Codebase list r-cran-doparallel / a4522ac
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.0.15' Update to upstream version '1.0.15' with Debian dir 903c2a46fbcf238cd07c312b0128abbc0deb541c Andreas Tille 4 years ago
16 changed file(s) with 1181 addition(s) and 1184 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 Package: doParallel
11 Type: Package
22 Title: Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'parallel' Package
3 Version: 1.0.14
4 Authors@R: c(person("Rich", "Calaway", role="cre", email=""),
3 Version: 1.0.15
4 Authors@R: c(person("Hong", "Ooi", role="cre", email=""),
55 person("Microsoft", "Corporation", role=c("aut", "cph")),
66 person("Steve", "Weston", role="aut"),
77 person("Dan", "Tenenbaum", role="ctb"))
1212 Suggests: caret, mlbench, rpart, RUnit
1313 Enhances: compiler
1414 License: GPL-2
15 Author: Rich Calaway [cre],
15 NeedsCompilation: no
16 Packaged: 2019-07-16 22:51:14 UTC; richcala
17 Author: Hong Ooi [cre],
1618 Microsoft Corporation [aut, cph],
1719 Steve Weston [aut],
1820 Dan Tenenbaum [ctb]
19 Maintainer: Rich Calaway <>
21 Maintainer: Hong Ooi <>
2022 Repository: CRAN
21 Repository/R-Forge/Project: doparallel
22 Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 21
23 Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2018-09-21 22:41:46
24 Date/Publication: 2018-09-24 19:20:09 UTC
25 NeedsCompilation: no
26 Packaged: 2018-09-21 22:51:03 UTC; rforge
23 Date/Publication: 2019-08-02 04:40:02 UTC
MD5 less more
0 9f1b3d50fb3be83255df9314d9e0cb3c *DESCRIPTION
1 16c1196e34ef2f64277123d8d53442f5 *NAMESPACE
2 0fed2a6f4bbf50ec3828379a80ef3618 *NEWS
0 feb5e9178558c0670eb510c6ef12bda4 *DESCRIPTION
1 fb79212b5b9dc6ece74fe33fd609ed7e *NAMESPACE
2 c3e7257d3042dad506b9b9c01dc7c838 *NEWS
33 79fc414268c56bae63ad3081b50405dc *R/doParallel.R
44 86f0e4745e79399332a21f661de57bbb *R/zzz.R
5 090be37f676d0f00a7e16b77c601a7dd *build/vignette.rds
6 ad6e7aeda54fa895a60fd8c0c92a39bf *demo/00Index
7 acd97a961dc67743d9ae85b28aa8fec1 *demo/sincParallel.R
8 d1d107a8aed2c92fe6efa71cbc691831 *inst/doc/gettingstartedParallel.R
9 bf3cfed8a81605cf697c7e1e95bd856c *inst/doc/gettingstartedParallel.Rnw
10 2a012c168cfaa0d75aa1890391de3e35 *inst/doc/gettingstartedParallel.pdf
11 0a17c88eb4ddb5c75a71bd940627f1b1 *inst/examples/bootParallel.R
12 f2621d4a791a20471698dfe4ceb351eb *inst/unitTests/options.R
13 59ecbac80339ba8a55adc7ec51ced837 *inst/unitTests/
14 127e4697324d014bdf67e3e3c9ddf80f *man/doParallel-package.Rd
15 8f2ff4e8944398c34a7add4667cec738 *man/registerDoParallel.Rd
5 8d524fd555d56a6e715447fdcb9aa21f *build/vignette.rds
6 0004a14592476b09378f53e6d915d419 *demo/00Index
7 657dd86a2b23acaeb44861433300d2ca *demo/sincParallel.R
8 674625575a46e398efb8b965cebf67da *inst/doc/gettingstartedParallel.R
9 09654ec2bef8300c0ec42470cbe479e9 *inst/doc/gettingstartedParallel.Rnw
10 0a965581b17ab4c0f431abcd7bcb94ca *inst/doc/gettingstartedParallel.pdf
11 b278debda756976016cf4fd810817a5d *inst/examples/bootParallel.R
12 9370fa8163f85d43e94b220a109cf32f *inst/unitTests/options.R
13 530a76cc5343e76d39c5aa6e2a469fba *inst/unitTests/
14 0288e366be373ba1c6378cba2217e797 *man/doParallel-package.Rd
15 e32ac0edf3d2b9cf40b27c65c55c046a *man/registerDoParallel.Rd
1616 c839b703f8dc3cb5c79d48385effe11c *tests/doRUnit.R
17 bf3cfed8a81605cf697c7e1e95bd856c *vignettes/gettingstartedParallel.Rnw
17 09654ec2bef8300c0ec42470cbe479e9 *vignettes/gettingstartedParallel.Rnw
0 export(registerDoParallel)
1 export(stopImplicitCluster)
2 importFrom("utils", "packageDescription", "packageName")
3 import(foreach)
4 import(iterators)
5 import(parallel)
0 export(registerDoParallel)
1 export(stopImplicitCluster)
2 importFrom("utils", "packageDescription", "packageName")
3 import(foreach)
4 import(iterators)
5 import(parallel)
NEWS less more
0 NEWS/ChangeLog for doParallel
1 -----------------------------
3 1.0.14 2018-09-24
4 o Re-enabled tests.
5 o Moved RUnit from Enhances to Suggests (request of Kurt Hornik)
7 1.0.13 2018-04-04
8 o Changes to support enhanced exports via future (if available).
10 1.0.12 2017-12-08
11 o Change test report path for compliance with CRAN policies.
13 1.0.9 2015-09-21
14 o Bug fixes to stopImplicitCluster functionality, courtesy of Dan Tenenbaum.
16 1.0.8 2014-02-25
17 o Modified vignette to use no more than two workers.
19 1.0.7 2014-02-01
20 o Modified to work better when a foreach loop is executed
21 in a package (courtesy of Steve Weston)
22 o Added unit tests and a minimal working example
24 1.0.6 2013-10-25
25 o Changed foreach, iterators, and parallel from Depends to
26 Imports (request of Steve Weston and Stefan Schlager)
28 1.0.4 2013-09-01
29 o New attachExportEnv option for doParallelSNOW
30 o New function stopImplicitCluster to stop the implicitly created
31 socket cluster.
32 o Updated inst/unitTests/, bug report from Michael Cheng
34 1.0.3 2013-06-06
35 o New preschedule option for doParallelSNOW, courtesy of Steve Weston
36 o Removed assignment into global environment to meet CRAN standards.
38 1.0.2 2013-05-29
39 o Efficiency improvements courtesy of Steve Weston
41 1.0.1 2012-04-09
42 o Updated to support RevoScaleR's rxExec function
0 NEWS/ChangeLog for doParallel
1 -----------------------------
3 1.0.14 2018-09-24
4 o Re-enabled tests.
5 o Moved RUnit from Enhances to Suggests (request of Kurt Hornik)
7 1.0.13 2018-04-04
8 o Changes to support enhanced exports via future (if available).
10 1.0.12 2017-12-08
11 o Change test report path for compliance with CRAN policies.
13 1.0.9 2015-09-21
14 o Bug fixes to stopImplicitCluster functionality, courtesy of Dan Tenenbaum.
16 1.0.8 2014-02-25
17 o Modified vignette to use no more than two workers.
19 1.0.7 2014-02-01
20 o Modified to work better when a foreach loop is executed
21 in a package (courtesy of Steve Weston)
22 o Added unit tests and a minimal working example
24 1.0.6 2013-10-25
25 o Changed foreach, iterators, and parallel from Depends to
26 Imports (request of Steve Weston and Stefan Schlager)
28 1.0.4 2013-09-01
29 o New attachExportEnv option for doParallelSNOW
30 o New function stopImplicitCluster to stop the implicitly created
31 socket cluster.
32 o Updated inst/unitTests/, bug report from Michael Cheng
34 1.0.3 2013-06-06
35 o New preschedule option for doParallelSNOW, courtesy of Steve Weston
36 o Removed assignment into global environment to meet CRAN standards.
