Codebase list r-cran-irace / e3cddae
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.5' Update to upstream version '3.5' with Debian dir 54a1b3621fa1bc4e810d02773d2bef8c87d9c3ad Andreas Tille 1 year, 6 months ago
169 changed file(s) with 5917 addition(s) and 5312 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 vignettes/section/irace-options.tex
11 ^GenericWrapper4AC
2 \.github
3 _snaps
BUGS less more
00 ------------------------------------------------------------*- mode: text -*-
2 #12 ------------------------------------------------------------
2 Please report bugs here:
4 irace --check or checkIraceScenario do not work with targetRunnerParallel if
5 the user does not use target.runner at all.
7 #11 ------------------------------------------------------------
9 The semantics of recovery are not clear. Should it recover the exact parameters
10 given to the original run? If so, then moving to a new execdir will mess up
11 things. Should it allow changing parameters after recovery (that is, what to do
12 if it finds a new scenario file with different values or it is passed
13 additional command-line parameters?).
15 One possible behavior could be: Recover everything as given originally; if new
16 settings are given, either by a configuration file or command-line, override
17 them; for settings that are still set to default values in the original,
18 recompute the default (because overriden settings may influence the default of
19 other settings). Report everything that is restored and overriden.
21 This means recovery should happen much earlier, before reading
22 command-line/scenario file.
25 #9 ------------------------------------------------------------
27 By default
28 # trainInstancesDir = "./Instances/"
29 # testInstancesDir = ""
31 So not specifying any directory, like:
33 ## File with a list of instances and (optionally) parameters.
34 ## If empty or NULL, do not use a file.
35 trainInstancesFile = "instances-train.txt"
37 ## File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional
38 ## parameters for them. If empty or NULL, do not use a file.
39 testInstancesFile = "instances-test.txt"
41 defaults to for train instances to Instances/train-instance-1 ...
42 but to ./test-instance-1 ... for test instances, which is unexpected.
44 # FIXME: Use NA as default value for testInstancesFile/testInstancesDir.
45 If testInstancesFile != NA and testInstancesDir == NA,
46 then make testInstancesDir = trainInstancesDir. Maybe give a warning when doing this.
49 #8 ------------------------------------------------------------
51 We do not re-evaluate the elitist (using which.exe), but we do call
52 target.evaluator on them. See this code in race.R:
54 # Execute commands
55 if (length(which.exe) > 0) {
56 which.exps <- which(which.alive %in% which.exe)
57 target.output[which.exps] <- execute.experiments (experiments[which.exps], scenario)
58 }
59 irace.assert(!any(sapply(target.output, is.null)))
61 # target.evaluator may be NULL. If so, target.output must
62 # contain the right output already.
63 if (!is.null(.irace$target.evaluator))
64 target.output <- execute.evaluator (experiments, scenario, target.output,
65 configurations[which.alive, ".ID."])
67 The reason for that is, in some scenarios, we want to normalize the output of
68 the algorithm, so when we evaluate new configurations, there is a need to
69 re-normalize the output of the elites as well. So we need to call
70 target-evaluator again.
72 However, when recovering, the files needed by target.evaluator are likely
73 lost. We would need to call again target-runner.
75 This is perhaps a design mistake: We could simply do the normalization internally in irace or create a separate target script (target-re-evaluator?) that only people needing something like re-normalization will use.
77 As a short-term fix, we could implement something like:
79 If recovering and target-evaluator is in use, keep elites as elites, but re-run target-runner on them. (Perhaps we need a new .irace$ flag saying: first race from recovery).
82 #6 ------------------------------------------------------------
84 Sometimes system2 does not say what exactly failed or what command was
85 run when something failed, it just prints: "error in running command".
86 Can we provide more details?
89 #2 ------------------------------------------------------------
91 A parameter like:
93 a "" c (0, 5, 10, 20)
95 and a condition like a > 10 will return TRUE when a is 5, because a
96 is actually "5" so the comparison is lexicographic. How to solve this?
98 - Fix 1. Check if a can be converted to numeric, then force it before
99 evaluating conditions. However, we cannot know for sure if the user
100 actually wants to convert a to numeric or not. Imagine a = "+3", then
101 a == "+3" would fail!
103 - Fix 2. Force users to use quotes when defining categorical and
104 ordinal parameters. Hopefully this will make obvious that these
105 values are strings and cannot be compared with other numbers.
107 This is already documented in the user-guide.
4 This file is only kept for historical purposes.
1106 ###############################################################
1117 # FIXED bugs
66 settings given a set of instances of an optimization problem.
77 M. López-Ibáñez, J. Dubois-Lacoste, L. Pérez Cáceres, T. Stützle,
88 and M. Birattari (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002>.
9 Version: 3.4.1
9 Version: 3.5
1010 Authors@R: c(person("Manuel", "López-Ibáñez", role = c("aut", "cre"),
1111 email = "",
1212 comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-9974-1295")),
2020 Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
2121 Imports: stats, utils, compiler, R6
2222 Suggests: Rmpi (>= 0.6.0), parallel, knitr, testthat, withr, mlr (>=
23 2.15.0), ParamHelpers, devtools
23 2.15.0), ParamHelpers, devtools, covr
2424 VignetteBuilder: knitr
2525 License: GPL (>= 2)
26 URL:,
26 URL:,
2828 BugReports:
2929 ByteCompile: yes
30 LazyData: yes
3130 Encoding: UTF-8
32 RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
31 RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
3332 SystemRequirements: GNU make
3433 NeedsCompilation: yes
35 Packaged: 2020-03-31 08:07:18 UTC; manu
34 Packaged: 2022-10-23 13:44:18 UTC; manu
3635 Author: Manuel López-Ibáñez [aut, cre]
3736 (<>),
3837 Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste [aut],
4443 Nguyen Dang [ctb]
4544 Maintainer: Manuel López-Ibáñez <>
4645 Repository: CRAN
47 Date/Publication: 2020-03-31 13:40:03 UTC
46 Date/Publication: 2022-10-23 14:55:06 UTC
MD5 less more
0 8f9f201288b16a339b6f57273a707d1f *BUGS
1 90442f63f91cc4c296eef4b18123d897 *DESCRIPTION
2 929993335cf3a237b7d27e9c1c1a0486 *NAMESPACE
3 da2fd1953cd33a19dfc3f9d78a435863 *
4 f728d8206d29e524728b98b5e5c98bc4 *R/ablation.R
5 47187f0811097d94d2f3abcf83e97dca *R/argparser.R
6 05a84aa85867928116ca1da97c6bc56f *R/cluster.R
7 77a6154db7d6d3202a998bffd562cf7b *R/generation.R
8 1570a3c84a2eabf122b979f12e47a11f *R/irace-options.R
9 019a192de8c07048f5b05b6294a42fa1 *R/irace-package.R
10 21751b754f699b991754b2d5310ba37a *R/irace.R
11 8eed0fa02814e45224e5d3b37e91b038 *R/irace2pyimp.R
12 f55a403c2ea36bad4fb84f79096acfa1 *R/main.R
13 477a890824f2689de002705efa5d5e7b *R/model.R
14 607c6e1c1944510033038d794664c271 *R/parameterAnalysis.R
15 e403df46a7a45f16e35b104948f42b02 *R/parameterExploration.R
16 b5f0dad93e467221992a310ab8ab80d3 *R/race-wrapper.R
17 d585220e5670cc23ce454f67a2353a7a *R/race.R
18 9745a0ec7a762830726686a84ef8d5f2 *R/readConfiguration.R
19 fc1fc0c4096fabbfbd1af7f46860ba76 *R/readParameters.R
20 4c0cd07ce0136e79a6dc457ddb15f57f *R/testing.R
21 58e5c86ea54797458928b7171e1beaed *R/tnorm.R
22 2f7cc13b106b43c8c01d1531a12a5c4d *R/utils.R
23 49ef85c2dd41fbca000ecccd19ea0807 *R/version.R
24 87efc0b972f0c2596be88c2b8bf5238a *
25 8bba10219a86dfabf2c028f10e24c361 *build/partial.rdb
26 6d005f12fcd5b771eb3775e7e6bb9ae3 *build/vignette.rds
27 5c3dba114664cbebb390e2912437dd22 *cleanup
0 69a04f8f4c0abbd39178a3d0c7f3ce10 *BUGS
1 5045e033d6ef0ac2cadce585596446bd *DESCRIPTION
2 a63f58132973b19bf43020d7a5f15a8d *NAMESPACE
3 038a593734b0b4fcccde699be7b7ce20 *
4 b1f319dfbac17e70234c634a2490b632 *R/ablation.R
5 9c80cd3c08b5cb818c94fd65f81907a2 *R/argparser.R
6 5e50e779e5017e05cd2fa56b684f6c06 *R/cluster.R
7 a0a9019a8fff086a6b04aba345855c11 *R/generation.R
8 92e15c99068d5698c8b5f396abf50212 *R/irace-options.R
9 76968ff9efe28f18642b4d4a3163ae66 *R/irace-package.R
10 b56a08ad22985062d39a85653a4f4e4f *R/irace.R
11 915e1242e234fc7b6ec17a0793781a3c *R/main.R
12 fef3c5475713f5f09a5580f3225ab771 *R/model.R
13 d1301df655fad850e615a3f62d536179 *R/parameterAnalysis.R
14 86ead6121525dc45cf04a3f54ead0c19 *R/parameterExploration.R
15 068f4659da9911b4e24e68c81ba0614f *R/path_rel2abs.R
16 213f69a714e687be269920999074c87c *R/race-wrapper.R
17 816656412e80a1f170fc8938d968c25d *R/race.R
18 ee9dff2757fd0537a3f43759518bc37b *R/readConfiguration.R
19 bc45aa88d1d4ff5d05a22778123b18a4 *R/readParameters.R
20 519ff55d3b1b32a21363ad4e4bbfa133 *R/testing.R
21 bc04ea89773012f517adc374a6cc6cd9 *R/timer.R
22 55b4b74d608899de8109a8a136490e96 *R/tnorm.R
23 4fd568645b95fe328c7d2843442f1c89 *R/utils.R
24 4904572120e0067c272b3b2335d5a8d1 *R/version.R
25 2a118b7354fdedff5c74246d8423e5ad *R/zzz.R
26 559d78ef5ba4df1b8666192ac468df59 *
27 92d3ace7e0265aaf74b473cadbcf470a *build/partial.rdb
28 a852616f9564563cd4aadf7640345486 *build/vignette.rds
29 76b4951f93d078c5a1598e781fd9e670 *cleanup
2830 4fb959d1be3d68345289530627355ca9 *inst/CITATION
2931 f694f4bed8633608f1914f539c2dfee4 *inst/bin/parallel-irace
30 2b6592cf4f79610bdbcc504a4e70bc28 *inst/bin/parallel-irace-mpi
31 89f5edb040e5d72e0b93ea460b11d42d *inst/bin/parallel-irace-qsub
32 6033d97deebd3a6c8e4b1bd4b7433b8e *inst/doc/irace-package.R
33 c6f6dde37bededb32d96fa6889891b2a *inst/doc/irace-package.Rnw
34 25df86126dd2756b08d7f257caafbc1d *inst/doc/irace-package.pdf
32 36995f96e183cdd8e7e25207c4d95394 *inst/bin/parallel-irace-mpi
33 404f816e7b4fdf2a142c65c931f300ce *inst/bin/parallel-irace-qsub
34 8eda33b154a7c9cff1a90c0e168da70e *inst/bin/parallel-irace-slurm
35 1263d7dbd890bf549235501fbaf60c05 *inst/doc/irace-package.R
36 c2e0a6fcffab3c32cdfc05ff2d5aa126 *inst/doc/irace-package.Rnw
37 afa8bf9cb475e5f5f0cde602756d274b *inst/doc/irace-package.pdf
38 6f5adad387e00e68a7802e8d543b18ce *inst/examples/
3539 067fe2821c16cf8262dece7a4c36144e *inst/examples/Spear/README
3640 4a9044d0341a321c352ec901cb97a8f0 *inst/examples/Spear/parameters-cat.txt
3741 cb2da2a31c96ffc3a4274e9a8ef3832a *inst/examples/Spear/parameters-mixed.txt
3842 ed518f04134d2ca0f90b7393467b4e15 *inst/examples/Spear/scenario.txt
3943 039051117ef71079e1d2ff106d6c4e7a *inst/examples/Spear/target-runner
40 f2c52ac9107d5cfcd53901d5c7ef94e9 *inst/examples/acotsp/README
44 d24870bcca1038abb7a62d97df77cbd2 *inst/examples/acotsp/README
4145 d14e5bb16ddb374e204cabfc0be4545d *inst/examples/acotsp/default.txt
4246 0f16709b42a05455f08906576ba3ee18 *inst/examples/acotsp/forbidden.txt
4347 45771f3ceccfe39d9568abda93d7df24 *inst/examples/acotsp/parameters-acotsp.txt
4448 cc17eef505606543c0d5536f2c34b079 *inst/examples/acotsp/scenario.txt
45 60be927405606a9e2f2668039ec1fde3 *inst/examples/acotsp/target-runner
49 addd8e7ae0e2ca926476aa9b9e13cb08 *inst/examples/acotsp/target-runner
4650 b7d067aba94e5b7fc1e92237a6f0a1b4 *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/README
4751 d960f69eeadff7405e4452f8f50c710a *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/irace-sge-cluster
48 1f0d72ccb5c598003e563fee4e06dcb4 *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/target-evaluator
52 0b3da55eb761846dcf247a23060ffb0a *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/target-evaluator
53 cb7e8b282835fd66d0745aa16dfdecbf *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/target-runner-htcondor
4954 682e5b6a084e3e94e0ae045b60de8f9f *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/target-runner-pbs
5055 3cd7828292c3927406d34868ad9266b0 *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/target-runner-sge
5156 40fbfe617cda99828251f4b2128a4076 *inst/examples/batchmode-cluster/target-runner-slurm
5257 3523d53e5d616ae1343cbb787b703b5c *inst/examples/hypervolume/README
5358 5d16974368bcb97b8dcf9594b19152f2 *inst/examples/hypervolume/target-evaluator
5459 74406c35bc1a89a6e202f9aa27f48817 *inst/examples/hypervolume/target-runner
55 70ca30740880fa79fc905341f90dfc09 *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/irace.Rdata
56 6a0d04e2c0edf0c32c442bb98678a4e4 *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/
57 902005160f28d6d22be7c517b6ffb04d *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp-forbidden/features.csv
58 25bdee597b648c0b2bdf94f8e3634d33 *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp-forbidden/irace.Rdata
59 397ac9afae6495e8602cc0af0c0037ee *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp-forbidden/
60 902005160f28d6d22be7c517b6ffb04d *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/features.csv
61 e76df5487875f5c1900196d164809e6d *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/irace.Rdata
62 25f67c1549f30889eb348d6a6e6a3ff1 *inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/
63 3e4174afe9c5d85bcecb1ba765e94b40 *inst/examples/matlab/RUN.m
64 ef092e94145f01eea192cef2f1cdf3d8 *inst/examples/matlab/parameters.txt
65 6200a5e84d27116627d145d0ecbd0ece *inst/examples/matlab/scenario2.txt
66 4401349ba53ea145723c8393cb6ababb *inst/examples/matlab/target-runner
67 a7eb13541113d2c2b51f6c71e57dbe7c *inst/examples/moaco/README
60 7a908b35eff27e6ed9fe12d5936f8018 *inst/examples/matlab/Main.m
61 3b0332e02daabf31651a5a0d81ba830a *inst/examples/matlab/instances.txt
62 570fbc605de77856756be963e4fb8c91 *inst/examples/matlab/parameters.txt
63 a7c2b75263639028f078e5096a8c2be0 *inst/examples/matlab/scenario.txt
64 117ed65e989d5b1d901431e35c392b00 *inst/examples/moaco/README
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7067 5157ef3fc2efb9230f76aef1cfe73291 *inst/examples/moaco/target-evaluator
7168 e250b38c64ed8030bc71ee66ec4f8941 *inst/examples/moaco/target-runner
7269 de151ff3fce62d302ea77b93c8a5c92b *inst/examples/target-runner-python/
7370 5ab7fbf168799bc1c7a54c9b8549a159 *inst/examples/target-runner-python/
71 fc5b988b87d11f4e54a72ced66b72fb2 *inst/examples/target-runner-python/target-runner-python-win.bat
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7573 e3f5b6aee118bd70096440b0d648e812 *inst/examples/target-runner-python/trivial/parameters.txt
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7775 3dcae77aa87c659dff7dd85639ed2e27 *inst/examples/target-runner-python/trivial/
78 4dd3073b98f2b4723f68ebcb4eeace03 *inst/exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata
79 a86b3efa1a616252fbefff57796ea8b5 *inst/exdata/sann.rda
76 fdf194d8f19dada2867eff7a0695139d *inst/exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata
77 15d6164b0d369f64e77ed992d0ec3385 *inst/exdata/log-ablation.Rdata
78 38aec57159de03f0ff4d710331413041 *inst/exdata/sann.rda
79 a523dd89b6ec7ba2adc26e2ed3a3a179 *inst/irace.sindef
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82 2733cea5852f923b71bc3086b5d04592 *inst/templates/instances-list.txt.tmpl
82 af9376428b2c2d911710fd6e51ecf784 *inst/templates/instances-list.txt.tmpl
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86 ce1e0647e76140eac038f0a1e0f30d2a *inst/templates/target-runner.tmpl
8787 4850d7fbd68fbc7c06af53d3c510734f *inst/templates/windows/target-runner.bat
88 79e960ad8a32ad97019252d27cef0f85 *man/ablation.Rd
89 f7c1bfa57a8d880f6c0fe00d2c84c0d4 *man/buildCommandLine.Rd
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92 852a7b0994e6e5000f5760213f5c3b9e *man/configurations.print.Rd
93 b0a694214053c371c5a8d0847fbdad53 *man/configurations.print.command.Rd
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96 9adffac2d7742ba4fc2747034f2692f2 *man/getConfigurationById.Rd
97 e5e93fa55f64b5b5b5edf401319939f5 *man/getConfigurationByIteration.Rd
98 e0253c1596549c13a10a29b5c86f4215 *man/getFinalElites.Rd
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106 b8dade7a46d233dacfda4398f2f7bb5f *man/irace2pyimp.Rd
107 1988aeacc8c81ba9734e4cd7715feb66 *man/irace2pyimp_cmdline.Rd
108 fec6572fb0e35b89e77627333b0a4f71 *man/parallelCoordinatesPlot.Rd
109 c9f68cd60c69d04e3a29804e32fe5cec *man/parameterFrequency.Rd
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112 430e7a0ed7ae11d1b8b67376a2642559 *man/psRace.Rd
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116 17f8b6b6965e8888dd556d2aabf0f221 *man/read_pcs_file.Rd
117 f8c4ca3085c228adc5c1387f6661c27c *man/removeConfigurationsMetaData.Rd
118 ba808bcb9c03f9e8872669bbc7c4452c *man/scenario.update.paths.Rd
119 05a86b94b4bd798628b916ae1bc60d39 *man/target.evaluator.default.Rd
120 1946a8c451d554ea18de6acb1e53e406 *man/target.runner.default.Rd
121 26530cb06e42ce4114cfd085af70b723 *man/testConfigurations.Rd
122 6900bec9835be9cfcc765d20ad500b27 *man/testing.main.Rd
123 96d2e468dfc0ea6d9ff783c9245ffc9e *src/Makevars
124 b225187001f851aea8395d09173a6583 *src/
125 30d0a08b1017171d15bdc9ebc332d159 *src/install.libs.R
88 994adc0a852364fdcea6b274bbc4ba47 *man/CommandArgsParser.Rd
89 6b0dde5d934c2c16a9555cc6305bc8c1 *man/ablation.Rd
90 078aae4ce581e120cd576971577f5e12 *man/ablation_cmdline.Rd
91 c1211469bba0c10e00fa80c47a384d7a *man/buildCommandLine.Rd
92 d412ab580b7ba52bfc02370a93fe99eb *man/checkIraceScenario.Rd
93 7a1d06d2da2f300a7eed9fe508838824 *man/checkParameters.Rd
94 04e6a8b6f89522fe45d545285d6c3f4f *man/checkScenario.Rd
95 7e5aa8f3c75eaedc7d8e19a902864403 *man/configurations.print.Rd
96 14e033558771c9106b429f53bfb72320 *man/configurations.print.command.Rd
97 c10db4cc76effd892d2d71f48d67c292 *man/defaultScenario.Rd
98 cd7f7baaa8734863c8f7a62ae97a045b *man/getConfigurationById.Rd
99 9a72690609110ba97808c4284a4121ee *man/getConfigurationByIteration.Rd
100 147fc1fd2f1fe41f7d19efa46d981955 *man/getFinalElites.Rd
101 ab24f5f4834c020a9e13d5d0b27456d9 *man/irace-package.Rd
102 9fda11a0c9063c4d668b58fbd06970ed *man/irace.Rd
103 fc7d521a068ac95854f7aa0cd07fa8eb *man/irace.cmdline.Rd
104 8fb6cd730c0c3f68f950035aab00f116 *man/irace.license.Rd
105 bfee6562847f9202097c048aea8fc38e *man/irace.main.Rd
106 c61fcfc9965c72d1792982c4ac05487b *man/irace.version.Rd
107 f851af63937121b12ba3818fc89d9cc4 *man/path_rel2abs.Rd
108 88e40f9047a1e78663eb5bb714d5862c *man/plotAblation.Rd
109 1e954c71985f87b3d84d20832e64ba8e *man/printParameters.Rd
110 1fa672e70f48ba69c3c48a9c634c199c *man/printScenario.Rd
111 0866f93c1c8b41b8ddf20cda0d2b37f8 *man/psRace.Rd
112 3933746918dd3372aef6825c963c2f6f *man/readConfigurationsFile.Rd
113 6416a3ab3b2c54c915f5297beba44166 *man/readParameters.Rd
114 fd4014da95182daa5f4e036d42716aff *man/readScenario.Rd
115 f38a57a9b8da01e0cb6e227853a7bbd2 *man/read_logfile.Rd
116 0013e857af07f83b4c3657a1a88525cb *man/read_pcs_file.Rd
117 fe958fdb0536802ef73a17e55b3c2ddb *man/removeConfigurationsMetaData.Rd
118 8d2c92c883e214f8ac76f4a4d63a750f *man/scenario_update_paths.Rd
119 f4388a116d42c37a4bc6d8f64cb281bd *man/target.evaluator.default.Rd
120 7c150396daf48a28b3dae46ecbeca84a *man/target.runner.default.Rd
121 8499f76c5044d2aa52df9bcf03cacbb5 *man/testConfigurations.Rd
122 269490247d3ceb4ea52130c545f5ee00 *man/testing_fromfile.Rd
123 a5e75a420330b3074709671da1e3d0e7 *man/testing_fromlog.Rd
124 a886f8cb75354603c3204d2cebc07888 *src/Makevars
125 7906feceff998d2b2309454c9cbb2f10 *src/Makevars-common
126 ca5fd252fe6221d98e26e1eab7b8d9c6 *src/
127 b9f27579825988f77dd3bd9cc80449c1 *src/install.libs.R
128 4fb82b74a5fcc75be149ef7b2ee9b2a7 *src/iracebin/ablation.c
126129 58ea452025942c848ac07b11f57427ea *src/iracebin/irace.c
127130 f6939d43ee41ad7076812ca9404cf4e8 *src/iracebin/irace.h
128 156cf581cb11fb3f1827f81530593ae0 *src/iracebin/irace2pyimp.c
129 0b87b4635dc04ba67212afa13fa019b1 *tests/testthat.R
131 4c3b685dcd16cc3d2091da956863d966 *tests/testthat.R
132 b735d8cdd247647949863dc0db5242c5 *tests/testthat/bad_scenario.txt
133 d2a04968b98d1dc030087ed5a3973a24 *tests/testthat/bug-13-lookup.rds
130134 392472d97647beac3650ff564bd64455 *tests/testthat/bug_large_new_instances-confs.txt
131 3e458de2e4dd97fc94a3c3831d72deca *tests/testthat/bug_large_new_instances.Rdata
135 c37af8399644c4c02083ce46b2a72631 *tests/testthat/bug_large_new_instances.Rdata
132136 0c70d9f2df1bdaae7a5427383deae61f *tests/testthat/configurations.txt
137 5392765ea169c97660c1a8f5e38962d5 *tests/testthat/dependencies.txt
138 72b9700b9daeb38f2b3d56b07e761337 *tests/testthat/dependencies2.txt
133139 a96f6d23df9bca94fd33c47b8fe54835 *tests/testthat/
134140 db236f7a1008af30779f40caf07060f7 *tests/testthat/forbidden.txt
135 5500ec952b6f8dd4b6472c20eff359a0 *tests/testthat/helper-common.R
136 edde2fb3f78e939587d0648fd74d83e5 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/features.csv
137 9b48de17b419b215a12be667a0ea0c72 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/instances.txt
138 70e839a3df66606579446e283067da69 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/params.pcs
139 365683596b87b0c2b409c548f0a426a0 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/runhistory.json.gz
140 a7f86b05a53f425857cfc03186aed9c9 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/scenario.txt
141 9f77d33d5c3f24a30ea673dc093dfd3a *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/traj_aclib2.json
142 cece95303d20fd3bd1580fdd7740e2f6 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/features.csv
143 4a996468edd9f178280824b6ef814b83 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/instances.txt
144 94c9b9d0a582ae85c22367dac120d440 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/params.pcs
145 da20c33a03f92e4dfb2cb55b58253f0d *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/runhistory.json.gz
146 e409ace6c8879c98144e09f6cf1ed82a *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/scenario.txt
147 f3bbc537d647447eefdb23ca1c03a87c *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/traj_aclib2.json
148 cece95303d20fd3bd1580fdd7740e2f6 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/features.csv
149 4a996468edd9f178280824b6ef814b83 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/instances.txt
150 94c9b9d0a582ae85c22367dac120d440 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/params.pcs
151 f8b5cb41296b3abeeb4da342f174f5a1 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/runhistory.json.gz
152 e409ace6c8879c98144e09f6cf1ed82a *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/scenario.txt
153 283ffe2d398e7e3615983559f29cba69 *tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/traj_aclib2.json
141 e53bf0109c13ffc1734dc5d66c77caac *tests/testthat/helper-common.R
154142 5a08d4053b2e1733ac189074f84a62cc *tests/testthat/logparameters.txt
155143 1e4c15b1cb77a4738b5431e83f59cf33 *tests/testthat/parameters.txt
156144 34ecd3091ca49fabe295aaa76720e449 *tests/testthat/saved_maxim_bug.rds
157145 bfcde32a37798cf3fa4a0cd3a47933c9 *tests/testthat/saved_maxim_bug2.rds
158 4fd4da106e4a97ca4ac34a1e94f99394 *tests/testthat/test-GenericWrapper4AC.R
159 396ac6d04ed9c0f755adbf11e7259544 *tests/testthat/test-bugs.R
160 e1df5cacd43a5f253eed310cbdb09b8c *tests/testthat/test-capping.R
161 d603700d9179ad177a49d1020362637b *tests/testthat/test-forbidden.R
162 59f1c6fa5b4ca51785df8648cfbcbc6a *tests/testthat/test-irace2pyimp.R
163 d9b37c6098677a850f7d148454056426 *tests/testthat/test-maxTime.R
146 802b1377a53b451f13bc190dd692eb9e *tests/testthat/scenario.txt
147 fa5811cf38687ea0ba22857d07e43708 *tests/testthat/setup.R
148 390e7a8b3437a82b11f614fd1c1976f1 *tests/testthat/teardown.R
149 f738821c6a6716067263dcb035a8f499 *tests/testthat/test-GenericWrapper4AC.R
150 c76a2bb7c81016dd0769ea1463db40f9 *tests/testthat/test-bad_scenario.R
151 9001476440addf62d0bddf2d83e66391 *tests/testthat/test-bug-10.R
152 e72a8ebe9175644123b6939ac21d9e79 *tests/testthat/test-bug-13.R
153 53a1fc7b10969c0a91f94585abe9a7ea *tests/testthat/test-bugs.R
154 968331f372e347ce39e0d3da72f58c70 *tests/testthat/test-capping.R
155 74f00ef9d7219ebcf467f6e63f1de3d1 *tests/testthat/test-dependencies.R
156 158ae05d47f940a435ee6770ec56ae86 *tests/testthat/test-forbidden.R
157 a86211242111165f2e32a8a9105bdc54 *tests/testthat/test-maxTime.R
164158 56754b543d36c2c63459a4befbd50c03 *tests/testthat/test-mlr.R
165 7f1baf58cc9b20a1a2a4156a3b1b4395 *tests/testthat/test-path.R
166 5053ba8defc4c86962e3b8b84d4103ff *tests/testthat/test-sann-irace.R
159 1dbfbc6930ca68aac00a2ecf119b0b0a *tests/testthat/test-path.R
160 827ba08b388c13ad94d7c47ec643b48b *tests/testthat/test-raceconfs.R
161 386a21c6965ec4ee93c55c6b2d4dff5d *tests/testthat/test-readconfs.R
162 c6dbfe891bc46013458c5858ce22e7bf *tests/testthat/test-sann-irace.R
167163 54aba5c7c5e6cacd5d809cef03a4e4ac *tests/testthat/test-similar.R
168164 8ebd654ea8317ed80746c261c4e90b5d *tests/testthat/test-targetRunnerParallel.R
169165 30e04b3da8a10ca41b7457a0f553d059 *tests/testthat/test-targeteval.R
170 da2fd1953cd33a19dfc3f9d78a435863 *vignettes/NEWS.txt
166 038a593734b0b4fcccde699be7b7ce20 *vignettes/NEWS.txt
171167 289ab2a15fa9dca53bb4a94dff1817e3 *vignettes/Warning-icon.png
172 c8940c257353249fb90b2435afe5f1af *vignettes/examples.Rdata
173 60f556ce3296211bb986740daba10d91 *vignettes/irace-acotsp-stdout.txt
174 4dd3073b98f2b4723f68ebcb4eeace03 *vignettes/irace-acotsp.Rdata
175 c6f6dde37bededb32d96fa6889891b2a *vignettes/irace-package.Rnw
176 02f58d0f325d4de0c5961854092e5cb1 *vignettes/irace-package.bib
168 29ce28ad39dd3182608f02197ec1ed45 *vignettes/examples.Rdata
169 4784f9bce400ae4624ca874739cd7c4b *vignettes/fig1u-acotsp-instances.pdf
170 df916e74a88ae7e49d09735b04c82cd8 *vignettes/irace-acotsp-stdout.txt
171 fdf194d8f19dada2867eff7a0695139d *vignettes/irace-acotsp.Rdata
172 c2e0a6fcffab3c32cdfc05ff2d5aa126 *vignettes/irace-package.Rnw
173 003c544a7fe10a9552d74ac6bdc0a1ac *vignettes/irace-package.bib
177174 f44025a8b672c55f7c68873d309336ad *vignettes/irace-scheme.pdf
178175 0b5a399b2478c44749ab63304194f6a7 *vignettes/light-bulb-icon.png
179 eb7d9a9a7d61a14e2377e09ee0b9450d *vignettes/log-ablation.Rdata
180 90c0dfc0fa6e1da79e2a602ea0085fc4 *vignettes/section/irace-options.tex
176 9d6ff066c6a773ca2b8c41999f684e0b *vignettes/section/irace-options.tex
00 # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
2 export(CommandArgsParser)
23 export(ablation)
4 export(ablation_cmdline)
35 export(buildCommandLine)
46 export(checkIraceScenario)
7 export(checkParameters)
58 export(checkScenario)
9 export(cmdline_usage)
610 export(configurations.print)
711 export(configurations.print.command)
8 export(configurationsBoxplot)
912 export(defaultScenario)
1013 export(getConfigurationById)
1114 export(getConfigurationByIteration)
1417 export(irace.cmdline)
1518 export(irace.license)
1619 export(irace.main)
17 export(irace.usage)
1820 export(irace.version)
19 export(irace2pyimp)
20 export(irace2pyimp_cmdline)
21 export(parallelCoordinatesPlot)
22 export(parameterFrequency)
21 export(path_rel2abs)
2322 export(plotAblation)
23 export(printParameters)
2424 export(printScenario)
2525 export(psRace)
2626 export(readConfigurationsFile)
2727 export(readParameters)
2828 export(readScenario)
29 export(read_logfile)
2930 export(read_pcs_file)
3031 export(removeConfigurationsMetaData)
3132 export(scenario.update.paths)
33 export(scenario_update_paths)
3234 export(target.evaluator.default)
3335 export(target.runner.default)
3436 export(testConfigurations)
35 export(testing.main)
37 export(testing_fromfile)
38 export(testing_fromlog)
3639 import(compiler)
3740 import(stats)
3841 import(utils)
3942 importFrom(R6,R6Class)
40 importFrom(grDevices,cairo_pdf)
4143 importFrom(grDevices,
4244 importFrom(grDevices,
4345 importFrom(grDevices,pdf)
44 importFrom(grDevices,rgb)
4546 importFrom(graphics,abline)
4647 importFrom(graphics,axis)
4748 importFrom(graphics,barplot)
4849 importFrom(graphics,boxplot)
4950 importFrom(graphics,bxp)
5051 importFrom(graphics,grid)
51 importFrom(graphics,hist)
5252 importFrom(graphics,lines)
5353 importFrom(graphics,matplot)
5454 importFrom(graphics,mtext)
0 # irace 3.5
2 ## New features and improvements
4 * Handling of dependent parameter domains: These should be specified in the
5 parameter domain definition and, for now, only numerical parameter can
6 define dependent domains. A numerical domain can be dependent on one bound,
7 e.g. `(1, "param1*2")`, where the dependent bound can include basic
8 arithmetic operators. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
10 * The package now provides an `ablation` executable (`ablation.exe` in
11 Windows) that makes easier to perform ablation analysis without having any R
12 knowledge.
14 * The interface to functions `ablation()` and `plotAblation()` has been
15 simplified. The `ablation()` function now allows overriding scenario
16 settings. The `plotAblation()` function will not create the plot if the
17 ablation log does not contain a complete ablation.
18 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
20 * The argument `n.instances` of `ablation()` has been renamed to `n_instances` and it is now a factor that multiplies `scenario$firstTest`.
21 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
23 * New command-line option `--quiet` to run without producing any output
24 except errors (also available as a scenario option).
25 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
27 * New command-line option `--init` to initialize a scenario. (Deyao Chen)
29 * Added support for HTCondor cluster framework to `--batchmode`.
30 (Filippo Bistaffa)
32 * `--check` now also check the contents of `configurationsFile` and runs
33 configurations provided via `initConfigurations`.
34 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Andreea Avramescu)
36 * New scenario options `targetRunnerLauncher` and `targetRunnerLauncherArgs`
37 to help in cases where the target-runner must be invoked via another
38 software with particular options (such as `python.exe` in Windows).
39 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
41 * New scenario option `minMeasurableTime`.
42 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
44 * An error is produced if a variable set in the scenario file is not known to
45 irace. If your scenario file contains R code, then use variable names
46 beginning with a dot `'.'`, which will be ignored by irace.
47 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
49 * Plotting functions have been moved to the new package
50 [iraceplot]( In particular,
51 `configurationsBoxplot()` is replaced by `iraceplot::boxplot_training()` and
52 `iraceplot::boxplot_test()`; `parallelCoordinatesPlot()` is replaced by
53 `iraceplot::parallel_cat()` and `iraceplot::parallel_coord()`; and
54 `parameterFrequency()` is replaced by `iraceplot::sampling_frequency()`.
55 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
57 * The user-guide now contains a detailed section on "Hyper-parameter
58 optimization of machine learning methods".
59 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
61 * When `testType="F-test"` and only two configurations remain, the elimination
62 test now uses the pseudo-median estimated by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test
63 to decide which configuration is the best one instead of comparing the
64 median difference.
65 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
67 * New functions `testing_fromlog()` and `testing_fromfile()` for independently
68 executing the testing phase. The function `testing.main()` was removed as it
69 is superseded by the new ones.
70 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
72 * New function `read_logfile()` to easily read the log file produced by irace.
73 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
75 * New function `printParameters()` that prints a parameters R object as a valid input text.
76 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
78 * `irace2pyimp` moved to its own R package.
79 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
81 * Generating the file `irace.Rdata` may be disabled by setting `logFile=""`.
82 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Johann Dreo)
84 * `path_rel2abs()` and `checkParameters()` are now exported so that other
85 packages may use them.
86 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
88 * `path_rel2abs()` also searches in system paths. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
90 * `readConfigurationsFile()` will now detect duplicated configurations and
91 error. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
93 * The interface to functions `getFinalElites()`, `getConfigurationById()` and
94 `getConfigurationByIteration()` has been simplified.
96 * The package provides a `irace.sindef` file that may be used for building a
97 standalone container of irace using Singularity. See the `` file
98 for instructions. (Contributed by Johann Dreo)
100 * New example `examples/target-runner-python/target-runner-python-win.bat`
101 contributed by Levi Ribeiro.
103 * New helper script in `bin/parallel-irace-slurm` to launch `irace` in [SLURM]( computer clusters.
104 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
106 * Rename `scenario.update.paths()` to `scenario_update_paths()`. The old name is deprecated. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
108 ## Fixes
110 * Correctly handle clear out-performance cases despite strong bi-modality.
111 (Reported by Nguyen Dang,
112 fixed by Manuel López-Ibáñez)
114 * Fix error when recovering from a parallel run on Windows.
115 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Tarek Gamal)
117 * `testNbElites` now controls how many iteration elites are tested when
118 `testIterationElites=1`. This is the documented behavior in the user guide.
119 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Marcelo de Souza)
121 * Fixes to the Matlab example. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
123 * The default of `testType` is now set to `t-test` when capping is enabled.
124 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Jovana Radjenovic)
126 * Fix various issues in the user guide.
127 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Jovana Radjenovic)
129 * Remove duplicated elites.
130 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Federico Naldini)
132 * Fix (#7): warnings with partial matched parameters.
133 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Marc Becker)
135 * Fix (#10): wrong assert with `elitist=0`. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
137 * Fix (#12): irace can be run with [FastR](
139 * Fix (#13): Maximum number configurations immediately rejected reached.
140 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
142 * Fix: when setting the scenario file in the command-line, `scenarioFile` was
143 not set correctly. The correct scenario was used, however, the debug output
144 and the value stored in the log / recovery file was wrong.
145 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Richard Schoonhoven)
147 * With `sampleInstances = FALSE`, elitist irace does not change the order of
148 instances already seen. However, if you want to make sure that the order of
149 the instances is enforced, you also need to set `elitistNewInstances=0`.
151 * The function `irace.usage()` was removed. It was not really useful for R
152 users as the same result can be obtained by calling
153 `irace.cmdline("--help")`.
154 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
0157 # irace 3.4.1 (31/03/2020)
2159 * `NEWS` converted to markdown.
20177 versions.
21178 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
22179 * Fix invalid assert with ordered parameters: (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
24181 ```
25182 value >= 1L && value <= length(possibleValues) is not TRUE
26183 ```
29186 of a script. On Windows, `irace.exe` replaces `irace.bat`
30187 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
32 * inst/examples/Spear contains the Spear (SAT solver) configuration scenario.
189 * `inst/examples/Spear` contains the Spear (SAT solver) configuration scenario.
33190 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
35 * Fixed bug when reporting minimum maxTime required.
192 * Fixed bug when reporting minimum `maxTime` required.
36193 (Reported by Luciana Salete Buriol,
37194 fixed by Manuel López-Ibáñez)
41198 ```R
42199 all(apply(!$experiments), 1, any)) is not TRUE
43200 ```
45202 (Reported by Maxim Buzdalov, fixed by Manuel López-Ibáñez)
60217 satisfy `digits` (up to `digits=15`).
61218 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
63 * It is possible to specify boundMax without capping.
220 * It is possible to specify `boundMax` without capping.
64221 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
66223 * `irace --check` will exit with code 1 if the check is unsuccessful
69226 * Print where irace is installed with `--help`. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
71 * irace will now complain if the output of target-runner or target-evaluator
228 * irace will now complain if the output of `target-runner` or `target-evaluator`
72229 contains extra lines even if the first line of output is correct. This is to
73230 avoid parsing the wrong output. Unfortunately, this may break setups that
74231 relied on this behavior. The solution is to only print the output that irace
82239 * New option `aclib=` (`--aclib 1`) enables compatibility with the
83240 GenericWrapper4AC ( used by
84 AClib ( This is EXPERIMENTAL.
85 `--aclib 1` also sets digits to 15 for compatibility with AClib defaults.
241 AClib ( This is EXPERIMENTAL. `--aclib 1` also sets
242 digits to 15 for compatibility with AClib defaults.
86243 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
88245 * Fix printing of output when capping is enabled.
107264 * Fix bug in `checkTargetFiles()` (`--check`) with capping.
108265 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
110 * Clarify a few errors/warnings when `maxTime` > 0.
267 * Clarify a few errors/warnings when `maxTime > 0`.
111268 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, suggested by Haroldo Gambini Santos)
190347 evaluation noticeably faster.
191348 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
193 * The argument 'experiment' passed to the R function targetRunner does not
194 contain anymore an element 'extra.params'. Similarly, the 'scenario'
195 structure does not contain anymore the elements 'instances.extra.params' and
196 'testInstances.extra.params'. Any instance-specific parameters values now
350 * The argument `'experiment'` passed to the R function `targetRunner` does not
351 contain anymore an element `'extra.params'`. Similarly, the `'scenario'`
352 structure does not contain anymore the elements `'instances.extra.params'` and
353 `'testInstances.extra.params'`. Any instance-specific parameters values now
197354 form part of the character string that defines an instance and it is up to
198 the user-defined targetRunner to parse them appropriately. These changes
355 the user-defined `targetRunner` to parse them appropriately. These changes
199356 make no difference when targetRunner is an external script, or when
200357 instances and instance-specific parameter values are read from a file.
201358 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
203360 # irace 2.3
205 * Fix bug that will cause iraceResults$experimentLog to count calls to
206 targetEvaluator as experiments, even if no call to targetRunner was
362 * Fix bug that will cause `iraceResults$experimentLog` to count calls to
363 `targetEvaluator` as experiments, even if no call to `targetRunner` was
207364 performed. This does not affect the computation of the budget consumed and,
208365 thus, it does not affect the termination criteria of irace. The bug triggers
209366 an assertion that terminates irace, thus no run that was successful with
222379 * The option `--sge-cluster` (`sgeCluster`) was removed and replaced by
223380 `--batchmode` (`batchmode`). It is now the responsibility of the target-runner
224 to parse the output of the batch job submission command (e.g., qsub or
225 squeue), and return just the job ID. Values supported are: "sge", "torque",
381 to parse the output of the batch job submission command (e.g., `qsub` or
382 `squeue`), and return just the job ID. Values supported are: "sge", "torque",
226383 "pbs" and "slurm". (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
228385 * The option `--parallel` can now be combined with `--batchmode` to limit the
239396 ```R
240397 eval.parent(source("scenario-common.txt", chdir = TRUE, local = TRUE))
241398 ```
243400 This feature is VERY experimental and the syntax is likely to change in the
244401 future. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
256413 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
258415 * Update manual and vignette with details about the expected arguments and
259 return value of targetRunner and targetEvaluator. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
416 return value of `targetRunner` and `targetEvaluator`. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
261418 * Many updates to the User Guide vignette. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
263 * Fix \dontrun example in irace-package.Rd (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
420 * Fix `\dontrun` example in `irace-package.Rd` (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
265422 * Fix bug: If testInstances contains duplicates, results of testing are not
266 correctly saved in iraceResults$testing$experiments nor reported correctly
267 at the end of a run. Now unique IDs of the form 1t, 2t, ... are used for
423 correctly saved in `iraceResults$testing$experiments` nor reported correctly
424 at the end of a run. Now unique IDs of the form `1t, 2t, ...` are used for
268425 each testing instance. These IDs are used for the rownames of
269 iraceResults$testing$experiments and the names of the scenario$testInstances
270 and iraceResults$testing$seeds vectors. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
272 * Fix bug where irace keeps retrying the target-runner call even if it
426 `iraceResults$testing$experiments` and the names of the
427 `scenario$testInstances`
428 and `iraceResults$testing$seeds` vectors. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
430 * Fix bug where irace keeps retrying the `target-runner` call even if it
273431 succeeds. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
275433 * New command-line parameter
280438 instances defined by the scenario. Useful if you decide on the testing
281439 instances only after running irace. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
283 * Bugfix: When using maxTime != 0, the number of experiments performed may be
441 * Bugfix: When using `maxTime != 0`, the number of experiments performed may be
284442 miscounted in some cases. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
304462 comparisons),
305463 - `t-test-holm` (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons)
307 * MPI does not create log files with --debug-level 0.
465 * MPI does not create log files with `--debug-level 0`.
308466 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
310 * For simplicity, the parallel-irace-* scripts do not use an auxiliary
468 * For simplicity, the `parallel-irace-*` scripts do not use an auxiliary
311469 `tune-main` script. For customizing them, make a copy and edit them
312470 directly.
313471 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
316474 ```
317475 --target-runner-retries : Retry target-runner this many times in case of error.
318476 ```
321479 * We print diversity measures after evaluating on each instance:
322480 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
380538 * The best configurations found, either at the end or at each iteration of an
381539 irace run, can now be applied to a set of test instances different from the
382 training instances. See options testInstanceDir, testInstanceFile,
383 testNbElites, and testIterationElites. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
385 * The R interfaces of hookRun, hookEvaluate and hookRunParallel have changed.
540 training instances. See options `testInstanceDir`, `testInstanceFile`,
541 `testNbElites`, and `testIterationElites`. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
543 * The R interfaces of `hookRun`, `hookEvaluate` and `hookRunParallel` have changed.
386544 See `help(` and `help(hook.evaluate.default)` for examples of
387545 the new interfaces.
390548 IDs, and numbers are printed in a more human-readable format.
391549 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
393 * Reduce memory use for very large values of maxExperiments.
551 * Reduce memory use for very large values of `maxExperiments`.
394552 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, thanks to Federico Caselli for identifying the issue)
396554 * New option `--load-balancing` (`loadBalancing`) for disabling load-balancing
418576 * New configuration options, mainly for R users:
420 - hookRunParallel: Optional R function to provide custom
421 parallelization of
423 - hookRunData: Optional data passed to hookRun. This is ignored by
424 the default hookRun function, but it may be used by custom hookRun R
425 functions to pass persistent data around.
426 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
578 - `hookRunParallel`: Optional R function to provide custom
579 parallelization of ``.
581 - `hookRunData`: Optional data passed to `hookRun`. This is ignored by the
582 default `hookRun` function, but it may be used by custom `hookRun` R
583 functions to pass persistent data around. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
428585 # irace 1.05
448605 See `--forbidden-file` and `inst/templates/forbidden.tmpl`.
449606 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
451 * New option `--recovery-file` (recoveryFile) allows resuming a
608 * New option `--recovery-file` (`recoveryFile`) allows resuming a
452609 previous irace run. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
454611 * The confidence level for the elimination test is now
469626 * Print elapsed time for calls to hook-run if `debugLevel >=1`.
470627 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
472 * `examples/hook-run-python/hook-run`: A multi-purpose hook-run written
629 * `examples/hook-run-python/hook-run`: A multi-purpose `hook-run` written
473630 in Python. (Franco Mascia)
475632 * Parallel mode in an SGE cluster (`--sge-cluster`) is more
500657 * More concise output.
502 * The parameters expName and expDescription are now useless and they
659 * The parameters `expName` and `expDescription` are now useless and they
503660 were removed.
505662 * Faster computation of similar candidates (Jeremie Dubois-Lacoste
506663 and Leslie Pérez Cáceres).
508 * Fix bug when saving instances in tunerResults$experiments.
665 * Fix bug when saving instances in `tunerResults$experiments`.
510667 * `irace.cmdline ("--help")` does not try to quit R anymore.
0 .ablation.params.def <- read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, text="
1 name type short long default description
2 iraceResults p -l --log-file NA 'Path to the (.Rdata) file created by irace from which the \"iraceResults\" object will be loaded.'
3 src i -S --src 1 'Source configuration ID.'
4 target i -T --target NA 'Target configuration ID. By default the best configuration found by irace.'
5 ab.params s -P --params '' 'Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation (separated with commas). By default use all'
6 type s -t --type 'full' 'Type of ablation to perform: \"full\" will execute each configuration on all \"--n-instances\" to determine the best-performing one; \"racing\" will apply racing to find the best configurations.'
7 n_instances i -n --n-instances 1 'Number of instances used in \"full\" ablation will be n_instances * scenario$firstTest.'
8 seed i '' --seed 1234567 'Integer value to use as seed for the random number generation.'
9 ablationLogFile p -o --output-file 'log-ablation.Rdata' 'Log file to save the ablation log. If \"\", the results are not saved to a file.'
10 plot s -p --plot '' 'Output filename (.pdf) for the plot. If not given, no plot is created.'
11 plot_type s -O --plot-type 'mean' 'Type of plot. Supported values are \"mean\" and \"boxplot\".'
12 old_path p '' --old-path NA 'Old path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input to be replaced by --new-path.'
13 new_path p '' --new-path NA 'New path to replace the path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input.'
14 execDir p -e --exec-dir NA 'Directory where the target runner will be run.'
15 scenarioFile p -s --scenario NA 'Scenario file to override the scenario given in the log-file (.Rdata)'
16 parallel i '' --parallel NA 'Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.'
17 ")
19 cat_ablation_license <- function()
20 {
21 ablation_license <-
22 '#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 # ablation: An implementation in R of Ablation Analysis
24 # Version: __VERSION__
25 # Copyright (C) 2020--2022
26 # Manuel Lopez-Ibanez <>
27 # Leslie Perez Caceres <>
28 #
29 # This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
30 # conditions. See the GNU General Public License for details. There is NO
32 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 '
34 cat(sub("__VERSION__", irace.version, ablation_license, fixed=TRUE))
35 }
37 #' Launch ablation with command-line options.
38 #'
39 #' Launch [ablation()] with the same command-line options as the command-line
40 #' executable (`ablation.exe` in Windows).
41 #'
42 #' @param argv (`character()`) \cr The arguments
43 #' provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g.,
44 #' `c("-i", "irace.Rdata", "--src", 1)`.
45 #'
46 #' @details The function reads the parameters given on the command line
47 #' used to invoke R, launches [ablation()] and possibly [plotAblation()].
48 #'
49 #' List of command-line options:
50 #' ```{r echo=FALSE,comment=NA}
51 #' cmdline_usage(.ablation.params.def)
52 #' ```
53 #' @template ret_ablog
54 #' @examples
55 #' # ablation_cmdline("--help")
56 #'
57 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez
58 #' @concept running
59 #' @export
60 ablation_cmdline <- function(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
61 {
62 op <- options(width = 9999L) # Do not wrap the output.
63 on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
65 cat_ablation_license()
66 cat ("# installed at: ", system.file(package="irace"), "\n",
67 "# called with: ", paste(argv, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
68 parser <- CommandArgsParser$new(argv = argv, argsdef = .ablation.params.def)
69 if (!is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-h", long = "--help"))) {
70 parser$cmdline_usage()
71 return(invisible(NULL))
72 }
74 if (!is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-v", long = "--version"))) {
75 print(citation(package="irace"))
76 return(invisible(NULL))
77 }
79 params <- parser$readAll()
80 # TODO: Send the other options to the irace command-line parser so the user
81 # can override options in scenario via the command-line.
82 if (length(parser$argv) > 0)
83 stop("Unknown command-line options: ", paste(parser$argv, collapse = " "))
85 if (is.null(params$iraceResults)) {
86 irace.error("You must provide the path to the '.Rdata' file that contains the 'iraceResults' object generated by irace.")
87 return(invisible(NULL))
88 }
89 iraceResults <- read_logfile(params$iraceResults)
90 if (is.null(params$old_path) != is.null(params$new_path)) {
91 irace.error("To update paths you must provide both --old-path and --new-path.")
92 return(invisible(NULL))
93 } else if (!is.null(params$old_path)) {
94 iraceResults$scenario <- scenario_update_paths(iraceResults$scenario, params$old_path, params$new_path)
95 }
96 if (!is.null(params$scenarioFile)) {
97 scenario <- readScenario(params$scenarioFile)
98 }
99 if (is_null_or_empty_or_na(trim(params$ablationLogFile))) {
100 params$ablationLogFile <- NULL
101 }
102 for (p in c("execDir", "parallel")) {
103 if (!is.null(params[[p]])) scenario[[p]] <- params[[p]]
104 }
106 if (!is.null(params$ablationLogFile))
107 params$ablationLogFile <- path_rel2abs(params$ablationLogFile)
109 if (!is.null(params$ab.params))
110 params$ab.params <- sapply(strsplit(params$ab.params, ",")[[1]], trimws, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
112 ablog <-,
113 args = c(list(iraceResults = iraceResults,
114 src = params$src, target = params$target,
115 ab.params = params$ab.params, type = params$type,
116 n_instances = params$n_instances, seed = params$seed,
117 ablationLogFile = params$ablationLogFile),
118 scenario))
119 if (!is.null(params[["plot"]]) || base::interactive()) {
120 plotAblation(ablog, pdf.file = params[["plot"]], type = params[["plot_type"]])
121 }
122 invisible(ablog)
123 }
0125 ## This function fixes dependent parameters when a parameter value has been
1126 ## changed.
2127 fixDependenciesWithReference <- function(configuration, ref.configuration, parameters)
50175 configurations <-, new.configuration)
51176 }
52177 rownames(configurations) <- NULL
53 return (list(configurations=configurations, changed.params=changed.params))
54 }
56 #' Performs ablation between two configurations.
178 list(configurations=configurations, changed.params=changed.params)
179 }
181 report_duplicated_results <- function(experiments, configurations)
182 {
183 x <- t(experiments)
184 x <- x[duplicated(x) | duplicated(x, fromLast = TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
185 if (nrow(x) == 0L) return(NULL) # No duplicates
186 dups <- split(rownames(x), apply(x, 1, paste0, collapse=""))
187 names(dups) <- NULL
188 for (g in dups) {
189 cat("Warning: The following configuration produced the same results (the different parameters had not effect):\n")
190 print(configurations[configurations$.ID. %in% g, , drop=FALSE])
191 }
192 dups
193 }
195 #' Performs ablation between two configurations (from source to target).
57196 #'
58197 #' @description Ablation is a method for analyzing the differences between two configurations.
59 #'
60 #' @param iraceLogFile Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain
61 #' the \code{iraceResults} object.
62 #' @param iraceResults Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in
63 #' \code{scenario$logFile}.
64 #' @param src,target Source and target configuration IDs. If \code{NULL}, then
65 #' the first configuration ever evaluated is used as source and the best
66 #' configuration found is used as target.
67 #' @param ab.params Parameter names to be used for the ablation. They must be
68 #' in parameters$names.
69 #' @param n.instances Number of instances to be used for the "full" ablation,
70 #' if not provided firstTest instances are used.
71 #' @param type Type of ablation to perform, "full" will execute all instances
72 #' in the configurations to determine the best performing, "racing" will
73 #' apply racing to find the best configurations.
74 #' @param seed Numerical value to use as seed for the random number generation.
75 #' @param ablationLogFile Log file to save the ablation log.
76 #' @param pdf.file Prefix that will be used to save the plot file of the
77 #' ablation results.
78 #' @param pdf.width Width provided to create the pdf file.
79 #' @param mar Vector with the margins for the ablation plot.
80 #' @template arg_debuglevel
198 #'
199 #' @template arg_iraceresults
200 #' @param src,target Source and target configuration IDs. By default, the first configuration ever evaluated (ID 1) is used as `src` and the best configuration found by irace is used as target.
201 #' @param ab.params Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation. They must be in `parameters$names`. By default, use all parameters.
202 #' @param type Type of ablation to perform: `"full"` will execute each configuration on all `n_instances` to determine the best-performing one; `"racing"` will apply racing to find the best configurations.
203 #' @param n_instances (`integer(1)`) Number of instances used in `"full"` ablation will be `n_instances * scenario$firstTest`.
204 #' @param seed (`integer(1)`) Integer value to use as seed for the random number generation.
205 #' @param ablationLogFile (`character(1)`) Log file to save the ablation log. If `NULL`, the results are not saved to a file.
206 #' @param ... Further arguments to override scenario settings, e.g., `debugLevel`, `parallel`, etc.
81207 #'
82208 #' @references
83209 #' C. Fawcett and H. H. Hoos. Analysing differences between algorithm
84210 #' configurations through ablation. Journal of Heuristics, 22(4):431–458, 2016.
85211 #'
86 #' @return A list containing the following elements:
87 #' \describe{
88 #' \item{configurations}{Configurations tested in the ablation.}
89 #' \item{instances}{A matrix with the instances used in the experiments. First column has the
90 #' instances IDs from \code{iraceResults$scenario$instances}, second column the seed assigned to the instance.}
91 #' \item{experiments}{A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).}
92 #' \item{scenario}{Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.}
93 #' \item{trajectory}{IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.}
94 #' \item{best}{Best configuration found in the experiments.}
95 #' }
96 #'
212 #' @template ret_ablog
213 #' @seealso [plotAblation()]
97214 #' @examples
98215 #' \donttest{
99 #' irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "sann.rda")
100 #' load(irace.logfile)
216 #' logfile <- system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "sann.rda")
101217 #' # Execute ablation between the first and the best configuration found by irace.
102 #' ablation(iraceResults = iraceResults, ablationLogFile = NULL)
218 #' ablog <- ablation(logfile, ablationLogFile = NULL)
219 #' plotAblation(ablog)
103220 #' # Execute ablation between two selected configurations, and selecting only a
104221 #' # subset of parameters, directly reading the setup from the irace log file.
105 #' ablation(iraceLogFile = irace.logfile, src = 1, target = 10,
106 #' ab.params = c("temp"), ablationLogFile = NULL)
222 #' ablog <- ablation(logfile, src = 1, target = 10,
223 #' ab.params = c("temp"), ablationLogFile = NULL)
224 #' plotAblation(ablog)
107225 #' }
108226 #'
109227 #' @author Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
110228 #' @export
111 #FIXME: Add check for the inputs!
112 ablation <- function(iraceLogFile = NULL, iraceResults = NULL,
113 src = NULL, target = NULL,
114 ab.params = NULL, n.instances = NULL,
115 type = "full", seed = 1234567,
116 ablationLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata",
117 pdf.file = NULL, pdf.width = 20, mar = c(12,5,4,1),
118 debugLevel = NULL)
119 {
229 ablation <- function(iraceResults, src = 1L, target = NULL,
230 ab.params = NULL, type = c("full", "racing"),
231 n_instances = 1L, seed = 1234567,
232 ablationLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata", ...)
233 {
234 # Input check
235 if (missing(iraceResults) || is.null(iraceResults))
236 stop("You must provide an 'iraceResults' object generated by irace or the path to the '.Rdata' file that contains this object.")
238 type <- match.arg(type)
239 if (n_instances != 1L && type == "racing")
240 stop("'n_instances' has no effect when type == 'racing'")
242 if (!is.null(ablationLogFile))
243 file.check(ablationLogFile, writeable = TRUE, text = 'logFile')
245 save_ablog <- function(complete) {
246 ablog <- list(changes = changes,
247 configurations = all_configurations,
248 experiments = results,
249 instances = instances,
250 scenario = scenario,
251 trajectory = trajectory,
252 best = best.configuration,
253 complete = complete)
254 if (!is.null(ablationLogFile)) save(ablog, file = ablationLogFile, version = 2)
255 ablog
256 }
120258 # FIXME: The previous seed needs to be saved and restored at the end.
121259 set.seed(seed)
123 # Input check
124 if (is.null(iraceLogFile) && is.null(iraceResults))
125 irace.error("You must provide a Rdata file or an iraceResults object.")
126 if (!(type %in% c("full", "racing")))
127 irace.error("Type of ablation", type, "not recognized.")
129260 # Load the data of the log file
130 if (!is.null(iraceLogFile)) load(iraceLogFile)
132 if (is.null(src)) src <- 1
261 iraceResults <- read_logfile(iraceResults)
133262 if (is.null(target)) target <- iraceResults$iterationElites[length(iraceResults$iterationElites)]
135 irace.note ("Starting ablation from ", src, " to ", target, " :\n# Seed:", seed, "\n")
264 irace.note ("Starting ablation from ", src, " to ", target, "\n# Seed: ", seed, "\n")
137266 if (src %!in% iraceResults$allConfigurations$.ID.)
138 irace.error("Source configuration ID (", src, ") cannot be found")
267 stop("Source configuration ID (", src, ") cannot be found")
140269 if (target %!in% iraceResults$allConfigurations$.ID.)
141 irace.error("Target configuration ID (", target, ") cannot be found")
270 stop("Target configuration ID (", target, ") cannot be found")
143272 src.configuration <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[src, , drop = FALSE]
144273 target.configuration <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[target, , drop = FALSE]
146275 parameters <- iraceResults$parameters
147276 scenario <- iraceResults$scenario
149 if (!is.null(ablationLogFile)) scenario$logFile <- ablationLogFile
150 if (!is.null(debugLevel)) scenario$debugLevel <- debugLevel
277 scenario_args <- list(...)
278 if (length(scenario_args) > 0L) {
279 unknown_scenario_args <- setdiff(names(scenario_args), names(scenario))
280 if (length(unknown_scenario_args) > 0L)
281 irace.error("Unknown scenario settings given: ", paste0(unknown_scenario_args, collapse=", "))
282 scenario <- modifyList(scenario, scenario_args)
283 }
284 scenario$logFile <- ""
152285 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
154286 startParallel(scenario)
155287 on.exit(stopParallel(), add = TRUE)
157 # LESLIE: we should decide how to select the instances to perform the ablation
158 # for now we generate an instace list with one instance.
159 ## MANUEL: I think this should be obtained from parameters like
160 ## instanceFile/instanceDir/instance and re-use the code from irace. And by
161 ## default, it should use something like firstTest random training instances.
162 ## LESLIE: Ok by default we use firstTest and I added a parameter to change it in case needed.
163 if (type == "racing")
164 n.instances <- length(scenario$instances)
165 else if (is.null(n.instances))
166 n.instances <- scenario$firstTest
167 instances <- generateInstances(scenario, n.instances)
289 n_instances <- if (type == "racing") length(scenario$instances) else n_instances * scenario$firstTest
290 instances <- generateInstances(scenario, n_instances)
168291 .irace$instancesList <- instances
170293 # Select the parameters used for ablation
171294 if (is.null(ab.params)) {
172 ab.params <- parameters$names
295 ab.params <- parameters$names
173296 } else if (!all(ab.params %in% parameters$names)) {
174 irace.error("Some of the parameters provided are not defined in the parameters object.")
175 }
297 irace.error("Some of the parameters provided (", paste0(setdiff(ab.params, parameters$names), collapse=", "),
298 ") are not defined in the parameter space.")
299 }
301 cat("# Source configuration (row number is ID):\n")
302 configurations.print(src.configuration)
303 cat("# Target configuration (row number is ID):\n")
304 configurations.print(target.configuration)
176306 # Select parameters that are different in both configurations
177307 neq.params <- which(src.configuration[,ab.params] != target.configuration[,ab.params])
180310 irace.error("Candidates are equal considering the parameters selected\n")
181311 param.names <- colnames(src.configuration[,ab.params])[neq.params]
183 cat("# Configurations (row number is ID):\n")
184 configurations.print(rbind(src.configuration, target.configuration))
186313 # FIXME: Do we really need to override the ID?
187314 src.configuration$.ID. <- <- 1
188 best.configuration <- all.configurations <- src.configuration
315 best.configuration <- all_configurations <- src.configuration
190317 # Execute source and target configurations.
191318 ## FIXME: We may already have these experiments in the logFile!
196323 seeds = instances[, "seed"],
197324 scenario = scenario,
198325 bounds = scenario$boundMax)
199 irace.note("Executing source and target configurations on the given instances...\n")
326 # Define variables needed
327 trajectory <- 1
328 names(trajectory) <- "source"
329 # FIXME: changes should only store the changed parameters.
330 changes <- list()
331 irace.note("Executing source and target configurations on the given instances (", nrow(instances), ")...\n")
200332 target.output <- execute.experiments(experiments, scenario)
201333 if (!is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator))
202334 target.output <- execute.evaluator (experiments, scenario, target.output,
206338 results <- matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(instances),
207339 dimnames = list(seq(1,nrow(instances)), 1))
208340 results[,1] <- output[1:nrow(instances)]
209 lastres <- output[(nrow(instances)+1):(2*nrow(instances))]
211 # Define variables needed
212 trajectory <- 1
213 names(trajectory) <- "source"
214 changes <- list()
216 # Start ablation
341 lastres <- output[(nrow(instances)+1):(2 * nrow(instances))]
217342 step <- 1
343 ablog <- save_ablog(complete = FALSE)
218344 while (length(param.names) > 1) {
219345 # Generate ablation configurations
220346 cat("# Generating configurations (row number is ID):", param.names,"\n")
229355 # New configurations ids
230356 ## FIXME: These should be generated with respect to the logFile to make
231357 ## sure we don't have duplicate IDs.
232 new.ids <- seq(max(all.configurations$.ID.) + 1,
233 max(all.configurations$.ID.) + nrow(aconfigurations))
234 aconfigurations[,".ID."] <- new.ids
358 aconfigurations[,".ID."] <- seq(max(all_configurations$.ID.) + 1,
359 max(all_configurations$.ID.) + nrow(aconfigurations))
235360 configurations.print(aconfigurations, metadata = FALSE)
236 all.configurations <- rbind(all.configurations, aconfigurations)
361 all_configurations <- rbind(all_configurations, aconfigurations)
238363 # Set variables for the racing procedure
239364 if (scenario$capping) {
249374 scenario$elitist <- FALSE
250375 .irace$next.instance <- 1
251376 }
253 # All instances for the firstTest for the full
254 if (type == "full") scenario$firstTest <- nrow(instances)
256378 irace.note("Ablation (", type, ") of ", nrow(aconfigurations),
257379 " configurations on ", nrow(instances), " instances.\n")
258 # MANUEL: Is this racing or just running the configurations?
380 # Force the race to see all instances in "full" mode
381 if (type == "full") scenario$firstTest <- nrow(instances)
259382 race.output <- race(maxExp = nrow(aconfigurations) * nrow(instances),
260383 minSurvival = 1,
261384 =,
265388 elitistNewInstances = 0)
266389 results <- merge.matrix (results, race.output$experiments)
268 # Save temp log
269 ab.log <- list(configurations = all.configurations,
270 instances = instances,
271 experiments = results,
272 scenario = scenario,
273 trajectory = trajectory,
274 changes = changes)
275 if (!is.null(ablationLogFile))
276 save(ab.log, file = ablationLogFile, version = 2)
391 # Save log
392 ablog <- save_ablog(complete = FALSE)
278394 # Get the best configuration based on the criterion of irace
279395 # MANUEL: Doesn't race.output already give you all this info???
280396 cranks <- overall.ranks(results[,aconfigurations$.ID.,drop=FALSE], scenario$testType)
281 best.ids <- which.min(cranks)
282 cand.mean <- colMeans(results[,aconfigurations$.ID.,drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)
397 best_id <- which.min(cranks)[1]
398 # cand.mean <- colMeans(results[,aconfigurations$.ID.,drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)
283399 changes[[step]] <- ab.aux$changed.params
284 best.change <- changes[[step]][[best.ids[1]]]
285 trajectory <- c(trajectory, aconfigurations[best.ids[1], ".ID."])
400 best.change <- changes[[step]][[best_id]]
401 trajectory <- c(trajectory, aconfigurations[best_id, ".ID."])
287403 # Report best
288404 # FIXME: This ID does not actually match the configuration ID
289405 # The race already reports the best.
290 #cat("# Best configuration ID:", best.ids[1], "mean:", cand.mean[best.ids[1]],"\n")
291 for(i in seq_along(best.change)) {
292 cat("# ", best.change[i], best.configuration[,best.change[i]], "->",
293 aconfigurations[best.ids[1], best.change[i]], "\n")
406 cat("# Best changed parameters:\n")
407 for (i in seq_along(best.change)) {
408 cat("#", best.change[i], ":", best.configuration[,best.change[i]], "->",
409 aconfigurations[best_id, best.change[i]], "\n")
294410 }
296 best.configuration <- aconfigurations[best.ids[1],,drop=FALSE]
412 best.configuration <- aconfigurations[best_id,,drop=FALSE]
297413 <- best.configuration$.ID.
298414 param.names <- param.names[!(param.names %in% best.change)]
299415 step <- step + 1
302418 # Add last configuration and its results
303419 # FIXME: This may be overriding the ID of an existing configuration!!!
304 target.configuration$.ID. <- max(all.configurations$.ID.) + 1
305 all.configurations <- rbind(all.configurations, target.configuration)
420 target.configuration$.ID. <- max(all_configurations$.ID.) + 1
421 all_configurations <- rbind(all_configurations, target.configuration)
306422 results <- cbind(results, matrix(lastres, ncol = 1,
307423 dimnames=list(seq(1, nrow(instances)),
308424 target.configuration$.ID.)))
311427 # Get the overall best
312428 cranks <- overall.ranks(results[,trajectory, drop=FALSE], scenario$testType)
313 best.ids <- which.min(cranks)
314 best.configuration <- all.configurations[trajectory[best.ids[1]],,drop=FALSE]
429 best_id <- which.min(cranks)[1]
430 ## FIXME: At this point, the rownames of all_configurations does not match
431 ## all_configurations$.ID. That is confusing and a potential source of
432 ## bugs. Instead of fixing it here, we should not generate the discrepancy
433 ## ever.
434 best.configuration <- all_configurations[trajectory[best_id],,drop=FALSE]
315435 irace.note("Final best configuration:\n")
316436 configurations.print(best.configuration)
438 # Check for duplicated results:
439 report_duplicated_results(results, all_configurations)
318441 # LESLIE: If we use racing we can have a matrix of results that is not
319442 # complete, how should we do the plots?
320443 # MANUEL: Do not plot anything that was discarded
322 # Save final log.
323 ab.log <- list(configurations = all.configurations,
324 instances = instances,
325 experiments = results,
326 scenario = scenario,
327 trajectory = trajectory,
328 best = best.configuration)
330 if (!is.null(ablationLogFile))
331 save(ab.log, file = ablationLogFile, version = 2)
333 plotAblation(ab.log = ab.log, pdf.file = pdf.file,
334 pdf.width = pdf.width, mar = mar, main = "Ablation")
335 return(ab.log)
445 save_ablog(complete = TRUE)
336446 }
338448 ablation.labels <- function(trajectory, configurations)
355465 #' Create plot from an ablation log
356466 #'
357 #' @param ab.log Ablation log returned by \code{\link{ablation}}.
358 #' @param abLogFile Rdata file containing the ablation log.
467 #' @param ablog (`list()`|`character(1)`) Ablation log object returned by [ablation()]. Alternatively, the path to an `.Rdata` file, e.g., `"log-ablation.Rdata"`, from which the object will be loaded.
359469 #' @param pdf.file Output filename.
360470 #' @param pdf.width Width provided to create the pdf file.
361 #' @param type Type of plots. Supported values are \code{"mean"} and
362 #' \code{"boxplot"}.
471 #' @param type Type of plot. Supported values are `"mean"` and `"boxplot"`.
363472 #' @param mar Vector with the margins for the ablation plot.
364473 #' @param ylab Label of y-axis.
474 #' @param ylim Numeric vector of length 2, giving the y coordinates ranges.
365475 #' @param ... Further graphical parameters may also be supplied as
366 #' arguments. See \code{plot.default}.
476 #' arguments. See [graphics::plot.default()].
367477 #'
368478 #' @author Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
369 #' @seealso \code{\link{ablation}}
479 #' @seealso [ablation()]
480 #' @examples
481 #' logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
482 #' plotAblation(ablog = logfile)
370483 #' @export
371 plotAblation <- function (ab.log = NULL, abLogFile = NULL,
372 pdf.file = NULL, pdf.width = 20,
484 plotAblation <- function (ablog, pdf.file = NULL, pdf.width = 20,
373485 type = c("mean", "boxplot"),
374486 mar = par("mar"),
375 ylab = "Mean configuration cost", ...)
487 ylab = "Mean configuration cost", ylim = NULL,
488 ...)
376489 {
377490 type <- match.arg(type)
378 if (is.null(ab.log)) {
379 if (is.null(abLogFile))
380 irace.error("You must provide a log file or an ablation log object")
381 else {
382 load(abLogFile)
383 if (is.null(ab.log))
384 irace.error("abLogFile '", abLogFile, "' does not contain ab.log")
385 }
386 }
491 if (missing(ablog) || is.null(ablog)) {
492 irace.error("You must provide an 'ablog' object generated by ablation() or the path to the '.Rdata' file that contains this object.")
493 }
495 ablog <- read_logfile(ablog, name = "ablog")
496 if (!ablog$complete)
497 stop("The ablog shows that the ablation procedure did not complete cleanly and only contains partial information")
388500 if (!is.null(pdf.file)) {
389501 if (!is.file.extension(pdf.file, ".pdf"))
390502 pdf.file <- paste0(pdf.file, ".pdf")
394506 on.exit(, add = TRUE)
395507 }
397 trajectory <- ab.log$trajectory
398 configurations <- ab.log$configurations
509 trajectory <- ablog$trajectory
510 configurations <- ablog$configurations
399511 # Generate labels
400512 # FIXME: allow overriding these labels.
401513 labels <- ablation.labels(trajectory, configurations)
403515 inches_to_lines <- (par("mar") / par("mai"))[1]
404516 lab.width <- max(strwidth(labels, units = "inches")) * inches_to_lines
405 old.par <- par(mar = mar + c(lab.width - 2, 0, 0, 0), cex.axis = 1)
406 on.exit(par(old.par), add = TRUE)
408 experiments <- ab.log$experiments
410 # FIXME: We should also show the other alternatives at each step not just the
517 old.par <- par(mar = c(lab.width + 2.1, 4.1, 0.1, 0.1), cex.axis = 1)
518 if (!is.null(pdf.file))
519 on.exit(par(old.par), add = TRUE)
521 experiments <- ablog$experiments
523 # FIXME: We could also show the other alternatives at each step not just the
411524 # one selected. See Leonardo's thesis.
412 ylim <- NULL
413525 if (type == "boxplot") {
414526 bx <- boxplot(experiments[, trajectory], plot=FALSE)
415 ylim <- range(ylim, bx$stats[is.finite(bx$stats)],
416 bx$out[is.finite(bx$out)],
417 bx$conf[is.finite(bx$conf)])
527 if (is.null(ylim)) {
528 ylim <- range(bx$stats[is.finite(bx$stats)],
529 bx$out[is.finite(bx$out)],
530 bx$conf[is.finite(bx$conf)])
531 }
418532 }
419533 costs.avg <- colMeans(experiments[, trajectory])
0 #' R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments
1 #'
2 #' @export
03 CommandArgsParser <- R6::R6Class("CommandArgsParser", cloneable = FALSE, list(
14 argv = NULL,
25 argsdef = NULL,
710 argv <- strsplit(trim(argv), " +")[[1]]
811 }
912 self$argv <- argv
13 required_colnames <- c("name", "short", "long", "type", "default")
14 if (any(required_colnames %!in% colnames(argsdef))) {
15 stop("argsdef must contain the column names: ", paste0(required_colnames, collapse=", "))
16 }
1017 self$argsdef <- argsdef
18 rownames(self$argsdef) <- argsdef$name
19 self
1120 },
1221 readCmdLineParameter = function (paramName, default = NULL) {
13 value <- self$readArg (short = self$argsdef[paramName, "short"],
14 long = self$argsdef[paramName,"long"])
22 value <- self$readArg(short = self$argsdef[paramName, "short"],
23 long = self$argsdef[paramName,"long"])
1524 if (is.null(value)) {
1625 value <- if (is.null(default)) self$argsdef[paramName, "default"] else default
17 } else if ( && self$argsdef[paramName,"type"] != 'x' ) {
18 irace.error ("option '", self$argsdef[paramName,"long"],
19 "' requires an argument\n")
26 } else if ( && self$argsdef[paramName,"type"] != 'x') {
27 stop("option '", self$argsdef[paramName,"long"],"' requires an argument", call. = FALSE)
2028 }
2129 return(value)
2230 },
2634 readArg = function(short = "", long = "") {
2735 argv <- self$argv
2836 pos <- c()
29 if (length (short) > 0) {
30 pos <- grep (paste0("^", short, "$"), argv)
31 if (length (pos) == 0) {
32 pos <- grep (paste0("^", short, "="), argv)
37 if (length(short) > 0) {
38 # FIXME: use match()
39 pos <- grep(paste0("^", short, "$"), argv)
40 if (length(pos) == 0) {
41 # FIXME: use pmatch()
42 pos <- grep(paste0("^", short, "="), argv)
3343 }
3444 }
35 if (length (long) > 0 && length (pos) == 0) {
36 pos <- grep (paste0("^", long, "$"), argv)
37 if (length (pos) == 0) {
38 pos <- grep (paste0("^", long, "="), argv)
45 if (length(long) > 0 && length(pos) == 0) {
46 pos <- grep(paste0("^", long, "$"), argv)
47 if (length(pos) == 0) {
48 pos <- grep(paste0("^", long, "="), argv)
3949 }
4050 }
41 if (length (pos) == 0) {
42 return (NULL)
43 } else if (length(pos) > 0) {
51 if (length(pos) == 0) {
52 return(NULL)
53 } else if(length(pos) > 0) {
4454 # Allow repeated parameters
4555 pos <- max(pos)
4656 }
48 value <- unlist(strsplit (argv[pos], '=', fixed = TRUE))[2]
58 value <- unlist(strsplit(argv[pos], '=', fixed = TRUE))[2]
4959 if (is.null (value) || {
5060 value <- argv[pos + 1]
5161 self$argv <- argv[-(pos + 1)]
5262 }
5363 self$argv <- self$argv[-pos]
5464 return (value)
65 },
66 readAll = function() {
67 params <- list()
68 for (param in self$argsdef$name[self$argsdef$type != 'x']) {
69 value <- self$readCmdLineParameter(paramName = param)
70 if ( || (length(value) > 0 && value == "")) value <- NULL
71 params[[param]] <- value
72 }
73 params
74 },
75 cmdline_usage = function(){
76 irace::cmdline_usage(self$argsdef)
5577 })
56 )
78 )
80 #' `cmdline_usage()` prints the output of `--help`
81 #'
82 #' @param cmdline_args Definition of the command-line arguments.
83 #'
84 #' @rdname CommandArgsParser
85 #' @export
86 cmdline_usage <- function(cmdline_args)
87 {
88 for (i in seq_len(nrow(cmdline_args))) {
89 short <- cmdline_args[i,"short"]
90 long <- cmdline_args[i,"long"]
91 desc <- cmdline_args[i,"description"]
92 if (desc == "" || (short == "" && long == "")) next
93 if (short != "") short <- paste0(short,",")
94 default <- cmdline_args[i,"default"]
95 if (!is_null_or_empty_or_na(default)) {
96 desc <- paste0(desc, " Default: ", default, ".")
97 }
98 cat(sep = "\n", strwrap(desc, width = 80,
99 initial = sprintf("%3s%-20s ", short, long),
100 exdent = 25))
101 }
102 }
00 ### Submit/wait for jobs in batch clusters.
11 sge.job.finished <- function(jobid)
2 {
3 return(system (paste0("qstat -j ", jobid),
4 ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE,
5 intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE))
6 }
2 system (paste0("qstat -j ", jobid), ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE,
3 intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE)
85 pbs.job.finished <- function(jobid)
9 {
10 return(system (paste0("qstat ", jobid),
11 ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE,
12 intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE))
13 }
6 system (paste0("qstat ", jobid), ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE,
7 intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE)
159 torque.job.finished <- function(jobid)
1610 {
3125 # output. If the 5th token in the last line is a 'C', then the job has
3226 # terminated and its output files can be processed. Otherwise the job is not
3327 # completed (queued, running, exiting...)
34 return(any(grepl(paste0(jobid, ".*\\sC\\s"), output)))
28 any(grepl(paste0(jobid, ".*\\sC\\s"), output))
3529 }
3731 slurm.job.finished <- function(jobid)
4337 if (!is.null(attr(output, "status"))) return(TRUE)
4438 # If may return zero, but the job is not in the system anymore because it
4539 # completed. This is different from the Torque case.
46 return (!any(grepl(paste0("\\s", jobid, "\\s"), output)))
40 !any(grepl(paste0("\\s", jobid, "\\s"), output))
41 }
43 htcondor.job.finished <- function(jobid)
44 {
45 output <- suppressWarnings(system2("condor_q", jobid, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE))
46 # Check if job is still in the queue, otherwise it is considered finished
47 !any(grepl(paste0("ID:\\s", jobid), output))
4748 }
4950 ## Launch a job with qsub and return its jobID. This function does not
5152 ## invokes qsub and returns a jobID.
5253 target.runner.qsub <- function(experiment, scenario)
5354 {
54 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
55 <- experiment$id.configuration
56 <- experiment$id.instance
57 seed <- experiment$seed
58 configuration <- experiment$configuration
59 instance <- experiment$instance
60 switches <- experiment$switches
62 targetRunner <- scenario$targetRunner
63 if (as.logical(file.access(targetRunner, mode = 1))) {
64 irace.error ("targetRunner ", shQuote(targetRunner), " cannot be found or is not executable!\n")
65 }
67 args <- paste(,, seed, instance,
68 buildCommandLine(configuration, switches))
69 output <- runcommand(targetRunner, args,, debugLevel)
55 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
56 res <- run_target_runner(experiment, scenario)
57 cmd <- res$cmd
58 output <- res$output
59 args <- res$args
7161 jobID <- NULL
7262 outputRaw <- output$output
7363 err.msg <- output$error
7464 if (is.null(err.msg)) {
7565 # We cannot use parse.output because that tries to convert to numeric.
76 if (scenario$debugLevel >= 2) { cat (outputRaw, sep = "\n") }
66 if (debugLevel >= 2) { cat (outputRaw, sep = "\n") }
7767 # Initialize output as raw. If it is empty stays like this.
7868 # strsplit crashes if outputRaw == character(0)
7969 if (length(outputRaw) > 0) {
8474 jobID <- NULL
8575 }
8676 }
87 return(list(jobID = jobID, error = err.msg, outputRaw = outputRaw,
88 call = paste(targetRunner, args)))
77 list(jobID = jobID, error = err.msg, outputRaw = outputRaw,
78 call = paste(cmd, args))
8979 }
9181 cluster.lapply <- function(X, scenario, poll.time = 2)
9888 pbs = pbs.job.finished,
9989 torque = torque.job.finished,
10090 slurm = slurm.job.finished,
91 htcondor = htcondor.job.finished,
10192 irace.error ("Invalid value of scenario$batchmode = ", scenario$batchmode))
10394 # Parallel controls how many jobs we send at once. Some clusters have low
130121 }
131122 }
132123 }
133 return(output)
124 output
134125 }
1717 return(v)
1818 }
20 new.empty.configuration <- function(parameters)
20 new_empty_configuration <- function(parameters)
2121 {
2222 newConfigurationsColnames <- c(names(parameters$conditions), ".PARENT.")
2323 return(setNames(as.list(rep(NA, length(newConfigurationsColnames))),
3838 }
3939 }
41 ## Calculates the parameter bounds when parameters domain is dependent
42 getDependentBound <- function(parameters, param, configuration)
43 {
44 values <- parameters$domain[[param]]
45 if (is.expression(values)) {
46 # Depends contains parameters that enable param and parameters that define
47 # its domain. If this is a partial configuration, we need only the latter.
48 # Use names() here in case the configuration is simply a list.
49 deps <- intersect(names(configuration), parameters$depends[[param]])
50 # If it depends on a parameter that is disabled, then this is disabled.
