Codebase list r-cran-gbm / upstream/2.1.4
New upstream version 2.1.4 Andreas Tille 5 years ago
83 changed file(s) with 5916 addition(s) and 5851 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 Package: gbm
1 Version: 2.1.3
2 Date: 2017-03-21
1 Version: 2.1.4
32 Title: Generalized Boosted Regression Models
4 Author: Greg Ridgeway <> with contributions from
5 others
6 Maintainer: ORPHANED
7 Depends: R (>= 2.9.0), survival, lattice, splines, parallel
8 Suggests: RUnit
9 Description: An implementation of extensions to Freund and
10 Schapire's AdaBoost algorithm and Friedman's gradient boosting
11 machine. Includes regression methods for least squares,
12 absolute loss, t-distribution loss, quantile regression,
13 logistic, multinomial logistic, Poisson, Cox proportional
14 hazards partial likelihood, AdaBoost exponential loss,
15 Huberized hinge loss, and Learning to Rank measures
16 (LambdaMart).
3 Authors@R: c(
4 person("Brandon", "Greenwell",
5 email = "",
6 role = c("aut", "cre"),
7 comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-8120-0084")),
8 person("Bradley", "Boehmke",
9 email = "",
10 role = "aut",
11 comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-3611-8516")),
12 person("Jay", "Cunningham",
13 email = "",
14 role = "aut"),
15 person("GBM", "Developers",
16 role = "aut",
17 comment = "")
18 )
19 Depends: R (>= 2.9.0)
20 Imports: gridExtra, lattice, parallel, survival
21 Suggests: knitr, pdp, RUnit, splines, viridis
22 Description: An implementation of extensions to Freund and Schapire's AdaBoost
23 algorithm and Friedman's gradient boosting machine. Includes regression
24 methods for least squares, absolute loss, t-distribution loss, quantile
25 regression, logistic, multinomial logistic, Poisson, Cox proportional hazards
26 partial likelihood, AdaBoost exponential loss, Huberized hinge loss, and
27 Learning to Rank measures (LambdaMart). Originally developed by Greg Ridgeway.
1728 License: GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
18 URL:
19 Packaged: 2017-03-21 06:44:01 UTC; ripley
29 URL:
30 BugReports:
31 RoxygenNote: 6.1.0
32 VignetteBuilder: knitr
2033 NeedsCompilation: yes
34 Packaged: 2018-09-16 06:19:54 UTC; ripley
35 Author: Brandon Greenwell [aut, cre] (<>),
36 Bradley Boehmke [aut] (<>),
37 Jay Cunningham [aut],
38 GBM Developers [aut] (
39 Maintainer: Brandon Greenwell <>
2140 Repository: CRAN
22 Date/Publication: 2017-03-21 06:48:03 UTC
23 X-CRAN-Original-Maintainer: Harry Southworth
24 <>
25 X-CRAN-Comment: Orphaned on 2017-03-21 as long-standing errors were not
26 corrected. NMU by CRAN team.
41 Date/Publication: 2018-09-16 08:20:11
1212 General Public License for more details.
1414 Copies of the relevant licenses can be found at:
MD5 less more
00 108bdba2eb6f2ba6ce890f47224ef68f *CHANGES
1 cf8eedb04e0b7de4ba83cabfe278a328 *DESCRIPTION
2 c2cae135a9c0d4ae15e14e89166ba841 *LICENSE
3 dcb19d54815086722ad172c662cb7d03 *NAMESPACE
4 6a1293bc6f87d439da835b1b837f9c52 *R/basehaz.gbm.R
5 cc5e4cd5f5d5e23382bae904e9ada152 *R/calibrate.plot.R
6 5615ac799ce14603a692a2c29be9648f *R/checks.R
7 cf5a5bce0653ae59317ddac8bfe8d389 *R/gbm.R
8 428c0d3515d5fcbbdd992e10f5d22793 *R/
9 1de9823ae906c064f61a39bd1e0241d3 *R/gbm.loss.R
10 ab8e510ccde4446a7c93ff384ba3217c *R/gbm.more.R
11 5a79d41470d1f8ae3b8c278bc5e12389 *R/gbm.perf.R
12 0fdb6a883897939376827795e4ee5230 *R/gbmCluster.R
13 f4651f14ae6acdfa96319bb257f9d0e1 *R/gbmCrossVal.R
14 7201fac67c6152443cf2a2c3b5989116 *R/gbmDoFold.R
15 f5cc3af1a8eb7ddbf962038e88d27953 *R/getCVgroup.R
16 efd18f017f7a73397141bf4239c922ce *R/getStratify.R
17 696197960954e0845b8998911987cab2 *R/guessDist.R
18 be47e36ef092244404831df5227f6d65 *R/interact.gbm.R
19 f8c4c5e164b772b3bfc152b8e5659e2e *R/ir.measures.R
20 bbfe015167ca3c75ecd155f6b090f661 *R/permutation.test.gbm.R
21 51c2749906af39dc17eb1af54b4d861d *R/plot.gbm.R
22 b9c2bb5000212628b390b81dfdd895c0 *R/predict.gbm.R
23 7e3daea77a7b6ffa18e9f81cf0e0b152 *R/pretty.gbm.tree.R
24 13ac361d8e3f54893f7de0b66351eee4 *R/print.gbm.R
25 36d2345c029a4e8384703c92d46f9b2e *R/reconstructGBMdata.R
26 792e2a5c7cdfeeee3e29c4e418f8af35 *R/relative.influence.R
27 e8cf40a7c7efcd820e908a43252cfc2b *R/shrink.gbm.R
28 eefc2a06d746e77ac2ba101d240640b8 *R/shrink.gbm.pred.R
29 5b47e86c97e9b464bd64e7ea647c65ae *R/test.gbm.R
1 82faeac45c35b19ca76f8278d98e1d20 *DESCRIPTION
2 67f2f9cc8297be2f12dfe86e05277383 *LICENSE
3 00dda5f78be66b96a668b74b523fcac1 *NAMESPACE
4 ab6e6d294c6c724e76c5f069c1694fd2 *
5 061c315ef880f845918ff59cce721239 *R/basehaz.gbm.R
6 aef3622e1f5a19f9c74616130321851f *R/calibrate.plot.R
7 af7dcaeddbc7e6eb31b66290a98c0a1c *R/gbm-internals.R
8 2f21a77c0c4d5274533173b223f7f05e *R/gbm-package.R
9 cc641d322c124bfab6d7e2351cf4e6d2 *R/gbm.R
10 1a60700a939bb694799c92073d13b3a5 *R/
11 2f6a79af8a23dd4be5283881a82e5f5c *R/gbm.more.R
12 cdcc395f477e8a83fde52d313d5d9760 *R/gbm.object.R
13 b999e62a4727556bb73d893db39e9a83 *R/gbm.perf.R
14 f17f3d39a4d6820e78130748ce8032ff *R/gbmCrossVal.R
15 40231a31962f0df1ab182edcffe51b9f *R/interact.gbm.R
16 fc877c59338b8343545050803c29ec95 *R/ir.measures.R
17 1e1e9648a40d27a07c63e9c4103ba4d0 *R/plot.gbm.R
18 23d6e774a0facb281c6f179703b9533d *R/predict.gbm.R
19 48438bd417c4a7b3c0495c901c5d5060 *R/pretty.gbm.tree.R
20 b068e5396186cc21060477aac914abe7 *R/print.gbm.R
21 af4fd23ba860c912a1a237fb3b5631d1 *R/reconstructGBMdata.R
22 1a8dd026617a7bdc35d9e7ed8232c399 *R/relative.influence.R
23 81f913b053b7d402f4a808aeb3670e2f *R/shrink.gbm.R
24 d001fbd3c7de86463f4d0f1dff63a70b *R/shrink.gbm.pred.R
25 21f1a9fdd69be98ad81bbca7e18ec8a7 *R/test.gbm.R
26 3fc23fb8a1c816ac430c4e836a08078a *R/utils.R
27 08ab323918a24917e4d4638ca01c841a *R/zzz.R
28 55ae3c9b2954cd0ac1c317b5698d77c3 *
29 4dc9151409b8112474ac3f1da044f7f7 *build/vignette.rds
3030 4e38ebb4d3578e523b7d94fc9ece3d65 *demo/00Index
3131 e3bd8606063f15ded6ab3261c13d22af *demo/OOB-reps.R
3232 354344b4f6e8a232508ef872ced5efa3 *demo/bernoulli.R
3636 af763746809ed98e48e065f77942cb05 *demo/pairwise.R
3737 dbff7ebcc6a18e27c1b423fd5db70ae3 *demo/printExamples.R
3838 79316127956b8f5291f5021f1e7c89ef *demo/robustReg.R
39 5e674508b7fde23e247a6e1a6c6b6ec6 *inst/doc/gbm.Sweave
40 e73636a53327b5e049e5764b0620d03e *inst/doc/gbm.pdf
41 b63bc1c2450ad4bca8db60e03b932a53 *inst/doc/gbm.tex
42 64dbd4ec219c6e855b87bc4ddeba111e *inst/doc/index.html
43 dc706f07b81a76bf9aab2edf4641e86f *inst/doc/oobperf2.eps
44 7ba661d197d25537a69fc34d737b4d29 *inst/doc/oobperf2.pdf
45 9d73da9632fed38c327ffbd1b072347b *inst/doc/shrinkage-v-iterations.eps
46 3fda19791155842b0e48565781441aa2 *inst/doc/shrinkage-v-iterations.pdf
39 c044e4fcd21ef75478830ede774cfba7 *inst/doc/gbm.Rnw
40 d9afae55c8fff7ec22fc678aa3224efb *inst/doc/gbm.pdf
4741 4d55dd49b93485a78ecb50caafd19b4e *inst/doc/shrinkageplot.R
48 90fd593dd07098b5600fb650e86733ff *inst/doc/srcltx.sty
49 ce7a173a73fb952a1bf40cb65e3b99f2 *man/basehaz.gbm.Rd
50 7fca3316fe15ef40546c3db911d67086 *man/calibrate.plot.Rd
51 99fab30dc167a5c90a1d1424e71a25f4 *man/gbm-internal.Rd
52 dbbaa87e0b50024671667d8d38008e64 *man/gbm-package.Rd
53 eac981fe86aac2cf2b76f2bcee97289f *man/gbm.Rd
54 089cf48c905c3429ed63f69a0cd982b5 *man/gbm.object.Rd
55 3ed5b048c81d016868ca2799e4504419 *man/gbm.perf.Rd
56 7359f0a3b1f2d27cf29e497745c6ba59 *man/gbm.roc.area.Rd
57 9e8eb660baefa82bc008cbf7e12babf8 *man/gbmCrossVal.Rd
58 8fca4f44be806cb17eb37affe8334618 *man/interact.gbm.Rd
59 a8728abc1dc77b599c2aa7d1df6f982e *man/plot.gbm.Rd
60 5896d84873dd1ed5d22005b5b37b17b6 *man/predict.gbm.Rd
61 1656ffd7646d41236545e0399a70afdd *man/pretty.gbm.tree.Rd
62 894215a9e1e715f39a6cb79a6fe81baf *man/print.gbm.Rd
63 0da8961be170c9a72df248d6f0fe985e *man/quantile.rug.Rd
64 9fbb2bddffae7a639d4f702817eeecb3 *man/reconstructGBMdata.Rd
65 e1dea92edf78383b17139d45c318294c *man/relative.influence.Rd
66 b58470798d31cfceceeec40252ce833f *man/shrink.gbm.Rd
67 ef52c476e46b4c64eee269064ea58b64 *man/shrink.gbm.pred.Rd
68 b73e9273873b1178e9a116187105c022 *man/summary.gbm.Rd
69 3e0b677bccf30388ec0fc96f77f5fb62 *man/validate.Rd
42 e89d6b6a7a2f19974d5c7916c9e2ae66 *man/basehaz.gbm.Rd
43 c606780ccf3028850a848dfc2b3f4739 *man/calibrate.plot.Rd
44 bf74b54c920807d509d5ff19e45e95d4 *man/gbm-internals.Rd
45 5f96c05f991a485fbfe7a23b87b3d649 *man/gbm-package.Rd
46 db08fe6fff6da69ebfbaad46ff0d902f *man/gbm.Rd
47 94befbc345d33d0ed250a227a1268603 *man/
48 a65152118be58b4d8bf48ad8c93614c7 *man/gbm.more.Rd
49 728fa0d75f96519d0156aa2891362b9b *man/gbm.object.Rd
50 d007fd2b010c4b6ccbd4c0ec2aba9ea0 *man/gbm.perf.Rd
51 c43f6a77ca7bec407e85b642d6dfa2be *man/gbm.roc.area.Rd
52 2cd76f2ffbdc511bb0ac0a9dc1fb393b *man/gbmCrossVal.Rd
53 7d42ecd6cfbbb3e83f94685f0ef7add4 *man/grid.arrange.Rd
54 c1789d7d5b7fc9be7665be55c1893d35 *man/interact.gbm.Rd
55 0a3f9f38c375609ef6380dceb1d4128c *man/plot.gbm.Rd
56 2a0d1ae9483de0ffb214d25623821f68 *man/predict.gbm.Rd
57 e368dcac4b75c8273529151e0087c5d4 *man/pretty.gbm.tree.Rd
58 21c028bad14805f40e0a7a0dc7e49e64 *man/print.gbm.Rd
59 f9563a4ec1265edfec56ecbdb8148e38 *man/quantile.rug.Rd
60 27aa52e20ea8281697e8357a36d58b85 *man/reconstructGBMdata.Rd
61 f17f451739be17e89ec1b227b6602c86 *man/relative.influence.Rd
62 6f99e3dde82cbc922d9f1fc7f22bdcd9 *man/shrink.gbm.Rd
63 d75c1d9e1ff0c6a83bb37df2591ae4d9 *man/shrink.gbm.pred.Rd
64 dd2dfa92c91ff3ae020d9dbdd23657fb *man/summary.gbm.Rd
65 8201654f42537ca205d0d5b138848df8 *man/test.gbm.Rd
7066 0d32ce72a7b02fc57d602c60b9ba8305 *src/adaboost.cpp
7167 2f5d22dc3043e69628763cbe303e6b5f *src/adaboost.h
7268 6d2bd44a11975c8f023640eb7a9036c3 *src/bac/gaussian.cpp
8177 91d88e455827695f63bf23df5dfb3108 *src/distribution.h
8278 6d2bd44a11975c8f023640eb7a9036c3 *src/gaussian.cpp
8379 6c2bf2616a3b4491aaaf501346246d3f *src/gaussian.h
80 889bfcdd44dc35824be51ba8ae2bd517 *src/gbm-init.c
8481 1d8d4e59887769602b1d3c8dc3d5f94f *src/gbm.cpp
8582 0f49e8549558916322ec80e29b591a73 *src/gbm.h
8683 c0c572eb464dae70700ffe8fdc3f6b9f *src/gbm_engine.cpp
8784 b3f1f49fa614ac6cfd52b28191bfdb70 *src/gbm_engine.h
88 f1da15864dab021cdac1617ffba4ff0f *src/gbmentry.cpp
85 1d924856d046e942a312d373cfce230f *src/gbmentry.cpp
8986 1fba83f37e9f092d8b005e0c8f32a97b *src/huberized.cpp
9087 141e5b762944c14a0b6294e15046296f *src/huberized.h
91 cd2cedbf213ddbc773ea20fe354a93ae *src/init.c
9288 10dcf061e2807ca52f811ec6650f33ad *src/laplace.cpp
9389 53b4d97c482517fbbc97162da1adf891 *src/laplace.h
94 e7958b4630de29d3848d057d2aebc6e2 *src/locationm.cpp
90 d25bcfb8da3565604f902270b25eb470 *src/locationm.cpp
9591 932f3d98f158ebf6ae11ed47e873a7f3 *src/locationm.h
9692 39094967ceaabf7c744bc93d0b86d22f *src/matrix.h
9793 7242e54abea29c46990c4aabba7a65b6 *src/multinomial.cpp
120116 9ab15eb81fc9a18ee7d14a76f7aefd2a *src/tdist.h
121117 276e36bf158250eb458a1cdabcf975b5 *src/tree.cpp
122118 6b2f1cd60e5d67638e110e1ac9552b27 *src/tree.h
119 c044e4fcd21ef75478830ede774cfba7 *vignettes/gbm.Rnw
120 b5633beb372053eac8730e76d8999ce9 *vignettes/gbm.bib
121 7ba661d197d25537a69fc34d737b4d29 *vignettes/oobperf2.pdf
122 3fda19791155842b0e48565781441aa2 *vignettes/shrinkage-v-iterations.pdf
123 90fd593dd07098b5600fb650e86733ff *vignettes/srcltx.sty
0 # Export all names that don't start with "."
1 exportPattern("^[^\\.]")
0 # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
3 useDynLib(gbm)
5 importFrom(survival, Surv)
7 # ns from splines is used in one of the examples
8 importFrom(splines, ns, splineDesign)
10 # xyplot is used, which means several functions internal
11 # to lattice will also be used. Import the lot.
2 S3method(plot,gbm)
3 S3method(predict,gbm)
4 S3method(print,gbm)
5 S3method(summary,gbm)
6 export(basehaz.gbm)
7 export(calibrate.plot)
8 export(checkID)
9 export(checkMissing)
10 export(checkOffset)
11 export(checkWeights)
12 export(gbm)
13 export(gbm.conc)
14 export(
15 export(gbm.loss)
16 export(gbm.more)
17 export(gbm.perf)
18 export(gbm.roc.area)
19 export(gbmCluster)
20 export(gbmCrossVal)
21 export(gbmCrossValErr)
22 export(gbmCrossValModelBuild)
23 export(gbmCrossValPredictions)
24 export(gbmDoFold)
25 export(getCVgroup)
26 export(getStratify)
27 export(getVarNames)
28 export(grid.arrange)
29 export(guessDist)
30 export(interact.gbm)
31 export(ir.measure.auc)
32 export(ir.measure.conc)
33 export(
34 export(ir.measure.mrr)
35 export(ir.measure.ndcg)
36 export(perf.pairwise)
37 export(permutation.test.gbm)
38 export(plot.gbm)
39 export(predict.gbm)
40 export(pretty.gbm.tree)
41 export(quantile.rug)
42 export(reconstructGBMdata)
43 export(relative.influence)
44 export(show.gbm)
45 export(shrink.gbm)
46 export(shrink.gbm.pred)
47 export(summary.gbm)
48 export(test.gbm)
49 export(test.relative.influence)
50 export(validate.gbm)
1251 import(lattice)
14 import(parallel)
16 importFrom("grDevices", "rainbow")
17 importFrom("graphics", "abline", "axis", "barplot", "lines", "mtext",
18 "par", "plot", "polygon", "rug", "segments", "title")
19 importFrom("stats", "approx", "binomial", "delete.response",
20 "gaussian", "glm", "loess", "model.extract", "model.frame",
21 "model.offset", "model.response", "model.weights",
22 "na.pass", "poisson", "predict", "quantile", "rbinom",
23 "reformulate", "rexp", "rnorm", "runif", "sd", "supsmu",
24 "terms", "var", "weighted.mean")
26 S3method(plot, gbm)
27 S3method(predict, gbm)
28 S3method(print, gbm)
29 S3method(summary, gbm)
52 importFrom(grDevices,rainbow)
53 importFrom(graphics,abline)
54 importFrom(graphics,axis)
55 importFrom(graphics,barplot)
56 importFrom(graphics,lines)
57 importFrom(graphics,mtext)
58 importFrom(graphics,par)
59 importFrom(graphics,plot)
60 importFrom(graphics,polygon)
61 importFrom(graphics,rug)
62 importFrom(graphics,segments)
63 importFrom(graphics,title)
64 importFrom(gridExtra,grid.arrange)
65 importFrom(stats,approx)
66 importFrom(stats,binomial)
67 importFrom(stats,delete.response)
68 importFrom(stats,gaussian)
69 importFrom(stats,glm)
70 importFrom(stats,loess)
71 importFrom(stats,model.extract)
72 importFrom(stats,model.frame)
73 importFrom(stats,model.offset)
74 importFrom(stats,model.response)
75 importFrom(stats,model.weights)
76 importFrom(stats,na.pass)
77 importFrom(stats,poisson)
78 importFrom(stats,predict)
79 importFrom(stats,quantile)
80 importFrom(stats,rbinom)
81 importFrom(stats,reformulate)
82 importFrom(stats,reorder)
83 importFrom(stats,rexp)
84 importFrom(stats,rnorm)
85 importFrom(stats,runif)
86 importFrom(stats,sd)
87 importFrom(stats,supsmu)
88 importFrom(stats,terms)
89 importFrom(stats,var)
90 importFrom(stats,weighted.mean)
91 importFrom(survival,Surv)
92 useDynLib(gbm, .registration = TRUE)
0 # NEWS for gbm package
2 ### Changes for version 2.1.4
3 * Switched from `CHANGES` to `NEWS` file.
4 * Updated links and maintainer field in `DESCRIPTION` file.
5 * Fixed bug caused by factors with unused levels [(#5)](
6 * Fixed bug with axis labels in the `plot` method for `"gbm"` objects. [(#17)](
7 * The `plot` method for `"gbm"` objects is now more consistent and always returns a `"trellis"` object [(#19)]( Consequently, setting graphical parameters via `par` will no longer have an effect on the output from `plot.gbm`.
8 * The `plot` method for `"gbm"` objects gained five new arguments: `level.plot`, `contour`, `number`, `overlap`, and `col.regions`; see `?plot.gbm` for details.
9 * The default color palette for false color level plots in `plot.gbm` has changed to the Matplotlib 'viridis' color map.
10 * Fixed a number of references and URLs.
0 # compute Breslow estimator of the baseline hazard function
1 basehaz.gbm <- function(t,delta,f.x,
2 t.eval=NULL,
3 smooth=FALSE,
4 cumulative=TRUE)
5 {
6 t.unique <- sort(unique(t[delta==1]))
7 alpha <- length(t.unique)
8 for(i in 1:length(t.unique))
9 {
10 alpha[i] <- sum(t[delta==1]==t.unique[i])/
11 sum(exp(f.x[t>=t.unique[i]]))
12 }
0 # rd2rox <- function(path = file.choose()) {
1 # info <- Rd2roxygen::parse_file(path)
2 # cat(Rd2roxygen::create_roxygen(info), sep = "\n")
3 # }
14 if(!smooth && !cumulative)
15 {
16 if(!is.null(t.eval))
6 #' Baseline hazard function
7 #'
8 #' Computes the Breslow estimator of the baseline hazard function for a
9 #' proportional hazard regression model.
10 #'
11 #' The proportional hazard model assumes h(t|x)=lambda(t)*exp(f(x)).
12 #' \code{\link{gbm}} can estimate the f(x) component via partial likelihood.
13 #' After estimating f(x), \code{basehaz.gbm} can compute the a nonparametric
14 #' estimate of lambda(t).
15 #'
16 #' @param t The survival times.
17 #' @param delta The censoring indicator.
18 #' @param f.x The predicted values of the regression model on the log hazard
19 #' scale.
20 #' @param t.eval Values at which the baseline hazard will be evaluated.
21 #' @param smooth If \code{TRUE} \code{basehaz.gbm} will smooth the estimated
22 #' baseline hazard using Friedman's super smoother \code{\link{supsmu}}.
23 #' @param cumulative If \code{TRUE} the cumulative survival function will be
24 #' computed.
25 #' @return A vector of length equal to the length of t (or of length
26 #' \code{t.eval} if \code{t.eval} is not \code{NULL}) containing the baseline
27 #' hazard evaluated at t (or at \code{t.eval} if \code{t.eval} is not
28 #' \code{NULL}). If \code{cumulative} is set to \code{TRUE} then the returned
29 #' vector evaluates the cumulative hazard function at those values.
30 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
31 #' @seealso \code{\link[survival]{survfit}}, \code{\link{gbm}}
32 #' @references
33 #' N. Breslow (1972). "Discussion of `Regression Models and
34 #' Life-Tables' by D.R. Cox," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series
35 #' B, 34(2):216-217.
36 #'
37 #' N. Breslow (1974). "Covariance analysis of censored survival data,"
38 #' Biometrics 30:89-99.
39 #' @keywords methods survival
40 #' @export
41 basehaz.gbm <- function(t,delta, f.x, t.eval = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
42 cumulative = TRUE) {
44 t.unique <- sort(unique(t[delta==1]))
45 alpha <- length(t.unique)
46 for(i in 1:length(t.unique)) {
47 alpha[i] <- sum(t[delta==1]==t.unique[i])/
48 sum(exp(f.x[t>=t.unique[i]]))
49 }
51 if(!smooth && !cumulative) {
52 if(!is.null(t.eval)) {
53 stop("Cannot evaluate unsmoothed baseline hazard at t.eval.")
54 }
55 } else {
56 if(smooth && !cumulative) {
57 lambda.smooth <- supsmu(t.unique,alpha)
58 } else {
59 if(smooth && cumulative)
1760 {
18 stop("Cannot evaluate unsmoothed baseline hazard at t.eval.")
61 lambda.smooth <- supsmu(t.unique, cumsum(alpha))
62 } else { # (!smooth && cumulative) - THE DEFAULT
63 lambda.smooth <- list(x = t.unique, y = cumsum(alpha))
1964 }
20 } else
21 if(smooth && !cumulative)
22 {
23 lambda.smooth <- supsmu(t.unique,alpha)
24 } else
25 if(smooth && cumulative)
26 {
27 lambda.smooth <- supsmu(t.unique,cumsum(alpha))
28 } else # (!smooth && cumulative) - THE DEFAULT
29 {
30 lambda.smooth <- list(x=t.unique,y=cumsum(alpha))
31 }
65 }
66 }
33 if(!is.null(t.eval))
34 {
35 obj <- approx(lambda.smooth$x,lambda.smooth$y,xout=t.eval)$y
36 } else
37 {
38 obj <- approx(lambda.smooth$x,lambda.smooth$y,xout=t)$y
39 }
41 return(obj)
69 obj <- if(!is.null(t.eval)) {
70 approx(lambda.smooth$x, lambda.smooth$y, xout = t.eval)$y
71 } else {
72 approx(lambda.smooth$x, lambda.smooth$y, xout = t)$y
73 }
75 return(obj)
4277 }
0 quantile.rug <- function(x,prob=(0:10)/10,...)
1 {
2 quants <- quantile(x[!],prob=prob)
3 if(length(unique(quants)) < length(prob))
4 {
5 quants <- jitter(quants)
6 }
7 rug(quants,...)
0 #' Quantile rug plot
1 #'
2 #' Marks the quantiles on the axes of the current plot.
3 #'
4 #' @param x A numeric vector.
5 #'
6 #' @param prob The quantiles of x to mark on the x-axis.
7 #'
8 #' @param ... Additional optional arguments to be passed onto
9 #' \code{\link[graphics]{rug}}
10 #'
11 #' @return No return values.
12 #'
13 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}.
14 #'
15 #' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}, \code{\link[stats]{quantile}},
16 #' \code{\link[base]{jitter}}, \code{\link[graphics]{rug}}.
17 #'
18 #' @keywords aplot
19 #'
20 #' @export quantile.rug
21 #'
22 #' @examples
23 #' x <- rnorm(100)
24 #' y <- rnorm(100)
25 #' plot(x, y)
26 #' quantile.rug(x)
27 quantile.rug <- function(x, prob = 0:10/10, ...) {
28 quants <- quantile(x[!], prob = prob)
29 if(length(unique(quants)) < length(prob)) {
30 quants <- jitter(quants)
31 }
32 rug(quants, ...)
833 }
10 calibrate.plot <- function(y,p,
11 distribution="bernoulli",
12 replace=TRUE,
13 line.par=list(col="black"),
14 shade.col="lightyellow",
15 shade.density=NULL,
16 rug.par=list(side=1),
17 xlab="Predicted value",
18 ylab="Observed average",
19 xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,
20 knots=NULL,df=6,
21 ...)
22 {
23 data <- data.frame(y=y,p=p)
25 if(is.null(knots) && is.null(df))
26 stop("Either knots or df must be specified")
27 if((df != round(df)) || (df<1))
28 stop("df must be a positive integer")
30 if(distribution=="bernoulli")
31 {
32 family1 = binomial
33 } else if(distribution=="poisson")
34 {
35 family1 = poisson
36 } else
37 {
38 family1 = gaussian
39 }
40 gam1 <- glm(y~ns(p,df=df,knots=knots),data=data,family=family1)
42 x <- seq(min(p),max(p),length=200)
43 yy <- predict(gam1,newdata=data.frame(p=x),,type="response")
45 x <- x[!$fit)]
46 yy$ <- yy$[!$fit)]
47 yy$fit <- yy$fit[!$fit)]
49 if(!
50 {
51 se.lower <- yy$fit-2*yy$
52 se.upper <- yy$fit+2*yy$
53 if(distribution=="bernoulli")
54 {
55 se.lower[se.lower < 0] <- 0
56 se.upper[se.upper > 1] <- 1
57 }
58 if(distribution=="poisson")
59 {
60 se.lower[se.lower < 0] <- 0
61 }
62 if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(se.lower,se.upper,x)
63 if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(se.lower,se.upper,x)
64 }
65 else
66 {
67 if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(yy$fit,x)
68 if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(yy$fit,x)
69 }
70 if(replace)
71 {
72 plot(0,0,
73 type="n",
74 xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,
75 xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,
76 ...)
77 }
78 if(!
79 {
80 polygon(c(x,rev(x),x[1]),
81 c(se.lower,rev(se.upper),se.lower[1]),
82 col=shade.col,
83 border=NA,
84 density=shade.density)
85 }
86 lines(x,yy$fit,col=line.par$col)
87 quantile.rug(p,side=rug.par$side)
88 abline(0,1,col="red")
36 #' Calibration plot
37 #'
38 #' An experimental diagnostic tool that plots the fitted values versus the
39 #' actual average values. Currently only available when
40 #' \code{distribution = "bernoulli"}.
41 #'
42 #' Uses natural splines to estimate E(y|p). Well-calibrated predictions imply
43 #' that E(y|p) = p. The plot also includes a pointwise 95% confidence band.
44 #'
45 #' @param y The outcome 0-1 variable.
46 #'
47 #' @param p The predictions estimating E(y|x).
48 #'
49 #' @param distribution The loss function used in creating \code{p}.
50 #' \code{bernoulli} and \code{poisson} are currently the only special options.
51 #' All others default to squared error assuming \code{gaussian}.
52 #'
53 #' @param replace Determines whether this plot will replace or overlay the
54 #' current plot. \code{replace=FALSE} is useful for comparing the calibration
55 #' of several methods.
56 #'
57 #' @param line.par Graphics parameters for the line.
58 #'
59 #' @param shade.col Color for shading the 2 SE region. \code{shade.col=NA}
60 #' implies no 2 SE region.
61 #'
62 #' @param shade.density The \code{density} parameter for \code{\link{polygon}}.
63 #'
64 #' @param rug.par Graphics parameters passed to \code{\link{rug}}.
65 #'
66 #' @param xlab x-axis label corresponding to the predicted values.
67 #'
68 #' @param ylab y-axis label corresponding to the observed average.
69 #'
70 #' @param xlim,ylim x- and y-axis limits. If not specified te function will
71 #' select limits.
72 #'
73 #' @param knots,df These parameters are passed directly to
74 #' \code{\link[splines]{ns}} for constructing a natural spline smoother for the
75 #' calibration curve.
76 #'
77 #' @param ... Additional optional arguments to be passed onto
78 #' \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
79 #'
80 #' @return No return values.
81 #'
82 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
83 #'
84 #' @references
85 #' J.F. Yates (1982). "External correspondence: decomposition of
86 #' the mean probability score," Organisational Behaviour and Human Performance
87 #' 30:132-156.
88 #'
89 #' D.J. Spiegelhalter (1986). "Probabilistic Prediction in Patient Management
90 #' and Clinical Trials," Statistics in Medicine 5:421-433.
91 #' @keywords hplot
92 #'
93 #' @export
94 #'
95 #' @examples
96 #' # Don't want R CMD check to think there is a dependency on rpart
97 #' # so comment out the example
98 #' #library(rpart)
99 #' #data(kyphosis)
100 #' #y <- as.numeric(kyphosis$Kyphosis)-1
101 #' #x <- kyphosis$Age
102 #' #glm1 <- glm(y~poly(x,2),family=binomial)
103 #' #p <- predict(glm1,type="response")
104 #' #calibrate.plot(y, p, xlim=c(0,0.6), ylim=c(0,0.6))
105 calibrate.plot <- function(y, p, distribution = "bernoulli", replace = TRUE,
106 line.par = list(col = "black"),
107 shade.col = "lightyellow",
108 shade.density = NULL, rug.par = list(side = 1),
109 xlab = "Predicted value", ylab = "Observed average",
110 xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, knots = NULL, df = 6, ...)
111 {
113 # Sanity check
114 if (!requireNamespace("splines", quietly = TRUE)) {
115 stop("The splines package is needed for this function to work. Please ",
116 "install it.", call. = FALSE)
117 }
119 data <- data.frame(y = y, p = p)
121 # Check spline parameters
122 if(is.null(knots) && is.null(df)) {
123 stop("Either knots or df must be specified")
124 }
125 if((df != round(df)) || (df < 1)) {
126 stop("df must be a positive integer")
127 }
129 # Check distribution
130 if(distribution == "bernoulli") {
131 family1 <- binomial
132 } else if(distribution == "poisson") {
133 family1 <- poisson
134 } else {
135 family1 <- gaussian
136 }
138 # Fit a GLM using natural cubic splines
139 gam1 <- glm(y ~ splines::ns(p, df = df, knots = knots), data = data,
140 family = family1)
142 # Plotting data
143 x <- seq(min(p), max(p), length = 200)
144 yy <- predict(gam1, newdata = data.frame(p = x), = TRUE,
145 type = "response")
146 x <- x[!$fit)]
147 yy$ <- yy$[!$fit)]
148 yy$fit <- yy$fit[!$fit)]
150 # Plotting parameters
151 if(! {
152 se.lower <- yy$fit - 2 * yy$
153 se.upper <- yy$fit + 2 * yy$
154 if(distribution == "bernoulli") {
155 se.lower[se.lower < 0] <- 0
156 se.upper[se.upper > 1] <- 1
157 }
158 if(distribution == "poisson") {
159 se.lower[se.lower < 0] <- 0
160 }
161 if(is.null(xlim)) {
162 xlim <- range(se.lower, se.upper, x)
163 }
164 if(is.null(ylim)) {
165 ylim <- range(se.lower, se.upper, x)
166 }
167 }
168 else {
169 if(is.null(xlim)) {
170 xlim <- range(yy$fit,x)
171 }
172 if(is.null(ylim)) {
173 ylim <- range(yy$fit,x)
174 }
175 }
177 # Construct plot
178 if(replace) {
179 plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
180 ...)
181 }
182 if(! {
183 polygon(c(x, rev(x), x[1L]), c(se.lower, rev(se.upper), se.lower[1L]),
184 col = shade.col, border = NA, density = shade.density)
185 }
186 lines(x, yy$fit, col = line.par$col)
187 quantile.rug(p, side = rug.par$side)
188 abline(0, 1, col = "red")
89190 }
R/checks.R less more
0 checkMissing <- function(x, y){
1 nms <- getVarNames(x)
2 #### Check for NaNs in x and NAs in response
3 j <- apply(x, 2, function(z) any(is.nan(z)))
4 if(any(j)) {
5 stop("Use NA for missing values. NaN found in predictor variables:",
6 paste(nms[j],collapse=","))
7 }
8 if(any( stop("Missing values are not allowed in the response")
9 invisible(NULL)
10 }
12 checkID <- function(id){
13 # Check for disallowed interaction.depth
14 if(id < 1) {
15 stop("interaction.depth must be at least 1.")
16 }
17 else if(id > 49) {
18 stop("interaction.depth must be less than 50. You should also ask yourself why you want such large interaction terms. A value between 1 and 5 should be sufficient for most applications.")
19 }
20 invisible(id)
21 }
23 checkWeights <- function(w, n){
24 # Logical checks on weights
25 if(length(w)==0) { w <- rep(1, n) }
26 else if(any(w < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed")
27 w
28 }
30 checkOffset <- function(o, y){
31 # Check offset
32 if(is.null(o) | all(o==0)) { o <- NA }
33 else if(length(o) != length(y)) {
34 stop("The length of offset does not equal the length of y.")
35 }
36 o
37 }
39 getVarNames <- function(x){
40 if(is.matrix(x)) { var.names <- colnames(x) }
41 else if( { var.names <- names(x) }
42 else { var.names <- paste("X",1:ncol(x),sep="") }
43 var.names
44 }
0 #' gbm internal functions
1 #'
2 #' Helper functions for preprocessing data prior to building a \code{"gbm"}
3 #' object.
4 #'
5 #' @param y The response variable.
6 #' @param d,distribution The distribution, either specified by the user or
7 #' implied.
8 #' @param Whether or not to stratify, if provided by the user.
9 #' @param i.train Computed internally by \code{gbm}.
10 #' @param group The group, if using \code{distibution = "pairwise"}.
11 #' @param strat Whether or not to stratify.
12 #' @param cv.folds The number of cross-validation folds.
13 #' @param x The design matrix.
14 #' @param id The interaction depth.
15 #' @param w The weights.
16 #' @param n The number of cores to use in the cluster.
17 #' @param o The offset.
18 #'
19 #' @details
20 #' These are functions used internally by \code{gbm} and not intended for direct
21 #' use by the user.
22 #'
23 #' @aliases guessDist getStratify getCVgroup checkMissing checkID checkWeights
24 #' checkOffset getVarNames gbmCluster
25 #'
26 #' @rdname gbm-internals
27 #' @export
28 guessDist <- function(y){
29 # If distribution is not given, try to guess it
30 if (length(unique(y)) == 2){ d <- "bernoulli" }
31 else if (class(y) == "Surv" ){ d <- "coxph" }
32 else if (is.factor(y)){ d <- "multinomial" }
33 else{ d <- "gaussian" }
34 cat(paste("Distribution not specified, assuming", d, "...\n"))
35 list(name=d)
36 }
39 #' @rdname gbm-internals
40 #' @export
41 getCVgroup <- function(distribution,, y, i.train, cv.folds,
42 group) {
43 # Construct cross-validation groups depending on the type of model to be fit
44 if (distribution$name %in% c( "bernoulli", "multinomial" ) & ){
45 nc <- table(y[i.train]) # Number in each class
46 uc <- names(nc)
47 if (min(nc) < cv.folds){
48 stop( paste("The smallest class has only", min(nc), "objects in the training set. Can't do", cv.folds, "fold cross-validation."))
49 }
50 <- vector(length = length(i.train))
51 for (i in 1:length(uc)){
52[y[i.train] == uc[i]] <- sample(rep(1:cv.folds , length = nc[i]))
53 }
54 } # Close if
55 else if (distribution$name == "pairwise") {
56 # Split into CV folds at group boundaries
57 s <- sample(rep(1:cv.folds, length=nlevels(group)))
58 <- s[as.integer(group[i.train])]
59 }
60 else {
61 <- sample(rep(1:cv.folds, length=length(i.train)))
62 }
64 }
67 #' @rdname gbm-internals
68 #' @export
69 getStratify <- function(strat, d){
70 if (is.null(strat)){
71 if (d$name == "multinomial" ){ strat <- TRUE }
72 else { strat <- FALSE }
73 }
74 else {
75 if (!is.element(d$name, c( "bernoulli", "multinomial"))){
76 warning("You can only use when distribution is bernoulli or multinomial. Ignored.")
77 strat <- FALSE
78 }
79 } # Close else
80 strat
81 }
84 #' @rdname gbm-internals
85 #' @export
86 checkMissing <- function(x, y){
87 nms <- getVarNames(x)
88 #### Check for NaNs in x and NAs in response
89 j <- apply(x, 2, function(z) any(is.nan(z)))
90 if(any(j)) {
91 stop("Use NA for missing values. NaN found in predictor variables:",
92 paste(nms[j],collapse=","))
93 }
94 if(any( stop("Missing values are not allowed in the response")
95 invisible(NULL)
96 }
99 #' @rdname gbm-internals
100 #' @export
101 checkWeights <- function(w, n){
102 # Logical checks on weights
103 if(length(w)==0) { w <- rep(1, n) }
104 else if(any(w < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed")
105 w
106 }
109 #' @rdname gbm-internals
110 #' @export
111 checkID <- function(id){
112 # Check for disallowed interaction.depth
113 if(id < 1) {
114 stop("interaction.depth must be at least 1.")
115 }
116 else if(id > 49) {
117 stop("interaction.depth must be less than 50. You should also ask yourself why you want such large interaction terms. A value between 1 and 5 should be sufficient for most applications.")
118 }
119 invisible(id)
120 }
123 #' @rdname gbm-internals
124 #' @export
125 checkOffset <- function(o, y){
126 # Check offset
127 if(is.null(o) | all(o==0)) { o <- NA }
128 else if(length(o) != length(y)) {
129 stop("The length of offset does not equal the length of y.")
130 }
131 o
132 }
135 #' @rdname gbm-internals
136 #' @export
137 getVarNames <- function(x){
138 if(is.matrix(x)) { var.names <- colnames(x) }
139 else if( { var.names <- names(x) }
140 else { var.names <- paste("X",1:ncol(x),sep="") }
141 var.names
142 }
145 #' @rdname gbm-internals
146 #' @export
147 gbmCluster <- function(n){
148 # If number of cores (n) not given, try to work it out from the number
149 # that appear to be available and the number of CV folds.
150 if (is.null(n)){
151 n <- parallel::detectCores()
152 }
153 parallel::makeCluster(n)
154 }
0 #' Generalized Boosted Regression Models (GBMs)
1 #'
2 #' This package implements extensions to Freund and Schapire's AdaBoost
3 #' algorithm and J. Friedman's gradient boosting machine. Includes regression
4 #' methods for least squares, absolute loss, logistic, Poisson, Cox
5 #' proportional hazards partial likelihood, multinomial, t-distribution,
6 #' AdaBoost exponential loss, Learning to Rank, and Huberized hinge loss.
7 #'
8 #' Further information is available in vignette:
9 #' \code{browseVignettes(package = "gbm")}
10 #'
11 #' @import lattice
12 #'
13 #' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
14 #' @importFrom graphics abline axis barplot lines mtext par plot polygon rug
15 #' @importFrom graphics segments title
16 #' @importFrom stats approx binomial delete.response gaussian glm loess
17 #' @importFrom stats model.extract model.frame model.offset model.response
18 #' @importFrom stats model.weights na.pass poisson predict quantile rbinom
19 #' @importFrom stats reformulate reorder rexp rnorm runif sd supsmu terms var
20 #' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
21 #' @importFrom survival Surv
22 #'
23 #' @useDynLib gbm, .registration = TRUE
24 #'
25 #' @name gbm-package
26 #'
27 #' @docType package
28 #'
29 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{} with contributions by
30 #' Daniel Edwards, Brian Kriegler, Stefan Schroedl and Harry Southworth.
31 #'
32 #' @references
33 #' Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic
34 #' generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,}
35 #' \emph{Journal of Computer and System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
36 #'
37 #' G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science
38 #' and Statistics} 31:172-181.
39 #'
40 #' J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic
41 #' Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics}
42 #' 28(2):337-374.
43 #'
44 #' J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
45 #' Boosting Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
46 #'
47 #' J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,}
48 #' \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
49 #'
50 #' The \url{} website.
51 #'
52 #' @keywords package
R/gbm.R less more
0 .onAttach <- function(lib, pkg)
1 {
2 vers <- library(help=gbm)$info[[1]]
3 vers <- vers[grep("Version:",vers)]
4 vers <- rev(strsplit(vers," ")[[1]])[1]
5 packageStartupMessage(paste("Loaded gbm",vers))
0 #' Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling (GBM)
1 #'
2 #' Fits generalized boosted regression models. For technical details, see the
3 #' vignette: \code{utils::browseVignettes("gbm")}.
4 #'
5 #' \code{} provides the link between R and the C++ gbm engine.
6 #' \code{gbm} is a front-end to \code{} that uses the familiar R
7 #' modeling formulas. However, \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}} is very slow if
8 #' there are many predictor variables. For power-users with many variables use
9 #' \code{}. For general practice \code{gbm} is preferable.
10 #'
11 #' @param formula A symbolic description of the model to be fit. The formula
12 #' may include an offset term (e.g. y~offset(n)+x). If
13 #' \code{ = FALSE} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the
14 #' user's responsibility to resupply the offset to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.
15 #'
16 #' @param distribution Either a character string specifying the name of the
17 #' distribution to use or a list with a component \code{name} specifying the
18 #' distribution and any additional parameters needed. If not specified,
19 #' \code{gbm} will try to guess: if the response has only 2 unique values,
20 #' bernoulli is assumed; otherwise, if the response is a factor, multinomial is
21 #' assumed; otherwise, if the response has class \code{"Surv"}, coxph is
22 #' assumed; otherwise, gaussian is assumed.
23 #'
24 #' Currently available options are \code{"gaussian"} (squared error),
25 #' \code{"laplace"} (absolute loss), \code{"tdist"} (t-distribution loss),
26 #' \code{"bernoulli"} (logistic regression for 0-1 outcomes),
27 #' \code{"huberized"} (huberized hinge loss for 0-1 outcomes), classes),
28 #' \code{"adaboost"} (the AdaBoost exponential loss for 0-1 outcomes),
29 #' \code{"poisson"} (count outcomes), \code{"coxph"} (right censored
30 #' observations), \code{"quantile"}, or \code{"pairwise"} (ranking measure
31 #' using the LambdaMart algorithm).
32 #'
33 #' If quantile regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
34 #' the form \code{list(name = "quantile", alpha = 0.25)} where \code{alpha} is
35 #' the quantile to estimate. The current version's quantile regression method
36 #' does not handle non-constant weights and will stop.
37 #'
38 #' If \code{"tdist"} is specified, the default degrees of freedom is 4 and
39 #' this can be controlled by specifying
40 #' \code{distribution = list(name = "tdist", df = DF)} where \code{DF} is your
41 #' chosen degrees of freedom.
42 #'
43 #' If "pairwise" regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
44 #' the form \code{list(name="pairwise",group=...,metric=...,max.rank=...)}
45 #' (\code{metric} and \code{max.rank} are optional, see below). \code{group} is
46 #' a character vector with the column names of \code{data} that jointly
47 #' indicate the group an instance belongs to (typically a query in Information
48 #' Retrieval applications). For training, only pairs of instances from the same
49 #' group and with different target labels can be considered. \code{metric} is
50 #' the IR measure to use, one of
51 #' \describe{
52 #' \item{list("conc")}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this
53 #' is equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
54 #' \item{:}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this is
55 #' equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
56 #' \item{list("mrr")}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
57 #' instance}
58 #' \item{:}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive instance}
59 #' \item{list("map")}{Mean average precision, a generalization of \code{mrr}
60 #' to multiple positive instances}\item{:}{Mean average precision, a
61 #' generalization of \code{mrr} to multiple positive instances}
62 #' \item{list("ndcg:")}{Normalized discounted cumulative gain. The score is
63 #' the weighted sum (DCG) of the user-supplied target values, weighted
64 #' by log(rank+1), and normalized to the maximum achievable value. This
65 #' is the default if the user did not specify a metric.}
66 #' }
67 #'
68 #' \code{ndcg} and \code{conc} allow arbitrary target values, while binary
69 #' targets {0,1} are expected for \code{map} and \code{mrr}. For \code{ndcg}
70 #' and \code{mrr}, a cut-off can be chosen using a positive integer parameter
71 #' \code{max.rank}. If left unspecified, all ranks are taken into account.
72 #'
73 #' Note that splitting of instances into training and validation sets follows
74 #' group boundaries and therefore only approximates the specified
75 #' \code{train.fraction} ratio (the same applies to cross-validation folds).
76 #' Internally, queries are randomly shuffled before training, to avoid bias.
77 #'
78 #' Weights can be used in conjunction with pairwise metrics, however it is
79 #' assumed that they are constant for instances from the same group.
80 #'
81 #' For details and background on the algorithm, see e.g. Burges (2010).
82 #'
83 #' @param data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By
84 #' default the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically
85 #' the environment from which \code{gbm} is called. If \code{} in
86 #' the initial call to \code{gbm} then \code{gbm} stores a copy with the
87 #' object. If \code{} then subsequent calls to
88 #' \code{\link{gbm.more}} must resupply the same dataset. It becomes the user's
89 #' responsibility to resupply the same data at this point.
90 #'
91 #' @param weights an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
92 #' process. Must be positive but do not need to be normalized. If
93 #' \code{} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the
94 #' user's responsibility to resupply the weights to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.
95 #'
96 #' @param var.monotone an optional vector, the same length as the number of
97 #' predictors, indicating which variables have a monotone increasing (+1),
98 #' decreasing (-1), or arbitrary (0) relationship with the outcome.
99 #'
100 #' @param n.trees Integer specifying the total number of trees to fit. This is
101 #' equivalent to the number of iterations and the number of basis functions in
102 #' the additive expansion. Default is 100.
103 #'
104 #' @param interaction.depth Integer specifying the maximum depth of each tree
105 #' (i.e., the highest level of variable interactions allowed). A value of 1
106 #' implies an additive model, a value of 2 implies a model with up to 2-way
107 #' interactions, etc. Default is 1.
108 #'
109 #' @param n.minobsinnode Integer specifying the minimum number of observations
110 #' in the terminal nodes of the trees. Note that this is the actual number of
111 #' observations, not the total weight.
112 #'
113 #' @param shrinkage a shrinkage parameter applied to each tree in the
114 #' expansion. Also known as the learning rate or step-size reduction; 0.001 to
115 #' 0.1 usually work, but a smaller learning rate typically requires more trees.
116 #' Default is 0.1.
117 #'
118 #' @param bag.fraction the fraction of the training set observations randomly
119 #' selected to propose the next tree in the expansion. This introduces
120 #' randomnesses into the model fit. If \code{bag.fraction} < 1 then running the
121 #' same model twice will result in similar but different fits. \code{gbm} uses
122 #' the R random number generator so \code{set.seed} can ensure that the model
123 #' can be reconstructed. Preferably, the user can save the returned
124 #' \code{\link{gbm.object}} using \code{\link{save}}. Default is 0.5.
125 #'
126 #' @param train.fraction The first \code{train.fraction * nrows(data)}
127 #' observations are used to fit the \code{gbm} and the remainder are used for
128 #' computing out-of-sample estimates of the loss function.
129 #'
130 #' @param cv.folds Number of cross-validation folds to perform. If
131 #' \code{cv.folds}>1 then \code{gbm}, in addition to the usual fit, will
132 #' perform a cross-validation, calculate an estimate of generalization error
133 #' returned in \code{cv.error}.
134 #'
135 #' @param a logical variable indicating whether to keep the data and
136 #' an index of the data stored with the object. Keeping the data and index
137 #' makes subsequent calls to \code{\link{gbm.more}} faster at the cost of
138 #' storing an extra copy of the dataset.
139 #'
140 #' @param verbose Logical indicating whether or not to print out progress and
141 #' performance indicators (\code{TRUE}). If this option is left unspecified for
142 #' \code{gbm.more}, then it uses \code{verbose} from \code{object}. Default is
143 #' \code{FALSE}.
144 #'
145 #' @param Logical indicating whether or not the
146 #' cross-validation should be stratified by class. Defaults to \code{TRUE} for
147 #' \code{distribution = "multinomial"} and is only implemented for
148 #' \code{"multinomial"} and \code{"bernoulli"}. The purpose of stratifying the
149 #' cross-validation is to help avoiding situations in which training sets do
150 #' not contain all classes.
151 #'
152 #' @param n.cores The number of CPU cores to use. The cross-validation loop
153 #' will attempt to send different CV folds off to different cores. If
154 #' \code{n.cores} is not specified by the user, it is guessed using the
155 #' \code{detectCores} function in the \code{parallel} package. Note that the
156 #' documentation for \code{detectCores} makes clear that it is not failsafe and
157 #' could return a spurious number of available cores.
158 #'
159 #' @return A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
160 #'
161 #' @details
162 #' This package implements the generalized boosted modeling framework. Boosting
163 #' is the process of iteratively adding basis functions in a greedy fashion so
164 #' that each additional basis function further reduces the selected loss
165 #' function. This implementation closely follows Friedman's Gradient Boosting
166 #' Machine (Friedman, 2001).
167 #'
168 #' In addition to many of the features documented in the Gradient Boosting
169 #' Machine, \code{gbm} offers additional features including the out-of-bag
170 #' estimator for the optimal number of iterations, the ability to store and
171 #' manipulate the resulting \code{gbm} object, and a variety of other loss
172 #' functions that had not previously had associated boosting algorithms,
173 #' including the Cox partial likelihood for censored data, the poisson
174 #' likelihood for count outcomes, and a gradient boosting implementation to
175 #' minimize the AdaBoost exponential loss function.
176 #'
177 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
178 #'
179 #' Quantile regression code developed by Brian Kriegler
180 #' \email{}
181 #'
182 #' t-distribution, and multinomial code developed by Harry Southworth and
183 #' Daniel Edwards
184 #'
185 #' Pairwise code developed by Stefan Schroedl \email{}
186 #'
187 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm.object}}, \code{\link{gbm.perf}},
188 #' \code{\link{plot.gbm}}, \code{\link{predict.gbm}}, \code{\link{summary.gbm}},
189 #' and \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}.
190 #'
191 #' @references
192 #' Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic
193 #' generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,}
194 #' \emph{Journal of Computer and System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
195 #'
196 #' G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science
197 #' and Statistics} 31:172-181.
198 #'
199 #' J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic
200 #' Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics}
201 #' 28(2):337-374.
202 #'
203 #' J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
204 #' Boosting Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
205 #'
206 #' J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,}
207 #' \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
208 #'
209 #' B. Kriegler (2007). Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting Within a
210 #' Quantitative Regression Framework. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
211 #' California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Advisor(s) Richard A. Berk.
212 #' url{}.
