\n",
586 "\n",
587 "g = graphviz.Digraph('G', filename='cluster_edge.gv')\n",
525588 "g.attr(compound='true')\n",
526589 "\n",
527590 "with g.subgraph(name='cluster0') as c:\n",
556619 "name": "python",
557620 "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
558621 "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
559 "version": "3.7.4"
622 "version": "3.9.4"
560623 }
561624 },
562625 "nbformat": 4,
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Graph
2 """"""
5 g = Graph('G', filename='process.gv', engine='sfdp')
4 import graphviz
6 g = graphviz.Graph('G', filename='process.gv', engine='sfdp')
78 g.edge('run', 'intr')
89 g.edge('intr', 'runbl')
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 #
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 """"""
34 import graphviz
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """"""
5 s = Digraph('structs', node_attr={'shape': 'plaintext'})
4 import graphviz
6 s = graphviz.Digraph('structs', node_attr={'shape': 'plaintext'})
78 s.node('struct1', '''<
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # - Figure 12
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """, Figure 12"""
5 s = Digraph('structs', filename='structs_revisited.gv',
6 node_attr={'shape': 'record'})
4 import graphviz
6 s = graphviz.Digraph('structs', filename='structs_revisited.gv',
7 node_attr={'shape': 'record'})
89 s.node('struct1', '<f0> left|<f1> middle|<f2> right')
910 s.node('struct2', '<f0> one|<f1> two')
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """"""
5 t = Digraph('TrafficLights', filename='traffic_lights.gv', engine='neato')
4 import graphviz
6 t = graphviz.Digraph('TrafficLights', filename='traffic_lights.gv',
7 engine='neato')
79 t.attr('node', shape='box')
810 for i in (2, 1):
9 t.node('gy%d' % i)
10 t.node('yr%d' % i)
11 t.node('rg%d' % i)
11 t.node(f'gy{i:d}')
12 t.node(f'yr{i:d}')
13 t.node(f'rg{i:d}')
1315 t.attr('node', shape='circle', fixedsize='true', width='0.9')
1416 for i in (2, 1):
15 t.node('green%d' % i)
16 t.node('yellow%d' % i)
17 t.node('red%d' % i)
18 t.node('safe%d' % i)
17 t.node(f'green{i:d}')
18 t.node(f'yellow{i:d}')
19 t.node(f'red{i:d}')
20 t.node(f'safe{i:d}')
2022 for i, j in [(2, 1), (1, 2)]:
21 t.edge('gy%d' % i, 'yellow%d' % i)
22 t.edge('rg%d' % i, 'green%d' % i)
23 t.edge('yr%d' % i, 'safe%d' % j)
24 t.edge('yr%d' % i, 'red%d' % i)
25 t.edge('safe%d' % i, 'rg%d' % i)
26 t.edge('green%d' % i, 'gy%d' % i)
27 t.edge('yellow%d' % i, 'yr%d' % i)
28 t.edge('red%d' % i, 'rg%d' % i)
23 t.edge(f'gy{i:d}', f'yellow{i:d}')
24 t.edge(f'rg{i:d}', f'green{i:d}')
25 t.edge(f'yr{i:d}', f'safe{j:d}')
26 t.edge(f'yr{i:d}', f'red{i:d}')
27 t.edge(f'safe{i:d}', f'rg{i:d}')
28 t.edge(f'green{i:d}', f'gy{i:d}')
29 t.edge(f'yellow{i:d}', f'yr{i:d}')
30 t.edge(f'red{i:d}', f'rg{i:d}')
3032 t.attr(overlap='false')
3133 t.attr(label=r'PetriNet Model TrafficLights\n'
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # -
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from graphviz import Digraph
2 """"""
5 u = Digraph('unix', filename='unix.gv',
6 node_attr={'color': 'lightblue2', 'style': 'filled'})
4 import graphviz
6 u = graphviz.Digraph('unix', filename='unix.gv',
7 node_attr={'color': 'lightblue2', 'style': 'filled'})
78 u.attr(size='6,6')
910 u.edge('5th Edition', '6th Edition')
22 """Assemble DOT source code and render it with Graphviz.
4 >>> dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
4 >>> import graphviz
5 >>> dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
67 >>> dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')
78 >>> dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')
2324 }
2425 """
27 from .backend import (render, pipe, unflatten, version, view,
29 ExecutableNotFound, RequiredArgumentError)
2630 from .dot import Graph, Digraph
2731 from .files import Source
2832 from .lang import escape, nohtml
29 from .backend import (render, pipe, version, view,
31 ExecutableNotFound, RequiredArgumentError)
33 __all__ = [
34 'Graph', 'Digraph',
35 'Source',
36 'escape', 'nohtml',
37 'render', 'pipe', 'version', 'view',
39 'ExecutableNotFound', 'RequiredArgumentError',
40 ]
34 __all__ = ['Graph', 'Digraph',
35 'Source',
36 'escape', 'nohtml',
37 'render', 'pipe', 'unflatten', 'version', 'view',
39 'ExecutableNotFound', 'RequiredArgumentError']
4241 __title__ = 'graphviz'
43 __version__ = '0.14.2'
42 __version__ = '0.17'
4443 __author__ = 'Sebastian Bank <>'
4544 __license__ = 'MIT, see LICENSE.txt'
46 __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Sebastian Bank'
45 __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Sebastian Bank'
48 #: Set of known layout commands used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...)
47 #: :class:`set` of known layout commands used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...)
51 #: Set of known output formats for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...)
50 #: :class:`set` of known output formats for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...)
54 #: Set of known output formatters for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...)
53 #: :class:`set` of known output formatters for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...)
57 #: Set of known output renderers for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...)
56 #: :class:`set` of known output renderers for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...)
6059 ExecutableNotFound = ExecutableNotFound
graphviz/ less more
0 # - Python 2/3 compatibility
2 import os
3 import sys
4 import operator
5 import subprocess
7 PY2 = (sys.version_info.major == 2)
10 if PY2:
11 string_classes = (str, unicode) # needed individually for sublassing
12 text_type = unicode
14 iteritems = operator.methodcaller('iteritems')
16 def makedirs(name, mode=0o777, exist_ok=False):
17 try:
18 os.makedirs(name, mode)
19 except OSError:
20 if not exist_ok or not os.path.isdir(name):
21 raise
23 def stderr_write_bytes(data, flush=False):
24 """Write data str to sys.stderr (flush if requested)."""
25 sys.stderr.write(data)
26 if flush:
27 sys.stderr.flush()
29 def Popen_stderr_devnull(*args, **kwargs): # noqa: N802
30 with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
31 return subprocess.Popen(*args, stderr=f, **kwargs)
33 class CalledProcessError(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
35 def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output=None, stderr=None):
36 super(CalledProcessError, self).__init__(returncode, cmd, output)
37 self.stderr = stderr
39 @property # pragma: no cover
40 def stdout(self):
41 return self.output
43 @stdout.setter # pragma: no cover
44 def stdout(self, value):
45 self.output = value
48 else:
49 string_classes = (str,)
50 text_type = str
52 def iteritems(d):
53 return iter(d.items())
55 def makedirs(name, mode=0o777, exist_ok=False): # allow os.makedirs mocking
56 return os.makedirs(name, mode, exist_ok=exist_ok)
58 def stderr_write_bytes(data, flush=False):
59 """Encode data str and write to sys.stderr (flush if requested)."""
60 encoding = sys.stderr.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding()
61 sys.stderr.write(data.decode(encoding))
62 if flush:
63 sys.stderr.flush()
65 def Popen_stderr_devnull(*args, **kwargs): # noqa: N802
66 return subprocess.Popen(*args, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, **kwargs)
68 CalledProcessError = subprocess.CalledProcessError
0 # - execute rendering, open files in viewer
2 import os
3 import re
0 """Execute rendering subprocesses and open files in viewer."""
42 import errno
53 import logging
4 import os
65 import platform
6 import re
77 import subprocess
9 from . import _compat
8 import sys
9 import typing
1111 from . import tools
13 __all__ = [
14 'render', 'pipe', 'version', 'view',
16 'ExecutableNotFound', 'RequiredArgumentError',
17 ]
13 __all__ = ['render', 'pipe', 'unflatten', 'version', 'view',
15 'ExecutableNotFound', 'RequiredArgumentError']
1917 ENGINES = { #
2018 'dot', 'neato', 'twopi', 'circo', 'fdp', 'sfdp', 'patchwork', 'osage',
8078 FORMATTERS = {'cairo', 'core', 'gd', 'gdiplus', 'gdwbmp', 'xlib'}
80 ENCODING = 'utf-8'
8282 PLATFORM = platform.system().lower()
8888 class ExecutableNotFound(RuntimeError):
8989 """Exception raised if the Graphviz executable is not found."""
91 _msg = ('failed to execute %r, '
91 _msg = ('failed to execute {!r}, '
9292 'make sure the Graphviz executables are on your systems\' PATH')
9494 def __init__(self, args):
95 super(ExecutableNotFound, self).__init__(self._msg % args)
95 super().__init__(self._msg.format(*args))
9898 class RequiredArgumentError(Exception):
99 """Exception raised if a required argument is missing."""
102 class CalledProcessError(_compat.CalledProcessError):
99 """Exception raised if a required argument is missing (i.e. ``None``)."""
102 class CalledProcessError(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
104104 def __str__(self):
105 s = super(CalledProcessError, self).__str__()
106 return '%s [stderr: %r]' % (s, self.stderr)
109 def command(engine, format_, filepath=None, renderer=None, formatter=None):
105 s = super().__str__()
106 return f'{s} [stderr: {self.stderr!r}]'
109 def command(engine: str, format_: str, filepath=None,
110 renderer: typing.Optional[str] = None,
111 formatter: typing.Optional[str] = None):
110112 """Return args list for ``subprocess.Popen`` and name of the rendered file."""