51 if (anyNA(configuration[deps])) return(NA)
53 values <- sapply(values, eval, configuration)
54 irace.assert(all(is.finite(values)))
55 # Value gets truncated (defined from robotics initial requirements)
56 if (parameters$types[param] == "i") values <- as.integer(values)
57 if (values[1] > values[2]) {
58 irace.error ("Invalid domain (", paste0(values, collapse=", "),
59 ") generated for parameter '", param,
60 "' that depends on parameters (",
61 paste0(parameters$depends[[param]], collapse=", "),
62 "). This is NOT a bug in irace. Check the definition of these parameters.")
63 }
64 }
66 return(values)
67 }
4169 ### Uniform sampling for the initial generation
4270 sampleUniform <- function (parameters, nbConfigurations, digits,
4371 forbidden = NULL, repair = NULL)
4472 {
73 if (is.null(repair)) repair <- function(c, p, d) c
4575 namesParameters <- names(parameters$conditions)
4676 newConfigurations <-
4777 = nbConfigurations,
4878 ncol = length(namesParameters) + 1,
4979 dimnames = list(NULL, c(namesParameters, ".PARENT."))
50 ))
51 empty.configuration <- new.empty.configuration(parameters)
80 ), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
81 empty_configuration <- new_empty_configuration(parameters)
5383 for (idxConfiguration in seq_len(nbConfigurations)) {
5484 forbidden.retries <- 0
5585 while (forbidden.retries < 100) {
56 configuration <- empty.configuration
86 configuration <- empty_configuration
5787 for (p in seq_along(namesParameters)) {
5888 currentParameter <- namesParameters[p]
5989 if (!conditionsSatisfied(parameters, configuration, currentParameter)) {
6898 # We don't even need to sample, there is only one possible value !
6999 newVal <- get.fixed.value (currentParameter, parameters)
70100 # The parameter is not a fixed and should be sampled
71 } else if (currentType %in% c("i", "r")) {
72 newVal <- sample.unif(currentParameter, parameters, currentType, digits)
101 } else if (currentType %in% c("i","r")) {
102 domain <- getDependentBound(parameters, currentParameter, configuration)
103 newVal <- sample_unif(currentType, domain,
104 transf = parameters$transform[[currentParameter]],
105 digits)
73106 } else {
74107 irace.assert(currentType %in% c("c","o"))
75108 possibleValues <- parameters$domain[[currentParameter]]
78111 configuration[[p]] <- newVal
79112 }
80113 configuration <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
81 if (!is.null(repair)) {
82 configuration <- repair(configuration, parameters, digits)
83 }
114 configuration <- repair(configuration, parameters, digits)
85116 if (is.null(forbidden)
86117 || nrow(checkForbidden(configuration, forbidden)) == 1) {
103134 nbNewConfigurations, digits, forbidden = NULL,
104135 repair = NULL)
105136 {
137 if (is.null(repair)) repair <- function(c, p, d) c
106139 if (nbNewConfigurations <= 0) {
107140 irace.error ("The number of configurations to generate appears to be negative or zero.")
108141 }
111144 = nbNewConfigurations,
112145 ncol = length(namesParameters) + 1,
113146 dimnames = list(NULL, c(namesParameters, ".PARENT."))
114 ))
115 empty.configuration <- new.empty.configuration(parameters)
147 ), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
148 empty_configuration <- new_empty_configuration(parameters)
117150 for (idxConfiguration in seq_len(nbNewConfigurations)) {
118151 forbidden.retries <- 0
122155 prob = eliteConfigurations[[".WEIGHT."]])
123156 eliteParent <- eliteConfigurations[indexEliteParent, ]
124157 idEliteParent <- eliteParent[[".ID."]]
125 configuration <- empty.configuration
158 configuration <- empty_configuration
126159 configuration[[".PARENT."]] <- idEliteParent
128161 # Sample a value for every parameter of the new configuration.
134167 currentType <- parameters$types[[currentParameter]]
135168 if (!conditionsSatisfied(parameters, configuration, currentParameter)) {
136169 # Some conditions are unsatisfied.
137 # Should be useless, NA is ?always? assigned when matrix created
170 # Should be useless, NA is (always?) assigned when matrix created
138171 newVal <- NA
140173 } else if (isFixed(currentParameter, parameters)) {
142175 newVal <- get.fixed.value (currentParameter, parameters)
143176 # The parameter is not a fixed and should be sampled
144177 } else if (currentType %in% c("i", "r")) {
178 domain <- getDependentBound(parameters, currentParameter, configuration)
145179 mean <- as.numeric(eliteParent[currentParameter])
146 # If there is not value we obtain it from the model
180 # If there is not value we obtain it from the model or the mean obtained is
181 # not in the current domain, this can happen when using dependent domains
147182 if ( mean <- model[[currentParameter]][[as.character(idEliteParent)]][2]
148 if ( {
183 if ( || !inNumericDomain(mean, domain)) {
149184 # The elite parent does not have any value for this parameter,
150185 # let's sample uniformly.
151 newVal <- sample.unif(currentParameter, parameters, currentType, digits)
186 newVal <- sample_unif(currentType, domain,
187 transf = parameters$transform[[currentParameter]], digits)
153188 } else {
154189 stdDev <- model[[currentParameter]][[as.character(idEliteParent)]][1]
155 newVal <- sample.norm(mean, stdDev, currentParameter, parameters, currentType, digits)
190 # If parameters are dependent standard deviation must be computed
191 # based on the current domain
192 if (parameters$isDependent[currentParameter]) {
193 # Conditions should be satisfied for the parameter, thus domain cannot be NA
194 stdDev <- (domain[2] - domain[1]) * stdDev
195 }
196 newVal <- sample_norm(mean, stdDev, currentType, domain,
197 transf = parameters$transform[[currentParameter]],
198 digits)
156199 }
157200 } else if (currentType == "o") {
158201 possibleValues <- paramDomain(currentParameter, parameters)
170213 stdDev <- model[[currentParameter]][[as.character(idEliteParent)]]
172215 # Sample with truncated normal distribution as an integer.
173 # See sample.norm() for an explanation.
216 # See sample_norm() for an explanation.
174217 newValAsInt <- floor(rtnorm(1, mean + 0.5, stdDev, lower = 1,
175218 upper = length(possibleValues) + 1L))
196239 }
198241 configuration <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
199 if (!is.null(repair)) {
200 configuration <- repair(configuration, parameters, digits)
201 }
242 configuration <- repair(configuration, parameters, digits)
202244 if (is.null(forbidden)
203245 || nrow(checkForbidden(configuration, forbidden)) == 1) {
204246 newConfigurations[idxConfiguration,] <- configuration
270312 # except for the case of log-transformed negative domains, where we have to
271313 # translate by -0.5.
272314 #
273 numeric.value.round <- function(type, value, lowerBound, upperBound, digits)
315 numeric_value_round <- function(type, value, lowerBound, upperBound, digits)
274316 {
275317 irace.assert(is.finite(value))
276318 if (type == "i") {
277319 value <- floor(value)
278 upperBound <- upperBound - 1L # undo the above for the assert
279320 # The probability of this happening is very small, but it could happen.
280321 if (value == upperBound + 1L)
281322 value <- upperBound
287328 }
289330 # Sample value for a numerical parameter.
290 sample.unif <- function(param, parameters, type, digits = NULL)
291 {
292 lowerBound <- paramLowerBound(param, parameters)
293 upperBound <- paramUpperBound(param, parameters)
294 transf <- parameters$transform[[param]]
331 sample_unif <- function(type, domain, transf, digits)
332 {
333 # Dependent domains could be not available because of inactivity of parameters
334 # on which they are depedent. In this case, the dependent parameter becomes
335 # not active and we return NA.
336 if (anyNA(domain)) return(NA)
338 lowerBound <- domain[1]
339 upperBound <- domain[2]
295341 if (type == "i") {
296342 # +1 for correct rounding before floor()
297343 upperBound <- 1L + upperBound
302348 } else {
303349 value <- runif(1, min = lowerBound, max = upperBound)
304350 }
305 value <- numeric.value.round(type, value, lowerBound, upperBound, digits)
351 # We use original upperBound, not the +1L for 'i'.
352 value <- numeric_value_round(type, value, lowerBound, upperBound = domain[2], digits)
306353 return(value)
307354 }
309 sample.norm <- function(mean, sd, param, parameters, type, digits = NULL)
310 {
311 lowerBound <- paramLowerBound(param, parameters)
312 upperBound <- paramUpperBound(param, parameters)
313 transf <- parameters$transform[[param]]
356 sample_norm <- function(mean, sd, type, domain, transf, digits)
357 {
358 # Dependent domains could be not available because of inactivity of parameters
359 # on which they are depedent. In this case, the dependent parameter becomes
360 # not active and we return NA.
361 if (anyNA(domain)) return(NA)
363 lowerBound <- domain[1]
364 upperBound <- domain[2]
314366 if (type == "i") {
315367 upperBound <- 1L + upperBound
316368 # Because negative domains are log-transformed to positive domains.
324376 } else {
325377 value <- rtnorm(1, mean, sd, lowerBound, upperBound)
326378 }
328 value <- numeric.value.round(type, value, lowerBound, upperBound, digits)
379 # We use original upperBound, not the +1L for 'i'.
380 value <- numeric_value_round(type, value, lowerBound, upperBound = domain[2], digits)
329381 return(value)
330382 }
22 # Variables that do not have a command-line option have description == ""
33 # Types are b(oolean), i(nteger), s(tring), r(eal), p(ath), x (R object or no value)
44 # FIXME: Add special type for R functions.
5 # FIXME: For i and r add their range.
6 .irace.params.def <- structure(list(name = c(".help", ".version", ".check", ".onlytest",
7 "scenarioFile", "parameterFile", "execDir", "logFile", "recoveryFile",
8 "instances", "initConfigurations", "trainInstancesDir", "trainInstancesFile",
9 "configurationsFile", "forbiddenExps", "forbiddenFile", "targetRunner",
10 "targetRunnerRetries", "targetRunnerData", "targetRunnerParallel",
11 "targetEvaluator", "maxExperiments", "maxTime", "budgetEstimation",
12 "digits", "debugLevel", "nbIterations", "nbExperimentsPerIteration",
13 "sampleInstances", "testType", "firstTest", "eachTest", "minNbSurvival",
14 "nbConfigurations", "mu", "confidence", "deterministic", "seed",
15 "parallel", "loadBalancing", "mpi", "batchmode", "softRestart",
16 "softRestartThreshold", "testInstancesDir", "testInstancesFile",
17 "testInstances", "testNbElites", "testIterationElites", "elitist",
18 "elitistNewInstances", "elitistLimit", "repairConfiguration",
19 "capping", "cappingType", "boundType", "boundMax", "boundDigits",
20 "boundPar", "boundAsTimeout", "postselection", "aclib"), type = c("x",
21 "x", "x", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "p", "s", "x", "p", "p", "p",
22 "x", "p", "p", "i", "x", "x", "p", "i", "i", "r", "i", "i", "i",
23 "i", "b", "s", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "r", "b", "i", "i", "b",
24 "b", "s", "b", "r", "p", "p", "x", "i", "b", "b", "i", "i", "x",
25 "b", "s", "s", "i", "i", "i", "b", "r", "b"), short = c("-h",
26 "-v", "-c", "", "-s", "-p", "", "-l", "", "", "", "", "", "",
5 # FIXME: For i and r add their domain.
6 .irace.params.def <- structure(list(name = c(".help", ".version", ".check", ".init",
7 ".onlytest", "scenarioFile", "execDir", "parameterFile", "forbiddenExps",
8 "forbiddenFile", "initConfigurations", "configurationsFile",
9 "logFile", "recoveryFile", "instances", "trainInstancesDir",
10 "trainInstancesFile", "sampleInstances", "testInstancesDir",
11 "testInstancesFile", "testInstances", "testNbElites", "testIterationElites",
12 "testType", "firstTest", "eachTest", "targetRunner", "targetRunnerLauncher",
13 "targetRunnerLauncherArgs", "targetRunnerRetries", "targetRunnerData",
14 "targetRunnerParallel", "targetEvaluator", "deterministic", "maxExperiments",
15 "maxTime", "budgetEstimation", "minMeasurableTime", "parallel",
16 "loadBalancing", "mpi", "batchmode", "digits", "quiet", "debugLevel",
17 "seed", "softRestart", "softRestartThreshold", "elitist", "elitistNewInstances",
18 "elitistLimit", "repairConfiguration", "capping", "cappingType",
19 "boundType", "boundMax", "boundDigits", "boundPar", "boundAsTimeout",
20 "postselection", "aclib", "nbIterations", "nbExperimentsPerIteration",
21 "minNbSurvival", "nbConfigurations", "mu", "confidence"), type = c("x",
22 "x", "x", "x", "p", "p", "p", "p", "x", "p", "x", "p", "p", "p",
23 "s", "p", "p", "b", "p", "p", "x", "i", "b", "s", "i", "i", "p",
24 "p", "s", "i", "x", "x", "p", "b", "i", "i", "r", "r", "i", "b",
25 "b", "s", "i", "b", "i", "i", "b", "r", "b", "i", "i", "x", "b",
26 "s", "s", "i", "i", "i", "b", "r", "b", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i",
27 "r"), short = c("-h", "-v", "-c", "-i", "", "-s", "", "-p", "",
28 "", "", "", "-l", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
2729 "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
28 "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
29 "", "", "", "-e", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
30 ""), long = c("--help", "--version", "--check", "--only-test",
31 "--scenario", "--parameter-file", "--exec-dir", "--log-file",
32 "--recovery-file", "", "", "--train-instances-dir", "--train-instances-file",
33 "--configurations-file", "", "--forbidden-file", "--target-runner",
34 "--target-runner-retries", "", "", "--target-evaluator", "--max-experiments",
35 "--max-time", "--budget-estimation", "--digits", "--debug-level",
36 "--iterations", "--experiments-per-iteration", "--sample-instances",
37 "--test-type", "--first-test", "--each-test", "--min-survival",
38 "--num-configurations", "--mu", "--confidence", "--deterministic",
39 "--seed", "--parallel", "--load-balancing", "--mpi", "--batchmode",
40 "--soft-restart", "--soft-restart-threshold", "--test-instances-dir",
41 "--test-instances-file", "", "--test-num-elites", "--test-iteration-elites",
30 "", "", "", "-q", "", "", "", "", "-e", "", "", "", "", "", "",
31 "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), long = c("--help",
32 "--version", "--check", "--init", "--only-test", "--scenario",
33 "--exec-dir", "--parameter-file", "", "--forbidden-file", "",
34 "--configurations-file", "--log-file", "--recovery-file", "",
35 "--train-instances-dir", "--train-instances-file", "--sample-instances",
36 "--test-instances-dir", "--test-instances-file", "", "--test-num-elites",
37 "--test-iteration-elites", "--test-type", "--first-test", "--each-test",
38 "--target-runner", "--target-runner-launcher", "--target-runner-args",
39 "--target-runner-retries", "", "", "--target-evaluator", "--deterministic",
40 "--max-experiments", "--max-time", "--budget-estimation", "--min-measurable-time",
41 "--parallel", "--load-balancing", "--mpi", "--batchmode", "--digits",
42 "--quiet", "--debug-level", "--seed", "--soft-restart", "--soft-restart-threshold",
4243 "--elitist", "--elitist-new-instances", "--elitist-limit", "",
4344 "--capping", "--capping-type", "--bound-type", "--bound-max",
4445 "--bound-digits", "--bound-par", "--bound-as-timeout", "--postselection",
45 "--aclib"), default = c(NA, NA, NA, "", "./scenario.txt", "./parameters.txt",
46 "./", "./irace.Rdata", "", "", "", "./Instances", "", "", "",
47 "", "./target-runner", "0", "", "", "", "0", "0", "0.02", "4",
48 "0", "0", "0", "1", "F-test", "5", "1", "0", "0", "5", "0.95",
49 "0", NA, "0", "1", "0", "0", "1", "", "", "", "", "1", "0", "1",
50 "1", "2", "", "0", "median", "candidate", "0", "0", "1", "1",
51 "0", "0"), description = c("Show this help.", "Show irace package version.",
52 "Check scenario.", "Only test the configurations given in the file passed as argument.",
46 "--aclib", "--iterations", "--experiments-per-iteration", "--min-survival",
47 "--num-configurations", "--mu", "--confidence"), default = c(NA,
48 NA, NA, "", "", "./scenario.txt", "./", "./parameters.txt", "",
49 "", "", "", "./irace.Rdata", "", "", "./Instances", "", "1",
50 "", "", "", "1", "0", "", "5", "1", "./target-runner", "", "{targetRunner} {targetRunnerArgs}",
51 "0", "", "", "", "0", "0", "0", "0.02", "0.01", "0", "1", "0",
52 "0", "4", "0", "0", NA, "1", "", "1", "1", "2", "", "0", "median",
53 "candidate", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0",
54 "5", "0.95"), domain = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
55 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "F-test,t-test,t-test-holm,t-test-bonferroni",
56 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
57 NA, "sge,pbs,torque,slurm,htcondor", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
58 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "median,mean,worst,best", "instance,candidate",
59 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), description = c("Show this help.",
60 "Show irace package version.", "Check scenario.", "Initialize the working directory with template config files.",
61 "Only test the configurations given in the file passed as argument.",
5362 "File that describes the configuration scenario setup and other irace settings.",
54 "File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm.",
55 "Directory where the programs will be run.", "File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir.",
63 "Directory where the programs will be run.", "File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm.",
64 "", "File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be TRUE for any evaluated configuration. If empty or NULL, do not use forbidden expressions.",
65 "", "File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or NULL, all initial configurations are randomly generated.",
66 "File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir.",
5667 "Previously saved log file to recover the execution of irace, either absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or NULL, recovery is not performed.",
57 "", "", "Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no trainInstancesFiles is provided, all the files in trainInstancesDir will be listed as instances.",
68 "", "Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no trainInstancesFiles is provided, all the files in trainInstancesDir will be listed as instances.",
5869 "File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional parameters for them. If trainInstancesDir is provided, irace will search for the files in this folder.",
59 "File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or NULL, all initial configurations are randomly generated.",
60 "", "File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be TRUE for any evaluated configuration. If empty or NULL, do not use forbidden expressions.",
61 "Script called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See templates.",
70 "Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given.",
71 "Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory.",
72 "File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them.",
73 "", "Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided.",
74 "Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration.",
75 "Statistical test used for elimination. The default value selects t-test if capping is enabled or F-test, otherwise. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons).",
76 "Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of eachTest.",
77 "Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests.", "Executable called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See the templates and examples provided.",
78 "Executable that will be used to launch the target runner, when targetRunner cannot be executed directly (.e.g, a Python script in Windows).",
79 "Command-line arguments provided to targetRunnerLauncher. The substrings \\{targetRunner\\} and \\{targetRunnerArgs\\} will be replaced by the value of the option targetRunner and by the arguments usually passed when calling targetRunner, respectively. Example: \"-m {targetRunner --args {targetRunnerArgs}\"}.",
6280 "Number of times to retry a call to targetRunner if the call failed.",
6381 "Optional data passed to targetRunner. This is ignored by the default targetRunner function, but it may be used by custom targetRunner functions to pass persistent data around.",
6482 "Optional R function to provide custom parallelization of targetRunner.",
6583 "Optional script or R function that provides a numeric value for each configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl",
84 "If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance.",
6685 "Maximum number of runs (invocations of targetRunner) that will be performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning.",
6786 "Maximum total execution time in seconds for the executions of targetRunner. targetRunner must return two values: cost and time.",
6887 "Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean computation time of a configuration. Only used when maxTime > 0",
69 "Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical (real) parameters.",
70 "Debug level of the output of irace. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values provide more verbose debug messages.",
71 "Number of iterations.", "Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration.",
72 "Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given.",
73 "Statistical test used for elimination. Default test is always F-test unless capping is enabled, in which case the default test is t-test. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons).",
74 "Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of eachTest.",
75 "Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests.", "Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration).",
76 "Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration.",
77 "Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration.",
78 "Confidence level for the elimination test.", "If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance.",
79 "Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed).",
88 "Minimum time unit that is still (significantly) measureable.",
8089 "Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.",
8190 "Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing may be faster.",
8291 "Enable/disable MPI. Use Rmpi to execute targetRunner in parallel (parameter parallel is the number of slaves).",
83 "Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when targetRunner submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque or slurm. targetRunner must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, qsub.",
92 "Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when targetRunner submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque, slurm or htcondor. targetRunner must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, qsub.",
93 "Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical (real) parameters.",
94 "Reduce the output generated by irace to a minimum.", "Debug level of the output of irace. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values provide more verbose debug messages.",
95 "Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed).",
8496 "Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model.",
8597 "Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. If NA, NULL or \"\", it is computed as 10^-digits.",
86 "Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory.",
87 "File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them.",
88 "", "Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided.",
89 "Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration.",
9098 "Enable/disable elitist irace.", "Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances in elitist irace.",
9199 "In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit.",
92100 "User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace and repairs it.",
98106 "Penalization constant for timed out executions (executions that reach boundMax execution time).",
99107 "Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with boundMax.",
100108 "Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform a postselection race of the best configurations of each iteration after the execution of irace.",
101 "Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script."
102 )), .Names = c("name", "type", "short", "long", "default", "description"
103 ), row.names = c(".help", ".version", ".check", ".onlytest",
104 "scenarioFile", "parameterFile", "execDir", "logFile", "recoveryFile",
105 "instances", "initConfigurations", "trainInstancesDir", "trainInstancesFile",
106 "configurationsFile", "forbiddenExps", "forbiddenFile", "targetRunner",
107 "targetRunnerRetries", "targetRunnerData", "targetRunnerParallel",
108 "targetEvaluator", "maxExperiments", "maxTime", "budgetEstimation",
109 "digits", "debugLevel", "nbIterations", "nbExperimentsPerIteration",
110 "sampleInstances", "testType", "firstTest", "eachTest", "minNbSurvival",
111 "nbConfigurations", "mu", "confidence", "deterministic", "seed",
112 "parallel", "loadBalancing", "mpi", "batchmode", "softRestart",
113 "softRestartThreshold", "testInstancesDir", "testInstancesFile",
114 "testInstances", "testNbElites", "testIterationElites", "elitist",
115 "elitistNewInstances", "elitistLimit", "repairConfiguration",
109 "Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script.",
110 "Maximum number of iterations.", "Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration.",
111 "Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration).",
112 "Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration.",
113 "Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration.",
114 "Confidence level for the elimination test.")), row.names = c(".help",
115 ".version", ".check", ".init", ".onlytest", "scenarioFile", "execDir",
116 "parameterFile", "forbiddenExps", "forbiddenFile", "initConfigurations",
117 "configurationsFile", "logFile", "recoveryFile", "instances",
118 "trainInstancesDir", "trainInstancesFile", "sampleInstances",
119 "testInstancesDir", "testInstancesFile", "testInstances", "testNbElites",
120 "testIterationElites", "testType", "firstTest", "eachTest", "targetRunner",
121 "targetRunnerLauncher", "targetRunnerLauncherArgs", "targetRunnerRetries",
122 "targetRunnerData", "targetRunnerParallel", "targetEvaluator",
123 "deterministic", "maxExperiments", "maxTime", "budgetEstimation",
124 "minMeasurableTime", "parallel", "loadBalancing", "mpi", "batchmode",
125 "digits", "quiet", "debugLevel", "seed", "softRestart", "softRestartThreshold",
126 "elitist", "elitistNewInstances", "elitistLimit", "repairConfiguration",
116127 "capping", "cappingType", "boundType", "boundMax", "boundDigits",
117 "boundPar", "boundAsTimeout", "postselection", "aclib"), class = "data.frame")
118 .irace.params.names <- c("scenarioFile", "parameterFile", "execDir", "logFile", "recoveryFile",
119 "instances", "initConfigurations", "trainInstancesDir", "trainInstancesFile",
120 "configurationsFile", "forbiddenExps", "forbiddenFile", "targetRunner",
121 "targetRunnerRetries", "targetRunnerData", "targetRunnerParallel",
122 "targetEvaluator", "maxExperiments", "maxTime", "budgetEstimation",
123 "digits", "debugLevel", "nbIterations", "nbExperimentsPerIteration",
124 "sampleInstances", "testType", "firstTest", "eachTest", "minNbSurvival",
125 "nbConfigurations", "mu", "confidence", "deterministic", "seed",
126 "parallel", "loadBalancing", "mpi", "batchmode", "softRestart",
127 "softRestartThreshold", "testInstancesDir", "testInstancesFile",
128 "testInstances", "testNbElites", "testIterationElites", "elitist",
129 "elitistNewInstances", "elitistLimit", "repairConfiguration",
130 "capping", "cappingType", "boundType", "boundMax", "boundDigits",
131 "boundPar", "boundAsTimeout", "postselection", "aclib")
128 "boundPar", "boundAsTimeout", "postselection", "aclib", "nbIterations",
129 "nbExperimentsPerIteration", "minNbSurvival", "nbConfigurations",
130 "mu", "confidence"), class = "data.frame")
131 .irace.params.names <- c("scenarioFile", "execDir", "parameterFile", "forbiddenExps",
132 "forbiddenFile", "initConfigurations", "configurationsFile",
133 "logFile", "recoveryFile", "instances", "trainInstancesDir",
134 "trainInstancesFile", "sampleInstances", "testInstancesDir",
135 "testInstancesFile", "testInstances", "testNbElites", "testIterationElites",
136 "testType", "firstTest", "eachTest", "targetRunner", "targetRunnerLauncher",
137 "targetRunnerLauncherArgs", "targetRunnerRetries", "targetRunnerData",
138 "targetRunnerParallel", "targetEvaluator", "deterministic", "maxExperiments",
139 "maxTime", "budgetEstimation", "minMeasurableTime", "parallel",
140 "loadBalancing", "mpi", "batchmode", "digits", "quiet", "debugLevel",
141 "seed", "softRestart", "softRestartThreshold", "elitist", "elitistNewInstances",
142 "elitistLimit", "repairConfiguration", "capping", "cappingType",
143 "boundType", "boundMax", "boundDigits", "boundPar", "boundAsTimeout",
144 "postselection", "aclib", "nbIterations", "nbExperimentsPerIteration",
145 "minNbSurvival", "nbConfigurations", "mu", "confidence")
132146 ## FIXME: If these values are special perhaps they should be saved in $state ?
133147 .irace.params.recover <- c("instances", "seed", "testInstances",
134148 # We need this because this data may mutate
55 #' @docType package
66 #' @import stats utils compiler
77 #' @importFrom R6 R6Class
8 #' @importFrom grDevices pdf cairo_pdf rgb
9 #' @importFrom graphics abline axis barplot boxplot hist lines matplot mtext par plot points strwidth text bxp grid
8 #' @importFrom grDevices pdf
9 #' @importFrom graphics abline axis barplot boxplot lines matplot mtext par plot points strwidth text bxp grid
1010 #'
1111 #'
1212 #' @details License: GPL (>= 2)
5858 #' sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
5959 #' }
6060 #'
61 #' ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
62 #' weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
61 #' ## We generate 20 instances (in this case, weights):
62 #' weights <- rnorm(20, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
6363 #'
6464 #' ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
6565 #' ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
6666 #' ## parameter space as follows:
67 #' parameters.table <- '
68 #' tmax "" i (1, 5000)
67 #' parameters_table <- '
68 #' tmax "" i,log (1, 5000)
6969 #' temp "" r (0, 100)
7070 #' '
7171 #'
7272 #' ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
73 #' parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
73 #' parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters_table)
7474 #'
7575 #' ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
7676 #' ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
7777 #' ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
78 #' ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
79 #' target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
78 #' ## iterations of SANN to 1000.
79 #' target_runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
8080 #' {
8181 #' instance <- experiment$instance
8282 #' configuration <- experiment$configuration
8888 #' return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
8989 #' }
9090 #' res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
91 #' control=list(maxit=5000
91 #' control=list(maxit=1000
9292 #' , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
9393 #' , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
9494 #' ))
9797 #' ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
9898 #' ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
9999 #' ## an external program or function.
100 #' ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
100 #' ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target_runner called the
101101 #' ## external program or function.
102102 #' return(list(cost = res$value))
103103 #' }
104104 #'
105105 #' ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
106 #' ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
107 #' ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
108 #' scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
109 #' instances = weights[1:100],
110 #' maxExperiments = 1000,
106 #' ## function define above, instances to the first 10 random weights, and
107 #' ## a maximum budget of 'maxExperiments' calls to targetRunner.
108 #' scenario <- list(targetRunner = target_runner,
109 #' instances = weights[1:10],
110 #' maxExperiments = 500,
111111 #' # Do not create a logFile
112112 #' logFile = "")
113113 #'
114114 #' ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
115 #' ## target.runner.
115 #' ## target_runner.
116116 #' checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
117117 #'
118118 #' \donttest{
119119 #' ## We are now ready to launch irace. We do it by means of the irace
120120 #' ## function. The function will print information about its
121121 #' ## progress. This may require a few minutes, so it is not run by default.
122 #' tuned.confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
122 #' tuned_confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
123123 #'
124124 #' ## We can print the best configurations found by irace as follows:
125 #' configurations.print(tuned.confs)
125 #' configurations.print(tuned_confs)
126126 #'
127127 #' ## We can evaluate the quality of the best configuration found by
128128 #' ## irace versus the default configuration of the SANN algorithm on
129 #' ## the other 100 instances previously generated.
129 #' ## the other 10 instances previously generated.
130130 #' ## To do so, first we apply the default configuration of the SANN
131131 #' ## algorithm to these instances:
132132 #' test <- function(configuration)
133133 #' {
134 #' res <- lapply(weights[101:200],
135 #' function(x) target.runner(
134 #' res <- lapply(weights[11:20],
135 #' function(x) target_runner(
136136 #' experiment = list(instance = x,
137137 #' configuration = configuration),
138138 #' scenario = scenario))
143143 #' ## We extract and apply the winning configuration found by irace
144144 #' ## to these instances:
145 #' tuned <- test (removeConfigurationsMetaData(tuned.confs[1,]))
145 #' tuned <- test(removeConfigurationsMetaData(tuned_confs[1,]))
146146 #'
147147 #' ## Finally, we can compare using a boxplot the quality obtained with the
148148 #' ## default parametrization of SANN and the quality obtained with the
155155 #'
156156 NULL
158 # Prefix for printing messages to the user.
159 .msg.prefix <- "== irace == "
2424 # .Random.seed and .irace are special
2525 for (name in setdiff(names(iraceResults$state), c(".Random.seed", ".irace")))
2626 assign(name, iraceResults$state[[name]])
27 # FIXME: Check that irace.version matches and warn if not.
2728 assign(".Random.seed", iraceResults$state$.Random.seed, .GlobalEnv)
2829 for (name in ls(iraceResults$state$.irace))
2930 assign(name, get(name, envir = iraceResults$state$.irace), envir = .irace)
4950 selected <- 1:nrow(configurations)
5051 for (i in seq_along(param.names)) {
5152 param <- param.names[i]
52 lower <- parameters$domain[[param]][1]
53 upper <- parameters$domain[[param]][2]
53 x.domain <- getDependentBound(parameters, param, x)
54 x.range <- diff(x.domain)
5556 X <- x[[param]]
5657 # FIXME: Since at the end we select a subset of configurations, we could use selected here.
6869 # FIXME: Why is this updating d[j]? It seems that if the difference is
6970 # large for one configuration, then it will be assumed to be large for
7071 # the rest.
71 d[j] <- max(d[j], abs((as.numeric(X) - as.numeric(Y)) / (upper - lower)))
72 if (parameters$isDependent[param]) {
73 # Compare depedent domains by normalising their values to their own ranges first
74 # and calculating the difference. (When possible)
75 y.domain <- getDependentBound(parameters, param, configurations[selected[j],])
76 y.range <- diff(x.domain)
77 dx <- ifelse (x.range == 0, 0, (as.numeric(X) - x.domain[1]) / x.range)
78 dy <- ifelse (y.range == 0, 0, (as.numeric(Y) - y.domain[1]) / y.range)
80 d[j] <- max(d[j], abs(dx - dy))
81 } else {
82 # FIXME: We should calculate (X - x.domain[1]) / x.range once for all configurations
83 # and all parameters, then calculate the differences using vectorization.
84 d[j] <- max(d[j], abs((as.numeric(X) - as.numeric(Y)) / x.range))
85 }
7286 if (d[j] > threshold) isSimilar.mat[j,i] <- FALSE
7387 }
7488 }
126140 ## filtering them out:
127141 configurations <- configurations [keepIdx, , drop=FALSE]
128142 ## filtering their strings out (to use them to define blocks):
129 strings <- strings [keepIdx]
143 strings <- strings[keepIdx]
131145 ## if everything is already filtered out, return
132146 if (nrow(configurations) == 0) {
192206 ## Number of iterations.
193 computeNbIterations <- function(nbParameters)
194 {
195 return (2 + log2(nbParameters))
196 }
207 computeNbIterations <- function(nbParameters) (2 + log2(nbParameters))
198209 ## Computational budget at each iteration.
199210 computeComputationalBudget <- function(remainingBudget, indexIteration,
219230 ## Termination of a race at each iteration. The race will stop if the
220231 ## number of surviving configurations is equal or less than this number.
221 computeTerminationOfRace <- function(nbParameters)
222 {
223 return (2 + log2(nbParameters))
224 }
232 computeTerminationOfRace <- function(nbParameters) (2 + log2(nbParameters))
226234 ## Compute the minimum budget required, and exit early in case the
227235 ## budget given by the user is insufficient.
329337 } else {
330338 requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)
331339 if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows' && is.null(.irace$cluster)) {
340 # FIXME: makeCluster does not print the output generated by the workers
341 # on Windows. We need to use the future package for that:
342 #
332343 .irace$cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel)
344 if (scenario$debugLevel >= 1) irace.note("makeCluster initialized for ", parallel, " jobs.")
333345 # In Windows, this needs to be exported, or we get:
334346 ## Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
335347 ## 2 nodes produced errors; first error: could not find function "target.runner"
348 parallel::clusterExport(.irace$cluster, ls(environment(startParallel)), envir=environment(startParallel))
336349 parallel::clusterExport(.irace$cluster, list("target.runner"), envir=.irace)
337350 # In addition, we export the global environment because the user may
338351 # have defined stuff there. There must be a better way to do this, but
346359 stopParallel <- function()
347360 {
348361 if (!is.null(.irace$cluster)) {
349 parallel::stopCluster(.irace$cluster)
362 try(parallel::stopCluster(.irace$cluster), silent=TRUE)
350363 .irace$cluster <- NULL
351364 }
352365 }
355368 {
356369 # We need to do this here to use/recover .Random.seed later.
357370 if ($seed)) {
371 # FIXME: We should store this seed in state not in scenario. We should not modify scenario.
358372 scenario$seed <- trunc(runif(1, 1, .Machine$integer.max))
359373 }
360374 set.seed(scenario$seed)
362376 irace.note("RNGkind: ", paste0(RNGkind(), collapse = " "), "\n")
363377 irace.note(".Random.seed: ", paste0(.Random.seed, collapse = ", "), "\n")
364378 }
365 return(scenario)
379 scenario
366380 }
368382 ## Generate instances + seed.
379393 # Sample instances index in groups (ntimes)
380394 sindex <- as.vector(sapply(rep(length(instances), ntimes),, replace = FALSE))
381395 } else {
382 sindex <- rep(1:length(instances), ntimes)
396 sindex <- rep(1L:length(instances), ntimes)
383397 }
384398 # Sample seeds.
385399 # 2147483647 is the maximum value for a 32-bit signed integer.
386400 # We use replace = TRUE, because replace = FALSE allocates memory for each possible number.
387 tmp <- data.frame (instance = sindex,
388 seed =, size = ntimes * length(instances), replace = TRUE))
389 return(tmp)
401 data.frame(instance = sindex,
402 seed =, size = length(sindex), replace = TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
390403 }
392405 addInstances <- function(scenario, instancesList, n.instances)
395408 if (is.null.or.empty(instancesList))
396409 instancesList <- generateInstances(scenario, n.instances)
397410 # If deterministic, we have already added all instances.
398 else if (! scenario$deterministic)
411 else if (!scenario$deterministic)
399412 instancesList <- rbind(instancesList, generateInstances(scenario, n.instances))
401414 # FIXME: Something is adding rownames. Clear them to avoid future problems.
468481 scenario$configurationsFile, "'.")
469482 cat("# Adding", nrow(initConfigurations), "initial configuration(s)\n")
470483 if (scenario$debugLevel >= 2)
471 print($initConfigurations, stringAsFactor = FALSE), digits=15)
484 print($initConfigurations, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), digits=15)
472485 } else {
473486 initConfigurations <- confs_from_file
474487 }
490503 allConfigurations <-
491504 = length(configurations.colnames),
492505 nrow = 0,
493 dimnames = list(NULL, configurations.colnames)))
494 }
495 return(allConfigurations)
506 dimnames = list(NULL, configurations.colnames)),
507 stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
508 }
509 allConfigurations
496510 }
498512 #' irace
499513 #'
500 #' \code{irace} implements iterated Race. It receives some parameters to be tuned
514 #' `irace` implements iterated Race. It receives some parameters to be tuned
501515 #' and returns the best configurations found, namely, the elite configurations
502516 #' obtained from the last iterations (and sorted by rank).
503517 #'
504518 #' @template arg_scenario
505519 #' @template arg_parameters
506520 #'
507 #' @details The function \code{irace} executes the tuning procedure using
508 #' the information provided in \code{scenario} and \code{parameters}. Initially it checks
509 #' the correctness of \code{scenario} and recovers a previous execution if
510 #' \code{scenario$recoveryFile} is set. A R data file log of the execution is created
511 #' in \code{scenario$logFile}.
521 #' @details The function `irace` executes the tuning procedure using
522 #' the information provided in `scenario` and `parameters`. Initially it checks
523 #' the correctness of `scenario` and recovers a previous execution if
524 #' `scenario$recoveryFile` is set. A R data file log of the execution is created
525 #' in `scenario$logFile`.
512526 #'
513527 #' @template return_irace
514528 #' @examples
515529 #' \dontrun{
516530 #' parameters <- readParameters("parameters.txt")
517 #' scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt",
518 #' scenario = defaultScenario())
531 #' scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt")
519532 #' irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
520533 #' }
521534 #'
522535 #' @seealso
523536 #' \describe{
524 #' \item{\code{\link{irace.main}}}{a higher-level command-line interface to \code{irace}.}
525 #' \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
526 #' \item{\code{\link{readParameters}}}{read the target algorithm parameters from a file.}
527 #' \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
528 #' \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
537 #' \item{[irace.main()]}{a higher-level interface to `irace`.}
538 #' \item{[irace.cmdline()]}{a command-line interface to `irace`.}
539 #' \item{[readScenario()]}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
540 #' \item{[readParameters()]}{read the target algorithm parameters from a file.}
541 #' \item{[defaultScenario()]}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
542 #' \item{[checkScenario()]}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
529543 #' }
530544 #'
531545 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
546 #' @concept running
532547 #' @export
533548 irace <- function(scenario, parameters)
534 {
535 catInfo <- function(..., verbose = TRUE) {
549 irace_common(scenario, parameters, simple = TRUE)
551 irace_common <- function(scenario, parameters, simple, output.width = 9999L)
552 {
553 if (!simple) {
554 op <- options(width = output.width) # Do not wrap the output.
555 on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
556 }
557 scenario <- checkScenario(scenario)
558 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
560 if (debugLevel >= 1) {
561 op.debug <- options(warning.length = 8170,
562 error = if (interactive()) utils::recover
563 else irace.dump.frames)
564 on.exit(options(op.debug), add = TRUE)
565 printScenario (scenario)
566 }
568 if (missing(parameters)) {
569 # Read parameters definition
570 parameters <- readParameters (file = scenario$parameterFile,
571 digits = scenario$digits,
572 debugLevel = debugLevel)
573 } else {
574 parameters <- checkParameters(parameters)
575 }
577 eliteConfigurations <- irace_run(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
578 if (simple) return(eliteConfigurations)
580 if (!scenario$quiet) {
581 cat("# Best configurations (first number is the configuration ID;",
582 " listed from best to worst according to the ",
583 test.type.order.str(scenario$testType), "):\n", sep = "")
584 configurations.print(eliteConfigurations)
586 cat("# Best configurations as commandlines (first number is the configuration ID; same order as above):\n")
587 configurations.print.command (eliteConfigurations, parameters)
588 }
590 if (scenario$postselection > 0)
591 psRace(iraceLogFile=scenario$logFile, postselection=scenario$postselection, elites=TRUE)
593 testing_fromlog(logFile = scenario$logFile)
595 invisible(eliteConfigurations)
596 }
598 irace_run <- function(scenario, parameters)
599 {
600 quiet <- scenario$quiet
601 catInfo <- if (quiet) do_nothing else function(..., verbose = TRUE) {
536602 irace.note (..., "\n")
537603 if (verbose) {
538604 cat ("# Iteration: ", indexIteration, "\n",
540606 "# experimentsUsedSoFar: ", experimentsUsedSoFar, "\n",
541607 "# timeUsed: ", timeUsed, "\n",
542608 "# remainingBudget: ", remainingBudget, "\n",
543 "# currentBudget: ", currentBudget, "\n",
609 "# currentBudget: ", currentBudget, "\n",
544610 "# number of elites: ", nrow(eliteConfigurations), "\n",
545611 "# nbConfigurations: ", nbConfigurations, "\n",
546612 sep = "")
547613 }
548614 }
550 scenario <- checkScenario(defaultScenario(scenario))
616 irace_finish <- function(iraceResults, scenario, reason) {
617 elapsed <- timer$elapsed()
618 if (!quiet)
619 cat("# Total CPU user time: ", elapsed["user"], ", CPU sys time: ", elapsed["system"],
620 ", Wall-clock time: ", elapsed["wallclock"], "\n", sep="")
621 iraceResults$state$elapsed = elapsed
622 iraceResults$state$completed = reason
623 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
624 iraceResults$state$eliteConfigurations
625 }
627 timer <- Timer$new()
628 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
552630 # Recover state from file?
553 if (!is.null(scenario$recoveryFile)) {
631 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$recoveryFile)) {
554632 irace.note ("Resuming from file: '", scenario$recoveryFile,"'\n")
555633 recoverFromFile(scenario$recoveryFile)
556634 # We call checkScenario again to fix any inconsistencies in the recovered
557635 # data.
636 # FIXME: Do not call checkScenario earlier and instead do the minimum to check recoveryFile.
637 scenario <- checkScenario(scenario)
558638 firstRace <- FALSE
559 scenario <- checkScenario(scenario)
639 stopParallel()
560640 startParallel(scenario)
561641 on.exit(stopParallel(), add = TRUE)
563642 } else { # Do not recover
564643 firstRace <- TRUE
565 scenario <- irace.init (scenario)
644 scenario <- irace.init(scenario)
566645 forbiddenExps <- scenario$forbiddenExps
567 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
568646 # Set options controlling debug level.
569647 # FIXME: This should be the other way around, the options set the debugLevel.
570648 options(.race.debug.level = debugLevel)
571649 options(.irace.debug.level = debugLevel)
573650 # Create a data frame of all configurations ever generated.
574651 allConfigurations <- allConfigurationsInit(scenario, parameters)
575652 nbUserConfigurations <- nrow(allConfigurations)
587664 )
588665 model <- NULL
589666 nbConfigurations <- 0
590 eliteConfigurations <- data.frame()
667 eliteConfigurations <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
592669 nbIterations <- ifelse (scenario$nbIterations == 0,
593670 computeNbIterations(parameters$nbVariable),
651728 output <- do.experiments(configurations = allConfigurations[next.configuration:nconfigurations, ],
652729 ninstances = ninstances, scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
653730 iraceResults$experimentLog <- rbind(iraceResults$experimentLog,
654 cbind(rep(0, nrow(output$experimentLog)),
655 output$experimentLog))
731 # These experiments are assigned iteration 0
732 cbind(iteration=0L, output$experimentLog))
657734 iraceResults$experiments <- merge.matrix (iraceResults$experiments,
658735 output$experiments)
686763 } else {
687764 nconfigurations <- min(1024, nconfigurations + new.conf)
688765 }
689 }
766 } # end of while(TRUE)
691768 if (length(rejectedIDs) > 0) {
692769 irace.note ("Immediately rejected configurations: ",
763840 if (scenario$capping)
764841 paste0("# capping: ", scenario$cappingType, "\n",
765842 "# type bound: ", scenario$boundType, "\n",
766 "# maxBound: ", scenario$boundMax, "\n",
843 "# boundMax: ", scenario$boundMax, "\n",
767844 "# par bound: ", scenario$boundPar, "\n",
768845 "# bound digits: ", scenario$boundDigits, "\n")
769846 else if (!is.null(scenario$boundMax))
770 paste0("# maxBound: ", scenario$boundMax, "\n"),
847 paste0("# boundMax: ", scenario$boundMax, "\n"),
771848 verbose = FALSE)
789866 boundEstimate = boundEstimate,
790867 rejectedIDs = rejectedIDs,
791868 forbiddenExps = forbiddenExps,
792 completed = list(flag=FALSE, msg=""))
793 # Consistency checks
794 irace.assert(sum(!$experiments)) == experimentsUsedSoFar)
795 irace.assert(nrow(iraceResults$experimentLog) == experimentsUsedSoFar)
869 completed = "Incomplete")
797870 ## Save to the log file
798871 iraceResults$allConfigurations <- allConfigurations
799872 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
874 # Consistency checks
875 irace.assert(nrow(iraceResults$experimentLog) == experimentsUsedSoFar)
876 # With elitist=0 we may re-run the same configuration on the same (instance,seed) pair
877 # FIXME: This assert is failing when sampleInstances=FALSE because we are re-executing again an instance that was executed at the start of the race.
878 if (FALSE && scenario$elitist)
879 irace.assert(sum(!$experiments)) == experimentsUsedSoFar)
801881 if (remainingBudget <= 0) {
802882 catInfo("Stopped because budget is exhausted")
803 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
804 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Budget exhausted"
805 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
806 return (eliteConfigurations)
883 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Budget exhausted"))
807884 }
808885 if (scenario$maxTime > 0 && timeUsed >= scenario$maxTime) {
809886 catInfo("Stopped because time budget is exhausted")
810 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
811 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Time budget exhausted"
812 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
813 return (eliteConfigurations)
887 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Time budget exhausted"))
814888 }
816890 if (indexIteration > nbIterations) {
820894 if (debugLevel >= 1) {
821895 catInfo("Limit of iterations reached", verbose = FALSE)
822896 }
823 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
824 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Limit of iterations reached"
825 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
826 return (eliteConfigurations)
897 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Limit of iterations reached"))
827898 }
828899 }
829900 # Compute the current budget (nb of experiments for this iteration),
867938 } else {
868939 catInfo("Stopped because ",
869940 "there is not enough budget to enforce the value of nbConfigurations.")
870 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
871 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Not enough budget to enforce the value of nbConfigurations"
872 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
873 return (eliteConfigurations)
941 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Not enough budget to enforce the value of nbConfigurations"))
874942 }
875943 }
879947 catInfo("Stopped because there is not enough budget left to race more than ",
880948 "the minimum (", minSurvival,")\n",
881949 "# You may either increase the budget or set 'minNbSurvival' to a lower value")
882 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
883 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Not enough budget to race more than the minimum configurations"
884 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
885 return (eliteConfigurations)
950 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Not enough budget to race more than the minimum configurations"))
886951 }
900965 catInfo("Stopped because ",
901966 "there is not enough budget left to race newly sampled configurations")
902967 #(number of elites + 1) * (mu + min(5, indexIteration)) > remainingBudget"
903 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
904 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Not enough budget left to race newly sampled configurations"
905 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
906 return (eliteConfigurations)
968 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Not enough budget left to race newly sampled configurations"))
907969 }
909971 if (scenario$elitist) {
913975 + nrow(eliteConfigurations) * min(scenario$elitistNewInstances, max(scenario$mu, scenario$firstTest))
914976 > currentBudget) {
915977 catInfo("Stopped because there is not enough budget left to race all configurations up to the first test (or mu)")
916 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
917 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Not enough budget to race all configurations up to the first test (or mu)"
918 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
919 return (eliteConfigurations)
978 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Not enough budget to race all configurations up to the first test (or mu)"))
920979 }
921980 } else if (nbConfigurations * max(scenario$mu, scenario$firstTest)
922981 > currentBudget) {
923982 catInfo("Stopped because there is not enough budget left to race all configurations up to the first test (or mu)")
924 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
925 iraceResults$state$completed$msg = "Not enough budget to race all configurations up to the first test (or mu)"
926 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
927 return (eliteConfigurations)
983 return(irace_finish(iraceResults, scenario, reason = "Not enough budget to race all configurations up to the first test (or mu)"))
928984 }
930986 catInfo("Iteration ", indexIteration, " of ", nbIterations, "\n",
9581014 allConfigurations <- rbind(allConfigurations, newConfigurations)
9591015 rownames(allConfigurations) <- allConfigurations$.ID.
9601016 raceConfigurations <- allConfigurations[allConfigurations$.ID. %!in% rejectedIDs, , drop = FALSE]
961 } else if (nbNewConfigurations < 0) {
1017 } else if (nbNewConfigurations <= 0) {
9621018 # We let the user know that not all configurations will be used.
9631019 if (nbUserConfigurations > nbConfigurations) {
9641020 catInfo("Only ", nbConfigurations,
9811037 nbNewConfigurations <- nbConfigurations - nrow(eliteConfigurations)
9831039 # Update the model based on elites configurations
984 if (debugLevel >= 1) { irace.note("Update model\n") }
1040 if (debugLevel >= 1) irace.note("Update model\n")
9851041 model <- updateModel(parameters, eliteConfigurations, model, indexIteration,
9861042 nbIterations, nbNewConfigurations, scenario)
987 if (debugLevel >= 2) { printModel (model) }
1043 if (debugLevel >= 2) printModel (model)
1044 if (debugLevel >= 1)
1045 irace.note("Sample ", nbNewConfigurations, " configurations from model\n")
989 if (debugLevel >= 1) {
990 irace.note("Sample ", nbNewConfigurations, " configurations from model\n")
991 }
9921047 newConfigurations <- sampleModel(parameters, eliteConfigurations,
9931048 model, nbNewConfigurations,
9941049 digits = scenario$digits,
11151170 # FIXME: Since we only actually keep the alive ones, we don't need
11161171 # to carry around rejected ones in raceResults$configurations. This
11171172 # would reduce overhead.
1118 eliteConfigurations <- extractElites(raceResults$configurations,
1173 eliteConfigurations <- extractElites(scenario, parameters,
1174 raceResults$configurations,
11191175 min(raceResults$nbAlive, minSurvival))
11201176 irace.note("Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID;",
11211177 " listed from best to worst according to the ",
11221178 test.type.order.str(scenario$testType), "):\n")
1123 configurations.print(eliteConfigurations, metadata = debugLevel >= 1)
1179 if (!quiet) configurations.print(eliteConfigurations, metadata = debugLevel >= 1)
11241180 iraceResults$iterationElites <- c(iraceResults$iterationElites, eliteConfigurations$.ID.[1])
11251181 iraceResults$allElites[[indexIteration]] <- eliteConfigurations$.ID.
11451201 irace.print.memUsed()
11461202 }
11471203 }
1148 # This code is actually never executed because we return above.
1149 # Leslie: adding this just in case
1150 iraceResults$state$completed$flag = TRUE
1151 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
1152 return (eliteConfigurations)
1153 }
1204 irace.internal.error("This code is actually never executed because we return above")
1205 }
R/irace2pyimp.R less more
0 # Convert an irace.Rdata file into input format supported by the parameter
1 # importance analysis tool PyImp
2 # (
3 #
4 # PyImp is developed by the AutoML-Freiburgh group (
6 single_quote <- function(s) paste0("'",s,"'")
7 double_quote <- function(s) paste0('"',s,'"')
9 .irace2pyimp_header <-
10 '#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 # irace2pyimp converts an irace.Rdata file into input format supported by the
12 # parameter importance analysis tool PyImp (
13 #
14 # irace2pyimp was developed by Nguyen Dang <>
15 #
16 # PyImp is developed by the AutoML-Freiburg-Hannover group (
17 #
18 # To see usage: irace2pyimp --help
19 # See examples in `$IRACE_HOME/inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/`
20 # and in `$IRACE_HOME/inst/examples/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/`
21 #
22 # irace2pyimp can also be called as an R function instead. To see usage of the
23 # function, run in R console:
24 # > library(irace)
25 # > ?irace2pyimp
26 #
27 # The generated files include:
28 # * `params.pcs` : a text file containing the parameter space definition.
29 # * `runhistory.json` : a JSON file containing the list of algorithm configurations
30 # evaluated during the tuning and the performance data obtained.
31 # * `traj_aclib2.json` : a JSON file containing the best configurations after
32 # each iteration of irace.
33 # * `scenario.txt` : a text file containing the definition of the tuning scenario.
34 # * `instances.txt` : a text file containing the list of instances.
35 # * `features.csv` : a text file containing instance features.
36 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 \n'
39 # list of command line arguments
40 .irace2pyimp_args <- read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = "name", text='
41 name type short long default description
42 .help x "-h" "--help" NA "Show this help."
43 normalise s "-n" "--normalise" "none" "Normalise the cost metric values into the range of [0,1] before converting to PyImp format. Values: {none(default), instance, feature}, which correspond to no-normalisation, normalisation based on instance, and normalisation based on features, respectively."
44 outDir s "-o" "--out-dir" "./pyimp-input" "Directory where all generated data are stored. Default: ./pyimp-input"
45 instanceFeatureFile s "-f" "--instance-feature-file" NA " A .csv file containing instance features (one line per instance, sorted in the same order as the list of instances input to irace). The first line contains feature names. By default, instance index is used as a feature."
46 filterConditions s "-c" "--filter-conditions" "NA" "Only extract configurations that satisfies the given conditions. The conditions are in R expression format. Default: no filter"
47 defaultConfigurationID i "-i" "--default-configuration-index" 1 "Index of default configuration (starting from 1), used by ablation analysis. Default value: 1"
48 iraceRdataFile s "-r" "--irace-data-file" NA "The log .Rdata file generated by irace"
49 ignoreUnsupported b "-ignore" "--ignore-unsupported" 0 "Forbidden configurations and repairConfiguration are not supported by the script. Set this flag to 1 to ignore them and proceed with your own risk. This may cause some unwanted behaviours, e.g., forbidden configurations may appear in ablation analysis\'s path. Values: {0,1}"
50 ')
52 load_irace_rdata <- function(filename)
53 {
54 load(filename)
56 if ('iraceResults' %!in% ls()) {
57 irace.error(filename, " is not a valid .Rdata file generated by irace")
58 }
60 # Some fields are not present in the old version of irace, so we assign them as new version's default values
61 if ('capping' %!in% names(iraceResults$scenario))
62 iraceResults$scenario$capping <- FALSE
64 return(iraceResults)
65 }
67 filter_data <- function(rdata, conditions, defaultConfigurationID)
68 {
69 # - remove all configurations not satistfying conditions in:
70 # + rdata$allConfigurations
71 # + rdata$iterationElites
72 # + rdata$experiments & rdata$experimentLog
73 # - also re-assign default configuration if necessary
75 conditions <- parse(text=conditions)
77 # update allConfigurations
78 allConfigurations <- rdata$allConfigurations
79 allConfigurations <- allConfigurations[eval(conditions, allConfigurations), , drop = FALSE]
80 allConfigurations <- allConfigurations[order(allConfigurations$.ID.), , drop = FALSE]
82 # update defaultConfigurationID
83 if (defaultConfigurationID %!in% allConfigurations$.ID.) {
84 irace.warning("default configuration '", defaultConfigurationID,
85 "' does not satisfy condition '", as.character(conditions),
86 "', thus setting configuration ", allConfigurations$.ID.[1],
87 " as default configuration instead.")
88 defaultConfigurationID <- allConfigurations$.ID.[1]
89 }
91 # update iterationElites
92 removed <- setdiff(rdata$iterationElites, allConfigurations$.ID.)
93 if (length(removed) > 0)
94 irace.warning("elite configuration(s) ", paste0(removed, collapse=", "),
95 " did not satisfy condition ", as.character(conditions),
96 ' and were eliminated')
98 iterationElites <- setdiff(rdata$iterationElites, removed)
100 # update experiments
101 experiments <- rdata$experiments[, allConfigurations$.ID., drop = FALSE]
103 # update experimentLog
104 experimentLog <- rdata$experimentLog[rdata$experimentLog[,'configuration'] %in% allConfigurations$.ID., ,drop = FALSE]
106 rdata$allConfigurations <- allConfigurations
107 rdata$experiments <- experiments
108 rdata$experimentLog <- experimentLog
109 rdata$iterationElites <- iterationElites
110 rdata$defaultConfigurationID <- defaultConfigurationID
111 return(rdata)
112 }
114 generate_feature_file <- function(file = "features.csv", instances, instanceFeatureFile)
115 {
116 # Generate features.csv
117 cat(sep="", "Generating feature file '", file, "' ...\n")
119 #--- features.csv -----
120 tFeatures <- data.frame(instance=instances)
122 # if no instance features are provided, instance index will be the only
123 # feature.
124 if ( {
125 tFeatures$id <- 1:length(instances)
127 } else {# otherwise, add features
128 if (!file.exists(instanceFeatureFile)) {
129 irace.error("Instance feature file '", instanceFeatureFile,"' does not exists.")
130 }
131 features <- read.table(instanceFeatureFile, header=TRUE)
132 if (nrow(features) != length(instances)) {
133 irace.error("The number of instances (", nrow(features), ") in '", instanceFeatureFile,
134 "' does not match the instance list given to irace (", length(instances),")")
135 }
136 tFeatures <- cbind(tFeatures, features)
137 }
139 # write to features.csv
140 write.csv(tFeatures,file = file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
141 return (tFeatures)
142 }
144 remove_fixed_parameters <- function(rdata)
145 {
146 # remove fixed parameters, as we don't need them in the analyses
147 parameters <- rdata$parameters
149 # update parameters
150 fixedParams <- names(which(parameters$isFixed))
151 if (length(fixedParams) > 0) {
152 cat(sep="", "Removing fixed parameters: ", paste0(fixedParams, collapse=", "), " ...\n")
153 varParams <- names(which(!parameters$isFixed))
154 # Go over 'names','types','switches','hierarchy', etc and keep only
155 # varParams (except for elements that contain a single value as
156 # $nbParameters)
157 parameters <- lapply(parameters, function(x) {
158 if (length(x) == 1) return(x)
159 else return(x[varParams])
160 })
161 parameters$nbParameters <- parameters$nbParameters - length(fixedParams)
162 parameters <- rdata$parameters <- parameters
163 rdata$allConfigurations <- rdata$allConfigurations[, varParams]
164 }
165 return (rdata)
166 }
168 generate_pcs_file <- function(file, parameters, defaultConfiguration)
169 {
170 #---- generate param file in SMAC's format ------
171 cat(sep="", "Generating parameter definition file '", file, "' ...\n")
173 # param types, ranges, and default value
174 paramlines <- c()
175 for (param in parameters$names) {
176 type <- parameters$types[[param]]
177 domain <- parameters$domain[[param]]
178 isLogTransform <- FALSE
179 if ('transform' %in% names(parameters) && parameters$transform[[param]]=='log')
180 isLogTransform <- TRUE
182 val <- defaultConfiguration[[param]]
183 if ( val <- domain[1]
185 if (type %in% c('r','i')) {
186 line <- paste0(param, ' [', domain[1], ',',domain[2],'] [', val, ']',
187 if (type == 'i') 'i' else '',
188 if (isLogTransform) 'l' else '')
189 } else {
190 line <- paste0(param, ' {', paste(domain, collapse = ','), '} [', val, ']')
191 }
192 paramlines <- c(paramlines, line)
193 }
195 # param conditions
196 conditionlines <- c()
197 for (param in parameters$names) {
198 # FIXME: This will not work if we byte-compile the conditions
199 irace.assert(!is.bytecode(parameters$conditions[[param]]))
200 conditions <- as.character(parameters$conditions[[param]])
201 # Convert to SMAC's param format.
202 if (conditions != "TRUE" && conditions != "FALSE") {
203 conditions <- gsub("%in%", "in", conditions) # remove %
204 conditions <- gsub("\"","", conditions) # remove double quote
205 conditions <- gsub("\'","", conditions) # remove single quote
207 # replace c() by {}
208 conditions <- gsub("c[[:space:]]*\\(([^()]+)\\)", "{\\1}", conditions)
210 # remove "(" and ")" at the beginning and end of the condition
211 conditions <- trimws(conditions)
212 conditionlines <- c(conditionlines, paste0(param," | ", conditions))
213 }
214 }
215 lines <- c(paramlines, '\n', '#Conditions:', conditionlines)
216 # FIXME, TODO: forbidden conditions?
217 # nguyen: SMAC's parameter space only allows particular forbidden constraints in the format of {parameter_name_1=value_1, ..., parameter_name_N=value_N}, while irace allows more general forbidden constraints. I'm not sure how to deal with it at the moment...
219 writeLines(lines, file)
220 }
222 process_experiments <- function(rdata, normalise, tFeatures)
223 {
224 #---- reformat rdata$experiments and add extra information into it ---#
225 cat(sep="", "Preprocessing experiment data...\n")
226 experiments <- rdata$experiments
228 # instance_id and seed
229 tInstanceSeeds <- rdata$state$.irace$instancesList
230 colnames(tInstanceSeeds)[colnames(tInstanceSeeds)=='instance'] <- 'instance_id'
231 tInstanceSeeds <- cbind(instance_seed_id = 1:nrow(tInstanceSeeds), tInstanceSeeds)
233 # add instance names into tInstanceSeeds
234 instances <- rdata$scenario$instances
235 tInstances <- data.frame(instance_id = 1:length(instances), instance=instances)
236 tInstanceSeeds <- merge(tInstanceSeeds, tInstances, by = c('instance_id'))
238 # melt experiments
239 experiments <- cbind(instance_seed_id = 1:nrow(experiments), experiments)
240 experiments <- na.omit(reshape(, direction='long',
241 idvar='instance_seed_id',
242 times=colnames(experiments)[2:ncol(experiments)],
243 timevar='candidate_id',
244 varying=list(colnames(experiments)[2:ncol(experiments)]),
245 v.names='cost'))
246 rownames(experiments) <- NULL
248 # add instance names and instance_seed_id into experiments
249 experiments <- merge(experiments, tInstanceSeeds, by='instance_seed_id')
251 # normalise cost values if necessary
252 if (normalise %!in% c('none','instance','feature'))
253 irace.error("Invalid normalisation method '", normalise,"'")
255 if (normalise != 'none' && rdata$scenario$capping) {
256 irace.warning("normalisation for capped data is not tested and can be buggy.")
257 }
258 if (normalise != 'none') {
259 t1 <- experiments # experiments table with minCost and maxCost for normalisation
261 # get minCost and maxCost over each instance
262 if (normalise == 'instance'){
263 tMinCost <- aggregate(cost~instance_id, t1, FUN=min)
264 colnames(tMinCost)[2] <- 'minCost'
265 tMaxCost <- aggregate(cost~instance_id, t1, FUN=max)
266 colnames(tMaxCost)[2] <- 'maxCost'
267 t1 <- merge(t1, tMinCost, by='instance_id')
268 t1 <- merge(t1, tMaxCost, by='instance_id')
269 } else { # get minCost and maxCost over each feature vector (i.e., over many instances with the same feature values)
270 t2 <- merge(t1, tFeatures, by='instance')
271 featureNames <- colnames(tFeatures)[-c(1)]
272 featureVals <- as.list(t2[, featureNames, drop=FALSE])
273 tMinCost <- aggregate(t2$cost, by=featureVals, min)
274 colnames(tMinCost)[colnames(tMinCost)=='x'] <- 'minCost'
275 tMaxCost <- aggregate(t2$cost, by=featureVals, max)
276 colnames(tMaxCost)[colnames(tMaxCost)=='x'] <- 'maxCost'
277 t2 <- merge(t2, tMinCost, by=featureNames)
278 t2 <- merge(t2, tMaxCost, by=featureNames)
279 t1 <- t2[, names(t1) %!in% featureNames]
280 }
282 # calculate normalised cost
283 # TODO: allow user-defined normalisation method
284 t1$cost <- (t1$cost - t1$minCost) / (t1$maxCost - t1$minCost)
286 # remove rows with normalisedCost == Inf
287 t1 <- t1[is.finite(t1$cost), ]
288 experiments <- t1[, names(t1) %!in% c('minCost','maxCost')]
289 }
291 # add extra information on iteration index & bound (when irace's capping is enabled)
292 tLog <- data.frame(rdata$experimentLog)
293 colnames(tLog)[colnames(tLog)=='instance'] <- 'instance_seed_id'
294 colnames(tLog)[colnames(tLog)=='configuration'] <- 'candidate_id'
295 tLog$candidate_id <- as.integer(tLog$candidate_id)
296 log_columns <- c('instance_seed_id','candidate_id','iteration')
297 if (('capping' %in% names(rdata$scenario)) && rdata$scenario$capping) {
298 log_columns <- c(log_columns, 'time', 'bound')
299 }
300 experiments <- merge(experiments, tLog[, log_columns],
301 by=c('instance_seed_id','candidate_id'))
302 return(experiments)
303 }
305 generate_runhistory <- function(file = "runhistory.json", rdata, experiments)
306 {
307 #------- generate runhistory.json ------#
308 cat(sep="", "Generating runhistory JSON file '", file, "' ...\n")
310 # TODO: If we ever use the json R package for something else, we could use it
311 # here as well, however, in runhistory.json, values are written with/without
312 # quotes depending on data types. Therefore, we need to make sure they are
313 # written correctly.
315 # Configurations: The first columns is .ID., and the last column is
316 # .PARENT. We are extracting parameter names only.
317 ls_param_names <- setdiff(colnames(rdata$allConfigurations), c(".ID.", ".PARENT."))
318 output <- paste0('{', double_quote('configs'), ': {\n')
319 for (row_id in seq_len(nrow(rdata$allConfigurations))) {
320 cand <- rdata$allConfigurations[row_id, ]
321 cand_id <- cand$.ID.
322 ls_params_vals <- sapply(ls_param_names, function(pname) {
323 val <- cand[[pname]]
324 if ( return("")
325 if (rdata$parameters$types[[pname]] == 'c')
326 val <- double_quote(val)
327 return(paste0(double_quote(pname), ': ', val))
328 })
329 if (row_id > 1)
330 output <- paste0(output, ',\n')
331 ls_params_vals <- ls_params_vals[ls_params_vals != ""]
332 output <- paste0(output, double_quote(cand_id),': {', paste0(ls_params_vals, collapse = ', '),'}')
333 }
334 output <- paste0(output, '}')
336 # data
337 output <- paste0(output, ',\n', double_quote('data'), ': [\n')
338 experiments <- experiments[order(experiments$candidate_id,experiments$instance_seed_id),] # order rows in experiments, so that runhistory.json is always the same across different runs
339 for (row_id in seq_len(nrow(experiments))) {
340 row <- experiments[row_id,]
341 cost <- row$cost
343 if (('capping' %in% rdata$scenario) && rdata$scenario$capping) {
344 time <- row$time
345 if (row$time >= row$bound){
346 if (row$bound < (rdata$scenario$boundMax - 0.01))
347 status <- 'StatusType.CAPPED'
348 else
349 status <- 'StatusType.TIMEOUT'
350 } else
351 status <- 'StatusType.SUCCESS'
353 } else {
354 time <- 0.9
355 status <- 'StatusType.SUCCESS'
356 }
358 if (row_id > 1)
359 output <- paste0(output, ',\n')
360 #rs = [[conf_id, inst, seed], [cost, time, status, {}]]
361 s1 <- paste(row$candidate_id, double_quote(row$instance), row$seed, sep=', ')
362 s2 <- paste(as.character(cost), as.character(time), paste('{',double_quote('__enum__'),': ', double_quote(status),'}'), '{}', sep=', ')
363 output <- paste0(output,'[[', s1, '], [', s2, ']]')
364 }
365 output <- paste0(output,'\n]}\n')
366 cat(output, file = file)
367 }
369 generate_trajectory <- function(file = 'traj_aclib2.json', rdata, experiments)
370 {
371 #-------------------- traj_aclib2.json ------------------------------#
372 cat(sep="", "Generating '", file, "' ...\n")
374 # Configurations: The first columns is .ID., and the last column is
375 # .PARENT. We are extracting parameter names only.
376 ls_param_names <- setdiff(colnames(rdata$allConfigurations), c(".ID.", ".PARENT."))
377 output <- ""
378 for (iterationId in seq_along(rdata$iterationElites)) {
379 confId <- rdata$iterationElites[iterationId]
380 # if this elite was eliminated due to filterConditions, ignore it
381 t1 <- experiments[(experiments$candidate_id == confId) & (experiments$iteration <= iterationId), ]
383 # cpu time
384 cpu_time <- paste0(double_quote('cputime'),': ', confId)
385 total_cpu_time <- paste0(double_quote('total_cpu_time'),': null')
386 wallclock_time <- paste0(double_quote('wallclock_time'),': ', confId)
387 # evaluations
388 evaluations <- paste0(double_quote('evaluations'),': ', nrow(t1))
389 # cost
390 cost <- paste0(double_quote('cost'),': ', mean(t1$cost))
391 # configuration string
392 cand <- rdata$allConfigurations[confId, ]
393 ls_params_vals <- sapply(ls_param_names, function(pname) {
394 val <- cand[[pname]]
395 if ( return("")
396 if (rdata$parameters$types[[pname]] == 'c')
397 val <- single_quote(val)
398 # FIMXE: if type is 'c', we do single_quote(val) two times?
399 # nguyen: One single_quote is indeed sufficient! I've updated the next line accordingly :)
400 return(double_quote(paste0(pname, '=', val)))
401 })
402 ls_params_vals <- ls_params_vals[ls_params_vals != ""]
403 configuration_string <- paste0(double_quote("incumbent"),': [',
404 paste0(ls_params_vals, collapse = ', '),']')
405 # combine everything
406 output <- paste0(output, '{',
407 paste(cpu_time, evaluations, cost, configuration_string, total_cpu_time, wallclock_time, sep=', '),'}\n')
408 }
409 cat(output, file = file)
410 }
412 generate_scenario_file <- function(file = "scenario.txt", rdata)
413 {
414 #------ create scenario file -------
415 cat(sep="", "Generating scenario file '", file, "' ...\n")
416 lss <- list()
417 lss[['algo']] <- rdata$scenario$targetRunner
418 lss[['execDir']] <- './'
419 if (rdata$scenario$deterministic)
420 lss[['deterministic']] <- 'true'
421 else
422 lss[['deterministic']] <- 'false'
423 if (rdata$scenario$capping) {
424 lss[['run_obj']] <- 'runtime'
425 lss[['cutoff_time']] <- rdata$scenario$boundMax
426 lss[['overall_obj']] <- paste0('par',rdata$scenario$boundPar)
427 } else {
428 lss[['run_obj']] <- 'quality'
429 lss[['cutoff_time']] <- 1
430 }
431 lss[['tunerTimeout']] <- 999999
432 lss[['overall_obj']] <- 'mean'
433 lss[['paramfile']] <- 'params.pcs'
434 lss[['instance_file']] <- 'instances.txt'
435 lss[['feature_file']] <- 'features.csv'
436 writeLines(paste0(names(lss), "=", lss), file)
437 }
440 #' Command-line interface to irace2pyimp
441 #'
442 #' This is a command-line interface for calling the [`irace2pyimp`] function,
443 #' which converts an `irace.Rdata` file into the input format supported by the
444 #' parameter importance analysis tool `PyImp`
445 #' ( \cr The best way to use
446 #' this command line interface is to run the script `irace-to-pyimp`. \cr To
447 #' see usage of the script, run: irace-to-pyimp --help
448 #'
449 #' @param argv (`character()`) \cr Command-line arguments.
450 #'
451 #' @return None.
452 #'
453 #' @examples
454 #'
455 #' irace2pyimp_cmdline("--help")
456 #'
457 #' @seealso
458 #' [`irace2pyimp`]
459 #'
460 #' @author Nguyen Dang and Manuel López-Ibáñez
461 #' @export
462 #' @md
463 irace2pyimp_cmdline <- function(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
464 {
465 parser <- CommandArgsParser$new(argv = argv, argsdef = .irace2pyimp_args)
467 if (!is.null(parser$readArg(short = "-h", long = "--help"))) {
468 cat(.irace2pyimp_header)
469 cmdline_usage(.irace2pyimp_args)
470 return(invisible(NULL))
471 }
472 argvalues <- lapply(rownames(.irace2pyimp_args), parser$readCmdLineParameter)
473 names(argv) <- rownames(.irace2pyimp_args)
475 irace2pyimp(file = argvalues$iraceRdataFile, normalise = argvalues$normalise,
476 outdir = argvalues$outDir,
477 instanceFeatureFile = argvalues$instanceFeatureFile,
478 filterConditions = argvalues$filterConditions,
479 defaultConfigurationID = argvalues$defaultConfigurationID,
480 ignoreUnsupported=argvalues$ignoreUnsupported)
481 }
483 #' Convert an `irace.Rdata` file into the format supported by PyImp
484 #'
485 #' This function converts an `irace.Rdata` file generated by irace into the
486 #' input format supported by the parameter importance analysis tool `PyImp`
487 #' (
489 #'
490 #' The generated files include:
491 #'
492 #' * `params.pcs` : a text file containing the parameter space definition.
493 #' * `runhistory.json` : a JSON file containing the list of algorithm configurations evaluated during the tuning and the performance data obtained.
494 #' * `traj_aclib2.json` : a JSON file containing the best configurations after each iteration of irace. The last configuration will be used as the target configuration in ablation analysis.
495 #' * `scenario.txt` : a text file containing the definition of the tuning scenario.
496 #' * `instances.txt` : a text file containing the list of instances.
497 #' * `features.csv` : a text file containing instance features. If no instance features are provided, the index of each instance will be used as a feature.
498 #'
499 #' @param file (`character(1)`) \cr Filename of the `.Rdata` file generated by
500 #' irace after a tuning run is finished.
501 #'
502 #' @param normalise (`none` | `instance` | `feature`) \cr Normalise the cost metric values into `[0, 1]` range before converting to PyImp format. Possible values are:\cr
503 #' * `none` (default): no normalisation. \cr
504 #' * `instance` : normalisation is done per instance. \cr
505 #' * `feature` : normalisation is based on features, i.e., instances with the same feature-vector values are grouped together and the normalised cost is calculated per group.
506 #'
507 #' @param outdir (`character(1)`) \cr Directory where all generated files are stored.
508 #' @param instanceFeatureFile (`character(1)`) \cr A `.csv` file containing instance features (one line per instance,
509 #' sorted in the same order as the list of instances input to irace). The first line contains feature names.
510 #' @param filterConditions Only extract data that satisfies the given conditions. The conditions are in R expression format.
511 #' @param defaultConfigurationID Index of default configuration (starting from 1), used by ablation analysis.
512 #' @param ignoreUnsupported Forbidden configurations and repairConfiguration are not supported by the script. Set ignoreUnsupported=1 to ignore them and proceed with your own risk. This may cause some unwanted behaviours, e.g., forbidden configurations may appear in ablation analysis's path.
513 #'
514 #' @examples
515 #' \dontrun{
516 #' irace2pyimp(file='irace.Rdata', outdir='pyimp-run')
517 #' irace2pyimp(file='irace.Rdata', normalise='feature',
518 #' instanceFeatureFile='feature.csv', filterConditions="algorithm!='mas'")
519 #' }
520 #' cat("See more examples in '",
521 #' file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/"),
522 #' "' and in '",
523 #' file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/"),
524 #' "'\n")
525 #'
526 #' @author Nguyen Dang and Manuel López-Ibáñez
527 #' @export
528 #' @md
529 irace2pyimp <- function(file='./irace.Rdata', normalise='none', outdir='./pyimp-input/',
530 instanceFeatureFile=NA, filterConditions=NA, defaultConfigurationID=1, ignoreUnsupported=0)
531 {
532 if (str_sub(outdir, start=-1) != "/") outdir <- paste0(outdir, "/")
533 # create output dir if it doesn't exist
534 if (!file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
536 rdata <- load_irace_rdata(file)
538 # check forbidden constraint and repairConfiguration
539 if ((ignoreUnsupported==0) && (!is.null.or.empty(rdata$scenario$forbiddenExps) || !is.null.or.empty(rdata$scenario$repairConfiguration))){
540 irace.error("Forbidden constraints and/or repairConfiguration are not yet supported. To ignore them and proceed with your own risk, please set '--ignore-unsupported 1' (command line), or 'ignoreUnsupported=1' (R console) while calling irace2pyimp. This may cause some unwanted behaviours, e.g., forbidden configurations may appear in ablation analysis's path.")
541 }
542 # print warning about forbidden constraint and repairConfiguration before proceeding
543 if (!is.null.or.empty(rdata$scenario$forbiddenExps) || !is.null.or.empty(rdata$scenario$repairConfiguration)){
544 irace.warning("Forbidden constraints and repairConfiguration are ignored. Proceeding with your own risk...")
545 }
547 ops <- options(scipen=999) # Disable scientific notation
548 on.exit(options(ops))
550 # filter data
551 if (! && trimws(filterConditions) != '') {
552 rdata <- filter_data(rdata = rdata, conditions = filterConditions,
553 defaultConfigurationID = defaultConfigurationID)
554 defaultConfigurationID <- rdata$defaultConfigurationID
555 }
557 # Generate instances.txt and features.csv
558 #--- instances.txt ----
559 cat(sep="", "Generating instance list file '", paste0(outdir, 'instances.txt'), "' ...\n")
560 writeLines(rdata$scenario$instances, paste0(outdir, 'instances.txt'))
562 tFeatures <- generate_feature_file(file = paste0(outdir, 'features.csv'),
563 instances = rdata$scenario$instances,
564 instanceFeatureFile = instanceFeatureFile)
566 # remove fixed parameters
567 rdata <- remove_fixed_parameters(rdata)
569 # generate params.pcs
570 generate_pcs_file(file = paste0(outdir, 'params.pcs'),
571 parameters = rdata$parameters,
572 defaultConfiguration = rdata$allConfigurations[defaultConfigurationID,])
574 # generate runhistory.json and traj_aclib2.json
575 experiments <- process_experiments(rdata, normalise, tFeatures)
577 generate_runhistory(file = paste0(outdir, 'runhistory.json'), rdata = rdata, experiments = experiments)
578 generate_trajectory(file = paste0(outdir, 'traj_aclib2.json'), rdata = rdata, experiments = experiments)
580 # generate scenario.txt
581 generate_scenario_file(file = paste0(outdir, "scenario.txt"), rdata = rdata)
582 }
R/main.R less more
5252 # Copyright (C) 2003 Mauro Birattari
5353 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5454 '
55 cat.irace.license <- function()
55 cat_irace_license <- function()
5656 {
5757 cat(sub("__VERSION__", irace.version, irace.license, fixed=TRUE))
5858 }
60 cmdline_usage <- function(cmdline_args)
61 {
62 for (i in seq_len(nrow(cmdline_args))) {
63 short <- cmdline_args[i,"short"]
64 long <- cmdline_args[i,"long"]
65 desc <- cmdline_args[i,"description"]
66 if (desc == "" || (short == "" && long == "")) next
67 cat(sep = "\n", strwrap(desc, width = 80,
68 initial = sprintf("%2s %-20s ", short, long),
69 exdent = 25))
70 }
71 }
73 #' irace.usage
74 #'
75 #' \code{irace.usage} This function prints all command-line options of \pkg{irace},
76 #' with the corresponding switches and a short description.
77 #'
78 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
79 #' @export
80 irace.usage <- function ()
81 {
82 cat.irace.license()
83 cat ("# installed at: ", system.file(package="irace"), "\n", sep = "")
84 cmdline_usage(.irace.params.def)
85 }
87 #' irace.main
88 #'
89 #' \code{irace.main} is a higher-level interface to invoke \code{\link{irace}}.
90 #'
60 #' Higher-level interface to launch irace.
61 #'
9162 #' @template arg_scenario
9263 #'
93 #' @param output.width (\code{integer(1)}) The width that must be used for the screen
94 #' output.
95 #'
96 #' @details The function \code{irace.main} checks the correctness of the
97 #' scenario, prints it, reads the parameter space from
98 #' \code{scenario$parameterFile}, invokes \code{\link{irace}} and
99 #' prints its results in various formatted ways. If you want a
100 #' lower-level interface, please see function \code{\link{irace}}.
64 #' @param output.width (\code{integer(1)}) The width used for the screen
65 #' output.
66 #'
67 #' @details This function checks the correctness of the scenario, reads the
68 #' parameter space from \code{scenario$parameterFile}, invokes [irace()],
69 #' prints its results in various formatted ways, (optionally) calls
70 #' [psRace()] and, finally, evaluates the best configurations on the test
71 #' instances (if provided). If you want a lower-level interface that just
72 #' runs irace, please see function [irace()].
10173 #'
10274 #' @templateVar return_invisible TRUE
10375 #' @template return_irace
10476 #' @seealso
105 #' \code{\link{irace.cmdline}} a higher-level command-line interface to
106 #' \code{irace.main}.
107 #' \code{\link{readScenario}} to read the scenario setup from a file.
108 #' \code{\link{defaultScenario}} to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
77 #' [irace.cmdline()] a higher-level command-line interface to
78 #' [irace()]
79 #' [readScenario()] to read the scenario setup from a file.
80 #' [defaultScenario()] to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
10981 #'
11082 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
111 #' @export
112 irace.main <- function(scenario = defaultScenario(), output.width = 9999L)
113 {
114 op <- options(width = output.width) # Do not wrap the output.
115 on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
117 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
118 debug.level <- scenario$debugLevel
120 if (debug.level >= 1) {
121 op.debug <- options(warning.length = 8170,
122 error = if (interactive()) utils::recover
123 else irace.dump.frames)
124 on.exit(options(op.debug), add = TRUE)
125 printScenario (scenario)
126 }
128 # Read parameters definition
129 parameters <- readParameters (file = scenario$parameterFile,
130 digits = scenario$digits,
131 debugLevel = debug.level)
133 if (debug.level >= 2) { irace.note("Parameters have been read\n") }
135 eliteConfigurations <- irace (scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
137 cat("# Best configurations (first number is the configuration ID;",
138 " listed from best to worst according to the ",
139 test.type.order.str(scenario$testType), "):\n", sep = "")
140 configurations.print(eliteConfigurations)
142 cat("# Best configurations as commandlines (first number is the configuration ID; same order as above):\n")
143 configurations.print.command (eliteConfigurations, parameters)
145 if (scenario$postselection > 0)
146 psRace(iraceLogFile=scenario$logFile, postselection=scenario$postselection, elites=TRUE)
148 if (length(eliteConfigurations) > 0 &&
149 (scenario$testIterationElites != 0 || scenario$testNbElites != 0))
150 testing.main(logFile = scenario$logFile)
152 invisible(eliteConfigurations)
153 }
155 #' testing.main
156 #'
157 #' \code{testing.main} executes the testing of the target
158 #' algorithm configurations found on an \pkg{irace} execution.
159 #'
160 #' @param logFile Path to the \code{.Rdata} file produced by \pkg{irace}.
161 #'
162 #' @return Boolean. TRUE if the testing ended successfully otherwise, returns
163 #' FALSE.
164 #'
165 #' @details The function \code{testing.main} loads the \code{logFile} and
166 #' obtains the needed configurations according to the specified test. Use the
167 #' \code{scenario$testNbElites} to test N final elite configurations or use
168 #' \code{scenario$testIterationElites} to test the best configuration of each
169 #' iteration. A test instance set must be provided through
170 #' \code{scenario$testInstancesDir} and \code{testInstancesFile}.