213 #'
214 #' C. Burges (2010). \dQuote{From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An
215 #' Overview,} Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
216 #'
217 #' @export
218 #'
219 #' @examples
220 #' #
221 #' # A least squares regression example
222 #' #
223 #'
224 #' # Simulate data
225 #' set.seed(101) # for reproducibility
226 #' N <- 1000
227 #' X1 <- runif(N)
228 #' X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
229 #' X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE), levels = letters[4:1])
230 #' X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
231 #' X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
232 #' X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
233 #' mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
234 #' SNR <- 10 # signal-to-noise ratio
235 #' Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu
236 #' sigma <- sqrt(var(Y) / SNR)
237 #' Y <- Y + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
238 #' X1[sample(1:N,size=500)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
239 #' X4[sample(1:N,size=300)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
240 #' data <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
241 #'
242 #' # Fit a GBM
243 #' set.seed(102) # for reproducibility
244 #' gbm1 <- gbm(Y ~ ., data = data, var.monotone = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
245 #' distribution = "gaussian", n.trees = 100, shrinkage = 0.1,
246 #' interaction.depth = 3, bag.fraction = 0.5, train.fraction = 0.5,
247 #' n.minobsinnode = 10, cv.folds = 5, = TRUE,
248 #' verbose = FALSE, n.cores = 1)
249 #'
250 #' # Check performance using the out-of-bag (OOB) error; the OOB error typically
251 #' # underestimates the optimal number of iterations
252 #' best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "OOB")
253 #' print(best.iter)
254 #'
255 #' # Check performance using the 50% heldout test set
256 #' best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "test")
257 #' print(best.iter)
258 #'
259 #' # Check performance using 5-fold cross-validation
260 #' best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "cv")
261 #' print(best.iter)
262 #'
263 #' # Plot relative influence of each variable
264 #' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
265 #' summary(gbm1, n.trees = 1) # using first tree
266 #' summary(gbm1, n.trees = best.iter) # using estimated best number of trees
267 #'
268 #' # Compactly print the first and last trees for curiosity
269 #' print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = 1))
270 #' print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = gbm1$n.trees))
271 #'
272 #' # Simulate new data
273 #' set.seed(103) # for reproducibility
274 #' N <- 1000
275 #' X1 <- runif(N)
276 #' X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
277 #' X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE))
278 #' X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
279 #' X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
280 #' X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
281 #' mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
282 #' Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
283 #' data2 <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
284 #'
285 #' # Predict on the new data using the "best" number of trees; by default,
286 #' # predictions will be on the link scale
287 #' Yhat <- predict(gbm1, newdata = data2, n.trees = best.iter, type = "link")
288 #'
289 #' # least squares error
290 #' print(sum((data2$Y - Yhat)^2))
291 #'
292 #' # Construct univariate partial dependence plots
293 #' p1 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 1, n.trees = best.iter)
294 #' p2 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 2, n.trees = best.iter)
295 #' p3 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = "X3", n.trees = best.iter) # can use index or name
296 #' grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol = 3)
297 #'
298 #' # Construct bivariate partial dependence plots
299 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:2, n.trees = best.iter)
300 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = c("X2", "X3"), n.trees = best.iter)
301 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:4, n.trees = best.iter)
302 #'
303 #' # Construct trivariate partial dependence plots
304 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = c(1, 2, 6), n.trees = best.iter,
305 #' continuous.resolution = 20)
306 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:3, n.trees = best.iter)
307 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 2:4, n.trees = best.iter)
308 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:5, n.trees = best.iter)
309 #'
310 #' # Add more (i.e., 100) boosting iterations to the ensemble
311 #' gbm2 <- gbm.more(gbm1, = 100, verbose = FALSE)
312 gbm <- function(formula = formula(data), distribution = "bernoulli",
313 data = list(), weights, var.monotone = NULL, n.trees = 100,
314 interaction.depth = 1, n.minobsinnode = 10, shrinkage = 0.1,
315 bag.fraction = 0.5, train.fraction = 1.0, cv.folds = 0,
316 = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, = NULL,
317 n.cores = NULL) {
319 # Match the call to gbm
320 mcall <-
322 # Verbose output?
323 lVerbose <- if (!is.logical(verbose)) {
325 } else {
326 verbose
327 }
329 # Construct model frame, terms object, weights, and offset
330 mf <- = FALSE)
331 m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "offset"), names(mf), 0)
332 mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
333 mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
334 mf$na.action <- na.pass
335 mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
336 m <- mf
337 mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
338 Terms <- attr(mf, "terms")
339 w <- model.weights(mf)
340 offset <- model.offset(mf)
342 # Determine and check response distribution
343 distribution <- if (missing(distribution)) {
344 y <- data[, all.vars(formula)[1L], drop = TRUE]
345 guessDist(y)
346 } else if (is.character(distribution)) {
347 list(name = distribution)
348 }
349 if (!is.element(distribution$name, getAvailableDistributions())) {
350 stop("Distribution ", distribution$name, " is not supported.")
351 }
353 # Extract and check response values
354 y <- model.response(mf)
356 # Construct data frame of predictor values
357 var.names <- attributes(Terms)$term.labels
358 x <- model.frame(terms(reformulate(var.names)), data = data,
359 na.action = na.pass)
361 # Extract response name as a character string
362 <- as.character(formula[[2L]])
364 # Stratify cross-validation by class (only for bernoulli and multinomial)
365 <- getStratify(, d = distribution)
367 # Groups (for pairwise distribution only)
368 group <- NULL
369 num.groups <- 0
371 # Determine number of training instances
372 if (distribution$name != "pairwise"){
374 # Number of training instances
375 nTrain <- floor(train.fraction * nrow(x))
377 } else {
379 # Sampling is by group, so we need to calculate them here
380 <- distribution[["group"]]
381 if (is.null( {
382 stop(paste("For pairwise regression, `distribution` must be a list of",
383 "the form `list(name = \"pairwise\", group = c(\"date\",",
384 "\"session\", \"category\", \"keywords\"))`."))
385 }
387 # Check if group names are valid
388 i <- match(, colnames(data))
389 if (any( {
390 stop("Group column does not occur in data: ",
391[], ".")
392 }
394 # Construct group index
395 group <- factor(
396, c(data[,, drop = FALSE], sep = ":"))
397 )
399 # Check that weights are constant across groups
400 if ((!missing(weights)) && (!is.null(weights))) {
401 w.min <- tapply(w, INDEX = group, FUN = min)
402 w.max <- tapply(w, INDEX = group, FUN = max)
403 if (any(w.min != w.max)) {
404 stop("For `distribution = \"pairwise\"`, all instances for the same ",
405 "group must have the same weight.")
406 }
407 w <- w * length(w.min) / sum(w.min) # normalize across groups
408 }
410 # Shuffle groups to remove bias when split into train/test sets and/or CV
411 # folds
412 perm.levels <- levels(group)[sample(1:nlevels(group))]
413 group <- factor(group, levels = perm.levels)
415 # The C function expects instances to be sorted by group and descending by
416 # target
417 <- order(group, -y)
418 group <- group[]
419 y <- y[]
420 x <- x[, , drop = FALSE]
421 w <- w[]
423 # Split into train and validation sets at group boundary
424 num.groups.train <- max(1, round(train.fraction * nlevels(group)))
426 # Include all groups up to the num.groups.train
427 nTrain <- max(which(group==levels(group)[num.groups.train]))
428 Misc <- group
430 }
432 # Set up for k-fold cross-validation
433 cv.error <- NULL
434 if(cv.folds > 1) {
435 cv.results <- gbmCrossVal(cv.folds = cv.folds, nTrain = nTrain,
436 n.cores = n.cores,
437 =,
438 data = data, x = x, y = y, offset = offset,
439 distribution = distribution, w = w,
440 var.monotone = var.monotone, n.trees = n.trees,
441 interaction.depth = interaction.depth,
442 n.minobsinnode = n.minobsinnode,
443 shrinkage = shrinkage,
444 bag.fraction = bag.fraction,
445 var.names = var.names,
446 =, group = group)
447 cv.error <- cv.results$error
448 p <- cv.results$predictions
449 }
451 # Fit a GBM
452 gbm.obj <- = x, y = y, offset = offset, distribution = distribution,
453 w = w, var.monotone = var.monotone, n.trees = n.trees,
454 interaction.depth = interaction.depth,
455 n.minobsinnode = n.minobsinnode, shrinkage = shrinkage,
456 bag.fraction = bag.fraction, nTrain = nTrain,
457 =, verbose = lVerbose,
458 var.names = var.names, =,
459 group = group)
461 # Attach further components
462 gbm.obj$train.fraction <- train.fraction
463 gbm.obj$Terms <- Terms
464 gbm.obj$cv.error <- cv.error
465 gbm.obj$cv.folds <- cv.folds
466 gbm.obj$call <- mcall
467 gbm.obj$m <- m
468 if (cv.folds > 0) {
469 gbm.obj$cv.fitted <- p
470 }
471 if (distribution$name == "pairwise") {
472 # Data has been reordered according to queries. We need to permute the
473 # fitted values so that they correspond to the original order.
474 gbm.obj$ <-
475 gbm.obj$fit <- gbm.obj$fit[order(]
476 }
478 # Return "gbm" object
479 gbm.obj
6481 }
8 gbm <- function(formula = formula(data),
9 distribution = "bernoulli",
10 data = list(),
11 weights,
12 var.monotone = NULL,
13 n.trees = 100,
14 interaction.depth = 1,
15 n.minobsinnode = 10,
16 shrinkage = 0.001,
17 bag.fraction = 0.5,
18 train.fraction = 1.0,
19 cv.folds=0,
20 = TRUE,
21 verbose = 'CV',
23 n.cores=NULL){
24 theCall <-
27 lVerbose <- if (!is.logical(verbose)) { FALSE }
28 else { verbose }
30 mf <- = FALSE)
31 m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "offset"), names(mf), 0)
32 mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
33 mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
34 mf$na.action <- na.pass
35 mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
36 m <- mf
37 mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
38 Terms <- attr(mf, "terms")
40 y <- model.response(mf)
42 if (missing(distribution)){ distribution <- guessDist(y) }
43 else if (is.character(distribution)){ distribution <- list(name=distribution) }
45 w <- model.weights(mf)
46 offset <- model.offset(mf)
48 var.names <- attributes(Terms)$term.labels
49 x <- model.frame(terms(reformulate(var.names)),
50 data,
51 na.action=na.pass)
53 # get the character name of the response variable
54 <- as.character(formula[[2]])
56 lVerbose <- if (!is.logical(verbose)) { FALSE }
57 else { verbose }
59 <- getStratify(, distribution)
61 # groups (for pairwise distribution only)
62 group <- NULL
63 num.groups <- 0
65 # determine number of training instances
66 if (distribution$name != "pairwise"){
67 nTrain <- floor(train.fraction * nrow(x))
68 }
69 else {
70 # distribution$name == "pairwise":
71 # Sampling is by group, so we need to calculate them here
72 <- distribution[["group"]]
73 if (is.null(
74 {
75 stop("For pairwise regression, the distribution parameter must be a list with a parameter 'group' for the a list of the column names indicating groups, for example list(name=\"pairwise\",group=c(\"date\",\"session\",\"category\",\"keywords\")).")
76 }
78 # Check if group names are valid
79 i <- match(, colnames(data))
80 if (any(
81 {
82 stop("Group column does not occur in data: ",[])
83 }
85 # Construct group index
86 group <- factor(, c(data[,, drop=FALSE], sep=":")))
88 # Check that weights are constant across groups
89 if ((!missing(weights)) && (!is.null(weights)))
90 {
91 w.min <- tapply(w, INDEX=group, FUN=min)
92 w.max <- tapply(w, INDEX=group, FUN=max)
94 if (any(w.min != w.max))
95 {
96 stop("For distribution 'pairwise', all instances for the same group must have the same weight")
97 }
99 # Normalize across groups
100 w <- w * length(w.min) / sum(w.min)
101 }
103 # Shuffle groups, to remove bias when splitting into train/test set and/or CV folds
104 perm.levels <- levels(group)[sample(1:nlevels(group))]
105 group <- factor(group, levels=perm.levels)
107 # The C function expects instances to be sorted by group and descending by target
108 <- order(group, -y)
109 group <- group[]
110 y <- y[]
111 x <- x[,,drop=FALSE]
112 w <- w[]
114 # Split into train and validation set, at group boundary
115 num.groups.train <- max(1, round(train.fraction * nlevels(group)))
117 # include all groups up to the num.groups.train
118 nTrain <- max(which(group==levels(group)[num.groups.train]))
119 Misc <- group
120 } # close if(distribution$name=="coxph") ...
122 cv.error <- NULL
123 if(cv.folds>1) {
124 cv.results <- gbmCrossVal(cv.folds, nTrain, n.cores,
125, data,
126 x, y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone,
127 n.trees, interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode,
128 shrinkage, bag.fraction,
129 var.names,, group)
130 cv.error <- cv.results$error
131 p <- cv.results$predictions
132 } # Close if(cv.folds > 1
134 gbm.obj <-,y,
135 offset = offset,
136 distribution = distribution,
137 w = w,
138 var.monotone = var.monotone,
139 n.trees = n.trees,
140 interaction.depth = interaction.depth,
141 n.minobsinnode = n.minobsinnode,
142 shrinkage = shrinkage,
143 bag.fraction = bag.fraction,
144 nTrain = nTrain,
145 =,
146 verbose = lVerbose,
147 var.names = var.names,
148 =,
149 group = group)
151 gbm.obj$train.fraction <- train.fraction
152 gbm.obj$Terms <- Terms
153 gbm.obj$cv.error <- cv.error
154 gbm.obj$cv.folds <- cv.folds
155 gbm.obj$call <- theCall
156 gbm.obj$m <- m
157 if (cv.folds > 0){ gbm.obj$cv.fitted <- p }
159 if (distribution$name == "pairwise")
160 {
161 # Data has been reordered according to queries.
162 # We need to permute the fitted values to correspond
163 # to the original order.
164 gbm.obj$ <-
165 gbm.obj$fit <- gbm.obj$fit[order(]
166 }
168 return(gbm.obj)
169 }
0 <- function(x,y,
1 offset = NULL,
2 misc = NULL,
3 distribution = "bernoulli",
4 w = NULL,
5 var.monotone = NULL,
6 n.trees = 100,
7 interaction.depth = 1,
8 n.minobsinnode = 10,
9 shrinkage = 0.001,
10 bag.fraction = 0.5,
11 nTrain = NULL,
12 train.fraction = NULL,
13 = TRUE,
14 verbose = TRUE,
15 var.names = NULL,
16 = "y",
17 group = NULL)
18 {
20 if(is.character(distribution)) { distribution <- list(name=distribution) }
22 cRows <- nrow(x)
23 cCols <- ncol(x)
25 if(nrow(x) != ifelse(class(y)=="Surv", nrow(y), length(y))) {
26 stop("The number of rows in x does not equal the length of y.")
27 }
29 # the preferred way to specify the number of training instances is via parameter 'nTrain'.
30 # parameter 'train.fraction' is only maintained for backward compatibility.
32 if(!is.null(nTrain) && !is.null(train.fraction)) {
33 stop("Parameters 'nTrain' and 'train.fraction' cannot both be specified")
34 }
35 else if(!is.null(train.fraction)) {
36 warning("Parameter 'train.fraction' of is deprecated, please specify 'nTrain' instead")
37 nTrain <- floor(train.fraction*cRows)
38 }
39 else if(is.null(nTrain)) {
40 # both undefined, use all training data
41 nTrain <- cRows
42 }
44 if (is.null(train.fraction)){
45 train.fraction <- nTrain / cRows
46 }
48 if(is.null(var.names)) {
49 var.names <- getVarNames(x)
50 }
52 # if(is.null( { <- "y" }
54 # check dataset size
55 if(nTrain * bag.fraction <= 2*n.minobsinnode+1) {
56 stop("The dataset size is too small or subsampling rate is too large: nTrain*bag.fraction <= n.minobsinnode")
57 }
59 if (distribution$name != "pairwise") {
60 w <- w*length(w)/sum(w) # normalize to N
61 }
63 # Do sanity checks
64 ch <- checkMissing(x, y)
65 interaction.depth <- checkID(interaction.depth)
66 w <- checkWeights(w, length(y))
67 offset <- checkOffset(offset, y)
69 Misc <- NA
71 # setup variable types
72 var.type <- rep(0,cCols)
73 var.levels <- vector("list",cCols)
74 for(i in 1:length(var.type))
75 {
76 if(all([,i])))
77 {
78 stop("variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," has only missing values.")
0 #' Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling (GBM)
1 #'
2 #' Workhorse function providing the link between R and the C++ gbm engine.
3 #' \code{gbm} is a front-end to \code{} that uses the familiar R
4 #' modeling formulas. However, \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}} is very slow if
5 #' there are many predictor variables. For power-users with many variables use
6 #' \code{}. For general practice \code{gbm} is preferable.
7 #'
8 #' @param x A data frame or matrix containing the predictor variables. The
9 #' number of rows in \code{x} must be the same as the length of \code{y}.
10 #'
11 #' @param y A vector of outcomes. The number of rows in \code{x} must be the
12 #' same as the length of \code{y}.
13 #'
14 #' @param offset A vector of offset values.
15 #'
16 #' @param misc An R object that is simply passed on to the gbm engine. It can be
17 #' used for additional data for the specific distribution. Currently it is only
18 #' used for passing the censoring indicator for the Cox proportional hazards
19 #' model.
20 #'
21 #' @param distribution Either a character string specifying the name of the
22 #' distribution to use or a list with a component \code{name} specifying the
23 #' distribution and any additional parameters needed. If not specified,
24 #' \code{gbm} will try to guess: if the response has only 2 unique values,
25 #' bernoulli is assumed; otherwise, if the response is a factor, multinomial is
26 #' assumed; otherwise, if the response has class \code{"Surv"}, coxph is
27 #' assumed; otherwise, gaussian is assumed.
28 #'
29 #' Currently available options are \code{"gaussian"} (squared error),
30 #' \code{"laplace"} (absolute loss), \code{"tdist"} (t-distribution loss),
31 #' \code{"bernoulli"} (logistic regression for 0-1 outcomes),
32 #' \code{"huberized"} (huberized hinge loss for 0-1 outcomes), classes),
33 #' \code{"adaboost"} (the AdaBoost exponential loss for 0-1 outcomes),
34 #' \code{"poisson"} (count outcomes), \code{"coxph"} (right censored
35 #' observations), \code{"quantile"}, or \code{"pairwise"} (ranking measure
36 #' using the LambdaMart algorithm).
37 #'
38 #' If quantile regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
39 #' the form \code{list(name = "quantile", alpha = 0.25)} where \code{alpha} is
40 #' the quantile to estimate. The current version's quantile regression method
41 #' does not handle non-constant weights and will stop.
42 #'
43 #' If \code{"tdist"} is specified, the default degrees of freedom is 4 and
44 #' this can be controlled by specifying
45 #' \code{distribution = list(name = "tdist", df = DF)} where \code{DF} is your
46 #' chosen degrees of freedom.
47 #'
48 #' If "pairwise" regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
49 #' the form \code{list(name="pairwise",group=...,metric=...,max.rank=...)}
50 #' (\code{metric} and \code{max.rank} are optional, see below). \code{group} is
51 #' a character vector with the column names of \code{data} that jointly
52 #' indicate the group an instance belongs to (typically a query in Information
53 #' Retrieval applications). For training, only pairs of instances from the same
54 #' group and with different target labels can be considered. \code{metric} is
55 #' the IR measure to use, one of
56 #' \describe{
57 #' \item{list("conc")}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this
58 #' is equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
59 #' \item{:}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this is
60 #' equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
61 #' \item{list("mrr")}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
62 #' instance}
63 #' \item{:}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive instance}
64 #' \item{list("map")}{Mean average precision, a generalization of \code{mrr}
65 #' to multiple positive instances}\item{:}{Mean average precision, a
66 #' generalization of \code{mrr} to multiple positive instances}
67 #' \item{list("ndcg:")}{Normalized discounted cumulative gain. The score is
68 #' the weighted sum (DCG) of the user-supplied target values, weighted
69 #' by log(rank+1), and normalized to the maximum achievable value. This
70 #' is the default if the user did not specify a metric.}
71 #' }
72 #'
73 #' \code{ndcg} and \code{conc} allow arbitrary target values, while binary
74 #' targets {0,1} are expected for \code{map} and \code{mrr}. For \code{ndcg}
75 #' and \code{mrr}, a cut-off can be chosen using a positive integer parameter
76 #' \code{max.rank}. If left unspecified, all ranks are taken into account.
77 #'
78 #' Note that splitting of instances into training and validation sets follows
79 #' group boundaries and therefore only approximates the specified
80 #' \code{train.fraction} ratio (the same applies to cross-validation folds).
81 #' Internally, queries are randomly shuffled before training, to avoid bias.
82 #'
83 #' Weights can be used in conjunction with pairwise metrics, however it is
84 #' assumed that they are constant for instances from the same group.
85 #'
86 #' For details and background on the algorithm, see e.g. Burges (2010).
87 #'
88 #' @param w A vector of weights of the same length as the \code{y}.
89 #'
90 #' @param var.monotone an optional vector, the same length as the number of
91 #' predictors, indicating which variables have a monotone increasing (+1),
92 #' decreasing (-1), or arbitrary (0) relationship with the outcome.
93 #'
94 #' @param n.trees the total number of trees to fit. This is equivalent to the
95 #' number of iterations and the number of basis functions in the additive
96 #' expansion.
97 #'
98 #' @param interaction.depth The maximum depth of variable interactions. A value
99 #' of 1 implies an additive model, a value of 2 implies a model with up to 2-way
100 #' interactions, etc. Default is \code{1}.
101 #'
102 #' @param n.minobsinnode Integer specifying the minimum number of observations
103 #' in the trees terminal nodes. Note that this is the actual number of
104 #' observations not the total weight.
105 #'
106 #' @param shrinkage The shrinkage parameter applied to each tree in the
107 #' expansion. Also known as the learning rate or step-size reduction; 0.001 to
108 #' 0.1 usually work, but a smaller learning rate typically requires more trees.
109 #' Default is \code{0.1}.
110 #'
111 #' @param bag.fraction The fraction of the training set observations randomly
112 #' selected to propose the next tree in the expansion. This introduces
113 #' randomnesses into the model fit. If \code{bag.fraction} < 1 then running the
114 #' same model twice will result in similar but different fits. \code{gbm} uses
115 #' the R random number generator so \code{set.seed} can ensure that the model
116 #' can be reconstructed. Preferably, the user can save the returned
117 #' \code{\link{gbm.object}} using \code{\link{save}}. Default is \code{0.5}.
118 #'
119 #' @param nTrain An integer representing the number of cases on which to train.
120 #' This is the preferred way of specification for \code{}; The option
121 #' \code{train.fraction} in \code{} is deprecated and only maintained
122 #' for backward compatibility. These two parameters are mutually exclusive. If
123 #' both are unspecified, all data is used for training.
124 #'
125 #' @param train.fraction The first \code{train.fraction * nrows(data)}
126 #' observations are used to fit the \code{gbm} and the remainder are used for
127 #' computing out-of-sample estimates of the loss function.
128 #'
129 #' @param Logical indicating whether or not to keep the data and an
130 #' index of the data stored with the object. Keeping the data and index makes
131 #' subsequent calls to \code{\link{gbm.more}} faster at the cost of storing an
132 #' extra copy of the dataset.
133 #'
134 #' @param verbose Logical indicating whether or not to print out progress and
135 #' performance indicators (\code{TRUE}). If this option is left unspecified for
136 #' \code{gbm.more}, then it uses \code{verbose} from \code{object}. Default is
137 #' \code{FALSE}.
138 #'
139 #' @param var.names Vector of strings of length equal to the number of columns
140 #' of \code{x} containing the names of the predictor variables.
141 #'
142 #' @param Character string label for the response variable.
143 #'
144 #' @param group The \code{group} to use when \code{distribution = "pairwise"}.
145 #'
146 #' @return A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
147 #'
148 #' @details
149 #' This package implements the generalized boosted modeling framework. Boosting
150 #' is the process of iteratively adding basis functions in a greedy fashion so
151 #' that each additional basis function further reduces the selected loss
152 #' function. This implementation closely follows Friedman's Gradient Boosting
153 #' Machine (Friedman, 2001).
154 #'
155 #' In addition to many of the features documented in the Gradient Boosting
156 #' Machine, \code{gbm} offers additional features including the out-of-bag
157 #' estimator for the optimal number of iterations, the ability to store and
158 #' manipulate the resulting \code{gbm} object, and a variety of other loss
159 #' functions that had not previously had associated boosting algorithms,
160 #' including the Cox partial likelihood for censored data, the poisson
161 #' likelihood for count outcomes, and a gradient boosting implementation to
162 #' minimize the AdaBoost exponential loss function.
163 #'
164 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
165 #'
166 #' Quantile regression code developed by Brian Kriegler
167 #' \email{}
168 #'
169 #' t-distribution, and multinomial code developed by Harry Southworth and
170 #' Daniel Edwards
171 #'
172 #' Pairwise code developed by Stefan Schroedl \email{}
173 #'
174 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm.object}}, \code{\link{gbm.perf}},
175 #' \code{\link{plot.gbm}}, \code{\link{predict.gbm}}, \code{\link{summary.gbm}},
176 #' and \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}.
177 #'
178 #' @references
179 #' Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic
180 #' generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,}
181 #' \emph{Journal of Computer and System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
182 #'
183 #' G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science
184 #' and Statistics} 31:172-181.
185 #'
186 #' J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic
187 #' Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics}
188 #' 28(2):337-374.
189 #'
190 #' J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
191 #' Boosting Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
192 #'
193 #' J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,}
194 #' \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
195 #'
196 #' B. Kriegler (2007). Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting Within a
197 #' Quantitative Regression Framework. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
198 #' California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Advisor(s) Richard A. Berk.
199 #' url{}.
200 #'
201 #' C. Burges (2010). \dQuote{From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An
202 #' Overview,} Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
203 #'
204 #' @export
205 <- function(x, y, offset = NULL, misc = NULL, distribution = "bernoulli",
206 w = NULL, var.monotone = NULL, n.trees = 100,
207 interaction.depth = 1, n.minobsinnode = 10,
208 shrinkage = 0.001, bag.fraction = 0.5, nTrain = NULL,
209 train.fraction = NULL, = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
210 var.names = NULL, = "y", group = NULL) {
212 # Reformat distribution into a named list
213 if(is.character(distribution)) {
214 distribution <- list(name = distribution)
215 }
217 # Dimensions of predictor data
218 cRows <- nrow(x)
219 cCols <- ncol(x)
221 if(nrow(x) != ifelse(class(y) == "Surv", nrow(y), length(y))) {
222 stop("The number of rows in x does not equal the length of y.")
223 }
225 # The preferred way to specify the number of training instances is via the
226 # parameter `nTrain`. The parameter `train.fraction` is only maintained for
227 # back compatibility.
228 if(!is.null(nTrain) && !is.null(train.fraction)) {
229 stop("Parameters `nTrain` and `train.fraction` cannot both be specified.")
230 } else if(!is.null(train.fraction)) {
231 warning("Parameter `train.fraction` is deprecated, please specify ",
232 "`nTrain` instead.")
233 nTrain <- floor(train.fraction*cRows)
234 } else if(is.null(nTrain)) {
235 nTrain <- cRows # both undefined, use all training data
236 }
237 if (is.null(train.fraction)){
238 train.fraction <- nTrain / cRows
239 }
241 # Extract var.names if NULL
242 if(is.null(var.names)) {
243 var.names <- getVarNames(x)
244 }
246 # Check size of data
247 if(nTrain * bag.fraction <= 2 * n.minobsinnode + 1) {
248 stop("The data set is too small or the subsampling rate is too large: ",
249 "`nTrain * bag.fraction <= n.minobsinnode`")
250 }
252 if (distribution$name != "pairwise") {
253 w <- w * length(w) / sum(w) # normalize to N
254 }
256 # Sanity checks
257 ch <- checkMissing(x, y)
258 interaction.depth <- checkID(interaction.depth)
259 w <- checkWeights(w, length(y))
260 offset <- checkOffset(offset, y)
262 Misc <- NA
264 # setup variable types
265 var.type <- rep(0,cCols)
266 var.levels <- vector("list",cCols)
267 for(i in 1:length(var.type))
268 {
269 if(all([,i])))
270 {
271 stop("variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," has only missing values.")
272 }
273 if(is.ordered(x[,i]))
274 {
275 var.levels[[i]] <- levels(factor(x[,i]))
276 x[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(x[,i]))-1
277 var.type[i] <- 0
278 }
279 else if(is.factor(x[,i]))
280 {
281 if(length(levels(x[,i]))>1024)
282 stop("gbm does not currently handle categorical variables with more than 1024 levels. Variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," has ",length(levels(x[,i]))," levels.")
283 var.levels[[i]] <- levels(factor(x[,i]))
284 x[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(x[,i]))-1
285 var.type[i] <- max(x[,i],na.rm=TRUE)+1
286 }
287 else if(is.numeric(x[,i]))
288 {
289 var.levels[[i]] <- quantile(x[,i],prob=(0:10)/10,na.rm=TRUE)
290 }
291 else
292 {
293 stop("variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," is not of type numeric, ordered, or factor.")
294 }
296 # check for some variation in each variable
297 if(length(unique(var.levels[[i]])) == 1)
298 {
299 warning("variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," has no variation.")
300 }
301 }
303 nClass <- 1
305 if(!("name" %in% names(distribution))) {
306 stop("The distribution is missing a `name` component; for example, ",
307 "distribution = list(name = \"gaussian\").")
308 }
309 supported.distributions <- getAvailableDistributions()
310 <- distribution$name
312 # Check for potential problems with the distribution
313 if(!is.element(distribution$name,supported.distributions)) {
314 stop("Distribution ",distribution$name," is not supported")
315 }
316 if((distribution$name == "bernoulli") && !all(is.element(y,0:1))) {
317 stop("Bernoulli requires the response to be in {0,1}")
318 if (is.factor(y)) {
319 y <- as.integer(y) - 1
320 }
321 }
322 if((distribution$name == "huberized") && !all(is.element(y,0:1))) {
323 stop("Huberized square hinged loss requires the response to be in {0,1}")
324 if (is.factor(y)) {
325 y <- as.integer(y) - 1
326 }
327 }
328 if((distribution$name == "poisson") && any(y<0)) {
329 stop("Poisson requires the response to be positive")
330 }
331 if((distribution$name == "poisson") && any(y != trunc(y))) {
332 stop("Poisson requires the response to be a positive integer")
333 }
334 if((distribution$name == "adaboost") && !all(is.element(y,0:1))) {
335 stop("This version of AdaBoost requires the response to be in {0,1}")
336 if (is.factor(y)) {
337 y <- as.integer(y) - 1
338 }
339 }
340 if(distribution$name == "quantile") {
341 if(length(unique(w)) > 1) {
342 stop("This version of gbm for the quantile regression lacks a weighted quantile. For now the weights must be constant.")
343 }
344 if(is.null(distribution$alpha)) {
345 stop("For quantile regression, the distribution parameter must be a list with a parameter 'alpha' indicating the quantile, for example list(name=\"quantile\",alpha=0.95).")
346 } else {
347 if((distribution$alpha < 0) || (distribution$alpha > 1)) {
348 stop("alpha must be between 0 and 1.")
79349 }
80 if(is.ordered(x[,i]))
81 {
82 var.levels[[i]] <- levels(x[,i])
83 x[,i] <- as.numeric(x[,i])-1
84 var.type[i] <- 0
350 }
351 Misc <- c(alpha=distribution$alpha)
352 }
353 if(distribution$name == "coxph") {
354 if(class(y)!="Surv") {
355 stop("Outcome must be a survival object Surv(time,failure)")
356 }
357 if(attr(y,"type")!="right") {
358 stop("gbm() currently only handles right censored observations")
359 }
360 Misc <- y[,2]
361 y <- y[,1]
363 # reverse sort the failure times to compute risk sets on the fly
364 i.train <- order(-y[1:nTrain])
365 n.test <- cRows - nTrain
366 if(n.test > 0) {
367 i.test <- order(-y[(nTrain+1):cRows]) + nTrain
368 }
369 else {
370 i.test <- NULL
371 }
372 i.timeorder <- c(i.train,i.test)
374 y <- y[i.timeorder]
375 Misc <- Misc[i.timeorder]
376 x <- x[i.timeorder,,drop=FALSE]
377 w <- w[i.timeorder]
378 if(! offset <- offset[i.timeorder]
379 }
380 if(distribution$name == "tdist") {
381 if (is.null(distribution$df) || !is.numeric(distribution$df)){
382 Misc <- 4
383 }
384 else {
385 Misc <- distribution$df[1]
386 }
387 }
388 if (distribution$name == "multinomial") {
389 ## Ensure that the training set contains all classes
390 classes <- attr(factor(y), "levels")
391 nClass <- length(classes)
393 if (nClass > nTrain) {
394 stop(paste("Number of classes (", nClass, ") must be less than the",
395 " size of the training set (", nTrain, ").", sep = ""))
396 }
398 new.idx <- as.vector(sapply(classes, function(a,x){ min((1:length(x))[x==a]) }, y))
400 all.idx <- 1:length(y)
401 new.idx <- c(new.idx, all.idx[!(all.idx %in% new.idx)])
403 y <- y[new.idx]
404 x <- x[new.idx, ]
405 w <- w[new.idx]
406 if (!is.null(offset)) {
407 offset <- offset[new.idx]
408 }
410 ## Get the factors
411 y <- as.numeric(as.vector(outer(y, classes, "==")))
413 ## Fill out the weight and offset
414 w <- rep(w, nClass)
415 if (!is.null(offset)) {
416 offset <- rep(offset, nClass)
417 }
418 } # close if (dist... == "multinomial"
420 if(distribution$name == "pairwise") {
421 distribution.metric <- distribution[["metric"]]
422 if (!is.null(distribution.metric)) {
423 distribution.metric <- tolower(distribution.metric)
424 supported.metrics <- c("conc", "ndcg", "map", "mrr")
425 if (!is.element(distribution.metric, supported.metrics)) {
426 stop("Metric '", distribution.metric, "' is not supported, use either 'conc', 'ndcg', 'map', or 'mrr'")
85427 }
86 else if(is.factor(x[,i]))
87 {
88 if(length(levels(x[,i]))>1024)
89 stop("gbm does not currently handle categorical variables with more than 1024 levels. Variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," has ",length(levels(x[,i]))," levels.")
90 var.levels[[i]] <- levels(x[,i])
91 x[,i] <- as.numeric(x[,i])-1
92 var.type[i] <- max(x[,i],na.rm=TRUE)+1
93 }
94 else if(is.numeric(x[,i]))
95 {
96 var.levels[[i]] <- quantile(x[,i],prob=(0:10)/10,na.rm=TRUE)
97 }
98 else
99 {
100 stop("variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," is not of type numeric, ordered, or factor.")
101 }
103 # check for some variation in each variable
104 if(length(unique(var.levels[[i]])) == 1)
105 {
106 warning("variable ",i,": ",var.names[i]," has no variation.")
107 }
108 }
110 nClass <- 1
112 if(!("name" %in% names(distribution))) {
113 stop("The distribution is missing a 'name' component, for example list(name=\"gaussian\")")
114 }
115 supported.distributions <-
116 c("bernoulli","gaussian","poisson","adaboost","laplace","coxph","quantile",
117 "tdist", "multinomial", "huberized", "pairwise")
119 <- distribution$name
121 # check potential problems with the distributions
122 if(!is.element(distribution$name,supported.distributions))
123 {
124 stop("Distribution ",distribution$name," is not supported")
125 }
126 if((distribution$name == "bernoulli") && !all(is.element(y,0:1)))
127 {
128 stop("Bernoulli requires the response to be in {0,1}")
129 }
130 if((distribution$name == "huberized") && !all(is.element(y,0:1)))
131 {
132 stop("Huberized square hinged loss requires the response to be in {0,1}")
133 }
134 if((distribution$name == "poisson") && any(y<0))
135 {
136 stop("Poisson requires the response to be positive")
137 }
138 if((distribution$name == "poisson") && any(y != trunc(y)))
139 {
140 stop("Poisson requires the response to be a positive integer")
141 }
142 if((distribution$name == "adaboost") && !all(is.element(y,0:1)))
143 {
144 stop("This version of AdaBoost requires the response to be in {0,1}")
145 }
146 if(distribution$name == "quantile")
147 {
148 if(length(unique(w)) > 1)
149 {
150 stop("This version of gbm for the quantile regression lacks a weighted quantile. For now the weights must be constant.")
151 }
152 if(is.null(distribution$alpha))
153 {
154 stop("For quantile regression, the distribution parameter must be a list with a parameter 'alpha' indicating the quantile, for example list(name=\"quantile\",alpha=0.95).")
155 } else
156 if((distribution$alpha<0) || (distribution$alpha>1))
157 {
158 stop("alpha must be between 0 and 1.")
159 }
160 Misc <- c(alpha=distribution$alpha)
161 }
162 if(distribution$name == "coxph")
163 {
164 if(class(y)!="Surv")
165 {
166 stop("Outcome must be a survival object Surv(time,failure)")
167 }
168 if(attr(y,"type")!="right")
169 {
170 stop("gbm() currently only handles right censored observations")
171 }
172 Misc <- y[,2]
173 y <- y[,1]
175 # reverse sort the failure times to compute risk sets on the fly
176 i.train <- order(-y[1:nTrain])
177 n.test <- cRows - nTrain
178 if(n.test > 0)
179 {
180 i.test <- order(-y[(nTrain+1):cRows]) + nTrain
181 }
182 else
183 {
184 i.test <- NULL
185 }
186 i.timeorder <- c(i.train,i.test)
188 y <- y[i.timeorder]
189 Misc <- Misc[i.timeorder]
190 x <- x[i.timeorder,,drop=FALSE]
191 w <- w[i.timeorder]
192 if(! offset <- offset[i.timeorder]
193 }
194 if(distribution$name == "tdist")
195 {
196 if (is.null(distribution$df) || !is.numeric(distribution$df)){
197 Misc <- 4
428 metric <- distribution.metric
429 } else {
430 warning("No metric specified, using 'ndcg'")
431 metric <- "ndcg" # default
432 distribution[["metric"]] <- metric
433 }
435 if (any(y<0)) {
436 stop("targets for 'pairwise' should be non-negative")
437 }
439 if (is.element(metric, c("mrr", "map")) && (!all(is.element(y, 0:1)))) {
440 stop("Metrics 'map' and 'mrr' require the response to be in {0,1}")
441 }
443 # Cut-off rank for metrics
444 # Default of 0 means no cutoff
446 max.rank <- 0
447 if (!is.null(distribution[["max.rank"]]) && distribution[["max.rank"]] > 0) {
448 if (is.element(metric, c("ndcg", "mrr"))) {
449 max.rank <- distribution[["max.rank"]]
198450 }
199451 else {
200 Misc <- distribution$df[1]
452 stop("Parameter 'max.rank' cannot be specified for metric '", distribution.metric, "', only supported for 'ndcg' and 'mrr'")
201453 }
202 }
203 if (distribution$name == "multinomial")
204 {
205 ## Ensure that the training set contains all classes
206 classes <- attr(factor(y), "levels")
207 nClass <- length(classes)
454 }
456 # We pass the cut-off rank to the C function as the last element in the Misc vector
457 Misc <- c(group, max.rank)
459 <- sprintf("pairwise_%s", metric)
460 } # close if (dist... == "pairwise"
462 # create index upfront... subtract one for 0 based order
463 x.order <- apply(x[1:nTrain,,drop=FALSE],2,order,na.last=FALSE)-1
465 x <- as.vector(data.matrix(x))
466 predF <- rep(0,length(y))
467 train.error <- rep(0,n.trees)
468 valid.error <- rep(0,n.trees)
469 oobag.improve <- rep(0,n.trees)
471 if(is.null(var.monotone)) {
472 var.monotone <- rep(0,cCols)
473 } else if(length(var.monotone)!=cCols) {
474 stop("Length of var.monotone != number of predictors")
475 } else if(!all(is.element(var.monotone,-1:1))) {
476 stop("var.monotone must be -1, 0, or 1")
477 }
478 fError <- FALSE
480 gbm.obj <- .Call("gbm_fit",
481 Y=as.double(y),
482 Offset=as.double(offset),
483 X=as.double(x),
484 X.order=as.integer(x.order),
485 weights=as.double(w),
486 Misc=as.double(Misc),
487 cRows=as.integer(cRows),
488 cCols=as.integer(cCols),
489 var.type=as.integer(var.type),
490 var.monotone=as.integer(var.monotone),
491 distribution=as.character(,
492 n.trees=as.integer(n.trees),
493 interaction.depth=as.integer(interaction.depth),
494 n.minobsinnode=as.integer(n.minobsinnode),
495 n.classes = as.integer(nClass),
496 shrinkage=as.double(shrinkage),
497 bag.fraction=as.double(bag.fraction),
498 nTrain=as.integer(nTrain),
499 fit.old=as.double(NA),
501 n.trees.old=as.integer(0),
502 verbose=as.integer(verbose),
503 PACKAGE = "gbm")
505 names(gbm.obj) <- c("initF","fit","train.error","valid.error",
506 "oobag.improve","trees","c.splits")
508 gbm.obj$bag.fraction <- bag.fraction
509 gbm.obj$distribution <- distribution
510 gbm.obj$interaction.depth <- interaction.depth
511 gbm.obj$n.minobsinnode <- n.minobsinnode
512 gbm.obj$num.classes <- nClass
513 gbm.obj$n.trees <- length(gbm.obj$trees) / nClass
514 gbm.obj$nTrain <- nTrain
515 gbm.obj$train.fraction <- train.fraction
516 gbm.obj$ <-
517 gbm.obj$shrinkage <- shrinkage
518 gbm.obj$var.levels <- var.levels
519 gbm.obj$var.monotone <- var.monotone
520 gbm.obj$var.names <- var.names
521 gbm.obj$var.type <- var.type
522 gbm.obj$verbose <- verbose
523 gbm.obj$Terms <- NULL
525 if(distribution$name == "coxph") {
526 gbm.obj$fit[i.timeorder] <- gbm.obj$fit
527 }
528 ## If K-Classification is used then split the fit and tree components
529 if (distribution$name == "multinomial") {
530 gbm.obj$fit <- matrix(gbm.obj$fit, ncol = nClass)
531 dimnames(gbm.obj$fit)[[2]] <- classes
532 gbm.obj$classes <- classes
534 ## Also get the class estimators
535 exp.f <- exp(gbm.obj$fit)
536 denom <- matrix(rep(rowSums(exp.f), nClass), ncol = nClass)
537 gbm.obj$estimator <- exp.f/denom
538 }
540 if( {
541 if(distribution$name == "coxph") {
542 # Put the observations back in order
543 gbm.obj$data <- list(
544 y = y,
545 x = x,
546 x.order = x.order,
547 offset = offset,
548 Misc = Misc,
549 w = w,
550 i.timeorder = i.timeorder
551 )
552 }
553 else if ( distribution$name == "multinomial" ) {
554 # Restore original order of the data
555 new.idx <- order(new.idx)
556 gbm.obj$data <- list(
557 y = as.vector(matrix(y, ncol = length(classes), byrow = FALSE)[new.idx, ]),
558 x = as.vector(matrix(x, ncol = length(var.names), byrow = FALSE)[new.idx, ]),
559 x.order = x.order,
560 offset = offset[new.idx],
561 Misc = Misc,
562 w = w[new.idx]
563 )
564 } else {
565 gbm.obj$data <- list(
566 y = y,
567 x = x,
568 x.order = x.order,
569 offset = offset,
570 Misc = Misc,
571 w = w
572 )
573 }
574 }
575 else {
576 gbm.obj$data <- NULL
577 }
579 # Reuturn object of class "gbm"
580 class(gbm.obj) <- "gbm"
581 gbm.obj
583 }
209 if (nClass > nTrain){
210 stop(paste("Number of classes (", nClass,
211 ") must be less than the size of the training set (", nTrain, ")",
212 sep = ""))
213 }
215 # f <- function(a,x){
216 # min((1:length(x))[x==a])
217 # }
219 new.idx <- as.vector(sapply(classes, function(a,x){ min((1:length(x))[x==a]) }, y))
221 all.idx <- 1:length(y)
222 new.idx <- c(new.idx, all.idx[!(all.idx %in% new.idx)])
224 y <- y[new.idx]
225 x <- x[new.idx, ]
226 w <- w[new.idx]
227 if (!is.null(offset)){
228 offset <- offset[new.idx]
229 }
231 ## Get the factors
232 y <- as.numeric(as.vector(outer(y, classes, "==")))
234 ## Fill out the weight and offset
235 w <- rep(w, nClass)
236 if (!is.null(offset)){
237 offset <- rep(offset, nClass)
238 }
239 } # close if (dist... == "multinomial"
241 if(distribution$name == "pairwise")
242 {
243 distribution.metric <- distribution[["metric"]]
244 if (!is.null(distribution.metric))
245 {
246 distribution.metric <- tolower(distribution.metric)
247 supported.metrics <- c("conc", "ndcg", "map", "mrr")
248 if (!is.element(distribution.metric, supported.metrics))
249 {
250 stop("Metric '", distribution.metric, "' is not supported, use either 'conc', 'ndcg', 'map', or 'mrr'")
251 }
252 metric <- distribution.metric
253 }
254 else
255 {
256 warning("No metric specified, using 'ndcg'")
257 metric <- "ndcg" # default
258 distribution[["metric"]] <- metric
259 }
261 if (any(y<0))
262 {
263 stop("targets for 'pairwise' should be non-negative")
264 }
266 if (is.element(metric, c("mrr", "map")) && (!all(is.element(y, 0:1))))
267 {
268 stop("Metrics 'map' and 'mrr' require the response to be in {0,1}")
269 }
271 # Cut-off rank for metrics
272 # Default of 0 means no cutoff
274 max.rank <- 0
275 if (!is.null(distribution[["max.rank"]]) && distribution[["max.rank"]] > 0)
276 {
277 if (is.element(metric, c("ndcg", "mrr")))
278 {
279 max.rank <- distribution[["max.rank"]]
280 }
281 else
282 {
283 stop("Parameter 'max.rank' cannot be specified for metric '", distribution.metric, "', only supported for 'ndcg' and 'mrr'")
284 }
285 }
287 # We pass the cut-off rank to the C function as the last element in the Misc vector
288 Misc <- c(group, max.rank)
290 <- sprintf("pairwise_%s", metric)
291 } # close if (dist... == "pairwise"
293 # create index upfront... subtract one for 0 based order
294 x.order <- apply(x[1:nTrain,,drop=FALSE],2,order,na.last=FALSE)-1
296 x <- as.vector(data.matrix(x))
297 predF <- rep(0,length(y))
298 train.error <- rep(0,n.trees)
299 valid.error <- rep(0,n.trees)
300 oobag.improve <- rep(0,n.trees)
302 if(is.null(var.monotone)) var.monotone <- rep(0,cCols)
303 else if(length(var.monotone)!=cCols)
304 {
305 stop("Length of var.monotone != number of predictors")
306 }
307 else if(!all(is.element(var.monotone,-1:1)))
308 {
309 stop("var.monotone must be -1, 0, or 1")
310 }
311 fError <- FALSE
313 gbm.obj <- .Call("gbm",
314 Y=as.double(y),
315 Offset=as.double(offset),
316 X=as.double(x),
317 X.order=as.integer(x.order),
318 weights=as.double(w),
319 Misc=as.double(Misc),
320 cRows=as.integer(cRows),
321 cCols=as.integer(cCols),
322 var.type=as.integer(var.type),
323 var.monotone=as.integer(var.monotone),
324 distribution=as.character(,
325 n.trees=as.integer(n.trees),
326 interaction.depth=as.integer(interaction.depth),
327 n.minobsinnode=as.integer(n.minobsinnode),
328 n.classes = as.integer(nClass),
329 shrinkage=as.double(shrinkage),
330 bag.fraction=as.double(bag.fraction),
331 nTrain=as.integer(nTrain),
332 fit.old=as.double(NA),
334 n.trees.old=as.integer(0),
335 verbose=as.integer(verbose),
336 PACKAGE = "gbm")
338 names(gbm.obj) <- c("initF","fit","train.error","valid.error",
339 "oobag.improve","trees","c.splits")
341 gbm.obj$bag.fraction <- bag.fraction
342 gbm.obj$distribution <- distribution
343 gbm.obj$interaction.depth <- interaction.depth
344 gbm.obj$n.minobsinnode <- n.minobsinnode
345 gbm.obj$num.classes <- nClass
346 gbm.obj$n.trees <- length(gbm.obj$trees) / nClass
347 gbm.obj$nTrain <- nTrain
348 gbm.obj$train.fraction <- train.fraction
349 gbm.obj$ <-
350 gbm.obj$shrinkage <- shrinkage
351 gbm.obj$var.levels <- var.levels
352 gbm.obj$var.monotone <- var.monotone
353 gbm.obj$var.names <- var.names
354 gbm.obj$var.type <- var.type
355 gbm.obj$verbose <- verbose
356 gbm.obj$Terms <- NULL
358 if(distribution$name == "coxph")
359 {
360 gbm.obj$fit[i.timeorder] <- gbm.obj$fit
361 }
362 ## If K-Classification is used then split the fit and tree components
363 if (distribution$name == "multinomial"){
364 gbm.obj$fit <- matrix(gbm.obj$fit, ncol = nClass)
365 dimnames(gbm.obj$fit)[[2]] <- classes
366 gbm.obj$classes <- classes
368 ## Also get the class estimators
369 exp.f <- exp(gbm.obj$fit)
370 denom <- matrix(rep(rowSums(exp.f), nClass), ncol = nClass)
371 gbm.obj$estimator <- exp.f/denom
372 }
374 if(
375 {
376 if(distribution$name == "coxph")
377 {
378 # put the observations back in order
379 gbm.obj$data <- list(y=y,x=x,x.order=x.order,offset=offset,Misc=Misc,w=w,
380 i.timeorder=i.timeorder)
381 }
382 else if ( distribution$name == "multinomial" ){
383 # Restore original order of the data
384 new.idx <- order( new.idx )
385 gbm.obj$data <- list( y=as.vector(matrix(y, ncol=length(classes),byrow=FALSE)[new.idx,]),
386 x=as.vector(matrix(x, ncol=length(var.names), byrow=FALSE)[new.idx,]),
387 x.order=x.order,
388 offset=offset[new.idx],
389 Misc=Misc, w=w[new.idx] )
390 }
391 else
392 {
393 gbm.obj$data <- list(y=y,x=x,x.order=x.order,offset=offset,Misc=Misc,w=w)
394 }
395 }
396 else
397 {
398 gbm.obj$data <- NULL
399 }
401 class(gbm.obj) <- "gbm"
402 return(gbm.obj)
403 }
R/gbm.loss.R less more
0 gbm.loss <- function(y, f, w, offset, dist, baseline, group=NULL, max.rank=NULL)
1 {
2 if (!
3 {
4 f <- offset+f
5 }
7 if (dist$name != "pairwise")
8 {
9 switch(dist$name,
10 gaussian = weighted.mean((y - f)^2,w) - baseline,
11 bernoulli = -2*weighted.mean(y*f - log(1+exp(f)),w) - baseline,
12 laplace = weighted.mean(abs(y-f),w) - baseline,
13 adaboost = weighted.mean(exp(-(2*y-1)*f),w) - baseline,
14 poisson = -2*weighted.mean(y*f-exp(f),w) - baseline,
15 stop(paste("Distribution",dist$name,"is not yet supported for method=permutation.test.gbm")))
16 }
17 else # dist$name == "pairwise"
18 {
19 if (is.null(dist$metric))
20 {
21 stop("No metric specified for distribution 'pairwise'")
22 }
23 if (!is.element(dist$metric, c("conc", "ndcg", "map", "mrr")))
24 {
25 stop("Invalid metric '", dist$metric, "' specified for distribution 'pairwise'")
26 }
27 if (is.null(group))
28 {
29 stop("For distribution 'pairwise', parameter 'group' has to be supplied")
30 }
31 # Loss = 1 - utility
32 (1 - perf.pairwise(y, f, group, dist$metric, w, max.rank)) - baseline
33 }
34 }
0 #' Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling (GBM)
1 #'
2 #' Adds additional trees to a \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
3 #'
4 #' @param object A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object created from an initial call
5 #' to \code{\link{gbm}}.
6 #'
7 #' @param Integer specifying the number of additional trees to add
8 #' to \code{object}. Default is 100.
9 #'
10 #' @param data An optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By
11 #' default the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically
12 #' the environment from which \code{gbm} is called. If \code{} in
13 #' the initial call to \code{gbm} then \code{gbm} stores a copy with the
14 #' object. If \code{} then subsequent calls to
15 #' \code{\link{gbm.more}} must resupply the same dataset. It becomes the user's
16 #' responsibility to resupply the same data at this point.
17 #'
18 #' @param weights An optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
19 #' process. Must be positive but do not need to be normalized. If
20 #' \code{} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the
21 #' user's responsibility to resupply the weights to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.
22 #'
23 #' @param offset A vector of offset values.
24 #'
25 #' @param verbose Logical indicating whether or not to print out progress and
26 #' performance indicators (\code{TRUE}). If this option is left unspecified for
27 #' \code{gbm.more}, then it uses \code{verbose} from \code{object}. Default is
28 #' \code{FALSE}.
29 #'
30 #' @return A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
31 #'
32 #' @export
33 #'
34 #' @examples
35 #' #
36 #' # A least squares regression example
37 #' #
38 #'
39 #' # Simulate data
40 #' set.seed(101) # for reproducibility
41 #' N <- 1000
42 #' X1 <- runif(N)
43 #' X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
44 #' X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE), levels = letters[4:1])
45 #' X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
46 #' X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
47 #' X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
48 #' mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
49 #' SNR <- 10 # signal-to-noise ratio
50 #' Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu
51 #' sigma <- sqrt(var(Y) / SNR)
52 #' Y <- Y + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
53 #' X1[sample(1:N,size=500)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
54 #' X4[sample(1:N,size=300)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
55 #' data <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
56 #'
57 #' # Fit a GBM
58 #' set.seed(102) # for reproducibility
59 #' gbm1 <- gbm(Y ~ ., data = data, var.monotone = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
60 #' distribution = "gaussian", n.trees = 100, shrinkage = 0.1,
61 #' interaction.depth = 3, bag.fraction = 0.5, train.fraction = 0.5,
62 #' n.minobsinnode = 10, cv.folds = 5, = TRUE,
63 #' verbose = FALSE, n.cores = 1)
64 #'
65 #' # Check performance using the out-of-bag (OOB) error; the OOB error typically
66 #' # underestimates the optimal number of iterations
67 #' best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "OOB")
68 #' print(best.iter)
69 #'
70 #' # Check performance using the 50% heldout test set
71 #' best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "test")
72 #' print(best.iter)
73 #'
74 #' # Check performance using 5-fold cross-validation
75 #' best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "cv")
76 #' print(best.iter)
77 #'
78 #' # Plot relative influence of each variable
79 #' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
80 #' summary(gbm1, n.trees = 1) # using first tree
81 #' summary(gbm1, n.trees = best.iter) # using estimated best number of trees
82 #'
83 #' # Compactly print the first and last trees for curiosity
84 #' print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = 1))
85 #' print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = gbm1$n.trees))
86 #'
87 #' # Simulate new data
88 #' set.seed(103) # for reproducibility
89 #' N <- 1000
90 #' X1 <- runif(N)
91 #' X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
92 #' X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE))
93 #' X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
94 #' X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
95 #' X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
96 #' mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
97 #' Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
98 #' data2 <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
99 #'
100 #' # Predict on the new data using the "best" number of trees; by default,
101 #' # predictions will be on the link scale
102 #' Yhat <- predict(gbm1, newdata = data2, n.trees = best.iter, type = "link")
103 #'
104 #' # least squares error
105 #' print(sum((data2$Y - Yhat)^2))
106 #'
107 #' # Construct univariate partial dependence plots
108 #' p1 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 1, n.trees = best.iter)
109 #' p2 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 2, n.trees = best.iter)
110 #' p3 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = "X3", n.trees = best.iter) # can use index or name
111 #' grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol = 3)
112 #'
113 #' # Construct bivariate partial dependence plots
114 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:2, n.trees = best.iter)
115 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = c("X2", "X3"), n.trees = best.iter)
116 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:4, n.trees = best.iter)
117 #'
118 #' # Construct trivariate partial dependence plots
119 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = c(1, 2, 6), n.trees = best.iter,
120 #' continuous.resolution = 20)
121 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:3, n.trees = best.iter)
122 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 2:4, n.trees = best.iter)
123 #' plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:5, n.trees = best.iter)
124 #'
125 #' # Add more (i.e., 100) boosting iterations to the ensemble
126 #' gbm2 <- gbm.more(gbm1, = 100, verbose = FALSE)
0127 gbm.more <- function(object,
1128 = 100,
2129 data = NULL,
3130 weights = NULL,
4131 offset = NULL,
5 verbose = NULL)
6 {
132 verbose = NULL) {
7133 theCall <-
8134 nTrain <- object$nTrain
180306 }
181307 x <- as.vector(x)
183 gbm.obj <- .Call("gbm",
309 gbm.obj <- .Call("gbm_fit",
184310 Y = as.double(y),
185311 Offset = as.double(offset),
186312 X = as.double(x),
0 #' Generalized Boosted Regression Model Object
1 #'
2 #' These are objects representing fitted \code{gbm}s.
