Codebase list ruby-gitlab / 87adcfe
New upstream version 4.14.1 Daniel Leidert 4 years ago
152 changed file(s) with 5292 addition(s) and 220 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 plugins:
1 rubocop:
2 enabled: true
0 # These are supported funding model platforms
2 github: NARKOZ
3 patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
4 open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
5 ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
6 tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
7 custom: # Replace with a single custom sponsorship URL
55 exemptLabels:
66 - pinned
77 - security
8 - contribution welcome
8 - help wanted
99 # Label to use when marking an issue as stale
1010 staleLabel: stale
1111 # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable
0 name: Ruby Gem
2 on:
3 push:
4 tags:
5 - v*
7 jobs:
8 build:
9 name: Build + Publish
10 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
11 steps:
12 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
13 - name: Set up Ruby 2.7
14 uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1
15 with:
16 version: 2.7
17 - name: Publish to RubyGems
18 run: |
19 mkdir -p $HOME/.gem
20 touch $HOME/.gem/credentials
21 chmod 0600 $HOME/.gem/credentials
22 printf -- "---\n:rubygems_api_key: ${GEM_HOST_API_KEY}\n" > $HOME/.gem/credentials
23 gem build *.gemspec
24 gem push *.gem
25 env:
0 name: Ruby
2 on:
3 push:
4 branches:
5 - master
6 pull_request:
7 branches:
8 - master
10 jobs:
11 build:
12 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
13 strategy:
14 matrix:
15 ruby:
16 - 2.5
17 - 2.6
18 - 2.7
19 name: Ruby ${{ matrix.ruby }} test
20 steps:
21 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
22 - name: Set up Ruby ${{ matrix.ruby }}
23 uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1
24 with:
25 ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby }}
26 - name: Build and test with Rake
27 run: |
28 gem install bundler --no-document
29 bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3
30 bundle exec rake
32 lint:
33 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
34 name: Rubocop lint
35 steps:
36 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
37 - name: Set up Ruby 2.5
38 uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1
39 with:
40 ruby-version: 2.5
41 - name: Lint with Rubocop
42 run: |
43 gem install bundler --no-document
44 bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3
45 bundle exec rake rubocop
00 ---
11 inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml
3 require: rubocop-performance
35 AllCops:
4 TargetRubyVersion: 2.3
6 TargetRubyVersion: 2.5
6 Metrics/LineLength:
7 Max: 125
8 Layout/LineLength:
9 Max: 123
810 Exclude:
911 - 'lib/gitlab/client/*'
1012 - 'spec/**/*'
2123 - 'lib/gitlab/*'
2224 - 'lib/gitlab/client/*'
24 Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment:
25 Exclude:
26 - 'spec/gitlab/file_response_spec.rb'
27 - 'spec/gitlab/help_spec.rb'
26 Lint/NonDeterministicRequireOrder:
27 Enabled: false
29 Style/SpecialGlobalVars:
30 Exclude:
31 - 'gitlab.gemspec'
29 Style/HashEachMethods:
30 Enabled: true
32 Style/HashTransformKeys:
33 Enabled: true
35 Style/HashTransformValues:
36 Enabled: true
00 # This configuration was generated by
11 # `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
2 # on 2018-10-10 10:25:27 +0400 using RuboCop version 0.59.2.
2 # on 2020-03-12 13:38:06 +0400 using RuboCop version 0.80.1.
33 # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
44 # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
55 # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
66 # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again.
8 # Offense count: 1
9 Lint/UriEscapeUnescape:
10 Exclude:
11 - 'lib/gitlab/client.rb'
13 # Offense count: 5
8 # Offense count: 4
149 Metrics/AbcSize:
1510 Max: 34
17 # Offense count: 4
12 # Offense count: 3
1813 Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity:
19 Max: 14
14 Max: 12
2116 # Offense count: 10
2217 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, ExcludedMethods.
2621 # Offense count: 2
2722 # Configuration parameters: CountComments.
2823 Metrics/ModuleLength:
29 Max: 165
24 Max: 156
3126 # Offense count: 2
3227 # Configuration parameters: CountKeywordArgs.
00 ---
11 language: ruby
22 rvm:
3 - 2.3
4 - 2.4
53 - 2.5
64 - 2.6
5 - 2.7
87 jobs:
98 include:
109 - stage: lint
11 rvm: 2.3
10 rvm: 2.5
1211 script: bundle exec rake rubocop
0 FROM ruby:2.5
0 FROM ruby:2.6
22 WORKDIR /app
44 # Specify your gem's dependencies in gitlab.gemspec
55 gemspec
7 gem 'pry'
8 gem 'rubocop'
9 gem 'rubocop-performance'
0 Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Nihad Abbasov <>
0 Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Nihad Abbasov <>
11 All rights reserved.
33 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00 # Gitlab
2 [![Build Status](](
2 [![Build Status](](
33 [![Maintainability](](
44 [![Inline docs](](
55 [![Gem version](](
66 [![License](](
88 [website]( |
9 [documentation]( |
9 [documentation]( |
1010 [gitlab-live](
1212 Gitlab is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for the [GitLab API](
13 As of version `4.0.0` this gem only supports Ruby 2.0+ and GitLab API v4.
13 As of version `4.0.0` this gem only supports GitLab API v4.
1515 ## Installation
4040 ```ruby
4141 Gitlab.configure do |config|
42 config.endpoint = '' # API endpoint URL, default: ENV['GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT']
42 config.endpoint = '' # API endpoint URL, default: ENV['GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT'] and falls back to ENV['CI_API_V4_URL']
4343 config.private_token = 'qEsq1pt6HJPaNciie3MG' # user's private token or OAuth2 access token, default: ENV['GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN']
4444 # Optional
4545 # config.user_agent = 'Custom User Agent' # user agent, default: 'Gitlab Ruby Gem [version]'
7171 Gitlab.projects(per_page: 5)
7272 # => [#<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash:0x000000023326e0 @data={"id"=>1, "code"=>"brute", "name"=>"Brute", "description"=>nil, "path"=>"brute", "default_branch"=>nil, "owner"=>#<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash:0x00000002331600 @data={"id"=>1, "email"=>"", "name"=>"John Smith", "blocked"=>false, "created_at"=>"2012-09-17T09:41:56Z"}>, "private"=>true, "issues_enabled"=>true, "merge_requests_enabled"=>true, "wall_enabled"=>true, "wiki_enabled"=>true, "created_at"=>"2012-09-17T09:41:56Z"}>, #<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash:0x000000023450d8 @data={"id"=>2, "code"=>"mozart", "name"=>"Mozart", "description"=>nil, "path"=>"mozart", "default_branch"=>nil, "owner"=>#<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash:0x00000002344ca0 @data={"id"=>1, "email"=>"", "name"=>"John Smith", "blocked"=>false, "created_at"=>"2012-09-17T09:41:56Z"}>, "private"=>true, "issues_enabled"=>true, "merge_requests_enabled"=>true, "wall_enabled"=>true, "wiki_enabled"=>true, "created_at"=>"2012-09-17T09:41:57Z"}>, #<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash:0x00000002344958 @data={"id"=>3, "code"=>"gitlab", "name"=>"Gitlab", "description"=>nil, "path"=>"gitlab", "default_branch"=>nil, "owner"=>#<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash:0x000000023447a0 @data={"id"=>1, "email"=>"", "name"=>"John Smith", "blocked"=>false, "created_at"=>"2012-09-17T09:41:56Z"}>, "private"=>true, "issues_enabled"=>true, "merge_requests_enabled"=>true, "wall_enabled"=>true, "wiki_enabled"=>true, "created_at"=>"2012-09-17T09:41:58Z"}>]
74 # initialize a new client
75 g = Gitlab.client(endpoint: '', private_token: 'qEsq1pt6HJPaNciie3MG')
74 # initialize a new client with custom headers
75 g = Gitlab.client(
76 endpoint: '',
77 private_token: 'qEsq1pt6HJPaNciie3MG',
78 httparty: {
79 headers: { 'Cookie' => 'gitlab_canary=true' }
80 }
81 )
7682 # => #<Gitlab::Client:0x00000001e62408 @endpoint="", @private_token="qEsq1pt6HJPaNciie3MG", @user_agent="Gitlab Ruby Gem 2.0.0">
7884 # get a user
109115 projects.auto_paginate
110116 ```
112 For more information, refer to [documentation](
118 For more information, refer to [documentation](
114120 ## CLI
116122 It is possible to use this gem as a command line interface to GitLab. In order to make that work you need to set a few environment variables:
117123 ```sh
118124 export GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT=
119 export GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN=<your private token from /profile/account>
125 export GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN=<your private token from /profile/account or /profile/personal_access_tokens in newer version>
120126 # This one is optional and can be used to set any HTTParty option you may need
121127 # using YAML hash syntax. For example, this is how you would disable SSL
122128 # verification (useful if using a self-signed cert).
0 ---
01 # For more information, see
12 version: '3'
23 services:
77 = 'gitlab'
88 gem.version = Gitlab::VERSION
99 gem.authors = ['Nihad Abbasov', 'Sean Edge']
10 = ['', '']
10 = ['', '']
1111 gem.description = 'Ruby client and CLI for GitLab API'
1212 gem.summary = 'A Ruby wrapper and CLI for the GitLab API'
13 gem.homepage = ''
13 gem.homepage = ''
15 gem.files = `git ls-files`.split($/)
16 .grep_v(/^spec/) -
17 %w[Dockerfile docker-compose.yml docker.env .travis.yml
18 .rubocop.yml .dockerignore]
15 gem.files = Dir['{exe,lib}/**/*', 'LICENSE.txt', '', '']
1916 gem.bindir = 'exe'
2017 gem.executables = gem.files.grep(%r{^exe/}) { |f| File.basename(f) }
2118 gem.test_files = gem.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/})
2219 gem.require_paths = ['lib']
23 gem.license = 'BSD'
20 gem.license = 'BSD-2-Clause'
25 gem.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.3'
22 gem.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.5'
27 gem.add_runtime_dependency 'httparty', '>= 0.14.0'
28 gem.add_runtime_dependency 'terminal-table', '>= 1.5.1'
24 gem.add_runtime_dependency 'httparty', '~> 0.14', '>= 0.14.0'
25 gem.add_runtime_dependency 'terminal-table', '~> 1.5', '>= 1.5.1'
30 gem.add_development_dependency 'pry'
3127 gem.add_development_dependency 'rake'
3228 gem.add_development_dependency 'rspec'
33 gem.add_development_dependency 'rubocop'
3429 gem.add_development_dependency 'webmock'
3530 end
77 class Gitlab::CLI
88 extend Helpers
10 # If set to true, JSON will be rendered as output
11 @render_json = false
1310 # Starts a new CLI session.
1411 #
3838 #
3939 # @return [Array]
4040 def required_fields(args)
41 if args.any? && args.last.is_a?(String) && args.last.start_with?('--only=')
42 args.last.gsub('--only=', '').split(',')
43 else
44 []
45 end
41 filtered_fields(args, '--only=')
4642 end
4844 # Returns filtered excluded fields.
4945 #
5046 # @return [Array]
5147 def excluded_fields(args)
52 if args.any? && args.last.is_a?(String) && args.last.start_with?('--except=')
53 args.last.gsub('--except=', '').split(',')
54 else
55 []
56 end
48 filtered_fields(args, '--except=')
49 end
51 # Returns fields filtered by a keyword.
52 #
53 # @return [Array]
54 def filtered_fields(args, key)
55 return [] unless args.any? && args.last.is_a?(String) && args.last.start_with?(key)
57 args.last.gsub(key, '').split(',')
5758 end
5960 # Confirms command is valid.
205206 # Helper function to call Gitlab commands with args.
206207 def gitlab_helper(cmd, args = [])
207 begin
208 data = args.any? ? Gitlab.send(cmd, *args) : Gitlab.send(cmd)
209 rescue StandardError => e
210 puts e.message
211 yield if block_given?
212 end
214 data
208 args.any? ? Gitlab.send(cmd, *args) : Gitlab.send(cmd)
209 rescue StandardError => e
210 puts e.message
211 yield if block_given?
215212 end
217214 # Convert a hash (recursively) to use symbol hash keys
219216 def symbolize_keys(hash)
220217 if hash.is_a?(Hash)
221218 hash = hash.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), new_hash|
222 begin
223 new_hash[key.to_sym] = symbolize_keys(value)
224 rescue NoMethodError
225 raise "Error: cannot convert hash key to symbol: #{key}"
226 end
219 new_hash[key.to_sym] = symbolize_keys(value)
220 rescue NoMethodError
221 raise "Error: cannot convert hash key to symbol: #{key}"
227222 end
228223 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to application settings.
4 # @see
5 module ApplicationSettings
6 # Retrives the application settings of Gitlab.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.application_settings
10 #
11 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
12 def application_settings
13 get('/application/settings')
14 end
16 # Edit the applications settings of Gitlab.
17 #
18 # @example
19 # Gitlab.edit_application_settings({ signup_enabled: false })
20 #
21 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
22 # @option options [String] :admin_notification_email
23 # @option options [String] :after_sign_out_path
24 # @option options [String] :after_sign_up_text
25 # @option options [String] :akismet_api_key
26 # @option options [Boolean] :akismet_enabled
27 # @option options [Boolean] :allow_group_owners_to_manage_ldap
28 # @option options [Boolean] :allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_services
29 # @option options [Boolean] :authorized_keys_enabled
30 # @option options [String] :auto_devops_domain
31 # @option options [Boolean] :auto_devops_enabled
32 # @option options [Boolean] :check_namespace_plan
33 # @option options [String] :clientside_sentry_dsn
34 # @option options [Boolean] :clientside_sentry_enabled
35 # @option options [Integer] :container_registry_token_expire_delay
36 # @option options [String] :default_artifacts_expire_in
37 # @option options [Integer] :default_branch_protection
38 # @option options [String] :default_group_visibility
39 # @option options [String] :default_project_visibility
40 # @option options [Integer] :default_projects_limit
41 # @option options [String] :default_snippet_visibility
42 # @option options [Array<String>] :disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources
43 # @option options [Array<String>] :domain_blacklist
44 # @option options [Boolean] :domain_blacklist_enabled
45 # @option options [Array<String>] :domain_whitelist
46 # @option options [Integer] :dsa_key_restriction
47 # @option options [Integer] :ecdsa_key_restriction
48 # @option options [Integer] :ed25519_key_restriction
49 # @option options [Boolean] :elasticsearch_aws
50 # @option options [String] :elasticsearch_aws_access_key
51 # @option options [String] :elasticsearch_aws_region
52 # @option options [String] :elasticsearch_aws_secret_access_key
53 # @option options [Boolean] :elasticsearch_experimental_indexer
54 # @option options [Boolean] :elasticsearch_indexing
55 # @option options [Boolean] :elasticsearch_search
56 # @option options [String] :elasticsearch_url
57 # @option options [Boolean] :elasticsearch_limit_indexing
58 # @option options [Array<Integer>] :elasticsearch_project_ids
59 # @option options [Array<Integer>] :elasticsearch_namespace_ids
60 # @option options [String] :email_additional_text
61 # @option options [Boolean] :email_author_in_body
62 # @option options [String] :enabled_git_access_protocol
63 # @option options [Boolean] :enforce_terms
64 # @option options [String] :external_auth_client_cert
65 # @option options [String] :external_auth_client_key
66 # @option options [String] :external_auth_client_key_pass
67 # @option options [Boolean] :external_authorization_service_enabled
68 # @option options [String] :external_authorization_service_default_label
69 # @option options [Float] :external_authorization_service_timeout float
70 # @option options [String] :external_authorization_service_url
71 # @option options [Integer] :file_template_project_id
72 # @option options [Integer] :first_day_of_week
73 # @option options [Integer] :geo_status_timeout
74 # @option options [Integer] :gitaly_timeout_default
75 # @option options [Integer] :gitaly_timeout_fast
76 # @option options [Integer] :gitaly_timeout_medium
77 # @option options [Boolean] :gravatar_enabled
78 # @option options [Boolean] :hashed_storage_enabled
79 # @option options [Boolean] :help_page_hide_commercial_content
80 # @option options [String] :help_page_support_url
81 # @option options [String] :help_page_text
82 # @option options [String] :help_text
83 # @option options [Boolean] :hide_third_party_offers
84 # @option options [String] :home_page_url
85 # @option options [Boolean] :housekeeping_bitmaps_enabled
86 # @option options [Boolean] :housekeeping_enabled
87 # @option options [Integer] :housekeeping_full_repack_period
88 # @option options [Integer] :housekeeping_gc_period
89 # @option options [Integer] :housekeeping_incremental_repack_period
90 # @option options [Boolean] :html_emails_enabled
91 # @option options [Boolean] :instance_statistics_visibility_private
92 # @option options [Array<String>] :import_sources
93 # @option options [Integer] :max_artifacts_size
94 # @option options [Integer] :max_attachment_size
95 # @option options [Integer] :max_pages_size
96 # @option options [Boolean] :metrics_enabled
97 # @option options [String] :metrics_host
98 # @option options [Integer] :metrics_method_call_threshold
99 # @option options [Integer] :metrics_packet_size
100 # @option options [Integer] :metrics_pool_size
101 # @option options [Integer] :metrics_port
102 # @option options [Integer] :metrics_sample_interval
103 # @option options [Integer] :metrics_timeout
104 # @option options [Boolean] :mirror_available
105 # @option options [Integer] :mirror_capacity_threshold
106 # @option options [Integer] :mirror_max_capacity
107 # @option options [Integer] :mirror_max_delay
108 # @option options [Boolean] :pages_domain_verification_enabled
109 # @option options [Boolean] :password_authentication_enabled_for_git
110 # @option options [Boolean] :password_authentication_enabled_for_web
111 # @option options [String] :performance_bar_allowed_group_id
112 # @option options [String] :performance_bar_allowed_group_path
113 # @option options [Boolean] :performance_bar_enabled
114 # @option options [Boolean] :plantuml_enabled
115 # @option options [String] :plantuml_url
116 # @option options [Float] :polling_interval_multiplier
117 # @option options [Boolean] :project_export_enabled
118 # @option options [Boolean] :prometheus_metrics_enabled
119 # @option options [Boolean] :pseudonymizer_enabled
120 # @option options [Boolean] :recaptcha_enabled
121 # @option options [String] :recaptcha_private_key
122 # @option options [String] :recaptcha_site_key
123 # @option options [Boolean] :repository_checks_enabled
124 # @option options [Integer] :repository_size_limit
125 # @option options [Array<String>] :repository_storages
126 # @option options [Boolean] :require_two_factor_authentication
127 # @option options [Array<String>] :restricted_visibility_levels
128 # @option options [Integer] :rsa_key_restriction
129 # @option options [Boolean] :send_user_confirmation_email
130 # @option options [String] :sentry_dsn
131 # @option options [Boolean] :sentry_enabled
132 # @option options [Integer] :session_expire_delay
133 # @option options [Boolean] :shared_runners_enabled
134 # @option options [Integer] :shared_runners_minutes
135 # @option options [String] :shared_runners_text
136 # @option options [String] :sign_in_text
137 # @option options [String] :signin_enabled
138 # @option options [Boolean] :signup_enabled
139 # @option options [Boolean] :slack_app_enabled
140 # @option options [String] :slack_app_id
141 # @option options [String] :slack_app_secret
142 # @option options [String] :slack_app_verification_token
143 # @option options [Integer] :terminal_max_session_time
144 # @option options [String] :terms
145 # @option options [Boolean] :throttle_authenticated_api_enabled
146 # @option options [Integer] :throttle_authenticated_api_period_in_seconds
147 # @option options [Integer] :throttle_authenticated_api_requests_per_period
148 # @option options [Boolean] :throttle_authenticated_web_enabled
149 # @option options [Integer] :throttle_authenticated_web_period_in_seconds
150 # @option options [Integer] :throttle_authenticated_web_requests_per_period
151 # @option options [Boolean] :throttle_unauthenticated_enabled
152 # @option options [Integer] :throttle_unauthenticated_period_in_seconds
153 # @option options [Integer] :throttle_unauthenticated_requests_per_period
154 # @option options [Integer] :two_factor_grace_period
155 # @option options [Boolean] :unique_ips_limit_enabled
156 # @option options [Integer] :unique_ips_limit_per_user
157 # @option options [Integer] :unique_ips_limit_time_window
158 # @option options [Boolean] :usage_ping_enabled
159 # @option options [Boolean] :user_default_external
160 # @option options [Boolean] :user_oauth_applications
161 # @option options [Boolean] :user_show_add_ssh_key_message
162 # @option options [Boolean] :version_check_enabled
163 # @option options [Integer] :local_markdown_version
164 # @option options [String] :geo_node_allowed_ips
165 #
166 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
167 def edit_application_settings(options = {})
168 put('/application/settings', body: options)
169 end
170 end
171 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to avatar.