38 1.0.2 2013-05-29
39 o Efficiency improvements courtesy of Steve Weston
41 1.0.1 2012-04-09
42 o Updated to support RevoScaleR's rxExec function
Binary diff not shown
0 sincParallel computation of the sinc function
0 sincParallel computation of the sinc function
0 library(doParallel)
1 registerDoParallel()
3 # Define a function that creates an iterator that returns subvectors
4 ivector <- function(x, chunks) {
5 n <- length(x)
6 i <- 1
8 nextEl <- function() {
9 if (chunks <= 0 || n <= 0) stop('StopIteration')
10 m <- ceiling(n / chunks)
11 r <- seq(i, length=m)
12 i <<- i + m
13 n <<- n - m
14 chunks <<- chunks - 1
15 x[r]
16 }
18 obj <- list(nextElem=nextEl)
19 class(obj) <- c('abstractiter', 'iter')
20 obj
21 }
23 # Define the coordinate grid and figure out how to split up the work
24 x <- seq(-10, 10, by=0.1)
25 nw <- getDoParWorkers()
26 cat(sprintf('Running with %d worker(s)\n', nw))
28 # Compute the value of the sinc function at each point in the grid
29 z <- foreach(y=ivector(x, nw), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
30 y <- rep(y, each=length(x))
31 r <- sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
32 matrix(10 * sin(r) / r, length(x))
33 }
35 # Plot the results as a perspective plot
36 persp(x, x, z, ylab='y', theta=30, phi=30, expand=0.5, col="lightblue")
0 library(doParallel)
1 registerDoParallel()
3 # Define a function that creates an iterator that returns subvectors
4 ivector <- function(x, chunks) {
5 n <- length(x)
6 i <- 1
8 nextEl <- function() {
9 if (chunks <= 0 || n <= 0) stop('StopIteration')
10 m <- ceiling(n / chunks)
11 r <- seq(i, length=m)
12 i <<- i + m
13 n <<- n - m
14 chunks <<- chunks - 1
15 x[r]
16 }
18 obj <- list(nextElem=nextEl)
19 class(obj) <- c('abstractiter', 'iter')
20 obj
21 }
23 # Define the coordinate grid and figure out how to split up the work
24 x <- seq(-10, 10, by=0.1)
25 nw <- getDoParWorkers()
26 cat(sprintf('Running with %d worker(s)\n', nw))
28 # Compute the value of the sinc function at each point in the grid
29 z <- foreach(y=ivector(x, nw), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
30 y <- rep(y, each=length(x))
31 r <- sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
32 matrix(10 * sin(r) / r, length(x))
33 }
35 # Plot the results as a perspective plot
36 persp(x, x, z, ylab='y', theta=30, phi=30, expand=0.5, col="lightblue")
0 ### R code from vignette source 'gettingstartedParallel.Rnw'
2 ###################################################
3 ### code chunk number 1: loadLibs
4 ###################################################
5 library(doParallel)
6 cl <- makeCluster(2)
7 registerDoParallel(cl)
8 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
11 ###################################################
12 ### code chunk number 2: gettingstartedParallel.Rnw:149-150
13 ###################################################
14 stopCluster(cl)
17 ###################################################
18 ### code chunk number 3: gettingstartedParallel.Rnw:193-196
19 ###################################################
20 library(doParallel)
21 cl <- makeCluster(2)
22 registerDoParallel(cl)
25 ###################################################
26 ### code chunk number 4: bootpar
27 ###################################################
28 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
29 trials <- 10000
31 ptime <- system.time({
32 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
33 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
34 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
35 coefficients(result1)
36 }
37 })[3]
38 ptime
41 ###################################################
42 ### code chunk number 5: bootseq
43 ###################################################
44 stime <- system.time({
45 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
46 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
47 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
48 coefficients(result1)
49 }
50 })[3]
51 stime
54 ###################################################
55 ### code chunk number 6: getDoParWorkers
56 ###################################################
57 getDoParWorkers()
60 ###################################################
61 ### code chunk number 7: getDoParName
62 ###################################################
63 getDoParName()
64 getDoParVersion()
67 ###################################################
68 ### code chunk number 8: gettingstartedParallel.Rnw:274-275
69 ###################################################
70 stopCluster(cl)
0 ### R code from vignette source 'gettingstartedParallel.Rnw'
2 ###################################################
3 ### code chunk number 1: loadLibs
4 ###################################################
5 library(doParallel)
6 cl <- makeCluster(2)
7 registerDoParallel(cl)
8 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
11 ###################################################
12 ### code chunk number 2: gettingstartedParallel.Rnw:149-150
13 ###################################################
14 stopCluster(cl)
17 ###################################################
18 ### code chunk number 3: gettingstartedParallel.Rnw:193-196
19 ###################################################
20 library(doParallel)
21 cl <- makeCluster(2)
22 registerDoParallel(cl)
25 ###################################################
26 ### code chunk number 4: bootpar
27 ###################################################
28 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
29 trials <- 10000
31 ptime <- system.time({
32 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
33 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
34 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
35 coefficients(result1)
36 }
37 })[3]
38 ptime
41 ###################################################
42 ### code chunk number 5: bootseq
43 ###################################################
44 stime <- system.time({
45 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
46 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
47 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
48 coefficients(result1)
49 }
50 })[3]
51 stime
54 ###################################################
55 ### code chunk number 6: getDoParWorkers
56 ###################################################
57 getDoParWorkers()
60 ###################################################
61 ### code chunk number 7: getDoParName
62 ###################################################
63 getDoParName()
64 getDoParVersion()
67 ###################################################
68 ### code chunk number 8: gettingstartedParallel.Rnw:274-275
69 ###################################################
70 stopCluster(cl)
0 % \VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with doParallel and foreach}
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2 % \VignetteDepends{foreach}
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58 \rfoot{\thepage}
59 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1pt}
60 \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1pt}
61 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
63 \title{Getting Started with doParallel and foreach}
64 \author{Steve Weston\footnote{Steve Weston wrote the original version of this vignette for the doMC package. Rich Calaway
65 adapted the vignette for doParallel.} and Rich Calaway \\}
68 \begin{document}
70 \maketitle
72 \thispagestyle{empty}
74 \section{Introduction}
76 The \texttt{doParallel} package is a ``parallel backend'' for the
77 \texttt{foreach} package. It provides a mechanism needed to execute
78 \texttt{foreach} loops in parallel. The \texttt{foreach} package must
79 be used in conjunction with a package such as \texttt{doParallel} in order to
80 execute code in parallel. The user must register a parallel backend to
81 use, otherwise \texttt{foreach} will execute tasks sequentially, even
82 when the \%dopar\% operator is used.\footnote{\texttt{foreach} will
83 issue a warning that it is running sequentially if no parallel backend
84 has been registered. It will only issue this warning once, however.}
86 The \texttt{doParallel} package acts as an interface between \texttt{foreach}
87 and the \texttt{parallel} package of R 2.14.0 and later. The \texttt{parallel}
88 package is essentially a merger of the \texttt{multicore} package, which was
89 written by Simon Urbanek, and the \texttt{snow} package, which was written
90 by Luke Tierney and others. The \texttt{multicore} functionality supports
91 multiple workers only on those operating systems that
92 support the \texttt{fork} system call; this excludes Windows. By default,
93 \texttt{doParallel} uses \texttt{multicore} functionality on Unix-like
94 systems and \texttt{snow} functionality on Windows. Note that
95 the \texttt{multicore} functionality only runs tasks on a single
96 computer, not a cluster of computers. However, you can use the
97 \texttt{snow} functionality to execute on a cluster, using Unix-like
98 operating systems, Windows, or even a combination.
99 It is pointless to use \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}
100 on a machine with only one processor with a single core. To get a speed
101 improvement, it must run on a machine with multiple processors, multiple
102 cores, or both.
104 \section{A word of caution}
106 Because the \texttt{parallel} package in \texttt{multicore} mode
107 starts its workers using
108 \texttt{fork} without doing a subsequent \texttt{exec}, it has some
109 limitations. Some operations cannot be performed properly by forked
110 processes. For example, connection objects very likely won't work.
111 In some cases, this could cause an object to become corrupted, and
112 the R session to crash.
114 \section{Registering the \texttt{doParallel} parallel backend}
116 To register \texttt{doParallel} to be used with \texttt{foreach}, you must
117 call the \texttt{registerDoParallel} function. If you call this with no
118 arguments, on Windows you will get three workers and on Unix-like
119 systems you will get a number of workers equal to approximately half the
120 number of cores on your system. You can also specify a cluster
121 (as created by the \texttt{makeCluster} function) or a number of cores.
122 The \texttt{cores} argument specifies the number of worker
123 processes that \texttt{doParallel} will use to execute tasks, which will
124 by default be
125 equal to one-half the total number of cores on the machine. You don't need to
126 specify a value for it, however. By default, \texttt{doParallel} will use the
127 value of the ``cores'' option, as specified with
128 the standard ``options'' function. If that isn't set, then
129 \texttt{doParallel} will try to detect the number of cores, and use one-half
130 that many workers.
132 Remember: unless \texttt{registerDoMC} is called, \texttt{foreach} will
133 {\em not} run in parallel. Simply loading the \texttt{doParallel} package is
134 not enough.
136 \section{An example \texttt{doParallel} session}
138 Before we go any further, let's load \texttt{doParallel}, register it, and use
139 it with \texttt{foreach}. We will use \texttt{snow}-like functionality in this
140 vignette, so we start by loading the package and starting a cluster:
142 <<loadLibs>>=
143 library(doParallel)
144 cl <- makeCluster(2)
145 registerDoParallel(cl)
146 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
147 @
148 <<echo=FALSE>>=
149 stopCluster(cl)
150 @
152 To use \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, we would specify the number
153 of cores to use instead (but note that on Windows, attempting to use more
154 than one core with \texttt{parallel} results in an error):
155 \begin{verbatim}
156 library(doParallel}
157 registerDoParallel(cores=2)
158 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
159 \end{verbatim}
161 \begin{quote}
162 Note well that this is {\em not} a practical use of \texttt{doParallel}. This
163 is our ``Hello, world'' program for parallel computing. It tests that
164 everything is installed and set up properly, but don't expect it to run
165 faster than a sequential \texttt{for} loop, because it won't!
166 \texttt{sqrt} executes far too quickly to be worth executing in
167 parallel, even with a large number of iterations. With small tasks, the
168 overhead of scheduling the task and returning the result can be greater
169 than the time to execute the task itself, resulting in poor performance.
170 In addition, this example doesn't make use of the vector capabilities of
171 \texttt{sqrt}, which it must to get decent performance. This is just a
172 test and a pedagogical example, {\em not} a benchmark.
173 \end{quote}
175 But returning to the point of this example, you can see that it is very
176 simple to load \texttt{doParallel} with all of its dependencies
177 (\texttt{foreach}, \texttt{iterators}, \texttt{parallel}, etc), and to
178 register it. For the rest of the R session, whenever you execute
179 \texttt{foreach} with \texttt{\%dopar\%}, the tasks will be executed
180 using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}. Note that you can register
181 a different parallel backend later, or deregister \texttt{doParallel} by
182 registering the sequential backend by calling the \texttt{registerDoSEQ}
183 function.