3 #'
4 #' @return \item{initF}{the "intercept" term, the initial predicted value to
5 #' which trees make adjustments} \item{fit}{a vector containing the fitted
6 #' values on the scale of regression function (e.g. log-odds scale for
7 #' bernoulli, log scale for poisson)} \item{train.error}{a vector of length
8 #' equal to the number of fitted trees containing the value of the loss
9 #' function for each boosting iteration evaluated on the training data}
10 #' \item{valid.error}{a vector of length equal to the number of fitted trees
11 #' containing the value of the loss function for each boosting iteration
12 #' evaluated on the validation data} \item{cv.error}{if \code{cv.folds}<2 this
13 #' component is NULL. Otherwise, this component is a vector of length equal to
14 #' the number of fitted trees containing a cross-validated estimate of the loss
15 #' function for each boosting iteration} \item{oobag.improve}{a vector of
16 #' length equal to the number of fitted trees containing an out-of-bag estimate
17 #' of the marginal reduction in the expected value of the loss function. The
18 #' out-of-bag estimate uses only the training data and is useful for estimating
19 #' the optimal number of boosting iterations. See \code{\link{gbm.perf}}}
20 #' \item{trees}{a list containing the tree structures. The components are best
21 #' viewed using \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}} \item{c.splits}{a list of all
22 #' the categorical splits in the collection of trees. If the \code{trees[[i]]}
23 #' component of a \code{gbm} object describes a categorical split then the
24 #' splitting value will refer to a component of \code{c.splits}. That component
25 #' of \code{c.splits} will be a vector of length equal to the number of levels
26 #' in the categorical split variable. -1 indicates left, +1 indicates right,
27 #' and 0 indicates that the level was not present in the training data}
28 #' \item{cv.fitted}{If cross-validation was performed, the cross-validation
29 #' predicted values on the scale of the linear predictor. That is, the fitted
30 #' values from the ith CV-fold, for the model having been trained on the data
31 #' in all other folds.}
32 #' @section Structure: The following components must be included in a
33 #' legitimate \code{gbm} object.
34 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
35 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}
36 #' @keywords methods
37 #' @name gbm.object
0 gbm.perf <- function(object,
2 oobag.curve=FALSE,
3 overlay=TRUE,
4 method)
5 {
6 smoother <- NULL
8 if ( missing( method ) ){
9 if ( object$train.fraction < 1 ){
10 method <- "test"
11 }
12 else if ( !is.null( object$cv.error ) ){
13 method <- "cv"
14 }
15 else { method <- "OOB" }
16 cat( paste( "Using", method, "method...\n" ) )
17 }
19 if((method == "OOB") || oobag.curve)
20 {
21 if(object$bag.fraction==1)
22 stop("Cannot compute OOB estimate or the OOB curve when bag.fraction=1")
23 if(all(!is.finite(object$oobag.improve)))
24 stop("Cannot compute OOB estimate or the OOB curve. No finite OOB estimates of improvement")
25 x <- 1:object$n.trees
26 smoother <- loess(object$oobag.improve~x,
28 smoother$y <- smoother$fitted
29 smoother$x <- x
31 best.iter.oob <- x[which.min(-cumsum(smoother$y))]
32 best.iter <- best.iter.oob
33 }
35 if(method == "OOB")
36 {
37 warning("OOB generally underestimates the optimal number of iterations although predictive performance is reasonably competitive. Using cv.folds>0 when calling gbm usually results in improved predictive performance.")
38 }
40 if(method == "test")
41 {
42 best.iter.test <- which.min(object$valid.error)
43 best.iter <- best.iter.test
44 }
46 if(method == "cv")
47 {
48 if(is.null(object$cv.error))
49 stop("In order to use method=\"cv\" gbm must be called with cv.folds>1.")
50 if(length(object$cv.error) < object$n.trees)
51 warning("cross-validation error is not computed for any additional iterations run using gbm.more().")
52 <- which.min(object$cv.error)
53 best.iter <-
54 }
56 if(!is.element(method,c("OOB","test","cv")))
57 stop("method must be cv, test, or OOB")
59 if(
60 {
61 par(mar=c(5,4,4,4)+.1)
62 if (object$distribution$name !="pairwise")
63 {
64 ylab <- switch(substring(object$distribution$name,1,2),
65 ga="Squared error loss",
66 be="Bernoulli deviance",
67 po="Poisson deviance",
68 ad="AdaBoost exponential bound",
69 co="Cox partial deviance",
70 la="Absolute loss",
71 qu="Quantile loss",
72 mu="Multinomial deviance",
73 td="t-distribution deviance"
74 )
75 }
76 else # object$distribution$name =="pairwise"
77 {
78 ylab <- switch(object$distribution$metric,
79 conc ="Fraction of concordant pairs",
80 ndcg="Normalized discounted cumulative gain",
81 map ="Mean average precision",
82 mrr ="Mean reciprocal rank"
83 )
84 }
86 if(object$train.fraction==1)
87 { # HS Next line changed to scale axis to include other error
88 # ylim <- range(object$train.error)
89 if ( method=="cv" ){ ylim <- range(object$train.error, object$cv.error) }
90 else if ( method == "test" ){ ylim <- range( object$train.error, object$valid.error) }
91 else { ylim <- range(object$train.error) }
92 }
93 else
94 {
95 ylim <- range(object$train.error,object$valid.error)
96 }
98 plot(object$train.error,
99 ylim=ylim,
0 #' GBM performance
1 #'
2 #' Estimates the optimal number of boosting iterations for a \code{gbm} object
3 #' and optionally plots various performance measures
4 #'
5 #' @param object A \code{\link{gbm.object}} created from an initial call to
6 #' \code{\link{gbm}}.
7 #'
8 #' @param An indicator of whether or not to plot the performance
9 #' measures. Setting \code{ = TRUE} creates two plots. The first plot
10 #' plots \code{object$train.error} (in black) and \code{object$valid.error}
11 #' (in red) versus the iteration number. The scale of the error measurement,
12 #' shown on the left vertical axis, depends on the \code{distribution}
13 #' argument used in the initial call to \code{\link{gbm}}.
14 #'
15 #' @param oobag.curve Indicates whether to plot the out-of-bag performance
16 #' measures in a second plot.
17 #'
18 #' @param overlay If TRUE and oobag.curve=TRUE then a right y-axis is added to
19 #' the training and test error plot and the estimated cumulative improvement
20 #' in the loss function is plotted versus the iteration number.
21 #'
22 #' @param method Indicate the method used to estimate the optimal number of
23 #' boosting iterations. \code{method = "OOB"} computes the out-of-bag estimate
24 #' and \code{method = "test"} uses the test (or validation) dataset to compute
25 #' an out-of-sample estimate. \code{method = "cv"} extracts the optimal number
26 #' of iterations using cross-validation if \code{gbm} was called with
27 #' \code{cv.folds} > 1.
28 #'
29 #' @return \code{gbm.perf} Returns the estimated optimal number of iterations.
30 #' The method of computation depends on the \code{method} argument.
31 #'
32 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
33 #'
34 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
35 #'
36 #' @keywords nonlinear survival nonparametric tree
37 #'
38 #' @export
39 gbm.perf <- function(object, = TRUE, oobag.curve = FALSE,
40 overlay = TRUE, method) {
42 # Determine method, if missing
43 if (missing(method)) {
44 method <- guess_error_method(object)
45 }
47 # Determine "optimal" number of iterations
48 best.iter <- best_iter(object, method = method)
50 # Determine an appropriate y-axis label
51 ylab <- get_ylab(object)
53 # Determine an appropriate range for the y-axis
54 ylim <- get_ylim(object, method = method)
56 # Plot results
57 plot(object$train.error, ylim = ylim, type = "l", xlab = "Iteration",
58 ylab = ylab)
60 if(object$train.fraction!=1) {
61 lines(object$valid.error,col="red")
62 }
63 if(method=="cv") {
64 lines(object$cv.error,col="green")
65 }
66 if(! {
67 abline(v=best.iter,col="blue",lwd=2,lty=2)
68 }
69 if(oobag.curve) {
70 if(overlay) {
71 smoother <- attr(best.iter, "smoother")
72 par(new = TRUE)
73 plot(smoother$x,
74 cumsum(smoother$y),
75 col="blue",
10076 type="l",
101 xlab="Iteration",ylab=ylab)
103 if(object$train.fraction!=1)
104 {
105 lines(object$valid.error,col="red")
106 }
107 if(method=="cv")
108 {
109 lines(object$cv.error,col="green")
110 }
111 if(! abline(v=best.iter,col="blue",lwd=2,lty=2)
112 if(oobag.curve)
113 {
114 if(overlay)
115 {
116 par(new=TRUE)
117 plot(smoother$x,
118 cumsum(smoother$y),
119 col="blue",
120 type="l",
121 xlab="",ylab="",
122 axes=FALSE)
123 axis(4,srt=0)
124 at <- mean(range(smoother$y))
125 mtext(paste("OOB improvement in",ylab),side=4,srt=270,line=2)
126 abline(h=0,col="blue",lwd=2)
127 }
129 plot(object$oobag.improve,type="l",
130 xlab="Iteration",
131 ylab=paste("OOB change in",ylab))
132 lines(smoother,col="red",lwd=2)
133 abline(h=0,col="blue",lwd=1)
135 abline(v=best.iter,col="blue",lwd=1)
136 }
137 }
139 return(best.iter)
77 xlab="",ylab="",
78 axes=FALSE)
79 axis(4,srt=0)
80 at <- mean(range(smoother$y))
81 mtext(paste("OOB improvement in",ylab),side=4,srt=270,line=2)
82 abline(h=0,col="blue",lwd=2)
83 }
85 plot(object$oobag.improve,type="l",
86 xlab="Iteration",
87 ylab=paste("OOB change in",ylab))
88 lines(smoother,col="red",lwd=2)
89 abline(h=0,col="blue",lwd=1)
91 abline(v=best.iter,col="blue",lwd=1)
92 }
93 return(best.iter)
14094 }
143 perf.pairwise <- function(y, f, group, metric="ndcg", w=NULL, max.rank=0)
144 {
145 <- switch(metric,
146 conc = "ir.measure.conc",
147 mrr = "ir.measure.mrr",
148 map = "",
149 ndcg = "ir.measure.ndcg",
150 stop(paste("Metric",metric,"is not supported"))
151 )
153 # Optimization: for binary targets,
154 # AUC is equivalent but faster than CONC
155 if (metric == "conc" && all(is.element(y, 0:1)))
156 {
157 <- "ir.measure.auc"
158 }
160 # Max rank = 0 means no cut off
161 if (max.rank <= 0)
162 {
163 max.rank <- length(y)+1
164 }
166 # Random tie breaking in case of duplicate scores.
167 # (Without tie breaking, we would overestimate if instances are
168 # sorted descending on target)
169 f <- f + 1E-10 * runif(length(f), min=-0.5, max=0.5)
171 <- as.matrix(by(list(y, f), INDICES=group, FUN=get(, max.rank=max.rank))
173 # Exclude groups with single result or only negative or positive instances
174 idx <- which((!is.null( & >= 0)
176 if (is.null(w))
177 {
178 return (mean([idx]))
179 }
180 else
181 {
182 # Assumption: weights are constant per group
183 <- tapply(w, group, mean)
184 return (weighted.mean([idx],[idx]))
185 }
186 }
R/gbmCluster.R less more
0 gbmCluster <- function(n){
1 # If number of cores (n) not given, try to work it out from the number
2 # that appear to be available and the number of CV folds.
3 if (is.null(n)){
4 n <- detectCores()
5 }
6 makeCluster(n)
7 }
0 ##' Perform gbm cross-validation
1 ##'
2 ##' This function has far too many arguments, but there isn't the
3 ##' abstraction in gbm to lose them.
0 #' Cross-validate a gbm
1 #'
2 #' Functions for cross-validating gbm. These functions are used internally and
3 #' are not intended for end-user direct usage.
4 #'
5 #' These functions are not intended for end-user direct usage, but are used
6 #' internally by \code{gbm}.
7 #'
8 #' @aliases gbmCrossVal gbmCrossValModelBuild gbmDoFold gbmCrossValErr
9 #' gbmCrossValPredictions
10 #' @param cv.folds The number of cross-validation folds.
11 #' @param nTrain The number of training samples.
12 #' @param n.cores The number of cores to use.
13 #' @param Whether or not stratified cross-validation samples
14 #' are used.
15 #' @param data The data.
16 #' @param x The model matrix.
17 #' @param y The response variable.
18 #' @param offset The offset.
19 #' @param distribution The type of loss function. See \code{\link{gbm}}.
20 #' @param w Observation weights.
21 #' @param var.monotone See \code{\link{gbm}}.
22 #' @param n.trees The number of trees to fit.
23 #' @param interaction.depth The degree of allowed interactions. See
24 #' \code{\link{gbm}}.
25 #' @param n.minobsinnode See \code{\link{gbm}}.
26 #' @param shrinkage See \code{\link{gbm}}.
27 #' @param bag.fraction See \code{\link{gbm}}.
28 #' @param var.names See \code{\link{gbm}}.
29 #' @param See \code{\link{gbm}}.
30 #' @param group Used when \code{distribution = "pairwise"}. See
31 #' \code{\link{gbm}}.
32 #' @param i.train Items in the training set.
33 #' @param cv.models A list containing the models for each fold.
34 #' @param A vector indicating the cross-validation fold for each
35 #' member of the training set.
36 #' @param The iteration with lowest cross-validation error.
37 #' @param X Index (cross-validation fold) on which to subset.
38 #' @param s Random seed.
39 #' @return A list containing the cross-validation error and predictions.
40 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
41 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}
42 #' @references J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
43 #' Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
44 #'
45 #' L. Breiman (2001).
46 #' \url{}.
47 #' @keywords models
49 # Perform gbm cross-validation
50 #
51 # This function has far too many arguments, but there isn't the
52 # abstraction in gbm to lose them.
53 #' @rdname gbmCrossVal
54 #' @export
455 gbmCrossVal <- function(cv.folds, nTrain, n.cores,
556, data,
657 x, y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone,
1869 n.minobsinnode, shrinkage,
1970 bag.fraction, var.names,
2071, group)
2173 ## get the errors
2274 cv.error <- gbmCrossValErr(cv.models, cv.folds,, nTrain, n.trees)
2375 <- which.min(cv.error)
2477 ## get the predictions
2578 predictions <- gbmCrossValPredictions(cv.models, cv.folds,,
2679, distribution,
27 data[i.train,], y)
28 list(error=cv.error,
29 predictions=predictions)
30 }
32 ##' Get the gbm cross-validation error
80 data[i.train, ], y)
81 list(error = cv.error, predictions = predictions)
82 }
85 # Get the gbm cross-validation error
86 #' @rdname gbmCrossVal
87 #' @export
3388 gbmCrossValErr <- function(cv.models, cv.folds,, nTrain, n.trees) {
3489 <- tabulate(, nbins=cv.folds)
3590 cv.error <- vapply(1:cv.folds,
3893 model$valid.error *[[index]]
3994 }, double(n.trees))
4095 ## this is now a (n.trees, cv.folds) matrix
4297 ## and now a n.trees vector
4398 rowSums(cv.error) / nTrain
4499 }
46 ##' Get the predictions for GBM cross validation
47 ##'
48 ##' This function is not as nice as it could be (leakage of y)
102 #' @rdname gbmCrossVal
103 #' @export
49104 gbmCrossValPredictions <- function(cv.models, cv.folds,,
50105, distribution, data, y) {
51 ## test and data match
107 # Get the predictions for GBM cross validation. This function is not as nice
108 # as it could be (i.e., leakage of y)
110 # Test that and data match
52111 if (nrow(data) != length( {
53 stop("mismatch between data and")
54 }
55 ## this is a little complicated due to multinomial distribution
112 stop("Mismatch between `data` and ``.")
113 }
115 # This is a little complicated due to multinomial distribution
56116 num.cols <- if (distribution$name == "multinomial") {
57117 nlevels(factor(y))
58118 } else {
59119 1
60120 }
61 result <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data), ncol=num.cols)
62 ## there's no real reason to do this as other than a for loop
63 data.names <- names(data)
122 # Initialize results matrix
123 res <- matrix(nrow = nrow(data), ncol = num.cols)
125 # There's no real reason to do this as other than a for loop
126 data.names <- names(data) # column names
64127 for (ind in 1:cv.folds) {
65 ## these are the particular elements
129 # These are the particular elements
66130 flag <- == ind
67131 model <- cv.models[[ind]]
68 ## the %in% here is to handle coxph
133 # The %in% here is to handle coxph
69134 <- data[flag, !(data.names %in% model$]
70 predictions <- predict(model,,
71 predictions <- matrix(predictions, ncol=num.cols)
72 result[flag,] <- predictions
73 }
135 predictions <- predict(model, newdata =, n.trees = # FIXME
136 predictions <- matrix(predictions, ncol = num.cols)
137 res[flag, ] <- predictions
139 }
141 # Handle multinomial case
75142 if (distribution$name != "multinomial") {
76 result <- as.numeric(result)
77 }
79 result
80 }
83 ##' Perform gbm cross-validation
84 ##'
85 ##' This function has far too many arguments.
86 gbmCrossValModelBuild <- function(cv.folds,, n.cores, i.train,
87 x, y, offset, distribution,
88 w, var.monotone, n.trees,
89 interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode,
90 shrinkage, bag.fraction,
91 var.names,,
92 group) {
93 ## set up the cluster and add a finalizer
143 res <- as.numeric(res)
144 }
146 # Return the result
147 res
149 }
152 # Perform gbm cross-validation
153 #
154 # This function has far too many arguments.
155 #' @rdname gbmCrossVal
156 #' @export
157 gbmCrossValModelBuild <- function(cv.folds,, n.cores, i.train, x, y,
158 offset, distribution, w, var.monotone,
159 n.trees, interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode,
160 shrinkage, bag.fraction, var.names,
161, group) {
163 # Set up cluster and add finalizer
94164 cluster <- gbmCluster(n.cores)
95 on.exit(stopCluster(cluster))
97 ## get ourselves some random seeds
165 on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cluster))
167 # Set random seeds
98168 seeds <- as.integer(runif(cv.folds, -(2^31 - 1), 2^31))
100 ## now do the cross-validation model builds
101 parLapply(cl=cluster, X=1:cv.folds,
102 gbmDoFold, i.train, x, y, offset, distribution,
103 w, var.monotone, n.trees,
104 interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode, shrinkage,
105 bag.fraction,
106, var.names,, group, seeds)
107 }
170 # Perform cross-validation model builds
171 parallel::parLapply(cl = cluster, X = 1:cv.folds, fun = gbmDoFold, i.train, x,
172 y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone, n.trees,
173 interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode, shrinkage,
174 bag.fraction,, var.names,, group,
175 seeds)
177 }
180 #' @rdname gbmCrossVal
181 #' @export
182 gbmDoFold <- function(X, i.train, x, y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone,
183 n.trees, interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode, shrinkage,
184 bag.fraction,, var.names,, group,
185 s) {
187 # Do specified cross-validation fold - a self-contained function for passing
188 # to individual cores.
190 # Load required packages for core
191 library(gbm, quietly=TRUE)
193 # Print CV information
194 cat("CV:", X, "\n")
196 # Setup
197 set.seed(s[[X]])
198 i <- order( == X)
199 x <- x[i.train,,drop=TRUE][i,,drop=FALSE]
200 y <- y[i.train][i]
201 offset <- offset[i.train][i]
202 nTrain <- length(which( != X))
203 group <- group[i.train][i]
205 # Fit a GBM
206 res <- = x, y = y, offset = offset, distribution = distribution,
207 w = w, var.monotone = var.monotone, n.trees = n.trees,
208 interaction.depth = interaction.depth,
209 n.minobsinnode = n.minobsinnode,
210 shrinkage = shrinkage, bag.fraction = bag.fraction,
211 nTrain = nTrain, = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
212 =, group = group)
214 # Return the result
215 res
217 }
R/gbmDoFold.R less more
0 gbmDoFold <-
1 # Do specified cross-validation fold - a self-contained function for
2 # passing to individual cores.
3 function(X,
4 i.train, x, y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone, n.trees,
5 interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode, shrinkage, bag.fraction,
6, var.names,, group, s){
7 library(gbm, quietly=TRUE)
8 cat("CV:", X, "\n")
10 set.seed(s[[X]])
12 i <- order( == X)
13 x <- x[i.train,,drop=TRUE][i,,drop=FALSE]
14 y <- y[i.train][i]
15 offset <- offset[i.train][i]
16 nTrain <- length(which( != X))
17 group <- group[i.train][i]
19 res <-, y,
20 offset=offset, distribution=distribution,
21 w=w, var.monotone=var.monotone, n.trees=n.trees,
22 interaction.depth=interaction.depth,
23 n.minobsinnode=n.minobsinnode,
24 shrinkage=shrinkage,
25 bag.fraction=bag.fraction,
26 nTrain=nTrain,,
27 verbose=FALSE,,
28 group=group)
29 res
30 }
R/getCVgroup.R less more
0 getCVgroup <-
1 # Construct cross-validation groups depending on the type of model to be fit
2 function(distribution,, y, i.train, cv.folds, group){
4 if (distribution$name %in% c( "bernoulli", "multinomial" ) & ){
5 nc <- table(y[i.train]) # Number in each class
6 uc <- names(nc)
7 if (min(nc) < cv.folds){
8 stop( paste("The smallest class has only", min(nc), "objects in the training set. Can't do", cv.folds, "fold cross-validation."))
9 }
10 <- vector(length = length(i.train))
11 for (i in 1:length(uc)){
12[y[i.train] == uc[i]] <- sample(rep(1:cv.folds , length = nc[i]))
13 }
14 } # Close if
15 else if (distribution$name == "pairwise") {
16 # Split into CV folds at group boundaries
17 s <- sample(rep(1:cv.folds, length=nlevels(group)))
18 <- s[as.integer(group[i.train])]
19 }
20 else {
21 <- sample(rep(1:cv.folds, length=length(i.train)))
22 }
24 }
R/getStratify.R less more
0 getStratify <- function(strat, d){
1 if (is.null(strat)){
2 if (d$name == "multinomial" ){ strat <- TRUE }
3 else { strat <- FALSE }
4 }
5 else {
6 if (!is.element(d$name, c( "bernoulli", "multinomial"))){
7 warning("You can only use when distribution is bernoulli or multinomial. Ignored.")
8 strat <- FALSE
9 }
10 } # Close else
11 strat
12 }
R/guessDist.R less more
0 guessDist <- function(y){
1 # If distribution is not given, try to guess it
2 if (length(unique(y)) == 2){ d <- "bernoulli" }
3 else if (class(y) == "Surv" ){ d <- "coxph" }
4 else if (is.factor(y)){ d <- "multinomial" }
5 else{ d <- "gaussian" }
6 cat(paste("Distribution not specified, assuming", d, "...\n"))
7 list(name=d)
8 }
0 # Compute Friedman's H statistic for interaction effects
0 #' Estimate the strength of interaction effects
1 #'
2 #' Computes Friedman's H-statistic to assess the strength of variable
3 #' interactions.
4 #'
5 #' @param x A \code{\link{gbm.object}} fitted using a call to \code{\link{gbm}}.
6 #'
7 #' @param data The dataset used to construct \code{x}. If the original dataset
8 #' is large, a random subsample may be used to accelerate the computation in
9 #' \code{interact.gbm}.
10 #'
11 #' @param i.var A vector of indices or the names of the variables for compute
12 #' the interaction effect. If using indices, the variables are indexed in the
13 #' same order that they appear in the initial \code{gbm} formula.
14 #'
15 #' @param n.trees The number of trees used to generate the plot. Only the first
16 #' \code{n.trees} trees will be used.
17 #'
18 #' @return Returns the value of \eqn{H}.
19 #'
20 #' @details
21 #' \code{interact.gbm} computes Friedman's H-statistic to assess the relative
22 #' strength of interaction effects in non-linear models. H is on the scale of
23 #' [0-1] with higher values indicating larger interaction effects. To connect
24 #' to a more familiar measure, if \eqn{x_1} and \eqn{x_2} are uncorrelated
25 #' covariates with mean 0 and variance 1 and the model is of the form
26 #' \deqn{y=\beta_0+\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+\beta_3x_3} then
27 #' \deqn{H=\frac{\beta_3}{\sqrt{\beta_1^2+\beta_2^2+\beta_3^2}}}
28 #'
29 #' Note that if the main effects are weak, the estimated H will be unstable.
30 #' For example, if (in the case of a two-way interaction) neither main effect
31 #' is in the selected model (relative influence is zero), the result will be
32 #' 0/0. Also, with weak main effects, rounding errors can result in values of H
33 #' > 1 which are not possible.
34 #'
35 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
36 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
37 #' @references J.H. Friedman and B.E. Popescu (2005). \dQuote{Predictive
38 #' Learning via Rule Ensembles.} Section 8.1
39 #' @keywords methods
40 #' @export
141 interact.gbm <- function(x, data, i.var = 1, n.trees = x$n.trees){
242 ###############################################################
343 # Do sanity checks on the call
99 # inaccurate for individual groups, but should have
1010 # a small effect on the overall measure.
12 #' Compute Information Retrieval measures.
13 #'
14 #' Functions to compute Information Retrieval measures for pairwise loss for a
15 #' single group. The function returns the respective metric, or a negative
16 #' value if it is undefined for the given group.
17 #'
18 #' @param obs Observed value.
19 #' @param pred Predicted value.
20 #' @param metric What type of performance measure to compute.
21 #' @param y,y.f,f,w,group,max.rank Used internally.
22 #' @param x ?.
23 #' @return The requested performance measure.
24 #'
25 #' @details
26 #' For simplicity, we have no special handling for ties; instead, we break ties
27 #' randomly. This is slightly inaccurate for individual groups, but should have
28 #' only a small effect on the overall measure.
29 #'
30 #' \code{gbm.conc} computes the concordance index: Fraction of all pairs (i,j)
31 #' with i<j, x[i] != x[j], such that x[j] < x[i]
32 #'
33 #' If \code{obs} is binary, then \code{gbm.roc.area(obs, pred) =
34 #' gbm.conc(obs[order(-pred)])}.
35 #'
36 #' \code{gbm.conc} is more general as it allows non-binary targets, but is
37 #' significantly slower.
38 #'
39 #' @aliases gbm.roc.area gbm.conc ir.measure.conc ir.measure.auc ir.measure.mrr
40 #' ir.measure.ndcg perf.pairwise
41 #'
42 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
43 #'
44 #' @author Stefan Schroedl
45 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}
46 #' @references C. Burges (2010). "From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An
47 #' Overview", Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
48 #' @keywords models
49 #'
50 #' @examples
51 #'
52 #' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
53 #' ##-- ==> Define data, use random,
54 #' ##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
1357 # Area under ROC curve = ratio of correctly ranking pairs
14 gbm.roc.area <- function(obs, pred)
15 {
58 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
59 #' @export
60 gbm.roc.area <- function(obs, pred) {
1661 n1 <- sum(obs)
1762 n <- length(obs)
1863 if (n==n1) { return(1) }
2267 return ((mean(rank(pred)[obs > 0]) - (n1 + 1)/2)/(n - n1))
2368 }
2571 # Concordance Index:
2672 # Fraction of all pairs (i,j) with i<j, x[i] != x[j], such that x[j] < x[i]
2773 # Invariant: if obs is binary, then
2874 # gbm.roc.area(obs, pred) = gbm.conc(obs[order(-pred)])
2975 # gbm.conc is more general as it allows non-binary targets,
3076 # but is significantly slower
77 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
78 #' @export
3179 gbm.conc <- function(x)
3280 {
3381 lx <- length(x)
3482 return (sum(mapply(function(r) { sum(x[(r+1):lx]<x[r]) }, 1:(lx-1))))
3583 }
86 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
87 #' @export
3788 ir.measure.conc <- function(y.f, max.rank=0)
3889 {
3990 # Note: max.rank is meaningless for CONC
55106 }
56107 }
110 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
111 #' @export
58112 ir.measure.auc <- function(y.f, max.rank=0)
59113 {
60114 # Note: max.rank is meaningless for AUC
72126 }
73127 }
130 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
131 #' @export
75132 ir.measure.mrr <- function(y.f, max.rank)
76133 {
77134 y <- y.f[[1]]
96153 }
97154 }
157 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
158 #' @export
99159 <- function(y.f, max.rank=0)
100160 {
101161 # Note: max.rank is meaningless for MAP
116176 return (sum((1:length(idx.pos))/idx.pos) / num.pos)
117177 }
180 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
181 #' @export
119182 ir.measure.ndcg <- function(y.f, max.rank)
120183 {
121184 y <- y.f[[1]]
138201 # Normalize
139202 return (dcg / dcg.max)
140203 }
206 #' @rdname gbm.roc.area
207 #' @export
208 perf.pairwise <- function(y, f, group, metric="ndcg", w=NULL, max.rank=0)
209 {
210 <- switch(metric,
211 conc = "ir.measure.conc",
212 mrr = "ir.measure.mrr",
213 map = "",
214 ndcg = "ir.measure.ndcg",
215 stop(paste("Metric",metric,"is not supported"))
216 )
218 # Optimization: for binary targets,
219 # AUC is equivalent but faster than CONC
220 if (metric == "conc" && all(is.element(y, 0:1)))
221 {
222 <- "ir.measure.auc"
223 }
225 # Max rank = 0 means no cut off
226 if (max.rank <= 0)
227 {
228 max.rank <- length(y)+1
229 }
231 # Random tie breaking in case of duplicate scores.
232 # (Without tie breaking, we would overestimate if instances are
233 # sorted descending on target)
234 f <- f + 1E-10 * runif(length(f), min=-0.5, max=0.5)
236 <- as.matrix(by(list(y, f), INDICES=group, FUN=get(, max.rank=max.rank))
238 # Exclude groups with single result or only negative or positive instances
239 idx <- which((!is.null( & >= 0)
241 if (is.null(w))
242 {
243 return (mean([idx]))
244 }
245 else
246 {
247 # Assumption: weights are constant per group
248 <- tapply(w, group, mean)
249 return (weighted.mean([idx],[idx]))
250 }
251 }
R/permutation.test.gbm.R less more
0 permutation.test.gbm <- function(object,
1 n.trees)
2 {
3 # get variables used in the model
4 i.vars <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(object$trees[1:n.trees],
5 function(x){unique(x[[1]])}))))
6 i.vars <- i.vars[i.vars!=-1] + 1
7 rel.inf <- rep(0,length(object$var.names))
9 if(!is.null(object$data))
10 {
11 y <- object$data$y
12 os <- object$data$offset
13 Misc <- object$data$Misc
14 w <- object$data$w
15 x <- matrix(object$data$x, ncol=length(object$var.names))
16 object$Terms <- NULL # this makes predict.gbm take x as it is
18 if (object$distribution$name == "pairwise")
19 {
20 # group and cutoff are only relevant for distribution "pairwise"
21 # in this case, the last element specifies the max rank
22 # max rank = 0 means no cut off
23 group <- Misc[1:length(y)]
24 max.rank <- Misc[length(y)+1]
25 }
26 }
27 else
28 {
29 stop("Model was fit with permutation.test.gbm has not been implemented for that case.")
30 }
32 # the index shuffler
33 j <- sample(1:nrow(x))
34 for(i in 1:length(i.vars))
35 {
36 x[ ,i.vars[i]] <- x[j,i.vars[i]]
38 new.pred <- predict.gbm(object,newdata=x,n.trees=n.trees)
39 rel.inf[i.vars[i]] <- gbm.loss(y,new.pred,w,os,
40 object$distribution,
41 object$train.error[n.trees],
42 group,
43 max.rank)
45 x[j,i.vars[i]] <- x[ ,i.vars[i]]
46 }
48 return(rel.inf=rel.inf)
49 }
0 plot.gbm <- function(x,
1 i.var=1,
2 n.trees=x$n.trees,
3 continuous.resolution=100,
4 return.grid=FALSE,
5 type="link",
6 ...)
7 {
8 if (!is.element(type, c("link", "response"))){
9 stop( "type must be either 'link' or 'response'")
10 }
12 if(all(is.character(i.var)))
13 {
14 i <- match(i.var,x$var.names)
15 if(any(
16 {
17 stop("Plot variables not used in gbm model fit: ",i.var[])
18 } else
19 {
20 i.var <- i
21 }
22 }
24 if((min(i.var)<1) || (max(i.var)>length(x$var.names)))
25 {
26 warning("i.var must be between 1 and ",length(x$var.names))
27 }
28 if(n.trees > x$n.trees)
29 {
30 warning(paste("n.trees exceeds the number of trees in the model, ",x$n.trees,
31 ". Plotting using ",x$n.trees," trees.",sep=""))
32 n.trees <- x$n.trees
33 }
35 if(length(i.var) > 3)
36 {
37 warning(" creates up to 3-way interaction plots.\nplot.gbm will only return the plotting data structure.")
38 return.grid = TRUE
39 }
41 # generate grid to evaluate gbm model
42 grid.levels <- vector("list",length(i.var))
43 for(i in 1:length(i.var))
44 {
45 # continuous
46 if(is.numeric(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]]))
47 {
48 grid.levels[[i]] <- seq(min(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]]),
49 max(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]]),
50 length=continuous.resolution)
51 }
52 # categorical or ordered
53 else
54 {
55 grid.levels[[i]] <- as.numeric(factor(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]],
56 levels=x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]]))-1
57 }
58 }
60 X <- expand.grid(grid.levels)
61 names(X) <- paste("X",1:length(i.var),sep="")
63 # Next if block for compatibility with objects created with 1.6
64 if (is.null(x$num.classes)){
65 x$num.classes <- 1
66 }
68 # evaluate at each data point
69 y <- .Call("gbm_plot",
70 X = as.double(data.matrix(X)),
71 cRows = as.integer(nrow(X)),
72 cCols = as.integer(ncol(X)),
73 n.class = as.integer(x$num.classes),
74 i.var = as.integer(i.var-1),
75 n.trees = as.integer(n.trees) ,
76 initF = as.double(x$initF),
77 trees = x$trees,
78 c.splits = x$c.splits,
79 var.type = as.integer(x$var.type),
80 PACKAGE = "gbm")
82 if (x$distribution$name=="multinomial")
83 {
84 ## Put result into matrix form
85 X$y <- matrix(y, ncol = x$num.classes)
86 colnames(X$y) <- x$classes
88 ## Use class probabilities
89 if (type=="response"){
90 X$y <- exp(X$y)
91 X$y <- X$y / matrix(rowSums(X$y), ncol=ncol(X$y), nrow=nrow(X$y))
92 }
93 }
94 else if(is.element(x$distribution$name, c("bernoulli", "pairwise")) && type=="response") {
95 X$y <- 1/(1+exp(-y))
96 }
97 else if ((x$distribution$name=="poisson") && (type=="response")){
98 X$y <- exp(y)
99 }
100 else if (type=="response"){
101 warning("type 'response' only implemented for 'bernoulli', 'poisson', 'multinomial', and 'pairwise'. Ignoring" )
102 }
103 else { X$y <- y }
105 # transform categorical variables back to factors
106 f.factor <- rep(FALSE,length(i.var))
107 for(i in 1:length(i.var))
108 {
109 if(!is.numeric(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]]))
110 {
111 X[,i] <- factor(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]][X[,i]+1],
112 levels=x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]])
113 f.factor[i] <- TRUE
114 }
115 }
117 if(return.grid)
118 {
119 names(X)[1:length(i.var)] <- x$var.names[i.var]
120 return(X)
121 }
123 # create the plots
124 if(length(i.var)==1)
125 {
126 if(!f.factor)
127 {
128 j <- order(X$X1)
130 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial") {
131 if ( type == "response" ){
132 ylabel <- "Predicted class probability"
133 }
134 else { ylabel <- paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var],")",sep="") }
135 plot(range(X$X1), range(X$y), type = "n", xlab = x$var.names[i.var],
136 ylab = ylabel)
138 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
139 lines(X$X1,X$y[,ii],
140 xlab=x$var.names[i.var],
141 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var],")",sep=""),
142 col = ii, ...)
143 }
144 }
145 else if (is.element(x$distribution$name, c("bernoulli", "pairwise"))) {
146 if ( type == "response" ){
147 ylabel <- "Predicted probability"
148 }
149 else {
150 ylabel <- paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var],")",sep="")
151 }
152 plot( X$X1, X$y , type = "l", xlab = x$var.names[i.var], ylab=ylabel )
153 }
154 else if ( x$distribution$name == "poisson" ){
155 if (type == "response" ){
156 ylabel <- "Predicted count"
157 }
158 else{
159 ylabel <- paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var],")",sep="")
160 }
161 plot( X$X1, X$y , type = "l", xlab = x$var.names[i.var], ylab=ylabel )
162 }
163 else {
164 plot(X$X1,X$y,
165 type="l",
166 xlab=x$var.names[i.var],
167 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var],")",sep=""),...)
168 }
169 }
170 else
171 {
172 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial") {
173 nX <- length(X$X1)
174 dim.y <- dim(X$y)
175 if (type == "response" ){
176 ylabel <- "Predicted probability"
177 }
178 else{ ylabel <- paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var],")",sep="") }
180 plot(c(0,nX), range(X$y), axes = FALSE, type = "n",
181 xlab = x$var.names[i.var], ylab = ylabel)
182 axis(side = 1, labels = FALSE, at = 0:nX)
183 axis(side = 2)
185 mtext(as.character(X$X1), side = 1, at = 1:nX - 0.5)
187 segments(x1 = rep(1:nX - 0.75, each = dim.y[2]), y1 = as.vector(t(X$y)),
188 x2 = rep(1:nX - 0.25, each = dim.y[2]), col = 1:dim.y[2])
189 }
190 else if (is.element(x$distribution$name, c("bernoulli", "pairwise")) && type == "response" ){
191 ylabel <- "Predicted probability"
192 plot( X$X1, X$y, type = "l", xlab=x$var.names[i.var], ylab=ylabel )
193 }
194 else if ( x$distribution$name == "poisson" & type == "response" ){
195 ylabel <- "Predicted count"
196 plot( X$X1, X$y, type = "l", xlab=x$var.names[i.var], ylab=ylabel )
197 }
198 else {
199 plot(X$X1,X$y,
200 type="l",
201 xlab=x$var.names[i.var],
202 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var],")",sep=""),...)
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 else if(length(i.var)==2)
207 {
208 if(!f.factor[1] && !f.factor[2])
209 {
210 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
211 {
212 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
213 X$temp <- X$y[, ii]
214 print(levelplot(temp~X1*X2,data=X,
215 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[1]],
216 ylab=x$var.names[i.var[2]],...))
217 title(paste("Class:", dimnames(X$y)[[2]][ii]))
218 }
219 X$temp <- NULL
220 }
221 else {
222 print(levelplot(y~X1*X2,data=X,
223 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[1]],
224 ylab=x$var.names[i.var[2]],...))
225 }
226 }
227 else if(f.factor[1] && !f.factor[2])
228 {
229 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
230 {
231 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
232 X$temp <- X$y[, ii]
233 print( xyplot(temp~X2|X1,data=X,
234 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[2]],
235 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var[1]],",",x$var.names[i.var[2]],")",sep=""),
236 type="l",
237 panel = panel.xyplot,
238 ...) )
239 title(paste("Class:", dimnames(X$y)[[2]][ii]))
240 }
241 X$temp <- NULL
242 }
243 else {
244 print(xyplot(y~X2|X1,data=X,
245 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[2]],
246 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var[1]],",",x$var.names[i.var[2]],")",sep=""),
247 type="l",
248 panel = panel.xyplot,
249 ...))
250 }
251 }
252 else if(!f.factor[1] && f.factor[2])
253 {
254 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
255 {
256 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
257 X$temp <- X$y[, ii]
258 print( xyplot(temp~X1|X2,data=X,
259 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[1]],
260 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var[1]],",",x$var.names[i.var[2]],")",sep=""),
261 type="l",
262 panel = panel.xyplot,
263 ...) )
264 title(paste("Class:", dimnames(X$y)[[2]][ii]))
265 }
266 X$temp <- NULL
267 }
268 else {
269 print(xyplot(y~X1|X2,data=X,
270 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[1]],
271 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var[1]],",",x$var.names[i.var[2]],")",sep=""),
272 type="l",
273 panel = panel.xyplot,
274 ...))
275 }
276 }
277 else
278 {
279 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
280 {
281 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
282 X$temp <- X$y[, ii]
283 print( stripplot(X1~temp|X2,data=X,
284 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[2]],
285 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var[1]],",",x$var.names[i.var[2]],")",sep=""),
286 ...) )
287 title(paste("Class:", dimnames(X$y)[[2]][ii]))
288 }
289 X$temp <- NULL
290 }
291 else {
292 print(stripplot(X1~y|X2,data=X,
293 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[2]],
294 ylab=paste("f(",x$var.names[i.var[1]],",",x$var.names[i.var[2]],")",sep=""),
295 ...))
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 else if(length(i.var)==3)
300 {
301 i <- order(f.factor)
302 <- X[,i]
303$y <- X$y
304 names( <- names(X)
306 # 0 factor, 3 continuous
307 if(sum(f.factor)==0)
308 {
309$X3 <- equal.count($X3)
310 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
311 {
312 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
313$temp <-$y[, ii]
314 print( levelplot(temp~X1*X2|X3,,
315 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
316 ylab=x$var.names[i.var[i[2]]],...) )
317 title(paste("Class:", dimnames($y)[[2]][ii]))
318 }
319$temp <- NULL
320 }
321 else {
322 print(levelplot(y~X1*X2|X3,,
323 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
324 ylab=x$var.names[i.var[i[2]]],...))
325 }
326 }
327 # 1 factor, 2 continuous
328 else if(sum(f.factor)==1)
329 {
330 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
331 {
332 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
333$temp <-$y[, ii]
334 print( levelplot(temp~X1*X2|X3,,
335 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
336 ylab=x$var.names[i.var[i[2]]],...))
337 title(paste("Class:", dimnames($y)[[2]][ii]) )
338 }
339$temp <- NULL
340 }
341 else {
342 print(levelplot(y~X1*X2|X3,,
343 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
344 ylab=x$var.names[i.var[i[2]]],...))
345 }
346 }
347 # 2 factors, 1 continuous
348 else if(sum(f.factor)==2)
349 {
350 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
351 {
352 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
353$temp <-$y[, ii]
354 print( xyplot(temp~X1|X2*X3,,
355 type="l",
356 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
357 ylab=paste("f(",paste(x$var.names[i.var[1:3]],collapse=","),")",sep=""),
358 panel = panel.xyplot,
359 ...) )
360 title(paste("Class:", dimnames($y)[[2]][ii]) )
361 }
362$temp <- NULL
363 }
364 else {
365 print(xyplot(y~X1|X2*X3,,
366 type="l",
367 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
368 ylab=paste("f(",paste(x$var.names[i.var[1:3]],collapse=","),")",sep=""),
369 panel = panel.xyplot,
370 ...))
371 }
372 }
373 # 3 factors, 0 continuous
374 else if(sum(f.factor)==3)
375 {
376 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial")
377 {
378 for (ii in 1:x$num.classes){
379$temp <-$y[, ii]
380 print( stripplot(X1~temp|X2*X3,,
381 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
382 ylab=paste("f(",paste(x$var.names[i.var[1:3]],collapse=","),")",sep=""),
383 ...) )
384 title(paste("Class:", dimnames($y)[[2]][ii]) )
385 }
386$temp <- NULL
387 }
388 else {
389 print(stripplot(X1~y|X2*X3,,
390 xlab=x$var.names[i.var[i[1]]],
391 ylab=paste("f(",paste(x$var.names[i.var[1:3]],collapse=","),")",sep=""),
392 ...))
393 }
394 }
395 }
0 #' Marginal plots of fitted gbm objects
1 #'
2 #' Plots the marginal effect of the selected variables by "integrating" out the
3 #' other variables.
4 #'
5 #' \code{plot.gbm} produces low dimensional projections of the
6 #' \code{\link{gbm.object}} by integrating out the variables not included in
7 #' the \code{i.var} argument. The function selects a grid of points and uses
8 #' the weighted tree traversal method described in Friedman (2001) to do the
9 #' integration. Based on the variable types included in the projection,
10 #' \code{plot.gbm} selects an appropriate display choosing amongst line plots,
11 #' contour plots, and \code{\link[lattice]{lattice}} plots. If the default
12 #' graphics are not sufficient the user may set \code{return.grid=TRUE}, store
13 #' the result of the function, and develop another graphic display more
14 #' appropriate to the particular example.
15 #'
16 #' @param x A \code{\link{gbm.object}} that was fit using a call to
17 #' \code{\link{gbm}}.
18 #'
19 #' @param i.var Vector of indices or the names of the variables to plot. If
20 #' using indices, the variables are indexed in the same order that they appear
21 #' in the initial \code{gbm} formula. If \code{length(i.var)} is between 1 and
22 #' 3 then \code{plot.gbm} produces the plots. Otherwise, \code{plot.gbm}
23 #' returns only the grid of evaluation points and their average predictions
24 #'
25 #' @param n.trees Integer specifying the number of trees to use to generate the
26 #' plot. Default is to use \code{x$n.trees} (i.e., the entire ensemble).
27 #'
28 #' @param continuous.resolution Integer specifying the number of equally space
29 #' points at which to evaluate continuous predictors.
30 #'
31 #' @param return.grid Logical indicating whether or not to produce graphics
32 #' \code{FALSE} or only return the grid of evaluation points and their average
33 #' predictions \code{TRUE}. This is useful for customizing the graphics for
34 #' special variable types, or for higher dimensional graphs.
35 #'
36 #' @param type Character string specifying the type of prediction to plot on the
37 #' vertical axis. See \code{\link{predict.gbm}} for details.
38 #'
39 #' @param level.plot Logical indicating whether or not to use a false color
40 #' level plot (\code{TRUE}) or a 3-D surface (\code{FALSE}). Default is
41 #' \code{TRUE}.
42 #'
43 #' @param contour Logical indicating whether or not to add contour lines to the
44 #' level plot. Only used when \code{level.plot = TRUE}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
45 #'
46 #' @param number Integer specifying the number of conditional intervals to use
47 #' for the continuous panel variables. See \code{\link[graphics]{co.intervals}}
48 #' and \code{\link[lattice]{equal.count}} for further details.
49 #'
50 #' @param overlap The fraction of overlap of the conditioning variables. See
51 #' \code{\link[graphics]{co.intervals}} and \code{\link[lattice]{equal.count}}
52 #' for further details.
53 #'
54 #' @param col.regions Color vector to be used if \code{level.plot} is
55 #' \code{TRUE}. Defaults to the wonderful Matplotlib 'viridis' color map
56 #' provided by the \code{viridis} package. See \code{\link[viridis]{viridis}}
57 #' for details.
58 #'
59 #' @param ... Additional optional arguments to be passed onto
60 #' \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}.
61 #'
62 #' @return If \code{return.grid = TRUE}, a grid of evaluation points and their
63 #' average predictions. Otherwise, a plot is returned.
64 #'
65 #' @note More flexible plotting is available using the
66 #' \code{\link[pdp]{partial}} and \code{\link[pdp]{plotPartial}} functions.
67 #'
68 #' @seealso \code{\link[pdp]{partial}}, \code{\link[pdp]{plotPartial}},
69 #' \code{\link{gbm}}, and \code{\link{gbm.object}}.
70 #'
71 #' @references J. H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
72 #' Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(4).
73 #'
74 #' @references B. M. Greenwell (2017). "pdp: An R Package for Constructing
75 #' Partial Dependence Plots," The R Journal 9(1), 421--436.
76 #' \url{}.
77 #'
78 #' @export plot.gbm
79 #' @export
80 plot.gbm <- function(x, i.var = 1, n.trees = x$n.trees,
81 continuous.resolution = 100, return.grid = FALSE,
82 type = c("link", "response"), level.plot = TRUE,
83 contour = FALSE, number = 4, overlap = 0.1,
84 col.regions = viridis::viridis, ...) {
86 # Match type argument
87 type <- match.arg(type)
89 # Sanity checks
90 if(all(is.character(i.var))) {
91 i <- match(i.var, x$var.names)
92 if(any( {
93 stop("Requested variables not found in ", deparse(substitute(x)), ": ",
94 i.var[])
95 } else {
96 i.var <- i
97 }
98 }
99 if((min(i.var) < 1) || (max(i.var) > length(x$var.names))) {
100 warning("i.var must be between 1 and ", length(x$var.names))
101 }
102 if(n.trees > x$n.trees) {
103 warning(paste("n.trees exceeds the number of tree(s) in the model: ",
104 x$n.trees, ". Using ", x$n.trees,
105 " tree(s) instead.", sep = ""))
106 n.trees <- x$n.trees
107 }
109 if(length(i.var) > 3) {
110 warning("plot.gbm() will only create up to (and including) 3-way ",
111 "interaction plots.\nBeyond that, plot.gbm() will only return ",
112 "the plotting data structure.")
113 return.grid <- TRUE
114 }
116 # Generate grid of predictor values on which to compute the partial
117 # dependence values
118 grid.levels <- vector("list", length(i.var))
119 for(i in 1:length(i.var)) {
120 if(is.numeric(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]])) { # continuous
121 grid.levels[[i]] <- seq(from = min(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]]),
122 to = max(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]]),
123 length = continuous.resolution)
124 } else { # categorical
125 grid.levels[[i]] <-
126 as.numeric(factor(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]],
127 levels = x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]])) - 1
128 }
129 }
130 X <- expand.grid(grid.levels)
131 names(X) <- paste("X", 1:length(i.var), sep = "")
133 # For compatibility with gbm version 1.6
134 if (is.null(x$num.classes)) {
135 x$num.classes <- 1
136 }
138 # Compute partial dependence values
139 y <- .Call("gbm_plot", X = as.double(data.matrix(X)),
140 cRows = as.integer(nrow(X)), cCols = as.integer(ncol(X)),
141 n.class = as.integer(x$num.classes),
142 i.var = as.integer(i.var - 1), n.trees = as.integer(n.trees),
143 initF = as.double(x$initF), trees = x$trees,
144 c.splits = x$c.splits, var.type = as.integer(x$var.type),
145 PACKAGE = "gbm")
147 if (x$distribution$name == "multinomial") { # reshape into matrix
148 X$y <- matrix(y, ncol = x$num.classes)
149 colnames(X$y) <- x$classes
151 # Convert to class probabilities (if requested)
152 if (type == "response") {
153 X$y <- exp(X$y)
154 X$y <- X$y / matrix(rowSums(X$y), ncol = ncol(X$y), nrow = nrow(X$y))
155 }
156 } else if(is.element(x$distribution$name, c("bernoulli", "pairwise")) &&
157 type == "response") {
158 X$y <- 1 / (1 + exp(-y))
159 } else if ((x$distribution$name == "poisson") && (type == "response")) {
160 X$y <- exp(y)
161 } else if (type == "response"){
162 warning("`type = \"response\"` only implemented for \"bernoulli\", ",
163 "\"poisson\", \"multinomial\", and \"pairwise\" distributions. ",
164 "Ignoring." )
165 } else {
166 X$y <- y
167 }
169 # Transform categorical variables back to factors
170 f.factor <- rep(FALSE, length(i.var))
171 for(i in 1:length(i.var)) {
172 if(!is.numeric(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]])) {
173 X[,i] <- factor(x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]][X[, i] + 1],
174 levels = x$var.levels[[i.var[i]]])
175 f.factor[i] <- TRUE
176 }
177 }
179 # Return original variable names
180 names(X)[1:length(i.var)] <- x$var.names[i.var]
182 # Return grid only (if requested)
183 if(return.grid) {
184 return(X)
185 }
187 # Determine number of predictors
188 nx <- length(i.var)
190 # Determine which type of plot to draw based on the number of predictors
191 if (nx == 1L) {
193 # Single predictor
194 plotOnePredictorPDP(X, ...)
196 } else if (nx == 2) {
198 # Two predictors
199 plotTwoPredictorPDP(X, level.plot = level.plot, contour = contour,
200 col.regions = col.regions, ...)
202 } else {
204 # Three predictors (paneled version of plotTwoPredictorPDP)
205 plotThreePredictorPDP(X, nx = nx, level.plot = level.plot,
206 contour = contour, col.regions = col.regions,
207 number = number, overlap = overlap, ...)
209 }
396211 }
214 #' @keywords internal
215 plotOnePredictorPDP <- function(X, ...) {
217 # Use the first column to determine which type of plot to construct
218 if (is.numeric(X[[1L]])) {
220 # Draw a line plot
221 lattice::xyplot(stats::as.formula(paste("y ~", names(X)[1L])),
222 data = X, type = "l", ...)
224 } else {
226 # Draw a Cleveland dot plot
227 lattice::dotplot(stats::as.formula(paste("y ~", names(X)[1L])),
228 data = X, xlab = names(X)[1L], ...)
230 }
231 }
234 #' @keywords internal
235 plotTwoPredictorPDP <- function(X, level.plot, contour, col.regions, ...) {
237 # Use the first two columns to determine which type of plot to construct
238 if (is.factor(X[[1L]]) && is.factor(X[[2L]])) {
240 # Draw a Cleveland dot plot
241 lattice::dotplot(stats::as.formula(
242 paste("y ~", paste(names(X)[1L:2L], collapse = "|"))
243 ), data = X, xlab = names(X)[1L], ...)
245 } else if (is.factor(X[[1L]]) || is.factor(X[[2L]])) {
247 # Lattice plot formula
248 form <- if (is.factor(X[[1L]])) {
249 stats::as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(names(X)[2L:1L], collapse = "|")))
250 } else {
251 stats::as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(names(X)[1L:2L], collapse = "|")))
252 }
254 # Draw a paneled line plot
255 lattice::xyplot(form, data = X, type = "l", ...)
257 } else {
259 # Lattice plot formula
260 form <- stats::as.formula(
261 paste("y ~", paste(names(X)[1L:2L], collapse = "*"))
262 )
264 # Draw a three-dimensional surface
265 if (level.plot) {
267 # Draw a false color level plot
268 lattice::levelplot(form, data = X, col.regions = col.regions,
269 contour = contour, ...)
271 } else {
273 # Draw a wireframe plot
274 lattice::wireframe(form, data = X, ...)
276 }
278 }
279 }
282 #' @keywords internal
283 plotThreePredictorPDP <- function(X, nx, level.plot, contour, col.regions,
284 number, overlap, ...) {
286 # Factor, numeric, numeric
287 if (is.factor(X[[1L]]) && !is.factor(X[[2L]]) && !is.factor(X[[3L]])) {
288 X[, 1L:3L] <- X[, c(2L, 3L, 1L)]
289 }
291 # Numeric, factor, numeric
292 if (!is.factor(X[[1L]]) && is.factor(X[[2L]]) && !is.factor(X[[3L]])) {
293 X[, 1L:3L] <- X[, c(1L, 3L, 2L)]
294 }
296 # Factor, factor, numeric
297 if (is.factor(X[[1L]]) && is.factor(X[[2L]]) && !is.factor(X[[3L]])) {
298 X[, 1L:3L] <- X[, c(3L, 1L, 2L)]
299 }
301 # Factor, numeric, factor
302 if (is.factor(X[[1L]]) && !is.factor(X[[2L]]) && is.factor(X[[3L]])) {
303 X[, 1L:3L] <- X[, c(2L, 1L, 3L)]
304 }
306 # Convert third predictor to a factor using the equal count algorithm
307 if (is.numeric(X[[3L]])) {
308 X[[3L]] <- equal.count(X[[3L]], number = number, overlap = overlap)
309 }
311 if (is.factor(X[[1L]]) && is.factor(X[[2L]])) {
313 # Lattice plot formula
314 form <- stats::as.formula(
315 paste("y ~", names(X)[1L], "|", paste(names(X)[2L:nx], collapse = "*"))
316 )
318 # Produce a paneled dotplot
319 lattice::dotplot(form, data = X, xlab = names(X)[1L], ...)