4 # @see
5 module Avatar
6 # Get a single avatar URL for a user with the given email address.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.avatar(email: '')
10 # Gitlab.avatar(email: '', size: 32)
11 #
12 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
13 # @option options [String] :email(required) Public email address of the user.
14 # @option options [Integer] :size(optional) Single pixel dimension (since images are squares). Only used for avatar lookups at Gravatar or at the configured Libravatar server.
15 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
16 def avatar(options = {})
17 get('/avatar', query: options)
18 end
19 end
20 end
1616 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
1717 def boards(project, options = {})
1818 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/boards", query: options)
19 end
21 # Get a single board.
22 #
23 # @example
24 # Gitlab.board(5, 1)
25 #
26 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
27 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a board.
28 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Returns information about the board
29 def board(project, id)
30 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/boards/#{id}")
31 end
33 # Creates a new board.
34 #
35 # @example
36 # Gitlab.create_board(5, 'newboard')
37 #
38 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
39 # @param [String] name The name of the new board.
40 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created board.
41 def create_board(project, name)
42 body = { name: name }
43 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/boards", body: body)
44 end
46 # Updates a board.
47 #
48 # @example
49 # Gitlab.edit_board(5, 1, name: 'new_name')
50 # Gitlab.edit_board(5, 1, name: 'new_name', assignee_id: 1, milestone_id: 1)
51 #
52 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
53 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a board.
54 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
55 # @option options [String] :name(optional) The new name of the board.
56 # @option options [Integer] :assignee_id(optional) The assignee the board should be scoped to.
57 # @option options [Integer] :milestone_id(optional) The milestone the board should be scoped to.
58 # @option options [String] :labels(optional) Comma-separated list of label names which the board should be scoped to.
59 # @option options [Integer] :weight(optional) The weight range from 0 to 9, to which the board should be scoped to.
60 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about updated board.
61 def edit_board(project, id, options = {})
62 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/boards/#{id}", body: options)
63 end
65 # Deletes a board.
66 #
67 # @example
68 # Gitlab.delete_board(5, 1)
69 #
70 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
71 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a board.
72 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
73 def delete_board(project, id)
74 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/boards/#{id}")
1975 end
2177 # Gets a board lists
22 class Gitlab::Client
33 # Defines methods related to builds.
4 # @see
5 # @see
4 # @see
5 # @see
66 module BuildVariables
77 # Gets a list of the project's build variables
88 #
3535 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
3636 # @param [String] key The key of a variable; must have no more than 255 characters; only `A-Z`, `a-z`, `0-9` and `_` are allowed
3737 # @param [String] value The value of a variable
38 # @param [Hash] opts optional parameters
3839 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] The variable.
39 def create_variable(project, key, value)
40 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/variables", body: { key: key, value: value })
40 def create_variable(project, key, value, **opts)
41 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/variables", body: opts.merge(key: key, value: value))
4142 end
4344 # Update a project's build variable.
4849 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
4950 # @param [String] key The key of a variable
5051 # @param [String] value The value of a variable
52 # @param [Hash] opts optional parameters
5153 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] The variable.
52 def update_variable(project, key, value)
53 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/variables/#{key}", body: { value: value })
54 def update_variable(project, key, value, **opts)
55 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/variables/#{key}", body: opts.merge(value: value))
5456 end
5658 # Remove a project's build variable.
9698 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
9799 # @param [String] key The key of a variable; must have no more than 255 characters; only `A-Z`, `a-z`, `0-9` and `_` are allowed
98100 # @param [String] value The value of a variable
101 # @param [Hash] opts optional parameters
99102 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] The variable.
100 def create_group_variable(group, key, value)
101 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/variables", body: { key: key, value: value })
103 def create_group_variable(group, key, value, **opts)
104 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/variables", body: opts.merge(key: key, value: value))
102105 end
104107 # Update a group's build variable.
109112 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
110113 # @param [String] key The key of a variable
111114 # @param [String] value The value of a variable
115 # @param [Hash] opts optional parameters
112116 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] The variable.
113 def update_group_variable(group, key, value)
114 put("/groups/#{url_encode group}/variables/#{key}", body: { value: value })
117 def update_group_variable(group, key, value, **opts)
118 put("/groups/#{url_encode group}/variables/#{key}", body: opts.merge(value: value))
115119 end
117121 # Remove a group's build variable.
77 #
88 # @example
99 # Gitlab.commits('viking')
10 # Gitlab.repo_commits('gitlab', { ref_name: 'api' })
10 # Gitlab.repo_commits('gitlab', { ref: 'api' })
1111 #
1212 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
1313 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
14 # @option options [String] :ref_name The branch or tag name of a project repository.
14 # @option options [String] :ref The branch or tag name of a project repository.
1515 # @option options [Integer] :page The page number.
1616 # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page.
1717 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
3333 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/commits/#{sha}")
3434 end
3535 alias repo_commit commit
37 # Get all references (from branches or tags) a commit is pushed to.
38 #
39 # @example
40 # Gitlab.commit_refs(42, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6')
41 #
42 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
43 # @param [String] sha The commit hash
44 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
45 # @option options [String] :type The scope of commits. Possible values `branch`, `tag`, `all`. Default is `all`.
46 # @option options [Integer] :page The page number.
47 # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page.
48 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
49 def commit_refs(project, sha, options = {})
50 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/commits/#{sha}/refs", query: options)
51 end
3753 # Cherry picks a commit to a given branch.
3854 #
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to GitLab Container Registry.
4 # @see
5 module ContainerRegistry
6 # Get a list of registry repositories in a project.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.registry_repositories(5)
10 #
11 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
12 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] Returns list of registry repositories in a project.
13 def registry_repositories(project)
14 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories")
15 end
17 # Delete a repository in registry.
18 #
19 # @example
20 # Gitlab.delete_registry_repository(5, 2)
21 #
22 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
23 # @param [Integer] id The ID of registry repository.
24 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
25 def delete_registry_repository(project, id)
26 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories/#{id}")
27 end
29 # Get a list of tags for given registry repository.
30 #
31 # @example
32 # Gitlab.registry_repository_tags(5, 2)
33 #
34 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
35 # @param [Integer] repository_id The ID of registry repository.
36 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] Returns list of tags of a registry repository.
37 def registry_repository_tags(project, repository_id)
38 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories/#{repository_id}/tags")
39 end
41 # Get details of a registry repository tag.
42 #
43 # @example
44 # Gitlab.registry_repository_tag(5, 2, 'v10.0.0')
45 #
46 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
47 # @param [Integer] repository_id The ID of registry repository.
48 # @param [String] tag_name The name of tag.
49 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash> Returns details about the registry repository tag
50 def registry_repository_tag(project, repository_id, tag_name)
51 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories/#{repository_id}/tags/#{tag_name}")
52 end
54 # Delete a registry repository tag.
55 #
56 # @example
57 # Gitlab.delete_registry_repository_tag(5, 2, 'v10.0.0')
58 #
59 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
60 # @param [Integer] repository_id The ID of registry repository.
61 # @param [String] tag_name The name of tag.
62 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
63 def delete_registry_repository_tag(project, repository_id, tag_name)
64 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories/#{repository_id}/tags/#{tag_name}")
65 end
67 # Delete repository tags in bulk based on given criteria.
68 #
69 # @example
70 # Gitlab.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(5, 2, name_regex: '.*')
71 # Gitlab.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(5, 2, name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d')
72 #
73 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
74 # @param [Integer] repository_id The ID of registry repository.
75 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
76 # @option options [String] :name_regex(required) The regex of the name to delete. To delete all tags specify .*.
77 # @option options [Integer] :keep_n(optional) The amount of latest tags of given name to keep.
78 # @option options [String] :older_than(required) Tags to delete that are older than the given time, written in human readable form 1h, 1d, 1month.
79 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
80 def bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(project, repository_id, options = {})
81 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories/#{repository_id}/tags", query: options)
82 end
83 end
84 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to Epics.
4 # @see
5 module Epics
6 # Gets a list of epics.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.epics(123)
10 # Gitlab.epics(123, { per_page: 40, page: 2 })
11 #
12 # @param [Integer] group_id The ID of a group.
13 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
14 # @option options [Integer] :page The page number.
15 # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page.
16 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
17 def epics(group_id, options = {})
18 get("/groups/#{group_id}/epics", query: options)
19 end
21 # Gets a single epic.
22 #
23 # @example
24 # Gitlab.epic(123, 1)
25 #
26 # @param [Integer] group_id The ID of a group.
27 # @param [Integer] epic_iid The ID of a epic.
28 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
29 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
30 def epic(group_id, epic_iid, options = {})
31 get("/groups/#{group_id}/epics/#{epic_iid}", query: options)
32 end
34 # Creates a new epic.
35 #
36 # @example
37 # Gitlab.create_epic(123, "My new epic title")
38 #
39 # @param [Integer] group_id The ID of a group.
40 # @param [String] title
41 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
42 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created epic.
43 def create_epic(group_id, title, options = {})
44 body = options.merge(title: title)
45 post("/groups/#{group_id}/epics", body: body)
46 end
48 # Deletes an epic.
49 #
50 # @example
51 # Gitlab.delete_epic(42, 123)
52 # @param [Integer] group_id The ID of a group.
53 # @param [Integer] epic_iid The IID of an epic.
54 def delete_epic(group_id, epic_iid)
55 delete("/groups/#{group_id}/epics/#{epic_iid}")
56 end
58 # Updates an existing epic.
59 #
60 # @example
61 # Gitlab.edit_epic(42)
62 # Gitlab.edit_epic(42, 123, { title: 'New epic title' })
63 #
64 # @param [Integer] group_id The ID.
65 # @param [Integer] epic_iid The IID of an epic.
66 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options
67 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the edited epic.
68 def edit_epic(group_id, epic_iid, options = {})
69 put("/groups/#{group_id}/epics/#{epic_iid}", body: options)
70 end
71 end
72 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to feature flags.
4 #
5 module Features
6 # Get a list of all persisted features, with its gate values.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.features
10 #
11 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
12 def features
13 get('/features')
14 end
16 # Set a features gate value.
17 # If a feature with the given name does not exist yet it will be created. The value can be a boolean, or an integer to indicate percentage of time.
18 #
19 # @example
20 # Gitlab.set_feature('new_library', true)
21 # Gitlab.set_feature('new_library', 8)
22 # Gitlab.set_feature('new_library', true, {user: 'gitlab'})
23 #
24 # @param [String] name(required) Name of the feature to create or update
25 # @param [String, Integer] value(required) true or false to enable/disable, or an integer for percentage of time
26 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
27 # @option options [String] :feature_group(optional) A Feature group name
28 # @option options [String] :user(optional) A GitLab username
29 # @option options [String] :project(optional) A projects path, for example "gitlab-org/gitlab-ce"
30 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the set/created/updated feature.
31 def set_feature(name, value, options = {})
32 body = { value: value }.merge(options)
33 post("/features/#{name}", body: body)
34 end
36 # Delete a feature.
37 #
38 # @example
39 # Gitlab.delete_feature('new_library')
40 #
41 # @param [String] name Name of the feature to delete
42 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
43 def delete_feature(name)
44 delete("/features/#{name}")
45 end
46 end
47 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to group issue boards.
4 # @see
5 module GroupBoards
6 # Lists Issue Boards in the given group.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.group_boards(5)
10 #
11 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
12 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] List of issue boards of the group
13 def group_boards(group)
14 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards")
15 end
17 # Gets a single group issue board.
18 #
19 # @example
20 # Gitlab.group_board(5, 1)
21 #
22 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
23 # @param [Integer] id The ID of the issue board.
24 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Returns information about a group issue board
25 def group_board(group, id)
26 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{id}")
27 end
29 # Creates a new group issue board.
30 #
31 # @example
32 # Gitlab.create_group_board(5, 'Documentcloud')
33 #
34 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
35 # @param [String] name The name of the new board.
36 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created group issue board.
37 def create_group_board(group, name)
38 body = { name: name }
39 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards", body: body)
40 end
42 # Updates a group issue board.
43 #
44 # @example
45 # Gitlab.edit_group_board(5, 1, { name: 'DocumentCloud2' })
46 # Gitlab.edit_group_board(5, 1, { name: 'DocumentCloud2', assignee_id: 3 })
47 #
48 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
49 # @param [Integer] id The ID of the issue board.
50 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
51 # @option options [String] :name(optional) The new name of the board.
52 # @option options [Integer] :assignee_id(optional) The assignee the board should be scoped to.
53 # @option options [Integer] :milestone_id(optional) The milestone the board should be scoped to.
54 # @option options [String] :labels(optional) Comma-separated list of label names which the board should be scoped to.
55 # @option options [Integer] :weight(optional) The weight range from 0 to 9, to which the board should be scoped to.
56 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about updated group issue board.
57 def edit_group_board(group, id, options = {})
58 put("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{id}", body: options)
59 end
61 # Deletes a group issue board.
62 #
63 # @example
64 # Gitlab.delete_group_board(5, 1)
65 #
66 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
67 # @param [Integer] id The ID of the issue board.
68 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
69 def delete_group_board(group, id)
70 delete("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{id}")
71 end
73 # Get a list of the boards lists. Does not include open and closed lists
74 #
75 # @example
76 # Gitlab.group_board_lists(5, 1)
77 #
78 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
79 # @param [Integer] board_id The ID of the group issue board.
80 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] List of boards lists of the group
81 def group_board_lists(group, board_id)
82 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{board_id}/lists")
83 end
85 # Get a single group issue board list.
86 #
87 # @example
88 # Gitlab.group_board_list(5, 1, 1)
89 #
90 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
91 # @param [Integer] board_id The ID of the group issue board.
92 # @param [Integer] list_id The ID of a boards list.
93 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Returns information about a single group issue board list
94 def group_board_list(group, board_id, id)
95 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{board_id}/lists/#{id}")
96 end
98 # Creates a new group issue board list.
99 #
100 # @example
101 # Gitlab.create_group_board_list(5, 1)
102 #
103 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
104 # @param [Integer] board_id The ID of the group issue board.
105 # @param [Integer] label_id The ID of a label.
106 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created group issue board list.
107 def create_group_board_list(group, board_id, label_id)
108 body = { label_id: label_id }
109 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{board_id}/lists", body: body)
110 end
112 # Updates an existing group issue board list. This call is used to change list position.
113 #
114 # @example
115 # Gitlab.edit_group_board_list(5, 1, 1, { position: 1 })
116 #
117 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
118 # @param [Integer] board_id The ID of the group issue board.
119 # @param [Integer] list_id The ID of a boards list.
120 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
121 # @option options [String] :position(required) The position of the list.
122 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about updated group issue board list.
123 def edit_group_board_list(group, board_id, id, options = {})
124 put("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{board_id}/lists/#{id}", body: options)
125 end
127 # Deletes a group issue board list.
128 #
129 # @example
130 # Gitlab.delete_group_board_list(5, 1, 1)
131 #
132 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
133 # @param [Integer] board_id The ID of the group issue board.
134 # @param [Integer] list_id The ID of a boards list.
135 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
136 def delete_group_board_list(group, board_id, id)
137 delete("/groups/#{url_encode group}/boards/#{board_id}/lists/#{id}")
138 end
139 end
140 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to group labels.
4 #
5 # @note Requires GitLab 11.8+
6 # @see
7 module GroupLabels
8 # Gets a list of group's labels.
9 #
10 # @example
11 # Gitlab.group_labels('globex')
12 #
13 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
14 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
15 def group_labels(group, options = {})
16 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels", query: options)
17 end
19 # Creates a new group label.
20 #
21 # @example
22 # Gitlab.create_group_label('globex', 'Backlog', '#DD10AA')
23 #
24 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
25 # @param [String] name The name of a label.
26 # @param [String] color The color of a label.
27 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
28 # @option options [String] :description The description of the label.
29 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created label.
30 def create_group_label(group, name, color, options = {})
31 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels", body: options.merge(name: name, color: color))
32 end
34 # Updates a group label.
35 #
36 # @example
37 # Gitlab.edit_group_label('globex', 'Backlog', { new_name: 'Priority' })
38 # Gitlab.edit_group_label('globex', 'Backlog', { new_name: 'Priority', color: '#DD10AA' })
39 #
40 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
41 # @param [String] name The name of a label.
42 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
43 # @option options [String] :new_name The new name of a label.
44 # @option options [String] :color The color of a label.
45 # @option options [String] :description The description of the label.
46 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about updated label.
47 def edit_group_label(group, name, options = {})
48 put("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels", body: options.merge(name: name))
49 end
51 # Deletes a group label.
52 #
53 # @example
54 # Gitlab.delete_group_label('globex', 'Backlog')
55 #
56 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
57 # @param [String] name The name of a label.
58 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about deleted label.