111113 if formatter is not None and renderer is None:
112114 raise RequiredArgumentError('formatter given without renderer')
114116 if engine not in ENGINES:
115 raise ValueError('unknown engine: %r' % engine)
117 raise ValueError(f'unknown engine: {engine!r}')
116118 if format_ not in FORMATS:
117 raise ValueError('unknown format: %r' % format_)
119 raise ValueError(f'unknown format: {format_!r}')
118120 if renderer is not None and renderer not in RENDERERS:
119 raise ValueError('unknown renderer: %r' % renderer)
121 raise ValueError(f'unknown renderer: {renderer!r}')
120122 if formatter is not None and formatter not in FORMATTERS:
121 raise ValueError('unknown formatter: %r' % formatter)
123 raise ValueError(f'unknown formatter: {formatter!r}')
123125 output_format = [f for f in (format_, renderer, formatter) if f is not None]
124 cmd = [engine, '-T%s' % ':'.join(output_format)]
126 cmd = ['dot', '-K%s' % engine, '-T%s' % ':'.join(output_format)]
126128 if filepath is None:
127129 rendered = None
128130 else:
129131 cmd.extend(['-O', filepath])
130132 suffix = '.'.join(reversed(output_format))
131 rendered = '%s.%s' % (filepath, suffix)
133 rendered = f'{filepath}.{suffix}'
133135 return cmd, rendered
146148 return None
149 def run(cmd, input=None, capture_output=False, check=False, encoding=None,
150 quiet=False, **kwargs):
151 """Run the command described by cmd and return its (stdout, stderr) tuple."""
151 def run(cmd, input=None,
152 capture_output: bool = False,
153 check: bool = False,
154 encoding: typing.Optional[str] = None,
155 quiet: bool = False,
156 **kwargs) -> typing.Tuple:
157 """Run the command described by cmd and return its ``(stdout, stderr)`` tuple."""
152158 log.debug('run %r', cmd)
154160 if input is not None:
156162 if encoding is not None:
157163 input = input.encode(encoding)
159 if capture_output:
165 if capture_output: # Python 3.6 compat
160166 kwargs['stdout'] = kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
162168 try:
163169 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, startupinfo=get_startupinfo(), **kwargs)
164170 except OSError as e:
165171 if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
166 raise ExecutableNotFound(cmd)
172 raise ExecutableNotFound(cmd) from e
167173 else:
168174 raise
170176 out, err = proc.communicate(input)
172178 if not quiet and err:
173 _compat.stderr_write_bytes(err, flush=True)
179 err_encoding = sys.stderr.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding()
180 sys.stderr.write(err.decode(err_encoding))
181 sys.stderr.flush()
175183 if encoding is not None:
176184 if out is not None:
185193 return out, err
188 def render(engine, format, filepath, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False):
196 def render(engine: str, format: str, filepath,
197 renderer: typing.Optional[str] = None,
198 formatter: typing.Optional[str] = None,
199 quiet: bool = False) -> str:
189200 """Render file with Graphviz ``engine`` into ``format``, return result filename.
191202 Args:
192 engine: The layout commmand used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...).
193 format: The output format used for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).
203 engine: Layout commmand for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...).
204 format: Output format for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).
194205 filepath: Path to the DOT source file to render.
195 renderer: The output renderer used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
196 formatter: The output formatter used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
197 quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
206 renderer: Output renderer (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
207 formatter: Output formatter (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
208 quiet: Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
198210 Returns:
199211 The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.
200213 Raises:
201214 ValueError: If ``engine``, ``format``, ``renderer``, or ``formatter`` are not known.
202215 graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but ``renderer`` is None.
203216 graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz executable is not found.
204217 subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
206 The layout command is started from the directory of ``filepath``, so that
207 references to external files (e.g. ``[image=...]``) can be given as paths
208 relative to the DOT source file.
219 Note:
220 The layout command is started from the directory of ``filepath``, so that
221 references to external files (e.g. ``[image=...]``) can be given as paths
222 relative to the DOT source file.
209223 """
210224 dirname, filename = os.path.split(filepath)
211225 del filepath
221235 return rendered
224 def pipe(engine, format, data, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False):
238 def pipe(engine: str, format: str, data: bytes,
239 renderer: typing.Optional[str] = None,
240 formatter: typing.Optional[str] = None,
241 quiet: bool = False) -> bytes:
225242 """Return ``data`` piped through Graphviz ``engine`` into ``format``.
227244 Args:
228 engine: The layout commmand used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...).
229 format: The output format used for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).
230 data: The binary (encoded) DOT source string to render.
231 renderer: The output renderer used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
232 formatter: The output formatter used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
233 quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
245 engine: Layout commmand for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...).
246 format: Output format for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).
247 data: Binary (encoded) DOT source string to render.
248 renderer: Output renderer (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
249 formatter: Output formatter (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
250 quiet: Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
234252 Returns:
235253 Binary (encoded) stdout of the layout command.
236255 Raises:
237256 ValueError: If ``engine``, ``format``, ``renderer``, or ``formatter`` are not known.
238 graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but ``renderer`` is None.
257 graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but no ``renderer``.
239258 graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz executable is not found.
240259 subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
261 Example:
262 >>> import graphviz
263 >>> graphviz.pipe('dot', 'svg', b'graph { hello -- world }')
264 b'<?xml version=...'
241265 """
242266 cmd, _ = command(engine, format, None, renderer, formatter)
243267 out, _ = run(cmd, input=data, capture_output=True, check=True, quiet=quiet)
244268 return out
247 def version():
271 def unflatten(source: str,
272 stagger: typing.Optional[int] = None,
273 fanout: bool = False,
274 chain: typing.Optional[int] = None,
275 encoding: str = ENCODING) -> str:
276 """Return DOT ``source`` piped through Graphviz *unflatten* preprocessor.
278 Args:
279 source: DOT source to process (improve layout aspect ratio).
280 stagger: Stagger the minimum length of leaf edges between 1 and this small integer.
281 fanout: Fanout nodes with indegree = outdegree = 1 when staggering (requires ``stagger``).
282 chain: Form disconnected nodes into chains of up to this many nodes.
283 encoding: Encoding to encode unflatten stdin and decode its stdout.
285 Returns:
286 Decoded stdout of the Graphviz unflatten command.
288 Raises:
289 graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``fanout`` is given but no ``stagger``.
290 graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz unflatten executable is not found.
291 subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
293 See also:
295 """
296 if fanout and stagger is None:
297 raise RequiredArgumentError('fanout given without stagger')
299 cmd = ['unflatten']
300 if stagger is not None:
301 cmd += ['-l', str(stagger)]
302 if fanout:
303 cmd.append('-f')
304 if chain is not None:
305 cmd += ['-c', str(chain)]
307 out, _ = run(cmd, input=source, capture_output=True, encoding=encoding)
308 return out
311 def version() -> typing.Tuple[int, ...]:
248312 """Return the version number tuple from the ``stderr`` output of ``dot -V``.
250314 Returns:
251315 Two, three, or four ``int`` version ``tuple``.
252317 Raises:
253318 graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz executable is not found.
254319 subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
255 RuntimmeError: If the output cannot be parsed into a version number.
320 RuntimeError: If the output cannot be parsed into a version number.
322 Example:
323 >>> import graphviz
324 >>> graphviz.version()
325 (...)
257327 Note:
258328 Ignores the ``~dev.<YYYYmmdd.HHMM>`` portion of development versions.
260 See also Graphviz Release version entry format:
330 See also:
331 Graphviz Release version entry format:
262333 """
263334 cmd = ['dot', '-V']
264335 out, _ = run(cmd, check=True, encoding='ascii',
277348 r')?'
278349 r' ', out)
279350 if ma is None:
280 raise RuntimeError('cannot parse %r output: %r' % (cmd, out))
351 raise RuntimeError(f'cannot parse {cmd!r} output: {out!r}')
282353 return tuple(int(d) for d in ma.groups() if d is not None)
285 def view(filepath, quiet=False):
356 def view(filepath, quiet: bool = False) -> None:
286357 """Open filepath with its default viewing application (platform-specific).
288359 Args:
289360 filepath: Path to the file to open in viewer.
290 quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the viewer process
291 (ineffective on Windows).
361 quiet: Suppress ``stderr`` output from the viewer process
362 (ineffective on Windows).
364 Returns:
365 ``None``
292367 Raises:
293368 RuntimeError: If the current platform is not supported.
299374 try:
300375 view_func = getattr(view, PLATFORM)
301376 except AttributeError:
302 raise RuntimeError('platform %r not supported' % PLATFORM)
303 view_func(filepath, quiet)
377 raise RuntimeError(f'platform {PLATFORM!r} not supported')
378 view_func(filepath, quiet=quiet)
306381 @tools.attach(view, 'darwin')
307 def view_darwin(filepath, quiet):
382 def view_darwin(filepath, *, quiet: bool) -> None:
308383 """Open filepath with its default application (mac)."""
309384 cmd = ['open', filepath]
310385 log.debug('view: %r', cmd)
311 popen_func = _compat.Popen_stderr_devnull if quiet else subprocess.Popen
312 popen_func(cmd)
386 kwargs = {'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL} if quiet else {}
387 subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
315390 @tools.attach(view, 'linux')
316391 @tools.attach(view, 'freebsd')
317 def view_unixoid(filepath, quiet):
392 def view_unixoid(filepath, *, quiet: bool) -> None:
318393 """Open filepath in the user's preferred application (linux, freebsd)."""
319394 cmd = ['xdg-open', filepath]
320395 log.debug('view: %r', cmd)
321 popen_func = _compat.Popen_stderr_devnull if quiet else subprocess.Popen
322 popen_func(cmd)
396 kwargs = {'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL} if quiet else {}
397 subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
325400 @tools.attach(view, 'windows')
326 def view_windows(filepath, quiet):
401 def view_windows(filepath, *, quiet: bool) -> None:
327402 """Start filepath with its associated application (windows)."""
328403 # TODO: implement quiet=True
329404 filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath)
22 r"""Assemble DOT source code objects.
