Codebase list ruby-gitlab / upstream/4.17.0
New upstream version 4.17.0 Sébastien Delafond 3 years ago
58 changed file(s) with 1162 addition(s) and 151 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2727 Lint/NonDeterministicRequireOrder:
2828 Enabled: false
30 Style/HashEachMethods:
31 Enabled: true
33 Style/HashTransformKeys:
34 Enabled: true
36 Style/HashTransformValues:
37 Enabled: true
00 # This configuration was generated by
11 # `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
2 # on 2020-06-28 04:00:53 UTC using RuboCop version 0.86.0.
2 # on 2020-11-28 09:16:25 UTC using RuboCop version 1.4.2.
33 # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
44 # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
55 # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
88 # Offense count: 4
99 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods.
1010 Metrics/AbcSize:
11 Max: 34
11 Max: 35
1313 # Offense count: 3
1414 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods.
1515 Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity:
1616 Max: 13
18 # Offense count: 8
19 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, ExcludedMethods.
18 # Offense count: 10
19 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne, ExcludedMethods.
2020 Metrics/MethodLength:
2121 Max: 34
2323 # Offense count: 2
24 # Configuration parameters: CountComments.
24 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne.
2525 Metrics/ModuleLength:
2626 Max: 156
3030 Metrics/ParameterLists:
3131 Max: 6
33 # Offense count: 1
33 # Offense count: 2
3434 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods.
3535 Metrics/PerceivedComplexity:
36 Max: 10
36 Max: 11
3838 # Offense count: 1
3939 # Cop supports --auto-correct.
168168 rake
169169 ```
171 6. Push your topic branch up to your fork:
171 6. Make sure you comply with rubocop style guide. You can run the linter using
173 ```sh
174 rake rubocop
175 ```
177 7. Push your topic branch up to your fork:
173179 ```sh
174180 git push origin <topic-branch-name>
175181 ```
177 7. [Open a Pull Request](
183 8. [Open a Pull Request](
178184 with a clear title and description.
180 8. If you haven't updated your pull request for a while, you should consider
186 9. If you haven't updated your pull request for a while, you should consider
181187 rebasing on master and resolving any conflicts.
183189 **IMPORTANT**: _Never ever_ merge upstream `master` into your branches. You
2626 # gem 'gitlab', github: 'NARKOZ/gitlab'
2727 ```
29 Mac OS users can install using Homebrew:
29 Mac OS users can install using Homebrew (may not be the latest version):
3131 ```sh
3232 brew install gitlab-gem
2222 gem.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.5'
24 gem.add_runtime_dependency 'httparty', '~> 0.14', '>= 0.14.0'
24 gem.add_runtime_dependency 'httparty', '~> 0.18'
2525 gem.add_runtime_dependency 'terminal-table', '~> 1.5', '>= 1.5.1'
2727 gem.add_development_dependency 'rake'
1010 # Creates a new API.
1111 # @raise [Error:MissingCredentials]
12 # rubocop:disable Lint/MissingSuper
1213 def initialize(options = {})
1314 options = Gitlab.options.merge(options)
1415 (Configuration::VALID_OPTIONS_KEYS + [:auth_token]).each do |key|
1718 request_defaults(sudo)
1819 self.class.headers 'User-Agent' => user_agent
1920 end
21 # rubocop:enable Lint/MissingSuper
2022 end
2123 end
1616 # @param [Array] args The command and it's optional arguments.
1717 def self.start(args)
1818 command = begin
19 args.shift.strip
20 rescue StandardError
21 'help'
22 end
19 args.shift.strip
20 rescue StandardError
21 'help'
22 end
2323 run(command, args)
2424 end
110110 else
111111 hash_result = case data
112112 when Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash, Gitlab::FileResponse
113 record_hash([data], cmd, args, true)
113 record_hash([data], cmd, args, single_value: true)
114114 when Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
115115 record_hash(data, cmd, args)
116116 else
161161 # @param [Array] args Options passed to the API call
162162 # @param [bool] single_value If set to true, a single result should be returned
163163 # @return [Hash] Result hash
164 def record_hash(data, cmd, args, single_value = false)
164 def record_hash(data, cmd, args, single_value: false)
165165 if data.empty?
166166 result = nil
167167 else
5858 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
5959 # @param [String] sha The commit hash or name of a repository branch or tag
6060 # @param [String] branch The name of the branch
61 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
62 def cherry_pick_commit(project, sha, branch)
63 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/commits/#{sha}/cherry_pick", body: { branch: branch })
61 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
62 # @option options [Boolean] :dry_run Don't commit any changes
63 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
64 def cherry_pick_commit(project, sha, branch, options = {})
65 options[:branch] = branch
67 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/commits/#{sha}/cherry_pick", body: options)
68 end
70 # Reverts a commit in a given branch.
71 #
72 # @example
73 # Gitlab.revert_commit(42, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master')
74 #
75 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
76 # @param [String] sha The commit hash or name of a repository branch or tag
77 # @param [String] branch The name of the branch
78 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
79 # @option options [Boolean] :dry_run Don't commit any changes
80 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
81 def revert_commit(project, sha, branch, options = {})
82 options[:branch] = branch
84 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/repository/commits/#{sha}/revert", body: options)
6485 end
6687 # Get the diff of a commit in a project.
144165 # @option options [String] :name Filter by status name, eg. jenkins
145166 # @option options [String] :target_url The target URL to associate with this status
146167 def update_commit_status(project, sha, state, options = {})
147 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/statuses/#{sha}", query: options.merge(state: state))
168 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/statuses/#{sha}", body: options.merge(state: state))
148169 end
149170 alias repo_update_commit_status update_commit_status
7878 # @option options [String] :older_than(required) Tags to delete that are older than the given time, written in human readable form 1h, 1d, 1month.
7979 # @return [void] This API call returns an empty response body.
8080 def bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(project, repository_id, options = {})
81 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories/#{repository_id}/tags", query: options)
81 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/registry/repositories/#{repository_id}/tags", body: options)
8282 end
8383 end
8484 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to group badges.
4 # @see
5 module GroupBadges
6 # Gets a list of a groups badges.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.group_badges(5)
10 # Gitlab.group_badges(5, 'Coverage')
11 #
12 # @param [Integer, String] group(required) The ID or URL-encoded path of the group owned by the authenticated user.
13 # @param [String] name(optional) Name of the badges to return (case-sensitive).
14 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] List of all badges of a group
15 def group_badges(group, name = nil)
16 query = { name: name } if name
17 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/badges", query: query)
18 end
20 # Gets a badge of a group.
21 #
22 # @example
23 # Gitlab.group_badge(5, 42)
24 #
25 # @param [Integer, String] group(required) The ID or URL-encoded path of the group owned by the authenticated user.
26 # @param [Integer] badge_id(required) The badge ID.
27 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the requested badge
28 def group_badge(group, badge_id)
29 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/badges/#{badge_id}")
30 end
32 # Adds a badge to a group.
33 #
34 # @example
35 # Gitlab.add_group_badge(5, { link_url: '', image_url: '' })
36 #
37 # @param [Integer, String] group(required) The ID or URL-encoded path of the group owned by the authenticated user.
38 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
39 # @option options [String] :link_url(required) URL of the badge link
40 # @option options [String] :image_url(required) URL of the badge image
41 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the added group badge.
42 def add_group_badge(group, options = {})
43 post("/groups/#{url_encode group}/badges", body: options)
44 end
46 # Updates a badge of a group.
47 #
48 # @example
49 # Gitlab.edit_group_badge(5, 1, { link_url: '', image_url: '' })
50 #
51 # @param [Integer, String] group(required) The ID or URL-encoded path of the group owned by the authenticated user.
52 # @param [Integer] badge_id(required) The badge ID.
53 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
54 # @option options [String] :link_url(optional) URL of the badge link
55 # @option options [String] :image_url(optional) URL of the badge image
56 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about the updated group badge.