59 def delete_group_label(group, name)
60 delete("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels", body: { name: name })
61 end
63 # Subscribes the user to a group label to receive notifications
64 #
65 # @example
66 # Gitlab.subscribe_to_group_label('globex', 'Backlog')
67 #
68 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
69 # @param [String] name The name of a label.
70 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the label subscribed to.
71 def subscribe_to_group_label(group, name)
72 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels/#{url_encode name}/subscribe")
73 end
75 # Unsubscribes the user from a group label to not receive notifications from it
76 #
77 # @example
78 # Gitlab.unsubscribe_from_group_label('globex', 'Backlog')
79 #
80 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
81 # @param [String] name The name of a label.
82 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the label unsubscribed from.
83 def unsubscribe_from_group_label(group, name)
84 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels/#{url_encode name}/unsubscribe")
85 end
86 end
87 end
2323 #
2424 #
2525 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a group.
26 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
27 # @option options [Boolean] :with_custom_attributes Include custom attributes in response (admins only)
28 # @option options [Boolean] :with_projects Include details about group projects (default: true)
2629 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
27 def group(id)
28 get("/groups/#{url_encode id}")
30 def group(id, options = {})
31 get("/groups/#{url_encode id}", query: options)
2932 end
3134 # Creates a new group.
7780 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] (id, username, name, email, state, access_level ...)
7881 def group_member(team_id, user_id)
7982 get("/groups/#{url_encode team_id}/members/#{user_id}")
83 end
85 # Gets a list of merge requests of a group.
86 #
87 # @example
88 # Gitlab.group_merge_requests(5)
89 #
90 # @param [Integer, String] group_id The ID or name of a group.
91 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
92 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
93 def group_merge_requests(group, options = {})
94 get("/groups/#{group}/merge_requests", query: options)
8095 end
8297 # Adds a user to group.
190205 def edit_group(id, options = {})
191206 put("/groups/#{url_encode id}", body: options)
192207 end
209 # Gets a list of issues of a group.
210 #
211 # @example
212 # Gitlab.group_issues(5)
213 #
214 # @param [Integer, String] group_id The ID or name of a group.
215 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
216 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
217 def group_issues(group, options = {})
218 get("/groups/#{group}/issues", query: options)
219 end
221 # Sync group with LDAP
222 #
223 # @example
224 # Gitlab.sync_ldap_group(1)
225 #
226 # @param [Integer] id The ID or name of a group.
227 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
228 def sync_ldap_group(id)
229 post("/groups/#{url_encode id}/ldap_sync")
230 end
232 # Add LDAP group link
233 #
234 # @example
235 # Gitlab.add_ldap_group_links(1, 'all', 50, 'ldap')
236 #
237 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a group
238 # @param [String] cn The CN of a LDAP group
239 # @param [Integer] group_access Minimum access level for members of the LDAP group.
240 # @param [String] provider LDAP provider for the LDAP group
241 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about added ldap group link
242 def add_ldap_group_links(id, commonname, group_access, provider)
243 post("/groups/#{url_encode id}/ldap_group_links", body: { cn: commonname, group_access: group_access, provider: provider })
244 end
246 # Delete LDAP group link
247 #
248 # @example
249 # Gitlab.delete_ldap_group_links(1, 'all')
250 #
251 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a group
252 # @param [String] cn The CN of a LDAP group
253 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Empty hash
254 def delete_ldap_group_links(id, commonname, provider)
255 delete("/groups/#{url_encode id}/ldap_group_links/#{url_encode provider}/#{url_encode commonname}")
256 end
193257 end
194258 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to issue links.
4 # @see
5 module IssueLinks
6 # Gets a list of links for a issue.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.issue_links(5, 10)
10 #
11 # @param [Integer] project The ID of a project.
12 # @param [Integer] issue The ID of an issue.
13 # @option options [Integer] :page The page number.
14 # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page.
15 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
16 def issue_links(project, issue, options = {})
17 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{issue}/links", query: options)
18 end
20 # Creates a new issue link.
21 #
22 # @example
23 # Gitlab.create_issue_link(6, 1, 6, 2)
24 #
25 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
26 # @param [Integer] issue The ID of an issue.
27 # @param [Integer] target_project_id Project ID the target issue is located in.
28 # @param [Integer] target_issue_iid The ID of the target issue.
29 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created link.
30 def create_issue_link(project, issue, target_project_id, target_issue_iid)
31 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{issue}/links", body: { target_project_id: target_project_id, target_issue_iid: target_issue_iid })
32 end
34 # Deletes an issue link.
35 #
36 # @example
37 # Gitlab.delete_issue_link(5, 10, 123)
38 #
39 # @param [Integer] project The ID of a project.
40 # @param [Integer] issue The ID of an issue.
41 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a link.
42 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
43 def delete_issue_link(project, issue, id)
44 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{issue}/links/#{id}")
45 end
46 end
47 end
180180 # @param [Integer] id The ID of an issue.
181181 # @param [String] duration The time spent in human format. e.g: 3h30m
182182 def add_time_spent_on_issue(project, id, duration)
183 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{id}/add_spent_time", body: { duration: url_encode(duration) })
183 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{id}/add_spent_time", body: { duration: duration })
184184 end
186186 # Resets the total spent time for this issue to 0 seconds.
162162 def job_artifacts_keep(project_id, job_id)
163163 post("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/jobs/#{job_id}/artifacts/keep")
164164 end
166 # Delete Artifacts
167 # Deletes the artifacts associated with a job.
168 #
169 # @example
170 # Gitlab.job_artifacts_delete(1,1)
171 # Gitlab.job_artifacts_delete("project", 1)
172 #
173 # @param [Integer, String] The ID or name of a project.
174 # @param [Integer] the id of the job
175 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
176 def job_artifacts_delete(project_id, job_id)
177 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/jobs/#{job_id}/artifacts")
178 end
165179 end
166180 end
00 # frozen_string_literal: true
22 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to labels.
3 # Defines methods related to project labels.
44 # @see
55 module Labels
66 # Gets a list of project's labels.
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to lint/validations.
4 # @see
5 module Lint
6 # Checks if your .gitlab-ci.yml file is valid.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.validate_gitlab_ci_yml("{ \"image\": \"ruby:2.6\", \"services\": [\"postgres\"], \"before_script\": [\"bundle install\", \"bundle exec rake db:create\"], \"variables\": {\"DB_NAME\": \"postgres\"}, \"types\": [\"test\", \"deploy\", \"notify\"], \"rspec\": { \"script\": \"rake spec\", \"tags\": [\"ruby\", \"postgres\"], \"only\": [\"branches\"]}}")
10 #
11 # @param [String] content the .gitlab-ci.yaml content.
12 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash> Returns information about validity of the yml.
13 def validate_gitlab_ci_yml(content)
14 body = { content: content }
15 post('/lint', body: body)
16 end
17 end
18 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to markdown.
4 # @see
5 module Markdown
6 # Render an arbitrary Markdown document
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.markdown('Hello world! :tada:')
10 # Gitlab.markdown('Hello world! :tada:', gfm: true, project: 'group_example/project_example')
11 #
12 # @param [String] text The markdown text to render.
13 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
14 # @option options [Boolean] :gfm(optional) Render text using GitLab Flavored Markdown. Default is false.
15 # @option options [String] :project(optional) Use project as a context when creating references using GitLab Flavored Markdown. Authentication is required if a project is not public.
16 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash> Returns the rendered markdown as response
17 def markdown(text, options = {})
18 body = { text: text }.merge(options)
19 post('/markdown', body: body)
20 end
21 end
22 end
3636 # Gitlab.edit_project_approvers(1, {approver_ids: [5], approver_groups: [1]})
3737 #
3838 # @param [Integer] project(required) The ID of a project.
39 # @option options [Array] :approver_ids(optional) An array of User IDs that can approve MRs
40 # @option options [Array] :approver_group_ids(optional) An array of Group IDs whose members can approve MRs
39 # @option options [Array] :approver_ids(required, nil if none) An array of User IDs that can approve MRs
40 # @option options [Array] :approver_group_ids(required, nil if none) An array of Group IDs whose members can approve MRs
4141 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] MR approval configuration information about the project
4242 def edit_project_approvers(project, options = {})
43 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/approvals", body: options)
43 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/approvers", body: options)
4444 end
4646 # Get Configuration for approvals on a specific Merge Request.
7575 #
7676 # @param [Integer] project(required) The ID of a project.
7777 # @param [Integer] merge_request(required) The IID of a merge_request.
78 # @option options [Array] :approver_ids(optional) An array of User IDs that can approve MRs
79 # @option options [Array] :approver_group_ids(optional) An array of Group IDs whose members can approve MRs
78 # @option options [Array] :approver_ids(required, nil if none) An array of User IDs that can approve MRs
79 # @option options [Array] :approver_group_ids(required, nil if none) An array of Group IDs whose members can approve MRs
8080 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] MR approval configuration information about the project
8181 def edit_merge_request_approvers(project, merge_request, options = {})
82 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request}/approvals", body: options)
82 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request}/approvers", body: options)
8383 end
8585 # Approve a merge request
103103 #
104104 # @param [Integer] project(required) The ID of a project.
105105 # @param [Integer] merge_request(required) The IID of a merge request.
106 # @option options [String] :sudo(optional) The username of the user you want to remove the approval for
106107 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
107 def unapprove_merge_request(project, merge_request)
108 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request}/unapprove")
108 def unapprove_merge_request(project, merge_request, options = {})
109 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request}/unapprove", body: options)
109110 end
110111 end
111112 end
5252 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
5353 def merge_request_pipelines(project, id)
5454 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{id}/pipelines")
55 end
57 # Get a list of merge request participants.
58 #
59 # @example
60 # Gitlab.merge_request_participants(5, 36)
61 #
62 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
63 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a merge request.
64 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
65 def merge_request_participants(project, id)
66 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{id}/participants")
5567 end
5769 # Creates a merge request.
275275 # in the 'else'.
276276 def note_content(body)
277277 if body.is_a?(Hash)
278 STDERR.puts 'Passing the note body as a Hash is deprecated. You should just pass the String.'
278 warn 'Passing the note body as a Hash is deprecated. You should just pass the String.'
279279 body
280280 else
281281 { body: body }
7676 def retry_pipeline(project, id)
7777 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipelines/#{id}/retry")
7878 end
80 # Delete a pipeline
81 #
82 # @example
83 # Gitlab.delete_pipeline(5, 1)
84 #
85 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
86 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a pipeline.
87 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
88 def delete_pipeline(project, id)
89 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipelines/#{id}")
90 end
7991 end
8092 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to project clusters.
4 # @see
5 module ProjectClusters
6 # Returns a list of project clusters.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.project_clusters(5)
10 #
11 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
12 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] List of all clusters of a project
13 def project_clusters(project)
14 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/clusters")
15 end
17 # Gets a single project cluster.
18 #
19 # @example
20 # Gitlab.project_cluster(5, 42)
21 #
22 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
23 # @param [Integer] cluster_id The ID of the cluster.
24 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the requested cluster
25 def project_cluster(project, cluster_id)
26 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/clusters/#{cluster_id}")
27 end
29 # Adds an existing Kubernetes cluster to the project.
30 #
31 # @example
32 # Gitlab.add_project_cluster(5, 'cluster-5', { enabled: false, platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: '', token: '12345', ca_cert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nhFiK1L61owwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\r\nLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1YzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM4ZDBj\r\nMB4XDTE4MTIyNzIwMDM1MVoXDTIzMTIyNjIxMDM1MVowLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1\r\nYzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM.......-----END CERTIFICATE-----", namespace: 'cluster-5-namespace', authorization_type: 'rbac' } })
33 # Gitlab.add_project_cluster(5, 'cluster-5', { platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: '', token: '12345' } })
34 #
35 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
36 # @param [String] name The name of the existing cluster.
37 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
38 # @option options [Boolean] :enabled(optional) Determines if cluster is active or not, defaults to true
39 # @option options [Hash] :platform_kubernetes_attributes A customizable set of Kubernetes platform attributes
40 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :api_url(required) The URL to access the Kubernetes API
41 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :token(required) The token to authenticate against Kubernetes
42 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :ca_cert(optional) TLS certificate (needed if API is using a self-signed TLS certificate
43 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :namespace(optional) The unique namespace related to the project
44 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :authorization_type(optional) The cluster authorization type: rbac, abac or unknown_authorization. Defaults to rbac.
45 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the added project cluster.
46 def add_project_cluster(project, name, options = {})
47 body = { name: name }.merge(options)
48 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/clusters/user", body: body)
49 end
51 # Updates an existing project cluster.
52 #
53 # @example
54 # Gitlab.edit_project_cluster(5, 1, { name: 'cluster-6', platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: '', token: '12345', ca_cert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nhFiK1L61owwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\r\nLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1YzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM4ZDBj\r\nMB4XDTE4MTIyNzIwMDM1MVoXDTIzMTIyNjIxMDM1MVowLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1\r\nYzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM.......-----END CERTIFICATE-----", namespace: 'cluster-6-namespace' } })
55 #
56 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
57 # @param [Integer] cluster_id The ID of the cluster.
58 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
59 # @option options [String] :name(optional) The name of the cluster
60 # @option options [Hash] :platform_kubernetes_attributes A customizable set of Kubernetes platform attributes
61 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :api_url(required) The URL to access the Kubernetes API
62 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :token(required) The token to authenticate against Kubernetes
63 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :ca_cert(optional) TLS certificate (needed if API is using a self-signed TLS certificate
64 # @suboption platform_kubernetes_attributes [String] :namespace(optional) The unique namespace related to the project
65 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the updated project cluster.
66 def edit_project_cluster(project, cluster_id, options = {})
67 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/clusters/#{cluster_id}", body: options)
68 end
70 # Deletes an existing project cluster.
71 #
72 # @example
73 # Gitlab.delete_project_cluster(5, 42)
74 #
75 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
76 # @param [Integer] cluster_id The ID of the cluster.
77 # @return [nil] This API call returns an empty response body.
78 def delete_project_cluster(project, cluster_id)
79 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/clusters/#{cluster_id}")
80 end
81 end
82 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to project release links.
4 # @see
5 module ProjectReleaseLinks
6 # Get assets as links from a Release.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.project_release_links(5, 'v0.3')
10 #
11 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
12 # @param [String] tag_name The tag associated with the Release.
13 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] List of assets as links from a Release.
14 def project_release_links(project, tag_name)
15 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}/assets/links")
16 end
18 # Get an asset as link from a Release.
19 #
20 # @example
21 # Gitlab.project_release_link(5, 'v0.3', 1)
22 #
23 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
24 # @param [String] tag_name The tag associated with the Release.
25 # @param [Integer] link_id The id of the link.
26 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the release link
27 def project_release_link(project, tag_name, link_id)
28 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}/assets/links/#{link_id}")
29 end
31 # Create an asset as a link from a Release.
32 #
33 # @example
34 # Gitlab.create_project_release_link(5, 'v0.1', { name: 'awesome-v0.2.dmg', url: '' })
35 #
36 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
37 # @param [String] tag_name The tag associated with the Release.
38 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
39 # @option options [String] :name(required) The name of the link.
40 # @option options [String] :url(required) The URL of the link.
41 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the created release link.
42 def create_project_release_link(project, tag_name, options = {})
43 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}/assets/links", body: options)
44 end
46 # Update an asset as a link from a Release. You have to specify at least one of name or url
47 #
48 # @example
49 # Gitlab.update_project_release_link(5, 'v0.3', 1, { name: 'awesome-v0.2.dmg', url: '' })
50 #
51 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
52 # @param [String] tag_name The tag where the release will be created from.
53 # @param [Integer] link_id The id of the link.
54 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
55 # @option options [String] :name(optional) The name of the link.
56 # @option options [String] :url(optional) The URL of the link.
57 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the updated release link.
58 def update_project_release_link(project, tag_name, link_id, options = {})
59 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}/assets/links/#{link_id}", body: options)
60 end
62 # Delete an asset as a link from a Release.
63 #
64 # @example
65 # Gitlab.delete_project_release_link(5, 'v0.3', 1)
66 #
67 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
68 # @param [String] tag_name The tag where the release will be created from.
69 # @param [Integer] link_id The id of the link.
70 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the deleted release link.
71 def delete_project_release_link(project, tag_name, link_id)
72 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}/assets/links/#{link_id}")
73 end
74 end
75 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to project releases.
4 # @see
5 module ProjectReleases
6 # Returns Paginated list of a project's releases, sorted by created_at.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.project_releases(5)
10 #
11 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
12 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] Paginated list of Releases, sorted by created_at.
13 def project_releases(project)
14 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases")
15 end
17 # Gets a Release by a tag name
18 #
19 # @example
20 # Gitlab.project_release(5, 'v0.1')
21 #
22 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
23 # @param [String] tag_name The tag where the release will be created from..
24 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the release
25 def project_release(project, tag_name)
26 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}")
27 end
29 # Creates a Release. You need push access to the repository to create a Release.
30 #
31 # @example
32 # Gitlab.create_project_release(5, { name: 'New Release', tag_name: 'v0.3', description: 'Super nice release' })
33 # Gitlab.create_project_release(5, { name: 'New Release', tag_name: 'v0.3', description: 'Super nice release', assets: { links: [{ name: 'hoge', url: '' }] } })
34 #
35 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
36 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
37 # @option options [String] :name(required) The release name.
38 # @option options [String] :tag_name(required) The tag where the release will be created from.
39 # @option options [String] :description(required) The description of the release. You can use markdown.
40 # @option options [String] :ref(optional) If tag_name does not exist, the release will be created from ref. It can be a commit SHA, another tag name, or a branch name.
41 # @option options [Hash] :assets(optional) A customizable set of options for release assets
42 # @asset assets [Array<link>] :links(optional) An array of assets links as hashes.
43 # @link links [Hash] link_elements A combination of a link name and a link url
44 # @link_element [String] :name The name of the link.
45 # @link_element [String] :url The url of the link.
46 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the created release.
47 def create_project_release(project, options = {})
48 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases", body: options)
49 end
51 # Updates a release.
52 #
53 # @example
54 # Gitlab.update_project_release(5, 'v0.3', { name: 'New Release', description: 'Super nice release' })
55 #
56 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
57 # @param [String] tag_name The tag where the release will be created from.
58 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
59 # @option options [String] :name(optional) The release name.
60 # @option options [String] :description(optional) The description of the release. You can use markdown.
61 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the updated release.
62 def update_project_release(project, tag_name, options = {})
63 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}", body: options)
64 end
66 # Delete a Release. Deleting a Release will not delete the associated tag.
67 #
68 # @example
69 # Gitlab.delete_project_release(5, 'v0.3')
70 #
71 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
72 # @param [String] tag_name The tag where the release will be created from.
73 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the deleted release.