185 \section{A more serious example}
187 Now that we've gotten our feet wet, let's do something a bit less
188 trivial. One good example is bootstrapping. Let's see how long it
189 takes to run 10,000 bootstrap iterations in parallel on
190 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores:
192 <<echo=FALSE>>=
193 library(doParallel)
194 cl <- makeCluster(2)
195 registerDoParallel(cl)
196 @
197 <<bootpar>>=
198 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
199 trials <- 10000
201 ptime <- system.time({
202 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
203 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
204 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
205 coefficients(result1)
206 }
207 })[3]
208 ptime
209 @
211 Using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} we were able to perform
212 10,000 bootstrap iterations in \Sexpr{ptime} seconds on
213 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores. By changing the \texttt{\%dopar\%} to
214 \texttt{\%do\%}, we can run the same code sequentially to determine the
215 performance improvement:
217 <<bootseq>>=
218 stime <- system.time({
219 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
220 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
221 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
222 coefficients(result1)
223 }
224 })[3]
225 stime
226 @
229 The sequential version ran in \Sexpr{stime} seconds, which means the
230 speed up is about \Sexpr{round(stime / ptime, digits=1)} on
231 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} workers.\footnote{If you build this vignette
232 yourself, you can see how well this problem runs on your hardware. None
233 of the times are hardcoded in this document. You can also run the same
234 example which is in the examples directory of the \texttt{doParallel}
235 distribution.} Ideally, the speed up would be \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()},
236 but no multicore CPUs are ideal, and neither are the operating systems
237 and software that run on them.
239 At any rate, this is a more realistic example that is worth executing in
240 parallel. We do not explain what it's doing or how it works
241 here. We just want to give you something more substantial than the
242 \texttt{sqrt} example in case you want to run some benchmarks yourself.
243 You can also run this example on a cluster by simply reregistering
244 with a cluster object that specifies the nodes to use. (See the
245 \texttt{makeCluster} help file for more details.)
247 \section{Getting information about the parallel backend}
249 To find out how many workers \texttt{foreach} is going to use, you can
250 use the \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function:
252 <<getDoParWorkers>>=
253 getDoParWorkers()
254 @
256 This is a useful sanity check that you're actually running in parallel.
257 If you haven't registered a parallel backend, or if your machine only
258 has one core, \texttt{getDoParWorkers} will return one. In either case,
259 don't expect a speed improvement. \texttt{foreach} is clever, but it
260 isn't magic.
262 The \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function is also useful when you want the
263 number of tasks to be equal to the number of workers. You may want to
264 pass this value to an iterator constructor, for example.
266 You can also get the name and version of the currently registered
267 backend:
269 <<getDoParName>>=
270 getDoParName()
271 getDoParVersion()
272 @
273 <<echo=FALSE>>=
274 stopCluster(cl)
275 @
276 This is mostly useful for documentation purposes, or for checking that
277 you have the most recent version of \texttt{doParallel}.
279 \section{Specifying multicore options}
281 When using \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, the \texttt{doParallel} package allows
282 you to specify various options when
283 running \texttt{foreach} that are supported by the underlying
284 \texttt{mclapply} function: ``preschedule'', ``set.seed'', ``silent'',
285 and ``cores''. You can learn about these options from the
286 \texttt{mclapply} man page. They are set using the \texttt{foreach}
287 \texttt{.options.multicore} argument. Here's an example of how to do
288 that:
290 \begin{verbatim}
291 mcoptions <- list(preschedule=FALSE, set.seed=FALSE)
292 foreach(i=1:3, .options.multicore=mcoptions) %dopar% sqrt(i)
293 \end{verbatim}
295 The ``cores'' options allows you to temporarily override the number of
296 workers to use for a single \texttt{foreach} operation. This is more
297 convenient than having to re-register \texttt{doParallel}. Although if no
298 value of ``cores'' was specified when \texttt{doParallel} was registered, you
299 can also change this value dynamically using the \texttt{options}
300 function:
302 \begin{verbatim}
303 options(cores=2)
304 getDoParWorkers()
305 options(cores=3)
306 getDoParWorkers()
307 \end{verbatim}
309 If you did specify the number of cores when registering \texttt{doParallel},
310 the ``cores'' option is ignored:
312 \begin{verbatim}
313 registerDoParallel(4)
314 options(cores=2)
315 getDoParWorkers()
316 \end{verbatim}
318 As you can see, there are a number of options for controlling the number
319 of workers to use with \texttt{parallel}, but the default behaviour
320 usually does what you want.
322 \section{Stopping your cluster}
324 If you are using \texttt{snow}-like functionality, you will want to stop your
325 cluster when you are done using it. The \texttt{doParallel} package's
326 \texttt{.onUnload} function will do this automatically if the cluster was created
327 automatically by \texttt{registerDoParallel}, but if you created the cluster manually
328 you should stop it using the \texttt{stopCluster} function:
330 \begin{verbatim}
331 stopCluster(cl)
332 \end{verbatim}
334 \section{Conclusion}
336 The \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} packages provide a nice,
337 efficient parallel programming platform for multiprocessor/multicore
338 computers running operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X. It is
339 very easy to install, and very easy to use. In short order, an average
340 R programmer can start executing parallel programs, without any previous
341 experience in parallel computing.
343 \end{document}
0 % \VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with doParallel and foreach}
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61 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
63 \title{Getting Started with doParallel and foreach}
64 \author{Steve Weston\footnote{Steve Weston wrote the original version of this vignette for the doMC package. Rich Calaway
65 adapted the vignette for doParallel.} and Rich Calaway}
68 \begin{document}
70 \maketitle
72 \thispagestyle{empty}
74 \section{Introduction}
76 The \texttt{doParallel} package is a ``parallel backend'' for the
77 \texttt{foreach} package. It provides a mechanism needed to execute
78 \texttt{foreach} loops in parallel. The \texttt{foreach} package must
79 be used in conjunction with a package such as \texttt{doParallel} in order to
80 execute code in parallel. The user must register a parallel backend to
81 use, otherwise \texttt{foreach} will execute tasks sequentially, even
82 when the \%dopar\% operator is used.\footnote{\texttt{foreach} will
83 issue a warning that it is running sequentially if no parallel backend
84 has been registered. It will only issue this warning once, however.}
86 The \texttt{doParallel} package acts as an interface between \texttt{foreach}
87 and the \texttt{parallel} package of R 2.14.0 and later. The \texttt{parallel}
88 package is essentially a merger of the \texttt{multicore} package, which was
89 written by Simon Urbanek, and the \texttt{snow} package, which was written
90 by Luke Tierney and others. The \texttt{multicore} functionality supports
91 multiple workers only on those operating systems that
92 support the \texttt{fork} system call; this excludes Windows. By default,
93 \texttt{doParallel} uses \texttt{multicore} functionality on Unix-like
94 systems and \texttt{snow} functionality on Windows. Note that
95 the \texttt{multicore} functionality only runs tasks on a single
96 computer, not a cluster of computers. However, you can use the
97 \texttt{snow} functionality to execute on a cluster, using Unix-like
98 operating systems, Windows, or even a combination.
99 It is pointless to use \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}
100 on a machine with only one processor with a single core. To get a speed
101 improvement, it must run on a machine with multiple processors, multiple
102 cores, or both.
104 \section{A word of caution}
106 Because the \texttt{parallel} package in \texttt{multicore} mode
107 starts its workers using
108 \texttt{fork} without doing a subsequent \texttt{exec}, it has some
109 limitations. Some operations cannot be performed properly by forked
110 processes. For example, connection objects very likely won't work.
111 In some cases, this could cause an object to become corrupted, and
112 the R session to crash.
114 \section{Registering the \texttt{doParallel} parallel backend}
116 To register \texttt{doParallel} to be used with \texttt{foreach}, you must
117 call the \texttt{registerDoParallel} function. If you call this with no
118 arguments, on Windows you will get three workers and on Unix-like
119 systems you will get a number of workers equal to approximately half the
120 number of cores on your system. You can also specify a cluster
121 (as created by the \texttt{makeCluster} function) or a number of cores.
122 The \texttt{cores} argument specifies the number of worker
123 processes that \texttt{doParallel} will use to execute tasks, which will
124 by default be
125 equal to one-half the total number of cores on the machine. You don't need to
126 specify a value for it, however. By default, \texttt{doParallel} will use the
127 value of the ``cores'' option, as specified with
128 the standard ``options'' function. If that isn't set, then
129 \texttt{doParallel} will try to detect the number of cores, and use one-half
130 that many workers.
132 Remember: unless \texttt{registerDoMC} is called, \texttt{foreach} will
133 {\em not} run in parallel. Simply loading the \texttt{doParallel} package is
134 not enough.
136 \section{An example \texttt{doParallel} session}
138 Before we go any further, let's load \texttt{doParallel}, register it, and use
139 it with \texttt{foreach}. We will use \texttt{snow}-like functionality in this
140 vignette, so we start by loading the package and starting a cluster:
142 <<loadLibs>>=
143 library(doParallel)
144 cl <- makeCluster(2)
145 registerDoParallel(cl)
146 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
147 @
148 <<echo=FALSE>>=
149 stopCluster(cl)
150 @
152 To use \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, we would specify the number
153 of cores to use instead (but note that on Windows, attempting to use more
154 than one core with \texttt{parallel} results in an error):
155 \begin{verbatim}
156 library(doParallel)
157 registerDoParallel(cores=2)
158 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
159 \end{verbatim}
161 \begin{quote}
162 Note well that this is {\em not} a practical use of \texttt{doParallel}. This
163 is our ``Hello, world'' program for parallel computing. It tests that
164 everything is installed and set up properly, but don't expect it to run
165 faster than a sequential \texttt{for} loop, because it won't!