321 } else if (is.numeric(X[[1L]]) && is.factor(X[[2L]])) {
323 # Lattice plot formula
324 form <- stats::as.formula(
325 paste("y ~", names(X)[1L], "|", paste(names(X)[2L:nx], collapse = "*"))
326 )
328 # Produce a paneled lineplot
329 lattice::xyplot(form, data = X, type = "l", ...)
331 } else {
333 # Lattice plot formula
334 form <- stats::as.formula(
335 paste("y ~", paste(names(X)[1L:2L], collapse = "*"), "|",
336 paste(names(X)[3L:nx], collapse = "*"))
337 )
339 # Draw a three-dimensional surface
340 if (level.plot) {
342 # Draw a false color level plot
343 lattice::levelplot(form, data = X, col.regions = col.regions,
344 contour = contour, ...)
346 } else {
348 # Draw a wireframe plot
349 lattice::wireframe(form, data = X, ...)
351 }
353 }
355 }
0 #' Predict method for GBM Model Fits
1 #'
2 #' Predicted values based on a generalized boosted model object
3 #'
4 #' \code{predict.gbm} produces predicted values for each observation in
5 #' \code{newdata} using the the first \code{n.trees} iterations of the boosting
6 #' sequence. If \code{n.trees} is a vector than the result is a matrix with
7 #' each column representing the predictions from gbm models with
8 #' \code{n.trees[1]} iterations, \code{n.trees[2]} iterations, and so on.
9 #'
10 #' The predictions from \code{gbm} do not include the offset term. The user may
11 #' add the value of the offset to the predicted value if desired.
12 #'
13 #' If \code{object} was fit using \code{\link{}} there will be no
14 #' \code{Terms} component. Therefore, the user has greater responsibility to
15 #' make sure that \code{newdata} is of the same format (order and number of
16 #' variables) as the one originally used to fit the model.
17 #'
18 #' @param object Object of class inheriting from (\code{\link{gbm.object}})
19 #'
20 #' @param newdata Data frame of observations for which to make predictions
21 #'
22 #' @param n.trees Number of trees used in the prediction. \code{n.trees} may be
23 #' a vector in which case predictions are returned for each iteration specified
24 #'
25 #' @param type The scale on which gbm makes the predictions
26 #'
27 #' @param single.tree If \code{single.tree=TRUE} then \code{predict.gbm}
28 #' returns only the predictions from tree(s) \code{n.trees}
29 #'
30 #' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods
31 #'
32 #' @return Returns a vector of predictions. By default the predictions are on
33 #' the scale of f(x). For example, for the Bernoulli loss the returned value is
34 #' on the log odds scale, poisson loss on the log scale, and coxph is on the
35 #' log hazard scale.
36 #'
37 #' If \code{type="response"} then \code{gbm} converts back to the same scale as
38 #' the outcome. Currently the only effect this will have is returning
39 #' probabilities for bernoulli and expected counts for poisson. For the other
40 #' distributions "response" and "link" return the same.
41 #'
42 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
43 #'
44 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
45 #'
46 #' @keywords models regression
47 #'
48 #' @export predict.gbm
49 #' @export
050 predict.gbm <- function(object,newdata,n.trees,
151 type="link",
252 single.tree = FALSE,
4696 if (!identical(object$var.levels[[i]], {
4797 x[,i] <- factor(x[,i], union(object$var.levels[[i]], levels(x[,i])))
4898 }
49 x[,i] <- as.numeric(x[,i])-1
99 x[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(x[,i]))-1
50100 }
51101 }
0 #' Print gbm tree components
1 #'
2 #' \code{gbm} stores the collection of trees used to construct the model in a
3 #' compact matrix structure. This function extracts the information from a
4 #' single tree and displays it in a slightly more readable form. This function
5 #' is mostly for debugging purposes and to satisfy some users' curiosity.
6 #'
7 #'
8 #' @param object a \code{\link{gbm.object}} initially fit using
9 #' \code{\link{gbm}}
10 #' @param i.tree the index of the tree component to extract from \code{object}
11 #' and display
12 #' @return \code{pretty.gbm.tree} returns a data frame. Each row corresponds to
13 #' a node in the tree. Columns indicate \item{SplitVar}{index of which variable
14 #' is used to split. -1 indicates a terminal node.} \item{SplitCodePred}{if the
15 #' split variable is continuous then this component is the split point. If the
16 #' split variable is categorical then this component contains the index of
17 #' \code{object$c.split} that describes the categorical split. If the node is a
18 #' terminal node then this is the prediction.} \item{LeftNode}{the index of the
19 #' row corresponding to the left node.} \item{RightNode}{the index of the row
20 #' corresponding to the right node.} \item{ErrorReduction}{the reduction in the
21 #' loss function as a result of splitting this node.} \item{Weight}{the total
22 #' weight of observations in the node. If weights are all equal to 1 then this
23 #' is the number of observations in the node.}
24 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
25 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
26 #' @keywords print
27 #' @export pretty.gbm.tree
028 pretty.gbm.tree <- function(object,i.tree=1)
129 {
230 if((i.tree<1) || (i.tree>length(object$trees)))
0 # print, show and summary functions for gbm
0 #' Print model summary
1 #'
2 #' Display basic information about a \code{gbm} object.
3 #'
4 #' Prints some information about the model object. In particular, this method
5 #' prints the call to \code{gbm()}, the type of loss function that was used,
6 #' and the total number of iterations.
7 #'
8 #' If cross-validation was performed, the 'best' number of trees as estimated
9 #' by cross-validation error is displayed. If a test set was used, the 'best'
10 #' number of trees as estimated by the test set error is displayed.
11 #'
12 #' The number of available predictors, and the number of those having non-zero
13 #' influence on predictions is given (which might be interesting in data mining
14 #' applications).
15 #'
16 #' If multinomial, bernoulli or adaboost was used, the confusion matrix and
17 #' prediction accuracy are printed (objects being allocated to the class with
18 #' highest probability for multinomial and bernoulli). These classifications
19 #' are performed on the entire training data using the model with the 'best'
20 #' number of trees as described above, or the maximum number of trees if the
21 #' 'best' cannot be computed.
22 #'
23 #' If the 'distribution' was specified as gaussian, laplace, quantile or
24 #' t-distribution, a summary of the residuals is displayed. The residuals are
25 #' for the training data with the model at the 'best' number of trees, as
26 #' described above, or the maximum number of trees if the 'best' cannot be
27 #' computed.
28 #'
29 #' @aliases print.gbm show.gbm
30 #' @param x an object of class \code{gbm}.
31 #' @param \dots arguments passed to \code{print.default}.
32 #' @author Harry Southworth, Daniel Edwards
33 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}
34 #' @keywords models nonlinear survival nonparametric
35 #' @examples
36 #'
37 #' data(iris)
38 #' iris.mod <- gbm(Species ~ ., distribution="multinomial", data=iris,
39 #' n.trees=2000, shrinkage=0.01, cv.folds=5,
40 #' verbose=FALSE, n.cores=1)
41 #' iris.mod
42 #' #data(lung)
43 #' #lung.mod <- gbm(Surv(time, status) ~ ., distribution="coxph", data=lung,
44 #' # n.trees=2000, shrinkage=0.01, cv.folds=5,verbose =FALSE)
45 #' #lung.mod
47 #' @rdname print.gbm
48 #' @export
249 print.gbm <- function(x, ... )
350 {
451 if (!is.null(x$call)){ print(x$call) }
3885 invisible()
3986 }
89 #' @rdname print.gbm
90 #'
91 #' @export
4192 show.gbm <- print.gbm
95 #' Summary of a gbm object
96 #'
97 #' Computes the relative influence of each variable in the gbm object.
98 #'
99 #' For \code{distribution="gaussian"} this returns exactly the reduction of
100 #' squared error attributable to each variable. For other loss functions this
101 #' returns the reduction attributable to each variable in sum of squared error
102 #' in predicting the gradient on each iteration. It describes the relative
103 #' influence of each variable in reducing the loss function. See the references
104 #' below for exact details on the computation.
105 #'
106 #' @param object a \code{gbm} object created from an initial call to
107 #' \code{\link{gbm}}.
108 #' @param cBars the number of bars to plot. If \code{order=TRUE} the only the
109 #' variables with the \code{cBars} largest relative influence will appear in
110 #' the barplot. If \code{order=FALSE} then the first \code{cBars} variables
111 #' will appear in the plot. In either case, the function will return the
112 #' relative influence of all of the variables.
113 #' @param n.trees the number of trees used to generate the plot. Only the first
114 #' \code{n.trees} trees will be used.
115 #' @param plotit an indicator as to whether the plot is generated.
116 #' @param order an indicator as to whether the plotted and/or returned relative
117 #' influences are sorted.
118 #' @param method The function used to compute the relative influence.
119 #' \code{\link{relative.influence}} is the default and is the same as that
120 #' described in Friedman (2001). The other current (and experimental) choice is
121 #' \code{\link{permutation.test.gbm}}. This method randomly permutes each
122 #' predictor variable at a time and computes the associated reduction in
123 #' predictive performance. This is similar to the variable importance measures
124 #' Breiman uses for random forests, but \code{gbm} currently computes using the
125 #' entire training dataset (not the out-of-bag observations).
126 #' @param normalize if \code{FALSE} then \code{summary.gbm} returns the
127 #' unnormalized influence.
128 #' @param ... other arguments passed to the plot function.
129 #' @return Returns a data frame where the first component is the variable name
130 #' and the second is the computed relative influence, normalized to sum to 100.
131 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
132 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}
133 #' @references J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
134 #' Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
135 #'
136 #' L. Breiman
137 #' (2001).\url{}.
138 #' @keywords hplot
139 #'
140 #' @export summary.gbm
141 #' @export
43142 summary.gbm <- function(object,
44143 cBars=length(object$var.names),
45144 n.trees=object$n.trees,
0 #' Reconstruct a GBM's Source Data
1 #'
2 #' Helper function to reconstitute the data for plots and summaries. This
3 #' function is not intended for the user to call directly.
4 #'
5 #'
6 #' @param x a \code{\link{gbm.object}} initially fit using \code{\link{gbm}}
7 #' @return Returns a data used to fit the gbm in a format that can subsequently
8 #' be used for plots and summaries
9 #' @author Harry Southworth
10 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
11 #' @keywords manip
12 #' @export
013 reconstructGBMdata <- function(x)
114 {
215 if(class(x) != "gbm")
0 #' Methods for estimating relative influence
1 #'
2 #' Helper functions for computing the relative influence of each variable in
3 #' the gbm object.
4 #'
5 #' @details
6 #' This is not intended for end-user use. These functions offer the different
7 #' methods for computing the relative influence in \code{\link{summary.gbm}}.
8 #' \code{gbm.loss} is a helper function for \code{permutation.test.gbm}.
9 #'
10 #' @aliases relative.influence permutation.test.gbm gbm.loss
11 #'
12 #' @param object a \code{gbm} object created from an initial call to
13 #' \code{\link{gbm}}.
14 #'
15 #' @param n.trees the number of trees to use for computations. If not provided,
16 #' the the function will guess: if a test set was used in fitting, the number
17 #' of trees resulting in lowest test set error will be used; otherwise, if
18 #' cross-validation was performed, the number of trees resulting in lowest
19 #' cross-validation error will be used; otherwise, all trees will be used.
20 #'
21 #' @param scale. whether or not the result should be scaled. Defaults to
22 #' \code{FALSE}.
23 #'
24 #' @param sort. whether or not the results should be (reverse) sorted.
25 #' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
26 #'
27 #' @param y,f,w,offset,dist,baseline For \code{gbm.loss}: These components are
28 #' the outcome, predicted value, observation weight, offset, distribution, and
29 #' comparison loss function, respectively.
30 #'
31 #' @param group,max.rank Used internally when \code{distribution =
32 #' \'pairwise\'}.
33 #'
34 #' @return By default, returns an unprocessed vector of estimated relative
35 #' influences. If the \code{scale.} and \code{sort.} arguments are used,
36 #' returns a processed version of the same.
37 #'
38 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
39 #'
40 #' @seealso \code{\link{summary.gbm}}
41 #'
42 #' @references J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
43 #' Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
44 #'
45 #' L. Breiman (2001).
46 #' \url{}.
47 #'
48 #' @keywords hplot
49 #'
50 #' @rdname relative.influence
51 #'
52 #' @export
053 relative.influence <- function(object,
154 n.trees,
255 scale. = FALSE,
47100 return(rel.inf=rel.inf)
48101 }
104 #' @rdname relative.influence
105 #' @export
106 permutation.test.gbm <- function(object,
107 n.trees)
108 {
109 # get variables used in the model
110 i.vars <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(object$trees[1:n.trees],
111 function(x){unique(x[[1]])}))))
112 i.vars <- i.vars[i.vars!=-1] + 1
113 rel.inf <- rep(0,length(object$var.names))
115 if(!is.null(object$data))
116 {
117 y <- object$data$y
118 os <- object$data$offset
119 Misc <- object$data$Misc
120 w <- object$data$w
121 x <- matrix(object$data$x, ncol=length(object$var.names))
122 object$Terms <- NULL # this makes predict.gbm take x as it is
124 if (object$distribution$name == "pairwise")
125 {
126 # group and cutoff are only relevant for distribution "pairwise"
127 # in this case, the last element specifies the max rank
128 # max rank = 0 means no cut off
129 group <- Misc[1:length(y)]
130 max.rank <- Misc[length(y)+1]
131 }
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 stop("Model was fit with permutation.test.gbm has not been implemented for that case.")
136 }
138 # the index shuffler
139 j <- sample(1:nrow(x))
140 for(i in 1:length(i.vars))
141 {
142 x[ ,i.vars[i]] <- x[j,i.vars[i]]
144 new.pred <- predict.gbm(object,newdata=x,n.trees=n.trees)
145 rel.inf[i.vars[i]] <- gbm.loss(y,new.pred,w,os,
146 object$distribution,
147 object$train.error[n.trees],
148 group,
149 max.rank)
151 x[j,i.vars[i]] <- x[ ,i.vars[i]]
152 }
154 return(rel.inf=rel.inf)
155 }
158 #' @rdname relative.influence
159 #' @export
160 gbm.loss <- function(y, f, w, offset, dist, baseline, group=NULL, max.rank=NULL)
161 {
162 if (!
163 {
164 f <- offset+f
165 }
167 if (dist$name != "pairwise")
168 {
169 switch(dist$name,
170 gaussian = weighted.mean((y - f)^2,w) - baseline,
171 bernoulli = -2*weighted.mean(y*f - log(1+exp(f)),w) - baseline,
172 laplace = weighted.mean(abs(y-f),w) - baseline,
173 adaboost = weighted.mean(exp(-(2*y-1)*f),w) - baseline,
174 poisson = -2*weighted.mean(y*f-exp(f),w) - baseline,
175 stop(paste("Distribution",dist$name,"is not yet supported for method=permutation.test.gbm")))
176 }
177 else # dist$name == "pairwise"
178 {
179 if (is.null(dist$metric))
180 {
181 stop("No metric specified for distribution 'pairwise'")
182 }
183 if (!is.element(dist$metric, c("conc", "ndcg", "map", "mrr")))
184 {
185 stop("Invalid metric '", dist$metric, "' specified for distribution 'pairwise'")
186 }
187 if (is.null(group))
188 {
189 stop("For distribution 'pairwise', parameter 'group' has to be supplied")
190 }
191 # Loss = 1 - utility
192 (1 - perf.pairwise(y, f, group, dist$metric, w, max.rank)) - baseline
193 }
194 }
00 # evaluates the objective function and gradient with respect to beta
11 # beta = log(lambda/(1-lambda))
3 #' L1 shrinkage of the predictor variables in a GBM
4 #'
5 #' Performs recursive shrinkage in each of the trees in a GBM fit using
6 #' different shrinkage parameters for each variable.
7 #'
8 #' This function is currently experimental. Used in conjunction with a gradient
9 #' ascent search for inclusion of variables.
10 #'
11 #' @param object A \code{\link{gbm.object}}.
12 #'
13 #' @param n.trees Integer specifying the number of trees to use.
14 #'
15 #' @param lambda Vector of length equal to the number of variables containing
16 #' the shrinkage parameter for each variable.
17 #'
18 #' @param \dots Additional optional arguments. (Currently ignored.)
19 #'
20 #' @return \item{predF}{Predicted values from the shrunken tree}
21 #' \item{objective}{The value of the loss function associated with the
22 #' predicted values} \item{gradient}{A vector with length equal to the number
23 #' of variables containing the derivative of the objective function with
24 #' respect to beta, the logit transform of the shrinkage parameter for each
25 #' variable}
26 #'
27 #' @note Warning: This function is experimental.
28 #'
29 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
30 #'
31 #' @seealso \code{\link{shrink.gbm.pred}}, \code{\link{gbm}}
32 #'
33 #' @references Hastie, T. J., and Pregibon, D.
34 #' \url{}. AT&T Bell
35 #' Laboratories Technical Report (March 1990).
36 #'
37 #' @keywords methods
38 #'
39 #' @export
240 shrink.gbm <- function(object,n.trees,
341 lambda=rep(10,length(object$var.names)),
442 ...)
0 #' Predictions from a shrunked GBM
1 #'
2 #' Makes predictions from a shrunken GBM model.
3 #'
4 #' @param object a \code{\link{gbm.object}}
5 #' @param newdata dataset for predictions
6 #' @param n.trees the number of trees to use
7 #' @param lambda a vector with length equal to the number of variables
8 #' containing the shrinkage parameter for each variable
9 #' @param \dots other parameters (ignored)
10 #' @return A vector with length equal to the number of observations in newdata
11 #' containing the predictions
12 #' @section Warning: This function is experimental
13 #' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{}
14 #' @seealso \code{\link{shrink.gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm}}
15 #' @keywords methods
16 #' @export
017 shrink.gbm.pred <- function(object,newdata,n.trees,
118 lambda=rep(1,length(object$var.names)),
219 ...)
0 #' Test the \code{gbm} package.
1 #'
2 #' Run tests on \code{gbm} functions to perform logical checks and
3 #' reproducibility.
4 #'
5 #' The function uses functionality in the \code{RUnit} package. A fairly small
6 #' validation suite is executed that checks to see that relative influence
7 #' identifies sensible variables from simulated data, and that predictions from
8 #' GBMs with Gaussian, Cox or binomial distributions are sensible,
9 #'
10 #' @aliases validate.gbm test.gbm test.relative.influence
11 #' @return An object of class \code{RUnitTestData}. See the help for
12 #' \code{RUnit} for details.
13 #' @note The test suite is not comprehensive.
14 #' @author Harry Southworth
15 #' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}
16 #' @keywords models
17 #' @examples
18 #'
19 #' # Uncomment the following lines to run - commented out to make CRAN happy
20 #' #library(RUnit)
21 #' #val <- validate.texmex()
22 #' #printHTMLProtocol(val, "texmexReport.html")
24 #' @export
025 test.gbm <- function(){
126 # Based on example in R package
227 # Gaussian example
102127 data <- data.frame(tt=tt,delta=delta,X1=X1,X2=X2,X3=X3)
104129 # fit initial model
105 gbm1 <- gbm(Surv(tt,delta)~X1+X2+X3, # formula
130 gbm1 <- gbm(Surv(tt,delta)~X1+X2+X3, # formula
106131 data=data, # dataset
107132 weights=w,
108133 var.monotone=c(0,0,0), # -1: monotone decrease, +1: monotone increase, 0: no monotone restrictions
138163 # predict on the new data using "best" number of trees
139164 # f.predict will be on the canonical scale (logit,log,etc.)
140 f.predict <- predict(gbm1,data2,best.iter)
165 f.predict <- predict(gbm1, newdata = data2, n.trees = best.iter)
142167 #plot(data2$f,f.predict)
143168 # Use observed sd
198223 # predict on the new data using "best" number of trees
199224 # f.predict will be on the canonical scale (logit,log,etc.)
200 f.1.predict <- predict.gbm(gbm1,data2, n.trees=best.iter.test)
225 f.1.predict <- predict(gbm1,data2, n.trees=best.iter.test)
202227 # compute quantity prior to transformation
203228 = sin(3*X1) - 4*X2 + mu
212237 ########################### test.relative.influence() ##########################
213238 ########################### ##########################
241 #' @export
215242 test.relative.influence <- function(){
216243 # Test that relative.influence really does pick out the true predictors
217244 set.seed(1234)
233260 ################################ validate.gbm() ################################
234261 ################################ ################################
264 #' @export
236265 validate.gbm <- function () {
237 if(!requireNamespace("RUnit", quietly = TRUE))
238 stop("You need to install the RUnit package to validate gbm")
240 wh <- (1:length(search()))[search() == "package:gbm"]
241 tests <- objects(wh)[substring(objects(wh), 1, 5) == "test."]
243 # Create temporary directory to put tests into
244 if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){ sep <- "\\" }
245 else { sep <- "/" }
247 dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "gbm.tests", fsep = sep)
249 dir.create(dir)
251 for (i in 1:length(tests)) {
252 str <- paste(dir, sep, tests[i], ".R", sep = "")
253 dump(tests[i], file = str)
254 }
255 res <- RUnit::defineTestSuite("gbm", dirs = dir, testFuncRegexp = "^test.+", testFileRegexp = "*.R")
256 cat("Running gbm test suite.\nThis will take some time...\n\n")
257 res <- RUnit::runTestSuite(res)
258 res
266 wh <- (1:length(search()))[search() == "package:gbm"]
267 tests <- objects(wh)[substring(objects(wh), 1, 5) == "test."]
269 # Create temporary directory to put tests into
270 sep <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "\\" else "/"
272 dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "gbm.tests", fsep = sep)
274 dir.create(dir)
276 for (i in 1:length(tests)) {
277 str <- paste(dir, sep, tests[i], ".R", sep = "")
278 dump(tests[i], file = str)
279 }
280 res <- RUnit::defineTestSuite("gbm", dirs = dir, testFuncRegexp = "^test.+",
281 testFileRegexp = "*.R")
282 cat("Running gbm test suite.\nThis will take some time...\n\n")
283 RUnit::runTestSuite(res)
259284 }
0 #' Arrange multiple grobs on a page
1 #'
2 #' See \code{\link[gridExtra]{grid.arrange}} for more details.
3 #'
4 #' @name grid.arrange
5 #' @rdname grid.arrange
6 #' @keywords internal
7 #' @export
8 #' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
9 #' @usage grid.arrange(..., newpage = TRUE)
13 #' @keywords internal
14 getAvailableDistributions <- function() {
15 c("adaboost", "bernoulli", "coxph", "gaussian", "huberized", "laplace",
16 "multinomial", "pairwise", "poisson", "quantile", "tdist")
17 }
20 #' @keywords internal
21 guess_error_method <- function(object) {
22 if (has_train_test_split(object)) {
23 "test"
24 } else if (has_cross_validation(object)) {
25 "cv"
26 } else {
27 "OOB"
28 }
29 }
32 #' @keywords internal
33 has_train_test_split <- function(object) {
34 object$train.fraction < 1
35 }
38 #' @keywords internal
39 has_cross_validation <- function(object) {
40 !is.null(object$cv.error)
41 }
44 #' @keywords internal
45 best_iter <- function(object, method) {
46 check_if_gbm_fit(object)
47 if (method == "OOB") {
48 best_iter_out_of_bag(object)
49 } else if (method == "test") {
50 best_iter_test(object)
51 } else if (method == "cv") {
52 best_iter_cv(object)
53 } else {
54 stop("method must be one of \"cv\", \"test\", or \"OOB\"")
55 }
56 }
59 #' @keywords internal
60 best_iter_test <- function(object) {
61 check_if_gbm_fit(object)
62 best_iter_test <- which.min(object$valid.error)
63 return(best_iter_test)
64 }
67 #' @keywords internal
68 best_iter_cv <- function(object) {
69 check_if_gbm_fit(object)
70 if(!has_cross_validation(object)) {
71 stop('In order to use method="cv" gbm must be called with cv_folds>1.')
72 }
73 best_iter_cv <- which.min(object$cv.error)
74 return(best_iter_cv)
75 }
78 #' @keywords internal
79 best_iter_out_of_bag <- function(object) {
80 check_if_gbm_fit(object)
81 if(object$bag.fraction == 1) {
82 stop("Cannot compute OOB estimate or the OOB curve when bag_fraction=1.")
83 }
84 if(all(!is.finite(object$oobag.improve))) {
85 stop("Cannot compute OOB estimate or the OOB curve. No finite OOB ",
86 "estimates of improvement.")
87 }
88 message("OOB generally underestimates the optimal number of iterations ",
89 "although predictive performance is reasonably competitive. Using ",
90 "cv_folds>1 when calling gbm usually results in improved predictive ",
91 "performance.")
92 smoother <- generate_smoother_oobag(object)
93 best_iter_oob <- smoother$x[which.min(-cumsum(smoother$y))]
94 attr(best_iter_oob, "smoother") <- smoother
95 return(best_iter_oob)
96 }
99 #' @keywords internal
100 generate_smoother_oobag <- function(object) {
101 check_if_gbm_fit(object)
102 x <- seq_len(object$n.trees)
103 smoother <- loess(object$oobag.improve ~ x,
104 = min(max(4, length(x) / 10), 50))
105 smoother$y <- smoother$fitted
106 smoother$x <- x
107 return(smoother)
108 }
111 #' @keywords internal
112 check_if_gbm_fit <- function(object) {
113 if (!inherits(object, "gbm")) {
114 stop(deparse(substitute(object)), " is not a valid \"gbm\" object.")
115 }
116 }
119 #' @keywords internal
120 get_ylab <- function(object) {
121 check_if_gbm_fit(object)
122 if (object$distribution$name != "pairwise") {
123 switch(substring(object$distribution$name, 1, 2),
124 ga = "Squared error loss",
125 be = "Bernoulli deviance",
126 po = "Poisson deviance",
127 ad = "AdaBoost exponential bound",
128 co = "Cox partial deviance",
129 la = "Absolute loss",
130 qu = "Quantile loss",
131 mu = "Multinomial deviance",
132 td = "t-distribution deviance")
133 } else {
134 switch(object$distribution$metric,
135 conc = "Fraction of concordant pairs",
136 ndcg = "Normalized discounted cumulative gain",
137 map = "Mean average precision",
138 mrr = "Mean reciprocal rank")
139 }
140 }
143 #' @keywords internal
144 get_ylim <- function(object, method) {
145 check_if_gbm_fit(object)
146 if(object$train.fraction == 1) {
147 if ( method=="cv" ) {
148 range(object$train.error, object$cv.error)
149 } else if ( method == "test" ) {
150 range( object$train.error, object$valid.error)
151 } else {
152 range(object$train.error)
153 }
154 } else {
155 range(object$train.error, object$valid.error)
156 }
157 }
0 #' @keywords internal
1 .onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) {
2 vers <- utils::packageVersion("gbm")
3 packageStartupMessage(paste("Loaded gbm", vers))
4 }
0 gbm
1 ===
3 [![CRAN\_Status\_Badge](](
4 [![Build
5 Status](](
6 [![Downloads](](
7 [![Total
10 Overview
11 --------
13 The gbm package (which stands for **g**eneralized **b**oosted
14 **m**odels) implements extensions to Freund and Schapire’s AdaBoost
15 algorithm and [Friedman’s gradient boosting
16 machine]( It includes
17 regression methods for least squares, absolute loss, t-distribution
18 loss, quantile regression, logistic, multinomial logistic, Poisson, Cox
19 proportional hazards partial likelihood, AdaBoost exponential loss,
20 Huberized hinge loss, and Learning to Rank measures (i.e.,
21 [LambdaMart](
23 Installation
24 ------------
26 ``` r
27 # The easiest way to get gbm is to it install from CRAN:
28 install.packages("gbm")
30 # Or the the development version from GitHub:
31 # install.packages("devtools")
32 devtools::install_github("gbm-developers/gbm")
33 ```
35 Lifecycle
36 ---------
38 [![lifecycle](](
40 The gbm package is retired and no longer under active development. We
41 will only make the necessary changes to ensure that gbm remain on CRAN.
42 For the most part, no new features will be added, and only the most
43 critical of bugs will be fixed.
45 This is a maintained version of `gbm` back compatible to CRAN versions
46 of `gbm` 2.1.x. It exists mainly for the purpose of reproducible
47 research and data analyses performed with the 2.1.x versions of `gbm`.
48 For newer development, and a more consistent API, try out the
49 [gbm3]( package!
Binary diff not shown
0 \documentclass{article}
2 \bibliographystyle{plain}
4 \newcommand{\EV}{\mathrm{E}}
5 \newcommand{\Var}{\mathrm{Var}}
6 \newcommand{\aRule}{\begin{center} \rule{5in}{1mm} \end{center}}
8 \title{Generalized Boosted Models:\\A guide to the gbm package} \author{Greg Ridgeway}
10 %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr}
11 %\VignetteIndexEntry{Generalized Boosted Models: A guide to the gbm package}
13 \newcommand{\mathgbf}[1]{{\mbox{\boldmath$#1$\unboldmath}}}
15 \begin{document}
17 \maketitle
19 Boosting takes on various forms with different programs using different loss functions, different base models, and different optimization schemes. The gbm package takes the approach described in \cite{Friedman:2001} and \cite{Friedman:2002}. Some of the terminology differs, mostly due to an effort to cast boosting terms into more standard statistical terminology (e.g. deviance). In addition, the gbm package implements boosting for models commonly used in statistics but not commonly associated with boosting. The Cox proportional hazard model, for example, is an incredibly useful model and the boosting framework applies quite readily with only slight modification \cite{Ridgeway:1999}. Also some algorithms implemented in the gbm package differ from the standard implementation. The AdaBoost algorithm \cite{FreundSchapire:1997} has a particular loss function and a particular optimization algorithm associated with it. The gbm implementation of AdaBoost adopts AdaBoost's exponential loss function (its bound on misclassification rate) but uses Friedman's gradient descent algorithm rather than the original one proposed. So the main purposes of this document is to spell out in detail what the gbm package implements.
21 \section{Gradient boosting}
23 This section essentially presents the derivation of boosting described in \cite{Friedman:2001}. The gbm package also adopts the stochastic gradient boosting strategy, a small but important tweak on the basic algorithm, described in \cite{Friedman:2002}.
25 \subsection{Friedman's gradient boosting machine} \label{sec:GradientBoostingMachine}
27 \begin{figure}
28 \aRule Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$. \\
29 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
30 \begin{enumerate}
31 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
32 \begin{equation}
33 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
34 \end{equation}
35 \item Fit a regression model, $g(\mathbf{x})$, predicting $z_i$ from the covariates $\mathbf{x}_i$. \item Choose a gradient descent step size as
36 \begin{equation}
37 \rho = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho g(\mathbf{x}_i))
38 \end{equation}
39 \item Update the estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ as
40 \begin{equation}
41 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \rho g(\mathbf{x})
42 \end{equation}
43 \end{enumerate} \aRule \caption{Friedman's Gradient Boost algorithm} \label{fig:GradientBoost} \end{figure}
45 Friedman (2001) and the companion paper Friedman (2002) extended the work of Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani (2000) and laid the ground work for a new generation of boosting algorithms. Using the connection between boosting and optimization, this new work proposes the Gradient Boosting Machine.
47 In any function estimation problem we wish to find a regression function, $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$, that minimizes the expectation of some loss function, $\Psi(y,f)$, as shown in (\ref{NonparametricRegression1}).
49 \begin{eqnarray}
50 \hspace{0.5in}
51 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y,\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \nonumber \\ \label{NonparametricRegression1}
52 &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_x \left[ \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \Big| \mathbf{x} \right]
53 \end{eqnarray}
55 We will focus on finding estimates of $f(\mathbf{x})$ such that \begin{equation}
56 \label{NonparametricRegression2}
57 \hspace{0.5in}
58 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \left[ \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x} \right]
59 \end{equation}
60 Parametric regression models assume that $f(\mathbf{x})$ is a function with a finite number of parameters, $\beta$, and estimates them by selecting those values that minimize a loss function (e.g. squared error loss) over a training sample of $N$ observations on $(y,\mathbf{x})$ pairs as in (\ref{eq:Friedman1}).
61 \begin{equation}
62 \label{eq:Friedman1}
63 \hspace{0.5in}
64 \hat\beta = \arg \min_{\beta} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i;\beta))
65 \end{equation}
66 When we wish to estimate $f(\mathbf{x})$ non-parametrically the task becomes more difficult. Again we can proceed similarly to \cite{FHT:2000} and modify our current estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ by adding a new function $f(\mathbf{x})$ in a greedy fashion. Letting $f_i = f(\mathbf{x}_i)$, we see that we want to decrease the $N$ dimensional function
67 \begin{eqnarray}
68 \label{EQ:Friedman2}
69 \hspace{0.5in}
70 J(\mathbf{f}) &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \nonumber \\
71 &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,F_i).
72 \end{eqnarray}
73 The negative gradient of $J(\mathbf{f})$ indicates the direction of the locally greatest decrease in $J(\mathbf{f})$. Gradient descent would then have us modify $\mathbf{f}$ as
74 \begin{equation}
75 \label{eq:Friedman3}
76 \hspace{0.5in}
77 \hat \mathbf{f} \leftarrow \hat \mathbf{f} - \rho \nabla J(\mathbf{f})
78 \end{equation}
79 where $\rho$ is the size of the step along the direction of greatest descent. Clearly, this step alone is far from our desired goal. First, it only fits $f$ at values of $\mathbf{x}$ for which we have observations. Second, it does not take into account that observations with similar $\mathbf{x}$ are likely to have similar values of $f(\mathbf{x})$. Both these problems would have disastrous effects on generalization error. However, Friedman suggests selecting a class of functions that use the covariate information to approximate the gradient, usually a regression tree. This line of reasoning produces his Gradient Boosting algorithm shown in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. At each iteration the algorithm determines the direction, the gradient, in which it needs to improve the fit to the data and selects a particular model from the allowable class of functions that is in most agreement with the direction. In the case of squared-error loss, $\Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) = \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$, this algorithm corresponds exactly to residual fitting.
81 There are various ways to extend and improve upon the basic framework suggested in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. For example, Friedman (2001) substituted several choices in for $\Psi$ to develop new boosting algorithms for robust regression with least absolute deviation and Huber loss functions. Friedman (2002) showed that a simple subsampling trick can greatly improve predictive performance while simultaneously reduce computation time. Section~\ref{GBMModifications} discusses some of these modifications.
83 \section{Improving boosting methods using control of the learning rate, sub-sampling, and a decomposition for interpretation} \label{GBMModifications}
85 This section explores the variations of the previous algorithms that have the potential to improve their predictive performance and interpretability. In particular, by controlling the optimization speed or learning rate, introducing low-variance regression methods, and applying ideas from robust regression we can produce non-parametric regression procedures with many desirable properties. As a by-product some of these modifications lead directly into implementations for learning from massive datasets. All these methods take advantage of the general form of boosting
86 \begin{equation}
87 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
88 \end{equation} So far we have taken advantage of this form only by substituting in our favorite regression procedure for $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$. I will discuss some modifications to estimating $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$ that have the potential to improve our algorithm.
90 \subsection{Decreasing the learning rate} As several authors have phrased slightly differently, ``...boosting, whatever flavor, seldom seems to overfit, no matter how many terms are included in the additive expansion''. This is not true as the discussion to \cite{FHT:2000} points out.
92 In the update step of any boosting algorithm we can introduce a learning rate to dampen the proposed move.
93 \begin{equation}
94 \label{eq:shrinkage}
95 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
96 \end{equation}
97 By multiplying the gradient step by $\lambda$ as in equation~\ref{eq:shrinkage} we have control on the rate at which the boosting algorithm descends the error surface (or ascends the likelihood surface). When $\lambda=1$ we return to performing full gradient steps. Friedman (2001) relates the learning rate to regularization through shrinkage.
99 The optimal number of iterations, $T$, and the learning rate, $\lambda$, depend on each other. In practice I set $\lambda$ to be as small as possible and then select $T$ by cross-validation. Performance is best when $\lambda$ is as small as possible performance with decreasing marginal utility for smaller and smaller $\lambda$. Slower learning rates do not necessarily scale the number of optimal iterations. That is, if when $\lambda=1.0$ and the optimal $T$ is 100 iterations, does {\it not} necessarily imply that when $\lambda=0.1$ the optimal $T$ is 1000 iterations.
101 \subsection{Variance reduction using subsampling}
103 Friedman (2002) proposed the stochastic gradient boosting algorithm that simply samples uniformly without replacement from the dataset before estimating the next gradient step. He found that this additional step greatly improved performance. We estimate the regression $\EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x})$ using a random subsample of the dataset.
105 \subsection{ANOVA decomposition}
107 Certain function approximation methods are decomposable in terms of a ``functional ANOVA decomposition''. That is a function is decomposable as
108 \begin{equation}
109 \label{ANOVAdecomp}
110 f(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_j f_j(x_j) + \sum_{jk} f_{jk}(x_j,x_k) + \sum_{jk\ell} f_{jk\ell}(x_j,x_k,x_\ell) + \cdots.
111 \end{equation} This applies to boosted trees. Regression stumps (one split decision trees) depend on only one variable and fall into the first term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp}. Trees with two splits fall into the second term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp} and so on. By restricting the depth of the trees produced on each boosting iteration we can control the order of approximation. Often additive components are sufficient to approximate a multivariate function well, generalized additive models, the na\"{\i}ve Bayes classifier, and boosted stumps for example. When the approximation is restricted to a first order we can also produce plots of $x_j$ versus $f_j(x_j)$ to demonstrate how changes in $x_j$ might affect changes in the response variable.
113 \subsection{Relative influence} Friedman (2001) also develops an extension of a variable's ``relative influence'' for boosted estimates. For tree based methods the approximate relative influence of a variable $x_j$ is
114 \begin{equation}
115 \label{RelInfluence}
116 \hspace{0.5in}
117 \hat J_j^2 = \hspace{-0.1in}\sum_{\mathrm{splits~on~}x_j}\hspace{-0.2in}I_t^2
118 \end{equation} where $I_t^2$ is the empirical improvement by splitting on $x_j$ at that point. Friedman's extension to boosted models is to average the relative influence of variable $x_j$ across all the trees generated by the boosting algorithm.
120 \begin{figure}
121 \aRule
122 Select
123 \begin{itemize}
124 \item a loss function (\texttt{distribution})
125 \item the number of iterations, $T$ (\texttt{n.trees})
126 \item the depth of each tree, $K$ (\texttt{interaction.depth})
127 \item the shrinkage (or learning rate) parameter, $\lambda$ (\texttt{shrinkage})
128 \item the subsampling rate, $p$ (\texttt{bag.fraction})
129 \end{itemize}
130 Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$ \\
131 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
132 \begin{enumerate}
133 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
134 \begin{equation}
135 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
136 \end{equation}
137 \item Randomly select $p\times N$ cases from the dataset
138 \item Fit a regression tree with $K$ terminal nodes, $g(\mathbf{x})=\EV(z|\mathbf{x})$. This tree is fit using only those randomly selected observations
139 \item Compute the optimal terminal node predictions, $\rho_1,\ldots,\rho_K$, as
140 \begin{equation}
141 \rho_k = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{\mathbf{x}_i\in S_k} \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho)
142 \end{equation}
143 where $S_k$ is the set of $\mathbf{x}$s that define terminal node $k$. Again this step uses only the randomly selected observations.
144 \item Update $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ as
145 \begin{equation}
146 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda\rho_{k(\mathbf{x})}
147 \end{equation}
148 where $k(\mathbf{x})$ indicates the index of the terminal node into which an observation with features $\mathbf{x}$ would fall.
149 \end{enumerate}
150 \aRule
151 \caption{Boosting as implemented in \texttt{gbm()}}
152 \label{fig:gbm}
153 \end{figure}
155 \section{Common user options}
157 This section discusses the options to gbm that most users will need to change or tune.
159 \subsection{Loss function}
161 The first and foremost choice is \texttt{distribution}. This should be easily dictated by the application. For most classification problems either \texttt{bernoulli} or \texttt{adaboost} will be appropriate, the former being recommended. For continuous outcomes the choices are \texttt{gaussian} (for minimizing squared error), \texttt{laplace} (for minimizing absolute error), and quantile regression (for estimating percentiles of the conditional distribution of the outcome). Censored survival outcomes should require \texttt{coxph}. Count outcomes may use \texttt{poisson} although one might also consider \texttt{gaussian} or \texttt{laplace} depending on the analytical goals.
163 \subsection{The relationship between shrinkage and number of iterations} The issues that most new users of gbm struggle with are the choice of \texttt{n.trees} and \texttt{shrinkage}. It is important to know that smaller values of \texttt{shrinkage} (almost) always give improved predictive performance. That is, setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will almost certainly result in a model with better out-of-sample predictive performance than setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}. However, there are computational costs, both storage and CPU time, associated with setting \texttt{shrinkage} to be low. The model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will likely require ten times as many iterations as the model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}, increasing storage and computation time by a factor of 10. Figure~\ref{fig:shrinkViters} shows the relationship between predictive performance, the number of iterations, and the shrinkage parameter. Note that the increase in the optimal number of iterations between two choices for shrinkage is roughly equal to the ratio of the shrinkage parameters. It is generally the case that for small shrinkage parameters, 0.001 for example, there is a fairly long plateau in which predictive performance is at its best. My rule of thumb is to set \texttt{shrinkage} as small as possible while still being able to fit the model in a reasonable amount of time and storage. I usually aim for 3,000 to 10,000 iterations with shrinkage rates between 0.01 and 0.001.
165 \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5in]{shrinkage-v-iterations} \end{center} \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance by number of iterations and shrinkage. Smaller values of the shrinkage parameter offer improved predictive performance, but with decreasing marginal improvement.} \label{fig:shrinkViters} \end{figure}
167 \subsection{Estimating the optimal number of iterations} gbm offers three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations after the gbm model has been fit, an independent test set (\texttt{test}), out-of-bag estimation (\texttt{OOB}), and $v$-fold cross validation (\texttt{cv}). The function \texttt{gbm.perf} computes the iteration estimate.
169 Like Friedman's MART software, the independent test set method uses a single holdout test set to select the optimal number of iterations. If \texttt{train.fraction} is set to be less than 1, then only the \textit{first} \texttt{train.fraction}$\times$\texttt{nrow(data)} will be used to fit the model. Note that if the data are sorted in a systematic way (such as cases for which $y=1$ come first), then the data should be shuffled before running gbm. Those observations not used in the model fit can be used to get an unbiased estimate of the optimal number of iterations. The downside of this method is that a considerable number of observations are used to estimate the single regularization parameter (number of iterations) leaving a reduced dataset for estimating the entire multivariate model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="test")} to obtain an estimate of the optimal number of iterations using the held out test set.
171 If \texttt{bag.fraction} is set to be greater than 0 (0.5 is recommended), gbm computes an out-of-bag estimate of the improvement in predictive performance. It evaluates the reduction in deviance on those observations not used in selecting the next regression tree. The out-of-bag estimator underestimates the reduction in deviance. As a result, it almost always is too conservative in its selection for the optimal number of iterations. The motivation behind this method was to avoid having to set aside a large independent dataset, which reduces the information available for learning the model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="OOB")} to obtain the OOB estimate.
173 Lastly, gbm offers $v$-fold cross validation for estimating the optimal number of iterations. If when fitting the gbm model, \texttt{cv.folds=5} then gbm will do 5-fold cross validation. gbm will fit five gbm models in order to compute the cross validation error estimate and then will fit a sixth and final gbm model with \texttt{n.trees}iterations using all of the data. The returned model object will have a component labeled \texttt{cv.error}. Note that \texttt{gbm.more} will do additional gbm iterations but will not add to the \texttt{cv.error} component. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="cv")} to obtain the cross validation estimate.
175 \begin{figure}[ht]
176 \begin{center}
177 \includegraphics[width=5in]{oobperf2}
178 \end{center}
179 \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance of four methods of selecting the optimal number of iterations. The vertical axis plots performance relative the best. The boxplots indicate relative performance across thirteen real datasets from the UCI repository. See \texttt{demo(OOB-reps)}.}
180 \label{fig:oobperf}
181 \end{figure}
183 Figure~\ref{fig:oobperf} compares the three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations across 13 datasets. The boxplots show the methods performance relative to the best method on that dataset. For most datasets the method perform similarly, however, 5-fold cross validation is consistently the best of them. OOB, using a 33\% test set, and using a 20\% test set all have datasets for which the perform considerably worse than the best method. My recommendation is to use 5- or 10-fold cross validation if you can afford the computing time. Otherwise you may choose among the other options, knowing that OOB is conservative.
185 \section{Available distributions}
187 This section gives some of the mathematical detail for each of the distribution options that gbm offers. The gbm engine written in C++ has access to a C++ class for each of these distributions. Each class contains methods for computing the associated deviance, initial value, the gradient, and the constants to predict in each terminal node.
189 In the equations shown below, for non-zero offset terms, replace $f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ with $o_i + f(\mathbf{x}_i)$.
191 \subsection{Gaussian}
193 \begin{tabular}{ll}
194 Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$ \\
195 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})=\frac{\sum w_i(y_i-o_i)}{\sum w_i}$ \\
196 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ \\
197 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}{\sum w_i}$
198 \end{tabular}
200 \subsection{AdaBoost}
202 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\log\frac{\sum y_iw_ie^{-o_i}}{\sum (1-y_i)w_ie^{o_i}}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i= -(2y_i-1)\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum (2y_i-1)w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}
203 {\sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
204 \end{tabular}
206 \subsection{Bernoulli}
208 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle -2\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(1+\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i(1-y_i)}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=y_i-\frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ \\
209 & where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\
210 \end{tabular}
212 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item For non-zero offset terms, the computation of the initial value requires Newton-Raphson. Initialize $f_0=0$ and iterate $\displaystyle f_0 \leftarrow f_0 + \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-(o_i+f_0))}$. \end{itemize}
214 \subsection{Laplace}
216 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i|y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i)|$ \\ Initial value & $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\mbox{sign}(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mbox{median}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
218 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted median, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq m)}{\sum w_i}=\frac{1}{2}$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution="laplace"}. \end{itemize}
221 \subsection{Quantile regression}
223 Contributed by Brian Kriegler (see \cite{Kriegler:2010}).
225 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i}
226 \left(\alpha\sum_{y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))\right. +$ \\
227 & \hspace{0.5in}$\left.(1-\alpha)\sum_{y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-y_i)\right)$ \\
228 Initial value & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\alpha I(y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i))-(1-\alpha)I(y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
230 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted quantile, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq q)}{\sum w_i}=\alpha$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution=list(name="quantile")}. \end{itemize}
233 \subsection{Cox Proportional Hazard}
235 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $-2\sum w_i(\delta_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(R_i/w_i)))$\\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=\delta_i - \sum_j \delta_j
236 \frac{w_jI(t_i\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}}
237 {\sum_k w_kI(t_k\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_k)}}$ \\
238 Initial value & 0 \\ Terminal node estimates & Newton-Raphson algorithm \end{tabular}
240 \begin{enumerate}
241 \item Initialize the terminal node predictions to 0, $\mathgbf{\rho}=0$
242 \item Let $\displaystyle
243 p_i^{(k)}=\frac{\sum_j I(k(j)=k)I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}
244 {\sum_j I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}$
245 \item Let $g_k=\sum w_i\delta_i\left(I(k(i)=k)-p_i^{(k)}\right)$
246 \item Let $\mathbf{H}$ be a $k\times k$ matrix with diagonal elements
247 \begin{enumerate}
248 \item Set diagonal elements $H_{mm}=\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}\left(1-p_i^{(m)}\right)$
249 \item Set off diagonal elements $H_{mn}=-\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}p_i^{(n)}$
250 \end{enumerate}
251 \item Newton-Raphson update $\mathgbf{\rho} \leftarrow \mathgbf{\rho} - \mathbf{H}^{-1}\mathbf{g}$
252 \item Return to step 2 until convergence
253 \end{enumerate}
255 Notes:
256 \begin{itemize}
257 \item $t_i$ is the survival time and $\delta_i$ is the death indicator.
258 \item $R_i$ denotes the hazard for the risk set, $R_i=\sum_{j=1}^N w_jI(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}$
259 \item $k(i)$ indexes the terminal node of observation $i$
260 \item For speed, \texttt{gbm()} does only one step of the Newton-Raphson algorithm rather than iterating to convergence. No appreciable loss of accuracy since the next boosting iteration will simply correct for the prior iterations inadequacy.
261 \item \texttt{gbm()} initially sorts the data by survival time. Doing this reduces the computation of the risk set from $O(n^2)$ to $O(n)$ at the cost of a single up front sort on survival time. After the model is fit, the data are then put back in their original order.
262 \end{itemize}
264 \subsection{Poisson}
265 \begin{tabular}{ll}
266 Deviance & -2$\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i)))$ \\
267 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})= \log\left(\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_ie^{o_i}}\right)$ \\
268 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - \exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\
269 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
270 \end{tabular}
272 The Poisson class includes special safeguards so that the most extreme predicted values are $e^{-19}$ and $e^{+19}$. This behavior is consistent with \texttt{glm()}.
274 \subsection{Pairwise}
276 This distribution implements ranking measures following the
277 \emph{LambdaMart} algorithm \cite{Burges:2010}. Instances belong to
278 \emph{groups}; all pairs of items with different labels, belonging to
279 the same group, are used for training. In \emph{Information Retrieval}
280 applications, groups correspond to user queries,
281 and items to (feature vectors of) documents in the associated match
282 set to be ranked.
284 For consistency with typical usage, our goal is to \emph{maximize} one
285 of the \emph{utility} functions listed below. Consider a group with
286 instances $x_1, \dots, x_n$, ordered such that $f(x_1) \geq f(x_2)
287 \geq \dots f(x_n)$; i.e., the \emph{rank} of $x_i$ is $i$, where
288 smaller ranks are preferable. Let $P$ be the set of all ordered pairs
289 such that $y_i > y_j$.
291 \begin{enumerate}
292 \item[{\bf Concordance:}] Fraction of concordant (i.e, correctly ordered)
293 pairs. For the special case of binary labels, this is equivalent to
294 the Area under the ROC Curve.
295 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{\|\{(i,j)\in P |
296 f(x_i)>f(x_j)\}\|}{\|P\|}
297 & P \neq \emptyset\\
298 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}
299 \end{array}\right.
300 $$
301 \item[{\bf MRR:}] Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
302 instance (it is assumed $y_i\in\{0,1\}$):
303 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{1}{\min\{1 \leq i \leq n |y_i=1\}}
304 & \exists i: \, 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
305 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
306 \item[{\bf MAP:}] Mean average precision, a generalization of
307 MRR to multiple positive instances:
308 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1} \|\{1\leq j\leq i
309 |y_j=1\}\|\,/\,i}{\|\{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1\}\|} & \exists i: \,
310 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
311 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
312 \item[{\bf nDCG:}] Normalized discounted cumulative gain:
313 $$\frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n} \log_2(i+1) \, y_i}{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n}
314 \log_2(i+1) \, y'_i},$$ where $y'_1, \dots, y'_n$ is a reordering of $y_1,
315 \dots,y_n$ with $y'_1 \geq y'_2 \geq \dots \geq y'_n$.
316 \end{enumerate}
318 The generalization to multiple (possibly weighted) groups is
319 straightforward. Sometimes a cut-off rank $k$ is given for \emph{MRR}
320 and \emph{nDCG}, in which case we replace the outer index $n$ by
321 $\min(n,k)$.
323 The initial value for $f(x_i)$ is always zero. We derive the gradient of
324 a cost function whose gradient locally approximates the gradient of
325 the IR measure for a fixed ranking:
327 \begin{eqnarray*}
328 \Phi & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} \Phi_{ij}\\
329 & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \log \left( 1 + e^{-(f(x_i) -
330 f(x_j))}\right),
331 \end{eqnarray*}
332 where $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$ is the absolute utility difference when
333 swapping the ranks of $i$ and $j$, while leaving all other instances
334 the same. Define
335 \begin{eqnarray*}
336 \lambda_{ij} & = & \frac{\partial\Phi_{ij}}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
337 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}\\
338 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij},
339 \end{eqnarray*}
340 with
341 $$ \rho_{ij} = - \frac{\lambda_{ij }}{|\Delta Z_{ij}|} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}$$
343 For the gradient of $\Phi$ with respect to $f(x_i)$, define
344 \begin{eqnarray*}
345 \lambda_i & = & \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
346 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} \lambda_{ij} - \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} \lambda_{ji}\\
347 & = & - \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij}\\
348 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji}.
349 \end{eqnarray*}
351 The second derivative is
352 \begin{eqnarray*}
353 \gamma_i & \stackrel{def}{=} & \frac{\partial^2\Phi}{\partial f(x_i)^2}\\
354 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij} \, (1-\rho_{ij})\\
355 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji} \, (1-\rho_{ji}).
356 \end{eqnarray*}
358 Now consider again all groups with associated weights. For a given terminal node, let $i$
359 range over all contained instances. Then its estimate is
360 $$-\frac{\sum_i v_i\lambda_{i}}{\sum_i v_i \gamma_i},$$ where
361 $v_i=w(\mbox{\em group}(i))/\|\{(j,k)\in\mbox{\em group}(i)\}\|.$
363 In each iteration, instances are reranked according to the preliminary
364 scores $f(x_i)$ to determine the $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$. Note that in order
365 to avoid ranking bias, we break ties by adding a small amount of
366 random noise.
370 \bibliography{gbm}
372 \end{document}
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9 \title{Generalized Boosted Models:\\A guide to the gbm package} \author{Greg Ridgeway}
11 %\VignetteIndexEntry{Generalized Boosted Models: A guide to the gbm package}
13 \newcommand{\mathgbf}[1]{{\mbox{\boldmath$#1$\unboldmath}}}
15 \begin{document}
17 \maketitle
19 Boosting takes on various forms with different programs using different loss functions, different base models, and different optimization schemes. The gbm package takes the approach described in \cite{Friedman:2001} and \cite{Friedman:2002}. Some of the terminology differs, mostly due to an effort to cast boosting terms into more standard statistical terminology (e.g. deviance). In addition, the gbm package implements boosting for models commonly used in statistics but not commonly associated with boosting. The Cox proportional hazard model, for example, is an incredibly useful model and the boosting framework applies quite readily with only slight modification \cite{Ridgeway:1999}. Also some algorithms implemented in the gbm package differ from the standard implementation. The AdaBoost algorithm \cite{FreundSchapire:1997} has a particular loss function and a particular optimization algorithm associated with it. The gbm implementation of AdaBoost adopts AdaBoost's exponential loss function (its bound on misclassification rate) but uses Friedman's gradient descent algorithm rather than the original one proposed. So the main purposes of this document is to spell out in detail what the gbm package implements.
21 \section{Gradient boosting}
23 This section essentially presents the derivation of boosting described in \cite{Friedman:2001}. The gbm package also adopts the stochastic gradient boosting strategy, a small but important tweak on the basic algorithm, described in \cite{Friedman:2002}.
25 \subsection{Friedman's gradient boosting machine} \label{sec:GradientBoostingMachine}
27 \begin{figure}
28 \aRule Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$. \\
29 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
30 \begin{enumerate}
31 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
32 \begin{equation}
33 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
34 \end{equation}
35 \item Fit a regression model, $g(\mathbf{x})$, predicting $z_i$ from the covariates $\mathbf{x}_i$. \item Choose a gradient descent step size as
36 \begin{equation}
37 \rho = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho g(\mathbf{x}_i))
38 \end{equation}
39 \item Update the estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ as
40 \begin{equation}
41 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \rho g(\mathbf{x})
42 \end{equation}
43 \end{enumerate} \aRule \caption{Friedman's Gradient Boost algorithm} \label{fig:GradientBoost} \end{figure}
45 Friedman (2001) and the companion paper Friedman (2002) extended the work of Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani (2000) and laid the ground work for a new generation of boosting algorithms. Using the connection between boosting and optimization, this new work proposes the Gradient Boosting Machine.
