Codebase list python-procrunner / 501e7dd
attempt to setup python3.3 requirements Markus Gerstel 6 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 20 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 pip==9.0.1
1 bumpversion==0.5.3
2 wheel==0.30.0
3 watchdog==0.8.3
4 flake8==3.5.0
5 tox==2.9.1
6 coverage==4.5.1
7 six
8 Sphinx==1.7.1
9 twine==1.10.0
11 mock
12 pytest
13 pytest-runner==4.0
00 [tox]
1 envlist = py27, py34, py35, py36, flake8
1 envlist = py27, py33, py34, py35, py36, flake8
33 [travis]
44 python =
55 3.6: py36
66 3.5: py35
77 3.4: py34
8 3.3: py33
89 2.7: py27
1011 [testenv:flake8]
1112 basepython = python
1213 deps = flake8
1314 commands = flake8 procrunner
16 [testenv:py33]
17 deps =
18 -r{toxinidir}/requirements_33.txt
1520 [testenv]
1621 setenv =