166 \texttt{sqrt} executes far too quickly to be worth executing in
167 parallel, even with a large number of iterations. With small tasks, the
168 overhead of scheduling the task and returning the result can be greater
169 than the time to execute the task itself, resulting in poor performance.
170 In addition, this example doesn't make use of the vector capabilities of
171 \texttt{sqrt}, which it must to get decent performance. This is just a
172 test and a pedagogical example, {\em not} a benchmark.
173 \end{quote}
175 But returning to the point of this example, you can see that it is very
176 simple to load \texttt{doParallel} with all of its dependencies
177 (\texttt{foreach}, \texttt{iterators}, \texttt{parallel}, etc), and to
178 register it. For the rest of the R session, whenever you execute
179 \texttt{foreach} with \texttt{\%dopar\%}, the tasks will be executed
180 using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}. Note that you can register
181 a different parallel backend later, or deregister \texttt{doParallel} by
182 registering the sequential backend by calling the \texttt{registerDoSEQ}
183 function.
185 \section{A more serious example}
187 Now that we've gotten our feet wet, let's do something a bit less
188 trivial. One good example is bootstrapping. Let's see how long it
189 takes to run 10,000 bootstrap iterations in parallel on
190 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores:
192 <<echo=FALSE>>=
193 library(doParallel)
194 cl <- makeCluster(2)
195 registerDoParallel(cl)
196 @
197 <<bootpar>>=
198 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
199 trials <- 10000
201 ptime <- system.time({
202 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
203 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
204 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
205 coefficients(result1)
206 }
207 })[3]
208 ptime
209 @
211 Using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} we were able to perform
212 10,000 bootstrap iterations in \Sexpr{ptime} seconds on
213 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores. By changing the \texttt{\%dopar\%} to
214 \texttt{\%do\%}, we can run the same code sequentially to determine the
215 performance improvement:
217 <<bootseq>>=
218 stime <- system.time({
219 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
220 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
221 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
222 coefficients(result1)
223 }
224 })[3]
225 stime
226 @
229 The sequential version ran in \Sexpr{stime} seconds, which means the
230 speed up is about \Sexpr{round(stime / ptime, digits=1)} on
231 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} workers.\footnote{If you build this vignette
232 yourself, you can see how well this problem runs on your hardware. None
233 of the times are hardcoded in this document. You can also run the same
234 example which is in the examples directory of the \texttt{doParallel}
235 distribution.} Ideally, the speed up would be \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()},
236 but no multicore CPUs are ideal, and neither are the operating systems
237 and software that run on them.
239 At any rate, this is a more realistic example that is worth executing in
240 parallel. We do not explain what it's doing or how it works
241 here. We just want to give you something more substantial than the
242 \texttt{sqrt} example in case you want to run some benchmarks yourself.
243 You can also run this example on a cluster by simply reregistering
244 with a cluster object that specifies the nodes to use. (See the
245 \texttt{makeCluster} help file for more details.)
247 \section{Getting information about the parallel backend}
249 To find out how many workers \texttt{foreach} is going to use, you can
250 use the \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function:
252 <<getDoParWorkers>>=
253 getDoParWorkers()
254 @
256 This is a useful sanity check that you're actually running in parallel.
257 If you haven't registered a parallel backend, or if your machine only
258 has one core, \texttt{getDoParWorkers} will return one. In either case,
259 don't expect a speed improvement. \texttt{foreach} is clever, but it
260 isn't magic.
262 The \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function is also useful when you want the
263 number of tasks to be equal to the number of workers. You may want to
264 pass this value to an iterator constructor, for example.
266 You can also get the name and version of the currently registered
267 backend:
269 <<getDoParName>>=
270 getDoParName()
271 getDoParVersion()
272 @
273 <<echo=FALSE>>=
274 stopCluster(cl)
275 @
276 This is mostly useful for documentation purposes, or for checking that
277 you have the most recent version of \texttt{doParallel}.
279 \section{Specifying multicore options}
281 When using \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, the \texttt{doParallel} package allows
282 you to specify various options when
283 running \texttt{foreach} that are supported by the underlying
284 \texttt{mclapply} function: ``preschedule'', ``set.seed'', ``silent'',
285 and ``cores''. You can learn about these options from the
286 \texttt{mclapply} man page. They are set using the \texttt{foreach}
287 \texttt{.options.multicore} argument. Here's an example of how to do
288 that:
290 \begin{verbatim}
291 mcoptions <- list(preschedule=FALSE, set.seed=FALSE)
292 foreach(i=1:3, .options.multicore=mcoptions) %dopar% sqrt(i)
293 \end{verbatim}
295 The ``cores'' options allows you to temporarily override the number of
296 workers to use for a single \texttt{foreach} operation. This is more
297 convenient than having to re-register \texttt{doParallel}. Although if no
298 value of ``cores'' was specified when \texttt{doParallel} was registered, you
299 can also change this value dynamically using the \texttt{options}
300 function:
302 \begin{verbatim}
303 options(cores=2)
304 getDoParWorkers()
305 options(cores=3)
306 getDoParWorkers()
307 \end{verbatim}
309 If you did specify the number of cores when registering \texttt{doParallel},
310 the ``cores'' option is ignored:
312 \begin{verbatim}
313 registerDoParallel(4)
314 options(cores=2)
315 getDoParWorkers()
316 \end{verbatim}
318 As you can see, there are a number of options for controlling the number
319 of workers to use with \texttt{parallel}, but the default behaviour
320 usually does what you want.
322 \section{Stopping your cluster}
324 If you are using \texttt{snow}-like functionality, you will want to stop your
325 cluster when you are done using it. The \texttt{doParallel} package's
326 \texttt{.onUnload} function will do this automatically if the cluster was created
327 automatically by \texttt{registerDoParallel}, but if you created the cluster manually
328 you should stop it using the \texttt{stopCluster} function:
330 \begin{verbatim}
331 stopCluster(cl)
332 \end{verbatim}
334 \section{Conclusion}
336 The \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} packages provide a nice,
337 efficient parallel programming platform for multiprocessor/multicore
338 computers running operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X. It is
339 very easy to install, and very easy to use. In short order, an average
340 R programmer can start executing parallel programs, without any previous
341 experience in parallel computing.
343 \end{document}
0 suppressMessages(library(doParallel))
1 cl <- makePSOCKcluster(4)
2 registerDoParallel(cl)
4 cat(sprintf('doParallel %s\n', packageVersion('doParallel')))
5 junk <- matrix(0, 1000000, 8)
6 cat(sprintf('Size of extra junk data: %d bytes\n', object.size(junk)))
8 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
10 trials <- 10000
12 ptime <- system.time({
13 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind,
14 .export='junk') %dopar% {
15 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
16 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
17 coefficients(result1)
18 }
19 })[3]
20 cat(sprintf('parallel foreach: %6.1f sec\n', ptime))
22 ptime2 <- system.time({
23 snowopts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
24 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind,
25 .export='junk', .options.snow=snowopts) %dopar% {
26 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
27 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
28 coefficients(result1)
29 }
30 })[3]
31 cat(sprintf('parallel foreach with prescheduling: %6.1f sec\n', ptime2))
34 ptime3 <- system.time({
35 chunks <- getDoParWorkers()
36 r <- foreach(n=idiv(trials, chunks=chunks), .combine=cbind,
37 .export='junk') %dopar% {
38 y <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
39 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
40 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
41 coefficients(result1)
42 })
43'cbind', y)
44 }
45 })[3]
46 cat(sprintf('chunked parallel foreach: %6.1f sec\n', ptime3))
48 ptime4 <- system.time({
49 mkworker <- function(x, junk) {
50 force(x)
51 force(junk)
52 function(i) {
53 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
54 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
55 coefficients(result1)
56 }
57 }
58 y <- parLapply(cl, seq_len(trials), mkworker(x, junk))
59 r <-'cbind', y)
60 })[3]
61 cat(sprintf('parLapply: %6.1f sec\n', ptime4))
63 stime <- system.time({
64 y <- lapply(seq_len(trials), function(i) {
65 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
66 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
67 coefficients(result1)
68 })
69 r <-'cbind', y)
70 })[3]
71 cat(sprintf('sequential lapply: %6.1f sec\n', stime))
73 stime2 <- system.time({
74 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