47 In any function estimation problem we wish to find a regression function, $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$, that minimizes the expectation of some loss function, $\Psi(y,f)$, as shown in (\ref{NonparametricRegression1}).
49 \begin{eqnarray}
50 \hspace{0.5in}
51 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y,\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \nonumber \\ \label{NonparametricRegression1}
52 &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_x \left[ \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \Big| \mathbf{x} \right]
53 \end{eqnarray}
55 We will focus on finding estimates of $f(\mathbf{x})$ such that \begin{equation}
56 \label{NonparametricRegression2}
57 \hspace{0.5in}
58 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \left[ \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x} \right]
59 \end{equation}
60 Parametric regression models assume that $f(\mathbf{x})$ is a function with a finite number of parameters, $\beta$, and estimates them by selecting those values that minimize a loss function (e.g. squared error loss) over a training sample of $N$ observations on $(y,\mathbf{x})$ pairs as in (\ref{eq:Friedman1}).
61 \begin{equation}
62 \label{eq:Friedman1}
63 \hspace{0.5in}
64 \hat\beta = \arg \min_{\beta} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i;\beta))
65 \end{equation}
66 When we wish to estimate $f(\mathbf{x})$ non-parametrically the task becomes more difficult. Again we can proceed similarly to \cite{FHT:2000} and modify our current estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ by adding a new function $f(\mathbf{x})$ in a greedy fashion. Letting $f_i = f(\mathbf{x}_i)$, we see that we want to decrease the $N$ dimensional function
67 \begin{eqnarray}
68 \label{EQ:Friedman2}
69 \hspace{0.5in}
70 J(\mathbf{f}) &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \nonumber \\
71 &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,F_i).
72 \end{eqnarray}
73 The negative gradient of $J(\mathbf{f})$ indicates the direction of the locally greatest decrease in $J(\mathbf{f})$. Gradient descent would then have us modify $\mathbf{f}$ as
74 \begin{equation}
75 \label{eq:Friedman3}
76 \hspace{0.5in}
77 \hat \mathbf{f} \leftarrow \hat \mathbf{f} - \rho \nabla J(\mathbf{f})
78 \end{equation}
79 where $\rho$ is the size of the step along the direction of greatest descent. Clearly, this step alone is far from our desired goal. First, it only fits $f$ at values of $\mathbf{x}$ for which we have observations. Second, it does not take into account that observations with similar $\mathbf{x}$ are likely to have similar values of $f(\mathbf{x})$. Both these problems would have disastrous effects on generalization error. However, Friedman suggests selecting a class of functions that use the covariate information to approximate the gradient, usually a regression tree. This line of reasoning produces his Gradient Boosting algorithm shown in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. At each iteration the algorithm determines the direction, the gradient, in which it needs to improve the fit to the data and selects a particular model from the allowable class of functions that is in most agreement with the direction. In the case of squared-error loss, $\Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) = \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$, this algorithm corresponds exactly to residual fitting.
81 There are various ways to extend and improve upon the basic framework suggested in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. For example, Friedman (2001) substituted several choices in for $\Psi$ to develop new boosting algorithms for robust regression with least absolute deviation and Huber loss functions. Friedman (2002) showed that a simple subsampling trick can greatly improve predictive performance while simultaneously reduce computation time. Section~\ref{GBMModifications} discusses some of these modifications.
83 \section{Improving boosting methods using control of the learning rate, sub-sampling, and a decomposition for interpretation} \label{GBMModifications}
85 This section explores the variations of the previous algorithms that have the potential to improve their predictive performance and interpretability. In particular, by controlling the optimization speed or learning rate, introducing low-variance regression methods, and applying ideas from robust regression we can produce non-parametric regression procedures with many desirable properties. As a by-product some of these modifications lead directly into implementations for learning from massive datasets. All these methods take advantage of the general form of boosting
86 \begin{equation}
87 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
88 \end{equation} So far we have taken advantage of this form only by substituting in our favorite regression procedure for $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$. I will discuss some modifications to estimating $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$ that have the potential to improve our algorithm.
90 \subsection{Decreasing the learning rate} As several authors have phrased slightly differently, ``...boosting, whatever flavor, seldom seems to overfit, no matter how many terms are included in the additive expansion''. This is not true as the discussion to \cite{FHT:2000} points out.
92 In the update step of any boosting algorithm we can introduce a learning rate to dampen the proposed move.
93 \begin{equation}
94 \label{eq:shrinkage}
95 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
96 \end{equation}
97 By multiplying the gradient step by $\lambda$ as in equation~\ref{eq:shrinkage} we have control on the rate at which the boosting algorithm descends the error surface (or ascends the likelihood surface). When $\lambda=1$ we return to performing full gradient steps. Friedman (2001) relates the learning rate to regularization through shrinkage.
99 The optimal number of iterations, $T$, and the learning rate, $\lambda$, depend on each other. In practice I set $\lambda$ to be as small as possible and then select $T$ by cross-validation. Performance is best when $\lambda$ is as small as possible performance with decreasing marginal utility for smaller and smaller $\lambda$. Slower learning rates do not necessarily scale the number of optimal iterations. That is, if when $\lambda=1.0$ and the optimal $T$ is 100 iterations, does {\it not} necessarily imply that when $\lambda=0.1$ the optimal $T$ is 1000 iterations.
101 \subsection{Variance reduction using subsampling}
103 Friedman (2002) proposed the stochastic gradient boosting algorithm that simply samples uniformly without replacement from the dataset before estimating the next gradient step. He found that this additional step greatly improved performance. We estimate the regression $\EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x})$ using a random subsample of the dataset.
105 \subsection{ANOVA decomposition}
107 Certain function approximation methods are decomposable in terms of a ``functional ANOVA decomposition''. That is a function is decomposable as
108 \begin{equation}
109 \label{ANOVAdecomp}
110 f(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_j f_j(x_j) + \sum_{jk} f_{jk}(x_j,x_k) + \sum_{jk\ell} f_{jk\ell}(x_j,x_k,x_\ell) + \cdots.
111 \end{equation} This applies to boosted trees. Regression stumps (one split decision trees) depend on only one variable and fall into the first term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp}. Trees with two splits fall into the second term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp} and so on. By restricting the depth of the trees produced on each boosting iteration we can control the order of approximation. Often additive components are sufficient to approximate a multivariate function well, generalized additive models, the na\"{\i}ve Bayes classifier, and boosted stumps for example. When the approximation is restricted to a first order we can also produce plots of $x_j$ versus $f_j(x_j)$ to demonstrate how changes in $x_j$ might affect changes in the response variable.
113 \subsection{Relative influence} Friedman (2001) also develops an extension of a variable's ``relative influence'' for boosted estimates. For tree based methods the approximate relative influence of a variable $x_j$ is
114 \begin{equation}
115 \label{RelInfluence}
116 \hspace{0.5in}
117 \hat J_j^2 = \hspace{-0.1in}\sum_{\mathrm{splits~on~}x_j}\hspace{-0.2in}I_t^2
118 \end{equation} where $I_t^2$ is the empirical improvement by splitting on $x_j$ at that point. Friedman's extension to boosted models is to average the relative influence of variable $x_j$ across all the trees generated by the boosting algorithm.
120 \begin{figure}
121 \aRule
122 Select
123 \begin{itemize}
124 \item a loss function (\texttt{distribution})
125 \item the number of iterations, $T$ (\texttt{n.trees})
126 \item the depth of each tree, $K$ (\texttt{interaction.depth})
127 \item the shrinkage (or learning rate) parameter, $\lambda$ (\texttt{shrinkage})
128 \item the subsampling rate, $p$ (\texttt{bag.fraction})
129 \end{itemize}
130 Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$ \\
131 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
132 \begin{enumerate}
133 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
134 \begin{equation}
135 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
136 \end{equation}
137 \item Randomly select $p\times N$ cases from the dataset
138 \item Fit a regression tree with $K$ terminal nodes, $g(\mathbf{x})=\EV(z|\mathbf{x})$. This tree is fit using only those randomly selected observations
139 \item Compute the optimal terminal node predictions, $\rho_1,\ldots,\rho_K$, as
140 \begin{equation}
141 \rho_k = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{\mathbf{x}_i\in S_k} \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho)
142 \end{equation}
143 where $S_k$ is the set of $\mathbf{x}$s that define terminal node $k$. Again this step uses only the randomly selected observations.
144 \item Update $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ as
145 \begin{equation}
146 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda\rho_{k(\mathbf{x})}
147 \end{equation}
148 where $k(\mathbf{x})$ indicates the index of the terminal node into which an observation with features $\mathbf{x}$ would fall.
149 \end{enumerate}
150 \aRule
151 \caption{Boosting as implemented in \texttt{gbm()}}
152 \label{fig:gbm}
153 \end{figure}
155 \section{Common user options}
157 This section discusses the options to gbm that most users will need to change or tune.
159 \subsection{Loss function}
161 The first and foremost choice is \texttt{distribution}. This should be easily dictated by the application. For most classification problems either \texttt{bernoulli} or \texttt{adaboost} will be appropriate, the former being recommended. For continuous outcomes the choices are \texttt{gaussian} (for minimizing squared error), \texttt{laplace} (for minimizing absolute error), and quantile regression (for estimating percentiles of the conditional distribution of the outcome). Censored survival outcomes should require \texttt{coxph}. Count outcomes may use \texttt{poisson} although one might also consider \texttt{gaussian} or \texttt{laplace} depending on the analytical goals.
163 \subsection{The relationship between shrinkage and number of iterations} The issues that most new users of gbm struggle with are the choice of \texttt{n.trees} and \texttt{shrinkage}. It is important to know that smaller values of \texttt{shrinkage} (almost) always give improved predictive performance. That is, setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will almost certainly result in a model with better out-of-sample predictive performance than setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}. However, there are computational costs, both storage and CPU time, associated with setting \texttt{shrinkage} to be low. The model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will likely require ten times as many iterations as the model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}, increasing storage and computation time by a factor of 10. Figure~\ref{fig:shrinkViters} shows the relationship between predictive performance, the number of iterations, and the shrinkage parameter. Note that the increase in the optimal number of iterations between two choices for shrinkage is roughly equal to the ratio of the shrinkage parameters. It is generally the case that for small shrinkage parameters, 0.001 for example, there is a fairly long plateau in which predictive performance is at its best. My rule of thumb is to set \texttt{shrinkage} as small as possible while still being able to fit the model in a reasonable amount of time and storage. I usually aim for 3,000 to 10,000 iterations with shrinkage rates between 0.01 and 0.001.
165 \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5in]{shrinkage-v-iterations} \end{center} \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance by number of iterations and shrinkage. Smaller values of the shrinkage parameter offer improved predictive performance, but with decreasing marginal improvement.} \label{fig:shrinkViters} \end{figure}
167 \subsection{Estimating the optimal number of iterations} gbm offers three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations after the gbm model has been fit, an independent test set (\texttt{test}), out-of-bag estimation (\texttt{OOB}), and $v$-fold cross validation (\texttt{cv}). The function \texttt{gbm.perf} computes the iteration estimate.
169 Like Friedman's MART software, the independent test set method uses a single holdout test set to select the optimal number of iterations. If \texttt{train.fraction} is set to be less than 1, then only the \textit{first} \texttt{train.fraction}$\times$\texttt{nrow(data)} will be used to fit the model. Note that if the data are sorted in a systematic way (such as cases for which $y=1$ come first), then the data should be shuffled before running gbm. Those observations not used in the model fit can be used to get an unbiased estimate of the optimal number of iterations. The downside of this method is that a considerable number of observations are used to estimate the single regularization parameter (number of iterations) leaving a reduced dataset for estimating the entire multivariate model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="test")} to obtain an estimate of the optimal number of iterations using the held out test set.
171 If \texttt{bag.fraction} is set to be greater than 0 (0.5 is recommended), gbm computes an out-of-bag estimate of the improvement in predictive performance. It evaluates the reduction in deviance on those observations not used in selecting the next regression tree. The out-of-bag estimator underestimates the reduction in deviance. As a result, it almost always is too conservative in its selection for the optimal number of iterations. The motivation behind this method was to avoid having to set aside a large independent dataset, which reduces the information available for learning the model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="OOB")} to obtain the OOB estimate.
173 Lastly, gbm offers $v$-fold cross validation for estimating the optimal number of iterations. If when fitting the gbm model, \texttt{cv.folds=5} then gbm will do 5-fold cross validation. gbm will fit five gbm models in order to compute the cross validation error estimate and then will fit a sixth and final gbm model with \texttt{n.trees}iterations using all of the data. The returned model object will have a component labeled \texttt{cv.error}. Note that \texttt{gbm.more} will do additional gbm iterations but will not add to the \texttt{cv.error} component. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="cv")} to obtain the cross validation estimate.
175 \begin{figure}[ht]
176 \begin{center}
177 \includegraphics[width=5in]{oobperf2}
178 \end{center}
179 \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance of four methods of selecting the optimal number of iterations. The vertical axis plots performance relative the best. The boxplots indicate relative performance across thirteen real datasets from the UCI repository. See \texttt{demo(OOB-reps)}.}
180 \label{fig:oobperf}
181 \end{figure}
183 Figure~\ref{fig:oobperf} compares the three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations across 13 datasets. The boxplots show the methods performance relative to the best method on that dataset. For most datasets the method perform similarly, however, 5-fold cross validation is consistently the best of them. OOB, using a 33\% test set, and using a 20\% test set all have datasets for which the perform considerably worse than the best method. My recommendation is to use 5- or 10-fold cross validation if you can afford the computing time. Otherwise you may choose among the other options, knowing that OOB is conservative.
185 \section{Available distributions}
187 This section gives some of the mathematical detail for each of the distribution options that gbm offers. The gbm engine written in C++ has access to a C++ class for each of these distributions. Each class contains methods for computing the associated deviance, initial value, the gradient, and the constants to predict in each terminal node.
189 In the equations shown below, for non-zero offset terms, replace $f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ with $o_i + f(\mathbf{x}_i)$.
191 \subsection{Gaussian}
193 \begin{tabular}{ll}
194 Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$ \\
195 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})=\frac{\sum w_i(y_i-o_i)}{\sum w_i}$ \\
196 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ \\
197 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}{\sum w_i}$
198 \end{tabular}
200 \subsection{AdaBoost}
202 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\log\frac{\sum y_iw_ie^{-o_i}}{\sum (1-y_i)w_ie^{o_i}}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i= -(2y_i-1)\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum (2y_i-1)w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}
203 {\sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
204 \end{tabular}
206 \subsection{Bernoulli}
208 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle -2\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(1+\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i(1-y_i)}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=y_i-\frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ \\
209 & where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\
210 \end{tabular}
212 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item For non-zero offset terms, the computation of the initial value requires Newton-Raphson. Initialize $f_0=0$ and iterate $\displaystyle f_0 \leftarrow f_0 + \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-(o_i+f_0))}$. \end{itemize}
214 \subsection{Laplace}
216 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i|y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i)|$ \\ Initial value & $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\mbox{sign}(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mbox{median}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
218 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted median, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq m)}{\sum w_i}=\frac{1}{2}$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution="laplace"}. \end{itemize}
221 \subsection{Quantile regression}
223 Contributed by Brian Kriegler (see \cite{Kriegler:2010}).
225 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i}
226 \left(\alpha\sum_{y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))\right. +$ \\
227 & \hspace{0.5in}$\left.(1-\alpha)\sum_{y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-y_i)\right)$ \\
228 Initial value & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\alpha I(y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i))-(1-\alpha)I(y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
230 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted quantile, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq q)}{\sum w_i}=\alpha$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution=list(name="quantile")}. \end{itemize}
233 \subsection{Cox Proportional Hazard}
235 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $-2\sum w_i(\delta_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(R_i/w_i)))$\\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=\delta_i - \sum_j \delta_j
236 \frac{w_jI(t_i\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}}
237 {\sum_k w_kI(t_k\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_k)}}$ \\
238 Initial value & 0 \\ Terminal node estimates & Newton-Raphson algorithm \end{tabular}
240 \begin{enumerate}
241 \item Initialize the terminal node predictions to 0, $\mathgbf{\rho}=0$
242 \item Let $\displaystyle
243 p_i^{(k)}=\frac{\sum_j I(k(j)=k)I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}
244 {\sum_j I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}$
245 \item Let $g_k=\sum w_i\delta_i\left(I(k(i)=k)-p_i^{(k)}\right)$
246 \item Let $\mathbf{H}$ be a $k\times k$ matrix with diagonal elements
247 \begin{enumerate}
248 \item Set diagonal elements $H_{mm}=\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}\left(1-p_i^{(m)}\right)$
249 \item Set off diagonal elements $H_{mn}=-\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}p_i^{(n)}$
250 \end{enumerate}
251 \item Newton-Raphson update $\mathgbf{\rho} \leftarrow \mathgbf{\rho} - \mathbf{H}^{-1}\mathbf{g}$
252 \item Return to step 2 until convergence
253 \end{enumerate}
255 Notes:
256 \begin{itemize}
257 \item $t_i$ is the survival time and $\delta_i$ is the death indicator.
258 \item $R_i$ denotes the hazard for the risk set, $R_i=\sum_{j=1}^N w_jI(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}$
259 \item $k(i)$ indexes the terminal node of observation $i$
260 \item For speed, \texttt{gbm()} does only one step of the Newton-Raphson algorithm rather than iterating to convergence. No appreciable loss of accuracy since the next boosting iteration will simply correct for the prior iterations inadequacy.
261 \item \texttt{gbm()} initially sorts the data by survival time. Doing this reduces the computation of the risk set from $O(n^2)$ to $O(n)$ at the cost of a single up front sort on survival time. After the model is fit, the data are then put back in their original order.
262 \end{itemize}
264 \subsection{Poisson}
265 \begin{tabular}{ll}
266 Deviance & -2$\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i)))$ \\
267 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})= \log\left(\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_ie^{o_i}}\right)$ \\
268 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - \exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\
269 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
270 \end{tabular}
272 The Poisson class includes special safeguards so that the most extreme predicted values are $e^{-19}$ and $e^{+19}$. This behavior is consistent with \texttt{glm()}.
274 \subsection{Pairwise}
276 This distribution implements ranking measures following the
277 \emph{LambdaMart} algorithm \cite{Burges:2010}. Instances belong to
278 \emph{groups}; all pairs of items with different labels, belonging to
279 the same group, are used for training. In \emph{Information Retrieval}
280 applications, groups correspond to user queries,
281 and items to (feature vectors of) documents in the associated match
282 set to be ranked.
284 For consistency with typical usage, our goal is to \emph{maximize} one
285 of the \emph{utility} functions listed below. Consider a group with
286 instances $x_1, \dots, x_n$, ordered such that $f(x_1) \geq f(x_2)
287 \geq \dots f(x_n)$; i.e., the \emph{rank} of $x_i$ is $i$, where
288 smaller ranks are preferable. Let $P$ be the set of all ordered pairs
289 such that $y_i > y_j$.
291 \begin{enumerate}
292 \item[{\bf Concordance:}] Fraction of concordant (i.e, correctly ordered)
293 pairs. For the special case of binary labels, this is equivalent to
294 the Area under the ROC Curve.
295 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{\|\{(i,j)\in P |
296 f(x_i)>f(x_j)\}\|}{\|P\|}
297 & P \neq \emptyset\\
298 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}
299 \end{array}\right.
300 $$
301 \item[{\bf MRR:}] Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
302 instance (it is assumed $y_i\in\{0,1\}$):
303 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{1}{\min\{1 \leq i \leq n |y_i=1\}}
304 & \exists i: \, 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
305 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
306 \item[{\bf MAP:}] Mean average precision, a generalization of
307 MRR to multiple positive instances:
308 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1} \|\{1\leq j\leq i
309 |y_j=1\}\|\,/\,i}{\|\{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1\}\|} & \exists i: \,
310 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
311 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
312 \item[{\bf nDCG:}] Normalized discounted cumulative gain:
313 $$\frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n} \log_2(i+1) \, y_i}{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n}
314 \log_2(i+1) \, y'_i},$$ where $y'_1, \dots, y'_n$ is a reordering of $y_1,
315 \dots,y_n$ with $y'_1 \geq y'_2 \geq \dots \geq y'_n$.
316 \end{enumerate}
318 The generalization to multiple (possibly weighted) groups is
319 straightforward. Sometimes a cut-off rank $k$ is given for \emph{MRR}
320 and \emph{nDCG}, in which case we replace the outer index $n$ by
321 $\min(n,k)$.
323 The initial value for $f(x_i)$ is always zero. We derive the gradient of
324 a cost function whose gradient locally approximates the gradient of
325 the IR measure for a fixed ranking:
327 \begin{eqnarray*}
328 \Phi & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} \Phi_{ij}\\
329 & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \log \left( 1 + e^{-(f(x_i) -
330 f(x_j))}\right),
331 \end{eqnarray*}
332 where $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$ is the absolute utility difference when
333 swapping the ranks of $i$ and $j$, while leaving all other instances
334 the same. Define
335 \begin{eqnarray*}
336 \lambda_{ij} & = & \frac{\partial\Phi_{ij}}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
337 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}\\
338 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij},
339 \end{eqnarray*}
340 with
341 $$ \rho_{ij} = - \frac{\lambda_{ij }}{|\Delta Z_{ij}|} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}$$
343 For the gradient of $\Phi$ with respect to $f(x_i)$, define
344 \begin{eqnarray*}
345 \lambda_i & = & \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
346 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} \lambda_{ij} - \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} \lambda_{ji}\\
347 & = & - \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij}\\
348 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji}.
349 \end{eqnarray*}
351 The second derivative is
352 \begin{eqnarray*}
353 \gamma_i & \stackrel{def}{=} & \frac{\partial^2\Phi}{\partial f(x_i)^2}\\
354 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij} \, (1-\rho_{ij})\\
355 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji} \, (1-\rho_{ji}).
356 \end{eqnarray*}
358 Now consider again all groups with associated weights. For a given terminal node, let $i$
359 range over all contained instances. Then its estimate is
360 $$-\frac{\sum_i v_i\lambda_{i}}{\sum_i v_i \gamma_i},$$ where
361 $v_i=w(\mbox{\em group}(i))/\|\{(j,k)\in\mbox{\em group}(i)\}\|.$
363 In each iteration, instances are reranked according to the preliminary
364 scores $f(x_i)$ to determine the $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$. Note that in order
365 to avoid ranking bias, we break ties by adding a small amount of
366 random noise.
370 \begin{thebibliography}{77} % start the bibliography
372 \small % put the bibliography in a small font
374 \bibitem{FreundSchapire:1997} Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997). ``A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,'' \textit{Journal of Computer and System Sciences}, 55(1):119-139.
376 \bibitem{Friedman:2001} J.H. Friedman (2001). ``Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine,'' \textit{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
378 \bibitem{Friedman:2002} J.H. Friedman (2002). ``Stochastic Gradient Boosting,'' \textit{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
380 \bibitem{FHT:2000} J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). ``Additive Logistic Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,'' \textit{Annals of Statistics} 28(2):337-374.
382 \bibitem{Kriegler:2010} B. Kriegler and R. Berk (2010). ``Small Area Estimation of the Homeless in Los Angeles, An Application of Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting,'' \textit{Annals of Applied Statistics} 4(3):1234-1255.
384 \bibitem{Ridgeway:1999} G. Ridgeway (1999). ``The state of boosting,'' \textit{Computing Science and Statistics} 31:172-181.
386 \bibitem{Burges:2010} C. Burges (2010). ``From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview'', \textit{Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82}
388 \end{thebibliography} % end the bibliography
390 \end{document}
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9 \title{Generalized Boosted Models:\\A guide to the gbm package} \author{Greg Ridgeway}
11 %\VignetteIndexEntry{Generalized Boosted Models: A guide to the gbm package}
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16 \begin{document}
18 \maketitle
20 Boosting takes on various forms with different programs using different loss functions, different base models, and different optimization schemes. The gbm package takes the approach described in \cite{Friedman:2001} and \cite{Friedman:2002}. Some of the terminology differs, mostly due to an effort to cast boosting terms into more standard statistical terminology (e.g. deviance). In addition, the gbm package implements boosting for models commonly used in statistics but not commonly associated with boosting. The Cox proportional hazard model, for example, is an incredibly useful model and the boosting framework applies quite readily with only slight modification \cite{Ridgeway:1999}. Also some algorithms implemented in the gbm package differ from the standard implementation. The AdaBoost algorithm \cite{FreundSchapire:1997} has a particular loss function and a particular optimization algorithm associated with it. The gbm implementation of AdaBoost adopts AdaBoost's exponential loss function (its bound on misclassification rate) but uses Friedman's gradient descent algorithm rather than the original one proposed. So the main purposes of this document is to spell out in detail what the gbm package implements.
22 \section{Gradient boosting}
24 This section essentially presents the derivation of boosting described in \cite{Friedman:2001}. The gbm package also adopts the stochastic gradient boosting strategy, a small but important tweak on the basic algorithm, described in \cite{Friedman:2002}.
26 \subsection{Friedman's gradient boosting machine} \label{sec:GradientBoostingMachine}
28 \begin{figure}
29 \aRule Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$. \\
30 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
31 \begin{enumerate}
32 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
33 \begin{equation}
34 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
35 \end{equation}
36 \item Fit a regression model, $g(\mathbf{x})$, predicting $z_i$ from the covariates $\mathbf{x}_i$. \item Choose a gradient descent step size as
37 \begin{equation}
38 \rho = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho g(\mathbf{x}_i))
39 \end{equation}
40 \item Update the estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ as
41 \begin{equation}
42 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \rho g(\mathbf{x})
43 \end{equation}
44 \end{enumerate} \aRule \caption{Friedman's Gradient Boost algorithm} \label{fig:GradientBoost} \end{figure}
46 Friedman (2001) and the companion paper Friedman (2002) extended the work of Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani (2000) and laid the ground work for a new generation of boosting algorithms. Using the connection between boosting and optimization, this new work proposes the Gradient Boosting Machine.
48 In any function estimation problem we wish to find a regression function, $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$, that minimizes the expectation of some loss function, $\Psi(y,f)$, as shown in (\ref{NonparametricRegression1}).
50 \begin{eqnarray}
51 \hspace{0.5in}
52 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y,\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \nonumber \\ \label{NonparametricRegression1}
53 &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_x \left[ \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \Big| \mathbf{x} \right]
54 \end{eqnarray}
56 We will focus on finding estimates of $f(\mathbf{x})$ such that \begin{equation}
57 \label{NonparametricRegression2}
58 \hspace{0.5in}
59 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \left[ \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x} \right]
60 \end{equation}
61 Parametric regression models assume that $f(\mathbf{x})$ is a function with a finite number of parameters, $\beta$, and estimates them by selecting those values that minimize a loss function (e.g. squared error loss) over a training sample of $N$ observations on $(y,\mathbf{x})$ pairs as in (\ref{eq:Friedman1}).
62 \begin{equation}
63 \label{eq:Friedman1}
64 \hspace{0.5in}
65 \hat\beta = \arg \min_{\beta} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i;\beta))
66 \end{equation}
67 When we wish to estimate $f(\mathbf{x})$ non-parametrically the task becomes more difficult. Again we can proceed similarly to \cite{FHT:2000} and modify our current estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ by adding a new function $f(\mathbf{x})$ in a greedy fashion. Letting $f_i = f(\mathbf{x}_i)$, we see that we want to decrease the $N$ dimensional function
68 \begin{eqnarray}
69 \label{EQ:Friedman2}
70 \hspace{0.5in}
71 J(\mathbf{f}) &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \nonumber \\
72 &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,F_i).
73 \end{eqnarray}
74 The negative gradient of $J(\mathbf{f})$ indicates the direction of the locally greatest decrease in $J(\mathbf{f})$. Gradient descent would then have us modify $\mathbf{f}$ as
75 \begin{equation}
76 \label{eq:Friedman3}
77 \hspace{0.5in}
78 \hat \mathbf{f} \leftarrow \hat \mathbf{f} - \rho \nabla J(\mathbf{f})
79 \end{equation}
80 where $\rho$ is the size of the step along the direction of greatest descent. Clearly, this step alone is far from our desired goal. First, it only fits $f$ at values of $\mathbf{x}$ for which we have observations. Second, it does not take into account that observations with similar $\mathbf{x}$ are likely to have similar values of $f(\mathbf{x})$. Both these problems would have disastrous effects on generalization error. However, Friedman suggests selecting a class of functions that use the covariate information to approximate the gradient, usually a regression tree. This line of reasoning produces his Gradient Boosting algorithm shown in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. At each iteration the algorithm determines the direction, the gradient, in which it needs to improve the fit to the data and selects a particular model from the allowable class of functions that is in most agreement with the direction. In the case of squared-error loss, $\Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) = \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$, this algorithm corresponds exactly to residual fitting.
82 There are various ways to extend and improve upon the basic framework suggested in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. For example, Friedman (2001) substituted several choices in for $\Psi$ to develop new boosting algorithms for robust regression with least absolute deviation and Huber loss functions. Friedman (2002) showed that a simple subsampling trick can greatly improve predictive performance while simultaneously reduce computation time. Section~\ref{GBMModifications} discusses some of these modifications.
84 \section{Improving boosting methods using control of the learning rate, sub-sampling, and a decomposition for interpretation} \label{GBMModifications}
86 This section explores the variations of the previous algorithms that have the potential to improve their predictive performance and interpretability. In particular, by controlling the optimization speed or learning rate, introducing low-variance regression methods, and applying ideas from robust regression we can produce non-parametric regression procedures with many desirable properties. As a by-product some of these modifications lead directly into implementations for learning from massive datasets. All these methods take advantage of the general form of boosting
87 \begin{equation}
88 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
89 \end{equation} So far we have taken advantage of this form only by substituting in our favorite regression procedure for $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$. I will discuss some modifications to estimating $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$ that have the potential to improve our algorithm.
91 \subsection{Decreasing the learning rate} As several authors have phrased slightly differently, ``...boosting, whatever flavor, seldom seems to overfit, no matter how many terms are included in the additive expansion''. This is not true as the discussion to \cite{FHT:2000} points out.
93 In the update step of any boosting algorithm we can introduce a learning rate to dampen the proposed move.
94 \begin{equation}
95 \label{eq:shrinkage}
96 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
97 \end{equation}
98 By multiplying the gradient step by $\lambda$ as in equation~\ref{eq:shrinkage} we have control on the rate at which the boosting algorithm descends the error surface (or ascends the likelihood surface). When $\lambda=1$ we return to performing full gradient steps. Friedman (2001) relates the learning rate to regularization through shrinkage.
100 The optimal number of iterations, $T$, and the learning rate, $\lambda$, depend on each other. In practice I set $\lambda$ to be as small as possible and then select $T$ by cross-validation. Performance is best when $\lambda$ is as small as possible performance with decreasing marginal utility for smaller and smaller $\lambda$. Slower learning rates do not necessarily scale the number of optimal iterations. That is, if when $\lambda=1.0$ and the optimal $T$ is 100 iterations, does {\it not} necessarily imply that when $\lambda=0.1$ the optimal $T$ is 1000 iterations.
102 \subsection{Variance reduction using subsampling}
104 Friedman (2002) proposed the stochastic gradient boosting algorithm that simply samples uniformly without replacement from the dataset before estimating the next gradient step. He found that this additional step greatly improved performance. We estimate the regression $\EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x})$ using a random subsample of the dataset.
106 \subsection{ANOVA decomposition}
108 Certain function approximation methods are decomposable in terms of a ``functional ANOVA decomposition''. That is a function is decomposable as
109 \begin{equation}
110 \label{ANOVAdecomp}
111 f(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_j f_j(x_j) + \sum_{jk} f_{jk}(x_j,x_k) + \sum_{jk\ell} f_{jk\ell}(x_j,x_k,x_\ell) + \cdots.
112 \end{equation} This applies to boosted trees. Regression stumps (one split decision trees) depend on only one variable and fall into the first term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp}. Trees with two splits fall into the second term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp} and so on. By restricting the depth of the trees produced on each boosting iteration we can control the order of approximation. Often additive components are sufficient to approximate a multivariate function well, generalized additive models, the na\"{\i}ve Bayes classifier, and boosted stumps for example. When the approximation is restricted to a first order we can also produce plots of $x_j$ versus $f_j(x_j)$ to demonstrate how changes in $x_j$ might affect changes in the response variable.
114 \subsection{Relative influence} Friedman (2001) also develops an extension of a variable's ``relative influence'' for boosted estimates. For tree based methods the approximate relative influence of a variable $x_j$ is
115 \begin{equation}
116 \label{RelInfluence}
117 \hspace{0.5in}
118 \hat J_j^2 = \hspace{-0.1in}\sum_{\mathrm{splits~on~}x_j}\hspace{-0.2in}I_t^2
119 \end{equation} where $I_t^2$ is the empirical improvement by splitting on $x_j$ at that point. Friedman's extension to boosted models is to average the relative influence of variable $x_j$ across all the trees generated by the boosting algorithm.
121 \begin{figure}
122 \aRule
123 Select
124 \begin{itemize}
125 \item a loss function (\texttt{distribution})
126 \item the number of iterations, $T$ (\texttt{n.trees})
127 \item the depth of each tree, $K$ (\texttt{interaction.depth})
128 \item the shrinkage (or learning rate) parameter, $\lambda$ (\texttt{shrinkage})
129 \item the subsampling rate, $p$ (\texttt{bag.fraction})
130 \end{itemize}
131 Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$ \\
132 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
133 \begin{enumerate}
134 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
135 \begin{equation}
136 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
137 \end{equation}
138 \item Randomly select $p\times N$ cases from the dataset
139 \item Fit a regression tree with $K$ terminal nodes, $g(\mathbf{x})=\EV(z|\mathbf{x})$. This tree is fit using only those randomly selected observations
140 \item Compute the optimal terminal node predictions, $\rho_1,\ldots,\rho_K$, as
141 \begin{equation}
142 \rho_k = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{\mathbf{x}_i\in S_k} \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho)
143 \end{equation}
144 where $S_k$ is the set of $\mathbf{x}$s that define terminal node $k$. Again this step uses only the randomly selected observations.
145 \item Update $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ as
146 \begin{equation}
147 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda\rho_{k(\mathbf{x})}
148 \end{equation}
149 where $k(\mathbf{x})$ indicates the index of the terminal node into which an observation with features $\mathbf{x}$ would fall.
150 \end{enumerate}
151 \aRule
152 \caption{Boosting as implemented in \texttt{gbm()}}
153 \label{fig:gbm}
154 \end{figure}
156 \section{Common user options}
158 This section discusses the options to gbm that most users will need to change or tune.
160 \subsection{Loss function}
162 The first and foremost choice is \texttt{distribution}. This should be easily dictated by the application. For most classification problems either \texttt{bernoulli} or \texttt{adaboost} will be appropriate, the former being recommended. For continuous outcomes the choices are \texttt{gaussian} (for minimizing squared error), \texttt{laplace} (for minimizing absolute error), and quantile regression (for estimating percentiles of the conditional distribution of the outcome). Censored survival outcomes should require \texttt{coxph}. Count outcomes may use \texttt{poisson} although one might also consider \texttt{gaussian} or \texttt{laplace} depending on the analytical goals.
164 \subsection{The relationship between shrinkage and number of iterations} The issues that most new users of gbm struggle with are the choice of \texttt{n.trees} and \texttt{shrinkage}. It is important to know that smaller values of \texttt{shrinkage} (almost) always give improved predictive performance. That is, setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will almost certainly result in a model with better out-of-sample predictive performance than setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}. However, there are computational costs, both storage and CPU time, associated with setting \texttt{shrinkage} to be low. The model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will likely require ten times as many iterations as the model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}, increasing storage and computation time by a factor of 10. Figure~\ref{fig:shrinkViters} shows the relationship between predictive performance, the number of iterations, and the shrinkage parameter. Note that the increase in the optimal number of iterations between two choices for shrinkage is roughly equal to the ratio of the shrinkage parameters. It is generally the case that for small shrinkage parameters, 0.001 for example, there is a fairly long plateau in which predictive performance is at its best. My rule of thumb is to set \texttt{shrinkage} as small as possible while still being able to fit the model in a reasonable amount of time and storage. I usually aim for 3,000 to 10,000 iterations with shrinkage rates between 0.01 and 0.001.
166 \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5in]{shrinkage-v-iterations} \end{center} \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance by number of iterations and shrinkage. Smaller values of the shrinkage parameter offer improved predictive performance, but with decreasing marginal improvement.} \label{fig:shrinkViters} \end{figure}
168 \subsection{Estimating the optimal number of iterations} gbm offers three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations after the gbm model has been fit, an independent test set (\texttt{test}), out-of-bag estimation (\texttt{OOB}), and $v$-fold cross validation (\texttt{cv}). The function \texttt{gbm.perf} computes the iteration estimate.
170 Like Friedman's MART software, the independent test set method uses a single holdout test set to select the optimal number of iterations. If \texttt{train.fraction} is set to be less than 1, then only the \textit{first} \texttt{train.fraction}$\times$\texttt{nrow(data)} will be used to fit the model. Note that if the data are sorted in a systematic way (such as cases for which $y=1$ come first), then the data should be shuffled before running gbm. Those observations not used in the model fit can be used to get an unbiased estimate of the optimal number of iterations. The downside of this method is that a considerable number of observations are used to estimate the single regularization parameter (number of iterations) leaving a reduced dataset for estimating the entire multivariate model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="test")} to obtain an estimate of the optimal number of iterations using the held out test set.
172 If \texttt{bag.fraction} is set to be greater than 0 (0.5 is recommended), gbm computes an out-of-bag estimate of the improvement in predictive performance. It evaluates the reduction in deviance on those observations not used in selecting the next regression tree. The out-of-bag estimator underestimates the reduction in deviance. As a result, it almost always is too conservative in its selection for the optimal number of iterations. The motivation behind this method was to avoid having to set aside a large independent dataset, which reduces the information available for learning the model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="OOB")} to obtain the OOB estimate.
174 Lastly, gbm offers $v$-fold cross validation for estimating the optimal number of iterations. If when fitting the gbm model, \texttt{cv.folds=5} then gbm will do 5-fold cross validation. gbm will fit five gbm models in order to compute the cross validation error estimate and then will fit a sixth and final gbm model with \texttt{n.trees}iterations using all of the data. The returned model object will have a component labeled \texttt{cv.error}. Note that \texttt{gbm.more} will do additional gbm iterations but will not add to the \texttt{cv.error} component. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="cv")} to obtain the cross validation estimate.
176 \begin{figure}[ht]
177 \begin{center}
178 \includegraphics[width=5in]{oobperf2}
179 \end{center}
180 \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance of four methods of selecting the optimal number of iterations. The vertical axis plots performance relative the best. The boxplots indicate relative performance across thirteen real datasets from the UCI repository. See \texttt{demo(OOB-reps)}.}
181 \label{fig:oobperf}
182 \end{figure}
184 Figure~\ref{fig:oobperf} compares the three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations across 13 datasets. The boxplots show the methods performance relative to the best method on that dataset. For most datasets the method perform similarly, however, 5-fold cross validation is consistently the best of them. OOB, using a 33\% test set, and using a 20\% test set all have datasets for which the perform considerably worse than the best method. My recommendation is to use 5- or 10-fold cross validation if you can afford the computing time. Otherwise you may choose among the other options, knowing that OOB is conservative.
186 \section{Available distributions}
188 This section gives some of the mathematical detail for each of the distribution options that gbm offers. The gbm engine written in C++ has access to a C++ class for each of these distributions. Each class contains methods for computing the associated deviance, initial value, the gradient, and the constants to predict in each terminal node.
190 In the equations shown below, for non-zero offset terms, replace $f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ with $o_i + f(\mathbf{x}_i)$.
192 \subsection{Gaussian}
194 \begin{tabular}{ll}
195 Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$ \\
196 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})=\frac{\sum w_i(y_i-o_i)}{\sum w_i}$ \\
197 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ \\
198 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}{\sum w_i}$
199 \end{tabular}
201 \subsection{AdaBoost}
203 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\log\frac{\sum y_iw_ie^{-o_i}}{\sum (1-y_i)w_ie^{o_i}}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i= -(2y_i-1)\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum (2y_i-1)w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}
204 {\sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
205 \end{tabular}
207 \subsection{Bernoulli}
209 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle -2\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(1+\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i(1-y_i)}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=y_i-\frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ \\
210 & where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\
211 \end{tabular}
213 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item For non-zero offset terms, the computation of the initial value requires Newton-Raphson. Initialize $f_0=0$ and iterate $\displaystyle f_0 \leftarrow f_0 + \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-(o_i+f_0))}$. \end{itemize}
215 \subsection{Laplace}
217 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i|y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i)|$ \\ Initial value & $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\mbox{sign}(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mbox{median}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
219 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted median, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq m)}{\sum w_i}=\frac{1}{2}$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution="laplace"}. \end{itemize}
222 \subsection{Quantile regression}
224 Contributed by Brian Kriegler (see \cite{Kriegler:2010}).
226 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i}
227 \left(\alpha\sum_{y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))\right. +$ \\
228 & \hspace{0.5in}$\left.(1-\alpha)\sum_{y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-y_i)\right)$ \\
229 Initial value & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\alpha I(y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i))-(1-\alpha)I(y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
231 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted quantile, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq q)}{\sum w_i}=\alpha$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution=list(name="quantile")}. \end{itemize}
234 \subsection{Cox Proportional Hazard}
236 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $-2\sum w_i(\delta_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(R_i/w_i)))$\\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=\delta_i - \sum_j \delta_j
237 \frac{w_jI(t_i\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}}
238 {\sum_k w_kI(t_k\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_k)}}$ \\
239 Initial value & 0 \\ Terminal node estimates & Newton-Raphson algorithm \end{tabular}
241 \begin{enumerate}
242 \item Initialize the terminal node predictions to 0, $\mathgbf{\rho}=0$
243 \item Let $\displaystyle
244 p_i^{(k)}=\frac{\sum_j I(k(j)=k)I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}
245 {\sum_j I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}$
246 \item Let $g_k=\sum w_i\delta_i\left(I(k(i)=k)-p_i^{(k)}\right)$
247 \item Let $\mathbf{H}$ be a $k\times k$ matrix with diagonal elements
248 \begin{enumerate}
249 \item Set diagonal elements $H_{mm}=\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}\left(1-p_i^{(m)}\right)$
250 \item Set off diagonal elements $H_{mn}=-\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}p_i^{(n)}$
251 \end{enumerate}
252 \item Newton-Raphson update $\mathgbf{\rho} \leftarrow \mathgbf{\rho} - \mathbf{H}^{-1}\mathbf{g}$
253 \item Return to step 2 until convergence
254 \end{enumerate}
256 Notes:
257 \begin{itemize}
258 \item $t_i$ is the survival time and $\delta_i$ is the death indicator.
259 \item $R_i$ denotes the hazard for the risk set, $R_i=\sum_{j=1}^N w_jI(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}$
260 \item $k(i)$ indexes the terminal node of observation $i$
261 \item For speed, \texttt{gbm()} does only one step of the Newton-Raphson algorithm rather than iterating to convergence. No appreciable loss of accuracy since the next boosting iteration will simply correct for the prior iterations inadequacy.
262 \item \texttt{gbm()} initially sorts the data by survival time. Doing this reduces the computation of the risk set from $O(n^2)$ to $O(n)$ at the cost of a single up front sort on survival time. After the model is fit, the data are then put back in their original order.
263 \end{itemize}
265 \subsection{Poisson}
266 \begin{tabular}{ll}
267 Deviance & -2$\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i)))$ \\
268 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})= \log\left(\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_ie^{o_i}}\right)$ \\
269 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - \exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\
270 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
271 \end{tabular}
273 The Poisson class includes special safeguards so that the most extreme predicted values are $e^{-19}$ and $e^{+19}$. This behavior is consistent with \texttt{glm()}.
276 \subsection{Pairwise}
278 This distribution implements ranking measures following the
279 \emph{LambdaMart} algorithm \cite{Burges:2010}. Instances belong to
280 \emph{groups}; all pairs of items with different labels, belonging to
281 the same group, are used for training. In \emph{Information Retrieval}
282 applications, groups correspond to user queries,
283 and items to (feature vectors of) documents in the associated match
284 set to be ranked.
286 For consistency with typical usage, our goal is to \emph{maximize} one
287 of the \emph{utility} functions listed below. Consider a group with
288 instances $x_1, \dots, x_n$, ordered such that $f(x_1) \geq f(x_2)
289 \geq \dots f(x_n)$; i.e., the \emph{rank} of $x_i$ is $i$, where
290 smaller ranks are preferable. Let $P$ be the set of all ordered pairs
291 such that $y_i > y_j$.
293 \begin{enumerate}
294 \item[{\bf Concordance:}] Fraction of concordant (i.e, correctly ordered)
295 pairs. For the special case of binary labels, this is equivalent to
296 the Area under the ROC Curve.
297 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{\|\{(i,j)\in P |
298 f(x_i)>f(x_j)\}\|}{\|P\|}
299 & P \neq \emptyset\\
300 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}
301 \end{array}\right.
302 $$
303 \item[{\bf MRR:}] Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
304 instance (it is assumed $y_i\in\{0,1\}$):
305 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{1}{\min\{1 \leq i \leq n |y_i=1\}}
306 & \exists i: \, 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
307 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
308 \item[{\bf MAP:}] Mean average precision, a generalization of
309 MRR to multiple positive instances:
310 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1} \|\{1\leq j\leq i
311 |y_j=1\}\|\,/\,i}{\|\{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1\}\|} & \exists i: \,
312 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
313 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
314 \item[{\bf nDCG:}] Normalized discounted cumulative gain:
315 $$\frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n} \log_2(i+1) \, y_i}{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n}
316 \log_2(i+1) \, y'_i},$$ where $y'_1, \dots, y'_n$ is a reordering of $y_1,
317 \dots,y_n$ with $y'_1 \geq y'_2 \geq \dots \geq y'_n$.
318 \end{enumerate}
320 The generalization to multiple (possibly weighted) groups is
321 straightforward. Sometimes a cut-off rank $k$ is given for \emph{MRR}
322 and \emph{nDCG}, in which case we replace the outer index $n$ by
323 $\min(n,k)$.
325 The initial value for $f(x_i)$ is always zero. We derive the gradient of
326 a cost function whose gradient locally approximates the gradient of
327 the IR measure for a fixed ranking:
329 \begin{eqnarray*}
330 \Phi & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} \Phi_{ij}\\
331 & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \log \left( 1 + e^{-(f(x_i) -
332 f(x_j))}\right),
333 \end{eqnarray*}
334 where $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$ is the absolute utility difference when
335 swapping the ranks of $i$ and $j$, while leaving all other instances
336 the same. Define
337 \begin{eqnarray*}
338 \lambda_{ij} & = & \frac{\partial\Phi_{ij}}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
339 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}\\
340 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij},
341 \end{eqnarray*}
342 with
343 $$ \rho_{ij} = - \frac{\lambda_{ij }}{|\Delta Z_{ij}|} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}$$
345 For the gradient of $\Phi$ with respect to $f(x_i)$, define
346 \begin{eqnarray*}
347 \lambda_i & = & \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
348 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} \lambda_{ij} - \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} \lambda_{ji}\\
349 & = & - \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij}\\
350 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji}.
351 \end{eqnarray*}
353 The second derivative is
354 \begin{eqnarray*}
355 \gamma_i & \stackrel{def}{=} & \frac{\partial^2\Phi}{\partial f(x_i)^2}\\
356 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij} \, (1-\rho_{ij})\\
357 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji} \, (1-\rho_{ji}).
358 \end{eqnarray*}
360 Now consider again all groups with associated weights. For a given terminal node, let $i$
361 range over all contained instances. Then its estimate is
362 $$-\frac{\sum_i v_i\lambda_{i}}{\sum_i v_i \gamma_i},$$ where
363 $v_i=w(\mbox{\em group}(i))/\|\{(j,k)\in\mbox{\em group}(i)\}\|.$
365 In each iteration, instances are reranked according to the preliminary
366 scores $f(x_i)$ to determine the $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$. Note that in order
367 to avoid ranking bias, we break ties by adding a small amount of
368 random noise.
370 \begin{thebibliography}{77} % start the bibliography
372 \small % put the bibliography in a small font
374 \bibitem{FreundSchapire:1997} Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997). ``A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,'' \textit{Journal of Computer and System Sciences}, 55(1):119-139.
376 \bibitem{Friedman:2001} J.H. Friedman (2001). ``Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine,'' \textit{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
378 \bibitem{Friedman:2002} J.H. Friedman (2002). ``Stochastic Gradient Boosting,'' \textit{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
380 \bibitem{FHT:2000} J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). ``Additive Logistic Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,'' \textit{Annals of Statistics} 28(2):337-374.
382 \bibitem{Kriegler:2010} B. Kriegler and R. Berk (2010). ``Small Area Estimation of the Homeless in Los Angeles, An Application of Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting,'' \textit{Annals of Applied Statistics} 4(3):1234-1255.
384 \bibitem{Ridgeway:1999} G. Ridgeway (1999). ``The state of boosting,'' \textit{Computing Science and Statistics} 31:172-181.