57 def edit_group_badge(group, badge_id, options = {})
58 put("/groups/#{url_encode group}/badges/#{badge_id}", body: options)
59 end
61 # Removes a badge from a group.
62 #
63 # @example
64 # Gitlab.remove_group_badge(5, 42)
65 #
66 # @param [Integer, String] group(required) The ID or URL-encoded path of the group owned by the authenticated user.
67 # @param [Integer] badge_id(required) The badge ID.
68 # @return [nil] This API call returns an empty response body.
69 def remove_group_badge(group, badge_id)
70 delete("/groups/#{url_encode group}/badges/#{badge_id}")
71 end
73 # Preview a badge from a group.
74 #
75 # @example
76 # Gitlab.preview_group_badge(3, '', '')
77 #
78 # @param [Integer, String] group(required) The ID or URL-encoded path of the group owned by the authenticated user.
79 # @param [String] :link_url(required) URL of the badge link
80 # @param [String] :image_url(required) URL of the badge image
81 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Returns how the link_url and image_url final URLs would be after resolving the placeholder interpolation.
82 def preview_group_badge(group, link_url, image_url)
83 query = { link_url: link_url, image_url: image_url }
84 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/badges/render", query: query)
85 end
86 end
87 end
5757 # @param [String] name The name of a label.
5858 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about deleted label.
5959 def delete_group_label(group, name)
60 delete("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels", body: { name: name })
60 delete("/groups/#{url_encode group}/labels/#{name}")
6161 end
6363 # Subscribes the user to a group label to receive notifications
6868 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
6969 def group_members(id, options = {})
7070 get("/groups/#{url_encode id}/members", query: options)
71 end
73 # Get a list of group members that are billable.
74 #
75 # @example
76 # Gitlab.group_billable_members(1)
77 # Gitlab.group_billable_members(1, { per_page: 40 })
78 #
79 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a group.
80 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
81 # @option options [Integer] :page The page number.
82 # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page.
83 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
84 def group_billable_members(id, options = {})
85 get("/groups/#{url_encode id}/billable_members", query: options)
7186 end
7388 # Get details of a single group member.
3535 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/pipelines/#{pipeline_id}/jobs", query: options)
3636 end
38 # Gets a list of Bridge Jobs from a pipeline
39 #
40 # @example
41 # Gitlab.pipeline_bridges(1, 2)
42 # Gitlab.pipeline_bridges("project", 2)
43 #
44 # @param [Integer, String] The ID or name of a project.
45 # @param [Integer] the id of the pipeline
46 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
47 # @option options [Array] :scope The scope of bridge jobs to show, one or array of: created, pending, running, failed, success, canceled, skipped, manual; showing all bridge jobs if none provided.
48 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
49 def pipeline_bridges(project_id, pipeline_id, options = {})
50 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/pipelines/#{pipeline_id}/bridges", query: options)
51 end
3853 # Gets a single job
3954 #
4055 # @example
6984 # Gitlab.job_artifacts_download(1, "master", "release")
7085 # Gitlab.job_artifacts_download("project", "master", "release")
7186 #
72 # @param [Integer, String] id, The ID or name of a project.
73 # @param [String] ref, Ref Name
74 # @param [String] job, jobname
75 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
87 # @param [Integer, String] project_id The ID or name of a project.
88 # @param [String] ref Ref Name
89 # @param [String] job jobname
90 # @return [Gitlab::FileResponse]
7691 def job_artifacts_download(project_id, ref_name, job_name)
77 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/jobs/artifacts/#{ref_name}/download", query: { job: job_name },
78 format: nil,
79 headers: { Accept: 'text/plain' },
80 parser: ::Gitlab::Request::Parser)
81 end
92 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/jobs/artifacts/#{ref_name}/download",
93 query: { job: job_name },
94 format: nil,
95 headers: { Accept: 'application/octet-stream' },
96 parser: proc { |body, _|
97 if body.encoding == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT # binary response
98, 'rb+')
99 else # error with json response
100 ::Gitlab::Request.parse(body)
101 end
102 })
103 end
105 # Download a single artifact file by job ID
106 #
107 # @example
108 # Gitlab.download_job_artifact_file(1, 5, "some/release/file.pdf")
109 #
110 # @param [Integer, String] project_id(required) The ID or name of a project.
111 # @param [String] job_id(required) The unique job identifier.
112 # @param [String] artifact_path(required) Path to a file inside the artifacts archive.
113 # @return [Gitlab::FileResponse]
114 def download_job_artifact_file(project_id, job_id, artifact_path)
115 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/jobs/#{job_id}/artifacts/#{artifact_path}",
116 format: nil,
117 headers: { Accept: 'application/octet-stream' },
118 parser: proc { |body, _|
119 if body.encoding == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT # binary response
120, 'rb+')
121 else # error with json response
122 ::Gitlab::Request.parse(body)
123 end
124 })
125 end
127 # Download a single artifact file from specific tag or branch
128 #
129 # @example
130 # Gitlab.download_branch_artifact_file(1, "master", "some/release/file.pdf", 'pdf')
131 #
132 # @param [Integer, String] project_id(required) The ID or name of a project.
133 # @param [String] ref_name(required) Branch or tag name in repository. HEAD or SHA references are not supported.
134 # @param [String] artifact_path(required) Path to a file inside the artifacts archive.
135 # @param [String] job(required) The name of the job.
136 # @return [Gitlab::FileResponse]
137 def download_branch_artifact_file(project_id, ref_name, artifact_path, job)
138 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/jobs/artifacts/#{ref_name}/raw/#{artifact_path}",
139 query: { job: job },
140 format: nil,
141 headers: { Accept: 'application/octet-stream' },
142 parser: proc { |body, _|
143 if body.encoding == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT # binary response
144, 'rb+')
145 else # error with json response
146 ::Gitlab::Request.parse(body)
147 end
148 })
149 end
150 alias download_tag_artifact_file download_branch_artifact_file
83152 # Get Job Trace
84153 #
5757 # @param [String] name The name of a label.
5858 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about deleted label.
5959 def delete_label(project, name)
60 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/labels", body: { name: name })
60 delete("/projects/#{url_encode project}/labels/#{name}")
6161 end
6363 # Subscribes the user to a label to receive notifications
4343 # @option options [Boolean] :active The activation of pipeline schedule. If false is set, the pipeline schedule will deactivated initially (default: true).
4444 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
4545 def create_pipeline_schedule(project, options = {})
46 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules", query: options)
46 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules", body: options)
4747 end
4949 # Updates the pipeline schedule of a project.
6161 # @option options [Boolean] :active The activation of pipeline schedule. If false is set, the pipeline schedule will deactivated initially (default: true).
6262 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] The updated pipeline schedule.
6363 def edit_pipeline_schedule(project, pipeline_schedule_id, options = {})
64 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules/#{pipeline_schedule_id}", query: options)
64 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules/#{pipeline_schedule_id}", body: options)
6565 end
6767 # Take ownership of a pipeline schedule.
100100 # @option options [String] :value The value of a variable
101101 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] The created pipeline schedule variable.
102102 def create_pipeline_schedule_variable(project, pipeline_schedule_id, options = {})
103 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules/#{pipeline_schedule_id}/variables", query: options)
103 post("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules/#{pipeline_schedule_id}/variables", body: options)
104104 end
106106 # Updates the variable of a pipeline schedule.
115115 # @option options [String] :value The value of a variable.
116116 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>] The updated pipeline schedule variable.
117117 def edit_pipeline_schedule_variable(project, pipeline_schedule_id, key, options = {})
118 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules/#{pipeline_schedule_id}/variables/#{url_encode key}", query: options)
118 put("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipeline_schedules/#{pipeline_schedule_id}/variables/#{url_encode key}", body: options)
119119 end
121121 # Delete the variable of a pipeline schedule
2828 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
2929 def pipeline(project, id)
3030 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipelines/#{id}")
31 end
33 # Gets a single pipeline's test report.