74 def delete_project_release(project, tag_name)
75 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/releases/#{tag_name}")
76 end
77 end
78 end
6666 # @option options [Boolean] :issues_enabled The issues integration for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
6767 # @option options [Boolean] :snippets_enabled The snippets integration for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
6868 # @option options [Boolean] :merge_requests_enabled The merge requests functionality for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
69 # @option options [Boolean] :public The setting for making a project public (0 = false, 1 = true).
69 # @option options [String] :visibility The setting for making a project public ('private', 'internal', 'public').
7070 # @option options [Integer] :user_id The user/owner id of a project.
7171 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created project.
7272 def create_project(name, options = {})
379379 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/deploy_keys/#{key}/disable", body: { id: project, key_id: key })
380380 end
382 # Updates an existing deploy key.
383 #
384 # @example
385 # Gitlab.edit_deploy_key(42, 66, 'New key name', can_push: false)
386 #
387 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or path of a project.
388 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a deploy key.
389 # @param [String] title The title of a deploy key.
390 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
391 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created deploy key.
392 def edit_deploy_key(project, id, title, options = {})
393 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/deploy_keys/#{id}", body: { title: title }.merge(options))
394 end
382396 # Deletes a deploy key from project.
383397 #
384398 # @example
528542 # @see
529543 #
530544 # @example
531 # Gitlab.upload_file(1,, 'r'))
532 #'myfile') { |file| Gitlab.upload_file(1, file) }
545 # Gitlab.upload_file(1, '/full/path/to/avatar.jpg')
533546 #
534547 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID or path of a project.
535 # @param [File] The file you are interested to upload.
548 # @param [String] file_fullpath The fullpath of the file you are interested to upload.
536549 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
537 def upload_file(id, file)
538 post("/projects/#{url_encode id}/uploads", body: { file: file })
550 def upload_file(id, file_fullpath)
551 post("/projects/#{url_encode id}/uploads", body: { file:, 'r') })
539552 end
541554 # Get all project templates of a particular type
569582 def project_template(project, type, key, options = {})
570583 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/templates/#{type}/#{key}", query: options)
571584 end
586 # Archives a project.
587 #
588 # @example
589 # Gitlab.archive_project(4)
590 #
591 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID or path of a project.
592 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about archived project.
593 def archive_project(id)
594 post("/projects/#{url_encode id}/archive")
595 end
597 # Unarchives a project.
598 #
599 # @example
600 # Gitlab.unarchive_project(4)
601 #
602 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID or path of a project.
603 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about unarchived project.
604 def unarchive_project(id)
605 post("/projects/#{url_encode id}/unarchive")
606 end
572607 end
573608 end
1212 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
1313 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
1414 # @option options [String] :path The path inside repository.
15 # @option options [String] :ref_name The name of a repository branch or tag.
15 # @option options [String] :ref The name of a repository branch or tag.
16 # @option options [Integer] :per_page Number of results to show per page (default = 20)
1617 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
1718 def tree(project, options = {})
1819 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/tree", query: options)
2728 #
2829 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
2930 # @param [String] ref The commit sha, branch, or tag to download.
31 # @param [String] format The archive format. Options are: tar.gz (default), tar.bz2, tbz, tbz2, tb2, bz2, tar, and zip
3032 # @return [Gitlab::FileResponse]
31 def repo_archive(project, ref = 'master')
32 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/archive",
33 def repo_archive(project, ref = 'master', format = 'tar.gz')
34 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/archive.#{format}",
3335 format: nil,
3436 headers: { Accept: 'application/octet-stream' },
3537 query: { sha: ref },
6971 def merge_base(project, refs)
7072 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/merge_base", query: { refs: refs })
7173 end
75 # Get project repository contributors.
76 #
77 # @example
78 # Gitlab.contributors(42)
79 # Gitlab.contributors(42, { order: 'name' })
80 #
81 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
82 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
83 # @option options [String] :order_by Order by name, email or commits (default = commits).
84 # @option options [String] :sort Sort order asc or desc (default = asc).
85 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
86 def contributors(project, options = {})
87 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/contributors", query: options)
88 end
89 alias repo_contributors contributors
7290 end
7391 end
2323 parser: ::Gitlab::Request::Parser
2424 end
2525 alias repo_file_contents file_contents
27 # Get file blame from repository
28 #
29 # @example
30 # Gitlab.get_file_blame(42, "", "master")
31 #
32 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
33 # @param [String] file_path The full path of the file.
34 # @param [String] ref The name of branch, tag or commit.
35 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
36 #
37 def get_file_blame(project, file_path, ref)
38 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/files/#{url_encode file_path}/blame", query: {
39 ref: ref
40 })
41 end
2743 # Gets a repository file.
2844 #
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to resource label events.
4 # @see
5 module ResourceLabelEvents
6 # Gets a list of all label events for a single issue.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.issue_label_events(5, 42)
10 #
11 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
12 # @param [Integer] issue_iid The IID of an issue.
13 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
14 def issue_label_events(project, issue_iid)
15 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{issue_iid}/resource_label_events")
16 end
18 # Returns a single label event for a specific project issue
19 #
20 # @example
21 # Gitlab.issue_label_event(5, 42, 1)
22 #
23 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
24 # @param [Integer] issue_iid The IID of an issue.
25 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a label event.
26 # @return Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
27 def issue_label_event(project, issue_iid, id)
28 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{issue_iid}/resource_label_events/#{id}")
29 end
31 # Gets a list of all label events for a single epic.
32 #
33 # @example
34 # Gitlab.epic_label_events(5, 42)
35 #
36 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
37 # @param [Integer] epic_id The ID of an epic.
38 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
39 def epic_label_events(group, epic_id)
40 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/epics/#{epic_id}/resource_label_events")
41 end
43 # Returns a single label event for a specific group epic
44 #
45 # @example
46 # Gitlab.epic_label_event(5, 42, 1)
47 #
48 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
49 # @param [Integer] epic_id The ID of an epic.
50 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a label event.
51 # @return Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
52 def epic_label_event(group, epic_id, id)
53 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/epics/#{epic_id}/resource_label_events/#{id}")
54 end
56 # Gets a list of all label events for a single merge request.
57 #
58 # @example
59 # Gitlab.merge_request_label_events(5, 42)
60 #
61 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
62 # @param [Integer] merge_request_iid The IID of a merge request.
63 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
64 def merge_request_label_events(project, merge_request_iid)
65 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request_iid}/resource_label_events")
66 end
68 # Returns a single label event for a specific project merge request
69 #
70 # @example
71 # Gitlab.merge_request_label_event(5, 42, 1)
72 #
73 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
74 # @param [Integer] merge_request_iid The IID of an merge request.
75 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a label event.
76 # @return Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
77 def merge_request_label_event(project, merge_request_iid, id)
78 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request_iid}/resource_label_events/#{id}")
79 end
80 end
81 end
7878 # Gitlab.runner_jobs(1)
7979 #
8080 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a runner.
81 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
82 # @option options [String] :status Status of the job; one of: running, success, failed, canceled
8183 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
82 def runner_jobs(runner_id)
83 get("/runners/#{url_encode runner_id}/jobs")
84 def runner_jobs(runner_id, options = {})
85 get("/runners/#{url_encode runner_id}/jobs", query: options)
8486 end
8688 # List all runners (specific and shared) available in the project. Shared runners are listed if at least one shared runner is defined and shared runners usage is enabled in the project's settings.
121123 def project_disable_runner(id, runner_id)
122124 delete("/projects/#{url_encode id}/runners/#{runner_id}")
123125 end
127 # Register a new Runner for the instance.
128 #
129 # @example
130 # Gitlab.register_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e')
131 # Gitlab.register_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e', description: 'Some Description', active: true, locked: false)
132 #
133 # @param [String] token Registration token.
134 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
135 # @option options [String] :description Runner description.
136 # @option options [Hash] :info Runner metadata.
137 # @option options [Boolean] :active Whether the Runner is active.
138 # @option options [Boolean] :locked Whether the Runner should be locked for current project.
139 # @option options [Boolean] :run_untagged Whether the Runner should handle untagged jobs.
140 # @option options [Array<String>] :tag_list List of Runner tags.
141 # @option options [Integer] :maximum_timeout Maximum timeout set when this Runner will handle the job.
142 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash> Response against runner registration
143 def register_runner(token, options = {})
144 body = { token: token }.merge(options)
145 post('/runners', body: body)
146 end
148 # Deletes a registed Runner.
149 #
150 # @example
151 # Gitlab.delete_registered_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e')
152 #
153 # @param [String] token Runner authentication token.
154 # @return [nil] This API call returns an empty response body.
155 def delete_registered_runner(token)
156 body = { token: token }
157 delete('/runners', body: body)
158 end
160 # Validates authentication credentials for a registered Runner.
161 #
162 # @example
163 # Gitlab.verify_auth_registered_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e')
164 #
165 # @param [String] token Runner authentication token.
166 # @return [nil] This API call returns an empty response body.
167 def verify_auth_registered_runner(token)
168 body = { token: token }
169 post('/runners/verify', body: body)
170 end
124171 end
125172 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to global searches, searching in projects and searching in groups.
4 # @see
5 module Search
6 # Search globally across the GitLab instance.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.search_globally('projects', 'gitlab')
10 # Gitlab.search_globally('issues', 'gitlab')
11 # Gitlab.search_globally('merge_requests', 'gitlab')
12 # Gitlab.search_globally('milestones', 'gitlab')
13 # Gitlab.search_globally('snippet_titles', 'gitlab')
14 # Gitlab.search_globally('snippet_blobs', 'gitlab')
15 #
16 # @param [String] scope The scope to search in. Currently these scopes are supported: projects, issues, merge_requests, milestones, snippet_titles, snippet_blobs.
17 # @param [String] search The search query.
18 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] Returns a list of responses depending on the requested scope.
19 def search_globally(scope, search)
20 options = { scope: scope, search: search }
21 get('/search', query: options)
22 end
24 # Search within the specified group.
25 #
26 # @example
27 # Gitlab.search_in_group(1, 'projects', 'gitlab')
28 # Gitlab.search_in_group(1, 'issues', 'gitlab')
29 # Gitlab.search_in_group(1, 'merge_requests', 'gitlab')
30 # Gitlab.search_in_group(1, 'milestones', 'gitlab')
31 #
32 # @param [Integer, String] group The ID or name of a group.
33 # @param [String] scope The scope to search in. Currently these scopes are supported: projects, issues, merge_requests, milestones.
34 # @param [String] search The search query.
35 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] Returns a list of responses depending on the requested scope.
36 def search_in_group(group, scope, search)
37 options = { scope: scope, search: search }
38 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/search", query: options)
39 end
41 # Search within the specified project.
42 #
43 # @example
44 # Gitlab.search_in_project(1, 'issues', 'gitlab')
45 # Gitlab.search_in_project(1, 'merge_requests', 'gitlab')
46 # Gitlab.search_in_project(1, 'milestones', 'gitlab')
47 # Gitlab.search_in_project(1, 'notes', 'gitlab')
48 # Gitlab.search_in_project(1, 'wiki_blobs', 'gitlab')
49 # Gitlab.search_in_project(1, 'commits', 'gitlab')
50 # Gitlab.search_in_project(1, 'blobs', 'gitlab')
51 #
52 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
53 # @param [String] scope The scope to search in. Currently these scopes are supported: issues, merge_requests, milestones, notes, wiki_blobs, commits, blobs.
54 # @param [String] search The search query.
55 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] Returns a list of responses depending on the requested scope.
56 def search_in_project(project, scope, search, ref = nil)
57 options = { scope: scope, search: search }
59 # Add ref filter if provided - backward compatible with main project
60 options[:ref] = ref unless ref.nil?
62 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/search", query: options)
63 end
64 end
65 end
3636 # @example
3737 # Gitlab.create_user('', 'secret', 'joe', { name: 'Joe Smith' })
3838 # or
39 # Gitlab.create_user('', 'secret')
40 #
41 # @param [String] email The email of a user.
42 # @param [String] password The password of a user.
43 # @param [String] username The username of a user.
39 # Gitlab.create_user('', 'secret', 'joe')
40 #
41 # @param [String] email(required) The email of a user.
42 # @param [String] password(required) The password of a user.
43 # @param [String] username(required) The username of a user.
4444 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
4545 # @option options [String] :name The name of a user. Defaults to email.
4646 # @option options [String] :skype The skype of a user.
5050 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created user.
5151 def create_user(*args)
5252 options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
53 body = if args[2]
54 { email: args[0], password: args[1], username: args[2] }
55 else
56 { email: args[0], password: args[1], name: args[0] }
57 end
53 raise ArgumentError, 'Missing required parameters' unless args[2]
55 body = { email: args[0], password: args[1], username: args[2], name: args[0] }
5856 body.merge!(options)
5957 post('/users', body: body)
6058 end
77 # Please keep in alphabetical order
88 include AccessRequests
9 include ApplicationSettings
10 include Avatar
911 include AwardEmojis
1012 include Boards
1113 include Branches
1315 include BuildVariables
1416 include Builds
1517 include Commits
18 include ContainerRegistry
1619 include Deployments
1720 include Environments
21 include Epics
1822 include Events
23 include Features
24 include GroupBoards
25 include GroupLabels
1926 include GroupMilestones
2027 include Groups
28 include IssueLinks
2129 include Issues
2230 include Jobs
2331 include Keys
2432 include Labels
33 include Lint
34 include Markdown
2535 include MergeRequestApprovals
2636 include MergeRequests
2737 include Milestones
3141 include PipelineTriggers
3242 include Pipelines
3343 include ProjectBadges
44 include ProjectClusters
45 include ProjectReleaseLinks
46 include ProjectReleases
3447 include Projects
3548 include ProtectedTags
3649 include Repositories
3750 include RepositoryFiles
3851 include RepositorySubmodules
52 include ResourceLabelEvents
3953 include Runners
54 include Search
4055 include Services
4156 include Sidekiq
4257 include Snippets
5772 inspected
5873 end
75 # Utility method for URL encoding of a string.
76 # Copied from
77 #
78 # @return [String]
6079 def url_encode(url)
61 URI.encode(url.to_s, /\W/)
80 url.to_s.b.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.~]/n) { |m| sprintf('%%%02X', m.unpack1('C')) } # rubocop:disable Style/FormatString, Style/FormatStringToken
6281 end
6483 private
3535 # Resets all configuration options to the defaults.
3636 def reset
37 self.endpoint = ENV['GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT']
37 self.endpoint = ENV['GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT'] || ENV['CI_API_V4_URL']
3939 self.httparty = get_httparty_config(ENV['GITLAB_API_HTTPARTY_OPTIONS'])
4040 self.sudo = nil
3939 #
4040 # @return [String]
4141 def build_error_message
42 parsed_response = @response.parsed_response
42 parsed_response = classified_response
4343 message = check_error_keys(parsed_response)
4444 "Server responded with code #{@response.code}, message: " \
4545 "#{handle_message(message)}. " \
5151 def check_error_keys(resp)
5252 key = POSSIBLE_MESSAGE_KEYS.find { |k| resp.respond_to?(k) }
5353 key ? resp.send(key) : resp
54 end
56 # Parse the body based on the classification of the body content type
57 #
58 # @return parsed response
59 def classified_response
60 if @response.respond_to?('headers')
61 @response.headers['content-type'] == 'text/plain' ? { message: @response.to_s } : @response.parsed_response
62 else
63 @response.parsed_response
64 end
5465 end
5667 # Handle error response message in case of nested hashes
8394 # Raised when API endpoint returns the HTTP status code 405.
8495 class MethodNotAllowed < ResponseError; end
97 # Raised when API endpoint returns the HTTP status code 406.
98 class NotAcceptable < ResponseError; end
86100 # Raised when API endpoint returns the HTTP status code 409.
87101 class Conflict < ResponseError; end
89103 # Raised when API endpoint returns the HTTP status code 422.
90104 class Unprocessable < ResponseError; end
106 # Raised when API endpoint returns the HTTP status code 429.
107 class TooManyRequests < ResponseError; end
92109 # Raised when API endpoint returns the HTTP status code 500.
93110 class InternalServerError < ResponseError; end
98115 # Raised when API endpoint returns the HTTP status code 503.
99116 class ServiceUnavailable < ResponseError; end
118 # HTTP status codes mapped to error classes.
120 400 => BadRequest,
121 401 => Unauthorized,
122 403 => Forbidden,
123 404 => NotFound,
124 405 => MethodNotAllowed,
125 406 => NotAcceptable,
126 409 => Conflict,
127 422 => Unprocessable,
128 429 => TooManyRequests,
129 500 => InternalServerError,
130 502 => BadGateway,
131 503 => ServiceUnavailable
132 }.freeze
100133 end
101134 end
8080 # Massage output from 'ri'.
8181 def change_help_output!(cmd, output_str)
82 output_str = +output_str
8283 output_str.gsub!(/#{cmd}\((.*?)\)/m, cmd + ' \1')
8384 output_str.gsub!(/\,[\s]*/, ' ')
5555 response
5656 end
58 def paginate_with_limit(limit)
59 response = block_given? ? nil : []
60 count = 0
61 each_page do |page|
62 if block_given?
63 page.each do |item|
64 yield item
65 count += 1
66 break if count >= limit
67 end
68 else
69 response += page[0, limit - count]
70 count = response.length
71 end
72 break if count >= limit
73 end
74 response
75 end
5877 def last_page?
5978 !(@links.nil? || @links.last.nil?)
6079 end
4141 %w[get post put delete].each do |method|
4242 define_method method do |path, options = {}|
43 httparty_config(options)
44 authorization_header(options)
45 validate self.class.send(method, @endpoint + path, options)
43 params = options.dup
45 httparty_config(params)
47 unless params[:unauthenticated]
48 params[:headers] ||= {}
49 params[:headers].merge!(authorization_header)
50 end
52 validate self.class.send(method, @endpoint + path, params)
4653 end
4754 end
4956 # Checks the response code for common errors.
5057 # Returns parsed response for successful requests.
5158 def validate(response)
52 error_klass = case response.code
53 when 400 then Error::BadRequest
54 when 401 then Error::Unauthorized
55 when 403 then Error::Forbidden
56 when 404 then Error::NotFound
57 when 405 then Error::MethodNotAllowed
58 when 409 then Error::Conflict
59 when 422 then Error::Unprocessable
60 when 500 then Error::InternalServerError
61 when 502 then Error::BadGateway
62 when 503 then Error::ServiceUnavailable
63 end
59 error_klass = Error::STATUS_MAPPINGS[response.code]
6560 raise error_klass, response if error_klass
6762 parsed = response.parsed_response
7368 # Sets a base_uri and default_params for requests.
7469 # @raise [Error::MissingCredentials] if endpoint not set.
7570 def request_defaults(sudo = nil)
76 self.class.default_params sudo: sudo
7771 raise Error::MissingCredentials, 'Please set an endpoint to API' unless @endpoint
73 self.class.default_params sudo: sudo
7974 self.class.default_params.delete(:sudo) if sudo.nil?
