Codebase list r-cran-gbm / lintian-fixes/main

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# gbm 2.1.8

* Removed experimental functions `shrink.gbm()` and `shrink.gbm.pred()`; the latter seemed broken anyway. Happy to accept a PR if anyone wants to fix them.

# gbm 2.1.7

* Fix `Non-file package-anchored link(s) in documentation...` warning.

# gbm 2.1.6

* Corrected the number of arguments for `gbm_shrink_gradient()` in `gbm-init.c` [(#50)]( (Thanks to CRAN for highlighting the issue.)

* Removed unnecessary dependency on [gridExtra](

* Switched to using `lapply()` instead of `parallel::parLapply()` whenever `n.cores = 1`.

* Calling `gbm()` with `distribution = "bernoulli"` will now throw an error whenever the response is non-numeric (e.g., 0/1 factors will throw an error instead of possibly crashing the session.) [(#6)]( (Thanks to @mzoll.)

* Calling `gbm()` with `distribution = "multinomial"` now comes with a warning message; multinomial support has always been problematic and since this package is only being maintained for backwards compatibility, it likely will not be fixed unless someone makes a PR.

* Switched from [RUnit]( to [tinytest]( framework. The `test.gbm()`, `test.relative.influence()`, and `validate.gbm()` functions will remain for backwards compatability. This is just the start, as more tests will be added in the future [(#51)](

#### Bug fixes

* Fixed a long standing bug that could occur when using k-fold cross-validation with a response that's been transformed in the model formula [(#30)](

* Fixed a but that would crash the session when giving "bad" input for `n.trees` in the call to `predict.gbm()` [(#45)]( (Thanks to @ngreifer.)

* Fixed a bug where calling `predict()` could throw an error in some cases when `n.trees` was not specified.

# gbm 2.1.5

* Fixed bug that occurred whenever `distribution` was a list (e.g., "pairwise" regression) [(#27)](

* Fixed a bug that occurred when making predictions on new data with different factor levels [(#28)](

* Fixed a bug that caused `relative.influence()` to give different values whenever `n.trees` was/wasn't given for multinomial distributions [(#31)](

* The `` argument of `gbm.perf()` is no longer ignored [(#34)]( 

* Fixed an error that occurred in `gbm.perf()` whenever `oobag.curve = FALSE` and `overlay = FALSE`.

# gbm 2.1.4

* Switched from `CHANGES` to `NEWS` file.

* Updated links and maintainer field in `DESCRIPTION` file.

* Fixed bug caused by factors with unused levels

* Fixed bug with axis labels in the `plot()` method for `"gbm"` objects [(#17)](

* The `plot()` method for `"gbm"` objects is now more consistent and always returns a `"trellis"` object [(#19)]( Consequently, setting graphical parameters via `par` will no longer have an effect on the output from `plot.gbm()`.

* The `plot()` method for `"gbm"` objects gained five new arguments: `level.plot`, `contour`, `number`, `overlap`, and `col.regions`; see `?plot.gbm` for details.

* The default color palette for false color level plots in `plot.gbm()` has changed to the Matplotlib 'viridis' color map.

* Fixed a number of references and URLs.