4 >>> dot = Graph(comment=u'M\xf8nti Pyth\xf8n ik den H\xf8lie Grailen')
6 >>> dot.node(u'M\xf8\xf8se')
7 >>> dot.node('trained_by', u'trained by')
8 >>> dot.node('tutte', u'TUTTE HERMSGERVORDENBROTBORDA')
10 >>> dot.edge(u'M\xf8\xf8se', 'trained_by')
4 >>> import graphviz
5 >>> dot = graphviz.Graph(comment='M\xf8nti Pyth\xf8n ik den H\xf8lie Grailen')
7 >>> dot.node('M\xf8\xf8se')
8 >>> dot.node('trained_by', 'trained by')
9 >>> dot.node('tutte', 'TUTTE HERMSGERVORDENBROTBORDA')
11 >>> dot.edge('M\xf8\xf8se', 'trained_by')
1112 >>> dot.edge('trained_by', 'tutte')
1314 >>> dot.node_attr['shape'] = 'rectangle'
15 >>> print(dot.source.replace(u'\xf8', '0')) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
16 >>> print(dot.source.replace('\xf8', '0')) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
1617 // M0nti Pyth0n ik den H0lie Grailen
1718 graph {
1819 node [shape=rectangle]
2728 'test-output/m00se.gv.pdf'
2829 """
31 from . import backend
32 from . import files
3033 from . import lang
31 from . import files
3335 __all__ = ['Graph', 'Digraph']
5254 def __init__(self, name=None, comment=None,
5355 filename=None, directory=None,
54 format=None, engine=None, encoding=files.ENCODING,
56 format=None, engine=None, encoding=backend.ENCODING,
5557 graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, body=None,
5658 strict=False):
5759 = name
5860 self.comment = comment
60 super(Dot, self).__init__(filename, directory, format, engine, encoding)
62 super().__init__(filename, directory, format, engine, encoding)
6264 self.graph_attr = dict(graph_attr) if graph_attr is not None else {}
6365 self.node_attr = dict(node_attr) if node_attr is not None else {}
6870 self.strict = strict
7072 def _kwargs(self):
71 result = super(Dot, self)._kwargs()
73 result = super()._kwargs()
7274 result.update(,
7375 comment=self.comment,
7476 graph_attr=dict(self.graph_attr),
103105 yield head % (self._quote( + ' ' if else '')
105107 for kw in ('graph', 'node', 'edge'):
106 attrs = getattr(self, '%s_attr' % kw)
108 attrs = getattr(self, f'{kw}_attr')
107109 if attrs:
108110 yield self._attr % (kw, self._attr_list(None, attrs))
113115 yield self._tail
115 def __str__(self):
117 @property
118 def source(self):
116119 """The DOT source code as string."""
117120 return '\n'.join(self)
119 source = property(__str__, doc=__str__.__doc__)
121122 def node(self, name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs):
122123 """Create a node.
132133 self.body.append(line)
134135 def edge(self, tail_name, head_name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs):
135 """Create an edge between two nodes.
136 """Create an edge between two nodes.
137138 Args:
138139 tail_name: Start node identifier (format: ``node[:port[:compass]]``).
156157 """Create a bunch of edges.
158159 Args:
159 tail_head_iter: Iterable of ``(tail_name, head_name)`` pairs (format:``node[:port[:compass]]``).
160 tail_head_iter: Iterable of ``(tail_name, head_name)`` pairs
161 (format:``node[:port[:compass]]``).
162164 Note:
180182 See the :ref:`usage examples in the User Guide <attributes>`.
181183 """
182184 if kw is not None and kw.lower() not in ('graph', 'node', 'edge'):
183 raise ValueError('attr statement must target graph, node, or edge: '
184 '%r' % kw)
185 raise ValueError('attr statement must target graph, node, or edge:'
186 f' {kw!r}')
185187 if attrs or _attributes:
186188 if kw is None:
187189 a_list = self._a_list(None, attrs, _attributes)
211213 See the :ref:`usage examples in the User Guide <subgraphs>`.
215 When used as a context manager, the returned new graph instance uses
216 ``strict=None`` and the parent graph's values for ``directory``,
217 ``format``, ``engine``, and ``encoding`` by default.
213219 Note:
214220 If the ``name`` of the subgraph begins with ``'cluster'`` (all lowercase)
215221 the layout engine will treat it as a special cluster subgraph.
217223 if graph is None:
218224 return SubgraphContext(self, {'name': name,
219225 'comment': comment,
226 'directory':,
227 'format': self.format,
228 'engine': self.engine,
229 'encoding': self.encoding,
220230 'graph_attr': graph_attr,
221231 'node_attr': node_attr,
222232 'edge_attr': edge_attr,
223 'body': body})
233 'body': body,
234 'strict': None})
225236 args = [name, comment, graph_attr, node_attr, edge_attr, body]
226237 if not all(a is None for a in args):
227238 raise ValueError('graph must be sole argument of subgraph()')
229240 if graph.directed != self.directed:
230 raise ValueError('%r cannot add subgraph of different kind:'
231 ' %r' % (self, graph))
241 raise ValueError(f'{self!r} cannot add subgraph of different kind:'
242 f' {graph!r}')
233244 lines = ['\t' + line for line in graph.__iter__(subgraph=True)]
234245 self.body.extend(lines)
22 """Save DOT code objects, render with Graphviz dot, and open in viewer."""
4 import os
5 import io
64 import codecs
75 import locale
86 import logging
10 from ._compat import text_type
7 import os
129 from . import backend
1310 from . import tools
1512 __all__ = ['File', 'Source']
17 ENCODING = 'utf-8'
2015 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2318 class Base(object):
20 _engine = 'dot'
2522 _format = 'pdf'
26 _engine = 'dot'
27 _encoding = ENCODING
24 _encoding = backend.ENCODING
26 @property
27 def engine(self):
28 """The layout commmand used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...)."""
29 return self._engine
31 @engine.setter
32 def engine(self, engine):
33 engine = engine.lower()
34 if engine not in backend.ENGINES:
35 raise ValueError(f'unknown engine: {engine!r}')
36 self._engine = engine
2938 @property
3039 def format(self):
3544 def format(self, format):
3645 format = format.lower()
3746 if format not in backend.FORMATS:
38 raise ValueError('unknown format: %r' % format)
47 raise ValueError(f'unknown format: {format!r}')
3948 self._format = format
41 @property
42 def engine(self):
43 """The layout commmand used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...)."""
44 return self._engine
46 @engine.setter
47 def engine(self, engine):
48 engine = engine.lower()
49 if engine not in backend.ENGINES:
50 raise ValueError('unknown engine: %r' % engine)
51 self._engine = engine
5350 @property
5451 def encoding(self):
8481 _default_extension = 'gv'
8683 def __init__(self, filename=None, directory=None,
87 format=None, engine=None, encoding=ENCODING):
84 format=None, engine=None, encoding=backend.ENCODING):
8885 if filename is None:
8986 name = getattr(self, 'name', None) or self.__class__.__name__
90 filename = '%s.%s' % (name, self._default_extension)
87 filename = f'{name}.{self._default_extension}'
9188 self.filename = filename
9390 if directory is not None:
10299 self.encoding = encoding
104101 def _kwargs(self):
105 result = super(File, self)._kwargs()
102 result = super()._kwargs()
106103 result['filename'] = self.filename
107104 if 'directory' in self.__dict__:
108105 result['directory'] =
109106 return result
108 def __str__(self):
109 """The DOT source code as string."""
110 return self.source
112 def unflatten(self, stagger=None, fanout=False, chain=None):
113 """Return a new :class:`.Source` instance with the source piped through the Graphviz *unflatten* preprocessor.
115 Args:
116 stagger (int): Stagger the minimum length of leaf edges between 1 and this small integer.
117 fanout (bool): Fanout nodes with indegree = outdegree = 1 when staggering (requires ``stagger``).
118 chain (int): Form disconnected nodes into chains of up to this many nodes.
120 Returns:
121 Source: Prepocessed DOT source code (improved layout aspect ratio).
123 Raises:
124 graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``fanout`` is given but ``stagger`` is None.
125 graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz unflatten executable is not found.
126 subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
128 See also:
130 """
131 out = backend.unflatten(self.source,
132 stagger=stagger, fanout=fanout, chain=chain,
133 encoding=self._encoding)
134 return Source(out,
135 filename=self.filename,,
136 format=self._format, engine=self._engine,
137 encoding=self._encoding)
111139 def _repr_svg_(self):
112140 return self.pipe(format='svg').decode(self._encoding)
119147 renderer: The output renderer used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
120148 formatter: The output formatter used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
121149 quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
122151 Returns:
123152 Binary (encoded) stdout of the layout command.
124154 Raises:
125155 ValueError: If ``format``, ``renderer``, or ``formatter`` are not known.
126156 graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but ``renderer`` is None.
130160 if format is None:
131161 format = self._format
133 data = text_type(self.source).encode(self._encoding)
163 data = self.source.encode(self._encoding)
135165 out = backend.pipe(self._engine, format, data,
136166 renderer=renderer, formatter=formatter,
148178 Args:
149179 filename: Filename for saving the source (defaults to ``name`` + ``'.gv'``)
150180 directory: (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.
151182 Returns:
152183 The (possibly relative) path of the saved source file.
153184 """
159190 filepath = self.filepath
160191 tools.mkdirs(filepath)
162 data = text_type(self.source)
164 log.debug('write %d bytes to %r', len(data), filepath)
165 with, 'w', encoding=self.encoding) as fd:
166 fd.write(data)
167 if not data.endswith(u'\n'):
168 fd.write(u'\n')
193 log.debug('write %d bytes to %r', len(self.source), filepath)
194 with open(filepath, 'w', encoding=self.encoding) as fd:
195 fd.write(self.source)
196 if not self.source.endswith('\n'):
197 fd.write('\n')
170199 return filepath
178207 filename: Filename for saving the source (defaults to ``name`` + ``'.gv'``)
179208 directory: (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.
180209 view (bool): Open the rendered result with the default application.
181 cleanup (bool): Delete the source file after rendering.
210 cleanup (bool): Delete the source file after successful rendering.