8075 end
8277 private
84 # Sets a PRIVATE-TOKEN or Authorization header for requests.
79 # Returns an Authorization header hash
8580 #
86 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
87 # @option options [Boolean] :unauthenticated true if the API call does not require user authentication.
8881 # @raise [Error::MissingCredentials] if private_token and auth_token are not set.
89 def authorization_header(options)
90 return if options[:unauthenticated]
82 def authorization_header
9183 raise Error::MissingCredentials, 'Please provide a private_token or auth_token for user' unless @private_token
93 options[:headers] = if @private_token.size < 21
94 { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN' => @private_token }
95 else
96 { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{@private_token}" }
97 end
85 if @private_token.size < 21
86 { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN' => @private_token }
87 else
88 { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{@private_token}" }
89 end
9890 end
10092 # Set HTTParty configuration
2929 private
3131 def history_file
32 if defined?(@history_file)
33 @history_file
34 else
35 @history_file =, 'w', 0o600).tap do |file|
36 file.sync = true
37 end
32 @history_file ||=, 'w', 0o600).tap do |file|
33 file.sync = true
3834 end
3935 rescue Errno::EACCES
4036 warn 'History not saved; unable to open your history file for writing.'
4945 path = history_file_path
5147 File.foreach(path) { |line| yield(line) } if File.exist?(path)
52 rescue StandardError => error
53 warn "History file not loaded: #{error.message}"
48 rescue StandardError => e
49 warn "History file not loaded: #{e.message}"
5450 end
5652 def max_lines
00 # frozen_string_literal: true
22 module Gitlab
3 VERSION = '4.8.0'
3 VERSION = '4.14.1'
44 end
0 {
1 "default_projects_limit": 100000,
2 "signup_enabled": true,
3 "id": 1,
4 "default_branch_protection": 2,
5 "restricted_visibility_levels": [],
6 "password_authentication_enabled_for_web": true,
7 "after_sign_out_path": null,
8 "max_attachment_size": 10,
9 "user_oauth_applications": true,
10 "updated_at": "2016-01-04T15:44:55.176Z",
11 "session_expire_delay": 10080,
12 "home_page_url": null,
13 "default_snippet_visibility": "private",
14 "domain_whitelist": [],
15 "domain_blacklist_enabled": false,
16 "domain_blacklist": [],
17 "created_at": "2016-01-04T15:44:55.176Z",
18 "default_project_visibility": "private",
19 "default_group_visibility": "private",
20 "gravatar_enabled": true,
21 "sign_in_text": null,
22 "container_registry_token_expire_delay": 5,
23 "repository_storages": [
24 "default"
25 ],
26 "plantuml_enabled": false,
27 "plantuml_url": null,
28 "terminal_max_session_time": 0,
29 "polling_interval_multiplier": 1,
30 "rsa_key_restriction": 0,
31 "dsa_key_restriction": 0,
32 "ecdsa_key_restriction": 0,
33 "ed25519_key_restriction": 0,
34 "first_day_of_week": 0,
35 "enforce_terms": true,
36 "terms": "Hello world!",
37 "performance_bar_allowed_group_id": 42,
38 "instance_statistics_visibility_private": false,
39 "user_show_add_ssh_key_message": true,
40 "file_template_project_id": 1,
41 "local_markdown_version": 0,
42 "geo_node_allowed_ips": ", ::/0"
43 }
0 {
1 "avatar_url": ""
2 }
0 {
1 "id": 1,
2 "name": "project issue board",
3 "project": {
4 "id": 5,
5 "name": "Diaspora Project Site",
6 "name_with_namespace": "Diaspora / Diaspora Project Site",
7 "path": "diaspora-project-site",
8 "path_with_namespace": "diaspora/diaspora-project-site",
9 "http_url_to_repo": "",
10 "web_url": ""
11 },
12 "milestone": {
13 "id": 12,
14 "title": "10.0"
15 },
16 "lists" : [
17 {
18 "id" : 1,
19 "label" : {
20 "name" : "Testing",
21 "color" : "#F0AD4E",
22 "description" : null
23 },
24 "position" : 1
25 },
26 {
27 "id" : 2,
28 "label" : {
29 "name" : "Ready",
30 "color" : "#FF0000",
31 "description" : null
32 },
33 "position" : 2
34 },
35 {
36 "id" : 3,
37 "label" : {
38 "name" : "Production",
39 "color" : "#FF5F00",
40 "description" : null
41 },
42 "position" : 3
43 }
44 ]
45 }
0 [{
1 "name": "Dmitriy Zaporozhets",
2 "email": "",
3 "commits": 117,
4 "additions": 2097,
5 "deletions": 517
6 }, {
7 "name": "Jacob Vosmaer",
8 "email": "",
9 "commits": 33,
10 "additions": 338,
11 "deletions": 244
12 }]
0 {
1 "source_issue": {
2 "id": 83,
3 "iid": 11,
4 "project_id": 4,
5 "created_at": "2016-01-07T12:44:33.959Z",
6 "title": "Issues with auth",
7 "state": "opened",
8 "assignees": [],
9 "assignee": null,
10 "labels": [
11 "bug"
12 ],
13 "author": {
14 "name": "Alexandra Bashirian",
15 "avatar_url": null,
16 "state": "active",
17 "web_url": "",
18 "id": 18,
19 "username": "eileen.lowe"
20 },
21 "description": null,
22 "updated_at": "2016-01-07T12:44:33.959Z",
23 "milestone": null,
24 "subscribed": true,
25 "user_notes_count": 0,
26 "due_date": null,
27 "web_url": "",
28 "confidential": false,
29 "weight": null
30 },
31 "target_issue": {
32 "id": 84,
33 "iid": 14,
34 "project_id": 4,
35 "created_at": "2016-01-07T12:44:33.959Z",
36 "title": "Issues with auth",
37 "state": "opened",
38 "assignees": [],
39 "assignee": null,
40 "labels": [
41 "bug"
42 ],
43 "author": {
44 "name": "Alexandra Bashirian",
45 "avatar_url": null,
46 "state": "active",
47 "web_url": "",
48 "id": 18,
49 "username": "eileen.lowe"
50 },
51 "description": null,
52 "updated_at": "2016-01-07T12:44:33.959Z",
53 "milestone": null,
54 "subscribed": true,
55 "user_notes_count": 0,
56 "due_date": null,
57 "web_url": "",
58 "confidential": false,
59 "weight": null
60 }
61 }
0 {
1 "source_issue": {
2 "id": 83,
3 "iid": 11,
4 "project_id": 4,
5 "created_at": "2016-01-07T12:44:33.959Z",
6 "title": "Issues with auth",
7 "state": "opened",
8 "assignees": [],
9 "assignee": null,
10 "labels": [
11 "bug"
12 ],
13 "author": {
14 "name": "Alexandra Bashirian",
15 "avatar_url": null,
16 "state": "active",
17 "web_url": "",
18 "id": 18,
19 "username": "eileen.lowe"
20 },
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2 "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
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4 "name":"Awesome app v0.2 beta",
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3 "lists": [],
4 "name": "new_name",
5 "group": {
6 "id": 5,
7 "name": "Documentcloud",
8 "path": "documentcloud",
9 "owner_id": null,
10 "created_at": "2018-05-07T06:52:45.788Z",
11 "updated_at": "2018-07-03T06:48:17.005Z",
12 "description": "Consequatur aut a aperiam ut.",
13 "avatar": {
14 "url": null
15 },
16 "membership_lock": false,
17 "share_with_group_lock": false,
18 "visibility_level": 20,
19 "request_access_enabled": false,
20 "ldap_sync_status": "ready",
21 "ldap_sync_error": null,
22 "ldap_sync_last_update_at": null,
23 "ldap_sync_last_successful_update_at": null,
24 "ldap_sync_last_sync_at": null,
25 "lfs_enabled": null,
26 "parent_id": null,
27 "shared_runners_minutes_limit": null,
28 "repository_size_limit": null,
29 "require_two_factor_authentication": false,
30 "two_factor_grace_period": 48,
31 "plan_id": null,
32 "project_creation_level": 2,
33 "runners_token": "rgeeL-nv3wa6YdRvuMid"
34 },
35 "milestone": {
36 "id": 44,
37 "iid": 1,
38 "group_id": 5,
39 "title": "Group Milestone",
40 "description": "Group Milestone Desc",
41 "state": "active",
42 "created_at": "2018-07-03T07:15:19.271Z",
43 "updated_at": "2018-07-03T07:15:19.271Z",
44 "due_date": null,
45 "start_date": null,
46 "web_url": ""
47 },
48 "assignee": {
49 "id": 1,
50 "name": "Administrator",
51 "username": "root",
52 "state": "active",
53 "avatar_url": "",
54 "web_url": ""
55 },
56 "labels": [{
57 "id": 11,
58 "name": "GroupLabel",
59 "color": "#428BCA",
60 "description": ""
61 }],
62 "weight": 4
63 }
0 {
1 "status": "valid",
2 "errors": []
3 }
1616 it 'returns true when command is valid' do
1717 expect(described_class).to be_valid_command('merge_requests')
1818 end
1920 it 'returns false when command is NOT valid' do
2021 expect(described_class).not_to be_valid_command('mmmmmerge_requests')
2122 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 it { respond_to :application_settings }
6 it { respond_to :edit_application_settings }
8 describe '.application_settings' do
9 before do
10 stub_get('/application/settings', 'application_settings')
11 @application_settings = Gitlab.application_settings
12 end
14 it 'gets the correct resource' do
15 expect(a_get('/application/settings')).to have_been_made
16 end
18 it 'returns a paginated response of projects' do
19 expect(@application_settings).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
20 expect(@application_settings.default_projects_limit).to eq(100_000)
21 end
22 end
24 describe '.edit_application_settings' do
25 before do
26 stub_put('/application/settings', 'application_settings').with(body: { signup_enabled: true })
27 @edited_application_settings = Gitlab.edit_application_settings(signup_enabled: true)
28 end
30 it 'gets the correct resource' do
31 expect(a_put('/application/settings').with(body: { signup_enabled: true })).to have_been_made
32 end
34 it 'returns information about an edited project' do
35 expect(@edited_application_settings.signup_enabled).to eq(true)
36 end
37 end
38 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.avatar' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/avatar', 'avatar').with(query: { email: '', size: 32 })
8 @avatar = Gitlab.avatar(email: '', size: 32)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/avatar')
13 .with(query: { email: '', size: 32 })).to have_been_made
14 end
15 end
16 end
1515 it "returns a paginated response of project's boards" do
1616 expect(@boards).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.board' do
21 before do
22 stub_get('/projects/5/boards/1', 'board')
23 @board = Gitlab.board(5, 1)
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_get('/projects/5/boards/1')).to have_been_made
28 end
30 it 'returns information about the board' do
31 expect( eq(1)
32 expect( eq(5)
33 end
34 end
36 describe '.create_board' do
37 before do
38 stub_post('/projects/5/boards', 'board')
39 @board = Gitlab.create_board(5, 'project issue board')
40 end
42 it 'gets the correct resource' do
43 expect(a_post('/projects/5/boards')
44 .with(body: { name: 'project issue board' })).to have_been_made
45 end
47 it 'returns information about a created board' do
48 expect( eq('project issue board')
49 expect( eq(5)
50 end
51 end
53 describe '.edit_board' do
54 before do
55 stub_put('/projects/5/boards/1', 'updated_board')
56 @board = Gitlab.edit_board(5, 1, name: 'new_name', milestone_id: 43, assignee_id: 1)
57 end
59 it 'gets the correct resource' do
60 expect(a_put('/projects/5/boards/1')
61 .with(body: { name: 'new_name', milestone_id: 43, assignee_id: 1 })).to have_been_made
62 end
64 it 'returns information about an edited board' do
65 expect( eq('new_name')
66 expect( eq(43)
67 expect( eq(1)
68 end
69 end
71 describe '.delete_board' do
72 before do
73 stub_delete('/projects/5/boards/1', 'empty')
74 Gitlab.delete_board(5, 1)
75 end
77 it 'gets the correct resource' do
78 expect(a_delete('/projects/5/boards/1')).to have_been_made
1779 end
1880 end
58120 expect(a_post('/projects/3/boards/1/lists')).to have_been_made
59121 end
61 it 'returns information about a created board' do
123 it 'returns information about a created board list' do
62124 expect(@board_list.position).to eq(1)
63125 end
64126 end
73135 expect(a_put('/projects/3/boards/1/lists/1')).to have_been_made
74136 end
76 it 'returns information about an edited board' do
138 it 'returns information about an edited board list' do
77139 expect( eq(1)
78140 end
79141 end
1414 describe '.commits' do
1515 before do
1616 stub_get('/projects/3/repository/commits', 'project_commits')
17 .with(query: { ref_name: 'api' })
18 @commits = Gitlab.commits(3, ref_name: 'api')
17 .with(query: { ref: 'api' })
18 @commits = Gitlab.commits(3, ref: 'api')
1919 end
2121 it 'gets the correct resource' do
2222 expect(a_get('/projects/3/repository/commits')
23 .with(query: { ref_name: 'api' })).to have_been_made
23 .with(query: { ref: 'api' })).to have_been_made
2424 end
2626 it 'returns a paginated response of repository commits' do
4343 it 'returns a repository commit' do
4444 expect( eq('6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6')
45 end
46 end
48 describe '.commit_refs' do
49 before do
50 stub_get('/projects/3/repository/commits/0b4cd14ccc6a5c392526df719d29baf4315a4bbb/refs', 'project_commit_refs')
51 @refs = Gitlab.commit_refs(3, '0b4cd14ccc6a5c392526df719d29baf4315a4bbb')
52 end
54 it 'gets the correct resource' do
55 expect(a_get('/projects/3/repository/commits/0b4cd14ccc6a5c392526df719d29baf4315a4bbb/refs'))
56 .to have_been_made
57 end
59 it 'returns an Array of refs' do
60 expect(
61 .to include('type' => 'branch', 'name' => '12-1-stable')
62 .and include('type' => 'tag', 'name' => 'v12.1.0')
4563 end
4664 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.registry_repositories' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/projects/3/registry/repositories', 'registry_repositories')
8 @registry_repositories = Gitlab.registry_repositories(3)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/projects/3/registry/repositories')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of project's registry repositories" do
16 expect(@registry_repositories).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.delete_registry_repository' do
21 before do
22 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1', 'empty')
23 Gitlab.delete_registry_repository(3, 1)
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1')).to have_been_made
28 end
29 end
31 describe '.registry_repository_tags' do
32 before do
33 stub_get('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags', 'registry_repository_tags')
34 @registry_repository_tags = Gitlab.registry_repository_tags(3, 1)
35 end
37 it 'gets the correct resource' do
38 expect(a_get('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags')).to have_been_made
39 end
41 it "returns a paginated response of a registry repository's tags" do
42 expect(@registry_repository_tags).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
43 end
44 end
46 describe '.registry_repository_tag' do
47 before do
48 stub_get('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags/v10.0.0', 'registry_repository_tag')
49 @registry_repository_tag = Gitlab.registry_repository_tag(3, 1, 'v10.0.0')
50 end
52 it 'gets the correct resource' do
53 expect(a_get('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags/v10.0.0')).to have_been_made
54 end
56 it 'returns correct information about the registry repository tag' do
57 expect( eq 'v10.0.0'
58 end
59 end
61 describe '.delete_registry_repository_tag' do
62 before do
63 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags/v10.0.0', 'empty')
64 Gitlab.delete_registry_repository_tag(3, 1, 'v10.0.0')
65 end
67 it 'gets the correct resource' do
68 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags/v10.0.0')).to have_been_made
69 end
70 end
72 describe '.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags' do
73 context 'when just name_regex provided for deletion' do
74 before do
75 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags', 'empty').with(query: { name_regex: '.*' })
76 Gitlab.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(3, 1, name_regex: '.*')
77 end
79 it 'gets the correct resource' do
80 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags')
81 .with(query: { name_regex: '.*' })).to have_been_made
82 end
83 end
85 context 'when all options provided for deletion' do
86 before do
87 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags', 'empty').with(query: { name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d' })
88 Gitlab.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(3, 1, name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d')
89 end
91 it 'gets the correct resource' do
92 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags')
93 .with(query: { name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d' })).to have_been_made
94 end
95 end
96 end
97 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.epics' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/groups/1/epics', 'epics')
8 @epics = Gitlab.epics(1)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/groups/1/epics')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it 'returns a paginated response of groups' do
16 expect(@epics).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.epic' do
21 before do
22 stub_get('/groups/1/epics/2', 'epic')
23 Gitlab.epic(1, 2)
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_get('/groups/1/epics/2')).to have_been_made
28 end
29 end
31 describe '.create_epic' do
32 before do
33 stub_post('/groups/1/epics', 'epic')
34 Gitlab.create_epic(1, 'foo', description: 'bar')
35 end
37 it 'creates the right resource' do
38 expect(a_post('/groups/1/epics')
39 .with(body: { title: 'foo', description: 'bar' })).to have_been_made
40 end
41 end
43 describe '.edit_epic' do
44 before do
45 stub_put('/groups/1/epics/2', 'epic')
46 Gitlab.edit_epic(1, 2, title: 'mepmep')
47 end
49 it 'updates the correct resource' do
50 expect(a_put('/groups/1/epics/2')
51 .with(body: { title: 'mepmep' })).to have_been_made
52 end
53 end
55 describe '.delete_epic' do
56 before do
57 stub_delete('/groups/1/epics/2', 'epic')
58 Gitlab.delete_epic(1, 2)
59 end
61 it 'deletes the correct resource' do
62 expect(a_delete('/groups/1/epics/2')).to have_been_made
63 end
64 end
65 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.features' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/features', 'features')
8 @features = Gitlab.features
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/features')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it 'returns a paginated response of features' do
16 expect(@features).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.set_feature' do
21 context 'when setting boolean value' do
22 before do
23 stub_post('/features/new_library', 'feature')
24 @feature = Gitlab.set_feature('new_library', true)
25 end
27 it 'gets the correct resource' do
28 expect(a_post('/features/new_library')
29 .with(body: { value: true })).to have_been_made
30 end
32 it 'returns information about the feature' do
33 expect(@feature).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
34 end
35 end
37 context 'when setting percentage-of-time gate value' do
38 before do
39 stub_post('/features/new_library', 'feature')
40 @feature = Gitlab.set_feature('new_library', 30)
41 end
43 it 'gets the correct resource' do
44 expect(a_post('/features/new_library')
45 .with(body: { value: 30 })).to have_been_made
46 end
48 it 'returns information about the feature' do
49 expect(@feature).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
50 end
51 end
52 end
54 describe '.delete_feature' do
55 before do
56 stub_delete('/features/new_library', 'empty')
57 Gitlab.delete_feature('new_library')
58 end
60 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 expect(a_delete('/features/new_library')).to have_been_made
62 end
63 end
64 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.group_boards' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/groups/5/boards', 'group_boards')
8 @group_boards = Gitlab.group_boards(5)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/groups/5/boards')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of group's boards" do
16 expect(@group_boards).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.group_board' do
21 before do
22 stub_get('/groups/5/boards/1', 'group_board')
23 @group_board = Gitlab.group_board(5, 1)
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_get('/groups/5/boards/1')).to have_been_made