34 #
35 # @example
36 # Gitlab.pipeline_test_report(5, 36)
37 #
38 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
39 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a pipeline.
40 # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash]
41 def pipeline_test_report(project, id)
42 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/pipelines/#{id}/test_report")
3143 end
3345 # Create a pipeline.
101101 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/members", query: options)
102102 end
104 # Gets a list of all project team members including inherited members.
105 #
106 # @example
107 # Gitlab.all_members(42)
108 # Gitlab.all_members('gitlab')
109 #
110 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or path of a project.
111 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
112 # @option options [String] :query The search query.
113 # @option options [Integer] :page The page number.
114 # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page.
115 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
116 def all_members(project, options = {})
117 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/members/all", query: options)
118 end
104120 # Gets a project team member.
105121 #
106122 # @example
518534 delete("/projects/#{url_encode id}/star")
519535 end
537 # Get a list of visible projects that the given user has starred.
538 # @see
539 #
540 # @example
541 # Gitlab.user_starred_projects(1)
542 # Gitlab.user_starred_projects(1, { order_by: 'last_activity_at' })
543 # Gitlab.user_starred_projects('username', { order_by: 'name', sort: 'asc' })
544 #
545 # @param [Integer, String] user_id The ID or username of the user.
546 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
547 # @option options [String] :per_page Number of projects to return per page
548 # @option options [String] :page The page to retrieve
549 # @option options [String] :order_by Return projects ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, or last_activity_at fields.
550 # @option options [String] :sort Return projects sorted in asc or desc order.
551 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
552 def user_starred_projects(user_id, options = {})
553 get("/users/#{url_encode user_id}/starred_projects", query: options)
554 end
521556 # Get a list of visible projects for the given user.
522557 # @see
523558 #
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 class Gitlab::Client
3 # Defines methods related to resource state events.
4 # @see
5 module ResourceStateEvents
6 # Gets a list of all state events for a single issue.
7 #
8 # @example
9 # Gitlab.issue_state_events(5, 42)
10 #
11 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
12 # @param [Integer] issue_iid The IID of an issue.
13 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
14 def issue_state_events(project, issue_iid)
15 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{issue_iid}/resource_state_events")
16 end
18 # Returns a single state event for a specific project issue
19 #
20 # @example
21 # Gitlab.issue_state_event(5, 42, 1)
22 #
23 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
24 # @param [Integer] issue_iid The IID of an issue.
25 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a resource event.
26 # @return Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
27 def issue_state_event(project, issue_iid, id)
28 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/issues/#{issue_iid}/resource_state_events/#{id}")
29 end
31 # Gets a list of all state events for a single merge request.
32 #
33 # @example
34 # Gitlab.merge_request_state_events(5, 42)
35 #
36 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
37 # @param [Integer] merge_request_iid The IID of a merge request.
38 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
39 def merge_request_state_events(project, merge_request_iid)
40 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request_iid}/resource_state_events")
41 end
43 # Returns a single state event for a specific project merge request
44 #
45 # @example
46 # Gitlab.merge_request_state_event(5, 42, 1)
47 #
48 # @param [Integer, String] project The ID or name of a project.
49 # @param [Integer] merge_request_iid The IID of an merge request.
50 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a state event.
51 # @return Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
52 def merge_request_state_event(project, merge_request_iid, id)
53 get("/projects/#{url_encode project}/merge_requests/#{merge_request_iid}/resource_state_events/#{id}")
54 end
55 end
56 end
88 #
99 # @example
1010 # Gitlab.runners
11 # Gitlab.runners(:active)
12 # Gitlab.runners(:paused)
13 #
14 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
15 # @option options [String] :scope The scope of specific runners to show, one of: active, paused, online; showing all runners if none provided
11 # Gitlab.runners(type: 'instance_type', status: 'active')
12 # Gitlab.runners(tag_list: 'tag1,tag2')
13 #
14 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
15 # @option options [String] :type(optional) The type of runners to show, one of: instance_type, group_type, project_type
16 # @option options [String] :status(optional) The status of runners to show, one of: active, paused, online, offline
17 # @option options [String] :tag_list(optional) List of the runners tags (separated by comma)
1618 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
1719 def runners(options = {})
1820 get('/runners', query: options)
2325 #
2426 # @example
2527 # Gitlab.all_runners
26 #
27 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
28 # @option options [String] :scope The scope of runners to show, one of: specific, shared, active, paused, online; showing all runners if none provided
28 # Gitlab.all_runners(type: 'instance_type', status: 'active')
29 # Gitlab.all_runners(tag_list: 'tag1,tag2')
30 #
31 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
32 # @option options [String] :type(optional) The type of runners to show, one of: instance_type, group_type, project_type
33 # @option options [String] :status(optional) The status of runners to show, one of: active, paused, online, offline
34 # @option options [String] :tag_list(optional) List of the runners tags (separated by comma)
2935 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
3036 def all_runners(options = {})
3137 get('/runners/all', query: options)
4955 # @example
5056 # Gitlab.update_runner(42, { description: 'Awesome runner' })
5157 # Gitlab.update_runner(42, { active: false })
52 # Gitlab.update_runner(42, { tag_list: [ 'awesome', 'runner' ] })
5358 #
5459 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID of a runner
5560 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
56 # @option options [String] :active The state of a runner; can be set to true or false.
57 # @option options [String] :tag_list The list of tags for a runner; put array of tags, that should be finally assigned to a runner
61 # @option options [String] :description(optional) The description of a runner
62 # @option options [Boolean] :active(optional) The state of a runner; can be set to true or false
63 # @option options [String] :tag_list(optional) The list of tags for a runner; put array of tags, that should be finally assigned to a runner(separated by comma)
64 # @option options [Boolean] :run_untagged(optional) Flag indicating the runner can execute untagged jobs
65 # @option options [Boolean] :locked(optional) Flag indicating the runner is locked
66 # @option options [String] :access_level(optional) The access_level of the runner; not_protected or ref_protected
67 # @option options [Integer] :maximum_timeout(optional) Maximum timeout set when this runner will handle the job
5868 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
5969 def update_runner(id, options = {})
60 put("/runners/#{id}", query: options)
70 put("/runners/#{id}", body: options)
6171 end
6373 # Remove a runner.
6777 # Gitlab.delete_runner(42)
6878 #
6979 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID of a runner
70 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>
80 # @return [nil] This API call returns an empty response body.
7181 def delete_runner(id)
7282 delete("/runners/#{id}")
7383 end
75 # Gets a list of Jobs for a Runner
85 # List jobs that are being processed or were processed by specified runner.
7686 #
7787 # @example
7888 # Gitlab.runner_jobs(1)
89 # Gitlab.runner_jobs(1, status: 'success')
90 # Gitlab.runner_jobs(1, sort: 'desc')
7991 #
8092 # @param [Integer] id The ID of a runner.
8193 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
82 # @option options [String] :status Status of the job; one of: running, success, failed, canceled
94 # @option options [String] :status(optional) Status of the job; one of: running, success, failed, canceled
95 # @option options [String] :order_by(optional) Order jobs by id.
96 # @option options [String] :sort(optional) Sort jobs in asc or desc order (default: desc)
8397 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
8498 def runner_jobs(runner_id, options = {})
8599 get("/runners/#{url_encode runner_id}/jobs", query: options)
90104 #
91105 # @example
92106 # Gitlab.project_runners(42)
93 #
94 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID or name of a project.
95 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
96 def project_runners(project_id)
97 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/runners")
107 # Gitlab.project_runners(42, type: 'instance_type', status: 'active')
108 # Gitlab.project_runners(42, tag_list: 'tag1,tag2')
109 #
110 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID or name of a project.
111 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
112 # @option options [String] :type(optional) The type of runners to show, one of: instance_type, group_type, project_type
113 # @option options [String] :status(optional) The status of runners to show, one of: active, paused, online, offline
114 # @option options [String] :tag_list(optional) List of the runners tags (separated by comma)
115 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
116 def project_runners(project_id, options = {})
117 get("/projects/#{url_encode project_id}/runners", query: options)
98118 end
100120 # Enable an available specific runner in the project.
