Codebase list roary / 8b85bf7
New upstream version 3.7.1+dfsg Andreas Tille 7 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 18 addition(s) and 9 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1010 #
1111 # Pull in packages from testing
1212 #
13 RUN apt-get update -qq
15 #
16 # Install Roary
17 #
18 RUN apt-get install roary
13 RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y roary
1515 * Ubuntu/Debian
1616 * CentOS/RedHat
1717 * Homebrew/Linuxbrew - OSX/Linux
18 * Guix - Linux
19 * Virtual Machine - OSX/Linux/Windows
20 * Docker
1821 * Installing from source - OSX/Linux
19 * Virtual Machine - OSX/Linux/Windows
2123 If the installation fails please contact your system administrator. If you encounter a bug please let us know by emailing .
6567 More importantly though, if your trying to do bioinformatics on Windows, your not going to get very far and you should seriously consider upgrading to Linux.
69 ##Docker
70 We have a docker container which gets automatically built from the latest version of Roary in Debian Med. To install it:
72 ```
73 docker pull sangerpathogens/roary
74 ```
76 To use it you would use a command such as this (substituting in your directories), where your GFF files are assumed to be stored in /home/ubuntu/data:
77 ```
78 docker run --rm -it -v /home/ubuntu/data:/data sangerpathogens/roary roary -f /data /data/*.gff
79 ```
6781 ##Installing from source (advanced Linux users only)
6882 As a last resort you can install everything from source. This is for users with advanced Linux skills and we do not provide any support with this method since you have the skills to figure things out.
6983 Download the latest software from (
00 package Bio::Roary::AnnotateGroups;
2 # ABSTRACT: Take in a group file and assosiated GFF files for the isolates and update the group name to the gene name
2 # ABSTRACT: Take in a group file and associated GFF files for the isolates and update the group name to the gene name
44 =head1 SYNOPSIS
6 Take in a group file and assosiated GFF files for the isolates and update the group name to the gene name
6 Take in a group file and associated GFF files for the isolates and update the group name to the gene name
77 use Bio::Roary::AnnotateGroups;
99 my $obj = Bio::Roary::AnnotateGroups->new(