75 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
76 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
77 coefficients(result1)
78 }
79 })[3]
80 cat(sprintf('sequential foreach: %6.1f sec\n', stime2))
82 stopCluster(cl)
0 suppressMessages(library(doParallel))
1 cl <- makePSOCKcluster(4)
2 registerDoParallel(cl)
4 cat(sprintf('doParallel %s\n', packageVersion('doParallel')))
5 junk <- matrix(0, 1000000, 8)
6 cat(sprintf('Size of extra junk data: %d bytes\n', object.size(junk)))
8 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
10 trials <- 10000
12 ptime <- system.time({
13 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind,
14 .export='junk') %dopar% {
15 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
16 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
17 coefficients(result1)
18 }
19 })[3]
20 cat(sprintf('parallel foreach: %6.1f sec\n', ptime))
22 ptime2 <- system.time({
23 snowopts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
24 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind,
25 .export='junk', .options.snow=snowopts) %dopar% {
26 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
27 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
28 coefficients(result1)
29 }
30 })[3]
31 cat(sprintf('parallel foreach with prescheduling: %6.1f sec\n', ptime2))
34 ptime3 <- system.time({
35 chunks <- getDoParWorkers()
36 r <- foreach(n=idiv(trials, chunks=chunks), .combine=cbind,
37 .export='junk') %dopar% {
38 y <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
39 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
40 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
41 coefficients(result1)
42 })
43'cbind', y)
44 }
45 })[3]
46 cat(sprintf('chunked parallel foreach: %6.1f sec\n', ptime3))
48 ptime4 <- system.time({
49 mkworker <- function(x, junk) {
50 force(x)
51 force(junk)
52 function(i) {
53 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
54 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
55 coefficients(result1)
56 }
57 }
58 y <- parLapply(cl, seq_len(trials), mkworker(x, junk))
59 r <-'cbind', y)
60 })[3]
61 cat(sprintf('parLapply: %6.1f sec\n', ptime4))
63 stime <- system.time({
64 y <- lapply(seq_len(trials), function(i) {
65 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
66 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
67 coefficients(result1)
68 })
69 r <-'cbind', y)
70 })[3]
71 cat(sprintf('sequential lapply: %6.1f sec\n', stime))
73 stime2 <- system.time({
74 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
75 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
76 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
77 coefficients(result1)
78 }
79 })[3]
80 cat(sprintf('sequential foreach: %6.1f sec\n', stime2))
82 stopCluster(cl)
0 test.preschedule <- function() {
1 x <- list(1:3, 1:9, 1:19)
2 cs <- 1:20
3 dpn <- getDoParName()
5 for (chunkSize in cs) {
6 ## preschedule is TRUE for MC by default and
7 ## FALSE for SNOW, so we test by setting them otherwise
8 if (identical(dpn, "doParallelMC")) {
9 opts <- list(preschedule=FALSE)
10 } else {
11 opts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
12 }
13 for (y in x) {
14 if (identical(dpn, "doParallelMC")) {
15 actual <- foreach(i=y, .options.multicore=opts) %dopar% i
16 }
17 else {
18 actual <- foreach(i=y, .options.snow=opts) %dopar% i
19 }
20 checkEquals(actual, as.list(y))
21 if (identical(dpn, "doParallelMC")) {
22 actual <- foreach(i=y, .combine="c", .options.multicore=opts) %dopar% i
23 }
24 else {
25 actual <- foreach(i=y, .combine="c", .options.snow=opts) %dopar% i
26 }
27 checkEquals(actual, y)
28 }
29 }
30 }
32 test.attach <- function() {
33 if (identical(getDoParName(), "doParallelMC")) {
34 return(TRUE)
35 } else {
36 myFun <- function(x){
37 myFun1(x+1)
38 }
39 myFun1 <- function(x){
40 2*x
41 }
42 testFun <- function(){
43 inRes1 <- checkTrue("exportEnv" %in% search())
44 if (!inRes1) {
45 stop("Attaching exportEnv failed")
46 }
47 inRes2 <- checkTrue(exists("myFun1", where=2))
48 if (!inRes1) {
49 stop("myFun1 not found in exportEnv")
50 }
51 myFun(1)
52 }
53 res <- suppressWarnings(foreach(i=1:4, .combine="c", .packages="RUnit",
54 .export="myFun1", .options.snow=list(attachExportEnv=TRUE)) %dopar% testFun())
56 checkEquals(res, c(4,4, 4, 4))
57 }
58 }
60 pkgname.test.stress <- function() {
61 if (!require(caret, quietly=TRUE)) {
62 return(TRUE)
63 } else {
64 library(mlbench)
65 data(BostonHousing)
67 lmFit <- train(medv ~ . + rm:lstat,
68 data = BostonHousing,
69 "lm")
71 library(rpart)
72 rpartFit <- train(medv ~ .,
73 data = BostonHousing,
74 "rpart",
75 tuneLength = 9)
76 }
77 }
79 "test.pkgname.test.stress" <- function()
80 {
81 res <- try(pkgname.test.stress())
82 checkTrue(!is(res, "try-error"), msg="pkgname stress test failed")
0 test.preschedule <- function() {
1 x <- list(1:3, 1:9, 1:19)
2 cs <- 1:20
3 dpn <- getDoParName()
5 for (chunkSize in cs) {
6 ## preschedule is TRUE for MC by default and
7 ## FALSE for SNOW, so we test by setting them otherwise
8 if (identical(dpn, "doParallelMC")) {
9 opts <- list(preschedule=FALSE)
10 } else {
11 opts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
12 }
13 for (y in x) {
14 if (identical(dpn, "doParallelMC")) {
15 actual <- foreach(i=y, .options.multicore=opts) %dopar% i
16 }
17 else {
18 actual <- foreach(i=y, .options.snow=opts) %dopar% i
19 }
20 checkEquals(actual, as.list(y))
21 if (identical(dpn, "doParallelMC")) {
22 actual <- foreach(i=y, .combine="c", .options.multicore=opts) %dopar% i
23 }
24 else {
25 actual <- foreach(i=y, .combine="c", .options.snow=opts) %dopar% i
26 }
27 checkEquals(actual, y)
28 }
29 }
30 }
32 test.attach <- function() {
33 if (identical(getDoParName(), "doParallelMC")) {
34 return(TRUE)
35 } else {
36 myFun <- function(x){
37 myFun1(x+1)
38 }
39 myFun1 <- function(x){
40 2*x
41 }
42 testFun <- function(){
43 inRes1 <- checkTrue("exportEnv" %in% search())
44 if (!inRes1) {
45 stop("Attaching exportEnv failed")
46 }
47 inRes2 <- checkTrue(exists("myFun1", where=2))
48 if (!inRes1) {
49 stop("myFun1 not found in exportEnv")
50 }
51 myFun(1)
52 }
53 res <- suppressWarnings(foreach(i=1:4, .combine="c", .packages="RUnit",
54 .export="myFun1", .options.snow=list(attachExportEnv=TRUE)) %dopar% testFun())
56 checkEquals(res, c(4,4, 4, 4))
57 }
58 }
60 pkgname.test.stress <- function() {
61 if (!require(caret, quietly=TRUE)) {
62 return(TRUE)
63 } else {
64 library(mlbench)
65 data(BostonHousing)
67 lmFit <- train(medv ~ . + rm:lstat,
68 data = BostonHousing,
69 "lm")
71 library(rpart)
72 rpartFit <- train(medv ~ .,
73 data = BostonHousing,
74 "rpart",
75 tuneLength = 9)
76 }
77 }
79 "test.pkgname.test.stress" <- function()
80 {
81 res <- try(pkgname.test.stress())
82 checkTrue(!is(res, "try-error"), msg="pkgname stress test failed")
8383 }
0 #!/bin/sh
2 LOGFILE=test.log
4 R --vanilla --slave > ${LOGFILE} 2>&1 <<'EOF'
5 library(doParallel)
6 library(RUnit)
8 verbose <- as.logical(Sys.getenv('FOREACH_VERBOSE', 'FALSE'))
10 library(doParallel)
11 registerDoParallel()
13 options(warn=1)
14 options(showWarnCalls=TRUE)
16 cat('Starting test at', date(), '\n')
17 cat(sprintf('doParallel version: %s\n', getDoParVersion()))
18 cat(sprintf('Running with %d worker(s)\n', getDoParWorkers()))
20 tests <- c('options.R')
22 errcase <- list()
23 for (f in tests) {
24 cat('\nRunning test file:', f, '\n')
25 t <- runTestFile(f)
26 e <- getErrors(t)
27 if (e$nErr + e$nFail > 0) {
28 errcase <- c(errcase, t)
29 print(t)
30 }
31 }
33 if (length(errcase) == 0) {
34 cat('*** Ran all tests successfully ***\n')
35 } else {
36 cat('!!! Encountered', length(errcase), 'problems !!!\n')
37 for (t in errcase) {
38 print(t)
39 }
40 }
42 stopImplicitCluster()
44 cat('Finished test at', date(), '\n')
45 EOF
0 #!/bin/sh
2 LOGFILE=test.log
4 R --vanilla --slave > ${LOGFILE} 2>&1 <<'EOF'
5 library(doParallel)
6 library(RUnit)
8 verbose <- as.logical(Sys.getenv('FOREACH_VERBOSE', 'FALSE'))
10 library(doParallel)
11 registerDoParallel()
13 options(warn=1)
14 options(showWarnCalls=TRUE)
16 cat('Starting test at', date(), '\n')
17 cat(sprintf('doParallel version: %s\n', getDoParVersion()))
18 cat(sprintf('Running with %d worker(s)\n', getDoParWorkers()))
20 tests <- c('options.R')
22 errcase <- list()
23 for (f in tests) {
24 cat('\nRunning test file:', f, '\n')
25 t <- runTestFile(f)
26 e <- getErrors(t)
27 if (e$nErr + e$nFail > 0) {
28 errcase <- c(errcase, t)
29 print(t)
30 }
31 }
33 if (length(errcase) == 0) {
34 cat('*** Ran all tests successfully ***\n')
35 } else {
36 cat('!!! Encountered', length(errcase), 'problems !!!\n')
37 for (t in errcase) {
38 print(t)
39 }
40 }
42 stopImplicitCluster()
44 cat('Finished test at', date(), '\n')
45 EOF
0 \name{doParallel-package}
1 \alias{doParallel-package}
2 \alias{doParallel}
3 \docType{package}
4 \title{
5 The doParallel Package
6 }
7 \description{
8 The doParallel package provides a parallel backend for the foreach/\%dopar\%
9 function using the \code{parallel} package of R 2.14.0 and later.
10 }
11 \details{
12 Further information is available in the following help topics:
13 \tabular{ll}{
14 \code{registerDoParallel} \tab register doParallel to be used by foreach/\%dopar\%\cr
15 }
17 To see a tutorial introduction to the doParallel package,
18 use \code{vignette("gettingstartedParallel")}. To see a tutorial
19 introduction to the foreach package, use \code{vignette("foreach")}.
21 To see a demo of doParallel computing the sinc function,
22 use \code{demo(sincParallel)}.
24 Some examples (in addition to those in the help pages) are included in
25 the ``examples'' directory of the doParallel package. To list the files in
26 the examples directory,
27 use \code{list.files(system.file("examples", package="doParallel"))}.
