Codebase list ruby-gitlab / 87adcfe lib / gitlab / client / runners.rb

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# frozen_string_literal: true

class Gitlab::Client
  # Defines methods related to runners.
  # @see
  module Runners
    # Get a list of specific runners available to the user.
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.runners
    #   Gitlab.runners(:active)
    #   Gitlab.runners(:paused)
    # @param  [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
    # @option options [String] :scope The scope of specific runners to show, one of: active, paused, online; showing all runners if none provided
    # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
    def runners(options = {})
      get('/runners', query: options)

    # Get a list of all runners in the GitLab instance (specific and shared). Access is restricted to users with admin privileges.
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.all_runners
    # @param  [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
    # @option options [String] :scope The scope of runners to show, one of: specific, shared, active, paused, online; showing all runners if none provided
    # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
    def all_runners(options = {})
      get('/runners/all', query: options)

    # Get details of a runner..
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.runner(42)
    # @param  [Integer, String] id The ID of a runner
    # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
    def runner(id)

    # Update details of a runner.
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.update_runner(42, { description: 'Awesome runner' })
    #   Gitlab.update_runner(42, { active: false })
    #   Gitlab.update_runner(42, { tag_list: [ 'awesome', 'runner' ] })
    # @param  [Integer, String] id The ID of a runner
    # @param  [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
    # @option options [String] :active The state of a runner; can be set to true or false.
    # @option options [String] :tag_list The list of tags for a runner; put array of tags, that should be finally assigned to a runner
    # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
    def update_runner(id, options = {})
      put("/runners/#{id}", query: options)

    # Remove a runner.
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.delete_runner(42)
    # @param  [Integer, String] id The ID of a runner
    # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
    def delete_runner(id)

    # Gets a list of Jobs for a Runner
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.runner_jobs(1)
    # @param  [Integer] id The ID of a runner.
    # @param  [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
    # @option options [String] :status Status of the job; one of: running, success, failed, canceled
    # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
    def runner_jobs(runner_id, options = {})
      get("/runners/#{url_encode runner_id}/jobs", query: options)

    # List all runners (specific and shared) available in the project. Shared runners are listed if at least one shared runner is defined and shared runners usage is enabled in the project's settings.
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.project_runners(42)
    # @param  [Integer, String] id The ID or name of a project.
    # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
    def project_runners(project_id)
      get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/runners")

    # Enable an available specific runner in the project.
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.project_enable_runner(2, 42)
    # @param  [Integer, String] id The ID or name of a project.
    # @param  [Integer, String] id The ID of a runner.
    # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
    def project_enable_runner(project_id, id)
      body = { runner_id: id }
      post("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/runners", body: body)

    # Disable a specific runner from the project. It works only if the project isn't the only project associated with the specified runner.
    # @see
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.project_disable_runner(2, 42)
    # @param  [Integer, String] id The ID or name of a project.
    # @param  [Integer, String] runner_id The ID of a runner.
    # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
    def project_disable_runner(id, runner_id)
      delete("/projects/#{url_encode id}/runners/#{runner_id}")

    # Register a new Runner for the instance.
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.register_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e')
    #   Gitlab.register_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e', description: 'Some Description', active: true, locked: false)
    # @param  [String] token Registration token.
    # @param  [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
    # @option options [String] :description Runner description.
    # @option options [Hash] :info Runner metadata.
    # @option options [Boolean] :active Whether the Runner is active.
    # @option options [Boolean] :locked Whether the Runner should be locked for current project.
    # @option options [Boolean] :run_untagged Whether the Runner should handle untagged jobs.
    # @option options [Array<String>] :tag_list List of Runner tags.
    # @option options [Integer] :maximum_timeout Maximum timeout set when this Runner will handle the job.
    # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash> Response against runner registration
    def register_runner(token, options = {})
      body = { token: token }.merge(options)
      post('/runners', body: body)

    # Deletes a registed Runner.
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.delete_registered_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e')
    # @param  [String] token Runner authentication token.
    # @return [nil] This API call returns an empty response body.
    def delete_registered_runner(token)
      body = { token: token }
      delete('/runners', body: body)

    # Validates authentication credentials for a registered Runner.
    # @example
    #   Gitlab.verify_auth_registered_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e')
    # @param  [String] token Runner authentication token.
    # @return [nil] This API call returns an empty response body.
    def verify_auth_registered_runner(token)
      body = { token: token }
      post('/runners/verify', body: body)