Codebase list roary / 555836d
Merge tag 'debian/3.6.2+dfsg-1' into debian/jessie-backports roary Debian release 3.6.2+dfsg-1 Afif Elghraoui 7 years ago
7 changed file(s) with 28 addition(s) and 8 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2121 If the installation fails please contact your system administrator. If you encounter a bug please let us know by emailing .
2323 ##Ubuntu/Debian
24 All the dependancies can be installed using apt and cpanm (tested on Ubuntu 14.04). Root permissions are required.
24 ### Ubuntu 16.04
26 ```
27 sudo apt-get install roary
28 ```
30 ###Ubuntu 14.04
31 All the dependancies can be installed using apt and cpanm. Root permissions are required.
2633 ```
2734 sudo apt-get install bedtools cd-hit ncbi-blast+ mcl parallel cpanminus prank mafft fasttree
2835 sudo cpanm -f Bio::Roary
29 ```
36 ```
3138 ###Ubuntu 12.04
3239 Some of the software versions in apt are quite old so follow the instructions for [LinuxBrew]( below.
0 roary (3.6.2+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
2 * New upstream release.
3 * Drop patches applied by upstream.
5 -- Sascha Steinbiss <> Tue, 10 May 2016 21:30:25 +0000
07 roary (3.6.1+dfsg-2~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
29 * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
11 The original code triggered a warning message in newer log4perl
22 versions, breaking the autopkgtest.
33 Author: Sascha Steinbiss <>
4 Forwarded:
45 --- a/lib/Bio/Roary/CommandLine/
56 +++ b/lib/Bio/Roary/CommandLine/
67 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
00 rename_R_script.patch
1 fix_log_message.patch
00 name = Bio-Roary
1 version = 3.6.1
1 version = 3.6.2
22 author = Andrew J. Page <>
33 license = GPL_3
44 copyright_holder = Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
1818 sub _build_logger
1919 {
2020 my ($self) = @_;
21 Log::Log4perl->easy_init(level => $ERROR);
21 Log::Log4perl->easy_init($ERROR);
2222 my $logger = get_logger();
2323 return $logger;
2424 }
5353 };
5555 no Moose;
56 1;
56 1;
8787 Bio::Roary::Exceptions::FileNotFound->throw( error => "Cant find blast results: " . $output_file )
8888 unless ( -e $output_file );
8989 }
90 my $output_files_param = join( ' ', @{$output_files} );
91 system( "cat $output_files_param > " . $self->blast_results_file_name );
90 if ( -e $self->blast_results_file_name )
91 {
92 system( "rm " . $self->blast_results_file_name );
93 }
94 system( "touch " . $self->blast_results_file_name );
95 for my $output_file ( @{$output_files} ) {
96 system( "cat $output_file >> " . $self->blast_results_file_name );
97 }
9298 return 1;
9399 }