182211 format: The output format used for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, etc.).
183212 renderer: The output renderer used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
184213 formatter: The output formatter used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
185214 quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
186215 quiet_view (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the viewer process
187216 (implies ``view=True``, ineffective on Windows).
188218 Returns:
189219 The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.
190221 Raises:
191222 ValueError: If ``format``, ``renderer``, or ``formatter`` are not known.
192223 graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but ``renderer`` is None.
223254 Args:
224255 filename: Filename for saving the source (defaults to ``name`` + ``'.gv'``)
225256 directory: (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.
226 cleanup (bool): Delete the source file after rendering.
257 cleanup (bool): Delete the source file after successful rendering.
227258 quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
228259 quiet_view (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the viewer process
229260 (ineffective on Windows).
230262 Returns:
231263 The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.
232265 Raises:
233266 graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz executable is not found.
234267 subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
247280 def _view(self, filepath, format, quiet):
248281 """Start the right viewer based on file format and platform."""
249282 methodnames = [
250 '_view_%s_%s' % (format, backend.PLATFORM),
251 '_view_%s' % backend.PLATFORM,
283 f'_view_{format}_{backend.PLATFORM}',
284 f'_view_{backend.PLATFORM}',
252285 ]
253286 for name in methodnames:
254287 view_method = getattr(self, name, None)
255288 if view_method is not None:
256289 break
257290 else:
258 raise RuntimeError('%r has no built-in viewer support for %r'
259 ' on %r platform' % (self.__class__, format,
260 backend.PLATFORM))
261 view_method(filepath, quiet)
291 raise RuntimeError(f'{self.__class__!r} has no built-in viewer'
292 f' support for {format!r}'
293 f' on {backend.PLATFORM!r} platform')
294 view_method(filepath, quiet=quiet)
263296 _view_darwin = staticmethod(backend.view.darwin)
264297 _view_freebsd = staticmethod(backend.view.freebsd)
285318 @classmethod
286319 def from_file(cls, filename, directory=None,
287 format=None, engine=None, encoding=ENCODING):
320 format=None, engine=None, encoding=backend.ENCODING):
288321 """Return an instance with the source string read from the given file.
290323 Args:
298331 if encoding is None:
299332 encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
300333 log.debug('read %r with encoding %r', filepath, encoding)
301 with, encoding=encoding) as fd:
334 with open(filepath, encoding=encoding) as fd:
302335 source =
303336 return cls(source, filename, directory, format, engine, encoding)
305338 def __init__(self, source, filename=None, directory=None,
306 format=None, engine=None, encoding=ENCODING):
307 super(Source, self).__init__(filename, directory,
308 format, engine, encoding)
339 format=None, engine=None, encoding=backend.ENCODING):
340 super().__init__(filename, directory, format, engine, encoding)
309341 self.source = source #: The verbatim DOT source code string.
311343 def _kwargs(self):
312 result = super(Source, self)._kwargs()
344 result = super()._kwargs()
313345 result['source'] = self.source
314346 return result
22 """Quote strings to be valid DOT identifiers, assemble attribute lists."""
4 import functools
45 import re
5 import collections
6 import functools
8 from . import _compat
6 import typing
108 from . import tools
12 __all__ = ['quote', 'quote_edge', 'a_list', 'attr_list', 'escape', 'nohtml']
10 __all__ = ['quote', 'quote_edge',
11 'a_list', 'attr_list',
12 'escape', 'nohtml']
1414 #
1515 #
2929 r'\g<bs>\\\g<quote>')
32 def quote(identifier,
32 def quote(identifier: str,
3333 is_html_string=HTML_STRING.match,
34 is_valid_id=ID.match, dot_keywords=KEYWORDS,
35 escape_unescaped_quotes=ESCAPE_UNESCAPED_QUOTES):
34 is_valid_id=ID.match,
35 dot_keywords=KEYWORDS,
36 escape_unescaped_quotes=ESCAPE_UNESCAPED_QUOTES) -> str:
3637 r"""Return DOT identifier from string, quote if needed.
3839 >>> quote('')
7172 if is_html_string(identifier) and not isinstance(identifier, NoHtml):
7273 pass
7374 elif not is_valid_id(identifier) or identifier.lower() in dot_keywords:
74 return '"%s"' % escape_unescaped_quotes(identifier)
75 return f'"{escape_unescaped_quotes(identifier)}"'
7576 return identifier
78 def quote_edge(identifier):
79 def quote_edge(identifier: str) -> str:
7980 """Return DOT edge statement node_id from string, quote if needed.
8182 >>> quote_edge('spam')
9798 return ':'.join(parts)
100 def a_list(label=None, kwargs=None, attributes=None):
101 def a_list(label: typing.Optional[str] = None,
102 kwargs=None, attributes=None) -> str:
101103 """Return assembled DOT a_list string.
103105 >>> a_list('spam', {'spam': None, 'ham': 'ham ham', 'eggs': ''})
104106 'label=spam eggs="" ham="ham ham"'
105107 """
106 result = ['label=%s' % quote(label)] if label is not None else []
108 result = [f'label={quote(label)}'] if label is not None else []
107109 if kwargs:
108 items = ['%s=%s' % (quote(k), quote(v))
110 items = [f'{quote(k)}={quote(v)}'
109111 for k, v in tools.mapping_items(kwargs) if v is not None]
110112 result.extend(items)
111113 if attributes:
112114 if hasattr(attributes, 'items'):
113115 attributes = tools.mapping_items(attributes)
114 items = ['%s=%s' % (quote(k), quote(v))
116 items = [f'{quote(k)}={quote(v)}'
115117 for k, v in attributes if v is not None]
116118 result.extend(items)
117119 return ' '.join(result)
120 def attr_list(label=None, kwargs=None, attributes=None):
122 def attr_list(label: typing.Optional[str] = None,
123 kwargs=None, attributes=None) -> str:
121124 """Return assembled DOT attribute list string.
123126 Sorts ``kwargs`` and ``attributes`` if they are plain dicts (to avoid
135138 content = a_list(label, kwargs, attributes)
136139 if not content:
137140 return ''
138 return ' [%s]' % content
141 return f' [{content}]'
141 def escape(s):
144 def escape(s: str) -> 'NoHtml':
142145 r"""Return ``s`` as literal disabling special meaning of backslashes and ``'<...>'``.
144147 see also
146149 Args:
147150 s: String in which backslashes and ``'<...>'`` should be treated as literal.
152 Returns:
153 Escaped string subclass instance.
148155 Raises:
149156 TypeError: If ``s`` is not a ``str`` on Python 3, or a ``str``/``unicode`` on Python 2.
151 >>> print(escape(r'\l'))
152 \\l
158 Example:
159 >>> import graphviz
160 >>> print(graphviz.escape(r'\l'))
161 \\l
153162 """
154163 return nohtml(s.replace('\\', '\\\\'))
157 class NoHtml(object):
158 """Mixin for string subclasses disabling fall-through of ``'<...>'``."""
166 class NoHtml(str):
167 """String subclass that does not treat ``'<...>'`` as DOT HTML string."""
160169 __slots__ = ()
162 _doc = "%s subclass that does not treat ``'<...>'`` as DOT HTML string."
164 @classmethod
165 def _subcls(cls, other):
166 name = '%s_%s' % (cls.__name__, other.__name__)
167 bases = (other, cls)
168 ns = {'__doc__': cls._doc % other.__name__}
169 return type(name, bases, ns)
172 NOHTML = collections.OrderedDict((c, NoHtml._subcls(c)) for c in _compat.string_classes)
175 def nohtml(s):
172 def nohtml(s: str) -> NoHtml:
176173 """Return copy of ``s`` that will not treat ``'<...>'`` as DOT HTML string in quoting.
178175 Args:
179176 s: String in which leading ``'<'`` and trailing ``'>'`` should be treated as literal.
178 Returns:
179 String subclass instance.
180181 Raises:
181182 TypeError: If ``s`` is not a ``str`` on Python 3, or a ``str``/``unicode`` on Python 2.
183 >>> quote('<>-*-<>')
184 '<>-*-<>'
186 >>> quote(nohtml('<>-*-<>'))
187 '"<>-*-<>"'
184 Example:
185 >>> import graphviz
186 >>> g = graphviz.Graph()
187 >>> g.node(graphviz.nohtml('<>-*-<>'))
188 >>> print(g.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
189 graph {
190 "<>-*-<>"
191 }
188192 """
189 try:
190 subcls = NOHTML[type(s)]
191 except KeyError:
192 raise TypeError('%r does not have one of the required types:'
193 ' %r' % (s, list(NOHTML)))
194 return subcls(s)
193 return NoHtml(s)
0 # - generic helpers
0 """Generic re-useable self-contained helper functions."""
22 import os
3 import typing
4 from . import _compat
6 __all__ = ['attach', 'mkdirs', 'mapping_items']
5 __all__ = ['attach',
6 'mkdirs',
7 'mapping_items']
9 def attach(object, name):
10 def attach(object: typing.Any, name: str) -> typing.Callable:
1011 """Return a decorator doing ``setattr(object, name)`` with its argument.
1213 >>> spam = type('Spam', (object,), {})()
1315 >>> @attach(spam, 'eggs')
1416 ... def func():
1517 ... pass
1619 >>> spam.eggs # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
1720 <function func at 0x...>
1821 """
2225 return decorator
25 def mkdirs(filename, mode=0o777):
28 def mkdirs(filename, mode: int = 0o777) -> None:
2629 """Recursively create directories up to the path of ``filename`` as needed."""