386 \bibitem{Burges:2010} C. Burges (2010). ``From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview'', \textit{Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82}
388 \end{thebibliography} % end the bibliography
390 \end{document}
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6 <h1> Vignettes
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13 <h2>Vignettes from package 'gbm'</h2>
14 <ul>
15 <li><a href= '../../../library/gbm/doc/gbm.pdf'>
16 <em>Generalized Boosted Models: A guide to the <tt>gbm</tt> package</em>, by Greg Ridgeway
17 </a></li>
18 </ul>
20 </body></html>
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353 %%EndResource
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381 : 1.289 1.289 +S K
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456 712 25 M ( )S
457 ; F1S4A Ji
458 1416 1734 M (Method for selecting the number of iterations)[62 41 21 41 41 43 20 21 41 25 20 39 41 17 41 38 20 17 41 41 22 21 41 42 20 43 41 63 41 42 24 21
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463 543 1210 M (Performance over 13 datasets)[-50 -41 -25 -20 -42 -24 -63 -42 -41 -37 -42 -20 -42 -38 -42 -24 -21 -42 -42 -20 -42 -41 -22 -41 -38 -41 -21 0]yS
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inst/doc/oobperf2.pdf less more
Binary diff not shown
inst/doc/shrinkage-v-iterations.eps less more
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97 np
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100 o
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104 o
105 np
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124 np
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136 np
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197 0.87 13.99 l
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231 1 0 0 rgb
232 0.75 setlinewidth
233 [] 0 setdash
234 1 setlinecap
235 1 setlinejoin
236 10.00 setmiterlimit
237 np
238 98.18 636.94 m
239 0.66 -170.73 l
240 0.87 -91.55 l
241 0.87 -32.71 l
242 0.87 -11.27 l
243 0.83 -4.42 l
244 0.04 1.99 l
245 0.87 2.36 l
246 0.87 5.74 l
247 0.88 5.32 l
248 0.87 10.10 l
249 0.91 -0.18 l
250 0.87 0.01 l
251 0.87 7.30 l
252 0.87 5.28 l
253 0.87 3.18 l
254 0.87 8.16 l
255 0.87 3.52 l
256 0.87 3.60 l
257 0.87 6.17 l
258 0.87 5.93 l
259 0.87 5.86 l
260 0.87 9.58 l
261 0.87 4.88 l
262 0.87 1.50 l
263 0.87 5.88 l
264 0.87 1.56 l
265 0.88 1.58 l
266 0.87 6.89 l
267 0.87 8.30 l
268 0.87 3.06 l
269 0.87 3.80 l
270 0.87 7.77 l
271 0.87 6.79 l
272 0.87 0.12 l
273 0.87 5.03 l
274 0.87 3.56 l
275 0.91 5.44 l
276 0.87 0.11 l
277 0.87 2.74 l
278 0.87 3.12 l
279 0.87 2.71 l
280 0.87 4.84 l
281 0.87 9.32 l
282 0.87 2.49 l
283 0.88 2.34 l
284 0.87 8.43 l
285 0.87 3.91 l
286 0.87 3.49 l
287 0.87 8.17 l
288 0.87 6.87 l
289 0.87 2.14 l
290 0.87 -1.13 l
291 0.87 1.81 l
292 0.87 5.45 l
293 0.87 3.55 l
294 0.87 4.15 l
295 0.87 -0.88 l
296 0.87 3.64 l
297 0.87 6.16 l
298 0.87 6.55 l
299 0.87 3.76 l
300 0.87 -1.51 l
301 0.92 3.77 l
302 0.87 4.83 l
303 0.87 4.47 l
304 0.87 -0.78 l
305 0.87 3.07 l
306 0.87 2.23 l
307 0.87 3.07 l
308 0.87 4.25 l
309 0.87 0.91 l
310 0.87 2.07 l
311 0.87 3.87 l
312 0.87 -0.27 l
313 0.87 4.13 l
314 0.87 2.34 l
315 0.87 6.20 l
316 0.87 -0.02 l
317 0.87 2.70 l
318 0.87 4.35 l
319 0.87 1.13 l
320 0.87 1.01 l
321 0.87 6.80 l
322 0.87 1.41 l
323 0.87 4.57 l
324 0.34 2.26 l
325 o
326 18.00 204.94 577.28 636.94 cl
327 1 0 0 rgb
328 0.38 setlinewidth
329 [] 0 setdash
330 1 setlinecap
331 1 setlinejoin
332 10.00 setmiterlimit
333 np
334 102.28 278.38 m
335 0 0 l
336 o
337 np
338 102.28 278.38 m
339 0 8.99 l
340 o
341 77.04 278.38 547.04 577.90 cl
342 /ps 12 def /Font1 findfont 12 s
343 0 0 0 rgb
344 102.28 315.22 (0.05) 1 0 0 t
345 0 0.8039 0 rgb
346 0.75 setlinewidth
347 [] 0 setdash
348 1 setlinecap
349 1 setlinejoin
350 10.00 setmiterlimit
351 np
352 112.73 636.94 m
353 0.08 -6.15 l
354 0.87 -56.32 l
355 0.87 -45.80 l
356 0.87 -38.10 l
357 0.87 -32.80 l
358 0.87 -27.05 l
359 0.87 -22.21 l
360 0.87 -20.65 l
361 0.87 -16.95 l
362 0.88 -11.58 l
363 0.87 -9.86 l
364 0.87 -9.21 l
365 0.87 -6.46 l
366 0.87 -5.19 l
367 0.87 -3.64 l
368 0.87 -3.58 l
369 0.87 -1.01 l
370 0.87 -2.63 l
371 0.87 -2.59 l
372 0.91 -1.32 l
373 0.87 -1.63 l
374 0.87 0.29 l
375 0.87 -0.46 l
376 0.87 -0.33 l
377 0.87 0.60 l
378 0.87 -0.35 l
379 0.87 -0.30 l
380 0.88 0.56 l
381 0.87 0.21 l
382 0.87 0.44 l
383 0.87 -1.21 l
384 0.69 -0.58 l
385 0.18 0.27 l
386 0.87 0.81 l
387 0.87 1.14 l
388 0.87 0.71 l
389 0.87 0.66 l
390 0.87 0.85 l
391 0.87 1.16 l
392 0.87 1.98 l
393 0.87 0.37 l
394 0.87 0 l
395 0.87 0.88 l
396 0.87 0.51 l
397 0.87 -0.38 l
398 0.87 0.17 l
399 0.92 0.88 l
400 0.87 1.91 l
401 0.87 0.90 l
402 0.87 1.37 l
403 0.87 2.06 l
404 0.87 1.83 l
405 0.87 0.91 l
406 0.87 0.82 l
407 0.87 0.86 l
408 0.87 0.51 l
409 0.87 -0.11 l
410 0.87 0.64 l
411 0.87 1.33 l
412 0.87 1.11 l
413 0.87 0.91 l
414 0.87 0.58 l
415 0.87 0.11 l
416 0.87 1.19 l
417 0.87 2.27 l
418 0.87 1.39 l
419 0.87 -0.25 l
420 0.87 0.04 l
421 0.87 0.37 l
422 0.87 1.15 l
423 0.87 0.02 l
424 0.87 0.51 l
425 0.92 0.29 l
426 0.87 1.00 l
427 0.87 1.59 l
428 0.87 -0.20 l
429 0.87 0.27 l
430 0.87 0.64 l
431 0.87 -0.20 l
432 0.87 1.00 l
433 0.87 0.78 l
434 0.87 0.81 l
435 0.87 1.66 l
436 0.87 0.58 l
437 0.87 0.25 l
438 0.87 0.42 l
439 0.87 1.09 l
440 0.87 1.17 l
441 0.87 1.33 l
442 0.87 -0.17 l
443 0.87 0.97 l
444 0.88 0.62 l
445 0.87 1.02 l
446 0.87 0.29 l
447 0.87 0.87 l
448 0.87 0.76 l
449 0.87 1.14 l
450 0.87 1.21 l
451 0.87 0.65 l
452 198.28 363.84 lineto
453 0.87 0.66 l
454 0.87 0.85 l
455 0.87 0.97 l
456 0.87 0.44 l
457 0.87 1.68 l
458 0.87 0.14 l
459 0.87 1.08 l
460 0.87 1.38 l
461 0.87 1.74 l
462 0.88 0.28 l
463 0.87 1.61 l
464 0.87 0.37 l
465 0.87 0.22 l
466 0.87 0.99 l
467 0.87 1.60 l
468 0.87 0.66 l
469 0.87 1.76 l
470 0.87 -0.19 l
471 0.87 0.51 l
472 0.87 0.94 l
473 0.87 0.38 l
474 0.87 -0.91 l
475 0.87 0.12 l
476 0.87 1.15 l
477 0.87 1.08 l
478 0.91 0.21 l
479 0.87 0.27 l
480 0.88 1.68 l
481 0.87 0.51 l
482 0.87 0.39 l
483 0.87 1.43 l
484 0.87 0.10 l
485 0.87 -0.25 l
486 0.87 0.91 l
487 0.87 0.85 l
488 0.87 0.22 l
489 0.87 0.42 l
490 0.87 0.45 l
491 0.87 0.93 l
492 0.87 1.95 l
493 0.87 0.77 l
494 0.87 0.36 l
495 0.87 1.83 l
496 0.87 0.75 l
497 0.87 1.03 l
498 0.87 1.37 l
499 0.87 0.72 l
500 0.87 0.91 l
501 0.87 0.23 l
502 0.87 -0.03 l
503 0.87 1.04 l
504 0.92 0.62 l
505 0.87 2.08 l
506 0.87 0.94 l
507 0.87 1.17 l
508 0.87 0.61 l
509 0.87 0.70 l
510 0.87 0.75 l
511 0.87 0.41 l
512 0.87 1.05 l
513 0.87 0.98 l
514 0.87 1.62 l
515 0.87 1.02 l
516 0.87 0.90 l
517 0.87 0.61 l
518 0.87 1.07 l
519 0.87 0.31 l
520 0.87 1.95 l
521 0.87 0.57 l
522 0.87 0.43 l
523 0.87 0.26 l
524 0.87 1.33 l
525 0.87 1.35 l
526 0.88 0.39 l
527 0.87 0.46 l
528 0.87 1.00 l
529 0.87 0.97 l
530 0.91 1.56 l
531 0.87 0.76 l
532 0.87 0.31 l
533 0.87 0.64 l
534 0.87 1.48 l
535 0.87 0.36 l
536 0.87 1.65 l
537 0.87 0.04 l
538 0.87 0.60 l
539 0.87 0.97 l
540 0.87 -0.25 l
541 0.87 1.14 l
542 0.87 1.21 l
543 0.87 0.97 l
544 0.88 0.71 l
545 0.87 1.29 l
546 0.87 2.65 l
547 0.87 0.27 l
548 0.87 0.83 l
549 0.87 0.48 l
550 0.87 1.17 l
551 0.87 1.93 l
552 285.45 447.56 lineto
553 0.87 1.61 l
554 0.87 1.50 l
555 0.87 0.99 l
556 0.87 0.53 l
557 0.91 1.19 l
558 0.87 0.24 l
559 0.87 0.58 l
560 0.87 1.15 l
561 0.88 0.63 l
562 0.87 0.98 l
563 0.87 0.41 l
564 0.87 0.41 l
565 0.87 0.54 l
566 0.87 0.71 l
567 0.87 0.36 l
568 0.87 1.06 l
569 0.87 1.10 l
570 0.87 0.91 l
571 0.87 0.15 l
572 0.87 1.07 l
573 0.87 0.36 l
574 0.87 0.21 l
575 0.87 -0.30 l
576 0.87 0.62 l
577 0.87 1.48 l
578 0.87 1.05 l
579 0.87 1.33 l
580 0.87 0.22 l
581 0.87 0.56 l
582 0.87 0.59 l
583 0.92 1.34 l
584 0.87 1.07 l
585 0.87 0.45 l
586 0.87 0.94 l
587 0.87 1.14 l
588 0.87 1.16 l
589 0.87 0.24 l
590 0.87 0.68 l
591 0.87 1.09 l
592 0.87 0.54 l
593 0.87 0.18 l
594 0.87 0.45 l
595 0.87 0.34 l
596 0.87 0.82 l
597 0.87 1.84 l
598 0.87 0.53 l
599 0.87 0.76 l
600 0.87 1.45 l
601 0.87 0.78 l
602 0.87 -0.06 l
603 0.87 -0.05 l
604 0.87 0.72 l
605 0.87 0.31 l
606 0.87 -0.60 l
607 0.88 0.38 l
608 0.87 0.46 l
609 0.91 1.02 l
610 0.87 0.88 l
611 0.87 0.81 l
612 0.87 0.38 l
613 0.87 0.96 l
614 0.87 1.18 l
615 0.87 0.54 l
616 0.87 0.37 l
617 0.87 0.55 l
618 0.87 0.44 l
619 0.87 0.68 l
620 0.87 0.28 l
621 0.87 0.87 l
622 0.87 0.37 l
623 0.87 2.00 l
624 0.87 2.04 l
625 0.88 0.18 l
626 0.87 1.12 l
627 0.87 0.16 l
628 0.87 0.73 l
629 0.87 0.50 l
630 0.87 0.32 l
631 0.87 0.53 l
632 0.87 0.79 l
633 0.87 0.81 l
634 0.87 0.58 l
635 0.87 1.01 l
636 0.91 0.83 l
637 0.87 0.47 l
638 0.87 0.19 l
639 0.87 1.51 l
640 0.87 0.76 l
641 0.87 0.82 l
642 0.87 -0.46 l
643 0.88 0.31 l
644 0.87 0.80 l
645 0.87 1.23 l
646 0.87 0.96 l
647 0.87 0.80 l
648 0.87 1.16 l
649 0.87 0.92 l
650 0.87 0.23 l
651 0.87 0.79 l
652 372.66 519.24 lineto
653 0.87 0.41 l
654 0.87 0.50 l
655 0.87 0.44 l
656 0.87 0.47 l
657 0.87 1.13 l
658 0.87 -0.09 l
659 0.87 0.65 l
660 0.87 1.10 l
661 0.87 0.35 l
662 0.92 0.59 l
663 0.87 0.81 l
664 0.87 0.66 l
665 0.87 1.19 l
666 0.87 0.17 l
667 0.87 0.55 l
668 0.87 1.10 l
669 0.87 0.75 l
670 0.87 -0.18 l
671 0.87 0.06 l
672 0.87 0.26 l
673 0.87 0.50 l
674 0.87 0.42 l
675 0.87 1.57 l
676 0.87 -0.33 l
677 0.87 0.58 l
678 0.87 0 l
679 0.87 0.12 l
680 0.87 0.19 l
681 0.87 1.21 l
682 0.87 0.97 l
683 0.87 -0.84 l
684 0.87 0.74 l
685 0.87 0.72 l
686 0.87 0.74 l
687 0.87 -0.11 l
688 0.92 0.28 l
689 0.87 -0.04 l
690 0.87 0.08 l
691 0.87 -0.49 l
692 0.87 -0.63 l
693 0.87 0.57 l
694 0.87 1.38 l
695 0.87 0.20 l
696 0.87 0.99 l
697 0.87 -0.07 l
698 0.87 0.52 l
699 0.87 0.85 l
700 0.87 0.78 l
701 0.87 0.01 l
702 0.87 1.07 l
703 0.87 1.58 l
704 0.87 0.84 l
705 0.87 0.79 l
706 0.88 1.16 l
707 0.87 1.08 l
708 0.87 0.38 l
709 0.87 0.24 l
710 0.87 -0.48 l
711 0.87 1.08 l
712 0.87 0.71 l
713 0.87 0.92 l
714 0.91 0.40 l
715 0.87 1.26 l
716 0.87 0.13 l
717 0.87 0.65 l
718 0.87 0.34 l
719 0.87 -0.78 l
720 0.87 0.49 l
721 0.87 0.94 l
722 0.87 0.88 l
723 0.87 1.49 l
724 0.88 1.43 l
725 0.87 0.77 l
726 0.87 0.39 l
727 0.87 0.26 l
728 0.87 0.77 l
729 0.87 1.01 l
730 0.87 1.04 l
731 0.87 0.13 l
732 0.87 0.77 l
733 0.87 0.92 l
734 0.87 1.01 l
735 0.87 0.85 l
736 0.87 0.40 l
737 0.87 1.08 l
738 0.87 0.02 l
739 0.87 0.70 l
740 0.87 0.79 l
741 0.91 1.16 l
742 0.88 1.49 l
743 0.87 0.46 l
744 0.87 0.96 l
745 0.87 0.51 l
746 0.87 0.42 l
747 0.87 0.53 l
748 0.87 0.83 l
749 0.87 0.11 l
750 0.87 1.15 l
751 0.87 0.17 l
752 459.87 576.51 lineto
753 0.87 1.18 l
754 0.87 0.49 l
755 0.87 0.58 l
756 0.87 0.42 l
757 0.87 0.78 l
758 0.87 0.61 l
759 0.87 0.78 l
760 0.87 1.21 l
761 0.87 0.97 l
762 0.87 1.38 l
763 0.87 1.18 l
764 0.87 0.85 l
765 0.87 1.89 l
766 0.87 0.01 l
767 0.92 0 l
768 0.87 0.64 l
769 0.87 1.02 l
770 0.87 0.35 l
771 0.87 -1.00 l
772 0.87 1.41 l
773 0.87 1.70 l
774 0.87 -0.01 l
775 0.87 0.55 l
776 0.87 0.91 l
777 0.87 0.34 l
778 0.87 0.71 l
779 0.87 0.43 l
780 0.87 0.82 l
781 0.87 0.59 l
782 0.87 -0.05 l
783 0.87 0.11 l
784 0.87 1.12 l
785 0.87 0.70 l
786 0.87 0.45 l
787 0.88 0.65 l
788 0.87 0.81 l
789 0.87 0 l
790 0.87 0 l
791 0.87 0.20 l
792 0.87 1.37 l
793 0.91 0.80 l
794 0.87 0.44 l
795 0.87 0.61 l
796 0.87 -0.29 l
797 0.87 0.67 l
798 0.87 0.45 l
799 0.87 0.76 l
800 0.87 0.44 l
801 0.87 -0.19 l
802 0.87 0.81 l
803 0.87 1.87 l
804 0.87 0.69 l
805 0.88 0.20 l
806 0.87 1.37 l
807 0.87 0.65 l
808 0.87 0.85 l
809 0.87 0.57 l
810 0.87 -0.65 l
811 0.87 0.66 l
812 0.87 0.69 l
813 0.87 1.65 l
814 0.87 1.24 l
815 0.87 -0.53 l
816 0.87 -0.67 l
817 0.87 -0.17 l
818 0.87 -0.31 l
819 0.91 1.21 l
820 0.87 0.78 l
821 0.87 0.44 l
822 0.87 0.46 l
823 0.88 0.91 l
824 0.87 0.45 l
825 0.87 0.56 l
826 0.87 -0.07 l
827 0.87 0.52 l
828 0.87 1.12 l
829 0.87 1.18 l
830 0.87 1.15 l
831 0.87 1.25 l
832 0.87 0.33 l
833 o
834 18.00 204.94 577.28 636.94 cl
835 0 0.8039 0 rgb
836 0.38 setlinewidth
837 [] 0 setdash
838 1 setlinecap
839 1 setlinejoin
840 10.00 setmiterlimit
841 np
842 139.66 278.38 m
843 0 0 l
844 o
845 np
846 139.66 278.38 m
847 0 8.99 l
848 o
849 77.04 278.38 547.04 577.90 cl
850 /ps 12 def /Font1 findfont 12 s
851 0 0 0 rgb
852 139.66 300.04 (0.01) 1 0 0 t
853 0 0 1 rgb
854 0.75 setlinewidth
855 [] 0 setdash
856 1 setlinecap
857 1 setlinejoin
858 10.00 setmiterlimit
859 np
860 130.97 636.94 m
861 0.16 -5.96 l
862 0.87 -29.77 l
863 0.87 -27.35 l
864 0.87 -23.76 l
865 0.87 -22.19 l
866 0.87 -18.93 l
867 0.88 -19.94 l
868 0.87 -17.25 l
869 0.87 -15.60 l
870 0.87 -14.01 l
871 0.87 -13.88 l
872 0.87 -10.34 l
873 0.87 -9.97 l
874 0.87 -9.50 l
875 0.87 -8.65 l
876 0.87 -6.63 l
877 0.87 -7.77 l
878 0.87 -7.32 l
879 0.87 -6.40 l
880 0.87 -4.39 l
881 0.87 -5.45 l
882 0.87 -4.60 l
883 0.87 -4.51 l
884 0.87 -4.87 l
885 0.92 -4.37 l
886 0.87 -3.10 l
887 0.87 -2.55 l
888 0.87 -2.58 l
889 0.87 -1.95 l
890 0.87 -1.30 l
891 0.87 -1.30 l
892 0.87 -1.61 l
893 0.87 -1.12 l
894 0.87 -1.40 l
895 0.87 -0.32 l
896 0.87 -0.93 l
897 0.87 -0.70 l
898 0.87 -1.47 l
899 0.87 -0.31 l
900 0.87 -0.14 l
901 0.87 -1.08 l
902 0.87 -0.21 l
903 0.87 -0.21 l
904 0.87 -0.90 l
905 0.87 -0.70 l
906 0.48 -0.22 l
907 0.39 0.32 l
908 0.87 0.37 l
909 0.87 0.05 l
910 0.87 0.46 l
911 0.87 -0.33 l
912 0.92 0.09 l
913 0.87 0.43 l
914 0.87 0.19 l
915 0.87 0.30 l
916 0.87 0.14 l
917 0.87 0.01 l
918 0.87 0.44 l
919 0.87 0.23 l
920 0.87 0 l
921 0.87 0.53 l
922 0.87 0 l
923 0.87 -0.06 l
924 0.87 0.59 l
925 0.87 -0.07 l
926 0.87 0.46 l
927 0.87 0.37 l
928 0.87 0.59 l
929 0.87 0.67 l
930 0.87 0.26 l
931 0.88 0.96 l
932 0.87 -0.17 l
933 0.87 0.37 l
934 0.87 0.63 l
935 0.87 0.63 l
936 0.87 -0.22 l
937 0.87 0.38 l
938 0.87 0.16 l
939 0.91 0.58 l
940 0.87 0.02 l
941 0.87 0.32 l
942 0.87 0.30 l
943 0.87 0.54 l
944 0.87 -0.02 l
945 0.87 0.95 l
946 0.87 0.32 l
947 0.87 0.27 l
948 0.87 0.63 l
949 0.88 0.11 l
950 0.87 0.08 l
951 0.87 0.47 l
952 0.87 0.44 l
953 0.87 0.43 l
954 0.87 0.41 l
955 0.87 0.71 l
956 0.87 0.43 l
957 0.87 0.22 l
958 0.87 0.77 l
959 0.87 0.21 l
960 216.56 326.63 lineto
961 0.87 0.44 l
962 0.87 0.56 l
963 0.87 0.34 l
964 0.87 0.73 l
965 0.91 0.42 l
966 0.87 0.53 l
967 0.88 0.31 l
968 0.87 0.69 l
969 0.87 -0.31 l
970 0.87 -0.15 l
971 0.87 0.84 l
972 0.87 0.28 l
973 0.87 0.03 l
974 0.87 0.59 l
975 0.87 0.09 l
976 0.87 0.42 l
977 0.87 0.32 l
978 0.87 0.30 l
979 0.87 0.26 l
980 0.87 0.61 l
981 0.87 -0.07 l
982 0.87 0.38 l
983 0.87 0.39 l
984 0.87 0.18 l
985 0.87 0.26 l
986 0.87 0.17 l
987 0.87 0.45 l
988 0.87 0.26 l
989 0.87 1.10 l
990 0.87 0.59 l
991 0.92 0.35 l
992 0.87 0.58 l
993 0.87 0.82 l
994 0.87 0.31 l
995 0.87 0.04 l
996 0.87 0.88 l
997 0.87 0.16 l
998 0.87 0.25 l
999 0.87 1.26 l
1000 0.87 0.33 l
1001 0.87 0.34 l
1002 0.87 -0.03 l
1003 0.87 -0.05 l
1004 0.87 0.15 l
1005 0.87 0.59 l
1006 0.87 0.50 l
1007 0.87 0.65 l
1008 0.87 0.12 l
1009 0.87 0.73 l
1010 0.87 0.56 l
1011 0.87 0.42 l
1012 0.87 0.61 l
1013 0.88 0.13 l
1014 0.87 0.68 l
1015 0.87 0.75 l
1016 0.87 0.28 l
1017 0.91 -0.07 l
1018 0.87 0.56 l
1019 0.87 0.43 l
1020 0.87 0.49 l
1021 0.87 0.64 l
1022 0.87 0.46 l
1023 0.87 0.58 l
1024 0.87 0.17 l
1025 0.87 0.88 l
1026 0.87 0.30 l
1027 0.87 0.85 l
1028 0.87 0.47 l
1029 0.87 0.09 l
1030 0.87 0.31 l
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1038 0.87 -0.01 l
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1177 0.87 0.46 l
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1527 0.87 -0.18 l
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1530 0.87 -0.28 l
1531 0.87 -0.19 l
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1535 0.87 -0.10 l
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1564 0.87 -0.03 l
1565 0.87 -0.16 l
1566 0.87 -0.09 l
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1600 0.87 -0.04 l
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1602 0.87 0.06 l
1603 0.87 0.08 l
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1605 0.87 0.02 l
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1607 0.87 0.02 l
1608 0.87 0.02 l
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1610 0.87 0.05 l
1611 0.88 0.05 l
1612 0.87 0.07 l
1613 0.87 -0.06 l
1614 0.87 -0.01 l
1615 0.87 0 l
1616 0.87 -0.13 l
1617 0.87 0.03 l
1618 0.87 0.01 l
1619 0.87 -0.12 l
1620 0.87 0.10 l
1621 0.87 -0.02 l
1622 0.87 0.08 l
1623 0.87 0.05 l
1624 0.87 0.07 l
1625 0.91 -0.07 l
1626 0.87 -0.02 l
1627 0.87 -0.06 l
1628 0.87 -0.05 l
1629 0.88 0.07 l
1630 0.87 -0.04 l
1631 0.87 0.04 l
1632 0.87 0.14 l
1633 0.87 -0.02 l
1634 0.87 -0.05 l
1635 0.87 -0.02 l
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8 %% This package is in the public domain. It comes with no guarantees
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11 %% Originally written by: Aleksander Simonic
12 %% Current maintainer: Stefan Ulrich <>
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69 \special{src:\the\inputlineno\src@maybe@space\CurrentInput}%
70 \fi
71 \fi
72 }
73 \newcommand\src@before@file@hook{}
74 \newcommand\src@after@file@hook{}
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77 \global\src@lastline=0
78 \ifSRCOK\special{src:1\src@maybe@space\CurrentInput}\fi
79 }
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84 \gdef\CurrentInput{#1}%
85 \src@spec
86 }
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89 \newcommand*\src@extensions@path{}%
90 \newcommand*\src@getfilename@with@ext{}%
91 \def\src@extensions@path#1.#2\end{%
92 \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{%
93 \protected@edef\src@extensions@last{#1}%
94 \let\src@tempa\relax
95 }{%
96 \def\src@tempa{\src@extensions@path#2\end}%
97 }%
98 \src@tempa
99 }
100 \def\src@getfilename@with@ext#1{%
101 \expandafter\src@extensions@path#1.\end
102 \ifthenelse{\equal{\src@extensions@last}{tex}}{%
103 \protected@xdef\CurrentInput{#1}%
104 }{%
105 \protected@xdef\CurrentInput{#1.tex}%
106 }%
107 \PackageInfo{srcltx}{Expanded filename `#1' to `\CurrentInput'}%
108 }
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113 \src@spec
114 \clearpage
115 \expandafter\src@@include\expandafter{\CurrentInput}{#1}%
116 }%
117 \def\src@@include#1#2{%
118 \srcIncludeHook{#2}%
119 \src@before@file@hook
120 \src@include{#2}%
121 \src@after@file@hook{#1}%
122 }
123 \newcommand*\src@input{}
124 \newcommand*\src@@input{}
125 \newcommand*\src@@@input{}
126 \let\src@input\input
127 \def\input{\src@spec\@ifnextchar\bgroup\src@@input\@@input}%
128 \def\src@@input#1{%
129 \expandafter\src@@@input\expandafter{\CurrentInput}{#1}%
130 }
131 \def\src@@@input#1#2{%
132 \srcInputHook{#2}%
133 \src@before@file@hook
134 \src@input{#2}%
135 \src@after@file@hook{#1}%
136 }
137 \newcommand\Input{}
138 \let\Input\input
139 \ifsrc@everypar@
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142 \newtoks\src@new@everypar
143 \let\everypar\src@new@everypar
144 \everypar\expandafter{\the\src@old@everypar}
145 \src@old@everypar{\the\src@new@everypar\src@spec}
146 \fi
147 \ifsrc@everymath@
148 \def\@tempa#1\the\everymath#2\delimiter{{#1\src@spec\the\everymath#2}}
149 \frozen@everymath=\expandafter\@tempa\the\frozen@everymath\delimiter
150 \fi
151 \newcommand*\src@bibliography{}
152 \newcommand*\src@@bibliography{}
153 \let\src@bibliography\bibliography
154 \def\bibliography#1{%
155 \expandafter\src@@bibliography\expandafter{\CurrentInput}{#1}%
156 }
157 \def\src@@bibliography#1#2{%
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159 \src@before@file@hook
160 \src@bibliography{#2}%
161 \src@after@file@hook{#1}%
162 }
163 \newcommand*\src@old@output{}
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165 \newtoks\src@new@output
166 \let\output\src@new@output
167 \output\expandafter{\the\src@old@output}
168 \src@old@output{\SRCOKfalse\the\src@new@output}
169 \endinput
170 %%
171 %% End of file `srcltx.sty'.
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/basehaz.gbm.R
02 \name{basehaz.gbm}
13 \alias{basehaz.gbm}
2 \title{ Baseline hazard function }
3 \description{
4 Computes the Breslow estimator of the baseline hazard function for a proportional hazard regression model
5 }
4 \title{Baseline hazard function}
65 \usage{
7 basehaz.gbm(t, delta, f.x,
8 t.eval = NULL,
9 smooth = FALSE,
10 cumulative = TRUE)
6 basehaz.gbm(t, delta, f.x, t.eval = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
7 cumulative = TRUE)
118 }
129 \arguments{
13 \item{t}{ the survival times }
14 \item{delta}{ the censoring indicator }
15 \item{f.x}{ the predicted values of the regression model on the log hazard scale }
16 \item{t.eval}{ values at which the baseline hazard will be evaluated }
17 \item{smooth}{ if \code{TRUE} \code{basehaz.gbm} will smooth the estimated baseline hazard using Friedman's super smoother \code{\link{supsmu}}}
18 \item{cumulative}{ if \code{TRUE} the cumulative survival function will be computed }
10 \item{t}{The survival times.}
12 \item{delta}{The censoring indicator.}
14 \item{f.x}{The predicted values of the regression model on the log hazard
15 scale.}
17 \item{t.eval}{Values at which the baseline hazard will be evaluated.}
19 \item{smooth}{If \code{TRUE} \code{basehaz.gbm} will smooth the estimated
20 baseline hazard using Friedman's super smoother \code{\link{supsmu}}.}
22 \item{cumulative}{If \code{TRUE} the cumulative survival function will be
23 computed.}
24 }
25 \value{
26 A vector of length equal to the length of t (or of length
27 \code{t.eval} if \code{t.eval} is not \code{NULL}) containing the baseline
28 hazard evaluated at t (or at \code{t.eval} if \code{t.eval} is not
29 \code{NULL}). If \code{cumulative} is set to \code{TRUE} then the returned
30 vector evaluates the cumulative hazard function at those values.
31 }
32 \description{
33 Computes the Breslow estimator of the baseline hazard function for a
34 proportional hazard regression model.
1935 }
2036 \details{
21 The proportional hazard model assumes h(t|x)=lambda(t)*exp(f(x)). \code{\link{gbm}} can estimate the f(x) component via partial likelihood. After estimating f(x), \code{basehaz.gbm} can compute the a nonparametric estimate of lambda(t).
37 The proportional hazard model assumes h(t|x)=lambda(t)*exp(f(x)).
38 \code{\link{gbm}} can estimate the f(x) component via partial likelihood.
39 After estimating f(x), \code{basehaz.gbm} can compute the a nonparametric
40 estimate of lambda(t).
2241 }
23 \value{
24 a vector of length equal to the length of t (or of length \code{t.eval} if \code{t.eval} is not \code{NULL}) containing the baseline hazard evaluated at t (or at \code{t.eval} if \code{t.eval} is not \code{NULL}). If \code{cumulative} is set to \code{TRUE} then the returned vector evaluates the cumulative hazard function at those values.
42 \references{
43 N. Breslow (1972). "Discussion of `Regression Models and
44 Life-Tables' by D.R. Cox," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series
45 B, 34(2):216-217.
47 N. Breslow (1974). "Covariance analysis of censored survival data,"
48 Biometrics 30:89-99.
2549 }
26 \references{N. Breslow (1972). "Disussion of `Regression Models and Life-Tables' by D.R. Cox," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 34(2):216-217.
28 N. Breslow (1974). "Covariance analysis of censored survival data," Biometrics 30:89-99.
29 }
30 \author{ Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
34 \seealso{ \code{\link[survival]{survfit}}, \code{\link{gbm}} }
36 \keyword{ methods }
37 \keyword{ survival }
50 \seealso{
51 \code{\link[survival]{survfit}}, \code{\link{gbm}}
52 }
53 \author{
54 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
55 }
56 \keyword{methods}
57 \keyword{survival}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/calibrate.plot.R
02 \name{calibrate.plot}
13 \alias{calibrate.plot}
24 \title{Calibration plot}
3 \description{
4 An experimental diagnostic tool that plots the fitted values versus the actual average values.
5 Currently developed for only \code{distribution="bernoulli"}.
6 }
75 \usage{
8 calibrate.plot(y,p,
9 distribution="bernoulli",
10 replace=TRUE,
11 line.par=list(col="black"),
12 shade.col="lightyellow",
13 shade.density=NULL,
14 rug.par=list(side=1),
15 xlab="Predicted value",
16 ylab="Observed average",
17 xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,
18 knots=NULL,df=6,
19 ...)
6 calibrate.plot(y, p, distribution = "bernoulli", replace = TRUE,
7 line.par = list(col = "black"), shade.col = "lightyellow",
8 shade.density = NULL, rug.par = list(side = 1),
9 xlab = "Predicted value", ylab = "Observed average", xlim = NULL,
10 ylim = NULL, knots = NULL, df = 6, ...)
2011 }
2112 \arguments{
22 \item{y}{ the outcome 0-1 variable }
23 \item{p}{ the predictions estimating E(y|x) }
24 \item{distribution}{the loss function used in creating \code{p}.
25 \code{bernoulli} and \code{poisson} are currently the
26 only special options. All others default to squared error
27 assuming \code{gaussian}}
28 \item{replace}{ determines whether this plot will replace or overlay the current plot.
29 \code{replace=FALSE} is useful for comparing the calibration of several
30 methods}
31 \item{line.par}{ graphics parameters for the line }
32 \item{shade.col}{ color for shading the 2 SE region. \code{shade.col=NA} implies no 2 SE
33 region}
34 \item{shade.density}{ the \code{density} parameter for \code{\link{polygon}}}
35 \item{rug.par}{graphics parameters passed to \code{\link{rug}}}
36 \item{xlab}{x-axis label corresponding to the predicted values}
37 \item{ylab}{y-axis label corresponding to the observed average}
38 \item{xlim,ylim}{x and y-axis limits. If not specified te function will select
39 limits}
40 \item{knots,df}{these parameters are passed directly to
41 \code{\link[splines]{ns}} for constructing a natural spline
42 smoother for the calibration curve}
43 \item{...}{ other graphics parameters passed on to the plot function }
13 \item{y}{The outcome 0-1 variable.}
15 \item{p}{The predictions estimating E(y|x).}
17 \item{distribution}{The loss function used in creating \code{p}.
18 \code{bernoulli} and \code{poisson} are currently the only special options.
19 All others default to squared error assuming \code{gaussian}.}
21 \item{replace}{Determines whether this plot will replace or overlay the
22 current plot. \code{replace=FALSE} is useful for comparing the calibration
23 of several methods.}
25 \item{line.par}{Graphics parameters for the line.}
27 \item{shade.col}{Color for shading the 2 SE region. \code{shade.col=NA}
28 implies no 2 SE region.}
30 \item{shade.density}{The \code{density} parameter for \code{\link{polygon}}.}
32 \item{rug.par}{Graphics parameters passed to \code{\link{rug}}.}
34 \item{xlab}{x-axis label corresponding to the predicted values.}
36 \item{ylab}{y-axis label corresponding to the observed average.}
38 \item{xlim, ylim}{x- and y-axis limits. If not specified te function will
39 select limits.}
41 \item{knots, df}{These parameters are passed directly to
42 \code{\link[splines]{ns}} for constructing a natural spline smoother for the
43 calibration curve.}
45 \item{...}{Additional optional arguments to be passed onto
46 \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}}
47 }
48 \value{
49 No return values.
50 }
51 \description{
52 An experimental diagnostic tool that plots the fitted values versus the
53 actual average values. Currently only available when
54 \code{distribution = "bernoulli"}.
4455 }
4556 \details{
46 Uses natural splines to estimate E(y|p). Well-calibrated predictions
47 imply that E(y|p) = p. The plot also includes a pointwise 95% confidence
48 band.
57 Uses natural splines to estimate E(y|p). Well-calibrated predictions imply
58 that E(y|p) = p. The plot also includes a pointwise 95% confidence band.
4959 }
50 \value{
51 \code{calibrate.plot} returns no values.
52 }
53 \references{
54 J.F. Yates (1982). "External correspondence: decomposition of the mean
55 probability score," Organisational Behaviour and Human Performance 30:132-156.
57 D.J. Spiegelhalter (1986). "Probabilistic Prediction in Patient Management
58 and Clinical Trials," Statistics in Medicine 5:421-433.
59 }
60 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
6160 \examples{
6261 # Don't want R CMD check to think there is a dependency on rpart
6362 # so comment out the example
6968 #p <- predict(glm1,type="response")
7069 #calibrate.plot(y, p, xlim=c(0,0.6), ylim=c(0,0.6))
7170 }
72 \keyword{ hplot }
71 \references{
72 J.F. Yates (1982). "External correspondence: decomposition of
73 the mean probability score," Organisational Behaviour and Human Performance
74 30:132-156.
76 D.J. Spiegelhalter (1986). "Probabilistic Prediction in Patient Management
77 and Clinical Trials," Statistics in Medicine 5:421-433.
78 }
79 \author{
80 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
81 }
82 \keyword{hplot}
man/gbm-internal.Rd less more
0 \name{gbm-internal}
1 \alias{guessDist}
2 \alias{getStratify}
3 \alias{getCVgroup}
4 \alias{checkMissing}
5 \alias{checkID}
6 \alias{checkWeights}
7 \alias{checkOffset}
8 \alias{getVarNames}
9 \alias{gbmCluster}
10 \title{gbm internal functions}
11 \description{Helper functions for preprocessing data prior to
12 building the model}
13 \usage{
14 guessDist(y)
15 getCVgroup(distribution,, y, i.train, cv.folds, group)
16 getStratify(strat, d)
17 checkMissing(x, y)
18 checkWeights(w, n)
19 checkID(id)
20 checkOffset(o, y)
21 getVarNames(x)
22 gbmCluster(n)
23 }
24 \arguments{
25 \item{y}{The response variable}
26 \item{d, distribution}{The distribution, either specified by the user or
27 implied}
28 \item{}{Whether or not to stratify, if provided by
29 the user}
30 \item{i.train}{Computed internally by \code{gbm}}
31 \item{group}{The group, if using \code{distibution='pairwise'}}
32 \item{strat}{Whether or not to stratify}
33 \item{cv.folds}{The number of cross-validation folds}
34 \item{x}{The design matrix}
35 \item{id}{The interaction depth}
36 \item{w}{The weights}
37 \item{n}{The number of cores to use in the cluster.}
38 \item{o}{The offset}
39 % \item{verbose}{Whether or not to print output to screen}
40 % \item{X, var.monotone, n.trees, n.minobsinnode, shrinkage, bag.fraction,
41 % var.names,,}{Arguments passed
42 % through to}
43 } % Close \arguments
44 \details{
45 These are functions used internally by \code{gbm} and not intended for
46 direct use by the user.
47 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/gbm-internals.R
2 \name{guessDist}
3 \alias{guessDist}
4 \alias{getStratify}
5 \alias{getCVgroup}
6 \alias{checkMissing}
7 \alias{checkID}
8 \alias{checkWeights}
9 \alias{checkOffset}
10 \alias{getVarNames}
11 \alias{gbmCluster}
12 \title{gbm internal functions}
13 \usage{
14 guessDist(y)
16 getCVgroup(distribution,, y, i.train, cv.folds, group)
18 getStratify(strat, d)
20 checkMissing(x, y)
22 checkWeights(w, n)
24 checkID(id)
26 checkOffset(o, y)
28 getVarNames(x)
30 gbmCluster(n)
31 }
32 \arguments{
33 \item{y}{The response variable.}
35 \item{}{Whether or not to stratify, if provided by the user.}
37 \item{i.train}{Computed internally by \code{gbm}.}
39 \item{cv.folds}{The number of cross-validation folds.}
41 \item{group}{The group, if using \code{distibution = "pairwise"}.}
43 \item{strat}{Whether or not to stratify.}
45 \item{d, distribution}{The distribution, either specified by the user or
46 implied.}
48 \item{x}{The design matrix.}
50 \item{w}{The weights.}
52 \item{n}{The number of cores to use in the cluster.}
54 \item{id}{The interaction depth.}
56 \item{o}{The offset.}
57 }
58 \description{
59 Helper functions for preprocessing data prior to building a \code{"gbm"}
60 object.
61 }
62 \details{
63 These are functions used internally by \code{gbm} and not intended for direct
64 use by the user.
65 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/gbm-package.R
2 \docType{package}
03 \name{gbm-package}
14 \alias{gbm-package}
2 \docType{package}
3 \title{Generalized Boosted Regression Models}
4 \description{This package implements extensions to Freund and
5 Schapire's AdaBoost algorithm and J. Friedman's gradient
6 boosting machine. Includes regression methods for least
7 squares, absolute loss, logistic, Poisson, Cox proportional
8 hazards partial likelihood, multinomial, t-distribution,
9 AdaBoost exponential loss, Learning to Rank, and
10 Huberized hinge loss.}
5 \title{Generalized Boosted Regression Models (GBMs)}
6 \description{
7 This package implements extensions to Freund and Schapire's AdaBoost
8 algorithm and J. Friedman's gradient boosting machine. Includes regression
9 methods for least squares, absolute loss, logistic, Poisson, Cox
10 proportional hazards partial likelihood, multinomial, t-distribution,
11 AdaBoost exponential loss, Learning to Rank, and Huberized hinge loss.
12 }
1113 \details{
12 \tabular{ll}{
13 Package: \tab gbm\cr
14 Version: \tab 2.1\cr
15 Date: \tab 2013-05-10\cr
16 Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0), survival, lattice, mgcv\cr
17 License: \tab GPL (version 2 or newer)\cr
18 URL: \tab\cr
19 }
20 Index:
21 \preformatted{basehaz.gbm Baseline hazard function
22 calibrate.plot Calibration plot
23 gbm Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling
24 gbm.object Generalized Boosted Regression Model Object
25 gbm.perf GBM performance
26 plot.gbm Marginal plots of fitted gbm objects
27 predict.gbm Predict method for GBM Model Fits
28 pretty.gbm.tree Print gbm tree components
29 quantile.rug Quantile rug plot
30 relative.influence Methods for estimating relative influence
31 shrink.gbm L1 shrinkage of the predictor variables in a GBM
32 shrink.gbm.pred Predictions from a shrunked GBM
33 summary.gbm Summary of a gbm object
34 }
36 Further information is available in the following vignettes:
37 \tabular{ll}{
38 \code{gbm} \tab Generalized Boosted Models: A guide to the gbm package (source, pdf)\cr}
39 } % Close \details
40 \author{
41 Greg Ridgeway \email{} with contributions by
42 Daniel Edwards, Brian Kriegler, Stefan Schroedl and Harry Southworth.
14 Further information is available in vignette:
15 \code{browseVignettes(package = "gbm")}
4316 }
4417 \references{
45 Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic generalization of
46 on-line learning and an application to boosting,} \emph{Journal of Computer and
47 System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
18 Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic
19 generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,}
20 \emph{Journal of Computer and System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
49 G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science and
50 Statistics} 31:172-181.
22 G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science
23 and Statistics} 31:172-181.
52 J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic Regression:
53 a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 28(2):337-374.
25 J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic
26 Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics}
27 28(2):337-374.
55 J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting
56 Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
29 J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
30 Boosting Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
58 J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,} \emph{Computational Statistics
59 and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
32 J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,}
33 \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
61 The \href{}{MART} website.
62 } % Close \references
35 The \url{} website.
36 }
37 \author{
38 Greg Ridgeway \email{} with contributions by
39 Daniel Edwards, Brian Kriegler, Stefan Schroedl and Harry Southworth.
40 }
6341 \keyword{package}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/gbm.R
02 \name{gbm}
13 \alias{gbm}
2 \alias{gbm.more}
3 \alias{}
4 \title{Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling}
5 \description{Fits generalized boosted regression models.}
4 \title{Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling (GBM)}
65 \usage{
7 gbm(formula = formula(data),
8 distribution = "bernoulli",
9 data = list(),
10 weights,
11 var.monotone = NULL,
12 n.trees = 100,
13 interaction.depth = 1,
14 n.minobsinnode = 10,
15 shrinkage = 0.001,
16 bag.fraction = 0.5,
17 train.fraction = 1.0,
18 cv.folds=0,
19 = TRUE,
20 verbose = "CV",
22 n.cores = NULL)
24, y,
25 offset = NULL,
26 misc = NULL,
27 distribution = "bernoulli",
28 w = NULL,
29 var.monotone = NULL,
30 n.trees = 100,
31 interaction.depth = 1,
32 n.minobsinnode = 10,
33 shrinkage = 0.001,
34 bag.fraction = 0.5,
35 nTrain = NULL,
36 train.fraction = NULL,
37 = TRUE,
38 verbose = TRUE,
39 var.names = NULL,
40 = "y",
41 group = NULL)
43 gbm.more(object,
44 = 100,
45 data = NULL,
46 weights = NULL,
47 offset = NULL,
48 verbose = NULL)
49 }
50 \arguments{\item{formula}{a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The formula may include an offset term (e.g. y~offset(n)+x). If \code{} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the user's responsibility to resupply the offset to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.}
51 \item{distribution}{either a character string specifying the name of the distribution to use or a list with a component \code{name} specifying the distribution and any additional parameters needed. If not specified, \code{gbm} will try to guess: if the response has only 2 unique values, bernoulli is assumed; otherwise, if the response is a factor, multinomial is assumed; otherwise, if the response has class "Surv", coxph is assumed; otherwise, gaussian is assumed.
53 Currently available options are "gaussian" (squared error), "laplace" (absolute loss), "tdist" (t-distribution loss), "bernoulli" (logistic regression for 0-1 outcomes),
54 "huberized" (huberized hinge loss for 0-1 outcomes),
55 "multinomial" (classification when there are more than 2 classes), "adaboost" (the AdaBoost exponential loss for 0-1 outcomes), "poisson" (count outcomes), "coxph" (right censored observations), "quantile", or "pairwise" (ranking measure using the LambdaMart algorithm).
57 If quantile regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of the form \code{list(name="quantile",alpha=0.25)} where \code{alpha} is the quantile to estimate. The current version's quantile regression method does not handle non-constant weights and will stop.
59 If "tdist" is specified, the default degrees of freedom is 4 and this can be controlled by specifying \code{distribution=list(name="tdist", df=DF)} where \code{DF} is your chosen degrees of freedom.
61 If "pairwise" regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list
62 of the form
63 \code{list(name="pairwise",group=...,metric=...,max.rank=...)}
64 (\code{metric} and \code{max.rank} are optional, see
65 below). \code{group} is a character vector with the column names of
66 \code{data} that jointly indicate the group an instance belongs to
67 (typically a query in Information Retrieval applications).
68 For training, only pairs of
69 instances from the same group and with different target labels can be
70 considered. \code{metric} is the IR measure to use, one of
71 \describe{
72 \item{\code{conc}:}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels,
73 this is equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
74 \item{\code{mrr}:}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive instance}
75 \item{\code{map}:}{Mean average precision, a generalization of
76 \code{mrr} to multiple positive instances}
77 \item{\code{ndcg:}}{Normalized discounted cumulative gain. The score is
78 the weighted sum (DCG) of the user-supplied target values, weighted by
79 log(rank+1), and normalized to the maximum achievable value. This
80 is the default if the user did not specify a metric.}
6 gbm(formula = formula(data), distribution = "bernoulli",
7 data = list(), weights, var.monotone = NULL, n.trees = 100,
8 interaction.depth = 1, n.minobsinnode = 10, shrinkage = 0.1,
9 bag.fraction = 0.5, train.fraction = 1, cv.folds = 0,
10 = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, = NULL,
11 n.cores = NULL)
12 }
13 \arguments{
14 \item{formula}{A symbolic description of the model to be fit. The formula
15 may include an offset term (e.g. y~offset(n)+x). If
16 \code{ = FALSE} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the
17 user's responsibility to resupply the offset to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.}
19 \item{distribution}{Either a character string specifying the name of the
20 distribution to use or a list with a component \code{name} specifying the
21 distribution and any additional parameters needed. If not specified,
22 \code{gbm} will try to guess: if the response has only 2 unique values,
23 bernoulli is assumed; otherwise, if the response is a factor, multinomial is
24 assumed; otherwise, if the response has class \code{"Surv"}, coxph is
25 assumed; otherwise, gaussian is assumed.
27 Currently available options are \code{"gaussian"} (squared error),
28 \code{"laplace"} (absolute loss), \code{"tdist"} (t-distribution loss),
29 \code{"bernoulli"} (logistic regression for 0-1 outcomes),
30 \code{"huberized"} (huberized hinge loss for 0-1 outcomes), classes),
31 \code{"adaboost"} (the AdaBoost exponential loss for 0-1 outcomes),
32 \code{"poisson"} (count outcomes), \code{"coxph"} (right censored
33 observations), \code{"quantile"}, or \code{"pairwise"} (ranking measure
34 using the LambdaMart algorithm).
36 If quantile regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
37 the form \code{list(name = "quantile", alpha = 0.25)} where \code{alpha} is
38 the quantile to estimate. The current version's quantile regression method
39 does not handle non-constant weights and will stop.
41 If \code{"tdist"} is specified, the default degrees of freedom is 4 and
42 this can be controlled by specifying
43 \code{distribution = list(name = "tdist", df = DF)} where \code{DF} is your
44 chosen degrees of freedom.
46 If "pairwise" regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
47 the form \code{list(name="pairwise",group=...,metric=...,max.rank=...)}
48 (\code{metric} and \code{max.rank} are optional, see below). \code{group} is
49 a character vector with the column names of \code{data} that jointly
50 indicate the group an instance belongs to (typically a query in Information
51 Retrieval applications). For training, only pairs of instances from the same
52 group and with different target labels can be considered. \code{metric} is
53 the IR measure to use, one of
54 \describe{
55 \item{list("conc")}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this
56 is equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
57 \item{:}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this is
58 equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
59 \item{list("mrr")}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
60 instance}
61 \item{:}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive instance}
62 \item{list("map")}{Mean average precision, a generalization of \code{mrr}
63 to multiple positive instances}\item{:}{Mean average precision, a
64 generalization of \code{mrr} to multiple positive instances}
65 \item{list("ndcg:")}{Normalized discounted cumulative gain. The score is
66 the weighted sum (DCG) of the user-supplied target values, weighted
67 by log(rank+1), and normalized to the maximum achievable value. This
68 is the default if the user did not specify a metric.}
8169 }
8371 \code{ndcg} and \code{conc} allow arbitrary target values, while binary
84 targets \{0,1\} are expected for \code{map} and \code{mrr}. For
85 \code{ndcg} and \code{mrr}, a cut-off can be chosen using a positive
86 integer parameter \code{max.rank}. If left unspecified, all ranks are
87 taken into account.
89 Note that splitting of instances into training and validation sets
90 follows group boundaries and therefore only approximates the specified
91 \code{train.fraction} ratio (the same applies to cross-validation
92 folds). Internally, queries are randomly shuffled before training, to
93 avoid bias.
72 targets {0,1} are expected for \code{map} and \code{mrr}. For \code{ndcg}
73 and \code{mrr}, a cut-off can be chosen using a positive integer parameter
74 \code{max.rank}. If left unspecified, all ranks are taken into account.
76 Note that splitting of instances into training and validation sets follows
77 group boundaries and therefore only approximates the specified
78 \code{train.fraction} ratio (the same applies to cross-validation folds).
79 Internally, queries are randomly shuffled before training, to avoid bias.
9581 Weights can be used in conjunction with pairwise metrics, however it is
9682 assumed that they are constant for instances from the same group.
98 For details and background on the algorithm, see e.g. Burges (2010).
99 }
101 \item{data}{an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which \code{gbm} is called. If \code{} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then \code{gbm} stores a copy with the object. If \code{} then subsequent calls to \code{\link{gbm.more}} must resupply the same dataset. It becomes the user's responsibility to resupply the same data at this point.}
102 \item{weights}{an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. Must be positive but do not need to be normalized. If \code{} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the user's responsibility to resupply the weights to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.}
103 \item{var.monotone}{an optional vector, the same length as the number of predictors, indicating which variables have a monotone increasing (+1), decreasing (-1), or arbitrary (0) relationship with the outcome.}
104 \item{n.trees}{the total number of trees to fit. This is equivalent to the number of iterations and the number of basis functions in the additive expansion.}
105 \item{cv.folds}{Number of cross-validation folds to perform. If \code{cv.folds}>1 then \code{gbm}, in addition to the usual fit, will perform a cross-validation, calculate an estimate of generalization error returned in \code{cv.error}.}
106 \item{interaction.depth}{The maximum depth of variable interactions. 1 implies an additive model, 2 implies a model with up to 2-way interactions, etc.}
107 \item{n.minobsinnode}{minimum number of observations in the trees terminal nodes. Note that this is the actual number of observations not the total weight.}
108 \item{shrinkage}{a shrinkage parameter applied to each tree in the expansion. Also known as the learning rate or step-size reduction.}
109 \item{bag.fraction}{the fraction of the training set observations randomly selected to propose the next tree in the expansion. This introduces randomnesses into the model fit. If \code{bag.fraction}<1 then running the same model twice will result in similar but different fits. \code{gbm} uses the R random number generator so \code{set.seed} can ensure that the model can be reconstructed. Preferably, the user can save the returned \code{\link{gbm.object}} using \code{\link{save}}.}
84 For details and background on the algorithm, see e.g. Burges (2010).}
86 \item{data}{an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By
87 default the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically
88 the environment from which \code{gbm} is called. If \code{} in
89 the initial call to \code{gbm} then \code{gbm} stores a copy with the
90 object. If \code{} then subsequent calls to
91 \code{\link{gbm.more}} must resupply the same dataset. It becomes the user's
92 responsibility to resupply the same data at this point.}
94 \item{weights}{an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
95 process. Must be positive but do not need to be normalized. If
96 \code{} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the
97 user's responsibility to resupply the weights to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.}
99 \item{var.monotone}{an optional vector, the same length as the number of
100 predictors, indicating which variables have a monotone increasing (+1),
101 decreasing (-1), or arbitrary (0) relationship with the outcome.}
103 \item{n.trees}{Integer specifying the total number of trees to fit. This is
104 equivalent to the number of iterations and the number of basis functions in
105 the additive expansion. Default is 100.}
107 \item{interaction.depth}{Integer specifying the maximum depth of each tree
108 (i.e., the highest level of variable interactions allowed). A value of 1
109 implies an additive model, a value of 2 implies a model with up to 2-way
110 interactions, etc. Default is 1.}
112 \item{n.minobsinnode}{Integer specifying the minimum number of observations
113 in the terminal nodes of the trees. Note that this is the actual number of
114 observations, not the total weight.}
116 \item{shrinkage}{a shrinkage parameter applied to each tree in the
117 expansion. Also known as the learning rate or step-size reduction; 0.001 to
118 0.1 usually work, but a smaller learning rate typically requires more trees.
119 Default is 0.1.}
121 \item{bag.fraction}{the fraction of the training set observations randomly
122 selected to propose the next tree in the expansion. This introduces
123 randomnesses into the model fit. If \code{bag.fraction} < 1 then running the
124 same model twice will result in similar but different fits. \code{gbm} uses
125 the R random number generator so \code{set.seed} can ensure that the model
126 can be reconstructed. Preferably, the user can save the returned
127 \code{\link{gbm.object}} using \code{\link{save}}. Default is 0.5.}
110129 \item{train.fraction}{The first \code{train.fraction * nrows(data)}
111 observations are used to fit the \code{gbm} and the remainder are used
112 for computing out-of-sample estimates of the loss function.}
113 \item{nTrain}{An integer representing the number of cases on which to
114 train. This is the preferred way of specification for \code{};
115 The option \code{train.fraction} in \code{} is deprecated and
116 only maintained for backward compatibility. These two parameters are
117 mutually exclusive. If both are unspecified, all data is used for training.}
118 \item{}{a logical variable indicating whether to keep the data and an index of the data stored with the object. Keeping the data and index makes subsequent calls to \code{\link{gbm.more}} faster at the cost of storing an extra copy of the dataset.}
119 \item{object}{a \code{gbm} object created from an initial call to \code{\link{gbm}}.}
120 \item{}{the number of additional trees to add to \code{object}.}
121 \item{verbose}{If TRUE, gbm will print out progress and performance indicators. If this option is left unspecified for gbm.more then it uses \code{verbose} from \code{object}.}
122 \item{}{whether or not the cross-validation should be stratified by class. Defaults to \code{TRUE} for \code{distribution="multinomial"} and is only implementated for \code{multinomial} and \code{bernoulli}. The purpose of stratifying the cross-validation is to help avoiding situations in which training sets do not contain all classes.}
123 \item{x, y}{For \code{}: \code{x} is a data frame or data matrix containing the predictor variables and \code{y} is the vector of outcomes. The number of rows in \code{x} must be the same as the length of \code{y}.}
124 \item{offset}{a vector of values for the offset}
125 \item{misc}{For \code{}: \code{misc} is an R object that is simply passed on to the gbm engine. It can be used for additional data for the specific distribution. Currently it is only used for passing the censoring indicator for the Cox proportional hazards model.}
126 \item{w}{For \code{}: \code{w} is a vector of weights of the same length as the \code{y}.}
127 \item{var.names}{For \code{}: A vector of strings of length equal to the number of columns of \code{x} containing the names of the predictor variables.}
128 \item{}{For \code{}: A character string label for the response variable.}
129 \item{group}{\code{group} used when \code{distribution = 'pairwise'.}}
130 observations are used to fit the \code{gbm} and the remainder are used for
131 computing out-of-sample estimates of the loss function.}
133 \item{cv.folds}{Number of cross-validation folds to perform. If
134 \code{cv.folds}>1 then \code{gbm}, in addition to the usual fit, will
135 perform a cross-validation, calculate an estimate of generalization error
136 returned in \code{cv.error}.}
138 \item{}{a logical variable indicating whether to keep the data and
139 an index of the data stored with the object. Keeping the data and index
140 makes subsequent calls to \code{\link{gbm.more}} faster at the cost of
141 storing an extra copy of the dataset.}
143 \item{verbose}{Logical indicating whether or not to print out progress and
144 performance indicators (\code{TRUE}). If this option is left unspecified for
145 \code{gbm.more}, then it uses \code{verbose} from \code{object}. Default is
146 \code{FALSE}.}
148 \item{}{Logical indicating whether or not the
149 cross-validation should be stratified by class. Defaults to \code{TRUE} for
150 \code{distribution = "multinomial"} and is only implemented for
151 \code{"multinomial"} and \code{"bernoulli"}. The purpose of stratifying the
152 cross-validation is to help avoiding situations in which training sets do
153 not contain all classes.}
130155 \item{n.cores}{The number of CPU cores to use. The cross-validation loop
131 will attempt to send different CV folds off to different cores. If
132 \code{n.cores} is not specified by the user, it is guessed using the
133 \code{detectCores} function in the \code{parallel} package. Note that
134 the documentation for \code{detectCores} makes clear that it is not
135 failsave and could return a spurious number of available cores.}
136 }
138 \details{See the \href{../doc/gbm.pdf}{gbm vignette} for technical details.
140 This package implements the generalized boosted modeling framework. Boosting is the process of iteratively adding basis functions in a greedy fashion so that each additional basis function further reduces the selected loss function. This implementation closely follows Friedman's Gradient Boosting Machine (Friedman, 2001).
142 In addition to many of the features documented in the Gradient Boosting Machine, \code{gbm} offers additional features including the out-of-bag estimator for the optimal number of iterations, the ability to store and manipulate the resulting \code{gbm} object, and a variety of other loss functions that had not previously had associated boosting algorithms, including the Cox partial likelihood for censored data, the poisson likelihood for count outcomes, and a gradient boosting implementation to minimize the AdaBoost exponential loss function.
144 \code{} provides the link between R and the C++ gbm engine. \code{gbm} is a front-end to \code{} that uses the familiar R modeling formulas. However, \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}} is very slow if there are many predictor variables. For power-users with many variables use \code{}. For general practice \code{gbm} is preferable.}
146 \value{ \code{gbm}, \code{}, and \code{gbm.more} return a \code{\link{gbm.object}}. }
148 \references{
149 Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,} \emph{Journal of Computer and System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
151 G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science and Statistics} 31:172-181.
153 J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 28(2):337-374.
155 J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
157 J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,} \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
159 B. Kriegler (2007). \href{}{Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting Within a Quantitative Regression Framework}. PhD dissertation, UCLA Statistics.
161 C. Burges (2010). \dQuote{From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview,} Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
163 \href{}{Greg Ridgeway's site}.
