Codebase list ros-bloom / 7ae1b68
conditionally pin PyYAML on Python 3.4 Tully Foote authored 4 years ago GitHub committed 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
44 - "3.6"
55 # command to install dependencies
66 install:
7 - pip install PyYAML==5.2 # Forcing PyYAML 5.2 while we retain Python 3.4 support PyYAML 5.3 and higher does not support python 3.4
8 - pip install argparse rosdep vcstools catkin-pkg python-dateutil setuptools
7 - if [ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == "3.4" ]; then pip install PyYAML==5.2; fi # Forcing PyYAML 5.2 while we retain Python 3.4 support PyYAML 5.3 and higher does not support python 3.4
8 - pip install PyYAML argparse rosdep vcstools catkin-pkg python-dateutil setuptools
99 - pip install nose coverage pep8
1010 - git clone /tmp/empy
1111 - cd /tmp/empy