2730 dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
2831 if not dirname:
2932 return
30 _compat.makedirs(dirname, mode=mode, exist_ok=True)
33 os.makedirs(dirname, mode=mode, exist_ok=True)
3336 def mapping_items(mapping):
4043 >>> list(mapping_items(OrderedDict(enumerate(['spam', 'ham', 'eggs']))))
4144 [(0, 'spam'), (1, 'ham'), (2, 'eggs')]
4245 """
43 result = _compat.iteritems(mapping)
46 result = iter(mapping.items())
4447 if type(mapping) is dict:
4548 result = iter(sorted(result))
4649 return result
00 Metadata-Version: 2.1
11 Name: graphviz
2 Version: 0.14.2
2 Version: 0.17
33 Summary: Simple Python interface for Graphviz
44 Home-page:
55 Author: Sebastian Bank
88 Project-URL: Documentation,
99 Project-URL: Changelog,
1010 Project-URL: Issue Tracker,
11 Description: Graphviz
12 ========
14 |PyPI version| |License| |Supported Python| |Format|
16 |Travis| |Codecov| |Readthedocs-stable| |Readthedocs-latest|
18 This package facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in
19 the DOT_ language of the Graphviz_ graph drawing software (`master repo`_) from
20 Python.
22 Create a graph object, assemble the graph by adding nodes and edges, and
23 retrieve its DOT source code string. Save the source code to a file and render
24 it with the Graphviz installation of your system.
26 Use the ``view`` option/method to directly inspect the resulting (PDF, PNG,
27 SVG, etc.) file with its default application. Graphs can also be rendered
28 and displayed within `Jupyter notebooks`_ (formerly known as
29 `IPython notebooks`_, example_) as well as the `Jupyter Qt Console`_.
32 Links
33 -----
35 - GitHub:
36 - PyPI:
37 - Documentation:
38 - Changelog:
39 - Issue Tracker:
40 - Download:
43 Installation
44 ------------
46 This package runs under Python 2.7, and 3.5+, use pip_ to install:
48 .. code:: bash
50 $ pip install graphviz
52 To render the generated DOT source code, you also need to install Graphviz
53 (`download page`_).
55 Make sure that the directory containing the ``dot`` executable is on your
56 systems' path.
59 Quickstart
60 ----------
62 Create a graph object:
64 .. code:: python
66 >>> from graphviz import Digraph
68 >>> dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
70 >>> dot #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
71 < object at 0x...>
73 Add nodes and edges:
75 .. code:: python
77 >>> dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')
78 >>> dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')
79 >>> dot.node('L', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave')
81 >>> dot.edges(['AB', 'AL'])
82 >>> dot.edge('B', 'L', constraint='false')
84 Check the generated source code:
86 .. code:: python
88 >>> print(dot.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
89 // The Round Table
90 digraph {
91 A [label="King Arthur"]
92 B [label="Sir Bedevere the Wise"]
93 L [label="Sir Lancelot the Brave"]
94 A -> B
95 A -> L
96 B -> L [constraint=false]
97 }
99 Save and render the source code, optionally view the result:
101 .. code:: python
103 >>> dot.render('test-output/round-table.gv', view=True) # doctest: +SKIP
104 'test-output/round-table.gv.pdf'
106 .. image::
107 :align: center
110 See also
111 --------
113 - pygraphviz_ |--| full-blown interface wrapping the Graphviz C library with SWIG
114 - graphviz-python_ |--| official Python bindings (documentation_)
115 - pydot_ |--| stable pure-Python approach, requires pyparsing
118 License
119 -------
121 This package is distributed under the `MIT license`_.
124 .. _pip:
125 .. _Graphviz:
126 .. _master repo:
127 .. _download page:
128 .. _DOT:
129 .. _Jupyter notebooks:
130 .. _IPython notebooks:
131 .. _example:
132 .. _Jupyter Qt Console:
134 .. _pygraphviz:
135 .. _graphviz-python:
136 .. _documentation:
137 .. _pydot:
139 .. _MIT license:
142 .. |--| unicode:: U+2013
145 .. |PyPI version| image::
146 :target:
147 :alt: Latest PyPI Version
148 .. |License| image::
149 :target:
150 :alt: License
151 .. |Supported Python| image::
152 :target:
153 :alt: Supported Python Versions
154 .. |Format| image::
155 :target:
156 :alt: Format
158 .. |Travis| image::
159 :target:
160 :alt: Travis
161 .. |Codecov| image::
162 :target:
163 :alt: Codecov
164 .. |Readthedocs-stable| image::
165 :target:
166 :alt: Readthedocs stable
167 .. |Readthedocs-latest| image::
168 :target:
169 :alt: Readthedocs latest
11 Project-URL: CI,
12 Project-URL: Coverage,
17013 Keywords: graph visualization dot render
17114 Platform: any
17215 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
17417 Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
17518 Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
17619 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
177 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
178 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
17920 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
180 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
18121 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
18222 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
18323 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
24 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
25 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
18426 Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization
185 Requires-Python: >=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*
27 Requires-Python: >=3.6
18628 Provides-Extra: dev
18729 Provides-Extra: test
18830 Provides-Extra: docs
31 License-File: LICENSE.txt
33 Graphviz
34 ========
36 |PyPI version| |License| |Supported Python| |Format|
38 |Build| |Codecov| |Readthedocs-stable| |Readthedocs-latest|
40 This package facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in
41 the DOT_ language of the Graphviz_ graph drawing software (`upstream repo`_)
42 from Python.
44 Create a graph object, assemble the graph by adding nodes and edges, and
45 retrieve its DOT source code string. Save the source code to a file and render
46 it with the Graphviz installation of your system.
48 Use the ``view`` option/method to directly inspect the resulting (PDF, PNG,
49 SVG, etc.) file with its default application. Graphs can also be rendered
50 and displayed within `Jupyter notebooks`_ (formerly known as
51 `IPython notebooks`_,
52 `example <notebook_>`_, `nbviewer <notebook-nbviewer_>`_)
53 as well as the `Jupyter QtConsole`_.
56 Links
57 -----
59 - GitHub:
60 - PyPI:
61 - Documentation:
62 - Changelog:
63 - Issue Tracker:
64 - Download:
67 Installation
68 ------------
70 This package runs under Python 3.6+, use pip_ to install:
72 .. code:: bash
74 $ pip install graphviz
76 To render the generated DOT source code, you also need to install Graphviz_
77 (`download page <upstream-download_>`_,
78 `archived versions <upstream-archived_>`_,
79 `installation procedure for Windows <upstream-windows_>`_).
81 Make sure that the directory containing the ``dot`` executable is on your
82 systems' path.
84 Anaconda_: see the conda-forge_ package
85 `conda-forge/python-graphviz <conda-forge-python-graphviz_>`_
86 (`feedstock <conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock_>`_),
87 which should automatically ``conda install``
88 `conda-forge/graphviz <conda-forge-graphviz_>`_
89 (`feedstock <conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock_>`_) as dependency.
92 Quickstart
93 ----------
95 Create a graph object:
97 .. code:: python
99 >>> import graphviz
100 >>> dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
101 >>> dot #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
102 < object at 0x...>
104 Add nodes and edges:
106 .. code:: python
108 >>> dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')
109 >>> dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')
110 >>> dot.node('L', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave')
112 >>> dot.edges(['AB', 'AL'])
113 >>> dot.edge('B', 'L', constraint='false')
115 Check the generated source code:
117 .. code:: python
119 >>> print(dot.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
120 // The Round Table
121 digraph {
122 A [label="King Arthur"]
123 B [label="Sir Bedevere the Wise"]
124 L [label="Sir Lancelot the Brave"]
125 A -> B
126 A -> L
127 B -> L [constraint=false]
128 }
130 Save and render the source code, optionally view the result:
132 .. code:: python
134 >>> dot.render('test-output/round-table.gv', view=True) # doctest: +SKIP
135 'test-output/round-table.gv.pdf'
137 .. image::
138 :align: center
141 See also
142 --------
144 - pygraphviz_ |--| full-blown interface wrapping the Graphviz C library with SWIG
145 - graphviz-python_ |--| official Python bindings
146 (`documentation <graphviz-python-docs_>`_)