171 #'
172 #' @seealso
173 #' \code{\link{defaultScenario}} to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
83 #' @concept running
84 #' @export
85 irace.main <- function(scenario, output.width = 9999L)
86 irace_common(scenario = scenario, simple=FALSE, output.width = output.width)
88 #' Test configurations given in `.Rdata` file
89 #'
90 #' `testing_fromlog` executes the testing of the target algorithm configurations
91 #' found by an \pkg{irace} execution.
92 #'
93 #' @param logFile Path to the `.Rdata` file produced by \pkg{irace}.
94 #'
95 #' @param testNbElites Number of (final) elite configurations to test. Overrides
96 #' the value found in `logFile`.
97 #'
98 #' @param testIterationElites (`logical(1)`) If `FALSE`, only the final
99 #' `testNbElites` configurations are tested; otherwise, also test the best
100 #' configurations of each iteration. Overrides the value found in `logFile`.
101 #'
102 #' @param testInstancesDir Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory.
103 #'
104 #' @param testInstancesFile File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them.
105 #'
106 #' @param testInstances Character vector of the instances to be used in the `targetRunner` when executing the testing.
107 #'
108 #' @return Boolean. `TRUE` if the testing ended successfully otherwise, `FALSE`.
109 #'
110 #' @details The function `testing_fromlog` loads the `logFile` and obtains the
111 #' testing setup and configurations to be tested. Within the `logFile`, the
112 #' variable `scenario$testNbElites` specifies how many final elite
113 #' configurations to test and `scenario$testIterationElites` indicates
114 #' whether test the best configuration of each iteration. The values may be
115 #' overridden by setting the corresponding arguments in this function. The
116 #' set of testing instances must appear in `scenario[["testInstances"]]`.
117 #'
118 #' @seealso [defaultScenario()] to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
119 #' [testing_fromfile()] provides a different interface for testing.
174120 #'
175121 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
176 #' @export
177 testing.main <- function(logFile)
122 #' @concept running
123 #' @export
124 testing_fromlog <- function(logFile, testNbElites, testIterationElites,
125 testInstancesDir, testInstancesFile, testInstances)
178126 {
179127 if (is.null.or.empty(logFile)) {
180128 irace.note("No logFile provided to perform the testing of configurations. Skipping testing.\n")
181129 return(FALSE)
182130 }
131 iraceResults <- read_logfile(logFile)
132 scenario <- iraceResults[["scenario"]]
133 parameters <- iraceResults[["parameters"]]
134 instances_changed <- FALSE
184 file.check(logFile, readable = TRUE, text = "irace log file")
186 load (logFile)
187 scenario <- iraceResults$scenario
188 parameters <- iraceResults$parameters
190 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstances)) {
136 if (!missing(testNbElites))
137 scenario[["testNbElites"]] <- testNbElites
138 if (!missing(testIterationElites))
139 scenario$testIterationElites <- testIterationElites
141 if (!missing(testInstances))
142 scenario[["testInstances"]] <- testInstances
144 if (!missing(testInstancesDir)) {
145 scenario$testInstancesDir <- testInstancesDir
146 instances_changed <- TRUE
147 }
148 if (!missing(testInstancesFile)) {
149 scenario$testInstancesFile <- testInstancesFile
150 instances_changed <- TRUE
151 }
153 cat("\n\n# Testing of elite configurations:", scenario$testNbElites,
154 "\n# Testing iteration configurations:", scenario$testIterationElites,"\n")
155 if (scenario$testNbElites <= 0)
191156 return (FALSE)
158 # If they are already setup, don't change them.
159 if (instances_changed || is.null.or.empty(scenario[["testInstances"]])) {
160 scenario <- setup_test_instances(scenario)
161 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario[["testInstances"]])) {
162 irace.note("No test instances, skip testing\n")
163 return(FALSE)
164 }
192165 }
194 # Get configurations
195 <- c()
167 # Get configurations that will be tested
196168 if (scenario$testIterationElites)
197 <- c(, iraceResults$iterationElites)
198 if (scenario$testNbElites > 0) {
169 testing_id <- sapply(iraceResults$allElites, function(x)
170 x[1:min(length(x), scenario$testNbElites)])
171 else {
199172 tmp <- iraceResults$allElites[[length(iraceResults$allElites)]]
200 <- c(, tmp[1:min(length(tmp), scenario$testNbElites)])
201 }
202 <- unique(
203 configurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[, , drop=FALSE]
205 cat(" \n\n")
206 irace.note ("Testing configurations (in no particular order): ", paste(, collapse=" "), "\n")
207 configurations.print(configurations)
208 cat("# Testing of elite configurations:", scenario$testNbElites,
209 "\n# Testing iteration configurations:", scenario$testIterationElites,"\n")
211 iraceResults$testing <- testConfigurations(configurations, scenario, parameters)
213 # FIXME : We should print the seeds also. As an additional column?
214 irace.note ("Testing results (column number is configuration ID in no particular order):\n")
215 print(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
216 irace_save_logfile (iraceResults, scenario)
218 irace.note ("Finished testing\n")
173 testing_id <- tmp[1:min(length(tmp), scenario$testNbElites)]
174 }
175 testing_id <- unique.default(unlist(testing_id))
176 configurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[testing_id, , drop=FALSE]
178 irace.note ("Testing configurations (in no particular order): ", paste(testing_id, collapse=" "), "\n")
179 testing_common(configurations, scenario, parameters, iraceResults)
219180 return(TRUE)
220181 }
222 testing.cmdline <- function(filename, scenario)
183 #' Test configurations given an explicit table of configurations and a scenario file
184 #'
185 #' Executes the testing of an explicit list of configurations given in
186 #' `filename` (same format as in [readConfigurationsFile()]). A `logFile` is
187 #' created unless disabled in `scenario`. This may overwrite an existing one!
188 #'
189 #' @param filename Path to a file containing configurations: one configuration
190 #' per line, one parameter per column, parameter names in header.
191 #'
192 #' @template arg_scenario
193 #'
194 #' @return iraceResults
195 #'
196 #' @seealso [testing_fromlog()] provides a different interface for testing.
197 #'
198 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez
199 #' @concept running
200 #' @export
201 testing_fromfile <- function(filename, scenario)
223202 {
224203 irace.note ("Checking scenario\n")
225204 scenario <- checkScenario(scenario)
226 printScenario(scenario)
205 if (!scenario$quiet) printScenario(scenario)
228207 irace.note("Reading parameter file '", scenario$parameterFile, "'.\n")
229208 parameters <- readParameters (file = scenario$parameterFile,
230209 digits = scenario$digits)
231 allConfigurations <- readConfigurationsFile (filename, parameters)
232 allConfigurations <- cbind(.ID. = 1:nrow(allConfigurations),
233 allConfigurations,
210 configurations <- readConfigurationsFile (filename, parameters)
211 configurations <- cbind(.ID. = 1:nrow(configurations),
212 configurations,
234213 .PARENT. = NA)
235 rownames(allConfigurations) <- allConfigurations$.ID.
236 num <- nrow(allConfigurations)
237 allConfigurations <- checkForbidden(allConfigurations, scenario$forbiddenExps)
238 if (nrow(allConfigurations) < num) {
239 cat("# Warning: some of the configurations in the configurations file were forbidden",
240 "and, thus, discarded\n")
241 }
214 rownames(configurations) <- configurations$.ID.
215 num <- nrow(configurations)
216 configurations <- checkForbidden(configurations, scenario$forbiddenExps)
217 if (nrow(configurations) < num) {
218 irace.warning("Some of the configurations in the configurations file were forbidden",
219 "and, thus, discarded")
220 }
243221 # To save the logs
244222 iraceResults <- list(scenario = scenario,
245223 irace.version = irace.version,
246224 parameters = parameters,
247 allConfigurations = allConfigurations)
225 allConfigurations = configurations)
249227 irace.note ("Testing configurations (in the order given as input): \n")
250 configurations.print(allConfigurations)
251 iraceResults$testing <- testConfigurations(allConfigurations, scenario, parameters)
228 iraceResults <- testing_common(configurations, scenario, parameters, iraceResults)
229 return(iraceResults)
230 }
232 testing_common <- function(configurations, scenario, parameters, iraceResults)
233 {
234 verbose <- !scenario$quiet
235 if (verbose) configurations.print(configurations)
236 iraceResults$testing <- testConfigurations(configurations, scenario, parameters)
237 irace_save_logfile (iraceResults, scenario)
253238 # FIXME : We should print the seeds also. As an additional column?
254239 irace.note ("Testing results (column number is configuration ID in no particular order):\n")
255 print(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
256 irace_save_logfile(iraceResults, scenario)
240 if (verbose) print(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
257241 irace.note ("Finished testing\n")
258242 return(iraceResults)
259243 }
261245 #' Test that the given irace scenario can be run.
262246 #'
263 #' @description \code{checkIraceScenario} tests that the given irace scenario
264 #' can be run by checking the scenario settings provided and trying to run
265 #' the target-algorithm.
247 #' Test that the given irace scenario can be run by checking the scenario
248 #' settings provided and trying to run the target-algorithm.
266249 #'
267250 #' @template arg_scenario
268251 #' @template arg_parameters
269252 #'
270 #' @return returns \code{TRUE} if succesful and gives an error and returns
253 #' @return returns \code{TRUE} if successful and gives an error and returns
271254 #' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
272255 #'
273 #' @details Provide the \code{parameters} argument only if the parameter list
274 #' should not be obtained from the parameter file given by the scenario. If
275 #' the parameter list is provided it will not be checked. This function will
256 #' @details If the `parameters` argument is missing, then the parameters
257 #' will be read from the file `parameterFile` given by `scenario`. If
258 #' `parameters` is provided, then `parameterFile` will not be read. This function will
276259 #' try to execute the target-algorithm.
277260 #'
278261 #' @seealso
285268 #'
286269 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
287270 #' @export
288 checkIraceScenario <- function(scenario, parameters = NULL)
271 checkIraceScenario <- function(scenario, parameters)
289272 {
290273 irace.note ("Checking scenario\n")
291274 scenario$debugLevel <- 2
292275 scenario <- checkScenario(scenario)
293 printScenario(scenario)
276 if (!scenario$quiet) printScenario(scenario)
295 if (is.null(parameters)) {
278 if (missing(parameters)) {
296279 irace.note("Reading parameter file '", scenario$parameterFile, "'.\n")
297280 parameters <- readParameters (file = scenario$parameterFile,
298281 digits = scenario$digits,
299282 debugLevel = 2)
300283 } else if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$parameterFile)) {
301 cat("# Parameters provided by user.\n",
302 "# Parameter file '", scenario$parameterFile, "' will be ignored\n", sep = "")
303 }
305 irace.note("Checking target execution.\n")
284 if (!scenario$quiet)
285 cat("# checkIraceScenario(): 'parameters' provided by user. ",
286 "Parameter file '", scenario$parameterFile, "' will be ignored\n", sep = "")
287 }
288 checkParameters(parameters)
289 irace.note("Checking target runner.\n")
306290 if (checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)) {
307 irace.note("Check succesful.\n")
291 irace.note("Check successful.\n")
308292 return(TRUE)
309293 } else {
310294 irace.error("Check unsuccessful.\n")
312296 }
313297 }
316 #' irace.cmdline
317 #'
318 #' \code{irace.cmdline} starts \pkg{irace} using the parameters
319 #' of the command line used to invoke R.
299 init <- function()
300 {
301 irace.note("Initializing working directory...\n")
302 libPath <- system.file(package = "irace")
303 tmplFiles <- list.files(file.path(libPath, "templates"))
304 for (file in tmplFiles) {
305 if (grepl(".tmpl", file) && (file != "target-evaluator.tmpl")) {
306 newFile <- gsub(".tmpl", "", file)
307 if ((file == "target-runner.tmpl") && .Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
308 file.copy(file.path(libPath, "templates", "windows", "target-runner.bat"), file.path(getwd(), "target-runner.bat"), overwrite = FALSE)
309 } else {
310 file.copy(file.path(libPath, "templates", file), file.path(getwd(), newFile), overwrite = FALSE)
311 }
312 }
313 }
314 }
317 #' Launch `irace` with command-line options.
318 #'
319 #' Calls [irace.main()] using command-line options, maybe parsed from the
320 #' command line used to invoke R.
320321 #'
321322 #' @param argv (\code{character()}) \cr The arguments
322323 #' provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g.,
327328 #' @details The function reads the parameters given on the command line
328329 #' used to invoke R, finds the name of the scenario file,
329330 #' initializes the scenario from the file (with the function
330 #' \code{\link{readScenario}}) and possibly from parameters passed on
331 #' \code{\link{readScenario}}) and possibly from parameters passed in
331332 #' the command line. It finally starts \pkg{irace} by calling
332333 #' \code{\link{irace.main}}.
333334 #'
335 #' List of command-line options:
336 #' ```{r echo=FALSE,comment=NA}
337 #' cmdline_usage(.irace.params.def)
338 #' ```
339 #'
334340 #' @templateVar return_invisible TRUE
335341 #' @template return_irace
336342 #'
337343 #' @seealso
338 #' \code{\link{irace.main}} to start \pkg{irace} with a given scenario.
339 #'
344 #' [irace.main()] to start \pkg{irace} with a given scenario.
345 #' @examples
346 #' irace.cmdline("--version")
340347 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
341 #' @export
342 irace.cmdline <- function(argv = commandArgs (trailingOnly = TRUE))
348 #' @concept running
349 #' @export
350 irace.cmdline <- function(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
343351 {
344352 parser <- CommandArgsParser$new(argv = argv, argsdef = .irace.params.def)
353 quiet <- !is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-q", long = "--quiet"))
354 if (quiet) {
355 op <- options(.irace.quiet = TRUE)
356 on.exit(options(op))
357 } else {
358 cat_irace_license()
359 cat("# installed at: ", system.file(package="irace"), "\n",
360 "# called with: ", paste(argv, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
361 }
345362 if (!is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-h", long = "--help"))) {
346 irace.usage()
363 parser$cmdline_usage()
347364 return(invisible(NULL))
348365 }
350 if (!is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-v", long = "--version"))) {
351 cat.irace.license()
352 cat ("# installed at: ", system.file(package="irace"), "\n", sep = "")
366 if (!is.null(parser$readArg(short = "-v", long = "--version"))) {
353367 print(citation(package="irace"))
354368 return(invisible(NULL))
355369 }
356 cat.irace.license()
357 cat ("# installed at: ", system.file(package="irace"), "\n",
358 "# called with: ", paste(argv, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
371 if (!is.null(parser$readArg(short = "-i", long = "--init"))) {
372 init()
373 return(invisible(NULL))
374 }
360376 # Read the scenario file and the command line
361377 scenarioFile <- parser$readCmdLineParameter ("scenarioFile", default = "")
365381 parser$readCmdLineParameter(paramName = param,
366382 default = scenario[[param]])
367383 }
384 if (quiet) scenario$quiet <- TRUE
369386 # Check scenario
370387 if (!is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-c", long = "--check"))) {
375392 # Only do testing
376393 testFile <- parser$readArg (long = "--only-test")
377394 if (!is.null(testFile)) {
378 return(invisible(testing.cmdline(testFile, scenario)))
395 return(invisible(testing_fromfile(testFile, scenario)))
379396 }
381398 if (length(parser$argv) > 0) {
382399 irace.error ("Unknown command-line options: ", paste(parser$argv, collapse = " "))
383400 }
385 irace.main(scenario)
386 }
402 irace_common(scenario = scenario, simple=FALSE)
403 }
2525 irace.assert(type == "o")
2626 value <- (nbValues - 1) / 2
2727 }
2829 param <- list()
2930 for (indexConfig in seq_len(nbConfigurations)) {
3031 idCurrentConfig <- as.character(configurations[indexConfig, ".ID."])
152153 model[[param]][[id]] <- probVector / sum(probVector)
153154 } else {
154155 if (type == "i" || type == "r") {
155 value <- init.model.numeric(param, parameters)
156 # We keep the value of the configuration as last known
157 value[2] <- configurations[id, param]
156 value <- c(init.model.numeric(param, parameters),
157 # We keep the value of the configuration as last known
158 configurations[id, param])
158159 } else {
159160 irace.assert(type == "o")
160161 value <- (length(parameters$domain[[param]]) - 1) / 2
170171 }
172173 # Initialise model in case of numerical variables.
173 # it retuns an array size 2, first number indicates the
174 # it retuns an array size 2, first number indicates the
174175 # standard deviation and second the last known value (initially NA)
175176 init.model.numeric <- function(param, parameters)
176177 {
177 lower <- paramLowerBound(param, parameters)
178 upper <- paramUpperBound(param, parameters)
178 # Dependent parameters define the standard deviation as
179 # a portion of the size of the domain interval. In this case,
180 # 0.5 indicates half of the interval, equivalent to
181 # (domain[2] - domain[1]) * 0.5
182 if (parameters$isDependent[[param]]) {
183 return(0.5)
184 }
179186 transf <- parameters$transform[[param]]
180187 if (transf == "log") {
181 lower <- 0
182 upper <- 1
188 domain <- c(0,1)
189 } else {
190 domain <- parameters$domain[[param]]
183191 }
184 value <- (upper - lower) / 2.0
192 value <- (domain[2] - domain[1]) / 2.0
185193 irace.assert(is.finite(value))
186 return(c(value, NA))
194 return(value)
187195 }
0 #' Plot of histogram of parameter values
1 #'
2 #' \code{parameterFrequency} plots the frequency of the parameters values in a
3 #' set of target algorithm configurations. It generates plots showing the
4 #' frequency of parameter values for each parameter, with \code{rows} *
5 #' \code{cols} parameters being shown per plot. If a filename is provided the
6 #' plots are saved in one or more files.
7 #'
8 #' @template arg_configurations
9 #' @template arg_parameters
10 #' @param rows Number of plots per column.
11 #' @param cols Number of plots per row.
12 #' @param filename Filename prefix to generate the plots. If \code{NULL} the plot
13 #' displayed but not saved.
14 #' @param pdf.width Width for the pdf file generated.
15 #' @param col Color of the bar plot.
16 #'
17 #' @examples
18 #' \donttest{
19 #' ## To use data obtained by irace
20 #'
21 #' # First, load the data produced by irace.
22 #' irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata")
23 #' load(irace.logfile)
24 #' attach(iraceResults)
25 #' parameterFrequency(allConfigurations, parameters)
26 #' }
27 #'
28 #' @seealso
29 #' \code{\link{readParameters}} to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters file.
30 #' \code{\link{readConfigurationsFile}} to obtain a set of target algorithm configurations from
31 #' a configurations file.
32 #'
33 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
34 #' @export
35 # TODO:
36 # * change slightly background of conditional parameters
37 #
38 # * accept a configuration (e.g, best one) and mark its values of the best
39 # configuration somehow (bold?)
40 #
41 # * print number of NAs in numerical parameters within the plot "# NA = Total
42 # (Percentage%)"
43 #
44 # * export this function and add an R manual page, perhaps with example.
45 #
46 # * how to resize the Window when filename == NULL to have a rows/cols aspect ratio.
47 #
48 # * use ggplot2 ?
49 #
50 # * add tests!
51 #parameterFrequency(iraceResults$allConfigurations, iraceResults$parameters)
52 #best <- colnames(experiments)[which(apply(experiments, 2, function(x) { sum(!}) > 5)]
53 #parameterFrequency(allConfigurations[best,], parameters)
54 parameterFrequency <- function(configurations, parameters,
55 rows = 4, cols = 3,
56 filename = NULL,
57 pdf.width = 12,
58 col = "gray")
59 {
60 xlab <- "values"
61 <- "Frequency"
62 ylab.num <- "Probability density"
64 def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting...
65 on.exit(par(def.par), add = TRUE) #- reset to default
67 configurations <- removeConfigurationsMetaData(configurations)
69 param.names <- as.character(parameters$names)
70 nparams <- parameters$nbVariable
71 nlines <- ceiling(nparams / cols)
72 if (nlines < rows) rows <- nlines
74 nplot <- 1
75 cplot <- 1
76 if (!is.null(filename)) {
77 # Remove possible ".pdf" extension.
78 filename <- sub(".pdf", "", filename, fixed = TRUE)
79 pdf(file = paste0(filename, "-", cplot, ".pdf"), onefile = TRUE, width = pdf.width)
80 on.exit(, add = TRUE)
81 }
82 par(mfrow=c(rows,cols), mar=0.1 + c(4,3,3,1))
84 for ( in param.names) {
86 if (parameters$isFixed[[]]){
87 cat("Skipping fixed parameter:",, "\n")
88 next
89 } else {
90 cat("Plotting:",, "\n")
91 }
93 if (nplot > rows * cols) {
94 cat("Make new plot\n")
95 cplot <- cplot + 1
96 if (!is.null(filename)) {
98 pdf(file = paste0(filename, "-", cplot, ".pdf"), onefile = TRUE, width = pdf.width)
99 } else {
101 }
102 par(mfrow=c(rows, cols))
103 nplot <- 1
104 }
106 data <- configurations[,]
107 type <- parameters$types[[]]
108 domain <- parameters$domain[[]]
109 if (type %in% c("c", "o")) {
110 data <- factor(data, domain)
111 data <- addNA(data, ifany = TRUE)
112 levels(data)[] <- "<NA>"
113 data <- table(data)
114 barplot(data, main =, xlab = xlab, ylab =, col = col)
115 } else if (type %in% c("i", "r")) {
116 data <- data[!]
117 if (length(data) == 0) {
118 cat("All values are NA for: ",, ", skipping plot\n")
119 next
120 } else {
121 hist(data, xlim = domain, prob = TRUE,
122 main =, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab.num, col = col)
123 if (length(data) > 1) {
124 lines(density(data), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
125 } else {
126 abline(v = data[1], col = "blue", lwd = 2)
127 }
128 }
129 }
130 nplot <- nplot + 1
131 }
132 }
134 # Function parcoordlabel plots parallel coordinates for categorical and
135 # numerical configurations. Idea from
136 #
137 parcoordlabel <- function (configurations, parameters, col = "green", lty = 1,
138 lblcol="blue", title="Parameters parallel coordinates", ...)
139 {
140 <- function(y, vals){
141 x <- rep(NA, length(y))
142 for(i in 1:length(vals))
143 x[y %in% vals[i]] <- i
144 return(x)
145 }
147 <- function(x,r) {
148 x <- unlist(x)
149 x <- (x-r[1])/(r[2]-r[1])
150 x[] <- 1
151 return(x)
152 }
154 add.level <- function(x, bound, type){
155 if (type == "i" || type == "r"){
156 x <- c(x, x[length(x)] + (x[2]-x[1]))
157 } else {
158 x <- c(x, x[length(x)] + x[length(x)]/length(bound))
159 }
160 return(x)
161 }
163 param.names <- colnames(configurations)
164 bound.num <- parameters$domain
165 # Categorical -> Numerical
166 for (i in 1:ncol(configurations)) {
167 pname <- param.names[i]
168 if (parameters$types[[pname]] %in% c("c","o")) {
169 configurations[,i]<- as.numeric([,i], bound.num[[pname]]))
170 bound.num[[pname]] <- seq(1,length(bound.num[[pname]]))
171 }
172 }
174 # Intervals
175 pr <- lapply(bound.num[param.names], pretty)
176 # add extra level for NA values
177 for(param in param.names)
178 pr[[param]] <- add.level( pr[[param]], bound.num[[param]], parameters$types[[param]])
179 # Total range
180 rx <- lapply(pr, range, na.rm = TRUE)
182 # Values x plot
183 configurations <- mapply(,, rx)
185 matplot(1:ncol(configurations), t(configurations), type = "l", col = col,
186 lty = lty, xlab = "", ylab = "", ylim=c(0,1), axes = FALSE, main=title, ...)
188 axis(1, at = 1:ncol(configurations), labels = colnames(configurations), las=2)
190 for (i in 1:ncol(configurations)) {
191 pnames <- param.names[i]
192 lines(c(i, i), c(0, 1), col = "grey70")
193 if(parameters$types[[param.names[i]]]=="c"){
194 labels <- c(parameters$domain[[param.names[i]]], "NA")
195 }else{
196 labels <- pr[[pnames]]
197 labels[length(labels)] <- "<NA>"
198 }
199 text(c(i, i), seq(0,1,length.out=length(labels)), labels = labels, xpd = NA, col=lblcol)
200 }
201 invisible()
202 }
204 #' parallelCoordinatesPlot
205 #'
206 #' \code{parallelCoordinatesPlot} plots a set of parameter configurations in
207 #' parallel coordinates.
208 #'
209 #' @template arg_configurations
210 #' @template arg_parameters
211 #' @param param_names Parameters names that should be included. Default: parameters$names.
212 #' @param hierarchy If \code{TRUE} conditional parameters will be displayed in a different
213 #' plot. Default \code{TRUE}.
214 #' @param filename Filename prefix to generate the plots. If \code{NULL} the plot
215 #' displayed but not saved.
216 #' @param pdf.width Width for the pdf file generated.
217 #' @param mar Margin to use for the plot. See \code{\link{par}}.
218 #'
219 #' @return A set of parallel coordinates plots showing the parameters values.
220 #' If a filename is provided this plots are saved in one or more files.
221 #'
222 #' @examples
223 #' \donttest{
224 #' ## To use data obtained by irace
225 #' # First, load the data produced by irace.
226 #' irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata")
227 #' load(irace.logfile)
228 #' attach(iraceResults)
229 #' parallelCoordinatesPlot(allConfigurations, parameters, hierarchy = FALSE)
230 #' }
231 #'
232 #' @seealso
233 #' \code{\link{readParameters}} to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters file.
234 #' \code{\link{readConfigurationsFile}} to obtain a set of target algorithm configurations from
235 #' a configurations file.
236 #'
237 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
238 #' @export
239 # TODO:
240 # * add color scheme
241 #
242 ## Filters and prepare data to plots parallel coordinate of configurations
243 ## configurations: structure as in iraceResults
244 ## parameters: structure as in iraceResults
245 ## param_names: selection of parameters names that must be plotted
246 ## hierarchy: separate plots according to dependencies of parameters (one level)
247 ## mar: margin for the plots
248 ## filename: prefix to save pdf files
249 parallelCoordinatesPlot <-
250 function(configurations, parameters, param_names=parameters$names,
251 hierarchy = TRUE, filename = NULL, pdf.width = 14 , mar = c(8,1,4,1))
252 {
253 getDependency <- function() {
254 sdep <- list()
255 independent <- c()
256 for (param in param_names) {
257 ## FIXME: If we ever byte-compile conditions, we need to use
258 ## all.vars(.Internal(disassemble(condition))[[3]][[1]]
259 constraint <- all.vars(parameters$conditions[[param]])
260 if (length(constraint) < 1) {
261 independent <- unique(c(independent, param))
262 next
263 }
265 for(cc in constraint) {
266 if(is.null(sdep[[cc]]) ||[[cc]]))
267 sdep[[cc]] <- param
268 else
269 sdep[[cc]] <- c(sdep[[cc]], param)
270 }
271 }
272 return(list(independent=independent, dependencies=sdep))
273 }
276 configurations <- configurations[, grep("^\\.", colnames(configurations), invert=TRUE), drop = FALSE]
277 configurations <- configurations[, param_names]
279 if(hierarchy){
280 aux <- getDependency()
281 if(length(aux$independent) >= 2){
282 indconfigurations <- configurations[, aux$independent]
283 if(!is.null(filename))
284 pdf(file = paste0(filename,"_independent.pdf"), width=pdf.width)
285 else
286 par(mar=mar)
287 parcoordlabel(indconfigurations, parameters, title="Independent parameter parallel coordinates")
288 if(!is.null(filename))
289 }else{
290 cat("Skipping independent parameters",aux$independent,"\n")
291 }
293 dep <- aux$dependencies
294 dnames <- names(dep)
295 for(i in seq_along(dep)){
296 if(length(dep[[i]]) < 2){
297 cat("Skipping parameters",dnames[i],"\n")
298 next
299 }
300 depconfigurations <- configurations[, dep[[i]]]
301 depconfigurations <- depconfigurations[!apply(apply(depconfigurations, 1,, 2, all),]
303 if(nrow(depconfigurations) < 2 ){
304 cat("Skipping parameter",dnames[i],"\n")
305 next
306 }
307 if(!is.null(filename))
308 pdf(file = paste0(filename,"_",dnames[i],".pdf"), width=pdf.width)
309 else
310 par(mar=mar)
311 parcoordlabel(depconfigurations, parameters,
312 title = paste0("Parameters of dependent of ", dnames[i], " parallel coordinates"))
313 if (!is.null(filename))
314 }
316 }else{
317 if(!is.null(filename))
318 pdf(file = paste0(filename,".pdf"), width=pdf.width)
319 #else
320 par(mar=mar)
321 parcoordlabel(configurations, parameters)
322 if(!is.null(filename))
323 }
325 }
3270 #' Return the elite configurations of the final iteration.
3281 #'
329 #' @param iraceResults Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in \code{scenario$logFile}.
330 #' @param logFile Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
331 #' \code{iraceResults} object.
2 #' @template arg_iraceresults
3323 #' @param n Number of elite configurations to return, if \code{n} is larger than the
333 #' number of configurations, then only the existing ones are returned.
4 #' number of configurations, then only the existing ones are returned. The default (\code{n=0}) returns all of them.
3345 #' @param drop.metadata Remove metadata, such the configuration ID and
3356 #' the ID of the parent, from the returned configurations. See
3367 #' \code{\link{removeConfigurationsMetaData}}.
3378 #'
3389 #' @return A data frame containing the elite configurations required.
33910 #'
11 #' @examples
12 #' log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)
13 #' print(removeConfigurationsMetaData(getFinalElites(log_file, n=1)))
34014 #'
34115 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
16 #' @concept analysis
34217 #' @export
343 getFinalElites <- function(iraceResults = NULL, logFile = NULL, n = 0,
344 drop.metadata = FALSE)
18 getFinalElites <- function(iraceResults, n = 0L, drop.metadata = FALSE)
34519 {
346 if (is.null(iraceResults)) {
347 if (is.null(logFile))
348 stop("You must supply either 'iraceResults' or 'logFile' argument.\n")
349 else
350 load(logFile)
351 }
20 if (missing(iraceResults)) stop("argument 'iraceResults' is missing")
21 iraceResults <- read_logfile(iraceResults)
35323 last.elites <- iraceResults$allElites[[length(iraceResults$allElites)]]
35525 if (n == 0)
35626 n <- length(last.elites)
35828 if (length(last.elites) < n) {
359 cat("Only", length(last.elites), "configurations available, reducing n,\n")
29 cat("Only", length(last.elites), "configurations available, reducing n,")
36030 n <- length(last.elites)
36131 }
36232 last.elites <- last.elites[1:n]
37242 #' Returns the configurations selected by ID.
37343 #'
374 #' @param iraceResults Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in \code{scenario$logFile}.
375 #' @param logFile Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
376 #' \code{iraceResults} object.
44 #' @template arg_iraceresults
37745 #' @param ids The id or a vector of ids of the candidates configurations to obtain.
37846 #' @param drop.metadata Remove metadata, such the configuration ID and
37947 #' the ID of the parent, from the returned configurations. See
380 #' \code{\link{removeConfigurationsMetaData}}.
48 #' [removeConfigurationsMetaData()].
38149 #'
38250 #' @return A data frame containing the elite configurations required.
38351 #'
38452 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
53 #' @concept analysis
38554 #' @export
386 ## Get configuration(s) by the id(s).
387 ## iraceResults: object created by irace and saved in scenario$logFile.
388 ## iraceLog: log file created by irace, this file must contain the iraceResults object.
389 ## ids: the id or a vector of ids of the candidates configurations to obtain.
390 ## drop.metadata: Remove the internal identifier and parent identifier from the returned
391 ## configurations data frame.
392 ## * iraceResults or iraceLog must be provided, in case both are give iraceResults will be used.
393 ## This function returns a data frame containing the selected candidate configurations
394 getConfigurationById <- function(iraceResults = NULL, logFile = NULL,
395 ids, drop.metadata = FALSE)
55 getConfigurationById <- function(iraceResults, ids, drop.metadata = FALSE)
39656 {
397 if (is.null(iraceResults)) {
398 if (is.null(logFile))
399 stop("You must supply either iraceResults or iraceLog argument.\n")
400 else
401 load(logFile)
402 }
404 if (length(ids) < 1) stop("You must provide at least one configuration id.\n")
57 if (missing(iraceResults)) stop("argument 'iraceResults' is missing")
58 iraceResults <- read_logfile(iraceResults)
60 if (length(ids) < 1) stop("You must provide at least one configuration id.")
40662 selection <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[,".ID."] %in% ids
408 if (length(selection) < 1) stop("No configuration found with id", ids,".\n")
64 if (length(selection) < 1) stop("No configuration found with id", ids,".")
41066 configurations <-iraceResults$allConfigurations[selection, , drop = FALSE]
41773 #' Returns the configurations by the iteration in which they were executed.
41874 #'
419 #' @param iraceResults (\code{NULL}) Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in \code{scenario$logFile}.
420 #' @param logFile (\code{NULL}) Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
421 #' \code{iraceResults} object.
75 #' @template arg_iraceresults
42276 #' @param iterations The iteration number or a vector of iteration numbers from where
42377 #' the configurations should be obtained.
42478 #' @param drop.metadata (\code{FALSE}) Remove metadata, such the configuration ID and
42882 #' @return A data frame containing the elite configurations required.
42983 #'
43084 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
85 #' @concept analysis
43186 #' @export
432 ## Get configuration(s) by the iteration in which they were executed.
433 ## iraceResults: object created by irace and saved in scenario$logFile.
434 ## iraceLog: log file created by irace, this file must contain the iraceResults object.
435 ## iterations: the iteration or a vector of iterations from where the configurations should be obtained.
436 ## drop.metadata: Remove the internal identifier and parent identifier from the returned
437 ## configurations data frame.
438 ## * iraceResults or iraceLog must be provided, in case both are give iraceResults will be used.
439 ## This function returns a data frame containing the selected candidate configurations
440 getConfigurationByIteration <- function(iraceResults = NULL, logFile = NULL,
87 getConfigurationByIteration <- function(iraceResults,
44188 iterations, drop.metadata = FALSE)
44289 {
443 if (is.null(iraceResults)) {
444 if (is.null(logFile))
445 stop("You must supply either iraceResults or iraceLog argument.\n")
446 else
447 load(logFile)
448 }
90 if (missing(iraceResults)) stop("argument 'iraceResults' is missing")
91 iraceResults <- read_logfile(iraceResults)
45093 if (length(iterations) < 1)
451 stop("You must provide at least one configuration id.\n")
94 stop("You must provide at least one configuration id.")
45396 # To silence warning.
45497 iteration <- NULL
459102 selection <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[,".ID."] %in% ids
461 if (length(selection) < 1) stop("No configuration found with id", ids,".\n")
104 if (length(selection) < 1) stop("No configuration found with id", ids,".")
463106 configurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[selection, , drop=FALSE]
467110 return(configurations)
468111 }
470 #' Creates box plots of the quality of configurations.
471 #'
472 #' @param experiments Matrix of performance of configurations (columns) over a set of instances (rows).
473 #' @param title (\code{NULL}) Title for the plot.
474 #' @param xlabel Label for the x axis.
475 #' @param ylabel Label for the y axis.
476 #' @param filename (\code{NULL}) Filename prefix to create a pdf file with the plot.
477 #'
478 #' @return Box plot of the performance of the configurations.
479 #'
480 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
481 #' @export
482 configurationsBoxplot <- function(experiments, title = NULL,
483 xlabel = "Configuration ID",
484 ylabel = "Configuration cost",
485 filename = NULL)
486 {
487 plot.jitter.points <- function(x, y, factor = 10 / x, pch = 20, ...)
488 points(jitter(rep(x, length(y)), factor = factor),
489 y, pch = pch, col = rgb(0,0,0,.2), ...)
491 if (any(colSums( > 0))
492 cat("Warning: There are NA values in the experiment results provided.\n")
494 data.labels <- colnames(experiments)
495 if (is.null(data.labels)) data.labels <- 1:ncol(experiments)
497 # These parameters could be exposed to configurate the plot
499 if (!is.null(filename)) {
500 filename <- paste0(filename, ".pdf.")
501 cat("Creating file", filename,"\n")
502 # MANUEL: Why cairo_pdf =
503 cairo_pdf(filename = filename, width=20, height=8)
504 on.exit(, add = TRUE)
505 plot.mar <- c(7,11,4,1)
506 plot.lwd <- 5
507 cex.axis <- 3
508 cex.main <- 3
509 x.add <- 2
510 } else {
511 plot.mar <- c(2.5,9,4,1)
512 plot.lwd <- 2
513 cex.axis <- 1
514 cex.main <- 1
515 x.add <- 0
516 }
518 if (is.null(title)) plot.mar[3] <- 1
520 old.par <- par(las=1, mar=plot.mar, cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.main=cex.main, lwd=plot.lwd)
521 on.exit(old.par, add = TRUE)
523 boxplot(experiments, main = title, xaxt = "n", outline = TRUE)
524 for (i in 1:ncol(experiments)) {
525 plot.jitter.points (i, experiments[,i], cex = 1.5 * cex.axis)
526 }
528 # X axis
529 axis(1, at=c(1:length(data.labels)), labels=data.labels, line = -0.5 + x.add,
530 tick=FALSE, las=1, cex.axis=cex.axis)
531 mtext(xlabel, side=1, line=1.5 + 2*x.add, cex=cex.axis, las=0)
532 # Y axis
533 mtext(ylabel, side=2, line=5+1.8*x.add, cex=cex.axis, las=0)
534 }
2929 #' @examples
3030 #' \dontrun{
3131 #' # Execute the postselection automatically after irace
32 #' scenario <- readScenario(filename="scenario.txt")
3233 #' parameters <- readParameters("parameters.txt")
33 #' scenario <- readScenario(filename="scenario.txt",
34 #' scenario=defaultScenario())
3534 #' # Use 10% of the total budget
3635 #' scenario$postselection <- 0.1
3736 #' irace(scenario=scenario, parameters=parameters)
4140 #'
4241 #' @author Leslie Pérez Cáceres
4342 #' @export
44 # This function executes a post selection race
45 # elites: test all elites
4643 psRace <- function(iraceLogFile=NULL, iraceResults=NULL, conf.ids=NULL,
4744 postselection=NULL, max.experiments=NULL, elites=FALSE, seed=1234567)
4845 {
5047 if (is.null(iraceLogFile) && is.null(iraceResults))
5148 irace.error("You must provide a Rdata file or an iraceResults object.")
53 irace.note ("Stating post-selection:\n# Seed:", seed, "\n")
50 irace.note ("Starting post-selection:\n# Seed:", seed, "\n")
5451 if (!is.null(iraceLogFile))
5552 cat("# Log file:",iraceLogFile,"\n")
5754 # Load the data of the log file
5855 if (!is.null(iraceLogFile))
59 load(iraceLogFile)
56 iraceResults <- read_logfile(iraceLogFile)
6158 parameters <- iraceResults$parameters
6259 scenario <- iraceResults$scenario
6562 if (!is.null(conf.ids)) {
6663 if (!all(conf.ids %in% iraceResults$allConfigurations$.ID.))
6764 irace.error("Configuration ids provided", conf.ids,"cannot be found in the configurations.")
68 configurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[iraceResults$allConfigurations$.ID.%in% conf.ids,,drop=FALSE]
65 configurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[iraceResults$allConfigurations$.ID.%in% conf.ids,,drop=FALSE]
6966 } else {
7067 which.elites <- if (elites) unlist(iraceResults$allElites) else iraceResults$iterationElites
7168 which.elites <- unique(which.elites)
112109 elitistNewInstances = 0)
113110 experiments <- race.output$experiments
115 elite.configurations <- extractElites(race.output$configurations,
112 elite.configurations <- extractElites(scenario, parameters,
113 race.output$configurations,
116114 min(race.output$nbAlive, 1))
117115 irace.note("Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID;",
118116 " listed from best to worst according to the ",
0 #' Converts a relative path to an absolute path. It tries really hard to create
1 #' canonical paths.
2 #'
3 #' @param path (`character(1)`) Character string representing a relative path.
4 #' @param cwd (`character(1)`) Current working directory.
5 #'
6 #' @return (`character(1)`) Character string representing the absolute path
7 #'
8 #' @examples
9 #' path_rel2abs("..")
10 #' @export
11 path_rel2abs <- function (path, cwd = getwd())
12 {
13 # Keep doing gsub as long as x keeps changing.
14 gsub.all <- function(pattern, repl, x, ...) {
15 repeat {
16 newx <- gsub(pattern, repl, x, ...)
17 if (newx == x) return(newx)
18 x <- newx
19 }
20 }
21 # FIXME: Why NA and not FALSE?
22 irace_normalize_path <- function(path)
23 suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = NA))
25 if ( {
26 return (NULL)
27 } else if (path == "") {
28 return ("")
29 }
31 # Using .Platform$file.sep is too fragile. Better just use "/" everywhere.
32 s <- "/"
34 # Possibly expand ~/path to /home/user/path.
35 path <- path.expand(path)
36 # Remove winslashes if given.
37 path <- gsub("\\", s, path, fixed = TRUE)
39 # Detect a Windows drive
40 windrive.regex <- "^[A-Za-z]:"
41 windrive <- ""
42 if (grepl(paste0(windrive.regex, "($|", s, ")"), path)) {
43 m <- regexpr(windrive.regex, path)
44 windrive <- regmatches(path, m)
45 path <- sub(windrive.regex, "", path)
46 }
48 # Change "/./" to "/" to get a canonical form
49 path <- gsub.all(paste0(s, ".", s), s, path, fixed = TRUE)
50 # Change "//" to "/" to get a canonical form
51 path <- gsub(paste0(s, s, "+"), s, path)
52 # Change "/.$" to "/" to get a canonical form
53 path <- sub(paste0(s, "\\.$"), s, path)
54 # Drop final "/"
55 path <- sub(paste0(s, "$"), "", path)
56 if (path == "") path <- s
58 # Prefix the current cwd to the path if it doesn't start with
59 # / \\ or whatever separator.
60 if (path == "." || !startsWith(path, s)) {
61 # There is no need to normalize cwd if it was returned by getwd()
62 if (!missing(cwd)) {
63 # Recurse to get absolute cwd
64 cwd <- path_rel2abs(cwd)
65 }
67 # Speed-up the most common cases.
68 # If it is just "."
69 if (path == ".") return (irace_normalize_path(cwd))
71 # If it does not contain separators at all and does not start with ".."
72 if (!startsWith(path, "..") && !grepl(s, path)) {
73 # it may be a command in the path.
74 sys_path <- suppressWarnings(Sys.which(path))
75 if (nchar(sys_path) > 0
76 && file.access(sys_path, mode = 1) == 0
77 && !$isdir) {
78 return(irace_normalize_path(as.vector(sys_path)))
79 }
80 }
82 # Remove "./" from the start of path.
83 path <- sub(paste0("^\\.", s), "", path)
84 # Make it absolute but avoid doubling s
85 if (substring(cwd, nchar(cwd)) == s) path <- paste0(cwd, path)
86 else path <- paste0(cwd, s, path)
87 # If it is just a path without ".." inside
88 if (!grepl(paste0(s,"\\.\\."), path)) {
89 return (irace_normalize_path(path))
90 }
91 # Detect a Windows drive
92 if (grepl(paste0(windrive.regex, "($|", s, ")"), path)) {
93 m <- regexpr(windrive.regex, path)
94 windrive <- regmatches(path, m)
95 path <- sub(windrive.regex, "", path)
96 }
97 }
98 # else
100 # Change "/x/.." to "/" to get a canonical form
101 prevdir.regex <- paste0(s, "[^", s,"]+", s, "\\.\\.")
102 repeat {
103 # We need to do it one by one so "a/b/c/../../../" is not converted to "a/b/../"
104 tmp <- sub(paste0(prevdir.regex, s), s, path)
105 if (tmp == path) break
106 path <- tmp
107 }
108 # Handle "/something/..$" to "/" that is, when ".." is the last thing in the path.
109 path <- sub(paste0(prevdir.regex, "$"), s, path)
111 # Handle "^/../../.." to "/" that is, going up at the root just returns the root.
112 repeat {
113 # We need to do it one by one so "a/b/c/../../../" is not converted to "a/b/../"
114 tmp <- sub(paste0("^", s, "\\.\\.", s), s, path)
115 if (tmp == path) break
116 path <- tmp
117 }
118 # Handle "^/..$" to "/" that is, when ".." is the last thing in the path.
119 path <- sub(paste0("^", s, "\\.\\.$"), s, path)
120 # Add back Windows drive, if any.
121 path <- paste0(windrive, path)
123 # We use normalizePath, which will further simplify the path if
124 # the path exists.
125 irace_normalize_path(path)
126 }
3333 #' irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"),
3434 #' "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata")
3535 #' load(irace.logfile)
36 #' attach(iraceResults)
36 #' allConfigurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations
37 #' parameters <- iraceResults$parameters
3738 #' apply(allConfigurations[1:10, unlist(parameters$names)], 1, buildCommandLine,
3839 #' unlist(parameters$switches))
3940 #'
4041 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
41 #' @md
4242 #' @export
4343 buildCommandLine <- function(values, switches)
4444 {
7777 = NULL)
7878 {
7979 if (!is.null( {
80 err.msg <- paste0(err.msg, "\n", .irace.prefix,
80 err.msg <- paste0(err.msg, "\n", .msg.prefix,
8181 "The call to targetEvaluator was:\n",
8282 }
8383 if (!is.null( {
84 err.msg <- paste0(err.msg, "\n", .irace.prefix,
84 err.msg <- paste0(err.msg, "\n", .msg.prefix,
8585 "The call to targetRunner was:\n",
8686 }
8787 if (is.null(output$outputRaw)) {
100100 " Try to run the command(s) above from the execution directory '",
101101 scenario$execDir, "' to investigate the issue. See also Appendix B (targetRunner troubleshooting checklist) of the User Guide (")
102102 }
103 irace.error(err.msg, "\n", .irace.prefix,
103 irace.error(err.msg, "\n", .msg.prefix,
104104 "The output was:\n", paste(output$outputRaw, collapse = "\n"),
105 "\n", .irace.prefix, advice.txt)
105 "\n", .msg.prefix, advice.txt)
106106 }
108108 <- function (output, scenario, = NULL)
145145 scenario,
146146 (output, scenario, =
147147 # Fix too small time.
148 output$time <- if (is.null(output$time)) NA else max(output$time, 0.01)
148 output$time <- if (is.null(output$time)) NA else max(output$time, scenario$minMeasurableTime)
149149 return (output)
150150 }
193193 #'
194194 #'
195195 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
196 #' @md
197196 #' @export
198197 target.evaluator.default <- function(experiment, num.configurations,,
199198 scenario,
211210 }
213212 cwd <- setwd (scenario$execDir)
214 # FIXME: I think we don't even need to paste the args, since system2 handles this by itself.
215 args <- paste(,, seed, instance, num.configurations,
213 args <- c(,, seed, instance, num.configurations,
216214 output <- runcommand(targetEvaluator, args,, debugLevel)
217215 setwd (cwd)
233231 }
234232 return(list(cost = cost, time = time,
235233 error = err.msg, outputRaw = output$output,
236 call = paste(targetEvaluator, args)))
234 call = paste(targetEvaluator, args, collapse=" ")))
237235 }
239237 <- function (output, scenario)
289287 target.error (err.msg, output, scenario, = output$call)
290288 }
291289 # Fix too small time.
292 output$time <- if (is.null(output$time)) NA else max(output$time, 0.01)
290 output$time <- if (is.null(output$time)) NA else max(output$time, scenario$minMeasurableTime)
293291 return (output)
294292 }
301299 doit <- function(experiment, scenario)
302300 {
303301 x <- target.runner(experiment, scenario)
304 return ( (x, scenario))
302 return (, scenario))
305303 }
307305 retries <- scenario$targetRunnerRetries
354352 target.runner.aclib <- function(experiment, scenario)
355353 {
354 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
355 res <- run_target_runner(experiment, scenario)
356 cmd <- res$cmd
357 output <- res$output
358 args <- res$args
360 err.msg <- output$error
361 if (is.null(err.msg)) {
362 return(c(parse.aclib.output(output$output),
363 list(outputRaw = output$output, call = paste(cmd, args))))
364 }
366 list(cost = NULL, time = NULL, error = err.msg,
367 outputRaw = output$output, call = paste(cmd, args))
368 }
370 check_launcher_args <- function(targetRunnerLauncherArgs)
371 {
372 if (!grepl("{targetRunner}", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE))
373 irace.error("targetRunnerLauncherArgs '", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, "' must contain '{targetRunner}'")
374 if (!grepl("{targetRunnerArgs}", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE))
375 irace.error("targetRunnerLauncherArgs '", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, "' must contain '{targetRunnerArgs}'")
376 }
378 process_launcher_args <- function(targetRunnerLauncherArgs, targetRunner, args)
379 {
380 check_launcher_args(targetRunnerLauncherArgs)
381 targetRunnerLauncherArgs <- gsub("{targetRunner}", targetRunner, targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE)
382 targetRunnerLauncherArgs <- gsub("{targetRunnerArgs}", args, targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE)
383 targetRunnerLauncherArgs
384 }
386 run_target_runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
387 {
356388 <- experiment$id.configuration
357389 <- experiment$id.instance
358390 seed <- experiment$seed
361393 switches <- experiment$switches
362394 bound <- experiment$bound
364 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
365396 targetRunner <- scenario$targetRunner
366 if (as.logical(file.access(targetRunner, mode = 1))) {
367 irace.error ("targetRunner ", shQuote(targetRunner), " cannot be found or is not executable!\n")
368 }
370 has_value <- !
371 # <executable> [<arg>] [<arg>] ... [--cutoff <cutoff time>] [--instance <instance name>]
372 # [--seed <seed>] --config [-param_name_1 value_1] [-param_name_2 value_2] ...
373 args <- paste("--instance", instance, "--seed", seed, "--config",
374 paste0("-", switches[has_value], " ", configuration[has_value],
375 collapse = " "))
376 if (!
377 args <- paste("--cutoff", bound, args)
379 output <- runcommand(targetRunner, args,, debugLevel)
381 err.msg <- output$error
382 if (is.null(err.msg)) {
383 return(c(parse.aclib.output (output$output),
384 list(outputRaw = output$output, call = paste(targetRunner, args))))
385 }
387 return(list(cost = NULL, time = NULL, error = err.msg,
388 outputRaw = output$output, call = paste(targetRunner, args)))
389 }
392 #' target.runner.default
397 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
399 if (scenario$aclib) {
400 has_value <- !
401 # <executable> [<arg>] [<arg>] ... [--cutoff <cutoff time>] [--instance <instance name>]
402 # [--seed <seed>] --config [-param_name_1 value_1] [-param_name_2 value_2] ...
403 args <- paste("--instance", instance, "--seed", seed, "--config",
404 paste0("-", switches[has_value], " ", configuration[has_value],
405 collapse = " "))
406 if (!
407 args <- paste("--cutoff", bound, args)
408 } else {
409 args <- paste(,, seed, instance, bound,
410 buildCommandLine(configuration, switches))
411 }
413 targetRunnerLauncher <- scenario$targetRunnerLauncher
414 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$targetRunnerLauncher)) {
415 if (as.logical(file.access(targetRunner, mode = 1))) {
416 irace.error ("targetRunner ", shQuote(targetRunner), " cannot be found or is not executable!\n")
417 }
418 output <- runcommand(targetRunner, args,, debugLevel)
419 return(list(cmd=targetRunner, output=output, args=args))
420 }
421 if (as.logical(file.access(targetRunnerLauncher, mode = 1))) {
422 irace.error ("targetRunnerLauncher ", shQuote(targetRunnerLauncher), " cannot be found or is not executable!\n")
423 }
425 args <- process_launcher_args(scenario$targetRunnerLauncherArgs, targetRunner, args)
426 output <- runcommand(targetRunnerLauncher, args,, debugLevel)
427 return(list(cmd=targetRunnerLauncher, output=output, args=args))
428 }
430 #' Default `targetRunner` function.
393431 #'
394 #' `target.runner.default` is the default targetRunner function.
395 #' You can use it as an advanced example of how to create your own targetRunner
396 #' function.
432 #' Use it as an advanced example of how to create your own `targetRunner` function.
397433 #'
398434 #' @param experiment A list describing the experiment. It contains at least:
399435 #' \describe{
430466 #'
431467 #'
432468 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
433 #' @md
434469 #' @export
435470 target.runner.default <- function(experiment, scenario)
436471 {
437 <- experiment$id.configuration
438 <- experiment$id.instance
439 seed <- experiment$seed
440 configuration <- experiment$configuration
441 instance <- experiment$instance
442 switches <- experiment$switches
443 bound <- experiment$bound
445 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
446 targetRunner <- scenario$targetRunner
447 if (as.logical(file.access(targetRunner, mode = 1))) {
448 irace.error ("targetRunner ", shQuote(targetRunner), " cannot be found or is not executable!\n")
449 }
451 args <- paste(,, seed, instance, bound,
452 buildCommandLine(configuration, switches))
453 output <- runcommand(targetRunner, args,, debugLevel)
472 res <- run_target_runner(experiment, scenario)
473 cmd <- res$cmd
474 output <- res$output
475 args <- res$args
477 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
455478 cost <- time <- NULL
456479 err.msg <- output$error
457480 if (is.null(err.msg)) {
458 v.output <- parse.output(output$output, verbose = (scenario$debugLevel >= 2))
481 v.output <- parse.output(output$output, verbose = (debugLevel >= 2))
459482 if (length(v.output) > 2) {
460483 err.msg <- "The output of targetRunner should not be more than two numbers!"
461484 } else if (length(v.output) == 1) {
469492 time <- v.output[2]
470493 }
471494 }
472 return(list(cost = cost, time = time,
473 error = err.msg, outputRaw = output$output,
474 call = paste(targetRunner, args)))
495 list(cost = cost, time = time,
496 error = err.msg, outputRaw = output$output,
497 call = paste(cmd, args, collapse = " "))
475498 }
477500 execute.experiments <- function(experiments, scenario)
569592 scenario = scenario,
570593 target.runner = target.runner)
571594 }
573 return(target.output)
595 target.output
574596 }
576598 execute.evaluator <- function(experiments, scenario, target.output,
577599 {
578600 ## FIXME: We do not need the argument:
579 # <- sapply(experiments, function(x) x[["id.configuration"]])
601 irace.assert(isTRUE(all.equal(,
602 sapply(experiments, getElement, "id.configuration"))))
580603 <- paste(, collapse = " ")
582605 ## Evaluate configurations sequentially
R/race.R less more
7777 # which.alive nor which.exe
7878 which.alive, which.exe, parameters, scenario)
7979 {
80 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
82 irace.assert (isTRUE(parameters$nbParameters > 0))
80 irace.assert (parameters$nbVariable > 0)
8381 irace.assert (length(parameters$names) == parameters$nbParameters)
8583 # FIXME: Accessing 'seed' and 'instance' should be moved to createExperimentList.
108106 if (!is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator))
109107 target.output <- execute.evaluator (experiments, scenario, target.output,
110108 configurations[, ".ID."])
111 return(target.output)
109 target.output
112110 }
114112 aux2.friedman <- function(y, I, alive, conf.level = 0.95)
159157 if (no.alive == 2) {
160158 best <- NULL
161159 ranks <- NULL
160 dropped.any <- TRUE
161 PVAL <- 0
162162 # If only 2 configurations are left, switch to Wilcoxon
163 V1 <- results[, which.alive[1]]
164 V2 <- results[, which.alive[2]]
165 PVAL <- wilcox.test(V1, V2, paired = TRUE, exact = FALSE)$p.value
166 if (!is.nan(PVAL) && ! && PVAL < 1 - conf.level) {
167 dropped.any <- TRUE
168 if (median(V1 - V2) < 0) {
169 best <- which.alive[1]
170 ranks <- c(1,2)
171 alive[which.alive[2]] <- FALSE
172 } else {
173 best <- which.alive[2]
174 ranks <- c(2,1)
175 alive[which.alive[1]] <- FALSE
176 }
163 V1 <- results[, which.alive[1]]
164 V2 <- results[, which.alive[2]]
166 # Avoid the test if the answer is obvious
167 if (all(V1 <= V2)) {
168 ranks <- c(1,2)
169 } else if (all(V2 <= V1)) {
170 ranks <- c(2,1)
177171 } else {
178 dropped.any <- FALSE
179 if (median(V1 - V2) < 0) {
180 best <- which.alive[1]
181 ranks <- c(1,2)
182 } else {
183 best <- which.alive[2]
184 ranks <- c(2,1)
185 }
186 }
172 res <- wilcox.test(V1, V2, paired = TRUE, = TRUE)
173 PVAL <- res$p.value
174 irace.assert(!is.nan(PVAL) & !
175 if (PVAL >= 1 - conf.level) dropped.any <- FALSE
176 # We use the pseudo median estimated by the test.
177 ranks <- if (res$estimate <= 0) c(1,2) else c(2,1)
178 }
179 best <- which.alive[ranks[1]]
180 if (dropped.any)
181 alive[which.alive[ranks[2]]] <- FALSE
187183 irace.assert(which.alive[which.min(ranks)] == best)
188184 return(list(best = best, ranks = ranks, alive = alive, dropped.any = dropped.any, p.value = PVAL))
189185 } else {
192188 }
193189 }
195 aux.ttest <- function(results, alive, which.alive, conf.level,
196 adjust = c("none","bonferroni","holm"))
191 aux.one_ttest <- function(results, alive, which.alive, conf.level,
192 adjust = c("none","bonferroni","holm"))
197193 {
198194 adjust <- match.arg(adjust)
199195 irace.assert(sum(alive) == length(which.alive))
201196 results <- results[, which.alive]
202197 means <- colMeans(results)
203198 best <- which.min(means)
210205 for (j in which_test) {
211206 PVAL <- pvals[j]
212207 if (PVAL == 1.0) next
213 results_j <- results[ , j]
208 results_j <- results[, j]
214209 # t.test may fail if the data in each group is almost constant. Hence, we
215210 # surround the call in a try() and we initialize p with 1 if the means are
216211 # equal or zero if they are different
217212 if (min(var(results_best), var(results_j)) < 10 * .Machine$double.eps) next
218 try(PVAL <- t.test(results_best, results_j, paired = TRUE)$p.value)
213 # The t.test may fail if the data are not normal despite one configuration
214 # clearly dominating the other.
215 if (all(results_best <= results_j)) next
216 try(PVAL <- t.test(results_best, results_j, alternative = "less",
217 paired = TRUE)$p.value)
219218 irace.assert(!is.nan(PVAL) & !
220219 pvals[j] <- PVAL
221220 }
228227 dropped.any = dropped_any, p.value = min(pvals)))
229228 }
231 race.init.instances <- function(deterministic, max.instances)
232 {
233 if (.irace$next.instance <= max.instances) {
234 race.instances <- .irace$next.instance : max.instances
235 } else {
236 # This may happen if the scenario is deterministic and we would need
237 # more instances than what we have.
238 irace.assert(deterministic)
239 race.instances <- 1 : max.instances
240 }
241 return(race.instances)
242 }
244 elitrace.init.instances <- function(race.env, deterministic, max.instances)
230 aux.ttest <- function(results, alive, which.alive, conf.level,
231 adjust = c("none","bonferroni","holm"))
232 {
233 adjust <- match.arg(adjust)
234 irace.assert(sum(alive) == length(which.alive))
236 results <- results[, which.alive]
237 means <- colMeans(results)
238 # FIXME: break ties using median or ranks?
239 best <- which.min(means)
240 mean_best <- means[best]
241 pvals <- sapply(means, function(x) as.numeric(isTRUE(
242 all.equal.numeric(mean_best[[1]], x[[1]], check.attributes = FALSE))))
243 results_best <- results[, best]
244 var_best <- var(results_best)
245 which_test <- which(pvals < 1.0)
246 for (j in which_test) {
247 PVAL <- pvals[j]
248 if (PVAL == 1.0) next
249 results_j <- results[, j]
250 # t.test may fail if the data in each group is almost constant. Hence, we
251 # surround the call in a try() and we initialize p with 1 if the means are
252 # equal or zero if they are different
253 if (min(var(results_best), var(results_j)) < 10 * .Machine$double.eps) next
254 # The t.test may fail if the data are not normal despite one configuration
255 # clearly dominating the other.
256 if (all(results_best <= results_j)) next
257 try(PVAL <- t.test(results_best, results_j, paired = TRUE)$p.value)
258 irace.assert(!is.nan(PVAL) & !
259 pvals[j] <- PVAL
260 }
261 pvals <- p.adjust(pvals, method = adjust)
262 dropj <- which.alive[pvals < 1.0 - conf.level]
263 dropped_any <- length(dropj) > 0
264 irace.assert(all(alive[dropj]))
265 alive[dropj] <- FALSE
266 return(list(best = which.alive[best], ranks = means, alive = alive,
267 dropped.any = dropped_any, p.value = min(pvals)))
268 }
270 no_elitrace.init.instances <- function(deterministic, max_instances)
245271 {
246272 # if next.instance == 1 then this is the first iteration.
247 if (.irace$next.instance != 1) {
248 new.instances <- NULL
249 <- .irace$next.instance + race.env$elitistNewInstances - 1
250 # Do we need to add new instances?
251 if (race.env$elitistNewInstances > 0) {
252 if ( > max.instances) {
253 # This may happen if the scenario is deterministic and we would need
254 # more instances than what we have.
255 irace.assert(deterministic)
256 if (.irace$next.instance <= max.instances) {
257 # Add all instances that we have not seen yet as new ones.
258 <- max.instances
259 new.instances <- .irace$next.instance :
260 } # else new.instances remains NULL and remains > number of instances.
261 # We need to update this because the value is used below and now there
262 # may be fewer than expected, even zero.
263 race.env$elitistNewInstances <- length(new.instances)
264 } else {
273 # If deterministic consider all (do not resample).
274 if (.irace$next.instance == 1 || deterministic) return(1:max_instances)
275 irace.assert(.irace$next.instance < max_instances)
276 return(.irace$next.instance : max_instances)
277 }
279 elitrace.init.instances <- function(race.env, deterministic, max_instances, sampleInstances)
280 {
281 # if next.instance == 1 then this is the first iteration.
282 if (.irace$next.instance == 1) return(1:max_instances) # Consider all
284 new.instances <- NULL
285 <- .irace$next.instance + race.env$elitistNewInstances - 1
286 # Do we need to add new instances?
287 if (race.env$elitistNewInstances > 0) {
288 if ( > max_instances) {
289 # This may happen if the scenario is deterministic and we would need
290 # more instances than what we have.
291 irace.assert(deterministic)
292 if (.irace$next.instance <= max_instances) {
293 # Add all instances that we have not seen yet as new ones.
294 <- max_instances
265295 new.instances <- .irace$next.instance :
266 }
267 }
268 future.instances <- NULL
269 if (( + 1) <= max.instances) {
270 future.instances <- ( + 1) : max.instances
271 }
272 # new.instances + past.instances + future.instances
273 race.instances <- c(new.instances,$next.instance - 1),
274 future.instances)
275 } else {
276 race.instances <- race.init.instances(deterministic, max.instances)
277 }
278 return(race.instances)
279 }
296 } # else new.instances remains NULL and remains > number of instances.
297 # We need to update this because the value is used below and now there
298 # may be fewer than expected, even zero.
299 race.env$elitistNewInstances <- length(new.instances)
300 } else {
301 new.instances <- .irace$next.instance :
302 }
303 }
304 future.instances <- NULL
305 if (( + 1) <= max_instances) {
306 future.instances <- ( + 1) : max_instances
307 }
308 # new.instances + past.instances + future.instances
309 # FIXME: we should sample taking into account the block-size, so we sample blocks, not instances.
310 past_instances <- if (sampleInstances)
311$next.instance - 1) else
312 1:.irace$next.instance
313 c(new.instances, past_instances, future.instances)
314 }
316 table_hline <- function(widths) {
317 s <- "+"
318 for(w in widths) {
319 s <- paste0(s, strrep("-", w), "+")
320 }
321 return(paste0(s, "\n"))
322 }
323 table_sprint <- function(text, widths) {
324 s <- "|"
325 for (i in seq_along(text)) {
326 s <- paste0(s, sprintf("%*s", widths[i], text[i]), "|")
327 }
328 return(paste0(s, "\n"))
329 }
330 .nocap_table_fields_width <- c(1, 11, 11, 11, 16, 11, 8, 5, 4, 6)
331 .nocap_colum_names <- c(" ", "Instance", "Alive", "Best", "Mean best", "Exp so far",
332 "W time", "rho", "KenW", "Qvar")
333 .capping_table_fields_width <- c(1, 11, 8, 11, 11, 16, 11, 8, 5, 4, 6)
334 .capping_colum_names <- c(" ", "Instance", "Bound", "Alive", "Best", "Mean best", "Exp so far",
335 "W time", "rho", "KenW", "Qvar")
336 capping_hline <- table_hline(.capping_table_fields_width)
337 capping_header <- table_sprint(.capping_colum_names, .capping_table_fields_width)
338 nocap_hline <- table_hline(.nocap_table_fields_width)
339 nocap_header <- table_sprint(.nocap_colum_names, .nocap_table_fields_width)
341 # FIXME: Depending on capping here is ugly. We should simply set-up the correct printing functions at the start of race().
281342 race.print.header <- function(capping)
282343 {
283344 cat(sep = "", "# Markers:
286347 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
287348 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
288349 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
289 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded\n")
290 cat(sep = "", if (!capping) "
291 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
292 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
293 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
294 " else "
295 +-+-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
296 | | Instance| Bound| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
297 +-+-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
298 ")
350 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded\n\n")
351 if (capping)
352 cat(sep = "", capping_hline, capping_header, capping_hline)
353 else
354 cat(sep = "", nocap_hline, nocap_header, nocap_hline)
299355 }
301357 race.print.task <- function(res.symb, Results,
312368 if (now <= start) return("00:00:00")
313369 elapsed <- difftime(now, start, units = "secs")
314370 # FIXME: Maybe better and faster if we only print seconds?
315 return(format(.POSIXct(elapsed, tz="GMT"), "%H:%M:%S"))
371 format(.POSIXct(elapsed, tz="GMT"), "%H:%M:%S")
316372 }
317373 # FIXME: This is the mean of the best, but perhaps it should
318374 # be the sum of ranks in the case of test == friedman?
319375 mean_best <- mean(Results[, best])
320376 time_str <- elapsed_wctime_str(Sys.time(), start.time)
321377 cat(sprintf("|%s|%11d|", res.symb, instance))
322 if (capping) cat(sprintf("%8.2f|", if(is.null(bound)) NA else bound))
323 cat(sprintf("%11d|%11d|%#15.10g|%11d|%s",
378 if (capping) {
379 if (is.null(bound)) cat(" NA|") else cat(sprintf("%8.2f|", bound))
380 }
381 cat(sprintf(paste0("%11d|%11d|", .irace.format.perf, "|%11d|%s"),
324382 sum(alive),, mean_best, experimentsUsed, time_str))
326384 if (current.task > 1 && sum(alive) > 1) {
327385 conc <- concordance(Results[1:current.task, alive, drop = FALSE])
328386 qvar <- dataVariance(Results[1:current.task, alive, drop = FALSE])
329 cat(sprintf("|%+#4.2f|%.2f|%.4f|\n", conc$spearman.rho, conc$kendall.w, qvar))
387 # FIXME: We would like to use %+#4.2f but this causes problems with
388 #
389 cat(sprintf("|%+4.2f|%.2f|%.4f|\n", conc$spearman.rho, conc$kendall.w, qvar))
330390 } else {
331391 cat("| NA| NA| NA|\n")
332392 }
335395 race.print.footer <- function(bestconf,, break.msg, debug.level, capping = FALSE)
336396 {
337397 cat(sep = "",
338 if (!capping)
339 "+-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+\n"
340 else
341 "+-+-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+\n",
398 if (capping) capping_hline else nocap_hline,
342399 if (debug.level >= 1) paste0("# Stopped because ", break.msg, "\n"),
343400 sprintf("Best-so-far configuration: %11d", bestconf[1, ".ID."]),
344 sprintf(" mean value: %#15.10g",, "\n",
401 " mean value: ",
402 sprintf(.irace.format.perf,, "\n",
345403 "Description of the best-so-far configuration:\n")
346404 configurations.print(bestconf, metadata = TRUE)
347405 cat("\n")
428486 ## that exceed the maximum execution time (boundMax)
429487 applyPAR <- function(results, boundMax, boundPar)
430488 {
489 # We do not want to change Inf or -Inf because those represent rejection.
431490 if (boundPar != 1)
432 results[results >= boundMax] <- boundMax * boundPar
491 results[is.finite(results) & results >= boundMax] <- boundMax * boundPar
433492 return(results)
434493 }
442501 final.execution.bound <- function(experimentsTime, elites, no.configurations,
443502 current.task, which.exe, scenario)
444503 {
445 # FIXME: Make this a scenario parameter. The same parameter used in
446 # race-wrapper when parsing target.runner output.
447 minMeasurableTime <- 0.01
449 final.bounds <- rep(scenario$boundMax, no.configurations)
450 total.time <- current.task * scenario$boundMax
451 elite.bound <- scenario$boundMax
504 minMeasurableTime <- scenario$minMeasurableTime
505 boundMax <- scenario$boundMax
506 # FIXME: should we use an adjusted boundMax
507 final.bounds <- rep(boundMax, no.configurations)
508 total.time <- current.task * boundMax
509 elite.bound <- boundMax
452510 # Elite candidates can have NA values due to the rejection
453511 if (length(elites) > 0)
454512 elites <- elites[![current.task,elites])]
462520 if (scenario$boundType == "instance") {
463521 elite.bound <- instanceBound(experimentsTime[current.task, elites],
464522 type = scenario$cappingType)
465 final.bounds[which.exe] <- min(elite.bound + minMeasurableTime, scenario$boundMax)
523 final.bounds[which.exe] <- min(elite.bound + minMeasurableTime, boundMax)
466524 final.bounds[which.exe] <- ceiling.digits(final.bounds[which.exe], scenario$boundDigits)
467525 } else {
468526 elite.bound <- executionBound(experimentsTime[1:current.task, elites, drop = FALSE],
469527 type = scenario$cappingType)
470 elite.bound <- min(elite.bound, scenario$boundMax)
528 elite.bound <- min(elite.bound, boundMax)
471529 # FIXME: This minMeasurableTime should be a scenario setting and it
472530 # should be the same value that we use in
473531 total.time <- (current.task * elite.bound) + minMeasurableTime
474532 time.left <- total.time - colSums(experimentsTime[1:current.task, which.exe, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
475 final.bounds[which.exe] <- sapply(time.left, min, scenario$boundMax)
533 final.bounds[which.exe] <- sapply(time.left, min, boundMax)
476534 # We round up the bounds up to the specified number of digits. This may
477535 # be necessary if the target-algorithm does not support higher precision.
478536 final.bounds[which.exe] <- ceiling.digits(final.bounds[which.exe], scenario$boundDigits)
562620 first.test <- scenario$firstTest
563621 each.test <- scenario$eachTest
564622 elitist <- scenario$elitist
623 capping <- scenario$capping
624 quiet <- scenario$quiet
565625 no.configurations <- nrow(configurations)
566626 experimentLog <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 4,
567627 dimnames = list(NULL, c("instance", "configuration", "time", "bound")))
595655 if (elitist)
596656 race.instances <- elitrace.init.instances(race.env,
597657 scenario$deterministic,
598 max.instances = nrow(.irace$instancesList))
658 max_instances = nrow(.irace$instancesList),
659 sampleInstances = scenario$sampleInstances)
599660 else
600 race.instances <- race.init.instances(scenario$deterministic,
601 max.instances = nrow(.irace$instancesList))
661 race.instances <- no_elitrace.init.instances(scenario$deterministic,
662 max_instances = nrow(.irace$instancesList))
602663 no.tasks <- length(race.instances)
604665 # Initialize some variables...
630691 nrow =,
631692 ncol = no.configurations,
632693 dimnames = list(elite.instances.ID, configurations.ID))
633 if (scenario$capping)
694 if (capping)
634695 experimentsTime <- matrix(NA,
635696 nrow =,
636697 ncol = no.configurations,
640701 Results[rownames([["experiments"]]),
641702 colnames([["experiments"]])] <-[["experiments"]]
643 if (scenario$capping) {
704 if (capping) {
644705 experimentsTime[rownames([["time"]]),
645706 colnames([["time"]])] <-[["time"]]
646707 }
648709 # Preliminary execution of elite configurations to calculate
649710 # the execution bound of initial configurations (capping only).
650 if (scenario$capping && elitistNewInstances != 0) {
711 if (capping && elitistNewInstances != 0) {
651712 # FIXME: This should go into its own function.
652713 n.elite <- ncol([["experiments"]])
653714 which.elites <- which(rep(TRUE, n.elite))
716777 best <- 0
717778 race.ranks <- c()
718779 no.elimination <- 0 # number of tasks without elimination.
720 race.print.header(scenario$capping)
780 if (!quiet)
781 race.print.header(capping)
722783 # Test that all instances that have been previously seen have been evaluated
723784 # by at least one configuration.
724785 all_elite_instances_evaluated <- function() {
786 if (!elitist)
787 return(TRUE)
725788 return(all(apply(![
726789 as.character(seq_len(.irace$next.instance - 1)),
727790 alive, drop=FALSE]), 1, any)))
730793 # Start main loop
731794 break.msg <- NULL
732 for (current.task in seq_len (no.tasks)) {
795 for (current.task in seq_len(no.tasks)) {
733796 which.alive <- which(alive)
734797 nbAlive <- length(which.alive)
735798 which.exe <- which.alive
748811 # criterion is disabled)
749812 ## MANUEL: So what is the reason to not immediately terminate here? Is
750813 ## there a reason to continue?
751 race.print.task(".", Results[1:current.task, , drop = FALSE],
752 race.instances[current.task],
753 current.task, alive = alive,
754 configurations[best, ".ID."],
755 best = best, experimentsUsed, Sys.time(),
756 bound = NA, scenario$capping)
814 if (!quiet)
815 race.print.task(".", Results[1:current.task, , drop = FALSE],
816 race.instances[current.task],
817 current.task, alive = alive,
818 configurations[best, ".ID."],
819 best = best, experimentsUsed, Sys.time(),
820 bound = NA, capping)
757821 next
758822 }
759823 }
767831 ## there are instances previously seen that have not been evaluated on any
768832 ## alive configuration.
769833 if (current.task > first.test) {
770 #if ((current.task > first.test && !scenario$capping)
834 #if ((current.task > first.test && !capping)
771835 # MANUEL: This is new and I'm not sure what it does.
772836 # LESLIE: When using capping, we dont finish any race until all
773837 # previous instances have been executed (this makes sure that all non-elite
774838 # configurations execute all the previous instances)
775 # || (scenario$capping && (current.task > {
839 # || (capping && (current.task > {
776840 # MANUEL: How is this even possible?
777841 # LESLIE: It can be that the capping eliminate all but one configuration
778842 # (which should be an elite one) after we finish the new instances to be evaluated,
825889 if (nrow(Results) < current.task) {
826890 Results <- rbind(Results, rep(NA, ncol(Results)))
827891 rownames(Results) <- race.instances[1:nrow(Results)]
828 if (scenario$capping) {
892 if (capping) {
829893 experimentsTime <- rbind(experimentsTime, rep(NA, ncol(experimentsTime)))
830894 rownames(experimentsTime) <- race.instances[1:nrow(experimentsTime)]
831895 }
838902 # Calculate bounds for executing if needed.
839903 which.elite.exe <- intersect(which.exe, which(is.elite > 0))
840904 irace.assert(setequal(which.elite.exe, which(is.elite &[current.task,]))))
841 if (scenario$capping) {
905 if (capping) {
842906 # Pre-execute elite configurations that are not yet executed in the current instance.
843907 if (length(which.elite.exe)) {
844908 # FIXME: This should go into its own function
883947 <-, is.elite)
884948 }
885949 which.exe <- setdiff(which.exe, which.elite.exe)
950 # FIXME: There is similar code above.
886951 if (length(which.exe) == 0L) {
887952 is.elite <-, which.elite.exe)
888 race.print.task(".", Results[1:current.task, , drop = FALSE],
889 race.instances[current.task],
890 current.task, alive = alive,
891 configurations[best, ".ID."],
892 best = best, experimentsUsed, start.time,
893 bound = NA, scenario$capping)
953 if (!quiet)
954 race.print.task(".", Results[1:current.task, , drop = FALSE],
955 race.instances[current.task],
956 current.task, alive = alive,
957 configurations[best, ".ID."],
958 best = best, experimentsUsed, start.time,
959 bound = NA, capping)
894960 next
895961 }
896962 }
924990 irace.assert(length(vcost) == length(which.exps))
925991 # Set max execution bound to timed out executions which have execution
926992 # times smaller than boundMax and implement parX if required
927 if (scenario$capping) {
993 if (capping) {
928994 vcost <- applyPAR(vcost, boundMax = scenario$boundMax, boundPar = scenario$boundPar)
929995 if (scenario$boundAsTimeout)
930996 vcost[(vcost >= final.bounds[which.exps]) & (vcost < scenario$boundMax)] <- scenario$boundMax
9361002 irace.assert(length(which.exps) == length(which.exe))
9371003 vtimes <- unlist(lapply(output[which.exps], "[[", "time"))
9381004 irace.assert(length(vtimes) == length(which.exe))
939 if (scenario$capping) {
1005 if (capping) {
9401006 # Correct higher execution times.
9411007 experimentsTime[current.task, which.exps] <- pmin(vtimes, final.bounds[which.exps])
9421008 }
9801046 ## Dominance elimination (Capping only).
9811047 # The second condition can be false if we eliminated via immediate
9821048 # rejection
983 if (scenario$capping && sum(alive) > minSurvival) {
1049 if (capping && sum(alive) > minSurvival) {
9841050 irace.assert(!any(is.elite > 0) == (current.task >=
9851051 cap.alive <- dom.elim(Results[1:current.task, , drop = FALSE],
9861052 # Get current elite configurations
10251091 # It may happen that the capping and the test eliminate together all
10261092 # configurations. In that case, we only trust the capping elimination.
1027 if (scenario$capping && !any(alive)) {
1093 if (capping && !any(alive)) {
10281094 if (scenario$debugLevel >= 2) {
1029 irace.note("Warning: Elimination tests have eliminated all configurations, keeping the capping results.\n")
1095 irace.warning("Elimination tests have eliminated all configurations, keeping the capping results.\n")
10301096 irace.note("Alive according to capping:", which(cap.alive), "\n")
10311097 irace.note("Alive according to test:", which(test.alive), "\n")
10321098 }
10681134 # Remove the ranks of those that are not alive anymore
10691135 race.ranks <- race.ranks[which.alive]
10701136 irace.assert(length(race.ranks) == sum(alive))
1072 race.print.task(res.symb, Results[1:current.task, , drop = FALSE],
1073 race.instances[current.task],
1074 current.task, alive = alive,
1075 configurations[best, ".ID."],
1076 best = best, experimentsUsed, start.time,
1077 bound = elite.bound, scenario$capping)
1137 if (!quiet)
1138 race.print.task(res.symb, Results[1:current.task, , drop = FALSE],
1139 race.instances[current.task],
1140 current.task, alive = alive,
1141 configurations[best, ".ID."],
1142 best = best, experimentsUsed, start.time,
1143 bound = elite.bound, capping)
10791145 if (elitist) {
10801146 # Compute number of statistical tests without eliminations.
10811147 irace.assert(!any(is.elite > 0) == (current.task >=
10901156 }
10911157 }
1093 # Adding this given that when ncandidates = minsuvival+1
1159 if (is.null(break.msg))
1160 break.msg <- paste0("all instances (", no.tasks, ") evaluated")
1162 # Adding this given that when ncandidates = minsurvival+1
10941163 # and there one elite configuration that gets discarded in the new instances
10951164 # execution the race is finished with no executions.
10961165 # FIXME: we should handle this better, maybe allowing irace to handle no elite
10971166 # in irace()
1098 # MANUEL: I still don't understand how we reach this error if there are non-rejected elites.
1099 if (current.task == 1 && !any(is.elite > 0))
1167 # MANUEL: Leslie, how can we reach this error in normal circumstances?
1168 # Can we handle this better?
1169 if (current.task == 1 && !any(is.elite > 0))
11001170 irace.error ("Maximum number configurations immediately rejected reached!")
1102 if (is.null(break.msg))
1103 break.msg <- paste0("all instances (", no.tasks, ") evaluated")
11051172 # All instances that are not new in this race must have been evaluated by at
11061173 # least one configuration.
11071174 irace.assert(all_elite_instances_evaluated(),
11131180 race.ranks <- overall.ranks(Results[, alive, drop = FALSE], stat.test = stat.test)
11141181 best <- which.alive[which.min(race.ranks)]
1116 race.print.footer(bestconf = configurations[best, , drop = FALSE],
1117 # FIXME: This is the mean of the best, but perhaps it
1118 # should be the sum of ranks in the case of test ==
1119 # friedman?
1120 = mean(Results[, best]),
1121 break.msg = break.msg, debug.level = scenario$debugLevel,
1122 capping = scenario$capping)
1183 if (!quiet)
1184 race.print.footer(bestconf = configurations[best, , drop = FALSE],
1185 # FIXME: This is the mean of the best, but perhaps it
1186 # should be the sum of ranks in the case of test ==
1187 # friedman?
1188 = mean(Results[, best]),
1189 break.msg = break.msg, debug.level = scenario$debugLevel,
1190 capping = capping)
11241192 nbAlive <- sum(alive)
11251193 configurations$.ALIVE. <- as.logical(alive)
11261194 # Assign the proper ranks in the configurations data.frame.
0 #' readConfigurationsFile
1 #'
2 #' `readConfigurationsFile` reads a set of target algorithms configurations
3 #' from a file and puts them in \pkg{irace} format. The configurations are checked
4 #' to match the parameters description provided.
5 #'
6 #' @param filename (`character(1)`) \cr Filename from which the configurations should be read.
0 #' Read parameter configurations from a file
1 #'
2 #' Reads a set of target-algorithm configurations from a file and puts them in
3 #' \pkg{irace} format. The configurations are checked to match the parameters
4 #' description provided.
5 #'
6 #' @param filename (`character(1)`) \cr Filename from which the configurations should be read. The contents should be readable by `read.table( , header=TRUE)`.
77 #' @template arg_parameters
88 #' @template arg_debuglevel
99 #' @template arg_text
1212 #' Each row of the data frame is a candidate configuration,
1313 #' the columns correspond to the parameter names in `parameters`.
1414 #'
15 #' @details
16 #' Example of an input file:
17 #' ```
18 #' # This is a comment line
19 #' <param_name_1> <param_name_2> ...
20 #' 0.5 "value_1" ...
21 #' 1.0 "value_2" ...
22 #' 1.2 "value_3" ...
23 #' ... ...
24 #' ```
25 #' The order of the columns does not necessarily have to be the same
26 #' as in the file containing the definition of the parameters.
27 #'
1528 #' @seealso
16 #' \code{\link{readParameters}} to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters list.
29 #' [readParameters()] to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters file.
1730 #'
1831 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
19 #' @md
2032 #' @export
21 ## Read some configurations from a file.
22 ## Example of an input file,
23 ## it should be readable with read.table( , header=TRUE).
24 ## -------------------------------
25 ## <param_name_1> <param_name_2>
26 ## 1 "value_1"
27 ## 2 "value_2"
28 ## # This is a comment line
29 ## 3 "value_3"
30 ## -------------------------------
31 ## The order of the columns does not necessarily have to be the same
32 ## as in the file containing the definition of the parameters.
33 ##
3433 ## FIXME: What about digits?
3534 readConfigurationsFile <- function(filename, parameters, debugLevel = 0, text)
3635 {
5049 # Print the table that has been read.