124144 delete("/projects/#{url_encode id}/runners/#{runner_id}")
125145 end
147 # List all runners (specific and shared) available in the group as well its ancestor groups. Shared runners are listed if at least one shared runner is defined.
148 # @see
149 #
150 # @example
151 # Gitlab.group_runners(9)
152 # Gitlab.group_runners(9, type: 'instance_type', status: 'active')
153 # Gitlab.group_runners(9, tag_list: 'tag1,tag2')
154 #
155 # @param [Integer, String] id The ID or name of a project.
156 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
157 # @option options [String] :type(optional) The type of runners to show, one of: instance_type, group_type, project_type
158 # @option options [String] :status(optional) The status of runners to show, one of: active, paused, online, offline
159 # @option options [String] :tag_list(optional) List of the runners tags (separated by comma)
160 # @return [Array<Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash>]
161 def group_runners(group, options = {})
162 get("/groups/#{url_encode group}/runners", query: options)
163 end
127165 # Register a new Runner for the instance.
128166 #
129167 # @example
130168 # Gitlab.register_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e')
131169 # Gitlab.register_runner('9142c16ea169eaaea3d752313a434a6e', description: 'Some Description', active: true, locked: false)
132170 #
133 # @param [String] token Registration token.
134 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
135 # @option options [String] :description Runner description.
136 # @option options [Hash] :info Runner metadata.
137 # @option options [Boolean] :active Whether the Runner is active.
138 # @option options [Boolean] :locked Whether the Runner should be locked for current project.
139 # @option options [Boolean] :run_untagged Whether the Runner should handle untagged jobs.
140 # @option options [Array<String>] :tag_list List of Runner tags.
141 # @option options [Integer] :maximum_timeout Maximum timeout set when this Runner will handle the job.
171 # @param [String] token(required) Registration token.
172 # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
173 # @option options [String] :description(optional) Runner description.
174 # @option options [Hash] :info(optional) Runner metadata.
175 # @option options [Boolean] :active(optional) Whether the Runner is active.
176 # @option options [Boolean] :locked(optional) Whether the Runner should be locked for current project.
177 # @option options [Boolean] :run_untagged(optional) Whether the Runner should handle untagged jobs.
178 # @option options [Array<String>] :tag_list(optional) List of Runner tags.
179 # @option options [Integer] :maximum_timeout(optional) Maximum timeout set when this Runner will handle the job.
142180 # @return <Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash> Response against runner registration
143181 def register_runner(token, options = {})
144182 body = { token: token }.merge(options)
2222 include Epics
2323 include Events
2424 include Features
25 include GroupBadges
2526 include GroupBoards
2627 include GroupLabels
2728 include GroupMilestones
5152 include RepositoryFiles
5253 include RepositorySubmodules
5354 include ResourceLabelEvents
55 include ResourceStateEvents
5456 include Runners
5557 include Search
5658 include Services
7981 #
8082 # @return [String]
8183 def url_encode(url)
82 url.to_s.b.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.~]/n) { |m| sprintf('%%%02X', m.unpack1('C')) } # rubocop:disable Style/FormatString, Style/FormatStringToken
84 url.to_s.b.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.~]/n) { |m| sprintf('%%%02X', m.unpack1('C')) } # rubocop:disable Style/FormatString
8385 end
8587 private
3131 # @return [String]
3232 def response_message
3333 @response.parsed_response.message
34 end
36 # Additional error context returned by some API endpoints
37 #
38 # @return [String]
39 def error_code
40 if @response.respond_to?(:error_code)
41 @response.error_code
42 else
43 ''
44 end
3445 end
3647 private
7373 # Returns full namespace of a command (e.g. Gitlab::Client::Branches.cmd)
7474 def namespace(cmd)
7575 { |method| method[:name] == cmd }
76 .map { |method| method[:owner] + '.' + method[:name] }
76 .map { |method| "#{method[:owner]}.#{method[:name]}" }
7777 .shift
7878 end
8080 # Massage output from 'ri'.
8181 def change_help_output!(cmd, output_str)
8282 output_str = +output_str
83 output_str.gsub!(/#{cmd}\((.*?)\)/m, cmd + ' \1')
83 output_str.gsub!(/#{cmd}\((.*?)\)/m, "#{cmd} \1")
8484 output_str.gsub!(/,\s*/, ' ')
8686 # Ensure @option descriptions are on a single line
4242 end
4444 def lazy_paginate
45 to_enum(:each_page).lazy.flat_map(&:to_ary)
45 to_enum(:each_page).lazy.flat_map(&:to_ary) # rubocop:disable Lint/ToEnumArguments
4646 end
4848 def auto_paginate(&block)
49 return lazy_paginate.to_a unless block_given?
49 return lazy_paginate.to_a unless block
5151 lazy_paginate.each(&block)
5252 end
5454 def paginate_with_limit(limit, &block)
55 return lazy_paginate.take(limit).to_a unless block_given?
55 return lazy_paginate.take(limit).to_a unless block
5757 lazy_paginate.take(limit).each(&block)
5858 end
2323 elsif body
2424 true
2525 elsif !body
26 false
27 elsif body.nil?
2826 false
2927 else
3028 raise Error::Parsing, "Couldn't parse a response body"
4141 File.expand_path(@file_path)
4242 end
44 def read_from_file
44 def read_from_file(&block)
4545 path = history_file_path
47 File.foreach(path) { |line| yield(line) } if File.exist?(path)
47 File.foreach(path, &block) if File.exist?(path)
4848 rescue StandardError => e
4949 warn "History file not loaded: #{e.message}"
5050 end
00 # frozen_string_literal: true
22 module Gitlab
3 VERSION = '4.16.1'
3 VERSION = '4.17.0'
44 end
0 {"message":"Sorry, we cannot cherry-pick this commit automatically. This commit may already have been cherry-picked, or a more recent commit may have updated some of its content.","error_code":"conflict"}
0 {"id":1,"link_url":"{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}","image_url":"","rendered_link_url":"","rendered_image_url":"","kind":"project"}
0 [{"id":1,"link_url":"{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}","image_url":"","rendered_link_url":"","rendered_image_url":"","kind":"project"},{"id":2,"link_url":"{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}","image_url":"","rendered_link_url":"","rendered_image_url":"","kind":"group"}]
0 [{"id":1,"username":"eraymond","email":"","name":"Edward Raymond","state":"active","created_at":"2013-08-30T16:16:22Z","access_level":50},{"id":1,"username":"jsmith","email":"","name":"John Smith","state":"active","created_at":"2013-08-30T16:16:22Z","access_level":50}]
0 [
1 {
2 "id": 3,
3 "description": "Shared",
4 "ip_address": "",
5 "active": true,
6 "is_shared": true,
7 "name": "gitlab-runner",
8 "online": null,
9 "status": "not_connected"
10 },
11 {
12 "id": 6,
13 "description": "Test",
14 "ip_address": "",
15 "active": true,
16 "is_shared": true,
17 "name": "gitlab-runner",
18 "online": false,
19 "status": "offline"
20 },
21 {
22 "id": 8,
23 "description": "Test 2",
24 "ip_address": "",
25 "active": true,
26 "is_shared": false,
27 "name": "gitlab-runner",
28 "online": null,
29 "status": "not_connected"
30 }
31 ]
0 {
1 "id": 143,
2 "user": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "name": "Administrator",
5 "username": "root",
6 "state": "active",
7 "avatar_url": "",
8 "web_url": ""
9 },
10 "created_at": "2018-08-21T14:38:20.077Z",
11 "resource_type": "Issue",
12 "resource_id": 11,
13 "state": "closed"
14 }
0 [
1 {
2 "id": 142,
3 "user": {
4 "id": 1,
5 "name": "Administrator",
6 "username": "root",
7 "state": "active",
8 "avatar_url": "",
9 "web_url": ""
10 },
11 "created_at": "2018-08-20T13:38:20.077Z",
12 "resource_type": "Issue",
13 "resource_id": 11,
14 "state": "opened"
15 },
16 {
17 "id": 143,
18 "user": {
19 "id": 1,
20 "name": "Administrator",
21 "username": "root",
22 "state": "active",
23 "avatar_url": "",
24 "web_url": ""
25 },
26 "created_at": "2018-08-21T14:38:20.077Z",