28 To run the bootstrap example, use
29 \code{source(system.file("examples", "bootParallel.R", package="doParallel"))}.
30 This is a simple benchmark, executing both sequentally and in parallel.
31 There are many more examples that come with the foreach package,
32 which will work with the doParallel package if it is registered as the
33 parallel backend.
35 For a complete list of functions with individual help pages,
36 use \code{library(help="doParallel")}.
37 }
38 \keyword{package}
0 \name{doParallel-package}
1 \alias{doParallel-package}
2 \alias{doParallel}
3 \docType{package}
4 \title{
5 The doParallel Package
6 }
7 \description{
8 The doParallel package provides a parallel backend for the foreach/\%dopar\%
9 function using the \code{parallel} package of R 2.14.0 and later.
10 }
11 \details{
12 Further information is available in the following help topics:
13 \tabular{ll}{
14 \code{registerDoParallel} \tab register doParallel to be used by foreach/\%dopar\%\cr
15 }
17 To see a tutorial introduction to the doParallel package,
18 use \code{vignette("gettingstartedParallel")}. To see a tutorial
19 introduction to the foreach package, use \code{vignette("foreach")}.
21 To see a demo of doParallel computing the sinc function,
22 use \code{demo(sincParallel)}.
24 Some examples (in addition to those in the help pages) are included in
25 the ``examples'' directory of the doParallel package. To list the files in
26 the examples directory,
27 use \code{list.files(system.file("examples", package="doParallel"))}.
28 To run the bootstrap example, use
29 \code{source(system.file("examples", "bootParallel.R", package="doParallel"))}.
30 This is a simple benchmark, executing both sequentally and in parallel.
31 There are many more examples that come with the foreach package,
32 which will work with the doParallel package if it is registered as the
33 parallel backend.
35 For a complete list of functions with individual help pages,
36 use \code{library(help="doParallel")}.
37 }
38 \keyword{package}
0 \name{registerDoParallel}
1 \alias{registerDoParallel}
2 \alias{stopImplicitCluster}
3 \title{registerDoParallel}
4 \description{
5 The \code{registerDoParallel} function is used to register the
6 parallel backend with the \code{foreach} package.
7 }
8 \usage{
9 registerDoParallel(cl, cores=NULL, \dots)
10 stopImplicitCluster()
11 }
12 \arguments{
13 \item{cl}{A cluster object as returned by \code{makeCluster}, or the number
14 of nodes to be created in the cluster. If not specified, on Windows a
15 three worker cluster is created and used.}
16 \item{cores}{The number of cores to use for parallel execution. If not
17 specified, the number of cores is set to the value of
18 \code{options("cores")}, if specified, or to one-half the number of cores detected
19 by the \code{parallel} package.}
20 \item{\dots}{Package options. Currently, only the \code{nocompile} option
21 is supported. If \code{nocompile} is set to \code{TRUE}, compiler
22 support is disabled.}
23 }
24 \details{
25 The \code{parallel} package from R 2.14.0 and later provides functions for
26 parallel execution of R code on machines with multiple cores or processors
27 or multiple computers. It is essentially a blend of the \code{snow} and
28 \code{multicore} packages. By default, the \code{doParallel} package uses
29 \code{snow}-like functionality. The \code{snow}-like functionality
30 should work fine on Unix-like systems, but the \code{multicore}-like
31 functionality is limited to a single sequential worker on Windows systems.
32 On workstations with multiple cores running Unix-like operating systems,
33 the system \code{fork} call is used to spawn copies of the current process.
35 The \code{doParallel} backend supports both multicore and snow options passed
36 through the \code{foreach} function.
37 The supported multicore options are \code{preschedule}, \code{set.seed},
38 \code{silent}, and \code{cores}, which are analogous to the similarly named
39 arguments to \code{\link{mclapply}}, and are passed using the
40 \code{.options.multicore} argument to \code{foreach}. The supported snow options are
41 \code{preschedule}, which like its multicore analog can be used to chunk the
42 tasks so that each worker gets a prescheduled chunk of tasks, and
43 \code{attachExportEnv}, which can be used to attach the export environment
44 in certain cases where R's lexical scoping is unable to find a needed
45 export. The snow options are passed to \code{foreach} using the \code{.options.snow}
46 argument.
48 The function \code{stopImplicitCluster} can be used in vignettes and other places
49 where it is important to explicitly close the implicitly created cluster.
50 }
51 \examples{
52 cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2)
53 registerDoParallel(cl)
54 m <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)
55 foreach(i=1:nrow(m), .combine=rbind) %dopar% (m[i,] / mean(m[i,]))
56 stopCluster(cl)
57 }
58 \keyword{utilities}
0 \name{registerDoParallel}
1 \alias{registerDoParallel}
2 \alias{stopImplicitCluster}
3 \title{registerDoParallel}
4 \description{
5 The \code{registerDoParallel} function is used to register the
6 parallel backend with the \code{foreach} package.
7 }
8 \usage{
9 registerDoParallel(cl, cores=NULL, \dots)
10 stopImplicitCluster()
11 }
12 \arguments{
13 \item{cl}{A cluster object as returned by \code{makeCluster}, or the number
14 of nodes to be created in the cluster. If not specified, on Windows a
15 three worker cluster is created and used.}
16 \item{cores}{The number of cores to use for parallel execution. If not
17 specified, the number of cores is set to the value of
18 \code{options("cores")}, if specified, or to one-half the number of cores detected
19 by the \code{parallel} package.}
20 \item{\dots}{Package options. Currently, only the \code{nocompile} option
21 is supported. If \code{nocompile} is set to \code{TRUE}, compiler
22 support is disabled.}
23 }
24 \details{
25 The \code{parallel} package from R 2.14.0 and later provides functions for
26 parallel execution of R code on machines with multiple cores or processors
27 or multiple computers. It is essentially a blend of the \code{snow} and
28 \code{multicore} packages. By default, the \code{doParallel} package uses
29 \code{snow}-like functionality. The \code{snow}-like functionality
30 should work fine on Unix-like systems, but the \code{multicore}-like
31 functionality is limited to a single sequential worker on Windows systems.
32 On workstations with multiple cores running Unix-like operating systems,
33 the system \code{fork} call is used to spawn copies of the current process.
35 The \code{doParallel} backend supports both multicore and snow options passed
36 through the \code{foreach} function.
37 The supported multicore options are \code{preschedule}, \code{set.seed},
38 \code{silent}, and \code{cores}, which are analogous to the similarly named
39 arguments to \code{\link{mclapply}}, and are passed using the
40 \code{.options.multicore} argument to \code{foreach}. The supported snow options are
41 \code{preschedule}, which like its multicore analog can be used to chunk the
42 tasks so that each worker gets a prescheduled chunk of tasks, and
43 \code{attachExportEnv}, which can be used to attach the export environment
44 in certain cases where R's lexical scoping is unable to find a needed
45 export. The snow options are passed to \code{foreach} using the \code{.options.snow}
46 argument.
48 The function \code{stopImplicitCluster} can be used in vignettes and other places
49 where it is important to explicitly close the implicitly created cluster.
50 }
51 \examples{
52 cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2)
53 registerDoParallel(cl)
54 m <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)
55 foreach(i=1:nrow(m), .combine=rbind) %dopar% (m[i,] / mean(m[i,]))
56 stopCluster(cl)
57 }
58 \keyword{utilities}
0 % \VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with doParallel and foreach}
1 % \VignetteDepends{doParallel}
2 % \VignetteDepends{foreach}
3 % \VignettePackage{doParallel}
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61 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
63 \title{Getting Started with doParallel and foreach}
64 \author{Steve Weston\footnote{Steve Weston wrote the original version of this vignette for the doMC package. Rich Calaway
65 adapted the vignette for doParallel.} and Rich Calaway \\}
68 \begin{document}
70 \maketitle
72 \thispagestyle{empty}
74 \section{Introduction}
76 The \texttt{doParallel} package is a ``parallel backend'' for the
77 \texttt{foreach} package. It provides a mechanism needed to execute
78 \texttt{foreach} loops in parallel. The \texttt{foreach} package must
79 be used in conjunction with a package such as \texttt{doParallel} in order to
80 execute code in parallel. The user must register a parallel backend to
81 use, otherwise \texttt{foreach} will execute tasks sequentially, even
82 when the \%dopar\% operator is used.\footnote{\texttt{foreach} will
83 issue a warning that it is running sequentially if no parallel backend
84 has been registered. It will only issue this warning once, however.}
86 The \texttt{doParallel} package acts as an interface between \texttt{foreach}
87 and the \texttt{parallel} package of R 2.14.0 and later. The \texttt{parallel}
88 package is essentially a merger of the \texttt{multicore} package, which was
89 written by Simon Urbanek, and the \texttt{snow} package, which was written
90 by Luke Tierney and others. The \texttt{multicore} functionality supports
91 multiple workers only on those operating systems that
92 support the \texttt{fork} system call; this excludes Windows. By default,
93 \texttt{doParallel} uses \texttt{multicore} functionality on Unix-like
94 systems and \texttt{snow} functionality on Windows. Note that
95 the \texttt{multicore} functionality only runs tasks on a single
96 computer, not a cluster of computers. However, you can use the
97 \texttt{snow} functionality to execute on a cluster, using Unix-like
98 operating systems, Windows, or even a combination.
99 It is pointless to use \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}
100 on a machine with only one processor with a single core. To get a speed
101 improvement, it must run on a machine with multiple processors, multiple
102 cores, or both.