5150 cat("# Read ", nbConfigurations, " configuration(s) from file '", filename, "'\n", sep="")
5251 if (debugLevel >= 2) {
53 print(, stringAsFactor = FALSE), digits=15)
52 print(, stringsAsFactor = FALSE), digits=15)
5453 }
5655 namesParameters <- names(parameters$conditions)
156155 }
157156 }
158157 }
159 return (configurationTable)
158 if (anyDuplicated(configurationTable)) {
159 irace.error("Duplicated configurations in file ", filename, " :\n",
160 paste0(capture.output(
161 configurationTable[duplicated(configurationTable), , drop=FALSE]), "\n"))
162 }
163 configurationTable
160164 }
161165 # FIXME: It may be faster to create a single expression that concatenates all
162166 # the elements of forbidden using '|'
173177 ## would be faster to break as soon as nrow(configurations) < 1
174178 }
175179 #print(nrow(configurations))
176 return(configurations)
180 configurations
177181 }
179183 compile.forbidden <- function(x)
189193 # We expect that there will be undefined variables, since the expressions
190194 # will be evaluated within a data.frame later.
191 exp <- compiler::compile(substitute( | !(x), list(x = x)),
195 expr <- compiler::compile(substitute( | !(x), list(x = x)),
192196 options = list(suppressUndefined=TRUE))
193 attr(exp, "source") <- as.character(as.expression(x))
194 return(exp)
197 attr(expr, "source") <- as.character(as.expression(x))
198 expr
195199 }
197201 readForbiddenFile <- function(filename)
206210 # FIXME: Instead of a list, we should generate a single expression that is
207211 # the logical-OR of all elements of the list.
212 # First we would need to handle the " | !(x)" case here.
213 # Maybe: sapply(forbiddenExps, function(x) substitute( | !(x), list(x=x)))
214 # x <- parse(text=paste0("(", paste0(forbiddenExps,collapse=")||("), ")"))
209215 # Byte-compile them.
210 return(sapply(forbiddenExps, compile.forbidden))
216 sapply(forbiddenExps, compile.forbidden)
211217 }
213219 buildForbiddenExp <- function(configurations, parameters)
226232 }
227233 exps <- parse(text = lines)
228234 # print(exps)
229 return(sapply(exps, compile.forbidden))
235 sapply(exps, compile.forbidden)
230236 }
232 #' readScenario
233 #'
234 #' `readScenario` reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by
235 #' \pkg{irace}..
238 #' Reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by \pkg{irace}.
236239 #'
237240 #' @param filename (`character(1)`) \cr Filename from which the scenario will
238241 #' be read. If empty, the default `scenarioFile` is used. An example
241244 #' @templateVar arg_appendix This is an initial scenario that is overwritten
242245 #' for every setting specified in the file to be read.
243246 #' @template arg_scenario
244 #'
247 #' @template arg_params_def
248 #'
245249 #' @return The scenario list read from the file. The scenario settings not
246250 #' present in the file are not present in the list, i.e., they are `NULL`.
247251 #'
248252 #' @seealso
249253 #' \describe{
250 #' \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
251 #' \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
252 #' \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
254 #' \item{[printScenario()]}{prints the given scenario.}
255 #' \item{[defaultScenario()]}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
256 #' \item{[checkScenario()]}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
253257 #' }
254258 #'
255259 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
256 #' @md
257260 #' @export
258 readScenario <- function(filename = "", scenario = list())
261 readScenario <- function(filename = "", scenario = list(),
262 params_def = .irace.params.def)
259263 {
260264 # This function allows recursively including scenario files.
261 envir <- environment()
262 include.scenario <- function(rfilename, topfile = filename, envir. = envir)
265 scenario_env <- new.env()
266 include.scenario <- function(rfilename, topfile = filename, envir. = scenario_env)
263267 {
264268 if (!file.exists (rfilename)) {
265269 irace.error ("The scenario file ", shQuote(rfilename), " included from ",
280284 # First find out which file...
281285 if (filename == "") {
282 filename <- .irace.params.def["scenarioFile","default"]
286 filename <- path_rel2abs(params_def["scenarioFile","default"])
283287 if (file.exists(filename)) {
284 cat("Warning: A default scenario file", shQuote(filename),
285 "has been found and will be read\n")
288 irace.warning("A default scenario file ", shQuote(filename),
289 " has been found and will be read.")
286290 } else {
287291 irace.error ("Not scenario file given (use ",
288 .irace.params.def["scenarioFile", "short"], " or ",
289 .irace.params.def["scenarioFile", "long"],
292 params_def["scenarioFile", "short"], " or ",
293 params_def["scenarioFile", "long"],
290294 ") and no default scenario file ", shQuote(filename),
291295 " has been found.")
292296 }
293 }
297 } else {
298 filename <- path_rel2abs(filename)
299 }
294301 if (file.exists (filename)) {
295302 debug.level <- getOption(".irace.debug.level", default = 0)
296303 if (debug.level >= 1)
297 cat ("# Reading scenario file", shQuote(filename), ".......")
304 cat("# Reading scenario file", shQuote(filename), ".......")
298305 # chdir = TRUE to allow recursive sourcing.
299306 handle.source.error <- function(e) {
300307 irace.error("Reading scenario file ", shQuote(filename),
303310 return(NULL)
304311 }
305312 withCallingHandlers(
306 tryCatch(source(filename, local = TRUE, chdir = TRUE),
313 tryCatch(source(filename, local = scenario_env, chdir = TRUE),
307314 error = handle.source.error, warning = handle.source.error))
308315 if (debug.level >= 1) cat (" done!\n")
309316 } else {
310317 irace.error ("The scenario file ", shQuote(filename), " does not exist.")
311318 }
312320 ## Read scenario file variables.
321 scenario[["scenarioFile"]] <- filename
313322 # If these are given and relative, they should be relative to the
314323 # scenario file (except logFile, which is relative to execDir).
315 pathParams <- setdiff(.irace.params.def[.irace.params.def[, "type"] == "p",
324 pathParams <- setdiff(params_def[params_def[, "type"] == "p",
316325 "name"], "logFile")
317 for (param in .irace.params.names) {
318 if (exists (param, inherits = FALSE)) {
319 value <- get(param, inherits = FALSE)
326 params_names <- params_def[!startsWith(params_def[,"name"], "."), "name"]
328 for (param in params_names) {
329 if (exists (param, envir = scenario_env, inherits = FALSE)) {
330 value <- get(param, envir = scenario_env, inherits = FALSE)
320331 if (!is.null.or.empty(value) && is.character(value)
321332 && (param %in% pathParams)) {
322 value <- path.rel2abs(value, cwd = dirname(filename))
333 value <- path_rel2abs(value, cwd = dirname(filename))
323334 }
324335 scenario[[param]] <- value
325336 }
326337 }
327 return (scenario)
338 unknown_scenario_vars <- setdiff(ls(scenario_env), params_names)
339 if (length(unknown_scenario_vars) > 0) {
340 # We only accept variables that match irace.params.names and if the user
341 # wants to define their own, they should use names starting with ".", which
342 # are ignored by ls()
343 irace.error("Scenario file ", shQuote(filename), " contains unknown variables: ",
344 paste0(unknown_scenario_vars, collapse=", "),
345 "\nMAKE SURE NO VARIABLE NAME IS MISSPELL (for example, 'parameterFile' is correct, while 'parametersFile' is not)",
346 "\nIf you wish to use your own variables in the scenario file, use names beginning with a dot `.'")
347 }
348 scenario
328349 }
351 setup_test_instances <- function(scenario)
352 {
353 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario[["testInstances"]])) {
354 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstancesDir) ||
355 !is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstancesFile)) {
356 scenario$testInstancesDir <- path_rel2abs(scenario$testInstancesDir)
357 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstancesFile)) {
358 scenario$testInstancesFile <- path_rel2abs(scenario$testInstancesFile)
359 }
360 scenario[["testInstances"]] <-
361 readInstances(instancesDir = scenario$testInstancesDir,
362 instancesFile = scenario$testInstancesFile)
363 } else {
364 scenario[["testInstances"]] <- NULL
365 }
366 }
367 if (!is.null(scenario[["testInstances"]])
368 && is.null(names(scenario[["testInstances"]]))) {
369 # Create unique IDs for testInstances
370 names(scenario[["testInstances"]]) <- paste0(1:length(scenario[["testInstances"]]), "t")
371 }
372 scenario
373 }
330375 #' Check and correct the given scenario
331376 #'
332 #' `checkScenario` takes a (possibly incomplete) scenario setup of
333 #' \pkg{irace}, checks for errors and transforms it into a valid scenario.
377 #' Checks for errors a (possibly incomplete) scenario setup of
378 #' \pkg{irace} and transforms it into a valid scenario.
334379 #'
335380 #' @template arg_scenario
336381 #'
346391 #'
347392 #' @seealso
348393 #' \describe{
349 #' \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
350 #' \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
351 #' \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
352 #' \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
394 #' \item{[readScenario()]}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
395 #' \item{[printScenario()]}{prints the given scenario.}
396 #' \item{[defaultScenario()]}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
397 #' \item{[checkScenario()]}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
353398 #' }
354399 #'
355400 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
356 #' @md
357401 #' @export
358402 ## FIXME: This function should only do checks and return TRUE/FALSE. There
359403 ## should be other function that does the various transformations.
361405 {
362406 quote.param <- function(name)
363407 {
364 return(paste0("'", name, "' (", .irace.params.def[name, "long"], ")"))
408 if (.irace.params.def[name, "long"] != "") {
409 return(paste0("'", name, "' (", .irace.params.def[name, "long"], ")"))
410 }
411 paste0("'", name, "'")
365412 }
367414 as.boolean.param <- function(x, name)
370417 if ( (x) || (x != 0 && x != 1)) {
371418 irace.error (quote.param(name), " must be either 0 or 1.")
372419 }
373 return(as.logical(x))
374 }
376 check.valid.param <- function(x, valid)
420 as.logical(x)
421 }
423 check.valid.param <- function(x)
377424 {
425 cat(x, "\n")
426 cat(.irace.params.def[x, "domain"], "\n")
427 valid <- trimws(strsplit(.irace.params.def[x, "domain"],",",fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
378428 if (scenario[[x]] %!in% valid) {
379429 irace.error ("Invalid value '", scenario[[x]], "' of ",
380430 quote.param(x), ", valid values are: ",
381431 paste0(valid, collapse = ", "))
382432 }
383433 }
386435 # Fill possible unset (NULL) with default settings.
387 scenario <- defaultScenario (scenario)
436 scenario <- defaultScenario(scenario)
389438 # Duplicated entries will cause confusion.
390439 dups <- anyDuplicated(names(scenario))
396445 for (p in boolParams) {
397446 scenario[[p]] <- as.boolean.param (scenario[[p]], p)
398447 }
448 options(.irace.quiet = scenario$quiet)
400449 ## Check that everything is fine with external parameters
401450 # Check that the files exist and are readable.
402 scenario$parameterFile <- path.rel2abs(scenario$parameterFile)
451 scenario$parameterFile <- path_rel2abs(scenario$parameterFile)
403452 # We don't read parameterFile here because the user may give the parameters
404453 # explicitly. And it is validated in readParameters anyway.
405 scenario$execDir <- path.rel2abs(scenario$execDir)
454 scenario$execDir <- path_rel2abs(scenario$execDir)
406455 file.check (scenario$execDir, isdir = TRUE,
407456 text = paste0("execution directory ", quote.param("execDir")))
408457 options(.irace.execdir = scenario$execDir)
409458 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$logFile)) {
410 scenario$logFile <- path.rel2abs(scenario$logFile, cwd = scenario$execDir)
411 file.check(scenario$logFile, writeable = TRUE,
412 text = quote.param('logFile'))
459 scenario$logFile <- path_rel2abs(scenario$logFile, cwd = scenario$execDir)
460 file.check(scenario$logFile, writeable = TRUE, text = quote.param('logFile'))
413461 } else {
414 scenario$logFile <- NULL
462 # We cannot use NULL because defaultScenario() would override it.
463 scenario$logFile <- ""
415464 }
417466 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$recoveryFile)) {
418 scenario$recoveryFile <- path.rel2abs(scenario$recoveryFile)
467 scenario$recoveryFile <- path_rel2abs(scenario$recoveryFile)
419468 file.check(scenario$recoveryFile, readable = TRUE,
420469 text = paste0("recovery file ", quote.param("recoveryFile")))
422 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$logFile)
471 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$logFile) # Must have been set "" above.
423472 && scenario$recoveryFile == scenario$logFile) {
424 irace.error("log file and recovery file should be different ('",
473 irace.error("log file and recovery file should be different '",
425474 scenario$logFile, "'")
426475 }
427476 } else {
428 scenario$recoveryFile <- NULL
477 # We cannot use NULL because defaultScenario() would override it.
478 scenario$recoveryFile <- ""
429479 }
431481 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$targetRunnerParallel)) {
450500 .irace$target.runner <- bytecompile(scenario$targetRunner)
451501 } else if (is.null(scenario$targetRunnerParallel)) {
452502 if (is.character(scenario$targetRunner)) {
453 scenario$targetRunner <- path.rel2abs(scenario$targetRunner)
454 file.check (scenario$targetRunner, executable = TRUE,
455 text = paste0("target runner ", quote.param("targetRunner")))
503 scenario$targetRunner <- path_rel2abs(scenario$targetRunner)
456504 .irace$target.runner <- if (scenario$aclib)
457505 target.runner.aclib else target.runner.default
506 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$targetRunnerLauncher)) {
507 file.check (scenario$targetRunner, executable = TRUE,
508 text = paste0("target runner ", quote.param("targetRunner")))
509 } else {
510 scenario$targetRunnerLauncher <- path_rel2abs(scenario$targetRunnerLauncher)
511 file.check (scenario$targetRunnerLauncher, executable = TRUE,
512 text = paste0("target runner launcher ", quote.param("targetRunnerLauncher")))
513 check_launcher_args(scenario$targetRunnerLauncherArgs)
514 }
458515 } else {
459516 irace.error(quote.param ('targetRunner'), " must be a function or an executable program")
460517 }
467524 scenario$targetEvaluator <- get.function(scenario$targetEvaluator)
468525 .irace$target.evaluator <- bytecompile(scenario$targetEvaluator)
469526 } else if (is.character(scenario$targetEvaluator)) {
470 scenario$targetEvaluator <- path.rel2abs(scenario$targetEvaluator)
527 scenario$targetEvaluator <- path_rel2abs(scenario$targetEvaluator)
471528 file.check (scenario$targetEvaluator, executable = TRUE,
472529 text = "target evaluator")
473530 .irace$target.evaluator <- target.evaluator.default
474531 } else {
475 irace.error("'targetEvaluator' must be a function or an executable program")
532 irace.error(quote.param('targetEvaluator'), " must be a function or an executable program")
476533 }
478535 irace.assert(is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator) == is.null(.irace$target.evaluator))
480537 # Training instances
481538 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$instances)) {
482 scenario$trainInstancesDir <- path.rel2abs(scenario$trainInstancesDir)
539 scenario$trainInstancesDir <- path_rel2abs(scenario$trainInstancesDir)
483540 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$trainInstancesFile)) {
484 scenario$trainInstancesFile <- path.rel2abs(scenario$trainInstancesFile)
541 scenario$trainInstancesFile <- path_rel2abs(scenario$trainInstancesFile)
485542 }
486543 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$trainInstancesDir)
487544 && is.null.or.empty(scenario$trainInstancesFile))
495552 }
497554 # Testing instances
498 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstances)) {
499 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstancesDir) ||
500 !is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstancesFile)) {
501 scenario$testInstancesDir <- path.rel2abs(scenario$testInstancesDir)
502 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$testInstancesFile)) {
503 scenario$testInstancesFile <- path.rel2abs(scenario$testInstancesFile)
504 }
505 scenario$testInstances <-
506 readInstances(instancesDir = scenario$testInstancesDir,
507 instancesFile = scenario$testInstancesFile)
508 } else {
509 scenario$testInstances <- NULL
510 }
511 }
512 if (!is.null(scenario$testInstances)
513 && is.null(names(scenario$testInstances))) {
514 # Create unique IDs for testInstances
515 names(scenario$testInstances) <- paste0(1:length(scenario$testInstances), "t")
516 }
555 scenario <- setup_test_instances(scenario)
518557 # Configurations file
519558 if (!is.null.or.empty(scenario$configurationsFile)) {
520 scenario$configurationsFile <- path.rel2abs(scenario$configurationsFile)
559 scenario$configurationsFile <- path_rel2abs(scenario$configurationsFile)
521560 file.check (scenario$configurationsFile, readable = TRUE,
522561 text = "configurations file")
523562 # We cannot read the configurations here because we need the parameters.
534573 # the user specified them explicitly.
535574 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$forbiddenExps)
536575 && !is.null.or.empty(scenario$forbiddenFile)) {
537 scenario$forbiddenFile <- path.rel2abs(scenario$forbiddenFile)
576 scenario$forbiddenFile <- path_rel2abs(scenario$forbiddenFile)
538577 file.check (scenario$forbiddenFile, readable = TRUE,
539578 text = "forbidden configurations file")
540579 scenario$forbiddenExps <- readForbiddenFile(scenario$forbiddenFile)
541 cat("# ", length(scenario$forbiddenExps),
542 " expression(s) specifying forbidden configurations read from '",
543 scenario$forbiddenFile, "'\n", sep = "")
580 irace.note(length(scenario$forbiddenExps),
581 " expression(s) specifying forbidden configurations read from '",
582 scenario$forbiddenFile, "'\n")
544583 }
546585 # Make it NULL if it is "" or NA
547586 # FIXME: If it is a non-empty vector of strings, parse them as above.
548 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$forbiddenExps) ||$forbiddenExps))
587 if (is_null_or_empty_or_na(scenario$forbiddenExps))
549588 scenario$forbiddenExps <- NULL
551590 # We have characters everywhere, set to the right types to avoid
577616 if (scenario$mu < scenario$firstTest) {
578617 if (scenario$debugLevel >= 1) {
579 cat("Warning: Assuming 'mu = firstTest' because 'mu' cannot be lower than 'firstTest'\n")
618 irace.warning("Assuming 'mu = firstTest' because 'mu' cannot be lower than 'firstTest'\n")
580619 }
581620 scenario$mu <- scenario$firstTest
582621 }
638677 " must be larger than 1 when mpi is enabled.")
639678 }
641681 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$batchmode))
642682 scenario$batchmode <- 0
643683 if (scenario$batchmode != 0) {
644684 scenario$batchmode <- tolower(scenario$batchmode)
645 # FIXME: We should encode options in the large table in main.R
646 check.valid.param("batchmode", valid = c("sge", "pbs", "torque", "slurm"))
685 check.valid.param("batchmode")
647686 }
648687 # Currently batchmode requires a targetEvaluator
649688 if (scenario$batchmode != 0 && is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator)) {
662701 if (scenario$boundMax <= 0)
663702 irace.error("When capping == TRUE, boundMax (", scenario$boundMax,
664703 ") must be > 0")
665 check.valid.param("cappingType",
666 valid = c("median", "mean", "worst", "best"))
667 check.valid.param("boundType", valid = c("instance", "candidate"))
704 check.valid.param("cappingType")
705 check.valid.param("boundType")
669706 if (scenario$boundPar < 1)
670 irace.error("Invalid value boundPar (", scenario$boundPar,
671 ") must be >= 1")
672 } else { # no capping
673 if (scenario$boundMax <= 0 ||$boundMax))
674 scenario$boundMax <- NULL
675 }
679 if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$testType) ||
680$testType) ||
681 scenario$testType =="") {
682 if (scenario$capping) scenario$testType <- "t-test"
683 else scenario$testType <- "f-test"
707 irace.error("Invalid value (", scenario$boundPar, ") ",
708 quote.param("boundPar"), " must be >= 1")
709 } else if (scenario$boundMax <= 0 ||$boundMax)) { # no capping
710 scenario$boundMax <- NULL
711 }
713 if (is_null_or_empty_or_na(scenario$testType)) {
714 if (scenario$capping) scenario$testType <- "t-test"
715 else scenario$testType <- "f-test"
684716 }
686718 scenario$testType <-
693725 "t.holm" = "t.holm",
694726 "t-test-bonferroni" =, # Fall-through,
695727 "t.bonferroni" = "t.bonferroni",
696 check.valid.param("testType",
697 c("F-test, t-test, t-test-holm, t-test-bonferroni")))
699 return (scenario)
728 check.valid.param("testType"))
729 scenario
700730 }
702732 #' Prints the given scenario
705735 #'
706736 #' @seealso
707737 #' \describe{
708 #' \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
709 #' \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
710 #' \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
711 #' \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
738 #' \item{[readScenario()]}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
739 #' \item{[printScenario()]}{prints the given scenario.}
740 #' \item{[defaultScenario()]}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
741 #' \item{[checkScenario()]}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
712742 #' }
713743 #'
714744 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
715 #' @md
716745 #' @export
717746 printScenario <- function(scenario)
718747 {
748 params_names <- .irace.params.names
719749 cat("## irace scenario:\n")
720 for (param in .irace.params.names) {
750 for (param in params_names) {
721751 if (param == "forbiddenExps")
722752 extra <- paste0(" = expression(", paste0(collapse=", ",
723753 sapply(scenario[[param]], attr, "source")), ")")
730760 #' Default scenario settings
731761 #'
732 #' Return scenario with default values.
762 #' Return scenario object with default values.
733763 #'
734764 #' @template arg_scenario
765 #'
766 #' @template arg_params_def
735767 #'
736768 #' @return A list indexed by the \pkg{irace} parameter names,
737769 #' containing the default values for each parameter, except for those
741773 #' \itemize{
742774 #' \item General options:
743775 #' \describe{
744 #' \item{\code{scenarioFile}}{Path of the file that describes the configuration scenario setup and other irace settings. (Default: \code{"./scenario.txt"})}
745 #' \item{\code{execDir}}{Directory where the programs will be run. (Default: \code{"./"})}
746 #' \item{\code{logFile}}{File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir. (Default: \code{"./irace.Rdata"})}
747 #' \item{\code{debugLevel}}{Debug level of the output of \code{irace}. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values provide more verbose debug messages. (Default: \code{0})}
748 #' \item{\code{seed}}{Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed). (Default: \code{NA})}
749 #' \item{\code{repairConfiguration}}{User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace and repairs it. (Default: \code{""})}
750 #' \item{\code{postselection}}{Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform a postselection race of the best configurations of each iteration after the execution of irace. (Default: \code{0})}
751 #' \item{\code{aclib}}{Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script. (Default: \code{0})}
752 #' }
753 #' \item Elitist \code{irace}:
754 #' \describe{
755 #' \item{\code{elitist}}{Enable/disable elitist irace. (Default: \code{1})}
756 #' \item{\code{elitistNewInstances}}{Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances in elitist irace. (Default: \code{1})}
757 #' \item{\code{elitistLimit}}{In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit. (Default: \code{2})}
758 #' }
759 #' \item Internal \code{irace} options:
760 #' \describe{
761 #' \item{\code{nbIterations}}{Number of iterations. (Default: \code{0})}
762 #' \item{\code{nbExperimentsPerIteration}}{Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
763 #' \item{\code{sampleInstances}}{Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given. (Default: \code{1})}
764 #' \item{\code{minNbSurvival}}{Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration). (Default: \code{0})}
765 #' \item{\code{nbConfigurations}}{Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
766 #' \item{\code{mu}}{Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: \code{5})}
767 #' \item{\code{softRestart}}{Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. (Default: \code{1})}
768 #' \item{\code{softRestartThreshold}}{Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. If \code{NA}, \code{NULL} or \code{""}, it is computed as \code{10^-digits}. (Default: \code{""})}
776 #' \item{`scenarioFile`}{Path of the file that describes the configuration scenario setup and other irace settings. (Default: `"./scenario.txt"`)}
777 #' \item{`execDir`}{Directory where the programs will be run. (Default: `"./"`)}
778 #' \item{`logFile`}{File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir. (Default: `"./irace.Rdata"`)}
779 #' \item{`quiet`}{Reduce the output generated by irace to a minimum. (Default: `0`)}
780 #' \item{`debugLevel`}{Debug level of the output of \code{irace}. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values provide more verbose debug messages. (Default: `0`)}
781 #' \item{`seed`}{Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed). (Default: `NA`)}
782 #' \item{`repairConfiguration`}{User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace and repairs it. (Default: `""`)}
783 #' \item{`postselection`}{Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform a postselection race of the best configurations of each iteration after the execution of irace. (Default: `0`)}
784 #' \item{`aclib`}{Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script. (Default: `0`)}
785 #' }
786 #' \item Elitist `irace`:
787 #' \describe{
788 #' \item{`elitist`}{Enable/disable elitist irace. (Default: `1`)}
789 #' \item{`elitistNewInstances`}{Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances in elitist irace. (Default: `1`)}
790 #' \item{`elitistLimit`}{In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit. (Default: `2`)}
791 #' }
792 #' \item Internal `irace` options:
793 #' \describe{
794 #' \item{`sampleInstances`}{Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given. (Default: `1`)}
795 #' \item{`softRestart`}{Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. (Default: `1`)}
796 #' \item{`softRestartThreshold`}{Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. If \code{NA}, \code{NULL} or \code{""}, it is computed as \code{10^-digits}. (Default: `""`)}
797 #' \item{`nbIterations`}{Maximum number of iterations. (Default: `0`)}
798 #' \item{`nbExperimentsPerIteration`}{Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration. (Default: `0`)}
799 #' \item{`minNbSurvival`}{Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration). (Default: `0`)}
800 #' \item{`nbConfigurations`}{Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: `0`)}
801 #' \item{`mu`}{Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: `5`)}
769802 #' }
770803 #' \item Target algorithm parameters:
771804 #' \describe{
772 #' \item{\code{parameterFile}}{File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm. (Default: \code{"./parameters.txt"})}
773 #' \item{\code{forbiddenExps}}{Vector of R logical expressions that cannot evaluate to \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. (Default: \code{""})}
774 #' \item{\code{forbiddenFile}}{File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. If empty or \code{NULL}, do not use forbidden expressions. (Default: \code{""})}
775 #' \item{\code{digits}}{Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical (real) parameters. (Default: \code{4})}
805 #' \item{`parameterFile`}{File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm. (Default: `"./parameters.txt"`)}
806 #' \item{`forbiddenExps`}{Vector of R logical expressions that cannot evaluate to \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. (Default: `""`)}
807 #' \item{`forbiddenFile`}{File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. If empty or \code{NULL}, do not use forbidden expressions. (Default: `""`)}
808 #' \item{`digits`}{Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical (real) parameters. (Default: `4`)}
776809 #' }
777810 #' \item Target algorithm execution:
778811 #' \describe{
779 #' \item{\code{targetRunner}}{Script called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See templates. (Default: \code{"./target-runner"})}
780 #' \item{\code{targetRunnerRetries}}{Number of times to retry a call to \code{targetRunner} if the call failed. (Default: \code{0})}
781 #' \item{\code{targetRunnerData}}{Optional data passed to \code{targetRunner}. This is ignored by the default \code{targetRunner} function, but it may be used by custom \code{targetRunner} functions to pass persistent data around. (Default: \code{""})}
782 #' \item{\code{targetRunnerParallel}}{Optional R function to provide custom parallelization of \code{targetRunner}. (Default: \code{""})}
783 #' \item{\code{targetEvaluator}}{Optional script or R function that provides a numeric value for each configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl (Default: \code{""})}
784 #' \item{\code{deterministic}}{If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance. (Default: \code{0})}
785 #' \item{\code{parallel}}{Number of calls to \code{targetRunner} to execute in parallel. Values \code{0} or \code{1} mean no parallelization. (Default: \code{0})}
786 #' \item{\code{loadBalancing}}{Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing may be faster. (Default: \code{1})}
787 #' \item{\code{mpi}}{Enable/disable MPI. Use \code{Rmpi} to execute \code{targetRunner} in parallel (parameter \code{parallel} is the number of slaves). (Default: \code{0})}
788 #' \item{\code{batchmode}}{Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when \code{targetRunner} submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque or slurm. \code{targetRunner} must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, \code{qsub}. (Default: \code{0})}
812 #' \item{`targetRunner`}{Executable called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See the templates and examples provided. (Default: `"./target-runner"`)}
813 #' \item{`targetRunnerLauncher`}{Executable that will be used to launch the target runner, when \code{targetRunner} cannot be executed directly (.e.g, a Python script in Windows). (Default: `""`)}
814 #' \item{`targetRunnerLauncherArgs`}{Command-line arguments provided to \code{targetRunnerLauncher}. The substrings \code{\{targetRunner\}} and \code{\{targetRunnerArgs\}} will be replaced by the value of the option \code{targetRunner} and by the arguments usually passed when calling \code{targetRunner}, respectively. Example: \code{"-m {targetRunner} --args {targetRunnerArgs}"}. (Default: `"{targetRunner} {targetRunnerArgs}"`)}
815 #' \item{`targetRunnerRetries`}{Number of times to retry a call to \code{targetRunner} if the call failed. (Default: `0`)}
816 #' \item{`targetRunnerData`}{Optional data passed to \code{targetRunner}. This is ignored by the default \code{targetRunner} function, but it may be used by custom \code{targetRunner} functions to pass persistent data around. (Default: `""`)}
817 #' \item{`targetRunnerParallel`}{Optional R function to provide custom parallelization of \code{targetRunner}. (Default: `""`)}
818 #' \item{`targetEvaluator`}{Optional script or R function that provides a numeric value for each configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl (Default: `""`)}
819 #' \item{`deterministic`}{If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance. (Default: `0`)}
820 #' \item{`parallel`}{Number of calls to \code{targetRunner} to execute in parallel. Values \code{0} or \code{1} mean no parallelization. (Default: `0`)}
821 #' \item{`loadBalancing`}{Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing may be faster. (Default: `1`)}
822 #' \item{`mpi`}{Enable/disable MPI. Use \code{Rmpi} to execute \code{targetRunner} in parallel (parameter \code{parallel} is the number of slaves). (Default: `0`)}
823 #' \item{`batchmode`}{Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when \code{targetRunner} submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque, slurm or htcondor. \code{targetRunner} must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, \code{qsub}. (Default: `0`)}
789824 #' }
790825 #' \item Initial configurations:
791826 #' \describe{
792 #' \item{\code{initConfigurations}}{Data frame describing initial configurations (usually read from a file using \code{readConfigurations}). (Default: \code{""})}
793 #' \item{\code{configurationsFile}}{File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or \code{NULL}, all initial configurations are randomly generated. (Default: \code{""})}
827 #' \item{`initConfigurations`}{Data frame describing initial configurations (usually read from a file using \code{readConfigurations}). (Default: `""`)}
828 #' \item{`configurationsFile`}{File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or \code{NULL}, all initial configurations are randomly generated. (Default: `""`)}
794829 #' }
795830 #' \item Training instances:
796831 #' \describe{
797 #' \item{\code{instances}}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner}. (Default: \code{""})}
798 #' \item{\code{trainInstancesDir}}{Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no \code{trainInstancesFiles} is provided, all the files in \code{trainInstancesDir} will be listed as instances. (Default: \code{"./Instances"})}
799 #' \item{\code{trainInstancesFile}}{File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional parameters for them. If \code{trainInstancesDir} is provided, \code{irace} will search for the files in this folder. (Default: \code{""})}
832 #' \item{`instances`}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner}. (Default: `""`)}
833 #' \item{`trainInstancesDir`}{Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no \code{trainInstancesFiles} is provided, all the files in \code{trainInstancesDir} will be listed as instances. (Default: `"./Instances"`)}
834 #' \item{`trainInstancesFile`}{File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional parameters for them. If \code{trainInstancesDir} is provided, \code{irace} will search for the files in this folder. (Default: `""`)}
800835 #' }
801836 #' \item Tuning budget:
802837 #' \describe{
803 #' \item{\code{maxExperiments}}{Maximum number of runs (invocations of \code{targetRunner}) that will be performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning. (Default: \code{0})}
804 #' \item{\code{maxTime}}{Maximum total execution time in seconds for the executions of \code{targetRunner}. \code{targetRunner} must return two values: cost and time. (Default: \code{0})}
805 #' \item{\code{budgetEstimation}}{Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean computation time of a configuration. Only used when \code{maxTime} > 0 (Default: \code{0.02})}
838 #' \item{`maxExperiments`}{Maximum number of runs (invocations of \code{targetRunner}) that will be performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning. (Default: `0`)}
839 #' \item{`maxTime`}{Maximum total execution time in seconds for the executions of \code{targetRunner}. \code{targetRunner} must return two values: cost and time. (Default: `0`)}
840 #' \item{`budgetEstimation`}{Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean computation time of a configuration. Only used when \code{maxTime} > 0 (Default: `0.02`)}
841 #' \item{`minMeasurableTime`}{Minimum time unit that is still (significantly) measureable. (Default: `0.01`)}
806842 #' }
807843 #' \item Statistical test:
808844 #' \describe{
809 #' \item{\code{testType}}{Statistical test used for elimination. Default test is always \code{F-test} unless \code{capping} is enabled, in which case the default test is \code{t-test}. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons). (Default: \code{"F-test"})}
810 #' \item{\code{firstTest}}{Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of \code{eachTest}. (Default: \code{5})}
811 #' \item{\code{eachTest}}{Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests. (Default: \code{1})}
812 #' \item{\code{confidence}}{Confidence level for the elimination test. (Default: \code{0.95})}
845 #' \item{`testType`}{Statistical test used for elimination. The default value selects \code{t-test} if \code{capping} is enabled or \code{F-test}, otherwise. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons). (Default: `""`)}
846 #' \item{`firstTest`}{Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of \code{eachTest}. (Default: `5`)}
847 #' \item{`eachTest`}{Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests. (Default: `1`)}
848 #' \item{`confidence`}{Confidence level for the elimination test. (Default: `0.95`)}
813849 #' }
814850 #' \item Adaptive capping:
815851 #' \describe{
816 #' \item{\code{capping}}{Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing the computation time of configurations. This is only available when \code{elitist} is active. (Default: \code{0})}
817 #' \item{\code{cappingType}}{Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the performance of the elite configurations.\itemize{\item median: Median performance of the elite configurations.\item mean: Mean performance of the elite configurations.\item best: Best performance of the elite configurations.\item worst: Worst performance of the elite configurations.} (Default: \code{"median"})}
818 #' \item{\code{boundType}}{Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations.\itemize{\item candidate: Mean execution times across the executed instances and the current one.\item instance: Execution time of the current instance.} (Default: \code{"candidate"})}
819 #' \item{\code{boundMax}}{Maximum execution bound for \code{targetRunner}. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: \code{0})}
820 #' \item{\code{boundDigits}}{Precision used for calculating the execution time. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: \code{0})}
821 #' \item{\code{boundPar}}{Penalization constant for timed out executions (executions that reach \code{boundMax} execution time). (Default: \code{1})}
822 #' \item{\code{boundAsTimeout}}{Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with \code{boundMax}. (Default: \code{1})}
852 #' \item{`capping`}{Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing the computation time of configurations. This is only available when \code{elitist} is active. (Default: `0`)}
853 #' \item{`cappingType`}{Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the performance of the elite configurations.\itemize{\item median: Median performance of the elite configurations.\item mean: Mean performance of the elite configurations.\item best: Best performance of the elite configurations.\item worst: Worst performance of the elite configurations.} (Default: `"median"`)}
854 #' \item{`boundType`}{Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations.\itemize{\item candidate: Mean execution times across the executed instances and the current one.\item instance: Execution time of the current instance.} (Default: `"candidate"`)}
855 #' \item{`boundMax`}{Maximum execution bound for \code{targetRunner}. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: `0`)}
856 #' \item{`boundDigits`}{Precision used for calculating the execution time. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: `0`)}
857 #' \item{`boundPar`}{Penalization constant for timed out executions (executions that reach \code{boundMax} execution time). (Default: `1`)}
858 #' \item{`boundAsTimeout`}{Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with \code{boundMax}. (Default: `1`)}
823859 #' }
824860 #' \item Recovery:
825861 #' \describe{
826 #' \item{\code{recoveryFile}}{Previously saved log file to recover the execution of \code{irace}, either absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or \code{NULL}, recovery is not performed. (Default: \code{""})}
862 #' \item{`recoveryFile`}{Previously saved log file to recover the execution of \code{irace}, either absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or \code{NULL}, recovery is not performed. (Default: `""`)}
827863 #' }
828864 #' \item Testing:
829865 #' \describe{
830 #' \item{\code{testInstancesDir}}{Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory. (Default: \code{""})}
831 #' \item{\code{testInstancesFile}}{File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them. (Default: \code{""})}
832 #' \item{\code{testInstances}}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner} when executing the testing. (Default: \code{""})}
833 #' \item{\code{testNbElites}}{Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided. (Default: \code{1})}
834 #' \item{\code{testIterationElites}}{Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
866 #' \item{`testInstancesDir`}{Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory. (Default: `""`)}
867 #' \item{`testInstancesFile`}{File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them. (Default: `""`)}
868 #' \item{`testInstances`}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner} when executing the testing. (Default: `""`)}
869 #' \item{`testNbElites`}{Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided. (Default: `1`)}
870 #' \item{`testIterationElites`}{Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration. (Default: `0`)}
835871 #' }
836872 #' }
837873 # __IRACE_OPTIONS__END__
838874 #'
839875 #' @seealso
840876 #' \describe{
841 #' \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
842 #' \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
843 #' \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
844 #' \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
877 #' \item{[readScenario()]}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
878 #' \item{[printScenario()]}{prints the given scenario.}
879 #' \item{[defaultScenario()]}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
880 #' \item{[checkScenario()]}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
845881 #' }
846882 #'
847883 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
848884 #' @export
849 defaultScenario <- function(scenario = list())
850 {
851 if (!is.null(names(scenario))
852 && !all(names(scenario) %in% .irace.params.names)) {
885 defaultScenario <- function(scenario = list(),
886 params_def = .irace.params.def)
887 {
888 params_names <- params_def[!startsWith(params_def[,"name"], "."), "name"]
889 if (is.null(names(scenario))) {
890 scenario <- setNames(as.list(params_def[params_names,"default"]), params_names)
891 } else if (!all(names(scenario) %in% params_names)) {
853892 irace.error("Unknown scenario parameters: ",
854 paste(names(scenario)[which(!names(scenario)
855 %in% .irace.params.names)],
893 paste(names(scenario)[!(names(scenario) %in% params_names)],
856894 collapse = ", "))
857 }
859 for (k in .irace.params.names) {
860 if ([[k]])) {
861 scenario[[k]] <- .irace.params.def[k, "default"]
862 }
863 }
864 return (scenario)
895 } else {
896 for (k in params_names) {
897 if ([[k]])) {
898 scenario[[k]] <- params_def[k, "default"]
899 }
900 }
901 }
902 scenario
865903 }
867905 readInstances <- function(instancesDir = NULL, instancesFile = NULL)
878916 instances <- sub("#.*$", "", instances) # Remove comments
879917 instances <- sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", instances) # Remove leading whitespace
880918 instances <- instances[instances != ""] # Delete empty lines
881 # FIXME: is.null.or.empty should handle length() == 0.
882 if (is.null.or.empty(instances) || length(instances) == 0)
919 if (is.null.or.empty(instances))
883920 irace.error("No instances found in '", instancesFile,
884921 "' (whitespace and comments starting with '#' are ignored)")
885922 if (!is.null.or.empty(instancesDir))
894931 if (length (instances) == 0)
895932 irace.error("No instances found in `", instancesDir, "'")
896933 }
898 return(instances)
934 instances
899935 }
901937 ## Check targetRunner execution
902938 checkTargetFiles <- function(scenario, parameters)
903939 {
904 result <- TRUE
905940 ## Create two random configurations
906941 <- c("testConfig1", "testConfig2")
907942 configurations <- sampleUniform(parameters, length(,
908943 digits = scenario$digits,
909944 forbidden = scenario$forbiddenExps,
910945 repair = scenario$repairConfiguration)
911 configurations <- cbind (.ID. =, configurations)
946 configurations <- cbind(.ID. =, configurations, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
948 # Read initial configurations provided by the user.
949 initConfigurations <- allConfigurationsInit(scenario, parameters)
950 if (nrow(initConfigurations) > 0L) {
951 irace.assert(all(colnames(configurations) == colnames(initConfigurations)))
952 configurations <- rbind(configurations, initConfigurations)
953 }
913954 bounds <- rep(scenario$boundMax, nrow(configurations))
915956 instances.ID <- if (scenario$sampleInstances)
916$instances), 1) else 1
957$instances), 1L) else 1L
917958 experiments <- createExperimentList(
918959 configurations, parameters, instances = scenario$instances,
919960 instances.ID = instances.ID, seeds = 1234567, scenario, bounds = bounds)
924965 # FIXME: Create a function,warn.msg, fun, ...)
925966 # Executing targetRunner
926967 cat("# Executing targetRunner (", nrow(configurations), "times)...\n")
968 result <- TRUE
927969 output <- withCallingHandlers(
928970 tryCatch(execute.experiments(experiments, scenario),
929971 error = function(e) {
944986 }
946988 irace.assert(is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator) == is.null(.irace$target.evaluator))
989 if (!result) return(FALSE)
948991 if (!is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator)) {
949992 cat("# Executing targetEvaluator...\n")
950993 output <- withCallingHandlers(
9651008 print(output, digits = 15)
9661009 }
9671010 }
968 return(result)
1011 result
9691012 }
0 #' readParameters
1 #'
2 #' `readParameters` reads the parameters to be tuned by
3 #' \pkg{irace} from a file or directly from a character string.
0 #' Reads the parameters to be tuned by \pkg{irace} from a file or from a
1 #' character string.
42 #'
53 #' @param file (`character(1)`) \cr Filename containing the definitions of
64 #' the parameters to be tuned.
86 #' parameters.
97 #' @template arg_debuglevel
108 #' @template arg_text
11 #'
9 #'
1210 #' @return A list containing the definitions of the parameters read. The list is
1311 #' structured as follows:
1412 #' \describe{
2826 #' \item{`nbParameters`}{An integer, the total number of parameters.}
2927 #' \item{`nbFixed`}{An integer, the number of parameters with a fixed value.}
3028 #' \item{`nbVariable`}{Number of variable (to be tuned) parameters.}
29 #' \item{`depends`}{List of character vectors, each vector specifies
30 #' which parameters depend on this one.}
31 #' \item{`isDependent`}{Logical vector that specifies which parameter has
32 #' a dependent domain.}
3133 #' }
3234 #'
3335 #' @details Either `file` or `text` must be given. If `file` is given, the
5052 #' @examples
5153 #' ## Read the parameters directly from text
5254 #' parameters.table <- '
53 #' # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
54 #' algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
55 #' localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
56 #' alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
57 #' beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
58 #' rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
59 #' ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
60 #' q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
61 #' rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, 100) | algorithm == "ras"
62 #' elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
63 #' nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
64 #' dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
55 #' # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
56 #' algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
57 #' localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
58 #' alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
59 #' beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
60 #' rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
61 #' ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100)
62 #' q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
63 #' rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "min(ants, 10)") | algorithm == "ras"
64 #' elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, ants) | algorithm == "eas"
65 #' nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
66 #' dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
6567 #' '
6668 #' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters.table)
6769 #' str(parameters)
6870 #'
6971 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
70 #' @md
7172 #' @export
72 readParameters <- function(file, digits = 4, debugLevel = 0, text)
73 readParameters <- function (file, digits = 4, debugLevel = 0, text)
7374 {
7475 if (missing(file) && !missing(text)) {
7576 filename <- strcat("text=", deparse(substitute(text)))
166167 # The following line detects cycles
167168 if (child == rootParam)
168169 irace.error("A cycle detected in subordinate parameters! ",
169 "Check definition of conditions.\n",
170 "Check definition of conditions and/or dependent domains.\n",
170171 "One parameter of this cycle is '", rootParam, "'")
172173 # The following line detects a missing definition
196197 transform.domain <- function(transf, domain, type)
197198 {
198199 if (transf == "") return(transf)
201 # We do not support transformation of dependent parameters, yet
202 # TODO: think about dependent domain transfomation
203 if (is.expression(domain))
204 irace.error("Parameter domain transformations are not yet available for",
205 " dependent parameter domains.")
200207 lower <- domain[1]
201208 upper <- domain[2]
216223 }
217224 irace.internal.error("unrecognized transformation type '", transf, "'")
218225 }
227 # Checks that variables in the expressions are within
228 # the parameters names.
229 check_parameter_dependencies <- function (parameters) {
230 for (p in names(Filter(length, parameters$depends))) {
231 vars <- parameters$depends[[p]]
232 flag <- vars %in% parameters$names
233 if (!all(flag)) {
234 irace.error ("Domain (", paste0(parameters$domain[[p]], collapse=", "),
235 ") of parameter '", p, "' is not valid: '",
236 paste0(vars[!flag], collapse=", "),
237 "' cannot be found in the scenario parameters: ",
238 paste0(parameters$names, collapse=" , ")," .")
239 }
240 flag <- parameters$types[vars] %in% c("i", "r")
241 if (!all(flag)) {
242 irace.error ("Domain of parameter '", p, "' depends on non-numerical",
243 " parameters: ", paste0(vars[!flag], collapse=", "), " .")
244 }
246 # Supported operations for dependent domains
247 allowed.fx <- c("+", "-", "*", "/", "%%", "min", "max", "round", "floor", "ceiling", "trunc")
248 fx <- setdiff(all.names(parameters$domain[[p]], unique=TRUE),
249 all.vars(parameters$domain[[p]], unique=TRUE))
250 flag <- fx %in% allowed.fx
251 if (!all(flag)) {
252 irace.error ("Domain of parameter '", p, "' uses function(s) ",
253 "not yet supported by irace: ",
254 paste0(fx[!flag], collapse=", "), " .")
255 }
256 }
257 return(TRUE)
258 }
220260 parameters <- list(names = character(0),
221261 types = character(0),
222262 switches = character(0),
223263 domain = list(),
224264 conditions = list(),
225265 isFixed = logical(0),
226 transform = list())
266 # FIXME: This has to be a list because we assign
267 # attributes to elements.
268 transform = list(),
269 isDependent = logical(0))
228271 conditions <- list()
229272 lines <- readLines(con = file)
281324 }
283326 ## Match param.value (delimited by parenthesis)
284 result <- field.match (line, "\\([^)]+\\)", delimited = TRUE, sep = "")
327 # Regexp to detect dependent domains of the type ("min(p1)", 100)
328 result <- field.match (line, "\\([^|]+\\)", delimited = TRUE, sep = "")
285329 param.value <- result$match
286330 line <- result$line
287 if (is.null (result$match)) {
331 if (is.null (param.value)) {
288332 errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
289333 "Allowed values must be a list within parenthesis")
290334 }
292 param.value <- string2vector(param.value)
336 # For numerical parameters domains could be dependent
337 # thus, we keep the string values in a variable
338 # for example (10, param1+2)
339 param.value.str <- string2vector(param.value)
293340 if (param.type %in% c("r","i")) {
294 param.value <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(param.value))
295 if (any( || length(param.value) != 2) {
341 # For dependent domains param.value will be NA (we will parse
342 # it later)
343 param.value <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(param.value.str))
344 if (length(param.value) != 2) {
296345 errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
297346 "incorrect numeric range (", result$match,
298347 ") for parameter '",, "'")
299 } else if (param.value[1] > param.value[2]) {
300 errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
301 "lower bound must be smaller than upper bound in numeric range (",
302 result$match, ") for parameter '",, "'")
303348 }
305350 if (param.type == "r") {
306351 # FIXME: Given (0.01,0.99) and digits=1, this produces (0, 1), which is
307352 # probably not what the user wants.
308353 param.value <- round(param.value, digits = digits)
309 } else if (param.type == "i" && !all(is.wholenumber(param.value))) {
354 } else if (param.type == "i" && any(!is.wholenumber(param.value[!]))) {
355 errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
356 "for parameter type 'i' values must be integers (",
357 result$match, ") for parameter '",, "'")
358 }
360 # Time to parse dependent domains or check values
361 if (any( {
362 try(param.value[] <- parse(text=param.value.str[]))
363 } else if (param.value[1] >= param.value[2]) {
310364 errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
311 "for parameter type 'i' values must be integers (",
365 "lower bound must be smaller than upper bound in numeric range (",
312366 result$match, ") for parameter '",, "'")
313367 }
315369 param.transform <- transform.domain(param.transform, param.value, param.type)
316370 if (is.null(param.transform)) {
317371 errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL, "The domain of parameter '",
318372, "' of type 'log' cannot contain zero")
319373 }
320374 } else {
375 param.value <- param.value.str
321376 if (anyDuplicated(param.value)) {
322377 dups <- duplicated(param.value)
323378 errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
384439 "check that the parameter file is not empty")
385440 }
442 # Generate dependency flag
443 # FIXME: check if we really need this vector
444 parameters$isDependent <- sapply(parameters$domain, is.expression)
446 names(parameters$types) <-
447 names(parameters$switches) <-
448 names(parameters$domain) <-
449 names(parameters$isFixed) <-
450 names(parameters$transform) <-
451 names(parameters$isDependent) <- parameters$names
387453 # Obtain the variables in each condition
388454 ## FIXME: In R 3.2, all.vars does not work with byte-compiled expressions,
389455 ## thus we do not byte-compile them; but we could use
390456 ## all.vars(.Internal(disassemble(condition))[[3]][[1]])
391 parameters$depends <- lapply(conditions, all.vars)
457 ## LESLIE: should we make then an all.vars in utils.R so we can
458 ## use it without problems?
459 parameters$depends <- lapply(parameters$domain, all.vars)
460 # Check that dependencies are ok
461 check_parameter_dependencies(parameters)
462 # Merge dependencies and conditions
463 parameters$depends <- Map(c, parameters$depends, lapply(conditions, all.vars))
464 parameters$depends <- lapply(parameters$depends, unique)
392466 # Sort parameters in 'conditions' in the proper order according to
393467 # conditions
394468 hierarchyLevel <- sapply(parameters$names, treeLevel,
396470 parameters$hierarchy <- hierarchyLevel
397471 parameters$conditions <- conditions[order(hierarchyLevel)]
399 names(parameters$types) <-
400 names(parameters$switches) <-
401 names(parameters$domain) <-
402 names(parameters$isFixed) <-
403 names(parameters$hierarchy) <-
404 names(parameters$transform) <- parameters$names
473 names(parameters$hierarchy) <- parameters$names
406475 # Print the hierarchy vector:
407476 if (debugLevel >= 1) {
408477 cat ("# --- Parameters Hierarchy ---\n")
409 print(paste0(names(parameters$hierarchy)))
410 print(parameters$hierarchy)
411 print(sapply(parameters$depends, paste0, collapse=", "))
412478 print(data.frame(Parameter = paste0(names(parameters$hierarchy)),
413479 Level = parameters$hierarchy,
414480 "Depends on" = sapply(parameters$depends, paste0, collapse=", "),
421487 parameters$nbParameters <- length(parameters$names)
422488 parameters$nbFixed <- sum(parameters$isFixed == TRUE)
423489 parameters$nbVariable <- sum(parameters$isFixed == FALSE)
424 if (debugLevel >= 2) print(parameters, digits = 15)
425 return (parameters)
490 if (debugLevel >= 2) {
491 print(parameters, digits = 15)
492 irace.note("Parameters have been read\n")
493 }
494 parameters
426495 }
428 #' read_pcs_file
429 #'
430497 #' Read parameters in PCS (AClib) format and write them in irace format.
431498 #'
432499 #' @param file (`character(1)`) \cr Filename containing the definitions of
446513 #' for details. If none of these parameters is given, \pkg{irace}
447514 #' will stop with an error.
448515 #'
516 #' **FIXME:** Forbidden configurations, default configuration and transformations ("log") are currently ignored. See <>
517 #'
518 #' @references
519 #' Frank Hutter, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Chris Fawcett, Marius Thomas Lindauer, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Thomas Stützle. **AClib: A Benchmark Library for Algorithm Configuration**. In P. M. Pardalos, M. G. C. Resende, C. Vogiatzis, and J. L. Walteros, editors, _Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 8th International Conference, LION 8_, volume 8426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36–40. Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
520 #'
449521 #' @examples
450522 #' ## Read the parameters directly from text
451 #' pcs.table <- '
452 #' # name values [conditions (using R syntax)]
523 #' pcs_table <- '
524 #' # name domain
453525 #' algorithm {as,mmas,eas,ras,acs}[as]
454526 #' localsearch {0, 1, 2, 3}[0]
455527 #' alpha [0.00, 5.00][1]
468540 #' nnls | localsearch in {1,2,3}
469541 #' dlb | localsearch in {1,2,3}
470542 #' '
471 #' parameters.table <- read_pcs_file(text=pcs.table)
472 #' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters.table)
543 #' parameters_table <- read_pcs_file(text=pcs_table)
544 #' cat(parameters_table)
545 #' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table)
473546 #' str(parameters)
474547 #'
475548 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez
476 #' @md
477549 #' @export
478550 read_pcs_file <- function(file, digits = 4, debugLevel = 0, text)
479551 {
563635 }
564636 irace.error("unrecognized line: ", line)
565637 }
566 return(output)
638 output
567639 }
641 #' checkParameters
642 #'
643 #' FIXME: This is incomplete, for now we only repair inputs from previous irace
644 #' versions.
645 #'
646 #' @template arg_parameters
647 #' @export
648 checkParameters <- function(parameters)
649 {
650 if (is.null(parameters$isDependent)) {
651 parameters$isDependent <- sapply(parameters$domain, is.expression)
652 names(parameters$isDependent) <- parameters$names
653 }
654 parameters
655 }
657 #' Print parameter space in the textual format accepted by irace.
658 #'
659 #' FIXME: Dependent parameter bounds are not supported yet.
660 #'
661 #' @param params (`list()`) Parameter object stored in `irace.Rdata` or read with `irace::readParameters()`.
662 #'
663 #' @param digits (`integer()`) The desired number of digits after the decimal point for real-valued parameters. Default is 15, but it should be the value in `scenario$digits`.
664 #'
665 #' @examples
666 #' parameters.table <- '
667 #' # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
668 #' algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
669 #' localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
670 #' ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100)
671 #' q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
672 #' nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
673 #' '
674 #' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters.table)
675 #' printParameters(parameters)
676 #' @export
677 printParameters <- function(params, digits = 15L)
678 {
679 names_len <- max(nchar(params$names))
680 switches_len <- max(nchar(params$switches)) + 2
681 for (name in params$names) {
682 switch <- paste0('"', params$switches[[name]], '"')
683 type <- params$types[[name]]
684 transf <- params$transform[[name]]
685 domain <- params$domain[[name]]
686 if (type == "r") domain <- formatC(domain, digits=digits, format="f", drop0trailing=TRUE)
687 domain <- paste0('(', paste0(domain, collapse=","), ')')
688 condition <- params$conditions[[name]]
689 condition <- if (isTRUE(condition)) "" else paste0(" | ", condition)
690 if (!is.null(transf) && transf != "") type <- paste0(type, ",", transf)
691 cat(sprintf('%*s %*s %s %-15s%s\n', -names_len, name, -switches_len, switch, type, domain, condition))
692 }
693 }
0 #' testConfigurations
0 #' Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the
1 #' scenario
12 #'
2 #' \code{testConfigurations} executes the given configurations on the
3 #' testing instances specified in the scenario.
4 #'
53 #' @template arg_configurations
64 #' @template arg_scenario
75 #' @template arg_parameters
1210 #' \item{\code{seeds}}{Array of the instance seeds used in the experiments.}
1311 #' }
1412 #'
15 #' @details A test instance set must be provided through \code{scenario$testInstances}.
13 #' @details A test instance set must be provided through `scenario[["testInstances"]]`.
1614 #'
1715 #' @seealso
18 #' \code{\link{testing.main}}
16 #' [testing_fromlog()]
1917 #'
2018 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez
2119 #' @export
2321 {
2422 # We need to set up a default scenario (and repeat all checks) in case
2523 # we are called directly instead of being called after executing irace.
26 scenario <- checkScenario(defaultScenario(scenario))
24 scenario <- checkScenario(scenario)
28 testInstances <- scenario$testInstances
26 testInstances <- scenario[["testInstances"]]
2927 instances.ID <- names(testInstances)
3028 if (length(testInstances) == 0) irace.error("No test instances given")
3129 if (is.null(instances.ID)) irace.error("testInstances must have names")
3331 # 2147483647 is the maximum value for a 32-bit signed integer.
3432 # We use replace = TRUE, because replace = FALSE allocates memory for each possible number.
35 ## FIXME: scenario$testInstances and scenario$instances behave differently,
33 ## FIXME: scenario[["testInstances"]] and scenario$instances behave differently,
3634 ## we should unify them so that the seeds are also saved in scenario.
3735 instanceSeed <-, size = length(testInstances), replace = TRUE)
3836 names(instanceSeed) <- instances.ID
0 Timer <- R6::R6Class("Timer", cloneable = FALSE, list(
1 start = NULL,
2 initialize = function() {
3 self$start <- proc.time()
4 self
5 },
6 elapsed = function() {
7 x <- proc.time() - self$start
8 if (![4L]))
9 x[1L] <- x[1L] + x[4L]
10 if (![5L]))
11 x[2L] <- x[2L] + x[5L]
12 x <- x[1L:3L]
13 names(x) <- c("user", "system", "wallclock")
14 x
15 })
16 )
4242 rtnorm <- function (n, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) {
4343 if (length(n) > 1)
4444 n <- length(n)
45 mean <- rep(mean, length=n)
46 sd <- rep(sd, length=n)
47 lower <- rep(lower, length=n)
48 upper <- rep(upper, length=n)
45 mean <- rep_len(mean, n)
46 sd <- rep_len(sd, n)
47 lower <- rep_len(lower, n)
48 upper <- rep_len(upper, n)
4949 lower <- (lower - mean) / sd ## Algorithm works on mean 0, sd 1 scale
5050 upper <- (upper - mean) / sd
51 ind <- seq(length=n)
51 ind <- seq_len(n)
5252 ret <- numeric(n)
5353 ## Different algorithms depending on where upper/lower limits lie.
5454 alg <- ifelse(
88 options(error = if (interactive()) utils::recover else
99 quote(utils::dump.frames("iracedump", TRUE)))
1010 }
12 .irace.prefix <- "== irace == "
1412 irace.print.memUsed <- function(objects)
1513 {
4139 # cannot help the user to understand why the program failed.
4240 irace.warning <- function(...)
4341 {
44 cat(sep="", "WARNING: ", ..., "\n")
42 if (getOption(".irace.quiet", default=FALSE)) return()
43 cat(sep="", .msg.prefix, "WARNING: ", ..., "\n")
4544 }
4746 # Print a user-level fatal error message, when the calling context
5251 # value allowed up to R 3.0.2
5352 op <- options(warning.length = 8170)
5453 on.exit(options(op))
55 stop (.irace.prefix, ..., call. = FALSE)
56 }
58 ## utils::dump.frames is broken and cannot be used with bquote, so we need a wrapper.
59 ## See help(dump.frames)
54 stop (.msg.prefix, ..., call. = FALSE)
55 }
57 ## utils::dump.frames is broken and cannot be used with bquote, so we need a wrapper. When irace crashes, it generates a file "iracedump.rda". To debug the crash use:
58 ## R> load("iracedump.rda")
59 ## R> debugger(iracedump)
60 ##
61 ## See help(dump.frames) for more details.
6062 irace.dump.frames <- function()
6163 {
6264 execDir <- getOption(".irace.execdir")
7981 {
8082 <-
8183 paste0("An unexpected condition occurred. ",
82 "Please report this bug to the authors of the irace package <>")
84 "Please report this bug to the authors of the irace package <>")
8486 op <- options(warning.length = 8170,
8587 error = if (interactive()) utils::recover
8890 # 6 to not show anything below irace.assert()
8991 bt <- capture.output(traceback(6))
9092 warnings()
91 stop (.irace.prefix, paste0(..., collapse = "\n"),
93 stop (.msg.prefix, paste0(..., collapse = "\n"),
9294 paste0(bt, collapse= "\n"), "\n",
93 .irace.prefix, "\n",, call. = FALSE)
95 .msg.prefix, "\n",, call. = FALSE)
9496 invisible()
9597 }
103105 msg <- paste0(deparse(mc), " is not TRUE\n")
104106 if (!is.null(eval.after)) {
105107 msg.after <- eval.parent(capture.output(eval.after))
106 msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", msg.after)
108 msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", paste0(msg.after, collapse="\n"))
107109 }
108110 irace.internal.error(msg)
109111 invisible()
112114 irace.note <- function(...)
113115 {
116 # FIXME: If this was a function within an irace object, we could replace it
117 # when using quiet.
118 if (getOption(".irace.quiet", default=FALSE)) return()
114119 cat ("# ", format(Sys.time(), usetz=TRUE), ": ",
115120 paste0(..., collapse = ""), sep = "")
116121 }
126131 if (!is.character(file) || is.null.or.empty(file)) {
127132 irace.error (text, " ", shQuote(file), " is not a vaild filename")
128133 }
129 file <- path.rel2abs(file)
134 file <- path_rel2abs(file)
130135 ## The above should remove the trailing separator if present for windows OS
131136 ## compatibility, except when we have just C:/, where the trailing separator
132137 ## must remain.
203208 (length(x) == 0) || (length(x) == 1 && !suppressWarnings( && is.character(x) && x == "")
204209 }
211 is_null_or_empty_or_na <- function(x)
212 {
213 (length(x) == 0) || || (length(x) == 1 && !suppressWarnings( && is.character(x) && x == "")
214 }
206216 <- function(FUN)
207217 {
208218 # FIXME: Is there a simpler way to do this check?
241251 strcat <- function(...)
242252 {
243253, args = list(..., collapse = NULL))
244 }
246 # Function to convert a relative to an absolute path. CWD is the
247 # working directory to complete relative paths. It tries really hard
248 # to create canonical paths.
249 path.rel2abs <- function (path, cwd = getwd())
250 {
251 # Keep doing gsub as long as x keeps changing.
252 gsub.all <- function(pattern, repl, x, ...) {
253 repeat {
254 newx <- gsub(pattern, repl, x, ...)
255 if (newx == x) return(newx)
256 x <- newx
257 }
258 }
259 irace.normalize.path <- function(path) {
260 return(suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = NA)))
261 }
263 if ( {
264 return (NULL)
265 } else if (path == "") {
266 return ("")
267 }
268 # Using .Platform$file.sep is too fragile. Better just use "/" everywhere.
269 s <- "/"
271 # Possibly expand ~/path to /home/user/path.
272 path <- path.expand(path)
273 # Remove winslashes if given.
274 path <- gsub("\\", s, path, fixed = TRUE)
276 # Detect a Windows drive
277 windrive.regex <- "^[A-Za-z]:"
278 windrive <- ""
279 if (grepl(paste0(windrive.regex, "($|", s, ")"), path)) {
280 m <- regexpr(windrive.regex, path)
281 windrive <- regmatches(path, m)
282 path <- sub(windrive.regex, "", path)
283 }
286 # Change "/./" to "/" to get a canonical form
287 path <- gsub.all(paste0(s, ".", s), s, path, fixed = TRUE)
288 # Change "//" to "/" to get a canonical form
289 path <- gsub(paste0(s, s, "+"), s, path)
290 # Change "/.$" to "/" to get a canonical form
291 path <- sub(paste0(s, "\\.$"), s, path)
292 # Drop final "/"
293 path <- sub(paste0(s, "$"), "", path)
294 if (path == "") path <- s
296 # Prefix the current cwd to the path if it doesn't start with
297 # / \\ or whatever separator.
298 if (path == "." || !grepl(paste0("^",s), path)) {
299 # There is no need to normalize cwd if it was returned by getwd()
300 if (!missing(cwd)) {
301 # Recurse to get absolute cwd
302 cwd <- path.rel2abs(cwd)
303 }
305 # Speed-up the most common cases.
306 # If it is just "."
307 if (path == ".") {
308 return (irace.normalize.path(cwd))
309 }
310 # Remove "./" from the start of path.
311 path <- sub(paste0("^\\.", s), "", path)
312 # Make it absolute but avoid doubling s
313 if (substring(cwd, nchar(cwd)) == s) path <- paste0(cwd, path)
314 else path <- paste0(cwd, s, path)
315 # If it is just a path without ".." inside
316 if (!grepl(paste0(s,"\\.\\."), path)) {
317 return (irace.normalize.path(path))
318 }
319 # Detect a Windows drive
320 if (grepl(paste0(windrive.regex, "($|", s, ")"), path)) {
321 m <- regexpr(windrive.regex, path)
322 windrive <- regmatches(path, m)
323 path <- sub(windrive.regex, "", path)
324 }
325 }
326 # else
328 # Change "/x/.." to "/" to get a canonical form
329 prevdir.regex <- paste0(s, "[^", s,"]+", s, "\\.\\.")
330 repeat {
331 # We need to do it one by one so "a/b/c/../../../" is not converted to "a/b/../"
332 tmp <- sub(paste0(prevdir.regex, s), s, path)
333 if (tmp == path) break
334 path <- tmp
335 }
336 # Handle "/something/..$" to "/" that is, when ".." is the last thing in the path.
337 path <- sub(paste0(prevdir.regex, "$"), s, path)
339 # Handle "^/../../.." to "/" that is, going up at the root just returns the root.
340 repeat {
341 # We need to do it one by one so "a/b/c/../../../" is not converted to "a/b/../"
342 tmp <- sub(paste0("^", s, "\\.\\.", s), s, path)
343 if (tmp == path) break
344 path <- tmp
345 }
346 # Handle "^/..$" to "/" that is, when ".." is the last thing in the path.
347 path <- sub(paste0("^", s, "\\.\\.$"), s, path)
349 # Add back Windows drive, if any.
350 path <- paste0(windrive, path)
352 # We use normalizePath, which will further simplify the path if
353 # the path exists.
354 return (irace.normalize.path(path))
355254 }
357256 #' Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently.
361260 #'
362261 #' @template arg_scenario
363262 #' @param from character string containing a regular expression (or character
364 #' string for \code{fixed = TRUE}) to be matched.
365 #' @param to the replacement string.character string. For \code{fixed = FALSE}
366 #' this can include backreferences \code{"\1"} to \code{"\9"} to
367 #' parenthesized subexpressions of \code{from}.
368 #' @param fixed logical. If \code{TRUE}, \code{from} is a string to be matched
263 #' string for `fixed = TRUE`) to be matched.
264 #' @param to the replacement string.character string. For `fixed = FALSE`
265 #' this can include backreferences `"\1"` to `"\9"` to
266 #' parenthesized subexpressions of `from`.
267 #' @param fixed logical. If `TRUE`, `from` is a string to be matched
369268 #' as is.
370269 #' @return The updated scenario
371270 #' @examples
372271 #' \dontrun{
373272 #' scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt")
374 #' scenario <- scenario.update.paths(scenario, from = "/home/manuel/", to = "/home/leslie")
273 #' scenario <- scenario_update_paths(scenario, from = "/home/manuel/", to = "/home/leslie")
375274 #' }
376 #' @seealso \code{\link[base]{grep}}
275 #' @seealso [base::grep()]
377276 #' @export
378 scenario.update.paths <- function(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
277 scenario_update_paths <- function(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
379278 {
380279 pathParams <- .irace.params.def[.irace.params.def[, "type"] == "p", "name"]
381280 # Only consider the ones that actually appear in scenario.
382281 pathParams <- intersect(pathParams, names(scenario))
383282 scenario[pathParams] <- lapply(scenario[pathParams], sub, pattern = from, replacement = to, fixed = fixed)
384 return(scenario)
283 scenario
284 }
286 #' @rdname scenario_update_paths
287 #' @export
288 scenario.update.paths <- function(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
289 {
290 .Deprecated("scenario_update_paths")
291 scenario_update_paths(scenario=scenario, from=from, to=to, fixed=fixed)
385292 }
387294 # This function is used to trim potentially large strings for printing, since
388295 # the maximum error/warning length is 8170 characters (R 3.0.2)
389296 strlimit <- function(str, limit = 5000)
390297 {
391 if (nchar(str) > limit) {
392 return(paste0(substr(str, 1, limit - 3), "..."))
393 }
298 if (nchar(str) > limit) return(paste0(substr(str, 1, limit - 3), "..."))
394299 return(str)
395300 }
397302 test.type.order.str <- function(test.type)
398303 {
399 return (switch(test.type,
400 friedman = "sum of ranks",
401 t.none =, # Fall-throught
402 t.holm =, # Fall-throught
403 t.bonferroni = "mean value",
404 irace.internal.error ("test.type.order.str() Invalid value '",
405 test.type, "' of test.type")))
304 switch(test.type,
305 friedman = "sum of ranks",
306 t.none =, # Fall-throught
307 t.holm =, # Fall-throught
308 t.bonferroni = "mean value",
309 irace.internal.error ("test.type.order.str() Invalid value '",
310 test.type, "' of test.type"))
406311 }
408313 trim.leading <- function(str)
409 {
410 return (sub('^[[:space:]]+', '', str)) ## white space, POSIX-style
411 }
314 sub('^[[:space:]]+', '', str) ## white space, POSIX-style
412316 trim.trailing <- function(str)
413 {
414 return (sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', str)) ## white space, POSIX-style
415 }
317 sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', str) ## white space, POSIX-style
416319 # remove leading and trailing white space characters
417 trim <- function(str)
418 {
419 return (trim.trailing(trim.leading(str)))
420 }
320 trim <- function(str) trim.trailing(trim.leading(str))
422322 isFixed <- function (paramName, parameters)
423 {
424 return (as.logical(parameters$isFixed[paramName]))
425 }
323 as.logical(parameters$isFixed[paramName])
427325 paramDomain <- function (paramName, parameters)
428 {
429 return (parameters$domain[[paramName]])
430 }
326 parameters$domain[[paramName]]
432328 paramLowerBound <- function (paramName, parameters)
433 {
434 return (as.numeric(parameters$domain[[paramName]][1]))
435 }
329 as.numeric(parameters$domain[[paramName]][1])
437331 paramUpperBound <- function (paramName, parameters)
438 {
439 return (as.numeric(parameters$domain[[paramName]][2]))
440 }
442 nbParam <- function (parameters)
443 {
444 return (length(parameters$names))
445 }
332 as.numeric(parameters$domain[[paramName]][2])
335 inNumericDomain <- function(value, domain) (value >= domain[1] && value <= domain[2])
337 nbParam <- function (parameters) length(parameters$names)
447339 ## This function takes two matrices x and y and merges them such that the
448340 ## resulting matrix z has:
480372 # Input: the configurations with the .RANK. field filled.
481373 # the number of elites wished
482374 # Output: nbElites elites, sorted by ranks, with the weights assigned.
483 extractElites <- function(configurations, nbElites)
484 {
375 extractElites <- function(scenario, parameters, configurations, nbElites)
376 {
377 # Keep only alive configurations.
378 ## FIXME: Shouldn't this be done by the caller?
379 configurations <- configurations[configurations$.ALIVE., , drop = FALSE]
485380 if (nbElites < 1) {
486 ## FIXME: Should this be an error or should we handle it in some other way?
487 irace.error("nbElites is lower or equal to zero.")
488 }
381 irace.internal.error("nbElites is lower or equal to zero.")
382 }
383 # Remove duplicated. Duplicated configurations may be generated, however, it
384 # is too slow to check at generation time. Nevertheless, we can check now
385 # since we typically have very few elites.
386 ## FIXME: Use a variant of similarConfigurations.
387 configurations <- configurations[order(configurations$.ID.), , drop = FALSE]
388 before <- nrow(configurations)
389 configurations <- configurations[!duplicated(removeConfigurationsMetaData(configurations)),
390 , drop = FALSE]
391 after <- nrow(configurations)
392 if (after < before && scenario$debugLevel >= 1) {
393 irace.note("Dropped ", before - after, " duplicated elites\n")
394 }
396 nbElites <- min(after, nbElites)
489397 # Sort by rank.
490 elites <- configurations[order(as.numeric(configurations$.RANK.)), , drop = FALSE]
398 elites <- configurations[order(configurations$.RANK.), , drop = FALSE]
491399 elites <- elites[1:nbElites, , drop = FALSE]
492400 elites[, ".WEIGHT."] <- ((nbElites - (1:nbElites) + 1)
493401 / (nbElites * (nbElites + 1) / 2))
494 return (elites)
402 elites
495403 }
497405 #' removeConfigurationsMetaData
507415 #' @return The same matrix without the "metadata".
508416 #'
509417 #' @seealso
510 #' \code{\link{configurations.print.command}} to print the configurations as command lines.
511 #' \code{\link{configurations.print}} to print the configurations as a data frame.
418 #' [configurations.print.command()] to print the configurations as command lines.
419 #' [configurations.print()] to print the configurations as a data frame.
512420 #'
513421 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
514422 #' @export
516424 removeConfigurationsMetaData <- function(configurations)
517425 {
518426 # Meta-data colnames begin with "."
519 return (configurations[, grep("^\\.", colnames(configurations), invert = TRUE),
520 drop = FALSE])
427 configurations[, grep("^\\.", colnames(configurations), invert = TRUE),
428 drop = FALSE]
521429 }
523431 #' Print configurations as a data frame
530438 #' @return None.
531439 #'
532440 #' @seealso
533 #' \code{\link{configurations.print.command}} to print the configurations as command-line strings.
441 #' [configurations.print.command()] to print the configurations as command-line strings.
534442 #'
535443 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
536444 #' @export
554462 #' @return None.
555463 #'
556464 #' @seealso
557 #' \code{\link{configurations.print}} to print the configurations as a data frame.
465 #' [configurations.print()] to print the configurations as a data frame.
558466 #'
559467 #' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
560468 #' @export
748656 formatC(proc.time()["elapsed"] - elapsed,
749657 format = "f", digits = 2), "\n")
750658 }
751 return(list(output = output, error = NULL))
659 # TODO: Return elapsed time so that we can report at the end the total
660 # elapsed time taken by irace vs the time taken by the target-runner.
661 list(output = output, error = NULL)
752662 }
754664 # Safe sampling of vector:
777687 # }
779689 is.file.extension <- function(filename, ext)
780 {
781 return(substring(filename, nchar(filename) + 1 - nchar(ext)) == ext)
782 }
690 substring(filename, nchar(filename) + 1 - nchar(ext)) == ext
784692 # Same as !(x %in% table)
785 "%!in%" <- function (x, table) match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) == 0L
693 "%!in%" <- function(x, table) match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) == 0L
787695 irace_save_logfile <- function(iraceResults, scenario)
788696 {
790698 cwd <- setwd(scenario$execDir)
791699 # FIXME: Use saveRDS
792700 # FIXME: Bump to version=3 when we bump the minimum R version to >=3.6
793 save (iraceResults, file = scenario$logFile, version = 2)
794 setwd (cwd)
795 }
701 save(iraceResults, file = scenario$logFile, version = 2)
702 setwd(cwd)
703 }
705 valid_iracelog <- function(x)
706 {
707 is.list(x) && ("scenario" %in% names(x))
708 }
710 #' Read the log file produced by irace (`irace.Rdata`).
711 #'
712 #' @param filename Filename that contains the log file saved by irace. Example: `irace.Rdata`.
713 #'
714 #' @param name Optional argument that allows overriding the default name of the object in the file.
715 #'
716 #' @return (`list()`)
717 #' @concept analysis
718 #' @export
719 read_logfile <- function(filename, name = "iraceResults")
720 {
721 # If filename is already the iraceResults object, just return it.
722 if (valid_iracelog(filename)) return(filename)
724 if (file.access(filename, mode=4) != 0)
725 stop("read_logfile: Cannot read file '", filename, "'")
727 load(filename)
728 iraceResults <- get0(name, inherits=FALSE)
729 if (!valid_iracelog(iraceResults))
730 stop("The file '", filename, "' does not contain the '", name, "' object.")
732 iraceResults
733 }
735 do_nothing <- function(...) invisible()
00 #' irace.version
11 #'
2 #' A character string containing the version of \pkg{irace}.
3 #'
2 #' A character string containing the version of `irace`.
43 #' @export
5 irace.version <- ''
4 irace.version <- '3.5.6863679'
0 # Uses 10 decimal places at most so that there is space for '-', '.', and
1 # 'e-NN' within the 16 spaces.
2 .irace.format.perf <- "%#16.10g"
4 .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
5 # FIXME: We would like to use %#16.10g but this causes problems with
6 #
7 R_engine <- R.version$engine
8 if (!is.null(R_engine) && R_engine == "FastR")
9 .irace.format.perf <<- "%16.10g"
10 invisible()
11 }
00 **irace**: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration
11 ================================================================
3 [![CRAN Status](]( [![CRAN Downloads](]( [![Travis Build
4 Status](](
6 [ [**Homepage**]( ] [ [**User Guide (PDF)**]( ]
8 **Maintainers:** [Manuel López-Ibáñez](, Leslie Pérez Cáceres
10 **Creators:** [Manuel López-Ibáñez](, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
3 <!-- badges: start -->
4 [![CRAN Status](]( [![CRAN Downloads](]( [![R build
5 status](](
6 [![Codecov test coverage](](
7 <!-- badges: end -->
9 [ [**Homepage**]( ] [ [**User Guide (PDF)**]( ]
11 **Maintainers:** [Manuel López-Ibáñez](, Leslie Pérez Cáceres
13 **Creators:** [Manuel López-Ibáñez](, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
1215 **Contributors:** Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Thomas Stützle, Mauro Birattari, Eric
1316 Yuan and Prasanna Balaprakash.
3033 **Relevant literature:**
3235 1. M. López-Ibáñez, J. Dubois-Lacoste, L. Pérez Cáceres, T. Stützle, and
33 M. Birattari. [The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration.](
36 M. Birattari. [The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration](
3437 *Operations Research Perspectives*, 3:43–58, 2016.<br>
35 [ [bibtex](
38 [ [bibtex](
3639 | doi: [10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002]( ]
3841 2. Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro
39 Birattari. [The irace package, Iterated Race for Automatic Algorithm Configuration](
42 Birattari. [The irace package, Iterated Race for Automatic Algorithm Configuration](
4043 Technical Report TR/IRIDIA/2011-004, IRIDIA, Université libre de Bruxelles,
4144 Belgium, 2011.<br>
42 [ [bibtex](
43 | [PDF]( ]
45 3. Manuel López-Ibáñez. [The irace
46 software package: A tutorial]( COMEX Workshop on Practical Automatic Algorithm Configuration, 2014.<br>
47 [ [workshop webpage](
48 | [PDF]( ]
45 [ [bibtex](
46 | [PDF]( ]
48 3. Thomas Stützle and Manuel López-Ibáñez. [Tutorial: Automated algorithm
49 configuration and design]( GECCO
50 '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
51 Companion, July 2021.
52 [doi:10.1145/3449726.3461404](
5155 Requisites
6973 The following is a quick-start guide. The user guide gives more detailed
7074 instructions.
76 Quick Start
77 ===========
78 1. Install R (with your favourite package manager, and see more details below).
79 2. Install irace. This command works on CMD and Powershell with R added to PATH (see detailed instructions below).
80 ```bash
81 $ Rscript -e "install.packages('irace', repos='')"
82 ```
84 3. Add irace to path. For windows user, this step is unfortunately more involved, so please see more detailed instructions below.
85 ```bash
86 $ export PATH="$(Rscript -e "cat(paste0(system.file(package='irace', 'bin', mustWork=TRUE), ':'))" 2> /dev/null)${PATH}"
87 ```
88 Consider adding this line to your `~/.bashrc`, `~/.zshrc`, or `~/.profile` for it to persist between sessions.
90 4. You can open the user guide with the following command. This command works on CMD and Powershell with R added to PATH (see detailed instructions below).
91 ```bash
92 $ Rscript -e "vignette('irace-package')"
93 ```
7295 Installing R
7396 ============
94117 You can install R directly from a CRAN mirror
95118 (<>).
97 Alternatively, if you use homebrew, you can just brew the R formula
98 from the science tap (unfortunately it does not come already bottled
99 so you need to have Xcode installed to compile it):
101 ```bash
102 $ brew tap homebrew/science
103 $ brew install r
104 ```
120 Alternatively, if you use homebrew, you can just do
121 ```
122 $ brew install --cask r
123 ```
125 (Using `brew install r` is not recommended because that will build R from source and you will not be able to use any CRAN binary, possibly resulting in annoying build failiures).
106127 Once R is installed, you can launch R from the Terminal (or from your
107128 Applications), and from the R prompt install the irace package. See
115136 launch the R console and install the irace package from it. See instructions
116137 below.
139 In addition to using the R console, it might be very useful to add R to PATH so you can run most of the GUN/Linux shell commands without modification in CMD or Powershell. Usually, R is installed in `C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3` (the version number depends on your installation).
141 You should add the following line [to PATH]( (if you want to use the 64-bit version)
142 ```
143 C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3\bin\x64
144 ```
146 Or, if you are on a 32-bit version
147 ```
148 C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3\bin\i386
149 ```
119151 Installing the irace package
120152 ============================
122 There are two methods for installing the [irace]( R package on your
123 computer:
154 There are two methods for installing the
155 [irace]( R package on your computer:
125157 1. Install within R (automatic download):
126158 ```R
155187 ```R
156188 $ R
157189 R> library(irace)
158 R> system.file(package="irace")
159 [1] "~/R/irace"
190 R> cat(system.file(package="irace", "bin", mustWork=TRUE), "\n")
191 /home/user/R/irace/bin
160192 ```
161193 The last command tells you the installation directory of `irace`.
167199 `.bash_profile`, `.bashrc` or `.profile`:
169201 ```bash
170 export IRACE_HOME=~/R/irace/ # Path given by system.file(package="irace")
171 export PATH=${IRACE_HOME}/bin/:$PATH
202 export IRACE_HOME=/home/user/R/irace/bin/ # Path given by system.file(package="irace", "bin", mustWork=TRUE)
203 export PATH=${IRACE_HOME}:$PATH
172204 # export R_LIBS=~/R:${R_LIBS} # Only if local installation was forced
173205 ```
183215 Windows
184216 -------
186 If the installation directory of `irace` is `C:/R/irace/`, you can invoke
187 `irace` by opening a terminal (launch the program `cmd.exe`) and executing:
189 ```bash
190 C:\> C:\R\irace\bin\x64\irace.exe --help
191 ```
193 or if you are in a 32-bits system, executing:
195 ```bash
196 C:\> C:\R\irace\bin\i386\irace.exe --help
218 You can find out where the irace binary is installed by running the following in Powershell or CMD:
220 ```Powershell
221 C:\> Rscript -e "cat(gsub('/', '\\\\', system.file(package='irace', 'bin', 'x64', mustWork=TRUE)))"
222 ```
224 It will output a path, such as `C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3\library\irace\bin\x64` (replace `x64` with `i386` if you are on a 32-bit system), which can you [add to PATH](
226 Then running the following should work:
227 ```Powershell
228 C:\> irace --help
197229 ```
199231 You can also launch irace by opening the R console and executing:
203235 R> irace.cmdline("--help")
204236 ```
238 GitHub (Development version)
239 ----------------------------
241 If you wish to try the development version, you can install it by executing the
242 following commands within the R console:
244 ```R
245 R> install.packages("devtools")
246 R> devtools::install_github("MLopez-Ibanez/irace")
247 ```
249 Python
250 ------
252 You can use the irace R package from Python using `rpy2`. An example on how to do this is the implementation of [iracepy](
206255 Usage
207256 =====
212261 $ cd ~/tuning
213262 ```
215 2. Copy the template and example files to the scenario directory
216 ```bash
217 $ cp $IRACE_HOME/templates/*.tmpl .