27 "resource_type": "Issue",
28 "resource_id": 11,
29 "state": "closed"
30 }
31 ]
0 {
1 "id": 120,
2 "user": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "name": "Administrator",
5 "username": "root",
6 "state": "active",
7 "avatar_url": "",
8 "web_url": ""
9 },
10 "created_at": "2018-08-21T14:38:20.077Z",
11 "resource_type": "MergeRequest",
12 "resource_id": 11,
13 "state": "closed"
14 }
0 [
1 {
2 "id": 142,
3 "user": {
4 "id": 1,
5 "name": "Administrator",
6 "username": "root",
7 "state": "active",
8 "avatar_url": "",
9 "web_url": ""
10 },
11 "created_at": "2018-08-20T13:38:20.077Z",
12 "resource_type": "MergeRequest",
13 "resource_id": 11,
14 "state": "opened"
15 },
16 {
17 "id": 143,
18 "user": {
19 "id": 1,
20 "name": "Administrator",
21 "username": "root",
22 "state": "active",
23 "avatar_url": "",
24 "web_url": ""
25 },
26 "created_at": "2018-08-21T14:38:20.077Z",
27 "resource_type": "MergeRequest",
28 "resource_id": 11,
29 "state": "closed"
30 }
31 ]
0 [{"commit":{"author_email":"","author_name":"Administrator","created_at":"2015-12-24T16:51:14.000+01:00","id":"0ff3ae198f8601a285adcf5c0fff204ee6fba5fd","message":"Test the CI integration.","short_id":"0ff3ae19","title":"Test the CI integration."},"coverage":null,"allow_failure":false,"created_at":"2015-12-24T15:51:21.802Z","started_at":"2015-12-24T17:54:27.722Z","finished_at":"2015-12-24T17:58:27.895Z","duration":240,"id":7,"name":"teaspoon","pipeline":{"id":6,"ref":"master","sha":"0ff3ae198f8601a285adcf5c0fff204ee6fba5fd","status":"pending","created_at":"2015-12-24T15:50:16.123Z","updated_at":"2015-12-24T18:00:44.432Z","web_url":""},"ref":"master","stage":"test","status":"pending","tag":false,"web_url":"","user":{"id":1,"name":"Administrator","username":"root","state":"active","avatar_url":"","web_url":"","created_at":"2015-12-21T13:14:24.077Z","bio":null,"location":null,"public_email":"","skype":"","linkedin":"","twitter":"","website_url":"","organization":""},"downstream_pipeline":{"id":5,"sha":"f62a4b2fb89754372a346f24659212eb8da13601","ref":"master","status":"pending","created_at":"2015-12-24T17:54:27.722Z","updated_at":"2015-12-24T17:58:27.896Z","web_url":""}}]
0 {
1 "total_time": 5,
2 "total_count": 1,
3 "success_count": 1,
4 "failed_count": 0,
5 "skipped_count": 0,
6 "error_count": 0,
7 "test_suites": [
8 {
9 "name": "Secure",
10 "total_time": 5,
11 "total_count": 1,
12 "success_count": 1,
13 "failed_count": 0,
14 "skipped_count": 0,
15 "error_count": 0,
16 "test_cases": [
17 {
18 "status": "success",
19 "name": "Security Reports can create an auto-remediation MR",
20 "classname": "vulnerability_management_spec",
21 "execution_time": 5,
22 "system_output": null,
23 "stack_trace": null
24 }
25 ]
26 }
27 ]
28 }
0 {"link_url":"{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}","image_url":"","rendered_link_url":"","rendered_image_url":""}
0 {"message":"Sorry, we cannot revert this commit automatically. This commit may already have been reverted, or a more recent commit may have updated some of its content.","error_code":"empty"}
9898 end
100100 it 'renders output as json' do
101 expect(JSON.parse(@output)['result']).to eq(JSON.parse( + '/../fixtures/user.json')))
101 expect(JSON.parse(@output)['result']).to eq(JSON.parse("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/user.json")))
102102 expect(JSON.parse(@output)['cmd']).to eq('Gitlab.user')
103103 end
104104 end
6464 end
6666 describe '.cherry_pick_commit' do
67 before do
68 stub_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/cherry_pick', 'project_commit').with(body: { branch: 'master' })
69 @cherry_pick_commit = Gitlab.cherry_pick_commit(3, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master')
70 end
72 it 'gets the correct resource' do
73 expect(a_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/cherry_pick')
74 .with(body: { branch: 'master' }))
75 .to have_been_made
76 end
78 it 'returns the correct response' do
79 expect(@cherry_pick_commit).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
80 expect( eq('6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6')
67 context 'on success' do
68 before do
69 stub_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/cherry_pick', 'project_commit').with(body: { branch: 'master' })
70 @cherry_pick_commit = Gitlab.cherry_pick_commit(3, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master')
71 end
73 it 'gets the correct resource' do
74 expect(a_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/cherry_pick')
75 .with(body: { branch: 'master' }))
76 .to have_been_made
77 end
79 it 'returns the correct response' do
80 expect(@cherry_pick_commit).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
81 expect( eq('6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6')
82 end
83 end
85 context 'on failure' do
86 it 'includes the error_code' do
87 stub_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/cherry_pick', 'cherry_pick_commit_failure', 400)
89 expect { Gitlab.cherry_pick_commit(3, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Error::BadRequest) do |ex|
90 expect(ex.error_code).to eq('conflict')
91 end
92 end
93 end
95 context 'with additional options' do
96 it 'passes additional options' do
97 stub_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/cherry_pick', 'project_commit')
98 .with(body: { branch: 'master', dry_run: true })
100 Gitlab.cherry_pick_commit(3, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master', dry_run: true)
102 expect(a_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/cherry_pick')
103 .with(body: { branch: 'master', dry_run: true }))
104 .to have_been_made
105 end
106 end
107 end
109 describe '.revert_commit' do
110 context 'on success' do
111 before do
112 stub_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/revert', 'project_commit').with(body: { branch: 'master' })
113 @revert_commit = Gitlab.revert_commit(3, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master')
114 end
116 it 'gets the correct resource' do
117 expect(a_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/revert')
118 .with(body: { branch: 'master' }))
119 .to have_been_made
120 end
122 it 'returns the correct response' do
123 expect(@revert_commit).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
124 expect( eq('6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6')
125 end
126 end
128 context 'on failure' do
129 it 'includes the error_code' do
130 stub_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/revert', 'revert_commit_failure', 400)
132 expect { Gitlab.revert_commit(3, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Error::BadRequest) do |ex|
133 expect(ex.error_code).to eq('empty')
134 end
135 end
136 end
138 context 'with additional options' do
139 it 'passes additional options' do
140 stub_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/revert', 'project_commit')
141 .with(body: { branch: 'master', dry_run: true })
143 Gitlab.revert_commit(3, '6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6', 'master', dry_run: true)
145 expect(a_post('/projects/3/repository/commits/6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6/revert')
146 .with(body: { branch: 'master', dry_run: true }))
147 .to have_been_made
148 end
81149 end
82150 end
155223 describe '.update_commit_status' do
156224 before do
157225 stub_post('/projects/6/statuses/7d938cb8ac15788d71f4b67c035515a160ea76d8', 'project_update_commit_status')
158 .with(query: { name: 'test', ref: 'decreased-spec', state: 'failed' })
226 .with(body: { name: 'test', ref: 'decreased-spec', state: 'failed' })
159227 @status = Gitlab.update_commit_status(6, '7d938cb8ac15788d71f4b67c035515a160ea76d8', 'failed', name: 'test', ref: 'decreased-spec')
160228 end
162230 it 'gets the correct resource' do
163231 expect(a_post('/projects/6/statuses/7d938cb8ac15788d71f4b67c035515a160ea76d8')
164 .with(query: { name: 'test', ref: 'decreased-spec', state: 'failed' }))
232 .with(body: { name: 'test', ref: 'decreased-spec', state: 'failed' }))
165233 end
167235 it 'returns information about the newly created status' do
