Codebase list ros-ros / 770d708
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.15.7' Update to upstream version '1.15.7' with Debian dir e9c36541ffab8d6bac3b685bd2ae12465e51f6ab Jochen Sprickerhof 3 years ago
24 changed file(s) with 89 addition(s) and 56 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package mk
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
00 <package>
11 <name>mk</name>
2 <version>1.15.6</version>
2 <version>1.15.7</version>
33 <description>
44 A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements.
55 Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package.
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package rosbuild
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
00 <package>
11 <name>rosbuild</name>
2 <version>1.15.6</version>
2 <version>1.15.7</version>
33 <description>
44 rosbuild contains scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS.
55 </description>
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package roslang
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
00 <package>
11 <name>roslang</name>
2 <version>1.15.6</version>
2 <version>1.15.7</version>
33 <description>
44 roslang is a common package that all <a href="">ROS client libraries</a> depend on.
55 This is mainly used to find client libraries (via 'rospack depends-on1 roslang').
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package roslib
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
33 schematypens=""?>
44 <package format="3">
55 <name>roslib</name>
6 <version>1.15.6</version>
6 <version>1.15.7</version>
77 <description>
88 Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS.
99 roslib contains many of the common data structures and tools that are shared across ROS client library implementations.
00 <package>
11 <name>ros</name>
2 <version>1.15.6</version>
2 <version>1.15.7</version>
33 <description>ROS packaging system</description>
44 <maintainer email="">Dirk Thomas</maintainer>
55 <license>BSD</license>
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package rosbash
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
6 * add trailing := to roslaunch args:=value completion (`#259 <>`_)
7 * add quoting to prevent unwanted globbing and word splitting in rosbash (`#269 <>`_)
8 * fix ros_location_find with Python 3 (`#270 <>`_)
410 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
511 -------------------
00 <package>
11 <name>rosbash</name>
2 <version>1.15.6</version>
2 <version>1.15.7</version>
33 <description>
44 Assorted shell commands for using ros with bash.
55 </description>
4444 return 0
4545 fi
47 loc=$(export ROS_CACHE_TIMEOUT=-1.0 && rospack find $1 2> /dev/null)
47 loc=$(export ROS_CACHE_TIMEOUT=-1.0 && rospack find "$1" 2> /dev/null)
4848 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
49 loc=$(export ROS_CACHE_TIMEOUT=-1.0 && rosstack find $1 2> /dev/null)
49 loc=$(export ROS_CACHE_TIMEOUT=-1.0 && rosstack find "$1" 2> /dev/null)
5050 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
5151 return 1
5252 fi
53 echo $loc
53 echo "$loc"
5454 return 0
5555 fi
56 echo $loc
56 echo "$loc"
5757 return 0
5858 }
6969 function _ros_package_find {
7070 local loc
71 loc=$(export ROS_CACHE_TIMEOUT=-1.0 && rospack find $1 2> /dev/null)
71 loc=$(export ROS_CACHE_TIMEOUT=-1.0 && rospack find "$1" 2> /dev/null)
7272 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
7373 return 1
7474 fi
9696 function _ros_decode_path {
9797 local rosname rosdir reldir last
9898 rosvals=()
99 if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
99 if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
100100 return 0
101101 fi
106106 last=${reldir##*/}
107107 reldir=${reldir%/*}/
108108 else
109 rosname=$1
110 if [[ -z $2 || $2 != "forceeval" ]]; then
111 rosvals=(${rosname})
109 rosname="$1"
110 if [[ -z "$2" || "$2" != "forceeval" ]]; then
111 rosvals=("${rosname}")
112112 return 1
113113 fi
114114 fi
116 rosdir=$(_ros_location_find $rosname)
116 rosdir=$(_ros_location_find "$rosname")
117117 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
118 rosvals=(${rosname})
118 rosvals=("${rosname}")
119119 return 1
120120 fi
122 rosvals=(${rosname} ${rosdir} ${reldir} ${last})
122 rosvals=("${rosname}" "${rosdir}" "${reldir}" "${last}")
123123 }
125125 function rospython {
128128 echo -e "usage: rospython [package] \n\nRun python loading package manifest first."
129129 return 0
130130 fi
131 if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
131 if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
132132 if [[ -f ./manifest.xml ]]; then
133 pkgname=$(basename $(pwd))
133 pkgname=$(basename "$(pwd)")
134134 python -i -c "import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('$pkgname')"
135135 else
136136 python
146146 echo -e "usage: roscd package\n\nJump to target package."