218 ```
220 where `$IRACE_HOME` is the path to the installation directory of
221 `irace`. It can be obtained by doing:
223 ```R
224 $ R
225 > library(irace)
226 > system.file(package="irace")
227 ```
229 3. For each template in your tuning directory, remove the `.tmpl`
230 suffix, and modify them following the instructions in each file. In
231 particular,
264 2. Initialize your tuning directory with template config files
265 ```bash
266 $ $IRACE_HOME/bin/irace --init
267 ```
269 3. Modify the generated files following the instructions found within each file. In particular,
232270 * The scripts `target-runner` and `target-evaluator` (if you need it at all)
233271 should be executable. The output of `target-runner` (or
234272 `target-evaluator` if you use a separate evaluation step) is minimized by
242280 4. Put the instances in `~/tuning/Instances/`. In addition, you can
243281 create a file that specifies which instances from that directory
244282 should be run and which instance-specific parameters to use. See
245 `scenario.txt.tmpl` and `instances-list.tmpl` for examples. The command
283 `scenario.txt` and `instances-list.txt` for examples. The command
246284 irace will not attempt to create the execution directory (`execDir`),
247285 so it must exist before calling irace. The default `execDir` is the
248286 current directory.
251289 ```bash
252290 $ cd ~/tuning/ && $IRACE_HOME/bin/irace
253291 ```
255 performs one run of Iterated Race. See the output of `irace --help` for
256 additional irace parameters. Command-line parameters override the
257 scenario setup specified in the `scenario.txt` file.
292 performs one run of Iterated Race. See the output of `irace --help` for
293 additional irace parameters. Command-line parameters override the
294 scenario setup specified in the `scenario.txt` file.
260297 Many tuning runs in parallel
318355 Birattari.
358 Building an irace standalone container
359 ======================================
361 Thanks to [Singularity](, you can build a
362 standalone container of `irace` using the file `irace.sindef` which is
363 available in the directory `inst/` in the source tarball and github repository
364 or, after installing the irace R package, in the installation directory given
365 by the R expression `system.file(package="irace")`. After installing
366 SingularityCE, the container may be build using:
368 sudo singularity build irace.sindef irace.sif
370 and run with:
372 singularity run irace.sif <arguments>
321376 Frequently Asked Questions
322377 ==========================
Binary diff not shown
Binary diff not shown
00 #!/bin/sh
11 rm -f irace-Ex.R config.* confdefs.h \
2 src/*.o src/*.so src/config.h src/symbols.rds \
2 src/*.so src/*.o src/*/*.o src/*.gcno src/*/*.gcno src/config.h src/symbols.rds \
33 inst/doc/*.blg inst/doc/*.bbl \
44 tests/testthat/*.log tests/testthat/*.Rout tests/testthat/irace.Rdata
6 find . -name '*.orig' -o -name '.Rhistory' | xargs rm -f
6 find . -name '*.orig' -o -name '.Rhistory' -o -name '*.rej' | xargs rm -f
88 rm -rf autom4te.cache
6060 usage() {
6161 cat <<EOF
62 Usage: $0 N[-M] [EXECDIR] --parallel <NUM> [--machine MACHINE] [IRACE PARAMS]
62 Usage: $0 N[-M] [EXECDIR] --parallel NUM [--seed NUM] [--machine MACHINE] [IRACE PARAMS]
6464 Parameters:
6565 N an integer giving the number of repetitions of irace
6666 or a sequence N-M giving which repetitions to redo.
6767 EXECDIR job M will use EXECDIR-M directory (default: execdir-)
6868 as the execDir (--exec-dir) parameter of irace.
69 --parallel <NUM> number of parallel jobs
69 --parallel NUM number of parallel jobs (value in scenario.txt is ignored)
70 --seed NUM the seed of each run i will be SEED+i-1 (default: 1234567)
7071 --machine MACHINE qsub queue type, e.g., opteron6272
7172 IRACE PARAMS additional parameters for irace.
7273 EOF
5454 exit \$RET
5555 EOF
5656 }
57 ## End of customization
5959 error () {
6060 echo "$0: error: $@" >&2
6464 usage() {
6565 cat <<EOF
66 Usage: $0 N[-M] [EXECDIR] [IRACE PARAMS]
66 Usage: $0 N[-M] [EXECDIR] [--seed NUM] [IRACE PARAMS]
6868 Parameters:
6969 N an integer giving the number of repetitions of irace
7070 or a sequence N-M giving which repetitions to redo.
7171 EXECDIR job M will use EXECDIR-M directory (default: execdir)
7272 as the execDir (--exec-dir) parameter of irace.
73 --seed NUM the seed of each run i will be SEED+i-1 (default: 1234567)
7374 IRACE PARAMS additional parameters for irace.
7475 EOF
7576 exit 1
0 #!/usr/bin/env bash
1 ###############################################################################
2 # This script launches several runs of irace in parallel on a SLURM cluster.
3 # Execute without parameters to see usage.
4 ###############################################################################
5 set -e
6 set -o pipefail
7 # Find our own location.
8 BINDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$(type -P $0 || echo $0)")")
9 IRACE="$BINDIR/irace"
10 # This function launches one run of irace.
11 irace_main() {
12 # We would like to use $BASHPID here, but OS X version of bash does not
13 # support it.
14 JOBNAME="irace-$$-$1"
15 # You may need to CUSTOMIZE this part according to the setup of your own cluster:
16 exec sbatch <(cat<<EOF
17 #!/usr/bin/env bash
18 # Amount of RAM needed for this job:
19 #SBATCH --mem=2gb
20 # The time the job will be running:
21 #SBATCH --time=60:00:00
22 # To use GPUs you have to request them:
23 ##SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
24 #SBATCH --constraint=cal
25 # The name to show in queue lists for this job:
27 #SBATCH --array=1-$N_RUNS
28 # Number of desired cpus:
29 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$N_CPUS
30 # Set output and error files
31 #SBATCH --error=$EXECDIR/irace.stderr
32 #SBATCH --output=$EXECDIR/irace.stdout
33 # To load some software (you can show the list with 'module avail'):
34 module load R/4.1.0_sin
36 exec $IRACE --exec-dir=$EXECDIR --seed $RUNSEED $PARAMS
37 EOF
38 )
39 }
42 error () {
43 echo "$0: error: $@" >&2
44 exit 1
45 }
47 usage() {
48 cat <<EOF
49 Usage: $0 N[-M] [EXECDIR] --parallel NUM [--seed NUM] [IRACE PARAMS]
51 Parameters:
52 N an integer giving the number of repetitions of irace
53 or a sequence N-M giving which repetitions to redo.
54 EXECDIR job M will use EXECDIR-M directory (default: execdir)
55 as the execDir (--exec-dir) parameter of irace.
56 --parallel NUM number of parallel jobs (value in scenario.txt is ignored)
57 --seed NUM the seed of each run i will be SEED+i-1 (default: 1234567)
58 IRACE PARAMS additional parameters for irace.
59 EOF
60 exit 1
61 }
63 # Issue usage if no parameters are given.
64 test $# -ge 1 || usage
66 # Number of repetitions of iRace
68 shift
69 START=1
70 if [[ "$REPETITIONS" =~ ^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$ ]] ; then
73 elif ! [[ "$REPETITIONS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
74 error "number of repetitions must be an integer"
75 fi
77 # execDir (--exec-dir) directory
78 EXECDIR_PREFIX=${1:-execdir}
79 shift
80 SEED=1234567
81 N_CPUS=1
83 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
84 case "$1" in
85 --parallel) shift; N_CPUS="$1"; shift;;
86 --seed) shift; SEED="$1"; shift;;
87 *) PARAMS="$PARAMS $1"; shift;;# terminate case
88 esac
89 done
92 N_RUNS=1
93 for i in $(seq $START $REPETITIONS); do
94 EXECDIR=$(printf '%s-%002d' ${EXECDIR_PREFIX} $i)
95 echo "execution directory: $EXECDIR"
96 rm -rf $EXECDIR
97 mkdir -p $EXECDIR
98 let RUNSEED=SEED+i-1
99 irace_main $(printf '%002d' $i) &
100 sleep 1
101 done
0 ## ----include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
0 ## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
11 library(knitr)
33 ## ----exampleload,eval=TRUE,include=FALSE----------------------------
44 library("irace")
55 load("examples.Rdata")
6 load("irace-acotsp.Rdata")
7 load("log-ablation.Rdata")
6 iraceResults <- irace::read_logfile("irace-acotsp.Rdata")
7 log_ablation_file <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
8 load(log_ablation_file)
89 options(width = 70)
1011 ## ----R_irace_install, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------
8990 # {
9091 # isreal <- parameters$type[colnames(configuration)] %in% "r"
9192 # configuration[isreal] <- configuration[isreal] / sum(configuration[isreal])
93 # configurations[isreal] <- round(configuration[isreal], digits)
9294 # return(configuration)
9395 # }
116118 print(output)
118120 ## ----testing_r, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------------
119 # testing.main(logFile = "./irace.Rdata")
121 # testing_fromlog(logFile = "./irace.Rdata", testNbElites = 1)
121123 ## ----change_recover, prompt=TRUE, eval=FALSE------------------------
122124 # load ("~/tuning/irace.Rdata")
141143 print(iraceResults$allElites)
143145 ## ----get_elites, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""-----------------
144 getFinalElites(logFile = "irace-acotsp.Rdata", n = 0)
146 getFinalElites("irace-acotsp.Rdata", n = 0)
146148 ## ----show_iditelites, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""------------
147149 print(iraceResults$iterationElites)
149151 ## ----get_elite, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""------------------
150152 last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
151153 id <- iraceResults$iterationElites[last]
152 getConfigurationById(logFile = "irace-acotsp.Rdata", ids = id)
154 getConfigurationById(iraceResults, ids = id)
154156 ## ----get_experiments, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""------------
155157 # As an example, we use the best configuration found
164166 # As an example, we get seed and instance of the experiments
165167 # of the best candidate.
166168 # Get index of the instances
167 <- names(all.exp[!])
168 index <- iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[,"instance"]
169 <- which(!
170 index <- iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[, "instance"]
169171 # Obtain the instance names
170172 iraceResults$scenario$instances[index]
171173 # Get the seeds
172 iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[index,"seed"]
174 iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[, "seed"]
174176 ## ----get_model, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""------------------
175177 # As an example, we get the model probabilities for the
186188 # Get the seeds used for testing
187189 iraceResults$testing$seeds
189 ## ----plot_test, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8, out.width='0.85\\textwidth', fig.cap="Boxplot of the testing results of the best configurations.", prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""----
191 ## ----wilcox_test,prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""-----------------
190192 results <- iraceResults$testing$experiments
191193 # Wilcoxon paired test
192194 conf <- gl(ncol(results), # number of configurations
193195 nrow(results), # number of instances
194196 labels = colnames(results))
195197 pairwise.wilcox.test (as.vector(results), conf, paired = TRUE, p.adj = "bonf")
196 # Plot the results
197 configurationsBoxplot (results, ylab = "Solution cost")
199 ## ----freq, fig.pos="tbp", fig.cap="Parameters sampling frequency.", out.width="\\textwidth",prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""----
200 parameterFrequency(iraceResults$allConfigurations, iraceResults$parameters)
202 ## ----parcord, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width="0.7\\textwidth", fig.cap="Parallel coordinate plots of the parameters of the configurations in the last two iterations of a run of \\irace.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment=""----
203 # Get last iteration number
204 last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
205 # Get configurations in the last two iterations
206 conf <- getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults = iraceResults,
207 iterations = c(last - 1, last))
208 parallelCoordinatesPlot (conf, iraceResults$parameters,
209 param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "beta", "rho", "q0"),
210 hierarchy = FALSE)
212 ## ----testEvo, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width='0.75\\textwidth', fig.cap="Testing set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments. Label of each point is the configuration ID.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment=""----
199 ## ----conc, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment=""-----------------------
200 irace:::concordance(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
202 ## ----testEvo, fig.pos="tb", fig.align="center", out.width='0.7\\textwidth', fig.cap="Testing set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments. Label of each point is the configuration ID.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment=""----
213203 # Get number of iterations
214204 iters <- unique(iraceResults$experimentLog[, "iteration"])
215205 # Get number of experiments (runs of target-runner) up to each iteration
218208 # for the best configuration of that iteration.
219209 elites <- as.character(iraceResults$iterationElites)
220210 values <- colMeans(iraceResults$testing$experiments[, elites])
211 stderr <- function(x) sqrt(var(x)/length(x))
212 err <- apply(iraceResults$testing$experiments[, elites], 2, stderr)
221213 plot(fes, values, type = "s",
222214 xlab = "Number of runs of the target algorithm",
223 ylab = "Mean value over testing set")
224 points(fes, values)
215 ylab = "Mean value over testing set", ylim=c(23000000,23500000))
216 points(fes, values, pch=19)
217 arrows(fes, values - err, fes, values + err, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3)
225218 text(fes, values, elites, pos = 1)
227220 ## ----ablation, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE-----------------------------
228 # ablation(iraceLogFile = "irace.Rdata",
229 # src = 1, target = 60, pdf.file = "plot-ablation.pdf")
231 ## ----testAb, fig.pos="htb!", fig.align="center", out.width="0.75\\textwidth", fig.cap="Example of plot generated by \\code{ablation()}.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----
232 plotAblation(abLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata")
221 # ablog <- ablation("irace.Rdata", src = 1, target = 60)
222 # plotAblation(ablog)
224 ## ----testAb, fig.pos="htb!", fig.align="center", out.width="0.75\\textwidth", fig.cap="Example of plot generated by \\code{plotAblation()}.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----
225 logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
226 plotAblation(logfile)
228 ## ----ablation_cmdline, prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE-----------
229 ablation_cmdline("--help")
234231 ## ----postsel, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------
235232 # # Execute all elite configurations in the iterations
55 %\VignetteDepends{knitr}
66 %\VignetteCompiler{knitr}
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2324 \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}
2425 \usepackage{relsize}
2526 \usepackage{fancyvrb}
27 \usepackage{microtype}
28 % \texttt{test -- test} keeps the "--" as "--" (and does not convert it to an en dash)
29 \DisableLigatures{encoding = T1, family = tt* }
2630 \usepackage[hyphens]{url}
2731 \usepackage{hyperref}
2832 \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}
97101 \makeatletter
98102 \DeclareRobustCommand\code{\bgroup\@makeother\_\@makeother\~\@makeother\$\@noligs\@codex}
99103 \def\@codex#1{\texorpdfstring%
100 {{\normalfont\ttfamily\hyphenchar\font=-1 #1}}%
104 {{\text{\normalfont\ttfamily\hyphenchar\font=-1 #1}}}%
101105 {#1}\egroup}
102106 \makeatother
119123 \emph{flag:} %
120124 \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{%
121125 \code{-#1}~~~\emph{or}~~~}%
122 \code{-{}-#3} ~~ }%
126 \code{--#3} ~~ }%
123127 \emph{default:}~\texttt{#4} \\
124128 }
125129 \newcommand{\parameter}[1]{\hyperlink{opt:#1}{\code{#1}}}
212216 <<exampleload,eval=TRUE,include=FALSE>>=
213217 library("irace")
214218 load("examples.Rdata")
215 load("irace-acotsp.Rdata")
216 load("log-ablation.Rdata")
219 iraceResults <- irace::read_logfile("irace-acotsp.Rdata")
220 log_ablation_file <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
221 load(log_ablation_file)
217222 options(width = 70)
218223 @
219224 \newpage
247252 \end{center}
248253 %
249254 More information about \irace is available at
250 \url{}.
255 \url{}.
252257 \subsection{Version}
253258 The current version of the \irace package is \iraceversion. Previous
544549 \end{lstlisting}
545550 %@
547 \item Copy all the template files from the \IRACEHOME{/templates/}
548 directory to the scenario directory.
549 %<<copy1,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
552 \item Initialize the tuning directory with template config files. On GNU/Linux or OS X, you can do this as follows:
553 %<<dir1,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
550554 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
551 # $IRACE_HOME is the installation directory of irace.
552 cp $IRACE_HOME/templates/*.tmpl ~/tuning/
555 irace --init
553556 \end{lstlisting}
554557 %@
556 % Remember that \IRACEHOME{} is the path to the installation
557 % directory of \irace. It can be obtained in the \aR console with:
558 %
559 % <<irace_path,eval=FALSE, prompt=FALSE>>=
560 % library("irace")
561 % system.file(package = "irace")
562 % @
564 \item For each template in your tuning directory, remove the \code{.tmpl}
565 suffix, and modify them following the next steps.
567559 \item Define the target algorithm parameters to be tuned by following the
568560 instructions in \code{parameters.txt}. Available parameter types and other
612604 time (\code{cost [time]}). When the \parameter{maxTime} option is used, returning \code{time} is mandatory.
613605 The \code{target-runner} template is written in \proglang{GNU Bash}
614606 scripting language, which can be executed easily in GNU/Linux and OS X
615 systems. However, you may use any other programming language. As an example,
616 we provide a \proglang{Python} example in the directory
617 \IRACEHOME{/examples/python}. %
607 systems. However, you may use any other programming language. We provide examples written in \proglang{Python}, \proglang{MATLAB} and other languages in \IRACEHOME{/examples/}. %
618608 Follow these instructions to adjust the given \code{target-runner} template
619609 to your algorithm:
620610 \begin{enumerate}
655645 \code{COST=\$(cat \$\{STDOUT\} | grep -e '\^{}[[:space:]]*[+-]\textbackslash{}?[0-9]' | cut -f1)}
656646 \end{center}
657647 parses the output of your algorithm to obtain the result from the last line. The \code{target-runner}
658 script must return \textbf{only} one number. In the template example, the result is returned with
659 \code{echo "\$COST"} (assuming \parameter{maxExperiments} is used) and the used files are deleted.
648 script must print \textbf{only} one number. In the template example, the result is printed with
649 \code{echo "\$COST"} (assuming \parameter{maxExperiments} is used) and the generated files are deleted (you may remove that line if you wish to keep them).
661651 \begin{xwarningbox}
662 The \code{target-runner} script must be executable.
652 The \code{target-runner} script must be an executable file, unless you specify \parameter{targetRunnerLauncher} and \parameter{targetRunnerLauncherArgs}.
663653 \end{xwarningbox}
665655 You can test the target runner from the \aR console by checking the scenario as
674664 \item \textit{Optional}: Modify the \code{target-evaluator} file. This is rarely needed and the \code{target-runner} template does not use it. \autoref{sec:evaluator} explains when a \parameter{targetEvaluator} is needed and how to define it.
676 \item The \irace executable provides an option (\parameter{-{}-check}) to
666 \item The \irace executable provides an option (\parameter{--check}) to
677667 check that the scenario is correctly defined. We recommend to perform a
678668 check every time you create a new scenario. When performing the check,
679669 \irace will verify that the scenario and parameter definitions are
706696 or directly from the \aR console:
708698 \begin{itemize}
709 \item{%
699 \item
710700 \textbf{From the command-line console}, call the command (on Windows, you should execute
711701 \code{irace.exe}):
712702 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
720710 properly in the \code{scenario.txt} file using the options described in
721711 \autoref{sec:irace options}. Most \irace options can be specified
722712 in the command line or directly in the \code{scenario.txt} file.
723 }
724 \item{
714 \item
725715 \textbf{From the \aR console}, evaluate:
727717 <<irace_R_exe, eval=FALSE, prompt=FALSE>>=
732722 scenario = defaultScenario())
733723 irace.main(scenario = scenario)
734724 @
735 }
736726 \end{itemize}
738728 This will perform one run of \irace. See the output of \code{irace --help} in the command-line or \code{irace.usage()} in \aR for quick information on
747737 \subsection{Setup example for ACOTSP}\label{sec:example}
749 The \ACOTSP tuning example can be found in the package installation at
750 \IRACEHOME{/examples/acotsp}.
739 The \ACOTSP tuning example can be found in the package installation in the folder \IRACEHOME{/examples/acotsp}.
751740 %
752 Additionally, a number of example scenarios can be found in the \code{examples} folder. More
741 Other example scenarios can be found in the same folder. More
753742 examples of tuning scenarios can be found in the Algorithm Configuration Library (AClib, \url{}).
755744 In this section, we describe how to execute the \ACOTSP scenario. If you wish to start setting up
756745 your own scenario, continue to the next section. For this example, we assume
757 a GNU/Linux system but making the necessary changes in the commands and \parameter{targetRunner},
758 it can be executed in any system that has a \proglang{C} compiler.
759 %\MANUEL{I don't think this is true, since the target-runner script needs Bash}
746 a GNU/Linux system such as Ubuntu with a working \proglang{C} compiler such as \code{gcc}.
760747 To execute this scenario follow these steps:
762749 \begin{enumerate}
771758 \end{lstlisting}
772759 %@
774 \item Download the training instances from \url{} to the \path{~/tuning/} directory.
761 \item Download the training instances from \url{} to the \path{~/tuning/} directory.
775762 \item Create the instance directory (\eg~\path{~/tuning/Instances}) and decompress the instance files on it.
777764 %<<instance0,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
792779 make
793780 \end{lstlisting}
794781 %@
795 \item Create a directory for the executable and copy it:
797 %<<acotsp1,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
798 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
799 mkdir ~/bin/
800 cp ~/tuning/ACOTSP-1.03/acotsp ~/bin/
801 \end{lstlisting}
802 %@
804783 \item Create a directory for executing the experiments and execute \irace:
858837 option \parameter{digits}. For example, given the default
859838 number of digits of $4$, the values $0.12345$ and
860839 $0.12341$ are both rounded to $0.1234$.
861 % However, the values $0.00001$ and $0.00005$ remain the same.
862 Selected real-valued parameters can be optionally sampled on
840 Selected real-valued parameters can be optionally sampled on
863841 a logarithmic scale (base $e$).
865843 \item \textit{Integer} parameters are numerical parameters that can take only
895873 defined on them. All fixed parameters must be defined as categorical
896874 parameters and have a domain of one element.
898 \subsubsection{Conditional parameters}
876 \subsubsection{Parameter dependent domains}\label{sec:paramdependant}
878 Domains that are dependent on the values of other parameters can be specified
879 only for numerical parameters (both integer and real). To do so, the dependent
880 domain must be expressed in function of another parameter, which must be a
881 numerical parameter. The expression that defines a dependency must be written
882 between quotes: \code{(value, "expression")} or \code{("expression", value)} or
883 \code{("expression", "expression")}.
885 The expressions can only use the following operators and \aR functions: \code{+},
886 \code{-}, \code{*}, \code{/}, \code{\%\%}, \code{min}, \code{max},
887 \code{round}, \code{floor}, \code{ceiling}, \code{trunc}. If you need to use an
888 operator or function not listed here, please contact us.
890 \begin{xwarningbox}
891 The user must ensure that the defined domain is valid at all times since
892 \irace currently is not able to detect possible invalid domains based on the expressions
893 provided.
894 \end{xwarningbox}
896 If you have a parameter \code{p2} that is just a transformation of another
897 \code{p1}, then instead of using a dependent domain (left-hand side of the
898 following example), it will be better to create a dummy parameter that controls
899 the transformation (right-hand side) and do the transformation within \code{target-runner}. For example:
900 %
901 \begin{center}
902 \begin{minipage}{0.4\linewidth}
903 \small\centering%
904 \begin{CodeInput}[frame=single]
905 # With dependent domains
906 p1 "" r (0, 100)
907 p2 "" r ("p1", "p1 + 10")
908 \end{CodeInput}
909 \end{minipage}
910 \hspace{\stretch{1}} should be \hspace{\stretch{1}}
911 \begin{minipage}{0.4\linewidth}
912 \small\centering%
913 \begin{CodeInput}[frame=single]
914 # With a dummy parameter
915 p1 "" r (0, 100)
916 p2dum "" r (0, 10)
917 \end{CodeInput}
918 \end{minipage}
919 \end{center}
920 %
921 and \code{target-runner} will compute $\code{p2} = \code{p2dum} \cdot \code{p1}$.
924 \subsubsection{Conditional parameters}\label{sec:conditional}
900926 Conditional parameters are active only when others have certain values. These
901927 dependencies define a hierarchical relation between parameters. For example,
910936 table. Each line of the table defines a configurable parameter
911937 %
912938 \begin{center}
913 \code{<name>\ <label>\ <type>\ <range>\ [ | <condition>\ ] }
939 \code{<name>\ <label>\ <type>\ <domain>\ [ | <condition>\ ] }
914940 \end{center}
915941 where each field is defined as follows:
916942 %
917 \begin{center}
918 \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}
919 \begin{tabularx}{0.98\linewidth}{@{}rX@{}}
920 \code{<name>} & The name of the parameter as an unquoted
921 alphanumeric string, e.g., `\code{ants}'.\\
943 \begin{description}[left=5em,itemindent=-0.5em,align=right,itemsep=0pt]
944 % \DrawEnumitemLabel
945 \item[\code{<name>}] The name of the parameter as an unquoted
946 alphanumeric string, e.g., `\code{ants}'.
922947 %
923 \code{<label>}& A \emph{label} for this parameter. This is a
948 \item[\code{<label>}]
949 A \emph{label} for this parameter. This is a
924950 string that will be passed together with the parameter
925951 to \parameter{targetRunner}. In the default \parameter{targetRunner}
926952 provided with the package (\autoref{sec:runner}), this is the
927953 command-line switch used to pass the value of this parameter, for
928 instance `\code{"-{}-ants "}'.\newline
954 instance `\code{"--ants "}'.\newline
929955 The value of the parameter is concatenated \emph{without
930956 separator} to the label when
931 invoking \parameter{targetRunner}, thus \emph{any whitespace in the label is significant}. Following the same example, when parameter \code{ants} takes value \code{5}, the default targetRunner will pass the parameter as \code{"-{}-ants 5"}.\\
932 %
933 \code{{<type>}} & The type of the parameter, either
957 invoking \parameter{targetRunner}, thus \emph{any whitespace in the label is significant}. Following the same example, when parameter \code{ants} takes value \code{5}, the default targetRunner will pass the parameter as \code{"--ants 5"}.
959 \item[\code{{<type>}}] The type of the parameter, either
934960 \textit{integer}, \textit{real}, \textit{ordinal} or
935961 \textit{categorical}, given as a single letter: `\code{i}',
936962 `\code{r}', `\code{o}' or `\code{c}'. Numerical parameters
937963 can be sampled using a natural logarithmic scale with '\code{i,log}' and
938964 '\code{r,log}' (without spaces) for integer and real
939 parameters, respectively.\\
965 parameters, respectively.
940966 %
941 \code{{<range>}} & The range or set of values of the parameter delimited by
942 parentheses. \eg~\code{(0,1)} or \code{(a,b,c,d)}.\\
967 \item[\code{{<domain>}}] The range or set of values of the parameter delimited by
968 parentheses, \eg~\code{(0,1)} or \code{(a,b,c,d)}.
969 See also parameter dependent domains (\autoref{sec:paramdependant}).
943970 %
945 \code{{<condition>}} & An optional \emph{condition} that determines whether the parameter is
972 \item[\code{{<condition>}}] An optional \emph{condition} that determines whether the parameter is
946973 enabled or disabled, thus making the parameter conditional. If the
947974 condition evaluates to false, then no value is assigned to this
948975 parameter, and neither the parameter value nor the corresponding
952979 The condition may contain the name
953980 of other parameters as long as the dependency graph does not
954981 contain any cycle. Otherwise, \irace will detect the cycle and
955 stop with an error. \\
956 \end{tabularx}
957 \end{center}
982 stop with an error.
984 \end{description}
959986 As an example, Figure~\ref{fig:acotsp_parameters} shows the parameters file
960987 of the \ACOTSP scenario.
962989 \begin{figure}[!hbt]
963990 \small\centering%
964991 \begin{CodeInput}
965 # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
966 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
967 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
968 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
969 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
970 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
971 ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
972 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3)
973 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
974 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
975 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, 100) | algorithm == "ras"
976 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
992 # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
993 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
994 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
995 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
996 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
997 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
998 ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
999 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3)
1000 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
1001 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
1002 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "ants") | algorithm == "ras"
1003 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
9771004 \end{CodeInput}
9781005 \caption{Parameter file (\code{parameters.txt}) for tuning \ACOTSP.}\label{fig:acotsp_parameters}
9791006 \end{figure}
10081035 \code{nbParameters} & An integer, the total number of parameters.\\
10091036 \code{nbFixed} & An integer, the number of parameters with a fixed value.\\
10101037 \code{nbVariable} & Number of variable (i.e., to be tuned) parameters.\\
1038 \code{isDependent} & Logical vector that specifies which parameter defines
1039 a dependent domain.\\
10111040 \end{tabularx}
10121041 \end{center}
10571086 \code{id.instance} & an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies an instance;\\
10581087 \code{seed} & seed for the random number generator to be used for this evaluation, ignore the seed for deterministic algorithms;\\
10591088 \code{instance} & string giving the instance to be used for this evaluation;\\
1060 \code{bound} & optional execution time bound. Only provided when the \parameter{maxBound} option is set in the scenario, see \autoref{sec:capping};\\
1089 \code{bound} & optional execution time bound. Only provided when the \parameter{boundMax} option is set in the scenario, see \autoref{sec:capping};\\
10611090 \code{configuration} & the pairs parameter label-value that
10621091 describe this candidate configuration. Typically given as command-line
10631092 switches to be passed to the executable program.\\
14301459 the condition with \code{as.numeric(a)}.
14311460 \end{xwarningbox}
1462 If the constraints provided are too strict, \irace may produce the following error:
1463 \begin{CodeInput}
1464 irace tried 100 times to sample from the model a configuration not forbidden
1465 without success, perhaps your constraints are too strict?
1466 \end{CodeInput}
1467 %
1468 In that case, it may be a good idea to reformulate the constraints as conditional parameters (\autoref{sec:conditional}), parameter-dependent domains (\autoref{sec:paramdependant}), repairing the configurations (\autoref{sec:repairconf}) or post-processing within the target-algorithm (\autoref{sec:complex_domains}).
14331471 \subsection{Repairing configurations}\label{sec:repairconf}
14351473 In some problems, the parameter values require complex constraints that cannot
14551493 {
14561494 isreal <- parameters$type[colnames(configuration)] %in% "r"
14571495 configuration[isreal] <- configuration[isreal] / sum(configuration[isreal])
1496 configurations[isreal] <- round(configuration[isreal], digits)
14581497 return(configuration)
14591498 }
14601499 @
16351674 \end{itemize}
16371676 The testing can be also (re-)executed at a later time by using the following
1638 \aR command:
1677 \aR command (but you may need to override \code{testNbElites} and \code{testIterationElites}):
16391678 %
16401679 <<testing_r, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
1641 testing.main(logFile = "./irace.Rdata")
1680 testing_fromlog(logFile = "./irace.Rdata", testNbElites = 1)
16421681 @
16431682 %
16441683 The above line will load the scenario setup from \parameter{logFile} to
16481687 \autoref{sec:output r}. For examples on how to analyse the results see
16491688 \autoref{sec:analysis}.
1651 Another alternative is to test a specific set of configurations using the command-line option \parameter{-{}-only-test} as follows:
1690 Another alternative is to test a specific set of configurations using the command-line option \parameter{--only-test} as follows:
16521691 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
16531692 irace --only-test configurations.txt
16541693 \end{lstlisting}
18491888 discarded after the statistical test was performed.
18501889 \item \code{Best}: ID of the best configuration according to the instances seen
18511890 so far in this race (i.e., not including previous iterations).
1852 \item \code{Mean best}: Mean of the best configuration across the instances seen so
1853 far in this race.
1891 \item \code{Mean best}: Mean cost value of the best configuration across the instances seen so
1892 far in this race (not globally). Equivalent to the concept of ``iteration-best'' in other algorithms.
18541893 \item \code{Exp so far}: Number of experiments
18551894 performed so far.
18561895 \item \code{W time}: Wall-clock time spent on this instance.
19231962 parameters of all elite configurations found by \irace use:
19251964 <<get_elites, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
1926 getFinalElites(logFile = "irace-acotsp.Rdata", n = 0)
1965 getFinalElites("irace-acotsp.Rdata", n = 0)
19271966 @
19291968 \item \code{iterationElites}: A vector containing the best candidate configuration ID of each iteration. The best configuration found corresponds to the last one
19371976 <<get_elite, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
19381977 last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
19391978 id <- iraceResults$iterationElites[last]
1940 getConfigurationById(logFile = "irace-acotsp.Rdata", ids = id)
1979 getConfigurationById(iraceResults, ids = id)
19411980 @
19431982 \item \code{rejectedConfigurations}: A vector containing the rejected configurations IDs. These
19732012 # As an example, we get seed and instance of the experiments
19742013 # of the best candidate.
19752014 # Get index of the instances
1976 <- names(all.exp[!])
1977 index <- iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[,"instance"]
2015 <- which(!
2016 index <- iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[, "instance"]
19782017 # Obtain the instance names
19792018 iraceResults$scenario$instances[index]
19802019 # Get the seeds
1981 iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[index,"seed"]
2020 iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[, "seed"]
19822021 @
19832022 \item \code{experimentLog}: A matrix with columns \code{iteration, instance, configuration}. This matrix contains the log of all the experiments that \irace
19842023 performs during its execution. The \code{instance} column refers to the index of the
20372076 configuration is reported first.
20392078 If testing is performed, you can further analyze the resulting best
2040 configurations by performing statistical tests in \aR or just plotting the
2041 results:
2043 <<plot_test, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8, out.width='0.85\\textwidth', fig.cap="Boxplot of the testing results of the best configurations.", prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2079 configurations by performing statistical tests in \aR:
2080 % FIXME: iraceplot
2081 % or just plotting the results:
2082 %<<plot_test, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8, out.width='0.85\\textwidth', fig.cap="Boxplot of the testing results of the best configurations.", prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2083 <<wilcox_test,prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
20442084 results <- iraceResults$testing$experiments
20452085 # Wilcoxon paired test
20462086 conf <- gl(ncol(results), # number of configurations
20472087 nrow(results), # number of instances
20482088 labels = colnames(results))
20492089 pairwise.wilcox.test (as.vector(results), conf, paired = TRUE, p.adj = "bonf")
2050 # Plot the results
2051 configurationsBoxplot (results, ylab = "Solution cost")
2052 @
2054 %%FIXME: should we add something like this?
2055 %The Kendall concordance coefficient (\code{W}) and the Spearman's rho can be
2056 %applied over data that has the characteristics of the data obtained in the testing,
2057 %that is a full matrix where all configurations are executed in all instances. \code{W}
2058 %can show if the configurations tested have an homogeneous performance on the used instances
2059 %set. If evidence of an heterogeneous scenario found we recommend to make some adjustments
2060 %in the \irace options as described in \autoref{sec:}
2062 %<<conc, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2063 %irace:::concordance(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
2064 %@
2065 %
2067 During the tuning, \irace iteratively updates the sampling models of the
2068 parameters to focus on the best regions of the parameter search space. The
2069 frequency of the sampled configurations can provide insights on the parameter
2070 search space. We provide a function for plotting the
2071 frequency of the sampling of a set of configurations. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type in the
2072 \aR console: \code{?parameterFrequency}. The following example
2073 plots the frequency of the parameters sampled during one \irace run:
2075 <<freq, fig.pos="tbp", fig.cap="Parameters sampling frequency.", out.width="\\textwidth",prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2076 parameterFrequency(iraceResults$allConfigurations, iraceResults$parameters)
2077 @
2079 By using parallel coordinates plots, it is possible to analyze how the parameters
2080 interact with each other. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type
2081 in the \aR console: (\code{?parallelCoordinatesPlot}).
2082 The following example shows how to create a parallel
2083 coordinate plot of the configurations in the last two iterations of \irace.
2085 <<parcord, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width="0.7\\textwidth", fig.cap="Parallel coordinate plots of the parameters of the configurations in the last two iterations of a run of \\irace.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2086 # Get last iteration number
2087 last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
2088 # Get configurations in the last two iterations
2089 conf <- getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults = iraceResults,
2090 iterations = c(last - 1, last))
2091 parallelCoordinatesPlot (conf, iraceResults$parameters,
2092 param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "beta", "rho", "q0"),
2093 hierarchy = FALSE)
2094 @
2090 @
2091 % # Plot the results
2092 % configurationsBoxplot (results, ylab = "Solution cost")
2094 The Kendall concordance coefficient (\code{W}) and the Spearman's rho can be
2095 applied over data that has the characteristics of the data obtained in the testing,
2096 that is a full matrix where all configurations are executed in all instances. \code{W}
2097 can show if the configurations tested have an homogeneous performance on the used instances
2098 set. If evidence of an heterogeneous scenario found we recommend to make some adjustments
2099 in the \irace options as described in \autoref{sec:het}.
2101 <<conc, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2102 irace:::concordance(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
2103 @
2104 %
2106 %% FIXME: iraceplot
2107 % During the tuning, \irace iteratively updates the sampling models of the
2108 % parameters to focus on the best regions of the parameter search space. The
2109 % frequency of the sampled configurations can provide insights on the parameter
2110 % search space. We provide a function for plotting the
2111 % frequency of the sampling of a set of configurations. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type in the
2112 % \aR console: \code{?parameterFrequency}. The following example
2113 % plots the frequency of the parameters sampled during one \irace run:
2115 % <<freq, fig.pos="tbp", fig.cap="Parameters sampling frequency.", out.width="\\textwidth",prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2116 % parameterFrequency(iraceResults$allConfigurations, iraceResults$parameters)
2117 % @
2119 %% FIXME: iraceplot
2120 % By using parallel coordinates plots, it is possible to analyze how the parameters
2121 % interact with each other. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type
2122 % in the \aR console: (\code{?parallelCoordinatesPlot}).
2123 % The following example shows how to create a parallel
2124 % coordinate plot of the configurations in the last two iterations of \irace.
2126 % <<parcord, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width="0.7\\textwidth", fig.cap="Parallel coordinate plots of the parameters of the configurations in the last two iterations of a run of \\irace.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2127 % # Get last iteration number
2128 % last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
2129 % # Get configurations in the last two iterations
2130 % conf <- getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults = iraceResults,
2131 % iterations = c(last - 1, last))
2132 % parallelCoordinatesPlot (conf, iraceResults$parameters,
2133 % param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "beta", "rho",
2134 % "q0", "rasrank"),
2135 % hierarchy = FALSE)
2136 % @
20962138 %%% FIXME: This plot is completely misleading. We should either calculate the
20972139 %%% performance over the whole training set, or find a way to plot the
20992141 %%% different number of instances. Or simply plot a heatmap of instances x
21002142 %%% best-of-each iteration.
21012143 \hide{It is also possible to plot the performance evolution of the best-so-far configuration over the number of experiments as follows:
2102 %% <<trainEvo, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width='0.75\\textwidth', fig.cap="Training set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2144 %%<<trainEvo, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width='0.75\\textwidth', fig.cap="Training set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
21032145 # Get number of iterations
21042146 iters <- unique(iraceResults$experimentLog[, "iteration"])
21052147 # Get number of experiments (runs of target-runner) up to each iteration
21192161 points(fes, values)
21202162 }
2122 It is also possible to plot the performance on the test set of the best-so-far configuration over the number of experiments as follows:
2123 <<testEvo, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width='0.75\\textwidth', fig.cap="Testing set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments. Label of each point is the configuration ID.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2164 % FIXME: We should normalize the ranges per instance so since the performance
2165 % on different instances is quite different.
2166 It is also possible, as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:testEvo}, to plot the performance on the test set of the best-so-far configuration over the number of experiments as follows:
2167 <<testEvo, fig.pos="tb", fig.align="center", out.width='0.7\\textwidth', fig.cap="Testing set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments. Label of each point is the configuration ID.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
21242168 # Get number of iterations
21252169 iters <- unique(iraceResults$experimentLog[, "iteration"])
21262170 # Get number of experiments (runs of target-runner) up to each iteration
21292173 # for the best configuration of that iteration.
21302174 elites <- as.character(iraceResults$iterationElites)
21312175 values <- colMeans(iraceResults$testing$experiments[, elites])
2176 stderr <- function(x) sqrt(var(x)/length(x))
2177 err <- apply(iraceResults$testing$experiments[, elites], 2, stderr)
21322178 plot(fes, values, type = "s",
21332179 xlab = "Number of runs of the target algorithm",
2134 ylab = "Mean value over testing set")
2135 points(fes, values)
2180 ylab = "Mean value over testing set", ylim=c(23000000,23500000))
2181 points(fes, values, pch=19)
2182 arrows(fes, values - err, fes, values + err, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3)
21362183 text(fes, values, elites, pos = 1)
21372184 @
21392186 The \irace package also provides an implementation of the ablation
21402187 method~\cite{FawHoos2015ablation}. See \autoref{sec:ablation}.
2189 Finally, more advanced visualizations of the behavior of \irace are provided by
2190 the ACVIZ software package~\cite{DesRitLopPer2021acviz}, which is available at \url{}. See an example in Fig.~\ref{fig:acviz}.
2192 \begin{figure}[htb]
2193 \centering
2194 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig1u-acotsp-instances}
2195 \caption{Visualization produced by ACVIZ~\cite{DesRitLopPer2021acviz}.}
2196 \label{fig:acviz}
2197 \end{figure}
21422201 %%
21432202 %%
21692228 must return the evaluation cost together with the execution time (\code{"cost time"}).
21712230 \begin{xwarningbox}
2172 When the goal is to minimize the computation time of an algorithm, and you wish to use \parameter{maxTime} as the tuning budget, \parameter{targetRunner} must return the time also as the evaluation cost, that is, return the time two times as \code{"time time"}.
2231 When the goal is to minimize the computation time of an algorithm, and you wish to use \parameter{maxTime} as the tuning budget, \parameter{targetRunner} must return the time also as the evaluation cost, that is, return the time twice as \code{"time time"}.
21732232 \end{xwarningbox}
21752234 \begin{xwarningbox}
22302289 \subsection{Tuning for minimizing computation time}
22312290 \label{sec:capping}
2233 When using \irace for tuning algorithms that report computation time to
2234 reach a target, \parameter{targetRunner} should return the execution time of a configuration instead of solution cost.
2236 %Even though \irace can be used for
2237 %minimizing computation time, \irace may itself require more time to do so in
2238 %its current version than other methods, such as
2239 %\code{ParamILS}\footnote{\url{}}
2240 %or \code{SMAC}\footnote{\url{}},
2241 %since it does not make use of techniques, such as ``adaptive capping'', that
2242 %avoid long runs of the target algorithm.
2243 %We are currently extending \irace with an adaptive capping mechanism.
2292 When using \irace for tuning algorithms that only report computation time to
2293 reach a target, \parameter{targetRunner} should return the execution time of a configuration instead of solution cost. When using \parameter{maxTime} as the budget, this means that \parameter{targetRunner} must return twice the execution time since the first value is the minimization objective and the second value is used to track the budget consumed.
22452295 Starting from version $3.0$, \irace includes an elitist racing procedure that
22462296 implements an \textbf{adaptive capping mechanism} \citep{PerLopHooStu2017:lion}.
2337 \subsection{Hyper-pararameter optimization of machine learning methods}
2339 The \irace package can also be used for model selection and hyper-parameter optimization
2340 of machine learning methods. For such a task, we recommend the \pkg{mlr} package~\citep{R:mlr}.
2341 The following webpage documents how to use \irace for this purpose: \url{}
2387 \subsection{Hyper-parameter optimization of machine learning methods}
2389 The \irace package can also be used for model selection and hyper-parameter
2390 optimization of machine learning (ML) methods. We will next explain a possible
2391 setup for one given dataset and using $10$-fold cross-validation
2392 (CV). Generalizing to multiple datasets and different resampling strategies,
2393 e.g. leave-one-out, is straightforward.
2395 First, split the dataset into training, to be used by \irace, and testing, to
2396 be used for evaluating the performance of the configuration returned by
2397 \irace. A typical split could be $70\%$ and $30\%$, respectively.
2399 The training set is used by \irace to perform $10$-fold CV, that is, the data
2400 is split into $10$ folds. A single run of the \parameter{targetRunner} will use
2401 $9$ folds for training and the remaining fold for validation. Splitting the
2402 data into folds can be done at each call of \parameter{targetRunner} or before
2403 running \irace, however, it is important that the split is always the same for
2404 every call of the \parameter{targetRunner}, i.e., the content of the folds does
2405 not change, only which folds are used for training and validation will change.
2407 The setup of \irace should be as follows:
2408 %
2409 \begin{itemize}
2410 \item \parameter{trainInstancesFile}\code{="train-instances.txt"}, where this
2411 file contains one number per line from $1$ to $10$. This number will tell the
2412 \parameter{targetRunner} which fold should be used for validation.
2413 \item \parameter{trainInstancesDir}\code{=""}, because the folds are the
2414 ``instances'' and you do not have actual instance files. If you want to pass
2415 the name of the dataset to the \parameter{targetRunner}, you can specify it
2416 either at each line of \code{"train-instances.txt"}, directly in the
2417 \parameter{targetRunner}, or as a fixed parameter in the
2418 \parameter{parameterFile}.
2419 \item \parameter{deterministic}\code{=1} unless it really makes sense to
2420 train more than once the same ML model on the same data. If it makes sense,
2421 then your \parameter{targetRunner} should use the seed passed by \irace to
2422 seed the ML model before training.
2423 \item \parameter{sampleInstances}\code{=0} because the folds should already be generated by randomly sampling the dataset.
2424 \item \parameter{testType}\code{="t-test} because the performance metrics in
2425 ML are typically the mean of the CV results, which assumes that the
2426 performance are close to normally distributed.
2427 \item \parameter{firstTest}\code{=2} because \irace should discard
2428 configurations very aggressively looking for maximum generality.
2429 \end{itemize}
2431 \noindent%
2432 Finally, your \parameter{targetRunner} needs to be able to do the following:
2433 \begin{itemize}
2434 \item Receive from \irace the hyper-parameter settings, the dataset name and a
2435 fold number (the ``instance''). Let us use fold 3 as an example.
2436 \item Train the ML model on the whole training set minus fold 3, then validate
2437 (score) the model on fold 3 and return the score to \irace (negated if the
2438 score must be maximized, because \irace assumes minimization). Since each
2439 fold is different, each instance should give a different result. Each row in
2440 the table printed by \irace should print something different; otherwise,
2441 something is wrong in your setup.
2442 \end{itemize}
2444 The above is actually 10 times faster than doing 10-fold CV for each call to
2445 \parameter{targetRunner}, thus, you should assign to \irace 10 times the budget
2446 than what would be assigned to other methods that do a complete 10-fold CV at
2447 each step.
2449 %% FIXME: They removed the tutorial
2450 %% For such a task, we recommend the \pkg{mlr} package~\citep{R:mlr}.
2451 %% The following webpage documents how to use \irace for this purpose: \url{}
23442454 \subsection{Heterogeneous scenarios}
23612471 selection techniques can be used to select the best configuration from the
23622472 portfolio when facing a new instance.
2474 To make sure \irace is not misled by results on few instances, it may be useful
2475 to increase the number of instances executed before doing a statistical test
2476 using the option \parameter{firstTest}, \eg \code{--first-test 10} (default
2477 value is 5), in order to see more instances before discarding configurations.
2478 The option \parameter{elitistNewInstances} in elitist \irace (option
2479 \parameter{elitist}) can be used to increase the number of new instances
2480 executed in each iteration, \eg \code{--elitist-new-instances 5} (default value
2481 is 1).
23642483 If finding an overall good configuration for all the instances is the
2365 objective, then we recommend that instances are randomly sampled
2366 (option \parameter{sampleInstances}), unless one can provide the instances in a
2484 objective, then we recommend that instances are randomly sampled (option
2485 \parameter{sampleInstances}), unless one can provide the instances in a
23672486 particular order that does not bias the tuning towards any subset. For
2368 example, let's assume a heterogeneous scenario with two classes of instances. If
2369 training instances are not sampled and the first ten instances belong to only
2370 one class, the tuning will be biased towards configurations that perform good
2371 for those instances. An optimal order would not ever present consecutively two
2372 instances of the same type.
2374 In addition, it may be useful to increase the number of instances executed
2375 before doing a statistical test in order to see more instance classes before
2376 discarding configurations. The option \parameter{elitistNewInstances} in elitist
2377 \irace (option \parameter{elitist}) can be used to increase the number of new
2378 instances executed in each iteration, \eg \code{--elitist-new-instances 5} (default
2379 value is 1). For the non-elitist \irace, the option \parameter{firstTest} may be used for the same purpose, \eg \code{--first-test 10} (default value is 5).
2380 \MANUEL{And both at the same time?}
2487 example, let's assume a heterogeneous scenario with two classes of instances.
2488 If training instances are not sampled and the first ten instances belong to
2489 only one class, the tuning will be biased towards configurations that perform
2490 good for those instances. An optimal order would never present consecutively
2491 two instances of the same type. One can make sure \irace sees all instance
2492 classes before discarding configurations by carefully
2493 specifying the order of instances (disabling \parameter{sampleInstances} and
2494 specifying the order in \parameter{trainInstancesFile}) and setting both
2495 \parameter{firstTest} and \parameter{eachTest} appropriately.
23822497 While executing \irace, the homogeneity of the scenario can be observed by
23832498 examining the values of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and Kendall's
24312546 them and, therefore, it is more likely to discard good configurations.
2434 \subsection{Complex parameter space constraints}
2549 \subsection{Complex parameter space constraints}\label{sec:complex_domains}
24362551 Some parameters may have complex dependencies. Ideally, parameters should be
24372552 defined in the way that is more likely to help the search performed by
25532668 values from target. The sequence can be seen as a ``path'' from the source to
25542669 the target configuration. This can be used to find new better ``intermediate''
25552670 configurations or to analyse the impact of the parameters in the performance.
2556 To perform ablation use the \code{ablation} function and specify the IDs of the
2557 source and target configurations. By default, the source is taken as the first
2558 configuration evaluated by \irace and the target as the best overall
2559 configuration found. The argument \code{ab.params} can be used to specify a
2560 subset of the parameters considered in the ablation. The option
2673 To perform ablation, you can use the \code{ablation} function and specify the
2674 IDs of the source and target configurations. By default, the source is taken
2675 as the first configuration evaluated by \irace and the target as the best
2676 overall configuration found. The argument \code{ab.params} can be used to
2677 specify a subset of the parameters considered in the ablation. The option
25612678 \parameter{firstTest} defines how many instances are selected for the
25622679 evaluation of configurations, if a different number of instances is required it
2563 must be specified in the argument \code{n.instance}. If a PDF filename is
2564 provided (\code{pdf.file}), a plot will be produced from the ablation results
2565 (Fig.~\ref{fig:testAb}).
2680 must be specified in the argument \code{n.instance}. Use the function
2681 \code{plotAblation} to visualize the ablation results (Fig.~\ref{fig:testAb}).
25672683 <<ablation, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
2568 ablation(iraceLogFile = "irace.Rdata",
2569 src = 1, target = 60, pdf.file = "plot-ablation.pdf")
2570 @
2572 <<testAb, fig.pos="htb!", fig.align="center", out.width="0.75\\textwidth", fig.cap="Example of plot generated by \\code{ablation()}.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
2573 plotAblation(abLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata")
2684 ablog <- ablation("irace.Rdata", src = 1, target = 60)
2685 plotAblation(ablog)
2686 @
2688 <<testAb, fig.pos="htb!", fig.align="center", out.width="0.75\\textwidth", fig.cap="Example of plot generated by \\code{plotAblation()}.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
2689 logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
2690 plotAblation(logfile)
25742691 @
25762693 The function returns a list containing the following elements:
25832700 \item \code{best}: Best overall configuration found.
25842701 \end{description}
2703 We also provide a command-line executable that allows you to perform ablation without launching \aR. It is installed in the same location as the \irace command-line executable and has the following options:
2704 <<ablation_cmdline, prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>=
2705 ablation_cmdline("--help")
2706 @
25872708 \subsection{Postselection race}\label{sec:postselection}
26332754 Although ablation analysis without surrogates may be more time-consuming, results of the surrogate version may be less accurate than the non-surrogate one.
26352756 The \code{.Rdata} dataset generated by \irace can be used as input for \PyImp.
2636 We provide a script to translate an \code{irace.Rdata} file into the input format required by \PyImp.
2637 The script is available in the \irace package, and can be accessed either through the \aR console (function \code{irace2pyimp}), or via command line (\IRACEHOME{/bin/irace2pyimp}).
2757 The package \code{irace2pyimp}\footnote{\url{}} is able to convert an \code{irace.Rdata} file into the input format required by \PyImp. The conversion can be accessed either through the \aR console (function \code{irace2pyimp}), or via command line (\code{system.file("/bin/irace2pyimp", package="irace2pyimp")}).
26392759 To see the usage of the executable, please run: \code{irace2pyimp --help}.
26402760 For more information on the \aR function \code{irace2pyimp}, type in the \aR console: \code{?irace2pyimp}.
26492769 \item \code{features.csv}: a .csv file containing instance features. If no instance features are provided, the index of each instance will be used as a feature.
26502770 \end{itemize}
2652 \PyImp can then be called using the files listed above as input. Several examples on how to use the script and to call \PyImp can be found at \IRACEHOME{/inst/examples/irace2pyimp/}.
2772 \PyImp can then be called using the files listed above as input. Several
2773 examples on how to use the script and call \PyImp can be found at
2774 \code{system.file("/examples/", package="irace2pyimp")}.
26542776 %\emph{\PyImp installation note:} At the time when this document is written (December 2019), the latest \PyImp release version (1.0.6) has some bugs.
26552777 %Please check on \url{} to see if \PyImp version > 1.0.6 has been released.
28132935 This is a warning given by \aR when the last line of an input file does not
28142936 finish with the newline character. The warning is harmless and can be
28152937 ignored. If you want to suppress it, just open the file and press the
2816 \code{ENTER} key at the end of the last line of the file.
2938 \code{ENTER} key at the end of the last line of the file to end the final line with a newline.
28192941 \subsection{How are relative filesystem paths interpreted by \irace?}\label{faq:relpaths}
28442966 \subsection{My parameter space is small enough that \irace could generate all possible configurations; however, \irace generates repeated configurations and/or does not generate some of them. Is this a bug?}\label{faq:allconfs}
2846 Currently, \irace does not try to detect whether all possible configurations
2847 can be evaluated for the given budget, thus, the initial random sampling
2968 Typically, \irace is applied to parameter spaces that are much larger than what
2969 can be explored within the budget given. Thus, \irace does not try to detect
2970 whether all possible configurations can be evaluated for the given budget and
2971 it does not waste computation time to check for repeated configurations. Thus,
2972 if the parameter space is actually very small, the initial random sampling
28482973 performed by \irace may generate repeated configurations and/or never generate
2849 some configurations, which is not ideal. The ideal approach in such cases is to
2850 provide all configurations explicitly to \irace (\autoref{sec:initial}) and
2851 execute a single race (\parameter{nbIterations}\code{=1}) with exactly the
2852 number of configurations provided (e.g.,
2853 \parameter{nbConfigurations}\code{=10}). A future version of \irace will
2854 automatically detect this case and switch to basic racing without having to set additional options.
2974 some configurations, which is not ideal. If you still want to use
2975 (non-iterated) racing, the recommended approach is to provide all
2976 configurations explicitly to \irace (\autoref{sec:initial}) and execute a
2977 single race (\parameter{nbIterations}\code{=1}) with exactly the number of
2978 configurations provided (e.g., \parameter{nbConfigurations}\code{=240}). A
2979 future version of \irace may automatically detect this case and switch to
2980 non-iterated racing without having to set additional options. Future versions
2981 may also implement computationally cheap checks for repeated
2982 configurations.\footnote{If you are interested in implementing this, please
2983 contact us!}
2985 \subsection[On Windows and using (a Python file), I
2986 get the error is not executable]{On Windows and using \code{} (a \proglang{Python} file), I
2987 get the error ``\code{ is not executable}''}\label{faq:py-not-exe}
2989 The issue is that \code{.py} files are not executable on their own and you need \code{python.exe} to read the \code{.py} file and execute it. Linux knows how to do this if the first line of the file is ``\code{\#!/usr/bin/python}'', however, Windows doesn't know how to do it. In Windows you have 2 options:
2990 \begin{itemize}
2991 \item Create a \code{target-runner.bat} file that contains a line similar to (see \path{templates/windows/target-runner.bat}):
2992 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
2993 C:\path\to\python.exe C:\path\to\ %instance% %seed% \
2994 %candidate_parameters% 1>%stdout% 2>%stderr%
2995 \end{lstlisting}
2997 \item Or convert \code{} into an \code{.exe} file, for example, using \code{auto-py-to-exe}\footnote{\url{}}, so that you do not need a \code{.bat} file.
2998 \end{itemize}
3000 \subsection[Error in socketConnection(\ldots) : can not open the connection]{Error in \code{socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, lock = TRUE,} : can not open the connection}
3002 This error may arise if you activate the \parameter{parallel} option of \irace and your \parameter{targetRunner} or \parameter{targetEvaluator} tries to setup a parallel cluster or execute code in parallel in a way that interacts badly with the parallel mechanism in \aR. In this case, you need to either investigate yourself if there is a way for the two parallel mechanisms to co-exist or, if that is not possible, disable parallelism in \irace or in your code. Note that packages or software used by your \parameter{targetRunner} may have a parallel mechanism enabled by default and unknown to you. This is definitely NOT a bug in \irace.
28563004 %%
28573005 %%
28683016 \section{Resources and contact information} \label{sec:contact}
28703018 More information about the package can be found on the \irace webpage:
2871 \begin{center} \url{} \end{center}
3019 \begin{center} \url{} \end{center}
28733021 For questions and suggestions please contact the development team through
28743022 the \irace package Google group:
28793027 \begin{center}
28803028 \href{}{}
28813029 \end{center}
2883 %% MANUEL: I think we should use just one channel. If the Google group is the winner, that should be it.
2884 %the mailing list:
2885 %% LESLIE I agree.
2886 %\begin{center} \href{}{} \end{center}
28893032 \section{Acknowledgements}
Binary diff not shown
0 Additional examples of scenarios can be found in:
2 Capping Methods for the Automatic Configuration of Optimization Algorithms
3 Marcelo de Souza, Marcus Ritt and Manuel López-Ibáñez
6 * ACOTSP: ant colony optimization algorithms for the symmetric traveling salesperson problem.
7 * HEACOL: hybrid evolutionary algorithm for graph coloring.
8 * TSBPP: tabu search for the bin packing problem.
9 * HHBQP: hybrid heuristic for unconstrained binary quadratic programming.
10 * LKH: a heuristic algorithm for solving the symmetric traveling salesperson problem.
11 * SCIP: an exact solver for mixed integer programs for solving the
12 combinatorial auction winner determination problem.
16 Frank Hutter, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Chris Fawcett, Marius Thomas Lindauer,
17 Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Thomas Stützle. AClib: a Benchmark
18 Library for Algorithm Configuration. In P. M. Pardalos, M. G. C. Resende,
19 C. Vogiatzis, and J. L. Walteros, editors, Learning and Intelligent
20 Optimization, 8th International Conference, LION 8, volume 8426 of Lecture
21 Notes in Computer Science, pages 36–40. Springer, 2014.
1212 TSP instances and more information is available at:
1717 }
20 # Path to the ACOTSP software:
21 EXE=~/bin/acotsp
20 # Path to the ACOTSP executable (this path is relative to the execution directory `execDir` specified in the scenario).
21 # EXE="~/bin/acotsp"
22 EXE="../ACOTSP-1.03/acotsp"
2324 # Fixed parameters that should be always passed to ACOTSP.
2425 # The time to be used is always 10 seconds, and we want only one run:
5151 # This is an example of reading a number from the output of
5252 # target-runner. It assumes that the objective value is the first number in
5353 # the first column of the only line starting with a digit.
54 if [ -s "${STDOUT}" ]; then
55 # You may need to update this to parse the output of your algorithm.
56 COST=$(cat ${STDOUT} | grep -e '^[[:space:]]*[+-]\?[0-9]' | cut -f1)
57 echo "$COST"
58 TODELETE=$(comm -23 <(ls -1 c*-${INSTANCEID}-${SEED}.* | sort) <(ls -1 $ALLFILES))
59 ## Comment out if you wish to keep all output files around
60 # rm -f $TODELETE
61 exit 0
62 else
54 if [ ! -s "${STDOUT}" ]; then
6355 error "${STDOUT}: No such file or directory"
6456 fi
57 # You may need to update this to parse the output of your algorithm.
58 COST=$(cat ${STDOUT} | grep -e '^[[:space:]]*[+-]\?[0-9]' | cut -f1)
59 echo "$COST"
60 ## Comment out if you wish to keep all output files around
61 # TODELETE=$(comm -23 <(ls -1 c*-${INSTANCEID}-${SEED}.* | sort) <(ls -1 $ALLFILES))
62 # rm -f $TODELETE
63 exit 0
0 #!/bin/bash
1 ###############################################################################
2 # This script is the command that is executed every run.
3 # Check the examples in examples/
4 #
5 # This script is run in the execution directory (execDir, --exec-dir),
6 # the same directory where target-evaluator is executed. Hence, you may
7 # need to copy extra files needed by the executable to this directory.
8 #
9 #
11 # $1 is the candidate number
12 # $2 is the instance id
13 # $3 is the seed
14 # $4 is the instance name
15 # The rest ($* after `shift 4') are parameters to the run
16 #
18 # This script should print nothing.
19 # Exit with 0 if no error, with 1 in case of error
20 ###############################################################################
21 error() {
22 echo "`TZ=UTC date`: $0: error: $@"
23 cat $tmpfile
24 rm -f $tmpfile
25 exit 1
26 }
28 tmpfile=$(mktemp)
30 EXE=~/bin/program
35 SEED=$3
37 shift 4 || error "Not enough parameters"
44 # modify with the HTCONDOR submission template
45 condor_submit 1> $tmpfile <<EOF
46 universe = vanilla
47 stream_output = True
48 stream_error = True
49 executable = $EXE
50 arguments = ${FIXED_PARAMS} --input $INSTANCE ${CAND_PARAMS}
51 log = $STDLOG
52 output = $STDOUT
53 error = $STDERR
54 queue
55 EOF
57 rc=$?
58 if [[ $rc == 0 ]]; then
59 JOBID=$(cat $STDLOG | grep "Job submitted" | egrep -o '\([0-9]+.' | egrep -o '[0-9]+')
60 if ! [[ "$JOBID" =~ ^[_-.@0-9A-Za-z]+$ ]] ; then
61 error "$0: cannot parse jobID from the log file!"
62 fi
63 echo "$JOBID"
64 rm -f $tmpfile
65 exit $rc
66 else
67 error "$0: condor_submit failed!"
68 fi
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/irace.Rdata less more
Binary diff not shown
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/ less more
0 # create a directory for saving output
1 mkdir -p results
3 # example of using irace2pyimp with filter conditions and normalisation:
4 # - filter tuning data such that only configurations with n_templates_middle<=40 are used, then convert irace.Rdata to PIMP's input format,
5 # - the cost values of all configurations are normalised on an instance-basis
6 irace2pyimp --out-dir results --normalise instance --filter-conditions "n_templates_middle<=40" --irace-data-file irace.Rdata
8 # call PyImp (executable name is "pimp") with two modules: forward-selection & ablation analysis
9 cd results
10 pimp -S scenario.txt -H runhistory.json -M forward-selection
11 pimp -S scenario.txt -H runhistory.json -M ablation
12 cd ..
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/features.csv less more
0 nCities
1 1000
2 1000
3 1000
4 1000
5 1000
6 1000
7 1000
8 1000
9 1000
10 1000
11 1500
12 1500
13 1500
14 1500
15 1500
16 1500
17 1500
18 1500
19 1500
20 1500
21 2000
22 2000
23 2000
24 2000
25 2000
26 2000
27 2000
28 2000
29 2000
30 2000
31 2500
32 2500
33 2500
34 2500
35 2500
36 2500
37 2500
38 2500
39 2500
40 2500
41 3000
42 3000
43 3000
44 3000
45 3000
46 3000
47 3000
48 3000
49 3000
50 3000
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/irace.Rdata less more
Binary diff not shown
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/ less more
0 # create a directory for saving output
1 mkdir -p results
3 # example 1: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, without normalisation
4 irace2pyimp --out-dir results --instance-feature-file features.csv --irace-data-file irace.Rdata
6 # example 2: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, without normalisation, only configurations with algorithm!='as' are taken
7 #irace2pyimp --out-dir results --instance-feature-file features.csv --filter-conditions "algorithm!='as'" --irace-data-file irace.Rdata
9 # example 3: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, with normalisation based on instance
10 #irace2pyimp --out-dir results --instance-feature-file features.csv --normalise instance --irace-data-file irace.Rdata
12 # example 4: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, with normalisation based on feature-vector values
13 #irace2pyimp --out-dir results --instance-feature-file features.csv --normalise feature --irace-data-file irace.Rdata
15 # call PyImp (executable name is "pimp") with all modules (fanova, abalation analysis, and forward selection)
16 cd results
17 pimp -S scenario.txt -H runhistory.json -T traj_aclib2.json -M all
18 cd ..
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp-forbidden/features.csv less more
0 nCities
1 1000
2 1000
3 1000
4 1000
5 1000
6 1000
7 1000
8 1000
9 1000
10 1000
11 1500
12 1500
13 1500
14 1500
15 1500
16 1500
17 1500
18 1500
19 1500
20 1500
21 2000
22 2000
23 2000
24 2000
25 2000
26 2000
27 2000
28 2000
29 2000
30 2000
31 2500
32 2500
33 2500
34 2500
35 2500
36 2500
37 2500
38 2500
39 2500
40 2500
41 3000
42 3000
43 3000
44 3000
45 3000
46 3000
47 3000
48 3000
49 3000
50 3000
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp-forbidden/irace.Rdata less more
Binary diff not shown
inst/examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp-forbidden/ less more
0 # create a directory for saving output
1 mkdir -p results
3 # example 1: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, without normalisation
4 #irace2pyimp --out-dir results --instance-feature-file features.csv --irace-data-file irace.Rdata --ignore-unsupported 0
6 # example 2: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, without normalisation, ignore forbidden constraints & repairConfiguration (irace2pyimp doesn't support those features), then call PyImp (executable name is "pimp") with all modules (fanova, abalation analysis, and forward selection)
7 irace2pyimp --out-dir results --instance-feature-file features.csv --irace-data-file irace.Rdata --ignore-unsupported 1
8 cd results
9 pimp -S scenario.txt -H runhistory.json -T traj_aclib2.json -M all
10 cd ..
0 % function Result = Main(INSTANCE,SEED,A, B)
1 % Using INSTANCE as a seed, this function creates a pseudo-random number
2 % drawn from a uniform distribution in the open interval (-1,1) and returns
3 % the value of Result, where Result = A*B + r
4 function Result = Main(INSTANCE,SEED,A,B)
6 rng('default');
7 rng(SEED);
9 minValue = -1;
10 maxValue = 1;
11 r = (maxValue - minValue) * rand(1) + minValue;
12 Result = A * B + r;
13 % fprintf('Result for irace=%g\n', Result);
14 fid=fopen('Result.txt','wt');
15 fprintf(fid,'%g\n',Result);
16 fclose(fid);
18 end
inst/examples/matlab/RUN.m less more
0 % function Result = RUN(INSTANCE, A, B)
1 % Using INSTANCE as a seed, this function creates a pseudo-random number
2 % drawn from a uniform distribution in the open interval (-1,1) and returns
3 % the value of Result, where Result = A*B + r
4 function Result = RUN(INSTANCE,A,B)
6 rng('default');
7 rng(INSTANCE);
9 minValue = -1;
10 maxValue = 1;
11 r = (maxValue - minValue) * rand(1) + minValue;
12 Result = A * B + r;
13 fprintf('Result for irace=%g\n', Result);
14 end
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
0 A "A=" i (1,50)
1 B "B=" r (5,10)
0 A "" i (1,50)
1 B "" r (5,10)
0 ###################################################### -*- mode: r -*- #####
2 ## You need to install the matlabr package, for example,
3 # install.packages("matlabr")
4 require(matlabr, quietly=TRUE)
5 # We assume that the matlab .m files are in the same folder as this file.
6 # Otherwise, change the next line. (This variable has to start with '.' so that
7 # irace does not give an error.)
8 .matlab_script_path = getwd()
9 # You may need to provide the path to matlab if have_matlab() cannot find it.
10 # options(matlab.path="/opt/apps/apps/binapps/matlab/R2020a/bin/")
12 if (have_matlab()) {
13 cat("=== irace === Using matlab as: ", get_matlab(), "\n")
14 } else {
15 stop("=== irace === MATLAB not found! Maybe not installed or you need to provide the matlab.path in scenario.txt")
16 }
19 targetRunner <- function(experiment, scenario)
20 {
21 matlab_function_call <- "Main(INSTANCE,SEED,A,B)"
23 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
24 <- experiment$id.configuration
25 <- experiment$id.instance
26 seed <- experiment$seed
27 configuration <- experiment$configuration
28 instance <- experiment$instance
30 args <- paste0(names(configuration), "=", configuration, collapse=";")
31 exitcode <- matlabr::run_matlab_code(
32 # This is the instance and seed
33 c(paste0("INSTANCE='", instance, "';SEED=", seed),
34 # The configuration parameters,
35 args, matlab_function_call),
36 paths_to_add=.matlab_script_path,
37 verbose= (debugLevel >= 2))
39 ## Parse the output (just a single number!)
40 # FIXME: Create a uniquely named temporary file instead of Result.txt to
41 # allow parallel execution
42 output <- scan(file="Result.txt", quiet=TRUE)
43 cost <- as.numeric(output)
45 if (exitcode != 0) {
46 cat("=== irace === targetRunner: matlab returned exit code ", exitcode, "\n")
47 }
48 if ( {
49 cat("=== irace === targetRunner: error parsing numeric result from matlab output\n")
50 if (!file.exists(file.path(.matlab_script_path, "Main.m")))
51 cat("=== irace === matlab script: '", file.path(.matlab_script_path, "Main.m"), "' not found!\n")
52 }
53 return(list(cost = cost, outputRaw = output))
54 }
56 ## Maximum number of runs (invocations of targetRunner) that will be
57 ## performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the
58 ## tuning.
59 maxExperiments = 100
61 ## File that contains the description of the parameters of the target
62 ## algorithm.
63 # parameterFile = "./parameters.txt"
65 ## Directory where the programs will be run.
66 # execDir = "./"
68 ## Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or
69 ## relative to current directory. If no trainInstancesFiles is provided,
70 ## all the files in trainInstancesDir will be listed as instances.
71 trainInstancesDir = ""
73 ## File that contains a list of training instances and optionally
74 ## additional parameters for them. If trainInstancesDir is provided, irace
75 ## will search for the files in this folder.
76 trainInstancesFile = "instances.txt"
78 # Add other scenario options for irace. See the user guide.
inst/examples/matlab/scenario2.txt less more
0 ###################################################### -*- mode: r -*- #####
2 maxExperiments = 1000
4 targetRunner <- function(function(experiment, scenario)
5 {
6 main.script <- "Main.m"
8 require(matlabr)
9 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
10 <- experiment$id.configuration
11 <- experiment$id.instance
12 seed <- experiment$seed
13 configuration <- experiment$configuration
14 instance <- experiment$instance
15 switches <- experiment$switches
17 args <- irace::buildCommandLine(configuration, switches)
18 args <- strsplit(args, split=" ")[[1]]
19 matlablr::run_matlab_code(c(args, paset0("run('", main.script, "')")))
20 cost <- as.numeric(readLines("hv"))
21 return(list(cost = cost))
22 }
inst/examples/matlab/target-runner less more
0 #!/bin/bash
1 ###############################################################################
2 # This script is the command that is executed every run.
3 # Check the examples in examples/
4 #
5 # This target-runner is run in the execution directory (execDir, --exec-dir).
6 #
7 #
9 # $1 is the candidate number
10 # $2 is the instance ID
11 # $3 is the seed
12 # $4 is the instance name
13 # The rest ($* after `shift 4') are parameters to the run
14 #
16 # This script should print one numerical value: the cost that must be minimized.
17 # Exit with 0 if no error, with 1 in case of error
18 ###############################################################################
19 error() {
20 echo "`TZ=UTC date`: $0: error: $@"
21 exit 1
22 }
24 EXE=matlab
25 FIXED_PARAMS="-nosplash -nodesktop -nodisplay"
29 SEED=$3
31 shift 4 || error "Not enough parameters"
37 ## If the program just prints a number, we can use 'exec' to avoid
38 ## creating another process, but there can be no other commands after exec.
40 #exit 1
42 ## Otherwise, save the output to a file, and parse the result from it.
43 ## (If you wish to ignore segmentation faults you can use '{}' around
44 ## the command.)
45 ## This example assumes that CAND_PARAMS contains something like "A=10 B=5"
48 ## This may be used to introduce a delay if there are filesystem
49 ## issues.
51 # while [ ! -s "${STDOUT}" ]; do
52 # sleep $SLEEPTIME
53 # let "SLEEPTIME += 1"
54 # done
56 if [ -s "${STDOUT}" ]; then
57 COST=$(cat ${STDOUT} | grep 'Result for irace=' | cut -f2 -d '=')
58 echo "$COST"
59 rm -f "${STDOUT}" "${STDERR}"
60 exit 0
61 else
62 error "${STDOUT}: No such file or directory"
63 fi
99 Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms. IEEE
1010 Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2012.
1111 doi:10.1109/TEVC.2011.2182651
12 (PDF preprint)
12 (PDF preprint)
1414 The MOACO framework software can be download from:
1818 Instances of the bTSP can be generated by concatenating two single-objective TSP
1919 instances:
2323 TSP instances and more information is available at:
0 ::##############################################################################
1 :: In Windows, we cannot execute directly .py files so we use this script as
2 :: the targetRunner that calls the actual .py file.
3 :: Contributed by Levi Ribeiro<>
4 ::
5 :: This script is run in the execution directory (execDir, --exec-dir).
6 ::
8 :: %%1 is the candidate configuration number
9 :: %%2 is the instance ID
10 :: %%3 is the seed
11 :: %%4 is the instance name
12 :: The rest are parameters to the target-algorithm
13 ::
15 :: This script should print one numerical value: the cost that must be minimized.
16 :: Exit with 0 if no error, with 1 in case of error
17 ::##############################################################################
18 @echo off
19 :: If python is in the PATH environment variable, you can call it directly.
20 SET "pythonexe=python.exe"
21 :: Otherwise, you need to provide its absolute location
22 :: SET "pythonexe=C:\bin\python.exe"
24 :: This script is run in the execution directory (execDir, --exec-dir), which often does not coincide with the directory containing Either a relative or absolute path should be provided.
25 SET "targetrunnerpy=..\"
26 set parameters=%*
27 %pythonexe% %targetrunnerpy% %parameters%
Binary diff not shown
0 Bootstrap: library
1 From: ubuntu:20.04
3 %post
4 # Dependencies
5 apt -y install software-properties-common
6 add-apt-repository universe
7 apt -y update
8 apt -y dist-upgrade
9 apt -y install git make r-base r-cran-jsonlite
10 apt clean
12 # Temporary directory where we are going to build everything.
13 tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
14 mkdir -p ${tmpdir}
16 # Build
17 cd ${tmpdir}
18 git clone --single-branch --branch master
19 cd irace
20 make quick-install
22 # Clean-up
23 rm -rf ${tmpdir}
24 apt -y purge software-properties-common git make
25 apt -y --purge autoremove
26 apt -y autoclean
27 apt clean
29 %help
30 This container provides an minimal executable version of irace.
31 You can run it with `singularity run <irace command line arguments>`.
32 e.g. `singularity run --help`
34 %runscript
35 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/irace/bin/irace $*
37 %labels
38 Authors Johann Dreo
0 ## This is an example of specifying instances with a file.
0 ## This is an example of specifying a list of instances.
2 # Each line is an instance relative to trainInstancesDir
3 # (see scenario.txt.tmpl) and an optional sequence of instance-specific
4 # parameters that will be passed to target-runnerx when invoked on that
5 # instance.
2 # Each line is an instance relative to trainInstancesDir/testInstancesdir
3 # unless set to "" (see scenario.txt.tmpl) and an optional sequence of
4 # instance-specific parameters that will be passed to target-runner when
5 # invoked on that instance.
77 # Empty lines and comments are ignored.
55 ## the parameter (comment it out in this file, and do not give any
66 ## value on the command line).
8 ## Directory where the programs will be run.
9 # execDir = "./"
811 ## File that contains the description of the parameters of the target
912 ## algorithm.
1013 # parameterFile = "./parameters.txt"
12 ## Directory where the programs will be run.
13 # execDir = "./"
15 ## File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be TRUE for
16 ## any evaluated configuration. If empty or NULL, do not use forbidden
17 ## expressions.
18 # forbiddenFile = ""
20 ## File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or NULL, all
21 ## initial configurations are randomly generated.
22 # configurationsFile = ""
1524 ## File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or
1625 ## relative to execDir.
1726 # logFile = "./irace.Rdata"
19 ## Previously saved log file to recover the execution of irace, either
20 ## absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or NULL,
21 ## recovery is not performed.
22 # recoveryFile = ""
2428 ## Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or
25 ## relative to current directory. If no trainInstancesFiles is provided,
26 ## all the files in trainInstancesDir will be listed as instances.
29 ## relative to current directory. If no trainInstancesFiles is provided, all
30 ## the files in trainInstancesDir will be listed as instances.
2731 # trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
29 ## File that contains a list of training instances and optionally
30 ## additional parameters for them. If trainInstancesDir is provided, irace
31 ## will search for the files in this folder.
33 ## File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional
34 ## parameters for them. If trainInstancesDir is provided, irace will search
35 ## for the files in this folder.
3236 # trainInstancesFile = ""
34 ## File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or NULL,
35 ## all initial configurations are randomly generated.
36 # configurationsFile = ""
38 ## File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be TRUE
39 ## for any evaluated configuration. If empty or NULL, do not use forbidden
40 ## expressions.
41 # forbiddenFile = ""
43 ## Script called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm
44 ## to be tuned. See templates.
38 ## Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given.
39 # sampleInstances = 1
41 ## Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative
42 ## to current directory.
43 # testInstancesDir = ""
45 ## File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional
46 ## parameters for them.
47 # testInstancesFile = ""
49 ## Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if
50 ## test instances are provided.
51 # testNbElites = 1
53 ## Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration.
54 # testIterationElites = 0
56 ## Statistical test used for elimination. The default value selects t-test if
57 ## capping is enabled or F-test, otherwise. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman
58 ## test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni
59 ## (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm
60 ## (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons).
61 # testType = ""
63 ## Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be
64 ## a multiple of eachTest.
65 # firstTest = 5
67 ## Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests.
68 # eachTest = 1
70 ## Executable called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm
71 ## to be tuned. See the templates and examples provided.
4572 # targetRunner = "./target-runner"
74 ## Executable that will be used to launch the target runner, when targetRunner
75 ## cannot be executed directly (.e.g, a Python script in Windows).
76 # targetRunnerLauncher = ""
78 ## Command-line arguments provided to targetRunnerLauncher. The substrings
79 ## \{targetRunner\} and \{targetRunnerArgs\} will be replaced by the value of
80 ## the option targetRunner and by the arguments usually passed when calling
81 ## targetRunner, respectively. Example: "-m {targetRunner --args
82 ## {targetRunnerArgs}"}.
83 # targetRunnerLauncherArgs = "{targetRunner} {targetRunnerArgs}"
4785 ## Number of times to retry a call to targetRunner if the call failed.
4886 # targetRunnerRetries = 0
5088 ## Optional data passed to targetRunner. This is ignored by the default
51 ## targetRunner function, but it may be used by custom targetRunner
52 ## functions to pass persistent data around.
89 ## targetRunner function, but it may be used by custom targetRunner functions
90 ## to pass persistent data around.
5391 # targetRunnerData = ""
5593 ## Optional R function to provide custom parallelization of targetRunner.
5997 ## configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl
6098 # targetEvaluator = ""
100 ## If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated
101 ## only once per instance.
102 # deterministic = 0
62104 ## Maximum number of runs (invocations of targetRunner) that will be
63 ## performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the
64 ## tuning.
105 ## performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning.
65106 # maxExperiments = 0
67 ## Maximum total execution time in seconds for the executions of
68 ## targetRunner. targetRunner must return two values: cost and time.
108 ## Maximum total execution time in seconds for the executions of targetRunner.
109 ## targetRunner must return two values: cost and time.
69110 # maxTime = 0
71112 ## Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean
72113 ## computation time of a configuration. Only used when maxTime > 0
73114 # budgetEstimation = 0.02
75 ## Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical
76 ## (real) parameters.
116 ## Minimum time unit that is still (significantly) measureable.
117 # minMeasurableTime = 0.01
119 ## Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean
120 ## no parallelization.
121 # parallel = 0
123 ## Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel.
124 ## Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases
125 ## communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing
126 ## may be faster.
127 # loadBalancing = 1
129 ## Enable/disable MPI. Use Rmpi to execute targetRunner in parallel (parameter
130 ## parallel is the number of slaves).
131 # mpi = 0
133 ## Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when targetRunner submits jobs
134 ## to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque, slurm or htcondor. targetRunner must
135 ## submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, qsub.
136 # batchmode = 0
138 ## Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical (real)
139 ## parameters.
77140 # digits = 4
142 ## Reduce the output generated by irace to a minimum.
143 # quiet = 0
79145 ## Debug level of the output of irace. Set this to 0 to silence all debug
80146 ## messages. Higher values provide more verbose debug messages.
81147 # debugLevel = 0
83 ## Number of iterations.
84 # nbIterations = 0
86 ## Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration.
87 # nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
89 ## Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given.
90 # sampleInstances = 1
92 ## Statistical test used for elimination. Default test is always F-test
93 ## unless capping is enabled, in which case the default test is t-test.
94 ## Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with
95 ## no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction
96 ## for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction
97 ## for multiple comparisons).
98 # testType = "F-test"
100 ## Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It
101 ## must be a multiple of eachTest.
102 # firstTest = 5
104 ## Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests.
105 # eachTest = 1
107 ## Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of
108 ## each race (iteration).
109 # minNbSurvival = 0
111 ## Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration.
112 # nbConfigurations = 0
114 ## Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and
115 ## evaluated at each iteration.
116 # mu = 5
118 ## Confidence level for the elimination test.
119 # confidence = 0.95
121 ## If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be
122 ## evaluated only once per instance.
123 # deterministic = 0
125 ## Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random
126 ## seed).
149 ## Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed).
127150 # seed = NA
129 ## Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in parallel. Values 0 or 1
130 ## mean no parallelization.
131 # parallel = 0
133 ## Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel.
134 ## Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases
135 ## communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling
136 ## load-balancing may be faster.
137 # loadBalancing = 1
139 ## Enable/disable MPI. Use Rmpi to execute targetRunner in parallel
140 ## (parameter parallel is the number of slaves).
141 # mpi = 0
143 ## Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when targetRunner submits
144 ## jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque or slurm. targetRunner must
145 ## submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, qsub.
146 # batchmode = 0
148 ## Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature
149 ## convergence of the probabilistic model.
152 ## Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence
153 ## of the probabilistic model.
150154 # softRestart = 1
152 ## Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. If NA, NULL or
153 ## "", it is computed as 10^-digits.
156 ## Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. If NA, NULL or "",
157 ## it is computed as 10^-digits.
154158 # softRestartThreshold = ""
156 ## Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or
157 ## relative to current directory.
158 # testInstancesDir = ""
160 ## File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional
161 ## parameters for them.
162 # testInstancesFile = ""
164 ## Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if
165 ## test instances are provided.
166 # testNbElites = 1
168 ## Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each
169 ## iteration.
170 # testIterationElites = 0
172160 ## Enable/disable elitist irace.
173161 # elitist = 1
175 ## Number of instances added to the execution list before previous
176 ## instances in elitist irace.
163 ## Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances
164 ## in elitist irace.
177165 # elitistNewInstances = 1
179 ## In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do
180 ## not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit.
167 ## In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not
168 ## eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit.
