Codebase list ros-bloom / 0b9791e
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.6.5' Update to upstream version '0.6.5' with Debian dir 23b81bf2d659d480c53823f915951c920bcaab00 Jochen Sprickerhof 5 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 33 addition(s) and 9 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 language: python
11 python:
22 - "2.7"
3 - "3.3"
3 - "3.4"
4 - "3.6"
45 # command to install dependencies
56 install:
67 - pip install PyYAML argparse rosdep vcstools catkin-pkg python-dateutil setuptools
0 0.6.5 (2018-06-25 07:00:00 -0800)
1 ---------------------------------
2 - Added injection of vendor typesupport packages into build deps for ROS 2. `#475 <>`_
3 - Updated message wording. `#471 <>`_
4 - Updated tested python versions. `#466 <>`_
06 0.6.4 (2018-03-20 13:15:00 -0800)
17 ---------------------------------
28 - Fixed use of non-dependency library. `#468 <>`_
346346 default_distro, default_release = get_most_recent('release', repository)
347347 default_release_repo_url = default_release.url if default_release else "press enter to abort"
348348 if default_distro is not None:
349 warning("A previous distribution, '{0}', released this repository.".format(default_distro))
349 warning("A different distribution, '{0}', released this repository.".format(default_distro))
350350 else:
351351 warning("No reasonable default release repository url could be determined from previous releases.")
352352 while True:
8686 )
8787 subs['Package'] = rosify_package_name(subs['Package'], self.rosdistro)
89 # XXX Add workspace package to runtime and buildtime dependencies for ROS 2 only.
90 if self.rosdistro in ['r2b2', 'r2b3', 'ardent', 'bouncy'] and \
91 not in ['ament_cmake_core', 'ament_package', 'ros_workspace']:
92 workspace_pkg_name = rosify_package_name('ros-workspace', self.rosdistro)
93 subs['BuildDepends'].append(workspace_pkg_name)
94 subs['Depends'].append(workspace_pkg_name)
89 # ROS 2 specific bloom extensions.
90 # TODO(nuclearsandwich) explore other ways to enable these extensions, reduce their necessity,
91 # or make them configurable rather than relying on distro names.
92 if self.rosdistro in ['r2b2', 'r2b3', 'ardent', 'bouncy']:
93 # Add ros-workspace package as a dependency to any package other
94 # than ros_workspace and its dependencies.
95 if not in ['ament_cmake_core', 'ament_package', 'ros_workspace']:
96 workspace_pkg_name = rosify_package_name('ros-workspace', self.rosdistro)
97 subs['BuildDepends'].append(workspace_pkg_name)
98 subs['Depends'].append(workspace_pkg_name)
100 # Add vendor typesupport packages to build dependencies for rosidl_interface_packages.
101 if self.rosdistro in ['bouncy'] and \
102 'rosidl_interface_packages' in [ for p in package.member_of_groups]:
104 'rosidl-typesupport-connext-c',
105 'rosidl-typesupport-connext-cpp',
106 'rosidl-typesupport-opensplice-c',
107 'rosidl-typesupport-opensplice-cpp',
108 ]
110 subs['BuildDepends'] += [
111 rosify_package_name(name, self.rosdistro) for name in ROS2_VENDOR_TYPESUPPORT_PACKAGES]
95112 return subs
97114 def generate_branching_arguments(self, package, branch):
2222 setup(
2323 name='bloom',
24 version='0.6.4',
24 version='0.6.5',
2525 packages=find_packages(exclude=['test', 'test.*']),
2626 package_data={
2727 'bloom.generators.debian': [