28 end
30 it 'returns correct information about a group issue board' do
31 expect( eq 1
32 end
33 end
35 describe '.create_group_board' do
36 before do
37 stub_post('/groups/5/boards', 'group_board')
38 @group_board = Gitlab.create_group_board(5, 'group issue board')
39 end
41 it 'gets the correct resource' do
42 expect(a_post('/groups/5/boards')
43 .with(body: { name: 'group issue board' })).to have_been_made
44 end
46 it 'returns information about a created group issue board' do
47 expect( eq('group issue board')
48 end
49 end
51 describe '.edit_group_board' do
52 before do
53 stub_put('/groups/5/boards/1', 'updated_group_board')
54 @group_board = Gitlab.edit_group_board(5, 1, assignee_id: 1, milestone_id: 44)
55 end
57 it 'gets the correct resource' do
58 expect(a_put('/groups/5/boards/1')
59 .with(body: { assignee_id: 1, milestone_id: 44 })).to have_been_made
60 end
62 it 'returns information about an edited group issue board' do
63 expect( eq(1)
64 expect( eq(44)
65 end
66 end
68 describe '.delete_group_board' do
69 before do
70 stub_delete('/groups/5/boards/1', 'empty')
71 Gitlab.delete_group_board(5, 1)
72 end
74 it 'gets the correct resource' do
75 expect(a_delete('/groups/5/boards/1')).to have_been_made
76 end
77 end
79 describe '.group_board_lists' do
80 before do
81 stub_get('/groups/5/boards/1/lists', 'group_board_lists')
82 @group_board_lists = Gitlab.group_board_lists(5, 1)
83 end
85 it 'gets the correct resource' do
86 expect(a_get('/groups/5/boards/1/lists')).to have_been_made
87 end
89 it "returns a paginated response of group's board lists" do
90 expect(@group_board_lists).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
91 end
92 end
94 describe '.group_board_list' do
95 before do
96 stub_get('/groups/5/boards/1/lists/1', 'group_board_list')
97 @group_board_list = Gitlab.group_board_list(5, 1, 1)
98 end
100 it 'gets the correct resource' do
101 expect(a_get('/groups/5/boards/1/lists/1')).to have_been_made
102 end
104 it 'returns correct information about a group issue board list' do
105 expect( eq 1
106 end
107 end
109 describe '.create_group_board_list' do
110 before do
111 stub_post('/groups/5/boards/1/lists', 'group_board_list')
112 @group_board_list = Gitlab.create_group_board_list(5, 1, 5)
113 end
115 it 'gets the correct resource' do
116 expect(a_post('/groups/5/boards/1/lists')
117 .with(body: { label_id: 5 })).to have_been_made
118 end
120 it 'returns information about a created group issue board list' do
121 expect(@group_board_list.position).to eq(1)
122 end
123 end
125 describe '.edit_group_board_list' do
126 before do
127 stub_put('/groups/5/boards/1/lists/1', 'group_board_list')
128 @group_board_list = Gitlab.edit_group_board_list(5, 1, 1, position: 1)
129 end
131 it 'gets the correct resource' do
132 expect(a_put('/groups/5/boards/1/lists/1')
133 .with(body: { position: 1 })).to have_been_made
134 end
136 it 'returns information about an edited group issue board list' do
137 expect(@group_board_list.position).to eq(1)
138 end
139 end
141 describe '.delete_group_board_list' do
142 before do
143 stub_delete('/groups/5/boards/1/lists/1', 'empty')
144 Gitlab.delete_group_board_list(5, 1, 1)
145 end
147 it 'gets the correct resource' do
148 expect(a_delete('/groups/5/boards/1/lists/1')).to have_been_made
149 end
150 end
151 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.group_labels' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/groups/3/labels', 'group_labels')
8 @labels = Gitlab.group_labels(3)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/groups/3/labels')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of group's labels" do
16 expect(@labels).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 expect( eq('Backlog')
18 end
19 end
21 describe '.create_group_label' do
22 before do
23 stub_post('/groups/3/labels', 'group_label')
24 @label = Gitlab.create_group_label(3, 'Backlog', '#DD10AA')
25 end
27 it 'gets the correct resource' do
28 expect(a_post('/groups/3/labels')
29 .with(body: { name: 'Backlog', color: '#DD10AA' })).to have_been_made
30 end
32 it 'returns information about a created label' do
33 expect( eq('Backlog')
34 expect(@label.color).to eq('#DD10AA')
35 end
36 end
38 describe '.edit_group_label' do
39 before do
40 stub_put('/groups/3/labels', 'group_label')
41 @label = Gitlab.edit_group_label(3, 'TODO', new_name: 'Backlog')
42 end
44 it 'gets the correct resource' do
45 expect(a_put('/groups/3/labels')
46 .with(body: { name: 'TODO', new_name: 'Backlog' })).to have_been_made
47 end
49 it 'returns information about an edited label' do
50 expect( eq('Backlog')
51 end
52 end
54 describe '.delete_group_label' do
55 before do
56 stub_delete('/groups/3/labels', 'label')
57 @label = Gitlab.delete_group_label(3, 'Backlog')
58 end
60 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 expect(a_delete('/groups/3/labels')
62 .with(body: { name: 'Backlog' })).to have_been_made
63 end
65 it 'returns information about a deleted snippet' do
66 expect( eq('Backlog')
67 end
68 end
70 describe '.subscribe_to_group_label' do
71 before do
72 stub_post('/groups/3/labels/Backlog/subscribe', 'group_label')
73 @label = Gitlab.subscribe_to_group_label(3, 'Backlog')
74 end
76 it 'gets the correct resource' do
77 expect(a_post('/groups/3/labels/Backlog/subscribe')).to have_been_made
78 end
80 it 'returns information about the label subscribed to' do
81 expect( eq('Backlog')
82 expect(@label.subscribed).to eq(true)
83 end
84 end
86 describe '.unsubscribe_from_group_label' do
87 before do
88 stub_post('/groups/3/labels/Backlog/unsubscribe', 'group_label_unsubscribe')
89 @label = Gitlab.unsubscribe_from_group_label(3, 'Backlog')
90 end
92 it 'gets the correct resource' do
93 expect(a_post('/groups/3/labels/Backlog/unsubscribe')).to have_been_made
94 end
96 it 'returns information about the label subscribed to' do
97 expect( eq('Backlog')
98 expect(@label.subscribed).to eq(false)
99 end
100 end
101 end
1818 it 'returns a paginated response of groups' do
1919 expect(@groups).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
2020 expect(@groups.first.path).to eq('threegroup')
21 end
22 end
24 describe '.group' do
25 before do
26 stub_get('/groups/3?with_projects=false', 'group')
27 @group =, with_projects: false)
28 end
30 it 'gets the correct resource' do
31 expect(a_get('/groups/3?with_projects=false')).to have_been_made
2132 end
2233 end
244255 end
245256 end
246257 end
259 describe '.group_issues' do
260 before do
261 stub_get('/groups/3/issues', 'group_issues')
262 @issues = Gitlab.group_issues(3)
263 end
265 it 'gets the correct resource' do
266 expect(a_get('/groups/3/issues')).to have_been_made
267 end
269 it "returns a paginated response of project's issues" do
270 expect(@issues).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
271 expect(@issues.first.project_id).to eq(4)
272 end
273 end
275 describe '.group_merge_requests' do
276 before do
277 stub_get('/groups/3/merge_requests', 'group_merge_requests')
278 @merge_requests = Gitlab.group_merge_requests(3)
279 end
281 it 'gets the correct resource' do
282 expect(a_get('/groups/3/merge_requests')).to have_been_made
283 end
285 it "returns information about a group's merge requests" do
286 expect(@merge_requests).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
287 expect(@merge_requests.first.project_id).to eq(3)
288 end
289 end
291 describe '.sync_ldap_group' do
292 before do
293 stub_post('/groups/1/ldap_sync', 'group_ldap_sync')
294 Gitlab.sync_ldap_group(1)
295 end
297 it 'gets the correct resource' do
298 expect(a_post('/groups/1/ldap_sync')).to have_been_made
299 end
300 end
302 describe '.add_ldap_group_links' do
303 before do
304 stub_post('/groups/1/ldap_group_links', 'group_add_ldap_links')
305 @ldap_link = Gitlab.add_ldap_group_links(1, 'all', 50, 'ldap')
306 end
308 it 'gets the correct resource' do
309 expect(a_post('/groups/1/ldap_group_links')
310 .with(body: { cn: 'all', group_access: 50, provider: 'ldap' })).to have_been_made
311 end
313 it 'returns information about the created ldap link' do
314 expect( eq('all')
315 expect(@ldap_link.group_access).to eq(50)
316 expect(@ldap_link.provider).to eq('ldap')
317 end
318 end
320 describe '.delete_ldap_group_links' do
321 before do
322 stub_delete('/groups/1/ldap_group_links/ldap/all', 'group_delete_ldap_links')
323 Gitlab.delete_ldap_group_links(1, 'all', 'ldap')
324 end
326 it 'gets the correct resource' do
327 expect(a_delete('/groups/1/ldap_group_links/ldap/all')).to have_been_made
328 end
329 end
247330 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 it { respond_to :issue_links }
6 it { respond_to :create_issue_link }
7 it { respond_to :delete_issue_link }
9 describe '.issue_links' do
10 before do
11 stub_get('/projects/4/issues/14/links', 'project_issue_links')
12 @issue_link = Gitlab.issue_links(4, 14)
13 end
15 it 'gets the correct resource' do
16 expect(a_get('/projects/4/issues/14/links')).to have_been_made
17 end
19 it 'returns a paginated response of projects' do
20 expect(@issue_link).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
21 expect(@issue_link.first.title).to eq('Issues with auth')
22 expect( eq('Alexandra Bashirian')
23 end
24 end
26 describe '.create_issue_link' do
27 before do
28 stub_post('/projects/3/issues/14/links', 'create_issue_link')
29 @issue_link = Gitlab.create_issue_link(3, 14, 4, 11)
30 end
32 it 'gets the correct resource' do
33 expect(a_post('/projects/3/issues/14/links')
34 .with(body: { target_project_id: 4, target_issue_iid: 11 })).to have_been_made
35 end
37 it 'returns information about a created issue' do
38 expect(@issue_link.source_issue.iid).to eq(11)
39 expect(@issue_link.target_issue.iid).to eq(14)
40 end
41 end
43 describe '.delete_issue_link' do
44 before do
45 stub_delete('/projects/3/issues/14/links/1', 'delete_issue_link')
46 @issue_link = Gitlab.delete_issue_link(3, 14, 1)
47 end
49 it 'deletes the correct resource' do
50 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/issues/14/links/1')).to have_been_made
51 end
53 it 'returns information about the deleted issue link' do
54 expect(@issue_link.source_issue.iid).to eq(11)
55 expect(@issue_link.target_issue.iid).to eq(14)
56 end
57 end
58 end
236236 end
238238 describe '.add_time_spent_on_issue' do
239 before do
240 stub_post('/projects/3/issues/33/add_spent_time', 'issue')
241 @issue = Gitlab.add_time_spent_on_issue(3, 33, '3h30m')
242 end
244 it 'gets the correct resource' do
245 expect(a_post('/projects/3/issues/33/add_spent_time')
246 .with(body: { duration: '3h30m' })).to have_been_made
247 end
249 it 'returns information about the estimated issue' do
250 expect(@issue.project_id).to eq(3)
251 expect( eq('Jack Smith')
239 context 'with positive value' do
240 before do
241 stub_post('/projects/3/issues/33/add_spent_time', 'issue')
242 @issue = Gitlab.add_time_spent_on_issue(3, 33, '3h30m')
243 end
245 it 'gets the correct resource' do
246 expect(a_post('/projects/3/issues/33/add_spent_time')
247 .with(body: { duration: '3h30m' })).to have_been_made
248 end
250 it 'returns information about the estimated issue' do
251 expect(@issue.project_id).to eq(3)
252 expect( eq('Jack Smith')
253 end
254 end
256 context 'with negative value' do
257 before do
258 stub_post('/projects/3/issues/33/add_spent_time', 'issue')
259 @issue = Gitlab.add_time_spent_on_issue(3, 33, '-30m')
260 end
262 it 'gets the correct resource' do
263 expect(a_post('/projects/3/issues/33/add_spent_time')
264 .with(body: { duration: '-30m' })).to have_been_made
265 end
267 it 'returns information about the estimated issue' do
268 expect(@issue.project_id).to eq(3)
269 expect( eq('Jack Smith')
270 end
252271 end
253272 end
144144 expect(a_post('/projects/1/jobs/1/artifacts/keep')).to have_been_made
145145 end
146146 end
148 describe '.job_artifacts_delete' do
149 before do
150 stub_delete('/projects/1/jobs/1/artifacts', 'job')
151 @projects = Gitlab.job_artifacts_delete(1, 1)
152 end
154 it 'gets the correct resource' do
155 expect(a_delete('/projects/1/jobs/1/artifacts')).to have_been_made
156 end
157 end
147158 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.validate_gitlab_ci_yml' do
6 context 'when valid content' do
7 before do
8 stub_post('/lint', 'valid_content_gitlab_ci_yml')
9 @lint_response = Gitlab.validate_gitlab_ci_yml('{ "image": "ruby:2.6", "services": ["postgres"], "before_script": ["bundle install", "bundle exec rake db:create"], "variables": {"DB_NAME": "postgres"}, "types": ["test", "deploy", "notify"], "rspec": { "script": "rake spec", "tags": ["ruby", "postgres"], "only": ["branches"]}}')
10 end
12 it 'gets the correct resource' do
13 expect(a_post('/lint')
14 .with(body: { content: '{ "image": "ruby:2.6", "services": ["postgres"], "before_script": ["bundle install", "bundle exec rake db:create"], "variables": {"DB_NAME": "postgres"}, "types": ["test", "deploy", "notify"], "rspec": { "script": "rake spec", "tags": ["ruby", "postgres"], "only": ["branches"]}}' })).to have_been_made
15 end
17 it 'returns correct information about validity of the response' do
18 expect(@lint_response.status).to eq('valid')
19 expect(@lint_response.errors).to eq([])
20 end
21 end
23 context 'when invalid content' do
24 before do
25 stub_post('/lint', 'invalid_content_gitlab_ci_yml')
26 @lint_response = Gitlab.validate_gitlab_ci_yml('Not a valid content')
27 end
29 it 'gets the correct resource' do
30 expect(a_post('/lint')
31 .with(body: { content: 'Not a valid content' })).to have_been_made
32 end
34 it 'returns correct information about validity of the response' do
35 expect(@lint_response.status).to eq('invalid')
36 expect(@lint_response.errors).to include('variables config should be a hash of key value pairs')
37 end
38 end
40 context 'when without content attribute' do
41 before do
42 stub_post('/lint', 'no_content_gitlab_ci_yml')
43 @lint_response = Gitlab.validate_gitlab_ci_yml(nil)
44 end
46 it 'gets the correct resource' do
47 expect(a_post('/lint')).to have_been_made
48 end
50 it 'returns correct information about validity of the response' do
51 expect(@lint_response.error).to eq('content is missing')
52 end
53 end
54 end
55 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.markdown' do
6 before do
7 stub_post('/markdown', 'markdown')
8 Gitlab.markdown('Hello world! :tada:', gfm: true, project: 'group_example/project_example')
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_post('/markdown')
13 .with(body: { text: 'Hello world! :tada:', gfm: true, project: 'group_example/project_example' })).to have_been_made
14 end
15 end
16 end
4141 describe '.edit_project_approvers' do
4242 before do
4343 body = { "approver_ids": ['5'], "approver_group_ids": ['1'] }
44 stub_put('/projects/1/approvals', 'project_merge_request_approvals').with(body: body)
44 stub_put('/projects/1/approvers', 'project_merge_request_approvals').with(body: body)
4545 @project_mr_approvals = Gitlab.edit_project_approvers(1, approver_ids: [5], approver_group_ids: [1])
4646 end
4848 it 'gets the correct resource' do
4949 body = { "approver_ids": ['5'], "approver_group_ids": ['1'] }
50 expect(a_put('/projects/1/approvals')
50 expect(a_put('/projects/1/approvers')
5151 .with(body: body)).to have_been_made
5252 end
9696 describe '.edit_merge_request_approvers' do
9797 before do
9898 body = { "approver_ids": ['1'], "approver_group_ids": ['5'] }
99 stub_put('/projects/1/merge_requests/5/approvals', 'merge_request_approvals').with(body: body)
99 stub_put('/projects/1/merge_requests/5/approvers', 'merge_request_approvals').with(body: body)
100100 @merge_request_approvals = Gitlab.edit_merge_request_approvers(1, 5, approver_ids: [1], approver_group_ids: [5])
101101 end
103103 it 'gets the correct resource' do
104104 body = { "approver_ids": ['1'], "approver_group_ids": ['5'] }
105 expect(a_put('/projects/1/merge_requests/5/approvals')
105 expect(a_put('/projects/1/merge_requests/5/approvers')
106106 .with(body: body)).to have_been_made
107107 end
4646 it 'returns information about a merge request' do
4747 expect(@merge_request.project_id).to eq(3)
4848 expect( eq('Jack Smith')
49 end
50 end
52 describe '.merge_request_participants' do
53 before do
54 stub_get('/projects/3/merge_requests/1/participants', 'participants')
55 Gitlab.merge_request_participants(3, 1)
56 end
58 it 'gets the correct resource' do
59 expect(a_get('/projects/3/merge_requests/1/participants')).to have_been_made
4960 end
5061 end
108108 Gitlab.private_token = nil
109109 end
111 after do
112 Gitlab.private_token = 'secret'
113 end
111115 it 'does not raise Error::MissingCredentials' do
112116 expect { Gitlab.run_trigger(3, '7b9148c158980bbd9bcea92c17522d', 'master', a: 10) }.not_to raise_error
113 end
115 after do
116 Gitlab.private_token = 'secret'
117117 end
118118 end
108108 expect( eq('Administrator')
109109 end
110110 end
112 describe '.delete_pipeline' do
113 before do
114 stub_delete('/projects/3/pipelines/46', 'empty')
115 Gitlab.delete_pipeline(3, 46)
116 end
118 it 'gets the correct resource' do
119 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/pipelines/46')).to have_been_made
120 end
121 end
111122 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.project_clusters' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/projects/3/clusters', 'project_clusters')
8 @project_clusters = Gitlab.project_clusters(3)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/projects/3/clusters')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of project's clusters" do
16 expect(@project_clusters).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.project_cluster' do
21 before do
22 stub_get('/projects/3/clusters/18', 'project_cluster')
23 @project_cluster = Gitlab.project_cluster(3, 18)
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_get('/projects/3/clusters/18')).to have_been_made
28 end
30 it 'returns information about a cluster' do
31 expect( eq(18)
32 end
33 end
35 describe '.add_project_cluster' do
36 before do
37 stub_post('/projects/3/clusters/user', 'project_cluster')
38 @project_cluster = Gitlab.add_project_cluster(3, 'cluster-1', enabled: false, platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: '', token: '12345', ca_cert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nhFiK1L61owwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\r\nLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1YzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM4ZDBj\r\nMB4XDTE4MTIyNzIwMDM1MVoXDTIzMTIyNjIxMDM1MVowLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1\r\nYzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM.......-----END CERTIFICATE-----", namespace: 'cluster-1-namespace', authorization_type: 'rbac' })
39 end
41 it 'gets the correct resource' do
42 expect(a_post('/projects/3/clusters/user')
43 .with(body: { name: 'cluster-1' }.merge(enabled: false, platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: '', token: '12345', ca_cert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nhFiK1L61owwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\r\nLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1YzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM4ZDBj\r\nMB4XDTE4MTIyNzIwMDM1MVoXDTIzMTIyNjIxMDM1MVowLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1\r\nYzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM.......-----END CERTIFICATE-----", namespace: 'cluster-1-namespace', authorization_type: 'rbac' }))).to have_been_made
44 end
46 it 'returns information about an added project cluster' do
47 expect( eq('cluster-1')
48 expect(@project_cluster.platform_kubernetes.api_url).to eq('')
49 expect(@project_cluster.platform_kubernetes.namespace).to eq('cluster-1-namespace')