181169 # elitistLimit = 2
183 ## User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace
184 ## and repairs it.
171 ## User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace and
172 ## repairs it.
185173 # repairConfiguration = ""
187 ## Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing
188 ## the computation time of configurations. This is only available when
189 ## elitist is active.
175 ## Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing the
176 ## computation time of configurations. This is only available when elitist is
177 ## active.
190178 # capping = 0
192180 ## Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the performance of the
193181 ## elite configurations: median, mean, worst, best.
194182 # cappingType = "median"
196 ## Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations:
197 ## candidate or instance.
184 ## Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations: candidate
185 ## or instance.
198186 # boundType = "candidate"
200 ## Maximum execution bound for targetRunner. It must be specified when
201 ## capping is enabled.
188 ## Maximum execution bound for targetRunner. It must be specified when capping
189 ## is enabled.
202190 # boundMax = 0
204192 ## Precision used for calculating the execution time. It must be specified
212200 ## Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with boundMax.
213201 # boundAsTimeout = 1
215 ## Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform a postselection
216 ## race of the best configurations of each iteration after the execution
217 ## of irace.
203 ## Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform a postselection race
204 ## of the best configurations of each iteration after the execution of irace.
218205 # postselection = 0
220207 ## Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with
221208 ## GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script.
222209 # aclib = 0
211 ## Maximum number of iterations.
212 # nbIterations = 0
214 ## Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration.
215 # nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
217 ## Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each
218 ## race (iteration).
219 # minNbSurvival = 0
221 ## Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration.
222 # nbConfigurations = 0
224 ## Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated
225 ## at each iteration.
226 # mu = 5
228 ## Confidence level for the elimination test.
229 # confidence = 0.95
224231 ## END of scenario file
225232 ############################################################################
2020 exit 1
2121 }
23 EXE=~/bin/program
23 # This parses the arguments given by irace. Do not touch it!
2624 CONFIG_ID=$1
2826 SEED=$3
2927 INSTANCE=$4
3028 shift 4 || error "Not enough parameters"
30 # End of parsing
32 ## Find our own location.
33 # BINDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$(type -P $0 || echo $0)")")
35 # EDIT THIS: Path to your executable
36 EXE=~/bin/program
37 # EDIT THIS: Specify how parameters are given to your executable
38 EXE_PARAMS="--time 5 -i $INSTANCE --seed ${SEED} ${CONFIG_PARAMS}"
40 if [ ! -x "$(command -v ${EXE})" ]; then
41 error "${EXE}: not found or not executable (pwd: $(pwd))"
42 fi
44 # # If the program just prints a number, we can use 'exec' to avoid creating
45 # # another process, but there can be no other commands after exec, only exit.
46 # exec $EXE ${EXE_PARAMS}
47 # exit 1
49 # These files are saved in execDir. Saving them in /tmp may be faster.
36 if [ ! -x "${EXE}" ]; then
37 error "${EXE}: not found or not executable (pwd: $(pwd))"
38 fi
53 # # Otherwise, save the output to a file, and parse the result from it. (If
54 # # you wish to ignore segmentation faults you can use '{}' around the
55 # # command.)
56 # # If the command below fails, but you are not sure why, it may be useful to
57 # # print it before executing using 'echo', as in:
58 # echo "$EXE ${EXE_PARAMS} 1> ${STDOUT} 2> ${STDERR}"
40 # If the program just prints a number, we can use 'exec' to avoid
41 # creating another process, but there can be no other commands after exec.
43 # exit 1
44 #
45 # Otherwise, save the output to a file, and parse the result from it.
46 # (If you wish to ignore segmentation faults you can use '{}' around
47 # the command.)
50 # # This may be used to introduce a delay if there are filesystem
51 # # issues.
61 # # This may be used to introduce a delay if there are filesystem issues.
5262 # SLEEPTIME=1
5363 # while [ ! -s "${STDOUT}" ]; do
5464 # sleep $SLEEPTIME
5565 # let "SLEEPTIME += 1"
5666 # done
58 # This is an example of reading a number from the output.
59 # It assumes that the objective value is the first number in
60 # the first column of the last line of the output.
61 if [ -s "${STDOUT}" ]; then
62 COST=$(tail -n 1 ${STDOUT} | grep -e '^[[:space:]]*[+-]\?[0-9]' | cut -f1)
63 echo "$COST"
64 rm -f "${STDOUT}" "${STDERR}"
65 exit 0
66 else
68 if [ ! -s "${STDOUT}" ]; then
6769 error "${STDOUT}: No such file or directory"
6870 fi
71 # This is an example of reading a number from the output. It assumes that the
72 # objective value is the first number in the first column of the last line of
73 # the output.
74 COST=$(tail -n 1 ${STDOUT} | grep -e '^[[:space:]]*[+-]\?[0-9]' | cut -f1)
75 echo "$COST"
76 # Comment the following line if you wish to preserve temporary files
77 rm -f "${STDOUT}" "${STDERR}"
78 exit 0
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/argparser.R
2 \name{CommandArgsParser}
3 \alias{CommandArgsParser}
4 \alias{cmdline_usage}
5 \title{R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments}
6 \usage{
7 cmdline_usage(cmdline_args)
8 }
9 \arguments{
10 \item{cmdline_args}{Definition of the command-line arguments.}
11 }
12 \description{
13 R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments
15 R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments
17 \code{cmdline_usage()} prints the output of \code{--help}
18 }
19 \section{Methods}{
20 \subsection{Public methods}{
21 \itemize{
22 \item \href{#method-new}{\code{CommandArgsParser$new()}}
23 \item \href{#method-readCmdLineParameter}{\code{CommandArgsParser$readCmdLineParameter()}}
24 \item \href{#method-readArg}{\code{CommandArgsParser$readArg()}}
25 \item \href{#method-readAll}{\code{CommandArgsParser$readAll()}}
26 \item \href{#method-cmdline_usage}{\code{CommandArgsParser$cmdline_usage()}}
27 }
28 }
29 \if{html}{\out{<hr>}}
30 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-new"></a>}}
31 \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-new}{}}}
32 \subsection{Method \code{new()}}{
33 \subsection{Usage}{
34 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{CommandArgsParser$new(argv, argsdef)}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
35 }
37 }
38 \if{html}{\out{<hr>}}
39 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-readCmdLineParameter"></a>}}
40 \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-readCmdLineParameter}{}}}
41 \subsection{Method \code{readCmdLineParameter()}}{
42 \subsection{Usage}{
43 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{CommandArgsParser$readCmdLineParameter(paramName, default = NULL)}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
44 }
46 }
47 \if{html}{\out{<hr>}}
48 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-readArg"></a>}}
49 \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-readArg}{}}}
50 \subsection{Method \code{readArg()}}{
51 \subsection{Usage}{
52 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{CommandArgsParser$readArg(short = "", long = "")}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
53 }
55 }
56 \if{html}{\out{<hr>}}
57 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-readAll"></a>}}
58 \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-readAll}{}}}
59 \subsection{Method \code{readAll()}}{
60 \subsection{Usage}{
61 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{CommandArgsParser$readAll()}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
62 }
64 }
65 \if{html}{\out{<hr>}}
66 \if{html}{\out{<a id="method-cmdline_usage"></a>}}
67 \if{latex}{\out{\hypertarget{method-cmdline_usage}{}}}
68 \subsection{Method \code{cmdline_usage()}}{
69 \subsection{Usage}{
70 \if{html}{\out{<div class="r">}}\preformatted{CommandArgsParser$cmdline_usage()}\if{html}{\out{</div>}}
71 }
73 }
74 }
11 % Please edit documentation in R/ablation.R
22 \name{ablation}
33 \alias{ablation}
4 \title{Performs ablation between two configurations.}
4 \title{Performs ablation between two configurations (from source to target).}
55 \usage{
6 ablation(iraceLogFile = NULL, iraceResults = NULL, src = NULL,
7 target = NULL, ab.params = NULL, n.instances = NULL,
8 type = "full", seed = 1234567,
9 ablationLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata", pdf.file = NULL,
10 pdf.width = 20, mar = c(12, 5, 4, 1), debugLevel = NULL)
6 ablation(
7 iraceResults,
8 src = 1L,
9 target = NULL,
10 ab.params = NULL,
11 type = c("full", "racing"),
12 n_instances = 1L,
13 seed = 1234567,
14 ablationLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata",
15 ...
16 )
1117 }
1218 \arguments{
13 \item{iraceLogFile}{Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain
14 the \code{iraceResults} object.}
19 \item{iraceResults}{(\code{list()}|\code{character(1)}) \code{iraceResults} object created by \pkg{irace} and typically saved in the log file \code{irace.Rdata}. If a character string is given, then it is interpreted as the path to the log file from which the \code{iraceResults} object will be loaded.}
16 \item{iraceResults}{Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in
17 \code{scenario$logFile}.}
21 \item{src, target}{Source and target configuration IDs. By default, the first configuration ever evaluated (ID 1) is used as \code{src} and the best configuration found by irace is used as target.}
19 \item{src, target}{Source and target configuration IDs. If \code{NULL}, then
20 the first configuration ever evaluated is used as source and the best
21 configuration found is used as target.}
23 \item{ab.params}{Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation. They must be in \code{parameters$names}. By default, use all parameters.}
23 \item{ab.params}{Parameter names to be used for the ablation. They must be
24 in parameters$names.}
25 \item{type}{Type of ablation to perform: \code{"full"} will execute each configuration on all \code{n_instances} to determine the best-performing one; \code{"racing"} will apply racing to find the best configurations.}
26 \item{n.instances}{Number of instances to be used for the "full" ablation,
27 if not provided firstTest instances are used.}
27 \item{n_instances}{(\code{integer(1)}) Number of instances used in \code{"full"} ablation will be \code{n_instances * scenario$firstTest}.}
29 \item{type}{Type of ablation to perform, "full" will execute all instances
30 in the configurations to determine the best performing, "racing" will
31 apply racing to find the best configurations.}
29 \item{seed}{(\code{integer(1)}) Integer value to use as seed for the random number generation.}
33 \item{seed}{Numerical value to use as seed for the random number generation.}
31 \item{ablationLogFile}{(\code{character(1)}) Log file to save the ablation log. If \code{NULL}, the results are not saved to a file.}
35 \item{ablationLogFile}{Log file to save the ablation log.}
37 \item{pdf.file}{Prefix that will be used to save the plot file of the
38 ablation results.}
40 \item{pdf.width}{Width provided to create the pdf file.}
42 \item{mar}{Vector with the margins for the ablation plot.}
44 \item{debugLevel}{(\code{integer(1)}) \cr Larger values produce more verbose output.}
33 \item{...}{Further arguments to override scenario settings, e.g., \code{debugLevel}, \code{parallel}, etc.}
4534 }
4635 \value{
4736 A list containing the following elements:
48 \describe{
49 \item{configurations}{Configurations tested in the ablation.}
50 \item{instances}{A matrix with the instances used in the experiments. First column has the
51 instances IDs from \code{iraceResults$scenario$instances}, second column the seed assigned to the instance.}
52 \item{experiments}{A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).}
53 \item{scenario}{Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.}
54 \item{trajectory}{IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.}
55 \item{best}{Best configuration found in the experiments.}
56 }
37 \describe{
38 \item{configurations}{Configurations tested in the ablation.}
39 \item{instances}{A matrix with the instances used in the experiments. First column has the
40 instances IDs from \code{iraceResults$scenario$instances}, second column the seed assigned to the instance.}
41 \item{experiments}{A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).}
42 \item{scenario}{Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.}
43 \item{trajectory}{IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.}
44 \item{best}{Best configuration found in the experiments.}
45 }
5746 }
5847 \description{
5948 Ablation is a method for analyzing the differences between two configurations.
6049 }
6150 \examples{
6251 \donttest{
63 irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "sann.rda")
64 load(irace.logfile)
52 logfile <- system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "sann.rda")
6553 # Execute ablation between the first and the best configuration found by irace.
66 ablation(iraceResults = iraceResults, ablationLogFile = NULL)
54 ablog <- ablation(logfile, ablationLogFile = NULL)
55 plotAblation(ablog)
6756 # Execute ablation between two selected configurations, and selecting only a
6857 # subset of parameters, directly reading the setup from the irace log file.
69 ablation(iraceLogFile = irace.logfile, src = 1, target = 10,
70 ab.params = c("temp"), ablationLogFile = NULL)
58 ablog <- ablation(logfile, src = 1, target = 10,
59 ab.params = c("temp"), ablationLogFile = NULL)
60 plotAblation(ablog)
7161 }
7363 }
7565 C. Fawcett and H. H. Hoos. Analysing differences between algorithm
7666 configurations through ablation. Journal of Heuristics, 22(4):431–458, 2016.
7767 }
68 \seealso{
69 \code{\link[=plotAblation]{plotAblation()}}
70 }
7871 \author{
7972 Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
8073 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/ablation.R
2 \name{ablation_cmdline}
3 \alias{ablation_cmdline}
4 \title{Launch ablation with command-line options.}
5 \usage{
6 ablation_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{argv}{(\code{character()}) \cr The arguments
10 provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g.,
11 \code{c("-i", "irace.Rdata", "--src", 1)}.}
12 }
13 \value{
14 A list containing the following elements:
15 \describe{
16 \item{configurations}{Configurations tested in the ablation.}
17 \item{instances}{A matrix with the instances used in the experiments. First column has the
18 instances IDs from \code{iraceResults$scenario$instances}, second column the seed assigned to the instance.}
19 \item{experiments}{A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).}
20 \item{scenario}{Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.}
21 \item{trajectory}{IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.}
22 \item{best}{Best configuration found in the experiments.}
23 }
24 }
25 \description{
26 Launch \code{\link[=ablation]{ablation()}} with the same command-line options as the command-line
27 executable (\code{ablation.exe} in Windows).
28 }
29 \details{
30 The function reads the parameters given on the command line
31 used to invoke R, launches \code{\link[=ablation]{ablation()}} and possibly \code{\link[=plotAblation]{plotAblation()}}.
33 List of command-line options:\preformatted{-l,--log-file Path to the (.Rdata) file created by irace from which
34 the "iraceResults" object will be loaded.
35 -S,--src Source configuration ID. Default: 1.
36 -T,--target Target configuration ID. By default the best
37 configuration found by irace.
38 -P,--params Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation
39 (separated with commas). By default use all
40 -t,--type Type of ablation to perform: "full" will execute each
41 configuration on all "--n-instances" to determine the
42 best-performing one; "racing" will apply racing to
43 find the best configurations. Default: full.
44 -n,--n-instances Number of instances used in "full" ablation will be
45 n_instances * scenario$firstTest. Default: 1.
46 --seed Integer value to use as seed for the random number
47 generation. Default: 1234567.
48 -o,--output-file Log file to save the ablation log. If "", the results
49 are not saved to a file. Default: log-ablation.Rdata.
50 -p,--plot Output filename (.pdf) for the plot. If not given, no
51 plot is created.
52 -O,--plot-type Type of plot. Supported values are "mean" and
53 "boxplot". Default: mean.
54 --old-path Old path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input
55 to be replaced by --new-path.
56 --new-path New path to replace the path found in the log-file
57 (.Rdata) given as input.
58 -e,--exec-dir Directory where the target runner will be run.
59 -s,--scenario Scenario file to override the scenario given in the
60 log-file (.Rdata)
61 --parallel Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in
62 parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.
63 }
64 }
65 \examples{
66 # ablation_cmdline("--help")
68 }
69 \author{
70 Manuel López-Ibáñez
71 }
72 \concept{running}
3333 irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"),
3434 "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata")
3535 load(irace.logfile)
36 attach(iraceResults)
36 allConfigurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations
37 parameters <- iraceResults$parameters
3738 apply(allConfigurations[1:10, unlist(parameters$names)], 1, buildCommandLine,
3839 unlist(parameters$switches))
33 \alias{checkIraceScenario}
44 \title{Test that the given irace scenario can be run.}
55 \usage{
6 checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = NULL)
6 checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters)
77 }
88 \arguments{
99 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1010 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
11 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
11 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
1313 \item{parameters}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing the parameter
1414 space definition. The data structure has to similar to the one returned by the
1515 function \code{\link{readParameters}}.}
1616 }
1717 \value{
18 returns \code{TRUE} if succesful and gives an error and returns
18 returns \code{TRUE} if successful and gives an error and returns
1919 \code{FALSE} otherwise.
2020 }
2121 \description{
22 \code{checkIraceScenario} tests that the given irace scenario
23 can be run by checking the scenario settings provided and trying to run
24 the target-algorithm.
22 Test that the given irace scenario can be run by checking the scenario
23 settings provided and trying to run the target-algorithm.
2524 }
2625 \details{
27 Provide the \code{parameters} argument only if the parameter list
28 should not be obtained from the parameter file given by the scenario. If
29 the parameter list is provided it will not be checked. This function will
30 try to execute the target-algorithm.
26 If the \code{parameters} argument is missing, then the parameters
27 will be read from the file \code{parameterFile} given by \code{scenario}. If
28 \code{parameters} is provided, then \code{parameterFile} will not be read. This function will
29 try to execute the target-algorithm.
3130 }
3231 \seealso{
3332 \describe{
34 \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
35 \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
36 \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
37 \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
33 \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
34 \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
35 \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
36 \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
3837 }
3938 }
4039 \author{
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/readParameters.R
2 \name{checkParameters}
3 \alias{checkParameters}
4 \title{checkParameters}
5 \usage{
6 checkParameters(parameters)
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{parameters}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing the parameter
10 space definition. The data structure has to similar to the one returned by the
11 function \code{\link{readParameters}}.}
12 }
13 \description{
14 FIXME: This is incomplete, for now we only repair inputs from previous irace
15 versions.
16 }
88 \arguments{
99 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1010 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
11 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
11 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
1212 }
1313 \value{
1414 The scenario received as a parameter, possibly corrected. Unset
1515 scenario settings are set to their default values.
1616 }
1717 \description{
18 \code{checkScenario} takes a (possibly incomplete) scenario setup of
19 \pkg{irace}, checks for errors and transforms it into a valid scenario.
18 Checks for errors a (possibly incomplete) scenario setup of
19 \pkg{irace} and transforms it into a valid scenario.
2020 }
2121 \details{
2222 This function checks that the directories and the file names
2828 }
2929 \seealso{
3030 \describe{
31 \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
32 \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
33 \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
34 \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
31 \item{\code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
32 \item{\code{\link[=printScenario]{printScenario()}}}{prints the given scenario.}
33 \item{\code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
34 \item{\code{\link[=checkScenario]{checkScenario()}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
3535 }
3636 }
3737 \author{
2020 Print configurations as a data frame
2121 }
2222 \seealso{
23 \code{\link{configurations.print.command}} to print the configurations as command-line strings.
23 \code{\link[=configurations.print.command]{configurations.print.command()}} to print the configurations as command-line strings.
2424 }
2525 \author{
2626 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
2121 command-line.
2222 }
2323 \seealso{
24 \code{\link{configurations.print}} to print the configurations as a data frame.
24 \code{\link[=configurations.print]{configurations.print()}} to print the configurations as a data frame.
2525 }
2626 \author{
2727 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
man/configurationsBoxplot.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/parameterAnalysis.R
2 \name{configurationsBoxplot}
3 \alias{configurationsBoxplot}
4 \title{Creates box plots of the quality of configurations.}
5 \usage{
6 configurationsBoxplot(experiments, title = NULL,
7 xlabel = "Configuration ID", ylabel = "Configuration cost",
8 filename = NULL)
9 }
10 \arguments{
11 \item{experiments}{Matrix of performance of configurations (columns) over a set of instances (rows).}
13 \item{title}{(\code{NULL}) Title for the plot.}
15 \item{xlabel}{Label for the x axis.}
17 \item{ylabel}{Label for the y axis.}
19 \item{filename}{(\code{NULL}) Filename prefix to create a pdf file with the plot.}
20 }
21 \value{
22 Box plot of the performance of the configurations.
23 }
24 \description{
25 Creates box plots of the quality of configurations.
26 }
27 \author{
28 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
29 }
33 \alias{defaultScenario}
44 \title{Default scenario settings}
55 \usage{
6 defaultScenario(scenario = list())
6 defaultScenario(scenario = list(), params_def = .irace.params.def)
77 }
88 \arguments{
99 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1010 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
11 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
11 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
13 \item{params_def}{(\code{data.frame()}) \cr Definition of the options accepted by the scenario. This should only be modified by packages that wish to extend \pkg{irace}.}
1214 }
1315 \value{
1416 A list indexed by the \pkg{irace} parameter names,
1517 containing the default values for each parameter, except for those
1618 already present in the scenario passed as argument.
17 The scenario list contains the following elements:
19 The scenario list contains the following elements:
1820 \itemize{
19 \item General options:
20 \describe{
21 \item{\code{scenarioFile}}{Path of the file that describes the configuration scenario setup and other irace settings. (Default: \code{"./scenario.txt"})}
22 \item{\code{execDir}}{Directory where the programs will be run. (Default: \code{"./"})}
23 \item{\code{logFile}}{File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir. (Default: \code{"./irace.Rdata"})}
24 \item{\code{debugLevel}}{Debug level of the output of \code{irace}. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values provide more verbose debug messages. (Default: \code{0})}
25 \item{\code{seed}}{Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed). (Default: \code{NA})}
26 \item{\code{repairConfiguration}}{User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace and repairs it. (Default: \code{""})}
27 \item{\code{postselection}}{Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform a postselection race of the best configurations of each iteration after the execution of irace. (Default: \code{0})}
28 \item{\code{aclib}}{Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script. (Default: \code{0})}
29 }
30 \item Elitist \code{irace}:
31 \describe{
32 \item{\code{elitist}}{Enable/disable elitist irace. (Default: \code{1})}
33 \item{\code{elitistNewInstances}}{Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances in elitist irace. (Default: \code{1})}
34 \item{\code{elitistLimit}}{In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit. (Default: \code{2})}
35 }
36 \item Internal \code{irace} options:
37 \describe{
38 \item{\code{nbIterations}}{Number of iterations. (Default: \code{0})}
39 \item{\code{nbExperimentsPerIteration}}{Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
40 \item{\code{sampleInstances}}{Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given. (Default: \code{1})}
41 \item{\code{minNbSurvival}}{Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration). (Default: \code{0})}
42 \item{\code{nbConfigurations}}{Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
43 \item{\code{mu}}{Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: \code{5})}
44 \item{\code{softRestart}}{Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. (Default: \code{1})}
45 \item{\code{softRestartThreshold}}{Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. If \code{NA}, \code{NULL} or \code{""}, it is computed as \code{10^-digits}. (Default: \code{""})}
46 }
47 \item Target algorithm parameters:
48 \describe{
49 \item{\code{parameterFile}}{File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm. (Default: \code{"./parameters.txt"})}
50 \item{\code{forbiddenExps}}{Vector of R logical expressions that cannot evaluate to \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. (Default: \code{""})}
51 \item{\code{forbiddenFile}}{File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. If empty or \code{NULL}, do not use forbidden expressions. (Default: \code{""})}
52 \item{\code{digits}}{Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical (real) parameters. (Default: \code{4})}
53 }
54 \item Target algorithm execution:
55 \describe{
56 \item{\code{targetRunner}}{Script called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See templates. (Default: \code{"./target-runner"})}
57 \item{\code{targetRunnerRetries}}{Number of times to retry a call to \code{targetRunner} if the call failed. (Default: \code{0})}
58 \item{\code{targetRunnerData}}{Optional data passed to \code{targetRunner}. This is ignored by the default \code{targetRunner} function, but it may be used by custom \code{targetRunner} functions to pass persistent data around. (Default: \code{""})}
59 \item{\code{targetRunnerParallel}}{Optional R function to provide custom parallelization of \code{targetRunner}. (Default: \code{""})}
60 \item{\code{targetEvaluator}}{Optional script or R function that provides a numeric value for each configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl (Default: \code{""})}
61 \item{\code{deterministic}}{If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance. (Default: \code{0})}
62 \item{\code{parallel}}{Number of calls to \code{targetRunner} to execute in parallel. Values \code{0} or \code{1} mean no parallelization. (Default: \code{0})}
63 \item{\code{loadBalancing}}{Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing may be faster. (Default: \code{1})}
64 \item{\code{mpi}}{Enable/disable MPI. Use \code{Rmpi} to execute \code{targetRunner} in parallel (parameter \code{parallel} is the number of slaves). (Default: \code{0})}
65 \item{\code{batchmode}}{Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when \code{targetRunner} submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque or slurm. \code{targetRunner} must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, \code{qsub}. (Default: \code{0})}
66 }
67 \item Initial configurations:
68 \describe{
69 \item{\code{initConfigurations}}{Data frame describing initial configurations (usually read from a file using \code{readConfigurations}). (Default: \code{""})}
70 \item{\code{configurationsFile}}{File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or \code{NULL}, all initial configurations are randomly generated. (Default: \code{""})}
71 }
72 \item Training instances:
73 \describe{
74 \item{\code{instances}}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner}. (Default: \code{""})}
75 \item{\code{trainInstancesDir}}{Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no \code{trainInstancesFiles} is provided, all the files in \code{trainInstancesDir} will be listed as instances. (Default: \code{"./Instances"})}
76 \item{\code{trainInstancesFile}}{File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional parameters for them. If \code{trainInstancesDir} is provided, \code{irace} will search for the files in this folder. (Default: \code{""})}
77 }
78 \item Tuning budget:
79 \describe{
80 \item{\code{maxExperiments}}{Maximum number of runs (invocations of \code{targetRunner}) that will be performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning. (Default: \code{0})}
81 \item{\code{maxTime}}{Maximum total execution time in seconds for the executions of \code{targetRunner}. \code{targetRunner} must return two values: cost and time. (Default: \code{0})}
82 \item{\code{budgetEstimation}}{Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean computation time of a configuration. Only used when \code{maxTime} > 0 (Default: \code{0.02})}
83 }
84 \item Statistical test:
85 \describe{
86 \item{\code{testType}}{Statistical test used for elimination. Default test is always \code{F-test} unless \code{capping} is enabled, in which case the default test is \code{t-test}. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons). (Default: \code{"F-test"})}
87 \item{\code{firstTest}}{Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of \code{eachTest}. (Default: \code{5})}
88 \item{\code{eachTest}}{Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests. (Default: \code{1})}
89 \item{\code{confidence}}{Confidence level for the elimination test. (Default: \code{0.95})}
90 }
91 \item Adaptive capping:
92 \describe{
93 \item{\code{capping}}{Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing the computation time of configurations. This is only available when \code{elitist} is active. (Default: \code{0})}
94 \item{\code{cappingType}}{Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the performance of the elite configurations.\itemize{\item median: Median performance of the elite configurations.\item mean: Mean performance of the elite configurations.\item best: Best performance of the elite configurations.\item worst: Worst performance of the elite configurations.} (Default: \code{"median"})}
95 \item{\code{boundType}}{Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations.\itemize{\item candidate: Mean execution times across the executed instances and the current one.\item instance: Execution time of the current instance.} (Default: \code{"candidate"})}
96 \item{\code{boundMax}}{Maximum execution bound for \code{targetRunner}. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: \code{0})}
97 \item{\code{boundDigits}}{Precision used for calculating the execution time. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: \code{0})}
98 \item{\code{boundPar}}{Penalization constant for timed out executions (executions that reach \code{boundMax} execution time). (Default: \code{1})}
99 \item{\code{boundAsTimeout}}{Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with \code{boundMax}. (Default: \code{1})}
100 }
101 \item Recovery:
102 \describe{
103 \item{\code{recoveryFile}}{Previously saved log file to recover the execution of \code{irace}, either absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or \code{NULL}, recovery is not performed. (Default: \code{""})}
104 }
105 \item Testing:
106 \describe{
107 \item{\code{testInstancesDir}}{Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory. (Default: \code{""})}
108 \item{\code{testInstancesFile}}{File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them. (Default: \code{""})}
109 \item{\code{testInstances}}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner} when executing the testing. (Default: \code{""})}
110 \item{\code{testNbElites}}{Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided. (Default: \code{1})}
111 \item{\code{testIterationElites}}{Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
112 }
21 \item General options:
22 \describe{
23 \item{\code{scenarioFile}}{Path of the file that describes the configuration scenario setup and other irace settings. (Default: \code{"./scenario.txt"})}
24 \item{\code{execDir}}{Directory where the programs will be run. (Default: \code{"./"})}
25 \item{\code{logFile}}{File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir. (Default: \code{"./irace.Rdata"})}
26 \item{\code{quiet}}{Reduce the output generated by irace to a minimum. (Default: \code{0})}
27 \item{\code{debugLevel}}{Debug level of the output of \code{irace}. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values provide more verbose debug messages. (Default: \code{0})}
28 \item{\code{seed}}{Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed). (Default: \code{NA})}
29 \item{\code{repairConfiguration}}{User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace and repairs it. (Default: \code{""})}
30 \item{\code{postselection}}{Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform a postselection race of the best configurations of each iteration after the execution of irace. (Default: \code{0})}
31 \item{\code{aclib}}{Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script. (Default: \code{0})}
32 }
33 \item Elitist \code{irace}:
34 \describe{
35 \item{\code{elitist}}{Enable/disable elitist irace. (Default: \code{1})}
36 \item{\code{elitistNewInstances}}{Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances in elitist irace. (Default: \code{1})}
37 \item{\code{elitistLimit}}{In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit. (Default: \code{2})}
38 }
39 \item Internal \code{irace} options:
40 \describe{
41 \item{\code{sampleInstances}}{Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given. (Default: \code{1})}
42 \item{\code{softRestart}}{Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. (Default: \code{1})}
43 \item{\code{softRestartThreshold}}{Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. If \code{NA}, \code{NULL} or \code{""}, it is computed as \code{10^-digits}. (Default: \code{""})}
44 \item{\code{nbIterations}}{Maximum number of iterations. (Default: \code{0})}
45 \item{\code{nbExperimentsPerIteration}}{Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
46 \item{\code{minNbSurvival}}{Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration). (Default: \code{0})}
47 \item{\code{nbConfigurations}}{Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
48 \item{\code{mu}}{Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: \code{5})}
49 }
50 \item Target algorithm parameters:
51 \describe{
52 \item{\code{parameterFile}}{File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm. (Default: \code{"./parameters.txt"})}
53 \item{\code{forbiddenExps}}{Vector of R logical expressions that cannot evaluate to \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. (Default: \code{""})}
54 \item{\code{forbiddenFile}}{File that contains a list of logical expressions that cannot be \code{TRUE} for any evaluated configuration. If empty or \code{NULL}, do not use forbidden expressions. (Default: \code{""})}
55 \item{\code{digits}}{Maximum number of decimal places that are significant for numerical (real) parameters. (Default: \code{4})}
56 }
57 \item Target algorithm execution:
58 \describe{
59 \item{\code{targetRunner}}{Executable called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See the templates and examples provided. (Default: \code{"./target-runner"})}
60 \item{\code{targetRunnerLauncher}}{Executable that will be used to launch the target runner, when \code{targetRunner} cannot be executed directly (.e.g, a Python script in Windows). (Default: \code{""})}
61 \item{\code{targetRunnerLauncherArgs}}{Command-line arguments provided to \code{targetRunnerLauncher}. The substrings \code{\{targetRunner\}} and \code{\{targetRunnerArgs\}} will be replaced by the value of the option \code{targetRunner} and by the arguments usually passed when calling \code{targetRunner}, respectively. Example: \code{"-m {targetRunner} --args {targetRunnerArgs}"}. (Default: \code{"{targetRunner} {targetRunnerArgs}"})}
62 \item{\code{targetRunnerRetries}}{Number of times to retry a call to \code{targetRunner} if the call failed. (Default: \code{0})}
63 \item{\code{targetRunnerData}}{Optional data passed to \code{targetRunner}. This is ignored by the default \code{targetRunner} function, but it may be used by custom \code{targetRunner} functions to pass persistent data around. (Default: \code{""})}
64 \item{\code{targetRunnerParallel}}{Optional R function to provide custom parallelization of \code{targetRunner}. (Default: \code{""})}
65 \item{\code{targetEvaluator}}{Optional script or R function that provides a numeric value for each configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl (Default: \code{""})}
66 \item{\code{deterministic}}{If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance. (Default: \code{0})}
67 \item{\code{parallel}}{Number of calls to \code{targetRunner} to execute in parallel. Values \code{0} or \code{1} mean no parallelization. (Default: \code{0})}
68 \item{\code{loadBalancing}}{Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing may be faster. (Default: \code{1})}
69 \item{\code{mpi}}{Enable/disable MPI. Use \code{Rmpi} to execute \code{targetRunner} in parallel (parameter \code{parallel} is the number of slaves). (Default: \code{0})}
70 \item{\code{batchmode}}{Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when \code{targetRunner} submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque, slurm or htcondor. \code{targetRunner} must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, \code{qsub}. (Default: \code{0})}
71 }
72 \item Initial configurations:
73 \describe{
74 \item{\code{initConfigurations}}{Data frame describing initial configurations (usually read from a file using \code{readConfigurations}). (Default: \code{""})}
75 \item{\code{configurationsFile}}{File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or \code{NULL}, all initial configurations are randomly generated. (Default: \code{""})}
76 }
77 \item Training instances:
78 \describe{
79 \item{\code{instances}}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner}. (Default: \code{""})}
80 \item{\code{trainInstancesDir}}{Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no \code{trainInstancesFiles} is provided, all the files in \code{trainInstancesDir} will be listed as instances. (Default: \code{"./Instances"})}
81 \item{\code{trainInstancesFile}}{File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional parameters for them. If \code{trainInstancesDir} is provided, \code{irace} will search for the files in this folder. (Default: \code{""})}
82 }
83 \item Tuning budget:
84 \describe{
85 \item{\code{maxExperiments}}{Maximum number of runs (invocations of \code{targetRunner}) that will be performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning. (Default: \code{0})}
86 \item{\code{maxTime}}{Maximum total execution time in seconds for the executions of \code{targetRunner}. \code{targetRunner} must return two values: cost and time. (Default: \code{0})}
87 \item{\code{budgetEstimation}}{Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean computation time of a configuration. Only used when \code{maxTime} > 0 (Default: \code{0.02})}
88 \item{\code{minMeasurableTime}}{Minimum time unit that is still (significantly) measureable. (Default: \code{0.01})}
89 }
90 \item Statistical test:
91 \describe{
92 \item{\code{testType}}{Statistical test used for elimination. The default value selects \code{t-test} if \code{capping} is enabled or \code{F-test}, otherwise. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons). (Default: \code{""})}
93 \item{\code{firstTest}}{Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of \code{eachTest}. (Default: \code{5})}
94 \item{\code{eachTest}}{Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests. (Default: \code{1})}
95 \item{\code{confidence}}{Confidence level for the elimination test. (Default: \code{0.95})}
96 }
97 \item Adaptive capping:
98 \describe{
99 \item{\code{capping}}{Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing the computation time of configurations. This is only available when \code{elitist} is active. (Default: \code{0})}
100 \item{\code{cappingType}}{Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the performance of the elite configurations.\itemize{\item median: Median performance of the elite configurations.\item mean: Mean performance of the elite configurations.\item best: Best performance of the elite configurations.\item worst: Worst performance of the elite configurations.} (Default: \code{"median"})}
101 \item{\code{boundType}}{Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations.\itemize{\item candidate: Mean execution times across the executed instances and the current one.\item instance: Execution time of the current instance.} (Default: \code{"candidate"})}
102 \item{\code{boundMax}}{Maximum execution bound for \code{targetRunner}. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: \code{0})}
103 \item{\code{boundDigits}}{Precision used for calculating the execution time. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: \code{0})}
104 \item{\code{boundPar}}{Penalization constant for timed out executions (executions that reach \code{boundMax} execution time). (Default: \code{1})}
105 \item{\code{boundAsTimeout}}{Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with \code{boundMax}. (Default: \code{1})}
106 }
107 \item Recovery:
108 \describe{
109 \item{\code{recoveryFile}}{Previously saved log file to recover the execution of \code{irace}, either absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or \code{NULL}, recovery is not performed. (Default: \code{""})}
110 }
111 \item Testing:
112 \describe{
113 \item{\code{testInstancesDir}}{Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory. (Default: \code{""})}
114 \item{\code{testInstancesFile}}{File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them. (Default: \code{""})}
115 \item{\code{testInstances}}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner} when executing the testing. (Default: \code{""})}
116 \item{\code{testNbElites}}{Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided. (Default: \code{1})}
117 \item{\code{testIterationElites}}{Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration. (Default: \code{0})}
118 }
113119 }
114120 }
115121 \description{
116 Return scenario with default values.
122 Return scenario object with default values.
117123 }
118124 \seealso{
119125 \describe{
120 \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
121 \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
122 \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
123 \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
126 \item{\code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
127 \item{\code{\link[=printScenario]{printScenario()}}}{prints the given scenario.}
128 \item{\code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
129 \item{\code{\link[=checkScenario]{checkScenario()}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
124130 }
125131 }
126132 \author{
33 \alias{getConfigurationById}
44 \title{Returns the configurations selected by ID.}
55 \usage{
6 getConfigurationById(iraceResults = NULL, logFile = NULL, ids,
7 drop.metadata = FALSE)
6 getConfigurationById(iraceResults, ids, drop.metadata = FALSE)
87 }
98 \arguments{
10 \item{iraceResults}{Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in \code{scenario$logFile}.}
12 \item{logFile}{Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
13 \code{iraceResults} object.}
9 \item{iraceResults}{(\code{list()}|\code{character(1)}) \code{iraceResults} object created by \pkg{irace} and typically saved in the log file \code{irace.Rdata}. If a character string is given, then it is interpreted as the path to the log file from which the \code{iraceResults} object will be loaded.}
1511 \item{ids}{The id or a vector of ids of the candidates configurations to obtain.}
1713 \item{drop.metadata}{Remove metadata, such the configuration ID and
1814 the ID of the parent, from the returned configurations. See
19 \code{\link{removeConfigurationsMetaData}}.}
15 \code{\link[=removeConfigurationsMetaData]{removeConfigurationsMetaData()}}.}
2016 }
2117 \value{
2218 A data frame containing the elite configurations required.
2723 \author{
2824 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
2925 }
26 \concept{analysis}
33 \alias{getConfigurationByIteration}
44 \title{Returns the configurations by the iteration in which they were executed.}
55 \usage{
6 getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults = NULL, logFile = NULL,
7 iterations, drop.metadata = FALSE)
6 getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults, iterations, drop.metadata = FALSE)
87 }
98 \arguments{
10 \item{iraceResults}{(\code{NULL}) Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in \code{scenario$logFile}.}
9 \item{iraceResults}{(\code{list()}|\code{character(1)}) \code{iraceResults} object created by \pkg{irace} and typically saved in the log file \code{irace.Rdata}. If a character string is given, then it is interpreted as the path to the log file from which the \code{iraceResults} object will be loaded.}
12 \item{logFile}{(\code{NULL}) Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
13 \code{iraceResults} object.}
15 \item{iterations}{The iteration number or a vector of iteration numbers from where
11 \item{iterations}{The iteration number or a vector of iteration numbers from where
1612 the configurations should be obtained.}
1814 \item{drop.metadata}{(\code{FALSE}) Remove metadata, such the configuration ID and
2824 \author{
2925 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
3026 }
27 \concept{analysis}
33 \alias{getFinalElites}
44 \title{Return the elite configurations of the final iteration.}
55 \usage{
6 getFinalElites(iraceResults = NULL, logFile = NULL, n = 0,
7 drop.metadata = FALSE)
6 getFinalElites(iraceResults, n = 0L, drop.metadata = FALSE)
87 }
98 \arguments{
10 \item{iraceResults}{Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in \code{scenario$logFile}.}
9 \item{iraceResults}{(\code{list()}|\code{character(1)}) \code{iraceResults} object created by \pkg{irace} and typically saved in the log file \code{irace.Rdata}. If a character string is given, then it is interpreted as the path to the log file from which the \code{iraceResults} object will be loaded.}
12 \item{logFile}{Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
13 \code{iraceResults} object.}
15 \item{n}{Number of elite configurations to return, if \code{n} is larger than the
16 number of configurations, then only the existing ones are returned.}
11 \item{n}{Number of elite configurations to return, if \code{n} is larger than the
12 number of configurations, then only the existing ones are returned. The default (\code{n=0}) returns all of them.}
1814 \item{drop.metadata}{Remove metadata, such the configuration ID and
1915 the ID of the parent, from the returned configurations. See
2521 \description{
2622 Return the elite configurations of the final iteration.
2723 }
24 \examples{
25 log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)
26 print(removeConfigurationsMetaData(getFinalElites(log_file, n=1)))
28 }
2829 \author{
2930 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
3031 }
32 \concept{analysis}
3535 sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
3636 }
38 ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
39 weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
38 ## We generate 20 instances (in this case, weights):
39 weights <- rnorm(20, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
4141 ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
4242 ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
4343 ## parameter space as follows:
44 parameters.table <- '
45 tmax "" i (1, 5000)
44 parameters_table <- '
45 tmax "" i,log (1, 5000)
4646 temp "" r (0, 100)
4747 '
4949 ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
50 parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
50 parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters_table)
5252 ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
5353 ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
5454 ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
55 ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
56 target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
55 ## iterations of SANN to 1000.
56 target_runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
5757 {
5858 instance <- experiment$instance
5959 configuration <- experiment$configuration
6565 return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
6666 }
6767 res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
68 control=list(maxit=5000
68 control=list(maxit=1000
6969 , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
7070 , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
7171 ))
7474 ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
7575 ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
7676 ## an external program or function.
77 ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
77 ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target_runner called the
7878 ## external program or function.
7979 return(list(cost = res$value))
8080 }
8282 ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
83 ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
84 ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
85 scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
86 instances = weights[1:100],
87 maxExperiments = 1000,
83 ## function define above, instances to the first 10 random weights, and
84 ## a maximum budget of 'maxExperiments' calls to targetRunner.
85 scenario <- list(targetRunner = target_runner,
86 instances = weights[1:10],
87 maxExperiments = 500,
8888 # Do not create a logFile
8989 logFile = "")
9191 ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
92 ## target.runner.
92 ## target_runner.
9393 checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
9595 \donttest{
9696 ## We are now ready to launch irace. We do it by means of the irace
9797 ## function. The function will print information about its
9898 ## progress. This may require a few minutes, so it is not run by default.
99 tuned.confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
99 tuned_confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
101101 ## We can print the best configurations found by irace as follows:
102 configurations.print(tuned.confs)
102 configurations.print(tuned_confs)
104104 ## We can evaluate the quality of the best configuration found by
105105 ## irace versus the default configuration of the SANN algorithm on
106 ## the other 100 instances previously generated.
106 ## the other 10 instances previously generated.
107107 ## To do so, first we apply the default configuration of the SANN
108108 ## algorithm to these instances:
109109 test <- function(configuration)
110110 {
111 res <- lapply(weights[101:200],
112 function(x) target.runner(
111 res <- lapply(weights[11:20],
112 function(x) target_runner(
113113 experiment = list(instance = x,
114114 configuration = configuration),
115115 scenario = scenario))
118118 default <- test(data.frame(tmax=10, temp=10))
119119 ## We extract and apply the winning configuration found by irace
120120 ## to these instances:
121 tuned <- test (removeConfigurationsMetaData(tuned.confs[1,]))
121 tuned <- test(removeConfigurationsMetaData(tuned_confs[1,]))
123123 ## Finally, we can compare using a boxplot the quality obtained with the
124124 ## default parametrization of SANN and the quality obtained with the
129129 }
130130 \references{
131131 Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Leslie Pérez Cáceres,
132 Thomas Stützle, and Mauro Birattari. The irace package: Iterated
133 Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration. \emph{Operations Research
134 Perspectives}, 2016. \doi{10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002}
136 Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro
137 Birattari. \emph{The irace package, Iterated Race for Automatic
138 Algorithm Configuration}. Technical Report TR/IRIDIA/2011-004, IRIDIA,
139 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2011.
141 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle. The Automatic Design of
142 Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms. \emph{IEEE Transactions
143 on Evolutionary Computation}, 2012.
132 Thomas Stützle, and Mauro Birattari. The irace package: Iterated
133 Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration. \emph{Operations Research
134 Perspectives}, 2016. \doi{10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002}
136 Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro
137 Birattari. \emph{The irace package, Iterated Race for Automatic
138 Algorithm Configuration}. Technical Report TR/IRIDIA/2011-004, IRIDIA,
139 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2011.
141 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle. The Automatic Design of
142 Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms. \emph{IEEE Transactions
143 on Evolutionary Computation}, 2012.
144144 }
145145 \seealso{
146146 \code{\link{irace.main}} to start \pkg{irace} with a given scenario.
147147 }
148148 \author{
149149 Maintainers: Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
150 \email{}
150 \email{}
151151 }
152152 \keyword{automatic}
153153 \keyword{configuration}
88 \arguments{
99 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1010 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
11 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
11 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
1313 \item{parameters}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing the parameter
1414 space definition. The data structure has to similar to the one returned by the
2121 The data frame has the following columns:
2222 \itemize{
2323 \item \code{.ID.} : Internal id of the candidate configuration.
24 \item \code{Parameter names} : One column per parameter name in \code{parameters}.
24 \item \verb{Parameter names} : One column per parameter name in \code{parameters}.
2525 \item \code{.PARENT.} : Internal id of the parent candidate configuration.
2626 }
8383 }
8484 }
8585 \description{
86 \code{irace} implements iterated Race. It receives some parameters to be tuned
87 and returns the best configurations found, namely, the elite configurations
88 obtained from the last iterations (and sorted by rank).
86 \code{irace} implements iterated Race. It receives some parameters to be tuned
87 and returns the best configurations found, namely, the elite configurations
88 obtained from the last iterations (and sorted by rank).
8989 }
9090 \details{
91 The function \code{irace} executes the tuning procedure using
92 the information provided in \code{scenario} and \code{parameters}. Initially it checks
93 the correctness of \code{scenario} and recovers a previous execution if
94 \code{scenario$recoveryFile} is set. A R data file log of the execution is created
95 in \code{scenario$logFile}.
91 The function \code{irace} executes the tuning procedure using
92 the information provided in \code{scenario} and \code{parameters}. Initially it checks
93 the correctness of \code{scenario} and recovers a previous execution if
94 \code{scenario$recoveryFile} is set. A R data file log of the execution is created
95 in \code{scenario$logFile}.
9696 }
9797 \examples{
9898 \dontrun{
9999 parameters <- readParameters("parameters.txt")
100 scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt",
101 scenario = defaultScenario())
100 scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt")
102101 irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
103102 }
105104 }
106105 \seealso{
107106 \describe{
108 \item{\code{\link{irace.main}}}{a higher-level command-line interface to \code{irace}.}
109 \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
110 \item{\code{\link{readParameters}}}{read the target algorithm parameters from a file.}
111 \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
112 \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
107 \item{\code{\link[=irace.main]{irace.main()}}}{a higher-level interface to \code{irace}.}
108 \item{\code{\link[=irace.cmdline]{irace.cmdline()}}}{a command-line interface to \code{irace}.}
109 \item{\code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
110 \item{\code{\link[=readParameters]{readParameters()}}}{read the target algorithm parameters from a file.}
111 \item{\code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
112 \item{\code{\link[=checkScenario]{checkScenario()}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
113113 }
114114 }
115115 \author{
116116 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
117117 }
118 \concept{running}
11 % Please edit documentation in R/main.R
22 \name{irace.cmdline}
33 \alias{irace.cmdline}
4 \title{irace.cmdline}
4 \title{Launch \code{irace} with command-line options.}
55 \usage{
66 irace.cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
77 }
88 \arguments{
9 \item{argv}{(\code{character()}) \cr The arguments
10 provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g.,
9 \item{argv}{(\code{character()}) \cr The arguments
10 provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g.,
1111 \code{c("--scenario", "scenario.txt", "-p", "parameters.txt")}.
12 Using the default value (not providing the parameter) is the
12 Using the default value (not providing the parameter) is the
1313 easiest way to call \code{irace.cmdline}.}
1414 }
1515 \value{
1919 The data frame has the following columns:
2020 \itemize{
2121 \item \code{.ID.} : Internal id of the candidate configuration.
22 \item \code{Parameter names} : One column per parameter name in \code{parameters}.
22 \item \verb{Parameter names} : One column per parameter name in \code{parameters}.
2323 \item \code{.PARENT.} : Internal id of the parent candidate configuration.
2424 }
8181 }
8282 }
8383 \description{
84 \code{irace.cmdline} starts \pkg{irace} using the parameters
85 of the command line used to invoke R.
84 Calls \code{\link[=irace.main]{irace.main()}} using command-line options, maybe parsed from the
85 command line used to invoke R.
8686 }
8787 \details{
8888 The function reads the parameters given on the command line
8989 used to invoke R, finds the name of the scenario file,
90 initializes the scenario from the file (with the function
91 \code{\link{readScenario}}) and possibly from parameters passed on
92 the command line. It finally starts \pkg{irace} by calling
93 \code{\link{irace.main}}.
90 initializes the scenario from the file (with the function
91 \code{\link{readScenario}}) and possibly from parameters passed in
92 the command line. It finally starts \pkg{irace} by calling
93 \code{\link{irace.main}}.
95 List of command-line options:\preformatted{-h,--help Show this help.
96 -v,--version Show irace package version.
97 -c,--check Check scenario.
98 -i,--init Initialize the working directory with template config
99 files.
100 --only-test Only test the configurations given in the file passed
101 as argument.
102 -s,--scenario File that describes the configuration scenario setup
103 and other irace settings. Default: ./scenario.txt.
104 --exec-dir Directory where the programs will be run. Default: ./.
105 -p,--parameter-file File that contains the description of the parameters
106 of the target algorithm. Default: ./parameters.txt.
107 --forbidden-file File that contains a list of logical expressions that
108 cannot be TRUE for any evaluated configuration. If
109 empty or NULL, do not use forbidden expressions.
110 --configurations-file File that contains a table of initial configurations.
111 If empty or NULL, all initial configurations are
112 randomly generated.
113 -l,--log-file File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either
114 absolute path or relative to execDir. Default:
115 ./irace.Rdata.
116 --recovery-file Previously saved log file to recover the execution of
117 irace, either absolute path or relative to the current
118 directory. If empty or NULL, recovery is not
119 performed.
120 --train-instances-dir Directory where training instances are located;
121 either absolute path or relative to current directory.
122 If no trainInstancesFiles is provided, all the files
123 in trainInstancesDir will be listed as instances.
124 Default: ./Instances.
125 --train-instances-file File that contains a list of training instances and
126 optionally additional parameters for them. If
127 trainInstancesDir is provided, irace will search for
128 the files in this folder.
129 --sample-instances Randomly sample the training instances or use them in
130 the order given. Default: 1.
131 --test-instances-dir Directory where testing instances are located, either
132 absolute or relative to current directory.
133 --test-instances-file File containing a list of test instances and
134 optionally additional parameters for them.
135 --test-num-elites Number of elite configurations returned by irace that
136 will be tested if test instances are provided.
137 Default: 1.
138 --test-iteration-elites Enable/disable testing the elite configurations
139 found at each iteration. Default: 0.
140 --test-type Statistical test used for elimination. The default
141 value selects t-test if capping is enabled or F-test,
142 otherwise. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test),
143 t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction),
144 t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction
145 for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with
146 Holm's correction for multiple comparisons).
147 --first-test Number of instances evaluated before the first
148 elimination test. It must be a multiple of eachTest.
149 Default: 5.
150 --each-test Number of instances evaluated between elimination
151 tests. Default: 1.
152 --target-runner Executable called for each configuration that executes
153 the target algorithm to be tuned. See the templates
154 and examples provided. Default: ./target-runner.
155 --target-runner-launcher Executable that will be used to launch the target
156 runner, when targetRunner cannot be executed directly
157 (.e.g, a Python script in Windows).
158 --target-runner-args Command-line arguments provided to
159 targetRunnerLauncher. The substrings \\\{targetRunner\\\}
160 and \\\{targetRunnerArgs\\\} will be replaced by the value
161 of the option targetRunner and by the arguments
162 usually passed when calling targetRunner,
163 respectively. Example: "-m \{targetRunner --args
164 \{targetRunnerArgs\}"\}. Default: \{targetRunner\}
165 \{targetRunnerArgs\}.
166 --target-runner-retries Number of times to retry a call to targetRunner if
167 the call failed. Default: 0.
168 --target-evaluator Optional script or R function that provides a numeric
169 value for each configuration. See
170 templates/target-evaluator.tmpl
171 --deterministic If the target algorithm is deterministic,
172 configurations will be evaluated only once per
173 instance. Default: 0.
174 --max-experiments Maximum number of runs (invocations of targetRunner)
175 that will be performed. It determines the maximum
176 budget of experiments for the tuning. Default: 0.
177 --max-time Maximum total execution time in seconds for the
178 executions of targetRunner. targetRunner must return
179 two values: cost and time. Default: 0.
180 --budget-estimation Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to
181 estimate the mean computation time of a configuration.
182 Only used when maxTime > 0 Default: 0.02.
183 --min-measurable-time Minimum time unit that is still (significantly)
184 measureable. Default: 0.01.
185 --parallel Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in
186 parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.
187 Default: 0.
188 --load-balancing Enable/disable load-balancing when executing
189 experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better
190 use of computing resources, but increases
191 communication overhead. If this overhead is large,
192 disabling load-balancing may be faster. Default: 1.
193 --mpi Enable/disable MPI. Use Rmpi to execute targetRunner
194 in parallel (parameter parallel is the number of
195 slaves). Default: 0.
196 --batchmode Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when
197 targetRunner submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge,
198 pbs, torque, slurm or htcondor. targetRunner must
199 submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, qsub.
200 Default: 0.
201 --digits Maximum number of decimal places that are significant
202 for numerical (real) parameters. Default: 4.
203 -q,--quiet Reduce the output generated by irace to a minimum.
204 Default: 0.
205 --debug-level Debug level of the output of irace. Set this to 0 to
206 silence all debug messages. Higher values provide more
207 verbose debug messages. Default: 0.
208 --seed Seed of the random number generator (by default,
209 generate a random seed).
210 --soft-restart Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids
211 premature convergence of the probabilistic model.
212 Default: 1.
213 --soft-restart-threshold Soft restart threshold value for numerical
214 parameters. If NA, NULL or "", it is computed as
215 10^-digits.
216 -e,--elitist Enable/disable elitist irace. Default: 1.
217 --elitist-new-instances Number of instances added to the execution list
218 before previous instances in elitist irace. Default:
219 1.
220 --elitist-limit In elitist irace, maximum number per race of
221 elimination tests that do not eliminate a
222 configuration. Use 0 for no limit. Default: 2.
223 --capping Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique
224 designed for minimizing the computation time of
225 configurations. This is only available when elitist is
226 active. Default: 0.
227 --capping-type Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the
228 performance of the elite configurations: median, mean,
229 worst, best. Default: median.
230 --bound-type Method to calculate the mean performance of elite
231 configurations: candidate or instance. Default:
232 candidate.
233 --bound-max Maximum execution bound for targetRunner. It must be
234 specified when capping is enabled. Default: 0.
235 --bound-digits Precision used for calculating the execution time. It
236 must be specified when capping is enabled. Default: 0.
237 --bound-par Penalization constant for timed out executions
238 (executions that reach boundMax execution time).
239 Default: 1.
240 --bound-as-timeout Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions
241 with boundMax. Default: 1.
242 --postselection Percentage of the configuration budget used to perform
243 a postselection race of the best configurations of
244 each iteration after the execution of irace. Default:
245 0.
246 --aclib Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables
247 compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner
248 script. Default: 0.
249 --iterations Maximum number of iterations. Default: 0.
250 --experiments-per-iteration Number of runs of the target algorithm per
251 iteration. Default: 0.
252 --min-survival Minimum number of configurations needed to continue
253 the execution of each race (iteration). Default: 0.
254 --num-configurations Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated
255 at each iteration. Default: 0.
256 --mu Parameter used to define the number of configurations
257 sampled and evaluated at each iteration. Default: 5.
258 --confidence Confidence level for the elimination test. Default:
259 0.95.
260 }
261 }
262 \examples{
263 irace.cmdline("--version")
94264 }
95265 \seealso{
96 \code{\link{irace.main}} to start \pkg{irace} with a given scenario.
266 \code{\link[=irace.main]{irace.main()}} to start \pkg{irace} with a given scenario.
97267 }
98268 \author{
99269 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
100270 }
271 \concept{running}
33 \name{irace.license}
44 \alias{irace.license}
55 \title{irace.license}
6 \format{An object of class \code{character} of length 1.}
6 \format{
7 An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
8 }
79 \usage{
810 irace.license
911 }
11 % Please edit documentation in R/main.R
22 \name{irace.main}
33 \alias{irace.main}
4 \title{irace.main}
4 \title{Higher-level interface to launch irace.}
55 \usage{
6 irace.main(scenario = defaultScenario(), output.width = 9999L)
6 irace.main(scenario, output.width = 9999L)
77 }
88 \arguments{
99 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1010 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
11 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
11 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
13 \item{output.width}{(\code{integer(1)}) The width that must be used for the screen
13 \item{output.width}{(\code{integer(1)}) The width used for the screen
1414 output.}
1515 }
1616 \value{
2020 The data frame has the following columns:
2121 \itemize{
2222 \item \code{.ID.} : Internal id of the candidate configuration.
23 \item \code{Parameter names} : One column per parameter name in \code{parameters}.
23 \item \verb{Parameter names} : One column per parameter name in \code{parameters}.
2424 \item \code{.PARENT.} : Internal id of the parent candidate configuration.
2525 }
8282 }
8383 }
8484 \description{
85 \code{irace.main} is a higher-level interface to invoke \code{\link{irace}}.
85 Higher-level interface to launch irace.
8686 }
8787 \details{
88 The function \code{irace.main} checks the correctness of the
89 scenario, prints it, reads the parameter space from
90 \code{scenario$parameterFile}, invokes \code{\link{irace}} and
91 prints its results in various formatted ways. If you want a
92 lower-level interface, please see function \code{\link{irace}}.
88 This function checks the correctness of the scenario, reads the
89 parameter space from \code{scenario$parameterFile}, invokes \code{\link[=irace]{irace()}},
90 prints its results in various formatted ways, (optionally) calls
91 \code{\link[=psRace]{psRace()}} and, finally, evaluates the best configurations on the test
92 instances (if provided). If you want a lower-level interface that just
93 runs irace, please see function \code{\link[=irace]{irace()}}.
9394 }
9495 \seealso{
95 \code{\link{irace.cmdline}} a higher-level command-line interface to
96 \code{irace.main}.
97 \code{\link{readScenario}} to read the scenario setup from a file.
98 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
96 \code{\link[=irace.cmdline]{irace.cmdline()}} a higher-level command-line interface to
97 \code{\link[=irace]{irace()}}
98 \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}} to read the scenario setup from a file.
99 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
99100 }
100101 \author{
101102 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
102103 }
104 \concept{running}
man/irace.usage.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/main.R
2 \name{irace.usage}
3 \alias{irace.usage}
4 \title{irace.usage}
5 \usage{
6 irace.usage()
7 }
8 \description{
9 \code{irace.usage} This function prints all command-line options of \pkg{irace},
10 with the corresponding switches and a short description.
11 }
12 \author{
13 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
14 }
33 \name{irace.version}
44 \alias{irace.version}
55 \title{irace.version}
6 \format{An object of class \code{character} of length 1.}
6 \format{
7 An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
8 }
79 \usage{
810 irace.version
911 }
1012 \description{
11 A character string containing the version of \pkg{irace}.
13 A character string containing the version of \code{irace}.
1214 }
1315 \keyword{datasets}
man/irace2pyimp.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/irace2pyimp.R
2 \name{irace2pyimp}
3 \alias{irace2pyimp}
4 \title{Convert an \code{irace.Rdata} file into the format supported by PyImp}
5 \usage{
6 irace2pyimp(file = "./irace.Rdata", normalise = "none",
7 outdir = "./pyimp-input/", instanceFeatureFile = NA,
8 filterConditions = NA, defaultConfigurationID = 1,
9 ignoreUnsupported = 0)
10 }
11 \arguments{
12 \item{file}{(\code{character(1)}) \cr Filename of the \code{.Rdata} file generated by
13 irace after a tuning run is finished.}
15 \item{normalise}{(\code{none} | \code{instance} | \code{feature}) \cr Normalise the cost metric values into \code{[0, 1]} range before converting to PyImp format. Possible values are:\cr
16 * \code{none} (default): no normalisation. \cr
17 * \code{instance} : normalisation is done per instance. \cr
18 * \code{feature} : normalisation is based on features, i.e., instances with the same feature-vector values are grouped together and the normalised cost is calculated per group.}
20 \item{outdir}{(\code{character(1)}) \cr Directory where all generated files are stored.}
22 \item{instanceFeatureFile}{(\code{character(1)}) \cr A \code{.csv} file containing instance features (one line per instance,
23 sorted in the same order as the list of instances input to irace). The first line contains feature names.}
25 \item{filterConditions}{Only extract data that satisfies the given conditions. The conditions are in R expression format.}
27 \item{defaultConfigurationID}{Index of default configuration (starting from 1), used by ablation analysis.}
29 \item{ignoreUnsupported}{Forbidden configurations and repairConfiguration are not supported by the script. Set ignoreUnsupported=1 to ignore them and proceed with your own risk. This may cause some unwanted behaviours, e.g., forbidden configurations may appear in ablation analysis's path.}
30 }
31 \description{
32 This function converts an \code{irace.Rdata} file generated by irace into the
33 input format supported by the parameter importance analysis tool \code{PyImp}
34 (
35 }
36 \details{
37 The generated files include:
38 \itemize{
39 \item \code{params.pcs} : a text file containing the parameter space definition.
40 \item \code{runhistory.json} : a JSON file containing the list of algorithm configurations evaluated during the tuning and the performance data obtained.
41 \item \code{traj_aclib2.json} : a JSON file containing the best configurations after each iteration of irace. The last configuration will be used as the target configuration in ablation analysis.
42 \item \code{scenario.txt} : a text file containing the definition of the tuning scenario.
43 \item \code{instances.txt} : a text file containing the list of instances.
44 \item \code{features.csv} : a text file containing instance features. If no instance features are provided, the index of each instance will be used as a feature.
45 }
46 }
47 \examples{
48 \dontrun{
49 irace2pyimp(file='irace.Rdata', outdir='pyimp-run')
50 irace2pyimp(file='irace.Rdata', normalise='feature',
51 instanceFeatureFile='feature.csv', filterConditions="algorithm!='mas'")
52 }
53 cat("See more examples in '",
54 file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples/irace2pyimp/acotsp/"),
55 "' and in '",
56 file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/"),
57 "'\\n")
59 }
60 \author{
61 Nguyen Dang and Manuel López-Ibáñez
62 }
man/irace2pyimp_cmdline.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/irace2pyimp.R
2 \name{irace2pyimp_cmdline}
3 \alias{irace2pyimp_cmdline}
4 \title{Command-line interface to irace2pyimp}
5 \usage{
6 irace2pyimp_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{argv}{(\code{character()}) \cr Command-line arguments.}
10 }
11 \value{
12 None.
13 }
14 \description{
15 This is a command-line interface for calling the \code{\link{irace2pyimp}} function,
16 which converts an \code{irace.Rdata} file into the input format supported by the
17 parameter importance analysis tool \code{PyImp}
18 ( \cr The best way to use
19 this command line interface is to run the script \code{irace-to-pyimp}. \cr To
20 see usage of the script, run: irace-to-pyimp --help
21 }
22 \examples{
24 irace2pyimp_cmdline("--help")
26 }
27 \seealso{
28 \code{\link{irace2pyimp}}
29 }
30 \author{
31 Nguyen Dang and Manuel López-Ibáñez
32 }
man/parallelCoordinatesPlot.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/parameterAnalysis.R
2 \name{parallelCoordinatesPlot}
3 \alias{parallelCoordinatesPlot}
4 \title{parallelCoordinatesPlot}
5 \usage{
6 parallelCoordinatesPlot(configurations, parameters,
7 param_names = parameters$names, hierarchy = TRUE, filename = NULL,
8 pdf.width = 14, mar = c(8, 1, 4, 1))
9 }
10 \arguments{
11 \item{configurations}{(\code{data.frame}) \cr Parameter configurations of the
12 target algorithm (one per row).}
14 \item{parameters}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing the parameter
15 space definition. The data structure has to similar to the one returned by the
16 function \code{\link{readParameters}}.}
18 \item{param_names}{Parameters names that should be included. Default: parameters$names.}
20 \item{hierarchy}{If \code{TRUE} conditional parameters will be displayed in a different
21 plot. Default \code{TRUE}.}
23 \item{filename}{Filename prefix to generate the plots. If \code{NULL} the plot
24 displayed but not saved.}
26 \item{pdf.width}{Width for the pdf file generated.}
28 \item{mar}{Margin to use for the plot. See \code{\link{par}}.}
29 }
30 \value{
31 A set of parallel coordinates plots showing the parameters values.
32 If a filename is provided this plots are saved in one or more files.
33 }
34 \description{
35 \code{parallelCoordinatesPlot} plots a set of parameter configurations in
36 parallel coordinates.
37 }
38 \examples{
39 \donttest{
40 ## To use data obtained by irace
41 # First, load the data produced by irace.
42 irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata")
43 load(irace.logfile)
44 attach(iraceResults)
45 parallelCoordinatesPlot(allConfigurations, parameters, hierarchy = FALSE)
46 }
48 }
49 \seealso{
50 \code{\link{readParameters}} to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters file.
51 \code{\link{readConfigurationsFile}} to obtain a set of target algorithm configurations from
52 a configurations file.
53 }
54 \author{
55 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
56 }
man/parameterFrequency.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/parameterAnalysis.R
2 \name{parameterFrequency}
3 \alias{parameterFrequency}
4 \title{Plot of histogram of parameter values}
5 \usage{
6 parameterFrequency(configurations, parameters, rows = 4, cols = 3,
7 filename = NULL, pdf.width = 12, col = "gray")
8 }
9 \arguments{
10 \item{configurations}{(\code{data.frame}) \cr Parameter configurations of the
11 target algorithm (one per row).}
13 \item{parameters}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing the parameter
14 space definition. The data structure has to similar to the one returned by the
15 function \code{\link{readParameters}}.}
17 \item{rows}{Number of plots per column.}
19 \item{cols}{Number of plots per row.}
21 \item{filename}{Filename prefix to generate the plots. If \code{NULL} the plot
22 displayed but not saved.}
24 \item{pdf.width}{Width for the pdf file generated.}
26 \item{col}{Color of the bar plot.}
27 }
28 \description{
29 \code{parameterFrequency} plots the frequency of the parameters values in a
30 set of target algorithm configurations. It generates plots showing the
31 frequency of parameter values for each parameter, with \code{rows} *
32 \code{cols} parameters being shown per plot. If a filename is provided the
33 plots are saved in one or more files.
34 }
35 \examples{
36 \donttest{
37 ## To use data obtained by irace
39 # First, load the data produced by irace.
40 irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata")
41 load(irace.logfile)
42 attach(iraceResults)
43 parameterFrequency(allConfigurations, parameters)
44 }
46 }
47 \seealso{
48 \code{\link{readParameters}} to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters file.
49 \code{\link{readConfigurationsFile}} to obtain a set of target algorithm configurations from
50 a configurations file.
51 }
52 \author{
53 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
54 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/path_rel2abs.R
2 \name{path_rel2abs}
3 \alias{path_rel2abs}
4 \title{Converts a relative path to an absolute path. It tries really hard to create
5 canonical paths.}
6 \usage{
7 path_rel2abs(path, cwd = getwd())
8 }
9 \arguments{
10 \item{path}{(\code{character(1)}) Character string representing a relative path.}
12 \item{cwd}{(\code{character(1)}) Current working directory.}
13 }
14 \value{
15 (\code{character(1)}) Character string representing the absolute path
16 }
17 \description{
18 Converts a relative path to an absolute path. It tries really hard to create
19 canonical paths.
20 }
21 \examples{
22 path_rel2abs("..")
23 }
33 \alias{plotAblation}
44 \title{Create plot from an ablation log}
55 \usage{
6 plotAblation(ab.log = NULL, abLogFile = NULL, pdf.file = NULL,
7 pdf.width = 20, type = c("mean", "boxplot"), mar = par("mar"),
8 ylab = "Mean configuration cost", ...)
6 plotAblation(
7 ablog,
8 pdf.file = NULL,
9 pdf.width = 20,
10 type = c("mean", "boxplot"),
11 mar = par("mar"),
12 ylab = "Mean configuration cost",
13 ylim = NULL,
14 ...
15 )
916 }
1017 \arguments{
11 \item{ab.log}{Ablation log returned by \code{\link{ablation}}.}
13 \item{abLogFile}{Rdata file containing the ablation log.}
18 \item{ablog}{(\code{list()}|\code{character(1)}) Ablation log object returned by \code{\link[=ablation]{ablation()}}. Alternatively, the path to an \code{.Rdata} file, e.g., \code{"log-ablation.Rdata"}, from which the object will be loaded.}
1520 \item{pdf.file}{Output filename.}
1722 \item{pdf.width}{Width provided to create the pdf file.}
19 \item{type}{Type of plots. Supported values are \code{"mean"} and
20 \code{"boxplot"}.}
24 \item{type}{Type of plot. Supported values are \code{"mean"} and \code{"boxplot"}.}
2226 \item{mar}{Vector with the margins for the ablation plot.}
2428 \item{ylab}{Label of y-axis.}
30 \item{ylim}{Numeric vector of length 2, giving the y coordinates ranges.}
2632 \item{...}{Further graphical parameters may also be supplied as
27 arguments. See \code{plot.default}.}
33 arguments. See \code{\link[graphics:plot.default]{graphics::plot.default()}}.}
2834 }
2935 \description{
3036 Create plot from an ablation log
3137 }
38 \examples{
39 logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
40 plotAblation(ablog = logfile)
41 }
3242 \seealso{
33 \code{\link{ablation}}
43 \code{\link[=ablation]{ablation()}}
3444 }
3545 \author{
3646 Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/readParameters.R
2 \name{printParameters}
3 \alias{printParameters}
4 \title{Print parameter space in the textual format accepted by irace.}
5 \usage{
6 printParameters(params, digits = 15L)
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{params}{(\code{list()}) Parameter object stored in \code{irace.Rdata} or read with \code{irace::readParameters()}.}
11 \item{digits}{(\code{integer()}) The desired number of digits after the decimal point for real-valued parameters. Default is 15, but it should be the value in \code{scenario$digits}.}
12 }
13 \description{
14 FIXME: Dependent parameter bounds are not supported yet.
15 }
16 \examples{
17 parameters.table <- '
18 # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
19 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
20 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
21 ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100)
22 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
23 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch \%in\% c(1,2,3)
24 '
25 parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters.table)
26 printParameters(parameters)
27 }
88 \arguments{
99 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1010 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
11 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
11 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
1212 }
1313 \description{
1414 Prints the given scenario
1515 }
1616 \seealso{
1717 \describe{
18 \item{\code{\link{readScenario}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
19 \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
20 \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
21 \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
18 \item{\code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}}{for reading a configuration scenario from a file.}
19 \item{\code{\link[=printScenario]{printScenario()}}}{prints the given scenario.}
20 \item{\code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
21 \item{\code{\link[=checkScenario]{checkScenario()}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
2222 }
2323 }
2424 \author{
33 \alias{psRace}
44 \title{psRace}
55 \usage{
6 psRace(iraceLogFile = NULL, iraceResults = NULL, conf.ids = NULL,
7 postselection = NULL, max.experiments = NULL, elites = FALSE,
8 seed = 1234567)
6 psRace(
7 iraceLogFile = NULL,
8 iraceResults = NULL,
9 conf.ids = NULL,
10 postselection = NULL,
11 max.experiments = NULL,
12 elites = FALSE,
13 seed = 1234567
14 )
915 }
1016 \arguments{
11 \item{iraceLogFile}{NULL Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
17 \item{iraceLogFile}{NULL Log file created by \pkg{irace}, this file must contain the
1218 \code{iraceResults} object.}
1420 \item{iraceResults}{NULL Object created by \pkg{irace} and saved in \code{scenario$logFile}.}
1925 \item{postselection}{NULL Percentage of the maxExperiments provided in the scenario to be used in the race.}
2127 \item{max.experiments}{NULL Number of experiments available for the race. If NULL budget for the race is set
22 by the parameter scenario$postselection, which defines the percentage of the total budget of \pkg{irace}
28 by the parameter scenario$postselection, which defines the percentage of the total budget of \pkg{irace}
2329 (iraceResults$scenario$maxExperiments or iraceResults$scenario$maxTime/iraceResults$state$timeEstimate) to use
24 for the postselection.}
30 for the postselection.}
2632 \item{elites}{FALSE Flag for selecting configurations. If FALSE, the best configurations of each
2733 iteration are used for the race. If TRUE, the elite configurtions of each iteration are used for the race.}
3036 }
3137 \value{
3238 If iraceLogFile is NULL, it returns a list with the following elements:
33 \describe{
34 \item{configurations}{Configurations used in the race.}
35 \item{instances}{A matrix with the instances used in the experiments. First column has the
36 instances ids from iraceResults$scenario$instances, second column the seed assigned to the instance.}
37 \item{maxExperiments}{Maximum number of experiments set for the race.}
38 \item{experiments}{A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).}
39 \item{elites}{Best configurations found in the experiments.}
40 }
39 \describe{
40 \item{configurations}{Configurations used in the race.}
41 \item{instances}{A matrix with the instances used in the experiments. First column has the
42 instances ids from iraceResults$scenario$instances, second column the seed assigned to the instance.}
43 \item{maxExperiments}{Maximum number of experiments set for the race.}
44 \item{experiments}{A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).}
45 \item{elites}{Best configurations found in the experiments.}
46 }
4147 If \code{iraceLogFile} is provided this list object will be saved in \code{iraceResults$psrace.log}.
4248 }
4349 \description{
4652 \examples{
4753 \dontrun{
4854 # Execute the postselection automatically after irace
55 scenario <- readScenario(filename="scenario.txt")
4956 parameters <- readParameters("parameters.txt")
50 scenario <- readScenario(filename="scenario.txt",
51 scenario=defaultScenario())
5257 # Use 10\% of the total budget
5358 scenario$postselection <- 0.1
5459 irace(scenario=scenario, parameters=parameters)
55 # Execute the postselection after the execution of \\pkg{irace}.
60 # Execute the postselection after the execution of \pkg{irace}.
5661 psRace(iraceLogFile="irace.Rdata", max.experiments=120)
5762 }
11 % Please edit documentation in R/readConfiguration.R
22 \name{readConfigurationsFile}
33 \alias{readConfigurationsFile}
4 \title{readConfigurationsFile}
4 \title{Read parameter configurations from a file}
55 \usage{
66 readConfigurationsFile(filename, parameters, debugLevel = 0, text)
77 }
88 \arguments{
9 \item{filename}{(\code{character(1)}) \cr Filename from which the configurations should be read.}
9 \item{filename}{(\code{character(1)}) \cr Filename from which the configurations should be read. The contents should be readable by \code{read.table( , header=TRUE)}.}
1111 \item{parameters}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing the parameter
1212 space definition. The data structure has to similar to the one returned by the
2323 the columns correspond to the parameter names in \code{parameters}.
2424 }
2525 \description{
26 \code{readConfigurationsFile} reads a set of target algorithms configurations
27 from a file and puts them in \pkg{irace} format. The configurations are checked
28 to match the parameters description provided.
26 Reads a set of target-algorithm configurations from a file and puts them in
27 \pkg{irace} format. The configurations are checked to match the parameters
28 description provided.
29 }
30 \details{
31 Example of an input file:\preformatted{# This is a comment line
32 <param_name_1> <param_name_2> ...
33 0.5 "value_1" ...
34 1.0 "value_2" ...
35 1.2 "value_3" ...
36 ... ...
37 }
39 The order of the columns does not necessarily have to be the same
40 as in the file containing the definition of the parameters.
2941 }
3042 \seealso{
31 \code{\link{readParameters}} to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters list.
43 \code{\link[=readParameters]{readParameters()}} to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters file.
3244 }
3345 \author{
3446 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
11 % Please edit documentation in R/readParameters.R
22 \name{readParameters}
33 \alias{readParameters}
4 \title{readParameters}
4 \title{Reads the parameters to be tuned by \pkg{irace} from a file or from a
5 character string.}
56 \usage{
67 readParameters(file, digits = 4, debugLevel = 0, text)
78 }
3738 \item{\code{nbParameters}}{An integer, the total number of parameters.}
3839 \item{\code{nbFixed}}{An integer, the number of parameters with a fixed value.}
3940 \item{\code{nbVariable}}{Number of variable (to be tuned) parameters.}
41 \item{\code{depends}}{List of character vectors, each vector specifies
42 which parameters depend on this one.}
43 \item{\code{isDependent}}{Logical vector that specifies which parameter has
44 a dependent domain.}
4045 }
4146 }
4247 \description{
43 \code{readParameters} reads the parameters to be tuned by
44 \pkg{irace} from a file or directly from a character string.
48 Reads the parameters to be tuned by \pkg{irace} from a file or from a
49 character string.
4550 }
4651 \details{
4752 Either \code{file} or \code{text} must be given. If \code{file} is given, the
6469 \examples{
6570 ## Read the parameters directly from text
6671 parameters.table <- '
67 # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
68 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
69 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
70 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
71 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
72 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
73 ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
74 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
75 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, 100) | algorithm == "ras"
76 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
77 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch \%in\% c(1,2,3)
78 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch \%in\% c(1,2,3)
72 # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
73 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
74 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
75 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
76 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
77 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
78 ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100)
79 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
80 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "min(ants, 10)") | algorithm == "ras"
81 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, ants) | algorithm == "eas"
82 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch \%in\% c(1,2,3)
83 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch \%in\% c(1,2,3)
7984 '
8085 parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters.table)
8186 str(parameters)
11 % Please edit documentation in R/readConfiguration.R
22 \name{readScenario}
33 \alias{readScenario}
4 \title{readScenario}
4 \title{Reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by \pkg{irace}.}
55 \usage{
6 readScenario(filename = "", scenario = list())
6 readScenario(filename = "", scenario = list(), params_def = .irace.params.def)
77 }
88 \arguments{
99 \item{filename}{(\code{character(1)}) \cr Filename from which the scenario will
1010 be read. If empty, the default \code{scenarioFile} is used. An example
11 scenario file is provided in \code{system.file(``package="irace",}
12 \code{"templates/scenario.txt.tmpl")}.}
11 scenario file is provided in \verb{system.file(``package="irace",}
12 \verb{"templates/scenario.txt.tmpl")}.}
1414 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1515 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
16 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.
16 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.
1717 This is an initial scenario that is overwritten}
19 \item{params_def}{(\code{data.frame()}) \cr Definition of the options accepted by the scenario. This should only be modified by packages that wish to extend \pkg{irace}.}
1820 }
1921 \value{
2022 The scenario list read from the file. The scenario settings not
2123 present in the file are not present in the list, i.e., they are \code{NULL}.
2224 }
2325 \description{
24 \code{readScenario} reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by
25 \pkg{irace}..
26 Reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by \pkg{irace}.
2627 }
2728 \seealso{
2829 \describe{
29 \item{\code{\link{printScenario}}}{prints the given scenario.}
30 \item{\code{\link{defaultScenario}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
31 \item{\code{\link{checkScenario}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
30 \item{\code{\link[=printScenario]{printScenario()}}}{prints the given scenario.}
31 \item{\code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}}}{returns the default scenario settings of \pkg{irace}.}
32 \item{\code{\link[=checkScenario]{checkScenario()}}}{to check that the scenario is valid.}
3233 }
3334 }
3435 \author{
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
2 \name{read_logfile}
3 \alias{read_logfile}
4 \title{Read the log file produced by irace (\code{irace.Rdata}).}
5 \usage{
6 read_logfile(filename, name = "iraceResults")
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{filename}{Filename that contains the log file saved by irace. Example: \code{irace.Rdata}.}
11 \item{name}{Optional argument that allows overriding the default name of the object in the file.}
12 }
13 \value{
14 (\code{list()})
15 }
16 \description{
17 Read the log file produced by irace (\code{irace.Rdata}).
18 }
19 \concept{analysis}
11 % Please edit documentation in R/readParameters.R
22 \name{read_pcs_file}
33 \alias{read_pcs_file}
4 \title{read_pcs_file}
4 \title{Read parameters in PCS (AClib) format and write them in irace format.}
55 \usage{
66 read_pcs_file(file, digits = 4, debugLevel = 0, text)
77 }
3131 whose name is \code{file}) in the expected form. See the documentation
3232 for details. If none of these parameters is given, \pkg{irace}
3333 will stop with an error.
35 \strong{FIXME:} Forbidden configurations, default configuration and transformations ("log") are currently ignored. See \url{}
3436 }
3537 \examples{
3638 ## Read the parameters directly from text
37 pcs.table <- '
38 # name values [conditions (using R syntax)]
39 pcs_table <- '
40 # name domain
3941 algorithm {as,mmas,eas,ras,acs}[as]
4042 localsearch {0, 1, 2, 3}[0]
4143 alpha [0.00, 5.00][1]
5456 nnls | localsearch in {1,2,3}
5557 dlb | localsearch in {1,2,3}
5658 '
57 parameters.table <- read_pcs_file(text=pcs.table)
58 parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters.table)
59 parameters_table <- read_pcs_file(text=pcs_table)
60 cat(parameters_table)
61 parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table)
5962 str(parameters)
64 }
65 \references{
66 Frank Hutter, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Chris Fawcett, Marius Thomas Lindauer, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Thomas Stützle. \strong{AClib: A Benchmark Library for Algorithm Configuration}. In P. M. Pardalos, M. G. C. Resende, C. Vogiatzis, and J. L. Walteros, editors, \emph{Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 8th International Conference, LION 8}, volume 8426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36–40. Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
6167 }
6268 \author{
6369 Manuel López-Ibáñez
2020 of the configuration without data possibly useless to the user.
2121 }
2222 \seealso{
23 \code{\link{configurations.print.command}} to print the configurations as command lines.
24 \code{\link{configurations.print}} to print the configurations as a data frame.
23 \code{\link[=configurations.print.command]{configurations.print.command()}} to print the configurations as command lines.
24 \code{\link[=configurations.print]{configurations.print()}} to print the configurations as a data frame.
2525 }
2626 \author{
2727 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
man/scenario.update.paths.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
2 \name{scenario.update.paths}
3 \alias{scenario.update.paths}
4 \title{Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently.}
5 \usage{
6 scenario.update.paths(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
10 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
11 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
13 \item{from}{character string containing a regular expression (or character
14 string for \code{fixed = TRUE}) to be matched.}
16 \item{to}{the replacement string.character string. For \code{fixed = FALSE}
17 this can include backreferences \code{"\1"} to \code{"\9"} to
18 parenthesized subexpressions of \code{from}.}
20 \item{fixed}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, \code{from} is a string to be matched
21 as is.}
22 }
23 \value{
24 The updated scenario
25 }
26 \description{
27 This function should be used to change the filesystem paths stored in a
28 scenario object. Useful when moving a scenario from one computer to another.
29 }
30 \examples{
31 \dontrun{
32 scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt")
33 scenario <- scenario.update.paths(scenario, from = "/home/manuel/", to = "/home/leslie")
34 }
35 }
36 \seealso{
37 \code{\link[base]{grep}}
38 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
2 \name{scenario_update_paths}
3 \alias{scenario_update_paths}
4 \alias{scenario.update.paths}
5 \title{Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently.}
6 \usage{
7 scenario_update_paths(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
9 scenario.update.paths(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
10 }
11 \arguments{
12 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
13 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
14 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
16 \item{from}{character string containing a regular expression (or character
17 string for \code{fixed = TRUE}) to be matched.}
19 \item{to}{the replacement string.character string. For \code{fixed = FALSE}
20 this can include backreferences \code{"\\1"} to \code{"\\9"} to
21 parenthesized subexpressions of \code{from}.}
23 \item{fixed}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, \code{from} is a string to be matched
24 as is.}
25 }
26 \value{
27 The updated scenario
28 }
29 \description{
30 This function should be used to change the filesystem paths stored in a
31 scenario object. Useful when moving a scenario from one computer to another.