104 \section{A word of caution}
106 Because the \texttt{parallel} package in \texttt{multicore} mode
107 starts its workers using
108 \texttt{fork} without doing a subsequent \texttt{exec}, it has some
109 limitations. Some operations cannot be performed properly by forked
110 processes. For example, connection objects very likely won't work.
111 In some cases, this could cause an object to become corrupted, and
112 the R session to crash.
114 \section{Registering the \texttt{doParallel} parallel backend}
116 To register \texttt{doParallel} to be used with \texttt{foreach}, you must
117 call the \texttt{registerDoParallel} function. If you call this with no
118 arguments, on Windows you will get three workers and on Unix-like
119 systems you will get a number of workers equal to approximately half the
120 number of cores on your system. You can also specify a cluster
121 (as created by the \texttt{makeCluster} function) or a number of cores.
122 The \texttt{cores} argument specifies the number of worker
123 processes that \texttt{doParallel} will use to execute tasks, which will
124 by default be
125 equal to one-half the total number of cores on the machine. You don't need to
126 specify a value for it, however. By default, \texttt{doParallel} will use the
127 value of the ``cores'' option, as specified with
128 the standard ``options'' function. If that isn't set, then
129 \texttt{doParallel} will try to detect the number of cores, and use one-half
130 that many workers.
132 Remember: unless \texttt{registerDoMC} is called, \texttt{foreach} will
133 {\em not} run in parallel. Simply loading the \texttt{doParallel} package is
134 not enough.
136 \section{An example \texttt{doParallel} session}
138 Before we go any further, let's load \texttt{doParallel}, register it, and use
139 it with \texttt{foreach}. We will use \texttt{snow}-like functionality in this
140 vignette, so we start by loading the package and starting a cluster:
142 <<loadLibs>>=
143 library(doParallel)
144 cl <- makeCluster(2)
145 registerDoParallel(cl)
146 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
147 @
148 <<echo=FALSE>>=
149 stopCluster(cl)
150 @
152 To use \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, we would specify the number
153 of cores to use instead (but note that on Windows, attempting to use more
154 than one core with \texttt{parallel} results in an error):
155 \begin{verbatim}
156 library(doParallel}
157 registerDoParallel(cores=2)
158 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
159 \end{verbatim}
161 \begin{quote}
162 Note well that this is {\em not} a practical use of \texttt{doParallel}. This
163 is our ``Hello, world'' program for parallel computing. It tests that
164 everything is installed and set up properly, but don't expect it to run
165 faster than a sequential \texttt{for} loop, because it won't!
166 \texttt{sqrt} executes far too quickly to be worth executing in
167 parallel, even with a large number of iterations. With small tasks, the
168 overhead of scheduling the task and returning the result can be greater
169 than the time to execute the task itself, resulting in poor performance.
170 In addition, this example doesn't make use of the vector capabilities of
171 \texttt{sqrt}, which it must to get decent performance. This is just a
172 test and a pedagogical example, {\em not} a benchmark.
173 \end{quote}
175 But returning to the point of this example, you can see that it is very
176 simple to load \texttt{doParallel} with all of its dependencies
177 (\texttt{foreach}, \texttt{iterators}, \texttt{parallel}, etc), and to
178 register it. For the rest of the R session, whenever you execute
179 \texttt{foreach} with \texttt{\%dopar\%}, the tasks will be executed
180 using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}. Note that you can register
181 a different parallel backend later, or deregister \texttt{doParallel} by
182 registering the sequential backend by calling the \texttt{registerDoSEQ}
183 function.
185 \section{A more serious example}
187 Now that we've gotten our feet wet, let's do something a bit less
188 trivial. One good example is bootstrapping. Let's see how long it
189 takes to run 10,000 bootstrap iterations in parallel on
190 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores:
192 <<echo=FALSE>>=
193 library(doParallel)
194 cl <- makeCluster(2)
195 registerDoParallel(cl)
196 @
197 <<bootpar>>=
198 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
199 trials <- 10000
201 ptime <- system.time({
202 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
203 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
204 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
205 coefficients(result1)
206 }
207 })[3]
208 ptime
209 @
211 Using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} we were able to perform
212 10,000 bootstrap iterations in \Sexpr{ptime} seconds on
213 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores. By changing the \texttt{\%dopar\%} to
214 \texttt{\%do\%}, we can run the same code sequentially to determine the
215 performance improvement:
217 <<bootseq>>=
218 stime <- system.time({
219 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
220 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
221 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
222 coefficients(result1)
223 }
224 })[3]
225 stime
226 @
229 The sequential version ran in \Sexpr{stime} seconds, which means the
230 speed up is about \Sexpr{round(stime / ptime, digits=1)} on
231 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} workers.\footnote{If you build this vignette
232 yourself, you can see how well this problem runs on your hardware. None
233 of the times are hardcoded in this document. You can also run the same
234 example which is in the examples directory of the \texttt{doParallel}
235 distribution.} Ideally, the speed up would be \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()},
236 but no multicore CPUs are ideal, and neither are the operating systems
237 and software that run on them.
239 At any rate, this is a more realistic example that is worth executing in
240 parallel. We do not explain what it's doing or how it works
241 here. We just want to give you something more substantial than the
242 \texttt{sqrt} example in case you want to run some benchmarks yourself.
243 You can also run this example on a cluster by simply reregistering
244 with a cluster object that specifies the nodes to use. (See the
245 \texttt{makeCluster} help file for more details.)
247 \section{Getting information about the parallel backend}
249 To find out how many workers \texttt{foreach} is going to use, you can
250 use the \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function:
252 <<getDoParWorkers>>=
253 getDoParWorkers()
254 @
256 This is a useful sanity check that you're actually running in parallel.
257 If you haven't registered a parallel backend, or if your machine only
258 has one core, \texttt{getDoParWorkers} will return one. In either case,
259 don't expect a speed improvement. \texttt{foreach} is clever, but it
260 isn't magic.
262 The \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function is also useful when you want the
263 number of tasks to be equal to the number of workers. You may want to
264 pass this value to an iterator constructor, for example.
266 You can also get the name and version of the currently registered
267 backend:
269 <<getDoParName>>=
270 getDoParName()
271 getDoParVersion()
272 @
273 <<echo=FALSE>>=
274 stopCluster(cl)
275 @
276 This is mostly useful for documentation purposes, or for checking that
277 you have the most recent version of \texttt{doParallel}.
279 \section{Specifying multicore options}
281 When using \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, the \texttt{doParallel} package allows
282 you to specify various options when
283 running \texttt{foreach} that are supported by the underlying
284 \texttt{mclapply} function: ``preschedule'', ``set.seed'', ``silent'',
285 and ``cores''. You can learn about these options from the
286 \texttt{mclapply} man page. They are set using the \texttt{foreach}
287 \texttt{.options.multicore} argument. Here's an example of how to do
288 that:
290 \begin{verbatim}
291 mcoptions <- list(preschedule=FALSE, set.seed=FALSE)
292 foreach(i=1:3, .options.multicore=mcoptions) %dopar% sqrt(i)
293 \end{verbatim}
295 The ``cores'' options allows you to temporarily override the number of
296 workers to use for a single \texttt{foreach} operation. This is more
297 convenient than having to re-register \texttt{doParallel}. Although if no
298 value of ``cores'' was specified when \texttt{doParallel} was registered, you
299 can also change this value dynamically using the \texttt{options}
300 function:
302 \begin{verbatim}
303 options(cores=2)
304 getDoParWorkers()
305 options(cores=3)
306 getDoParWorkers()
307 \end{verbatim}
309 If you did specify the number of cores when registering \texttt{doParallel},
310 the ``cores'' option is ignored:
312 \begin{verbatim}
313 registerDoParallel(4)
314 options(cores=2)
315 getDoParWorkers()
316 \end{verbatim}
318 As you can see, there are a number of options for controlling the number
319 of workers to use with \texttt{parallel}, but the default behaviour
320 usually does what you want.
322 \section{Stopping your cluster}
324 If you are using \texttt{snow}-like functionality, you will want to stop your
325 cluster when you are done using it. The \texttt{doParallel} package's
326 \texttt{.onUnload} function will do this automatically if the cluster was created
327 automatically by \texttt{registerDoParallel}, but if you created the cluster manually
328 you should stop it using the \texttt{stopCluster} function:
330 \begin{verbatim}
331 stopCluster(cl)
332 \end{verbatim}
334 \section{Conclusion}
336 The \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} packages provide a nice,
337 efficient parallel programming platform for multiprocessor/multicore
338 computers running operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X. It is
339 very easy to install, and very easy to use. In short order, an average
340 R programmer can start executing parallel programs, without any previous
341 experience in parallel computing.
343 \end{document}
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63 \title{Getting Started with doParallel and foreach}
64 \author{Steve Weston\footnote{Steve Weston wrote the original version of this vignette for the doMC package. Rich Calaway
65 adapted the vignette for doParallel.} and Rich Calaway}
68 \begin{document}
70 \maketitle
72 \thispagestyle{empty}
74 \section{Introduction}
76 The \texttt{doParallel} package is a ``parallel backend'' for the
77 \texttt{foreach} package. It provides a mechanism needed to execute
78 \texttt{foreach} loops in parallel. The \texttt{foreach} package must
79 be used in conjunction with a package such as \texttt{doParallel} in order to
80 execute code in parallel. The user must register a parallel backend to
81 use, otherwise \texttt{foreach} will execute tasks sequentially, even
82 when the \%dopar\% operator is used.\footnote{\texttt{foreach} will
83 issue a warning that it is running sequentially if no parallel backend
84 has been registered. It will only issue this warning once, however.}
86 The \texttt{doParallel} package acts as an interface between \texttt{foreach}
87 and the \texttt{parallel} package of R 2.14.0 and later. The \texttt{parallel}
88 package is essentially a merger of the \texttt{multicore} package, which was
89 written by Simon Urbanek, and the \texttt{snow} package, which was written
90 by Luke Tierney and others. The \texttt{multicore} functionality supports
91 multiple workers only on those operating systems that
92 support the \texttt{fork} system call; this excludes Windows. By default,
93 \texttt{doParallel} uses \texttt{multicore} functionality on Unix-like
94 systems and \texttt{snow} functionality on Windows. Note that
95 the \texttt{multicore} functionality only runs tasks on a single
96 computer, not a cluster of computers. However, you can use the
97 \texttt{snow} functionality to execute on a cluster, using Unix-like
98 operating systems, Windows, or even a combination.