50 expect(@project_cluster.platform_kubernetes.authorization_type).to eq('rbac')
51 expect(@project_cluster.platform_kubernetes.ca_cert).to eq("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nhFiK1L61owwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\r\nLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1YzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM4ZDBj\r\nMB4XDTE4MTIyNzIwMDM1MVoXDTIzMTIyNjIxMDM1MVowLzEtMCsGA1UEAxMkZDA1\r\nYzQ1YjctNzdiMS00NDY0LThjNmEtMTQ0ZDJkZjM.......-----END CERTIFICATE-----")
52 end
53 end
55 describe '.edit_project_cluster' do
56 before do
57 stub_put('/projects/3/clusters/18', 'project_cluster')
58 @project_cluster = Gitlab.edit_project_cluster(3, 18, name: 'cluster-1', platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: '' })
59 end
61 it 'gets the correct resource' do
62 expect(a_put('/projects/3/clusters/18')
63 .with(body: { name: 'cluster-1', platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: '' } })).to have_been_made
64 end
66 it 'returns information about an edited project cluster' do
67 expect( eq('cluster-1')
68 expect(@project_cluster.platform_kubernetes.api_url).to eq('')
69 end
70 end
72 describe '.delete_project_cluster' do
73 before do
74 stub_delete('/projects/3/clusters/18', 'empty')
75 Gitlab.delete_project_cluster(3, 18)
76 end
78 it 'gets the correct resource' do
79 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/clusters/18')).to have_been_made
80 end
81 end
82 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.project_release_links' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/projects/3/releases/v0.1/assets/links', 'project_release_links')
8 @project_release_links = Gitlab.project_release_links(3, 'v0.1')
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/projects/3/releases/v0.1/assets/links')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of project's release links" do
16 expect(@project_release_links).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.project_release_link' do
21 before do
22 stub_get('/projects/3/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1', 'project_release_link')
23 @project_release_link = Gitlab.project_release_link(3, 'v0.1', 1)
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_get('/projects/3/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1')).to have_been_made
28 end
30 it "returns information about a project's release link" do
31 expect( eq(1)
32 end
33 end
35 describe '.create_project_release_link' do
36 before do
37 stub_post('/projects/5/releases/v0.1/assets/links', 'project_release_link')
38 @project_release_link = Gitlab.create_project_release_link(5, 'v0.1', name: 'awesome-v0.2.dmg', url: '')
39 end
41 it 'gets the correct resource' do
42 expect(a_post('/projects/5/releases/v0.1/assets/links')
43 .with(body: { name: 'awesome-v0.2.dmg', url: '' })).to have_been_made
44 end
46 it 'returns information about the created release link' do
47 expect( eq('awesome-v0.2.dmg')
48 expect(@project_release_link.url).to eq('')
49 end
50 end
52 describe '.update_project_release_link' do
53 before do
54 stub_put('/projects/5/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1', 'project_release_link')
55 @project_release_link = Gitlab.update_project_release_link(5, 'v0.1', 1, url: '')
56 end
58 it 'gets the correct resource' do
59 expect(a_put('/projects/5/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1')
60 .with(body: { url: '' })).to have_been_made
61 end
63 it 'returns information about an updated project release link' do
64 expect(@project_release_link.url).to eq('')
65 end
66 end
68 describe '.delete_project_release_link' do
69 before do
70 stub_delete('/projects/3/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1', 'project_release_link')
71 @project_release_link = Gitlab.delete_project_release_link(3, 'v0.1', 1)
72 end
74 it 'gets the correct resource' do
75 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1')).to have_been_made
76 end
78 it 'returns information about the deleted project release link' do
79 expect( eq(1)
80 end
81 end
82 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.project_releases' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/projects/3/releases', 'project_releases')
8 @project_releases = Gitlab.project_releases(3)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/projects/3/releases')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of project's releases" do
16 expect(@project_releases).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.project_release' do
21 before do
22 stub_get('/projects/3/releases/v0.1', 'project_release')
23 @project_release = Gitlab.project_release(3, 'v0.1')
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_get('/projects/3/releases/v0.1')).to have_been_made
28 end
30 it 'returns information about a release' do
31 expect(@project_release.tag_name).to eq('v0.1')
32 end
33 end
35 describe '.create_project_release' do
36 context 'without asset links' do
37 before do
38 stub_post('/projects/5/releases', 'project_release')
39 @project_release = Gitlab.create_project_release(5, name: 'Awesome app v0.1 alpha', tag_name: 'v0.1', description: "## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516")
40 end
42 it 'gets the correct resource' do
43 expect(a_post('/projects/5/releases')
44 .with(body: { name: 'Awesome app v0.1 alpha', tag_name: 'v0.1', description: "## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516" })).to have_been_made
45 end
47 it 'returns information about the created release' do
48 expect( eq('Awesome app v0.1 alpha')
49 expect(@project_release.tag_name).to eq('v0.1')
50 expect(@project_release.description).to eq("## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516")
51 end
52 end
54 context 'with asset links' do
55 before do
56 stub_post('/projects/5/releases', 'project_release_with_assets')
57 @project_release = Gitlab.create_project_release(5, name: 'Awesome app v0.1 alpha', tag_name: 'v0.1', description: "## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516", assets: { links: [{ name: 'awesome-v0.2.msi', url: '' }, { name: 'awesome-v0.2.dmg', url: '' }] })
58 end
60 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 expect(a_post('/projects/5/releases')
62 .with(body: { name: 'Awesome app v0.1 alpha', tag_name: 'v0.1', description: "## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516", assets: { links: [{ name: 'awesome-v0.2.msi', url: '' }, { name: 'awesome-v0.2.dmg', url: '' }] } })).to have_been_made
63 end
65 it 'returns information about the created release' do
66 expect( eq('Awesome app v0.1 alpha')
67 expect(@project_release.tag_name).to eq('v0.1')
68 expect(@project_release.description).to eq("## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516")
69 expect(@project_release.assets.links[0]['name']).to eq('awesome-v0.2.msi')
70 expect(@project_release.assets.links[0]['url']).to eq('')
71 expect(@project_release.assets.links[1]['name']).to eq('awesome-v0.2.dmg')
72 expect(@project_release.assets.links[1]['url']).to eq('')
73 end
74 end
75 end
77 describe '.update_project_release' do
78 before do
79 stub_put('/projects/5/releases/v0.1', 'project_release')
80 @project_release = Gitlab.update_project_release(5, 'v0.1', name: 'Awesome app v0.1 alpha')
81 end
83 it 'gets the correct resource' do
84 expect(a_put('/projects/5/releases/v0.1')
85 .with(body: { name: 'Awesome app v0.1 alpha' })).to have_been_made
86 end
88 it 'returns information about an updated project release' do
89 expect( eq('Awesome app v0.1 alpha')
90 end
91 end
93 describe '.delete_project_release' do
94 before do
95 stub_delete('/projects/3/releases/v0.1', 'project_release')
96 @project_release = Gitlab.delete_project_release(3, 'v0.1')
97 end
99 it 'gets the correct resource' do
100 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/releases/v0.1')).to have_been_made
101 end
103 it 'returns information about the deleted project release' do
104 expect(@project_release.tag_name).to eq('v0.1')
105 end
106 end
107 end
7373 describe '.create_project for user' do
7474 before do
7575 stub_post('/users', 'user')
76 @owner = Gitlab.create_user('', 'pass', name: 'John Owner')
76 @owner = Gitlab.create_user('', 'pass', 'john', name: 'John Owner')
7777 stub_post("/projects/user/#{}", 'project_for_user')
7878 @project = Gitlab.create_project('Brute', user_id:
7979 end
599599 end
600600 end
602 describe '.edit_deploy_key' do
603 context 'no options' do
604 before do
605 body = { title: 'New key name' }
606 stub_put('/projects/42/deploy_keys/2', 'project_key_edit').with(body: body)
607 @project_deploy_key = Gitlab.edit_deploy_key(42, 2, 'New key name')
608 end
610 it 'puts the correct resource' do
611 body = { title: 'New key name' }
612 expect(a_put('/projects/42/deploy_keys/2')
613 .with(body: body)).to have_been_made
614 end
616 it 'returns the correct updated information' do
617 expect(@project_deploy_key).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
618 expect(@project_deploy_key.title).to eq 'New key name'
619 end
620 end
622 context 'some options' do
623 before do
624 body = { title: 'New key name', can_push: true }
625 stub_put('/projects/42/deploy_keys/2', 'project_key_edit').with(body: body)
626 @project_deploy_key = Gitlab.edit_deploy_key(42, 2, 'New key name', can_push: true)
627 end
629 it 'puts the correct resource' do
630 body = { title: 'New key name', can_push: true }
631 expect(a_put('/projects/42/deploy_keys/2')
632 .with(body: body)).to have_been_made
633 end
635 it 'returns the correct updated information' do
636 expect(@project_deploy_key).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
637 expect(@project_deploy_key.title).to eq 'New key name'
638 expect(@project_deploy_key.can_push).to eq true
639 end
640 end
641 end
602643 describe '.share_project_with_group' do
603644 before do
604645 stub_post('/projects/3/share', 'group')
695736 describe '.upload_file' do
696737 let(:id) { 1 }
697 let(:file) {, 'r') }
738 let(:file_fullpath) { File::NULL }
699740 before do
700741 stub_post("/projects/#{id}/uploads", 'upload_file')
701 @file = Gitlab.upload_file(id, file)
742 @file = Gitlab.upload_file(id, file_fullpath)
702743 end
704745 it 'gets the correct resource' do
750791 end
751792 end
752793 end
795 describe '.archive_project' do
796 before do
797 stub_post('/projects/3/archive', 'project_archive')
798 @archived_project = Gitlab.archive_project('3')
799 end
801 it 'gets the correct resource' do
802 expect(a_post('/projects/3/archive')).to have_been_made
803 end
805 it 'returns information about a archived project' do
806 expect( eq('GitLab Community Edition')
807 expect(@archived_project.archived).to eq(true)
808 end
809 end
811 describe '.unarchive_project' do
812 before do
813 stub_post('/projects/3/unarchive', 'project_unarchive')
814 @unarchived_project = Gitlab.unarchive_project('3')
815 end
817 it 'gets the correct resource' do
818 expect(a_post('/projects/3/unarchive')).to have_been_made
819 end
821 it 'returns information about a unarchived project' do
822 expect( eq('GitLab Community Edition')
823 expect(@unarchived_project.archived).to eq(false)
824 end
825 end
753826 end
88 it { respond_to :repo_branch }
99 it { respond_to :repo_tree }
1010 it { respond_to :repo_compare }
11 it { respond_to :repo_contributors }
1213 describe '.tags' do
1314 before do
111112 end
112113 end
113114 end
116 describe '.contributors' do
117 before do
118 stub_get('/projects/3/repository/contributors', 'contributors')
119 @contributors = Gitlab.contributors(3)
120 end
122 it 'gets the correct resource' do
123 expect(a_get('/projects/3/repository/contributors')).to have_been_made
124 end
126 it 'returns a paginated response of repository contributors' do
127 expect(@contributors).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
128 expect( eq('Dmitriy Zaporozhets')
129 expect(@contributors.first.commits).to eq(117)
130 end
131 end
1515 it 'returns file contents' do
1616 expect(@file_contents).to eq("source ''\ngem 'rails', '4.1.2'\n")
17 end
18 end
20 describe '.get_file_blame' do
21 before do
22 stub_get('/projects/3/repository/files/README%2Emd/blame?ref=master', 'get_file_blame')
23 @blames = Gitlab.get_file_blame(3, '', 'master')
24 end
26 it 'gets the correct resource' do
27 expect(a_get('/projects/3/repository/files/README%2Emd/blame?ref=master')).to have_been_made
28 end
30 it 'returns the blame info of the file' do
31 expect( eq('d42409d56517157c48bf3bd97d3f75974dde19fb')
1732 end
1833 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.issue_label_events' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_label_events', 'resource_label_events')
8 @events = Gitlab.issue_label_events(5, 42)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_label_events')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of project's issue's label events" do
16 expect(@events).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 expect( eq(142)
18 end
19 end
21 describe '.issue_label_event' do
22 before do
23 stub_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_label_events/142', 'resource_label_event')
24 @event = Gitlab.issue_label_event(5, 42, 142)
25 end
27 it 'gets the correct resource' do
28 expect(a_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_label_events/142')).to have_been_made
29 end
31 it "returns a paginated response of project's issue's label event" do
32 expect(@event).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
33 expect( eq('Administrator')
34 end
35 end
37 describe '.epic_label_events' do
38 before do
39 stub_get('/groups/5/epics/42/resource_label_events', 'resource_label_events')
40 @events = Gitlab.epic_label_events(5, 42)
41 end
43 it 'gets the correct resource' do
44 expect(a_get('/groups/5/epics/42/resource_label_events')).to have_been_made
45 end
47 it "returns a paginated response of project's epic's label events" do
48 expect(@events).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
49 expect( eq(142)
50 end
51 end
53 describe '.epic_label_event' do
54 before do
55 stub_get('/groups/5/epics/42/resource_label_events/142', 'resource_label_event')
56 @event = Gitlab.epic_label_event(5, 42, 142)
57 end
59 it 'gets the correct resource' do
60 expect(a_get('/groups/5/epics/42/resource_label_events/142')).to have_been_made
61 end
63 it "returns a paginated response of project's epic's label event" do
64 expect(@event).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
65 expect( eq('Administrator')
66 end
67 end
69 describe '.merge_request_label_events' do
70 before do
71 stub_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_label_events', 'resource_label_events')
72 @events = Gitlab.merge_request_label_events(5, 42)
73 end
75 it 'gets the correct resource' do
76 expect(a_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_label_events')).to have_been_made
77 end
79 it "returns a paginated response of project's merge request's label events" do
80 expect(@events).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
81 expect( eq(142)
82 end
83 end
85 describe '.merge_request_label_event' do
86 before do
87 stub_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_label_events/142', 'resource_label_event')
88 @event = Gitlab.merge_request_label_event(5, 42, 142)
89 end
91 it 'gets the correct resource' do
92 expect(a_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_label_events/142')).to have_been_made
93 end
95 it "returns a paginated response of project's merge request's label event" do
96 expect(@event).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
97 expect( eq('Administrator')
98 end
99 end
100 end
132132 describe '.runner_jobs' do
133133 before do
134 stub_get('/runners/1/jobs', 'runner_jobs')
135 @jobs = Gitlab.runner_jobs(1)
136 end
138 it 'gets the correct resource' do
139 expect(a_get('/runners/1/jobs')).to have_been_made
134 stub_get('/runners/1/jobs?status=running', 'runner_jobs')
135 @jobs = Gitlab.runner_jobs(1, status: :running)
136 end
138 it 'gets the correct resource' do
139 expect(a_get('/runners/1/jobs').with(query: { status: :running })).to have_been_made
140140 end
141141 end
190190 expect(@runner.description).to eq('test-1-20150125')
191191 end
192192 end
194 describe '.register_runner' do
195 before do
196 stub_post('/runners', 'register_runner_response').with(body: { token: '6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125', description: 'Some Description', active: true, locked: false })
197 @register_runner_response = Gitlab.register_runner('6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125', description: 'Some Description', active: true, locked: false)
198 end
200 it 'gets the correct resource' do
201 expect(a_post('/runners')
202 .with(body: { token: '6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125', description: 'Some Description', active: true, locked: false })).to have_been_made
203 end
205 it 'returns correct response for the runner registration' do
206 expect(@register_runner_response.token).to eq('6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125')
207 end
208 end
210 describe '.delete_registered_runner' do
211 before do
212 stub_delete('/runners', 'empty').with(body: { token: '6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125' })
213 Gitlab.delete_registered_runner('6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125')
214 end
216 it 'gets the correct resource' do
217 expect(a_delete('/runners')
218 .with(body: { token: '6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125' })).to have_been_made
219 end
220 end
222 describe '.verify_auth_registered_runner' do
223 before do
224 stub_post('/runners/verify', 'empty').with(body: { token: '6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125' })
225 Gitlab.verify_auth_registered_runner('6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125')
226 end
228 it 'gets the correct resource' do
229 expect(a_post('/runners/verify')
230 .with(body: { token: '6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125' })).to have_been_made
231 end
232 end
193233 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.search_globally' do
6 context 'when scope projects' do
7 before do
8 stub_get('/search', 'search_projects_results').with(query: { scope: 'projects', search: 'flight' })
9 @search = Gitlab.search_globally('projects', 'flight')
10 end
12 it 'gets the correct resource' do
13 expect(a_get('/search')
14 .with(query: { scope: 'projects', search: 'flight' })).to have_been_made
15 end
17 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
18 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
19 end
20 end
22 context 'when scope issues' do
23 before do
24 stub_get('/search', 'search_issues_results').with(query: { scope: 'issues', search: 'file' })
25 @search = Gitlab.search_globally('issues', 'file')
26 end
28 it 'gets the correct resource' do
29 expect(a_get('/search')
30 .with(query: { scope: 'issues', search: 'file' })).to have_been_made
31 end
33 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
34 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
35 end
36 end
38 context 'when scope merge_requests' do
39 before do
40 stub_get('/search', 'search_merge_requests_results').with(query: { scope: 'merge_requests', search: 'file' })
41 @search = Gitlab.search_globally('merge_requests', 'file')
42 end
44 it 'gets the correct resource' do
45 expect(a_get('/search')
46 .with(query: { scope: 'merge_requests', search: 'file' })).to have_been_made
47 end
49 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
50 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
51 end
52 end
54 context 'when scope milestones' do
55 before do