32 }
33 \examples{
34 \dontrun{
35 scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt")
36 scenario <- scenario_update_paths(scenario, from = "/home/manuel/", to = "/home/leslie")
37 }
38 }
39 \seealso{
40 \code{\link[base:grep]{base::grep()}}
41 }
33 \alias{target.evaluator.default}
44 \title{target.evaluator.default}
55 \usage{
6 target.evaluator.default(experiment, num.configurations,,
7 scenario,
6 target.evaluator.default(
7 experiment,
8 num.configurations,
10 scenario,
12 )
813 }
914 \arguments{
1015 \item{experiment}{A list describing the experiment. It contains at least:
2833 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
2934 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
30 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
35 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
3237 \item{}{String describing the call to \code{targetRunner} that
3338 corresponds to this call to \code{targetEvaluator}. This is used for
11 % Please edit documentation in R/race-wrapper.R
22 \name{target.runner.default}
33 \alias{target.runner.default}
4 \title{target.runner.default}
4 \title{Default \code{targetRunner} function.}
55 \usage{
66 target.runner.default(experiment, scenario)
77 }
2323 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
2424 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
25 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
25 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
2626 }
2727 \value{
2828 If \code{targetEvaluator} is \code{NULL}, then the \code{targetRunner}
4444 }
4545 }
4646 \description{
47 \code{target.runner.default} is the default targetRunner function.
48 You can use it as an advanced example of how to create your own targetRunner
49 function.
47 Use it as an advanced example of how to create your own \code{targetRunner} function.
5048 }
5149 \author{
5250 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
11 % Please edit documentation in R/testing.R
22 \name{testConfigurations}
33 \alias{testConfigurations}
4 \title{testConfigurations}
4 \title{Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the
5 scenario}
56 \usage{
67 testConfigurations(configurations, scenario, parameters)
78 }
1213 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
1314 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
14 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} or \code{\link{readScenario}}.}
15 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
1617 \item{parameters}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing the parameter
1718 space definition. The data structure has to similar to the one returned by the
1920 }
2021 \value{
2122 A list with the following elements:
22 \describe{
23 \item{\code{experiments}}{Experiments results.}
24 \item{\code{seeds}}{Array of the instance seeds used in the experiments.}
25 }
23 \describe{
24 \item{\code{experiments}}{Experiments results.}
25 \item{\code{seeds}}{Array of the instance seeds used in the experiments.}
26 }
2627 }
2728 \description{
28 \code{testConfigurations} executes the given configurations on the
29 testing instances specified in the scenario.
29 Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the
30 scenario
3031 }
3132 \details{
32 A test instance set must be provided through \code{scenario$testInstances}.
33 A test instance set must be provided through \code{scenario[["testInstances"]]}.
3334 }
3435 \seealso{
35 \code{\link{testing.main}}
36 \code{\link[=testing_fromlog]{testing_fromlog()}}
3637 }
3738 \author{
3839 Manuel López-Ibáñez
man/testing.main.Rd less more
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/main.R
2 \name{testing.main}
3 \alias{testing.main}
4 \title{testing.main}
5 \usage{
6 testing.main(logFile)
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{logFile}{Path to the \code{.Rdata} file produced by \pkg{irace}.}
10 }
11 \value{
12 Boolean. TRUE if the testing ended successfully otherwise, returns
14 }
15 \description{
16 \code{testing.main} executes the testing of the target
17 algorithm configurations found on an \pkg{irace} execution.
18 }
19 \details{
20 The function \code{testing.main} loads the \code{logFile} and
21 obtains the needed configurations according to the specified test. Use the
22 \code{scenario$testNbElites} to test N final elite configurations or use
23 \code{scenario$testIterationElites} to test the best configuration of each
24 iteration. A test instance set must be provided through
25 \code{scenario$testInstancesDir} and \code{testInstancesFile}.
26 }
27 \seealso{
28 \code{\link{defaultScenario}} to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
29 }
30 \author{
31 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
32 }
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/main.R
2 \name{testing_fromfile}
3 \alias{testing_fromfile}
4 \title{Test configurations given an explicit table of configurations and a scenario file}
5 \usage{
6 testing_fromfile(filename, scenario)
7 }
8 \arguments{
9 \item{filename}{Path to a file containing configurations: one configuration
10 per line, one parameter per column, parameter names in header.}
12 \item{scenario}{(\code{list()}) \cr Data structure containing \pkg{irace}
13 settings. The data structure has to be the one returned by the function
14 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} or \code{\link[=readScenario]{readScenario()}}.}
15 }
16 \value{
17 iraceResults
18 }
19 \description{
20 Executes the testing of an explicit list of configurations given in
21 \code{filename} (same format as in \code{\link[=readConfigurationsFile]{readConfigurationsFile()}}). A \code{logFile} is
22 created unless disabled in \code{scenario}. This may overwrite an existing one!
23 }
24 \seealso{
25 \code{\link[=testing_fromlog]{testing_fromlog()}} provides a different interface for testing.
26 }
27 \author{
28 Manuel López-Ibáñez
29 }
30 \concept{running}
0 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
1 % Please edit documentation in R/main.R
2 \name{testing_fromlog}
3 \alias{testing_fromlog}
4 \title{Test configurations given in \code{.Rdata} file}
5 \usage{
6 testing_fromlog(
7 logFile,
8 testNbElites,
9 testIterationElites,
10 testInstancesDir,
11 testInstancesFile,
12 testInstances
13 )
14 }
15 \arguments{
16 \item{logFile}{Path to the \code{.Rdata} file produced by \pkg{irace}.}
18 \item{testNbElites}{Number of (final) elite configurations to test. Overrides
19 the value found in \code{logFile}.}
21 \item{testIterationElites}{(\code{logical(1)}) If \code{FALSE}, only the final
22 \code{testNbElites} configurations are tested; otherwise, also test the best
23 configurations of each iteration. Overrides the value found in \code{logFile}.}
25 \item{testInstancesDir}{Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory.}
27 \item{testInstancesFile}{File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them.}
29 \item{testInstances}{Character vector of the instances to be used in the \code{targetRunner} when executing the testing.}
30 }
31 \value{
32 Boolean. \code{TRUE} if the testing ended successfully otherwise, \code{FALSE}.
33 }
34 \description{
35 \code{testing_fromlog} executes the testing of the target algorithm configurations
36 found by an \pkg{irace} execution.
37 }
38 \details{
39 The function \code{testing_fromlog} loads the \code{logFile} and obtains the
40 testing setup and configurations to be tested. Within the \code{logFile}, the
41 variable \code{scenario$testNbElites} specifies how many final elite
42 configurations to test and \code{scenario$testIterationElites} indicates
43 whether test the best configuration of each iteration. The values may be
44 overridden by setting the corresponding arguments in this function. The
45 set of testing instances must appear in \code{scenario[["testInstances"]]}.
46 }
47 \seealso{
48 \code{\link[=defaultScenario]{defaultScenario()}} to provide a default scenario for \pkg{irace}.
49 \code{\link[=testing_fromfile]{testing_fromfile()}} provides a different interface for testing.
50 }
51 \author{
52 Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
53 }
54 \concept{running}
00 # -*- mode: makefile -*-
11 EXE=
2 iraceEXE= iracebin/irace$(EXE)
3 irace2pyimpEXE= iracebin/irace2pyimp$(EXE)
2 include Makevars-common
5 all: $(iraceEXE) $(irace2pyimpEXE)
7 $(irace2pyimpEXE): iracebin/irace2pyimp.o
8 $(CC) $(PKG_CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) iracebin/irace2pyimp.o -o $@
10 $(iraceEXE): iracebin/irace.o
11 $(CC) $(PKG_CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) iracebin/irace.o -o $@
13 iracebin/irace.o: iracebin/irace.h
14 iracebin/irace2pyimp.o: iracebin/irace.h
16 clean:
17 @$(RM) iracebin/*.o $(irace2pyimpEXE) $(iraceEXE)
0 iraceEXE= iracebin/irace$(EXE)
1 ablationEXE= iracebin/ablation$(EXE)
3 all: $(iraceEXE) $(ablationEXE)
5 $(iraceEXE): iracebin/irace.o
6 $(CC) $(PKG_CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) iracebin/irace.o -o $@
8 iracebin/irace.o: iracebin/irace.h
10 $(ablationEXE): iracebin/ablation.o
11 $(CC) $(PKG_CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) iracebin/ablation.o -o $@
13 iracebin/ablation.o: iracebin/irace.h
15 clean:
16 @$(RM) iracebin/*.o $(iraceEXE) $(ablationEXE)
00 # -*- mode: makefile -*-
11 EXE=.exe
2 iraceEXE= iracebin/irace$(EXE)
3 irace2pyimpEXE= iracebin/irace2pyimp$(EXE)
2 include Makevars-common
5 all: $(iraceEXE) $(irace2pyimpEXE)
7 $(irace2pyimpEXE): iracebin/irace2pyimp.o
8 $(CC) $(PKG_CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) iracebin/irace2pyimp.o -o $@
10 $(iraceEXE): iracebin/irace.o
11 $(CC) $(PKG_CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) iracebin/irace.o -o $@
13 iracebin/irace.o: iracebin/irace.h
14 iracebin/irace2pyimp.o: iracebin/irace.h
16 clean:
17 @$(RM) iracebin/*.o $(irace2pyimpEXE) $(iraceEXE)
0 execs <- file.path("iracebin", c("irace","irace2pyimp"))
0 execs <- file.path("iracebin", c("irace","ablation"))
11 if (WINDOWS) execs <- paste0(execs, ".exe")
22 if (any(file.exists(execs))) {
33 dest <- file.path(R_PACKAGE_DIR, paste0('bin', R_ARCH))
0 #include <stdlib.h>
1 #include <string.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdarg.h>
4 #include <unistd.h>
6 #define R_CODE "library(irace);ablation_cmdline()"
7 #include "irace.h"
src/iracebin/irace2pyimp.c less more
0 #include <stdlib.h>
1 #include <string.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdarg.h>
4 #include <unistd.h>
6 #define R_CODE "library(irace);irace2pyimp_cmdline()"
7 #include "irace.h"
0 parametersFile = "parameters.txt"
0 param1 "--param1 " i (1, "real")
1 param2 "--param2 " i ("real", 10)
2 mode "--" c ("x1" ,"x2", "x3")
3 real "--paramreal=" r (1.5, 7.5)
4 mutation "--mutation=" o ("none", "very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high", "all")
5 #unused "-u " c (1, 2, 10, 20)
0 param1 "--param1 " i (1, "real") | mode %in% c("x1", "x2")
1 param2 "--param2 " i ("real", 10) | mode %in% c("x1", "x3") && real > 2.5 && real <= 3.5
2 mode "--" c ("x1" ,"x2", "x3")
3 real "--paramreal=" r (1.5, 7.5)
4 mutation "--mutation=" o ("none", "very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high", "all")
5 #unused "-u " c (1, 2, 10, 20)
88 test_irace_detectCores <- function()
99 {
10 if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true"))
10 if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {
11 x <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "")
12 if (nzchar(x) && x == "TRUE") return(2L)
1113 return(parallel::detectCores())
14 }
1215 return(1L)
1316 }
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/features.csv less more
0 instance,id
1 tuning,1
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/instances.txt less more
0 tuning
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/params.pcs less more
0 n_templates_middle [1,50] [1]il
1 n_templates_delta [1,25] [8]il
2 n_slots_middle [1,50] [2]il
3 n_slots_delta [1,25] [22]il
4 n_variations_middle [1,50] [34]il
5 n_variations_delta [1,25] [21]il
6 demand_range_middle [1,51] [17]il
7 demand_range_delta [1,26] [3]il
10 #Conditions:
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/runhistory.json.gz less more
Binary diff not shown
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/scenario.txt less more
0 algo=/circa/home/nttd/instance-generation-conjure/instance-generation/experiments/maxint-50-log/002-TemplateDesign/target-runner
1 execDir=./
2 deterministic=false
3 run_obj=quality
4 cutoff_time=1
5 tunerTimeout=999999
6 overall_obj=mean
7 paramfile=params.pcs
8 instance_file=instances.txt
9 feature_file=features.csv
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign/traj_aclib2.json less more
0 {"cputime": 32, "evaluations": 7, "cost": 0.611593, "incumbent": ["n_templates_middle=1", "n_templates_delta=1", "n_slots_middle=10", "n_slots_delta=11", "n_variations_middle=30", "n_variations_delta=3", "demand_range_middle=23", "demand_range_delta=1"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 32}
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/features.csv less more
0 instance,nCities
1 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-1.tsp,1000
2 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-2.tsp,1000
3 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-3.tsp,1000
4 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-4.tsp,1000
5 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-5.tsp,1000
6 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-6.tsp,1000
7 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-7.tsp,1000
8 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-8.tsp,1000
9 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-9.tsp,1000
10 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-10.tsp,1000
11 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-1.tsp,1500
12 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-2.tsp,1500
13 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-3.tsp,1500
14 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-4.tsp,1500
15 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-5.tsp,1500
16 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-6.tsp,1500
17 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-7.tsp,1500
18 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-8.tsp,1500
19 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-9.tsp,1500
20 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-10.tsp,1500
21 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-1.tsp,2000
22 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-2.tsp,2000
23 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-3.tsp,2000
24 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-4.tsp,2000
25 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-5.tsp,2000
26 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-6.tsp,2000
27 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-7.tsp,2000
28 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-8.tsp,2000
29 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-9.tsp,2000
30 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-10.tsp,2000
31 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-1.tsp,2500
32 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-2.tsp,2500
33 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-3.tsp,2500
34 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-4.tsp,2500
35 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-5.tsp,2500
36 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-6.tsp,2500
37 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-7.tsp,2500
38 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-8.tsp,2500
39 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-9.tsp,2500
40 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-10.tsp,2500
41 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-1.tsp,3000
42 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-2.tsp,3000
43 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-3.tsp,3000
44 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-4.tsp,3000
45 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-5.tsp,3000
46 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-6.tsp,3000
47 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-7.tsp,3000
48 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-8.tsp,3000
49 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-9.tsp,3000
50 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-10.tsp,3000
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/instances.txt less more
0 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-1.tsp
1 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-2.tsp
2 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-3.tsp
3 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-4.tsp
4 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-5.tsp
5 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-6.tsp
6 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-7.tsp
7 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-8.tsp
8 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-9.tsp
9 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-10.tsp
10 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-1.tsp
11 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-2.tsp
12 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-3.tsp
13 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-4.tsp
14 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-5.tsp
15 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-6.tsp
16 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-7.tsp
17 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-8.tsp
18 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-9.tsp
19 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-10.tsp
20 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-1.tsp
21 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-2.tsp
22 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-3.tsp
23 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-4.tsp
24 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-5.tsp
25 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-6.tsp
26 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-7.tsp
27 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-8.tsp
28 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-9.tsp
29 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-10.tsp
30 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-1.tsp
31 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-2.tsp
32 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-3.tsp
33 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-4.tsp
34 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-5.tsp
35 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-6.tsp
36 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-7.tsp
37 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-8.tsp
38 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-9.tsp
39 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-10.tsp
40 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-1.tsp
41 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-2.tsp
42 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-3.tsp
43 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-4.tsp
44 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-5.tsp
45 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-6.tsp
46 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-7.tsp
47 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-8.tsp
48 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-9.tsp
49 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-10.tsp
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/params.pcs less more
0 algorithm {as,mmas,eas,ras,acs} [as]
1 localsearch {0,1,2,3} [0]
2 alpha [0,5] [0]
3 beta [0,10] [0]
4 rho [0.01,1] [0.01]
5 ants [1,100] [5]i
6 nnls [5,50] [5]i
7 dlb {0,1} [0]
8 q0 [0,1] [0]
9 rasrank [1,100] [1]i
10 elitistants [1,750] [1]i
13 #Conditions:
14 nnls | localsearch in {1, 2, 3}
15 dlb | localsearch in {1, 2, 3}
16 q0 | algorithm in {acs, mmas}
17 rasrank | algorithm in {ras}
18 elitistants | algorithm in {eas}
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/runhistory.json.gz less more
Binary diff not shown
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/scenario.txt less more
0 algo=/vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/run-02/target-runner
1 execDir=./
2 deterministic=false
3 run_obj=quality
4 cutoff_time=1
5 tunerTimeout=999999
6 overall_obj=mean
7 paramfile=params.pcs
8 instance_file=instances.txt
9 feature_file=features.csv
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/traj_aclib2.json less more
0 {"cputime": 58, "evaluations": 7, "cost": 33371218.4285714, "incumbent": ["algorithm='mmas'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=3.8", "beta=4.71", "rho=0.27", "ants=39", "nnls=18", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.43"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 58}
1 {"cputime": 58, "evaluations": 10, "cost": 32743608.7, "incumbent": ["algorithm='mmas'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=3.8", "beta=4.71", "rho=0.27", "ants=39", "nnls=18", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.43"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 58}
2 {"cputime": 382, "evaluations": 13, "cost": 31385289.6923077, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.6", "beta=7.48", "rho=0.43", "ants=28", "nnls=22", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.69"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 382}
3 {"cputime": 492, "evaluations": 15, "cost": 31721217.2666667, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=2", "beta=6.19", "rho=0.52", "ants=36", "nnls=19", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.63"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 492}
4 {"cputime": 636, "evaluations": 19, "cost": 31670552.6842105, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.92", "beta=8.3", "rho=0.65", "ants=38", "nnls=11", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.84"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 636}
5 {"cputime": 649, "evaluations": 21, "cost": 32294021.6666667, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.85", "beta=8.34", "rho=0.46", "ants=32", "nnls=9", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.89"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 649}
6 {"cputime": 674, "evaluations": 23, "cost": 32803908.9565217, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.87", "beta=8.3", "rho=0.43", "ants=26", "nnls=12", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.89"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 674}
7 {"cputime": 682, "evaluations": 23, "cost": 32371424.1304348, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.74", "beta=8.16", "rho=0.49", "ants=36", "nnls=11", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.9"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 682}
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/features.csv less more
0 instance,nCities
1 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-1.tsp,1000
2 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-2.tsp,1000
3 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-3.tsp,1000
4 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-4.tsp,1000
5 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-5.tsp,1000
6 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-6.tsp,1000
7 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-7.tsp,1000
8 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-8.tsp,1000
9 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-9.tsp,1000
10 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-10.tsp,1000
11 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-1.tsp,1500
12 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-2.tsp,1500
13 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-3.tsp,1500
14 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-4.tsp,1500
15 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-5.tsp,1500
16 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-6.tsp,1500
17 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-7.tsp,1500
18 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-8.tsp,1500
19 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-9.tsp,1500
20 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-10.tsp,1500
21 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-1.tsp,2000
22 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-2.tsp,2000
23 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-3.tsp,2000
24 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-4.tsp,2000
25 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-5.tsp,2000
26 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-6.tsp,2000
27 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-7.tsp,2000
28 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-8.tsp,2000
29 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-9.tsp,2000
30 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-10.tsp,2000
31 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-1.tsp,2500
32 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-2.tsp,2500
33 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-3.tsp,2500
34 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-4.tsp,2500
35 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-5.tsp,2500
36 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-6.tsp,2500
37 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-7.tsp,2500
38 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-8.tsp,2500
39 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-9.tsp,2500
40 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-10.tsp,2500
41 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-1.tsp,3000
42 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-2.tsp,3000
43 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-3.tsp,3000
44 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-4.tsp,3000
45 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-5.tsp,3000
46 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-6.tsp,3000
47 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-7.tsp,3000
48 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-8.tsp,3000
49 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-9.tsp,3000
50 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-10.tsp,3000
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/instances.txt less more
0 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-1.tsp
1 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-2.tsp
2 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-3.tsp
3 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-4.tsp
4 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-5.tsp
5 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-6.tsp
6 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-7.tsp
7 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-8.tsp
8 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-9.tsp
9 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1000-10.tsp
10 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-1.tsp
11 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-2.tsp
12 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-3.tsp
13 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-4.tsp
14 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-5.tsp
15 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-6.tsp
16 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-7.tsp
17 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-8.tsp
18 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-9.tsp
19 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/1500-10.tsp
20 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-1.tsp
21 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-2.tsp
22 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-3.tsp
23 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-4.tsp
24 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-5.tsp
25 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-6.tsp
26 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-7.tsp
27 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-8.tsp
28 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-9.tsp
29 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2000-10.tsp
30 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-1.tsp
31 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-2.tsp
32 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-3.tsp
33 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-4.tsp
34 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-5.tsp
35 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-6.tsp
36 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-7.tsp
37 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-8.tsp
38 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-9.tsp
39 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/2500-10.tsp
40 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-1.tsp
41 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-2.tsp
42 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-3.tsp
43 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-4.tsp
44 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-5.tsp
45 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-6.tsp
46 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-7.tsp
47 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-8.tsp
48 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-9.tsp
49 /vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/data/tsp-rue-1000-3000/3000-10.tsp
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/params.pcs less more
0 algorithm {as,mmas,eas,ras,acs} [as]
1 localsearch {0,1,2,3} [0]
2 alpha [0,5] [0]
3 beta [0,10] [0]
4 rho [0.01,1] [0.01]
5 ants [1,100] [5]i
6 nnls [5,50] [5]i
7 dlb {0,1} [0]
8 q0 [0,1] [0]
9 rasrank [1,100] [1]i
10 elitistants [1,750] [1]i
13 #Conditions:
14 nnls | localsearch in {1, 2, 3}
15 dlb | localsearch in {1, 2, 3}
16 q0 | algorithm in {acs, mmas}
17 rasrank | algorithm in {ras}
18 elitistants | algorithm in {eas}
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/runhistory.json.gz less more
Binary diff not shown
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/scenario.txt less more
0 algo=/vsc-hard-mounts/leuven-data/307/vsc30746/ParameterImportance/tuning-irace/ACOTSP/run-02/target-runner
1 execDir=./
2 deterministic=false
3 run_obj=quality
4 cutoff_time=1
5 tunerTimeout=999999
6 overall_obj=mean
7 paramfile=params.pcs
8 instance_file=instances.txt
9 feature_file=features.csv
tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/traj_aclib2.json less more
0 {"cputime": 58, "evaluations": 7, "cost": 0.0514369130188286, "incumbent": ["algorithm='mmas'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=3.8", "beta=4.71", "rho=0.27", "ants=39", "nnls=18", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.43"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 58}
1 {"cputime": 58, "evaluations": 10, "cost": 0.0514506545239323, "incumbent": ["algorithm='mmas'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=3.8", "beta=4.71", "rho=0.27", "ants=39", "nnls=18", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.43"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 58}
2 {"cputime": 382, "evaluations": 13, "cost": 0.0378041911323998, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.6", "beta=7.48", "rho=0.43", "ants=28", "nnls=22", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.69"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 382}
3 {"cputime": 492, "evaluations": 15, "cost": 0.0346616167298519, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=2", "beta=6.19", "rho=0.52", "ants=36", "nnls=19", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.63"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 492}
4 {"cputime": 636, "evaluations": 19, "cost": 0.060167259522421, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.92", "beta=8.3", "rho=0.65", "ants=38", "nnls=11", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.84"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 636}
5 {"cputime": 649, "evaluations": 21, "cost": 0.0646020648718007, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.85", "beta=8.34", "rho=0.46", "ants=32", "nnls=9", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.89"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 649}
6 {"cputime": 674, "evaluations": 23, "cost": 0.0625681325316403, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.87", "beta=8.3", "rho=0.43", "ants=26", "nnls=12", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.89"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 674}
7 {"cputime": 682, "evaluations": 23, "cost": 0.0599210644937226, "incumbent": ["algorithm='acs'", "localsearch='3'", "alpha=1.74", "beta=8.16", "rho=0.49", "ants=36", "nnls=11", "dlb='1'", "q0=0.9"], "total_cpu_time": null, "wallclock_time": 682}
0 parameterFile = "parameters.txt"
0 old_opts = options(
1 warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE,
2 warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE,
3 warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE
4 )
6 old_opts = lapply(old_opts, function(x) if (is.null(x)) FALSE else x)
0 options(old_opts)
44 skip_on_cran()
55 skip_on_ci()
66 skip_on_travis()
7 skip_on_os("mac")
78 # FIXME: how to check that a python package is installed?
99 parameters <- readParameters(text = '
1010 cost "cost" r (0.1, 1.00)
1111 runtime "runtime" r (0.1, 1.00)')
0 context("bug")
1 skip_on_cran()
2 withr::with_output_sink("test-bad_scenario.Rout", {
3 expect_error(irace.cmdline("--scenario bad_scenario.txt"), "unknown variables")
4 expect_error(irace.cmdline("--scenario scenario.txt --unknown"), "Unknown command-line options: --unknown")
5 })
0 context("bug")
1 skip_on_cran()
2 #
3 withr::with_output_sink("test-bug-10.Rout", {
5 parameters.txt <- '
6 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
7 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
8 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
9 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
10 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
11 ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
12 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
13 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, 100) | algorithm == "ras"
14 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
15 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
16 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
17 '
18 target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
19 return(list(cost = 100, call = toString(experiment)))
21 parameters <- irace:::readParameters(text=parameters.txt)
23 withr::with_options(list(warning=2), {
24 scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
25 instances=1:10,
26 maxExperiments = 5000, logFile = "",
27 deterministic = TRUE,
28 elitistNewInstances = 0,
29 elitistLimit = 0,
30 elitist = 0)
31 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
32 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
33 })
34 })
0 context("bug")
1 skip_on_cran()
2 #
3 withr::with_output_sink("test-bug-13.Rout", {
5 parameters.txt <- '
6 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
7 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
8 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
9 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
10 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
11 ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
12 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
13 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, 100) | algorithm == "ras"
14 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
15 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
16 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
17 '
18 parameters <- irace:::readParameters(text=parameters.txt)
20 lookup <- readRDS("bug-13-lookup.rds")
21 counter <- 0
22 target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario) {
23 configuration <- experiment$configuration
24 instance <- experiment$instance
25 switches <- experiment$switches
26 debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
27 args <- paste(instance, trimws(irace:::buildCommandLine(configuration, switches)))
28 pos <- pmatch(args, lookup[,1])
29 if(! {
30 cost <- as.numeric(lookup[pos, 2])
31 counter <<- counter + 1
32 } else {
33 cost <- 10
34 }
35 if(debugLevel > 0) {
36 cat("# ", args, "\n")
37 cat(cost, "\n")
38 }
39 return(list(cost = cost, call = toString(experiment)))
40 }
42 withr::with_options(list(warning=2), {
43 scenario <- list(instances = scan(what="", quiet=TRUE, text="
44 2000-121.tsp
45 2000-122.tsp
46 2000-123.tsp
47 2000-124.tsp
48 2000-125.tsp
49 2000-126.tsp
50 2000-127.tsp
51 2000-128.tsp
52 2000-129.tsp
53 2000-130.tsp"),
54 trainInstancesDir = "",
55 trainInstancesFile = "",
56 maxExperiments = 3000,
57 digits = 3,
58 seed = 2357,
59 deterministic = 1,
60 elitist = 0,
61 targetRunner = target.runner,
62 debugLevel=3)
63 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
64 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
65 expect_equal(counter, 548)
66 })
68 })
55 {
66 # FIXME: For some unknown reason, this test doesn't work in R 3.6
77 skip_if(grepl("^3.6", getRversion()))
8 skip_if(grepl("^4", getRversion()))
910 scenario <- readRDS(rds_filename)$scenario
1011 parameters <- readRDS(rds_filename)$parameters
1213 scenario$targetRunner <- function(experiment, scenario, filename = rds_filename) {
1314 saved <- readRDS(filename)
1415 row <- which(saved$instancesList[, "instance"] == experiment[["id.instance"]]
1516 & saved$instancesList[, "seed"] == experiment[["seed"]])
1618 cost <- saved$experiments[row, experiment[["id.configuration"]] ]
17 if ( {
19 if (length(cost) == 0 || {
1820 print(row)
1921 print(experiment)
2022 }
2931 skip_on_cran()
3032 # FIXME: For some unknown reason, this test doesn't work in R 3.6
3133 skip_if(grepl("^3.6", getRversion()))
34 skip_if(grepl("^4", getRversion()))
3235 # FIXME: Convert this test to use run_irace_from_rds()
3336 load("bug_large_new_instances.Rdata", verbose = TRUE)
3841 row <- which(saved_instances_list[, "instance"] == experiment[["id.instance"]]
3942 & saved_instances_list[, "seed"] == experiment[["seed"]])
4043 cost <- saved_experiments[row, experiment[["id.configuration"]] ]
41 if ( {
44 if (length(cost) == 0 || {
4245 print(row)
4346 print(experiment)
4447 }
100103 test_that("maxim_bug2", {
101104 skip_on_cran()
103105 run_irace_from_rds("saved_maxim_bug2.rds")
104106 })
108 test_that("non-normal", {
109 skip_on_cran()
110 df <- as.matrix(read.table(text='
111 0.007858276 0.007934570 0.007949829
112 0.009384155 0.009521484 0.009719849
113 0.011520386 0.012100220 0.012176514
114 0.214721680 0.219146729 0.219512939
115 0.005462646 0.005462646 0.005523682
116 0.005035400 0.005035400 0.005035400
117 0.011001587 0.011367798 0.011962891
118 0.153244019 0.155212402 1.157546997
119 0.008636475 0.008789062 0.008666992
120 0.008239746 0.008499146 0.008560181
121 0.010848999 0.011077881 0.011703491
122 0.191589355 0.191879272 0.191589355
123 0.011245728 0.011245728 0.011245728
124 0.006454468 0.006454468 0.006561279
125 0.010330200 0.010894775 0.011032104
126 0.160491943 0.164169312 0.167068481', header=FALSE))
127 ## colnames(df) <- 1:3
128 ## #df <- log(df)
129 ## library(ggplot2)
130 ## library(tidyr)
131 ## df_long <-
132 ## df_long$run <- 1:16
134 ## df_long <- df_long %>% gather("config", "y", as.character(1:3))
135 ## ggplot(df_long, aes(df=y)) +
136 ## geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), colour="black", fill="white", binwidth=0.01)+
137 ## geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#FF6666") +
138 ## facet_grid(config ~ .)
140 ## ggplot(df_long, aes(x=config, y=y)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter()
141 ## aggregate(y ~ config, data = df_long, FUN = function(x) c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x), median=median(x),
142 ## shapiro.test = shapiro.test(x)$p.value) )
144 ## t.test(x[,1], x[,2],paired=TRUE)
145 ## t.test(x[,1], x[,3],paired=TRUE)
147 ## wilcox.test(x[,1], x[,2],paired=TRUE)
148 ## wilcox.test(x[,1], x[,3],paired=TRUE)
150 ## print(all(x[,1] <= x[,2]))
151 ## print(all(x[,1] <= x[,3]))
152 parameters <- readParameters(text='p "" c (1,2,3,4,5)')
153 scenario <- list(instances = 1:16, maxExperiments = 50,
154 testType="t-test")
155 scenario$targetRunner <- function(experiment, scenario, this_df = df) {
156 if (experiment[["id.configuration"]] > 3)
157 cost <- as.numeric(experiment[["id.configuration"]])
158 else
159 cost <- this_df[as.numeric(experiment[["id.instance"]]),
160 as.numeric(experiment[["id.configuration"]]) ]
161 return(list(cost=cost))
162 }
163 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
164 print(confs)
165 expect_equal(confs$.ID., 1L)
166 })
105168 }) # withr::with_output_sink()
150150 irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
152152 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
153 best.conf <- getFinalElites(logFile = scenario$logFile, n = 1,
154 drop.metadata = TRUE)
155 expect_identical(removeConfigurationsMetaData(confs[1, , drop = FALSE]),
153 best.conf <- getFinalElites(scenario$logFile, n = 1L, drop.metadata = TRUE)
154 expect_identical(removeConfigurationsMetaData(confs[1L, , drop = FALSE]),
156155 best.conf)
157156 }
0 context("Test dependencies")
2 withr::with_output_sink("test-dependencies.Rout", {
4 test_that("param depend error checking", {
5 expect_error_readParameters <- function(text, error)
6 expect_error(readParameters(text=text), error)
8 expect_error_readParameters('
9 p1 "" r (0, 1)
10 p2 "" r (p3, 1)
11 ', "parameter 'p2' is not valid: 'p3' cannot be found")
13 expect_error_readParameters('
14 p1 "" c (0, 1)
15 p2 "" r (1, p1)
16 ', "parameter 'p2' depends on non-numerical parameters")
18 expect_error_readParameters('
19 p1 "" r (0, 1)
20 p2 "" r (1, foobar(p1))
21 ', "parameter 'p2' uses function")
23 expect_error_readParameters('
24 p1 "" r (0, p3)
25 p2 "" r (1, p1)
26 p3 "" r (p2, 1)
27 ', "cycle detected")
29 expect_error_readParameters('
30 p1 "" r (0, 1)
31 p2 "" i (0.1, p1)
32 ', "values must be integers")
34 })
37 checkConditionalAndDependency <- function(configuration, parameters)
38 {
39 namesParameters <- names(parameters$conditions)
40 for (p in namesParameters) {
41 if (!irace:::conditionsSatisfied(parameters, configuration, p)) {
42 expect([,p]),
43 paste0("Conditional parameter '", p,
44 "' is not active but it has a value '", configuration[,p], "' assigned."))
45 } else if (parameters$isDependent[p]) {
46 bounds <- irace:::getDependentBound(parameters, p, configuration)
47 if (anyNA(bounds)) {
48 expect([,p]),
49 paste0("Dependent parameter '", p,
50 "' has a value '", configuration[,p], "' but it should be inactive."))
51 expect_true(anyNA(configuration[parameters$depends[[p]]]))
52 } else {
53 expect (configuration[,p] >= bounds[1],
54 paste0("Parameter '", p, "=", configuration[,p],
55 "' does not comply with dependency: ", parameters$depends[[p]],
56 " and lower bound: ", bounds[1]))
57 expect (configuration[,p] <= bounds[2],
58 paste0("Parameter '", p, " = ", configuration[,p],
59 "' does not comply with dependency: ", parameters$depends[[p]],
60 " and upper bound: ", bounds[2]))
61 }
62 }
63 }
64 }
67 test_that("test inactive dependent", {
68 parameters <- readParameters(text='
69 p1 "" r (0,1)
70 p2 "" r (0, p1) | p1 < 0.5
71 p3 "" r (0, p2)
72 ')
73 confs <- irace:::sampleUniform(parameters, 50, digits = 2)
74 for (i in 1:nrow(confs)) {
75 checkConditionalAndDependency(confs[i,], parameters)
76 }
77 })
79 test_that("checkDependencies", {
81 target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
82 {
83 configuration <- experiment$configuration
84 tmax <- as.numeric(configuration[["real"]])
85 if (configuration[["mode"]] %in% c("x1", "x2"))
86 temp <- as.numeric(configuration[["param1"]])
87 else
88 temp <- 1
89 time <- max(1, abs(rnorm(1, mean=(tmax+temp)/10)))
90 return(list(cost = time, time = time, call = toString(experiment)))
91 }
93 test.checkDependencies <- function(parameterFile, ...)
94 {
95 args <- list(...)
96 weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
97 parameters <- readParameters(parameterFile)
98 scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner, instances = weights, seed = 1234567, maxExperiments=200)
99 scenario <- modifyList(scenario, args)
100 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
102 nconf <- 100
103 conf <- irace:::sampleUniform(parameters, nconf, 4)
104 conf <- cbind(seq(1,nrow(conf)), conf)
105 names(conf)[1]<- ".ID."
107 for (i in 1:nconf)
108 checkConditionalAndDependency(conf[i,], parameters)
110 model <- irace:::initialiseModel(parameters, conf, 4)
111 conf2 <- irace:::sampleModel(parameters, conf, model, nconf, 4)
112 for (i in 1:nconf)
113 checkConditionalAndDependency(conf2[i,], parameters)
115 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
116 for (i in 1:nrow(confs)) {
117 checkConditionalAndDependency(confs[i,], parameters)
118 }
119 }
120 test.checkDependencies(parameterFile="dependencies.txt")
121 test.checkDependencies(parameterFile="dependencies2.txt")
122 })
124 }) # withr::with_output_sink()
00 context("Test forbidden")
2 withr::with_output_sink("test-forbidden.Rout", {
24 test_that("checkForbidden", {
2123 test.checkForbidden("logparameters.txt")
2224 })
26 })
tests/testthat/test-irace2pyimp.R less more
0 context("irace2pyimp") # Avoid bug in testthat 2.0.0
1 test_that("irace2pyimp", {
2 skip_on_cran()
4 check_irace2pyimp_files <- function(outdir, origdir)
5 {
6 # Print it for debugging if something goes wrong
7 cat("outdir: ", outdir, "\n")
9 outfiles <- c("scenario.txt", "params.pcs", "runhistory.json", "traj_aclib2.json", "instances.txt", "features.csv")
10 for (file in outfiles) {
11 outfile <- file.path(outdir, file)
12 origfile <- file.path(origdir, file)
13 if (file.exists(paste0(origfile, ".gz")))
14 origfile <- paste0(origfile, ".gz")
15 else
16 expect_true(file.exists(origfile))
17 expect_true(file.exists(outfile))
18 expect_equal(readLines(origfile), readLines(outfile))
19 }
20 }
22 # acotsp example 1: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, without normalisation
23 cat(". Testing acotsp_1","\n")
24 outdir <- file.path("/home/manu/work/irace/nguyen/tests/testthat/", "irace2pyimp/acotsp_1")
25 outdir <- tempdir()
26 logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples", "irace2pyimp",
27 "acotsp", "irace.Rdata")
28 featuresfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples",
29 "irace2pyimp", "acotsp", "features.csv")
31 irace2pyimp(file = logfile, instanceFeatureFile = featuresfile, outdir = outdir)
32 check_irace2pyimp_files(outdir, "./irace2pyimp/acotsp_1/")
34 # acotsp example 4: convert irace.Rdata to PyImp's input format, with normalisation based on feature-vector values
35 cat(". Testing acotsp_4","\n")
36 outdir <- tempdir()
37 logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples", "irace2pyimp",
38 "acotsp", "irace.Rdata")
39 featuresfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples",
40 "irace2pyimp", "acotsp", "features.csv")
42 irace2pyimp(file = logfile, outdir = outdir,
43 normalise='feature', instanceFeatureFile = featuresfile)
44 check_irace2pyimp_files(outdir, "./irace2pyimp/acotsp_4/")
46 # 002-TemplateDesign example: using irace2pyimp with filter conditions and normalisation:
47 # - filter tuning data such that only configurations with n_templates_middle<=40 are used, then convert irace.Rdata to PIMP's input format,
48 # - the cost values of all configurations are normalised on an instance-basis
49 cat(". Testing 002-TemplateDesign","\n")
50 outdir <- "/home/manu/work/irace/nguyen/tests/testthat/irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign"
51 outdir <- tempdir()
52 logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "examples", "irace2pyimp",
53 "002-TemplateDesign", "irace.Rdata")
55 irace2pyimp(file = logfile, outdir = outdir, normalise = "instance",
56 filterConditions = "n_templates_middle<=40")
58 check_irace2pyimp_files(outdir, "./irace2pyimp/002-TemplateDesign")
59 })
1414 {
1515 args <- list(...)
1616 weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
17 test_weights <- rnorm(2, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
1718 parameters <- readParameters(text = '
1819 tmax "" i (1, 50)
1920 temp "" r (0, 10)
2021 ')
21 scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner, instances = weights, seed = 1234567)
22 scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
23 instances = weights,
24 testInstances = test_weights,
25 seed = 1234567)
2226 scenario <- modifyList(scenario, args)
2327 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
2529 irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
2731 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
32 final_ids <- as.character(sort(confs$.ID.[1:scenario$testNbElites]))
2833 expect_gt(nrow(confs), 0L)
34 testing_fromlog(scenario$logFile)
35 load(scenario$logFile)
36 if (scenario$testIterationElites) {
37 # FIXME: We could test here that the correct configurations are tested.
38 expect_gte(ncol(iraceResults$testing$experiments), scenario$testNbElites)
39 } else {
40 test_ids <- sort(colnames(iraceResults$testing$experiments))
41 expect_equivalent(final_ids, test_ids)
42 }
43 return(confs)
2944 }
32 test_that("maxTime 500", {
47 test_that("maxTime=500 testNbElites=2 testIterationElites=FALSE", {
3348 generate.set.seed()
34 time.irace(maxTime = 500)
49 time.irace(maxTime = 500, testNbElites=2)
3550 })
37 test_that("maxTime 500", {
52 test_that("maxTime=1111 testNbElites=3 testIterationElites=TRUE", {
3853 skip_on_cran()
3954 generate.set.seed()
40 time.irace(maxTime = 1111)
55 time.irace(maxTime = 1111, testNbElites=3, testIterationElites=TRUE)
4156 })
4358 }) # withr::with_output_sink()
0 context("path.rel2abs")
0 context("path_rel2abs")
2 test_that("test.path.rel2abs", {
2 test_that("test.path_rel2abs", {
33 # Try to set wd; otherwise fail silently.
44 old.cwd <- getwd()
55 skip_if(is.null(old.cwd))
4040 "../../../data" "./" "/data"
4141 "../../../data" "/tmp/a/b/c/" "/tmp/data"
4242 "..//a" ".//" "/a"
43 "R" "/tmp/" "Sys.which"
4344 ', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
4445 for(i in 1:nrow(testcases)) {
4546 orig <- testcases[i,1]
4647 cwd <- testcases[i,2]
47 res <- irace:::path.rel2abs(testcases[i,1], cwd)
48 exp <- gsub("\\", "/", path.expand(testcases[i,3]), fixed = TRUE)
48 res <- irace:::path_rel2abs(testcases[i,1], cwd)
49 if (testcases[i,3] == "Sys.which") {
50 exp <- normalizePath(Sys.which(testcases[i,1]), winslash = "/", mustWork = NA)
51 } else {
52 exp <- gsub("\\", "/", path.expand(testcases[i,3]), fixed = TRUE)
53 }
4954 if (res == exp) {
5055 # cat("[OK] (", orig, ", ", cwd, ") -> ", res, "\n", sep="")
5156 } else {
5560 }
5661 })
58 test_that("test.path.rel2abs for windows", {
63 test_that("test.path_rel2abs for windows", {
6065 testcases <- read.table(text='
6166 . N:\\\\tmp N:/tmp
162167 x.r N:/tmp N:/tmp/x.r
163168 ~/irace/../x.r N:/tmp ~/x.r
164169 ~/x.r N:/tmp ~/x.r
170 "R" "/tmp/" "Sys.which"
165171 ', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
166172 for(i in 1:nrow(testcases)) {
167173 orig <- testcases[i,1]
168174 cwd <- testcases[i,2]
169 res <- irace:::path.rel2abs(testcases[i,1], cwd)
170 exp <- gsub("\\", "/", path.expand(testcases[i,3]), fixed = TRUE)
175 res <- path_rel2abs(testcases[i,1], cwd)
176 if (testcases[i,3] == "Sys.which") {
177 exp <- normalizePath(Sys.which(testcases[i,1]), winslash = "/", mustWork = NA)
178 } else {
179 exp <- gsub("\\", "/", path.expand(testcases[i,3]), fixed = TRUE)
180 }
171181 if (res == exp) {
172 #cat("[OK] ", i, ": path.rel2abs(\"", orig, "\", \"", cwd, "\") -> ", res, "\n", sep="")
182 #cat("[OK] ", i, ": path_rel2abs(\"", orig, "\", \"", cwd, "\") -> ", res, "\n", sep="")
173183 } else {
174 cat("[FAILED] ", i, ": path.rel2abs(\"", orig, "\", \"", cwd, "\") -> ", res, " but expected: ", exp, "\n")
184 cat("[FAILED] ", i, ": path_rel2abs(\"", orig, "\", \"", cwd, "\") -> ", res, " but expected: ", exp, "\n")
175185 }
176186 expect_match(res, exp, fixed = TRUE)
177187 }
0 context("raceconfs")
2 withr::with_output_sink("test-raceconfs.Rout", {
4 parameters.txt <- '
5 launch_method "--launch_method=" c (L-BFGS-B,SLSQP)
6 visit_method "--visit_method=" c (DA, DE)
7 global_method "--global_method=" c (CMAES,DE)
8 '
9 confs.txt <- '
10 launch_method visit_method global_method
19 '
21 target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
22 return(list(cost = 100, call = toString(experiment)))
24 withr::with_options(list(warning=2), {
25 parameters <- irace:::readParameters(text=parameters.txt)
26 initconfs <- irace:::readConfigurationsFile(text=confs.txt, parameters=parameters)
27 scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
28 instances=1:10,
29 nbConfigurations=8,
30 maxExperiments = 96, logFile = "",
31 initConfigurations=initconfs)
32 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
33 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
34 })
35 })
0 context("Test read configurations")
2 withr::with_output_sink("test-readconfs.Rout", {
4 test_that("checkDuplicates", {
5 params <- irace:::readParameters("parameters.txt")
7 expect_error(irace:::readConfigurationsFile(text='
8 param1 param2 mode real mutation
9 5 NA "x2" 4.0 "low"
10 1 NA "x2" 4.0 "low"
11 5 NA "x2" 4.0 "low"
12 NA NA "x3" 4.5 "low"
13 ', parameters = params), "Duplicated")
15 expect_error(irace:::readConfigurationsFile(text='
16 param1 param2 mode real mutation
17 5 NA "x2" 4.0 "low"
18 1 NA "x2" 4.0 "low"
19 5 NA "x2" 4.0 "low"
20 1 NA "x2" 4.0 "low"
21 ', parameters = params), "Duplicated")
23 })
25 })
7474 scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
7676 confs <- irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
77 best.conf <- getFinalElites(logFile = scenario$logFile, n = 1,
78 drop.metadata = TRUE)
77 best.conf <- getFinalElites(scenario$logFile, n = 1, drop.metadata = TRUE)
7978 expect_identical(removeConfigurationsMetaData(confs[1, , drop = FALSE]),
8079 best.conf)
8180 }
0 library(testthat)
1 library(irace)
2 test_check("irace", reporter = c("summary","check"))
0 if (requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) {
1 library(testthat)
2 library(irace)
3 test_check("irace", reporter = c("summary","check"))
4 }
0 # irace 3.5
2 ## New features and improvements
4 * Handling of dependent parameter domains: These should be specified in the
5 parameter domain definition and, for now, only numerical parameter can
6 define dependent domains. A numerical domain can be dependent on one bound,
7 e.g. `(1, "param1*2")`, where the dependent bound can include basic
8 arithmetic operators. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
10 * The package now provides an `ablation` executable (`ablation.exe` in
11 Windows) that makes easier to perform ablation analysis without having any R
12 knowledge.
14 * The interface to functions `ablation()` and `plotAblation()` has been
15 simplified. The `ablation()` function now allows overriding scenario
16 settings. The `plotAblation()` function will not create the plot if the
17 ablation log does not contain a complete ablation.
18 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
20 * The argument `n.instances` of `ablation()` has been renamed to `n_instances` and it is now a factor that multiplies `scenario$firstTest`.
21 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
23 * New command-line option `--quiet` to run without producing any output
24 except errors (also available as a scenario option).
25 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
27 * New command-line option `--init` to initialize a scenario. (Deyao Chen)
29 * Added support for HTCondor cluster framework to `--batchmode`.
30 (Filippo Bistaffa)
32 * `--check` now also check the contents of `configurationsFile` and runs
33 configurations provided via `initConfigurations`.
34 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Andreea Avramescu)
36 * New scenario options `targetRunnerLauncher` and `targetRunnerLauncherArgs`
37 to help in cases where the target-runner must be invoked via another
38 software with particular options (such as `python.exe` in Windows).
39 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
41 * New scenario option `minMeasurableTime`.
42 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
44 * An error is produced if a variable set in the scenario file is not known to
45 irace. If your scenario file contains R code, then use variable names
46 beginning with a dot `'.'`, which will be ignored by irace.
47 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
49 * Plotting functions have been moved to the new package
50 [iraceplot]( In particular,
51 `configurationsBoxplot()` is replaced by `iraceplot::boxplot_training()` and
52 `iraceplot::boxplot_test()`; `parallelCoordinatesPlot()` is replaced by
53 `iraceplot::parallel_cat()` and `iraceplot::parallel_coord()`; and
54 `parameterFrequency()` is replaced by `iraceplot::sampling_frequency()`.
55 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
57 * The user-guide now contains a detailed section on "Hyper-parameter
58 optimization of machine learning methods".
59 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
61 * When `testType="F-test"` and only two configurations remain, the elimination
62 test now uses the pseudo-median estimated by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test
63 to decide which configuration is the best one instead of comparing the
64 median difference.
65 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
67 * New functions `testing_fromlog()` and `testing_fromfile()` for independently
68 executing the testing phase. The function `testing.main()` was removed as it
69 is superseded by the new ones.
70 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
72 * New function `read_logfile()` to easily read the log file produced by irace.
73 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
75 * New function `printParameters()` that prints a parameters R object as a valid input text.
76 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
78 * `irace2pyimp` moved to its own R package.
79 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
81 * Generating the file `irace.Rdata` may be disabled by setting `logFile=""`.
82 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Johann Dreo)
84 * `path_rel2abs()` and `checkParameters()` are now exported so that other
85 packages may use them.
86 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
88 * `path_rel2abs()` also searches in system paths. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
90 * `readConfigurationsFile()` will now detect duplicated configurations and
91 error. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
93 * The interface to functions `getFinalElites()`, `getConfigurationById()` and
94 `getConfigurationByIteration()` has been simplified.
96 * The package provides a `irace.sindef` file that may be used for building a
97 standalone container of irace using Singularity. See the `` file
98 for instructions. (Contributed by Johann Dreo)
100 * New example `examples/target-runner-python/target-runner-python-win.bat`
101 contributed by Levi Ribeiro.
103 * New helper script in `bin/parallel-irace-slurm` to launch `irace` in [SLURM]( computer clusters.
104 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
106 * Rename `scenario.update.paths()` to `scenario_update_paths()`. The old name is deprecated. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
108 ## Fixes
110 * Correctly handle clear out-performance cases despite strong bi-modality.
111 (Reported by Nguyen Dang,
112 fixed by Manuel López-Ibáñez)
114 * Fix error when recovering from a parallel run on Windows.
115 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Tarek Gamal)
117 * `testNbElites` now controls how many iteration elites are tested when
118 `testIterationElites=1`. This is the documented behavior in the user guide.
119 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Marcelo de Souza)
121 * Fixes to the Matlab example. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
123 * The default of `testType` is now set to `t-test` when capping is enabled.
124 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Jovana Radjenovic)
126 * Fix various issues in the user guide.
127 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Jovana Radjenovic)
129 * Remove duplicated elites.
130 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Federico Naldini)
132 * Fix (#7): warnings with partial matched parameters.
133 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Marc Becker)
135 * Fix (#10): wrong assert with `elitist=0`. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
137 * Fix (#12): irace can be run with [FastR](
139 * Fix (#13): Maximum number configurations immediately rejected reached.
140 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
142 * Fix: when setting the scenario file in the command-line, `scenarioFile` was
143 not set correctly. The correct scenario was used, however, the debug output
144 and the value stored in the log / recovery file was wrong.
145 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, reported by Richard Schoonhoven)
147 * With `sampleInstances = FALSE`, elitist irace does not change the order of
148 instances already seen. However, if you want to make sure that the order of
149 the instances is enforced, you also need to set `elitistNewInstances=0`.
151 * The function `irace.usage()` was removed. It was not really useful for R
152 users as the same result can be obtained by calling
153 `irace.cmdline("--help")`.
154 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
0157 # irace 3.4.1 (31/03/2020)
2159 * `NEWS` converted to markdown.
20177 versions.
21178 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
22179 * Fix invalid assert with ordered parameters: (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
24181 ```
25182 value >= 1L && value <= length(possibleValues) is not TRUE
26183 ```
29186 of a script. On Windows, `irace.exe` replaces `irace.bat`
30187 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
32 * inst/examples/Spear contains the Spear (SAT solver) configuration scenario.
189 * `inst/examples/Spear` contains the Spear (SAT solver) configuration scenario.
33190 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
35 * Fixed bug when reporting minimum maxTime required.
192 * Fixed bug when reporting minimum `maxTime` required.
36193 (Reported by Luciana Salete Buriol,
37194 fixed by Manuel López-Ibáñez)
41198 ```R
42199 all(apply(!$experiments), 1, any)) is not TRUE
43200 ```
45202 (Reported by Maxim Buzdalov, fixed by Manuel López-Ibáñez)
60217 satisfy `digits` (up to `digits=15`).
61218 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
63 * It is possible to specify boundMax without capping.
220 * It is possible to specify `boundMax` without capping.
64221 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
66223 * `irace --check` will exit with code 1 if the check is unsuccessful
69226 * Print where irace is installed with `--help`. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
71 * irace will now complain if the output of target-runner or target-evaluator
228 * irace will now complain if the output of `target-runner` or `target-evaluator`
72229 contains extra lines even if the first line of output is correct. This is to
73230 avoid parsing the wrong output. Unfortunately, this may break setups that
74231 relied on this behavior. The solution is to only print the output that irace
82239 * New option `aclib=` (`--aclib 1`) enables compatibility with the
83240 GenericWrapper4AC ( used by
84 AClib ( This is EXPERIMENTAL.
85 `--aclib 1` also sets digits to 15 for compatibility with AClib defaults.
241 AClib ( This is EXPERIMENTAL. `--aclib 1` also sets
242 digits to 15 for compatibility with AClib defaults.
86243 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
88245 * Fix printing of output when capping is enabled.
107264 * Fix bug in `checkTargetFiles()` (`--check`) with capping.
108265 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
110 * Clarify a few errors/warnings when `maxTime` > 0.
267 * Clarify a few errors/warnings when `maxTime > 0`.
111268 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, suggested by Haroldo Gambini Santos)
190347 evaluation noticeably faster.
191348 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
193 * The argument 'experiment' passed to the R function targetRunner does not
194 contain anymore an element 'extra.params'. Similarly, the 'scenario'
195 structure does not contain anymore the elements 'instances.extra.params' and
196 'testInstances.extra.params'. Any instance-specific parameters values now
350 * The argument `'experiment'` passed to the R function `targetRunner` does not
351 contain anymore an element `'extra.params'`. Similarly, the `'scenario'`
352 structure does not contain anymore the elements `'instances.extra.params'` and
353 `'testInstances.extra.params'`. Any instance-specific parameters values now
197354 form part of the character string that defines an instance and it is up to
198 the user-defined targetRunner to parse them appropriately. These changes
355 the user-defined `targetRunner` to parse them appropriately. These changes
199356 make no difference when targetRunner is an external script, or when
200357 instances and instance-specific parameter values are read from a file.
201358 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
203360 # irace 2.3
205 * Fix bug that will cause iraceResults$experimentLog to count calls to
206 targetEvaluator as experiments, even if no call to targetRunner was
362 * Fix bug that will cause `iraceResults$experimentLog` to count calls to
363 `targetEvaluator` as experiments, even if no call to `targetRunner` was
207364 performed. This does not affect the computation of the budget consumed and,
208365 thus, it does not affect the termination criteria of irace. The bug triggers
209366 an assertion that terminates irace, thus no run that was successful with
222379 * The option `--sge-cluster` (`sgeCluster`) was removed and replaced by
223380 `--batchmode` (`batchmode`). It is now the responsibility of the target-runner
224 to parse the output of the batch job submission command (e.g., qsub or
225 squeue), and return just the job ID. Values supported are: "sge", "torque",
381 to parse the output of the batch job submission command (e.g., `qsub` or
382 `squeue`), and return just the job ID. Values supported are: "sge", "torque",
226383 "pbs" and "slurm". (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
228385 * The option `--parallel` can now be combined with `--batchmode` to limit the
239396 ```R
240397 eval.parent(source("scenario-common.txt", chdir = TRUE, local = TRUE))
241398 ```
243400 This feature is VERY experimental and the syntax is likely to change in the
244401 future. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
256413 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
258415 * Update manual and vignette with details about the expected arguments and
259 return value of targetRunner and targetEvaluator. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
416 return value of `targetRunner` and `targetEvaluator`. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
261418 * Many updates to the User Guide vignette. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
263 * Fix \dontrun example in irace-package.Rd (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
420 * Fix `\dontrun` example in `irace-package.Rd` (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
265422 * Fix bug: If testInstances contains duplicates, results of testing are not
266 correctly saved in iraceResults$testing$experiments nor reported correctly
267 at the end of a run. Now unique IDs of the form 1t, 2t, ... are used for
423 correctly saved in `iraceResults$testing$experiments` nor reported correctly
424 at the end of a run. Now unique IDs of the form `1t, 2t, ...` are used for
268425 each testing instance. These IDs are used for the rownames of
269 iraceResults$testing$experiments and the names of the scenario$testInstances
270 and iraceResults$testing$seeds vectors. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
272 * Fix bug where irace keeps retrying the target-runner call even if it
426 `iraceResults$testing$experiments` and the names of the
427 `scenario$testInstances`
428 and `iraceResults$testing$seeds` vectors. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
430 * Fix bug where irace keeps retrying the `target-runner` call even if it
273431 succeeds. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
275433 * New command-line parameter
280438 instances defined by the scenario. Useful if you decide on the testing
281439 instances only after running irace. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
283 * Bugfix: When using maxTime != 0, the number of experiments performed may be
441 * Bugfix: When using `maxTime != 0`, the number of experiments performed may be
284442 miscounted in some cases. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
304462 comparisons),
305463 - `t-test-holm` (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons)
307 * MPI does not create log files with --debug-level 0.
465 * MPI does not create log files with `--debug-level 0`.
308466 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
310 * For simplicity, the parallel-irace-* scripts do not use an auxiliary
468 * For simplicity, the `parallel-irace-*` scripts do not use an auxiliary
311469 `tune-main` script. For customizing them, make a copy and edit them
312470 directly.
313471 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
316474 ```
317475 --target-runner-retries : Retry target-runner this many times in case of error.
318476 ```
321479 * We print diversity measures after evaluating on each instance:
322480 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
380538 * The best configurations found, either at the end or at each iteration of an
381539 irace run, can now be applied to a set of test instances different from the
382 training instances. See options testInstanceDir, testInstanceFile,
383 testNbElites, and testIterationElites. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
385 * The R interfaces of hookRun, hookEvaluate and hookRunParallel have changed.
540 training instances. See options `testInstanceDir`, `testInstanceFile`,
541 `testNbElites`, and `testIterationElites`. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
543 * The R interfaces of `hookRun`, `hookEvaluate` and `hookRunParallel` have changed.
386544 See `help(` and `help(hook.evaluate.default)` for examples of
387545 the new interfaces.
390548 IDs, and numbers are printed in a more human-readable format.
391549 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez)
393 * Reduce memory use for very large values of maxExperiments.
551 * Reduce memory use for very large values of `maxExperiments`.
394552 (Manuel López-Ibáñez, thanks to Federico Caselli for identifying the issue)
396554 * New option `--load-balancing` (`loadBalancing`) for disabling load-balancing
418576 * New configuration options, mainly for R users:
420 - hookRunParallel: Optional R function to provide custom
421 parallelization of
423 - hookRunData: Optional data passed to hookRun. This is ignored by
424 the default hookRun function, but it may be used by custom hookRun R
425 functions to pass persistent data around.
426 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
578 - `hookRunParallel`: Optional R function to provide custom
579 parallelization of ``.
581 - `hookRunData`: Optional data passed to `hookRun`. This is ignored by the
582 default `hookRun` function, but it may be used by custom `hookRun` R
583 functions to pass persistent data around. (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
428585 # irace 1.05
448605 See `--forbidden-file` and `inst/templates/forbidden.tmpl`.
449606 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
451 * New option `--recovery-file` (recoveryFile) allows resuming a
608 * New option `--recovery-file` (`recoveryFile`) allows resuming a
452609 previous irace run. (Leslie Pérez Cáceres)
454611 * The confidence level for the elimination test is now
469626 * Print elapsed time for calls to hook-run if `debugLevel >=1`.
470627 (Manuel López-Ibáñez)
472 * `examples/hook-run-python/hook-run`: A multi-purpose hook-run written
629 * `examples/hook-run-python/hook-run`: A multi-purpose `hook-run` written
473630 in Python. (Franco Mascia)
475632 * Parallel mode in an SGE cluster (`--sge-cluster`) is more
500657 * More concise output.
502 * The parameters expName and expDescription are now useless and they
659 * The parameters `expName` and `expDescription` are now useless and they
503660 were removed.
505662 * Faster computation of similar candidates (Jeremie Dubois-Lacoste
506663 and Leslie Pérez Cáceres).
508 * Fix bug when saving instances in tunerResults$experiments.
665 * Fix bug when saving instances in `tunerResults$experiments`.
510667 * `irace.cmdline ("--help")` does not try to quit R anymore.
Binary diff not shown
00 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 # irace: An implementation in R of (Elitist) Iterated Racing
2 # Version: 3.4.9a6f8d4
3 # Copyright (C) 2010-2019
2 # Version: 3.5.6863679
3 # Copyright (C) 2010-2020
44 # Manuel Lopez-Ibanez <>
55 # Jeremie Dubois-Lacoste
66 # Leslie Perez Caceres <>
1313 # race: Racing methods for the selection of the best
1414 # Copyright (C) 2003 Mauro Birattari
1515 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 # installed at: /home/manu/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/irace
16 # installed at: /home/manu/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/irace
1717 # called with: --parallel 2
18 Warning: A default scenario file './scenario.txt' has been found and will be read
18 == irace == WARNING: A default scenario file '/home/manu/work/irace/git/examples/vignette-example/scenario.txt' has been found and will be read.
1919 # Read 1 configuration(s) from file '/home/manu/work/irace/git/examples/vignette-example/default.txt'
20 # 2020-03-27 13:00:40 GMT: Initialization
20 # 2022-10-22 10:04:33 BST: Initialization
2121 # Elitist race
2222 # Elitist new instances: 1
2323 # Elitist limit: 2
2424 # nbIterations: 5
2525 # minNbSurvival: 5
2626 # nbParameters: 11
27 # seed: 39201275
27 # seed: 1406598565
2828 # confidence level: 0.95
2929 # budget: 1000
3030 # mu: 5
3131 # deterministic: FALSE
33 # 2020-03-27 13:00:40 GMT: Iteration 1 of 5
33 # 2022-10-22 10:04:33 BST: Iteration 1 of 5
3434 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 0
3535 # remainingBudget: 1000
3636 # currentBudget: 200
4343 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
4444 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
46 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
47 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
48 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
49 |x| 1| 33| 20| 23285353.00| 33|00:02:58| NA| NA| NA|
50 |x| 2| 33| 3| 23321763.50| 66|00:03:00|+0.96|0.98|0.0121|
51 |x| 3| 33| 3| 23400954.67| 99|00:02:56|+0.97|0.98|0.0148|
52 |x| 4| 33| 20| 23291781.00| 132|00:03:01|+0.97|0.97|0.0129|
53 |-| 5| 3| 20| 23311852.00| 165|00:02:56|+0.10|0.28|0.5572|
54 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
55 Best-so-far configuration: 20 mean value: 23311852.00
56 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
57 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
58 20 20 acs 3 4.5477 4.5539 0.3696 8 45 0.2489 1 NA NA NA
60 # 2020-03-27 13:15:34 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
46 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
47 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
48 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
49 |x| 1| 33| 14| 23436382.00| 33|00:02:51| NA| NA| NA|
50 |x| 2| 33| 11| 23376711.50| 66|00:02:52|+0.94|0.97|0.0066|
51 |x| 3| 33| 14| 23336841.67| 99|00:02:51|+0.91|0.94|0.0146|
52 |x| 4| 33| 14| 23278031.50| 132|00:02:51|+0.93|0.94|0.0127|
53 |-| 5| 4| 14| 23207001.40| 165|00:02:51|-0.08|0.14|0.8158|
54 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
55 Best-so-far configuration: 14 mean value: 23207001.40
56 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
57 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
58 14 14 ras 3 3.7374 4.7749 0.1279 5 17 NA 0 37 NA NA
60 # 2022-10-22 10:18:52 BST: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
6161 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
62 20 acs 3 4.5477 4.5539 0.3696 8 45 0.2489 1 NA NA
63 3 acs 2 2.3623 2.1143 0.0570 7 8 0.6042 0 NA NA
64 29 ras 3 3.2195 1.2291 0.0466 60 20 NA 1 71 NA
65 # 2020-03-27 13:15:34 GMT: Iteration 2 of 5
62 14 ras 3 3.7374 4.7749 0.1279 5 17 NA 0 37 NA
63 11 acs 3 2.6159 1.0514 0.5986 12 21 0.2211 0 NA NA
64 31 acs 1 2.3896 7.8790 0.3748 34 36 0.9029 1 NA NA
65 6 acs 3 2.2422 7.8826 0.1091 14 40 0.0174 0 NA NA
66 # 2022-10-22 10:18:52 BST: Iteration 2 of 5
6667 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 165
6768 # remainingBudget: 835
6869 # currentBudget: 208
69 # nbConfigurations: 31
70 # Markers:
71 x No test is performed.
72 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
73 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
74 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
75 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
76 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
78 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
79 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
80 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
81 |x| 6| 31| 46| 22862976.00| 31|00:02:42| NA| NA| NA|
82 |x| 2| 31| 46| 23034699.50| 59|00:02:22|+0.83|0.92|0.0102|
83 |x| 3| 31| 39| 23205201.33| 87|00:02:21|+0.84|0.89|0.0073|
84 |x| 1| 31| 39| 23218554.50| 115|00:02:21|+0.87|0.90|0.0061|
85 |-| 4| 6| 39| 23177444.20| 143|00:02:21|+0.60|0.68|0.3842|
86 |-| 5| 2| 46| 23191355.17| 146|00:00:20|-0.07|0.11|0.5333|
87 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
88 Best-so-far configuration: 46 mean value: 23191355.17
89 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
90 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
91 46 46 acs 3 2.785 4.3699 0.3523 53 18 0.0134 1 NA NA 29
93 # 2020-03-27 13:28:03 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
70 # nbConfigurations: 32
71 # Markers:
72 x No test is performed.
73 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
74 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
75 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
76 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
77 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
79 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
80 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
81 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
82 |x| 6| 32| 6| 23326585.00| 32|00:02:41| NA| NA| NA|
83 |x| 2| 32| 11| 23327784.00| 60|00:02:21|+0.94|0.97|0.0053|
84 |x| 5| 32| 55| 23179654.00| 88|00:02:21|+0.93|0.96|0.0065|
85 |x| 3| 32| 55| 23157937.50| 116|00:02:21|+0.92|0.94|0.0068|
86 |-| 1| 10| 55| 23231073.00| 144|00:02:21|-0.10|0.12|1.0265|
87 |=| 4| 10| 55| 23195411.50| 150|00:00:30|+0.02|0.18|0.9224|
88 |=| 7| 10| 57| 23198073.14| 160|00:00:50|+0.04|0.18|0.9016|
89 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
90 Best-so-far configuration: 57 mean value: 23198073.14
91 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
92 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
93 57 57 acs 3 1.0519 6.5794 0.6649 11 33 0.2283 1 NA NA 11
95 # 2022-10-22 10:32:21 BST: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
9496 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
95 46 acs 3 2.7850 4.3699 0.3523 53 18 0.0134 1 NA NA
96 39 eas 3 2.1783 6.4126 0.1220 24 20 NA 1 NA 485
97 # 2020-03-27 13:28:03 GMT: Iteration 3 of 5
98 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 311
99 # remainingBudget: 689
100 # currentBudget: 229
101 # nbConfigurations: 30
102 # Markers:
103 x No test is performed.
104 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
105 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
106 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
107 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
108 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
110 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
111 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
112 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
113 |x| 7| 30| 46| 23323269.00| 30|00:02:32| NA| NA| NA|
114 |x| 6| 30| 46| 23093122.50| 58|00:02:21|+0.83|0.91|0.0076|
115 |x| 3| 30| 46| 23223770.00| 86|00:02:22|+0.79|0.86|0.0098|
116 |x| 2| 30| 73| 23193591.50| 114|00:02:21|+0.82|0.86|0.0086|
117 |-| 4| 7| 73| 23147713.80| 142|00:02:22|-0.03|0.18|0.8460|
118 |=| 5| 7| 73| 23170297.17| 147|00:00:30|-0.02|0.15|0.8472|
119 |=| 1| 7| 73| 23178456.00| 152|00:00:30|+0.01|0.15|0.8010|
120 |=| 8| 7| 73| 23169326.25| 159|00:00:40|+0.01|0.13|0.8029|
121 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
122 Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: 23169326.25
123 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
124 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
125 73 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.358 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA 39
127 # 2020-03-27 13:41:45 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
97 57 acs 3 1.0519 6.5794 0.6649 11 33 0.2283 1 NA NA
98 55 mmas 3 1.0832 5.5967 0.9317 18 46 NA 0 NA NA
99 6 acs 3 2.2422 7.8826 0.1091 14 40 0.0174 0 NA NA
100 39 acs 2 2.5486 3.7878 0.0262 13 12 0.7621 0 NA NA
101 11 acs 3 2.6159 1.0514 0.5986 12 21 0.2211 0 NA NA
102 # 2022-10-22 10:32:21 BST: Iteration 3 of 5
103 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 325
104 # remainingBudget: 675
105 # currentBudget: 225
106 # nbConfigurations: 32
107 # Markers:
108 x No test is performed.
109 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
110 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
111 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
112 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
113 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
115 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
116 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
117 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
118 |x| 8| 32| 62| 23338867.00| 32|00:02:41| NA| NA| NA|
119 |x| 1| 32| 62| 23375111.50| 59|00:02:21|+0.94|0.97|0.0075|
120 |x| 5| 32| 62| 23196573.67| 86|00:02:21|+0.95|0.97|0.0068|
121 |x| 6| 32| 78| 23240373.50| 113|00:02:21|+0.82|0.87|0.0165|
122 |-| 4| 10| 78| 23206857.00| 140|00:02:21|+0.23|0.38|0.7064|
123 |!| 3| 10| 62| 23192587.50| 145|00:00:30|+0.20|0.33|0.7410|
124 |!| 2| 10| 78| 23195256.86| 150|00:00:30|+0.24|0.35|0.6748|
125 |-| 7| 5| 78| 23193481.75| 155|00:00:30|-0.08|0.06|0.8453|
126 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
127 Best-so-far configuration: 78 mean value: 23193481.75
128 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
129 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
130 78 78 acs 3 1.5444 6.6646 0.8947 20 18 0.2581 1 NA NA 57
132 # 2022-10-22 10:45:59 BST: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
128133 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
129 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
130 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
131 80 acs 3 3.0760 2.7653 0.8385 66 19 0.6784 1 NA NA
132 46 acs 3 2.7850 4.3699 0.3523 53 18 0.0134 1 NA NA
133 74 acs 3 4.4845 0.2285 0.6031 25 28 0.3753 1 NA NA
134 # 2020-03-27 13:41:45 GMT: Iteration 4 of 5
135 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 470
136 # remainingBudget: 530
137 # currentBudget: 265
134 78 acs 3 1.5444 6.6646 0.8947 20 18 0.2581 1 NA NA
135 62 mmas 3 1.2260 2.0146 0.7659 8 16 NA 0 NA NA
136 85 acs 3 3.0740 4.9115 0.0734 18 47 0.4206 1 NA NA
137 71 acs 3 1.7574 6.9647 0.6223 13 19 0.4806 0 NA NA
138 72 acs 3 2.0489 7.1428 0.5326 16 6 0.2179 0 NA NA
139 # 2022-10-22 10:45:59 BST: Iteration 4 of 5
140 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 480
141 # remainingBudget: 520
142 # currentBudget: 260
138143 # nbConfigurations: 33
139144 # Markers:
140145 x No test is performed.
144149 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
145150 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
147 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
148 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
149 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
150 |x| 9| 33| 96| 23120160.00| 33|00:02:53| NA| NA| NA|
151 |x| 8| 33| 100| 23109761.50| 61|00:02:21|+0.85|0.92|0.0020|
152 |x| 1| 33| 98| 23153124.67| 89|00:02:21|+0.87|0.92|0.0016|
153 |x| 7| 33| 73| 23207028.25| 117|00:02:21|+0.86|0.89|0.0022|
154 |-| 5| 14| 96| 23213596.20| 145|00:02:21|-0.09|0.12|1.0140|
155 |=| 2| 14| 73| 23212858.67| 154|00:00:50|-0.02|0.15|0.9322|
156 |=| 6| 14| 96| 23162964.14| 163|00:00:50|-0.02|0.13|0.9370|
157 |=| 4| 14| 73| 23143564.38| 172|00:00:50|-0.00|0.12|0.9160|
158 |=| 3| 14| 73| 23167587.67| 181|00:00:50|+0.02|0.13|0.8881|
159 |=| 10| 14| 73| 23160000.70| 195|00:01:10|+0.04|0.14|0.8792|
160 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
161 Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: 23160000.70
162 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
163 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
164 73 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.358 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA 39
166 # 2020-03-27 13:58:39 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
167 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
168 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
169 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
170 80 acs 3 3.0760 2.7653 0.8385 66 19 0.6784 1 NA NA
171 100 acs 3 1.6705 3.5003 0.6537 43 17 0.0799 1 NA NA
172 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
173 # 2020-03-27 13:58:39 GMT: Iteration 5 of 5
174 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 665
175 # remainingBudget: 335
176 # currentBudget: 335
177 # nbConfigurations: 35
178 # Markers:
179 x No test is performed.
180 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
181 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
182 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
183 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
184 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
186 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
187 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
188 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
189 |x| 11| 35| 96| 23207142.00| 35|00:03:02| NA| NA| NA|
190 |x| 5| 35| 96| 23241093.50| 65|00:02:31|+0.86|0.93|0.0405|
191 |x| 7| 35| 73| 23287271.00| 95|00:02:31|+0.78|0.85|0.0807|
192 |x| 10| 35| 73| 23238382.75| 125|00:02:32|+0.75|0.82|0.0691|
193 |-| 1| 13| 73| 23236188.00| 155|00:02:33|-0.06|0.15|1.0198|
194 |=| 6| 13| 96| 23168875.00| 163|00:00:40|-0.06|0.11|0.9995|
195 |=| 2| 13| 96| 23175237.43| 171|00:00:40|-0.03|0.12|0.9585|
196 |=| 3| 13| 73| 23201712.38| 179|00:00:40|-0.02|0.11|0.9243|
197 |=| 9| 13| 73| 23196375.33| 187|00:00:40|+0.00|0.11|0.8977|
198 |=| 4| 13| 73| 23173158.10| 195|00:00:40|-0.01|0.09|0.9054|
199 |=| 8| 13| 73| 23166999.91| 203|00:00:40|-0.02|0.07|0.9106|
200 |=| 12| 13| 73| 23179586.75| 216|00:01:10|+0.00|0.09|0.8827|
201 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
202 Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: 23179586.75
203 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
204 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
205 73 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.358 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA 39
207 # 2020-03-27 14:17:06 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
208 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
209 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
210 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
211 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
212 119 acs 3 1.5931 5.8926 0.6227 37 18 0.0123 1 NA NA
213 80 acs 3 3.0760 2.7653 0.8385 66 19 0.6784 1 NA NA
214 # 2020-03-27 14:17:06 GMT: Iteration 6 of 6
215 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 881
216 # remainingBudget: 119
217 # currentBudget: 119
218 # nbConfigurations: 13
219 # Markers:
220 x No test is performed.
221 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
222 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
223 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
224 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
225 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
227 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
228 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
229 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
230 |x| 13| 13| 84| 22844704.00| 13|00:01:11| NA| NA| NA|
231 |x| 11| 13| 153| 23033848.50| 21|00:00:41|+0.25|0.62|0.4405|
232 |x| 8| 13| 153| 23046986.67| 29|00:00:40|+0.34|0.56|0.3481|
233 |x| 10| 13| 153| 23060902.25| 37|00:00:40|+0.46|0.60|0.3030|
234 |-| 3| 6| 84| 23136069.20| 45|00:00:40|-0.05|0.16|0.8665|
235 |=| 12| 6| 84| 23156266.67| 46|00:00:10|+0.01|0.17|0.8645|
236 |=| 5| 6| 84| 23179812.29| 47|00:00:10|-0.07|0.08|0.9204|
237 |=| 2| 6| 84| 23181538.88| 48|00:00:10|-0.04|0.09|0.8945|
238 |=| 7| 6| 84| 23200454.11| 49|00:00:10|-0.04|0.07|0.8839|
239 |=| 6| 6| 84| 23170620.10| 50|00:00:10|-0.05|0.05|0.8825|
240 |=| 9| 6| 73| 23165207.64| 51|00:00:10|-0.07|0.03|0.8916|
241 |=| 1| 6| 84| 23177602.67| 52|00:00:10|-0.06|0.03|0.8871|
242 |=| 4| 6| 73| 23154530.46| 53|00:00:10|-0.06|0.02|0.8810|
243 |=| 14| 6| 73| 23166941.57| 59|00:00:30|-0.05|0.02|0.8779|
244 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
245 Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: 23166941.57
246 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
247 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
248 73 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.358 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA 39
250 # 2020-03-27 14:22:51 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
251 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
252 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
253 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
254 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
255 119 acs 3 1.5931 5.8926 0.6227 37 18 0.0123 1 NA NA
256 153 acs 3 2.1087 5.2236 0.5776 49 14 0.1293 1 NA NA
257 # 2020-03-27 14:22:52 GMT: Iteration 7 of 7
258 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 940
259 # remainingBudget: 60
260 # currentBudget: 60
152 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
153 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
154 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
155 |x| 9| 33| 71| 23073306.00| 33|00:02:51| NA| NA| NA|
156 |x| 7| 33| 78| 23137315.50| 61|00:02:21|+0.74|0.87|0.0148|
157 |x| 6| 33| 78| 23196511.00| 89|00:02:21|+0.75|0.83|0.0236|
158 |x| 1| 33| 78| 23254301.25| 117|00:02:22|+0.76|0.82|0.0233|
159 |-| 3| 14| 113| 23225975.00| 145|00:02:21|-0.02|0.18|0.9419|
160 |=| 8| 14| 113| 23242633.33| 154|00:00:50|+0.01|0.18|0.9115|
161 |=| 4| 14| 113| 23210932.71| 163|00:00:50|-0.03|0.12|0.9145|
162 |=| 2| 14| 113| 23212340.75| 172|00:00:50|+0.03|0.15|0.8593|
163 |=| 5| 14| 113| 23174747.00| 181|00:00:50|+0.04|0.15|0.8558|
164 |=| 10| 14| 78| 23180941.50| 195|00:01:10|+0.04|0.13|0.8711|
165 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
166 Best-so-far configuration: 78 mean value: 23180941.50
167 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
168 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
169 78 78 acs 3 1.5444 6.6646 0.8947 20 18 0.2581 1 NA NA 57
171 # 2022-10-22 11:02:50 BST: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
172 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
173 78 acs 3 1.5444 6.6646 0.8947 20 18 0.2581 1 NA NA
174 113 acs 3 1.9861 6.6955 0.7803 26 15 0.0512 1 NA NA
175 110 mmas 3 1.1100 2.0382 0.6833 15 11 NA 0 NA NA
176 85 acs 3 3.0740 4.9115 0.0734 18 47 0.4206 1 NA NA
177 91 acs 3 1.5186 5.7143 0.5523 14 26 0.8361 1 NA NA
178 # 2022-10-22 11:02:50 BST: Iteration 5 of 5
179 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 675
180 # remainingBudget: 325
181 # currentBudget: 325
182 # nbConfigurations: 34
183 # Markers:
184 x No test is performed.
185 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
186 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
187 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
188 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
189 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
191 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
192 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
193 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
194 |x| 11| 34| 138| 23258118.00| 34|00:02:51| NA| NA| NA|
195 |x| 4| 34| 138| 23112149.00| 63|00:02:31|+0.42|0.71|0.5375|
196 |x| 7| 34| 127| 23142940.33| 92|00:02:31|+0.55|0.70|0.3724|
197 |x| 6| 34| 127| 23173748.75| 121|00:02:31|+0.51|0.63|0.3385|
198 |-| 8| 11| 127| 23202123.40| 150|00:02:31|+0.17|0.34|0.7210|
199 |=| 3| 11| 127| 23177660.67| 156|00:00:30|+0.12|0.26|0.7576|
200 |=| 1| 11| 127| 23216506.14| 162|00:00:30|+0.02|0.16|0.8691|
201 |=| 10| 11| 127| 23212485.75| 168|00:00:30|-0.01|0.11|0.8993|
202 |=| 5| 11| 127| 23171591.78| 174|00:00:30|-0.02|0.10|0.9045|
203 |=| 9| 11| 127| 23162579.40| 180|00:00:30|+0.02|0.11|0.8709|
204 |=| 2| 11| 127| 23171928.36| 186|00:00:30|-0.00|0.09|0.8872|
205 |=| 12| 11| 138| 23170655.33| 197|00:01:00|+0.02|0.10|0.8676|
206 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
207 Best-so-far configuration: 138 mean value: 23170655.33
208 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
209 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
210 138 138 acs 3 1.4294 6.0012 0.9344 16 21 0.2217 1 NA NA 78
212 # 2022-10-22 11:19:51 BST: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
213 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
214 138 acs 3 1.4294 6.0012 0.9344 16 21 0.2217 1 NA NA
215 127 acs 3 1.6457 5.9689 0.7436 13 17 0.0080 1 NA NA
216 120 acs 3 1.3726 6.8320 0.8051 24 16 0.2054 1 NA NA
217 124 acs 3 1.6169 7.9049 0.7166 20 8 0.2282 1 NA NA
218 113 acs 3 1.9861 6.6955 0.7803 26 15 0.0512 1 NA NA
219 # 2022-10-22 11:19:51 BST: Iteration 6 of 6
220 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 872
221 # remainingBudget: 128
222 # currentBudget: 128
223 # nbConfigurations: 14
224 # Markers:
225 x No test is performed.
226 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
227 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
228 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
229 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
230 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
232 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
233 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
234 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
235 |x| 13| 14| 149| 23168071.00| 14|00:01:10| NA| NA| NA|
236 |x| 9| 14| 138| 23147346.50| 23|00:00:50|+0.28|0.64|0.2294|
237 |x| 2| 14| 138| 23168709.00| 32|00:00:50|+0.33|0.56|0.1781|
238 |x| 1| 14| 138| 23222390.50| 41|00:00:50|+0.35|0.51|0.1570|
239 |-| 11| 7| 138| 23229536.00| 50|00:00:50|+0.20|0.36|0.8842|
240 |=| 5| 7| 138| 23175555.00| 52|00:00:10|+0.08|0.23|0.8989|
241 |=| 8| 7| 138| 23200975.71| 54|00:00:10|+0.02|0.16|0.8807|
242 |=| 4| 7| 138| 23171626.25| 56|00:00:10|+0.10|0.21|0.8201|
243 |=| 3| 7| 120| 23156247.00| 58|00:00:10|+0.08|0.18|0.8132|
244 |=| 10| 7| 138| 23163756.60| 60|00:00:10|+0.04|0.14|0.8714|
245 |=| 7| 7| 138| 23169372.45| 62|00:00:10|+0.03|0.11|0.8612|
246 |=| 12| 7| 138| 23163537.83| 64|00:00:10|+0.04|0.12|0.8393|
247 |=| 6| 7| 138| 23174511.15| 66|00:00:10|-0.01|0.07|0.8624|
248 |=| 14| 7| 138| 23178603.86| 73|00:00:40|-0.02|0.05|0.8731|
249 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
250 Best-so-far configuration: 138 mean value: 23178603.86
251 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
252 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
253 138 138 acs 3 1.4294 6.0012 0.9344 16 21 0.2217 1 NA NA 78
255 # 2022-10-22 11:26:25 BST: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
256 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
257 138 acs 3 1.4294 6.0012 0.9344 16 21 0.2217 1 NA NA
258 149 acs 3 1.8645 8.8636 0.8623 31 18 0.0324 1 NA NA
259 127 acs 3 1.6457 5.9689 0.7436 13 17 0.0080 1 NA NA
260 120 acs 3 1.3726 6.8320 0.8051 24 16 0.2054 1 NA NA
261 147 acs 3 1.3012 6.1776 0.7881 22 10 0.1276 1 NA NA
262 # 2022-10-22 11:26:25 BST: Iteration 7 of 7
263 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 945
264 # remainingBudget: 55
265 # currentBudget: 55
261266 # nbConfigurations: 8
262267 # Markers:
263268 x No test is performed.
