Codebase list ros-genmsg / f3c1b14
Imported Upstream version 0.5.7 Jochen Sprickerhof 7 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 27 addition(s) and 28 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
.hgignore less more
0 syntax: glob
1 *.orig
2 *.swp
3 *.pyc
4 *.DS_Store
5 *~
6 *.log
8 .coverage
9 nosetests.xml
10 syntax: regexp
11 (target|build|dist)/.*
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package genmsg
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 0.5.7 (2016-03-04)
5 ------------------
6 * find_package(catkin) and add run dependency on catkin (`#61 <>`_)
7 * improve readability of error message
8 * fix doc for BASE_DIR in add\_*_files (`#59 <>`_)
9 * fix some more minor typos (`#56 <>`_, `#57 <>`_)
411 0.5.6 (2014-10-13)
512 ------------------
77 # set destination for langs
88 set(GENMSG_LANGS_DESTINATION "etc/ros/genmsg")
10 # We need various macros and variables that are provided by catkin
11 find_package(catkin REQUIRED)
1013 @[if DEVELSPACE]@
1114 # bin dir variables in develspace
266269 list(APPEND handled_deps ${dep})
268271 if(NOT ${dep}_FOUND AND NOT ${dep}_SOURCE_DIR)
269 message(FATAL_ERROR "Messages depends on unknown pkg: ${dep} (Missing find_package(${dep}?))")
272 message(FATAL_ERROR "Messages depends on unknown pkg: ${dep} (Missing 'find_package(${dep})'?)")
270273 endif()
272275 unset(_dep_msg_paths_file CACHE)
130130 # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
131131 # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
132132 # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
133 html_static_path = ['_static']
133 html_static_path = []
135135 # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
136136 # using the given strftime format.
255255 # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
256256 intersphinx_mapping = {
257257 'genmsg': ('', None),
258 'vcstools': ('', None),
259 'rosinstall': ('', None),
260 'rospkg': ('', None),
261 'rosdep2': ('', None),
258 'vcstools': ('', None),
259 'rosinstall': ('', None),
260 'rospkg': ('', None),
261 'rosdep2': ('', None),
262262 }
00 User macro reference
11 ====================
3 .. cmake:macro:: add_message_files(DIRECTORY dir FILES file1 [file2...] [PACKAGE pkgname] [NOINSTALL])
3 .. cmake:macro:: add_message_files(DIRECTORY dir FILES file1 [file2...] [BASE_DIR base_dir] [NOINSTALL])
55 :param DIRECTORY: Directory containing messages. May be absolute or
6 relative to ``CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR``.
6 relative to ``CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR``. The name will also be used as the install folder as
7 `share/<pkgname>/<DIRECTORY>`. Default is `msg`.
78 :param FILES: Files containing messages, relative to `msgdir`
8 :param PACKAGE: Optional alternate packagename (if the current project doesn't match the
9 desired namespace for the messages)
9 :param BASE_DIR: Absolute path used and only used as an alternate source message folder. Has
10 precedence over DIRECTORY. Only used by `add_action_files()`.
1011 :param NOINSTALL: Do not automatically install the messages to the package's share/ directory.
1213 Register the listed files as requiring message generation and installation.
00 <?xml version="1.0"?>
11 <package>
22 <name>genmsg</name>
3 <version>0.5.6</version>
3 <version>0.5.7</version>
44 <description>
55 Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
66 </description>
1616 <author>Ken Conley</author>
1818 <buildtool_depend version_gte="0.5.74">catkin</buildtool_depend>
19 <run_depend>catkin</run_depend>
2021 <export>
2122 <rosdoc config="rosdoc.yaml"/>
159159 Compute the full type name of message/service 'pkg/type'.
161161 :param package_name: name of package file is in, ``str``
162 :file_name: name of the msg og srv file, ``str``
162 :file_name: name of the msg or srv file, ``str``
163163 :returns: typename in format 'pkg/type'
164164 :raises: :exc:`MsgGenerationException` if file_name ends with an unknown file extension
165165 """
234234 def __init__(self, types, names, constants, text, full_name, package = '', short_name = ''):
235235 """
236 :param types: list of field types, in order of declaration, ``[str]]``
237 :param names: list of field names, in order of declaration, ``[str]]``
236 :param types: list of field types, in order of declaration, ``[str]``
237 :param names: list of field names, in order of declaration, ``[str]``
238238 :param constants: List of :class:`Constant` declarations, ``[Constant]``
239 :param text: text of declaration, ``str`
239 :param text: text of declaration, ``str``
240240 :raises: :exc:`InvalidMsgSpec` If spec is invalid (e.g. fields with the same name)
241241 """
242242 alt_package, alt_short_name = package_resource_name(full_name)