165 The \href{}{MART} website. }
167 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}
169 Quantile regression code developed by Brian Kriegler \email{}
171 t-distribution, and multinomial code developed by Harry Southworth and Daniel Edwards
173 Pairwise code developed by Stefan Schroedl \email{}}
175 \seealso{ \code{\link{gbm.object}}, \code{\link{gbm.perf}}, \code{\link{plot.gbm}},
176 \code{\link{predict.gbm}}, \code{\link{summary.gbm}}, \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}. }
178 \examples{ # A least squares regression example # create some data
156 will attempt to send different CV folds off to different cores. If
157 \code{n.cores} is not specified by the user, it is guessed using the
158 \code{detectCores} function in the \code{parallel} package. Note that the
159 documentation for \code{detectCores} makes clear that it is not failsafe and
160 could return a spurious number of available cores.}
161 }
162 \value{
163 A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
164 }
165 \description{
166 Fits generalized boosted regression models. For technical details, see the
167 vignette: \code{utils::browseVignettes("gbm")}.
168 }
169 \details{
170 \code{} provides the link between R and the C++ gbm engine.
171 \code{gbm} is a front-end to \code{} that uses the familiar R
172 modeling formulas. However, \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}} is very slow if
173 there are many predictor variables. For power-users with many variables use
174 \code{}. For general practice \code{gbm} is preferable.
177 This package implements the generalized boosted modeling framework. Boosting
178 is the process of iteratively adding basis functions in a greedy fashion so
179 that each additional basis function further reduces the selected loss
180 function. This implementation closely follows Friedman's Gradient Boosting
181 Machine (Friedman, 2001).
183 In addition to many of the features documented in the Gradient Boosting
184 Machine, \code{gbm} offers additional features including the out-of-bag
185 estimator for the optimal number of iterations, the ability to store and
186 manipulate the resulting \code{gbm} object, and a variety of other loss
187 functions that had not previously had associated boosting algorithms,
188 including the Cox partial likelihood for censored data, the poisson
189 likelihood for count outcomes, and a gradient boosting implementation to
190 minimize the AdaBoost exponential loss function.
191 }
192 \examples{
193 #
194 # A least squares regression example
195 #
197 # Simulate data
198 set.seed(101) # for reproducibility
180199 N <- 1000
181200 X1 <- runif(N)
182 X2 <- 2*runif(N)
183 X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4],N,replace=TRUE),levels=letters[4:1])
184 X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6],N,replace=TRUE))
185 X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3],N,replace=TRUE))
186 X6 <- 3*runif(N)
187 mu <- c(-1,0,1,2)[as.numeric(X3)]
189 SNR <- 10 # signal-to-noise ratio
190 Y <- X1**1.5 + 2 * (X2**.5) + mu
191 sigma <- sqrt(var(Y)/SNR)
192 Y <- Y + rnorm(N,0,sigma)
194 # introduce some missing values
195 X1[sample(1:N,size=500)] <- NA
196 X4[sample(1:N,size=300)] <- NA
198 data <- data.frame(Y=Y,X1=X1,X2=X2,X3=X3,X4=X4,X5=X5,X6=X6)
200 # fit initial model
201 gbm1 <-
202 gbm(Y~X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6, # formula
203 data=data, # dataset
204 var.monotone=c(0,0,0,0,0,0), # -1: monotone decrease,
205 # +1: monotone increase,
206 # 0: no monotone restrictions
207 distribution="gaussian", # see the help for other choices
208 n.trees=1000, # number of trees
209 shrinkage=0.05, # shrinkage or learning rate,
210 # 0.001 to 0.1 usually work
211 interaction.depth=3, # 1: additive model, 2: two-way interactions, etc.
212 bag.fraction = 0.5, # subsampling fraction, 0.5 is probably best
213 train.fraction = 0.5, # fraction of data for training,
214 # first train.fraction*N used for training
215 n.minobsinnode = 10, # minimum total weight needed in each node
216 cv.folds = 3, # do 3-fold cross-validation
217, # keep a copy of the dataset with the object
218 verbose=FALSE, # don't print out progress
219 n.cores=1) # use only a single core (detecting #cores is
220 # error-prone, so avoided here)
222 # check performance using an out-of-bag estimator
223 # OOB underestimates the optimal number of iterations
224 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1,method="OOB")
201 X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
202 X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE), levels = letters[4:1])
203 X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
204 X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
205 X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
206 mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
207 SNR <- 10 # signal-to-noise ratio
208 Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu
209 sigma <- sqrt(var(Y) / SNR)
210 Y <- Y + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
211 X1[sample(1:N,size=500)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
212 X4[sample(1:N,size=300)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
213 data <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
215 # Fit a GBM
216 set.seed(102) # for reproducibility
217 gbm1 <- gbm(Y ~ ., data = data, var.monotone = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
218 distribution = "gaussian", n.trees = 100, shrinkage = 0.1,
219 interaction.depth = 3, bag.fraction = 0.5, train.fraction = 0.5,
220 n.minobsinnode = 10, cv.folds = 5, = TRUE,
221 verbose = FALSE, n.cores = 1)
223 # Check performance using the out-of-bag (OOB) error; the OOB error typically
224 # underestimates the optimal number of iterations
225 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "OOB")
225226 print(best.iter)
227 # check performance using a 50\% heldout test set
228 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1,method="test")
228 # Check performance using the 50\% heldout test set
229 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "test")
229230 print(best.iter)
231 # check performance using 5-fold cross-validation
232 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1,method="cv")
232 # Check performance using 5-fold cross-validation
233 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "cv")
233234 print(best.iter)
235 # plot the performance # plot variable influence
236 summary(gbm1,n.trees=1) # based on the first tree
237 summary(gbm1,n.trees=best.iter) # based on the estimated best number of trees
239 # compactly print the first and last trees for curiosity
240 print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1,1))
241 print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1,gbm1$n.trees))
243 # make some new data
236 # Plot relative influence of each variable
237 par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
238 summary(gbm1, n.trees = 1) # using first tree
239 summary(gbm1, n.trees = best.iter) # using estimated best number of trees
241 # Compactly print the first and last trees for curiosity
242 print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = 1))
243 print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = gbm1$n.trees))
245 # Simulate new data
246 set.seed(103) # for reproducibility
244247 N <- 1000
245248 X1 <- runif(N)
246 X2 <- 2*runif(N)
247 X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4],N,replace=TRUE))
248 X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6],N,replace=TRUE))
249 X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3],N,replace=TRUE))
250 X6 <- 3*runif(N)
251 mu <- c(-1,0,1,2)[as.numeric(X3)]
253 Y <- X1**1.5 + 2 * (X2**.5) + mu + rnorm(N,0,sigma)
255 data2 <- data.frame(Y=Y,X1=X1,X2=X2,X3=X3,X4=X4,X5=X5,X6=X6)
257 # predict on the new data using "best" number of trees
258 # f.predict generally will be on the canonical scale (logit,log,etc.)
259 f.predict <- predict(gbm1,data2,best.iter)
249 X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
250 X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE))
251 X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
252 X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
253 X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
254 mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
255 Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
256 data2 <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
258 # Predict on the new data using the "best" number of trees; by default,
259 # predictions will be on the link scale
260 Yhat <- predict(gbm1, newdata = data2, n.trees = best.iter, type = "link")
261262 # least squares error
262 print(sum((data2$Y-f.predict)^2))
264 # create marginal plots
265 # plot variable X1,X2,X3 after "best" iterations
266 par(mfrow=c(1,3))
267 plot(gbm1,1,best.iter)
268 plot(gbm1,2,best.iter)
269 plot(gbm1,3,best.iter)
270 par(mfrow=c(1,1))
271 # contour plot of variables 1 and 2 after "best" iterations
272 plot(gbm1,1:2,best.iter)
273 # lattice plot of variables 2 and 3
274 plot(gbm1,2:3,best.iter)
275 # lattice plot of variables 3 and 4
276 plot(gbm1,3:4,best.iter)
278 # 3-way plots
279 plot(gbm1,c(1,2,6),best.iter,cont=20)
280 plot(gbm1,1:3,best.iter)
281 plot(gbm1,2:4,best.iter)
282 plot(gbm1,3:5,best.iter)
284 # do another 100 iterations
285 gbm2 <- gbm.more(gbm1,100,
286 verbose=FALSE) # stop printing detailed progress
287 }
288 \keyword{models}
289 \keyword{nonlinear}
290 \keyword{survival}
291 \keyword{nonparametric}
292 \keyword{tree}
263 print(sum((data2$Y - Yhat)^2))
265 # Construct univariate partial dependence plots
266 p1 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 1, n.trees = best.iter)
267 p2 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 2, n.trees = best.iter)
268 p3 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = "X3", n.trees = best.iter) # can use index or name
269 grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol = 3)
271 # Construct bivariate partial dependence plots
272 plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:2, n.trees = best.iter)
273 plot(gbm1, i.var = c("X2", "X3"), n.trees = best.iter)
274 plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:4, n.trees = best.iter)
276 # Construct trivariate partial dependence plots
277 plot(gbm1, i.var = c(1, 2, 6), n.trees = best.iter,
278 continuous.resolution = 20)
279 plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:3, n.trees = best.iter)
280 plot(gbm1, i.var = 2:4, n.trees = best.iter)
281 plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:5, n.trees = best.iter)
283 # Add more (i.e., 100) boosting iterations to the ensemble
284 gbm2 <- gbm.more(gbm1, = 100, verbose = FALSE)
285 }
286 \references{
287 Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic
288 generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,}
289 \emph{Journal of Computer and System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
291 G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science
292 and Statistics} 31:172-181.
294 J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic
295 Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics}
296 28(2):337-374.
298 J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
299 Boosting Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
301 J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,}
302 \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
304 B. Kriegler (2007). Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting Within a
305 Quantitative Regression Framework. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
306 California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Advisor(s) Richard A. Berk.
307 url{}.
309 C. Burges (2010). \dQuote{From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An
310 Overview,} Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
311 }
312 \seealso{
313 \code{\link{gbm.object}}, \code{\link{gbm.perf}},
314 \code{\link{plot.gbm}}, \code{\link{predict.gbm}}, \code{\link{summary.gbm}},
315 and \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}.
316 }
317 \author{
318 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
320 Quantile regression code developed by Brian Kriegler
321 \email{}
323 t-distribution, and multinomial code developed by Harry Southworth and
324 Daniel Edwards
326 Pairwise code developed by Stefan Schroedl \email{}
327 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/
2 \name{}
3 \alias{}
4 \title{Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling (GBM)}
5 \usage{
6, y, offset = NULL, misc = NULL, distribution = "bernoulli",
7 w = NULL, var.monotone = NULL, n.trees = 100,
8 interaction.depth = 1, n.minobsinnode = 10, shrinkage = 0.001,
9 bag.fraction = 0.5, nTrain = NULL, train.fraction = NULL,
10 = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, var.names = NULL,
11 = "y", group = NULL)
12 }
13 \arguments{
14 \item{x}{A data frame or matrix containing the predictor variables. The
15 number of rows in \code{x} must be the same as the length of \code{y}.}
17 \item{y}{A vector of outcomes. The number of rows in \code{x} must be the
18 same as the length of \code{y}.}
20 \item{offset}{A vector of offset values.}
22 \item{misc}{An R object that is simply passed on to the gbm engine. It can be
23 used for additional data for the specific distribution. Currently it is only
24 used for passing the censoring indicator for the Cox proportional hazards
25 model.}
27 \item{distribution}{Either a character string specifying the name of the
28 distribution to use or a list with a component \code{name} specifying the
29 distribution and any additional parameters needed. If not specified,
30 \code{gbm} will try to guess: if the response has only 2 unique values,
31 bernoulli is assumed; otherwise, if the response is a factor, multinomial is
32 assumed; otherwise, if the response has class \code{"Surv"}, coxph is
33 assumed; otherwise, gaussian is assumed.
35 Currently available options are \code{"gaussian"} (squared error),
36 \code{"laplace"} (absolute loss), \code{"tdist"} (t-distribution loss),
37 \code{"bernoulli"} (logistic regression for 0-1 outcomes),
38 \code{"huberized"} (huberized hinge loss for 0-1 outcomes), classes),
39 \code{"adaboost"} (the AdaBoost exponential loss for 0-1 outcomes),
40 \code{"poisson"} (count outcomes), \code{"coxph"} (right censored
41 observations), \code{"quantile"}, or \code{"pairwise"} (ranking measure
42 using the LambdaMart algorithm).
44 If quantile regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
45 the form \code{list(name = "quantile", alpha = 0.25)} where \code{alpha} is
46 the quantile to estimate. The current version's quantile regression method
47 does not handle non-constant weights and will stop.
49 If \code{"tdist"} is specified, the default degrees of freedom is 4 and
50 this can be controlled by specifying
51 \code{distribution = list(name = "tdist", df = DF)} where \code{DF} is your
52 chosen degrees of freedom.
54 If "pairwise" regression is specified, \code{distribution} must be a list of
55 the form \code{list(name="pairwise",group=...,metric=...,max.rank=...)}
56 (\code{metric} and \code{max.rank} are optional, see below). \code{group} is
57 a character vector with the column names of \code{data} that jointly
58 indicate the group an instance belongs to (typically a query in Information
59 Retrieval applications). For training, only pairs of instances from the same
60 group and with different target labels can be considered. \code{metric} is
61 the IR measure to use, one of
62 \describe{
63 \item{list("conc")}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this
64 is equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
65 \item{:}{Fraction of concordant pairs; for binary labels, this is
66 equivalent to the Area under the ROC Curve}
67 \item{list("mrr")}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
68 instance}
69 \item{:}{Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive instance}
70 \item{list("map")}{Mean average precision, a generalization of \code{mrr}
71 to multiple positive instances}\item{:}{Mean average precision, a
72 generalization of \code{mrr} to multiple positive instances}
73 \item{list("ndcg:")}{Normalized discounted cumulative gain. The score is
74 the weighted sum (DCG) of the user-supplied target values, weighted
75 by log(rank+1), and normalized to the maximum achievable value. This
76 is the default if the user did not specify a metric.}
77 }
79 \code{ndcg} and \code{conc} allow arbitrary target values, while binary
80 targets {0,1} are expected for \code{map} and \code{mrr}. For \code{ndcg}
81 and \code{mrr}, a cut-off can be chosen using a positive integer parameter
82 \code{max.rank}. If left unspecified, all ranks are taken into account.
84 Note that splitting of instances into training and validation sets follows
85 group boundaries and therefore only approximates the specified
86 \code{train.fraction} ratio (the same applies to cross-validation folds).
87 Internally, queries are randomly shuffled before training, to avoid bias.
89 Weights can be used in conjunction with pairwise metrics, however it is
90 assumed that they are constant for instances from the same group.
92 For details and background on the algorithm, see e.g. Burges (2010).}
94 \item{w}{A vector of weights of the same length as the \code{y}.}
96 \item{var.monotone}{an optional vector, the same length as the number of
97 predictors, indicating which variables have a monotone increasing (+1),
98 decreasing (-1), or arbitrary (0) relationship with the outcome.}
100 \item{n.trees}{the total number of trees to fit. This is equivalent to the
101 number of iterations and the number of basis functions in the additive
102 expansion.}
104 \item{interaction.depth}{The maximum depth of variable interactions. A value
105 of 1 implies an additive model, a value of 2 implies a model with up to 2-way
106 interactions, etc. Default is \code{1}.}
108 \item{n.minobsinnode}{Integer specifying the minimum number of observations
109 in the trees terminal nodes. Note that this is the actual number of
110 observations not the total weight.}
112 \item{shrinkage}{The shrinkage parameter applied to each tree in the
113 expansion. Also known as the learning rate or step-size reduction; 0.001 to
114 0.1 usually work, but a smaller learning rate typically requires more trees.
115 Default is \code{0.1}.}
117 \item{bag.fraction}{The fraction of the training set observations randomly
118 selected to propose the next tree in the expansion. This introduces
119 randomnesses into the model fit. If \code{bag.fraction} < 1 then running the
120 same model twice will result in similar but different fits. \code{gbm} uses
121 the R random number generator so \code{set.seed} can ensure that the model
122 can be reconstructed. Preferably, the user can save the returned
123 \code{\link{gbm.object}} using \code{\link{save}}. Default is \code{0.5}.}
125 \item{nTrain}{An integer representing the number of cases on which to train.
126 This is the preferred way of specification for \code{}; The option
127 \code{train.fraction} in \code{} is deprecated and only maintained
128 for backward compatibility. These two parameters are mutually exclusive. If
129 both are unspecified, all data is used for training.}
131 \item{train.fraction}{The first \code{train.fraction * nrows(data)}
132 observations are used to fit the \code{gbm} and the remainder are used for
133 computing out-of-sample estimates of the loss function.}
135 \item{}{Logical indicating whether or not to keep the data and an
136 index of the data stored with the object. Keeping the data and index makes
137 subsequent calls to \code{\link{gbm.more}} faster at the cost of storing an
138 extra copy of the dataset.}
140 \item{verbose}{Logical indicating whether or not to print out progress and
141 performance indicators (\code{TRUE}). If this option is left unspecified for
142 \code{gbm.more}, then it uses \code{verbose} from \code{object}. Default is
143 \code{FALSE}.}
145 \item{var.names}{Vector of strings of length equal to the number of columns
146 of \code{x} containing the names of the predictor variables.}
148 \item{}{Character string label for the response variable.}
150 \item{group}{The \code{group} to use when \code{distribution = "pairwise"}.}
151 }
152 \value{
153 A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
154 }
155 \description{
156 Workhorse function providing the link between R and the C++ gbm engine.
157 \code{gbm} is a front-end to \code{} that uses the familiar R
158 modeling formulas. However, \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}} is very slow if
159 there are many predictor variables. For power-users with many variables use
160 \code{}. For general practice \code{gbm} is preferable.
161 }
162 \details{
163 This package implements the generalized boosted modeling framework. Boosting
164 is the process of iteratively adding basis functions in a greedy fashion so
165 that each additional basis function further reduces the selected loss
166 function. This implementation closely follows Friedman's Gradient Boosting
167 Machine (Friedman, 2001).
169 In addition to many of the features documented in the Gradient Boosting
170 Machine, \code{gbm} offers additional features including the out-of-bag
171 estimator for the optimal number of iterations, the ability to store and
172 manipulate the resulting \code{gbm} object, and a variety of other loss
173 functions that had not previously had associated boosting algorithms,
174 including the Cox partial likelihood for censored data, the poisson
175 likelihood for count outcomes, and a gradient boosting implementation to
176 minimize the AdaBoost exponential loss function.
177 }
178 \references{
179 Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) \dQuote{A decision-theoretic
180 generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting,}
181 \emph{Journal of Computer and System Sciences,} 55(1):119-139.
183 G. Ridgeway (1999). \dQuote{The state of boosting,} \emph{Computing Science
184 and Statistics} 31:172-181.
186 J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). \dQuote{Additive Logistic
187 Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting,} \emph{Annals of Statistics}
188 28(2):337-374.
190 J.H. Friedman (2001). \dQuote{Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
191 Boosting Machine,} \emph{Annals of Statistics} 29(5):1189-1232.
193 J.H. Friedman (2002). \dQuote{Stochastic Gradient Boosting,}
194 \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis} 38(4):367-378.
196 B. Kriegler (2007). Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting Within a
197 Quantitative Regression Framework. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
198 California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Advisor(s) Richard A. Berk.
199 url{}.
201 C. Burges (2010). \dQuote{From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An
202 Overview,} Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
203 }
204 \seealso{
205 \code{\link{gbm.object}}, \code{\link{gbm.perf}},
206 \code{\link{plot.gbm}}, \code{\link{predict.gbm}}, \code{\link{summary.gbm}},
207 and \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}.
208 }
209 \author{
210 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
212 Quantile regression code developed by Brian Kriegler
213 \email{}
215 t-distribution, and multinomial code developed by Harry Southworth and
216 Daniel Edwards
218 Pairwise code developed by Stefan Schroedl \email{}
219 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/gbm.more.R
2 \name{gbm.more}
3 \alias{gbm.more}
4 \title{Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling (GBM)}
5 \usage{
6 gbm.more(object, = 100, data = NULL, weights = NULL,
7 offset = NULL, verbose = NULL)
8 }
9 \arguments{
10 \item{object}{A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object created from an initial call
11 to \code{\link{gbm}}.}
13 \item{}{Integer specifying the number of additional trees to add
14 to \code{object}. Default is 100.}
16 \item{data}{An optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By
17 default the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically
18 the environment from which \code{gbm} is called. If \code{} in
19 the initial call to \code{gbm} then \code{gbm} stores a copy with the
20 object. If \code{} then subsequent calls to
21 \code{\link{gbm.more}} must resupply the same dataset. It becomes the user's
22 responsibility to resupply the same data at this point.}
24 \item{weights}{An optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
25 process. Must be positive but do not need to be normalized. If
26 \code{} in the initial call to \code{gbm} then it is the
27 user's responsibility to resupply the weights to \code{\link{gbm.more}}.}
29 \item{offset}{A vector of offset values.}
31 \item{verbose}{Logical indicating whether or not to print out progress and
32 performance indicators (\code{TRUE}). If this option is left unspecified for
33 \code{gbm.more}, then it uses \code{verbose} from \code{object}. Default is
34 \code{FALSE}.}
35 }
36 \value{
37 A \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
38 }
39 \description{
40 Adds additional trees to a \code{\link{gbm.object}} object.
41 }
42 \examples{
43 #
44 # A least squares regression example
45 #
47 # Simulate data
48 set.seed(101) # for reproducibility
49 N <- 1000
50 X1 <- runif(N)
51 X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
52 X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE), levels = letters[4:1])
53 X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
54 X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
55 X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
56 mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
57 SNR <- 10 # signal-to-noise ratio
58 Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu
59 sigma <- sqrt(var(Y) / SNR)
60 Y <- Y + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
61 X1[sample(1:N,size=500)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
62 X4[sample(1:N,size=300)] <- NA # introduce some missing values
63 data <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
65 # Fit a GBM
66 set.seed(102) # for reproducibility
67 gbm1 <- gbm(Y ~ ., data = data, var.monotone = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
68 distribution = "gaussian", n.trees = 100, shrinkage = 0.1,
69 interaction.depth = 3, bag.fraction = 0.5, train.fraction = 0.5,
70 n.minobsinnode = 10, cv.folds = 5, = TRUE,
71 verbose = FALSE, n.cores = 1)
73 # Check performance using the out-of-bag (OOB) error; the OOB error typically
74 # underestimates the optimal number of iterations
75 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "OOB")
76 print(best.iter)
78 # Check performance using the 50\% heldout test set
79 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "test")
80 print(best.iter)
82 # Check performance using 5-fold cross-validation
83 best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm1, method = "cv")
84 print(best.iter)
86 # Plot relative influence of each variable
87 par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
88 summary(gbm1, n.trees = 1) # using first tree
89 summary(gbm1, n.trees = best.iter) # using estimated best number of trees
91 # Compactly print the first and last trees for curiosity
92 print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = 1))
93 print(pretty.gbm.tree(gbm1, i.tree = gbm1$n.trees))
95 # Simulate new data
96 set.seed(103) # for reproducibility
97 N <- 1000
98 X1 <- runif(N)
99 X2 <- 2 * runif(N)
100 X3 <- ordered(sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE))
101 X4 <- factor(sample(letters[1:6], N, replace = TRUE))
102 X5 <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], N, replace = TRUE))
103 X6 <- 3 * runif(N)
104 mu <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2)[as.numeric(X3)]
105 Y <- X1 ^ 1.5 + 2 * (X2 ^ 0.5) + mu + rnorm(N, 0, sigma)
106 data2 <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6)
108 # Predict on the new data using the "best" number of trees; by default,
109 # predictions will be on the link scale
110 Yhat <- predict(gbm1, newdata = data2, n.trees = best.iter, type = "link")
112 # least squares error
113 print(sum((data2$Y - Yhat)^2))
115 # Construct univariate partial dependence plots
116 p1 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 1, n.trees = best.iter)
117 p2 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = 2, n.trees = best.iter)
118 p3 <- plot(gbm1, i.var = "X3", n.trees = best.iter) # can use index or name
119 grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol = 3)
121 # Construct bivariate partial dependence plots
122 plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:2, n.trees = best.iter)
123 plot(gbm1, i.var = c("X2", "X3"), n.trees = best.iter)
124 plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:4, n.trees = best.iter)
126 # Construct trivariate partial dependence plots
127 plot(gbm1, i.var = c(1, 2, 6), n.trees = best.iter,
128 continuous.resolution = 20)
129 plot(gbm1, i.var = 1:3, n.trees = best.iter)
130 plot(gbm1, i.var = 2:4, n.trees = best.iter)
131 plot(gbm1, i.var = 3:5, n.trees = best.iter)
133 # Add more (i.e., 100) boosting iterations to the ensemble
134 gbm2 <- gbm.more(gbm1, = 100, verbose = FALSE)
135 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/gbm.object.R
02 \name{gbm.object}
13 \alias{gbm.object}
24 \title{Generalized Boosted Regression Model Object}
3 \description{These are objects representing fitted \code{gbm}s.}
4 \section{Structure}{The following components must be included in a legitimate \code{gbm} object.}
55 \value{
6 \item{initF}{the "intercept" term, the initial predicted value to which trees
7 make adjustments}
8 \item{fit}{a vector containing the fitted values on the scale of regression
9 function (e.g. log-odds scale for bernoulli, log scale for poisson)}
10 \item{train.error}{a vector of length equal to the number of fitted trees
11 containing the value of the loss function for each boosting iteration
12 evaluated on the training data}
6 \item{initF}{the "intercept" term, the initial predicted value to
7 which trees make adjustments} \item{fit}{a vector containing the fitted
8 values on the scale of regression function (e.g. log-odds scale for
9 bernoulli, log scale for poisson)} \item{train.error}{a vector of length
10 equal to the number of fitted trees containing the value of the loss
11 function for each boosting iteration evaluated on the training data}
1312 \item{valid.error}{a vector of length equal to the number of fitted trees
1413 containing the value of the loss function for each boosting iteration
15 evaluated on the validation data}
16 \item{cv.error}{if \code{cv.folds}<2 this component is NULL. Otherwise, this
17 component is a vector of length equal to the number of fitted trees
18 containing a cross-validated estimate of the loss function for each boosting
19 iteration}
20 \item{oobag.improve}{a vector of length equal to the number of fitted trees
21 containing an out-of-bag estimate of the marginal reduction in the expected
22 value of the loss function. The out-of-bag estimate uses only the training
23 data and is useful for estimating the optimal number of boosting iterations.
24 See \code{\link{gbm.perf}}}
14 evaluated on the validation data} \item{cv.error}{if \code{cv.folds}<2 this
15 component is NULL. Otherwise, this component is a vector of length equal to
16 the number of fitted trees containing a cross-validated estimate of the loss
17 function for each boosting iteration} \item{oobag.improve}{a vector of
18 length equal to the number of fitted trees containing an out-of-bag estimate
19 of the marginal reduction in the expected value of the loss function. The
20 out-of-bag estimate uses only the training data and is useful for estimating
21 the optimal number of boosting iterations. See \code{\link{gbm.perf}}}
2522 \item{trees}{a list containing the tree structures. The components are best
26 viewed using \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}}
27 \item{c.splits}{a list of all the categorical splits in the collection of
28 trees. If the \code{trees[[i]]} component of a \code{gbm} object describes a
29 categorical split then the splitting value will refer to a component of
30 \code{c.splits}. That component of \code{c.splits} will be a vector of length
31 equal to the number of levels in the categorical split variable. -1 indicates
32 left, +1 indicates right, and 0 indicates that the level was not present in the
33 training data}
23 viewed using \code{\link{pretty.gbm.tree}}} \item{c.splits}{a list of all
24 the categorical splits in the collection of trees. If the \code{trees[[i]]}
25 component of a \code{gbm} object describes a categorical split then the
26 splitting value will refer to a component of \code{c.splits}. That component
27 of \code{c.splits} will be a vector of length equal to the number of levels
28 in the categorical split variable. -1 indicates left, +1 indicates right,
29 and 0 indicates that the level was not present in the training data}
3430 \item{cv.fitted}{If cross-validation was performed, the cross-validation
35 predicted values on the scale of the linear predictor. That is, the
36 fitted values from the ith CV-fold, for the model having been trained on
37 the data in all other folds.}
31 predicted values on the scale of the linear predictor. That is, the fitted
32 values from the ith CV-fold, for the model having been trained on the data
33 in all other folds.}
3834 }
39 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
35 \description{
36 These are objects representing fitted \code{gbm}s.
37 }
38 \section{Structure}{
39 The following components must be included in a
40 legitimate \code{gbm} object.
41 }
4043 \seealso{
4144 \code{\link{gbm}}
4245 }
46 \author{
47 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
48 }
4449 \keyword{methods}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/gbm.perf.R
02 \name{gbm.perf}
13 \alias{gbm.perf}
24 \title{GBM performance}
3 \description{
4 Estimates the optimal number of boosting iterations for a \code{gbm} object and
5 optionally plots various performance measures
6 }
75 \usage{
8 gbm.perf(object,
9 = TRUE,
10 oobag.curve = FALSE,
11 overlay = TRUE,
12 method)
6 gbm.perf(object, = TRUE, oobag.curve = FALSE, overlay = TRUE,
7 method)
138 }
149 \arguments{
15 \item{object}{a \code{\link{gbm.object}} created from an initial call to
10 \item{object}{A \code{\link{gbm.object}} created from an initial call to
1611 \code{\link{gbm}}.}
17 \item{}{an indicator of whether or not to plot the performance measures.
18 Setting \code{} creates two plots. The first plot plots
19 \code{object$train.error} (in black) and \code{object$valid.error} (in red)
20 versus the iteration number. The scale of the error measurement, shown on the
21 left vertical axis, depends on the \code{distribution} argument used in the
22 initial call to \code{\link{gbm}}.}
23 \item{oobag.curve}{indicates whether to plot the out-of-bag performance measures
24 in a second plot.}
25 \item{overlay}{if TRUE and oobag.curve=TRUE then a right y-axis is added to the
26 training and test error plot and the estimated cumulative improvement in the loss
27 function is plotted versus the iteration number.}
28 \item{method}{indicate the method used to estimate the optimal number
29 of boosting iterations. \code{method="OOB"} computes the out-of-bag
30 estimate and \code{method="test"} uses the test (or validation) dataset
31 to compute an out-of-sample estimate. \code{method="cv"} extracts the
32 optimal number of iterations using cross-validation if \code{gbm} was called
33 with \code{cv.folds}>1}
13 \item{}{An indicator of whether or not to plot the performance
14 measures. Setting \code{ = TRUE} creates two plots. The first plot
15 plots \code{object$train.error} (in black) and \code{object$valid.error}
16 (in red) versus the iteration number. The scale of the error measurement,
17 shown on the left vertical axis, depends on the \code{distribution}
18 argument used in the initial call to \code{\link{gbm}}.}
20 \item{oobag.curve}{Indicates whether to plot the out-of-bag performance
21 measures in a second plot.}
23 \item{overlay}{If TRUE and oobag.curve=TRUE then a right y-axis is added to
24 the training and test error plot and the estimated cumulative improvement
25 in the loss function is plotted versus the iteration number.}
27 \item{method}{Indicate the method used to estimate the optimal number of
28 boosting iterations. \code{method = "OOB"} computes the out-of-bag estimate
29 and \code{method = "test"} uses the test (or validation) dataset to compute
30 an out-of-sample estimate. \code{method = "cv"} extracts the optimal number
31 of iterations using cross-validation if \code{gbm} was called with
32 \code{cv.folds} > 1.}
3433 }
3534 \value{
36 \code{gbm.perf} returns the estimated optimal number of iterations. The method
37 of computation depends on the \code{method} argument.}
39 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
40 \seealso{\code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}}
35 \code{gbm.perf} Returns the estimated optimal number of iterations.
36 The method of computation depends on the \code{method} argument.
37 }
38 \description{
39 Estimates the optimal number of boosting iterations for a \code{gbm} object
40 and optionally plots various performance measures
41 }
42 \seealso{
43 \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
44 }
45 \author{
46 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
47 }
4248 \keyword{nonlinear}
49 \keyword{nonparametric}
4350 \keyword{survival}
44 \keyword{nonparametric}
4551 \keyword{tree}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/ir.measures.R
02 \name{gbm.roc.area}
13 \alias{gbm.roc.area}
24 \alias{gbm.conc}
68 \alias{}
79 \alias{ir.measure.ndcg}
810 \alias{perf.pairwise}
9 \title{
10 Compute Information Retrieval measures.
11 \title{Compute Information Retrieval measures.}
12 \usage{
13 gbm.roc.area(obs, pred)
15 gbm.conc(x)
17 ir.measure.conc(y.f, max.rank = 0)
19 ir.measure.auc(y.f, max.rank = 0)
21 ir.measure.mrr(y.f, max.rank)
23, max.rank = 0)
25 ir.measure.ndcg(y.f, max.rank)
27 perf.pairwise(y, f, group, metric = "ndcg", w = NULL, max.rank = 0)
28 }
29 \arguments{
30 \item{obs}{Observed value.}
32 \item{pred}{Predicted value.}
34 \item{x}{?.}
36 \item{y, y.f, f, w, group, max.rank}{Used internally.}
38 \item{metric}{What type of performance measure to compute.}
39 }
40 \value{
41 The requested performance measure.
1142 }
1243 \description{
13 Functions to compute Information Retrieval measures for pairwise loss for
14 a single group. The function returns the respective metric, or a negative value if
15 it is undefined for the given group.
16 }
17 \usage{
18 gbm.roc.area(obs, pred)
19 ir.measure.conc(y.f, max.rank)
20 ir.measure.auc(y.f, max.rank)
21 ir.measure.mrr(y.f, max.rank)
22, max.rank)
23 ir.measure.ndcg(y.f, max.rank)
24 perf.pairwise(y, f, group, metric="ndcg", w=NULL, max.rank=0)
25 }
26 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
27 \arguments{
28 \item{obs}{Observed value}
29 \item{pred}{Predicted value}
30 \item{metric}{What type of performance measure to compute.}
31 \item{y, y.f, f, w, group, max.rank}{Used internally.}
44 Functions to compute Information Retrieval measures for pairwise loss for a
45 single group. The function returns the respective metric, or a negative
46 value if it is undefined for the given group.
3247 }
3348 \details{
34 For simplicity, we have no special handling for ties;
35 instead, we break ties randomly. This is slightly
36 inaccurate for individual groups, but should have
49 For simplicity, we have no special handling for ties; instead, we break ties
50 randomly. This is slightly inaccurate for individual groups, but should have
3751 only a small effect on the overall measure.
39 \code{gbm.conc} computes the concordance index:
40 Fraction of all pairs (i,j) with i<j, x[i] != x[j], such that x[j] < x[i]
53 \code{gbm.conc} computes the concordance index: Fraction of all pairs (i,j)
54 with i<j, x[i] != x[j], such that x[j] < x[i]
42 If \code{obs} is binary, then
43 \code{gbm.roc.area(obs, pred) = gbm.conc(obs[order(-pred)])}.
56 If \code{obs} is binary, then \code{gbm.roc.area(obs, pred) =
57 gbm.conc(obs[order(-pred)])}.
45 \code{gbm.conc} is more general as it allows non-binary targets,
46 but is significantly slower.
59 \code{gbm.conc} is more general as it allows non-binary targets, but is
60 significantly slower.
4761 }
48 \value{The requested performance measure.}
62 \examples{
64 ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
65 ##-- ==> Define data, use random,
66 ##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
67 }
4968 \references{
50 C. Burges (2010). "From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview",
51 Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
69 C. Burges (2010). "From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An
70 Overview", Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82.
71 }
72 \seealso{
73 \code{\link{gbm}}
5274 }
5375 \author{
5476 Stefan Schroedl
5577 }
57 \seealso{
58 \code{\link{gbm}}
59 }
60 \examples{
61 ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
62 ##-- ==> Define data, use random,
63 ##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
65 }
66 \keyword{ models }
78 \keyword{models}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/gbmCrossVal.R
02 \name{gbmCrossVal}
13 \alias{gbmCrossVal}
24 \alias{gbmCrossValModelBuild}
46 \alias{gbmCrossValErr}
57 \alias{gbmCrossValPredictions}
68 \title{Cross-validate a gbm}
7 \description{Functions for cross-validating gbm. These functions are
8 used internally and are not intended for end-user direct usage.}
99 \usage{
10 gbmCrossVal(cv.folds, nTrain, n.cores,
11, data,
12 x, y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone,
13 n.trees, interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode,
14 shrinkage, bag.fraction,
15 var.names,, group)
17 gbmCrossValModelBuild(cv.folds,, n.cores,
18 i.train, x, y, offset,
19 distribution, w, var.monotone,
20 n.trees, interaction.depth,
21 n.minobsinnode, shrinkage,
22 bag.fraction, var.names,
23, group)
25 gbmDoFold(X, i.train, x, y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone, n.trees,
26 interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode, shrinkage, bag.fraction,
27, var.names,, group, s)
10 gbmCrossVal(cv.folds, nTrain, n.cores,, data, x, y,
11 offset, distribution, w, var.monotone, n.trees, interaction.depth,
12 n.minobsinnode, shrinkage, bag.fraction, var.names,, group)
2914 gbmCrossValErr(cv.models, cv.folds,, nTrain, n.trees)
31 gbmCrossValPredictions(cv.models, cv.folds,,
32, distribution, data, y)
16 gbmCrossValPredictions(cv.models, cv.folds,,,
17 distribution, data, y)
19 gbmCrossValModelBuild(cv.folds,, n.cores, i.train, x, y, offset,
20 distribution, w, var.monotone, n.trees, interaction.depth,
21 n.minobsinnode, shrinkage, bag.fraction, var.names,, group)
23 gbmDoFold(X, i.train, x, y, offset, distribution, w, var.monotone, n.trees,
24 interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode, shrinkage, bag.fraction,,
25 var.names,, group, s)
3526 }
3627 \arguments{
3728 \item{cv.folds}{The number of cross-validation folds.}
3830 \item{nTrain}{The number of training samples.}
3932 \item{n.cores}{The number of cores to use.}
40 \item{}{Whether or not stratified cross-validation
41 samples are used.}
34 \item{}{Whether or not stratified cross-validation samples
35 are used.}
4237 \item{data}{The data.}
4339 \item{x}{The model matrix.}
4441 \item{y}{The response variable.}
4543 \item{offset}{The offset.}
4645 \item{distribution}{The type of loss function. See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
4747 \item{w}{Observation weights.}
4849 \item{var.monotone}{See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
4951 \item{n.trees}{The number of trees to fit.}
50 \item{interaction.depth}{The degree of allowed interactions. See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
53 \item{interaction.depth}{The degree of allowed interactions. See
54 \code{\link{gbm}}.}
5156 \item{n.minobsinnode}{See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
5258 \item{shrinkage}{See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
5360 \item{bag.fraction}{See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
5462 \item{var.names}{See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
5564 \item{}{See \code{\link{gbm}}.}
5666 \item{group}{Used when \code{distribution = "pairwise"}. See
57 \code{\link{gbm}}.}
67 \code{\link{gbm}}.}
69 \item{cv.models}{A list containing the models for each fold.}
71 \item{}{A vector indicating the cross-validation fold for each
72 member of the training set.}
74 \item{}{The iteration with lowest cross-validation error.}
5876 \item{i.train}{Items in the training set.}
59 \item{cv.models}{A list containing the models for each fold.}
60 \item{}{A vector indicating the cross-validation fold for each
61 member of the training set.}
62 \item{}{The iteration with lowest cross-validation error.}
6378 \item{X}{Index (cross-validation fold) on which to subset.}
6480 \item{s}{Random seed.}
66 } % Close arguments
81 }
82 \value{
83 A list containing the cross-validation error and predictions.
84 }
85 \description{
86 Functions for cross-validating gbm. These functions are used internally and
87 are not intended for end-user direct usage.
88 }
6789 \details{
6890 These functions are not intended for end-user direct usage, but are used
69 internally by \code{gbm}.}
70 \value{A list containing the cross-validation error and predictions.}
91 internally by \code{gbm}.
92 }
7193 \references{
72 J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting
73 Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
94 J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
95 Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
75 L. Breiman (2001). \href{}{Random Forests}.
97 L. Breiman (2001).
98 \url{}.
7799 }
78 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
80 \seealso{ \code{\link{gbm}} }
82 \keyword{ models }
100 \seealso{
101 \code{\link{gbm}}
102 }
103 \author{
104 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
105 }
106 \keyword{models}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
2 \name{grid.arrange}
3 \alias{grid.arrange}
4 \title{Arrange multiple grobs on a page}
5 \usage{
6 grid.arrange(..., newpage = TRUE)
7 }
8 \description{
9 See \code{\link[gridExtra]{grid.arrange}} for more details.
10 }
11 \keyword{internal}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/interact.gbm.R
02 \name{interact.gbm}
13 \alias{interact.gbm}
2 \title{ Estimate the strength of interaction effects }
3 \description{ Computes Friedman's H-statistic to assess the strength of variable interactions. }
4 \title{Estimate the strength of interaction effects}
45 \usage{
5 interact.gbm(x,
6 data,
7 i.var = 1,
8 n.trees = x$n.trees)
6 interact.gbm(x, data, i.var = 1, n.trees = x$n.trees)
97 }
108 \arguments{
11 \item{x}{ a \code{\link{gbm.object}} fitted using a call to \code{\link{gbm}}}
12 \item{data}{ the dataset used to construct \code{x}. If the original dataset is
13 large, a random subsample may be used to accelerate the computation in
14 \code{interact.gbm}}
15 \item{i.var}{a vector of indices or the names of the variables for compute
16 the interaction effect. If using indices, the variables are indexed in the
17 same order that they appear in the initial \code{gbm} formula.}
18 \item{n.trees}{ the number of trees used to generate the plot. Only the first
19 \code{n.trees} trees will be used}
9 \item{x}{A \code{\link{gbm.object}} fitted using a call to \code{\link{gbm}}.}
11 \item{data}{The dataset used to construct \code{x}. If the original dataset
12 is large, a random subsample may be used to accelerate the computation in
13 \code{interact.gbm}.}
15 \item{i.var}{A vector of indices or the names of the variables for compute
16 the interaction effect. If using indices, the variables are indexed in the
17 same order that they appear in the initial \code{gbm} formula.}
19 \item{n.trees}{The number of trees used to generate the plot. Only the first
20 \code{n.trees} trees will be used.}
21 }
22 \value{
23 Returns the value of \eqn{H}.
24 }
25 \description{
26 Computes Friedman's H-statistic to assess the strength of variable
27 interactions.
2028 }
2129 \details{
2230 \code{interact.gbm} computes Friedman's H-statistic to assess the relative
2331 strength of interaction effects in non-linear models. H is on the scale of
24 [0-1] with higher values indicating larger interaction effects. To connect to
25 a more familiar measure, if \eqn{x_1} and \eqn{x_2} are uncorrelated covariates
26 with mean 0 and variance 1 and the model is of the form
27 \deqn{y=\beta_0+\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+\beta_3x_3}
28 then
32 [0-1] with higher values indicating larger interaction effects. To connect
33 to a more familiar measure, if \eqn{x_1} and \eqn{x_2} are uncorrelated
34 covariates with mean 0 and variance 1 and the model is of the form
35 \deqn{y=\beta_0+\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+\beta_3x_3} then
2936 \deqn{H=\frac{\beta_3}{\sqrt{\beta_1^2+\beta_2^2+\beta_3^2}}}
31 Note that if the main effects are weak, the estimated H will be unstable. For
32 example, if (in the case of a two-way interaction) neither main effect is in
33 the selected model (relative influence is zero), the result will be 0/0. Also,
34 with weak main effects, rounding errors can result in values of H > 1 which are
35 not possible.
36 }
37 \value{
38 Returns the value of \eqn{H}.
38 Note that if the main effects are weak, the estimated H will be unstable.
39 For example, if (in the case of a two-way interaction) neither main effect
40 is in the selected model (relative influence is zero), the result will be
41 0/0. Also, with weak main effects, rounding errors can result in values of H
42 > 1 which are not possible.
3943 }
4044 \references{
41 J.H. Friedman and B.E. Popescu (2005). \dQuote{Predictive Learning via Rule
42 Ensembles.} Section 8.1
45 J.H. Friedman and B.E. Popescu (2005). \dQuote{Predictive
46 Learning via Rule Ensembles.} Section 8.1
4347 }
44 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
46 \seealso{ \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}} }
48 \keyword{ methods }
48 \seealso{
49 \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
50 }
51 \author{
52 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
53 }
54 \keyword{methods}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/plot.gbm.R
02 \name{plot.gbm}
13 \alias{plot.gbm}
2 \title{ Marginal plots of fitted gbm objects }
3 \description{
4 Plots the marginal effect of the selected variables by "integrating" out the other variables.
5 }
4 \title{Marginal plots of fitted gbm objects}
65 \usage{
7 \method{plot}{gbm}(x,
8 i.var = 1,
9 n.trees = x$n.trees,
10 continuous.resolution = 100,
11 return.grid = FALSE,
12 type = "link",
13 ...)
6 \method{plot}{gbm}(x, i.var = 1, n.trees = x$n.trees,
7 continuous.resolution = 100, return.grid = FALSE, type = c("link",
8 "response"), level.plot = TRUE, contour = FALSE, number = 4,
9 overlap = 0.1, col.regions = viridis::viridis, ...)
1410 }
1511 \arguments{
16 \item{x}{ a \code{\link{gbm.object}} fitted using a call to \code{\link{gbm}}}
17 \item{i.var}{a vector of indices or the names of the variables to plot. If
18 using indices, the variables are indexed in the same order that they appear
19 in the initial \code{gbm} formula.
20 If \code{length(i.var)} is between 1 and 3 then \code{plot.gbm} produces the plots. Otherwise,
21 \code{plot.gbm} returns only the grid of evaluation points and their average predictions}
22 \item{n.trees}{ the number of trees used to generate the plot. Only the first
23 \code{n.trees} trees will be used}
24 \item{continuous.resolution}{ The number of equally space points at which to
25 evaluate continuous predictors }
26 \item{return.grid}{ if \code{TRUE} then \code{plot.gbm} produces no graphics and only returns
27 the grid of evaluation points and their average predictions. This is useful for
28 customizing the graphics for special variable types or for dimensions greater
29 than 3 }
30 \item{type}{ the type of prediction to plot on the vertical axis. See
31 \code{predict.gbm}}
32 \item{\dots}{ other arguments passed to the plot function }
12 \item{x}{A \code{\link{gbm.object}} that was fit using a call to
13 \code{\link{gbm}}.}
15 \item{i.var}{Vector of indices or the names of the variables to plot. If
16 using indices, the variables are indexed in the same order that they appear
17 in the initial \code{gbm} formula. If \code{length(i.var)} is between 1 and
18 3 then \code{plot.gbm} produces the plots. Otherwise, \code{plot.gbm}
19 returns only the grid of evaluation points and their average predictions}
21 \item{n.trees}{Integer specifying the number of trees to use to generate the
22 plot. Default is to use \code{x$n.trees} (i.e., the entire ensemble).}
24 \item{continuous.resolution}{Integer specifying the number of equally space
25 points at which to evaluate continuous predictors.}
27 \item{return.grid}{Logical indicating whether or not to produce graphics
28 \code{FALSE} or only return the grid of evaluation points and their average
29 predictions \code{TRUE}. This is useful for customizing the graphics for
30 special variable types, or for higher dimensional graphs.}
32 \item{type}{Character string specifying the type of prediction to plot on the
33 vertical axis. See \code{\link{predict.gbm}} for details.}
35 \item{level.plot}{Logical indicating whether or not to use a false color
36 level plot (\code{TRUE}) or a 3-D surface (\code{FALSE}). Default is
37 \code{TRUE}.}
39 \item{contour}{Logical indicating whether or not to add contour lines to the
40 level plot. Only used when \code{level.plot = TRUE}. Default is \code{FALSE}.}
42 \item{number}{Integer specifying the number of conditional intervals to use
43 for the continuous panel variables. See \code{\link[graphics]{co.intervals}}
44 and \code{\link[lattice]{equal.count}} for further details.}
46 \item{overlap}{The fraction of overlap of the conditioning variables. See
47 \code{\link[graphics]{co.intervals}} and \code{\link[lattice]{equal.count}}
48 for further details.}
50 \item{col.regions}{Color vector to be used if \code{level.plot} is
51 \code{TRUE}. Defaults to the wonderful Matplotlib 'viridis' color map
52 provided by the \code{viridis} package. See \code{\link[viridis]{viridis}}
53 for details.}
55 \item{...}{Additional optional arguments to be passed onto
56 \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}.}
57 }
58 \value{
59 If \code{return.grid = TRUE}, a grid of evaluation points and their
60 average predictions. Otherwise, a plot is returned.
61 }
62 \description{
63 Plots the marginal effect of the selected variables by "integrating" out the
64 other variables.
3365 }
3466 \details{
3567 \code{plot.gbm} produces low dimensional projections of the
36 \code{\link{gbm.object}} by integrating out the variables not included in the
37 \code{i.var} argument. The function selects a grid of points and uses the
38 weighted tree traversal method described in Friedman (2001) to do the
68 \code{\link{gbm.object}} by integrating out the variables not included in
69 the \code{i.var} argument. The function selects a grid of points and uses
70 the weighted tree traversal method described in Friedman (2001) to do the
3971 integration. Based on the variable types included in the projection,
4072 \code{plot.gbm} selects an appropriate display choosing amongst line plots,
41 contour plots, and \code{\link[lattice]{lattice}} plots. If the default graphics
42 are not sufficient the user may set \code{return.grid=TRUE}, store the result
43 of the function, and develop another graphic display more appropriate to the
44 particular example.
73 contour plots, and \code{\link[lattice]{lattice}} plots. If the default
74 graphics are not sufficient the user may set \code{return.grid=TRUE}, store
75 the result of the function, and develop another graphic display more
76 appropriate to the particular example.
4577 }
46 \value{
47 Nothing unless \code{return.grid} is true then \code{plot.gbm} produces no
48 graphics and only returns the grid of evaluation points and their average
49 predictions.
78 \note{
79 More flexible plotting is available using the
80 \code{\link[pdp]{partial}} and \code{\link[pdp]{plotPartial}} functions.
5081 }
5182 \references{
52 J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting
53 Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(4).
83 J. H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
84 Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(4).
86 B. M. Greenwell (2017). "pdp: An R Package for Constructing
87 Partial Dependence Plots," The R Journal 9(1), 421--436.
88 \url{}.
5489 }
55 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
57 \seealso{ \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}, \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} }
59 \keyword{ hplot }
90 \seealso{
91 \code{\link[pdp]{partial}}, \code{\link[pdp]{plotPartial}},
92 \code{\link{gbm}}, and \code{\link{gbm.object}}.
93 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/predict.gbm.R
02 \name{predict.gbm}
13 \alias{predict.gbm}
2 \title{ Predict method for GBM Model Fits }
3 \description{
4 Predicted values based on a generalized boosted model object
5 }
4 \title{Predict method for GBM Model Fits}
65 \usage{
7 \method{predict}{gbm}(object,
8 newdata,
9 n.trees,
10 type="link",
11 single.tree=FALSE,
12 ...)
6 \method{predict}{gbm}(object, newdata, n.trees, type = "link",
7 single.tree = FALSE, ...)
138 }
149 \arguments{
15 \item{object}{ Object of class inheriting from (\code{\link{gbm.object}}) }
16 \item{newdata}{ Data frame of observations for which to make predictions }
17 \item{n.trees}{ Number of trees used in the prediction. \code{n.trees} may
18 be a vector in which case predictions are returned for each
19 iteration specified}
20 \item{type}{ The scale on which gbm makes the predictions }
21 \item{single.tree}{If \code{single.tree=TRUE} then \code{predict.gbm} returns
22 only the predictions from tree(s) \code{n.trees}}
23 \item{\dots}{ further arguments passed to or from other methods }
10 \item{object}{Object of class inheriting from (\code{\link{gbm.object}})}
12 \item{newdata}{Data frame of observations for which to make predictions}
14 \item{n.trees}{Number of trees used in the prediction. \code{n.trees} may be
15 a vector in which case predictions are returned for each iteration specified}
17 \item{type}{The scale on which gbm makes the predictions}
19 \item{single.tree}{If \code{single.tree=TRUE} then \code{predict.gbm}
20 returns only the predictions from tree(s) \code{n.trees}}
22 \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods}
23 }
24 \value{
25 Returns a vector of predictions. By default the predictions are on
26 the scale of f(x). For example, for the Bernoulli loss the returned value is
27 on the log odds scale, poisson loss on the log scale, and coxph is on the
28 log hazard scale.
30 If \code{type="response"} then \code{gbm} converts back to the same scale as
31 the outcome. Currently the only effect this will have is returning
32 probabilities for bernoulli and expected counts for poisson. For the other
33 distributions "response" and "link" return the same.
34 }
35 \description{
36 Predicted values based on a generalized boosted model object
2437 }
2538 \details{
26 \code{predict.gbm} produces predicted values for each observation in \code{newdata} using the the first \code{n.trees} iterations of the boosting sequence. If \code{n.trees} is a vector than the result is a matrix with each column representing the predictions from gbm models with \code{n.trees[1]} iterations, \code{n.trees[2]} iterations, and so on.
39 \code{predict.gbm} produces predicted values for each observation in
40 \code{newdata} using the the first \code{n.trees} iterations of the boosting
41 sequence. If \code{n.trees} is a vector than the result is a matrix with
42 each column representing the predictions from gbm models with
43 \code{n.trees[1]} iterations, \code{n.trees[2]} iterations, and so on.
28 The predictions from \code{gbm} do not include the offset term. The user may add the value of the offset to the predicted value if desired.
45 The predictions from \code{gbm} do not include the offset term. The user may
46 add the value of the offset to the predicted value if desired.
3048 If \code{object} was fit using \code{\link{}} there will be no
31 \code{Terms} component. Therefore, the user has greater responsibility to make
32 sure that \code{newdata} is of the same format (order and number of variables)
33 as the one originally used to fit the model.
49 \code{Terms} component. Therefore, the user has greater responsibility to
50 make sure that \code{newdata} is of the same format (order and number of
51 variables) as the one originally used to fit the model.
3452 }
35 \value{
36 Returns a vector of predictions. By default the predictions are on the scale of f(x). For example, for the Bernoulli loss the returned value is on the log odds scale, poisson loss on the log scale, and coxph is on the log hazard scale.
38 If \code{type="response"} then \code{gbm} converts back to the same scale as the outcome. Currently the only effect this will have is returning probabilities for bernoulli and expected counts for poisson. For the other distributions "response" and "link" return the same.
39 }
40 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
4153 \seealso{
4254 \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
4355 }
45 \keyword{ models }
46 \keyword{ regression }
56 \author{
57 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
58 }
59 \keyword{models}
60 \keyword{regression}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/pretty.gbm.tree.R
02 \name{pretty.gbm.tree}
13 \alias{pretty.gbm.tree}
2 \title{ Print gbm tree components }
3 \description{
4 \code{gbm} stores the collection of trees used to construct the model in a
5 compact matrix structure. This function extracts the information from a single
6 tree and displays it in a slightly more readable form. This function is mostly
7 for debugging purposes and to satisfy some users' curiosity.