147147 return 0
148148 fi
149 if [ -z $1 ]; then
149 if [ -z "$1" ]; then
150150 if [ ! -z $ROS_WORKSPACE ]; then
151151 cd ${ROS_WORKSPACE}
152152 return 0
154154 if [ ! -z $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ]; then
155155 IFS=":" read -a workspaces <<< "$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"
156156 for ws in "${workspaces[@]}"; do
157 if [ -f $ws/.catkin ]; then
158 cd ${ws}
157 if [ -f "$ws/.catkin" ]; then
158 cd "${ws}"
159159 return 0
160160 fi
161161 done
164164 return 1
165165 fi
167 _ros_decode_path $1 forceeval
167 _ros_decode_path "$1" forceeval
168168 if [ $? != 0 ]; then
169169 echo "roscd: No such package/stack '$1'"
170170 return 1
176176 cd ${ROS_WORKSPACE}
177177 return 0
178178 else
179 cd ${rosvals[1]}${rosvals[2]}${rosvals[3]}
179 cd "${rosvals[1]}${rosvals[2]}${rosvals[3]}"
180180 return 0
181181 fi
182182 }
204204 echo -e "usage: rospd\n\nLike pushd, also accepts indexes from rosd."
205205 return 0
206206 fi
207 if _is_integer $1; then
208 pushd +$1 > /dev/null ;
207 if _is_integer "$1"; then
208 pushd "+$1" > /dev/null ;
209209 else
210210 local rosvals
211 _ros_decode_path $1 forceeval
211 _ros_decode_path "$1" forceeval
212212 if [ $? != 0 ] && [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
213213 echo "rospd: No such package/stack '$1'"
214214 return 1
215215 fi
216 pushd ${rosvals[1]}${rosvals[2]}${rosvals[3]} > /dev/null ;
216 pushd "${rosvals[1]}${rosvals[2]}${rosvals[3]}" > /dev/null ;
217217 fi
218218 rosd
219219 }
224224 echo -e "usage: rosls [package]\n\nLists contents of a package directory."
225225 return 0
226226 fi
227 _ros_decode_path $1 forceeval
228 ls ${rosvals[1]}${rosvals[2]}${rosvals[3]} $2
227 _ros_decode_path "$1" forceeval
228 ls "${rosvals[1]}${rosvals[2]}${rosvals[3]}"
229229 }
231231 function rosmv {
236236 return 0
237237 fi
238238 if [[ $1 = "-d" ]]; then
239 _ros_decode_path ${2} forceeval
239 _ros_decode_path "${2}" forceeval
240240 pic="${rosvals[1]}${rosvals[2]}${rosvals[3]}"
241 mv -t ${3} ${pic}
242 else
243 _roscmd ${1} ${2}
244 mv ${arg} ${3}
241 mv -t "${3}" "${pic}"
242 else
243 _roscmd "${1}" "${2}"
244 mv "${arg}" "${3}"
245245 fi
246246 }
251251 if [[ -n $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ]]; then
252252 catkin_package_libexec_dir=$(catkin_find --first-only --without-underlays --libexec $1 2> /dev/null)
253253 fi
254 pkgdir=$(_ros_package_find $1)
254 pkgdir=$(_ros_package_find "$1")
255255 if [[ -z $catkin_package_libexec_dir && -z $pkgdir ]]; then
256256 echo "Couldn't find package [$1]"
257257 return 1
278278 echo -e "usage: rosed [package] [file]\n\nEdit a file within a package."
279279 return 0
280280 fi
281 _roscmd ${1} ${2}
281 _roscmd "${1}" "${2}"
282282 if [[ -n ${arg} ]]; then
283283 if [[ -z $EDITOR ]]; then
284 vim ${arg}
284 vim "${arg}"
285285 else
286 $EDITOR ${arg}
286 $EDITOR "${arg}"
287287 fi
288288 fi
289289 }
294294 echo -e "usage: roscp package filename target\n\nCopy a file from a package to target location."
295295 return 0
296296 fi
297 _roscmd ${1} ${2}
298 cp ${arg} ${3}
297 _roscmd "${1}" "${2}"
298 cp "${arg}" "${3}"
299299 }
301301 function roscat {
304304 echo -e "usage: roscat [package] [file]\n\nDisplay a file content within a package."
