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/ readosm_internals.h
/ internal declarations
/ version  1.0, 2012 April 10
/ Author: Sandro Furieri
/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
/ The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
/ 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
/ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
/ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
/ for the specific language governing rights and limitations under theskip:
/ License.
/ The Original Code is the ReadOSM library
/ The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alessandro Furieri
/ Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2012
/ the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
/ Contributor(s):
/ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
/ either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
/ the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
/ in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
/ of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
/ under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
/ use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
/ decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
/ and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
/ the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
/ the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.

/* endianness */

/* magic signatures */
#define READOSM_MAGIC_START	945371767
#define READOSM_MAGIC_END	1472954381

/* file formats */

/* XML tags */

/* block size */
#define READOSM_BLOCK_SZ	128

typedef struct readosm_internal_tag_struct
/* a struct wrapping TAG items */
    char *key;			/* pointer to KEY value (NULL terminated string) */
    char *value;		/* pointer to VALUE (NULL terminated string) */
} readosm_internal_tag;

typedef struct readosm_internal_tag_block_struct
/* a struct wrapping a block of TAG items */
    readosm_internal_tag tags[READOSM_BLOCK_SZ];	/* array of Tags */
    int next_item;		/* index to next free (unused) item */
    struct readosm_internal_tag_block_struct *next;	/* supporting linked list */
} readosm_internal_tag_block;

typedef struct readosm_export_tag_struct
/* a struct intended to export TAG items */
    char *key;			/* pointer to KEY value (NULL terminated string) */
    char *value;		/* pointer to VALUE (NULL terminated string) */
} readosm_export_tag;

typedef struct readosm_internal_node_struct
/* a struct wrapping NODE items */
    long long id;		/* NODE-ID (unique value) */
    double latitude;		/* geographic latitude */
    double longitude;		/* geographic longitude */
    int version;		/* version id */
    long long changeset;	/* changeset id */
    char *user;			/* pointer to user name (NULL terminated string) */
    int uid;			/* uid identifying the user */
    char *timestamp;		/* last modified timestamp */
    int tag_count;		/* how many TAG items are there */
    readosm_internal_tag_block first_tag;	/* pointers supporting a linked list */
    readosm_internal_tag_block *last_tag;	/* of TAG blocks (first block is static) */
} readosm_internal_node;

typedef struct readosm_export_node_struct
/* a struct intended to export NODE items */
    long long id;		/* NODE-ID (unique value) */
    double latitude;		/* geographic latitude */
    double longitude;		/* geographic longitude */
    int version;		/* version id */
    long long changeset;	/* changeset id */
    char *user;			/* pointer to user name (NULL terminated string) */
    int uid;			/* uid identifying the user */
    char *timestamp;		/* last modified timestamp */
    int tag_count;		/* how many TAG items are there */
    readosm_export_tag *tags;	/* array of TAG items */
} readosm_export_node;

typedef struct readosm_internal_ref_struct
/* a block of WAY-ND items */
    long long node_refs[READOSM_BLOCK_SZ];	/* referenced NODE-ID array */
    int next_item;		/* index to next free (unused) item */
    struct readosm_internal_ref_struct *next;	/* supporting linked list */
} readosm_internal_ref;

typedef struct readosm_internal_way_struct
/* a struct wrapping WAY items */
    long long id;		/* WAY-ID (unique value) */
    int version;		/* version id */
    long long changeset;	/* changeset id */
    char *user;			/* pointer to user name (NULL terminated string) */
    int uid;			/* uid identifying the user */
    char *timestamp;		/* last modified timestamp */
    int ref_count;		/* how many WAY-ND items are there */
    readosm_internal_ref first_ref;	/* pointers supporting a linked list */
    readosm_internal_ref *last_ref;	/* of WAY-ND items (first block is static) */
    int tag_count;		/* how many TAG items are there */
    readosm_internal_tag_block first_tag;	/* pointers supporting a linked list */
    readosm_internal_tag_block *last_tag;	/* of TAG blocks (first block is static) */
} readosm_internal_way;

typedef struct readosm_export_way_struct
/* a struct intended to export WAY items */
    long long id;		/* WAY-ID (unique value) */
    int version;		/* version id */
    long long changeset;	/* changeset id */
    char *user;			/* pointer to user name (NULL terminated string) */
    int uid;			/* uid identifying the user */
    char *timestamp;		/* last modified timestamp */
    int node_ref_count;		/* how many WAY-ND items are there */
    long long *node_refs;	/* array of WAY-ND items */
    int tag_count;		/* how many TAG items are there */
    readosm_export_tag *tags;	/* array of TAG items */
} readosm_export_way;

typedef struct readosm_internal_member_struct
/* a struct wrapping RELATION-MEMBER items */
    int member_type;		/* member type [some READOSM_MEMBER_xx constant] */
    long long id;		/* ID of the referenced object */
    char *role;			/* pointer to role value (NULL terminated string) */
} readosm_internal_member;

typedef struct readosm_internal_member_block_struct
/* a block of RELATION-MEMBER items */
    readosm_internal_member members[READOSM_BLOCK_SZ];	/* array of MEMBERs */
    int next_item;		/* index to next free (unused) item */
    struct readosm_internal_member_block_struct *next;	/* supporting linked list */
} readosm_internal_member_block;