147 - pydot_ |--| stable pure-Python approach, requires pyparsing
150 License
151 -------
153 This package is distributed under the `MIT license`_.
156 .. _Graphviz:
157 .. _DOT:
158 .. _upstream repo:
159 .. _upstream-download:
160 .. _upstream-archived:
161 .. _upstream-windows:
163 .. _pip:
165 .. _Jupyter notebooks:
166 .. _IPython notebooks:
167 .. _Jupyter QtConsole:
169 .. _notebook:
170 .. _notebook-nbviewer:
172 .. _Anaconda:
173 .. _conda-forge:
174 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz:
175 .. _conda-forge-python-graphviz-feedstock:
176 .. _conda-forge-graphviz:
177 .. _conda-forge-graphviz-feedstock:
179 .. _pygraphviz:
180 .. _graphviz-python:
181 .. _graphviz-python-docs:
182 .. _pydot:
184 .. _MIT license:
187 .. |--| unicode:: U+2013
190 .. |PyPI version| image::
191 :target:
192 :alt: Latest PyPI Version
193 .. |License| image::
194 :target:
195 :alt: License
196 .. |Supported Python| image::
197 :target:
198 :alt: Supported Python Versions
199 .. |Format| image::
200 :target:
201 :alt: Format
203 .. |Build| image::
204 :target:
205 :alt: Build
206 .. |Codecov| image::
207 :target:
208 :alt: Codecov
209 .. |Readthedocs-stable| image::
210 :target:
211 :alt: Readthedocs stable
212 .. |Readthedocs-latest| image::
213 :target:
214 :alt: Readthedocs latest
1515 docs/license.rst
1616 docs/manual.rst
1717 docs/notebooks.rst
18 docs/pet-shop.png
1918 docs/round-table.png
2019 docs/_static/angles.svg
2120 docs/_static/btree.svg
4140 docs/_static/structs_revisited.svg
4241 docs/_static/traffic_lights.svg
4342 docs/_static/unix.svg
43 docs/_static/wide-unflatten-stagger-2.svg
44 docs/_static/wide-unflatten-stagger-3.svg
45 docs/_static/wide.svg
4446 examples/
4547 examples/
4648 examples/
5153 examples/
5254 examples/graphviz-engines.ipynb
5355 examples/graphviz-escapes.ipynb
56 examples/graphviz-notebook.ipynb
5457 examples/
5558 examples/notebook.ipynb
5659 examples/
6063 examples/
6164 examples/
6265 graphviz/
63 graphviz/
6466 graphviz/
6567 graphviz/
6668 graphviz/
7274 graphviz.egg-info/requires.txt
7375 graphviz.egg-info/top_level.txt
7476 tests/
75 tests/dot_red.png
7677 tests/
7778 tests/
7879 tests/
7980 tests/
80 tests/
81 tests/
82 tests/
83 tests/files/dot_red.png
88 [docs]
99 sphinx>=1.8
10 sphinx-autodoc-typehints
1011 sphinx-rtd-theme
1213 [test]
1314 mock>=3
14 pytest>=4
15 pytest>=5.2
1516 pytest-mock>=2
1617 pytest-cov
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
22 import platform
33 import sys
55 import pytest
7 ARGS = [
8 #'--pdb',
9 #'--exitfirst',
10 ]
7 ARGS = [#'--skip-exe',
8 #'--collect-only',
9 #'--verbose',
10 #'--pdb',
11 #'--exitfirst', # a.k.a. -x
12 #'-W', 'error',
13 ]
1215 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
1316 if 'idlelib' in sys.modules:
14 ARGS.extend(['--capture=sys', '--color=no'])
15 elif sys.version_info.major == 2 and 'win_unicode_console' in sys.modules:
16 ARGS.append('--capture=sys')
17 ARGS += ['--capture=sys', '--color=no']
18 sys.exit(pytest.main(ARGS + sys.argv[1:]))
19 args = sys.argv[1:] + ARGS
21 print(f'pytest.main({args!r})')
22 sys.exit(pytest.main(args))
33 [sdist]
44 formats = zip
6 [bdist_wheel]
7 universal = 1
96 [tool:pytest]
10 minversion = 4
7 minversion = 5.2
118 testpaths = README.rst docs graphviz tests
129 addopts =
13 --doctest-modules --doctest-glob='*.rst' --ignore=docs/
10 --doctest-modules
11 --doctest-glob='*.rst' --ignore=docs/
1412 --cov --cov-report=term --cov-report=html
13 --strict-markers
1514 mock_use_standalone_module = true
1615 log_cli = false
1716 log_cli_level = DEBUG
0 #
2 import io
0 import pathlib
31 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
53 setup(
64 name='graphviz',
7 version='0.14.2',
5 version='0.17',
86 author='Sebastian Bank',
97 author_email='',
108 description='Simple Python interface for Graphviz',
1513 'Documentation': '',
1614 'Changelog': '',
1715 'Issue Tracker': '',
16 'CI': '',
17 'Coverage': '',
1818 },
1919 packages=find_packages(),
2020 platforms='any',
21 python_requires='>=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*',
21 python_requires='>=3.6',
2222 extras_require={
2323 'dev': ['tox>=3', 'flake8', 'pep8-naming', 'wheel', 'twine'],
24 'test': ['mock>=3', 'pytest>=4', 'pytest-mock>=2', 'pytest-cov'],
25 'docs': ['sphinx>=1.8', 'sphinx-rtd-theme'],
24 'test': ['mock>=3', 'pytest>=5.2', 'pytest-mock>=2', 'pytest-cov'],
25 'docs': ['sphinx>=1.8', 'sphinx-autodoc-typehints', 'sphinx-rtd-theme'],
2626 },
27'README.rst', encoding='utf-8').read(),
27 long_description=pathlib.Path('README.rst').read_text(encoding='utf-8'),
2828 classifiers=[
2929 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
3030 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
3131 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
3232 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
3333 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
34 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
35 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
3634 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
37 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
3835 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
3936 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
4037 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
38 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9',
39 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10',
4140 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization',
4241 ],
4342 )
0 #
0 """pytest command line options and fixtures."""
2 import sys
2 import pathlib
33 import platform as platform_
55 import pytest
7 DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
9 SKIP_EXE = '--skip-exe'
812 def pytest_addoption(parser):
9 parser.addoption('--skipexe', action='store_true',
13 parser.addoption(SKIP_EXE, action='store_true',
1014 help='skip tests that run Graphviz executables'
11 'or subprocesses')
15 ' or subprocesses')
1418 def pytest_configure(config):
15 pytest.exe = pytest.mark.skipif(config.getoption('--skipexe'),
16 reason='skipped by --skipexe option')
19 config.addinivalue_line('markers',
20 f'exe: skip if {SKIP_EXE} is given')
23 def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
24 if config.getoption(SKIP_EXE):
25 for item in items:
26 if 'exe' in item.keywords:
27 marker = pytest.mark.skip(reason=f'skipped by {SKIP_EXE} flag')
28 item.add_marker(marker)
1931 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
20 def py2():
21 return sys.version_info.major == 2
32 def files_path():
33 return DIRECTORY / 'files'
2436 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
25 def filesdir(tmpdir_factory):
26 LocalPath = tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp().__class__ # noqa: N806
27 return LocalPath(__file__).new(basename='')
30 @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
31 def test_platform():
37 def platform():
3238 return platform_.system().lower()
3541 @pytest.fixture(params=['darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'windows'],
36 ids=lambda p: 'platform=%r' % p)
37 def platform(monkeypatch, request):
42 ids=lambda p: f'platform={p!r}')
43 def mock_platform(monkeypatch, request):
3844 monkeypatch.setattr('graphviz.backend.PLATFORM', request.param)
3945 yield request.param
5359 @pytest.fixture
54 def startfile(mocker, test_platform):
55 if test_platform == 'windows':
60 def startfile(mocker, platform):
61 if platform == 'windows':
5662 kwargs = {'autospec': True}
5763 else:
5864 kwargs = {'create': True, 'new_callable': mocker.Mock}
6470 monkeypatch.setenv('PATH', '')
67 @pytest.fixture(params=[False, True], ids=lambda q: 'quiet=%r' % q)
73 @pytest.fixture(params=[False, True], ids=lambda q: f'quiet={q!r}')
6874 def quiet(request):
6975 return request.param
tests/dot_red.png less more
Binary diff not shown
Binary diff not shown
00 #
2 import os
3 import re
42 import errno
53 import platform
4 import re
5 import shutil
66 import subprocess
88 import pytest
10 from graphviz.backend import (run, render, pipe, version, view,
10 from graphviz.backend import (run, render, pipe, unflatten, version, view,
1111 ExecutableNotFound, RequiredArgumentError)
13 import utils
15 SVG_PATTERN = r'(?s)^<\?xml .+</svg>\s*$'
1418 if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
2125 assert startupinfo is None
24 @pytest.exe
28 @pytest.mark.exe
2529 def test_run_oserror():
2630 with pytest.raises(OSError) as e:
2731 run([''])
2832 assert e.value.errno in (errno.EACCES, errno.EINVAL)
31 def test_run_encoding_mocked(mocker, Popen, input=u'sp\xe4m', encoding='utf-8'):
35 def test_run_encoding_mocked(mocker, Popen, input='sp\xe4m', encoding='utf-8'):
3236 proc = Popen.return_value
3337 proc.returncode = 0
3438 mocks = [mocker.create_autospec(bytes, instance=True, name=n) for n in ('out', 'err')]
4953 m.decode.assert_called_once_with(encoding)
52 @pytest.exe
56 @pytest.mark.exe
5357 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('empty_path')
5458 @pytest.mark.parametrize('func, args', [
5559 (render, ['dot', 'pdf', 'nonfilepath']),
5660 (pipe, ['dot', 'pdf', b'nongraph']),
61 (unflatten, ['graph {}']),
5762 (version, []),
5863 ])
5964 def test_missing_executable(func, args):
8691 render('dot', 'ps', 'nonfilepath', 'ps', '')
89 @pytest.exe
94 @pytest.mark.exe
9095 def test_render_missing_file(quiet, engine='dot', format_='pdf'):
9196 with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
9297 render(engine, format_, '', quiet=quiet)
9398 assert e.value.returncode == 2
96 @pytest.exe
101 @pytest.mark.exe
97102 @pytest.mark.parametrize('format_, renderer, formatter, expected_suffix', [
98103 ('pdf', None, None, 'pdf'),
99104 ('plain', 'dot', 'core', ''),
100105 ])
101106 @pytest.mark.parametrize('engine', ['dot'])
102 def test_render(capsys, tmpdir, engine, format_, renderer, formatter,
107 def test_render(capsys, tmp_path, engine, format_, renderer, formatter,
103108 expected_suffix, filename='hello.gv',
104109 data=b'digraph { hello -> world }'):
105 lpath = tmpdir / filename
106 lpath.write_binary(data)
107 rendered ='%s.%s' % (lpath.ext, expected_suffix))
110 lpath = tmp_path / filename
111 lpath.write_bytes(data)
112 rendered = lpath.with_suffix(f'{lpath.suffix}.{expected_suffix}')
109114 assert render(engine, format_, str(lpath), renderer, formatter) == str(rendered)
111 assert rendered.size()
112 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '')
115 @pytest.exe
116 def test_render_img(capsys, tmpdir, filesdir, engine='dot', format_='pdf'):
