Codebase list ros-vcstools / 77432ea
Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.36' Upstream version 0.1.36 Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda 9 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 37 addition(s) and 13 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1414 # precise
1515 - HG='2.0.2' BZR=2.5.0 GIT=v1.7.9.5 SVN=1.6.17 PYYAML=3.10
1616 # quantal
17 - HG='2.2.2' BZR=2.6.0~beta2 GIT=v1.7.10.4 SVN=1.7.5 PYYAML=3.10
17 - HG='2.2.2' BZR=2.6.0+bzr6595 GIT=v1.7.10.4 SVN=1.7.5 PYYAML=3.10
1818 # bzr 2.1.1 only builds with python 2.6
1919 matrix:
2020 exclude:
2727 before_install:
2828 - export REPO=`pwd`
2929 install:
30 - sudo apt-get update
3031 - sudo apt-get install -qq python3-yaml python3-dev
3132 - sudo apt-get install -qq libapr1 libapr1-dev libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dev libneon27 libneon27-dev libc6-dev g++ gcc
3233 - echo $PYTHONPATH
33 0.1
44 ===
6 0.1.36
7 ------
9 - Updates to the release platforms (-lucid +utopic +vivid)
10 - Fix an issue with updating branches on git, see vcstools/wstool#25
612 0.1.31
713 ------
0 version = '0.1.35'
0 version = '0.1.36'
268268 same_branch = True
269269 else:
270270 same_branch = (refname == branch_parent)
271 if not branch_parent:
272 # avoid checking branch parent again later
271 if same_branch and not branch_parent:
272 # avoid expensive checking branch parent again later
273273 fast_foward = False
274274 else:
275275 same_branch = False
1 Depends: subversion, mercurial, git-core, bzr, python-yaml, python-dateutil
2 Depends3: subversion, mercurial, git-core, bzr, python3-yaml
3 Suite: oneiric precise quantal raring saucy trusty utopic vivid wheezy jessie
4 X-Python3-Version: >= 3.2
stdeb2.cfg less more
1 Depends: subversion, mercurial, git-core, bzr, python-yaml, python-dateutil
2 Suite: lucid oneiric precise quantal raring saucy trusty wheezy jessie
3 XS-Python-Version: >= 2.6
stdeb3.cfg less more
1 Package: python3-vcstools
2 Depends: subversion, mercurial, git-core, bzr, python3-yaml
3 Suite: precise quantal raring saucy trusty wheezy jessie
4 X-Python3-Version: >= 3.3
304304 self.assertTrue(client.update(new_branch))
305305 self.assertEqual(client.get_branch(), new_branch)
306306 self.assertEqual(client.get_branch_parent(), new_branch)
308 def test_checkout_local_only_branch_and_update(self):
309 # prevent regression on wstool#25: no rebase after switching branch
310 url = self.remote_path
311 branch = "master"
312 client = GitClient(self.local_path)
313 self.assertFalse(client.path_exists())
314 self.assertFalse(client.detect_presence())
315 self.assertTrue(client.checkout(url, branch))
316 self.assertTrue(client.path_exists())
317 self.assertTrue(client.detect_presence())
318 self.assertTrue(client.is_local_branch(branch))
320 subprocess.check_call("git reset --hard HEAD~1", shell=True, cwd=self.local_path)
321 subprocess.check_call("git checkout -b new_local_branch", shell=True, cwd=self.local_path)
323 self.assertTrue(client.update(branch)) # same branch arg
324 self.assertEqual(client.get_branch(), branch)
325 self.assertEqual(client.get_version(), self.readonly_version)
326 self.assertEqual(client.get_branch_parent(), branch)
308329 def test_checkout_specific_tag_and_update(self):
309330 url = self.remote_path