7272 describe '.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags' do
7373 context 'when just name_regex provided for deletion' do
7474 before do
75 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags', 'empty').with(query: { name_regex: '.*' })
75 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags', 'empty').with(body: { name_regex: '.*' })
7676 Gitlab.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(3, 1, name_regex: '.*')
7777 end
7979 it 'gets the correct resource' do
8080 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags')
81 .with(query: { name_regex: '.*' })).to have_been_made
81 .with(body: { name_regex: '.*' })).to have_been_made
8282 end
8383 end
8585 context 'when all options provided for deletion' do
8686 before do
87 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags', 'empty').with(query: { name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d' })
87 stub_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags', 'empty').with(body: { name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d' })
8888 Gitlab.bulk_delete_registry_repository_tags(3, 1, name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d')
8989 end
9191 it 'gets the correct resource' do
9292 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/registry/repositories/1/tags')
93 .with(query: { name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d' })).to have_been_made
93 .with(body: { name_regex: '[0-9a-z]{40}', keep_n: 5, older_than: '1d' })).to have_been_made
9494 end
9595 end
9696 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 # rubocop:disable Style/FormatStringToken
4 require 'spec_helper'
6 describe Gitlab::Client do
7 describe '.group_badges' do
8 before do
9 stub_get('/groups/3/badges', 'group_badges')
10 @group_badges = Gitlab.group_badges(3)
11 end
13 it 'gets the correct resource' do
14 expect(a_get('/groups/3/badges')).to have_been_made
15 end
17 it "returns a paginated response of group's badges" do
18 expect(@group_badges).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
19 end
20 end
22 describe '.group_badge' do
23 before do
24 stub_get('/groups/3/badges/1', 'group_badge')
25 @group_badge = Gitlab.group_badge(3, 1)
26 end
28 it 'gets the correct resource' do
29 expect(a_get('/groups/3/badges/1')).to have_been_made
30 end
32 it 'returns information about a badge' do
33 expect( eq(1)
34 end
35 end
37 describe '.add_group_badge' do
38 before do
39 stub_post('/groups/3/badges', 'group_badge')
40 @group_badge = Gitlab.add_group_badge(3, link_url: '{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}', image_url: '')
41 end
43 it 'gets the correct resource' do
44 expect(a_post('/groups/3/badges')
45 .with(body: { link_url: '{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}', image_url: '' })).to have_been_made
46 end
48 it 'returns information about an added group badge' do
49 expect(@group_badge.link_url).to eq('{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}')
50 expect(@group_badge.image_url).to eq('')
51 end
52 end
54 describe '.edit_group_badge' do
55 before do
56 stub_put('/groups/3/badges/1', 'group_badge')
57 @group_badge = Gitlab.edit_group_badge(3, 1, link_url: '{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}', image_url: '')
58 end
60 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 expect(a_put('/groups/3/badges/1')
62 .with(body: { link_url: '{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}', image_url: '' })).to have_been_made
63 end
65 it 'returns information about an edited group badge' do
66 expect(@group_badge.link_url).to eq('{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}')
67 expect(@group_badge.image_url).to eq('')
68 end
69 end
71 describe '.remove_group_badge' do
72 before do
73 stub_delete('/groups/3/badges/3', 'empty')
74 @group_badge = Gitlab.remove_group_badge(3, 3)
75 end
77 it 'gets the correct resource' do
78 expect(a_delete('/groups/3/badges/3')).to have_been_made
79 end
80 end
82 describe '.preview_group_badge' do
83 before do
84 stub_get('/groups/3/badges/render?image_url=', 'preview_group_badge')
85 @preview_group_badge = Gitlab.preview_group_badge(3, '{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}', '')
86 end
88 it 'gets the correct resource' do
89 expect(a_get('/groups/3/badges/render?image_url=')).to have_been_made
90 end
92 it 'returns information about the rendered values of a badge' do
93 expect(@preview_group_badge.link_url).to eq('{project_path}&ref=%{default_branch}')
94 expect(@preview_group_badge.image_url).to eq('')
95 end
96 end
97 end
98 # rubocop:enable Style/FormatStringToken
5454 describe '.delete_group_label' do
5555 before do
56 stub_delete('/groups/3/labels', 'label')
56 stub_delete('/groups/3/labels/Backlog', 'label')
5757 @label = Gitlab.delete_group_label(3, 'Backlog')
5858 end
6060 it 'gets the correct resource' do
61 expect(a_delete('/groups/3/labels')
62 .with(body: { name: 'Backlog' })).to have_been_made
61 expect(a_delete('/groups/3/labels/Backlog')).to have_been_made
6362 end
6564 it 'returns information about a deleted snippet' do
125125 end
126126 end
128 describe '.group_billable_members' do
129 before do
130 stub_get('/groups/3/billable_members', 'group_billable_members')
131 @members = Gitlab.group_billable_members(3)
132 end
134 it 'gets the correct resource' do
135 expect(a_get('/groups/3/billable_members')).to have_been_made
136 end
138 it "returns information about a group's billable members" do
139 expect(@members).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
140 expect(@members.size).to eq(2)
141 expect(@members[1].name).to eq('John Smith')
142 end
143 end
128145 describe '.group_member' do
129146 before do
130147 stub_get('/groups/3/members/2', 'group_member')
4646 end
4747 end
49 describe '.pipeline_bridges' do
50 before do
51 stub_get('/projects/1/pipelines/1/bridges', 'pipeline_bridges')
52 @jobs = Gitlab.pipeline_bridges(1, 1)
53 end
55 it 'gets the correct resource' do
56 expect(a_get('/projects/1/pipelines/1/bridges')).to have_been_made
57 end
58 end
60 describe '.pipeline_bridges - with scope' do
61 before do
62 stub_get('/projects/1/pipelines/1/bridges?scope[]=running&scope[]=created', 'pipeline_bridges')
63 @jobs = Gitlab.pipeline_bridges(1, 1, scope: %w[running created])
64 end
66 it 'gets the correct resource' do
67 expect(a_get('/projects/1/pipelines/1/bridges?scope[]=running&scope[]=created')).to have_been_made
68 end
69 end
4971 describe '.job' do
5072 before do
5173 stub_get('/projects/1/jobs/1', 'job')
6991 end
7193 describe '.job_artifacts_download' do
72 before do
73 stub_get('/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=Release%20Build', 'job')
74 @projects = Gitlab.job_artifacts_download(1, 'master', 'Release Build')
75 end
77 it 'gets the correct resource' do
78 expect(a_get('/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=Release%20Build')).to have_been_made
94 context 'when successful request' do
95 before do
96 fixture = load_fixture('')
97 fixture.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
98 stub_request(:get, "#{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/3/jobs/artifacts/master/download")
99 .with(query: { job: 'test' }, headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN' => Gitlab.private_token })
100 .to_return(body:, headers: { 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment;' })
101 @job_artifacts = Gitlab.job_artifacts_download(3, 'master', 'test')
102 end
104 it 'gets the correct resource' do
105 expect(a_get('/projects/3/jobs/artifacts/master/download')
106 .with(query: { job: 'test' })).to have_been_made
107 end
109 it 'returns a FileResponse' do
110 expect(@job_artifacts).to be_a Gitlab::FileResponse
111 end
113 it 'returns a file with filename' do
114 expect(@job_artifacts.filename).to eq ''
115 end
116 end
118 context 'when bad request' do
119 it 'throws an exception' do
120 stub_get('/projects/3/jobs/artifacts/master/download', 'error_project_not_found', 404)
121 .with(query: { job: 'test' })