117 subdir = tmpdir / 'subdir'
118 subdir.ensure(dir=True)
116 assert rendered.stat().st_size
117 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '')
120 @pytest.mark.exe
121 def test_render_img(capsys, tmp_path, files_path, engine='dot', format_='pdf'):
122 subdir = tmp_path / 'subdir'
123 subdir.mkdir()
120125 img_path = subdir / 'dot_red.png'
121 (filesdir / img_path.basename).copy(img_path)
122 assert img_path.size()
126 shutil.copy(files_path /, img_path)
127 assert img_path.stat().st_size
124129 gv_path = subdir / 'img.gv'
125 rendered ='%s.%s' % (gv_path.ext, format_))
126 gv_rel, rendered_rel = map(tmpdir.bestrelpath, (gv_path, rendered))
127 assert all(s.startswith('subdir') for s in (gv_rel, rendered_rel))
128 gv_path.write_text(u'graph { red_dot [image="%s"] }' % img_path.basename,
130 rendered = gv_path.with_suffix(f'{gv_path.suffix}.{format_}')
131 gv_rel, rendered_rel = (p.relative_to(tmp_path) for p in (gv_path, rendered))
132 assert all(str(s).startswith('subdir') for s in (gv_rel, rendered_rel))
133 gv_path.write_text(f'graph {{ red_dot [image="{}"] }}',
129134 encoding='ascii')
131 with tmpdir.as_cwd():
132 assert render(engine, format_, gv_rel) == rendered_rel
134 assert rendered.size()
136 with utils.as_cwd(tmp_path):
137 assert render(engine, format_, gv_rel) == str(rendered_rel)
139 assert rendered.stat().st_size
135140 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '')
143148 assert render('dot', 'pdf', 'nonfilepath', quiet=quiet) == 'nonfilepath.pdf'
145 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['dot', '-Tpdf', '-O', 'nonfilepath'],
150 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tpdf', '-O', 'nonfilepath'],
146151 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
147152 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
148153 cwd=None, startupinfo=mocker.ANY)
151156 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '' if quiet else 'stderr')
154 @pytest.exe
159 @pytest.mark.exe
155160 @pytest.mark.xfail('version() == (2, 36, 0)',
156161 reason='')
157162 def test_pipe_invalid_data(capsys, quiet, engine='dot', format_='svg'):
168173 assert 'syntax error in line' in err
171 @pytest.exe
172 @pytest.mark.parametrize('format_, renderer, formatter, pattern', [
173 ('svg', None, None, r'(?s)^<\?xml .+</svg>\s*$'),
174 ('ps', 'ps', 'core', r'%!PS-'),
175 ])
176 @pytest.mark.parametrize('engine', ['dot'])
176 @pytest.mark.exe
177 @pytest.mark.parametrize('engine, format_, renderer, formatter, pattern', [
178 ('dot', 'svg', None, None, SVG_PATTERN),
179 ('dot', 'ps', 'ps', 'core', r'%!PS-'),
180 # Error: remove_overlap: Graphviz not built with triangulation library
181 pytest.param('sfdp', 'svg', None, None, SVG_PATTERN,
182 marks=pytest.mark.xfail('version() > (2, 38, 0)'
183 " and platform.system().lower() == 'windows'",
184 reason='')),
185 ])
177186 def test_pipe(capsys, engine, format_, renderer, formatter, pattern,
178187 data=b'graph { spam }'):
179188 out = pipe(engine, format_, data, renderer, formatter).decode('ascii')
183192 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '')
186 def test_pipe_pipe_invalid_data_mocked(mocker, py2, Popen, quiet): # noqa: N803
195 def test_pipe_pipe_invalid_data_mocked(mocker, Popen, quiet): # noqa: N803
187196 stderr = mocker.patch('sys.stderr', autospec=True,
188197 **{'flush': mocker.Mock(), 'encoding': 'nonencoding'})
189198 proc = Popen.return_value
190199 proc.returncode = mocker.sentinel.returncode
191200 err = mocker.create_autospec(bytes, instance=True, name='err',
192201 **{'__len__.return_value': 23})
193 proc.communicate.return_value = (mocker.sentinel.out, err)
202 out = mocker.create_autospec(bytes, instance=True, name='out')
203 proc.communicate.return_value = (out, err)
195205 with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
196206 pipe('dot', 'png', b'nongraph', quiet=quiet)
198208 assert e.value.returncode is mocker.sentinel.returncode
199209 assert e.value.stderr is err
200 assert e.value.stdout is mocker.sentinel.out
210 assert e.value.stdout is out
201211 e.value.stdout = mocker.sentinel.new_stdout
202212 assert e.value.stdout is mocker.sentinel.new_stdout
203 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['dot', '-Tpng'],
213 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tpng'],
204214 stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
205215 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
206216 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
208218 check_startupinfo(Popen.call_args.kwargs['startupinfo'])
209219 proc.communicate.assert_called_once_with(b'nongraph')
210220 if not quiet:
211 if py2:
212 stderr.write.assert_called_once_with(err)
213 else:
214 err.decode.assert_called_once_with(stderr.encoding)
215 stderr.write.assert_called_once_with(err.decode.return_value)
221 err.decode.assert_called_once_with(stderr.encoding)
222 stderr.write.assert_called_once_with(err.decode.return_value)
216223 stderr.flush.assert_called_once_with()
219226 def test_pipe_mocked(capsys, mocker, Popen, quiet): # noqa: N803
220227 proc = Popen.return_value
221228 proc.returncode = 0
222 proc.communicate.return_value = (mocker.sentinel.out, b'stderr')
224 assert pipe('dot', 'png', b'nongraph', quiet=quiet) is mocker.sentinel.out
226 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['dot', '-Tpng'],
229 proc.communicate.return_value = (b'stdout', b'stderr')
231 assert pipe('dot', 'png', b'nongraph', quiet=quiet) == b'stdout'
233 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tpng'],
227234 stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
228235 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
229236 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
233240 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '' if quiet else 'stderr')
236 @pytest.exe
243 @pytest.mark.exe
244 @pytest.mark.parametrize('source, kwargs, expected', [
245 ('digraph {1 -> 2; 1 -> 3; 1 -> 4}',
246 {'stagger': 3, 'fanout': True, 'chain': 42},
247 'digraph { 1 -> 2 [minlen=1]; 1 -> 3 [minlen=2]; 1 -> 4 [minlen=3]; }'),
248 ])
249 def test_unflatten(source, kwargs, expected):
250 result = unflatten(source, **kwargs)
251 normalized = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result.strip())
252 assert normalized == expected
255 def test_unflatten_mocked(capsys, mocker, Popen):
256 proc = Popen.return_value
257 proc.returncode = 0
258 proc.communicate.return_value = (b'nonresult', b'')
260 assert unflatten('nonsource') == 'nonresult'
261 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['unflatten'],
262 stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
263 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
264 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
265 startupinfo=mocker.ANY)
266 check_startupinfo(Popen.call_args.kwargs['startupinfo'])
267 proc.communicate.assert_called_once_with(b'nonsource')
268 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '')
271 def test_unflatten_stagger_missing():
272 with pytest.raises(RequiredArgumentError, match=r'without stagger'):
273 unflatten('graph {}', fanout=True)
276 @pytest.mark.exe
237277 def test_version(capsys):
238278 result = version()
239279 assert isinstance(result, tuple) and result
284324 view('nonfilepath')
287 def test_view(mocker, py2, platform, Popen, startfile, quiet): # noqa: N803
288 if quiet and py2:
289 open_ = mocker.patch('', mocker.mock_open())
327 def test_view(mocker, mock_platform, Popen, startfile, quiet): # noqa: N803
291328 assert view('nonfilepath', quiet=quiet) is None
293 if platform == 'windows':
330 if mock_platform == 'windows':
294331 startfile.assert_called_once_with('nonfilepath')
295332 return
297 if quiet and py2:
298 open_.assert_called_once_with(os.devnull, 'w')
299 kwargs = {'stderr': open_.return_value}
300 elif quiet:
334 if quiet:
301335 kwargs = {'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL}
302336 else:
303337 kwargs = {}
305 if platform == 'darwin':
339 if mock_platform == 'darwin':
306340 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['open', 'nonfilepath'], **kwargs)
307 elif platform in ('linux', 'freebsd'):
341 elif mock_platform in ('linux', 'freebsd'):
308342 Popen.assert_called_once_with(['xdg-open', 'nonfilepath'], **kwargs)
309343 else:
310344 raise RuntimeError
00 #
22 import itertools
3 import re
45 import pytest
67 from import Graph, Digraph
8 from graphviz.files import Source
911 @pytest.fixture(params=[Graph, Digraph])
1416 @pytest.fixture(params=list(itertools.permutations([Graph, Digraph], 2)),
15 ids=lambda c: '%s, %s' % (c[0].__name__, c[1].__name__))
17 ids=lambda c: f'{c[0].__name__}, {c[1].__name__}')
1618 def classes(request):
1719 return request.param
2628 assert c.copy().__dict__ == c.__dict__ == c.copy().__dict__
31 def test_str(cls):
32 c = cls()
33 assert str(c) == c.source
36 @pytest.mark.exe
37 def test_unflatten(cls):
38 c = cls()
39 result = c.unflatten()
40 assert isinstance(result, Source)
42 normalized = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result.source.strip())
43 assert normalized.startswith('digraph {' if c.directed else 'graph {')
2946 def test__repr_svg_(mocker, cls):
3047 c = cls()
3148 kwargs = {'return_value.decode.return_value': mocker.sentinel.decoded}
4057 @pytest.mark.parametrize('keep_attrs', [False, True])
4158 def test_clear(cls, keep_attrs):
42 kwargs = {'%s_attr' % a: {a: a} for a in ('graph', 'node', 'edge')}
59 kwargs = {f'{a}_attr': {a: a} for a in ('graph', 'node', 'edge')}
4360 c = cls(**kwargs)
4461 assert all(getattr(c, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items())
4562 c.node('spam')
99116 (Digraph, 'digraph {\n\t// comment\n\tsubgraph name {\n\t}\n}'),
100117 ], ids=lambda p: getattr(p, '__name__', '...'))
101118 def test_subgraph_graph_none(cls, expected):
102 dot = cls()
103 with dot.subgraph(name='name', comment='comment'):
104 pass
119 dot = cls(directory='nondirectory', format='png',
120 encoding='ascii', engine='neato')
121 assert dot.strict is False
123 with dot.subgraph(name='name', comment='comment') as child:
124 assert ==
125 assert child.format == dot.format
126 assert child.engine == dot.engine
127 assert child.encoding == dot.encoding
128 assert child.strict is None
105130 assert dot.source == expected
171196 }'''
199 @pytest.mark.exe
200 @pytest.mark.parametrize('cls, expected', [
201 (Graph, 'graph {\n\tC\n}\n'),
202 (Digraph, 'digraph {\n\tC\n}\n'),
203 ], ids=lambda p: getattr(p, '__name__', '...'))