305305 [[ $1 = "--help" ]] && return 0 || return 1
306306 fi
307 _roscmd ${1} ${2}
307 _roscmd "${1}" "${2}"
308308 [ $? -eq 1 ] && return 1
309309 if [[ -n ${arg} ]]; then
310310 if [[ -z $CATTER ]]; then
311 cat ${arg}
311 cat "${arg}"
312312 else
313 $CATTER ${arg}
313 $CATTER "${arg}"
314314 fi
315315 fi
316316 }
348348 COMPREPLY=()
349349 arg="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
350350 _ros_decode_path ${arg}
351 if [[ -z ${rosvals[2]} ]]; then
351 if [[ -z "${rosvals[2]}" ]]; then
352352 opts=$(_ros_list_locations)
353353 _rosbash_roscomplete_sub_dir_IFS="$IFS"
354354 IFS=$'\n'
840840 compctl -f -x 'p[1]' -K "_roscomplete" - 'p[2]' -K _roscomplete_file -- "rosed" "roscp" "roscat"
841841 compctl -f -x 'p[1]' -K "_roscomplete_filemv" -- "rosmv"
842842 compctl -f -x 'S[-]' -k '(--debug --prefix)' - 'c[-1,--prefix][-1,-p]' -h '' - 'p[1],c[-1,-d],c[-1,--debug],c[-2,-p],c[-2,--prefix]' -K "_roscomplete" - 'p[2],c[-2,-d],c[-2,--debug],c[-3,-p],c[-3,--prefix]' -K _roscomplete_exe -- "rosrun"
843 compctl -/g '*.(launch|test)' -x 'p[1]' -K "_roscomplete" -tx - 'p[2]' -K _roscomplete_launchfile - 'p[3,20]' -K _roscomplete_launchfile_args -- + -x 'S[--]' -k "(--files --args --nodes --find-node --child --local --screen --server_uri --run_id --wait --port --core --pid --dump-params --disable-title --help --numworkers --ros-args --skip-log-check --timeout)" -- "roslaunch"
843 compctl -/g '*.(launch|test)' -x 'p[1]' -K "_roscomplete" -tx - 'p[2]' -K _roscomplete_launchfile - 'p[3,20]' -K _roscomplete_launchfile_args -S ':=' -- + -x 'S[--]' -k "(--files --args --nodes --find-node --child --local --screen --server_uri --run_id --wait --port --core --pid --dump-params --disable-title --help --numworkers --ros-args --skip-log-check --timeout)" -- "roslaunch"
844844 compctl -/g '*.(launch|test)' -x 'p[1]' -K "_roscomplete" -tx - 'p[2]' -K _roscomplete_launchfile -- + -x 'S[--]' -k "(--bare --bare-limit --bare-name --pkgdir --package)" -- "rostest"
845845 compctl -K "_roscomplete_rospack" "rospack"
846846 compctl -K "_roscomplete_rosbag" + -g "*.bag *(/)" "rosbag"
2323 if package_name == 'log':
2424 p = subprocess.Popen('roslaunch-logs', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
25 result_location = p.communicate()[0].strip()
25 result_location = p.communicate()[0].decode().strip()
2626 result_code = p.returncode
2727 return result_code, result_location if result_code == 0 else ''
2929 if package_name == 'test_results':
3030 p = subprocess.Popen('rosrun.bat rosunit', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
31 result_location = p.communicate()[0].strip()
31 result_location = p.communicate()[0].decode().strip()
3232 result_code = p.returncode
3333 return result_code, result_location if result_code == 0 else ''
3636 env = os.environ
3737 env[ROS_CACHE_TIMEOUT_ENV_NAME] = '-1.0'
3838 p = subprocess.Popen(['rospack', 'find', package_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
39 result_location = p.communicate()[0].strip()
39 result_location = p.communicate()[0].decode().strip()
4040 result_code = p.returncode
4141 if result_code == 0:
4242 return result_code, result_location
4444 p = subprocess.Popen(['rosstack', 'find', package_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
45 result_location = p.communicate()[0].strip()
45 result_location = p.communicate()[0].decode().strip()
4646 result_code = p.returncode
4747 if result_code == 0:
4848 return result_code, result_location
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package rosboost_cfg
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
33 schematypens=""?>
44 <package format="3">
55 <name>rosboost_cfg</name>
6 <version>1.15.6</version>
6 <version>1.15.7</version>
77 <description>
88 Contains scripts used by the rosboost-cfg tool for determining cflags/lflags/etc. of boost on your system
99 </description>
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package rosclean
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
33 schematypens=""?>
44 <package format="3">
55 <name>rosclean</name>
6 <version>1.15.6</version>
6 <version>1.15.7</version>
77 <description>
88 rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files).
99 </description>
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package roscreate
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
33 schematypens=""?>
44 <package format="3">
55 <name>roscreate</name>
6 <version>1.15.6</version>
6 <version>1.15.7</version>
77 <description>
88 roscreate contains a tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources.
99 It provides: <tt>roscreate-pkg</tt>, which creates a new package directory,
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package rosmake
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
33 schematypens=""?>
44 <package format="3">
55 <name>rosmake</name>
6 <version>1.15.6</version>
6 <version>1.15.7</version>
77 <description>
88 rosmake is a ros dependency aware build tool which can be used to
99 build all dependencies in the correct order.
00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 Changelog for package rosunit
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 1.15.7 (2020-09-28)
5 -------------------
47 1.15.6 (2020-07-20)
58 -------------------
33 schematypens=""?>
44 <package format="3">
55 <name>rosunit</name>
6 <version>1.15.6</version>
6 <version>1.15.7</version>
77 <description>
88 Unit-testing package for ROS. This is a lower-level library for rostest and handles unit tests, whereas rostest handles integration tests.
99 </description>