99 It is pointless to use \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}
100 on a machine with only one processor with a single core. To get a speed
101 improvement, it must run on a machine with multiple processors, multiple
102 cores, or both.
104 \section{A word of caution}
106 Because the \texttt{parallel} package in \texttt{multicore} mode
107 starts its workers using
108 \texttt{fork} without doing a subsequent \texttt{exec}, it has some
109 limitations. Some operations cannot be performed properly by forked
110 processes. For example, connection objects very likely won't work.
111 In some cases, this could cause an object to become corrupted, and
112 the R session to crash.
114 \section{Registering the \texttt{doParallel} parallel backend}
116 To register \texttt{doParallel} to be used with \texttt{foreach}, you must
117 call the \texttt{registerDoParallel} function. If you call this with no
118 arguments, on Windows you will get three workers and on Unix-like
119 systems you will get a number of workers equal to approximately half the
120 number of cores on your system. You can also specify a cluster
121 (as created by the \texttt{makeCluster} function) or a number of cores.
122 The \texttt{cores} argument specifies the number of worker
123 processes that \texttt{doParallel} will use to execute tasks, which will
124 by default be
125 equal to one-half the total number of cores on the machine. You don't need to
126 specify a value for it, however. By default, \texttt{doParallel} will use the
127 value of the ``cores'' option, as specified with
128 the standard ``options'' function. If that isn't set, then
129 \texttt{doParallel} will try to detect the number of cores, and use one-half
130 that many workers.
132 Remember: unless \texttt{registerDoMC} is called, \texttt{foreach} will
133 {\em not} run in parallel. Simply loading the \texttt{doParallel} package is
134 not enough.
136 \section{An example \texttt{doParallel} session}
138 Before we go any further, let's load \texttt{doParallel}, register it, and use
139 it with \texttt{foreach}. We will use \texttt{snow}-like functionality in this
140 vignette, so we start by loading the package and starting a cluster:
142 <<loadLibs>>=
143 library(doParallel)
144 cl <- makeCluster(2)
145 registerDoParallel(cl)
146 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
147 @
148 <<echo=FALSE>>=
149 stopCluster(cl)
150 @
152 To use \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, we would specify the number
153 of cores to use instead (but note that on Windows, attempting to use more
154 than one core with \texttt{parallel} results in an error):
155 \begin{verbatim}
156 library(doParallel)
157 registerDoParallel(cores=2)
158 foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
159 \end{verbatim}
161 \begin{quote}
162 Note well that this is {\em not} a practical use of \texttt{doParallel}. This
163 is our ``Hello, world'' program for parallel computing. It tests that
164 everything is installed and set up properly, but don't expect it to run
165 faster than a sequential \texttt{for} loop, because it won't!
166 \texttt{sqrt} executes far too quickly to be worth executing in
167 parallel, even with a large number of iterations. With small tasks, the
168 overhead of scheduling the task and returning the result can be greater
169 than the time to execute the task itself, resulting in poor performance.
170 In addition, this example doesn't make use of the vector capabilities of
171 \texttt{sqrt}, which it must to get decent performance. This is just a
172 test and a pedagogical example, {\em not} a benchmark.
173 \end{quote}
175 But returning to the point of this example, you can see that it is very
176 simple to load \texttt{doParallel} with all of its dependencies
177 (\texttt{foreach}, \texttt{iterators}, \texttt{parallel}, etc), and to
178 register it. For the rest of the R session, whenever you execute
179 \texttt{foreach} with \texttt{\%dopar\%}, the tasks will be executed
180 using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel}. Note that you can register
181 a different parallel backend later, or deregister \texttt{doParallel} by
182 registering the sequential backend by calling the \texttt{registerDoSEQ}
183 function.
185 \section{A more serious example}
187 Now that we've gotten our feet wet, let's do something a bit less
188 trivial. One good example is bootstrapping. Let's see how long it
189 takes to run 10,000 bootstrap iterations in parallel on
190 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores:
192 <<echo=FALSE>>=
193 library(doParallel)
194 cl <- makeCluster(2)
195 registerDoParallel(cl)
196 @
197 <<bootpar>>=
198 x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
199 trials <- 10000
201 ptime <- system.time({
202 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
203 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
204 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
205 coefficients(result1)
206 }
207 })[3]
208 ptime
209 @
211 Using \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} we were able to perform
212 10,000 bootstrap iterations in \Sexpr{ptime} seconds on
213 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} cores. By changing the \texttt{\%dopar\%} to
214 \texttt{\%do\%}, we can run the same code sequentially to determine the
215 performance improvement:
217 <<bootseq>>=
218 stime <- system.time({
219 r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %do% {
220 ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
221 result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))
222 coefficients(result1)
223 }
224 })[3]
225 stime
226 @
229 The sequential version ran in \Sexpr{stime} seconds, which means the
230 speed up is about \Sexpr{round(stime / ptime, digits=1)} on
231 \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()} workers.\footnote{If you build this vignette
232 yourself, you can see how well this problem runs on your hardware. None
233 of the times are hardcoded in this document. You can also run the same
234 example which is in the examples directory of the \texttt{doParallel}
235 distribution.} Ideally, the speed up would be \Sexpr{getDoParWorkers()},
236 but no multicore CPUs are ideal, and neither are the operating systems
237 and software that run on them.
239 At any rate, this is a more realistic example that is worth executing in
240 parallel. We do not explain what it's doing or how it works
241 here. We just want to give you something more substantial than the
242 \texttt{sqrt} example in case you want to run some benchmarks yourself.
243 You can also run this example on a cluster by simply reregistering
244 with a cluster object that specifies the nodes to use. (See the
245 \texttt{makeCluster} help file for more details.)
247 \section{Getting information about the parallel backend}
249 To find out how many workers \texttt{foreach} is going to use, you can
250 use the \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function:
252 <<getDoParWorkers>>=
253 getDoParWorkers()
254 @
256 This is a useful sanity check that you're actually running in parallel.
257 If you haven't registered a parallel backend, or if your machine only
258 has one core, \texttt{getDoParWorkers} will return one. In either case,
259 don't expect a speed improvement. \texttt{foreach} is clever, but it
260 isn't magic.
262 The \texttt{getDoParWorkers} function is also useful when you want the
263 number of tasks to be equal to the number of workers. You may want to
264 pass this value to an iterator constructor, for example.
266 You can also get the name and version of the currently registered
267 backend:
269 <<getDoParName>>=
270 getDoParName()
271 getDoParVersion()
272 @
273 <<echo=FALSE>>=
274 stopCluster(cl)
275 @
276 This is mostly useful for documentation purposes, or for checking that
277 you have the most recent version of \texttt{doParallel}.
279 \section{Specifying multicore options}
281 When using \texttt{multicore}-like functionality, the \texttt{doParallel} package allows
282 you to specify various options when
283 running \texttt{foreach} that are supported by the underlying
284 \texttt{mclapply} function: ``preschedule'', ``set.seed'', ``silent'',
285 and ``cores''. You can learn about these options from the
286 \texttt{mclapply} man page. They are set using the \texttt{foreach}
287 \texttt{.options.multicore} argument. Here's an example of how to do
288 that:
290 \begin{verbatim}
291 mcoptions <- list(preschedule=FALSE, set.seed=FALSE)
292 foreach(i=1:3, .options.multicore=mcoptions) %dopar% sqrt(i)
293 \end{verbatim}
295 The ``cores'' options allows you to temporarily override the number of
296 workers to use for a single \texttt{foreach} operation. This is more
297 convenient than having to re-register \texttt{doParallel}. Although if no
298 value of ``cores'' was specified when \texttt{doParallel} was registered, you
299 can also change this value dynamically using the \texttt{options}
300 function:
302 \begin{verbatim}
303 options(cores=2)
304 getDoParWorkers()
305 options(cores=3)
306 getDoParWorkers()
307 \end{verbatim}
309 If you did specify the number of cores when registering \texttt{doParallel},
310 the ``cores'' option is ignored:
312 \begin{verbatim}
313 registerDoParallel(4)
314 options(cores=2)
315 getDoParWorkers()
316 \end{verbatim}
318 As you can see, there are a number of options for controlling the number
319 of workers to use with \texttt{parallel}, but the default behaviour
320 usually does what you want.
322 \section{Stopping your cluster}
324 If you are using \texttt{snow}-like functionality, you will want to stop your
325 cluster when you are done using it. The \texttt{doParallel} package's
326 \texttt{.onUnload} function will do this automatically if the cluster was created
327 automatically by \texttt{registerDoParallel}, but if you created the cluster manually
328 you should stop it using the \texttt{stopCluster} function:
330 \begin{verbatim}
331 stopCluster(cl)
332 \end{verbatim}
334 \section{Conclusion}
336 The \texttt{doParallel} and \texttt{parallel} packages provide a nice,
337 efficient parallel programming platform for multiprocessor/multicore
338 computers running operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X. It is
339 very easy to install, and very easy to use. In short order, an average
340 R programmer can start executing parallel programs, without any previous
341 experience in parallel computing.
343 \end{document}