Codebase list ruby-html2text / HEAD

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html2text [![Build Status](](

`html2text` is a very simple script that uses Ruby's DOM methods to load HTML from a string, and then iterates over the resulting DOM to correctly output plain text. For example:

<title>Ignored Title</title>
  <h1>Hello, World!</h1>

  <p>This is some e-mail content.
  Even though it has whitespace and newlines, the e-mail converter
  will handle it correctly.

  <p>Even mismatched tags.</p>

  <div>A div</div>
  <div>Another div</div>
  <div>A div<div>within a div</div></div>

  <a href="">A link</a>


Will be converted into:

Hello, World!

This is some e-mail content. Even though it has whitespace and newlines, the e-mail converter will handle it correctly.

Even mismatched tags.
A div
Another div
A div
within a div
[A link](

See the [original blog post]( or the related [StackOverflow answer](

## Installing

TODO Install the gem, then you can:

require 'html2text'

text = Html2Text.convert(html)

## Tests

See all of the test cases defined in [spec/examples/](spec/examples/). These can be run with:

bundle install

## License

`html2text` is licensed under MIT.

## Other versions

Also see [html2text](, the original PHP implementation.