8 }
4 \title{Print gbm tree components}
95 \usage{
10 pretty.gbm.tree(object, i.tree = 1)
6 \method{pretty}{gbm.tree}(object, i.tree = 1)
117 }
128 \arguments{
13 \item{object}{ a \code{\link{gbm.object}} initially fit using \code{\link{gbm}}}
14 \item{i.tree}{ the index of the tree component to extract from \code{object}
15 and display }
9 \item{object}{a \code{\link{gbm.object}} initially fit using
10 \code{\link{gbm}}}
12 \item{i.tree}{the index of the tree component to extract from \code{object}
13 and display}
1614 }
1715 \value{
18 \code{pretty.gbm.tree} returns a data frame. Each row corresponds to a node in
19 the tree. Columns indicate
20 \item{SplitVar}{index of which variable is used to split. -1 indicates a
21 terminal node.}
22 \item{SplitCodePred}{if the split variable is continuous then this component
23 is the split point. If the split variable is categorical then this component
24 contains the index of \code{object$c.split} that describes the categorical
25 split. If the node is a terminal node then this is the prediction.}
26 \item{LeftNode}{the index of the row corresponding to the left node.}
27 \item{RightNode}{the index of the row corresponding to the right node.}
28 \item{ErrorReduction}{the reduction in the loss function as a result of
29 splitting this node.}
30 \item{Weight}{the total weight of observations in the node. If weights are all
31 equal to 1 then this is the number of observations in the node.}
16 \code{pretty.gbm.tree} returns a data frame. Each row corresponds to
17 a node in the tree. Columns indicate \item{SplitVar}{index of which variable
18 is used to split. -1 indicates a terminal node.} \item{SplitCodePred}{if the
19 split variable is continuous then this component is the split point. If the
20 split variable is categorical then this component contains the index of
21 \code{object$c.split} that describes the categorical split. If the node is a
22 terminal node then this is the prediction.} \item{LeftNode}{the index of the
23 row corresponding to the left node.} \item{RightNode}{the index of the row
24 corresponding to the right node.} \item{ErrorReduction}{the reduction in the
25 loss function as a result of splitting this node.} \item{Weight}{the total
26 weight of observations in the node. If weights are all equal to 1 then this
27 is the number of observations in the node.}
3228 }
33 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
29 \description{
30 \code{gbm} stores the collection of trees used to construct the model in a
31 compact matrix structure. This function extracts the information from a
32 single tree and displays it in a slightly more readable form. This function
33 is mostly for debugging purposes and to satisfy some users' curiosity.
34 }
3435 \seealso{
3536 \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
3637 }
37 \keyword{ print }
38 \author{
39 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
40 }
41 \keyword{print}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/print.gbm.R
02 \name{print.gbm}
13 \alias{print.gbm}
24 \alias{show.gbm}
4 \title{ Print model summary }
5 \description{
6 Display basic information about a \code{gbm} object.
7 }
5 \title{Print model summary}
86 \usage{
97 \method{print}{gbm}(x, ...)
10 \method{show}{gbm}(x, ...)
9 show.gbm(x, ...)
1110 }
1211 \arguments{
13 \item{x}{ an object of class \code{gbm}. }
14 \item{\dots}{ arguments passed to \code{print.default}. }
12 \item{x}{an object of class \code{gbm}.}
14 \item{\dots}{arguments passed to \code{print.default}.}
15 }
16 \description{
17 Display basic information about a \code{gbm} object.
1518 }
1619 \details{
17 Prints some information about the model object. In particular, this method
18 prints the call to \code{gbm()}, the type of loss function
19 that was used, and the total number of iterations.
20 Prints some information about the model object. In particular, this method
21 prints the call to \code{gbm()}, the type of loss function that was used,
22 and the total number of iterations.
21 If cross-validation was performed, the 'best' number of trees as
22 estimated by cross-validation error is displayed. If a test set
23 was used, the 'best' number
24 of trees as estimated by the test set error is displayed.
24 If cross-validation was performed, the 'best' number of trees as estimated
25 by cross-validation error is displayed. If a test set was used, the 'best'
26 number of trees as estimated by the test set error is displayed.
26 The number of available predictors, and the number of those having
27 non-zero influence on predictions is given (which might be interesting
28 in data mining applications).
28 The number of available predictors, and the number of those having non-zero
29 influence on predictions is given (which might be interesting in data mining
30 applications).
30 If multinomial, bernoulli or adaboost was used,
31 the confusion matrix and prediction accuracy are printed (objects
32 being allocated to the class with highest probability for multinomial
33 and bernoulli). These classifications are performed on the entire
34 training
35 data using the model with the 'best' number of trees as described
36 above, or the maximum number of trees if the 'best' cannot be
37 computed.
32 If multinomial, bernoulli or adaboost was used, the confusion matrix and
33 prediction accuracy are printed (objects being allocated to the class with
34 highest probability for multinomial and bernoulli). These classifications
35 are performed on the entire training data using the model with the 'best'
36 number of trees as described above, or the maximum number of trees if the
37 'best' cannot be computed.
39 If the 'distribution' was specified as gaussian, laplace, quantile
40 or t-distribution, a summary of the residuals is displayed.
41 The residuals are for the training data with the model at the 'best'
42 number of trees, as
43 described above, or the maximum number of trees if the 'best' cannot
44 be computed.
39 If the 'distribution' was specified as gaussian, laplace, quantile or
40 t-distribution, a summary of the residuals is displayed. The residuals are
41 for the training data with the model at the 'best' number of trees, as
42 described above, or the maximum number of trees if the 'best' cannot be
43 computed.
4544 }
45 \examples{
48 \author{ Harry Southworth, Daniel Edwards }
50 \seealso{ \code{\link{gbm}} }
51 \examples{
5247 data(iris)
5348 iris.mod <- gbm(Species ~ ., distribution="multinomial", data=iris,
5449 n.trees=2000, shrinkage=0.01, cv.folds=5,
5954 # n.trees=2000, shrinkage=0.01, cv.folds=5,verbose =FALSE)
6055 #lung.mod
6156 }
57 \seealso{
58 \code{\link{gbm}}
59 }
60 \author{
61 Harry Southworth, Daniel Edwards
62 }
6263 \keyword{models}
6364 \keyword{nonlinear}
65 \keyword{nonparametric}
6466 \keyword{survival}
65 \keyword{nonparametric}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/calibrate.plot.R
02 \name{quantile.rug}
13 \alias{quantile.rug}
24 \title{Quantile rug plot}
3 \description{Marks the quantiles on the axes of the current plot.}
45 \usage{
5 quantile.rug(x,prob=(0:10)/10,...)
6 \method{quantile}{rug}(x, prob = 0:10/10, ...)
67 }
78 \arguments{
8 \item{x}{a numeric vector.}
9 \item{prob}{the quantiles of x to mark on the x-axis.}
10 \item{...}{additional graphics parameters currently ignored.}
9 \item{x}{A numeric vector.}
11 \item{prob}{The quantiles of x to mark on the x-axis.}
13 \item{...}{Additional optional arguments to be passed onto
14 \code{\link[graphics]{rug}}}
1115 }
12 \value{No return values}
13 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
14 \seealso{
15 \code{\link[graphics]{plot}},
16 \code{\link[stats]{quantile}},
17 \code{\link[base]{jitter}},
18 \code{\link[graphics]{rug}}.
16 \value{
17 No return values.
18 }
19 \description{
20 Marks the quantiles on the axes of the current plot.
1921 }
2022 \examples{
2123 x <- rnorm(100)
2224 y <- rnorm(100)
23 plot(x,y)
25 plot(x, y)
2426 quantile.rug(x)
2527 }
28 \seealso{
29 \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}, \code{\link[stats]{quantile}},
30 \code{\link[base]{jitter}}, \code{\link[graphics]{rug}}.
31 }
32 \author{
33 Greg Ridgeway \email{}.
34 }
2635 \keyword{aplot}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/reconstructGBMdata.R
02 \name{reconstructGBMdata}
1 \Rdversion{1.1}
23 \alias{reconstructGBMdata}
34 \title{Reconstruct a GBM's Source Data}
5 \usage{
6 reconstructGBMdata(x)
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{x}{a \code{\link{gbm.object}} initially fit using \code{\link{gbm}}}
10 }
11 \value{
12 Returns a data used to fit the gbm in a format that can subsequently
13 be used for plots and summaries
14 }
615 \description{
716 Helper function to reconstitute the data for plots and summaries. This
817 function is not intended for the user to call directly.
918 }
10 \usage{
11 reconstructGBMdata(x)
12 }
13 \arguments{
14 \item{x}{
15 a \code{\link{gbm.object}} initially fit using \code{\link{gbm}}
16 }
17 }
18 \value{
19 Returns a data used to fit the gbm in a format that can subsequently be used
20 for plots and summaries
19 \seealso{
20 \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
2121 }
2222 \author{
2323 Harry Southworth
2424 }
26 \seealso{
27 \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
28 }
30 \keyword{ manip }
25 \keyword{manip}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/relative.influence.R
02 \name{relative.influence}
13 \alias{relative.influence}
24 \alias{permutation.test.gbm}
35 \alias{gbm.loss}
4 \title{ Methods for estimating relative influence }
5 \description{
6 Helper functions for computing the relative influence of each variable in the gbm object.
7 }
6 \title{Methods for estimating relative influence}
87 \usage{
9 relative.influence(object, n.trees, scale., sort.)
8 relative.influence(object, n.trees, scale. = FALSE, sort. = FALSE)
1010 permutation.test.gbm(object, n.trees)
11 gbm.loss(y,f,w,offset,dist,baseline, group, max.rank)
12 gbm.loss(y, f, w, offset, dist, baseline, group = NULL,
13 max.rank = NULL)
1214 }
1315 \arguments{
14 \item{object}{a \code{gbm} object created from an initial call to \code{\link{gbm}}.}
15 \item{n.trees}{ the number of trees to use for computations. If not provided, the
16 the function will guess: if a test set was used in fitting, the number of
17 trees resulting in lowest test set error will be used; otherwise, if
18 cross-validation was performed, the number of trees resulting in lowest
19 cross-validation error will be used; otherwise, all trees will be used.}
20 \item{scale.}{ whether or not the result should be scaled. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
21 \item{sort.}{ whether or not the results should be (reverse) sorted.
22 Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
23 \item{y,f,w,offset,dist,baseline}{For \code{gbm.loss}: These components are the
24 outcome, predicted value, observation weight, offset, distribution, and comparison
25 loss function, respectively.}
26 \item{group, max.rank}{Used internally when \code{distribution = \'pairwise\'}.}
16 \item{object}{a \code{gbm} object created from an initial call to
17 \code{\link{gbm}}.}
19 \item{n.trees}{the number of trees to use for computations. If not provided,
20 the the function will guess: if a test set was used in fitting, the number
21 of trees resulting in lowest test set error will be used; otherwise, if
22 cross-validation was performed, the number of trees resulting in lowest
23 cross-validation error will be used; otherwise, all trees will be used.}
25 \item{scale.}{whether or not the result should be scaled. Defaults to
26 \code{FALSE}.}
28 \item{sort.}{whether or not the results should be (reverse) sorted.
29 Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
31 \item{y, f, w, offset, dist, baseline}{For \code{gbm.loss}: These components are
32 the outcome, predicted value, observation weight, offset, distribution, and
33 comparison loss function, respectively.}
35 \item{group, max.rank}{Used internally when \code{distribution =
36 \'pairwise\'}.}
37 }
38 \value{
39 By default, returns an unprocessed vector of estimated relative
40 influences. If the \code{scale.} and \code{sort.} arguments are used,
41 returns a processed version of the same.
42 }
43 \description{
44 Helper functions for computing the relative influence of each variable in
45 the gbm object.
2746 }
2847 \details{
2948 This is not intended for end-user use. These functions offer the different
3049 methods for computing the relative influence in \code{\link{summary.gbm}}.
3150 \code{gbm.loss} is a helper function for \code{permutation.test.gbm}.
3251 }
33 \value{
34 By default, returns an unprocessed vector of estimated relative influences.
35 If the \code{scale.} and \code{sort.} arguments are used, returns a processed
36 version of the same.
52 \references{
53 J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
54 Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
56 L. Breiman (2001).
57 \url{}.
3758 }
38 \references{
39 J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting
40 Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
42 L. Breiman (2001). \href{}{Random Forests}.
59 \seealso{
60 \code{\link{summary.gbm}}
4461 }
45 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
47 \seealso{ \code{\link{summary.gbm}} }
49 \keyword{ hplot }
62 \author{
63 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
64 }
65 \keyword{hplot}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/shrink.gbm.R
02 \name{shrink.gbm}
13 \alias{shrink.gbm}
2 \title{ L1 shrinkage of the predictor variables in a GBM }
3 \description{
4 Performs recursive shrinkage in each of the trees in a GBM fit using different shrinkage parameters for each variable.
5 }
4 \title{L1 shrinkage of the predictor variables in a GBM}
65 \usage{
7 shrink.gbm(object,
8 n.trees,
9 lambda = rep(10, length(object$var.names)),
10 ...)
6 shrink.gbm(object, n.trees, lambda = rep(10, length(object$var.names)),
7 ...)
118 }
129 \arguments{
13 \item{object}{ A \code{\link{gbm.object}} }
14 \item{n.trees}{ the number of trees to use }
15 \item{lambda}{ a vector with length equal to the number of variables containing the shrinkage parameter for each variable }
16 \item{\dots}{ other parameters (ignored) }
10 \item{object}{A \code{\link{gbm.object}}.}
12 \item{n.trees}{Integer specifying the number of trees to use.}
14 \item{lambda}{Vector of length equal to the number of variables containing
15 the shrinkage parameter for each variable.}
17 \item{\dots}{Additional optional arguments. (Currently ignored.)}
18 }
19 \value{
20 \item{predF}{Predicted values from the shrunken tree}
21 \item{objective}{The value of the loss function associated with the
22 predicted values} \item{gradient}{A vector with length equal to the number
23 of variables containing the derivative of the objective function with
24 respect to beta, the logit transform of the shrinkage parameter for each
25 variable}
26 }
27 \description{
28 Performs recursive shrinkage in each of the trees in a GBM fit using
29 different shrinkage parameters for each variable.
1730 }
1831 \details{
19 This function is currently experimental. Used in conjunction with a gradient ascent search for inclusion of variables.
32 This function is currently experimental. Used in conjunction with a gradient
33 ascent search for inclusion of variables.
2034 }
21 \value{
22 \item{predF}{Predicted values from the shrunken tree}
23 \item{objective}{The value of the loss function associated with the predicted values}
24 \item{gradient}{A vector with length equal to the number of variables containing the derivative of the objective function with respect to beta, the logit transform of the shrinkage parameter for each variable}
35 \note{
36 Warning: This function is experimental.
2537 }
26 \references{ Hastie, T. J., and Pregibon, D. \href{}{Shrinking Trees}. AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Report (March 1990).}
27 \author{ Greg Ridgeway \email{} }
30 \section{Warning}{This function is experimental.}
32 \seealso{ \code{\link{shrink.gbm.pred}}, \code{\link{gbm}} }
33 \keyword{ methods}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS
38 \references{
39 Hastie, T. J., and Pregibon, D.
40 \url{}. AT&T Bell
41 Laboratories Technical Report (March 1990).
42 }
43 \seealso{
44 \code{\link{shrink.gbm.pred}}, \code{\link{gbm}}
45 }
46 \author{
47 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
48 }
49 \keyword{methods}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/shrink.gbm.pred.R
02 \name{shrink.gbm.pred}
13 \alias{shrink.gbm.pred}
2 %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
3 \title{ Predictions from a shrunked GBM }
4 \title{Predictions from a shrunked GBM}
5 \usage{
6 shrink.gbm.pred(object, newdata, n.trees, lambda = rep(1,
7 length(object$var.names)), ...)
8 }
9 \arguments{
10 \item{object}{a \code{\link{gbm.object}}}
12 \item{newdata}{dataset for predictions}
14 \item{n.trees}{the number of trees to use}
16 \item{lambda}{a vector with length equal to the number of variables
17 containing the shrinkage parameter for each variable}
19 \item{\dots}{other parameters (ignored)}
20 }
21 \value{
22 A vector with length equal to the number of observations in newdata
23 containing the predictions
24 }
425 \description{
5 Makes predictions from a shrunken GBM model.
26 Makes predictions from a shrunken GBM model.
627 }
7 \usage{
8 shrink.gbm.pred(object,
9 newdata,
10 n.trees,
11 lambda = rep(1, length(object$var.names)),
12 ...)
28 \section{Warning}{
29 This function is experimental
1330 }
15 \arguments{
16 \item{object}{ a \code{\link{gbm.object}} }
17 \item{newdata}{ dataset for predictions }
18 \item{n.trees}{ the number of trees to use }
19 \item{lambda}{ a vector with length equal to the number of variables containing the shrinkage parameter for each variable }
20 \item{\dots}{ other parameters (ignored) }
32 \seealso{
33 \code{\link{shrink.gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm}}
2134 }
23 \value{
24 A vector with length equal to the number of observations in newdata containing the predictions
35 \author{
36 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
2537 }
27 \author{ Greg Ridgeway \email{} }
29 \section{Warning}{This function is experimental}
31 \seealso{ \code{\link{shrink.gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm}} }
33 \keyword{ methods }
38 \keyword{methods}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/print.gbm.R
02 \name{summary.gbm}
13 \alias{summary.gbm}
2 \title{ Summary of a gbm object }
3 \description{
4 Computes the relative influence of each variable in the gbm object.
5 }
4 \title{Summary of a gbm object}
65 \usage{
7 \method{summary}{gbm}(object,
8 cBars=length(object$var.names),
9 n.trees=object$n.trees,
10 plotit=TRUE,
11 order=TRUE,
12 method=relative.influence,
13 normalize=TRUE,
14 ...)
6 \method{summary}{gbm}(object, cBars = length(object$var.names),
7 n.trees = object$n.trees, plotit = TRUE, order = TRUE,
8 method = relative.influence, normalize = TRUE, ...)
159 }
1610 \arguments{
1711 \item{object}{a \code{gbm} object created from an initial call to
1812 \code{\link{gbm}}.}
19 \item{cBars}{ the number of bars to plot. If \code{order=TRUE} the only the
20 variables with the \code{cBars} largest relative influence will appear in the
21 barplot. If \code{order=FALSE} then the first \code{cBars} variables will
22 appear in the plot. In either case, the function will return the relative
23 influence of all of the variables.}
24 \item{n.trees}{ the number of trees used to generate the plot. Only the first
14 \item{cBars}{the number of bars to plot. If \code{order=TRUE} the only the
15 variables with the \code{cBars} largest relative influence will appear in
16 the barplot. If \code{order=FALSE} then the first \code{cBars} variables
17 will appear in the plot. In either case, the function will return the
18 relative influence of all of the variables.}
20 \item{n.trees}{the number of trees used to generate the plot. Only the first
2521 \code{n.trees} trees will be used.}
26 \item{plotit}{ an indicator as to whether the plot is generated. }
27 \item{order}{ an indicator as to whether the plotted and/or returned relative
28 influences are sorted. }
29 \item{method}{ The function used to compute the relative influence.
23 \item{plotit}{an indicator as to whether the plot is generated.}
25 \item{order}{an indicator as to whether the plotted and/or returned relative
26 influences are sorted.}
28 \item{method}{The function used to compute the relative influence.
3029 \code{\link{relative.influence}} is the default and is the same as that
3130 described in Friedman (2001). The other current (and experimental) choice is
32 \code{\link{permutation.test.gbm}}. This method randomly permutes each predictor
33 variable at a time and computes the associated reduction in predictive
34 performance. This is similar to the variable importance measures Breiman uses
35 for random forests, but \code{gbm} currently computes using the entire training
36 dataset (not the out-of-bag observations).}
37 \item{normalize}{ if \code{FALSE} then \code{summary.gbm} returns the
38 unnormalized influence. }
39 \item{...}{ other arguments passed to the plot function. }
31 \code{\link{permutation.test.gbm}}. This method randomly permutes each
32 predictor variable at a time and computes the associated reduction in
33 predictive performance. This is similar to the variable importance measures
34 Breiman uses for random forests, but \code{gbm} currently computes using the
35 entire training dataset (not the out-of-bag observations).}
37 \item{normalize}{if \code{FALSE} then \code{summary.gbm} returns the
38 unnormalized influence.}
40 \item{...}{other arguments passed to the plot function.}
41 }
42 \value{
43 Returns a data frame where the first component is the variable name
44 and the second is the computed relative influence, normalized to sum to 100.
45 }
46 \description{
47 Computes the relative influence of each variable in the gbm object.
4048 }
4149 \details{
42 For \code{distribution="gaussian"} this returns exactly the reduction
43 of squared error attributable to each variable. For other loss functions this
44 returns the reduction attributeable to each varaible in sum of squared error in
45 predicting the gradient on each iteration. It describes the relative influence
46 of each variable in reducing the loss function. See the references below for
47 exact details on the computation.
48 }
49 \value{
50 Returns a data frame where the first component is the variable name and the
51 second is the computed relative influence, normalized to sum to 100.
50 For \code{distribution="gaussian"} this returns exactly the reduction of
51 squared error attributable to each variable. For other loss functions this
52 returns the reduction attributable to each variable in sum of squared error
53 in predicting the gradient on each iteration. It describes the relative
54 influence of each variable in reducing the loss function. See the references
55 below for exact details on the computation.
5256 }
5357 \references{
54 J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting
55 Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
58 J.H. Friedman (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient
59 Boosting Machine," Annals of Statistics 29(5):1189-1232.
57 L. Breiman (2001).\href{}{Random Forests}.
61 L. Breiman
62 (2001).\url{}.
5863 }
59 \author{Greg Ridgeway \email{}}
61 \seealso{ \code{\link{gbm}} }
63 \keyword{ hplot }
64 \seealso{
65 \code{\link{gbm}}
66 }
67 \author{
68 Greg Ridgeway \email{}
69 }
70 \keyword{hplot}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/test.gbm.R
2 \name{test.gbm}
3 \alias{test.gbm}
4 \alias{validate.gbm}
5 \alias{test.relative.influence}
6 \title{Test the \code{gbm} package.}
7 \usage{
8 test.gbm()
9 }
10 \value{
11 An object of class \code{RUnitTestData}. See the help for
12 \code{RUnit} for details.
13 }
14 \description{
15 Run tests on \code{gbm} functions to perform logical checks and
16 reproducibility.
17 }
18 \details{
19 The function uses functionality in the \code{RUnit} package. A fairly small
20 validation suite is executed that checks to see that relative influence
21 identifies sensible variables from simulated data, and that predictions from
22 GBMs with Gaussian, Cox or binomial distributions are sensible,
23 }
24 \note{
25 The test suite is not comprehensive.
26 }
27 \examples{
29 # Uncomment the following lines to run - commented out to make CRAN happy
30 #library(RUnit)
31 #val <- validate.texmex()
32 #printHTMLProtocol(val, "texmexReport.html")
33 }
34 \seealso{
35 \code{\link{gbm}}
36 }
37 \author{
38 Harry Southworth
39 }
40 \keyword{models}
man/validate.Rd less more
0 \name{validate.gbm}
1 \alias{validate.gbm}
2 \alias{test.gbm}
3 \alias{test.relative.influence}
4 %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
5 \title{Test the \code{gbm} package.}
6 \description{
7 Run tests on \code{gbm} functions to perform logical checks and
8 reproducibility.
9 }
10 \usage{
11 validate.gbm()
12 }
13 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
14 \details{
15 The function uses functionality in the \code{RUnit} package.
16 A fairly small validation suite is executed that checks to see that
17 relative influence identifies sensible variables from simulated data,
18 and that predictions from GBMs with Gaussian, Cox or binomial distributions
19 are sensible,
20 }
21 \value{
22 An object of class \code{RUnitTestData}. See the help for \code{RUnit} for
23 details.
24 }
25 \author{
26 Harry Southworth
27 }
28 \note{The test suite is not comprehensive.}
30 %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
32 \seealso{
33 \code{\link{gbm}}
34 }
35 \examples{
36 # Uncomment the following lines to run - commented out to make CRAN happy
37 #library(RUnit)
38 #val <- validate.texmex()
39 #printHTMLProtocol(val, "texmexReport.html")
40 }
41 \keyword{models}
0 #include <R.h>
1 #include <Rinternals.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
3 #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
5 /* FIXME:
6 Check these declarations against the C/Fortran source code.
7 */
9 /* .Call calls */
13 extern SEXP gbm_shrink_gradient(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);
14 extern SEXP gbm_shrink_pred(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);
16 static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
17 {"gbm_fit", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_fit, 22},
18 {"gbm_plot", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_plot, 10},
19 {"gbm_pred", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_pred, 10},
20 {"gbm_shrink_gradient", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_shrink_gradient, 11},
21 {"gbm_shrink_pred", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_shrink_pred, 10},
22 {NULL, NULL, 0}
23 };
25 void R_init_gbm(DllInfo *dll)
26 {
27 R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
28 R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);
29 }
66 #include <R.h>
77 #include <Rinternals.h>
9 SEXP gbm
9 SEXP gbm_fit
1010 (
1111 SEXP radY, // outcome or response
1212 SEXP radOffset, // offset for f(x), NA for no offset
src/init.c less more
0 #include <R.h>
1 #include <Rinternals.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
3 #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
5 /* .Call calls */
9 extern SEXP gbm_shrink_gradient(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);
10 extern SEXP gbm_shrink_pred(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);
12 static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
13 {"gbm", (DL_FUNC) &gbm, 22},
14 {"gbm_plot", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_plot, 10},
15 {"gbm_pred", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_pred, 10},
16 {"gbm_shrink_gradient", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_shrink_gradient, 11},
17 {"gbm_shrink_pred", (DL_FUNC) &gbm_shrink_pred, 10},
18 {NULL, NULL, 0}
19 };
21 void R_init_gbm(DllInfo *dll)
22 {
23 R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
24 R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);
25 }
1212 #include "locationm.h"
1313 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <Rmath.h> // for fmax2
1615 using namespace std;
189188 }
191190 double dScale0 = 1.4826 * Median(iN, adDiff, adW);
192 dScale0 = fmax2(dScale0, mdEps);
191 dScale0 = fmax(dScale0, mdEps);
194193 // Loop over until the error is low enough
195194 double dErr = 1.0;
202201 for (ii = 0; ii < iN; ii++)
203202 {
204203 double dT = fabs(adX[ii] - dBeta0) / dScale0;
205 dT = fmax2(dT, mdEps);
204 dT = fmax(dT, mdEps);
206205 double dWt = adW[ii] * PsiFun(dT) / dT;
208207 dSumWX += dWt * adX[ii];
0 \documentclass{article}
2 \bibliographystyle{plain}
4 \newcommand{\EV}{\mathrm{E}}
5 \newcommand{\Var}{\mathrm{Var}}
6 \newcommand{\aRule}{\begin{center} \rule{5in}{1mm} \end{center}}
8 \title{Generalized Boosted Models:\\A guide to the gbm package} \author{Greg Ridgeway}
10 %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr}
11 %\VignetteIndexEntry{Generalized Boosted Models: A guide to the gbm package}
13 \newcommand{\mathgbf}[1]{{\mbox{\boldmath$#1$\unboldmath}}}
15 \begin{document}
17 \maketitle
19 Boosting takes on various forms with different programs using different loss functions, different base models, and different optimization schemes. The gbm package takes the approach described in \cite{Friedman:2001} and \cite{Friedman:2002}. Some of the terminology differs, mostly due to an effort to cast boosting terms into more standard statistical terminology (e.g. deviance). In addition, the gbm package implements boosting for models commonly used in statistics but not commonly associated with boosting. The Cox proportional hazard model, for example, is an incredibly useful model and the boosting framework applies quite readily with only slight modification \cite{Ridgeway:1999}. Also some algorithms implemented in the gbm package differ from the standard implementation. The AdaBoost algorithm \cite{FreundSchapire:1997} has a particular loss function and a particular optimization algorithm associated with it. The gbm implementation of AdaBoost adopts AdaBoost's exponential loss function (its bound on misclassification rate) but uses Friedman's gradient descent algorithm rather than the original one proposed. So the main purposes of this document is to spell out in detail what the gbm package implements.
21 \section{Gradient boosting}
23 This section essentially presents the derivation of boosting described in \cite{Friedman:2001}. The gbm package also adopts the stochastic gradient boosting strategy, a small but important tweak on the basic algorithm, described in \cite{Friedman:2002}.
25 \subsection{Friedman's gradient boosting machine} \label{sec:GradientBoostingMachine}
27 \begin{figure}
28 \aRule Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$. \\
29 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
30 \begin{enumerate}
31 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
32 \begin{equation}
33 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
34 \end{equation}
35 \item Fit a regression model, $g(\mathbf{x})$, predicting $z_i$ from the covariates $\mathbf{x}_i$. \item Choose a gradient descent step size as
36 \begin{equation}
37 \rho = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho g(\mathbf{x}_i))
38 \end{equation}
39 \item Update the estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ as
40 \begin{equation}
41 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \rho g(\mathbf{x})
42 \end{equation}
43 \end{enumerate} \aRule \caption{Friedman's Gradient Boost algorithm} \label{fig:GradientBoost} \end{figure}
45 Friedman (2001) and the companion paper Friedman (2002) extended the work of Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani (2000) and laid the ground work for a new generation of boosting algorithms. Using the connection between boosting and optimization, this new work proposes the Gradient Boosting Machine.
47 In any function estimation problem we wish to find a regression function, $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$, that minimizes the expectation of some loss function, $\Psi(y,f)$, as shown in (\ref{NonparametricRegression1}).
49 \begin{eqnarray}
50 \hspace{0.5in}
51 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y,\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \nonumber \\ \label{NonparametricRegression1}
52 &=& \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_x \left[ \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x})) \Big| \mathbf{x} \right]
53 \end{eqnarray}
55 We will focus on finding estimates of $f(\mathbf{x})$ such that \begin{equation}
56 \label{NonparametricRegression2}
57 \hspace{0.5in}
58 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{f(\mathbf{x})} \EV_{y|\mathbf{x}} \left[ \Psi(y,f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x} \right]
59 \end{equation}
60 Parametric regression models assume that $f(\mathbf{x})$ is a function with a finite number of parameters, $\beta$, and estimates them by selecting those values that minimize a loss function (e.g. squared error loss) over a training sample of $N$ observations on $(y,\mathbf{x})$ pairs as in (\ref{eq:Friedman1}).
61 \begin{equation}
62 \label{eq:Friedman1}
63 \hspace{0.5in}
64 \hat\beta = \arg \min_{\beta} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i;\beta))
65 \end{equation}
66 When we wish to estimate $f(\mathbf{x})$ non-parametrically the task becomes more difficult. Again we can proceed similarly to \cite{FHT:2000} and modify our current estimate of $f(\mathbf{x})$ by adding a new function $f(\mathbf{x})$ in a greedy fashion. Letting $f_i = f(\mathbf{x}_i)$, we see that we want to decrease the $N$ dimensional function
67 \begin{eqnarray}
68 \label{EQ:Friedman2}
69 \hspace{0.5in}
70 J(\mathbf{f}) &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \nonumber \\
71 &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,F_i).
72 \end{eqnarray}
73 The negative gradient of $J(\mathbf{f})$ indicates the direction of the locally greatest decrease in $J(\mathbf{f})$. Gradient descent would then have us modify $\mathbf{f}$ as
74 \begin{equation}
75 \label{eq:Friedman3}
76 \hspace{0.5in}
77 \hat \mathbf{f} \leftarrow \hat \mathbf{f} - \rho \nabla J(\mathbf{f})
78 \end{equation}
79 where $\rho$ is the size of the step along the direction of greatest descent. Clearly, this step alone is far from our desired goal. First, it only fits $f$ at values of $\mathbf{x}$ for which we have observations. Second, it does not take into account that observations with similar $\mathbf{x}$ are likely to have similar values of $f(\mathbf{x})$. Both these problems would have disastrous effects on generalization error. However, Friedman suggests selecting a class of functions that use the covariate information to approximate the gradient, usually a regression tree. This line of reasoning produces his Gradient Boosting algorithm shown in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. At each iteration the algorithm determines the direction, the gradient, in which it needs to improve the fit to the data and selects a particular model from the allowable class of functions that is in most agreement with the direction. In the case of squared-error loss, $\Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) = \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$, this algorithm corresponds exactly to residual fitting.
81 There are various ways to extend and improve upon the basic framework suggested in Figure~\ref{fig:GradientBoost}. For example, Friedman (2001) substituted several choices in for $\Psi$ to develop new boosting algorithms for robust regression with least absolute deviation and Huber loss functions. Friedman (2002) showed that a simple subsampling trick can greatly improve predictive performance while simultaneously reduce computation time. Section~\ref{GBMModifications} discusses some of these modifications.
83 \section{Improving boosting methods using control of the learning rate, sub-sampling, and a decomposition for interpretation} \label{GBMModifications}
85 This section explores the variations of the previous algorithms that have the potential to improve their predictive performance and interpretability. In particular, by controlling the optimization speed or learning rate, introducing low-variance regression methods, and applying ideas from robust regression we can produce non-parametric regression procedures with many desirable properties. As a by-product some of these modifications lead directly into implementations for learning from massive datasets. All these methods take advantage of the general form of boosting
86 \begin{equation}
87 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
88 \end{equation} So far we have taken advantage of this form only by substituting in our favorite regression procedure for $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$. I will discuss some modifications to estimating $\EV_w(z|\mathbf{x})$ that have the potential to improve our algorithm.
90 \subsection{Decreasing the learning rate} As several authors have phrased slightly differently, ``...boosting, whatever flavor, seldom seems to overfit, no matter how many terms are included in the additive expansion''. This is not true as the discussion to \cite{FHT:2000} points out.
92 In the update step of any boosting algorithm we can introduce a learning rate to dampen the proposed move.
93 \begin{equation}
94 \label{eq:shrinkage}
95 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda \EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x}).
96 \end{equation}
97 By multiplying the gradient step by $\lambda$ as in equation~\ref{eq:shrinkage} we have control on the rate at which the boosting algorithm descends the error surface (or ascends the likelihood surface). When $\lambda=1$ we return to performing full gradient steps. Friedman (2001) relates the learning rate to regularization through shrinkage.
99 The optimal number of iterations, $T$, and the learning rate, $\lambda$, depend on each other. In practice I set $\lambda$ to be as small as possible and then select $T$ by cross-validation. Performance is best when $\lambda$ is as small as possible performance with decreasing marginal utility for smaller and smaller $\lambda$. Slower learning rates do not necessarily scale the number of optimal iterations. That is, if when $\lambda=1.0$ and the optimal $T$ is 100 iterations, does {\it not} necessarily imply that when $\lambda=0.1$ the optimal $T$ is 1000 iterations.
101 \subsection{Variance reduction using subsampling}
103 Friedman (2002) proposed the stochastic gradient boosting algorithm that simply samples uniformly without replacement from the dataset before estimating the next gradient step. He found that this additional step greatly improved performance. We estimate the regression $\EV(z(y,\hat f(\mathbf{x}))|\mathbf{x})$ using a random subsample of the dataset.
105 \subsection{ANOVA decomposition}
107 Certain function approximation methods are decomposable in terms of a ``functional ANOVA decomposition''. That is a function is decomposable as
108 \begin{equation}
109 \label{ANOVAdecomp}
110 f(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_j f_j(x_j) + \sum_{jk} f_{jk}(x_j,x_k) + \sum_{jk\ell} f_{jk\ell}(x_j,x_k,x_\ell) + \cdots.
111 \end{equation} This applies to boosted trees. Regression stumps (one split decision trees) depend on only one variable and fall into the first term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp}. Trees with two splits fall into the second term of \ref{ANOVAdecomp} and so on. By restricting the depth of the trees produced on each boosting iteration we can control the order of approximation. Often additive components are sufficient to approximate a multivariate function well, generalized additive models, the na\"{\i}ve Bayes classifier, and boosted stumps for example. When the approximation is restricted to a first order we can also produce plots of $x_j$ versus $f_j(x_j)$ to demonstrate how changes in $x_j$ might affect changes in the response variable.
113 \subsection{Relative influence} Friedman (2001) also develops an extension of a variable's ``relative influence'' for boosted estimates. For tree based methods the approximate relative influence of a variable $x_j$ is
114 \begin{equation}
115 \label{RelInfluence}
116 \hspace{0.5in}
117 \hat J_j^2 = \hspace{-0.1in}\sum_{\mathrm{splits~on~}x_j}\hspace{-0.2in}I_t^2
118 \end{equation} where $I_t^2$ is the empirical improvement by splitting on $x_j$ at that point. Friedman's extension to boosted models is to average the relative influence of variable $x_j$ across all the trees generated by the boosting algorithm.
120 \begin{figure}
121 \aRule
122 Select
123 \begin{itemize}
124 \item a loss function (\texttt{distribution})
125 \item the number of iterations, $T$ (\texttt{n.trees})
126 \item the depth of each tree, $K$ (\texttt{interaction.depth})
127 \item the shrinkage (or learning rate) parameter, $\lambda$ (\texttt{shrinkage})
128 \item the subsampling rate, $p$ (\texttt{bag.fraction})
129 \end{itemize}
130 Initialize $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ to be a constant, $\hat f(\mathbf{x}) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^N \Psi(y_i,\rho)$ \\
131 For $t$ in $1,\ldots,T$ do
132 \begin{enumerate}
133 \item Compute the negative gradient as the working response
134 \begin{equation}
135 z_i = -\frac{\partial}{\partial f(\mathbf{x}_i)} \Psi(y_i,f(\mathbf{x}_i)) \mbox{\Huge $|$}_{f(\mathbf{x}_i)=\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)}
136 \end{equation}
137 \item Randomly select $p\times N$ cases from the dataset
138 \item Fit a regression tree with $K$ terminal nodes, $g(\mathbf{x})=\EV(z|\mathbf{x})$. This tree is fit using only those randomly selected observations
139 \item Compute the optimal terminal node predictions, $\rho_1,\ldots,\rho_K$, as
140 \begin{equation}
141 \rho_k = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{\mathbf{x}_i\in S_k} \Psi(y_i,\hat f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho)
142 \end{equation}
143 where $S_k$ is the set of $\mathbf{x}$s that define terminal node $k$. Again this step uses only the randomly selected observations.
144 \item Update $\hat f(\mathbf{x})$ as
145 \begin{equation}
146 \hat f(\mathbf{x}) \leftarrow \hat f(\mathbf{x}) + \lambda\rho_{k(\mathbf{x})}
147 \end{equation}
148 where $k(\mathbf{x})$ indicates the index of the terminal node into which an observation with features $\mathbf{x}$ would fall.
149 \end{enumerate}
150 \aRule
151 \caption{Boosting as implemented in \texttt{gbm()}}
152 \label{fig:gbm}
153 \end{figure}
155 \section{Common user options}
157 This section discusses the options to gbm that most users will need to change or tune.
159 \subsection{Loss function}
161 The first and foremost choice is \texttt{distribution}. This should be easily dictated by the application. For most classification problems either \texttt{bernoulli} or \texttt{adaboost} will be appropriate, the former being recommended. For continuous outcomes the choices are \texttt{gaussian} (for minimizing squared error), \texttt{laplace} (for minimizing absolute error), and quantile regression (for estimating percentiles of the conditional distribution of the outcome). Censored survival outcomes should require \texttt{coxph}. Count outcomes may use \texttt{poisson} although one might also consider \texttt{gaussian} or \texttt{laplace} depending on the analytical goals.
163 \subsection{The relationship between shrinkage and number of iterations} The issues that most new users of gbm struggle with are the choice of \texttt{n.trees} and \texttt{shrinkage}. It is important to know that smaller values of \texttt{shrinkage} (almost) always give improved predictive performance. That is, setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will almost certainly result in a model with better out-of-sample predictive performance than setting \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}. However, there are computational costs, both storage and CPU time, associated with setting \texttt{shrinkage} to be low. The model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.001} will likely require ten times as many iterations as the model with \texttt{shrinkage=0.01}, increasing storage and computation time by a factor of 10. Figure~\ref{fig:shrinkViters} shows the relationship between predictive performance, the number of iterations, and the shrinkage parameter. Note that the increase in the optimal number of iterations between two choices for shrinkage is roughly equal to the ratio of the shrinkage parameters. It is generally the case that for small shrinkage parameters, 0.001 for example, there is a fairly long plateau in which predictive performance is at its best. My rule of thumb is to set \texttt{shrinkage} as small as possible while still being able to fit the model in a reasonable amount of time and storage. I usually aim for 3,000 to 10,000 iterations with shrinkage rates between 0.01 and 0.001.
165 \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5in]{shrinkage-v-iterations} \end{center} \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance by number of iterations and shrinkage. Smaller values of the shrinkage parameter offer improved predictive performance, but with decreasing marginal improvement.} \label{fig:shrinkViters} \end{figure}
167 \subsection{Estimating the optimal number of iterations} gbm offers three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations after the gbm model has been fit, an independent test set (\texttt{test}), out-of-bag estimation (\texttt{OOB}), and $v$-fold cross validation (\texttt{cv}). The function \texttt{gbm.perf} computes the iteration estimate.
169 Like Friedman's MART software, the independent test set method uses a single holdout test set to select the optimal number of iterations. If \texttt{train.fraction} is set to be less than 1, then only the \textit{first} \texttt{train.fraction}$\times$\texttt{nrow(data)} will be used to fit the model. Note that if the data are sorted in a systematic way (such as cases for which $y=1$ come first), then the data should be shuffled before running gbm. Those observations not used in the model fit can be used to get an unbiased estimate of the optimal number of iterations. The downside of this method is that a considerable number of observations are used to estimate the single regularization parameter (number of iterations) leaving a reduced dataset for estimating the entire multivariate model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="test")} to obtain an estimate of the optimal number of iterations using the held out test set.
171 If \texttt{bag.fraction} is set to be greater than 0 (0.5 is recommended), gbm computes an out-of-bag estimate of the improvement in predictive performance. It evaluates the reduction in deviance on those observations not used in selecting the next regression tree. The out-of-bag estimator underestimates the reduction in deviance. As a result, it almost always is too conservative in its selection for the optimal number of iterations. The motivation behind this method was to avoid having to set aside a large independent dataset, which reduces the information available for learning the model structure. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="OOB")} to obtain the OOB estimate.
173 Lastly, gbm offers $v$-fold cross validation for estimating the optimal number of iterations. If when fitting the gbm model, \texttt{cv.folds=5} then gbm will do 5-fold cross validation. gbm will fit five gbm models in order to compute the cross validation error estimate and then will fit a sixth and final gbm model with \texttt{n.trees}iterations using all of the data. The returned model object will have a component labeled \texttt{cv.error}. Note that \texttt{gbm.more} will do additional gbm iterations but will not add to the \texttt{cv.error} component. Use \texttt{gbm.perf(...,method="cv")} to obtain the cross validation estimate.
175 \begin{figure}[ht]
176 \begin{center}
177 \includegraphics[width=5in]{oobperf2}
178 \end{center}
179 \caption{Out-of-sample predictive performance of four methods of selecting the optimal number of iterations. The vertical axis plots performance relative the best. The boxplots indicate relative performance across thirteen real datasets from the UCI repository. See \texttt{demo(OOB-reps)}.}
180 \label{fig:oobperf}
181 \end{figure}
183 Figure~\ref{fig:oobperf} compares the three methods for estimating the optimal number of iterations across 13 datasets. The boxplots show the methods performance relative to the best method on that dataset. For most datasets the method perform similarly, however, 5-fold cross validation is consistently the best of them. OOB, using a 33\% test set, and using a 20\% test set all have datasets for which the perform considerably worse than the best method. My recommendation is to use 5- or 10-fold cross validation if you can afford the computing time. Otherwise you may choose among the other options, knowing that OOB is conservative.
185 \section{Available distributions}
187 This section gives some of the mathematical detail for each of the distribution options that gbm offers. The gbm engine written in C++ has access to a C++ class for each of these distributions. Each class contains methods for computing the associated deviance, initial value, the gradient, and the constants to predict in each terminal node.
189 In the equations shown below, for non-zero offset terms, replace $f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ with $o_i + f(\mathbf{x}_i)$.
191 \subsection{Gaussian}
193 \begin{tabular}{ll}
194 Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))^2$ \\
195 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})=\frac{\sum w_i(y_i-o_i)}{\sum w_i}$ \\
196 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - f(\mathbf{x}_i)$ \\
197 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}{\sum w_i}$
198 \end{tabular}
200 \subsection{AdaBoost}
202 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\log\frac{\sum y_iw_ie^{-o_i}}{\sum (1-y_i)w_ie^{o_i}}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i= -(2y_i-1)\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum (2y_i-1)w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}
203 {\sum w_i\exp(-(2y_i-1)f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
204 \end{tabular}
206 \subsection{Bernoulli}
208 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\displaystyle -2\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(1+\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))))$ \\ Initial value & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i(1-y_i)}$ \\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=y_i-\frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ \\
209 & where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$ \\
210 \end{tabular}
212 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item For non-zero offset terms, the computation of the initial value requires Newton-Raphson. Initialize $f_0=0$ and iterate $\displaystyle f_0 \leftarrow f_0 + \frac{\sum w_i(y_i-p_i)}{\sum w_ip_i(1-p_i)}$ where $\displaystyle p_i = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-(o_i+f_0))}$. \end{itemize}
214 \subsection{Laplace}
216 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i|y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i)|$ \\ Initial value & $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\mbox{sign}(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mbox{median}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
218 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mbox{median}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted median, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq m)}{\sum w_i}=\frac{1}{2}$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution="laplace"}. \end{itemize}
221 \subsection{Quantile regression}
223 Contributed by Brian Kriegler (see \cite{Kriegler:2010}).
225 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $\frac{1}{\sum w_i}
226 \left(\alpha\sum_{y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(y_i-f(\mathbf{x}_i))\right. +$ \\
227 & \hspace{0.5in}$\left.(1-\alpha)\sum_{y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i)} w_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-y_i)\right)$ \\
228 Initial value & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ \\ Gradient & $z_i=\alpha I(y_i>f(\mathbf{x}_i))-(1-\alpha)I(y_i\leq f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\ Terminal node estimates & $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(z)$ \end{tabular}
230 Notes: \begin{itemize} \item $\mathrm{quantile}^{(\alpha)}_w(y)$ denotes the weighted quantile, defined as the solution to the equation $\frac{\sum w_iI(y_i\leq q)}{\sum w_i}=\alpha$ \item \texttt{gbm()} currently does not implement the weighted median and issues a warning when the user uses weighted data with \texttt{distribution=list(name="quantile")}. \end{itemize}
233 \subsection{Cox Proportional Hazard}
235 \begin{tabular}{ll} Deviance & $-2\sum w_i(\delta_i(f(\mathbf{x}_i)-\log(R_i/w_i)))$\\ Gradient & $\displaystyle z_i=\delta_i - \sum_j \delta_j
236 \frac{w_jI(t_i\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}}
237 {\sum_k w_kI(t_k\geq t_j)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_k)}}$ \\
238 Initial value & 0 \\ Terminal node estimates & Newton-Raphson algorithm \end{tabular}
240 \begin{enumerate}
241 \item Initialize the terminal node predictions to 0, $\mathgbf{\rho}=0$
242 \item Let $\displaystyle
243 p_i^{(k)}=\frac{\sum_j I(k(j)=k)I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}
244 {\sum_j I(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)+\rho_k}}$
245 \item Let $g_k=\sum w_i\delta_i\left(I(k(i)=k)-p_i^{(k)}\right)$
246 \item Let $\mathbf{H}$ be a $k\times k$ matrix with diagonal elements
247 \begin{enumerate}
248 \item Set diagonal elements $H_{mm}=\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}\left(1-p_i^{(m)}\right)$
249 \item Set off diagonal elements $H_{mn}=-\sum w_i\delta_i p_i^{(m)}p_i^{(n)}$
250 \end{enumerate}
251 \item Newton-Raphson update $\mathgbf{\rho} \leftarrow \mathgbf{\rho} - \mathbf{H}^{-1}\mathbf{g}$
252 \item Return to step 2 until convergence
253 \end{enumerate}
255 Notes:
256 \begin{itemize}
257 \item $t_i$ is the survival time and $\delta_i$ is the death indicator.
258 \item $R_i$ denotes the hazard for the risk set, $R_i=\sum_{j=1}^N w_jI(t_j\geq t_i)e^{f(\mathbf{x}_i)}$
259 \item $k(i)$ indexes the terminal node of observation $i$
260 \item For speed, \texttt{gbm()} does only one step of the Newton-Raphson algorithm rather than iterating to convergence. No appreciable loss of accuracy since the next boosting iteration will simply correct for the prior iterations inadequacy.
261 \item \texttt{gbm()} initially sorts the data by survival time. Doing this reduces the computation of the risk set from $O(n^2)$ to $O(n)$ at the cost of a single up front sort on survival time. After the model is fit, the data are then put back in their original order.
262 \end{itemize}
264 \subsection{Poisson}
265 \begin{tabular}{ll}
266 Deviance & -2$\frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i(y_if(\mathbf{x}_i)-\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i)))$ \\
267 Initial value & $\displaystyle f(\mathbf{x})= \log\left(\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_ie^{o_i}}\right)$ \\
268 Gradient & $z_i=y_i - \exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))$ \\
269 Terminal node estimates & $\displaystyle \log\frac{\sum w_iy_i}{\sum w_i\exp(f(\mathbf{x}_i))}$
270 \end{tabular}
272 The Poisson class includes special safeguards so that the most extreme predicted values are $e^{-19}$ and $e^{+19}$. This behavior is consistent with \texttt{glm()}.
274 \subsection{Pairwise}
276 This distribution implements ranking measures following the
277 \emph{LambdaMart} algorithm \cite{Burges:2010}. Instances belong to
278 \emph{groups}; all pairs of items with different labels, belonging to
279 the same group, are used for training. In \emph{Information Retrieval}
280 applications, groups correspond to user queries,
281 and items to (feature vectors of) documents in the associated match
282 set to be ranked.
284 For consistency with typical usage, our goal is to \emph{maximize} one
285 of the \emph{utility} functions listed below. Consider a group with
286 instances $x_1, \dots, x_n$, ordered such that $f(x_1) \geq f(x_2)
287 \geq \dots f(x_n)$; i.e., the \emph{rank} of $x_i$ is $i$, where
288 smaller ranks are preferable. Let $P$ be the set of all ordered pairs
289 such that $y_i > y_j$.
291 \begin{enumerate}
292 \item[{\bf Concordance:}] Fraction of concordant (i.e, correctly ordered)
293 pairs. For the special case of binary labels, this is equivalent to
294 the Area under the ROC Curve.
295 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{\|\{(i,j)\in P |
296 f(x_i)>f(x_j)\}\|}{\|P\|}
297 & P \neq \emptyset\\
298 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}
299 \end{array}\right.
300 $$
301 \item[{\bf MRR:}] Mean reciprocal rank of the highest-ranked positive
302 instance (it is assumed $y_i\in\{0,1\}$):
303 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l}\frac{1}{\min\{1 \leq i \leq n |y_i=1\}}
304 & \exists i: \, 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
305 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
306 \item[{\bf MAP:}] Mean average precision, a generalization of
307 MRR to multiple positive instances:
308 $$\left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1} \|\{1\leq j\leq i
309 |y_j=1\}\|\,/\,i}{\|\{1\leq i\leq n | y_i=1\}\|} & \exists i: \,
310 1 \leq i \leq n, y_i=1\\
311 0 & \mbox{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.$$
312 \item[{\bf nDCG:}] Normalized discounted cumulative gain:
313 $$\frac{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n} \log_2(i+1) \, y_i}{\sum_{1\leq i\leq n}
314 \log_2(i+1) \, y'_i},$$ where $y'_1, \dots, y'_n$ is a reordering of $y_1,
315 \dots,y_n$ with $y'_1 \geq y'_2 \geq \dots \geq y'_n$.
316 \end{enumerate}
318 The generalization to multiple (possibly weighted) groups is
319 straightforward. Sometimes a cut-off rank $k$ is given for \emph{MRR}
320 and \emph{nDCG}, in which case we replace the outer index $n$ by
321 $\min(n,k)$.
323 The initial value for $f(x_i)$ is always zero. We derive the gradient of
324 a cost function whose gradient locally approximates the gradient of
325 the IR measure for a fixed ranking:
327 \begin{eqnarray*}
328 \Phi & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} \Phi_{ij}\\
329 & = & \sum_{(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \log \left( 1 + e^{-(f(x_i) -
330 f(x_j))}\right),
331 \end{eqnarray*}
332 where $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$ is the absolute utility difference when
333 swapping the ranks of $i$ and $j$, while leaving all other instances
334 the same. Define
335 \begin{eqnarray*}
336 \lambda_{ij} & = & \frac{\partial\Phi_{ij}}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
337 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}\\
338 & = & - |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij},
339 \end{eqnarray*}
340 with
341 $$ \rho_{ij} = - \frac{\lambda_{ij }}{|\Delta Z_{ij}|} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{f(x_i) - f(x_j)}}$$
343 For the gradient of $\Phi$ with respect to $f(x_i)$, define
344 \begin{eqnarray*}
345 \lambda_i & = & \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial f(x_i)}\\
346 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} \lambda_{ij} - \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} \lambda_{ji}\\
347 & = & - \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij}\\
348 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji}.
349 \end{eqnarray*}
351 The second derivative is
352 \begin{eqnarray*}
353 \gamma_i & \stackrel{def}{=} & \frac{\partial^2\Phi}{\partial f(x_i)^2}\\
354 & = & \sum_{j|(i,j) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ij}| \, \rho_{ij} \, (1-\rho_{ij})\\
355 & & \mbox{} + \sum_{j|(j,i) \in P} |\Delta Z_{ji}| \, \rho_{ji} \, (1-\rho_{ji}).
356 \end{eqnarray*}
358 Now consider again all groups with associated weights. For a given terminal node, let $i$
359 range over all contained instances. Then its estimate is
360 $$-\frac{\sum_i v_i\lambda_{i}}{\sum_i v_i \gamma_i},$$ where
361 $v_i=w(\mbox{\em group}(i))/\|\{(j,k)\in\mbox{\em group}(i)\}\|.$
363 In each iteration, instances are reranked according to the preliminary
364 scores $f(x_i)$ to determine the $|\Delta Z_{ij}|$. Note that in order
365 to avoid ranking bias, we break ties by adding a small amount of
366 random noise.
370 \bibliography{gbm}
372 \end{document}
0 @article{FreundSchapire:1997,
1 author = {Y. Freund and R. E. Schapire},
2 title = {A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting},
3 journal = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
4 volume = {55},
5 number = {1},
6 pages = {119--139},
7 year = {1997}
8 }
10 @article{Friedman:2001,
11 author = {J. H. Friedman},
12 title = {Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine},
13 journal = {Annals of Statistics},
14 volume = {29},
15 number = {5},
16 pages = {1189--1232},
17 year = {2001}
18 }
20 @article{Friedman:2002,
21 author = {J. H. Friedman},
22 title = {Stochastic Gradient Boosting},
23 journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
24 volume = {38},
25 number = {4},
26 pages = {367--378},
27 year = {2002}
28 }
30 @article{FHT:2000,
31 author = {J. H. Friedman and T. Hastie and and R. Tibshirani},
32 title = {Additive Logistic Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting},
33 journal = {Annals of Statistics},
34 volume = {28},
35 number = {2},
36 pages = {337--374},
37 year = {2000}
38 }
40 @article{Kriegler:2010,
41 author = {B. Kriegler and R. Berk},
42 title = {Small Area Estimation of the Homeless in Los Angeles, An Application of Cost-Sensitive Stochastic Gradient Boosting},
43 journal = {Annals of Applied Statistics},
44 volume = {4},
45 number = {3},
46 pages = {1234--1255},
47 year = {2010}
48 }
50 @article{Ridgeway:1999,
51 author = {G. Ridgeway},
52 title = {The state of boosting},
53 journal = {Computing Science and Statistics},
54 volume = {31},
55 pages = {172--181},
56 year = {1999}
57 }
59 @article{Burges:2010,
60 author = {C. Burges},
61 title = {From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview},
62 journal = {Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2010-82},
63 year = {2010}
64 }
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