204 def test_subgraph_render(capsys, tmp_path, cls, expected):
205 lpath = tmp_path / 's1.gv'
206 rendered = lpath.with_suffix('.gv.pdf')
208 dot = cls()
209 dot.edge('A', 'B')
211 with dot.subgraph() as s1:
212 s1.node('C')
213 result = s1.render(str(lpath))
215 assert result == str(rendered)
217 assert lpath.read_text(encoding='ascii') == expected
219 assert rendered.stat().st_size
220 assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '')
174223 def test_label_html():
175224 """"""
176225 dot = Digraph('structs', node_attr={'shape': 'plaintext'})
00 #
22 import locale
3 import re
45 import pytest
67 from graphviz.files import Source
8 SOURCE = {
9 'source': 'digraph { hello -> world }',
10 'filename': 'hello.gv', 'directory': 'test-output',
11 'format': 'PNG', 'engine': 'NEATO', 'encoding': 'utf-8',
12 }
9 SOURCE = {'source': 'digraph { hello -> world }',
10 'filename': 'hello.gv', 'directory': 'test-output',
11 'format': 'PNG', 'engine': 'NEATO', 'encoding': 'utf-8'}
1514 @pytest.fixture(scope='module')
1615 def source():
1716 return Source(**SOURCE)
19 def test_engine(source):
20 assert not SOURCE['engine'].islower()
22 assert source.engine == SOURCE['engine'].lower()
23 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r'engine'):
24 source.engine = ''
2027 def test_format(source):
2330 assert source.format == SOURCE['format'].lower()
2431 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r'format'):
2532 source.format = ''
28 def test_engine(source):
29 assert not SOURCE['engine'].islower()
31 assert source.engine == SOURCE['engine'].lower()
32 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r'engine'):
33 source.engine = ''
3635 def test_encoding(source):
5554 def test_init_filename():
5655 assert Source('').filename == 'Source.gv'
5756 assert type('Named', (Source,), {'name': 'name'})('').filename == 'name.gv'
59 def test_str(source):
60 assert str(source) == source.source
63 @pytest.mark.exe
64 def test_unflatten(source):
65 result = source.unflatten()
66 assert isinstance(result, Source)
68 normalized = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result.source.strip())
69 assert normalized == 'digraph { hello -> world; }'
6072 def test__repr_svg_(mocker, source):
88100 quiet=False)
91 def test_filepath(test_platform, source):
92 if test_platform == 'windows':
103 def test_filepath(platform, source):
104 if platform == 'windows':
93105 assert source.filepath == 'test-output\\hello.gv'
94106 else:
95107 assert source.filepath == 'test-output/hello.gv'
98 def test_save(mocker, py2, filename='nonfilename', directory='nondirectory'):
110 def test_save(mocker, filename='nonfilename', directory='nondirectory'):
99111 source = Source(**SOURCE)
100112 makedirs = mocker.patch('os.makedirs', autospec=True)
101 open_ = mocker.patch('', mocker.mock_open())
113 open_ = mocker.patch('', mocker.mock_open())
103115 assert, directory) == source.filepath
105117 assert source.filename == filename and == directory
106 if py2:
107 makedirs.assert_called_once_with(, 0o777)
108 else:
109 makedirs.assert_called_once_with(, 0o777, exist_ok=True)
118 makedirs.assert_called_once_with(, 0o777, exist_ok=True)
110119 open_.assert_called_once_with(source.filepath, 'w',
111120 encoding=source.encoding)
112121 assert open_.return_value.write.call_args_list == [,
116125 def test_render(mocker, render, source):
145154 source._view('name', 'png', False)
148 def test__view(mocker, platform, source):
149 _view_platform = mocker.patch.object(source, '_view_%s' % platform,
157 def test__view(mocker, mock_platform, source):
158 _view_platform = mocker.patch.object(source, f'_view_{mock_platform}',
150159 autospec=True)
152 assert source._view(, 'png', False) is None
161 kwargs = {'quiet': False}
154 _view_platform.assert_called_once_with(, False)
163 assert source._view(, 'png', **kwargs) is None
165 _view_platform.assert_called_once_with(, **kwargs)
157168 def test_copy(source):
161172 assert source.copy().__dict__ == source.__dict__ == source.copy().__dict__
164 def test_from_file(tmpdir, filename='hello.gv', directory='source_hello',
165 data=u'digraph { hello -> world }', encoding='utf-8'):
166 lpath = tmpdir.mkdir(directory)
175 def test_from_file(tmp_path, filename='hello.gv', directory='source_hello',
176 data='digraph { hello -> world }', encoding='utf-8'):
177 lpath = tmp_path / directory
178 lpath.mkdir()
167179 (lpath / filename).write_text(data, encoding=encoding)
169181 source = Source.from_file(filename, str(lpath))
00 #
2 import sys
32 import warnings
54 import pytest
7 from graphviz.lang import quote, attr_list, nohtml
6 from graphviz import lang
109 @pytest.mark.parametrize('char', ['G', 'E', 'T', 'H', 'L', 'l'])
1110 def test_deprecated_escape(recwarn, char):
1211 warnings.simplefilter('always')
14 escape = eval(r'"\%s"' % char)
13 escape = eval(rf'"\{char}"')
16 if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
17 assert not recwarn
18 else:
19 assert len(recwarn) == 1
20 w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning)
21 assert str(w.message).startswith('invalid escape sequence')
15 assert len(recwarn) == 1
16 w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning)
17 assert str(w.message).startswith('invalid escape sequence')
23 assert escape == '\\%s' % char
24 assert quote(escape) == '"\\%s"' % char
19 assert escape == f'\\{char}'
20 assert lang.quote(escape) == f'"\\{char}"'
2723 @pytest.mark.parametrize('identifier, expected', [
3329 ('\\n \\l \\r', '"\\n \\l \\r"'),
3430 ('\r\n', '"\r\n"'),
3531 ('\\\\n', r'"\\n"'),
36 (u'\u0665.\u0660', u'"\u0665.\u0660"'),
32 ('\u0665.\u0660', '"\u0665.\u0660"'),
3733 ('\\"spam', r'"\"spam"'),
3834 ('\\\\"spam', r'"\\\"spam"'),
3935 ('\\\\\\"spam', r'"\\\"spam"'),
4036 ('\\\\\\\\"spam', r'"\\\\\"spam"'),
4137 ])
4238 def test_quote(identifier, expected):
43 assert quote(identifier) == expected
39 assert lang.quote(identifier) == expected
4642 @pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, expected', [
4844 ({'spam': 'eggs'}, ' [spam=eggs]'),
4945 ])
5046 def test_attr_list(attributes, expected):
51 assert attr_list(attributes=attributes) == expected
47 assert lang.attr_list(attributes=attributes) == expected
54 @pytest.mark.parametrize('string', ['spam', u'spam'])
55 def test_nohtml(string):
56 result = nohtml(string)
57 assert result == string
58 assert isinstance(result, type(string))
50 @pytest.mark.parametrize('string, expected, expected_quoted', [
51 ('spam', 'spam', 'spam'),
52 ('<>-*-<>', '<>-*-<>', '"<>-*-<>"'),
53 ])
54 def test_nohtml(string, expected, expected_quoted):
55 result = lang.nohtml(string)
56 assert isinstance(result, str)
57 assert isinstance(result, lang.NoHtml)
58 assert result == expected
61 def test_nohtml_invalid(py2):
62 match = r"required types.+'str'"
63 if py2:
64 match += r".+'unicode'"
65 with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=match):
66 nohtml(True)
60 quoted = lang.quote(result)
61 assert isinstance(quoted, str)
62 assert quoted == expected_quoted
00 #
2 import functools
23 import os
3 import functools
55 import pytest
77 from import mkdirs
9 import utils
1012 def itertree(root):
1618 yield bool(is_file), rel_path(n).replace('\\', '/')
19 def test_mkdirs_invalid(tmpdir):
20 with tmpdir.as_cwd():
21 (tmpdir / 'spam.eggs').write_binary(b'')
21 def test_mkdirs_invalid(tmp_path):
22 with utils.as_cwd(tmp_path):
23 (tmp_path / 'spam.eggs').write_bytes(b'')
2224 with pytest.raises(OSError):
2325 mkdirs('spam.eggs/spam')
26 def test_mkdirs(tmpdir):
27 with tmpdir.as_cwd():
28 def test_mkdirs(tmp_path):
29 with utils.as_cwd(tmp_path):
2830 mkdirs('spam.eggs')
29 assert list(itertree(str(tmpdir))) == []
31 assert list(itertree(str(tmp_path))) == []
3032 for _ in range(2):
3133 mkdirs('spam/eggs/spam.eggs')
32 assert list(itertree(str(tmpdir))) == [(False, 'spam'),
33 (False, 'spam/eggs')]
34 assert list(itertree(str(tmp_path))) == [(False, 'spam'),
35 (False, 'spam/eggs')]
0 #
2 import contextlib
3 import os
4 import pathlib
7 @contextlib.contextmanager
8 def as_cwd(path):
9 """Return a context manager, which changes to the path’s dir during the managed “with” context."""
10 cwd = pathlib.Path().resolve()
11 os.chdir(path)
12 yield
13 os.chdir(cwd)
00 [tox]
1 envlist = py{27,35,36,37,38}
1 envlist = py{39,38,37,36}
22 skip_missing_interpreters = true
44 [testenv]
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # - import graphviz here and run all scripts in the example dir
0 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 """Import ``graphviz`` here and run all scripts in the ``examples/`` dir."""
34 import os
4 import io
5 import glob
5 import pathlib
6 import warnings
78 import graphviz # noqa: F401
9 os.chdir('examples')
10 for filename in glob.iglob('*.py'):
11 with, encoding='utf-8') as fd:
12 code =
13 exec(code)
10 EXAMPLES = pathlib.Path('examples')
12 os.chdir(EXAMPLES)
14 for path in pathlib.Path().glob('*.py'):
15 code = path.read_text(encoding='utf-8')
16 try:
17 exec(code)
18 except Exception as e:
19 warnings.warn(e)