56 stub_get('/search', 'search_milestones_results').with(query: { scope: 'milestones', search: 'release' })
57 @search = Gitlab.search_globally('milestones', 'release')
58 end
60 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 expect(a_get('/search')
62 .with(query: { scope: 'milestones', search: 'release' })).to have_been_made
63 end
65 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
66 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
67 end
68 end
70 context 'when scope snippet_titles' do
71 before do
72 stub_get('/search', 'search_snippet_titles_results').with(query: { scope: 'snippet_titles', search: 'sample' })
73 @search = Gitlab.search_globally('snippet_titles', 'sample')
74 end
76 it 'gets the correct resource' do
77 expect(a_get('/search')
78 .with(query: { scope: 'snippet_titles', search: 'sample' })).to have_been_made
79 end
81 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
82 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
83 end
84 end
86 context 'when scope snippet_blobs' do
87 before do
88 stub_get('/search', 'search_snippet_blobs_results').with(query: { scope: 'snippet_blobs', search: 'test' })
89 @search = Gitlab.search_globally('snippet_blobs', 'test')
90 end
92 it 'gets the correct resource' do
93 expect(a_get('/search')
94 .with(query: { scope: 'snippet_blobs', search: 'test' })).to have_been_made
95 end
97 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
98 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
99 end
100 end
101 end
103 describe '.search_in_group' do
104 context 'when scope projects' do
105 before do
106 stub_get('/groups/3/search', 'search_projects_results').with(query: { scope: 'projects', search: 'flight' })
107 @search = Gitlab.search_in_group(3, 'projects', 'flight')
108 end
110 it 'gets the correct resource' do
111 expect(a_get('/groups/3/search')
112 .with(query: { scope: 'projects', search: 'flight' })).to have_been_made
113 end
115 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
116 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
117 end
118 end
120 context 'when scope issues' do
121 before do
122 stub_get('/groups/3/search', 'search_issues_results').with(query: { scope: 'issues', search: 'file' })
123 @search = Gitlab.search_in_group(3, 'issues', 'file')
124 end
126 it 'gets the correct resource' do
127 expect(a_get('/groups/3/search')
128 .with(query: { scope: 'issues', search: 'file' })).to have_been_made
129 end
131 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
132 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
133 end
134 end
136 context 'when scope merge_requests' do
137 before do
138 stub_get('/groups/3/search', 'search_merge_requests_results').with(query: { scope: 'merge_requests', search: 'file' })
139 @search = Gitlab.search_in_group(3, 'merge_requests', 'file')
140 end
142 it 'gets the correct resource' do
143 expect(a_get('/groups/3/search')
144 .with(query: { scope: 'merge_requests', search: 'file' })).to have_been_made
145 end
147 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
148 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
149 end
150 end
152 context 'when scope milestones' do
153 before do
154 stub_get('/groups/3/search', 'search_milestones_results').with(query: { scope: 'milestones', search: 'release' })
155 @search = Gitlab.search_in_group(3, 'milestones', 'release')
156 end
158 it 'gets the correct resource' do
159 expect(a_get('/groups/3/search')
160 .with(query: { scope: 'milestones', search: 'release' })).to have_been_made
161 end
163 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
164 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
165 end
166 end
167 end
169 describe '.search_in_project' do
170 context 'when scope issues' do
171 before do
172 stub_get('/projects/12/search', 'search_issues_results').with(query: { scope: 'issues', search: 'file' })
173 @search = Gitlab.search_in_project(12, 'issues', 'file')
174 end
176 it 'gets the correct resource' do
177 expect(a_get('/projects/12/search')
178 .with(query: { scope: 'issues', search: 'file' })).to have_been_made
179 end
181 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
182 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
183 expect(@search[0].project_id).to eq(12)
184 end
185 end
187 context 'when scope merge_requests' do
188 before do
189 stub_get('/projects/6/search', 'search_merge_requests_results').with(query: { scope: 'merge_requests', search: 'file' })
190 @search = Gitlab.search_in_project(6, 'merge_requests', 'file')
191 end
193 it 'gets the correct resource' do
194 expect(a_get('/projects/6/search')
195 .with(query: { scope: 'merge_requests', search: 'file' })).to have_been_made
196 end
198 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
199 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
200 expect(@search[0].project_id).to eq(6)
201 end
202 end
204 context 'when scope milestones' do
205 before do
206 stub_get('/projects/12/search', 'search_milestones_results').with(query: { scope: 'milestones', search: 'release' })
207 @search = Gitlab.search_in_project(12, 'milestones', 'release')
208 end
210 it 'gets the correct resource' do
211 expect(a_get('/projects/12/search')
212 .with(query: { scope: 'milestones', search: 'release' })).to have_been_made
213 end
215 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
216 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
217 expect(@search[0].project_id).to eq(12)
218 end
219 end
221 context 'when scope notes' do
222 before do
223 stub_get('/projects/6/search', 'search_notes_results').with(query: { scope: 'notes', search: 'maxime' })
224 @search = Gitlab.search_in_project(6, 'notes', 'maxime')
225 end
227 it 'gets the correct resource' do
228 expect(a_get('/projects/6/search')
229 .with(query: { scope: 'notes', search: 'maxime' })).to have_been_made
230 end
232 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
233 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
234 end
235 end
237 context 'when scope wiki_blobs' do
238 before do
239 stub_get('/projects/6/search', 'search_wiki_blobs_results').with(query: { scope: 'wiki_blobs', search: 'bye' })
240 @search = Gitlab.search_in_project(6, 'wiki_blobs', 'bye')
241 end
243 it 'gets the correct resource' do
244 expect(a_get('/projects/6/search')
245 .with(query: { scope: 'wiki_blobs', search: 'bye' })).to have_been_made
246 end
248 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
249 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
250 expect(@search[0].project_id).to eq(6)
251 end
252 end
254 context 'when scope commits' do
255 before do
256 stub_get('/projects/6/search', 'search_commits_results').with(query: { scope: 'commits', search: 'bye' })
257 @search = Gitlab.search_in_project(6, 'commits', 'bye')
258 end
260 it 'gets the correct resource' do
261 expect(a_get('/projects/6/search')
262 .with(query: { scope: 'commits', search: 'bye' })).to have_been_made
263 end
265 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
266 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
267 expect(@search[0].project_id).to eq(6)
268 end
269 end
271 context 'when scope blobs' do
272 before do
273 stub_get('/projects/6/search', 'search_blobs_results').with(query: { scope: 'blobs', search: 'installation' })
274 @search = Gitlab.search_in_project(6, 'blobs', 'installation')
275 end
277 it 'gets the correct resource' do
278 expect(a_get('/projects/6/search')
279 .with(query: { scope: 'blobs', search: 'installation' })).to have_been_made
280 end
282 it 'returns a paginated response of search results' do
283 expect(@search).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
284 expect(@search[0].project_id).to eq(6)
285 end
286 end
287 end
288 end
5454 context 'when successful request' do
5555 before do
5656 stub_post('/users', 'user')
57 @user = Gitlab.create_user('email', 'pass')
58 end
60 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 body = { email: 'email', password: 'pass', name: 'email' }
57 @user = Gitlab.create_user('email', 'pass', 'john.smith')
58 end
60 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 body = { email: 'email', password: 'pass', username: 'john.smith', name: 'email' }
6262 expect(a_post('/users').with(body: body)).to have_been_made
6363 end
7171 it 'throws an exception' do
7272 stub_post('/users', 'error_already_exists', 409)
7373 expect do
74 Gitlab.create_user('email', 'pass', 'john.smith')
75 raise_error(Gitlab::Error::Conflict, "Server responded with code 409, message: 409 Already exists. Request URI: #{Gitlab.endpoint}/users")
76 end
77 end
79 context 'when not enough arguments' do
80 it 'throws an exception' do
81 expect do
7482 Gitlab.create_user('email', 'pass')
75 raise_error(Gitlab::Error::Conflict, "Server responded with code 409, message: 409 Already exists. Request URI: #{Gitlab.endpoint}/users")
83 raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Missing required parameters')
7684 end
7785 end
7886 end
8593 end
8795 it 'gets the correct resource' do
88 body = { email: 'email', password: 'pass', username: 'username' }
96 body = { email: 'email', password: 'pass', username: 'username', name: 'email' }
8997 expect(a_post('/users').with(body: body)).to have_been_made
9098 end
3333 end
3434 end
3535 end
37 describe Gitlab::Error::ResponseError do
38 before do
39 @request_double = double('request', base_uri: '', path: '/foo', options: {})
40 end
42 it 'Builds an error message from text' do
43 headers = { 'content-type' => 'text/plain' }
44 response_double = double('response', body: 'Retry later', to_s: 'Retry text', parsed_response: { message: 'Retry hash' }, code: 429, options: {}, headers: headers, request: @request_double)
45 expect( match(/Retry text/)
46 end
48 it 'Builds an error message from parsed json' do
49 headers = { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
50 response_double = double('response', body: 'Retry later', to_s: 'Retry text', parsed_response: { message: 'Retry hash' }, code: 429, options: {}, headers: headers, request: @request_double)
51 expect( match(/Retry hash/)
52 end
53 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
02 require 'spec_helper'
24 describe Gitlab::FileResponse do
35 before do
4 @file_response ='', 'rb+')
6 @file_response ='', 'rb+')
57 end
7 context '.empty?' do
9 describe '.empty?' do
810 it 'returns false' do
911 expect(@file_response.empty?).to be false
1012 end
1113 end
13 context '.to_hash' do
15 describe '.to_hash' do
1416 it 'has `filename` key and `data` key' do
1517 h = @file_response.to_hash
1618 expect(h).to be_key(:filename)
1820 end
1921 end
21 context '.parse_headers!' do
23 describe '.parse_headers!' do
2224 it 'parses headers' do
2325 @file_response.parse_headers!('Content-Disposition' => 'attachment;')
2426 expect(@file_response.filename).to eq ''
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
02 require 'spec_helper'
24 describe Gitlab::Help do
2628 it 'returns a String of modified output' do
2729 described_class.change_help_output! @cmd, @help_output
28 expect(@help_output).to eq("Gitlab.create_branch 4 'new-branch' 'master'")
30 expect(@help_output).to eq("Gitlab.create_branch(4, 'new-branch', 'master')")
2931 end
3033 it 'formats options hash and return a String of modified output' do
3134 described_class.change_help_output! 'groups', @help_output_with_options
32 expect(@help_output_with_options).to eq('Gitlab.groups "{ per_page: 3 }"')
35 expect(@help_output_with_options).to eq('Gitlab.groups({ per_page: 3 })')
3336 end
3437 end
66 @page_links ='Link' => '<>; rel="first", <>; rel="last", <>; rel="prev", <>; rel="next"')
77 end
9 context '.extract_links' do
9 describe '.extract_links' do
1010 it 'extracts link header appropriately' do
1111 expect(@page_links.last).to eql ''
1212 expect(@page_links.first).to eql ''
1818 expect(@paginated_response).to respond_to :has_prev_page?
1919 end
21 context '.parse_headers!' do
21 describe '.parse_headers!' do
2222 it 'parses headers' do
2323 @paginated_response.parse_headers!('Link' => '<>; rel="first", <>; rel="last"')
2424 client = @paginated_response.client = double('client')
3838 end
3939 end
41 context '.each_page' do
41 describe '.each_page' do
4242 it 'iterates pages' do
4343 next_page = double('next_page')
4444 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(true)
4848 end
4949 end
51 context '.auto_paginate' do
51 describe '.auto_paginate' do
5252 it 'returns an array if block is not given' do
5353 next_page = double('next_page')
5454 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(true)
5858 expect(@paginated_response.auto_paginate).to contain_exactly(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
5959 end
6060 end
62 shared_context 'when performing limited pagination returning an array' do
63 before do
64 next_page = double('next_page')
65 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(true)
66 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:next_page).and_return(next_page)
67 allow(next_page).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(false)
68 allow(next_page).to receive(:to_ary).and_return([5, 6, 7, 8])
69 end
70 end
72 describe '.paginate_with_limit' do
73 include_context 'when performing limited pagination returning an array'
74 it 'returns a limited array' do
75 expect(@paginated_response.paginate_with_limit(3)).to contain_exactly(1, 2, 3)
76 end
77 end
79 describe '.paginate_with_limit' do
80 include_context 'when performing limited pagination returning an array'
81 it 'returns exactly the first page' do
82 expect(@paginated_response.paginate_with_limit(4)).to contain_exactly(1, 2, 3, 4)
83 end
84 end
86 describe '.paginate_with_limit' do
87 it 'returns a page plus one' do
88 next_page = double('next_page')
89 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(true)
90 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:next_page).and_return(next_page)
91 allow(next_page).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(false)
92 allow(next_page).to receive(:[]).with(0, 1).and_return([5])
93 expect(@paginated_response.paginate_with_limit(5)).to contain_exactly(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
94 end
95 end
97 shared_context 'when performing limited pagination with a block' do
98 before do
99 next_page = double('next_page')
100 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(true)
101 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:next_page).and_return(next_page)
102 allow(next_page).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(false)
103 allow(next_page).to receive(:each).and_yield(5).and_yield(6).and_yield(7).and_yield(8)
104 end
105 end
107 describe '.paginate_with_limit' do
108 include_context 'when performing limited pagination with a block'
109 it 'iterates items with limit' do
110 expect { |b| @paginated_response.paginate_with_limit(3, &b) }.to yield_successive_args(1, 2, 3)
111 end
112 end
114 describe '.paginate_with_limit' do
115 include_context 'when performing limited pagination with a block'
116 it 'iterates exactly the first page' do
117 expect { |b| @paginated_response.paginate_with_limit(4, &b) }.to yield_successive_args(1, 2, 3, 4)
118 end
119 end
121 describe '.paginate_with_limit' do
122 include_context 'when performing limited pagination with a block'
123 it 'iterates the first page plus one' do
124 expect { |b| @paginated_response.paginate_with_limit(5, &b) }.to yield_successive_args(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
125 end
126 end
61127 end
22 require 'spec_helper'
44 describe Gitlab::Request do
5 before do
6 # Prevent tests modifying the `default_params` value from causing cross-test
7 # pollution
8 described_class.default_params.delete(:sudo)
10 @request =
11 end
513 it { respond_to :get }
614 it { respond_to :post }
715 it { respond_to :put }
816 it { respond_to :delete }
9 before do
10 @request =
11 end
1318 describe '.default_options' do
1419 it 'has default values' do
1722 expect(default_options[:parser]).to be_a Proc
1823 expect(default_options[:format]).to eq(:json)
1924 expect(default_options[:headers]).to eq('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
20 expect(default_options[:default_params]).to be_nil
25 expect(default_options[:default_params]).to be_empty
2126 end
2227 end
5459 end
5560 end
62 describe 'HTTP request methods' do
63 it 'does not overwrite headers set via HTTParty configuration' do
64 @request.private_token = 'token'
65 @request.endpoint = ''
66 path = "#{@request.endpoint}/version"
68 # Stub Gitlab::Configuration
69 allow(@request).to receive(:httparty).and_return(
70 headers: { 'Cookie' => 'gitlab_canary=true' }
71 )
73 stub_request(:get, path)
74 @request.get('/version')
76 expect(a_request(:get, path).with(headers: {
77 'PRIVATE_TOKEN' => 'token',
78 'Cookie' => 'gitlab_canary=true'
79 }.merge(described_class.headers))).to have_been_made
80 end
82 it 'does not modify options in-place' do
83 options = { per_page: 10 }
84 original_options = options.dup
86 @request.private_token = 'token'
87 @request.endpoint = ''
89 # Stub Gitlab::Configuration
90 allow(@request).to receive(:httparty).and_return(nil)
92 stub_request(:get, "#{@request.endpoint}/projects")
93 @request.get('/projects', options)
95 expect(options).to eq(original_options)
96 end
97 end
5799 describe '#authorization_header' do
58100 it 'raises MissingCredentials when auth_token and private_token are not set' do
59101 expect do
60 @request.send(:authorization_header, {})
102 @request.send(:authorization_header)
61103 raise_error(Gitlab::Error::MissingCredentials)
62104 end
64106 it 'sets the correct header when given a private_token' do
65107 @request.private_token = 'ys9BtunN3rDKbaJCYXaN'
66 expect(@request.send(:authorization_header, {})).to eq('PRIVATE-TOKEN' => 'ys9BtunN3rDKbaJCYXaN')
108 expect(@request.send(:authorization_header)).to eq('PRIVATE-TOKEN' => 'ys9BtunN3rDKbaJCYXaN')
67109 end
69111 it 'sets the correct header when setting an auth_token via the private_token config option' do
70112 @request.private_token = '3225e2804d31fea13fc41fc83bffef00cfaedc463118646b154acc6f94747603'
71 expect(@request.send(:authorization_header, {})).to eq('Authorization' => 'Bearer 3225e2804d31fea13fc41fc83bffef00cfaedc463118646b154acc6f94747603')
113 expect(@request.send(:authorization_header)).to eq('Authorization' => 'Bearer 3225e2804d31fea13fc41fc83bffef00cfaedc463118646b154acc6f94747603')
72114 end
73115 end
74116 end
2222 it 'returns a Gitlab::Shell::History instance' do
2323 expect(@history).to be_a Gitlab::Shell::History
2424 end
2526 it 'responds to :save' do
2627 expect(@history).to respond_to :save
2728 end
2830 it 'responds to :load' do
2931 expect(@history).to respond_to :load
3032 end
3134 it 'responds to :<<' do
3235 expect(@history).to respond_to :<<
3336 end
3942 expect(completion).to be_truthy
4043 expect(completion).to be_a Proc
4144 end
4246 it 'sets the Readline completion_append_character' do
4347 completion_character = Readline.completion_append_character
4448 expect(completion_character).to eq(' ')
5357 it 'returns a Proc object' do
5458 expect(@comp).to be_a Proc
5559 end
5661 context 'called with an argument' do
5762 it 'returns an Array of matching commands' do
58 completed_cmds = 'group'
63 completed_cmds = 'issue'
5964 expect(completed_cmds).to be_a Array
60 expect(completed_cmds.sort).to eq(%w[group group_access_requests group_member group_members group_milestone group_milestone_issues group_milestone_merge_requests group_milestones group_projects group_search group_subgroups group_variable group_variables groups])
65 expect(completed_cmds.sort).to eq(%w[issue issue_label_event issue_label_events issue_links issue_note issue_notes issues])
6166 end
6267 end
6368 end