122 expect { Gitlab.job_artifacts_download(3, 'master', 'test') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Error::NotFound, "Server responded with code 404, message: 404 Project Not Found. Request URI: #{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/3/jobs/artifacts/master/download")
123 end
124 end
125 end
127 describe '.download_job_artifact_file' do
128 context 'when successful request' do
129 before do
130 fixture = load_fixture('raw_file.txt')
131 fixture.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
132 stub_request(:get, "#{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/3/jobs/5/artifacts/raw_file.txt")
133 .with(headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN' => Gitlab.private_token })
134 .to_return(body:, headers: { 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=raw_file.txt' })
135 @job_artifact_file = Gitlab.download_job_artifact_file(3, 5, 'raw_file.txt')
136 end
138 it 'gets the correct resource' do
139 expect(a_get('/projects/3/jobs/5/artifacts/raw_file.txt')).to have_been_made
140 end
142 it 'returns a FileResponse' do
143 expect(@job_artifact_file).to be_a Gitlab::FileResponse
144 end
146 it 'returns a file with filename' do
147 expect(@job_artifact_file.filename).to eq 'raw_file.txt'
148 end
149 end
151 context 'when bad request' do
152 it 'throws an exception' do
153 stub_get('/projects/3/jobs/5/artifacts/raw_file.txt', 'error_project_not_found', 404)
154 expect { Gitlab.download_job_artifact_file(3, 5, 'raw_file.txt') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Error::NotFound, "Server responded with code 404, message: 404 Project Not Found. Request URI: #{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/3/jobs/5/artifacts/raw_file.txt")
155 end
156 end
157 end
159 describe '.download_branch_artifact_file' do
160 context 'when successful request' do
161 before do
162 fixture = load_fixture('raw_file.txt')
163 fixture.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
164 stub_request(:get, "#{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/raw_file.txt")
165 .with(query: { job: 'txt' }, headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN' => Gitlab.private_token })
166 .to_return(body:, headers: { 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=raw_file.txt' })
167 @branch_artifact_file = Gitlab.download_branch_artifact_file(1, 'master', 'raw_file.txt', 'txt')
168 end
170 it 'gets the correct resource' do
171 expect(a_get('/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/raw_file.txt')
172 .with(query: { job: 'txt' })).to have_been_made
173 end
175 it 'returns a FileResponse' do
176 expect(@branch_artifact_file).to be_a Gitlab::FileResponse
177 end
179 it 'returns a file with filename' do
180 expect(@branch_artifact_file.filename).to eq 'raw_file.txt'
181 end
182 end
184 context 'when bad request' do
185 it 'throws an exception' do
186 stub_get('/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/raw_file.txt', 'error_project_not_found', 404)
187 .with(query: { job: 'txt' })
188 expect { Gitlab.download_branch_artifact_file(1, 'master', 'raw_file.txt', 'txt') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Error::NotFound, "Server responded with code 404, message: 404 Project Not Found. Request URI: #{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/raw_file.txt")
189 end
190 end
191 end
193 describe '.download_tag_artifact_file' do
194 context 'when successful request' do
195 before do
196 fixture = load_fixture('raw_file.txt')
197 fixture.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
198 stub_request(:get, "#{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/release/raw/raw_file.txt")
199 .with(query: { job: 'txt' }, headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN' => Gitlab.private_token })
200 .to_return(body:, headers: { 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=raw_file.txt' })
201 @branch_artifact_file = Gitlab.download_tag_artifact_file(1, 'release', 'raw_file.txt', 'txt')
202 end
204 it 'gets the correct resource' do
205 expect(a_get('/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/release/raw/raw_file.txt')
206 .with(query: { job: 'txt' })).to have_been_made
207 end
209 it 'returns a FileResponse' do
210 expect(@branch_artifact_file).to be_a Gitlab::FileResponse
211 end
213 it 'returns a file with filename' do
214 expect(@branch_artifact_file.filename).to eq 'raw_file.txt'
215 end
216 end
218 context 'when bad request' do
219 it 'throws an exception' do
220 stub_get('/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/release/raw/raw_file.txt', 'error_project_not_found', 404)
221 .with(query: { job: 'txt' })
222 expect { Gitlab.download_tag_artifact_file(1, 'release', 'raw_file.txt', 'txt') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Error::NotFound, "Server responded with code 404, message: 404 Project Not Found. Request URI: #{Gitlab.endpoint}/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/release/raw/raw_file.txt")
223 end
79224 end
80225 end
2121 describe '.delete' do
2222 before do
23 stub_delete('/projects/3/labels', 'label')
23 stub_delete('/projects/3/labels/Backlog', 'label')
2424 @label = Gitlab.delete_label(3, 'Backlog')
2525 end
2727 it 'gets the correct resource' do
28 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/labels')
29 .with(body: { name: 'Backlog' })).to have_been_made
28 expect(a_delete('/projects/3/labels/Backlog')).to have_been_made
3029 end
3231 it 'returns information about a deleted snippet' do
108108 describe '.create_pipeline_schedule_variable' do
109109 before do
110 stub_post('/projects/3/pipeline_schedules/13/variables?key=NEW%20VARIABLE&value=new%20value', 'pipeline_schedule_variable')
110 stub_post('/projects/3/pipeline_schedules/13/variables', 'pipeline_schedule_variable')
111 .with(body: { key: 'NEW VARIABLE', value: 'new value' })
111112 @pipeline_schedule_variable = Gitlab.create_pipeline_schedule_variable(3, 13,
112113 key: 'NEW VARIABLE',
113114 value: 'new value')
114115 end
116117 it 'gets the correct resource' do
117 expect(a_post('/projects/3/pipeline_schedules/13/variables?key=NEW%20VARIABLE&value=new%20value')).to have_been_made
118 expect(a_post('/projects/3/pipeline_schedules/13/variables')
119 .with(body: { key: 'NEW VARIABLE', value: 'new value' })).to have_been_made
118120 end
120122 it 'returns a single variable' do
129131 describe '.edit_pipeline_schedule_variable' do
130132 before do
131 stub_put('/projects/3/pipeline_schedules/13/variables/NEW%20VARIABLE?value=update%20value', 'pipeline_schedule_variable_update')
133 stub_put('/projects/3/pipeline_schedules/13/variables/NEW%20VARIABLE', 'pipeline_schedule_variable_update')
134 .with(body: { value: 'update value' })
132135 @pipeline_schedule_variable = Gitlab.edit_pipeline_schedule_variable(3, 13, 'NEW VARIABLE', value: 'update value')
133136 end
3434 it 'returns information about a pipeline' do
3535 expect( eq(46)
3636 expect( eq('Administrator')
37 end
38 end
40 describe '.pipeline_test_report' do
41 before do
42 stub_get('/projects/3/pipelines/46/test_report', 'pipeline_test_report')
43 @report = Gitlab.pipeline_test_report(3, 46)
44 end
46 it 'gets the correct resource' do
47 expect(a_get('/projects/3/pipelines/46/test_report')).to have_been_made
48 end
50 it 'returns a single pipeline' do
51 expect(@report).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
52 end
54 it 'returns information about a pipeline' do
55 expect(@report.total_time).to eq(5)
56 expect(@report.test_suites[0].name).to eq('Secure')
3757 end
3858 end
166166 it 'returns a paginated response of team members' do
167167 expect(@team_members).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
168168 expect( eq('John Smith')
169 end
170 end
172 describe '.all_members' do
173 before do
174 stub_get('/projects/3/members/all', 'team_members')
175 @all_members = Gitlab.all_members(3)
176 end
178 it 'gets the correct resource' do
179 expect(a_get('/projects/3/members/all')).to have_been_made
180 end
182 it 'returns a paginated response of all team members including inherited' do
183 expect(@all_members).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