typedef struct readosm_export_member_struct
/* a struct intended to export RELATION-MEMBER items */
    int member_type;		/* member type [some READOSM_MEMBER_xx constant] */
    long long id;		/* ID of the referenced object */
    char *role;			/* pointer to role value (NULL terminated string) */
} readosm_export_member;

typedef struct readosm_internal_relation_struct
/* a struct wrapping RELATION items */
    long long id;		/* RELATION-ID (unique value) */
    int version;		/* version id */
    long long changeset;	/* changeset id */
    char *user;			/* pointer to user name (NULL terminated string) */
    int uid;			/* uid identifying the user */
    char *timestamp;		/* last modified timestamp */
    int member_count;		/* how many RELATION-MEMBER items are there */
    readosm_internal_member_block first_member;	/* pointers supporting a linked list */
    readosm_internal_member_block *last_member;	/* of RELATION-MEMBER items (first block is static) */
    int tag_count;		/* how many TAG items are there */
    readosm_internal_tag_block first_tag;	/* pointers supporting a linked list */
    readosm_internal_tag_block *last_tag;	/* of TAG-blocks (first block is static) */
} readosm_internal_relation;

typedef struct readosm_export_relation_struct
/* a struct intended to export RELATION objects */
    long long id;		/* RELATION-ID (unique value) */
    int version;		/* version id */
    long long changeset;	/* changeset id */
    char *user;			/* pointer to user name (NULL terminated string) */
    int uid;			/* uid identifying the user */
    char *timestamp;		/* last modified timestamp */
    int member_count;		/* how many RELATION-MEMBER items are there */
    readosm_export_member *members;	/* array of RELATION-MEMBER items */
    int tag_count;		/* how many TAG items are there */
    readosm_export_tag *tags;	/* array of TAG items */
} readosm_export_relation;

typedef union readosm_endian4_union
/* a union used for 32 bit ints [cross-endian] */
    unsigned char bytes[4];	/* raw byte buffer */
    int int32_value;		/* signed int32 */
    unsigned int uint32_value;	/* unsigned int32 */
    float float_value;		/* floating point, single precision */
} readosm_endian4;

typedef union readosm_endian8_union
/* a union used for 64 bit ints [cross-endian] */
    unsigned char bytes[8];	/* raw byte buffer */
    long long int64_value;	/* signed int64 */
    unsigned long long uint64_value;	/* unsigned int64 */
    double double_value;	/* floating point, double precision */
} readosm_endian8;

typedef struct readosm_file_struct
/* a struct representing an OSM input file */
    int magic1;			/* magic signature #1 */
    FILE *in;			/* file handle */
    int file_format;		/* the actual file format */
    char little_endian_cpu;	/* actual CPU endianness */
    int magic2;			/* magic signature #2 */
} readosm_file;

/* functions handling common OSM objects */
READOSM_PRIVATE void release_internal_tag_block (readosm_internal_tag_block *
						 tag_block, int destroy);
release_internal_member_block (readosm_internal_member_block * member_block,
			       int destroy);
READOSM_PRIVATE void init_internal_node (readosm_internal_node * node);
READOSM_PRIVATE void append_tag_to_node (readosm_internal_node * node,
					 const char *key, const char *value);
READOSM_PRIVATE void destroy_internal_node (readosm_internal_node * node);
READOSM_PRIVATE readosm_internal_way *alloc_internal_way (void);
READOSM_PRIVATE void append_reference_to_way (readosm_internal_way * way,
					      long long node_ref);
READOSM_PRIVATE void append_tag_to_way (readosm_internal_way * way,
					const char *key, const char *value);
READOSM_PRIVATE void destroy_internal_way (readosm_internal_way * way);
READOSM_PRIVATE readosm_internal_relation *alloc_internal_relation (void);
READOSM_PRIVATE void append_member_to_relation (readosm_internal_relation *
						relation, int type,
						long long id, const char *role);
READOSM_PRIVATE void append_tag_to_relation (readosm_internal_relation *
					     relation, const char *key,
					     const char *value);
READOSM_PRIVATE void destroy_internal_relation (readosm_internal_relation *

/* XML and ProtoBuf parsers */
READOSM_PRIVATE int parse_osm_pbf (readosm_file * input, const void *user_data,
				   readosm_node_callback node_fnct,
				   readosm_way_callback way_fnct,
				   readosm_relation_callback relation_fnct);
READOSM_PRIVATE int parse_osm_xml (readosm_file * input, const void *user_data,
				   readosm_node_callback node_fnct,
				   readosm_way_callback way_fnct,
				   readosm_relation_callback relation_fnct);

/* callback handlers */
READOSM_PRIVATE int call_node_callback (readosm_node_callback node_callback,
					const void *user_data,
					readosm_internal_node * node);
READOSM_PRIVATE int call_way_callback (readosm_way_callback way_callback,
				       const void *user_data,
				       readosm_internal_way * way);
READOSM_PRIVATE int call_relation_callback (readosm_relation_callback
					    const void *user_data,
					    readosm_internal_relation *