267272 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
268273 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
270 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
271 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
272 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
273 |x| 15| 8| 153| 23127030.00| 8|00:00:40| NA| NA| NA|
274 |x| 8| 8| 153| 23100146.50| 11|00:00:20|+0.45|0.73|0.5326|
275 |x| 7| 8| 153| 23178547.33| 14|00:00:20|+0.58|0.72|0.3910|
276 |x| 4| 8| 153| 23137335.50| 17|00:00:20|+0.49|0.62|0.4480|
277 |-| 2| 5| 73| 23143737.00| 20|00:00:20|+0.03|0.22|0.7919|
278 |.| 10| 5| 73| 23135067.17| 20|00:00:00|+0.05|0.21|0.7855|
279 |.| 3| 5| 73| 23167168.14| 20|00:00:00|+0.11|0.24|0.7414|
280 |.| 9| 5| 73| 23165482.00| 20|00:00:00|+0.01|0.13|0.7875|
281 |.| 13| 5| 73| 23130856.78| 20|00:00:00|+0.04|0.14|0.7526|
282 |.| 1| 5| 73| 23140512.00| 20|00:00:00|-0.01|0.09|0.7927|
283 |.| 11| 5| 73| 23149282.91| 20|00:00:00|-0.03|0.06|0.8071|
284 |.| 5| 5| 73| 23160443.83| 20|00:00:00|-0.04|0.05|0.8124|
285 |.| 6| 5| 73| 23140960.46| 20|00:00:00|-0.06|0.02|0.8236|
286 |.| 14| 5| 73| 23154340.86| 20|00:00:00|-0.05|0.03|0.8149|
287 |.| 12| 5| 73| 23165254.27| 20|00:00:00|-0.06|0.01|0.8340|
288 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
289 Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: 23165254.27
290 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
291 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
292 73 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.358 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA 39
294 # 2020-03-27 14:24:53 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
295 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
296 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
297 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
298 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
299 119 acs 3 1.5931 5.8926 0.6227 37 18 0.0123 1 NA NA
300 153 acs 3 2.1087 5.2236 0.5776 49 14 0.1293 1 NA NA
301 # 2020-03-27 14:24:53 GMT: Iteration 8 of 8
302 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 960
303 # remainingBudget: 40
304 # currentBudget: 40
305 # nbConfigurations: 7
306 # Markers:
307 x No test is performed.
308 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
309 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
310 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
311 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
312 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
314 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
315 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
316 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
317 |x| 16| 7| 119| 23194435.00| 7|00:00:40| NA| NA| NA|
318 |x| 4| 7| 73| 23082541.50| 9|00:00:10|+0.75|0.88|0.1412|
319 |x| 13| 7| 119| 23004955.67| 11|00:00:10|+0.65|0.77|0.2227|
320 |x| 12| 7| 119| 23073183.00| 13|00:00:10|+0.42|0.56|0.4463|
321 |-| 7| 5| 119| 23132915.20| 15|00:00:10|+0.06|0.25|0.7478|
322 |.| 15| 5| 119| 23136705.00| 15|00:00:00|+0.03|0.19|0.7587|
323 |.| 2| 5| 119| 23149094.29| 15|00:00:00|+0.01|0.16|0.7786|
324 |.| 9| 5| 119| 23150013.12| 15|00:00:00|-0.04|0.09|0.8037|
325 |.| 14| 5| 119| 23170012.78| 15|00:00:00|-0.06|0.06|0.8104|
326 |.| 8| 5| 119| 23159085.00| 15|00:00:00|-0.05|0.06|0.7956|
327 |.| 11| 5| 119| 23169075.73| 15|00:00:00|-0.06|0.04|0.8042|
328 |.| 3| 5| 119| 23186836.08| 15|00:00:00|-0.03|0.05|0.7964|
329 |.| 1| 5| 119| 23191912.00| 15|00:00:00|-0.04|0.04|0.8047|
330 |.| 6| 5| 119| 23165664.86| 15|00:00:00|-0.05|0.02|0.8043|
331 |.| 10| 5| 119| 23160432.07| 15|00:00:00|-0.05|0.02|0.8170|
332 |.| 5| 5| 119| 23169025.69| 15|00:00:00|-0.05|0.02|0.8148|
333 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
334 Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: 23167480.88
335 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
336 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
337 73 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.358 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA 39
339 # 2020-03-27 14:26:14 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
340 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
341 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
342 119 acs 3 1.5931 5.8926 0.6227 37 18 0.0123 1 NA NA
343 153 acs 3 2.1087 5.2236 0.5776 49 14 0.1293 1 NA NA
344 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
345 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
346 # 2020-03-27 14:26:15 GMT: Iteration 9 of 9
347 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 975
348 # remainingBudget: 25
349 # currentBudget: 25
350 # nbConfigurations: 6
351 # Markers:
352 x No test is performed.
353 c Configurations are discarded only due to capping.
354 - The test is performed and some configurations are discarded.
355 = The test is performed but no configuration is discarded.
356 ! The test is performed and configurations could be discarded but elite configurations are preserved.
357 . All alive configurations are elite and nothing is discarded
359 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
360 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
361 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
362 |x| 17| 6| 119| 23372808.00| 6|00:00:30| NA| NA| NA|
363 |x| 6| 6| 119| 23098630.00| 7|00:00:10|+0.37|0.69|0.5977|
364 |x| 15| 6| 119| 23117638.00| 8|00:00:10|+0.03|0.35|0.6849|
365 |x| 2| 6| 73| 23149018.50| 9|00:00:10|-0.11|0.16|0.8444|
366 |=| 9| 6| 96| 23145692.00| 10|00:00:10|-0.04|0.17|0.7576|
367 |=| 10| 6| 73| 23140245.17| 11|00:00:10|-0.13|0.06|0.8796|
368 |=| 1| 6| 96| 23148626.71| 12|00:00:10|-0.13|0.03|0.8959|
369 |=| 3| 6| 73| 23178581.75| 13|00:00:10|-0.09|0.05|0.8483|
370 |=| 12| 6| 73| 23194077.33| 14|00:00:10|-0.08|0.04|0.8562|
371 |=| 14| 6| 96| 23205962.30| 15|00:00:10|-0.06|0.04|0.8402|
372 |=| 7| 6| 73| 23219689.91| 16|00:00:10|-0.05|0.04|0.8279|
373 |=| 4| 6| 73| 23198399.33| 17|00:00:10|-0.05|0.04|0.8286|
374 |=| 16| 6| 73| 23198590.15| 18|00:00:10|-0.02|0.05|0.8003|
375 |=| 13| 6| 73| 23173966.21| 19|00:00:10|-0.01|0.06|0.7968|
376 |=| 11| 6| 73| 23178167.93| 20|00:00:10|-0.01|0.06|0.7926|
377 |=| 8| 6| 73| 23173621.06| 21|00:00:10|-0.02|0.05|0.8028|
378 |=| 5| 6| 73| 23180067.71| 22|00:00:10|-0.01|0.05|0.8044|
379 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
380 Best-so-far configuration: 73 mean value: 23180067.71
381 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
382 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
383 73 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.358 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA 39
385 # 2020-03-27 14:29:27 GMT: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
386 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
387 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
388 119 acs 3 1.5931 5.8926 0.6227 37 18 0.0123 1 NA NA
389 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
390 153 acs 3 2.1087 5.2236 0.5776 49 14 0.1293 1 NA NA
391 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
392 # 2020-03-27 14:29:27 GMT: Stopped because there is not enough budget left to race more than the minimum (5)
275 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
276 | | Instance| Alive| Best| Mean best| Exp so far| W time| rho|KenW| Qvar|
277 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
278 |x| 15| 8| 120| 23314657.00| 8|00:00:40| NA| NA| NA|
279 |x| 12| 8| 127| 23220366.50| 11|00:00:20|+0.24|0.62|0.3659|
280 |x| 5| 8| 127| 23095057.67| 14|00:00:20|+0.40|0.60|0.2741|
281 |x| 2| 8| 155| 23128548.75| 17|00:00:20|+0.40|0.55|0.2772|
282 |-| 1| 6| 155| 23176037.40| 20|00:00:20|+0.15|0.32|0.7974|
283 |=| 9| 6| 155| 23163208.83| 21|00:00:10|+0.02|0.18|0.8719|
284 |=| 13| 6| 155| 23167865.00| 22|00:00:10|+0.00|0.14|0.8751|
285 |=| 4| 6| 155| 23146280.75| 23|00:00:10|+0.02|0.15|0.8457|
286 |=| 3| 6| 155| 23137118.56| 24|00:00:10|+0.02|0.13|0.8488|
287 |=| 14| 6| 155| 23145861.20| 25|00:00:10|-0.01|0.09|0.8678|
288 |=| 7| 6| 155| 23150676.36| 26|00:00:10|-0.01|0.08|0.8466|
289 |=| 10| 6| 155| 23149829.50| 27|00:00:10|+0.00|0.09|0.8466|
290 |=| 11| 6| 155| 23158077.23| 28|00:00:10|+0.04|0.11|0.8411|
291 |=| 6| 6| 155| 23166610.93| 29|00:00:10|+0.04|0.11|0.8286|
292 |=| 8| 6| 155| 23180093.40| 30|00:00:10|+0.03|0.09|0.8325|
293 |=| 16| 6| 155| 23192615.19| 36|00:00:30|+0.05|0.11|0.8122|
294 +-+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+-----------+--------+-----+----+------+
295 Best-so-far configuration: 155 mean value: 23192615.19
296 Description of the best-so-far configuration:
297 .ID. algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants .PARENT.
298 155 155 acs 3 1.7343 8.2833 0.7587 31 19 0.0859 1 NA NA 120
300 # 2022-10-22 11:30:38 BST: Elite configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
301 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
302 155 acs 3 1.7343 8.2833 0.7587 31 19 0.0859 1 NA NA
303 127 acs 3 1.6457 5.9689 0.7436 13 17 0.0080 1 NA NA
304 138 acs 3 1.4294 6.0012 0.9344 16 21 0.2217 1 NA NA
305 120 acs 3 1.3726 6.8320 0.8051 24 16 0.2054 1 NA NA
306 149 acs 3 1.8645 8.8636 0.8623 31 18 0.0324 1 NA NA
307 # 2022-10-22 11:30:38 BST: Stopped because there is not enough budget left to race more than the minimum (5)
393308 # You may either increase the budget or set 'minNbSurvival' to a lower value
394 # Iteration: 10
395 # nbIterations: 10
396 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 997
309 # Iteration: 8
310 # nbIterations: 8
311 # experimentsUsedSoFar: 981
397312 # timeUsed: 0
398 # remainingBudget: 3
399 # currentBudget: 3
313 # remainingBudget: 19
314 # currentBudget: 19
400315 # number of elites: 5
401 # nbConfigurations: 4
316 # nbConfigurations: 5
317 # Total CPU user time: 9871.301, CPU sys time: 46.151, Wall-clock time: 5165.205
402318 # Best configurations (first number is the configuration ID; listed from best to worst according to the sum of ranks):
403319 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
404 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
405 119 acs 3 1.5931 5.8926 0.6227 37 18 0.0123 1 NA NA
406 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
407 153 acs 3 2.1087 5.2236 0.5776 49 14 0.1293 1 NA NA
408 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
320 155 acs 3 1.7343 8.2833 0.7587 31 19 0.0859 1 NA NA
321 127 acs 3 1.6457 5.9689 0.7436 13 17 0.0080 1 NA NA
322 138 acs 3 1.4294 6.0012 0.9344 16 21 0.2217 1 NA NA
323 120 acs 3 1.3726 6.8320 0.8051 24 16 0.2054 1 NA NA
324 149 acs 3 1.8645 8.8636 0.8623 31 18 0.0324 1 NA NA
409325 # Best configurations as commandlines (first number is the configuration ID; same order as above):
410 73 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 1.4601 --beta 7.6777 --rho 0.358 --ants 17 --nnls 18 --q0 0.2046 --dlb 1
411 119 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 1.5931 --beta 5.8926 --rho 0.6227 --ants 37 --nnls 18 --q0 0.0123 --dlb 1
412 96 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 2.5594 --beta 6.9138 --rho 0.5257 --ants 12 --nnls 24 --q0 0.1014 --dlb 1
413 153 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 2.1087 --beta 5.2236 --rho 0.5776 --ants 49 --nnls 14 --q0 0.1293 --dlb 1
414 84 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 2.6558 --beta 1.3544 --rho 0.034 --ants 22 --nnls 15 --q0 0.5287 --dlb 1
417 # 2020-03-27 14:29:27 GMT: Testing configurations (in no particular order): 20 46 73 119 96 153 84
418 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
419 20 acs 3 4.5477 4.5539 0.3696 8 45 0.2489 1 NA NA
420 46 acs 3 2.7850 4.3699 0.3523 53 18 0.0134 1 NA NA
421 73 acs 3 1.4601 7.6777 0.3580 17 18 0.2046 1 NA NA
422 119 acs 3 1.5931 5.8926 0.6227 37 18 0.0123 1 NA NA
423 96 acs 3 2.5594 6.9138 0.5257 12 24 0.1014 1 NA NA
424 153 acs 3 2.1087 5.2236 0.5776 49 14 0.1293 1 NA NA
425 84 acs 3 2.6558 1.3544 0.0340 22 15 0.5287 1 NA NA
326 155 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 1.7343 --beta 8.2833 --rho 0.7587 --ants 31 --nnls 19 --q0 0.0859 --dlb 1
327 127 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 1.6457 --beta 5.9689 --rho 0.7436 --ants 13 --nnls 17 --q0 0.008 --dlb 1
328 138 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 1.4294 --beta 6.0012 --rho 0.9344 --ants 16 --nnls 21 --q0 0.2217 --dlb 1
329 120 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 1.3726 --beta 6.832 --rho 0.8051 --ants 24 --nnls 16 --q0 0.2054 --dlb 1
330 149 --acs --localsearch 3 --alpha 1.8645 --beta 8.8636 --rho 0.8623 --ants 31 --nnls 18 --q0 0.0324 --dlb 1
426333 # Testing of elite configurations: 5
427334 # Testing iteration configurations: TRUE
428 # 2020-03-27 14:35:21 GMT: Testing results (column number is configuration ID in no particular order):
429 20 46 73 119 96 153 84
430 1t 23467028 23378036 23348394 23368581 23359911 23345562 23368641
431 2t 23218038 23175305 23187510 23151427 23149285 23111828 23126419
432 3t 23081105 22968142 23020314 22992964 23128306 23003962 22981597
433 4t 23209722 23050700 22999730 23016134 23072876 23032503 23062485
434 5t 23239110 23207351 23148135 23209542 23203112 23211830 23200361
435 6t 23414662 23480562 23421143 23408180 23478925 23428935 23394469
436 7t 23378696 23309958 23337527 23315313 23334010 23299940 23332029
437 8t 23233802 23236143 23224288 23229160 23197809 23225885 23206032
438 9t 23323703 23346648 23294819 23264655 23333054 23292474 23280391
439 10t 23791077 23033499 23067827 23039152 23064926 23049826 23060048
440 # 2020-03-27 14:35:21 GMT: Finished testing
335 # 2022-10-22 11:30:38 BST: Testing configurations (in no particular order): 14 11 31 6 57 55 39 78 62 85 71 72 113 110 91 138 127 120 124 149 147 155
336 algorithm localsearch alpha beta rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank elitistants
337 14 ras 3 3.7374 4.7749 0.1279 5 17 NA 0 37 NA
338 11 acs 3 2.6159 1.0514 0.5986 12 21 0.2211 0 NA NA
339 31 acs 1 2.3896 7.8790 0.3748 34 36 0.9029 1 NA NA
340 6 acs 3 2.2422 7.8826 0.1091 14 40 0.0174 0 NA NA
341 57 acs 3 1.0519 6.5794 0.6649 11 33 0.2283 1 NA NA
342 55 mmas 3 1.0832 5.5967 0.9317 18 46 NA 0 NA NA
343 39 acs 2 2.5486 3.7878 0.0262 13 12 0.7621 0 NA NA
344 78 acs 3 1.5444 6.6646 0.8947 20 18 0.2581 1 NA NA
345 62 mmas 3 1.2260 2.0146 0.7659 8 16 NA 0 NA NA
346 85 acs 3 3.0740 4.9115 0.0734 18 47 0.4206 1 NA NA
347 71 acs 3 1.7574 6.9647 0.6223 13 19 0.4806 0 NA NA
348 72 acs 3 2.0489 7.1428 0.5326 16 6 0.2179 0 NA NA
349 113 acs 3 1.9861 6.6955 0.7803 26 15 0.0512 1 NA NA
350 110 mmas 3 1.1100 2.0382 0.6833 15 11 NA 0 NA NA
351 91 acs 3 1.5186 5.7143 0.5523 14 26 0.8361 1 NA NA
352 138 acs 3 1.4294 6.0012 0.9344 16 21 0.2217 1 NA NA
353 127 acs 3 1.6457 5.9689 0.7436 13 17 0.0080 1 NA NA
354 120 acs 3 1.3726 6.8320 0.8051 24 16 0.2054 1 NA NA
355 124 acs 3 1.6169 7.9049 0.7166 20 8 0.2282 1 NA NA
356 149 acs 3 1.8645 8.8636 0.8623 31 18 0.0324 1 NA NA
357 147 acs 3 1.3012 6.1776 0.7881 22 10 0.1276 1 NA NA
358 155 acs 3 1.7343 8.2833 0.7587 31 19 0.0859 1 NA NA
359 # 2022-10-22 11:49:09 BST: Testing results (column number is configuration ID in no particular order):
360 14 11 31 6 57 55 39 78 62 85 71 72 113 110 91 138 127 120 124 149 147 155
361 1t 23391860 23332695 23537760 23414477 23364455 23485970 23376575 23368630 23370336 23416359 23412859 23402853 23413652 23358323 23443305 23390347 23324399 23359717 23360665 23356925 23301025 23356774
362 2t 23229539 23167464 23337793 23272324 23147927 23195166 23258960 23114234 23263064 23232588 23183375 23155695 23140836 23206760 23136299 23126209 23117499 23142083 23141203 23118103 23131024 23175108
363 3t 23184984 23094701 23252927 23171748 22982248 23026437 23038220 23083312 23053955 23082028 23023432 23067583 23011134 23000956 23053830 23047801 22994436 23001269 23028544 22977398 23032405 23032211
364 4t 23116701 23126420 23232767 23157322 23044199 23063903 23136997 23053899 23115735 23102111 23108032 23010549 23051643 23022518 23074969 23031784 23023703 23031107 23042387 23081150 23015695 23027772
365 5t 23237519 23373072 23380589 23320207 23217884 23233250 23316907 23211425 23173925 23170016 23276775 23209411 23189520 23219876 23261978 23196505 23197529 23174024 23222521 23185052 23184322 23163568
366 6t 23481721 23475588 23508760 23479494 23467320 23495025 23549932 23409175 23483799 23423813 23479579 23446369 23410700 23415018 23491880 23444264 23436888 23416332 23419003 23463089 23427505 23394824
367 7t 23369278 23676371 23494491 23392883 23401441 23380877 23319057 23343664 23389619 23383997 23405404 23350024 23312217 23354092 23396796 23343027 23343136 23331633 23354417 23361221 23324993 23375510
368 8t 23311915 23288024 23387646 23337527 23249894 23333692 23377228 23215822 23324171 23316955 23267699 23285411 23242464 23268552 23284711 23208403 23233397 23247441 23247049 23209032 23217163 23267663
369 9t 23358261 23341818 23449508 23430565 23374655 23293488 23476762 23328162 23428572 23284190 23280730 23371465 23318878 23303311 23287065 23288033 23334631 23296373 23256521 23308818 23264005 23299111
370 10t 23095703 23296750 23286985 23147297 23078823 23051369 23124520 23112076 23066743 23077135 23189020 23065758 23087598 23053962 23028421 23066774 23087940 23041424 23132030 23062589 23014124 23038023
371 # 2022-10-22 11:49:09 BST: Finished testing
55 %\VignetteDepends{knitr}
66 %\VignetteCompiler{knitr}
77 \synctex=1
8 \RequirePackage{xparse}
89 \RequirePackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}
910 \documentclass[a4paper,english]{article}
11 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
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11 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
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1415 \usepackage{ifthen}
1516 \newboolean{Release}
2324 \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}
2425 \usepackage{relsize}
2526 \usepackage{fancyvrb}
27 \usepackage{microtype}
28 % \texttt{test -- test} keeps the "--" as "--" (and does not convert it to an en dash)
29 \DisableLigatures{encoding = T1, family = tt* }
2630 \usepackage[hyphens]{url}
2731 \usepackage{hyperref}
2832 \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}
97101 \makeatletter
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100 {{\normalfont\ttfamily\hyphenchar\font=-1 #1}}%
104 {{\text{\normalfont\ttfamily\hyphenchar\font=-1 #1}}}%
101105 {#1}\egroup}
102106 \makeatother
119123 \emph{flag:} %
120124 \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{%
121125 \code{-#1}~~~\emph{or}~~~}%
122 \code{-{}-#3} ~~ }%
126 \code{--#3} ~~ }%
123127 \emph{default:}~\texttt{#4} \\
124128 }
125129 \newcommand{\parameter}[1]{\hyperlink{opt:#1}{\code{#1}}}
212216 <<exampleload,eval=TRUE,include=FALSE>>=
213217 library("irace")
214218 load("examples.Rdata")
215 load("irace-acotsp.Rdata")
216 load("log-ablation.Rdata")
219 iraceResults <- irace::read_logfile("irace-acotsp.Rdata")
220 log_ablation_file <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
221 load(log_ablation_file)
217222 options(width = 70)
218223 @
219224 \newpage
247252 \end{center}
248253 %
249254 More information about \irace is available at
250 \url{}.
255 \url{}.
252257 \subsection{Version}
253258 The current version of the \irace package is \iraceversion. Previous
544549 \end{lstlisting}
545550 %@
547 \item Copy all the template files from the \IRACEHOME{/templates/}
548 directory to the scenario directory.
549 %<<copy1,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
552 \item Initialize the tuning directory with template config files. On GNU/Linux or OS X, you can do this as follows:
553 %<<dir1,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
550554 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
551 # $IRACE_HOME is the installation directory of irace.
552 cp $IRACE_HOME/templates/*.tmpl ~/tuning/
555 irace --init
553556 \end{lstlisting}
554557 %@
556 % Remember that \IRACEHOME{} is the path to the installation
557 % directory of \irace. It can be obtained in the \aR console with:
558 %
559 % <<irace_path,eval=FALSE, prompt=FALSE>>=
560 % library("irace")
561 % system.file(package = "irace")
562 % @
564 \item For each template in your tuning directory, remove the \code{.tmpl}
565 suffix, and modify them following the next steps.
567559 \item Define the target algorithm parameters to be tuned by following the
568560 instructions in \code{parameters.txt}. Available parameter types and other
612604 time (\code{cost [time]}). When the \parameter{maxTime} option is used, returning \code{time} is mandatory.
613605 The \code{target-runner} template is written in \proglang{GNU Bash}
614606 scripting language, which can be executed easily in GNU/Linux and OS X
615 systems. However, you may use any other programming language. As an example,
616 we provide a \proglang{Python} example in the directory
617 \IRACEHOME{/examples/python}. %
607 systems. However, you may use any other programming language. We provide examples written in \proglang{Python}, \proglang{MATLAB} and other languages in \IRACEHOME{/examples/}. %
618608 Follow these instructions to adjust the given \code{target-runner} template
619609 to your algorithm:
620610 \begin{enumerate}
655645 \code{COST=\$(cat \$\{STDOUT\} | grep -e '\^{}[[:space:]]*[+-]\textbackslash{}?[0-9]' | cut -f1)}
656646 \end{center}
657647 parses the output of your algorithm to obtain the result from the last line. The \code{target-runner}
658 script must return \textbf{only} one number. In the template example, the result is returned with
659 \code{echo "\$COST"} (assuming \parameter{maxExperiments} is used) and the used files are deleted.
648 script must print \textbf{only} one number. In the template example, the result is printed with
649 \code{echo "\$COST"} (assuming \parameter{maxExperiments} is used) and the generated files are deleted (you may remove that line if you wish to keep them).
661651 \begin{xwarningbox}
662 The \code{target-runner} script must be executable.
652 The \code{target-runner} script must be an executable file, unless you specify \parameter{targetRunnerLauncher} and \parameter{targetRunnerLauncherArgs}.
663653 \end{xwarningbox}
665655 You can test the target runner from the \aR console by checking the scenario as
674664 \item \textit{Optional}: Modify the \code{target-evaluator} file. This is rarely needed and the \code{target-runner} template does not use it. \autoref{sec:evaluator} explains when a \parameter{targetEvaluator} is needed and how to define it.
676 \item The \irace executable provides an option (\parameter{-{}-check}) to
666 \item The \irace executable provides an option (\parameter{--check}) to
677667 check that the scenario is correctly defined. We recommend to perform a
678668 check every time you create a new scenario. When performing the check,
679669 \irace will verify that the scenario and parameter definitions are
706696 or directly from the \aR console:
708698 \begin{itemize}
709 \item{%
699 \item
710700 \textbf{From the command-line console}, call the command (on Windows, you should execute
711701 \code{irace.exe}):
712702 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
720710 properly in the \code{scenario.txt} file using the options described in
721711 \autoref{sec:irace options}. Most \irace options can be specified
722712 in the command line or directly in the \code{scenario.txt} file.
723 }
724 \item{
714 \item
725715 \textbf{From the \aR console}, evaluate:
727717 <<irace_R_exe, eval=FALSE, prompt=FALSE>>=
732722 scenario = defaultScenario())
733723 irace.main(scenario = scenario)
734724 @
735 }
736726 \end{itemize}
738728 This will perform one run of \irace. See the output of \code{irace --help} in the command-line or \code{irace.usage()} in \aR for quick information on
747737 \subsection{Setup example for ACOTSP}\label{sec:example}
749 The \ACOTSP tuning example can be found in the package installation at
750 \IRACEHOME{/examples/acotsp}.
739 The \ACOTSP tuning example can be found in the package installation in the folder \IRACEHOME{/examples/acotsp}.
751740 %
752 Additionally, a number of example scenarios can be found in the \code{examples} folder. More
741 Other example scenarios can be found in the same folder. More
753742 examples of tuning scenarios can be found in the Algorithm Configuration Library (AClib, \url{}).
755744 In this section, we describe how to execute the \ACOTSP scenario. If you wish to start setting up
756745 your own scenario, continue to the next section. For this example, we assume
757 a GNU/Linux system but making the necessary changes in the commands and \parameter{targetRunner},
758 it can be executed in any system that has a \proglang{C} compiler.
759 %\MANUEL{I don't think this is true, since the target-runner script needs Bash}
746 a GNU/Linux system such as Ubuntu with a working \proglang{C} compiler such as \code{gcc}.
760747 To execute this scenario follow these steps:
762749 \begin{enumerate}
771758 \end{lstlisting}
772759 %@
774 \item Download the training instances from \url{} to the \path{~/tuning/} directory.
761 \item Download the training instances from \url{} to the \path{~/tuning/} directory.
775762 \item Create the instance directory (\eg~\path{~/tuning/Instances}) and decompress the instance files on it.
777764 %<<instance0,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
792779 make
793780 \end{lstlisting}
794781 %@
795 \item Create a directory for the executable and copy it:
797 %<<acotsp1,engine='bash',eval=FALSE>>=
798 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
799 mkdir ~/bin/
800 cp ~/tuning/ACOTSP-1.03/acotsp ~/bin/
801 \end{lstlisting}
802 %@
804783 \item Create a directory for executing the experiments and execute \irace:
858837 option \parameter{digits}. For example, given the default
859838 number of digits of $4$, the values $0.12345$ and
860839 $0.12341$ are both rounded to $0.1234$.
861 % However, the values $0.00001$ and $0.00005$ remain the same.
862 Selected real-valued parameters can be optionally sampled on
840 Selected real-valued parameters can be optionally sampled on
863841 a logarithmic scale (base $e$).
865843 \item \textit{Integer} parameters are numerical parameters that can take only
895873 defined on them. All fixed parameters must be defined as categorical
896874 parameters and have a domain of one element.
898 \subsubsection{Conditional parameters}
876 \subsubsection{Parameter dependent domains}\label{sec:paramdependant}
878 Domains that are dependent on the values of other parameters can be specified
879 only for numerical parameters (both integer and real). To do so, the dependent
880 domain must be expressed in function of another parameter, which must be a
881 numerical parameter. The expression that defines a dependency must be written
882 between quotes: \code{(value, "expression")} or \code{("expression", value)} or
883 \code{("expression", "expression")}.
885 The expressions can only use the following operators and \aR functions: \code{+},
886 \code{-}, \code{*}, \code{/}, \code{\%\%}, \code{min}, \code{max},
887 \code{round}, \code{floor}, \code{ceiling}, \code{trunc}. If you need to use an
888 operator or function not listed here, please contact us.
890 \begin{xwarningbox}
891 The user must ensure that the defined domain is valid at all times since
892 \irace currently is not able to detect possible invalid domains based on the expressions
893 provided.
894 \end{xwarningbox}
896 If you have a parameter \code{p2} that is just a transformation of another
897 \code{p1}, then instead of using a dependent domain (left-hand side of the
898 following example), it will be better to create a dummy parameter that controls
899 the transformation (right-hand side) and do the transformation within \code{target-runner}. For example:
900 %
901 \begin{center}
902 \begin{minipage}{0.4\linewidth}
903 \small\centering%
904 \begin{CodeInput}[frame=single]
905 # With dependent domains
906 p1 "" r (0, 100)
907 p2 "" r ("p1", "p1 + 10")
908 \end{CodeInput}
909 \end{minipage}
910 \hspace{\stretch{1}} should be \hspace{\stretch{1}}
911 \begin{minipage}{0.4\linewidth}
912 \small\centering%
913 \begin{CodeInput}[frame=single]
914 # With a dummy parameter
915 p1 "" r (0, 100)
916 p2dum "" r (0, 10)
917 \end{CodeInput}
918 \end{minipage}
919 \end{center}
920 %
921 and \code{target-runner} will compute $\code{p2} = \code{p2dum} \cdot \code{p1}$.
924 \subsubsection{Conditional parameters}\label{sec:conditional}
900926 Conditional parameters are active only when others have certain values. These
901927 dependencies define a hierarchical relation between parameters. For example,
910936 table. Each line of the table defines a configurable parameter
911937 %
912938 \begin{center}
913 \code{<name>\ <label>\ <type>\ <range>\ [ | <condition>\ ] }
939 \code{<name>\ <label>\ <type>\ <domain>\ [ | <condition>\ ] }
914940 \end{center}
915941 where each field is defined as follows:
916942 %
917 \begin{center}
918 \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}
919 \begin{tabularx}{0.98\linewidth}{@{}rX@{}}
920 \code{<name>} & The name of the parameter as an unquoted
921 alphanumeric string, e.g., `\code{ants}'.\\
943 \begin{description}[left=5em,itemindent=-0.5em,align=right,itemsep=0pt]
944 % \DrawEnumitemLabel
945 \item[\code{<name>}] The name of the parameter as an unquoted
946 alphanumeric string, e.g., `\code{ants}'.
922947 %
923 \code{<label>}& A \emph{label} for this parameter. This is a
948 \item[\code{<label>}]
949 A \emph{label} for this parameter. This is a
924950 string that will be passed together with the parameter
925951 to \parameter{targetRunner}. In the default \parameter{targetRunner}
926952 provided with the package (\autoref{sec:runner}), this is the
927953 command-line switch used to pass the value of this parameter, for
928 instance `\code{"-{}-ants "}'.\newline
954 instance `\code{"--ants "}'.\newline
929955 The value of the parameter is concatenated \emph{without
930956 separator} to the label when
931 invoking \parameter{targetRunner}, thus \emph{any whitespace in the label is significant}. Following the same example, when parameter \code{ants} takes value \code{5}, the default targetRunner will pass the parameter as \code{"-{}-ants 5"}.\\
932 %
933 \code{{<type>}} & The type of the parameter, either
957 invoking \parameter{targetRunner}, thus \emph{any whitespace in the label is significant}. Following the same example, when parameter \code{ants} takes value \code{5}, the default targetRunner will pass the parameter as \code{"--ants 5"}.
959 \item[\code{{<type>}}] The type of the parameter, either
934960 \textit{integer}, \textit{real}, \textit{ordinal} or
935961 \textit{categorical}, given as a single letter: `\code{i}',
936962 `\code{r}', `\code{o}' or `\code{c}'. Numerical parameters
937963 can be sampled using a natural logarithmic scale with '\code{i,log}' and
938964 '\code{r,log}' (without spaces) for integer and real
939 parameters, respectively.\\
965 parameters, respectively.
940966 %
941 \code{{<range>}} & The range or set of values of the parameter delimited by
942 parentheses. \eg~\code{(0,1)} or \code{(a,b,c,d)}.\\
967 \item[\code{{<domain>}}] The range or set of values of the parameter delimited by
968 parentheses, \eg~\code{(0,1)} or \code{(a,b,c,d)}.
969 See also parameter dependent domains (\autoref{sec:paramdependant}).
943970 %
945 \code{{<condition>}} & An optional \emph{condition} that determines whether the parameter is
972 \item[\code{{<condition>}}] An optional \emph{condition} that determines whether the parameter is
946973 enabled or disabled, thus making the parameter conditional. If the
947974 condition evaluates to false, then no value is assigned to this
948975 parameter, and neither the parameter value nor the corresponding
952979 The condition may contain the name
953980 of other parameters as long as the dependency graph does not
954981 contain any cycle. Otherwise, \irace will detect the cycle and
955 stop with an error. \\
956 \end{tabularx}
957 \end{center}
982 stop with an error.
984 \end{description}
959986 As an example, Figure~\ref{fig:acotsp_parameters} shows the parameters file
960987 of the \ACOTSP scenario.
962989 \begin{figure}[!hbt]
963990 \small\centering%
964991 \begin{CodeInput}
965 # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
966 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
967 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
968 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
969 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
970 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
971 ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
972 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3)
973 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
974 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
975 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, 100) | algorithm == "ras"
976 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
992 # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)]
993 algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
994 localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3)
995 alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00)
996 beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00)
997 rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00)
998 ants "--ants " i (5, 100)
999 nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3)
1000 q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
1001 dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)
1002 rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "ants") | algorithm == "ras"
1003 elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
9771004 \end{CodeInput}
9781005 \caption{Parameter file (\code{parameters.txt}) for tuning \ACOTSP.}\label{fig:acotsp_parameters}
9791006 \end{figure}
10081035 \code{nbParameters} & An integer, the total number of parameters.\\
10091036 \code{nbFixed} & An integer, the number of parameters with a fixed value.\\
10101037 \code{nbVariable} & Number of variable (i.e., to be tuned) parameters.\\
1038 \code{isDependent} & Logical vector that specifies which parameter defines
1039 a dependent domain.\\
10111040 \end{tabularx}
10121041 \end{center}
10571086 \code{id.instance} & an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies an instance;\\
10581087 \code{seed} & seed for the random number generator to be used for this evaluation, ignore the seed for deterministic algorithms;\\
10591088 \code{instance} & string giving the instance to be used for this evaluation;\\
1060 \code{bound} & optional execution time bound. Only provided when the \parameter{maxBound} option is set in the scenario, see \autoref{sec:capping};\\
1089 \code{bound} & optional execution time bound. Only provided when the \parameter{boundMax} option is set in the scenario, see \autoref{sec:capping};\\
10611090 \code{configuration} & the pairs parameter label-value that
10621091 describe this candidate configuration. Typically given as command-line
10631092 switches to be passed to the executable program.\\
14301459 the condition with \code{as.numeric(a)}.
14311460 \end{xwarningbox}
1462 If the constraints provided are too strict, \irace may produce the following error:
1463 \begin{CodeInput}
1464 irace tried 100 times to sample from the model a configuration not forbidden
1465 without success, perhaps your constraints are too strict?
1466 \end{CodeInput}
1467 %
1468 In that case, it may be a good idea to reformulate the constraints as conditional parameters (\autoref{sec:conditional}), parameter-dependent domains (\autoref{sec:paramdependant}), repairing the configurations (\autoref{sec:repairconf}) or post-processing within the target-algorithm (\autoref{sec:complex_domains}).
14331471 \subsection{Repairing configurations}\label{sec:repairconf}
14351473 In some problems, the parameter values require complex constraints that cannot
14551493 {
14561494 isreal <- parameters$type[colnames(configuration)] %in% "r"
14571495 configuration[isreal] <- configuration[isreal] / sum(configuration[isreal])
1496 configurations[isreal] <- round(configuration[isreal], digits)
14581497 return(configuration)
14591498 }
14601499 @
16351674 \end{itemize}
16371676 The testing can be also (re-)executed at a later time by using the following
1638 \aR command:
1677 \aR command (but you may need to override \code{testNbElites} and \code{testIterationElites}):
16391678 %
16401679 <<testing_r, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
1641 testing.main(logFile = "./irace.Rdata")
1680 testing_fromlog(logFile = "./irace.Rdata", testNbElites = 1)
16421681 @
16431682 %
16441683 The above line will load the scenario setup from \parameter{logFile} to
16481687 \autoref{sec:output r}. For examples on how to analyse the results see
16491688 \autoref{sec:analysis}.
1651 Another alternative is to test a specific set of configurations using the command-line option \parameter{-{}-only-test} as follows:
1690 Another alternative is to test a specific set of configurations using the command-line option \parameter{--only-test} as follows:
16521691 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
16531692 irace --only-test configurations.txt
16541693 \end{lstlisting}
18491888 discarded after the statistical test was performed.
18501889 \item \code{Best}: ID of the best configuration according to the instances seen
18511890 so far in this race (i.e., not including previous iterations).
1852 \item \code{Mean best}: Mean of the best configuration across the instances seen so
1853 far in this race.
1891 \item \code{Mean best}: Mean cost value of the best configuration across the instances seen so
1892 far in this race (not globally). Equivalent to the concept of ``iteration-best'' in other algorithms.
18541893 \item \code{Exp so far}: Number of experiments
18551894 performed so far.
18561895 \item \code{W time}: Wall-clock time spent on this instance.
19231962 parameters of all elite configurations found by \irace use:
19251964 <<get_elites, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
1926 getFinalElites(logFile = "irace-acotsp.Rdata", n = 0)
1965 getFinalElites("irace-acotsp.Rdata", n = 0)
19271966 @
19291968 \item \code{iterationElites}: A vector containing the best candidate configuration ID of each iteration. The best configuration found corresponds to the last one
19371976 <<get_elite, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
19381977 last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
19391978 id <- iraceResults$iterationElites[last]
1940 getConfigurationById(logFile = "irace-acotsp.Rdata", ids = id)
1979 getConfigurationById(iraceResults, ids = id)
19411980 @
19431982 \item \code{rejectedConfigurations}: A vector containing the rejected configurations IDs. These
19732012 # As an example, we get seed and instance of the experiments
19742013 # of the best candidate.
19752014 # Get index of the instances
1976 <- names(all.exp[!])
1977 index <- iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[,"instance"]
2015 <- which(!
2016 index <- iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[, "instance"]
19782017 # Obtain the instance names
19792018 iraceResults$scenario$instances[index]
19802019 # Get the seeds
1981 iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[index,"seed"]
2020 iraceResults$state$.irace$instancesList[, "seed"]
19822021 @
19832022 \item \code{experimentLog}: A matrix with columns \code{iteration, instance, configuration}. This matrix contains the log of all the experiments that \irace
19842023 performs during its execution. The \code{instance} column refers to the index of the
20372076 configuration is reported first.
20392078 If testing is performed, you can further analyze the resulting best
2040 configurations by performing statistical tests in \aR or just plotting the
2041 results:
2043 <<plot_test, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8, out.width='0.85\\textwidth', fig.cap="Boxplot of the testing results of the best configurations.", prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2079 configurations by performing statistical tests in \aR:
2080 % FIXME: iraceplot
2081 % or just plotting the results:
2082 %<<plot_test, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8, out.width='0.85\\textwidth', fig.cap="Boxplot of the testing results of the best configurations.", prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2083 <<wilcox_test,prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
20442084 results <- iraceResults$testing$experiments
20452085 # Wilcoxon paired test
20462086 conf <- gl(ncol(results), # number of configurations
20472087 nrow(results), # number of instances
20482088 labels = colnames(results))
20492089 pairwise.wilcox.test (as.vector(results), conf, paired = TRUE, p.adj = "bonf")
2050 # Plot the results
2051 configurationsBoxplot (results, ylab = "Solution cost")
2052 @
2054 %%FIXME: should we add something like this?
2055 %The Kendall concordance coefficient (\code{W}) and the Spearman's rho can be
2056 %applied over data that has the characteristics of the data obtained in the testing,
2057 %that is a full matrix where all configurations are executed in all instances. \code{W}
2058 %can show if the configurations tested have an homogeneous performance on the used instances
2059 %set. If evidence of an heterogeneous scenario found we recommend to make some adjustments
2060 %in the \irace options as described in \autoref{sec:}
2062 %<<conc, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2063 %irace:::concordance(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
2064 %@
2065 %
2067 During the tuning, \irace iteratively updates the sampling models of the
2068 parameters to focus on the best regions of the parameter search space. The
2069 frequency of the sampled configurations can provide insights on the parameter
2070 search space. We provide a function for plotting the
2071 frequency of the sampling of a set of configurations. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type in the
2072 \aR console: \code{?parameterFrequency}. The following example
2073 plots the frequency of the parameters sampled during one \irace run:
2075 <<freq, fig.pos="tbp", fig.cap="Parameters sampling frequency.", out.width="\\textwidth",prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2076 parameterFrequency(iraceResults$allConfigurations, iraceResults$parameters)
2077 @
2079 By using parallel coordinates plots, it is possible to analyze how the parameters
2080 interact with each other. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type
2081 in the \aR console: (\code{?parallelCoordinatesPlot}).
2082 The following example shows how to create a parallel
2083 coordinate plot of the configurations in the last two iterations of \irace.
2085 <<parcord, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width="0.7\\textwidth", fig.cap="Parallel coordinate plots of the parameters of the configurations in the last two iterations of a run of \\irace.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2086 # Get last iteration number
2087 last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
2088 # Get configurations in the last two iterations
2089 conf <- getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults = iraceResults,
2090 iterations = c(last - 1, last))
2091 parallelCoordinatesPlot (conf, iraceResults$parameters,
2092 param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "beta", "rho", "q0"),
2093 hierarchy = FALSE)
2094 @
2090 @
2091 % # Plot the results
2092 % configurationsBoxplot (results, ylab = "Solution cost")
2094 The Kendall concordance coefficient (\code{W}) and the Spearman's rho can be
2095 applied over data that has the characteristics of the data obtained in the testing,
2096 that is a full matrix where all configurations are executed in all instances. \code{W}
2097 can show if the configurations tested have an homogeneous performance on the used instances
2098 set. If evidence of an heterogeneous scenario found we recommend to make some adjustments
2099 in the \irace options as described in \autoref{sec:het}.
2101 <<conc, prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2102 irace:::concordance(iraceResults$testing$experiments)
2103 @
2104 %
2106 %% FIXME: iraceplot
2107 % During the tuning, \irace iteratively updates the sampling models of the
2108 % parameters to focus on the best regions of the parameter search space. The
2109 % frequency of the sampled configurations can provide insights on the parameter
2110 % search space. We provide a function for plotting the
2111 % frequency of the sampling of a set of configurations. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type in the
2112 % \aR console: \code{?parameterFrequency}. The following example
2113 % plots the frequency of the parameters sampled during one \irace run:
2115 % <<freq, fig.pos="tbp", fig.cap="Parameters sampling frequency.", out.width="\\textwidth",prompt=TRUE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2116 % parameterFrequency(iraceResults$allConfigurations, iraceResults$parameters)
2117 % @
2119 %% FIXME: iraceplot
2120 % By using parallel coordinates plots, it is possible to analyze how the parameters
2121 % interact with each other. For more information on this function, please see the \aR help, type
2122 % in the \aR console: (\code{?parallelCoordinatesPlot}).
2123 % The following example shows how to create a parallel
2124 % coordinate plot of the configurations in the last two iterations of \irace.
2126 % <<parcord, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width="0.7\\textwidth", fig.cap="Parallel coordinate plots of the parameters of the configurations in the last two iterations of a run of \\irace.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2127 % # Get last iteration number
2128 % last <- length(iraceResults$iterationElites)
2129 % # Get configurations in the last two iterations
2130 % conf <- getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults = iraceResults,
2131 % iterations = c(last - 1, last))
2132 % parallelCoordinatesPlot (conf, iraceResults$parameters,
2133 % param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "beta", "rho",
2134 % "q0", "rasrank"),
2135 % hierarchy = FALSE)
2136 % @
20962138 %%% FIXME: This plot is completely misleading. We should either calculate the
20972139 %%% performance over the whole training set, or find a way to plot the
20992141 %%% different number of instances. Or simply plot a heatmap of instances x
21002142 %%% best-of-each iteration.
21012143 \hide{It is also possible to plot the performance evolution of the best-so-far configuration over the number of experiments as follows:
2102 %% <<trainEvo, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width='0.75\\textwidth', fig.cap="Training set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2144 %%<<trainEvo, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width='0.75\\textwidth', fig.cap="Training set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
21032145 # Get number of iterations
21042146 iters <- unique(iraceResults$experimentLog[, "iteration"])
21052147 # Get number of experiments (runs of target-runner) up to each iteration
21192161 points(fes, values)
21202162 }
2122 It is also possible to plot the performance on the test set of the best-so-far configuration over the number of experiments as follows:
2123 <<testEvo, fig.pos="tbp", fig.align="center", out.width='0.75\\textwidth', fig.cap="Testing set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments. Label of each point is the configuration ID.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
2164 % FIXME: We should normalize the ranges per instance so since the performance
2165 % on different instances is quite different.
2166 It is also possible, as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:testEvo}, to plot the performance on the test set of the best-so-far configuration over the number of experiments as follows:
2167 <<testEvo, fig.pos="tb", fig.align="center", out.width='0.7\\textwidth', fig.cap="Testing set performance of the best-so-far configuration over number of experiments. Label of each point is the configuration ID.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, comment="">>=
21242168 # Get number of iterations
21252169 iters <- unique(iraceResults$experimentLog[, "iteration"])
21262170 # Get number of experiments (runs of target-runner) up to each iteration
21292173 # for the best configuration of that iteration.
21302174 elites <- as.character(iraceResults$iterationElites)
21312175 values <- colMeans(iraceResults$testing$experiments[, elites])
2176 stderr <- function(x) sqrt(var(x)/length(x))
2177 err <- apply(iraceResults$testing$experiments[, elites], 2, stderr)
21322178 plot(fes, values, type = "s",
21332179 xlab = "Number of runs of the target algorithm",
2134 ylab = "Mean value over testing set")
2135 points(fes, values)
2180 ylab = "Mean value over testing set", ylim=c(23000000,23500000))
2181 points(fes, values, pch=19)
2182 arrows(fes, values - err, fes, values + err, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3)
21362183 text(fes, values, elites, pos = 1)
21372184 @
21392186 The \irace package also provides an implementation of the ablation
21402187 method~\cite{FawHoos2015ablation}. See \autoref{sec:ablation}.
2189 Finally, more advanced visualizations of the behavior of \irace are provided by
2190 the ACVIZ software package~\cite{DesRitLopPer2021acviz}, which is available at \url{}. See an example in Fig.~\ref{fig:acviz}.
2192 \begin{figure}[htb]
2193 \centering
2194 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig1u-acotsp-instances}
2195 \caption{Visualization produced by ACVIZ~\cite{DesRitLopPer2021acviz}.}
2196 \label{fig:acviz}
2197 \end{figure}
21422201 %%
21432202 %%
21692228 must return the evaluation cost together with the execution time (\code{"cost time"}).
21712230 \begin{xwarningbox}
2172 When the goal is to minimize the computation time of an algorithm, and you wish to use \parameter{maxTime} as the tuning budget, \parameter{targetRunner} must return the time also as the evaluation cost, that is, return the time two times as \code{"time time"}.
2231 When the goal is to minimize the computation time of an algorithm, and you wish to use \parameter{maxTime} as the tuning budget, \parameter{targetRunner} must return the time also as the evaluation cost, that is, return the time twice as \code{"time time"}.
21732232 \end{xwarningbox}
21752234 \begin{xwarningbox}
22302289 \subsection{Tuning for minimizing computation time}
22312290 \label{sec:capping}
2233 When using \irace for tuning algorithms that report computation time to
2234 reach a target, \parameter{targetRunner} should return the execution time of a configuration instead of solution cost.
2236 %Even though \irace can be used for
2237 %minimizing computation time, \irace may itself require more time to do so in
2238 %its current version than other methods, such as
2239 %\code{ParamILS}\footnote{\url{}}
2240 %or \code{SMAC}\footnote{\url{}},
2241 %since it does not make use of techniques, such as ``adaptive capping'', that
2242 %avoid long runs of the target algorithm.
2243 %We are currently extending \irace with an adaptive capping mechanism.
2292 When using \irace for tuning algorithms that only report computation time to
2293 reach a target, \parameter{targetRunner} should return the execution time of a configuration instead of solution cost. When using \parameter{maxTime} as the budget, this means that \parameter{targetRunner} must return twice the execution time since the first value is the minimization objective and the second value is used to track the budget consumed.
22452295 Starting from version $3.0$, \irace includes an elitist racing procedure that
22462296 implements an \textbf{adaptive capping mechanism} \citep{PerLopHooStu2017:lion}.
2337 \subsection{Hyper-pararameter optimization of machine learning methods}
2339 The \irace package can also be used for model selection and hyper-parameter optimization
2340 of machine learning methods. For such a task, we recommend the \pkg{mlr} package~\citep{R:mlr}.
2341 The following webpage documents how to use \irace for this purpose: \url{}
2387 \subsection{Hyper-parameter optimization of machine learning methods}
2389 The \irace package can also be used for model selection and hyper-parameter
2390 optimization of machine learning (ML) methods. We will next explain a possible
2391 setup for one given dataset and using $10$-fold cross-validation
2392 (CV). Generalizing to multiple datasets and different resampling strategies,
2393 e.g. leave-one-out, is straightforward.
2395 First, split the dataset into training, to be used by \irace, and testing, to
2396 be used for evaluating the performance of the configuration returned by
2397 \irace. A typical split could be $70\%$ and $30\%$, respectively.
2399 The training set is used by \irace to perform $10$-fold CV, that is, the data
2400 is split into $10$ folds. A single run of the \parameter{targetRunner} will use
2401 $9$ folds for training and the remaining fold for validation. Splitting the
2402 data into folds can be done at each call of \parameter{targetRunner} or before
2403 running \irace, however, it is important that the split is always the same for
2404 every call of the \parameter{targetRunner}, i.e., the content of the folds does
2405 not change, only which folds are used for training and validation will change.
2407 The setup of \irace should be as follows:
2408 %
2409 \begin{itemize}
2410 \item \parameter{trainInstancesFile}\code{="train-instances.txt"}, where this
2411 file contains one number per line from $1$ to $10$. This number will tell the
2412 \parameter{targetRunner} which fold should be used for validation.
2413 \item \parameter{trainInstancesDir}\code{=""}, because the folds are the
2414 ``instances'' and you do not have actual instance files. If you want to pass
2415 the name of the dataset to the \parameter{targetRunner}, you can specify it
2416 either at each line of \code{"train-instances.txt"}, directly in the
2417 \parameter{targetRunner}, or as a fixed parameter in the
2418 \parameter{parameterFile}.
2419 \item \parameter{deterministic}\code{=1} unless it really makes sense to
2420 train more than once the same ML model on the same data. If it makes sense,
2421 then your \parameter{targetRunner} should use the seed passed by \irace to
2422 seed the ML model before training.
2423 \item \parameter{sampleInstances}\code{=0} because the folds should already be generated by randomly sampling the dataset.
2424 \item \parameter{testType}\code{="t-test} because the performance metrics in
2425 ML are typically the mean of the CV results, which assumes that the
2426 performance are close to normally distributed.
2427 \item \parameter{firstTest}\code{=2} because \irace should discard
2428 configurations very aggressively looking for maximum generality.
2429 \end{itemize}
2431 \noindent%
2432 Finally, your \parameter{targetRunner} needs to be able to do the following:
2433 \begin{itemize}
2434 \item Receive from \irace the hyper-parameter settings, the dataset name and a
2435 fold number (the ``instance''). Let us use fold 3 as an example.
2436 \item Train the ML model on the whole training set minus fold 3, then validate
2437 (score) the model on fold 3 and return the score to \irace (negated if the
2438 score must be maximized, because \irace assumes minimization). Since each
2439 fold is different, each instance should give a different result. Each row in
2440 the table printed by \irace should print something different; otherwise,
2441 something is wrong in your setup.
2442 \end{itemize}
2444 The above is actually 10 times faster than doing 10-fold CV for each call to
2445 \parameter{targetRunner}, thus, you should assign to \irace 10 times the budget
2446 than what would be assigned to other methods that do a complete 10-fold CV at
2447 each step.
2449 %% FIXME: They removed the tutorial
2450 %% For such a task, we recommend the \pkg{mlr} package~\citep{R:mlr}.
2451 %% The following webpage documents how to use \irace for this purpose: \url{}
23442454 \subsection{Heterogeneous scenarios}
23612471 selection techniques can be used to select the best configuration from the
23622472 portfolio when facing a new instance.
2474 To make sure \irace is not misled by results on few instances, it may be useful
2475 to increase the number of instances executed before doing a statistical test
2476 using the option \parameter{firstTest}, \eg \code{--first-test 10} (default
2477 value is 5), in order to see more instances before discarding configurations.
2478 The option \parameter{elitistNewInstances} in elitist \irace (option
2479 \parameter{elitist}) can be used to increase the number of new instances
2480 executed in each iteration, \eg \code{--elitist-new-instances 5} (default value
2481 is 1).
23642483 If finding an overall good configuration for all the instances is the
2365 objective, then we recommend that instances are randomly sampled
2366 (option \parameter{sampleInstances}), unless one can provide the instances in a
2484 objective, then we recommend that instances are randomly sampled (option
2485 \parameter{sampleInstances}), unless one can provide the instances in a
23672486 particular order that does not bias the tuning towards any subset. For
2368 example, let's assume a heterogeneous scenario with two classes of instances. If
2369 training instances are not sampled and the first ten instances belong to only
2370 one class, the tuning will be biased towards configurations that perform good
2371 for those instances. An optimal order would not ever present consecutively two
2372 instances of the same type.
2374 In addition, it may be useful to increase the number of instances executed
2375 before doing a statistical test in order to see more instance classes before
2376 discarding configurations. The option \parameter{elitistNewInstances} in elitist
2377 \irace (option \parameter{elitist}) can be used to increase the number of new
2378 instances executed in each iteration, \eg \code{--elitist-new-instances 5} (default
2379 value is 1). For the non-elitist \irace, the option \parameter{firstTest} may be used for the same purpose, \eg \code{--first-test 10} (default value is 5).
2380 \MANUEL{And both at the same time?}
2487 example, let's assume a heterogeneous scenario with two classes of instances.
2488 If training instances are not sampled and the first ten instances belong to
2489 only one class, the tuning will be biased towards configurations that perform
2490 good for those instances. An optimal order would never present consecutively
2491 two instances of the same type. One can make sure \irace sees all instance
2492 classes before discarding configurations by carefully
2493 specifying the order of instances (disabling \parameter{sampleInstances} and
2494 specifying the order in \parameter{trainInstancesFile}) and setting both
2495 \parameter{firstTest} and \parameter{eachTest} appropriately.
23822497 While executing \irace, the homogeneity of the scenario can be observed by
23832498 examining the values of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and Kendall's
24312546 them and, therefore, it is more likely to discard good configurations.
2434 \subsection{Complex parameter space constraints}
2549 \subsection{Complex parameter space constraints}\label{sec:complex_domains}
24362551 Some parameters may have complex dependencies. Ideally, parameters should be
24372552 defined in the way that is more likely to help the search performed by
25532668 values from target. The sequence can be seen as a ``path'' from the source to
25542669 the target configuration. This can be used to find new better ``intermediate''
25552670 configurations or to analyse the impact of the parameters in the performance.
2556 To perform ablation use the \code{ablation} function and specify the IDs of the
2557 source and target configurations. By default, the source is taken as the first
2558 configuration evaluated by \irace and the target as the best overall
2559 configuration found. The argument \code{ab.params} can be used to specify a
2560 subset of the parameters considered in the ablation. The option
2673 To perform ablation, you can use the \code{ablation} function and specify the
2674 IDs of the source and target configurations. By default, the source is taken
2675 as the first configuration evaluated by \irace and the target as the best
2676 overall configuration found. The argument \code{ab.params} can be used to
2677 specify a subset of the parameters considered in the ablation. The option
25612678 \parameter{firstTest} defines how many instances are selected for the
25622679 evaluation of configurations, if a different number of instances is required it
2563 must be specified in the argument \code{n.instance}. If a PDF filename is
2564 provided (\code{pdf.file}), a plot will be produced from the ablation results
2565 (Fig.~\ref{fig:testAb}).
2680 must be specified in the argument \code{n.instance}. Use the function
2681 \code{plotAblation} to visualize the ablation results (Fig.~\ref{fig:testAb}).
25672683 <<ablation, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
2568 ablation(iraceLogFile = "irace.Rdata",
2569 src = 1, target = 60, pdf.file = "plot-ablation.pdf")
2570 @
2572 <<testAb, fig.pos="htb!", fig.align="center", out.width="0.75\\textwidth", fig.cap="Example of plot generated by \\code{ablation()}.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
2573 plotAblation(abLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata")
2684 ablog <- ablation("irace.Rdata", src = 1, target = 60)
2685 plotAblation(ablog)
2686 @
2688 <<testAb, fig.pos="htb!", fig.align="center", out.width="0.75\\textwidth", fig.cap="Example of plot generated by \\code{plotAblation()}.", prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
2689 logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
2690 plotAblation(logfile)
25742691 @
25762693 The function returns a list containing the following elements:
25832700 \item \code{best}: Best overall configuration found.
25842701 \end{description}
2703 We also provide a command-line executable that allows you to perform ablation without launching \aR. It is installed in the same location as the \irace command-line executable and has the following options:
2704 <<ablation_cmdline, prompt=FALSE, eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>=
2705 ablation_cmdline("--help")
2706 @
25872708 \subsection{Postselection race}\label{sec:postselection}
26332754 Although ablation analysis without surrogates may be more time-consuming, results of the surrogate version may be less accurate than the non-surrogate one.
26352756 The \code{.Rdata} dataset generated by \irace can be used as input for \PyImp.
2636 We provide a script to translate an \code{irace.Rdata} file into the input format required by \PyImp.
2637 The script is available in the \irace package, and can be accessed either through the \aR console (function \code{irace2pyimp}), or via command line (\IRACEHOME{/bin/irace2pyimp}).
2757 The package \code{irace2pyimp}\footnote{\url{}} is able to convert an \code{irace.Rdata} file into the input format required by \PyImp. The conversion can be accessed either through the \aR console (function \code{irace2pyimp}), or via command line (\code{system.file("/bin/irace2pyimp", package="irace2pyimp")}).
26392759 To see the usage of the executable, please run: \code{irace2pyimp --help}.
26402760 For more information on the \aR function \code{irace2pyimp}, type in the \aR console: \code{?irace2pyimp}.
26492769 \item \code{features.csv}: a .csv file containing instance features. If no instance features are provided, the index of each instance will be used as a feature.
26502770 \end{itemize}
2652 \PyImp can then be called using the files listed above as input. Several examples on how to use the script and to call \PyImp can be found at \IRACEHOME{/inst/examples/irace2pyimp/}.
2772 \PyImp can then be called using the files listed above as input. Several
2773 examples on how to use the script and call \PyImp can be found at
2774 \code{system.file("/examples/", package="irace2pyimp")}.
26542776 %\emph{\PyImp installation note:} At the time when this document is written (December 2019), the latest \PyImp release version (1.0.6) has some bugs.
26552777 %Please check on \url{} to see if \PyImp version > 1.0.6 has been released.
28132935 This is a warning given by \aR when the last line of an input file does not
28142936 finish with the newline character. The warning is harmless and can be
28152937 ignored. If you want to suppress it, just open the file and press the
2816 \code{ENTER} key at the end of the last line of the file.
2938 \code{ENTER} key at the end of the last line of the file to end the final line with a newline.
28192941 \subsection{How are relative filesystem paths interpreted by \irace?}\label{faq:relpaths}
28442966 \subsection{My parameter space is small enough that \irace could generate all possible configurations; however, \irace generates repeated configurations and/or does not generate some of them. Is this a bug?}\label{faq:allconfs}
2846 Currently, \irace does not try to detect whether all possible configurations
2847 can be evaluated for the given budget, thus, the initial random sampling
2968 Typically, \irace is applied to parameter spaces that are much larger than what
2969 can be explored within the budget given. Thus, \irace does not try to detect
2970 whether all possible configurations can be evaluated for the given budget and
2971 it does not waste computation time to check for repeated configurations. Thus,
2972 if the parameter space is actually very small, the initial random sampling
28482973 performed by \irace may generate repeated configurations and/or never generate
2849 some configurations, which is not ideal. The ideal approach in such cases is to
2850 provide all configurations explicitly to \irace (\autoref{sec:initial}) and
2851 execute a single race (\parameter{nbIterations}\code{=1}) with exactly the
2852 number of configurations provided (e.g.,
2853 \parameter{nbConfigurations}\code{=10}). A future version of \irace will
2854 automatically detect this case and switch to basic racing without having to set additional options.
2974 some configurations, which is not ideal. If you still want to use
2975 (non-iterated) racing, the recommended approach is to provide all
2976 configurations explicitly to \irace (\autoref{sec:initial}) and execute a
2977 single race (\parameter{nbIterations}\code{=1}) with exactly the number of
2978 configurations provided (e.g., \parameter{nbConfigurations}\code{=240}). A
2979 future version of \irace may automatically detect this case and switch to
2980 non-iterated racing without having to set additional options. Future versions
2981 may also implement computationally cheap checks for repeated
2982 configurations.\footnote{If you are interested in implementing this, please
2983 contact us!}
2985 \subsection[On Windows and using (a Python file), I
2986 get the error is not executable]{On Windows and using \code{} (a \proglang{Python} file), I
2987 get the error ``\code{ is not executable}''}\label{faq:py-not-exe}
2989 The issue is that \code{.py} files are not executable on their own and you need \code{python.exe} to read the \code{.py} file and execute it. Linux knows how to do this if the first line of the file is ``\code{\#!/usr/bin/python}'', however, Windows doesn't know how to do it. In Windows you have 2 options:
2990 \begin{itemize}
2991 \item Create a \code{target-runner.bat} file that contains a line similar to (see \path{templates/windows/target-runner.bat}):
2992 \begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle]
2993 C:\path\to\python.exe C:\path\to\ %instance% %seed% \
2994 %candidate_parameters% 1>%stdout% 2>%stderr%
2995 \end{lstlisting}
2997 \item Or convert \code{} into an \code{.exe} file, for example, using \code{auto-py-to-exe}\footnote{\url{}}, so that you do not need a \code{.bat} file.
2998 \end{itemize}
3000 \subsection[Error in socketConnection(\ldots) : can not open the connection]{Error in \code{socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, lock = TRUE,} : can not open the connection}
3002 This error may arise if you activate the \parameter{parallel} option of \irace and your \parameter{targetRunner} or \parameter{targetEvaluator} tries to setup a parallel cluster or execute code in parallel in a way that interacts badly with the parallel mechanism in \aR. In this case, you need to either investigate yourself if there is a way for the two parallel mechanisms to co-exist or, if that is not possible, disable parallelism in \irace or in your code. Note that packages or software used by your \parameter{targetRunner} may have a parallel mechanism enabled by default and unknown to you. This is definitely NOT a bug in \irace.
28563004 %%
28573005 %%
28683016 \section{Resources and contact information} \label{sec:contact}
28703018 More information about the package can be found on the \irace webpage:
2871 \begin{center} \url{} \end{center}
3019 \begin{center} \url{} \end{center}
28733021 For questions and suggestions please contact the development team through
28743022 the \irace package Google group:
28793027 \begin{center}
28803028 \href{}{}
28813029 \end{center}
2883 %% MANUEL: I think we should use just one channel. If the Google group is the winner, that should be it.
2884 %the mailing list:
2885 %% LESLIE I agree.
2886 %\begin{center} \href{}{} \end{center}
28893032 \section{Acknowledgements}
2 @preamble{{\providecommand{\MaxMinAntSystem}{{$\cal MAX$--$\cal MIN$} {A}nt {S}ystem} } # {\providecommand{\Rpackage}[1]{#1} } # {\providecommand{\SoftwarePackage}[1]{#1} } # {\providecommand{\proglang}[1]{#1} }}
2 @preamble{{\providecommand{\MaxMinAntSystem}{{$\cal MAX$--$\cal MIN$} {Ant} {System}} } # {\providecommand{\rpackage}[1]{{#1}} } # {\providecommand{\softwarepackage}[1]{{#1}} } # {\providecommand{\proglang}[1]{{#1}} }}
44 @string{and = { and }}
66 @string{lncs = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}}
8 @string{add-berlin = { Berlin, Germany }}
10 @string{add-cham = { Cham, Switzerland }}
12 @string{add-heidelberg = { Heidelberg }}
814 @string{aaaip-pub = {{AAAI} Press}}
1016 @string{ieeep = {IEEE Press}}
1420 @string{springer = {Springer}}
16 @string{springer-berlin-ad = {Berlin, Germany}}
18 @string{springer-lncs = {Springer, Heidelberg, Germany}}
20 @string{add-cham = {Cham, Switzerland}}
2222 @string{iridia = {IRIDIA, Universit{\'e} Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium}}
24 @string{cec06 = {Proceedings of the 2006 Congress on Evolutionary
25 Computation (CEC 2006)}}
24 @string{proc_of = {Proceedings of }}
26 @string{proc_of_the = proc_of # { the }}
28 @string{aaai = proc_of_the # {{AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence}}
30 @string{cec = { Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC}}
32 @string{cec06 = proc_of_the # {2006} # cec # { 2006)}}
34 @string{icml = { International Conference on Machine Learning, {ICML} }}
36 @string{icml2014 = proc_of_the # {31st} # icml # {2014}}
2738 @string{acm-cs = {{ACM} Computing Surveys}}
3950 @string{battiti = { Roberto Battiti }}
52 @string{biedenkapp = { Biedenkapp, Andr{\'e} }}
4154 @string{birattari = { Mauro Birattari }}
43 @string{bischl_b = { Bernd Bischl }}
4556 @string{chiarandini = { Marco Chiarandini }}
58 @string{desouza = { Marcelo {De Souza} }}
4760 @string{dubois-lacoste = { J{\'e}r{\'e}mie Dubois-Lacoste }}
4962 @string{fawcett = { Chris Fawcett }}
5972 @string{leyton-brown = { Kevin Leyton-Brown }}
74 @string{lindauer_m = { Marius Thomas Lindauer }}
6176 @string{lopez-ibanez = { Manuel L{\'o}pez-Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez }}
6378 @string{mcgeoch_cc = { Catherine C. McGeoch }}
6782 @string{pardalos = { Panos M. Pardalos }}
69 @string{perez_l = { Leslie {P{\'e}rez C{\'a}ceres} }}
84 @string{perez_l = { P{\'e}rez C{\'a}ceres, Leslie}}
7186 @string{preuss_m = { Mike Preuss }}
73 @string{schneider = { Marius Schneider }}
88 @string{ritt = { Marcus Ritt}}
90 @string{schneider_m = { Marius Schneider }}
7592 @string{schoenauer = { Marc Schoenauer }}
7996 @string{yuan_z = { Zhi Yuan }}
8198 @inproceedings{BieLinEggFraFawHoo2017,
82 author = {Biedenkapp, Andr{\'e} and Lindauer, Marius and Eggensperger,
99 author = biedenkapp # and # lindauer_m # and # {Eggensperger,
83100 Katharina} # and # hutter # and # fawcett # and # hoos,
84101 title = {Efficient Parameter Importance Analysis via Ablation with
85102 Surrogates},
92109 title = {{F}-Race and Iterated {F}-Race: An Overview},
93110 pages = {311--336},
94111 crossref = {BarChiPaqPre2010emaoa},
95 keywords = {F-race, iterated F-race, irace, tuning}
112 keywords = {F-race, iterated F-race, irace, tuning},
113 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-02538-9_13}
114 }
116 @article{DesRitLopPer2021acviz,
117 author = desouza # and # ritt # and # lopez-ibanez # and # perez_l,
118 title = {{\softwarepackage{ACVIZ}}: A Tool for the Visual Analysis of
119 the Configuration of Algorithms with {\rpackage{irace}}},
120 journal = orp,
121 year = 2021,
122 doi = {10.1016/j.orp.2021.100186},
123 supplement = {},
124 abstract = {This paper introduces acviz, a tool that helps to analyze the
125 automatic configuration of algorithms with irace. It provides
126 a visual representation of the configuration process,
127 allowing users to extract useful information, e.g. how the
128 configurations evolve over time. When test data is available,
129 acviz also shows the performance of each configuration on the
130 test instances. Using this visualization, users can analyze
131 and compare the quality of the resulting configurations and
132 observe the performance differences on training and test
133 instances.},
134 volume = 8,
135 pages = 100186
96136 }
98138 @article{FawHoos2015ablation,
109149 @incollection{FonPaqLop06:hypervolume,
110150 author = fonseca # and # paquete # and # lopez-ibanez,
111 title = {An improved dimension\hspace{0pt}-\hspace{0pt}sweep
151 title = {An improved dimension-\hspace{0pt}sweep
112152 algorithm for the hypervolume indicator},
113153 crossref = {CEC2006},
114154 pages = {1157--1163},
133173 @incollection{HutHooLey2013lion,
134174 author = hutter # and # hoos # and # leyton-brown,
135 title = {Identifying key algorithm parameters and instance features
136 using forward selection},
175 title = {Identifying Key Algorithm Parameters and Instance Features
176 using Forward Selection},
137177 crossref = {LION2013},
138178 pages = {364--381},
139179 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-44973-4_40},
153193 @article{HutHooLeyStu2009jair,
154194 author = hutter # and # hoos # and # leyton-brown # and # stuetzle,
155 title = {{ParamILS:} An Automatic Algorithm Configuration
156 Framework},
195 title = {{\softwarepackage{ParamILS}:} An Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework},
157196 journal = jair,
158197 year = 2009,
159198 volume = 36,
160199 pages = {267--306},
161 month = oct
200 month = oct,
201 doi = {10.1613/jair.2861}
162202 }
164204 @techreport{IRIDIA-2004-001,
172212 @article{LopDubPerStuBir2016irace,
173213 author = lopez-ibanez # and # dubois-lacoste # and # perez_l # and # stuetzle # and # birattari,
174 title = {The {\Rpackage{irace}} package: Iterated Racing for Automatic
214 title = {The {\rpackage{irace}} Package: Iterated Racing for Automatic
175215 Algorithm Configuration},
176216 journal = orp,
177217 year = 2016,
184224 @techreport{LopDubStu2011irace,
185225 author = lopez-ibanez # and # dubois-lacoste # and # stuetzle # and # birattari,
186 title = {The {\Rpackage{irace}} package, Iterated Race for Automatic
226 title = {The {\rpackage{irace}} package, Iterated Race for Automatic
187227 Algorithm Configuration},
188228 institution = iridia,
189229 year = 2011,
229269 @incollection{PerLopHooStu2017:lion,
230270 author = perez_l # and # lopez-ibanez # and # hoos # and # stuetzle,
231 title = {An experimental study of adaptive capping in irace},
271 title = {An Experimental Study of Adaptive Capping in {\rpackage{irace}}},
232272 crossref = {LION2017},
233273 pages = {235--250},
234274 pdf = {PerLopHooStu2017lion.pdf},
235275 doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-69404-7_17},
236276 supplement = {}
237 }
239 @manual{R:mlr,
240 title = {{\Rpackage{mlr}}: Machine Learning in \proglang{R}},
241 author = bischl_b # and # {Michel Lang and Jakob Bossek and Leonard Judt and Jakob Richter and Tobias Kuehn and Erich Studerus},
242 year = 2013,
243 note = {\proglang{R} package},
244 url = {}
245277 }
247279 @incollection{SchHoo2012quanti,
250282 crossref = {LION2012},
251283 keywords = {Quantifying Homogeneity; Empirical Analysis;
252284 Parameter Optimization; Algorithm Configuration},
253 author = schneider # and # hoos,
285 author = schneider_m # and # hoos,
254286 pages = {190--204},
255287 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-34413-8_14}
256288 }
258290 @book{AAAI2017,
259 booktitle = {AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
291 booktitle = aaai,
260292 editor = {Satinder P. Singh and Shaul Markovitch},
261293 title = {Proceedings of the Thirty-First {AAAI} Conference on
262294 Artificial Intelligence, February 4-9, 2017, San Francisco,
272304 booktitle = {Experimental Methods for the Analysis of
273305 Optimization Algorithms},
274306 publisher = springer,
275 address = springer-berlin-ad,
307 address = add-berlin,
276308 year = 2010,
277309 editor = bartz-beielstein # and # chiarandini # and # paquete # and # preuss_m
278310 }
291323 @proceedings{ICML2014,
292324 editor = {Xing, Eric P. and Jebara, Tony},
293 title = {Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Machine
325 title = {Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine
294326 Learning, {ICML} 2014, Beijing, China, 21-26 June 2014},
295 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Machine
296 Learning},
327 booktitle = icml2014,
297328 volume = 32,
298329 year = 2014,
299330 url = {}
306337 International Conference, LION 6},
307338 year = 2012,
308339 series = lncs,
309 publisher = springer-lncs,
340 publisher = springer,
341 address = add-heidelberg,
310342 editor = hamadi # and # schoenauer,
311343 volume = 7219
312344 }
320352 series = lncs,
321353 editor = pardalos # and # {G. Nicosia},
322354 volume = 7997,
323 publisher = springer-lncs
355 publisher = springer,
356 address = add-heidelberg
324357 }
326359 @book{LION2017,
vignettes/log-ablation.Rdata less more
Binary diff not shown
1111 \defparameter[c]{-{}-check}{check}{}%
1212 Check that the scenario and parameter definitions are correct and test the execution of the target algorithm. See \autoref{sec:execution}.
14 \defparameter[i]{-{}-init}{init}{}%
15 Initialize the working directory with the template config files. This copies the files in \code{\$IRACE_HOME/templates} to the working directory without overwriting the files with the same names as those of the template files.
1417 \defparameter[s]{scenarioFile}{scenario}{./scenario.txt}%
1518 File that contains the scenario setup and other irace options. All options listed in this section can be included in this file. See \IRACEHOME{/templates/} for an example. Relative file-system paths specified in the scenario file are relative to the scenario file itself.
6871 \subsection[Internal irace options]{Internal \irace options}
6972 \begin{description}
73 \defparameter{sampleInstances}{sample-instances}{1}%
74 Enable/disable the sampling of the training instances. If the option \parameter{sampleInstances} is disabled, the instances are used in the order provided in the \parameter{trainInstancesFile} or in the order they are read from the \parameter{trainInstancesDir} when\parameter{trainInstancesFile} is not provided. For more information about training instances see \autoref{sec:training}.
76 \defparameter{softRestart}{soft-restart}{1}%
77 Enable/disable the soft-restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. When a sampled configuration is \emph{similar} to its parent configuration, the probabilistic model of these configurations is soft restarted. The soft-restart mechanism is explained in the \irace paper~\citep{LopDubPerStuBir2016irace}. The similarity of categorical and ordinal parameters is given by the hamming distance, and the option \parameter{softRestartThreshold} defines the similarity of numerical parameters.
79 \defparameter{softRestartThreshold}{soft-restart-threshold}{}%
80 Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. By default, it is computed as $10^{-digits}$, where \parameter{digits} corresponds to the \irace option explained in this section.
7082 \defparameter{nbIterations}{iterations}{0}%
71 Minimum number of iterations to be executed. Each iteration involves the generation of new configurations and the use of racing to select the best configurations. By default (with 0), \irace calculates the minimum number of iterations as $\Niter = \lfloor 2 + \log_{2}\Nparam \rfloor$, where $\Nparam$ is the number of non-fixed parameters to be tuned. We recommend to use the default value.
83 Maximum number of iterations to be executed. Each iteration involves the generation of new configurations and the use of racing to select the best configurations. By default (with 0), \irace calculates a \emph{minimum} number of iterations as $\Niter = \lfloor 2 + \log_{2}\Nparam \rfloor$, where $\Nparam$ is the number of non-fixed parameters to be tuned. Setting this parameter may make \irace stop sooner than it should without using all the available budget. We recommend to use the default value.
7385 \defparameter{nbExperimentsPerIteration}{experiments-per-iteration}{0}%
7486 Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration. By default (when equal to 0), this value changes for each iteration and depends on the iteration index and the remaining budget. Further details are provided in the \irace paper~\citep{LopDubPerStuBir2016irace}.
7587 We recommend to use the default value.
77 \defparameter{sampleInstances}{sample-instances}{1}%
78 Enable/disable the sampling of the training instances. If the option \parameter{sampleInstances} is disabled, the instances are used in the order provided in the \parameter{trainInstancesFile} or in the order they are read from the \parameter{trainInstancesDir} when\parameter{trainInstancesFile} is not provided. For more information about training instances see \autoref{sec:training}.
8089 \defparameter{minNbSurvival}{min-survival}{0}%
8190 Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration). If the number of configurations alive in the race is not larger than this value, the current iteration will stop and a new iteration will start, even if there is budget left to continue the current race. By default (when equal to 0), the value is calculated automatically as $\lfloor 2 + \log_{2}\Nparam \rfloor$, where $\Nparam$ is the number of non-fixed parameters to be tuned.
8796 \defparameter{mu}{mu}{5}%
8897 Parameter used to define the number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration. The number of configurations will be calculated such that there is enough budget in each race to evaluate all configurations on at least $\mu + \min(5,j)$ training instances, where $j$ is the index of the current iteration. The value of $\mu$ will be adjusted to never be lower than the value of \parameter{firstTest}. We recommend to use the default value and, if needed, adjust \parameter{firstTest}and \parameter{eachTest}, instead.
90 \defparameter{softRestart}{soft-restart}{1}%
91 Enable/disable the soft-restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. When a sampled configuration is \emph{similar} to its parent configuration, the probabilistic model of these configurations is soft restarted. The soft-restart mechanism is explained in the \irace paper~\citep{LopDubPerStuBir2016irace}. The similarity of categorical and ordinal parameters is given by the hamming distance, and the option \parameter{softRestartThreshold} defines the similarity of numerical parameters.
93 \defparameter{softRestartThreshold}{soft-restart-threshold}{}%
94 Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. By default, it is computed as $10^{-digits}$, where \parameter{digits} corresponds to the \irace option explained in this section.
9699 \end{description}
98101 \subsection[Target algorithm parameters]{Target algorithm parameters}
111114 \subsection[Target algorithm execution]{Target algorithm execution}
112115 \begin{description}
113116 \defparameter{targetRunner}{target-runner}{./target-runner}%
114 This option defines a script or an \aR function that evaluates a configuration of the target algorithm on a particular instance. See \autoref{sec:runner} for details.
117 Executable or \aR function that evaluates a configuration of the target algorithm on a particular instance. See \autoref{sec:runner} for details.
119 \defparameter{targetRunnerLauncher}{target-runner-launcher}{}%
120 Executable that will be used to launch the target runner, when \parameter{targetRunner} cannot be executed directly (.e.g, a Python script in Windows).
122 \defparameter{targetRunnerLauncherArgs}{target-runner-args}{{targetRunner} {targetRunnerArgs}}%
123 Command-line arguments provided to \parameter{targetRunnerLauncher}. The substrings \code{\{targetRunner\}} and \code{\{targetRunnerArgs\}} will be replaced by the value of the option \parameter{targetRunner} and by the arguments usually passed when calling \parameter{targetRunner}, respectively. Example: \code{"-m \{targetRunner\} --args \{targetRunnerArgs\}"}.
116125 \defparameter{targetRunnerRetries}{target-runner-retries}{0}%
117 Number of times to retry a call to \parameter{targetRunner} if the call failed.
126 Number of times to retry a call to \parameter{targetRunner} if the call failed.
119128 \defparameter{targetRunnerData}{}{}%
120129 Optional data passed to \parameter{targetRunner}. This is ignored by the default \parameter{targetRunner} function, but it may be used by custom \parameter{targetRunner} functions to pass persistent data around.
141150 Enable/disable use of \pkg{Rmpi} to execute the \parameter{targetRunner} in parallel using MPI protocol. When \parameter{mpi} is enabled, the option \parameter{parallel} is the number of slave nodes. See \autoref{sec:parallel}.
143152 \defparameter{batchmode}{batchmode}{0}%
144 Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when \parameter{targetRunner} submits jobs to a batch cluster: \code{sge}, \code{pbs}, \code{torque} or \code{slurm} (\parameter{targetRunner} must submit jobs to the cluster using. for example, \code{qsub}). See \autoref{sec:parallel}.
153 Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when \parameter{targetRunner} submits jobs to a batch cluster: \code{sge}, \code{pbs}, \code{torque}, \code{slurm} or \code{htcondor} (\parameter{targetRunner} must submit jobs to the cluster using. for example, \code{qsub}). See \autoref{sec:parallel}.
146155 \end{description}
180189 \defparameter{budgetEstimation}{budget-estimation}{0.02}%
181190 Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean execution time of a configuration. Only used when \parameter{maxTime} $> 0$. See \autoref{sec:budget}.
192 \defparameter{minMeasurableTime}{min-measurable-time}{0.01}%
193 Minimum time unit that is still (significantly) measureable.
183195 \end{description}
185197 \subsection[Statistical test]{Statistical test}
186198 \begin{description}
187 \defparameter{testType}{test-type}{F-test}%
199 \defparameter{testType}{test-type}{}%
188200 Specifies the statistical test used for elimination:
189201 \begin{itemize}
190202 \item[] \code{F-test} (Friedman test)
195207 We recommend to not use corrections for multiple comparisons because the test typically becomes too strict and the search stagnates.
196208 See \autoref{sec:stat test} for details about choosing the statistical test most appropriate for your scenario.
197209 \begin{xwarningbox}
198 The default setting of \parameter{testType} is \code{F-test} unless the \parameter{capping} option is enabled in which case, the default setting is defined as \code{t-test}.
210 The default setting of \parameter{testType} is \code{F-test} unless the \parameter{capping} option is enabled in which case, the default setting is \code{t-test}.
199211 \end{xwarningbox}
201213 \defparameter{firstTest}{first-test}{5}%