184 expect( eq('John Smith')
169185 end
170186 end
0 # frozen_string_literal: true
2 require 'spec_helper'
4 describe Gitlab::Client do
5 describe '.issue_state_events' do
6 before do
7 stub_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_state_events', 'issue_resource_state_events')
8 @events = Gitlab.issue_state_events(5, 42)
9 end
11 it 'gets the correct resource' do
12 expect(a_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_state_events')).to have_been_made
13 end
15 it "returns a paginated response of project's issue's state events" do
16 expect(@events).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
17 expect( eq(142)
18 end
19 end
21 describe '.issue_state_event' do
22 before do
23 stub_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_state_events/142', 'issue_resource_state_event')
24 @event = Gitlab.issue_state_event(5, 42, 142)
25 end
27 it 'gets the correct resource' do
28 expect(a_get('/projects/5/issues/42/resource_state_events/142')).to have_been_made
29 end
31 it "returns a paginated response of project's issue's state event" do
32 expect(@event).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
33 expect( eq('Administrator')
34 end
35 end
37 describe '.merge_request_state_events' do
38 before do
39 stub_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_state_events', 'mr_resource_state_events')
40 @events = Gitlab.merge_request_state_events(5, 42)
41 end
43 it 'gets the correct resource' do
44 expect(a_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_state_events')).to have_been_made
45 end
47 it "returns a paginated response of project's merge request's state events" do
48 expect(@events).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
49 expect( eq(142)
50 end
51 end
53 describe '.merge_request_state_event' do
54 before do
55 stub_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_state_events/142', 'mr_resource_state_event')
56 @event = Gitlab.merge_request_state_event(5, 42, 142)
57 end
59 it 'gets the correct resource' do
60 expect(a_get('/projects/5/merge_requests/42/resource_state_events/142')).to have_been_made
61 end
63 it "returns a paginated response of project's merge request's state event" do
64 expect(@event).to be_a Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash
65 expect( eq('Administrator')
66 end
67 end
68 end
77 stub_get('/runners', 'runners')
88 end
10 context 'without scope' do
10 context 'without extra queries' do
1111 before do
1212 @runner = Gitlab.runners
1313 end
2323 end
2424 end
26 context 'with scope' do
27 before do
28 stub_get('/runners?scope=online', 'runners')
29 @runner = Gitlab.runners(scope: :online)
30 end
32 it 'gets the correct resource' do
33 expect(a_get('/runners').with(query: { scope: :online })).to have_been_made
26 context 'with queries' do
27 before do
28 stub_get('/runners?type=instance_type', 'runners')
29 @runner = Gitlab.runners(type: :instance_type)
30 end
32 it 'gets the correct resource' do
33 expect(a_get('/runners').with(query: { type: :instance_type })).to have_been_made
3434 end
3636 it 'returns a paginated response of runners' do
4646 stub_get('/runners/all', 'runners')
4747 end
49 context 'without scope' do
49 context 'without extra queries' do
5050 before do
5151 @runner = Gitlab.all_runners
5252 end
6262 end
6363 end
65 context 'with scope' do
66 before do
67 stub_get('/runners/all?scope=online', 'runners')
68 @runner = Gitlab.all_runners(scope: :online)
69 end
71 it 'gets the correct resource' do
72 expect(a_get('/runners/all').with(query: { scope: :online })).to have_been_made
65 context 'with queries' do
66 before do
67 stub_get('/runners/all?type=instance_type', 'runners')
68 @runner = Gitlab.all_runners(type: :instance_type)
69 end
71 it 'gets the correct resource' do
72 expect(a_get('/runners/all').with(query: { type: :instance_type })).to have_been_made
7373 end
7575 it 'returns a paginated response of runners' do
100100 describe '.update_runner' do
101101 before do
102 stub_put('/runners/6', 'runner_edit').with(query: { description: 'abcefg' })
102 stub_put('/runners/6', 'runner_edit').with(body: { description: 'abcefg' })
103103 @runner = Gitlab.update_runner(6, description: 'abcefg')
104104 end
106106 it 'gets the correct resource' do
107 expect(a_put('/runners/6').with(query: { description: 'abcefg' })).to have_been_made
107 expect(a_put('/runners/6').with(body: { description: 'abcefg' })).to have_been_made
108108 end
110110 it 'returns an updated response of a runner' do
191191 end
192192 end
194 describe '.group_runners' do
195 before do
196 stub_get('/groups/9/runners', 'group_runners')
197 end
199 context 'without extra queries' do
200 before do
201 @runners = Gitlab.group_runners(9)
202 end
204 it 'gets the correct resource' do
205 expect(a_get('/groups/9/runners')).to have_been_made
206 end
208 it 'returns a paginated response of runners' do
209 expect(@runners).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
210 end
211 end
213 context 'with queries' do
214 before do
215 stub_get('/groups/9/runners?type=instance_type', 'group_runners')
216 @runner = Gitlab.group_runners(9, type: :instance_type)
217 end
219 it 'gets the correct resource' do
220 expect(a_get('/groups/9/runners').with(query: { type: :instance_type })).to have_been_made
221 end
223 it 'returns a paginated response of runners' do
224 expect(@runner).to be_a Gitlab::PaginatedResponse
225 end
226 end
227 end
194229 describe '.register_runner' do
195230 before do
196231 stub_post('/runners', 'register_runner_response').with(body: { token: '6337ff461c94fd3fa32ba3b1ff4125', description: 'Some Description', active: true, locked: false })
6767 expect( match(/Retry text/)
6868 end
6969 end
71 describe '#error_code' do
72 it 'returns the value when available' do
73 headers = { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
74 response_double = double(
75 'response',
76 body: 'Retry later',
77 to_s: 'Retry text',
78 parsed_response: { message: 'Retry hash' },
79 code: 400,
80 error_code: 'conflict',
81 options: {},
82 headers: headers,
83 request: @request_double
84 )
86 expect( eq 'conflict'
87 end
89 it 'returns nothing when unavailable' do
90 headers = { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
91 response_double = double(
92 'response',
93 body: 'Retry later',
94 to_s: 'Retry text',
95 parsed_response: { message: 'Retry hash' },
96 code: 400,
97 options: {},
98 headers: headers,
99 request: @request_double
100 )
102 expect( eq ''
103 end
104 end
70105 end
1212 let(:oh) { }
1414 it 'allows to call Hash methods' do
15 expect(oh.dig('foo')).to eq('bar')
16 expect(oh.merge(key: :value)).to eq({ 'foo' => 'bar', key: :value })
15 expect(oh['foo']).to eq('bar')
16 expect(oh.merge(key: :value)).to eq('foo' => 'bar', key: :value)
1717 end
1919 it 'warns about calling Hash methods' do
7272 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(true)
7373 allow(@paginated_response).to receive(:next_page).and_return(next_page)
7474 allow(next_page).to receive(:has_next_page?).and_return(true)
75 # NOTE:
76 # Do not define :next_page on the next_page double to prove that it is NOT
77 # called even though :has_next_page? has been defined to claim another
78 # page is available.
75 # NOTE: Do not define :next_page on the next_page double
76 # to prove that it is NOT called even though :has_next_page?
77 # has been defined to claim another page is available.
7978 allow(next_page).to receive(:to_ary).and_return([5, 6, 7, 8])
8079 expect(@paginated_response.lazy_paginate.take(8)).to contain_exactly(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
8180 end
6262 it 'returns an Array of matching commands' do
6363 completed_cmds = 'issue'
6464 expect(completed_cmds).to be_a Array
65 expect(completed_cmds.sort).to eq(%w[issue issue_label_event issue_label_events issue_links issue_note issue_notes issues])
65 expect(completed_cmds.sort).to eq(%w[issue issue_label_event issue_label_events issue_links issue_note issue_notes issue_state_event issue_state_events issues])
6666 end
6767 end
6868 end